'ilcoon 64zdte, ==il riuntenis W. 0014 lac, L loon; riaLIWA*AriVOLYI, of /Moto. 'Voir iILIIIDREW' vizor 'l-"#lPlf CrS Antony. .1 - latotte 11=51 lemeati.cbs. oorth.. • }tool Mash*. . Mat c 1 1 .4 linaLs o , 0ge111714 MUM ( , ittivrzy 4 114 / 1 01 0 .2 0 14 1.v±. -lsarsoa: 41114( . 4.:Sterilactrily. -•. , , „. • - inilikarClaWeONAlty. .:7Ratma ainilagas •a. 144Dalllaird•MAT. "The Anget - Dognecralle Cetuirracy., - The wilds* adacited-on the trial of DODD, lit iadiafiipolis law s tattige and Wow . _se it pregnant in 4 . imeoping the conspiracy arf the Doecomtia 3ead. a ..111 the Western Attain tatireerthriar:ther fforernment. ' The etidertat Iltutler; adduced agar bi ', • Mowing * 'that the' Dienoinetio secret eoeletiee ifftringbout the'Weil - were 'liifftery mantle. Ilene, and„Wiere designed to be need, at the roper ti m e, to art °kers§ with rebel grease pat beibrown by. PAWS into Igle- Iliturt, and - Barontramon end Boozers Into Kentneky; thst VataarDIGRAII, tho'gdlot, of Met stiarre fortance, was. the Commas.' .ffer-in-chifif of Ith brotherhood of traitors,' .andtle forpiring senior; that be had, se gosh pomnsanderlet.oble; for a waif offlcer,"a Cap ' Ulu ffre:nik porghtnely of .7011, Mosate's - staff and who wasceplared and ramped with 31traoax and to idiom, a-lion of Liberty, orlicozolnitteditti duty of Winning tie prig - snare 011 lolanon's Island I telealeoin i eridenoethat two-thirds of Vat, :idierniniurt's Order were armed—tisi the *embertjlptei the lodges `of - Illinois was • - 49,014 40,000„ in St. Lout alone " 20 . 00 0' , yi*e. testinsoly - that XxilisChed Crota4o,ooolo 60,000 - ltd,, - Abet Obld *TOW bleaded et three pinto or, gone lifittoes Wnxiina,- that incline wax: -jot* iniedel Wtorograwsr,andiftegoioriby rannilad - firuganons--thillhe invading Zebeis iiii.Va4raipziaAre's.airos of Liberti sttra*Pll,the4olffteteS ' , to shako hands anti' Ito Mendell' throat= ot Monti . 7 - *as for',Oateter, - aid that Irris hoes-L 7 . toot progreeibip-letrairl Capin fdiesonri at past antiledlor theelectinet... - That the regent heiviiditi of Le the fruit of ide arrangement, - thore,ozn. be no doubt, "Jihe - death-ef l ltorie hieao-mend.other - slight nosidentitie the Confederacy, hawdle- Onapttl,the.o ll B. e! the c° 7 3B P ir e* tire, kite ig faithfelfy - carried out. ' And • in etc treesoniibli ociniplaroy; the whole Demi- Ogratio.parly of the West is Invidred„ ; - "Zatw:ttortena.ars welsoms to el also i4ltaiteiValesifise art.iiieetsiott to their rinks.. Mito* - $44 - 1.6144.ti5ti hei PO tenger deism to tudoltlt:lti-ltio,J i *trattkiet front 'Ate be-. . pante ItSirairstatrAf suglqinf we' tzraeler to ....Ail' troUbilt;ilitl*ilnAierit. 1. , ... - it -x.;-_ 7 . . 13 0 0 ,-iiit4riti,li.64skigis_o67: _ bet el oiio tlll4s.liti .0 4 4; eqp! tirtr: r --- . ..f4'*'4lFlittiftt go‘ I raced, n 2.. . Aa „tt7W'......ty.' *.t. ~nAi. - .1s no state for i Du 4 0r1*14.4',Ait420.4161'4374kk_41/61.0**;' 2,9serreis4-:el tA thrtejq - Psabiriti-I,V iiii dente. , ,litithout exceptions thellanKpV... jpoe:d liitilati i ell Aras patriotic mensliii;, :kith la end tost i otthti /Mar.' , '',',- - --- --, • 1 The DeAceritts of intents. ere eery lout to ale.iAdag _Gcueiel J4lllll A. Lea as pc Xs ,_ tenstatuur 4: bit lusettutt sa tbst trisaqaketschol illinets#s took' tee stomp for LiScas I Si - :In Cbill4U4 , theallter nigh', tilaitertii'kiiit.;.: sus ash illitic4oed ro epealr at a lifeCaxisar, f:jettetingtbut tilsaerattiLient wo 7d b@ eitalitit . dome. j 'eactiii"illl,lli Wes 'terrao3LS and ""." - easein I r 4 i .., . Ii him - pitied out" so with every oeuerxl ' the MoCixic%ia'nieu- i tame laid claim 10, Awl, SZLICOAdi /0 - PO I ixoeptloa to 'the rile. Firs , lowa P.wesx, en attested trailer., is for Mo. gi.scaes ; ltt_the men Who. &Inot holier& the_ vafr a.fiell*iiiii not going to stultify them. pews byoretiuglonona.rturtioes: .Z:: . 5 ; „t , - . N De True Xs tdosraossas Mats, is &retest speech, - Mated thatthe Pneident had late'y offered ,vomnimia In the army lo Gen. , Blnflusame r Ito w reprodlate the Chicago norainities, , itall .- and lhs Ckpperheada are circulating elle no ^iss!detwo ant thePreellent and. Gen tt -rove itnpdcsoeJs Gem IdoCtnuarre staiti solt-iinjarjr bath It turns cut however ) • 101, Tpre is to foundation for it, • • AOr„,7oitsrasoCinci*tioitrorits Inotte;l Paoitioa t raggikeil".ll.;*r•Bwit, 5. mathouteconnlit#lol:witly or iiiiiiettot) ffirsivigish ra kLre... . 01 1.W 1 g 4 t - , th„orew.l it 4 b7,*l--11?0•604414t12A.116lictttigi'd! 1 id "" 664 4` 14, _1 1 ! .Wi - ny, ,t;illil,9o 1 illea.ia=i!",,l4lff,asariaslt%aztr • a t iop aemeditr4'.l*,l4l . 4lif , dr.4#o. l oteigia. ` e tc a • taaasQ istertesto- A I ,l6**WirMAVE4.4O.*O4 P'5g 7 K11.!:1741 1 0 3 :614a:04,4, lasirt,"ta.tbitij, to - 0• :4111sIbitatiiiiitituAt: lloistaaa la • • 1,114 tzarb, 0417 that the Interns' P M . lel#2l3llP4Pc4" until Miler 1141ntion. to• Into dlips r at to his, t , • • jissut, Loi&tsflita Ws; 21n1e544 - I ,, iabreataratie pirv'ntdi le 4f-, • T ae ,infontatice ,rf forepaws tilt the eon n lof am*, O'Verfolleail in ihir, fakir. Whit trSote : rhal, lon= of /Ask co • irti - pnit'Detwo Indent- must - Der w s gorrnment t eseliVi*Aad furor 0 stock4AkiiiniNianit ler lienoitet Arno • 11111A:itoploink)compnrul sill den co . , --11017 traitors. -0 1 , . Opal Fonr.Days Only four (his theeliotiazi—;onl 'lour days In which to work for the Baton. 4l2iii.4oo epeee Is that ZIIIIIJkiIIS fee tt. iesq WatTefore Ts I Friends, ilaprovo th— •-• Putskiieve4 - thii tiswei everrig,su hone and sbrotutifeqiiilyoheering. Ta Xrnitutconso le bound to Itittitpb a , if, we mik vrood-.48 of our_oppart.- ~ ife_nin'tosi • Of Vie The ificia bi- the cam 'Pali Pie: Obra Laide. ' hive oat -Ro FroviAiltlit:ot „pi ourielves, Ltd tho reg i oisoiarid glorious triumph. All WOR/ri sz ,ReCeisrvseohe DeFßaerstaveze power Xteti7ititate ald'itoieded wa I": TAY thislielliipseti. 4. Chain' Attfornrieffifihrtillidheitt id lifisteala the tattutllo 04921118;PAPII/ tiZMlelur. sumo". wnoax_ccuikaujiisT; Wssunntrox, Although the the mauls of die meurnmend Mein not relax - their effort'. It is sataxinie, is the face of the intreenae reepomdidlititer; depeatlie eni the success of the Dnlcorpuitkatllie ereetake of the-Gountinint niumid be so - detereslied and active. The mutt of this determlasilin and actielty is in the fact that they doeire ,a disso lution of the American Upton. .. - The mere election at - party "211th_ in oro them to the exertions they IMO 110 w Waling. - There& a emirs. element at work, and the Mende of • the Onion should nude:Maid ii. . Dining my :lout solo= In New York endPeinsyleaniakl hero - - that will be Wham -WU, Were the defeat of Litreots; and to "recurCthe tri mph of OtuldoOlellan. In old party times it was m mune= thing to :hear-that. British geld sees used in American elections, bat now it should /molar to prory_patriotio mind that the forelfaYeintil ire &Weil' fatalities in the pene33l. causes. In a word, the list hope of despotism In the Old Rork" to break up the pug enemy of4espotimn lit: Ike New Warld,:le in the defeat of Abram Inropeair - cheilePt hie; looked with mesa Meat upon the power With' which real demoo -71171" " clnkletlit.bils resisted slum id- all litielfbruilo this do -Moue" promisee to be secocessfal dessysotbun - ir'rloses 4nteriens with all Us strearth, ant every disloyst ciao, and every local in- Unit, Lowers , ignorant or selleb, is being laisetWed, under thitiodueniaof thleforeign element, toskstroy as, What is it which in flames • that which its called she Dentocratio tprriy so to_oppose the - Administration of the fftdcral Giveszinient? Whet is It Whit& glees voice to treason in the different committee of Pennsylvania and allenheret. Whet it it which encentrages, men to attack and to mil represent' . Peecident and his advisers Mat is it which' e.refiethens such newspapers -is the New York World in Mitts daily, demon strations spinet the 'Federal Adadnistra• Urn f `&oar ninth Is good; no people ßoth ever Arlene and milisteAlu support of misstep :aid a better 'onet Aud yet, in the face of this feet, we have an antagonism to the pre sent Administration of the Fe:l*W pastora l:mu such as the Wit hat never seen. game pirleeoplimi end sialeenen, in view of this condi ion of things, have dpabudisheiher ' the American people knew ihet they were fighting for lies Institutions under which they prcsper. In contrast with this, it may be mentioned that the only dangerous opponents (tribe Government aro these who do not fight for the Governnent,l• rime are no factions In t h e nemy, where every men fights or din. _There are no—to toot- Joe Ilooker's words—"[hero we no Copper heeds in ate army." Tne only trouble that mimes to Mr. Liodolo COIDOI from thensey men 'at, home—ohm men who oomplaia, or paying Wave, and who complain of those En:mares Which are nemmeary to instals the heroes who ago fighting the battles of :Leedom. If the sos halm of the next President were left to those who me doing the most to auppart the Govern- MOW, the minolity would be so insignifioant `eltia conteniptible is to be unworthy of e record in .hlatory. Let our friends in Penn. Orsini and relenwhore think and set upon lAtivo'robneatlonsl '''''Ccralidenctes," said Chet. 'item, tile a plant of slow growth in ow aged .postal," a nd we , must take oars that we are sun etureelinfirnials4 by 'cultivating It In thesn t tiroge; vigilance is neoeseary. Ifigilanos ' are-Yethere - Vigilance at 'lrate towns, la _tam tie* - and In toinshipe: Vletanee 'ln Gullies. Vigileitee in iuditeldnals. , Ititt im ' possible that this extraordrom labor and v ardente' ow tier: pert of the enemies of cker. cottony 'should not have enpporters. Ilitellaxis working for a purpose. They seem to, be inspired by a oommon sentiment of ',Wapiti= to freedem: At what tortOO of sad political history has AMY person known .7 th see men to work so hard ? I cadent:xi doe to cis ohy of ReitodelpAis, tier he.. agoras . , ditC.vpropur• _ olio , mil apes faailiee to is '. Atriosists ' nod to - matt - 'to. no moo of tit . wile .7pmelier: of . dwell fmniiise are or be «,,,, I heir that, they, are even hiring soldiers, or 'am who - profess to 6o:soldiers, to traverse • ism end atearobosts,.to canvass for George B. fddCielion,. Vow, when we refloat that Gen ital XeClellea , litts beampoiltid sway from hie own -platform, by Fernando WOW and ' MAMA 'l'l Vallaudtginua, and male, as it w the apostle , of - their doctrine*, is it not • a utotbrocmmonew mind - that these mem. Eel:talking ate intended ili destroy the Union? In. our. eiwn Be'. everything is trepan. I IniOn ringer hooked' upon ei trig titer:prospect • But thorough organissuon and taciansut tabor ' Wig besensary. There is OM • a woman to :F.lO usylonia who boa Nista husband, or son, Govibggehter,-Who should ant >feel that the re 414 tiotrif-dtbratuntr-Ltneoln is-twentat to ..Infieilf.e:-Ltt tie mea rabo ham fought la 11 [great -b o ttle Par liberty, and who have OM 'es beck bon lie pest bloody, bottle decd,, 1 .•Statti 'lke - Ltene, , ,To Ilion I ate *Ming to : i ..t , 4 - ; 11... Wool - whi ale *Mimi 'to throw ?‘ Gil - oleo ayainst hie.- Lincoln rosy take ':.igif - !couree. The deo A mann:rim eb 't 3 1:(d1,..1 of the meant - times Is to Bee • . min' , oppoOing'-hb 'ahem Liocoll. A &Mir may stigipart ..George B McClellan "tin 4 h mistaken it.. sato his rteatisoideu. met but =tie can be notbiog more inoone ' liaise and • illegiiiii - than to hear a a Atllor ' twetg..l.44, Prositlent of the United Stele, i Ti to' been tha firmest and:. truest ,friend of vie ,'public Gee No Cionao is 1400141 We • 4:d/eel anir 4/ rear m ; .11broalaos Gbeson tie '• an,ndsto terwroyreas htdtf &tamp,. ! &haat •Altitellacris• - at home, querulous and clear - eel, pig'piele—she (thorn bent that mil; ens- 1 iStr I sad fattens him, with no responsibility I to'y leg, with Jeo pest dottrel to diesharge. ..iimply ard.(let me say it al booties new.) „Reteli e ribeterepreeentattve of every foreign ate,' t eniagoniem to his owe Govant mei i; Abraham Lincoln. treated In the Ptrel , do nal .'chair, filei with solicitude for the ge. omnie,,od .sompellqd to *Mohave the o,,,,,h4,llllonsweilektiog froto.tbistabilinde i even 11.7Witte tta flinlsbedyreeine•• he N meet at Mike 0 7 ,bisdoij6-...biiciass the ape of the Jab nverldeare-upon him. Which will you 1440; ,leckle n- or-Pennsylesaila and New l',. l the;easy and =atonable man who ..roiervnit the hoepttalety and kindness of For. - 14034W00d, at Orange, New Jersey, or the man with,. cage written upon his brow and wolitt4 bleAeart, in - the prestisniial M tn tdo npport let sten= -and rezone one I. very Tory and tuaLlibeisijOinnaol in dteißilibb Isles is a bigoted,- ants", violent ,Ohen4lort.of our rebel slareicedetw insistiag ther their -Coniodereay mutt and mug alto en- Intl it Oyer therUnlcv, .that, utile .140ntb, 4 -can r....ytr be subdisia, and !lure? should be. B. 01 cne-Of these , joannaiwidfoostosiandluipes tfcei thednitereetrarld'Clellati.. • : : ,-$— 142trjdo:'114eriel,. antf•ltoPubliolitiou r* it iiiitePtanoe. togelhorwak the,flotp : , s , -.Mitti Unkiheiropm.l.M , irgaila this ,1t.7 ..4. 1 .! rietzlit if ..cur slaveholdetort re- ; .., - tel • -of IndopenteritsVand orate . A t Of „Areldian. - They-evidently cos. i • ~ .t. , OfAbese.desidarati,thetemiltion ~.'.•—:. einent of the two- fornier. -- ~, - -''t, lll.lllmerk who in DMA voles ' sid-the_eintigtieNtlost, in oast of "a Repub.' 11 earirioniph in , litit- , llMorling Presidential Toro, 'ate titittit'efotildi toreelempthe 17n... -sidle ,Ittstlittd la ', tit defog - ie met*? 3 4 1 lilfkellso..: steed :::...,. •:.‘.., - , ... •-••-t .IP' W. - . "Lott ow whey _about the 'ilmi of her sedeiskin, wrote_ that Wheastrie, SpuUt Ceroliasahoubir sell mild= te deign ha streiready to !Otis ter service, - Is an satin, ,and - fity lug littOlillatilte. - . - V. -Henry Grinnell, she has been quoted without contradlotion in, the Richnuind lour ras heart and cord With GU alaisito ding • • bell, is an active and premium, sororities e McClellan. , iyi fientral Robert Patterson,. who, In sue rant delimit, of hie olden, turned his army away from fighting or holding. Joe Johnston's label forte on'theahenstodosh. nearyilualtes. ter, marching It book toward Maryland and . too ntlitering Johnston tit hurry his troops t 0.,:. inirrThiatteosed at 4annYer e andytitiallefeat.' ciielYlooa army &t hull AIM, les realtimesdpi, porter of Meglielisfay,- •,' ,- w ho -.. i VII.', Gen. Fits John Porter; h was Gen. betterecare'Oblef of Bad, and whit= slue& een found guilty by'a 00trettoortild'of ' tree.' r g iebbl disobedience ef , orders and refusal to lithf theseeondbettle of Bull lida, where. '.y Gen. ,Pope wee defeated, andrwho was Therefor cashiered from the army, is i thick and.thinsinppoiter of MClellan. :, ,-.. .. 1 Viii. George W. Woodward, who declared, while secemelen was in progress, Ghat he iwanted any line of separation of - the Suter tan ninth - or, hla. State (Penneyhtlinie),. and, , ho 10,year pronounced filling the Onion armies by draft suoconetitatiothil, is a :talons partisan of: M'Clellan's I:lotion. i . i IS. Horatio Seymour,-who In 1881 proposed ye a I lend that the'Buteof Noir - York should . ;adopt . the Mont:Amery Cottelitntion end ea join the Steithere ConfedertieyTin 7 atamping 'nne fititolongratakm, J . .. . ... ! X Amintalt M. Pricey ete-Goierner'of New ~ i•Jargey, Who wrote. a , public latter AV L. W. !acquit...of iletrark, urging that New Jersey ÜbluitigstootitieLtroWi-the 'Mani end join the ',; .SOlithers' Mnfedlies4ils stumping day ant :•sight. for MaCiellizi.— . . ~ • '," ZI. 9:::( kgrq,9_ l Wsri PR! .0 gda , dboscsouNpi be Vo l o l ialkoAlaire ripest resolve to illumbste our city on aossust et the great Union victories, la a message s tr charged witieoPPar/old itittlWaly And ilfty dh ow mivelly for the' rebel came. Ho polio! at the peat McClellan Ratification in Uclon &morn ICIL Thousands depen, satire Rebels, many of whom tubs etreedin the Rebel armies, are row at horde bEentusly and/dhoti .1, mdsr the folds Ole • Raton' Se& Rem Oaf of these, while still a Rebel, will vote or par stittad) for MoOlellasr while every one who bas got his "right'," and wants, the -Union to triumph over the Rebellicm, IC for Lincoln and Johnson. And so with the ad:tuna& o Southern refugees and &eaves in this and other.Nurthaencition - • . Fellow citizens I we spelt what we do know, and what you also may know if you will drop into any place of popular resort and sit quietly till you hear some one whose talk betrays Ms sympathy with the - rebels and his Bops and trust that they may yet trituaph. and yea will soon hear him blowing for McClellan and cursing the President for not keeping him longer at the head of the Union force. (tr. can hardly forgive him for keeping ihe Great Unready there sodong.) And whatever, from Lapland to Atust.valitt, you end a man who wishes meccas to the Blioreholders' Rebellion, there you hPvo a min who farm the (Notion of George B McCklhtn It you tide that company; go In I The . Union eause_Ciß do tilibiraileu.—N. Tn. bun. A Gibaso !Ilan 00IIVEM1111 of 111111)11 Merl will be hold at Williamsport, Peolisyleaniz, to de. Hat. Dual R Demussms, General Jog , COOmmAAEII, Prot Dinneen., Cel. San, of the 67th PellOsylviada Regiment, R. C. PAIL. e,ss, B. C. Wno•ao, and CLISTOII LLOYD WM be the sleeken. It le a eignilimat feet that an these pallets,* append Annuli Da oesa to 1860. CoirsoiOven—Hon. L P.Wsitter formerly • Democratic Bailor in Winans!Nl, out for Lincoln, and eo le Hon. M. H. rind a well kno•o and populsr. Democratic °rail% He woe for McClellan until he read the o,pperr hst..l platform. Hon. dnorew T. Mello) holds, formerly a %moonset. Senator in Michigan, for tine yetis. Colonel of the Firm Now York Cavalry, and always c warm personal and politica. fritua of Mc° allan, dh cards Mao now for rue ata orations and prineitl • 1 and le to tat the errmp for Lincoln and Johnson. , PVHLIO XOTICAUL OIL CITY AND PITTSERTROR OIL 0.-Batteeribors to tit- stave tumid Om",ly • in 0.31.1 tewak..t t!. rabmicyr, tOI /fourth 80 , at 000., are pop to rocrt, Um.. as Mhos= szo elorady ros4o to pronod !coocOlately, Without .otatim, iho P 1... be prcmpt. J. K. NOE LOGIN, Secretor, sat Trearnmr, t do. 101 rottitt rtz.d. ro.NOTICS.—The owners of r roperty en Mallen, Are,. 6m Ward, bet own Me. ohm!. Harlilo2l meets, will take roll,. that the Ptel g and boding Lea been oneeplattd end ceeemed. Itatd aleasonent Can be teen et theßeeeedefe Urges 121 Ps 411 BreiMET , until the 118 day or 00t0e1131 vex , . them mblehtlet• et Ca be Placed in the handl of the T•eantret tor eallezdlen. U Iffe2UWAN, • 11 : 03 Peolattog Ragtime • 10.• 10 TAXPAYERS -Furr Towri- E111P..-ki • ousting of the &boil Dowd of Pitt toonohtp, bekt op doptonter 10th. 1164. W. IL 61181111 was dolly skated Itrow.uno. of Ms 130usty Auld Tat, carter ducat! t fh. Prg•ldrol tor &Al= mut ; 924 It w 'myths, emoted that tbot tax/pays botevoted to ,sl , oa tz• !mutter sod pay otlVfaz 101coodlotioly. and it at • • dull.. of 6 pectin Is at. loood to .0 obo tattncto not theatteiros of Will Olt. dep. Bp =Lou of ;be Bows. witrrasai Dial 6, ?masa& JASAMBEIDT, Cooroto or. I. throossot of f.l:a. Aaron iitx.lotehogt.' Mu ands, slimed I, prop t.torl to mot. tad tic; salvo M. Mao t..dr for aloolog 16. Tscpaloto Ob. d per coat , dlato attoothn mom, Is bre. If novamooo. 11. GIOES L 7 imsontt. rokbo In Won, otrool. 10•PPITtIBLISAIII AND WEST VIE. MIMI OIL 0011 PA WE t—. 841,:. r sahearlp.. tka, to Ma °gnat Mock of Cho P4adarsi, sad Woct Virginia 011 Cooorsay, an now apse at tha dace et IitaRIBLVT, smear at Bisd sallot and Da garras Way. The lards of MI. Meow y an lasted to Wad Vir ginia, aad ambit al aberat. mama haadead farm al *blab astasat ten hondeled sad Aft dam an sail adapted b. for baring purpose. loentioa of ibis food to WS to b. amongst lb. but If notampalor taint la lflartaia.read l..nbla a share theta...* al the mud Hale theak lira* of utdca than an Ina or On to saws Wel OIMILUDO Rb.Oaaraal es soaat.l.llaa gammas. dal lee. t Oh. Osidtst lint for a. rirpin• of don = .ad Wed ....ts Well etow b*ag .ad mrseral vat tio pat dame mean r po.db ?sauna,—s. VALISIg t S•sousrsat—r. B. Walla: % LULL IL CUM WIDJLOW/Ult Utah Webutrt, .o.ame cal. .71,aus. Lilt* Jr, I Jar üba Derv.... Jake ma, , mu WU J gam tuttm.3r, te2.0.0 AND SOUTH- Ias PJ andetelgoed setwernas am Oka IA sot, aa . Dled 'Us sot myTala tip Ognaa...ll,v3D sad Elaathoia Ihmamylesala Gaagalabl• Langtry (Do actual that they 1,111, ka•pr•aaati nt exhiset, .p-a book. hr tee reorldat abswripiacma to the G, 0I Staab N ' ttlf a d ompaarsa lb. ICA dayOCFrOBIs is 4, et the boor of la. t 4 en ibal day.s% tta WASUDIUTOD SO. 14 la lb. tom at DaDara, d musty. %HM IS MY hi, aua that tlaq wa3 Deg ashl blnta op:a aa. Ceed'eg to Lv. —JOHN MINA,. ellen, -4u LIsLL k. bl 1Y.03,011 CABS. . DalitiL WhtiEUBAUGH, s. Bil,olLlll. 0. W. &MAU. D. 0, 01111116, A s 4L u lt4ll. 6o. L e.11 . 1' 101.111 Ocamaloloatam. F.OPOSAIa FOB LOAN. 5-20 BONDS. TarAstrar DITARrBa R. t Efessogerbs. et 1, UM Sealed news will b. ..Bleed at this Department, se der the am of Conn's, epprom4 as. SD, 1661, anell lb. mon of izioAt.-0. lice t01d... 'or Weir of the Vanes Blow to the azeosintof tom, minima of dollars. The (roods offered will bur as Intim& of Ms wres t= sr able semi etostoidly. Is'coin, on lb. 0.1 er.. end Boseaber, and ndeawahS at tbs IA ova.. of lb. tours:nut. OW Bt. )ears, end pips. W u tweet ism* frtio Nor I. Mi. roc are, sot bp lordly .r yin • roahlpieof ify dollar, sad mot elan lb. nap Loelodto pre:slowed. trod .or' nab handled dollen, of Or lip shot the of& I. for ea mon stet atty. Tyra per alt. of CM primly"! ( selegtho pin takno)of Iftiverhole enamel bid for, by ea-lt Wider, mon be. firpo l lited;iti • gounoty fora e portent of sobroriptioal onnoted, with the Ineenorrof she Vetted atees p Werliagtos ' vith the 091steat Inerartr at de• Rode n, dalptoaccdl3.ol2l*. of 11th the dislaug.9)o,o4".l Si ced.b•ora Ptittb.rgh, Clactoasti, lerossrlite, coo Detroit of dvilalo. Sr With say and r ima Detroit Esti eta& any croiment totroneOt th• Inertia with. Dot 01 erg., for 'Old, deposit. 4., I on a...WO> ~ pII P. b.-.d to the etoodtote b 7 tbs *Moor or beak rere'leing tbeate Oilitifnje of 'Oda mat be for , wol'ed, with the'snese,to this Devastates= AU 4.5 , rafts aboold bite& la dew tor the =Wats Intl thence= toneSklkashlnstes netleter Wet= Itat= ;bg of October 14, as atoreedd. Na alter.not, flocs= pealed_be Mernertidoidertf6treit, Nil tor ml The Ocapot ikatitiortsterwl emu= 141111 teat the denundaatio=of 11111:41M4 ' and bt,oxt, poidetered Bondi of IMO= lad pops semen usnea If nqatred. All oil • a neared will be opened es fridie, rotator Mb. Tbe mode Will be =Ole* tbefeeret•-p to the WOW, en 4 nodes of ecoo;ence or der ll ostion erld hamediatedi ger= to tl., ped= ..4msre. In ore of empiness, bobde of the description sad ds aootoatkni Fear= will be sentt a te rabirdbere, st ar cod of the repaiimel. Miura of 1.. =Wove= the =paid of two per amt vlll be rah. mad be tan Jot fretslinente paid * esedeolfavre, and will be Inuniolletel7 ietonted fo than Veal. can map I ...Pia. B. azimut of Acciptsd ottai awl toll/990M with CDs Tpararar, office at butt aidiunlsql to set saw this nrtfas, os savion of theocalptinaos of Ofirs e &SAP Rani Owebstf on the Nat October, and ft. iselanoe, .Reenflag the premium =a 6r 4.14. e. tps..po • .;•• .. tbdtj bn tbs2l/0 October. iir re bolas liili *is latiriti 66 medibi• ht, to. • arei: on arpeoftn Sent liar dm.. t. Nov. 1. will be Lt 1.2.17 ties Goverment in win. Oniebacifllll. fist insfsllouni, or twentialve we of accepted one.,, nosy be FILM, wfth warned in. to Oct 14 in llnitad Btotri . oortiLlea!ey of In. darterbeses.” bait nob cartilage iris: be torateal In Pry I.ltornt cf Ow first Instianent.ol4. Offers ender this natio. Avila hi semen "Offer ter LC.4," end ellarsfeed to the Boorefessy of the Tremor,. 'be liiht to decline all offers tiot conefflored deans. 130.0 a to the Glovernment Is ramitett ta the Becastiri. W. P. VICIE6IMNEVIdEr. 0c51..0 4 ' ElsonrreaV es ear Tinsusr. . rriERRTREN ACRES Q • QROUND I bald 4=47 beau& vilitsi • ta of a lolls of ibaast Lanni humor kaltrty, met Mil 01 armada, street, is land sou GAM yuyi LOW. The beaidthd loostioD aAd onmathix4 of immix yo r i at arsiTty comosa/1 It poroont ,:.flog i=itio.coanta;r. A imkspiang Intim IV oartllc4tr to PRY , ileiimead runrince' Olin= OVUM, rittAglVO I Zilfl Vioril LINCOLN AND JOHNI9ON I Union Miss Meeting 81721:6T.A. VISTA Frittag Attitsing ) ou. Ith, LT Erns °Tuna. The . Nabs vIII bo Manor! by lONS X. XIBXPAXBIOX.. E. a. LOCAI, iq., ind 441..‘ RALLY I BOYS. • UNION:11AB KEEHN - Of the fends of • LINCOLN O. JOHNSON, WM Woad 11 THE BOROUGH OF ELIZABETH, • On Suntrdnr. 6th net.. Tat. By. on. Rao. JOHN Y. PlOniNT. Hos JAHNS 'ME, L. H. %MON, Nog.. 800. I IS: n00RE99.9. And ottoon',lll odainsottto moth& ofd A i l ! UNION OF THS tllTßt a. THUM WILL DM A UNION MASS MEETING. GILD ID THL SIXTH WARD. wi 'XYLEM &TIMM 5/11/B LOGAN, ON Ihnredar Evening,. October GUI, AT 9IVIN oluorK. Ilbo mating wltt b. addratottd by R. rt../ NT a. ItIeCIAW, Div. Dr. JOLLA Dol7oLate, Capt. EA MOIL HAttPtit, sad *them All filetad• of LP., Ma. IF. *0.11.4. Pea Bur ITI 81.1% IT! The Union Caterers Song end Chorus, UNCLE SAM'S MENAGERIE. W Off •cd /folic o wirord by 3 W. rcgw • sod dad. trots dto El.e. J L Oloorboaf. It it ace of ths 11 colt row eg• of U. It.od so, pabU.bd , Said t• bawd to 14 an. g by im.r7 Usloo lob. VOA throoghout t . 00001.7. RAT, Cady ought to ban It now. 1 SICIC 10 OIJIZI. eroi In won d to not nodrent on receipt of print. O. 0. MELLOR, AI IA ODD STREET. LOYAL MEN Or INDIANA TOWN SHIP ATIENTION.-11.ft will be • UNION MASS MEETING HELD At THE 11 MLR HOUSE, EITIMINING ROAD, MUM Tr., ThursdAP ILVenll34l. - Ootober Oth. ♦z ELI O'CRAXIX. w. It. SOT/TM Lg., JOHN L. TLYL97I, Is s., scd oeS ri 'Madams Qs moths& Lot sil7ora ems attmd. =I UNION AND LIBERTY. 'ran. grill In a annallag of WI lomat an of Plua Tonadtlip, al W £ T AB, On Friday Evening, Oct. 7th, AT ELTSII 0.041.0g_ ?be martlinc win Inv mainland by Hem L. I. If COILELEAD, JOHN L. TAYLOR, Lp. mad attain. acs 14114CX*Ii AND TIOTODY. Thera w2l b • !lobe Saeltag luad la BIRMINCH AM, At kt al= LT H. ME. ON ricTav Evening, October TtA AT aim/ ("MOOS. 1. swum em be Sued by U. W. lIPUB, non MU =L ffAltti, J. J eantintcx, IR., sad °thank boll LI,N OP MOUNT WASHINGTON, ersssnob.-Ibst• uc• • Pi lON NAM IHEETING fa= i 9 Lo WO R. outs Tr., AT D¢ 0172411 r Vir.AHEKIN G. T'ID N On thawrday Evening', Oct. Bth, ►S ellrillar ONISLOVIL Ite mw ties VIII be abobleise by • d•)er BUDELIaIa EMIT?, C. W 60t.15. Lq , Jkll ZS I. BORN, ram.. sod °Vans ex* UNION Now AND-tOdENREL bore will b . weetfas of Ws friends of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, AT MANSFIELD, ON On Saturday Evening', Oct. kith, Ar 3ZYPN 0131,0 r IL Ths matte bth be addressed by lon. 3 IL 111008911,D. I ea T. J. B Gin AM, Wcq , nod elan. Prof. J. W. POPE will De pAirssil and ifng sma of his 91-41.5al rovhs. WI A GRAND lINitoN RALLY I o: um Mauls of LINCOLN & JOHNSON, POI b. bola to • 10.41.8 1 1 1 .IJII3-lalßa r ry — Saturday 'Evening, Oot. - Bth, . • - —AT Azvitt:gioLoor..... - y wm. 0, mossutwo„*.q.. ~ I ra g oVit ZitrzA b li bl ., 4, 0.... ) t ''. i ziki n i)ke7i4Alliiet of e ny_asnia proisoo. Co . f .te woo Waad. il d iltcOLN AND JoHNtiON I . " _UNION RALLY IN UPPER ST. CUM. 'lb... .m bo a Won Weekly, of th. lon al woo of trys o. 84; flab, tows. notp. os • 3til) I nagrArriallilati . AT ALOIS 1037111'11 OROTII, coy • Salundav,.. October Bth, AT 2 P. x. bo sisottoi will bo seldroosed bY Woo- O. IL 11100110X1D. So. THOWAILL =QUAL - ~.; ',V BU.LIAGS G. =ADD. rust. 3 W. POPS . efjlogootk pm candoa by W orisma =k r& " - Dee UNION BALLY IN ALLEOH&NY 1 n fn. - Ilar• will be • UNION M.,LS BlEETitlypt z ! I t' d P14410.1rD, dilegruny, 9n Thursday Evening, October 6th, At 7 Cl'Olodlx. Themes/hag will be sadrecad LJ • Dr. J6llllB DHYSTLYT D.D.„ Hob, btal.O.LA. tt1E,V.1.201019, awl ,there, 0r..6 - INCOLN ANIVJOHNBON. . _ nnuorwrza. sE k 1111105 r MASS nEETuira, HELD AT OLITION, pa Saturday Evening, October Bth, AT 7 VOLOCII: niki• A. at. . stiowis Alla ethane will edam. SU suati.g. QIIKSP PIMP-611 tralai.norlanding 1J tyllepiO,Pyr ppit Py WWI MUT 4001 - 4virkir r. RA. . • . VEFANTED—OIDIB•4IOO barrels pure Wrist/Ire mom *claims {tip Wes •1111.6 pal!. at W. 110,Water staid: Iljrstmai=aOo.. A VALIIABLS WORE JUST ?Uri A LIMEND.—A Komi at tbs Direst MA hibralw MIX 111111teitt Of lb. Oath d MEN, taeledteg the Pones eel gnu* Idiom established by us toomilitletur of Woes! Emus' the Dodgem end Sal hp, at the Chmaattp drew, together with extracts thes tkcetoevolateace etas aloe, by e. Beatindl. - I vol. Ito. ?AA 113 00 for ed. by 5.6 SAT t CO., 125 Wood West. BLACKEWITIVEL—A choice rot of w sousertiti noßaz-0.. Z .lost remind and for lab at low rates, b QUAIL N.' LUCIE. 01 Ikla 118 facttod aaBlo Wan atraboa. F OR BALK—Jost armed Prom Germany, Firm Canary Bird.; good Singers. Can Es ba4 at 6EI Pam dem. GLORIA ?MM. pIIBLIO Sar•lt flTd A BOMB AND LOT I Tad MIAMI 0101.46117.141,-Dy erd.r of the e*bens wee. or alleetmr.y crmate, will be dqnsed to Path, InCe. on the premien, m Tao ed. Nomatme Dd. 32.41, at I o'clock p. m., L 075 Nos, id sad ft: d. &Mph., emery, P. cn, et, al is welded • om Me Duelling HOW. 410.1 Oat. dttildO4L TOL Wiest , a* tar . ".tee. meee the 1 1 7.13!... LC. • Km TOU/10, Goardlen. Orb WINO d ElTtar.d.d, nsionredti do. las re .11k dtrmt, dittebtOln• cal ELM BCCIOB, haying jest returned from the %J. tau. Dar open d • wry huisins.rtast or • Patti ra Bonnets and Hats, And ,polo/ 11 Oa WILLIWIBT urn! at reduced pm W -. L, lb. •flr• hues etyl•• of ”LOAILS. &fay in lIIIDII ". A T. 1176111 T, /I.llmbegy. FOR eAL.II. A SECOND-HARD ENGINE, I. grad order, .141•pt.4 So bor`Dig 611 Ina. Icqu r• of • VIONAH Como? 01 NWT , r arta 111.111.141 anete, 0.31 West Ya4nEat•r. COLUMBIA OIL oNIPANv. Pirtuerhaa, Oe•. 6th, 16^4 7b, Slats I Blen.thly neatlapof atm Dowd of Dtflot• • nl thlr cto s part) wl.l ha held at tbo deo. la PITY t 1,10..611 th• 'A/00ND WlEDliBeD.Of. 12th d.y of Oct.!, r, at 3 o'• lock p. m• b. Tlantor Ito 44 tll 0> ot-tad from Itatday. th• Wel, to listottay. tho Dth.of Ootobtr, Loolostro. By ardor of th• 00• rd. erg t. L WLDTattVCI.T. 9- ortto - y. erncr or sus rutatra A Ist. D hu onrwtotatre (:o, Rasta: Oct.her Ito, 104 TETE DLBECTORti OF TUB Flu:wag ard Tlocd Teem 011 rhottk re:wletiw Uompstly h. , this doy declared • Tr ttdend r f (WO PE% 0 COT .: tl a Cairtol tacit for th• morals of September, ref • al le et ate °ace of the It:Kw:tory. on or VW- eta 1011 hoot_ Inert:cat tat Trio:taw Pool. SW be artted sot (II Ma the 11411 lost cc 4.101 W. T. aftIiDITTIS„ Bee -Wary. SEND IN THE ELTICTIoN HETI:MM. —Oho Omar Comouttae boring mewed OEM GILT HALL, /fifth Welt kloadonortere on Tow doe night of lb. electioa,Octobsr nth, our friend. thteagboat the coml., are ',Quadra to we to It that nine oar is ml In from eti-h also ion dlealot as non en the rote for Ooognoe le roasted oq ml h lb. retorn.. Ilowrnirets will be nxeleul el the docre .a to® at they garbs. The tient. of Llneolo sad Johnos to sari ditillot are urgently requatted so attend to Oda welter at own, w d Wee bores fell return Ulna the comity on ro at Tateday eight. Send to the Bottum A. M. }MOWN, Olielnpo Colon °manly Oototalttee. A ITlTANDll,l3eeretery. oott4 TO OIL HEN. JOHN P. HUNT aks nearly evady awl willlsitart/7 Plathth 11, HP OF 18NIACO CHAT! OIL REGIOIII, Litb"VaPb , d y Wrz. tabaclou.s. Mu. UM than' ?de. $1 60. P. at leap of West rireinto and Ohio Oil Regions, boll. {L Oogrepbe AC by W. bobbetuass 611 s, MS/ Indus Ear Ord= rat by ran r on, as rally, aa re air of Or. JOHN HUNT, Pvntunza, VI MTH VT, ILLSOTTO HALL. THE NSW HATE PREPARATI,NO LUBIN'S C0004.1111/7 CREA 9, POS °name. DICIESINII &a BE&1727111IIDO ft Nona= and oils MI hair msl env tt • ran..' afjo, a. add& It nada. Ibr dap sear natal{ 11, hr bratibtig and praioottag taw growth of taw tuft LUBIN'S COCOANWZ WIZAZ aunrar ill 111:11PAS311D. 4 4 ', 1141 =Zrunwhipmalwiamits. P.)l42"ladirn Fu C 0004.11717 CSULAUS And It Wahl. Ili Its brat! lgtela AM tt tgagaig Ita Iliad wg llMatt AM It Maths gills Matti Awl It Maga gills Rasta X* dapOW tem O. For Otos atm It. 71. tdal e oys ono situ ft. Too Asp oast oft Mn d Amides OlLtag Iffaistaa. tor ruids' sad Oalaa Klossatia Nor enadsaaaoie. KIIIII3IOM. toil* a morm4l44m, ...amp a cor ft em b hs ma kr 11 . 400m, ft. ma by a ftimorbk, runts Duni 870414 , • • 111TILDDili, arra swizz Inaipmaik sea trat..a.i J. Lam sin 0/119171101 Si 4:10D 10. W6.../00 pigs No. 1 AA a . Oak= Lel • -- • IMUOril. 0934414 CE= -1 .00 OIL Barri;Codeitili Jrz sr AZI rilistriuszarimiami44. T o CAPITALDAS, 1., Trish to fortis Ott Companies. bars • larp anelaf at PrMil. lastadlag Lands in Fees Lava. was. ail; am Oar oar watts tadaacatiata to mamas. J. O. WILTON, a6l. tt aim emir, Pftaallrer. IMPROVIID luirrn3 awn eIIWTHO atiomat tike OBIT OIL Una pa l nti *Moiety, rethbil• ley ad grim b toomment ; and kir mei sorb Übe, be m.l. /or simplicity, amiability Kai annatt It h negated by um other cheap mar-dine offend to the pallto, and mote only to Won '0 b. Miirbialird• It min ham. _qoni,linnkorbled- end amino hr yolumina, innebina S. R. vomitus& Mo. 113 Third stool, csmitssL CtiatirMal midi DISSnLIITION OP PARTNERSHIP.--. enta MeCILIiLIAND • ItILROLIANDS vas d1.../.ad on lb• at dsy of October. IBA by sm. to .1 manna. IoWN 13 ITTLHOLLSII I I, BAM'L.O McOLIELLAND, JbAIB MiLbOLLUID. 711 a botteesa o• the ab Too bre bt a sbtle( hareattoo totdor the on,: awl otylo of J J.l It. MIL. IIt•LLAb D. at tbo 040 =lwo of Toottol .teal and Petturyßitats ann., .1 AXIS BUIBOLL IE4 .00th Jtanß 0110..111/I.4tb O. 11 MULE -81 MULE; I MULESI QiuslTlPlll•lll%llolvnewee Omen, L t d ,r-I:nl Waal:lulus ocrebel,B4. Fropn to moaned at We AI, THOUSAND (I,000) HOW to be delltered to OapubS a • 0. H. TO IPALI2B, Arintant Quarto, eater, corner rerentgoerond and 0 Stsvone, Worslo Arne, D. O. Bald melee mast to neer toe etac• net less Mee tearteen (l 1) bend. Mal g otos t, aempeot, wtl de•ei...grod antmahr,' noun, free Inn • any bimetal oe deem tibia, V anti them lot ermine omit, and more name alma the f ar .rent Colt'. taste and dee. - , ep , d Ito earrergoadtng Ave permanent toeth, • to, to.sok jaw a,ottetentlatu wm b. ittiatly sawed 50, and •111.1<1111 1. CM" prtionly. ilosemt grtll to prtmpt'T rema. ter alt 15tcPi tttst pua theps..tim. On p 0 p sal• to, les than arty (50) mutat will two alp lartaisted. P or ~y forth r Infortost:oo opplp Glider ho,peroto or hi hater to tk • °Moo Jy mew of td Qmsrfertnostor Goo•ral. P•O•111 • Woo.' In 000rg• Pilot IPI•lokin, goortertoottae• 015 DFTTTY trAiali MASTER GSM ARAL'S 0111 CM, Prrnatnerti , !apt. Wow PS, W 4. •UM7 WM3138. Prat. d Proposals toll 0. rs-s - snot hole ales mita II o'dock IC, tug Scab day of Ootobsr, 1664, far the dri,ory o Army Worms, to Pittsburgh, Pa. ibes• vasol2l are to t. marls of ..toned tuber sod barn In p.r sprotgostmos, warts's. b. sera to lids Ttas bids most date him many magoas ths tddil.r vtli d• liver, sad to utast tam. • roposts must b. muled Prop".als for Amoy Ws/Jos " and addnmad to r t. UN 0. Orms, Dorm/ • Q IL drooral Plttshuortb, P.. loads vII b. required of nroersfol bidders fa bad. tb. amount of P. eortr•ot Mgrad by moo good sod sotem at euritiss. T> mtlatatreel testrate 14 himself the rle t to toe. 11. Jett 6T or all kb that he may deem to Ittgt. Pattoeat to be made c a completl.on of fa• imatzsma, or so emu taerea.ter be the andante ad gull be la L 4.121. 0ni..1041 Deptay Q BLANDY'S PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS sad 131.A.NDTb Patsated Partatia dtaaia Ma e as. RLAII DT'S Elam limenc, Z.moulo. 111..0 ., /14 . 1= ktactdarWasita. Mas.ra, Th. mai to watt. rtn mndati at Mats sad Satioaal Twin Po% aparaliaa. Oat Ina radii) 01 ha. ter. Wto.B. Ilagbas, Wllmare, Pa. oat 41110,04 V la amen smouttmapling My, lift dsclodlag shod dai• of !JOT Puiri Q.l+ o =l, P.a.. , co. KIXO foot of co, Am. atoswof. ta co. 100 000 teat cat; nib of Joao MCCO Nei ad. IPHatad lartractLyas and aagravel Foals& pbas be MIM sod Ilatise. Bad for aladrated elllmbz, with dwiriptions and mono dope:atom Aednes H. to F. BLAWDY, ' at Lananilie, ora wart. OLfa Otdareiletta .211 oarrarpoodesica acad.& sallaat SURGEON GENERAL'S OPFICR, fJ Wasorrornow, D G., Jew ISM WASTED-15GEOtOtie •ND dean &NT eOr. ODOM YOB OOLORID TROODIS —now:Mate ma t I. redeems ol ewe melee Mellosl Oullegs, ore lave be ...amine by Board of iladkal Moon to be com reed by the Yorgoon Omen/. The Boor& .111 deter. ollsio on. the the cesdldate ofl be soothed buroos or hoelareat florpoo, bocordlog td =et. fipple. Doha, oarompaated try one or more toottoo from I. penes, oe to =oat reamer, &e. e obeletd b. odd mood to the domes General. O. & W. legteet. D. 0., or to the - ambled therere tiMao.a.l. D. L a., LoolorMa. &y. Comb aro pow Is amol. Delco, Deo York, We:Macke. Oloclsuratt, St. Ledo ao4 Bey Odom. A o, inulied. HOZPITAL eraw Late TOII 001/0 MED ILL3I3IIII3MS, C•Aulaktoos most paws • •ar let.lish Woman:4and b• Wallas oda tho conlymol- Ls, sod tibipoostog mat.. Inllo•Uo.• moot o..l•l•esde of sad Oadme• akor goo. Oosiyoo• Irma to 33 per moth. with olothing. o•Olorn$ god sad guariom. JOEL IL WOMEN wstins Ilariro• Grab 133=11 be sold et llataloa. at thy canter of Weil .to.. a. 4 TWO aro. fa lb Olt, or 111..hwf ra WZDZICS , Do v, tb.ll.a tar. October, teat ft. 11,4valas aa , iroala mat haplaamat., t•kAl br . War.. ol ittfulta bawd to ar• b 7 tin a Lie tcr of 'nu VW Dia• art t it tb prorrty of Catabthett a to .11 a 0 lb, f *Mai Totems. 11 fob. fat alb Walt Tobacco •4. p gars tia ad- Oaavtag Macao. ltd fa,log Tat ao• r onr. rry 1.4,1 Tab.. It If Ito. illara CPO aura. 1640 • ?ma, I Ow. Om. I la .Ir .ralof I ft as. , 11. gra ILI foal.. I Caw Lath'. *law .21 fa,.. • ciarr,llNtadow &04. a lob.. 00.0 04 fro 1.... ?Wain; t Sprang a • • la sad I abl.4 aft. Wart.. I Davao Dwell. ea-11. ad • ato poly et. • tatd Oat. Pt,. far loUroal 11•••• a. Toee maenad ..Coat ht., and abb., r[2.411 trorpald. 04,U Iroanaaaa. 01 10 0%00 -. a Tar.. ea., Lat. 5...1 0t ta• Da.- 4 grata. oa.sa•. off.. a , latrraalTema, UP Ul4. A, oat 1.18,1 R P, HALLoann.t, limsairtu. 24031., WOOL, WOOL, ti YEDI6II. 8111 BET. u 8IIOADW•8 Nate. ALL WOOL 00' OTONGD ID US LA OtililtrULT Oh a DLO TO 1101 T MI eeiIKET. Our Asq•Ant. j nee wish manntetttreri It o; tenon, on f as hairtas ben la the Wool trete for WWII thus t o yam We hollow that by nelterlag Inetatot la IA two largest matenala the uotrotre, In • 8., V. WWI On anneal fa Old.. Ire teritutlag tt•sr W.tol to tea patio. of the bin trade to toe go• ISuland .ad Wldelgt States Oar wenn I a for eAlleg le On OW ila mon, an On ne. Mtn. CM 1016,8.1. LAArta,Ornen. •21, besea.sca kte roan inn.; beyond Mb time scent none. eletterged la addition. Thn tooled... GOA& ANTIS oa all tole., erhothor tor oath °roll Oen, wad ere set doom; vlillog to nttotpsts oaltleont of so. conga renewed, et Lumen We. bet malty. We atm to to pr conk only. IC P. BALLOWILL, Baum. WIN"' if.ALLOWZLL BSOTBSB/ Sow Tel. ORPRANE: COURT SALE.- .- In p .rim• as bar an ago, of the Orphan.. &tug of AIL. ghoog amity, th ere Tall b. expooed at Milo f.. at ibm a oval i t., a M oTOBIA T. gotabf* U M. at id .'Naha. Ito deforibol NW,. with % tapovaamt %d *pram%ascnto4z A TIM orfsa Oomor pias of pon d t It I% f . d2aMimbatz o thalotbaroWi .atrr liwt., twiny -foot a% gortagamok. the wan vldlk.tadirylltbigiabetofiafry%M. t . I% taynnommenfa an • tbraraboy lobot %Tiding. 1101 y, WO by alargy. tot I, aosyslning . Tama Flowers Ma' raw, Bona Cabby Wm-blob blimlthigi ilta, ' The %%tog b wm....ttway .....04..41.0.01a toe sittotwinaismervervimh . • s • Ti. paoporty s a d boby to Mast% at MU Imbahmel 1 I on, boron{ a b Km ocionbid 'I% Stiambami folio:NM tr io Ifichtbaliboya. ft • "Mar MAL] Mad PAM ILE/11lM Inranlma ' T Q JENKINS. Com . migiten Karatz% & Pant&ling &pat; RIM IACDO,CHEERE, DRIED SRO CREED FIUITV 110 ALL FRAN PRIIDGCTS • Otdou MO olltscodesailom Plttabamboto *Ova sad Seitaut My at &Wars atal c vr . attotts eats, No IMP Ltatatteraux,( etriel,yrtMonti. Pa /Lana cis made sat onset *flautist- aim teen antikaamOs tiottattas nitatomit *foams tala epeetilloolt Bluk : Wta. NoOoltr Ca, ZIoVotaLS Batumi& Cla,7oba Hall h Cka.: Tabor Oak** tot • ITrn _ • lostrAittOrr. Tha l 0111111114 w. 170. IYlDPittAWitit ordar tho •Ittioctots, th. hest of this Comas, has this Qq d - olerstl•Dirtdmod.of L)i sLlt OtNT On the Ospitai Molt, ki fla Wet castles soillatiht 10 th losable_ (km of govoramsrt ties you awl snarl ITra proz , too, ea the ales of ths Vosges" la (hiottr. aad a th• A Va 11/ balm, Tesler it C0., 1H0. ft Wale 'stack Sear , to the stockholders to meowed at Os easpaltro sauna lye Trusts lkrats of lh. Coulsol orl 1 . 1 .4 at Ip, m est Ow lat da l 01001 6 01 - . sad woootle armed aro 11 elm IFak. W. FL 111,11NE8, celldtxl7 Ilecretary. w ik opligimsrmEN re 07 PIELODUCBi 1111:bso now 'll,O lb, Bo d; do ;Arm wets Oa WOA . • Ndo i'alrir,r.tprat.,, w' 1,4.7 134ter; ' . • 1010 tam Wdels Otrwidd ' ' • • to bbri. Ones Applu; ' 10 to ulds , lrwe - 111 0 01 ‘ gan7 o, 40 0 9 11 07 lad, Tob.e.o; • 4• 10 4. LIM lhisoClol so. V stow ow. Ikxr mats , , ..cdl - L. T 0 •16114 01. • Olit'xituu'rlerr; lA, . ioa r (kktui . , Azo _tle • I:l4lsed . &hi elk fa o ß os do; • ,1 •• deg •xi.'4146411="21145' 4431,,A 461 do dellorbockor • „ • lad= a w - • Ina* "5. • :1;1';',111{1.4 - ffpisr GOODS 93150,000 ,DRY GOODS! OUR STORE WILL BE CLOSED, On Wednesday, Oct sth, FOR mg PUBPOSE OF MARKING DOWN PRICES OF ALL OP nun GOODS. J. W. BARKER & .CO., C1C31121 No. 69 Market Street. DEITEIRWINED TO BELL OUT AT ONCE. Soy of So olikiss mill WI aoll at HALF PRICE)! 13 .1^:il'it A( . SPECIAL NOTICE. OCTOBER Ist, Mt DOW.tTI sal 312M112. SIM m 01111 Wholesale and Retail Department Hu bm marked dm Sri Et cared at • IJBI TIM TIM ?MEAT PAVIC•BIYBaI &a :17);:trrigT"OrMifir Mei Spetial ) Bargains from this date. JOSEPH HOB.= 4 CO., TT AHD TT TUMOR MEM: acs FALL EICIODB—Wc hare Jas: received .Adam saw opealnig a HANDSOME. ASSORTEtENT 0/ FALL GOODS: n 104 Beam. Azar* sad vaasea•l: l = al dwqces end tam &WWI 'Water' Prod (. 1 .t...); Maltka Ekawla VILMA+, Baal* &a. la Van e ms.cr lisideft.4ioons &La arth. FRENCH FANCY GOODS: , , ampulla WNW, Las Gatarl.aall•erttel . liked Item, /Althea sad 'Naas; Ina* Waft (plata •sOil Zaskackap/Oaahrlao/ Vtladt7 alai Drab.= lbalaoral sad Dupla 1:144.16 Hoeg Skirls; we ltlAna's L7a.A, ILalla LW' limbo Thalazia. .°l .t4 • • 011114ietegr unite, - • Is COX Ream mat Akate.:l2 ITHaltsl 1.11 "IP% Rama CapoLiallisetaal Wartareaski.4lo, as • Thig =Ea Euarka . , O 111,411.4/3 171.1111 DEourißß l ‘ 4 01.411 TEEMING . AND NOTIONS REDUCED IN PRICE! . to ibd.elly V Oka prk• od gold, *Niel% nada P#OPORT/QNATE DEDUCTION ,• , • Is. Lb! prim al oil .oar. goods. .Its. fDa loorost poky*, the TA iao OM Don dad teat s rosetos =s7 mos .10...240rd0d,_ ti" &tomtits di Oka .1 :1 -1S-11 - M - Ctit .V " IZICTMS; •:a.sa =a:mbar *fouls." Ike aka 011MOU ilooshiorto 'aid Dooms owed do well So =Woo oat stook bafon 'mamba SooThor‘ BATON, IL&ORTM CO T . ' . «aIllga; 11 ,Allll9 nornuresuio. . NEW GOODS-;-NEW GQODO. fraraMENIT MAAS - DAM= AND CAPS, -2111311150, SILE AND • . t. 6. 7 WOOLEN UNDEENAII 5131 W ,- DEEM, Enna AND ,TorrrEs -nm .ilia • • `.spsDmirE,Ol;os3 • 001 , 1 1 1 4 HEQB Tlitrion sra Goo lACrB • - -Mesa •TiOSA. Am.. ka, :11001121111,.DEIMIE01 CON . • W • WANEISSO/11EET; JIIST.ni LICABON: EATON, NAORVII • • iron.lel bre ism toaill.thiLattattla - of Choir autos:lo;s Aorta eltP&I Emit '"7 =Trays_ mgr. cow* , ballpdatightetarikag 111 Jr, Er ow f-11 WORTH OF Dar GOODS BAUGAINBI GOODS BONIIT AT r._ • PRESENT PANIC -PRICIES MACRUiI & GLIDE, No. 78 Market Street. s sad Zota3 D, nla TEMIINOS, ESMIOIDFI110;,4 HOSIEIT,'GtOVES, - Rft,BON t .c, Punishing Goods-awl Nations, - Woo] wed Hoop WM I Banta; asihnir Yd - TT at Rib ; BIM nt tiny Ka"' ann Mr* dna Iw, shawls; NuNiml.lkadage, Iraktis. elinTatallt a =, Clan Wits, lava teitmeibrod Elesd•Dresandlcs, Mad sal At ILI Miss Tetialiana &ad OcilealastsiCatlita. . . • ,• • z . cffer tla.aban tat rimy iribte Grad. vie the, st vay,noionts pri?.; ma W~oleaate sad :Ratak - Parekaaari aniala• oar stoik, win bs lb l 9ll— AID •Trsiscorvirit. tes AT REDUCED P nix) ronns, mont. SCOTCEI name, PR INCH PLAID% VIGFOILICD =Pr% sows Tunibilth4 (Boot PLATE =TPA 1111311N072, CLOAKS or ma.otnact. VELVET CLOAKS mode to ordenp. WEIMER BILE SMITES lined, A. BATES' 21 FIIPTEI STREET DRY GOODS, CIM,P 1 J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Empteu Cloth; Plain Poplins ; Plaid Poplins, nem style; Plaid French Zaino; Plain Colored do ; Figured Zerinoes; Plaid Reps; Coburg' and Parmettas ; Black Wool Detains ; Black Prench erinoes ; Black all Wool Empress. Goods sal as low as tea Isto bright ta Cos any My per csat. lover Oast sto prias Cid al Woes ttgaraL - art .4 vr4urr& W as A t N iaJ lT to D ot —A a rtsooo 4 by' lii h ' g sowtO, oboOmthril MV te ro t loottr `s vivito so ottaC ' tiJ pampa to impart: SL.ot roomotadattots tatogrity LTA ability tan to torsdoitot tkrotatti WOK' Cram av 4 boa tat chid sot omit zwittl4 'eatt. mos of Pitt/anti& tiddstrt 5, Q. Y, imus 110z110.• •'••• I.trittotb P. 0. • *VOW ANTED—Two good Boys 10 411427 4bll VT ITTIBIZO IdAzatu laths Staid andgeedi - i ' Wm*. • Illcbsty coy. LArsin of loitir Oar -LUG. 114.11 red.ral anis% All. a. 7 1,4141. 4 g -re; t I Tel 4 cicbek la the sitereete. TetiT wlarrim- - m do ger m. 4o &St sad T. 21 U. Et Hatdo—klenst ; roSIIALZ-- e =ga,trEibssa allabsne. Ur AMID—A Aitaation yri •lb At sin rza tr Y. by as castdrocetyAssmc- - , , , leho bas tom efght 'sore laths badmm la Ms diff: Om ammavoll oat tmes. It OM tohnomil /Odra* 30.1 - 150 V Pat Lem.;11011/t41. smotabm badmospoMmuL_ :•/ VII7ASTBD—SISO per mosna—wif 'vita • • naiads Cianaer 1 *no towa sedrepuilly W. bav• sputa dossing 8160 per roFtkvtlek 101P 4,, A' pror• mai deibitegiesticsat. Addrim, :Ow= SIMIMS4 - 11304 , -, colas am Mutant siren, ElilbdiuMr WANTED ' IZEMEDIATELY—SO'wiIIi;-:2 v 'MUM* amts.:wit slew A/W faif ealti-eLLUOLISICIPBVS 011Tlialarresille WANTFIL-A'l•o4 SHISH AND muss& Aloha *xi V•4 11 1.i. (=>, u= 111gbia yap paSS m 0.4 • gliam, ; Imbed IK ors7st Onc;at Web t Wry and Psulal":1 -; WANT-111.10 _COOpelr• Warded - 10 , 11*e II Irkerltarrake t o? ltichts•ft masa ei!rekti - i 2...1[121111 . 111/.2: Lea, arrezireir SALIN. BTOIDTNG 811112 AT:433431,; 4 1 , „AA 11011.;-71te enteerlbera othe at 1n1i . 60 dab. - on BAlllarev,tktober atb, at'? p. ei•Wp J. • • • pianbet, (s wan a. Illotinfaid,) tuna Oa left pr 6 atlas; 11>inuty's,) on As Peansylvants • number of plausaidy located IlEittalflia ttq 4" 4 l 74 ' ;'„... 4 ItVar d se; ea ' *Uri ce lbw. protests'. b baite buildings. tat bonne, ark r - %nese alto ellgUtly sztnaed; and taldi- vbiord • many of the One omen re Weems It tids rum'. • 76.• eal• &fords rut opponnuilty at prooartog , , iamb crecifonatile anti desirable bans bie now Ile,' pteitcli and tea boom te city liesubieber pitetlatee:“. - laxly it *odd: did 'tbe s beam. tatma avant nian : -.1 • 6 ennitleania Seaman mop attnla stint a. • , - 'Lamas Ws. . L. no h.txaly ; _ sitr . T.. P.IIGOLII,I. a.nr. kitsti.7 • ,DIPROVED CITY , ' ZOOM= • . £T Imam , COMM IlatlE-Oa3WESDATAIII rmAr.oeson subois etiqtvral tot "'ICU Omas Amnia liar Ream I. at intaatrest. by IRV - Crpinuar Cosa% taw lag vslatbla faspanora I;!._k.)trtr. WIWI% to satin of llamas toKiAbolit; - ,• ow Isms tot te canter at Llataty newt ateukt-A aim alloy ,i p i aa betas Latmety Mad aall, 'aim Malt! allaj.*ltictaa lot it:: : ":- Itm7 Maki actslllloo.Saalta sat 'IL Ow lazy Sat la, me. tdragras ti=111411111111W. , .: . Parr; and Vhsreit' ape* al Itchafaz-2 , - ban a/Itly *la taw anew tif aattor 'hams asirartataa a tasimatarr_laick. Owlet yrjtaaa atm iteatka SUN% aad Canis Itatas—Owtaail co*:. lazis ,42":!•sa,Taftl=waxiss..6= DAT iIAT , AUCITON. V11178EV..; - nsrits, octets: welksts,vtit rob = is Mods sou Amoilos Sicres,llomAstralt. gnus Dawn CU _ _m do Maass 1111,1r1 - 011Ck do. On Op; . Chan .do; _ do Escasala dot ._.. ' -: do Obionaq L-41• 4 11$111.-=;- de Pittabart asnastWediced.AM 91101 odd r. .AWHEINORYILLB:-PROPZETT.' -ORMAN. OODBTAILTIE hes. TONI OAT. - : • 111151110.42atAbor =443 s kolksk"... Gm :mad Woes soma,: aim , fir*. : • Orthaur Vi t rrlZ ths ' Iriostla laarrlllats raiz cf 111* boontess. cub txcrotlag 21 , 0 , en NW, ." 140 1!, .satsastma bark u s ant to Park We} - I sajenhi4 IA as *a a hubs* twat oa Deityll4 7 sod_tztiadici I Ad to Pack Altq.- 4 Mt tad slaw basaui Weft. aii:lll' • pearl. nub tatautsrarnA knee sal li.oftelek 7, ox4lavt4 A. Itt.l6WAlel; Jk19 11 1W"....- ,3#1,1121M: Er➢W GAN IS .6,,T40/1.: fizmni somtuArureftr.cauls ' WACO _ Ittatrlti al"kirri**afekt: E r lThr OUT TEM BIT#II/3 42q11 Fire ' gins of -lamina , grttbsata abibiaraOiivbeolsw ndaq,wa lf l t ihj ba iuk_ :- , r ! _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers