tite Sitsburgh Suet*, IPATURDAIG OCT Eh 18816 "MOM ONION 110111LITIOR9. mann • asuman awcomar, or 01,. 7101rc:i 8W JouEgO , a! Tii;teessew Irnien' COUNTY TlOltliti 22D parnaroi ,;„WRI s i!00 °a. . . • 4t- anus I : su l l tu&iiTh 4 li•oht4 r:azazej our, 11.4. 4101irota1mtr., AIMED 411.&_fog, L Amos ndira 015/LOWI4I=IO. T. LW, Part% SAIMI WaNtia. int/. OPPIENZ WILLIII.II 014W11102t. City. , • 100.11 micron ,AL !AU% Eartokliry ~ • gwo,",yeefernto slue Coteittara of our Forefathers. ititt•VOPPilthelstin- knee tide hung out as a matte,' at their beesiteultrtere, giving it se I qUehationlieni Pendleton„ U We'Veitirate thetenelitution of our fore fatherle•.- Na rend! not. On the contrary, • f.ke Otdoego platform oontaini a plank favor - leg Utile ultimate Convention of the States," aftei;in'iredstice for the sole purpose of everthiewing• the present Constitution and freneing a seer one better adopted-to please flu Slava lorde of the South. • It is, therefore, part of party Oiled that the Constitution, :Insised •ef being an 'oldeot of veneration, should.beeetsside for another. And this.waii Perfect harmony with the • viewer alba leading,members of the Chicago -•••.." Convention. Gov. Seymour who presided over that Convention, proposed In 1851, after i the Rebellion :broke cut, that we should *ban dies our Constitution and adopt that of the Itebela, known at that time as the iloutgom- Say Constitution. Doubtless be holds the mime views to-day; and as he is the condi - -date of his• Party for Governor of New York, and a chosen orator of the party in Pennsyl vania, we are jos - titled in throwing 45 lie into theliteeth when they say wire venerate' the Comtlltutlon of our ferefathers." perhafe, the threfatitars of the men Who set-egs„ this claim were Tories and Cow --boys 4 Bovolation. In that ease the claim inlay isits - goierimaarid ire would not be un der/art **disputing that vier of the . matter. Thi•dsnithentlem mimes thatthe person vecoivlng;Wilthjority Of the lilectoral votes %hall be Preddolii, yet the bulk of the Memo ettaiityparty revolted &giblet this Constitution al provision in iB6l, and are still in Rebellion 5014 - httentmer.they were debut/al:ad not to autseditie President legally and Ooastitu tionallpoltesett.' And what ie lend' the Dem. txxotth-44trty tilths fiord', to-day; justifies them thllobiCik,,endisianda Pledged to let them expaiiii the 'Onion, - if they ,yrifi, rather than iitat from, them an obedience to the Vonstitutioe.. And yet this Northern fag.end of the Demooratio party has the impudence to say "we •otacrate the Constitution of oar forefathers I" .But Dore - The' Men wholto be'ote ' , the wcr'd with this motto in their moutts, are all the shilekney threatening that if Lincoln is re-eirotichthey will not submit. Thera will he- a Vevamica, they, ray; , and the Chicago c0..01 , 10.347004ed ter initssetubling for the sole earpese of organising; be to the ; Prealdont •sitet, should he be other than their -own man.' Their papers 'are' to-4s, fall of • threats not to submit to the popular will expressed, if against them, end _their orators all speak in the name Strata. Their chief reliance, also, for electing • I.L.Cerseare, Is a s eecreti ormed organisation, Cued by oaths lo oveithrow the the govern . *met of the .. ,Ceastitution. And yet. use," they say, sentrite the Constitutionl ' There-Any iajairitO in which these fel lows estiha raidbi,ratter, tike the Consti tution Iflf'apy of its previsions restrain or Moder the , greeident or Congress In posting down thexthellien, they like it ac and in no otbere,et :eno.they be raid to.have any 70• glad fir it." Any thing that helps the nate Monist : l6lAm them, and tto Conarieulion if to them,.'l any other is• ate, at hing to be noonted and flouted at, resisted or overturned as they May think beet.., • Deseetiee Cram-tie IDeart b e p Jittg,,llle BrMatt Hendee. Th°dnertini from oe:draft - who two is /hen ' , foie in Cettsdolo mitipe runner, duty , '•••-. here ; here recently been attacked by the mil fatty ati#,Mities , there, and find themselves tiny marl like Nonb's first dove. Under the -ober' of tie llnitef State; if they return hate they ,in be treated es deserters; if they en. xesis,ln Saliadia they Will be pressed Into the , inWisr/ ifsiviat4 . ' , Zeta is the order of the British aithOritiem . . • ."Retricskeiroirs, Qu , bet, Sept. 21 , 18-4 —So lice Is ItsiebY given to all persons Jr om the redert4 - States of America, who have taken refuge In* °anode — slice the let of August, 1804, stelare Ili for thg,._perforstanee'of Assysdedy,l6 report•immedlateb° to Capt. a Stanhope Willa, of Herr hisiesty'e service, at his keadeptitrten,i°Clifterv. House," Clifton, C. W., for enrollotent Airto..the s lollitsry sonic , Of HuAll persons °haling Cr retain to comply with the require mentsof this order will bo subject to military arrest, fineAtutimPrisOnntent.• Refugees and exiles seeklitg . L proteetimr of - this gnornment must /end their sid to strengthen the govern• learmt that Wes theizitoroteetion. By order." The above-might lead to the supposition *hat the •Ssitish GoyernMeot was preparing '• for War. but we relis.b4 informed that it b only the hit cation 'IA raise s everal I eel:Mate of CatuidLtd4 61111:e ill garrison, for the prat. eat the many intlitary posts along theft ontier, - an d when PriTerly. drilled they will be sent to other lotelltiee—probably to the last In. dies..--ros. 'Carom. • ° illUnliisnin at the Polls. Ws wantsdnll4 rata on Tuesday; and the raj to get liXtti:OulPead 'business on that day.. ni iterioants of Philadelphia hare resolved to de no baldness on that dll7, ID that Sol only they,,luirrheir employees may hare- Ad epportinity of ioting.- will our moralists :and manufacturers be Dehladt COnaidering the immense inforesta that hang upon the result of this election xitat is one '414 to , them? Ifoosil their e1m ...,._-.5.j0t attention to the matter, and trust, that, ~ , , tf:viith one =Cord, Business Bill be permitted 'i . fltoitve way to Patriotism on election Hay. , 1: . : ;.. d: , The Post'/ slantera. 71 tie - Phi glanders Major General Wa. T. sass, to. &cloying - that he is In faros of . .f ihiy viet!on a banana htersaaerti . '2 l . :miasma -thing .nosi pomade, is that of gloOring,rigreat addles. General Sherman .immaillat>o* lose hie right arm, than stultify iniijoir):iiiew --- Chi: Womb': 74'wo Days. . /Woad/ ot- Union i Only to day and lifoaday ttmleft In *Molt to pork for duo good awe: 11Oritto them; topractical - labor ft. the inenOteb,4i - ectetitil of the Union dobt ositaN67--- MU al. The toyal iad 0.10.1 area biti Tet7 wawa, tam eido to ibis el.intaa. We di met 07 dui all et Mouratt.om's oppor:i wit an dialtoptli hodi bis; t6ar . eeiryr fie. gosylisio LSD masi i• Ats.,:-24 u t Say itirater i l aiat filittitabeliWthidhadh Ii ere* asdtl at in Mope 0117 arlatiaitia ernethiser with the Rebellion b studottely Inking sad Innen ita. his obeli= The , enenise Of Uto country are AU upon the aide of litiOnnuan. Yaraucortinan le tor hint, !kw Bona of Liberty—tby men handed: together -in a sworn league to take up arms against the Governmentare for his. Bu Woos is for him. kW r• Priam:inn —the first elan who raised his voieein the oritirtfavot of nectesien—is for him. Paz. aelao WOOD Is for Mtn. PriDIATOI IS for him. Venom- is for him. And so le sooty subtend elder, from the army; sad every nt sk from the the draft; every deserter from the army; -awl every blatant demagogue who talks treason on the corners, or ventilates Ida hatred of the country In doggeriee and back atoms; and is this fit comp,ey for loyal men to keep? On the contrary, look where the eminently loyal men of the canntry Sr.. Not the mac merely who talk loyalty, but the men who *rear their loyalty in the field. Take, for instance, General Lister:to BTATIM Cia.kolilth! Llt ntanant General commanding the •itrinieseof-the Union—the hero of Decel. men, &dick Vlokatinrg, Chattanooga, the Wil derness-, Bportallvanio, sod the campaign against. IMpluxused. G.nt. (nacre hoe always been olamed as a Democrat, and was even ad. accreted forth° Presidency by prominent Dem ocrats. Neve:Oakes he Lifer Wormer, Openly. Then there Is Major General Treuestes Seatteast in commander—in-chief of the grand army in Georgia. At the outbreak of the war be vas a military professor is Louleisna and Witatks to the polit'oal outrage by which th.t Ste e vat CCe,Ced into tebottion. Given a command to the war, he wee shelved by the McCue-cue military administraiton; charged with limitary ulunttoy," ho was ron irod from commend of Kentucky, to give Owe to Dos CARLOS BOHM., a 11010110a6 failure. Geoerai Faso tier has be. n a loops , . ffering D•mocrat and soldier, and it is.owing to his experience in Unionist., and h o various oiserretion Lf the war and its leaders, that be to strongly favors the f "cceraion.' The Copper. heads are joet now claiming him for aloCt.m. tan ; but the following extract from otto'of his letters will be sufficient to conceal any Cop perhead from the belief that General BUSH MAN vii vote for MoCLELLAN "RhZTit I saaert fur 011 r government the highest taint/try - prerogatives, I am Willing to beer ,14 patios* dial politico! canoes** of okras viola., Bingo rights, freedom of oacaniesce, freedom of pram, andante/lather trued.—Sher acco to Major Bane, The man who oharaoterima the entire , stock In Irode of the Copperhead ea "trash' ie not mush troubled with M'Clallaniam. Gen. ROescoses, always a Demoeset, in Mini/ lox Lis cobs. 13o' is Gee. Jos boom. "there are no Cell ahead! in tits army," said (1, neral BOOM before the Union league of w York ; "thy soldiers will light well, and .obey will vote well too." At the beginning of the war, he was a Democrat. Major General Geo. A. hi'Cans., one of the heroes of the Peninsular campaign, and the organiser and leader of the famous Pennsyl vania Reserves, (Democratic candidate for Congrees two years ago), declared in a recent letter : "I now believe, ae I ever have, that if the Union is worth, preserving, it In worth the proetwation- of the war to a eneeereful aonolue With regard to the conduct of the war, I cannot 117 that I have opprovid or *told now endorse all the measures of the present Admioietratioe; but I regard lay Adettinistre tion that will energetically prceeou e the war re preferable to one that is to favor or an &imitate.) and a ectovonetion of the States— untd the 8 Be, in tebilion 'MVO laid down their arms" M.jo. Gtot TY I 1365 JAXTP F. BUTLER, one 0' the meet able and di.siiDglthltled BRICISLIZIN 811.08 Democrats at the outbreak of the war, b.. Over allowed any cicubt Be to his pa, tr ofo poeilicn• In hie tweet ezpresslon be asyr : , Can it 'be that sty true man, espealary a.,li aDIIII , JACELOS Democrat , CAR desir e ILI'. 01-en:mint put Into the baude or the 64 eerie. Vara.aitatanam, W 0.0.. Eticritocra. NDLLIGIN, 11•11IITs, VOOLIFIEZ3, *Ur, otindivga, Ner:h a n d South ? M , .jir General Wool, an opponent of the Adturniettation party he'crre the war, aid a vt tailn Efficert earnest and intelligent as hi to Pince, e records his tersitmeny os follows "The oonepirtatote have taken advent tgo of this silence and epetoy of the Republicans, a h.., hows hither t. protessed to to eupperters of the war, and hate not foiled to odd tutlieir ra. ke tl.c wt ask, the timid, and the cowardly of tie Repub.man patty, as will -as of the u.oot at fe per y. W vain the last two days, l-otersir, the liepubliosne have been som e hat r, d from their letters, by the renen steZerses cf Major General Sheraton. Heith. lei, for arght that can duteever, gave _.its Haien and-its Government but the encases of Great, gammas, Penagut, and fitteridan. MajorGeterallturaside, a Demoorat ted.¢ personal friend of General NoClellan Is known se :he author of the arrest of Tailln d.ilusra,',ind the leader in several viotorioos corn' sling. He Is openlyin favor of Presi• dent Lincoln. and opposed is the election of Maier Oeneral Linde' X Sickles, Isles be fm• ths tax, tee one of ens mint distinguish. ed Democrats of the North, and who lost • leg in Gettysburg, pledges his faith inthses noble wade: Until the Constitution sod lane are vin oi ated In their supremacy throughout' tho d, the Government should be candled to to • and, that will hesitate to employ all the 1 0 • er of the nail , n to put downthe rat !Mon." Major General John A. Da , tonithrly Sea• rotary of the Treaattry 111.1tuabtanie Admin• is ration: believe that a cessation of hostilities would lead inevitably and directly to re,sog- Dillon- of the insurgent States; and when I say. thlal need hardly add that I can hare no part in any political 'movement of which the Chicagd platform is the .tis sin No, fellow citizen?, the only hope of securing anhonora ble maor—a peace which shall restore the Union and the Constitution, Iles in a elegy; persistent, and unremitting prosecution of the war—[gloat applaueej—and I believe the juts went of every righ•-thinking man will Poll bring him to tits conviction." M j (1-tivra , Juno 1 the gallant to p- veto rot•cdes sodas blacelson, and a leading Doe glee Democrat of Illinois, when a committee or McClellan men wrote to General • Logan st, Allante r tegging him to endorse the Mime 'platform, he took hie mutog, and, for answer, wrote on the back alb last order congratulating his troops upon the; Union victories; the words "Exam, rue I" and mailed it to the Committee. General Logan is about to carman the State of Illinois for Abraham Lincoln, just as he has been maul/lag the State of Georgia, Major General Andrew 'Lithium Smith. the hero et Fort De Runty and of Pleesant an old Pennsylvania Demociat, made the fol lowing speech at St. Louis: "Rebels commenced this war, now tot theta ilk for poor, 1 • • • Never let the North say peace; but when the South shall ssit for Team, let us be merolfuL I would rather sre the old flag under which I have been fighting sunk fathoms deep in the Mis sissippi than that we should give up and OW Jor'reacel • • * When Mr Lincoln was elected, the South said he was an Abolillonlat. Well, if he was lam too. Bat Mr. Lincoln never had negroes, and I have had many, and set them all free. 1 would free Mee hundred thousand Degrees, if Thad them, for the good of my country. , '. Major General John M. Moiled, formerly a Demoorat, widely praised by the Opposition preen during his administration in idiesonri, has earnestly endorsed the nomination of Abraham Lincoln in a speech at Freeport, Illinole. hislor General Sheridan, alsosDemocrai, the bero tha Shenandoah, hag, la addition to Ma brilliant victories, exprossed-Ida opposi tion to the Passe party by voice and vote. • biikkre demand Casey 'Mamma before ate inr, IQ. 111:111;10104 lanoolo , Ho Wald Opt allot the battled fair Oaks, ,Olt Cameral MoOlellaa bad popessed the 'bisaud y*agetis tabs f ba lusid gourd, 111 ba Major Guin MAW B. ft mesa ens of lb. most Oasis ginorals at Ike war, beliag. leg to s tandly of - Montgomery county D. goeselos the open ref TOM* of the rit of Abraham Li000ln:- • Kelm Jae. A. iti*Cleriteill, the: well 'known Douglas - Democrat, The ones op. p i a the ele-tion of Mr. Lincoln, dm pa 'Abe ly encouraged Ids re.election. General John Cochrane, the leader of the Wsr Damooreta of New York, thinks ":hat the mimeo of the Mirage nominate Weald at the very, best, but phce in power • Tarty of dividsdoeunsels, of uncertain poll -7, and in denten action." He, therefore, supports President Lincoln. Gen: nuns Francis Meaghor,lhe Irish Sills and patriot, the gallant leader of the Irish brigade in the beide of Fredericksburg, &dares that, althimgh ho respect@ Dec. Mo- Clellan for gentlemanly qualities, his litter of soot ranee stamps Ms att unfit for President: ' Mator Gob. Lovell B. Rousseau, the pliant and daring Kentuckian, Dace an owner of slave; and a Dreckinridge Democrat, is bold. ly la favor of Mr. Lincoln's reelection, °con• pying the lame ground as Rey. Dr. Breokin• ridge in approval of the policy of emancips. tio Gen. Truman Seymour. the hero of Fort Bonier, a former Democrat. declares in hit letter, aftrr Imprisonment In Georgia, that the r.boile have no hope ;eve in the 111{2001111 of Gen. ZdeCinllan sod his party, and that the Confederacy is falling to ruins. M•lor Geis. Warren, Ord, Wrigla, Birney, Smith, G,llraore , and ever corps commander it the Army of the Potomac, are opposod to the election of Gen. McClellan. hinJor Gen. Humphreys, (obis( engineer under alllt7lll MeClellsn,) hrtjor Generale Mott, Gregg, Torbert, Graham, Hunt and Penes, wbo were onee devoted partisans oe Gen. McClellan, are. now opponents of Ma election. Nearly every reneral officer in our semi , ' in Virginia and Georgia is a known opponent of the elective of Gen. McClellan, while the r.nk and file are, with extremely rare °map tin; a against him. The only generals undoubtedly in favor of Gtneral McClellan ate the ex.ingulthed gen. rubs Pita John Porter, Gen W. Morgan, and Gin. liaglee, This is where theMaing men of the coun try stand. How can any loyal man array himeelf against them? Another Copperhead Delem—ConneeUent Town Eieetlone—Glorlotte Rea (From elm New Henn Journal of Dot. 5.) Bolow we give the returns so far u received . As is generally the CAW, they OHM to hand very slowly. }though has been received, how . aer, to show that the great struggle of the Copyerheads to "get control of the ballot her,' bne rreult din another Seale. Saturn, from eight; us towns otiose that the Union meo I tithe towns, while they lose but oar. There is, as is always the este In town elea yens, more felling off from the Spring vo'r, but in several towns the Colon majority has been considerably increased, and In those where there have been smaller majorities, the result is caused by the want of interest which the Union electors tumefy 'exhibit toward these town elections. Copperheads are trying to draw email comfort from the tut that acme of our majorities are not se large as to the Spring, but it to a crumb that November will see token from them by the noble majorities which will then be unfailingly rolled up for Lincoln and Johnson—Liberty and Union Toe fo lowing is the reenit as far so received: North Haven, (gain, Hart Haver, Goilloid, Madison, Meriden, Now Milford, (gain) Orange, New Bidialn, East Hartford, Routh Wlndsor,(gain,) hiannheater, W indhern, Confba, Norwich, riowold, Stonliston, I. bum rm, Now London, Grown, Torrington, Et told, D wt , II cod tan t ractGrd, Norwalk, Now Canaan, rc mford, D rth Branford, Woodbor Portland, (ipsin,) Blrkbanisted, (silk) Colebrook, 'Franklin, Putnam, Pomfret, glthngly, Philnfield, Woodstock, Tbomoson Bev Ilartiord, Winchester, Bealeld, (gain,) Brooklyn, Plymouth, iourhory, &von, Ormsby, East W indror, Lyme, P %Ireland, Chaplin, • l Esstford, Bear, V•roao, matlold, ardiling, I. I to L• 0 D y, (fiain,) ' LiSb<lll, W. 1114 gfo,d, I Wi.d.or Lo,ke, s'•ddlr toe', • Gut Gra:by, .1 •i• t/ ',ban y, Bristol, Bloomfield, W.itertury, Bloomfield. ston, Clamdcri, Est Lynn, Bratkford, • (Wald. NamgOtiat, W.odeor, I ir7 moat. Cll mr., I , Jgeord, Bri4gr per', (city,) I Necwm, it.: Band, artborOtgb, C4l. tort urT,'! Bethany, If filch...a vt ere K. # , Aserl to the Hutoulek, the Getman ors'or, boa the cue. pore of the spirit of the American people, pad of be Intahattatlble power to carry too r:1 clad a fftriege of it.. own life, blood, and , ...are, O/d - to lay thee, noWeariadly open tie National altar. He Bain to tile "dear old Ci, c sash' laat week: • Lot us tell the doubters of Europe that a p.,ple capable of such sacrifice is out to be oi.mtraged or foiled; that Ito unalterable do te-Injustice le not to be arrested or changed. When Waganglion beeieged Stralsund, he de. 0161,4 t hat he would take it, if it were fast• en d .o the heavens with iron chains: and wh-n the American people declare their Aced and sacred determination that tkarglorlotts Union, the work of the Declaration of '76. ce mented by the blood of our fathers and our own children, shall he maintained intact add esfre, from ,the Atlantic to the. Padilla, and teem the shores of Mane to tke Gall of hiezi. m, then by the Almighty it will be dine. If li , thmend, were fastened to the heavens with :roe chains, it would be taken. if it ehoul I r quire • war of tkree years more to cooque the Rebellion, it would be conquered. The{ ie twitch worst as 'impossible' in the rooted ry of the United Slates.". A Moldier Etkat by • Coppe Mead—file Own Bate, CU/CACO. Oat. 8 —This evening Llr. Feria!' cotorioem Virginia traitor, residing here, mho nifiseut proretation, George W. bicilibbins, • returned soldier of the Twenty-fifth Illinois killing him instantly. Henry ideXibbine, ,brother of the deceased, wee also wounded. The otarsged comradm of the deceased pur sued Faris to the house of Dr. Lumen, soother nc , orloue rebel; they surrounded the home sud demanded the surrender of Faris. La man ♦urreedtred the murderer, when the ez asierated eold'ers put twenty bullote through him. The eatregeli tommueity Wogs to Ira Or, vs •• am 1r of the ch./raen, .I.7fIUSE NEJrTB PITTSBURGH THEATRE Imam wM 1115IIEMB-9019 Grand Saturday Wahl HU. Two excellent pieces. Math nee t of the young American tragedlan,. EDWIN A.I.M.MIS. Who will appear In hi. baardirol tandition nT Edward Wadi, ton, in Wisest algal @runs of tlis twOriEour.l or, TLIII MOM lI APED. Edgard Adams. Ma lull comPll=7 . 1 1 1 .14•ar.) Double Deuce...... lon By! ramitar 'ld Jr null. To eo•olado with TOX 11419i40 LOT XU In rebtandd. Th. Harttla'' WA "Hay Blas," and 'Tao d Dean $9OO, SUH'TITUTE WANTED • NT MU YEAH, at VW. Apply .t !la. lb POUBTu aTUELT. WANTED—To ;out, by November 15t, A 340 USU. With ham fiZ to tan roomy, plasma!" locate!, lx Parsborgh or All.frlums. yr near +ha Street Cara. ndartm P. 0. 800 1190, Pittabrtrghr'o9 425, Alle gheny City., 0a9:24r VSTRAY—Came to the premises of the imbuorlbes, Ho. 70 BWAt street, Alliwboar. Thonday looming Oct. '-Wth., ► HAT HOWE, with black a.. woe tall. .apposed to to shoot alight Tan olis. The alms to roicwitod to ono* forWori l lmo pay to antl take kin sway, or will ro=tardlag to law. 4. 17. 7a170A9. F ull MU—Two. Lora of Aron ad equate Ilt.tb Ward. rttrabturtb. on B at/rd b toms Axial and Upset stream bartag mon a trent or ft bob= Butler axed sad arterubas rbsek, pro. mann tb. wttltb, Lid too I to Spruce • Hay. Thar Arta o Tag &WAN. fix building parpsana, and Ed bo sold otadt. Tar tams op* to KAHN • CAMAY. A tionssa• AMU IA Diamond draft, IPlttsbar4ii. P VEILIC .TOTICBO 10.TRE CUM RITLAXISI ra.ll-ini , • erin• •• •- • rgmt A r tily 111" Ul = l"""""..e ni — " l" ... ..11"."'Ul l aW/Vekarkii Tilaget . AP/TA/4 elledo dertng:Je b ”PdP , , ^.LIWAIf 01-.Tp litobetilf till HT as; 11 BIM ffildhuddett Llvhemdet . te op be h - 111$ • 6 414 . en% caliph "Lie.' hed b'eddlt 4,1 L et. twalf.lie. • • • • • , bwastlttz et she le SAD thol o th ni ;FlßB r )°4lthErnAN'tainf°a, - °"" sL. yssAnar. Sneer ear ideamart ransagnoa Edit. oorber Indent sad Lem* rt. Pewter, .103ZPH HMO, Berme. et 10% to m. and 7X p. Prayer Melding EDNIBDAT smug. The path: ere eordien eited • tddild FIK*T WARP. (Ai issuisr,) Vi Ulna 001111ITIZL—Thero mill b.% Ind ef the Fleet Waal •TlOdace uetstitleit, Le d oehtssfethelh Behead Etna. c c deoffletiLlef, It EL, •17,07a , tek p. Th e hydedatite the amber. t. *vetted, se De ether of Import.= "MI be trecsneted. oe7ll ry !.11T09 10C—The subscribers ta the u'd. 7 ' - BOek of the BTUIIHI AND UIfAMY 808 OIL ODYp.t BT sr. Ilmostotrd ocal z I ttitarilb st th e .tors of Orstmal Tb. man N.. X B7 Liberty atrad ..1 pay tb.l 6881 11 . oaf St IL J. THOM ad, Trraltmar. 14 -PITTSBURGH AND W 1 Tvat. cam OIL W.IWPANY..—BoaIis for snheneyp. Mao to the dynel Moan of the PUY-burgh sad West Inglisla Oil tosepsoy, ars_.n.ow cp. at the Oa. of corms of lion/ Cr..; sa.l Do e ur ons Way. Th. buds of Ohl. Gotapa-y are 'mated to Wm! Ph , to and ectoslst .4 about Nevem hunined sores. of srh , eb leSerealll too handesd and lily scree are mill wisp:ad for boring a vulva.. 16. loth. of this land to NW to be mown the boa tr pot sap...riot to soy Is VIVON sat 1.. irl , bla • short demise. ol the noted roe. fleck Walls, of erhten there see &mu or 00. 10 01.1(044 , 111 operation The Coeorany approasta , e. teat. -too Sbovesa I dole Lem of the Capital Mock for the p (psis of Osreloetni raid laud Ile Well Is sAr biting nod eeverel other, trill be pot dean 40 44.4 44 bl*. Pllloloo4T—Jeant Pal ?TER. Occurrasl-4. B. W 5.8.0. IMMO, 51. MEG. DIBI.OTOILS *lmam • 'l4 13 ash IllcSelvy Thuana Little, Jr, Jae Hifi. Jeiolf F . LiAlri. Jr , WO If Jb berg on. W 113413. U.CONNEirI.SVILLE END SOUTH EDE PENNI, B W.—The aronraliped Owe. Wadi oarsoam.d ao mot, en•hlrd "no Art to To. worniort. ULMn, thriato and Boutin. Pontsyltamir Ilaitorny flotorony,l' hereby eye zottoe Onoset, tr...y to pontoante set, op -11 noahr Cr tte porno.. o • melt.; ...Ippon* to the GILA tI ...I of th told Sally no I. 14th day of VOTOB nlB t, et the boar oft.. re. on stint day, It Na WitB willtrall HOTEL, In the to w. of Bodfosu, 13wOol d *math Pe.. tyhrenle., .8 that thoy dI k• watt hooka op o candlog to law. JOEIN 0118 1 111 A Hltitrldhl 8 Bet V eh, li WtLLIAD B Li 'D/0/5. W • CBB, DAPLEL WlB/31.1.8t0061, 0. W B d tN ES, B. D. BAHUELET, D. O. 0.6130. A. K. ADDL. lAD, IicOLELLAND, J. 8. lOST, Oragmlntoner. r --- LHAAL4.4PAIITE.IB PENNSYLVA NIA El4llll AGENCY. 1.81 IbrrstaUa mbect, WsOtneezt, D. O , ==l By . teem* .me {a the State OohsMallon, and an .at of lb. L ofelatoro, all IS. neaten of th• etas., le Ma Bald, camp and n are otattortaal to sou al • approachme ei. olio., to Ile LtB or as toter sod elth o, flomeanor. Arrnopcmcnt• hare baao crw:.• to or-s • poU at every ho ;ash orraol• St. d camp ha or 0..0r ..hloph 0., ALl...lnto, sod no torrltturton• won, d Wathlogs whet./ r , r there are h n cr more colors from toe thou, sad thChrt.., Mask farms for nooros, So., hill b. 41.- 5 Mot d to dos U... roll almo let °reeled .t u • BeaStrchrten of Coloud JADE! , L. IX tH, No. Ste B strut) W.a4:ogtoa :lry. co , the lltiLloyon thoert and for Olt ocoweetioae• of .11 4 larbee °Moen sr 4 pan ph • c►anot laptlp •ota Etta %b. ortsatestlantto .0100 they route* irety behtetg. JOlithatt, Col and M 44=7 4.31 t of Penna. It ~]IOCLPBE TOWNWItr BOUNTY Y 1 1 110•1 a. I. • IPr of yeah 1.11.- .60SIX tn . he 11924 It 1/.OlEn tsvaaktp, u!9/ lb. Ibtor qU rot 6 0 000 meat slbb, Wllkloa_._ 0..0. Wm Hanhall—... 11 - W HatoW 18 naryw Lekbry.......-. 100 i Ila.they Valid ...- lb 1011 1 1bompa Sll J., alb. 0 ..L•gt Jo. •• Katt __II ft . fps hicCirow.-. 100 bears, 15 Juba* licOrm RatbanslalL,.. 13 ...B. MC. ICOllebn °twat ...-.-.- 16 100' varry• rznk--- 19 J. ate. 1 buckler._ 100 Wa:laa. La..... __.- 10 e.) lob lab. ...... 10 Jo• IJ. b• Isbabft 12611'0.86. woos -- 10 J• 1. 10010 10 J•P l a• art--- 1101Jorph - Matt -- 10 P BL rib 10 ;Jobs. Vasa-. ...... 10 It .ter 0.01 1w0... Jen. ...._ 10 W V I . l l l C B o a rpea..r. ...... (aby Ctero aa B r . b 0 ..—.. damn . ..... 1 .lamea ito* •1 ... 10 II Peel‘af . ..... B.' , Jamob ••• • 16 (o b. ea 1 br P ID D urn chum .. 10 .o 1. 0 01.1.0... V. as 0. -Ix orbs, . 16 &Two abbr.". -... .0 !a.m.. babala __ .• .0 I. 0.110 . t.. 10 J 01 .1 e. -.. 00,01 Yoall ...... . 16 jr 9 o 11 I bait. a art 101 if. W °pc.. . . . re.. 10 , 14. .... etts,—. --- 10 8 ----- - • 6 l',rtts be hlokt . I' est. 1.0 • • • B,II. m A IA CLW Pr r P. H. A. O) ...... 1 I Wall-. ....... - >Bl '" 8.:. ^ • • ••• t"A.A..• lou Jn e . r ttIYI I rim 10) A rQi r . . P 11.0 _ . Is Jo o P • gut, . .• J rct6o so, . ;aCnt! ;I. ' gr ' s . 9777 -- '" 7 " . Is ' ..... In P Ida rb•tl 2" SILL , .._ IS w 14 41 TAM* I' w`-• Sel tea Mv. S , Tap., IS. ea ekes.. re el Ettnes ea.4l. IS P pwr n! Me 0. n• a • .ni t t.. n• N.M.,. Tn. r..0.1p cm ?arid ta not d n. M Poafa...so. I •• pr.vo , • ontscr , pu e... I •t.l tr.) --111 646 at Ul tm:tn• pthl Porrstur—.-117.tr1r rc ' • ..4% rol ob.& rr .tsra„ L. 431 V) slyr cofn boat %o I TtaYmt 1114 s 14 JA el IS 1. tillitt.M. tti. Try= cr. Iltubarclt, Oct. lith. fr f ROPOSALS FOR LOAN 5-20 BONDS. 1.46138 T OSPASTIRVIT. t Wamosorow, t ct. 1. [Paled often nun be received et this Departmasst. cob dap. tb• on of Cord-rem opproved Jane 10, lEntl. mid the noon of 1111/061, the ilth Inst. tor banditsf the ailed (totes to lb. astottat of tong stfillettrof &Mara The hoods offerrd till tom no lutenist of sib per an. tom pan ablessesi moonily, Le coin, of the first doe of lip and Noonnber, and will be Indeetnahle at lb. ph mare of the 4f overmans t, elm ire years, and p ye tis. IA twang yore tram Nov. 1, 1004, bosh ogee oust be for fifty ar ors" oraithsis of litty dollars, and nut state the mom including pseudo= of. fared for emb hundred dollars, or far Any wheat that offer is tor to more than fifty. Tara par not. of the principal (•mtading yr. od +ro)or the •holat memos* bid bd. by ea• b bidder, noon be dept died, as a g nanny kw the payment of onissariptions If mcbtad, with the To-tames, of she Malted States .t Washington, or with the Aselatent Trtasor.r et dear York, DoMoa, datptoa or Bt. loafs 01 with the d °stymied Lhaposltary at titiainsere Pttbh rgb, Cinch:l,lo. nonierillet, CR& mot P. , r , tt or oat:Otto. or with my National Daman r., It •I. trh fr•• • 4,t4eut to Ono,. Oconee, with• 5-1 •1.41• dotosala dn. net. tersinuates will he tatted to the tesmitort by the ahem or besot recririog them—the osigin•le of which mot be for marled, with the cans, to this Department. All de. psein Sheold be Made in time for the mantis:Mee with she offers to mash Washington not Inter than the morn tog of October 14, as nor. said. 110 offer, not somata pmied by its proper certificate or deposit, oil b. oon • tidal ed. Tbe C.rpen en A Degistored Bone. lewd under Chi. propcul wig beef the denominationsof $6O, $100,5105. and $1,051. lilegistered ILnde of $6,000 and 510,000 be lamed If required. All of.. noelVed will be opened on Velday, retober• 141 h. The •tardy to be mad• by the Soareteri to the high .t offerer% and notice of acceptance or declination erl.l be inemerelLately given to terpeatlve • ff , rart. la oases , of aoceptance, bond , of the deerrigtinn and de. numb:legion pre7elred vUI be tent to fiao ezhenribem, at the aid of the Drparimeni., on goal pumas' of In stelqueota. The depooll of Iwo per cent. will be root, otwd in the last It el eltimet• peld be •netalsfol off , r.ra, and will be immedlatoly returned to those .bee *ben mop b accepted. She maimed of emepted offers most be depaeltedesith the Teemerer, eel ear or hank &Mho, isrd to not under title notice; on advice if the sem ptanee of offer.. se fol. low., Ceae.half on the Senh Outober, and the W 1..., (Inelndleg the premiere nod original two per rent. de- Snit.) on the Illet October. The bonds will to.. Internet rem 9ovemhe, let, in. tenet on dipeslift 40111 their date to Nov. 1. will be paid hp the Oevertnetent m C.D4L o . aehalf of the fireelVest aliment, or twenty-Pa pet amt. of *anted can, may bo p.td, with awned la. Weft to Pei 14 In Menai Stok-o “CutincateS of la. debtednas." bet snob neetniceta 'WI be Teethed le pat payee. et alba ant lemtelbaent oily. . mom 4boalel It. endeared "Oast Per Loan," and eddeased to the Pee:Mary el the Tneitay. I he rain to data. .11 of not constdored mute the coaralant Is eteaTed 47 the Boanday. inr.isericaraintsr. cgroxi. 810112 TAIT Of Tturvit. PUDLfe -if 07 Wes ) TAX.reitatzi—YtAT /Ow N- K Tit Barr— eu. • K. eq4 •1•• Sa ,a of co: Att t1:01/t4b , r. bAttrOAoll"nt . ." ' kb, le% W. 3t. WAWA! WWI Al* elrstrd , Tr.o. orrr of tbf Spumy .0.. d 7411, t of Oa Pr .lo t for b00,L(.0 cr. .11 wee triter csa.,,ted AAA{ 'the Tar,Ayorr b• t.q +tad to al on tteitt...Mr esti !Sy said Tat hortt.ilotalp, .04 11, at • r 01 par.rrut be AI -1,,100d NA sit Irbo drst., to atoll am/veins if on WI,. U.l. kt oche Ar At a Bo •r - .. ILLIASI Dint Ptaidorit. JAS. CASSIDY, Artert.r?. Iv 141 , t1131112.1, or ts, IabOVI. PD. olotra-ri: tbo smelar• Mimed I. propand ev.4TO raid 6.3., ma sit lb. time ...11666.1 Iva 6116.1,1 v IL. Tatrvky...• as 6 p. , 66 . 6 lom. ditto aSfa..tl .6 .661st. I, reac6,6./. U , - I.i:OTlCE:.—`l"no owners of ;ropert , on la allettry Al'.,. oth Ward. bet arm re• 4:lsn't. end USTI - Wm ematil, 1.111 tune that th• Peal and Grading by been ceneoleted end waved. be Id anneercent car he • ea at tr. Renarder's Wind% *a. rat Penh EIT 'an?, enth the dam dal of ocr, , ata pezt, after Whicti ttra it sill be placed en the h eeds or the Tyeenttner for enaction, 0. asctowen, mad Peculating elairbter POLITICAL. THE TIME BAB COME, FOR UNION MEN TO RALLY! A Grand Mass Meeting Of .h Loyal On'on Mao .111 tat. plane This Saturday Evening. Oct. bth, AT DARE'S HOTEL P, .•f f Wit att.. t. on Liter y. F. OAHU V, .1 hht., and °Ow eminent apeatott addrcal thefoicatko. tlanft. and Illsowert Wel claan the ot...ardoe vrn eel. roman, and rally via mate fur " Octet and Litt nay and foram, en- ai d it tettatabla " U 102 C . BIAINIJINiCi'IIARI. ".Lace vi i oocowl,. ha 17i .1 reopte of Iltr, u,t IL. et ?ALIO ' 011rizE, or on Monday Ell Meg, October 10th, AT 1 irOLOUIL 11. t, • 11l be aildrortre by 0 U. 11 Wail in. lit end other, 1..) ALL BOY 1. 7 4. A UNION MASS MEETING Of the frkrtdit of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, ba4lll THE BORL UGH OkIIiABETH, On Saturclny,, Bax ,htt H p. on. Elm. JOHN P. PLISNET. Hon JAMAS Trieil, A. M W TlOr, thl , Bah J IL huultethe, Lee •11l editlraie thy Itetetblla mHr OF MOUNT WA9HINGTON, 1.12 LTIEBTIOW.—Ibare will be • 11PIO11 lIIAMS 211EETLN G OUNT N'V.A.SI3. LIN GTO N. Oss Saturday Evening, Oct. Bth, Th. ez« clod v4ll b aldr6aragal by I: . ar i tly k bp , 1; .. 1. LIMIT f, inail.s I, Grill . . Ly.. and othors 0.6 UT lON NOW AND F 0 AMER. nen .111 be • meeting of th. Rim& of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, 2.1* ..112,1%: , ,F1ELD, ON On Saltarday Ermine', Oct. Sth, 11. Noololll4l , • uh T Jb V.. tEd G CULL Jog , and J M IPIJ •Gl fl• p...e•at •114 ea, son,* of h t.rl.lcal •ors• ucr 1 R 8 'D BALLY I BRAD) RALLY OF UNI ON 51,11/ROAI tVERING, NM I AT BEILSTEIN I C. 0. r of tut I Imo wed akmtli <Natal Ward, al,rabser City. An I,clistles 4.d to al., 01 tpcaltan • D. IL ftlIfiLUP. II C. tle i&IAA, B UT IT I EING IT! 7 he Union Carapa:ga Sorg an, UIiCLE SAM'S KEEN Words sad Ifixec • lirpmed Ivy J W. kased to Was... 151.41••• el. It b begoonum eug,a t tta kisa rub b•mcd to ta mug try eviwy tlakelilse 01 Ito amatay. Zeal brag* °tight Osn CIE2/111. 6,1 , marbd La ea* Niihau of receipt at rria. 0. O. MELLOR. SI WOOD STREET A GRAND UNION. RALLY I LINCOLN & JOHNSON, IA ILI to h•ld - H.AI-S t r 1-1133 flatarday Evening, Oct Bth, AT UV= O'CLOCK. Via roactbly IgIN beadansabd by WN. O. UtBXLAND, L. , TIM , IIIAS DI. HARSPI et L, Isq J. LUDW.IO EON /12., Lg., la Ceralan ) Let ell tn.. • las me In War of a rignons preseen mo / I re 'au a.d. wu L, M. 01.2% AND JUIINtION t UNION RALLY IN UPPER ST. CLAIR Thos., rfil tw • Mao ■ootlog of Itio lo] of son of ups., 61, cl to towo &hip, at 1312,1. IDGFHIVILIARI, AT WALTER TEETER 'S GROVE, on Saturday, October Sth, re 2 T. IL rbe meeting .111 be adelreased by Don. J. H. monnuzin. Non TBolledi J. 1118H&M, DILI 003 0 OU/LOO. Prof J W. POP"! will 'olive. t►e oceogloa by ►h original eons. oai LIN DOLN AN D JOHNSON. TUXES WILL DE A UNION MASS MEETING, HELD AT CLINTON. On Saturday Evenine, October Bth, AT 7 VOLOCH Ms!or 6. U. DBOWEI sad vain WII iddres the mosisg. ocil o Up nfth the don. and load nn7 oho naTa t OW Ile land of the boo sad bane oft►e Imo." PATRIOTS p.ALLY. ITSION MEETINGS, AT THE EVERGREEI SCHOOL HOUSE, Every Eninvday Evening. mriarilr'-ftaira=llol47:bl"" .f. oLrricAL Jru7lollg. HOf .. INIR TRH lila Alan MOOS IMNirtfir, sAmtuziakizr. The 811141112/1 Me MMUS lett% hem the Iteowhe• ICY Wleert BM, foe the Atteebettt Kew Ccairation, Raturday Alorning, at SI o'clock Perscnjs • Is/.lng sego to tr. Oonnadon will Melt 111 AI LIIOI3 [ILL Log 734 **clod; • Fro tor stm round trip 50 OgNTil. 0c7,1t L i-scoLN AND JOHNSON I A Union Mass Meeting WILL HZ HZLD AT e PLA:RPS 1 31 - . Alotaday Ertning, Oct. 10th, AT BEVAN 0 GLOM. The r edits will b• edd.sarei by THOMAS 11 MARSHALL. Dr. dr 808 b. Mr tnllk LIPITs./rISLD, dud mbar. 001 LINC,MLN AND VICIVItY. Mum COI bo• 118Min1 of the loyal cm.* f PATTON TOWNSHIP, IT ■OBSOftZLLD, ehtl Montag Evening, ON. 10th AT MX CV4O3K. 5 / cling .111 Co . Id esimd by w. M. Muff ITT. , J4.11.fl LOU, Loy. sad mbar.. se' LINO)! N AND JOstiNz,:uN THESE WILL BE & /11A. RIEETINO BFLD AT TAR TOM, M onday Evening Oct 11th AT _ O'CLOCK Ban. JA Z 8 C.o. • Fe, DSV.KII.I r, I apt RA1.117/L BAIIPTAL, •aA oR•n ell an, re•• 04. me Lin. Axt inriratton ral•u4d -1..4 pMltl•. to eawn UN AN, .1 1 ottz.n4iN.—e. Union laeatio. L b. la 14 Ni'lliEEsl'OßT, in Diamond. Monday Ev.qiing, Oct 10th, Tbl ousting mlll bo .i.drosood by Jt. Y. IS THEL PA TBICIL Kg. U. IN $t HY , C.N., .05 <Auer& Le all •ho Wril 2 laTt rOf • tirorota prose:M.l a o lb. Wat stiesd. oce Jr Ew an ER TISEME.VTB. PPRIMRICN reeeired, a supply of w•ry pr roe P-rs fnr sal- n. th 4 or 'WIN 1. LE 1.11& •, orrort Mart, awl Hand mitect COESE 14 . 13 LIND—On Friday eifternouit. or Fifth J.' ...S. • bid ALL A 110 UST or MONIT. T. C.D.. Mb bays tt • t.ta. by .111 rig 41 tb. Itsaklus V. mess lad B. ■aP Vt. tors. •.,a , t6 aid Eiselth lb Is stns., playing 1 scperty and pastug Jos .d. men.. OeSil IF X INGTON 1111.-ITAKO —1 barrel of .Ulreagte. grown* larrJ a•.+ Bustard an qa•r. trr, bait and .Eols raw. )54 recrod sad for oda b 7 tE. noran .la k la ran, at the •aaU, Jr.e,rr Store at 10319 ►. BptSBAW . orD earner Lbrarrl robt Babel atrebta. AL , ON.D AND GINDHS NUTS —Fire h.,, 1. fres h total •.esd and niugar Nos. J-14 rec. ••4 iv 0 •6010.0.1..• ad s' the rsallr Shore et .11.1110 A. 111110158&110, act oaf* Marty maw Hand shreela ►1 HE ELECTION L&Wt3 ri, ..e1 centered Idtb nr tr•of 'Eteral Petleione, beteg .11 tb. levy 8 , jrn' Ito •nd general eaten 111 e on tide •eb}sa, slot looter-es the Lae foe 801. Vote. rttce 16 a etc rue ado by •d LOT A Cu.. m weed •tet.L IVATER CU ttli F.lll, L --Fovea sad ertio-bal akan• a Land, ties the tennronmenta Weems, lam •ta •• I.WATSa COB& 'rah pr.vary a.. y I ttab tt •Pt t bragh. r ..t lisysk• •d O, taro IL, sad 1,4,, .1 • 0. 1 4 ., I.lv, 1....4.1r5t , 1, • loptar f..r a , r . cwritar U. a •, or petrat• r•ssidarass_ la • 4 ntr.. at II WU TIBMAI9. IV/ Pt ur 6 lanai, Pitt.- unr. ar lb• al Lisp/00, 0 , 1 1.61 Y 1108,06 D. UR beLE—A FARM OF 16.5 AIRES, on 13 , g ter • tnii-• ha= Use Milt` ad •1..11-0, •.1 co*.co-i! .ca ourscra. A IA SCSI§ . ELM *a r. lioc,k P. a de, fr-ta Ore.. 4. •IS waa o• tx.. • • Grid Hal. Mon YMltos r and soul Impr•reta••• • Prla., Si WU. u T EhTY LoTz , •o r 01L.611 sad Tt.o.oot aUenta, b •arl, Al es*-.•y. •, EN L.T.Joln hille.ck, at U *bd..' coa• Watts ea to tea arr., c ble by J. 7. e PLS. I 1••• [Oat* lletok.r. Altechmay. N EW DRESS 000 ES. WRITE, OBE & CO., No. 'A 5 Filth S treet. H••• mt ',and —. NEI% DRESS COOD3. A LSO. SILK AND VELVET CLOAKS. t 3• , OEIT 111(5 THE LITS SILL 13 rnEms. T N MEN, STANT. !ALL 21113373 OTICE —Propoaale Gra ing Paving and attic* oltit Ursa -ao. ...AA owingotro .t,l bo ••b.otnett ol 0..81 .of tt. 111C0 , 6011110 1111.0. N. ,1011 orttll aaTL}DAY, Qt. W. twit tan .11 I o look P • tut orrewr tr: rn it.bingtort anon t , n•e.ra draot ; V obese etre. han Feeont b . rad to Iltrarb.logturt •t. et; Wilk.. 1..' fr.rm Prorditturt b itattor*t.root ; vtuarod ~ ) 11. to WoNtter rtreatt ; 11(1 I •NM IWy , tto •o Flu.* lies• &rat rlisAtearl tt Oath .t•o.t. oleo IL.. tres•'llth 111 th •trenn; ant P Aveor• Et utosion Loot bona oteoei to Vtuh►n ::n== Ras milt shoo be roest'md for tb• moan ages of • retro, ost 6r.0.11 street •th Omni, from renib ont tensanon to • H. roettAlse of Lawny stmt. b. 131.—N0 Old reseivol mien worrosinuolsol tri 1011 for dm (ointment of cootrort_ oc7 a kidit)Wl2l. lisoordkos ilentiators NER C I . Commission :urban' is Purchasing Lout, FLOUR RACONCIIEESE, DRIED MIS GREEN FRUTISI AID ALL FARM PRODUCTS Ordel titled tar ntornbandhe, Plltabajia Oahu. and Italooad OM, at. &adorn and =malacca,. n fates, Jana. ZVI ITTILIWP. (*nymph* Wood prcnapt atuantlon fiats t.• all ~ : wirninesPi and earreaulenna. Wm 1= 1 .6 00., — XoDon a a/AP 6= l :lan I. Bona. 00., Jahn Sall Ou .B. A. ?sham:POOP Bay AO n dalnlydaml , F RUIT AND eiIiADE TREEts, lIIV ER GREENS, 4e. Of fLPPLP, Ira bars soma SWAM. sad a.n the laost• I. mtiella most prtatabls for thfa looatkm. rass boa tearoom Carly Malden vn had Pinola. Eaiihrla, Pallosnam. (Isiah main a klas Oa, Shads Woad Orsea, Braze ry Plambo, Porths-homes, Ttsboarer Street, tralth's Mar bas, oftb very. taro .toot •f PIUS iri atir,rci IB dam XVOEV.IPI, SHADS BOSIPS. PHIT, ORISOPITIOVBIt P km. La. Ms oar stoat orbs groat Indocoassata to *mars are wholosMe peseebassra Ont., ton at the Orem. Csklaad, or Plttstmogb Pion Dem, .111 'PrimPer SOBA 1111:111T408...• rtstalmna and 001.01 BRIDGLWATEB PAINT COLOR WO R U. 13 WHITE LEAD AND WHO PAINT ADD MOBS of *vary dacrlpfloa DRY AND GROUND IN OIL. vitivanwATEß lIRTALLIO PLINY Baltwavrxrca Ootoze yoz Vlttaa, Cloruars, la 1101BXEI7 ASTROL.I7I. 9•11 Gowns, Agent. Malden Lim. doTarL :11, a 11 R P. HA L. Lomat., HALLowsaa. Baas., Se YID/KRAL STREKR, BB BROADWAY Boston, HMIS ALL WOOL OWSTONED I`o tie 10 O.I.BEETJLfsT °axon TO BOIT nil otomr.OT. Our &alright. Once with otonobsstorers le eseesalte, our of us ttavl Mee In the Wool trode for more then ten pore. W When Ma, by conducting bottoms in the two tesiretshe the country, we clot to ososlgnots ant hnllMr rot brow., their Wool to the Draw— Set us boot bads to the New England end Ifidtle Swags Oar ocanirdasiou for aelllog b Oof Oars no xod Ona Pis cErr. oa wale taeLA ..W3, BTo lortatscri, for raid worms{ breast th.la time ootiod townsis odditiou. Ebb iitolleltell GOAL ANT= :Vt.., whether tot ash or on ithre s Awl we ore alma. willing to Widgets settle Mut of aes °mate rsuclertsi s at =rent rotas for tune' s - }re ate tom lbr audkoory. IL P. HALLOWTLL, Bodo& an 16141 lIALLOWILL BROTSXIII Err Toelt. WANTED—CIDEB.-200 barre 4 pare Otaw,old ar rivi s Sir intbailbe mosztlit tiler wrialbe Nam, at,iso.rA wohe secueL nuke DlOSfii oo. .1 rile ir :ID re arraims. 1.5 4 " 1 " 1. 61 " 11C-115 50 PIANOS, CHOICE? SELICTIOE - • BM MEM C 01111 4 ,111110 TVS IN - OWLPAULLSIX STEINWAY'S PIANOS,• vltSoest a peer la On PorIL OALENEERWE NEW YOBS PI ins BCfpalidoB aD onus tat esdoway. otiBLEP.I , NEW YORK PIANO% lnit aad rib tomod: WWI bolter at tbs pica. BILLER COI zones P1A304, Os too. lona, dogmas frisk sod roosossabla pia% lEEE & sOWB NEW YOBS P/ANO3. Of very tool %malty &allow pa,.. HALE & C1:18 NEW YORK PIANOI no clomps et Mad Iv she exwantry of g0..4 ton. sad Uhl. ih:lT:orolo; f4ql Ctores 4 .2l• 4l Z74l 4 l. a. We irtarsatoo to ral WAR THU LEW TOM FACTORS CES. Lad Diana. a fa.B L mod 00 rift. Sam etas re 'nowt d by • (" 4 narr. ntee ft,r Five Years. 1...011eit a cal from pa ch.... H. KLEBER & BRO., MI WOOD 672111 T. Belo Moab fbr !Wavily's and all Ow *bor. ask. of Mans *edit CHECK BOOKS, ON ALL PITTSBURGH BANKS, MIMEO MYERS, SCHOIER et C 3, ,or It No. 39 71 ]l' TB 8 eIICE T. IROFKS:43 WILLIA3I6 (3L±O3I3LCAL . 111 00111CIWIAL.KILICK)L, No. 393 fit. Clair •te.f. Terms. SU per eel:toter per quarter of II works, la lei- Tsar. floury of Tuition from Be. ea. CHI Ip. re. Teetiknony cf A. T. DOO ft s7T, Oo toothed. Be cgs proper& Tropile ear the High Aotool gecko. Hum May otter Mai him la lb. city 'IST OW PILLOW TIAOHIRS. H. le the cososells• of as kwalwag.ll44insa I. wlion el of u. 101 l tor so.lce nitg iewkrootme. J 033 wocoori I mect climate) miaow Iv .bon. LIWHAILD H. EATOT. I acutely awe. In the opinion apremeed above. ra•vr. I plessore Orin It se my opini ILA% the foregoing recr.maunAnthen le fully mwieed A. MITT I know of no *no who &nervy. blew tsetse, y la bye Lain. B. N. AVHaT. 1 h ly acacto L the above rooonmennosill oeg...ogn•T D DITIAIIiOw, TO on. KEN. JOHN P. HUNT Elea newly ready and ebortly wratele; A MAP OF INNANGO coorr, OIL MIGIOIN, L lo .lGmalud try Wm. Eabuebroan. LOAN I4l2 , Thaoltum E 1 MA 1250. 4 Mop of Treat rirginia and Ohio Oil /legions, L tbriyraphad by W. ftbuchroso Sim, ?AzSi bathos.. nice, $2.50. SW' Oopke oral by moll an mom oa reedy, II to olpl of prim JOHN P HMV!, Pt-BUSHES, 65 JIPTH 52... ILASOIIIO HALL lag NNW HAIR PRIIPARATIQF LUBIN'S 1 COCOA.NIUT CILELML, ROG OWING. BRAISING AND BNAOTIYTZNV w rIIi:EC EL.AIWIL It martiasi aad atta Ms bate sad plan N a palisade alma, width CI mildew fat dap after salad It. Tar bructUrag sod psoottog gm growth of Um bar, LIMEY'S 00CDALIV1 CREAN CUIIIIIIrt 1111 IMPLIMID. Ile Hair peps:Wee rooms SW peeler preperttem which ee emeistlally nits the heasa bads se THIS COCOA-TUT CR/14.111 AAd U rotal. all !to Haan t lp MU. AAA It ratans all lb Brad Ileamta Lad it canna all in Ban yin Wean Aatllt Mans .11 SaaatILFINE Mem Tar day. allw using IL Tar da74 alter vatoir Lt. dapi a«a` ulna Is. 1 1, .. &Ts ohm aim 11. Tor Itroofng sot OlLtu the Itastades. Ittor Dreems sad Oiling w Mal:ache. Poe Desdng and 01 , 11.4 Qs alcohol:to. for Droning sat Oiling ea Malachi. WDLTOWS DRUG STOUR 0111PAT4I BITLLDIIIII. IMa ovum. Cisi SetgatewbßLOOD ea sad &tall u- , 191Dr.J. IL GULTIIIIIII nrum 01:01:17 BALM ta.l Om= Emma as. Rau: 0. Itasaas, Red I add afar tot ads,• du I= at eta omit to tha any Claa as tea, •llka as 5121713411. f tlt u A Wat Cletdbar, A. D. UO4 • The Pine /Lilt Property, Mafia h as torn a AMEN% abut minty, Obis, ea aroma es as Basal rsyssV. !Maim abal saes of PAW • lbse Sarin (nur by steak sa mase4l l ra teed tenases, ta. Anemia! s! lias to caremmes se 12 e'elatia . nonsm. r om. Old dam Mims tie two ania e•rod Owl If ototiepeorilit .re! ./1 reit rs 8 8-1111CA711111, ____ • •• Fl. FLAB! FLAG -4 - - • FLAW) FOR FOLEEP, Of BOA TLIt 2 FLAGS FOR POLES; Cl= PRINTED FLACee With or 'ELl:cut no 12..,1 of dltla.tea. fel %AL BILK FLAGS, eu Saes, iriek or 's Ithosks etats r..tdriost L tbT•StFli, 1.. am.* time. el II then• nozoro of Cu 0.4.64Lf. t r Utomita. htly as prcceaions. dittenol laves M 1111.41L4. P l CO as It4e, It° of. Only 112 PC PtIL [AY %, sad tn/adig. • I. lb. slog Itn.. .1 lIRIIIVIRTERS CiMPARN Plttoek's mews Depot, 0P710172 ices Kerr unpin", DIARIF.S } OI 1:365 1131.7., IEtOSIIMIT PHOTOGRAPH ALBUM!. PORTFOLIos. BLANK BOC 8..9 PAI33 BOOS& Minif ORAN D 1 , 1 800 KR PAPER AND SN V SLOPS?, . s I 'Litt/. 6,1 u 1 D•IbT AND WINILT I , llwsraP. RS, / ~.w C 12.11 LIZ HAD ST YlliklsK CASE'& Book and N ewe Depot. ' ';•1 CHEW. Er11.13(7 , 0. 711thini, {OR CULLS —A very v.duable PAR}[ /V Derry Etrossatdp ...my, pa i-mi; Wain' .Cunt lab sere. a.ll Inwroyed, and la stab of calUrst-lan. Ain • t,. of Wad of stoma IP sere Wesdbetlit [...sough of Iltaabstk 21 , egh.s.y c<2.222. Pe ,"- Maw, 12 BUILDING fn tb. trot" gb Ellosbetb, SO by UV foss :a toy.. Jr, au or 90 rg in •s'reeldtbq .blD. Westroorolsad toso , y -Pa. 1 pr_ssments goy4 o . lb. land Is of tbs b. itt i0.0.t.y. Coal wan da51444.12, •t .".. I. Ent PP 1 , 0 /.1)11114, la roll iiitroablpo vary Lout 144 , 0 !oration . Alin; • ?ABM or 114 A 014114 In itt ot, •••111 1 11Pi .gotlacroland 100114, Pa. , Im=rdtatoly 00 th• Ltn•af Ohs PLO/MIT/Zia 0. For further partfrol•re ogrrr of O. I Tolib, 4 0.11 . .ea No. Ino earth *snot. TO CAPITAIdt4TS OR P RT. its 'Fre WWI to form CM Conipaniel. I hors • how •mouof of propayty. tooluetzt Lands in Fee, Leases, Wells, &a, &ad own offer rain fade. meat l e parehO. Ors. J. G. TILTON, ea I7A ND EITUILLT, Pittsbangh.• Prinatrains, Te. Is •T. a Crt.or B. W CO., VIIT .. of the ilerintary. P D thelTurab, Pa , &p.m.-bee 48th. 1.38.1. } • DIVIDEND.—fay order et the ztoardtf Irirectara, lb. Pr.oleat al this Como., 6/Ta fhb day dosered a Ihrldece of ~ ,K, pee iCtahri as arab Llaintal Strait, for tb- Stara quarter, anal. the Lab hr.. payable (rm. a goreromeTt tax au ) eat pfser the )Ten OT 0070 Br a, pros'mo. at the tales of S. Corrpeey la Th. arts, e. . ths Trawl. W male., Laster A Ce , Po. 09 Wei street, 8 a to the rtackboldeni .. •Testrt..• at Ma ATI Irina al/lina I. Tr.. r Bee. rf hba tkunipa. .11 oh. . I p. oh on Thal. d. or Crotor., arel reardatiolea andl the 18th. W. EL Bilallia, •.-: orn,dlor.l7 llecreU•y, ViGHTY ACI OF COAL, Bit l lll4ll Imr,d's tly ea elwo Peansytritt% Ildatodit, n Lactate, lac.f.crod 701 BALI LOW. The quelty a ccoeticue, eau open. .oi aboitOtre, fret thlot lb. long demand for coal It ge. 101 .1604 . U . could be .010 p-d ten to sacs advancers. Mt-zooeionol f titer:art om ccoreateut tor dalcipt, mid ouo.totr UttM 4 aloes would be &old w I 0 tletecool. - S. S. B RYAN, Z'Aosil to eitok.ar saki:two:mom A ;, 69 101711:211 TIEPIN 1' Q l l ARTIMULEITER eilS, LILIL'a Of inink P1T1,1.1.211 P•, P.rpt, ipter 28. 1.874. WA.GIuML [sled Proptoola IE4I te reed of at Orb nento pita 12 o'clract E, tte Ittb day of October. 1110 far tb• &boozy of Army Warrost, nrittalraryll.P. • - Them VllO.Ollll law to be mad, of d 1.1.101 Emus an Farr spaclecalso.a, as De sam tali* office. Vs* Ws matt „state bow many .arose the Wilk 9111 /Alum mod ha mt. sime • - rep:solo mast b. msrbed reopemh foe JIM Weep."asd eddreemd Se t. Ibl 0. Cram, Outs (1- Clemeral,Pntstaugh, A. Vas& mill h. :scatted of estwifut Madam the Mom= at tee me tr.ce stand bj tere,MMT efd • . , .n.lll semieralitani merges to blamelf Um Net ire Ma. wee or W aids Mai bo may deem too blab. • Payment to be made • a completion of the national % at so mom ttaraafte: a. the naderity ed Mali M tt Ana.. . matiA ard Denali Q IL Okra. wen ors PURT.IBLB STEAM SAW AttIIALS.- ead iu MINDTIk Patented Portab Rem Plallaaa 'r - rflPteenk Rapine Weds, Natant* CailW ,- ELadinre Newark raattne Warne, Tiwork; 0. oweei rt' o rd ' actd Na irt't ;No— .Pttatiatt Oat Mat. tita3N , t‘ halo tar. - Namara la, eat 1,"000 telt La eaves monthaeodino Key NM taoludtat the *MI 12106 of 'data. Jame 0 r. e, lorwaterty Rama. eat 660,000 bet et oak Is throe tbs. /a lave 1", 1.90,000 flat oak, lath of Imo tafta lad oak. • Riated laatemaiona end asenowl possi phot ile P lot lp. es.4lllorzated drealsr. .vq,jak-4 . lAwsli sad Ei. & F. 81ANDT...." • at fasaratila. ad Airliae4ll Onto; Ilan and encreapnedannaatilobst. • ••• •-• anrinlan B4gary, FARRELL tt 129 Fourth Street, °mtantly kg, asthaa • large I.lllortsaaf GAG 7111178K1A Bata 11734 IMOWIII BATHS, WATER OLOWIEIe. OIL RznaNam fit - oil up In ths rood sitesTild mesa. Houses fitted with W sow sad Or rilttaeld. i. A LLEGEOINY COUNTY, sa.-41x- .thn 47A0 . Onnt of fluorin Benton of obi onsaryi its pool twou of dime tobabltabta of ilia Third Word, &Et. I deny Otty, was preoutted to Conti, melts tbailkatrt to groat a rub to stow taco ortq an any a l!i • alion kW out batmen tin propultei of lamas "P if t . and Bat. Z. P. Mfr. of Ma TWA W since not ea maw and tftxad up la *Wong sow with tbo proof-dons of nu Mat tootion of t .tat of Aso ably or Way Bch, HAL tritor.upon Ent POO pooled tba lblbeug rotas And sow, lloydoothor Ad, Itet, tbs vitbto rattan .. pnointod tet (but sad Rob to at lb. slay Manta maadonad ab a outd sot slow ne oolatattfent o'cood op ygtsetao aspogyod tot,soui ft It oodattE Oat , atokatlas of Ma rob shall to made Is Out Allo4, Gomm, tar lbw wok; Woo. veil» .11) lb* &art. WEL A. 8:1111803, porzgurors EIALR—WIR be . 4:1 is* ....) Sabha SWUM Si Its mar ed Wart - av4 Th'ed 616,6. In a. at, at Alleetwur ai ca viWatik t Dal. Sho 121 b icy or , Oclobor; tiB4, edimsbut 46.. ...Thad pods and baphmathi, tot= br Waaa44l , Mandan bowl to SW by thslll34csor of tb6 Dl* ~ ankh Psousa., as lbs inmstly of Oda Part. t* 2 ' SCO lbs. cloning Whom, 17 Ss. doe cag Tobsoma 66 s Mal fix OA Clundag T 0 ,TIS Its 576611fts Ibbaceo. 40 lha Cat SW Dm 1141 , loaf ToNI--. 1W lta. Mara 5,800 . .17m21 Show 010111 1%1 . lea i biL '1": 6 i Indium. I d* Las. ans,l Window Eleads, 6 To STo. just Ilahhers, 1 Sphosina Moab sad 1.11611 1077.11 b, 1 Osstog pond. slob and 47 46,66 I"- V.PN I 7 af too 441 Caleb Sam foe Sow ns Tom asould whoa him. sad a dab sad smpsid. Sib to madman rd 10 o'clossroas - ' ,Terms cash, byte Sumo of tnsllasS deb 11. IIoILHIST. Demos busot Inteorg Serslar, Sid Dish Pas 0 41 is mi. oandtd DOCTOR JAMES' KING;' p -.. . .. . no. or FOURTH snutirr4 the Pmast 1142160; 0114, tANTBD—SISO per Mottit4—Wis want rdlahls Clummer la as urn sad maw We hue *VIAL diazios 13160 par walk ski&We prate to r; dcabitog speolat. . • . Adam% JOUR 133311MM__Cti; Waal aisstoid Una. fauLmikki CUBBON: 014‘9•200: bbbi; prime White A.; ials by /t 011.11nneee PURL A 44-30 - calla in Ooze adi air *"" • •so annum bo.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers