f~~ t`' , ~`''': .?he Vltijintriketith -* - 4 iinutl34 {4cinimukix.ribv.-isci 612 1 1 7 SUBtaBIN. . , lr.hazikairinag—iduay. Was tbscrred. 'Mr National Think ruing vres . 've4i • pair • obioriidWonemat the tyro_ atite and Tho day vas'. bright onl bsant3al— j, es‘h an exhillratleg atmosphnte end in annmal asionat of stmillne for thLi. AMA, region :Baidniaa; wu almost entire!) , sariendol, end *ha elty . po4ntsti . a duadedly.itollday app ear- E329:12=2 , . . • Ifoscipoll-tlin ehnreies I. the two allies sad , vicinity von!, 'epic for solvloo, And the wttood. Irmo wow good; Birtll7lll ipproprie ate; to ooesolon 'pratebed•io an the *IMO 'St any et .0* leading divines do.. otttost;ol,"walsormoss... Thor*. aro .4 AAP conunfty -tsto a Airotior Iniarect na who-notion Man onr _ __ , _ __ - -•-• -elegy, sail . althou gh_ they ; have ben grossly . Align d era maligned becaoso they dared to give lar yolci ,awl .Ledeence la rapport of the . 4'41,1 et tkey are wide of s let ner'sta ff 'than ,to ~,-.:, mead from 4 good purpose by the tileing :of . - _-contour the "old , serpent. or we of - his brood. : ' - ',, - Plle axe open whish.thera llsolitleal earl:eons" all hood are in theraset es quit. suggeethe, :,... oad,we eprend a numbor 'if there . , l• • . BSC:. John "DC•likili; D D. First Beforiled , • , l "Presbyterlan !Minna, patched from 'JorlhoOrit , . .el.:l.—“For 1...re01, late not boon forsaken. tar L ... 7alah. of his god, of thieLorl of huh; thodrh 1 i• . 'alleetriaall wit' lilted with Ili against ea /hi, _ onset 15ra,1.7 , .:-. . . -_ - -_-, :- . 1 i ,'. t. . Bell. John G. Brown, lED - , of the Third Veil.. ,` ttd Presbyterian Church, I Samzel,l2:24-- 4 011ly _ fuer It, Lord and tern. Me fa truth with'ell , .• llitr" . Viet; to; 'cansider hew great :hinge he i 4 * . ilth dollefe 7 al.?•-• • , •---' • ' :,_,' - l, ... ..... ••., liele..iiss. Campton, (In IL Piter'sapboo a l .I -Matthew, "6:l=' , lfilloweg be . by I .. 11 .. x "' 11 " -- .--- ..1._ -- . ....,.._' , t . 4 • „... ',, T i .ltee . : ll:l4.,:eeellui:D. D., Dental rreev.l. - -: . tatheelsoluiDens. Ida t-12 . ..c" Bale thy praise .adebeele Or iled,thitlith done for thus then . .- -licit eblutinp- which 'thine eyes have -.:-, past. _Tlipllltere.-ment town into Egypt dith .Viiiiircose dad lei iartoili add don' Um Lard .:- Sr tutaluivrrede thee as tto stets of leaven :Xisli4 ll .,_Y-t•r . ...' - ' -. . ' --'' - ,- ' :. Bay. • Haehb.lehe sob. in - Pint Priebtarian CillarabADr.".SPattoze.l Psalm 'to:s-.... We will :idol:will 44,11111ratiO0. and 12 the 11%41111 of our ,' B OO vi will leap car bsaners.'l " • - :" Bev. Joseph B. Kerr, Third IL.P.Ohniell.' - Allest..y, Pallet 1111:17-aftled,-.te the Lord, ' tablet:lath Ila Will al - light :. Wad.:the sarrifice with tiorap,'ston stew Ole nocou.of the altar:! 1 --...auvrW:31.. - Davideon, Liberty -"attet B. B." Church, Psi x 100.4 5..-'. Bath lie gees with thankritelaft, Und into - bit 'trouts whit rale; be then fal unto hip, and blerslit name. For tie lard is good : bac mare, b iverlastWig, net Ms tralleaoareth wall geoe'ratlont.? - 1 ' ...ileri,lanat Prostloy, 1).. - -1:1q . thoond U P.' 01 1 0 1 t 1 , 11 i Psalm 110/A.4.! 1 will thief mere arid ' tidaiatel : nhlo the; 0 Lord wllll sing: ;' " , it.,. Chula: A. Dietey, Four A U P. Church;; allbsglirnyi halal elr l o L —"The.Lord lueli wade" bee he hol y ea inshoeyis of all the :titbit' :: and all lho ends of ohs earth shet sea the lairs . Aida of oar God." i• • . -4. - : ' ~. •”•+• Buy.lV. B. WeiriaNSmithfield 31.71; Church,' (for Dr. 0." A: Ilcines, petetor),Jesile 914- - l.The Lord rolgneth." ~,d U. ••: • • Rev. T. B. Olark.p.D.„Bition. P. Church, ' =Ar s D4lLfor32.l2—"':itt'.- Op. nations, us t., . 0 will tender 'vengeance to his - .14, isatUidll bi martial unto We land, cidttikla peeple.'..-:: ... i .:. , i ! ' 2,0 r: JAM thettmen, of Allegheny (In Bey. '• IleskeetiitillW , PlegUll' Birsagelleal Latherad - Obatzthillthielltietrest..-7ar. It 5--frik.n h o w ~, i orilh . thoelifeltriheuellind indoor.. - ; • ‘ ' levrrt W. 1 1,1 04111 4 4, D 3 34 Fee ) ad•Pt•thztei. . lakillatedylkhabli - lite; 6.B=o±Blessed le : the. Lord, wto lath not Vials a prey to their 'aeotti.• lkaerwili es 'd'ba a lizil onto! oh. ' gars o f lkillseleisr dame la tiroketAtatkore , r emo.ie 0b1et.., , Oat hoip , le- In the realtle Of th a sLierdorksaids . .ltivtit'aid eutli."' : ' - --,.' ~ - ire.D.P.; liftlikell;br Litaireavorik; ilease, rreastedlifkilSolleart/L-84-Ohluubt Allel. `fitterre.brierallmeloint cumgreastions oißieur lariat aid Booth Conatio. . .- ' " I -`'Zlit;. - Petter at shicx.:l.-OlanstWe• ? iiiiillt Thetlib;',farr.X.,V44&llll,): While .gtviag sous rsuomblekfillt ciagegetion should glra " thaticsed tie followlage"l !Ina Sated the emotion of volvonial Nodes and ea ustUl. -*Mei Ualott-mse loomoiWbefdliilli Ailed ' 'people-.1 !11 11411 P.:fuldiegstiosettoi, thi . was pot edur,Uf Aiwa:isle so • blind to. Asti cui . tireileV bkeranityito'erabl.lo hifastalalMill ip l,. • 'allrilivinibmit. Ity sitikiltaelnellea as aCterge hiS'lltir Ist lhe-/palletaatz'!-41tatist.to e 'l 4 lelikaville 1741)ow6esisseawarseaa'l , ~, - I , --:. :rerastielleatt'aird vairattlinda, ,A: v. 1 ..„ 1 :111 .. ".)i iile. (lava lateen woo Coe 4 4 by i l tar althea , who, itarongh. th .4.tonetedtseilettteinirlollas Coal% • weleideir attended hiker weats,astd gays ewe all all sillWrthelty to arepowe pilot Ike riattaal rail Illeakighing, '..'lhata..wers dame. Web !./4..the Ole Alell, - Soldier, ':Hicei; 'itzueb ..Tkeitakiiissealvilesathe; and at thioti;lltr-1 Jidda, and thli , beit of keeling 141117160141 pro . ~. ~_.:. ~' ;vtit eggitai.nearrsaa..., Mr A. gbh I.ldth . Wins 'koala `, ' :. 7o lllll letrrist*lli no lb. ftthiwian graphic bet lesag of 111;:r&IMIlsgd:itt-tisZ,8,, fitstuti; solppiltaf Thlit'lhoTiiietersemnbittet • flap theirwerit,*ir *llllo# segtrel you acme, autuat et bow rirelannlage", paesedi it at the tactful. It basin hNeiratatittiLforl loate Abets that we mentor inirti'a dinar taid s ,gult Om* Ottereity . otzTkagagivlass Aty, w. "wow all ,011 - the tiptoe of Jiapiustatits, sad we , `were ioldootrid to bedleappolabtditir when the reaxalast _day-broke it dliousuld posted up sit over thi groutds, snnonh ' alag lb. fact thirtit"; were to bare : a ja l ftoallss and, &WIZ i Ptugratualtml it* .soaker. .11kilirattithrg is order vimrlityler,Weit was :ta, - .utual. trial sit:Flingly *AI tigst thew,. stet the mut he to astembiela gralspaMroutd the 41alpg„ Atha roar of the:; Sala LaUdiad. Al 7 gmannolAted bower blt/e inontded. sad the doirs flaw oleo. Thelbrillan ill .ctrarge,Asabtant &mei; datitt,ftgerliog, Olthillt , hoar Sadly toltenritethese pantithe b. men, who. took :their :Oats la • & icy. orderly Orr. entering we was quite @grumbly marked la teeing the room boestlfs!ty decors• led vish..avawal, p p and /biters La the grntet °adder baits, wir fletdrad thi ore Vara Ataped sling the who!) length of dm ball. 'OR the lift they were bstorthed 'man, * sad on the right Jastuier the entrateentood it life slur but of Clay aid one of -Walittnitrad isthmus them a portrait of lionetal Amu. A Irma of llowste endlicied thetab'whilelireee racy sa nob of tnereneas inantalat by, -bailer ink:lW Litwin -Grant sad the.tialon."- -/artaedlately over thi landidd* thus dotted two large and mar nifkient Azunicatritagt, grainfnity &it'd but fro* tleveitatte,thas ttsolisttig It the bum. round an immerse triumphal era , insoribed "Visterir" ipso the 'keystone of the I snot I meted aunt okcialar altar and witida it tat the goddess of Liberty, beari ng is her hand a nag with tb metio." lot Yotaurr." The eirtliss oretherd woe let glottal? adorned with ht. tons of cedar, pine, Muni end other evagreets, pintlfnST Istitsepormed with starry 1112404 . `&11311%411. the mm had all takililliikplasse, Ihey,tottlrantestod by Mott. Tagil IMlts to subs Seer,:._ The divine blestiog . wer_kcitoked. and the ma then fa I to sad did ample jetties to theldends set Wort them, which emitted of I `tee, ease, roast turkey, thicket, plea, choose, peados, cake, trait of twins Iliad I and any other Inxtmles, 'The Magoon In gauge, Dr. "dui, and his &relit nts, among w hom we no. deed Doetort Tonal, Bes, Briut, Niro:4 ant WWI, had s table eta in the moue of the rows • at which Di. Bryn presided, sad theft presence songs" added snitch to theganaral geod fooling ( 5 When the meal was finished, the chaplain, Ur. Itear, moved that smote of thanks bet:tendered to th el !Adige of the Chilatien Commistien, sad others fat the raid cheer provided at.; this was talit ,; The .man thea all Jolted in singing' Cihip Christmas doxology, the benadlotion was vtes r a i t e ;A d o w iTatrfro r arthVal l . A u ml it producodthe "Sim Benner." J- • At - two o'clock ina oarembled again foi.raillr hi lout service, which nosed Nitta tinging. follsasd by prayer. •AO addicts on then delivered. by ths' Itn. Dr. Bodge, and the meeting clued . s ssit the doxology and.botedlotlon. d, It haring bun antouneed that 'thine ;would vs be a Ceafieft let MI-Ern/lbw. lb. MAL% via filled q.'to over dewing st en truly hour. At tome* p. m.- sir. - Metal:der, with, a sued troupe of affirms, 1. slide his appearance. Chaplain Dear was oho. •seri to fill th e chair, end the concert coattettud -t b and continued , throughout a oomslete racoons. ' r a itesaffikerofpatrictiapilotswanprodnad. li!„ and - ape " Tall mo di my Darling Boy," i. , '„irowy..ll l r a yinmig lady, troduood quite a tense lion... Great Nulty of • spirits prevailed, and lithe centlat cloud will "./lally Bland th e list, 1330.,"'il•yed by the , bead , tb r whole 'indiums , lithe with ; a hterty gaol wilt in the ohms. . it The titian! order• was anima throughout TVA ironing, sad: nothing. oecuned to Me the i.hattooty of the occasion. Tha people of Pitts.- +, Vurelb tine the Imattlest thanks of ill ootoirtted rut .the /Ind entertaThatest 'with elan they rated the dry to yen so plesseut/y, and none us shell loon forget Thanktgiviag In the ' av Cur NALL. `•••IO.ho evening, happsning m melt the New York battery going into City Nall, we dropout toles what ems going on, and !wind (not es @spotted, tables,withe tin 'plait and 0.41, Vinod with t he eatobattalt of OW hot two at tAbosig taloa @event with amow.white dont, s a d will table furniture of the Tat) bast kind china and ease 'are, and 411•14117 t; jre ,; alnß under the %eight of geod things piled Ttukayir /erred up in every etyle,ples, as Well' tk• mnt , i- itsattbl . r •oblson ••• tatie,:n Vets X 1 -14 1 Y 1 12 - 104 b7-1 1,1 f GebrAle - t1 after erttit't singoette nett he (IVS' stt..A . tion of the amt. - '1•0 ffer !limbs fraftlatotthdr espilorat dare. bladed !key *arra str.ltrd nn b 7 ths lafiri of titre c•lntantleli in ,rear gor Ott. Innis a f erlanntaitratiensktks, thinllbc the ,:oikoril tee Inc their kindnees to ni•it and his:lnn. He faid.-.11• slotting 'Abuts to :ha ustr.otlast and I blunt) of the citis,a a of Pittsburgh, remark. tog llat Icy 'were unequaled in three by acy oor •-••e In the Unto , . Onno'n 4 sd ey ot fe.ing this iinticoont: f Thr ladiss of Plttanurgh b n..a.n.• and wilting bends a eerer reet.y to nitister to the wants - of out pstriot arialtrt." W, tegtet that want of sossraforbida ns &Nine bit • !teeth to fel, it it ii/u.ad him to be a po: I. he d I ptaker, es well so • brave Ropier. Mt. °corgi Arbree, who to too wall knoll% in this pity, by his untiring en' arts to addltig tot tho comfort and welfare cf our deldiatl, tcr, re quire any inirodnatibis on our past to our ree. err, swim:tied in behalf o f tee Babeistenoo Coco.' mlttro. Ilia rcznarke were juttlo the eclat, and ware received by the. Men, rith the' tiveilest el:Limes of theft eppecintion end . delight. Saverel 'mentors of the committee wore then called 012 for apteches, but se their modesty is 0317' eqtaled by their benevolence, they !de clined. After. singing a number of eon go the mop fly adjruned, with three thatrty 'sheers fit the Pituturgh Bobsittenee Committet. . 'We hear It rammed that the ladle, will 1M at wkorcePe gain onrChrlettsas. The Rear Yolk Battery, which bat bean ;en camped for eoete:tim• on the Aligheny ohm moms, dearer' mole than the peat 13 . g.notitte;.we re able to el,font be - at thle Urn. A more quiet, ordaly, hahared, and sppareatly latilliont bey el troopiere have,eellont teen, and: they are enoSnintly eremby of 411 he attWa ' WM that tee temaillown thins by on: .11 . Clll7 ITTIIOLD9 Pour handled Soldiers were liberally pretrisied The dints:. at tie camp was attended tot by Watblis; Marled= Commbulaa Airir.t• at the ,sanip.. and by Mrs: Haven, Mt,. rfilw meyer and Mies Gordeo, of Swim:mac A splen did alter was also eased at the Pod Hospital, particular attaitleti bolas paid Vigo 'kith Of vas on;Ata. u9vac, A Coon 'WU 1111114 to lb. itioallatioipo s go*, ievatitrist mod*, 'Jtko bolt ot , tooling pt.- arturese aunt. One imbed sad • forty-eight 'oldie faroithed with s sonspinesis dinner. 'Me edrlntieti 11:- din ittieurroi tar correspondent, sends as the it g s 0:0.1 Ca-moat tenet and orderly Kirks dela that It lied our been curt! sue, Du jost :dosed, :tooted°. • too— ateryinedeented inteidon suandidg the full do , in annerdence with tllslallsC'LlatO Ws pretest.. tuition. - introbint — olind Ids stone; the aide' • it his workehop;sholaryer aid the dotter Middies, andthelealer In 'leant e," tots, milt Int& trohined.leir setloon to 'the loner bf 1 ”retenspe." Divine tererlie wu held la most of oar death's, where a largo proportion of ottr ol.esere eperet au beur in. giving . thinks to Gel for his nesieles, and listaslog to termooi appro. prime to.the occasion. You coirespondest wu too of •Inatj who had' the pleasure of listen* to a titroon of more. than ordinary interest and ~ peirer, by J. le. Glenn; of the U. r.Cisorett, drone •Sentmials B:l4—..They. hate ,hoaled steer - tits . .1 one of•.the -Aeitilitte of my people 'slightly, hpiari SiaC4t; pests; ,when there le no peace?' , Bsts die Prindpil pest of.. oldied..in this - norrespostdances.wa.to say. a [ow wotdt shout the • Mean bgitingelinner to ourretunisd. soldier/. ../:_Theoe, dinner. eendier he the order of the dal, aid= net to - .bee heitindhaid .sokniewlidgLee the tartlet. "CIO* hr let• n .Ib9 Yelluluomd at t e peril of their line, to defence of ant At* sides, and the perpetuity of eureenrerament and its billowed insUnttiam,adoted hair • •doseie .oar patriotic ladles prapare4 7 .` teunpiihni din _on nit them. Thee ZOOM if•thiLadlia• Ala Bo 'tidy Was precured du t• carve it up at c'entek.:. About fifty doidisid. molly beloagtag biethose two olkregimenta, the Nintirßetereed Aged sh• 63i Pi.•Yotrw tat down to: ,akin/ant =tali not only of t h e mere .subenen - 11.1 kind, but tit thilninsits of lif•;, Betir.Olenit ittliett vaunt groja and In 'blew -well merited serastish poll alas% compihneut to Os pateioti; • inn;the seal; gild the untiring dotted°n of cot women_ - to th•Csisiutio wldoir we sty engird; at Well as tbdir..labarin. behalf of.iii•noldlar. A - bleulag woo then liked to sesesOmPsuy-thee woad, Whin the. boys opitated ts - ' with s'ehearty stealth showed that they notanly ripprendodad kb. that sad , varisrVoinieds bettor. Una: :hut . doithouribtotr.prompted — the. donor. In O te_roTidle ingit . • venni nottidat, idusrvilditenditkat bee their w» but Ulfa dosen tidies engaged lithe affair, that :an inns of the iiitleli;(pairlatierAedied siva.) 01 a . 61'11 t ono,. sihntereirold be got up ter n:thonsend :oiewoll. -Nos know:that when dsei testoire to do anjillsig they do St lash a *nor /dew Ihighttn ht. not .6 what beltiod Sown in Pinnotranbk WA* kusitino *detail o her wipes. • llistysidig passed off Sas endirtrltelnk . prolitably, to all;;;Shouswit .taw• and those who metre& ' . ; :`" ^7 : 1 7'stun. 424.141h-114.4.11. - Omen '•peed retorttheir slatieristbsitito sesimrsitillistelletweittouuldstss fox their Idled Initatioa te.dlnuar, sad tha (lord's' sat:au L. .erliete thsy .wore treated _ ... 21 W. C O , lll / 1 81036 Tha diristsV arkrilSr ac.-11J Ybtl.Wi'-Ccsoodssfoo-T of sir . larded Sarafor psbilerrisai..lll* - ,isfia rusted to say that a toll soonsti.of UL rostdPti iit4Towaditiiii :4111 .ba rabillslsok too for, , dal s, Ala that OrEChrillbrin'tboso awn: Willi rstlitof, osit.osay city", sts, Zialloruss and solar freshet Pain se .:misss *sal hid. 'T4 3 3 314 . Votv.ii/ma -osinfo r oaa - a 'lies ivreoesdlog : octane; for As Mulls :mia d i ssitti "Cibliatt torn of tholadirs"havoi csasmsriosist perils for It: ' -- SSITZLIAIi Nov. - -27. - W. P. Mi. - F. Ohrist!anl - anosilaira ' orttolts for ion: '.7l.asiksg-trfog ' Diener bars aritrid, 'sad • ore! `dlit Ibiztod to Ss.' MOW lospitals. : Will WOts 70M Tim:boys thank 'Pit 'bares. . - • N. P. arms. - TLestoekhelders of the .n4lO notice In inathai alum, lbie wasn't-calling a rproisimeetbig to consider or ca•ract• faithsxt eeatiod of that : - soil nett- . , :wad,. TM o company has straggled on thionsh many didionilles, and oreri buinue-inan Plitobaugh.will share with the ineckhgdots in th . , eir gratilicazion at the ;mound plan eau mt. "tension of the road. 'With the Allegheny Valley Bit:road extended to the oil resioni * and to connection 'Hiatt, system of railroads north of no, the Pittatursh and. Ommellaelliiiiinithed by out auction of the 'reposed Brea to-Baltimore, aßra'the.Sislabeavilla road lashed, and tiring • thrash limo to the Wee, Pittsburgh will stand Intiratiadin the 'completeness of her railroad Barreping partiuhave bin's! work for some zinitht, roaming a One from Yeatikibt tclrocoott, sod there. by the bed of thickly', s.alba-Pottebarph. Should this road also bo huidi wo will ban op term then throe tailmisis from Me oily to the oil fleas", which,- with the facilities already eluded bp Ile Hui. will en. able no b• re3sin ou old 6ustooso &melodist, 111 zot:lowutern Peo.naylveals, • cavenanai yi;tisn. Beth; Marvin, if • Crawford count', ono buidrilland Aro years old, It sopponed to bo th * . sddoekluin oho. voted an Ik. lastelecelon...:Us voted - at itool oliotion Oise. k.ld, ozeopt I that Of.ifisklngtOn't grit tau. -Et Ina is the t cure of .Yerardith la do' Bovidation nd n• . tains- , all blefsoulties ozerpt sled; A tow /tennis slaselarkid ten , yraudoess ft ilia Raba • array. Devoted for 'skidding Linooln: alfttoogh 'lmpactor* • Dazoorar. Mr. Wm. illaliond, of I Cotrentb ant eel, lzartastrong county, pi, swore !teemed, 104 pion of „Guyon:a:SO! cite of Ile 'beim is , odd quits - Vigorous. Berated for MC iWatataston, sod at every Praddontiol eleatlon !since.. =Ho void, en th• Bth inst., for Abeam Hs aboudnateo robots sod *sty alert send eynepathiera oa he did the will in els yOuth. Vat gelatin* lees of pitriotillr still glow in th e t'altered th o venerable an who paned thioegh bra dni' ordeal of the Revolution, May. they auto to goo otr proton* taitiblo ordeal rawy mused, and parmanint ulon sad pesos rostoroL A Venereble n.u.T. N. Todd, who has resided in Pete. tursh fir many yew, fa now `oat of the Oldest, inflation Is /hi Prta4terlan °Minh. -The Emma. Ways :..!Tbough lab 85th year, he la abroad afloat every fair day, and ererylow ilaya'honoti as with'h a abort Gall."- He was' bora to Ifirsaohtmetts, and 'studied tbeelogy.undir ttio ealenstod Dr. Asbbel Oreani whose Maya ha aftenyards married. Willa a youth he taw great and goad. General Washington strand thries.aad note et equently most of . the leading tn itatores of that cad wee bestially 10. - Al:tainted with almost 611 thi hiding ministers' ad our Church In be early pan of the present century. ERN rats/Wimp ear of the close of the bet century and of the bogioning of this, aro wary entertaintag. Though somewhat hard of hearing, his elitsittt is toad, end he takes • deep interest 1n poblio if tits; praying earnestly for ihe,Govetainent, for the sapproutos of the rebtllka,.Jor th e r e moval of slavery, for the 'nelson afgmaow; and for • all- the - blississit of Providsnoe and upon oarnation:" ' Tex Cery.—Major E. A. tea win. of tto ri2rb Now York Vow:items. arse h tbri dry Wring the pre eg - week. Tb. Mare TM be remembered by Marty crow olderns le .a clerk le do oeunty. Treaeurer'e Man, under gr. Kan. Ile wee at If *ATMs Crollece, etadylag for tberfionodtet =Salaryr ' when lb. war brat* Inf. sod goon afte eolltrod. no- lost tie right an to tits WE* of Ohaples Farea;ea tire 290 of. Entombs!. and wee promated to a Llost. nee, colenehoney ter good oondost on WA °peados: _ ygn thp's . ll( rig4it fir - Mr •at .rink II I _.~. ~ Z - . - _ . '';foie • -it' Prato eV a ,i 4 noose, • 71%Jetezo,lto9streof 130,11, A i tra 'Kiehl. ti s. 122 Void 'street, prevent r•re aft:to:top, to , ibese'diya glen so menfhiedMltbris of p.4oing: . , •fhe err,- dist Mass Pants it. thFlt * t;m:llesi. - 21r. D. N ehrr43l jattt :ULF tut 1 f: . m `Cry , Y: Slat; ii•etti York: rti'ed a e.iry L. 4,3 a.Scif. oi. ate it me penevie qletitwily ri.eo,, nh:o4 thi . best r ILL ism in the wOrid prop incoo loos:Moe to ..any other pianos ; manafastarali In Europe or 6mteriti, This st.itztdid lot of flattop .. the Means. Hanker ten Kisk sell at 150 lessyr fez- each plano;than Aka save pinto east be bought at Stainwayal retell' milablldiment to Noe I York. And the fot that Sir. Maher / as select.. stems oletom by pew oast sitt.railiatice, ti a. very great am amend allots. TIM skill sir a I , CI fcnritr, and slab his nue musical tease, hero teen eitahlfahod in ilast community for many years. And fie has been iMployed to select more Omni for car loading sheen. thin any. alktr roan Want ciu. I In addition to• these mcgdUloont Steiriway piano, its Moms libber hey* a large and; Ilse amottment gf ,iithei. Mitt mats.pisaes, acme of wbieh time peettditritletketttlrely new. A ifew of them we will mentioef , ' 'i ' - t They have W•pleno coma:mit on the prlisoi ple of the -stalks, by Drlgge &, of New Yeth. ~,,,. ft ti i a - dosage sounding be d, which bulls 'effect of satiating and pro:at:l,o2a the "lira -1112111, givineont stone similar °the best vi o lin it brilliancy and-elearness. , , i A Piano by Minn' k Co., as a separate! . couplets, and fall-toned ~M e dams atutol;A( ; " whletcletter, when elated up, is altogether n - I• n, and le ases the piano ltv lii original shape. $t this arrangement a fitly hoe a puke and melodeon 10 - one frame, that seeing roam. And another advantage it, that a p iseoot mule ar ranged-for the Plano and fin ,or violin, may be performed en thus combined hough generate, t l t, Veto mid melodeon at thermals time, with ox. v. ediagly Ina effect: A new elle of Plano,Jlr bby - edemas A 84n, of send' circular shape/ with en ibt•liiegif Li ItIVOIWItIe Is graceful, and I Invent - eta claim for it MOM politrAnd fat VIA . . 111:Mbilirt than Is possessed by,,the orlltery re are piano. Ti.' tone Is very/mach like that od a Grand Patio. lois said thatthla will probably soon be the ganaralfrinn of most cf the best pianos. t In those rr r OH may be found many other first o'aalplatesi, each es the Piano Midribs the New . 1 j 4 th r4E9-rag;• Gcmi.37 l k'Offilkotet by a tionito- e' Elteinways' men, her moeded and ea: cm far themselves. This la it livery rapat. a gut Ohms plasm. The Callembarg Plato Is also. I.ft at this, and M Saiderete yams, And to 1 glom who desireet chaff; yet gold Alit sere:' able Piano, the instrument made by Gabler. of New Toth, may be gaiety ream: mended. This' excellent plane may be bought of the Meters. &Aber 'or about $950. '• 1, i One fea:nre of the %lobe& mode of doing bariaLts is worthy of epeeist attention. All ins cia. Firms *old lay drat are . Marrsittect for efr year*. dry of iik es le,rer soi4 by term whirl. dory , met gielimnry soli factions way be retained at' their 4174Mte. 1 In the matter of eht r .h inotrareents, they hang Oarhart's Mslotions aid upright Organ Harm*. ninzete. Carbart Ia the fnvantor of the present reed fastinnients, and Ida fires is the eastern th the eeintry inpned in tit:e 00BilleJf, hartnj been ate/1161'6d for fifteen tents. We believe Oubeetle le the- only firm which otannfeatataia the Waight o:gan Ifermonle4 which LI m mukshie for 'poem end brilliantly of lone. home famous, be formed of the extent of the Meserr. Sieben' eatshllahment, from the Ina - that they bani.st present in their toome - evah Met; fist-elms pianos on sale. Cer. i rti Levis lotion, , en yetis:day' manioc Alderman Donaldson, at the imitate of the famlly of the deceased, vUlted hipsdeld, for the purpose of intestigi= thug into' the - sittittitiimis Attendant anon the diathuf Mts. Anaultilsy,nitodruvued IA . . Marti : me crush Friday night last. Th e in -uestigetittc. yes • held •at ; ttik School Home, Is knbaiter of isitatiSits were ezaml lied, but gone of them had minimised thi .denr, sutilts fees elicited lire 'iodise to those 'already , iublistsd. • Matthew Hanna, wise woo taking Mrs. Bllqq Rileyhome la Als lessen when the *oddest caeaaed. slated to the jury that be win 'too musk late:Seated at *Mk Use. to , give my amount of 'Oil matte, and inter nr.bleg farthf asthma-that, the.wagon bed•evertimed whit. he .was: tensing •Uts4tonee.'nitev'the xesdr• Xis: Enos , . husband testified that she Nadsiontnede4 *habit Of' rinktig NI:MOM that he hat asset bind of her Wog tateek*ted untU the night ol • har. death. Ittry'retutiteCt vardlas at dental drowning. • ' TM" detassetras rertysfeurtinirekif pin; MA haves ilinsbend nod age atiMninione nl het 'rote being In the orwy. . • • . llama IllEssiaasmnillockpa. :',._ I :parasalla adjcarasawalits,4ilas sad-alai io!oza of &AL ELliltirikiwf Iltabamb "Allei Ala 'il.isi diar_aad itabdai;aiii'allfiziEtladairei Otarob; Tuet4y afternoon lost, for doo,faria of ocarotioct2t• brpo In** alallalaa' latilleasTaSoataiy. Diatiabli Wu aattailini *Nate, isaf4la.t..‘,'3, - XtUet .appaiatial Beano, I ay.--,. ADE mow roaaaks •ea a alma .of Wei OF.astatattaab t masakilturnaaa appolatid to acme I Me c Safi fa tie Bodity::; TM followlaspirti a ar. seta affillatoiliaanr ea- notlam e atimaiN4l s attiElataa E'uls,v, first Whaetnua; lara:lalus ; • L: Gratin, &mai Ala.airwai : KII , WILthIa 31 1 li_ir,- . Third - Dlioatroot,- Mil Jana - Alorattdat, , -_Corteip wilt gl3etavicro i Mn W. W Kate, Bi- 'ri • :Mai Sada taii j into Ass% Dssati,Tmainaw. A sines 0! Py-Lswo, 'wooloraedng tomatoes wit , 0 to, woo oosoldlorad ass eAoriott ante& by at*. 'car,iftwArbleb illeieelaty sij owned to loototen tt • oteoid l'entfoy of Doioiatir. Sonodlotion by liti: W. A. Dav , ,idios. ... ...• , • Add re Man Again , -MisrMai Os Myra I,ln year Doper •the 21th loe,t.,.entises a eirtlleste .ef seeneity el tale hell by 14 inehiteet sad helium c ' do iron rod has broken. Tome gentlemen ley ..tent - ne :Asuntlet the - safety et 44 gem. If thtrm was .no stubs. apes it, why did -It break? flat the gooreof the two hsagetoties edge new Imre sailed 'conaot be dolled. /Medd they fan' In, when an midterm of 1200 patens see below thaw—er 2500 men, at on the Mat of eleetlca dey--tbe !on of UM would be most . Would It not be bettor far Dr. Faller, to order to satisfy tbet.publio, to ban, it ateuilood by feria oillahrretod a:elated andbaUi.nt The Pablo &mad it. • •'Buhr" lb. AOf gpeay C A moetcOg will be held this evening for the parr,olll of narganleing lb. allotting Gynum slaw, end we gamma, hop* that the } 010111:11411 of that gay who are amebae of the assosiatiot, togutereath all those who its in favor of foe tiring and database it, will ho pretest and oisk. Iv llrnwrianintidn. Se admirable an is stittilex doll/ tot I* imforod tolls for rant frowzy and so usderstaad *ids outlaw of grilse sail Wise:mat going as of that oily bete dominated us go so wont Yd Wen mar spirt and vigor into the soirhay. Their' anis ale (osoro'st of the larmst aommen/stion, sad we I ope.they imp b• mimed with abolition t tow MN Tie Caowante Neaten imorig the amaidetna- • altrseticias stow 111 our arty Is - mecalaly'tbs Ms. t opoliad Gifirßoolt Blom; NO, 63 Pia Its'', opeosits floacert BY - tbsir wolf of d Ass teeters mod tbeitatosam steak of books, bibles, andpitilig4heibtuaa,lbsy bayeallasdyitscomed a large Arse oilers trate The numbs, of. Mot mid mitly_artiesi bars been glees espy the post wet& is 'astellibing:. 'Baur CU bto *hued tb• somas of 'teem who bumf bionfastai. sate :with their :bvestiasst: Alaiumter riv find's , ' al to aft aocompsaying his talk, • beatnik' Writ. syrup. mug. trot:. worth Alf; Outgo irsaltde, with 51;25 boot, an els-, tout IrCerkitlll , , - WOrth Ulf - Mrs. A. E. Wartd•ll woe the rrelplail of a bsantifal divot los philter. womb Sig; W.MeKonoy, of'doutt Pitts; , loulllNwrith, MIA:lob; baadvdme Aver,bottleC. %Diatom Mist Alice Parley, witb - 81,50bookos- Tailored as sltgast a leer card IMAM; Mr.../olde iLorlog, with ME mirclui, large Mai silver rote' butte' worth 313,50.; Mrs..o. Meat received - atd:Tre.oliver. batter disb, worth .s ll f D. A. ..'Hydsi with • bbotograph rsoeivad a. gift,.• Boltmado gilts Used sags! bowl, :worth: 010.. :Nosy *Mora bare, bein•qually fortunate, teed la [set all who buy their books the ...*Metropoiltsa era sar• to , nosimr • atomism:as present, worthfrom 60e to $lOO. Piesenta's Rum - Z. emittax.—Ananetlas. Of tho Presdmon's Assetiatioa„wilt be held er.- con cost 041, on Monday conning at aII aaa o'alock. Rms. PHHips Brooks, or. 01'116461We, William P. Michell, flaessintendent of the liseadmen's rdloolc. lenneseee' ead Narth Alibates, and .7.16111er StTAM, Corresponding Secretary of ,Fresdmsa's Assaaiotion, pad other lea ticinctorlll ajdrets the meeting. As Untrasettozah Cosmar.:--It solid bees en dateable that the first bosuns of the 'bey torches b piton, rad themottlog othe /toad ish's AUCell 'Jon amid" bob been en diffstont Si splay; but its tareeshattnt for one wasbode Sa /blistaelpbb; the ether so au alb, one party biting no Intenliege,ettho, settles , of the orbs:; sad it yes Abed impossible • to ?bang* the time ap;ofated - title/ eue. -- : : . IL P. Tatotootcol.6l.lunar -Itto Idtrodlotoiy' 4dateue to.tbit Stadsoto of eml Stailniry, of Alltghesy, was dation& to • itoditits lit U. P. Miura. on TOorsday evening, by tiro R.r7Jobn Pstisly, D. D,, tko actioi memblit of the faculty. The Hal . 44 of the *daisy wait, o Crude,! mid iet boutthol by the pqear - is' MA mast 01515 and begat . _ Boon, D. D.,. of Ditishultiim, * Doff' el•sts4 editor of th• Motereiliabofisi Frog/deed. Dr: 0; Dr.iwn to seniag no -editor Wi Ai deetcs-aut snug. to Deem his new ie. bi *Ai 02iilh nipltziiiiiiiiiiiteunturnazit." BOye Tkoefegiee:tittlitt , slatehee Committee, 02 Ttailsgivirg imAkto ;0114: T:quotas: Etlmieettipmo4m 4 11 1 1,11 " , " Mikaowledge• meat et the service, retucred them by the ons fery. Tt, .re. 4 leelutifalty °ma:anted yvi..k. lire =ma's horn4ame4tliti&o.,morke ed ttolatorlptt^n the Dorm-moo 130 ye." it wee settomponted by the !u'cet: u o•e • "Ptcalo eeeept the ace moonier eake tram ladies of the . Ettbri tamp 04atatitteo, co stoic en et regard for yoar =Lay ants el kindusee to thosoidiote through them. . The Daqueine treys have beim nntirtnxin *aired - cats to aid fha 'Radler!, and . the handsome a for littent paid them by theracnantittee is bat equal eaknowiedgedpent of Ails ptialatt , ta. Their •minlance and tome havvitlwaYs built at the ferrite of the ocramitteeOrhUa bott in tittle organfeed and Indieldubl capacity the stmbeTa have been among the foremost In eat.) , movement infondstrto meta . the wants or promote the comfort ofptir soldiers. Saab kind. vete nod literality laVorthy of all ;matte, and we ate glad to sea that it is apprehlatod; to a- steIACIE. LOCAL NOTICES. TrionaaW. Paint ,practleol Elate ItOefw, and dealer ,fit American Slate, of various .I..rots. (Moe it Alexander Langhlin's, noir the Water Works . , Pittsburgh, Pa. litesidenes, No. 78 Pika ,s.et. Orders promotty attended to. All-rrork warranted water proof. Repairing done at the shortut notice. No eharte br repairs, provided• the roof is not abased after it lapel on. Ir 700 are so far tieSind the spat Ott 1,0 hqTiz dthat popular gen for the Progreak .rsodont, put it or no longer, but' go at once t 4, our nearest druggist and get a bottle. Toe in ns ver regret it. Bold by all druggists. 1 865 Djarks for next year, at lon primes, at !hint Cue's' Boor Brore. . Atnans.--Phote graph Alba= in in intvArtely, and at loir WM. at hank:Cart. MOW' bathing. TIM n4ut. • -• P.c eta: Boots Atltrank Ouo't BookStoto sad .Notrt Detot 7 -'" • Yeiatitlits g to the Book, Kipetne, Wolin paper, or Buttoner: tins, esu at Prank MUM& Ainvuo— Go and exunive the dodos assort. vont Kt tha lociquartera, Plttooles, oppogle P.arffice. 5,000 erri pisieg sphe of aiiiitilr.lreminsit p•raoseger, ikntMa ils, ke., at *lied prior, at Pittocro, appotit• the Poguillent. Call t Dawn for 18111,11 Pilluak's. Pt CANT ,DO4lll- Peekei Album, it, Pit, foci's. Pomo,. Tulip and Stationary. at Pittook's: • Umtata's Lady's Magazine, at POtaak's: Pecan Ettivet t at Plttock's. HastuiLealis, and all the at Pih odes. . Ger the "Erealzg Fast," and Eastern Delilah Pltteck'e. , Dnini, fat:lBos, at Pineal's. Duro Nonle, at ?Mock's. attn. Domain", Rail*e ana•au ths s'eas foiDeinioloor, at Pittook'o. Loses lfailliD g far- Donmoka, ranind pot. nodal*, at Pittoak.r: 'monk Diaiss22,—All the If apish:um foe aft, tholtas now mad, at Thai* Oases Book "nerrlrfira Depot 'Cl:uvulae bnildinv °Art: Itaintaoa's :our book, . B a, now SiDlo** plistor'foroalsbi Font Casa. - • ' . . . Tirs.Brair Bosco Baelt.—M4ii Shall,* ailigit# .. f r sale bylrzak Que./10h straw:, 3 ' •"; DIML tr+arautt&—Oa Thuri summit:Jai. M 144 Bay.labsa. Liao, Kr. /Oar, 111TALke 11733311,L, all of Alloelibig 011 v, ?:HIED* mth. tot outi It MD MID F. NINA la the 14111 bbor otlll op: Flee **at eftat t tiMant Ni,e.ipieltaUj 10ttti4 to Atissi the hem!. tam blo Ws rapids ar i l*, SO bury street, en burrousar, .ta ondiskis , 1. c arsdLuso.arl• atcrutimicinanouzi powpmeiner rAOZZT.--thellas Veartme,lttouilutne.Zaat thttsbaversa. ttatfm , Fdlits• ports stroty KONIDAY. it ig .ILt=lederpoo apply cm bowl or t - • JA.1111121 littart *At lab & LOU VTIESX—Tbs: - som , sUquart IION --="fv - r t I " (414.1.4a * c ". W1/1 ktre WO." " • r mho} • .. .. mine act ilis ... • - FOR mm cali AND) U . . TV/LLD...Yu gelsadid are Ltsmor LNZ a ;hp,. Ito. sit. will Wire 'so , stmLes eati TIMID LT, tain,..L% 4 Oka. Li. ? Dtr oTparsiTitr pip" ci I ; DOMADDD;OIAD"' 4orpt. 8111011184 fritEMISNODUBPANIDI f. egeds Cheaper ititinbefbrethOWati sso,o o WORTII of BOOTS, AND SHOES,; '' To ni-imotamoor WITHIN THIRTY DAIS, _ CONfiERT BALI' 111011 ATOM we will nll at tees Oust hall tie irks iikedirj • DOWN TOWN SHOE DEALERS. ' ear-trn't tail to tail sad gamins Ms gel, * st is et MIR 5T11211% LAMB AND DISIRABLE STOO OP . , 800 • TS,_ • bIIONS, ' ,• surto Or the molt aspires! tiITLU 'AID MAXI, .idtipted to this 'Wants •&; , - • ' IrCLINTOOOI,.; •:;" 'es A.jaqo at, 41Iiiiieny 4P. P-16311% 004iirriiialliveri dire - JAMBE_ BMW 89 Market lirlet.„ ~BSLLI THE- EOM ; • - - - Diem* irrtlia,.. rei the LW DUZABLII , . 500215 AND .80111 'any hreue fn the ie. • B• hoe joie nega d ted ategittlorat TALI. 111901 Try liam. frI4 ,4 eTAR WORX.I _tom B.IMCIVIKD DI - • ••,.. - •. , e . zo. ALBR4Lis, 4oir a co. ..., .., , . • zip. 15 wooli rzairr." .. • . . - .. , i olie 4 " Tee l l ' s Ef t!! il otor n tili 2 ' Bootee". • i CLUdisa'atkatastilli sbanr., • • . , i .. , Thom goods an nada io acs.spiablordir. es II on *rated an•qualhod enitossi wark. tol6 ' . - _ • • fr.) 01:1IINTKY CUSTOIIMILS.r4 hem cro land • lap do atom% of lame Wads imp, B b►iwrofp. mp radar and %gala's • Boob,- Mow ogp. d , Holntaid au lle . ta . tad aim / 11 3 41 ,4*,0011, BEET QUALITY OF EiSFIENAHNIK 'plot!. tarn MI at Ildlodalpido nad Noi icat gal. Pill manta my stook bokffloppd ! ... ! u w p w ",. - .lisel9 Nlt 111rArkit strai.'MoosielOor illitt "Mil nazi ts.NO a crai 1 " 1 " 1 . °ht. ' "a% raini JP» V 1; NMIPh,t mt2iiiiebir • •• ILIGIBUY onr. =HZ "t ~ '~~ii. `z THE LATEST' :NEWS MI TFILSfiILIPH. ; TIIE GEORGIA CAMPAIGN. iptied to the Georglans by.fien stoi Hill. EXTRACTS FRO? I .I 4USTA PAPERF. Griffin Reported. Captured by the ;:dTnion /Ponta. a.. &L. asf Simmons, N3V. 25:—Tier Ameries., of this the following highly Interesting Lntallik &nee', taken froths late Georgia paper.. The arettiefe, of the lgth last, oontaine the folioillog appeal to the Georgians by Benetot _ Iticaatorto, Mov..dB, 1864. • Ti the Peeiile of oe - tvi2l.-Yozi have now the best opportunity ever yet presented to you to Ida. etre, the enemy I Put every thing at the Maio eel of ,our Gener*--..reniove aU plrOladOnfrirOM thaptVotiblibmadisis,tita pia all the obetrue tient 'anon In hie way. Every citizen with h gun. and arm negro with les spade end aze,Mmt. do the worked good! BMWs. Tow 014 -the eneniy by retarding Id/ manta ',.fiefifglans befit's' aotronlytly; not: sordidly .Ira it approveapprove of the above.' • (Sigitad;),. Ja.A7k tbonsor, liceyof We!. ' the feticide& alio front tlicAnguts'eArde- Among the Duey wat tumorf on ear alisets this morning is one that Griffin is oaptured by the Yankffien..--Ae to -the correothele of the qt . - Mtt. We awe neiliing to say." The following la taken from the &wain Sena ado! the 15. h: I..Welkays this iar* We tr.* a freer up the'viVer. A gentleman who arrived on Thurrday evening, from Steno Mountein, reports that a :Yankee sorlag.down the GeorgiCiallined,' dl. Tided at Deranar,half going doll thiCtoeingtici toed, and tho igerthajtookbridge toad. , Al kini, gioititabiahoy benumb 'tittle, wamteepled heitooniii 4 lWw.thliiii of theecirn.-and were LiYing arida the - ooluday propemod. They mirth Id a hollew Scioto. with thelr Italic In tbs.:imam. They united at Baku'e Mill, near Ceirbildon; and It it not known at yet whether they will strike for kaiottmn or Athena. Tidegeathnuaar ea n 'the 'stew from the UM. Mit of Moser bleantaittat the' - eolitagratioat of Atlanta, waa • beytit d'deleription. , Elate City looked like as pease 0,1 laty lime. rise and - fell thtemlahout Ito whole extant. Plasmagare.fe.the'OborgtanaUrit' ad hit Eight sport that' about one hundred Yaokse Oavalry madatheiriippentelles at ehhoottlieli en Tharf. day and tamed the railroad platform. It Is not helieveitthey ;have -nomordoviig sly tothir Ibiim the Wale. nate Infantry encamped at dr wear Old EllefiettonlVelnesday night. It la also.reported.that tilt Yanks have born. *4 MOlllO2lOl mikaltlibarsi 4 .11 ab, If Mat, Manly Indicates that they , design tapping the oMifteMairond alordion, or soma other point. P' gar trains on the Georgia Raliroadas* Asldllialty.esideltem Union Pettit. Neemi,trofogrephy eftlitittetriMMyrthit en-thig day,was eormidtrablt edaltedste testa vazlona mons' In Jesdri-to tier intemy, who. me known to be poiddlimly enteltnit oh tie city:_ flea. Oshb has lamed as orderoilling one every: stram.aapabl• of. tenting anus, and all wkedo snipe) pond, he rmlertst l• be Brett- . 1 The Tokochkatio.'sity• dais b .aellonbt tioat.the adiltary:authmillsoodll &clew/Wag I. their power to stay the tames ot tin so.. lay, sad we trust they . 1011 realve the watt ' soppottol. Ike ..etliokeatowmattyoo.lN4 - watrala dOws Velar; suyothUttwalmi cottiCiltwk the Wornmatkot the wombs of torlooss. 121.1 Moen rikgreiph speaks thus of matlird a t tt• f r o2t: tiaSe tellable lucomettou to the sTeot tharthi Ystkait adMoolus from Ali kkaas to Ibis dire:tin in two ootoons..was ow Ow Samos& MAW" tlociathorylikAOlios: boon '4:4o , foretetio More tiara this we dodwr ijapthdalrli it pPllsent, to pub} MA. Au agent, who left - Ydrsyth op 'Marsden, the 181, at ohlook,laforms us that ,w,ooork. iuhrtd at that pla b ei MOO half milieu bsthrl ho Itkoaddlepat them, ins nal" cavalry eight sallekiwall thwtl. — `Alltlis bridge" cm- Ft* totinglicinanik 8 01 orate Sian byola farm. . " Bt68KtRICTI1)10108itill ithermaituttlie , tlOvertiors of the ia.'..,:'J.,1.-al. *z 1,0A 4 ,t4.0 2 ,1 1 .* -.. ....,.•-., , , ;. , I.I34IIIIVtONOttEfi'IMVIDED; , - omartift pEowrzi itr4. Brooks to Coops!) by 146 sooptity.. • ^-1"4"6441111 hiwatilass news that Mum' wilt nest at Anemia the flowaorsmf 1 1 0;44 8 ..1 1101 bi litmoilF/4eXtrti wad likkaki kimonos. sad: confer with theme gentleman ik rebates ..te teals upe*l4t these thetas mutt etioilmyent es of a soissloag. as ditotheitresa pesos mambos of the great! 1 0 4 4 4 ittaok e li.therislatehmtlismidslifouseraf Iteirsitht.t Friths' .611 MOT* dersloiat. flit the war optost ykeßteildant Stephens Isi extending to all-teettastrsoitoakts, oat Boyes,! Brawl, Lxob, Vaillep.6tePh.2l. Cobb and Poob daaosaoedu hsedl,sertnibotort of doopronm emit Itiost , orßitnesentothes, Beet Ne COnitigsg-tM.Bantmels ts Molds& airtineM f 014erot *Milani long tic lb. azetteMene • prMinosd by 'Mormon. The dotte • rh wr ttit; Governor Brown and Vim* 'hue taken yyssittta aotion soibrot. e.MometiOn WO* ;Conscription "Laws. ralbe mune of ttuo debate, whiob was on the resolo• don reportaby - Stages of !Tight*, fora do crease cf the somber of eximptleut from fns initltosy morel of Mite ofersh. Yr. Imiohi, of Math Coittlhisi-oiold we a - LRAMs' Rights mos, sad lemenolthot voter! for the :isolation. WM& lookadeter- the oolealptleri of 'fishtail. mrs. A gnat bus and oty, has been rased about Georgia; beams Oevernor Brown and The Prosidsoketoptumadared to -.elm hp", Mt on. notated. - MI iffittiCto say Mot he endorsed every word Mat hail, ben shored by Gilitellitit Brown, and every 'Withal Mod boon mitten by Dir. litephone, If that be ttesson.ite asked the poor priele4MOf bolos hangsd with them. Mr. Biter. of &oath Carotins, says hmregrot. ted to flak about pliAnt,reetrutrizatlon,,vorea. It's of atatim.ko; eoalCouty WWI u. -.lllllolll4oooinge th• essay la the . plowleutlon of iborwavand'attmulatMeame to /rester a fra . oB,ol.fill It chid onlyttand to db .:55054e morswn `ltwit idle to mitt of Our Mond/ at Mei:oral. We have . POD,. Mr. Poge,ief Tebarssigiistirpenionirligh la • bolsi authoriV hark elated this .faoloon 'wee statiti-ig NMI Oslolinsisad asked far the sus- Italica of the writ of.barnat,witrititlo sap s tus ~ ,g•ellrarioisir--44a11.tbtssattimeall soardor: r. Lazar; Of Gerirst*rjaiwir to Old of °a i r* The rntlikuu te!4...foibei hitatelfla the quettlctioefeefilla . Mr. Peoli;Ll ma Eimer shade Mint rsm adze, to tidal outkorldiei Without half a deem pa.' • Unman 'plights to.Mairleetand rabbi points of erder.• 1 ea sot_ going to bt okoked, of la, ••••Maa 'here bati•tivilif skulkineat. tA or 'lron Ylte Parades% FM spasms.- They•have efldlei islet they dare not st 7 table face, It war tostiorlOidatOinillo the Vies'Preddini, balms nOtaraolder to "levitate Va. It.efiu.:. Yr. Mee, rising—The' imitleniiti from Tea.; ausse speake..ef„eralkinj offoottllpolt VIM lltolfant I have spokeastf - thengenthwerse.- 1 I urillt Tim Seutetael tram Temente to ley 111 ISO r Melinda a eknlkkg Me, loaeo-41_14,atr—eterry:pottr one. - call: at *teaks In turret suds= &talking MOW Tha pant from South Carolina iota we bane ma 'Monde in the Rath, -latakelesu aithltlie. I Say w• bate faleuar, good, and true. Wend" I. kath. Ritzy vete given for It'Olelleat wee for visa; It li'Clelso had been 'load, he, (Poeta) sat ;pealed o mike from Ide sat a aropaltlon lore s nstotion of atreislgu States 'torah and- PM ) , netl be.holitimat thistfouth would beef • pond from It pea* and Indepondenoo. If the Isuth bad met Mai - North in aboi , ontloo, she woldiLltare 6roposed ileums • offensive and de. (rosin with-ibis North far a-et:bit enforoament of tho Monroe dootiloo with :Iberia otimmorolar Smith and we roes shouldberi tho whole orth American domain, and porhaps .Cuba. Rea. slog to, Ossetia Butler's spear/ be said, lohtto. ota, as Slater le, bk. Emma looks' to rube, poi& tho total i vatted by him mu mob as' float& sot be seeeptsd by the-eolith.: It bifocal' to sending entotalesliteri friar Wa~1 { Ington. It awl ;aomalnteitra. dld 410m0 . and, being_ soy parables* hot etio gOverameat lireohlog, to., kokleg to pea he bellowed It'wee the duty_ of our msesrament to receiti-ft,lmt that 4* did toll-Mak Cerfresisibould Sian upon It, but that ft shollift Inthatttad to the until Bates foe eatit °saki dekldaupto to Of media tallea• i)l After remarks by otter fainotoro, the motet flan oil aaopfiof, Thor Moms also passed Ski Senate Li I, to foto, the militia of vas Butte to to to tbe• animate of other lulu, BO al tO COX. suetrate s fate 'past Sherman., ' Gold.isrket , . rptyr Yon, Nor.—lioney is esster, ositti • Isq• suPPIY. pst . Stallag 11 dpil at -10034. y Gold irrigator, aossitled sad lOwsr i lpskikto , at MX, kttu'asteg to 222. ottshls to 218 K sod closing di 2193 i sod 219 X. thirstamekt'a stock active sat 111111116 • MMRIS =2EIMS=M 111/71111G EB 1111011TEHE TaNSPlill'i. The oroigie Legielatara litampefing 1 . 7 EFIINOTOV, Noy. - 2l.—The clOTaraillant t,- dsy rtailivcd the fon:mils ii.WiLtalita: • T Prism, Nov. 24—Thera is nothing - new or imycrtant this mooning, armlet the arri rat of rebel dtrerttrn, who ?titer: that when thejleft she Savannah river on the 220, the Bailie 'way heading. - ',When the hit the exebniget of.priron erg wee going on vrelL Capt.. Gray asyr that fait Uteri - he, lett there it was ieportod that /de eon and Milledgeville were burned. The !Tafe l/dire ws7n teisiOn 'et Milledgeville, bat !at dissolved, and the members scattered in • , . The following . le taken from the. Savannah Neyablieeni, of tne 21str • Coriath, Nov. 18, Till Balms, Nov. 2.0.—T0 the people of Georgia: Arm for ,the ddenee of your Amite telt; rally rotted your patrlotio Governor sod gallant soldiery; Otetruotaied,destroy all the tea roil"h'h; imtut!'s and rent, acid hie artoyelllifoonatirve to yaw midst. Be CDial. dew; be resolute; trust in an over-ruling' Prot'. ;dono-dii,g eoer lihill aeon otown - your eff tit' I bat tar to lotto main the defence of your llama inenreslder:" - „Pt T, BlaSlMlean. . , . .. . , RIOS MOB D, . Nov. 19To the People or Georyfo: We hatc had* speataliacrnfereicoulthProrident r; Diets and the Secretary of Wii, 4,1512.4111 able $4 • assure yon that they,hamsdone and are still do ing all that can - be &MS to meat the emergenV that promo upon yen. . Let :only man fly to arms: Manure your begun% horses, cattle and provisions boinShormest's army, and bins what.' you can't carry - kb:raid! bridges,and bloat Op the muds in his rout*. Assail the, invaders in from, flank, and renr, by night and by lay. Lit •.him have no rest. ,- -, - , • • . . t 1 Blood by Julian Hutridge, Mart Bliwford. J. H. neynolde, Ges: N. Lester, John A. Shod. , make, asdrat:•9l.fiiith.- -r ';' ' -•_.• 1 Wanniserair, Nev. Yd.—Savannah new to tl: -. 19th snip The_sinemy, has appeared betel • , Mitionandinother tsidingputy - hu emend* . probably frtm Covington on the tract of Stan+ : man'. raidisniniotied a little town of Wallace in Jona, boittitYis few sidlee.tuirtk 'of MUliodg rills and Gordon railroad last night or early th ' ' nursing. .. .I.t laroportadthat tiliputy too bunted Mo - Gallo; the'countyleat of Jaspainonnty, and • - little town trilled Hilbboro, In the south of it' county. No doubt they are nomingto.strikethe railroad atjileidets."- +. ...,.€.,. ,-. _ ._•, ,. • , Ws have also reports, appareatly anthenti that the enemy yesterday made an smash, o i Ponrytit. Monroe Ostrusty,ort tha Macon and Welk. ens rillniad, and ware signally rspulsrd. • Gre • learn that a good deal of ezoitoment exists at • Matron, and thane lerge - rmasber of ths.wimien and &tibias were leaving. - le li Usidint, front , the appearance of the enemy at all of these pointe,,that it Is.oply a cavalry ; raid aiming te -stritio'ind , deitroy alt-rtnriast'oontannleation to Yuma.. bafore thlaso4n uns7 •PPnvok•si end perbatortitarth*W the - dlteesion of UM -MI pi .dossilita, -end do ; as vanth mbenlef at otssibli. Its beNtretilthit ilsofOrees at Macon and Kilkdgeville are ample to protect those Vaasa for the present: No trains would nava Macon to day for,gilapie, , Maus. Ndir:Illt:!-The rilitnl7 Stab Ofitil i lli I 11r , * 111, 1 ,111 end ylelginiand every man Is and . rani. Coindnee is befog rastorod. Ti vonemy • 1 la whored' to: Wins: sew rielti'illitslit about Hilt i.T 10115r,11m..41.1d 11 bt.dolonilisit: W% th e' laii: , . 1 - - - -T• --, -, "-i ''' 1 • SAT , Nov. 21:—A Pritrati &giant:, Ulna in tlia city...this Donau from Ma o saystb~my.sroseed.the Ottuaralgittilla feral_ 'yesterday, at Phydatsk radon sight safes oar et Indian Psnlig.:. , ,T2oly szt:reptut4 Sci bo fro 30.000 to-46,111HrFikollg:".: This •Wallitiiiiotax toe 'smog. ,;: ,gaukre Il.thik heart Ant Lapels 14 their sillsot. -Ala Gmand vallrgal i sercraliesnat waldodge, wu cat it 2 AMl t iorrike PM 'lll4 'Ti, titatftlib , it Wei IlittiloittC,.o4otitto s? • ten -bewail Sturthad sarilloiooklatilkoktrasii .and Isizoi.billwiros .11imastabi end *allow awl WiratitittsV , Ntrii.l6:—Thsilivaasalk.ll,4ll lldisittlblillotiollall-Tbst-tislopapb-billie nii • j .. iii bitOrmtiott at tboorbssfolibolliii °lobo 'tawny: Panengrra who arrived from Karma sad iitki goialros dislise4of UN sssinblcsistrillar,:sky The unsay% cavalry fine ehaftsvpoknat *lra whin urea mllas of Grwsugoldrltlis - , And the .tiberroareoarny lonanpillitotikoq-tkriss 'fro id Ifilltagovllii.•:. • i ,,, - ' •• ' , - ' , is= - • , re u eke reported thattlitipktoitittelligiv . tiered by Vte - eiditsits, ltd. tbaf.,:tbil Lvililaduriri . had adJonnritl ottlfrldayttight,_ind; ttiMinn, I bers'beftwitb some degtelot pbrolgottation.. , rtaliALebbirlollYil‘ Neff tiiir;',Nii;;lS:ary . ht. Pittman& 1.11/4 mIL. 9:hat - chi uel&Ltyrie braggene 1 - la4 dtesshr: with iiaaiad ancosues - eietorlee manifeetimed, tor--Tmealiar ;reasons., While we abonld-award.to He tlrreals liar the jast'messursi oblate*. we `blast I °l see a renewal of hiellittes la a 'say slut time, fa the issms IA in Stasi pu t* ll invoke that Provident* whom pu lt teotioau theeleirptatersidtrit the dostaaprepil lot he by ablittel• , . • The lbsiirer of thu NIJ sari Thi «iamb en - Ntiday - olght tut, attempted to retake- their k 1 Vatettlitae,'ulleb 94airel, Sicken so gal& lastly ,wept night boors lest, but they weft moat slyealiy repalaid & - asat fUid att 'Toy leihsh at attack. „GeattalNailati., pls. led. ir CI% usaisaded,au nil. t ail day. yeaterday, • tat ;mediums* was wu quiet _ on rhe Retirsintri 'ariat&OsSee'sayShitit ISO O,C 00 pewit! of Yankee sholichau bean taipstaa peaks hives °Wilma violeitys and told tithe Orinassa • Xi/parts:Ant, ..Na „may emlely down' lii iii shells al the aninber . pawed : on am steeples and tinletonlatatis of Patitibiitg, and yet strange taosay..only four whit, pusons estai Med; asnd . not. moss than can or Wales colored persons, and twice as many of such ran atanded. Tire Nlaii;of tlie623tb,. asps; No Indications - yet of 'Nialevideance ca Wibnlngten ars tura mitts. The Rsystaieas of the Di says: Up to San. dayaildskaltimit it/Ott'Of'Our tstusiatr P; oo ti.fri bad: bean brought to the city. Oa Suaday One boats emus.- op.. shout noon and L lak' losmogin throng sawn Ike bluff to. wstebmeahem. The piles*, Unlit raget'partiloakt4 bettef than wo badfillkotsta &Ur glitamidship *Libel: ling eablissinsite mime. Inatiagge bridal triatmegt: -.Zany; sat. they want ackiailoushi but deans to b•-• 1111 immediately t 0 the host. nikeretheyvill have the oppooftuity at getting alga with their captor. - •• The Si rings. of , thin& say.: • The Wan Do. Whitish Withollk anyttansigroble intarmation ea yerhoyond wilt mention that evarytidag gems one nil ae.tould be expeotad. the mtal bombardment eantinumi at Dimain. toe, and all is vast at Mobilo Atty. . hinta' tbit"QMVeral,•filalliggia stack in the mud, taisid by the ritual. Smits Oar aoneentndonof troops, to operate-against bins, it oay r e bele P' litisltroid, • wilt tougzionos the like Interruption: • The Smoked lard* PmfsaYtitre.ol twilintr• titio Itodisat foraminiin Vorida;Vseilhattlage Spitz's, and the killing of a number of others. The ,Seriertr-,104: Thif -whole Ord evut , aMisaliSistits;tl issubtestailis:tatioirie up all vitro:ill animosity, the Prosidut and in, reold.o diured a!,,dapierS TM& saustrad S/ 4 . 4o l l sMilirtn. Ot thi States will be sailed up:thy= address , fromaalotiel . o 4 ll2dtlis It apply proper legislation to this shognotul tAs long as every . p tidy .eMoor in a Witte confers eximptien trim - rallttuy' satin 'thee. will ad. , i ways be an army de okulkore at home. mostiesu l 3 .1101 0 1 1 A1r telthise of Thomas hlt t.seni, was sold at =Won on Thursday under ;the smeestrativa sot tor V 30,100. - • The Slag gap' a platten= who jut mind tiros Taus tryti. Om scope at that State wire Moist , hotter thus ilds - yeakanit that thr:State is being abased of thy enemy. 'The mops salt • - `mama honed Iv sulking; to lied lb. whole' 'Ocattoderatil anny.tir . mix months. ; The Whig Eoliths firm, hold:which the lm.. position th at Lisooles re-elution would be a signal for t h e ...hole flosithun pantedomay kround arms and submit Without condition,, him begs taken of. The Yankee !say II *Moat the strongestphonommuy and bag ever been our for. tuns to boot that tilt army elfarthernVirginia for extreme of Yankee wongeauesi and to whom it, is satiated to dslitrer him—to that flogged; Whoa; haitlnadood;'diagraatid arip•of the Po- Mamie, latch It:has Mod, nut so.. often that it be. at lent bloom, most amused to nog In— to that horde otsissasslns, thirty, and haus* • burners, for whioh Botany Sof would baler jog. ggod a home—whtee deserve* nothing on sal th. bat the yillotig. Tint old fleg;the Yankee has gird and gridiron, Thitti hair wit d more .dirgrs:e than all the banners united that &gar flamed obovs the heads of armies. is to tidings's stint, the humilititor. et thetlaufsdorats army. Open anal delusions as there the Yankees hags. been fed Iron the beginning At. the wain), they. biro lost them C million of liras and four thin.. end debt; ,thry have loot' third the, lissome trade la the world, and (Divan • their inoreliant and marlieveiseis Lem toe ocogs; bat thoy - olinifle ebiin itlitartili all the Onkel or - the first and.onlyloto.t. - Pettiapi the) , will dad =tin &little time- what *Ben Idnoon'slooloP. don really has lAd hi the Seethe • i:Pine in New York Da— _ Fri* 2E-41rai osvorestriblt, issuing attho 13t4 Nlobots4; Lah Ssa 13,'Stisa; 40. ll:muss Mosessi, Thrte.of .rpoios•wro dassagid In ths'lossass by Sr. and =metastable, iijary, gene by water. -The Warr-Hums sir not: dimmed. but great axatteseaut.Nraa eloaed In Wfaltir Garden, In the iamb baildirig, tbosiet no lojoly,t3 lila or Mak: 7.1111 tsuLtots of sitbailsonsa Int not. talseeistt - *Ha. Bar. nut's Idiom was esidiatky sat cis Ars. The Oa, ware otwtotoadsot to say th• lout. .±. ~ ~~y,..,f~ ¢~ Filittag . -4Xtat; lv N .a .I , la 'ire at the Franktart-reititellitri. .1106 D .KAROMAIG aOH -PULASTJT At., 4., • -.1.41111111.14. Nov. 25.:-Atala thlrtiof ?aim's max mara. at Shalbyilllo lut nleht,•rab'alo . g /torah to. Judean's at Endnet of &tat, IMMO timo.plundming the prOplo,Fodarz.l turn' list/ teen rant ont, from -Frankfort to.day to look attar the. Gonoratßarbridge with hikntfantand. ham arrirad atentabertand Gov en ateldontal flty it the Shtti.Ponflantlary at Frankfort, loot night, dutroyid the their man , -atoattr7 and blacksmith and coopor RI:MGM pm - Mtn tem *kink .It vaddod Tani: be contraband, that. army..WlM maroldng en Pallaki. Wodnirdai. amAroonsleta et skint ;moo men, including rolitormonalatd from 8 andTflok Taylor. , Hebd vitt Maar fi g ht at coctmbut;.Fr, le!mng Ooliiirg>ucta the loft, marc h o Nat Telpaaill and join !midge; ! • It is &melt powlbta dugs tattle Wal toned . A r,b,lColotellyza .killadJA a Aikiiiestr. yes. A detiehment of our axester•pleketarweio afloat it witAln Grim "Mee of Oo when the tote's: verozi*Lttod by. ourlefeittri.. 'On liriarinday oar ferese withdrew inns ga. talk!, and alp 4umpposed to-Am rineentrated at. .ciplumbta. • Jici danger itaasearPoitesti - at - priaint;: ; - FROM FORTRES&- NROE Arpin,. of lietenr-j!rlsoilit_trom Anderseavllle. PROPAAMATION BY GER: SUWON, Burnine, of , Ns . cozCs.;ii, Wonantornot, Noe. 23.—MmiLtrintittorOnti• Unbolt i. Orpoultfrorn Sort, MOB/011 e worn trbloitinuoi : Th• Mittel . 10141i11/1. ptiaatto 'and HtaiYatoha r taro azirrolP_,_frono Sasaastab, Adapting Hays:mat ,silecui Hand datioto the 21st Ina* ' - • . • Thastraturnora *lnt ottibitadiatinattotoiat Ara pl. on:midis* who 'ltst* . baon *loon**aft war atAndorsonritlaand oisowtracs.. - learned thiMsrairsis.thst kaarsragar boa Island nru.OlOznatiOnr,OrttadOortOth Nino= 'baritatencon . .thapmlnot,Goorntratnis ''irristor and ttiotioot oirii)t*nig sionad,alimaan, Pablo troitt; roan, and omit .14 limn; -oadl , -tionnelag that' to floon:bi_ attic - A.los: Whin ob. mama* Ann retehottittre, that Nigro and Milladgaitho had boon contend and tam& try - Sherman. ' If~idYaileBeeek.ate,Mani Mialtst. t 73sw .loaz i , Nor. 21.—Ths.stothe It whet- it entsfde tpoonlittra.,toorietontl Itithicus beteg eentarteliithp , ti-hrokeit: the &hones of any Important comblasefo i. ttof diteerlis dull; and lb. pryi'tittai dowairardal The frortritetent'ff artiith "'cotton to4lie weri -Nirlearryrlteleartresitably torettir.eact settee.. Slim et'eloolosweed'Xtruittei :3ittenoreritseNt eirtiNtatie Ifiehiffrigit I Thoirpeenlitlow fit Tante westiorebtopeatien ,Allkalat Meanesd to g2113¢, a: die of '4 pte ,oeht. ,Itallecout howls dell; ,hanlo , iteeks more est:iht . etkeelbillell shares ...Pah: Spreelstleri ' Sid Wiry Wu in thokeStertioon_, sad onlytt aceli hid wit trinuatid. Nteetestiong were rep slight after eallZ 'The nirket Ishtar", wi t Ist ',nifty lower. • lime *sr irnatie Triwar:eirioitoted, th at ai l , artiotill bonds Irma be tiiitaiViisl de) ceri , mop toss be" ritrEptialifif In, eittllkstelh, ,Thle tumid arkeaeihr tett loa th felt _dela mertlicattee. , :' , 3terappqr IWO - 41,1 .soktmg timeatoken6.la I.rs buits: wed hi melt .;ef traatir,.The higher& irenerettraterter I. loom la r.pie eett‘leitittweep eiefelleireent.l weer jV 'Dlktoixt therkt i egir s .m 4 era j, ttetelslpipirtmfget Wm:2g .portvi.l:J4- ; Atrolici tan tar lade; is etpl tad !Op pay , , •auret ex tie lit of the 'oath,, olDmieallwri 'doom on - 10:fikUthihs of tWe.7eert.ll por Neu! note. 411tiettst itieltings`fe 'Tata' aitetn, jai; gold. Ciiddiiiiniutt jek TiOW fitilk*Alt =MITI af anew' keik,'ltrett TAM" teas several pu;44 togiadias:Shorlavy-Msalatlior Um sip mrs of *mon gali liilW4olll.. °paled it.sl-21134 adyeasalligla 21r.Oseiria tit ' dey. 414 down to $3 riqur...spll. spin `sheet =mot clapipan . t.4 Narepwtoi morn*, tfrs2 21..":134 ,11;41NotitiP og teq. lb.' . awn, to 119 • , • 4:2. I:. • ,:sly ~2 0 *emrd 4iii•aa..ogowi.or Weeps: 10:00 baobab .1- gimp:* fig SetriFri.,:pa -116 65 14:T1w/weld c;N:t. ' 7,01.41 hit. iiist saw • di now 50i.244 emir* ea I.r Alt to abate. naiad lra S. 'Oita gaga Male '01)0 pat-bail Sty Ito. 1.. - .llWiita4 triati4 ; .11ra thy dail Mrs Iliad 'lmam and -Is :desa..d 12 0111,1%. BY AWlvarj hrht asd tl. niarlst *draw:al 20 la: pllea ;Waist • Una 1 . , a1t. dall tit 1 d sadtrad - 22Q1.10 Far bbl; -I Ai, vuotokra for Ploadal: Eta= ta *dial I, missal and naiads; at WO. Blood/cm al 1244 Orem Boole ICES aillßat-Baltllk soak 800 bloft. BL44e; i'Arairi Br oillda_ra . 4141 /la Elam Bdr rxistrat ; Clty 511.122,50,pa1114,,4010arl sad 111410.1 yruni aiau IIobeir ; 1M: et pa Klub at • 513k.,110. 1 at: 203‘0. Dread lOgipiink.llallyp's dad *ad,* 1111 1 ,10010M,pm2.420. • UMW itlai4 se $1,tr0t,45 roc Ewa.. 01112 fair &sand aid asysej, at $1,1081,90 saw Ploy ',Carb3a 011 era with. • stßart ward tiadeary,,saiiimioakr WU. re 4 *Uri at 1010614 per ipeloa..! TM samba at-asp rertlral Mora Wedded.* St about VA; tat lb s s oalea MTV, the .1411taii bias's. . abs Yards Imola. St* y, lota r. opal Lia e 0,1101113, tidally at UMW. Vas mat lkot so dada, ataa :.57 Wu,. assd 11 at, bat 10-a ay car waattsar Lao Ulm vans, sad 01111.rielsoc. rtorsayoritk rterlpta. Backus:l*W ant Orst Wiley. and, lb. Istarkat cl red mj, del; tits a dr. cline tqd 17x. per 100. Ili oa rola% sod 11. Oa 11.40* Beef 0.1411.-r• Opts 'alas* Wadarilay stale 3,000 losd ialsi 1,72 y hadst 13115016. . Gaol r a 'ir II Iffr deraild. aarl'lrsa ; Malmo" (or •earb• It. Ira . Opts awls ly could) -datl and thellasal S. por,loo - - . Xew 'Toit Markets ' •• • Saw Taa5.1004.25.-00040 didlidtd Matey king; 51.30 all lllddlleg. . . - 111044-71010 sad Was Mrs doll, and 100 lows. 119,711 ,of 40. 2 0440 I•ala, 111011,,•2 for lard .4144104 i 07•400 Rita B B. 0...0at 401.104515.00 Br Tt•da 7010:4110; market .41.0.1 Leas 6ol dlmplag. I •17%10/117 actaa sod Inata a/ $1.791r 100, sal 51,75 1A11.70‘7017400a. , - 1 -01.4 1 Cs] and tromoo4; £.la 11110110t5,112 47. ,t, - fp ;falai sad Arm, at 1411 40. W00:00. 1 0,1015 60 4 /alba ; 31;1 ' 4 westmli. 41 0 1 40 I, uoll 1 1:141 7a latibia• - ; .51, - (001,01 00 Wateratfint sad In .1=7 1 1 . Mu&i*! 0 4 114 9 11 "4 4 : Swa.lear.-"erseemartmfes 466 doily:it 46210).fici 1 1 .1114414444 14 11 ad pest, at Oda. . 1 ra t ingrirui 11: 1 7/ 030. i 1114,531,11 . 0 1 416.75 Cr crib, trjr, in, wk rut i l Zt, " •inii.i 'l sg7s,ts re• M. ; ;dm Ow 1000 Mao ileac fa , D4ooaber, ba3 m 4 . option, at $30,15.100 bll4 Naar Bens, at mos I i and d 5114.00, it LUX. WA 4000101 do, fa lan• imam tome eptim, al 5402.0. . ..., ~ , , • • tol e tadvitMo:4lo44ooal 10th.*, , Cat 11 nab ;1:10 - 4 , • al llama re IThosildthi. sad 180. I . llama Old,. So testa afoot 1 flat Oat; . 1, 41 51 /ei te.., • Omery siva and on If edar Idly 0,11•11 n. 10.1 11.644 4,44 /navy aid 174070 01, .0 4 0 %. 0 4 4 0 4 KW' 041411,100.4 810414 810044, wad 120,00 Lulu LE4.41 , 4647/614131(6eX0-4.104106 04 530 for Palma riterep-Sti t le kr 174atern. and 441it0 tat 114,00 ~ : Obeess 'manned, at 1.3011)(0.. - i Neer York auk* and Money Market. i 500 Tot d.1447.101-4241d, 970. ) 6toelm 1010007 10. es of Int Conpnis, 1711,C; 17:11. 6 604 104aatend Iri ; II IL 1•40 o.4ommr, MX , 17. El. 10 40 Co 11754. 7 110,-111%; Ow Yeas 04411 . 1101 me 0731; Ca.mb.o , lan.d. Ng; Illuceui 10, COX; oadca sal :1111V41.."111111i111 3 "... 1 I ' 3 tlt .. ; i k Eit gat IMA& 79 Illsbloa feistral,42lt.lllehlps loge*. ere sad 211ullserep 11 1nab..03; Windt 17.40t51 1.15 X 7 007alatd ar4 PO labaries, Rd; !bath Wattre. 41: 0. id end. 17014 • .14,.44 W.74,kuuy..„ Ibn fol1;07014ara Ike any at 0.0a41004 . 0 Erialmg Hood: o,!d, 910; 540 T .0k Ocurril, 115; 11.404. 1414a0. 115,1 f ; )lad eg, 13 .)1( ; dickltaa 70411110 n 47; [442r-ht. ti 0.1.1 21i. C 0.4. ,and sal 101411•41.,10511: Irk Ust ' d. 9934; snot, 1 1 4•44 , 414. 40, d; piaterno, 7554; Tort 1. aloe, 10055, 0014.40 11131101001101101• n 0•04. 31.34; Cumooollo, 43, Q 10.11.4040, gamy k 4.44 T.A. 12, . * RIVER I TULLIO* NUR. To itur la miff. ?wallas al .vy 1 tbsa pota4 .fah ...Pe far or dva lades by Um pl." st 1.3 ay.+. lay Oar maf•Atal nti.ha, oly vaslarday. a. I. d lasi a r el I:traa antiarA loalvallem rnW lot very ult. Nallha iA•d yvitin -ear, lb* rao , pla too below t alai ovey atolaralaorldia tlia.attlfav eat we. 14alted.• • Tt • arrivals aka" ow lait reran laclaiotba Law Tik..inla Wheaton fri 7,...1•1% rav !C N. ro, om Olaalreall. Tao (Maori bal. as—' at hip ow rt 44 pad mdlso, tba vf frnlah as. 'or this . • lb. Week dearad 01. , alaavltfoa Thanl ay sac n at 414 ato.tha lb tot The Mimes boat b. •ik y • m0dar.4.4.1n, ot.llVAlbaCbaa. ti bad • good fgalabl tis; 1144 fez boalorpf • irt‘• rugs la from DV Glik laq - awitalystent. the o'er*, m It lbosaba the P•soilsho . d is a IMO grist troul4 p. 4...WaS Imm clanatil, • 6 la, lattidrlabli 4loabtl .aba f Ala tua wagot al. ma •1441 71. a Bat. ... , tter..oobobts,• •fist 0. 4 10. SMIRK man adrartd to lean, C4-ala oalf .tbl .11114,111 W.4te i rery leaf orsiatta *aryl. manner, Anon, rapt.la brawls la Ivo bait 1.10.1 f,e. elabatl sad La .• • 1141.. leavtag na 111.4. y va, env. lte Jana. Capt. 00111..., Cwt. 7. a. ror.r, I. /meta yeast fat 514,10111. Sada', lowans yr... 17, St far OVOtit • • EMEES bic-)4Erraill -- ; 7 0 - 1- -kv: c4 .. .47.A. R n DR. :I.HTIiiLL, TUX A.lrra* or "LETTERS UN CATagfilt:'l" POPITLAI, .01,01i1/1441,14.' • , OM iarkisr a ST. MAIO • 7, • TITISBURCIPVIIKAW OI ,It - AFVettqLfOorpAriliteAtha --wesd: YEEDAY - ETElfilfa, ne 4 L1 3 4 , 30 0 § , _ _ MMMMMIE OATAILffitiIp.DILVXMO, 4411 4441:1P1 ":11; DISEASMS: • - - r rt .1 ELieta.`"Eki! i rrio A.M I 41K.1P4,6,84,452. -' ,f 71: YARIOUB 7 y AO: =MEE ::: - • Bile ' Ida iti'44iLiiilLi; :AA A -' • , ...- „ _ . . n• ant ittoPtion iteassljaastogii — ,4"*lipilt !' • : ~-• lust in the so ise ant analiani lee s b o e ., 11400,86 ( 1 .” • ri -2= 1 9 - * 1 ea inabillia4sbnatlei 0, _ inn n*-- _ow= =nod sp„ esinetitan an =di Inatttst=eit , . '_. ', •-•-.. _ Sean a sane.. laid d i aluagissislthil asp - . _...,.. -- " - janumace, cusidallias thentettinessidoilserot Ikea" '','; -1,7 • othlitirlincenanit en4irenewhithairolleno %nue tam --. , ..., " :don't= dlithane benison ablakisalissall3=steleett ;Isgoestowl paiththee to ha a marlueatistanid taw ilinne..n4o anon el non itesser. sealtenitn"."- - ant, lily othasirnsed imartunn an=lintilltriblid Odds.'al artalis se mrotaguito get lassYsimitiaamt, -- fima to lb. mom: as itimaiffewstaiseAt• Orboall ... ' ••-• - " - torah, az Ilia drineleto thatitinitilfajideli sun - particularly tines= ibillo.lin trent edlir - .. paellion..amostant aspattintlen, aditheinettontiotha ah•Ruh.lidsan'tedb a55ia1k50•2• 41 .6 02 414 "eats= bit= prinnoraf thir is* ' Osiotte tartan I. otfr =anti= ellen otiftii, Mih sV i ssionliSs silituyis deyeidW awn ftrnesbaina :Una sad *wet 3 161 Intl...Uwe": altesallTs aee. Ar ti te err , , --- berdeni it - ' 71a anal yana al sti to as tortabommarintratheiliata4:-. and, to tinvirawmat kr eetirthave to bren they : IN l er ia l ititirine s44ft anrrittt i ta, i ttreetiZ Atideiit liathanstathair old= itillited .ls - ..tagabweines tit facillAwitKimal • ~ - '-' . ,-: mlthasOaafasarglDadfsla ; thcnitlliiirtittlablialW SWIM . = ; , .qtr i c. ii.mrtbtjitttataa d. sit • iNlia.P demi del lellifliaby walbriped =the ' The Mediate. shin ttfri Ant alltailittandalissin. - - - - .. 3 .' -; to In the tennis, ad ocenstains soil nity MIS armittir breath' 'ln sta. Imo* ocab. slaili4: t onialttatty =to theigatbasit •- .' _.4 llientathm at th e tharlinte thintnne „ Wei talian,:,,' ..:: r.eeneolly - ondtiethe:istan intathlos IlliOlithrik: , 4 . , ,„„„,---,..w.,,,01444414,00.-11=----- . to lountninterolla tar — 4 /. B,l riinSi. The * - . ' of tniattian= op ibithatual qmsallites 3 , - of 14:rano= • •ba~srifticiakatociik - f ible sant pianpororrr . Nand stthattkaa M. I , .t 4 = iN litestalitbir ranfilithis_pniniipally„throosia II slostbad ony ' didentinzi se, urn Malta, Mt :acre- pistematir to - -tio tia At 4 otosa., , it ... . : b• gam' . bffsaar. , - The vrokaisa tan 'l'. • • .- dung aideio, too= aran-,4,acistaideikerin tis - -- wee thaw noway humid 1 nthefiliaa . lrtir; • . ,- ' du ns.. 4 dielenoth, lank 'tar slag , ••••• arse.; • - . :".. and the aliotheilseaLtag a t ina is ' ...-• -. , , soni;iicrethoath ilefor babbling 'WM In tan. . ..., and booing inn b•ampa t4Vitikkgt**4 wed,- • ' - t: - . a And tetsthariataly inth al nimillait , alithil: - -11=11; - . ' -.-- •plienotheasafe; nasailysenintiamaliioViasta=lies 'Latog dthe_nei retain, and naialannefid , ndis in the =Oaf nay enni=dikiaits;44l=atiiiith.'.. L , . : .e , ,1 szattetbstr=tAl s tr 1.11,11 : 1 =zz, ~.... ~ , ==.o,....irmig.stsrfon thwiiiii .,2 - 'fa natty' _lvan of the fad.: Tat elm annif_A,„ksPrili weak, irritable ma dame( to ireleCaii lagathen no. , • oine yid 4;04, gr 11111%kaa dieboo.incietisa--- kliiht:., -. • tun or leas melee t o eiliatnaltlde Al. Mr"! ' • hiesterasted aver EIS dlialnitinthe a aan Ow= . Oi in head; Ind aka at taa , :lath„ Ili= nuraisba for It If la aftrintatatiaroll="... cream taa bud se then the tean7l. VI I-nl o lin o itti 3 ritadliiy and - tatithnti`et dhPieum. 7 !n talnsly, =On=sew led itlithsan.nn. - thesnolita innidadieth wain =stir alinnbablibb' _ the inamin. In same cans the maim beentheileffei , Ms sad preanated, sad taints= wentnn t ar- - 'to lithe' r ithythielernthild estritincliatttist ti. y afanholorie - fabl idttiat by dislglitat atir 5- -- -- --• eat lin pki?ayilelgylariel:FOr .41.'i sad sesslGjcat se by 141v...,_ iso4 stestism, brossidLlS, _ iy Losswcass. It isas be seer lassrls4. tar, preilbsosltlol, Ware& 11 ttol bks teesiustiolr• isnenmo ma , ' Lit)* irtsa cosspbast 0'49; iltatura hss tom coast4srs4 Loacribiiill*kilmee es Mt Law:4lla th at stur . IiILL4 Lasibian gre th aL """ 2=the P'bjk' w.s -74111±M tg Liembill bass for pars pasir k. ps , L.l44 matt= .ttel, !IA kV talVvusbm Ws boo momaserU. MAO.lsmaili galle saanad ti stUncum Lis frm W AIPONG1110100; -• MOS via Lip DN. =ld ti.ir am, • , - 't , .4. s , • 'T . , ni. : ±-, tC, • • -, • . , ~ ..k...tcv.r.:/ - - -..-- , .1 - if.....70. , t's IA Iffki.",: ,,,- ` "... - 'l4 l, ' . ... i :; . • i • -,' ....•. .-- , .. ; _______ . “:e V, tseei2t4t 14; .,.,..e..4.;:::....,... Wilialliar: , ,60.0.'41:64,440/01... -..:. . r rfr- • trViir4 jolt <.6: 14 .illatlit,„. 1.: :: , -. ~. :. . A ..y ~ . .i.o. f4v.1..,11.1,a ,Jli., c(. l :f-:11 . ........... : t . 0 ;..3V.:,...... •tit:n 5 , . l ibbillaraffilifaaTlONtnet t l l / 2 al , lirleilbr n• maw' tor. +ma ,44, 4 ' ....-... Evisoilosi=t a* v ,,,, t r -•• a5.. 41 • . i .i, 111Nimit la ail ,irre.a.S - -...•., p 4e 111Mili -oe. • • ', : e i zp.....*. •.,, ..,. .... • •, , a. ..0.C.2.1..,,5i005itv a _.. 4.1 e..: , ... . ; .., ....,,,, f.--...... ~Arelira, .4 , ~..• ',.- e. , LO:rt , .. !.,%.,•01,...r.i.i......... ,- . ~.., .1.. , ... - ..,,rs 2 I-t,.,:d !....rt:p+t< 7., ••-• ;,,. %....., :1 1, 7 4, - ' ..... ,. .. 7 1%. ,. . . I .Ws • e!e..1......... , ~.. , ~ :A..001 sare,,, • • ~..;,,t, •:, ...:1 - - ~, • :' ~,.. ..141 , (e.:.117 . • 7 . .. 1 . .. - . .111 W tillti a te i C 11 ... t tkli 114ereerttfithla 4.1m0r10e6 4146,11 lime with , luth faisegirress. 'IRMA 1116 siikjkLanimr.... ] : SOW t eameldtee Dv . Ll44lllllrierd alte.7." I retrspotmorx..ad .a. wo. ar ;v . - • isow. lasembetsfrocfrma W4i v . ': ‘.. r: .. 7. 4 ,: . ,• •• ' - ' r. A. Roil, ~ ,- . • ,•, •- - !Nestrit-sitrolkillmatit 1101006- . .... . . . - - • s.- -5 ' e!' 4 * 0 . .44; ~ •. . .-, 2 6 .• • • ,e , ••••••;•. i4V.440" 4 . 4.. 1 4i Int. ibi,134;;.1e . 411114 1i 5. „,.._: t••.,- -0 •• •• * Da. 1441relm.e.—DmilIrt , 114161'3110411. 4 f .7 . 5 . , 4014 ...avolie ss We ,..... h... taacesla - duswasseinoatiliv ' 1. 7. ,erel 'o '''' ' aired Tawsgo Smstartritallail - 1 ge r : r=u l t r iVir "6ll. tatellsat a grialit . the. effuSect with my 4loseih - • • . •'•••• '!'' ;....7.: • I. enevra you. I hsys boos andel mar 1 r„... trio! :01•1 pIecCOSPOOSON II 11•14•1* iv, Waal .thelnftv.. I loPe• Ulm p .b,.% e e . ',au. h at 4 bawd 111116 • VW( ..i. . lint le tham atetsw• 14 VW. th 4•411•••••• •• 5r,..-. • yev. Ivs couleove If tle,y Viturtekug rwrair rotting Use • CO.ll minim divim i , wrou 4 0 .4 , Mtevact.vnyilvel ' .., 1.11,113,4i410: 111!gE=I , Y:.• •-, • *"."4:p-,-.liT-4. : ; 1 I • - • , -. 21 - .., - r; • • A.- .- , Tn. Ewe. s. v. x....m, tr.". itlis....,' l ire I %moms ono. trrochhed .u$ wars Ir .f am sellats.. d 0.,.. Mee far atm smarty T. .1.1 grartally Mit . --, coast aws bownessankdasterrs m l . • -, s' l' ae. l Z areal & a arnes_rwsrawaera _Wag" ~./, !nee. as to wear See - w - Its , .4/ T wel lrt lll , lllll K - I mtd. dlll4*¢l Willa tee lowa serrelies, old ad is et didertat Mak httratiot gear, lar rear#ll4.,-, , _ - : , sae latkess, btu irlibeat soy sww_estatsw edhir,, teso meter / tea d et Lt. LtatthiMreaacpahrl wide al' wreath:, cratarsh, - shard Mat and Dal aysehlaatirl-hiSSI: seta, err st I beam reaeadlaraly to Wpm% aat iv allt - . - . , unvevaiNci has ems ea to the men. 1 11119- . 411, !;;;."-v.. -: tint, ha gradastly Lelia Na.. say isashlk„lars ._ .: -.. /*Ph& ha VaScre Ism bosom tratarri e tad I dat i an -- .. ,s , ✓ .-, a ore stda to hem eh the blew I Beret 'Lert as Le tmethid sellt ashes al dUkahler Ilh ante tre Sta Mahar& - A ' Nor 114$401Wan t•t: • ••;;g:- C== :S..i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers