Vie i Vittsburgit Out*, 11PRIDAY. OCT 7. 1884. ILLSONAL - WON ENTIATIONB. ' .i . i.; , •-‘ -'. - 4-' -I , li 4 .- _ '' - Autrwo4ol:ziNcolior, a nlinob. • won V!CI earemzste A .r. 494f39g N.. 042T 0m, uziortotsty tan= adiguitii-21 a:rimy • mill rt% 31 Pcnure+,4 time. wirowl 'OriAil4o4l44ll,4riftliitr. loin; et. ass,. =AIIIIIOII7 Joet 4 :o4agotir.. a: anygaisontr_ L . asratm itaalgt, Kan, e-ruineer. araroortirf (bow. Tqlpll3l3yrortli 714814. • ancitectosse Amatagump raw% wham. frFolzoginaT I _ - ournrad6llo4llrab My; loos Drikaiskt - a. a;paus. aotai“. - 011141*BillAPAS Wilts I The biro% isiziwa. Only three working Ali ea Va !trial the election. The enemy iplicavellVllTlvrk, Wage bretti4 bO.Ting - Mt bloetifrilailicierWill do Its.beet. Oddest vas. TheCkipperheade will poll sll_theirwotts. Maw opal -that There wilt ho ns istayita. bows metsjiintnii Will 11 7 Merl peuihie: plea le poll „the 'Totes of de. Mier; suss &no the draft sad men who 'oe aerie cog re Op draft were peadtii. Their Swab - worthy of - Emulation, end we tension Union wen will not be outdone by them in tid "Bit tiMir attempts at fraud /5213 at be wataimd closely, and all their petty elide beiromptly met by exposure. On the three dayc , hct ore ..lett our friends can do nub. Tbanusin thing to be done le to go Out a fnitioio: To this end the active men 'every:Pt/Ist amid give their [arsenal ibtlesUou to Asian the voters end stirring diem Ditittliide duty. As much hear) , open All listen se upon t h at before Richmond; therefote see icilt that the boats eve well mar . How They Lle. ‘Preeldential campaign has always been reeliis of Deniontititillite. • The lea:terse the CtiliesheeditnywArrer Blow at lybig, when 11 suits their - Tarpon, but they Inverts* 011816 cat strong in a Presidential eleation, 4 The.ehetatilirketiini ' h et the' piblio epolte quadrennially tip this peculiar gift fit ansond -we rwe l!retitkokneifinfite tkok p , can igelaiioe'slf ecimpetltoritht that Ilse, lbeflivre any. • -- The tab* . ife j which the shell 'fey roll =die 041i . ttligne..neer street mortal, In this nuestilm - #thni grefildeAC draws hie Wu/ ireenbeete. • The Ms fe innairnni , of,:thrwhele ehnleihas not a _article `'of` ertdcide to - entlaln and its beensetUnnitatt elreette;dioted mai Miaow but what to.c.iiiio be /withers knew they were lying._ When they . siartedand . gin bong on IS fronrobeertaretthille-and from sha trailed eelf-otoioeit :that In eo doing they /how gait- 4 =04 trninDine Alf Baeinete;~` it leaf no - nee. to Foie these fel'rf. The 1e foe.the /eye of it; and with _a fart . of.: linger g -hope that perhaps they carrinnitencletothing out of it foe their • tieiriiiit and idiCiellan. 7b ere frauttt^.g tE . muttast t weett-tbete• titolbaNtitt itkitstuptutir . d It tellOttstb., er fiwk:•;gtlaticitti. btAalg ,203 Ida 23,tothIpAiiittlottko41 .I.4ta, ultboistr NtOgitiLik . kbiit terOkpolnt!• Use certainty sf. Ida ,eltotko, toiopleatolOtitd eontinifea*lisitsointtbtf. Rio tlizektallydre* - antt , " ! =ili:i:Airsrtlo4.. , . to orezthroir , 44 tbearzspent, but 0001p:es : Vetw.lbto`ply s eicnretiimetit. Hepiy ...lbewe sit eleetd; Aut t o r *.ol,*64:yctoraiii4.: " id ! preferrne.t her loertalatitkitliiiiertointy. FocootriiiiieatVnielt to be aeloo. mo- Vtati.asores lama tobe—obot? The • 11 P ottadk . 6174:147iiiiiditc:aiteitare, gdpress,u,tuiktfituty "ttaittlbt"ite'doutitititicl the. t reii*LiOt . ItutzAtave;46:4:atindi - 4i. " It fa iiNtilltiOrtlh.g.ilittlliid.rstatth tbo WV tan 1tag.c4,.21.9_ not •I'ilatirSl Aker =Om es ItyntraistAletmintiroie9Ter, 14 tun Ls:WT.4mm noosnE!lgtpe l Zsik tePilegnO#Ci.llCl 6 o7,ti *nut L--4,lstfoits: lind - ottie bar , -; 141 oat. If ow t. tt loto.otAro iff ifigt , _Aida Ito ktunr • "SW Jalljilildlak iroolci bare t PO S "AP l l4 l RAWcrdifters it r, 2 r p smosiboilmoimili tkilictifts itt ' - tioltastyo9ott-; 4 -rielliClAut• ilat ARAo :BsizaCriplio 10 11 dralakes , - ilidr- - --: 1 ' -"•-: '. -,,-..,,, ' .Ikii**4, , 0 _ - 1 : . '.. • . - il - f itr e. .. . i t bi l t. -. - ': .' Skutt ~. . . Nprilgt aft aael.ltsratuntry'a : I I:- Oak% iinirittti'Vatir).taar..% maiWiliam . ' , _ - IkzealitiClo2llttir<arr Atirialnaing •• . r iltitirSatitAbiltina.soilllosofrof delliiis; -..! ' attfarll,llllstaii b1p0d0f...% Ingitent of 'oar. iT"' - inadadv; aid . 'Oiniditntailirilinsbiret titan.: - past orthhd to' tier, , prayer, ..- attar cower. -- anatrantlfiOttaMi titi Ins* , lk/ tillniadradlaletaidibora liavalistarnky' ..,...,. - la 0•11701111Kil a 6 te - Cortkihnittr,"sad a saw] ..k• 4 . .....- ". • jultrattirsiCandie alp' bourn!' it hillt `- .-.' . . -. cnt7. 4 lllilaitliald: taken --trcaa .. itu4k :. - .en* - vi.. .• ' ' . NOMA sait-Cbarinsian and - litabmala el- Sa t ~,-.• .-• anitalidataadtait aas lt_4laors are ced: as it 1 ,.. ."7- ._.- gm waind ant of:pcdttn tas-dirgraavour, ) , ... 1 - 1 112 vme4Alilatalt.'10ot.nunaltbid; to - liatigtot nmarrldnitaluirsdouglitt". and' I. Sat tii!trettb illnait:TotOuid make .401 lha• .. . '-• .• - . varmint' . freesrmtrazeurtriiciitlassig that asaaat-talasaars at' i- r ' Gaa 'mi n t ' - i t .•:,•: , :i 4 .1........... , glity , .. ,;.::-" aueltell'iliant that stery ustere t - 'pia Ilk-Q01; BIC *SY be abanad•antil- be be . .1- - • ,ffill dillArP l o 4ll2 '#'N' t *UlS4,' • . Vaictirrliftur,iriaeorthe I, Dea k o f mk, lastalanuaaaaci opm war to Parental:. OW% YAWL . ita organised band orthartion" di MU/ *gild' sad alarialled two illitelktsreeTrat/Eirithiars lap rra clans the • Pleorfelaws a; Mali offidal duty la 'Aunt. 6 04- 41 Maili4T 1 44 The la MUM! 144 bot 6 .'00* Illat M 16% MI iWOOLlibig' tRs 5 " 1 1111112 7 0 /Ilkiiiiiitraiths;i,'lrejima ism* eir 09:istuldin bisairhara is ibis A.,ltTrqUi; - a OVARIV, N....°4"1444v1rri. X 1 " "";t44: 43 eitent tg„ 4 l 4 • uStra • • - 1 $1..r..74.4.472 - 1 2 *Irw!- 1 ! 1 4 10 .. 1121 .4--rf rh CI La:m.o4i ttli- . 4...i'0p0i.4 „of oho e— , , o , 4: as rFil_dirl!..l , 6 p . nril O.,CAU 6 . 1 , Ades •ittvoilie• ,hrt. itevas sir=._, l • 8 ^ tom A*oll- : ilia* **eh . d 1. . The f r eed om of Goo , rt Bedews:, speech sod at *opals " You err ramie, d i has bias denied na.' liberty by rt. lesd:- a ,V,.. "It is **prop- of your affairs. Bat 'sit,. tbir property o is there as tudiviauld Northern - - tairparn% in the trojorooot of it ehich is oonfunaMadl-! &TS your oppreinoni? B. "Men have beta Who among Yea WO 1 toin'front their Wail- to speak or write 'what ins and locked op in l ee thinks .artiost the Iprlion, l and woman •roony which hie WO ' • - • robbed you of your !peony, izeirfirseed 'your SOW, dregs you to the find trflistris, - * and is daily diluggisw fOic od r, actuary' witE Mo y i -.- "Yam aaludiy , acute was ' hitioy, aid IA the profrrred pesos btantenk,l4. WI tiro years of misery had been spent in pease. arid plenty, and repairing the dreads, Olin of the qttxml, ama -would bayonet the interests of Greet Britain sod America in a tree Ilicht,ciad at web tea their fr Sod ship. I wish to leads aboaen't3nd of Anon- loans to the attainment -f incee, liberty and asfoty—ihe 'List ob jacitta taktagtheflalil I "What is Amertos ibet a land of widows and orphans and her. gars?. Bat what need of arenmeot le snob es teal infinitely more misery than ton .us con crones? 1* give my promise of; mew xffeotinnate weloome t 4 all who are ditioonal to join me in sorisnres amok/wary to aloes the ermine of our ma otion, witkb Inuit itiotware "alit we sea eatiefi A with the liberty of the mother o matry, which Will 011 tit no protru ion. end exemption from all taken butenah Ire we think fit to i in posh upon ourselves." "Men tie ted that boy must leave their homen and dr. ,rote thleuteliwo war." 6 .The volley of the sdatintstrotlonfue Vaord bledrattwe the nay of the Tinton." 13 the Admlntstra Mihail entered upon a waled polio;, danger. One to ttni mare of the country." 7, "In God's named are do to no means by which we can are lb. lomat Matsuda And breamas r. 8.. 0 Ne have natal. noted MoCkaloa • W. might rector* p parity and peace to the staple.' ty Mita they Yrcter IL is a remarkable fact enneeoted with the alleged onanimitir which prevails in the el 8 ales to racist the Union, that more Shan one half the-resident' of Atlanta preferred to go North when (intend Sherman wormed .to,remove tlo ms *amide Me lines, though thee had thciraPtlett ta4re Meier North or South, and were furnushed with facilities to take then; in eltter - dtrosetion. We have,not .the let st doubt that theLpeople in the Bt.ten In rebellion are unanimous in support of the Confedsraoy, just for the same moon that thj viera,oatTied out of the Urion, they San. het help ft, for the prat:mai of no one is mi. eretedin - itieselneteir vim exPrieneiSan torkeitimsed to rebel rale.:antsdlar hoer asien — hdtraeir, of their offeedon for :and faith in the retel eenee, to see them' araillog then ealees of the drat opportunity presented to theit of lervinr the Confederacy to Ito fate, end partini from their le.mea and associates ' rather thin hydrae int rata. Oio of General Bietethou'e onieforgane ex plains big. peoulisipoeltion as Nimes: PAvowealy,brCiellan le a fictionist. Openly be profeseeslo bt lining le_gint the Booth every .neemeiny guarantee, provided the Houthera - .Bmtedreftweet to return Into the Talon; ptivately be assures these friends Who 'ln courage the prosecution of the war that he m * defae peace. and' that be nut advocate an artobtion . and s , convention of the Eitatita should hd receive the nomination at Colo tgo. ab urges se • reation for not openiy evening tn n th n e n , e , that the people are not yet 'nody to ondone them, and considers it icepo• 'Hilo teitigke any Stip too dectl•dly in lid 1,1.0 of the- popular 'frilling. He feria assured. bowooer, - thot the trtomith - of the Drmooilitte party nillet.end in peace, (of ho says that, *Ten' itltiehed to tarty as the - we; there you'd been itimy.of any magnitude left at 044311;mi1a of the Government by the 4th of kora rtnict." inatntetJaaa to N.D..' Newspapers! .W.amitorres Oat. 5..---The followitte psam yes - totod -it. the telegraph 0ta.145 it .. 11 /4 14 0 23 0)4 1 1, Vs after nor troops entered Otitis : Is signal by den. Cooper, Ad join -Ilk endlespitstor - General , of -thy C 8 A.; Wersttirked; Itzeuttoen; jiffy - 11,T= 4%. oe:eclair at the Ro.hagluta &Diner: anard Asjose if *plutons ut your -ttaliocillittir* :tut., is heisted %awe ffeuk "thlinee se to the tuatuberot our 5141 . 344 itt ai. points ono oy •oom oommsoa .4 has Femme of the Brat bnportanoe. It le lio otadrebleAttel, the anew, should be mpg, 1 Sit sailerther whereabouts of General Lem b:rtneelf. Nor abOuld it helmeted, Oat Gseeral Eivtlthas bien asparated-from his corps or wi ere be ie. Please bear fa mind three cog -rations .. , paed . ) • 8. Coors, • - ' o3 Adjutant-and Turepecter Clement of . c „,, s . r ei g o . ii-. 1E8) ISNor tolo , t3 3 l3944:rtitVi arm*, tan flan -4 pinta :aid= of Ohio, wasa pm" eizzelt friend and !Wrzter, of rootless. Wiring the iiildeatiarcnuirOdbetveran the "bat,: -aid AffiiiciptiOlfrflfurigdmsp, privq44 In tl Tsieli, ftokin_ 4. llsim what he drught of Ble. Atil" repTird D mew; I¢Aooli . la tin bon , ' t 9 ' 4 4'ferakeitiganfi,:- Wileitlrthae Democrats do:milder' 0 2 rriettelF P.P/0 12 SY,ItII 4.. 4 CIM "F iI " j O I 1111.40H0 . 811' btrl _lonlroope etitveky. 111 AihteVentilt feria Wohne n and Atomised' of tb) grmittinitt cfliesinclig were asditeed t" tbejetqkarAiil bak'bsilor_hiog lefl ;‘, Ortuns,:yrottlit . havabeen isillarUninst army. Hid ttokitlenerel Rousseau gained audlimar with thi Vresidetst, and gained-anthotrits, !it Inervikats licelellan would hatelet Rack ttrs enAtme Louisville, sod obtain control of ILentnekg; Ant same gems with `'Ault; ifecutesses ; end aliened - • tsr•nav nFoat Vevle-of-vmbeasd!of entelthimult Bortisidtre 4th in 186 Z. thiti ltho.4q l Pt.thAt.!:- . 44,4 1 , 1 7 to _aen.litouseeau. Minn JibitAa44Sll4 9 ,...beolkOrtelt*O4 - .byi l it met Wells, rrovest Marshal ' of th e . mule , iw defenses zrirsaliaitaci; thatlite "rebels re been for some time busily enraged in Otters op dead on.tiss hattlallelds of the Wilderness, 111111 iff the SlOtkleg to -Lber , oold for rage. It had bon knelt that trains Woe rilildng- ?rota Sa lim* to a point • few mils; below Frederloks. -burg, and much specralation wen %Ira the ;abject "‘of:rantoed liperatlous it oat _Tietittttyy. It Rant out that these trains are run for the' ipurpoes of trabeperting to Itichumnd the .sdebris of the Wader:ma battles, old Iron, bt &4. - We learn that Union and rebel -bodies are both *shinned by - these jackals and .4;064 and their ganttents stolen. The bug. nese of thaw tribe is &seated by commis. stoned officers of the rah At. min. Aiotilef - sasilianaL ' The Wasldngtonßepoblican bee the following ooneerning • report coriti - Tated by some friends of Gen. 11 . 04115 n, that the President bed re cently offered the • high +Mammal in the lif ter O R* are anthariied-to say: Oa% itto Pre , tt dent has to tneelleetion of sendirg any moo. -gage ci meammt er talletteral al'Otelltn, or of reeeiving say trosellto, et any time does be was relieved froo,ihe oetereeed ,el toe dray of the Pototese, and eertiloly nonesuch as manatee irrthe.i published ;letter of eta. Ithelea. It the Pr' (dent seat • massage hi - w rchl g; t ioreiriting - preddicied . ; if ininsto. lintelo:rt efff, bo neraeL Let either be done r‘- ACQUITTAL Cl Wm. Rona —Mut Commit 0? Wee regestly ocortemetwitew Orlisas tooth* ix minatioa Cl the rebel._ ljez p a w *GY:ltpd with fieVroying eta wan% are meat ea& somoititie at Pert MOT O& atm? be . 4•11 satraodoreCttoo, swittlit4 !Mange ethic - 00mM Were bylittir ,xii b by ; . • . '44 rrra F.. 3. erit,..333:3=34:n 1 :FIR440 0 '•11 rloak.Arse4t gee* vi ta eWe'le•ald bOttiPt ne"ulelvell Went the ogiteatiese glom itijoriii a *lll nollnottee. Large ma irritiee wiil boldly be enough. We Irma sad omit here reedeel es ea orerwhelmitig ani declare ea will attingdah inciry hope In the hearts of the chiral of the rebellion, and In the hearts of all foreign and donissile sympathis er. wish rtbellion, that toe American people Will ever ceneeet to the dismemberment et the Ameettan llnitte, or to rh. ~,, . .tiemithotent of the geseettartoy of thb,alwrohohling ollg brag Lo land of 'recd..= P Uffildlo .Arorzczo. 104:mica-Jilt° Ownoni Or °pert. ea 0 an.rra • littl Wulf. btwea' %Is amu:stand Sins= rassts, .41 Lb. roua dm! the NM, it , and .rsatog kw two *30...1and and rimmed. 1 3 , id assesonatlam ani thil ea =a dar'• Oat Pa *Jr a aril, tutu tha 'la; or a law whlob 11 au .t p 14.4 ap lb. htadt of lb. far eallactioa. a Keriolara aui !gala. - TO TAXPAYERS—PITT TOWN anie.—As • maifte or the Sebo-si anall Pas tu.sua, • hrld Ih.peastbse 10:b, 116, W K. utaat .b..ud Tn. Atm ra the 15041107 remd - &Loin of tha Prmulnit are ISA.OO label .4 ft .41 arthier Pairrael that th.T to. my , . bd to .r... sae tnta.araz andl tam.Gl.Wy. -0 • I la r aoati 4. or 5 per own u. a. Whi to all irtio to aiatl thetamann A' .04 W • • WI& 13, ord.r 1114 Bo e r WlLyikii DAVI* Prseldettt. 011/39114. Baradirt7.. • Itron•seave of the Man $p tee Nader. *led 1. prepand c= imlfe glad tai„ cod as al , . MO to am Lid La alto aleg the Tasioeyern . I ter r, .t', lona data Mtteethtt %beret, to me.* tV 1,111M.a". W. ta. WEB Ll', .ort..aluer, . _ 971 Liberty µnot. 10.WIL , Ni/1• TO WNSIII P. —The fal -1•t71-g 0.13404 mor.V.lme bAn 1 , ....a .014*1 to she 41.1 ouso 4.1....1 •o• a 5t1.11... tompublp I. le 0 0. d Mop w.s ao la. tin ako to tel 4 ant • Ica vat, 0 .1 eo. cord Toted., of Dotobor .04 the 0..1 0! tor, Jun , toy, P. 0.. W0D0..44, Joan P. re. 440.04, Joan It w re, 244.1 k... a..., We. Soda ot, I a, 6.. II 11111...‘, 0 o A haalve,, 1•••.: Pith, 0... IV B. 11100 ••, I.obe ULU, Jr.„ rv. t . 1.1.. zot, Sob. 01.1111•••, J.kco. L 410... e, D. 1. Dlokto., J,.0.0 411..0.r, S. We/ly foisote. H. B. 4:',..1tat..4, I P... LI Q so , . Jam.. emnt, NPlJati It 0•511 , 15E2a, P I • LI , wt. Ilaab We. 4, 1.. L... .: Hp.' t'.. Ittotar.l P•eu. Cap•. IL. • klate Sas a, John 11.gonta, .I‘.• foe k. .14.nat• 6- ro0•140, f..¢0.1 AP., 10.r.0. 15.11, J li•ut, lA. it. Jc et .m.. PL.•.y '.:. 0,10. taapu 1 11,..0011,, I W S J I 'on, V/ O. It ••• ' J ra 6 E. I. nee, Bob: Enloson. Jo • • • 1.1. a-, .ALQUAPTE -Fit PENN:NINA. Nis 1 , 667 6 AG6,7406, 467 161.6•64.6 .n.reet, 4 ...1 a...t00. D. o, 066.646 4 7664. D. • 'fast karekota rat ko the glee Ockaatttettak, ku.kk sot 4 the L dtktkt ere. •11 the . kko•dore or the stet' Is It. Sold. mop and tk spited, ate aottorksel t+.,•, et as . approach na [Phalan; as ma I kill of. to • r sad 4th Notes bar. Armlet !nee rein bet a:1140u open • roil .s nary La arrest. is_d esetp fn or ppor itteetiditied, z eels. and tee forttlicadete area d Wirshintit ie. ten • 4111 b 9 t r nun Te'.e , e from the teat., and rehrts. 01.4. k fore. far retorts. •eL s old be dis t !bet d In d. tin • ro.l 0 - ored at tt. gaalquartant of Colonel .1•• Y, A IE. HOU B ma*. W an won .14y. t• th. moh7m User-, acid ter •tho coeval:throat of -41 d tad. oe.••• o d men • h • cannot tagall, .ota with the orgatlitaUctuCto artich thOf r• 111.00 ?WI baloaj. FS 10111:1‘W, Gal aed Mikan /Lanai al hoes. OPITTeiI3IIIIIIH AND WEST vat sulk. o . 3llPeitlL—Soots fle @Wanda tlaa lb. Cspit.l Edaft of lb. Ptu.aarsik sad Wist Viretda Cal oorstsapoir• boy spot st .01.• at HON/emnar Mad Ist.ei sad dn.u• Way. T ay tat as norahloy are %mead to Wan 'h. gl.u* at o 1 comlß -411110111•-•.atilalled auras. et 'Web uncra too hundrad sad (17 Ws. sea sail adapted obbm. au.hstak I hi- I.dssio. of M. !sad Y sthi to ts asashrst tbs lsst It MX awlor to soy to al sal to sl:hto awn d.dauat of the noted B.rie plea Wei* at which Wets ... but veil.* la mrdselaloperstion Ocapany aiipropmicr. t.stat, .11.. lbw:Ma 11A• 1.4. vt U. 414111•1 Scoot ter [11.4p qv*. of ilataloplas 1.,d W4l is u .r• b ring sad amoral othimi will vat dv.ra Pszuncar—.lzaXlll O&M Nwarrurv—.. 11. dream. Taxashars-8/JitreL IL EMIL Bush Sletti•try 6.1.• LIM% JRe BIN J,610111 1 .cm. Jr., sa#lo tr 12..r•CONNALLJWILLE AND SOUTH ZEE PEMBA- .ffand„ramd 00.2. mte64 - ears maxi ato as ••st, Wei "••• •22 62 TAl rµ-rat, lbw Outia.ll•6•Os and lbw:hart. Psurylintala TOO•sruy Eastister," amnia? Elva :6444. dui 62-1 6111, to Fromm.. aaht.ot, trip, Sackstar too purl.* oF ttctivtt% sebkottoktst to th• thstat 26221. of th ask! Ilantray tstmlastyta the 14111 dl7 at OOTOEST La 4, 4 the hairta that tl-y, at the WAO 2 otiVON ROTEL, to o:stain of 11.1612-., Br.d atnotty, Pam t7feastso.ll that thsyw It-sp said hooka op a re. aard'ag WEE OVE-N/6, WILLIAM E tT 2 E, w s.tas. L. Im niut, aunt** w DANIEL WARE ttIAOGE, O. W Bt. USES, A. D. not= Tarr. O. W. MR 20E1E, D. 0. GEE S. A K. EoOL ;EC, W1L..16.01 EsOLELLAND, 3.41. VOTE, Ukt• Ommitalonani. 4. RLIPOITALS Fu LOAN. 5-20 3301\TDS. TBIIIIII7IIT DZYnUTIIIILIOT t _ r.ta.oson., 1, I'6l &Ale' often nlll to netonethalthls Deportment, en &kis...4 of Coolness. approval, Jon. Sa, 1864, mull ,the Mum of Ifill_Jaa, the 44tar An bands*/ the to tee Scats. to tte anauct of lorry bff3ous of donor.. Tos borne offend out b AS • r tetrisit of In per ten. LOCI p. ebb semi eonoatly, I. eon, on the !lest rha a or any sod flonratmr„-sall rrttermsbnat the pt yen of the t.o.arr.m n 4.atta--nn. yams, sal os Mann year. from D.. 1044. )och oehrr moat be tr ftfry t • sa sool , lsts or AP, end nos! &tin the mon nendlog passerm oL tta+d ror tans hospnad enthral, or P. iThy whoa the oho- Is fer re mon tlai MU. fora po not. of the p ft. iial ( rueri•ng pn sot 113)qt:A .hey an aunt 104 a' b 140.1.,, mon be 1 . e0.4 Pad, as a geels9,l foe toe Tanana of mantesiptlonal u.t 3.d, IMO the 1 newt r of rlnt Dotted Stat.. et Washington, or min 1,.. •trtbtanl Tre , osnoar at Fe ir V.A. Hawn, Phil/i -d:oin or et-Lsods as irlth tk. datiotatad Doped:racy C.:440 , 0. Plll4,rgh, CloOtostl, Cl. cau- , DitO,Loc_oteldn. et with fml listkotat Dutch Da k pant to transocrttt• battsmai with. pot cberge, Lai ditgadts dub:its cortieritoi - 41.11 Le tta,ail to . r.a.a to . oinned co rib*, Citober 14te.. The oaratenott tn. mad. f7r ttottbaratadylo bigbist orbtara, wad aollaootoonodonoo or donnation id I to iniFodittalt item to tn.foipitibtnelbnota, la toots of nooeptanos. toads of *4 dathiptioa ant do. sonflonttna tnaoroad IrM tomb botbandr alkaloid •0, c 4 ,4 YI.D4 I:toponym - at, - pa 'foal papeaekt of lo• ofttntiltdi lbaddrttttd, tba last izatabasolo paid bt aooliodat offtlible and sal to tatandistott rotatted.tb thou Ilbont aim , saran of ;:coptad oda' teart be debeithei utak ttsTtonathio, akar or tanicalniuntod to aat Caddo Oda attloo, as onokoot tbotooldanoo at ellen; of 51.' loaf reantall on tba uctainr, and tba blues, (Ise non lb. pronil.m ILO otlstaal too tot Cltra. do. acalq on tbo td.o. and at-lier 4 The tr tide bga Interest tams Sogetther Ist, b ares', ga . eep ate, trap ads itstg to Seg. I. Vat la pfd hy the tavernment to ct4th .0.4411•0 0111101Lfr:OZMOULOOOS. Of moots-thio mot of ox.ptod afore. may b. totel, with soused m. *snot to Oct.*. t Thatod.efot . "ChtrOtom rof pa. dobte . datoo n tot iamh . cortifosts via matod fa part psymtat thiltto ot Mtn ludo till =Um AM& to ottionot ^Otffie hr Loon," and filiffoollMOl fo tb. flOVllfOry Of Mal maw/. 4h. Hobe dorltai ottori Dn2 coositmol ottoauti. rota to it.. Goversoositlltioarred tree tkozolory. W. P. WICBSEJNDEM ernarruir or re • MUSTILY ONE YE .R ,MEN. Saw OS OA N,IZA-2' 10 N. EEEM E. BWDIL TOtliwssocroten 0011-am, dNbs ni Matra stns Pitteburgb P. GINNGEItiaRK, Cfliti AHD 2P.. L EAT mice, am Pan. frawlebe a lir •CY MEET, SWILDIW2I, NM , WWW Ll.Baarass. whb sebum, os Oki& both. go Rip hilbWlh 4 'mealy irlaisp.i,isianrim ibr 4 'taw /7N/Of ptsw.sw. • • • - Abair- 07111:3 aszle, PLuitstl. , oq.cwal , - • - nnimiat.ig , ,t.. :humus:h. ow.* loollm frißE' • DIRFOTOBS • Or: TB d-Thmukg sod hood Para-l)U 4,4 A 4.1.00 Cloassik, itst lb* oy feavoll • Duldpailfrt HS 01111 T, er Obi 0150../ Ptak. foithe simath feBoptemblir,oll- 0 , 16 firths CRUX et iftersti 2 7:4a or "I 4 ' ma- metres emr: mo". ikowsmi Waft Ito 10th Lel RWiSinnatirm tb lam A380a.,23 einsthailtersOrmligo'flars..ial Serfralcar Puna. Apel pierna ama irr.deblissr lbw oral eal. if Of , • ' vlerl!fae atNYYAandir DLILSOrOttB t r / .ate. -at elm Dvg. w w2l A . o , l l)Nink svm4l7: 12=!1=t11 ,POL • - Lino= .Tqutr,sto ' Talon Ibis Netting WILL El 11611 33t31211V.A. VISTA; Friday Evessbai, Oct. 7th, OYCLOOK. Tb• badly, .01 b adeumbed by 7r•Be r. ITIMPATHICIC II ►. 5.4., .0 other. RALLY I BOY& A UNION MASH Of th• Maids of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, WM be bag it THE BOROUGH OF ELIZABETH, On Saturday, BM Mot, eta D. m. Hoe. JOHN P. PllPnrgy. Tlob JA like TPN&II • A H WaTbOb. rag , J li. is Otattlib&D. Am' mho. b uldrealttu m.--tfin. log tiING IT I BUY .IT The Union Om pa 4 a Son g and Chorus, UNCLE SAM'S iltENAGEftla Wore* mud 11.. e o arra by J W. rep., sad tem. dto How. o t. ll , oth.s.ks. 111, owe of the oncost bcothrow .ouga of ttio h , s4 or. r yubltab•d, thd hcood to to long by woos, n. los tams Mob throughout Ito touot.y. tow, b.As ought to have It now. 10 OEM. tot les tun d to thy Waren ost may of prim C. 0. MELLOR, 131 WOOD STREET. Ut•ION AND LIBERTY. Ilion *III t.. moootlai of the loya/ ion of Plant ?owes Ip. al N vv TMS. Vn /Friday Evening, Oct. Al IRVX2I OTLOOK. The mortleir will be addreased by 86..1. 8. 11 0111/8.8, ./l , HIS LT,T LOS: Esq. sod 61.hars. 6611 LINCOL.N AND VICTORY, 7tooe will bo a Pc lca Maeda' bold la B I R VA !NORA NI, AT X tZEET HATE i, 019 Friday Evening', October 7th, De meeting sal Da oddraeord by O. P. BLISII, 4 apt. Eld muaL asarzu, J. 191.1818TA11, req., and other,. ooS WO. OF M001.41' WASHLNOTON, LFI ATTEstron.—/Itsr• vrtn 11011011 L MASS anizirms UXLD MS LOWTH T. OLAIU Tr, AT 15101UNIr WASHINGTON, On Saturday Evening, Oet. AT ®TEE weLous. Thu mw tang urlll b addraned b 1 sjor EIYEEELL C. W 11.0e8,, J &II ZS l it MM. 1111„ red albora. alt UNION NOW AND FOARNER There tail b.. ...alas of W. Itriwuk of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, AT MANSFIELD, ON On Saturday Evening, Oct. SSA, as 01"1121 O'CLOC K Th. most/rg 1.111 b., be.byea,4 by 110.. I I 1100U1111PD. too T .1110•41. R. 0 013.41-8, aro ot-ora J W POPE .111 m p wool end slag sof. of Ito 10,1,0 ,oroa A u UNIR tLLrI I=3 LINCOLN & JOHNSON, Q] t • heal la ..IB.A.Srr 1.41.3i3MEV1r, Eaturday Evening Oat. Bth4 TL. mealii *IL bit t4dro owl b ae.o 10(11ZIAND, lei MAN 'IL 53621. ALL. Wm;, J, LUDWIG Will 'int'', sq. Is C..retatt ) .1 41 ti..l• *b. a.a 19 t•TOr vf • VI/ •OW prowca n f Fa at '' A? 7 O,I7LIKT. t r...e. u. mows ima faux: vox atm. tb. lot-. 4 kn. , ace GRAND RALLY I MEM WILL-331 GROB RALLY OF UNION MIEN, .01 51TU1011.111139. BTII.IIIIIIIt AT BEHATEIIII , HAIM r Ow.* diet 14ns aid ibidti Vourtb Ilud, Winking Olt". ,2clittattos I. 4. t 1.1.4 my, 10111Ilad . , LTILBP, 8"O. MtCKiILL, 1.0,13i7/4 Spli. • twisombeed, re. bobs dillocuteo IL W. (b. 041,4 abbe leeresell. Plliabtergt, . Iterefflobb Nth, 1851.1 DIVTDRAD.-113y order °Utile - !fterd of ,Db•efele ebe Pbreldbe o f ebb Omateby Daa Oda &bared • Ibrideod et ,fla CaNT. at We .Cape bort, be be bib qoarter, enettree Mb bet', plater pre. at semersarn tax ).02, wit atm WIN vi courons, pmts., as lee comet Uri trembly la WI erirread: el lee Mende litabeerirlerater co,, No. 61 Web street, Neb A N e ns ,r to td slookboldess "so regtelend et •Ow oflos. Ito bower Rooked belbarbeny.ll7= at Iv. ro. on the let day of October, and ruble it do ISM. W. L IMINCS, VIORTY ACM OF .00AL, situated Lauo tattudinity ca th e Ihnournials 14~1, lOU be, b afraid 101 NM 'LW Tito watt, t. =wing, TAO. open, tad spout omit feet thick. no local &mud for mil tritiot4 sat a mold be otipp.o •oot to good o4vantago. Throe maw cf tort.e. oonwooloot tarots:top, owl Mau ma , atlcns would b. told with the .oat, S. 8; 'BRYAN: Mrokr: seal Loam= Ara% 00 TOM= STRUT 'NO:ae - TO WOOl.OllOWleI res ttwy COT 11$11711rial/ illia.• .1.117 enrihitla !WORM - Et er,r - erJ Ihss amid ilit 7 / 4 11711,400D ?wog Duos., rem i. es nee lesselsee. , :ases,a.torotill4.l4l9ll REM 14203; of in, rissllty, • 4110, oiwicit Oral W SUM& llW.kttto 1 1ro 1 0 Ati.rneN elO. 4 10 tame to all ..d totostoomi gook, at myriq". mam tlecN, Wastlairwie ARA, aim Vpat e lgt•Lbani coolly. Pe r • . Ohlodintottra ercrateXix.; pm BAWL- - -Ant meted frogrOarruiVo PIRO eatissy /Ws, good Moe" aot WASig PM tingle. •I'' LL;;Li'l +AI r..:L I a 7.4.1 L ILSREE=I •ciPri4Prinar-.ll l Lorra. APOB-A 7 vivitirkßD 7 08 strntrim lataltrabOte4l &no ""seb" 1-4 it 4 abtatimetat atllma am . R•fmr ataabo.ftsa tar.lllll bamrk la. m... , mr of Maw, ram Mob.. Amite bm mils tram tag elty r at.■ ranrcat mail. • bma tad dot of to. tot. aetlat eatery. 1144,111111aa mat t 7 11. CAITELBIUIT SWIM St Ilietat tt . . In—Vome the prises of the PoPltlAoorttor, to No. 10 Betio oirooll. %boob om Smola" .mss Oot. Dtle. o BAT WU Wool moo sae mp to booted vono odd. "hoo solar l• requeortedl to moltlormatto Prim Crillio is... M .E cktzse take Um my, or irM I, WI de LS—Two Lota of Grozatt a oleo) I. cot. rittiono, ea But•st sus• b amliii OA Clymer strum e iscit fro ortS tat ca Maw news asul atlas las Era, int. • st, ta. mem vedtb, Mtn@ Ss Sortss.. ll .7. •lo or Lots En yes, origmbis• botsltag d • 41 be soli amp. t er • ....a I, pk., ELMS A O.L ° SIDT. brut" 7. , t et. Diamond stress, INtabores, ADDITION 41, STOCK F. tag like! a. In .Idt:titian to there ahead, wenn tom. d be etet4 elan. wan On Oompc ay ; • do Dos Mt, d • ay layette do; T. A. SIoCILZIZMID, EV h NINA DBAWING SCHOOL No. 14. Hay 13troet, 'Tee 7U. 11..e4ewes1 rraertag owe mat Lair Lb. Ora o-eete ea PIOEDIVI. tee tech hot. 'II &Wit* ME le seeheet 19•11 meet fur men heat u OlatarAl. the Me lent If P. uEH9EVIE2E, nth sad Efeeltazdeal E &glee.% octal TnK iMPROVPD L 1171,8 GUM 112911140 11.111111 M. rm. ON LI ola. Ilbourpaimid for o.roWity. rell.ll ly .3i41 gra. broom.. ; mad I nod aL It h. . rt... atmydlatiy. 41.41111. .4 n 0.1130, It Is ...puled by wt. .11.• .330 to.hin• ofbrod I, the puha., mod hoods It bto woo to b. aporeclat.l It mil boat, tilt. tusk ark.. OW and siiirant. tor yourouvaa. Bury roacht. vrorthotad. 13. Y. 1 3 / 1 1114.8, Au 5L to. 113 third etre., at uhorazo Clot. Locate • lalll3 . IC LiAI•V ni? A DODS& AND IoPT na Tin lITLLAGI OF EIVIEllidLt..-111 Itr of lb, . 'woo, ......• u otl.,toroy Count, vtil zroord to PLOW Olio. ma lit• proclaim, an Ili U • , DA 1, Tortemb..o Sq. /II -I. al I &obeli p. O. LOTS Ho. 10 nod VI, to Moo-15 d •11.,.....y onarOp, P . Dn • b cl.• Is 0 • .4d • . 0, Mo Litrelang !loose ma mt. elid . m. Tftl•perhot. Sur Woo al. pu• .-.... ad.', nn Om ...min. to Mrs. ANISD 1131:160. Guarllan. frt. RRiti7 t EITONA, t tor Ley a, no 163 r. •rtlk irtx. rt. Tittabargh. o=e et •If Ti PS( •lIITiON OF NiRTNBRBHI P lb& Orti of IIcOLELLAND • EILFIOLLANOB was ay. la, 0.. lb. Inds, of ftehtberr. I 4 LT am. tcal 'ca-eat. J. EN It tOI , 4IOLLiN•o, BABEL. 0 SeOLELI43II, JAJNIIB ,L6iOLL.IIII). '1 h. butts... O . the 1a... am. wads. Lama. , •ttl.of J. a I B. NUL !. LLAtin. at It. oh/ stand. wrEttr of Those! strut: .an Ivaala avenue. lisp MILROLL•ND, !vile D. ntiMOLL•bn T o CIL ME JOHN P. HUNT Ilea warty Orly ma will stantly pattfab l MAP 0? TENHO COUNTY OIL REGIONS, L 1 ibqtray bad by Wu. rebacb cwt. Bfse , 44.10 Istobsi PON, 12 U. .1111ap of Weal rircinia and Ohio Oil Regions, • L t.cgr+pbod ►y W. Canasta. et.., 21 31 me►., rt ft.6a. Mr Copies oast by null a. nors, r rery, ow razeipt et prlr. JOHN F. HUEY, Pvizaaaini, GO 117711 17-, 1 1 / 3 17810 lIALL H f)111NOYAT1110 REMEDIES, fresb Repay Jot Received z. I—oar .1 / I •Tr. Oftgorldoa and Inf 1:10. rsla and Ilettlamme.s; east Um &it elves of .mt. ..d Llierso•tea7 disease*. Price, 65 cents, Fo ii—Cloom Way. 'how, Worm Oale wa VoracEe. Wesing the 1914 Prin. 86 doats. M. 11—ClanmAloile, Ts•Cdtrai, Cryte4 mad W•kaini• eler. Cik.tlrth *ad reislawn• Isthat. Pr SO e.t.a 12, s—Ourea DlArrtm, aaaum.oor 111;211:6 ; MOWS n'Auatits, and eixemar ConroLuns. Prin. al; cam. Bak amt,ilon.• lb• Imams* of °twat; Dtaabee. MI Blood 7 Q. Opp. 515.5 0016 MI Dratuary. M. db Do. ll—Ceass Weiss, W s Matas, Names UP To:AM& A4ttunsua Braashlos. LS wain no. rs.t rirr.gbik addik, thersrum arcachltis, latt.ass awl Con throat. Fr &S MOLL obs Owe th ,". 1 wwer L4l la can Oa worst Or4d ant •—Cfterea Itsosacks. Marto. Paha and t Prlom. LI at. Be. 0.-Onvitegul-acbs,lttek Readoeho 'wasp, Rod Blood to C.* Heal Pelts OS sato In niktatian with ha. Mit nem tails I. awn Wm to-14n. Dprimpti, Weak, Leta or Diesegoll Ommilpettan,, Lira Comp Walk, et Oft= OossaL 4 ca. Peke 65 ants. lau.r.sunalarsilisaarof WaalcDtpalionsadaillop o:lpasaul. . 1 . 6 11— Chuvl &Wawa Ilsama, oral/any, sr water o[l, or trimly& gram ORIUL No 111 -Ouno Iwamoto& at WhUmm, litarlsc Dank. amm Prctams Warm SS aeon. EMMM=I g0..0629 Ofd, abarbialai anal tallag It of amainteatia Maack. It V talatl2l4 OM always retina sial cam No.*Num, Ibparod, Dinkab, Lions Torsitng, Cobh sad lbsobaratisa, trbs, IC M. nand nib lki?va prela casel bit No. 21-Var it Mobanpa, Nabob be Undljap bind Nasbaz broato. 410 comb 111 drab lam Va.l3-osrai Setroteds, tolsersdalds. 1:ael:b so 4 014111.rse.110•Bsta. Bag aand the rayless& lOLLEOTOB I AIativiUt 6614 st, L, raeiteeeitsee, if 114 Donee ORM iltrfts Ina 2h:re ore!. ba the Cite of A 111911113- D •T, the neer Rorer. ink sloe tennis ite. sc,tee role eel Inekeenfo; teleaWeteess et Itianion rue es win no aleatory: Po= Dlr. tri v, Naas, se tle poorly of =4 Pen. fo wit i re iNo. throes 'Mien. 17 no. fay a* 01Prhir Tobacco Sit eines 1:o ite esontog Venom lee itol no ens =hone. So les cr. co Ton en Mo. Ma filmes Sri 410 1 101 I Nem err / 11 . = ha r t later 4l6D it eV, _r ?Wen' Prorest Re. nate ic arxre s ri s at ik eed l = w eite le tDa ee4en7 Wire aid Oilea Przr, Mr learnt Rao. ate Sweet Tone mo Se nd wane elid-ineseensolai Oat ope. to nauserest 10 o'cloolc.SO ' Sontseue,trutet nosy at no rm../ eters. 11 RolIMMII.Repstetionortos Reap oilstone! Referee.= pas ese. MB* ooreid lecktog,lll"4"*ZwaiMaatt ot ( Vi r "PiTALISTS . • 111.31-0ar•• Goma Dde Plydeal or MOW° Akta.ttacs. OC agate. idrwaslatiora. Tamil Ihrautnip, elicqza thx:ll4o=s. do am.' N.. se-0..." Ahordidußaft Irnstrelias, t 1612" 'WINN Vomiting. 10 ande. flo.l7—tecro Chitouhistim tDbriamhArard,Rea ;kW Dlfilaelt or Placed thr LSO= an aid own II lam Fismei. Bo; Mtlat =dud 3Y{l 7LO illve 61 mat aided nect*li kin% sal cti IDelsße sus= an. ,Ech. of Ata llo ,6 oarailkee-Nixdb-as Bitcroth Cisokine tt• ft Makes, aid ales Min ad Vssilemorrnilimalreass. 8114 aft, . • - Caves oscw, it acts lite • Glum. He. la-oam aselaimig slams, of tjA h _h m e,,, ri nd i r .t hobto o f o., raliaidea. ima ersa Iffe. 03-oano Spam and Cba rana per; ea or Idynarla. add 00. ad—Caro and Masted sr *.Ugn denlbrcal. a 9 Mate. :11 ffEM OUR mamas sititithil Zook •••T Mat* Ada Alp aria al 7•• Sow, and lads. Us mesa hi • arras •ole a-mok hI all gamy Waft awl M Ads tas if Nan at agtell. bee a/ dna% • n. mom , 4111Ui.11 Mum* SCOW. Ilesimi Icor bobs c 6 .. hat MI. . . 1101,1 % 11 061dtx MN:O as. WIMP. ]?--100 pigs No.l BatiGeim:mkule AWIR I iTe•4O9_OI.LW& MIMI brioltrA Mutt ssmaans. rq ,rr•w It= .re w Ala illriLftT lb 41, _ _ Q UABIiBiT MO iftTOPTI4 -4- FIRST I& TIOa&L BAir. Of Plt•inpvtl. P.. Cuts Pittaburgb Tryst Ognapi..7.l Oci-Cer Y. . 1.6.4 tansand Dlapanta---M2 .ISO 446 SSJ V B. oirt1lka••• of lizelable ed.... 6 per 114 aa—pos6j,n - , 1.11 43 Tudor 16. 862 kV 60 67 =row Beats • bantam. Sfes6 , a Bided Beare Beata.—____ SO CI Ceoh Item. besoisameae LIVIA 56 1,404 294 II 4.7 •.o0 10 014 41 13=1 o pits! Secck n emussista . 001 000 GO D 044 c, MG* 45 IloG Tr •413 r 1/44m1411444.44 5.37 14 GO Dr 414 Go Daum/a. 47 60 Plato Turalop- 60.131 BJ IP,Cl.,esa 56 toteby ••••Ify that O. above rabta..•as * • aue abstract n• m the Quarurly LVOV, made to the Clomp. MINIM' ot too tarsus?, to Ortooor 31.1814. ocT 11 .1011 N D. c 011141.7. COMMIT. NEW DREsB GOODB. WHITE, ORB CO4 No. 565 Fifth Street. Flsve I,st cptmed acme NEW DRESS GOOD S. SILK AND VKLYET CLOAKS. BOOGIIT 81/1011 THE L 1219 FILL IS. MUMS cc7a NOI li . F. —Pltoposals for Olio in g paring /ma t tri Uath 8 t...4010vri.g.5r•... will fa ved at kw .11 , •of t , ISZ , J , V , (IIIaI It VrOkt oath tIaTOLDAT, ths am init., trptil O.tOt P T rt..: from If IW:dos-ton rtmot t, ll'Efora •taeet; • eb-tar Meet Pe.etth • ret to WomOngtoo .0. et; wutttu •11611/1 trctr Pr4llll/D•11 to liatlmetro -{; T ..oared hem Wills 'o WaSeter menet; nth Cart •a. Wynn to tto.• attwt; 1.. Pent Diamond to •tltb ; also Boos tram 11 fob to High Moot; mot P zorylval V Aoao Izzomoloo 119 rani to (Math.= .not. Bldg mtli Wo b. focotfrd thrtonstranllon of rem, on Cor on .trno•, rtb Ward, from 000th Ctrs Yarn .treat to 'b. MEM lino of Liberty mem. B. B.—Bo OW rOced•rod mks. soma:Li - awed by bolt for [to faillmant of contract. oc7 O.IIIOOOOUB, Emsordtzez Ltegethoor. FOUND.—On Beaver street, a POO '.2 /30e1, eft. taluing • ert•il ma pt 01•awy, the oster.:tar 61 •by ral , log a • s'oroul iIJNL•?, 1.061 th /I 00., lib redaral gereet, Allegboat. eel 11 C ELEtiZiI-2 , 00 twits prime Ham ; 3do • do do W id • o'a •nd , or rho dr J. a. okirmo. T LAD- SOO pigs soft . Galean' in store iJ ind for Lab by J. B. 0.1011, HELD. R BON ul4- 2co bble prim_ Wiuta N. foe Ws by I. IP. Of Nflllt,D. ABLli-33 mai, in store and far .m by J B clasrunD. PENN ST. RESIDENCE FOA TALE. II 00 •• • Ent • • 0.111 1 1, 51 • 11 • r••• rt. TIR,PUTY QI) AIITEMAISTEA 13.6N1 121.11:45 ornai. Plbwbrbsre P. fkabbrfibb•r le, WI. LM IT WtO Postbd ?rayon]. •••11 le , ed-e pt ed. cake until lb leak.* tb• lib day of tea. Ter the 0.1•••1 co nay W•ltoCla rkibbatilb. P. Tbs. Ira. u• to b• made of Inwood tlyber and butt{ as ler ap‘olkabload, Tr: kb can In sets In Dab Tits Kb stint slab bar many wegom tha bldiar win d.lfr.r, .ad to What ect. , sts moat be saw 2.4 PrOporals Icre nay " aed asidnomed la t. C.l Orole Deputy Q. 13. l7e D eeal, rittettesi g ly P.. Bond wal b. elein:red et mamba bidders to half the aelottet et tee by two geed wad milk* et retnithe. ? • cr•Srredgord reeerra to hket•lf t to re it.' eh lid. that he oury de •m t high. Pement to to toed, • la coati:l6om 01 UP. oh:amt. orb a•ro a molt :r se the nada:yip ed Ash b. to tura. 0 1114 , 55, •41:td no and Deputy Q t. ape. BI.ANDY'ti PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS fILAPIDTP rousted Portals Mows 81. Atom &Nem Wok gN *, ZscstviO i ttf t r. Nue N 01141 N...% Alm.lns Warks.lioworf. U. The mai. W. to Liu world. Realism im.o7 st Bt.. and Sr. Ilona! Path Par. foost7 ...golloortor operator. Oct ft of 91.114 of lam bor. Wm. N. Hugo a, Waal.% P., cat tj'AWW tort to moon zeroth. antLlNg IlAy, 1661. Inotadtog t t. Awl do , . of otoLor J. 0 lliarictn., Lawkobarg, Pus. out !MAW bob of oat to throe moan. .fgoo, Ism ow N. 4 ...N; tOth of 1.. KOMI feel oat. ;Mated hoznaolloos aatl ongrarul ifroao4 plan 1001 sad Bond ftP=trosod <124.1. itmerWooto sad frporio of oporotora. Ac R. F. BIANDT, ' 7soontll. ar aim" Uhf. 0,40 f. fief. ooLl ooliOLLo-1. octlLLlsa SUItGRON GEN - EXALT! OFFICE!, Warnawrox D 0. 3... 21. Int. MAlSTllD—ritribliollo ADD ASSIIIT&IFT BUIL GLUM, tot 00/.0111,0 TBDo2o..—Candlyl. taa4 Ir. aratastaa a/ war, ) rnatar iladaal Cream IMAM int b 7 BOOM Of allaka Often 10 e. cao • retied by Me bug.. TO. boa! .10 Ear,. mita al that the =Mara aypatard Bataan or A -Avant Bargeon, awarding to Emelt. aopilsa arrorapiaaad by am or more bra Monts!" mar rap.-cab.. is rldrssed to th. Warrant, oracral, 0. I Waal. P. 0., ar to the A.sisbtal Pares.. 0. 1.43210.111.• B nova. are war I. wall= 11.4 EL. bow York, breabbarr.a. einaranaU. Br. Laub am tI•W Orbs.. Alm. 'roam& 11031fITAL a m VII L- fSL alf.01111:61Tfi. Oandidum mum / Imam • a ' CO sit Elitist «location. and be familiar mith clao oseepand ing and dimmastair of mmitchisa. dwilord,•-• most b. oafs ea boom* of Ilnovonr and amirmn• Mu, pont Oomimonation from MI to pi prr manta, sue 3.01b10a, imp, ttri sod rumen. JOB- IL ifUnann •-ctina• Samoa Goma. R P. 11.ALLovm.i.,1 Ei&Liowsu. Bum,- WOOL. It /11:Drital, SThE T , IBS DIIOADW•I liosuna.laiw t _ . IiALLOMILL.Nottsts. wal4laa HALLOWILLIMOTENIA Bow CommWien !mint k Parettnitag FLOM DAVIN, MEM OWED AO =MI MUM AND ALL MEI PR0011873. s t r' Or li, ..1111.4 Tr all ma .c Plaablova, a . awl &Owed Oft. a &dm awl swiamanstarla No, I= Mt= Min, (oplada Void Illt.basitb. P. 42wwwws oafs Fed was Sttla2oll. Om Wan cwasinumes.• wad raw PablerA Itedmir . aka Plwww w PIT" 11 Va. X 00.114 is Ow. IlleVeas/.1 di lehalwa lett • •www • Ow. i&ii Salt a OW :B. OW•lleharitak's Ise Ow ' . - - • • ,allTajdowi ea PIIT/Mtl was Dish to farm Ott i coitoPattles. I hvrsaksig.sammt of Fropeatr.fraditi Lands in res. Leases, Walls, as., nod on otter otos %tool:mob to 'sotto VALIMBLEI WORK Jur PUB A LUMEDrA liestal et th• • =rose ass Rai , * is• Was Systeso, • Of 112.17sthd Rata, bantam Ibo Terms as/ 1146. bibs teat:Maw& b7..M umet.lmir of latimil limas, Alto litiVern met tallort of lb* Climate• gator, tariVr irtth extracts tram tiumansopcisteliiitei Nes aft%oin, Moshrall.. 1701. Sro.• rd." • IS Oa. Tor taiiby EAT a 00. 10 ireocrtaii... FOB HAUL . , encoND-ErAitto-sziatsn. vxt ... d !Ma, stisptod lo,bartairet taqutgiof THOra/l1 z Ceran a Itamtsal 11.6124.1 neva, carat • • - Via alwautie. LES. 43 bb/s, 6(s• feu sale br. ‘e ' AMU 1.1011141 CL „PAZ IV” 8000/1... jektUCE IDYL tOED AllAtbr, $3fi1.6311 66 LIABILMII. Great Balat re• /sit Male! G;-rerstt Ozzie: Cl-i- e 4st t Stale! J. W. BARKER & CO., Asir York. FBLNCII INMCY'CIOODS: ares. Tawas Low Wars sal Seers ekagl Illatl's •Itorm;Traickl lirerhz (Ott, .its 4 litelmcklavd) &Mel= DieLVairg Drib =6. 1 4_ *almond saA 11.00. 'Melo i out c bgisca'a l ==a3l4 Kau° Zudirair-' Ia um . ick lug Ptatrar laffiY ea" Divans, ftpai, Ealipioillxtbiagloake.M.ol Ainn atisaant Emit:ars-5, AT REDUCED P . PLAID rolzairs maw.. accrraa FLAroa. DN7II rLaroa... intirzurn szAris --- 17,1115f072, IXISCRAB., ease. • VELVET OW wrimmaadiksmummt.4_ .ISTIMOOPPEg-WRIT 400E18. - , imairsa.stat If.#oll22nA, sacquis /MD CAM. NENIZO, 1111 Awn -a= Wks. agouti owalacaAasarn CCM% INISCE3 AND TOMNI aaiirmaiovr);gr 1141123 , wax "Pla. Muse. roe P ooraum‘ tar,ta.frozpooatirarrs - antaum, num ivet.,C— -.4.11 • - •- !Mrs. . 7 .: . • ,ftkittomtotimetwo..f..,, 111 THE EAST t DRY GOODS! lj •, ; I PA NIG PRICES PANIC PRICES! PANIC PRICES! PANIC PRICES ! FOR THE REST OF THIS WEEK ONLY. No. 59 Market Street. Oar COWITRI lIMUATS TAU lOTICE iligthdt-R4ifr Prot= Adtl•4 Halt 'mast. 1131malitpi Lae, 'east: Children's O er. man inarip 3301:115Ei nimbiling , Mods. CLOAKS madeici oidez A. BATES! 21 VIIPIII lesitT G IAODa BAITAMAt Goats soma PRESENT- PANIC .nuass MACRUM & No. 78 Afaiket Street. Wholersh sad Beat! Dia4b b TnimEnos BILIIIHRIERIffi, , - HOSIERY, GLOVE% III" ingGooas and NOS= - Wawa awl Boop Elurts haniqpi, &Peva sag Tasb.n Map 0.1 al; r mat l / 2 01 ' Pimels; Sulam% ais.t.g a, lINSIA iZioAly Coats. Gas - • " Nr., 4564; • ow. 121244ah14.1.E.1113.1•_ Obil%ll He•d•Dalle•l' • a. Emit am Sat 11 . 2 .1441atCW prtiartimbinds ILA 4I, Ormukents.U7l3lo.llle. Ws tear as aims so, cum) , ottur swan MA, at very asotkrsta Wag, &ad issaliali Wholeads mad Retail , EtreWear- =EM=IMM MADGE: AND ATTRAOTZTAL nal DECLINE ibt tioLi I • =ENOS AND :NOVO REDUCED iN Owing to the &dins is ths-rtal or gold, we by taut. PRO!PQRTIONATE autottcrioN • fa the arteva at 111 oar -gat*. •It b theibbt-the. tae mate. pica tar the rill IMAM tem 111.41,011. met &bet ,resat Cl may eats aLitrett Pa:MAU* et mei , h•velcze tae adeentete W the.Meng ' ' PA.bTIC U' d msal* Um& parch Ccr ati itiagoirs ' 111.mbas4. sad Dr an sorid do Wan taa.tatataa 'fa itpok LAM perecdowiag elairbare. EATON, luicauKA co, IT env ash ill= 1731" DRY GOODR, CTRRAX I J. M. BURCHFIELD'S., Emprosa Wolk;' Plain Poplins - • - Plaid Plaid French Merin ; Plain-C(4lmA do Itigurad-Serinoes; - Plaid , Ile& • ' - Coblirga and rtuinettas;' , Black Wool Delainas ; Black Preach Meiinots;:. Black all Wool Emineni[.:, - ' moss Nal as tom as rnba bwtbf ash eftr thirty Fps:rest lowa thsa the pt pid' - r griunra. - WAIN T CIDZ3.--2450 binds posy'. ettlxr,od Or .Wbk.iQeAgin" 7d* ULU to paid, at tio. SO Watts 'otiose.'ll: , 1711-n DIMXT*OII. WANTED.-8159 per Atcal.-Ore mrpaS, rallabla Gaormam Jarmo Woo pow! pull WO boloto otoatino 11150 p.a. =MO. irlll . sik we VI promeo sal , soa:wt. tuldmai, Jr.lBW4 11601tEULUS ool.=s 1 MO Clostas‘ Amoy Pa 3adaplls.,= 7AIITeD-10 Coopers-Wanted.* mak* h 12615 fr titelf.l mead fisie&gb-: a. EINSIEDT & diocTioir ALAILIO4. 81:1718•:ATTetTo..- ,; ', - • Tlon.—thicabacribers trtil afar o flAt Vita), (Mob,: kb, at IW. loria,lr. _ • preadaek (.no .....Bloomarld,) Ewa lac r 5 atlas: (rennet/) an Ha" reaatirrae 1151115851 , a awatrr or.pleastat/s. located IlUttallr. . - • asap dkr :arming a disai a viciatx 1,40. aa'arpG7111:110,110 - Prop:assort ta peer bandlags.,‘ln Irtaata.-ta, . I ma, alto ark atig.alt mutated: awl la ttr raft, -"" inrry c, 114 , ry re M.,. -7 r Tbl, uia aaanha an preaattarat ealto tease a extthtabla Ina tiestrabtr'h-tai war - roach lad • aaj arca- tr'.ba ally rqdrelle tt iRMeF larly ILI want. A.. 1 the a& omat dataa-ttafas ea the nor) liaa`allaluta.ll atop at Pi\ 4554-5."' ". ash T: A--ItiCLEGra TMPHOVEP.- CITY-',EROPICISTY, A. aPHABW 0:1011sT /YAM TITIISDAT ' tine, cinarrtM4.43ll dam" ,sitl'Aryortitodolmm mortal moom gums mt. si 1111 a strsoktystdst r erphays!Ocort, ter biles tros ralmtds topmeNtor ply pen,. leVositsit m moms of Malcolm &oft; dated Otwoiald• Yet os corset' of altoests stmoot ad Undo • • • ZS Mottos /WA! Moodssill moss -11 SY , Lbsecot 14stestoot Ms SW, v.:, NV*l6 . /44:14 r . .61 . 11 or:. spmedst Iltmoto".. Joys. - &mass OD 'Yost as Swan. amttr droldr o oodslostd - Ptilmts:' ,,, i th.sto story kW, lottosta Zola% modotodolds-Pindlyotc.--- --." •o, Waste tit om, i Eby: .frirt • ..mummy AZ- -, 7 , fr MlX ve tpla -,the. -TIMMY c4 , .:1 ..,,att e..!lni fir ,azat, Zt ‘ow; ivy mkt at „ 411thnrigg canon, mez=v ...orintaseettlk-bsionsiairu, 1 1W tosatite 11 tam nilaseeihs• rarest Mt ea ItgEtai bssastrikkastli imatis 11 tan ii-tritr . tztaadtzt bask 17 twttw Eat alh7.„- - . ildkdateli TM. tt Wet I twWw. tab truzidlag tea Ifl2 twit* rot altlyns' - - • 1Wwww.41w6,41114 r-aseh i • Mlaacal eitt wind Jaws with latanallormsed Wee nOTOBEE,./Oth.-.FiCth iLsettoaftwil .is Batik* 1.0 Bah% ks rub', wit MUNDAVAJTagdaiIi Osts , lor =W s; Merl ck; an +V. srast.or. eza„ - ascaregos - Vrillsosiassst ).iihir ?ma bacolinami. ssUrrars 104 Aks:-Prawrytuals limp - 44 ,148., ,, rikuor t , h-cr. ass goVrck maw ly. ea ihmhystaskiluat „i t a pomp» tp sad Snow ,rdst::ll4l. -sass tree. • tio MNK]. meths& - - • . SEW Sus-OstUrkd. a.. ICU S* bissraktt =,ra. Subpar., ..i.iltsharial:asiusilly:braisallAmed..„,.7,..,-;: fil".'.. h a=r - 4116 ' 24 ' 1 . 14 - h 1 4" 01 !. - -rte. to beta iseski. imam tzwie.l , 4. - ,if • la. ; • •:= 41 .t 1 4 L Yt °1 4.1 1 4 . -kt i .,fi • 11 1 1iGlai7 BABOUCHE Aler:StNNV 4 _ ,' ISEK.:Inti 01 edam' WITIMDAY 11:10/11A'L'ii , 04 04,10.1144acki.5t 1;0=2.1 f1ia4i1 . 0104 1 , 1 0 I . 014.504024. oer. ; sc4titiriir:liiert:-.,,4). 'putt PROOrt3AVIA HAEMB.44, — f a: lir •17012014:4,1 irarriDlT =WM - ,73 U etb.dr. atand• Hall Auden. V 4 5. 1 1 1. A. - --i, ; trot, odd be mad. 1,11. Sift; ertli talt."... Ond• T. VOSITIVE-BALIC*i . .-Chr TEMATtnctiy,) , - . 47.1 rim/50mm a °vectors swam 4**.:th r rim Mow, ea rum ',Topologia b* .10 444 1 1 1 1 2 2a7 sr 4 - o:Emoweinh. 11!eadata., fVcat! ‘ c cer . • -••. T. a. AUCl4llL6aligh.lll***lla.r*'Lt-g Mums t. muss m . s ~ ra Quannusiia stoiciratig ~..waszau t o ar u lt=g r i..V.adol - irttr it tiar i Tta v ir:Zot.o.u..l6.24obv O. 11:.101SINGISS. AoldituA•gamelaryl.*lN_ANTOPltvr.i.T "viaty4acad .e4O Sims, Waldn.o ll 4 •- SOO =ley 'man 14 aver so* tea' 1 W 0 114 ... tims farina qQ Ma* WA- ''''srok , - 1 • „v01dey•14.,...4 arttyrals. lat - ,tropl. malt Leash Ge..klect oblea awe Ix yermi, tad mirk tuns •bsi ova coat's aed dorna•o-tuaaseregoalate lb= Pordimalfah, tv b taelijim• m ".. 0‘...i gk 1 ." .. *My yaniiliir: • • - ! ;twit bspecskyVy ;MO Istigl „late. Fialt yam umiLoitiaL, .4, , . • • I - s. rend? Atlas Sum Spy faysiS!ao Ida !el 4 4 . roc say tank rtalcaskatlasepplia3omdmilsear',.... taiga= squill caw • - • Sy older at Ongairtersaysar unarm. •• • . t;. 4 0 0 4 ;" , / baton. MSIOOIO.I. v to rm;r o c z... , 7l :10Woolittqxminris - OP „ unerhaVl4: tot .1 abrfrbo..-• Osicess - 11141•4114t.ssnienitsi „•• IV de ..ihrt..Talmedeg .7 VI Iser e. - Ours Dern ; • ' -. Ea beziainaicAlison - .41_7 !f r. : 4tato-s . _ • tit r itprlr verse. aspple* • 1 6 .! - 0 , 16001111 , 1124401•101/4. SeskigarlPlM.l4M4ll4•-: -.•4111' Air' •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers