~ - the tlittOujohdazettt. I=I4PAY;IKIMiftc»:II,tBeIN Crty AND -67)241 Ali kit in dui Itiontliin Itettititi. ,' , ..Slielconnty colas:Rao barbs oetnotot Contort tink4t ' swat, u Heidi:limn= on Tuesday Ilititgof th• • leaden ; October -rithinortrindo ittirent - t tie copal me tailcatt • d tot, sal to It that me oasis sent in from sub eleotisi at; tint Si Si Um veto tor etoogreas to mated 14, wi th• ?stung Mortongers viii be !waiv ed at • doors ii 5000 el th e, arrive. The foliiiiti ' laziiioie aiadotimin in *soh distrist are lag ntly onnsotial to ataxia to tnionuittar at otos, a lit in! nano &full return from it's coun t, on n Taboday atilt. A. M. titian. Clainnan Union Connq Comotittai. x•11' .iseen434: 1 - cz Accidental On Idonday morning leg an old chime of _Teller townsitio, mot with a Melens death In the following manner 0100 l harnessed - Ms tam and had India Ms wagon, when he andatenk to aloha:ins the ; bridles on Ms hones. While doing this, one of the hones ' beanie trlghtimatt and oonommeed to make el team te _tea away. trled l 'to hold hint, bet the horses being' without slridts,iii *odd , 22, net do fl, and Iris Ottawa ander the hostas' fest, -1411%.41feoteinir rita;sway, drawled the loaded A leregrot•tiliF fho..iproildite maws body. One of I:. emulate u,s a d overlda breast, tend another Gain& TtindrriMittinit his .kdl , and : killing 4 hint's* thanyot :•-• Tullsdit7morning, • 4rfle son of.Aiste 'ltersitifittionedteridadltessa, aged oboist eight yeets eanstkqed In the mines of the Cembria Iron are, a shocking death by being ihroartsfrornarnola -Hs was Hding the anttnat to the imines,iebin it y was startled by the noise 11 of some boysisied jumping inddenlyto one side 2 ' , threw the bey off If is feet, bowev,er caught In t ? ' . the tairtaire an the male, when the animal start• : ed an • fall run bask to the stable, dragging the boy seieral hundred yards and -dashing hts brains ant with his heels as be ran. On the same day, • little son' of Conrad Ante, residing at Porkinswitle, altontriren years old, while attempting , to mom the canal loon at e that - Phan on the balance beam, All Into the lion -sad wan drowned before assistanes meld be ten dared .1 • Another" distieising aortae:of miasma about ,• noon ,o 0 'Phenols,. A littlellennan boy, whose f , natio - ere did not learn, while gttheting coal on thskyairrinia seeing to the mines, will ran over by • descending coal on and killed. McClellan. r ,4 At a mint Won damonstratlon. Mild in Me. nongehela City, Hon. Wm. ficKennan, one of the speektri, said, that "Old Abe".had askant ed every appliance known to human Ingenuity !. to snake McClellan a gallant and momenta! warrior. While the people cried out to the Prat • ident in the !Attuned. of their woe, 'Pen God's joke, give nee Eiensral'erho wilt do something, who Is ense] to the demand upon him, who will no dig the grave of the notion within the sound of ,the enemy's cannon—while the patience of 00tigress and the Cabinet was wearing and finally. wore ontwitlithe Inordinate oodt cream display 1! : and of the :Wars of movements, Old Abe along to him, through' TD end through good report, V hordes andpraytng that he might do better. By day andby night be curried and pampered him, kicked - and - coaned ',aided and probed binOlekladandiashed blot, bathed and blank. aced klm, physithed and nursed him, patted and rubbed him, begged and minted bin, until Deafly In the - agony 'of despair,the woroout Pregidentowlaimeds h-d on • pares*, but.attarly 12'41013U to sada." - -Grand . Billy it Eiare4 note]. 41; TORro will be a grand relief the loyal 1362( • menu-pitglit gisHaiies Rotel, to Osten to Gen: I;: Sacon•l Carey, the great . apostle of temperanee, 1 . - .1 and one of the ablest orators in thy West, who Is i' , 2 l now stumping for Linooln, Johnson and the Union. Con. Carey's name throughout the Union has :became. as faMillar so a household word 1.1 Wa bate no doubt bull that there will be an im. %; manse crowd to hear him. Blasi° and eta works will enliven the minim Besides Oen. Carey, other eminent eptakerivill be present, and will address Via meeting at the conclusion of the General's speech. The Race • esterday. At an early hoar yciterday .ftern con, a large crowd congregated at 'Oakland Perk to witness the het of the eerie, of exhibitions, which was ,44 announced. The entrees ware nidamet," i•I ity . "'and , 4ellow Jacket." The animals had ' .-13 their usual ameturt Of Mends, and a close coos wag anticipated. The Bth beat wee won by Homeit . ;—tbnis, 2: S. After the first beet • severe rain atom occured, which contributed to mar the festivities of the octagon. At the con :4 oineitwof the rain, thence wet resumed, end by 1 ,. superior Meriagement, Nitwit wen the nest two heatsr-tlme, 2: 16, and 2: 18. Hornet would. en to advantage while the ether riders appeared ,1 to be afraid of their nags. The rece will prob. 1 4 ( ably towentinnedantil the next fair day, when, we hope, other riders wiltbe fumed. ' Masa Blestlag la Birmingham. A large end onthnsfastto meeting of the loyal y ' l citizens of Birmingham was held last evening , at the Town Hall, Zas. hi'Daval to the chair. Bas il gess Aughiobsugh wee wlected Vies Prenident. elebrnrck derrerad • vary epirited address in the German language, which wee reeelved with great ripply:lse. tie was followed tip Charles W. Robb, REq., who Asitiored one of • the beet speeches or the campaign. Etr. Robb is an ex collect speaker, and we regret that wo have not room for kwsnort's of his remarks. The meet'. 4 t4 ing roffjactsted with dais diem for do:Unto" oandidoteg. . . . 1; • 111070,1711 COrtaatTe r Yartarday Wm. Millar., the ptfrpriaSon of a saloon In Cratilta,'Ossio, t l if ' appeared before Mayor Masa/atm and ar.mred acomplaint a.st Orissa DWltt, Edward Kea -.- 1 and and Wm. 811120914 =ploy.= Ara ea-Pim ' 1 bosalt r ort Wayao sad Chicago Railway. fat se fa a Alamo macaw la bit saloon au 1411 Ant, dada; vials!' his house was ary. ,1 snob isliriat,-, AlUtaits vas anszta intards, . q In a lighinfllZ4 seni tol Orestliate In ohargsof ~fi a mambos of fhsAlloghony , polka. . . . Aeon= Orr; firanti.—Thexell of this Pion. eer Oil Oculist', it the illflo,ohDenkard creek. • few Ws glee% etrnek a Imre vein of oil at the depth of six • bundrid and seventy feet, 1 which famtr-Are feet steeper • than any other ' • vain °nth*, creek. The Pioneer well ls on the lower and of the Maple farm,. &steal fr om thi • ' Wylie abont one-fourth of • mils. Ussac Sisal Mairsted.—The,..frion f e of the 17nlon will -hold a rowtoesting at Webster, •?.'ir, Westmoreland Oast% on Sidttrddy, Oat. 8:14 at „,4 one o'olook,p to. Tlon. John Klrkpstriek '`vd enThomasars sq.,f P/ttsburgbraud o Dr. Smith Pater, Vision oandidste for Canvass iikthe Slat district, will address the meeting. 4A Dieskig wi l . address the . Germ's citizens In 1 the 1,1011 . 113 S. , - . 1 VERT BAZI—Oox Arta( 014. of Mloghony lg l giguagulalusirs heall for Ms beauty and perms • izeliay of many of hor improveme ma t', and 'Min pity that It should instant Nome tters vital importance. We refer more pa!tlealerly to the old bridge over the coast on Bobiason , etreet. It is in a vou7 dangerous eanditlon: "S!, j T9l heat sale or chore rboltro bolldtag hl, oi 43raddocro, aro adrartlzad for bioadol rztoon, the 10th Inst. Trains will lows Prism Snd Conaalitalla Depot at 1 Volook en sliat'day, yYaking PPrmsl o . l 9 2 4 V. 00 , 14, ad*. free. EarrenunTirmiat- - -lt. Lyle Whit*, Esq., has ' , retired from the Editorial department of as Otesdrille -- Jorrrs .it a.7 Iktm Elt,lll seseelated Orith him lxl - the publinatiori and sdlterfalstdp of -- the journal, Ms eon PredrutekW.- Myr. - -, Poroir.--0 - or islands In tLo Poole Zward, Allsgborth shot:adapt lornot tho attatlas ;wt. BoUstor's is that 'ward ttotight: n i p gm. fTar work Is abort. Lot awry ono 41 kb . dai7 '.'otlth an aaargy ea* pill farm rateast. drzoprevssoe.--flovernoi Dcirtin hae appoint. D. H. Patterson, Z:q, of ,Wattebscrsh; a book• t'scissloner to held elections the Army of the `EPotomao. . , 57811Na1l 3#ollo . Lont...ne sale of Lot ~ Bmrsollefd„_near the first passenger station, I,Darusel,lon the "ennsylvanla Railroad, takes .rises this (Saturday) afternoon, at 11 o'olook, ~ m. PLR= at Idelllelland's Motion Rooms. Mier Miens sin Alive; et Acerroa.—This 'aosnbog, at 11 o'eloek„esill be sold, et bfallet. land'e Asoffoo,' 155 Fifth Well, ens fir! l s)_ ll xif l4afes, denble" and' harass', bristles, fiblps,t,lco• Pnlnottihur—Soots and ohm array :teratnion, I ddotlalland's Menton Soles, 55 y . 3 •iftb stmt. . _ 1864—Dlarlos of all kind,/ for next yeah at `tank Carter' book bad arm &vat. saxi—PhotogrApli Albtuai s at FraiikSlasies '.ook stoic. co. letfliielliffipow aztif envelopes of all and qualltloo, at Prank Ou butt sloes. , Amth01741 1 4490 1 1 of the dm East sad West., Irak Ospeo nowt (1.0*.i 701 M skest., 2 . - • K si r , .ift ;ct:= - t ' Dean—We itsierstead ttiA . ailioe . edrid ,pe rout: :Plus; 4air,a.k..4 sottoquwesa Lswittallotati Mid Bliilat+ ttaa beeesattsnd Weisatltectowultn, sad 04 additjonal games vl/I be Ewald to Ali the de deism. We neer Wind *dal Agibne r te tut not leten curetted in ngsrd to Woßo &striate. . Drsoasrame Hoed.--Georga Shearer, a rad. dent of the Taint War4 - 41iisbelM 410P•ar" before Mayor dassaadar yesterday, ead sawed • charge against Xra. Jams Stafford for main taioing • dlsorloilybouoe. Ta default of $lOO bail, obi Rai cotzur.i‘ted tc answer the ahargs at cow. Dune o>r etra Sntrwerx".--0. 3 . Pennell tree arrested in Allegheny yenned*, fox &being over the alienate. en , 7bio ■trot, and wit§ nen ens doll. and vett*. TRI GIMAT PoornooL Carrot - T.-41a Pltto. burgh Flag_ Mm* aaalsetory. Pi, agent, can tarnish eel:titulars' with Plate, (file inch to fif ty) Medals, Badges. its large or small quantities, at the very lowest priced. The country trade Is oaosetly solicited, -Mack Jae also a great Tr gay of Campaign Lugano. Mama end CaTdPhotograplts at Pittook's. Petra Thioks Tad Pella at Pigott's. 01 1,on bodge of year elanlatoit ratoolea. Baitair and tulle's Monthly, cheap at Pit - jocks. ' Oro your Phige at Pittook'a Hama andall the Weeklies akPittook's. GI!? one of the pretty Campaign Lectern. at Pittook're. rEMEI Tatatnti, and aD the Dailies, at , PittoeYs op posit* She Post aeon; Oar the Platforms at ?Mock% opposite th Post office. . . Pcocar Albums and Stationary, at Pitteak's. "[darts Mad' or "01 Ales"—east bey their inadals at Piltnok's. rd'Pnalsoa'a Polltlial BLitory, at Pitiook's, bppoeite the Post °Moe. M'Ciattas'a Report. at Plttook's. I? you want anything, go to Pitto<d(a. SPECIAL IAItIAL MO fICE3 Tnomes rAIRT, Plain and Ornamental Slats lliefer, and dealer in Pennsylvania and Vermont elate of [hp bast quality at loss rams. OfSoo at &los. LaughHier, near the Water Works, Pltb• burgle, P►. 1.; sir GOOD 9 Just rewired at the biereleat Tailoring estatlistunent of Graham & lia+Jand • lose, 73 Bntittine.l Street. We would moat to ianfally tr.vits theattention' of or , friends and e - public in general to elute* stook of felland inter goods. nos consist of all the very latest styles of English, Prenoh end A.mnrionn cloths, osmium/ end roofings, all of fhe finest quality, end selected with thegreatest of care. Gentle. Inez desiring fashionable end Well mede clothing would a, well to eve as o can before parelassiag elsewhere. Every garment is wan:sated to give :nil sathfettion in both pries cud poility. GRAHAM fr.iiiCICANDLIM, Merchant Tailors, No. 78 Suitt !Amid Street. getout. N.rica.—The attention of oar read owls directed to the brilliant assortment of Spring and Summer Goods jutt received by our friend Bit. John Weter, NO. 128 Federal street, Allegheny. Ills etre* oomprism a great variety of Fancy French, Hagfieh, Scotch and American esudo:tem end Clothe, and fine Stilt and Cas elmere Vestings,—all of wilt& will be made up to ark., in the latest style. end in the beet man ner. k choicer selection of Nurnlshing %eat also a head and for este, together Isiah a fall 'tor of Heady Made Clothing, well and fash ion bly made. Tai preventive powers of Osg od's ludas Ca f fiagosue are among Its most valuable qaalitles. Oattlars In now ominfriss, Terms trevaling thiough Infsotod di.triota, laborors expo. ed to the ininSlSllll at Stagnant water, OS from new land, shonld not fall to use the C tole. gorse sa a premising. It brown. in .y.ronf from fever and ague, fortihos against malaria, wards off bilious attacks, and koepo op noxiong ISSVOD of the lirar. Bold by All dreggiets sad reediest dealers. fteirsta sad carnage ealis will be taken at the Onizatets aloe, No. 410 Penn street, ley or bight. All enure left et th= above olioe will be promptly attended to. 'All mail be paid In advance. Ran t3rdentiin American, for notelrer 81, will leaked at the store of Henry B. N orton, Brown stein*. OGELSBI—DLLZSI.L.--On Ihntsday muitair, Oct. Oth, t y the Ray. John llcElltan, ELLS WORTH B. t GE , SOY, of 6136 Lacy, to Wiz la HEIR J. DM.- &DLL, at Plttsbargb. JO NEO3-8100 AliDgo E.—Ost Tbaroday ormatny the ath ham by tbm Bom. John Ponytail, D. D., lir. JAE ES MURRAY JOH t 15015 sod Mita OORCILLTE El .F.LISILD ON. mortilac. Wt.:Owe 7th. et o'ekw2 . , T 13021621 21e24150b1.1LE1, Ked 2 seam etd6a ram. Imam] arrraaaf annum; at t 3 Welook, from eta realdaoca of hitfaotturr, 80. 14 Strosborry aCaf, to p-meted to St. M •Oematerf The him& of tea Madly we United loattad: - - .11QUILIL BUILDING BITES AT A.TIC -LW 110b.—The owbocrlbera will togor at It oals, op BAIOB TAT, October Bth,od I o'cloot ' s,cal ths pnwoiww (maw. SSnns.S. , ./ tho r 8 at/on. ILWatiro,) oo the knoorloor danrwod. • nambor of plmostaly located 1317/..DIF iOll6 rap dip Improving n Iphborhood. A 1.., rrltAttf • pat , 54 let Lip, en •pc 14a of the propor6. art h boon band/age :nt bona, dEs lowa Au aro cllgdolr Mta•ted, and In tor Mow .t many of the Coe coast to ideaca 1. tnto Tld We star& co opporourdly of procorlng coo. vonh at, o onftotablo dedfibto borne Ito nay sp inosa and ,osp sue the ortl, oosaorlol It Pardo. awl id want. A.. 1 be so SOntsdat es halm wn the gem tliwn!a ball:caS s op al 101. anal-:. "{prom as oale. A. 000VELEB., S. URAL orotC T. A. Ii4ITELIAAD. OCTOBER 10th.—Muth and last Cicala linalsn 13n1n of Th.. locantlPol Beal n too . Snit*. Wm RUM, on MONDAT MITCHOGiB, Octo ber ICli 6 , al 9 eel cat, on 'be fxr•ottese. Esontaton 7r.fm (so mod ) anti 1... bath Ott Con. willstlito and tba Th.an•ylesala doom •I dm rams lt,scr, me o'clock precboly„ ens lb • thy °rash. and tato pappaa m rs to and boo lb. Wm tot.rolnat baton six. 01.....gr=grirodekhi lulus in .a. aad t.o p.m b tutatost, wood by boas to =wt. Pd. Ton dollars aasb to to pall on Hob lot whoa meld as part of payinvot. PUT. to bo bad Lantos Zooid. 54 111tb itr..t. Ar 9 d aITAWILHIII, dram.,.. BUGGY, BARDIJOBB AND JENNY LIBI'D.-.WIII to odd, oa liIIIIIDAY 1101111180. Ott tte„ at 11 o'clock, 11 Omuta=!al Wei nom', 4$ rata nod t DO flariptep Delp ; • Otis at soy Lll4l Gee Baroacto. co? A. heILWALWII. Axed% `IRS PROOF RAFE!, }JARMO% AO., AT Al3ollo.lL—Ort 8 i.TIIEDILT. 80111811161 a 31 o'clock, at lissonle Hall Austin Hasa, 66 MU at est, .in to 146. Tar* eato, 'iv. Bata (Slaps aad Ond eel Doubts liaraes, Baty Whip. Brldits. and Halters, La. T. A. XaOLTLLAND, Last. REECE, SEAL A OD., WOOL Commission merchants. £4l LIBEILTY STREET, . corner of VV oyno. r Sir Vico bocurbt.d rtrld It mkera4a. ante .11/11 torn.,, 81:14 aroodural, Novi Tort.. W. H. BODED/MUM, L D., Olitoe 74137" bird ,tToot, Pitts, Pa. &mt. tbalt ardtorlie Munro - it to tits /USW Lod ltargloal trastmtot of Varna Mows. optotally this of the Lowsr Sawa, tool* et Pass. itnnihr Br .an,Ottotttattott. MOM/ lot Its fkrust, Motosttoa stoStriotaro of the Bond. la. Alto the Tarte= Mint& Pb..... of t&to WambOiCbtorp. the Ettutdet. to, itttalvatis maanya gurEmos mammas 24411 0 Is. .OI Aimm am= a. patent reel .ran istablea me to lamb) erecters superior to au made blot luo Iforratalm THIRD SWUM IPOWDRY. ALTIBED DAVIB, Fannerl7 breasum at Andanottra Pn11117.,) ' 7 Worm hb Wanda and the public y Oral • has opal., a Fn.:417 at tau eon= of "MEd Meat anueef7 land. elftodta rabbet Bram Formby, ot the of mannbatartag LIGHT 11•011IBI- M . GS, GLASS 110IILDB. FOLIATE.. &a. pedal &Mob= clv to Mabee wart, andladea 0Y8m:t8 OY&T&B8 I wacmssem: AND n3ZWI4 Ckmstantly osi band.: i. T. awl:tura, Ea lb 8.8.1.c0r. BmttbßeM and woad di n Etta. alldse • OYbTER OliAobl2lB.and 00 baud at KAB4IWB l!051011 CRUM serisr, m •ttRIED 411 nor r °Jr - s.szets MARVIN, MUM lasilt stmt. craaosaz wit.at 43PINVIkeLe., ofrQ,7,4lVilt.• • . wit% goitrairritavaincluit,.. IBQ 4 t. MGT 11111MIAIN rissaiert. Dana Nos-rorbltiag Oatmeal 141 sal ado.. Poicia alauvrArYlessacairplithiplasa. g at *ono: ma tact iced sad% . MAGA. =romp; Rum?. sisati PIJRE WINE VINEGAR. E. Cc IL BOLLMAN. GE ANY, (Tommy MALLET & OD.. Bordmiox.) rte eay Ttneger eostdei vtth Prig. Nast. of ehtty *elates; at the Ihterzuttkihel Ihrhtbitleoh Lendat, .ad for Pete bp P. IL BOLUS AN, u - - LAKE BIIPERIMOOPPRB 'CELL a exismsa WOBEIS. Parma. . • • PARK, VeCITELDY & Manatestaress IsiftWatnse. inuallaur zuner oornra, TaltliPMD OMNI burrows, ;AWED STILL , 80T20318, MAIMS 150ZDZIO: Also, laittotors asthloolon 1b aszt4a, T/A OHM IBOH, WU, Ms. Ctastaally ..load. Enituriammnrice AND TOM Warstooos.Ho.l4o 11/381411110111600HD MAW . =t 1. am at Dopler ad to say &dead Whim aifigUrliNT CONPNINICINS AND 'NE- ;"s"' PlllllOOll Or AB MAIM, pubßaked dt t. tenentand at • abeam and monks to FMB Mt who sale Bank U... pebakbp, Pranatsaa Dow Nl3lhpal. .to., supplying; Ai the eama ttnie, de maim a/Wawa B7ao• who bat -cared blaself .lit being Oat to post enema and Wary ttovair,bnedked tam By ..aloe[ • pea-paid addrased atrstope, atnali *Nave may be bad of the autism NATBABIBL rtaTIAIII, Lg. inyllawdawr baba Zino cocary, IL T. 10b TO: NERVOUS SUFFEEBBO Or BOTH 8111113.—A ttnerund patball. havta tote redotud so bank to tar day; after uudargutai auttil teatime and Irrigolur ezpikuttiv mode of !tad/mat elaoat natio, Wadden fl his tear, duty occeonoidallto to _kb afflicted, Wow anearons Use 1113...1 of oars. Eionne, on tall roceelpf of On iglarsomel onvolopi, he will wad, few, a apy o e lb. prwatinien mad. Dtroot to Dr. )OEN N. DAGILLI.I., 18011d ton Wawa N. T. tobilardoaff NW.. S. LONG. PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDB di LOA% kramthnaturera of PATIGNT OROMID Irarrantod CAST STEEL SAWS, of ovory &aortal:lon. KR M 4.j Oran Outt, Goof aod &lotto.r oarlealoa All kinds of WRY= A ammo, made Rau Mow Gust Stool: Extra flottned lIZANEI3 AHD INOWII9O, KNIVES, do. Warohottoo and Worts, arr. wern. A BROST STS., Pfstsbargh. Yartlonlar attention (town Itatooothin, Onsnalng and Stzafettanlng Olsonlar Bawd; alai ispalry of all kinds. Pandang Bad Drilling dons aS romonabla nataa, OBE OF EUNEEWELLII DI T ITEM lID I E&—HIIHNIVITELLII TOLD ASODTDX—Ttds justly ocietrosted paper. lion, which has so truly rained the name cad time of • a Tres Anodyne by results which had beaded army other attempt at •ore or relief to Netunlata Ithestroa tlan, Gout, Derr." Deutsche. Tooth sod Earache, Chelan Elarbm, Pains to the Otomarb to Dowels, Rya. testa, Edema alto Eating, Loa. of disegy o,oeraf Demme Debility, Percale.. to Asthma and Whooping Cough. Vim declared to be largely nervous, and as the pains to Monthly 16enstrustboa, elm declared to be one of the mat important palate fn medicine. A lady mites from Be. Tort '‘were It ton dollars • drop, I ...old ant be without It In my family, and no one should be anima D. • rat oda by ..11 Sibolonie sad Botol.l Desist. JOHN L. BIGYNNWIALL. Pmortotor. Pm;Mil Otilmist. Batton. bast. -For We try P. Platotag, Goo. H. Boymter. B. A. nek.a.a.a A On, J. IL 'atoll. Ar.tg tor Ben A. K. W. J. Matra and Dr. Jarmo Draws. Aram kw dlinheroy City. mbiGaoh-jo F..,: , 1911. RAAB HILL & GO.; Somali .r Neuss Lim swam mos vrotut. TES, Neart.St.. Net si and CA. TWIT* Ow =rod ft his lard and turalabed porltb tb•maast tm proved larchtuery, vs are prepared to mariataciarrs dem:eyrie:l or SWUM. to the bout mew. dm anted equal to any made to Ow country. ORIN NETS, BRIORE.N. PIBI ERGS, SLAM 11/13. LI,COII WTI VS BOILBILB. OONDENSEBA, BAIT PANS, TARES, OIL EMUS, AGITATORS, BM MING P 4 BOWER IRON BRIDGES, BEIGAR PANS, and tote ossatorootoren ot BARNHILL'S PATUTT ROEURS. RePekErS dam ca, tt.d.t.t o. Lto ALUMS MIL O. 111.0MMK0M...--AM. V. g: ,... ,-"- - z-ROBIIIBOI/. R&& & cct. (sacces• msus to Easookri, Nuns k ITruast,) WASHING- ToN WORTS, Fmnraku A Ikaaarnank Ploatntri4 lawrotactirets a , BOLT AHD etTATIOISTXT !STEAM LllOllll3. LAST ZNOLNIS, MILL NA tal•ls At" utsd.ibts, .1 1 / 1 2. Ira sLa,o, DS sD tekmriptistu OIL TARTU! a aTTLLIS Eon= LIND BLITT? 11103 WORK. Agent. for 13177ARD11 Pall= LOLTMOBTOB YEZDING BOLLES& sinus wres---w. D. imam— ismaruz. LA BELLE STEEL WORKS acrima at co., BoooorlAmp to Rafter, Hartmaa A 0.4. Atonobararon o CM STEEL, SPOLI4O, PLOW ADD [MEM OrLILL ; SPRINGS, RILLS, CROWBARS, 4. Watts, VMS, W AHD. Atloghany Ofty. P. O. Addraas. PITTABDROLL. PA. loUttY tr v --- , 40/21.11 COCKRA & BRO.. Man alrownws at MOS UAILISO, MU VAULTS AND VAULT DOOB5, WINDOW enTrITII23. DOW GUARDS. La. Has, 112 OZOOEDAad LW MONO MUST, bet. Woad .ad Market. Moro as Wood a Ina Kid, of mar Paaonot, Nary pots, osittobt• tar aD Phttata. Partlettlor ratoattos pad to osolantog ewe Lo Jobbing Qom as short mato. gab CIP TEE NERVOUS maul, CIBINAAT AND 83au.ii. 616 .11011 7 04nr sad 8•118.618 Iriftwent-80 D B l7 BB O at tL Howard Arznelsr44B. 808 87 8818 1 <D aoatd 144811 688810 1 81 , D.• of dame; Addris D. J. EMUS lIDITORTVErIowird Amolaticm, Na. 8 South Sim wort, Phastelphia. Pa, oshltly 'IW HENRY H, COLLINS, FORWARD The MD! pORISIBBION kfiIIOHANT NW whams& dssiarr to OffrOM !WPM, 61111D4 Mil, sal prods's. aszarsfiy, So. W WOOD Ht l'Ohastrit. Vs HOLMES & SONS., NAUSS' TT! TOBEION AHD D0N715110 BILLS OP IX OBABONI, COVIT/PICIATITO OP DEPOSPP BATIK 60+5158 AND 6130114 St. 5T HAMM MEIN Pit!alburgh, P. oar Oo'tacit.* mad. go all tko prlototpal dna ittroug out Mt Ocatod-titato HYNEY SULIWING'S PRIVATE 121121TOTIti, For the treettensot of DI9E&8111 OS THII IYIHWIZ URINARY ORGASM He Second Aketrztes, Be. Seek. Boon at centrultatten from it to 8 o'clock p m. entc Snot OEI.PHANd COU.IT p Oren. mem of an order of the Orphan' Court of Alt. Shelly eenstl, there will be expoud at Public keele at the wort nun., .0 •TOBDAY. •• Catcher Ste, at 10 eoteek a. m., the lotkne l ng diatribe( real estsia, with tea improverneuto usd anyorteasnoos, to wilt Alt Met mews. Ws or piece of ground situate in the 0117 of Pittsburgh, on the northwest earner of Water and Short street., having a hunt on Water etreet of tarty l eetend running bash, preserving the suns width, towar d Front street, vine) Wet, The fraprevomente an a lime-story brick building, thirty tees try oinet7 fee I, mutat:Mx Verges glower* araansedionsw Cutting Machine. Blurting, *o. The baLdlog to oomeanetively am, and coil adaptel for rinser wartho am or usantifatraring parrs , s. ' Therlimoperty belmge to tee estate of the late Jose: Is Lou,, deo..med, and I. neW oe - upted for Steamboat Ina ltamillt t hop, klachine Shops, A. Terme emit. Miellerd lOU IF If .16.1311111 DY, Trustee. To hieIsrUFACTURERS—A ow h t., ..m8 pop° to itli 3 Ooo wig,*any be as ed, whine to boost b eons good ash probtahla nano factoring tednon, ((tree prebend) la &drone of one dating with himself • rupeotahle nanufartunr, hashaen .booed)edeblhhed, or abon4 to be stabllatted. Thern . forther has large booboo anode:toe In thh alts, and wad end month of beep nark expeoto to tab, charge of tkot financial and bombast put of lb. womb, Flo pedant need apply who canon furnish • ntenbable pro:delta of tho %alpha repulsed for the entre specs. non of t h e as and who h not sodursdatenanter of tho manobobrlng badness hi - prop:cm Ff the Pend be not wall known to the Adrerther, ritteadory reference Ite muffed. nano 1)0.1 VA P. 0., sib nu name and raddanot. solloot 14 P. GENGZMBILTI, On U 0 ISECURICAL UMW, II .16 BAY STEM Dear P. mal DraleA t rAcTsuy 4 4 4 3 l l7l:2 l l2lGlS, 1106111 , ilunt nll. VIlJ8(i DB&WIBa8 80L, vlO "615147. 111L6SIESMITHEL—A choice lot of WASIBIBOTON 1101351.81108 11411-411 t, Joist issefssol lad for Ws, loos rats*, 011/111. B. LEW% oda= Ile re=ad otßil lirritst gusts .11ib1‘ No 1 Glue for sale Iry non iiihn,kuws. 11=13 THE IoaTESTAEWS magRANI. Our : Special Dispatches. apeda Dwpadmptborftsiebamik Owns. WAstitsgroa, O. 7, 18114 OLIO! LSD Ailil.gDSLA. IaILIALD The Orange and Alanandrin railroad nu this 1:110tIliDS in running order through to Culpepper, and the Manassas Road through free Alex. marts to the Gyp. The part,beterean the Juno. tire and Relfeertetas urn found anted un touched, sad the gram um growing luturiattly over it. Between Reitertown and the (tap oc casional rails ware torn up. The wad kiss not bees le no. lines Banks' 'operations la the Val ley. It bads to:within Mean miles of Stns. burg, the esteem pus to the Eihanandoah Valley and the point at which fertidastiotu wii l completely chat up this back door between the Confederacy and Penzuryirania. These duchess in the direction of Sheridan'. lines of supplies hate nude Alexandria • scene of•the utmost activity again. WM 31114 .1.111 rfAlti. Sea. Banks, aftompaniscl by soma mscabors of his ataff, hate szrkssd bare. ItAil PILCI 001VIITIoI Colorado Jewett, passed through this ell on his way to attends Rent Peace Convention at binoinsati. Mr. Jewett, It U undontood, will Drip that the pesos lastion_give thstr support to Lincoln, provided he wily consent to nagotie tietions after his election, through commission. ere from sea Southern SteM to moot ovum:titi llation from Northern States to /00 on, whet tormo ,pseoe may be hid, subject to Month/ le tion of the people. WEST FROM FORTRESS MONROE Civilians Prokibited from Passing up James River, REBEL DESERTERS FORMING GUERRILLA BAND& Bortion cf Hood's Army Boated. EXTRACTS FROM REBEL PAPERS 7P/sc Rebel Dead at Fort Harri son Insbaried. THE REBEL LOBS ON WORMY 4,000 Gen. Evrall ih Command at Richmond. - GIN. LEE GONE TO PETE EBlll7 aG. Jett Davis App aaling to the Georgians. Formes Mottos, Oat B.—Ordorg hive been [mid today prohibiting OIY/1111411 from passiog up lama river ream this point. Nashville dispatch of Hof 6th, goys : Begetters fret:: Forrest and Wheeler aro forming into guerrilla bands. The portion of Hood's &nay whieb masted the Chstiaboochie, ettaelted am forms at Big Bitattv on the nth and ►ere tooted after tearing op • good portion of the track. Richmond papers of the bd mid Mb claim that Early bolds Sheridan la cheek, mad Hull in a Mgr:etch to the citlseng of Lyn:Muir& eaye that if they will turn cut and beat off the raiders be bold the main lore. of the enemy when they The Richmond Examiner of the 4th, gays ► Ucton cavalry foroe sae !oars...a sulfas from ft rdonville marchiog on that plug General Loa reports lb, repota, of oar boron in East Taunus., our Joneeboro. The thee Una omps oorroapeudent, mays o headline, ere doled on le their front. Therebel dead in front of Yon aeration thin li. unbar's& Babel, and on out men es they huffed dm dead. The rebel lon In the amanita on Saturday la admitted to be-4000. EwaU 4 said to b. ie command of the defen ce. It Eanhmond, toe haying gone to Pour:berg. ft}ebinontl arte whop wiedger merely ad vaned of Union armlet on both eider of the J =auk They ctbento ifrant'e movemenu with great anxiety. Jeff Davis, to tffs spoegh at Masao, cub a 'Li up k.u. army, raying that two-thirds of the rebel arm' es yam shoal without tears sod deurtions lle sold he could not send troops from Virgints to (horst', busese they moons tutors to the for mer State of to the latter. U. had been eked why Early was oot sent to Osorgia Instead of the Shenandoah Valley. It vas bfesaie L)tobtro g was threatened. What would re volt( Us Eaton troops, U E was withdrawn, from taking Lynchburg and putting a complete condor of "ten around Itlobat Tile Herald'. fdartinsborg .rrespiedont of the bib, sap: It is reported there that Hemp toik'ff legion Cud deltroyed the bridge over Stoop Greek at Ederibitrg. OUB VIOTOXY AT ALATOONA. Rebil gespitals In Oar Hands. THE TOWS ATTgCRED BY AN ENTIRE IRVINE. noimulod Claptsre of ForresVm 71,1 as New You, Oot. T.—The rebel' lave d l' ap• peered from Ware AlMons. Our victory there yesterday wu complete. The 2041 sur. goons serrendored their hospitals lute oar hands wire from four to six hundred rebels wounded. rum Cress. was slightly wounded IA the dusk. Mart W. Little, of the 4th Minnesota, In the tett thigh. Ao cadre division attached Anstoenc A French Lieutenant at Annus on the 11th, kite leg. unit. Bradley telegraphed "from Bridppert that the gunboat nen. Thomas had arrived from Reenter, Atabaina. that Femurs MAW .had Area captured, and that our forces are between elm anJ the Oberlin, and that he is Gelling bank towards the river. THE FIGHT AT ALATOONA, The Rebels Consplelely Routed. IiEIWEI.S Pm IND :.0) KILLED MCD LEFT tiN THI F.E1;11. tI • • zsiLs.s, Oat. ~—la • Osht near AlatOona, the sth inst., our forma oomplato/y rangnlahed the !libido, who reennitsd proolp•taly, !oaring in ant bands between 400 and NO In killed and waniden Skinulabing matured all day H yesterday be tween the Poderal forma at Oen. organ and the rebels under Buford, and dm prisoners TOO captured by On. Slark 'oath's command, near Pulaski. There 1. a rumor that Fornat le en route for Florence from Larrrenoebarg. A late dlrpatel2 reports a large R :dual torte near Florence, and a battle W momentarily ale peered. Rumored Peace _ peiegatlen—Auction Nair You, Oat. Y.—The Brooklyn Chaos of to-day says that an occasional correspondent from Washington writes under dens of yestarday I "I hare It from good authority that at the time of writing (one P. 11Y), General fibirman and • delegation from Georgie aro la email with the President." Aker • week of immaree aeHrity, a lull Di ned In the auction baldness':MU morning only one or two of the leading_ houses had say sales. Them was ens tale by Haggerty & Hes, which brought together • large number of bum and upeadators, and which passed off eldsimdly end with considerable amass. The antelope in chided fins Coati and oasshnetv The greet (aim" of the male was a splendid lot of WE la . chapel's elbenf clothe, which are not ray often pot up at public sale in this errantry. The goods embrsood silk and milted pastors, which sold tau 7 froPlY a 1 1 7, 75 and $8; plain fancy ,oassf. mere and cloaking', $5,50 sad 6,40, Way plaids, $6,65,4; Moscow bnavors, 1460 and MIS, and so . on, Tnnlanng among aw.bnyets was extreme tomi the shad* of prices,. me `tioatpated with similar liaise of last Irani was slightly ham la the feet that the spittle. of the importers; blame and anetionsam. apparently . In sympathy with the fay, were =Omen, Light` sa4 ctitrolitt. Q . t • Piir:ONKA-WarliE UTE Our Advance on the North Side of the James. TEE DUD STILL UNBURIED. The Pattie Still &Oleg La Itiekmind 11,000 OF 11ABIT' KOSICE rs GATHERED IN. A. .15teb•I OompEuty T'e's ltd to Sho >t Giork.. Cus or. No roar, Oat. 7. 2 1 Warn from pasoonger• bp the shorans Argo, from Port Royal, that six hundred Oars prisoners took the robs/ oath of allogiance. The reason &Wiped for that, taking tho oath was that their ota,wod oondition. A Herald's coanarpondest, berme Richmond, Nays: Throughout the past twenty-four boars' advance on Richmond from the north alio of the James, while is ban met no obstacle, has been facilitated by the demonstrated impoesibillse t t ts• enemy's attempt to repossess blame/I of Fort Harrison, a work captured by fiencral }Settler on the 29t0, when the weeny ware no seventy handled and repulsed. Pavers" ghats were Arad, esterday. The enemy finally gave up attempting to drive us r ut. . A Herald'. 18 It Corps special ;eye t No farther movements have taken place along the front. The Ore of the sharpshooters has minuet mass& The rebel dead still along the gm:tuna - front of the works they attempted On take team na. attempt to bay tom* of them waskbendontid by Om men In consequence a Ire opened noon them by.lhe rebels. - - Thestemy mare busily engaged tut night in *Tossing the river. They made considerable Dolt*, bat their *kiwi In view was not dboovertai. Elsrmisii came in frame., gunboats, who State Mit the lament panic talk reigns le Blob mood. The rsb.l Ives in the asasults on oar works is etatedly themselves at 4,000. Toe rimesecorreapondent say. of Early's re• allot et Weeditock t The rebel officer, barricaded the resets to erropel them to foes U. The men tl reatmued to destroy the town unless permitted to pees through. Probably ball of Early's artillery was captur ed, end small arms w. re smattered everywhere on the road booth of Winchester. Mai. Darlene'. command had gathered up to the 27 0, 11,000 conekete between the latter plane and Opequan deer, where the Mlle of the 9th WU fought- More he sinne been brought in. R. bel pri , otters asy s whole company has been detailed to 'beet Gem. Cuetar in action. The Blebmond "Satmlner" on the Situation. REBEL TROOPS WANTED IN VIRGINIA. Virginia the Pillar of the Confoderasy. a., tc Veer Ton, Oat. 7,—The Richmond Examioev of the 4th, In a long review on the recant ad ranee upon Gott city by Grant, on the the north tile of the James, evinces the greatest anxiety concerning the situation, and bewail. the logs of a lottery at Harrison works, raptured by oar forme and bald afterward; egainat several des• partite streataim by the rebels, to watch their loe•ee were heavy. It -oonclades aa follows : Let troop. be brought to Virginia without de lay, front anywhere, to• Virginia I. the pillar ui C.intednreoy. At present the lines are 60 :ere ',,but their r ebony cent of be fairly left to Lre't .resent ermy, which bar Is grant a load ou it alreedy. Th. Richmond E-makian of the my.: The Condor wall run la on Saturday and bombed off Wllmingtoa to eittapeaapture. Mn. Gsstoovr, a paaaearrer, is said to have bean dreitread. lion. T. P. lialoomb, alto a pitman ger, escaped. Davis le abarged vrlttreither mallor or ntapl.ll. ty permitting the Yankee- to march hundred, of gullet upon soil hitherto undervoratad by the touch of the hated invader. Items Irgm ste lionthern Press • Ptr Y 0111(, Ozt. 7.—The R•ohni.,n4 Ecmuear of the 4.h, elate. that On. Best:regard ha. beets maigeed the Department of T 1.4111,00, Geor;1• end the Departm•nt of Medan", hitastesippl, asd East Luigi.. .a, erhisa comprise the oont. mrade of Gents Hood and Diak Taylor, both or shamratatn their present position.. The Charleston Coarwr, of the 27. b, says: PrastGeot Davis sad Beaaregaid had a bag 000- saltation as Birk:urn*, Vs., last week, the re sue , I •bieb was highly satielaotory, J. Dula' speech at diaaoti, pablishedhere to-day, appeals U•ilestil to abseateu to ratans to the Lusty. U. says mu an 113 ceded, and ODA - f. 26,11 the disparity, in aceiberi boluses flood and net:hall is vedy gram. Is Virginia the ainierit) In combat, is as great as in Georgia. 6 08L+ding t*SpAihiusga prboasn, ha says : * an exchange could 6e ••ffeoted, I don't know bat I might be taddeed to reoogaise Bestir. In the fetau every atori will be given as his u peel hie to rfirst tFro dm el Tao el.rts.toa Mcccery c /taunts as !olio eel: " VC • oaks no comments opon,thls speech, but n• cannot refrsiu onpressiog prolcuad rag rot that Boob a speech Should hove been dollvecod by i bechiof might/Woof this Clonlodosata Stotos. Ws ttopospoodilo to ve able to deny Its authentic • lip. W• cannot fully mate up our minds that ha donned IL" The Milledgeville °nuns twasure. Davie in - 3.31er.0ee In regard to the tate of Georgia, oem• arlaining why troops had not Dm; cant and ro lls, J 411 MI and afterward. Hood when they bud beet promised and le re relied upon to drive back Bremen. The writer says - Rica mood is not to .mporleot as Atlantis. )31 the fail of this et-onghold waa lest the entire control of the States between the Dillslaslpyl river. The fis.o.liington special soya: Osnersi Joispb H. Wilson, of Llltnots, was breveted Mae jorllenernl for gallant and meritorious ended nude! ilbertdan, end maligned to the command of the cavalry of Sheridan's army. Richmond papers of the 3d and eth,oontain s rebel tastily of the late operation. of Grant'. artily, end make a dowele effort to aluml their loss to be a little Great'sgap, bat Aridly con. Less that cull/ north aid. of the Jamu, ou force. teadess important lodgment, 'blab tkey toted to drive us from, but failed, and wows sub sequently impelled to milers their Raw to a is. state of thing., by sbaedoning oaten. In regard to the tenth; side operation., they else emit that their outer lint of works ware car ried, bat claim that they captexed fifteen lttatt% dyed prisoners, which is a most significant ad whiten that Lee'. army eltogether, ill too weak bold the present extended linos, and appeals for ws in foriemanta. The Herehre . 10th amps 'postal of the 4th loot sad, t We are receiving deserters from the 'Ebel rank, daily, moat of them from local do fence troops if 13.10hmond. many of them Wog poor laboring men, glad of the opportunity of *soaping. Among the citizens within the pres ent lines of ownpation is Mfr. Dobbt, owner of Libby prison. Gen. Batter ordered him to be sent to the year. 71ut Montrose (Bootland) iiirriar says that 11 leans from s quarter quite reliable, that Bari who has goes to the United States, ear. Me the violin of the Goeerninent on the prea• ant aspect of affairs, and will over himself to the Clonfisistany as a medians of oemmeniottiion with.the British 6orernmsnt. The Richmond ihmnimr a the 3d ear : I t Is pa iongorsoomet that oar am, In >nricl• tan,..,, bat r , me Nal hm only ,h. Vcst Point r ti .ht , • -• r • ' . • hattahoo ' - • Luat..4 rear. mu. “ lariat final Hood at present. The telegraph reports that Besuregard is CO replace Ho.d in chief command, Hood to tate Hardee's corps, and Hardee 'to go to Oharlestott. This good nu.* leeks confirmation. Iss the mantas Hcod made a speech to his troops prom. Wag an *any battle. President Davicalso, is on a ailing° that amp making epottohes. We tare nereport of theta as we had of hie spettoh al Mecca. How mach It Is to be regretted that the President door not tate along Hy Ban- Swab, than most excellent artist of words, we plight then be proud to pnblish the Presid•nt'a tplatehos, as there might then be .some reada ble:ice between the President's epeoehas and roasiare. AI Charleston letter writer says There are now In this vicinity ►hoot 10,000 dedersonvill• prisoners, who an materially benefitted by the shame. Boma of them volunteered to perform oettalll duties, to lieu of which they receive clothes, rations, and ►re to be exchanged ►t the earliest moment. The Poet'. Waehleiton *WA Hui: General Bank. Ins at the War Department this morn tog. II L eoneidered certain that ha will return te New Orl.ass. From 11"mann. gv. Lout., Oot,T.—The enemy appeared before Manion city to-4a,, but In what number, or Waller any battle had been fought cannot be !seined at headline :UM to-ulght. Miler Wilson, 34 Mlnoarl itaralKy, and six of his men, imptotrot at Mit Kiwb, hating been tumid over for execration' tasks aotorloas gnoo. Ma Tom Reeves for the alleged hints of some ,of nimbi Arkatiiii.goine time ago, General BOUNSIIIII ordered a rebel major and six privates to be sent in bons to Alton priion, to bo kept to oolitsr: oangtomormt the fats of Helot. WU ' ion Ii tnown. The ?abide are to receive the same treatment that ,Wllsokoadttis man roman. .Thu damage to Mendip railroad to not knows, bat to thought 40 WilotttillOttAoo.oadlholwe speedy* toga 'ot . !adonis till the toad repaired,.lthltdtla tbli! Goari4 '• -•• FROM: ~GRANT. Aativity in Ont.- .4,1:113ir- 661 E IHERIDMI Hit 111111 DINT Unit a- GE N. BANKS IN WAS SINUTON b.. kis , In. Nay You, Oet. 7.—A Cbenureinr. Washing ton special mip gnat aetlettypru of 3ln erant's front where the armies are aniaged in throning ap earthworks. Gamest Shaidaas hu abundant supplita until the am connections are formal. There is great activity at Alexandria. Trains 111111 Tanaka' to Manassas %spud Ouioeppsr. General Banks .0 at the War Department today. It is understood that he will go North ecdn.' Wssetworen, oot. T.—The Intelligence from the Army of the Patentee to-day Is that trauma quiet prevailed. daring Wednesday sight and yesterday morning. Oar for= on the south aids are within sound and sight of the railroad, and to • strong ;tuition, capable of resisting resisting any rebel ans.:fits.' It appears that the rebels are not axing that railroad to say extent. :,Wastitneton lisps Waenierroz, Or. T.—Special agents hare been appointed to purchase, cotton on Govern most account, the object being to enornikage the sending to market of crops In the, territory under' rebel rule and regulations. The Treasury De. parr:cent hare been forced Into =junction Yltb the military. The following are the norm of the 'gents Go*. H. Elroy, Hew York, at Idetiptrio. 0. W..Culiar, libmouri„ at New Or leans, and Groom Adams, :Kentucky, at Nutt vine. The Last named will resign his pr.eant roeition as Oth Auditor of the Treasury to mono the appointment. Major General Doyle, Governer General of Nova Scotts, dined with the Secretary of Erato )esherday. Among other courtesies, the mints ry authorities hare afforded him foe:ditties for 'biting as camp. and hospitals in this vicinity Bobierlpilons to the 7.80 loan for the put two days, reported to the Treasury Department, amonnt to $1,108,000. Aseislant beeretary Harrington returned to hie poet after two web. •nosnoe. Hr. Quincy, of tillage, has telegraphed to the Poet 001oe Department that the Hannibal ono St. Joseph Railroad miserly injured by the rebel raid has been repaired. Mails from the letter piano bare been received at his Elea. M. lie for the West have been forwarded. No, ensile have been lost, going or coming. Fain of Oharleeton, 8. papers, including 28th of September, Imre been remelted hem The Itereury contains • letter frem Richmond, admitting the situation u merlons at Bisbee,' Hill. The oorrespondent soya e It is the strong eat position in the Shenandoah Valley. Early bee been driven from that, end to insure dellr• ,ftwee, we mold CO out and concentrate every 'wallah" 19.1111. .• The Afar mai 1571: Wbao.Early asimmed the &grimly', and ironed the Potomac Into Mary teed, we ventured and earwig/led the opinion that each a movement oould produce nothing but oat! to cur cease. The subsequent burning of rbarnesr.berg, and military flourishes about Washington, only confirmed our foam Tome bald t toad on, and we tow hale realised the 1. nits of this expulltiCall. The army It rsaoi l/ In the Valley of Virginist. Gee. Early her defeated him In two bottles N t Is tots ail, these two battled hero idled cr. war bal:7 to Go enforcement of this draft now g log on In the North, and will that add tent of soon. ends more to cur enemies in the Acid. To ar apprehension It was clear that Early's no cdl lon Into Maryland woe him General Long Hnoxville, and was part at that dials. lon. This policy has oontinually clogged oar parcels, and destroyed its fruits before they were realised. It it this which ha east us halt of Georgia. Gen. Hood was faithful to it when he sent all his cav stry and sneered the fall of Ai— l. eta. Ercw Fortreen Monroe. lioeraaes blosaoa, Oat 6 —Gee Greet arrived it. • ,01.111.14 from the front in route to Wa.h 1s gtoA. Tb. steamship Champion, hence on the 6th for Now Or'easte, haying bent her 'teem pipe, sill *pair and again sail to morrow. Thus government oontinues Its odloisd relations with t'w fiber.; or C actstitattandd government of Merl., and the Prosieent has recently remit • sited It.. Lotion Prieto as consul of that 13,.!• public et the port of San Branclioo. It •ppears from an °Medal statement received at the Navy Deportment to day that the north A •Isotie blockading squadron has, from Aug. I It, 1161 to Oat. let of toe present year, alp tared tut destroyed fifty cannel., most of th•o; being first ease blockade runner.. Tts Boston Adorrri.tsr's Washington special s 7 that considerable influence is brought to bear opou tae President t: reinetata Goa. Paine to the command of Patinaaa. Q. uos•ent that the p opla expo• Goa. (rant to Seth tha srar,and he thinks that It is necessary that Gen. Pains be rare orad; I shall not interfere. aty ravel deserters to an the oath of a:legi on,e to—day, and sere sent north. Thera ars good natio.. for bellsving that the rebel authorities will soots teettiy and indite's ly agree to looluda the colored soldiers to the acceptance of the proposition to exchange matt for alba. it Li understood that Gee. Lee bas long h,en willlog to do to t hot lb. paticV wa ders objected. The Georgia Peace Propositions N.. Yost, Oet 5 —The Poses At/sett cornea. poa dant, gives the following to a tree version of the Georgia peace proposals; The armed foot list press' heavily anon this poorlo, sod they fee/ the iron hand of Baer man's rasping and holding their very life, and I am sere with a vivid conseioethess of the Cr. rots of the past and the dread forebading of the coming future, that they are ready for pesos on all almost any terms. Brittle/ the De 'topspin nor the leaden say this, hut there ON Strong Indications now evident In that direction. Oes of their papers proceed deliberately to dithess the propriety of Governor Brown's setreptano• of Bh•rman's invitation to some to Atlanta: Tee hays no doubt seen • repoo of thoh an Invitation having been extended width has this withal truth that while • prominent elitist was dining with Sherman one day, the gentleman remarked, wish, General, that Governor Brown opal d see end talk with yarn" "Lot him ammo," meld the General, "I have no oblernion to his coming within my line.; he chat pees niftily In and out. flora are valuable reacrds here which he would no doubt like to get end peeerve. Let him name. I would like to see him. I proseate the levitation wog duly selivered to you. I gnestdon, however, it he •se prepared jest st the momers: to accept, and perhaps we 'heti kat* the pleasers of wee. erg stet when we arrive at Mason or Aoguata. Prom Indlaospals. /9 DIAB•lOLIO, 000. 7.—The State and Sani tary Satre beld here this week are prograe• sing ratisfactorily. The weather during the first part of the week was enfsvorab,e, b'at DOW mry in.. There Is an leamense crowd of visitor. at both plasm today. Among the dis tinguished trieltore preterit are Major General J. Hooker, M'jor General Logan and Hon. Andy Job wain. TI:. military •allierilaa 6... an:aatal J. J r • a r r tnt" 11 Ai c o :• r .• • an r.g•••arnt, Cadreor J. liompanas and L. Y. Milligan, charged Irish Ming cotinsoted with a treasonable organisation. The evidstics In the oars of H. IL Dsdd, Grand Commander of the eons of Liberty, now on trial Wars the military commiseion, disolosas a som starting fa.ots rotative so thoptirposes of this or ganisation thronghont the north -west. Dodd elfectsd his eseape from the third story of the prison this monolog est font o'oloak, by means of a rope famished biz by his Muds outside. For th• Army of th• Potomac Now You, Oot. T.—The steamer Amerias took about eight hundred men ircm Hart's Maud yesterday. The Northern Might wont to Baotou to take eight hundred or ode thousand men to the Army of the Potamse. Two hundred men from Oonoord, N. H., went to Weshiagton by railroad. Moseby Again In the Saddle W►eataeroa, Oat. 7.—Poitlave loform►tion has been reosived by the Alexandria (lArgials) Jovrol, that Mosaby has so (►r recovered from his recent wound as to be able agate to take his saddle. It top that it Is certain that ho ls once more le his saddle. It sear be many days before there will be • renewal of guerrilla asps-W.lmM la the ad jolting cowatlex Advance In Gold. Nay You. Oot. T.-4 p. M.—Nothing bat yet been hoard 'of the over due 'Mama Roanoke from Hanna. Oold.to•nlett 202,U@)293. No Nero Punta, Wusrioroa, Oat T.—No we» panes to Irbil Moan:ELT front will, for the priont, be innodito altloon, Heavy Heavird. - Sn Yon, aeLt—altalOvoektie Uli almost of, H. E t Do4o bosa !Amos fraii am is two WHIM HUM 3 4. ft., firram'Alvir •19aw,:rtar. Sysidar ;Elm, Erma lime Orissa, ea *billet bat, Jen serheeL • • • The AV Baith3o a tdeit ' WI/ tk, *pandas 44 Oa hipeeatiehi•an the •.h=ehh Unmet, refereed toe esslrmlSS the gammas et etee ram: mar Nov Ta:2 Gold Market. Nov Toil, Oat. T.—"fh, yid pion, ants open. lag at 193, atazilly advanobd during the morn• lag to :oig, without ea aid of rumor or any inoculation notamont- Altar touching lea a t noon, the prim stazduy deelizad, vadat the new, w t 6 , ll42stsry Stanton', tralletin, to SOOK, i&A Now York itiartet. Hav Ymic, M 7.—OMUm hum, ate' Mom dolex, 11.10•118. rwor MArkes—Amt. acd Watutk 7:4300 better. _at eags,ao f. 4 Bum 1 , ,MM,714 for" R II 0, sad P 60./141 for 'NM. Brands: Cirolag bum m es.• am WO tbirEltra State, tor Ifri'Shia of SomMIME an/ OW half of temmb.r. at gs.7l Whl•kj Omar rad gahlt 11,705.1.73 far Stahl, uld $1..7 , at to •eatsa: but 11•10 o !mbar, at $1,61185 fer Obicagx Sprint; 1' Ainl,Bl 6. Mllwankia Chrb; $1,68 aat for /Mbar Wilma* e1.80a1.93 'or Latariar ti gwal Wittier MA WevaraQ Mal 97 tar amb, Michigan. Cara 3Au batten cicala; ham .t r,sCtal.,6N fbr Medan,. .!cat; 51.51 eto, in stars. Oat. nary qular, u7ac far Wonsan. 0.1 - 6. dub azol nommaily nnehangart. artaat ash. Molar*. doh; Nay Orliaaa, Peemkecto actin es lied .ad Meter, at 33eXc1 Icr .ciao for Ilateeet. LI bond. and hw Be. bed, free. hcery .41 tower;MAO for r MB I. SI.OWIOI for New do...elestaa at 1140,(Q, ,id, N-OPOW fee aad Xrcgree nese Need dull awl recedscaL eat Yeetertecahr. Lard firm, with • tool demand et les4/21e. the let ter pre. Ica ertr,..• W. Nwsce n. ndenrd Pun, needy at aDtpe for Ohio, wed efaje for Scats. them decoy et Ildrio. Roar York Stock sii4 maYe7 market. bow Ton, Oct. 7 . —liosos acct. and rowdy al 7 pa not. Martini Ircnottar c osstl7. 0.1744'510:74 for Gold. Chid *lotted and dm,. .pon , Om .41o•c:dng t. 21.6%, &etch. to 1.474, son clofttj TWA. Lirolr. mama St.. mane aottco and Erna; U. 8. 64 6-7 o• Goopo. etockz 1 T •r Oor.lll-atos.._ 71% Itoodlog. lon 71411lerlfle 6.100.. PSI i e. Do. 0.. .... 444, 0 a Id certitutol-. 3534' I kid... 0.tra1..._ 111) Pw-flc Ila P.. ... --g _ ri 111. a a N. 1_....... e 8 Her Turk 0.trA1..._.116 Illosois 00xtra.1............1 , 7% m.A...1. p , A............-... ': AA.c.b...reh ----IC* P, Ft. W a 17............ Bi C. A N W. _ 4 . 0 v.i• ...,.......................... 9.4i'e k. N. W. preferr74 ritution --..—.11uy,!0. A A. 1.--- ;Mg lowa to an opeard res2.lno of stooks. In the eh_ mace of u/.• f..la Geo Grant and !be 2/.22f•t7 that toe late movements bad pertbs4 failed to nocoetplirla th tr, poeponr, bee poetp teed the cop otatio. • of a the t wee Deco re before Itichotood, and kept the 'parket in tesperue At the mane tine the nein/ 4,1 the rebel movements to Itlletrort era Coo. Shertnen'i for, and /2 ittivotpatt n of unfavorable tntell gene., Repo/ the pain e of 042 and Fwd. mach more directly this • W./ WllOOl •no. the market .h en in oe rte./nth than for several put, Ibe Imp, s•rmeot Os, ding to some kind. et metehastllse. In the Dry Gantt. market there mu a etreoger feeling yrauolay, anti prl - ate Wee of oottna fabric a la at as adrour . At the dna b and ale morntr g there trU gsoerel Imps Inv:l.A in dork. and Gurareamoda In morn eat re add joie. bettor. Philadelphia market. riiIlADZI.PBI.I“ Ltd Pie • sr• otulteml. t a .t dm; %Vast ell Bad Pounl.ylvanis Red 13, Whit Cora dull; Yellow 51,111. MU tn..: Peleelame very dad ; Crude 1140364, Helloed la Bond &Sadie, do Tree 750760 dull wed lower; OLo $1,71. RIVEN INTELLIGENCE The river sea about at • stand Last evening, bat bra look for • rise of two or three Met to-day, as dispatches from 0 I City yesterday afternoon reported els fret in the Mlligheoy at that point and rising rapidly. Con. rid rink- rani fell bare yesarritay, sod the indications la t nis.ht were very favorabio for • omatinuanoe of it. Ib. arrivals from below include the blinvera from WO a hog. J nib from Zasaselbje, and the Aorta from inch:tomb The Hata B Porter and Glide Bo 3 from OocinnaH ars afoot due, and the Whir will probably arrive to-day. The Highlander from the mina pant engin to arrive between this mid Monday. 16* Citizen left bt Louie for Pittabargh on Tieledsj. and the Onward, Armenia, and lifehnotte were a/enra ged to Laker aherely. The St Louis Dwearrei of Wedniaday.uint axe the fol. losing item • A coneiderablo number of .tern-whoel le ate were facelift lug for trip. to Cincinneti and Pitts burgh. tint • condo of them ham limn chartered to dr• cher a Cu to go to White Meer, ead there is * strong prubablitty Cunt all or rout of the other. will gets .ask er two • well from Uncle Sam, to galls • =snit dl. rect.. Encouraged by the melts la the Minds. Cap tain Abram • bee re antered the Naples tend* with too Aruar.th. sod el 1 Imes to-day. Toe Utast Pea a-wn to the docks to repair wyd Ile .p. The Pai aeon lame to-day for Neer Cries., Bart Ablator Memo phis Insister Peale Bogen and Camelia for Elinor Blleslaippl a1:1E44 ee for tratall'a Bluff. The *eat and rewinds Berths, lain Vedbook. pa. Itively lams for EL. inner! and Loolivihe shit oaan.. Pireet gars and shippers should [...this in sand. The ana Its. O.pt Nam Nauman. will leave far St Loa.. on Monde, eeenisg. The Revenue Copt •subtermn, beret for Wheeling at noon to day, sod the Jails, Capt Cotison. returns to Wheeling. tossing at 4 p m BOurs 4WD IDOLS. GOODS MARKED DOWN, AT CONCERT HALL SHOE STOBA No. 62 Fifth Street. sertarr Do TO TEM lzfiz3e 0171a1,14 c.cs THE LATEST STYLIZI OF Butz, Shen, Bailers, Balmorals and Onms, JOSS RECIZITTD AS Borland's, 98 Minx= Hamer, 09 . 9,6919 i of Lai.' rennetLiard Open, 0.14 , V11. and 6ld deitare; Ladle. felt Over -14, and Children!. of isms oldie; Eqpt, Tonth'e and Chtldleses Nip and Mb Boots. 41., luau ewe! of Hues Coif Doable Sole and Do:ble Opp,. Bone, Rumors:lo and 0.11-n, ail of welch end be eold lower than any other house In the city. 0.11 end ... unfree, et od 96 61A861T 61.4roonad door trots Fifth. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF - BEOE% GAITL'IttI, Tar Ladla., Om. ta, Mims. Boy. and CaUna. at McClintock's Shoe Store, Da 111:Di31.11. 613.1E1T, Allegimp. CO' Lc, lit erct k r buil-atm IxUa CITY COL LEGA Corner Pws wad Bt. Walt Btrvita, PITIMWBOR, Teo lariat, ithaapea ad mat twatilld Business Man's College la tba Ilanade:lt4S. atudeatt atter and nodal, at any pc.s. 01:11COMMIS. oo=tstoing full totormatlon, mot trio to any &Saar, on appllootiaa to the Poinalpohy JENKINS & MUTH, 1144 *• , .1 , / , ,tz Mr A I== CARD—OIL AND MINDELAL LANDS itse BALI Oa L6681-15.1111Ta, PAILIZEES • 0,. dealer. In Oil, Oil T.rritory Lad Milneral lands prepsnod tz mil Jr lease any 'lnnntll7 lan d ltar ed tin. celebrate.' nil memo of Burning 13p I. Itugh.• film.. Born Neely 8=74 and In nit.r lonlltles et haportatio. We ha.. Liao • lam amount of talhabl• tenllo27 th• known ail rlaittona W , at0....mt1. Oh* and other plena. Their Wed itt. la lands as she ail tyggitag with abnadancs at to.L.stzts, VIII r•pay ths tenor lb, his labor. Thane tradlutO be mold ar Measita vaatzt.tes b I‘ll apyllomu.saut to . "apartlastire Miami or call cm I. IL EIIITH, Spam , st yap, thwistta, cs 0. U. PALUITZEI, oar. oalinewl lissank Martial Dmoaccup Way, Pittetato. TUB IMPROVED urn& awn swum liacium,=* tefae OBLY 118. Onturpoont tor costaltay, Natoli, try top itrato Er mama ; Mt trottteltata DO rho/. Ito dortballl k.n ft I. utucr.kd atm champ melba balm acid to tho 'nos& only to4nentot» onrntio inniattd• / 1 1V/In . ttorßtook or btnilL• Clatland tu nosidlesarrantod," nth steist, tinudt•lft. Ort—lCO Ma Otani for Mix it. & bbj lyt os rui.msi o► ass: S 3 Et . Markt s' Piece e A The Perk WILL van PIMP= 1111011 DAY, OCTOI3IIOB-lith, AND IiKAIN LT TEN St. Charles Hotel,- Where ke ean bi"sonsult.f.4 Saturday Evening, October 2in„ DEAFNESS, CATARRH; Discharges from the Ear, NOISES IN THE HEAD; A3D Alib T Vi zovQ TIME Ilir CATIONIC AINPISES EAR AND THROAT; DEL LTGlavin/A' Is inch:iota to make this visit on acessat of • .1 , numerous apnlicatiOna from parties residing , .• to tittittirgh and Ticiinity.:wher are totable - -- , * to come to New York for the indispensable , '"- 1 personal examination rendered Ado sea the imposaibiiity of pieseribuiM"' benefit to the patient withoutit Da LIGIITEULL will revisit - Plttsbunh'st regular intervals, according to 'tha regalia. manta of the patients M1C1,37. his ohargio„, The bttaineas New York dais tot stiffer any interruption from the firm iv there in eenofimtnttelidatian„,,.., TESTIIIO $1 I.IA [Tem thO Ems /carte, Jew 4041 Ti =wry tractors of probe... lobed In vary dr- ' 91.1.6•24 or scow= ie. Alit, doo» tarsterseonoi• oaw. • ten o ondgott treed-deo= one wto out de 0014 ~ redid .may hi. fob.% nu • wet =leader: In the • tetedt nod tread:mei et . <batten •nd raiarikall =Oda s, Dr. A B. Lb:MILITIA, or ads clap orapbsit-.. • Ind ttrst petition mb,.•• deeedbed. •Bs Ints tisrotoll or bdor to =it tritesolditr..4 I. niter =lgor Out TO. yawl of his Indudry. She editorial' cola se of due*. 6 to event date. to,. to Ohio dep.rtroeat fa.rit.rtttb•4).""',l„„:^4 =rump!: Km or • 800/ 111r11—tairla wirgO.sbi. &fad, keno= year. of air% horn t 0 thdalet7. WWI to Vas city wars Oa .a about mo teso• old.' Boon attoi thins =so tr• was tame sick Itnitristotarinb, agrees lw hoe 4. q did thou Caleb. Yana.. tr• v. . mute, ontstrlo the 091001111 • 1.1,..t.t. um re= was pawed 0711,ta =treats to the hutitof Vr. LIOWZ- HILL, .ho has .o for enedadlso to =Ont. to ham 110 r Ina powlese of Lembo sod utterance:Us* role. can. Tt rs. .it. too.. who sae. to Win' diettactly atat llowattly. Dori= ttra put tour or Sirs maths Ism csse onitsr tbs. twill= of Sir 11.xxarsba, sad Stss owls. matchable pr.grotts to reacting ostiadtantetio,” Baru= teen rot:robot gbh the ther tovestigotad ea ember, sad elOw41•114 ' •' ons to cables on tr. Lt ht to• VMS! =WV. • cooolda hopeless, .zed to rat tOf.tWO years= tux - mare of • rest Sr. d Dada , iltsiss., 400 Dim Joh* Note, D. D Prams= is Usk® Collp, &Mate* is str.ishsd WI., Radius is testae' to Dr. tot r nestas stscrisfully his estirod dsda,sil; • ?red. B. hoell. Profaner of tku mato' Narak.f Balacet.' st Llbser. also =bilks to b. 'lug tsittbund orestaerts. • Dr. Lfyilthill sawass say testlisinsliis sad , ; •-• to his talent bout .one of too wesittlest •111 Ind prond•eitt elepechd ottleitemi - wltdoh airy Won • ; apotte•lion. It .cold to dietoull to =4.10 say Dos treetop! pubs of bl• ttmenteskin Da fans of boit resat proof, atalscia teetthltag to b't Wilrotet. , From key. Feed. S. Jewell,"Profeasorof the State lormal School. Albany, new- Tort. A. ZlpiOGtr Da. etas trader data al Earctsl4;7 = gout yoa'a cam. • eel otattnntas of .y cv , it. nonW r lcoatthont. In 7: War. to •baca sabot tt that: l llmila. na7 rallodb•al your reattach% atd Itebonsdclal maths. •••• I bare bora from the Visitor& the' Tat Lea r /.et to bailor priodlcal strata of thharthatatittd nl o g ullor+tobs. ticket' tallmainatton of Chir - - , lnabstaane lha catitlia of ;La hairy actrata., .1.4 bto oat ewe, Irt • watery bleozarge bora the , nos..gube.guantly bocranagnorte andy•how.and towel. the oltmuf tho attack, ecru:tat and Moody.: - Shama. • - ea. irodnoed am at ertnnoing speccro or 1110danhar - 5 occurrins periodically elkh day fib I petted rattlbb 4. horror. to thee. treks , water. as lb slorlant a' 10 21n. o.p. clue,. to. f r tuts.. sad step car urn bat. - ' At tfinct the attendant Inhananstlonvonli *vow , the 1... th, or dna. g toothache ; Or to tha throat. oia3b. boning hoarseness and partial hes erf nibs ; and hate snail" lb. Let tam years it bur it tin lea a. to andlan rag, for soots, toe darkanad rem.. ; +- 1 had sled =Mob: ma and sprit:orb:me of kinds moth and other attar:bar lortpanillons ot half • dosra ;rode; agnltnatlas lathe trade? ;Misr. and tub losturadoss of dttrarsat kinds; soli Di - COSlnotton • Ith the =al tostalk• or cathartics; omployed to Indig le o cmatter sedan;: : : : ~.. of thew , r bAd rl de " 4 -7 orhahtht I=PrOtralnoat, and to sa• to.tmanoto Is worn ten.pora! relict arm aborted IS Sib th. *rpm* d ie ranch atrsortg ad lb ISM ma , Featly extant:tad. Under than , crobboststres war M , though with ralsto..no., trona Ms suppord tountra , brity of the dirs., to rata • blared your triattaaad.:, I mad It icon beyond arat by hope', romckl i thiaT'.' ,t Mama all bad Wet burn lauded blear% and' ;7 ;4 , wing •ymptonta to an est tnt srhlbl I had shiptibb; tutprontban At the tiro I Only= IV &mar ewe, whits 1 dila te hal Ofarla 4 4 OCEIVat. OUVIN.L had tainted sarial yollat atiolt copy maid 418%T.: for ray trial or yam. troattetnt, -- ant "WWI oaltslad , that tlat heat/tont is.., dlrrart - ht Intrhltihr. and phticarylthar... latatantlsmarle , sr old .. atta•ba of catarrh. for . tbs. taxgrOordented "abb. or; scatty boll a year, and that hi eglto`of aware , rental of rt, ch would hare r ata ns mattrai. snob an attack Insthablo. rts, to reef p' a fro an tn.' pottant . asccan. it to taw aLt.'.nrontair sena, I. sum rat hoot ifs'amant. and -vac tt to tinplate, ant to. *grab omit sad ln Ude vat, befall tha It swag to MO Liktkle Of aLaptit tut)w yoaraall. ant to tame wt. =sr be. au I was, to bid 6.at aa let o 4l'u tali web... 1107 sue ateo.ci .7 1 hr Ibtaltddr trasthse 7 coashae I tr-a ratrthr .1 0 . hat lUS tar of L ho. it Mrs* Is ouch •tolog at a rivra togotortig catarrh to ay tut • corstaailar hallloBll strecua.. - nagicttall. Iraircrincit*Jravict.: - As, N. T., Best. 1, 1814 BALMOEtALB, Fran Don. D. H. Cols, Se e l$ iron the - TweetY;Nteth : /awn', hit-:asehoird; hlr D...‘ Da. Licata.= :—.1.11t with: at Don that loottomadtato to ton thtte2ta4 of thectotl.' oboe >to gam oas t ea my appliestlon" to for tor eo.o. ti live test-tag I followed roar dtrettl= i aot hat.' , TY to date that *to mosso far reccr 6.44. to. &palestina.; so to tett vat. coom'at eut Uwe,- iron at d shall act reed to ptocotd - ' P. atotood, anther *lt, If mocasattpittltdd „taiga. , I tbonld bon b0at..1.6 ftOplSP:X:l7.Ot D. . GDR. ;, 4.11.4411. OT/ 1 1111.0414.1; Ti ' Remarkable Care From the Rev. actsepitx.:GuAe. Beat ' of st.,zAmes Ctaqrak • " • treurrikiki)sl4 . l44., , .:z.v:::s -. : 1- 1 /ova trees 6eaf In ars air ii.,. foss timq mrs s t 6.. Br -tb•st4lorPtr.uldusw,l.-'4l-", tta towing v.414=1114' zest - rutopiatil sow eilltivith both say we. sad rOO Dan tax as ate - Inks wlti Roam pre ous sod ensettortlbia Ware.- ver:34'2174 JOUrnit CIJZU• ~.f4f.4•.,f_. 4 IMMiI lIIIIMM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers