/1111/VMAT 1801ININCh moor. 8,1864 111011 Mr-40-. MUER% imis" OP MOO AND BONDS. essasir, Caul NZ TICK MOM= Warn I lATONIMP:tari a *Os ISTMOdk Mid Exchange rollers. TIS roar= ORM lib. " 7 sod _POI .wromagion aux mak. 11. 1 1 1 0 CbPPIr. FM, Markart NM Oil gods. Onerimast 199991177994/!ll thubi 1018$. Ord Tt I V . 110 =lO7 1040 97 . 0999111oshis 99% areesesa to r.P..... r ...—. rusteit whetweraere = 4's TO M b" SC . Driamarbua s: s.= PlwacK=44' ; ===-. .75,- rirouarm • 'o. Mono 110 Jan Ka 4I , Xs, 9,50 149994191EW...a.:- 13 ••• . _ 30 Thlabars4-- - si 11104atrazils---- ihnosalos..-- ! -- O' 1.7?:%z; - i - Ailinkso 11'34 Ciat swot - 40 1 1=10 63481 314 114113051-03414 ==l 50 5.114 b• 56santwaala lea Vert 15/0 A 7216.. _ istittst. 50 rots W ifillobentill• A Iced- 111)i SO'Atheby • Il'ackcjer. eo EUrialt ems 413{ 4 7' $ •.; •-• ilia: . • • • ISO 6 - 0734 ay a g mat actbsop 46 11:1 Whets Ti • a 0 Pl4rtKaL -:« (0 316 " 4 60 Itreholies.— as " e ' SO irtif ss " 5 " Ifeetb•telesnutect . eolllX ' " e " Gum= ?nut —10 X e' ant 2w Flref Clational.--107 7.1 X Bound " T --103 OD 1 bird " 140 !oath " , Ito Tint Nit alliggel...lo7 - SO krailatuder &Mum.. 48 M:==22= 6 1 4 atonthly. 116 61 SD Ale r.. 16 10 AlLlgheal 0 Mb—. 101{, . 9gcent Iti) "0:1- 111 .. 6 021411.4110 - 4, 1% 6 5 Mena 1 6 rein! I% lid 2 Elrrettect • I.s 6 NI ley Onek 1 6 4 2444/ 86 6 Merry #111... 3 7 70 DIC010110t• 4 2 1:311.i.,;•••• 1' • 71 Pita alliottonOopp'r. • - Natkoal 7aser, Ocr AIITSOMItrOM the elet, triple as etysecter market. taboited fOi. lit rocks ate nodes upwards Ginkessoista 112, somaP t y stool 1 per wet. • istegbatitiletthhiettetwitieri Men% die ?haute& We' .+l44ei7lbla topical* ellebetie b7beerli 11 W thetpMaghtelkirrlGlCastri Bibb? Deletteir . and 11M et istrAfilibt.;LlMMetabi bete ebb* on the IttubbFM.l*44,AaJilpVebil bale eiblist;lo3 vas. allege tank &hied 0416930111..12r/Lleptbilesebie A ibeed (arm, 4-X; fkllllpt, Of, WA, acne offaing ; ilstetrte).*billiqrsoa nut., is islet; le. Y 6 Mr • ee!ne Pwrt - Te, oaitetiAablbwity, that. the Oeltroebla al / u•fmg,iolibitiifee furrebt btegrth seated tee ant- Air let:dibbei . &wee*. Ow& , Amble he. bum *pur poi trop b r ake enapiteks Wes* eibeisatlei Leal froze the limiest& oome- Theta lt %to*alit am& n>entititiTst In the mane.. .4tiraltd obi tf abiarta 01 ott pompanter, and mesh of cap* that Railslt' tral? them noo danat a5 4 .1 1 ./ 00 , 1 -IMutorg. but 0 15 ou'd oat 6.% tan Lat.. as- TO. pmtat *Mb* vett tItU tuft on bOrder -oleos 81:61er. ?bat Minis la'grest aura; ; aoJ Mir .fmnrus rale% we tads hily- Fusel iiiiimiisadatTepdtis ot - proltrtba azd pripee , Seigtotitg Eketteittly of :wife& opiirrei tem - . 67a . 14 f itti1142,4"-1 11:15 1 ,21 i ting cram Phi Tad. 4;14.64+3 • Arm= • scamp rta 781 I—. 2. 2 71 MeV . .. . - TONI erratlatrit Tldittribi..... iO --- ,96t0,.Tfl 20.4Q,133 el•no.litil. ft ISO ; . b.fLtil VII ••• o ^ , e-:4...iif.;-4,::-.,,1 ite..n..fa...11 1111rzi,- , lf f, ~.,,, ty viol, a. hid tern rt. low y :tarsi • 4 predicts) fh. isle ::.fa not rstljaaby sad tatisfaotorny no matt foitfier. liOrultrfal inn a ee of at is for bat• th•••frofit of :PM 'unit ,- Than .hat bon a gesall w arm" .o;p h lb. req. of plar caw- Jtst of Ink ma t. aritici'a,,,a to b inn. that bad a• • witch tot,: Mob botiigltiato ft•./aliffgof •olissa it., ho b ten to that Materna to it-= /a Abe m.outoot.ro of willsPliil flitill A ft. It )1.4U of oil lobe 1r.,. be, as volainlBsltter 04 4 + all erne In lids ova teal of 1012::Ballt doai *OS fat* 10.1 Abs-loss faf In . 'Teat, oo • lo,'-tifprodtellif Albino. trill ',eta Into i.. 3. The leaden A - oar gi &pip th oil Snail) Antail log • raw• anigait of .4,44(..i...4 to, to to. N i ue , 71./LlCh fill.)101013s cir labitao birorhal ft MO grvaly lauswo•fro4noloo of Al .Na Mir aid eatagile game of wealth opt be •pioniotlydn +lord Anoint more or lan w groilsidea.- The anus. ne a t of flottooi its solos . . 0f..".0..11f0r01a. -aatt-the• nab. a- tte • sad ti - Inaba etrioal . :eitiliga of retrollnala. Ir..trd to. bays resoled anti Proirtf &Asia/nest of wianio - hai they been VbialtrePilaf• Sr. u. aarcnba Lea In • oar shops or. weather, fa. wite, slake tho ant Pace •thgir der gooey. bat: far hi .ethein at. affords& la en' hope of fillowirtaid Urge o.4ta u.a. otaarawdrwy mall nu. tuna -Pigs Lederr. - The Oidwitro Trireme of Tbandgyrtigre: • - The otetwywarkai MA y was guys told ooratortabh.„ .. • Thu tothafts itaglindl - fortl24with-d goird goptlyof . - : - .1. - • Idler-hadllfr did goy Day'lbsfr thanks is frmly to sear. . _ . Tides b A strdm /gni .f coallatine garottes all . . tusks. that On are tow to a good politica, an 4 ibti ' ..ii ...teig".6-49',P4?#• cm Irtiottot that. tor ram ' • ' . 4111.6441,41,-*Aisik,,, • • - • ' Teen ;teriOttirenttoillrfi the law* Chu ;Mtn -41.1r.ieit hasty araosakfi&:ol,..4; I. Yeah all the lailtita.44s4q; Ikliuii• OA= slappirt MI gray del far totamMdiirddiinm hatd,'aisd It Is acre Matra- , ,to _ , fog to thitordittlal pa Malan:Al outterm. fle ' -- Aildtellitakd iiiiat:c*ion. a, at ban peaty rfolosd, .4•11 ft TMIII ~tli smatter ftnnity one to foretell where '.... lhafioetf.gefaillt64oi;fitaillfell-1. alum to ma . 10104 ii• mkt imp ifahlo.,, =, = • gab hasping, Aeurdtyof Tanen. Ticehiage la the - nialtakerldebi Ins althilg o ld 1. Ic-day.. !arid ft Ms tofetot• ttim'lS•tiltiapouotufied. at % Der ems dloaotot, mot *ea -at /I•4lliioutt to •Illar. - -se ter da, .or 00, termer; (be 'timatt g r•esishaar by ~..a.... 1.- 'aims eutonally.OPah:Aatil out Wagon tad snot eft. natty la tizteria, At bar. nags' realer at tree dam sere totmy at 3iattiosaft to pin, end ilah gsg sf.grtinliso Mall bias but this whe 'miasmata ....the eorna tOber* tratobalag3d diseootittarylog sal pet v rw .:ll- ; Tor at.foto the ohne Of Wa ltbears; It ased at If 14 Am Ab har be a would hare 1 s tr.lp both' ern • ,id___lbm =IE. , 7114.larliorealtred turfy to tit •• dig iit __ - - , m.m. I. Immi•MmlantlidigAll then. It UM* of mot isis. klagglaltitthatinettoloutlated of dm tialttilitu.` tea . Wks nfa nn *WO-AWL , - • - . - AltherkhVe hatate. apt Adorably :Ana tagglid with t urrigith thilAnidloughallar analog 0l pewit. sod gimbal', niltuarta lay4steet...ur rum lime =as, moan it hi to Milgrim ofrotais sad beef sad • pTrk =M.. _ lo •lPiri,ft•:••••*4o 4 Ar. tn., a 1... irp , e,r,ot " t er .. ix.4-iktara Xi /a ttaaly , th e, vitt ft:mita a elan loyi t rio, haft rep Ibb at/Intl* an 014141:4 0311 rt.* :sad shay mot raw Maud - Beide, gad Armor shippers take tintrstansg. Wean ~w lipprosoktag gni:bin Maggio:tog. and tr ... ri m . Infirm WO& elklah. bac, sand tams city at the ghat bantsgo4Miliphisier. IS ought to bit:forwarded ta so - ' • il that roe of tbeltakert are notlfylas , 1%1401 - -' - ____, llOrmatlioldtontirbill exam. : algutaisod dining Pm re- WM Mods az4 titiaaai their !balsam; to Paw fp Mar illitotpta sari Agars thetridgpoglui elsewhere. Tide til • .goor team ind .Lt!. it may aims Ems looluvrateam "A osiliot hat to is Takeo the boots. If a inia .l gamete:l for inking Ids owe, thee On Ootlatiot thonteMen gab , bell maga& hal Itill onor ..ortaig Namara :how, bengeotal rho Mike may be to the mammas ocausaaltarco, 1 4 5 fis 'amttiml mitM " gra the latter tho Armor can do. MT•Ung. 17atbrta a tn. . v1 . 1 ...ted haw= .that Ott butt an borrower, lendenigasid Oda ling of ramp will only go °tattled off iiii anis it olte the Lae.. Tithing sambas trarglnd with bawd to the meat . . t isi a, mono only that tat enteral tairagion wens So ' 'append abet the tam %T. ha. Ter/ boaly. The Dews .from from Nome of ths farm of the bast of • ' Itglade-IN egged •costetdirabla 00tinsene to Unarm •' Made. It is frond by Wahl that it so oar a pada firi Ini biddingf stalls; marmite at to lan, tad Is .. *iv*, sato tho notaiyatarlnt. .0 Wag to lb. recent gatalte Oa Oar out, anal. nary welters bask has groiald 1, ". • ; - C l = r I= 3 ; rtlti:t c = a d highi'' wiserl DtA l P u t; imfatop la ban paid.t*Liba_ta i P i 1 ea Bangs, tut. dmcd!mom_im the m aireallitaki• Om apsolosilllaK Entice oisiammola baste, Om dirt of- stirltag balls: 10 this cowatrrvadd he... -- Orltaatostallyhdd throw thin 00th. main At anon. money 'Joh iritili yogi& inider Ow mark gild Owe, ' gad aggiotdha nage of Miry oarketable et aittedoe-pan • - lIM dillairtag :fens Is, ifsta frees Mittel sad cm . •Pigtallltlita 4 )ken New Turk Crmaterold Adorliew of ' • ' - ' Stands, t •- jrhoashd .fusel oath's', Ins Toy smotesd oaldl• : -- ''' ttliti Mud thefabinicegthisenttfon preralls ernywhere. 'flitWil - opp•asi: bowern, to bit a halt - in the dog TAM Mae of Peen In the awithimdles markets, jai* *On 119bldhlgabla lthiideclloi• , , Much Of • Ilisidwrdidlildedild l2ll 7 to NI thlo - lOChflt sio :,. oiiii64 - ild prq cost Ro ilsot.#*,,!pio, *hit fal •PAIMPOIPO6MO.IIII64 - -` - ~:, -: 1,.:;•,., 010244,11iiitisithiio4 , 15.14'0 1,, v 1 its'a . . istribilorstogosks;oOplogobtotsa , *to, - . ' estessi , o sist4ll,4ti', •,N5. - -Istar4lai:' . •--...- .: °' :;.::-.....' , ...4 •-•"' ' . .. - %;..:.7,.''''' '''''.- .r. sollolot tie* .I.l4l.lPrit otso ores • Ina lbw ULM 1/00000161.7. hswitsjir 1111140 Wel ..thvg.a. ,s}ieti coon Istslidatillilify. iyiettwoel eg VthiT Wolter. isiketwe distior e sad alkyd intiwitr-Sei p a y ipeofaten hos - • r aseaai looks, the toitkisttoooloi Who , ppm; AWL Wifilotilloro.tioataitilitittat'• lOW woo*, iloopttotso iorthoiLltioppotor toonitAf µpot to ban sottothok,itoo Ittoo& trostrootiolossow. ohm to tuna boosopotattog too Ths .'nesee !are now isocilleetioalids 00 - oboulog wog, are dhipacid to away *dr onhintf.ia tie ponibla - Al /In. : , _„"no tiludelfilidatointilaitlidnations tors rine r ooo yloattitt r it OWE Ise . with moot two than! a `uticitil tee d mole PO Nddlar.or. GI . " 0 " - largo was Ozstoe. Shicrebess thetern opera the waist dorinii_tis pot tooP days by Wstini morchonis sod itTionlatin too Omits. 111. poo•ono siTtwo ar tie 10. asßwtod, sod oni e ldepartkostoiseistotae 4 tiy iutoutea ist6ths market as KY , it or I. pr• d How lon ills fancy smut will oonti , ns li very peetlarcesicel. Ti • powthiilipo( imixotont Roane bs. to Richmond checks mild. expectations: soil Jadt !xi from tt..• predens totopa et tho =at" only Le ap fou maims wil• be asdertakso a All the proopecioof C.o Croat', csariolgti tin be mere - deniably evicnio, ot. Two =ming lbw motet dhows& sharp sod It moray. The .iloott" wen; tarp hams, obt.a., e di t -inv . idustesus, arse& 4 i itripir itgase tb,e, balitoen waxed st say mid= for =oaths, the sin be. log l!. to Oy. roapsnifl with the obodoi prices of yew lta a!aborala earfacf lawaWastloas7ato t.a laweau of Papa dobtAniwuk• war WORM bra a raplaad pi. Dr. Me?? af Um Mimicry Dapwwwww. Tee matte shaa "that tb• man f ceeaat. abe paella Wm daring thirtywla• woatsa. dna Jail, IBOI+It. •• was 44 MU be, satins* and a hatlet.abliatapaa diem-again Ow fpas Ma moeth. , 1 chap To. ma. tames. Cam ole minion it,.. hundred tboniand /onus. Bobo. 11111.111 to that It wad. a =man of one tanka also bus -41% d timusand dolmas; eic%timosi days•loved • am fin= PI Wes Minn% and a zatainuas at 0m milli da4tii,brkt *onus% tar taw ass, au twos ea *bre Rah d, ono milieu do hanthed Mamas 1 dallara s pir day. • Wnitaanwat laWraly - ftwaras at Um howl coo- xaide by armilumada span tit fast In maw- ot tOfloaqte u - etrt tar docutneot• Journals, sal baa- E:teg conntant chants upon Mat subject, Pining • Imken••• Web- poblto 0444 to bar. ormego4st lung Million datimpst day Waft the cowman-anent of MI Ass 4.03 93 Jody SAO / 6 34 " 400 The Latest banes an greduellysheriglar their re , - palette n t the Rath nal spurs Ins Beek ot Net Bed caption bee ware recently, becotne a Se I,nal cence at, end Itirritorn of Inane, 6thsallet, and vetal alppeer• to bederpoel teem the yethly statement of the td sesocletedl banks, under State Oman *Wan. trimly .31.tooeki peas et that city etoandOn their B rients - Won for lb. Nett mat Immo on of Nosemter Their thereboldere en called t ogether .Ith • 1.0 v peer upon th I.l , e.etbohpan the 20. h of Otto et, an 4 see hoer that there t very 1141. doubt of their elnetet unanimous consent to It /sly 6 g asat. 60 6 •• 411.4 " II J 6 ,3 6 a=•r+ri3t II at Pittsburg% Petrol.= Market. [mi . —Then eres • goad demsii - d far Crude 4 ko day, .atd soilib, the melted mho are lip in the aggregate, thtee the:plead amen hundred and eighty hro barrela. tin in furor some cahoot usher, a vide range fa Pam we 'lie the aa!es as reported: 1200 bbh at'4 1 2 2 M E I V 8511, 580, 200 and hgt at 11% 150. t 2354, =0 and 308 at lob's Included. Quotetican for 1,00.1 gravity may im fairly glean at Leaill and them may .0 regarded as , he extreme. m the market. la sympathy el tb Crude hese to Wm was Inquiry for Ilsenstin burd on eastern netonet and me ntta a ads of 600 bi.la at 58; end IEOO .1 80, bob to be delleared in Phlladelplita. Pre 011 aim, miy to quoted firmer, bat In the etymaoe of m 1,., It la 0 di Ott to give qaolatit es. Nothing doing In Sept]. or *alder.. I)4TM:thee rea4red trout Oil City tbh attar:eon, quote Crude at 117,014 bbl, at that place, au/ 1111,2346,50 at the WeallO bora that the-illesheoy r vev era. tieing at that p lei wlthorto al: feel In the &mod. the reoelpta of Orode by the Allegheny river since oar lad kport an as follow.: 84 Aug 1.3 goat l( 11 $ D Oechrma E --..1511 I It*ral Tigher d t•ro----.771 lT —T22 Bulticltr 6 at New York Petrolentil Ilirket Soft-Jai Thspattb to the Pittaburs,b pssytto. Ran Tons, October 7-11ktro woo tat improved de loaitlor Crude to-day. and prlesi tihnEdivanoel, eau lbstlotblon too& at 37, an tbo spot. The Astitot for llama Is toad If sort tt•m and botagni as. imktos ME* tal•o—dlIo P. Oil, too, is'lltax fdd Meer aw l/4.316'WD. Plow York Stock and tioneyjnorket. Bpec , sl DlsisVob to tM Pltlabore, Rhesus. bra Voss October 7-I'L nova markst ti very inept, r ic-dar, .d, ertdle sot. stocks advanzed Ll= 47t05 Oibiro der:Head; I , l4l2nsrgh PAS Wayne, 57s 07 , 4; Ms 'sad • P/ttsbargb, 95,904 Oavervussaut 0 5 51v5.,1551, 15s; Oerttlkstes, Siv,* Yew Thiilhs 155; Th. 2 erodes. 187. 0014 is excited sad covatderably btgiar, oprned Int Ifik:Lndrantod to `OM, 'O.': thou declining to 200, at al:del:sit closed this altar- DWI Timms, Ocr. S, 1884. There appear. to ter a lathes trams Wing to the postal Markets to-day, owing oath* to the material estates to gold, bat, as yet, Mem Moo Improvement to tee denoted for produce, and, ea a matter a, coarse, no advance to pekes. As we hare Wien remarked, the .'ops and downs" of gold do not inert the auto eeteot on the market. ea hos twin theca. beretoionote the pohllo gerteraly are gelatin to todentacti the 131 -yea mean of these gold operators better, and hence, nolo.. n totes • ow good cease appatent,Cor producing an ad ranee, the prt babtlitr la test :It will not prod.. the aunt. •or which It was vegetated. OndEO—Tbere Mu - UM doing harerbeet or barley th A there le ❑ t and, room to .. !anything *bent antis?. I I, vary evident, however. that oar fermate .tenet eettilied with Am prices now being offend by d and they %viewed el.:armload M bald oa to I.lr grain;lsassmoni setae dartmlwad better prat. Os ste•dy the demand - taltrti Le' torr.• oGI if hub. naked. to r oat of lbe mark-t, et 13d. and c ernell tales Mom More at Mat (lot.—heir of J bash elelleet at I,Ah SPOUR—Ia qui. as 'dallowhilo prima are minCtially emehameeLL—exha bami'y Naha. h,th em.ll way •raca at ie at haPiL3.l lb, receipts he Lair .ad tb mach .chaLlagaceasuicat_ ei.CON—Taere Ia bn. litthrd Ina in the bac mar • b"4'4" LlVrd.". W. ha. aLasor".s • a:Se:I - at Older% sad 1.9%a40 fa. ells, V. , little I as iry far bait. Pr ',AMOS too. of 60 barrel'. menet pots ,. 11 at p 6,00 pax hazaLl. awl prime " Peach theme a Va. EaFlGE=ll== aurTsit-.otititthos• Tarr dull. yat. holttais. arc dna retro. to ed. as a lon. tl. t.r. sossso.os. as prices ...tow arced, tbs re bas boon oo'cloaos..h •BOrsi:-..4 I m and as./ AITIViI at 23 per dos. idt. limited and amok oa hoLd light. &LEDS— t loom, on d i • eelltng te a fait extent at p• r, bushel, wane flex owl clover nee gala& and a tb.gedi APPLES—There b 1.13 yeti.• dtto.d far good go sl itlet ,pd ditch would Loll readily at from 63 to 1,15 p . # 3 boo t 415 g se I Erg et 11;0 .- 1141.1 T-4.1 goo put bra. with regular mule; at 13. 3;3 ttt♦ t ep eid $3 10.3.15, d livered. lABIY—Ie quiet sue r dial , , thou,ll much ended .-rime city • I leg from 113 1.140. briEl46—Tbe d m.nd ho. ailed off eauteurhat but briees tediatu uuthabgeel —lliad& cents be Wr to strict • it prise.. 'Tinv Itiork Dry GOOrta Trade. Cct. There van ask. et needy •11 the go:iacip bum thfetneretog. Theetaneuirroe. - a ler that iota& be esp.. t.d. Many repreennatlvee from with Includiog Pal ede . pem and 13.. tee, 'tilo revive... The gel. wt thlllaterdlege & Mount a.m. •rteed • syler...lld es , ortnuatt. Th Wee; Preach ea t G. rasa by gua.e. Ihe iota vlZtie mold mot have b.e. ihan , half • =Mon d 1.1!.,.., Bat the pticae lore of mall I .U. &Wiwi rat itd MI the way fo a 111,2201,67. ficarcey ele. wee •Ad. Mr. Eltntaa, of all are. at tunketd & Hutton, imp., tern of the goal., mede• very 1-• • r eta% the purchaser. to their taw ..iree of the valve of uarli ti.: a.. lie renattlukt Mat !toy wcre brlagint ti a tam. prt-es whmt, gold s• per ave.& ea 4 mad, .11,1 k sOms 14 . 1. reel the. warp I zooid capthred to.morrov , gold mood no, .r thee 11,9CU1,40i Lod la•fe• d.p ge up es high se El W. Lleewe. Wilecenfilea, Ilovict A ,Cra. brut a eel of draw ,re da, bbab ry so. 1. we. plot y well at.ended,• ocald tlf • rma ' weather. Th • dies 'al. la were no, In ver, 4nu de and, arthrhog on 7 rooders'e pricer, The he• a cry, et *clarlyetyMe of fancy et c for children's weer, , gl.g l o yr:el', by the maple lot .at from sipa 1,17)4. we-, an we-are irks able. (domes I:) brunet" eiy 81,17 y, Aor osiarrable ourobor of the above lora wets per. Q. . . Insignia, 0 ',dm a Cr. bed . mile of woolen., tailoring gobda,tin. The &mandates,. en., fair. Soisndid snell• tier pi Belgian, I:punt:milt Duffel Costing a•-11 Tricot ens , en .ttl aretega from Eli t 7t(ift,2s. Sleet of the lots stern indignantly ward. Duffel blue and blank. .old beLer, ranging 50,5006,73. french omtlatrres were told. al $4. .ke We ino rer7 hniammtbltrfir the int perms, !men seeming to beno deeply Ingrained with the 1.0. that gold area .011 tilted els* must atlll oats Shwa. Efserrely t C.'. there wall quite • epir. re44•Je of rll.boue The WOor lo or eto t• att . l d InArald. The dial, way ialtiy Le•••l4llr.t ~t 1 l 0113 -re ‘, I. • .• 1./ Biagi the leoue onyort• lug h.tua.l IT.LtOtt.Coo4ll2 • Hoge at Chicago. The 7ritrna• of Wednesday sap: Ilscetree from the close of astarday's [market, about 9001 :1 0 106 Motored sales, 8,811 hand at re,B.LS, chiefly ati1159.9.5, Toole lb At Oa basal reduction to the rata of the market isotedla oar !set teport, there boa born a fair degree of basherie treneasted. Tee boot . lore 1, t ono on.ld, lase Ileac On n taken, mostly M shlppars, and mad by etty pokers. There Is evidently on Ills- Wl=Orstar.to higher rates; .ad 0, note that sot. szalealse turratoon rude at areas, stlll further redo.. Thr , edsloes from the eastern market* Indlrmte no dunce to tn. extreme depreislon Carib hoe cher aclorLud than for the lot are orals day,. Under tbs.. cdretnastarlese ehlopers ore baying sparingly and can - thusly. Then 1. nothing like dant Neel la prime here, or any mom of es ensuing:ha probable demand tarei TO boors hems. &alums to nasettliC and mail we" 16{. prayemea4 has token pleas In tbegenorel .spot of our trade, heavy receipts would be attenird vial consider olds risk, If not line to otranre. Decline in Cotton. I.Trom tha 81. Louis Boobllosa, Oct, 4.] At tha ationnuel Wont dirreinscant cottoa in eIIT. I I W. Steadman et Clo.,elnder tha M i nt of Sp,elat ?reentry Agana W. IT. 'Wien, betweea twa and aft, hnaired Woe went to buyers at prices ranging Irate 770 to SLOG per pound fasinded in time offer ings wan about To taint or picidep sad inferior dam. aged cotton that brought 310. At the preceding oder et thiactitton upon the markat the ado wait rospenthd ender the taturaratan that hay. an had Peened toge'har Ihi the particles of obtaining It lass than the rated then currant. Meantime a general fail of pinta in all kthde of products had minted, and cotton 6 necomarly ranch lower thin at that Sine. Milwaukee lktenet, On. . Onto—W"""amftte. nax. ba. ktutot sos active,:toit ENSTo salo. .this 19.1Taing. 17,4A0 ,by. I 1 0: 1 Ppsitti la afar. at 11.i001.41); to,m , ba do tented Option CIA .ootober 11,41311 6 7 003 .bods a's opium 101 look: al rah» oesitouso, Ta tai No I BOW Icialkla t k Alto mate, it Emboli Base au toad oat lotuses, deaWoi o,eapie eae:k await at I,kag o r":elosamo kisim sedaal; am buss it 1101 W, q 141 11 31 * Of *4 4 5 0/1 1 0 1 gt_'....:'..• ' A 444. , boom Iv "Anna& gummin. n irsan . t.tra etraaas IR L Oat. H. ..aaas was., , aato Lasitaribb Bala 0 al, 5 Guaira jc I%.4rw!_ r a splac Arnow& cat XI statif .4glartadr t46..43. It Nark tirar, Itlms law% P. k 11•11 am • c o; Worry Ira, Loyd —Weeks 4 asarciar war., J & Maw* 1 oar scup Iron itotd 11 Bloat 1 car 00ra..1 w raktrytt CRIS POW itßa.Ut :289 - aka bartayi spoor* Lit". R far maw, 13 113E166 It Yak.; ha b its WI oe.ag 1 car data* Guava. a &i 4 atty Us, *dm t tent ear 15c. brart gas an 4.4 aka n4g0.7 do do, *Atm thark; ccalls nam.tg mat sear Jar: aby .2141 cc. a.,.. ?Van OW Draw do bbu blgimlnar, 1 111Tatioat% t cA grit) ikr cats, 1.40.41131 CM. Ofirmumb • Pursrubbil San bean, Ontaber 7 A 0 Wen bass, Jan Illrbiu;Tini esa, J 3 Ltpro s err it narrLog tan b , niptran r en; 85 Ghia sand: Pill Ins A 5..8. bbisniviba• 112 Mourn; 25 Mir p .per, HAIM& t &ckl,r 0018. lirrb•A; a B . BtEgare AA. Du swam MomnlW A Lang; I In, ebliapt A mt; We tnbuce:t 41•Orabrt 10 bas baboon°, Hui a.io Coburn; 43 bu therm, annuaker i bug: 1.03 •bi..nd. J Li. It 8.625 bu as. 1.40r.en & ib7 Mae; hourrati44,-6•• ilielrny; .83 bar Aube, 4.) oar 0 0•14 ery; 14 IA • *M., Ago;11 H WaU; a 4 bu °Urns.. W re&nan 31 ft* abeam, H L Varbt bin Ik. birtter, bril4Jninim *ba g . 4 44 4 . 4 44 , Pardo.. W A ihrna4.4 l43 bakign orrn,, Sam Prll eq TO bs• tem, Mid A b Horgan: In bap baron, Strop-n A Isom ISO rolls sarni Cr B +Maki kca. ALLIMEIIT Bums, Ootobet ?-4 aun whoa; gulp Dm 6 bbl. MA 8 kip Initt r, Witt.y t Wesua; k. 81811088.111 tub 86vk5,.8 age iyutter 0 1 8 .1. 88 0 2 V 88,P 8 r 8 uuu, Troamtue. lOw yurn. tirgiral , • 1 4:rausr4 bit ths wed. B agaltwn,l, Pip W W ..guamp.; 9 Dbu W B Lupton)! ecr;l ea MARI, Ong: a Alrs.aAkal Su otp nip, O baggier, 16 bailp pswe, Polkas t.Ol 8i bozos atom, Wtu 6.88241 pkg 11,01.0, tuba duo" &al; San it co. IsuPPrte Slier. WIIMLBCI PIZ NorasTA.-8 bcflo • skins, J L Mar -4•31; II es tall 4, Elitchawk, kloCreerik co; s mks Malay. Spawn • ficHari 820 do calk J • W 13 do oak, BATtaz e. c. 16 tszs, I.ost, Juan Hoary: b b 0 4 .. 4 WoDpuskl; 7 bbdo soboooo..olarko 8, Mao cider, Fabollai Dzmoor k o.; I 6 d. J A 24 do dc, Jams ri0d,7;24 do 1 , 1 , , , e b ft-4.1; Cirtn o 1 bon 1 1 si top ":' , 1 1 1 ' 1m kat.11:171••• 04:1 tallo 1;ox Itreo.l Mgt% Looop fowls, t basket polatos. H Bad ' !Dagreent• rat Jaw-1 0 1 kis baiter, 33 DIA. est., 13 hhd• CU, ke I cm 2latuDat tr.: 8 DlDwortis it.: 16 DD:. op, Diehard... DWI., •ON DD• gale con. P. iv. Armrdoer 100 o il be %.deaeo eco: 1 kl.g honer, 11 Dalveli • 02; 4 half et* priams, & ller dill 10 DV, and", Nieman* 8.31eei.. ru. 5116-11 bbl. vta.kg. 433 OW. thur, Cuts • eel MO bap mbeal;Rians , ) & tiro; 4 .DI. oil. skipper'. cad. r,1460 bop hum. 12 a; 5$ 'pk. • ttooto. J,W l'411.; 6 pkg. kid. Binger, Nlscdok kee; 2 hes redid, B 6[aagraee:l do. J O 111.11.011; 36.1.. .earks, • marcag I bre; 41 hells naddls trsrm, Do 14.7 d. ft; 3 movie awe; D 0vn.,4 Dbl. gam, Hogg. CLAR GALLI POWS AND J. M a t FORTB4IOO7H reoat.-1. too ot r Jonas Powell, Ompt. J. a. L o. oral los.for the otwvo mot latermodlato ports over/ MO 111141..4 o'clock p. m. For trolgit or vamoose opply on board or M JAMES 0.11..ta11a CO. AV...t.4 Erhart brat below elooonirobols. Dada* pEGULAR PITTSBUILGH walmoba p.aasr,—The toe reamer lITICII, gintOmirm emze,%77r ' ore ritiebrogh 't TE(II4.IDS.V sad LT 1 - 11 DAY at 151 M., 'leave Ifireabsm ovorg 11.30 WgItHESD&T leral?lrEtioAY, at s. m. Freight or peerage apply oo board or to AS. OOLLINg 00., &pots. bell Whorl, Sou. below klormaboholo SAUL OR CAIRO AND DT LOUIS F —The nee neF steamer WAD/LIMA. Capt. 2bmzed !human, will lem for the above and in termediate porta on TDIS DAT, the tab Distant, at t o'clock, p. to. Tor freight or postage apply On hoard or to JOHN /LACE, «g.l, D. 001.141CIWOOD, liiMa Jg /LH C/ILS.NT TAILORS. GEBTLtalitli VMUNG FIRST CUSS OARMENTL M. ththa !MOOT 1r411181131214.2L1 LAlrlil4lr ISTL.=I. O. G. RUE A CD., incur MUM OCIESUCH 07 Pl3lB 1.5 D Wailll BTESTL BIBS.,'S BLuOIE. W. H. MaGEE. 10 ST. CLA.pll STREET, p. 31•1 all tha ailealion of barrns l kb ?mot W Gotta. tt has been eel ected 'nth peat ow, sad cos• sins all Ws asioriiit AIL., of rood. to b• to In Itref oium box.. Gnats wbahfssza tuft of cloths, cads I. on,r, srlll 91eu. WI and ex•cdos oar goods rem. Liao, •OM sad amp/M.o.odt of Furnishing Goods W. EL iflorltf.. Elrenam Talks.. tio. tO 64 Clatr WO Itti.libln FA.SHIONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING, LAI) TO ORD MM. IN THE BEET STILE AND MUM R. B. NORRIS, I 49 FEDKELL. STRUT Allegheni plugs EBDUCED 1 TO SOLT TB X TlllllOl We are now Belling Redneed Prices OUS TILL Oro= or .C.T-aOT.EXIITas Tar Tom Toon>. *BS COllli.g. 1004 Is aoatiat.'s all I. ear Otilts of the MYNA. (MY Or LOGAN. ao3 if dr. OUTS STRUT. a7V013 raral. ACKE.EILL itt J 0 80N, A 9PrODJPSII^O.• T -L /LW. Jaad U. 3. LIOZBISED SOLDIIIIEr CLAIM Wilitra. ttomatio. Tor Wooded Bolding oollectea t nom Us o t wenty days. :F/7 . 041.c., Haas OS t ITUISZT, Plltabarga. bM2====:=SZl j ARIES LAFFERTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ea Gehl Bedlam presekytty &tended I= (Moe, galas 10011111 VT=ICT, new Gran 1, Pltti binigh. ap951:24.50r Ma.MASTEK A: GAZZAWEI I=l No. D 8 GliA2ll` EITILIZEI. .019:17 NOAH W. SHAFHH., ILTZOIIIIIrt4.744IA, Sim 1011 Fifth Striate Piltabnzgh, P. alm Tor PICHTIOBB, DOOM TRUES MOT Mr, h., Holm* pmecotod. paly Pt 80. I P • wawa= S I TA Q - lainSrstar a ne • Law.tt= MaS area. 1•• DRY GOODS, gf C. ARIZ 11,111.011-.—. M. W. C.Lta.........rarLD 11 . 01.1D1r.11. WILSON, CARR & CO., (La& Wawa, Atm. • a.,) Wholesale dealers Is Toyama Am DOME TlO DE GOODS, Frik.lM Wood street, third holm Om Disems Pittevugh. VlO7ll EATON. ?SACRUM& CO. Wholesale and Rata Drake. to TIIIIMING ; t EASBISOIDEZIM Ind DST GOODS , at may desert an, Rai. IT and 29 nth Aron, Plttitargb. MAORInd k GLYDE, Wholesale and Be tall Dealer. la TANDY AND STAPL3 DDT GOODS TRINNINON to., No. TA Itarket West, boa wean DlAntond and fourth, Pictaburgh. . la a TA KM, No. 84-Wood Stmt, - Disler to M7B, mum navy Mg. . - • • W GOO ••• X U. BURCHFIALD, Wholonia and Natal Maar to NAM ANDY DM GOODMiraithert. coma ienutti lod Zartst idreeft, V1te4,41, :.08E2E1 HORNE, Wholesale and. Retail J Dealer to ssaai of 11147=18 1 Dal GOV& „ , _ ~. . , . _ . r W. BABUlravtio.:Doakii ;IT Mi cp.o Mob eif MIL Siele um:rim iviatbk rstairet. nits' winos. ADVA.MBILD AGAIN, IN THE EAST ! DRY GOODS! BUT 'WE WILL CONTINUE OUR aVreett Male! great Male! Grea - t Male! treat eictle! PANIC PRICEI ! PANIC PRICES: - PANIC PRICES! PANIC PRICES: FOR THE HEST OF THIS WEEK ONLY J. W. BARKER & CO., No, 59 Market Street. our CIIIINTRI MERCHANTS TARE NOTICE SPECIAL NtY1I(111. OCTOBER Ist, 1861' PRIGS DOWN! 521:1138 IS OUR Wbotestile and Retail Department Du been maximal elvan and 17 awed at MS THAN THE PEEWIT PANIC BITES Bit 11 b ::,;:;:=.llfZ ' OngOgr a , " a l a rtlvr SpeCial Bargains from this data , JOSEPH HORNE a CO-, 77 AND 79 HAMMY 1311/Brl, AT REDUCED PR, PLAID rOPLIDs, SIMMS CLOTH, SCOT:CH PLAIDS, taiSCIL PLAID/, 1191711111 , HAITS, FLAm impvic 111111INOU, VELVET CLOAKS made to order. WIDITEIt BILK SACQITEB lined, A. BATES' 21 FIRM STREET. DEY GOODS, CHEAP I J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Empress idol; Plain Poplins; ,Plaid Poplins, now style Plaid French Isrino; Plain Colored do; Figured ELerinoes; Plaid Reps; 'llobarip sad Barmettas Black Wool Delano' ; Black Prenak Blerirmes Black all Wool Empress. Good. .old a low u con to bought to thi city occd thirtyp.o mot, lower thin tht pica of gold oil low tow.. ocb NEW GOODS-NEW GOODS. IMPHTILENIT 011.4A1e BACQUII &ND CIAPPA, 11111330, BILE AND WOOLNN trNDNIIDABAIINZIEI for Labs. GIST& 1118323 TITD TOOTED BM WATTS SHIM lONTE im T, GLMmTaIB sBeO Tl a L&LL n ODwirnal 2SPVa GO_ OwN cewLoa. . SIT eau TAZlllaki. al ' NOOKIMAD, DENIIIOII I Co.; NASICO RON OUT VOW BTU: Alen) STitiPpa' 7 Ave tins., of ~11abitil.infirk.' nz7.'Pr" : ; uridasokaatastia: , as _ ll,ll=lllll /I OD, AsegliineiNide :-;4./tr'gt•ons. ,tABGAINSC :-.,=.'., i cocas soucia: 4? PRESENT PANIC ' PRICES! 11A - CRUM & WOE, No. 78 Market Street. TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDERIFS, HOSIERY, GIME% RIBBONS, RIJSCHES, Furnishing Goods and Notion. T Behan:a I.od. Hoop Ektrtz: faraltira. Beaver awl crb al Bate; plus Orel Qatttlog T..e Broskuot Pl***l6; Nallo., !beam% Wales, tAweea, 841841, Mal len, Castro; *I.o. L..° so^ Li.broid.rod It **dim , blO Fload•Lk. Ete*l *Da Jet B I t-Buolkes, Drop s Tr 11* is Into And Bremen% Corn**. to W. off., the .Dan sad =say other uticlas to oar the, at ♦.r7 moderato prier, .ad ar• Wholesale and Retail Purchasers To swaine okr stock, whisk 11110 s foand LARD SA AND •TTELACTIVAL tee D ECLINE Ily tiOLD I TRESKINGS AND NOTIONS REDUCED IN PRICE! o.log to the &aim in Ms prim of Old, ae tan med. PROPCBT/ONATIL REDUCT.OI9 is the pro a or &I oar goods. It ta thought tits the mutat polar for the Tall Mu new been maMed, wed that a teem oa may roan to =Dam& P 9 1 ,999.9 atotrd I becalm Lae advantage eV the nratent PANIC PERIODS. .yd wake tbalt poralaten for the Immo, Plarchaata .04 Poo 'era .cold do nod to amataloto ota swan before paretuateg elsowbem. EATON, HACHURE & CO , Pre Nola 17 AID 19 TETTE STREIT. CO • PIZTS. OIL C 4,071115. as. WE OFFER AT WHOLESALE, AT 11.11101sH PRIOXS, three arm I.IIbROLD. ZEID, IMBOESED at/ PRINTED CLOTH Plifio TALE AND STAND COVERS ISS GROSS BEST WHIM CARPET BIRDIt6S• 1146 CC COW BOBDISIED ASP PAINTID WINDOW SHADES Bug, Gress, Brows sad raw, (mom ILD COMIL. JUDD'S PATIN"' WO,DOW SHADS FIXTURES BRAES AM) BRONZE SHADE TIIIILMLNOS 100 Pl•oes All V. OOl lagrala 01111:01.11, anal • Maples. U.311[1.111 of {ow m th. 0.11.1111112 LINE AT RETAIL, as Very Low Prices. NoFLILLAND, COLLINS & CO., Oreon boo Root Building, oat door to f anol:Baa. 0 lIRTH STREET $ CAR PZTB AT LESS THAN COST. FALL STOCK bwill ma, .0 law, • r• band, (pare:wad ans tin lava sithithia.) a• othatharthly km thaw lILIALTA VICKERS' PRICES, AT M'CALL UM'S. ARPET STOR IMMMM322 TIME 8A V LNGS M.4ITRITION Na 1.10 BILITLLIULD MULL (appetite the Cu. tam Hann.) Chartered bp th. Leadelatat.. OTTICIMS : Avriderd-411110. & 301113. •ia 111.1111,131111, /when Mod., Bra, Wm. tr. HmDII, 'Ma. D. limmlrr, Franck. DaDeny Jobs r. JormMgt, Tibm. 8. BMor, gnu" cord, Jnmee Park, Jr, L. McD. unman, R . D. Mehra., D. 1... Loan, EL XL. Enlyst, W. A.- Reed, Dr Jar t) other, Q. laltameee, W. IL Phelps, A. 8. Zer, D. X. McKinley, Jon. Dilworth, 8. 8. Towlor, a. if P.a.., Wm. Smith. J. M Doreen, Jacob Mackreth, I. W.Va./well, D. 7..Jostoe, Alfred Mach. R. X. Bchroarte., O. FL 'VIOLA 8.0107 wed Tramsonor—D. S ECKLNLE/Y. 'HOLISM opm Trim 9 o. m. b 9 p. Moo, eetordoy owning, bus 6 to 9 o'clock. Det.elits received of mte dime and aperemls. Divide/At decimal la December sad Rme of lack " rfoldemde arkrerod to tomato aro placed to the credit of t cym_k_ tiol de d =flej as principal. and Mar Mamma. tbo i matatolog . ITharter. By-Lates, De., tatelebat CLOAKS ihs taw tfi'thTb Ibethetten fen, eipecially b Wee pen mime elkorriasaingi are thrPeppartanity to acre melee, email deputies, rosily rabid, •am which trill be • r". rime seeded, their tummy ace only being Wry bat truing halms; Instead et rernitotaig enirreAhrtlys, sesCeseet DOLLtat SAVINGS, BANIL, NO. E 9 MR= arIUM. 1M.117/819 1:13 09. WI) how 0 to Se'alpiry,'Sissaa Wednesday and esaurdsgMatags. (ma Ma; pt ,La Noverabss ht, from 1 So sad trots lidysnalms Lt to May lat tram tto ealock. Deposit. noised of W vow cot to ttuo One Dol. Isr, mut s dleldeed of the punts dechoutt twine In Joe and Docenber, intmoUr.has Men d ...nd ce4iunttaslll. Itl Joao:and 'Domaine, sbniethe Ranh was organbud. at lb. rate of Its per_coolv year. Tn1.. 000 . 11 sot drum out, Is pima to toe malt ol the depaltor u prloolpsl, pad bout to.. ma* fitUrte room the Oat dive ordure and Deutedur. compounding twine spur erithout troubling tlse depositor to yell, or iimm to present hie psim book. At thin tut. Dunes vOl double to lue than tend.* sun. Boot; contaloing lb. Mort r, Ely-Leins. &dee sod aegotatkru, fcrubled grads, o. applioatino et the P.M nrn r-0111(..31. CLEMSAL • nos ormardloomig, John 11. ShoabuTor ham Ifordzoon. Peter A..Zadolia, L!° m d J. .aodorion. !iva/. M. D. l, Odds Adam, Jobs 0.111o!Iloh ip..rgonok. mu Bards, Alonzo& Wrier. Mato A. Oolton, Jab' Lvinz .noca. .16. .I.lGingePUS WO.l. B. Ham, RUT 11. Hanker, Ittebard how D. MO:MU a •`• • SohlL-da• B ONDED WAREHOUSE OP Phenix Warehousing Company, lODT Or MVO I Eislllll3ort en., 1111008 tali REPINED PETROLEUM, in Tants and Bartels. 184 d. OM* SD. W 111dATSIIIISTBIIIIT. Now Tad. cod:10 FATTiOSON 130 a, Toughlogbeny Coal and Nut CoaL wen lift.sl u. 0e 1 0.4 nut sespoi ww9unrutamaio.,oll l .,,,, m s, ly mum. ta airwbgtini oden gtemptlx atilOgb. rnatlA.N7B AND It/LIB:I r. NS. ao.a.k.sits.fistposiemut !whlmo Il toxassoFok wow. oa . 4 .4 petfiretio 1 4 de: " 50 beiiiiilfaisesta ' - - 1110J*ras Laser do{ Itarl ruitir 1 sad lar gai by 11U1012 a ISO& $•4 l WMlw4eldeva ♦ 71741. LINZ OW lEZZZM3 JotU./a .ELlng. Jams D. D. Iflutta, Wm. Iwo B. James SWIG, Jobs C. nolidauk, John G. Bmkohm. Je lb Olditb4l 4l l: l4 Walt*, P. litsreara. John Orr, =MI W a rlli= Abouladarism: Alcuadw Wlllismiranktrk, haw Matter. IV.. P. w i razn. Otuistise ": • • e.. "EXPO CHIEOKEZ - lEEIMMa CHEROKEE PILLS etreas•ovam 'wets MOIL OreLIU LID as/a. Vor the lilerweal of Oheirectioas sad tle 121112231100 cd Beciaaray Is the rammendo of the Monthly Periods. They tare a obviate thou nemetons alma , that peteg beta asetgaatity, by ntattrethi the trtetyttet ty tuelL fluty care Suppreoett, [:teethe tad Palatal hies. ttnittloa. nay atrienaa Wm.= (amonals3 They ores Homy.. sad Spinal Aflbottoo o . p.I . la boa and km, ports at tat. Body. Elmathows Patlva on slight osortiOa. Patattation of th. Henri Lornow of,lAu, laratarta. Mat Mambo. aiddlats, ka. a word, b easaaviag the tnnularit,„. MR motor@ lb wm and ire :It .13 tad. ants that Wing bus Cawood at simple mottblo ostrooth nor mutat% nothing dolatarlow to any aoastltatka3, bormor dill. We. thoh enaction Was to sokatttato strength Is. whim. rhea paapala .10 4 . ULF error 1,1 to do. 'Choy 1114 y b. Daily and . any oirs, fuilllil acct tr 4., rL Jirsl ilrrop obroou..luringrirtilOb th autsillog ozbars of thetr action would In6ilabl.l Provinil yrognoboy. All Ware roildoir bilorrasil o or ad vim be P.,0441). may aril illoanorbly samorril. hill &realm nocoilapouly mob Ix= Price II par tam, ar obi Do= tor 113.. Gobi by mall, Doe of portop. oil rlibilyt of yam Gold by all rorport•blo Drargbda. DB. W. IL laraWill • 00., Nu. OD Meng 6110 , SN. tort Pm tea Pittsburgb licOL•lig/i2l • (01D., • • c tbsDlusucsad .04 Market anata mat lasusualssup• GLAD NICIVB I rob TilL Illir01111721•TB I THE LOOS MONT FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST CHEROKEE REMEDY AHD CUEBOKEE EBIJECTION 47. - rinmendloo hose Boot., Barka sml Lama 0113BOICIII wean:. the peal Ladish llRind* owes ell dleeseeedd the urinary organ., each a• lama tlaelaw of the Urine, ladlammattou of the ISIMAInr. Slasualloa of lb. Irddad7s. Moss to Ma Bladder, elmio• We, Gnarl, Glad, Gottorlitea, sad 5 orpeolallj moo• modtl I. thaw mama of ram Alba for Mates la basin,) where all th old :memo.. 1:14.111611111/1 have It le prepared to • Wetly oonoeatrated torn, the &we doing tows one to two t..•yoontoo• ticnte thace pet JO Unroof". and altarattre to to autlea—rtuttytog and edeanstag the blood. eaneain It to now to an its origiirJparhy and algor,Cons rumoring trots the wig all wash= cams arbleh have hastened Mame. (]back*. [nineties lo Istendod a. an ally or andatiort to the Cherokee ttaroady, and ahoold too and to oujoicr the with that sandlotu in all owe. of Goanorkea,Giowt, rear, Alb. or Whites. Iteadeot are healing, woolltdag and demean{; reaming all waning, heat, °Yards and paha, Instead of lb. burning and tdinoet unendura ble pain, that to .2p.r4rated with .rary all Ms clump qua *Neat... By the MI of ths OH EaoLas BBIIIDT mitt OHL 010/31115.1101103—th0 tiro medicine el the Improper dbohergea are named, Yd weakened proem ere npeodily metered Co hell rigor drektle. tellpartisesrs, get oar pa caplet from say nom to the mom try, or writ. to as, and vs will, free to and addrmt, a 1111 Means. hit*, canczoaris ILOIZDT, OA per butt* tb.be bottles In lb. CIIISILOEIS nsisaTios, fl per bide ce th.w WWI* Ice 11% &at by express, :to my sdaseNs, Lb the receipt d bald by all Drowsts overywhant DLL W. E. • CO. 1101. Prop-Wm; No 150 Libartynammt, Maw York. For sale la Pittaborgb by D. mool.kanas A OD., ornar of Diamond mid klarkf t droot b 17:tzwd•Irsowl ELLIEkt I ELIXIR I RILII7I7.2IALTING itidMit; Oe. 11185111101 or LIII. trgar.4 iron Pna• Vatatabb Itansh. I== Thai Illsistsosttiqg Ettsts Is elm nwelrS of IN ts tks sepltsblo kingdom, Wog es ....ad Mistrial abstbsd dews, trrognotly• al MI6 =Alibis Me bees Wad b lbs JAM madiral seta al tali day, sad by Ittlea gaatitaaaed sat el the girmaarl akedieal aliectrurima of the sp. Oae partite will atm genetal n eon. a tea dad. muse Byron.* to raid+► One bottia eats ?alp:Wail et the Marl A tea &MO maim dee orgasm of deaarsDria. Treat ea* to tilivabottlea mane the 141a11121 rsn Moe Of teeth. to does rrtm.. tb. appetite.. Tana battle MIS tai. .01 . 11•140. 01111P0•11•07. a re <Lai... cm the bit filililifet. O. Utile nutter meant pawn. • aer Uwe Map Um reat to Do moat 7b. medicbee ration.. mealy vigor sad Mani beet* the poor, debilitated, vora-rireria sad del lay devotee of missal pie••at'•• Tbe, mum, eserystal peaty lip aver-taikat Max a ticeteeas, the viattel of nervosa doprestoa, or lad deal eadarina from moral debility, off from watt eon el • .iad• organ, will all find baniediats eldial by thane of tlils Elixir or l ss Pike PI per bottle, or time banks ter ovoid by attereea, w evealpt of gooney, to Ora. Mid by all &MOM ...4a Di. W. IL i'illW !LH a 00, 80. la Warn. •tr.e. 1110.0 Yam 0.0 t. Plttobero Of 0. 1110ct.0 I• 1 • txt. att aof UV litliaindinasll.l l4o 00,0atia. .011110.14 - Wyo.& CHEROKSB CURE El:3=M INDIAN MEDICINE.- composmeed from 13441104 • ts Gael Torres do &AMU sin Oa Bpsosiaboreltak &mina Weak Nootaraal Naibodom sad all Means man ad by salLpoliatto& tack as Loss of Nsoloo& Wm. Ni United% Palm is the flank. Mamma Tidos, Pomatem Old Weak Norm. Difloolff of Bra•Vi• s& Tomblin& Wakening's, group Um on els Taos tW Cloccotananee, Imam. Oonsmiloa, aa4 .n tie &rail complaints erred by I.i Wan pa Pan al wawa. Ski. maid= Is "Lapis seastabis =mot, sad Da Oa which all cos rellyjmo Is hr ben bad ta our maths or mazy years, sad with thoonazda lorsaled. N has net .1 n • gingla bsstastes. Its cornalws powers arta! her Naiades' to pia Vitas, par the mast Pabbos SIM • To Woo .fro boo treed with emir oonstitalloo, at tU thy think Monogr. .good mock Cu of Vodka ookl, oword tat. Depot /I.ho (Thorolon micas yo r or torah sad Vigor, and altar ,ap corn Illoctoes balm Woolf • mere Osztledief pl a thootaf from imr "m g Ikea hi go onatil.ge Mal ft PloPffolor. 'Tin la Im o to, any daddog woo, hair *fin Prima per lot*. or Thfol,`betliho bi 114 a1z4 3 45.: ifflotiOlf bl 'fil;l; , m ll ,4l .11.160 *Oa ea " n "a4 44.ol 4 l 4 l' ifficrebri DLlClOrmarao . o., . • 0 4 • wrifkik ,11/ IMMltted.loff Tt. • la • Tr 6114 407 lICLAMAX air mairawristsat skltamie, H ERNIA 'asset -I'lM Ennis or Zaittu‘saistl. Hernia or Bartxus Hernia ar Bairns caret Herds or Won woo. &rats or Rapture rood Huila Cr Ittptaz. east Rends or Rupture cared, Hernia or Rupture cured Rapture or Hernia •nred. Rupture or Ranh' oared. Itupture or Hera mired. Rtipture or Hernia cored Rupture or Hernia Glued Rupture or Hernia cured Rapture or Hernia oared Rupture or Hernia aurae Rardes Radical Cure Trait. Bitter's Psteat Truss. ritoh's Supporter Truss. 81111-Adjusting Tram. Pile Drops, for the support sal et? of Piles. Matto Knee Caps, for weak knee joint'. ankle Supporters, for weak kn.• joints Suspensory Bandage& Self-Injecting and every other kind of Syringe& Herd Rubber Byrir_gee Dr. Banning's Lace or Body Brace, for the owe of Prolaws Uteri, Piles, Abdominal and Spinal Weaknesses Dr. 8. & Pitsh's Biker Plate Sup porter. De Saran will gilre lds Personal at tendon to the applioaU'on of Tresses in adults and children. end he fa satisfied that, with an experience of twenty years, he will be enabled to give satisfaction. Stir ONcte et his Drag Store, No, 140 WOOD Bruen, sign of the Golden Mortar. Persons writing for Trusses should gond the number of lashes around the body immeaiPrely over the rupture. oc3 P'. Twenty Years Standing. Babe vim be baud a mllllaile tans av et thy man scapealabl• eltiona a WtOdom umustap la note la Dr. aryssealtrullsors Illard flearslaer Us Doctor°. auttacsum aro vitals reeds salsa cais ■w to docatved to nagiad ea:41.1• pmpiaratkuu a Dr. ass. EL Kase t 1 bee este We pO. .beat Met en sao, sad 0007 tbsy poem worm, •• •• to tete ml el =whom: moth so aWeso to was me tor wora. 50.. =at I Ins o tad that I 0001 l oat do stlyttaad 0 0 .taste ot the tame oat on ms am laris •• • hem et. lel Wed • let dotal of capes b than. I mad to hal Lod Wu ',Later I eat 1000 of Ot re of b ere an sad enable that tall a 00.7 wq. b•• Laxd• nm got tared t note:Lea lbal-teaaldb os• ens poll tot • MILD eds. bat afterward• the sett nes agate Its twd as et. I shoo apple to two Doers, who sip ttad amoloo7 hoe sad dars ass seseadlotos, bat ft woldd sat do, 1 weld not gsten. 0•Id • PAZ Mi. 1 got an wheeze: at loot Edney sit:ood Becher. me* by reel. When Foo told to erns told as ows to wed note. esad that lay one/met • •w U. ..LA 0,4 Ly Qat) ilicsiauuse ivwo. A &AI IndL nought os• bottle sad tout It bole sillt se lord 0$ seeding to door &soave I them allod toe ytea eba, vet yott sad I co"so l UP cot mob Waat fa as ow read.. I lom3abt , t, 00$ hote e 1 th tie marl I bad ed thos totte. Attar tht• ctsatity had twos el. I es sottiet7;hitdl of the Plla, whias had tortorad tea ga tyrant, yosrs. I. ate epee health ts tweed. sod I son as won as wad t im posed or ova of so; sp. Intzi tie roe et. Ihe be wal l now Ibt 010 areas, el the to no apes. socs" ', We of tbs dtessis., 1 caa do .11 Wad of teed wart not *Ube ths Pita 000011$ &MU .ad Dora{ ses. 1 out Idtch ea. 'Mop wood. lift, ai do say kind of work etch ten turd ta hart au. Whom I toed cede Mood ammaar I Ws oa taalsa ten 1 pot entire well I cam:Warp al dui to ma at 7 sus keep to the este Ast tits betliof othsr• who mad be sidtirlid SO I we and do Sot mow the ea. 01 7000 =Oat% Yoe my pablwh abla If mm Ma. I the ta Wlitaa Manoialp. and will 1:0 Visaml 0. weeny atm a/1U Math aflals amstikaa v Um WA to all am e.. /11;MCPIT Dank laxambradia . • • air La& oaf tor the nom of Dr. fitOttall Mit as the corm of Oho bottle 000 t poled ow" tato onto too for We Aug on Ur Maid Boats map on Ma op of The bottle, lo prorroak . bo_tog Ymponot Ryan try I 11171141:01 Ortfcla .blab to in do otortat. der Sold by the Proprietor, No, 140 Wood Street, mid by &molt Joararvis earner ?Math sad Smithfield street!. CATARRH I DR. IL Goo D'art; CATARRH REMEDY. peastratre la tba very wt of tab terrible Orem, and aatersetaalre It. not sad brasala. hererrem. Dr. ooIIA.Li I. t 6. Ent ~4 0.17 Parma wba aret Said th world what Catarrh really Irma—vrttexa It commenced— and lOW inlaid cars IL ==:2l Dr. GOOD/LLB bad cent s MD. In Mullen with MY MD diem. mploelay tie seent =blab aril ear Mos known to tha mall the DA that Minn% Mika bee. Ow yam; doled tau MID set mew* oPetelkao men sal estbon ta Ude Many and In Eton*. me now be send. with the me waft= atttehtte that morates ibllcres nyLi Thosonoe who tree SAM may Marrs eons In vela, tom tem permmently =We by Da. WOULD'S DATUMS =MDT, and note pram 11 to Mimed utomenent teem at pans. OD at oc sweat an Cr.* , sonl • Mann Oa PalaDklet• Desned tab prepusd by B. GOODALI. M. D.. Hew Toe& d 0.140 WOOD MILLE% MO =lO. cod OBTONII OINTMENT, TOR Ll= BH=Olt D eozonna., _ , . Parouwany carom Toltalt. sag litiarwato, sal an ItcYtaj sad noralait lkina awl &optima of w. Tab OW:am* paustrato t 0 Ohs bids ol tns din .oioymor to Lit wry wax Wl;wia incrw IS taxa OW 80 Wain& ba tba Maar. Ws vague Wow taw Data alw of Ita Maw Epirwd. and Iwo louVois d b 1. Alactaapil Itizona tholurall 4 /!l r aieSS SW.aialft 141111111 Mu ociaiwassatr, pqw, canto sio Warm. LUTON 100, 42 . Itooadtwour. E. T. 8010 , . ,; DRAINTuaki • . avat. LL p ela iliTels ali ga l ATEKUVOL arl Va MIMS 6w RUDY 5 OIITON $ 00" Bola •gala, 613 Drosdray, Sim York. DB. GEL IL SEM% HoLa Um RIMILLINT toraM e Vrc h . OD it sumA r lai: l cki. rot b e ftomeelokka li tni 'sod stneuvi, Aug 3t Otti;• OM, feaghlsts saisiabss aracriptilo W le.,prrletti 1014 bLthe Compaay can.to WO at I..?o , Lfttli .0 stmt. ltb bluest ..WMAAMIL ICIS & v"s4b.,. VOlXLlllig.ivri Met !!d clieenlzt- - CRUDE & ILBFIUD PRTROLEIII. lITIZINE LSO tometcwritia OILS Es. t3l BOUTII wliaariza., Pfinpasz?lizi our rb,“;. op.otey 000 %Mk, A 1.., gm:Pettis( toed 3 . .• f. abippwgw Aulsoctma lad p.m, .t cur .C. 14 *IN adticakill Misr. war i" M platform af the P. B R . neatly IMMO AND Dlitailii CRIME AHD• R.13F010 EILL. PrILEY BLCCIL, DUQUOISIII wt.!, P/M4F.Baßti 4 * • flr apdat.suattociewn, ILNDIMII. INr of "Aril= sad at. peodnaft. • , Cossiccumits nosatoity. woe-W. .4 illttibuq;bAgoner, TIIIO.IIIOO A= SIUMPORTVIIOII 0011. PANT; . NAT 0711011 BOX teL WHHARDEM, HARLEY 4-01, (0111C1INI•II r MEW•AIDIS'• ra s a _ Crude one 4egned Petroleum, ID lAMB erszETATMISII/Nlft. Llbskral Cub sdrzsmos on caosligemeata be raw eargh Ewan Martats. llama J. 8. Dilworth t On. Harbazgh, MK. Dodo Nile Tr. Cla‘irataklltaia.. ! mbID•4!O . IRuN UITY OIL WOBILS: LIDAY Is CIINIFIMIBIi, mad 11Casra of ow:0 oix, U. COMB aim Lontrawering Ora, .ana sssun orsui.)E. vArrizt.coulcuin Wert,, cl7fmit. OM., D'a. Si IWO rrap_irz. BIiEWBE, SURES & commissioa KEW was. Least ol eta OLOBI, PACILTIO /am Linzair: OIL wOMI, Meta mab adman. made as tamalsamola al Refined or Cruder Puroteuss. an. oacaTizera grAT &IMF?* lITIL. Ttiscrszaz, Ps. 11314/“11 , —.....—..--.4.sonsir acCMIZSI. WOODVILLE OIL REFINWELY. GEO. W. NOZDSEIP CO.. CO., Nonlmoteren of BUBBIBO LIIHRiaI• TIM OIL. goy cm....,w Gs band Corm, tam/q•B. By or DUBBING OIL, dear .4 stOuno cam/ _0•0, • good LUBRICATOR. ppm wErl4 &INSO 4 R. GHILABIL Aar Au °odor. tot et no. as . : nrra Min B. Block„ second loot. Trill be Se !ti • cazti ROBERT ASHWORTH, ,- • Ss. 1 IS.' Cr:1,111 62.. ITTIII3#I3III/4 Forwarding tit Conuniniaa Nerotwit ==l= MrILLITIG LS ZATINOMffiIIapARIAOO79.I7DIII9I. 7601S01( 01, kn, wnina ao hood lir Me da beat mutat plow Coutpuzda m ind imbue WAN. W&SING & KING, coluttfaoli Petro/earn and as Products, aat dmiers to Br alas Illatirk4. B. 153 ILsilliTT FIT.. Mantra:b. J 201.123 011 of Vitriol and ♦an; Amnon L • .1 1 . :1=gr Jobs • Oci. 'r% exas LOOSIkiT OLL WORKS. DIIICIAX, DUNLAP Qy CO. Pus anise Belzoni Cubes toil. L.P.16 W 141:11193171, MUM' SILVItII PRA) ORIIMPTON CO.. sly i borcy Eicls ramie= and Idaaatsetseset tad Wards Aims grkrazda, Ohio. Indians, numb sad kOssosal. mansctactarcre of • =pearSAW at Pala, German, 011V0 and Rada Boap Azdmilmo.. ircrimair Asp IPAIIOT soars. , out ISWOB MEL ISOLIV IPS Wad.. thligrunrunneal entreats fa pneggingtioningerblilly , bct.a i4rlFl 77 l!or accia WWI .bas Patna, OintiLtnear Sada. ofigrottirliOntnicktil 'l 4 sucrubctros -cigar esenkrink ortegute the tont . Inks. Flanrinin vd Woebnn nobs *tact id* IM' BILPPE of Corson cr Linen. Clatn.varbul vitt CM PEARL &OAP do not ra te d* boiling orbit • '- Ms rubbing, wideli cram= um* the ; Nair an tow': '• ' BLINKS PEA3I'IIOAI I.. .` BAZIOTIM . Orme, Tobsom StoOM Peremii 604 . amok!, and Ms mat Heim WitteitiMfaa bitmildladdir r ' with • nee protmtlad • ' sod Toredtant, Mum* siag slog, . It o MAW, :wary, Mammy dinawlited Patillage !MI Palma - LaMar ••••••Thortly sad ihr elesabid marble cord door tan ft boa m For the Rath, ad parkkalaftlo., Ilhogimadmr. the fill TSB PEARL EiCUEbs • homy. la • word, as who ham tea fts smolior qualities, It lb. mmbeindhomery at the wds. litplpti • trial Gomsa wbo Atiag loop, md trmy am will reuse tie Woo of the mow Moold ft fo !dud I. clam Ito %limed mairdbill om leitremas Mom &Broad do will to lam h OttIMPCON • 00. • call, oppotile omtmeds Darted Palimomr IMpob sdr"Dotroos of ail batiotoilttres_mtroolm midis tbados car lasMoroat—lllLYmm !sum dadpu,.. ► mooed by Hatimal Copyright. mhtly • - pLUId33ING, • Gas sad Maas Yitthig. to an to branch , oustan7 0tt04.4 to t 7 Hefei owl, Fru:Sul l.llll4 waitcass. Sao uscrtoms 0 (MS SISTUDJA 6 . - DAVI Tura =ownaaTmo tmetan. WM= Goostantly on scut sad SOU to Ottlu. - TAU GEVILLA, Ho. 69 flDmI. BTBW. Lad 1127 LEMerlt 13111rrit o fittubsegli. ut)11117 FitiBFRUITS. ELLIES:Am 11 1 demo /Lu J mbrligh t aug •da Toe& Ptak Aptelido l , MI dz. Chum* ta /MI L 05 do &aor 10 do Ind Ora, ta apoSiw. 60 dd Treat Peso ar. - Id do Lima Nam 005 I do Yruornd Gloprj Na. to Moro =dim Ws by SITXII2 & Edbls„ 0011 Ho. L°! eadl.l2 Wood stmt. ► J. ORB it CO., • Pasha It ..; SS PINE, TAM ?mend agreggy ter &IL= lit op ha mg OM plba b Immi MEM ictat tab by thud smi to bands sad hshea Oeee. o. MID= MU% 21,Ittbzeg _ accaS - CEIAMAI2 CALEInut auccsmor to Jesse Elite:till OM Pons rAo3..azi paw h. mom. Idatn,_mits cm= now - • MOWED Danis-As _ • . . - comanimarre Animas refaxica, . pgrus.w w , pi. Nepal, _ • LAKEI EUE6 I/ 2 ., 3 1 , ipifAirina wau NA2AFITIT,:, dilLiuma a•Anucureg , :; ifaxneheteren of all bads or Luce Lamp BEMial a its. linsgesidaries 21 (= nwrop thAAA Tut star sA _Top IlVeliale gigioinualfo,
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