:' - '111141161114-- - ality4,lollo% OP 4:1 4 67.5. 1 ! Alta •so -ems naLLT roan intltinnits rums IT .....A0 11 , 2 030/4.IRinEAN op. : • ,*`• 4-tatikk, 'l3l;6lilinh. • - , Aks. caw died - istrlibaikmelksim oaar. Barr._ Li 7, sookcbppgr,c4.o,l3aCtsoset sod 011escelss. 41041.611101 sU kiwis osi bud. 1 „ • . .4 al - 1,, ji h Ai Alter iremao, og • - ttTao u. *' , Illtsbuth To lf sir.. <. • • ci• rims 11:111.11 83 --- Illaborstklit rai i • , ;Zs; if 111.1" sox Ain* 6 r .":•• ..1 . 3141444176.47,:;., IS WerAirs Now 4426- • 1111 —* 34 " 11 . 00 60 60 , ••• • as 5tuitergh.44...t.....16'4-2. - 3qf Ass VIO , 116 P 144 jw x oo • 1 16 n0161,6...* " • • .1-4:n -- m3ys . 4 t, - mama. -44 ' , . -•.. . 'so ississiirrouos4,..lo. - -7- 1 0:1-. 2. 1 0 x,"27044410k „.......--- -- • - / 3 . - r. I; ..., ".. ' • .' -lb tube stoorrsii:r. --- lig . . - 4- --- 45 t ' ..-'' '. '' . i''''''5111"!,,,.....47.7"."35072.'. 65- ;' g . ' t 1 :,. :,4,111411*prpia1p, , ,..;;;;;015' 4 Citt o.iiii, i ail' .. z ikl 0100ema......4.......... ' --. . ” 3 " I.: ''' 151101014150116.4.--. 75 .• 5 tt ) 1 '''. '- - in Skalmaks:.:.;;;:;4:4:.*i.L . -; 00, .. • 5 O i I ptl ti pd i Tpilhoopac ir". 't4:.::: oTt • :,6 : i ----'; --.• 4. , 1 y,... 3 2 00 S.oo,sza•ji Nov . 7 : ? .- 41i. :3•17..ii i..t. . -- 5 SI teat. tut 9 mon 5 Igo us sstor .• .. ....—aco • 05 .' 5 St eeeto 100 rough. ....L...:4210 .-- Nor 31 11 euol - 100 71retifirt Atlegtey -714 , ...... - ~... ' .. SO 1140eheder Oset ~--. ; 60 ,„..4. - 14estelto - .I ..st ''....:J.L 5 .. IS '`•ittiO2,lo oes! 1 4 . MI Oath 6.laetics4.-... s •*-_ --, . e . , '.. 10 Dasett......-...-.: OK % Ittf Sept 110 ot --• - - , ,10 Alksbeay alltts.... 0X 10 Oat 0 Ild I. -: •. , 3 5 5 n 5 3-7.-..." 311.....3 ~ --pl - . - 5 Ireeiosl, , , "‘ 1 .....1...it14311 , , :::: l i k il X• S T:7.= 5.4310te1y Creek -,•-• 14 --.. iv.., , ....w...i..-1.814.1.4.• , ~........=.- •. 4. -..... .;,..., ' '- 4"...Elfablegatahallkinkrilm........' , ..4.' ,-` . 1 001 Pi et ..."' .. tt.*,..,ahiletrAlaillettawThr-a, .* , ..1- 4 .-- ......... r . ' " ---........,,,,1ia....' MO' totillriteklahhadissperes. - --•- ;-1121,0111 .sr • . 4 3('V{ ill et ‘DirsibiAli c t •!Pfal"r""" Itst tozo-Jiass•isi 4 .PAss” I et , Vtif ogempor.-Arsaa«.4 .... 4 : 11 0 r•i, !:,.*IIW " 4 -41 , ... •' "" titltLi . . - .. 64 - '4 . 7i - -" - ..:-...... -^-,..- 64 -..“ g.,,, ~.., M.4 , - - . 4 -4••• ' • •••••••• 4 4 Z- . .1 4 -- - - - T' i gb . ~,,.a %),...-, ~_ , .-..,....-....., Z l - o ,t ,: 1. -, - , _...1--- , 7* . • ''' :44 ‘ tiillfillwiliA ( Al .l : 2l o*‘ ia t . ,2j. - . •-:,%;,,, . s 1 ; . , 4 41.0). 11 Pie* *sA.O4 ./illiiiii:7,6noi eiratini VIA '445 ftcyNelliendislitifkaul -'- - - = F . ~/ ileak i i i. . kit horlo tt *. 4 .k..C --- ..I“.Cli''' ' 2 1 41 , ja, " " ' hof ispeo.woroisuolsis"; -. ' • ... - - . -., .? 1 ,10..."1 01 0 16- # o 4 *.* *iiltlitiltridy..' ,-. ' ." . • 11101041,0 1 ,1 1 0 4 ifie ‘ rOin `4liie' ti#" --- ' r .. ~,,., . • - . -:. - - 13 : 111 , of ~4 15.111 ".ne 11#1*'641/1111,ie!.: 3. ; ., ;: : '-' -.6':11V,1126M-14..u. 0 , , :p.:2 - 40 - .. - •:.... , ,...ritt,ae,... d e r., 24 „ 3 „... ~ - - -.. •. _ - 14.7.3;, 12a j , " : a rrn'ae''4l.o.* es' niii .it , • ' ~„,.-IW-, -. .get.?_4- V iii•- -••• • °54 -- ••• - - n-- .'.. • , • ' -•;;;3-..,-1-...itor4:''unomt. - , — r - r• —, Lt 4r ,i d .: 41111 " , &" , =."... "." ;;;:i .:;-. : . - . ‘'C.rlftbVrlj'l , ;!.ga!ay.::?:.;;...„""r , ---....”...m.....; 1 . 06- ,. i isr 4 .-,:.*7 441 . •,!e . ,..--.."•-•••••,-.-,,”- , 6, 1 11, 7 I 1 1 7, , 7 ~..1..0 r. ._ .... ..,.: /Mgr • • • • ,!VZ., ~,,,_.. ~Worfs ~11 t ,tri g i (lucky 8ut....-1,,57 , !.... _00=3,01,7 1 , t.-Lirir j a k iiii ...,. ~ '...k...101...:, 1 . .., .. !..b , i,3 . 0* . y . ... 6 ,4 , 11,.. 1 " - - - t ~ ."...1".. . 14 .....: . " .4:r.••.-ritek,.4.! 7,-.44-77--,,...,. 4...... r........ u • , ''.. ' ,1,4' . . . 103 Vtity,,:k18,.....‘ 7....'......"......" 7.1:1 1 1t: ."? . Z. Ulf .i..:W ji .V 11 . 40'.. 1 !..., , 91 , 1111713.2.4105,* 1 A-1..7*i - - a ~.., y ,a , . ~ 0 ...., 'AO: L 1,4,1 ~Xl. r,, .^ •- . : `./ 3 4).' , :ftf , ,S;; , :iNttliabat 01.1661= 11.14''' imi t. ji . hi c , lKothr 4o,6 !irPe"inftir i _„ , 111 . 4141441 bat - ,iiiiikiat jcialeAr *Lim' r - :.,.. 1 ..:‘' ,- :'. OA*: .41 . 4atilfriii. tP.44 o t iia4fis - •'' ''l ''':' : .-iltibf.. sll 4ii•i t 4titotott' lititipl . hp Pir . . 111,6 i. . - . titbOdOP!thiirtif Itilid.4ii :- ' .. :- - * f ir' - ' -Wi i ii.t , "4 - I‘. '. .',•::1;:j.:;..,',,:•. ^71.1-*: ;14414414PfOolltlrip thi . oki it tro4 . 4,irttli . ! , ... '...Zr • ..'..litt'iloWleaviil3ssiiiicra 14 iiiii.4447o,.ii :. tiN_ ~taitiiios:Anib. ton tid, iy: iiirkg - Ui - .: . .„'• silOstlarsishirilloks She cast,* osisutatsl4sl::: ' ..,.,,—.: F ' TlP:cs.. e ,_,oitada 04= 1 4 boi:is :' . 1 04.i5: .' ,-, .-• rvriPf4::*:ivid. ,- LI. witta,wifi 4.44 i; ' l -Tr*--! 1 . 1 ..r,-'!!::' , ! a ' , ;" s7- ? fi f7 i f.. l # lli . -4 ' ,-4 1 0_ ,. ..., ' ° l - 4'SaYA 4f' - - - t4iig s ,;4;;iii;ik.i .---'' ..,.:_. .., 501,0...taaersitilittotJaii.musi. ceig *7 47 at 1 1 14191AFIrs111041111*0111 . :thil.--1.1psettliki tii .- -• ,- . - , 1 11 :04041ti , 1 1 3.f - theak*.i.ixik wiiiiii4ll.43i:* 4 i*eij .14004 PiiVroniiiiifitiga - diple9t.ti.. - taiiii-T iii 4 WPM of tketiOtorifitioiboi *ita-W163/6 17,-,ltlatiitdri --'. ' ''.• l if o 44 C.. Ll2 e it *:*l e t*.ii;iiiii.T.,4. l 4 , :.....:... ..., .........baiioimscits6o)n),t i ty#l7ealttba o ; ~ , 4 14 1 0 1 V - Torfiresastiutitspplita Xeinli4 • - •,-. 5 . , ..: - 2 - *'*: ~,,,,11 U k*70 4 4 :84i 0r:Pa1n1 4 44.44i;r5 1 00 : ..: ~ • ...:':- ' Flif,.44,y,l4: l oolo4wilsodaidisgas.ai, .... ..--. - . mitlklineeit.ll4ismai - t4 notoroutetiAu . lbw Isrei , 1 • • . 140 14 iiiii10 1 41*491:*hiel fwltda toioi : I' . . ' The follosrfou is from lbS Era Toilt Thom of ilk - , . ,i , Asp --- : • , ~. Siti purports of docsodlogrogut• from the port of 1.. , --,:;Z:".1 - ' ' ' Toik tbto wSsatfISUPO to th. villas of 46;446,t01. Lb.:, '12,..•,,,. ~.. . -„sotpriosn ell rzcsatraily orprtoosO Ai to Low lid . ;,. ; , !...'..,,,..' . 11weit v 4417410 of o sumo are mad. UP. *ithltt ;.:" ..: 114 oshutplabsistssonif aspire stooks of ON. sod --: - •:-.• - \ , ',,i,..llatraliktisb Ii 1411116 PW ii iii ip, thy balk of our . * • * '• --- .4 0 . 14 buf ddeiwir cosofftsts bat, a compsratlrsly Ilion "tribe of the satrap!, srssity ii.ots, 'he .1- ' .111 - 11LP.Weldostlatc sow ~. 3419116 IsoPlopsorS with tow' ':-Allbr, ../IFAXlMPF*o44icipirk , 41664 44 31 L ..1 . . .• :- :,....., OusloOthcrt , loin Is 0.400111114 s If. it lls. PM* onesniosson. , . tossoriesa assohoshlos, itto motto i • . ~ ' 411 11 11110.100Osint rosortrultursi tok; 1 ''''.. - ' - gonad . /Nth. r estsni'Zi=t, o nooo f uPlanauis , _.- - . . - , ..imstltillima Pow Seek- duos ths 'm u :ma If i o N tlit. . : Imo &Some folk ilalsort for buffs% o boros„ too toad .., , Usat..{ w what Is Ism gssorsibr mutat sat ussals,) oft -, ~..- , • -, . . i th i 4 1. 37411. Thaw gristly onroluolow. 1. both ba.k. -..' ..., . g itt. atret:o oo 8 celibtf i rr tko hod et bread.. ,:" , ; '. l • 41_ thopPoet inolatotill. Thb fottrioirsrolgotr l A N W - '*.4t , 44Un'tlix.- . ...............-, „., . ..,,, LotSor...., Petroi 1116,00C .07rj71:77t , ?.1 . 1"•'r , sf ic t . ....4.4 040.: ... . - •-••••• , 4 1 68106 • • • : 2 ~,.....- ,- ... 1 , __, f001 r ,,....,;„.....-..4.,11815,174 .- - . Tio." two ea abscrkozwtrl far the the to otila . ~,,.. -. toKoPt 'too oil," roads *sob- .. , _ ........... .. Bulgy Gros lao Albuty ilia, a Arins, Nol ~~, ; ~ k_ Ivy man off slaw, tba malts taJng from ears . 06 4 0 . 201, , Thr / 2 . 00 q,bu119 044 " West 0- 1 .0r. 41 M31. 71barpM,Wlar Illataawas f. tie In et , pal raw tWaisalartll M featni Is els tataiput. la Wanda to batlar . varaln Iblloairik , , ustAtettiptos test 1itautbai.........-831 000 bash . 0 12.X.IratoP ". isainas to ilO ;rt3T.lOl 4 . • .. • ! _ • 46000 - Thjiagreasto =Write hot }pr—saw.airl Old iTe.p.-• TirsWirfAiltiODboult tto • reoemts to . tbs bth bilut_ll.4T,llXl bulb. baring 1,03/1 WO troth .bo e 01511114014160 . 1. eolith fait mai no Sloss a narts.- - swila 4.144.t0 , the5..0f 1563. . . Orgn LLEgpre th_eldestgo. . . wowing table atom tbe anoint at tinar sad VS" Mote*. to oe allettlah and the moult la lows 0!3 Caireart*C 4 g data fat yar: • - Z 11 1 0.7 Caaei mats;'' ?;'' - . . . . . c.olWtikt iCiarti4ii`Awiiided at meat ..,.. .Tiortiiii?t, igs' 1,--. 11 0 1 - o * ll -• ' eitidiaatric.traisio;ox).644..its-VM, ',...; ilWArt _ /kir Oki- Vibe r , pit guto,“ bior; '. -. 1 .4 at :01 1 ' rrat“-Tbe Wm kists.milips t !f a. a' Alel4o* - ~-, - zm-..1•1!,, I, - -. - - ' • ' • - •=-• Tam % Nov. 'W. 11$11. • - .11 660 WskiGdsositttraetratt m ei ., 7i tql l tolhot. •*• llll4 •••;# 4 4 l •lititaftoitiriik 11•31-0•1_4.21 tikargim'i•i` . 31.41r19 0 goat amend for Oat; baba sad • poter,vuti • rufneitgasvir, !gat lint, toe, ts ta 4 4Ageklitarl.'ttiol Mica, Sit'', j tido,* swraty, ad& sittotto el Bella. Am rat, too; A pp:ss, *ht — Merits te fair lame demand, sad the Oa* w?iititiddrkdt canleitios: • VIRIDIN—TN sunlit" of Wheat asd Bartry coonists nos liabt cirtisKaartOtoirtrillurobiocordalodditdo - roadroutd In the &Wow *fall% we etstiono to gasto Itattd,WttElai rot: mut hotrod thositsd; sale art- e tr. to lrslrq KUltatis,to bortollosrod oa Almon> low/ iise et asthitt,o4l.44 Atm itilotttoti s tors at tithtootos, off tar toitili ItldSboltif."to 60 Wass., yaodat tioenOlnitledissd at _ • 11LOBlit .- 1.. stags. opt**, Ids bons deassid asd a • rt7lllitilt ypp irtz..4ftf.'"lo.o.llreZurit i„,,,,;.‘"...,nd1t6bb1e Family stittllA • - SUCEWLDIts.* 11.013111%.h, t ossad. sod thiStip-, try ispattod. ' 66'4 of 300100 fa bstlo? - 411111,7)0 por -74 = 61) t 1 = 21h ott a litZtIVIt l e a ! IS e I ° / . . ;fill regular 'woo di 4 4 441 : "Mien' itddAttly ti. 44 for pr:ZOi Saw Admit. ;BROM* Oudot ot tialfst Itsrod „sta.:23oW tor loft Bohm& and 3$ la bald a*. - dimes& tor:llettor la ddbor bone sad +tett tilsrs Holt to kohado bleborortth altos to IWO cf • MU at*, tr t ear s, 1 4 . ispaei.p dew, lad sittles.f. Teo SePlpl3* la mod Daly - tittsl to lot dr. amid. tOnds NO. toitedt tho' - issi tits 'ltid steel - pt. an d leas biro sillilorthatadmilagoulo: hrteg ton toad. te4lsy,iit Aft pr Ms, ' Al/111131WL ttedotsettale stestly with rook, salmi el nottoss quottotoss ..126113e tor Woo ,tarit. toad itsalwrg: toad 13. terWshaß.. • 7, .• 011 . 1111 $ 1 0 111 Iiittlaro.4111 iszth4 etrserd; . : Wei Aritos. - Idtia ow& WAS/ la Pi pr • • • Brur nr i ;iiisHidld s di IYo l l.tat ' borirtio aveitssi• tree vhtelt zoo be ipotail at i 6 to " 1 " e t 11 4 1 4-hillia"/Podi inaln.".totbeitadslas iton. $11.4 1 / s •4leitignnk Ma bat thidkuiad ti taratid) theta:hat into oterld-dtth nyder seta It ammo: $ bbl. i,,,Waanct ilsrigtt.faNt;t9;ii*:. lap.• mr .111.1.6% fmkr.t•Mvair4;.••• .e.ir• at Iran TOt: 1. I drat Irtd.llo.W. 4kole or It bars at trots', Sands pot; too PzALaqigit For sS—Thirs was so Itsprato . I &wad for ands . I.!!fdirldiiiiddildlibd =and 161 400 41 4 i eluTo =Lwow so material alums—Me Urn& - - ntoratd, sad 40 twist' toolato.L. talcs of ISO. 200 .43! adi6o;ipl.llWristat at detT I:Matt* it 'hatk oil tom maths deerhi 'ad ito*ltrotaral - that otio lot vat woo os••• '44;4 the 47 t ii.. ' twain "topeotelifigrArthit \.• ` ItStittio Itsdtsd trOst . ,olr Clip t•44o,irmq. 'sad Limit tho trtliiiilth islet at kit SIQ ref p)t Ltd. astteldWit„teletetteu isdloiord,ottharbosil , ertit:OirtO Itibot Wilk, dots: Sal srhtto holdstetu:'s dig In Walt' wen Up" sari! Is quiet aid Fither den . ..apiretvresataluithavged:- This gaibi opersifis taboi4ia lirbo3oi t.toser•of Ilrhish; tio nvionli 4116 s Sod 2.1 ba m ,iti* v p;.. Itirdstunlis gigot ?A tied.ptilw Jim!, Ai ST lot bbl 4 • 1 2 .4..idiltwitcd at Pia bead sad Oa tras...iii - . 2 tdi4dwitddr : - . ) 'Ms realp*lfCrud. by the, our hit ity6k • • 'Parts* - 1114- C10r1iin..4.%.40 Jos 111111bletlier Rabe? /11 ..$3ll 6get......ll9tryies gintifftffi NOY+ -llk- - ' , '11163 ' ~ 2 11.5111 412,U11 110 I.ess ,=-114 ,111- -- vast 311,112 ~cT~gsu~' a[we~sis. •••' ••' 'lWera", York Patealenst Market. , _•- - • • Apix* Dwatta to timaambagotawai t-.••,, • Efew 'rosy Jrclitabei /6-Aces laemattanist bic piiiiioileronidi iota r,ie **hairs =ber n eLopd $4lll/134 cia 04 4 4 4. 61 WAS „P "*. "at? JlMpt: Edeciatavaaa wilds most sentriaarm fisiduatta—creiiiitaiiipit. • ti*oti, iiif4 pall'oll itaihtiveitnOttebfineat . sear •-"-",! . : 11 '1 41 "1.-1" 11 t;4 1 4 4 / 444 .4 ut 01; . , AreW yaik Stot - asilltesurs Mutat. ta.oB. mantra tieeotta. . o_ , .TlraiNg.lrreaor 1 1 5-41olaktidielltid assierlat: at utday.: : • eimtrit. thlsidtankoo• lihrksit .4.1. 1 1 1 5 e d Dbeckabse Isnotatoas so Asap arbAterar Shiddrgliareetirs7ne4 pl 2? atorraisall a ritiourati va• , gogoaimarAalaisa' tagadie: tra sixes; List: pcmpa•Tiaeclardlif/itaX. - .llll#l . , clL‘ idadiata eafietritstan cisl 11%444r0,rw•n4 Aldiagarptila...."Allike s Oirarkt. „ ,Pillit4***./040rigglAsseiro 2 _SOW* .26.Tht Ilasitialbl , ZlQqa.,lg,ee3. lltia NTh a ithla t f! l a* " 4 alllpten; h LW WWI, Waittlips, "far ; teweiat "to ram I watfts44.sailAt aorta, MC .a u nt(; 4 xfdatsdoi ' l 4O Deun, 4 ltardbetd. *Joao Is Wain* klier ern*, PA: ?Owl. C3t ; " - w• -Luce[. re, SI 7...T* • AStysmatioiS taste RS,+ tScsatt this botieriaigfirhii &awl op.:, ioass to biro oollon..Slatol-il'Otiii.l34:4Arto of eimaratra grodoo el 4.1001111 *col ari,restasiPr. Aril al Mt int tooilo XotPtiit , oni Eso prow rioaliesq,t Is shelellof iortto the motto or IV tarb.bie aril" isUlls: 041,111krt tho Atria miltal7 Aral:N.oo orooloof! 10 atrartolidll tbrribli lb.. &wawa dar -4NlAbonsartrArr OA* WI mast Ist 'far. - .m3110511. &fie 'pnoo. ono' vim), Itarrdwa ita& min a s , re g ono' wow slum those nits; ftedgforrean.,!: Tlbr islos fortateMo9 Pmer dowel* , 04.94 4 1 . 06 c001 - ortrnoorodikofiy:',6l.lllotso6 for 'terVcoroy drosrpsfornanuat.l.46 WlLMePerinklik r edtplaird•llo.lll' coontin, 7.o,ctri In, ar. Illti;OWt 0 40 1 1 1 1 1 d 113 4 1 116114 Thetis" 56 tat , (44 are waxprtirm, aid abaci E 0 ds Oiaiioa pd. ocolitratte" Amide& .'tat - 'Mitt eitui, at • tbeitonaitii eootd.o ix I. l .tilitti .61.14011 ibeetkesibithwiPlP4llllo.lisi ipkelsteises Ce,'lxtobAeii.4giag - , 9o437o peVeoysetimie4waisk;eiviLisiwasad timely et 0601 whoa ' Lew Wesel. belW Wre ux. f= IWpoiss4' , . 6w.casll.. ,11,1 Play swhieSe fay MEP peosuls, At 70 bt gash, sad , M 01,114 •61 1 1161wit 1101sesseles sett 161eresh • It V. 1:m1 1 00/m 0 s .ft.Fe./441• , 425a nms. at tts e• :Dm moo. ar•Atiad.lll,apiZElC.46, odeineep , at/a/pew oat 8111 be :barked by tbe eeistraasete. -;4s • A` - '‘• braatirellete .; Mazza elm Clisbasee /WS, Nov 1S— T eats U , o J Citllkou ; 100 bbkllieek ts* Weis ae 23 1 1 11 1 0 W Ph, 4.10 cabbeld a 4,0,100 LI ;es, De , .09. t Cheettlit eariumbee LL in eugba4,7 ears se6•1:16101 Mearlems6; 16 'We OH; irk Owstaileys; I see Wish &Ana IlLades ;1.0 to bases, Knox Teri kar s .ll3 to Jere, 70.2... &Dein; bb's Low. thweeller k • Lobel 'ter *bat; 8 I:nett t eo;13 Loue whisky, keseyt Mitekell; 20 tea lard'Osek ; Pettis * an I bt..e had,Lsa Dehell *Yam 101/116wiElowardst Besnesa;6l bbls wiser seed, 1, LlypAit. h e rs., 24 eke.wo,ol, Hartaasbe dirzz.LlD A Mixampian. R•l4, Pus, Hay. n top rit fron,litetair Ico ; 160 bbl• sppki t le* Ottawa, &I Soptlitaiii, Is de ipplat, L AL ltolit ♦ or -17 U. tap. doctor, 1 Quit; 111 Lb • cklplo..oka p ltop: .0&,-11.111.11041/toj-1 111,11 pytiecks 'AS do •,, 4•14. Vot,,ht cr; 1.0 Lbla &SP - Ossi 176 l 1 . 1 10040 Ilpr, ti tea; 140 dodo, Sibontskirde Lois; 12 do •61 10 0 lOo' aIN S*lo. o llll, Hopson Stl7v. PI t.OO, Abu twitter; IRO bo.dbraa J 11,0•101.141; ITS c•..Ctoo :41,2174 110 Ow 11 tor, 111...1Pt0 Ira it 1 • toblitt; 64 pito cider, If 111ri; 121,00;p1pool,xtr -7stisia.re viatialta<4:=l,4 listen ar..liltos 1..0.116&c.16•4 OsoMna•i4c . t A es; 14 . ,atea tot.. a clatkl• co; Ibx tob•oc J Sangho; .!•1.1 Dbl. app lie, Owens & Konuoiy ; 10 P2lO :do, Mi.r•a at r ; gut; 6 CUM,: 14 t bl• dim 6 put" Itrodatto. Toon 7.0.16701 Hotel& ;: 1 Modaa Vraft• Abu butts; 4 bbbleptc;Wlitity . 1,31 a at! tots, John .111 lier; 414. bldei. &Pax !apt Nan 14w heali.ltatumajr4 Oro; .I SW. paw, 8. &Sp rite, - 14 )liSk •as low 101, - 0 - .1 dutuirt tabble settltoti. 60 P.* do Edo" at - 1.41 petit , e Dyta; r‘J+ ol7 =-: Barbra; 160.1114 sypilt„ , J 'cop; 11/1.167644. impolts by /Diver. • - ZL1Z1111.1.6 no, ltru4-93 y2p bEtte dad ono, /dm L6666c0. 6 call 110.36601, kith.., 3 hum, NO bbgpom Clu49 • Cd; 9 . 1 1 4!. p' ,26.9.10r046.113 63111•1411 do btabr, 9 do anima. 04.0 • nottrong._• 1001 tuner. J nal - UW.I cot S 6)40064, a acootssicki et; IWI boga,llldialog i oto.dy W /Au rTh 6.0:4"0 1 b0 , 1004 82 Pr* Itoodooo. W tea 993 9189, 11.ckoown ALloads/L4 do Applio. b Adam Co; I Jar truth; D 00010, 001 ow. ' mod Notrgar; Ido Wier, do, If 'fagot, doll nap J Adlorg 4989 r Obit Itanball boz, ZdortroC 411 014/Waco 011t*; tßotastmo4 4do idiVat, ddeit*, mks drbd opp egy •Ido sad, d; prodcall, 664 60 SPPIo; 2 40 6134 4 11 / 4 / 18 ec„l4l.do andes..43 • 89 brim: 9 000 , 01..14 Cleo itieb; F 3 bsleo boy, Kr Thourarows Mr. WM; /Of ,tin am Maims • ALAier; 101 do bed, to/Malloy; „ . , . . • i resassart ram Jam It Onpois-10) 611 ?drib riab es • bunt ploi - ladrei W le It damn a a btpsiltoll; 06 4 • Elrperd; WV do do. &ablaut. X Voetiaef; 40 do do; it llndtagje a co; 00 do do, tic People le Glibatt; / 02 W . IQuay., .0 up lard, X tlearletoat MS/ bar tnnai y a Or; WO Wm epdable,'l4 Oa n a E. whitey: 110 laze animate, Le tlel Omer , 3 bade loam., Waal X Heallameri; 6 page US, W feellit all de, BD eep; g ; go ' doe kraaltill allot; lb do,J P tat a f.; II e• pur, j , itb ‘ j.,•lo tau limy. U A 7:azalea ; .96 bre 403 p a n d ' Wallis • J Partertled a oil tiro ou, a • a retineato.k a , ao; 9 rikto tow; Ai Nem sdo do; J W Ilallotti 1.3 bdit tad W. 37 tat tint, Kim R.Parkenl? bge heath. . •ic II It Elan to 991. latdall„.l 51 gap 'dm; 1 katne.' ' X H aryitileollia eta ventage, 'A Volberts ..13; WI t,o lard, 0 L Cala pail; 50 det.de ‘ Teera.ptut elglegag; 10 Ibis i, troop oil, 17 &Wm iteopWge bal , niadritel t onetla a M. 4W r it st angid rib ljniabiii- 50 obi aiedl, Mark k co; I b , *gage., 'J tietbirri 1 wick batter. bl Welton* ii.' p b b pug., J Oaths A on; II OMI brume /mons., I 19 bevu 54 aka turapil9 note r. a balm PIO, O. P. Mattball; 311 &atone, a aa19940, a a, bank,. woo, Wool; al ato arable, .1•5 Thomtpote - 37 bibitiuy;..J X W reltley; 5 bete. wadding, au b a bra; a 010 .ApOttoil I beoillrb at Illitsoa; SO bagneadial,Grabatak Then, .9 of sat botloyiW W Gilman 07.1.1,10.. littaboock X” 2 ‘ oo . . . ' . ~ . „ . . „ . - .. . .111D1 IMPACTED • ' ' wpm' lutist u imam IL • row OBla 011.. Datarosoftd.tof cottedaty; :tri and Irma roe idefomeatt and for not worth It boa 00 rent . . For obtatldiy,'llutbllity and mosaics, II is; mama Wed br env otbA• ding. &Jobb* borstolon offorod to. Us toile; aot needs only to twain to be ..StProrattoct. It vat bozo, quill, tutor blot Offload malls* tarmaottooo r , flferi fisabloo worroatod.;,. ' 113 rdrdattoot,'Otet, Obotho obit WEFT A.VAN. k ORANGIGA —4! ive bbbi just itcolyed, sad bar nes SLIVER& D 71 0. 1 ,, ' RO. its sal In Wood 'Wilk DOW* IN TENNESSEk , - - ~...nissa..voiswfri. tibakiiicf..a;4l4 B • snare aslllog taxi •114;1124 asull OM luta,. 4 Dade is lot as as =des Does Is km it. Uhl CLIMUI. : id WI Of Matatimaalm tea matt to nen cm taps: esied Is..Nditte Mink atlnsiry er cal. %OlegINI; scrawicawrossiegyi se ti - 6414aat strd ry sa o a tase NO the ilm's hoks. Weak. 111 14. • FSC TOIR R. "tali noia, ";rsigonit. trete—iiii.••jusk • ♦ hit, Iseso, stab, matt *en ' ' ,491, • ors oula PM:WU =Um ir amain work ... of ..14070. arta*".'l8 ' fhb /RE ART ,'CIF 901iVERBATI The atabeinici mod hesigiyme4 illulll' r: ltbiltaiktik; . ...' . i '..'-'4: ;194,,MIVISTIlttir EV . 1 - . AU , WNW ' l - 0110 111;i ftel4;4 ihs +.5 . 13 ,,1i‘ 1106, 4 0 4 t hi t ol , !' w• n' 15°' . niiiktiediltil . 44l:l3EiilWiti . , 4.- , i 4kLiatiiiitiiviA6iie - tigii;' . •_" r i t 0. ' 1 i 7 ' . •T"' s t:Filiii . i4 . ol!;4l‘. .o*' ik;ii 0.204.5. atir z um .4,„,..:.. 4.i .",-.4. 0.: ~---.- ---, i•-•• 4-- ~ , y -:: I. ~ ~.:.; s,-.: HENRy i. Numenti r ; i • 7. AtEtilik?Arklitc I •-• cogp.1Z9700114710111,: lorni AND.- gitiantiiii -. '•gOLIOiII'AILIID4TATIONXI"/ 7...lllioazineO,-and Books, OAILTANDAIKI,TPAPERI `:...I.,DAittAno:III63U.Y:PAPEai '.1P013. lads. • • • tqa.rujos Araiz Atjews rtritiOvii - • I - Vi e -.,, r , viviliter , reafornin. .2r; ••• • • 'l2 - ime.itiospn, Zattles, 'two *email : SACO. Eta taibuifentlatafir Slalio4Dltthitta,4l . . • lirtilditie Bud ink he , , Juk Ir 118:, • " • • alidataa DOW DOA 11 1 4, 1111%.11441301•10: ,Ba c iarars lirk• Vida Mary two esitook ileum" onarlderi sa"4 iiaid - Gosit6llllAol. Paitity,(6l3ineWs)ra Im....llmOngirdspopt Llatiqs In m.471,1111r -tr BOWLS_ .112 T RECEIVID - . 4th .anwi-lhWelslieerstusto... A aretlatien, ladorhal IN, 01 hey limbo Rim& Er Odle. frilhoWerit ha 'Mao, •• lagasvi .I:aullitssifirol, • , • i Hillets'Worstlo,ol ) ,:lyeeinat, 11l „.:11 4 %, ClsalysiV Lays:. twig '° es • dti' 3te4kv.llatartatialnl2l4lllWorki la pai Likelok2.4•4 Lii:JULLZ4III !aura rises*. BW=SZ<ITION .[ IF. 2 . BEATIBEI 1.3 One. •Ia Clale 1T5ca.:,....1#1% .eib•lbOselsir en Err Padua ,Wart.,t PinVinms.' - Ittart.",do. - - , siotrim ' 7, al Ibtair da. , SeU.4,l ISIFF.7"40,:;": ~i`riee. pit , , tamed maw. t A BABB ndIT_AL #2l-,t • nt, pATENTaaj,,olicid. to thak it ' - - - " rdiels - aid. - ;:hal alaprol I. 4o iga . ll_ i , lib um Isice.oft ...__ ~ . 14 k i 82 tailta!ts .1171111 atalrdbarthognlda.* It ' .4"AIM ! vyb __linflaa& __, - . -.0 fa tpai, swum. '. - 4 accui _,: = .1.-- PLAIXOI. 311171111).101b Toyusvol„naziolll -Idea I a'sail' i6lUlr titatonAcmat a: 00.% italrow; tit ttleitATtii Wu GOLD mu) SILTIIIIIIIDALG to- 1. 1 ' eatvoo-orteto et Shots Palm otol Iltolr or Um • .00ttiait..Loatttoto, Bas Ton, Litl. tot 11/03., a. GRAMMY for tin BEST; . PIANQ~FORTEB: sairaxiiiirat.a.co.,eknadoitotoi. csrerraz..rAzotoit P/111.1 ILlDoloaiLomeloo, ti - Itoto toolsql mead at tam toomaroso JUNK von old OpodoElloporbitoto MHO - Yaboksad loot} tam-Fiats loovostooporooo bettors otompootwool f+oaobo.leeeoW toroofool 3aloot-GOTINIAGtr.Li, FrAiaoscse, Fla //41/OXiBBAIN4,4OOIL. Man GOO' 'mai tam mitinuoon moans AllriZi.O. Done, .11 orarroatod Otro9ireiyomt. _ 4 IWANimunx Ak BARR; • Bloat It: Et. roar-ruarsrvoto 3111PAIRIGG'doso at abortoot !*dl 8B 12 maat9 AFrazAmmetiew * mrstoxr ai:tiimuar . ' A B INR T Re AN 8 ,wto en4hine say out dim tordirity sew: ora W otturs. &mai of %h. tawtovastorata $a tbW intitreamsp asittpettsiss dad dined by Kroba flow tin: Lrp sractatent derma Illidddtd* wanton/ r-tb.. 6114 T,.. t t - ' l - Mal stag oils: CHAS C. MELLOR. woes tritiagre;" . . Soh Agent bbr 0800%0 Orgasm H° . ) 7 441 4 24 0/ 0 / I XX iir osa &girt or ' ':. '' ' - ' BOXER% rieroP. INrnaitihawii ITNN BNB PI ANOS indents, ram, .PLISOIL.4. splendid aidartartut of Lhasa narldalladniM Pismo. ahtth ISM be add at a. redaction at •Insid Atty. to tirsertil 4tn debars lets than Notary_ Was, Mast& los to 'We of Plum. Teetlassaials at mellitus Jana Ybstberai btntekesch and 0. hatter: - Alm Ihda some el tits sac t esalnsat Prallatase and Amateurs la the coonai. .Cliteelars mat by mail gratis. tat_ . olicaLtript aLokr, 43 fifth attest. frN DIA Po, 1133 Um:run di. *not NW Spinal Ituarnmenik N , O•LoodaviblvilisildognsPoodma" ,• , • NIN PLUM VIOLINS, oomuss"000nsoon MIMI • As.. Which 14 will all foe kw Oki& , -,.. 1 usoi.ritioariost.- ' lIISISILUTION OF PARTNBIMIP.-• , yr The Tara:a:ship herekt re thlthaa between tet a ththeei 't o th e Prth* BORLAND 1•71011_10.04 It!. d i ,' liedfred try enitea'astaset; W. 'IX it PALS !;, 1 1 2 011: D. , 1 11r= reer "" e e tt 1,76114; ureters It to' thejatatli et W. H. 11.011 C, formats teetit, ids alms ti authorised to rotted the obligations ese ca. area &Ad sit toreresta iri ette dells thstrel to math . •St the .Ithall of the old Pro the Ike :date lb* ••• *Om link Selig et pothete..l. • • A- i liostrin„ nusti ,Aar. Ist; it I. • atotammuwatil, e , •;r - . " ' ', e - `•- - I 17 '7 7 K1 k tatxr.4:l3 - 4r, 44schow, .m 4 floors eLosufe • A ' 1 • MAME V' LI CIELDEM. -<- - • LirTiMBEW37I6I _R.; I 3NORpie, s I , 4 • . s • BHT MILOS, #40444._13#11# Aitiosiha*' '11 124 41t gALE, &00., - - - • • 3 IPIPIA/NT TAMORgi. hitiwut - gera Pen aid -St Melr Piteits 1 tiOsinti Moir Nowl4 'mot oR _ FALL a. MIIITEiCaitiODS; • q amb r • 1 . tauc kgo r s athlr p=bit s tosi w ii•tgli uittagoll*l4 at limmr lam *bon =M i. _ -• thinks to Ude sotb• ittaloat Wag bracio bistium•tomblus • Mural 'tamp vent Mum - - - •fir oz , , 81136311.14 - '4' P 84 1 1.113Z .1 1 •••• 3 ..4 4 !,,grm. -.Cull/41,z STREET • 7 - - 4 :4 . : r : - Pk .4- ‘Ntile ,'3lol '4ll. o 1110 '4 - V4k:4 46 4 1 N.:01 lobes riestsC misliparatte; Maiiroishlylliot lima to Mama! ta tit misibe - agaiirimitalg 'ids et dotweia4l. eadr4 vita laisWeitt r ind - Oxitibir MOM - 41/1h • • fa isassiAmitdikif - , • • 11 hgrai 4 eltilitfrPOO44 ! • IN:. a; iipE , o3k = mamma', Wm, Plato NVINTER GOMM - liA*iliO . w.4llm33+l. .4 zazzozafifrosermarr Runs AIID:OVIlitIOA'1% For: ItoY l3 ,- and- Children. TES ' LATEST' (Eli int ORIAT Col • Calltrillit: CLOrlll.' ; k ~••• ,••• i., Z..“! ‘i , t t • , ` - 1, t•t •,•:. • • “-- I AT' PANIC •PRIOES:: I Woareporwmiihrin air I; 9 '1 Pinata , oksallsOrr s daft sontsisit.,4 Ernst emits, . - ATA traiwtmktittgt AtrOarit, - ;- • • . :• . FROM Pallrff FIVE pi* pit put • ArellißLAlMlkllol.74lw aiN -Meal I=6 Cligi;;l6W4_llaor..• V W.tametina, A 4„ , .ot.t •S. • j .. " . • 4 111 . 0 1 , 1 ! BITEMIELBANIMAINII,' D GEM 1: Ck :VET * 2Ol L .v °l : t t : l o : j ana i tlL .: KA Yllir f ANlTlPta Osr et arellT4 *Alio lan wu *Alma I W. D. i1t , 11114 MaIJAZILITM S 7 - 70111111 t RIM?. AlgiriLlre,,MACNlAllei.• WE:MU "s2SlVlLeiktti'l - , , .010131'111C11111i von _mum" ir is ilia • 'I -inst ON= of thw. wake, h lontold. - Ow !4th),thithrh!Mhrrgh 'kW? T= =lt ABE AIRE - AUER au otakerifcbsahaftt. 1 1 E111 "1.:008.E1T/TOH" .14 warease ' the mitt mad 11 , 1 atte WU= STMCIEE ailm,lslllll. = li st a irairr imulassi kr Oka was -1?0/11.7q1/011. • • 1041100.14 1121E1U MUM - Ing'; cg4Asisaiik, - ArrloWirs.; a a: r. JOIOO MAOLIUM7OII:NBEW . ,'. • , avvourinowmaaile,' , £&4 aims saigkope wcalhdirosim Di pti Ma. , wlthilbtamirsigitive witawaisTr=l/ -4WI-,—/ATTs ./ ,ATToßmirrworawir.: !. la UPI blies;*.4llB:76:lllFle'l_.o NOAH 144AP20, r . kiromerr•izzaw, sulk Ittripat; Plitsbars. OW= fa P1i11910115, Boma% *IR Ain; Ir; Occiatiali ineent.a.- pltr G O.OIIIIL sass irtukoc..—neso W. cila—:—Dwrie W/LSON, OARit(l4 CO; I • . . • . cuss.wasak Perm a 0e..) Wliolarlodeslin N /0131IGIN AND DOSISEPTIM WOW, 11e.% Wddd direst, third house shove adz, Pittsburgh. - - Aphid -1 111, ...A.T0W0111714 & CO., Wliolesale 1:4 ra W TRIIIMIN011; 2103110102017 and DIM, 0 oat man daarription,:Nasaloard Tin attarta, M ar= a,. - - MAORDM 1 GLlTE, Wholesale- and JAZ - 11.4101.Distert Ii NANDY AND BTAPLX: DWI 30D D 9; Ac4,ir 111*Ow stems, NA wees Distotad mad autb,rt DD rera4fro. Bcvrood Street"; =Dahlia Te. tr47B, MUG& asli "MAW- De imerallN • - _VV. 'BAUM Aana_alees in a EP • Mph of DBE 1300arrh ...••••• street, ba lms Third bail roirth. t , It 14 ril l emir.* viell aP!eos Velps •A. ctiataci AstOodatrla Udk ifeleta. ; ' • c;:w . r." • untiachr -1414Denos wawzs.~r b a k ' 17RRXNKLIN - PHILADELPHIA: Yes am /lam 2.1.P411157,15111 I Omf• Waled Moe*led lamas - .U 0 Pald ..... roll))0110 and Tuvalu, Poll= "gt Meryl lams Cll/ Charbolf. Banal?, riiol Lee. Tqblo.Ws/pser,.lkperird O. Dals. Band Oro . Take, f &cob R. ft 1.114 Alfredl am W. rathwis. Pm. W. La* PL 1). OHLTIL.2O .BA4CIPXI), Pzuridat, Xi/WARD 0. DMA), Vloe Preflpant. JAL W.ILALLISTZII,I4*. Pro. Thin. . J. G. 003704, Agog. 10b21) ' axnuir Wood and Tholl street. INKIBANON, IN ME AND. LAND Insurance Uo. or North America. toit4viraixa. T Hartford Him lusuranoo Clorapani: . , , Illilir'Protocssol ..4111St secarid In 144. above *mead lons, Agtiugy, J - O lbliAteNißidbltogs. sT:watir streiri. DIVISTNIAN . 'OO/11PAf v Or kriTionmen.:, • ••,•.! ate, Pretssig r gi., L n ap 1r 8 ""6 . .,444,'. ster ag : Mr,. op oaks, PliOlaburigh. althodo e Ws ant itioloo' Rao;. kEtoothoOlotiosoonoolodly Dlroolinio lowa mil ato_comoopito, sod ttiv oro 4110mIont, At pompom • toof Worallow to otattoots gotilmowtor &AA pq horot 40 irrfe g 4.1148. WoolP2kofo 4Opllo2o„imdry R. Mlle; Jr., Andisw A tLv y ' Juno KeA.okqri Alcooder apme, •••• EstbanleliSolso" Dand Dqvg, Tim J. Thomas, George - Duni*, Sob P. Itaksvell, IL Artliar: Onw -- O. W. Ilkicataox, EL GORDON. !DerGam r oyms URANCE COMPANY Office, JUR corner Wood kit, Itifth nu lam NARI raisuaezruz =norm ; WM. Phi Myth 4,ma; D. Tomei John Watt, laapt. Job% littoak Wm. B. Bay; Bazatml P. Skim, Jahn B. Parke, ' George T:Jetra, Maria! B. Biwa, C. ResrepTans,.. • Writ. Tan Kirk, Ctilit..4o=kll4 . Pirriaxel, Mirri. A : we" Proldid. Inc zoLunintil.9.ll24. • M2PICNT /NBORAI 4 4 CB _COMPANY 'N.ror - rxrrestnian.- osmoN 9,4 . 4 . Mold ' l , l hidtlLEllr • EEL Imam wand Jan sa* ammo la the saTtgalost d the Beath= awl lantern Blum Sakes oat Ewa* tad.** hulietketartbehreed_ - insmatigateat ItatamtasautpepVirt. Wm. Jae. 11 . 1 4 Jae • • - Zara ahlytoe. tir. &Mute% " lams Oothal t , laseeftima • IITa.V. IL Hon,, Rd Lea,4 . Enda Plosion, 114 rudell • gimp Bleshue. ALLIGEISNY ..-INBUBANOR 00211 PA T 01', 11.ft0 da". /IsinTai l =l Praibsi. CI: id I sia l T i t swim, B.Sterttait. • I ualidliew I - Mt iiM;•11).41, 184JIMAVAG 111 HE SAVINGS INEITITITTIO. .11:.210 EXMITEM mar, appall* EE&RM E Was.11:13100.; . . • - Jcsb.i. Emir, i :Ilkilit. D. Deader - • Met. &yaw. yriawill Balk* . . .IL. Botamais, 1 'r: Jan V. Josh?. -. :- -3.mtik NIA&• 1 eitlinlit JrJima Piaci f; tsar: cateru . crzr; °Arm, ! D. k... 1014. tr4voliw. W. A. E.FO. Dr los Cok vl , -mis_plie), :.., W. 11.,../441?!.. ! rlLek - DeVe - -. -- ... Ir 11t . ......... - 4 D. - L. lasar,• Jos. D 11,41.4 v. ez .. v., - ,..DeViabas, Will. MMUS. _; .. ha* g Wells! h, T. W.llFoodvull, N. 7...Joaath 41DINIAIDNA. B. o.Bdonatz. o.ll.lFrolL •• ' • ^ I . x everwey ond Troirer—D. X. . r Open deny ny , Irma • a. e. t lp. w Also, latently .1,7 a ads declared of cow Massed mok. • la Dearabea a sad Arne Ad each term Dletilearts sneered to mate are geoid to the Pant , of thopirselpal. mad jaw attend, Oar ttcL at the mow Books corieelatieClih.rxWnpraire, so, re a u er. Thle lartltatkin cans, repeal to now pen seas when imam ere ma, the opportiadly to arc*. . Vrsmall derides,. raft eased, a slap win& elararraria mama seeded their =may uet nonfir hal 'tirades( tirtared, Indeed et ' olloodoottm OLLAN: Etembrue 8A.1411, NO. 04 mum= IN 1990. i ..,.. 0 9 9 a &Affront 9 to II o'doelt, &boos Widnoodayoeil rit7l/70MttralmilMallibottIrrtur floe to II o'clock. • DeDntie Medved of en nue not het Wu One Dr& Would • Cricked ol the profit. Minted Mice • In Juno AM Demeter. Unmet bee been dedarad rendeanuall In June ene Deareber. strunthn Beak et the zati e fght uer reent.• *ire mlemen In plead uo laemetter 44Felta Pthetell. 4 hem the eante Intense ront sae Mit 4p enure sn4 Dumber. OX o painglAll Moe span Without Creel:Um, the brpertfer trcall.pp ripalppreshor We pro root; LAt rete mug wS !able in Me than Melee yearn 3 = 1 .4m4. tie Marty, Ay-Tim. Rare s_ e 4 pat% ies appeal= at the dace. ' Pun Dicre-010031 LIMB= 'MI - ...knee NeAsiley, - Ethembegver JIM" Hadmaa. Pater A. redllzti WLUtim Atdaios, A. Pollock, Al. D., W . D, " Nemat. m. Dome Immo 111.-.Pmamk, ammo .lohn B. licrooldn. • John D.: • Pb, 4l %= n e l li Waite, 7/.4 40444 ABB (Inc liabutßobb, • Hwy L. WMlam Almoador railo =kith, haw Whltpu . Wm. ILyir DOZIL . . Colvin Adana, Joba 0.11124bry, c ame Htu . Carlo, - A. to", 1104, 011148041, WWOM Ha. PWlte EL Hank er. llehard Hs Ilagimat • • • , SOD tUS CUNSIGNMEIiTB, maw xn Maw: 1060 b. Itsokwbadolllaal SO blo pisolNdor Ylootsel boss Wr 11. gummy. 600 4cs. canoe* Pa mottos 600 bL LolgtEloro Apploo US bosh. &4.4 Peashow 1100 b.. rosebb w Powy • s; 200 - 1 Apples 60 b1eA4 11 .7 elsoor .235 ^ 0106195 m 10:0 bash. Timotal 66,4 i %Tamar: ' Delo mufti; tan mi. obasaul 240 bbli; Ho. 1 /sus &It; Nub. SOO too 1 / 4 117 ekliEnturi iftcs Tundo% 5Ms troth sou motion 4 Eus Tallow{ 16 bis welt% OrosbOnkoloo Wok. Plato Sams 156 lks Stonwaxs bblo. Westaatiland Oaanty 11121ortiam. $ Yoe Web/ L.'s. mar a 02, irATTEURSON 133011 4 en Youghiogheny Coal and NM Coal. OaOara lift at ths Olsen, oxi DARRAGH froannt, *ezt attendedErst iley to 's Wotan rsokmailleghsay Olty, prompt. eer Western =due promptly ` • • ts,lo,2swthf . fIETTE4 WIND—By using ilk ALP praline Fannin': or - wits, GIDEB ouay k.pt llarkutlY .reut Our au, :swift 01 : 11•1, Tb. mein premarred ill impala fa quality to rauy Imola of Wlsol W3kn ur• now Oo ovenritto. too Ws, with MI Itroctiono for um, ;autos imams. D.rsed, tumor MaltlakiLl sad fourth ttrieta OIiiBIGNMENTIEL C . . im beiVenolt bkno rotates; . 1 ~ ,110 bee Yam" 0 ahem, . 3EO Wu Chestnut., . ICOM6eowom4pl.o . , . 75 bzo Hamburg Memo 100 bzo W .b. do., 60 beslbaz food.. 1 -..' 97 bleb Nemo Nowt Votatno. , In etc re =A for oils at No.lo, 'Smithfield Moot. tool . -. - •- • • S. VAN QOIIDEN. _ FLOLITE I 110171tI • •scio bb h: Partl.tt XX Heben; ItO TWO; XXX ; ta) 'Vermil XX • {00: Golut Sheaf • Bleier tbe Wait " SCO "" teem Fiske .; • ' ebb -• one brew% Ulm and Family; :1112. by 11011010,1111111 d LANG, le - Ele Liberty eteeelb. .logirLT. PAPERS PANEL ,AND r~tldtcttli, Woe *id Von* ft It ;It rlO. Nitta JW. 1 4 EINEM. BEES! meArrizsorrnzarott. rem= wolurs, soak , Dimino a do. ' itaimiescri n of „ANON, NAILS AND SPINIVIL ' Preitot pd* wcapot to dm:vs tmm mot,* ASO..3a NNW CIAJMII, Linters Ow; Pa. -anon Amour jam DUQUESNE BRASS WORKEI, CADDIAN & CRAWFORD, Ussolsotanti • of nevi tsrloty d latebwl . . . eauxa woms. roil Erneeas QS eAs 11171013, ifAaanns ARO COPPC.tossmuu. 113M6 06157INGS_of d mad& to or. der. OTZAKBOAT WORK, SMAZ GLOM. two, ma szrenuNG. pay atuauud te• Particular absence y.fdto Stung SITMIIIII2I lON COAL MID OR OILS; Alto, Bois Assists far thoWsltors Markt of rstottyl. suds for the sob of SLIASH, LAUSDKLL 00.11 PATIENT MIXON MCP, Os lost one farsotod. so Nam It Is not liable to of fat of ord.!, sad win Nom *Or thansety rasp of Woo Cs sits. I. TN - CIiTY WORKS, • •-• 111 f. MMO)ilp KitzEEuMe. 'Nona et rum °lf 0 7 111 / 0 0 !Id • • • . • !Um Walnut. iltre: eta, Clidir,Okraiworko - • liasataatainFor 'tad OtbSt INGINNe t tOLLING KILL °Lamm. Awl 1.&01114iIIT. 'Plea adeaki n Om 66 neddaszowsza lam Rom WatN 33 o-ak . 00 4. • • N.. NI Ohara 11144 :mama. Slit; AND REMIT IliOA duantorartootozwi • ..i.s.v.ek..rairszo ~ • , We ire now roasahatarls_d sad haw oa baud Bit& logappoistos of all Wads, Toilet Warn to Botta, Water 41c==zoor =sad Br e to nt =,ofirtalt tr o, tot ot Strd tor sok lot, 011 Cbar ell oho' sad i=dl„ivk donab oil ila aolon.aad itholo . of Job- , ap3o pATIENTED . OqTOBER 8, /881 nmn=irs ramT OVAL Vittmmnm • XX FLINT •w64it. - Soma p i a aro 121.1suistl tot tha Mat lanto.bool• Ow all partotho stua,oquallsdoot not Groom It to • Sort PUS Mao Irosiut, Waohtogtzol ot to tooti tp,l? - - Pittsbmick. Pomo- • ,BLAOK DIAMOND .STSKLI WORKS, rlrisaFßggx_ k Qualirr ) 1117 PrID OThillw . flopora. SUS and Ootarroir at el - Worraithd equal to oar Imported or roatiormott h this coaksry. map sod sarobaagess:c ip maid irtinta4 1:40 0r0112511,31 . 00SDSTRYX124 Pliptrusb.; , . LLIN :1.1"CORMION. of 00., ra,r,* earirushoose. an TT of DOOM, AIIIOII.ANDZIKTUM 11TOTM 4 LOB AND WM% =Mt WWI/ 4101444 St . eel annul IlLootas, OrtlumMill Clearlitg,CirgrWalie . sad &goer ' :aut born. Aor tisr lVAtaa ZM N iebl&al a= l 4stbigsic=: 'd.r • PONO B4 .1 1 11 1 V Itpai , se Rom •114. - WErnEnri ., Bskiii •Irottirouls Yu axe Bram hmai. Panletthir idtiattai ' l eA I N ' 11 i =r2 t 1 ' .0 45" 1l a IS)Z 1 ( 1 2 1 I I . 7 = mar. `. 'Alio DS= (41871411,1% . .14 : 14, the rbarbot balm • '- • . • wig pima Wert ISt - • ;ratta.lll 'and 114 1192141.11 5111•1132 , erne Imthearthirnr ig ht& r 6 =44_ la* of llPAryasze morlimarbi memo iILV ,moo Ws*/ mitta auraszr_rlipeoLi., _ . • • Walmaiso aseutiter 041:14. WAN= • Ws rmtr,li Witaglesdi lik• aid MX . Tom liLtpanrav yfixtßa atiz! - 'Cur • Man minmui amp amomme. • 1 "11. 6, ftlaig.:b•Mix Awing- ruitostb 0 4somPT-0174.4. " CMC l l l 4 krqi° lbagdpii ft/an! a akikasvolAihdifittatiekt Nay of Foll7lol9,.(hiesof - the A Arm ' , Lk Toyama Alsky.)- JOE/X • - /111,2011 Cab! !Et:Mt Ham Owt) • 11011• FOWIDEIir ADD,' STOIE NutiricTuaEßS I sZiagmosT ) ,lgnuM. -• • Ittnr. Walt Pithiquibi - NV4 JOHN 8. lIIISON I 00. . . VELA'RIDDLE ._CO., :No. 215 etta ti rceits isonethaninse of . LAS `zook HITI and end every omodioseo of LILASHMII Ordeal aoudad 6 ,- 310 the hem* And goo* *Upped te tee Instruction% . . V_ - -SEVERANCE, - No:- 53. Wwiit 'EFL, kliPtttor~y'teawdlictiror of SOUSE "stvrso WILOUGHT oosizooa ontralitcood.otioradit ' Atticalie dud .ar obspod -111 , 11 ENS 7 iorso cir idol:, mode to cedes's! start :wilco.= 1111•Orinttlit cowitounly ca harid,;„ indShnio ; • TV WARM. 4W. BENNETT; Ideatifsotureis 'of WM= STOER CEIHR skid CRIALIE COLOR ED - Otdc• and Wareham at Ho. 'EI RUTH EIERNIT. Pittalstalb. . othltEly * ** ****** "CONITAIVII" RAM, Res.on, some . ,EXT ER M AT ORS ' ' 71.4ean siattlend . tei P. T. CPI!: Jail et thelPhelon db.( *aid tp el Pruett. mrywban.. [limn I of •21 CV4.4 " 4 I" II6I NVEtra k.1111•114= 2 .11.: 2,1 64 100, 1 21 tt i ttetib; Pa c t& . 80:1111.11.11.1%, eld biag out. mr albv - - —A'.par party h .A. leg mentello,olO to pi,olp good welch' aley be lie:vat 1 /t 0 ed. "Wm to finest - some ib profi tab le man , 4 44 4 bnlbitm. Nan Reiman n le &shoos elut e ehdlag.trith libiretio • respectable assantsohner; erg.. betimes edresdy eetabliebed, or about tobteetablleited. Theatimiline her hogs bream esparleamia Ude dip. ant „wart lend 11311th of moan yeses, sop to Mu enema of tbe geencial sod ircalpear pool thew:icon; Pima taw apply •lebo mond buoriall a esseatiable t ;Irv:wriest' of the capital reguired for the soleve *ma Oen coacerni and who not ocampleteathener el 'the atanorsatorlog buelneal he rotten. Vibe petite oket taill knolls to the Advestbsr, setklbetetry rellonnot ,wl.ll beeegatrad-aildnail: BOX P.O.,lags' IBLANDYI3 PORTABLN '• ••• ' STEAM SAW MILLS aitmlrDrk Patented Portable Mini &aft T 9 eta= Leese Works; Leartelfia, O hio, 717.010148 Newark IlsoldneWorkh !mirk; O. It the world. That genial= awn . State end National Palm 'Per , &di/ • der menthol. Orfillreficrodity of !mei. bee..co. il Boehm, Watore:Pa., onl - 41441.000 0,10 In efietireentlia. eading Ma 7, mt, triolotUng the 'hart. data °relater. Jeans O. Koehn, Lewhiborg, P. 21111. tat wow Net of osh in three tienatte. fin Jona, 1144. 1..00.000 bet oak; fifth or Jonelo,oo3 het oat. . .• printed instructions sad engreasd mond plan ihr UM and Urine. • ..__ &ad 111cutratod circular; &ant.= MO PPM aPorabeta. Aedrees , . . . . `.l F. "BLANDr, - at Zanesville, or now•st. fahle, Ordan, sad oorrevazdsaccr 40114.44. i VI P. GENEEMBEE, _ CID. ANN MECHANICAL ENGINEER Nro. it HAT ISTIMT, isear,Pui. I Drawbar. et 114013151:11,T. - 1311ILDINGT, KM; . MESS., 11111Df /0" dixecatod • With oa l. abort Dotiee. svaNizraintawnig eattoor., lath gp fOrdiffirrest silo of drairtag. . MOIXPID & 011.; • If.fitg, CAPS and- Stri"W 114:10116, Oa lutist sad moat !rola, torn _ot,rhie,PS ' , ••• • - T4areigird is i&vr - Iftremats an tiotmrstrte ell,' ea 14:QUA our Ova, whlob 11/in bej dst, ran 0.5.1 S „,. 1 4411414 ,Z 4 " llo4l Cate I'itODUCZ: Lluriurr*lA. riebnimatinclit**4l4l4 No. 126 11174T71 WASS . GBICIAGO. ==l2l 0170 1, 0 1 . 111401 i . tedag Maur, 'Grain, /Provisions, Av., rue Sufism ieccsat. .I"..QMNBS linzinr• WALLACE Commission Xerehani, sa no sot= AnKft frt. MUSA Efbio Partioalsrattantlan pid to Min cam Sr E1iaa,111723,, rnortaiong. MOUS * AUT. ' fre.4-Te_ Air , BANE 41 - i = xj aznau AM- COMMISSION kUsioNSITS, ded.deolers lu Flour, Grain Prodnay, 114 . 19 . 200 ND ST., basun Wood h Smlthbald, 11031611 rcovan......stoor ar1art......4111701:11 LIKEN SHEPARD, Com .POrloa Ilar t. nhantt aiwlDellers In Foreign and Do: - media _FRUITS, 7LOIIII, DUTTSII,'OI/12EnS, ECM, FOTAIIIII3, and Pitalao• No..l4S`l4berty rtiort„ ispnrifyi PINICOIIet • J. & Dilworth alka, eons a CbilliAtip althrpard, ittwellamt C0.,, , J0hn , Orator, Pittston: et ; Selzer* 13.0. UnDowellian Brant& nalladwiffiowirit, Stanton; St. t. iSlacialza Grant, Solt; falai , Stanand been: Cincinnati. nu2:l7:, co., RANK VAN MUM, -% -Produce and - Combed= Iderclient.. . No. lo atimani:wo nurr, gems , mist.' Dada' fa us;rivrrs OHMS, I , OI3.II,DBIZIVApIi flit wd i ldbrar=c;.ol; cmggazieuu. • • 011', OEFAIV#4 I4 : I47, Piano and cinnamon arnigiant. , :miciatanatiCnnquq,- , And d ' S * l24 o* -41 ! 4 . NO. traziariaTiptuirr... .; - ; - = Uraalt o A ' ' _o ..S. , Clins.;• no. inisocxl4 res WoIDrOle; Ohiolsle firm of D. 2.. D. ItToZ r i s l . Enabardh, NVONALD & , Wholes o amain, Prcohlgai and Oanzadadon - llarobanta,. Jobbeis II conics, N. 0. INMAN' and NOLASSINV MORN= SUGARS AVID sratips.-rLoira. TOBAOQO. TUB, RIOT, 0H230111. EINIIDA da.. Nun fy sad SU Liberty brat, Pitinburen aoWly SIMMER a LaZKAB., Wholasi* 'eaponts AID oolsxcesiort amaaaarn, Ha. sr ams PO prilmirsam sr, or. Second. .B.LEECII,Atmit aim Quiz OtZLRLVBgws Wricoudi , forme ado :of GILUW, EdIXDB, CHIEESI, . PRODUCE, ft.:oak wat - for the 'relettratod. I:Wm:doom CIMIZEIT: Idea, noted:Ma mien& ,71rit atrxdo, bohroso: Wood sod' OZOISS S. =AD ll3l=lllll. ,TREAD & METZGAg s ,Grocers sad -0011 V .I.3.soleslon IllcritOnte r sod doelete.to ell-kluit sY Mosby Produce ;sod 17olarreura No. sts Moly ornery:4oWe tered - orraod Or"; W:3 4 virrxmisom i . . E B Maramia Whalisala dealers fa WATEIMMHZ. frOVVE DEM i;auns, Bynum Ram, GRAM sad produce Agra eraly. Also, LXIMILICS, HIDES, OITA ft; 91? Mid, strait, Pittabargir. idyarrlaasatirdo4a. (knara drdlatted. Tar. r. ,;12rodf.rcerdmg. WK .. ; R BE (—FRziatGgt.r iNu rleitytwitbuge, rt7.ftYadai Erm "O'ne'VniEr.^4:4NßODllol4: "Lou% EGGS mss . muu:Strpron. DILLID 1111=8. &N o eaiaal~rad UANFIZLD , •Onrenums , mu) , reigr mr.„.. ffst , rcer AND: MAR AILWATIIIS, liniazzil AHD OM% t wawa 'sum .n e ar roduce ira,.ifturotriani sans Prost street, Plh. arm* T UM' TRIMBLE ' 4holfigalej Der aclandathk-mr4 Der DMA /FLOM BACOT.. • VISHOLBBOII exarialb - or[4,7=mr,li _ , smarms VA RM. add Plttidatudi: mdanactudd wassally 111 &ha 1141/miad drool . 1.1110 a411111. , • , 1 • • a. srarti—'- D.• win* fit ill gYr.4l3ROTEMl3l3; G oon ti Ilrholosiarmegivi far vow AHD TAIII/harnOZ 'EBY 111, 06719,7MINFIXS,Sw.areapillawl Wood otroiLotoo• TM. RAtaborlit• 13Wea, IDAni. MON AlifiXON:L :1 •._ 3- —00113121810 X vutirs cmcirs— sioirrof itramorct; .ftoD rickb - 44 re. CRILIM WA341410313. 1 El I Axasimx; saa • mengme and 41Ntudir =mai urrn, la* Nal ..iismiqW..l.442ll3llNiotteM way , vokg —lw* ONNOIMED.:4I:4,O4' Wholestlelbo-. trots 4cairs *DO calMolasiba Iferolwits, 1.11 Wobd Lad- Illimi7,4 l 7o•44lWintrib.l • _pas - • • I ; II 4 . : A iT. :, !ickjor. :ha B.03(181 (Mama* se Zarb% irsuilirii,ll,lt . tires ts,, -a , v„LP • '& SHP, PHARD,, Aupimmx • uszioxiirta top gaorti horioue,Gauli Auto paingrat; 10:347Lthaty rtniatiPittebargb. Ahoks brands at Floor ftallakers. snit Auntly tie can staidly outland. Pertientar attention pit! 'to- AM* ordess itenlianditiugenneux-- cakdly ,jolG lTtrti CO Aitir occasion tit a: =Lyre, I46ezty fit, Pitf i sttrib.; -I.)* -1 7 4418R1CT "DALEKLL '& oda OMNI* Oemashision sat Whole; iug' chant!, and dealen Produce. and rittamrse oso, thistarps. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. , WALLACE,. :bon:Li:aim= Mercamt, m ag i •n=li . lllll., rir !Lan and GUSH, Pawner Foot., Pittiggt. B. emi'" WM O &Ad PAaa,stuets. sMsll. Bo 'WI siariosio TAZGAZ, T AMBER, T, .BHIPTON- k. Can Whole. SA Nib Omen, mad Padang Mahn, - Ers. Sixth _MULE ` ' : DICKEY .'& ` CO., • Wholesale p i a 0 10 , 11 0 naa . .. a# o .liarchanta. and data, La Ntteb D. Dv "6 616 . 6t 7 . !66 6 65 fr°l2.lto riartspAnum Blionuax omen to Brown •it tirlainazioke. wawa, CILLII MOM, 11!:10/FCia4 ,113 LikeetrAtose„, Gaolcz 1110.00FFEE—Just received a haat lid orthaiwiliepot* Wan plead whit/A& anayra and aid dirta,%aid.^Tortola lithe fra ter aidnISZIA 411014 - . ',1y44.`" carnal. DALZBiaL Lat.: -SON,, , Mauttge . farm at LARD. OIL. and -Oesnathekns Mee cluatalbk.permm sad E st U CR ISD BIMINNO aal, Al• jai. fil- M Watar' orset,pllttbaxib. Aktiaoes suds as ooaddinneata, .... . . T.'s. LIGGETT: & CITY FLOUR )III.TO9. :FitertrAdmi lad Onlab. Plustrwthaw. • • _• • - :•• • ,••• 2 • IIP •0 0 1 1weltri band. Pa OP. - w. imna QCHOTAL4II3'. Ati Ocnommor lot nature and:wholesale doshic la 0110013 r um-notrz, oarsztaßopar4,,istgazilldbuty car • - WATT, :„& , -W1111107,, Wholesale t ilho• rani &noes Iht-• 'duce and Pttblrettlitki So. 11:4 /emir .4trtellittaborgb,,;;:_, -I'l2° ..LlNDEl&T.lts.cit; BIM; Wholesale anti oaocriapaloosos ANIMODIMED.ELL,' ,rdbutr ltreateP4l.lncrsh: tri LIDGKRTON & STEWAST. Wholesale 32A onociats..um cowatvos Aims morn. go. tor wms rtr.l. Pt tbbpiat. ,fter asaolw 7l .. cvm aIfiIICOMUSSION cPthigirldd Vat,* strads;Plttsbarkb:: . . ,BAGALEY, ' Mirucasevoi OILOOXIVNaa,I/1 mut SlO'lloatstrad,Z-Vlttl ua, - - spoRtMEENr 13 - 1101*QUABZEI 43013N - Z1 *du. tat attatittea'a tberz=nipvt k,u,k YOVIIAIC - Apigak MESAS sad P9l/011115, DRAM szadsal3,,sr.d V inn ElNKtoalt Is ft* lasted INV 1 . 9 r W itt Pak:' Dale is X -PINE TAR' ' ..- Artritd erprenly for A 11423 ., 'Pat up fft, 66 6 onon , Dien bowl& HIICHII7L Tor ilaideurr - Witt herularaid hares. , ,„ . „.- z • • • 4)B1oe. no,WITFII'JjEIIpII7,-Pl4 WALL pAFlEßs'AtriktildlT (*int A ,vizer.lo.• meertistatt ot peeemoil aria: aelviaos oS elt *sibs and an orikors. for tea bY 141 W. P. lILLINHALL. W Worist.. 484 7 "PIT Arsarainmerr...-ras.n.sucnmo.thro.l. nsorionunita Oototten AKate - trains ;ISM tow the Depot an followst - Datt2 =U., tor. ..tept Dardlas, nakt kS3 t . e al peepeepal InealalpOttettns Eserlttrort to Stir net, Ey 1112.= and ti - MVZ., end at rntlpt&-1013 ter 'feta, Doily ma latarceilat. ppcctow - XLIDDISSODU'ACKOTIMOVArtOD, d4tp, sn a g i t Bandny, at C.lO a. no: stoppina att lostbasi between Plttstrurgb and Proertebarg. and manta; easel . _ cannection ideated. ttj Indium etentb. Wait Pam.. =ll B. tiiatic;!atznig. nat. PVITODDIcOII at KRIS ILIP81:38,.. Peat' elaspit enx.e.s. at n. - zo p. copping at noitipan the wa.l Vont newest* Pluitnrgteand "Pailat•tcnta, and talk.; . lag econoxtlon with traetra nu th•Mbeas tars. 11, 11,CILlaysbarn Brandi Tinos anA CitarStld son Salt Etats Walley Brandies. t JOLLutt'IOWN ACCoMBIODATIOn, daltp,anneepe &meant. st nttO p. tn. ttopetap at resigns stntioat mien VlStatnnab and Jonestown, and connsattag se, I m.imnr , be.r.metkn..n.t. trams on - Itta e Arm cle and West Peuntepitanla H. n.- • 13111.1.D1LP/M1 EIPIIMS, 444 in. opping at UMW, • Conetranset, Geslamp eu! fl letenecleonettz,Dowlstown, Ka. t ita. t.tj . .There nni tssi llAnl atteencesectlocliun td egr " V n4 a Watt:owpm end Bon Tsai - at ntinsantjtblii, toe New York it.oteut and tattnnealaes - pltnin. p ees Tan throfth on tip Win tom Plttitatilsas t mom MaCelpb/ii sold Simla* branst.,6l.laannne EILOWIZ, AST wpm dinr,..2e.pe snow,' 10gii.*.4. ! pug attly.at Claansaagb,; , •Vaillzmalthadata Eiraithis: aoa, Lintimaara, attfllai Newinata; cvetly,clh.a. = Nat. Militant's. riztbath matte na. JaS:4Bmaaa. Lasaatter sad Da aidagto 46 llattablat, cattractkau art toad. - CO 'SW Tack , /Ultima aaa Iltaahtaatan t at Philadalphla, 'l,4lll4.tateauttataa , ;al;42, la% MIS* i dos o=l4. &win at eal so.„ 0 4 14 . 0•1 ', apaa Tratittor Wag% Ascomatoaatioa Trata axe*auti lanitilavou 41intosi aip IN ANtith.a.u-m Trail *Man% aittlaistwri 6 03= 1 = se 11'C61 411 2 4 .. bid t. at MI at:itatt.tatandate ham • 1 11,tiorist , sivemaliVistail 'dais Stoibitiiia4 !dant ,pitapbax t i 4 ids pa to Mp. Mrs . 111113&" • Mumma lecaluoadstlce • Jears. =Wars .wasc • 2... WAN o.s.cccasuncdothey,..•.... "MLR: Tiled Wars fitatkif.Atatataaalatfaca,....:s:4ll4p.ll,. Woo* WM; Iltatk4 - Ltz:4:mat! Bakithaant ant - 2/o= l l of•kut, -4 11 4 , GettlPigry 'Omaha. nitatatiktt tot Penang 1 .1020- 1 445 1011 1 faxattlataaat oat cat , &fr , - • 12.11.—ia Omni= Mat lita tore= rang • 5 1311 01P 11 , liztVag to: 041 „Wm I* a. • vbarge. not nuttt 44:"Itkrailatagail logigrar Zoe tatipt!ilipir . us& it atiEtatantilaJaoaattsliannawlitaift atrigi' f s • .0a Liberty andpnak, *am 1 ).- v i r ßtiß k 9ll ' 11 ' -- •}/in.wkr 1.D9E -147 ° --;'`'-'--- 4 plaa i prrmulaN Ritrtitbilb: '-' , .; , , . ~. ~ .. mum. Aawarairmatt.• ,,, 'L' - -. on na after 9471913L8 80 , nr.1804 i.au..-. i kIto •••-• , .. •• • - ~ - Ai' -*...: I , ' : .1........_ .rinamt,-.. 1 ohic.s. ObnailalUdingi magae55,,,„........ MO a. ma giltlikeSO. Caprear*..........1 ay tug 1. IL Itp:7 ._ =00 34 ti6l.°. - ~.. ............, ....., 0.__..p.115. .grat — ........:.:..a.......---:. OM a ••••• - % Lir .I a sc.e.a 1 ... am, Tar Now Cartla aa4 , llrta Ikta a. am.: . ' A xtre Siilarbariii— . X . ..... W. Ct Eathimies s. as.. 2r.90 v. ra.. T. 15 p. tr., TO a. 4L. '4l)l3ONa. : • ea P. 8.11., !la a. at. , A l 4_o. l a.au.i.as. , ' - ALOOOIIYODA7IOI9I .I=ll-I.lare alkgasort. For How Ortslatos. For lirw Mails. Tor Madder(' -1980 9AO a, au , ,aaos.; IL • • ; 300 ,1016. a. • ...,, .-) , c • .4 Mlle re. ' : ' -,:.: ;...- i. 2 ..- .x.t '.1 ,,, T 6 .1 0 P• M. .,. a -, . . '-, 1 - ' Aii;aa l aa&isi3...gt.lr 0;:l!allliag l :h!lir. C tM ! , , V,, -r, ~:- 2 '- ra - . .'•• .f l i O X , D . O O l O. Irla a o .. l a u nd t , ' ,P . r .- r . a r , s . . -- ,'-' , I .ibis if ,Loltal=l._==_ L. G.v_wmlllll 4 'Tickera I if.P. liTkßr. araa Do A .1i1)11G•H 123 UT ' 11 uraanr,BATIACHID —cmuusaw 111 'tail OW Itti t UDAY.lg i y, r ,li j r = "4 .l4.AlNt r l i rlarna Patabas tab Oi l ti* rixtr.aa2 iattanatat at Vde a..la. , Zaa, .airkaird.l isa,arrint ..4. l l lllablaya . ill! s t p. r . Lat3o4 at'Pliternalkaanaritigiowir.. 1 41.0)11taD41 : 40 P f t :l3AlW-Alaaar At i at s a in t i tZintelat aatta=lllll a. at WS P. xa. Ilk gab adaa ' Lap ia i i, wi.,. -y ea 449, o - • 6(4". 1 ' 1:831:111 -on 7 1' ~1 • ! i? RMIGRAI4W 14 f 4togep fie*. lugs! 001, - 04. 4 1 1 1 / 4 114: ,•=arrthigtra oizzi:JukAurecallotictr =4 , Tharesstp. -vas Vl r r 'll4.olra r ~.-77,-----t x A .Z....,....1" t tat V i t t nitg 'Dam itarawrse6m Liltir s =7 *Want a$ ZeadoPOMfbg lad kook MI = V ll* w "4" C r igais2=l.lol,t toy USN al edebralit alms 41114.1*Astr. ;raft idinewa Awns* loUr i Ai Irak, Is 1411 "if:4AM 01 ZINO= liiibig. ',Wow for.lkw Tort riattoiss Williliefiberi Wis. Sarnia ............ 1 0 30 11:1111adMo Alt amity ...,„, * 1„;41,- 611111Malkthaftb ..,,,,„."61111 - ,• 1Z :A a l i t• A Z.. ' 4 2 =7 manstoin4 tlist afflivitt -- ' ,•• wrong IieKIIII 1 'A5th0r5.............:,........1,110 . Klirpsfint - Vanua -AM ••:,•,• , .it"' tit ormasei -go lift Tat. sU; 4l, ldle 1 Moispagaribookadthimit tee simian iitibroilim 1 ' ftor OmadaaJeute I‘7OlM. - Tyr of bririllip • pcm•Vinr Irak lor Ltlerpoci evATlgt.kii4lig ' •ae the optiralrdl Vow_•42 . lbsail la 1- max mums - 471=pengsseseageti - iiik` ~ to .. , • .iteig Orionkle Melia& staillit-z, •11 , :01TRAM ~, 1:4:.1.1 Y TO . • • 4 41 , I 1119 rix% . • ; amtriestron ,k rr i b.stn ft "=,- Assa,lia")4Arryin g lb. tre a. Kans. Re `TNOille T1N0N1L.,....-...Yattudayateer,llo ' 07:LCV1D021.....-.......„„n0ert5z, "Wft ,- , ',._l; ~' L imii . :N aunt • , Y . 37 : ' 1 ' 1' ..7: 4 " 27-8 1. ' 7..;11 / 7 .1 a1 . _ 0 " 0 ". *" a n i g. i° ramie ta gai, ar WI WEI% til 'NUMMI t , ” ,' Werteulall Memo ...41101113 . o' to Ch10g n " .. ...... lig . . to Pari5.4.....:-. PS VD .1 . 'to Pata........ , :eq, , . te Etaroburg..4.. - se co A 45 Viimitang„‘. ,A Sr •91 _lNeettueser ales towelled is lisayea, llteweetli*WO_ taye. 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AnTittdaz Lc , Do taro. bac redact Meet, fdlogDany. prompUsiMindad In; • • .1k WIORTMAN, MkNIT. _LI' hirers el WINDOW GLIM, D 111701143751 Or , Llai'lt MAX se4noTrLaiot minas. • Witehavut 53 Watqrs it., bolow Puri. &dale* *iv being 'to tog" Optintloiiiii*, profaned to lornharslot' onicloo to our Her J olultio:. OVA anCtuoitty.oput tun - , the 111/It/Int e otaxwErx, riDedee ID pLoon. torrlxmai, Wraivi!.iiiii,,,-, '' • 'l4sraccitmaxrrAdannursismag. f -„, , , ,, - z !"51 0142, ra , ~, : 141747 ;; --- ,'' pik *moped &reale by ' , -.• ' ' ' " , -91 , ~, - ~ 1 - JA1)170 DITAILL 18014 't ~ falls Mind TO Writ , . 1 ,.. , .... 4 : , , r t 1 4•'.. , .... , 1 - -,"•,-.:,.... 1 1 :CRAT ' Ott or nistsl9putp* oulnacAu, DA; 2 Ei: ll A -•-• • , . 1 1 • os sorsa. _ Saw* 110inis , ,O H E ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers