i %rc+mss- ~ - , C s ' .~~: =BE =ME VOLUME' 2!i7. Ise VRO4;O fine*. LATEST, NEWS .TELEGRAPH. ,i 1 00 D'S M- ._, er ....-L.,---- ,, v .- co l 40 STRONG. . 1 oneentrating,; ,, i4:o:llumbia' f Teen. * ' AIDE FORCES EVACUATED I'ELAKI, HIRPriIIiLVAND.DEVATITR; ,:-. Gen. Thomas Conironte Hood: f.mlivefranzra raktitir-Vr:' 1 ' - • .11 - 4 - ..1-1,--_ - „.:,3.4.,.., ~.,:.,...., g I% AP 11l ILL; Nov...W. 7 -110ars• iiiirr; nitnitx:r: tisl., toricentrating i pliu i lt, or, C01a:32131h, 'Tenn. u g i'bc' 40,000 mini, have I le° Pr, OuTe r01 1 11 4 1 " Our krlpea init 4. iagteibielliVC:Criell-1.61.; to kl ut s R e( 71: 11 :17 .. t r_ teder:4l , Ni rnv liiCli c :l z a w ee ett s arc In e bel handl , ' Wrie„ara in 'Evans frock pear a mended by G itteYla Thom.. • J ': . •• ,- . On the '24th- Instant, sprae sorer° 'sitlr mhlliing morrad? <, roat.a, thiS, a .loss •to • Fedora's, of foßY4cinf. Wiled +Md . 'wounded. •Tharoligt tatimatod SW psmrig the ItEled iraterte n Coinael: 'Lamb bo [ idea Of troops art butarraaased .11ood , a front some bran fightingmay • be t.‘isxted in that 1- t urvetion In adew-days.' , ,• •• • • ' a.' commlttetfril4anaorgra Legislature lxPaiii .4 Mr, ALam, Allittiober of that body, bas been giged in r -A.dtlng la Northern' 9e9rgla, for t en. Shermailyirniy. ' The eormaroi) gobgaßeg;akridatea l hat the corn proji WtiathAaelitetta"Pdisidastppi n thednhabltanta aro likoiy ~ stiffer. • ' The same correaliotident, In describlagthe'rebet ' k,trin mannfoctstrat - Motitgait4t, Abi,'"rtaftffinA . flu a abort time It will telible - lci funalahall the terms needed for tip) rebel allittifte . I. "', ': _- -' g A - Richmond •dlitch - lor-The 83d . soya: 'One . body of Shernlnnlrentry hag adereacied,Wwithint a khort dlitanod , lof "Atigitittr , arid the' other ... l*cl trackthe Gauen Central.itidlread,le•aP%-*91:91i memo to fiovanndh; itt two points. - • - - - , rii ,Commenicat.,,Pmeltrapit , to Ctumbia baa en interrupted since yesterday .- ..., ..,•• : I 1 . . There wcze:eprerlta - '.eireattitite - t f-Jiihting • tufty, Mateo cdFcild salffeee or. an- ougTigo'l neat Inc beculrecelseal.tet. 14 , ':•"• , 11 •:- '". - ...i . ., -. .:.J EfootPidemotatifrekloeit:in'Tenfitert.thite,' ..,.„, been frulties.rsietrogrudepOeineatirioext-! cidalfi!k'-11,74dIeted 7lty:telet," wlualiceirelltay I r • - or Warm). affars.•,..i, ~-..- ... ..... +.,..401,1ri Nalheille Milled - stithibleste and mnrdererre" 'There were obluS twenty - dentlas by. ilolenee. wai iSitestly - rainAtltiF;.ead L 110.4 1' 61 ' lg. welvc test des:pi:onkitt 4sing. ...... ......... . . . . 'harlestou and l!latsuntidi:,inuch Freged:F New tons,Llierf.W:tfieTintes'Washineton pecial aria athlete Ifn:tm - the . ytelnity o? Char-. eaten, 2.2 d Snot_ .....,..ropresenf' the . 'rebels eglig . tha .oast, and in Invioginith,niitt:Chgleattui,.4o4l: - tiy- excited sheet ' Ehernatit's adieu:* anti: tcrybody la orderettrothetrold. - kt/118 . Fint ties narr Y b =r2tAnnff. elettee4M llch began at -win. beaters-001110, be eareltemennlta .e.f no t t a.e. .141.144, ! eq , In the rebel mouse of Rep , menteitces,M ay, Foote madeanother digNai °VMS al( cities, lard called upon , Inv Aiticnte.x.wbo,ob-, et ted to anyti. lee hitiM preciously raw:to - 86a Ina a note, to , .vr,Wtho 'could' notr" to give. tt cution.-. Foote.was • catty ; mated and: , nired to give ?pit, Tie to -thorged witb. _lttlng - flanged to fight - 10[1a with John' Mitchell.- -.., The house their &adopted its presions'9 . 34a: ion, to fight oqi.tte,irartil.,thelgiter end. • , f' _f: The Herald `61.y0 . editO varallyithat :Mk.: Foote lased his . a 'pee* 44fouclliig., StePhona. and State ghta, by eliding a string ef resolutlonvent.; tracing this place offering, titat - BhOtildprop:?d.; lons of pea-- ematuitetkum'r- ' - - - [Providence, you caii once gel, on the track and • c train started for peace, all the powers in ichmond or Washln a Amu*, now li.oft, how us bow ton id =V !gine Iced , • let him he open, fralik and fearlese—and the cople will follow as sure as the sun shines. Let im be a man ialni,nonlnelm confidence, ofid • nal to the tatik - of stOpplur thetuadness o[ RCM days." _ The Case of Mira. Hutchins. • Bsx.Trxotir., 23.-The ittiithiCir . tutors earnestly. protest against any !Wen being shown to Mrs. Hutchins, considering at the social position of the lady. should not • eldher from the Minimum° of responsibillty; $ d considering that her offense was extending crnaraLoncat .to such a public enemy. free 'ler and idgilianlnnakits - illinsttra.. - 4:ltrien • able offence 1 - an offence not only against the' ate ofidarriand, but a high crime against the • •1 merliing•the most rigorous and condign ~ •0• • t ; such as W i ll deter many others of sex In Oa city and Stare from like offenses ; • scent to regard- apprehemdousof symatby th a public enemy as an Inno&nt Pleb* Closely:Fratetted try Officers. .: irw Too; INlThe'iralautt's army of :Tames dispatch of the =I,. says : A heavy ploskaivita' beard this morning beta= eleven o'clock In tbtralieinforiet Richmond: o &pareh from the army of the mime of the 'Alkt anon The soclantllty that ex between the pickets previously to the km • of 011113r$111111100111Plate07 • cacitenr,has neverskett been resumed. They maintain a sulks tame, on: both - Fe closely watched by their rospective QM s, and desertions am teas tictreent. - FronvigtairrestArisy"..-- ." t'r to T oth , Noy. 26.—A. Tribune special from L /only of the Jtunks, of the Eld Inst., reports t the level (*man , on ,the north hank of I. James is one vast lake'', and tho roads,nro t Impassable for nand. ere is no change in the position or our t other letter is that the storm eased, and Lin er,sseek the roads may be. AL tar cam. suing If any is Intended. i .entrArert.Prm, Noy. 20.—A train which left i • , tlmoro last ercaing, was thrown , from the near Eaton, by a emu tie being plata:don sr-hole, by - some seownlrels so as to rause : an , (lent to any train coning either , way. Nobtjary t i vened to the passengers. ' The eneneer, gro. ''. and baggegemaster were allghily Inpred. a engine and. three. carit warp loft calla: ttaelt• damaged . From Caro and Bolow, , Arco, "Nov. 20.--Tho rebel General Mnchnin, [3, star, and bay guard, aroma the Mania ricer at Catfish Point oanio'claYs ago, en .e far Ariutrzel. , a Jteary box or tam CIL*-61fteseit• to istSident vssairseloN,NoY-44-4isildeCAthicoliiwas l ested a :air - p/slto!kem. thaaralers of On; IFlrelsk!CpsOnsatin sow: ob 4 Ktmilltsll&;,dro:g 4-474. corner of Sialtand IVelaut. wise* was' 14„ 40 4 by Are rst W erAff, , - - 0 -the mount 0C atpuMad doalai'-italips*,Vimpapd; •, " " 1., I ', 'l'-- F , ~., ~_ 44 _, „ ~..„ _ .._ _. ...., : fiII'ORIAIT ORDER FON GEN.- DU Attempt to Burn New York SEEEL .EMISSAR.E3 tN NORTHERN CITIES YOV. N.—Geueral Dix.has issued 1 tl.c tblioa ific onler: /1/4` Refuriqus-attempt, was nicht to sei hates. and otter pittet. of puha resort in this city, If Chit attempt had succeeded,: it would hare rota tad in a frightful property, and life. • The c %Ida:tea of Liu:. •csonthinatlon And : 41 . 4 cefatia't1P,eler•ell today, nig= IFtb hale been the work. of rebel tnilasarlei. and agents. All such pertviteaatagell in Ect.rel net-, of hostility can liC.teOtrtlcclaairklec,..-Culajwt-tonlartiatlaw an_ itiia , Ctiatylif theY are tletejleti, — Lthey wit Ititurßtliately brought before n Court aftnealedild 11111101 T Comniiscion. and if eicilleie jthd,,llley,r4l lie emaciated without delay. 0 ytl Blirt PARTICUSIts 7111' ATTEVre 61 wriv TORS. . . . A lady seas awaited h3Viug been Implicated in . the plot to'burn New York. t he engaged a room ' aulre lietropolttia,Mtel; Mitt the tire 'woke - Out Tery.Soott eller Itt+ectpaitery orth6*tu, I'Althonulf closely :"Oneftkluetlialie , ,rofttsed to disclose the nature of bat' Inislaess .1.Mra. , .., Certain , papers (build in her roomilolrwed serStrOngle to man stepping at the Znearse,„ .IT.oti,se; who 'Sias .4'rerently 431F:barged from Fort Lafayette; oh the , trowl' 'hag Ire WaS a liritith subject, as an ac. ! hontrfitt; that he was also arrmted._ He was trUctr,rierepto. and excited when taken , and dls- L, elnitnial,„ititr - connection with the affitir. The atanrawin which the tires wore prodaced,itthote.t !fit a treconterttd. plan. In the hotels, the beds, Irlokkei; - itt44: , , :kc., were _covered with phos iphotust,thalthes were Mao scattered In the wads. i The Arcs o4rc then 'set and - the 'mains locked. rAi Inalte'ditly 'riots,' the thieves' gwanned abOut 1 the Itotil,',llsors, ready to emit In and plunder, irrherf the lirn was under way; hut the timely op- Ipearance of I lir pollee prevented the pro igriiMtne from being carried out. .The ]ante : let -the , ;3.ltisettm was milt: ' Int lierfUlt4; dhoti - re-wait quickly sulsincal. Alfa :battle bon- Italniorg , 'flib phosphorus wits found, and is like itliO4 , u.stlt by Incendiaries elsewhere. • At •INfkiit,erkftirdeit, E terrible 'porde- was created lip isemcpersini simply crying "nue." The_ th . tn fire defortmcnt was aroused, and 11.1;., , 0fier Wit t t he pollee, measures were adOpted ;Ter,the 'Wet of lifcluid purperte for Me' remain lderiof 't li ell .11t. . . -. ti -- 7:.. 2 14 . 110 atte ll 4 -4 ,lthidi 7ras really ?mil Notated,- .I'4*i:eke.; ' it hrti'idlo 41 what - might he done ihere, and e] ere, and will inspire increased .iliaance.tlinoterhout the N'o:th. ~ r-riih. lihiMing tar ciarniniction -of the :Aster , TOni . elitok idnee to learn If any atte.npt had limn mixfe l to lire that building, when, lon,opert s :lug rotettNo. 1304, au - tmoititse ,volialte of smold Toured old ' tate, the. hill :. •There lintbeen ; 7 8- *Platk'Amtbrougle tho . r4lit. , :lite. floor wan urgettio a .cinder; the bedding :we: satrirated •• • itirtt 'turpentine. the , chairs placed on tire-bet. T i V a llti rti.:lo r t i ll . e i s h t ,. .t o ru n wn e oler n th , e in in— ce Tdr e rt4x ion . 4aithiii: . „,11.,,lu,kstIliced, slil, Ateioott made '.l-hol da ellThidelif to laid $6OO. , P , ...V' iieytimatin n Ileutchant's uniform, named lk IllSort„ . tirl. ocsmpled one of the results. fired, .:liial‘rirreatet this morning:o;y-, ,--,... +.,- • . t Atiangtments have ken. , madErotlity for pro. leeriest:au:dust a repetition Of incirrecratiarwm. Genoa' 'Ness order, reouirin..". Southerners to .reglater . .thkir names, and whielt . has proved al most arload letter, will he strictly enforced.. : , , 1111111tEILLE :He Macon ' and Augusta. MARCHE'S' UB 9I / ATLANTIC „COAST. SATER RiC/IDIOND HTI LLIGI CE. ._,,, ' ----- "I•:'..:,Nts' e . -To November' 28.--- lic Wares IWaslalugton/ special Ear r our clorrevontlent :;11Illt- Oho: army- of the James 'Nicer, forwards il'-chinotiepippers of Thursday, the `4thinst. lytisMfetioid ITMg Las the tollowtog on:Gcn She cements : ~ The War Department ' - last ' last:night was without OntsfroMitny gnatt2r. It - Was rumored, haw. ;ever, " m i nday, that the Yankees liad bectiplel Se ll . e; Georgia, and .capture Ulm Lees grimln State and skedaddled . It Was also ' oft MO lidethektot:betauth tyitbat She '8 tetalleYntilivemelifShlfireeil was_only - a f et; and that his real design was on • Atigitstee. e glee 'these Speculations for whit 'they. ate Worth, The Whig adds, editorially, abet allinfortnation received shows. that. Sher-. atm hinq;ased by Macon and will-arra M yearcla =antic const r withoat attacilthig the I , defencettof. waste . . •'' ' f - '- • '„ ' - ~,..,•,., -'” ^ . " „.-. - -The- nd Enquirer and ,:tAhlatql . Qr 1•1 10 : • eltb;bOth" , !adinit that Mill .:11as fallen: ;filtammt_occapled it on Tu sy.:-.41; - telegram ram Anent t to the .Dispale t h at: that allwaa , :-.fil o q i I iTFRP 4 We49140r :. ~ :, '. •_. . ~ N ltsr:Yoni,dici-ift.;,-Tie /eelMiceli Whig, .-ef - the h4th, Bata tlibenntul , s;inevementa look arm Jike, Sc kettetivtglitittchtltatite: `:Kash.. that the .prefent movement is entirelpillfarem from Grout's `to: the rear of i l iciaburg:::;Shettl, moo's Enema Would be just as much, ailandon ...Mat of the atmtry south of TennetteeTts R. he bad retired 'with his whole'artny'to confront ,Hood. The iridg..-esrefallyglas - 66 - ,litattitto information concerning Sherman's positkar. 4:•.: ;„Thelervietiaer of the 24th, hopes that invasion. Will Mike dlspiretedWebrieana'for 'the ' Common,' defense. It saya tiuttitantis of ahiaboilleit:o6or-l' .glans are now 'debiting to be State °Stars, in. ' , otter to avoid consertptbn.,lt.lelbra to INOTIMil: eases'- wherein thobbodua of hetestlie ;dial"' had made thelpsople patriotic:. ': ' ` ' . - ,`. , • , • The Richmond Mlig says the pavan:ye , matt, len, based upon all the information received, le" that:Sherraanduts passed Macon, lIIIILICULMOV r e ' thirtlidiithe coast without hazarding an attack on ' the defaces of Augusta., He will, ofnotuae, des. °late the country througlitaich he passes. ; 1A Tbo Widg t*ccliets great defeat in store for 1 :Sherman. : The Exanditae makes the same pre -1 Howell Cobit,"Commundlar at " Macon, bas is-, sued as order for all citizens.capable "of bearing arms to report.for duty. No person will be a ;clutAOn any pretense; twelve boure are'alloWeit t 6 amply with the order. • I Southern patters of a redert date, revalmucit . dlssatisfactkmainong 'the: mega and. peoptcrAt 11 acon . The 'lntaßgalcregage 44.,Thrilsii ill-' tcmittitit tti heideclared Aletnior. — : , Thanksgivi • Thanksgiving ' gin the Potomac Army. „ . • - DES9IIIONS !ROM THE ENEMY FREQUENT; .._WAsumgroi,;,./Nor? totillum the Army of the t ekitortme 132..t0? the:Affect, that Tbanliteirtm ..blay was truly a thstiral occasion among the sois. - • beßlame the the rrasideutls re:electiouhas en:eiretdat thatitrarmy, - detiertithits to our lines have Increased largely._ . • • I.lt is said by deserters, thm•the smuttier of re pct soldiers kridwn to , be watching .for an °ppm, limity to eseepd, Is mitonlishing., and that. thedek• moralization tape generpl that Umbilicus fear to; trust any of tbey troops on.pleket. .! . • The New IMurolhnent In New. York. • 2NEW YORK, ker. 26.--Gorcrnor Seymour has ;been In consultation with Alr..Blipit„and Wier ; members of the County .C6mrelttoe, releilfra the enrollment): Gineral Hays was present at the Interview, *Which reettheOetisteetorlly to a . pantos,: Garetner Benno= exproaace great natlafectlen at hoatm takeirby the 'commit ' tee,'butecterle a correction of the enrollment, and hopes, that in rate of a new ei tl l;thefiemaud will not be so aorbitant as list: CwW-7 . Stuuner,Fr . asebt . 1 Bunk—No Lases Lost. Anusi., Nov. 2.5..—A break has occurred In the canal„ taro nines east Otßreshell's.l3tatlon, whkh cannot 1* eapidred la tittiotO.naume nav igation title season. - • ' The steataer Francs 51tIddyst11111esnear Van Wks' Point, I AlPthepat f raere safJly, landed, and to of-Tthe t'lsaa got tdr , Without detnagd, hat none' Of: ec'fornituro Ataa got out: The water COVer3 bet motet deck./ , >sk Nevi York neendinries,../........k. Yonw,lfor. M.—The plaCesiset fire to last night, were the Sc. Nieholini; Shtiazies, farge n Astor Blase, Lovejoy's Hotel, Belmont House' and Barnum's Idmeung: none of which ire winch damuged, but mused great muster intim to the occupsnts of thc.hotels and the an. dienees at the \Mhz Garden cindßaintan's3lus." New *orteGold Market. INEIT "fl'Oltry . November .20:—.Gold 'stronger. Wan yesterday. Dealers :are bor . ty . ,sold abort and - have strageod Lar d ! In keep .dtrovi tbriprice widch tends staptgly Opwards in spite of tbelr efforts.. Thelviee opmed at dlikti, Went 121)!o 2Z136", and dotro!a,Tain to 221.3i.rf. ; '• ' • 11accessor to Attorney General Bates. ',Watimuntrs, J Not. 10,--Most paiffirseud, 'Ausitog thboe spoken of as successors to Attorney .fiescral Bates era Judge Lewis, LE orPeuassivanis,,? ILlLDsney Jr.i of Idessachugetts,' Muter Di, ,sl4 Orgarrisudi i4keeepigegow fr, dit : the wow !reek 27—InyesiIgstkons the_l4c, of Friday Mpg- ardettl4 ranicE4 • _IY. LATEST REBEL INTEIIIGENCE. B inning of the Ocoee Bridge by V1111)11 Troops. . THE 'RESERVE IiEMITIA OF GEOR Glk ORDERED OUT Gov. Brown Enforeing the Conscription MACON REPORTED ,OCCUPIED BY GEN. SHERMAN , . Wssuixortes. Nor. 71'.•=—The• Augnsta Consti inlienoNsf, Of 'Monday evening, ;nys that ger ? l;y Ute Georgia Road [rain Fast evening re.' isnried that the (Mow bridge. fire miles store Gordon, wis burned at noon yesterday by a shell! party of 11;e enenli's . enynfrf who retired tiler :they. hurtle,' tho .toridg to I.We camp on the of that The force of the enemy on the line of tills road testimatql at 1:1,000, Meant:lug slundy and pautiously.: '•• ' , • ; . The GtiviF . rnor C'artalinit ha= orderc4 the re , ervenillitiayE. that State to neeentble nt latnburp . (iovernotillrolen, nitvailt Carolina, ha, iseited, prodatuaticut ;making. a levy .en .masse or. all citizens, hetiveent to trjee oraisteett and tifty-tice, • It, eerve Captain Raker. of the Livingston, say, that It wrta trporletl, beibre he kft, that Rieman oven pled laltloo4. and that aft:re were 2,500 Union :plisonen.all Macon, on their way to Savannah to he zethaved, but, the toad ut errupt ilaei Could not he braught through. .I.tatercsting . Prom I,ottlsiana. - , „..Nkw Tor. Nov. 90.—mq frerovsNe te Or- Initii corresimalent says : On fliC - I.3th insi:, ii . 4 1'In f it l In exlion into the Lnfouclie, distniet Of fi to:fish:Ea a tacked and defellt: . n . li:Cl form; and A 44144 .ir camp and hug and a intuilxir . of boats. i i " It is said hat Allen. who af , llinj , al tie rite trial (love or of Louisiana. hit, orgiepir.l4l, at Shreveport. )n the. State:: cara g im'eut of ::,!- T) . gypes who are to be artned and equipped font:. the lirocetais of cotton Sill& 'at '3lntamor:), There are reports that the rehal General Ilnulener inn, 18.000 Sit A lexantiria. let., witty:, Owre t 0,1 .- '40:11,1 to be art :liquid:nice of supplies of t r ot ;111 0 cont.. i ~ • X ' Orle . ail- yoert•ii - Yit 'CI f One of mu- . ,2) . ‘• ~, .c. say: A gentleluntri has just arrived in the city with' •P'vntilkiloii to Prrsideat. Lincoln to hrinz SO)- WO halm: of non Into the Union lines. -- •:- , ..- A Ism! 5 fitly of WNW: receitils c 'stopped by' • flea liEbvi'lni •ofific:i4Cai 44, WilyjlerObb Texas to Brownsville ltarlkYii relilitsell. . , . . The Ilan) , of Representatives of Lonlsiffiut ~434,111atuv. as ,authorlyed tRY-lisniiig of b o ha Id tlit'arhon t of faii . and nlialrif initllons of f dollars, for the purpose of can - yloli• on the Staty govenalnent 4 , • Olin:Omit is rapidly ry . cof7Tinc.. . Late rebel-04:er. sap : Eight transport.; load ed with Unapt troops and two batteries of Bar n- d.wins, WI. left ,Morninsvilles La; for the Wlitte iiecr,lArk. s.. _ An acyoun.l Is triven of an attempt and failure. .10,:e...:etare fibril prfftoo tut COltoiltiet; S. C., of elgbty-eight pylon prisoners (officers). Shermau's I Movements—Rebel Intent. genee. Nov Youk, Nor." , =---The Ateittnnott Pm: i,,;.,,,- of thb fklti 'save: Sherman is ••mnithing into the heart .ofT&norri,a. As yeCti&lnove inents have Ma iiith bat. little mshannee, after exPlaincd bthe _ neeeslitlf fat dimltlng littn. as far as posal . circuit . theOrtly ilie eduldlook. for succor: tWttttir,b,leAllicre-Ykiffiall tire th e en tid of the,Blll% - adthen4perflaps, mace ton 5 Beradmil“ or "Augastlt, lrlth'ln. ultimate eye 'Clitihtrar . ./- ' • ,-• • - . -- -. -It .was litt:yeat4titb.) . . th ai„he 'had Nfib' kda f t* 'eP..Y'llle 'a , mid;illtlionglt not utfteintlis confirmed, I ,is not unlikely. in the case of the' occupation pf 'llllhargrible, - Etaraitnak and (.Itarleston will evidentlyhe;the oldectivelielota of the cape 101 i.: Contbln'alleins -being In Pto press to foil f,Ptirpose, weJany 4ixpect*to hess ian few day some definite neo?uncof th em.. ' • - • , ,Tliel)i. coast r . :kid says': A batty:of ear:- al ry under NO7iceler" attacked Sherstinuts cavalry at Gordon, a tj , sipiav, but with- what result It dons not Lao .Tpc.LowsrU..tegisliiars-haft.reperreelitipt - Mri , ...kik,rd, reittetaber Of ttaietasTY, Tuts been en gaged in recialtlng in nottherii Georgia several ..tompanies oilmen for the armies of Shermau. The garrisbn of Mobile is said to be suffering inch for, Watt of necessary clothing: 'A lil , T. OR . , recent/y, hung in Carroll county, , ..Ittlas., ter Ott .ptipg.l.o raison company of men of his owu .or to -tight in thealnion can,e. " 'Phil Georgia Legislature. XVic Yoxi Nov. 26.—Tbc, Amm s ista Chronicle, •sucaking of c purchase abroad of material for carpeting halls at Richmond, says that Corigresi instead of logpslating for the Norte, has been leirislating far themselves and - other offichili; Judean of aili)prihg iiiensures to defend and pre serve civil lerty, thek_tieyise schemes to de ilvAv- the Pellicle of , fewqttiettlci-Itirey WIT The An..misfit CoVAnticteittyiDtrthildiht 4erea on .4 the-Georgia legi4lature one. (Or ihc...tqattithmdot,..ot. delertera,. shnenierai and. , „othenrotho rokm shunt the country committing :anti O violenee. providm that they be . shot -- ;7llle4litary committee proposed as a nth: tesobitkarthatthe Governor bane orders to - thif:*3&-rii millet ! , to use all vigilance.in at: -resting, such partleecand'truningthemtrver ,to. .thtl prom truthoiitieg. Among thes hills , . passed was me • to tarnish coin "to the citizens of certain . tomtits,. It ap propriated 150,000 bushels to which have been de4lated byiiiilikinsfmovements. -,10-the Georgia Senate-a resolution was passed thanking Jeff4Davis for his able and impartial conduct. Tho resolution met with opposition. The Richniond Dispatch ofjp.i 24th, enys if the psoplb of Georgia an South Carolina do their duty Sherman must be in a perilbus condition: our own impression is, that this ex pedition has bken undertaken with a view of rendering a *donee to Grant. If Savannah or Charleston eto taken . ,7. It/Would he.cgrynasy transfer Sh 'ti whole force to the lines beford Riehmond and' Petersburg. , • 'Lett :ei• Tram alient Lincoln. • . . , Borrosi, N0V..,2.5.--3frs. Bixby la the reCligent of the following' letter from Perisliktat She Is a poor widow, Ihing In the Eicienth ward of this city. Her taistli son, who was severely wounded In naetut,battle, la now lying In Reed ville hospital — • .1 :" Eggctrrra 141axszox, . Wasunvorov, November 21, 1864. 'Dever Nodar4e:-1 helve been shown,ln the red of Iheldrak Department, a ststement'of the "Adjutant Genetarof tfassaehnsettstlett you aro the mother of t vdflOn3 who have died gloriously ••qtr the 241 bf battle. I feel how weak and fruit less must been •• - veordi . mine, which atould ; attempt to- le-,Voti - fro& trier of -loss-so overwhelming,i ;d brit I. cannot refrain from tender; 'Mg to - yon , thc consolation 'that mny be found' in • 'the therdm of the republic, they have died to one t praythat ourTleavenly Fatherrony ensilage the' - anguish of your bereavement and leave you only .thenbetished niemory. of the loved and lost, and the sole= pride that must be yours, to have laid so costly a:sacrifice upon the altar of freedom. Yours, very sincerely and. respectfully, ' A. la-ncom • The. Opinion; of Garibaldi... The Pirate _Neir YOB; Nor. 2.5.-W.o barer th e following' addlticsial fram.urope, by the steamer Aala.r A Stateincnt haring , boett put forth that , Geri: baldi had Tintudly..expressed -himself In faior of the South, ' a pritato later, from. that, General is publlsbett, In which be asserts • that ho has been mlsundetstood,•tuid 'says: L.3fy oplubm on the American question'hi well blown: Not only do I luipb for the abolition of alarm, bin consider the gonfalon to be nue.ialfectlng all mankind, and woe to the world if the . Nort h does not comO'off victorious.", • . , _ Leas? Qt.,. :OWN'. Car4abl Semnivi was on hoard the new Confect , grata cruiser Ben Hinz when 'she •reeelved her 'crew from the Laurel off Madeira. He explained to the men what:4lo expeettd them to do ha the Mnfederate serilce.- A - considerable mw then spayed, 4 , 44 oat of 100 men. thirty-sLt,decUnqa Stampede ofi the Georgia T.eitelature. _NEw.roatir"lso.t. 20.—. A t, the session' or the ucorgin Legialathra: atildilledgetille; on She 17th, the public funds brine ordered to be reinoved to a place of safety,- ehd Mclntire/ taken rot e speedy adjournment. On 11418tliAlicre rnts a-general stampede or the inerahers,nud. caostorthera bad gone home, or Isere- wimdcring 'about studying' how So grd there; ' rade eawed...6enambiti9itnlC.' ;Col: 51— The break on. the Edo Cepa!, aboetsixteen `horn lloeheeler, 11 41 not - be repaired We neaten. -;•'• The ennenhoS gimme., her way to New York, laft cre., raft midi: mac about: el: )niles. below th% city, and aunk;.frelghts and Arent of Escaped Prbonero,.' 49: ,„ trArontc, fictir,.9s.-4 /grate. EMtoit Head , seterrepbrortheartivil bf another4mott botch of moped taisosers frotollaltuntga r idat Cpxot,, ,13tonapes. of tht 95th , 011161 Capt: Panxile, oT 414 - 741 .= D a r4sTilittttgßArlariris of . . PI IT •4' BUR( ;H, I.IION DA Y; - NOVEMBER 28, 1864. • C:-,rits to tirtion Pri!..ooera, uf, to: 'nrCtrreTto, c_c.l - .:l:.gve., 3.6,,r.1.ra . Fur r tl,l thl.riVed it are , we'' , little Co-y illVe r.recited. h•is • •r• iy been Ist - aose, in a country also tufing will, fuel. ilo•ir jailor. for had, Them zuleAluatc • lire... At tine pr!stni ptm. ne:n• Ite.trela, for sonic weeks thCre has feet uo ine.d M Otter alien rutr pel-Oliees, and Se-cret pot:tux,. ip lieu illtreoi, hate been enten The exelimusrd prisoner , are deserlhed as rol .Nlen rittertl to skeletons. alums - 1 naked, shoeless. haat,, .rich uo other gnrment flout an overcoat-smelt whose Pkius, brat Lentil I .trAire,.ltang . on their protruding hours loosely a; the hark 011'll tree—nieti whose crew presenee is simply disuustiug. txthellng odors to fetid it almost. takes the,breath of those tumecuslumed. to it. The reports of rebel sow getins.show that for a period of a month thrum - th filch these reports extend there a constant n (mon:mous complaint against the I rent meorto cltleh the slept a err subjected. Men Tulle last statu-s'of emacittion, from elironht diarrhea,re no nourishment: and urns starved to death of coarse rations which the stomach of a strut_ man would reject. Other, snit - m-111.1 Worn trolland tilecrs, were compelled td fcster in putridity. without even sup t:lent water 10 cleanse their loittlisotne sums. Week after week. tile Ili.eti , ed and dyinu were kept without shelter, and many without clothing, litlg.on the I , nre exyce.ed to the torrid sun and rains at all times, in totaldis regard of the mirurst and , altnosf despairitt,t 1,11.- of kind berated physicians, 110-their relief; Benue their exchaugc, teem - Andursputllle Vieliins had .beep hurled, uncottlu. ed. In the shallow trenehei. lienr the prii.nu.. =2=MIM NEvr Totast•Noy.,27. 7 -It . in • ascertained find ince•l , te.%•eins eti,gaf.;•ed. jn the attempt to barn the eity . eninefrotu_(abada,.lno,t of them tieing from, Toronto pm) it= sicinity. - ]fluent ipbators.were otliceri 1 t the rebel err 3 - ,!itiol Ltd screed to efterriflas ht Kent arty - and ". The itios•entilds of * the incendiaries. were nr-, ranged. Ivry tufifonnly. •Al unit of. the lintels t he) aplcartal in. the eliaraeter of. travelers (le -6;llfer nanny fora for days. They Carped small hLn 1. bather value(. entered naina-On hotel kiebk• a n d carried their baggage 1.. their teOtm. The hotel,. far..diseorered 1,, have hive 14.71 wcrt. the Amor. Behnont Bo y, I. I b.r.saftl':, Los Taglirtatl i St. I'm! Avenue: VnirW States; }:oglantl. tafacee..nthl - • • The criginal plan - lens to sltiutbantonsly fire tl:clu at Ihc ur.per.nnd lower ',sign of tto cli v, awl o4llc the Are avigattiteut mut - the. police Icel I heir attention dlssrartell the , o portiolin • to the ohs ..to fire hotels and other public - ,t , 01.411.ers • In Mere Titc.nt-xt clip would hart he , in to llre the chipping. I,..giontog whim the haYhlong. of at t ic !tlill/14LT., iltrce of the gong were 10 aUlt•lllpt time ile.71.rIll:114,11 of the 11.011.1.irlin Dote in t harl•er. They , 11.1E1 provkleti themselves with ntrnicrons applinne., mon:: whieh and a large Emantity of, ftrech lire. As nearly 'es hells t 'seem to. bo.titberhtcepiher.,. oru, time_ upon each ut her :ti t Iv rattler thp . tleAeStioU by ;Eta Ivlicc almost inipasslh3.t . - .4 failure in nearly all ea,e.• Is at trihla eel to neule, fin to ellen. Ilsei vtiutheirtt In t‘ery hotel. Wintlowo and transoms were tightly cloc,xl. than 21VilLZ no air to the datnea. IR:Meth* sat that "n hole times detailed for seOck bad not arrived. Tbe tirne.wis fixed four dap ' , miens, bat . fear .of clisoavery [mil few , - trat ion led to allrentaturoatteibpt. ,• Sliennait ihecpu t iltl:y ►l able wit] d -§rlt-1-11:d Nrti• 1174,J say*: Sherman' is . ere y yletterta laying Avast.:tha consul, with fire and 'sword, showing clearly it is ItLyletajonill:ltioll to take no step Mickward. TlORltitmonti El N virsr of the , 23t1 says Of Shetkiitan : only he has gained, and It is no small gain ter him. with his planS for the winter, that:flood is' too far oil' to the West only -feebly ' threattming his rear anti flank, pttd wittea bonne , Army tinder Thomas hetsiven Lim atuf Atlanta. It may he that tins theitosition 13hers -man hod in when he boasted he woultisoon hove -}toed he waneed lime, tt it certain' 'his iiuratittitas - /Ort . but a ...c,,erie4 or relnt.s.„ppi the doOi- to Tennis:see was purposely left open to allure the eager looks of our gallant men, , itt • that dirept inn. Shennan ent ;re to poSss Ititnself 'first of Ni aeon, and he :could Puts obtain comtnand of the Itallrciod, widell leads from lituron OZlAMiprd to Augusta and the seat of Gov ernment, and we,4,,,n1 to the 31issirrip01, thus ethetually titstroying our communication with the trans-Mt.:is:4mi. Ile wouttl,kuoreprer, cut otf,lToixl al* his army Crusellia.Htaweotoverw, rititi - a and supplies and the mews of cooferring whir the seal of government. !albeit nopeetai the More ist fornthlahle, and it is nonse Lu shut our_ eyes 'a - Mildly to Alm ski:lnger- .Far better to monk it in the face and prepare for rnsistanno with vigor anti dispatch,' Searglit will bake.atiast, the hitter imp 1.1 m) hAvio.long Wen tit ottellpe inh her revenge La at hand, swathe opportnnity nth ahow her loyalty, gsdlantry, and all tho highcAt r • • - , • State Iteparntent• Occupied with the Sub. eet of the ItlirriAla,. NEW Yo n& Nov. 36.—Theiftwititt Washing to t soteint,o(tl42Gth nays: The-attention of the' Starritalaiitriteen connltlerahly occupied during' the Asti - reek hy interline} with concerning the seizure of the ! ./. 4 414 - 014 seems to be. the only Enro . peatt repiaientatiop partleularly inter . wtell in the mat r. --He-spent tile ; iptittdr Pcirt- of to-day frith 'KeeretarY The result of the confelcnee 'hae not tiansW. but the ltopreeslein pr Mal In oftlel4l citric at the !natter Tall tfo eventually eel et tent by S imply an apology to the BeasUlan Gorerotnent. ' 'The yeelgnation ofJudon Dates, Attorney Gen. onqtakes o'l,l in a few thy probably before the Meeting of the Supreme.Coart, the Arat tlay In December. net Ming the Enrollment or New York ffects Of the 'Late Sturm upon our Intrenchments. NEw - Yonk.N4 . 2lV. W.—Orders have been Issued for revising t lie enrolment in thaeity during' the pre,eut week., Voluntenrlnt IS'quite laiak at the Slipervisord The Times' army of the Potomac speclal says of the late storm : Our itureneheuenta hate suf. fered matte, rhole lines - of piti being f; harflooded, bomb-proof been completely saturated, sad , d u many cases absolutely. ruined. Four 'have 'sink to a fearful degree,. and in - many Instances most of the earth su pportitttho Inner Iran of hags has been fore u .roads soma places are considerably "flooded, .bat no great" damage has laicn done them, excvt occaslOnally carrying awayof a bridge. Lee's Army' Gone Into •Winter ranarters: zw. Toon, .Nov. At—The Tritnirse's Army of the PoromacSpcelal of the 24tb says:" -Ati trams nal 'number of deserters are • received nightly. They state that the rebel army has gone • ter quarters a lialf mile behind Mali' main 'lhm, and a small force =Mains to garrlSOOthe works. r. state "that flour rations are no longer is sued by the enemy. The men aro rrecelyingnn allowance of corn meal from last year's crop. There is no confirmation of the inteudederac: nat ion of Petersburg. ' The Pirate Florida's Crew. • NEW Foils, Nov: 27.—The 'Washing ton ial, sap: Elcytn officers, and privates in Florida, taken final the', Old Capttal Prisoai, several days ago, went'. sent to Point Lookout,: and have been forwarded to Admiral Potter; who' directed that they should be turnedovee to'Cap• 'tat o Mina, oti Masa. eitatetta3; businessat Hampton Itoodn.L':ltlathought,byi some, that this transfer Indicates, that the:Florida. and her officer 6 atrereiy, arc to be fitxtraed to jurisdlo, tlon. ' ' • ?be Loudon Post tot the Capture of the ..Nrw crsecatnu• 37.—The London TM says: The capture or tho I Florida san outrage which cannot he allowed to pass attnotlehd by neutral powers. The London Star toys that the ofilaaccla„„ - of precisely the same nature as if tho Wachnsett had pursued the Florida np. the' Thamea and poured broadsides into her in bight .of London Bridge. Richmond Pipers, 'lVemmroTosr, Nov. V3.—Persons who have seen Richmond papers of Thursday; say that they contain nothiog of Interest about Sherman's progress In Ociotia; for the reason, probably, r that communleist On had been Interrupted by a Eleven officers and privates of the Florida have:beerr sent to the Ohl Capitol prison. From tho Army of the Potomac. Now rotor, Nov. 27.—The rrerakrs'Army or the Pcitouiao sposlal, says: Stxpplies'for thanks, giving dinner, arrived promptly, they were gene rally distributed; The sapply was ample and eery acceptable to the soldiers. . The meet:Owls. deserter took Pace la the 10th Corps oni;iday morning. Steamer Wyoin.lns Burned. •. Sr. Lomni-Nov. steame,Tryaming 'we burned bat evening, fcirty- *miles 'below this city. , She .was laden with Goverment stores, - .and munitions. iTwo liT s. -were' Mat.. She was waled at $40,000. Total - les. , - tio insurance, A portion of her cargo, will be'saved,, - . . . From Baton nme. " prov'T'dni• *v. ,-f@deri Belot; 8010 epeeist_ me thet, &mt. orotVe reboLoarakr. had been or derWi ttotii Chitontto.lfooditt N. The inento go. age- titeett Settoa , to kri l order revoked. Alter la de pirtsitee; the ed 1003 L faringk. :~.~.- . . : 31 4 , 1 tti 511',411,e ed—L 1,-;l;zvc- 'rralkn'.., t.or.=an4l; • . .. - 7.. , ;,..:4, Vila:. 7..ik.....0E.1.-: !.: I .—AcciL. , -61,-'Z.N. , t'!•'' iat.,:st rr:-4.1 t.rlptr- , Sit?!": ait'Al duri4:4l•ip,tl,- , 1•% t , y , vz - pri.f,. Miiceir -,a , -.• :i :',-!, tz: 1,.+ rninfl.: I, n•ol Dodo . - cxn 0;1.7 pla•a “, k 1V,..1w5,1•i, I • , t, '' ,,, l' whfh a '4v...it di , tnr.0 , ..":•.-ttni'it. In.- bir.4l Sorth tOwpr.l , - Millid,a, ille. flit taa - ar a , ! la. •Stnit, u WI) mull. i Ir-i... repr•risql, . ltig eartirry ' vartured nit lost stinttly bioit.lniti sal , 4itienily latrimil the 1.-api;:11 I,iiikti,,,.. and the I,:iliten- It is also. said :In a y1n , 1.: titre' . of Iti, Orme made a demowuration on AM:este, within , 5) milts of .11iiieli p 1 er ids rieht u as repulsed with seriTC- loot: Tll . O 1110Veluent on Alleltht 114 alto conaldired ; ut Mat to distract attention' from .Slierning's tits,' real objectit e point. which le .surmised to Ire l:3t1Vollooll. It 1.• proitheßnhl that he. will 1130 V. a., dire, tt , itte,iltle on Inflater city . - from klilleigeNilie t and the belief is es:- lett:Rd that the large Union fleet which has! been ! Collated in the James riyer is destined for:. Savntinak and will trivet Sheehan there. . . ' • The , Atigtielti (lieren;ric of the .) stir inst.. stated _that" a large fleet of nein 1 ounsports had ni• reiti4smxitlidott the Georgia coast. . • The:Seine . paper alms,. In 'wrong. languago, Jen Davis r land the other Illeliniond atithutides, for not- Wing troops into the Rafe ' : to iiimede ~ Sher,nuttpinovementa. Is Georgia to be left to take.kiire of bet : self? Thealchinond - Er - nether think' flint theTuth less-dm:4nd of the inset National army will - ten to ciiitit . Georgina lit support of the rebef..oY. ' 1 er ll /ri . allttttrtrin the Inkewarm and ithltimf; . to inuttedieWelytakettpurins and become itZmust , Ittfeomitt*lshig', defenders, and that the State, 4 .04,4 e thrriugh this ordeal of fire, will -eedlle,l,.. likuritied Mid purged of its love for the ! tillog:, -1 . r,l . 1 , The " ; Naclitemill Whip it is thought is not so .Iropeftdaslll I, contemporary. It says: We - Cannor , ..eny flint we feel air absolute conviction,'" nititiiiigh, Indeed, 'our hopes are, strong, that, Shernin will' fail -In trehlevigg his final oh- 1 ject..7.lt:siqs that. Sherman is a Wish of rindonpt tettaidlitY, and Watittenci.a. and he would never • little' formal - an" his unwell limn Atlanta, had lie not bent - I . W he eould dually reach tile coast in twill:ls'. . I , •T,he.Pftitefs show lire ilicSion of the sentiment nod tlletmetion and Poole, width Sherman's ope -rationS: bait. creel 4 in the South, and aunt°. 'tize win nutielpating the most ilesletite and glotiolis. Milan, front (Item : Latprrbel papers are tilled with article; illus tratinirthe bitterut ss of - did - en - mt. factions of the elo(valrj , tounird e one another and their intestine .dlylsi*.itg c tioss Jett- Davis, the rebel Congress, ' nit 'lntuit: e inn-luoutn Government at Rich mond- , .loot' s .wholsale conscription , 112/3 stirred • Ilya • 'ill f indtmation. Ile Is acs-used of a tl6l,nt an Le himself an unrestraimel dletator, .and I heeled that ere long he trill reap the whirl rt. ' • . t i 4 Aciro •a lvieutaitor,‘ is called fOr to protest anti Lila 4ltcuipts to moecle the press. Con drum fin or the secret -I s Lies ..f the rebel Con ' grete lit marry:teed in the 'strongest manner. It is der IRMO Ital there Call to' 110 eXetlae for them, ond.that Ilic • bode Litt good for the rights anti liherflifittf tlie tx:ople• • . Ifr. Tooll. Of TenlleSeen; 11l the rebel Rome of Itwitraitentatj;'es, dfew days ago,detiounersi.Jeff. Timis fir . . ~,. aullog exemption to a, ectel Irish- Mali Bab'e'l Ile had to take it back; a day oirt o afterwards, rind challenged the whole relic) louse of Representative and govern ment. Ho a s Ltughed at. for his pains. The Richmond , amin er called him a reconstruction ists on se ant of Ids IdOuroc doctrine. and am.isMailindlinn union resolutions, , tad he clad leficed - gni supposed author, John Mitchell, and . the government placed him under arrest. On the tid loot. IL. Foote had n fight • with Wirt. G. Sivr ti, n member from Tennessee, whom he di unmet as no gentlenum and a fool. Swan and Mitchell' figured' in •the Ilichunind :Police Court err same they, moth to the amusement of the. ref I COLIgreSS, Which appears to have , arkiopril.d c the purpose. The Rielintond 15 - am'iner, of the Lith, * gives n dispatch fr.to Gen. Lee rcgarding the late recou s j nolisancyni ttre ShenandoalaValley, of PoweiN ' and Custar'tiravalry on last -Theedgy. I General Washbarn's Orderti—Annking or VieStmobaii CAIno, FOr. - 'PS.-"—The Etc rner Perry, from 'NcroNtirkrort; 111 e t:"Jri thrtant, icv.retl with too Lunar - rd InfrOtry and at tmleh of cotton from 81.-I.mac ; .:l a; ; , General Iltshturrn tsstwd an order defining the lines of the District of West Tennessee, nail prohibiting the , passage of supplic, beyond the Built, or t4latar,age. of 'lndividuals Initr out, O%- oipt u Or. dos, erten. Licenses to cotton trading Waal ere Cavan!, nod all boats are pto hibited from landin supplies between Cairo and „licmgda,44ltro cross leg over allowCtlbet,ween T lO- • ' • " The steamer Katie collided with the llesmoincs at Diamond tend, Cumbetiond River; Tuesday night. The tie was sunk. Two or three of the crew wail drowned, and the canto, a:oast-et lngorGoverninent cattle andprtvate frelght,,lost. Tlic'cpiiid of the Katie has not, Wen ascertained. Meek :Disc evered /a Twelve Ilatels •In -New York. NEW ToNoe. ..'".--Fires were discovere d . nit in twelve hetZLl beside 'the =Zuni end some vessels. at therrharres. The WOSUali arrested has been discharged, she. ,glvlng satisfactory expiatudien of her move ments. Thbf far font of the principal 'parties have berm artirated, and with theta so much of the mums the ltad been provided to carryon the work as Lad'not yet been expended. The money watillt gold, all wail found In the sate of the trensurer of title organization, who •Is now under ,arren. Tliellotelkeepers have abrade ieward of /4,000 forzho arrest and ednvietion of the par ties, and theliscaranor Comp:idea roll'alao oft General Dl lamed an order tequlring all Southerners . the city to registootiemselves. • Arrival Paroled Union Prisoners. . 8A.1.1121051 .—A N0v..26 correspondent of Cad Baltimore Ai 1; under date of Annapolis, last evening, days : Two of the first vessels cOm posing Col. Siolford's Beet Of -transports, arrived here to-day.with paroled men from Savannah-- the steamers Atlantic and Blackstone. The fortetehad on board 049 Bvtng skeletolUt and eight. ditid bodies; nine others were burled on the pasiago. Such was the wretched condi tion of these, poor mea,,that our surgeons were themselves alled at the awful sight; not a Bann among t ienumber but-had to be sent to rho hospitals, to leave them only for:the grave; Mte five touldred and fifty men on the Black stone-wen:An b better condltion;and ntade the welkin ring when they landed. , • Thet Fires kt New Tait; • NEW Itost,%or. 40,—The tires last night at five ditierenrittelamere made with phosp ho rus, and It Is Cholight for the purpose of robbery, In Idaritum's wieskun, which was also seton - fire,: the panic-struck audience was robbed most thau ! ensmigued hty In the great smoke end conf u s i on - that ' . I At Well:deli the robbers dld;not sileeeed so A woman,rhltillng from Baltimore; has arrest ed at the Metropolitan Hotel, rdhlar elreamstaaces_ that Invoiced her in serious suspiciou s She stem-. Iy , vr ,oa o otes r tsltr snnocence, 13 1 t Oarreits were also made. " 4 • ~ .I,9rute sig na l, Bownitti N 27.-Ille - Dutch . burl Judab, Captain Peat, arrived' at ..thls...part. • from St. Thomas. rts of Narereber the ]Bth. Lail. tude 31 de. B,minutes North: longitude, 72 degrees, he a-steamer bearing towards tho . United Btatea4 Mho was a propellor of about 400 tons sehoonetrined with two fUnnels and paint. ed white. ThoM she got within 'two miles 'she fired a shellteross our bow and hoisted the Awe clean Flag 'be. inquired what • news we bad; -: we u t zd fold hlmottlid -calnure-of 0 0 /9618 = = he n bauloilldowt A merican Bag nail , the. rebel Aag► • If we lia4 seen any vessels, to which Int s . 't ed In the negative.- In reply, be started off Beuth-west 'under sail. Life;Chlew °elan= Dlsfratche ' Nutt Yo m* *or. 27.—Tfie IlhilltriNew Or leans cohystslndent,datedilie 13th, crape Bits; Oche:till Morgan I; Smith hassucceeded Major General Oath; Id the. command of the National troops at and anfmnd iekshurg, Miss. The rebel Cotton blithers, guerrillas and plun derers generally, hateCibeen almost cleated out of this district of Baton Bough,. La., and our lines havh been extended In that region. It is said that the rebel Scott's cavalry, who were for senam BUM. so active in Louisiana,. on being ordered . to tlocsi's army, the men mu tinied and sent theme. -.. Macon. Cut from All Comm:micaUoni . pastward. Siaerirm bior. 25.—A dispatch'JOG reedv ed, saye: llscorOs eat oft thorn communication. cadward,- and :annonueeinents • of its capture eau no; re/nit Richmond; .At 'Gordon, Sher coon was atieen4d by. Wheeler's earthy cutout enemas. From; Gordon, below , Eatonton, and , ' Bero, the. Federal .colomnsareromoringon MR iedgetille cobjimmion, leaving no, chance of escape 'for -c4t.t*s 'wad others, areegt on foot, The St. Albans . • • - ToitowtO, woct 16 The . 4 - a - pplicallott the St. Albans Raiders lb the _Government to dispatch a megawatt' to Elfunciad to obtain. estlittice, has '• 'this o=4l that cintionind vier material was traathlpped 1. klitnia, aa a . tag hotted An Lexlngton, Michigan.: It is'thouot %Timbal* th4r. the Gotittiik too it aboardiwhar stet pro. :coodad the . k _ Irot*Trar L _9ll:—The. Workes P•pin otaie yvie. '7• "sufv",'" Ira"' • 4-.4-1 Peat o Address from' England. 27.—About six weeks ago th Parker, of Min.:eh:ester, Ragland, arrived IN'etv Yurk, bringing ; a peaea address of c-f Grad BritMn and Ireland, with a letter from Sir Entry do Houghton, to Governor Etey timer. who declined formally to receive It, as signing as A reason tliat'lt should be givea to the PrVsident of the Unita! States, the only au thorized chromcl of communication between other nations and citizens of the United' States; besidt s. Governor Seymour said his official posi tion did not :authorize him to accept the address in belt if of. other States, and that it would be better to withhold the document for size present, to avoid this appearance of interference with CettXreFff. Park4r confirmed to Mr. Reese's sugges tions; Having arrived here, he addressed a note to Seerettni• Seward, stating that he had,been deputed to convey the !address to the people of the United States, and the honor of the Op portunity of presenting it to the President. The Secretary replied that before answering the let ter, it was desirable to be farther informed where Mr. Parker had inithorily from - the Government of Great Britain for the purpose referred to, and whether such a mission had Iseen made mown to the Diplomatic Agent of that Government near. the Government of the 'United States. Mr. Parker replied dry Saying, ,that the address, con taining the signatures' 01t.50,000 .of his country men, from; peer to• artizati, , ,was not from the Government of Great Britain, nor from any poll -tient party. It was simply the expression of an • &truest desire of Great &habil° see peace re stored to this Continent: The correspondence was closed by a note from the Secretary of State, In which Ise said that the Government •of the Unites] States could nodreceive the address, and hence its refusal for an hiteniew. - The address has already, been published, end Is signed by Many southeim sympathisers, who ask the Government of . the United States. to cease hostilities against that section of the country. The intention now is to present the. address to Congeeso at the approaching session. The liewEYork Work/ has by telegraph, from 'Washington, the contents of Itlehmond papers of the 2.5t1t: ' The Dispatch says Sherman was yesterday.svest of Ocimec riser } which south, through the east centre of Georgia. It Is belleVed, that the enemy has been in 11111etigmllle, though ne official Information of the fact Las been received at the war office. In the only brush we 'hear of our troops hav ing with the enemy, they have been entirely suc cessful. Thls occurretil near Jonesboro, where the Central. Georgia railroad crossed the Oconee river. A considerable number of the enemy's cavalry attempted to cross to the east bank of Oconee at this point, on Wednesday, but were Ind by our troops, and driven back...• The altuaLiouln Georgia is regarded in oflleiril cereles as decidedly 'entlouraging. Sherman is now in Ida fifteenth days march front Atlanta, and has marched only sevnty-tlve miles; and has nos reached:one potent Oi, strategetlc Importance. Tine &wind says 'theft , Is no confirmation of the reported burning of Milledg,tivllle. . The Di:pleas:Ts Gem • Breekinridge Is doing everything welkin Sontliwesteni Virginia null Ernstern Tenn4sec. ' . • Sine° the battle and Vittory over Gillen; the Yankees remain beyoOd Bars asp, sending out ".' idiom.; rehonnoltering papy. =MI Arrival of Paroled Prigohenr. BALiumnr,liov. f37.LThe Amaapolls eon:a... pendent or the Penman, Americant . telsrapits, thls evening, tm , foliors: . - The Stearaer iierMan tivinvon and We bas set have arrived *lib 1240 paroledprisonors from Savannah. I . ... • . , The Captain of th6lferman I.2vingsto s it reports 1 that when he sailed on the '2sth the cieltange of - prisoners Lad eCaUed; its Sherman had ctu Off the railroad leadlng from Savannah. It was , thought he had reached ell the balance of ottr men, as ho was only,about nix honed' s truteeh from the stockade.. ," - ' ' _' The tlarannah Dfiily Nevycof the '22d, has the fellowing telegrtyltheWs: l • Apgesta, Nov. CAmtral 'train from neViSbOTO relkwts. that and Gordon - were 'eapturid yeeterday. The S'tate House, Goren:l4'a mansion: and - the Penitentiary • There nothing tioni 'Mem_ -- 'Parlengers otithe Georgia road state ° not the train went to "Gre'ensbom to-dar. The meal, ppm r to hare gone In the direction orMilhalg . e title and 3laeor4 but nothing certain is known. Exchangeof Prboners. NEW Tont. Nov. 'Tr.—The (=change of prts ouere goos on well, and arrangements bare been: made to exchange a large number of prisoners ut NI(Ibllc.„. it Is prlabable that the each:lnge will .neowhoniade as the James Riverna the arrang .meuta melba at eterannatt'aitlP'Mobirt'itt , retiitt. the suggestion of Commissloner Onldi to'obvlata' the necessity of so much overland travel by Yan kee prisoner& The & minel haeri` king - article on the peace am:sane, mid says' here Is lap hopeisf reeenellik 'The Aricelirs Haiuctlio ornmpondent Bays Thenahai been. smart , skirmishing between Pu laski and Columbia' for some data.. IV.ii halo fallen back behind , Dtich.rirer: forreat'a threes hate also .croterld the .rtrur on our right dank, Still arc a s ambog to strike the reedit' ,our rear. 'Hood's main army Is supposed to he meting on the pike naad'towards DestracUre . -Flre: Cutcrrait, Nor. 27....-The laboratory of W. B. 3ferrlit d CO., corner of Third and Roca streets waa deserved by_ltru this morning.. Loss '50,000 ;. (mandril insured, The tobacco, store of A. Louis Co., adjolang, woo 4amaged t* the amount of $10,000..: Insured.: . . . - ~ GRARAX-4180Wit—Ott Thant:lay, Nov. Nth, 1881, by the If cr. T. Ittararlaae t hLi. TAatIEN 6.1211- HAM caul ELIZA S. BROWN, of East Llberty;•; • • DIEM WILSON,On &guider morning, et 10 o'clock, at the residence of Noses Sharpe,' . blencheeter, WILLLkIII T. WILSON % a member of Manchester Lodge, No. 40; L 0. p,. The members of the. Order,:and friend', are re. peetfully Melted to attend the.funeral; from the residence of his mother, Allegheny street, 'near Penn, Ninth. Ward,nierikar mons - rso, Wth instant, et 041042 k. • Aria° C9A.T.A.WORXS. Capital ' Sto6k, 8180,000. 12,000 MARES AT $l5 EACH. • Pitzsmaxi--3•0111i. GRAFT. tiscarrairr--13apt. JAMES GOO Tausrmsa--s.R._mou.Nr. DinE.cTo!s: ' JOHN GRAFF, J. ii..itiscuss, ... IiVkI_MoREE, &FAWCETT_ ,I' hoe. .L W. LYDAY ~.. , Capt. JAS. GISSRD /4.. - Capt.. J. P. SMITH. • , • . • . Capt. J. Pi E. .Duperintendont.• - I ninf" Thie Company owns the property known as the unties* Coal Works,. together with the ~K eenan Farm' adjoining, and containing in all about , no ''mice: `The prop erty is 'Dusted on the west bank of the Monongalleia river, about oue-and.e-half .tolles below Monongahela City. in the "third p 001 , ,. . on which are eitpated 48 miner , . dwelling houses, stare houses, shops, - lke., together with a railway. running to the river, with tipple,ebutment,p4 all ' neeeuary arrangements for ioawng c0a1... , ~- • - • ' The Mines AM alreadY °Poled, drainedand n e a tness tato], met I. good r un ning order, with entriee. driven and rooms turned, and all neeereary ' factil; ties for working eighty.to tub hundred men, and the cool la well known to beef;the very best quail, ty. • The omingoo is believed to be one of the most valuableeoal propettlesantheMonongahelavalley. The Company. now propose: to. toiresse their . lacilitlee for mining by the constructiekot an addl., Donal railway, and. have set apart $20,000 in caili• for the purpose of contemplated improve . meats and providing a war capital for the new , With facilities which the Company will p o a se s ,. - MI , Mentors ebuildently believe that the "Mingo. "will prove to bo one of the most substantial and remunerative stock. In the country. se7:tf W . 8. 31c0L1.11 a• CO., --T • -T. NO. MO FULTON STREET, Nzw Tour,. • Strictly Produce .SonnnintiOn Merchant% For the 'Ale of everything In the Prednee and Ocon Weston line; strictly for ,pon cash, and , Tronapt retort O RM& _ Ltbe:ral &drawer moth on conatgamtnts. All goods fully hawed Mark all goods distinc u tly, and forworil Invoke. AtirSee our regoktr weekly -report of Feces Cur rent above, made from Actual - • Nzexin'To—Hoo. 0;11 Matteson, Men, N. Y.; " If. Jones re Co,Ebnyrn, N. Y.; Lest ApesT, Frertdent to North Elver Bank, "New York 014:... ISAAC CRAIG'S „ irMWO SAW KILL, AND 'BARGE VARD, Cmig s ST Manufae IPtsinsREMNDOw maim liattecitsrs' 4:11.:448w,A8A1 V 141.8 see MTh" /‘N 'Wateaftswes-- Waier ll4 e * 4O , W r.Ottl, erect ebrle now W sa Wl% fa sMsUon we to fend& 'Mete ll se4= 4"d r. 444144 aa4 gum/0M otw U R , wattet. ItOw4Bl OTT AM) SfTlfttirti. Our Assebauput4 fe tLere no red:eSZ;Yr. 2:d 7 mi.dating. thought that . Republir:ui in titntiond cannot. fnnl:.4l, 9f f ieera hottest enOugh to p, , rfatn, a duty made Us as raw nil make ir e and a< rrsponsitie as-a soleran odth can hind it. to' liar ass the, tuimLs of law-abiding, and low-honoring citizens forever I have eecn 80111 e alillSiolls 10. thi, Slittied 11.±St,51DIVIii,) in ttraal of oar dully papers, nod in order to satisfy Olyi.clf of the coreettne - ,' of their statements hare Inrealdatod tho stittitet tuMeiehtly to more than justify all that has been Enid. The assessor takes a solemn oath, that be Will de the utmost diligence to ascertain all things stibJect to taxation, and assess them at what he shall believe, niter full - invi.stigation dad 'maid ry,' in •the. full value of each and the corn inissioner.s swear in - the same manner to revise the listt' and put up to its true value nay thing :which has bet" assessed too low ; and yet after all thls.the following-which is a fair skelmen out of Iniudreds of similar cases—will show bow well official oaths arc kept and official duties per folintds: Ist. Elfeeimen of assessment. 2d...,Properti. Iceupation. Real Value. Aasessed Value. A F 2100,00 '$ ;; 00,00 ... 100000 ' - 200,00 1000,0 0 t 60 , 0 0 ... 900,00 „ 60.00 ... 1200,00 00.00 .. 1000,00. • " 100,00 6000,00- • 200,00 ~. 600000 . 100,00 heal Valli , . 4.a.mased Value. 6at00,00 '&150,00 1200,00 480.00 .. 4000.00 7.',0,00 1600,00 450,00 10000,00 1200.(.10 . .600,00 800,00 2100,00 600,0tt 11 . • •••:A•• 1150 , 00 Mr. Editor; continent is 'Unliceessary. When a man takes an oath in 'court to tell the truth - anddoce. not do it, they call it perjury; but When an officer takes an oath to pitform a certain du) , ty in a specified manner, and.does not do it, is IL anything cise than purjury? . .• If so, whit is it? It Is high time that citizens who have some regard for the upright and honest administration of low; as well ns reapect for the character of ourinsti tntlons; should take the mutter In hand and see that those who regard neither tile °Mg:tidbit of an oath nor the fair name of our republican r•or mu:neut.. he, allowed to enjoy thapeualties of tine and Impitsmunent provided for -such oll,tulers. ..feszJer. The Leiremene Aetoelatlon A special meeting of the Firemeu , sAs , oeintion was held on Saturday evening, at their room in the City Hall. Present—Messrs. Crean, Cep pies, Killen, Joe. Little, T. M. Little, Le011:1r11: Aleyera, Montgomery, Porter, •Sims, Shane, Thompson, Vick and President U'Carthy. - - In the absence , of 'the Secretary, Mr. George Leonard was appointed Secretary pro•tan. • • -; Chief 'Engineer Thomas Reese stated that the ,rnectini had been called for thopurpose of naldim some action in reggrd to.the• rionstraelion of a Fire Alarm Telegraph, on a principle , originated recently with Mr. 11111. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department of Cleveland: Mr. Reese stated that the system 'combined simplicity and cheap ness— a desideratum now •deslied-and that" within the pastlew weeks It Sad been Ititrodneed practicalli• Into thesity of .4n - eland. The cost of its cOnstruetion(nlnetecnridles of wire, over one Iffindrcdpoles;tweiffvflveldgnal laixes. &c.,) woo only thrcelbatuland threehtniaMd "dollars. Ffelurther stated that no:central office would be mut:tired; consomemlyhttecmployment ofealatied operators would ba dle&ismi with; also, that the only expense rittending - tt would be an Mttlay Of dbou two hundred dollars • per annum for the ptirme'ef keeping up -the battery: Mr. 1111 l the projeeter, while In thaiejtyonTliday, stout tltat - he was satisfied that he could construct a. line in this city . at a coat 'of threethonsand dol lam and that lie wouldmor ask for rennuthmtlart • until the work had been completed and rendered perfectly Satisfactory to the citizens. Montgomery moved that the Secretary be instrudted to draw: up, a memorial to Councils; requesting that body, through . the Committee on Fire ' En Ines and Hose, to • examine into the merits of thr. - pinject,.and report their•laborslo . Councils: After considerable discussion, the 'motion sini adopted. to bill -from Capt. E. F.,Pr•titt.tsr va§ pie crated, a warrant ordered- to be drawn ,On motion ) adjourned.' • ••• •• - Prbe Fight op,liikyttoe mu. —• , Ori Sunday beaming 11 "light for the Chain- PfonshliP 09carbed in a bricikyard on: Boyd's. near 'Rag& Street, between tWo men nem- , edtavid;Rogers and Rubca Tyson, the former a resideniorldirminghatit, and the latter but Ilia . months tonnMegland. - Tysort boarded at Span, ect , ?a,tavern,lon Second sired; where' he met dßgel, who ivbalkagiddlim to a fight: Twos= l ineor to .acoommodate ; him until Sunday morqlnng when Begird infarmadlitm that he was. determined t 4 fight him, and wontd"whip him if he didnot cortsent.,,Thiathreat atoisiartge En, . lieh blood , q[ yson.,* who accepted the . ,elial.;. len;fe, when the- pt - titles; aceorepailleithy - tv law inward triads, started for the Mick-yard.. Uprin arritingat thli ground the pugilists stripped and commented the contest, whith lasted for an hour and half, thirty-six - blends hating been taught. Be - Verdi citizens 'baring - heard of 'the* occnr niece, aisita theTground and endeavored to se. pirate the cotabatants, but being nu:successful; sent.. word to the Mayors office, but upon tlts -arrival of the police, the crowd bad dispersed. 'Officers Cnipi -sad Whitson, licarieg that Tyson hind been takelato Speneteit.tivern, startede him, and found him at' the - tavern bat • • • woundsorben they arrested him. - •r • face were eonaiderably bruised and a . d his right hand was lacerated. .Ilea,ireu satisfied wlth the result of the contest;: says that he gave his antagonist n severe prumnellin. Ito was locked up, and willharc a hearing -th is morning.' Rogers succeeded bialuding the vigil ance of the police; aad st ill it large. . . . -.., PlttsbniVs - Female Zollege. 'The dosing exercises of this - sterling institu tion will eminence to-morrow Morning and-con tinue till iltuisdt eradnx. 'bib ciahilii4tlon - 4 of the classes - ,tr I take place; on Tuesday' and Wednesday, On - Tuesday craning - a musical soiree - will bo PiCen by the pupils of Professor Robbeek, and a literaryentextaktment on Thum day evening. ;These exerriseal will, tOtlllnenee ti t ak,44. at preelsely7N ~ .The term!, has been ono of :wonder ful prosper! early three hundred pupils have been in sates and twentyithree teachers., In all, hare -been omployed. - The boarding dopart went . has been fall, and upwards of twenty re liased'for\ want br room.' Nearly every, room has already been cam* for the coming terra, . which commences Deeember. dth. The Colima needs no. recommendation from ns. It stands In , the.wry *brit kook - of.ahnilarlnstittitions and enjoys, a most . enviable reputatlon.. let. it al- csr4boird. On Dattedni *nine t; number of bbatmeit -et the wigari rrero attracted the, , cries of a man -struggling In the irntcr. Prompt arise was rendered, and affix. some-ilttle effort ;the lean was, rcietted, dripping with water, ':lfe -Nan •eollMnii to the lifayor , s,oflice 'where he -male a most erratic and , ineolairent statement. . lie stated that : he was a membeaof Congress electfroia the tint District of l'hilad_elphityand "bad. been robbed of live hundred dollars since his entviii here.; He could not ,explain-how he 'got - Into the river, and it was .cm - clear that he leas not in his , right. mind. After baring his clothingdiicd, was locked np in - the watch home, and. on?thinday, morning ho gave, isle fl orae an Willitim_Trick. Ile had" by : this time forgotten that he was a member *of Congess;-' and „did not pretend to deny' . the charge of drunk, enness. The I.fityor inflicted. the usual line. for Imbibing too leflt nlonetipliele," after which tWii B ,permitted to go on his way. . Tam .1 mra Xturnsat—The Malionlng Reglitcr alp' the Grand Jury, at the "Ceurt. of Commas& 'Picas' of Trumtinll county, noir ,sesslou In Warren, hare Indicted - Frank - Bobbin and Lydia Stevenson for Mulder In the Brit"degree, ha . killing James Ward, of 1411 M; In July last. On tieing praiLancd they nlead...‘not guilty. " ' It is tmderstoodthat they will not - .be tried it this term, and that a anetlan bOntide to change, to some zuljoinlng county. •. _ - . - • Concentn'a levresr.-04 'Saturday ;Menton, Alderman Dolialdann beld Int Inquest onthe.bcidy. Of Charles Brown;avho tins'killed on ThttrOsje motain al the Oilier dOPet of the Pittsburgh; Fort Wayne and Chicago &inroad. inAlkgheny, b e h ig run iofte. - by a locatnottlrt: - The .ett-. deuce elicited owipletely'exon=ted tbe compard from all Untie, and a rcd tet of =04261014014 Tvoersou Crxn-Lr.diutti.—The of-tho series : of. lodate; to 1:4 dollvdred "tuidor_the nozpiceo of the TOropint,Clubriiillbogiven this oneeteg, stLaraytttcc 11 4 by Dr.liollend. better known to the' literary world tutl'ittaitey _Tit. tomb:* 'The milted *bleb the'reatied doctor tboSitojik oCoilttuidcopenfatkm.r I.Throwatri , :-The ou 4 latirdayitombag;' - lak lig; 4 in m nameitillge• -Intcantride ecti"wate drowned, Sa the A.y of a fem.:alba belovr F ty thet-,g of a • ferry testi . wbleh Mac had * 4 / E i fin MIRO/ UM gawra satin . Fa.fC%K yam. ' -`G —.- na K . '.•.:,40, '1 "- -: :: •'!-: : ::: 2 " :,' t 0., .. 1 ',:-''•• • •:;. -, ..'...4_, . . -.-. • ...... ; :. . . _ . .... L TABU SUED A F c .i g s 4tfAt it r ' O''`r•Aturd/fy °L_.oDek7, nained .t.frlgratriel4 re.4a4": 1 1 ‘,Y,e,batar „.•,, wasYsiii FC-TC : rdy, 112:4 ra".4lli Injured. I y f Ihng Into the — etrayatlon Tor the. itzfaroad, r :at the IntliWctiott ' flh :street.: et rention eielogad,l# feuee, tun the Ulan. waa under the .infirtenua flquor and Was evidently, hcitirliatflni wa.,eabont. -Ile • Ulf twenty-are ntia' badly brui:ed and lupine& Internally. tv,nv!.2yed ttalvk. ro.ideuce, Where Ida injuries warp:._ • drc,sud hyn was livlrg but his tondit hut 'lrakr n cats Kitirredtfla' r we.riuus. nry ntormorw vmee. sons; in. by Frederic Lquinn,.Neir'York; pubkishni This is another war ballad, i"q l ‘; :Ye»: prtily; acid worthy. the attention.of timisleal . • people.- For sale by. Charlotte Blume; . ' , Filth street. - • • - , Tdor -I:rt.l..rti ON TiliE.niinatosx:-A:. sineif,a man by the ligninfof Sr:Cleil4, 1915. • .Ibund ion the Clereinta at . Pitt'Atligh Eoici • ifeero , •' .• ne, , p Run .Station, , liotrihly . 1 4+ 1 110 0 CD 1 1-itot__ r tir of W fonna'near the reninints..l4.4o l 4P;,: fortunate inan having tinnibea tOO,reeels'itis'etilk , ""-; " • • peced to hale Innen naleep die ndcbl tmini payed over. him, • a j!deo.uleal. for - ti eiinSidOrStlO' tliefiinee Olot4thet -• • road,. • PIM tt.—Mr. high Rnox, Of Hie Knot heen'on a visit 'to Ire: - land thitin,i the past ;live Inetthsy'retntit6d7Ott the la?i-steattipratt,d , TCtlehed-hia.lanme lkept, Mt.sqn • Saturdal..toornlnr. !Vie nt:l44.6*V Mends . Kuox hU , Lc4loll3ns Impyoredtirptvihadmitit Ito a no* di 11.17 - 4'i r.; ln'el;eelleut!rontlition .)dl V17.1":44 Accrntri.,-.lohn . ChQda -"a yntiu..e malt . Ltag.,l in the 41/ona,i . )t.ta rus-serinnsly on:Pridar. fh6 - 1E41.1 inst. Ile - wns orllt6 'rcitbit br 3 home mie matmgcmettt on Ids fart.thelDit 0fk0n,...111. 11)24173 m-slug through thc. ro7L , struck . I.l.laficshy.p2o.l : • Of his thigh', wounding - and - bru4u"g - hint very " : : • : 7 . ; Ex•rmszc .11ounini.;-:L•:itfrk ldbgtis, attler front " - $l,OOO nnd zili•atelt;at Ltdnisitotel;inlVhocilit; some time during Wednestlnj . ..n . iglit.. . On fg l'7,, It mum Bras ended of F , 50,' of f 3, and - - neither of V; cents. 3,f7d':Lr InITI6/.i . • _ , •the celebrated "Olhi.t"'airpeare,- trill be formed at the Theattt this- eveithagc , h-iitmlobl. threl , , entitled thr, Pliteiturgh i llhot.Clll. l 4l4ll4:t ' produced for 11,e'llut flute. — • " ' • • ".i LOCAL NOVICES. TIIQ3fAB W...psapr, practipl . Blate Roofer, and :7, -r NJ* Dealer in American .61ate. of various orders. . Office at Aluvander Laughlin 's near flip Walter . TrorkS. Pittsburgh; Pt1.:,4 Iti slatteepNo..lB Pike f. Ai 1.77. 7. F street.- Orders ppuiptly ; attended jo. ~A 1 1. 1F0rk, 1 7371" x>l).: warranted water 'proof. - Itepairp;: doteatthei_ shortest notice. •No ehititsfoifepattiitictiridad. • ' '7 the roof Is not abused'after It ispat trt .. idl.", 7 Bitoxcnrris,"Cizitc,“ ! ..,P 6:BOHz A chronic inflammation: of thd Antall!' gL2hda connected with iho nt9nlintnpa Ict4ch4l, AY! 44.4= the throat and incinbinnea. ninn qeakipt. y .Itrown'a ltronthlal •Trochea r olgird jla l .i3i7ltL`i • lief.- Sold 1* illArtigglats.iOZ.l'.l:(4:l7 . l4 !IPYi :Oa >1111 . 3.V.« •' ! v•• • •:i ir k 1( . 1 ; (...17 •••,. , ,:.•" 1 , 1• • •:,•:••eff . • • ; DR. ll.'.c.Oonitt,Fls • .70 17,5z.a , 9:1 1 ,24 141. .cfat'ArtßlT • 2 •; 9;2/ a CATARRH .. REMEDY ro , CATARRH . . • •. • REM ED f.cht. tllfr . • • • , •-• ,'•, • - 4 , "7. lipentiratda to the vary seat of thliteilthiedhaalY•arrla•r exec ; andext4rminatea ltrrootiwd hilu^latelet.Q ; rt) T `Dr. 006bAl8 1;114 . ant and only person ever told the world whitLffatarAi. really Wary "'bit! v • . it commence. awl litat Would Blue it' • - Dr. DOOD.4LE.Iias aywat to &elite in battatinl'tql 7 ,- vtl4 , V4 yrtiEitit. Übe" =0.04 As, Petk)oo*-1 ' ,454,14 r ,1 Ft r ind taelccris o the world the:i t Oktt, -tants, which ban fo yearn defied the strut and re- I.warchltfmeclical men and authors la tblarlOntdall f(s 2 .' , .'f/tl.= r and in Europe. can ooW be cured, With the lame • ' uniform certainty t d ever - be ads, who wed every knoWu cure .in vain, vi• have en permanently cured by Dr.OOODALE•3 - • tISSAIIIIII .11.101FDir, and Item 'l7ldeolt ia , MO' most extrareitardtorwle otp!'gr Xi`Qall otpur nearest agency, or seAld a Ida 4):4-1 for-a pamphlet. , -Devtatd - and' prepared by "ran , ,12 "D" } Y 24 . 11 1 NeWTork-'. • NORTON * CO`., aole • Agent*/ -‘ l4 file BROADWAY, NEW rOfDL. •-r• . • -;,••• • -• • • • 'Dit•G II "/ .. SER2 So. erszEl,rutibiiirtb,; . :vl464 - r • .: e;AI ' N °IIT P IVS ' ° 4;41 . .. 4 .+Vki blrSyrElgjA • •. •' • For. Sag , /Memo mad ,Strolkthl4 PeimirichTfq• - • , TIXTER, SCALD /11:24),,p2PGWORMA NUL 11;!4••24-4,' all ITCIIOII' 2121 , littrll.KlMP 801113 , " , a -11 Ezurno:F§. or THE, Skill., „ This Olstmeat7peaelrales to the 'baits of the ?r 1 'i; l l 2 rtki - '- - otioeiscoa to the, Ve47 gogpie4uldi!toi &oat 'the fteobbeneolhtsit!loAtooii the terrace-dlardWlF-,,1 M . 0. - Poison of the d liartd• dtlt li`dis4aised pates:-' the disease inn, - elpellerl hoar the. 'l.llil4tioipid 'quaitly ttert. dart .1?s sto selsPse.' " NOIVICIf c6!rioiiige-k 9 1-0.1 - ; • 1 • ; : aloZ A - 4 17 rogir, ,, sold by 140 .WOOD STREW:P.XITSBVICGSO • - - • ,1 ; f '.a . ,:•EVll:l4.y;A:',T, ADDY ..PE4Crn ) iiiePitllllllloA r ' GAS ASDiTEAM FITI g 15 g 7 of/ ; pro. IGS wooDimprpri.opposittfrWCllturosh. V if runtmAYDRANTMREETILIidIijrzi n t- r 1 4 r. .PIPE, - PlciandlßAß LL&D, and Plamberid sages. , :i4i riallkgeneral. Refiner-les fittedtptli approved moaner. Tanks lined with lesteronsap a........ ' • per, , 'Houses fitted wlth sealer aratsaa N. 5. ; AU Ordenpetimpttratteadedin''Pla To •TRlNTzasi - - ettr.,.csr.s • • Ono AI ' 2OIB; • P AFP/o•47!Aus - ..piwqr.' 3 47,At-2,rd , ':: l ac -One TAYLOR. ol rLlNDElL,!•bettassolnekeit ,. .' r 4 1-11 - One TAYLOR DOVBX.E OYIAIIW.I4krboIOIC. at inches; all in 'good workbag. order. , .11,11111 be sold offit addreall ,- ; nutlet! ". aezurTE, Ptttsburgb,•Pra. ,* • • ' pRINATE .LE • •_.• twice, 23 frnaret,nozatia i -,1 l'or‘ the cure or ou diseases of a ortsitenature; Iq l • ,•^.- from two to formdaye; by an entirely' new And mitts: treatment. • •rusef, Seminal Weakness, awl otber. - "' - • diseases of the yltalnrgun.,aml their S. cure warranted or money refunded. „ • , •*: Address letters W. '4.1 Peerr Street.' 017:kr NroTICE.--411 • persons interested hi Tho" • •LT"Grading' Paving and:Cinblint Of NVILLIZIeIi3- ' SYRSET, _Ninth: Ward, from Smelliest' Street W I ...;,, , ~,,.1 . : . ., , , ~,,,, ;t:I. Sutler street, will take notice that the eon of.the - , , same has been assessed,. and . eau be seen &Vitt& : ...,.., i, - ,,:,..,,,p-1.., °Mee of the Itecordinellegnlntor; Until MO NDAY, the , -., the 29th lostruit, later Which 41 1 will be l e e en T ll,- .%-; ,, 2,. --- "T .,, L l '.frei; the °lnce of the Treantrer for Co eetlon. - ~ :. .., ,- „ ‘,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ."• • ' O. 31030 WEN: Recording Vega/atm, ..,,,-1-c-1 jt".4.'"lr.•..sr, , Pittsburgh; N0y.15h,186,1- - . .. - ,110 1-730 - ~,,, .. si , • „ ? 4, 1 4., -,,,,, TRE LMPROVED .. 1 -- •_ _” .- '.., r! . i,,,, 4 - k,,i4,... ,. .4-4 , -,:„4 4 ..,,,„ ' ' Little' taunt iSewlttoi Macau: o 74: lz . - ~, ...*,,-,,,,, 41- `Pelee ONLY *ls cg.. - uosunnowoo ton: I,:i ..,,,,,t „ ~t t .., ~ reliability - and grog. In In4renterAi and for _ _,- - ,-. s:,-.ri%-' Worth It. beano rivet, For , simplicityi durabutsir..'' ', ' .., ' - :., and execution It is uneelialleil by say other tir. , t , ,± ote2l. 4 , fir,( machine heretofore offered-toile ptiblbt, and"noM'• , -.. ... _,„, .....2.-,.. only to.,be seen !to be soprecinton.:'lt,taill, hemigaiti - 1 , , . 1 . , r-! 4 7, quilt, tuck or bind. _Call, and exandne .for4ralfr:- ',;,, si ...411.' . - , - - .0.':: Belt es. Every tutichinnsearrantefh..",., ...z , ~. ... ~- • -... i BARNES, Astento 1,,..„.A •..4.11?:-1,,f-J,, i „ NOII3 Tippglo St, Opposite St. Chaficl Retell' ~..g. , -, „..; ~„ .... eted.id; ..'_. .i .n, ';:• ,o, . - ...:1 - 1' ),..$ 4./ ,41.•: . S EAL TPRE'I'.."7.E ' '', 7 ' •• .. . :...4'.',.'.?,: .. ./ - ,;•'t - ).1214.E4 - 1.5A:, _ • ..:. -- I ~••••-•..4•-•'.A.Z.:":4"„-Sii..?,:rii ANDANMA VIIdGEMSAWit,7::': , c.,-..i.;,....-iitit i W i ...:. ." -- ,41-Fit , v.: it c.. - 06.; Es, , iv, : ,... 7.16.74Erxr . 5T onz- :a: J 01 %1 . • ,. ! : ::i . . - ,, ,, :: , ' . ~. ;; 4 1 ! : W. ct•Lri' • . 0Y79 =grim= .. , . . ... , ~ , e. .„ . 4 ., PULP 'A SHEPARD, , Commission Mot. - .,,,_...;.... , ,... - .„,x1 . '•••••.," chants and de5ienX 1 8011,.31301.1" , r:....,:a1i . 9 , F0 ...,,,, :pncounE; No: are L/ 'stioot, - Pnn, __,,,- ..„- . A.t .. .i,i,,,1ii o..tkintt , ,, : • MON" brands of Flour' Sahara, ....., ~. • ..',,,,,„„' ,',,, ~,,, 4 4 0.. we constantly.an basul.4:PartislilltestteetTOtt_ ~ 4 - - t '' , "_;-_, - A ., ,, ,en ming orders lot MeMdtmliseserusraltrs-,- i„ ,,. .. - ..-T,- -L . Ve.A. .•:..4r, ' o !te - eail ' ... ', ... , ;,1,._ :!.. ,,- 1.;,: - Cti ...; . . , •I' , " , ': ,',- ..,,.. .....,,,,-...,4Vifi,',1 mi ' l3 ",t-" t DRopOSALS, WILL 11,R,REDEIVE 2- :' '',.- .1, '4 4 _ ,fu;4".-., it -mot.° the Brit Wri ars en , ttillous44 o l4 - 7.-4: . ~.,,,..;.„ ~,,:. - L .1 lo g sem_f_e t t, .• 013A . 1412k Ede itarsiAli t it-,i. i ft t,r5,14, , OutPD Mg 'long,* err era..., an,f=4, le breadt as nosy, bd. and.snit the size Of d& delivered at rittsbunth or .Ilinntheluissr.o!-..eStek- fore the drat of Dyer next. wt,.dditne. -' , ' ..., .•,- ' ._ ' .---. l'• 7-. L, -"_":?,;:;.",. 'non.AOws. „. .-- , -, nexZeinDurt . , , , ii .-_,--,, -= ',7 . .,..;.z - - -, , - ,,, , V ; ,•:-Tw.4. • ''.:',.;', ':" - --.--,-, e,,,,,,., ..,...,..--v-,,• ~,,e'v• : ' / , V- -- -, -, - ,. .-:;',.. - .-,'_--':4;;;. '-: • ',-,-.'-- '..-,,.z-,4 .:... : 1 1)17 . : I I 1 t . :•4 : - ..... . ~t~i ..•i`T. _ ` ~ •-( ,i. r.:,1, -'n -t4.4:...:4.• .. , A.'.,.^.'S'^.L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers