r i MIME , , NOTAME::-.1.1:10111-' Pistigttit ,YBLia7OU6 ismLLIGENDE '..Milisittio t hldfoll ef" St. Fele: end St. 1 aid, 4 lhilseelphis, ifee dedicated Sunday, 20tb, with all the pomp-find borecantal of `de ltisiiiii 'Catholic 'Ciaineoh. •The' Inildlng - 1,11 isoiliatoed, and the corner stone laid ' inept bar 184 G, by Archbishop Kenriet, the , • thetißialtop of Philadelphia.' WO can simply - giro a brier tottistolt of the huildtog - woid the dedicatory earylocar TO edifice, which ii en tirely of brown stone, is. Re Apt wile, 216 !feet Vag, and - 1 / 2 01 Wet G inches high to the t voiot the podionont, .Tao : eat disc:toter of tiai dome salts .haeolt.7l.feet, and Its te ; 4at bight coo 201 Vet.' he toln lit,gie pli seisipshat ot ti,".ikaii , :a...siveridfotni Y.; ozirigteo e *E l tiN' e Yiekiiikkenue. Th . c . Tarolks oar the . 11 " 11 .1 14 V ti i ll e . l o l ' l l .lB , 'ihel'it Waiii higi7cyliiarloV esomainelled. ..• ;Aid Itatoribi'ir titionatabonoloolinieet la if ..,,Alaidnihba3",*_l66 1 ,01 WO 6 4° 4 ' . u l 3kntoTtmoetwini - ei d o wh&tniion'inlA 4° . - 1 41 11 110 tOtrodtoftiOidei above'- The fieraTilitiodinami though thelatterzapf floi Iltahaiiiiithe..lioiiill.misloalivii dOwitotiee nlielitiTeicsnd ttal large semi-oolionlar win: doers at the weed end. The very richt* atie 4lil . a ' , ileums -Coriatidaw , tadek.peireal le a theloaffiettt , thtf 11111412 V; Thr Withettiii, - Al sewrotandev Wait largede church' In, North - 4 111 '44 dted.tia.olt , Ahlt. City of Naha; with exceptliat of titta or foccroPontriall,thotoo ii ", rs the , 3argest "on .the western • biorldobbotto ' The onorilie iotintinitd" at otbOut."l:af pilot tiklpagistiliafter that proceloollud entered, ..ltiontiweilogiohiut 460 pommy, in 'the 0e1i0.4 ,cants of the ehtacto.—Thold'Ocarion earelces WO tho.fontifin'a fligh lieu to ere ounduotoil T. i.134:0 - WQO4. of, the Eimasta.,;Thure ire , ii 113*112altkliatep5, tWeire Maher; and n Tar e wumlnyondiestle atitiseprisiolantleas of dl - -Sweat esiglets-ordera preeent on the coos r..-"llkii.-'`..tho serm o n was -liellrerod by }lei A7hlotaltep Spauldlng,'Af itattleaore, fro Ws tent found ti Eittielahoo, "V.12-2,T. _Via - WolfcoulTaled ottlfTy aide mid filled!, iobiee t and the iielteallea 'thYrir.fiii ilatimuninte, snot tinsonineef , thw Catbedid nig. 94 !came outeide showed tho Inmost foltos thi .. r priarldall• !-hs **MY I" 4 1000 1 ° 0 1 . „IXii ' 1 pie hog= iii"atilieite.,' Ni parson was - ad Izabal' WM 'raga Sqluae--zadoes'p ' etaids ,with a green ticket. A foree,Gif vials present to iceep. ,Fhir rj and . oetalthston si the immense throng l . the, cllcaltaine, owl,lnd 'ilat4ilkha'aiite4tere. Antis 'litistosashilly saslp.; tallied ? , TikAhe deel,stldg aiiiilie la' cOia: ael '-othi4dissitee." wan coormenceLar fie .Catite-' , obtol, soadenthos ollyootion,of tie Fathers of the' ` 13°41. 1 7-n f Jes on''':Pl l°° InP° l3l o 4 to ofoldi-I - iiriogieveral days, &wd th. derodons as fol. leski:lgitialie- -1 14 o'clook—Stasai 6, and- : *Ole" ,I , Ili:Ahern 1,-ratan; hi, BA:Gila: r 1631 2... I : l 4 .oo4o4iitiaal ta i ts-,li i , intlindiettioesellialiti; ,12, Angalalk:.fteirriolni: 7 4 T, O f ettiolt: Instill*. ils,r; TrPyiffitiati,Tevlintir l l._row4; 0, 4/fifi - sitocooo—pdgeso th:4l of ,tho:. Met 131:tiSt 13411014;,Ittilivikeriit"1,-...1; ' 1 . • ._ . o •':-"illet#,lo4:;egatel:iu "40 7041. int imisiosiiiorr trpoty" . it/ ofokeuen ere */14.-..Oii,tiTioNoteoei Sit:lady papyri In *kW lige , aid*: 0 piaini:wbotdescril the tpell At the iablieriberi are menliOsiedan. .: : 1 )4 4 '4 tee,A,Qiee, Pride, dsl4odi'..",:t.tt• .•!'-'," I', `. ; , _-,. ..-1'.4-3,6134+640f dinitzliatt, el/ luia Illiiaoissi li,..aseet at. Oiselilis4 Semi Aff.,l,?!%l!lfFilltufat PrOilatinie A fieill AqiiilipThes °Wad Welifielittpit of Lotto* iiiiirAti4linlaw.':oillioitirria:hediatiis end 4 w*Val thiblillie 4 1 4 14 1 04 Y sod 411, id. lir at fitamfeartulit, ter theimas ohjeot... - - =Tire:Wiwi tof• railtialtd- Uoilide i`t'ar ilni,i si l4 London '';th° ll : l 4o l ln t rO le ii e : "Istli"iidl.14•;11i: EPFilia.i!°l`6llll. t.O l . !Psloll-#4lcemliell.ct * 11 41 14 ; imi:d.oliffo 034e,c,ovosobo peel of the inudt*lFoufig of otoo: , ' - 1_ - : , ;,,,... —... ',;:;Liiiiiiiitifilioewirtzsalfetakti lit UAW:its:to st be la* eleodaf in`Vei*nt: =4ll4iViiiiiatifisslens4 &swim*. or theTdeillge thikoroir . t acniolk; tierre;cnifi 01 0,:lier Je4eesetelea . eielf:llo** Will. appoidattd $622,910 fir..a* swat , of tie foloiall ,- and doniestia:..`nilssioes nadir their , saponifies" fir the Ohisulnii loss._ . "- - ..—Binli.ff. IfoOteilehoielloinsiire batons, soaked bya Presbytery of the Waited Stem byterian Church, on socosirit'if bilirleis if . Gen conelnalatiOnd the rrsinikEn Woinfolio colitherdysie.a utsa,ihosi of Dsda, - ailis put linois ordatsted by a coma - A Giansille, Mi. ..1. , lemma advices Mate abet the Elaulher* to bare lately :abandoned ail new lipisclpel Otoureir la Perle;mider the charge of Bon. O. Imam; toOme the President. is preyed fez Uwe, sad..toidet of :them now silent the Sag- Bair Wit spat 'churches , of q11141b7 1 ,,: , -.; .- ~......AEcomseatierat roper spools* of a aft , sahrOineatjeai Of irpch essbraesg " Sipper. roliAtty,:tiniotOsit charsetai.oi the-imolai. ble fester of the hosts of darionsiet . 1 , . 01',,. .---We are indebied to the Weston atria; tiaa 444411, Lee thet foliceriag list Dim So.: vent Sunday areas& Fier. Ur. Palmer, of the Sibmsselli Clinroh,ot Balem v idsmi was as. Moulted by en Irishmen three times whit* on hit VP/ bwz!.o:l3:l6tetloN, ".bat ha kainkbi thi falai Irvin cab time, and at heel smatred him bY.the 4 1 ..iit, efci or ~41iir o i:i4irr gentle. The bciagrrgitional desoalstipo of, - CalGhlmiN'o . .r tie runt Abilitiii,iniiaw of Mein:al =Sober of the aloosted ministry ii that Mate, resolved that laying* be enema. aged Weil& 4CP:4 ski= perk ifireiilring w ilt cannon ealoyed oilier NU., they bat ribosomal this by the churcheelo width 'lay espeoilvsly balm.. • ....- ~. :...It sled on good authority that a • ocsountudostiosaz hit been retiothi tool the Farb 4iref4Ps lb. bishops of Zealand to point out to the olar/G the fu'ild Impressing on iimir ikairiar &nos of giving oonnto. , ileattlto those, whO, though:nautintag.Proteia, tants, have piteunad to adopt the mini and, the habit of aroambews a veuglim - or4ora LAT. the Clonal. This fs reloaded si i hit it:the ' , Brother Ignatius" cuss of Episcopal oriole- Bird* Illealois In :Germany, E l oie,*, and Poland eranl.l4no toniesnee, and, thoinr,la yerteoadoilme .ariemr, quite • num. lierstf :pergola luxe. been biptisea, chiefly ycufspersbLß Acodpilojg ;to t h e Planar Bylieeysl . Visitation (at' 'Z. Cbaicb).for'lBBs, jOet.exr,, naiad lyialoiitourd of Bishoße, Ames, ‘lgixeald!i•ka 1.141 of the Met burgh Ccr.ferenee, I , llloCmuetilit ,CantOn, OLlo, March 16, 1865. . ". Too miaow of proposed, rebel lath hipoit thaadiatt droatier, aro ;irked, with 'Wallow of reality - that Jaskol watchfalhetu vet7 . iptopsr. There f.no doubt - Oat mall blade are read, .to Poluttorifto2.llWY exposed awl that fere elate* . for - ender; bat the oldes t */ Fare wide awake, ,sad .1f -way seotad:wiliden dant ear is undertaken, we shaft prohibit_ • dievelftfeatitiwitlita of two:ding the tamale 'smog:Won of the invaiers. •Thers is apprihea+ -sacs that Malone and gouge Polat are la partto. - War danger! • ' • • ! Witintwr of Bonthoni reforms sfo bow colkolod Ot.Chattmooogs.. Thoy•r• In • dent= took condition, sad the 0 ernment Unitas* ibex with outlattneo. - *Darlog Ali cool% two grotto, foot tOoasoawl titian" Of Dread sod moat pi4t day IWri beat' Unlit% to 411 imam' Waste flia, KOkit.:-:5 4; 2 ' 4 ; 3-t'"lam ' , : ; itillESV PROW B.IIER AIN jurecoL. Milledgeville- (Oa )' by.--Our-Cavairti A PORTION*. OF THE - LEGISLATURE' "1 ':;•';'::':iTAINIOILLSONEW ' • , 1 avid • *ltigain. EI,BWIEARB„OF.-ITS.OLPTUffiI. q- • Pr'ibbabiV .Rlr cQ.?f• ZEBU' , igIEW or tar entreat:dr. THE FOI!TIO1 'OP is !BPI:1,16i. kf;,•::.." I'l '''.' ..1",-..,..7:'s - , , ; :' , .."":1;; , fiW.„F, I y Ilarriqodu, 'Wm 2/arediadasite. le entirely rrosponWitzdtv an , •.• . • • 1 L • Tie JrarkiS Wasliagibmipthlllithniiiii the Smug; ot;Bhntmm'rasmy:w ed riliellievir -445binlUal of QS licillas7.bf oar sikeibtifS'illith 'Wto`e2,obiPitliliFttiv/iii!*o BilkAssr'ielid 0.: 0 / , ,i:Tlngthisns.siliniesrlsiliff. ltbthgerllNS,the capital of Eleargisi wan Guntur& Imapariarreby. The 7.registlethro In an:sion,,and tows mishits 7d60 "diA , not•get Gitlin time' wars taken Irrbk ': snort Pith the eltlsmotirksiellebtsd.• r. , ..-• , , gi r it,t ;; lgslotoostri prthalthri nt../Envith i i; s ti, ,tikinr.! for vents& th et _esperil - Einorzniooeis , soovlpgdfreally on that ally: , : ?ha tharipaparis Washington:l.db riithir..`,Therib hnt onn line 'ale itiltrb: Slit:titian esn.inerch, and that lady) to a remerkable montrmetlon of the mut& throagiristriotr , tha/Weallia/Clehtiel-asotro poster: This.road.'" ball upon "a hlgh„gast veils& troollif ImiaJnenningnontkol.Saosn " and tzttooing tome dletanci,towrthis,lAtheo throughout the who length', Ali Is an noddle, • log floor. Thero are no deilos, no swamp, n test', no; attar IntmA:obstruotions ' whl .would give to a small defective ennysny a vantage againsta Jorge? armj of theaters. - EhtMosaisert SUMO deo Mira" firs Li n .'cords4 tiC4l - ittio Need &sin OA% & would , get lite a 'country of foists, swamps an . . pine hersar throng/ef/Solt it weuld In imps elbie to othlth. biLial*474 On& ?MVO there but vary ma all e lipito sppsiii!ltina , 'Senerat Ether min may Ire detach& alone' to deotroy th publio bulldinv „at_thillodgevUirs, and-he me "horieetito otidlonardvairrraid, but the rob ' ability is that he will continue on the ibis of di &ores,. Control :llaitroadr from Neon to 8a , vssineVand 'Stabil& anew bare on the worn: at ihn aisS.thg. Pa, f4T 14 10: 4110 4 ,,, 7.4 - -. 1 i ,XiiinitiriVirei - 2,ll—eti. Itfeatoid - Sloan, of Monday says: - ~ We hero nothing addlSon si fromfl sores that wsuld be MOW to - inn/Ms balk *Wain mill .tery opt:ea - on era takittg plate, which it is be-, Sever, will bring Sherman up with a short tarn. i 7.4a,naPe icAmth l / 4 slei l rlg ellitilletaelltal i r ime ninashemstiiitff y oilinsite, in son ' neatraf, with the campaign of 'the enemy li ; Georg* Ii the approbendon _that the-people thotra.wittel gthibtvapiri n qinlit SerViettannit• I -able an (Soon:salon. • The Samiraileadei says at Virginia Musts I, .bas.nour SomPlathedes;wwWwriikslidhliV:Pui• .pla aro , asadaLlopellit.rworraolatet eltiltas new 'eight dlfiemltiet dittrthe.thinfedtharly,Ser -plead asy.bbstrpotioni 1 i the *Wail's POW' ifefileo, or &it isiolliarj,lactionist•eadreabir or path'Min to Canvass. Onv,,Broosu, In tkagoversussub of his Stith, 'Morita, paystinikiegerd totarrititiiiis Mit of the dtisenr ha seine distilleries, without a. TarilsiSeilat‘ritirrininly,huitralf hitOstalls he paidgwilitnspediettita — T6e Con &mato authori. ties, however, be Impede at I:vary:m*6 of their r legitimate - du y; hi ifialothe public defence by 18•8190 1 . innil antsasils4, &sot witelf:' State' rightit.ho - iiialla the Confedtraie Adminiktre; tion-aisll- tr,-and - dßigeatly, soiii theseeds ofdissatisfaction and distrust. ' As a consequenee of nob proceedings, Gooier Is not ready, me, fear, for the shook that is upon her. Instead of that vadat, one entitualutie bend of patriots, which we might repeat of her poop% they are divided about State dghts, It d vises convddiath and the like. ' 8444441 forgive COT . WORM &Mr. Stephens and such as they for the mischief they have dens. ' 11 put it lath their minds to ro ma& thoir steps even noir. ,1318 , X1 &Me and conandirthibirtilll riffiiihro es from the sow.* they ban panned, but will Amend captious elsmorb;ut lout till the pros ' tot Mall, over. ' • niii „ „ nos WAiSisbeidtinieed Siiiirisys: The I prompt °domain and vigorous emptoymsat of I Imary pugs of , aerosol& felling_tonber . arose i to • made, and otherwise obs“nodag the pad - tbiwithesot 'llWelfofttbketialyaimis only in his isms dist* front, but on his Snake and, as far ea ' r fa% lirlds - mon - 5-Araine means his marsh might bs delayed until his supplies brooms ex lb:sated sad on roses 4thoosatethertlerAns exi t vat, tultedeni to ion — de hit dostritellin. Added to this our cavalry should carry off or I!MU= by torch all magas of subsistence on lie tints. In till" timple,preetterablellty,tni by intact to military resources of 'MA we Imo snotin the threatened 'qvarthr. we doubt inot Put Sharman, may be "might in a toll from phi& there will be no possible weeps. 1 lb Brequirer says t The Senate has pissed a ibid. suspending for 60 days, the section of law, twttleh requires • Etats rewire form not to go he ly Ind their nupotrive Slates. Wo hope is map 'be As *nuts of-the -Sense ~.4 -'aell. promptly • krea , ithis. totnesm.t Its timid ins thromenst 'Pros 'meld of &berm= tato the in tarlor Of Hear. iglu. se. biomes a matter' of vital 'madames peat the reserves of South Carolina, Florida' De' orator sad.Alabssaar be eosontrated,th hi s Ironti-• Nee..was - th ere 'yitthetted'an'opportn- . - tity so pet milting for the ruin of an army as Ste:man now aim in Otbitisa. - , The bill wilt enable thou:Who:hies to mama- ' bre All auxiliary ftherilitiront of Sherd& end bring up roloforoements AS ,the army tharell Air Into his march to ins toast.' Thepiapie of Georgia have now an opportualty..of rivaling tbe reap!. of Virgtele.i" Thu" inearyle la bathed wish through their State. If they will him in front, hams/ ida innlts,iniatilim his rear, retard his &vane*, capture and destroy his /Amgen, bun on vitrltt )14.111 llie.44ikimarch Mat moot has ramorreir the disgrace of s ardi through the ConfediresapireAlqyttatf or the Atlantio wilt is saved bnieettdortr, and - Scores aid Seorglans wilt reap row.u&of an. (sling glory, as Tali aq4iirvio Oak 'nitlonst gamest: i The .I.lquirestklnkg.l4llo.64l44llo-kliltavy 'stherities ead'Origrat td attend to thle ma. ir. l VW/woo deprive Einormns, of Anon's". wilt mar ch title coub and ninth again. La.. a spring, to continue farther his marsh °troth., 4iPetagitatirds 4: i." ...," Liz - .., - ; ..ri. , '...•............ ib. - The &wand publishes eztracte from a Lottif 44.1.:43:8topticnv to - ThaFits 1; Aigniolt: el Senator Aram. lainitilika, weeleirlak chi etch of the latter at Mobilo, in *Mph he takes cation to earsot thomicupprebansiono gamy vas to his poiltkni,Wriistonod Wigs tsio ;noon - Arc °Hon fetter. sllB &ohs& te convention of filliterkifilltki AirrasitajAtien:Witk-tdolt it mode iff Idstitating '.7thaotlati&s, but reiterate his belief, distil is bOtthr acct en 1310d4.44 :lee:: Srr 41344444411 his r theisasernable 101110444 Goes 'II ivtitit I Clgoogo Resolution , looting to the colonCon o dabs Biater,would, havonmarettlattlace II heir ifecticii, 'lid no proposition of pew need -be expectant from Lluook's Govan:, . warntr.-Xer deduce this - .ol:VAScreta Mks*. tims dttad forevic, aud nip that all hopes of rinsing the obillothroment a arewala illudons. iThe report of th• doings of the rebel Con firm on Saturday matte &stud that "wet aseons hew been attended with miry strong d bates, principally devoted to an- exuainatioo into tho pinittonot bin. ittepbons."frour a slaw c a t , Air„..roots II appoari , thet wery,stront, rune was and la regard ti dr: Stapheirs, d it may toon.sopear that the r Vist Ppsldent js to be impacted: - - -' - - - A vary pretty quarrel, has sprang pp in the. rebel-Hose• on We mbleat of the ezerfrodon'qf State abets from military duty. From one of thi speeothamadotit spposailtfletnigazompto .oni thousand font hundrad State &Seem North Caroline frorteeNthcomeri, South 0 trolin a bur bundred, - Alithama one thonesad and leventr. foor, Iffieslalpptons , boadrodsnd ten, altd;Olofr . ... over sheen th ousand., . ---._, . .•. ~ . Mr. !nephrite views appear to be extending to' ell ; the reconstruolloth s ts, •44,.11-0, porn, .Leach, Tanotilltaptatsi; Cjkis iltrode are : ,dtheolieed si 11'011%4 , ngitatori of dogma' giteitions. .. the mho! Houseof tot a6o4Ulkal, like the Conftdtrarry in laurel, is 'a house divided' spinet itself, and cannot stand long in oath a tornado of ,01101141Mant as Bierman Is at point ' othroms Brown and Vanes !waist& pot 11 TII action In opposition to the moisiattHao of ihi conscript lows. hire Leach, of NorthAlriltheitiffies oeseston totfttily et done the Jingoist of:Brown, &to - ph:: denoting& and Dolma, audnialistaP6Whhog with them /Rend • the Confeder Stap ath OVir dds& thei, aa rs& nt play iumlia. Stapes of ginthiturz!: dationist,and in turn was den cinnood by that gin. Aldo& as one teeth& nittlitrothild at the yen. ethochmente of the • JAL . Itlasilaaimpotitut titan thdto of the enemy. tont denouneet everybody An general, and deem& that this Is no time to propose pesos.- The' Souse paeaad In randaa ' r hino, the Benito bill to amend:the law so as to • forth the miatta In ono ;$0,14 to go to thOds - fence of other Stater. Tthettaileishis been taken •"Incase to concentrate WI: forces of Aim Batt Bunns egainat ithermen, kat he wail hardly gain • Ns* "Zorpi,-Noi:43 , -Ire. debate la the rebel 'il.olleyiiakfritfiThkiSisisinfrot thus raters:, , icPag. po n -wrote ,dueltsed,--- She e4rnite , by; Mr. VooteofthetartibiikatirtudbUilleoesalon• tate are tiger& Is emiadeigftet,thairetel Tine Ptesldeat StUtherm, i, mill of ,tha develop• tisull..htailreen the eeeselom.• neltlehmoud,-.Engikurof the Mit feasible!, •lnsists • on therepeat of the exerantloii laws. and ihibotiteriptlng bf theeustepts' . brordir Upset:lie attires to Mist Shaman., ' - Telegriplao ooromenliatbm ins open rfrom •litelimend only to M Illedgeellleoiring, uo doubt, - to it deattuotion by Shuman. O• -. Demean state that they have jut heard of Lin robes re alsottotr, and Wass . full 'hope of a 'reedy peace, have determined to fight no rouser. end thergte their °Seers endeavored to. keep tie result of AhirPredifellial 'eltethn from them at loug.ll possibly they Malty blamed the Seat freta'som• of our mom, . .• • ,The. elieelatim of our umetpepete . within the - viewed' Rauh' harielked beet( of the greatest striae! to us Dkildi,Uiugi:..l4iitetttoteet, orders 'ageltua ! - litehmegblg ..papars,rgareilad: Eesey,,el the Pdtomw. whlarla Umsexalltntler's. Department thins seems to' he my tostrkettent on the aubjeet. I• r • /11.LLIAlsia‘ f.,Nah4-EMEN.T The Shenandoah Vrlley Onra, 6 GENERAL CUSTER TRIUMPHANT 1 4.1., ( 1 ,1 3 Eit Ley RE T REA.TINO: . _.,„, ' 2IIII Tow, NoV.ls:=The'rferrahl'edispafehes . from Ike Shenandoah Valley say that Gen. Eitoni .laa's cavalry have had another my •brialait ord succersialsagarricauf f erlthrE why's army. On hiontieji Woe Unfon 'Car. • air; in the Valley, under Ouster, Powell 1011 Drain, commenced s movement for thepupe . treelealkielted up the Luray Valley; and` the two otherdivisloits puttied up .thy Shenandoah Valley. Aching before them satallyarties et rel. I lets. No tesistaittp.oigurpozephaelet with Mtirifeedaylirrinibits'infintray,''ontistr. log of about fifteen thourand men; and 'division of cavalry arr.re found at Itood's HUE a - position alined as strong as et Pl,hoo's Ullll Siglatiiirghnmsdlstelyaramnsehisodi firorid - ioailse-Irettre' widet+ wati'dirriffir greater part of the tem, unite seyeN. E aide :greeted attempts to a ink Outer and Po a-4 ell, in all "blob he felled-, *pe t. saegnificent! charges rßierakihr-trY thilinlobrorhstry. The ; retell 'towed little spirit during the engage.; went. Arra gaining sufficient information of' 1 Early's strength, el-Profs aid propition,„the Ns-,• rionalfigneurboureleticeafterifths. -. Some - feeble attempts to fellow and saner ; - -ultrermade,bot without any snocesi to the enemy,; eectSgster, Powelloatarned dome tbe,Val. fir • - milMigintsafe*lielvidglost altogether in Itilled,wonnded and nalsslng only' nbont flat; men. r The dispatches furnish a eonfirmation of the • molt thateesonaf, iIIitteRaIMINiVVIRIPOII with. drawn from the Valley, tut thus the rebels say hive been replaced. by scattered deterihments tic !' v i r _ l(3m ll! 4 Pb . - '-r New /ORK Nov . 2 4 .—yge Itmar. gr i p s geb from G en . Bl N eridan's Ann,' states that Hairs beadtputtra are betwaen:Thalaurville,aall New Market; sad' may io strsished across the Bbenarideeh valley on that line, its right, rut log in Lars; 10V, - Both finks are well Gov erred with easal.o. sUnaUda Is said to as wail suited 'for observanoe of any movements by the Union ferms, as well as for rinalvlng sup plies, giblet he Is ngyr t fingvthr-au• bet.zl/114441. trilli cat e, and ciltnalwapoth soil left to the inhabitants, are euvied off by his Mows. T. design of the rebels Is to re main oa the deft : Ulu for some time in of near, 1.4F-1.1.."1111PSWIP ,;k7 kOU UWE FROM RIBELDOM. ,GIN. SHERMARS _MARCH =ER. Nair You, Woo. 24.--Captata Gams W. I. 9sl sad Captala Elial of Um lttit lase la llotaltt/iLik,„ litiOgThiairliado d y way of Vaal aid dpshadoola Wrath tlas Mated States stems/ Basenalt The Herald yablitbss Goma' lebstasta'a OPP "4 ti q a li n a Waft iamb • y'hl6ll till, tag, are — Goarral Boward ~.etalatlldi Ike lit • & Is 11th sad ilth IMyklilli Aft ob. fat wing. tbs 14tlisimaakk T. tialgtsal .ow f aids, sadealge, b y f oat goads as nearly palatal, of 9991109. and anemia,' at pint. bantallas fat' IfatfoL2-TbditlYs3ts, lainstaliatpistiok "sax "trill - rdaalos spotlit ordas • froWldfd Giiiiondimln-A444,,PisigpiNsteestaans will %imbibition" as lam a. sr, sad aisles Cava assailants-per do. - l. . . ~ 9 Tasy arszsiltesetad to Asa dh lb. ocatilly; l kat lethet no Mitt, la It eandsa whet' tbsp Imo IlifO l is tott • - Ow.. 6 4.9ftwafilltY by oidisis to be Vowall'yrassatistadrudatisat harm laded, 'g m, *el l ig'br-WPriwiltol h.ttrl4-e.Tti. , attalstratid touts; partfts,tha Wait to TOdidatly etpalaid,!, Zit a grim, lava ars old/. Lbadtad; mut 'ud' Is of serrias to tba,sosszal aass.-autytar-takaa 40=u - bat •east Wil da will bear In salad tlias tbs question of &pp* trit' toy taiportuit oaf, and WA Ant dafyil lamato this Isko boat was. .. . . - .. i . - - From.. Ettrope. . :.. , _ .. . . . i. llii.rfAS, NOV. 16.—Thir Ada, trop Idealise' Quo Mk, ale Queenstown the 1111 b, fig areired:• - A treaty of peso* bad beak adopted' by both , -Daniel* °basebrn. -- •• _. . La fraiscs saps tentiliaell bas broken of Mr' 4,lttione withal* Valted'Eltetes, on etwonnt of. a Florida affair. pin: Solna 'ha'. - Mates, 65120 n ~• .*: - ..- - :The Paris Pawls asserts that England baw opined upon the great poem to trout coiled- Italy steinsitbe Sehtnr• of 051/71011da; - - The Rom Secretary refused to repitm-kful who wee tole fiesedid•on the 1411 w. Is # r Li.wweet, See. 12---ffesniii..--Ootton quoted 3, ,. e%s Weber. Breadstuff@ steady. Prolix. OM:AUL , ~Lll4lllllll. -.041111011 ?114/ P 1 . ,. Kim." , qbeted at 1400.41: 1111nots - ffentrer 51102 Ms. ffo Won of lkiiitee Aitij'aePiteisbnig— andie•Fetkoni etc ?! , • ' liT4l . l("lge ila.eai . ili' • :2ir,w YOll6 ••' r übing. 'ton :wpm soya It Ii enarently reverted film, q , tea Peint,akati avaw•Alleisf e na of kierift anaff • Tassel erat - Petuabta* --..: , r, ...,,,-, r.' ':5l 1 . Vieneweed Felrfai".oonnty ban been re•ow , r , espied by °whoops. Tinware offering proto n to the istbairlAnts anAadtabltslPflire to Vibe Minnie sags it ,so feared Mad Snap Charon '4l be usable to take kis seal on tenth this r ar, owing leassiddly fade tined& '' , • , = • 1 The Sitnetiolvet You, 1r0v.114 .:• - 11111ralinintrifort .Wmll.torp Pirelli that If ls.not.llll . r.dj - lbosidonei,4,lllllbWhe filstdait - Vh• is bogaoenstratitioneesibTeskeldikille: when roinplid; will - enehlo them to shorten Unit 1140 ,ohosenT.-sitteSislitbbas , esidingerlog the seLsig of alohokond., Leo Ogee to find troops to/sbeek Shernuieraldronsa; tett nen sof -de oil: sepsis As be. bolds Paterebortand-ibirpresent t If be gives op that elty onto , porttoi of /bulk Side Iteliread ke .111 be enabled to •I eh blo tins oleventellsoi— .. • flood'i z Army 'At I_'WoryAseberro»—lto ..; tAireetAns radtufilt , ;•tfur Army, Cu ; front at-rolukk , 44l friar. ; .'.', - tons nu* froy.'ir. - -*: — ,..;,:atiet:issi lto 4t dal, feraws ths.slatoin that brood's arms oetal.fai . Wnistasboro,-Y7 ~ taarivldelt 'Hat he ;Watteau both Iluhatilo and Manta. ' - - _ • ' thaelorSon of onfataajdoidtosittaildailir T atri oath uti at /tablet& _ a Mato of , . . -". .- . !: ~. Is bolsi placed in Mrose; . Airital of steamer: at Osixo—Oonfed. 'orates Arrested., .. - . • ~. ... .. ..1. (afro, Sol. 23 --Thm stamina ha il .allied .K. o ln mosaphl4 bileiellee 6.16.ba1es of ootton foe St. Unlit. - Tno. honartnieliel prhonsts, oap. ter d Lit Aibassai, wore also on bog& . - Alt"ouni bet of Confedstatari trona nations rani cf l'orosetoo and lffilelselflot, son. striated at Ileexpbis on Monday aid - ?outlay. They nu" to golitton, oo.bnl. , xern Idenfilen.: lid 4 oiTion4. ~ ~ _ . Blinketa may . ba . Purchased. - : 7' 3isitozi;Voi. 24 —Theltlehtootsd• Inigior ass24ttr oryst-enostidiapallsolsOce44acitidascat, I f ha ay be vocalised lo ITS ceTort'Otsj; for the co scriveners at th e North. A ousel baled wl wain, pa lay. tOpeie blanks% hr.*, .1r• cal pod from - 11401114 'l/malt:ter to" esnorat tr bla and Beale, pow o , annipttt,pt tut fit. 7 1 , nt • 1 '-, :.,'-'l-C Cr' 1 f: :*, :-,,,..:, ,•,.., I,a. II . _ Tht' r ak it 6.: act alloy, that dm Tall . haw - iraocts -- .IgoMoC. Id n nhamd by cur gaccbimia,. and ha Pali;, ini Tux; KO; 1 1. -it Is .4 Wed la_i_gilti 'gar 0,'&41. 'taken out: 13.1ir thanthf < t hat she , 1 oil Kota fatal laic, t a„ liilom,Tarb: list W hey dlitppliuld: ‘4 ePVlrted , litivemtnt llnflienedeL : aeseseream i Nsitiss.==Thieennbee Ors min % me eto faint of Richmond, which Immo boom Il i . o ailoa:/efoiciiial - diisich,otihmi ititoon4ed: :VT.:. V - ..- •. . ' ' - 4' p • rt:t , ... ..ttt..- ~-... ; ~,. -I. I ITTS.4.IJRGH SAWIDIL , 1 =NOVENIMEV: 2N 11864 INORTAIiT II'OristENNEtSBIA Batik. at Strawberry Plains, NOTIRNG D.EOII4IVE'o.IiNnD Farther Particulars of the Fight tit Ball's Gap. CAUSE OF GBH. GELLEEN DEFT* •_. From Car Own OnrespOopiot. ' ' ' Criiirroxoook, Nii,v, 17,10 p. al. lios.iii.orp--.P.or Sin:- •pfoop nip totter of ifilif' . o.Uotj . oqi, j Lira ilist, it tig•Cloikorai- iii. mow, toOtrisfdttikttiO . TfipattiepAta fr.sfarlito, !Pir!gsl iiit•fiiip for Strawlior7 Piano, 11tit 5000 *Oh to oustago; Bpioffptt . tlo2..; a ititot `44:u. 'ition . - tooithod then MU mongsgi and fotfad • LPtostlin, 63 ll . ll l.4 b!l. - for / 6 4 ' ' '4 4 •Ai i ‘ d ° 4 l. 41offilia.itiont 16 o!o!ookthis , morning. aim was s 40,11ip 01 daikt:., F" fizAbitlyit Olds AM Old sopthloc doololvii.• BrookhorfOgolo"tott* - rof !f4IY 4 *:! '7A 0: 4: ff.ooo;..aittititsiwiai'. Amass will•bo fotood to fon Viek to KOrrinsi i Ottillhatf • Pfaitit 14'4i:it's% milts *Mt o 2 klfeivnlmoiud !flag:top . cal' WI lipolit..oto ~ ..NiUk.fulood s ordtx and got 13makkaiass•to .. • tVc, ' leffitiroisoiftcr, hi; oas whip Isla alai i o lb. anals is well tortilla& • - ' • lotat7....Vjost-leotil that 'oat fonts Orem - . .IfleflotipPlf b*;itiFoltititldio' Opt oinuti U .6.1c1C. - 11,11514.4 olio bow Wit% afAl tom o • t, "ii - looki•baduow.- . ... , • • - -', ,C. , .... . . . i. •! ~ , • ' ''' ; 'l7iiirtaniotina licti .17.4 Mt. 1. Siefert- essatiir: I wrote to you a fair days, .aso, which I suppose has been *delved !sag ,hifore‘ gat. - .The only Itti news that I hale for yid Is the' defeat of cur forma and r Bilit." Gamma' Gillen at - Bats Balts Gap, dr ' klo - Pitcairn Tess . The :rebels undor ' Gail. .Bitchhisidge, acme 10,400; attacked. Gillian c Alm 11th and Wart malted. TA), venetrid . the gait attack ~ Off , ille 11th, and wen repulsed • At daylight on Gm 13.1 t they. attaoktd as fast, loft and nits , and; vice again ,repubia . &then tate anima hostilities were ettspekde . f6i a Oast time. - Our ammunition and saDallaV ; bliss salaamed, Gen. Oillesamdated our fOrost ilia back to Btrawbeiry Plans 1126 a tamer of slit night. ' linoltlimilyoi sksPeethili ibkiiielld .a law body of rotas ist =huh. n darstarJ ,addas !ekes, yrodditliy calling hick the ribald ...MU/ad upon as with kolas yore, da.* d met a l :a. Elisio in oar army. Thsumbals-esphired anr.:wagoa traino, , srellari ink a groat, pot. gen, _et oar hula stmt. i Gitiorot Gillem'al - Shistatita is tow it Knoxville, and will hadito, hareilited - entirely, bottle it will be able to! - againtake the geld. • .011 lent soya Um oente of his defesi, Wso ok i tmotineof the commadding oilers at, lEtioarille i - net niatig; LIM tappllea• .his, t ro ops ,had so ibreiti torleur days, and hithoreds wen almost etoniditaidnitit for want et fossil.' Oat Itosi. Ake at' Eiterrilie'is imYrtgmthid.:.. Bo "ithira need)* no feet titlaitlUkilisaster. 1 , . - t. Gitilkil Glikisa is not kohlameder tkedltatei al yea 'will, ese.ity.4thailret-yart 'of tali tette; that he y14;1,411'1, =May. army daYlte toned thomt , eithewitt ail' . tirato'vrere tot ails- tha number:o the vietel'i; Ward, it would be an. raft' roi m p,steMans ea any 'one in psalealtir Ifitther-erselopmunte are nestirsary to loistiit in the right. etas, — Driotklorldge„ • when last' kdtkil, from , wit it Strawberry Plaint, and bun whatleent learn. it it rev opition hi., i ll t es oli :making:-a.-raid • boa ' lEentiteky, hut the Government le Wit -laisitsed - Of his totimmoonb; lad 'keitial/t he, will helms - tutted.. I ses..lm-the NOttkerkpapate. - that Mud is advancing omialattimeogs. • 'llk Is mm' to as. It would oft General Thema at. ', &Oh, It Oda vii ,trati,laS /1004 Malta tiro•math to attempt tail a feelialt•ttdde Chattatesis it too wall &Miami for him. /he only retools that hose bean heard allbetilionAitre kik Atlanta, dam Sharma evacuated there, was sit gaerril las wko stoleAtttaillitatit.before last, bat i did not May vary.lentou they found It nation , fortable, onifidaubletaieloal to the woods. Nothltg has hen 'marl of Elkernms altos he !left Atlanta. ,--„ , :, 1 itaid kritaimOrloill,hitwatui Wigs:. Taut' ati: DU, awl Giointh. Kluissippl. i Ottrron. IMPORTANT FROM BMW MA9N.3yITR. MANY PRISONERS CAPTURED. • • i Nme Toa_z„,Npy, 2.1. It ls muamekthat la. 'form►UoY tail bein rmiltrid at'itriiibligtoa that beam tat ltsaA - solillod by ilim:../tams that torah, Alabama and maths! Eltata had data& ised to team to Vilioa;aititkatEhlmaa WI maid 4 Wisirnmant; &hit tbstateitiw bad duind ti limit a Ciiamlistosa itra Ow tall qi3tatuf fa ,Oisa.% Tlia'Arani italitia la an oxlia iiiimacas that Elhalmaa tits aap- . tarid Mama with lama/. Plena% : ; !fir TOW, SOY. 25.—Shomotan I. ISOTUNI replay. sidle mat muh troallsd wit/tuna:par talon. Melts .horeed semi' stations and iv ' devastal lag the mast* Mu . ally Is .foraging. : l Thic , ltiohmend - DLcatch, of tam. Met, says. 81mm:tante wovimt In .Yo gelatins on Savannah and amanitas.,, . ' Ito <IOU= =Milan on on this Georgie (nate reed !Qt . /legate, ; will probably go as far as' Medium, and then numb an Milledgeville. The oolnien.matoiliss on Memo. will probably go to Oilman!. within flfloen mi res of the town. and thero fantod to 11111odawrille and forma jam). . title silk the other body. By thisr,movommt , Mason fail, "and the enemy ire an lawny to moos on ituguta, via' Cledigia Centel labifroti 14 BrownstriUs, and thin mush North twos Smash. . ' _, The Waiiiit•Waibltectog spend styli : ,Thri. Alamos& pepedt af 'pinnies tee little or- no DO*I itont lihstaimOwinyt bit those 'of Mon day Wiwi Abel' immolated mem' dlapatolim, - eimitelsing hinblyimportant intelligenos from / trot& of 'he rapid and sneeiesfal advisee of ra.tilismamY IntOthe vory hull of Cf series. lelelievid that Itierdare papati.wonld'eone - ICOIIIIIO, important intellittenen i if vomit dse p rint it. - Tim Dispatch does not say any, illartahmit the espial; of Kam, bat ins that 1 sbcrorlal tat within eighteen Wks - of it on SI- Willey bit,and des advatioimp dirsolly upon it. 1b• odtr is garrisoned by militia, and not easingly festliod, --The- disks of AU Maly ez- . 1 to ded our laity mUei, nati, theloyalty wore simirb'g foam and -iritpolles- --Milledgeville, the ..oapital,to;fieergist, was - emPtitred, tenth's'. with a portion of the memiwre of the Died*. ' hire. .' illasatnzaltinttat's itlaingiute, an -hit tilt' wit ihOoted there.; r ' • ' 1k N i t:: haw lair. Pao, amid' iasi.44, 1 9 .. . itlalinted' papers of , Tawdey have amenate of fibenata.stziovemenjai although not - . of a 'army defiliftirridnitaots4* Thiiinlad.lif his *Dinka , wir , loli a § lo In WWI ii. eighteen muse ofgestin Mdin Of in -that direction.' It mks. MI [linage .stated that - Vebel4 teleiraphLl: I ry GO busied's ;wan opinc'enly us dire 'M. MU : 1 sotto"; biP)otta:AOUIL plwistillo Mass seem to sMt been laturaptial.probably byfilintemia c , - histkettiving . -Gefiaftillt Observe& ' ~. key YomrsNow. 24--.Thenimitilnghts been generally obsitiVid: -*Art Ibe soh tees is the olty and violety`bave teas liblisilypronfldod- with inikey.dlaneraly ths Now Maenad Rellif As iodation. Ail* OW holidtahr and other Usti:. l 01 loc9:Wa nh°use - are. _. _ , . , , Elo - I.oofi. Nov. -tolmoo vorohonlo of p Abby, CottoniPonts ft Co., on osoondstreot, moo Onrnod 'lmo night. pno, *525,0001. mostly. . . . . What an European °Meer Heys Of. Oar- Armlet. t i •; • ~1, • A mtmrpondent :Of tin Mei, ntiting . from Grent'srinnYr eyes the folloulnif statement r . ' . ,s, dlstiavaished othoalfrom a foreign serelos, :.cost wielding the sword In our behalf, gate me, lattily, his firseimprersions of 'the Army'of 'the ft.fomao. floming directly frail the lounging barrack room of :a citadel city, and duly anon toned to wiled! engagements en opsn plateaux :said the Imposing pageant of panoplied warfare, ,he filyt• unptenmed to pierce limits or mon dompthen. titans - 4. his unties Details% and thrculkg. Ann) etude . the !hitter% streams of Xtrope., 11. UMW antleipsted battles of it week's:' -`itorrinf thonhilit %bete* oppodutersilirs aim= pl ly Ed by the Inzuriaut unclasp** Stud theltdokalostulneglants - ot our Virginia rentals. ;listened with greet Interest to - ttie - dnerlP • ibis Ili:Ilta salmis* 'elld - enonislunirist . anti' a bsch,bkiettnefitALteigades and &riotous path , hardy into the brapenetriblimilds or . irirginte: Ant it aua 'gating taltear ram; Mill tha glow.: ledisglltizili dt hiltbstPellest Xinglistirdesoribe llasitfoolisinder lira: dud her -"I bad but a besetpplutot or - oar troops wberf'l Ant ear 11 tecamp. They acted so litUle Eke Soldiers: ,ofeitiontir,ent. And wlicul sem them on the I : utiolt, I was doubly sar.pilsod'anit. shookei at ,lie, tiros' Mutter la ! which they maangic 012 : , : Aho'iontiet , Bet," said be, and hir.eytt Osten .10 "ii -- t .WIRPObIi "absa .. th• battle cummenced,. an itho;legloile- cape up . andi him% to - form,' the I ,fittrAtie..Afmy eit:;tllurPotenme: -Yoe 'col era dllll on the battlefield." • NEWS ANis eIIaC,NIAIAISIG • • ',. 1 , • • , • ••-•- - "--;:. '.. ; -; Illn point - EfetteT' 4 6rlolB7o9,4 Vaal / 1 0: already proved a gtest:eovreattetee la malehig ezebulgre bet won New York and the priacipi elites bf the Union, hti e been-put to o •W ntli - New York. Orden an Altai% at .tfia frairibt ' Cacti yayslbla by the - fostaisr-40 at Newt-Vtilli, ,1 and the crdere•sra sant by mall - frouina part 6 the pit y to any: other fiat, and noftfor the pali. • ment 'of little, or any Maar money for wittarl antrunts comparatively email may be Militiroo l A Baca Darfait bin-Vat: Lie 'Omer ..... An aztttlaa fiat (*SUM to New York on visit of Gen. grant co - itanday. • hie 6ao . 4 look to orfidnot him fo lite Dotal. --Thedri * -after depositing the General, gore Istt Wald( the follottlag taint: 'nacre's t 4 snerealf; Dittri t i Ge s niteg, the biggest men in . Atheelky, but . I've tenthwiduitennt'aelerat of Ike U 2 ted if lis; and Ito nioie than }tabby Los eia dfd.'' i•-rhisitetenen annotated the force `it thit sentiment and applauded the utterer. ; , Pitoressosiarzer, while at Athens, was edr prised at the elude purity Of Modern Ors 2bsrlatratitp idiot deed, and ohbly didn't -, -,proundotsttan froteoo - Weil Imotir.lotro _ . -A littirrigitintelti from Glialskr„aseicill,Jesid" . gie modern word, coffer Aouse, Is a &gaga*. 01 twenty minutes; and youngbellas spoke tbithrt old; toopeofitli",sa nitiszs ' leatiltydlindainpd "tatily the studies of thirty years. Animator, Dooms proposed the. folio p " tomprehenstria toMt, id. a nitwit buns* bane festival in Ragland:: , - , . " flemZe a battik ea all three that W1114V6: ' ire..'. • heddi to all those that lona. , 4= &roll hearth 'a attogiatait *ye them . . et Yen thasothet Melt= ' • ' !tat 1 lots t.t."l , ^ 2c,3 . , . BriPaiCa TO 116 WlCtll•... , Erma_ tn. _sirf, - to operate soy! sgainet vinery. She moo Owe, all go against it ; the war,preys upon it, whAlothie cooduotedliy ktendsOr fou•, the President of M ' ill s Uni.ed States his Cabinet, and Gan s ' an down upon, 14linditew warn the /*bets see , to be twain against ft, and to demand its I • rides, in ;mho to once their Contlniallatr.- 'T • • labiorsvbei intpolid thO war ilndo 01 parties to • tuning against hire. , A CASTIASSA sit reantlyieurad , by Russo- Wiry in the flydenhun ChyMal Patios our Lon: don. Ile was ropoising its bout; and lofts largo basks% of tools while he went in doors to fetch oemothisig. On Isla return he Wanda (adult' 'andOoppoitog soma ona - -itonitha lonia had to. boo - O,U was going :bid when tho oasiowari 11794michod, and st ono gulp ballads, swan dri er aod•gintlet; whits tha turttisd Utlik to wood . ..; 201SILTAIII4 Corona. -aILOOUSSIS eatiosibm iNtel. i Aland Om put season la Bioko iseudy, Pentaylvania, of which we haver semi 'loll boon pots trout him . ./.,Ifirr floats. The staple .snob long; but this article Ii good,and.the fiat :11 thus clearly demonitrated that cotton oanho auctaim 1111,;,produmwiln P0A.0.4111111114,4W.JY. 4.ir. - , . -- _ Eausinawra.--liouly Oast . , thousand. men' 'hats Faiii,.... mills:ad, In Philidolphis Oleo the 111 3 2 ' utCl34r o ; 4 l l b lu e 4e a dte 116 °X t w o i" ro r s h e b 71 asTrilliftdiefl...:YillYfOZe; men 'atallitsli On forty-quoltondayiettnasi multifold tor throe lidirl Incas years, and one Won year. iiimaituil Piiiinriii Tutouit.—Thelaies nejltelspiam of the general to his heti Wilda. ted tut Thursday, and has fgloarofil have toe= eared - all yoor Istiersputo 04.. Si. I start to morrow.' 'Vigil no more, mod dont expect to hear Item i*So,4zo6otbsoash yebsol.aourosi, for 1 acme Um' to come; good yesb Tun Crisidriaiilga. iajr. tbalilleudloton Moo& he was the Josh on 41s (wow thaw, 10 to tiii %alight . - ottis sigisto hi. stadortook to priforti 'Maputo of both' Jonah' and the whale 9 i l o 9l 4.lMMap himself. r , -, - Mir ry/litr ilia - id - be four solipau—two of Of, ilia And AtiLsof UM Min. "The *salmi of tiMinut occra,os4hw MA ids April - imi the - 1514 (../ Oatobati ibansottlsom‘hoisips ilth ot ding i and thin of Oebiliff.;,' .:'. ~ , ~'f.*: ... - rt . - Aaatir t Vi.iikt.tiaMisrtenentat Wash:' Wm i loehosi iliashigigar rut that, MAU the fa-, beWat 'lsepliois: fitly ti mono ntdiaist - ms freotthar n . whiseibli i = bitinbrOTtradasilstanos from ITan Chisagos tau", is foofne intim between that city ud Reim*. A* liUwAtiku &algid ifilanklainliiiiftne thlti'latipiquantl- IthoofiPP lll , l 4 4 . !On. fillillA in itritittril Wilmot ! - fl fl paper. aajs 4 4;romiso MAIM than 11160.0% perms* bilsoosuli htfla - day, nlii,ato Illttio Nita thaa.pospiß not Iticitlisg whin is Ilielfooftriialatalii.theupwailtils-Abowintar." , ~. , loan IlLtloiri;o4" - AWitiet,flitisi., a member 5 4 00 lktistrOf.' 'AMU". odad - piont 90_ years ad en Tonally , mot 'forth/Kent Um** his ei t iring - I fall rots forth : sit:talon nominees. 1 A atm has boon iittadsood Is Ma Louisiana • al. dotdattaithit an ptriont taltto State not that.mi, taaa croa•fouttla'ot ;Kip blo od *WI T.1X141-4, ?a . vat4.4.: .- 1 - • - .- I. , . Illoaprt.lt Is asta, edam Elio attattiod datum or etuatdater Los& .. It to thotrati way ba can "ot • tend and's; ' " .... - • Naw Naallaataittnio jatt4Otid ' to bold aCoto% juttutairear”Ocar.: • P. 44 1•401444,1•4. i ,Ittolnitaa disarm* wore Coottal to the Lor diktats st th Ittosteolloa Lialfatotoltd; - : lin. lowa IC" litonnrat dlod at lollotatiti 'Attitalndik eclat:p i a.,oi Ike lithisat.- or TIIIIIIC GNU» tOf4IPON. . Tin Isandaworek . . (Kaua) 0244 w aim Isetibl the mega of Trios, afar his ?limns Inman of. Curtis and last, to ate Myr, , of °tarsi Tkasysr, anamand of the Arroyo! Me' Dada to a:operatic: . Oar . Sarni .had followed. Pain •vilit Moat rapidity to : the *nib of tho flaillaw;and had kept bini aWay from h 4 sada Ards.. •134 army worn withnpld marchlay, and *hauled from ydralos sad want of read, was. do tb roughly demoralized's to lie sandy ofratitto than any disorsanisid mob— at this jtmeime Genera Cortia dispatohed ootwar afar convict to Guiana Thayer at Port Beath, bir 4d with 5.000 mesh ma to Intercept the , rebtl army,' and cat OP ail falba retreat:. Tama tOndetlymoindlvertito river, camped one night, sod returned dm nest morning and slat Minter ap in.thil ford/Oath* of port Smith; sad.tims tko_opportanity to eaptare the rebels passed Oa.. The &weroatoo says it' Is more /tan ; Intimated that the protostion of certain antraoti ots at ta• Hort was demand ,of- Puma' inPor.. twee thaw the destruotion of thrsnenty. lTals Idtssonar Dittmar:or 0011121111.—Tb• following list eillbite,. is fir as. present 'aloe tsdned, the eoroPlezion' ottle Congressional del. epsilon from our State; litdlstrlet, Jollyllogia,Conivriallve.:. • ... ~ Henry T Blow Radios!: 3d Thee' .• 4th n 11. Boyd* Oe sth :Jos W IlL'Olarg, ' eat • 1• , RD' Van Horn, TO. ' Beal I' Loan, I. Bin ani.a., , 9111'Anditioti I.*K 040, ,r14,1* Easy,: be 'lulled .ewer Boyd, iddical; and II to .pEsslblui that Gaiter, copper. ,haad,•may be chooser over Andontqa. - 0171. Y eoloode returns of the lekliiild•lwete Kitt. _ • question In these Instanoes.-44. Loot? Don _ _ . 14134 . 164 Z D111111; . 1h11roitOIOCier, Whet of I, llfonte (Wilco," .Ints - Trots • litoesquetelzes," Susi smithies less then • • thouseii other, works offlotletil Seamy _of -*blab lase- iselLY4iest red • hiss beetiettemsivel7 seed in the Tatted Ptak**, .bland.l eselniP s li the Is r 'put of De r eeember es the early ticket ; J eaunfor Jiew Task. The Bootie Poet soil it la the intention 'of !Domes to travel wheat 'lona mantle, la the II Steles, end he OVUM.. WWI the mooed, pose -if *Shin i boets bat ;Whether le' book of sot or, lotion, hedoses .m 1 / state Mot will Wag with ' him eoprlvste. soketerr and two ' lasasletern sad-Intesda bevies. his work tieb. llshed ilsoultstionsly -It lie. :Yolk, Pols ina Loplon. Deem fa e desrenelitk. of mat sno totatekehle bia.erlah hair coaelierehl,7 otlaptt Hems e is aceasboat slaty - yens of sp.' •.. . . Atiaii(oilfzii.l'oe.'is Somme Boitim.— %Is people. ot theNorniern border. of rfew Yeti larei,appiehetiding &nattier 'mad; Thay , believe that It hand of raiders lute& eolliined in Canada' sad and 'mining: thatasalree , for the : perm:woof . robbing and mardtrieg the leading Republique -In that ,ration cifltha atate:7 11, hot of thee& per. sots butte& famished to the thlmmidisettera, tuttaws and rebel soldier", sating ender orlon _trota niiitaatinde Geddes robbing and maxdat, ,ini . 'the prominent min; It le bettered they in • ten to tear , up the trails of tho-If orthora nail, T ro , • ; the dietroy e dopota, locernotires, itoi, M lit he, and afterwards barn tha town. The la h obits/a tar trifrightened at what spent torte to be t h groat bag - bran, as no satiate° they , proton to tiedunearthed is not only wlldan'd linprobw: blo• utluipriatioible: • • • I . . Aonotliar Emancipation Proclamatitine If has Men repotted that 'another Ferociousr Lion hp tito Preetdent might ,be expected. ierdirtg to the Waihfogtoncorreapondent of the Zieir,Yok indqvadrat, it Is to ben pmcluna tion of universal freetiont Eta' slavait.Thit trrthr up: T Atrsharti McCain of tot•dity hitt rilsellifon;. lit t inAmanolpator, .susd 11.1.07 to nice stW holt is strldea toward radicallem, If It ha near - sib; to save the country. If Congress Le rot i:peditWai• to ligreelits , to the' 'Constitutional. -eipoindmantt I look fora almond proolarnatioa. -freeing every dais lit Eio Eaton, upon,the tionad of 4.llitary nemseitp. Opountin 31nrucet 4:,lai for dealing with the rib e, as 10d down to his recent ipeech In New TOT r, pnblisbed by no l ferrders *soil* hot ect, unit/ ertsinit.withll• 'smith' GeneraL. The 'tom, Ides II expresion - in Biliriee nisi .of •t II Arabs/X-4ns- goose between the .oardin3t nen—Remember coy grand- inallizie I'4lnd il l ein ay ant niethcAeln conattists. ' • : • . V. - -74,1110 Mass ? ' • ,—All mane to eras 4 t 4 -. .. r _L-_ . ruOiiesty. estnelics O'Dosrdita's4e 'the , atory oUnnlrisllsissn; boded, over to keep,' ge'resq . s. agalnS4 *lt bir &Pates ..nisibj oats. ex , 0.0 Ain foreigner , Vszek beg iseartoOn toixessnllng an Dish:ails' 41,1 40 Ito"' gar ;theWorst or it In • ifris4 -1 104.. 4llulisttc?'llo.l( appronoton tbi irst924.lsed:llen), Tehefie following dislogts ensue, Ifyle of Aii,bussos4 (42 Vangdalasti Hero) :43nto, 7o great Vrnadown, irtattAo yea got into 'thtatbrnbblefor?" '" ValietV.cl Bey (to Wife of' Tnlo call It innsbtio, slop r *by,: It is once!- , . Peloncavenziurt.-.-A etas= of Noir ;York tee tffered to rake audit- twenty -fta - Omens , Letthrotlblng tan thoutentdollerermoh s th fired, - to be eppliattnfnaleilnk ooslandatha articles' of baarehtild smearalty to the poor'at llmt Ora,. in feta of the:plan he10t:...... - ' - ' It will be of 'more reel bonellt to hotthibtthe o. at money to ofteapea the neeerairbie of itre theato.'gla a large mount autsfirlit, ithloh :mtght;goln part,th oneonratre professional btig . • rayon- idlezeic Bytatntshiss- the igiiode ,eorrOte th in plum the Wham:tatter on shoal?, , pogs-biait, sad the honest Fide et -no - man ;or, women:aid keep tabscor ha from iemptlng oar CITY AND,HUBUBBAAL • Netting 'of o taco Alfinufat A toneilng of the 14obacoc...bioncifeararere . :this fiitrindivistai4 was bold alb Alr; • Itinilnue * lni . Wekinsid4 ning.' 'TN, me ttpg wu.4alta ludo, and wits . reopens, tel oblates to ad by the , . .nsanufebituare of New- 'Jo:th r ice the parpnee of : imnsidarine the, propriety of mencrialliting.qpii-, Ifs es to levy Nitta: en leaf Mai:ion teamed Of - On the: ,s asandisotured article. , • . ' . , Mooting was orgenlsod by. ealllntld r. John Ft:Girton to the elude and appointing; J.. .l:==` Alban, Escratary, - pn motion of 0- Oyer, the circular from Now test was then read, sftereeldah thefts wit nieni rel.intexchasi in of opinion among those present in !dilatant* tie expediency of the Movement. deloyste.from - lbs ideaufeaturer's &seals= ;Vim oilier! York, waspreient, - end 14invitalion c*pteined the object of tins anovoment length,' sapported . hie assertions by oopirmsatatistior.! lie stated that Ste„i4M,9oo . worth of -tobacco was._ produced each yeen,•on which tho'Griverroesent, shimid receive a mean. tax of $30,000,000. 0 w- 1 , „log, to the',fsoi that dm tax was levied bn the , ~,innutshicittrediatiold love thmsfiteoo,ooo rave', eine was secircd, w hereas, if the .enx, was Ina. I bored 'Mete Null, not only will . the. C4C03111-of fres:L.l.kb reduced, Int the Government would re ;Mire the fall-amount of X:11W81i111114,tb.t0h it is A er.seme further diecustion a resolution was offeved.ond-adeptetnettingfortlf thnienie of the meeting that the tin elvinld kaidabs. as It ie, and that a tremortn/ to that *Neill bnicanullitted to:Venires/a ."; • ' .. • hileure,Graithe esid.llaye wets appointed as defegeteitiiattend - the National Croarentlon ,Of nasholectiran, to inieflis Nier•ltort, , and are inetruoted to vote against any Osage it the, le* vhis reepeet. - 'Weer' trinsecitimr.of. nom. tishapcirtant r basins' in the sieetinA **Stevie& Another Vaieran Glens. • /l , obed GUlespli Mid at the Msldeatii:of Ids, -fathitabs,-Iss, . , Allen Tinylen West Detifion4l4 - , Allegtiziy oitislir,' on , the Sth inst. The deceased entered the 'anst-bn the tint . , , , tiestdealli for 5;090 mite, lad aftei het lag seised the thseeloanttoe terte, ha-Whited In thetlthlthra's Canby, Co. „and 'MIA Ms =lumina sattldpated - la the battles of ihi - hittlee - of Antietam,. EaditteksloatitiCklmeellityllle. tystars, land the. eetesbfhattles maxi, LWl'ite` Ohtt-r.etollt lastelt/I;Tdulteed:,' th effstioa Ills ,thme,yeeti Min hi lathe:NC ht ead.' after - a abort dme was attested. be Idrat'sio ebb* Asd-bearecrs4ThotTrOPM•oo-: latto thi ettlesltedis of -a ',Anita Thits ialtiettelrfat tortvedhls toatarylaMfel4 &mina alode; three rime mad thresimpths. he wet 'Plailltted .tetnnt. home and dle Tome ameog Ids Mende: =He vas a blather ef Z. W itte., ontteolor, of Allegbenh. any._ Sbsialsk acelawt ,'Vetterder,lllorgag ea avoldenteepuzal at the °Rue Xn)ot of.lb. Pitistergh, Bort Wayne It Chisego Veltroad,,t4totheay, eldrif reatliet, the deaili of a yeses. surnamed Olutties Brown. *heiletiesed wit espied hdr, the So:Rau es • than . . thifter, mut wee 'Minding on one of the treat, ',hie a tsoomotty• ems along, knotted Aim dove, and nu ever idr,iege,manntlan them horribly, end completely- pealing 3ho fink from: et beau. Bo vat-. earsted to the reedits* of his agate. ; rildeiel 'beet, shd metal Pheitedenaoriled for ,stated Ma , itwas eateolevery to :perform operettas, es ha.vontinot 'arrive hiiisjartes, be. prorrellow died during the intreinz'aftet mantras tits mod eierntlating T. ea" miudamaAlatanwneledmmilodaaan , .' of age; and had bean but a short time from a. army. an isgsteet trill be held Mg this lisdi ants aitaracia. - • • Sold:we. Weto...i.fisesaL Tielleturn Jadpa hold se eajoirstst moil leg ti.oey;,feribe par*o of :spoiler, sea as. 4sesiting tits any Totes We an ll:doted te lib 'Wtlitomi Niq:, OAS Or . the ' MU kll ' for the official retalt.'is fel:Gess /or Lisoots. . . 2092 " . . 831 ..... 2018 {The Official 17 .- ni " Olt catjorlty is the county lo . . tb 91 0 1" lit z e • Vote..., ....................... Army ..... . . _ '9los • TotiilnasPa rg • ' Watal Accident. dl6iTalbot, master.aupeater, In the . . . plai af the Atiaatieiad Great Westsra , met with as itoalunt Sabbath" " afternooilist; afar riamoistown. that resulted In his death the 'salsa crania g. So had been with ono 4 walrmeti,' ~to repair' the trellis bridge. at- *hot llts P ad -war - setuiting with-.the . party la a &cu.—While pawing Briar 1110,au the tray dorm, his oust share Ina caught er con of the sr/abs, bad before th• motion could befsirinog ME oirnWet doubled op and hioina, his shoulder disloadarai aid he bad healud 111. 1111T11111 guh uldorile 01 1 4 strittpits Tide, pointisted to tko goikot.joist. Theis Wales eastsad.daellt,Aa a law boasts. Tie deemed hares a wit. India* fry in Ciessiand. "1 haTtmetti ltatlonal Bank: fottfits 4bititedoe, bible& now min among the . most tift'opyitmelnit !Waxed a dividend of thlrtain dollars per oharo out of tho profit. of the last 'its -montht, titter terming thy =plat Arid required by sot of Connie: 'Phi birdie d 4th Institution hen bothethoirably othmagail, as the - mull of Ito aporatfoho abundantly Prem. Thb most entered Iselttnoo,oro: tarsi thArt ;Anti, aid the ithatlibiaid scoommOdittoot ex tandon..to the patrotutatho and tkollmit ostatein sad tuition ant need itearathir tal intb:ittof Alt wholninsaat barons than: ifs dintot &Mottos to tha -card of the bthit, to any . other ohms. - tt A ChßPier, of, Acetic:an: Mhtea different' areidelbt,' ezah'zistatias tor tAri, -ccourritt. st • Wnattt..l3toneville,: Milder, couhty,:on the hi it!' arid:skid' sin,seen.' too of J'amb VG* ertjlied btu Seek brace elteniffitelsilsi WoCintOs bum; his bead awillugin contest with the ert over **door. Itim..hiellielett, of Minter county, won found lying Swain a ffitt betide thirimul sed . .the third, a baboter one reittoel; vu sitting on the trick and run cet by s freight train. : The two:lntlsr were nn r the influence of liquor. • - ' • . . - ?krona PntrrittLTlD.-4 young - non; inatei ,Wm. Wright, of Solent, Colombians, county, Is nOw in jail at Now I 'shoo, charged with. lin a ttetopt to rograer Itlchad . 11acrisonikla Iwiterr fatbar,-sgainst 'whm he .was incensed on CO.' count of prottrotion afforded to ,wife attar sha hadifoft him. 110 had armod hittotolf with • re. trays:yin d ssontatt Women Utast a Ha tison's homy for the physic y! killing kim Upon being acgdoutally dLfrioirirria bJ Mr. o he Clad Case shot* it him; tha two Sint of which mitSod, but thy thirdinfilotati a wound In 'tits Mau Wright Cod after haring , thus prociden. Hon, In cenenmmaticis pro drandfacrlote, .hat yras afterward artostad, . BAIIUM ECHOlit. sigh% Lead °Slitration of th• Sabbath fiaboola °outlas ted stitlitbe Uniiod and AitarOisd Praibitseteds °butt-boo otpitesturgb,Laztrannsills ant Dian: stisto,.wu bold' in lbeltattond U. P. Pittrob; . Bovsatif stmt.. oto n itride ' ailsokorn.: - .luntos Aobb4 Ea ;mutated. The siuselios awaited of miss by O. 8, Reid. ..dddesss by Res. Teasel,. 8.. Kits t Singing;--Address by Etas. Robert atstioy,-D: D; digging Addrais by Item G. Brouni D. D;; ands Besediadoi brZoo: - W. J. Bad.!,.Tits andisies was ;quits. Jug% ind,titO .suOteises mite Ut atatodfitgly interesting " • lifitarton-bliatoriiiy.looliT4golo iota bold to bill tokday for calltlbot mlshttf,la dttilogaxoloatandAttooktogitthisl ogiootatli Ulf:mn to Thomas - Might': 'Tti• idt Will ontstri , born, liloyer 4 '4" i,"4 .* Firit• bi = -•-• . - 4p 4g , - - • • 64••"R` ; • ..; q?' 4 •;', Yr..; .Bk* L*323 R.A.L.WAte-Tkt . *Ctritl3po2 at. MCA conoareooed- at New 'Llama,. A lisge.ehpply of horror, bard, nheelbariors sad tali, by/Astra eollicood at that plaer, with the: .view. of prosecotiat.thei. work 'rich ripor. 14c.. ' l io, ate. apperiptowtout At Cone tra:tion, 1116 firrentrtheiririA . obla-boCid Ir.en to work aathara4l, to whom la eery two dblieris per gdoy, to bp paid promptly artery thirty days. Toe tirtolnty . that, the riuoi bo, hunt boo oeuedA - Oi t a a PloYezheitlA rest Pilate la - New' Liaboa oo'd, telithbothoott. - ... - Property. tioyt ' advsz as d latirly. IP ,prioo, And parch of It- his changed - _ - , Passonts.—Wa are gassed toloarit that our isang Criendlesss Robinson, R., long , <maim:tad with , tha-Talrg E iaplil Otos here, - and' late manager of 3be Xsdopendoni line . Is ;too gad. at Chattanooga, Team tttt t and.sonnsotedmlth': the trnltid States Millitry Tsargraiati4tkozott at that important paist.i.. - Mr. Robinson is a swoon= 44 gnsataurilMs and thoroughly pbstod Srlthadagraphio btudnessc His many friss& bet, ttllbe pleased , - to hoar , of Ms Rama. ,- - , , :-;(ileiszaOrtaiL- 1 11111. hlisisti Link, 4Al:tinning- . , At, that .+Der lutsband,. 2Litholas Link; Is not a , fikedaddierti,asp :send, heels n ois in tile vervieffin I:7Sdonet ealtepe!s regiment: The error did not originate with silo as the List i inirado ;OM Yrovetlitanbirrofam. , . 'LA - CrAPAYlMiaiiighn ' ititteriaan eagle, Dieu; wing els het four 'lnehelliticireitirwievWwite, shot in Spriesield , tolPrMeduteitlecultstt, - 0., is short dui!, thei r b _Reuben ,149 p.•. T s r bill dhabled cennif Rd Intl; of 'the bird. uttd; A ; brought It to the tretunt- - qt IA Moir I n po ••• ae Mon of Mr. Lipp,und etthleortentuelt uttentio Midi M Matorlotin'tiihijg ,Irl yiSt",-Ik region of the country . '' . . ' - • .." .. 1 44. traliteiara WiIsow:w101 peassaatal laariy;ifcr m teng,* (entalbas:daga LTka b'llak blend on' by 5, apild at. 'ltal. Villsoni aught ebitdtit RabetrWa4, of 'Wylie street, touters 14 wain lratelantaaw ara4 litirefl Or, obotocalaws,,sto silt she dog or Dina swat; it Costae; end at hit ateounta - mho tied wo4 144M:top alnut-EL:DiairseoW las ointintiel to liver two leettosent-thle llitYldatillit lb* Pviiin Huoil: - leetiris arobqkpredlellt arid allot 'steaks/ a `l6th sod 114,10 1 3rxribill* , * aank'n 'At/tOOSA TVS WIWI)! gt: Jphcl church, Altooss.terchellitoliPlied fa MP* , log fors Fair ,for ,the'. 0;94;0 , • • The Pik will Open Oa the Bth cl,Deoesibei: „ ROBISTIM—On ToesdaptiglolpettittldolkB . Keret* kltro.,GOVlis gorse loblskol":.elothirsalbillolibistrittehiintiount of 42 .9; r*tt e.to 171' 4 4 1 0 4 * •• 911 a, :13COMAD WARMILTEEERWS rhenlX Aritelkiks*liii 4 ell • 4 'Sat. 3: .1* MISSOILIWAh'ir dt BENINgDeBBIROUBWIti' 14 c ti la Me, _„ ' al 17-.,:itipt-1 ye" aal Volija "*" LMW.I.L3g ttnt ry 4LLAIEZIEVAIUSEISN • . - :Comiii:Usatqq.: 2 lLeal 64 11; ,B=ll/3kerNISOLIRIN4 • 1C9;01.- ono, ift; zat . ;Air misfit cipssministrwieta Amp - mow moduli loc..Wpogiovirmbusat per; el tevetiali fit - brAWDZI atyrn o. , •o,l.l3ttliorPtlCit. • SPP- 174 : .. - 7!!!' 4 '' . 3r Ctritalic ata t tnip 04E, Gt naisT.lll.o4774Dtaitilifi WAY, , A4Platithe4i iirepaditiiabki &ea Zvi Petrolou Mitts -51°.n:14,rtiP5441:414, 1141 4. 3 t f' l4 Mr_TitelibelfikAllititt 4 fte WI I" tiri4lini TILISOIPOSTATL , WIFS9/111 1 W ' •!, " - B, I P IARDS° Itli q d 9 r . 11 ; 43°4 :- ' watikumma a icaticizimiti zrowaammy. 17. 1i no - . Orlide'lli/t.iteltneir retroblinsi ! munzawns„ tt: ' 1 Mon BA !1-.w. 3111*/01 rsasozaz, FpBßOpido CO., , 51671.sizim imagism! IWO (1011111USION , BIERVitANTS, , yeaeal= hiPittbog %3Eantheterres!si CAUDEI Icadwzrum, ozz.s. tfteritlimata'sww SLOW!, • =tbs. . AndIOBZIS:A.IID DBIND 1f117121 pint mar Qikirom. MIT 11110IMININ. su p .botanni :an xenon ovum! OM UN. 431) / 411 9/ 1 i 3 = 02 Okra. : 13 ktimit cravina maguici , 020.. !Wig uzp.mixii. gimilagimerg*,«N :1101111i8130 . "- . _:•-::,! setang •um Lunn om Tom. 'l?'"!ll4l4•66lwarf's•cik mnlpwra Ri finell : °r Or"! retrotaim virharamsamm, Timm. AsEmonai iliril**** * l l !o4oo. !... • itagi 41rat f i Mb 1 - Artramrterecutsswitua_ ' = bin. :Boum= o semomw on mon int rot atlik at the Anna. I sou:: sad Waal' Lll WARDIGAIEPTENT. • OntlifElswit • • Pato/mire and'. Us • Products' .4:16 . a« el mummer 11114006. jAkEB LIMN ==Ml Ati; N 'Tit4oV •Aalia 'Am*Ozil . . • a . . .oUretcslaiket /elan it rtereitel G atlas. solace , A.ND IrlailT.Maagrp. • .. . LIMINT OIL WOlllO, • Dynan . , Dunlap a ca., Pi" rate Liked Mabel Ci v. tit twEntriyz :am Liman-141oz .RAE. rrs. I:GARDINER OOFFRi f . Agent for tho EP •! troaktto; Thilthelpbta aid Wiwi innusate "Pmf.,!"../ 4460,,, ei . Vim* s*Zpstas NU :P. 402 , ,TE5; Agent for,North America, vv-. Sarnia Surrailant; sed . larprowe wimETEL Mik-Bearetary Clifena In to Notakawatopacr.iimuiclgazussed awr DWISTR r,, _ - T I OSEPII 'ADAMS; Den HOoliteal7ll thateitsio-fsarest et nut amok :Isqborgh. BentorikkAir.A.w. paw.* tortentliabtail,l4lol:Rentir 5 , c' ESTAViasur,D =I 1 17:34. 104173.t1011aLE OF ,I'Eng PITTSBUSGE ttlRlllBOll/10/a3 REARICSORtt b k padecalleadc,on accianotol the pnealog molten of tat patron Mean; to'oolopelled to none Went lb, Rlttelnipb, Janney' at tnons la notion. The Ratline .comptlon lour Mlle 0 , nit cell (dodo boob melithicte43llo.per , )AS; anti - t'f WI. or 2 cal (angle Rae), kur..p,x,rau., ,, hottatlpg . all Win % font. Sler6 ain intim can; ell minnow swank!. Want inn ell themoomisor Rae tele. betingth atop with complete sot of amnia en. 'lib born power eon stinting sone. ine; tied nal. ten. .IS. stove. sad ovicetttng natatilane WARY in :ii"Pneliontr auxcetlii ly. The - mete. Bond Rim tie comer of Racket end rowttt. cttear 11511 buytt, its 'terminus So le note likbetter oordialon ttanit boa teen Vortnin.inil ocean-dal , singement rill pay • ItuaLaome ‘ii.s (dant paths 10. natter. otttlr end Is "nvirj ithenl one roll Vino :;ht to nazis* blotter' nit! otßaraint 'one attn. ratmerger I. tto city, poettlealy , .„: . The attain., natio Vanilla et , lochs a Pate Varela at tee mental elm Rooms oi a ,toploinsa !off Ilice.l9..b;stl3t P.m. Term; onetialt nap, nano lay 10 Sten, to of D . 'Ourld br WO la m 0 . 1 0.)* With lawner,fatlio.reta. el 7 pie tent.. Made lentanansiulr. , 0, • .11.111811011 1 0 33 . /WA r•ra,-Tory,TablibliilPATlM. teaseto;.Wahlocrreliad coons,. ra , . con- Laphil shafting' aintle,eldl nopralialistfth6 1 blg t. a'.11116113 63 . 1 . 3331 £o2 t 3;116 . trtitidelB, loot allp, Weetalordshd aandT,lto • , • The land List the but acudl33,,- Oesk dad nijiselaas Also,s,nnea Anarii., la Da*, ww.acroana tont. asoedlalilti - PO. of 163 Amp Pmaoly_l.lll+l,l4lELMAL • • ~ L , 3 q :too. Alffe's TA/311. ~ In 343gedi' .147614 atm faiarehomiecomfly; Alm. a Rahn at 030311,113,Fe9114¢ 63, 6 .0 1 14 - • Wielsuideltd fatuity Ps; _ ,3ho'' &PASS 01 LOOTS . in Elillibsla toga - DIP, Allegheny meaty ; .313 sem alanielt Americas eula gmastome ititmesy,forytelted; as l 3 UAW. ed, far, eau of mccesi to nos acarlo6lleay dear Ms , . 7013 E umr•zumass,bocis ,u; • /-• , , To wr..!. nest pasta 44:asi - 02 SACS—LA tkortoaVrtuitir --- • PROVNIT Pied, .LLfeis beinintstrid Aut mad Imported smarty trastft its 411/I,:fhatar Madi 'Ratite fiefeeto; L afro otre.l.l - forbanns_ nest' 1111111,i get of Tin feet, aol da IheabraiseN hi WO' feet, ca vet Iclethere hi noted a n Isrip nirria s ra oose et; an rooms tarp food , Loneh ekte all la eal 6 3 l .6fahlsf Oath s baatoust --Is gam Ii Loge tutu; a chokes wirleztr'tgrie ettf. and 11l trofjhcamd ';.b.hlial:e666:l'4l7lTra"4l64lll4"ht '6,ll"b=rdikatgliralttrjg=4. I, dUbB.(;,i;2tilll ic .1 iftalp-sad maw omits. nese the Eagan 1, - sernalfts, scallemilsoolaf „ha . :Vrtetrnffonf . 641.3 at lariats cake ofadha osusfrid, 13 flutleeshaek -Teelefoloonhie • 1 icqc.42.444 . pirr.w .."4 VALUABLE tolittlitr. '' kirdualPotegcts.tor•oalo: that vtd.f.kotottito . ± Oslo the rope rty of atot stir tiloopy..dooom2l. tir. t3tit old Vatlto , TWOPMIII Itoto,-olloot WSW 4 ~Outrkr ' t allit i Ps i t ' rt:” l"""A ts P i a t.p i t c ryi blak i l l lritiVtt is th:iT,Lt r i u r i artrjmnl' imr4bu l ro —adtudix tip ttestitt..ort 1 1 w:ow a In aWO ototo of ttolttostip,ood thttottoot wok lota *dot. ' TIM two(torinalrovue 14 Ito rn 44 1 ;tott. Po Altonm woo dotttabloyttlifoCit , matri.tioetti tbit violet,' Otte 'atty./Wai Ig o r_ 4AI IMAXtsktti 'tad U-ottottuits st= tmtoso. wombat to tAsplank ; rot4. 1110. lbe term* spo) to lin. Alt7BlE, ,w/ALIN.I "Opp AttiitsaCbtto ttutondtsi load, + q ,F,..,5 , t, ^...r... , T . .' aging 111013114%14. , kt Ni. leflank Lam. /tileghteoi gt . OsUtltobridttorr s:-Ittor.WltoPlikispoottotaMrlyp.,l3 -puirsAiati 4 . N.- t, J.: - • • *,.*- - CilbtOt - 00#/iTBrVADIRRPhii Au entail= ran4l , o rad !My int ipting aboa ,66). c etra ir ta Hcal t6 ""I tes fe lit= i r=zk , fahat4latr poseawlost. 'll,a tritliwiallbette, !Ma heels MA Anthem Iltetufatow , ty,baliothia ats{a, Ina rarlop*ltlata9m4aastalwew fairabod aliawameifatlane fbr w' Weer, and anardlog,, ream fonidelea, borwierad aorraP - 11411Wat eateallawl. water, Welatarn and 4:ae rac..falltat e 34 /Plat 0 . 91, INt/Dbeigt elOxetlf irtelatiew'or rn grapes hat crow , • , i The lecilti troda, and nu ti trailOa Oran -, tfaillsimlbOMUlll...!l3l.Laat-weirtalialllif ll acwW) , ;! ,l lt„ , • • ibis:, Proartnitiketaluteeirstutuie . . . ONLIHOKLIar ,ICE81:1)/1110/14 4 t - 3 , .! - .. A•goid ' .- fismolttriis, odd'. 'fable, :oliitlik• . a al houe,, , oood,„boois,,or* liono..auff, tOINC, tot Writ mu ea • tazoOmmoly located lot of Wore. ... faff s softs. tante Um boor VOttlolliiittolkolotitliflt 4 , Moo •Ow atoanai'iti , .eibi 4iiieitei - afitiipie 'l"too..Not.Pcott, Mau opinion (mitt., .... -, 00.2 ;, ot I 7t h orithlu =I yards of th e 'finny! olaltoo, sag fa the* Itsamillato tollibloatbood : I:l,:goodflubioW , ttitxt_ i 'T orc aploc tt. ife •tilloottstliiiiiiir iiielc : Ilf:Si: is, S., ond the hrs.. erithirverieitrthathted thifilkellf ' :lttoel S. Ocioldeto4 • • port ot 1.10 trulitttifet alit ettfe{ i Air --t * '-''' ,- iSil ilio' InCillt - ilotbota bag; •' -0 •13: WOW 13,111B—SpEUBBLIS Eamon , sx• tittial I.oll_ *Us lan mazon...r. _ vos, Illaaucces of lasootais ofialos 1111W41V r)4 st oWtl aitid ozoot±orir. ball iir= toblsamorMg , Ao tonal= eta% *AM , , - M v VA 7.,iocastl e lbez=red* ; •-t , Mic - , lash o sembos of Ulm la Om . 1 . ~- out Of Itmoitorßalloro to • . , tin i tga fro: au to tiro b fm%401 1 11, , ,-- j Poe Intemailoo' osootro or unbolt of the 111•111fo ' lii=4 At e.W.z Ai. - alpigka wi t .. l - coMey omiev .. ~.,_4 :,,:, *4'4. 4 , - ‘ 7 , JOHN Waiiititoi. :- - I, '4:oLi lla 4 , . ~..!.., ttz. f Ws*. . . • • , .:.•,....iluarleis:.•:-.:- ' . . •••• mpg SALII - .thie r new Bteiza' : itnibij Amok alioder. 1 0 kligal .yob, Dawn tfairber ;.";• cif •Isca ; 1 00 5ircie.1 662 4414. TIM will Os is good ism*. . - . - Onal bob widia r , 80 boll 'mini, irtra nze•-: •" ; AM Tirclir intelVon on sung.' -Moslttmeeds emitorrocasitor on lame tolt.puti....lb4u.tn. • of 11.-NL.XFOUIi -' Ittni,lBszik. eau lb. rota. _ 'IVOR - 11 . .7A-4.4 62 , /65 'ilet6c66l l6 / 16 y. Ono:talks from 'the • 461161 , ,, veU famova," - Pele•l6 o pawl. = dalAggAttra Vi amt Daekallt =ere= -r_ Dm. andao I,734c4menes...riu,, plc% „ TWII.MTV LOTVa Tremont and' Thmen6grao6, Ecend Sara. rOVitult tun t ans aliniata-taketp h eft. . Sot t fulbi marzapitat 67 IlUgaUsixat, A.Ueetitat. BALRi.-13111/1.1% am. • x AND; m¢ itarurray.—Tbs toisasit Wrub 4.4 ci lava Battery rad atlas/As WM, wttbtea won't &U Pont jr9P4l..fa obuteanos at mat mike ke:, • mltsdps* baing_wirked, amiss on tb• Stigesad - A. I.osle oda 7 Tait= b *air my modok TtuilScralll has did orttrr, asdir wait itenstit,abkvi creek no*. trcti it teourierah -11901 1 Kint beam 106 4 1 . 4 :" - - 7 ' '- ref patkahra calf du SU • Foluiumk, ••‘.. &usual' OIL 'units; • -- • • fe , ;t 0524(..; ton trotifilli Ws. Volk Oitr. * •Chn saaa KidgalWlef TarZ . " —* *ftedzief. lls7l ' l2 ll4', ' C? t a in ovir l‘ "! lbw; wail : Masgo : o i r .147. Harii "4. l l : 44-1 -crtrttre.4lol4 1 - 4M. . - • •4 4, .011611 ?mitt. W 4111416 Oa4 • hitsgsuilv,ittht otoott wt. to lloostestor. Good - 'stir =sail - sm. 'Mug oorrontlat. • 2ototioliti -Raiz; toms, *obit to' Zooopti 'Port, II rod otal_otiott to st. IliorTlEarysesiraipa Illms Meant F,/2t JIMA—One of uunit , ,fkillibio Anwarm; LOSS tithe lads Watt, wimp* , blit onallola Mow, idtaisk thenot lark oppcslta tiu sem m AMMO. /01101/4 , 'Vitt 4111 Mateo attest OT ler I , ,fltsboksaittla! idtrx tre kloo tut t 43, , y fs.4v " 45 P M I 7 °t ome i 131MAIII 1 . ' cjpi , saw *cat/rave. rr. nBA,4E—A 2,T00K. oontldil+ eusvm,lin olo•ror,to of :CIA I. Dotard Ingidiow. %bac* prio•• Umber> Owl ...Mt tow n `ee~gqEJd kooos. tom ti? b 2 P C.CUUSITZ.WSIC Ilitooko lo Darrell togastip. w•suasep. isa cant* Is 060 , 14 bapid Ay es A AMAIN 0u..103 Teoz ppl tb Maio* VD.W. 11.10?7=a 1.12i3 MEM= 'id lan 17 - m12.1100 Blabl., totikbantli lsenif, nl/ .Sad rasetolltyl 1011 y. - eatel lamb totality ovatiSed,WDA-goase. r le • ZFAU DX&X, • FOA SA I E-150 Acres of Goal 221 I acrd of treat coal la pool N 0.14 aka was troop. toot and relined ouls other impel:lvo:ants la gaol wart+ big ores Ismael Ho. II; or Samoa tbs T.• tom sad OnaairrOlo 11 1 •^•a UM*. sae Int &Mr ham 1111 k WI Groot drat. - • pOR - RENT.—TI4 vt) w. 7 Val 'mat beam. Ha IN Tan BSI It't Walt -wpkod.W% itata Oa td Oa, at a tabard water tian'oaaim7. Xmas, athe pigolsykat at laz. & ORPBANS • COURT. Ei&Ll3.—By. trim ' n • '..•• I•P or in order of the °rots's. Clout of Mlt tl iteu-- i or,tmey. I will asps to D ude 8010 . at as . ... , . . cm? ttallAb aut VIP of lltigbatils. nt: P.: - , on gaturdayi Hoy. 16th, at 10 o 'detec t akt- ti dfP ifjirtie..'" Those TWO CISTALIN lOU OF • ~ • ' 1 . • e5,..7 . 4 }lts Tp., at the limo? the Siveset It • 'AV Ate - 4. t. - , eittatonee, each lot befog ID are at - ' ~,,.. 4 ,20 41 . , .%. , , 223 tist deep, sod th• woe mot of • . 4 :-... ks 7‘ Willi. 4,4 , 1,.....c," oilhood Hilo %Wok an + s ~, , 0 ,- 4 ... iiri t „., tot ho eta AO. Bad' 814•••- • t 4 ,;• 0 40 •• W.P.,.. 4 1; sta. i moul.*telr . v - 6 ~., ~ ~.! #4. '''. ' ..- A ., - .::,;; A , w• lit& _ .per ft l•fi , Y I t m i te s t OMMIIAZ ,T 011• 404.", LZELft • , % g.f' ' iL.? ,- ,tt. -..z ty/f di • o. ip , Z'gb- OS - . •ft ` 4 . 4. , - , - 4 t• Z'''. 4 - 4 -4 W 'r : .4",,,, -'.l Z• 4 ::', ; d.. 4 dr *?,. • * .s„ 5..) '4:4;4. 0•4 - 4 4%* tt: s l , 4" - - "••§Iti 4 ,4, 4,4! .'. , f , 4- '4'' -.4. .4 t. '• --,,,.. t'h ,;‘?' *4, 6 ; zei.' 4 ?" 0 ..., • ' id 47' 4, ce ••• ' 4 • 'I : ',"'. ' '-': :.:- : . -, ';:c3,'A - ,• .., -.„ ;11 '• - - •; , :',":??0 , : • '- ,, f-i•••• , [.•=,... ,- . , : 1 47,!A • • II Ell 'Yi fi la 1 ..._ —_...... . 4 ,,. .1
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