_ Bice vital* _ - 7 - eFatasik - RD BY fLs &9ZM . 4 ., Pt BLISMG Mtn the Reading Matter on Ms Page Is frost-_,Neterdara, Breal4g Gazette: - ' - • Letter From Hemeral BMW to General .Cameron:;l . ........ u. ' Tlie umbjelned, marked as It it by the emphat , to imisllaeli :Oink ehersearizes all the prodio. r . ... Hoes of tit iittlegoished 'anther, will be end ~. with especial interest . Hmeuturritiltsseistruswe er 'instal. , -:' sun Noss* Otani a., ` 1.. ra PU TIM .Des:rz. SSA. Aly DarCktarrep r.,;rofieHike 'Mee - most . 1- lambs ecratposlleut. -If y ha ell enabled to come - bire . jbelirdnld 'tare , fouud mach of it' Intend In nultecitkOreqhtetkiet ,What lAA,' i ribs/Doll (torn 'Mir Vat' of vista T . • - ' `-. ' ~. Wet helfeletett lying _in ime 01 LW! er.MY riff . -4 tar four iniiiihtoriekisibelq,bgno,qiesusimen -,,` Witt in 91121. Inane tie taandnatlen of -Won ,l sand' of pepturternsuAderottempland articles Is the !lathier' litiiiipe - V inn eititabi l thit .3l r . , thou blue Wen Months ,ot depletion to the : Southern artnythat'llitl'eftokf add betifftfg ' . .1. populatioe,o4. WlteStaleareithin gazebo!. HIM ,"....,..'„. have twee ithaiated rill; atilt bridritit Medi ' ti forms, sati-thanspabilitiril !04Mo-will, ta-re-- SWUM is fast dwindilegiufay... 7. t......., ..1 ii. ; Tie Confederate Congress, in Deneetbsr - lat , i, .. '; paned an sot, the fine &action of which is in ,i these words : ft. Nitationsiew of the Coniedapte 1 States do met teal filliehite rnidect. Of the it oil ' 'l-,. Ft federate Stites, between the age of errentem sad Afty, Ina in the retwice of the Conie donate States.. '.' The sotifixeprovides how farmers, Inieliatties and others'keley berditailed by-military author• its, to raise the provislons and do the work for 1- ~ the army in the Held. . ~- . . 1, , What would oar Democratic -friends who ; are fl to blatant ant:ll,l'ooEl's tyranny" my to such • ; .1 e draft as that on our titter I would like es,aser Z,.. , Governor flaymetteareind protect against tt. I ~, Would not like to hear Voorhies's denonnedoe 6 tf it, for they told be so.valger. 7.1 Now, wheal read in the Richmond men, • clamorous calls that the detailed men shell be nil , s pat into the can% hoe...mei deubt the united fl testimony of &setter, and prisoner's that: there:" be means ex to men are a .5 end. p Never haelbstdiat4e9diart to thv thsorrthM. ..; to provisions at the tenth would bo readily et muod, I have not pieced meals reliance upon iithat remit. Xel,h, to Xenia; the: the means of ,-- transporting tehiesePrbtlsicha from point m point by reit have given /Wand - theraliroads are be.' ..; coming so crippled in their equipment, that It C, Is tocpordble fo:thapulp;icirnists She , :ik"!".2" at t .l - of men and seat lies noyeassa7 to the attentive militarreperatiens IT (171Tri to matt our foram ,' Add to this concartent testimony - of ,prisonere, .1,, demean and refugees, that the rank and file of ~.. their armies are in the conduct expectation and .r. belief in, .Whe prank* ottbsir . leedereithat this E - will be' distrient vaimpalgial.that threacalleacts . :, el tai ll e Chicago 0-nvention wi be elected is N.,- - member, and that theindependinee of tn.), con federal:States will be ackedged and is nes tyt of pesos be concluded, and yet: lite aa tin - perfect synopsis of the reasons why. I.beliereztho rebellion neat is end. It will be ter VIO 1.1 . 0 meant the north tOrO•O to It that their tCessAn does not end . in the trey proposed by the loathers isSdorei 1414 by the election of Gen. hiailielialt and 'MS Cidiego plat; forte.• .. ') 1.....) , ' acre is them:lly danger, i f danger aztsti at all: Venders Whatever airs have bra ermay ba Om wateriness of any manda to any parson far the Wet Executive of the union, or dlesatialca., lion, with the coone of the gurerntoonf. Upon matters 'of mere adminterrationyea, arm. in Important points. of adoobitatistive policy, et laid down in the plartorm, or foreshadowed in its aote—le same to me the plain &Ey Of emir, loyal man to sappoet Gusetaation of Llneoln and Johnson. • The question now before,he people; to sa 0 t as to thepreponderarkee or films. of Mi. Litiole or GenerblitiVkilan Cdr the Prasidanoy. -Admit that either or skitter one the other it of him self thibeekreten for the pima. What then'? One mut - be altrited:ltro itfieriasnli is possible. We artrAbon mulcted to the dui of political Maas ,W*ftiscli repretiontar and to what Is still Mere frepprinal, ter theme , snd their balladeer by witonalueth bill baintrahaded, dad crantrolled I. farcoased.by w h om. ma .ftiaunitiim OD Do' shape! litlwevent of,elooden. can It be keoe Cast say weitittnreepediGy say Andrew Jee Dememe4 - dbakei 'this govern nest nit in the tandiri She lideient lifiltindighite. Woods, gay. nteurzSenliktoni-,-Long, blends, Voorheesand tisairkOrafidEtitraziatila and doank. -• _ . . - Lot4.Bl*-ir2At tkettlastrens:ika their bah. : dldstesOW; - Thu white to be wierrted en of it .: is not ;At not; Wen i aiiraciolcil fiLif illsbosof • ' • able pmerortiehwillterno paws, and whir& nc`... tau Men wants, is to be the resell. Or, I. tied on. then both Plutons end emididetes are pledliett te,Whe..disbandoittnt, of" tie 'hundred thousandeolnied Men now doing ditty itiiolditcra or .living the aril), L& Sewn' to be silPtioi sithathy,voluntee it; at, the expense Wilton ode of =Morale taiiptim,. or by a drift; which II ea greaft.ground - trf - emeplaint by the oppontiti of thenovernment. fifilpmeo,:if IdtbircThe Chicago piatformet Ifeclq!Waireentasser Means 'anythlegi these megrnelbitnktaterettomto to ,their, meat*, to light et toisbor en thee au, : b... meat . ed thane tombs from the bardsrfkates, &many. one LAW/ re—batuot,to Melt matters - , they Irma bent ontrojent lato thei robot lines whets alonenenfeeroperty lute line value t -,14 - erf tfis theory of the Chicago platform andlicOlollet7s ffoonstittitiensiaghts,of Steel," 'ne It °soul& exhinttitre retestrest of etatertesechlp" . to itolwwhy,!thste men should not. be retunsel pretheir ferosermuteri. se, indeed, wee the t:Weis eitiabsi ldaCiellan's army. . • StlllfOrther; does hot Gee:dal hiotilellan tales over..in-hla..letter and platform promise new 00nointlilial gnarhattles to the rights of the fettle, sink that all those ooncessions are to be fours& kom the north by remoki , tal the point OEMs lationetr Tina ettiolgeplalaily,affeets .the miod o! the old end. true Pomona, of the onnotry In the DeltheceM platform tails dociarstion el to ty...iwthaview..U.lnkenf thleqiimtbenlivequat tookrbleite Clef natio,- d•olamiosi" F 0 m.b. as it proves estitinbilog bleak to tnitY. ' liflrycistereat the elevery,leastiou scoording to #1....t.".14kit4"1"7 dist end Debut-bed whip. ever em menu tweet 1.. No nolitiesiectionican. ; aid, no,rembaticate of • nenventions an, hinder. AlattVerelsk , Tha Inn if treneenced to the end, irl'imenittplish ail t. e el Matinta detiMe so iliglit4 l6 *4 eel , 4( - td•ttic bitter end foe thi seetaratlon cif Ins,liotort,"thee' eatery is lions* Notrid all declarations that the war steno - owl pet for the ex • tlnnifetelottleriti v0'41116100 •611*•ilinn Ilse lessk:. Ike war erig.elikidA'lle fft ti ,*iblithil - incattee , leer , nobs , -ilay, it has I ontlegtablied IlltrorY.,by rradvAtiviths eitecieltiers , In. CheriettiOnAordity;it negro wit aos bought. for ' 113,0091.nttditraietriapreeey, which sells for OD Ml2tlldt - leteklerFette---xlise. of-thaategre' tT•Ltalw.ttuVlidthf coPton et .ft,ife...per. povid ttariorralc.. Before thewrse the 41telio Would tient ti 1,1103 in Igeld,. with settee I:l44(4oPerk.iWret). flu'' ' -' 1 ' . fiiiiirOinitksiPAA i *aid+, 441,A* 4 set.46,66,lool"quitgi betheintitikstita,Pl, Atka I%llbeentcavest th e Alakiwilamicit of 116aticittC,ptentat tr a .-.;,x.f, 1,..„,, n =WS Ot . r ll 4 4ti O r ti liii r . a, .4:o l 4dilsoe:X oiliAkiit la' Teseatawis. tea •Aibra iitokViattilieilliAtlk fry. Baleeire tam. 10!...hletv as7Ania. loyal ‘ 4 9' '' lV 4ll:-Iduelit ;meek deur , . (6. tal 46•CaNiteur_Oeirdyt iti'l kosaiossa Opetf.. leig no big. 111 . c1it..M., re pitiewittothsbrestkre polio:- made ,E.agaiwitilltli.ibtaiatto any party' • . =rmili .^4 L- c,:cr,-3 , q., , 51 V. e ' . Whadlliftsgitida#olPflthed Si the nteneut Unfit, ,1 Acialix,•s iltdl4, Uscifough .ill daddr• orolocitinn ar the -mat 044 1 tx• seinam of the Dean braidwiewisdeutd, and lie iswe obeyed upon eveny.tbot of -sell within the -boundaries of the Unitafilltatalk. -- , - Beim me May yards; : lams If. Boma. • 1 • •::1 , 4- 1 L BMW . ilpacutp.: „Gpf.l.;.Gratrta Dither: ..17,azeno - annum= last M. _ ig„enat,,the esnital'l DiWalr. au ono of th• itioaPfuldints. of 'llhr Llneds moans I.lLthat 4trigt got lith lost.; and was ballad o p by tit ArOwd.. Uo suds it low rimas aihtsissdo for th. Doha and Ids Isab , a Tam ilottio;ma eleutiltirintitltgas to di titan& Union smiting . In Ooitngton on d i' arming , at *Wei. At. preciAncidge Is allirsrat &Ass was an old Usury 014 ah. litrgig. - -,” BO was'Oen. Grins Minute; but he did go ginti viiiiienr,•and'refaisd to support him, - .la oast las Tots for Bsaananlll2 ,so . and Doug las la len, "dills the "old vraut!voted fur. Bra. own 'and _Una*: But'faibss and son *ill both suiirrt thrazialtloksithts - „ tititir Or ozonised bit opts - ion Of tioneowl-Cluaby4l3ast gas wytwots to ba in oatneot7'itod to be • thoroogb ;soldlor. Ba• 1-elottatokkltst to bo.otamiot lot ho Via Wet Iforegoorottion tau monthof and 'OO bat foozorttmo tcr.taito bit'ploatograOtk .ttkao." _ • • . f L Po . ntn': firsttivi . o dials Oho nit th•Tototriso Jolla - • . sow . bmber veer iir nnoNnto 4 front tlttmstaty Lx , Uti net / . 3 . 4 . -alp _of ; 41147; fig eer p t innte --- " n ' ft. At to true, satiated ' VengnotrfrOto tboPotilltll4 ti•,a/llngli not s ' e t " id till0 B" tan' " titi*st -oily , tottlniVof ; bank the Of Dinh parents, ond , boiptsliftrost -_40%,;4,141,_ 41.- - 1 id: equideg ca t* i a it drfiretond Lao nnzp ir od Mallon p to fato onfioo n l -'' In h aled- a -stia-nt $ rand:W:4ld in f t pcoaoidfdlitrlstolOgentsaiiiiltby intratisat • ."' '. - ' -442-17- ct mislitigaitsti It? '_,-; ": 4, ; i itablititote, oltises, , x c; ,.,„ :.i z. ,,, z ._. . .10.17.7Ti z ,„ -1 ..- _ ,A:::: r4.' , - i ....:,,Ai f :,q4.7%. lit et Am 1 ta.. 7 .1," ' ..,iii..,-'4i"r44111141- - .. • - • 0 ' . at: - 4.**:;•: , .. - -;.;.;;;-:, .*. ~ - ..... , . . ; , :,1 3.411rS r,-,, s • tFategy of Gravure Mow:mows Mr. Wm. Swinton writes to the New York .!. t. : ` • ..,-.. The different mornwinVorefeuireendadicant. •now In Mercian to Virgins , under control of the Ijeleutentint General, reveal t h e out li nes of • Mod et-operative combination to be wrought out in the fell campaign. ',Mob has opened to btilliantly, both In the Valley and on the Jamey river General Grant lately made in • private hdtter a Pawnee t, too hiliaffrierlio;Wallowed te,iiindin a personal poseceelen, to the effect that he Riselgeed making the final record of the army .4 the Potomac the mos: glorious record of the oa r • certainly, 1.1 ample means, handled with t he highest skill in the execution of a plan of es ng boldness, afford any sugary of sue • oass, we have now the assurance that In the fail eicapitljrnt ottherffruirof 41.• Potomac we see thereetite flit width due atm; iineeo long pat.. ;= tied at length achieved." Looking at Richmond as the objective point, public lituentloe will be directed to the opera- Coes high of Sheridan and Greco:; for they hee• iimeted the upset of eloset,Lrelated parte of oes general scheme. , abb army of the Valey, aftaz bolding, der- Ing‘thsi f tummter month-, a purely defensive at ' Divide,* at length took the offensive, attacked diarelialarmeolletWalve AIR Alf 0 1."11444.PPt .1 tl, v. pnekWetterarLibl •Atanmr lorbSttly limn se miles, is ended by driving the enemy eutgl sly out of the Shenandoah Valley. Atter !'loins ghtere and capture made by &widen in ~,.the ter encounters at Oprquen Creek and Fish ''ex's 111 , Early wee left with a force about 10,- i, liffle a tr ego °libelee pushed back to Situates, l'sa on d himself confronted by the puzzling ...pro am oeSeelposer,l4) wiatative, bis.irothP 1 uoikt iemde.W..4lMeixO tq* oiLaVy . 424 qr.; niellii Ititihmond; a pre m fart or embar rassed ; the fact that it a of equal impor , Lena the should be at ea hof theirs direct. ran - :If 4 ehould go toward' lottenille and Clordoorrille, and thence weeds Richmond, •he exploit d Lynchburg; and it la that the pas teaelcu of that poled by du If led ht: detteradax!. ''fire of;be fete of ItiohmonE But, ln ariihdiew • lag oult line to tour that ell- =portant point, be threw Pontiff off ceeentrical from commanim- Sib with the main rebel fo s under Lee. rilla fact telems to have determined him to move Richmond-ward; tor, noteithetending the pati• •eity of. our pr t iormation fr-Sheridan's forces for ',cruelty, vise, all thein mtions go to show I: .i chat E.rij has mite Mr * edit E Letetud to Charlacestille,a and from th no., if followod up, be molt fall back on Lee. ' In alopting thie muse, the rebels were doubt less in pact governed by tie consideration that the summon; Effie:Lidos cl i adi edvanoe by the 'eh co forte to 'Lynchburg, r rather of keeping op the prodigi.dely exteoda line of mord. it *mild have to maintain thole, might Ito reload on to prevent Sheridan's gbtog there. If fhb :atoning on the part of the rebels be sound, we shall donbtleas find Sheri, en advancing Atter Early by the lute line the Latter has adopt.l sa lib live of rebut, "Now, whet will he observed Of the result of the. loi owing out of thu (beige is. that Li will Ptah' him in a most advennageou position, either, for a blow at Lynchburg or for direct co.tperetion with Great in the attack on Rtoh• nab& Charlottesville, it [will be noted, is on the Orange and Llexand.r nadroisi, erhicoh deill afford:him the means inf blipiriog Id:mm.llin any operations on that line ... On she other hand, the balding of e Lynehburg would necessitate the wage:deg of supplis rry either from Harper'. Fe or Gulley Bridge on the lianarrho, se as • be. ow, the latter hoe of ' dommitoicatttme ft. neutrif ris hntideed Ana buy, .and the former nearly Awe hundred miles long. Cleoetal Sheridan would e•be • new eroltiam in . t,be Qiarterineitair's Depa moot If he could keep pp each • line. Ti is ob 'etc. that from soy po i nter the Orange and Alexandria rat triad, iihetier Cheilotterrille, 0 rdonerille' or Orange Court' H oots ,, t4' botbi - 0 • date' to far • greaur 'advantage. Toining now to the work General Great hat ltudie his immediate eye, 0 find him es eau ling One of those sudden ands rot moral wive which be loves to troth and bow der the enemy. Two oar A hive been transfer: . • to the north or le.t 'bank of the Judeirievi i , :tribute gadoelapalut vend front of operations from which "Richmond 'ten be eel curdy !nee-te•. General tAnt has , twice before attempted t• is same operation, but in /mob care has been to ed. The object aimed it in every bieranoe the possession of the -OWL 6 03:1OLOZ 11.4101111 II . 11011 WOO, OD atm isr bank efibe Vends, • - newly opreita Bort Dating, which Ls on the gho bane. la neither Weir. two revions ette ••dme weird we eh le to gate 'thie.celtdon... It hoe r w been woo. Glourai Ord command on Th• edereariled title pail lion with its stone line .1 fortification. Al the same, time 11l • ey'e urps holds the ep pronnti to Richmond by the New Market road, Audit front of bUtterfor • • • d tubas Illehmoud. fro the south, end bill ell mile! Wa distant' n tim abet capital. The eights at Chapin. farm -dint e t tatiii_ shelling d Mons et Fart Darling, end.** may now fairlyok tours thetettibbocil - ertmeient eliminated fro the problem of the tier ' find of Richmond. T• 6 done, the left of the •lintacen be diroW' . il,ChtfilitirslYug; and Richmond railroad, w` • oh will Mit 'off "he 'rebel eupPliet quite cc effect ally as our hold on the TPia-141°V.iret° • ‘ - . ' - ' 7 'Th Whothei, under Wei ellwaidefandu, Set sil l hole Petereborg,is a • emotion of mementoes im - port, width it - will • itedulter7 ref film very mutt to determine. to certainly difficult to Lot Los he-oes 01, de.ovaat4 role" mu.ad: ,ems by- the north et of the James. Ws ire, t therefore, tonally look g for the announetanetit Ofthe o‘l4-flififa.ol OffrliOng• In latterille tog frtm this point L will threw Ulf loreee lit* dad fortifications proper of Richmond, and the seieetof thsteds; add begin. La form. ,_ , VMS Itilihtirittitils yreinforeed•by Buis'. eolumn, will be able resent a stout and stub • .barn resistance teths, diaries of th I Unieu atm may readily jet to ff ee It anti We Xseditertity took for, ilia possibility - o carrying Ilichmbod by a ooli de main. I n Iht , . state el f te, the pubilo mind may eg•in ha pertubid b the wirdatte4rfilolody se sallPs. Bat I look f ne inch rerul.s. Wei mond will be aloud invested. Oka: ...toes on their lines *Di ;ehe lora hold - un the ',bet capital - , out off his surplice, and bring before him tins necessity of eltbselight or eight. If he attempts the °Heusi e, to will be weilialy what the epay hudnule " heart; yllllB,ll' he attempts o wrest, be Wilt fie litinedlf too closely caret.: epAtt to make this onelble ease with sacrifimi that mustxttinlile MY. "iterver Istivvrfoire foie, the. aitutlerr -tuforiltiehmand b 'in the very`hightst degreeleneouraging. .1- Okiid Oat of t. a Einhunorul, hinyitot, (Lem War:C••• . •sthitest icier tOnnfrioi 44 ' Gold, the einew .1 yes. Is entirely out ` of the lticbtitio - 4 . iseaks 4 eisa..obr be twbt In t )itahateset NW , 11 :AO inks... Shirldeti v e , filet e 444 , A:44:40* • ~ talus saisitivernatti high na the tube of them .eter, find the figures showed i f f * slotinspWing,4 monition. of middens* in ,C nisierani-Vaper . Shit ausentit% blow - le se by *Bosnian :soled &further elites . Ant kerilistd owl • • tavinrint to,tne wort h. • tyi dellxte In Te,ter t x•iir.,• - •02 Tistresierrient ,4t ist • wAteitteXthatlb - Wh{l2o4tlng*t inToottrim' are,iirite,bekiree% gisiti mitt Coda derete 'now, • d the former was withairi om matte. le B • sign of collapse tha re t you ti mei look La - eto to fled ini4Pßiahltnitg,genvittit depend • o n its truth. it is told me by one ilia - knows, algal" •his• i,, gfarnettOnol whet aue•penik. In 1 . beldoot Moo traeftrotthl , twoJeet. , if 21riwassit the present, telno is Itiolunond of a Oonfedar : .1010 dot4,otlfoiansitifitigtEdy7Vig-fg the ;It of the engraving end priadog, without ooa &Intl.:00,14;4W OA Is high prloed. • A Terrlfic*l:iiiltirilid:` It }Ley field township, Crawford (ray, on rniflit,ll4o.3osirs a r *r n ari:.4 4 sassreisiothalsions ortdr.AnietWerand r. Wm. Armstrong. The ism ism born be iongins SO Ms. fin7dlS Nat rnisPfi ,from J 4 f Mtn? aka, torn.arto pianos and Sonionts iCtint n t scattered in every direction ever a opus of literal sores. The roof wu lilted from his d Wks], away, and the family u"PanStlAignt rain,failingthecnagh, woke them. The storm apynareAtobnve ser er - I m it tirt= ell i aan i Ttre is. 1 bt Armstrong was the onto l i °l4 " didb to Mr. Ode al lanes.. It IWlirdrimi" lbitriblserkfr issind wilinfritsegiali fi bidtgrct U r.. l o-.,avgerrliose pier linbliiiit;thWilor" . " 4440 6 . 1 . 1 . 1 .( 80 ) 21 " r/r . . linoTnidi Convenboa-Irs • ridefina ;nifty * Yenan . Damoerit "of -11160aillai tun aiolf _ton , Lineoln and dobouson. On the' betrilogon - of. . 1d°01.1412. tod. dctsradnod to . thatmeting of &nen gad &spa pointccont inhibited by the Copperheads on the $ racoption . of•lice bows hens Atlanta and Mobile prompted tikia to_ abandon ',party Wadi bacon ifs bcpos of political mem on diaasted to chi Union analpi. MUT SIVWD Clausal:mg.—Whoa the reboil. catered Weston on thetr late raid they had 4 tolograpkeCratot,witit them. They tetrigraph td Ctiat Virg; Watt Vtrenta, asking what form wet them. The operator at Clartalorig thinklAg lt. Ma GE deg, talactiabad - the truth am tto Irmer.", )32Ltiribervitztl7 impacting tadttalt,Whe pot o tiititi. teleizrsphod., itist • retn-P feroment of.twcrintriteati hidlarit arrived...l ' .• ... - .• . _ Evnwrnwo 6nt,the Union Rd the Otd Hu Ls condo! itS,ini,'". GoldisnOndaLdOnii; woolks coodult.dWOL cqtLon Is sooting down , ooalds cosolngdownsdit golido li en ooming do y gl Ige . Ithowobollion S i coming 'bin' id - % . XOR . • ,/./i . Inn Is down. , , Cll,l , AM) 801AVABAlk List of, cattiiiileir {na~fBi ` a T HestmBi w" i The lollowleg.hottuoStphel ,PPelt at 4 19 cu mattes M the 192 d Posttest, from the 19th to the 224 of September, Inetarlit Jurirzx lic--sziao, Robt. B. Pegs, B. Alex. Somerville, A. Vint= H. Parks, U. Frederick 'Shisaktry, g..... .Corp. Orlando B. Baden, I. John Shannon, I. , Albert Beamlt, L. wovmD. Euwerd Bombe; bit shoulder, severe. Lowid W. Money, B; breast, slight John 0. Plicharid, Si Sober, slid" Heinle Nutter, B; heed. Denial plink, B; arm ' 'slight. Corp. Petrick Girth, Di right thigh, s light; still un duty. Corp:Wm. gureksks, hand and groin, severe, since deed.' W illiem galle I; log, moven. o Immo p Brum, I; throat, revere. vi hts/J.; heed, slight. tott• V top . 11.. fot., alight. W .n. Bun glir tett; 'II; leg, elibta. ' • Jesse rd 0 vievki, li; Labe, severe. Capt.l.l meet D. Hark, 4; 1 9 ,ti shoddaTought,. WC or!Onty. • - Beri4 gongs W. Sandbar), Co L,vighterra,, amps ed. &erg WV ettril 2 Botrami, Co 1., leg, Bever& 1 Corp JerositHunt, Celli, arm, Severe. Jona 8111, F; ankle, slight, on duty. • Cern lint Harting, ettbigh. . Jaect Ellenberger, Or - thigh. FiretiLlent. end A. D. 0 to Hen. Wheaton, It. Jig . Ly en, H left thigh, severs. ; Act. 1 4 .0 . S.Barekley, El; eight thigh, tonere. Corp 4 Jas A dam,Hl thigh, severe; slam dead. Coz.PI Saß. - Tithon, 0; back. Joeielijiiii/A, H; Relent wu bow wounded. Jacob Danb, B; right ann. Jol ,ti oampbelli 0; right thigh. Ede • L Horn, H; leg. New on bilettbsie, li; both thighs; seven; Opts 6.a. Tim p.binspeo,l3; face. John teopb.ugh, Hythigh. catch Bestow, 13; leg, Mete; sines dead. David Hestia, II; not known tit w wounded. 'All Barclay, II; loot, Plight; mill on duty. Ephraim Grote, B, idghtleg, amp:irate& John Removal, Ei 101 l foot, amputated. B lipboyeer, Co B, head and toe, severe Daniel Bhutto, Co E, right left breast. slight. B 1:31;t10.21. Co E, band, sevoro. William Shield., Co B, leftliend, slight, still op dot;. N Dotty, Co B, left foot, severe. Cot li William B Sands, Co B, fees, sligiv, still on duty. Corp - William Book, Co V, leis eye, alight, still on duty. William Whitely, Co F, bend. William Anderson, Co leiso Albert Lubeck, Co L, In leg, acepltetra. Jame* Al'Cionatieh. co L, in hip. Sett 'William P Brown, CO id, In both legs, revere. Coil Lends Ross, Co ?d, to ter, severe. Peril Helsel, Co M. m leg. •iight. Solomon Baia, Co ti, to head, kght. hams.' Donnas, Co K, to arm. =won. Joifiph Apt, Co B, intssied attar 6 .st charge. Corp Joseph B Jones, Co K, do. Corp Hobert fi Bsithion,alK, de. vat:mean, SliSts 11. u. lea. IL Coteau'', In foot, allghtly—etlll to ileiy• Lttobt. B. low,. actin atant, to g ulj t feet, 00l or - 800 Hon, Co- A, not known boy woundad. Browa,Co. B, to bowels, severe.—Blase died., La Borst. A. Elniang, Co. Jura, 'tight. Daniel dhol•s, 00. H , to thigh. Sorg J es. Doirasiser, C o. o,ln free, severely. Wm, A. Smith, Co. 11, in log, alight. dint. Henry Wee:amok, Co. I, alight. .1101111000. earl. 22n. Jobe Drown, Co. D,. la both thighs. Daniel Mush, Co. D, in right arm. Ciare, Co. B, in shoulder. J. ;Wood, Co. F r in brosst. John KcCalloogb, Ca. B, b 7 explosion o esiesem Beery Gartler, Co. I, le bowels, severe. Wta Buzigotten. Co. K, in hood. • mutts°. Jeliieph Shasta, Co. A. I', ice from Cherieston—P'elrlotle Appeal. Wt bans just been placed in pouenion of a FM te letter, written by Capt. M—, of the BO thiPennoylvailis Regiment, and dated ',Con * doptio, States Military Prison, Charleston, 8. C.b)s.u.stber. na, Huta" Capt. hi--.llse bees a pilacner alum Pobraaff Ina.. slid dicillt LIM time bobseentramd ell the privations incident tr,,n coob ono piton life, yet his loyalty I. timbals eu—ho is sot Iliad of 1... a. ww--dou IDA% vre cculc. kt * 'ffailayei--and does not, lke she co Isesable Coppertteada In our midst., almie the AM:minimum-len and whine about • Oeteatiell of . I...elides. Hear Ma plead all eons of his . . anttry i . - I would gives whet the goversneent owes, me forth, peddles* of trotting this fait, but feu, I viii to Onehlingel before the eleetitini Rey to my friends who are voters, and I ircuid say. 1 Itestiy itettuest may- loyal man who. aleakite to see, this wicked ['hellion pat down, the war brolight to et' elle, and itos,honet and dignity of ear i t orrinteentienetainad., to vote for pm:Oasis Lin oln. Rad I tat thousand YOU*, I, would cab s ham far him,'althougli limy' area receliv cd favor from bite tor del etpion any from his seri vistralloo. , I w-vJd tote furtiffi beasei• it oda do more to &soonest* or.? *nen:ilea In the A 13, don gaining • humored viaterles. I lure hal ao opt ortunity of jodging from the fabling oienitested and , lba sentiments 'sprawl by di* Inside the rebellion, among whom I' .ate bop compolied to mingle for to tong a time, and they freely adudethat Ogre is no hope, norms. poet of gaining their independent" (destroying Um( Union) if dhe 11310Oln is "gain ohoesn Pres ident, end their allies, the peace party North, can aid thorn more now, torwavd the accomplish. a.oof ads objoot thou their army in the field. Stand fl to in the cause of the'Vrilonstand color the Goverment, no matter who adminis ter, it, go the object Is the 011illOtt pros/motion of the war 41)lit e.,101 fobs! IS druslAd or mate re lent with a faithful allegiance to the Union our foam eotablished, nod ',ldols never can be di• tided, for God hos not emoted s spot when • ',speciale lino of division can be possibly a drools 21... , Allegheny Mara Of Control. 'The re ram , monthly meeting of the Allegh•- ay Beard of Control Ma/ held lad owantrig--Dr. It owe in the chair. . The nominatimanf trenchersfor the 'Third _Wind confirm ed ; at lted Wat'snbnaitted and confirm, follows: Ve1,c1051..H.,8. Hoff; Assistant Principal, Ica. .. hskiona,.„ ,d.,,, 05ti,.,..„, rltehelleeln. M. Wakeham.. Ellen Bloch . Elise .Black, ~,A cie 11. Frazier, With:. Hanks, tdarthi rsrley, rib: Bente/0C Hershfield, Georg O. Matter, 4 net* latronetOileri Itetterltdre• Mary tett --zo .1, , r l l O a Soland, r ,leaniiitte 11, lOolury.! !The:.asame: of:Vesa. B. ',l4}liagioft; .foliited Plidelpal,b, :ther,PlislAterd,,ilass of Mr. filtbril,Pr.Ffilleedj, eras Frrpselland.,con.. A Mild,. -. t ' ' ' -• ''''''"'' ' Tbeliattiiriirp oollt O i 41-llilliarOZiAlfto e, thiIi•TWPOSII %drib, rrenelless isd.Virad Vot -1 nun yea Welyfiamtneltoretlf Mar Tinsenner's • '10 1 4.04 84 1 _.,_fart# l s 24 . lh , -. ._,,,__' .. 3 ..... ' ' . • ' • ro.amenreleo_smeesressisAlltecoor • '., .i :... Msweernrowne rink. :, ~, • , . lir, _ ........ . .. 91 - Bend- son,'lloorth f!FP Jamal NU kr, ?mond ward 4 4 47 , 111.4101W416% .w 04.-•••••••••• ft; 4141100,..0inWar . .7. 0.10111.0 . , Ird t 0.3 cp 00 Con Etty per 304 A. 0 AltaAndyr. 102 00 .411":110'00.11 , 10 .4 ...... * 000...p0n.0. 0 m• • 11=!!!!!=1 1 Peascothtdaidt.....*....—.,4'... , - 40;63 bfr,,4lsglo reinisked est . - thy:missing of ex. einetitto,VlSl*7 lasgs. and °led&46'oW+ law Latliprising tbii rune. Committee to toki etremelaros et they may dam mmailest to erare-thweadleetinnet-taa_ taxa daaandasted. msoresstione. . Tim natation mai ad9ptsd. lomtoSesioafroseselas Tosahars' Inititute ask in the Bear& faglow - Ito Teaotararto attend Or stialtlng I:4l'f the AP i the Zona? glviay lutttuta wu tainatatten In Ilan or weir umeetig o Trafalgar!, end et motto's refused to the Oom 'miSteo on inotitelm. , • , ,rdeves , Two vont Gomm stria, awned klar7 Got_ man aild!Ahaa Weal, leer ;ormtoi tooio, oriboard the steamer aides, at the Moe onalaela wharf, br officers V7llllson a r ia Co!, fcr stealing Iftratabt daAail lona a; ladted y .allegheuy atty... reWa7 _wet patemtt ' about two-leech. age;..stace,whteh-tiesathe have toads a ttlp ttilOinehestati sblok• " 41 were about leavialt ht 4400, Tiloll th. , Wet. Wrieoteit'-:::lbi4.-iiirsayrhavra the ei then, sod aide that thoy.espooti;tiotlg a r i at Pike% Open flaunt,* sontstaboahketa 'ea- •. erheveabforeeald eeterasta, the atotre/o end ._ tours It. Tbotrtholittfior Wrifios t bo,valsr, e woo 'app.,' in therbetr, etkarthaAavr laooteat of ,titsii , lag,r4te,„ w ig ; ommit rpm the ; owe of' Befogs. POLISAIRIP Poorroren.—anetegantpoltwat to bars neon .boon raised In the Meth' ward.,*l errontnebni infOrtanstok*. btoko la the Watt ape anapegtd a pontoutontont for • day or two. A .u rge crowd was to atttostlsnad;,onlthity...te 047 &ursine by ciftlyipa ;were II my WO *lOl6 z g l .Tspou!-,:_.,p-T i l.:-...ci.NETT..... IRO Tilii-POTOW-laM. The, Cavah7 Fight on:Sattlitlify:, DELPIRLTE REBEL 411..4E8ER- lIEKILSBN , lha Fight for the South Side Railroad. New 'I 0111., Oot. 6.—The ent with the left of the anay . o , S the:Pot9 l 7med• mg of thecavalry light on fisturday 'the rob es. were la by Gen. Wseltilampton. end Gans. Butler, W. 11. Leg, Doering and Yosugg,..wagn with n brfjale. Thsylkikritribitaxio en WY , viev.ay. They ntaeaded.id dotting Ott) siva fora, widening committied by tlen.Davir,ftoto two Ithet 000.1 slislit.catettellesalid dl 2 reeiheen she o,r7e, brigades sonde a dasiletrilgs - ate tempt to ‘. glesigs.tte honk athletic . foree,poalitidi of the let New Arley, 2tissnobt,osts 6.11 Ohio, .o th gait Yo tkk tk, and a bawls's) Of. storist •Pownrylvanis, with fine - gong. The light _wan tialMi end again the rotas ehargsd up to within • few feet of the back with dszsed ly &soden of bullets. They then attempted a flook movement, and atilt, note time, ehattligtitti breastworks, lath they mets_seocithe_%"lthat thefinteglad to gown. Their loss InsileliFf. La soon as it was disooverad that the enemy vete felling baok t oar <limbed their breast works, hod with a thew, charged the flying re: bell. Our lota was slight. • aw Yon. Oat. I.—The ilerokr. City Point coneepodent *aye that to the light for the Booth Side It til toad about two thonsan i d i rrison•rg fell into the hands of thy rebels, belon ng prin cipally to th e blot New York. hat eas• L eth Pe., end 7th I. but both the Picts. and W0..-fd specials bum the seam' of iietion ptu the num ber at only a few hundred. T IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG. The I.a'e Battle Field Ofia DUD f,DisIITBD LAD RIVTIIITED. Rebel Battery Lesadted and Oa ptnred. RIX HUMID PRISONERS RETAKEN. IIIADQU•11.111 AIM , Of Ootobor 4, T 0 POTMMACI, - 11 Inits. Th• utmost gullet has preral'• I In front of Pe tent:frog since Sande,. In gulag OTET the laie bottle field, we found oar deed entirely stripped of tbelx clothing.. and some horribly mutilated, al tuvins 'WOO murdered after befog ,sanded. Poorness hdonsoz, Oct, 4.—A 20851130 f from Paint of Punks, states that Oen. Terry aseattited as a oaptureka rebel battery on the Few Market Pond; when, not stead. flaw Toes., Out. 4.—Tbe corresponds:der the Bening tale: It le raported that OUT 0•••117 took 600 of the prizonors eeptared by the rebels. in the debiting cur Popler Tree Church. AFFAIRS IN THE VALLEY. Gcn. Bbvidan's leantry at Ilarrisonburg THE CAVALRY EAST OF THE BLUE RIDGE Vit TORY Al WWI ?TREAD GAP Frelabia Cheese of Sheridan's Rase of Supplies. Ern Tear., Ont. 5 —The .postal dab-d Martinsburg, Oat. 4, magi : Tim latest intalltgatioe from o.u. Bitirlidau h tigi to Saturday. At MIAS time his turautrg ..r. .1111 at Barri.° n bu.g, wbru his cavalry .•r• test if lb* BM. 6Uda renonnoltrring In the Ictuity of Cher The rebel report of the disaster to anr cavalry tsl.lthoed Gap, la untrue. - fettered of moat. log 111,h a lepulloa we gained a alatory, eaptered ebt ut one huodred view:were sad drove the rob • •h through the Gap, wht3h they had 'oftlea d. ,ok ash end Brown't gaps have been strongly !clad ly the reboloandaine defended by • eon. i•Tc.i. 'Vat positht Ettl-,Ve sc etthiMit onr • idet, sad It is brohaele that the sent Info we got from She ridan will come via /ohm f3s,pply trades motions to go to the front, end tharn to • direct baron that itarttrol)mrg and iderin's Sorry are t abandoned am • base of olpphol. LATER FROM EUROPE Nit shin in English Commersitil FAILIDIBiI =TIMING Disturbances at Turin gs w Yosa,Oct. 4, p. m.—The steonoblp China, (ram Licari out 24th. and Qaeenstewn 25 h, nr • rived to-nimba Several English journas me imiely escrow. Or urge Angtuolus Sidle norrem• poll deuce to the Thee.. goat deposition wittinoed to English eons moswiti clothe, and much dia rust, owing mainly -to :the hear y testes in .0.100. A number of failures bilyn already occurred. Ibe Its Toto eonVestrion, for the evacuation of Rom. by the Frencb,ti eoctirme 4 ,amd hostile de acon ttttt iota *hale took pleas at Tartu. On It,. toe Ling of the 22d, the military tired on • mob, !!!sing twenty-live; tranquility resulted the nal t day, spa Ja, thooght shit they would s not he srain•distenhad. ' born at Bare. ham faded. Theis llobilitive MO estimated at £400,000. be !allure of the Leeds Bank in England, is a sad affair; It brought down newsroom Arms with lt, and monmor• LL Court of querter Sessions. JWPDIIISDAT. Dotb.—Bofors Jodie: &mitt .4d Stows. iHin. Haley was corgattelof ousel sad bid. 'terry, and eanten'Oed Lo pal ai Aldit'of Pt and e4" l * 1 :Patriot Cunningham was oequithsd of • °imp a surety, and the prosecutor, (harp noised, p dosed to pay sesta. Wm. Ahouandor MO -convicted .0f hoboes . 9 ?.. His pole. , on 'ditli of WiLeeißilibil;s ll tt i/Va' 'dosed to give bonds to POO to hoeS thl Polo*. ,- Win. Catopb , l l , charged with surety on oath of roneinda .d.lizondes, was gill:trod to give bonds In I iiiirrLyneh.aad Jails:Lynch 1111113-iiirsigned oP .. etivimoilittun mid tottery pritured by Idaetaihry. "Vordiat;'zief guilty, itild prost Otr.or and defendsats each to pay one half of tits goats. 1 Mazy Stainbough, charged *Mt map ; and . - rdun en oa th of Elizabeth Roth, was. *Spill. , and the costs divided between the pages., John illusion plead guilty to a charge of it rdeklilloof ooPIPIS. Vsd to sentasoed to pay gym Oi 00intorati,.`iiiit ltidefge siifotPr W " of stithaf dap la 4tet aitusti jau. tGOI : The tf7 pile Street stabbing Carte Pettey Leonora having dotard be Pigg ott eke O'Brien for stabbing-him on Eionday even g, his molter; Ana. Lemur& lippeared before the Mayor today and made information spiral ',o'lltien for ..unit and battery with Intent to 'kilt. A warrant was 11m:tad for bit arrest. O'Brien was the recipient of &severe dogging ilsat night. Sometime eines a moldier 01121116 j Brownlee Zevier, entered' his bowie, when .be was ejected for drinking a tout to Presid•O Lin,olti. Lest craning 7...uier celled again in 'rotor any with 40Me friends'and meeting O'Brien, knocked him down and tnjor.d him severely. • O'Brien made an information Ott mornleg ',alpha% %Marfa?' asaanitimid Utted;. lll ° ha wY arrested and held to beilin $5OO for bin ay : reisizoo Y Cont. MICIFTIIIS AT POI Ent,-4 large-and isessd laxly spirited meeting was held at Pine Me,: Jifferion township, an Tuesday evening. John' , J Diana; 11,q pl•l2oaallefttld bylosta Large Jan O. Pasha, slid 13anire Knight as Vies Presidents. Gen. J. H. Illoarbead.Bay. T. N. g a pe" . and Jolla V. Osseo, }Pg., delivered a4I• dresses. 'Rita apttaat" true Mined *Mt, ales* attaatios, and It Is that aavii.ll' to?' ttutt edirollatertfwbe - tatta godvottn i tat-Itablat. im oadarpol,. attatchitatiat th4clittizthmlotitmqt 4103"40114,1201-1knid f9pon tamositt iliwrrse Odder Tempers:P.—A ecowttiqr `iteeetteg wartieblia - the retwol,at Sr ITeesday was,prealied era br,Dt. tonrarrly DezisEeirad: Addresies were ,delivered by J. 19, P. Mate arid /ARIL Kirk ;,,vearicli, Begsend the patriotism of OW indi um was deity lairred. ealiool-bestste was so packed a nd jammed eurd meal bad to remain eateLde. TL4 was sew ef the finest meetings -tier bald ixt "old Moon." • D1301.91.1.LT CIMIDTCfe—Adam Sudsier, Jahn - Aldridge and lotus Carlin .wars arrested bat aight far acting escadarly.in ISlLViietaloan, is Widen' most, Allegheny. ?hay had • bear- Mg this morning, baton WI Mayor and Were lined owe 0111=1,14d caste. Valaahn• Krase was axed 'dolUita la 4pi4r, offenok.:ol ' oath of Thomas Illahardson. Tin POTATO pear or OZAIITOSSI 0017/TT.--The thawford Jet..lei sage ")rose what wi eiD ithri, the peat° &op bf Aldo eentty tt otading .on Itholy, and viii tepthe bageetevta honer* In • sift region. A few weeks ago tt AU leered the wcald be a failure, bat tt to new apparent bet the 'told will be enormous." A Betz in tba nitration. of Body.* k Bros', Oxford, Chatter county, , was blown open 6. bete, • few night, shoe, and robbid of $46 -h po, and $3.000 tit roll road bonds. A bolo woo bored in the lockortdch wu filled with „pander. The rosuiva docir was completely blown from ita bingos. ' Sonanors —There are twenty mine In Cheater county bully engaged In the manufacture of rergaim, at a east of meaty-live and thirty etc. per gallon. dime attention to the advertlastaent of the Oki City and Plttebargh 011 Company, to b• ,fiend 10 soother eolomn. ri-turea. .ffaszt, lye. a BARB, BOLII AGENTS OW TIM Bradbury di Sohomacker di Oo.'a OSIANBRATSD PILNOS, ISMITI3I C 0.131 Amer4ean Organs and .Ideledeona, 80. ii BU3SIILL'S BLOM, BT. GLAX Bx. W. tabs plow.. irk ortartllikt to • frog at throw lob. Imo partmed Urea, Instrkuntata 1. Pttiatergt owl iltiaktsl Biebort pad, /sq.. Jobs, Qtrlna, DN.. Csipt. Ooshrab, LL B = Do Well. 61,1kD0 00-. J. r . anub, W. Bruton. Ds. 0. itlaokban., 0. U Dor% mA 13. tl,tkrt ii•Nrollar, D. D. Beek; Dr. D. IL arrrtotter, trrri. J. D rorkllo, P. Dtreotroos at Ylorksol's Lorikkory, Torroptoors, P. les liersalaxkl, Zags Llbarg. Dsp. .1. B. Convoky, Blrsobribus. Bor. U. Elokrtios, Dootokbry. Graham Delabo=altonskrbrollbr. V . Berll, F. 0..1TA.L15.p..4, 0. Itsuium 01.., 100., 11106.ary 007. W.J. Dor, T e r, kL7l.r. Erg.. tio. Dr. J. H. Itallatock. L..t LOP•altr. John OloCbrity. GO. DU Pte.., Cl eto , srabreard for en yottb. U. th.t.01tr0..4.1k••• Value for We lord rent piAN 0, NEARLY NEW, ir kw' aims asset. ' I 110 TOR ROSEWOOD CIUVOR Sal MO PIANO, e‘.o canvas.l abahow• nsaaldlog on csao. Uwart boo enrol UM. Ib ea See annnt.e, and Oulu foal so saw b. .5057 ranibent—s. Bens.. bad or owned ra Ws L. Tba p••••• 1 Swann Wee I. SAL Will bo bald al•granat Induction. CHAS C. MELLOR, 26 tIy.LODEoNS. o 9 Cabbala argams 4 2M•ad-Avd Bl4l4deons. AT IEsA Mitt TAOTIpiI ',JUG= CHAS. C. HELLOH. H9 ,Ft&AN, EtoENE & our., 114 1 VLYVU WTHXIE7, w 1 DECKER'S PIANOS. • Nam= fa ...wow, • K. SP.'S PIANOS.— LI al S 3 DBu'll. PI•1400 aplortia.lat of thine ttc.10.1 4 . 1 Mina b•II I. odd • irsdoctioe ot.tnno mn la.evients ars dollar. Is • tbau Gator: pion. amr& 1 , 4 td •••1. of Moo. Tessliconlals of eaCial•la• hole TI sitrerg. et.rockosch acd Pasta. Alma. Crum nma• lM t.ttr. -,4eltwu" aZi •13.4511.101111 01...1•01,1,13 !VA stemi. N sirsDIAX, Dia /83 12.419 la E!!!EM2ZE: aao•raocq GA land • Mao wartotaall Ewa : PIANOS, rtoraosa, OtrlT &as, LOCOILDROMI VISRICtd. "Ida WO_ ..411.11 Imt Om. zit caidiArr TAIILOIIB. _ GCE MU% FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. Node la Ma nom IMESIOIII IS L I em L.AlrEftrr 11341-L.WI3. scold do won to cal WI IL G. PILE & co., mon' intim, clowns cm IMSIEI AND caricaszaurt. Datore parubsdandam:aff.. BIESZLL'EI BLvOli. W. H. I!ifoGEE. COL= STREET wows dill tloitttzaint fit Itsropt. to bloDitooirr omit. Is W boa milmtal peg omit, awl ma; &his •if th•Otilioslio ords,to bit Om* ta Ana ata+ maw. swat. pia tau of oam 111 loam alaY , aapt massoir oar, pods p• 14.. Alm. • tail and magpie+ do* al rtenstedhiriEloods: w.B.lo4 23 . ll WhaWroP l o • acao FegBIONABL‘p &Bo Elitiß ABLE GOODS POE MPS & 1041111,01ATHIRG. =Arm Ito ortinfaz. IN mum WhiS Aid tint/ , R. B. NORRIS, insaaerr TAIL 79 FEDERAL. BTP.ERT AlkirhanY P 31038 SEM:10101 1 TO 11 . 11 q. TES TbITA t, We are now' Selling at itetnett. Prfoes cam Luz 'nom ar aT-10rEEETINT C2l-) Sn 'torltoor, stiles ot F Tanbul sal tb ' llirpsorldel b itomplee ~ R~;jifoi'd~a: i .'...3 - ,y - 21miSyst. - " ' • .ix . ~.. . - - • - ' 10111 1 1 sit.4.to. 1 t irot.i.ithaft rum whimmisim., _ .... 111 a, is% oasts Pia lila MGM e ririrslnaptes., I --- ------- ------- , - —,-------'--'---------' ..,. . iurisril - A.DAr Nat r. 1 11001M09,11,14--arm_alzam_._ooo. r,„,..„,,,„,„„:„ ..),......, ~... ,„,,--,.......... .. ECIII *Mat . — LW -:'-- f "1, - - - N1... • Vi L'l ,-6 , :?::". , ,i n irtF•' l, :i ''4;, %., i r ( -14 i.; '..c.: 4, 5 J1 , 11 • - - - , itr--...„....„--y-,.. ~ ...:„.,‘,,..,....„.,......, .:,_. .., • - .. .. _ , TB. czoraz. WE:C±fl7l3. sT .WHOJ;oo.hve 'AT 1170VANIca, Val/WED. „6 PEEPED CLOTH PIANO TLELB MID STAND ..COVE333, O CROSS UST ElDAurourirf,oo ollll3 S . - 061.12 BOILDEILLD &ND PAXITITO WINDOW SHADES. s.ff, ems, @mini and Yam 021a+. m WOW JIIIIDS PAMIN 1' WIVPOR BHAD VIETUR,EI9 L_lOrL LLIII 11T BRASS 510 BUM MADE ?IltianClS. avo Plans 61:1 WWI /*grills Dar Poe" lista •A yt=wortment gouda In the CLISPIT UN) T rerir Low Prices. IIaYARIAND, COLLINS 0 CO.,' Chema ?roe front ltadtag, vise drat tiltottofflas. lIRTH STE.EE AT LESS THAN COST. fzeKoa• b reeelodag es. FALL STOCK tell al gal's on heed, (plateaued a.•ge the late .mean.) et tl.lst oll alir I. than -- • • 111AUFiCTERE1 1 8' PRICES, AT M'CA L 17 M'fi 0 A;RPET STOR Mo. 87 tOtIITTTI MOWS. i.nre V 411.41.ArCM 1829; FRANKLIN FIRE MEW COMPANY cuestica PHILADELPHI A Vat. aa Juana 1.1a61. 81,467,W1 Gi:IL o 0r411.43 1.02.1:bent , . lop• deft ftsda N. Ilauselcar. Te4ll. Samoa Orsz .. J.cob H. a Os. W. Maur* WI ILL= NtitiILANUII, EN ME AND LAND 111 WOOD erarrr. Insurance Clo.of prth Hartford Virs Inottranoa Coatimay, Irl WOOD scat= OirrrcUoti. ow be osewszed to the !Sao waned owl nastas amapardes. pexort,Es INt3Q . Office, ILE corner FIRS AND • W. Mina. Jaw Watt. Mm. B. MIN Jonn L Pak*, Ihn. Via tuts. U. .101 • aiITIZENB INSURANOB COMP Y 07 eriTsßololl. Offiasy , raw. nub' aid Wow lama, roma Ibm WIL nack&Laz, Prodi.d. e1)11331142.24 lor-ree Bteetabesta , soatoet lon end &tame bk the awrigratoe of the &Action. sad of Weide th = Him; Lam and Sarni. mod the ruketgatlon e Pam Inituree eiratost Iwo awl &Wilt* torear.ose. Wm. nelPtk7l Jm. Part. Jr 13. T. kos, Ilerbeagh, Item J. 004=14 Jr tem. I ° Tha••• Jolue Dchnel, Barrio Prerhne. Wm. L. iladz aoo Wag. ------1 A ILLIOOIS.NY 11031:1 1 ANCA 0 PANT IR — PITTSBURG I;-01:.0. 1 1 4:1 .M h eAt.w. Bulk Mok. I • . • lAumAto wins i 141 - kinds of IT, AlArthe Wis. M AIO YONT Avoidest, Joan D. ti. ay. vi...1N:.ed.0. D. IL EOM 5.....7. MUM= .1 uhi D , 1 I °Oar 11. CissiA AdsAn Jambs, B. B. fltuilng. • " OW. Win. DMA, . 11.1.. IffoOryr a.m. a. cwt.. Isak. Jews. 0. Wool, flarraretdDA 0.14 aO. Jobtklrwin.P. b. LArgaseavA; WEHTI{RN nisoßANoil, oontn, v 6L 0711118H1111Q8 Ek**6lll. T. vt. &WM, fiss*/*// ' more , gs ware grmsospias *Wit Vaimboviss Asks. Msbutei. /Ftl lore asrloi kimds is Mrs .allifertma il"shus, tzt==", 1/1 smaimm" sod....4.4loindiss. Is • issiosslss 4Mskim.. Isklak efrisp Yr Mil pm/sOM, a.» .a. Lars Is iss wiSamk. wacoves Ackley, ipso' Xcials ' 11.1maller VDUs TWhaldel flotsam 'DIM KANO. • itudOle. ill = 1 1 1 : 1 =; c§2.tua6johethm4, -,.1431"t2L=. - _oB,oonh 'nos nioulta: 10 8 riv& lyor taaunkiiia 01; olkiare4.; sr4 '1" 1111110161 111 1 L mr..k , Amitoniors.awarim Lad v. S. autism sotanzuv aura 4cracre. 366213.8 aw WaoxedoilaaThrs odbxßed to tram CM Mir en F i er r, 11.14 &tam. umnutrz, , ATTOWIET.A I 4. IO r. , Ante& Duties marteratteafte •cesos,staxerousiu ern= was Ircigz b.rgh. NaMABTER & CIAZtANI3 'OlO-Y a LOGLL A -41,,,,ctorzotrom n ane lasing snuact, lIIMPICITA 74 iakan —.211,030 "OW t 5.410 PoLica. as Elbeol twma Lase Edward O. Dal*. Alfred Irtdst. w. 1!1.,. .Basaera, Prosidind. Dal.% VSs ezdtdo33.. W00d13113, and =trod:3. ruiLLDsLratl W. P. JONI* Apiary. ample" 11.13/I.lsis, eitsall. us 00117:53710 Wood b Fifth I: : LESTIIidNCIEL t m* D. Vowro dot. JOilkl Zu MOM.. Burial P. Phstroc. 06.10.11. Loa" 0. a. L ' Chubb Ustr3, Pito WATT. ra. "now& L L 1111711114 APIA. royetlotrept, Doxia'S Salklo , 4 , ,aiweioNlgra• uat.N"Y ovirlCl36 No. 08 CT -8118 BWBZIBI.. e#10.17 ogt Filitapt, ATromarr4T4aw. 11u 4 ) , 6•'. • Citos tar, Vii. YlO 3 O OWN , ,to.olgonmetyiem.3sw.L• , • pais _ :SCi U2 t is- YEA ' — At t tor lass . taw: Ofts. 86, WOO etzte as DEM'TIBTAtIi: r ~.-'.. v'i~.V) 80041,14‘ 41Littrall, 4Vc. NICW S°ClUt DOWN IN TENNESSEE. Shia naW vutnms, by the author ed ^ foam; the Phu.," la wthnurall sod cm hw dile to mad. as last SA clao onlizi pour is for tt hla cramm ed MD of Mayo-111, moat tuna rtaht tar sTortose nma fu paluta *nark agluu7 or gollttooli WO. Lo big ea thoracshu attach.! sad atourtdna to Incidant sad !dory wh Ito author*. nal* hooka lima, V W. • • V IC TOL.RE A nog , ...ff. Apron. and trull—irtn to mike • kit. lamo, elotb, tinted moo. $1 736 • QUEST.. A no. sod prouder/ 'Athol lr derreloSed t tAIS . 'awn:3mA Valk Of Seska. cloth, tliatedpOot. Sr. , THE "LIIT OF CIOBVEIISLTION, 'tg : per, sri n 12=, diabanlocr and Buster. • •triesnd tacobee... tope Maori 4:4 tbe sane cane" el Lta.. tiro .famom coand.riu smirou. , Pir tUt../ trams the wades sann at tba prints /canals, ecs Vaptata Beams. d calosrs. two Tata: to. vas. non cloth. emlb•ly my wart, fy thostithor of "Onion Idnuk- SW. Su 111 . 4157 lfmo. olah. JOHN GUILDERSTRING'S SIN, Irian sod pt. touts Lore &WM In the Jono Ayto ma% Moo, cloth, date& oorz. 60. Darkness and Daylight. Krt. eolaties' acne. ISzus, cloth. $1 CO. TALXII 1110 . II THE OPLEULIO, The plots of all the cpetas, l the esp.' of dories. limo, cloth, 60. 1011E/LLB BY HENRY MINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST GOOD ASV USEFUL BOOKS. EARLY WOOF, by the orator of the &boob.' Oot.to SHE. -ORUEBILEIG 00Trk FAMILY. 00VILif 02oitrcs, WVIII 13.1BEffidErr &YID AM lief 18011LOW • fl POZZS. E3OOO AWES, by Tozukyant. 181/A.VI, by nIC ?mon, d+ ZA LTUIrS PONIII, DokrotEdtton to Teflon'. BOOS. pi' 001SKOLI FILLI)La Of EILIKST. T4.1/IAI4 OHU.BOII. INNALI3 01 TErlir ABUT - -Of VIZ ovicans- LA.YD. By as DOIIIIIIIL 9/ NITLTRIE Ltlrl Ity Alga. 1.141111. L OS ellaryercums—wboLsodr atd ta• tall.frcreiatibatroaso oemts. • • • 11131AY-1.• inoitralioty of Blodlay sod ss.. ' tk. Ifif)oE.6-..-k Ivry dorm snooty sloron o b•na. Pain YORILI . II aLBUISS--.171.010gat0 sod retail. from b 0 coat. to IFS 00 • 0LL11.11041..Ab,0 atutoOL 1300X.5. SHE ASTMS BOW Join Pablislord• IttiLD, yxo ToodVs et...001t door*' Ira. Oar Book.. SCHOOL . H9O WILLI 8111143. P 1.19 4, IMO, ZUNI:LOPES B41!1.1 ? OOPT ?00E4 comix. OsiTo34, Srgetter •11. a all Wad. of fetocl. Baplattea far dap at war pt., by , - 01 , 4 41 C r, 8 00 BOMB •O TUB TII4tES. See 11500051 1 . 211V20 al= seam. of 1240---11 00 21,411112222 a 11565n1 Dem 204•57.-.---- 1 00 1. T240.4245 - .11..a re 55022,47 25 4255242.- -L.--- 501 Vs. 11545-20151......... 1 40 Teo 110.45,1121,6 1156 In-Donot 2 VI T 6 5, 05222:2212430052151542510.5-. VC° The 2.2242,2501 . 101 1 1 1122 E-....... ...-----... , 25 Welvtar 1154,31•26 , 1 s 0510tratell 4552105 , --....- 60 Oca,lloo Bensllo 24 11521,221pat10a 1 13 yaw et 015207 sod 11:255214421:a.- 1 13 102 , 045. 2 L4t0=20.4110052.1,60 Mb 0,445556021,0101,Cia. 0.25211.......-............-. „ 1 62 01111,00 . 4 Lth• sad 05mpa 452 04 Om. 12220211.0.•••1 66 ••53 , XiT A 00..65 14204 0500.' Baurms• D 11134. 6A.VINGS INSTITUTION, Na tom notkea uo 1111Ct111/lELD bi 8785:14=e1hl the Otte. r urtzted the 017/01:BS: Failed—ALSO. 13. JOIZZEI. 1 A JagWu irlodal, ' AU. Bratl.lrf, 41.• Sariadaa. . B. 11,Bartastaa, • Mi. EL EinaLM. SW* D. Moder, Trwacb Sears; Job ll'. !amino, Tbqn. 8. 11141 r. Ilsorl Waldo 1 Judi P v t . sr.. I. MOD . atom% E.D. Ikatraa. D. 1.4 LW& B. IL Mad% ' W. A. Dad, : Ur J. o.matud, a; .INADasde, W. IL MAN, A. B.Dell. 0. EV .D. S. Maid.% ka. Dadaily •S. a: 4vier, U. a r.ia.... Wu.. Illalth. J.M. flornsa, Idab Baakeelh, J. IA; wadara. B. Jr. Joom, A/Ird Ilia. D. a-Schmertz, IC. B. Wolff, . flangan/ d Thangra—D. IL nrEIBLET. app • from f 6. tn. to fp. m. Also, BeturdAy Ms. ft= 0 to 6 o'clock. Deprive received of cams Also and upwards.. Dividends ,declated ba December sad Jane a each Ditidends arkrered to remain .re pissed to the credit of the ow pet tolgol, and boar interest, than oom Books containing 117 barter; ByAletwa do.; feratated at the &kn. vrTht. trusitntio.t to moo m oots wham eacnirkp ere mall. the opportunity te soca entdate, by 'meal dewing, easily send. a gam which reeatirce, will when needed, their money not only be • . fag bat Jmuing IntotagOnxterd of resuiniss esA= 0LL.131 SAVINGS BANK. NO. $4 D aussIEEKID ta 11181 - , Ores days • WI o'clock. olsoot tredosedat ad . Betootsl etwerki* boo Itay let to flares:atm Ist,bmi I to 9 0 dock, Mita frilli Ihnotaber Li to Nay lot tram, DOM , roodrod id Oa somacithes than Otto Pal-, tar, and' Itetatot at the petits deolared tot= to Jul mod' December. gitsrest , hat boor is Jose tot Doh:sober, stoorthh4tatlt' mess k=. 01 the poke Attar terit.• yoes. Itttoon; U s esot draws oat, to towed to the 'etottt ot Ito prtnotpol, sot beiz,tho toe* tamest ems int Isys dm sat . Dootabeor ton/g toss snot without =altos . the akinottas esti. et ens ooLresest kb =boa.: hte4.a.,..,T.,, ottl Deets, cos=Oh efh IZip.LBSIS soil . . 4oi sall 1--mtoto. axasailt. 4 1 , ' , 6 , :=.l=64NN'7 ' irr i Nk l.l t A ..1//lEilattllligi. - `,;-, UMW NL t ns .....rm e IhM4 ,lo h .., , ~ . imit i rl j , IL - Bottahh: '?.. ONlTlDAdixedlila abblt,___Ya . „ ll4l3 M: •%. •"q tit c. 7. Sohn nt ....adt. =J. OWeiPlor - Vektva DMA, !!!‘k!", ' 1119 Wltire eavrEs. IiVIBUSLER. 411 s, WILSON IiThOWD.I'ANUT sEwitiC MACHINES, mown ppm 111, 111 E, WgBLB ssoalat IT is rail BTST dor 1013,3 demo onsobloos bon boon /MM . . OTOli 001 a. toawtoPltCdStati la Atha*. Ilisrit ..SALES, GBEATAR .its Othds • 17. in= 'LOOK BTITOW ',-----'-. , --. - .L. Vim iiyalia EOM 6) ;.- THE ' - ' FORIIVNT 2., ....-" ste-14.4 -" " ,-, ••,.,•, t .. • • • •-•- • • • { , i nch DirdleMilei 16= t • or . iI S , . aio. Ti 1' , 3 44. May eliFildt tha stecarat of emord . . 0 ,,,,a d aw k-- ' I mo med:ll Ow , -011AllrePT/TCHI Illt &cam& , rO ,- .r ,_ ---sk7:l" '=. I z i c m. slittakpay to ; i rd ,... , ~, __l4 . A . . ...., ~..... ..:, hinewoVaad lute& ike MIIIILLMS 1 FILSOS 1 • 7. .-.. ...,...,.. 7 1 ftiormgrnataiswguaarvs . • T . : ;,- L.--------- - ..-.- T riwie , . - Inlet Irliti 1 O - ' I F " -iirrnusimilvidlict! ,4. --. • , ,IliorlippytiON FREI/ , , -immix% owa - l ia r 410 Pris lol,ol 41.., - .... ' ~ 1 41711*- • . - . , , i. ll/12,11° ,Y, 17 . 7 T14 -1111 -T , '" arr-"L!' - ' - ' . -- - - 1- ''''.-"' : 1 -'" ' I In!' "/ 431 * 4 4113 ° 11 411 " 1 i Tl'OR E-------.7AI.E,•it stiiirtt- i 60.416 -4. t .. i 1 -: 0 .7 , L - , 4 !r, .1.; •-i r.-...., r,. ~' 0 . .: i r i - ta ea v i iibe.bitioalria , ,= 1 liraiguaitailleeitiat iihibrAw: ' ~• 1 444 ,4440,,14411 . * - 41 1 54.. 1 . , ~„,. _-- ghn ~),,,,-iarkc--,1 - ..,.,;,.! '1 , :v. Ii• J!.,),1 .4, '''''' , '" -- ' • ', -: ..' ,-..--77.111 ra - 1- -^ - ! . __. . .i - ti....., •- . /' . '112 1 6? , IMMMI _ ti 2i-fif ISEIFiD ---.011-WllO-0)11 r 4 "A FOB BALE. 100 Acres of high. dry Bottom. In ammo toaatbtp, Weatmertuna Away, #ar; = iirsi. Pitto.lt4 Cat Patiali th• !IMO. ay Volloy U. U., tyinn beturialsadtawasil D 7 r Innen Tynan, awn 4 Sadkvt 15c4 6 4#4 4 0 61, and ale ALM start rhar. lbs Inspramn.nts are a.ipm4Brivit,limmmditlis IST* rams , rms 115ant,14,3 0 . trman 816bM , tett ; Wydon Mud. Corn or.klea Anydetraniot r earVb :- rataraU I a 4 Ish•ri aalla Vadaa 0. 141112 t 12 " year 4ans IMO rnsadis. Trve-de Nat . oo - ttnoln ..damts d.+; sad toad thuotti aroodid 4044 stsed flit.. 0.4.0aa, ascrsto ma= tad OteoPt. with °taros host sdleintag ;atm.& the tract Is .ratastagy. as atond r". Zl4 serm4 Ontrs. lb. veal. lomat , 7l antsad.lo.4 Saga 4Um sallsny ran b. Warta %1 easanstlon vita us balmy am_ Ibis erect ass at BM% tva erny LLhlfi ovantlinl dm tar privet rsattVorma Os* 4 tints bar en Is • coasin-asars sesso 112411- EL. pisnand Ruh • vnr. to ara• .alsrpreant. Pasiays !dean plat cd ch. bra sapid/ .n that I can dtstrlbut4 In orrery roots In may Boma may twit. On asa.of tbes.altnrittea444lpyavtit -or lamb's retn4ns. Ins tarn Issa • xyriar.fr.vviv.Bridt= ddlsraloclad snit web li,vftkl n sire, ata.saltali a mu. north gibs .210 . 4az at that point mart zusdatto tint 0=44 PUS. o 4 tatal. Mal es lamina 11.• larr-wo treumr 9 1 I, same vela shwa bath P*Mt . 14014120 farm hat • Dada tatestlk ltas4llMa ward* .n.lnlnaka. by imunioal adf Mow; 04.444.. Grata rod prryavy. As Llama., ma rtrsta reit'ddot - •••• • [audio*. fa• vranga tor antatploys4 nrlpll4.llow • - easnosn i n an. en, rsbn ace to &boatl:l44 n• PU.• atom arc d doutalom mat. arm goomtdit idl r thyla V. B. B. an gr.sion to mit _ tar ruts.. Au, addx.. BOX. IST, 11 .aravankt UL lOU tt _ ' HALE-- ElNWlthiat asp .1: PEGLAGA , Mak- zu.s acumk—Vkl ii . derd 11ttt_L , ..., a the atite lOU= giterea..l oar air loirlrbff. assi tosadeu,SerliNi . or Austad war Sort are adman prallrat the tarmlnad Os - rnrrynti riargir. 41011.74 MEC OM" b.. Watt] baited ta pinta ne.4mens._ • bbr.ovir of Lai Nle,t the rlogeoPi DPJlway tayWt~p ,ll,9ll, fret [tot and email cr.@ t 6. taro Umdred fiat seep. - Tar talanwss.= car atmof *ewe of or W. A. 8.1318021, LlArk's Oak% Pali Dorm. 201=01:16 /WM D. 11211ZOII. , • ILO. imams; - N. IARMS FOR SALE.—One cc - deleting al *boot 106 ion. itrostedla Burrell towtodtlyr, DP • S . / a .F.47.-•howt 17 7 mil. from Black-Lick ..titem ti.... Ca dm l a'. robot the Ponturiltatile SOW "• -` mad, or witch ntiturns am order onllestr74tke bete .1 •- 3 en. 111 thribe , ed, th• heed being nadeetrild IMO aml ; o 'Waite mem! • direilltirihrome,'itilyl4 80;* • : '...i • It. ell ex water, theviefe being. cry ot Saki_ , __ . _T, &sr or IGO items, .boat two lather fro* BUM ' - Lhk 8 1a• alma ,Ilire man from inatillrfo‘ , Prow .. ~,_,t burgh d Hiatiagdest tomplEt• pamlorktrattgh It. or ',lath &bill Melt) sons an cleated-15.110nei pg.. - - .. n m•sdr,w, nasal* timber ow .he romatrider L s row. , boom to d irsro erectrd thereon ; a voal of ea met' • • at the doer r ohm two aver falling Wise toe Whet:fie ~ : 0 • 'oust orchard, i.o. Tbr tart., apple to W. a suaursnancre. ' sass., no.ll2llscsoo 4 =lst rued:nu - 4x -,vr seLs. JC & COIISTRY RESIDES= . - ta 11. et Blastedeld, to= silks trios the die „• „, I.ze, dl, 0ct0 , . 1,0,,, C between ati' and' Weds ant neon n enely , ,-brint.boe= weld.. and ether balldlnan ebbea end .T es sattrainve of awl with-IC.Og comma ws4 pig arder e villb. sc43 onat on dirt 64 ta eat pcnnolmsoons• , 'lf hot - so:d Deere ST.l.ThAtreelt•Oth.ali ' on that day he old atPl3Bl.lo.fiktfL. eta &elm* „ n, villeort teteren. Title hodliOc table ear class elf s- • alnensatasna , 'limas of ~s jr.,C!4.7'.h2=13-7;37,1';,- 4, t .VALliLititaß4 13rtivitoi r e h g aitAirsobilmods ,!. - the inruitet linaw offered lar Wee Bahl land cola 411111; , of ahryt area' wan: antra at lam hrabout Ilizaartathot • • .‘ da soon J0ma . .1141, Itadaeletel -"With 40 ,1 3.0, Mai gn ats,. 7he lanteeenerenta antind l,- 1 1 1111 1 1 Pc.= aural:og loaser, bantam. -•• iAtnsl ran hcatta a. erase" as varitae LW* ' j, la poll order. WI all todertlui state et eintndlna. , • )0.'21.1111W. WWI 4 ram thelnlikth. 4o,ll a. , . IW tenasapply to 01.6513.T03, 611011Vald ancted.. /WPM 1 1 ."" J • lim ' W° ll 11°,. VOIR taALB —One" new Stniiti . - hwes •vs fteb4s-nksoabmtr tom • Wham TOoknOrmor• , • t One 1.1 'l2.= TTII= 2 .; rellivinbelopa TT -• E• 4•19•4 •••• ••••1 On T lath Wader. 90 itch TIMM C7Ll'4°'6*ii.swi rj .i../i14,1•E„--g:4 Pile •••• - • • 'TTra Wrongtt Ilsa.UUmFarT. • Also, Stu. botTof roantg Toed, for On Indki. • am. Sooner -4.—'nernt-nOtek (,";'lllNAnselon,lnTsx Deal IsTA 4,ll ^ , -•;T1. , .. • TST22• • !MIME 11001qi, Si Weed utxeet• 014:LOR T EIS MOST BEAOT.OKOA red• 10. 040 . 4 cza."o.4l.4mtraa se_ r=l:l;ro m ..s, "sll lean elteste ossr she resides= 01, ee lineSek 14 end easel, hall easeveibtehrthe eareptelueo: *mu, Teen Se ea the plat i ix., =arirint am'h uogit,tatfa, bediaM.s:= divie tvo.eie Coeur seethe:melon! toe' ton=s..YPti he the Xini Sebes = " : 6150 a - - .. 5.11kr1/1 091 - itliteteleCtsitiMe.Mh Flt • BALM -- STEAM: - KILL ATD ISTOITESSTreoi osto4clar• or Vida Att dell Mt Was* ord tlsesm.gem ITOrttAlroS WINS Ulf Eno of groi so sboadodossi ad milli Vim- ' intsepukiadb.irgatioll,tataate ear um AT= Wier salt L. T. Y.S. to oared for gods. Tbs kan osil of =amb WNW.. ; altorearoosi b oral Oa IL greet roortor . , ton .Is to tos drat. Good I r ilorbon4sTizrars porrisalsrs IND NOM So. elliodstrooLalWrialigl Fax BALD. A LAILGIVOICIDAROW in ' O4 WM' 40 bat aida T Eat daa9 i to lied $7 . , Obla Eau OIL Ma be awn at Kickball at• 0 1 Td. IhargOVll LIMP? IV ti a Mir r. T IP M4 ! " " "4'l" tart • The abirre vault mat; a goad C 4504. 4.r. by . Lvms eta* dock. • EVE SACS —A very valuable FAMILIA 'I . Dom Patts.vflh Womesorottvd axivrt: rwitoss• i lalntflo oboat 1115 ocruoroll 12Cipttr1d, aoel bfik VIA rtoto of colftrotion. Aka stows of bad of.stosut VO 01:1011410 Womb of CltoolAsti. Allogtomy Wier, Po Moo, IA 'BUILDING LAS In ,bownr. vt - • . . illagett,V o try frot. Too poottoullav Llo havers at Na. 199 Toon Woe .es G. H. TOWEL ad Aria/Ws& Fcm -6AL131. 54a. aosZ3 01 GOOD'IIrEtTILIID, s p pmt to ow task In Eralothisants.lows. B. Ittalpla.TT,. madcasa~mimeos wy. BALYk—At.Aladdin Oil Wort,: se cramm , - 1 gem crew. • Moo st Ludininftinir owe • PM.Gieah t r P 11 r rA r i „, ar c :, aloe of • ford - .110104150110 le .114 t vost, ,„ r otasset esoiami m ianissnik - , coAa boa ftrierNll4lll ll A, l Airs - inalgUirl&- 11 3.tk. dt solention. ler .tnemr 4,"2,0" 00 " _ .—resgWlTTismi WPiirsfrearrik ArreFZl3Ve.;.- 3 1 kit 10111116 ,- : -.. - q sostig ie.UIissesUNIVIIM NOW kr , X - - 1 ' WV Pot • lag" =tm losolcUe Ma sa''''' ;.e - 1 -40 - sThrt. - "The stow, DPilivOilliaraiiiiiliram. , ' .A. _ etrifirdliii.- ;: l ' : " t ' • 1 Mr. . ft SAL _ ~.,, ridalPa ;SAW - es 1 ; etvissoog - , --1 ' um b e4g rjrit ="i " l artra b.. ' 7 74 7; i mow =rt.. uor, - - , , **woe atop* apdagardorratzs 5. ''• a""-- 7 - - ' ' ' 'iiaiiir . i=23niletZliii' .;-1' -:- . 1 , &Ins - • . ____:___.._.... ... - z . IreALS;;-liiituid ' titit - 4 7-7- No. -- 11 - ,, 1A 1 ' I srytucstitia: afba lot Meal girMlXterier Cr* - -. : :- '. - .3 padlocked. tack Et fest to of sl,iskylitis,, .., ~_: 1 is srodsi~ ttaiss dosrreftk Zosidisellitisill:' ,l `..' • .1 =ad ,ftomt. ; Astsr, 046 • ma y- .:i Mau SzAklsrust ; Clitkto -.4' Jol li Vitt= 4 Ilhiltset.ltipg#V ilwir gintant . l=t 6 h TV : 4 4 . =Wm Tnr-ttlits R. grata.. 'LAO TM . HALLS . 3 3 TWO CX /41 z 1"0 :1 tri t4itkific -4'14. I • iNtosaiat—isok:ctit:vitariosiv illgollte -- , , i, 1 , it: o sesta testi Mg tz poli ira4k, Alliklet WV" 3it - -, 'o4skandninroi4 ad oticsell ta eariVcitv ,- --- 9 :his craw ti lag a..itcasol _tows iesas_T =.1.1 . • I !asns . - A latf.o6r IttigiIIIMOD Waal atmurt. =1„,.:- ; ..'..4 ; -FOURROWariik -93 taw, et P.FONL alas i _ __ _ .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers