- AN , • - ,; • • ; , -...„0. 0 "" . "' • , - • • - Vsiwgh PUBLISEID BY pis rya: miaow. Mit.; 3.eitsLinnk.- - • • Atlanta eras is,lied by the , rebels ~t be Gate Ise rors4:' to he. le In a :Osittter .tliey littli dreatietr of. tfitutted -jest isaide of the strong Itionntaiss passes, thaiteitered b b!imp*pable to say . ' lace stitott 4137• govanuaent, could bring to :beer . ision thee?, the rebels laughed it the idei of lie capture and after Geis. Jonsison had —2 hue' obliged to ',yield one after another these fertified passes to the suaterty 10.iitegy sf Gilt. Sunsuit, sad the Inelnolble mange of lide,artay, the tubele pleartd . them ! 20reCtritit the'notion that ,Tonseos , iudiag his adversary as, farther and farther ;Of:Smite base, innittutt sou he Fuld be ahli: -, l, te skirt'htti fn sad oblige blip to sarrentirr. ltlaaUy liittispifesne breed 4oit, to Atlanta,' ibioh io alirMA the -Rebel aithOsitiis that atimie lesiolied, and lioao, a mote daring but Luasliitlfal edimander, was appointed in his `;;;: , /..,, 1 10*!- 11 * 11 ',onibt. with detiorsia but un; irate:yip liTlll'Adukti and Mtn- Einisates- io bask; bitt,, just when he iSiistdaAthat he bad amoaeded, be found film. selte*tetay otilOwiratel,and Wia 'himself 'Obliged ti a/Renate tbe nis.se and bees hasty sad 4wallied Rhw isis the • Klate-Clty" , Iron And .. I . A Qt . illaikand. the gate to the . beast of 11:11fr• ::.;ggii' se ;•Wlike - els; leaving the only amiy 1441111 brit)* i n '`s, l- . stid iwportitet tirstirkriota • ditto/ I"i. _ In the -,,wsptars of Allania, and bedibriag 3i ;hardy lotst:loind in tie Magi - of war: a!itstler Isfr. Tavola teed' to itmietl artil;his fellow traitors that I. sisal with the fate which root it ItozoSit; that, cut off trim his supplied, ha :would be sosiyella to orsaslrop . ,tstrtal., ?MOD loyal mon. ,10191cfk, Vortotis &rimy' ... atter - in the inwt of .the sountry;- 'ikifdiPeiden n t, its they supposed, epon a abi ills line et:vailr.ad through. mountainous_ • yagion swarraing with guerrillas, and orris. ad to the delimitation. of HOOD'S army. _ Uttlo did tn - rebels imagine. what wu . nonto • 'Attie' did they suppose this Sititnen asulifilinselt destroy Shit railhead AS. - IMek HOOD, se . though un. 'way of socks, and pluogivlnin the Vet, Unto( the rebellion titian, thsii;wealthl- ; tip region;thedrlineet popidation, and' the eitaist strinsgth—i rain suppond !Yin that no, provision had ben aside foe 111 debrief —a region swarming Williblaelaiiand lines of :soppllee than my . - otharliartoti. Itabelint: .Itwas a step so in- • wontiainidiandaileuaira oontimpeney so' at. tertrbirsoad the null - of iirohibillty, that - ftnit,lntle no provision .for,iti and now itihneedikplately - it Month.* Nearly !mans hei r of fobd suid'rirlltti stores sit un therm frop esp. 'rut boai Or tisir 'Var.., or. ktoyo; , b at the preemie. ors a visto • 1. , s:~Ciakid its is dinik to slaiery. - Georgia et! two Vuelialicliantterly, deteneelear Wats . fiviiiou'e -tinny 01. fkiiaiew. soolit'ettralktknotillag Weide tho *pie," jail Ire meld de nettles It he wiM,lihiren,l; Tieteu should pit him to eller. —we Minkel Meld* Wes - e avoid etEponditional. enbmission. , Miamian don't. mike war tenderly; neitheido. repellent that' Hut he: login* eat faith, way-whatever le 'ealoolated . a stye otreezth 'to:* enemy: 10 AI eouneAttitray all..ttairmennieetoriee, their ; go.irsaaarich d itrloys the4-bortir , lit thete - hlat4 tiee, - Oa prebibli; enlist wnjafitem Bad add Ahtsa to his'sri4, * dial. es tibbldh atyksiv4rpourot — eruppites, siroitooo4, ae *II tteisitapert ; -- • ; lL rnim prehabis *writ ' s those _ . nuelmmtaiet who deliterately*C"gate• - - . ontleally etsseed:to •dextb tflutteFtde Wed. 1114sileio1srii;.torliiimiins, gaunt &nit tort.' bleolustrineettobly, lottotrenoti, narinieetele skate. illtei . trimeeidul to atraite before , 7 1.; atflulluLlf, nifiatiit . bnbAirbst be seproprteiti as4'w,bstio 4 acstOza irpl lease them so des . titidothis•btforo . qpriog they_wdLprobobli ;Aida - int- thels.anso and waforfood. - Hun: ger int luselfgen, end It ' rigtame sobs's. That prdten eboald _suffer, that the *or ebctild etsrveyfe bed enotigt; but these *lnge -eta but s past of the calamities with shish ` • comeaunftiei ass viallcd'whe permit their ros. lets to min ss thee') rebels hire dame. Why not espieessompaesion for Starving warns o; at wdl se children? the metiers:iv answit;tomanae the women , of the 8021 h; 53 ft • filiisl3lslll qui!eras guilty es the meni- , end eitat'",syi* bittorama feioaion%•'Thie is the nnifirtm_ testlmenrof cur pol4len'.lehallaTi been areemi them. • letting, for the - ireedaten - et Concert - Hell: .- - We mete aet Trident to a notice era moot; lig at Coneal Han, on Mondagirralag of the kilettemzes asoolatioa This mietbilidl4_ we bus ao doubt, to ow of great !stoma. Tbire osa be ao politica:LAU; sezeist impeetanee to the Sappeession of the ...se h ellion, lot tie . 1114iiti011 of eleret7, is the ..I'...;qesetbti of Ihkidneation . set. Aleutian of the Freedmen. Any additional featiCcin the enbJeot should than the Windex" of the pub.' end we ltiveno doubt that enoh foots wW 14foithoosein6 thnt netting., The ej?esk. Pattizes .31nOose, sn 'elegant end forcible speaker, who is perfectly st kotnins - question to _l4 dlianesed Me. Ws. r: — Ertroinga, supezintendeat of freed— fees eeboolain, the Soilthwast,. J., liftman, Eici.„ of Pflindiphlii, end'ither fen t/a/di q:Udkci t i • • - , Tale le s eshleot of vary great importance; both in itiniAtletlazi,Stad &stoma. Tito enildttilsideltion of font millions of people frost *doge in freedom is' to Skit estiiaz4l.-4; easy :Sei.Oluilosif sad' it sill depend very , i moltiirpOlA Ahe laltht In n ass of the more ft voted and intelligent *flee of CM people,. Jti the diedwp of,* met duly thus prod impels! upon them, whether the boon of fisedozn to this , oPpreesed retie Vasil , be et oioe inductee to Mir own bent betlitt bf the country,at large. hope to leo tie hill well flied, suds interest so Maned here in very impoilant phi lanthropio inteigeise. , . . Boathera Wiale tt . ie Irvin Piso• thre r' ' nettle,' • •7.•=2 , , 7 • `;',: MEM Mil Win The ithentel Of. Plundaool•ll3.os, . •'ff , iniilliatfieeldiiiied of plunder will be attempted tell winter at Harriabgrirstad as eta peOpie bate ai direct , Intereit in pretreat.: betb;tt >a rosalfeetly"pdapal we sh - ould cell early attention to them. . The first seiteme la to appropriate a large lam for the payment by the state of the dem d°l:o:b/ bileder last !summer. The amount of "elating' for these alleged, damages , many of them tramped up aed .1611 ,of them exaggerated, is earioally at from - $5,000,000 to d 1 0 ,00 0,000- There .be no lack of effort to put them to the latter - Artie if the , legiebeann , :itirwe' the least Ineltuation.to pay them. `Tte: principal seekers by that raid were the pe ople of Charolsteberrg. Thelast lainri- appropriated 5100,000 for their relief, • and largo contributions in money weremade, for the same purpose, from all parts of the Slate, brining, stp; Um tidal to V00;000 or More. - This, of comae, did not Buff es to repay thelosfes experleitoed but It afforded great relief; and Chambenbarg was wet, on the what% Worse off-than Tasty a notthern town las teen after a severe tiro. . Tbe print:llpol portico to these' elate lie . bought thew up st a miming -priCe,,Reti eon afford to . allow • wide warm :11.eeoittiniti*des ot,leitaliiiiin it Bar. The Stais.'is now too deeply 'involved in debt to . atiew - her 'io became • borrower tar ;,•taj - iiioiporPOre; .and we, warn the !Were ot-the deminint partretralest attempting to -put ouch' load on'the betake of iheirpollttool ' trionda u tide oeheme : will prove. It le dart.- gelatin trillag with erpeople` greeds heavily burdevd —The geecrod rebate ig:to .talto, out at the Sittigll Fund. thagooo,o9) of balite issued bi the Pgatulianis Rood' in purogat of,the Outdid wirtke "pttrilagod 'hi It, and ilia Rugg eo utheital'easejleitila' Railroad Qom. v1,171°7. Q - - 04 In taaf to be 0_ , 1ti0r ... - u three bonds to lie litttr Company, sad gut° Its bonde thug flthdrawn. This Iva u well se &inertia eoheme. The boille - or thePeatierllleis Bold.aro worth their flog to theliiking Puna; the bonds of the 4169/ Company are Ipaotioally) worth, tioth. , log. Ye t the plai will be e.rongly u rged - of imtglitatiog • the Worthleee bonds fa. good. •If the halide . rte utti *6 patty (es will bi iiiiititjaan worth their face to tired:linking Feed, they are worth tug muoktirespitallete. put -them an the , market, then, in. stead of in the ' Binking rend 7 Bangle the prijeotors of this Edema know that capital ists *pi not touok them. Why, then,.ehould the Pinking Pend be - pat off With hinds Thiel no toe else .11111 taket. , .lt is &swindle, to use the what word for It; • and we fire the pub. lio notice Of .111 u dtto time ; Hofibma obakers . . There is • alms of sojourners in this of ak sent probibly elsewhere throttgliint the NMI, Of Boutlima birth ;mid ,prolmodagleymmethy with the Oon'ederacy,who ere here for no other pmts._ than , to escape the perils and inconvenienees of, hushing. upon their na— tive- soil. These men, strong, hearty, and urell;cipsble:hf "belting sues; are very loud rad earnest in their adrocau of, Eleuthera , indePeadmote: .Thliy eorigregate 'in the bar rooms ad es princlud hotels and, sales - -a grand phrudi of SUM Southern proclivities. We.beltne that'all partici, whether Northern or-authertyßeproldltta or Democratic, will agree with its that the. Warr plasm fartkese - Contedaste lines. . Being citizens of the Smith; end impreseek u they publiely_prtatiainhwith a conviction of thp justice of the cause of Eleuthera We peadermeolte:termithts: of trtair salciteadadged i anemia to no fitting plate for their habits ' don. Their preemies sad., their services are Ida* to the let a with *lose lecturer they are : birth' and iodination. If thej have not the courage taikids by the fearer theh. eteintiyinewta =a; if their purpose is simply to shirt lb. meponsibitlites and limmishipw ghats:ad ollismeship.in the Boutb; 'itc in snud,thsy tre namely refugees from eqnSMiption i ;.they'ebOd bola 4.isereileu to dwell IW.obsearity within the eseetusay. and put aside their habitual bluster and ' t braggideolo. - - • - " ' Condition of Ddigte;ll 1 4..CaCtlida• pal diet tern fromfromi is&ttt Of t k etaited I'..tatu as* la. Canada, and inn he'counted by :themiadit, IS ea new story._ By the arrival of ',gentleman of this into has recently I . eta among them, we learn they are in a very poor tradition t. is Letoliat they are for,lbto most pert beggars, ?earning where ..the 'Flow them, tendering Amin *Maces . to any potion who *ill 'hitt' them lir their:bard: Tbey - erre state; malty of Meat' teal barofooted..`neday oar in T - Omani left 'Queen Vie'nea's la:rib:try be save act birdied slid WV cff diets poor - wretches engaged by Ile Greal-Western Railroad Cam per'. They were going to work soma dis• zinc Mb and-theiripay was " to 'he deeply their scanty IN4krii. t°: • In moving &Mang sow e feWittnadied of there, 4 hour/An nor l eg itauodli the vicinity err the Suspension Bridge,, many , of • them, knowing oni pcsititn, urged him to Intercede In their bebalt with the proper• - authoritiro stetting not :only their willinghees, but (heir &unholy to return /to their commands„lf iminualty tecn punishment Could Is aeccirded to them., lie premier 4: Inlay their. creams . . before n the towers that be;" hut learabgb alesnoelhat 'the govenummthad been adebed of the state of :thing& in Canada, sad Is determined not to inwers'ln any way, he has not presented - their wee -- Madison' Monde, .; Booth Caro lina on the Wing., bt recent number of the English Braille& r Alper gins currency _ to 11, statement that .else inithy planters from our. ' , rebel BM* eine shoat settling in Erma. aims had ertivol, and others were on their way, ening the latter being vine geatimuit from Borah aroline with a large capital. If that eoli— tar, gentlemen from Saute Caroline repro- ten.ed.s migratory boot of the penis that not ippl Butte, what joy there. would be the( upend , the = grear Republic. W. usenet orepatulata. the Emperor:At l3resil mach on any emigiallen 'eats hied, and indeed if he only knew tittspern Her character of the :poi.' s la represent's:l.by this "one gentleman from &nth -trarolliter lie would, in the appeasa. eons of the fotareepay that perinea, non mooey to-go away thie`-aff>alscapital - would mount to. The Erasillan province of Banta Fe' in the looklen place and urea bithen rebels of eons for their residenso, 11 it deer becomes thoro in the tide of the Emperor, tEmo either the end/twin Must be a amp. don, or the lesson:we have taught them tea - eaters& their souls.' Tha.-solefortons of • the Movement is that there inn very few pre. throes left im Booth Carolinato emigrate, and_ an they, pannot realise upon their property, and cannot eerry much with them to linen :unless they do, the , probability is_ against their going. - • - Anothei Centeitaigan Toter. Mr. Win. bierariand. of -.oseritashanneek township, in this county, le, as are Informed, .104)ears of age, end, for °gelid his years, isr atilt quite vigorous. Bo voted for General. • Washington, sad siSISTM-Presideritist elec. Eon dear. Like Deacon Phillips, and name& - sue other petriarebs, he voted, on the-Bth bah, for Abraham Lincoln." Ea abominate! rebels and their. sytepathisers es he did the Vales In Ids youth. The pr,stine fires of pa griotirm still glow to tbe breasts of the yen, arable in a who`passed through the fiery or. deal of the Revolution. they all live, to else our relent terrible ordeal safely passed nod 'eminent union and pesos restored.--- Kinsman(' Fry Prose. Az old Conneotittitnewspepor contains this ouncement: • cried—ln the public highway, et Green in Voluntown, Ca, on &today, the fith yeot ono o'olcok, p. EL, the rata-pour tomato loon-the :chola with _ nit= the southeast, by - Sider Obis, ilsoxlip way to attend tho font _ Amoy R. , Gallop, wife 'of Benja , Poo. of Voiontown,"Wbo Mid 7i4 2o jean, MrJobn Tenn.r to blist Mary Carter, of. • ' 'yet Washington,ead State • • .tegro soldier captured * th• recent skirmish. • s . • ••• malts. Prisoner to • " Maps," on p sis. • - ~ ~, ()Eels' Vote of iretrYtaiel(4olfvltl4' ferPreiddent and °trimmer:- • Pre6ll4Bll, '64. Bos:ernar,'64.. Lincoln. Mel'. -17orittar. ~12,935. 10.250 12.330- A 11691539 ....-- 6,240 2,561 6,262 2 . 555 0,003 6,140 T 3144 .Caltanagns 5,407 8,576 5,578 - ~ 3..,518 (.49vga ....... 7,532 4 407 5,960 - 44403 Ch5a10 , 51496..-... 8,700 3 j e 92 . .1182 C 1711159 3,291 - 3,149 . s s tot 3,110 Cbanazge. 6,552 4,034 5 669 4,021. Clinton .... . 3,471 8,546 3480 3,540 Colombia - 4,875 5,240 4,908, 5,235; 0:5551686 . ., ..... 3,984 2 064 4,005 M 5118419. ..... 5,237 4,249 5,337 4,206 !Thrall= 7 ; 361 6,643 7,300'. 6,553 EllO 13,062 13,370 15,065 ' 13,358 8414 X .... 8,224 2,156. 8,229 2,162 . Branklizi 2.837 '1.837 2,863 1819 Battosi 3591.11 m. 2,972 .2,887 2,034 2'834 Genostie ....-.- 4.030 2,772 4,056 2,760 Greene 3,086 3,895 0.121. 3,891 Herkker.--.-. 5 087 4 .208 5,114 4,173 Jefferson. -....... 8 592 5,842. 8 603 i 15.813 Magi «„.„....:..20,838 25.727 20,746 25 663 Lewis ~,.««,,...,, 3,078 2,011 '3,111 1,896 1471304 n 4.580 - - 3 653 4 600 8,535 Mahon ....-..- 6,182 .3,748 .4,221 3,744 Monza*. ....10,503 9 107 10,945 9.078 - 11ontgontery....... 3 519 3,007 8,536 3,900 Now . , 72,666 36478 11,460. 1115pra 4,839 4,284 4.845 - 1 4111 08514/.........-...12,148 .10,914 12 075 '10.913,, • 05.49daip ' ,714 11,073' :- 1 8,1197 6,409 3,089 5,457 ' 2,05 T Otange..-. 6,782. • -6,638 6,820 6,599' fltl 555' 2458 • 3,769 '1,442 8,203 8,791 6,220 Otsego... 6,151:r ,51,046 • :6467 - *6.050 1,443 , - . 1,618' 1,446 1,616 4,207 5.400 4,307 • 0,405 ear -.51.144_....-9.3111-2.9182 9,375 114ch95095 ......... 1,665 2,875 1 685 2,886 '71941,141111 2,285 1,430 2.208 Bt. Laircne, 10.864 4.048 10,904, 4 063 5331312499519....-. 2 263.,.209 5 933 4 71 3 . . -7.. 9 873" " 4 801 2.284 2,808 5,909 C 4 715 • 2886 ' 4,793 • R 033 2/7 1 •••••k••••; 2 -811 9: 1 1:893- 4,573 so 8,9555 .. ... 2 681. .3503 3.249. 81•91561 5.813_ 123 4,804 Evffolk '.4A95 4,028 4327.-4.138 2960 3,548 2.973 3 548 . Vag° 3.780 '3,018 3 780 . 3114 ' Tcm14‘ , 14.-...... 4 518 2.094 4 509: 2 006 lllatct ..... .. .. 6.390 7,746'958 7,719 • 97anir . 1399 2,189 1447 2,152 Writiricor 0 210- 8 642 9133 3 669 122 4.392 • ,6417 4,413 waitastan,,,.. 7"' " "'" 11310 Tiler... 4,123 2,569 1 ; 147 58.1 036,3, .1A63 3049 1,701 T 0t d ..... 7 . , 558.730 361,934 350 576 361155 Limcala'4 mud Z 761 1; d0..1a iftoo t .akiatt _no total lota Preallicat fS , 1860 *at 675.. 156 ; 15.1854 15 fa no.eos, an lacrosse of 53,508. or 6 34 pat east. In New Yolk City thelnaraase 6:1151.4 perwent. Thum hes teen s lame decrease of pro duce, received it We-water this yea com. iSred with the last two years -Of lour, as acmpored 'with 1862, there le bet two-thirds so many blare's; of wheat, half as utuolu of ovrn, lees than half as much; of pock, sot one third al stud; of thesis, one tenth; of butter, old-Inc:OD; or lava, one-Shat, end of cheese, oat-third. - "PIMA() Jroricsur. • ir'W• FIRES - CHB 'MIAS - CHURCH, -- . tram= Orrr, =GRIMM LULL, swags or Mara' sad lamica it. Pular, JOEISPII =Va. forties at ISM s. m. aaa 7 , 4 P.m. !mar atualsa ea WIIDEISIDST garala GI. Do vablia errscanital tartlet te • • SeS4ll .NOTICE.—/Ulnensons intetexted in narialitsittan the ALLIGIBIBMtIYI - en reqmstd 1 to stead it wallet for that prpca• it* 011121•811111. INATOADAYNVANIVai ,Eler. 25h, at TH, o'clon.a . Span. Pr"...b11.0131E OIL 00. STOOL...Sub rilbera to _CgCal Mac% of the allohle CNT Cont.an y an mooted Ca allt 'aN ',LUZ TIMM TON'S OYFUL co.ownsig sad Iliad 'tine and pay op th.le antoelptions Mitts doors stock TEI.III RAT. Ell stock Rai pled at. 1431 to Raids. to tbrfet. , • wg.., Otto !mai pia ITN. ft. To of IL, art bra 1% WAN-41ThilIZT. noTolit • :'.lllmitary. *ad 'brawn. Wt;011011.—An adjoarned mooting or he theekeoblets of *be MUM Stlll/teat BLIND nam umco.. t,ll be hsl4 YORDET. Vhb but. et 10 o`bloak. LAI st the Gina of A. B. DAlllo.,lolll.lbetty West , 1 fall stboadtate kr*. quahog. • • ILEUM IliMuooll, rgawlYi Pir f ROW4UM O.—A w cim smoh ig ig the . Weld:44es of Abe ;PAXTMITIttOLIIIK u 0„ win b. hem of ollos 1.0111ZE0P,120L212-4100...416 sfltet; es Fat -442 evrilagotkii 13th mot e 147. sod. A falai. t,ndsoce fo nwrated., 2. moat saw, TINA Is Ara) coNcERT. AT WISLLT 021/ 0 11L, stit , Wart, as THLIIKII. 1.4T1500•D al, Tot tt • !malt at. Om babtata &boot !ire win be an odstsr •llpaer tirt4 tip at a.p'tdoca J., at. cortiatot satll•l3 ate «iima. at lo'dotit natal and 1.1 - sa4 latalatment sill to atrnt: Pees !PIVOT sad aINXIWItiII I.olomsdatt ta• idnalra .•• Addl... lid talatitsto•o Ada/Alt It to ta • ma., aa.4 ent•stsimakenA, 30 arata naval to to bad .4 - 'O. door. •• " • ' 144%11 • ' nOllll CITY DISC, 1 A MEETING 'or . 'llllk - :ok WWI, BOLDIIII . of PO: Puk lota bb kat at the Pinkfos Pot" ok PETIZEDit 04.241 4.1 of. toilet tt 21 i a I. m. to 4.414. PIPOPme put &kW Pupil ak 'itt,....fesibt Its peroaot Pultlas- raw Om Law it tibt'PoUl4 leers. sal It tete. tt. 13• est Ike" pm to enatored Or i.ot ;In Pail duralle . of .oausaitsulth I , siltifirstla. utlift4 : •-• a,lst a attpir Oa Putt fatll resstatre Itb ot 'bum*Anottut at fur the 41 - ttog - at 4 aka' Letit of Ms ttalk4 t flu , VZI optr k ola. .214 d..y of Aerate OOP, sad taker..; futtututtsa •US .ia ap.bt 4-00.41-at. J. ItIGOPPIff, I la, mta euhtee. • rrntslotS - Itatimir Ttitsallestt:tleer 23;1141. 11:3i r !01LNEliAL MB TIII3 ETINU.OF STOI knox,Dias Or U b• bell It lb. 'Bent beg 'Howe; oa , rum tr, le. WA dm. el D.< tiobpir Orate os IP We ultee. 19 mailer sal 9 dee • te. bar. VA. I&91 .b.ll tacos a. imemSabetkete e•r - tbs,boinmere of Bald 9, ender ,b. W. of eta Utile* Seat.% .td •better Alba I tzerzbor tb• power .omfurd la 0 • A in of tba lafebtature. of Ibie essea . 00::C t 0 &c. megrim tb• bauble ef au promo, eolattli t • t•oett• toe...tarot. tar Wattle er tosteleba ,I•viee el • lit Ital &atm.!' .petered Aorta. eltd•to tpke toy b. ttiorr & tl o ebelloorp be , ofeas.•l7. ! Er mkt &jibs Dowd of ,Dl.•:tore., .Im/ .1m• JOO. 0. MARTIN, Otelettr. (4rtas't sea /4, tawysirVet.txt Batt, Reap to., Plitebon h, rartatber 5A,1614, I E9OCK BOLDER'S F.P.TLNG. —k I seeding of the Storeltoldeeerf Put ll ettniVAll. y Ifii Eft &Mb:, Illte bele at'tS. ellee I tie ft many. le 711tebargb, en the 11111 day of Ihteess• t.r Deny •t It for thehntroto• of eendd one • eostrset with the Mahal:dna end french atok ilellreatl Or tonere. for the Uwe and exteetelon of the al. !shiny Tellry, Itellreed, and to ratify or tiled the seam, 113 ordero the Used, - IILII 11:203171fOr, President PitYIICB:a.ALD 'persons interested in .tboaniafes, Paving sad Cartels's( WILKINS Tazsr, 91k Weed; Ova !astions merest toMutbir asset, velt este seeker thee Ike enet at fine Ise bees ...sea. and tan be Wel se sb • oaks of theAbeessllng n./deter; see I.lo6tee t 7, Ike 019 k lasi" eke add tberletr be pieced is lie eploa tA the Ireestrer tot collection. 0 IteooWlll. Seessitas Ploibeirgb, Wee. 17, 001 . sell rf". ALUM /TENT err! - (Pa.) COM IIONDS.--Beidenrhi, She Clumpre. tome Sunda r.... 4 by the 0117 of a Indimm. h te. &Minton of fullstbromt larem; ere wetteed Mat pro. ?mils edit M wnlwd ty tar undanMsed Rh the in. emyonst h mid ]fond. of 1.1. Malls s "had be Um y lOU. nett Deormber 'Leh 1 1 44 • • • JOIN qtmlimish 'num Connettgee, esseaddet, „ ,• : . Pitieburgh, Po. DBH NO MORN. TRY ITBICIGL•SD'f iIiCIMMOInt coven B&Lsi. . Ds. - - rn - rerratriv. witaimove couat sioati oa r.rainntot to con Ongloo. OA" Einiwi ma, dlotioon • Whooping Oink - Sam Shoot; Ocoi. somptios. sag all senflistli aolibrosi oad Lino, pqrnie by Drente& Closion lion Nowt, Ern; einciniisil, U. r•rAititacEA. :Ai the lisdlost a.ae sod -the welt tecootased Da iTHICELAJID*B Stert•GEttnaltA tat otlteettato wand, Intrtiket sad Dyttotory. It It attotittostkrerst Attrtbutatt &tsortmstt. atlttol tato see tlttlatiatltut atkLit warraisttd aeon • care W. terol3 albs. mesas Lei fMI.& • Ide rrrsDra iditac Gotta Dept,. Lit l'ourtli bTEIGI PILE B.EIaDY. at eigifBELLNIBB FMB 111111111DT , nek ccirof thocoonfe of the wont' casts of Blind and Illetelly 114 It Elm Immediate relief, actielliota.o. petits. cientotra. Try It directly. lila warranted to solo. tar aIL. by sly , , krwlita. Boom: IBBA. 6 Sul loattb street Clacionsti. O. Dy peva% , Nervousness, ,Debillty, WISICIIIAtiIYB TOM . W out reottottand &cot indkrtos with loos of A.y todtotottoo or Dlsport., ontoOotant owl lip. pro pottlity. to one ttiellatto,r El solo. It Se • no. t btp.rostos, fre‘ from llquort ft tato olbott anon oPttoo It=tote. • Foo4 ...=t7;l4 to traintolatid to We Ditpeteis and Woo. rosoltittltty. ' tot• by rowed, grourany. • Papered by DS /k. nal Ihottth shoot Vlach:oath Ma IWO ST DR. GRA R. WWWBIIB, comer et Wag trkt sad Vista allioy,arof B. to 13141.1468/ Q txt6:lB). = :11d4sit .. t• Fim'FUR BALNO-7he subsortier.of, faifor onto • Sus dtskabbl TARR atilt& ACM. bcatd to Colt mblass touts , . Oblo, for albs fills Wolbolbs, oe ibo toss. 60 miles from .gtttstrottbi and to fwasigheollog . ulna ts goal coodltion. and, vat ;mimic& There so* two w*sras on tbas gongs kw, and two got• Mose Owe' Inn with • swill &Sao& aotiol wad, Itinepttie, and robw.fsiiing sfottogi of ;eta wear., . gat a woes detailed Inoottption tbs prep - rts wad tenni apply to . AIM X. lio••1111. of Mellow k Lofts, ISt flocsn4 atzgst., Q.CIKOIII:=A lot otT4INISBOW EOILIFS k:111 elzwiAnalllar • . •, - 11 , ,Zia , usuAbsoo.„.. - en tanizsto.l. -~ yytu',Y.J .s.uw ileiF.~•vb:N? n :+. u u•nuw.:~:-.w; ✓.. _-_Eir:4orormarnMrscid,al7l. - .to Lho pre.' miu;E: oi tha ttbserltre; to itleixbattv VII , . ma VA t;t ttgittn ray. a warm 1,75 D - MACS ClOW.u/iS barns tarn , . i z ,u , Tim ova.: It retry rtA OWL& SOTIVILtd. prose rineriT, p3l/ C1U.5.{,61.1 tee bs sway. or see aid accazdtz . 5 J &PO Esaglags. tralffle read,Ward..illogkeny. • B . .—*-- ° ANANrS I I.OIS!-Ea! L . QtriTO _ - 1101UtItYETS TrZm 1116Aller3 „Owes Von's, aip be ftdotah.d dzby at the Jewelry Stara of timer. I.o.istaLtuDza . CO., No. 92 Ilarktt Argot. • . . „ •••e p. Id owe ra fro Edell! cx . ctilei patties leftot tho iboveltote * 2 n'elcek zo. the d,l. Wore venue, will niefrearcapt •taiteol. • n 029 at "DWELLING HOUSES' FOR:TALE.- Tro•daty 'back, .711roingkarn, slsooi . brick boss* on Itedforg sine*, !TV); No, 33 Franlillti elm; 128 CO, InlFtenAllw gnat, 040; threistoiy beet on not it et. lett dselllng on Penn street, $:0,0:0; dwelling on Thing w rent, 11;000A two dwellings on Onn. glectitteet. 63000; twa Wog %owe on Seat, 158. gt 1.1111 dertllleg on Nan .Weat, 1110,030.1ane bons. In Allegheny, felt deelltrn on Lasenlr, NIKO; others in Tartrate loesaws Apply to . . negl Z. lITOTHEIZI3I Z WAN 111. Minket stoat. •QTEINWAY • P 1 A 03 F.) Tery zepetiot dock ot the lattattali• STEINWAY PIANOS; maiszte toe Agents Illa. Challimts Ilfalodeozg, CAIIII&T INDUCEMENTS OFFERED to 1011 , poramoca ut 1390th !hoes, Gaiters ; Balmoral", Glum 'limit! a Ism rock Sistrd 11:ots sad Shoss.berest. Lst Sear, ss sell Stan IS sew Sol J. %huh yod on no ume goo , :• rs r .111 Pl.bbsrgl. - . l ismitatist and sell do.dry, NKr. prirahU4lellfl2tle, At BORLAND'S. 98 Bistkot St, EZ:=MM2I 'currlita, Casslmeres, Pcyr Eons, Boys', °nicest's. WSW and MUM Nene weer, mali by . WHITE ? ORR 4%. VO.) pro. 25 11717 t 131112.111% . , C .. 4. Li: er0311:1017 Pes.t cr raisnrs.n tkb. tbr: N OnCE 48 BE EsA3Y .. I VEN that Cork ..., p.a. auk. zkvitmt.. ltt,prox., eniAlle two PIM ewe per eta t. 'usenet brariog TBSAbli . ..lr IA ova, M neemald et tide ogle!. Combo.. of tb.s. nabs will motto milarikid a punted trim be algisuu bate by lomat or rbeilitet= a wlb WL albs. • • ne2E.lw O. W. 11A.101121.011. pep-Ataxy. D mDEND 'NOTION, • 7coara . PATIONAI HAIM ar PIeIIIMIGS PA ,t ?Mob !nib, fictrember Ibtb., ' • Doe' Yreadeeot opt Dave tor. of Mk Dant, sites os• onvion the unpin* find r• bnired by' sat of Oxman, to, Digo on sot Ii 'otottett s DlSlonal Ottntracy.^ lye proved Savo id, 13644 and .he reletvinn an additkael midis tone. b.,* ltin day doolaredl • Dividend oat of oh. tootles of last ►'z mostly el TBIETRIIII. DOL. TABS Mit MAIM trite of Malted tittles to.. pals b in fintSvitts HIEIO2I, Geoid V. • CIOLLINB P4131E. • - ' ' FOR' SALE. timid:on valuable propirty,"st lasted la COLLINIS .TOWNSHIP, - • . Bet s fey sake ire!' the el .1 on be marl by the Grew 'burg MN Tann, Reamed! lad ICW fortetttition of pro tdrtl. sad Vetraits WILT part T. A. MAILIILLSJID. Aaltlr. NOTION TO CONTRACTORS —rtopo• ntm n muo a b.mo rhrmainaal a i i n n PM D tin tlth day .f Manamber,lsB6,tor Om gnaw t f Caraball street; Irma Sauk' dram to 11112i011 lnr UM thiamin mat by marl to- the soatraltoro aeons she samomaaato armaghootott on Umlo , al boldan. Turman to . lbo WI WA AL. 2002011 or - - JOCK WIXOM, no2l Chairman of Oman Item on !knots: pavers DIS.E4TIB Of PIOAI . / 1 P 1 ). Al 3. WINN • 1171t111MT, ?Ufa ZIA Am lie Cu,, of all Cason of. illet' iratili,i• from two to Icor dap, by • gmatesii .0% tea 'mat. Afro. ortninal matzos and at Gras nil moist rho gonna mime. ad their pernetton. A oft warranted' . or guar rotunda. Aaron loam, notTAsol • 45$ P... erne. mail PHENIX DISURANOR 00.. OP Rev 70H[.—CsA caplet S.3IXVXKL, goyim Tine. Lt IRK AM , SID Let Assets. Mitt SQ. ttepbsti fn.:l, - 4,1705t; Myst asseowsll s Irsas Psssloses.' WASIMIGTO* 111110114NO!k 00., Or SICIN -11:11M Oilib capital ; 5100,140. Astati, INA I 4 I .°;;;,,,.,',etrgto<=l;.,ntiVw=: . I , l;issUlq4 Writi!tvioary_wa., ! letfa. ctaa OS 80 yet teas. &a au . =imams Aciab.sr Lois sr rum, • - eirtsta red Wm data Utah ta. both Me share roam% mid htlaal• Chapala% 'S. utak , tt hunt sirs 4, Berko Baltillag. PXECI7OI2B ME OF, retlalff wla hw m last aad ontwsira alz I••• a Uttoo trwrokkh Wwlldffclww." o "7. ••• r lat,ol • PI offer at mho wow= MdlIT SO% e et room!.r arat,fft o'clock p . wt. tk• !mach WW2' raid rod rim Idell,woetalalaff &boat 9 arrer • tin whack Or marled Tress ilwrw, Trams Om 414 Plat l• waall other ,aaterss7 othraddlan primer!: • roam. Treat Um* with dr•bl• bahwalksh• thr .4. o Trait of all kW. la aohdaara. Sas realm, • •an twhrl•ld iota Lltroetawa fftwerwalos alms W. la of aprtlwc • , orktfft• J. tly•Pil IL mums, Iffreoator. WH%EEI EftiFltliAN ? • a, flail* be the truning gentles ea 1I MN. .11111INT 3 s • GAZZETEER (the &W heel Iltatq , bra i t the and otter ,otrer s lctotbernitti mins. Isles •I tlerdlfferrur Tartu Valrpni I lull to .to tlstord y UpDirtlrbalabed r, r.te. eel Its garnet Anat. Prim way ea ants,. In In cr. In Lratbrr, Irillltset,sol. Mailed post ea receipt of price. MAPS OF TII OIL 'REGION.; rant'. Nor of 'Watt l'lsslatinua Olno 011 tee Wet Maps lot ,saasd. Price, 11,00, La I...stat bra. 11 1 . 50 . _ • • Bunt's Naps of Venango County Oil Regions, *Argentin I y Ectraebman. 1114%1110.0. Mrtrs.lll lo. to 'Valli 50An,12.00 Platte copra the above eta. ed tat pain on ree•lpt of prin. • ToEl P. RUNT, !Wisher, ; ea rim stain ,Itkllolllo HALL. tale . METROPOLITAN _ ,LIFT BOOK. STORE, , WILL OPTS OT _ Tuesday, Nov. - I st. Isq4. _ Aid trifasanUf IC;Caid Ii ea FIFTH OTILEET, errostractur. 'OSMIUM 41..O6IST , STIPANTI o naps, ilk halms end eiindaatol ax tatadiseat we. DI bine lo ? t. 111111114 1. 0 , 71Mbilesni yor,cao id say bong yogi msy . &NW Ira Ut eraq WI Of Libyans* -Aad 100 ban oh tap of re. =him etth Ilea limit you bob.. . HAPIDSODEE PRESENT. . . Devitt from turf 011116 b ONI HIJAIMIND DDL, LIMN width I. *t.. lona AR books an ado tK pabllabore print% ma yan sea Wont from the Wiwi cleat con oliakt to tall dtd. taclaata=al tee Bouglaid Waits, all disariptlona of I.ltotagispbdlbtm.. all styha of Sibiu sad r. Ayer Hooch 01l Its. Into pubikattloaa. all Ina yoxistlac fa Oil Doak*, all patterns - of Panfollai ' Idiots for all &loam noon sit ontiosto, in area atrb a 1 blodlad, oaf to ottanm untold. liatnembet that to pazahnsisi hooka at the Metropolitan (Hit Book Stereo Yto .7 o Wore than you would st soy otkor sit S. lidissent,sno hanotbs Muslim. soolvlis s V ILL LT 41.11 Lae. E.n.Y4osiarrr . • with :eacto Mot Gat you tray. Ono trig viii cot:otitis Bev Beyeis Mai tau. plata to tank* emit pazoksais Is at .. ' 03 FIFTH STIIIIIGT.. oUI //TOM or Phoogropli Albums, DWI& b fiayer Books hug .t Io tboctta, and will besdid all lug LOW -IST 'PDULIISTIL*O ?Multi, .ode sin with wch atohansaveqtas, tr.s* MO mule to ono ,Ita*dred dal. . , dna la oori pin a*Egoippilotircation. o Cataksati =OW Lim to on 60 W. L. POBTEIL & ao. orikitswodlik R, ---CURD B . 4°1"1 • raasik vtT l .°D Ea EM WALSU2 • . . CM> sibelloogr far !ha 14s of Oft Last sat haterista .I.lV•oinip Otani?. Is Par. 'Vow batiss Oil Lana. ae.. t4 IM O I. bullet 13 seal Astalpit. SS lad Nrme e! abet,. - 'I,9()LCE BUTTER.—awce tout( itsOxypti.t.d espeig,Ead for . Moran a MILK! rwr, pelt • • llllLlbstli z$ toL lincrvinarznsisit.auz., TB. I tal . sitra . --- --.-"... ...-___ ...• - 011710 P; a Pittatutislals.,'Xittelleaty. et .b. 1864. f :NOTICE IS 'MESSY GIVES thst the follotair socalahr of 'lltrrieuldet, Admialetm. tom, Gaullist's, au,hstro boon duly passed fa said Bug. aster'. pare, and trill Its peratard to the Owhabs• .Comf..for anitutatair4nd allosulty era' MoNn, A T i . tate tabu "1.1:t, 168.: , if,tayfint of it& fryer, lir Sad Patin) 111,.. tido, '- nal. of-11,48 sMt Xasteso* doltmed, "11181 Beptisher seC.. - turi i.k ilLaill Altadoe, simhstrtrator of Wm. R. V Misty, &tape. illal &Tampa COOL .. Aeucatt at latilats slirelattd,siodal.traell - 'of Da 11d Gillehad, I sewed. 1 ilai Pt pa 7. lbOt. 8 canna of Jrho Palos, lidt.lotstratqa .. of WM= ' Duden. chtsust.' ltilat Espt. 13, 1851. ,-, ' .. ' Stamp. a Suva Gni:lord. admiatitralof 'at Mary ' Ear, chat ad. not '.pa )3, 1881. I I e - at ot WI Pam aI&C It etto.d.Voimrster of Ust• - the 'tale. deCetaald. Oiled te7t.l3, lin. . Account a lallas Waft tigiminttratar ofJohn Bal ta., f aerated. ' Fled :Sept. Pi, 18 . 4. . hecsaut of 1 houti Moat, ' ..cantor of X.teothy Trento, Uceseta. /11 - 4 8491 18,1131. A. r'.;..,....- ccemit of 8. Cunha t, esmatoe of Elbert Banaldt, thrusted riled Eeptemb rlB, 1881. ser amt of llaris Caveat, atonalstratax of Zooms Gardner, data al. Fitt& Beat 16 HU . Manna of Mae. Nary Alia% ithallgitataLt Orifill. A ot-i. rteCegiel. /ilea &as 17,1141, • . Sattoont ot limy Chemed sod Oatheelite Sclittana. adudoistesturs of Jamt, tchwrna, dec.:used. - /Pad bept. 10,18(44' ' - , scams of Shona ,It. Biddle. almlalstrator of in. dem Richey, detsatal. IlletlippL 80, NM. _ ' Saatchi 01111sateth WU,' edoshstamlels of voco. -. , 1)111104 thfWallid, Plod GliOluf 10.84.1. • ' AMMO. of lifilllass J: rfortirti admistirt ‘ tateri of • commyß. Ittnlott; attoassd. "Wei Gabber 11; 111131 r • &moos& of X» Urn& a Eints„ 110191121airstdk ef. Ghana Disguise, duestro. W 0 ed Atter u, llBl. ; dams' elk U. Wistful', administrator of ' ,l . ..Wid'Uch, dsc. stud. • Piled.. °tabu 40,1141 . . . Sotersat el Xbuuser Gad.% 10004100 of Id., of' . 3 . aseph Lptla,datermaL 11.4 Ottootelil,4ol. ; ' tipsrato sad flast amnia of Dultil Asanyoutoltalmt -Of 00.11lata Johtsms, demand.: riled. Got. i 7,11101. • ALtamst of Ihomss iwtat..Shistsatessa , of Jain t - So r& - dluestal. Pled °motor/9,1E41 ...,. . ; ; t ' .:• 480101 at dtihir lt,Xerui; so uoto. d 7 boll** , J oin Usittlms, ceased. 1.114 Litsottor 11;11101.. , -.. l' - Actaeon of 1,01 Wes. testa Jladeatt Matte& azlo. - steal.), Job& Whey. diasio& Trod 0.4.31; tut; ,1 1 , 1‘41 &fame& et Jamessta Ittsats. Inaralll lot . floah ilpi'llenalcui. Ltud UttudeuilS 1141... . I lthilte4 af . W: - .P. Buts, tatasteUstot of ThlBol ; , Wargo:, &okra 11 sti amber IT, ?114. i 1 bail me-711a of Dim blaiiiiii. litakiiii.laa 0: , Mary Dissoun. - detas e 4, '• 8 iledvet, skueti . L Statist of Jobu'Galastotaaerdlaii ot MIUM MU. duo of Unmet IlUter, Incl.- 51 td081.21,18118. ;' • 'list seams& of 11.15. OrisrloBlcosocstatit:7llB,llat .mtlif oldster, dramas-, 11101 Vaasa 14„ . 1.1X.1.'' ; &mom t o:101411414 G. licßilitemyr - 5di1e7 4113 1 , 4 7 PI Jabs ileUhessi, deceased. 101.4 .140 v 1, IS% &moons a Job» Oattluis, guardian of al sos ohll &mu at. Jamph Xadhlao, seri& • ,stiot Nov. 1.1886.; Arsoiotot INtale7sloo Bads seri &ad rads 8101•7. sfadtatuat mot Wastandlos Dm* 00.00.3•, Il al flaremtoe 11,1331.• . . • . ' -•.1 • ; - • Account oi W. 1. Paktu , m admliastrator of ; . _1r•7• ... • ~.' •Sudgrees, &eta& d. ' T Ile& ambs; IL Po ' I' . -11nal SCCGIalit 6 r Emus' 0. 1.0. - ig ..i Load, aesse , ettestra .et 140 0 ... a, 'Z 1,04. 111 ' 'li e/... ".. ' ! fr y.' litrrAmt, rXV 6t4; .- ; - • .-- .. Meta atocast of Acted 1114 M3871 - , 72 e 01147 1 of :WM tl.erp - r.vi 4.10 nose. 111a2 frtrambre sto, 1804; . • . ........ inalitaln A n, A .,...... . , ..,,,..7. tillaitBlstratteefJsy, Sauk eoca.rea it ei li - y. 13. lkt4 - • ; --- .; Clomp J. Tounstad, 2 .., .ad. • Id, td nos. sO,lBlll. I *feu ° s u r t eo ° l4, ' 11' 1 taf b"' Yhare ll sa 'h iL wz A i pp 'ud it ' to nda n, sd ka a:O s 4 s tuitoi t 'l' . of David Becher, dooms& ?le d not. to. net. - ' - p... 1. am; attar Joho IL Xothust, adintstaastor of c o y'. a. (rvuim, dreamt . , like f0e.14,.18011 &mutat inte:.Dilihozetawr et Jo& S . ait kb; Caused. 311.4 !tor- / 8 , 1374 . " . &ottani et 141716 a Demos, fai.7..kn ormlner els don effused Glasdats'ag, du, 4. /Pei :47. MIMI:. - •C-091213, ref It 111110 Portrimt, raudfai cf atom'. holt• of James Xs: aue, demand. riled In.*, 1881.: 7 au &utast if J &Waller. irlisloistntorol - Jac ' X. water, kessterd.' ',led Ser. t 8.1814 " • ._' _. '• &mutat et Yletor Keller, ahotttutestcr ot.Gtoris l .Bassrastardar.doesurd. littM &unman 11, 1181. . •1 r•sal somas% of as smll Brack, admix etritur of'' 1 Titoism Hsu, decant& filed Ravi 18 lila& • l - , . '1 Attalla! of .1 seas rumble sod ;that Kiii&es. n.' staters of Jams McAdams, doted.. 111s4 Nov. 18, 1888: scucat I fJ. 11. Dasisos, oar of meatus g thallts ' B. Craig, defraud rib/ 404.84 1881. . Accost, of Joao. 00.04: &Etas -adettobleallet Of twit& AorMly. ihassitc.. riled BMX), Mir c - - AOCOMIL Or. AltlAndet P. Lusts, ustaXie 'of Jobs . tuft% tensied. " inka Nov." 1161: Account et ietaard "di Ilsattlea Adiktemester et limp' Without', dard. • row okoomoot 11:1864. 'Scpastrflusnalidmiladmos,satediss of Amy Asa 41s. .71Ledlic0.12, ISM , , iteallat of es 01•11. sdmhilatadatt .of Julustoi &aim; imam d. "8114 Wm 731, PPS. - , .. Actoust at. Ilan & Blattateek. afledrifstnaag of Jaws Xhaksteadt, daft. Plied N 0.,. 214 1814. • -' ' ' dawn& of Illuboth .GUalasUseastistrts of Was. , Oka*. Cm* Flltd Illoy. 23, Illir, . _I. . . - , Mosul id laws Ptteraio,ustsittag r umor. !dor of Itstptos Ares,doe'/.Told Nom 23, 111811. ' . . &moot of Nobel LB, 'adults . ' rotor - (tom bola. mato saseso.) ed the =aloof ataloolas lostlideed. I thd 1i5a.14,183, . • • -- • , - • ••• W/!.. 4-Ittafivieint, seletw.. - holllahlhat&T r . DIARIES MI 1865. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUtit3, POCIEZT BOONS, O . AII/38, 0411118, NEW 1100 W, .• - - All the Alagazinee and Newspapers, SONO B03105,r• " 1118113 BOOKS. IMI IYIB11111!fi IA 1111 fittilloliti Mit , • FRANK cA81313 • Book Bad Nooro no:pot. maws' cola' nutr t nixo, Arta H . wn~ia~erti (Isnical nn Commercial Ithaca, • oiAlig - aunt, TIMID 1113111. I TorS3s.llll-ier schotar por gencteret Uvweits.ls s 11.• Sea. Deals or WO:arrow 11 s. p. Is. • Teittosocy of A. T. DOLITHITT. Oa, Irsiorlatiredssi. 13• ca. psossg• Orgill, to 1N 1 / 1 1,N toalol qaksioe alma ass vita hooter In the Oily. •- - _ • TIVTIMONT VILLOWTII6O4rIII. Hs Is It• ossiiiollot of tbs tssolow. W medta.wltoe Snot =leak Iss4sk• W IsstossOlow. - • COHN We WOLCOTT. • Tsai olsertslly cossets Is lan atom. ; •.: LION 0110 EL 111 ION. .1 acutely cos satin thl r &Lon Samosa! +boos. W.& SWIM. 1 tots plaints to stotse It so my opl•Ilooli that Ilbs his,,sum mussassestlos to fatly moire. • • • i..suarr: troy of no sus sib* des N4O l l l l. / 1 . 1 0 1 , 111 N1. 111 Hs Snow. , . MI, coarse is stonro roconsioredatloas. soriAle. D. DIIIIIIIOII. .10 OTlOS...Letters of AdmiaistratiOn, tom et 4 hart mama irsettid bibs cadoralgol lam tbo :mists of AeTUONT drcioad.l.to, of ritfolougb,4.llcaliois • coast,. hon. *ricotta, all pawn earwig .lain oa tOO Mao* ors aotificd to prnosit lbws. duly sothooticao4fre 00.11.. o !of, oral all pawn toootta oral auto Miramar to no. k!fia mama; • • VOTIM—By power of Attorney, dilly .LA 'tomato., I Iwo oppcattod WY. :Ka. 71031', to or ta ibo mom, of &STRAIT 114210111. aff. Had. AL proems tarifa callow *0! .01 10 d ootbrotaste4 for watioloat, isod aU WW 2, kocartbir 10.salta tnilebtal b Si" lktate call, pay •.• ' Sao arts and oecoests oz. Is hio pan cflfirc, sie coo Do fooad 'von lagoons di, ig SO* lace Moot. Walter atreat, Pfttobczob. Totowa tho . 1 " °"1" "a 8/? " Naga ' Aaminisirafr6. Is*., aalla*Y Refit:he. cleccasol. • : . (TO *sob Iromolior miter N°TICE TO LESSEES ow BOCfrIANAN saw. CaL ORAN& Parsanuld, Nom Idtb.l2L 111 Masao' of tbs poplin's sod of iv tits Inotaaso hos, ,bola ea the 1111. day of Serrolabs. 181 K, we !Worland OW !al Yaw as sad Wm abo, beans 101 l sad rad, II lbs Oran Ind WSW tins of Asa ittiMOMPS 'whir/ to. *did flab by tin Stab day of Ifontabar. OH. _lbordoss Oar fatal ssot nostrod 'by ba,lost netts so set oc Wi n coortry,) b gamuts Wynn. s !WM!' Wan in oda s b m nO lr w c o m w a nbne O y M a Ikma t m he s mad slo vul tetbs!brne dW sad ILI yonana Wit p$ ones be ropastinth new* U oo tortoni bat ben nada On tin dint day of Dann boo, Ind, no rowan , * of old tom nano ttoodloo blbotaa; brood Jr Co al tolkomillo Porp.rod JO pogo ,roto forty to ally Pow Loan oo Kola tom. Pot. tlot itlobMit to °bud.. loam - will Mod. in the mots limo. . Fien even. is it.,4100.11 PUOO. /solos! Lug ths lota al bolao be to at; = isuonAman fiBt OICTIO • ,• OIL HAM P SIROLIWIL 00. ' tivatimrszt .IIOTILLTIf ()IL Oh. - lbastsfao.Tfor!llooll64. WIWI! VOLUNTEER HELIER FORM == . • L OODIX11113,11111:11 0 / /104 VM: I3I . I6B L:' !to otodon4ued-1001.1 Salm of-Allostitamy cam= ty *told noto Maly rollout IttooSttatiooot ths oitOrsl WAVS. Motooltbe and Towoskloo of Old "of aim . 10 mutt as tiwts• nor ettso pls.., of bottling .!tattoo.,. et497iPa7. 410 Ott as, of Depositor botweaa Mottles of shift... 4 seem o'clock p. m,, 1,4 appololt s ()armlike of TORO it POrlilso - till, olt m d. 17. It strtlt to lint. corjsaLetlogorttk old poss Alts the dlitzttutko of glairitstortoo. JuJOAN pt AloSbolsto /tap.' JovernAtuvezt , T,} COO. RA1.111,1 1 3N. "am - Akita% Olt LOW. isenidtdrttes, GENV, latbSE? AND • - • BOOTS, 813018. AND GAITERS. '• Of tererysl3le, melee 400 fano, et liivrt,rs; : . , Omer Fin and Wylie fired& tßerpriars to tall ortl3botl7; , - , Dar vioNT4s7II.ETBEE:T.-110 InunicV p. claims •fte the oreatpe cf 'SOS= hST hTREAT, to the all Atecteny, ars hew den plyebio- 'omelets ti 311111911 to the cadcralgeell, eorrleti,i vote cod otpeowa, S. • • ...• - • Solicitor for the city of fillrgienr. 131111,1 th ttitt. OB PitINTING OFFIDS.—L , Rimier V. a ,Fa ledacal al'ailway, havise - a 4,041 /bah . ralli Itita for JOB PallaTlCo3, m kaa.fipare dto do all wokantrratea tham, 4a fatal kr atarlaaa.:: rot sae am re maaabla talaa a Gill tad azimuths apapakna • ZO bsnAlmeq-R Meese, • • . : Soo Ybar. Imitate lima gqrsibby tall , :1./MELON • A FQA.No :4 IMPS at, • 1010TATL ) ,Es l POTATOBSI-44M)' timh , pindmp .4; no.tesaaosatils a.lo.Nomv - Lnw;q is. • • • .ftwVifi• ausft4r.taigais.r3riv• IIaBLIOA.TIONEri- - Ncirrid'Amni A. .fiste Anita - r; filialtratet, 21c4teabras—a softie lof /Vest on Me; 'by eirE• Delver Lytton. Chizareis War a. a Bauble in es Poetrieps of Selkirk; Illstrana. tat ; I, nett Itrrneas.,..lheranWiesehof 121 2- 11.1,Etair. 2 rote lamb Gsa. Wfardd Sxtry Ante ; Mottrabal. 2 SAL !be Gypsies .f the .lue• Inks; try D.:teary fenles. Dreamt.. Payorner; . alr took by robed liftny4x2. Tho LCa of Joan ;1011 bit VanZiwipliv L. D. Ise. Tie Causpanet %cab ald other Wrltlni3l; teak rani. Dotson of the War tbr Geo li. Doter Ansa like of late:sten; by 1.... irlers4l; Blyrnidned , 2 !. .The Trial—Dory Maks In eh. Daley, Ohstd ; I'2 p Inn. Et The roods and •bedi echifer; trarelai , a by Delver. The Decal Of Derld OM/. • Tot rib. ? m u of yeas ii WON, 1 Vol. OM.. r..- trots the trzbith Poets ; tenutitelly printed. Jeer's oa Crowds—nor Citation to Omurant. 'lb. Diatom of do Betoiseinise fa the Odd of Calr's,3 role. 22, Bepproesed DAL abontrlanyy.Ti. Wrong of Emmy • and Hight sf Irosselpe.lon; Dohert t ale Urea. rferr.hfrd Ilsesyy*—e Dept, to Dab* napkin!, by Dr., Gocasiti. Tor saltb• • • 2 4 5 • SKI et ogreANT, • 43 Wend end. SPECIAL IIs — VITAIION, • ' • ' . A CARD Rbiallodo4ls'aisltlis beroictlira anyoetta and csar ilitlag of ont i 2 sot eircelst QM-L=6 ID PIa,IO, PIANO, with Hausionhvii aitsraimeat, • PAIRIITPIANO, CIE Otiabl llosaan 13ostd, live !Willy intuit. allays herurtsti bag to Tao Om Mends slot the walplia Ili pimal. what's: partbseara at Mit, allot/ owed sto thew =meta& lostbltiats:' VsAoHbewmsoasorsow allot E. -IMBIBER - 8; - • - ;r i ga; JO AgE1312:016311111WLI' 1 3 PIANOSi . , FOIIATH N4TIQNAL BANK • , of PITTSBURGH. 1 - ' •:,,•-• .:I'l.'i..'f,'. '-=' 1 •:- U.`B. forernment Depositorl.l Tits la k cane ter thrpOlki the kliawlos pa": two, end rapeadir otutt• • IS .A DEPOSITORY. "Goveiziatsilrandi. Vatloaaliaolt Nolmi.P.Usbiustk ilsaiklros, sod Notes et latui r Masao, all nail:4 c.n . • . EaSTERX EXCEI.I4I OE ' forolaild ter autos= !DEN 4501,114 011110 s; Ind any Wila, krantell braDopouttors. rmium ALLowitn, '3,fliecisl.ogropoiont, to. time &wakens. COLD AND SILVER /mimed autradit at mutat prim GOLD COGPODIS' Losibt at highest prke.Or cal In'Lold. t • 7-30 Us Se LOAN. 'eat witOdoss etostcol - for account of .11dt/a atatolt vermaist;isod the FULL . 00111115311711 Wm* to • . 6-20. 01-Dll, U. i. ONITIPTOATEW, ~.'-'- n i-i i '- ' , .. "'.:. : *....::!' ~.._..' 'lll - .','l `3..'.1 :"-::..?- ARO in Ilesiees oWeellabi• sad mita& 'avast:setts f larehduil to mamas. -- - , DIIPARIEENT • • • mut , &Is is to swot tom *stab rviletimat;ii Siroponeslsst sirtsiebinego !satiation fop Um eon. epir tlasestitsomy Mame wwt _ . HEREON, Oksatiti: I M.MONWAAM ':OP. .- - • P B/1 / 3 1 1111 - . =Mint:, - - • - ..._.- . , _._ -*_ _ Is THOIU lisitiall. Rsessed all , do tad WM al liestuesst d "MONAD ifeltifidt, fames Game Su. ot Do Ibilleollited lid teladlysnis, domed. Odlddlut wasula Baas*. dabollibbiltit as la.aratov TO. ire of b e tenet • 111911dd rdaffo diary ofa bl, sad on eon litelas'eetts Os 111, oriElOS W.11141N, 5.51..1.J- ---- -- r isr asussl idrisb le ,.g e rAiird t to il onVi dads/ fesd;sdldtobtodbrlbr tbersdnal uslosries NI dowdier ot of *so dud of the Oboardiseltb„, es *a Ink Soy of Jiydl, S. D. UM. . _ - ' - , Tes we lambs died to be sad spessebdisemellit. J. /11(IISED50114, libeled of wilds as,-* Is sad fur demob! meaty os or Wore Toads& tot Mb ad es Vereester anti: D. 081. Dos did the" tooter 4115;11 soy yes Sive, *try tbs eallaterd 111hP14110111 s. apes the Woad damned Oddest "soda sot be Vold I Geld nista cousins of deed (3300) fhtto.,thoossad arse Inward sm. of bad ultededdel West* tbs tiosilp of &dada; bonded b 7 .b. Moot bade tteury,lssild Dodd SOLI& sod olbots. •, Dads 1611eot mod lb* y wily Dist nay sorie .; • 101ece at da sy, bead sad bed of 011eod Pate. Itirsb,tble 1455 say of beesisties, $ D:1481.. 1 , , If 1.4, SILIIWIDII011.• Reeder. • ... n , isolt.teld • usgTON FluSlilqL. 16211110, lIIJITiAI6 O , 4001. AIDA'S& 01110111k0A2MOnr* , White Shirts, Id= Side *a§ AT MtrepiPRICHIEVAT - ROUE" Disinge6 (milt musig reissi IriirMAYßk. PAprf, - •' • " a pup.. AHD !WM ran alto mem 1 ' pt+wv .• oat AND 4:16011ND FOIL 111.111141 rum,. • isinsamti*ottiri war ombiai iwite - ~ . .. J. in ii : ,, f a, , m a ,,, , ~-..,-, ....,_::,:: ~; , ....i . ..„,....:) . ,, :. : , ... • withmintanalubriembig 0114. dirk; 0 taw lATIBIOLTL#O amp.- pun.; ' .i.D.4iiiitiitingrs sea Misters 21 7 F * krl.ll.l(ift .. Ire. ;arts luck maraud mum% aa, , Mo. 111 LANIMMVEY 15, Sink .- , . MrWieshomoidai atbutt tantalum tun. OBID ORLIDM OM. aultuhl. Om tenths. - limhdhAlk au; much ohnow Oa" Aland QM., surtamihoflP 7 $50A1130 - —OIIEAP WATCHES AND waotismal.—eat: . luny t"ouutri ma:chews , . Pullers - Mei st send Indium supplied at .Slocum y papaw Welthes Stud.Joirtirs. stutifetactiption, la Nkr peewee or. Inalllre awl In =scantily., eousteotly hoed-and - made So or/• ettasteselisey elms at work .fsralthseL. Use. sweat slats waatel. Pests sad tall d • ' -eta emu Addresi - T.' tie deulitteld,..r . • mass illataF4 AL ' = 1 2 tner:rtaam Dwriscs ..s BITeM1111:010. In tad* of Boildlogo, sod oprlatoodotbotr pogo* w• Astkosoi, stroti o ,"l . Loulak sal Q ,1 SAL. PTE AND ^': `,` • SNORILIINGIEMILMT. , Tiooria 5. 25 Fifth Street. itAarn QFBUEI3AI 4 I 'REERDENCrra FOS w -1/4.] r it%aatet of 1,0104 • matt} ittaato if *Dint all Unto thou the city, la co two Ws" boasoiff two lota oiw,talt, large brio; ma Alt motto. attar' roma Ott tat ulna: lite-ea, aye chamber% Irish bawls of taw mot, b• tat .tabu, two ebtwta, As woU of wator,.llldt tad abuts Wm, amp, 'atom abrObtry. niapbfock *to., spbtallt kW of tb• aid St!. mall it/ nttrt. rtboty to - - a • II; CRISUPIIITI cowl, ictitoitmea, SLTRT,TBI , CHEESNUT#I—.6O bus %hosts for ebb, SQUelp-Eti a we. no gamma. GOOEM R&M GOODS. EEPETTESTS AND DUTIEL Ter Zen. Women and Children. Mat WOOll. TRITE OD owns& 1=1101321 aatiOr t t. el Tgeninis esti WOOLEN HOSIERY. "raf w°thim's , • • OF ALL THE DESIRABLE STYLES in Plata UV/ TIM anAKEn, *lf= Asa amain° soon. BUCKSKIN MAYES AND GUANTLETL: lussonattcl TIES tin itisPanksi.: LONSDALE GINGHAM UMBRELLAS, " " vtoowas mamma TABS!, Ea all ocCosi sad - BALypgsL.SKIRTS. - "peke, um sad itmabgkir tlovs leiportea O rnaraents arid Trim:nixing for closisp,l4,Zimmak t • : 1 ' • loch ' Hash alul.Botan' el Ribbons.' EL as , sumul: Bs" WWI !mast NW VIRUS BACK LID sms costa, asa 55W! uss as us Dam 500115 8001 - as "salsas saes' - rauxonspare uss aassalons: AltlawLlO trams. Warn Las cassias. HAM BOLLS AHD 081fOlit.3' ft tlisztalitWinnittikelD Xs D 11•1100 2 ta l l lama am:lasso SC I VMe I t! a. DsBllekt Kra Alasiosi NA sad woe pardiamil '2lltectly team ths. ..kujor 44222.; sad will campus AvorabWia rioeognalld 401•2 via SON lp '02211:' Moo, Diw2lllo D oleata, BUMS, saunas mistokber al. walls& • Jess • isoolveli a qua; Wet ameba: lIIIILIIIO,4I22wbita MUDD DDIS liftestbs irritibirsafter gin. to, oat Jartltleie onIOXIIILIDI Man. • - riACIEMAI!ric bosas ir05..17 'tins iniur BARcidiNBl" aoors Boamii PRESENT PANIC JRIOES. 'MACRON ,tILYOE. No.' 78 Buigazi BTigitr, Pi4aburih, Wholugs and Itatall Vitamin Trimmings, Embroideries, HOSIERY, GLOVES( ItIBPONS*It:VSCHES, ZundslansGoods zrottol., • • Mammal and Heap. "tarty fanotto, beayseiutd Tartanr BUJ; Est • tiny: itralltthif :Tint rßnialtital ; Ebtwia ; Habig. eatteis. Watts. Moms. eittli 4:611.; . "Titts.Vat's; Littes,latm ssd Maltroldattl-Elsodkit. .ch.!411; Mad Dream; Hy to., Red wit Sit attanc4l4l6 ~Dstolltuattsigs OsimitottiClonstr, ae. Rs eta. tbs 11101111 :oat may oar 'lke. at stiz taia.dotittopglesksad ops isnot Actioieesie:antletalt.tarehoisei.4 so szainxa bos stop *blab will be round hive and lat:Mann t •,`APAIMW.-‘ I IM, 01,1 NEW GOO 6 ,:y.” W. Marker* Vivi, lb 111111612 11111reitateibierdie thailise Th • • I VILT,IS ABRIVAL OF MO, GOOD- .L M. BURCHFIELD'S. Much Minos, Empress eldb, Irish Poplins, Freatk Plait Popllnk . 0-01000,- Duey Elks. Cloaks and Bank 1:7 4 0.... , et 6.4ti0. ado 0..4. Ilia rodirrwasto surrevir. ~ V OR COLD VBATBIat. 1 ' ::••-: w`trf! till atsa 01 ieii lbs7 ', . RIIDEISMRTS'IIIIir DRAWERS; A ;Al a os, Aver NA Liaise gain. lacladlse tlis , mat.. rjasSok ambits iii• AA* iiiipm, .-- - ..... . ,x• manias foientazint ii. him Asst s 9 o A AD•Pf - ,---'----_ - • ''' - _ '. RTNO - DRAWERS - -:ANIV - 'JETS; ral Of lb. toss qteltr i la4terf vizi, ' '' CLOVE!, AS Mat as emit .t.ca , .4 haw as *lid ' 4 4 r vr t t. al l at sg ="77-agr.eiittlsys%erb nanAtiPmir isr.ra, Of ibo Tny *veal Ails. sit abolli pattaph AAA i- ' aotareix 2140D1 ;too ~!. . . .. . . , ;;-!21-!, , ITFT11 - 81103fili ! • ! L2J4OII'IITOOK, • , - NSW: ---stegus6 • Nl* Braid goods, -POPLINS, moos'. , , Nl'vrEra, 7 r- kwDll4 maB. , BATES, aiiAirruieuittatine :;/417&8.W/g , ff2's. azierrnattritog Ilitilanglnq • Gnat .wmr ZtaSPFar wfu t aigAzi el ibivaa taulftraii Wont &dais. rive act Until briter. Dr.; Mean'. lihroselapindial Vu 04=434 wm wrsitaxthr, von via two:wok Ins SIMI:IAN or, TILE 01111141101 , SILAWO:NoSAND. - - 001ita5iat005,.......11/1.31MmEllbolo& Elfroolk. Jonas. ERN. Loot., .7tootOg„7: To coneloOloollb • Tau costizam SOOTHES& I IL Duda do &axe U. I Zaska. AT MASONIC' SALL. POSITJULLY 11,1 DAYSOILT. _ Compel:wing ToaDA.r ifiransai Nat3V9th. Li RUWB GR WA,SI, 414iVIVI - _ - • TM Wit t dufat'Sirstopitglotis; or .. 1 :, Arroatikstrwas unteikaiitgla' '- .•.''" '-! 31aracst UNMAN of ihawaderts avits4williiiip 1 - i an oataaadasmallaitloa of ilq.o) bliailla AMINO IIIniUMNE4 /11107/Stat or 111011010 11% -. _Manilla, wire, os ,TlTiair. io•trictr ia r Air, • 1 "dial balales, MALI tea and hata.'et 'LAW' ant liktallDlL 1 - - ~- , '-- ': ' "-,-117: ' - Dr. D:,O. LA Dillkilis allialgi if tk 4i i DID sapto aa <soh- eatleftlali' , lAillitit t laasaabls male awl waggon-A }l,ll II coo or car0 " ri10r.... , .•••• .16, "-- 41,4 t • sak • _ . arta, Rasta I nurwat mit iqo olatitv void • • ! •AainittrzonA33324tiloa DAT, st 3 *Weds, tor ths. , bertor w m a 'ot Limo ' 333 Obtlaunorbst fie r a t , 40,► vat b• 14: AO C 1 3 . a, ' 6, 'l42ll4lAlikil, , ipEriutrzaD—Noe sittitay it Moo Quirtice• ,: 4 ,vy moues Defortabea4 at Nodivilift aliiilitulli*,;:' sad ''JohascantlPA, _Tom." t ..aatii. Mom* i_Da.l,. , 1 vall4 NMI mit LIM!, fa*: AtNisis I's* 03, Am: , Il i a • • Lamm tjttgal, pet pet sea* sat P,GOO.Tteinstal t • , 546 ~ .( I ,•,., , 94 _ ' - lit TM* rdki UN 'PO ' ' ''s' • , so • .i. • Pew ippligpstoulow to &cite anstslitgla"' ' r ' :- - ••: .:- .... lb,uhr 4 •44 41 1. 2 FlIAT'7l ll !"*.,. -,:- --- •-:.--. low! 24 WOOD', . r.i ,- 3. , . - L i- -011Stallfild Ashitaitilsitterithehei U. avii:: - •.. ...,' ' Tor hatbox hitormtion. twit.. of . . --,.:, , -• ^,-,- ) ~ -. 4:T. 8411Pla, BS Pedant at.,,Ageabtokri • -. --i Or wet No. 10.Wrobil gtoa WSW. betwot - SoliNt , + sod NUM itentx. Pt. Loaf', NA. _ ...“50.14 -:.. -t.; J. IV: CLABN. &el NarVAPIN.: % . I IE-17ASITED. - -.* mon wholhiForistiyittiL;. i -. vir . &gaud" 114 tasitiraidatetiot: ,-* 1 - • ••"' - ''t ' 1r ; SOAPB:-AND. CANDLE, 41 .:. 4 1 —.tot/My atm lisps 'ad. Eterlue andlati . aloritari - .",-1 i . L , r .u_.1.1 itinialtn as fanasn. lA, - 41 ,11 .r , .'fr..;741i.1412. i ts , fa i llj p i t b,• vt bitilaliM nal, al - bt utio - Itr : 1 etitrenoteß nqplred - •:.`'. ', . O A. i n'''il i t e '!!"1":,1 I '• "., WANTE4 - 114MAD1AIIIL. ; Goc4. Cainuslng-AgekU: , t . • • to an Abommei* ordcirailAittfoii;'. l9 aarteef Ohf To such; • bon pitr orstmpt irM API igl lil l 7 artljbig at owe, to th!r gemersl ti' . t - _ • 11.8111fAltri -goners'. - ) 1 .• Whatattol“ll4 WAN -WV • .a intriviinles By no Info has tonitioirr Wormer s. =lam fa I ; kid oepploodli evemtionbir tr . :4:l6ft 'I . - . Z d b!; r oLft i .._.w#4! 4ose4xa• Imam. taxa", i al l im ° s C Der W. OgVor , Dal*. Air • i f - ) 11 4t 0 itorzumr •WANISIN—_ . I.o_ , Wankta krimat t Pk= Immo tem ea& ilAsext - - - Rouse :AVATIOIION,PRA.MAt , Alf 114141: TALRIBL ti . limey boat 4f144 , 40414,8dame sot Art., - . fall]. 0. 11 . 128 . M jiloTo9lltriAlyi l rorir : 1 41010 1k 1.136.ikkatch194 211181611FIFDIG. sir -- *Wok awl Moil( okPOPAIII Usitelt MONA ' sad stievato sals enq.ialar aucikak .014442441444144. Zoos* t 4 ittekatiore_lsll4. tloa eflkp p 441144 *WO nefs.4falisinikok4o4ll4; lioilsottaa. , laitosp bollisiuttOopletentii i a, i Woks. 12. 404. 0 41 4 4 e4;k1 - ..v01; tranages," • -. P who'll:l4.mb; &GA 27 TWO 1 ;04 441 1 OF OWbattoilt o Ii rectOCO plata; Ealdralrs littoral " • 1 'lW.bitets Dktinnaw _llOO plass: 1fnk...4 - 000 Plit•MtVeir4t4cOmforr ftel ariumus- too. k Halo MOON. Illustrate 1. 0, aik's 04maRgttr-- • , 4.-4:404.1bc.c0rp100 loot* 4 1 s34l444OK"ikgrot - - kw 444 Work Foots. W 41. JOimpiComeo,l4l. , ":. toir, °bin:dol. Hick: 741 1tit05t6.74.41 , • P 444 / 0 . 00 0.110 4 4440W4,10fikit. 3ropkr:444r. oh weir,lOolk sal Sta nt. sus to ke .0. 4 . 0 441 asim. UP bpsalle•altabillaold. 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THE ONLY-PERFECT AND RELidin,E 7 -- • GOVERNORALISL. • 110 011iddltif, to other Odd Ma Is Lain auoilne. —lamb mato to triad 41 as maw. inal fa cab ado sOI Il• or alt anion It' accoolyll.dna all r. - • '' B.IILET, F &AWLS.* dig CO.. t. ,.. wooing mat . frOmmtm PRIMER FOR BALL - I • ' &NI raDdiSIP Mire rims, ipbdta — m o o' , J. baba Hi wa n sot tosca 7.411.0 if satnua srazinausi and she* c*.. haat • • • Nil fa EPA irallttagarbr. • WM be iota st sidtgag 214'ir'm irrirJittiti.l/71 THIRD BTIPTICT F.OUNT)4I4 , ; orman at Andiron * PUNA) •• ,1 , • tax,. bia Mop* sad thlaTatila • Las °pond a :rotary at the color of ttbtstretf Od Ctdocary Una, °podia rollea'a Brea. ia T tPar s me of oduatartatin° L 1011? If as, owls norms. r moms. to non!: c.• vat. .lo°M.faa , Cnrsca of Oontorato or Anonym Po., to., I • flo.ronnr MORA. • r - • - .nr(I.CONTBACTORS:—BeaII Proponll3l 1 arta tannalred UM . plfc* onul 111111 Or 1:01,..f 411111214. incl. afre' f r mrtlog s men gnaw, stmt. tars e<tffe Wore snots Bollarmes dna. oo la* Ho. blestiva Don&ea to lb. 110. of lao,tti sot Solna • , fay, P. Tassalgtpst Oho' °hat - cm tab pranal °rifts ' ' to la a , a la Corti the law ono. fiecieraor or oanfpl.utnn. Br direcllai a Carta" OaseMbiteiarL - 141:61Yana• MORT „LALLBRIT , Oonlyanfr.. !YON ARNIMIAL, IMPOBTRE AND DILIIIXI.b fb spud sided breada - vi • el kb& .441 1R1015.1.130 - • AND MIRING 1'0211.000, 71.2;01r MIIMIACIt PRIX . re.waargivzsas !MPS/ 112 War. • • ' O:EWTT - nolikirf Ilea( woiss. b. enUaiei, armor geaktsailismillistsssis fulsome,. .4117 - • •-• • "" tO3bbfi.'fstrs 1,86111 - • • • PI • • Rids, Cum.; , 14- irk sal Ibt ells b 7 011/0. 0 111.16 L if. •• • Lao, scrislb 1..
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