crm-s.ratt .'":"7 - 7"" 'ili , .4-WittpllFgh Oaxdtc. lIBLISHED - BY TAR GIZMI POLISHING ASSOCIATION. 19 '91 1 E! fDottplovakitgrit ao, 1864. - Ins..F!tEEDINEN; -- Before the medting at Concert 'Hail on Monday everling,,si goisd„Alegme. of Interes was felt in thltoloyal rind thristiali commu nity in the relief, °due/glen and elevation of tile _colored people of the, Southern States, T ap s lifiCisttidstgolviiiir, cOnfasloretind ' unparalleled trials, are passing from bond age to frecdrun ; but that meeting, for which llttelt, 11 1 4.14 11 :. to our .:three exoellent • friends from Philadelphia, Messrs. Meltri;" tercasmt, and Buonss, will greatly en "baneelut.•a'd.leador are slue; to ' luipittfarttc leidli: The Pennsylvania Freemen's Assoclatio , 41111*400, on, Which titte*",tiaturally,.ouf... trAbort viivareeted-elt 6 qt‘s..lti:4l.4l9nite, ibecooditton of some ten or fifteen thousand .:-- :blacks who were abandoned IV' their mpg .......,i-01 latinif-r,Rillon 1114a4-...aruk. Tort ;10o.yal; i •'W ~ft:t ha. w?tli 'nearlk I tarific` . sea ~. islands; Were captured, some two years ago. _ ._Finpubefum witseal.otaszelation, laming: a. •-Nft.Wlaid t lfritited affect; it has *Anti te State instititigultits..tield.fgthrmag the whole range' ci tAertitOry stiiere the fetters ~. 'are.falling horn the limbs of the iatiVefl. All . 4enOlniaWQWPG , o4ditialla• awl , Philato : tluviplita may rally and operate ander its Anoad banner, without the abandonment of sityltilligiffitcSiriff-iceilislirciir'of their cherished creeds or pecriliarities. It is now a swcafassy..-Sindy. established:and noble institution. ' - ' . .Al the =O4 fit. ,,, i mply, T; tyc l i ng , Mr. VcEnt gave .ri very'fitteres:ting account Of the transformation of the negroes of the Seatlakeilitfromn .oantutied herd ()rim ' man beingell-oniered, industrious, and self-aupporting conninuilty, requiring no fprtlie:3o),(luirotte , , *Mu:untie; of schools among them. Their eagerness and ' ability to learn were set forth by the state , ment s of ,milny interesting facts'. Ile spoke 'of olteisilioni lie fudged to be over fifty yams of age. , Whose laliarintii efforts to learn to redd arrested his attention. When - - as kedx,by,,lier age; shoulti,takcsucli, . 4 •:paW. krsklf dle' wanted` to'lie 'able to read the Word-of God. Ills pietuni of their ... - simple ehild4litc faith:was very interesting, andifireking. ' 3 '.: - . ,, , . • Mr. alrratzra. gave us his experience and . Observations-in Tennessee and North Ala bama; where Vie' . 44'sPeces" ire ' equally - promising, and the fruits of the labors of etunest,sTiol: l o4,ttou;tietacf_botti4.somi ' --• have been crowned with great success. .-Nr43/Mfli'Artletti Ofoliseerntionwas the,. Distilet.of . , Columbis;-i - 'where- many thou ; • sar4Vol i theie'Pakile . .biiie fOund a retuge,., and ire that risinginAntelligegice,'Onier and thrift -ikiiiiofelirtherikeid'nf their chit - -., dninvire tmiviug instruction in the lichee - established and tinstained by the:AS:seek': lion, while the adults, after the tabors of; the day, crowd the sanw-ichool rooms in the evenings, that they too may learn. This'fast gengtinsn... who 11 . 4 minpter of one of the Pp - Walla 'eliiiie'liesor Philadel,, , odi k , thrilled his auditors when he spoke o the negro's faith, and of thatinextinguishri- NeltnajtrekfrPft stria t gi • its ' irtiid'ltTerani ild could not mush out—that life which (as Pant. in hist - 41de language:expresses it,) ' "15 hid with CDROM In GOD," It is - to . arouse and strengthen that life; to clear it - or tiltinAw94, , ignivatice anal kiwnstitinsc and pattemptaidt•ithe eletirlftrht , ar GoOf ertittnsthhettAte:tiobie`eilbila 0 ,,,, , ,i fig i..„ . . Tbt046,1r 4 1 ..,-„h.,,gic.d• liimilli, ,We ti'irce Eit.ogFabus.lo snake.-AlltsrS ;rah , . "*-41341i11410V0401311 to-do - ::tiiitit-i'i: :.-*... :. can if ewitkin t eitnldterst tn Lt.lie s ,SitW4.i' l :2 , asa•J '''' t .. 777rrr " • , , . a o -JO taTiIIMrCIIIVALRYi.:'' .i 7: +1,6,5*--ite.l7,-:A;iii-..tiii ii,e,. .. lii. caiirabsfio ime-h _l_4l. eretz ; :*ipr 'th Wei distingutsited . themsells, and,,,earirl, the Yka,`LlC4i';., : doasiderea -. 4thival; r -ric, by whipping wnift"ielinf isleilink balsies;bpatxthinedervirliiiiißiett: men in the SenateStesinhe or:slusubig waiters at Mortis for not passing tlie s ppit, pffnittly l In these daStßdefilif 'the Progianinie by .eitarsing.tendEltiltniletinerrpriiieniers'lliniiall . s tet! . firiLlM ls, Ind IT,Pr...qiFil,llll4P.:Art ro,•., .... . ntost pr pale cruelty towards them; by burn . - ing vessels-own, s the iiiih'seris; by robbing • . batiks; rted 'by W . hr;lesple x attengas at , nricii." ' . ' The unrtligilaticated wader might infer - :liropi,this that the chitalr94,..netidei 'weie ' airrpiktildiittinderers, or felons on -.:- ..der anotligt-ind ha:- aryinitunt boile r ' ~ wrong. .The rebel,-off*s, who . cm:raver ~ the border to fire' 'NeWte;rlr, tilde, &Mil- . .. • daets oWt ‘ btirglara' * A teXo44giiiiidiers_. ''-- -of thiltW ; and ..rd a refuge tame I)(itic . ; . • alumsl...iliiis' r irern Viltrilinsol all:Seks' ti t congreW --- 'Ther . ail; birds s:if ithe city swarmed around th hotel kora, ready to ilmak in and plunder as soon t% ttliellres ' • Kindled by their "pals"' got s tintier headway: -.l— . Mil "Birds of a feather flock together' , and, the 1 • bigh.toned, chivalrous wearieti-irt;lPPeriand ' * DaPflaeltltio,of ihartficuttratnand ready co , operation and obtaieed fraternal assistance ' , 1, , from Mortis-Aliric'lioise:tftle . 6l3, 'Mit= - th:OntiS P1ekttrA44,4 , 3 ,14 in.;-_-3'4fP ' '-' is a natural. sympathy and - bond of union i r --- , between the tvo; nr,vl,,,it.,srps hut . . natural i :‘ that the between; wriiefL - voted such unankalTlinithe RebeTandlaite for...Pres.' iient.'sidittilif 2 kittii One'sees:it'll- te-414. 1 -; - promised fesskq4pittnAer.whi4 their,pc!bel - fellow-fellons set frflerthe,eity.;, , r '''' . .-(. 4 'A C Alltbirt ', r;:i ' c;4:.... : :: Tlie_Wanhiagton hronreleib. ".4' aittittion . - , ,-,, th e fasi,4B. As ...PA Kt!:!!4'1412 1 / 4 ack ~. -. '' , ,i'• eat in that ty !nye felttl out. i 4, - . • i.; thatAiiiiille ClibilOn Of ihedountri la ca th°9l ° C ' t3tn' l UraPn.:,.lNPit? within *Tay .::,..If * .s. , ,a, tli e managers of these t phiemStileKthi ft' eitataild tectia4 OC- - _,,,, t 1 u .. I , ' ' ttindOnahl — nnaln - In fi -- 10ts ifYr.!*Throm which. would be rea y,,, the ,_ stm4ience. deriding t e 'Abollthinitita• alms i, ing the Jittambhanso I hmthinit.Genttrit Mc::. ~!. - 01...m.Liai. The bar morits:4l3qhotela.were IblE of Uto Rush Sur tsitmg.. Iden,Nod to , think It Mi. - "shame . t.' rather an b°ll4 to be 'gene.* 0.;41 1 ' s g - iihe) tyrannical at -1-. "'. '_Pittimiltntl"llt 4 , 1-te,oo i riniA. - Pindietea . that In stity ss „ s iliye - the: y ant Napoleon *Mild , / ,a, 1 ,iisp in !Wiled and cast the usurper from= the White- House., li theseglio .sitere it j:.` to the public taste lb , amusement seemed to 1 ' 1 , think it necessary t - foftoW 'dig cue, . and `.- the resultwas..that ihe pUblic had one-end lest din t6ff?AsA , , %too sid - )okev all I- th e inipmt of poo mniiiihizer*, Tbi Y . _nitionaliaWere _ Itt'PhOii .l . by, nrelrew .., , -,titss, even fill li - . ntated; -UM-excuse' In , , tatiablyUintikat: 37ntild be iiiininUe, verie " '' '• Ail to thiusudielnne-• ' ' • '' - , H ,: , ` . ' ',' - li • ' Now. 1104 . 0. tti'Oithe4'Airiqe,. all Ibis is eliangi4:•?,4 l tor-1 11 4 1 P4 41 1** ifei-Aolif pitied nfiiiilkilia'tha 71 1 '10. 11 tir t El3an. ,1 -', mniTd - 3 0 K...0.Ati:1144144 416061d:ea, 6 ., . ;.' -aanie , is Slintoldef ritilln, The inolf-F llO . 4 r - manag e os 44 d rathizel is ft* ttli s *t9ltm • ni ' '' ' bat ftseetialWill i * .4.ll4 P :', •• -' ' ' 4 . ~ ,:.: . k ci i,,,___ L ,,,tilpioldlg=s n.. ,l,lol4,,Plipo. 14 • laeU = li a teblise, W .- ied liven" pm caounutthiolerourtiolmitaisps4,_ pley..era•.: .. ' tribe.' d • - ~,, 4Ori,Aliitie4 o t ,bab e I:- , • =m ow ..., :. - , 1 717:d“' irr9ool, . - - - ,5, ,, f , )! 4. !....r, ".;',f'..?,Ni' , .*,-' , . , :4 , 1‘. , _1. AgAl jlitl(gliar -,,,, I - =, I "- - The tiovertinient has aidliorired the: . :cruiting of a in w Army Corps, to be under the command ofthe fete:an.General Av..: • c , oci. It is tote cethpined 'of able-bodied men who have seen not less- than two years service, and they arc to receive a bounty of WO . upon being mustilied service. They are to serve not less than one year This Corps'irill doubtless be speedily re 'cruited4lThe thew fixed for raising it is one 'Month only, the order of the War Depart Merit fixing January the Ist, 1863, as:the time for completing the organization . ; bu - we presume the time wilt be extended if the volunteering' be at, all, brisk during the manth of December. The .organtration of this Cotpa affords a , fine opportunity' hi-thode - who'wiith to re-. enter the serVice.:,:Under, the Present sys tem, recruits ; can enilst.only in old organ... izationat' and I men' sem, sefyiee dislike, 'in Tome io ;6:hack under officers to Whom•they irratnrogers.... , The; plan obviates he have Won yintid y:epurrigiii,tati*ttald.. can i1 ic4 • 4214 e:- •Onntirdeai'of , Interims witn- , have *tied- with VII not only; know wyennd whztt ,kind of officers they tire iiiing:itr:serst under, Inn have the iiriditiona akmiw big that they willbe eonnnandodby;General lliancoex, on, or Au; ablest!ifffeers in. the amity; ;and Nollocinalitetges in fighting, lintknOria how lofight... Illtivreetellquised • grginhatiort aril}lre rrd ,l k e(to.tbadivtricLinahichthey oc t their fituillealtein.:_ This is tdtotheroleac for*artt - :lll6ffv . : . oi Barge local bOgntlei . = cannot, case,win a man front tits 'l.lsairiet to •to:' a nother.'; It Im - - - ri4Ck heo ' llll ;44ricts, therefore, to do utmost tirnardsatimulatMg enlistments under this call,' ran every recruit WM be so mitch to their credit .under another draft, should another be. ordered. ' The objeci.tif ruising this corps is to hare body of IMO' disciplined troops ready for an cark Spring campaign. General . Fits. t oral, ,with 214000 veteran troops; can hurl thins with immense force upon any weak place in. the Confederacy, .and there will he, many . Weak.plikees before the Spring sets hi_ TlieGovemutent is thus showing itself in 1 - Nnnest, - .and ll tub:Mang the' best possible meanir4t '1)14; down the Rebellion At an early day. GtivEnicnliYarr.s. —There seems to be great enanimity in Illinois in favor of return ing to the Senate in place of the ilytMiten PICILUIDSON, who now dis graces the place. Governor YATES Was elec ted Governoribr 1860, and has mananti the atthirs of the State since that time with iare'His ardent labors to keep the "sinota I:TIM:41a in the geld' Show that his heart bin Ike right place; and we shall be .wlhpleatied see bins ill theilehate. .!, . . ~ ,L. , , i_ - e!H t TlyltilerT . ..:.,.„. . .. W.,bita..Uto . ,grla . tga of our. poor fellows, confined irr!the Libby ' Prison Mid' on Belle ..... . ••• ~.... ,Isle,_lleisr',lllehmOnd, bectsine knoirri, a ,my of haver pros raised. hem and in Est.:, , 1 pe Air' LII girktj. - .irthe'icheta What . 111 0 1 .44;_tiv4:100 wi.Sitlierrehel-feaders'i dot i•, inder Ilse refitting of the ' Li • ? =did : they'd:nut-Martial find p -fliViini Viiiid . his inhatillialitliti perpetrated' •-• Icing.seties.'.ol..tidellsitit; • ragrict ( f•lfsiff theY'ikPlairtilist &Se_ things ..' occurred withont.....thcir. knowledge, • and 'W°ie-4 , 41 , 1411Te4..1 1 y,themi?..-.:;... ~.:.-,..;.. 7- .. tanl.ils..l. eon Yttattl Irthert , :theevidettee lie* i ear _forUlteuttr. whea'A.liir isiund that if thcaelemelitiis continned- ttr••beitserrefra ,-- teilSairder-their ifYedlWnrisysienViticlihnittd;' they,'. )thef , rebel:,` fleothslis, '':), - .'Otiltl lid every whertherd.relportiible,..for 'llithii;.they r -re, rnoyesd'Alie.AiritbitCM: . ; •.'!riari.;,saint.: them i frondlsilin,Rde;,:nridt , the Litil4,..AWAnder. r i ontiffe"- - Intiiii a plSce Where their- cries.. r.,Ruid behcaid and -thersufferings-known,. _to dnq7 2, l l t*lntCso•• - rernate s : 'that'll& fnlirt . ,ruktitit.lrnietired'itheYe 4 - rittld-hef •iiiiiitedl.. ,Assely known ~_lf-, a -- tleee -- •Where'the.priioneri! 1 :wens letitiffeispitlaltieC.:lngrCntlhe,Sneroy . . fefs tlitic.lfillOM. .'. •=7;.' . ." . • . ; . ~. ''' -i a *t - iii - r 1 u - -- ii'a•ioil — " -. ' -- ' ~.-.4 , O ~t it . Kye. Ao. Sholatier , . 4hoS, seitdoinfamOtia,wrctchi?Winkr,itsiiesse. felild-bleettiOdi and, Systematic retneltieshad • ..;n.tdethe Pilsons of Dolksfis'el midi lielLibby , rs'acandoi • mil. longer - endurable - Sti Mear. to.. 1 f ffhlyis;4e , sidiOnAvlts,"kiliinii*P.thht,eatir, . atouth:fir - ,Wklit"Poird'.:ttipllo ,, ,.:Witilif; ,1: noloiwini•eveisitiee; hi; e:,Oliklinif:iiit; Ws, - -fiPiAnn , ..f.4, - ',ll.lii:at.elnliql.ile.-.7- ernelty, , , and-, - ehttneff so . the .PRtsessokof,every.slunsteltd, vire,.g.onipletfcl,,,,,tutat.infauty. bpi* systarir. alit , putitreattnent of helpless prisonenViSt• war lin -Richtnand-4fils-ite.....1 Wad con tinned-lir hist 080f1 1 illiii 'Watt ievitpy:ixiii.=;! ! witk hiwvict Mtt, 'tit 'Atideritiiiiiiile„ :-,:'!'"• the f' "-• WOO?' ihi ' ififfOsceit f dos* . IndiTtiot ,derintishf,lon)trAtetre . : rind. .Creit Way ill; rent,cif"tildri?" -- Worild "not • 'Darts hove, sttlecied paten (niter person to rule over the qtrisoh,,ltattiteAlestred-- - to alleviate the ant-. serings. of ,alisi vrisoners 11: Itt nett-his select.; .14m oflrlitiladet -ptoof positive that he and' 'lcs confdelies intentionally - Contrail these' atrocities! ' - - )I iriaturi.or the - goutlieis 13facks.' , - J. I - :strrivste J. L. Elder, of the -Eleventh lotra reg:t :jntenti hos clactipod,frow the, prison pest at Sin ratetsourille, • Gerotin, and , .' ewes thi Chicago anttisiieciititt'Of*e}itorienci, 'ln Which . • tido Mpassage..clecatra - : ''.... - - • -- E..Pn-the night : Novae:ibex the Ifith; Elder,. '.:1'.940P el Eighteenth'. Tcnnotstec one of the ic o n of the, ott-.PWOW; Indeheljr, Clip. • toll* , PieltiedOtt, Itettlnsott sad. Bork; .6( -the. Sisteentli qi - Pt ,eatAinVi - csostalt:ketineis; Boren: ty-lithtOhlo -s.ttpteda anplth.,6ixtoentlitows,nnd caPtarn-it-iitlaiAitrittn4red aod,Ylfty.thlrd • Ohl., itbht , llir "env ••. , -,Arnitngtloitnselrear. with einbs,,..titex,...dasited!..sysidualy . npinti the oardi IMP' atornid. the.,flre,-..guldpgtaingling • • id; tatinflilre.ltilitn:tai site gwouskbeforest inns.. ICI wild be ~ .0.1:.;0101 - Oven, and Inunzall,: tely El 2 ill, tr , ~7,...7-0,4,....„ ~ Degrb'w i• - ,ii ci :Inforinatr,Viiigtig the Iti.;,_ ' ratify it chianti( ' ' - rthe 'ffongereeltitter:Lfoi: thy lair" thit,2 ,l ol9lti. ll te Eolith are as trno al steel. , Tirrywrarettahns• phoided•witheireePp6‘ ,, la, bp . - fake" and at etsit-of stator: =They-. dil kited and *era stocstbitheletwaidtrir - n'tlist - t #*a,t473.04 4 . - R.PllOßS l ll l .ottgAtilho , I I . -IP r-kirtl,, -9 ft 4 the It , a3ClP. k 9 f the ! ' , maim/. b 44 t*F l) t 4 .. oat ,* te 7 o - .4 l ktri.vq-t 1 :,Aank. - , wgnards, kt. ently believing that tho !..inisonare had crossed . the rlvor,_&ave_up.tho i r.. ebase, tend rrtunied'',.,.,.,,.,....,;„,,i .: f;rt. ' i"' " " •' , . - . • ,; • ~ ..„, IPPlei/frif fahretrifin'the - **y ..- '.. • '., ..__ , .. ... ....” .,.. ' !IlVile CharlOtte‘(North ...Carolina). B . atrain of a 4 ' '• "Ate t sole of slaves the followh e Xtfieit were niolliedi!o (4, eleren yeintinld, - , ors, Anon, ferrtyttittrchldjel,Cokgfrkattittfeit years . 4tld, s.l;7ooo,:ittienty.lltoyottn, '61414;71E4', Alan, torty--tfetirs old;13,11000tIon;Otenty , foOr. yearn old, Spld. • . The first nataor(the' girl' - ofeiertm.yeara), vie - are - told;r0A0 Wilikely negw spld. The 'rest were "rerrldforicstle?k-, 'tog. , -.'111. ,, .'"1 ..,•••,-- '.„ ..,,,'--.,. ,''. l .:,...: -, In the 'legislature , of-'l2letokti;the - Other . dot,: Jiidge Stephens Introduced rtblll nothorLaing:the, treasurer of ttie snit - eto pay Merisberi of the log-, filature et the fate of gold=...whlch-leiald,'ltas , ssirt.dollartr•-ln gold- • rotiol to one liinidred' 'and :11111:lio currency. r This, then, is the iceogniiik Iratef andllstailhemrarriter# - -lbstr Teak' •oldt , who mynaht the highest fittest the Seidl* charlotte,- whifreally told for fug tWo inindred 'Sid rditylwit,;:ildlora„' ,secirl:Dgiii - Sad ;the -isliwtholders'art their mai upon; the:Tinton; eta able.ltsnitedinewtif tiesety.fonr morsel 'ln the South rdsillytfor. - lidoent bemired dollops. 'The' .4lfferentotetWeen - larteekliniadred and two haii. , 'dyed and forty.elght dollers.shatild pit charged-ItY -the slavelioldera 4i their own folly.. ....,. .. ~. • .t• . • - The Plot Aigahut the eityi, . We no' words' this mornlnglnarguhig that the'_ plot to burn 'New :York which fatted on Tridity rilght aver: a rebel plot.- The (eidetic° la poewaslon of; the pollee and military authorities; the faits recited In ' our columns this morning, and the :conviction of every Intelligent person,. establish the fait of,the -plot-. and tho-fact of itk 'birth in !Melia:null. - ling- weeks' ago -the Bleb- - Mond prtes threatened and foretold just such an attentpt; defended It as justifiable warfare, and chuckled In ads arm° avails anticipated sitcoms. Theirsole chagrin will be to hear that It has been tried and hastened; can they erni discover !Milt: Inibouroic Old -Litriq..r.ewmA47llkotigb:Cto:bar4 keiticiuttr de a million,otpeOple,- atuf.thatjaproteated i4: itsiisafltiwra,. of a -Chalatirni-1111k1107111 40. their tarsootet7.6ll";TA4+tarav , e , .°:! . ap . xt • • .;q ^ otiotphiar roleicoli - t , 'JzfOc 144 some kaii4crtAdd.::ti!O"ltiii"..vith. Al' ribers err arit7lei AV .....lispleep;vuv..l,--_,, , 401 IL n 4 _,. ,RAII ctini .' ' kroans t.... anerlind hertlifte: TAtelfla CCM.. ~.... ~.f& • , Ka.' 90. - , ~,, --,- -, -SA Eb% mATreesslot_lat•-...- k 00416 4 1 , Ikkiv &on eraminatke It vas at 40. , WA • , Mar 4l; `I • 0 4, 7"..4"— ' '>•-• g' ''„ allethe " leg - PATENT BPS G nED. - AD ••,...i. ~-f r igi orta. ..4 o4c . 4. , 4; • _ * MA ton mayen.,AANOIRMesO. O oa, 2londiost LDFS, Btp t ud IMUCURgtif4, , ilt•m•4 .. r1 . .....—v . . -- 1.11...,.,..,;,...,1 A ~M. t.......' --. . • ' ' Prato attalktljm larr tovall'ordezior-Olt , Tertit 'ptulw„ .. api,,,kirie 4 ‘,....e. w... 1 • - lto. 1111 Mil. fiTttl:Er i p VIA 4 4: !MR sii4 fillorMirl , 1 , ~)110totbk Me. "., I" Pk ti k t i' t ''''''''' '4 1 . 2.! " :,.:. '1 ;a.r,ti 4 i , -,1,, , a F t4- , P l ta t A f i tr ' et.,:r. e rPl!. 4 1 t: . Oa ~, i r ,t,y,-,IhRWV.-- ~I, _ ,AVAIV_ WI: WP fl.ll. 1 1 'l ' - ' ll I A " '" '-- .. ' "t, 1 ... ..,.. 4 er' ' ''' ."'' ; - - 4. r• i -,', :rAl ivicav 1, o n vizi4l24a .allitaav itip#ll i "- " " " 1 - -- ::'-'-'.''' ''''' - '•'''''-`3 -7 f -- ' 7 l -- ''-' - i'" ,,, ' - ' 3. *.:;' -- - `:.:::.- . ; ti:::4.-5.4i , 0 ,1 %... , •LZ.di.cL; 1 : 4 : 4,4, ~-...,,„4 4. ~,,,,,,_.4 E, ~,,y,.:4 ;- -,-,:k.4, - , - - - - - - t - -..... - : - A - ..r...-11 - C-- ,- '' ,,, ` ,,-- -;:-i ,, i -, iii, - ,`,-,, , -; i.,--.=---- - '''' A NT* ARMY CORPS'. come pf the in Sherman's — lteach. '..ln aa . p ikio. , on the rel;o1. Ordnance Dcpart tnent, the Richmond Piguirer oftiovembor 14th. inadcortaitly reran. te.tireral of the riciiinit in lhe which' may fall in the line of Sherman's perch tan - Gush .the shell of the Confederacy. It says: The magnifiesat powder mills at august's, the Arsenals there, the National Armory and C.m tml Laboratory at Macon, Ga.; the Arsenals a; Savannah, 001ta4lats, Atheos,:Fayettevllle; Ra leigh, Salisbury and Richmond—all attest the , scat and energy of the Chief df Orditanet and he subordinate officers. The comb:natio* of private workshops, backed by the hiuntnse resources of Tradegar, has made Itiehmond.the great depotthat supplied the army Of „Northern. S'lrginlo; and - throw:hoot all the difficulties that have htmet, the. Ordnaneo path:cent; in nil the eampalpes of the war, n) di:34er has ever befal!en our army froth want of oreatunte stores.. BEF.CUZ; ON Tile Arri.a.—Henry Wardßeech er Made .itiladdrets the other day In a New. York fruit coniimtion; on itte' apple. sag it wits the greatest of American fruits, betur: the haul test, m9s . t widely , distributed; and the MINK weal: The tree Om renehes.the great age of Coolant- Aced:years, ?!I"ho.llllllllinsiwnyotaltmuty.c:Esen a pear may not vie with It In luselonsncss, and it , 'Lap r oue pecidineltyv whlelthOr eltn theikacli ctist isbamr, ficeeher.nurbter ttio yurkmaltwthodrooPprdparlng it for thatible, , - and kuluiged iniallOgglowkig•arostrophe to the , api4epile •an 4 -Its: ble , sixt Intentm.. - The U. 3 of older he thonglit was exadnally:creopintr -hark from the nhleli therm - rasa of Sem- Pcninca:bad consigned It. oindinlttamnit ns a tom- . enTge ,coula up . ,retortuxi WM; its use, T ' "if yen seiltinake 115 " said be;. ,, thog of yeerto Itenfer.h.aPPy to announce that, Preddent Payola tea cocacuted,t ) the release of Ile:gen e Goeernor'Jarntr and Colonel Ft:auk 'Mulford. -We elect-rely, hope that,thiA , may , l* the cent -4,lelleollelli (St A new.polley on - the, part of the PeeAldent. gennenicp baYr Kovelk :heir IcyaltreL thelead. of 'Keliducki, cyoluoieur „magi, einittivelinved death . on many, a ; stub- Writ battle-fieldln defened.Of the 011 finw. With the excitement of "the eleetlen. lel - us forg,et nil woraa of .bittemfts, end we will pledge 0111 , eiVl% that *lie:lever the country need* their aworda again they will alwaya be (lashed in the can of flit tnlen end elowat to the react foe.— LeMarate Jourrm'. 251., 24. , Tan Vihrat has made a very latter and •tra itenessary attack on New England, denying her -nriginality ; in polities, literature, science and art; nail a gulno. that American greamem owes little tallier Influence. It ;night he courteous but it writ''dire superl nom, for Pennsylvania Journalists to take up the defence of thls great toellon, and we leave the. Warkf to the merey of !Megan. We may note, however, two of Ile mistake. Feft nimore Cooper and _Robert Fulton am claimed .hy It on New Yorkero, but the first_ was a son of Judge Cooper, n Pennsylvanian, and-wee burn gt ho Burlinon, N. J.; the cecni wos a native of I.:me:toter county, Penneylvant:i.-I'hila. Pins. - Rum- Forces in ;nun Ercur.—Tho Army noel 2flripsfournol, which is 1,17 high authority en all military matters, computes the tome whirl the rebels now have In the field at a very nuiderale figure.. Ilood'i army, now in Tonnes kw, It notimatro nt 35,000. Early's force in the Shenandoah Volley is oet down at teen than 15,- 000. and Leti'n no less than 50,000. Thee figures • amount lathe Mal to 100,000. The tercet with ,widen Price rennin-1y Invaded Missouri, antl, the gritrisrms of Charleston, Savannah and 51obilo and n few cater points may anvil the aggregate -to 175,000. A crs-rtiarvi wbo is In the habit of ridlug up and down town two or r threollmes dully In the boric ear of a certain Niw York hne, and who Atati . made a point of always .10 -emoting a ten rent stamp for Ids fare and arriving four fresh madcd tents asltaw,,s72, was late!. asked . ir eclidtraor, Io whom hiN face and floundering NA become tolerably- do With all the pennies you get horn tar? a I sell them to the milroatLecimpany =alit at fifteen per emit. premium," WWI the bland reply. lin:lms or Pnor.srmsrrs.—Tll4 rnited Eltattei Circuit Court, New York, 1W given a'ierdlet of , f 4,00 topen•on for damages east/tined while crewing the street, frowsy step: The law te, :that pedestrians have the first right tocroasings, , and that drivers of valdelei•Mnst commit the safety and convenience of fhe persons on foot. Dritera of vehicles - should make a note of this . fact, and not run persons down in The streets by fast driving around the camera% Tars are verv- Watoteficaf water to • Boston. 'Whim the watei-wolim were constricted the es iirrienee of other cities was consulted and thirty ittllons per day' allnwed fehr,cvery man, woman and; ehlia.• But in 1557, the consumption had • tvaand Wl7 ty•-tite 'telione'd.lll). for every hi :habitant, AIM last year-Malty gallons, at,rritleh the Witter comusissinnenthns justly...lammed, end, the peepli OM enjoined to reform their bultits,or the surlily trill !Mk" ' ' " ' irptcrwvis elm *isles that ai gentleman ;pining - to th at city ,ins the train &oat lkatton, 4sy ue titc4ltic..i, Ivan' delighted to share. his sent with ,na affectionate, pretty r and chatty loung-Cetal sainei ItlttOtettl hetseltlao titanner to spread 14 drz..s Well over him. Much to his r%Tet his vtgrealliaauppanlon,lcit at first slatido, and groffytolds chagrin* he tilseovere....l, shortly after, that offeluld cat often liib pocket and taken that.: Iran' Itbrantilet.. ..PUBLIV.XOTIVES. q7APZTAT.ibiTOOI. of 'the.llberty It-to b Y•tltsbargh Petrbleam Vet. bre hereby battled to tleingiouatotthrixrespeetlversincriptiousio icon 0L05.4.14.19..445 **twits st4ett,llll2. I AY' Nirrember:pth; between Mr 'hours of 9 . ,r. ,AIIOH It Tivrwarer, pro Its,. - 1 -Pirfelsortnl4,l4orembar Yrtla, 19/1. ! eta t . I ft i rtert l irti l oV tire C ar: . li p l Ertil l' u l tir 4 l! erlteg "Yoe , Union bobrleClll volll-Ile ' neld os• :WED:O94I)AV, Derrmher lUD; IteD, et the othee rt Kite -& - Peastot*No. Wbod 'tree!, In the tit, of Plftelrergh. at 9 eftleek p. ut:, for thopurpose of • tr. ruulzotton, ndoptlon of ftpLasra, election of Oftl•• r fo• ~etnt Or the panel/err nuthorlred end more p tdurly waled la emAet of the Ornerel As. • Jr, led:of t be Pornrcromrealth of Pouniylraals,en. led :"An Tet,thyt to corpbrotlons JOT ble- • , mrl4nl,i- Monufneturing; Miring 'end puarryibg to - woes: approteil Du:99th do ss of July, MM. noutrlff •,W91.-MUSl4l.l,T..Tress.. pro t... • dr rarr nets Tjtot,}•;Dht c.O,—NOTICE. OP EL,J4- iol9l—Sulmeribera to Dm etook of the tTherry Run 1. - Plte Hole .PctrolettroiCo..itre heretrp notthed to r itteiral ft nierthre of thr SteekhOldere of paid Com p •ny, Which 41111 e held on MONDAY, 'Dee. 19th, • to it, tedock p. nr,ferlheilutrirrme 0 10 :1 ,9919 * . Coo, elettlnn of President IflCax. , Hore end other rAteent, - et the'ottlee or 3; T. STOORMAVE, N 0.9 Imuutoore wAr. _. • IIDOII.IIO9ILELYY, • uo2FAtf • 7. " Prealent, p ro teat, • • - • . _ /1141 .-' 4 ' ;111.P.,-. You are herein' .niatthed that on hr td of December next the discount ofd. per cent. soil rinse on the Itountr Tanen naor . due, leaded alder Ole test 'call of the Preaident.. AU parsons Cestring to avail Iheanactres of the discount will call tin the wide:llene°, re or before the tat ',roar, nod Settle theta taxes. . • -,. • • , , . W. M. GORMLY, Treanurne, • •f• notBt , , • . —271 Liberty !treat. e-4AI,LEGIIIENT-• , CITY (PA4 • COX.' 1 P/10,111.15E lIONDS.--Iloklers of the Ow. paranirile Bands issued by,lho Olty of.liUegtquy,ll.l -Weinpllott'of its Uoflrond lath*, .rtfitar thd - 146110.11 1011 bPYce.tred beet* , uo for lbe investmeottn sold Booth, of theSlnlthig Pitted for flay - m.oft • • t Agdiros • loins Attrzta.,. .;.. • ; • , imistrutho Pitiarsee Othamlltee " wed. del Pittsburgh; Ilk ''' .pipiyri minqil.4,otricitiviyii:Li It R. Or . iron,. 4,..,..,. ~ i ..1,,, , . - "Pittsburgh, 1f0r..1K41.8111. i .r — ar'llrelllli. -.1'10!..., 1)I1OCKIVOLDERILo. gm , : The Annuli ; Meeting:of the titookholdres . of the tataburjr,h end Onadellseltle RellrolidLOon•- - pony .lonest Bulidld#, Teentli - Kreet; In thertity Of PA) ' id the,'Srst BlONDAlYilth•dirybf 46 ,eem vit t shit *Week n.-zo,, for , thevurparior ' Oitt fy(gAve Dirvolurx for theensuiwi. .. ~., Ifh , rk6lB: twat:mutt/I'''. • Sitintary ond_peasurei.' , i BA I . 1 I.9:rliiNgtrsari, Nov. lotikawil 0T1.....The Hoard of Direelors I.F 'c of tidy/lank, his 'A reigolutton mum! this tin 1110 - e ordered a cell of IL pmeralldeetliag of the Stookhelderh Jotthe. purpose of, oonalderi4 the, , impeillapey Of Itenept Ins the receded of the W.:. le. leture .'entitritheeberter iof the Bitmk. _ ~,, .' In Co , formltytherevelth, theluddmeetlmewlll.l4 held et he Rankles Ifouee,ton the 16th of Dation ball , , reornhlLWoloek mon. •, • , : • .. , 't 11014:1 111k4C•Wr., ..JOUN.B4RPER,CashIor., OF7Aczoirviiitschunirlfi3 4 stßaLQ9A7 lit-. It trushh,Noveroberdit,lll l “. TOCKIKW.DEE4S, opetialhieetiot of the gtockhokerri of the Allegbety Valleyltalhoad 11.16:, win be bald at the , 61hee of the Cranpuir; Plltaburgis,•6o the 11th • of Deee'mher ner4:oll , . in. t for the pus." ; pose of considering .arootrect with th-Dfahoning and.r.rerreh Greek Mahood eforepanr, for the inane aird•eatyrisloo of the 'Allegheny Talley - Ittlfroad, -sod to ratify or reject the sumo. Hy order of the Point.mid X IL 11 ' FELI.IWI , IOI',i • ordi BANN r PITTHEIIIIICI, N0v..23, Ithi. Ur a l' GENERAL .malunsu O 1 THE hrT001(1111LIAMS QF THIS BANK will • beheld he' the. flanking.3lpuse, Plitilirtry, the 4911 day Of licchrober 'hind, at 10 o'clock to considering(' decide irbether - this Hank 'Wall become an Almoblation for the business of Banking under the late* of thatnited Stater', and whether it shall exerrise'thenowereonferred by thit.Act, of the Le gislature di this State, entitled ' , An act :enabling the flanks et this , beeomoasso , 'clattorts forllankin F under tha Lawrie! the. United. Stales,m, approved 22d Augu s t, 1964 runt to take any further action that may be_nricomurry. IV order of the Mani of Director*. • . rt.notkcirir O. G. MAIITIff, °ashler; "FRE LNDERBrGNED NAPE PITTS 4.fiy armpits Oc.pnrtaersttlp toe: the 'Gan. Oenersi Ocnantanlon blerchanl#o seofrraNEM O. vwpnworr i otT.As: Irpnrcorr fr 'neV,d, tindshdriatiiihrute:kvOrotteltitetit IlnidenuhlOlETNllD SOO OSUDIS OILS Ind' MVP — ~c 't.ougSfaaideltldint Eatiet .71" Eli •dB ft? asiwn - E:Prrs.l _ _ _ O'NEILL MEAL & ANDERS:OI , e, Steam Book BR4 Job Printers, Az 4.lirk Sr., PITI'SIitTG H. PAMPH R lI'KEPTS BILL MEADS., I BLANK FORMS, POSTERS, PROOKIERTIE: • VISiTING CARDS. I TICKETS, PAPER BOOKS, I RAND BMW, ;. And nit-ether gin& of printing 'executed , with promptness end dispatch, end in the best and neat est meaner. We invite our friends having orb:ding to execute togide es n call. nomameod PWMUOT7 OLUNTHER —SONG OR :HU k.r3:"1.1 ChOrus: . Compose] by . SA.3 E..srikvrl,LEY of libesourt:' Priee;Mt matt. • Come goWit h too, Mune go Milli' int, ' - You true re sons of liberty. • ;• • - 'Your Cot:witty how demsnda.youtsid, lionriightlihrldlyheirtieetOpme. ,; .. , . • , • 1 •A•traito 4 rAtloe,witli naught, - • . -, Becks y red country to ride, . • . , Led by Toff - D-svia - treisaoses tool, • - And by tilapower they seek to oak, r . Trit , tend bur fathers oably.uort. ' ' Led, oi_by Cra - r - grest Wruddegtor, , ... . ~ • '-, Colder( mion go, with me, ..)Como go with me, • • . •. ,' .HCltne,'Wme, mane, • - • ..... . •,, -Coate go walk me. 'lift is a spletrald natinaot'song, of tee verses.- Tikt , Melody I.l,l'hAtiniel% .6,141 WI Mil] the reach Of .All, with n ric h , Lull; flow lag chorus. , • • : . • Alit, hy the ilintne buthor,:CIP.NERA.L. inlYtAhiT,,, I'llE•TiliAril.; price 30 resits: .. ... We are' tt toed - or 111:91diershold. ' : .Vith - hortiM %Nth - rigid 'and gay, • - Wr cheertiT join thejorial sonsr, -Aram!. Itte,Litnenrrnyb , -- : •--,,-..."- l'el , t , n,e hot-for:the rebel ho.(t ... 1 ' It herr'er they VW* their Mod, . . • •We me deities for our eoutdr,'M jiettll. • I.lsiost tititors ie our /and, And n'lltAtfetters I (Jinni to lend tot 011, ' \V.% ehan.irthe rinet for, " Wt.'ll '420.1311 their forts and rillopits. Nhcret ce I het nany:tro: • , , ~ ' Coorm,--aturrah. hurittb..hurrah.. ' : • ' The heareus shall Meg, • • While" Intel w.. rte . - CI f.jettrtal Grant, ibe tuitte:= Tlab. 'tong tannlA foiliiti idenie: .Thri W 01114111114 musk nrernreltent, with n Biel), anloottlng eho. lon.' Sting Li) the author at the, Volon Lengue Illtta e Il'erebtngton, iinttltuore and Phllndelptdo, quit nth. rreetv...r with the wildest enthusiasm, nod pronounced to tn'; toe best songs liftbencem... Far ntt Le at, .11 the .cloak i'itores to this City, sad .1• -1-1.-.. ltn'S Doak Ocoee, No. tot Federal street, A llcidb.n3 . . • tot3Olt TO OiL MET.—FOR SAI.R. _ Cne-Dighth of all the Oil Produced un .00 .CTPV •of t edd _ ito,te 06 the AllegheAr It iver, nt Tidionte, ll'sreen enimte. ' Thlit In rnr of t he 14,1 otl trait* oaths 11 - 1. - er, awl the our un whleh the Thlloute sad Wat;t3l 011 tom. way have 01,1,1 tell With great. alteeelss for four There art. set Mal., eil.S.Ort tin: Arse! pro. an,elei oil dally'sri sever .1 n-eni wella are heing put dean. Thonzh hut a small part Of the Lind is dm:eloped, t ft to paying, n Ittge, :lateral! no the Ik* asked for it, and there lagOod rearm to he r.< sr !hot ai the tree! in ftirtbet develoiral 0515 will be largely Inermsed.. The Interest we of er Is n clear hind interest or Royalty, free of all erawbseks rc ansesstaMits ftn'boring or opera the. wells.. It afro embreet•S the moth I.ledoue.tFf of the soil nod Unifier Ott the tract,•and.there Is lumber enough to make some williep of feet of boards and many thousand ennfa of weed. For fete I her boi itoatton addresathe-subseril,ird at oute,.Warrra county,lia. . - noZ:hlte ALEX FOR 'SALE. • ---------. • 803 arcs Too infirt from Titlioutr, Ntarrea could.), Pellol., ClUCtr Of tt .utt able fur al boring, but it icturdo• doped, turd .111 iresold nt rerrowiblr figurer. no3rtts Tfttictutr, %Pram county', Pa. (•OOPEIINGE ANN) SALT. Ito ovil.rd Tierce.: " Fork. Moreln 117 cecondatend LorilTiercre; iaOtrecoi Turkish Islam: Forcele by CHM* L. CALDWELL Fscortrai Masan e Overt.; 2"ollOrreurr. Fs., de Fourth Bt., Plttsburr h. Nor. lEldj ••• Of IEN HO " . tat-v erretadaortarttla rlredlari NO And Net, 39, of the Ntornat• Man dial tienerePa office., the, Board of Enrollment of the Toreuty taanod Blotrlet of Peomrslranla hereby . give • PiTIILTIU That any perqui in* atilitur befola tho Board and h.`namtatrielorn o ff the'ltstoff he . erinohoh, to the antlefottokof„. the 8eh0d,... thot the - person named hinot prOperlyenrolltdion account or 1. 41.:IENAGE; '' 2. ht.r..201E24112}20:174 . , n. J. IDTII2III AGF4 _ at. 2114.11t12.r.0t .PITT . SICAL DISABILITY: in loo , h adertree nn to reader ther.e_rmero not prover ehh ona .leat for. ericolinient under the ISM and reptile. tr o 2. r or n m " seeder Two .TF - Alitt durinathe "Au; new• Inanaonorolay dinclincoed. 47 Chllvlllerre;-e -lerreymerr and .11. Other pricent. , 'veld olt hero. ,re Intl led to. eplent ..a/1 rAtaetbe.. Jere the licard, to poise out errors In the Beta, nod to to zilch infarotot km in their poneesolon no may , of In the correellon matt restslooph.rpror," The linnet will devote all the time timt eau be FF.ared Irmo other dottrel to bearing and noting op en <threat-tons or'. 1.114 eurollotrut—rond relll,‘ odd to the corottuatr.rthi , bask. al Mt 11 - nble ter minter) duty, takhut op their reltd,are In Fut. - -dletriet, no well Ali mgeboft. taint/ {Whet/Arid, who l L time to t Ince. become *gbh; the climes ef prrodrin who entiat Into the military or nnt.;.l nets 'eft.4, or who remove pertavotratly from, n district, or,* beet,rinbillttr teraihmtee , While kilt, 'Will he midges. oil' on rildenre Whig produced to satisfy • the; Moon! of the Net. The enroihneht Ilste csse be hereerred of t hie *glee awl the lloaree.rnestly censmeel the enrolled cll -1,61,:f each autedh.trlcl XT tr.cirt to se.•. to the • im c t teen ni ettretet 'linen, tir othemine—s• 4 . 141 FA S ARE BASED nn EXIIOTZIENT, on /t Monde • hen • droft 11 .. ntit , :v , hotad It will he TOO I...ATE to ofeet theta by gochttionti. subs, Qu'ot/Y' made. rI - In nil eAmw. fii•R:toeiotono en M4M we remotnd pennoz. ntly trots. n Dlstrict, talioplicatton sande In have Their names ntriakesa 44.1 a *mira- Lie ea - Weser he "%Ise, Inenislon: fie . ItintriLa - thrts - prrsi-ra rc•thlence, in order to , sellr le:el/rot men/ Defertsticoseh, or aliens and {lmamate,. torty lhe. %bore papers eeto Med. but eons not' braid, °wh,: to the draft, coo uow tomes heatiot. Where trprepr. tu be stunt , ores forty- Eve or unapt twenty years of ye/my or otherwise t exempt, refuse or neglect, atter helaroarqueoted, to applyto.huto thetrausmes stricken Crows ttie rolls,' aod thereby likely to ndd to thequohe el the . Ills , end themseliee exempted if drafted, the Board trill, On a otoyu_ "bowing - oaf Ithelhet... erfrr tlo• ettemlnneo ortmen tiersenz oWittuotses dnd exemlne th em on oath 05 to their IFOUgllty to. raft. By order of the Itched. - . • - voKrEn. and Pro. ALarshal, 211 Mot. Ps. GREAT DISTItIBCTION Eureka ft Association;'` Of AA rind elegant Jgdirelnynanosi WlO4 WI Paintings, I.pgrav tte...rattml at *ciacp,cK:mo. wedeln the following. mom. V e rtlflentek, IIAInIAA eAch Article snit Its ralue, avyletred In SEA LEO PIXELOPEN,.whicii are el mixed. One of these envelopes be deny ."' " 'ur ItY MEG tto eddies,* -without reptillo motet., on receipt ottitl cents. • FofoNL•DOL.LaDvve will peadim nsAll or ex pires the Artfele dif the CliertlllcAto drawn, or nill'orthangeforsoloftte ritrilds on cwwtht, of al. Ine Id rilV7* -- 1W • Enti.Att.rnerian eusrantewl In All omen ve • valuta& article shtAlorkfoLthe., ndinina price • atinAziirYLL-6 - 101611 qoainPV, br poi wail teknowil Whit has wow draws awl volpe. 19 6 Elve peeled envelopes forth. Eleven fore! Thlrty'for Send for Clanlar. Agents•wilitlQL • GOODWIN, HUNT &CO.. Diamaardis, mum , f t , l l mo ttits bi d Akilro way.NowYcali: , t Ottee, New 1 ark. „ Cocroott.en oir.Abbsoussr Pittsburgh, Nocewberald, }At doriTßACTOM—Sotikd-P l a s il he , received . 4 , 1)1 . off m2lll Fl 1,1. or lustutet k tte'brge kerfrilarnson'sßrin, on the Noblestown, Need, ste/, o l , the:Nite,Of North end South - Faso - tie townrldps; - the plank oft the:. present. bridge tube insect La poorlng the new one. Specidestions On AppntifT 6 l , ;,.. ` •• • •k i t • ;IT direction of COunty UOlllll4 Men. =Mitt' LAMBERT, ntroller. • Perrenution st. Corsa inneviatai N. S. treefon,4 - Pittsburgh,hinvenibcfrilth. SIM .r VO.TICIE TO 13TOCIUTOLDERB... 11 . annual rare - Ong of the stiackholtleis of the Pitts. 'burgh nod tionnellsville Ridlroad thinipany, will be field at the office of the Company, Tonne Dm. :Ing VOVlrell STREET, in the Sty of Pittsburgh, on t he find Monday, fifth day, of ,Eleeclober next, . fit, o'clock roe ;hp purpaso of, eloottng twelleDirectorsfortheensuing year. - , W. O. inTilltAßT,,. tlolB:2S7dit,lll, Secretary andirressurer. C6-PARTNERSHIP.—The, tui4ots)gned loot this day foimed Ers•parttierrihip under N' .the came and style of GWYNS d STONEMAN, for the P.M.e of wirryttig oti the Food and WO. does , business genernaty, Rua, would .resprietttily solleltia abankot the mobilo patronage. nlYe, nell keep constantly on hand. large stock, Which we will sell tow for cash . The business will be capital onat, the old stunt, No. VI Pannsyleanire (WYNNE &STONEMAN.: Pittabrirgh, Nee.111.14-191k • • eegeat DUAT.Q I 4 / s kirtijiti 7-7- Doer or Derrsnunois- a ter. SS; Mi. • VOTICE.II3. EIBABBT - 'OIVEN. that:: Cooperte'die Desember ist,io:tin'the tiro vent Dve firs per tent, intermit-boa TD,DARATEx OT.F,S4ortll beirMoemed•st this " - Cieuponsottlineenotee tot be lessecpatsted tronstheorigleal note by scene one' eoneeeted with thisQttlem- • , f DAV:o[ft • I ' It tenAnwir. - Rbakm* E .: - T ... e . pri .... 018 ... T8 r y wounTli SIRE Air l ' ' Xi airs, 815 Fourth Street, IPVIr V4 , .. „Vim= gibers manufacturer:Lil saranpp! t Iti 41811"4 my mlieleiu M l ooll a l it iDaNAIa .ctinT Ass ._..._ , YEA ,_ pp% mATre ___ m i ls . • S --- °4 - 4u --- .14:14.- .4 - ris ' .1n; 1865. THE 180. rIVSBURGH GAZETTES 1-;SIABLISHED rr36. Tiro DAILY Eptilos, TWO IIi:KKLY EDITIfIA-L IMyrnley.o4l Erenirsh Wednesday and Sstardify. The Pittsburgh Gmitite Pnblishinz ixsociaiion Haring procured n Fora CYLINDER OE PlirasS, n new and beautiful not. of typrotml , cured the services of. aft efficient: corps of slit[;, the paper entera upon another year of its tong tinned fend !norm. lit,. is illt !itch hopes and ell “turnging.proxperts. The °Av....TIT has never been. known to utter an uncertain delimit rind to Ito steady and nothing ad- I ecacy of correct political principle, to he att Its uteri, .to in large degree, Ibo proud <position u• i;11 Aliftheny county hold nonone'llie loyal owner n ., Ca of the United States. Its voice to the flit Ire will be no leas derided and emphatic,. THOLE!SERAPHIC bli:P4O'rns - r OP THE lit/MrpTE .-- • . .. . Is now a subject of Vride to the puhlishers. With s eorps of energetic nod talented ,Speciai C - tpundents nt the neve eenties of the day, they • ennided to File, flout do ] • RELIABIA• . .1111 t:orious OINYATCI-LhN. , and plane it on n Jar viilli..thp wort -miterpthdog journals of the , y: , r po;st of fat. "I'tto, same liberal, outlay; .for, - eirly ne..d telitible]heiri by , TetiVtipti Itilf 1,1 i ,,, atintspa, notaltiiftnionctrtbeirteriout t he !neTra , ..ttirspiloto . . forrropoluttort from flw Army, our own Specinl Carrcnpondent, gild front rbl.. oontribulont, sluvU continue to be KVlClfili twnt and inlet-urging (extort, .IBE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT' • - Is ccoducte4b3 ortv.thoronghly quoll4lcd talus-Ash relitilhir , reports q. trnossclions,"frout Nlie ruougetx, (lAN-x.4E, ELovrt, tr . e.; may h i. rolled upon ss the , ',Rood pole!',' front . thy Ito thy.ol.ts farotrlting o:roost'lntertatltr ortil calimblst frAtilne fyr all.elrmses of modem Pio 4,1li1C11.• Is siriredlizt , .proeurlog Telegraphic quotalons Irmo actdltion to Imme reports. TERMS: . DAILYPAPI:II 'Morning Idit ton, per yenr 9 mailed ....... per mont h, .no " per week, de1ivered.....:..25 Fl ening Willem, lw.i-yenr, SAO • "• . per week. del:rebut:. .. .. . .15 WEER' t.Y PA Prlt. ''‘ettle conk", per year, =tiled 00, F Mph,' lA, yen', by unit, 1'75 len or more amiie,. to one arldrtmn, and one free to club, end, 1 5n ,R,T. All subsoriptlons invariably to advance, and the layer% to he stopped at the et:pit-Alm, al, the. time binvhth I hey wem p , Id Cea'Arcutittaners by moll can he registered. through the Pont Utnm, nt pnhttnhera' risk. OA 74111'E A SSOCIATIIIN now nr -•noo. PS, CONCERT HALL. 6eitielialit'S Positive Farewell, Signor Muria has the honor to inform the efti, re. of Pltteburgh nod ileitat) that he he. •ha, ertaird in ntalirm arrangements with the World M oaned Pianist and went Composer. It. M. C31 , C101"1 , 19 , 4 to gtt r o •rrira of -rend Cancer. in the priorlitil thira of thr Unttrd Stntra, prior to hilt doporturr for Iletwoca and htettleo. • r. Cioltertiolk's Fnn•mril l'onrcrtA In Pitt. burgh wiq lota. 'intro on - 71 0.011 it WEDATADAT ilil66N, Oer. 711.1 g Mb. Signor ttleto tnkre g reet pleasure to an nounce t het he ha+ green-A the nervier,. of the fol. InWthg. notitent ntthtte to nesiftt Me. Uotttohotk oit 4 , PreettP : 'l‘.l ISS .1 ..litrY SI MONS: the rtidnint ennt,tr:ce,.(Puld ends,f whose un pct,setnit:Med meters during n series Of ('assert. In by Ihr 1 1. 41 "r a k iirrIntru c ts . Ti e r r E! " uV . . 4 . "k""1"4" : 4 1GFICOR reteoraten nnritone 'WAR 1)(11.311,E14 ttmlnutoun :Violinist. • RAJ NOR _ltt I 7.11).....M1ude,1 Direvtor end Cond'r. One.lrpllnr. No extra chance. for J. l i r ie.l Sent.. TlCket oftlee open, torkintnehor Stit 111 , , M, M P n. m., V. *VI!, 9, ' , nuntc titcte. Orden tram the country enuemtur the annum .for the - mrniber of cents requlrtM will be pmmptly attended to by C. C.. Mellor. 14,,,,“ open at 131. Concert to,cummence at g: .o=6m NTOTlVE.4litving (Unmet:46r. our Later, + , l rot' lb the &kik and Job PrintiniOdice, Uas.clie iluLkljgr. to Alessrs: D. O'NEILL and WILLIAM ANIi/XSOIL arein'setirineftorollhe business;ctway speak for our sure.4ollll A. continlnibee of the ps.' • tronege so long And so geoetodsly bestoartal on the .establirlibient.. All claims atodust. our neat and sit settled by us.usos • • .nala • hissing purchased the interest of FEEGIToOff • k co. I.O.OAZISITI. STRAldditksta awit.lON VITIN7IZOI Ellth'. erects brain , lids day_ romted A Copartnership ,underltter' rkirfn of‘O'N.EILL h..ANDERSON, for earryingots 'the 411,1d111. of said eitablislinient: It win he thdY .1011 a to one of 'the most 'complete'. In the pest,. ha, nil its detslis, and work. no Matter of what ehatnetio,nll3 not only be seseented.with proardrsa• and dlspofeb, but on the most ressons- . non t the aatisfsctory manner. Igcbt oath of lowiniononable tails , end 'large prat": ticatiesperieneeto thr,prhouog business has been pteclitat the heat of the eatablishoient, and thos6. of our friendi who adury „favor in with. their order* lust istriaistowl. that bOth na to derma and the qualitrOd the work the fullest istisfaction Will :he. sit en. • • • It trlc DILL: • nchedt . • . 2 WIS. ANDERSON. FAIMIO - NABLgcp94C - KV Cirraiars, Basque& ChffdrenN Ohiaks, Poplins, g04031.c:g Dr .mm GiAlicx,dost. A, RATES; 21 Fife Sireet. 864. ilouDays • 1865. 31•400.1 FL ..T2lllaurehtni*JEL. 13111 4 .114, PRAMEIVDCIOICIIi. *TEM BOOKS; In .I,4nnt bloillng,finemornesotnnd veinal' • All tbn STANDARD =pm* Otrultngl. All pat ,/.190*.5.. . Boys OA Mtn , . GAMM ot • •IZVVliitr/7413678 1. J ra rND R ISIATIN3 Pat ttr lifsehe,44l. r w- load Rosewood LA., DiEstrxplar - smEs; • _ _ - i'ur4l.ll and .ustem/Lued,II97BTFOLIO.S. OPIMPETIB, 111 EN* M14413,11811ver Exten alntLitsid 3/ licidets. • 1100 , ML and all noveltlie or the Ltiqulon, nn u• ready,a. large'smb •mxtepteta igtock r at, .4LiNTS, 1 nosel ISIuSIXIIR 8211.16E11, IKw.onto MIL ' - - ?3Q1)124112a11En, Othcel No.. 334. Broatway,l New York. W.ll. IoDENEAMEP., M. D., °Mee stre e t 1443tnirgb:Pa. Devote !their motaidie clichtion to CM MedlM cud Surgical treatment. al Ohmic Disemes, ectra. tinily- Close Lower: Bowel, such die Piles, Iliadic; Viola re, Constipation, Pcillog of the Bowe el, Ulceration cud Stricture iit the Dowel, &a Alm, , the eariout Chronic. McCaig of the Womb, Kid am ! thv 13Indiler, olio. • ' DIVIDEND NOTICE. J., - 1 1 . • * . . • c. .. • x 0111101•NATIOSAL Wit Or PITTBIII:IItOir,PA.I '• Pitl.borgh November teth,11364. - The Ptrstdent and Director. of ;this Rank, o or revervio the surplus fund required by act of Con gress, entitled an al to ...provide a National Cruz rem'? approved June 5d,1861, and alma retalylns an additional surplut fund, have:' his dog- d e tim i .a n Dividend out of the profits of the last six. Months of THIRTEEN DOLLARS PIM Slid.itht,' free of - United Stites tax, payable fortAllth. , , • . 1 .. • " Ft, D. ft RON; °ashlar. • • BOUQUETS AND OUT . I".I.OIVERS. - . . . . . ,MOOCIMETfoi . ' . troni Ner.4lEt Green liousq., l ; fundshed dally*St r ikh Jewel ry Store ofliltTrs. hIorADDEN,. ft ' CO, o. LA Market start. • •• Elpe4ht orders for Bride tor tit er 'parties le ft at. • the Above :dote byb *Aln la. M. the day before' wanted, trill receive prompt attention.: . noCattt GYALVABIUM REMOVED 1. rilkErllll,lolßill HASKELL Moe_ t geed -thell.flymitislum to ST.PLAfa, litTH Bissell'. Block, third Poor. _Class Ratur , ' Bat , nit at 10 6 , c100k, - -for the secommodstien of In I a and others. Afternoon clauses aii natter. Iri E TO NfROM - 11`1.MA. - ':CON '_Theo Oireopilievat t l a t - triti.M 1,„,„ - tt.k. 4.M , P.Llwl)lrtoksA (AM Rdlt be 1.??1 .4 . 1t.,... Ht i iiit ir x. is ira i . , ..,,, " . .**" . l 11 1,!Ntioami• °. " ' "1/ 0340- . . ... ... "~ s4.af2'x?a'W'. etr ;YF~r ~%7 >ST+.:;',:;~ w *:... •,~.:ur,>.. . I I • L.,.,r~..~1_r. .4'lE 4; • .lied Zr.:Itr.I4.E.ItTE..VT.V. , ..t, VEGETABLE COUGH SYRUP 1•1:I.TOTS"ti SYRLP cure- Puld•. uuuan • • fv (!oltl4 ft, •hr If, .1 '• '• Sore Throgt. '• . lI'LTON"S SYRUP cure, Asthma. • Orals], Italuont t. " " 'ltronehlti‘. , " Pittn tbe - ea g . . . . lig.Tf.YlS; , B 'SY RI'P cum, Inrip. t!ortzumpticsti.. - :".. " , , 4.l.ltpahalAttiNki amt. ' , , •" . •,, '. Spitting 11100,1' :• ' ' , " " " ittlncy,- - •• _ • ' . . is A eirliT . A,ll . l t;(1')1!- Fulton% Tegetatile Cough t4)114 eurc; l'ourtm, fold., nui" sit utreCt . .laas of the. ItirLat ead Lang, . . . . trxer co-21-vm Is a !aridly Vegedble'l'anspoasil. "rum mgr./Wt.:AT (011111 raq hld at all rtileble , Drug Stun—, IZIIEEt=21!!!r11315!1 .1. 31. FULTON'S liltUG STORT:, whole4ale and ref nil agent for the indly. celebrated Caliibi-nia Wines, Eigniarq, PURE RYE WHISKY, ( 1, A U T I O N. —On NOVEMBER 21st, kputh.Khrrroml) , , 7. bL LINDSI3.I7of. DoDidayrburg, the teefpo . by which ht mantatc tnred Ma famous unnlletne, known at Dr. J. M. LINDSEY'S _ IMproved Blood-Searcher Since that time I have been thlauhaturingit, nvirigqtr.X.TrflSlfEhtttfflttrOf thio,thrll plojetlid hu'pelietenklfelltii preparation, ul,l shall continue to manufacture Itrfai seeoutmen with the Instructigus and dlreol6ris 61Itr: Lindsey. Those, then,tat , slting the genutru articler , should sae that Iles:dune of J. M. FULTON" appears on every bO4 tie j aml.totienlers X phrenetic., that, pyary Larrar, flan atlas, my Aradr.norki will be prosecute to' the full extent of the law. , . - • ._; Ifos. Cr and CO FIFTH &M T, Pittsburgh. tá iettarccioN.snykitou sr thin before purchasing else *herr. m 330 Darters tithurrimarawren Pittsburgh. Ps., Nov.ll, 1261. 400,000 B s ELIIELSO, C O , A L I opoeet* will be rereived at thin oblee Until 14 o'clock X i Dint day of December, INNI, for , ftittilehing and delivering Foul Hundred Thalami:el 13dibehr gaud' eh/ad:able PlttslSar6ll ilso et Efemplits,Tenn., as ' de/liming bv vi , ef Waft, and the Wm Moat etatek what each bomb la to away, nn well its the pace gun each bdat. Aft larges tvDl be etcladed; but if delivered in barges, they wilt be returned - When to they wertgatevd et ',Memphis, Tena; to tint cane the. actuagmalue. will he geld for nail, bona Satan . Tluosbase moat lo to be gauged at Blemptila. ponala mast be marked ' , Proposals hu , Cold end addresne to -Lt. O. Cs s, mos e y 4. BL,Oest'l,Pittebn d rgh, Ph. ' ta.l l 3llTra:ardt' t t ' o lt m o. b t l ie gu r a= Dee vesponsflite patens, wham signatures:War be ?Vended to the gunrentee. T reeponsibility ot the gnerantorsAnst. be shawls by Om edictal certlikates of the Cia of the swami Markt Court, or of the totted Mites Die. : trkt tatted.). Mims must be present ln pax& when Diehl/le ere inpeud,or their proptisille *Dina be itoadder- Condo canal to ainituul, tilhali theauna twine re= aired es t e bs_ itt eon pail bout retore, I *Ail ;1 ‘ 1•1,, Erg - in - nt- 1 . hrr . n maul accompany theetract, it will be ry eer the bMrs to their bondsmen with them,,pr t s ee stunedln satialpatiew, and reed o beredating when She - contract' I. ingnrd. PORY OP oroII'INTOIL e( the county el.—, and Stateur 0 The county of —.wind State do , beret gunsantee that bt,able AMU. tract in armed:ace with:the terming .Idapintioai ua, nd should his propoaltlon be aceepted, ' D l,e vi II at sore enter into bbontract 'therewith. Sho d the centred, be yarded him we are , pre- ; point [Tq Oda guarantee moot be app • ended the Okla mrtierate above mentioned.r Propouls ftom dialoy al peaks trill not bg goo, ehlerod, and an oath of allegiance wilt be required ogoooeensfut bidders before signing contract. 'I be underiguid reserves ,to himself the tight to , r...lnet. tiny or ell bide that he mil - deem too high. o.)ment So be matte upon the complettob of the 'enatrlpt or ma soon therea ft er as the undersigned shell be in (node -, O. OBOES; n Ad. _Li. CaL and D. Q.ll. General. METROPOLITAN GIFT BOOK STORE, WILL OPEN ON Tuesday, Nov: Ist,. 1864, And la permanently loented at. lea Seiti-00t •:- • , • OPPOSIIpt ADAMS',. EXPRESS OFFICE; Th 114 f leagestr..iita.m est. Medd* conducted cstabllainapit Vest of! few York. :At thli,ostab,: llsbirobst „yob cut - get say bookyou tiny desire: flocks in vestry partht Literature: • And you - Wu-6' thk 4th - sinkage 'off recciel4 with; wish book , thilt • liiltSOME PRESENT Worth froacktit a Sr ,ISENTS to. Willi uuNpit.ED .110LISAMorktcls lakdkett with' dank book: I k All books are sold at pubtlibeno prices, and you ea:limiest Ram the largest stoolstrser °gremlin this city, lacluti*ho Standard Works, adidescrip, t lons Of IRA idtbsit ot Bibles ' akd Pripselltnr pittiftcatidni, all the - varieties al OM Books, all paUerna•of Portfolios, Ilookeor all classes, upon all sulects, In carry style o fbinding. awl: stadlcs* rat ify Befaen‘l : bar they fa purchwrineboolts at tho • metrovo!ilan ftri 1?lok , .t. • • „.1: ywerv. more than you mould nt any other es• tablia ent, and have the athantage Of ;melting a V.e Witt • - eh book that you buy. Ono trial Will con. nine Hook. Hoye.* thetlhe plamito meke • their vintage* to et 113 P/FII.i3TRENT. OVA i roox. OP PHOTOGRAPH ALlitinS,• IDLES AND PRAYER nciou r Is ) WEt tn the it hod aold it the xtair.a.sit PRICKS, nod gift w th cacti purchase , varsing from My cents to one hundled dollars. • • NZ- Descriptive Cithlogues mailed Dee to may , addrem upon appucation. NOTIC 8. - --Lettetir of AdmilkiattatiO4.,' cuni /Mame - eta cane., 1101D13: bc'et:TOutted. 1, 9 thtt undenigiled, on thecatate of ANTmol'ir No. deemmed, late of .11itteburgh, Allegheny einlety, Teensy ivauta, all 'Persona .ba dog- claims the estate- - rea notified to preireat them, duly . authenticated toe settlement, and - all persons-In , del?ted will make payment, to me.. „ • • • maim t merlairr- • • • •NOTICE.—By PoweettlAttorti.sfolulymeouted, I hareapreleted my wee. lfinTi__Uall, to settle the estatu of ANTHONY YOT1011E; deed. All persona boring claims will present them, duly,, nutbentleated - I.aettlernent, and all remits know, leg tbempelnee Indebteddo theOatate will insfhlm;' The nowt. and account' are In hist pasta:don. Mer• be can be found, every business day at tatCroilith: National Beak, Market Barnet, Pittabatahibetweea. the bourn 0/I€l ill rift. alb; 1 44 in. • ' • ' Adtaibutiatela. now telbOnooo annano,iat.anthOOP rift urithiVar• : note dhr 1 , E ) R 11 /1 1 TE , DISEA.SEIV 116 41 1 111•11ZRitaymaq•amvs • Farthe*iii nit a paella oataue s la, trot tlei n t .trtblkaer der', by n'entlept aew and t; -431111 t, BoaastWakne4 =deg oth :dfaeoads of thogealtataagansoadllieMeftattoti.` enta)wirraateaor mope." rafaadad..4 ses tulthemietkci I; an Feta ittceit. gonsa • 444.4,4,“ x~:%., 1 4w..` ,' ~." SK 1 r,.+i Mkt"~,iLS;w'i Ley'! 1.1611 E LEAGUE GOODS EERINO VESTS AND DRAWERS ALL' WOOLE4 TESTS MID 'DRAWERS, R'OO R Y A LARGE ASSORTMENT . . , itti..V...THE'nkitgititg and Merino Soelfs r ~..,r BUtkdKiN `GLOVES . 'AND - tiAll NUTS: ' itunsor: 'l3l-aasIST'sPENDER.4. , Logsw mmHg Z4BIiELL4S, itartnia r Aims, to all oolors and LaltOT; R gif t i li ti oni orr q. m n tw l .. , acyla and ORiclaikaiTS AND MIND:MINOS far Ulna — irs .and Dresact.: ;.,,. inizt Itibinons. • STIAXfo, NEM' ST):/sh. ~.9, II III k ,ANDL;4IAOK; ANTRIM; 711:IPT DREAIST - , • Pthi,A POOKl:TqttqlliftAlNn v RAOS,, , PRILADELPIIL4.I.IADEPEAR BM= TON'S. -A AA ParlOAN OORSETtt, , ITUITWAMI)' tIOLOILEth rtiA/13 ROLLS. ANI) tMI ENEILti Nlrre. ; AMFXICAN %Ell ,111 mosnks,TAMMAASHATLS., 8.4.C4V,E 3 ,5PV.1 l'he'fortomlng articles swot' AIttERIOXIO-4A,N -1!-FACTJ:RE., end-were porehnsed.AlreetlyiroM , the Mskers qr Otis Agents, MVlwill.voutpare, tr oisbly 111.100;4watt/ not ,wlO Forotgot floods. • Atqh notoostio urr S TONS, P/N, lIRALBS,,EMIODINOS next 'many other SMALL rIVAIIES. 704 received, .qogritity, M AtneeteAq ht I:MAO and While 001.11.W . M05E.: t . • . • Aitstelal *deal= wiltherrofter be given to oor ossdrttuent of HOMEMADE A1q7..0LE,4 • tiARGAINS t GOODS_ - ' ".: Present Panic Pricesl - -MACRUM t GLIDE, lgp. 78 MARKET STREET, Pittsbur g h, • • • • . • i•-lienoirno&and *rail 'deniers tri TAIMMER(2IS, ENEBBOIDERIES. , , • GET4CiI7'3III.9I, RIBBONS,' IttiCTEES, Turiliehing Goods and Notions; lialtno'rel arid:Rou e Bea ver : Sn4i Turban hate; Ltlnetlrey Knitting lia . rut,Etrcaldast Shawls; Nobles, Sontags, Waists, Sleeves, Setta, Collars, MIN Linen, Latin and . '!.imbroldered• Orerefiieraitleauduesset, 17eta,_Steni end Set -Buckles; Dress Tritaniti ng s land rOrmuncrita, ts, 'We otter the above and -many-other articles In line, at very moderate prices, end we:opitc4 "Witolesale. and •: . . 014,11 tuithasirs TO MAXINE 003.87.456 E., • Which will be found lar g e and attracti v e. .• neS- • • No. 67 awl 0 4roet. brlvr GOODS, - JJ M. BURCHFIELD'S. .. A la !GOD R'. L. FOSTER fi. CO; ~, i ~. sl'i+e * n.4w.~ ' ~i • S2` i ahy'r'7l~',f~E~"'nrs~s.~§~r',.~.s' ~• Mt 4; 0 -0 DS. FOR tO.EN, WOMEN AN3 CIILO4IEN FOR, ciEr'S. 81111111 In Plnin_asul.FAncy Enrolv:trA6lttiai. Thhi,•lT ah4lflFifth Street- ; AN9T.UEII OPSNING NEW 'ooobat,l' J. W. BARKER & C 0.% fVFP reAle f b^ l l ; litps U. 9 ever. ~ f ;: €!`,. ~ C' ,' , 4 iNUMMEMMNI • FRP2TOU MERINOS,' IRISH POPLIN'S, r et : l44lY - 14 '*0, 4 V;r 1 ./.. ASSElCEl,.fni4esi'atidnoyi. 7 LUE 1T1144*; 2 ' : *MITE SHAKER" • .!.: " " ALI6.&Z;,Ner t LCIU.. CI r: I. no . ilsoothient ofirety description or HEW just opened. • at Urner:ildrik-afturlinikitillf. CU:11 tJ'l:'7-1.',1 ',TON FLANNEL-- g);-1311ETLA.XDi WOOLAXiVSILK `,irKii~Rc" . " kb, / 460111 5 9 1 A at; T REDUCED 11110 M, . 40011 EA DEMOS a cot, ',BI MARKET entai. 18.4 . CRAIG:II :. .... ~ F,i Vie'.'. -~~_~'. orrtsrlti* iii; ADT '.~ 'GE_I D, .:.:: :"-.oiajg . ,Firectiwee:4;, oii4t: '''" T. 4El94ll'itV • Gaonsierciutsit r . n: , .•, 4441:W Fun,. 114eon,'cue4iii.:',Diii lc led for ell meretwidlee,PiHrbWllhxdan* and Harried I s a t utri r sod um= tem,HorfrdigEyr otreet,g% -.11 Old r9 . •• J A HOMPE•II ,I S , I4 011 , :, Ile• • ` , ark L noun lir 00, lohn Hall a, CCM , QC& Iktiva ts U. ICES. 4:1 - VA 3, 71: Atsi:E PIA , / 1" Ert , 11:444 tot at 1 . ,•11,;....1. .11,4 ut r lit, • kind of e6ltry chn lres . 41 :11114. , ' P: wt 41!),1.0vn0r41 a - 4'4.!:1:':14 STEr:ET. wStip • PURE ITESE vim:Evan. ' . 34 ,4,‘ r t!! i t"; 1 '77. 9 l •1 , E. &M. soLtatasf; tit - Aunt: . i (For,vr'y TART G. CO., 11,..7eatiz4 " 0 The mile Vinepe itril"tirith," Prize X ,114, Of' girt' i , xhil 4 torr.'ni 'rife 'liiterrihtioritr C en. Conlon,!had for :ore Y•Akino4 - VADA, rlarirnairriet, iocli eodtf Wr.f.FNrlol l "lww o ' , mudef4l9o44 mancrArreruttts or i P. IVIW NW ARAITWIC,WirI4 II :444 I . •44.:rit:- - •f• .• ir.eTurded east. — l44iisti':-.l4:llWiit iiesiiiiir."•:! - . i reription. Mill, BruL‘y, Cross eitt, -, fla4oulatikir • , • L Medea( ANTL-ItSand4PßlX=4Mt4.l'.'" ' i ttlAtat tt`et• gktitk - .Rouniita .1, NT Warehatixe orularaiit,liiiit L tit'ili. - 1*11114.'-': '.. 1 . WIT tiTREETS, , PinAthiargtt. - ,- - •,. • 1 Partin:Liar attention given -to Retaothintr.l3wir. ,, .. , ins 'awl ett, raightentni (11yettlite :Urn; ratirizrr-r... , ' . e4t in kiw.PqaTlti* .ir.1.11t4.! sgdotierek t f • i g ;ntible Wes. '....' :- ~.,•_.,_ .„-_,. . 0 , apAiay . .41: WM. nAgiiiiiii.Li 14*. - . - i biter Idakers.& sheet Iron Workerp t t ...:.,..... t i '; - .dattl i .e.rtet ..., sting enured a larre.sarti, and Imagined i witth the moot improved mnehioery, we arr_ptepiu. :. e tarnagintantouo ceerp..lemarlotionrorßOlLEWl. Mt .tett - atazater,' - arat warranteX equal - to mai Made In the country. CRIAINEYS; REICHER PARE BEM ( I N PlPk., LAriIOSIOTIVg •.' : IRELERS, ,C-ONDENSEICS. SALT..sp-ANS,; • ~ TANKS, OIL - STILLS, A(IITATJIts,. rigr-„,_ 'TLING , .PAN I% - . BOILER 'IRON, ulturaw, •—. , 4 Nl:oAlt,PANSorwl soirtnnnufnoturer • of-114.11114,: .. ' EILL'It'PATENT BOILERS. Repairing dam • ~. OS thonhottentbotlise. - - - • • - deltSt.r• '.' I .MEA de felt.; (anaconda' 11=7 4...1.10.am5in",;;1rs tx a MIL tame ) . . . . . Wootangton Works. .POUNDEINI AND lIIAOHINERT:4;Permottaciti,V rtiannlneturira' of BOAT AND•BTATIONAfre:''i. STEAM - MOINE 7411.1...' , 1 OMEE.III - , _tiro NO,- I.4IIAPriNO; , OA.-316:: • INIIS'of dencript lona, OIL:TANKS BOIEER AND ,BEFIT IRON:WOE/C. • ''::-%I 116) , Atenth for GIFFAR LYS PATENT nimirAore ,. * : '.i i OR, Go feeding !alien,. UE;OrtUtt tr, T. 11041.11 . 1.1 k Lit BELLE STEEL WOBBB.. .10M6M- CO; ' (succown, unßrac.u..arnwi Minllfneturens 'of OAST srarbra; .„ t -- PLOW' *ha BLINVEItISTEL'f4 SPRINGS. AR- .-. LZ.S.OROWBAIt3,b.c. • - ' Jr.r.Worlut,. FIRST WARD, 'Allefihany. ..:Doat' 1 °Mee adthies, PITTIiBt; UGH. • -jslikty r . LAILIS MEP.It3IIOII C4l PP erKil l a nil . SUielting WOrkt: ' PriTslitmaiL . PARK, M 1 RD.V CO:; airnnunietki."orsitkirintiti,' atidttaScia;: BOLT • ;CX)I-1 3 1 , 31, , PHISSED cruPPISICfI3Or= * X.L.I,..R.L.ex s a,S.IIEET ui . MON, WIRK im:t 1" Colistaritts on Ampl,, .01(fia,S , ittec.airtEs TOO ?l :No:1101 , IRST .1.9013E0-: OISI3LECTBEETSi. , PIttiibutet• SPc.. Qf ;,;1; ColiPertsit.tosayttesteiSirpetttera. - sur*kyliw,,T. , - TnE"CoNFENAIIoNm AND [Or Abet. I'm:Mill .mml-fix n .watning , and cau iCOZ : OF AN ` INVALID, tion young men,nloo.wutror fromllersouw al,uhopEly etc, ;supply/Nu tomb the, viutnxbratil.cort, by moo Arbtkbas,,,,,,.. mired.libboelf &nor bong pitt, tirgrewt oxpOnsit 4 Injury throligh Medical - humbug. siquielttny: By outlawing wisod-polit &Wrested mimektipe;illt . gip loam maybe hod nr the authot: _ . NAT/I-A. NIEL li".1.411:11 4.1 mr 2 ISTID.v.r nejtairJ county,N.X., . 741;...N ESIVOI2I.,..BUFFEILEIMV: ur; DOTS fq::X£4.... , Vrergrand'seattinaintibitif.,:?t , " de Qtr uat 47stme1374 ' 11 1e ti r ilic - 7e,m=7 - 14 -- '''- exertetduty tikeiniintmLiate allfroted crentws themeensof oure,llnceribetbettads 'of it. siddrexced envelope, he Will itend,loXlsix*7.r , n 'of miptlcia i.e..l - 'DWeetle JOri, DAM , TAL Itoraltak. , itte4t i nth tiPt6oololl INDIA M01J10014114 - ....„ bib&nett such iiotarllety 11rObaz, • curel of rover and Avei:foid-tbtbri - billotut 'non*, wasvrepored _by wregulat.pbvittetost,itodliV=l , .l the imat'afan estquintProotlco aEsevermigarcr. r z--- ~ : a buplukcAndate., =lose whobove tpol_tt. to. ~, tarts;otioerrnsiautaiTeirieti upozkOzterh.V;:t:F4l-- no Author Id' v`ratiitt—,ol:" reetiteoW tho lain moor-olttfOuto of ibtr-v. IT T ylbsea.e Baccompnales...csch bottle of 'AY 110400 4e14.1".. DISEASES OF inr.... 'linty . 0 4 4,..'":',' 'SEIJSNAL; trammASY,ANII SEX ''' a SY .a—new 'and rellablejtentatiat. , -La ''''...'''' '. po of the Howard Asecoetation. — Seuthy mall In il e r. 74 Ei f ETra rut ri b.A - ' aW. a t 4 nietatton No . 0. 3 South Ninth street, • m y =WM •.:AtlPSo43Atnutidtri . ..ktuinti Amattivatiratio. MON RAILINO, WINDOW 8111. M.. GUARDS - 79.C., Nos. 91 NM :1 OND etadps UMW Me& t 9 %,, blartettiltarettniSsndo* gorir tancY and plain, suitable for all purposes. • JW-Partlettlar attention terbtenenelnaLng Green ' 1404 1444 4 PrAPtleAsingOloblem- -- - 'IS ebi—pr.-notientwiritolosmextehrieros -o=l.vpl - RION AND DC e lyßiTW TFS i fir, ,L. , rm . } FT ,r . . .., 2 i , h 36.7%. , ..wriFisrwr..lir....P*All4Fiali*. -. Collections on ou all4ho-principot eltihS out the United States. .• • . .. .. - " ' ..111611. XL: COLLINE:L: f 'WARD. ./1 ING AND COIHMISSION DIERGHAN'I . ; awl ;wholesale dealer la OffliklSE, DUTTHR; Swolhwt. FISH. ano,. produce geaaall.. 115 Flttabursh.; ,,,, , , WNOC, GIOAL WORKS. C4itai, Sock, SIBO OO¢ r X 15,000 iAlitlegi,yr Sib - 1 Tana IniOcr—TOJIN• GRArr__. . ...... - - ..; ISlntitAkt.riiCag . TAMES WIRD' ' ' • . Joicsr rklaillo,' -.- .3.I2.IMOUNk' ,----•. g 7 A, • WW. 1dek13.6. E. FAWOETT.I o a. 4% tln t.T. W. LYDAY. clppt, . JAhi. WM/ W.. • -'- t Capt.A.PAlSlfTlif;• . ..." .... I, •• ~ r - 0,1 • i ,I,VAPI-J.-. 1 .4 6 1. 2 7 00 . SUDO'. 0 4 1. 1 014 k, o --ssTh .„ - - ......micpuipanzeitia the properrnoWd diethe ' ' 0 bUngo Coal Works , = together w th, Una Okhiernin • ",-. Tann! , wijoteding. and cOri ki.fait ell About 110 ' ' " ncrcal The property.hilarl'Ahn•Wilatlonit - '"4 of 'the Monongahela nkt,W _oronbobbuU , . i ol i ritilT4l/1004r 'adTtig g. i 'll=g ',I. ' l l ' * L riti,t t ile bwt i th rathl runti gto the rirer,w p cot 0 went, and ilicewiaangemento for loading coal. , „Th e . Aherady 0en...1. dfalinadirholstodf.-.,-,A, Imo, .43.40a0... , ... w Ridln. - With Ontifea , ,• . drited and TOMS 1.112111 11014_1gt.1144:temui 6,131 4 1Wir workins eighty o one huodred men sink ' t.l 7 l 4 li i ittai=l7=lt it ti e lfZhf i l l era7 l3 : , trig k e z a vifp:zestnet= t aft=eis= , .. , faeUlt.esd i c4abilias by•Weonstinctionwfonawar..,,,,,A , rtonap - alopkave set' SAO/ Id balllf''''' .fotlkir purpooe of making rowhmPlated improwi welds ond providing &working CZ pF.II for the sew • Tgitr f=iiiilaiote l tightilielli ,4 l64 ll • " V The Diectora confidently believe the Ingo , , will prove to be one of the WOW' iiibstanUal and remunerative stocks in the °pantry, t ...,,li 'SPORTISIIIEIVIVEIEADqUARTiIIar -' , 3.. ! . LIS WO°D; - i'' ‘ 1 . *--"' 4 . 4 7 Mcglailf: 74 0 -,' • , 'lnvite thsl Sirilisoa-a via i3tiseto me '-'4'''' Ida wil ndbistock of CAIN POWLIERSIABSSiir ohy - 44 b•WWX,IIIiLTS and TOM DRAM FLftelffla.,,:r.O c caiden ` . cad earwunition of eyery. ki - Whi - fliOltki4ll 4 ni AV iinre.tpvte brot4trt to this raatket. • • '. 1 040 ~ z..,' ;., _ 7 blantifacturetand WlOlesale tidier yr .. 4 , ~,, ..14••„•e• .i • i ..!-, gaBON, OIL ..AND :LAMPS,. -,-;,..6: .1 . - -.24-0..0 ntrranny, MEET. - • - --i1 )3cl;sitle awl: start. Axle- cheuefLuiriesthie', ?,'.,t' and Blame Oil; Lard a nd:Wachh2ery OIL ' -, -- ,-- fe,Pir rawira liknilPllT frPalred• tilt end Etwfisusr,, ' • ... , Nor.t 3 / 4 •IIXY STIOMET!virst 4con, .._, - liii.KWINGS;oIIIIAOIITICERY,AM/X. Noisv34arr, 114.10.1E4ikc: etecittal aecu met, od abort, 'EIVR 4 IO DRAWING wilt 8110110gt c with mlasse oil for diftrettatiltst &swift" .r..ast/1141 ...9.VDTD11.1E5.-80. s-, •••nts. . • i ..• -•Whitii• ikkw4,`, • "'" • , Z ' lb ° :•% . r. • ' 6o itypti* . A ; . ..Nlmrze.ieitimig and for sa*by •-• , !,sr,EqIAL NOTICE - TO RETAILERS 01" 3 P/m- Oa itOM-- - ' 4717178W 1 , 21 : 1 4 235EJ 4 liheeer non boxes choke rlnitCreanttileeelet: ' 300 44, 1: oaghen,',“ , •Y ' oranie by ir; =Ott lii laterestaichillup. Gredint.-IlarWut CusbinactllFlLEMl-1.-r.,17,1 'STREETallitalt".W - aro= flnuillnuut 010410104.1. Boiler stree4;urtli notice thei. the eat Of Ithit A ,as nano' Ns -bees - itnedintrer, tad -eau be' seen it • • ~, ..n alLtf the Recording lievalator, until 1 1 1,01TRATi ter erhieb}tnnyorill be gouda*: RWen i l lMeguiiterloneweetion 4 _ O. Mo42olrat. IkOlablil 4 4g ; di . W : VittiftreitZ(MPU l / 4 15611 . • --'4.;-it;:clai*Jgki,l4 - „ArtfitW c , ,,t,p.V 7 . .. .F~[ ~i-51..
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