itits , E!!=eMl=el= TiltiltBDAirg:tiggEEßETc% Sommin ..,..• ••; ": • -•1,. - ,`•:'- ~ Z.Contentlaker vgaraty'vartperpigennvs - , i.-AfTwO Int. •-- ' . ... -.1. :- - • 'The .Cent iniiiit prrlail ' ell#l l 4 th l4l a O SPl4:4 , nitre !o'clock,;when *ln. filseanirkut on w The Menke of EguslinUltp.e` Labor - sand Waring ef . County SuperilteraintsW . Wawresumed, and rd .. : . lee al general exiitingiaUf .oidniau , ilinatuttlef. woe rekvred tde r aPeak cruirnittea '':,- !.' L" , Ott rocdeueallottader,Wsalgl . 4 , WdallwadfOr • the t6 s - f° l : i ti e TAVV ,4 olP2l'C' t3l ` b e P i '' 4 . • vent,,,.., • r. ,, , r-uasi env, / , ....A , ',,,- .-:' • , :t-: , 1, . The tblloulp 1 'the take tga , ..-. "Mat- am a . littrielnatiodoried claselfleutlou ink Vi and irbs , f, I are the duties oroWmtir,. • • We-- enusii* to the teklesurn ,, ar.<, •:.-t • ~, ' ~P 1: ! Mr. Butengiolgs,reVet .Itdejdrilon that; the: Meal Millet ,14444'. liiiy, - o,,go:4ollstaivi' I class , Alkeehadlines the ittolF. 1 Silaleity of text books of thesamegnsda, end hn was to fatotorrgeoat otertatrol os, would dater . ,idiekeg' AC, eltytkvn . .l)oolua per" • the yt, .i3 . o ll t a i *Vaniigitt::.l44;ili , i l .6gUia • ;:, al2 , ' t ai g a " ate of al 0111011 t. &Antis' 41Iffleultles hr, yreysl'elaselteixtlon. •In re. ` ' wart to the on of tea bilOiLlN' he 'Moiled'- ilia miner **At toesxmlfird 010 Ate f? , .14c, appl*pri.adon wou berdependaxii‘ *6U antes,- •unigaultflovettiol likdonla,‘ , '.♦ e, , ,, , Mr: Ibutls4. m ember natepllat , -1f1nt, 1 2, - ,4..1ng100n4 of tkell biterarealat tide eannyi:: was Omuta, unikgrol" • .4 1 0 1 2/148ee 461, I'S: raddiess tlusCoutentlornw Weecartrodi::,- • :..,.. • Mr. IgglualPellidflualte wn- nor.prepared to.. deliver an addrend-41e had }wronged In to aloe. • the Convention, as he had always felt a deep In- -, taint Intha-gclappol„,rignalloa,Urlltontd. ill better. not to :fieltigegAnyTuithWlitgli4tlon, Iter , lots 1 the chenseel proposed. Were .conaiderodloa. pontively neenentl , The school system should , . be thoroughlt349oefetwebunges , were Aglaia...- led. , Prof. •cobili,iikelC'.Walnriiikenlrai‘ "advisor fully with thannoryseehidrf•lligludn,,df any'. changes _ .. alltd!l l / 1 1 St.r? , V;aa`wC, • alight as After at n " Tarr het &as 411 7 4/4itioniini;tta Contention elltievapteolt Wilma delockt. , The fop onag ii'. ? :, he damned this afternoon: . s".' ".' '''' ""'• • ' First-MeentreeWskiing,djusilnes. !falcon!--libit_satt Wire scenntiyalMlNgdai;- iy be secured In the B r i D r latriete Third-Phdnitideli. • U - moron • P , •e l-, x' .. .;15. Pastaa - ' 9 )1 49 ' InsiHutt- " i _ .:'• M!')/-:, i 711410**-ihiralltiFieL 7* , There Weie'iikreat'Aildtoin: In the Illamend,markit" 4:lMF : Mating; by Tack: pockets. AtaiAdtAtitet'bllltmibeth't6tni:j ship, had hiri.pfehed•iif Wallet-F*4in lag about ~ 40 .M . coall - 74: Thompeontille;q triatdatton:-:eounty,! - - , 1&;.• - poOtet,-boolmenitelnhig tom. ThMU. r vreia other women robbod, but-We'dWnotlearn theft 171211C1L Tbakillarter winnable, :Mr- rdinvon heating of tbeae *carat for the iNtqadlifitatty.'ataMeedaidn'tti mitt% a n ll6 l‘ 4 6Alffoilittitiftillel *Olt the act etiffirthg ; tii the ,pleke,t . of an Old lady nanoBni.ker. n male tiCco. with! *hid I suCcedled hetMerifet,47lto.;atwased,was eetriifed' to the 31.a30e1t otlite,witeret .siss;ivaa erireha On her person, im,fri nmcket-book contain.; ing ~'`tird hi and aixmt litiy,peaplagl3he also had 'hi her pooket hoofs a piece of goM 'chain; Which' hia (A, Madly bell, , Miloossfte 1 latch ward 431 k a gave theliatte:tif :NYC Fitsgeritidiladtold contradictoll stdrles abahtlier' Placa of redderiee. • rille-positirakt ghalafkr regard to herace who AM 1104400ur sosaloa of thezplllafter. r-PlOtpocketa itlways . e P ate b Y P a o+s i5tc41%.0.1 Om , other to - ig c st y Thsloitee argon the lootont - r - e, - oF OM Cady yet succeed-in arresUrorb tati; &Mimics were among 'the , boldest pc t - -Lewd in oar city, for some time, ind the perpetrators are et - hit:lllV old handiat - • "The Funeral ilidamTliffitbilL4m il The Erie contains •tßll6llowing .ex ed3ples or the s Wiliel• JAW delbridieSTA , o;rfesP o3l 4ir OYcl.:*!iii.fintid ! l •no; tie in yourparC L lSt* . iutuitge, istY.l:4-;iii.i. i 4131 or . e1iN15:04444444 1 4 4 ;P:".5 1 4*.: -4 4 - tutted it, inilltAterbtlibial:Thie: A•iresldCati • of Spring ltinsl4o44OW', :tluifa .tit4l . lCC'& • and wife onTittney,-Irovembee 1;1804; undoti. the 12tb, steme•slaga,:after,inanlod.Wn . liiu ,/34 1 1.: fist wife dtistebilfiliii I,"o„_, , and he.Fts Star: Ilse wetintlifd OSSA . ,47.:.8at thq gard Eur makes beitett4bnotott3aming:Ut - lizfogredefi and mita Mundt' tgelerenttyt", . • -,, •.: .: z gAd The co eft;,-Ilowtsee;gbret a ease from. 'Dryden, ,Y4llll . obVre thatthiSininte State ctat -- "on t ispyllanku, Om belt* in sonic :inanely o dintsrptisen A limn; In that- towi hitt * the mist) Fltr loos his sire on-Sander, ote 'Monday edpi —mirror tiff; 00 T uesday the,' st l kfttrnilorgin &caked: l oo l S' et, the new 'wearingthe:old t 'pnet Clothett: and on Wedneadty • the -bride -gaei•liirthr tn.a dinghter.P.::ll& 'ended: , the -peognuente. fbr the . 1 ;VOL ITe#. !F l ira ie r `• The Bte = t PLL u x Aiinee 4 Y,S bilmcd th Wm, tt4 Seek or . .r.rarr• riiae=t %Rik ic:ho pn:46130 mtgee bi sapplleadoy a0401;5e,,m114 make surangemsats ai soon as passible:tor Mediate In Ade'. respectiseboOdi;" . We quote es.follows' from the circolar; " . • The tiuu! hoe o t ,,e'ali *sea to' Ilan, of all ifPelil4M.ianieke Ml:l g iiehts Tot observing a sect of speetZ And rnyer, the begbentiik of thevOtffing Tear:- New. move enema of tbe; VLlilfeltof en* hate been more and lieboretiOt the tee than Abate. An..' oabal neamini-of anlld 4011644*m5. Affiance; therefore, feel imperatively aig ed to rextelethele Iftettetion; in the hope of meet-. • I'VC.Tetig;q3l:4o,o4, than in formnr Tenni, an 01 olkeiffingketSll;ffiere. Ahendeffi ordinal ,end tempasttiontoga.r'!,,. The time ciprayers Is from TreffilrY4o C9,44,AF7-49:01 1 UnrollFettXlrMitbilv-PoPgAVltia !q: in. , e t itest upon the body ..of Jobs', Rom* gasatx, stx ran, Plio.witaled 'yeiteidei aithr-" noon, at rtnetititt,'•ir Islioiti ' Miiiiice • Mini' t yang% Roiling NULMer l ' fothm• ok•the -hop. VII einPIOJCI/Jap tigI L lalk!ind had. tent soma kgr Rad* kidteer; iti ;Oa o 0 the , pospqftx4l . .Iserssi the ear was approaching the gate,. 1 the boy ran out, with the Intention, It la cup !' of ellmbing up on the can.. . ,'het .driver •... paw him fall, but before he cobid 'Cheek. tip the' reel one of the ateetaels badpeamedstroOda ..., at 'll A , , ,erneking the skull and ct awin f a g. ccdent deat kiabk/:' AXIO,IT,c:f! o , - ' - ' ' '' itink.44C '' Dula lostsFautsur. , Orrs,4 • . ug, 0:„.,„.,_ , .. Seleysi• last 'evethint`frorrilh`ellitet Of innixdi - ea ulN*9a;:hilsTent,Nctinen,' , Ottlfhalty . , Nov. otn.. - 11 will be, rtgookerldfo44 .... . ether"; nturning from a Dein -tented '. .., In Laynntecalitutalbst l 4 - 119aWntarem be liquor, and that a difficulty Mined, Ltiwhla • c cesonlhot Ostia thane*. 1 Ott watrinontranw: • : - siot,i,t . „..chtosseOW_ittatuded, and Nemo; WWI: ". d*P'W.ltlftlYelf'4i'tti r the rifayogsraind , ' • - • 10 WO* - 1 4 , 04Stuitof L*Ritt *L. .' tteryss deceased scria . thn, , ,;tut a' -,-,' ••• • of the .tsth -Penr.sylvoills ' v. Ifetiteti,''oif 'befog.' notillea cif Abe death - ot :try went to the Napes ofllett,Wherelte Will re-. . ilia lu e : l 2 =UV?, 90144txpliartion, I.lnoirstrit4..Snitdh hawed Hods =a , . nvm jo 'hlg tat :',l , - ,,..di r, 0.1.: ; Dyad eirtigke .* on Ward:the stearboat . I"tt . t fulls hro. ~ t he Alleghway whattlell °ITN; `. ,. ii i ll and was drowned - on Mandafeirettlag . t sass plebe s.. , Hetas under' the WU-. , - 'nee of liquor at the time, valet' will account for ' is sod fate. Ilevez awn falling overboard and . 1,. 0 1 Tr t n r° l ,i , and T : " lava ee hi o n [' but C l ln eo g at e let 4" el f,k,ugside of the steamer, which prevented his tAning wain to the surface( the effort was.useless. 11,0 bands of the boat labored assiduously all , ttay yrateydoly. it reenver , the body, bist its yet ilvithroilfilOgevis• :. ~ .. .- ..:-. : .., ' - 8.7i.0,7111i /100311 0 . 1 RlT(lo6—the daCIUI pfl,tteThitid Icard, - .Alleghery, hare been great s'inmhytirror .demo-Menthe past br the • alb.. - . iidulescaniPC2lll4M of a maraud ladhamed•Whlting.- le tuditiern mutated a number of time on 00A ' Mot at citizens, and taken before the Mayor; nt aliraylr Alsebamet tutted ptotediling *tare 'roodtkurdor; Thb morning he wet *vela ar mitedifor throwing atones, at= the brayor,de• ";,ermined tritio rid of the annoyance' , occasioned' t idta, committed him to the Holum of Refuge. Tax Mx(rasvwx , Ammar* pittatmag4 Jua4 gluarscilla btsseuger twether willtifs Tuning stocl4 , Wangs, te., was otibrert,but -sale • at tionwatuteglast, igbt, but - as only *MOW ' was bid tor lc,. Mr. moat withdrew ft.'. The foadand %Puna mces sbouldbring at leaictlONooo:'',' , ' - arStl4l A. t~aoChViihtiteitZ bal Prefelo4lo4o d u n 14 or ,claaribazabaig ii with ar Communion Service,. aa a teattmonLalot sympathy.; ,The persica peeing to that church In that place was des. ordrfirekt • • , .** . . 1 . , • •, •' , • t " 'ALLUOtuntllthstnkstuttl- , qutattinuntn:lntnet-', to - 'ty . f the trteinhen. or UnPAileglieny driiiiiistle ' 74E04*it' 4111 be behliii-Erklaygyeglng,for r bZrktogn of traink - ii+iiiki.theatirte- re , al 1 . lie,scidetivaL.l# 4lntiroltiCalx4 AM the Ogrnikot-th - institution stiould'be present; ilia' giyolt WIT countenance and support., , zry , I - ` ,. • ::..a:;•...4___ mo 1 ' /IV:ldie'i otirnLY,L3re:Ent - Chttolvnititru .'23.leXelnber o ber of J his . ,potittlar Monthly front , ogrinit g friend,-IlikNolittoi,gntniindual.,! ter, of. BrOgginille:. 4tlmitinteremlng lumber, nod we would Ficoinmen. lb perturq - by all of • our !l'aleri• '• .. -- , • '"; .: ~. . _ • - srg.OIAL LOCAL NO ICE9.= TRIAII3I#. nun; prattlainote , arid Dearitiu-terican 81111 e, oz. 'axiom orders. ndcr LaughlinT,ltAt tlieVratter 'Winkisiyltt bg4;WAnfeirmM,l4l4 - 740 itteiti , ;Ordini proniplif INi:den& ••••• ritiiit3tgd; .SepaAque* 4 o: charke : thsTooPla., Ablukid'acrairput,on.i!:' 4 , 1 `. L . - - l'ixyr 000 . W ail lepixedvatl - the 7".'i. lerelaaat Talloriug*.- , ' 'oriGraktiiirifs McCaw!. • less, 33 ,f4ta dill 'ilk*: l'rkjirdthiThiaitl4s: pectfulti Itillti Ai iftetitliM OF6ur 'friendi'itud ' l od Shit piolle gencral;-to nor - new, stock of „fail. I :kid srlitet s. They contain all 'the very' ',littedt *Wes f English, French ,and .Americtin arithes,-va crest and rmlings,' hit oftlie'lltiest" ' We ig l i rrin '4; (.144..m.1.1...tre-z,z,v- Ad4g.r.V j44ll,;lYol.,toxive to a call Wore i..l*CaCaslnir gltenhere: - Eteryi'gMhinet(tia - Vat'S .ranted to 'give. fultsatisfact lon in loth Frkf: tlil ' sgualfW .•.'a: lifcGittounis ''. ,)fereltantiTailim l / 4 ~ 7 4).:"1:4Sirtit- l ifikhrstaee - . i,-- ' ' atias i drrigst,T-The attestik& Of , out read'. 4Ors: la . or lb (fie .btillinni` intsbilmesiViif ' I n :knii.....and• 'lnter CatN Uld.CrettlYslL 4.r..19PJ I,Glendldit. ohn Weler; No. 1 2 6 Federal street, • Aficelieny. Gist skulk, gamprlimes sr groatettrirtr: , of.Ftiticy F ch . J.n4lshr. Scotch and American ^CaOlmeres*tki MUilligiNtal'ElKASclel!'- z:rerro Noting's, all offfhleh will tie mode up to order In thy ' latest stilesindireths bentrninnumr. A. - tlibiGe selection oi Furnishing Goods also on +WU:tar* sale, together with a GM &tick of Xeinfki Anic.. Clothing, well ,INl...fasSi4lounhly ; csade :,,44.ltlrrrin Brseerr.—This initvLeestilly . pootilar - *ctltile.act - presents hie; name for ft' heriellt)Sn" :trittor.rt log, :. The, hitt:lotion. ii'‘greiit-44 ' Orra Uct*lmeds. of Doctor Paugloss or the L. L. ",G.U.tikthel A. &ale- F,- I A •post _ of 'cohnueum, . will iipppq. The great k:rama of MA Zirp}Eni. `sheibold highwayman, finishes the performance. ' , geMentber it is Bement benefit: , licentarpmr, 'seats itemire. . . ' 1111016:Birts,"CusEccrWAN's Not Twn9.l3." Aj'clusinict intlasoriantiod;.brlthi Aiwa , =mina gfindi r ,ocnilected with tha membranes which Mns the , throne; and tnembredeV - many'. cam 'Brdwn's Bronchial .TinShca,agosi innnediatp rc : Ate; 4131 all dtakkutii;...l +'4; 4•\.•. .o)tiansti. cent* 'ealbrwill , be taker' at the oratdbits °Mee No.-410 Penn' Mreet, day or , bight., AU onleralett at, the above place will be promptly ;attended to. All Calls molt beikiichlia `advance. ; _ _ • ..I.IIIIfrELE.IfigIfT.S. 11011I'rTSBURGILTIIk.A.T.RE.• •••= - = ntrff . STRETT r irEAR fiOOD. • L/11111/6 A/D MANAGED liccpagoon. ocroitooN , ,'milp9,*; a lit the request of thrTne . 'WhO - nem uhnhie'ft; eth: t pin seats ock Itriday,nighl hat, the ineunger Jud been Indueed tti reshot, tbnaMoieMpsenention t lilif Abe Oetorooo. for torenitelat - Only. with- n now ; n.pd Original erect., . (ThorldaY4SCEICI*Gi; ;' ;:. "Diense;ult's grent, se,riegfon Pk% entitled , Tule , 5611mintirit t .of Southern Character, Southern ..SOntore. a Southern Homes. The entire company the en . • ..04 - ,1•144.,_ benefit ocilitr.ll.:MithkON. - .iii4. urdni-,'llth.E.lN . BUCHANAN and his sceoni - - Olehod ileupter. n„ ,„- . .1144), 1- V. ‘i %t 7Gettselialk's Hp* Farewell. Etigniir IMusio has th4.honar,So inform the MO , tens of Pittgtartgti, and ,r that he has Imo- QeSeded Infeuu hiog arnt4ementa sefth.the worl . d ra tithristst Vtanist and great tlompoder, ' .3,4,6o6.4Catetkiryr to..gWe .Irittos hettfisldtheyoMaftal ten.l blithe tufted s9l,gor tontsdmA for Haba na and r i t ' , ad 9. thettachalkts Farewell Coact • in-Ditto 'burgh *Ulf:eke gbactor ^ i :- • - • - Instal aji - saiialikt *alr..o%Ww.".;Wi .7Di g isor t illtisio elan takes great tiltries." •- to .houlate t 'what Melated.the sen - lces of Mufti lowing Musical artists to assist Mralottaphatrat • • Voticertil • . , ,MtSS CI. SIII CiicB, rtainentßantatrte4u_p24l' hie.) whom WI. Virrairttlis heel cheer/ r y : 1 2fibt 5 =ir t ! ' 4ZiVa d y,olo4 " . 4 t,lettried lisiltone. DOKllL,Llitahofaayous ' SIaNDE MUZlO...llinalcal Director *hi thludtr. Dfc, One Dollar, - No extra charge; for .11e•- 'serrell'amts. Ticket Office open, commenting Sat. 'radar, Ittea ad, et 9 g. ate; O. tdetioefralusta ;Niere., fOirders from Ithe country enclosing the anoitlist t for, _the number_pf nests seguired will be • prompt* attenast to Or. • • •'• - . . :.• • Devisor at N. Concert to commence at Et, T. BIABONIP , • - • •-'; ;:. ,TI FIVE p4.TE. 1". COMmenclog TVISSZIA,T• AtiliSlNlk, Nor. nth, ,• • • GREIMWAR MUM'. , , "TMeW"Mderfal Stratommecon, or Walking Army" 'From the TrilsohlTheater,Boehes • '.ll l l 4 ick oat thrilliegi of all modern miracles, err brae a s estennalnecotednatton of 10.000 MOY . ISO „eOTll5q //QUIPS oaf MODr.LS 01",•31.101, BREPS,•ete4 . - rlchtlyire-alactlng-thogranclpet battles, bolltkr. "endiazul, of theorist Southern RebellispAl_ Mr. D. O. LA 'RUE, lb. =t ,:m oL l ll , ll4 hu ilnw%itfiwilpe‘er.billincAor ebtertelmmaint, en. titled UNS 0,,L10 OF ODDIT1115." 'THE mann/ha-red seats, 60 cents.. , Doonl :open 03 o'clock, to Commence MAX. •An attembott ethlbttlotewlll be glren on SAT 'II3SDAY,-atll Welllek,Toertliti4erommodstlon of "L.O.les' and feldfdteMl raid! the pupils of 2 4 ;sblic will be rtimlttedfor Moeda each.. - ' . ot d -.DUALS. 13.,111115TE, Agent, Ntr,ANTED—Fiir mince In :the - 14tisiter;!-.: "r' x o , Nosheille, Matta, O w n titili a gi " e t ha l==d • o . ooo PtbOrefiftlS:r i e,i. Arih fad riti"oi :JOAO welliestern' " Freed slid to Abet 'of 4lextlaatlon. • ilealt.bri maii.only will be receive& • beietubriitd dioristant:Quaktermattesti T.r; '• For further Information Luqulre of J. T. SAMPLE, ST Federal Allegheny; !Or.over bro. 40 WiuMnaton Arenne;betereeer ath and MA et .oextpin-re-Vtra3 Xtr4liTED—sl2s A,3lo.liTH.,—Agents T everywhere, to Introduce the new SWe Cork Waren Volkdarawlly_Sridni graniiims,..the Nat 110 W price machine In the country *hi& is Mount by erbver YO•Balillihi-Whbalre Aram, klowe,:' MIT I Co ., and &Wielder. Salary sad experoles, or la e ODUIIigIOORLI AA.otherithenines, thalarcetridouirshisott arref*, and the seller and user liableillluatra teljNlV• sent fref,irnieniSii4LW ♦OL4-RX, - Woltrehredever . . , . 'WtIVTED--Aieiitii'tc;r" THE litrßsE Promo alba numb iiiphliakever imbibing-, embracing the adyenturea li l *mien la the ;WAD ligfingaw. Nurse "and 'Velar a most vivid inner stunning the war,. .Tu4 the book the people want. gong Ihr OlteUsl JOH.II:4IC CO., Publishers, 111 Chestnut stree Philmielphla, Pa. • nbignrin #M 8411 .944 4 14 1 V44N r t ( *Twenty Good Callousing Agettta, TIM the tiritotri , 'or t: GREAT ItEREG ,I4 ?WA EistemObto. - To suck • heavy per pent ate Vpl giceb,l4 Aiplylng at once; to the geg. - '.4egal went, e)„ R STEWART, nensvr 'ftew Wilmtrigton,.Pi. loggiTED—A park.who hproughly Ad ß estaziaithe;asaututuri jA I SOAIPri ANT. CA - NDLES. ' .• EsPee4.llY,olos Soaps ii;wlsteript. , 014itonit :iearti l ot an excellent sitUatri FORi.W, In • weetern oily, with an 'lnte tln the business, by .addreenbar -KDRAWER: 7; , Tost Olnee, Detroit, Good refetwntt..lirrequlrett. prone oth ,' ere will be nopted. ; : . =IBA WASTED L . _ . THREE GOOD TEAMSTERS. . 'fr lin' coal with one.b meld Wagchia.. — Apply at the Coal Tast, on Ohio Igoe, near the Outer Depot, Allerlheny Clti. • , • 1 , oelhtf RENO a HOPKINS. 'W TED-370. A MONTEL—I want ['Aerate errergerbezei st reo n mouth, expnuoes pild,lo pelt- Fiftint Arridey am bed belling ever. abrod. lhn partterders free. Address OTIS T. .o.d.rtZT, Biddeford Maine. urAlAradaw'r lATANTED:—.IO icOOPERErWANT4D, and maktr out , , :131 . 7cilsi k tx&tr iTatcrl. .VrBMt..f. idrve 44tazarrst. - IGARDINEICOOFFIN ' osTRE,;AIma fcr:tite Fruklin, e m4sadeAgs sad Dal lu-tam, inae.Coplyfi 's tc oomer . W OOD awl w t p, - Ana& litgen tior.iforth Amori • en, State of Pennsylvania, and Haitford In. =Mee Compante4 WATEWSTREM • EL RlCK,Beetetary CitSienV insur k,alma 02011pier,torser MARKET and W.S.TER Incur k, 1.68 ...Moknufac E2t"414------' WIGHTMAN turas a W GLASS. 13BIKKIISTS , cit ABE D - TALS and BOTTLE:3.ot an ii • • .. . Vl' , : -71 !C e76t-,b itor FC71... ate Ottr es,alV;t4ho4 - teb x iiihin i:' '' r: i sfficie zraZtoye p".` ° 47ter t4 ' rtaXli ecia to , sii , : k eg: ... 4440;3 'lol;tii Ai .4 1141"M!..v. XVIlt altlEtkail!Q/j •Q7A.ALP.--A very valuable FARM in. 14 r; matto nship, Westmoreland county, Ps., containing abeut 186 acre', well improuedaigd In a ftont e Mention. iao a FA1,44 ()FWD ACRES, in Fairfield town. aldn. Weetnadreland, counts... Pa. Improvements 044. The 1ahtd,„,41401f.921.14141‘44.rt01f441- Aduratone in abusing - et. - Alw a Fllll OF 114 ACRES, In perry town'. ship, *eat en land county, Pa., immediately on line tennsylvanla Railroad. iiktreatioA: Alio, PA slap, Westin Ali 4,11,1tA 'Mr; Allegl limestone an, beted, and se river. Si of i:clig; town laed canary, Pa. of 196 AlartP4 In .Fairlisid lowa. m la o nd vt eouai ahratvolb.ti4ortaim.vl y county oat flagstone quarry opened; well tlot p - easy of access to the Youghiogheny Also, VOL An;ytk4b.: NEW R.,1110.Ei, bußrandllnleked Ike mem:kite. • rtleulerstece t of H. TOWER, Estate -• • Oil VOR R LE—LAWRECEVLLE LAI 'MOW PROPERTIL—That beautifullysit uated sad i• pro% ed property fronting on Mill, `Cridre and tier sheets, is weir, übffered.fOeLtic, lra)hr afro on AILII street of 700 feet, and 'on I - Cower she, of 400 feet, on which there is erected 'ille..:rnitti Dwellibg House, of twelve rooms, lar0"10,31,, cellar, ice house, kc., all in cote. riro,34, i t V l' al A ' rt . b 'ltti. rEft `a e aVo “441a ntial I r t i r l ' ‘Y r t V : This propert has been recent!) laid out, and will be disposed • as a whole or In sections to suit par. on cry liberal terms. The plan of the n et my alike. to ~ c o - . b t,, , , -- b.tuuny. IMrO+. lets cm utlerand Center streets, near the CH 'fignntigia*. .r Railway Depot, an excellent loca tion for NI musnr.ptivate hou' 4 ". 4 .- . tho k i. Di Tor, Ihrrth IhfortaAtiod apprt4 , .. CM tate and His treet , lllo.of r . . 13.01 ,i 224 , , b e re J I Duller SO* 4 . 1 4W ,000 ef i e. ;VOR.s2t. E--SUBURBkNA3 .E: E LOTS, neaw - TOWe. r -8-The.ed, Executors of litettatighret 4ohn Herrero` e • , ogre for saie a numbs/sons:As, from Itneabldf to • omeres mob, situated near Fort Her ton, and wit In three minutes walk_plitte terminus of , Sitevrtit • urgh Blineravi ll e niTC - sefirer witytkVite •• .ve Lots are beautifully located for _private rest • nor. Also, a n- • ber of small Jseiriflallbs einsite . or. Allneraville fronting on the Paasenger Railway thirty to al y feet front and from one to two hon. died feet d - for Infongstlon Inquire of eithei of ' tbe under , signed; or W. It: . }l ERWIN% Merit's' Offler, qouot House. I ' • trill: EtERRON:"• aA L . . - - . yon E , . I Tridt e Brick Dwelling Howe, -JOHN .1). HERRON, . R. G; HERRON, F. J. HERRON. - FNet,utors. No: STREET, • ant,. rot tfn rooms. Fitted rith Gas, lint and )Vateit. Large Cooking' flange Inthe kitchen. Lot tweri.ty4our feet on Wylie street, running ,„.knek to Willie alley. price.and tern!. eAquire at the PrrTSBVEGIVEQUNDHIi OFFICE, i.ekt* I Npu • SALE—NALL:ARIZ COUNTRY nr,snuErict.:.—Thti• valuable' 'country real .dence occupied by Capt. James G. Saint, situate in Collins toirnahlp,. below the Sharpsburg having a first alfouT fert'on the Citizen. Passenger ptilwaf, and eittanding to low water mock on thin Allegheny - ricer, containing about two And three-Quarter' hereaosillithe new andelegant lj gashed TWO.STORY BRICK- MANSION, containinxeleven room., with abundance of young shrubbery4fruit trees, commodious out-house, and it ell of ea lent water. -- Terms ral, And will be made known on appli. eat lon to caligientimed, at .theosttica of Mitchel Palstier,Attorneys4 Na. Ea Fifth 5[0(1: .11o3ceit JA.MKs SAINT. _TOIL • • LE.—One new Stenm7Rngitte . i m neti .st e:, On • hes:ry Iron. bed, bo . calve One II h l ' .LhittrOiceisecon6.hand. refit will as good as new: One 7ln h cylinder. 20 inchstroke. new. • One 6 ' " 26 T'kcfclyilndeellollers, 30 sti In. dim.. 30 feet long. • Twq Th reeuht Iron Oil Stills. Also, Sets of Boling Tobls, foe Oil , np int Cheap (Or ash. 3nr.B quireoC_ Z, BOLE. l_ lillmbeisee:B.s.nk, lnt ,TOR HALE—A PA p1*.165 ACREHT, - Oa Big Sewickly,Abieriamiles from the railroad station, awn llagrgiw*.,,riiceigib per acre. - A to AO= I•AltaLoci V-4 miles from 2 1.d.Ark..,-on which 'ls a Mill, Store, Barn, and good linprovementa. Price, -"* TWn'itY LOTS, on Fremont - abd Tremont streets. Second ward Allegheny. FOUR LOTS on Ki 112901 01/400e.P"tiOna containing six to ten acres. - • For uliby I. T. &LY.' IfetiT-Fatate Woke: 91.Fe4etirlirreet, Allegheny. • • ' - ME ALE--STEAM ,SAW MILL and. ort. PETLNERY.—The one-half or whole of - an Oil llOritiery and Stearn Saw allitosith ten and one-bait *cies of ground; an abundance of coal on ithe r esigns open imilintha . worked, satiate On t Allegheny 'River and A. T. R. R. to offered for sa e. !The Tiellsieu is newand of modern build. The Saw3lllll is in Weetilld °take, and I. well alto ated, Laving a creek runglitgfrom It to the river. Good locality for building boat,: particulars call on the undersigned ' • - LYRAT a UHORPENNTNO, Wig(' No. 69 Hand street, Pittsburgh Pa. TARM[ FOR S. .E.:, - The" iinscribeeof • .—firrsir sale • very destrahie FAUX of In lef[ oeated In Cloitonhtlinnecitintr, Ottlt• SKr Wellsville, on the ricer,_6o, miles from Pittaborgh, and from Wheeling. The Un n to Food condition. And well Improve& Thebedge.two. ornharde on the premises, and two Rood - framed doellftign, with a great Abundance of octal, lime. stone; a 0 never ling Wangs oftrocd Water. •. Fora mote detailed thiserMuf thezrolerty "44" 7 4 a ocVl Y elLe A*3d*, I Seiv i o9 l l . d E. vudriirfaitwr 1500 lbs. of TYPE METAL. Multi at noa9:tr roitlaLA E. 84:0841.commtof:Zaelatt . ' A tatles from Tldloute, mucßot it IµllAble for ..211.boiRsr,,. KO Mit wavy- I eloped. bud 11 - 111 be , ,old bt remmosblf• WAD% . • • ALEXANDER, .ITALLREEL, zuss3o:Dr Tidioute;lCarren'countyc ra. ' CfcAllsior • • ted to COL . TlPATl;il;l4l " l 3 Vbi l ier,7ew re ing:Tiom the city, Mtn be ' , cached by the Greensburg Pike, Pennsyl earths Railroad and East Liberty Railway. Yor description niproperty and terms apply to pol 7 .T. ItIciMELLANIY. A.tUtt•r,. Olt BALE, '.A . - • ' A CONTO/FLAIII E AIME '' ' "Of ltrue rOi r ts Illiii iron find a Wait:prates of the. ;street cats, lb Manchester. Good water and every. thhig clorsenient. Posseosion given immediately. . - Yoe tenors applyll•Joasro PASA,Tfrederal street, or st Thomu Rarpees Wagon Skip; Bearer street, Blatelestcr. ' wild( OR SALE-:=A IE STOCFARIII,. contain.. V In 012 acres, tilielesired, *lid which Is natural Meadow; balrine&iptiee timber. Good. dwelling ,house,lenant house, barn 40 by SO largirtuctiard water hi every geld. Situated in Burrell township, _Westniorelind county. la offered at a bargain. :Applyito . ....... ,!.., ._ , „ .. -., ~ r . nail P B. IYPLAIN, 102 ?mirth street - F 0 SALE.-150 Ares of Coal, also, 120 • in of front coal in pootNo. 2 ; also one track 'of co mid" railroad, and other IMPro4 o lncull to good forking ordezingioCil N 0.2 ;one 01%4 of the 100 2losheny. G rer.snii3Ootinellarille - Railroad: Emit; .4d , - ' .wiLLltat'W.altD;-.;.: i - 441 Rist•dOiir from Filth on Grant' itrns..- ,rOK O RENT—A FINE STORE ROOM with with Dwellingond Stable, on lot ;bow. this. mondiFeilmWtotreet, AtlegbtnTTUlty. Pote2lost„ right dway. Formerly occupied by M. Olouse. Apply to . • . ,• --JOBE PEill'i dr • Allegheny. .1 4 1 YR RENT:—The two : story brick ware - • hre, No. 137 FIRST , STREET; hstely."ootra. pied John Ogden fic.041., Ng %/L -. mineral 4Vatee MOM sctory. laquire on the preinliesinerrEllfav f lOll, neat door. '-eo . PETS. OIL etors' s' , :se: Ilik,Vi r CARPETS, T ' , ' , -.-:, ~ , jtirgrOPE ' XING ALLsc., mi , a,"crat-c*.irras. CRUMB CIOEC, S, OIL atoms Superior List and Rag Carpets. IIgARPET SWEEPERS, &c., Ilouwbf ,when prices were at the lowest point, dur log (tie :Into psalm: W. - 1). eo H. McCALLIIIt, rol ls ST FOURTH STREET. E l i GLisn DRUUGETS, WOOLEN CRUMB' CLOTHS, lIIEDALLION 401entidassortTed=pattenia sad boat 4.a .Im ported , y ardexuAbikontafs,'. •ttsig,•nfers rums SMELT, iiPOr OK 91106,690i1l iwter aoita t NEW - BOQKS DOWN' IN TENNESSEE. "binivutolume t oy tbe,aullso ;offoiLmong the_ ' 61th be made am fax.. as the ordria pditelefOrit. rept crammed full of material, most lmportmt to every one Interested in public affairs, military: or *M eal, besidea be • g as thoroughly attriiitlaiermdAti.' rLt in luelpent and story as rho author's other books. Itmoieloth. 01 50. iv c"T'ooii.' A new novel. rigorotti and freldr,aure to make a, his. 12mo, cloth, tuned paper. !el A new and sonstignit)tuttoils iereloPod charming au of dello., cloth, ttoteil per. *1 THE oi oomEtsAtop . splendid t k, thnt every one ought to'Owtt. thoo, cloth. 111 60. • THE AFLATIAMA AND SUMTER. .33rat &litho' ca ~ `May,heutinp “LOoke ' 12mo, cloth. on 50. Joh "iltaderstrines An Intense ar peelenite Late Etoryist the lane Eyre style. note; elothh tinted intptVtl XXlw3 o llll3 ' wer Mrs: Holrriet' new nor'& Liniaortotil. 111 TALRM FROM THE OPERAS. The plots of 011 the cipteiiiiloi thia.Aopeof 'tortes. l2too, 01 50. • - • • .. FOR SAII.F. AT; j HENRY . MINER, c. 73 Fifth street. ALBU M S ! ALBUMS ! „YoLIOS AND STATIONERY. FOLIOS AND STASIONERN. MALGAZINE3 &ND BOOKS DAILY AND WNEKDY PAPEII,4 DAILY AND WEEKLY PAPERS. OPPOSITE POST OFFIOE. ri.ll.—Otdera for Flap promptly nttended C4ll. not! I;OUtiS JU C3T RECE Ili ED, AT 4th eireet. Gross* surgery, two lage roil. deo. A new edi tion. tryteigtoit Stories' aehlalogelow. " arnest—Ltru. - stary. • Love in Aliteringe. - Atr historist study. Heise the life of Lady - Roche( Rowell. 0 ulzot. Silver Crudest, 'or the'World sod its - Wilds. Allirosn'i Letter Chitsthenttyi 8 Ilsilen's WOA, 14 rols,'ltiveridde edit ion. a Lamb's lirpiks,'4 rOls. do. do. Carly - ale% Fiessysi reds • - eta do. MedieslMlstorlest and .'ilisbellaneous Works in trenersL [Dolt)] 'T. L. smAp, ith street. A BA BE IMITATION of my PATENT COSTING PAPER le stow !wing offered to the public. • AFtWARE OF IT: • II is so r., :r sr that hen.danspened fereelroyfttg tt .111 hardl hold together by Its owd weight. Be sure to a St at loner* for the genuine. • WILLLI3I'DLI.I4I3 t no.leho 1 '43 Sou!kith street. Pfklistel44ol4. ' .r 1.1.11•08; MUS Ite. puzios! PIANOS I W. lI:iIiADBUST'S New Voikaliffir and I•I4O]IACHERk GO.'S Philadelphia CET.F.TIR:AiIiC/D PIANOS Seven ink prize .GOLD AND SILVER 3IED AI« remised %Taws Sinte Vaira and of the Atnerieravlnstltute. New York, la ISO. by W3I. B...BRADlitati t for • Bdirt .lE o l46.l2.43'3l•corte r isi scnoiliciaut a. CO., Philadetphia, rewired the CRYSTAL PALACE PRIM AIRDAL at London, besides bat - Mg received at home numerous Medals, Diplomas and Special Itepotte SKIM State rain and Institutes. Both have numerOtts letters col rerommetulation from the highest Amides! talent. '. , 4IIITrACISALE,STRA.IiOSCR, NV= MASON,' O It AttE;and others. Alan a , tirte assortment M S dITII.h CO.'S Tux FIR. ,- r PRIME AMERICAN ORGANO =di 31EL0DEONS, all warranted for Melt Isar& WiaMan & arsWaar • • , N 0.12, Bissell's Bltelket. Clair St. . , TrA - ING AND IMPAIIi.INtI done at the ohortrat 'notice. SILEET 311;t4.11.1 bound In •ny sloe. . uot A KOS 1 P4IANOS - TIIIS PFFICE. NEW ANIMAL, , EROM CEICKEEING do SO NS, enc. aple.ndtbilv cant . id 7 octave, flatbed back and front, with Jaanasome carved leg.. One superb 7 octave, round front corner., carved k gne 7 octave, round ember. back and front, tine inOtildlog, gothic leg,. Two elegant plant oet awes. FROM A. IV F.BER. floe .plendht enrced 7 'net. e, eAreed lrp, ke. One 14,nd/wow 7 mime, moulding on cane. goalie leg. Two etch, plain 7 oetat es, gothic legs. T.. 0 bandoome caned 7 octares, made by Gal , in co. Too same style, sande by Emerson, Too '• " Miller. P'or snle et let. then Factory prices nO.V.FALA.N, 110E.XE & CO., i ti,, !Irv* : scrim** Atli' -,. A . • •, . • semi Aami ra ;Oa • , ; 2tacsclg.esosis *oies t 2a.cass. - test flaw:wit' America.- : : nolo iBE` 8 PIANOS . , , ARE THE BEST MADE I A eholie lot no on hand, and for tale It leas thast I; tore, price.. Alao, BRO.'S PIANOS, Abe est. Pianos at the prier In the etlitatey. • I SIED4E, , 1B SMITIIFIELD ST., Pianos and Musical Instruments Keep. oonetnntly on hind a not assortisent. of • New PIANOS, VIOLINS, GUITARS, AMOR. • DROSS, SlBlNGS,he.,.which he will sell foplow • ' PR'OPoSeti.s. DgrAllt QVARTZUIt.4I7OO.OII3..B OVVICE,I , Pittabla yi pp, iit 4001000 111 L i t4 Proposob .W willionteii f t office until obilock• lit. the 14 day of •Deraber, 1564, for furnishing Auld delivering, tour Hundred Thotmanli Bushels .or good. .ger, ehanthble Pittsburgh Coal at Memphis, Tenet.rail soon as possible. Thei above cost IN to be delivered lei i rgc tuifbeeli, Awl the bids must state what each bqtt, is Wearer,. nha as well as the price.fornach ,boat. be excluded; but If delivered in bargee,they.will returned when unloaded, unless Aber ere required at Memphis, Teas.; ln that. case the actual value will be paid for each harem taken. The above twel • is to he gauged nl Mempla, . Proposal. mud I,e Marked Propionate for.iford for Memphis, Tenn.,".angl addreued to Li. OoL 0. Cruise, Dell 14. M. deal, Pittsburgh, Pa. GITAIIAIIT6II.. • . . • The ability nt the bidder to 41.11, the• omitreef, should It be awarded to him, must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signature Must be appended to the guarantee. . - The responsibility of the guitrantors must be shown by the of ielel certitimstes of the Clark of the clearest District Omni, or of the United States Dis tant Attorney. Bidders must be present la person when the bids aro opened ' s:lr their proposals will not be considetn Bonds equal in amount to half theeum to he wired on the contract, *signed by the contractor and both-of his guarantors, will be required of the • auccessful bidder upon signing the contrast. is the bond must accompany the contract, it will be • necessary for the hidden:to hare their bondsmen with them, or to base bonds signed in anticipat lon, ign end teddy to be produce; when the contract Iv set I Oe.'OVARATTEZ. . Nye,of the county of and State of god '—of the county of +—and State of do herqbe/4y gusrantee%that ebb!, to :fulfil a cone „tre In accordaime with the tetmaof his preyed... tioyinil that, should his propositiombe accepted, he Slat Mee enter into a contract . therewith:: Sh thee contract be %warded 'hint- we are pro , paroil to become Itiesectuttles. • . .• rto thin guarantee mud be sypeadoitho ocrtgncate shale mentioned.] : ; Peaposalii from disloyal partleewilbnot be aideirext and an oath biallegianee will WV niqnleestl of sbooessful biddendbefore signing noetreatsc / The undergig&idlegerses to himself the right to It any of bldithtf.taiguifdeiiattO4jbigh. • ymeotio be litonOlipioi the completion of the io - soimilhoreoftorias thvothilandined *at* °AMOS% P• 1 *11.14. ~. .3 4 1400C4611114 fikitiqftootto nvovioty • ' = 3 4 St. Markkiileefr 11 CIAUD -PHOTOGRAPHS CARD PROTOOttArIiS MACIA7.INia AND BOOKS. inmuss FOR 01019, CIL%S. C. WELI.OIt, IS WOOD STREET. 011ABLOTTE BLOKE, £11 . 711 STREETiSoleAgent EMIZI3 IIR 14131HTLIE1LL; OF THE inzaok• tias4aGg.zugW"..-, ustr PErrsEitamar . . . 13th •-• ,;.: virtu. LT tab I ;7•1 Si. CHARLES I .i.V.rAlottl •• I ereintutrfrettrit E7lXo6,9etimbtr, no set, DEAFNESS, bATAF2H, Discharges from the Ear, NOISES IN THE HUD, ACUTg A CHRONIC DISEASES EAR AND THROAT: DB, LIGHTUILL I. Whited to atolic tAtts visit oa accouttt of.l2ltate.N.: OusityrplicatiOni rtrola 'partie4 residing Pit istilugh * and *totally, who an unable to manta New York (OS thilonispeasible poisoned Oxiuninationtentier ad maccasky from the impossibility of presciibitit with knelt to tho patient without ' DR. LI9HTHILL will revisit Plttaburythot rep i4it latex: nib; sciohithOotheretiuteconenta of lb.' •,pottents jwder DL charge: Tholoottoem lA. Sett 'York doe. Sot thilfre'OAT litentretkorfetith -this t 7.11, me ape of the deso 1. there ht eottshoihattend once. , r-sT IMON I ALS Prrrneviton, P.., Nov. 5, teat. • Thin will certify that tuner beck under the care of •Dr. Lwatat for the el of Ontarrh, and that,. although. he has attended me. itoe• little over one week,l feel that • pernuthetiletire 6 to be cheated, and am nb much bette i tin rt*lets as to mount ,• Inc in givling put:Malt lo rtilio'Lseto, and 'recess , meading Dr. Lighth to sty ober ntrweted with . Catart.h. TORSYTki, Foray tn. Bret. [Film /he Elowe,:.tentpiai, IMae lth.] lnerery bustusaufterr, indeed in civil, depart Went of wiconectrakill, thoe h al way. mom& e e kn o whoged heactoisaae. vac who stands out lu bold mile among his fellow's wi a sort or loader. la the study and treatment of Deafness end Ca tarrh as el - eclat diegariesi:Dr. V. D. LIGIITHILL, of this elty, occupies Net the poiltion above do.' reviled.. lie boa devoted years of labor to thin ape. cialitv, and Is now reaping the owned of his ladus, try. The editorial eolwans stile Tritome,,of a nr.. cent dole, bear witness to. the Doctor's euccess_ In lid: department of medicine. We quote the para. • Cent or a Darr Minn. Lot& Loa Li,: totfourteen years - of age. been In thmnrsey, came to this city -Iso he wan about two Irani...rt . age. Soon after arrivin,g hem he W. taken sick'andlost his hewing: Ivy degteeshe became dad, deaf end then dulnb. - Wm—nearly ten' yaws ho wags mute, unable to hear the leturest soh,. Or to articulate word: About 'otiegear ago he wee placed' la the band, of Dr. - LIGHTHILL. who has so. far eve. reeled in restoring to him his lost powereof hear, tag and utteranceihathe can converse with those .who speak to him distinctly mid deliberately. Du. ring the past four or irrs monthshe. has been under the tuition of /11:. Denneche, and his Made coesid. arable progress to reisdiag awl arithisettc.". • rtevisig peen aufilatmlwith the leirtpuldreis, we further investigated thematter, arid discovered that prerioue to :maing on Dr. Lighthill,,the youth's case was considered hopekam,.and, hems} tor two years on pulsate of Mat sedbumbitsylitin. The, Dee. John Nott,D. D., tlobmCollege, titheneetedT, to published letter, tauten his grat itude tq Dr. Melanin . thr treating anthesethlly,hts car* of Xietif.neen, Boss...Fted. 8.-tewell, Professor, 'of the Stele linonel,*hool at smany,shi4ttles !to bating been tweed of Cam*. .ve : thm. ',.possessesothet. testiothalitli and trOntes tall ant from some of -the iestand'mtist'prong aeat roud.; add I:09 0 A *int% which mar, be teen on . 'application. It would be Moult to aorta imp but terms of .pralse.of. his treatment, in the face of three unser proofs amt'/acts tleltWitog q his CVM. , • • From kw. Fred. S. Xereg . .,,Pt•Ofeitor of Me •St#ll.lsirr, mot Schad, Agtaq, ,FmrorC. " • • ,' ' - nit gIG lITIIILL-, . : 13sulerdate Of "dards itthi , l'oent you s earefill gotement of my wisp Its 'fotmerl treatment, my "allure lc" °Wein 1 relief In' tiled direction, my resort fe-yotiltreatment, and Its. beneficiel multi -, ~ , ....- ~ I _.....• . I Mode been,from the illnlef of the year lolis,jzfre• jeel toe lolent periedicidnitaelca of ate h, taark,o ed by thong forcible isymptoma, violent indalsuS Lion of the lining _ tatialwasiktif he eavitted,or -heed, accompanied IP, thonnlit ! gages by 'e rea , ditchatge from this,wieni - afibinuentivlbeeombur acrid-end yellow,andtpwandthe alone Of thliattaok• purulent and bliredj,`Mnite.iittackil !VOW "- most distressing species el:headache, on! lilifins.:. tiodleally each ilaj forliptijoil varying [Mal* three weeks, somittneshis lbslent as tieback tote hi:" for,-buoinenszind confine asp to my bed,.: - ; t;,' time. the attendant Inflammation would extend to.' the te4th, produeing toothac ' h ' e tor to the• threat', ,occagening hoarseness find;illel line oLvsillnit' find tviiice within the lag Yor jeers It has so atlect ed the left eye as to conline me, for weeks, to a 'VT, medicine. egilf 13 ißAiittli',' :Akar 4 (dis h snuills and other catarrhal preparatiou of . some alf a dozen klnderliMiefittoic tiSthe bead otearaphor, ginger and hot fomentation/ of dl ffesh eat hint* idol In connection sriattAtiese,the uiuCd emetics or cathartics employed to indubo counter' action. Mallows of:thefts had produced gimped, zaanent. Improvement, and those few Instances In •wh temporal relief woogadindisilhiltaw It Us% wipe of oo much strength sa to leave me grestly mills Under these ,circantudeneea..l wsi3e4, thong with reluctance, (tent thairtipeoliedinaties, Wi tted. Witt of the disease, to make a ten ." iiiryoiletteat , .. meat.. I found A coon ilZell' boYetia 11031 , '-noPeb. ' ' feachtniffuldbleare a. It hid:never been resched; • before, and &Iles feting Ito syniptinna Wan eatcht ' *bleb I bah supposied impobsiblei 'At, the time I gave you my former certificete, While I did not feel , • sasured of kcomplete eure,l hadobtalned a mote- MI relief which. amply repaid ole for my trial of your treatment, and which enlisted mei that that treatment sras as offbeilie as'lt wad-dimple and philosophical. A oubstantisi escape from my old labia. ofcatarrhifor the unprecedeated period of nenrly half a yeer, and that in sent of severe co- currences of ilium which would Lava lOrmarly rendered such an attack. Inevitable, was,, to me, , proof of an important RUMPS& It fsnow six menthe ',lsmer' sent you that stateraingi and while It is tizi, pleas, to eppear thuis constantly, ;smile this ' guisi4 before the public, Itinesna to mai matter of eimpleJustioe to yeerself, and to - thole; who may be suffering no I two topdd that I am not only y o ur fullylsattitied as to the utilltratid lonelier of:your • method' of treating catarrh air IL alas sixr menthe • ago, but I ran obw of the boiler that If Mel* is stioh ' a thing as enure for /*MAI totrrirk . f Zay WM' a • substantial cure hag inuffedneeted„ • T - , 1 , •, - . Yours, rewoectfelle,i " , I — • l , j , . MlZlDElitpll S. „TrwELp. mostiy, N. Y., Serf: . }, WSW. ' ' • • •• • - mmxr,:lan: 'DD. LIGHTLULL—Dear Sir:, ILO 31, gre 6 tnt m:lion teat I oommuhieete to ima the offbota o the mediate. you gave tee,lor gieteattee it t roluM, a tollowet! rent di:salons, loot am 1171 .. alte qttukt:l im novrep fet.ftearelf4 0U,... -Un".- 14 W, apiptlcittkons u • .tql'est oldlte bon t that e t .eat i well manila& norftW to , preoeed teutharJ , d .... a..:f , quill4l 92 7 deler• l 4 l it necliD4t t. 0.: te I" tu .' 61 ', ° '.P?? 3. :. 21 •7 1 . i f 1/ "1, .. i lYou' rlr="vP.''' it:tl'o4Ll;: ' toa .; t .l i d ' it -,('. 'XI- • • j B . F. QVI.I4IIT Dniaqiirrik No. too Knirtt - WATE2 S . CI nt' AGO. Giro special attention to par-hulas. kraur, 4ratis, Prfovisioria, ie., For Euteta ILIV-DMIlt.; . F. RV/Pr( GEO. T. BRON9N. IVALLAC COriairt - igsion 113ercliaa?.t, li VATEI2,, 3 1 1 1 .1114M"tif,ent tau Pd 4 to shins order.. for V "iniiHtiTN&S, PEW; .SLONS, titnnt, 047 4 ,' I ' A. 1201—.EZ :11.2ac,,wewutz .M . "BAN.II se•taiilT4R4o4.4Yierph"4.n.b_A.i Awn' Di sAialts ne - • - aiidr; rat* and I h rgthaii lartoollia t 44 weitt woli4 smitatniad;“ city rarrsatr4 t • TllO.. rOTTICE..7IW. AIKEN ...irrArll6ll A. SIMPAHD. pOTTSII,_2S.IIOEN & - 3.II.EPARD,,Com.• lereturats and Dealers In Forebin arsk, nturr*,. _mot: R. Burrrac onguss, k13138,-POTATOII9 "add Peraltree gerialty; SOO Liberty ileac! ! ppyr!irSaTgerpapcat s Dltts... nxixabbegg. J. NORA .6Alo.oiiealla.k , OPPLO,r9UlP Atis - 01,.fre_ pil.aobliffiniler,_ burg. - stir& ilteMwenr-lrasi -Weser ea. Do., Phi Ala; nes:dell /011=0,0S. St, LOW/. SindeUr rtajrovJearlL ,‘ ',l3,,itikerlp..L ova,. HANK 1 VA/". 00 4 { DEItt Produce I apt ComuissOrr:loW*. No: B htnAk r vA4) eSTAggrt ""Ff r otrii, Durum' Irtcooms: sEEDs;,• roux, Diuro Arfu GREEN' poodaftgenerritly. adranceq on cottsigraments. felt Iht - ahr hi ; P.- Liberia c 0 --nia- I.,Na 0. BALSLEY, Piodnei and Commiatien Merchant, amanAnniin anoxia, „' And dimlerin all kinds of COUNTRi'PRODUOV4., No. nt LtsraTT KTRENA• r i s t i t .;l, l 42,ji t, r. met-ty I Pd DORCAS' )16,0N/0.0.. . OHM. .150. ARBUCICLE. (of the Isielbrm of D. ji:D. NPRoarildi Pittsburgh. Oblo.) . . . ltriTO ALD 'S, Whole;, +Lk sale Grocers, Produce and Commission liter , chnotn, Jobbers in tIOEVEE, N. 0; idtßililt and DIOLASSItti REFINED SWABS sod SYRUPS, FLOUlti BACON, TOBACCO, TEAS,`- RICE, CHElbit4 !SENDS, lin., Nos. 232 sod 91 Liberty stteet, - Eittid . iurgh. notbdy • s.aAtLyEll LA.ZEAR, Grocer! and Commission Merchants, n.g.21 mui anrrniannu got'. Rocond, Jeblf; PITTSBURGH w our—. OTII4 StlZPAtttl: GULP dc,FAUEPARD, Commission:Ker.' chants apil dealers In BLOUFt. GRAIN . ..USW PRODUCE, No. on I,lberty etrOot, Plttablugb- Cholas brands of Flour Du Rakers and'a amity nay conataatly On band, Partioular attention pall to fillAoldont for.Keyohandlao generally"; . f 111ARLES. B. LBW'', Flour - and. °fall - Factor and Cowunlarionliterehant lor the sale, of GRAIN, SEEDS, (MEESE, PRODUCE, ice., end agent for the eelehrstedlinfontoWn egmENr, N05...118 Seeend,and 146 ,Ptrit •streets, between Mood 'and Sndtbdeld;Plttaburgh... , - . sea OEMAIf. P: HEAD • 01e0Wirt MUTZGAR. 'Li EMI) Lt METzaas; qroe6. and C9Ol- 11 ll:argon Alerebente,ttad Oaten to all kinds of Ciotti:dry Produce. and IlittabOret bliurubletures, Nu. :.t9 Liberty street, oppostte bead of Wood street. Pitt sbuttirti. t . . WEBB „WILKINSON, - Commlesion Dlerthants. Wholessle dexter% itIirESTERIT lillst.1117.• CREME., DRIED 'FRUITS; ACM- F,C1C15,;(111-1.1.14(S, .ftitd produce, setrerall7.• Also, Ltliti.THEß 1111:Mg, OIF.S; Sce., , Si- Cash isideantemenit , siustie_. Constisosiento solicited. •••• •' ' r ••ielUldtd • r. issr TSO. M. P.. BECK No. I.Bo:LibertY i Street, FltDbiugbi Pe. Wholesale GtOt 6174 Colesniadon Merchm.nts;air o 4sleis Iai.MUNTBX PRODUCE, FRDVISI BACON -14 RD, BUTTER, .MOS, MEESE,. MBA, , .11L0- FLOUR, GRAIN, NEEDS., GREEN AND. DRIM :FRUITS, kw SALrand L IMP. 4 , -jy ; TOIIN B. CANFIELD, CommLselorrand, Forty anling Merchant and wholeiale'deilerin IFSSTERN RENETITE , r ORIIESE, BtrITEIL .LARLS PORK, RALION, )LOUR, FL3II, POT , AND PEARL AtiRE:3,:,DALRRATOR, NEED AND LAUD iDILIs,DRIED FRUIT, and Pro-hire generally, Not, lal and 144 Front etre:t, T HO+ LIMN, .. . T ITTLE TRESIDLE,- 'Wholesale Gro cers and Cosnnalesion Merchants, dealers la PRODVE, FLOUR.. RADON, CHELE, P.M% CAHOON AND L,MID OIL, TRON - ZRAILS, OLAND, clorzolrt,tuss, and P/ttiturgh men. . ilitletureg generally, sad 114 Steandetteet,FDDr• P. aroma s aarstsa . 11).EYBIETt. ARO . T.11E1111,; (anoessors A 6 ,10 Reymer Amlarso_lWltslessle II: Alert 1n YUILEIOIN roams., xualt sad SPLOpI,„ CON. :FIRITIOSERY, SUCIAILS, FIREWORKS,: at., Nal 126 sad IWairi Street, abore Ftrth, Mts. , " irtmy hdtKILY AMNON. 17kATTERSON & AMMON, - COMMISSION AIMOILANTS, 1.017 R AND ORAIN_ A aridectoral PRODUCE dealers, N?:171 . 570.QTY STROSSi Plllstavgbi Pa..' C.IIEESE-WAREIIOUS.S.-=IIENRY .COLLlNNForivarding and Comadaidon Mer. chant and dealeiln CHELSE, B ITER, LAKE FISH', and Poultice generdly,.NO. 21 Wood street"; above Water, Pltteburgb. • nut 4°.13'04 ?LOYD IrIf.LIAX /WM ere Whosal . cVn and F LlO?nni ir itio jr a °. ante, 2 . 40 e 1 . 72 Wood and 228 Liberty streets, Pittsburgh. ' jet. 'CH4HLES L. CA.LDWELL, (ouccessor to James Rotates in Co.; PORK PACKER and In PROVISIONS, earner of Market and - Front'etreeta, .Pittaburgb. Jan - 17 ,s tra, ON E. 11. VOW?. r. . •G. Oran; PRODUCE AND - OOMEREIVION ,EdEER.,RANTS, 247 Liberty stivet,-Pittabut.. 1:101116111. 1.)0BE/IT. DALZELL & axle Omen, ,00111M13111111 and. roma:U. Merebantai and dealers In Produce and Pitts!) manutaeturea,Llberly itreet,Pittaburatw.t,. : &GNAW No; aSr mnger 7 ..ritpot, t a t°: Parjah7, , I N l ttagn 8. Warehous, corner Wayne asd Wen 'ltorMyr,:". - • • urnT • t ;:aonx mroxt.X. Attab .: TA3 MT,' BMPTO3"t yrtnle AndrAcdale Desaeili; 'No, 8 Sixth itreet, Plttaburgh. ISAIAH ,DICKEY & - CO.; 'Wholesoiei Offcetsi - Comtisitoil INereuints, 'dad delaellibi• PRODUCII., No. 80 Water street: and Y 6 I so:4, WY, ... . ... 40X: KULP &TRICK. KIRKPATRIO/rat 'BROTHER, sue tik • AmAsurs. to - Erman KlaP# lll 9 l 4 - WRO_ E SALE; rOMISAos: Wand up Libertyarrett, . It , itEB A DALZNIIL , dr 130 K, Manure*. P. *Wird "ortanwon., end . Ckrmmlitatondllet , . a Akr the, purchase and sale of13111:1Et AND , Xt . .lalltED ‘.Taitnavitt - , , aros: el s 10 Water , Ittroser,f Pltfiliarkh. Advances - wide - n idduldte , _ _ . • oux stoßAte t " L lra GE rr : co. CITY FLOUR. v 3NG MILLSLconer Lby and ' 4treetWPittsburgh,_a• AV"Capacity, 400 barre • per day. o p 2 WY. V. L/1.30. LQ,OIIOMAKER :Atz. LANG:. }coixunission •hants and Wholesale dealers ORME- I a, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, & o 4 No. XI • - strati, Pittsburgh. JOHN SPATZ JOHN WILHON. WAN/ & ILSCIX OAVU o In).. ce r tiaelmakil _umla ut Produ e• b W l4ololl*h ' tWei, No Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Ju2o R• LINDSEY, Jr., & BRO. Wholesale and GROOFILS,PLOtht AND PRO DUOS DEALERS, 187 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. 5a441.01 tEIeERTON & STEWART, Wholesale • OROokris , AND conratrssioN 0111.31113, , N0. io7 Wood Woe, Pittabodsh, . aons] 1.-E1Q1162.,5.• ~11•11WAID Hones.. OON L HOUSE , CO., Virtuilesala J GROCERS AND 0011telISSION MER CHANT'S, erner of Smithfield ale 2 Water streets; Pitts tree. , "[UHT L LIAM BAG AL E-N, Wholesale burslt. OItOCEII, Ron 18 and 33 Wood street Pa. d ~~~~~~~~ FURNITURE, CANE AND WOOD °HAIRS, : j f Selling at reduced prices, • • ' WHOLESALE . OI(,2IIETA.M. • SAS.' W: r. *'" j N.. si cri elle E. Tatmundaa bro.% siut' ;" nth, , lES 11. BAIZEI,I, Nwr ;at • A;, volt .PriXornttitA.Nnivitti vigeatmot - FI TX Et, tot Vita of blinding:oi 1 4 , thett mWO__v•Atesoanoble form. ,Aur omorsearsomperßasr. w i no ' ‘!"" °11 1 1 * iirrk+4"/ - 4- 4 nit* 1 0, ... . Fla ....._.::.3 ~'a,-~,a..~ :~r,...1~......t.r~:55~ww. ~+~ . w~'.~ _,_..~:Y~+~.,...~~..:K:.w - ~:'~~,~-~'. ~.!..£#:,z, ~YCY :' MAA"ErFaCTUTIERS iiitiss WORKS, CADEAAIL" CRAWFORD,. 3Thnufadt%ircx oievery vasiety of 0=044 MUSS WORE" }ill STEAM OR GAS FITTERS, MACRINISTS, MID • - COPPEIRGISTIM, . •• .. 'BRASS.O &STINGS, vi all deserltitlons,l_lba'de to, °WT. -STEA3tDOAT ST. EAR AND OAS - FM/Nil, and REFALUING, promptly Ato tended to: Psttieulrr Ateattlikpltlll fo'aitio uplßEFfitt: BIER . FMULA. AND pramozi.og.s. Also Dole Agebti 4or"thelresterte Dtstfiet et . Petuuritrsais for tbe. Ends LAYS. DELL CO.ti - PATENT'SYPAION PPM? , the beat ever invested ;' lirtter,:tto filler ts not' Ilsble to get out of order; And Trine_ tp , r(.blore rester then any ramp et tteleeitt r. 11153111%11 . ..t_t 44t FOUNbEIIS ANi) BUMINISV. Oconee of TIKE . end O,IIARA,IntI PIKE l‘Ai:xVr`stniaa's; . . . (Near City Water Wackily) - • .. . . ; 1111nufaeturettrolltatioaariAnd otherENOTNES t ., 'ROWAN° MILL CASTINGS and. zp,oautzr -11.I• 0811 kilt,attettreettretUabbetta . • 'Obraiatteatiou taretAtta 'Antra-WANP•frirl.llPl.- s, II SANE* & : i y.too t otrt r t; rAtt r bute,... ..:.-1112G AID GLit:ET IRON WORSERti, • , I 7 j ';ll6:l4itsri.theturM riot , •••," JAPA1InItY:11111 xtarg:: Coolers, Grocers , Tes co CAN „lice 'Cits)ll an:V.Bo.* Bozos, 7susbler miners- Spit As-, Ac.„ Isrorlptst 0111 , 9 for sale loy. fleiris of ell slzes a4dpailerne. Yin oting ckindeteters; sera AU Skids SobblAor ;Work d4ne toorder. ~. • _. 11P30 J TF Y : D;QCT fIER 8 11: . ~IRTUfWQE _ . PATCYT .Ora/'Lamp Cabarleys; ; ,„JIMSVPAC,IOII{k.PV zz'ir.Lr*T'cl . F.Aigs tended lor..the.ll.)i name, gists equnily, rine* not ex- E. 1). Drrincluctn' 'orks, - Washistgtorstrect, - Pittsburgh, Perutia. PTEIch - WORKS: ; PITTSBUIt(tH, PA. • ~ 6111 i; gittiTiika.i ' - 'llloli4iscluiiri or MIST FEFAKED,IIAST STEEL, Square, Qlat mod Orlando, of all Macs.' WalTant ed equal to any imported or tannufaatured , ln thla country. , . Sir Mace eintruchowte,4Cps. I tio nnd.l3l rum.; ' fill,: sad 1201114 I V. SILCOND E , TaErre yittsbiagti. d i , - -LLEi DUC.OR3III;KAT," Point:they; Plithhtt*h, CO.,' .10,Ware6Ouse;29I;L:IMETY 'STREET:. ' Manufacturers of COOK .HEAT - 'IIM EtTOVEa; „,AH D., KITCHEN, ORATE:3,I /10/..E0 AKA te. 'ulnae No chitirti, Hear , log Oki, Water a ae..hrieta Ned Imes, Dog •Itona, W4on - ,Boaeai Sugar „ kelt ltd Irons, ;Hangers, qar'Wheels",' Ednpittae sad' edifier' gee- Ahm,-70hhing, rovataahhie Castbies. made. to poke • ateated Portable 111111 s with Steam '6r Horse Po er. • .4) • 't e. atoong'r. 111. 111.9$TEEN, , * BRA6B - :"FOUN- , t uu • -DEgs, AM), MEAELIPITTERS. Particular attentinn pald_to the MIA& ,up and re, pairing o 'OIL VitMIS kfinZi. Air kinds of MASS AND IRON'tlo43Mltiade to order: Also, BRAM ASTINGS, , of sit Ikiods, Asada the . An:coati, n. ett li . de r . it "Si Witt 12#ret and LlBlnWrt,'W.llltaa ptotiiptlktittanded to. - ma mem - Dalin orthis being ',medallist. distant, 4 many year's experience In their bush:lds., will ins to give satisfaction lo eri•fmt. We are also agents sTzeaa _rumri . for ptinfiltneW , Relined ft. ' .:1104Y: WORKS" AND LNIST I W1 ,, 411 , ,TN 1 D prk. 85/ 41)—; •Tedecd ' bt:134."" Cirri Pk. SPAT tt,,l Moew "-Azg,o4l..frinf T X ~,,,rtAX 'E afac ier Mi1t.1154:1 4147 MarT amiLE 1173Cruiided to - Berm' aC f fIiALA • FOWNES, (Imp of: Ills Ilruvo( •-d_lFelee H 1 . 1.5,) JOHN B. HEBRON (late -of math I, Herron kakk.,) „ Leo* Firsteleri Slid Stars 31antilartureirs i A iIOITEN - 1 STREET . Ninth tt ►rd Flab BnEh Pa.; ; • .;;. reys-ty .;;;-•• cAJHH.N H. HERRON ef. CO. S, '.RIDDLE W.72.I6. - „Tir,, rttr: Opposite Math, ritter,, znanufar urezattlNT.lPS, LASHES & svr and fry - A*oE4km of L:EATI11;11 1:1;' lOntera riled trout the trade, and goods prompt-. ..Iyahl as perinstruettons• ••• Jet. 43 " ERA.M.E, NO. 53 ,-Watir. : Eit; Li• ^ 'buret; maaufmttra : OßOlLEß , RW-, Et g. °Mint gEFM,,C9PM.on hid rA#rmid, 9ferely .eserlOtion. • •o ,Partic LarsizhitorshiperlSPlEkszollttLTS,• 'fims*? -made firtorder at short notice. good rtarCattoastrortli n pe hand. ms.htor.r. , W,; BENNETT,. Me4infact . urers of puma Itt4 43*E4„ni °glee ITarptoir "No':7,41,11:11t . JPLACIIIMES. ELBE.- k WILSON'S , • • ily Sewing Machine esp!xit Machine in the World V BEtIATFSE IT 14 TIK;IIp3T: atm* etilese MaiSittait Wee' beeit gold lisve bee# sold 111..itts , b . FWeltd7L4Fdtx es arA,:. • •• !Rea r thatt'All others Combined? It „ • ea thet "MON STITCH,. and consumed kutlyio • • NUM amount of thread that it used by. the • . . : ST/TOW tBLAULLINKS. - No.. one Would .up a St w at s yeneunttl i t 4 hey.LA !X!: ,They 10* . ffils*3 INSTRUCTION FEEL ' Salesroom, No. 27 FITTII STRENT; • . . WX.Stneitirktilailedo.' - tracT IFK-137,F , iffir•waindggir • ,sou .' , 7 1 11 11 :4 16 kW? t 'so. sou.StaIs!VaIeaCUUSSU:II;I77I;III.C.IIfDLE3S.;.I - VV lL § K ?Ai!c4A i l ' frcect:,. : : ` ;; ,.- ;i v......', -' 1 • ,, e4****zrx#. , -.49.:;,'!:;',' . .-", - ...! . ..! Whol le' did *lle th_. Rliptir . no kRY a( o o4,,,:mmlw3Yooa. .. house boo Dinmond•Rnerillitfab : ~s plot ,i ON, 11111WRLIIIkty=004 Whi m : ( pigt '. Deraleii — to: * EWES and MIX 0001diSprdxd27,dnri.p. on. 17 and 7 1 FM.h • alrent;rdomurIda • 31 r au & D2d 71161 ST APLEafid etall'lkeiters Itr FAN (3 Y AND _ DRY GOODS,: TIIIMMINGStIie . ,jI:46 , 21.1 . ? : e_k_12tr drat, between4).biznand .. 101 H.'PALIKEIE, , N0:034 ' , Wood: .134. )HALER-I‘43oloarasAM% Nas4ind3rEAM genen Ir. .. . j i Mi.. , BURCHNIELD, , Whoktsale and Fr_...., ttota% si Deeler In. STAPIM „AIrD.• nuiror 'Dßy 13Q0 Northeaa tonilat Fourth , and afa ket ettoete, - P1 taburgh. - - - -r. —_-,_,...4- oU.PEt,llOglig.holesale.anllitetail I Biala In ill kinds of TRIMMINGS, Mir G 0005,1 . 6 . -, Na:l7 end 11l Market 'street' ' .- ' TX,AREZR & CO:, Dealers jilt, all v , • • kw!: or Dar 1100D%?to. tflttaftet eree; between Thint sad 'FoUrth, Plttebdeght - - r. 1741.1`8. CvIPS ire AUCORD IlOcule Dc,ileia Ln 'istraw:Goodsi 14;11116 , w tsk store tlieiargest sat most oomplate X,l l . , 4 7 x - attest U Chewer:. , Dtetchmtbsurevequeotet, to c and risosino.tmrAltoolts.sctibb NW bo,00lg ; at PPRIt. ' . •s ' ' .. ... —,.. . - - - - oxiTH:l-Vans PROPERIMIFOR.- thEr.44-.1.-disilt, yealle• tift~-taltde veitSaziatcppitvalz , siAt., •• • Wet axen t wadi , bowa rsa s on* .• . 1 se net _•bylaolt : llerrtrioes• e autos Saalit , aospla4n by 110 otacit Mot ' 41,301 airahrti"! .. .jh id UAW* . - BOOTS ANY) BIIOES. ELEG 4 . I" O - '' IOI AIT4M,V:PTSO'... • . , ChrlStillftS - - - is/ i s F9~~A, 9t eta. cSR,:~, ~_7::f 'F9:9R'?is , A . 1 • lii4rceeiretrif th 6 Oritterstie '' • ••• •'••• ••• • • ',• 4 .., , '''•,, ..s•:**, ':'..''' . . - - . .. 1 -; ,, ' . INatvit I: .Ir t. ..• , •;•"' 1 -.q. ~.i.a i ~,,, .. ~ rt. ~. ...0 01 . VON 1 11414. SliOli Iffl ,x. - .:,„,.... .. , , -:..-- , -:----,,,:,,-. q.,,.:.i , , „, ~... ...,....,,.. :.... , -- ,,7 -- 11 - ,- 4 ,„, bi t t ..zoge.„ vu.4 ,te lopbit , - • I :•,7•-; 7 , p.,: , ..(Elti.iti.S. ' o 3:l:; , , rertg. Fla'/4 , rz; I 4 asAt ,; r Shoe*,teraTikaNcabl. • - -.. 1 - ---- - - ;• - .;:-..;:„... ,t "Y) • 5 •.-:',(t: --- ~ -.M:;:t.,•,11:.r.,•••ej• 1. . . BO OWCFXPRES.S4 Folk' • '''' - l'f'li r. 1 ,1 .. • r..r...E( •I' if t.ll- . .,.. zerca "r c5k=EPTEgy,.. ', 41,,, , p,,,..,.-'i , ,:. . • e, ..; „.. , •.• , ......i. , ,,,....,,fr, - ; -, 3 .: . -..p, .._ •,;:. ..... _la , ~; i, ? t e t , r t i rhile-you can •eleafrouatito 111010,!f• ' .,.. 1 ' . ,:'i - . - 4.:. -A -, .•,4 thet-Wa will intrrost to girtmetWitih„ . ..Lo ~:":. t . ‘, ".......... a,. WITT F roark Buy sow, good • DindiE AND R~TdU-4 „.....rvazlt - •,i J .. AR E F AICD-- DEsirtAlThEarMit i;„:il z ;P : Mil I 14144.1 - J.--PO4l.°T-41-o,',PaGatergi••• . . ... ' ,41,11, ' / r Of the opproved.sisigl.a!kiivihkeytit, ,r:is.z.,so,,r,:, , nt ,- 1 4 2t ::, ,•, - • ...,--• .i....... , V..” , ... ~ j,,,, 1,117 ../ • ADAPTIMI 70.1117. - wAryns IVY - 11111 fr • - "' - . •'lturt teeettallitg - i• - ,•.:,•• , ••- , .. - .ztio.,:f.:i-t•.i .40 - 41% - 1 MierlArotik"4 - ''''' ' '''' 1 41 _ ~r n, ....• i t 5..^:L.Vt,...01 , 1 . '1:10 Till:#Al."Eit, T AL/4;011CM OILTY.‘• ttfr., •-... • t 7f '• F. 5.—. " nth' PI O Mk - . PON . 1 1, ADIE4 ' ; MISSES' & einianttliz,‘,, 0 .41, -,...,,,,, at •06; liioye sad Xvitiiies4.. - ''''''','" '' • , ''• •-•-, ;7, - -4.1 . .... ,, .;:...)......- • B 0 TS A ND -SHOES",r , - ,, 114 , 4,A. - '' CiailiND life '8 AUCTION , ...1.,,-'O.-,-.3-. - smwr. WASTES IROBB, . ;Ito. 8 , 41 BELTS TAE 8E05'4 , THE WEATMT . TI: I 7*cii: And TA DUR/d3tir i .33c.c3rr13 Of ipp - house lek.threity. Ftt 4 i l;"_fe: lle h.. h.). liceiro r 44gnflce FWL'BIoNr. Try ht!n. I . ": "tSTAT : 7 •WOft stfay nvorrVED - GEgilsw ALeux SON N0..t0 WOOD. stattr, Boys' aod Youth's Heal Italtaptors; • o- . Oxfool.irtat .... I ee . Boot_at , Obllglreres Goat au*K.lsl,Mom. , - ••••••1' r iciods arc made Joon+ apeataa; •• •otd4... mull • are watrulted outgo/Wad .castam watt, ...... . .... !!" tiV-COIJNTRY • cUBTOMERI3:,4I - • titre 'il; .....• on cutra a inszeni.ortypgaprmene,,Mrplarage. KW& 14prer: Y04%41 0 .1 strui,:o/31kreeell. BOO; ~r , („;., Shoes ' Cisitirts, Balinosak Beptees nod GINA" , ~. , l io wide ler Waft Ssetii Of ley 'trent alslltekiwel , ' , - • -..", •••• i. BEST - UALITY OF EASTERN 4100.81 / 7 , ak:o .1, .t. L t :-...- t., I, ~.:, -,:,,,, 717 3., ~ ,fr:, . -L.lgj 'which I int" sell at , Phlladelphls: Newribelep re1i,.,1,1 ,S 1 t om. : -- C lt awl ezeunine.say•sisook , _ 1,..,, , , ito 7'. frAY•ii iloßt IN4ll32dieket etreeilltdoOrtgallwrigliq '4l - 4.1 itZdflatadrialeXTßA!':. a' •.; 05,710 . 0*. cminuart, 31, AlO4 B - Tr•ltA PA:F4*.!, SOLIOITOOF.•• CLAIMS AND N.rb • ps 1.-12;'.* #D . ATIVICtirEf.94t.D4:II O V'' . No. 911 ,Lkcrneed by dot - en:mien! I to boatel-, BO t PANSI9NB, )4,91C , ?, ' s „ • 2, 1 ,y; r•q6 MOHO, 9rwanl dais . . Against titi,Uisitii.4 Staten ' • ONEItUNTITIED , DOLintta,. chaired Oh account of woux4s,rerisel in topeciest thiMedbstely.: • •• '‘• • • - air clot at. se StittEt, - oppoolte ISt' • esthedrtl. ff.. 'a 0. Autuarzr.N' 4oB X ll9 * MACKRELL sr•Jonrisow, ~; pirrOFtNEY&AT-LAW, tN . LCENSEDSCLWEETCLAID•LOIDPIK • .! r • - 1 DRtiaties for WouoANotaltri „ , th twenty days. *PiNne/P - 0. Se CititeNt Mum'. Pitithhigki Oen with dhehailie two Ildtaealies. MILITARY : PENBIO__ A NS: --" •,. , lICIORTIES;I3AUIC 'BOO NIMITAtxx ULM:KB - Alf eters detertptleu: 'contited'tt7 tbar'; .übscribrat th4rollusiniino< 4 .:r4 uc -- $lO othe r claims 13.6 P: , ' U. 0: TAYLOR" At- 4 44 01 1 Malt 00.4 t street, ehtulres4,o**Seltthit waited/ Old en I n feneg l asnimnrsne ,. .stntr'':;:;;4A7,t.' -- . 'PElFtrlPltitjai r rl*BlEA.FES - uP rßir; - • i Prompt /1 atteeded to 67 ; Iro.-135 '-• pENpIONS, BOUN^TIES.I.;. 3%1/HALL „.. ax, • No 144 riorigetsprocturearitovitinatimicatvgir,:.....‘. ancvErazz,ni.ormy, and-uov.wrioxer ( 7;,%[:;.l 1/.l4.TiONfl of' releurAgefitutias • , vx•ritison - xx , 5,01',.,W theiVrirell MidOWS.IILOCMIL,:, • • :PM t! • ... wt. ED BQLDI 11411 11 to'illlvo lei eei~tett. :" it ' eurpr pakl toell "Mt a. eDiethaeleM eo M the Is lleeted,- -• th A r l e ' l !' -" v.& oo ,•12.4em d iely the arlett the D e rrepti $TSEET,..!efteIli-doot bel owla‘' ' • ' - :;lAlTraindrtr,f4 , , , ? , : it j•MtintS'lihifFEßTY;" • 1 ATTORNEir-AT-LAWi r„,,wriintnes# p_rciptly "Mended te. . Oftl * If*. le:6 Ftnl,lrni, irrltizToetiOtalltf pittrbprg. NOAH -W. sah,Wir,., ArrORNEY•AT-LAW, 2 ' ;C'?. r i tr i g 137"Er,,Tirtirl!!!!P!, • ./Mni for • PENS/ONS, noultar; 7.IIIONET, rigoronaly. pt•Clinge • izr,dl i , Ver:A:T OHS 4 1 1 11 31 rutvul-r•'. AND .TEWELIWAT WELOLIN. 7 I'o,;...i SALN , SONero,Uoomtry.Notohosto.ro7W,4i, 7. general:Anders, soppitod immense:., Watchei pad Jewelry of svety deseriptim Pottoro or quoNLY,oonstootkron hand 4454141. 19 r order, I:Amok* ol say Wass of inn* t0r011110,.., , ,7 4 °pat convosologylorka ,PliCelt sad roa Aleopiptlonal_hte. •AWroso TA; 14,e4traiwc 71e BROADWAX, /ow YoNG4. AoAlamaidir, p,,8.1.VAT.E DisrasE .. 1 , opct, 233 PI 2 I • , '.. ,14;iiitii,,,-...6i ,liz VC.* the tnte`of at tumulus ot.A r: k 7,,,, . w askaci-„.., croft two ‘,l, four dayr, br d a i t , :ig i6k = sultan 0ther... ,... i., , test t.' A l "' rmin and theitsOrtraa&Cf4 r. ,x l -' diseabet of theep, Oil Vl l , , o kr uaiNt , - , ~.—, t .., " IC eut°l" ‘ ttAaL44 "1 41 0 Plut stmt. - naMiek L' I"3":l4t il t'. 77 ' , . ...—,. 11P. ‘67...NGEMBREI ' , ~. . 7. :., 4.liTir,4" 1.7 ,:. " . :f i , . ' : , 415. ' 1i H&j . ffriitarkl Pair r! M r. • ~ ' 4-- ,: : , ~..r . ,, 7.1. , ..-, ..... ~....0 7 it.; BalvOrlitHhl 7 l..., * . :t ' 2) kV; 1 ;S Of .15A..... egocuti4 lirSaloo- .7. -1 _BraDolls,:mm, ~.t..:4.4 ;111 7101 on airAw.oitlira.:togiickv,wiiii,Wet,t 14 trgt6iiiihyttot &wile -, ,- ."- ".. - 1 • ' IMMEMiIiME tAY.T , A . .IIO, . +-• =IMO t • t -••tto•i ritek) , ~ ....1- , , ,s- MEM
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