silt wltion . 4autit kIIBLIBan YIY '1 TUE GIZETV:PWRRINt:iSeRIATI: Tatinsp i* l iiis=e?lii . nriPi * */iw!s• THE lIATIOIII4C BANKING SYSTEM • Pour of thOlUalkiir 01 city sis *il-er clarits! and lighlihruyeir,!lktnir of 'Ptts bprgh,, Iron , ;tide/Atoll; to organi2e Aankinitan':: and althougle. nothing of the in'. , teations of teiddiei tliied haiku, We think • *- ant safe 0 1 44 11 .4%.#.4*Y.1 1 4. 0 _ 011 CC • We Obi re wh, drip,,1P.f 1 9f1119114,14 It ' d we think angienttpoint ie, the eommunity, bfthe.idoptionoVone system , to the', exeluitiditioi :tact. Thel exist enceof two gaidatitiyitteial;each l ititting4i - .sistiod to the other,.cannot fail. to ba pen; , dpetitt of mischief ; and as it is better Bins the Willow &Mild be supreme, rather-than Abe fitete; ire hate no tears to shed Sit4it,-,, the State bank system going to the wall Thd.Philadelphia Banks have. ani44B4Biki. , &dons] sysfetiCtlee,lMAPtintind,',ol:ipilttlo env and with tititity;befdwit both "e'nris of dicectian; thor o- nnary 'to go With teeth &f % Hot •we .may Amy. • eYasr Fennsytyfratte priCtit;ally the brat' „State in adolitinkihiludlorial system. The otherßbitiVaiimoe long behind. itosten has iiiO4e4 ( I.;iiißtrksneksrtp bike Pides . with resuiiirivainia;ina. plaWlaigh nkert,A6,*4of iiiiSolyreititna, • • consider the Eitiebvbkik-Sy , stent good as /dead,. and adoittlgn; ;be • - ballonal sydenktutizeltaln,A One great antalitge oaf this' system: Is • vinfornity in the cirenliiing - Counterfeits Will liesctitce anti more easily ' detected and a nuole;;lrtil' trot need, to Jurve 'a tbcironghly tatistie:43:dliCation to ermine him to - distinguish .betWein; good and bad notesti It will be a great accomPll_trient: When .we.baso but one kind of, currency macligh cut the nation,. and .that. currency equally Rood,eferyinitift - and the general adoption .of the milkiest bring 4';iit that desirable en& •qr e!TA • ` a v w G GalLKEstircKy. , i Aletter writer In Vaasa* Cloieii,ble - +epistle with the , nbetreodd -end suggestive* -",- - iihraro. What is lie iMportf The writer 'mal t just "been die6inting iho tit ton of Eileverjrlir "Reirthelry. _ Aie had *howls., by ninneropa.facts, ,, and: copicopious d ,extracts from the , Litecreilk, dinkttat and ot*Hentuclry paperi e thet the- institution„ bad by. the en - EsttMmt 0f .. .40e5; and partly- by the apirit . knitaxlitiligiattamongthose whoxemain,i that is wortit, preserchig; and could not be rei*gint was worth It. EOM's` planters and' Sinters are left with only a tew Vr TI Ylarehildreir, "Others with: hone at ob. Vitinsequence is,. thati 'bruin will: , th .- 4:tii*,,belift.-zi.mdti l / 4 1 4o; for ; in the•Rteelisrenbroakate:condition of thints, us:whiChltherili fiee4c;m nor alaverj ; neither lice : nFrhenkf"ltife' biiColc i z i gq?,oreys,fire to be had; 1 Th .e *trek:coining siriott4:alareii,. ed.epd the" finite trl o foie, np,to ti 40 time, heel:trend ', trite of; institution, at ~the Lead of wUpoiLip*-PitiErnix. of the Lou- .. Isu the Jet,trrtk,ide TOW laboringwith teal sear for It Is a)lireat" , MAI onexpeoed—revoluilinn ;and whether•, iiiduced 1003,r,1144P1e,, - or forted spoir the* 14. ,ocegity„...var all' the, Meticia.nrnThiTczaal firciPtn, PrFf.aglag a new life teilliatheltillfal - comnirmireeity, " which, but ,for skoh at the bend of, the,Lrent interiorStates' in rOpubOrA, !wealth . , Ind, power. • ihit' norr ` ist t :arc ;opening their`. eyes to thpltc'ttite, ernitlitiMV,the peolde of NezdtteltplindlliCy theusselves.bemi bettad I , y.lVeVitittint.4l4oitsatid Cruet ptitt'.', er •Str;leriiiiantieled• 'their colortd popastimi , o 'heir • §tiaok.loisiitttiiiii' few bidiuna4lo:4,4: consent of the owners, c'TlY;ol l Yetffi tt ien , eleert ealtionipaetiliepereop net free alkali kave the State pirtait fwentY'deys. ent - State thiss just they do riot want; for as burr colored people wai n ; pot retrain with them as elaveis and as theit constitailtnelprohibits thei r remaining ',in state *itreedcuis,t they are left without Mleoulife; fiboting.; 1; 0 1 111 aq-94J -danger of tits I, want from this cause. Whet tbeylo wane la:tOMtain their-inher: tog teoplii:g-nhia4; l aiitins; but as Op !died labelers. 'list thitifiri *IC thh , s they, cannot, brhi4 Omni without, tta antembrient of their vid.,S*4;Cionnitrtlati, or a viola ,tion it.ftript)egaro„ th the ttist~titer .` - native 00(MM:silty is; that, by the terms of the prurinitsitr(riatunehttneili 4fiVeitk •‘,.Pestd extell't4Aht' , fi ret tw ent y ' s 6hr' union of a newtegialatuie. The eztat4 leg I, 615iict one, atn So" ootking•4"4_ 'OPP 14 I PA t h isauieng ,, - went cannot : the. taken...infant emeenther,„; 88t., I an u aurae, , req to gio thnsiitthielorgillltleir:of an atnaii(til. await. Iriaho:ineati• Mrs andattfitintereete.;6e,the i'fcttite: will hare mot} into _krzeritediablo eonfh.: sic.* state the .. Cash luthClie-int*len:•2 • - 'The iluesitan-irtas net Itriirdtall We sate slaYert Iritt heir= shall raise ohr hittul'arar belie it atter we liar e 'raised it? Where shall , we get tlabor?.; We have now neither slavery rirtr,freedoracwe hare none of Ore ' beneljts, either. IrtoCtii of ; labor, but are mitering the ellsadva'ntagea hoth,' lathe mbist - Uf the dernoralization and attar,-: shy thathillg:artared its. - Shell wy , let eteitn lOU their oridiei-and:.Withititteffort7. drift witki)rirstreant and, lend -Wherever out tnigyldekbark'noty .bring tip? Is this the par ns t.Of wrado. of state:rise:Op; Or, bet, ter titan either, of common sense? No one. ;gait assert it. —Vie sayrigain; , let he Meet. - this questlarapracticali,t'; aelde - ceU and rook to our self interests." The lot Autellects orate State pretusting *Void for some shorterruethal to limit and -.overcontette - 4difileulty in which find. themiereewand; as the old saw his.t, - "Where there is a will there Is:a saw ; 'EA , doubt riot but lliat . theiwill find one. - We cordially , , couodulate the mule of ICe,rituelcy v wn :tids - 'nlitcr of things; tor" thrpitgh ripen.' a Oareer of InogresS and 'priasperity which Ditd, knew ttiffer:trid,old regime, an l n tsr,ertould:bire.lataimy -Now Old . Nentueltpwilkbecontd t!Tanketizdtl." and ppahh and, true happiness Will result trbmt thkall!ip: lfis a magnificent State;. ttrdl thalfell:itneedi is ernaneipationtrom the aul• - beeltrablos rule of, - ' A vomai , Spritig gooso was ezlubi eti in Selem,':/treee ; ,tue _diet brj.Tohrt ,Thudstreet, PriToPtiOVifirr•Tues4v, Wel_gb/PgEFIVI' teempounds r... This WASOILC ariellr f ualched bylaw oNseilk• serdnty-eight years of age, The everige WelglAt the' four ivasillteen„ ro .dsr. • • - Atinion me' Air belng proventedttittoilki gettlitribeir .itresidettsis• • • ;:tickets by the Postmasterverit to work t on A2lro'iln-..,_a4TigdetZ.3l'.l irie ck ldmilie7t 0 1 Po e t: Proist by I ortrtour majority • _ „ - - • - "a;t4ge"4,,rs SrA •Aret 1 4 • :p4 THE PEACE ADDRESS. Ire telepaph informed us the other day j o yargy Pasciuto." had asked lease to present to. the president the Peace Address of the, E 60,000 Rebel sympathizers In I;Jigland, atul tbat the resident had very ProieliY* m i t' e TesArt Pi° 4lll P, th# l 4: and bevelling document The Tritiaiie tells ris that the bearer of tbis Rebel. liddreati le not famed but the ludividimd gellknotsuinthiscountry as "Rev. Josera 8,A 1 44M.", Tribune says:' . Mr: Darkei thist appeared befon3 the Ket t MetliOdli,` and eabile qtOrctly yipisbuitt. Ht soonleat his Standing rtmotigliCti Unite-. 'Anne; I'4o charged lairMtit ,Pciferting to other MO a press placed in his bends to aid hits disseminating ThallartMi Optidnes. , Alic i et l SiSlieCamP lo 4l l kCMPAttiliTset-: .iledlu,'talen4:qtd9; subsequently;).4tutifp., to g mo l ter •Rithothe A.bolithhapmoveanint, itthrafthe same time pulaclyadvocating the -; ' doctrines of the •Infiticla, ..Ria . deboto,,with ',the •Rev: Di..mmgof; Wiadelnitin, on iht; Inspiration of, the Itible and his • oiposition bc.tilafatid.UtOr ; called,, r•cd!e#:s4!l!.atr4tl!)ll-: :At length, however, lteAostliii-litandingoven. lanong ililnfidel friends, who :denounced him as . nti toventurer, :ithieliOutwoltbyt :of meallt deMiv. • From Salem ge l , Wept to 7ehraska, wheiel."•he. E4:lluill¢t with his usual foitiine' respedtable ,portiorrof the rfiitally', 7 ; , fifigisted:WltW t•Jintetlsv. end,Reilubliatu ideas, he.returned laud, 7 hiet'e he•n4q; renounce his Infidel qpinkars; and "oneeinizie:heeemi s a! • minister: lb' next appeared as' the egint imlehirinpien of the cause of the SOMhern through Divot - Britain, defamfig the North and -lauding the. South. Tire. Southern Independence • •AssoCiatitm lutv`c7aeleMeti hire as a fit agent to bear their ... peter Manifesto accost 4he wafer., 'Cotton ?applill England. The Liverpool dreretir y, In an article on the foreuoing sghjeet, taysi AK far Rs ,we can judge fromilthretttnis of ILe cotton imported during tbOltruu three years, it would appear!ak was increasing, from the lonnst point to-Vhfelt it fell, steadily, but not and* the rate of-about 1.000,000 cwts In the Tear 1880,..wkich pre the out: break in Ameripa,4he., quantit cotton' imported into rho-United m was. 12,410,Mcwtsgwb.1613 ninth ,• • I - ; in 1861, when the effect of the riv Arp was scarcely felt, the quantity of cottatipj, . ported.was 11,223,378 cwts. 1n . 1.802,..wh0n; the American ports were entirely chised, - u nl ;the falling off ut,.thg .supply of-cotton, greatest, the 1=1)0148 sank to 4;878;338 twtB,4 when sups; from other eonn, tries than Ann:ciao, u• IA -,treinuee , ,lmport rose to '3;918;4-rewts. Vitrinethe firet ulna months of the present year the Imports of cotton amounted. to .5,323;210 cwts.-, and allowing the Imports of 'the last three months of this year to be on the larg 7 est scale that4FA {pll,rmitsil dent with-m*OT bility, it is quite clear that die - imp arts the present year are not likely to amount to much more thanllol.(4le aitrou t ru of 1880. That was a lilievahnt#Mt.uneicOsive sup ply, add Until we get:Very:much nearer that _ amount there can no reason to think that the. supply of,eottorr ? will .1444111 AqUal to - the demands of the world.- i • 1., From Har risburg. t IMMtrzo,No '" JEWL— 11y a provis xx of the law controlThig tlie :election of Presidential Electors, It is made the duty of 'the Governor to mime*. the yotes of each . gletior, anfftheh - 412aare -the:l4oons Rita' elected to proclachation, and cause a notill ' &AMU to!be. delivered tp each person chosen ones before th'' Tail Weitneiday of 'NOVO:W. bernext after such election- It . iru- appearsHvat !up, to. oon to-day lif -teen .countlesltirvo-fhiksl to ' report theize. vote ibr,eleetors. Their failure is amount. :ell for,ori the ground cifthe time having been extendedhy tittft * iTtlittintj the. - .elective • . freochlse (4 -,,i'..t.licisit filf.:„ - - ;try..ri, cow — dim:the , -. ism of course In-, giii complete, litia dig, Ail ' ' can . i* o*,- ro*to theAeCtorath .cbegen.-!..,.., 0, ......,..• ', ' . The'conthigentx wing °Mier thisstiii: ..ofitrairs iiillriquire e •attintion, 'tit Hie . Lorgishttitre, and, no ( ottbt, secure the fxna enge'vf a law preventing the recurrence ofn similar item if a Mirk , : -- It. , llr..esidenX-that the law on the subject* is More dliectely than-obligatory, and that any action witWi the ,Govionormay tak*lpthapremises,lpok•• lug merely to - the execution of justice, will - "be endorsed by all right-minded men. GettCral AV: Ati.-17114 .President of the .IMardloT Military-. Gloms, request* that all persons hatnii i i wairs lit., ofTheStateTrMis.' ury Tor military Claisins shOußforwardtheM: to lion. Tande;''.Slenlter, Auditor General, for re 7 imale Ind payMent. The Board- is' . now in sessx-n. NE:W - 1 Toni: herr lAILIBIL—The New Yolk ccirrespi4ditni of the tocideiti : Timii, who, is a syrupatiti with. the Rebellion .. ,auilAfery apt to be Arn its secrets. (meshed. owed the lute ineendinrisin in New York, in his letter to thatpaperof October:lt. Here lawluit be kivs: . - Allkhmotat paper-sumcpstatthat.rby_e• etatta. lion for the devastation ordered by General GRANT, 41111COMIllitted lif General 811E11111%.5, to tlxuShennudontt Volley, it would be easy for the .BMitti!to etuttoy‘Mre,myer thirty trosty-fekinklu. 4intlioNorth to set New 1 l'Oric'ef Boston 'oh lire anUatially dlffeeent pineis,alontltancously "on 4:knare ' dry windy' night; , -iindlathilely mom ' mends' the - rottratq.te .Legidaure 19 vote a ,scaltin of dothirt - for the r parpose. _"The men," It--adde "are already '*ere ~aid: New'l l o. , `VIM* Le worth twenty; IllehMoil,..” , •to '..T.1.,44 , _5ri,..t0r- T.• * T , ,ii.7. 7 11r751 ..:`.. .7. • iiTEsigtasplo,•-a. • 'The Lisespool 'T imatsayalbst sonic xery. - disfsessingclreunistaheiS kite coine - to light til refercncel a:tweet failures in the =emu ie:imidtitlititos y 'whim Isintpicosicin %la; me.4 4 lfri.liintion ett the' newspapersibad, Itraperti. atnennt.ot itve , Stionisamil:pormdaper. Nemeth thd"v - lase of whichlas Wirt lost' thraugh cotton speculations, and that. h€ ItityrOd his sisty,Wycn ~yeah &ON° Wnh eight children,' Mar bt tlionftircuetif and , drimti....lnanothir zoo the . ] whole ee• tabilshinent of a gent fctanaresidingingyde Path , p surlens - betqc:Alfunisoer.;W;`, pending the;theilinnea, 'tie diinees Wrieffdpned;b,y thayoatig ladies • '-of the homehold, whet; until - within the last . few weeks,' were surrounded by every': ems' , eery of Wealthlind wilt:Lemont - s'zL• • 441. m -fits CtriToX.-mllliticas:*lll,yet'llll2, - of. the srie , ,:rs of hervotton &IV?' withiint. being suspected 'of poetic' extraintince. A afeild handed ue.,thiB raera_./uutiple of ' beautiful ungtnned - cOtton,intan old phintation of oar own State , ' in Alexander -.county.:There are two hundred andninety. , titres, and the - riff r agelleld !Ka :balf7four, ,Liglred Pounds--ketncre. ..Ibb!aaccessful. uperiment has deutenstinted 'that Jhe sort' of cultivating cotton. does-not exceed :tluit , of aom. Taking4..ll4ton' tit' fifty - cents pound and corn at a 'dollar. a , bUshel, 'a • little cheap arithmetic will show a balance in favor of Cotten of 'not less than $l5O per acre.-;-//liaois Paper,. , 7 • WOULD LOPE FIPTT 7.IIOPRAIta , Mahn 'OMPTT recently, applied for a furlough, stating, that itit was not graut.R. should late fifty thousand dollars. Thin attracted attention .at headqtterters and the editor was desired to, forward afittrlisniatofhosr he would lose It.. Ito did-igo to the effect ilia he!lind Gees the ermy wlthotit w.lczen tit .abetnee, for two %Tars ; that be wetengegcd_lo al young lady .worth fifty thousand draws I: thatithere wawanotber -fellow • alter her, and that.ehaluid Written t 6 hint - that' .1f he did tot coulo and •nittriy her right away she, Wonlithave the other dm. e ' renders will remember. the letters 'of "Notfhattan," the Few York correspondent or ibe„Ldudon Morning /firaid=nbtorlons for their inpuclent falschciods and eartitnclt . ,villfleatledi of 3entjeause end its supperters.:— 31ttion," tab - .neekl'written by pliki correppondpnt, , vossi 11- bel %ion dmakan sockty, ofterzzaractbg of , s rnef,n London,'nxid after beltig notlcittrat great length bylbe Tivul and Sattnekry limier, la eta ' pricat-]otters; , bane Lew finely sup 7r 'Pqrd t t We paled an leleCent: • ": • • . nox Asroolsow,„ the urged paean* tar vied a 'human scalp : dell to. the bridle of No horse. It was • Item thi Aced of a yoling inim who.sername lunkooten.'l . l . 2p sec' now on , exhibition in Sty Louis. „.. I had the Burlington petaled operations, and era. - ,They died with cop• Tan Museatino CO ' (Icrica)..Argus here forte Inickydriter ter On Mt brgn. ^ or2er. , 4 4z6i h!. -t: frei . NEWS AND MISCELLANY • A LADY of rebel sympathies in Louisville, saw a number of rough looking felimra passing her door under a strong gnard,and of course irtferrod then/ to tepristmers from Hood's army. She asked pernijasion of/he Union officers in charge:- to 'entertain them with a dinner, which . u read ily granted. , As they were ihmaking her for her .bospUallty, after the feast, We' fact leaked out that the men , irere not rebels atter all, hut boun ty-jumping deserted from regiments In %ter man,s force. , ' .ittiltilit EMIRMIt, eon of Edward Everett, so Ilya a Washlngtow.dlspateh to the New York CssrstrelaZ Adreifisef, Is tinaerstood to be an aspirant to thoposltion of Secretary' of Legation at, London, or falling to. Obtain that, tome other dipioniatie' pissltion. He- will doulieless- bo 'atie.. -Pointed, altiinnh Mr.., Arnett now has A son-l u .. law st.the bard of the Ordnance %treat of this liaiTyLlepartment, and a nephew, who was ap: Potted at hie camas solicitation; OoreeurGsnera - iat#e-EGnst• -- , ' , ', ' 'er ' ' • • . „ • •,'.!'ldriOxi.Conn,.nrldely.*Aftlelf a s 'the tinfher l at . I .eations..sehooLlsoota., mainly cif an .liiriiciitriry .. character, died. at„Oolcshargb, .Fattei:relnati',.. Fa.,•attee email :oars! linusai, on : the '24l.Y'nU.' . Ilia ago was about - 05. „Xi'. Cobb Was &Glide , ' Ilan, a gentlerotot,'',Unit a ladriet,'Whe:gexis Ida - wlsriser heart , to Dui cause or, the Union arid&f: I Freedom. .111nede, 40e:did ',hie' last ,yearain 'pain and Polect.r,biat thtandt deaden brs sini- . 1 PethPvflth the- 1 1 RfPrIR 3 . 1 .riC I h PT. 0 1 ' 11.0 1 144 tr't% , , Gin g= : so 4 W.isinstolox.—.lLOor. General I. ;Pope, sommatider otithls - dbpartment,. has re , ddstd'ordere Doer . thaWartlispeatment to report,. iii'Vratidngton. - It is weiry- hie thht hole to; ..bildiced'in Mt netliwoommand}rwaluivettader-i. stood, Aar tome time ftiat-this wai3hs IntratiOa. - General rope Is a'- fighting man .and belongs' to. the front.. General Fops leftithls city . ;neon yesterday afternoom—Meatatio Mem , Tax mortality arating•Cepperhead papers -to RD parts2ir the country, since - the election, Is 'very great. 'ln Ohio, among others, the Union :Ccranty„Prawerva ; the Ottawa-Zemmol g ,the Gallon ••. ; and the kitenbenville Courier have: fled.The bigb price of paper and Ink, Is the iscriball' canoe, but It to &little re— markable that' this cause should be chiefly fatal Aojoaretils of-the Democratic peranision. dest article in a French Political paper was re cently suppressed- by the censor of the press. The next daY five &damns of the journal (the space it wciuid 'have Octepled) were left blank, leaving only the heading, "alibi:ter an, we Go ing?" and the signature of the author at the foot of the vacancy. Too peaty men of Delaware refused to partici pate In tho services of Thanksgiving Day, be cause GoTernd,reennop, to his proclamation, in stanced among 'the causes for thankfulness the freeing of the staves of Maryland, and the pros pects of a speedy declaration of universal free. dom. ' A PASAENGER hiValg'llireddbOilt to take hlm ncYues : rather a rofigh !dream, asked the 'rich boatman leanybody was 'ever lost there. "My er," replied Rat ; . d me ltrother lens drowned here rant week, but we toundldm again the nest:dny." Toran,danteel in Canada, twelve .years- ót „ agejleaame united In wedloek to a youth of four with a salary of four dollars per month. , is to bo hoped that. they may be hap td that - cud extravauranec must be avoldal. - 'Alta Supreme Court of Callfomia has decided - thataixes may be paid lii krecnbacks. This de tnateriallpald the party in that State wgp an strhing to introduce Government paper eturency. It has been 'exclusively specie. .Ba&of ngiand,,oni the' 10th inst., rc dnecirthe inte'of into:fest `rom nine to eight per cent. Thai demand for discounts had fallen. off. 0.4,4t0 the sweeping 'Out of . a large class of bo era Py Melee 'revtdsioti. , GF.ORGE 11.,1",mcm4"70!f, of 'Waterbury, Con- Aectehtt second eonstn'or the men who was hot elect eili Tice Prestxtent);' Toted for Lincoln' and 4sitiMsen at the lap) election. • m i tg . . tg1.11.0 ?ANT micktiseirriii cirmo-cart-Ftair7AlT' .11,-,t,,=,...ralyEANitr. .laem • at 43.5 otaloci=ellterate upon matters at Mt . t to ecru. el amleetd , ' ~,,,,, - IIERVIAANTIN .01L 4.70.—A .MEET. OF THE STOCKHOLDERS of the Alcrorintsttil Candspti, wilt be held et the office df Loses W. Arrott, No. 31 Filth stmt, Tins (Thursdsro AFTERNOON;Des.. Istottl' o'clock: metl' • po rt e o,lhicCNlll be preunted to the de • IL.:NE, President itr 3)jJ 6 e' ALJO7JERI ~ DrEETING of the Allefhe -ny. °pit oaths Association mill_ be held on k `DAY ETENINALTIOO, .: 213 ot- 7 % Wokook, to ma° minngeme4tsjorie-onpulizilic int socicii.• A. full citendsnce . • d : , J , ; at 7 ttee. I .-PirfantraOth.liceremloar loth, Mt: IaIrPILFASIIV,TAILIC „_I6IIYZICE, TAINT .thVerat-olittlne the , corporation-to be culled "The T:n; pa 011 CO..r_Wili t,l held "on ernher "11id,..18111, at The once I . lAll&f=ta . t t te .4 l6, 4 = 'W . i tod o ntTlln the eltne if orpougsattontadoptkMof it:r.w:Nlat." U. Irrrinfoc., and Inc the plarafraJilitl9tilid aid more 'particularly apecla ,an Act of the annul Aa rfnlily ofthe Commonwealth - of PenbaylVantk, Otled• .Att Act f relating to oirporationa for Ale ,-lumlenl, "Manufacturing,. Dltalim and quarrying purpocea,t , opproved the IStlf nas of July, UM cklOalht.lnlL.AlT'S`Bl4l:ll. Treat.. per Id mu--.. tetrBAPR or D rersaiturn,lcre.atalt. itiESERAL.XEETTIVorTE ',it._." i .. t,70(.1101.11Elt$ OF THIS 11.1? ti: will de helig at thelitudilag Roam, on FRIDAY, the eV day,olf.DeSendare - nezt,:at SO o'elock A. m.,.t0 runsidet wi th decidemiwther this Bask ahati become ad'Asadc Ida for - elt thualness of Bulking, unde r -the !Ryan '6„tinited States, and whether Itskill eserelseth Power stager:ad hytbe Act of the Lo lelthtute arthis. Dtatthentitted “ An act epablind • the - Banks drilla Canstumwealth to become Asllo. etstkam for nielittigithder - the LAW, of the United states," appeared Mtd..August, 1101; and - to take any further station that may be necessary.. tty-order of the DO/IDi of Directors. ,-, ~,,mtlis tl, 0.„(4: ItIARTIK, Quadri% --- t' TT roAlvltiest.t O rlbirv. nt il V44. IfrTILID,:k ELTv 7of held at t e:Banking noose; oh THDRADA:Ti - cf December December - nest at 11 o'etoele , a. to clbeldo hbether thlkilank beet issociation foe the rrerp+se of. Banking. tinder the lowa of the' totted Slates, and whether If shstl Leserclae the poners ectuferrod by the Act of I he General Assetn hly of thll COmmonwealth of Pennsylvania, entl .llr=6.lket tnabthtg t t e lt i t i oln i tAlry . tl"n"- f rt.okins,stoder their*. Of thelsotteu stuates,” s tyoae op. enned lhr =I day' ofituguat, th6l, and to take any farther Nation that may be expedient. no2:td J. manornirr Cashier. -....--- • . • Omer: OP TOY. Axxxor; env TALLEY 11.1t.1.70 ' - 1 ._ PlttabumlL Nominee let, 1881. . 5 ." noLDEws 1111111CTING.A S -"S i l Vt meeting of the Stockholder. oflhe All=alley Itallromi CO., will bonen:l at the ulna , . of he powpogy,.lo plltnburgly.os. the lOth, nosed next, nt - lf ceeloeff, n. to ~ for the par.' astatine_ senntract xrlth - th Mann:am nal h 4131v4k Italtroad,OottilwilLTFOf the Wise and ext on4yffhei Allegheny True* Ittllewnd. , and to lfy or reject:the. onion:. Broenot Wino Board, FELIX FL BRUN !to = de "uo Pr 'mite- rreeteuattn e<Vofestitallthtit iflL'OrrtOwY Ilrbahanrja i lla4 tar, e Annual Hied Invgg Stockholdeil .4the'Plltsburgh and Comae to Ritiledad' Coln+ ''pray4*.ea. BullditfAVFOUtt street, Inlhe city af •rttahurp, on the first hlOll - 14t1YU1 day of De 'embet Re:4M 14 I:4104A. for __ the flurtunis of . leet tog twelYeDireetOra lorthi trtd i: M • . oillitt‘owpatrdtd Seeretary and Tresenrer. 14,-- difERRY 888 ilk rtrr HOLE Et p•Roraval, cur.—NOW:7E OF ELEO. LION.--730baerthera to the stock otthe Cheery Bun ta Pitt Bole Petroleum Co. are hereby "notiliedfo attend "'meeting of the Stockholders of itald Ocom pin, wilArte ill be held 00 lIIONDAI,, , Itecti tilth. 11:11411,..tZedPi411.7,Trutlheictarr Aiht.' °Sleets, at theofilea of J. r. ILDlttlE,'No.'t BuquespeWity. • inraitmeictLvy, noilldi , , . " , , , Preaklant.prorna. ! . - -;'" -- Tla'lliA - X•IPAIE 11 . 1 %. , 4 7 Prrie 7 . 0.11 FA• 579." AsILIP.—You are hereby notified that., on the ha dr Decaut,the discool4 fif !ree cent. Will etaite - on' the BOW y Tama 'fible due` Tended* wider t e last , call of the Proildent. All itetatOnki &old to at ail the... Bea of the disci:dint wilt eon 4,0 e undenilgordoxi or before the tod,proa„ -Mid net e their lace" po2B r . " _.' W ., ~ 141 ?ta gi lMI XT :tlisit. *v"7 " A ist %. ,..v . 1 0.---•• LLFAiIIZNIF - iIIIBFK (ra.) CO* . ,11-f ,- BEMUSE BONtft—ffOlderr of the Oben promliii Banda tamed by theXBY Of t‘ilegb... clit 'I iredenapthati of its Railroad Four" ii". nOttnea th i ns will be received by the idettiligned for F i g i ttnient inlaid 80,21411 of the Slaking Fund , iir thfear-Bati. ' - Aild e r se i Jollll , ATtrp,Lto . Chairman Finance Committ2e _ Fittibuish,kl4l!- ties comiqu. AxpeFoos IrIngEILL fcr ANDERSON' ' Stann'Book and Job Printers CikZEiT - E 111'11.1i1NO, nitir GEMS 'ILL DEARS, BLARE FORMS 3'OSTERS, I PROZtRATAIVEs, TIRFTING CARUS,' . TICKETS, PAl'=t 13CrOES, And, nil.othee Mods or printing eiecuted with_ prom nose and dispatch, and in the beet, and, pe..ntr eat Mennen.,We inn'initErng to erstuth_to giro us a call. book/ ejoi_ • . • - THE iIikiWRBIGIXED - "ITLVE THIS 414:tm•mat uo-partziershilolor the iiinascs Coo Of a (loners*. Coiambeirooand Merchandise fitobessge,busineirs: •, ; ' , • " ' HENRY ft. LIPPINCOTT, , IttUringvirifos. LIVPIIINCEM VIIVA; ilkiker4; Devi ii ID REFINED AND oßtrri:On..ila. otkorooKsi.. owimatight mid .sold for Eastern and Western Markets. Mispecial - attention given to consignments of Crude OIL Mil-OMee, No. 111 *TROT STREET, (In ?Mack is e 0.4 Warehmeie,) Pittsburgh, Pa. nottlif v'7. 'nn-,.r..3i ._-::.'~q~s.r- ~ ~L'F r l„t:{ V<.. v..t , s. '.7rE 4.110 VER risE.,wEvrrs. • EW SUGAR-CURE - P. 11i318.—JUst -LI received-'a au ptAy of new kiimar-thited Dana. and Dtied avt, foe sato at fetal' at the Family Grotery Store of . A. RENSHAW, del lloreer LThertr and Heed street. ' CHOICE —; BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ;eon pounds extra quality fresh erosoni Buck- Wheat Flinir, put upYa2s lb. hem for family use, just, pecelved and for sale ht the Family Grocery Store of JNO. 12=SHAV(. IXTRA CODFIBIL--„Vast received, had selected Grand Bask Codfish,selltog by t poat the Farnitporocery Store of JNO. A. RENSHAW. del ' eoeuer Meaty sad Rand streets. A DESIFI.I3Lt IttSIDENOk. The three-storied liriek Duelling, No. 6? Second Wert. ,Pressed brick front, slate roof, containing eleven' rooms, hILA funtlahed with, hot and. cold water, Apply to S. S. BRYAN, BrokerAr lostitantleill e cA r Atreet re you ,Bur nu Ming. Fu,104 - 001 , 1 STOCK EXCIEfARG - K. Exchange for the . caleof Stocks dating haziness hours, will be opened mes AFTWVON. qN 11 .4 1 /ALI. Dispatch Building to be held every day . thereafter. Ya4Pu'euall"r et a p . tlthe o Abe l 2 1 1 1 A zimatso N. • • dehtst FOR SALE, 'MLitt Tearable tuaneae stead At the hornet otlLitsirtr' street sr.' Vlrelts St•ttiireeent occupied Jaroxlawski k Bro., cud arntisitter one-thouvutd'pee annum. . • . ' • 14.141tYA1f,. Set O'rourth xi t. Burke's Building. RANDEL KENT, Petroleum and its Products. OIL STOVES, on. LANDS, TriStli AN NTOOK.rt, Sc., too. on nand Allegheny, Inzuran,e, Union, Luluic, Durk Creek, Natlornl, and various other.. offier. Nos. 2 HANCOCK and 19 IRWIN STRELT, Pittiburnh. • . delt9w WOR SALE, . • • ••"-- • FOl3ll LOTS. On the smith gide of SARAII ST.l' between Ilsrmony end hlesdow streets, 24 feet front on Snrsli stteet, and extending back IRO feet, to 0.24 feet alley. tihrliiita, on the north slde.of :iamb street, opposite the shore, 57 feet 6% inches in front, extending link' 120 feet, to on Alley. THREE Li ITS, on Wbse . , n street, between Mee don` And Josephine streets, tti feet front slid On feet deep. Apply to Broker And Ins. Airt,, - del No. :m Fourth street. • CLOTH CLOAKS. Silk Cloaks, Veh-et Cloaks New styles r. Superior quslit y, for sale by WRITE, ORS & dot t 2.5 FIFTH STREET. 11ORTS - SI 0 CORD SOFT FINISH AMERICAN EA X' CO.X.A Cl .1" Cli 2 0 t7 . ENAMELED SPOOL COTTON. These thread', are warranted of auperior gustily, and tu.snsnteed to measure two hundred yards In length. Can be had in all colon soul numh•rn. ;1 1 ): m: (;01:4•1: CHAS. Ag'ofty` &: co., SELLING AGENTS, •56 MITIIRAY. ST., NEW TORE, , 156 DEVONSNIRE ST., ROSTON SAS CllVliell ' dellrtneotl DROPOSALS FOR FLOVII.MgEALED 4. PROPOSALS ate lerited Until DFZEkt.BER 7ro, at IR o'clock DV, for furnishing the Subsist. , enee Department with TWO THOUSAND (2,900) - BRLS.• OF FLOUR. The proposals will helm what la known at this =as Noe 1, 2.and.7, and bid. willherinitertaltb any quantit3 - less than the whole.' • • Bids will be 10 dupliente, tied foreach grade on separate sheets of Paper. • The delivery of the Flour to .commeine.within Tire dery from the opening of the bids, and be such „nu nail' s, daily. as the Government, may direst; Scovered at the Government warehouse in Chen* . own, W. the starsm or railroad depot in Wash. Melon, The delivery of ailawinelcd to be temple •ed within ten days from}lour bids. , Payment will he mnde in certificates otindebted nem!, or such Other funds as the Government me y • have for diaborsement. The usual Government Inenectlon will be made just before the flour Is meal, evl, and none will be ri vented which fo not fresh Mond, andimule.from wheat tinned in the vicinity where manufactured, unless of a very superior quality. The Flow to be delivered in sew oak barrels, bend lined. .. • • . An with of allegiance mast accompany the hid of .esch bidder whO has not the math OA file to this Ware. and no bid will be entertained from writes who hare, prelionaly foiled to comply with their bidi, , or from hidden pot present to respond. Government relierves the right to reject any bid for any ease. Dias to bo addressed - to the underaignel, at No. ton t 1 street. endorsed "Propormis for ilour." dellil S. C. URI:IMF. Capt. and C. el. V. • 'IIE (MEAT PrItIFIEIt. lIEMAPANAKA. Slnre'the Introduction of medicine, t Ise aright of pease Imo perhaps been the subject of more se• and..wientific consideration by the most arned of :We profeselon than any other connected ith the lee" of the Great Creator; not 3 Tex , hare nonleaded that all diseases tinye their origin In the' stomach;• others, the solids of the - Indy; others spin, and by far the greatest number, Contend and reason 110Ltheilision ttself Is the veg. folatnin of If a becomes impure. they~( In Its worstioring Scriifilln,riancer, Mem, 4/ippevir; red Indeed, experience In treating thbq. agent alio :by pulifyinythe blood and thitebyettecting. erirtileatlon end' suns provolthls to be the, lentrant theory: acting WhlnkthliiirTi the mtsk frine , nen* known as it Lt ma' aßav wpm conrticirtil. and brought WO P.rodtl6/.4Y!° ' ! a !t st ,P At.. if tap ' " Its use Soon exercises such n martyry over • . tieftrtlTlLA, itl t,SRATIONN, TIMPLIZ. Ox min PACE, TETTEP., kik= I.I , VXR COMPIAINT,.LONSVOir I,VBPEPSLA, RAEinfrensnr, - cmr= ERALIJIMMITY,- to give:rime the token,enconr egmentio•the'patient; by making both ces nod felt, the good ,q is about to necompiluh. It was thought beat to t . .tt It up In'bottles at fr and "IP igen dete a ' re ' o r ti a a l tir e e d erense,--- fry an s ' o a at trial here can be madent, eim e lent, e outlay, atilt ' the , purchaier that 'the artier,' fa I,- ;is' claimed tot It- lel be • ' via : the greatest .kIitALTI nivan. ever M a d 'fiellire the people. fiellestol Females will And it 'the medichui thfP •T . • That the public ' ay form OM*, den of ate peed. line curative, merits, we suldolne tint of the prinal•- ' pal lath:dee-of elleh ft it compesed, with a abort rieseriptlon of the uses and ^depth-flan. of 'lob, tn.- ken froth the highert entboritylpoWe to Infillcul science.' , • 1 lIR.N.PVRAS SARSAPARILLA ..15tmed with Ai bettetielett effect bin/mesa( ithotumft. t I Am, tierdfultms'Alfretioner, (Ititaiteota Dlsealot and ottit.r del sobillttatrOf.tleeitit . DANDELIOIS IC tonic, diuretic, and aperient. It has al speelitur. -action upon the 'liter, exciting U when languid, to &gyration. It has. bean mach usial In OuriniinS! otaltn ditentlin organs. , lODIDE portissres. , ,Ilcht•ro dtfieares in. Which ilium not. prormi Denefielok; it um:Ain ricrofulcomAlibellona with great, 4nellt haa ohm been ivied wit hnineli ane mia In 'refitment tor [Miami:nation of the Eye. It generally' increases "Re appettto find .11erli. L. 4 ("ENDER • FLotrxii_s Are nroinatiC, tonic ,end highly Inv igornting In eases of Nervous Debility. El= Ie eeptvintly saltaibla to eases of hcrofabt and rheumatism. Am ndt entngeowly used in annex of .Enferblet gentian, but arc expecinity appiltvaidg to 1.11 tlenernt Debility with wank nppctito. E.ZEREON BARR. Il Mtn favorably na an allorallre , In Initonla A. fertlona, Chronic Ithetantatlam and °lodinate iscalsAapf the 1:1;In. The .bpinnee of the formolo wlttalieltl eko o pro tectiou agniost frxtul. :For /Kir I.y• • SIMON JoltEITON;• - 'COII. SNITTIIFTELD AND FOTTRIII STS., girif sk your intelligent Physician his °plainly 1, .the raison recipe. . Jelainscod ti - 1? - 4P.Ek113 AND BM:T. SlOtiosr 7 LardTiktar: i :263 Porrriarrelsk_ . . - 'll7 arctontharal laird Mei:Cray.. iclOhaga Turlchih Leland• Halt• For b OA4sIDWEISTa. [ GOK- 4 ,4 3 9QTrw, , .. 1 =worry KATO!! WORKS, Dilworth." walbilog, corner Of (Irma:awl Seventh streets, Pittsburgh. JOE iIMeILDPIERTISEMEATS. 114 , 1 „ PliESIDENT F:I.ITROLEI:If CO. PRII.SIIO.2CT, VPICANG6 00.. PA. &gulled limier Itir Ltitst of PinnsfiraniL Cl '..; , ....4.:; - :1- : , : i OFfICERSt , :. .":C''''- I." vl -Erviirtral—AMOßY PaIWAIIDS, &q., N..T.• 111. - BThIPSON, Esq., New York: • Errrotary—.T. EDWAIII CONANT, Eaki.m. Y . ytaix Esq., : Ussterral.Essides SU: • "perintendent. anorrel—Mesers. PLAICE, GERARD BUCK, zarg, New York. . . DIRECTORS; - .AMORY EDWARDS, Eng., New York. EDEN B. CROCK R, Eno of •Rronlr.en'tt War ren New York. • • , • Arrenkat, WESVIZA.%; %Ventre,' Gabbs b, New Torte • • • • 3.M. tILAPP, Enat4•Ponsldent, 'Veneer, noun. el: KI MFSON. DR., of IL Simpson -Con., Turk. ITN LANDS FORD( ITS CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000, halthares of SW each'. par rain.. flab.. ,•'srrlptlon prier SS per, Share. brink , In fall payment for a 023 !Mime. No furtbei call orFamesameat to be made I .20,000 SRARES, Oil 0100,00 0 , RESERVED FOR iVORii".ING CAZITAL. L2'Partkm aubscrihing in this eomjpny will re ceive an equal amount of Stock in too other uom• ponies adjoining, without farther charge. The Janda of them mmonnles are located on the Allegheny Inver, and on Hemlock, Porcupine, nod Metrea Urea*, making nn OIL-BORING TERRITORY Of Our Tra-andai-balf Miles in &lent. The wells on the adjoining property, known as the celebrated "Iteldrlek" refs, and •Ylthole Creek" wells, are faminis for their immenie supply of oil. • The n - ells on this property are being sunk With rigor, and promise large supplies of oil. . • To the espitalist, and to parties of limited mestui unsurpassed Inducements are offered. Persons investing to this Compan) Ret Oldoek and the above 'BONUS for mob St ,Invested, 'with out lurthcecail or b•Setiflrient. . , • • Subacripllon books, male, and all allerAnfarala oelm be obi MAN at the o o ce.ol the Sttheetip- AKent., ittay 2 i ) utzat l ifly i g . nken for less Om ONE del2td • ILSON'S PARBIRA BRAVA, Atter an eiperlenoe of many_ years in private pcoe titer now Otters it to the itillieteti Ist highly eon cenicateti total. WHAT LY PA RE/RA MU VA? • , t has Lien In user Pints. MS, tot ~ • CA LrtiLiirS At:kV:I7CM% . 11.' Ft. II MNATIOV or THE NOWE 4S, iIiOCOREHEtI, god iU dLitasts of Tlll3 111111F1R1 ORGANS. . has been recommended by the &Aleut oftke birdies& ilrofession for nearly two centuries.. The Fluid Thcir%'uit of Pareira Brava Is now offered to an afflicted world to a shape. x - tthla the For all dlaeases theilladder, Kidnap, or Di opatcal Swelling, no mrdlelkin Inret4e cope itittl thin compound in ita .. h • LIiER A LL 1' • All beiY,propertik In the drug are removed by the promo of its compounding In the Shape el fluid, Its sterling propert let alone. Young reen.isho maybe stinting from the many Illa come:quern open early Indiscretion or abuse, thisind try ore bottle end be relieved. The eymps INDISPOSITION TO EXERTION NI:RIVES INDISPOSITION, LOSs OF SIGHT, WARM MIND!? AND LIMOS. FLEMING OF SW; DENERAL I.Assrruue. • Dy not erreating these signs, which as unerringly point 1. the needle to the pole, to Impotittlay, Pmmeture Decay and Death, crime ngninat nature la committed—a prret although protrartell avid& is being committed. Gilson's Extract of Partira Brava Almoletrly cures Erma .i.treemen. of ne water *hot length of standing . No ehno,grof dirt le required, no cessation from business. MUM'S CHLORINE ROSE WATER, .A:Pith" :pi A speedy cure for all. Mortises of the Urinary roue. no-matter of how; leap standing. We gua uteelt to- . cure. Gonorrhea, Gloat or 131 u. cum Dlseltarfeati fn me vettki f .used In connection 'mitt rA.IIPAItia GUAVA, which- wilt remove all trams of t he disease (rote the system. Syphil!citatteotli, eapeotally eases of old ottand• woll do well to try. tii/son•s • A nteUicine to t has stood thd test ef years, and in •connection with the use of the IMTRACIt•OIg ...PAItEI 1112ATA, el.fret nail). eradicate any escr; no'nuitter.Or hots long standing.' igtlCA fER BO7TT;E. For epic nt DlVltch Bu!Ming, Fifth St 4 Pittstnughi. Aid by S: WHITE k CO., Alletheny CO7. C•A XJ-T•1 NOVEWIER „le 'NG; I purchased from Dr: J. M. I.I.I 4 ID.SEYomf Ifollitlaymbom, they roripe - bp - whlab Dr mambo. tivrall, Ills comma mediclor, .kobwo KOPIllr. - J. - - Improved BloodSearaher. • Sinceithat time I have been teem acturlng Path:mfr. LINDSEY himselfpart of the time em ployed a superintending its preparatien, and shall comatin to manufacture it in accordance with the instructions atiddirectiorMOlDe. Lindsey. Ilimsm . then, dpeiring the genuine article, should see that' Abe name of J. M. FULTON appears on every bet,. tie ; and to dealers I eye notice that every infra°. lion of this, my teade-mark, will be prosecuted to tho lull extent of the law. . . J. X FULTOX Non. br and ER rirrit STREET, Pittsbur;h • . I prepoied to sell lit rIQD-SEAMOITETt below inseket. totes. Coll betorepurclisslng else where. 5t03.1 To OIL 31EN.-FOR'SIV.E. One-Eighth of all the 011 Pro4oced • on 43i) acres of load, situate en the_ Allegtien • y• liipir,at 'ridicule, N 1 preen county, Po. 'rhis fs • one of the best oil tracts (*the Myer, and is the one on which the Tidloute and Warren fa t Onin fuy hare or .tea- with great success foal • years.. There • are —seieral ,vells on the tract pro.. . during oil doily, ante several new•wells err bring put down. Though hut a small pirt of the tract lir &reigned . , yet fir is paying a /ergo interest on the price notio..d for it, end Mete is good reason to n om Fhnt niv the. tract is further developeirdivi deudsorill Abe 1 largely increased. The Interest ire Dill r is n tient diuut,tntore-st or:Royalty, fm, of all draWbacknonAMSMOlMentS iorAmilno• or opirratin t 'Months.% It also embraces the undivided one-hit Or Oil nod thgber on the tract, and there lumb,fr askpugh to • mikilsotrositalllkth:tot feet r of. and many thousand cords of wood. , For further information addltatlB.6 aubscilbez at Ttill ogre, j normn county L Pa. n 43?"" yittaburgh, ,- • , U. 8. 01113TOI 1101195 i .A f _ , POWepir Prrestuntnit •Nirilte. IRMA IyriATOTTAttr.rolrztal.9Rßberll2a/C clallcitiENti•pdkoltad' ii . 'Will be rod e. 4 4 111 this 011ie. 5 ,4 1 - ',,. Coupons of those notes will not go redeemed un• oss seplu•sted from lbo original note by some one connected. with this °Mee. lltiblaw . P. W. uxrcaeLoa, uepooury. FUR DAYS.- : . i` • : Timm Val!: and Winter J. IiST.I3ARIKEII St co:9s, ~r~li~:~4~ii:ill~~MY~~j:k.~''/~dl~;i:~„~:i~t:~ • And every ettide adapted. to thb • present. season. 64. liinletr street, Nivi FOR REPLVIIMING TOMB STOCKS. no3oll ROME LEAGUE, GOODS. MERINO VERB MID. DRAWEES sap mENI rEN AND °D O' ALL - WpOLEN VESTS Ain mums, FOR GENTS. WO6LEN HOSIERY, OF AL!. THE DESIRABLE__ STYLES, In PistnnadFanoY . • • • : likatter, mutt and iie.*ilio..".i.ekC BUCKSkIN GLOVES AND UN HIHNECK TIES and Stara:4oEBS. LOIGSDILE:SINGIIII tHBitBLLAS. W00L167 KNITTING TAUNS,in-all toter' and quantitlea. BALMOIIAL SKIRTS, aupertor ,In kyles and tt duratallts tot nor .. tmported. OHNAN:ENTS ' AND TIGISIVINGS for Mosta . Rick Sash and Bonnet Ribbons. AND , LEATHER. BELTS, LATEST STYLF4; NEW STYLES SIDE AND BACK COMIVORY BREAST t . PM AND' AR eltpatravair.treETPATaThuß TONS,AMERICAN CORSE TS t WRITE AND COLORED.' •,HAIR ROL _LS AND CRENEILLE NETS, AMERICAN HAND MADE 1100DS,TAMMA ,S SHAWLS, SACWJES, SON TAGS aid GAATERS. The forecriley articles are of AMERICAN MAN IACTBRE, and were purehated directly front the Makt . rs or their Agents, and will compa re fa curably Apboriccobc.uamliattacn BUTTONS, p ortA BRAIDS BINDINGS end 'mi nt other SMALL WAR N Abet remised, a -quant of American MERINO and White COL TON HOSE. ; r Special attention will herea ft er be given to pur Issortment of ROME MADE ARTICL ES . •• • EATON, MAGRTIM A CO., t:t "-- • . noiktf ; Nos. 17 and 11 ,Street. FAI!If.MAIIIIE CLOAKS- Oiruulars, Basques. Olillarelfs Cloaks, l'ciplins, • I . Plaids. 3t111 7' 7--2 . , P r eFtM"' , :.9•?9 4 1 1 !.. iA. BATES , 21 .1. u. FULTON'S, =MO n~{ 1:J c :'} .... DKr GOODS; ' 7 " ''''. - . : '''; ,:: - !', l': tl.( . : , 14::•. *Or CLEARANCE, BMA . .... .... . ~, . t,.f. ~•..t.,, . . :-.,.-...! .... SitOA . W.OR I TH - Or , ~ :., •.,-,. , .... #l., , IMZEIENIII31;1 DRY. GOODS! Ali. 59 Markel Street. IN THE Pnioxs OF SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, DRESS GOODS. MEWS WEAR, BOSS' WEA_II; Court:try 311ffercasemtat will lad this a tare opportunity A. LARGE ASSOWEILMT 00W WEATHER. k .Ye barerfull stock of very hest/ :II: TS AND DRAWERS; • Aa well la the tiner:and lighter grades, including the real Shaker Flannel, made In the be lt manner. For LADIKS and CHILDREN we haiv Jut opined a full line of Jfirrilnn I)restiet4 and rests, Of the bestluattly, In erery size. GLOVES, - • The largest ang &test Stock we hare ever had, Jost opened, at low price& Aiwa, Wool Stockeumt, Pocks t lioMs; 'Rent nRs, NuMns, Basques, ,Scestlii Balmoral Skirts, k 0.,, .AJEVP 19131P.9, • • . • • Of tile; very newest styles, tittile•holoe patterns, good gusltty. • /NEM BORNE es CO, 77 - AND7II MAIRKET ST. CtETOil FLAN r.dsx.. Matmo, sIizrLATT, W°°L SMI C tiPIDERGASMENTS. • Tit =inks , *MO Shintsr J llOO AT REDUCEDZ-11410E% ••• IROORREAD, DENNlB(in' 4 l4 tIr8; et KIkIIKET STREET. .er~'..."Y.. i~~~ innir GOODS: BARGAINS 1 GOODS BODGET &T Pkesent 'Panic ticesl 16CRUM a GLYDI, No. 78 iditiCi4'4TEEICV PtttibUrght` 1474 ' 1 °.4 6163. ,.: 1_ f TRIMMINGS, INHOIDERIES. :An; Ys GilLsoll72llllll6 , ItEBBONS, RIISCIC6I3, Furnisiag l ;3# l :! d,'Netiong4 . ; •ir - A •-• • • • ,• . Balmoral mind Hoop Skirts; SAretogo,Beaver Turbo:fast:ff. ueflier Knitting Yon; Breakfast_ .ffhawlg; Li, Sontn:stetej Sheens, Bette, Collars, 0 Linen WV. end . ..ffimbroldered srulkerehl — Wert;Steel and Jet Belt,Buckles; • Drew Trimaliep4rek_Orgroseatei Corsets. k.e.F. . • We offer kbeaboie and leinir'etheKartie.ilieli • line, At sol i moderate prices, and we solidi Whidesaie and Befall aril sera IMULISITCCE‘OI7R ETOOTt, • Which 0111 W found largeandattraottra... -zoo: 1 i • " NEW Ockof/$, J. MBITIVIFIELD'S. ptracoa cos, ZISPiESS oartv, IRISH POPLINS, AND FANCY SLUM DASBDF , EFZ!, for 1189 1111d4 1 01‘ , Gazi . Twu-LED FLANNET+ 4 ' BUT ' ' " ‘ WRITE "- WHITE stierEn wzr.ou sairrefErrs AND TWEEDS A halt new rttnent Greven deneiption oI NEW GOODS Jest opened. Northeast,Ceigcr Folirti. and bhirkft Streets. n0m..,: FOURTH , NATIONAL BANK U, S. EOVERDIRENT DEPOSITORY. This Ba4k c4en to the puillo the following ei• vantages, sad reepectittlly ft/1101 4 the ?Olio O . 13 3 A DEpOSIrIIORY. Obvernmeirt nub% NaUnnal Bank Notes Piste burgialanir Kates, and-Notes et Interior Banks; .sU resetred on deposit.:. • Eastern' Exchange nirahthei to elver ,castomeni ill= bk iirii ; moms CRAW and every *flits granted DeOiltots. T - ALLOW - P.D. - - .. . .. B 7 tai apee ent,.to (!m - ar , ‘“:-r -Jr-) , P 5 Pretutsed find sold fit market price GOLD cOm.()ii€i, Bought at Wheat. priOeoSi!esittritin goidt 7-80 T. S.'LOAN, Subscriptions eteeiTed. for 11=04.111t et Matti States • government; and the *FULL VOMMIS SION allowed to persona Inept's*, , , 5-20 BONDS, 11. S. CERTIFICATES And all dolmen of reliable and profitable UMWe meats finished to put-choler& THIS BANK NAB nEas ees Per"."143:12A5 orrangril so al to meet Corry public ritlitiotoit; as mato, convenient and profltiblotiot atop for the rootllcuilly tcqrsosact Its money lniolarrOwitli. B MDIIIOI4 Caeigi 1.19Li0 , ay 8,, 1865 `fi . Wit ' B PRAYER BOOS, .tdr:i i in I,%ndin. Ono norockto and re ly • , All SCANIBARTt WOMB In AU t e-PIEW ANTETOPULAB itE;lor• , A ot all,klndt. r v v i jonerwoodi Morocco and • Euinlni, Leath MG ETA= Ani. - .IARTTING , OAS Ps4et 'sad Booiddood Furn entand.natrndniAl PORTFOLIOS. GO P.E.I.T.§ Blant, aold.and EGrer Enlspo, eon and Desk noklmt. POG ' ET BOOcus, And all . the•noveltlet of Choi spawn now ready, n litree and contplete:ntoolr, • muNtnif, no sinPrit'STßEEt, Nuotaa.li4tL IMMUI avings Institu#6n; `fm FOURTH smut: . Staliment of its condition, November lit, BNB, published, as requited by Act 9f Assembly : "First Idortitages on Beal Fstate 5110,222 53 U. K. 602 Bonds, at par 07,001 01 U. S. Certificates, at par - 62,000 OD U. S. 1821 Bonds, at coat 21,031 26 Office Furniture • 217 62 Interest accrued 1,4•10 92 Gash on hand • • "24551 01 - Total assets • "LIABILITIES. nue 14 D.413.1tML .260:150 n Due to Depositor, Interest, Nor. l i tS6.l„ 6,911 SS- Contingent low:l;ominute ' ) 10M till • I . A. 11,.. OdittlXl3., Treasurer. - • Th&undoraigned, Auditing Committee, have ei Andros] the boOks atria institution, the bona and' aectutes, And counted the ealh, and have found then re statement-to he correct. - • Auditing crieiabet !stilt/et: • : ' - • . . .. .. , , Satcrest , paid on,Depagta. at SIX PER oEacz., Pe " .l4unu* " '!" ' ' Trairlitlth 1 . . , ..: ' ' • Hot • ' ' __ iSto YN:ES, Prraident: • -, •:- - • ' . . Time. M. Etevre, " Hon' .1". X.. MoOrhetd W .U. klmsthi . ~ .. , . 0. o:llwaser, W. . Copeland, .-- -- - .Tacob.Palater,.. • li. .3" Child., - .. r. - A ... n 1010 144 Agesur. nolirliadturs' . . _ • QUICDRLES: Chestnuts.: 1,7 • 20 - 10126 Emir ‘,, 8o) lbs. • acodot fr in itsMi Up)tton , esh Roll Bu to bbls. obolcs Apt_ Now &codling sad for 6610 by 4. NAURU. alaiEuz.4l, .rorivEs. CMIZiMEgaI SULICTACTIritiCyIie E. 8 ` M. BOMEANAHMISOrt. - . (Farmerly MALLET iy CO. Bordernici.) Prft*,_lll[l?l! , ll;ii..t._. of sixty exbiblidrs, 'St the- later attittasi lEattalor 4. tioa, Loadoui sad for sale by F, 81.13OLLX&N, ME= jeCtodtf_ retrATTSBUR . H SAW WeiRILH. HiltißAßDp Ai LONG, ;., :J.7 ; xatcterec-rratas or ..... PATEXT,WV9 - ' D VERCUTAI! - % .. ~ , ... l, , ,51 . •-• . : ~., ~, ..:-., ^tvaircdasT STEEL -SAWS, _of weer de. Sheron. MHO, Misr, thou Oat, 'o={G solid : I Other vatietHs. i iiiimaiw irot icii i iior ~: -,,,,.", An kinds of .44_ sbaltuoictgeei• Fain Based RM.C_CS• : i MOWING 'az,. SR - WA t a & t ,r. M I TIVI R PM. I f Eel; illA SHORT YPastßalar tentiOn gine RiOktiii. going, and. Skaliglitenlog Gin fiz ular re. pelts of an 1niuka,,,P,wft,43141441/6= t est t. 4 pssiostabWriitei. , - . ... ;1,:?-tr-.,111 =;XX;3a c,ff '! Makersas Sheet-Iron Workers, Km k t:! !q 2 o l4 . l wPiP4 73 : ll 44: - ` time 'time with the omit latpeOvedeolddmunintore ed to isteutlfeetaxe tem Ototelptlea 08/0 !:WN4:! - - I 1 in the best Omuta, end waroutted *qua tO made In theiqrmtey., CRIBINEyb. STEAM 'Pl=l LOOomoyrora - OttuaI=4 3Ia %ONDENSER BALT .P• mi,trriLL3,_. A TALTOIZEIZ TLINI3. PAINEWADOLLY* IRON, . 9 1 SIX/AB ,P.A.ltaj_24 solo eciantaseturm us g .• 2.16,W , M BOILEES: ONO on the obtain& notice. IIMT" , yrt .1 filli s ONl3ll4ls, 4/1E . st******* - se' 5,2-. U to Hoorsaft, Mum & H01.r.x0,1 • -• Wafbl4o,lL Work. . lIP FOrritinißgidiblAlMMl*E • AP' Wanuliatitrom of svOribrimre srinAst ENGITIHII,_i ENGINE* •• ^ lUMNParri OF+ o'HiG, SHAFTING, . INGB Of itildeouiptions, OIL TAMES* 13T/LisS, BOIL*IZIEMENT IRON. WORK, s, Ifirigen criERABIPS irtffratnaZat: .411 on, for t boners. aiOnacalwarin....w. D. Osman ..J. P. K0t.r.1111% larldlitlCLUß ert161.111111111144: MITER & , (Secteitithitoltsrriars Iturratas h 000 MoulutidAvirees of OAST STEEL; SPETtitti PLOW (ulll BLISTER STEISA.;SPEINCE4 AA, -Air, Works, ypegliez!r; F. • Office ilddrom. , PrlTS (AIL - 441011;ty Coppdz IGII and Smelting. W or ms; Prrlfmatiait - • PARK, NPqUaDY &CO; Maattfoettirers of SHEATHING, ft, BOLT COPPER,. PRESSED (.10P PER'. Bor. - - TomsSOLD , ER RAISEDAIL STIL p L pqrroxl4 srmaza MEV so,fsiortets 'sad doalero le iv..: IRON WlHss : iyonbasad, 111141.IITES auk: , TOOLS. Warehonso,N9,llolfLENT and fooSEO. OND STREETS, .rlttobuftto. , S4 . o , *#l.,ofderf fir Copper cut to'snEdro foktfottU, . ' • • aTIIE COYINEDISIOND AND.I6IPDAT :DIENDE OY yuitiOhlateAr , d for ,the. beeetitend 'es , tomartdrig otelamoldeekt Totem men whir Lefferfroor Dermas Debility, Fre,: mature Daisy of Manhood, eta, supplems,al the same time; the ismer od l ortieurs,' by hos • clued himself after be put to great ez l Injury throttOttpedleht warms 7 : .11 By eneldsley pala-paid Ottbiopf:i Wt" et , copies paps had of the sat or. N' HAZTIEL AlATltent, Sap htY 2l 4.lthwTßfdfordi King, Donn 7. rit)r. NERirovti eurrr. .-A 17 - 4' - -- or , , ` , -'-' l titr , biennU.l.llEB.roselpsd gantleatatthatr ne 13 d to health in a feW days, - atter no • , mode the usual routine and 'regular expensive mats ot tileatment without success, Considers it his altered duty-totidminuoleate to Ids atlllstesl matures the marmot sore. Hence, On the reenrPt ; of an addreided witinto ie wiit sendifroi, soapy '- 11111/A:1011110.1•61011 , 11;111e, , , ligir l =.lies s, lfa ' toed *twit , Actor: to. dAte • care .of FA.Ver and( IS4et. and other 'b prepsted.byp..tei plyelotidf,' ' t ap hotesult of soVeetteffelot pttoe avitearaf I In ObElloue Mamie: 'Thaw *batlike...m*4M Mono! r 4.; eelves,ar ieefotte Minters , effeotaupan ottietklifed no foethee esldenoe of Its peat value. A. small - Teeoflit on ;the cease', tfese..a.and cure of Oil- img.d4P4Keol,”l9l9?l"#*ct!bOttil of t4O *aft." . •••• Sold 1:741 2 1,1, dtirlotti Obi Otediethe latirei , DlSlS.4l.lllk SIP" TH11 , 1115:111111011111:d 1 o.:er tr iit s rltitiy.t'RlNAlLY.AND.SPAUAlo - sy ew and ndlOble. 40 2 4100 1 14.4 1 1 1 kt!`,`' , to , ports of t e Howard Anoelation. Bent '": " seje d ed d 4 er 4 w, E7 c Am r. , dosoeistteui,lfo . ,d§outtk.fflot44)9o;Pbßi . V: , 431.‘ OiollectioAsones throughaut"theXral States!". ; , ad:' S I T ED D . " 0/SZMOI I t ZEIAILUEILI ABD' and whOlesaleri.deolprdki CIRESELODEELL'; SEEDS, I 11831,...=d -produce getiOndl . Jr,. Pro. 1.1.1 - WOOD STD= "PUbbirredr. - : . net ~ .0 + , . MET4OPOIiITAX-1 t - • . r; ; GIFT , )3OOICISTOR.E3O. , .. ,• WILL 019112C0M Y. I. , :. lENied6y,. Nov , . ist, 664vN I Mul PenglAnelit/Y /? 4,, t9 4 I\To, ea, 31.4 4%:4 ,13 tr0cil ,prrrsoußGH; orrogarrE ADAme mumms OTTTeX. This II the largest and irs! itberalig dond ;• ertabllshment*eat olNew 'York' At this est* , ' Bailment you ; can get any' book:you nay deettei- Books in evert ,part .I.ltersture,, And you Sum , the sdreiStade ,0 ! r50414. 1122 !: 8 !" 31 4i m 9k,At.%-: Worth tom Frny ormrs io tat r. aunnara D wa. g, which kraViti Withskehteek. • AilVm.itdd# oak ' s Poirjbhes' Pdenkand ,r :ran sel frota largest madered in • - • eity;ineluellagnikthohltandaedWerkAhllillivetp.,.., ? , Alone phot ph Arbtuns,ail at les or, Jles and Prayer aft the tats ..turietlespgr4ft Books foe ell daises, upon ail sublecia, fa every ,-- styiehfOthdtogranh inrendices iretHrty,,Rerneet.. 7 -4 - ler that purchasing kooks at the. ' Olptropolltan-6111 Book :Stony. will i‘siy nti sitornthaaonwoUbt . over oti4vise.- r' tablit.hraceiv eir4:4.4Fe,t4SPAYle4gea 4l 4a.' NO/ *6.4 AA " itiC4134164 . 3. the F616 1 / I ' ' ' . rind itdok , epee at tike r atAttfreAke pi:trailers lett, Ire. sk! sTiiiiil*...Pfrartxiiiiiitt:',itittnegV , MBRIS:AND PK*All3l.43OOlLty :10.P. !his lanceettlielle7cier.enli 'WM - be ee , Driiit Deka ,(11... - 'LOWE.. , V.PDBLISDEIDS'IIIIOAI4S - iesd, with each purettase yetriogitetemny peat tci,ssis hvatel:. . hundred dollar,. , ' • Atie. Descriptive Catelogtice,aisyed Cowie !kil n ; ad 4 • uP4A,P l4 lii 4t 4Oß'irl , -; 7 te% • 'l,l , Ofj 24, t 3Fr!gc° o A- 1 .,79,1 1 144,;,,,, Capital St6g4:_lots6;69l*P'etn; 12,000 SOARES At M. 00": E.npitniesT—Tollli OnArt , . . srcurrmcv—Otipt.lettilES*GOED EkfaUUNE.,: - x. n. mA3t/Trli t : WM. lick:Elk' F. FAWCETT; W?is..•' .7. W.LI.IYDAI, • Capt . . JAS. CORD. J..P. SilliTli FuITIT SuperAntelided. .t23,aot. st • , • Thu tiompany own. (ho property known the httnao , VoalWprks," together ,ifith the! , Kornan 'Joan' :cootalatng.Uk all aboutlte• aro, propert •• le eltaated on the west bank of. the alono men, about onoluteedkaft. miles helow.hionortgaltela city, la the..thlrdpoote„.! on ithlch ere eltuated.o,ntinees dwelling houses " ~S /tote housm Amps 'eve, 'together' tetth o'ratteray .ruhaintett.theriver abutateitt, and aft:: DeSOMUY ISning o o34 , o foe lending o. .' The mines are already Opened, dratned 'Mitt toted; and to 'good - el:teeing carder:- ankh , erftiteor:-' driven and roonrsturnak aid rattneeeseary.:lsank • ties far tfothiag. eighty to -one hundred men. met, the ch)01 avellhewn.tohCof the 'very bent' ittatte "''. ty.. billerid le been of theratuit valhableenal propettleatntheintralley) •;Tho Corosy tw; Increase their hotlines for Waning by tee eonittnetlon of in papal railway, and have set ?art 1130,1X0.W1. im o oi stA ts earposo vati l t lrl w l oi ttr iut eint em eat i =ted ia lin :organisation:, •• With twilit lei whtehite.Chnpiani. the DitectOrkroolhlently most 'beUeve that the Inv:o' 7 " Plove to bepAt - of lbe Off enbatittatal and remunerative. itookiln theroounttyl.: = -.4ettS, iNTlyricu. TQ VllOlll IT 1' lay . cokr"'" CrEßN.—Th!t p wir e . wt. 414:A tl a ittelr22 : La 'Aid' km (tom d•fts . wartie ; ""'"'"' H. RIDDLF t* P it t ab UlN NOY. WA, - ec` WSP ',...,-"•••,'.e.t,--.1..;‘,.-A*4.l'(-414,;,*ilit9iWt.itaVi.WW' 1 • n rt, •J".. - • 13 I, • it t F , . 'I -fiti 4c."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers