vitmiti*sagdic tirldr 7 itqWrlG, NOV. 28, -18U4, CITY AND _SUBURBAN, . . .Cositay,ir .: ,cackersv . Asanclation. to, AnnoC,intintlnine ni :be Fncrth 'Want htcildtgg Oil tatdrdni, Rev. Remnant& r. the 3 .kftev limier by Prof. 'lViiliams the reading of the initiates, the .toisociatlon favored svilh. a leetun frern 'Unita on °Y. TIM lcstarcr iieitii . of the 'minutiae ma i derelotmient.;eit Plitstrargh, and said It sva , riably a tido; alit; whore: this was the case— re the inhitinf the peot4c sins so Much wed to material pongierity-stheir intellectual rind al develolimenta'sr* to be tiegieet&i. being the easi;:yo lietxted oft . etop itto Youviialude up to the: ages of at 0 ; &Wks's, trOotnd thin to :inculcate love of nature and lovaotscienee. Every h as weillat the Isenqin' or advanced age, •• hi be cAtimatil irti fit ~east : the mineral a sr -.Cll rem thia,countrri 11ad -.various aNtles ficrwerarliralplanti...Any one having apar: of aPpradatlma for intellecnal pitmans, It can never flreelre,.wouldi. enter:with arid ' to thesoznimnbes; and while elevitbig and tog rhim*lrm,. an, claratlng, and a leaanaditeatOrer •.introduaen to • Ota 'anal.: • ldon'of atartlna; an Aandeinf of.Xattiral, cos t ln PifiPtutlf;:it-.Yrna :by., no :Mani _ table to this - ciiimnanitithat eac h an Mahn . d not lota since beer started: each en bistitratodlitul baatt la 6iistento for forty yointvirlitictlhate . W ecarcely_n eity:of MP 6 rtakenikt.t. 4 .4•X:aitedettitcstrithOut one. 10 the hest scoatin. - forzicanotencingl Baehr 0. In tinted btWar-mett , i'.hearts are open to trnystsof inpl i Staritilfica oelenec In bwri: 0 *nut ' urged uri6 tetithers •to ins tli matter tO at. once, and to commence the i work to.wkolka!orl.of • thenuelrei and the' • of th9Hsomintoaityl- were' such - a Wok. 03 with: al;tyrithothiled ' of oii* : o4, hots- : t4ify,4iotring,...ineugeaaraux men , woitteu. , arnt., be Sound ready, to aid, and tit) smeh.andatidenry -00 70;0thel* c redit bleatinglo).6oirottotey.' • • - • •`. the chafe; 'timad(tilon. of iltinhal was of-t to the. learned-doctor • for. his , luterotting • • comilighwttlreti-mivoimmettt lit a rem ' • to confer whit hint reference: to thr trays na-alltho able& " • , ; -0 iDolllllllll4Aillthsidd..Or 110 Orny 2 .- •'- 4 ' 'Blatt. and Rev. SainuM. key. •- follOwort be at Kliooli,,tpqmll6r7gi,:Atiti*ual, for by lrt ' ofcadar Eaton . - . , As -as then - tintiontitittlicAroclatlon. that'. tee Contentlan etCouutr 2 . 3Anatrintentlenti, ittted to toots-In:pa would bid Its an in` treroit WarQBeh I Otrittsbnigh, c cecning , Ofttni 28th jw: - . 11ino; • - d elior b 6 sPitalletYeet , Mode to thi dz!. thpir , staJoioVa am hither end, ~.rlll fio twat; so • that tbcy,may not rea n to - say that Mc - Wanda ef.saineation , ash are slack In the duty of entertain. -i ex Iseclosea ;rjtlt 'singing " tbn g led Maaer, , ? by mcientsild, 'Miss Mary a paipaistrf , Prof.. Bheratt. The aing .tas excellent. 'At)ink; . . Imlay . afternoon, a trunk . Containing' -s•• - splittel,. valued at Admit $lOO,. • - tram th6yralSog. prom Of the Strmlnk.' / 38 faangaejtalinar onStolthlteld surer, it had ltatasAsil Prtunt , Peter JrnittiiAtiitPrit;-:411O-h4jttac sr. finm leftta aping room by Idra.lbargan Until She could 'bur husband whets employed - In Stennis yard of IltaiLL.Sluandell & MOM enlist:ter; thartmkuni taken away by one Hohnitn, who,, after tearing tt for alines at. • t-honse of:he. ltianongahrla bridge, ship- . t on about forßecra Run, wheys be mattes: * Lowry betug Informed or We maws, la a warrafitar i tlie arrest:of um' anspaied and on r afternoon- arrested; ti sera Long an Culp, and thb trunk grand r poesesalon She lad' a -bearing beforelbe r to-day, israotatteuar awns itei,e %, front her husband, who - As dhe - army; .6 was under-the bellef that thin washer until shelobklblscinienndcipetiedit.: , 191n.g- It caroughi-00. key;Of 'her own' trunk .be . of Mriatistnust a trunk(iicactly;.trut she , on ertufdanelts contents, that It Was not and eo Infontitsta woman in the house,' re. I lag that she wollld - htting the trunk down ext day. Mr. -- Iforgandeelln taproeceute 'efendant, oval - tholopr, Was. OnaaralllkY . to dlsehatellie case. School of lleithp tbr , ;,meeting 4,lliCc : ottiNkons -to lhe Pitts- Sabo& c 4" DeAcIF TOtWCIEOTI lett held • liftern4ol4;ACilio .oPlie of -Thomas IL' 301Itti PUPetwilbkilta t 42 Pose Pr org4 • C. G.ltiwep was "called iEs - _chair; • .onias /36•A•ei . A peiuminketd: . corioilztOoll , pf- deo echool • by the elepi*iariafoUoviliii bet.rd of on: ; • • • ~•ideet —C. G. , H”fw•t•q: , Vien • Willlant...W.adn:..lM•mturer:--F.: - Selleni.: • —G. W:„Ballnunt-•__Dlinctore•:—.lnines. Jr., Jazinitiaitigldln, J, 8.. Lyon, George , J. M. Cooper, 11.: Painter; Wieg Shoenberger Thos.D. Clarke, Wrn.. yon, Z7.llolines Tboe.ll.. Mice; Et: M. Andrew Cernagiel, D. Mneandlent,Wiri.'o. , Joecph Dilworth, M. Jones end Am. d. following gentitomeomprble the . Exeen-. • semittee: „ton:Skutt linaley,•'and . Vice. ens Wade, artafilsio;'ond Jansen'Park, Jr. p Hallmanf 'Wm: Whirr "41 Laughlin. - .nstitution and by-laws were adopted, and •. rote were moat far nikagng the School . a short thee. Subxertbera to tbs:sehool re expected to pki the amount: of their Iptlons forthwith to the Treetturer. , • In Ifistaterljpietlnifthe Wal . dtiy addcas Monis, Ora young:=l.thinglts .r the siflageof Mount Mord!, Greene were retwabog *Ma. A wedding .1n tie , Part of Percy . township, they leArned 1.41„ : wedding was Ida.= cant the hdiiie of Coos tliatnigfd, and concluded - by atop, xrtairi the act. They. accordingly rude and Judging Cromaprenrspee4 that ey had been mlsinfprmed, it'd" homeward. After riding a short from the dittllftigilhejr-were I•lllStsf.-/ eral tlmet,#.7 amp pangfamaknawn,` sing Brown Wain the. temple,-the . tering the brains and causing death - In a after Bt4plelon• attaching to Thomas • a drafted nuosof the neighborhood, who ont•of_the gspsitbe'fintbotitles, be oleSTe wells now In jallord'Weehlrotton,. t trial or hirestfgatlon.' The preatonptlen he tired Japqn-Uerria and&MIX, under on that they were detectives, sod thng The pinta had all Deed friendly; and ezplaxultlelilan:ba Oren of the bkady i. The W4. 1, 4 211 0= Hem l 4 l oo4. wriest stuamoncd by the_ Coroner • • the death, 67 ftiniankrt.trejly, ceded„!O JabOdia ?".4 Wore lost ireen. 'After 'laming all cam the matter was- car ried before the by Messrs, Acheson an Me.Remut Tor used, l'and - by e Meisda, Miller and WAN. •" n. ,:After: malurelfireighbeg the s theSmola agreed' mpon._lins. following ” That the srald, , Benjamln Brady Mlle by *buratton the right aide oLthe ,;,, and the left bielif, lirtlur rod by Akar° ands of Richard Fitzwillienm tuttstheth. • time of indicting the wounds, the said tfirratl:oT,:felemkasi c, or was acting In Us defame, the mad tes unable to agree. ,And the saidjurore find that fiampleßwenty lastest guilty ' hsg thdlqs, Ste Aerate mid Bachand Fits,' W o rmer's'Jury*. In the ram of the :I Robert Is•Mentrow rendered a Terdiet , 44.11 or -oA7 3lorr cu rt° hit 31:tcltr0ri free a of. JoaTil T acne d' apo-- , irellayralidil 000 More. g r , mintier 1.4e , '07 sttUrdoi 'your popkr * .lll article aligned "Balmy," slanoe to the condhlon of Odd Bellows' "The j writ& , Wkireatei barn-disinterest as appended to uanfine nu) hail, and termite& imildera" and- architects.; I correct ' , Berets' , in,this matter. Rom ,bers dld mot Wild the ball, neither had interest whatever In the contract. AS Mr. Bartbergor,-hr simply Ilsompluged ow;the construction of the .truss-work. an signing himself "Safety . " call onr Aft - mtlayrl - Will show him that woken 112 hLs es •• y +. IS • •• -: ' Dalicationb4diires* of non. S. P. _ -, .Chit's. - • ' , edirattonlif thel*iii4 fpliplid edlicis tot Onion agreivi"Pear'AP- 1 ., 0 / 13 4 owl pti"...Thicedi4:ibertioim - iiixt:. 11+3.14i4 P. (Thoei4:42olezuorie 91110;i0.:1 _ . t he; d;iietdoir. , !earesi , ' 4. 4101. ' CAiuske i t .„....- ' - A ti itarvie front &miut!ll:winloisblearid - ed . owl • 1 k 11 :94-eli/On'tolkletestr. . ----.., - aptlew: =-- - - lii ~. ..4i: . 011 4k.wilr OW: . . the Loifz , _;o ve ctratir .:. ~ I 0w...6 ',.. 7 1.4 i fl ilib - -1--. , ... ..1 . • , . . • • -..-s- -4. ..-.1. i., , ,..,• , _;_,.:•...„., . A... - . - ..• , ...,;..1....,.....-... ...L.; , .,- .:. • :..... --eM-6,,,,,4Pa'r' ...).d......1,0 -.4.3.4 , .. t...y44.... • , .........t.....•:-,,,,... : ' . - a. 9.0 1- .. • - . i ' ...4..trUS'EN • 1101TTSBITIMIT 11113ATI4E:: • ; ; FllTHrint£Ell fiEtZtWOOD. USS=W.II. Ii,XiDLRAION. - Wender of Wonders! :The at Ps) - co-Optical and Spirituel Fat me of the ; 6c teentl, Century, The Ghost—The idt.oct. • TH/SLlloadi;Y:/ EV • Will be presented, the three act /rams of wonder ful interest, written expressly - 1 the Introduction of the phantom entitled .THE DREAM SP TRF-. (With a won& rful pow iof cast.) To conclude with (Oat time 1.4. ed the local farce •. 111 E PITTSITUROII BIOLIT • Wernher...if the Funny:Club .1.1 members of the Boat Club, by the company - . • In rei e- rest, "The Pirates of savannah." - 31ASONIC . . POSITIVELY FIVE 1).1 Orty,y, Conircencing TUESDAY EV ING, Nov. ".Bth, LA RUE'. GREAT- WAR SHOW ! .• , The-Wondeiful.Stratopateconi or Walking Army,' From theTrednont Theatte,loston. The mint-thrilling of 'ell modern miracles, em brati{nrg en tistourultoireorablantion of 03030 MOS% /NG "AND:A(7MM and M ODELS VIO - ALEN, 14ORSES, ANIMALS, FtIIIPS, etc., ',lividly-re-enacting the DlV:wiped battles, both by act end land, of the errol nouthdrdßebeillon. D. U. LA. 'TM the /est of ilrlng• - - toorletn•will appear each .adil Dion in his nulls .lfile',lll,7fitts"OntlOPtfrAlfitlelW"4 en. • nekets.z cents; Teemed tea t! , Co cents. , Dooya open at 7 Velock, to commeneeet Ty,. - Aft afternoon stern' On SAT: lIRDAY, o'clock, for the -- „Acconimnsistiorinf Ladles mid'. Children •mr hen the pupils of Public Schools will be admit ted [or 10 dents each: • • Dollclot, CHAS. B. fIIRISTE, VOR SALE—A. very rur lc FARM in -I- 'Deny township, Westworr and, rounty, Ps., curtaining about 184 news, well proved, and In a high Attila of eulthation. Also„ a warm OF ACRE'.' in Pathielatcorril 614, West worelatul county, Pa. Improvement. od The land Is of the bargain.) •. Coal and itmestcme la abundance, Also, a PARAI OF ;iii .ALI In Derry town stip ' Westmoreland oallnlY, lizonedlata/Y On the line of tleTennayla Pada Railroad. a. a 0'4.101 or laa ACRES, • St. Clair town ship, Westmorelsod county; Pa. Also n FAILII of la 6 ACRES, ..n Fahilehl town ship, Westmoreland count), Pa. s Also, n FAUX of 1271 ACRES, In Elizabeth town -414, Allegheny county . Pa .; about 70 acres el tared; limestoue and a' flagstone quarrrlopened; well tim bered, and rmry easy of access tO the Toughbeteny %rot. • Also; FOUR NEW BARGES built and finished 'ln amorkminlike manner. For further. particulars inqulr of ' • • .• • . . 11. TOWED, Bee Estate Argent, , Ct nol • Fro UM Fourth et VOE SALE-815.13LrREAr. SITES and . .inta.aor. LOTS, is EAU FOXIT Tbe undersigned r Esecutom of the estatitiof Johnn. Heiren, acid, offer for gale a number of Lot*, tram onhfimlf io two scrim each, mite near.rort Her roorand within three minutes w of the terminus of the 'Pittsburgh' h. Elineravil e-Fassenger Rail way. The above Lots. pre ...bee tfully located for private rcsidtmcca. • e Also, a nulnher of. email t.ntS in the village of Ailnersville, Penne* on OW Palciengefitalively— •• [Wily to slitti - feet front and from one to two hun dred feet deep. . • _ I. • Forinformethisi inePlre el - either of the under. shined. ac WI, A. 11.1.T.1101ir. Orrice Court nw.4 , noN • JOILN.IX.IIEIITtOi i ,F. J. "111904894, - r • meentorp . . . . 1, 7 0 R SALE.--One , new . . Steam Engine i = "- - IS inch DA-leder. Munch; stroke, on heftry iron bed, balance pure governor.. : . . • One IR inch cyllaimo AD Inch stroke; second-band, refit will be as good sinew; 0n 71 . 4, in.-D-r, go Owl:stroke, new. • , Two. linger Boilers; 361 n. ~ 30 feet long. - L a 3-. “ : 2i .. Two Wrought IroWoil Mille. a , Also, Three riMP .ef.J3orinie r rle, far Oil Wells. !• Chcap_for cash. Enquire ' of IL- hi. BOLE, span ... -. ... 41legheny River rc, nearthe 'Point OR RAZE—A FARM 9F 16 ACRES , ~ on lihr Steickly, three miles from the railroad oration, well proved.- ?floe *5O Per acre.; _,-- • Afa AOB FARM on.rile ' k_, 234: miles from Glendale SU on, on whlah, Ls Grist blill, Store, in"innio and 110944.1:1 reminds: Price, TWENTY LOTS, cM ;Exemont and •Teemont i f t. stmts.. Second ward. Alleghang. • - 7 FOVE LOTS -on Kilbtick t ali Glendale Station, swab:angel to ten acres. . . J. T. sAmiz.r., ziesthstats Broker, ._red.. -, ;. . Bl.kwavotreet, Allegheny. .170 R ;SAICIR-;=STEAII..:SI4.W, MILL and ;:nC?il li a l 4l9lltaT e siz;Vt r *lth wi tV e ,„l ondlattnereaort gpanwnrkst u. Vsuroa of coal on the lot—oni a onto And, worked, sande on the a ny Meet and beElo 34 nto la new /*lpine:4m. build: , The Sale MtiPltk t sAeWld **A and ia well cite. and. hating ri• creek ZutuMtif lean .11-to the rtrer., - (loud locality for bulb& ,v,toatil: • . - • For partleullirs ran th iti*Vrslgned.' LTDdi , re. CHORPWINING. 'await - • No. ES nand aneet,_Pittaburgh. Pa. 'Fort tiAll.E, .4 , .!,- Of footir . one art I.enktes of tae' rteeet tins, In .nebester. water and every, thing con rrad t. Possenlon inven Immediate/T. Far terms appl=onern PAnc, 71 Federal atone • et at Thoieas 's 'Wagon Shop, Bearer. street,: •Ziancheiter, • j••:—. =tag . I=ZMI W ils - TE ro r r tz * . ,k ni t ....t au czt r ii: "noo and Johnunnesille,Tenbeenee; AtLuda, Geor gee; Dwvalre 41;;A:and Little Spec, tatlFllcat; atilt t 1311iLl . puln , 4 I .• 4 , • :4. , - a , 1,605 Labene t tn.nragee t pep month awl rations. 3,000 TesienelPe:+`A..' AM' - " • ter/rack Layer ,:.:: neo • . ;C : • ;; Fry' tmstmetatiob to. Place of deselnellOn. aolpbodlecl men .only will • be , reeetved., Captain and 'Antbstant. Quatteltinstee,A. S. Jr..: • - For Anther, hofortantion inquire • SAALPLE.I6 Fedora BL; Allegheny; Or neer NO. 40 IVasklngtbre , Avenne, between 4th lal6Aseetl4FA:Lensli,_llter.. , ..- • • • • zeini CLARK; Clew aort. , Agrnt. WAIH.:,TEIH.3I3,TDULTELY, = - , !-;Tritnty Good Cii Ing Agepts,- - • .Tbaen the RATORY OF TRE GREAT REBEL. 'MON, To 'Platten Ohio.. To inch a heavy percent; age will be -.'; given, by npplyine at once, to the gen. ' canntrent,' B. STEWART. „t40173'w lien WiltntnetOn, 1 1 V d r an ldrt man who . t. g ho o loughly nn- NOAPPI AND CANDLED, Exaccially nice ;Soaps and Sterile -Camilis, can .len en of an7excelkat-Ntnatlon alf FOBENAN, In a western city, wit/lan .Interrsain the business, by nddrouSnir Anna:WNW I, Pont Offlee;. Detroit., Goodgeterennes required.,: None oak en. will be n0t1eed.....: • Dole*. WA TED Y T•batttenal wftheee.btfrae wagon!. ' ApOly its the rtialYtiol, on Oito Lone, aese Oki Outer Depot, • dele,K. • DENO & HoplalcS. XtrANTEI7C-40 O)ORERS.IrIiCITD, Va 1403 put Bamli,from Machina Stares ard Eesdfagl. IL T. XFZINEDYit DSO. przo.r B.lzEs •AT: AUCTION.—PRATT'S: _ 4':i ABSVALI OF , ' VALUABLE LOOKIIIi An.' every 4 departmfllt 1 - of - Literature. - Selena and Art. Find FAMILY BIBLES; spied dl4: - PIIOTOORAPIF (knotnaretai - MAE ENVELOPES, -COLD PEril3, as, ~ at Auction THIN • EVEININO, 'at ;Mkt*, ri nd' following rcrntaa►llllthe stock Is all' bold,' And at primate nate miry day at auction peke*, at 't be Committal Salesllcanns, Ed Fifth street.' The attentlbn bf the readied latiblio is respectfully in, titrad to thls.oollottlon, In it may br found otM , 'Vete 'setif rdlrtlnass Works, 47 vols.; itoolieds vols.{ Prest*Ws, italrobat Ilallaildiclllidta; Scott, V/ rot . : of - ItaitianA Vrolaomohnif calf; - Appleton'. Dlctbill :MetkahM, 4,Cildi plates fioadrielais Watling Elatsto, tAooplattor; Webster., Dlidloruary,d,Bo4 Hotly"" EA. , artb, 4 lidsdrirolumes, • AM Plates i• Urea DictfonaiY.Ot Arta Mgr &tenets, - Vino voliniZil ea lustratod; Contrinintary, tiro_ Me - Works of Stlikspeare; Byron, • forts. Marne, Lifood. Johnson.' Elamenger, ICBM, neidlpg, Chambets,Uak, Borne, Pintail*, Josephs,; to,ooo toluenes of Nimbi, Tales, Blom. pby, At, all near, fresh and-perfect, and to be sold without mermi Is now open for examination at ,erect. i • • i A McILWAINE, Allot Joiner; PBATT.IIII • JERK. Sal en. VA' et Coinnuwella woonta, Fifth - otteetiwill be gold; erTel . unblebutldlgglet the - .Third .were, Allegheny lalty,,eltonte AA the weft Rhino! riming street, I,oo4Teet north Of the tiortbreomawni fronting 19 feet on Pirmlegotreo, IA Inured street-Int with gag,) and eictendingbedc' no Ret ale feet alley. The lot Ileshnnelecnriely to the stade,find adjoins good impinernuelittl.or briek dweller. Terme cash. A. lueltrldatr.,-Auctioneer..'! LOTS.—On TUFA' DAT L EVIINING, Nov. Mtn,' at . 7t4iVelock.4l-11, LO s l, -Coottiernlal Sales 'Booms, 5/ Ilftitstiteet, those two lots In The Iteventli.Ward. City of PlGsr twirgtl, - beloirLotaleos.: and 21. In. John fi. Wolf et's'plan. of lots,' situate on south aide .of Hose -street and 120 feet east of. Overall street; having 'esch 22 front, rnOre L tesiciincl eatending bask le-0 f tvt. Justices tgeet..l,Tlie iota are .about NO feet south of the residenoo of General J. Z. Moorhead. cash; • : 31 4P-ArliglAAtietiotieer. qE/iPE • • „ cisu and Wielusakid. - _ N 0.14 NAY NTEENr, nom . Penn,: - DRAVTNOWor MAtneit . . 1441.11 01 :NOS. KONUMENTSi BRIM -lcFcroOloilth„ SCCIIVI M CT. on ahOrt notice. • - • EVAYG DRAWING4ISCHOOI,; with ' Claisettor difkrtztt itylerof stal.l;', re A - lilt-ROR BAIA--Tho 1111hgefibirOt • -- ferlt for sale a very desirable FAllludra . ACllMlonated In Oolurob/snlieountr, 0 'foot:, 'talks froth Welbrllle, on ,the river 6D miles ftton. 1 3 U~, andlletlrontlTheella The Caret bin - vialeolttiNeral wen finprowee" There ire tab" cretin* - on. t preen 7 - 7 . two frame( .. 111 0 141 % - leith 4, t. ' ,1 lio r t ~..4 livil mmo » P a eLt t orgoovr i tter: --• bac ria , Ise* . and 4100611 131 6.0 000 40'i . . .. , - ... . . zoom?, alaztrAili, se. A I ETROPOLITA.N - • GIFT BOOK STORE; 11= Tuesday, Nov_ -Ist, 1804, And is permanently located at 413,3, Eft-root. PITTSBUMFII, OPPOSITI ADAES• EXPHESX OFFICE Tido is.the largest and most liberally conducted .establisbnient - Weat of New York. At this estab . . . Bahrain you eon get any book you may desire. Books In every part of LUemture. Anti you have the eulratungo.of reeetvinr, 'with each, boor that you troy, A lILOSONE PRESENT Worth from RIFFS!' CENTS to ONE DOLLARS; which is given Nflth each'boolu All books are sold at publishers. prices, and you can select from the tamest stock ever Offeredin this city, including all the Standard Works, all &scrip tions of Photograph Albunis, all styles of Bibles and Prayer Books, all the late publication!, the varieties of [lilt Kook, all patterns . of Portfolios, Books for all glasses, upon RIP suluects, In every style of binding, and in endless variety. Remem ber that in purchasing books at the 'Metropolitan Gift Book Store, Tau pay no inora than you would at any other es tabllahment4 ataihnve tlic advantage of melting!' VALUABLE• PRESENT With ettehbpokthabyou buy. Ono Wed will eon. shoo Rook /Buyers that the plaee_to canke_thute purehhaea Sint 63 FWt'lt STREW. OUR STOIIK O' PHOTO:M.4PR ALBUMS . , gal in the lamed In the city, and writ be sold at the LOWS ItITBLISHERN,PRICES, - and a gift with molt ptirchase varying from fifty cents to ono Sander dollars. ltir.Deamiptive Catalogues mailed [recto any ddreen upon application. ' W. L.. FOSTER & CO. 0CW:31kr.:(4416 NEW 8904.5. DOWN IN TENNESSEE. •- • • Tidal:ken. volume, by the author of "Among the Pines," is selling off like wild am, and .ran hardy bo mnde ne fast as the orders pour In for It. It le eramnied full of material, most important to every. one Interested In public affairs, militnry or politi cal, besides belngas thoroughly rittractlre sorbing in incident and story as -the author's other books. 1.2m0, cloth. 60. - • VICTOLRE. A new novel vigorous and fresh--inkte to male a cloth, tinted paper. 111 in. 4Q)IMIPT. • . • It new aralprouttring author le deveint to thLa rharrolog Irotl: of fiction. 12mo,'e1iztb, tinted pl. per. el TEE ART OF 'CONVERSATION ' A splendid book, that every one Ought to owe. ermo, c10th....6t 60. TOE 4LATIA MA AND sump% By the authot of "May :Martin," ;'Locke Amnion." mm I o, cloth. ill ' • John Goilderating's An Intense Rad panalonate Love Story, In the Sane Eyte style. ELMO, cloth, tinted paper. 111 *ailliarh-.1p1.01111111 ariti Daylight, liolmiteiarne novet. 11121, TALEO.IO,III Tup. OPERAS. The plots of 41 the operas, in the shape of 'Caries Moo, cloth. Ot t • - • YOB .5.4. Y. BY Mari - lEINEB, and . 73 Pittii street. ttBIT3IS ! ALBUMS 1 CARD PROTOCiRATIIi. CARD PROTO6R.AP4 FOLIOS AID STATIONERY FOLIOS ANT) STATIONERY /MAGAZINES AND BOOKS MAGAZINES AND parrs 'au x AND wrztarr PAPERS 'DAILY AltD WEEKLY . PAYEES DLARSIIS FOR 1945. truzims:rort ises. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. St 7, R.—Orderr for Pug" WompOcriossideu tat 11012 BOORS lIIST RECEIVED, AT 78 4th Gross" SurgeiT, trio' la v : 441. Bs - o." ' A ileir ed 4, nom, Irviceon StOhm dims incl./. S t 'Awe lntMegrlage. 4n htstosial study. .Beier. Ilse WO or jßaebellitissell.- Oulaot: • Mira Cask or the World and its Wilds. Milman's or Christianity, 8 vols. Wo to rots, itiverside . edltion. Wo s, 4 vols. do. do. ,Carlyslo's ' 4 vols. do. do. .3lrdlooh HI Haal.arul.hitsvellancous Works. in general. . t 01 - I. Ls 118".11.13,b8 4th street. /C7BARE IMITATION or my PATENT ooPYThict is now befog oil'o4vd M the public. 4 •, •• -• EIVARE, OF ITt • • It is so tottOn at when Summed for copying. It will loudly hobs togs the: by Its own weight.. He ????t? oak Sttuu7l.f7 the Duane. ilts3eZai SMitti 4th t ,,P Phila ad del lp phhia. campErs, ofi Li tzer ie. NEW CARPETS, • , AT PAICZIC PRICES. we are now receiving our new Fall Stock, Just purchased, and offer a choice assortment of the newest pattern/A' Carpets, 011floths, Bruggets, ae bitirki Of , iti,telt Are not to be 'had elsewhere, _At eikdaetton ot froot23 to $0 Pep Vent • • From peat.' of a few weeke ago. NeNASIMID COLLINS, - troa.:fll icliFlrrg STREET.. Next door to Sett:Hitt; eoecied ' not . Xtrt CARyETS,' ' • '• ' }UST OPENING Ailapc+,isimucre::H;l-7, °BUR ' OrAFRg, • 911.-: °W M, SuPerlot Lut aft Bag darPett4 :CARPET SWEEPERS, 'C.,'Ri' H . ilc ougA l tztes were. at the loutst point, dur. W. D. # ItcC#LLIDE, , .87 FOVlrrg STREET„ /is GOODS. WILRON..4BSE R. CAIIII.2DMND x , c.aarrnmose WILSON, ipAltlt.44;o4 (LAIII 1411.90.1 t, rAGFXY C 0.,) Wholesale dealere In FODIZON AND DOBVES TID DRY DODDS, No. N Wood street, third house itbOvo Diamond allez Plttatmrsti.; -aping PATON, MACRUM CO:, Wholesale -•-• vat Retail' Dealers ; Tapmrisrasilm lIRDIDEBIE23 find Mr 1:11.10D:S of every deserip• tlon, N0a.17 and la Fiftti Rtreets. MACBUM GLYDE,"Wholcatilo "and •L'A- Retail Deafen F.IIIIOY- AND STAPLE PRY GOODS, M i a sma i_ltreet,betwool; Miasma sad Fotattr,'PlUSlSVC: tni 11.. , ,PALBSEK No. - 84 Wood BtreeN DEALER :Da Borreamrs, HAYS. DTRAW .1110DIUNGS'isild STRAW GOODS gesterklty-.L. 'BUIPULFIEI;IT, DealerkfrAPLE ,417 D `PliNair " tolnr 0001/6,Aortilea it cCimer. Rauch aiu . Ida& yet ittelliqThaP_ R.llA.Whaleanie:sad - Reuttl Dealer in ictadvar TRIDEIMMtkpar N "I" 713tlat + 4.1 " *I " . K 4 ,44:14akre.13 2 1i1ie bailor DU lity et Atarkitatoote- I JIED/O, TIM LIGLITHILL, or ME FIRM- OF DIM. LIGATHILL, 34 St. ~ 1 11aries 'P/rice, Xtso Fork WILL visa rrrrsutraGn THURSDAY, Dec. Bth,: ST. CHARLES HOTEL, Wlierelle eau be eonsultell untU 'FRIDAY EVENlNG,Deeember 23, IB6t, DE4FMM, OATARRH,I Discharges from the Ear _ _MBES IN THE HEAD, ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES EAR AND THROAT. pn. twarrniLL Is induced to make this visit on account of manor ..ous applientions.from parties milling InPittsburgla and vicinity, Wbo ere unable to alma to New York for inn indispensable personal examiantion render: cdneeessary atom the Impossibility of prenciibltur With benefit trithe patient without it. , D,EL.LIGIIIIIII.I. will revisit Pittsburgh at reg. that linaTils,'accordiog to the enlukeiheßts of the patient; tuntei his ehnige. The bannesirto Nets. Toth - does no, suffer Any totemaptton trout this ristt; as oit9 optho tkrm h then, trreonstenrsttend. i PrTTRDVROH, P 1..., Npc. $ tent 'fhb wince:rely that I have been Wader the care or Dr.,Lightbili for the coma Distant, and that, Vl .a twarh e lr i tt a . ttendoil I:Agll: l l.i t tVi e ll: lr e:one etod and am 46 much tietTri all respeeta rui to warreol. me In giving radially to theme faatai , and rreona.. mending. Dr. hthlll to any one 'Wetted with thimo , . - ', Jitt..Vll - FORSYTH, , . ... ~...TO h, Bros. a.C10., 74 Waterltreet. [Fr= Oe //our Joarnal, Jaw NA.] • ' • li:revery *sines' or profession, indeed In every =sent of wiener er . s „ klii,t ouo l t r i llsalwaya o s u o t nita n . bold relief amo lsdaad ng his fellows, as a Sort of le.wisr. In the study lad treatment of Detafneu.and Llse lamb, as weds* diseases, Dr. R.& LIGHTLIILL, -.of ebbs ot oxikuples Just the position above de. ;scribed.e bei devoted Furled labor to this ape. , cla Illy, and Is ethw reaping the reward of tilalndw. try. The edltoidal eolumas of the Manse, of:a•re. rent date, bear Witness to the Doctors 111:100000 in .thisdepairtawnli of medicine. We quote therms. ~ iFaPh.;: • n Curti rer A DZAT hot A—Louls Loowingstein, - aged feuxteen.years Of age, born in tierstany, came to this city - evise• was about two years of age. Soon after arriving here be was taken Weit and lost hi. hearing. Ikt 6wee. he heume first deaf And then dumb. Fog neatly ten years he was a mute, uneble to bear thelondeef volce,orto articulate a word. "Abbot tin/3 ,veat ago ho. was_placed to the bonds of Dr. IRIAILTHI.L.I., who Lan so far sure <ceded to restorinietti hird'his lost powers of hear - in sod utternatterbat be , can converse with those • who speak tohtm.dtdtnotly and deliberately,. Du ring the past fodr °elite mdethshe has bonsunder the tuition of hir:liennethe, and Ras made witudd. iik a crabla progress reading and arittunetisn •- : Raving been pp ll ed with tho lad's address, WO' further laves* tad that:4DM_ ,and discovered that merlon Me es ref on. Dr. LWOW% the route' , cage Wee returidired hopeless, and he was for two Vera an Ininste"ofs Deaf sod Dumb Asylum. The. Rev. John NottiTSD,, Professor in.llnientloilepe r 1 Schenectady published /atter, tenders kb grate Ruda to Dr. L thill for treating sucesafully his eau of Deaf „Rey. Fred: U. Jewell. Profeswir of the State No al School at Albany, also testi fi es to: hating been cured -of Catarrh. , Dr.. Lighthilt Possesses other stimonials sad tributes to Metal.. cut from some of the weslthlest and rust punkt. pent and ro citizens, witliti maybe seen on applitatlon. pit ouldhe difficult to speak l a n any but terns of Or seat his treatment, In thereat, of thesernany profs and facts testifying to hissuc . rxm Reg. Ir6 .L.#: • 4 7 .. RI P "iff!"'ef the Si d e N"' .2 - oirAi f. - 1 d‘my;'New r;a. DR. JIMMIE z 4-I.kar.StriUndetßato of Maich i lath; I sent you A careful statement of my case, Its former treettereti my failure to obtain relief In that direction my resort to your treatment, and its . bet:l.o4o retikt • . . I.hare Evet m the winter of the 1344, sub. Ject to violent ritiodical attacks of Catarrh. mark. ml by strong forcible symptoms,'vielent inflamma tion of the lining membrane of the cavities of the • betakanictinpanled in the first stager by e.watery discharge Isom the neee, mlbsiniMMlly.becoming . acrld.and yellow, awl toward the came of the attack youttlent abd - . bloody. These attacks produced K nelt diateningepecies of besdache,ocerarting pa. tiollcally.eack Ott. fora period levying Iran one to, three weeke - yeettmes so violent as-to bionpacl.. tote re boa s and confine tee to my . bed. At timerthe atten d t Inflammation enfold extend to thenestth, prod inglootheche ter toile-throat, i k occesioning hosrseeyss and partial loos of voice; and twice within thalastigerymus What soalftsct-, ed the left eye se to estallrners for-weeks, WA, darkened I had tried me l t:ince and mill:often' of various kinds, moles ' other eatturhel. preperatione of some half aSt kinds; app n, lication to the head of castiphor4in r and hot fomentatio of differ. mg kinds; an d connection with these the usual emetics or_catharttcs employed to Induce loonier action. .Bot - stone of these had produced any per manent 'intwordment, and those few instances to . . whleti.tmoporif lee was afforded it was at the iel expense of so m hatrengthaato leave megreatly' exhausted.. Ile ~these sslxeUMstancei.Lwas le - ' though with rel team, from the @opposed incurs., billty of the disease, to make a trial of yew. treat. Inen_L I found it soon even beyond ter /topes, reaching the disease es it had never been reached before,entiallestiettog its symptoms to' as extent- - which I had supposedit i nr o l o sib w le. ' At • the time I =XVI complete c r i t ua ti , I fed T. tlig i ei n a ° l f alt slid relief which: amply repsill me for my trial of your treatment, and which satiated me chat that treatment :wee as effective as It was pimple and philosophical: A , aubstentisl escape - fp= my old attacks of catarrh; for the Unprecedented period of nearly half a year, and that In spite of severe ore cutreneeenf 1114ess which would .have formerly rendered such attack Ineviteble, was, to me, proof ofenlmpo as lime It to now sixmonthe since/ sent. you that stittesnent, anti *Wait !sun-. - rdefizant„ .. ta Nppter thus constantly,- and In this guise, before the public, It seems to me a matter of , sinsple justice to yourselfe and-to - those - who truly • ' be aufferlog es I eras, to add that I am not only as fully setiefled as to the utilltyand Cacaos. of .your .method-of treating catarrh -es I-was six months. ago, but Ilan now of the belief that if there!. such' a thing luta eurelor chronic catarrh, in my case a substantial cure has becostittled.... , .: _ , ~_ Tour*, respectfully, - . ~. i FREDERICK B,..SERELL. • Albany; Dr Y., Sept. i, that. .... . - ~. sv, tett; UGUTIfIAL—Dear Ste: It iirwttlrgreateat: Infection that I Woatouptcate to , you the_elToota of the nuwitalttei you gate ituly tor defeativer hearing. ' followed your dtreothattitylrid am happy to state ,t4ilthat Lam ncof snsu.n/far recovered afterthe Lest • few mtlons gig;i o la r te . oA t eug , 4 / 1 fp!, B. 'P'llslCitidelr!fdr,.(n e ' trltoVia* quitt;lo l ka,fPgt! l lt :4r TiPeet.''.lll:oorri Ansodowsemsdrof e' • • .mlenredit EMMEI 11 . 03qp . PATHIC SPINNFIG Homeopathic Reme Stand confesmully at the head'; of reznedi inealat for the use of the people. They are alike rooted m from th e polsono, dangerou., and rertilai edema • Of quackery, or Old s c h oo l practice , ilk, cc ,„, v ,,.. ; nteem of wateremc, ur the intricate and perplex ing obscurities of the 10.1181 Homeopathic bobirs and. medicines./ Conisbninx of simple specllle_s for the; various dhkeases th which they are rel put upj in the form of simply sugar pellets—and p epared of ingredients neither dangerous - nor dis ing,l they ate the. reedy old of the parent.or nu , and; the comfort Of the complaining and inralid.l - w t r They . Posse. ♦ these posltive'advantages They'. are harmless—no leJury can arise from. I uSe.l They are ample— always know .what. o take, : and how to take IL . They are convenient.... oucanl give the proper Sugar Yids eta moment'. fiselegc without hesitation or delay. They are eatetent. In thousands of cases disease is arrested t once„ And the system - Cured without prostration o delay.; No. I—Curea Fever, Congestion and Inman Beat, PI and Rest twines. and the flat a• the acute lira irdMounatory diacaac. Prlc N0..1.--qurea Forma Fever, Worm Colic a l acio. Appetite,. Wetting Melted. Price No. d—Cure,. Cotic, Teething, Gulag - an (elec.., Slow Growth cud 'Feebleness 'of Price 35 cente..- • • , • 4--Ourea :Diarrhea, of ChUdren L ; or Cholera Infantuntand Sumner CsnPhlut. W. cents. , Nos. 4 and 3 titre the worst coati of thr No. 6--Cares..l)ysentery or Bloody Drippings, Bilious Colic, Pall Dysentery. Price no; CPlna. No.l—Cued, Coughs, Colle, Iloarsenesr, Bros-: chills, Influenza sod :lore. Throat. Price Its cents.' Thin and Notl never fall to cure the ward Cold , • and'Oeugha. . . • • No. B—Cute,. Foce-arhe, NezToo. nese and TloDoloreu 'Price 35 cent., No.ll—Curewlteadeeho, Sieti Ilewinthe, N - ertigo,, Thiel of - Blood to the Heed. 'Prlco cents. t Inlddlttoq with No. to, tt never Mils to cure the mosLinveternte caws.' • 10.-10 , -Ouree Dropepaln, Wool:, Acid of Derailg , ' ad' Stoma, Coostfpralon, Liver Uomplalat, or Bilious Condition. Prier 35 rents. . 153 , 5Luara tot West DigestiOn and Bilious Cloorplshite: No. 11—CurerlDupprosisal Alonso., or Scanty, or Painful, or Delaying, GrociiDlelingss. 3 Cents.. . No. le—Cares' Leueofrhes 'err Whltes,..Deartise Down too Profuse Menses. 15 cents. No. 12—Curiss. Croup, Hoare Croupy Cougbi Difficult oud Oppreseed itrebthing. 25 coati. No- 14,Cuies Bait ITheugh, Crusty. Eruptions,: Equipe*, Scald licad, Barbers' Itch, Pimples on No. 15—Cure. IlSeumstirm, itt uterine; M. Somme. in the hoot, Bock,Shle, or Limbo, or, SeLstico. 3,6 cent.. 7 Neo.,l7l,lurei Piles, Inf. rnnl or Exterrud, Blind or Bleeding, Hemet or Obstinate. GO cent.. This remedy hos cured thogrondi of the, worst, posaibicrenree. No. 18—Cures Opththabola, Weak or Inflamed Eveior Eyelid.,nog or Weak sight,. as gents. It TURF id wog be "died upon (Gum cure: No. 1.11-rCtires Catarrh, acute or chronic, dry or Coning, Coidle the Heed, Inttherms. 60 cents. No. Ni—Cures Whooping Congh, shortening and pails/UM 11, or Spasmodic Cough. SO cents. it is infallible, And always rsties ea grill cures. . . . . . ".1-Curer Asthma, Oppremed,..lititicult, La bored Breathing, Bough and Expectoration. Price SO cents. • . 1164zedi hare been gulled by -ICo. 23—Oures Serafino, _Enlarged. Cliando, nun Tooono SaeMao onellltil'Ulcero: :60 cents. _ r~ . , . Na. 24—Cures General Denney, Physical or Ker. VOW Wtakneu. GO ccn4. , No. llf.--'ures Droln, Fluid ernmulsUons, saw Swellings, with tiesntg Secretions. 00 cents. No. urea See-Slckness, Prostration, Vertiga r Nattsno r Tomiting. lli cents.. 27:—Cunis Urinary Ditenaen Grovel, Sena' Calculi. Miran or Painful Urination. GO rent..' It titres old Canes of Sidney Inseam. NO. 28--Vor Seminal Embalm:lz, Involuntary Ditches rpes and consequent Proatratton nod ty, Sad Results of Ertl Ughlts- PrMelt' Oa. '-1 Thew:hat eqclent remedy known, and can be rolled upon sal. tumours. No. "Jl-:Cliros Sore =mak or Stomach, Oanktnal Mouth of Adults or Chlldten, arid also Naseau and Ttualtlng of Pregnant Pcmales. Co cents. _enrol at. ous t lfluretr Painful Illeastruatiorti.Promatre, romp or' Spasms, Pnuitthi, .Itchingvazil Irrita tion of Female.. 41 CO. It acts like sehalm. Si—Curet Starring at Change of Life, Irreg• tftritlet, Fh114114 of lietSi ralpflatioti, and even Disease Of the Hoeft. $1 CO. No.ll.—CureeBgm PAW bo'nruhions, Eptlepey or trallirosican uhotra or St. Vitus , Dance, Jerklreka, Twitching*, llyaterto. al am • Na: Itheuree Dtptheria end Ulcerated or Mali& Ant Sortahrottt. M cents. . vial limlly Oak* • 20 vial Easily ease, morocco-..,./ 23 1141 case, plias'. • ib TIM tikaa....4. as vf4l eitUn's ease • /-7r PONDVIXTRACT ILLLUCESIBr For Barna, Scalds, Cuts, Brulyea, Sore non, Larne rhero, s* ~ Sprat, 'Yr beum4tom, Bap, Erkaolt •OW SOMS TCH4hadle. It nth fat a dorm. Prlea GO cents. The trade supplied et Now York pekes. ' • . . ilkuj.ltemedles by uII. Look Oret die lid, Paikkett iteueof whallttrafi you choose, and Inclose the amount In a cuerent Dote or by mail to my address, and the mediate rill be duly returhed by mall or express, tree attests. • , J. x. Firms, 111111 Stieet, (Dapaidt Building; j. Ssco4.4oarlFell67 the Tolteinix. &Fr* ter 4ntnuisti, And Tiatnitil TEEp NEW FAIR ITEE, LUBIN'S COCOANUT Ciii,Aht, For Oiling, Dreashig and Beautifying gn;IZEI MiUiL3IPM . . • IT SOITEIirS ANI:P.OLIfS THE AM giros It s petmotaratt gloss, which it ittatos for &VI after salmfhltido.tbeAtttFirinig ^Orgy/ 0 0ns the groWth of t . ' • LIMPS 'oooOATitf 1 REA3I:I • CANZtOt:BE SUiPhMED. ' ~... I • '' ' ! ' - " • ' • . , -• - :No other treparatien 1 , 0111 , 01 II the peettUarirot•Y; Mlles wok lo Imentlally sul .1 the human hair Al ' •. VI ' The i:C/clppes..73. tCrestacia„ i retoino titbits bosun! og dhoti for ;lays after =lntik !. , • ... ; - ' .; For Dressturault Oiling tie . Mustache, ; IT pa wo EQUAL. 6• by allDruggiga, end et' ITILTOIrS; • • FII7II STRFXD, PITTEIgIRAMI • AT mI o NOVZ24II32IV2Iiit,' Dgia, purcliased iomEt.l7. X LINDSEY OI Hollidaysburg, tae by ] ,"o,lo,,,t, q , uxw i s „ Lured bis :WOW' medlelnts , knusstOl Dr.-Y. , LINDSEY'S Improted -B . . bao ... . . .. ... ' deetathe;: .. .... t . gii,c6 that I iiiie`etiL;l:iiinaiiii;rtiair: 4C,:- having Dr. LINDSEY himself part of the time em. SaOrld in shoe:Wending its pleparation t and shalt-. continue to mantgactn it:intaccoununs with me - Instruatiout and 4Lreettms of Di.:Litnisery..; Those:- um, dewing/het genuine article, should see that Die name °II, ACTON appeansgeseeselt+ . - Vol =alto deal / give notice th.o argryl• • - .3ton'.oith/hi e l, cuak A * IA . be F',e, ,e ef? -t lt l :..A l l :liinctailns tbi , lingf' ~......t.,;,,,....;1-,-., . .,; -1 ~..4t,...11.e.a. ......-•.,, , .. , -,x,. ..i.. , , ,, .....: 4t;,*:.., , .:,.,.:1 ,. -,.,,,1F..1gti-A.,-; , •.,T , i -,ltiti,A**4 - ,044440*.i.di5k'4 1 ~ . . . .. . , . anoetzpres, Piten Sc. ----- - 11 . .7r,i_QUIM11Y . , ~-= • --thant.eislori MERCHANTS, • • No. ICO SOITTN WATER ST., • - , CHICAGO. . Give apektal attention to Im:chewing :Flour, • artifit, Provision", :Fe., Tot Eastern account. B.X.11 . 1.:L1111Y GrM T. BrI°WN. mh2-ty HENRY WALLACE, Commission. Merchant. No. tao SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO, Particular Attention linid tv filling order! for nunkva.NEs, imovisioNs., ' , tout?, tk.e rahl7-6m +BANE t11:1";JElt... Commision. MerchantrAi FlOur, Grain and Produce, sE00:0) ST., between Wood & Smithfield. 11,ly • TITTSBCT.IIGIi. THOS. POTTER...4SO. AIKE3..E.TEPHEN A. SIMPARD. "DOTTER, A.IKEN Coni- A. Minion Xercha atm and 'Dealers In Foreign DOmeetic FRUITS, FLOI7II,.BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, POTATOES and Produce generally, No, nco Liberty greetiowositeraseenger Depot, Pl,tts• . . T. S. Dilworth & Co., Means & Coffin, Culp' Sc. Shepard; Atwell, Lee tc Johnilnizler, Pate burg. Muck& & Bro., • McDowell( Van Brunt & Co., Philadelphia.--Treinlett &Simmons, St. Loup, Sinclair & Grant, New York. Stanford & Duvall, Cincinnati. • - • FRAltrli OURDIIII, Produce and Co=dosiora Mmtmtt, No. 1,0 63.1.1.T11.1.1E.Lp•STENtr;iorner Ana. FLOUR, BETTER, BROOMS, SEEDS, LARD, UHEI:c.i. DORIC; DRIED AND GREEN I , IIIIrES, and produce generally. Liberal cash advance on conalgamente.• fell CHARLgS ,(;..13.C1.5LET, Frodnie' Eted,Comuusea oa Merchant, AfEscHAivnisE linorEß, . . —lnd dealer lin all kinds of COUNTRY' PRODUCE, No. 179 rapßh - STREET,?' mht-ty , • • , ...Perermunnu, PA. (oftJNO. A 4 nnuentle. (of tno late firm of I). sc SPDonald 1 Pittsburgh. rt Co., Wellsville; Ohio.). . .13-A -,DONALD ARBUCKLES, Whole sale Grocers, Produce and Commisalon'Mor chants,.Jobliers in COFFEE, N. 0. SUGAR and ItIOLA.SSE.. , ), REFINED SUGARS and SYRUPS, - FLOUR; DACON, TOBACCO, TEAS, RICE, CIILMSE, KEPIS, &A., No}. 24. 1,1111 213 Liberty streSdi r,litltrurgh• & lEEMEMB3 Grocer! and Commission Merchants, , • Nos. ?I awl SMITII.FIELD ST.,or." Second, 1a 64 .)":i. • . • Ihrrsinf IllARLIIti• •B: LEECEt r Flour And L Factor and CommisalimAlerahant forth!) sale of GRAIN, SEEDS, CHERSE, p.RopugE t , ice., andagent fertile celebrated UnlantriarnGEAMliTi , 116,Retond and 115. "Farat. street} between Wood and Smithfield, Pittsburgh,' ^ -- 163 oe.olloc 1111.AO GEORGA; 31TtGAJL. TIEADIc'METZGAII, Ormna and Com- Madan Mershantii, Ind dealers In all kinds of Country Produce acal Pittsburgh Manufactures, cto Liberty stteet,„opyostte, ' head of Wool. strcet, Pittsburgh . opady 'A EBB ' , POIMIII9O.OIt, I March:Mtlaale dealers in WlTtlltts li lI kaiLVE ' DR IID FRUITS, BUT TLIt,..II.IOS; RA 48, and produaa generally. Also, ace., Die. 217 Liberty street, PlttobUtgli. SF Cash advancements- made. Consignments' solicited. • • - . Jell:Bald Ar.m. P. DEAIr.., .... .. i.21106.11112c111ELL. lar M. P. BECK COA-N0....1&5 Liberty, Street, Pittsienenh, Ps,,,Wlugessie 4race - es; Commission Meech/sots, and dealers in CIOUNTRY PRODUCE, PROVISIONS, RADON, - „LARD, BUTTLII, PICIGS,n_ . - CREME,km, PRO.: DliC PLOID2; GRMR, SEEDS, GAM(' Aro DRIED FRUITS, tcr. hoax B. CINFIELD,-Onagdildon and. Foraudlog , 3terolOirrtand wholesale dealer In .iir&sTERN NMERVECUIEMCE,, HUTTED, •LARD, :FLOUR, r IS% POT AND 'mix_ Jusitot_ SALUISTUS, SEED ANDLARD OJUSDRUM FRUIT, and Produce centrally, Wm 111 and IN .Front street, PltUbu _2 TYM. - fllflLE,t It .1.411 M I%I3HW= TITTLE & TRlMBl4 , .Wholesale - Gro • core and .Comnthinton - Mezettanti."de,slern In. PRODUCE, FLOUR, ItdOO3t, , OREERE, lant, CARRON AND .LARIT Othi IRON{ NAILS, (MASS, COTTON YARNS, and Pittsbnrgh man ufneturea generally, 113 and 11l Second street, Pitts. burgh. r. matzo. oorragn.....wat. D. tura= R E raIE . R BROTHEIII3,.. (auctersors to Milner a-Anderson.) Wholoaalerrotatera In. FOREIGN' PIUTITS. prtITS and 4PRIF.4 - CON. 14.13T1ONERY: titte*Balr PIREHMORINg&T Nca 126 and Mr Wood Wee% ebore,ffigt s. tta• burgh: : Ip 01000 000 300 11: PAW:a/U.ON_, - .4._ ' AbAxivouny., pATTERSON;WAIIMOIC . : coanuSsidx.)4Eßatarris__ VLOIIR AND GRAIN. and ral .PRoDuus deniers, Pio. s WOOD tiTßEET,Piltateusb, WAREHOUSE.—HENRY IL COLLINS, Fomenting aad Cennnlsa;on iger chant and dealer in OIUSLSE. BUTTER. LAKE risii,..o4 Produce generally, No.= Wand SIMS, - above WIRT?, Pittsburgh. y • -1,1 3 JXO.FtTI ,joun- &co. .1310% - vie Deo .. at= and Chsearrilisliin tiercaants, Noe. 19 Wood and =0 Liberty eLreeti, InttabWlll6: - . ' • • .111 6 ' • &ES ;L. 'CALDWELL, (successor - t Thoiselipharil tr. 00., PORK PACKER aud = MAI, la -PROVISIONS — comer of Marketjai aus2 IPUtablu th: oAxixt. *nor, • VOIOT CO., IMCOES9O . to L. L. 0. Oral, iPIiODUOZAXD.t. t. MltiteltiLlTT; 247 Liberty greet, Pittabatgb. 1110ERRT DALSILT: •A. 1/.I:VALLI:L. •ipospia. •DALZELL'AIb 'CO., Whole -LW sale Groat* Coanuladion and Forwardlad ActertiottNini dealers in Prodnee mod Patina:4h rum nufacturna Liberty atrect,'POONlNh. -- Wilali.CE, Commission Merchant , ~ sod Kbolessie Desire le FLOUR 4 GRAIN', No. Me Liberty! street, opposite. Pettrineivsnis E. Li. Passenger Depot, ride:uet, Ps. Sterne Werebouse, corner Kam sad Penn streets.:' • dott•ly 1111 Dir LAIIMIAXT..JONN elltrtuAr.. A. C. WALLAUG. T .AILBERTy SHIPTONI& CO.: . Whole ask. Groot?* sad Proctor.e Dealt* N0, :9 hat' storat, Pittsb u r g h: ••••• •; • " Isle AIAH DICKEY & - CO., Wholesale .o.cOreeers, (lolnadadite Merchants, and Oehler* In ,PIP.ODIME, No. BO Water street • arsi'M Front • stleet, Pittsburgh. *w. xoscriera .. • ......... WIC PJLTICIOZ. (.IKIERICPAT RTC EC '•& BROTHER, RUC. tP • minors to Brown tc Kititystrttk s WI[OLE. BILE FIROCEAS, Not. Int mull= Liberty ntreet, 4.1 taut/tn. jIAMES DALZELL - SON liranufac, .turers nf LARD 'OIL, and Ooolltontnn N e t. chant. for thr porolutio and ; sale of DRUM:: AND REFINED YETROLLIJAI, Noe. 0- and 'l% Water street, Plttmburet t Advances .;nsdo on. consign, monis . - • ", - o. xtrinsfer...i " ' : Mixt lISDUY. ,„14_,.111540ETT'ot CITY FLOUR.' V8.11LL.5,. sonar -LUstety sad Adam streets, Pittsburgh, alr Capacity, 00.bittrels pet dap apt •§E , IS 17e," 1(1 .. I:ANG, .CA7l. * L Meryluplii Wbole,ale dealer" la GROUP.- 1 , 140 U ' 'GR&w I PRODWE, in., No. XS *reel. • ltaburpit.- •• " • • , NOBS WATT' '" ' • • ' JOHN WIIJON. WATT &:!WIJAON, Wholesale Gm. aers Corstolsslcot Igroshonts, sod &glen In Produco sod Pittsburgh auttnitsetures, No. 191 Liberty street, Pittsburgh.' jug!. LLNDsEY, Jr...:* BRO., Wholesalo 1,7 . & WI Retell :GROOMS, FLOUR AlfD PRO." DOGE DELLLIFs, meri.lbortyetseet, Plttabiltew RDGERT • & WKRT,:.WhoIe a -•-• Dam AND- ooruata.qm CRAFTS, Nn. U 7 Word street, Putsberge, JOUR i. 11017711..... J • • . . . 0HIVI.: OUSE ri CO., Wbolcanlo ___ 'CIMOCIERS AND 'OOALBELSSION EtER. CITIA,NTII, comer or SolittOleld awl Water streets, Yrt .. . R92:1F... WILLIAM BAGAT•FIY...WhoIeiree. OIICKTEII, :Neg. 111 aid 10 Wad street Pitts, hug h. IfIRJr.l2XlaB. IDINITUTtE, AND: • .CIANLABD WOOD OHADIS. , 1 0. " ledaditheeli, :a ax . • - IAB. W. WOODWELU xoe+r'ma se Tlinits o im ootazzd...64;ol , 3;;;De, , - I NO. ui .10411 afautn.., . . • ,:,.._..i . art•rroar'ittY-Ast, JOSEP,H IIEYERtt BON; ktannOitturon' 0, " and aatt Retail Dralen MANI— ViDIN - AND:OIIAIRD,'NA.I34 PENN Rum ET; &tore (be Vatoll,Aare on handAa tyro anottantat of PANDY. AND PLAIN PITRNIITRIA, Mgt anttllta4VAttltelt Own nsitltatettirt, warranted ta4uallty-andstylatcua i = (educed In e elty, and will Dell at peieea Butte .e Coroner likr-,ll..__llertnelrr ba.reark4 at ter ..94ra n ti . t r trxft , 1.1-h,57#,1101/0k144144/1i T9E i f.,77 .43 11, Aia : r, ~'' acv G -.~?eY-~:k x " + 'ro 3.- a r-.z -: su. x, -;- DrivEsizE snug -wp.ngs, CADMAN. & CRAWFORD; Manufacturer of every vorlety of Offishof • BRASS - NiORS FOR PLummith. stEa GAS FRETENS. MAORMSTS, 'AND COPPERSMITHS. BRAES CASTINGS, of all derreciptions, wade to order. STEAM.BOAT WOP.E. STEAM AND GAS FITTISNI, And REPAIRING, promptly at tended to. Particular attention paid to fitting UP PaTLNE. RIPS FOR COAL AND CARBON CIU-S. Also, Sole Agents for the Western District of Pennsylvania.for the-sate of MARSH, LAU& DELL k CO.'S ATENT SYPHON PUMP, the best ever Inc . Haring no valves it is not Roble to get out of order and will throw more water than any p alp of twice its she. , split W.. lIACKINTOS a. Inimrutu.. IRON CITY 'YORKS. lIEEPHILL d: CO.. £O . ITIpEIiS AND MACHINISTS.. Comer of PIKE Mal O'HARA, and IhRIE and WALNUT STREETS, (IGarfeity Tinter Vlrks,) Manufacturers of Istatlanary and other ENGINW, ROLLING MILL CASTHIOS and 3/AOILLNE HT, of all kinds, and general jobbers. Prompt ottentldn given to repairing ROLLING 3IILLCAIN ROBERTS, BARNES &111, NO. $9 Third !Urea, Pituburgh TIN "Alp) Ii . E.ET IRON WORSE:I4,, , inikaufActuren `." JAPANNED TIN- :WARE. - We have now trenufactutlng and have nn hand Bathing , Apparatus 'of all ktruls, , Tollet Ware lu %Setts; Water Coolers, Grocers' Tea and Spice Can e ' Inns, Cash and Bpi= IhaieS,' Tumbler Bennet*. Bylttoons, ht.,.ttel A Inge lot of• Bird caps fen' sale lam — Oil Can of all des and patterns, Tin . Booting, Cohductiork And - rall - Mods - of - Sobbing -.Work done lb order - . np3o pATEISTEDI OCTOBER 8, 1881. •••• • i• DIRT4III.IIX/E6 'PATE= Oral Lamp Chipmeys, • Iti:SLY/LCTErIIND ar DX= These Chirkneit are intended ?or the dot flame, heating ail pinta f the glass equally, does nores pose it to cede E. D. DITUBLIENIE, . Fort Pitt Q so Works, Washington street, . apt? ; Pittsburgh -Pennoa BLACK EpLia.ll.c)!l) EEL WORKS. • . 1".4 . :TSBIIIIGH, PA. • PARK) tROTRER & CO. Altuatithetctrera of 131.,T QUALITY TWINED CAST STEEL, Square, FLA Sad Octagon, of e3l alms. Warrant ed equal to ahr Ireporteg or manufactured In this cottrarr• iirir Office mia:lllareha -No. 119 and 151 Frau. and Ma and 11l SECOSD STURM'S, Plttsburp.. ; . ; _A LLEN avcomcK . :CO:, ire Fotnninr, Pittsburgh,. P. ' • ' .49-Warehouseo9l LAUERTY. STREET, - • Blanutaetwnra of COOK, PARLOR and.ITEAT ING STOVES,L PARLOR. AND RITOHEN ORATES; HOLLOW WARE; e ,te. Steel and Glass Mouldn, Rolling -MIS Casting*, MIII Geab• Gas ,_Water rind Artisan Pipe, Sad Iron, Dog lrota, AVagol.:Ennes i. Sugar Kra, Pnlleyn, e i ttr s 'A C l.:o r , r 4 and e 5 :1 1 1 re IlVtll LT. Si; to enter. Patented Portable. Aillts, with Stearn or Flom Power.: ' • , ..aut4•46md -M. gitISTEEN; BRASS FOUN- U DER S, :GAS AN- STEAK FITTERS. : Particular attenttotraM i t he tlettt i ts i ur Arg t a /VAINDIEON COCKS Matey -War. Also! BRASS. -OASMGS, of aulkipds, numbs at the _shortest notice I , ": Alt .:oideie left at Km. SI awl Si WATER street 'OO9 EXErEETX, v , 11.1 be -promittly attendato. Thernenabers of this Arm heing- practical axe, chanties; pf mairreit's experltnce theft business', _will insure to On settsfactio In weary invent. We aro. anoints for Gu d, Garrison tt. STEAM PUISPi for 'scalping Water; Grade and BeAned J :delay - - - - - TIL msuu. 11 - 111.1 E :, ORKS . !an ... -u. 61111111.4.1c a tO., . • =GINE zus..AND iimiturusis, 1 •49 6 K 6 " , betTrefi . .rellAftg and Sandusky', Manufacturers; o IT IG UTICA. N' A PILPERT PORTABLE , LATINO STEAM.E At- Gams, tamni. Pulleys,' ite . .., a' " ' •,,.. Repairing of Al kind. Atacam to . . Ra-ty TITV2-1 WEI, -[n• IA =need' LS, eerie ED WOB Orden; ly slaw cl SEVE CE,. NO., .53 ii r glet.:l3 - Ct &J. • Pittsbu ~ • , atanufacturer &MOILER EIV. • E ric wi t ° . r .: T SP/DES,vocaaras samtnallstiao; or oven - deoctitttoo. •- •- . . - -Particular staid or shaped Ern= a:AMNIA. Urge or unaU,akada to Order at Stott MOM" A. gownwarran earratantly as hind: - soltmot D• - mt• W7' IntliETTMmntacturets of . WITITE STONE OldiNit ' aa; OBJE.Vin OOLOREP W LE. • 01See and Wartitotiae at. No. 74 FIFTH Street, Plttabwitb. 1 • uttas-Or PM* O B, qf ingfcs 14 " - ... .-pi4XO5l 11 • • W.ll. BEADHUBT9 New To; aniTSCHOICAMEII & CO.'S phla • • CEL.EBRATED PIANOAt • Siren Arid maze GOLD MTH HILT= HEW; ALS ortatred wlthln a mealy at Mate PaHraltd Pair of the Anwrictn lortitute, Nag Usk. OVISIA, • ;by WIC It. BRADBURY, for the • . • - 713 . 0111 re roiskiac. 7ricyrt.pms . SCHMUCK= & CO., Phlladetpble. received the _CRYSTAL. PALACE PIOUS DIED&L at • London, braldre having received at home numerous WNW& Diplomas and Special Reports from State Falraaad Larett tea Both hare numerous letters of revosunesulat on Sem the highest musical talent , ST/LAKOSULL, WU. N %SON, 1182.. RE, and °teem Also_, ft One assortment of mama a. CO.'S BOS TON trOLST PRIZE AAIEBIOAN 01100.55 end MELODEONS, all warranted for eight years. *MUM/ & No: 12, Bisiell's BlDmt, AL Clair Si. W.TONING AND lIEPAIBISO doses at the .al abarteg sixths. SHEET MUSH) •bound in any nod _ • .riprirmA.Ni HOENE It CO., .•., • . • .• . 51111111111 • SO= AOll2llll kit .3:1111:143311.ereq• N . BID.T4E I 188 13311711FIRLD Instruienti On Imul•tine sasottMeni 4 ' 4.1 . . . !fa PkANO.9, VIOLINS, OBITA89,100011.• , MONSOTHICMIS, whIr.AII will sell rot j 4101111." • • Jaftlaw4 KNABWIS:. ARE 'lll6 -BEST SiMRS% A choke lot ittnel.onlian_ fateire at teeter) . prices. /us*, krAirms • nito. , s ther best Pianos at the prlee In the e0utar5.,.......::;". .ZDVVAIIT. 1117041: • ' ou.eni.orrr: taaisti,'• . , - dolt 43 EiFfiiiiltEl7.34 aTroim.wrs. st.o. .namezir.. ' * j o ." '• •a. a. aoturpos. t o MACKFtEL 4 DN S N, . ;. _-. 7 'c ' AiT lifilnii;ATAW, , . " $a iiiisraisotanEses• autps . payrs. .. - Bouatias Ear Wounded 50141/e2ll c0 . U0c144 LIZ trait' e itir t 4=. ' lli i tirr - IrT ' arum . 1 . 460: with dischulawad two sit neints. . ess4 LAIFFERTY,. ATTP - OIEI' . ;AT7LAW,. AU Legal Sulam Promptly attended 10. No. i 0 Feeler` rraasi,=Md. 1 0tat W-• •AIt3RNEY 4 AT - tokWi' /...011. • .„ WP toe !phi ermrr , Pit . 116113i01030131, ..P*S; ..: . ..,i...... t ...,.,..„ ~, ........,. .., ....., ..,....: it '.,. , 1 i :_,' •: ' .".,`411./..,*iiti„.",....1.1t?..:-72;:,-,:' -.i ...:-...,:i ii:. •:.. % thiiiii;iciidliiviiiiiike - !• - •:= s ":" . 7' .3...; ir, e0v..01 4 . 0 , • •:„ • ~ ~.4 ,-...1 . ,• • ~ ,,N1..1 :•,siocir t er- Je , ,n , zttr...l , . .4", ,41, ;` . : ) ;; — ,.. 7 , ..., , -,•, 4,-..„ i . - itom—Airiarb"7.. s•::.::t•f4:41-Yi-A ;41 te : ,o4 o. l ter , i:;;:,. , ~ ..ISiLki .',-,4.7, 1047 4 11* . 703 1 aVailliiiiik441717 , 4:• : 1V ' "::..,' :: .:_ : . 2 . ' : .: ". . -..• , . - f ?.:41,,,1.7."4,10. '. •:.' ' '... ' . 2- . ... i. 1 , ' ''' ' ''.,... i i;iP:\ ' '... ;! ., : ti. ..1. va....i6uraw,.....„ . .... : ~ ..i , ...:.... 4.1 7;-‘...:.:Y.:.:.:u3.7!.t,:::1,7*. ~ 7:"ititt..1.::.:..L.::..7. -.: ;. ; . ' -:...::...:. . . ...: 1_ , !. 1•:• 4 % , ,;s_-- '-. -- ~c .•-•-•,,, ,. . -..•:.-.-:;, , SFi •.• .• •• . • ••• ..--.i..• . , tsr•Wi • . 7..-" , '”. 7 ' ^ at "44'" ~ .4, Via. mail,l;7" ' oar r q i . • , , - . •.• Ottte..or the flnn,pf owt B. BEBB9N aate use. Ewunl ' aietare;a .-HERnozu& co."' k, CO., No. 915 Ite Sittb, Pitiatt eiSlitES Ar.'SWgpH- taltdc, and goals prosapt. Ions; • t -• DLLLII.I% IX. ~. _ _ . . . . irrowig pmEicoous rnxm ! Goons Cheaper than before the Wart - • 4 A . • BsOOOO;W,4MTR - BOOTS AND . SIIOS, ~1 , - stars etosrDIFIT _ WITHIN THIRTY DAY; • " CONCERT BALL SHOE : . • . and at LIU the price heked.ey.. _ . . : • - • 5'4 . A 1 - JOWNI TOWN SHOE DEALERS. ,z :!,- ta n i, 0 4,.. , H ,d, to caa 4 nd examOr the ptl L 4 ,__.t......-,e...alexamfale Okii fileii;a,t ..":',- ,:.:: '''.,•''''; ....:.' LARGE iAN - DESIRAMLE". STGO,fr::.::::: ..;': i f l ; IT -: • - " '....! . 1 - . . . ' . .. Boots; Slioes,:lithriorall:ind thtiteiii," s, •:• : : l :, •• • Of llamas*, approved ;dyke aad aiakbap. :- -: ' '':-""!--, ' .-- ADATTriI) TO. THE ,litiAlfTB OF ALL, Yug recelved44, --. : ' DIcOLINTOGIVS., *SS TED AL ST., Aiiamagarr form, 80-1" goods whin; eteiyda . • -- •• • LADIE , • 11113p,F.5: 67 - 431p1MUKTO;'•' . . me t% soyclod BOOTS AND SHOES. _' • 4kT 4 f 11CCIELLAI" AVOTIOH Effsß, non ) 55 "nu STnEET. .*: JAlugs ALQBI3, 1 1 0 00 3 "ritet Streeti SELLS 'ad ntEITEATEsr • And THE MOST DITLIABLE., . . 3 EIC"Mq'S 41 -W 3 * taLIECCMIPoi Of an; bowie in the.eltx, ' his juiehil !ft buitnldedbi,Fall-Stoak:',' 1 111 F , "STAN) •WOUICIA ' 4L81111%-80, 140:9311•0017STILEi"t: „. . . Boie and:Youths Heel Balm:4*R "... . unudren',l,ol44aasa3l.ld-Jation. , ;::.- These gooillare made to our rpee24l - ..*,=', are warranted ' unequalled custom Work, ', - stols • To COU . RY CUSTOMERB.I . „,. TO bate ';iarVisoitnteat'oflOsAlrcimilli* - mbar, Bo , !,;Thititati44l- -.-- Eno?:gttient,7we.r,.pf,nr .7.. !uke; 1 44: BEST 'QUipTT OF EASTERN GOOPBi'L ,. .. which ,I will itelLtat, - 11 , 111ealelphli veleez. , •C r all and *saredn . **A 121 thewhem "l ". • . . _ . 002 6 No Market. street, 2414 cm: fro:11,0.01u; . :r ; ,; . aarATE4 21 1 41 tT 37)3124"11:4 ' ItThg I TER & GA A te.. , -. t ' - sotscrrous up • LkiMS AND PATENTf4. -4 ` 4 ,'• • 4,4 • -•." ' ;,Lieeneeil by Goverment toeolleet BOIWITES PENSiONS, BA.VA ,Am in other 3 /W4 11 13 -• . . . . - zairtLast the United Motes. yc ONE BOND DOLLARS, DOLLARS, due soldiondllar' dtilled.on ace° at of I . lrouotio ruuedved collected tounecllotely. • ...Call at se GRANT'STREET, prdiSIONO, BOIT TIES. W. J. aux PAltaililiti Army akid•Navy AgeziP3r; No. in FOthirin PUtd!orgh; . . - . • • . . PENSIONSTiocated; BOUWITES, BACK PAY : and PRIZE DI CONDItTI'ATION Or '.. ~ .... RATIONS of redeemed prisoners collected: • •,. • .'...• PAT OP PRISONERSOP WAR eeb be drawld .. ',. • • .'. by their "Wee of stSoleed mothers:. - o.4er ..: .K::' ,. ... AVOUIriiM . SOLDIERS. • • • -•• • • ..-- ~. , • -- I tlltl l -to' $lOO Boat 'lo all Wounded 13•1111etvi . • L now Wag paid to all with • .1:111ehalli,r 1 • tre• clouts made antld the money le collected. _ T. weirra DAL • Licensed by the V. 8. Cicmtettaccat... • Ne. tal milt STREET, ceetond door below tha Namara - mytlyas. ILITARY; CLA Nt a dILITARI - ; cLtams, pusioNs.:. BOUNTII.S, BACK PM and CLAIALS of ertry !Few:lotion, eolketect AT. the ' oubserfber, at tht following 'rates; Tint ProulOnt..... 00, all other elating 44.60.. ...... • • 11.1. O. TAYLOR, Attornepa,t4aw,_ ' No. ea Grant stront, ~ Pa.. . N. ER.-To charges aro mule lf the ahilao .rght thell MA . aimered,nad all Information Wen gratis., .ea 1.17 . sZOLDFERS' CLAIMS, BOTTIMES, pucazorts 4:I9IEAMOCT, • - •• . • • • . • • - • "', 'attadedto by • •-•_ • • o. i 5 5 1, 2 1," , dtil/Stiblawr N ffr . * Pul'aurgb!v'm - • Vst:-; I!Lfzff*Elli it G4B rAZZa ng. r * ;-7 t a GA. , • nr4•020-4 kg, • , • - • -•` ' •" ' , • • •• - •*x • • : Calt Sift cilrpliorc• P° 44 T; l t ia tft, 15 k -4 4 iwg gest.; • The 0 0 3 wdxLsbk Gkstensof In sae. •• quinksilre "Metal:Mused in 01. a itstalse. ' . hr. R—Bach m‘clitne taint:4i by the meet, isust Lao° case will it be ten suslissa t it surootegt4es au, , BAILEY, FABRilltir. 00 • - eg•t' ad* . ":" • 1 139 rommi rrraztr.• , • ••• b"86111:41d413: t a 43 EPOL - , • oases.. Om t ge -GAS 1LM7113, • : • • ' -114 ;a uows ' • ! OnstsaurOnhaild aid ;alai •." ' ' • •‘ 3 .•• •e V 4, V - ViolAVii:la ," " 12 4 7 ILICIMITIFAIUM.MiIIefar • : • gold* Autilii • - lIMEM ,4,. , - , ':..' . :;:',. ',":'1. , . .1-'' . , r,..:* . •.-:-1 .., 4-':l{:',..':''t , _ ~. • '•••• -..• • IE=A .*R4S ti's 'S • • .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers