ght XONDAY 3101INDTG, ,Nov.'' 28, 1801. ROBINSON; ItiLESS & Co.; - 'Mork atilt , Ereirienate":;4lrokeisf EUY AND SELL ON COMMISSION ONLY, 7ftvirk• GAN 1411rosia .wpd Oil *reek*. ".....,.N4 4 oocersOiter.t. lictattleslgtaffaio.potnnl. ..' AAAra — TB Mtit-IWh __,•‘*--4. z _ Brokers - and Blotters Board'"for., 20.,. - - 'lll.llontla 01 -- , 4 1,..' (ex 3in coupon) ra . 11ZI'l ' t CO_ '1 051; -- , 11 , OertlticstMt-.... Sr "-. 99 1 131 ,...,.... 014 ...raa5k"L‘'''','t.'"."0.- M4llttorWsgs7l:o7 ' '` . "M- - ". -- "s. - = " linetenne Oo BoraL. au -- '• Citigmn. 1n5.........s at -- ' W e S nt te l legr ' "k•,isi.efs'i*.t--- a ri l I- ' ... ~• Cleveland borShars 1 COle. -• --- Crmelbrille (kat.. Prie .. "-- - P Its Icitteubentlllt-f i r •. ~ ••, " --'. • Allmt*ny-Bank.... St --- ThltO lititional ' 110 r•Stinaheater tem. Ilk. , 52 , • "Dattel eo ' . . . "--- "--- . Mgeny krilta . 0 1 4: —.. •., -. ~ --s, . 'Phillip. ...e- r.. . s I-1- e• 1 log s: ' ' l - 1 - t _--„ ' - Boas.. • 2ta 'to ' --- Boas ....... ..1 0,4 ) ---; C/ieftW Ittmtlentral. 100 ---._ , -.-. Itlnd Corm...oidiriss .n-1. 1-, ,el &pi , ; 431, '....... 'AI?, 'Story a , V Ill'.''.`l SC " 1 'W`" -':..:-. (.11110- Valley ' = so , .....4 •.."' =i. .—••- •10111.1onal llg _ —.. • As usual there trettrutothetterylafgehttendener St Thunton's Exchange this evening, and the salts ' of favorite stocks.were heavy, aid the spirit - unto. • . - !*tiled Was animated. „;,-,Aeloperattomr , embraced . lapse sales - of,"lak.liey," "Ross," "Tarr, 'Story and • Cheery Sun" ardlsObtreflllift'itirdtSiood Farrno 'The following are the parlisulars, of,the oleo:, - - s . ' *6OO--tr9500 Bond. .• 165 _ . •, :0 69 1 ,1 0 1 "'i , ,/.! ° , 1 :0: PLCP.".". ....... ..:t:* g 5,- .. loo:(10 Eldorado do ' ^ "0 Co do' ,7derchants 911 05,..., ... . 45 OW do Ohio ValleY l- Ars .. ....1 . 2.1. 9 0.1 • • 100 do I'llte k Phld do t 43 .. - IMO do • 61eirellun ist/11114 , 1sittn. g 12,.-!' , 540 do .; TIM', Story /8701terry'lluir..112 200 "do - do • do do-, 122 403 do 01l Creek & Cherry Iturf::. 3 &') do lightst)e• 130.: . • TM do do do I ..U1 , ... bOO do . do do " ' t a t, . t 1000 de plebe' do 1 30 ; .i _WOO, tio o 146 "du ' 1. I SO r . d 110 do ,'"•• 4050 do ^ Ito do .:„.,......:- -.,... 1.48 ~. ~ - SO huge inlitilyoHent la the traffic to gold and *flier, Ms contmodilleg, at - New York, that what'id lermol a sti Old Item , was some.monthangcses them, td' becomd `a ineeibir of which an , illitlation fee oflotintlits irtignlttd, • The tultuber of pccsOirf doing bustles' at this Board has so irtcreast • - , etinstO be almntelamisles"; - 6441 - fiiitit it * , . little of the growth of the body, theinsnagers have •'=- ` , :fastest their terms of admissledi 'frOm ilagrto 11019, mach to the annoyance oil fifty Welting applicantS for admission. That city has now twos regularly •OtWanited Steel:Donal, it .1 4.4 - ohl - kiweli t i , iand a ph. '• . : todelik Exchange. 11.111nlefphla, says the Ic yl gq, • ''- Is fOlitrwlng dose in the wake 60 2411 , rork: we. lutie now our sStock... chaege,”. - 4.lseslthstalde • Board Room," a"0 OTElVlCF4lllliirt.titufe'rstatid ' ' ssalte has been selected, and thndailyttorystems to-- s, ken for the formation of a "retiroleum , Stoat Ea, ' - change.'" lf the latter is stleetssfrd'idnoollganding' r .. - the entire trathe Ia 011 shares IT WliLierr Mlleh lets = hen the bo4ness and the numbers in:attendance at • She other places named for the sale of stocks. • • - 'The *lock rcliclitt of thelldimielphia Ledger of *lturday contains the folio% ing: i ti,ela ilnformation 4.if cistgelsinthigthei day that: a; . . .stdi had been open on the Internanettof ,the Atte., when) &Pittsburgh, CM:away; which promised - • :13tc—td.°,,fosz-LVA r_rA,.....ig.:,..ite= _. . been one of the fancies, he: statement la'the more likely to be true. It was also .stated _that the. Sue _ "Verintendent of ,143.east111 Oattipanyllad Ade-, 4 the Prtildent r h 1 at he .ad struck a well 7,l:l4'ed.bancl s .JM wsplpS O Ur hours. Oa this is the End welt the munpany.,ll,l% TUC down, and as It . hes a ricer fritntim"WetentlyuktendedSo put dole ''' • ' / 1 1 1 Sin ni t!d b ta n n d ct i V n 'X i grl:llnl..4 s 4, m it t o=Zr, tl Te ' ",greal. fancy of theca}( . . ' " The folloping ex leitt" - artlgle eitaletUtso.3 .. • • kuuty"dividends,s - Ts fink, the pitta ?,9 1 " 1 1, 1 "/Ws; .e .ldelphin Cknusertial List: ' ' ' "'" "" ;^ '"' - • •nit, time must- shortly- come: when every,well ' . I T wir CW4l nrd: d s, sVAI2:= ) I. - Pt; gm° .7,ti. 4 ) ... monthly dividend.. It r was odainated by the awnian-s lnt formed In order to give conA&.nce, to thew who Waco disposed to investigate the dale. ".0 ter of enterprises which were novel and uncer .tato. It has Vontinued,py,new companies - ' Stec.. 4 3' (mans e Cfmlidedes set the &Abu.' It' Is is ponitise dins thntage to the interests of atock. Loden. It compels the directors to keep upon n constant attain for the puns:woof makturtlivlderlik It compels them to on rltice their oil when the note. :het to null, so that the monthly dividend )hall not be pasteu by. If lidillOuld, bdtb tltetrintetests to . 1 . --.110111 on to their oil When the market Is over .4. Led I.lity cannot do so, themonthly dividend must " '.. „••„ 'a 1 , [II hired of the ertOCk gixi down.: .11.tbere was niorriretutoin to the eotripnntes to pll/1111.0 thetr bins 1 r ."' - Ines,. tegitimatrly, it would' be better for all con. • skated, and gambilisein their stsx•hs, by whigh many Isms t i de holders lens; Wbititt be restrained. Div. Vends quarterly would be frequent enough. and slit Idea. etc.* six month. would :Mt botcks far • !lPfin•• •••• IiE.EKVEMEVIEIir I irMi g; IMLZ.' AIDELPHL% STOCK MARKET. Itepoetedlizielally,for the l'lniaburgli ciazetto. ' ' 7 l -1 Pnfianetrastf, Not. tat, iina; podoesain 01141{pakadaa.beett Yefy:attive - Doi-11 in; the week whiati 7 lifiltiirt elotaat;.iind`tlie market ; 1. : •:';.ickeeally; a:cited and lirevite, with heats ailea, mostly 044 / ° e4 ;On ihisiltly .raord on, the llatt tpaoW onea being eomparatlvely neglected, nod,' In aonie - inalineeaoloill; at towate •Akelica..:Curtlo, Itniner, l lValnut Island, Irwin, Olt Creek and Pertyr_Witre atuovi.,the.*Oat protatnellf and iteneniffi .oktlCteivAilivpritei. , 46 . - :*mjimpe46 lief share, nd•the Nat left' off steady . ~ foNOwing Is a curaliaitlea#,GM-lie Pft , CF! 1 . 14 . 1 .3 7 tr and flume. ef last Efaturds l7 y,44 l- oV: lath: • • otva • wav,2o, • '•rt•e• 3".1.%1 ' 7 • Petroleumtetttrr:t* .f a .tit :. Nl.e NOek Oil Co * • sLi adirekl 14 7 . • ' • 1 • Walnut Istiiiri .z 011 Chuck •r., • • Bdl v4F - • , • Union Petroleum • tI 'lt d Noble k Delemitter-.2c.v. t,r t 4 s' Cherry-nun - so, Olmstead Senees....„ ...... 6 11't Esatelsloit ' • - Phil& k Creel, .I . • 1 1 c, Mineral '2l at: irsv/s.. . .......... . . •`- • • • ' Densmore ' • Perry 4 .• 144 • Egbert " a Setniyi , oll • Story .. . S. 4 • '2 , -4 Tor tiotoesnokit....r.v. ; • sit Pope Farm C Bedew otthe New "kort -OrOcery'Markott • (From the Coradercial Mat; NOV-i&)"• Coffee—There his contlaiedp:fair deniand.for Bradt, Melly for bonfetiii; "autlheugil 'the Mar:: Yet manor be called as tivd,i- wt flake 0 0 11 stderable firaintsUlsPrkell ifenerellYl24 o lsWO .ftfpftlstrg., not bitttstaadbat the fret' thoyvco* ridAt'lOW' s lan On Mends) , 447:44310(kt iiviet - bigf-ftiV peek ttgaiiiti; - fade., per %mom! - a Male, 12% both'in gold . ) 1009 do. ' pet' PaYehe, - About ram do., inlets froM dealerehandi count . And in lock, on unto zet,,aadevulauc33Giarqqri. .. __4*4 cents; 10Jan:51g; and lac mats do., Lo„i mos. • "Nugaz—The trazuractions• for the past two buai lcas¢aya have been to'a fait attord...prinelpally reflator,but pliceshaTe.allghtlyfavorialbuyers, ... : and s :mute ma totations . for standard grades — Maeolabth of a ealtmepottad. The leading feature ' , of the market yesterday who the sale of 1500 hhds dlabletaising bail Havana Moises.. Smart fermi/ant all at lee less 3. per. cost efah. . We nOW,qaofe Batt Mining Mc, and goad° Iti.i t et L r/ o Oleos: 'Refined fa in falrrequest, and a Attie ghee. We quote other than Stuart's,' tad 01'We soft *kite 7P,,ia18, and Yellow it5a..,1, cub. The sales of raw are hhda Cubs bogiei mostly IflateX for raining sondem - 1M Pert*. Rica 17415, a mos or initial discount for cash; and' 900 bit; Havana (noticed shore) 18 leas 3 per cent "cash. The stock yesterday , MIA sifts kW*, 20,022 ' 'um and 116,1 1 1 bgs mar, and 29e Was Melado.- -- .Motasms—There has not been much done since . nor Wilk but holden generally are arm, and pMces r - *haw Utile or Co variation. TkoolislekareMhlds, tot Inferior dubs. ;Simmered°, for Canada, at Oda duty paid; tee ants and 95 Obis do 75a80 for bhda, - 'and 92 for ada; pat kbesand tel Clayed.Oubs eaf spuds St Croix. Pk,. let • talds and 10-bbis .Porto • „m o o, eamic,t2; 5 mut. Thab.does, Inc, mos; and ' -110 bleb , New Orleans, 111315a1.241, cask. Ti;, stock. yesterday was 2730 Vida Porto Rico, ErMO do Shiba smanther_rorelgn, and 000,bbla New Orleans. Spices—The bustew„coittlawl Moderate being . Sanest entirely coadbed:to tabe supply of ti o , • t m'omedate wants of consumers; we-notice - 1000 bars • Tepper, la lots, part -Slain Cents; Sit' mats Cassia, -..-ErfrA, cask; and 6 0 M 0 011 7'701ft 4 44namont P - Tea—We notice a steady market with-6 fair bus. Isom, chiefly In tines, for imtaedtate taxi Wa so- Lice Pongee, acs hf. chests Oolong, A male, and mo • • dd. OrtPr n f et PreatsPli J. , ;.- ' • .;Cleveland market Ylout—Dulinna unchanged. bulged. Sale quobtasNa. rod—wbette city-.1 U00 . 0 t v 0.0 4. B.lecd • . ,122,222,..D0n - - No 2 red.l)ll track Al track,' ' , 0111tred et SIAS (or 014 : ta. , 2 1 / 2 n.4lellatalti44 ,l 4. ° F °l4 market~ro Item"ind riveiPty ilea; ;:MLi t t -lU aelling t& 785120, / i e r t r stesdidepts*L -0104*- Mutat m..izetinsselelisa . , 2 , 22 , 2 - 252 lit o l c e If 4" Atiaoicog*k. goo—Toix lora • tuna . . Err,Cw.w 'IITTS"nURCIII" ~f {Ctfr . , • • Woe. 23,1511... iins• 'week which - has justelostal haa not beeni rem 11.0,1,10 one Or any plttlaulax activity-in bus , inem. The unfavlrabbli stale of tho:wielhei rind thilrad audition of the roads half..restricted the. receipts of Orlin and. frodtd...e, generally, from the. uJjut uOuntrY. and rho Unsettled erditlon of ••the gold market haibs; , l a tendemy to cheek any thing ilke'spntedatleri.: railles,there hare b.4eri fault' few &Wel: biteAhr•y• are not of sufficient iurrWrianeo to receive Special notice. OBLidt-;:dlie receipts of Wleat and i3arioyLsOnl iinueeaLtemety light, owing to the ia is'eristile eons of the toads, and the transactions ila drat hands, id consequence,' are very light; ace continue to quote at EL,toef,tlo roe Swing and Fall, Barley, add etsg.,lo far ;Red and •White• 'Wheat. Oats La good dernand,nud,withSi very short supply, prices We firm ncol, well ni; Int in %I; tale of t ear, to are -r sun sh'frorn store' at ad Corn— 'en a l ti d b notes a o n risesv crop fro_ oi store litiWol,r-i'r . Po bushel. • ,27.01L11—There Leeman Improvement lathe' repoipta both by rail and riser, during the past few daps and white the market - is.better supplied, prices rule firm, and apparentir,are fully malntriin lect:..bale of :al barrels Extra Pamily; on wharf. on Rieskteserats, and 600 bhls do, from store. at 'i0,50 for era* and !TUBAS for Butte Family. . . OBOOEIBW—The market is quiet, the &ambi belng•limited, thO . up at priora appear to hove 'andel , hone ao hum t v h ei T y s tgliP* f:r ve n r ;;mrd e tit ' s oi p m e t si, y att l o u rts 'i sumer" generally, are restricting t nth. pttrchit shy to their irarredlate want.. BUTTEIt—Is In . rale &mond both tor home use •annshlpment, but the .reeelpts continue fair and the stock in fully equal to the demand.. We note a sale of i )16a primenollat . lIINIXWBEAT FLOUR—Is firm nt the advance. - .Artrtnia mks [tom nett hntul at it,50.11,73 per met. sand from at ore nt • POTATOES—Good 'qualities me In Luke denim! -slid bleat- with lutes from store nt nonat per hush: Sweet Potntoes are selling at from an,oo to *1.50 per tatANItERRIES , 7 5;tnOted firm gat .4:IA0-per • • ~ .(1 1 111WE4-ta quiet Mit steady : with regular warn atmerlotts quotatku for W.-IL and /lam , burg. and ftl,fot Goshen. • , • -. wit Is a 41r:weal derwml. and 'we noteregular from !bare at to I,M per bid, as to quaint, • .• • DRIED I , BIIIM-e:Peachen am held at an idranee —quarters being quoted nt rents . per pound, and prime Alt ea at 115 e.... Apple! miset•at 9aMe ; 4 . LTET-Dull arid declining Not manfla lag to site fair quotations. IMAMS—Steady with regulaiLales at.fiimx taper tiash. xfil—Viria but unchanged; sale of I Car baled at . f4oller tart. . - SALT—SaIe of 250 Went dellvett4freinn telln• On t yre aped, la in the price. t- ' 110 S—Fla n with mien nt doc. Itt: P ET HOE tar 31 .1 ft- SaTrxtr.,:. Di'or. 9C. 1,61.. rte Petroleum market n'as unusually quiet to day, the gl:allows beintvery . light, and restricted almost ent irei-)Lto ft' (eve 6ntlllots of Reftned.Pree :pit. In trinde, there was not IS single oprratton • that vriMipid hettini'Oningprinclmany to the 'dif fcrenct. between the views of buyers sqd setters ' • the former contending for n coneesoton In price, to -which; the latter were unwilling tri'gribnitlbliis the absence of salmvquotations may be fairly given at . 15e, bblannutned. and 40e bids Included, end these may be revnaled na the extremes of the market. For 'Refined, In bond, there appears to be tittle or end bn• the : spot, the - nominal' rates is Me. For bed,, 011, there Is ft Loll. lc:este:en demand, . 4 and we note tote of 100 bite at die, and leg nt 82— .the latterfotibeehleigrantarket. Napt,halsqulet bat an.the• simply falight, th 6• market is quoted "steaady'j et 20a in 'bond and OM free.; Residuum .14 very quiet...but hidden, are 6r6iikt 6: per bid. The recelf.ti of Crtnle-bs the Alleghenrelver since repoit. are . as;folioire : t • • wliLogan .. . ;.......16101cE441701111er1cp0..341 T '',l9 , Fl2l!cw b..8r0 +lO6 .Taal\•ftkfne. • h_ fko ' lico Fidler .. . , . NEW YORK IP . ETROLEUM MARKET. SPeclaf Dispa't elite ltninttaluogh Gazette. NEw 'your, Nor. 23, 1564. rho. nark(t for CrUde nontiques dull and "in• acme, - but prices" err - Unihanged; notu 9uotattons . on Ae spot 47.. :For Reikled in lamdthereks hilt a Itiated demand, and the Market Isdull and languldorhlle prices are Uachanvd; snlri at 61, d'n the. spot,. and 43 for December de nt-cry. Free 'Oll, also, is- dull and neglected, but tl . nulistigad; pies at 47, on spot ., - No nem tea• tut° to note in segnrd tollSraptha. - • • . • • • ' 'NEW TOW. STOCK AND .3110,NET' 'special Dispatch tolpe IFolltsburghGazeite. , ; Wale 17911..; tag, ntiaa'Aligtlor llaUroml • Wala idea' ,day, add iiricek 111144 deelied - ; pitiiburgh lc port . Wayne, 10:0,104!%i ille'rigind k Pittabiugh,lo% ,Uold aft ernboti ; .416teiciuneipill7CaFf, 8 Iddhcidrdls',!llglier; sisalpnri, inx; one'renebeetineatea, se, - seven Thirtic 118144.1•11 - e Twenties;lask. - •I • EAHT LIBERTY HOG HAMLET. i Vet otted"s•2 Che ' Vitlsburgh U - a2ette. ' •-, The reec.ipts - HOO•Voitiiti r e, hut, O• 1111 falr deruard for Mal trient,thit Market - rules steady' mod vices "re 11•1113 - sustained. The tollozin I•2let 'ritiefftried diming Fri Any and §ltttr4.4 • No Ate Price: rߢjent - , 143 250 11 80 bi-Vo '.walker • 57 210 11713# - kick, • ' •Hotmes it Co 211 57'11 00 .• rk..4.10 'hingler &Oo 117, 51 11. 152 1' -Singer& Co ` coole .511 71'05 Gilchrist &Co Holmes ( 1. 0 46 .215 11 tlo 5 220 11 75Oilehrint sc Co Holum &Co • eiclie,46o Dispittch theritiodirkh.earette.lY'l • lUnicavo, Nor. 2S, - • .fsrlour rtreived,,,„ fend - sieilenied- Sweet white winter-extra at 4104.1.: *heat mere .deitte iiiPllettprihrtss.yesterdayy sales red ss : htder, reierted.nt-I,6s:eprinat 'wheat In stirie No 1 at No 2 I,6at:;aho6tlyLi' with.allecllne of. Sale; sales - No lt et 1 ,/eat. l7 _Barley ipsieland - ywh01u0t01zi4ai3,42.4,44. (3.pi . .3141, itaral steady - I f white i•th'alEiltit'yellow - , 1415%; brown (Lim . , High shines.,4ll but titokyV.,7l,,,,Provision market dull 'rad diflressed, slitiketkiioiiiisatinquiry; mess pork quoted at 35,50; prEnsghtads 1,4 d braldatioilered at., ,ILl,3y.atith oirbuziers• strefd • pkkleil Lams is; small ttruiand i - .littelint swent•ydoklyd shoulders. • att,ie; green snit , slis.*ir &viand; init Om s hams' / from block, 1P N4lliess . bgef.oorninalet 1,75, sod,, ,eatra mess at 2; ;hams, dui! duli• atelsilM. for glaze-and tulitielerttlitclressed hogs: jerilied,..illiff.atarket dull and 40a.Ine lower; sales Piot% 1A404 PO' lilt P91, 1 44-41siaepl ,01l Arm nnti lquiet:at c40a1.45: riid oil - fil - goeid demand at - I,lNai,Ntintirboo bil.fcry firm and to light supply nt htkooc. cofrie eetlre .and firm at Stale°. tiukars •,sigie• - „,iret(itsinik ha light etip ‘ plyl heti, :TA uolg; : XAve !gra recelveil - today,. li,stfi hesrlpsales 10,751 head • ict 9a661110 lief PO' $l..- The. neinelk:7n which.: . Ebaraeterlied tbd minket yesterday, to‘4l.,eez. more • aidiait'af to-day prices have Pante, declined LL"' on 'f•ktio offir, and SS ad light togs- Pnat-' ers'avellly ISt/ ‘ - 4,7lspariOilY,pristly, bUirg to the :.ailtrio • a tid "odini - orahle weather, sad alsu to. jig/that' is 'jet 'tin?. Money • EaStivihii*iii •nredolarlittle.'nwing, to the unfavorable advietti frier the East There iniAciitt,*(ii fiobi tuA r t:e ,yonlathiA evenlog:onsold. Total receipts for-the 011,44.5 cattle saute ctilet; ie,eidjifiallsditr,.t,lllte, head; sales 1,673 head at 3(43.1 (1,:.1 . 1. Poor *Mt4O tvith gets buyer, inOtne" tirounitl yards': Gond cattle ssarce and in drain ailist;fittrinicea. - Od priyes have fort/lien declined Idatioper. Ali; bet , ter grades llactkopmt Beef and Pikk Paeltlnig at Cleveland. Arson! the Cleveland Herald) ' . _ ;dor Rachel:tete now. 4 rery. buy cntting beet, and have comminied oil hope, but have cot yet Wyly sot into theorprii. There ate four pachlr4 'eitab llshinenta, otto lesi than last. year rand tip-lo the loth hut hare picked in the 'aggregate 'Mitt head ogreattle,agehistr, o 64 head tip to the sar.le date last fear." Thelthavie r 6,,„r2 yoga peeked thus ter .thin season.. Only three eatildlahinents have yet enginged Yu park pa_ amount of_beef and. ritti ntckedby onto? ,w/il aeon Witte following' Cattle. . Hogs. W H Shell ' .6,533 2,718 - ltobliwon h Oviat II PI Chapin&. • 3 313 C J Comatock 8 - 13 , 3.50 TotaL i • • :Arra ' ' 6 , 91) IMPORTS BY.-MAOLItOAII, ..__ Pll - 711111 - Aok 170 WATICE FL CISECid.CIG #214 , 1'07 '261011,[13 WOOl, MI lialtknk k co; tto Inv bate, Culp & Shepard ; 9 libbeclar;PM IS Alt; I Mate rags,-Ho.= Oullough, Snilll(9. co; 100 bids door, Shomsker •Lang; 1 esr lumber, li Langhanif 4. care bee • /Model; I bbl' eggs, 6 bales, togs, A. Lippert., 33 • s elder 7.241eh15. coil63bgs oats, Ren A. hell; • . MAI flour:Seen:am be Voskamiso tel bacon shoulders, Enos tr. Parkern car oa Lt Col Cr ,_oss- 37 boo soap, J Painter; 20 do do, rdivnbee - &llH.liny; VS do do „W hinekeown; Po doe brooms, E If. Meyers b. - eco 0 bbla:_potatoeL X Seibert; 18 bits pape7,iv S. Etimem ankles, 13133a15t00; tsdor pa. , - KN.._ maker le Law; 49 do do, Wli 13111cpatiiik &GO; 6.-• do dd, E HeszletOn. . ___ . .. ' * CLECZLAND fr.,.l'llitilltlitoll ilLitn),;.'o, #oi 13 —ao 1s cheese, B Hazel& 32 do' do,E Heszletoill 165 sks oats, Culp& Shgpard; 217 dol3 13 Floyd es , co; 90 bbl wheat,W Onakell; WO bbls do ur,l3horia. her & Lang; 90 Ups phr iron, Nimlck er. co;leirsks oats, Herron &op; 410 bp barley, Spencer &Idc., Ks y; ISO i gs wholt, Simpson & K 0014140 almFoate, - T CsJenktrun green bidets, PO do, Delabge to • Cheittadi 2 cars me, I) 11 ()anemone: bills chairs I - Hammer k Dial ili do A. Milliken; 169. ski corn, D I/Wallace; MI ash do , I) NV Clourtnerillel bags wheat, Slanoson li:smolt loo bbl dour, birahnre A. Thomas; 401 dis Asper, Singer!) , lc Myers... , ;• ~ ,• ,i I - --laitelrillT.l3lA2ld2r, NOV. V 3-2 bX to bacco 0 Parr: 1 ski Lax, A Et Childs L'Oo; TSllMS 3 9stith; W W Anderitem; tu ski flamed, EtiebluKatuiltort; 2MS wheat, Kennelly &Dm; 10 Alts rivets, ..W .P Townsend; 14 hides, John Weddle; I bid butter, I do Oturitera - A . . 0 alatakitad - KI Pa'slV Graham ar ' Thomas; I ear said, Limincott atOolititios brooms, A. Kirk at Opt Ade do, John Scott; 79 ski - baler, do aliedc.T.thiaettldaz bwOmaaiakblitkiabart: to by &din How* It401 1 ,? 130 : 1 1. 97 M 1 . 1 piper, Per- . Perisimmt ° tl O. ~;,~ 40Lulaw PA-1•10 ton sot 4 4. 7,2l4Wad—Oitaibsitett, • u 3., 9E,lkook, • •-; • - , 4 , lf i 4, e . ~t4Jw " IMPORTS MSc Loots riMoOloze—l3 Was cfst, Thoznit Ctemno.o Op zoo, Caldwell &"Uc;'34 - bhle, clay, I.UCCollink; 41 sk. Delangcbs tiheotamt;66 bides. (ieveszingiir & Son 3 561mlen -hemp; It bples tow, U Ocrwigh a 0 .14 bblircli) . , 100. blis tour. Paterson " Athmod ;SW bbLe, Tai W kir.; tit do in, worlog 'Kinn 24 . Fern' th & Tiro; la tone meth, AdaMk — 'Mee k. no; obas eauff; Cla:11 to. WWCYLING r4it Illnicura-440' Ulla paper God fivy la Clark; l 14.11 Wat Darken: Obi cider, llarzont; 14 ; Lies WM:o%7dt; 41:10 aka oat*, 14 T bal s-,3 ta Y 44441.161 bbla ad4plea, 3 Re :beck; e.;;vnt:4l:oz. itlezzoaalc Tim; l'obbls ;whisky, R Me am 12 is ck; . - .raps, J Wirodwell;lS pkga Oh goods 3 - Spl4kirs: pkg . ; mllmtrle & co; pzza groterie...l4rdc llollialer .4.440; 6 pkg. 6, 1 7 0 ‘11,,,,,6 Feint S. At ta.troag. torii.VlLLf rt. t/xu, cto-20) pkv oil meal, 500 1.1.11 limit. 71 111:114 tottnveo• to do irathrr, Cinrk co:6 Ithdi tobar,o; Wept.. 6. son; 2 to in , D rilottot mot lot roll boat Ilxtutca. tiro Jonas; 6 blaistobtirro. W 6. I) Ilinelutrt; bble flour, S Llntliay Jr ai:ro; 22 oil bbis HutchinsonBco; lot toot:air*. Lor;r•vat.K . rer. Tors; Tir.ort-10 bbls 011, 5) flour, Bigot; Orli Bro; 531 bbls flour .3 us 6rCully is co; 9D roll's !ember, .T Calloy; 41 lihne tobacco, Blurb is co ; 5 borA T Brost ; 468 aka wheat, J S 'Llesett tr. co; I tru books, Mehl, Clock Is co; 67 alc bbls Spencer tc 51*Kay; quote, (leo B Totten.; 'k9l=n BY TELEGBAPIL New Turk Market. NEW 'l" , mlx. Ney.j¢..—Cotton .dull.and lower; 41...Vit0r lour-. State and Western 54310 e. better and mote Molive • 9,90 Extra State, Sti,togli,2s for atra 7 F. IF. M., end' mtmer. for Trade Brands, the ``t, tlereio • ltgt dew. -.lecioded fa Extra Mate. l ''rlarkl ^.ttO arid 1,6041,11 i do.. In stiare,nt Oto. Whiskl• exeited.end drableatlyldsteri 111,7641,13 t. for Western. , Irhent Ifigr better; Chicago SpringWiider lied Western r.r1,40. -- Amber Lye tnorecketlce and decidedly higher ; 't.stern r. 1,1.1 in store and $1,7.1 Vora Ici2o better and qtdet ; 5i,914 for Cogonott end Old 'I eitow. Aid 42,03 for White Southern. • ants arm With II good business in 'Western, at ogl.ol, and *l.,...nette. In store. _ Yerroleurude firm 4634.347 c, Relined in Bouddull atlkot.far. Pork /am end decidedly lower- 83.54337,25,far. Mem, egiAftrli for New do., cash and regular ;ray, -closing nt•the Inside c h ile i 8 and 6:7,50 for Prime Ness. - 50 'bbla - Prltne Bless, foeDecemlwr, sellers' option, at Irstp. . Lard quiet and rather henry, ni.llXiar'44, the loiter prlee for small lots. '_new York Stock and Money iiniket.. TCEn - Tong; Noe. %.—Jloney quiet end ear's' at 657 per cent, ..,Sterlin g quiet at 109!4. '(}old firmer. OVniug at 21931, declining to R381‘,; owl clomhul The t 01:11 et ceirttof Specie today wairkl.Mted: (lot erumedt Starcli, firmer, with!. good talnev3 doing. Buirsio 3farket. BI r n. Nov. %—rlotu. s,toolr to pander, Whesr slur; OhlaAgo Spring, rer stamPle,lll,9o; No2l Milwaukee Epteld; nod Amber Michigan, WhiteiAtichleou, t5t.4042,45. , Corn doll; New, M,10; Otd, $1,1r, 1 1,93, . (latedull it 7N. Whisky flltaer;,*AlrA lOabasta freights—no engngtnnnts. Lake Iraporta.--Ileur, A1,9:514,10• Wheat, 101,850 bush; Core ,' ,lOO do: Oat', 53 ell Jo; 133rier :,1l do. •a7anal Eaporle-;-Floitr, 20,bbls; Wheat, Mgr/ hush: Oat6,3l,taado.. • 4:Wrap) Market. • CM, NOV. %.—Flour • Wheat' votive; advanced 2!. , :t5, at 61G3nl,fu for &o. • =Com, 2O t000Lt; Oats llemer, at 611...,Cdc. Whisky lihn, at $1:15. • • ' Pt°, igloos dulL. . • • lieeelpt.,—Plour, 2,303 .61Mu. wheat, :0,000 bush; Corre, - lb,ooo dot: Os la, 3!..t,pt0 do. shipment bble ; 'Wheat, pone; Corp, 73,T1 butih; Qato,' 91,0 m do. , . ItiVF.R IIiNTELLIGENCE. . M 1 nn DEPAItTrRE.. inerva. Wheeling. , - (Cid; Cincinnati. . Golden Era. Portsmouth Julia, Zanesville. Roanoke. St Louie. Len& Leutl, Loniimille. r' • . •The ricer ariuiiiipparentiy, about at a atandiaat evening with scant - seven reet and a-hall In the channel by the pier =pries. The weather continues eeudy, add !mkt:wattled, alit every appearanco of inure rata - • Sitelects`li‘s quite active nettle landing on Sat. urdwiytniing everything into consideration, al• ti.oUgh theio Is Mill room for Improvement. There vas a decided improvement lathe receipts, and the trerings of freight were more liberal. The Lent Lion got in from Loulsrple on Friday thr - Noanoke from St Lout; stetted on Sat. May; the lillatrraa - from Wheeling, on Sa 'oral night, and the [}olden Era trim Portsmouth, arriv ed on-Sunday. - The - Emma Graham from. Zane*. rtilestai due last night. and will doubtless be found in port this morning. The Golden Era hsd among other ileum of freight two hundred =I twenty tom of metal. - The Glilde ChielMiati 'and th . e Sults for Painesville cleared On tiattuday:cceidng with mod . crate reaielpts. , , Ttic Nevada came up from the: Arable Beltway Saturdaymitere :die ban been undergoing repairs. t 'atErans informs us that he intends loading for Nhe nftWnarre di llna tame ' pier Meanie's. Golden Era, Vogt WU Kerr, la now running as a - regular . g.ket between Mb, city amull'oitantouth.:&he will X 100 2; and heropiter every Sat. alphas at , the same time : thaw., Brran, :gentleman agell-linawn to the par:lrons of this trade D the clerk. • : • . • - . The commodious - and:popular Anna, Capt J H. .31.anlittazeiu - litke to by eard L ia announced to leave for Cincinnati and Louisville to-number era ning and paaseeigera and skippers ahould bear this I fact n mind. • • -; •• - 1 • • - SM4XIIO.II'B. UIB CLCCINNATI S,LOUIS TILLE.,-The flue steam e r ANN. A, 0114.-J. H. Mirattaoslll.7.eite for. ab ove al ,ruedinte 'poets "on•T'U I~D eth• Inst. • I . pintsagr i gix!api or to ' VOL, nos 1. • _ 3 .0 1 4 1 FJA .EM t . """ - • . COUGH -NO tax STRICILLAND'S NE=UOUS COUGH BALSAM .:SEEICJELIAND'S -MELLIFLVOES COUGH fALSA]i.b warranted -to cure - thstighs, c 01.16 Atihogn,. Whooping • Cough, Sorg , r o Throat, Cottatubptlod, and, all etreetlons of the That trot ...Ilse sale - by Drunists. General Depot,' 6 East Fourth street, Obscatt,' ' All the - Media.] men ,and the press recommend STRICKLAND'S st,NTI4I/10LF1[A.,ISIX TURK es the only ceetain retnedribr Dliarhcea and -Dysentery. It to a' combination of Astriturente, Absorbants, StimuLtnts and Carmlnattrea and ta warranted to.ellect a cure after all other mesas turreistied.• • - For -. le . by Druneata. General Depot, &East Foruthitret t .Clincidnall, 0. inlaxua.m PILEREMIDY. DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE DEMME has ured - thousands of the, musty/meant. Blind and Sketlh 3 6 P 116 44 at wives Immediate relief and et- Wit a peratsnerd cure. Trait It is war. tined to elite: t_ '• • • For alliDrustitist.s. Inners' Depot, 6 East Fourth' street. Cincbuisti, 0. • •• • Dyhpep4e t Nervmuiness, Debility TONIC. • We cm recommend these. sabring with loss of Appetite, Tedistatlon - Dyepepsia, Iferronaness • and Neraone Dddilty, to nselitrickland's Tonle. 1 , , le a vegetable preparation, free from alcohOlie liquors;_it strengthens the Whole •nerrout system; at creates.* good)ippetite_, and is warranted theme tivs r pepahrand Nervous Debility. • Druggists generally. Prepared by iiieA l" 'i 1511*.E.7..,,AND, 8 East Fourth street Dim Tor sue by GEO. R. 'KEYSER, corner if 'Wood street andyirgia alley, end B. &SELLERS ft CO., corner of, 'Wood and Second streets, Pitts. ,Jourghi„and by PARK.b..IIIIILL, N 0.77 Federal ...street, Allegheny. „ • : 98 , 4 7 5P1A”L . NCticE.TO sEESEES ON BUCHAN , "AN ZABBI, OIL' MEEK. • Pm - mar:non, Nov. 14th, ISO. At n meeting of the proprietors and leasell era& Buchanan Farm,lield on the 11th day of .Noyetri. bet; 186.1,11 was determined that all leases on said farm should become null and void, If the terms and conditions-of anid leaeee are not fully Complied 'with by the Mth dirt of NoVember, 1061. Therefore thisslottee, (which is not required by law; but Li .ffivels al a n of courtesy,) is given to all penions holding leases on said farm that unless the terms and conditions' of said Mum- are fully complied with, the same will bit 'forfeited and the premises will et once be repoasesded, the mime se if no:con -tract had been made. .0n the that day of Deeeniber, 1864' the proprietors of sold farm will be at the , a of Brown &Om, at Rousevlne, p .to make from forty to . any nen , ;eases on ss .1 arm. Pasties' wild:flag - to obtain leases will ,In the Meantime plot of the farm at N. It. tr. C ...a office, including t ile lota which will be to let. BUCHAN N FARM OIL 00.. OIL BASIN prruoixtor. CO. ' . .BI7OIIANAN ROYALTY OIL 010.- Novitthi 186 E - nolttd R . P. I.l2a,Lowras i Li.ownirr.L.l. Duos., WOOL; - WOOL, '- OS FEDrant MEET, .3 5 BROADWAY, Boston, Mils. i • Arouse it% 1861. ItEL WOOL CONSIGNED TO US IS CARE FULLY GRADED TO SUIT THE MARKET. .Our acquaintance with manufacturers is extensive, one of us having been In tho Wool trade for more than: ten ,t - ears. :We believe that, by conducting htudness In the two hugest nuakerstn the country, -weeder to cortilgnors surturual faelllties for'bring. - tag their Wool to the notice of the Imst_ . trade in the. . New England and iffiddleStates. OUf •COMOdusion for selling U ONE CENT Tat I , OIIVD, 4OCI (WE pen atm. o c oAf.toiov. Latest,. - - EironAns, andlnannartez, for TIMES XONTIO; solid this - time actual 'expense is charged in addl. . tion. .This includes a GUARANTEE .on all isles. ' Whether for eash dr On time, and we affi always to anticipate ; settlemeht of actounta,ren.' 'tiered, at current Wfer Monty: WO alre to* sail . lb er..llAl;toWMT. ' llosteati. .. EaLLow.pwitam Pretrrialg: jA mEli 'lL / 3 ' • ur n • ' 41*4211" proprietbOnlAgekin*lN aIatiIPEOV - ,~q2i• 11101111 (loons. , Hinaz LUGO, GOODS.; MERINO VESTS AND DRAWEE FOR NEN, mill AND CHILDREN. ALL WOOLEN VESTS AND DRAWERS, FOR GENTS. !MIME 01 IBIVELiNG N\TOOtEN HOSIERY: A LAME ArSSORTMENT OF ALL DESIRABLE STTII4, -• In Plain And rAnoy . '-- stinker, Knit and Merino SOrks. • BUCKSKIN ,CLOES 'AND 'GAUNLETS• P.IBBON - NECK TIES and SUETanERS. lONGSDALE GINGIIIN DIBREILAS. 'WOOLF-N litrEnnti YARNS, In all colon and outaltles. • BALAIORAL smnis. enprnnt In style 4 mot dursbillty to those Imported. 011ITAMINTS AND TRI.II,II.LNWi for 0/ordri Rich Sash and Bonnet Ribbons. SILK AND LEATIIFM. DELT LATEST STYLES; NEW STYLES SIDE AND BACK COMBS, IVORY BREAST PINS AND EAR DROPS, POORLY BOOKS AND TRAVELING BAGS, PHILADELPHIA MADE PEARL BUT. TONS, AMERICAN CORSETS, wurrE AND COLORED. , HAIR ROLLS AND CRENEILLE NETS, AMERICAN, ZEPHYR HAND MADE ROODS, TALMAS, SHAWLS, SACqUES,RON. TAGS and GAITY.X.S. The foregoing articles are oLAILERIOAN MAN. UFACTURE, and were purchased directly (corn the Makers or their Agents, and will compare la. Foreign y c r i orth isfi' in price , , Vo ' nl ift ea r tl a e nd lit4 e lDlV, BRAIDS, =N .' DINGS and nanny 'other SHALL WARES. Justreceived, quantity Of American and. White COT'MN HOSE. • Special Attention will hereafter be given to our nwortnteilt of ROME MADE ARTICLE'S. BAR9AI ; xs iGOODS BOLTGIIT. AT Present Panic Pricesl MGM & GUDE, No. 7$ MAREET STREET, Pittsburgh, Wholesale and netall Dealers to vommieutflexamtomaii..ll MECOE33;IIFL'IIr, C3-1.*Ci7i713/31 RIBBONS, RtrgeKES, Furnishing Goods and Notion, Balmoral and Hoop Skirts; Sardis's°, Bearer and Turban Rats; Blue Carey Kt tiling lam; Breakfast }Shawl.; Nutdas, Sontag., Waists, Sleeves, Sett., Collars, tluflls; Lamm and Embroidered liandkerettlefo; Bead-Brews, Nets,Steel and Jet Belt.lluckles; Drdsa Trimmings ad Drnaments, ()meets, bet., We. Oahe the above and many other articles In line, at very Moderate prices, and we Solicit • Wholesale' and Retail Pureltasers TO SA,IIIIIS - E OUR STOCK, Which bo found large and-attractive nob ANOTIIRR OPENING NEW GOODS! J. W. PARKER & CO.'S, AKirtireater bargains than ever. not I • Fon . COL •We ha a full Mock ot very ties ry • UND TS AND DRAWERS, As well as the finer awl lighter grades, including the realShakegFlanneVmade In the hest manner. For LADIES and cfIILDREN we hare just paled a full Rite of • 7gerinotDratvers and Vests, Of Ote hied quality, in every:size The anditinest stock wc liseepreelad,just IoW, prices. Alsn, Wool Stockines, Socks, Floods, Sontsgm, Shawls, NublasMasques, titans, Bahaoral Skirts, ts.c. . ..,• .- • "DOLLAR 13A.VINGS BANK, . NO. .54 Fornyn..Ortrici-r. • , • 1955, Open Milli from 9 to 7 o CHASTERED.IN'cIock, also oti-Wedner day and Saturday evening, from May Ist to Noe vember lot, from 7 to 9 o'clock, hind-froul November let to May let from 6 to 8 o'clock. Deposits received of all annes.of not lengthen One Dollar, and o dividend of the pronto declared twieer year, in Juno and. December Interest has been declared semi•dontilly. ARYL , and December, since the Dank !sots organized, et the rate of six per ecnt. a year. • Interest, if not drawn tut, /*plead to the credit of the depositor, as • principal, and bears the same interest from the firebdaya otJune and December, compounding twice a year without troubling the depositor to call, oreven to present his pass book. At this rote money will double in less than twelve Y Wyeks, containing . the Charter, 13yeLaurn, Rules neurßeguisticros, furnished. grotto, on application "arthe office. Pulawier--OEORGE ALIDIEE. Xrez rnarnararro. James bleAuley. Jame* B. D. bleeds, John B. Shoemblerger, Wm. Douglas, • 'Jiunes Ilerdman, Isaac M. Pennock, • . Peter A. Madeira, • . James Shldie, , William J. Anderson John B.llloPruideir, A. M. Pollock, M. .14 John O. Baekofen. lIICATEES• • ' Calvin Adam., foray J. Lynch, John-C. Binelley, • John Marshall, G u eo lu rge ßu ll npv isc i k n , ,, W 3o rs h i n ter orr n , M a rilinll, Alonzo A. Cartier, e Robert Robb, •ChorieslL Colton. Henry Ringwalt, John Evans, • Villilant E. Schmertz. • Deed. L. Fahnestock, Alexander Speer, • Jahn J. Gillespie, - Alexander 'Muffle, ,lUlani Hun ker en Willlam Vantirk,', •Peter H. Dan Whittler, Tilehard Rays, - Wen. P. Warman, • James D. Kelly . . „ Christian Yeager. Secretary andand Yrcaterer—ClMS. A. COLTON. rchtlaLtw. "RODE. REYNOLDS, General Agent. : • SEWIMG MOM, JPES.- Of the very :11*est style+, "azel choice ritteresi good quality. 4 . • . QANTOX FLANNEL MERINO, SHETLAND, WOOL AND SILK White Shirts, Trimmings, Hosiery, &C. AT RETRICED PILICESrAT IIOOKNEAD, DEN3ISON & CO'S, BRIDGEW i TER PAINT 071) COLOR WORKS, Indite x e et4iipia nee rants aad caiorf, Otli,erydeit,;tiption, dry awl ground In on. BRUMAMWiTER mpliAp-Taxm 111111:06EWATEU COLORS, Foe Villas, Cotkan, COFFINS 1 COFFINS 1 atauoantm •• • raAaoa•Awr e • • - - DIAII9GANY UNDERTAKING 1. UNDERTAKI U N ND G MTASINGI ROBOT WELLLS.Nk Undertaker. OtltoerNo: ISS FORME. fiTREET. • -UndMtaktreg tp all its branches. Dlsinterrlmr, laying out and birnlshing everything for the proper tnternient, promptly Attended to. A splendid Keane and Uarrlages always on band at ressonahle terms. jol.a /XS tritolJrCE aGEXTS. 0/11ETINER &IRAN, - Agent for_ the . • Franklin, Miiiiitelphia and Baltimore Theur once Compel. , Northeast ooreer- WOOD and IN:l=3 IOP* P. JONES,"Agent for North Amer-- IT • c a, Stoic of Pennsylvania, awl Hartford Re. surauco Companies, ffl WATER STREET. QADICIEL TtEA, Secretary Cithene 1,7 awe Oompany,cunier KLUX= and WATER , itnete. TOSEPIL :ADAMS,: Dontist, ' Vonnelly's anildlnVoomer of DLiIdOND end GUA.NT :stropta,Pituburgb. .Itideresda--Dr: A..IILPoI look, ,PrAldadlddt,Ttleodorektddos,sellErnat. ;BOUQUETS AND CUT FLOWZRS. scow UM: •'I ''n I; &dam, prom MUMS Green awl , / be sEN P t: 164V4 M787 24°J & tit it • woos kir or Valk% ' beft"P ` - and Dresses. EATON, ns.Aortzrat er. co., WEATIMIL PLOVES, AUSIP IBEFral JOSEPH' HORNS & CO., 77 AND 79 BIARILET ST UNDERGAR3IE.NTS ; 7l MAIDEN LA.N17.,-R.-Y. DIET2S,I4C lIIETALLIO DE.TTISTJaIr. PEIII•raTUIL, I CIT TITER is:29-. 1173.26111LLEC FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY PIIII.ADELPULA. &nets Oi Janniry I. t•SBI, *2. , 137. 4 419 93 Cipit 0 Accrued Fiend..., Iseested Premiem. Unsettled Claims... Incomefor 1601..... Losses Pnid .ink..• 5,(00,(a) Pewetual and Tenti.ornr3 P 0111,1,3 un iibern I te;ras Charles W. Banoker, /Tobias Wagner. Samuel titant, .bicob It. Smith George 011Att N I I ' ,.l . CarT . . Dila; r. GoCorp Falco, Alfre4ll o lller, FrAR. W. Louie, M. D BANl'KER,Preslilent. . . 1-.:11tV.A.111) C. 11,11. F., Vier , Preildent. IV. cA Se. , .ro. tem. .1. 11. COI p, FIN, Agent, corner, Wood. and Thiril.struete. INSURANCE IX FIRE AND LAND Insurance Go. of North America. PHILADELPHIA Hartford Fire Insurance Company. =EC aw ~IkirProlliablecumpe etlon coauled. a la. ae;ured the above named l re W. I'. JOISIL,, 'Daviely'a Buildino, 87. Wnter nt ESTERS INSIJRA.NCE COMPANY , Pirrsßuncin, R. 1‘, Jr., Piessidenl s P. M. GORDON, Stertlary. Moe, No. 9.! Winter nt WI ' , pang &.,t:O.'n Wart , houg,e -up otiiirg, Pittsburgh. Insure swains! all kinds of Fire and Marine Disks. A Maw Instilutinn mimetic,/ by Directors whit ATO. ;KU known in the coinneunify r and why are geter mined by prsinnylnesrantl fibsialify, to rnnintain the theraderschfeh they hare assinned, o ofiedny the toes: prdedion to Moe whh sirsirr fo Or los:trot. Andrew Antler, AlexAnder Speer, 1./nvhl N. Lou; , Benj. 113 John E. Jloiune. R. Miller, Sr.. Sameti McAuley, Nut.huMel linuues,. Mrs. himicki., George. DansiP, aitapliell H.Herron, O. W. Ricketson, M 530 F. M. GORR! IN. Necretary. PEOPLES' INSCHA.NcE coM Office, N. E. corner of Wood aid Flf.4f4tß DIRE AND MARINE rNsizatAxcE I=l Josses 1). Verne? Capt. J ulln L., Samuel I... Shrives, fleorge P. Jones, C. }Janson Lore !Mario; .I.rbuckl , Pr:tfdent. • WAVE, Eire President. " rreclary. jula:ly WA, Phi Jobn Watt - Wm. 11. Flays, John E. Parke. .Ctiarlea S. risaaell, W. Yarx Kirk, WM. • .1011 N witr...r. GARDNER, INSURANCE C3O 111 PAN Y V OF PITTSBTJAWIL—tiIitee, corner Market ar.d Water streets, second floor. WM. IJACIA.LEY,Prerirkat. , SAMUEL BEA, Seerrtary. 'lnsures Steamboats nndCargoes. Jrutures .niratost 'lists and damage In the naviga- OOn of the Southern and Western Rivers, Lakes andl3ayorm. and thomarigatbort of tho Seas.. /mares against loss and dams* hi Ore. - 'oitutrbonoi Wm, Bamtley, Jas: - Park, jr., S. EL Kier , John Still - don, Johnston, Janie, H. Cooper, B. F. Jones, S. Harbatrb, Reese Owens. J. Compbett, Hon. T. DI. Howe, John N. Dilworth, Bsrelsy Preston Wm. A.. Rodgers. • "GeOtle Bingham, dettklyd. A'ILEGII,ENY INSURANCE CQIIPA -4-k I ,, 'Y PITTSBURGH.--011lee,Wo. 37 Fifth street, Soak Block: - Insures- agatest all kinds of Fire 'and Xirine Risks. : • ISAAC JONES. PrrsidrN.' JOUN. EicePraident l a . K. BOOS, Secretary. Du:Et:Tons: go IC Jones. John D. - McCord, C. C. Mown Oapt.-.Adem Jneabs, Harvey Childs, 11. B. Starling, thipt. R.. C. Grey, • Copt. Wm. Deatt .. .Tan Irwin, Jr. IL 1.. McGrew ! , 11. L. Vahnesterek, Robert IL 'Davie. 84, H 3. TIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, No. HO SMITHFIELD STREET, (opposite the edstAira House:) Chartered hi the Legislature. OFFICERS. • • Prettdratt—GEO. R. TONES. • • vict rIIESIDEIfTd. .• \Vim. E. Smith; Joshua Rhodes, Taos. U. Mossier, .Alex. Bradley, Founts-Sellers; A. Reineasso, ;ohs F. Tenalogs, Joseph King. Thos. H. Hartman, lytary Lloyd, Eaton. lames Park, Jr., S. S. Fowler, D. 11L . J. U. Tiernan, Dr. Jas. Carothere, B. F. Jinni' A. S. Sell, C. R. WOW, Joe. Dilworth, R. D. Cochran, ,Wm.diredth, W. A. Reed, t .71 W. Viroodarell, , W. R.'Phelps, R. O. Schmertz, DrR. McKinley, J. ARD. Crotaintau, 0. 11-Paulson, U. M. Smyth, • Jacob Stuckrath, 'Cr. Tollenebee, • Alfred Slack, O. Zug, Secrrl at y end Brnntrer—D. E. MILTRLEY Open ;laity, from 9 a. nv toe m. 9lso, Satur , wards Dividends declared to Dec l' ember and June ol each year. Dividends elit:reit to remain ore placed to.the credit of the depositor as principal, and bear inter. est thus compolindidg it. ' Books containing plarter,lly-Lavri, &c., funalad• ed at the office. , . • ire Thle Institution offers, especially to 'those persons wbose earnings are mall, the opportunity to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved, a 'mem which will be a resource when. needed, -their M9Rey not only' being safe, but bearing interest, instead of remaining unproductive. , 5e20.9m.. ~II~~;:~ & WILSON'S lIEPROTED Family Sewing Machine Cheapest Machine in the World 13EcAVSE IT Is TIIII BEST. Over ISo,OOO of these Machines have been Bold Only CAW hsce becasuld isoPittstlurtvit and vicinity Their sales are Greater than all others Combined? St makes the " LOON STITCH," and col:Mimes only ono.halethe amount of thread. that It used by th e oItAIN - -,..TrrCii MACHINES. No one should buy* Setelon_Maehlne untilthey,luweox. tuninettllte WHEELER tr. WILSON. . They are Warranted for .Tttreo• ifearr. ixsizevcizo Fu}E Icro. In FIFTH MEET.- ' 1 • SUNNER ' ektO. Agents - 116THAMMVS fililLr.fliaNYlllifooialo whole. 21 . 034 ) 1414T1NG OFFIOR--L. inatiSet Ali:Co4 No. 71 Foam]. etreet• 7 4llllAilori . hart tot Inettraled thetrfaellittee for. JOB Puirtwath, . are, th erefore, Prepared to do alllrork Nitro' to, thet4 . lll I superior =ruler; short aoUoeau r it i r tm l st. ' • • tempi olya Ittpg,.4 OAit. ano,s, OILS, Qt. VON DEL) NV A REHOUSE OF fkeuit Warthowing 4111pagri Foot & TEA r.nisoN Bz.K‘kiin QTOT,A , IM 071 REFINE DPETB.OLEITII. • in TALI:3 andllttrel, h - o. 94 . BE tVER STREET, New York.. 0C.14y Join( K. ICALL.II•C. ........ WILLI.II{ C .'rr. WALL C'E & CURTISS, rommrssrus mr.R CETI YT,;, ANT? 11 , 11.t1 : 1,1t , CRUDE REFINED . PETROLEUM, BENZINE AxD 1.1•ERIIIITING- OILS. So. ass coUT/1 Iri/Aiirr.s, TITILApELPIILI, PA 41% - litornge enpacily (miter covet,) for 15,(40- harrela. Airo excellent facilities for ship Ana to Ames-le:in nail .Forelyth port at our wharf on the Schuylkill Infer, near the platform of the P.ll. N. ao'Sl-Iy jAJIKS WILKINS, 'mom AND DEALER IS CRUDE AND ..REFINED OILS ! Perri I:lkick, Driiinesne PlttyL'RW RI 300.000 Spite's, attention given to the SAE AND fiIIIPMENT OF PETRiiLEV3I and Its products. Consignments rvipeet fully solicited. Pittdotrnh Agency for VENANCIO tnt. AND T itN sriutT A II( JN rOMPANT . 41 - PO %'r OFF/CE BOX 111 IIICIIARDSON, HARLEY 4: CO., Al N 1,294.000 Commhdon and Forw.rdiug M. rohaula lA. CRITDE AND REPLIED PETROLEUM, TO. ID IRWIN MTAEET, n.I s'n net.. on coo igotnentx for Plt 'burgh - or Eastern Market, pirrsaciton Irgirturxces. nlehsrs..T. S. Dilworth &Co., :•jainger Ilwrloinih. Eng., Thompßon Hell, Log . Prest. (.3onitnereisl Bank. luttit3-um • WM. W. 11:ERHON G oMte, 267 PENN sTnEtr, Vint dooi - klow Tland) CQmthission And dealer+lu Pdtanurgh 31.a . tuutatal tart, and CRUDE AND RtkinED OILS, ANT Liberal advanoel nmle on vLotra. ATIsl. nod (31IEEN 1ND•Dll11:1/ no3-3m • • IRON CITY OIL NVOliKtr. LYDAY . ik CHORPENNING, • Itlanufficturcr7 rind Refiner. of Carbon Oil, Benzine and Lubricating Oils, " Claude Petro-Mt/Ur As World OPPOSITE SHAEPSTIPTZG. Office No. 5I HAN 13 . STI(EI. - T, Pit tgtoitrel, Pa. apt I-6M • BREW E1t,..8 I.; E CO.,' COI3LISION MERCHANT:4, (11 - cd4, l . Pacific and Liberty Oil Works Morn' cash advance, 'tninic 'on nirasigninenfi of Refilled or Crude Petroleum. DUQ UESNE, WAY and lIANCOCK IFOTSTi ' ~OBEItT A SI[WORTIII 1 o:1 S 4. CI,AIR KT.. Pit talonrgb, r6R.W.411D1N9 en.v.vissios mEnc/rA.Nt, AND DIALF2. IN OILS n.a.muNATlva - f, Lycitioxrrso,. CRUDE i'LTROLEIMI OiLSace.. I! o ast tly on hand and _ . for sale at the lowest market prices. Consign ments:and onlaro poltelled. • ap7-601 11. O. ir.miarn . • IVARING KING, CO3OIISSION .1:•175 nnolois PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS; Asti{ dealers in Ilefinina oel'ls No. 33 NI IMET ST.. Pittsburgh JAMES IRWIN, Oil of Vitriol•and Aqua Ammonia. enair ()nie DlA rs left at Jo am h ) n Xl' Porterfield lg. CO.'S office, rner of RKET ,ignirSTS;wilfrmairgt prompt attenttnn. " , nMt lICEIST OIL WORKS. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO.. tare White Relineil Carbon Oils. • No. pl LIBERTY STREET no) .WIERCIMArT T✓IILORS. FASIIIONAT{LE DESIR Aimp GOODS, 7or Gent's 4 FbnWs Clothing, NNI THE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. FEDERAL Eq., Alle g heny, 11}1.15111 - HALES; Merchant Tailors, N. W. corner Pmts-& Streetk Aie now reielvtog their scomd antra or Fall and 'Winter Goods, Which, In choice of selection and but or quallty; together with fan prima, being boUght Whim gold mss at Ita Lowest Itgure, tlmy are now prepacel to make up anything in their 1100 on short notice and In-.tint niau style,. Returning thanks to their friend& and the petal° Tor post favors, and hoping by close attention to buelnese to share a liberal pa. -trottego in the future. not BISSELL'S BLOCK 10 ST. CLAIR STREET. , Woal call the attention of buyers to fife stock of goods. It has-been selected with great care, and contains all the NEWEST STYLE; OF GOODS to be:found in first claim housek. , .ocnts wishing a' Salt of clothes made to order, will please call and examine* our goals and prices. Also, is full and complete stook of BILeGEt. hlsncffearTdli.O t, WINTER4OODS No lame now In store n Inge Assortment of Ekultem mama. 0-47:erociert01 you uorfi °gamma. OF THE LATEST. EASTERN STYLE. ytRITIA2I,BLINDS. . kaabint, iriainfrouver 4 iiiume:vipeusti . minas. •ha w. S srln t ir* D sTzwin Bee anima saela ssortnioni - nt-Wirriktr - EL et the West Tanarand auk Gs, StraW,kti4 , obrankir tacrno4kke,liztenkt,styrav okt Ittiodo repair s od.twunwa andtrharnetwilisih_ _Winder/Mu:red or different itylosoindqattaiii aye .100411/tra 4 YITT~BLBfi 1[ ==! MADE TO ORDti:, NOBBEi MERCHANT -Tarr-ou, W. H. NeGEE, Gtooclo. No.lo ST. mate antra. GRAY,& Lows, N.. ST. pr.Aur. sastrr. JfiIEDIGAL: DR. W. IL 151%1:WIN - dr , C0.."3 toLITYx FOR TIM CHEROKEE MEDICINES. C1)31 OUN-I+E-P-XE,;1.21. Art', BARKS AND LEAVES , moo it sf 1: D , 113131 111111 the pent lotion Num: :1! f .-11.110 T. 313111 011., nll of the 1111 DI ... 11.1 31.31 ovine!) or.ons.much as im MM 11 .11 MM t.ontinence of the Urine. ImM M M DIX Inflammation of the 131.1- 3111 111 M DIM tier ifirmainmll nof I , le 1151 313. t KitineyS Stone in the 11 1111 1131 illedelS•rieturc. iron II 31 3151 el, Glee . Goma - 11nm, Mil 1131 31.0 in coped ,Ily recommend -hit In (hime cases of Flttlit Album, (or Whites in Pc maleximhere all the r,ht . nnuseotts medicines hove foiled.. it i. preparial inn high -15 concentrated form, the (11 - ief!O dose only being from ono CCU 11•11 tobrotenspoonfuls three (il • Cl' times per day. • VI • CV lilt diuretic andniters- CU live hilts action: purify (l • 1.., and cleansing the Moral. causing it to floor I'l , lu all of ItEroriginal purity ' ra • Cl! and vigor; thus removing from the system all perni. CMG clone 'noses which hove Induced disease. Cur.nonve Isces - rtor: . is intended no an ally or assistant to the Ustetto.. KEN 11ENIKI , T. and should EEEEEEEEEE be usedin eonjuction with EEEEEEEEEE that medicine in all cases HE of Gunorrhiea, Glee t, EE Fluor Albus, or Whites. , . . Its effects ore healing, EEEEE soothing, and demuldeint;l • . rem or tag all scalding EE. •heat, chordee, and pain, EEEEEEEEEE instead of the burnt ng and EEEEEEEEEE almost unendurable pain ; that ti experienced with • neartyatl teehcap quack Fie . the nse of the Cher injettion,. - okee Remedy and Cher°. • bee Injection - --the tiro. • 1111 1111 medicines at the same. lilt • 11H time ••• all improper dirt.' HIE pill charges are removed, aptl HH 1111 the weaken:al-organs 'are 11111111.0111111 H restored to full vigor and 1111111184111.1111. strength. HU tilt„ , For full particulars get Hit itti our pamphlet: from any 111' 14H drug store in the country, lilt LIU mallite us, asuf"Tre will . free to Si: addreer a Llil treatise,- CirrizUE f.' cnr.—A4 unfullinG cure fur Sperm- Aturrlat... Serninni Weuk- fir`es. Nosturnal Mons, and till ltiNer.. xunrd b y ~t.;hp. .o llittioni lllMDlJlipitte emd, Lo. eleinory, Universal I.t a it ud e, PD DU Pabis in the Bark. Dim- DD DU DC?), Or Prerila turn DTI ' n) ov Age, Weak Nerves. OD i l li Difficulty of 13reathing. "DD LD Trembling, Wakefulness, 'PI)DEIDIVDDIe Eruptions on the FAN., DDT/DI/MTh • " ' Palo Coidenanee,lnesn ity. Consiunpt ion, end all the direful comptsints caused by departing from . • the indh of hat tire. This medicine is a simple vegetable estract, and oar• on which oilcan rely, nu it toisbeen until in our pros tire for many yenre, and • . with thousands treated, it Er.EEEEE EP; F !me not•failed inn single EEEFIEEEE instance. Its cur alive power have been null. cleat tti gain victory over the most stubborn cise, , To those who have trifled with their conitltntirm EE until they think' them -11:EEEEEEE E selves beyond the-rebel, of EEEEEEEEEE medical aid we would Mr !despair not! thnObeicilies Cure will restore you to health and vigor; And-af ter all qeackdootors6are , , ••• • - W esoufa Rut , • • I - EN:err:6n ELI :fuser • • or LITE! Pjespaied ' ' lilt. Tani m Pure T' table -• ' 1111 '• ", tracts containing nothing ' injurious to the most'deb nate. The Rejuvenating 1111' Ellxirls the result ormod. ern discos erns in the yi.s- 1111 entitle kingdoms being an TIC entirely new and abstract • method of cure, trrespee- Ore. of All the „td and. worn out Itystems. This medicine hasjseen - tested molt emt. neat medical men' of the . islay,sindhythokaPrOpfsiths; ' ced to'be mirof the great.' 'BRUM:RIM est medical dlsceveriee of . the age.' One battle" Rllli REM cure eenetal debility.' 'A' On& rt R R feW dOses Mirettlysterieg ERE ; TIRE ' female. 'One- bottle ERRIIRIIIIII . • • cults , Palpltatlort of' the.' 111111 'ERR , .Heart. - A few doeen'iee:: 111111 - ERE'. -"torte-the organs of teller-. LIRE ' 1111 Ii Otto!. Fromoneto three', bottler - test-breathe. end - '"Bosses-add -folk,r4Pr ; d1 A few doses restores the appetite, Three bottles OCCOCO cures •the wont case of . 0000000 InspOtency. A Yen" doses • 00 • ' CO' • glues the low spirited. CU CO I Inc bottle restores tens 00 ' ".• Cal poNrer. A. few dews CO brings backtherosetothe CO • cheek. This medletnete - CO totes to manly vigiciand— - - robust health , the poet , de- CCCCOO.O bilitated, despairing derides of nen- , anal pleasure. s The Ettak ettka flys. terls, 0-enentl' Debility," . Palpltatlon'of the Heart, Impotency:. It:. lee.t - torts mental. power. and , 0000_ • .the rtlte l . and camel tnjootio the rose to mount to the 00 - 'cheek of paint, , andAtto.: 00 s' 00 . debaltatedmiusor woman: 00 00 to feel'', g 0 us.'and 00'00 . stnmg, the yOungandam , 00 Of/ . bitten& .thro at. -- blast , to tourer 00 00 • throUgh' elary rein' the 00 00 : become.ationg, , .000000 and the ilrus neW life 0000 . -end ylgor.-to reanimate the entire: body, bonding' up the constitutloss,reas. ; . • • toringjoyandllfetomarty end n4d.d..1yke.1201 dirt ' Eggnog= PILL.' Sr. - Rack:Avoiantrze;n, If Enti• if ' • inllt •Pil l'i Oars. For the removal • Iffil of Obstructions; . and the „ ITU insurance-of Regulmity . -: MT In the Recurrence of the . III! Monthly Period. - They MI- , cure or obvintei those nu- , ! DIY .. , meson. dLs eas es that i INT ::+.- spring froth irregularity, _, - , -., 1 4. 1 1 „.... r,- .by removing the irregu- Laity itself. , They Cure Sappreased, f .• •-Exeteanive, and Painful' • Menstruation.- They core; , Green. Skinless . (Ohloro en.) They cure NervOrui ' Inc ' ' KFZ and. Spinal affections, KK. ~ Elf.palms In• the back and KK ,' EN lower parts of the body, , KN. ' 'KR • HeaTindlij 'Fatigue : on" KKKK . alight' exertion, Palpate: KS. Klt Om Of • the-Heart, Low: KK KK_ nee, of Spirits, Ilynteria, RIK ;KK. • ' Sick: Headache, Giddl- KK , KR: noes, Am., Zr.C..111 a word, EN , ILK ' 'Tyr removing the' Irregit , -• 'tufty, 'they • remove - the . -'. enure and with lt nil the ' ,--- -Ar- --nefesetrithatspringflemlLF Composed of simple veg- .. „.„ , ..,, , , ... 'etabiaextzacts,,they con- • , -•-• - ' • •• •--- -- • 1. 'fain notidig:deleterious , to nay constitution; bow -: • • , , . •-. .. 'ever delicate, their few- , :MINN • ' N'f,'„: - - Son being to subltituto . - NNININ-_,... . NN - ...- •strength , for weakness... NN, NN. , NN . • ultle , When properly , NW NN., .NN .4 . used, they neverfailtodo.„ ',- NN • if N: -NIN": , They may be safely used NN., -NN„ NM, ,- : nt any age, and at amyl m` . NN .NN NN.: riod, EXCEXTIIC, Delltife • [, NN ' NN NE.. thernurninrimoNnis. .PM ' NENN„ -: , during which the_ unfelt- NN -NKr( :: . ing nature of their action . Mould infalliblyr . -': _,,,. naM7. x. pregnancy. - , ,r, rasa oil.= UMW>. • ' . Manicnvan.--Chera. ' EEEEEEEEEE . ' -. l ovs IlemedS-4 2 a bottle' Eli " Ert•wwV,EE ' ,Orabottles.for O. Otter-, EE :• ' ~ okte In*ticm-4111 a bat. EE ' . . '; tie, or throe bottles for a& EEEEE . • . Cherokee Oure-4la bet, Lbr.e.r.. • ' , --.. lle,orthreebottleafor A& EE . ' Dr. Wright's Ellairt-k1 a EE ' ". -Mittle,or threebottles for , _,SEKEEKEEEK ~05. Cherokee- Nils,- for ErErvvvvEy. females-la -IX/X e VI six In the :Cherokee edi eines the unfort M anate will, ~ „ - , ~- , . . • find a day of deliverance . . „. _ from sufferkg .tu4 pain.. - . . A day splendid anditiori. , - . :. - , „ .• , ~. ,ous, when they a h _ no F --.-. ~- , „ ...- i mcir7z . 4:rrix, - , Itabata - ',' through - . mercenary EE quacks or the inefficiency . EE':. of nauseous preparation]. . EIa•IET. The Cherokee Medicines _ ' EELTX • • . - 1 accomplish their ransomED - 1 -thets tti emancipation.-An ; EE e m anc aon no . great so NEREEEEEEE admire le, and so prolific vtrEFZEKEEEE •of universal good: These -- medicines. will prove. in - ' t any and, faith- ~ . ' fulandneverfailing, _ • • • : friends in Smear nerd. WfVmed all the Ohara , . kett Medicines by express - 1 " , . , (tT ii rt i c i ;ptt 1 t these-aree 0 ..ho s r e g t k. , e by e i ' - . . . . . • - : ..- mall, free r e tizostnge) on ErvEzzenEr -, reoeipt of ' e' to any - EEEEEEEEEE parte-She salient world I EE 1 ' securely packed,litsurh a • EE -_-• ' ; , ma nn e r that no one k.,Er.t.E ' I • throughwhosehfinds they EFYYT, '. may pass would know - the contents. -: - .„' - , -.. EN ".: , .i_ i The Cherokee Medicines }..e.t..r.a.F.Ehr.r. . are sold by iallalerP L Y".."-FTIFIrI P, ' ' &eaglets in the - eiv= - • - world, Some unwind. '-,'•• Pled deelers.however , try , ~ . - , to ma wo Hale s's cow. i N undsio Mace Of thele-' thcn4eirlileh they can lea SsS‘ . . Aga cheap price andmake -...,-. -SSSS9 . • :,'",. more money tby Selling , - ',SS. . ,133.. , , • thantheyeanontheCher.' SS. ' sa. _ _okealliedielnes. -. As you: , , 55„..,„. 5 - ......134 value your health; ay, Sus ...,, ;. c - S S . ' :be:Athol yord'offirpring•-• ''. . ~ , SS:" -'. "'-..;.• , do not bedertelted by anon" 'P S " . 'NT' .. unprincipteddrAgglit 11...•,,; . ;.,AS:::::i .... ,Es.- . ," , ..; ' Ask teethes" ffie - ''''„iliffili .", 4e , Z 11 5" SS: artdt4o/Ktilhelas'l. _ - ' ''' I,s,ffil'. ' t '-'! -- .----I, _,,,—..._ 1 . --., ' - I P l ' -5;17',/IPErWrit&ffiff.--.;.' i „ gri site PittlibuOg .% IRR,NN* 40 i_...f 0 T h e tt /MUMMA ICll6ffitltriffitit ' ', lihßlS,lliffilklerlqWB • ' • • 114pLIttlapAr. •-• UNNYRATi E. it. - ARRArierromcc;,:c . Or and alter ILO 1/.9.1',94t0her 3.131,,1861. taiga— kill Lease the Depot as fotomrs._ " }AST HAIL, daily es:rept tieutdar, at u.ta at . stOppleg only at principal afiitions, and t ;rtat rrdie,t ions at for "Now York,. Italtirnore and. Washington. - and . at Philadelphia or Now Vorli.. Boston and intOMICodIAtepOUICIL ,• At.100.711`101ATIO:`.. daily 7 &p? Sunday, fit n.i.d a. n: - .: stopping aL ail atatlons I•etwel, rittabuqh, 3.4 li,rrigiburs, azo ••• nuking CIO.' conneetion will, trains on Indiana'. irransh, West Parma) lvarda R. A. tareusnurn , and (reason B. R. tlll.l liollidaystuirg Brasich.l • • g - ti: tr., Jail) or•:" Sept Sunday. at 12.30 p. tn.. - stopping •at aeartr , iti the stations hetwhen Pittsburgh , and making connection Ivith trains - on the Enens.i burg and Cresson It. It.. ilinildayaborg it 'lvrone and Clearfield and Bald Branches. . SOll NSTOWN ACC o.iiill - 0,14T10N, . . .101INST7'WIV Aceo.3t3tltuAl'lort cept Sunday. at 3.00 p. at, stopping at r4ttlar stn., dons between Pittsburgh and Tohnatotrn, and Me: necting at Blairsville 'lntersection. with tralneon , the Indians Branch and West Pennsylvania R. u. : • PHILADELPLIA • RX.PEFSS, daily, at .4.20 - p., m. stopping at Latrobe Conemaugh,-Oelliteen,." Altoona. Huntingdon,' Latrobe, Mifflin; Rey,- .• port . 9laryatille,lbitriabarg,L.reaster,andDOwn...„:„ ingtown. 'At Iterriabing direct cow:motions nevi made for Baltimore.•Washington and New Yoriti.'" , ' o c• at Philadelphia, for NewrYorßißtisted. and 'inter,' .`• mediate pointy... SicepingßarartutthronOnnttda - siA' O A . ,l train from Pittsburgh to and New York. by the AllentOWnrouto.. _ . , EAter exeept Sunday' at ‘9.30.11;, m., stopping only at t"omstmiugh _GailleteniAlteta. • Iluntingden. Lewlstdren.• 12.111110 Nairrei - • Marysville. Itarrishur..-, - gibleictown.''Eliza town. M. Joy. Lantlistlie. Lancaster, 'and Down,. • iugtown: At itarriMultg 'connections am made tot- Newliork, Baltimore and delptda, for New York, Boston, and tnierinediguli • .. . First Acenriunodation Train for Wain' Station. les te s nnity(except Sunday) at 830 A. m. ' i Second Accommodation Train for Wall'. Stationi . , • . lem . es daily leireept Sunday) 11.40 a. •••• • ThlnitAceorammlatlon Train' Tor Well Stashes leaves ally' (except. tiniadav) at 3.10 m.-,. , - Pout Accommodation traits far Wall'9l3l9UOIR!, lenses daily (eXcept Sunday') ate 05 ni...• ••• • The tTharch Train leave, Wall's btatiotiTeterE„. • Sunday at 9.03 a. m., returning' learns Pitts.' a t 12,0 p. tu. Rolurnltag Trains arrive ln Pittsburgh as 10110111,- Pittsburgh Es Eke Expresa ' 12.20 p. m. Baltimore Express 1.50 p. • 220 p. Fastislall • 1.90 it. na. -4 ' - ' 4 A Feat Line' • • • • •• .1.50 a..em.....114.1 tqg Tolanatolvn Aeeoirimodation - 10.160. Flrat Wall'', Station - Aecomtrandatlon..„ Second Walt s :Station Am. onigiodatielt i 9.00 Third Wall's Station . Accommodation... 2.20 -Stationdincirmmodation a Baltimore express Will antra. With rhundeipb4' , -.9 ; Express at 2.301,: ru. on Monday., AtyylCß.—ln case of 'tomb' tlle,yol 9 .Any • hold theinseives tvsko . 9.sibla., prjond.bagangs;,,„,;4.4 only , arialiutuit tint exceeding ' R. B.—An Orrinibti4 Line• has teen employed - to: . :"1 room, - passengers and baggage to end from Vie: , Pepot. at a charge not to - exceed 25 nen% for salt passenger mid baggese. Yee tickets - apply to. •.",' .T. ST,EIVA.HT,Agent,; At the Pennsvlvaabt rentral•RallroadPaasenger.,,;', Nisubty oa Liberty and Grant streets.;.: pion P1TT5.812110.11,. FT. • ppagallg,lt •'WAYNE IaTLWAY, CLETELAIID *.; c . • , 11'11.1TEll ATIRANGItI'ENT, • .0•11 and I,flor fidober =lO6Ol, trains wit! roil' as follows, , ;,1 L""ilitt,burghlebiZici. [CZ .Expreee.......... - .2.10 a. In.l 2.10 a. m. 2.10 a. m. • . Espies.. p. 2.45 p. at." 2.40 p: . . .. 4100 p. in.l • : BLAU.. , 10.20 14. , . 0.10 a. For isien - Castle and Erie 6.50 a.m. v - o! rivrtrnxino. ' - Arrivent AllePheriy—P. F. Si_ na#,nir: , 7.50 a. m., 020 a. In. 2.10 a.. m. and 4.44-p; , nr. ,- , ;GFAIME PARR:6c Tiet.of yriLon PaseennerStationi Pittibitrgti Fa. - "A.: "Q.'. 4.3 — .i...N , .SELILEUR Ticket - Age:a t .- • Allegheny • Oi•t2f , l; 12. , itri - l3t8; ciiidera Icke 'Agent' A LLEGIIENYYVATio M -- tigaltENNl , ~....4 . 4 --. , ET It AI lat OA D.— • - .011141Mw. .-- , 1 .3 1 CILANOE OF fl:-06- aAd after FIONDA.Y. ~,- *1, 4 .'0 M wi T t l6th, -. IASI r the following arrangement, of titap - -• • •-, - Itl'Al - I;—Lot yea Fittsb.utgb at I.ooi. Ai.. 1.--,,, , . ..A-t arriving arKSttanalar, at / 0 . 00 a; ~,1 . ;.,./.o _ __Rreljiit_...,V '1 , 4-o..ti tnanlag .at COO P. r.l '.lTweik. . - . ,, ,. , ,L.91 Pes. ,. -, , EXPEESS .I'RAlN—Leai - ei 'ltttanattlit at 4.15. - ; , 'lt' A ft- m.. at-thing at "PittabargN 349...4.1A: M.' Leaves ~,' 7 " - - .k. 1 Pittstnirgynt• 4j.49. m., arriTzg st•littO4l4lll.l-!ltp..•!, 1,P.... )'I '.- AUCNI.HzioDATION TBAIIP. Leant Sail 4 .4 -,,' . ~ 1V orkA at Satin „m., - axrithtlat Pittsbumb at 7.45 a. , ;::..s7 , tn. ' Leaven Fittahutgh at 300 ' p. m, arritiply at F ;),.., }- So& Worth at B.oop. M.- -• ... -•• • , , :r -:::,..,..,1„.,. milik • . F- MrklairriiiuPetinteilgteat.,:-.,65.....0.:4-1 STEAM W.trELIIY- - : TO 1:14vErt.:416 . .,::,: nca,f l POOL,. touching ; at (aIrSKISTOWN(TIM' (Cork liarbor,t. TIM weikknowni.Stertmers ,fts, Ids eniool. New York Mal Philadelphia •COrolmnltimnoolArie-Youtib*Yie Tr, are lotended.te sail es follows. -• ••• • : "••!.., ~- ETNA' • ; - Saturriny,Dele ,1.331,N818t01t_ ' Satu tlay,Dev. -r BUSCH:AV •• • • • SaturAsy, Die. 17., t- And es - eeyandeeedingliaturdsy, at stoon,teonsPie toNortlißlvor. • Pa yable in gold, or Its equivalent 4n-entity:repel , ' First Cabin • 0(0 110 §teertge Jaco, i• 0. • LoodoO..; o 4 to Loudon., Silk " to Part5.....:%-00l ••.• • to liambunt.. oo to Hsmburg. m 011, - Passengers also. forwarded to Harm, 'ii.nat' ,7 4l''' • *, BottCl , larn, tifltircry,l4.o.„ at equally low s gates, • Fares tram 14Velpool or Queenstown-4t Babb. bOA, Slid. Steerage, 3 3. 'Thorn Who wish to send for their trleoda.. con buy , unkete.4A!.. grow rate.. Yois44her Irdermstlon apply sr:the CknapsnyviPaN- /- ! :JO.BN•OI. , .DA.LE, Foreign Etbsit Army_ • • ! ?io• WSTaitidleld street, Plttilkuni..?!.. l l44; . !iD tas in gold, oviteetintralent currency' = ! ft / S in enrreacy.•••••••••. - ' - •=, ' • - • • p" Silk( eiery *ear:: Amity tO - t.‘, • • . • ..••••': THONAS , BATTIGAII, Agent; • kg 111 Sndttdield street, between Wend •••• niva-m l y. •• • . • PttablareWtn/ yotcxx - : di.:Wit£II4IOCITRE wiltoitvi at Ainertoitn ,loyapepainaile. 0m(451 VelsberPs Pine Tree Tar Cordial. '•• ..• Lfmlsey's Improved Blood searchee' Hoofland's!tlernianllittenr • • •.• -,•!! Vg eor'elFLstaburg Pol . Wine.• • - ' atrnl Sulphite of At the o 0 io'r::*3.1; Cornet of .obio. endSederil street,latekkent,-.'• ...! 1 .0 1 ":? 1 .0.1. 0 : -4,40 flit:Oen SSIP.I'I. G CommisidocuMerchas4 _ . . . . . V . 7.22N 2 alad&AILLTda , .6014,03:114,7'. !4r1 , . pinata. in Fleur, Bacon; Gbieie. • and eire*sa Fruits, sad. an "Farm Orden filled for all merduindlie;Plttabill'atimaii• ntsetures and Keened Oils, or ste T a E m , atuse. 'amen rates, NO °.t9 r.r&a .le 'Wood street.) Pittstgagh,Pa. - &dunces made and prompt lattedit ) n gi 4 eoto ll l . consignments and correspondence. Prrrstrunou Itaransacra [Halt & Speer,-idork & Black, Wm.'Ne(killy & Co.. McDonald kale -•! , ..- bucklea4ohn I. House & Co., Jolla LW! : • ',d.rahnestock &.1.30n is Co. . set7:lyttisw7 .• - W . - 13 . 9PENEUXER,,* , - opkee," No,. 354 Broadwiy;•Affew-Itiari W . 11.0DISHANEli, M. D q 1 , ;-= . onice- 11.0 iStiroet IPlttsb _- , .Derote their oaeldstve attention to the Neale* and Surgiest - treatment of ,Ohrotdo-Dbeaseatako ;43 :etally those .of - the, tower Bowel, Such al Pt tas a , Fistele, Manure, Constipation, PalUng of.thellon , " .el,l.lleeteUen and - Strieture of the Bowet the vertexes .Ohtonzlo Malice' of theWontbi K.lO. • eeTe.the Bladder, to o Amapa& - qPORTRIEN'S ' - .tie iooD taitzEr. - - ziwolan* Invitee the attention of Sport - green and - othete' his sloe& or GUNS, PQWDER PLAIIK% — • B.lloTitEfirS end POUCHEZ,DR.A.X.FLABIL% , and waratulltiou of every kind. Ilia stock hi the " largest ever brought to this market. . - !non' F. IV T C 0,900; ANIL IkINV.ELEY AT WHOM , SALE.—Sittlert, tiountry ISerohants, Peddlers kM • , s general =traders. supplied at Immense bargatrus.. Watches and lerweh7 of every desertption, in any' pattern or quality, constantly on hand and made order. I:sham*. of any class of work furnished: Good carwassingjiderks wanted. descripttorm fox. Address T. h - 11. 4AII(111AN, :716 I3ItOADWAY; New York. .oc3l:lmdiarT Orkinzon Conirsiottanor Atnnantxr - • Patiburnh,Siorember=d, Vint : S' TO CONTItICTORS.--Scaled Privp_suld will be received at thla odire until OF. ~ .T,TOLBlBEll,laeluttre, for eteetingo 111" W wooden. fitrOcture itt the hridge across , Robtotoresalun4 on -- the Iloblertown Road, and -On -the flue of Horttt nod South rftrette township:it -the plonk on ,ttnt present bridge tobr.u.sed in ilocii.iniViinzinnt'One.: - . Specintetionn on application: ' . ' Bp dlreotlon of Cforuty_COntirdettOttett, LENRY L h* ,, UEMT, contrdlUti'. no2hGtdidtvt - F. ~1 -411130 E-BALE: Ocoll3.l3aus ' • . - The abOse valuable.rptopeifyr .altgated IA LINS,TONS'ICSIU.P. but a few miles from the ally. Taaphed and ba,Gretaabarg Plke, Penagni. Tanla Mantas.? Baat Liberty Railwaye- • For dearriplioa ofproparty and terms apply WI. , T. A. McOLELLA.4II3I AtiaVx. 111CIIIAILI1 %V. lIOIIIEITAR. . 1101111414 VOITRTH, STIIEET. UPHOLSTERY,' ; 83 fifistib StireetneadWood. - ,. , ;.Thiribmaelber. zukaufastureandkeep_eoada On tur a %Turlettitheirltne.vivl3o _ met trylzzain uomzo -rea.niza, o ut .3183.thocedebra PATENT SM.An •-- r , Au c Absde 3(.StILDISVIBLINDSI2AIPIXTURES,'4,.,!qi:. , Virenhilrstttetice . 4 8 3318238 mien 414sjamMagiOnst oamo. , 4. rte_ 1 lieg. • . • - swim/1A BOW., 1 . . ,. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers