ht Zl 'WAY ..' ir. l 1 tank ' Ztfrtgaltoll -; . 2Te9stailiWil Viefort 'knelt" i'.;• • : • -•-•. ' ' - l•J E rr°, CM" 41 b 44 &." 11 41wy.0 t ugh4fit , ~ , - , ~._ - ,..,t 11 •dtk or - -, ki 51 Wolid'"'lloi - liglti; " hunt i -Inn' truth (Iselin kiolitaiiii; aria' vithatilliOn,' Annan entpourieeet theiniple. arbi•" Werla lamina -ii lb. - Er ii. 11;iii bilk- to ll. Kkiibciss evilimi'dlubsolitiiirt gintlintan , .whir (fan Magni - .4,oAdtail'zihtti4;.% . *.itelght ' 17111-01ginitti: by.z,Veettag' tif E i DA ,1 61-Fac.:: C den"isill t.iiiiiialniittiiiiiiiitifiltiiii:4 - 04-,-. ~ levier Canifin It: - IL I Tioolnis 'AiGitifitatinie : „ sadWto.Ghicaheri•43Yerniaßac Ilipoiteinifigi .rem ~.. ,*" „:,'.- ie..i -'• . A •- •- ..- 11' ) i . The dui siesLillitriA thaii wet iiell; ' ,4 l 4 . listy.ussoandesapossfeosisOldaY as cow , • t,tworod lilipir e lidi 4 : MtiouttY* o3 4Tl lll .: . ":rtettleg 'sad beim the Ldsti ite andlenoe lad .- •.; Iwaithd., % go siti a . 41ativ*f tha ik, - `pert. s lion the day of Its fooleteridant4o -the : .). , ucat tbki,VtrOlyeti - an Iti dialitni - Itithet IS'avavi.ei ague-Al jdoglallawl rissotd,,refsne in 'to his " iiiini:iles; mid' alt» alledLeg ;tic his, .. illus. en tor atantan. said itaternSaw Jung , . - Ow, old envois fortin." - ; in dusasersinf imp oroint, ,ha Inch op 'Mi . .- Vocotoalho frob tO° Oman, the yelliedlo iiiiiiliden of the - union"!' -ditty. • Eat adfl4thlei Ylisn. - 1116 - I.4isahforiont ado pow; agnauce, ant basthershala.who . iiosold fuldtegefialtwi.h blot: The-Dsmonitla l•portY, tinglete4".fted fleektrolltarnp bY.•the ' sons of WOO* Offirehlah;ttit .the:Pa,'ldn,,, l Mole oatilithatiniconansualderrablio tarty., l-)lfr. Mimeo inditow,alawsted. by OF*. na.141 - Vgronrd of hisholiwantienadignentoe",awt lass , i 'lvtoted al,aelnahengtrwmit nand rateloty._ - yr* Efeinowalzin hen ninildri Won thins: - 'iosesnd tanchrtyarte luntesilnerd, and beano; ).. the gentgin oil* "Thenhitth) Val. Stephan l'''d- Deogfalk`til'ldneidn ties aseirnadantei;, ifAtIO in thlionisideriliedidttend en eulogy. on i.,,tho sidt.esadei ran of the efesealy- Illeolinied ::cod lot.offOtten..Wetvitilt - iii Ada this ti ant ntobsoessagvannizst have coon of a good fend- . % S l', and laths monad w list 'oleos .adaassion.] They Info to icier. Grsotwat liar - within As: '..,,reisoo of Lit 11/Wirialde ` The It. The la's. ' ~, o rsils gottioloseitspeadt war died whhiensed '.; &woe altdd_fereeti r dettite,. wells eta .11101141 y nes . redbi PO 4 .'” • •• - -',' - .' Pi Al the eineintin e hir.llishy's speech, sae, - i hind ;Wadi asthma iiir,Ourc whin the al t: iflur p oneithwoklt ulftGOAlwellO4:r I. Reel inin4eilifyi:/i;_fil.yrnitr if the flew:, . e' sod Golfed dinatutettaa 'Oman et thli mini i: and mato of thiletenbiums Inenrintour , It. 1". costansed fili ing: It Ono we geostrlets - itoreto 'uncles yea to alga', bal - I sesta whet; ,'-'I It address the.cestrii sot sheathe skip ertlio_City_ elt—tetaniagiO. a DosemersAt.o meeting 'goo lame Lahti hahlAeol; r.woatter it thley,wintd - 4 LW tillt-t'llllitiOlalliztlitatir::Artio - objael;s3 :hi • • entry nizing-pollifoistah"tagin.-..• - lhay an ii ewe oho lays woly . polltles ant slay onnot 11 raiz-with rellslint.' Who Igo to the "yells, I'go „ -to pad/era gnst.itionT *id ralleons daty..i ,' ?;i . Mutt an_lhagnasttons_whtehoow.egtate_ttie_, • ej Gantry ; nil way gnat, or an they matt The desc:-ttliiirda Is Whether' God, serl'Dirlosi .4 Law fens..enythuf kei da - With our pgitio - s1 fi._ . 11 tore: ifiscatiewOoveranunst at_all, an-naikli • p Lan istakocid:hy! Capon labsaboyeif - To • see* to inks - a dillenten hennas: gonsitint . il sod odaGlifello tfolti fe fo•B•44OOLohoO 4 4 0 ' li toollellalitlinneellhte.,„ „,.. --- --.:::.....• ......', .-..-- 4 *swam void= is tau, an stait niacin of ?, pill govertioulatiPthy tangs ind-whatatney tray 3; not, sat shy la this yenta Bop Ms lialtses • -d . fallow'. Vie soyetaasoithii Iheial& Illto Lib '' Fj tepablesa into et goianiniitt-nadarl*BOT :', en 12.Aty °file& - All et the tentlang sheet , ' , I'' lot liarope,ste inlytnyldiersititirtitiAluth,on ..,•4 with” tthejsbelloni - ,ThiktinatillaintheS Ili= f, sane tod - pciiiarlattertlialualoiti - orltanyhotai Til they say 'hat If weloncitlalWtherbirdsogn. .. ... of sal ostlesnbtdotattigrepobilos;"- - Tkal weskit -r, 4 state of affali,. andtkisthill weedin ben in. ..I ~1 , oaserstad'lecitterptuwww.let,astabliabing the ', X viten torserottsetatooneyshe,woridenr Anse. They wain to baud up an arlataretynhe cone ',..' atone of which - bail le' African Stovall. and „ - aterwarda.itararyelettosit,dlolootlystot color.' _ Wow I plait , you . to. Ihntrice too,..and ; not 4 1 - r to lbw "POW i:ll:74 ll lll4adata' hoi and: vol. 1 0 42,1 - ''`.i_ThelnY.'..le -- •...wlittitg Mtn ~•"dfriosn; .:. slayser.,,,wi,..•.tna .. Jletilbj , Jul' whits - , tn.: ~i. been brought ire by, dui alare'Woderi ' The nest , Ai of it la:so Cigioallialavirj, aod It'lsioitinati. - • mixed af. tin, Tes=4 - gre yoare"froso now ;it A , the Booth ioneroods,thoyour whin ..zuse - will by • :".. the. liatil: 4 •Wlias - , I %.vaa..lll Florida, I aliwa -'4 benatitnigieh' tlhe had rod slam tat cheeks and: .. , f lips. eltdhsr Staten gots "ioncand racy. GU.. '41:4 WU ten dingial:ll{ obildati% t 9 .40.4 I tittO light jai :SA barb sescag tsumblassess. X asked a csanumuin 1:2.3 who was *in en Who ih•was - lint Ina Jahn:tag 4 , that aha tinterhalfalsta tottaoldidenananon site ;was. minding. and that the watt slave. 1. .ototikaWnidegroo. limas Medina Sid Thossay ' , "1., 1 J. Tong ware aostataniy mon. Thawing. Ut - I Ain Ettnie to'this Onion who have for yaws ~,, 1 idead air oroicrirrpotetatha •of slavym..4he `,.. Stator Cit Bomb Carotin& and Goolio. TOIL.. lqi amaze. ;any--of-bey Itatillfs 'kiln:, who "•, are dandliag Owen nab* akaa, and loner-- 7 .4 hog t• to theft bos.m- .'". I aeyn' raw' oneof then '• •',44 sentionstal slave holden that, woe At. to _toe,' t sitter. -D meant .ta to:.ltepublhearic,...Thin est r"4l. - that 11`..TITS 3slc.fliblkii , thitigiumw.:43l94.ft:•:.l :.11 sive Mentor /Ong.-- fa Jaws ride, haatattr,-1 •;,'" , t, insatinoti cif rattraincandentararaitniuna s.- i 4,...9 fa le, sot nosatatallor a•-nisw to iiit•tdrothild.-1 l One kali tribe slini Is the loath an intlittoot. - ii Teo wit.. - -nti:tiaer St:r.r. ie.." . 11l , •:••••=n1111.7'" , I a ni th119044e4-akoliillee-141. Who. T ro 11,1 . 1: 4 moony INA newt 16 hi spotty en the inn: i ado of laty-1111t. , lbsche are -twoorablanee Is II the floalli.,men, who iiiie Straggled agebat the II loothlt;fsaa:lOveti,,,end toey are learnt era: I - !WWII , ' la ilan/Ps . Altainiltantl-Wintwo 9 his l / 2 . i Ifs adardir who - sou* !plaid An doartne of .11 tletet*rs ft llos el firOlOq . 9 l l at5P01r . 10 . 6 . 2 11.,.`7, ~,i -- 4 Gen ectalfV l 9 l tholoWol l TlMPA'arf.. • „1- - De catt*ltliOritatg "COO Tr A a . 1:. tun kle.:doisase..-.../Lia-:rterar vat .a.naillweit.. "i.,: - / - town siifitsterr helmet 'bard a lawyer, and nag. ~Ispottrldeir•ThashwahtildsnhadTalwaye had In.' °. that till-egre.d lg., c' The/ - had:sbn l 4- 141411- I'-1 ';• wi had tionitoaisetA 'ralfspittlii...nakltt, i . .:. bastmaa:Baltaut licit oat alstlyerowelsotatro: ii writ haat shatter Prosideet tluta thapdhipyt -thko ~ 1 benlinllairjat: ~ . , •-'' it ill-lehLthattgiatettatii:44iiiiCasta 2 4 - 1 ina who dam oat Jtaii.thaalz It tow• ; panwhite , ..1 Inn and an tin aristowasy that , +longs , Al . L.': . test d'ettl hi - pined to ire that tt wenti.:, t?• b e an &nay ot erlowne and - On- Inn. ~ *tail Pis ' um. toursiii'Aig Ai,iirgra mos Atitictiksa 1 •';:t • .aappegia*tlEbaValth, sakt tluir vadat i a mad. and'ilitrether;Whotitt"WbONAlV i r s .;.,1 tint /MLitt/Id liponsflaapial.4. - BOW in jt. '• ~''''. ,h:= tr safreto T.:: tin* ttnitfii'lla Cr. ht the Csafaietnatio lc 04 ,n 414101;ti'l cl hainwitfl an ' wholirattenettialcaldwirogern; .- and that was gliWbirisb. The noshes bandlid . ', Sockloofx-olitolivieftwleiniknedinal•At %Ott_ i' 'Tilskoryhathatarta - honovieft..-Leele +weir f,.! tare been htaixot high ae• lismett:-.•Aahlittien ' 3.5 sinee,i'Ven 'Wien - ftehlemans Swain/ fsts' ti AAA= woo tossed as442italhastattot l'onotabl ' , sena Its coslitit so have blinked. , liwte It ;Wi t - J 4,1 4'; ool'*_ lo .ii Ln - Rannt -. plotting Ottani'? ~ 1 noinowtoti4iiibittoot 05igar.:744.144; • doer bitiay , twalho;tatolatta Miklos atteLaa. if ranice,inadaltayeatalhattoripaiottlev"alwiliV '6 its/. gliiiiite:mo.o9l - 341;w40 . 00111 1 1 - c. • "g 1 th* clo._, ll4 ttilitcrbt- - AWvotirt °Mc. t n.,12- ,t ca=:, ~, Toe Da , im ty ar . oramilmigtrat ',,,' . 114 xattlartatChatroall thepeopithottel - Oa lerrtrteihalt*4l3l,3B4lo2 Wal‘ MO' loot !..;. . .DlVlnCiat::.• - Shii.' He =War Inla ki . Oa D"aaelal*illallinin ',Libra ken, It le not .1 awn verynigasibln , -1" se o na iltt•vot shake beads with famthrton - of thten.7.lklighallbeiya . 0 tin plipwintriteittlattat for whoa. he has int don_ rewiddattsniteltsavis-with Taltasdighati- , Wonteir or,, =. Boiictirar; Wie rHsu ..a- 4,1 .- t• lewd? or i s -i ci r a -..-oio ---.,..1iefe1l Mk, ,titegte. awn wet* by the patty to beta thee, • was hessawrAllay dtaTithWattief.Yerilal•:lies i. vast party -hat- basso sltitegiadoahmor.a, • Loa% I deal haw whletii thityleifisihnitir ' 7 l IP, fey itillelvoll4oo -- Ximr mbilehMur I;: lath iittignoWirlibassa-Whofisons. Mt fa, of !tl o ,2l",_o#l.hylafti.l.A.AllahtlAht Kt at t C.: 4 Ls.= ; ": . •`,.'"lnd a ttar - 1,1 1 .`.70, 1 74,71iga , have moot .... a petwaaaat paw, lad ath one 1,,. tut will break eat las few yearn and giro nt ~-; soother lllB ' .4ol °• "Mlo ehlifilreffor pens is by.- the otddorAtilln ,- al - the South. LUZ I ;".. theittheloada of the South 'belong to this GO7. ~ lnal a i llt - 131 .althy004 !Simonton., ..Ihold, a chat otomipaothe be as mews Yea atatagese' , . ma g m a,: Thole alio wayezpaadate thsweelresi hat the, olooleAks An sellisarsainyttlentkg se. ;:. d am and iAM allele that they shall t ie is motto sea sad etak It- (The ettvtersail Anita-. ,-.. pus aueteddhlarecpeatstaihnitiodoreLentiy Whenever a tartan Ateds-a' omecbud amen „' ibis theg.ffelloll,Ao eenett***4 Woo hl. twos, ~ - g.jraj's sn. Yuma, late bay, an' aneled to .7., kkideaVtataliatoCatostnoltattb,itritoreet, Dual ' 'Ylii Dantean don't Unread. ib oral:. : ' .: . btictrilr: truarnerandaftwir orarr int , .., gentle a, headed by theta, filawonn, Mediu feud' ,-, &ha eh Bad to allow the Noropen yowlers to . t o wn the sonnies with whatever thvy•nay - heed. ; We hare them down; sad I for on den t want OW• fhokoht.. A .ant alto _,t4., Otto i n atgiliny, and 1110 nritthlaidemanded anti.. •, ha the reassign of Soother Indenadsnow' Gin Boutbwii B ri"taS"it4t - k*ar'fhi•thl!fOrthsr* - ! &stet who tympani.. with them, would gin a ' irsittiXii.otio #e isyk ?a 3rtmegd„it _ c o; , in s cents wry moil moot onion the Booth ; the ObldlfreettoOlitta:lian-ans ham r: dose -nothing. r-tliale vs:haeo,-Ilook.kv /Wants and. othst,pleses.filkillfilldelinalit,' ; Valarlil air g.. fIaYK 1 . - 00 1 11 04 6 43 And:Mins ' . clan holtaffelleC. x. Ilto ,:., Wl4 *Oki lath*, Intact B. Lee .4e."..11,1wet bun , itt.eatt , tlthi: - . tun TomAlAzi!.fili..-:.th5,.116115.,.,1a5it,.w. gib.; - llsetitY'Ato flattet:AACAl o 3llol.,YaiiputiE tot** -theft oettawthliiti - Ot-,theatkto-tior,:, I km sideabibactlaiiiijuglThib pritthir' , .. ge wwwwbehning in obnityl fa Limn and - ' 4 7ohhiliffihaalerratit - gcoa - thsc:. •Vac*. Ow swot 'ft *ft - - ilia Autni bon , ottegbat IP *MO th* taitxi thOPPWc i f ;7,1- 1 .1.1:1, - ; Ojtrar.Prir. *debt 1 1 .. v.; t•-•:. air:Menet' sr with r Pret 1,.. ec - 1 • 5...- Kr. ?mail byr•-trad wee the Piablariur Foots rs. , TAtar b Warts! Gm , srei Beglaw ra Scascrirt ~, S . V. ions*" . ' , upt-thq Ottlas l .4, o t litite It s =rot 'et 'Mut 'raj* 11 MIT ritia - ifittc, - - it thill&fi intlbettuld t• ontob btaelitudltil is ti lo a. ~ tatutoL.l.s tbbApt_w r itti lbOtioltsibtagittlena lkinratithat, Tbsd mutt 03alliddi II It* IMP rA,oftbanbetti.t.iltll2llMWAstlit am .., 'MY' T ot h _World and' Pittsburgh fort AM: 4/4141144 , 46=!bitliCebilatiai la Teen, • .. Orrastel lithe Suspension of the writ of Imbue rfwbstf; anti ger Walantiqibitn, CUT Vittflabie, 'sad tit* Roods are ac ll bertY, and ' Van' Woad ;Rai* libel balsam, litztlttintatt_em,attlt 'dowry 1 , I think Mr. Moran modified with .-ts, at :. gut- -in-- about --na^gbigerlP-&-,Ulati.- .Zefeb 'X ever saw. Ho Invited than ;rows - ,to some buck with their slim, bad gm Mani These month. to thin _ otft.l: The Ettettrad att. • i , r stual aka at itueboaglli,iattirrtaglit alllal= * bee per, and sifting idi clams far prtidint• - Valli re, dmit'one *trade te ll ! no r allow luta Oil beta ' now. Ito tundaded 'Naha. felletrisg Asp t trbtob to %Uri 'lttblembert 1 Th* train 't i : Oats trttt.4 l ly&r las b loptVbra I''" ' ' • .f . ..-.' his add: sae the ; Oiled 'and Alamos , lierattoil of Allegheny came in a body us the `ttimid "iv. ettetad witbabaers..idelegiittia lit* blatualtestor with band strived. A frof re - natio ISM studs by Jana, blerekal: Bu.. and ;Thee. M. Marebail, Rut., afar meth AU Glee -IRO si n g a song,. sad lion, Mr. Valuate.boob. hereto:la lie agioki for , "Maj. "bait - tient,' nalatttee, when thltsbostbuttAtjabratt. . Woznimstarayad - Irefognso ! A our milieu, sea r y umembor What at beiopent st, ot the Bolden, Home of the Pitts. _ ;burgh_:the nee. Ontraittoe, on the filth of ~but, several ladies of thh City stood t: pledge, botchy coveoutby to parehus no u _tide of 'foreign nuothifarstars daring the war. inbeepio kly gocisty bulb thole n o woody= y Dire. S.*ll. Brunet, Presidem, Km. Z. TAU. Vcco , An:Adult, mod Mrs. 81. Mattland • 43sMolan. • The ptcdp, uit flat warded,` was found toe 'Uhl tor guard mh e ption. l now a:UAW that hiolr non, need rotate to sign it, and by Ito min &total adoption it will bettor meet thMend designed. It Is as follows tWe pledge calves bout o th er and onw woneory„ rtes„ ,ter litho war, we will not revolts's& any utters of foreesouwarfauvre for lohloh Amorioss era uhstitoh od, and we will not parehue soy looPotted articles of luxury, inch as albs, loom, mate* ombroldarios, to. I The Illociety has also prepar ed the following rode Lief W mom of Pronsitunio : Boor, loyalty and vetteseridet are alroiidy proud by_ 3ont works. Whan our o moor, collad icr cohndue inns hour ot need. Qom , ' of 4 , lll:lll7lfinia were prompt to respond so tha oall,erd you onstatorm.thsto—giving brothors. erns, blubar.ds, and ekeming them in the path of arty, Mtn. ugh your own noses were breat hy pith the knowledge thus to canny of tie m must prase the path to an barb - and a bloody death, hooting Joey man, mad your aim, for the enr of dm bard of Hate alone. You hove moved lt, too, by ychr constant _and hearty Isr,- b r, far the folders welfare, whoneve °ppm , hull:, edited; not one whitJealubi durum% seraloos of •your etstersof odur Btatoo, in your ,otel port of the Okriallen and thotary Commis slue Yon huo sidflortthisWas thing , more—a ` honisiomfor Our tuts of the I , ldiero *going to sea tannins front the: front, which they Qm worn, o selves' orn, Is nom:deed by'any , other abb. With huts seengogod irf the cow ) we • feel as: 'rand that yen, need only:to kart how else yon eon -germ your country and It will bedroom We buyout artontioismdar, and - yowles/wl. pos.bctordteet, taws; Wa afoul motor very much. ilur'unth of detail*. Many of as have As seen or e numbs in rogoo6 to lbw west ihmomentcurlospbts our .nor touts; the tootegnent drain of gold tram e Oohs, ana Ors Impending leinkrotpteor of .eob nukes, yet weldive tuned a deaf *sr to rw meteor, es urneildas with IflMt we bad nothing to do • or it, we hare Aftall its elotould thought.haie fat poirabots anal auh eat veils. , asitninad_ the fables of exports or:d bajorts we would hue tub we bete**. Pot osi, lit to site a. few trues from the , - tables for Ito your sod ng Jmao.3oth, 1861. In ihm..par iho ulna of our 'MOM was'ii2B,olo 480. Of :mu tope% *286698.183.:L0amy a- Mann egoinit as 01137,818,649. ebb* Man hoo paid b gold, le.whatevor cut of preciferei. ' &moor the tams at import were L ho round aztakboth as tot- .. . . . _., . • - . -2131101lictaire40C [llk • • ........... ....,.{a. 000.00000 .Taro slat Znakroldelitx-..:—.-:--.. 4.0 0,000.40 - .1444 Irj 14001140 • 1,700 000 00 "Ikassam..Sll4..- - -...•.,...,....-......---.---- • 400,0013 03 ..litattery .00 Ramat —. . 600.060 "3 Bets ese I,ltO,uou Osems Cho:, 100,100 03 Wsol an wmeres,manonessmen............. momnoao cm Of doe artio'ee women are by fer slur largess roostarsn. 'MAU erode whet weave to imp the dem st d for, them sod thsts - add an szumainsionnt of 172000,410 of - -gobkto the utoungth of the The most oormern o,l,pothilLto this pleftele, thst be , b , Puhltlon al e:pi/Pith „the tenunteZ In, smear, ba this, we 'hop ha runlet yon that. every doller devoted to ihs revenue try bnpoststlon rewahei 'Ort altorwof *Rae them two dollars abroad, and the national weetth meat be Inswestad i lwr say daetjon;of the Avenue trowthattennoe ; end the grestar the' esticnntr-weldtb s _dm stronger the eorerettens4.o there-wilt be mar* property ror i buleof taini`on end banns- X! is stated Z=.l‘..; of usotEsty ira todlolort to Mel the rtsitimmaiputr ottie, :goverment for interact warts is Wit ark you all to lo is us to this p'ledje to? hiotooligldn.ottoa to our:omitg'i iris tam. — Dci `rot iMid- Wit your pitrolisila aro wasiiiirod • POI ar slitrimmatirbstrni-dr:—Evyarair 'who gots - lato•it 'oor - wad - -oung - torE-Zotorkoul * 0 ; 3 6 readers an sanipaistno - itt to; ootOtoul• ';She 1 cootgloo f polity,* tf.-to, is but lor l by thls wit eonsot only odd is farnfridaS :the t•ritiidlli or Mar " • ; ootrotry:tooblio bltrooli trite!, ,L diviloPOSackittototitiolf,l2:,gto i3Otokoo ayil ..jporpottry AtErownstmattno, will lt mitle a - . • ikon. of; alums rejoicing th at we cove boon I.7 4l ifitiDd to.. do liatkotliiiisOinuti"; itsTrions a - - Tho:loolit oiOsilijg of , itko...ocOisty bald the Ancor room •f cur:moat; . ea..Bwsmlsy 244 mac pat o; flraiqf Oerdlinir os ratan, tO,ditttlorii.od. ; i'zdf aft TO LAIN will firtl very magi obiigid to erwardrantiEWOnidlt - mterilltritorrisomir - Tirotdo; 4 11 10. 1 *4.,iii - ild4l - o:ii;UT4 — ii:far 101e# oo om t ti. r a.s.." *bar 05.40 ..#4o4llSaakllva , „ i3"11:11-truit'4"*11.-:44 41. P ri. -4.lfmtozounatal.,.., M 4"--:4:;'.4" 11 /V lThits "" 423 1 loinl«.. . " 13 1uta10a.:...:':.,..,._10•10111.3 , A 4 5 0, lik;:.'•;;.:47tiOnigritigi.;;;...l jrzoot Ito O-........ 14 --+ 0 1nt040,4.«.4....3 „.. - !':.:4050:.."..,. : -.1 f - 't iota la taw. '' .. : . .A. - 4 ~ ,10 to l4 6t=.l " 144 ' I I4V:-`;;.::»it4l_ . ,- Iff,..; ll l.tiii. l /Lr;;;•4 s I ._ 1 _--- iiiima sigargattion ovigaiuut i; ssiiiposs --2; ailitto* of bow I,lamttoptiolll; Volumed 7 }; 43 , aditribig "dam li Iliptltadat. Mans brim= li cm k . s m it 6l3o43l * 4 si l' ' 1 1 44Yan fiatagandota et. bovoltl,4comati&lp , nal borwl,, niontua 1,,, oonsart) . oa of hubs 1, .nononajdowoV , *x -- . ~ •., ,-.• .:i: - .1.1 "il tj r 1 Vial' MIA* tt - Oiiliiil wa. ''... , --k - e. it a bp _ant . 94110: mietimir*l4 lii tto_Union oftlaini of Iht. Vail owta :It Mii piitle, pig.i:liOs it* `to ttiefaiti 44. 1 t4Wai - ttaxii:tAlliiia 4 4.1 bait lutdig tom appointed Vlllll Provident& : r ..f4r. ~ A OIrew:HILIVIT sated ustta.---,- Ificit iltononfona. IrW. „Robb; Bug nf, alit': eiti, tollittid Wilda platiodt adtramt. and map Masi bf;:Manatolor 'last* of Stabs ltlndel.: , ,Mktotsldos wat ttimisly ott!mtat.. 111(44;11:tisirWRitv,Oir; " carimuke,-ThIC erii use clifilf4 l4 l-'=,_ 1 0;44 oliply, 1 ' f em.-sow— qt.. .I , 4 . .regui -....r, r -1 A. pr....2„..Ri...-lielk -I,,corgruntterriOltalfs.-- - - Roorsfarl.=-D.lfs ll-1 1,4 1 0.11 .14* ifolban - 4* 411,1 . ' l°ll6ll 11 :i .P4 v "° ‘ 7 noting. tini,lfspt Illirattlll .rigkijoi i 4t,„ 7 f ro of 4 frAs eempur ani Jobt 07tultGli alt % t i7 In V itl fZ; Yllpikto ,ibillitlrlWW*lngAMßaleC. WWI .46 . i "'U lla "' 14 /4 1 . 2 1I! 1 . 1 k. ' W' 61 t i fgg*.." ‘l4.tootillsto , ,V ----..- ~ ,te • an, .3-1 ~._:,: ...;,r _* toT Int ?nom= & Bata B. 71.—ablo pot thuotnttiorolo now la owounfal orawdon, ltd.. : di:43402410s Inctlaus. - WIIIWIft a short trip Pile 4, potion of thoSoothiti istiil 11, - * - tow ,' day' ago, and were moidatuditirsk the. ilstl bow poop's UM vu tovid/aiillnifil;* 411t11111- am intro Mader otontawf;int a Moth par tiofly 11ta1...: The , tonanotwo tife Monett and • otpenn. WI bad lamplitaraVarleattag nu vozionntooonalotatow of:MAl,Ziatud. Mt li r Ala exstudtIVINPARA vet giocacssoil&-. oura.—za Yetti it tt Put mid - tot ?Mortis : - Boot .44 inratlr of Bail - and • Band Ills; sash Crostilbsivott, probto elittmo,aall edit:Tim, lout whrovipsemkissitioxp Nor-nmi or .1 iblututtaz;Aftier. ant _bawd' ot -4 1•1161". 1 , efts shoultim to surouronastaomidonti, - ..; -- , Puna of the Bottling IfollAidif.10.11.4&111V lailltr, I bi &di tut; on- au 10./tioun• toga, a &muftis instant tcoa tio . .t3c es' Lk* PM I 7 I MIts , lablitai Mita* Upon At Xs*, InelittAgigo44 4 o9 *kV' Mk/last* , • .„..- Iroltofteit 'pl'ititiett't Papideirtail, Irupli4l9,olate ;la aiuhroxiSoa aqui du ~-... •.,i. 0 , -.--,fi- , :e -,..t. "liiiiiiso'lo g , I=ooe - . of AC•ttilatooil Ott et . _ ... .1 cOitaineiceiiiVolis*brolik ' Of ilii OSSA* •'• --:,,,. 4,: ,, ,..,,<•44,-4 • - .1;. ~_ : 0 , - . 1 ur-t. rA: 4,, zi4111... , ;,,..--. , ,,:. 11...,.,..1,1-- , ,._ ,-- - -, , 7 7 ----1 0 , _,,•••• Tv -,7- 3 . --... ~.,- -1 --,,,, :... - - r f. , ..... 4, 4 ,- -..k.p , ,,,, q " - m;.%i' ''' I. ''' . .'` ' C4 lb 21 : :46 : 7 : 1: *lv° :::::::;-' V..i...:"50 K.,,...r f, 1 .a..... 7- 4 ,.. -.4. ; ;;-,;..3. - 9 , ..„__ ''''''' s " ''''''" -.4 ' . 1- "' 4l "''' '' ' 1. "r" . .....---;.'''' - ' '1 '7 — -----' y ~...- -z - 4 - 7 - :—.,,,, — ,T4, — , -- i :,.•?.... :I'o },:;:iltiti Sfli ,apt -tan To 0f.....: tPs... v. - :47 vw. ,- , gc L'4" , etil , ks So -G,..2,A , 3 A 1...:.: 1 care: -1.4) b0p.r., , , , ..-3 : - 95+ ....1 t-, 0. 1 7 E 1 ....: !J. , " fC) r Often rwletor a at Deity 9stotto PFUADEI ente, o,t. 4, 1864 •• torrent Gummi - , la-scaposuuttombuliwgi - -..poodopted by &Wets iepottemdtptcmutpoui.. ;*shlyisi , oteatene;to'irAettisS' to ekiEfs to fma t i r k s tl s fi# 4 :l Bolll "o 3 4o4.l l of hLlctlng.titet•totamttniomm4,,thiivi•fai; 1 of the aid easErrt, • The theme, ma , a• MAUI , ,o.fumarei, • men Itve m ego is • kb& asy;.ol3srbelo.`, 0. -0 4.-llngl4hs Veit I , getutl vitae:me at -the penwefaL !globes: , &elk heveyoresetN alt other sibreete 7 —tinie onfylhet wtiloh relalelt. to theinoittetente of j ear - ;brave wildloP4•tirtho.fteht-7eve•4o-com,. montanes for the oniumueAttitheyettumaptt., „•-,; • The orepolgo,,tn.thin.:Ulty, u,trell ; ivthe : eastern 000stilu,of.P.Ionsilsonlilvia0ouvluoted by the Gaon sun with an energy end deteia mina led that must . be regarded at emu - Wiens of tvgloifetl„telmoPh teethe canoe of the people.. lbs. Pappityhonti43( is.true, arc motive rtickiigGast.aftecja testa* but they. :sunk like men who oiembine that their mime is ohnimimet :to:the, Mime, and hem' little-atiamm of ..eaotuee. Theta •Ilfeatertitgli lack that hcarti.oc.thorsissin without *high, no3Mity tuineoon, .hope to sue me& Ito Olaf oily, by means of, factitious attratttloniti, • the aid loktickets. coition condlea t utagic teal terns, sta., they. zetinOsa to drat crowds of —" t the Men and boy, _together, u machicer • - bronght. loin use* theleadere end wire late to thinly diets red to decotve even 14* oheervecri...PA the other pond, the u. sleet% meetings are more frequent than thee/. of the opposition, a .goodly number of them Wig= held every nighl,And attendttlibl glass people, w ho, Inall their 'Pertinent.% eholthat the; ate terribly In carnet, - That noble .or. giamtatics,•,thilljoltinletegne of thisoliy, has, leased Contatittall i 6..oW:slant Street. Above'. Twelfth, where .. patriotic eue,eolus Cr.' Mode nightly to loge sod Ituelleotuil audiences, by distil , guieked orators. OdGetnrdity night General John Cochrane,of Now hook, late candidate for Tice L'rredant in the Cleveland ticket, bad foith In.defenhe . of entire t* art Mimeime ore ed 'oititens, sod on Monday night, the oblong Dania: Dougherty, this city. spetto. In terms of, prating tm pott ht the same - piece. Lost trek General Carl Banta, General Caseyof Ohio, and - Cap- Jain Calhoun of lioututaty,•eish oteopite • night in ant iikirieltirdebt cheer - Ginter people. 1 'As en oti.ei to these meetings, the.Domousts meet at a-low concert saloon in Walnut IltrteL` Saone they are regaled trout's from the lips of eu•-1, omineat oppo. • buts of the- Government us 1:1:m Seymour, Of New Vort,' and :serene Pa. her of New Joyner, wine istua•ko at .• calculated to in. ' fin- pa..., one of the m&ly ors ad of ig norant Irishmen. who op about twi thiede of authentic, At these meetings, chore ore frequently given fo deft Davis slid etb , r conspicuous adherents of the rehaillos, whi;c the named of grant and Sherwin and She ides, eileit.prosee seditious. The Irish COpperheade of this city are particularly hos tile m the war for the Colon, and hence speak - cm of the Seymour and-Vallanil;huoirobool arehighlyieterptabletst.thent. 7.1 t to pinata rethath here that the istotli celit Irishmen • of Ltie Uric great ,OOnettryntect, Aso gltq, Carman, ititroihert, are amongthe' statechist friends of - thonoventmest;•and will 'give a burly, support to LAD coin end Johnson., • Flom - Interior Of. the 11-ata;' we hare cheering scoonces.- titiiiletundaxiast,:the liellio'belopil et - Chet/ler: end thetninvutblig. coned* moietibfell in'AMtm cuietenngott- 7 013d', geitlenuanuttel.waiL telleine that . - Chester ht good for 3,009 maleelly for 7IIIIe 111 little slater - -Doltwirio,. glee at • lerigalearesm oe-• Ise, 'eery vote. From- Lancaster—the home of Thiamin.' Bt6etiet—treat re - selbi are also eepeoteot I believe-that that Gm atorly- eons of the" Old balm arty.aation that they ° Con outdo Allegheny this fall in the way Of rolling up large uutorttica. ;thiet thing Is car .tits that whew they work dawn their vote they Ose very big figures. - • Frobi these strooghoide, of:ignorance and political corruption, where men openly bout that. they neat', change their nOliqoal opin ion., and glory to the chime of tiliadty fol lowing blind _leader. I &Undo toborksbiartb. smote*, rehlgb, Monroe, Tort and Comm; bin Ocitatiee—the Union men are. bard at weak, indollYol7l3fitieni ht the 'emeneetstion of reducing the Copperhead mejortues °fleet year. Pram all quarters. we- have no other than thi•ring! words. Every where the cic'es are bright I E anywhere -the great issue is Amide! , toot Every wbore the people feel that the contest between Unionism • and Copper headiem is a rawest for national. lift, and if we failishlt conntey.bas :no other prospect before if, than Ldigmembeintent iandestaroky. :kin; G•,•ti enable malt to appreciate the geese iespontilitlity that rests upon us, and may tie nerve caroms for the contliot. W. 'gavial Oakland Paz*. ' np : coitilat over the Oakland Pert track yea terdey, wee este of the beet ever *intend la Olt Openly. There tree • very largo moil of bob ladier End gentlemen roam, smiths rely brit tf 01:4: and Ll:a:x.7 pc:L.ll.l. 171..0,r....k , less etryltsiey, owing. Jo the retitle the morn ' - top bet the time made see extraordinary. The_ he i.e were c•Ped up, onlooking well. Beet ems the Apertte,-slttl conaldeinble odli;liery den 1 bdrig vozi In chef... 0. erliewt drew thople -- Eery due seri, Bend -its the' °Wilde. attii; one WU. start, they got od well together, 0 or Vast the lesd..irhich milton he E 161,1 , tsiP-Ii Carquid - 3:be WOW Lam , and stunt half . mums the look onetett, eon, Mans Ain Dottie, Si him. !Grey Bask toms ite swots :win al Jitialiale.; 'blab beistly wet blot elf Ms peri, tostr.tscoiblteurorde went Into onetb.iissteleb , .0.461 bin w outs . bad bilit, lotting Serf Ash sod Banta get a big land on blot. Gray Osib, beeever, soen';ifet tri•ble -work,'end after a Ter, bard 'trellis, get..leaLl up again madame in inroad on the ether .totkrbhuy Ann winning .theAleat by belt • length, ~ , „. -n4ter the steal time the belles 1/1111 °ailed 1 e gotd.itirt dr*Stadjall rlngottepUten leeAr ji g . atb Iris thrown out on soft crowd and ,thumb' t. coserdarelale.epete, jottiltg 11.27 - I , nut in NI 1... - it 'all Asir °Via wed for • stotilltitttihnusk Grey Riot had a vany hesitl :oat slitt ibises; to: soot •Oittaisnallo two tad .1b&) h•-tbnd Io up the leek Itretchi 11114 SS deo oppoitiutt caller Ott POI. oPurlug "8 0, 7 8 Alt solp Siiity bet break; sii4pestliy..hhe, Illidi_ i'4alt for tiortAlult:Autlirtnribilitunl4o7' I ill thettlittmit;'snathosin'tulltappettdritan f. - mi. -4 ' .•. . ' i -, -- . . -:,. - =I ....., - liiimbad aid bat aid saVottof lbs inn ask sissisiod; Ihris, lanai .toiulto,i4(Sal Ili. Mrs tothikssitemits, all •stsu I st - HADIP. 140 istainst - s - blinds -Watt 4:Cams: BTUs tlui skiSt mint ggeo 4st llyirsuesettk mutat vs Sr:zs...ssa_spscsa_by_so .01 am: (stmstm skslow VIM u-or. emit' `dam lb. batty', in am ' 1 4 .17 Av I 4Ir4.!SPEWAtIIt , AFA kill Ph.ginnyea at tbrq o4locb , thus will :b tasvh.reztrividthilAdiabgipii43ll:thoritigli luau f;24isailsig. VON !Idols padi.lta bOttsfiAilitiroaLlssUsitsY;:' • 4 Thu &Ms' Inc.' tiovitasimits - pciiiii zpenisd =WO rata. dim, lbat ,dss s% be es4 - ciikorilaul krPurll ll o 7 ,P a il li t • tadCa is •orl)rOirsiNg.: ‘, • ' r f- la oar mains edition of pidarikii inesott :111sida lb. sad of tiskSilmboat }Ugly - stabs Mon :obiabola awl. Ws also steins that s bill too icik rss totallapos bisparton; In fare of J.hti *la Di /IZJsks"Taissas, it iron kll6lOll alit oastthis Hu *Wu ;sew p1.:11.4. AU- am. Oki& :Baste Twat, who had written els but, for rr motseillsA hail lud blsitom. sa' Ishtar: Jul._ , solidat .efbfmaatu_bft 4ods was „fonsels.,* wafts ctn. - ;astestatopkotissatacurlths4 Met ws thi Wt. 1104 Vs:WO bit boa soloady dioselad sbur isms of iba'dmilli if Ids so.,Vioi. Bias/ gostilko rsainabutlos. ilasier r et bit aistif is soli' isokr* Ulf IS' fiettsigly Isis Is tha sitar Tit 4040wairas abut slay nos asp, was 414, *alma blably'oisestod ta vista sad asoriblo edam. Eli death wilt lit /hamar segSsust by sista alas of dtipfliogaalntangs. -TO Beantr—ErautigisnTolla4 Attleett. Flo repel to Liam that a rad and fatal sat. 7fibbtitmtb3i.rlSterd/7.lthgt i elolottotkoo treat thiefttiwaann Ahe ,wwy4o,UW. Mali Con, Mien al ate Wiieltaiihf. Preeollabl9ll U wait 1 1 0. 0 MVO °l petit* the town of Proidrin, a gad of wind blow th• hal Mow the lwai - of a yaws man :111111m, vhw' was itssMsg ea Ike garb:4'llm :boat. aid who, 11 eadetsvollsg *hatch bit hat, loot Ma batiste and fell overboard. Ito bast ~raratoppad;dtataatdßaaattly r poil• stimwh, 4adilething wwld'his dam to Om 111Vis:abhot elightwni . atwile; wad eValtlyWilhy.lhd *II . 8 rttist4eS. , Ito 11/41 Ituiwtiec • • ..• , _ qiialiattitiiklalatiOrrThilfll4oll4astOb of,Noadiv.ftniuraut. aims. etbotiskomucomo-: soma to Grettot o rdiusing Nooltiktok ilttealti - PAW liumor law slOaod whit tbajta*, wi t to:* - ,'Otiget, joisosu:, —' • ' •••, DIMEtIirI4MS , ..;& farliitietaint a - 011W ego fat , mirt, yew. grow . rawly st leak btoVeridanbrAiekrOldi Newby: «I' Alitchery Osaseits. • The rsaata snobbily iassting .3.l%zhasy City biusseils,rb 1044 •.-Zkatmle Obi !' Tabisit , Obrietle Ibesets-ILetssr.;;Abilb 116b;ttltnititvr 104: q:it - • itifitglipi#SorWa# ;Cid; Tb•:, " pressetei a ballot of psepsrty bobbles of Mabee, ea be Dtsesennageoft, B,st. D'S Osenills to postpone by pening 01 thy site. • linable ass albs opposite teels,pespiby. Bsea And sawed to bbalare.On &ref. ' presented SILO bilis of tno . e.db. oictufiled to eft, dolia4 t P . three Months or Oontrier r aUo bill of freetoptie Primer. end Cbirmo* e, • rimoinotfor to ant ktodrod' dellitrraa.pir Mimeos. Bum emend, nod the MOW tothortsod to draw his Wll2lllllllBOll the 'Jklutiamer Lis their pfryment. Mr. Eirkpatriek rtbsoitted the report of aka Wstortkimmiasery belodmi rotoltalons for, the payment of itutriry bills, and for the Faith", dopg, of I foci inth water pip. on Central &tram, titre Pastrami street to diltelteny Otiose,- also ,for, the extension of a three _iitSh,'plpe Ages Moor bet smofrote Gratittoim ars, hooked Geol. Hob taw, tidbits:a of abort one btoditcl and "Report ateepted and •machillan read three atom and • kir..Wrigtfts from the Zaket Bolus Commit tantra, offered a lasolotlen for tho,poymont of the follitillos tabu .Hottebaok 'th Bomard,deak let berm - fa otati.“4 - 0. lirgoo.ttoto Oloooto, q 5; 0 I oieborn, attn . , desk, eto.„ $:10. Rosolettont toad those timer and palm& Mr. Wrtgnt Intimated tht report of the 0061- inliteii on Etreata. Vat 'colitmittersitutte that irecording to Marastioes they adevrtlsad for Itopetals for the *recta-of a 4111.0 on Train Wheat, Ma pules to the fatness of Atm mason, end UM MO pews of the proposed eontract., :the, deronedit expodlast conohnloa contract. Zenist atom., bower-or, is In a very bid rend lion, and if not soon repaired, warbirmate at. together impitsiblo, st , no mtfmpro rO. impro treat tat Mr Made until the aster. atom:mooted, CotChinieittat ora.• relolation wpproptiottog two boadraddoW . atobeaxptided In abs meth Or P.M 11T•21)1111.111II/ MC, for i•psirlog Ftotooot and fruition outfit', The Committo: alto sub mitted a rotolatlots - rhr the Foyer:Mt of sundry Ott% invading lb* pay rail of the street °QUI. tnistlooor for the month of August and F -prem. bor. • Trio report vas anntptar. Tho roLalatinn ra relation la appropriating $lOO foe the Improve moot of bath's Arran., -boom& Beldtrlo crests was okthated to, and lota rear under •no '151.,. reropOsistg ras..iations wore trl4 throe limes and passed. Mr. Irwin satonitial an °nits:taros riposting the ordinanoe fixing , he rates for the lospodoo of Fait. Referred to Ordtnaaos Cioatholtute. ?dr George R. Stddls offered a resold:Soo ti. otrortlog the Ordlosuee Ootoordtate to propos. an ordthaiteis ft:coition' the Bolt lotpentor to pay fifty ;et cvnt.of Oro feat callsoted by bin for in lioottoll lats, into the - .oity unwary. Referred to Ordinance Coutudttera htr. 8. &Odle °fared a resolution that whoa Cent:mite adjourn they sdpirn to asset on noel Thu: 010 y ironing for the purpose, of eaosldarlug tho city etude. Adoptad. Oa motto; ad) Joruad. Jo thoteroon &avail —Pretest—Ad . Broen, Bonney; Dttl, Dunlap, Painattbar. dta, guns, Ilenadarn. P•tanoa, Health ; Baiderpur, anti fdallriet. President • Tha settings' of last utoottog was read and approved. Mr Otirdon, a Petitlon tram Woo. Irvin, of the Fires Ward; repeating the consent of Coon • ode to raise - the roof of his kleahen ate foot. las petition las grantad. Bili• • sulitta prostrated s petitioa trout the Dl !town of thnltitor ; Wag penal/Won te ore a :roan la ths third story of City Wall as aa odles. Ito_ patitlath t eal accepted - . ant the ragout Ur. Pabriaouittttisaated the regret of the Cox sotto on Wharf had. Landing", Ethos wer foal apd iteoepterl. • Mr. Dunlap offered resolution dltaatlag ohs Visages Brides dh the Woo Ociasais4llo be rtooo•ed to the First ward Peals &Learn. Tie resolution was rattosptad. 19 0 sow aeolaresd, and ref erna the matter is %A. Otrustalselestarvos Puldio thoprovernsat ; to report ►t sant atestiog. C. C: mood* sod coney want 8. flu rola:- atartt, bet added 'twills pact to act." Hr. • Bauth pray:dad the report of the oal Comnolthee, ♦ith a rsoosorusadatroc far the pey tarxt of the till at the Allegheny 911 cempeay for tarnisldniggat tei the oft], arnottatbhg to $ l .• tO9 ti. The report was accepted, sag the affil orciesad to Ito pall. - Fl r. Dnatsp, tram tb. Cossottttoo on Ilotkota, Vt. sowed %h. ft:Homing 'opt; of the Ott? Wolgthismatass for as mantio of Assiut sad flopuimben 3. A. Whits, East essitsott woa. F. Asisrsosk,Ciessad Ward &Au as SS J. A. Whifil s Eitel Comm., Bash.. $l7l 51 Y. Anatives,Bsemad Ward Baia— 151 14 Uri Besney pretested the report of Um a oixo. &Mei o. Zees** ambrosias • oterser of Wm for ripely& to engine houses. bone teed, .to. vivre wore scooted, .ad e ramaaao . los ei j otreiota to be dies' tor the sme Ao. i . is. Utica from G 1 nonnefott, B tearer .st thort-enter Nom sad W.. P. Sin may, E. itoreit et the steesirr Oise; ngo.rtegrb.t • heir terries he robed to 6eo per mooth. The oast. rol , trio recomesseidad tett the must 0. .aeed rd rera repeat. Altman.. Ohmarztos ohs inert was voted. id!( Bertromeatsd ammitsualestiss from _tdr lharito Qt.:Woos, whe c erst appointed to eetl the..old smears, sumeg Uses he hod dapeisd of them fir tan 59. Tos,oottiaisolos. Loa Yea ...stud, sae, oa atatlon DIAS P alum , goo. 0 le thstko or the' Collette woo taaderef to tletchlasot for the sitera he !kat *nib' ad ,ts tIM Matra. • • Ma i llfonty offered the following rmotatteo, irtiah .ase adapted Jtvolord, Slat du Cam-altos* on Costae, be . tasmatuad to sail all the od tins volt for *onto". .. r ft mO ll 9 . COlgen :409=4 to m,os 4112 Thu# 3l 7*lfnUkt #,At. • A lc= Lived= et neenunds ersa held fa lb* aaxP.a as lananitai tb. ma.M7 11.411111 W composing u.. thstarerchambeess,_ 14 w.a de. cid= that Fl.sipt3 tam ebb* b• owitiditt by the ,54,444 Celittp4 tp.ak Commen - &Mac% ai their respecilve chambers. Cbsnialselisare "in Plibne Immcv•lmatir wa• satimista to pandas abrysicoa "^r pt." gloom. Tbik Comtniaimits wore also instramml io mat to couletti .11 Mathis to the. sootAppAgal . 4 :scitifies never if,hantlet else smthe The glika!rwi,lttintikL. , , Coltit of Waiter ittodoni. Skidsy tim, "tet Bofeta ladges Unf.,,knit at I 'l66 i. • Jootti fdil:sr vu triad . . for,tko Luso, of • bock from:• rift aa duo diktgboay. tint. Irb• jury tocatasd a vardlot of oath cal • .t• cotacoodation to the meet' of the cont. tan 'fie •-t wounrad ;toss faspdatcancoat of, thin/ dos La,ttio opttatyjtjf,,, „ Mon Dickso,l4, slat 647 . 1f05w0y, tru frond, patty os *phone al Istosay, !oat muscat to ai tbe,etim ,of pipatordloo, surf Sc aodotp sn toptitootooht of Ma dap toasty , Mita= asowl vu torelotod on e dam of bi ruts' ktua katcsry vita Moat to *molt • ospio. Thajitty rotars•d • vodka of tailor of aoscattast).katkoor. %the Amyl ostsatod !LW JO POI Auld $26, and tote kapitcmod la to comk.,37Jaffor tkir .12 , dosa _.-- RAP•44 ,II s. IMUSaI of 4tsonmasoutsrosa broth op pa a okary aa urds baV.Slj - AA. . 1 410 b, oep ARIL 94, - Tie Di, coots Mules. - Sim Year: loodilielioni take' 'Vacs st: tier it itCnis' PrfletPor, l ' hil .2 / 0 0# 1 4; w ll t l b . Pandnes_mas4 Uttar. , Thire . 1324py repreattatives Ikea oth.i hunitilbs,Ellitadelpbis at& nonce. 21141 , las ad. -Wnsuerdiag's ' , tad , Itecat's !, 7101 1"Pneled , a r -epleadla 1111011:111/111.11:af. ~i ritekstd (Won dry geode. Ti. , total Yalu realtir tat balm than ken ar.asilllon of-tto ler", Aat.tke 4iteeie sere wrotabedly WET'S Y WA. lairack -eatr lu to is". Irnturin, Boatel e 'Co. - tiad ofrireri goatiat it apiary 'Met pratlfyre,listiintbd enakteilagtimieteenue6 . • Ike iltelifrets wen • set io yer, teetenaeletAtteltaite:4:4l, OM* Anti' ?dotal. 'l7l4.lzialay. ice* **WWI be atliitot Lotarroolani Areal/dm . Var, rug. Jet ifr•lTlat A7:W.Tswpllanlilold from 111 11Y I reor7 • Ta4ol , PO, sbirt4ooßotiag ltrought,..947 11% VA! Nib ttokrst me of 441'0111db Ward agisfid ski fisint sod St/00i- -from "thir Vivid sitpboidill thirty: Pk Yiabordsy, aid Sibbrataittur; mit. by • rmilibis , aiiittog,. Ws, Serpi itivr. *aimed k 7 Z; Dm% NiSorAclLibsrisoolot , btai iii7,4ireo sod soaikattio slos ml - Ef, ,_. ssiblioeva of pat ifotio sti poll" _.';11:74? - Maim iltutun*-Thes. win NI • lillitrit' ihl Tridoi? ray:o 114114.0•ViCtii, Aril .114 - Aljoitiakti outipupy.*!geg.liney44, 4 Platallyr W ial.arivatanstwicaturg vino A 014111140 ArnitilmitiliATmAlkaket )gsamsdoopwloMAkAkm J.44bilaCEroc. rloat.l4,,Asit;' , Wlilhi. uema ex4t Oat voltiOpoßeitt, ll 44 4 l:o 3 sl.o44oo2t* 41:14411!11#17-1r, l'.l ,T,,, 4t: F,ll t'z4. L._:! ICI= 41.611 EN oSJ 4.31112 at DMVSY. day aftcrocon, woe caw of It. groadatt of the iampatigs, and assemble alike to th.IWAt sad pm:satins of the pearls of that itectiol.. - About Semthe diff•ri.mod*Tr.f 4o2ll !egs 3 ttletalita, and fat several boors the people •41n, to 1:61114pil sigma: scii.borssliaktliC, :We. Mato of tne wartumwepa&mbil4.defor• a rca wilt asp, humeri, overgrown. eta., Call* _lama inn tandfrilly derlgneitind with polfog sad • little girls thwesat la *swarm. Mamma& of tsars sad candrsa took put la the - deartbstrstlo, sad the “arosiant tows of Doane 'presented s mutt au - Imotad appearanca. It wail ii grata palltiaal Isla day, widen salt lAgbi rementhand by MI who gocrtloipatad In the greasediturs. • lbw* Banda bad boon arestedJor the wasak• 'art; and at two °Wont the tonalktp Ware ar ' gasbasd. eon. Arsbiltalk Ilabartass prasidad is the EMIR Italld,llll/4414 bj OMB* eitmbor of Vie. Pnaidool.B sad Elsommlas. Atidrasou was dithered bars by LI:Lg./Ism Zsary libmstar from klassasbasous ; iidgs °natant ot Beaver, and Thomas If. fdarshail, 131.; of this city. The spieoltes were rpleadld, and were remind with uproarious lipplsetsa. The Of Mr, Marshall was an riosedlagly bop y ane, and she audio:nos seemed delighted with Ms 'trio of orator,. • At the eon. ad fraud Her. T. A,Boyle non. and Thomas J. ftlsout &dewed addressas. If r. .8.>1., at our readers areestate. bat alters -: heretofore awed and voted witb . lito Demooroto, bet S. la. now laborlag begirt Lod seal for the mane of Les mks sod Johnenn, busses it is the can.. of Liberty and Croton. Eh apemb wa. • matt tatileg one, and was wolf received. - Wi. Digbam, 'always happy end always aims sad (arable, e1e01144 luomell on 0511 0505,5,0, slid km a most favorable intpreasioa spas tllatalads of his andleace. Tha tbLd Arend vu tit aoldierer rae Gnaws nsakcra. otad CUllay earnest ILtA*lllll 11.1. thith.i. Bylilted addreieu ware delivered J, J. tialisteok, , ttiti mg., sad oth ere. A large dobigatton ;from Ulla city, wu to st• tandonoo, bsotog gone 601111 en tile new to wtomit Jim Itros, and • barge which . she had la tow. The delegation neweerad ewer three boodred, *no wu amompanbul by the Washlegum Oarinn. 'lto day's procsadirgs wound sty ortth a rhus tug otsbr traatLsg at the Court !dons*, at wash Es nt.or tsCson and ethers opoE.s. The Convention, ea chola, Val eneesdlog le mm11.0:4 tO the people otiikarer onon4e, an, V.ll tot be althz.nt tu effect In tbe coming Clet:i0011. EOLD ars' Bata —Thera will b. a ball, ta. eISCy et Lae; fate 841 the •receafte of which ar. for lb . tick, wounded wad matmett @oldie,* of tie 624 Regkoant. At the obj4os Is • worthy ate. , ft. Imps t b ao there mai' he a Root &MO' d•t co. gvery arrangement eifl medeto yr° , mote the comfort tad aressemso of the paste. Poloist trisit;to tc take steak Itt its Btu Oil Compat33, mill beer la =tad test ttte blot, .111 be tlel , ed en next Seto/day, at 9 e'ellek, at wbish time tto Ooropecty Wit. oe oirtels*4 at cha omrs of Robert Wnt, sent. O. No. 4 lieottaueet. srE:LiaL Ltl,. 7L surtuEll Tutu.. Pans'', Plain and Ornarasstal Slats Roo ler, and drarwr In Pennaylrantawnd V•ratott elate of lbw wort 'utility at low 'rates. Oar. at A.n. Luca/blies, nest the Water Worka, Pitts. burgk. Pa Fit - Goiter Jest caseload at the •MeroNast Tailortaft ostabl.hamat o f Grams k Ilotlood - boo, 73 dzotstilled &mot. P. iroedd moo; ra erection, ltdrud tbs&tontioo et.‘ , tri•dch sad rim patiio to esters' to oaroasacook of foil and wiroor good. Mos ancetst of all tb. wog Istet styko of Seglisb, Picneir and American dotal, Caesimerr and ierillep, su of b. Roost quolity, ocd al.nbd with I.6*.raauf at Of owe. ay can Oeolriag farbionabio and wall sada aiotalag wool/ do volt to siva as a ash toofoe• parshulog aliwotors. Scary gammas ts *ammo& to ef. tali ontl.f..idon to Jodi riot aid qualify. tia.non .t alogaaourrs, lifartlioas Tailors, No. Id dinalinstd street. Smut 11.Tica—Tba &tuition of oar mi en la dlremul to Om .brilltant usortannt of Elting and Stunnur GaAs jut .r.catved by OW Mobs Hr. Jon Wear, Ko. Is 3 Padua! atm; Alleghooy. Hie ateekootoprtkat • groat variety of Puny Ywanb, gaglish, tiootah and Amarlose C 1461111.14 and awns, and ins nut and Cas abas:* Vutiag.,—.l.l N grallb grill b. tads op to order in td. West aqua oil to the boot mike on. A choke aslution of Poreeshiog B,otta also on head and far tate, toaother Vito a fall .toot of 11.ady birds Ctotbiag, lull sad Lain ton.bly auto. Benwe'v Baia'* IL Tem2lll.l. From the Dirootor of tn. 6onar.l floeof , U. too Ihrracts, tsar A, Loots, taro% ft, IBM Nano. John I. Mown Sam Baton, tlum "Lisa of tom tar tsmsd sad most ssestamblo ..Ttskassa” is b.fog msda In she hooptcni of which L have atmsgs, sad' nth may basalts! .nd dacidvd rusts In stlayitts orunolkiel Irrita tion sad toorlookill•011ittrodORS of moo., WOW braze of Etat!** in pans attjummt. t Name sad etrrt/ge esti watt be taken at tb Otantbes calm, Va. ele Peon mew. Jay et eight. AU elver/ 101 l at OM •hove vine* will be romptly attends* to. All calls must be paid In abeam =ED ACNIOSETTiVrIL —Os DrUp. !Warren LII. trw in am tin D. Jon.. or Now Itrfiord; Mr. L. 77 CIIT ZI AMIDT J. :L1T...4.4th or I egtrin:CUy. Z011' , 1503..411.15114:17...0n Onnor 404, IDISt ty an. Dr. J. T. Crumb. IL• r Kis EL 61i11II• 80% mai 'media Amnon. kotli of Alleakong City. Do rano. DIEDS 51 UP.—On Warning of tbs dlb yr. ills BP, o• licuystel T. tpnr t. i l , at !plops on rauur ■Canis. 10 eticck. [DDT—Oa Wadassua atattag. Oltabar aka, as HIM 111611.1". sok t r/Stryo.o of h .40 Tb. clouts of the lastly Sr. roppoottattp MIMI to Wen: Ma iorirot. oa 7LIAT sittastor, at t o'clock; tr.m bon tats met cies to tlolno tnratolp, , two 84 17str Coo veli. • .sarusEmEdrrs. p-FITIEIBUFZEI THBATIM lainmesid 13XEDIELI011. 8.441 tr btines=iree g EDWIN fevuhtnia. lAud at I, .+ o .. l4 MilltiioD,PAWb.•Erliiim ell Aassisr. - - • Sint (Mao) lilirlitth • ••• WM lot 'restated.' abide". area Mot' at ars emir, a:catip III : ar 49L 2141T111 OP 110SW0128 I=;;g!ffEM!l --Annie gro 111.• /Irak sista al the saw Saladytkrintaco &pupa trs , Or tee but- . - _ - 74:0 nor aloan a..biss efructi 1n r.b.snre.. A rb•lsiß' '"1"/IVIS;"" skiers 4#D saties. - • • acks44uEo,o3sl4. CONCEIT HALL -sIIOIIITORE No 821 FifilCiliSef,.. • 0 1 :14W 4 4 11 WICIVSO . . . . 4 2 09 1 4 1 410,T.,Thr . .. • „.„ • „ - -0 , -•; hi [aids, Batt.:lloo.44:lldys iad CtiDettniall 0 /ft tlthiper. Store, • -. • ~'”,l/0011111. entire. iniagesta, wrzeirod*ria4.24: ,pitmED -4,;,w %Dallis! 2 kr I, • - rinnita imitate. - .l.7 m rj am ilwirmimiertn. _AormimriiuttMast - Avian• iftsiat - v.‘ ,s -3 11. ~17 171 143 , 14 :4ti THE LATEST NEWS 1ng444/4 lio o Tof Powitto, Our/avant:Bd Position Strengthened LEE TOO WEAK TO MAKE AK ATTACK. Position Very Critical. AVILLE FOCTIIIRD it ALL POEM, ,Ititlintond Rupphes Given Out EFF, DAVIE MID 1H CABINS? HP? FDI IDUTD CAELTINIL But Ono. Paper Published in Lite tunonct SOVIONIRENT ARCHIVES SENT TO DAIWILLE. Lea's Base of Stipples at Danville GRANT ON' PIS ' , TAY TO WASHINGTON Waentaorce,OoL 6 —There Ls nothing spatial from the Army of the Potomac to day. Oar &Airman! pooltlon has been mush strengthened! There is little Caner of the rebels attempting an attack. Thieliblladelptils Enquirer has • opia.A•l from Washington which ease: We learn from • rabid sergeant who loft Btanin brigade • wia.ksLace, char Lo. has acknowledged his position critical. Ho bee fortified McDowell at all points and To rah..d the daNtoor on Lb. room, and ha! tokon forced him.; rune from Rlabincrid to D ourflic Tb. onroltos to iloshcolond had Oran oat and groat °Octet, la expetlocroel so loon:Alan. (ha robe; army 614111 Out cora meal. Doric and his cabinet bars left Richmond fur South enroll°, An the papery ammo! the Wleig are moving from Moho:toed, zed to to Weil 6110•11 that the govorraz•ot weltes. here bee. sent to D.n, •tne, which to Les's has• of ouppVes. lien Y.., On. 6 —The ficrald'e 10:h corp. oonespoodeot of the 4 , 11 says . The rebels ale ba.ity engaged to itrenytbentng their wookt, and K ani fa • great hurry abotalt. '!ha flawasocial'e Washiagtan spacial says: Grant is on ht. way so Masmossoy. A Ms tosaiehed staff offlow firma Ohaptsi's Dieff ozonises the belief that Richmand wilt tall by Novato:lbw lat. A llerobi ootreasonffaat with the ith Corps, tat Ererything has been vast in front to ezo pt • brit* iriterobange of istriskstry ho mer the siirtnithers. Imo costfaired aottllcr of one .mope in fortifying Sind ttionotheniair tai their ne• petition. DiuVto remains the same yttaircley. Ths anelay LI alto hard at "cob, streastimoingi hle aorta. . "q.v. tarot our -dyad otatbano brigade at la ,astry, a battery if artillery and quad run 0 raa.l9 Rn.e obaerrea tbL morittag mlr lag to theatabt.' Thu movement tio4l4aott lb. ...rad...alas of Alain taros, opposiun oar ex yams loft, and the probabitip of • rammed attempt to at,* on from our Lew posktiem It, I. nanny, sat, to sdd ttun Wit consuisteding Lanus ester Da apprabansion er. await inabilit, to main• tats 'knit grelrad against soy weaning etiama to.. atom, a I.k.nly to seed against as, al thb point. Dar t►ee►&tia, tines (La conlinannnoteni of am fats mote, mat ay at 437 killed, aeark4e4 424 Eatudag. 71a Mad aarranpandaaa, tram the army of the Samoa, 324 hut, says that Cu fauna • am br .1..1., Jett tapas-0,13bn nearly all boys eighteen pain, and radar that age. 034 atm to 1 err . 0 man 'VW amour thorn. They were nlad of the candy:de, us they tad bean ounenripoed. tieo. Lu. en the 3.1. lust/rat • fl an of truce to slobs/age the prisoserrs captorsd in the :Sat Mov. maul, teen fqr man, bit 1.1.5. Brant refused to maks the arraugoaeat, and ritartod biro to G-o hullo; Oh. duly appointed cut:mugs coot naseion. r. U. a Kelly tehrcaotre4 to Gov. Borwasa of c cl W. V Irwin la, tn. am dart to that pordon .b. 13 , .. bad robbed a rea and !was.. ladla• dm a. aly, .of rarrlol E 40,000 worth of pro p.. ti In on. °Anil, alarm, . la. Llezold'a laza aoro oorreapoadoet of tho Od um , says: Shin has' boos tae moot quiet and meet staoaly arid alsagroaablo d. w. pa.... 0 an. en adreat la this vicinity. I, taa ralz•d oh day. 1. has bows sotto satisfactorily avoe.utioed that the movement of rebel 'nap. rebored to mat Wands Poptrobarg, rsillor than arnond tar fan!. Th• opatationn of [h. arm" at too PoNintse hav• beams. pratring that ;tit notl-IIT7 tits pr. lintel %It'll to Lao to manna a I•re portion of tn• troop b. but ttanoontra Sod on ear front to thee locailiy, Etta Mora rinitottis • rCOr , i 0 I'll Out as ntbalt halm not coolly abibtit ..d their rtortnore of maltior a Vlsek isOoessant. T...otgodthn iodaaltad our comair, p'otsta Nei Monist, &brief; tbom oa tbotr roorr.o. 'rt. Wartdogtop glad skit: gottliral Wilson, sr be ho. Jose artfild from Vitoria/es isodoca.rtorr. St Ito/Mont:4dg, roprootlda diet aoo,rodbut sod cupuorwoUrotodpropPrty b 2 set w. a t ,in their has great raids is d Stai..onorare 013 . 0416110 aaaia, MO WO moo plats la their *loci:Moth • More than a heti dr. d sugar r f the taltrearl was dostmed, and lo hoard of 2 000 cattle and sheep were IMMO' back to llortisent nag. TO. Llcroulk Vomits !dooms cutruoPazaddt of the Ilth Tie saes free" 'ha front for Me puttee days Is rubor meagre and no. tallotaatory. Etas, srairal. of Ocala from the Jotta. tiros reports. that hoary ILlag is.going In. but to roma! -nett. Tat tact is our srwtu 3 , 11 O.OIItIIIIISIIT masocaiotlng as cl hsr• raven g the enemy. Th flaa s" James amp ;itself, dated the 2d, sey• : I hors hu Imam no soil.' optratlone 00 tither tide to day, nothing but a few apart* of esti et, aett,aa Angry dash - 11 ploket.4zlng. lintSvc shut finady yoi for, intiots . lox. 01 pert title Is no dlspisition to. Mt* bask, oui ch. efidinn tmatiut to Imp *vary look we gala, What webire ko had la worth preserving. 1 1gb fcrinfrtito - tatissprpi, which ens taken' 'OO that:des oo Chapla tatm,.tfwtttakty: te Mt* 1u:ot cordon cf oeichas aroand Rich:nand, hole tae dapetillia sttimpt terveniX• It-es fee am tram the tote is mania their too moor:font Itugos,:itOolL'ewn bus' , don mainig•Arm. , 4 1 - heavily 'milt aniy bara - trini wady, indara ars. annaidaii - Hair ma slam to ' •ll4htheht; lima/midair parties' an - sidiar rids me stranded ',li aMmir:ilt 'and abarpnaomarr4-131z' Mgd wara.rsimrad by laa 78th 10 1 7 Mi baloditag ibibalianii ar L dliorib - VanilLna talgoolo, whoa_palpown anal who -aosayaotaly ainarbadiridababilabidr, Oiel'arika Pap war re tend by a earparal of the 1611di thy Yolk laldinod•Sos,. Tiidiam, who took It aiwea ‘ r_risk, aad, wpm% bOykaa. sag - data Tbir hasps to acad.:MU liny,dsapits tbasaimrailm rbs' mammy; and ths - Opoin - Mtai'•Mtailial Par. tar Mid boon rssigasd ra,the antanikad. Otitis last ail Idoblayls tanorniO, Birrannalnktlin ' •Ohlslood of tha • Laintlntaitn-psperrinalla the Mewing: ElliOnohti boo firk toil: tiongaintlflelnnt man. ' ban bra inintales 'at* In bad etatnlkinn... - Ike ts: OU.II onoptiow: President - Daniustrtrini- benryintardiread soya ahem and Amnial . rymatt. - Ala said Mroian scald sion . -bsr - faresi•to tit* m thim42nr-sante.of :Ur Anninq !rail Mar cro " A &tip' w03,14,11t-Illiitlifigtat:lba'liP riosi4 Onisinf Elanistnibir VW& Arm' • tor MunisdppnValiarilmder 1 ,9 1 14 11 , 166 . 11 . .gn unto-tuna cantig :1-Fiot - wew drinap. . brav-Yealx. 04 . .!• —Tb,-.ProurliNorth:o4.4o- 1.4 tom 24;.'Orrouni 'ou the Ili's' al rtmd. Tkor• ouus no 211111 ci Intratanosakes tki dam: 0110 • *10; 'pintas 'ban beszatreetimltiaiame ozio;:• foludi of On u•sue crop for nod. Labours an bluff, a time tattle products rabid to tam 0.1 .60pruquouu until sladr dam are midst, ThwoMmin- hi Fpaell cattodituturco4 them"; port th.t ma Protioh-11.41 , takoil 4itruariorio.• Tim report Is ...V.:O po,Cortuaatio ,still flora ' Collol.decalnlat,...norooirau 0 tato 4.our. in of 1 440 -•— • • '•• 140140iumbiU1 CU; ploiiilajokur4", at tbsdiilz}et amid Atargaubba. • Iftwii ' 05t:11.44,bs atsimitifiaibbets:' COW' printiltagetßitaiiC torthltleattluar ;en di. bare abuse Pienth i ttaetzti lilt Havana the 2b , h at filrOtasetii „ bass treat asiallibebemettli- beard the We Means, which mind here Ms - raorsist.trett,liaiebei, thst the Meatball). 'eagle ,sallotilier ..09teta warotottilrali.itte; Ateuatbee, pemegers. AWL asie,ta :asetbsa, Alen yaw Neu at nebulous seenkebassabstr l'oe Im'add be was mewed fersaystaergettbyr - Yeselblytterdelarwary-ts-owseed - trasskede•- mingsmeat altar laaablatiwer ease bietleetat• -*Pep bet team ase eatestalued. that ribaltatt :Wes tato the bansWof‘tie rebid Amble, itemoir-gMisSeittois Rag ^. O 4V. 41tr 4 tit Vstiintwilt - . .; 0r.4-4 " A. Ai-danta _ z!, ,r,i,04 dr r . . 4^tl4 '6" . bry • L. 144 . 1 DePr...Eu.l , ns In illasearL 61 Lovio.O.t. I.—Tho robot. boded A. Osage Leittow ow tato Poezio ltdlread, efight silos Iltt. old* of Je. an C 1 yestanday dmirking. Ulm was th. btrgoot bridge VII Os .Tittrltdaldk. goortl 4. Odd I.woy wildwai grime obit. Thi da.ptaild . tilittset Ltadiag , odes two twig' to; tzsorport tddr ortlllorr. The rob • Itglredtbitikdowa. 31157 iii rtpoihsd ariatenk Atio-Croirl Ave' oteastla Rood, olgt.t or tea taus from Jolffrica Dar Tumidly G a. A. 3. Smith vas ardnalag *saw& ham Om's Swamlt, sad th•salltota Is belaysplilly main& dfork4.-49bascroti9lst. Cotton re. *sips& It I bales—so.raSOi. Blear Unsaid and logien supotass $8,1 0 ; tided . 1 6830 tVa• Wbmia Is 3 anti lova; prima d1.90:31.11s lot sholes to common. Owls slightly adranned. Nem Vert Chamber if . Coionieres.—Cien. wll.on—uur itisverags--Gesi. Batter's Deets etc. Nat Yeart. Cot. o.—dt a swabs of tie Chstethett of Conkmaroe to day, Capt. ftf Was% Chairman of the Committee a ypintad to en (lda the manner to wkdob the Chabot Sheath to behalf of the metthants of Ms eity, testify there appowaretion or the gallaotty of Captain wbetow la dostroyine the private.? Alaimo", presestod • 'wools., ell:Mu with a reeentmondh• lion that FE, 000 ha Wiled in toxin to her* mod es rthentod to the captain and tad of the ,tew. . . A rpe ;al to the areorreis' from Woritineen gap: esan. Wilson of th y cavalry re ry ha* re ceived o sorsallerfon es - berme Lfsjor Goneral. Important rums has ban tilesiyod to day by tie brokers. Reams ser Abundant raspootlag Butler's death. arast's reverses. ere. Gen. Peke Ron!nett Br. Loma. Ost... d —ollecial advioes say that Priee's Koala army attempted to meet the Osage rimer at Castle Rook to•day t but warpreventwi by s tore. of oar troops stationed on the eppodte tido, toter= whom and tho rebels, lighting had twelve& int with .`sat result b wet known. recent rains have swollen the 0 Age and Prin. will probably try to orostet some point higher op. The reports that several hundred rebel cavalry crossed the Minoteri river into Montgomery county are unfounded. eon Howe boo mired in good trim at Coven ant Point. Rio movements will soon be an nounced to the enemy by himself.. New York Gold packet—Pound Guilty. Now You, Oot. 6.—Tbe gait market ;bows mare strength, though foam co special assign able o►aae beyond a slight reooyery of mond dew». Prima opened . at 192 K and steadily a yanemd ao 194 , 4, and weak. The Poe. Weabingsen epeeist Says: A citizen of listryland bks• been rotted guilty of sondoet- Mg . rebel form into slat State., and untamed to baynitonmant ho New York. 1;?, S_ Hi iS New York Market. Yrs Yana, Ost. 6 —Ootton doll and Arai...lly loose, $1,169; la t.r171144 Isg. —R.a. and Vro.tans sinn .stir., and 1.9t0s Lett. r; 1 ,Sostiu,to S. Litt* Beat.; Print.s l rs , Sous I If U.. ...I 119.50411 fur ;rad. brar..6.4 asd the srkr t <lords g stest 7 . Wbfrk7 doll Whrat ;tars totter and tours actisu ;51.73 for oblt Sptios 111,76161,50 Sentsr Iff Umtata* ; 51.716'91 0d0 Wurtas ; tivestara /1,164150; thud sr Ittabor Otte W. , ttscr. list o =6l Of. t Wols alinStcam. 017 •On Pak braes; 41.45.1,47)4 Mixed 'Neatens. Onto—S rats request std }vow ,• 73.110 c for Wasters, 6.11r0 en i and no War to .e port Sugar 101 l and taws or loor ssalnal. • lialarte• aan trtseasu : Abyo.lB Crude ; 6142)4 Co. liar. Sued Is b led osd Gad% to, &SUM ens. Vol nosidtled sad very del. ro sk paned draws sits •We &mud, Oat eland Gran c Ile•fsesrs sod , . and .boot 1115 sates as ponds). Lard shutdrat. rand anon' dots • at UF,,itto7l not 0. amts. actlio,act.l Wadi ; 30.053 for Otdo, and 36.460 far tistor Llossn nod:used at 13%sIns lirow York Stock and Illosey.Xartak, Eta Toss. Oct d.—Haler stilts, at 7.; Ststlind IMS•Us. field saes antissuld emus: Ofr6lhll ; • susl o 1.1166 14124% ; arlnsaisi 6.17,4; Afar - Ins to 1043{,; sad asttss 17}‘,. Llosesstesst Busts del. Stock. 4.11, V.!. fa SAO Claaptraa,lol7.l ; dkr sae 7 ear WI Asst.. 6 , 414; Olio ltUstiodppl Uartlllsaus, askAlsrs. Said 63; t. Ocasral, 1104; Utos n •, Rasditti, 121%; Udine', 1111; Sort Wmtsra, 0'44. Mtge crab s IPS64. PlUadelplda Market. rutosstorsts, eel I —lltan. Is harpy ~on ma. In aO7 usparrrs. at to 5. onscaUsam Torso Lao. orsolsol; sad*. STo rd molls bask ;WOW; do free 76410 c T.., • Sydel sitb bat; Ottl aspwt;r6ssonds d oes row. 50 136•0 TS; astair s illtrinad rid; W beat ds t storst; Passairrarsa nW 1111 ta. Ma of whit• allied at St SO. ct,.,,crio , , antra Western St 111. Oars suety as We. W h 1.17 doll ad sonsfard at Ratak. Marko& Tirsrsts Oct • _Haar dtts osst sand* Class. WS gala'. Lots lup rl.-1110ns: r 100,10 Wheat, HASS ; Corn, over • Ord.. PIM • da•ley, IS W Esposta—ltrast, 4.9,4211 ; Oats, lAA* bat Il7s mo to. Chicago _Kirke: Cart taco, Oct. a aloe) gym. trim. qtat.t, at u5a:61,655i, is Ma. ; 61 11061,1% tx6ro. Oa a tt , ttt at atetatKit. .lead data. • testa OWL ilecrtr —Flaw, 66000 bb'e ; Wheal, 24,000 beab; Limn A.OtOda . Oat; 141t,C1C0 de r Irma-. 1,901.1 tads, Wheat. 148,,CC0 trtahl ra, rt,tatti data• lima Oswego Warm. Get. 6 —near dalL and asap grads bra 13,70,tv for Scd What.; 111.6031,T6 tot Wllna j 110,25 610 50 Cs loubla sit..• 111•..,,r a .0 /141criptkp• qutet. and a”statts. marcalastf Am. Canal nvighta RIVER I.NTEZL/tGjRREE ?le riser estaLsast to laud. stainilly at this vast, with *sat sight lest la Ms clialsselby lb. tiirr marls ewaraint. Th. w.ather saatlimi IMAM, ekroAr and urarttist, with ao !ahaatlaotsda. andarce =Warms rather dull at the lawns;, lb. of taissa .iftslabt b lrg llgbt, sad bc4.l3anwirtiase cos rlderabit dillicatty in &Idea na • trtp. 1 h. anivals dna sax last report, laelvds the Iliemra, se, " bedlam TAW Vecdt. tram Tenziettia Meer. •nd to, troasta laver Losiattiks. The Jas. -lama Zuattille, St icons, haat Whaollyt. sad_ dais tram ats dna stl writ `tllatihtl=lll3laallit,part this lacratag. . . A ":..74Ing bambinos aid* wharf sestadai: na• the, Leal Leal, Loaners Itornoke, Ottn, Ontlalli. W awns sad flatlet ITlnt Han 2 Pena. Onto No 3, cod the Hlnnlenda. are anon the Ora bats bast. dun Loa etacleatell.. . • At tat nrasalA the Nevado, China sad Anneals. ense at At Louis tondon tee 221nbuittt. (hada and Petrol'. Asa OD My trued]. let/knight, sae erill 4, unlace be found lb* Allotbony'. rad tAte smont ha Oshanbla Ana tar pa Lds .bst ern a. pa 'l nnonsend Wrenn londal Salm %cab .Tha Rennes. conedzasbly tialteLthas dared (or Wheel. In& let. In Ibe stlersona. Mr All not get to natlL sow, banns bona detalnon probably by tag. •. • be oar ant rot Aranor pocks*, Wsunlas bapt ahontesivitt prob. to lo rmity lump for N. Lads_ tr. t. r.tnitz.g. Cyt Danny. one of the =hi Or, toplishOd gonatcoon couto.stfor thafpOl thee, Us. reliable mei Ante* Betthht In telhte•hati alPt , tee ett et, Wileotteeett lobate ter Obtotanstt soil - Loee Iq tEds auto*: • - 111 teem. este Gordan to the Whittler Waal dkrey leteteg at mos. . BONDED WAIMHOUSE OF --Phenix Warelideompany. Ibur amtto =Bp:, /MUM REZZOW-ligaotaut,' Tub: sal ramista,-Mil.' eare , -01bei r 05.1114113140111.11Tatw Ink. 1 4. 1, !PY k MOk- Yong sgtieny. Coal - and-Nati:kat, - nert - ids n 12, 0 01 m., aaallltradlWtWuelmallm*gy rro t illi btaNACOO3 ITint - ralil her rig mai Sto. to rodnitniok twin te lariat sekolskirprousass mac mows/ "took is Otos' .ok poimiloicitidloatitoulii • wisitor 'imam teu usasmittiar bilgeral Peso em , ballkC at Wail kt te , lti stairte Inittititaioreopittino. sag aid - sad woks et kaal - la l sk. " dark grag ot the lissaokt sad bakkik cesstes. 4 . Ito Iserkaals3 SSW wbo ri T a lOWA =cd esplial kr kss: weft b=ust, ea %rho es yep it, orlsitootattattrti obtti beincloom if 04 WV IP sot Advertesl. &Milked* asks mama eta te teastert.- r Litres mow Y. at illth ustdsana 14Z30415.140*.0174 - • - '''• '"" JAI , • _ woo L'7. C CI M EIIBO 94 ; 0411 T. Nvl b ri mi c, • . IS- Wool boaptiadmato - inliefeiv• • zl !,,., f cl3lll la 41 7- iND SWUM. 0410.tta•laaloillicatalll. T te.c s ~,,israt,MFl7 so baisVakin Z fo e "d% - f ; leo bums r•i; act eadmiliagi kr i l i um ' 147esaugwoN10,4%:: 11111/W in aNUDOMILSRUMIZagairt Dist*** Ur 'l i r/ sob : . , ~.,...„:., `..,;1 ~,- ri,—,.. -- ,. , .c ,t• t* , ...,: ,,,,, ' , .: :.:::,...... 4..17 , , Nia 'r,, , tms, te ,- .. 01,11`,........71" '.: ' . 14 ' 144, 1: ••;i:',191*3 isrtt , i; akr CS .i.r.igr, - ;,,i.,.. If ~7,.a.e. _...._ , ._. 47-alikale•-,,t , = - 4 1 .404:;....%'. , i —.. . • MEDICJIL DR. Luiirrau.b, " - or twin= or ova. Licorrant. _ 84 *t. Mark 's Platie,jrciumpc WILL VISIT urn:strum MONDAY, OCTOBER trilt;l',..: AND EZIILAIIi I.t t 9.11 St. Charles - Hotel; WLere he cam b 6 consulted until.. Saturday Evening, October DEAFNESS, CATACIFLIG'::: Discharges from the Dm NOISES IN THE HEAD; LID &L.I. Tall P .I=ol7B ICIRS ill CABDIIC DIUMILt EAR AND THROAT:::,':: DR. Licurnmr. Is isaincett - to make the viait-on ammonia of a a e =emu, 'applications. LkautTpsztieii m a i= In rittiturgh and vicinity,-who are to come to New York for tkeinffispenishlea' personal 'axamiriation renaered neoewpwr from the iinpoasibility of preacribtot Witt 4,4 ! benefit to the pa ieit without it. - Ua Lioaran,t, will rerOrit Pirfabnreiat' regular in tervals, according to. ments of the patients nwier Itid_charAta ' The betsiners in New York does . ndi any interruption from: this visit, ea one .- tho firm is there in C;;11134.11t! UfttllXTOcta, 4 - a . IG= [hots the Eacos Joan A Java I th 4 lo .eery toootono of pref.:egad, Wit& tot they porionor tot oo.onoo r sktlf. then liVootwods woad. it t ,o.ood i pp -ovate ono Wtl.o tbstAlt oat:AL -" [Wet .atonekilottt, Y• I.n of todder.7Th e •- ' ' dud. sud too t assn... sad ooddrall, do dimpoa , t dhoti, m. Dr. Z. B. LIG/Italia.. .ltds stty:oesoodolt,l, -rj Oat tbe puttied al,todttelbed. HithottletottlY.Wig t • .t labor to MI. epottallq, mat to now lisping to. tee • .• i„ wood of by fadowOry. roo &Mos tot told , tau ;:r.. tam, of a moot dam, tau twin.. to Ito Doutot 6 or to tts dsp•ktsuat of mereas. •Wo csMie t>♦ , pArsigespi "Cm el a Dear Eart..—Laras Lealritgateta, tarsal sa on 01 air% trast to Germ=[, c. eha •he are starer tea soon old. Boost site at. S. strug tare to as rams okk eat kort Mahouts; ,117,' Mso bores= fest &et are trotatamb. /orate.-•- ears Law • mime usable to bra: 4a las tett am, as to tate:etas. •in rd. about al* year es. nil" =mod by greats ha the hied, VrwLlCallT., : „- aao ababloaa eke oscoveloil in reotarstitekka kW: ; • kat pOweas Men u d.nsieramee that outtakes". ,iI vars. alto tboaa ark , . oak to Wei dlorkittly eat "Itber4.l.l. • Dime ttartatell EMS Or itellaattla habil " ' bars teaks Chia tattion of Itlr-Doostrcbs. Lathan . 001216rsble,pr.:gresa I. wattlag sadiultlsals,P, 7 , Mktg Idea irappUsksith the leak sokkore iteikre , tkor klispertosatat tee coati 14=1 demorad tbat eas to csDlng oa ft .- usual; tali yottZ's ems Ins ocasiu,4ll - sa4 was sae two pasta= 1114 • mato 'al a r4O and Dant Asylum. "It. Dau,,J[obse, Sat; D. D Praha= le Doke, fralsors, faputillsbad kater,tmoderollspstioute tat& ' _ batter trestle/ motraktoD, his oaserillootteeta , ' D. J==ut e PraThim at, tkr Dlokr,lteltiottattati.”, at Albs/ a, ako PuMstahatthg bate cm 4 et otterthe......, Dr. LightttEl maim jAks. WaiNA `.- ?" 1011:11iSI it tie 'Tallithim tid"rooelt fettotant *sot rarpastod attleese amblekSitsliieeon.-_a 4 , applizalca. u Irma a dloptts to opytilijPir.r.,i • bat terns otpraha at Ids taretetaakte tko Iwo at r g: twiny mot, sad tut, Datllltos Zodkoatrols.'". Prom Stem. IntiLS“Tellrem.-WqM.WAK , t. the state _Nornualf , elrol,4 l .Pant'APPE - a - . . . . • e-- ,-..-,..,.. ' ' ' Da. Rai tido: fotiof Void' 10 kit ica , iit r .. , - - , .:.X , ••: - ; 'hit rfaitarat, et ay L ew, as Irofroß , traaamalr,, rops• -, -;-- , ,- I.f, bile= to dabs anew thott'sttnotloq - ',lf 'Mod lei' ",:'..", •-• . row aostaratt fat aoloalflolol meta'- -._ ..'• -. ,-- •-•-',"....- -...: . I taro boo Doof, , tb• !raw of tta rit - 1141, , new .x".) a • ', J . lOl to ?labia prolatbalatsaaa et Golootthadoical 01 ,,, ; ,- or - ... &mon *minis oymparma ',taloa -haiarastlos of Ibid. - , a -....-- , .; fang aosetriza es tbotatefor at Co bloa. iabet*o , -: ,, 1 , . 4 - _--_. , • sad I o Vas Ent stop; bra Wag aliesiglaftearoaar,•• -,"'4"Z... scsextbeittlexiatitafthemillari.atatorea ' ,.. " ,, -',.. , ,t- .....,7; t o rt oom , 11. 'Oat; slim/. WOW,- ittl 611,41.4: tck. zrOd &soot /tea' ktecttlit.' .'4 :4 , ' .' i".;.. arrat - pielodomll7 ant 'do kw a brolof-aotbatel:F:".4. Limos. to One Orilla mallow *ILAN* al kr far . - 4,.....,4 .: 7 - ..p, Mile Mb t 4 Nudism oat pasta Oar 10arb0a.,.. - : a..4t- , . -...-:-' outlaw rbil ofintesot titunnann,,inia engem= tif- , -.1 , :44. .'l ,-- .' -no nah,vienteng acnints; or ta olio ottagra: , Ir---: - ..: rioategboanamer sail rinlinov , oteOlVit*ad.falOw,.4 , -) -- , within Orbit fro-yous ft-boss* ~ ..16artrom aft AR e›.',,-; I. .' ~,..: re to WOW ink Sr swank to o fiat ate6.l afoot: -a ,:,,,,--, y:'7 , - ,, P I hog Wok te st oaft-ithaftratacliDMlMob-_ - - -, - , , Z.. . Wads. sulk oat tubs odastat # plAntans stnno , _mg a thaarlasdn nollaif tato tbotooodif mama% ; i ~sal balms:Wins of diforatittaiff sof lio q "• - lo' .:,.. annan -*lth - Vms. envied amnia in •4111~ , .g 4 = 4 - ,- : -- Wed to totes MUM, WAIIIII: , Sasso •S mar -' 4 i Xf :: - bar=.81=414114•6641*.a5t,,•c,, • .. , 10. tat at Wing . 4‘4 9 47 1 6...... , _ .41 , • - , ' ins lb Annan cf n ant anions mte , s2n. ~..,, , 0 f.. - anoont,trafor .tbkic arcluarsono_„_ p - oras cam , ........,....-I...atirfatitatemet,.....;l7;:4H I band ..te raool , 7ookellaakf Rola* fiall.ftrOor4 •.•••••*:( -....- .fibrommtft/u4 ,ionot moos oramiab..,,.,, ~,, , , Attql It. unprisotto is ikatatialtatilittistammot ai.t* -'. ,- -, _topcoat& _it UNk WU,' MUM MOMUSU 0,4 0 ,11 41 - : - -•'• , operi oldb. .I,dhLooll foams-ma a 01 =1L....,.1;',-' '1 bat cannot* auannlngla . " Sr an.tattit Intstelttms.sil statibAttl,,att. via ‘ ii Ttit " rts4 alb toloilatab * VW fir,affettlaaf tWitallatille=4l,A. ' andjibillOtAkeW , 'Llitatilitig.titne.agil AV 1116116:ttrA MUSS . 01.011014.114 Its: Ilaferealladoalial-4 4.i -weir, mit & lipm.soct Antis:oft a totovaixelPqatts„-. ,, :' omega Illwat mtatti moill Xiwtt sixdalit. , t:4 ; gy m an,nnolaningtoni‘jo t el. ri , ... 0 1 14 , 06, - te4k - ggninkrunni, • , IS, Offf,,_ll.•__Wallbo War1ar.41,43.4 '_-•:• 'awl Tap AA- ,fria 1aar...511 , NA !I4 -II ... , •11.3V- - .... 5 .101: t•-ppplow lid flaa,,AO, , . 7 ....3,1 .I"l" l.6, o ',, thS ta"o liblll 'otogaol t-t "* ltolteir.. l"4" bo 'll, 4 **- : - ' --: a g It X Inc t0 , 441-.voil twkstittosts to ~.,,..i„. , , , , , is* to tbotrifiCF4a.fgrafc . . ,-..,?/1:. ~ orahrobtos-/ woo ifs foolloarMarbat iaaryaor ~,„,,,_ " ., tanof *aft nants ntaftadain.„_•*7l.o7*:--..,;;;; setitistyttit„ ti l ßt.t9iprite,-6,:-.;: , ..., ; ,„ . , -:- ~....,_l 4-13.- :.dr,ii. i i 4,,,. 'cu VlWllltrooki , nt. - ' , ..:: 7 : ..r...... , .” ,, ..:7 , -.71, , , ,, , ,, . ,, iti , s:., t - ,i,f4 . .; -14:.--9,-41t:' '°# l . t 1111 *.P. 3113 . 4 C - l i iii4ii irl ' ai. ' ibb'''' V , 1i1re 3 4... . - 4 N3 W140tWA 4 1 . 741!; '.---,,..''''', ~ t.ll :,..(...t .s.4lll.llilia 6100thi i . - ^ , *XXII - iletv•ii Divilatiati.'::4 rt I A, .'..e 7 : his ICOalink" l . 1 % 4 14.41.°1 . 1611 4 =- 44 - :- it:: : :: 4 ~.1 :" ,1 2, ,z _ w be i m pir.;&l - -; iftostßtgfealiew-tedwiaor &mit" Oki - apylleidatar lel, MI jet, - Matt' I - Mt .4.y,-/- , villodaViil solksieg Isionosiold Itelbotel , , • , - -,-, I. 4.4 " 4 6 1117 "I Wo it .10607-011101 -3 1.10E1* 4 *. 1, .. " i ax . 4111101 4ii411 16 plies soyestfArkee rildPaillia '6, - ti. TatnollrillMl9.o4 - "'-`- • ' -- .t. D.' °,'F 1 lmisomprismati 116 z. 4 - " 1 :•- ; ;„--_,,...,:ic :....."fr, ;,-;..."1 Iri - -Z, '- ,„ .'; , Benigkable 4 'cgre * :for = atanzegift - , : 1 r „ , ..: ~,, ,:: .1.. M., 0741,3 -is k '.4.3 44 4 4 . t3 11 4 1 . .. , `" 4 . Pro ins UT. 3O apti Cailitag; - i kiln boss eat 'ILO* Na g PM OM a n s W ti D. i ; t . „ 3 I.ta trims was idled, sod*d. ll *A l M . at.ld*torlreasoirltw - Odt _- Walla ilify.,-i. , -: , ?War .1134 nig ma goadtaffilkellerk . ~,,,,., . : terlattitt - t--4solnitil . , - {j 'c S t iL~~ ~ t ~ 3's g iY» ARC 2:4;1':.; =lll3 e 11.1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers