• 2f4.4•V 14,94.3 . . Tn ?' Tel; ).• • • .1 tr. „ • • :: • • • . _ `s~x4 . IMEEZI lISMIVN= he Beadlug Ratter on this Pits • -h from lebtFdars ,- Eves!: , ;Gazette. !UV Ptnaocrat, • Jolit;k7Sigen demVaiiiie *is 1" . r of Congress tram Minato When tho war. } ir oka and altenilailiectitia 1501:Ailb , . armyksac so proxinonpras ha as ademo ~stta Pargalie* - tbwa tit afl**.mi: I . , :eiga 4 oorti;iiii. 44- xr° 2l444l "ba ' Ire la tat the • li:up for, .._, a a . ins are iadeisiasid - ihiAcd*at, .7.-Ifa not martfts faror of the c.0051.an3 nom * MMUS Ain PiXpteroll. thajzimPadttaleiths:reitolutions, , that L r l west blinuaidigbilibilliteithi: to be eleStadt.ProladentaDOWP at°ll- iloalellan far Prcoldinf, and for Whit apes! lasslu for vatpme of iluivedatbigi principles of thatplatform ? or say - other-moo whoever &ears tuba lif• country's mum, wbo would , doniklit4. - iat. :-gattou on a platform -of thot kind,istielorthy be called an„Amosittn no.y n , became so.dritlitOt.4ao4-1 1 1ielitv 8 t toll an itabini'dilati" id . obtain - A iltiNiiiesier a short Limo as to stultify email In Snot • -;• :manor, anduoak slander the , L past Attila my, I hopo "dsfloits :men:Ur - Wl:Mks '4 . • from this euth. Now as co General Ma , I Love naught against bite personally. ",a a Soldier I zespeot him, as s gentleman I re. Idselisiren'timt-platforte as a -pelitleian. ..;j have no teapot for him. [ &I:please.] If I . PdIATLI McillciltaLimd, been a , civilion _whop •;?mitatod—trai been tikkenliont4llwilki • • private could bass'exoasod him: I bsvoiald,abat fuliansf atmpty &teatime, ..,served but' laving been o 'Solari; stains Might' Mader :tbe r ast. of the Aidetioilt Leabg-lefidtbitont itirringrodidi of 'f - attle fa thellstionenasei3LtaitAs na esensarn Seth tort liim...none..whitaver oit.tho top.nf eattifi'eatiept tbattatlCeo?srueing and es - , szions for a little po oar, talSi Will willing - to ;',cent G reven!rem Millais and cowards, Tee,ask me wilt&tor Gehrga /3. alealailin ' lath a platform as tidal nay, I "met do it. ppb 111LEZTlii.'" 46. vote inr Oe3rgo if,. Pendleton, land I isy nAlroto xor lam that or any other platform, for e Vico Prori - _tut, or any other calm, if the devil wars teen. ;dote agast him. Why do I 11 ' 0 ea I eery with hlata,Vortsrotawionitityrabilo r Tfortea: 116 oolataalad ter Itbknounos lifting abettor, and „ • have s goo! right to do 110__to_diu• I hare 7;nord bum his lips, in the halls-of COogrees, srotors he was even thought of as ageOttiste, ',tads of treason end disloyalty. • 11. - u4• - di. cod this war , from the Unto ii oomPionead. , bee wirer voted,a,efiltiry.clollor;nor i boil; favor of-p_rosecutinctigkwnrome rop~ouw ,=`,:a. moue, was to be expended —wlitEet - for .frub for, she seams or Kolthifig - -470±..'n0t ,go?. hes ticvolted that could be Inset' fn- any • ;tray again4oM rebtllloti. sptaldri f010r . ,9; pmenimnt. . I defy his friendeto day,lo pobt ,‘„os to aniline, or one. syliableinvor.writlat pr, -.....7ltterad by him in Savo; of rettoring this Goy byientlinriddprtrtberehellitioa:* ord.That if you aelf, restrlals ,aposla# y ou s•ig ill and Matte . hat jusiaasoositoii.,ut r„nd that he his advoosted State rights, 001 sold pat is believed the people 41, - . the ilerar,bna-ar, ''lright to secede, end the Government had ••• •,lbo right to eaerco,:thelinj 4410•Aini. 'Melon. That is the dooirtas helotadvonated,, upon, that record pioploroak:mei*.iotii for Again, . - defy spy show S, me bls "•' letter ateriStirigtba_nominition, 64 thecliamo lntform....What is it f Way' is it diet io Mon ,. tad Hallanssrar4caaPtod.thAt except by:ibitidiriMiabittienectifillrrtis sisg put; on. gm tletst. thli, I say! .come tlttt Chico;. Ciinsesticin know when • , '-' , ".bey adopted tbit'plitformlliet Ntiatirtfaz laid& write seenlotteri sort Of for imSr:Sai4:4,.!.thiittli'. VanoW the ematentior , wee Mkt. [it titaj'for. hot to soy so; sod all ttddirteutof thief..-Tbey • above - p:evented Giants Ililyeadistod fsons i , :urg • latteriand Inentars .to soy. that 'he; will • FsUever write mei: Moses. if they "anted a latter IF?bin:, valeta thei trratilt . thonuolires, hither' nso =mob - of iPIiaILIDS triDl so It / 1 : Nit turDOldd 'WA-vats etia. would daartAlm;botorsjho cooritry, :It The ‘lieliatWaninuteloattan.•Trade._ The tated. repotti-froaL the Britiah timaktts TV. lyeet i 3 O l iextribidthilq >etolnttln 1103 t the 011t,p‘P•etia cotton trade derVreto rcbe enapbtiitia. ' t ? x, 60-1444, thelto79.ttottour.thesuck wince, %tamed •haf maraueiita - sai,oaa :•ta.las=aneisulderehlY.aiartl task 4 iihie WI ' the U., tack a thicisatiol . y 111631161 ~ more ' id.setly iao,eoif bales than the ItoA et the "4":Abeghte i tti ftrttiPrii ni rX the Pruett 7 6 e#; .41wvasrstiaplefalsi brim Q ittuit, irilliear'ity indrhaiihtl., ; i r ound. TbilattglituFat iirPrpol at the preatiet -.,rets alum:up blirtettio-ileabla eon of wt. i 4 The atorlcalrltrenitr,3l PPLEnber,,M 3 Orl, llen theitthe pithcut tml„ For ttalaiyadiliaxaspilstolipreapl.ansha - Waitaki tkr abrUn ited •• tatee la r toat - Isrftete aYerari "Pr. *Aloo,oajg AV,I, ~:plllPrethe tiro VAnt 40M ,P. dam thammalemzukeedc.the .Tead/ ' esiva tzegastatatesattUatntraso =sew I raw 'ban tb4 enitiveillgit Wen . read 8*(14 fidairatlts: -tx• re r ad iron'twqt h rtf=r i r e • raj. at us maws; rats art it -- Ds sera ,Mtif.9oll,:ilti.', ls . I,o2lllloo , ,..rirteittl im tt 5, 2 1 coo belentot-elmetres amoral tig gb• yeirt# ,thi-lartigulaitsca usap. T eattrar astaark • 1. 1 4 „ the raw testania het begat' to jet. Stets' lieXtettbetkell theletoe of sitatafaertated P6a str ittlai l fr4pVi ldr.4l ottii;: t yi t t i astrtrait - Ire baikWtil tarn 044.7 11 .6 el . 0 1 ) !: T wos tt ilielinapiy at 4ki . p.aw•satatavz.ituat; t,potta Iktfollittir IIIIIVInt:n1 Lths. latairli tdr Y th l. tddadiat q ilkt° 4 - 0 4 The Are o tt in farili n Ogg Fot• „VI 404.11. g; • s pa Man rat ;1 1 , 1 AAR aaasthdretrl4 tot apasola,goataeins with Utaf Oat tiet-South..fiestetteere, eard Vogl :-eattala , th te4h - 1163atto+&v . it roam us Mai ttst taUroisdila ealati btftatvaL l for ign7errE rs ita a =l4 g:a i t ai a bia tore: ut. ) ;i•- igni.mettimitimia44 , - , .:' , . tradwiliditkidilit t lit'kqfira urn WriltMlft 7o44oll olloatiellagiaern ago aelkACJllolktnli - nnottX ;. . woo gtostutito 4conoe..hosevot,Gennvol; Ors t. General Nettliatt, sa go_nigirlre Fj or oar readers know, is .. the flow f or_Yrestdetkit , •now ...faittnekt., venial- oat qm IAM4I O /01: 5 94 41 9t 1 Z 4 / 411141107 N -WVriteignillitMl9/ 1. that kW_ Thtweiefothrif WOW-41ml WC:4lO.le. 4101211.0dititilifte,i1: Orats= „ Vet:althetan n, swr Att.....-otran tiri gel • dielthlM offekty,VArttattrit Omar.; id4WP3 3 4.l , lninikiidfAintg,tortioir los Wolin paitlatiar Iteldeventids,liat tirab r a. soadartitafat 40.41100 inane; ilhArhon Geo. lirChdiatatitipladtharmeno,. . now wo os, alt.tknYknalin,42o% . we tholoarti, and wenrthers, wer ee/9/18"cottikul'OPkitted it. V ut,itiluag tit o oondar Clellaitevet hoard o f the endetesge , of ,:thitatett:Orant, we can ess aftrittelthin'inthtoe ht o tser og atett _ ht; 4 * ittmg. - -arAis.44 oll4, l4u t gi-qr 15•1011" zatont ,, isthennelthat l . -asuirsi bash! r f onv,,t4 ; ttlettt rott'Doliettort Aunt( tax, ,In ; the Tar v hiCi r oldevia; kgitat TAMAN% 4A ptatiar Ofteen.thanean& ItI& o stostO that he,capturecl the rebel stecnighnt& of YkkaVaili- with ption=4: 4n :gitneillb Veit 136414 1111:Chltlad0:41511 , 112 iePP* PO).• It P .i 53 /4TOS.A.tr.Yr nlbt he *I taught greit battles hid been Alt to, o wn , dds -Jowl -newt -Hey. - There is,; indeed, 41110 reason thaf ! Aiee,tanded to ieeZ htteont of. ilthn—lerkseatoves .matte iny'gfeat'neitie In ::1 the paretC/littOxittriahtfeAtaltiet the bad • totattoint , ' 'or lkeldt&hatetvittion. Yet, ;in ottietrthio.--04;Frtt-alr tkehlebiriae,- ',„-,, o f the +should not have - tant-nritti , li intliiiiiiiahNt Jitely t He .nnttrAW; twte min o f moon. WhetLigliiikftgifFti: - . al gays loft dor fawn • imitate ling . . -b tbls_ Fractal *l._ JE:Li . th* p=a. I ' . d'oreankiroto,foritvAOldit*'- -; th e tr)fias liivo'hentetst : , _volt 044=47 Itt4 --, math barrisg.” EW4ll4,!tall.l:,hossida working . . s ow I luterdsvimpiALM^rorm villlbitia who ;- la slot hooks tLahottuadt*ltCriaith Ilaatti"v+ id Wed/ sword einisi and. of tha nations i • by -. suet a ourresdor H. tll4rlilea, plagge 4.N.D; DB OH AR g -,,'... ir, 0 ort of quarter Wen:lona, Th erodes Fortsoos. Qt. 6 —Bawd. Judges 'Blew. aid Brown. Hobert Bell and Washington if - guilty IK,.i r Akite of assault end battery, and were sen tenced to pay the orate. pato/ Gallagher was arraigned on a charge of hilettilas =sat with Want to rob Henry Houser, to c Loi, Fa t Fttlis was , Jost analci,baelavituta &SWUM, sea • me- 4labilibils Ito let him off with the mildest punish ment' possible. His attorney advised him to _pleadpry, but he refused to do so. He then Asentto sal, nod the Distriot Attorney, who before scu' determined to deal Wendy with . -hips cow delermissed on putting him ' thitinglii The assault with intent to rob wen -dusty midi out, the jury convicted, and Judge j . Stowe: abate met Aim -to, fear _year( istquison; iiiriiittAM the li64tentlisi7.' 'EI 'theta's' irtat Very 'violent—cursed Mayor Lowry, through whom bli hod been brought to Janice, and thrust. .AIM . ,ftot get even with Judge !Rowe, &aiming did be would / ft:met him some day." He then dtremidd to ester, and being a powerful men, 'it righlrimi three officers to remove him from the teed ratan to the jell. -- ;'histryllvennole_tru Oen . 3 . 5 ad of the larceny -4 seinit 'oihttri-ltil , brit:ft:4E3l74lm t", Ifitidres -had not !pea asol. a, but given to the I clefenda t, • new trio' was ordered and the wo • ;.:liialt deck Ittertt The teite4o,,whrrkstewiherlyd - , . of thititreri birvisfehS'it given to the Zittetialtn., - seal not present at the first trial, and the di •landauti tmlogetnableiatherwbe taisecoont .for_ :the pessissalaeltiNthef-desta;Was of occassoiesh: Tided.j The second trial msdeaverythMg right Chitral itetsetc bzwes-oodieted d a,. Barge of '''leicritiy; bat ietcuiresided , te thip-iner y et-41:. court. He was sentenced to th.ee =on In the county ,b it. John jI,. Kerr, employed In the g clement stables,twas arreigned on a charge o striking • colored man. named Isaac N. Herb l, with a glebe, While the attar was at work .blot the ' :frith/0 Defendant plead guilty„en was Sen tenced to pay a Boe Of Po and*, . A cross suit forteurety of the peace w preferred by Errs-against Harbert, but after a hearing, the proacentor was ordered to pay the eats. • Wm. Haley, whose conviction for usault and ...battery Iva. reported on Wednesday, was or ' "riigned!ort two charges of Illegal liquor telltag, andPieed guilty to both. It appeased on the .tehothat the woman, whom le-had au/410d, bad warned him not to selldlockiihe berlierillood; recd he Otero he would sell te any man who bad the more, to pity for It. But It happened that Le only bad a iloenee-,eto eats:with-other, goods," sod had, no r'ght rtAisit' bi'reteil: Oh - tee first tbialo he was Add pa and cods, and was son • =dad thirty days to jail. Oa the second, the costs only were lingsisit4l7Slitiie I.VrAiothit' charge banging Over him—selling Boner to a .'. mercol intemperate habits, after being warned not to do so. Me, Atioseff.p.aboal- Sib lab. 1 eer effeatnely "pat tlitengte '' c ''''' • -`‘• - : 1). rob Jones, Jane Doran, and Eliot Robin iten were tried for Insult and buttery, en oath of Blizabelh fleCnne. The jury totted a vardLet of 'TVA' guilty, and ordered the proseentriz to pay ~. p • .oeti. , ~, • , :u :-..-._ A -,, I' : .:','s • 1 • The Courtliten took a recearuntil two o'clock. . , The Contention at Washington, Pa. Ihn 'Haien Mass Convention at RuhLinton, Pa pro l inesday last, was one of the Largest and - ;12 netenthaeiaitfaieielabAtiltittiaorilened fxf I ~ .‘linet .10 q. The proonsion was the anise ' tire i eof ,the ..oecetion, and delegations ... "riot:. parts of the 'country-were present in large timbers. About one O'clock, the meeting W. ar ortaalud at the lair Grounds, and speeches - ! lure made by the Hon. Thomas .i. Blatant, of Alleghatu, tiors:Ehte, V. Lemnos . .of llionon -o)HeilteeldnAtette, ofWanonsolltg:nlitil ot)i4 ' era. Hien disappointment was =entreated at thdani-arrival of Rev. Dr. Dreekturidge, who biatjAiohed flindnnati on his way to ettend the laniftg, but was mailed to Kentucky on argent I hrtsiiiete He, however wrote • letter to the Dowel:Oen, full of pat riotic ' thoughts, which lataxeed amid murk antbutteam, and the send. menu were heartily. ,Lit:.ll4scin toeilly endors , ' ed. A!grestinasi.uttinvind bet& in: the Ova. "tbiaa the Court Home, at which speeches were -made Oy several distinguished timelier'. The i,tothee% enthasistma prevailed - In Washington ~ throughout the dal and evening. The raise= ~ t entedided the hospitalities of their dwellings to ft - slater) from a dinettes,- Ind a free Want • Wee - ..",ileen It noon. Another Grand-Raltrid-enutdoetradds. Rhodinion men of Wilkins toaridhip hold an other Inge and oathuslastio meeting at Brad. - doolilflolde on Wadittrisdnr.aleiting:.. Abut Daum, Esq.; of Biaslied". prodded; Ma iitei by Upham Ilonnikas Vice Peasidons, ani h igh Iltoodelacritif7./ . C r TWlniSspiaker. traiNeW and' .34s opOuts wu • soarotdog and withwing 'obi of Democratii •4liatetnes • lia -ianusinsialn 4beChicago platform. •,Waniollowail.ligAsjos Milton,. os who Salle ;AM Moittileq ui ent iludieatit Alm4dirilo; .Ditattpn and he principlesrwhf and pu-poses of ea Mail patty. ' , lnff was adoiltted on at bands le ha the goll:pp idol =rating Irrorll.ll In WI-kin, town. rot on mn . 7-o,eml. -thoir lestbostamt max troeprrajbli..: pima , thb indications, this oli banner township will _largely increase her mejoritcf this ear over that . • - Death oflittntater. .''. 3 " . . 1 4114-fogYfrrif ,l° lr sP4 " a t -.Abiralai'or do tiro's 7 rlinehitiedioltetiet *Oleos of hit mother, at Bridgewater, we the ,ibthot &VP -. ijs,thicth , - rely f hia watory Tear- • 1 fe6 9 1 1 11. Vadla4 411i0ins, vu vatted a 4 Capds Rka'a ,',i,A4aglpleda3tratt-aiataddlr a .Aft ,f 711111* IN Wig WPM to till a diata !haul placid tabs vtudiromplunk - -**44o.er 0411411_1MATUW , Magfainkimp vs* !,Vighafpnol4, iruitgulteri • Ali. .4044 /A litislivilboittYo ol" liwilpg• for tli• purfisiWialliireanvilhte Ike daqtr).. Ha bad dastrayad tdi =norm, u aren•VV4Wl.9 13 4 1 11 1 1 1 4f065 t 4 - O. I Erstraddent failadiPteAlsruk4vu , 46? :I, a licustoktvagmtlitseuitsuatmak bountj Jumper, bat an ears "win iitsdorlal3l44o llll itiMl N kit, to ilt• army. , --, lA.II Can IrtaT ..... ,a you an a. .al Damp Is • alai Nap:dam? . lot as sec tuck teat pub.& ODA • tkab • A .tok ibtria nag .01,...!ax.eAc t i :black arl b iti . awoke aloredtm . tlami = Lb*. tau AMIN., ;a IA dreams ware af the Whit* ElMlX•ekdr." :et 1,1(1°461ra asPatilANlL ' 10.1411 1110. Est la tubs r"g" b. awn. CI !Pastas as "Thip"—(dabitrykium two t }Ad etsl,o•l4lS.W.Pe rar—A.k. , T 4 gunboat =III ~.) , 1- -11tiocityv pogrom., „ ~,„ eery krittit • nse - ftiildiritieniviintenl.: , =-.lb ei • i *a#4 alltebledez thowlifil W eteendbt fee the; sdapon , 6l- l initldrigi - ' tielbUZl• r i r " ir under. Attar sum. deleicti wee allboanwed ; i I.lte the bait weld not be aced for that odtpers. I nee th e tanivida Urfahlobt eit _rifle Inedted An od to reirthealsk.iithiAtrlfOgnd battirtle th law' matted that new ;pude should be - .. tuona upon dm bollere.betora the bats could be I=by the •gervereiteebt elloirit The new atletont Rees vat then chartered,. end getting a armed:oam elpeptde, bite <Wee-. _ . OOO embarked'end were too cat . *do mai; - ° M uft i tPS / .•, °? ,6 t°!.. l 4beebe , gel idbeyelt: . ~. , .-- Found Drumm& , hla forjcnn the body of a $llllll, woo 'band fodyedlytfort l itii watel'of the few-host EO,, lis fthe Monongahela simq, npposito the month c't Pr•"7-oMtr- The 6.07 Tit typiroatly MILLI of p labofafz-n, Man piphAtilif7 Pau OAP. • MP drlsswa.ptoa4 o2 4 - Abtlftai ;6 1 .1430 Imo: _lks -pa oil Goth oom ,. .tbarirtrafraothfriz tbAir... r kotto.4l.illirhsiMay, but Ito bob is Porrar!oulp altpjana pal, of oar althea, fo • malt Pfli'Aeflaukl ihianaySithm.Taggart. liar Pu1td.7.1 , 348 Pam As isqluiswtli tett mattlexl9o.l4MMlaMtPAgi44 llo *. It • • littltenanlar that a dretawm ,matt, rat ~ lo din'the wheel of ibis boa .I' file rroatuc ' lasco., j,' -i-re't 0 - 11 - 1 , , .ri51 . A.,,,, niaprenoryallowsk-korair,ttood , i s pearritua, to Witibtstfor, we walls : r o Ediaafilpookpadorptoroaahrit al olddr: 74. v. hp.V.,dbifo sirf2 - Platu away. His disarpta4l d i „ - Ml3opPlary. end W. - rowan Plllloforwortbil to Zola Inlay for, bolartront. , , _. lITIST ME MiNi.tBol. Ramada's Farces in hrwait of Forrest. GOOD HEWS EXPItTED SOON. Eight Sgndred Beef Carrie stolen. HE tS Y VAIN ST ORK,OOI.TiIeADAY.. The 17.!res Down on the Chattanooga nflosion to me Pritrharah Casette. VORIVfI.LI,'OO . . 6. 1861. ThereiSs nothing definite !..t. day.', to the where.' eats of 'Porten. 0 n. Beiecau left ;tenni Pleasant at 5 o'olech fhb tooljAng, in pursu i t of hue.: }loan as been. Wing eoatingally .einen yns nionallg. The rivers to-der are =ford able at 4, points and if Portal U 'till on this sjdwireednewa may - be expected txin 'rat night o .guard of fifteen eon Ire ahargi of 800 beefioattle on the Charlotte Pike, novae teem Nuivrile, were attacked la glor rib./ and the guard driven off and the Cattle - . 4 lrf!"f• TEi wire: were dowel to--day ow the Chattan ooga road.. It was 'supposed to holier...stoned la the teat nigh* atom. Wing are atilt' working through to Athens-and Decataz. • The . treln huined on the Loulavlller feed were empty ([right oars. Titere vas a heavy _rain 'norm last nigh!, an i to-day the river is lire toot on the shoats, and AFFAIRS IN MISSOURL twirz'a Betreat, from Pilot Knob. TWO REBEL ATTACKS MUSED Our Forces at Rolla I PRICE ON THE IifFERS MITI ROAD. Th.t pealgtis Of the Invaders EII , IIA MOWER HEARD mum. Sr. Loup, Oct. 6 -Goa, Ewing and _ thrall officers hf his commend &nivel here last night, Davies lairohed Otte Vilot /Knob to D:sota with , an snots of forty men, end thence to fit. Lou. .. - • . . by ralbsid. . . . . Die 'Street from Pilot . Knoh eras unmolested • till about twenty, miles [rem Sanison distron. •hen Manhole -sneaked him in caneldersb:to le.rce, int were &nem back by the artillery with lots. Tbenawu bat ma other attack, both of which erne repaired. Ott inning at/horizon _Station Wednesday night, lie erected some slight breastworks there, planted, cannon ' Lad fovea lite enemy pretty noses:BlY untililaterdeyorheo Col- Bentidge, with eth. hundred man of the 17th Illinois cav alry erased tons Balls, and the robelerottrad. Emil on !Sunday morning, the oommand started for Hells, which point they reached the a.m. evening, with shoat 700 men and all the artille - • The total loss of the command, ihelifdlill the siege al Pilot Knob, the atirsatetting on the ve er- at sad the engagement as Elarriron.Btatloss, we. about SOO,the lesser proportion being prise onus. t• Dispatches from Prat kiln report all quiet tier.. • Gen. Smith common de the ferns at that font, including the enrolled militia ander Gan. Pike. The Utast anotante from Pine place him en angles lest of Union In Timaday i an the Jaffa con Olty rood- Price. three csagets of Etna thonsand t,glit log toisa, weir, and moan - MC fnOttarl, and nbcnt Vire thoniand sloop followers. All bis / seasenbents indicate a design to take..l.llereon City, and instal Tom Itelneide .4 Garether and bald the etsfe foitbe thinfadoreeyi . • Geri Mester 'beo teen beard from, but hit wteresttkais t‘ ezatsaband, Orr:land Exptattton—Volut Marshal i - Cues. , SO Tome Ost. 6..— ,..6. Infortnetion resobrid Washington, whlsh stated that the , byrthievestsndeapeditton ,00rstaantted by Cape -1., ten ls,ght safely anion, to *the west Bide of the hl Itone river at fort Bios l n. iterota6 Ten. titer, The health:44 i good. the party good. Cap : to ask on the 221 of Alogiut pushed on for Tell°, Btpliel: des. ilaponant reeeneolosenee ntadetst a point siirinety See miles berth, eon - vie ow; him that the 'hostile MOW; were all on the emend Within the rest bend of the 1111seettri south! ot that rtrer...and northwest of Port Mot. Th, show: ant f'i court-martial of sues .for.tho- rat weak the enqlotion of ono 021004 cam Pa tar timiniikrors;two ustotarit ituvons; ;Wassail !lirst3 7 oaill.rat , bud aao3ad Ofigalids sold ; but if yonsoldusughandiss,stla• . ogiss to metre twenty' thatiaaad dollats to goid;nllllthzht Ingfasmtlalmnfireoltovaand .at., b . ialuo of gabimatt4lllfts aeoettatood. t thousaud in said 'happens to be wine:fatty eitstialtollert ii ligal candor rvamipirbAtlfltii, inft:ititekatilttia,szolint ofisbd. NIL Thattii" - "Of Ilhy - dglaus b•lng thla taalb=mgablr.l2,lzeitary lora, Wd i r Volvo. iiii: ti — ditsUmtliii , :vi - .540.. Arv. ..,'. C ,It g'illiriflYilthown that the toontribationi Att, ditiddlarßifildiftlff 4111Witailliii I°7 1 1 14 4); 45' 1 4,4 Pat illiri - W d eqvg LT i.Xliti&orforimenl loo OPUN" at, dei n sgambilatstatspintsbasfs - es ,sms 110451%1 h, I tl e Ver i e r"gl e / Zi k boo s l ow AciTA . 44 1 2.. ;014,60db4 4 V idlinlrd • end .trib aelnenifaimptalalt IMidifiedlOrt , wail „ haa , ' gie the *cult Diaed , Intstislitiglita* ,Tlll. I *um dtititlekTlTifif MIMI& Sandie wtl4. 1 Wa *AI ,i#7o*9oFirs Itataltritlai, In .11 iria impt4 s2 L itor . tgirOg = , ?Lbw pizeitliaszil a *7ll, Dv isterlaryi 1116*, And fisfa ot Utillords - Igo (Oscsaiyasift tastaltxdscupic tltstwor. J o Vac: I:dirsauf cid:llls , tkiiriptist of. IdLre and their temilley and be Of :*1514 isct i xo„ 11. sup gra.m. ..11 1 . 17Zef onitri siu bidloc: c der d es •bz ba s : r e sks: tilli smsge% " :3 7lT - E ., th* it i"la tiat Ai rlat r" : s 4rq l : me this, when tan le oonitittibn 'nail ellous intreaditars for the war by th e i toThri_ as L not only anriedentad fa dilatory, out rt, hi ly =Male to • • fonewolty andpatriot tun oat* Aniiiiiiiir popeplc,=Pird. - Z. 45,.; t W bat Tay' 1111 bi it stioiraiii tri comas. deveraUltertirdep kebab bittlietbdtlas aingOdlaggrg ljaportaitee ea the reaps At bhe mead seestuti ., , . , If mg= ins &patches are p merrattorut of -V ' t ho tro alozitoad bob grand propheoles of * he vtll do: Bat toil of all, whoa he gains' oi t ins SA tar , 1 A 41;X: ei tz:do the boWtilmoll et f eget, lisp . .0 floadapliket foal= - • to ,und.,ittlfladeof g doun.to Volttillths enemy bad recovered Nati abirblatia,elleibonoost ImOedlatebr ftlantar&-....Tharg!torsdar her.thad OTertakett; and. et ,Akelfe pdola, az Voe of WWI evenVht•ollpesolhtolb,- porton:l* 'Sakti fo the idarilartrobeard tdorat • Weaditiot, a potatioiiiii.fati Or Oriihrfi izArici* 4 ,o,..f. :. ...t it.. ....,.. : „ .. `orni_li d te r.xotria ttOnian ::kwerri algo: :: l n "ho kad 'Valid eautossratits aleveryv d, it wilt not be the fsolt of the gettiativio , , *ft the B?iefFtutYaki.ol:l94l.Fefir' , Ica . . Bacon, itriiii=Ttas 'iiiiiitiitc;iiil ,- It who us lireia took 7 42 *impla. rq,ctstionv ilmp begazdtrierAkmdieeit. ead ertll organ . eleseele_tegSo Rittebargb i,ext acesz., ttk. ~, besatt-ot-ticichm-and-athins. _Than who , d glind ttVaaltit bsialtifiratead ~roartbsteJ,4rte the . airessearysit seavate. The erearee sin =Wet of tout: leserze, and urn Ds evss at lartsithis Well 111 The Pea , Al OPerglivrefiTai #644Bi4.lCegeYirtaer leriirelaileal Mr ariftlts244l:4;: "Tir.er P. Maedonald, of the Portal Money °Res Berne, at - Washlngtoeopll tra tlp Isow*lLlog olieei of the deeertinehttkriallfekgeellatlet heed all la the Cellktie,;b4r,.ttliAllttilllOl - or . the MU= will, oY 6.12# 0 .. NOW, Yoh post of:Wedelns thabeakhothatineet • et sai, the other. aloes. TheMiettey taketrfor orders et all the reentry *floss will Wahl to Mews 'arlr, ancy t hektet.. , r/Ora oltar the MU -137 'ION dte*,...ort:thp Mos York aloe for the Oath heeded to moot their prorate. Mr. John P. Nortosi erscantly of to. Dam! Letter-Ottus, will b. to vbstge -of Abe theta) ardor of of Seelfork. Only one hundred nod lartreeeen poet 'alas, In various parts 'of the °wary, *lll be el:abort:ea to transaot "motley order-burl eera,4` but thlaitaribreerill - be.rapidly Inoreseed whoa sbe 1 7 14 . 15, " 4 been telled h 1 exPelloolh DeavesT or iszit Celan, Tooerz.—As ofil• .ter beitsgide to flee. Oritit's stall, who was put gent hi, aim Watts of Olosple Mar cm, informs at that be was much street with the red isooduet et the stigrosoldter, ea that oetestre. The, west ihistilie Alibi with the bap net, dole g dee es, adieu. The Orme', laSo mislay that:sifter the beetle, She for Wide displayed by tbeteolored colohers Sat the-teethes, while wattleg for boats to stifled and convey them to the twerp-Mir, was moss woMireble. 0.0 Boiler hen shoed ten thread:o mimed troops, tied he =aka' It opolot to Ales them ever ahem, with lb. white men, attordissig to their pr epartienste smellier, with the whit, toldiess of his command. Whea welt • Melljed, the hock regiments hove olifeys been found deed ' Whet is a Copperhead I The NeviOrieles Tilmar glees the folioed dtlinltten of a Cepperbsidi 1. A Copperhead us we view the animal, Is Northern mat, who born, bred, oe fostered in the Union, hod no faith la the, Union. and devotes hit faculties, lodoenee and n.ease to.peepetnets Oa disruption of the Union. 2. A o. , pperbeed Is one; wbolleleg out of the retellitns 6tates, believoi to the dune of the rebellion, tut has not plonk enough to strike a blow for it. 3 A Oopperbesd is a Northern maa, who, to farther newton doctrines, would stab • treten soldier in the husk while Do erns lighting the en emies of the ifialmi. 4 A Ooprerhead is n self mode =Tel and po nt eel ollittaW, wrapped up to se 6.h ambitions, end icg. degenerate tO piece himself In • positron where die endoesamear of DU views might en danger hie life." • Efeasitrw E 130,1 —Yesterday afternton, es a ear cn the Yittaturgh 1..4 Manchester Railway was poising the Feederal street station,. train on the Port Wayne Railroad cressed tho oveeL After it had parsed, and after the flagman bad left, en ear itai started; sad had get open ths track when the rill:vl6d train oommenoed to bask, and strnek Cie forward part of the oar, saaal 'the iLops. The oar fortunately swan' around end wax not icjarsd. A a. 2,o in pu seo ger, beecmlow emitted, made his exit auto( wtndnw, which 4 considered gaits a feat of 4811- 3. Eogineers should bo more narefol how .they wive tblir trains to orow4ed thoroughfares, or n 0:11) he called apbn lo record 0101. nations acoidsnt Y the nswAt of ask emotiveness. AL11.4110114 CLARE, editor ot the School Tial4r, and , saseeliter psetor' with Rite. 7; a. Sieeletop, of the oharek of tliell•WtTietantent, Philadelphie, hal rot:aired and ecoapted a ease imons ceJlice bliaamapsator of Oaton °asp.' - etjxiidont Methodist Ottureh, Cincinnati. t he Union °impel is cue of the roost iplinentlel sod Coatielting nsogreeattous of the lietkodlet per eneelost,aed Was soma lut by tot. Mt. fictively, ot Christ Church of this city, who he. salted with the Pros/want Eplasopal astarch. Mr. Cloth esaarb opts his TAW Asia of labor in No vember, seder eery or:purees: prospect.. DIOOTID --tinittlnausird Gorge Brant ford, • coal beatmao, whe reridmt in this ol.y, woe drowned on Saturday. In .01nainuati. Ws have not ascertained the exact elrenaortances coda, which the acoldwot happened, bet It Is stated that he was In a state 01 illteilieViet at tba He lea,as a wife sad I/daily, who re. ride In this atty. Maims n F is TOffs.llll7.—i large and aptritad meeting was held at Warren's, In Iraok- Ln township, on Wednesday afternoon. barring and patriotic addresses •ere &livered by Hon. Janina L Graham, and Men. Watson, Erg. Tat y.ople of Fratklai township are fully wonted. sad w.ll do their wools dots at thatailet box on .Teesday nest. , 11ISa1011LT Henri hOM at and Lerebata Rlnt—rd..n nommitted to jell by Mayor Alexander this Enoratilg to same, . chars, of k.ottog • disorderly honsa, on complciat of Valantino Cross. The puck's ar• noighbora, and snide In an alley near tan Elandinky duvet CAurolt. CAN'T ei'llitt t3rn.-11ampton's Baste re cently voted on dos Presidential question, with tbeisitsuing result: 0 4 A b." 146 vsi.st ..Little ?due' 15 H, s are yon, Gunboat? Ebtristiting must be 400 Cent fionntz writs a lettai? Fe+►L' Anctrerf..-11r. John Oingwr, gr., el, ar • 117.,:t,..nt0 :a hillt lee hat Monday Awning, Ile •u hitching his honer to wagon, when the animal► teak fright end taut ft, dragging the tibial* same lie fans and cress's, crashing him in snob a manner use to ems his death in a 'bust fink. lateheth Brtu. AnieD.—A vote'was tali' elf Lb. Erie 16wpteis , trals, vita& lett PlitsbairgtLeti Wedh.esday mgrang, with the following results CLtne0te........,. 611 bla01•1144,, 1.8 Every . ou the trein e. 0164 60 Tun pIIATT 111, WletrlNolol'oll,— i nn oat -46t7i4ti in Wuhiagtois convai tru wan.. tree Wast Browarrllll and MllleAnro, *IA then please have dime Alba thek qiteteee 4110°1 . 4 Well done tat Washiniio' n I • iIfiNFP WILTOM: • 4- "• tlßßY'Bid.` ( 731992x[8888 • Gm{ UMW tu atm. 48 •- irdELLAND'S LIICTIOXIMISR. Di • u mita. - 17013 CAN AVWAYS-PROCURE - r 1 *t ii'n's ereit ii miteita o :Vegiritni.' ' -- iPisbart's Ma Tni•Tllr ,e!LIDageraiMpLOTO4 Blood 13 1 /a7.ller, ~ ~. '...V UM 61.11 d ./ atll2lll7.2litietS;;.‘ ~ ',,, ~ . ~.., 7 Spot'. Bouttnratt Wino, - , ~,,., .. I'l antral Snip of Lbws. • ' ' Ai c4itratrAl3o.S .. - . :... i i i • . • -• 04*.x.0./4•9.!. 03 4dartd 110eits.'neitt ,21 7.' .I, til the 12erket.15,0,,,. • t=wii.itk—amALTA•co. • — isToonicrilsogoii,m7 . ixo-'ANCIow spev ~~ ~: -. OUTLET. SAS' [V.1..% le Ll!ree.Q.li.l ck•npl DAR G.E YARD• IMAM =grim. zmrarinfr; Dem. CRAWFORD, —l,Amtnt ANNalas In,asOatxmlolos, .F; rig Metal, Blooms,: tso., 111173110111211, PA. allVlErStirhs.uxislar =alum. gah , r , r. Pres , p" O. i J 1114 Bkninbager h s ea apiales -gi.• • Crib avow:mac , Ocusicomaisti soilebrl. r . _ _ g;~iiai►~ - . IRMO- , -VS - AFR. ('~ p •OB 1t ` X 864. `. lireencirace-r Grit FIRST CLASS GARMENT& war ta e. mon ristrioaittisse ErllyEWL I== apii-' • KW= lbessroad porplas. - — 9 11,000 11,05415T5P Thsasttisd • - Inocsosi 141661 Loss Paid alisaP"ii42ll.--.. Pe t p.44l antletet P orasoss Mario; N. Bastdc o r, Tobias Wagner. Samna Grant, Jot& B. Orsith. Ckco W. Ulcilard; CHAIM= LEMAN" O. JAB. W. 11..b&LLIPETH, Be 10 §T. CLAIR. S 5 TREET I Z. G. ecru: INSUNANUA m 11211 AND R. 8.1110 Oh, MOOT !VIA OPE:PM Mr Pas ABD 01 AT11.571/377., mot,. pambstail.EN , ..l'%llN6 '- BI M . B BLuCK.. W. H. MoGEE, mall call U. attention al bay.. to tan Deo* d mar It tea boto .:UMW artZ cad oats, and wt. sins ail Me nomad styles of seeds to I. tocoti to ent Mem boom Ones eithipo salt of olotbm ma& to odm, trill dere all .of email* as good,. prim. Also. • h3f mod template Meet or • Furcrighing 6toodi. W. a. WOUM. Diantuas War. ForABLB AB. DESIRABLE GOODS cos GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING. 2tl A. 1311. L) OFW/1311R, TILE BEST STYLE AND MANNER. R.' B. NORRIS, EMBOBANT TA.TLOB, 79 FEDERAL. STREW AlleBhen7. pßium aspucED I TO BOIT TEE TI ALS!, We are now Selling at Betineed Prices 0171/ TALL STOCK 07 CM/O r l I PT:IN - C3 - 1 Tor liorr, Tooth. anl COM c.ompi,,:. 10 0,1/ e lOW .113 lea or Me wawa. ' ' • • az&v & loan. 41 se. CLAIS ETILZIEL . • r OR /G. ire. W MILE 'BABA 60L1 ALGINTS 01 'MCI Bradbury d; Sahamaoker Co.'s CELEBRATED PIANO% A.. 141.3 dffiaB dr co.is; American Orpns and ffelodeons, Ha 15 Staditddl sum, R. OLdrit .Wo pteArarn tn SO • Um. , tArwr wh. Imre itarnakionl tnstramonts Plttat.argh And vtantri Dietnntel Ward. Min Q. en, P. E. fak.rs, ° w .a ., :want rturrell, Tag, w.a., •Jdot. (0.. J. P. Ands., DrittAll, P. OIL Bloaltrittnn, 11 Grant 10.. Bapt 01,„ A_ Et.nrrollsr. D. IL &oak. int_ Dn., Dr. U. Hollosior, , DI J. IL Kw!, PA. Iritturno tin Vinnera's AntAilmay YuclawitoWl. o.p earintrilriatinnt.4WL J. b. o..my, Ownstrngttun. En. H. Ropk•ne, &Monkey. Err. DoLahmry. tdoundrrillo. r. Q. Oran... Sr. tr, °attar./ Orrat.tinzt Lisnrinnol, su..tu., w co. J. Lunn._ dn. Very ILO. T. sami. - A ant, Drawer, Ji do. K. IDA, Seq.. do. D. J. D. Itlciatntort, Zan Libre*. Jean Waloarty. LH Plum. WAL•dowts att r warrsated,kn felm A Kw anko stootad-bunad nab. for sato ea nat. PIANO, NEARLY NEW, sou. &us. oatir. ,1 • A T O^TATTN ROSEWOOD OPPO L ERIPtING PIANO, morn Oo,O•n. ), au dito ma moulding ma (WNW En Nan. bass ads moss than Are moons, imid is as good us sag ba ewit terstaur4 O. to•rnal tu. t4O lue•L p omit Rwtan pr es Is RPM Will 4b pad OA great sg.ducdta. CUAB. 26 bel b.LODE OIV 8. a 0 Catitset 01g.a.. 4 Fee ornel-h444 Ellyledoess. AT 11.7= TIAN 71.0T0111 PIM& ' I '1U3011:1112171 - 41107140 , 8d EBl - • et.46100 11 +110t.- - 4,0! - - - VA • * • rm5.;7 0 01 1 0, 4 1 ^" • imiodross - . %g TY~~lblsfvett *4.1,4•4041tar,ft, =Ow et hillniOcii 4.l7lolpari tc 1b ourn“ri. lars mai begOal oda. 41 1 ,0:1 7 1. at , " 11 . . 11 1 3, gm" i 812DLB, Na INS Bacenruiti tbk N Data' IR Tiavn and Musical' lastrosanta. gA*01441:419i.A#4 4 if* moPflelM1 4 ti i t ghtlfr. NU%'".lm.diltoVralVai ..~zl+vt+.~~x'~. u. m onsaup. a. 4013 3, 1 30,T . , ALIIICOSISSItI.I24.AI7, PAL MOM= BOLDIZBIP FILAWCA.4IIO: II , W9P- 41 ",A t r i _ , _ S .!!: • 'war -nue= 7 diecoMitiodtse-mtcopm. , JA r tin s itl - , • ' -•- 4,l4l!lciktritietziato... , othinimiausganalernszioiia=426- 1/amm=tll2 , =il{' B LAW OH7PIVEII. : I 11SW* aerosairtas44% . - smesitiF wink straw 'lions br PiIIMOISII, 110135117, TIM KO .hc..*Pgrooko 4. Slaff/TI S, 14' - g et 2o‘7-: MIT= f Law. Alba. Its. LitreCtiat - , - : - .;','i' ,- 101M9/,4.1"4.• , ; , '''s gn i r, ( o r aP: 11113 ".. N -1 : 41 4°T . r ► 02100ATIS."""Il oasx~ • oUll" yri Warble otarnir utareerlkenbil*Clatarr sadOrcarth, "Var i t r! lt V ekaa Mrdatr t g e a. . •E 4.C(k owr °l -411&7-as.m:aAsg 530:12f1 I.ArR4iSR4IJVCR -4:82k FRANKLIN- -- ME WIMP: COMM' MsJaVin , PHILADgLPHIA. mot. as Jaaary 1.1351, 03,487,1513 55. Insurance Co. of !forth America, 80. le ts. °N Pt Hartford ran Insurance Companj • ston aka be Neared la the &Das named re compote.. Enrhdll , 1126Wers Bettldings, IST Watoor stro•L pEOf'LES UNSURAINGE OOKPANYI Office, B. E. corner Wood & Fifth FIRE MID ILARINE INSITHANCIL Wm. Phillip'. John Wnot, Wm. B. ELAys, Jut. L Pats, Maxie, 6. Inman, We, am WIC Z. C2e33DASE, CITVEN'ti (X)MPAISFY OF PIIIIIIII7BOH. 01110, collar Kaatss ue Ve star nowt., woooskd jar. bea,thirt, BAUM BMA; -• hoarse 13teraboata sod •Pi.d as am dwmagm m Ore unio= al the Bacabaro and W stern Blurs. Labs and Davila. and as 6.4p0100 of the Leg.* against lam and dump 67 Om Wm. W. 13 icAumum. B. T. Your. Beer Owe.. Hon. T. EL Haw. .132.1.E1 Pm,Art, A hI3(II3P,NY INSURANCE 0 , 2311' PAT PITTSBII/1413.-011., 1111111 stoma, Dant Bleat. Imamagainst all kin& of TVs and Karina Bldg 1.5 a JONE 3, Pool/deaf. JOHN D. if 0110, roe pme.t. D. Z. BOOK, Soon:ova. - • r ==l 0- Ilzusey, ham, Minds. 0$ a. 11 nrey, Join ir.tn. Jr.. 4 4 tahaaaL eth, likiT IN rERN SITUICCE comae. rit ON PITTSSIIIIOI2. N.. ttIILLNII, dr.. Pasida, 4. 4. 001001. egwriwp. OCISca, No. Cl Water atroal,flpaag 102.1 WW• SPX^ op stain, Pitcsbare, W 4/ !wry uogami ea limb of Roy ad Baia MAN B. taaaa magnow.d bs 41in/days. leave ma Iminla IN 11. neowwwl4. arl ei an 4aw..4.4 los prom:4.. .ad eusiowAlk tier rodar =WA Coo keel eawart. r cirarkp tL 14ci spwwWw W lbow nip twin IP E. Efllna. h.. 11n... McAuley, Nathaniel Fiulmsh flax. Niettek, Gnortre Ented canapbeil B. B.rroa, O. iitiolistans, Ely= WAtfIINGTON IN SUSAN CB CO of Soo act. Capitol mad law Tax Ham 92i tsauninion 00..0 Ne.-7 SAVINGS INSTIM'iION, Na Ilu 81.11T1111SLD FULECT, (opposite the Cu.. tom liatvet.) Marta:red tb• Leghlatom WOOD I. Wan. . TIMM= i 1 Junin Pa.k, Jr., 1 . Mal. ...man. B. D. Cochran. D. L. L. B. 11. gluon, W. A. Heed, 1.. J.. c.o.'s" 0, Tollanwala, W. 11. Phsl, A. 8. 8e1t.... , 0. Z. . D. IL ktcXlnlay, J.. Dllucoli. B. S. Fouloc.. 0 a evIII•on. Wm. 86.111, 7.11' derma, , lamb' fltickrath - , J. W. Woodurell, 11. V. Jonas, UMW Black.. 11. C. Balunnlti., , IL a. WOW, Eactstorg tad ZattaWar--D. E. If•SIBILEY. - • • C. 111311.1.0 1 72, OW , ' dolly, from. 9 trim 6 to V o'clock. • • • 1 . • _0901941999, =ZEE Imo Lee, Vinari 0. Dsls, Mired Titter, Pres.W. Lewin, IL D. 0n5087,11, President, DAL, l'enfldent. Pro. T. oorirrN. Wnod and Ttinn ebeeots• 1:1=3 W. P. JOHUS, AGIJ?, EIZEJIMOZN .10.luee D. Verner, Cap, John L. tr.bccUe Bruccel P. 13brIvor, George P. Jour, O. Hum= Lan, Charles Arbuckle. ==;:l ICkr, Jain Bdtptoc, 7Amm W. OmWM. o.ldwalt b ir, Jekal A DTII.I, Wm. A. lioAirers. dr3Ctiril InaACT6W. 1 Jr#B3 D. NoCord. Dagt„ Adam J... 84, D. 8. M.D. o.t. W. Do., 8 1.. Meiji..., B.E. /1.. 0.1. a. AO - 1 : 4 a. Long. II- GORDON. bowdana. -.-.5.5111,4711, EL I!, e I T &N. Us:at, Toarttortree , . MOW* Raiding Ci!MIXII 0271 C 31 Prestani—VSO. D. JOBTB. Joel= Rhoda. ►4u. Roar/. ►. Lahti King. 8. IL Hartotaxi. Vrps. EL Smith, Thu.. D. Ilcsakr. Traneis Jo6r. Y. JAnnietto, This. 6. 8.1.1 r, Ernry /30761 jC . 4l=i,4 DO • : BAYINOW - lITPC ' ' .O: " 4alybos 11 Ir II dakgatolisaitZiobsiEVll. I toil 7cAlaigaliWtecrAnilit 14= 'lndia of lOW= =WNW OBS theiDalo : las, LA a 41ributat SlicaiN2l4. . .d.d*, l ; l o 3 l= . tog. Wane bas ben ' ti` • Pi rrocat int Depeas irsoirtis. Thot , was azia . dithiL Viterof tit pa temst. .- • e , Ilbacle= Bl . Mad Whim Mend, fba u at. mak besn NO anzea Wend eri 4.l.44.l=kkallDionater, amiscmhatM Wahbo.MB thodripidint fo calil. at • 'tats aweposiestiiii ye tools. . AMA Pis, megyik* i'P Zitedhir _tha''ssiVi=i; llyttikes; 'IWO aiki , terityard I pstie, , as egplkiliSla all Os I►_. -.1.- - lam our -groat ii.i4mix, itatun- -11:1 P g-firm: E. WSW; , /oft a. BizaibmW : . .Wak 1 - gelr '' 3! .l;* , - le a rs i nlild;a. A. Ilatatikai. R. t. &ha% 4 1 K*** , I • ramie t . r 4 l §; ()7 C. MAW, • • , ficatcs -,.., Black. . 'law r.agital• Sobs CM' • jourdit, • ltobial. Robb. al Oftil. awl 1 .. r ms.m. 'a J. 011.1m45, Alirr.aa"ja4"ll '. : Mama 11. 11.1.4 ,Wllllau 'Nelda., - !NW EL'S aim, - --' - laseirlitttlew , IN.. p ? wr.,..„ :7akaasirKally. , '.I: 4 IAA A ir.,...-. ~ 'eXliVilii - 4 MOM= Y.-MAD. A ? 90 = 0 , E aulgur. nftr 'GOODS; ire. 1.22 vuisolL—narrir.essa—stavaple. NUS°CLUE ts 00., papra 004) WhihmoirdidawstorOSlDlGH AND DWILSTIO DS] vIe~OOODS, 14.04 Wood larva., third boos shwa Ithustada rittstrant. •Dltha - . VATONiiLMEttrkt Wholesale,sad 114 Ratan 'I- ,, to TILMILISI37, 2I Dja GOOZg i rT dowsciptkri. So. ii,ad.l! !LORIN 4314X-DE; wad zeta Diem ts IMMO!. LID fraPIAI/8 1 .D8;11;111X0015, to., U ifartat MM. • Ith.d mid 7ottellt"haelo.- _ 2s; guy,colFiziai Araaltaala -an 11,44 - - wanes* inviamos zav „ „ mow weak matlnlfts!ri!,,,. INTIESEI aC,oggpit • Deartilal Ittgaratil ali ttg • • • wavme...loatadmitilOrt 2,4 tri.,.....41f2f, .‘ • • llPAYLuellioilen in web d C rri ge. Mute WA Tlild tat RicciKa% itix WU, NEW WOES. , • DOWN iN TENNESSEE, • • . This swat sratlooss, by the set= DV!' Amu the Ths," la mains Al-lite mice* harlip b. msfle w hut as the °mess pnar la toe It. It Its'ersta - a• ad 101 l of spats:Li fficatiasp,taat to nary oses swar ms:id to p.bi la affairs, reffitei arWades bI tot u thorsnahlrausaaisa ;sad els,oetrtaa>a loclisat sae Oozy wthe either% °the boots. sloth. II - • V L . O TOin • new ond, vliteass 4,0 fiestwears a tulahil litowolorb, dined pow. ;$l, 73. QUESZ ♦ now coitioeialcla thstlicio lotoloPoS chaming lootkos litoso, , cloth. Mosel pawl 11 ZO. _ • -TEE Art 07 OitiEVEREATfOL A Wer.ald hook, tad over, ma oults teavu. Me), Wash. et to. The Atabanta and. gamier. L thrld and itiotortsqpwo bisitto7 at Ow cattle cum of doom two Want Uotafedorsto wwwwlo. Bopowtod from L. Lotottot willlttob attn. prima icon.* ea of Ortatet as 0-kW Mown. Tito rota to or. Moo cloth.. 12 OD. cIm•kEOLA A• r" work, . author of "Gram It U 1 Lam Bor," "Xs, ifitart.ln," •`l.:cas . 01 60- • JOHN GUILDEILSIRING'S 60. Intenn sz a pp.* (onto Lon Story. I lb. Use lyro sqle. LifoLo;Oktty satUd saps. SiW. 'Darkness and Daylight. holmemi new Naval. 120., cloth. $1 TALlilil 113.0.111 TIIII 0PM.1141.1, lb , plot. of all the cyan; to the •Laps of ekalsa las , , cloth. la 50. ammo HENRY PAINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST. GOOD AND USEFUL BOOKS. bY the author of the &baleen Gotta lama.. TDB KB OBBE80•01:7DYS TABITLY. 911 - 13 IMVILLY4 w iB BASSDIBT AND AS. vac. EMOW3 ABWIN, by Tommy= AZ • UMW, _by kt•IL Prommi. • Didn't/NI IDBM'S, Do Id'. Ultimo to Vellum. HOUR elf DOBSON Plltifint Or VIZ PBJLISYt TEB miIIYBUL: • ABBA.LO (11' TB; ABIBI or pri CIIIRDIBB- Let.D. ,ByFtaDer. DOOTIIIDS Or , VIVI= Lttlf• By ' - 7512,118UL8A OBBZl.VDDL'2l6s.—Whetiouth sad tat, frrm 10 meta to 60 malt, BIELStila great moiety Oros; " 01. a. BOOK.s.i, wesi.hnto .2oaft ammo* It and: rflOSoGilteri M.1010014- - Aftommale Yirtati. from CO amt. to $ l 2 00. , CLILBDIMU - AllO - 130800 1,- WY)S.S, • • - rill ABIDEM BOWL /tot I.ooltabied; `o • D, • • •• RN& food t st,,, mat door to it - m t 0121.8.u.7r, SCHOOL 800 r FAMILY' BEBL ZS. wurzura rarxes, PINS. INKS, IS SW:LOPES, Tegeth.r .Leh ht.& of Schad Bop<em far gals pd.*, by Di 113, OTASICIE i 00., BOOKB MITRE T1M:1313. The 8•11alu1 roarag occ entlaas of 1660-.-11 co The Ml= , le of 111n0ern Thenocesci... 1 00 De Tcaquerrillea liroaecrety Is £_o_ • 6-00 The reeler•lnt------- 11.00 V. red watt, •• 11. d be Daman. 116 Ms , mitic•••• Clogeolert•OaDhe.- -- ' ICO The 6 eneeleau'er 7 eat D0CX...4.-. 03 Wehrle', add 11.1 ea's Ip.eah r___- 60 Oardbl'e Amato of Ihesaelpstlm 1 TS 0,...* /beta" &IA 1mdec1ped105e.................... 115. Pneklemet ldstoouVe Adtdrdstrallaa-.-- -...-....1 60 LI& sea Ompidon of Gm Iltsnt.-.. 1 60 11.1111 ares LIM sad Camps dal at Om Hcalellm: 1 60 EAT 1 00..66 Wial MO6 CA111 1 112% OIL czorzys. sok. WE OFFER AT . WHO VALID, AT 10BIL PFLTOI:3, thrs• ors SIOISIOID. 131BOESID sad PREBT:Eie MO= PLUSO TABLE AND ,WiAND 00,78138, 150 GROSS BEST oupYryCARPEKIIIIDIBES. wca SOLD wawa= taw Ammo WINDOW su.A.D:E.43. Etta, arm, Bro.n.nrnne► 4 , , 01176 sum:m o ras; W l Mow SHADE Inir TIME* Wassrani of . . . . BE AND sum MOS IBLENINGS, 100 rte.'s All Ivead lairds -Oirytql,, , . _ ... mail a troapisla imortmelt of pp. 14.14 thik, OWNS Wall AT IMAM. • . • rv*. v Pr° Pr ces• OitunF CO WNO a I:4* Liao, Satarday • , Zed. •,••. • #syttig rcz2 k; dq*,-A-I,At4grog • • - • bidbes: llll6 IMF mitialsel) avronaglaraar ;1141004114WAVOV'Z. ', , ,t.Gt . • .1. .1 04BliET-L - 8 , T r .0 4 C imnasfrogare: - sot _ ivirtma Ay.sexwrws. ; -tA GEWitiWMC I-11 oltiel r _ cotingm_lialltirOD inMalni - oisriovai ;gm:. ;ftwata;i I:Er. teem ;oil. liege' VI wp rte ... tote • TEEIB BALES . 41111 . - - 0133Anift• otheranati 6 1:143 ,STIT-Cniirt? ; 1112 d ecaramostadz asp•bilf the =cent. of throat, tas astar i `tatty rims litoamgx i.frkscebtio Bevetrigiditarlitlatiret madaild towtol tio Va, • 11 " 31 4 3,1111 . rit_4* 4 ' • orklin.F"?/.P',F-647,tp,- - litaisszotts, InalaStr ; , , ;.7 , :.,4ingL - slmom,a qx%;Aimmi;: R=fi " ICIDIOVAIi, , :qi esti 'n c:1; : 1 11..-f.t.v.grair toll aer, inotu L: 0014 -4.4 , 16? alliA Ol e time TM urn -TOM 4 • mom some—roar, *zone, FR BALE r 0 Acres of tigtl.ll7 ratins‘' In Inonnil town:AIN Wowed=LoOttah• mu.. P.m Ptttovt•lOnewt PustattarAßiMiel•V the aflegb.ny Yana, It. 71/..., lying Int asibtild* °mold byrtrpn.n k Tom:, katmol Jody 111.11111.1.• Alb pew dime; DO . IMPIMMatia. ILtlt 11.(006 Oda OCIF 4 M Oak ttna MA . V. 50; Tram Resta - Sot; W mod. Own efftbiAtbaddtl-nlmotalloa. tatg Waal ko.plA_Tartatliblialdlag . :pet 4•0111 6C.0 Wnda, '360 P.ft..g.A, A dplolgt ILn:enigma goon stn.; nud toad Intkokk•noonol mulatto dud Sas. Tkatints pod spettrtiehte the rativ•• • • satito. .tta ot/e.nr. •41.1•114.1tratE gait t.tuatO Oe fa nub • way a• to arboil valet IA Am* OWL The ammo. ..AC et.:4ll4andlylng aWWt 'of Ott, ysdlway cam b. notett sonnandOe what e 5,..„ ;?tens Arm 'Mb Mot Nu al load totvlotal• afttlrg tutalltd titta be pdrate gpd*lnlndSl3lll.ll..l..Z: , 'Shit:l - but as • • VW tv -,- ... 4 7 tratv AMA. M 2 : 4 .4 11 •1: : .t.t.: : thaisied et it vitt., to !t t rzzlrgle i tt,.,ll,4•o, ma ti r 41= 4 ontilbotebneva.o. oo 4 eq tifi Wit- Oa tau vitt tbesttlli* tbf (Abate et bo l t. Tbs tatsa 6.1•1,L1thc..!. Attnot . ly bolt. wtalk.. 441 vtttlacit• tan - itty atiddonly a mile wits ttn.ilso,f/tts API { lag it lam point mon andet4n. the prlnolpal put - cf.tpt Una. Owl I. Inlaid °bate balAtAlation angle.t , ll; moth sift If the won vol. abownb4tln,ntanth and veal., tut tam tut t, Note onotatti lte aura It - • •••14 A cm•lnwient try prmatnal Ora A ; ply p. Ay, A. 64A-sq. for privets fug • 'Mt" A an Itmavonent MS Hunan Orono tavtr.t•waryjit.sta,z•Flc4.,_ ike.ssesc elmonr corn d dountlam pattatts WWI ttlo V. ILjar • Bt. lion lawn' b•• • lanaLd Ff t Pot tatou, !era. 110 X WI, !!ler4Fret, fli. LIeRUE; FOR . 9ALR'=-Ono a.it. -us. are 4112702412112272111=2: 2222 2, 22 4 5, ‘ -. 411.22 oolatt2,-2boat 172 ogles from Slacklla - don. on the inAta22 Breath aUm 1 7 42272772212721/A - . , ' 7 . .. 14 road, of w2.lolp2o,amwe ore natdo7 ai1:1724772.11212004..767 7. , 21 11. b-ea; the laed bath; 22427104: *MI 000 l ; osa which 6 awns! • dadling hma.stabk..oo. •c.. w ez linear, the pls. being niq of =TOL, Also a iLrui of -ICO scow abaut Ivo 'W.la boo Wadi !!•"' Lick Elpo do mike trout ,Blaimills Inugh Sod =Melon tnrifyika pusing through . 71,1 a, 212= 1 17 0 7 7 sena art clauel.•llfranaLls emadow, , valuabl: timber oa lb. remainder; a lam bows arg barn viact.d fliers= • a wall of food '"r" the doori sho two torirerhathlelPiil4ZOlkUil • young Orchardto, in. Tor tonna, apply • • 0. Aucinsaltraw 31.:! 112 Irlacmd streak P 1126227701.. : VOK , SUMO:UN arnal Al V1141.,A113 Tors, xs.a.s hart Hinntee.--Wlta oo dem trued, Itrienitnes Ths , adman at John . Tharas, &MI odor for dabe• plantar of Loin, tram 'me hall to Mt a..,ea car* altnedad car Tort H within Utreo 01112 , 14 , 3 malice, ebb Walton ditto *MAC narreilln, Paseenner Hallway. Sten ataint taattetteb , located ear prlvanttseldneteen - - &Imo, tanumbat ot omen Lou As theitoAo Of Ktegaii.„.• .V...._troattag On tb• Patecaget Halleray=thtrty to aka %et Itoat and fast ono to two trentdred bandenni. _ .• Tar totcroaasion <mantra of 4tlscr at "the Mira EXEOIOII 4 Marten Mos. Hoall 1113.80 H. JOYS D. 117,11802,, IL IL HERWOH, • , 4. • Y. L HEIIHON tenele iihnoo '" FOR BENT. .tirr par, or Prtstrat Maas I ttMt likattog - larva's. "Cha flosabial vita Dial *NON -•• mural. id/U1 Trraddr-AT !Tr °OFF" 71,44,0 gtitiO sperm diarivioiskit. .•-- ALVABI4 O Q4LPXIMMOAtikijki , • v —The rinsing flint . baying been wttladngwit drool. tbessiW Liar awed ftfr tido; sild long dotwintina A of otight, throe arm. own or lossOn oiniat thi r miro l al., - - ULM dcoune' - yerry, - trade:dad 'with cool - °rides Agwellty. Man imginntenednkabnmw Wag tog 4 Mee 1 - T. , >tv. - .1 taw., eotwienns of dwelling tionee, barn, 6nni7.WM two end nit begging oreborofentwtriwin -A , .7.12 to goat °raw. awl all sods tins beet Etats of cnitintinio . , dlot inseningion unwpfko roan thinonit Poo Sinn. J fILLEII2OS, M Wood demi, , soworearataas, al...apactra,zagli few EILATRi. COPT BOOKS. A 1161732111 T ✓ • 't /E 1 the of..llweelleid, lour 00a trcostibiattiled • . Lot No, CI, ametalabui betwien slx and owe !moll upon tt is seated w.• tweet. 7 tunes, - .4 -;,, sukbia.ssui other baMtege often sad well a awc lola acne of crag with trek opensd sod is workbag ode, be sold If:toast:4 Or divided to pnrobsers. If ..t sold P URL C • on tb.et de, be eeld at PUBLIC tILIA at 2 &clack .. - ma" withant naafis. Tab ladlenwad. deffB.4ll - • becatebrence. Tema of eel. will to exedebnoew IRV • wablicatlea to GiLof2ll.l 10111319111, V111941*61511 , 12i*hr sale - - CULL/. CIILTOHEI, BLANK BOOKS, MVIT: BA,L3 —One - new Et= 3: math fetwitn, re tub telancovalt• Oium 111 larla V) bah_ stesitibsionSillar anil:l be u 5..1 glum Olas bah ayllader, tnek ctrops , - - • Osts I - ~j ; - ~Two .7711.1dar tc6.61.01. Skid - - 44 z . St. .1 1 5 i Two Wraajthi Iran 011 WILL Vag 'Ass. bora Dates Twig, Chip? tor cash. _ .8.111. BOIA . sign . , Allogbaky Bleu Boa. traretlSl4lol:,' O! o#.7arkAitsST 818A.0111 7 0L AND NJ' drivable locatices ou :Wry sou armed W. LaieLia la sum odave. iur mhts, &w.lp.4;:tur<l. iminsemMkoat gal bet, sad ants.thfts_ator MONO I I - , tboridilbno• ort fra 1.. cam, WI is sampuigeosulb= ' tasot , 'to ea ptaes,lveL pars .7, pal otter, "Ise • Omsk 1;:d Ohiirii4 rang Ors. - Tug ' t,461101111 bin tinh as elm WWI"' OMR , trmi. is 7 bi tha Bala Seats awl - I ` . l.oba vow Vi 0 B. ' -61.1grZBLeal ':134113Z. slUbli . t:_t , .!: :c) ) F Om T.,,Ti.auwarsu.re Ir mo. o f. co z UM iamiriana ewes ow Itmoniutemireire rt A. ot mu* ttinoc lannotion eesciaritt ~,, .. , ~.,,.1 =maz ss y.. wofluoloilasto an es Astfor *O V.S. ' b afire forals.:.ll :•?!, ii ifloswoba aid of moors badl: flow • ' ILWIIo tiflilwo., .., :, „.,.. wrig, mil fo well cook noille - Irwin ll' to Oaths. awl ~ oil on tb• bow& . • „„.. r ' • 'LTDATIIIPEEnniIaii i : I , opttl, •... -. lto. SI gowl_offont. rfpfbafgO. •.,, : .; LAnaz. mfr. salts% - 4A.t a - E t x , . __ . ..... ...._ ~..z., -,-,...,, t:,- - a -Lt. 1 aux- '•:, ~., :-..- :-„,..; • . • ,640 A.0312107400D111:191.-Maiviii,eatl. ,t`..-.11 i r r • -, :-.. .. -, t -..,,,r td-x5..21,:. , ,,,1 4 ..,t, , ,- ,1,',4.0, 7 to Whit agstniikli Sonalhantale= vivr 1; ; 4 0.4 t i , r...,.." ..ri .:::tz AI lialidieztar 33 sAL 11 ,, ,1 peat zt• *artstrilsilitsidarlDnieooolllWdlltwe , !; : S1 ,t; -- ‘IN 1786. FOI3BROOEML =E3 LW r,itlatz - ...tritaxb. - . - :i.....". • .............,,....„. t 2 wrs pdatanithen — batilib bli "ape 0,,,..x, A taps., bats taltd4kM !wafter ', 7 "" 'lda sal Is fa podilSarl 2 4410 • WWII. . ..- ~ Boilerk efflitatiaralk r. Zoi. - - Foß:,_•l7-'4,4'._4*!"-:-,--.1 .0 - 1 . - -": 4 1 rit.v. aft. Abe d Alelibersrbtlebtat-lbta ,, b= 11,410 4 125 -:M i tr W , -IFIVZ w asl„,,y,,i l „: ~-4, , ,-. 4100 2 4 10 1■ 16,, , , 6?: , ,:# E480,11V-430214etaVoiated; 'VW 3n a^q.tk bra•beiftien' esitesa-b%2AeFfmattiotall 4 , at, .6",0,0%.4.0...r.y.. ...,:r. be diesise itrall. L PI!Pg 2172, , •_., pli!!„,, - ..w......., "71, ;.,.., ..:. 11c 0 , , , :. ,- tra .7 ad i. 4,tistatteakm . suthisassmes , _ , ~, , z i - - , ELLtasmia. Pitai . ALI! 1: zi,c. - tlo aiiibli Mt , SW iliV.Z a illata •,,,. railuOinallbtabiegbart ••'.• • _ wow :71A: 5 M' :4' 4:4•4, N, • '.ll 11317043111INSHUTRItelt • 1•41Nlyalo31414 SP*llll. l o 4 . lll * • le. - * • INVlptirlias 4 toxisdag boa Utl ^ We* AMC -Mk 114144 , acogil46 - • - - Lvlr VALE -I-Hama - 'sad _- - .Lat , 004 , 1 11 kTti , -IS:4l,%aLbirtiVtgragsg - Witf: Il• slim Om* idoellirt& - Thram•a% - - . 1. 1•1 1 =1• 1 tom•L - I§Wrilt. ... ~ , - . Traf.r.ka cal PF ln f - "gkilit 40§C / - 47 -. . -. 4 ' *1 •••••"'"' 4 - FVEI BALSI: , . .• - - T.., . 1 A . 4 % 4 .-r, 1 7 I 71,-0.4- o .ungai N.4...np.w.rk.,47,„,, 4 . 1 1 Ferri ; x ~.., = - ~; i l, -„-wr,,:icAmt. , u..1.:F E moca -,ssmg3-,;..i., 1 Isau . st ; - , . : ---: , „.....: ~_ , _ la. ogrco— v .. l.3 -: iff•,,,4 3) "---1---.c'l3. -,„ As tossire , • ,P 0 1 4 ,1 oir=t 6 . . friV i nplor W.ft sass ' A c•-•• • OK i 'zi : ; 1*11*114911 ,- - ° .rt fr"P" J: ll4l :.•! *l4"4o,-;,- " 4, .-,... !,.. - 4 „, ' ;-,,,_ r - 2 ' ' retiziwartitey'a L' vaxisubtubsii To ET . VIM kOfV t i ..9141111#1.` =NM =MEE _~_ ~ :~a -~.~ a:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers