~~~ __ `~ _~ ~. t!';, VOL '-'EXKVII , --N0;' . 256 aim VI ill 'Smite. P 1 43 fEI HID 8Y ASSOMIIII4. RIMIGIOUB VI a out., in co.'''. • dog upon the eut szoken and severe Weide of Bhp. Di June ln spon i qmermitere pastors," aftiroonusending bikitlews, deplems a wicitspread.aell.of the mine tendency' of the ministry, whith luny inctaacee Brow' ,outet positive incom petencyto :labor long in misplace, cavrtg to iaadegtiale prepmation, that It has been com puted that the ministers of the• Presbitirlan and Congregational duress remain In their pastorates upon. Os average . - &mbar time, than then of Milady:diet denonithitien, who are changed every two yeari. Thrtlartiale Closes thus: It is better that God's work should, wait though the denuuld hi urgent for laborers, than that it should be poorly done; it is better that laborers should curb their seal, and endure the ;protracted- arid - tedious discipline which will make them efficient and isoicife=e'"ot blatiii - Jiiitts;*at -that thor should enter the: field- quip , tolely ins tho first campaign tor tack of skiff, or M be ion • signed to the hospital for want et - strength. The young prince, Db.rdeep Gams, wh.) married the Coptic young lady connected with 113 e Presbzterian ktisaloa racial at Cairo, Egypt, girr his merrier, geve 41„000 to.the 5- American idiaskares thank-offori2g to the Lord for last . viug given him a Christian wife. Ile Ws* proposeete give £5OO °schlep. during his. lifetime &k the support of two utissiones rite inEgypt, v Vhe prints and his wife intend meting tons up the Nile, distributing Bibles ti wenghont the ionntry. He gays the one `6 . desire of his life has been gtotideti, and now be eau serve the Lard. suit WSJ • broiled against s Selfish congregation for • removing s tombstone in Clair bnrying ground. The trustees in their di fence prated they were empowered to super vise all insoriptions. The oompiainant bad put A. D., or ARM! DOCtiZIO on the !tone, thereby dating "in the year of the Lord," instead of A. M,'ci Anno Muudf, tithe - year'ef the i • •; world." The Court ,nostained Um ;omega. gstlen. —liporgeon, the noted 'lapilli! preacher/ bee withdrviwn_ from. tics 'nasal/cal Sill— sacs, each time as the bretheren whom he has charged with duplicity shall clear themseAres.of rho ein." 401)10„prike of h - ealiumbecuta 1113 TfO92OY; 944:4, 1 ,0 1 W . Pq1,9/ I .Ed'illara !I, inalninit lor_ihn poor.' Bach ricicepilrojertian beim. tti steal , ' .; ---iesiording in the :clents of various re the, eevettlir the Fulton 13trerarayer Meetingi bold Nipt; '2Bd, -was an .invensely, , lnisrestlits' °woolen.' Dr. ' 13nddirglim,' . of the," Congesgationdl -Churn b a p : resided. Brief but entertaining id dreles were delivered by. Dr. Erehri,O. El. and ..PM;:eimoy, of the ,ft. 8. lireabyterian - Church; Rev. H. R. ,Ridgway, or At. Church; Rev. Dr. 'LL hl. &udder, of India; Dr. Ve¢tohof.tho Baftlet Church. andlieurs. 1:31.-H: Stuart,'Erg., of Philadelphia, and ir. E. Dodge, Ern, of .. Nevi York. • —The seen' cession of the itimish Oaths. 't lie Congreis at Maass, opened on the 29th of tiAugust.' 'ft Is' ' stripiked 4000 persona were pnsenrinbludirit - .Cislinguithed notabilities if the Brighin embolic Party. ,Among the -1,4 enhjictedlimussed . are the.folielituf'Neligions limbo; ilaritable worbr,Chilatianinatroetion, and eilitcation; literature and. Ana aria frrinis. Christian point of stew; religious 'music re libeitj; pubtostions &adman:dation& —At , the ratting, of the histiongs, bele U. P. Presbytery, held in this city some :1 time titoe:pliiie, ilia following action uses taken II in reia;ol to (he pay of prtiptc:supplisve - Thai 1 the PreillylefrY willexpeet y theraesnelet under her core all ordinary amok to t , pay their lupines 14 the rate orsl,ll„perday.. —Rev. Mr. Salem Cranby, Moss , bar i given node's le'his people of his intention to • reelgni in November., his pastoral charge over 43 them, on the ground of insufficient salary. Surely not for this cation. .;i —The , 50th antiliereary of Dr. those •-ii settlement was celebrated by the U. P. pm. '4l bil el/ d';''a rl l l tra r M.ll Church. 2Oib,af 88 9 , ' 7 ; ! tembey, iitynitilel Ligosier-Palley: Addressee yeledelivered by Rem ' 4.. 0. . 1- 1 - Wallsen, t3.-Jiiirson t Dr. Donaldson, Its.; Dm: 'i ; er, J. CZ:elle ituTothers." -. LT. ..- ‘ --Bee hat E liredijoreserlint'biasra.,' 4,1 ohneettsi has holm elected Bishop of the (Piot ;:j aslant )3plicepal)Dieceee a Enna's. • _ i' —A eorreamient ofthn - N4hstikoo pro: 1 ',.., poses that ihtratisemittell, appointed by the .0. S. Pitliiiiiiiia . Azuribly, - - to ootnpilii_k revieedstUtion Al the-Realres of:Devitt; balm as interview with the trailed liiihitirilan . Committee, and any other commutes to geol.( ! an acceptable : 'aisnulossitiu:aosata =of ( Ilitoi • '+; . could be *grind upon, so as to be hIIII4 hem. N• after in every puipitualled-Preeby' .....The Ndhodid =tabu en editorial en-, titled "The Clearing Away and Itebeildirig;" 1 11 which le highly suggestive, es to the mode by 4 t.i '. which the church shoahl, Ole sway the ob em , hey which' annoyed ir and use these f momentous timisiii'rebuildh i ag Os Chrtatian 1 env:olio, BO Abl4o.oad may be glorified, and Cti greater good tmeoppliehed in the salvation of ' I l worl d. a - I . in • ~% the a err gto a eondition that moo:Le time, raglatii s . th•ebill'Oi it $ 5 ,7 0 ,' ;kb. tiP ; pailiog titiatitiniptiWthilebsfis in the ohOrob 4 4 . , . —lle ° 44.T .- li' l 4 . 0 1 1 eXi.dtlieliitalidito lie ' ii- atones setin the walVgleting ...nth usalSikese ' 1 and bettaijila itiiiiithen sad odors tbepal ;,N ace or ttekgr . ast ging, are Arai - Arnhem; yam 1 I:6lgefilir e -4115i1 'Weights to bis birhe ar mist 1 4 askbe by",tha livini and ile ! 9th e.:...,. - - il —Thellosday Moor rini'a has 0 Itl MIMI. • s, frt sable articieen wEarlfConVpislosie,", Wieglei ':-.1 of vlici444,Seittilieredivinn the Wolfing 0 questient inthe eppilidifolle; 'While it net se ri asonehtir that cbdidrensti . spy herrioniCri , :; , *d, no thatikwitPeriaitllionid be 7 Is the: '..-4 fact of living;Swenly - years'ihjin walnuts.; ':;.t itence a statural4reparatien thstaaverlimif i-i Is doriii 1111 4.0* 1 .44h4 'ninsaiss;fireMalri: yy lag the meat. auvrejjeldieg t DO 't SW th '' I,i frets of hiimi.natuia alumna thalontrary, 7 -1 that the 1040, :repehianms hi Pigpen/A, the ifficult-o=9nm,. --, ,i' ....,.. The i*Leatent Eplecopet ocarina= ' It illY k ' - . 4 of the Dieem q o or , 'tits meatier . .. dens Fassedlilnointice ez.PressiniOno efill ' .;'j lon that a - Syria - aid systengi adapted to the' -1- - - ridden of 0110Mlioli in . this cannily, ehould. t--: be established, and praying the Oineral Con ..' vention to maim nob provisions as may be 1 ..:,. meemeary for the organisation of' the dui Prates ',', that Episcopal ItharcitJa the 'United States Into provinces. i-. .....-- The anniversary of the Sunday Scholl 1-, Valeta of the bL E. Chunk will he :bald itt f piusburg, Sunday and Monday, Oct /6thand T7th. Bishop Simpeest r ;Dr.„Wise of N. Y., tiiend Drs. Iteld'ind inlaid Cincinnati, and ',,, hiller; F O- $ 4 117 1 Wilelfehili3 lheinterialing ' ;&.4imsroises. , • . ,,, ,, , ,,, , , . 4 .. .1_ ...-A aim' hieregtiuunier Of IThibiptitio* :,teen have &pilled: --tbatrlittentian to keep .! s lot hem the-gatertii ll' DriiitaVbettsums ~--: the Dean;ck.rdatiailebui Itlemitirriedalt; -,-'. forced I ,o l4sl4ifitlitithrt of vice preeldena-- 14he nureviate AbLZdta -bean• -of Bditol, die '.... 05 , 21 4 Isaiiiieliiiisi du) late sot of Par. ,liareent, bat pet snider the .canons! of the -'-' 0814 - sr PIOIFIL , ' . . . rug !JMiE , L l lO Jit ,e1.411411144Mee ai m : Ober. nelit a tt= teensinea Slut duds- maim of Independenne, whoa, EntOplinit neva ortlfeA toliage Tittle power of elfsetblig las& al tits.prommtntement. This war ba..eem ed to tars mitered IS PAP:NiaI Sad eamulerldeLier, dependeisoifor4ua Woad stal7 In Idsportatcti to— e. pOntitlgl OTIS dielsmod '711: A frith arsivid frose Europe ' is littieoktrk GS% 137017 4rill'i•r pets 11b. /o:Prerganil aliftrankiti eA arrival acre Asaistint LifsepooL The London ', so nny minket awed: tot:,:sanntasad; t hat *flats: word: By tar kite? Wive' Si tank down the country illancially, and 0111 , 41001phgll Indepen dence we hare established by bore wirmat home all needed stuns, soatt of the nistit gigantic _mat bf tht - tierld ste.new mai transacted in New York rather elm in London. do not basest AIM nit stewed - MVO will grin in stain elitusged. Large amounts of Eng lishpfierman aid`even French mishears either tent to thu. country or being hivestsd in Amer loan pecuritiers, and thus Atomic= allairkgre becoming Inemasingly vital and important to Europeans, white tiro coarse English capitalists cloy pollee L incresslngly,a matter of indiffer ent, to 'pinball go on pttrtatag Pat tiro tray wheteim Lombard street stay ny or Eml Result writs. Tim London money market has lost the power over can which it used to hare. Of casts.,as largo parchaters of glob and ail, we shall watch their market' Mutely, and as far their prim will affect ottr: markets as the *handsets or otherwise of our product' will af— fect them. But An great oommarcial transom. Huns we have learned to Hey independently of all BAWD favor and in spite of her most deter mined frown. Ii la Nrcrib7 of tematX b Aw t_atrident fn tosse.asfd bs an way*, other portions of the *mid are at this time Imoontog of English ba th:mace. On the Contineot of &trope we all know how completely Germany hoe defied this politloally and prospered. Australia is also speaking to the most dangerous moaner of throwing a the Engtish connotation, while the London Thaw shows that in rasa of a war with Rossi& it bas been determined that tho,Estpar or's Atiantio and Pacific) Mott, were to here not tSd In mid ocean and attacked Australia. To us this would seam, if we wen Australia', rearms for paddling our own canoe independ ently of tho, complicated mashes of English diplomacy, although the Tina adduces it to show tht blessings of a oonnexion which only almost and not ittitsn produmed inch a dis- ELLIGANE. While [helm:ion paiori thm try to max Atuitralle, it ia worthy of ohservation hoe Oir throatrof meting off rho North American Brit ish Pruritic**, they aye now seeking to pment them from worttag their lodepandence. The Governor of Nora deotin end tha Admiral of the Brltah diet are loudly declaring that Ragland hem a strong inciliation to withdraw from thoir protection, and will do to rattler Mae hare any tremble or war for the sake of maintaining the oat nootion. To us allthere things Isom to White that both Poililebi and commercial .power of Greet Britian Ii .nadorgoLog a very oonelderable -de cline. We es this moment are hiving-the impel, money trinsietf one of a publioloharamer of any MIL= on the globe, and this with the immense and rapid fortunes which ass being mad. in our money market, will rapidly and steadily make New York and not London the centre of the money world,' Tim =rapid emigration from all pasta of the world to ale country, and our uni form policy of favoring the welfare of the meow,, of the people, will, by the time this rebellion thoroughly, extinguished. make the polidm of Ude cdudry a matter of absorbing iatarest to all the crowned heads of the old world, nor will the 'tailors of all their attempts to divide tie le order that they might *envier Mitt least dada to leer as, make to takelo hitle Interest In their &tars poutiat and wars as doter° thus far done,— Philadelphia Lager. ,4beniudi • rpllOitil dispatch up, the Chicago Brasov, ditfottflailivills, Sept 20, says: .Elen.l3berman has stopped farlochhing da mp and ordered tome book,who hod surto* for bona This dung. Bibb paltry was caused by dor fact that Hood has changed his base and moped cost towards • Welt _Point, so ft' . to coyer ' Mobile. I cannot eiplain !Ms movement of flood, which b evident) a very bad _one, unless ha Intends to mob's deepeiste moire northward, es Bragg did SALM, in osier to stomped, if pos sible, thessvacsation of ..Hants. Bat Sturman is not Bari', and the attempt will be an atter failure. However, his eltnotion is a desperate .one; and desperation may load him to attempt an attack en Shen:mem rear. "Rat We Is exactly what oar commander de. siren Dld hts not try to get Johnston and Hood to the north of him, every day after he made his Ent flank toovemenh.ntl,.4tgdaDull wonld he feu to let Rood try the game now? "lilt be true, and wo belle.. it is, that Hood lasi moved over on the West Point Railroad, theiman will commence an clic:sive movismeirt tee or4 rt ca. He will then be moving toward • base •.ef, Pot and. net.radrey•front enit.-...' Seery - Seep e Mimi will- &Juliet= nearer td Mont. gozeiry, and aids that plate In oar possatslon, • the tiver from Mobile will be easily opened: A. mars in that direotinn would possess manifest advantages to to over one in the direction of Macon or Almna; and the rebel army of Geor gia iroald be oonstantly getting farther and far ther': film ,the seas of the rebellion, Virginia, and r ut Point one. in ear possession. all eons teein cation between Hood and Lee would be ;veered, and a junction of their forage. in any , posibla contingency, forever prevented." e. ,...• Tip Te moan, CongreeklanalCakininljons held last nail Dj in this city, mad* a terrible slush. tor of the innocents. Bat.. Wood Fernando Wood, James &sots and Anson Moorish were lent ..' whirling through Winchester." Ben. Wood, who never spoke and seldom ve'ed In Congress, was defeated by *man Jones, the ace , tie,ptlf Proddeht of tho 'Beard of Comatilmon. 'who a the SlitliVria in lila pocket, sad his a heavy mortgage upon smut other equally intelligent constitasacies. Fernando Wood was distanced by a man named Taylor—a Mr. Belton 'Taylor —hot as hie name does not appear in the Diteciory we cannot specify his I scatty., Is Eli jah Wart's' District no nomination was droned, lot probably the veteran (who has been longer In Congress than any other Bemeseatative in this pert of the Beata) will come oat ahead. John W. . .A:banter, whose record to not quite so bad es that . iirthetWoode, !Dads out „ !. true. Asi-nombu. ;4109 in the Beliallihttrlote 4, Sales ''' melt nfildnftest out of all" was at pear Jame. Brooke in theißlghth Illetriot. After all he has done and Waled for the nasty, to be tuned off with out sego a complimentary vote, end to be no. seed by a man who nayaretwang a Biggar eeen :nun It marital endowment , was what Mr. B's. cloth ed Celtic friends would call "hard thnss." The nominee la Thomas I. Barr, for whose no 'ord 'felt f.lommon Connell some tan years ago. In the tipper Metrics (liettick's ) so nonsinsticsi was made.' It. was pretty - weittabsteratded, Ito waser_, that „, 41 present member's n.sper to eot.'—N. T. SIOCILLTT Mereares, a Maryland anti "Leery um), spots the following elotitunt' words at the vest meiting:in puttee . . slfaztLfament,lhlevorld Is never tee new cut of method jt was at its rising [applause], and any -tnaneshe supports that the eindwhirl of cavil revolution, of strife, of earner, of slaughter, of • - Petri of ow:thin:lroise' haaheen thorn on the par* of Ms Nortb,in attending Use bettAlool of the eowar of :the luttliol enelrtunninestme as has beep dispiated by the people of the N'erth La honkie out ,thiiir. - vast treasures to sustain the Goirersteout—:-1 say, If any man ton suppose that such • is hiritelnd es this, with all tho heroic dr. annotation sad unnumbered sacrifices that hems attended it. eon p.m over Ws land aud tear* it 'es Id was before tie norm elm*, be le either a , fc'ea r boiele lay iteeirshie of h, for tettjht,..r he Ii itu.l4,er ?told t0 t1..1 irs±a tit t talk With had *sheer waste. C! tame. -:[Loud 4_4:apt Mayan, ..1 know mum it 'Spews. i Don`t yen know what It means? [Vo:om 0 ') If any of you do not, I will toll nn - mita; ttimaanr. It la afinnnakftrsel4d 74ds are Jiang; wined ; It Is • gra•Cdp4•llornbe can , of this people, and - adiare•haing edam ted."ll, Is God's own predetermined way of idiklagj the Amnia= continent a Itrput.lio of Inman, *Ultima • slava. [Loud applause, and miss of Parand I Grand In • If 1860 Gm Poker's cabinet, coediting of Non. Wm M Nester and Hon John 0 Knox, were lll6ceilt opte red to Lincoln. Now Mr. Reines , tsi his Ireton candidate for Congress In Barks, and Mr. Zoos le stumping too Bute for Lincoln. Lion. Jame L. eleyoolt e, teethes' of the Lite Oen. Iteinolde who toll at Clettysberg, oat on tbo Decnocratio Electoral tiokst In 1860 --no• he Is eselcusln for Liecolu —elm. fil'Oell. who led the gallant Pennsylvania Rowers, through the Pee. ,ninrWer inuckpaignllllloP Idosthellen, and who ran la ;the ,Deourcnitio ceadldate for Congress la. . aboatir In 1862, eepoused the mosso of. Lincoln f o e soon es McClellan was noralu shed. 8 with Judge Ocionleghem of Boson; Gee. Els t.Tof .Westmorelent, Ron.. Daniel Dentate, Hon.' e. B. Browne, .1i aohanan's Post Masietirfee.„l3. P. Browitor; Bon, tk.,konl Brown; lion. Wm. Strong, Danneratto.JaHge' clt . the Supreme Court j .snd *their lu , Phßefieltalei' ilon;Zottißsulte,'a Bediesel•MelsiToXitoW, _of Brsallll4l non. 301tetfociti,bt licrelagibtu:- ime man, others, who were landesnie thlWins. ..cOultoo,Pa i t e l I :B6tcerelitew eittnistrtilhis; .eirnicsetc , 4.ldzionkt. , ,Thistildliniel td'' .thor Nom sizzoTintlt-fo prpiott,thtill'i!,:e seensitbloskto thioitoyerniiititileAlisf _ion, mesas Ipotty - o;rstoa centre Implaimlo , _ -too ' alunabstadowgi Ilsisordawg, . 3rA,Zied stiiiiitawytelitquitio,it. Louis ply— Le :Rs sk ovolVatcort gags* trim own irk Still lon In Inn; Ozd oo vhkh as will ton Mon owns tea Is Donn Ii said to lino Mamma IS waste= r cab 1--eAL'lt`v.; -I ' 6 . . 1t... t'.1"5,,141. 4 711-THr 11l- . ' : I t. ' ... 0.,' ,111 , ."..-:..1 - ~.'l e u tA; . - ''''''• 1.; ; ; ,us•Alek. 4 g" , •••• t' ,''''''" '' '' •, - --,..-- -, . .. ' • 2.,-.:, ir." . r li ' • / .to thao itt •-:t .. I,,Ltilitt ii :111*.-...'i.i ~:`,' 6 f: ( ) ‘ l -''' ' : IT 7', 1 .: ',, 1., ,, ,:- '7,•, 0 7 f - L .: 6r ": . b ' ' ' , •• .• . ' '' ' ' ' ' t'f'''' .. ''" lox , . . „.. .. ~ •i• ~i • , • . .. . ...... .. . . • . , ...„.... ~..,„,.. ~. . • MEI Depul23:ivit . James M. Vowel:ten, let Lttratottant of the Tt h Tufted Rotel bury artillery, oa a moat Gip from tipriaptleld, /Mao* to Enda Valley, Penn e, Pend*, took the vot e s if Lao passenger, at avatar potato, ead reporte:the malt, as folio n, Proud Eipsdaideldto the Brats line— Ile IdeOlellad . 101 Prom beats Ilse to Fort Wegoo, Wakaah it al. road : Linosla 1131 V calellas ... ' 35 Vieto Fort WayIII to Crest!las I Liuccdo—...—.....--... 63 1 M001e11an—.......... if Caine same tren the ladle[' Tot. ino.4 Vocals 15 1 EdeOlsilius• • • 5 Frtiry.:re•tuos L. ESPe : . /8 1 atool.3an ...i L. 144, Lincoln; 2G I McClellan 12 A Captain, who was ashamed te tote for Me- Meilen refused to Lien Ws preteranoo at all, but ilia v was tho only soldier, out of twenty.ll re, who did not Tot. unhesitatingly for 0 Cools Abs." Another TOlllthir meeting w e held In the Sixth Ward, last evening, which was presided over by , Hon. J. K. Moorhead, with Samuel Allinden thmuel..hlaeon, Wm. Wilson add Wm. Culp, Begs., pace Presiders's. den. Moorhead delivered a brief but very Interesting address on taking t chair, after which le introduced Liens Simnel ilmer, who spoke for over an Door in :a forcible and effective manner. Loud cries were now heard for Dr. Douglas, but that gentJernap, who Was present at the opening of the meeting, ltsul been called off to attend to a matter which would admit of no postponement Rev. John F. McCaw was next introdaeed, and spoke at innaidershle length, lie was followed by Bev. Ftichard '3l. Dear, Chaplain at the Vol ta States Ovntai 'llotpital, after whisk the meeting odjbufn.d. . .• , Brumereo 7Acatairr.--On Friday - latir While Mr. Joh* Moon Sr., of Chartism toe:whip s Thuhingtpweemity; Wet attending i,MMillang machine, bboo!othing became entsaglad Ingo*. pail of . the ~ and, before militant* .40411ramth him, he+ tourer - badly - MOM ' 'that die sari - Tod .xmoy - shone five minutes. Se was.' thrown Mien *nen:the 'wheels of the machine, Mew the cleaner, and'hls ,head strait with "'oh Thum the. his neck dislocated, the deceased swaged about seventy. . , • ~ l i tf •„lits., • ora - Aanor.—ldr. JaD. '4l3an• lllarbor 12 14...kni110r0d0 . 11konor, la nano.- , $300102, mn i argadararatrtonAllo: 116107; a li cow propped to pp*. oritdid -40:41110' •lt - Frarrl7 ill Tet, =dints imam du a sum a affirms and of n iota, Mr. Sample Is attthorlsed to roll sauna fine moan, .ate la no neighborhood of 13ainaklor. Paean 'tang tattiest Ls nob ante itidaDl' ea Spas Mr. Dan” ' CITY AND BTIBUIIILLa Sunday school Annloaroary. asalropary of du Randy Bgsopt trzai of tho Molhodt - at *dui* Cllualoiilflo bold la the aft,. oa Sunday aid Monday. Ootobor lath sad 170. . fleals7 100=121 ator:taculas Dili Ito- reaselualislail talk= up, In . boluill of the Elzadv 60 t591. ;Ow. In - ths' HetiMist catnictZ' CO . ; Gillis sad vicinity, On Banday itfternonn i obllasen's niealing wlll be held at hall-past two ' o'clock, as Mows: Panneyhranla Airenne f liirashati, LawmenWe, East Llbestyi Asoat Chnsahosid Smlthlleld sup* schoele, at listithdald street Olitonlr. - P. IL Itstfinane rat., wLI , pruide. Sneaks:a: Dr. Wlie and ethers. Christ Church, Birmingharrkflouth.Pittaburib, Praspeet Mission, and Liberty drag schools, at Liberty Isticut akstYsti.`, Xr_4llWrii Highs Bpeatirile Dr. Wiley and otters. Beath Common,Manchester , SlstiPtzfl Chapels Ltd Bawer lst schools, at Beaver !Meet Chtonsh.. Gnarls W. Bonney, Rag., will pee.. aide. Speakers: Dr. Reid and others. Temperaneeeille, West Pittsburgh, * Wesley Gimbel, and Nines school, at Temperances Ilia Church. Hon. J. L Grisham will preside. Speakers: Bishop Sluipsos, Hen. J. L. Graham, tC d Bay. W.. Wrgess.p. Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and Birmingham Gar ton schools, at Pittsburgh Church. Rev. G. Nsehntsb will proolds. npiskers: Revs. Wanes, a. B. Nacktrieb, and Pick& 0 0 Bands" night services on. behalf 'of tbs muse will be held in the following churches t Liberty street—Address by Dr. J. Y. Reid, Hon. W. T. W/0.7 (11. S. Senator) and others. South Common—Dr. Wise mid others. South Pitts• burgh and Ilinninghim —Dr. Wiley and others. On Monday afternoon, at half. past two o'clook, there will be a Sunday Scheel Conference meet leg held in Christ Church. 11 W. Main, Esq., Will preside, end the exercises will be in the fol. lowing order : 1. Derotlonol exercises, conduct ed bl Dalul. 1. //sports by the Patton of the Sabbath meetings, with, amanita collected. b Impromptu &dare's.' by the laby and clergy. The Anniversary meeting will be held on ondayarieninn to Christi:llmA. - Hero. Watt. Man T. Willey, Senator from West Virginia, will preeld a, aa d the following order of 0X0r0i(01 will be elseerved : Vat:wary, by the choir. Prayer by Dr. Nesbit. 81nging 1 tJesns, let all thy servants shine, " etc. Report of Dr. Wise, Gerreaponding Sec retary. Ad &m by Dr. Raid, editor of the ikcsurn Christian Advocate. Sing itg—"llere' gracious God, beneath thy feet," sets. Addre ss, by Dr. Wiley, editor of the Ls. dim Beix.itory. Siegisg—“Behold, .bat eon— descending love," We. Address by Bishop Simp. /On. Doxology. Benediction by Rev. 8. P. Woolf. wtr Order N.athiir the Fort In Ws VI litAixgrarnak, Dittmar cr Tam bionowurist..„ Prrnstraaa. Powea. Oot. 6dt.„1814, Gamma [)rifer, 14. :.--Ths various Forts, ortchmotod riming the summer of 1863, la the v 16110431 this site, will be tamed In memory of tseVaeneral as d Yield officers, of this oboe ty, who have heroically [.lien In tho cogency of their cottntry. • Those dethribei is tM, order 'shall be known as follows, tit; Fort Hollisßuena an the tido at the J ono- Oat of the' Idonosigeliela Hnr and Bar Milt Bun, ea the taria of Glenna Shales, la memory of Lt. Col. attatei C, Had, who died of wounds retained at the Battle of Eipotlaylvanth Court Hons., Va., May 12th, 1834. fort Moody—On a commanding outtnenes o p posits the "Polnt," and theatotion the property of the late A. H. Lewis, Esq. In memory of Liens. Colonel Wm. H: Mod 00.29 th P. V, killed at the battle of Cold Harbor. Va.. Juno 188 t. Port Itippey—Lotatted on Dilwrith's Hill, Monza Washington, thimedlately sou/het Clow anthills. In memory of Colonel Otires H. Rip. De;Old P. V., killed at the battle of pair Oats, May 31st 18132: or: Polani—flt a l t he heights opposite Grant limo; and to the of Washington Pike; &we er Bt. Clair Township. I. memory of Hai or John Ponied, 10247. V. killed at the battle of Malvern Hill, July 15t,1882. Port Illollwalne—On the kill between Port Poland and Port Patterson, on the property of Wm. Bailey. In mentors of Lieut. Cot. Wm. hicllwatta, 1021 P. V., who died Jane Alh, 1884, of wounds received la the battle of Cold Harbor, Va. June 3d, 18130. Fart Patterson—Located on the property of I Vier., Eq ., to the . oath -eastof Port Poland, Lobar St. Hielt tormacip—ln memory of OA Jobs W. Patterson, 102.1 P. V., killed et tbe bit• tie of the Wilderness, Va., May sth, 1564, in .7stritsco—Os the height}, opposite Drown 'trek, East Frrogneham, on ' the property of Geist/tin Yard—ln memory of &feedlot Heumel Contact F. Jackson, kind et dm battle el Fred. Lintel:are, Va Deo 13th, - 1562,. Fort Dlaok — Oe Squirrel Hill, In mem try of Col. Darned W. Black, 62d P. V., killed at the battle of Gaines Hill, Joao 2711. Hatt Fort Haye—On Herrett's Hill, In contort of Brie Gen. Alexander Hays, killed at the battle of thb Wilderness, V., Hay Sib, 1861. FoTt Obllis—On the preperty of Wm. Darting • ton,Erg , southwest earner Reverie lannshin. Itrnnstory of Gol. Jamae H. Childs, 4th Penn's Cavalry, killed at the battle of Antietam. Dept. It, HAS. Fort Kirkwood—On the hill opposite Lb. U. S. Arsenal, on the proporty of Jody. Lowry. In memory of Col. Won S. Kirkwood, dd'd P. V , who died from wounds retwirad .t the battle of Cbicoellorrille, V.., Jee id, 1883. Ely command of T. A. R,wta►, Brigadier Ocieral. mat Id. Minna, A. A. G. Cowl of Quarter iteasions. FIODLT, OeL 7--Before Jadpe Rowe sad Breett. • Anita Boors, on trial for eocooolltius on an sante and pottery upon sand, 'ma found guilty. and ernstonood to pay a lbso of fin dollars - LA Oh. omit or iraisinatlon. Jotob }hake, waft tyled on a altars° of assault and battery rn oath of M. J. Lino. The Joy rends:ad • sotto of not guilty, and dirldod the d ies an. !wen thavtales. J t bOssithaash 'plead 'gadfly t o 'a aborts of soli* Ilttor without Ilona', mot was sentenced Incto pay • of are dollar, sad cote, cad no. doge low imptio=lot - dif ildrly - dile ' fa the °oval , Jill. Me* &Aleuts ploadinllty Los elollo charge, and ale fined iffli sod ooite. ass . Elletaa} WWI vu ; arraigned one eltazire of ault and batter oath of lid wa. lo Ms prosecutor ellegod on that ott the 10th o d f la* last, the defendant assailed him in the 'Third said In this altY, and strack bin with aa Lroa bar, or "bandy billy." Ths Jury ruder d • rosdict of guilty, and the avert sentancwl Lazo to pay a tine of fifty dollars sod the costs of prosscotion. A Bulk'lle of Strawa. Meeting in the sixth Weed TSRURGH, SATURDAY, OCTqamt a. NS t Mow to Make Good Cider. Assn,beam seentally abundant Mb season, a large =oat of eider will doubtless bi meets homed. To those who do not fully understand the process, the following dinette= may be prof itably ebserred- Tbademand a little more tremble than the ordinary mode of collecting sad mashing apples 0 all sorts, rata and aoaud, rein and sour, dbly and dean, withered and wormy, from the trees and the ground, and many more of the filthy-sad slovenly preemie smelly employed, bet b return they produce yen a abolition', high-flavored and palatable bever age, that always commends an adequate price, and gives health and plearms, instead of a scia tica of :albino= Compounds in a polsonona and add wash, gbat no =arab Us right sensetehould drina: let. Always choose perfeettly ripe and sound fruit. 3d. Pick the apples from the tree by band. Apples that have been on the ground any length of Umwoontreet an earthy flavor, whirl will al. ways be toned% the eider. 3d. After Sweating, and before being ground, wipe them try, and It any ate found bruised cr rotten put them in a heap by. themselves, from which to make ea hn piifbit ;eider fonvinegar. 4th. As fait a. the *AIL' 'ground the peeler* ehonld be pieced in • preelonely-prepared open vat, of suitable else, and with a Was. bottom, strainer, or clean straw about It. Let the pomace remain about one day, than draw off, return the fret and continue to do so until it nuts eller. Let the juice percolate or Altar for one or more days. The cider thus estraotail will nom. pare oloway with any ober • Rich Irmo, and which is only duerving the tame of tern peranee elder, sad may be drank, or used for any purpoie, as a °bolos and superior article. In this wayabout one-half of the older will *oper ate .piths remainder may than be espreued for the, use of the press. fib. To press out the Aloe, we a ohs= strainer cloth Wilde the curb, with emus clean straw intermixed in thin layers, with the pomace, and apply the power coder -oth. As the eider runs from the vat Cr piers, piece It in a clean, sweet auk or open too, whisk should bit dandy watched, and as soon ae the little bubbles commence to rise at the bang. hole or top, It should be racked by a spigot, placed about two inches from tit bottom, so that the lees or sediment may be loft q qiel/y behind. tit., The vintner fermentation win begin soon. az or later, depending chiefly open the tempera ture of the apartment wham the elder b kept ; In roost eases during thapat three or four days. If the fermentation begins early and proceed. rapid's, the live r rout be racked or drawn off and put into fresh casks, te ma* or two dayr; bet if this dose not take place at an early period, bat premeds slowly, three or four days may elapse before it id racked.. la gazers', it is neeossary to rack the liquor at least twice. It, notwlth standhig, the termentation proceeds briskly, the racking mast be repeated, otiterelia the 'lnoue fermentetion, by proceeding too far, may Au toinsta in Bastions fetutisiatetion, 'When simmer win be the result. In racking off the liqaer, it is necessary to keep it Lae from the cedimeot, and the scum oryeaat produced by the teresen• titian. When alfte fermeatatioets.oempletel, el an end, 11l hp the cask with cider, In ail respects like that containadte it, end bong it up tight, previous to which, a tumbler of sweat oil may he neared into the bunghole, whisk will exclude the ogygen and prevent the oxydation of the aortae. of the cider. Cider predated ea bare di recited, and without foreign satztarse, is a plea/. sae, coollsigoart wheltsvm• beverage. ihrton Blame LT BThwartnowt.—A large and ontlnatastio meting mac hold at Btowarta townoShalar Township, on Tenraday wranlng. The meeting was origealsed by calling John 0. Williams, Esq., to the Club. B. T. Thomas, Seq., acted as tlecratery. Speeeheeber• delivered by Jobs V. Hlrltpat visa, J. B. Bustortiold and Jolts 8. Wargasoo, &qt. Aaazaetlantgiae dab was le attsadaotta W■ call attention to an advertisement of the Elizabeth Grand Sims Convention, whioh takes place on Saturday (to inerrow). The Browns ville packet leaves at 8 A-11 ; fare ter the rotted trip, SO mints. Those who wish to go will he troatod with good old Ells then; hoapitality, and have a good time generally. ROSMItitT AT TAB PLIINATLTATIA BaILIGAD DIR. rov..—lAut *Telling a traveler, named S.yder, Lad his pocket picked at the Central Railroad Depot, of a miernorandimo bock col:anteing be tween six and seven liandred dollars. TD. thief ancoeeded in landing demotion. Tusarz•.—Mr. Edwin Marne will tale • beneet at the Theatre thls •tealnd, •od will op pear In the celebrated Bh•kepeartat' ehar•ater of Richard 111. Mr. Adzes, Le undoubted!, • ins water, and we bone to tee the hones crowded. Rev. S A. Hammers. Pastor of th• "Se Union Cbapel," to Wellsburg, Wass V• , unseat on 0.l Sabbath morning sad evening. at Al•thodtat Prot•sant Mama s Fifth atzsat. Nair Yost Wi.zums P. Hoot, 11...51. 11.11, /Mb easel, ae4 J. 1- Etam,pl... .tenet, All.ghany, recelveJ a .apply of all the above weekly papers. Lerrtrast—St. a.v. De. D2atraoo, of Om city, will dean, a loetiare on the "Bp.ohh Ingelsl• tkoo." In dm obarolt of bastaaalata Catanottta, at nunngnieton, Ya.. oo raanday eireaing anzl. Is roshartos is received of the destruction of the blockade runner, flight El•trit, on the night of the 19'h September, off Chew inter, South Cal , riling, by the Nipbin She wat run Lahore on the Peden! noth. The robd captain, officer., and pert of the crew, In all twenty-throe, were brought off. the remainder having escaped to ober. The ?tight newt' wee 00 Dityllll Etta rr, with • gmaeral eerie for Wilmington from Serzr.ittlei sailed from Liverpool dog 21, and wa• ownbd in that piste. II r 1.1.0 of opted srte foutteentkoista, and she erns of 300 tons bard., oast 130,000, and_liad capeolty for earrylne SOO bale of cotton. Prodidg the lathe:tar &aid not be got off the ottoats,she was set ere to, end thus &winged. It &ppm. that &loam 1 rub needed earlier In the sight in atesplag from Nen. Inlet, although Stwlst by the II IphOn. and ate• patently street herrn' Motion The Daylight dr.:weed a blushed' rennet .blob nu attempt ing to enter Now.lnlet on the mediegiteming. Qostrmor or Ts toss.--The Hartford (Conn:) Dag, Pm/ says: Th. Androssogght !dill In td•lne , went- halo ,bnelness In .1611, on le capital of $OOll,lOO. Sloe* then the ktoolikoldlre bore reaelved to stock shd cult dividend" doubt. the anumint of Mar - intrestntent; and the .took user feelantsseds • prendom of sixty per cent., thane being In addition M Its emptied of 61,000,000 • intrplem of $600,000. The solo of goods mane featured during the past yam amonstad to $2,- 600,000, and the profit., to $440,100, or foriy• four per vent en th. araptlol. • htettelsolaret 'sod the other day, that he mode cloths - hot win is. al • Coot of $3 60 psis yard, orkloh he sold for II I Thle year he makes the SUDO artlol• at • fort of $4 par yard.iadisll4ll for $B, each oD gramma bare lomething to do with the foot that It toils Melo as [snob Ws fall for an 0•411 COM all It did a year ego Una. Orret.rvo Prune, Beltran:Le °read Coo, mender of the 0. A. lints of Liberty, hfo• °tenon Minute Men, and of tbennealader of the tirostneble organization by whatever Dames it Say he known which sacks to divide this cone. try through both ballot.; and barllota, Is now stumping it la Entwurf for the ticket of hit rat ed., Gen. Pace, the copperhead candidate tot Ooternor, and‘forganerill. Should L. nap I. 20,000 "soot of Liberty, ' or "firer or Snorre, ,, paptEte et, Llttlt, Utitatati might sortr.l hued? INrttlene tote.. eirh•ther • .1. l Op I 41, e hi. Asir L. the boo,. ~t ~• t, VII• 1.1,, .lL &z..li„ of.. iti.• ocrtdonlof Now York, VIII fall to' got of OrindiJoamandor watt! afro ate •loollon of ash. Pout Como:loaner. Stifling Pilots Is put now IlloOlolion's wont infoossful olistoplon, and very opoofmon of the ?floe Abu propos* to P• 7 for Ponoc—Ohicogo Mose cfo Too Tali 1101.—Wo hare ma ether trig" ter of teetimony given In the Dodd Uhl. The proof grows stronger and etroogor meta, the traitors. It shawl that those Copperheads. were In foil empathy with the rebelhand 'bat put of the plan Wu to same theeleotion of Jar both ea Pruldent o(the Clotted Stater, after the &nth ahoold nleesed. Thus, the Nniattta of the Golden Circle proposed to attach the North to the Booth us I.lonfederaer. Another part of the pro. gramme wu the arieseinetion of Glor. Morton. The traitors bated Morton In proportion am they feared him, and they regarded his murder se ne. emery to that'll:meet in Indium The trial le still In Progress. and feather Important derelop• menu mop be expeete<l.--ameianati Geeen.. Tan Oran " Sat Row' or Wnwnrcrroff.—.The robot antkoritlos bare mods artanpmsota la England ihr I hipplog • large amount of railroad tton, for t r repair of that:. toads tor mintoty .purptint. Oa raw through the blookad lift _diet t Wilmington , which alloWe 'impaltikeit ri .he Toilettes...ls to pots throe It!,, aagising th her gantill blockaders. Admitta - notagnt, tis announced, his but. transferred to the emnitolnd of the feat at Wilmington. We 'tom, thelre o,Conolnde Wit totnatking or • 'kg d • lOWA dapping ills "rat hots," which, w • Oleo, es*da thirrebeli nate timely oopptistOMmi England.. it ought to ha atopPel st, 0634, tots thltta;'toad !zoo getit IT dote t pay to addzsit a MalEarlan t.• Whibt Gov. Parka, of Now Jamey, was addroulog ono In Ni. York the ether smogs', kg had his peed* pislad of Ida watch. Ta• ottly.fanotti tsar Hit at tko ... tiwt wen ttlCollt. eared the trultipS," STANTON' . '43T LLETN, IMPORTHILFROM SHERMAN. Rebels Operating in the. Rear - of OUr Army. BIG lEIHAIM CaPTURBD. Severe Bogagoment on Tharadav THE ENEMY °RIVEN FROM THE FIELD. The Dead eihid Wounded Left in Our Hands. REMO? OF THE REBELS TOM) DEMO ONEBILIBILING ON eIEIVE MEM Diiipateti t:rctpA Msj. Gen. Thomas W Asatroloi, Oa. DM: In a mane dirpetch it lias inattlionid that Gen. Sherman was taking measures to protect his commemlem. Vona from the Abell operating against them. Dispatches received last night show the Ml- SUment of this )sitpactation : General Thomas Wes lent to Lonit►llle to organise the troops to his district and !rive Porre■t from our lines, while the attentlsin et General Sherman was di nowt to the ntairements of the main rebel army In the vicinity of Atlanta. On the fourth the Rebel, bad espteral Big Big Shanty, bett were followed closely up by Merman. • On the sixth a severe engagememl war fought by our fortes under Oen. Fronob, In whlnt the rebels were driven from the field with heavy lou, leaving their dead and wounded in our bends. Dees!:ls are given in the following from Gen. Thom►et N she vtita,.ooi 6-11.30 r. M. Santo., Ec. , < 4 .ry of 'W. , The :followlug telegram is jest reoelved from Chattanooga: Clenerat Swath, who left hire yesterday, the bat, telegraphs that the enemy retreated last evening from Altoous, moving In the dlreollon of Dalbut, leariag his deed and from fear hundred to six hundred wounded b! our itandi. Oar loss was about one hundred killed aad two hundred wounded. The RIMS bridge will be repaired by to-in Ir. row, and the trains will be able to ran es far as Athena, gels% via Moreland and Dalton. Nothing fuirtherhea been lewd from Sherman sloes my dlapatah of yesterday, bat thorstreal of the enemy . towards Dallas indicates that he Val 01. se on draft rear near Altoona. I have act beard trousOcutrale Rousseau or Westilistrall to-day, hat presume they ara push ing Format at rapidly as the et:edition of the reads •ill admit. We have bed heavy and coati:atoms Wes for the last dye days, readmit% the road. and lI.MIIIII alaot lisipessable. I here jest receseset the following from Gen. Granger, dated hantsville, Go:. 6, 10 P. N. t The warier reported drowned while crossing Eta river, has .nlvod. E* iost the dispatches while crossing the river U. report...that two rebel were captured, who report rarest the bight belt:* tressing south. Gen. Moron's advance was skirmish lag wits the enemy this morning, on Skive Creek, be Leine unable to miiaa, aooinnt of high water, Lie hopes to Ire able to mode by to-610170W mora ls g, ekes, he eta pa.h them farther on, The !Alabama Railroad will be repaired from here to Polwki In an. week. Bign,d, Geo. EL Tepees, HO. Gen. FROM BEFORE RICH BOND FIGHTING NOT YET RESU Friendly Interview Between the FpTlosing Utile! rs and Pickets. ACTIVITY IN BUTLERS ARRY The Rebel Repulse on Saturday. ARBANGIEENTS !OR THE EXCHANGE OF PtilbONEtiz I' arly Overthrow of the Rebel' Probable Na• lota, Oat. 1-26 a Herold'. correspond ed with onr cavalry on the left of oar Has, on the ttb, sap : Thee has bees no Sighting In dl•hfon shim Gee. Da•lr g•.. Hampton inch • whlpplog • few days Mace. We still hold the volandothd Its road: •t • moment', Doti°. to resew the battle, bat •re waiting other movemente before taking the Gelman. Richmond papers of the 4th mikao•ledge the lom of Oen. Donao•ea. Our plehats are non only:abontilfty yards dl.• lasi from the enemy, and the most kindly Nig lag aatats 01 along thsitni. Interviews between cillears ars of (regnant otionrranae, and than Is an andarstandlng that the plakats shall not Sze on sash albs:. ?hay isaknealsdp a diktat ea Batasdkkand claim that the seholaof Sheri dan', oo spa nu opposed to dim. The //mild. ocirrsepondent at Bermuda, the Late of guppies for Oen. Dollen army, says that the greatest and molt enrol:raging activity oievalia. The CUM Quads:Mager of the army of the Jamas, Colonel Dodge, and his aulitante, are tireless in their ecru to forward the rup• pile. for the troop', and their unparallelod rumors tends greatly to heighten the already steel° Write of both clam and men. Nothlog was done in relation to the &drone. on Richmond, for purely military romans, other than to parfait the details of the monument, and ooneegnently there to .no news from the ex. tram* front proper for thepublio to know. The weather though rainy, end the roads muddy, can not be cold to be gut aaaaa hi* to the prosooation of hostillthie, at W events hostilities CU go thresitd. 2 Vocalize crops war* engaged In the effort to vicopttivo tho worn., bat wars ...patted with lb. lore, accordion Ca robed .roporro, of 444, 430 IXI , D. This ir gravely " r eredzizedl • 1. • weuo the. ILTe , 1.. I aziatiOng tap ground, over whit& the aitartlt wall made, several kan• dyed dead bodies. Ms). Mulford, tinned State, Commis/Inm for the ettehang• of prints!. arrived at Deep Bottom tlidsmorntag r on tba otinustrinew York, with • Imp load of noel prisoners for exchange. Be pissed through our lines this terming, to it'oboiond, under a dog of, trues to arrange the onabong• with th e rebel atithoritito. From twenty to thirty 'rebels corns into oar ranks every day. The iferoGN correspondent with the Tenth corps, on the 6th, writes; There hoe been no thong* here since my tor t diepetah, In the vlabt- Ity of Barthian on the right of the IBth ores. The enemy yet-feel very oore,and continue 'kir mishing with our pickets; they seem, however, to have abandoned the Idea of reposseselng this happrtant work. The charge upon Port noni ron on Botorday, 4 aeknowledgsd by the enemy to Imo been disastrous In the 'Arm:LC N a y yoga, Oat fleeteurelare Wash ington medal lays I ...in onirer from the fifth corps who arrived tram the frost today, reports all quiet with the army. Boma rebel °Moen ospturod by Butler, who wars on the boat to Bortross Monroe, told him eve armies were beating them surely by force of numbers, sad the mamma, be their peed,. cocritizow. The Wrier4 epeeist esis : The troops at Cha pin', Farm are fortified airatut attack, and are able to maintain their pumice 41 a bus of ra• tare operations. AU the mounted hate been misused to las hotpwits at Bermuda btandred sad . Fortrees -Maroc. Tha entire tali en mu left Wu 'bast 2,190, on 'air ilea, 1,000. . "JaPalitell 17eirel—lien. Amin. New Yoic, Oct. The 'Japanese war steamer 3nelllens, carrying 13 goal. trent to sea to-lay on har trial trip. Tide la the tint of o tot eentsnoted for by lb. Tyoosia. ths Oen. owdoil6 Merin arrived! to the .elty today from Bk ARRIVAL FROM RAVANA. AFFAIRS IN MEXICO Surrender of the St: Domingo Rebels. WAR BETWEEN BRAVE AND URAQUAYe of Fore News BIT Ypac, 00t. 6.—Elarans nowt by the 'IMMO/ /UVULA, say. The Emperor Mann:Lil lian is expetted to rotary to the City of Mexico be the 19 6, belpg unwell from &Notion of the throat. 'The St. Domingo rebels hoologrood to by down their arm anooodltionsUy. Vera Crts papers contain aceonnu of tho aban donment by the Strewth of various towns and tilts., and their occupation by the Repot,been poops. Among theme towns are Bosonsltipa and Dieser:um The French still occupy Victoria City. The Monterrey sad Bait Bill N. says the efitten crop promises to be large and of a Due quality. The Timer' Rio Janeiro coriespondent says that war is about to ensue between Brasil and Uruguay. The mum oorrespondent reprsseals th• cams CT.T, to Paraguay large end asoellont. Details In Buropsan Deo by toe China's molls show London Par arid Berlin fall of acooants of the victori es is of Grant, She?ldea and Perracitt, Jost received, which had driven the rebel In ternet almost out of eight. kleCivilan's letter of acceptanoe was regardati by the majority of English and Bootish jonras:s aa amebae ledisingennons terms toward too Ocia %otion, and it was aoknowledod that he had set op • platform of his own.oonstrao•ica, and that tee Presidential ram wll almehitely be b ideas Olmsell and Mr. Lindalo, *soh candidate keeping the restoration of the Caton steadily in view. The Elensicrs Callao correspondent of the 13th Says: Para meat end will have war, unless soma stung power interferes and prevontalt. The New Orleans 1t..,, of the 28th alt. says : )eve from hf &cameral to the Slet Oates that the French under Oen. Dubain had taken poriessloa. Cortina+, previously fled the country. FROM SHERMAN'S DEPARTINT, Alatoona Attacked by the Enemy THE REBELS HANDSOMELY REPULSED 1 teamer Captured by Guarrillaa Crurractos, Oot. 6.—At sta o'clock yester day morning, I. enemy attacked Alatoons with artillery and infantry. The position was 000 n• Ord by a portion of Geo. corps. Th. tight osodatted at intervals daring the latter part of the day. Every move of the enemy wee handsomely reptilted, with severe lou to the It the evening they hutlly retreated toward Helton and Dallas, leaving their dead and from I. or to sic hundred wounded to our possesstea. Oar lc. t. .bout three hundred killed, weatded mod missing. Otn. Came Is reported wounded. Heavy erlug was Miami lathe direntleo of Hon.., during the day. All the atriums are ovestowing their baths, leashing ••ay the bridges at B.,oggold, sod Chattabooehte. The two ant named will be rebodt to-dsy. A rmrty of Armen gnerrlllas ender 1.0. Herron, of the 2d Tautest., having seer..d themselves near the veal haat at Kelly's Ferry, when tha ettato•r Rees. Imnde.l for anal. oaptored her and set her on are The crew scuttled her and saved ler hull and the machinery with which Ste ins From Its.tanfrtun—.tqoadron C.C101.11. r - 2 1- : II a; a o t a in. Coneul—G ter. General Weeettoovos, O. le stated that Capt. Lydo.r bo. been rel;rred of tie eemmaod at the West I odiee. this WILI for the reason that the vessels wbich composed the squadron have ..eased to be a separate command. Cmieere will ...hoe to be employed es the waters, and Ell sot as conveys for California ...mere. ddoittal Pam got wilt prob•bly continue lb commend of the western equadron, Instead of being transferred to the North Attends, se woe racesdly widely announced ; the letter, as ij known, embrace. the vessels on the North Ced ollna (mart. and Admiral Porter has been 0t , .. dared to It. command, and will, without deist* ester upon hie doll. HI. suocessor to oom , totaled of the Mississippi squadron het not yet bean designated. P. appointed Consul General rat lierana, arrived el Weehl.lttdd. to-day, to read. instruetiona The Eiovernor Cl.manti of Nova Bootle called to the President to-day, in cattpany with the Ardetant Seoretary of State. Et r. the objet; .1 marked *Maim attostioa. Farre■t and Wheeler Oat. 6.—A prisoner, captured 2'o;- rue. raid 015 Ikleniphis, has recanted, and re port. that Rhut, soul 90 organs to Corinth for provisions, and eat /arrest lent Min back empty. Wheeler's men are suffering for food. When the oonditlen of affairs if reached Parent, ha ordered ell his cattle antler oii ytts' oid to be mit there ter beet. The rebels amposed Montgomery, Ala , to t be In f amlnent dineset. National Hans Vatr. Patvrotsca, Oct. National /Torso Tel closed to •day with a trotting match for SLOO Rol ada cm, between tke Primo of Hartford, and tho Lady Emma, of Kew York: Pub.* you in thee, straight hoer—tints. 2:3K, 1:32 and 2:303g. The Empress did not start. The NW has hoes re/ stiocesqui and satisfactory to allpartles. About 10,000 people wrens In attendance to dm. New Jersey Democratic Convention. Neer You, Oat. T.—Tat Democratlo COlll/1111. Mon at T'reaton, Nov Jassy, to-day endorsed the Mileage Platform ; the nomination of McClellan; Me letter of acceptance; gime thaaao to oar rekllere and tailors, and extends imp*. the to dm prim:mars In the math. Tim C 0 12•01:1• 4 tioll was large and barmonions. Bridges Destroyed by Rebels BT. Louts, Oat. 6.—lt U now ascertained Asti the bridge over the Glasoonada river, twenty eight toilet this side of Osage, was afro burned by the rebel's. The Oct* °reek bridge, thirty are and tw•o /oeoteetlem Were also destroyed. 8E WM - 6 111.4CEILArEl. WHEELER & W 11.50.11 __ _ 11CPROVED BARMY SEWINC MACHINES, . 'RU 11AGLIIIIIS iitIGLD . HICOLI7BII IT 211 THB BEST. _ Over ial.reXi of three =whim have be. eel/. Ore i 4000 ere la •lie he Patel:taro eel vicinity. THEIR SALES ARE GREATER Tl l / 1 2 all Others Combined. , IT NIX= THE "LOOK ,13TrrOH''' ao4 earerumee only atte.hall the 'meat of tbrsei that le and by the 011•111 VTITOEI safailLara. Ho ow &oaf DOT &Elevrtee Ilachtue anal their ha w a:read sad Voted the Wasztaaa I Wl.lBOB They ea warm:nal her three year, INSTRUCTION PR EMI 611.11,1110002, 80. A rnim OMR. , RIM SUMNER dr CO. Agents. CW•lhttatena aelf-Serrt ler ssts Vatlasau sad S ' salassaw; LWSUIL&ATJE '1" GARITINKR. COFFIN Agent for tkie U• Trunklha,- Made *eta owl ate ( l o pe . _Tossirooso Componteo. liortbamolgornor Wooa oaa ntra sta. Wlt 'ONES, Agent for North Arnerioa, . Blatsof Panneyhaata, and lisr,trant,l,¢4 , uosi Oasapsake. Watu'intit. ' - , gAlitrEt 111316, Secretary Cations' Ia daniDee elennea.l6 caw IlLarket and %Ca 6a. , Vs GOlWON,l3eastary of Wotan In =Da CloptpsayMintior And.. , . . Dn M. BOOK, Se .arstag of Allesbeny . organ Oompay• gl no IMO* raftl IMMEI v&ILDU.47II, arc N EW U4)°KB DOWN IN TENNESSEE Shia ash mina,. by the SUMO, know tba Ph•ey' mail/ma cif Ilk. wilditrk, and as/Flu:My to math ar tat tithe mato pitar hi tor IL Qtmm• ea tall al aototal. out ttapatasit $b Wad hi public attain, military at t”aa. tkoroaakly attre,tlv. tad 0..104 hi Incident au/ .0,11 Lim auttiot.• other boob. • Ltualr. lo,l4 gi 50. vicroier.. • uow natal, vigoroas wad froolt—oaro to =kg • LEL Moo, clotb, tinted paper. $1 78. QUEST A nal. end prooklang &nth.. t. klmTaaapod Ls Wm ch.raar, woik of Lotion. 12kuro, cloth, flaked pope. i THE ART OF OONVERSA.TION, A mplackeld boot, Mgt entry =a Ought to MA. 12 o, cloth. tll4. The aiabanus and Sumter. A Ovid and pfittretr Itlately of n e eaten wawa of Memo two &mow! :Manta wutold. Earinted lFedoa eattWak of the prima Jeretmely ere, of Scam.. er dhL 02=1.. Two twat to erne. 'Mao cloth. $2 WO. cirri - rmomak •01, r ly .1r work, 17 the tatter of 'Velma If Rm. tato Boy-," - "May &vele," “Irocke Amadei." I Cm. sloth. 11 SO. JOBN GITILDERSTRING'S ht Wtenee seg pee-least* Lore Elam, ha the Jane byte eljle. 12zoo, cloth, tutted Reps,. 01 60. Darkness and Daylight. Mn. E o!rnes' new novel. 1.22., cloth. $1 CO. TALES WIXOM TEE* OPILIIAf. Th. plot. of .1 OW opooM, to tLo dap* of skalds. 12.0, cloth. 11 60. FOR SALE BY HENRY MINER, 71 AND 73 FIFTH ST GOOD AND IDSEPUL BOOKS. EARLY DAWN, by the author of tbe. ecimaberg Gotta lastly. TOD- •011011111DII0 M T FAMILY. BANNIT brOADA, MTH 116,11MILANT AND AT- I:RCN. JCAF itzterwire POEMS. MAUI ANDLN, by Tounrum. • t 4.11.1•91, by Ls F. ?Noma LTC, WEI FONDS, Do 4 d's Ultimo to Tedlusi. DIXLE 000.11011 MATER 0/ YHf PBJ99IIT 'I2III•I9i •HAIALS or TWO LUNT OF T/111 OITAIDEB LA RD.By ant - Akar. DO HE OF rurtnuri.pra atausuLut uratinaarna -When:34ls sod re tail, ins. 10 **Ma to Nona; DIBLII3—In psalmist, of Illndlue s,d stuu, I. S. nowin—a. •vplir a. band. ?HOT LA P S ALODas—Wheimals bad re Wl. Dom 50 casts to 11 1 9 00. CLABADIAL ADD SCHOOL DOWEL THAI AIITELNAL BOON.. Alan Published- Ads. HUD. • 9 Fourth at, neat door to Loa Cilty Bank. SCHOOL BOOKS 1 WEI tINO PA PIZ% P3BB, 1138.8, 88VIELOPK8 BLATZLI, OOP/ BOOKS. OZIALI OIILTIII9II. BLANK 80013, Together •Mb AU k'a& of School liagalaba Ihr lea at leer pares, by DAUB, OCARIgi L 00, • P a.stir os • - raoElc. 4c. L&U.LINF. 6 BAits, SOLI JOISTS Olt lug Bradbury 4; Sohomaoker di Co.'s CELEBBATED PIANOS, ASCD EIM2II - .IEI AD clia.-en American Organs and Melodeons, go.IIIBIESILL'S BLOOX, BT. Main lis. EM=i=ol Itiormrd word, MAI, Astor Galan, OW. Clocirso, Jserro=l, Erra.., Wel* MAW& Or a J. P.tistita, W. .Dr. O. IL IL Blootbara, CL 8 Dos• Groat Be- !MOM Ch., A. Horroikr. a. ' C orr,, ar.a. euebetter. Oct. ,F. r rsuklis, Obectreis Visarst'r koodosai, lkomliessrs. Par t. ALM. bomb klarastorad, Lost Liberty. J. D. Camay. Blradsgbara. oar. B. MVOs; mArfokt. T . Row. IL Dash dory, t , srotodON TIA Graham /kart, 001... 8. droo,Srall /byroad, D. Woman Ors, 504.,•./Jobirmy 014. Wm. J. Vor, Ira lK . l tiltdlrs. S A O: Aar ILsorom, M. tbs. Ism, do. Dr. J. IL Deollrdock, Dad L.Thartr. Jobs Maarnly, AU Maas ifsbodomo , Immured Br 1,. yaw. A Air e , llolllcoCOOd.b.pad Prism der ..Load Mark pterio, YEARLY NSWOM TOR &ALA ONNAP. • 7' ONTAVII YOSEWOOD OERNIENBING PLANO, rowed corners, Saudeenos eaccdethlg en w. llr try bees And Man thas GTO months, And Is as geed a. am to *vary re St.-1101 scratched or marred is as Wet- Th. proud t. UM WM Ds sold ataiNsat tedactloa. CHAS. Q. MELLOR, 10 WOOD BiMUM 26 hiELODSON& BO Cabisot Orptia. • socon4^hast NoLutoons. LISS T. 11.11 PLQTOIT MUM OFLAS. C. 111111.02, HOFFMI/1, HUB & Is wawa synisw. DECKER'S PLANO& 1111/1011 PI Ca ilmsdra. N A BlrE3 PIANOS.— astera HBO'S. PIABOL—A os:Jondfd ruarotaseni of then tiarftallti f Plana. lota' k w L be sold at a roductlon of boos ILO7 toomntr floe dollar. ton tliaO t.olooy Oa% •=rd. tog to MI. of Plano. Teothnonlgs of =Wino, trona Tkolberg, atzactosoh and 0. gaiter. Also from nom* of tn. mod onthoool Proftwors and Antafanra the ea. try. OL octal" sant by null selio _4I3.ABL(PPIN BLoIIR 43 /UM amt. N. SI BOLE, No. IS3 Bactrairmo Pianos and" Kasioal Instruinenda, Kelps toartantly o Lad a lbw asartasat cl EXW MEM vioxasa, GOMM 100011=1783' era= ba.. wida will man kir lair prima MAIM 461 MS. SOUMU3' M,93:1U AORNITI. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON. ATTOIIIOII FOR CLIMB in PEIIIOB, 10. 144 FOURTH STREET , PITISSURRH.: - iirPaaaksa pommel, Smutty. Zack Pay lad Fria Massy ealbsaaa an abastad Usaarpamalga: sal/ WORMED SOLDIERS. gum sour ` c: /hits; 131i*i TO /UM 1110IINno BO Irttb .Disolump." 'osim we sharp cads Win grig. Due Wow 1 , 1 the O. L ztras 'Otrteraziss‘ 1021 / 1 3,A142 !K ere ware awl .I.thedixd.! . • SOLIMDEP CLAIM BODES LID AIM= OF FAL reastve7 Oswald to 17 •=lb MAs =DM. am ui tom stens, IMMMINIVI. Is g smears kSTABLISItEII 4744-, p)R SAUL. 100 Acres of dry &May L. In Burrell toermildß i 'wowirtnit timers — ais• ' b tellre Ems Pitteberiß, .Parf sod 11104 0 . 7 ANT1...7 TOY, 7/.. tying Wylie lady ems/ - by'. mom Tom% hefts assald. the lama taptamannis are '&144 itiaid . k . ' pot moms ; Brum a re 'd &alb Bet; Warms abod, cion, way ifa Asia Trim of MO*. ; ripaoleg tad bawd pet am. boo lasbobk*VriZl4l444._Tbandd 3111 [.de Par; ; ~,,,,i,t, - .- L cescems ft Bebe. Taere:are rime& in : o sod them. with Ohm MtheL . ti dy throesh the but Mink Owe' ta . en,re Bale. The Mom mama Jet mgaina to w sut . pottom of lb* railway aus he braght la Cosne .111. ITT , •••••• thl• tave.: l / 1 1.2 'Mat zTatihs %milk rLntq b...ntlfel AIM sir ißblthe eadereitik't QIN ; 9.. hoe en It • good I t Tib ut =XlßUl geonecl trlth • Mem ter MUM em u , trova the Meat ryt of the Edam BMA; obit, bee • ego deruttoMd In merry ream In meet km. ••• may b. boat. On mete of thou stem the ward ar Mob.. reuml; a The thtm lIM • rho Beat Msg. 17 WI • Wk.. • ; CV p e r a omloylot e l l e tm a a r t - while .or. moi dip ar” • m ethe4:the st** Ltoe, The mal eibr r• Mowing as amt poles meet ooderlte the priaolzal psi M le. twin. Cool b mlzTdOutf• h1114.01ta.177/07 pooh of II It th. lame..T.•2l•lnk. buth..itarth .o u sk, lb@ fal•11.11 ft Iti 11; wortlq of maitlmtlast DB premix" (B Min n mad en tetu prepvety. . 39 a.. ...Mon a. rinkt• T 111117710.777 VUlagg 07 se amaraoma for doomdopol neid. _ du... more tboreble AM In Om astiXt..:The-Bae Omar cow d doublem make erbrimneole 888 the a, -- V. 3. for • station to 671717 .401.14 • Tor alum, ao., addzas BOX 117, lirmatooth, pd r. aAtfa VARIRS FOE EIALE.—Chie consistiniif 1: abort 106 weft eltaatalta Bareatltowaalthlite Jltna Doty, alma 171 maw from Bleck Llt3tAllio - Won. on au lallanalhatch of the w ooor yt e yd a matt, of which BO wzno awe undo, cattltattah sops well thabo , ed, the Ised Wag ItattarieSl .., coal ; cat teltsch barectad Ladling balm. PAW ht. • ' a n . w e h ^r water. the plate hob( ag Of acteS&_ , • • farm of 103 screw about two rolls &Oat Mara Lkk 13ta ton and 6n mks frtea sy4atlf. raw hater sod ff todhadon tomplks paella& Monk of ' a boat .151007 acres us dual, Ulm' 4 =eV-ow, waleahl• timber oa the rentalodewi • 11n• - house n d barn wreck 4 thereon ; • Intl of coal vs* at the door • also two new tatting apiniatot tholhia. • 1 • Toon orc hard, de. Tor tens, •ppl, W. CL • 1 30Q1111A111311. Ito 111 Dlszund street. littablaw3•• FOR BENT. FOUR ROOMS. lA.. Or Printing Met ; Book Moan Or Ifo*Mar pcuposet. Om be tarnished wlth iost• govern wonted. Will tomato* singly er GU NN ' • wise If tlodrol. ippty it 0 ,ISZT4C.OIIIIOII Fox SALg— SUBURBAN - SEW& iur.r.f:.•,; yamgra LilM^-.1,04a. &Mend.. attar f. al& number ot tots. taw two/talt *MAW ; L :.•• wan tea, snouted was Tortorttllfn Dew minute" yak of th• tertsfau id Dot A Pig Railway.SlO RIM!. If/t, tottilltolty located tor private toeideetrA'' - • vaa jkoutimg . Atm, • zoitatotat Leto to tboirelszowiz: ea th• Pststagszlatly Bat D•mt load from oat to WO kondottlbettlospi. -••-•.!• Vot troottastoom ontortro of item of Ut• AMID. Mood, or W. A. ERIBON, OlookY 011•A`'Dotttl Soma. WIL DIEBBON • ! • JOBB D.lllBllO l, f. • (LEXRDOW, • • , •••••'• 4 ;7 1 . •' , J. ALUARIS COAT. LANDS FOIi:SAM -% , •,, 4 -: :-..rba asz.irr sans - buing beenvichdrigitinio ,-,- :: Ws misdate Yoram rased tor mks, Bahl Lad.i,,.. tom' 4- of yelightl.three =as woe Or lan, is about • JoiyeeS,,geir7, =dallied with Deal of - twin' -•:'- el.tre. con Tbs Iserroneesenta theme being let good ti*, good ~ . &Moo sesseg or Ovation.' horse, barn , bee thief rate tearing orchards of VW /112. "44 1Wi11, :::;r: 21 lo weed coder , said allender tryo best erste of on .-'. ~ The lesebingtoc berspas nun through QM term ..' , ' 'l 3''' . /or t.erros apply to .-.-1 Y JOBB 717LLIET05, O. W Wood street. ;". • • , ROBILIT .111.4.11ghT. frecolors, ICI. ,5 -V.: >.} Irenrtf . , .. .:- FOR SAL .- • • COUNTRY REOIDE2IO4 In the village of Ifaugankt, lour toffee from the Lot 14,14contalsktok beamed oil .ad gram longs. :,-..- a & ttt eroded . good iaro !dory brhat bacee. bedelk, • agablaj end Übe:, blegs. deismaad ten of egoelega watery four env of may with boot ofaced and la gaol - 4 order, aft be mid to 0130 lot ordtvlded fo If nog rodd be . SZPSliffEtell r , Ot th.t day b• odd of PUBLIO MIsL at p. uittioot tamer Stela bad.bafttabla aad deur ' alilocOmbraaoe. Terme of oda will to madakaafro apialcaldon to (MOWN rOBSTEIt. Teikocalaordth• &all L'OB BALE One new Mesa islzictstS A. L 51.6 ayllaular, 110 bah =aka, as *may Inv MA balance anly• swan= . Ova is bah artlattar, a teat ernatv, aurval-116016. IClr Ala am good aa UN. Ona hat artisan, Er barb at'vra. 0161 16 " Two Orilviar Borlarr, Si OD CI 14. Cm" SO rravv. Tars • " " - Two Irranera lava Oil Ovals Alp, Three bay or Bortag Took tar 011 W 466 Gravy Art wad KWh, a 6. g• BOLA sin Blaer Baal. war the .plat. . riNE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AEI N./ dwdrattalscwtswa for manta" soda am:ad azif Übe*, 6 now otarott Ow eM. faxotttie 1 140141i1t kr.nee Jv.et gin ftm, Ii wt.na ta tar Wko svrt4staw Lam-aw 4 atpp mitt natql4l4l. of tto twat tnnweww, tang. Warp Loa ttai ibwo - , two rata dogxy brick bow*. 8.818 1 / 4 81811, 1 1. 11 :1 pod o 00111: az sac= Mot, swell ixesi a g. xis dastarlorill ildtad Into two, or towr mato= Col* 8" ,8 0 42 !. for Imam ap9l7 at As Zial Zawa cdl43 of /1/1 , 711M Phrt.L.r street. tavre. 112 1 OEt BALE --STEAM . .BAW Male 4: ORD OIL 110112122Y.—Th0 soo•hatt or Gl* Lan 011 Ganser, Rad flOwo sror Iratititnton salami =tamest lf Imo of attobstodanot ft cod co Par 1^; Wog worted, aon Go o..er sad A. a coma tondo. %Sa t = It WE oat of coodorn i =4l3ow NM to tit ntlldow - ; 7 61d mike, tad moll *Ana It frook.nladdrld frost ft to tho rhos. Good .orbonetni badly Tor vortices, ea on Quo =duo . - LTDAT !GE( So. El Gond onoraillgioonthi FOR B.,±krp. A LAMM OH. 11A.111114' trr *on lone, Sa bet .Me, r ma a.); WA hat T 011... Ma. bob 011. Ora to IS. Ittebovt't TAW bacrerahtetabarg arias., on.lb.mben-o_s_dm ET 70r rico.io, tato:beat ,W.IIILIVEAOWY ' BiZia Ile abet,. votild mks good Coil Burp Y 1 .1 2 11.. off tbs r „ BA.LB. 640 LOH= OP GOOD 51G0141210,. .„, NI Icrtog to am. track to Sootatit smite. fliows:` 11 .. 1. ~ • . . .it , vaned a. ailtimirr, „.. i . _ . , :i Wed =row Hood abet ood Ihositilmolr* 3 .-, .. , of - 44 , - I - . 8&W WM --: - FORBALE4Ktk4 05 7 7.01 on do bank MlT! of Om 016 - rho. to Ao bolo* 1 a 4 • eowtskOorsillo lono-6"1 still Is reo sobataassagy balls, ti ago,* „..., ~,_,.. Lieber 1114- t, betUdiegth, boa brooms of ,1; - ::. %- i :tin is, sad to Input. tomato( ago /Or nt _ . madras - - '. Jos:crag:Hsn , oat on .. Zoo CT, frobitarstio P. 04 Ilk --",..--,. - - FOR SAM—At Aladdin Oil WctrioN 4 40111:1111 OIL TAR I. prim* meta: dlso st /I , logriany Pialg . ollool.4ll Flame 3.120 h cast Ina intssr D r A re , 1:1,:30. .eSztr ta market and. DOB, fiahlE—L9o Amos of Coal; alio 1291 - ,. I! =sag anent sag ts ti obis oemitmetel cool tad naked esS other IS gacdmixii' teg , asks ts pima Ho. i eee Isms oohs 2' S, rt•sr Sid NoW•M• asitscatl in = ere tGrt Soar rtWes erasSiSrad: _ DOM Itiarr-1. Mal STORZ-110011%. vitt nri...assra Las ktams B 24 " ' aced. aaP :basal dna% /tag als. 61r641 i1 ` 11447 ` 4g461 7,,t i 0gh . • mpg ELAM—A• fan 'co 114 itsuted ts Eakosnlan •t',.-1 • 'ebb. am" 11111, awl taimßstetik Tim - Ara kweil•eaterst Ufa.goat ViEttniths. Mar full= • parttousell baba' rota; or *I tie sellerfbariL DOS HALB—E'RRN - - STRUT 'PROP E szerr.;-41, titmlitary Bildt to; Mao nxmls, No. II Pam Mad, Insb -haTtnit • tecat at 9:1 bet I Indus, numlair hilt 110 bet to 11. via% 111.. tr The ma II an =Waal Japp le• - arrt.• tf.'"riiiral*".lllKMAzuHlre L OR 'SALE—Rouge' ilia Lo t Ea 18 Villa dead. Tba lot tomato ott Wyllo itrotalTa • bet rooters. sad d alma bar.. 140 teat to • I toot alley. ovarblett; .. veil &Watt is exacte • Wye Was dozy Erick Dleallitt. lath "I;••• •I, Wren- yli llutcybatt Abe beltlln j y. Tot pries and Witte ayyty to .-•••• •30 . • • • ifeLLIT F~s.e~ reyo cruispra'soiLza9.: 1 67 " teds 24 tiNt 10. g 17 la ITtetwo todre nonmant. k I 3 WOW 1004 - ' bogs% Vo.:WJTEBETSTULT. led 14;-•!..:} N'..- - -,rl i 4 air %Auk ' a co.,'es a Ittaina War* .- -... ....,-, } Itostreeii ?3 , ! ,119:1111, cur a ifflr. 411111115.... 1 - ; 4 "L` , --' _ dm. ,--- ''. - - - • - sm.+ - - ~ C , --, 1 , i FOREALE. • _ ?DIE= AMISS 01P LIND, Mule/dab Min Is a I tiro-nary otos* basso, isaa.. tabling lbw ram. 411 luvi kiteliss. - 1.10=4 10 2 -:-'...,,,- chordal/la bodes berl trosi &USW 1uma1at.... a .." 1 " ''''' . ' ' baidlameni li toad val of pun ingot iii th.....,:i Matted os ttro.W WM 'ass 1211•41rma 1P 1tiZt1a........- •,-,..- -' ._ -- Etarlrma the road Ifaid=sn , iartj a ".%," 4 7 . -..,.- .1 . . _ Otte mow. 4 2 Dlsawagf.ot J.DOETATT, 1,4 " . • eitiirdairi 4=lll A __ . _ ~ ' . .. ) 1:.K.7,:i1'A • ..• t f 1 4 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers