~~"~' ` ~' OMNI ,Wittolutygit (64ritt. PUBLI9ED WY -NI MOTE 21111 IMG ANIE110: MONDAY, tIOVEMBER ,113413. AEW TYPE. - . The Gattritit - appiaii., this morning, In nit of neir - type t trom. the old , and welt-, known !build* , of -Massa, Calins sVaitetiiirig a clear and large face, the body of the type 17,61 i "used is the same us that- formerly' used. We trust our readers pleaised_ with the new dress. - • '• • - ; TIIM'COAL RMICSTION. In otherCities - Societies have been organ , feed to deliver to the pair; during this rein : 2 - ...:fer, - I!thal at. cost." Tlds' is to Savo:them from the !Neediness and rapacity of middle . men, or those wilco come between the origi nal producer and consnmer,.and who are the mune of - the'present high - and exitorbi tint rates. . We subudt tb the 'practical - anti liresi . - lent men of this city , whether such an organ. lotion la not:called for:here, and whether, through it n isney, we; cannot elfeet. that ' most desinlide r end—the delivery of coal to anudi consumers at something like la reason- • - able rate. \.. - It seems odd that right here, in the midst, of an inexlianstible coal-field, with 'coal alma at (1111/. very doors, we should be shaddmilg s larthe beginning of antinclent- ' ant winter; at the-danger of a and famine.' Yet such is the fact. The diggers will not dig for the dealers urdess• they taxi thrill in their enormous protlisi - the dealers employ the diggers except at a rate which leaves tai thit . pioilison their. own ilde.; . attd itelltoren the two, the supply of coal is re dated to the_ !widest, and consumers am compelled pity price that WOrtldhe (ski '_ littered high in Cincinnati or Louisville. The bar' shade by a'gentlemazt; at the late meethtgrof coal Metiers, to deliver coal at the Monongahela wharf for, ten cents a buitc,Lif the City Will rimit the charge for wharfage, should at once be accepted, and arrangements made for Its cheap delivery to . ..consumers. The . Cohncils, we feel .sare,. Will promptly remit the wharfage ; and we trust a society will at once be organized and say:to lids gentlemttn; "Bring on your coal; wad we will . see tes,lillqielprery without ox. tortion." This la a matter deriandlig instnut atten-; tion: Who will let on it! Charity and' duty elks call for such a movement. .-, Lloaldn the ground <not worth more ' than a cent a , bathetic:4ll'e owner-it Ida remarkably well; at that ; time diggers . I oar to dig it for Ike cents ; and itli the id -1 _ &loud cost:is. 'kinked In Its; delivery, . Yet coal in streets at 25 and .517 cads a buatiel, — leaving (.6-21. - ectiiirtc; I'cover the cost Of delivery 1 That it costs more than the third of that sum me do not t , believe ; all the rest is proilt—Rulf we not rather atli the most of. it extortion! We commend this matter,. to • the. :immediate alit:Mira' of our active public men. There - are sortie men who are willing - to deliver cool at a reasonable rate, under \ ;conditions easily complied,volit; And nitihat htbeed. ed now is Mil society - ' t o . ariange the details. Tmaloultauts, . - - - - - - Sam after the glorious elec . :donor the Stll -I , ToTemberi. and -while the hesiiit:of the Qtople Bete It ll glowing ith Sur an d ,t-- itude for that!: from one; , _ Mies,. from dangers, ',fnmiidiviAott,... from dtishtmeir and r linial-;ustkrost _dean:tit:tom: • somebody ptvyutAgive tar our soldiers,- • .• . - - Whether In •the• front,. detached cOmpe, lasspitals, or •where - ret• they's:ook be,- a onroptuoui ThankagivirtiDiuner.l-• No soon 'er Was it VlVROOk : thil/f,leW4 'sgrced to by jitalversal acclahn. - - Money and ef,sfliniett itt; to the amount of hundiedi 401 endst !}em n eitOta And the result was that three :hundred. thousand tunic mon dined „like itrincesed 10 11 dig as one of th incidents is this mighty, Otrismic—idesussnt'ind . heimilfel is a striking evidence -of the :apirit,,Alut wealth, the. mulct:eying iltality;t4,energy , cif die American people, as it thud exLihlied - • in'ilarge and grateful offering to their brace . difendern. 411k4 , 1mnalfesiirtgitself hd , yeti 'ad. :amity, la 'the a:4,40 — 0t the ene t Odes of Mo. country ; while Love, as - seen . Li enth °Ethridge as:this , bf whichr we ale' eceldrng- 7 -lore of Tormtry, lov'e for—the deer old flag, .love for the wen who hedr tat flow aloft, and fight and bleed and lender Its elmkne-&-lose. oL. IreiNhiey aro , 011 the blevedeoneonittentiPoffinedoni,- en irate the 10yar,*1.44 - ' Yt iiii*lrklo:: 10Teirlifkg p3upl(Lbito vie boot. • .boxes cue Tote* stick Tatace...*ar.Lincr-, ddits--" honest Old Abe"—a , secidgi time into the dude of state,, .nzek,whlph srill.eFor tan bin there until all the enemies of the, contstry are slthenittlidued or deitiiryid: This thanksgivbig _dlancvvviltilndA 10, hbstory antfliiiirdltietiCewill lie felt In Bane, and wherelerthe Marts - of gen otos men are found ill be felt as one of the beautittd Rafts - 04 1 eatin-insfilirid-illij ' 'erty. It be felt I'3_lla : twat .itmlitig, of the Uniting foliage, t as . th beautiful flow, era are felt ; arid the exelaidatlisi of dell , 111 !ma favored teriatries Will be; !4 Bee hciti %those nee lhosP ,;Clivlstlanar hovOntstiothezr - • zi. wiz sinowitspri, BOA R YEARS ...: . , I The total votdittbla Co u n t y in 1860 Was 1 . AMA Our population, as shown_by the 1 N , ' censits of ,1880, was 178,147. "This give ,ors ....,,,-;. 0 voters in, eirery 7 7 . 0 f pOpubitiOn. Our :IR . .total vote in 1864 i-is Wi181I; and the, unto r,;: •sproporflon of site to poWation would esti r l , ~ its, ;today, a total tepulatthit in the County * -f afflel,ooo. And we' amino season why Itroixotion should not hold gip& 'ITho vote this year ls hill; bionot to Infilut it, waste 18(ki Me excitement that year was more •••• intense than this; year, and pi.vrga*zation ,I, of.'both -parties . ..better. - Consequently the . vote' Fes larger„.-in arorlortlou; And we think it fair to infer ,thgt;the Tote ;this Year. ciliation. ftotal la Mae fair an la o the popu - tion as th a t of feu% and Ilust we do tutt, err in claiming a population: of 280,00 in this '..? CauarY tt , gain,- In-sown! numbers; of -. `-10,000 in four years--ebont 43 Per cent „ A _ Tbl3e gain throughout the State is nothing - .t. • like thle, but la , still large. ,The total vote of fhe Satre to WO was 476,442. The total ..I. vole this icar le about SID,000: The gain. Is, at least,. 90, 1 0-about. to per cent. ln the whole _State.,: , :As the total p o p u l a ti on 'e- was 8,900,000 fik - ' - 1e63,1t n'isttow be, by this test, at, least ;500,000., • , , , ..II:,) The same evidenoes of growth arc to be seen in the other States. The vote of New '.1., "tort grows from d 7.5,900 to 780,900,Maine from 100,719 to .112,000; Connecticut from i-Tr 1 • ,M t0:85,440; and... New ierae'Y- 4reara 181,05 to 128,630. Tbo :Western. lkiitaii will show a much larger per cceawor . -4 , this after 4iitia.t:Oataof war ! The Igrowth fhom 1854 tt5 , 1854 In a time of pro; Situo Peace, wat i iibeilli; In co :LA The loyal Stet/is, to-day, -notwithstanding_ ` , lt s i i - . OA (heltitli that ativolniniiiiedivid itt teati, ki: here ftAlilailargelP##l-81?0, kli )441 10140 the MI .•,, - .. 114 4''. - itzti • ,-, - , " f. 1 4 ,-;-??,:?„';' , `,....,.;-- - ' . ..- • - . 1 -3 :0 e;;,,,-••,.4::1- EIMER MESE TUE 00001 OF SLAVERY`. Our daily eirtanges from all parts of the country bring `as reports, cf the sermons Mulched un Thankigivilk• lay in the res. pectivi cities; and the burden of all is un-' f e i g iqd thanksgiving over , the certain down fill of Slavery.t'The . religious world feels and sees that Slavery is dimmed; and as, "out of- the abundance ofthe heart the mouth speaketh,". we ma fairly judge, from This uniform utterances throughout the land: hOw deeply' the 'rellgioits sentiment of the nation has been stirred on that question. The wide-Spread feeling ofj; and over the downfall of that a institu tion, Shows that deep down n the hearts of the * Christian . People of this country the conviction has taken TOO - tEat Slavery is what John Wesley proclaimed it to be, '!tlin ,sum of all villainies." " - If they did not feel it to he all i-tatk and more, there would not be !such general, spontaneous rejoicing over its downfidl. It -brut taken a long time to bring this sentiment to head4--to set . the Church to spealens a unit ( against. SlaVery. But that point has beenfreaelted at last; and the at-, tainment of It'll+ alniOst as great a cause of rejoicing as thelextinetion of Slavery itself. When we speak nf Atte "the Church" we hiean,. of course" the Prokstent Church. The Catholic Church in this countryls and has been a unit on the side of Slavery. THE milwriric AT COtiCERT HALL. We _. . • again iuvittr the attentirM of our citizens to the meeting of the Pennsylvania Preednian's Aid 'Association at Concert Rail thlicveningat seven eciodr... The edicatiou and elevation' f the coP :ored peopleof the SoUlh, Iclaiee shackles have. Just been broken by the rude* baud of war, Is a suhittet*Y second in importabec to, thoTe-cot straction 'pr the pdon. As their. slavery' ha's heen the cane of great CalamitY to their °ppm sore morepartleilarly, and to the whole coutem L x. so we may hope that their ems cipation,li*.reth :ei with their eduatiow and O. s'ation to the pale of humanity , } rillresult in co riding bless lop and benefits. I .. The African race are cosi* educated, and probably In no 'variety of mini:lnd Is the reli gious principle more active Mid predominant,. Their talent waiting • for their lwn deliverance. tern bondage, amid thin tremendous storm of new between the' opposing partieS\ of the master race, brut. once the most childlike and sublime example of faith the world has ever seem - and their -Imvratcring ttdclity to the cause of the . Union, and their kindness anti faithfulness to our men, whether in victory. or defeat, freedom 'Or captivity, entitle them to a gn3tetal return on • that:err:of the American people, • War.. 1", •31neur.a.; Esq., Superintendent of Piketimared. &Imola in Tennesice and North Alabama, has just ,arrived•ln thaeßy tent Ten nessee, and will give .Mn Interesting acctunt or the operations there. Rev. -Pzurta.res /1130011D3, one of the most eloquent men 'lithe State, and w - bolathoroughly poated, will deliver anaddresa, rtSwiti alto the Rev. J. , Bi." - licKar, Correspond ' 'in g §cpre,tory of Alie Associatimf. - ...The meeting will in all rib - peels be st verytiterestirtg one, and we bolsi to atria large . err4lissee In attendance. -- 13frilirter Math we ;are Jnfoimer& thatilesers.- o &. l thz. aiiiiSr tavT, President and Vice Presi dent of the Assoehtion will be present. Owing to'prlor atrangeinents, tinier gentlemen of Phila delphia were unit* tie appoint miiither evening - .than Monday Cor the meeting ha this city, as their friends here Wished' them to do; no as not to con- Sic{ with the nisi 'Of the tutted riteetingsof the churches appointed for Litman:Mug. . ieo AND. 1864 There arc •ita.: few ,echintlea in Peroisyleatda that did 1864,thati arid - AU leghetkria oncoftheta. The time ix:DWI Was as follows: Lincoln DouSta , 74 f 1 P7e.t 1 0 3 , rote 1804, joldlera'llota and all, toots ' • I.lueohi,,lanno . 1 .... 19,43 , -NedPeddlers' tote 2,00-21,5:5 elhfai home vote.. , . 11,559 • 4 80 Latem'iote,, 6:311- 7 -12,4i5 ...LimEohea'maJolifyin 1864.. %ICS f!.:4 l2c °b l ', Weir64in 3200 .. "8,907- . , . Tidaisibatiaiit - gala ? : irc - ad . xalt ; but the" ma:. joritYliiiB6o*:as a,.1,au1l age to ati. Oar majority of dug Aar Vsiccd. at la thatiata ink tam ; knd Palladtiplaa!bk!....pa aogatr, ti;e Unitn3 tbia*Urn,s,a6*; PrinADELP647,ll6lliiii6s ., T A LC : in Pia, delPhisi Nue- 4 - 1 11urdbii'li- 5 10 Thittotol Tat" o[ Ih6 city, including the soldiers' tote, to oilollows: • 55,701.- .140.37 Lincoln's liaajgrity..:, Li.MStt volc of,Law. tent* co,untfli as foltowls - : - [go • 3,152 ' 1,1r34 . 395 ' Efo 6t i -4 1 889 "Ll6C4n's tizafp' 2 XiCT .or7Ciira -Tv= or. Oru Crrr . . ........ 38 7 681 FOr,MVClellan T 307 • MeClellan's . . . • 'atoms Propoped, .CtFTency, A special dirwteli., to the New - York Evening Pad; dated WashMgten, "lioy.2fith, say* There is an unusual amonntot.speculatken 10,re/erotica-- re; thetas:Debit r which..34"..Yeesenden, is 'about tiarecoinntend to Comas.. arnistrorm:. Ow,excellent' authority, that the ' firitxhial - (If not the last.,) which he will commend thotightfni consideration of ihe lionsetind Be";•. nte,:irill be to increase the taxa" ',fhls.,sras • et , Chasers' recommendirtlimiest Tune; and ho. Was informed.bby~ abieCommiitie.o(Witi and.Meares and the 'Committee ail FliiinMerthai the OiAnter would bear no Moret Martian: "The new Secre tary agreeriwith 31t.",c1daie;shat,ilicerkussit the . . tiormument _reunite's - IM, ',heayier, tasr,' ;he: details are not - • • '' Mr. Fessenden • fi t i itrod by:Premaneilt financiers to, have tecourse 'to the' old - rigeney System,' as a means of negotiating a new 194 of_ five hundred millions — daring...l4, - yea; 1911. It will bo remembered that' the 6.4 ti 1.e sold five htmdred allikitis of the' five:twenty bonds without trouble. ; Pam em of the opinion. that turraney, bdurls:can t old - 1 4 the rota o f . two rrillUoniiier day, to Say the least; . . - It lea been suggested-Shirt a"new currency loan; extending- for. three wars, and 'paylok an interest of ..teri per ecqt. (in .eirmisey) be put upon thrifiiiikket.The gold4aiiiiia coat the gov ernment more than . ' iiiirteeil per'cent."' Mr: Yea," seinien is 'menet° paying_orer neren-thirty Per eent., and It is the opinion of some of the ablest, financial meusrius" advice be oceMionsillY Naar that If It. Is announced that no •ttiore'goktbonds will be leaned under any 'chair:llollmo, en!naiej, ,tontde will be sold siiffielent to meet the demands' of the_ gorernmen!aspeeisffix if the.taxes hoed . Increased as to give an internal revenue of Ibur hundred ralMons per annum.' 'That It Is poss for a Union arra? to *ban don its base of supplies, to glee up its communi cationi, _and' entirely self-dependent, to move unoppeeedlnto the _heart of the enemy'aeotut-. try, is alone pwof that the rebellion Li Indeed the hollow shell which General Griot :.declared: it:: shermanJs tiow beyond the help of th 6 Govern ment; and so far (tom .the loyal, border that we, bear of the *ogress Of - Als march only by the wagutreports of *bet journals. We guess from the alarm of. the 'foe: the. success of hie, move- ; meut; and, for the first time in the war, get all our newsy! the great Union army by the way of Bichmood. if we may judgebythelluttering of the doves; the eagle to far into_the cots..; , hio romor of Galore of Sherman deserves the - slightest credit. The rebel report 'which left - hltn.. , witbineighteel Mlles of, MICOtk was a virtual as surance- of- his perfert safdy.- And it may be added that the - AdVAZICC-Anto - Georgia would nev er have been ordered if It had lniolved any risk. But Sherman will And no` army on-hle mareitto Augusts; and all the Impediments (6, his 'proores s the rebels may Interpose wilt only *terra to show_ mt . Weakness - or their. forces; ' Bold - as the ad-: . . . , 'vane iney.„be, it is rot 'go :bold as it icturis.. - BA . ' : the natural resale 6f the - capture, of Atlanta and the siege willichluend- The settrat gadwrof the Confederitititie beenburst eriPercithst the _ 'a . m.:, lea- that enter ;Bud no forces to coniesetheirista. A ve. rot ' the ptvitent we must ho contort to, fl o lose eight of In In the darkness of the re, hellicrur - it:will btr.intt4-.d.t.wh WOW As r etldld' vas ' 'l l OC l L 6ll ' ll6 =4O , 1 .,•....,- , -* - -e.21 , .. I f' . ,..' - .V..... , ...:,... ~...,1 ........; . .; ...... '...., -, , = . `... L '. - , • • ._ShermatOs Orders for_tile March. Rees& Miura= DrvnavJe or TEM ffitaa. , /111 Ituazo, Knrasion, GA., Nov. 9.'64. j Speciet - 42efel Order .No. 120.-1: For the pur pose of military operations this army is dirMed into two wings, viz: The right wing, Major General Howard commanding, the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Corps; the left wing; laajor. General H. W. Slocum, commanding, the Fourteenth and Twentieth Corp 3. • 11. The habitual order of march will be, when ever practicable, by tour made, as. nearny paral lel as possible, and'converging at points hereafter to be Indicated In orders. .The cavalry, Brigadier General Kilpatrick, 'commanding, will receive special orders from the C,ommandcrinkehlef. There Will be no general trains of supplies, but each corps will have Its ammunition and pro vhdon train, distrllmted habitually as follows:. Behind each regiment shall follow one wagon and one ambulance; behind each brigade should follow a due proportion of ammunition wagons, provision wagons and ambulances. In ease of danger, Caelt army corps should change this or der of march by having his advance and rear bri gade unlnenmbered by wheels. The separate columns will start habitnally at seven o'clock a. in., and make abbot fifteen miles per day, unless otherwise lied In orders. IV. The army will forage liberally, on the coun try during the march. To this end, each brigade commaffiler will organize tr good and aufficient, foraging party, raider the command of one or more discreet officers, who will gather near the route traveled, corn'or forage of any kind, meat of any kind, vegetables, corn-meal, or whatever Is needed by the command; aiming. AL . All thON; tokeep in the wagon trains at trail three days' protitttma jbr the 070117140 d, nal three days' Amyr. Maims tattxt nut cuter the dvAtilinas of the inhabi tants or commit Any trespai-s- ' during halt or a camp they may he permitted- to ,00ilier turn!" potatoes and MiteCvegetables, and drive in stock in front of their camps. To 'foggier foraging parties must be Intrusted !he gethering of pro visitant and•forage at: any dlitauce from the read traveled. . V. lb' army' coils commanders Is Intrusted the power to (Tann wire kaats, c.dfon and foe grim this general principle is lahi down: In districts and neighborhoods whiry the in-my it immolated, no destruction of anch property should be permitted; hid should guerrillas or hushwhaek era molest enr tinweb, or should the inhabitants hurts Midgets obstruct 'rands or othatirtsi mani fest -local hostility, then the army corps com manders should order and enforce IT derastation mass or /cm Minden, noioitlino to the ineo,,ort. of VI. As for horses, Mules. wagons., &e., be longing' to the jolt:ll.o3nd', the cai'airy and artil lery may appropriate freely and without limit ; discriminating. however, between the rich, who. are tonally hostile. and the poor or Industrious, usualft neutral or friendly. Foraging parties may also take mulct or horses -to replace the Jaded animals of Vide trains or /o servo as pack mules fur regimentre - or brigades. In alt for, aging, of whatever kind, the parties engaged will refrain from abusive or threatening langguage, and may, when the officer in' command thinly proper give written certineatts of the fart, but uo rejelpts and they will tub as or to leave with each family it, reasonable portion for their inalntenance. VII. .It'Troes rho are able bodied and can be of service to the' fermi (061711,43, may a takot dory; but each army commander will hear In nttnd that the question of supplier is a - very important one, and that Ida first duty Is to see to thus who bear arms'. VIII. Tim organization at once of a good pioneer battalion for each carp, composed, if p4-sible, of negrocr;, should he attended to. This battalion should Mow the adclpec guard, should reprdr roads and double tberalf possible, tliat the columns will not be delayed after reaching, • bad places- Alio army; commanders should study the habit of giving [LC artillery and liagnuallic mad, and marching their troops on one side ; raid also Instruct thdr troops to assist :wagons at steep hills or bad crossings of streams. 11., Captain 0. M. Poe, ChierEnginocr, will assign to each - wing of the army n pontoon train, fully equipped and organized, and the Command ers thereof trlll see that they are properly prn teettd at all times. By order of . 3tgj. Gw. W. T, Sawa A =rim from Naples 'con/ulna the Account of the recent opening at Pompeii of another bakery shop, touch More ceteitelve than the one disin terred some time since. "This aoiond bakery," says, the writer, "is ranch larger and - the ap pointments on a much more extensive scale, and In greater . variety. The dwelling4-bouse of the • owner, 100, is unieh more luxurious. Although connected with the bake-house, It has a separate entrance, and a double atrium and Peristyle, both of whicit are; of mote than ordinary extent, and in their -.taut, as well as their decorations, bear witness to the wealth and luxurious tastes ofthe occupanL. Among the relics of this house, prt serivd jn UM local museum, le one which throws .a curious light on the dommtlc arran ge ments, of the Pompeian baker, being . - no . o th er th sa one • of `the di shes were actually In process of pre . ;wallow far 'Dinner on the yery.daY of the cabs- L:pori •the cocking-stove in the kitchen Was found a stew-pen, half filled withatslira, and Mile bottom +appeared in indurated mass, which ,SignorFlOi - elli rightly conjectured to have been produced by tome of the viands which by within the pan, and which,-altlicinglt long,slnce, decom- Posed, had left - their Itumms on the now consoli dated ashe.4.; Acting uprin this happy thou t, •Iter applied in this' instance the same ingenious process which was so ancemsfally pdopted-ln re producing that - painfully life-like &marmot human :111:113.4t, 'described with such terrible fidelity in , one of your fOrmer, embers ; and She fesali tall fatly ,Justified enticipatfotts, being-an exact Joe.sntTein brenze or a young pigositht was being stewed for the famlay . flinner at the, very 'ir:oraentlrtrea the were surpmed with the. stroke '4 f Prot. Benjamin NMl:lion, sr.." , • 16,723 . 6,725 . . 570 , . 52 7,818 •-• Eft:lleivlitnn Stillman, now In • turepa - atut ht America ns physician -of emi nent learning and .mmlasolled .3 - Tierney morn , hat Ate New Huie,n, at the ripe' age. of eighty .3lr. £llllinatt was the eon of General Uohl .r3ellek EMltman, who - ienderetl We country lin , rortant _melee . during _the Rexiituttonney War. Re graduated,. at -Yale In 1711 . 8. a ftertrent etqdlod 1.,er.„ mut nes adrolthal to the bar In'leo2. lie afterrrard..neeepted the 'chair of.',cherMi , ti'l . ',in .Talc College,iand visited Europe tttprosecult his *ernes in a selaneo whklt, *axle that- efute al most unknowja . in America. Ho rettomed after nn alkeneo ot fourteen months. and polka:mai an • hittecatlng•aciount of lila travels. . . In IM. be Made a chemical analysis of &mete ctite of meat size and htilllarywhlch had burst In the town of Prettern Conneetfint. after wand assisted pi. Wade. In his experiments with the oxbydromm blowpipe, to which .he gave the nom* of "compound blow-piPe," by which It Is P.mmonly known. In 1818. Pmfessor Snliman fonntxl, the `! American Journal. , &trace owl .4,1," better. known In Europe end America .ns i d Sifftmniria ' Journal," of which he remained se nior editor lie .wationaot tho earliest . „Americans tonic e POlmlar leetnies on , scientific SuhMets, ,dn 48"00 be risked Europe 'n second thne. "mitteml Wa Professorihip In 1853, but . eontltrurd to give lectures for two years longer. • He was a manofsirepiertastea and.actlye habits; and his old , age was - remarkably free from men ial or mcdlly infirmity, and to the very last he ,trek a deep. Interest in the ProPv'm. or science.. hatnitolty and freedom isllOver the world: ; --•• • Veiitont for PreoldentmAtltclal. , Counties. i Lire°ln. McCkgtn. A dd - Addhour, Reanipplon. t stralauts .'6l.9laula 6 .11111616/66 =1 Oil 613,:-.: . ~ -. Emoili ' l ....'.l. . ...... , %.99 ' . 4 4 1156 Arawl Isle:;.i ' 270 . 169 I.ataollle - •' '" 1706 :' 691 ' At/range .Orleans • 1 • ...ttutlito4l • Wealibigtori Tote 1 42,419 .11,01 above ages not ineindeliter vote of tbe got. die in the field, iNtlitiVitir rail Ili) riti6ol:l3 . iXlSiOlirt" to 30,q00. • • . may e rtty mtfiaa . , . . TIIZ raligii..9 AND VIM Fi " nn • 8 VT TIM NOunt.—ln A. spicy debate erldekt • - `pt.it..o the rebel Congress, on the 19th, 211 r. rotrte wes gracious enougli . to proelmn the indebtaneas of the Confederacy to tie. Mends at the North. c puipareover, la es candid es- 'he grneions. H e Ears 9so c ;tave ;friends, grex . t o true, valiant .fHendS la the North: _ * * . • • We brie mom -enatbizers -21310 North in all the rest et ,We`TrZiKiiric Foote spoke thus with some knoniinige thd4f4cto• It will be tnteresnang tn , See Ai* .gtalliii friendship ih reelprocated liere,:initnoug_tintete for. wbom vertllide'efter - tide whele4onledas4- Y.,Tinies. - -- Prim Washington 11 driLitcan of Wednesday sa,fe: General Geant has been exceedingly busy dining the day; in consultation with ,the Presi dent, lieerelary }of War, Getiel'il. Halleek, and Assistant' ficirctitry Fox, and at 3 o'clock left with pis staff, ots Ids special dispatch boat, down the liver, roade to the front., Ire expressed hiousetf gleaecd With:his*, dying visitto the North, ttnd goes back to - the' field much re freshedlit 'Mind and bode. Ho was accompanied to tile front, by Colonel nson. Pf_tl4s alt and, 'other guests. Vi Tarn v=346 a better game alattrtira.klaa that wbich Elioratack. now Is gajtar.:.: =MO bapq bpjaide.li Vaal, tiy:aatraar.l , !alaa=, .itecond o be mama flood In: the nbasio _Ahatzwif othr s bi e tn ui gl i t ,11%,Zniidt ,2jgoi .T.• ! ~•• •! • I ,4,•• I *•,.±•0'.7 NEMS AIM DIMICIRLLAMY. , A =wen from Berlin says " Engibshatul visitingßerlin, and taking refte3hmeuta . in!say of the Ordinary restaurautt that: abound In this city, are extremely. liable to Make a discovery which many - would esteene not wholly agreeable lf, for Instance, they ask for beef, they stand a great chance of obtaining a dish of horseflesh. The case actually occurred to thewrlter-a week or two back. The consumption, of horseflesh Is increasing every year in Berlin. It has been . Nice ns great In the year just elapsed as In the! previous. The oMcial returns show that, from October 1, 115133, to October 1,18640 here were 1,352 liaises *Bled In the eight horse slau g hter-' homes In Berlin: The meat Is sold at mieest varying from 1 to '234 sliver groschats (131:11 to 3.1) per lb.. whieb is only out-half the mmal prioaof beef - here. Most of It is disposed of to the keep. ers of public thAng.rooms,..eaD s, gardens, and, beer beast's, and Is consumed._ by the male nn-.' der tie improlsion that it Is bcel which It much; resembles In Watt-% Wst never saw such a - general and genial )In:elation and enjoyment of a holiday as yestcr-! day.. Bitelnes; not immediately affecting the enjoyment of the people was suspended, and the , people swarmed forth to churches, or visiting ex' ..eursions, and to plades. of entertnlwnent. - The! day.wan line and cool, and the spirit of the peo., pia urmpl unusually paellie. There teas not a disturbance worth mentioning in the metropolis —not even kt. fight ; there was not n arc, nor was them any aeeldent of moment. ft was a day of thorough enjoyment and will long be remern , tiered as the most widely and worthily observed of any Thitaksgiving, since this peculiarly Amer lean festival was inaugurateti.—.V. Tribolye. j LAST night attempts„apparantly pmconearted and systematic, were made to bunt a number of the principal 'hotels of this city. Whether the Job tens the u orb of professional thieves or se cessionists niny be a question. although the Intl' ter are generally suspected. 'By early discovery 'and prompt action, the buildings were saved without salons damage In any case.. We bet Here n fen - - arrests were made of parties sus pected of . having set the tires. There true much excitement of course, and It would at the thud have beeli difficult to have rescued any fairly sus: recited person from the summary punishment of lynch law.—Y. Y. Tear. RAINO ON MS Afsucu.—The country through which Gen. Sherman Is moving has been -visited miiintly by lietti'y rains. 'lime do not appear; however, to have dela y ed I& movements. In seven days he had marched to Macon, 104 miles; which Is treorlyfifhXn miles AI day, the ;memo . rate of progn:s_.. sin an unobstrucied march. At that rate the column . Which set out for Augusta no fire loth must lie now at that place. Thodisi,. Mime's:big about 170 miles. It would take a lit, tie,Over thessiithe length or time to march from Augusta 10 Savannah, the distance being LT.) 'miles from Atignsta.. PIIII.O9OPKICAL SOLI`TION.—The eimxiing income and quietude of the Democrats, shut the cletilon, has been a matter of wonder and surprise. The loot solution of that marked cullarity which we have beard, is furnished by a Gasman to Collins. He speaks Ennglish but in. &flew:idly, and is not yet a citizen, but after all is a shrewd observer, will catches an Idea very Hr had noticed the exceeding stilineint of our opponents since the election, and spoke of it in this wise ;_ “Vell• den, lectiou Is done—and deDernorolt., tiny gt.ts imam:. and now dcy says noting." POET our ,cautia is now in as Critical *a condition, i+erhapa, as ever before, owing to the great number of dominions and those absent with out-leave." These are the words of a rebel col , respondent with llood , a army They feebly et ',MPS the terrible pante of the South. The prob ability of. Shetidatt's adtance was long, iMio known In the few,ithd .- 11readed by them.; halal° worement'itself -as Sun& terror to the beetle of the many. -Thorn is new a fearand wadding In the South wrOnralled by any of the panics of the war; Tan arrest of C'ellemcl Jacobs, Licutenant,Gor. enter of Rentkicky, as reported a day ot tao ago, by telegraph. The further report, however,. that he had been spat to Washington City under guard, proves to be untrue. General Barbrid*„ It seems, Las taken summary action in the case , xithoirt the formality ,of sending the accused to Washington, and has drerced his baulSunicia beyond the Federal lines. Colonel Jacobs. pressed through COViligital on Saturday lait, en route to the South, to accordance ulth the order above named. TBOT WEIGIIT.—Irenry N. canoed a grain of wheat, gathered from the middle of the car, to be the standard weight; and thirty-tiro of three, well dried, were M. make one pennyweight, twenty pennyweights one ounce, twelve ounces one pound froth Since then it ins been thought advisable to divide the pennyweight into twenty four equal farts, called grains. The word "Troy" - was the moukith name given to Loudon—Troy Nevoid. Troy weight, therefore, IA in faet„ Loti don weight. . , . Drstocnact vt,,Dr.arata.—Some of our beatan ai.l...t.tlee of Democracy not only dttpalr of the Republic, bu ,of all republite. The BOILOSI. Maria. and I - C 4 DetrULL Pros Item urge tho Can atlas not to ,d±cone a Is-public, hut to Mkk me nionarehy, . tr - commeud the fate of Mexico ender 3ftrritniltipt. Bays the Detroit Frot riot: The netnrAl teudeney of republics ha; ever latoo , to demorelleatlon and decay. There la Danne r:Rl for you. - . Ivoti.D,-, tar. fftx.—The Lonlaville Dom. error of Wcilacwlay, &aye that the Llentenaht Governor of Ilentach - y, R. T. Jacob, oho true recently orthireerThrranth the Confederate line, ly the milltag,authothics of that. Rate; In now at Gtllltiolla.a.Thlo. The rebel antboritlettrefllsed to receive the ncilr, savlog that "they do not. In tend to let Pre-Went Lltia,ln make a Botany INEY •cf the Sonth.” • " _ . 1 . Itttanx.Kinx. Ininconattox.—The Detroit Toi- Vtft“ i.tal4lL'At ti fall of about two fuel i/113 111. e uric takvil plate tOlthe gent chain of lakes, and that the slater fa now four feu lowethanin 141. At a ni,teher Of porta on take'llanua Inls pith gent dllleulty that boats eau max thilr landluga. This phenomenon In a anbject Hof 6rcat lutelest for thi s iatudy of the,neolo&t. • Springtelof '.( ol aft.) RePublica" call' id° tentko to the. fnc.t.That Captain Golllns, of the Waeloartt, alto aettod the Florida, inenrrecithe evateure of the tfOrcrionent In 1862 for selatirs the Brithl4 echoes= 31ant Bland, and taking her Into' i my 14%11. At the t i me. of seizure thu "tt.9tabnerwee.tt Anchor ni tßand Bay, Bahama Lanka, only {lira from ahpro. , 3 3 :- ExTENarcr..it taxi( excellca coal have taxa found at Eon Itiee, In Dakotah. One veln pna abctnet thick. This ,coal Odd extends townals the ismitliwty t, and, lt is supposed, crops out In the sloPm of MO/hat* Whs. The existctice,of tins-great eoali field. Lalf way beta neat the great lakes and the Rochildeuntaina, Is a fact the val. tear nbich.fabuot over estimated. Tun Mello q‘iurtm . publishes a report from the Chillese Government an the actinetion of the te .._:D;Athlehi each the Ddlotsing wont,. M thergibm, mare needle' that thanlat be Offered tethe Gods for their nallstimee. • tritek , fore the Braid In flirectal to exartilno- Into the services. rendered by the different gods, and tn. report to us. RIO.VOTANTer-1 . 00 lion. Mr, Staple!. of. Th., ginla ' a:porta, In a speech In (he rebel Congress,, that tllialluju corerument. oilleists who seek di-- emptier' frhin military dttty ns tonna-at Virgbde I:400; North Varollus,.l,4oo; Alabama, 1,071 S; . 110;, , Geargia,45,000; total. fll,fis4r Evidently there are stnnomintlemen lrt the Stitith ybo desire t 6 escape military duty. • Si.Mrt.i,, ;t the confederates. from various, parts of Temehrsee and' Miselisippl in Merirplils were arte4tc 'on Monday and Tunstisy Teat. They aunt tg ' Jeff, artforii or procure 'Supplies, underthe itertstern they could go birch. M wits . thought that in many able-bodied men cimidant late' In the Confederacy without heing . Identified wlth-thOribel army. • • - • 1 • Tits electatla, Of President . and %lee Pruident 4189 12117' 41E13 1232 meet on the Sift Wydoefiday, (lhe'rth) of 'Do eembcti et the.* apitohiof their, respect lin Slates, to can their to , whielt are sent •to the prol• ' '.:tlent.in the Senate, (the'llon.TintthitadYternU,) • and ocamted bebire both hertibeit 'cif Congreds . bn tha second Weihnitday (the 'iltit) or Pebree4';'• in In Itteinnott some cannon hitt:Tied for Gen. .P.,arly,in the S..h/ elided' Valley were directed to .thinjar Gen& &nip , ' - Some Union syttn,ta. , , • thisertithereint etaarkitigitin ',and' wrote over - illeathimi " General 'Philip 'Sheridan, enns,nt' •,....•:.;.-, .''t intuit Ito , the , Indignatio n of ' the relit. • intliorities. : ! • • , - ' ! , , , , , Ay Port Gaines, Mobile Bay. a siw-nilli heti Liam pnt looproatlon, and eterything gives eVb . • 'dement a people who have :noun% to stay. • :But , der the direction of the Engineer 'Corps all•the dullinge done thetk farts has been .repainA,,aml, .`:theY tire tegdsr stronger than when th e „fleet ~ ratted them, : 1 , . . •' ' 't . . TIM death of the Democratic party of ToilA fellotet.4l by., , the ;decenstkor enter of it, org an ~Bincethdeletkion, the•Wathington Democrat, tho Burlington Argiiii •and..the 'Muscatine C'eurtre , have gone-under,. .. ' - Tan - tenni dodger oi - this county yesterday, summed up the yotc,4t the Presidential olection, , 'including thstnt intrioldient. • Lineolti's'oMolat mainrity is BIS rtousAND AzizlgglZEN. —Lceuputri• „ Eneptarr, „ , r ,..., ,. . ~ . IleoLs J odi) , for Wito was, PO. The Wait resell, 'edam hi tha permitted to tate *paid nod Ina -76,000." . . . , . \ Two doctors, a Pr iest, and novena altar 14- t ldwds, its re , been,, arrest,ed.le. Madrid,: chargeA witti forging a will *bleb - beivaantlibil profierly, 14 ;:the ainounk Dr 4100,W' clirlech . : tii ovaraltion to the \ ki t o.,runtentlons of.fita feet/nor. ' i -- . . Tar-M.o4f ithe 14th Virginia (rebel) nicer* captured in - the Nanny, • wan inscribed : .r.'Cidd ' armeth the s patr e ll 3 .". 'A yenkeemaratryman ob , nerving it, add - " And helpeth the Yankee ta . geN i Into battle fla ~ . - c .. . ..!, ADTICES have,- n repelred_at Akron, Mi l o,. that the fatally 1 elm Ilrowij,have arrived in. California and se , .oppg llta,headwisteri of has SLIZIIIIAN on Torch, cats, a swarth , failk miles in width, ming , a$ he Oda, and We do not kipper bat he . hushes 4,a.g.t. view. , 41, 10 ,...i . iilrronia- 0r7.441," H.iznintran catnitutind la retire in:Melba Ciaiiil3 . 4 , . 'olo,4occ !porlot naval 4 ._....„ triaat:OblitlytictiocuL .i',Vouics rebel Lientanniiierelatelif lecd.l4 , ftle 7 firlairadirt , ttit'strentsmg ld.Myti# - women. . ,-::,:.1.\ - ,:i .......„... 1 : =wa A w• . "!Spai n Esig - iiin' datimii.i , lirato o3 4.l lll Y, illabkftlii - Gtec4fieliK' .--' i.;.,z, i4 . ..i i i, : , ..x. z..r.:::;l‘. c». 0;1; ' , ".14:' , h ti . L i... , 5,. _ . , ~ . .- . : \\.. Pratte awritzs. MIT 0 11 1 41 113111t iOLL_ Iri Ia gf—NaIiOE III OF LE EL PE. T10N.:.-Subacaihers to the stock of the Cherry Ran ik Pitt Hole Petroleum Co. aro hereby notified to attend a meeting of the Stockholder. of said Com pony, which will be held on MONDAY, Dee. nth, luau, at S °Woolen. no, for the parpossof orniss. tion, election of President, Directors an other oaken, at the °Dice of J. T. STOOKI4LE, No. 2 'Duquesne Way. • HUGH SiIeKELVY, note President, pre tem. TO TAX•PAYETIS, TOWN SIIIP .—you are hereby notified that on the tat of December next the discount of per cent. will cense on the Bounty Taxes now due, levied under the last call of the Pic...Meld. All personn desiring To avail Ihemselven of, the discount will call on the undersigned, on or before the Ist pros., and nettle their taxes. _ . . 'W. M. GORMLT. Treasurer. 271 Liberty street. CANTON OIL eti..-NOTICE....A.n journed meeting of the Clanton Oil Compa ny will be held on MONDAY, November '2l. 1881, at the office of the North Amerinfin Oil Co., No. BJ Third street, Pittsburgh, nt to o'clotk a. m. Pune tunl attendsna is requested. v-Ar. E. It)IINSTONTPreet, pro fern. .TNO. W.IIII)DELL, Secretary. nolftlt pyrrhuunnu fatONNZ lburgli, LXVILL6 U R. 9th , 160 Orrten, o- l'ltts Nov. 4. 11 :7,COTICE TO STOCKIIOLDEUS... le Annual Meeting' of the_ r•tockholdeni if , the Pi shorgh find Coanellsolle Rhilrosd Com. 'any, Jon s' Building, Fourth street. In the elty of ittsburgl on the first MONDAY, 6th /101 of I/e. cexaher fi e 11 o'clock h. for the purpose of electing II etre Directors for the ectlng yen!, w. o. H notSalaii,CLoviltd Serretary and Treasurer. BASK or PerrabenoNoi. 156 i. Iv NOTICE.—The Boa rdor *hectors of this Bank, by a reeolution •paseeil day have ordered a call of a general Meeting of the Stockholders, for the purpose of considering the expedlenrylof accepting the recent Oct of the Legh. lature receiving the charter of the Bank. In conformity therewith, the afild meeting will be held at the Banking House. on the 16th of DCMCOI. her, proximo, at to o'clock n. m. noldilwilt4twr ICHN HAMPER, Caabler. Cerim: arms Attiutitexr V ALLEY U.N. Pittsburgh, Noveinber 22, 1864. .111EBTISCI.sssA CM' , • . special meeting of the Stockholders of the Allegbehy Valley Railroad Co. will be held at the . office of the Company, in Pitt!turgh, on the 11th of - Deeen?ber next, at L o'clock. a. or.. for the pur poor of considering a contract with th Mlthonlng and French Creek Railroad Company, for the lease and extensi o n of the Allegheny Valiey Railroad; and to tatify or reject the same.. By order of the Board, FELIXI R. IdIIIJNOT, • s...rie4Vitil • , Prealdent. • MOLI,I3IC. BANK or PITTATIJIIIIII L NOM ttl, r te•-• - v--..IOII,IEIVEILILL. MEETING OF THE FINK STOOKIIOLDERS OF lUDS BANK .will be held at the Banking House' on FILIDAT, the Mrl day of December next, et 0 o'clock o m., to consider an‘idecide whether thießank shall heroine Arsociallon for the businam Of Banking, under the law. of the United States, sled whether it MIMI exereice thepower conferred bythe Art of the Le: gialature of tile State, entitled " An act enabling the Banks of 010 Commonwealth to become asap Sailor's for Banking under the Laws of the United Statue," approved Ind August,l tall; and to take r action that may he ne zesaary. " a u order of the Board of 11km:dors, ne23dm .7. 0. 0. M • t TIN, Cashier. =A I. LEG II E%%( CITY (Pia.) COM PRONIIKE BONTlS.—Holders of the Com promise Benda Issued by the City of Allegheny, In redemption of its 'Railroad lasut.s, are 'tanned that proposals will be race. lved by the undersigned fur theincestnunt In said Bonds of the Sinking Fund for the year 1561. • Addnats • JOH* ATICKLL, Chninnan Flnallee Committee, oct`flAdet Pittsburgh, Pa. INGTICIP..—AN ADJOURNED MEET. MG of the Stockhohleie of the CHERKY . - RUN AND BLO(II) FARM. OU. (10., trill be held on MONDAY, :nth Inst., at ID O'clock n. m., at the olden of A. R. DAVIS, Litlerty street. A lOU attendance Is renovated. noVdt . ALBERT ITANt'OCK Secretary. .7nErr 4DPERTIREATENTS. 'FOR BALE. COAT. Sls first clam LiAlit/IM, IPO (wt ten o n built in the best planner, and of the best material. ISAAC CRAIG, Outlet Saw - 151111s, Craig itreet, Allegheny, XOTICE To WHOM .IT MAY CON CERN.—The 25 Carboys left at my .tom, If nogtakea sway In two victim: from date, will be rob! forthargcs. , RIDDLE, hS3 Ltheity street. Pittsburgh, Nov. "an h, Mat - n0.23:10t . SPECIAL NOTICE TO RETAILERS Or PRUNE CUTTING have achy In *tom.- . 4i boxes choice rich Cream (Meese; " " Goshen. For Milo by [ricrMl , IL RIDDLE. StiNDIIIES.-80 bttsh. Chestnuts. White Deans; =damp fresh Emig NU lbs. freslecho Roll thither; 60 bb ice Apples; ?Corr receiving and for sale by IL RIDDLE. VALUABLE STOCKS.--Oa TUESDAY T EN - XICLICO, 'Nov. Mtb, at 11. 4 o'clock, is addl. 'Con to a list a on Stooks, mill 110(4, at Com. taerclol Sales Rooms ; 64 Ptah stroott shalcs Citizens Bonk Mock; % • OtattotusalutaZiottgatlort On; GO " rittobiath k :Rodbell Mlle It. It.; nota A. dIcIT.WALNE. Auct'a CaiTSIGN, MEN Ta. - • NJ. 25 DBIL Sweet Past ; terrbesh. Peltch IlloWTotetdes; IGOY bble. prime Greer' pples; =buses W.B. Cheese; ee LAIO gallons choice Apple Rutter; roo - pecknerLake Pithy . ackerel; I let Ilex Seed: Toot received and ter isle et Ni,. 360 Liberty erect mass Pell'Elt, MEWS & SHEPARD. MA 14 411 FON Eti I....W . G 4 l kb F i t st O r gii zonNiNct, Ittar.anth, stir recasts, sill be SOW owriereird - Solos Rooms, 441rIftti rtreet, one pelf Meek B a t ch Faults, perfectly sotusd, and work In sloe. or double Mason Alto, one sup*. aloe Top Fusty. one llocirawsp, an d set double Heroes& The 1 . 044e1“.111t1A etrandued- before the, morning of sole, at the Livery iStable of.llaxper qt=t4andwOcy street.lleOeny City. .- • itaILWAHM, Asettr. COMM 9 NW, EALTII PENNV . VI SY LTAKIA. •AllegbenV To, THONLOaIIfeKEAN. Executor of thilalant adll and-Waal:tent of THOMAS aIaKEAN, former nos - from. of the rottunottnealtli of Penns Benin, deoligeed, and HAMA" MARLA TRIM ESA. MAlt 011iftlelasti DEITtASA ytitil.lo. wife of the fon. tier .111uliteriPlentbOtentlao of Simla, : and all Winne foie:east In the estath of THOMAS Mo. NEAHVilereloted. la purtuanre n(the tedh section, of an stet of As, mutably of atiltlVommotorealth; entitled "an act to Allude rrilnkltin• fund, and to provide , for the grad. unl and eertaln extlnnulahment of the debt of the Commonwealth, paned the !opt day of April, A. D. 1810 e, • ; You are hereby cited to ',nand appear before ma mop, Insure, Iteglater of W111.,*.c.. sad for the nfohntald county, 00 or before Tuesday, the Mb day of, December next i A. D. 0301, then and them to editor name, if any_ you have...whf 'Ona cal lateral labrtltance tan upon i the estate of afOto.l said dearienda4 shouldatot be ttald. Said oatatoeonalate of eland (3,200) three Mo u . amid three - hundred acres of land enlisted and be. . . . . int( to the towatthityof Sewickley, txnunted bv the fine of Beet vr county, taint or David Shields' and others: , Heroin cannot water the penalty that rm. yrnatte. /Wen touler.my Imsal hal Seal of (Moe it Pitts harsh, Oda Nth day of Not ember, A. D. 1961. • • S. RICHARDSON ReAtator. noMatoT V OT. lln 4 ; -Leiters o 4 Adwinletration, +A ~..el rafarese l e dlIM41), hazing. been jgranted to the undebdened, on the elate. of ANTRUN X' MC TIO/lE, deceased, late 6f Pltteburgb, - Allegheny county, Pennstivente all persons , havieff Claims ea the- , estate are notified to; present Stoney Only authenticated for settlement, and ell PerSOlll In. &tied trill malle petment to me. . MARLS. "VICTIM:EL . _ IVOTlCE.—lll a Powerof Attar:lol . oEllv executed, / lime aPPolat my onn, WhL .1, bIeTICME, to. eettle the estate or ANTHO'NrANTIGKE, led d.; Allpersona he nit claims sill Into sent them; duly , mit hentieated I resttlearent,and all persons know. lag theroseltes adebtoil to the radiate will PaY him. - Flo books end meant* stela. his ponesaion, sad he ran be found every toridnele dap at the Fourth, 'Kuttortelßank,Vßlerket strvel,;Plttsbuth, betwyea ' tin. hours of tO ti...m. EMS iii. In. --. •'..: . _ - MARIA 131cTIGHE, . ' Adtnlaistrat ri cam tatitmento, canoe. , of Anthony Viffe i g!r e ih a . 11% 5 v. le, teat. '' nollP:ve ' iIIVIDEND . NOTICE., - .."-" • Foa axri NATIoNAL We or PITTAIIIVRGH. PA. I Pittsburgh, November itth, 1881. • Preitidenertnid Directors of oil. unit', after reStrelpg the mill= fund required by tot of Dan ger's, entitled nt.nrt to ••tinorlde..o matelot! Vol. nVey," apprun'ed. Dine Id, 1861, sod oho recetrieg onxddltiotuti surplus fdnd,, have this dor declared aft rend out athepronts of the last six month* or IRTEMDOLLAIIR PEE RDABFq. free of tiolte#ll4tatextxx,psyrtble forthuilth. i. C 7101). 8. 1)..DER1101.4 Orxhter.r, .lii iftererg. RELIEF FUND. Otero, Nor. 86d,1881.. . .Te Dndendstied 'Dosed of .Iteltel'ef Allegheny : toonty aroetg respectfully newest' the elthensr of the several Wade, Deroughsend Town/Woe Of *obi comity to tart at t heir respective places of holdlng etch) Woe, on BATIIIIDAY, the ed day of December hilt, between the tours of thtto and seven °Mock, p. apptolit * Dostunittee of TIMED. PER -801.(6, Nvhoee duty It 'hall be to act In conjunetion wan the sald Dot d lu the dlatrthntion of the Do tter. roads. ' • ••••.. JONATHAN SEEDY, ) • ' eat, HAIILLTON, Conualastoneri - VILLOW, -nnitaltketrr . 156DOZEDU)RAKE' CELEBR.T.D Plantation -Bitters, stmoN JOHNNTON, kin ante by • comer lilintli l S/4agd Tc" , lrch WNIILP.IIITE OP LISLE, for preservleg Older Uit, year rotwd. . • unle S. ousrom IiOUSE, , • - • /NWT o.7 . rirranrnau, Not. 26. ,19111. IcO.llOE, /13 'EBRI3,I3Y GIVEN. :that roujons httember 'max i on t he two' Pet gent: Pattrest.lnewing rI.REASULtY /01TES,i will be redeemditt. this since. , Coupons of these notes win not he el:teemed un sepsnited frOaethe °HOW ge3l, 117 settee one nonneated - selth tbis uhttt. -, neezniw O. W. BATO LELOII, 103TRAA,' --Came to the. promises. vfltiti -L-I.sitibwritrer,lciAllfighertychty,onTtiialuglying DaVOCWII/T.ll .13LAMK 00WVirittrhoms turtling In. .Tke owner liviviltestaid.tb coma fob. witnl,Pro**- ImPertY,Piii Omit*. OM Gib het fm;sba rt sold, Accorditi c to• law., : • naitt3 - t- ; Vourth . WAN, • tiotthelf.... PD)VARD,Iti JONES, .." IvAucur r naiddightdri: Altnitikilationer for the SAL oL Ott La *net risferiegei • • : Itiannsu count rianc,iute weist a. asieptie milted t Lo 0• 4 1 41 1 11 „WWI. offibes, ,t;;;.±1 , • • A •.•; - t t yir ' I I Y AllTED—Ageotii for TIFF. NURSE SPY, one of Men* Interesttrig mnd exciting ;books ever published; embracing tlwadveattirec 'Of a 'roman to the Union 'Army as Nurse and Spy, eiving a most Vivid inner pleaure of the war. • Just Ithe book the people want. Send for Olretdart. 11.1N.W BROS. & CO., Publishers, coo Chestnut :street, Philadelphia, PA. noeLlm GYMNASIUM REMOVED. THE. MISSES HASKELL Have removed their Gymnasium to ST. CILAIR STREET Bissell's Block, third door. Lams Satur day morning at 10 o'clock, for the accommodation of invalids and others. Afternoon clisses as usual , at 3 o'clock. no78:lw !'OO-PARTNERSHIP.The .underSigued x-. 1 have this do - formed a Co-partnership under the name and style of CIWYNNE & ST.ONENA.I'f, for the purpose of ehrrying on the - Peed and Pro i duce business . generally, and would :respectfully ' solicit share of the jo patronage. We will keep constantly on cased a large stook, which we slit sell loin for cash. The business will he carried NO on at the old stated, .97 Pennsylvania avenue. GWYN - NE STONEMAN. Pittsburgh; Nov. 14th, 1915. noMat sal CUTo}ts' .NOTlCE.—.Lettera Too tamentery upon the estate of Dr. TORN 0. I IMUltliATi late of S'swiekley borough, Allegheny ;county, deceased , having been granted to the un dersigned, all Persons Indebted-to said estate will make immediatepayment, and those having claims i against said estateovill present them, properly au- Ahenticatettforaettlement._ _ . . . . _ EDWARD CAMPBELL, Jr., ALEX. BATES, Exrcutors. no.M:larrd6Tir Paza, Manufacturer end 'Wholesale Dealer in CARBON • OIL AND LAMPS, Er= Perdue and Patent. Axle qreamr; Lubricating nd Mecca 0111 Lard and:Machinery Oil: AV- Lamps promptly' repaired. no23dw !Ptrrani• not; tr con ELLSTILLII H. it. Orrin:, • Pittsburgh, Noreraber nth, num 'IcOTIC4 TO STOCKIIOLDERS.— he annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pitts. 'burgh and Connellsville Railroad Company, will he held nt the office of the Company, Jones' Build. lag. FOURTH' STREET, In the city of Pittsburgh, :on - the drat ;Monday, fifth day. of December next, nt 11 Wel.* a. ra., for the purpose of electing • twelve Directoth for the ensuing year. W. 0. RUGSART, noielawdltw ' Selzierary and Treasurer. '3iiiiCHE LONG 611A11L87 ---- . . Brodie Square Shaw ls. Black Thibet Shawls. Plaid Wool. Shawls. I=l warm, OBS. & CO., 25 FIFTH STREET. ~)IA1U5! PiANOS!- HEY ARRIVAL, YEW OBICKETAING as SONS. One splendidly carved 7 octavo. finished back and front, with handsome carved legs. One superb 7 octave, round front corners, carved legs. One 7 octave, round corners back an rout, floc mouldin& gothic lefm. Two etegast plain, octaves. • • FROM A. WEBER. • - - - One splicalld carred , 7 ostavej carved ego. One handsome 7 octave, moulding on case, gothic ega. - 'ratio rich, plata 7 octaves, gothic legs. Tiro handsome carved 7 octaves, made by Guild ar. Co. Two same style, marls by Emerson. Two For ssle at less than Factory prices CHAS. C. MELLOR. =NI ZOREION EMIGRATION OFFICE, rarrsutman, PENNA. *am. • sack, Passage from the "Old Country. " The Liver Peel, Neit - York and Philadelphia (fn. man,) Steamship Company having appOLated Wa undersigned their Agent' here, Mee Mr/Thompson, deceased, he Is ,now prepared to bring out or send home Paseengers by the Steamers of.this.Lino at UNUSUALLY LOW RATE. The Steamers of this favorite line leave Liverpool every WEDNES. DAY, for New York, touching at Queemitown, sad ate among the fastest, safest, and most magni ficent easels afloat; Tbe uneerskined !Soho Agent for the Liverpool and, Londoederry Line of Steamers, leaving Liver. pool every TIIIMISDAY; twat esiling at London derry for Irish Passengers and Mails. The steam ers of this line frobuiltlit the strongest manner,. sad furnish choice nesommodations for pasavagets. Re is also skent forTAPSCIffT'S LINE °fear, hratedelipper Paikeis, leaving Liverpool for ,New ork twiee n week, and the ii/Cri Line of' /tondos. PacketeitisavineLoodon every tea day*. The ships of TarawoWs Line have tong been no ted for their quick, pessagesind ths excellence of the prorlsier.i forntshed the-passengers, Mut their kind treatment white on board. Parties who wish , their friends thought out by tailing vessels, should by all meanspatronize thin ltne. Palaape to Vaillornia at greatly reduced rates., SIGHT DRAWS on all parts of Eutopefor sale at the lowest totes. , Apply to ' • TI O'NEILL, • ..Forlign Emigration Odiwe, noid ita Smithfield Street. il°llDA:, , ' 6 . 1865. 1864. • 111131:C 4 ,.MAYLE 111)(A.'s, HlC.3lig Booms, niniwit binang,tlne trioroseo mai velvet. AN the STANDARD WORKS, in superb binding. the NEW AND POPULAR ROOKS, for Boys and Cildp. . SIAMBS., of *II lands. • Itlnlioguiny4OsenotsL Morocco and RIM;1111 LII oather ING DESKS AND WRITING Neer Nnelie, Mahogany said ROseWitrod LA ivoRA BOXES. - Furnished add tudurnlithed PORTFOLIOS. •GOLD PENN, in Slosh, Gold and Sliver Estero. Moo and Desk Holden, POCKET 500)04. and All the net - ernes of the erason, noicaeruiy, 11 Inure and complete stook, at HUNT'S. naffi 64 FIFTH :STREET, Masonic HalL IiELL Savings Institution, ea kOURTEI mum. .Statement of Its cOnalti9n, November Lai, 1913, pubilshaVired by Assembly • Ftrat Mort on Real Rotate 91 . 10,M 53 11. :S. 520 dO, at par 30,090'00 17. N. Certlndotes, at. par 65,000 00 V. S. 1861 Rondo, at eost 113,1131 95 (Moo yoratturt- ' • ' 217 50 lotireot Accrued 3,470 93 11.os ont t Cash hand , 51,155 e oil . . Total asset 2272,271 27 .Doe LIA.BII:4TTaI. to Ilepositees - • - ..$622,750 .12 Ilea to Depoalters, Interest, Nov. 1, tB6l. a,lea'all Contlngeat Tunkt,(balaace,) 10. 326 • 11273,601 A. A. CARRIER, Tpealitu:er. • The undarsigned, Auditing tiontinittee, bete ex amined the haglike( the institution, the bonds end. meteoritics, end tounted the mush, end hare'found. 'the above state:beet to he correeL • • • • • -• • • L - • IV. 13. corEA rtco, • W.M. H. SMITE. • Auditing J. X. MOORILLAD. Committee .NotemLer ." Tnterent paid On Deposits at SIX PER CERT. par nlittUlll. ; IIItIPIEVAII : ' - ISAAC JONSS., President. Ron. Thos. II lirnmi,', 1i0n...T. IL litoAetid - ,• Wm. R. Stott - P. Cl. Hussey, . .. W. D. ("Opel& .. ~ • incob Pointer, . ' Ramey Obild . . Nisholis Toegtly: -: •not:tmdloglF . ptTLIG SALE or ruz PITTSIIITROR '& IWINEI44VIL.I.E PASSENGWR RAIL WAY.—The undersigned, ori account of the press ing nature of tihaprivete bwilneis, is compelled to mike 011ie of the EU.tnh & Bilnencflle Wan way et Public Auction. Mb Welliver comprise* four milmi of !literati ((aingle vreigur per TAW and .' ut of- T tall ( a ' line), weighing So lbs. per yard, emonatlorin a total% tam There are ;seven earn,eit with new whitely 32 valuable Rowe with 1111;the lIRCRRARIT garners, blacksmith shop grith cogiete set of toots, atablsi With horse powet for gr lug •corn, etc., feed cut tern. deake, stove; end CV thing necesaary (gear ry on n Patomnpre Hallway successfully-. The entire Weed from the crer of Market And Fourth,elty of Pittsburgh., th terminus in .Dlinersville, la now in better condition than it t-" .een apo Riletl3l MaRRPRIRRI.WW par . R handronie. dividend on the Investment. The chetter of thLs road Is a very liberal one, giving the fight to chasms - a higher tete of grethAnan,ysther Yeasaiger Ma^ c Sale willAellively tithe PIM in the cl i w 0 / Pittehergh,,et tee Commercial , Sales Booms A. Ittellwaine, on TUESDAY, Nov. tlethe at p. m. Terms, onehall mph, mien° in 10 years, to lie secured by bond; and mortgage. with interest, at the rate of seven Per cent.. payable send.annually. . . WM. A. HERRON: .roN CITY COLLEGE, -- . Sorn t r Perin and Si. Affidedriieetie. -., rrrrsinTaalti PA. thb I.tirt, nielicitlidii4cee4442 , - ~ Istiti3";IXILLEGE:,; - : : - ,• . ..i::.';'*iii.' . ...4'tttiiiii*.iiirs.''''''':..`.. . Students enter 'lnd rerlmatAp: i1i#5,,,.. ,.. „ , , ,,.. ... r '.' inrouvaus, ciitaimenclailtiforefeeniv Eree! o l , M l4 R - I,"±VPlLA4l9ol,StaWftei.; 1 :7 1 , k t;;V: i•: 1 :4 Il i tt r a a . o** 6 :oo;:: raktmizaii : S . ..- ' . " ''::', :•:.:;:.,' 1 itiottlinco;p: /y ~ - ::J ~/~i~tNZ~~~ .T::2 - 4 - TRICTET PURE ARTICLES: Pittsburgh Drug House, DENTAL DEPOT. a JAMES MoGARR, (Succeisol• to TORRENCE tc ntcGARR,) 3P CD °X' MC MAO "ir A? EALER m i i Foreign and Domestic Drugs, Medicines and Chem icals, .Dyes and Dye-Stuffd, Alcohol, Per fumery, Fancy Articles and Toilet Soaps, Wines and Liquors, To. & Ohtani Paints, Oils • • , and Varnishes, Support , . ers and Braces, Pro . prietary Medi - eines, &c: TRUSSES I•TRUSSES • we manufacture all the late styles of improved Trusses, and keep constantly on hand Arendt's, Fitch's,. Bitter's, Chase's, Hull's; and all ..lather manufacturers. in cases rqqulrlng any pectinsr style of 'iron, or When partly desire .it, we will manufacture to order mmomnua. SUPPORTEBS ES , SHOULDER BRAC, I - STOCKINGS. • 'DR. MoGARR attends personally to the appli cation of Stunts, hr., and to the treatment of Rupture. Physician's Prescriptions CAREFULLY COBIP01*1)=I Our Prescription 'Department Ls always in charge of an experienced Pharmaceutist, and all articles used in compounding prescriptions, are seleeted 'with regard to purity, freshness and strength. of Pr htitions careflly compounded at all hours thet2l,S Medic - and Culinary articles. Pure Cream of Tartar. English Raking Soda. Grain and Powdered Closes, pure Pepper, " " Root ' " Ginger, " Bask " GlnnamOti Oswego Corn Starch. Cox'. Gelatine, - ' Pricefs Glycerine, • - „ ' Itactimrs Feriae, ' , • , Pure Wines, for coekbm purposes, BuncettWooking Extracta, Caraway Seed, t . . Aatse Seed, Cortamier Seed. - - • . . Mace and Nutmeg:, I Saltratific Pearl Ash, Wt., trx, HOUSEHOLD MOLES Ooneentrated Lye, Pure Potash, Sal Soda; Alarm • . Sliver Sam!, . Bath ikicirs, • 211 1 101 4 1 Ike. • 817NDIIIF-S Hemp Set4l, . Canag o Seed, Hapa Bee 4 !Lc., !Le., Inttiglbruxii.3l3..A.sesa.cer For all tell: ale FropriaterS Dr. D. JAYNES. Expectorant.' .1‘ C . " Dge, Sault/to AWL_ Dr. J. 0. AYER'S Cherry Pectoral.. CatbartloPills. • - " Saraapazille. ' . - Ave .Cure.. . 1114 F 13°E 1 D'S raecht:.ll. l ' 4l 'et rudder RON Wastit*. • . oho blod. _ Raraspacilla, for fowerwps Of Dr. ROBACIVH . ...linty/art Moil "Mgr.-. SCHENCK'S PulmordreWaters."-• Word Tonto. . ; _ Handntko Pills. .; KENtLED'HS Dlacovery. ' Nnticarrsi ceeit=rlViri t irgeea lt lile Pnb.. tiItANDREOPs Pin.. Dr. R. A. wiLsows Pill.. • ; ; iins - rgrrnws oriebrated stomach titters. DRAKE'S Plantation Bittors. CUTTER'S NersineEngildi ittan antidote for intemper Mm ance. • And all the reliable Patel:A.3lol4'lnd of Madly. Paint., Pail tel r , Mufp, al o4ol•46 l gEt a. Va a tgal o ; We hare Encinitas for fiunlahl4 these artleil at mannfacturent sives. • • ' • DRUGS AMP' TifEpICINE.S. • Our stock ee Drugs and Med Mines are xeletted amt-minnallyi with great care, by an experienced . pharmaceutist and phyalelan, and we guarantee all drug, and Mediekteli w e pare and unedullerated. I . !CHEMICALS. - • . . All our ,AmOtioort ChemLoo s liwe bu t i liT tro mz m Aa til A M cocelebratehot* Of POWERi" k wzi Inquiry . of our Cam Y P h v i c t An r i ll ,uktplix you av to tbolr i purity. . - • - •• . . '• ... . - DYE - AS24II — DPP. STUFFS; jt Our own Impo ation, we guermitee iieelt • and ro• liable. Annot , Alum. Blue Sltrol, Brazil Wood, .omi Wood. C hineal,Copperee,Cludbear;patreet. Loirtrood; el,lndlgo, Lae Dyeitarrood, Mad der, Me W iltadT ood,artnt, Blelly.Stunae,luneezto Blue , Foraip Wiites, 0=11164 Oil* Liquors;- For tnedielned emponly;vir. : ... Mord, De_p4rBCo.% Cognac. . • - Fine old RoOhelle Brandy. Pure Juicel',Grape Port Wine. • Purer old ,lA,rry Wine: $- • Pure old Midair* Wine. " Puretiellend GM. - - • Jexuates antSt (kiln 'gums." • ' ' :.. , . . . uMMTEti . C!GiAR. ita =t i o c ck etntirtp . "- some of the finest brandi of usbanak Preaud Londre, r : - Bet*A.a, ', Bella Ore'oleg. DOTESTIC CiGAR9 t '. Blannfuthrtyl friinn imported tobacco„ viz • Espanola., . Jockey Elegantes, , • dad a variety . of brands. Ina stock of algani was purehasod In lidet,, and we are ollerlog them to conawneys at a alight ad. 'ranee over ourpylces before tho tax law, whoa Put. chased In quantities of ono kittylted had upriudg, PO 'IIIRISENTAL PROFESSION, •- We offer 41neEe and calittily selected stook of B. B. :WidteNreitent-Tectl;. , Ornum_,Arniatrong ;matt , * Teeth. Dull'aVy.,, , a- Teeth. • .Neal,kla4.lnrty t, Wall , * Teeth._ . Johann & Llad'a Teeth. , . .. • Dintil Qhilr. bental Lathes, l'Ornapt, Plum u s, Wheels. Burs, rt e 4 Et cavators, unite Brae, Gol and silent VW. ,Guldiuul,Tin, Y 011.1 ,, and Dental. mists oferery desnription: - . e be had on appllnatind: . . : • ' I Dittid notren, Ate] • rilktio .11 17 s 3 ~:.v`.,Lr ~~~i., ,_'-t*3.t~.:4?='+ir~~.~ , Y. , ce ^ .~eaW ~~~+"'—asr. '`i•`.t".ti~t ' ~~ "x`" . i r z., ~" 111131rEAE EINE, COMPANY,op Nsw-10aW.- PUNY FREEMAN, Presidmr. Issues Non-Forfelting Common Life and Endow ment Policies: Also, Policies-on all otherpOpellae • - plans. No other kind of_Polley can neer eettal at , , entity. - F. WOODS, General Agent - . , Ofilee, 115 FOUETR STREET: . . , _..nettle • WPICHE WINE VINEGAR. • , . . E: & BOltiOlir, (Formerly MALLET 4- CO., tionteemz.) The only Vlnerse,nwatiled with Media; • of sixty exhibitors, 'et the Internetto .. , Exhibt• than, London, and for eele by _ . _ jeNixaltf Ri&PrITS,IIIIIIi.43II SAW ,3110 . 1110„,„ HUBBARDS`&LONG, EM=7ZM PATENT GROUND_ CIRC U LARS; Warranter CAST STEEL SAWStr-of—every de.: fficrintion7, End, Slutay, Croao Ont,„cldng,and Allsand.nfßrefirs end SPlHNOSottadifront - Sheet mowiNci xxvi_s Cast Steel ; E xtra.lfellned dtMAP= , Aar Warehouse and Works,c or d er WATER and 'SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. • . • Particular attention given to Retoothtng, Gum! mlim sod . Straightening tiltrotor Sawn ' pelts - of all ;l'unching and Drilling don* at reaannable rates. _ EARLE SUPERIOR. popper KM and Smelting Works, • PITTSSIIROA.„ _ - PARK, &PCUROr & , CO., • Miutufaciturns of Sfinam&o, BOLT :COPPE.Ei,; PRESSED :COPPER "","• TOMS;_RALSF.D STILL-LIOTTOsu% srA c t,TER' SOLDER. :Also ? importers and gesslorls in MKT- - AT." TIN PLATE i SHEEPIRONOWTRA-1 , 4" Lic,antlro>n baud, PINZIERS , ..RAUHINtigs. awl TOOLS. .NiArehowte,Nonso PIGS? and 1 . 3.18.130.: OND STREETS, Pittsburgh. Speelal,orders Or -,, Copper out to Roy drairekpatra„ _ . , . . wam , , Boiler *ere & Pied Iren Wor kers, pLos. M), V.,'S and% PLIPIC ST/MM. EaTing vecured urge rungahe4 , lx with the most improml mechinery,- We are pre cd to manufacture - n*Y description Of in - the beat manner, and warranted •equid. to anr - made in the country. ciirAtxr,T - _BRIOHEN - 0 - ::.:, FIRE BEDS, 'STEAM PLPES, I.,000KOTIVE: •,. BOILERS, 13 ORD EN 4,ERS, _SALT ' .PANK: TANKS, OIL STILL_ ,s AGITATORS,-.SET TUNG PANS,- BOLLER IRON, 'BRIDGESi. SUGAR PAN_ and sole manufactutera Of EARN-. • • ••• 1111,VS PAWENT ROLLERS. Repairing dame • on the ahortestmoticc. , .dimiutt . W7ROBINSON, REA & (snooessovir to Roarsßox Bircts tr. Bluasna,) • • • • Washington . 'Wail . . . t'OUNDEEL 4.11 D DIACIILNISTS,Pirramiinr. - ?gambit.Otters of ,BOATAND STATIONARY' ' r STEAM ENGIN_LAST ENGINEZ, :MILL, ORINERY, !GE/LRILIG, .54.1iFTING; _._CIAST INGS of all itescrlisOptis; OILYANNS STILLS.. • SOLLTRAND stiErr IRON.WOII.IL - •,•-• - SirAgents.forGIFEMUYSTATENT •••- - 011, for fredlog boilem TUE CONFESSIONINI AND EXIPIS.••• • tar RIMPCE OP, AN INVALID,' publlshed••• for tho benefit atid as a warning and .oantlon - ao young pled who _suffer from Nervous Debillty,Prot mature DMA] of adanbood,.ete.,' . aupplying, at the mime time, ine swabs cart! cum by one' wheltair • cured himaelf after be put to great expense-a?3V ; injury through medicalhumbug and quackery:- By - end - QM* a poet paid addressed envelope, elan • • gle aopiea ma be bad of the author.:_. , . atyaididawZ, ,fledfordoltingayounty; rsisavous surrzmuts.._ or . • " DOTI} Fivvr,;.4 -A reverend ger:l4rue hat - - ; .ng rum restored to health In n'fcar days, after - .dergohog the penal roan:U. - and trielpaareapermiso. modeof.tteatonent without suceess,coosariers It Mr: tamed duty to communicate to his affiletel ereatureathe,means of emu, , fleece, on the . iedelpt of an addressed envelope, - he will sett s dat . v, ti,yo . pyr of the prescription:meow • Direct to Dr. JORITIS:DAGNALLOSSFiItOti , • *Met, N.Y.i. •• , , uroltax . I. , TELLE STEEL WORK/. 1111:;..1 " Wiraik:/t CO *. • ; (Spectsichri tillaWini girt - MAX ManUtaetnrenr of 4 13,1fST. , STEELijiRIUNG.' LES '' PLOWORO .na BLISTER ,STEEL;, SPRINGS 'AU: , • • r 'SSA Wor ; 4. lWrAittii.4.ll44o . uar.. Poet holliee Wren, PATTTIBURCIU, -- Iar D SW I AIL i 141 1 ,1SIATrAA ' l l a v a;.:: SYSTEMS-hew- reliable trialstuV4it ports of the Ilowazel sealed utterenveipm f ree of Males D.J...l2f..lloUulfrpiLlßloWard ASEOciatiOnt 7 0 ;-. 1 ,10. 4 4 11 i . iiah 44e01ANiarE,.-+ , JOWN.. ; 'BRAN et.. 111110., blannfao.:,; Itgr ' -; twee; Of IRON C.dI:7DS AriD;YADVD: ":* DOORS,DON-DAIDING • :WIFDOW TEIEM, VPIILDOW 4391 1 4;1a0.V . F05: 111411:04 •;'" OFD and ell THIRAIIT , between Wood an(' Mute% have. on tumid a variety of new pattenws. . fancy and plain, suitable for all purposes. . _ //e; Particular attenttonPald.to en4oalpf Graft- Lola.. .Tobblng done Albert notice. -ant N. HOLUM' at NONR, Deniers to. FOR. , tar: EIGIT .ANDTOOMESTRI BILLS OPEN...- .oHAtta IFICATEW-pF - - DEPol_3nl t ' . Berm otIND. o .SMNBI-N O, 1 5 7 W....K s ;' . • STRi rode P et i rain g abi . a ihro ushout the iltated Strtet. - • - rmr,mucasr_. = zt. .-IXO.IB,..CIONIEEELSION 7.ROTIAN't,_ . - :::L: and :wholesale:dealer OliE1134: BUTTED, , SEEDSi F 1 .511, -and • Dewlwarteenerayp Ka , * WOOD - • a Fittsbunsh, •f, , p w rr I tOiATIONAL BANK' or.:TTIMgaMIL.; GOVERNMENT DEPOSttOLti Thu Bit,k eto the ijibji vantages, and, itspectrully solloio the public AS A: DEPOSITORY' •!. .04liernmeat Drati;mil burgh-BoaklPbtes, anfrAqtes _ ell rectivell caderAt!.; , • Eastern ,Eachmge Furnished to dine 'ensiOnieri ,FizEt..orArty, , CHAII(I4 end ever" featlit7 vnniedDeposU,nrs. • imiam,7,Alr.v!w. By special keeitb.!itp..oiit,i-licAltiln&,.:.! lakciwia:k .",2032b •sOrtaircintore,;:•.:•. , PiirckuuedandioktatilirkoinUei- : '• , GOLD CoU 'O Bought at bl6bela;P4a;or'Siglealipi4...... • 7 , 80 ItY:. S:: • ••••:-- ' '''" • M jobscatloos ;reread: tor locoonor ter 1 11Olicti!'' oto , l'ororneott, Pot •§9.zi.Olgr 3 4to rrrip4F,,vv4iwi:l4;t• 34 e , 11 . 8. CVMMAZIKip: - _ • Aare& dames of religli neut mesa rutataltallo.purcanalfr. - , . . Tats:serac BAs_IIVL=. . a t ao .m 'uric) itehalicnnetit t : .aa a safe, .averileat anerlavatikblelnat itqz: the communityta thutsach its stionerttettittt.',' = ' ' • ''•ei...trjzt,t":,',':',-_•',-,'; S- 4 7 1 :' 414 b eaPE Ifir..-tk:.: EYEACOtiiie - : ' '•- . - '----. • = Of APPLIti roos elufferlaM'af aff We •• ,r t ' tradlorrari es t profitable for this location. .strrehaveidit fine trees, a }:atl, J....ice/14am p tiVaiPlibaillal4W%Mdlierirlatesai rA -., 1 : a~eTL t os Co., Rhode Island Mentsißdsio -Sharifint _,_ ;60' • S . T l atjr . r . .iZ sd r., , ,,i, Pu ,grat e t. -? ; trff i i ( m >autemn.rEA.Ong:Vi.MtilltirlCß.tii ,, . l- . 5 .. '.41 ROM,' , SHRUB, ,• -...f,;.• ..B , USA ,PLAAWSHIwrIker.-11x- ----- ' . . Alt We erre , 'gre•Weilsellownlitoßalor.:J and whmsaln,pqrchlifds ICW, .:. ' (31,5en-Hpiner,:onahniSSF• rt 4r I. •10BlocjitozopOy_itt!LJINNW .nrmt•:•?.:•,,..,,:,,,, •;,.....4-_,• , „1:: ~.a. c ,,._, • • 14 1 1A111/* ...v.. , r1.-, , r, •:,... . =WI- ,L'ut•SsiNt.gagYiumblk,, t,..; _ ,_• . . =MEM ~~ ~.. + 1 ~.,;_ F. zit. noLtad" - WPgThLSc2u rY l 2 . -7
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