t• v * . V. .°17.111' btu kilts 0••=:00'f.., tsal, ...tEIIaILBDAY . - . .51 - SUBUBBAB. 0117:AND Onion Weedier at itiseheeter—lginetten Gathering f the People. 1, • An immense....• meet cep was held hod night in , . hianchntsr. to list= the Ilin.Henly W on. Bunter from Massie Ott S The meeting was • • ci to order by Cap Jae: Miller, &Snit:iron mo b; zan i es A. Huto won, Bag , was - elected dent. The Vice reels . . dente were Um. :elm Parke , Capt. shies Dem, Wm. B. Ross; H:q., W. O. Sprat H.q., Burgess, Dr. O. P. Onmeolep. 0 te.t. Be wilds, H.q., Capt. Jno. Welff, Eh= Smear and Heap :•ild'Oune. - ' . r Secretaries—W. H. Phelps. J. E. Brady, s. B. Vllliams and :MN o.Herper. -.... After Joel Smith's Brass Band, of Allegheny, had played 'a fowl/Wong - aim Dr. Geo. McCook took the stand .and osoupted about half an Lott ;In eddresein the audience. We are sorry that L-.iter space will cot even a ll ow a brief synopsis of ~, the Doctor'l iperat,for it meanly Was a telling :env. Its devoted Most *LW time to tho eardl "jam, paint" of the Betbilean Dirty . cad placing '':. two platform s ti deby nide called anon Ids churns to decide, 'oboe.. . ye ;Ids day whom ye :.n al carte: ''''He yrie-fm‘lnaltly interrupted by ;bursts of applusse.— - . ."',-• As the venetaltie Doctor, who to have •-•,reagtadgie'peers that Gad has alluded to man, rl,harcely three : score and tan, retired, the baud ;"..atinek 010 some palliate gm altvi r whieh Hon. '',Henry Nilsen,. fiettelot froM liftessubossette, "vas introduced. Three Munn were proposed for tholoiterable gentlemen, and given with a , :;• ill, alter Which.he commenced. Oar note, an ,-.... nectuarilY meagre; bat they are Sulloient, we • L', l hope, to ainvej sullies of he meaning and the I*ton/a earnestneas of the honorable gentlman.. ', Mr. Wilms commenead by saying thst he did ':test conn'te speahas a mere Union Imes; neither ..I did be ottee testate the eandi dates:of the Demo. ;,erstio parti;sind to glorify . the candidates of the ;Ilselon party. "When Fart Semplat was attack : ' ad, I resolved to Ignore pr.rty. Sine thatevent - I have sedated in orgentsing ;and Bending '' to the "i old . twenty'three companies of .tat. • ~d iers. In passing upon tee qualidoetions .• i ' .of these gams, Vie question of parry polities '.; was .eeeeralsed. - -The question now Is, not hoer to edmigster, the government, but shall we ";have a, hover:anent at all? We god our field' ~. reddened.. With the blood of our brothers, sons, reat.en and Wendt. Onr young men &recalled ".. epee to give up all they hold doer, to ree to the 'i the bleed. stained field of bat la Why ii It? . ; Oar country has been divided Into two sec:lone, A one recopleleg the rights and liberties of met es ; and the rights of the working man; ,; the otber,holding inn in bondage, and wring ;! lag frau:Vibe serest of their brow, the bread 1 wt Leh eluAld be their own, and raising tic an :!. aristornalic whet, who demanded the right to ~.„ a:tend:the auction`block, the chain and the ~ whip oath& Reeky Me:satins, and the Faciee, '; The other demanding that the ignitor's!' shall be °vest° free littering men. We had one abut •,",:• led by Breakanidge,ans by Stephen A.Donglase, •..; and one by gelai Bali, now s rebel. At the-bal. ~. tother,W• hid =We AbratamLincOin eurFres - Want Then it was that - South Carolina extdb • •••;, It'd bet treason. Thirty thousand troops were >, raised,. forte takea, and Government property ;'i Oaten. We sue lay that no men whoever voted . ' i . .i for Mr,,lditeeln ever trod upon the leg of his II ecuntry, Cr merdsted one : of its defenders, zi,„ whist those whb were In power at the time ''' the rebellion was inaugurated, maw the ~ . il country go to pieces, our stdps Sired epee, our commegood: tit jeopardy, and never raised •.- . 1 ; en arm, to. sue It. T want you to remember, •,. •• 4 that this b & Democratie rebellion. Every man . •,, who ire bier - stricken down inn been struck by • ' 1 a Democratic, bailisnd every . traltorin the omen. • •..., • .14try is a .. Depteicrat. • The speaker here reeepttn• , ..-••• • t), hued the caning menet. of the rebellion, end ...; ' ,', then said that we were anted to niece Mess game -; men in power who had leaugurated allege rain, .1 4 „ ,: ..1.'' and I relight all thin desolation upon the cyan • try. Bieskine of-bir. Lincoln he said, I tall 3 . 0 u, that a braver and truer heart does not beat %,";'. In thebosont at any man, tban to his. He has . t. msde !gasket, sadwiliprobably =labiate= if he ~:..;•.; U ra="eleeted, bit with a'moo whowhole trufte .„., it tienal,ss• can *Dui to submit to &Lew initiates. ""'"if„ -, • -..-• •-i Andrew Johnsen, the fattier of the Homestead -, :T.,,,11 hill, the welds:lathing on the logislativersoerd, is :":•' .:•:I,z, On the Hetet eithhict "Here the speaker bldg. ;t 1 ,11" , Kadin sialierteelogye,ponGov.Johnion, He con, • :...„; tinned.shis Chicago Gontention was the most . ;I snpatdlitio, dlegrecefel, and -Indolent conven • . ~, ,- , .. 4 1 , L,...! Con serer held in this country. Not a word wall .:_lei raid by th e Members el ah at Convention &retest s:l•if,L . ! JtfleteoltDavle, or the men who have murdered - iiTS sad germ' ou r men at" Belle Isle and other , ~..41 please. Who called ltiat Convention to order? 41... , .- . _. ~,.!:' Aerial' - Belmont, the agent of the European ' ~.' 7; hinktag bolus, chef has' carried millions of 1 ;. the ~ C onfederate . loan, and fernished ~-, ;,',!;''ks , mama to build vessels to destroy our commerce.' ~.....,• 'T Who prettied? ..Dorado beyamor, and the 7... - . -,:. , .?;. henorable gentlemen then gave a ',needs of ale :i., ~ 4 . i proceeds : WU. aid piddle &out lasi the speeches '2. , .;1l : -.1 ,."4 - made sat,the.Ctdeage Convention were nipatrio - ,- .1'4.: tie, fader:at, ind"a; *haute to those who med. :'.', '-•• •:';, them.. Aithe tallest* of the war, Maryland . ! .. s ., v .. nivontheilikn, bat she it now sr loyal ,;-• ; .i.. 1.;:, les Pennsylverda. end trill oast her yobs for dlr. • ~ s , Mr eohs.. , .:We had a' few devoted kinds iii. - , -,4-;; , w es uirirgintan - We. made. llama • Clate.stod . /;' - i..T to-dere/o*nm- loyal en the - Boipirs Btate. -,-,, - .'; Mhest'his dial Mentality fat treeps,lbsy '•" ' - ' 41 •70 were'reand. s bold controtthet ants. ••• -1 Xlsepuelie else a loyal State; although Witten' it ---, : -::, :•; em tti.fr sricl4novrarer.o,o,lr horiir).--Th .; il „::yi Thet‘eams might Ave .esid of Tennossea. We . ..:, ...;: ..,,' have " opened =" -•--tba'.';,blitsissippit we' bold `.- ' -,:::”- ti Dew ,Qnleans, PartigsitMeneeog Eloblid,ere Mild Y. : 1 . !;.:8 asarly,cysyy tlaceof Impetuses on the Atlantic `;,.t. 1 r' - A. 11133011114.—. We , Mir Mires to bare PLlctintried. 7.!' --.. :il Bberidarrieteresehsg upthewailay of thaßhenan '?h, ' . :,÷la dosbi,etapet we an told by the Mango eon , - '-'" ''• i":i vertnititherthelear in:indium - The origina l: 1i teraugthliCeeivettiotiseld thatr• the - ,poke far I'; • ...- -r - ..„-1 the Antledelln people,* We the people:. _ y deny ~;. ,• . i theirright to epeak fot s thist people. He spoke 7 ,1 '''' l of the deelaracion of - the Delano convention, 4, , ...:.i...Z„i saying "that • th e liberty, • welfare Ind ' per '", .'. -: • "t , . patoitp-ol thit government, end people, demand. I', ,' `.. ;,-I cod tbefettmedlate maid= of hostilities, and ~. -,,,,,•:.; :. l) asked La What god of a message de you think ~.`l. . :13:7 . N 111, would - be to - Grant. Farragut, Sheridan, or ••:: i ,- - , ;*:-. ;,..i. ta c o others ,whe ere now on 'sae inch mad to .1, :.,4 ~ ' 4,,, i i•wri. , bloClellan wes proverbially glow. but ' -''," • 4. .. I can Soigne him far Ming slow to wrtept the I •i..,„' 4 •: , ,i1 nomination mine Chicago platform. Yon eon's 4 . !-- 'ii saditirtday whether he ',tends, site., or lies on the , plat'erin, arlshelber he Is itin the old women!' •4 '. s' ~, . oN st ay lying loam, ell wined, or whether tke plat,. L.' r. ~; form lies on him. .flome awl is la benheane. ' . ..,.,:•-: '-i.: ;lac is It? Vallandigkem gays the plegoren is ,;','. :: -.1',1 to be adhered to. • Dose any one inippess that as • 1 , ''' .'":;, small,,a man as McClellan cartthrew aside the '•.-: :''`'.- ' 1. , Democratic !eidetc:: •Eteetibe lasistateadO"Can. , .. .j &gaol, a u , they will be Under :the control of , .• ' ."' !,,,,, -Villandigliim, Woods, Seymour and.otliers of AT., •Sf , * L, a. that stripe. Bad as the platform to, it is better T I; ,• • - I;" , than the men who made it; I would rather trust 1 " ',=l - wplatform thenitsbnialm. Oara is apletferm" -. .I . ' .. • ::„; of uncenditionel-rerrusder, noon which stand '%;,' ..? '';• ii "Aeon sed'ilitratori. Or the the• pletfortn of I ..''' ..-;• :V.': o w. surrender-gande McClellan and Neaten:on, L -,•, '',::: 1.4 - so d autthinC emit platfasmitanda,aliVie rebels -4-.-",':.. - ...: t; Every traitor in the:countu it for the , Ching° '', • •i• - ' '.' ..i. piatiotmend tteelMdbintea. : :;,', .., i• r r -,, s Ter tpi t eibeheioddihat int dettutry Would Li:; he repitithetedS - enit , ant contra "p' hie ......: .;', *., -•,',', W e ,Jet talTnariblfults. Beery deserter is for ~,--; the phtfaintand Its candidates. The ,•; Eons oi Liberty. and ttte KalEhtc of the Golden --'f';',SS.';'''. • ; SS .Clirele`ari,lin tiurestai category. Bo among the .-,•"•.,„`. '' ; • P: WhitifilielailibiatillsliFtOriestes *cross the - :-' t'.' wateramong-ith•DegUsh.attsettedee. the Len , don.lloterear.intsmiltrispers of fiance; slid ';' ', '• " - ..i ail over sikellittlerMet,'elfeektte-A:lthert, and, • ' :. - . ~. popular tights and of this country sr, ter the g; ' •Cdoese Plelherisad_ twaiteudates.J.Xla elm: ' •• • ' ' T , oche 014gill:Wer.,dhiatierates,D1.11...BaBer, of . leassuchin .- Cleii.' 'Din,' Bon' Bleitlit; Gen. ..• • :;., -oochnit, Lin . 13.111alrentette, 13 4 10 reP re nt i t • . • •• ii of Oble, Jobs Iregan, Brent, fighting See Hook. 1 4 ' ee•ellgenkliffelarof theliertimen'tioneen -•1., tient and_e_iiS' abidlontir Lianbibildlolutson. '''., Jeble.:Mht,ltionard Bobtito,Garibilg, and anryitberatpeperis Marops-sts-fa -Orator the • :".- t,'' , . eased= of Lineoln, and the onattrig Ott 'dae,: yebellion. The DentineMio party ean pro= be divided Ifito three antiona. Ont. the 6, moderate , • .::. mop who Hat the country to noised, bat who Jaye a wholesome dread of emancipation profs. ' :•;:'. Issaations. Bee and elms. who are unmitigated ... isaso g eten s i , who want paws no, bid: tbst. th 1 . 1. 1 ato eght for it; nun who are in sympath y y i . ' wi th tretteee..-Venetullemet.,.Vornees_ , Bled, r: x ip assfeeitt Co. " nein/rat "swill have war • ci uwe *geoid in the election. I tilt then men ..,', ela hive war if they want 1.t. , .'Shied clash . ',..". *wort of micswbrn igniting for tomethio; to y a rsterk• ItAlara Or the war. and .giblet the —5; sea }, and now I say, there are many good men c... got Depiteratlereehoelog it. mit .7on .M, go , sad get them to go with4nAdr cone - Ives. I f ell wheys - forget their the. •,,;:' Om& and laboring men should not. This men F.,.. war ie, dm siel e. of the laying ma n. Me ii , 1011 sent time of thousands 1) th e S. el 1 We have pat the bnlist in their hands . to Sr. ",.. lite heart of the reballion.stalestiaell tho 1 .! uellets. and they are se effaetnal In the hands • ''''• of the dß:muss altert is In er e ds elate iii`, poldibr.l that- consent - to ens foot of • '-.. ':-,' traiwitoll,rarrendered, but_ the old, fing'ilutU • ~,.'-',.: onee'crialhe wheicsoll:•;. l ffer - will r te '.,,....: Ds poorlaboring white men of the too th tin 1 ,. .. :tight* tillairivhill-ali,inalibratrthelltn. Xiset Abtaheas'Llaeobt.'end Abe its; of *bus ithem nip trisicheat,laVie aelene v acutl tho. • F- , . pair* bereermaistonusbaok AO 04' . 0 thair n lie• 3 . SL! -:Aesuitecood stabs:MOW lazily 't.k °lto es. i -!-..., • - This Wee needy eke of the i • 4 - .. . , t'. i.lloEnnthleWEAlantisl'-' IP4ll!iitsPPlllttlft'l "t:i . . obtinpiitcresAndisidasivof DePperhad ,proti ?at ""' alltritio,,4ootanislosii."throwing sotonsh,...*Moh .; • ' ~---,1 • • Artanabdy wire hariniellGisMitsWillitel great ‘ - ' ' - 1 calgW-- abantoin.Wariikd OLcoxtf • 140 igbift . 1 n ei bTrd eltleads;‘,{4 or bahli—,.. , , . .....,,,i m the ponehtsfen•oreinaterWliefthr,i c • ••• . 1. ( -;',..f gim- bead played sand national Mini win i • • - Vi-. - illegieti , f a . 4 - 41114th „,... zirop ....._.,,, - ~. .tiiitAit;"eatsistak .b 1; • ' '".48.11:03 AllikittM o ,...llljAW - A gP O 6•92I ,PP . - •- • i 2?” . .it,,e,"; "A'Ml./'''.--!-"::..,..7..".41` -;:'..-' " , •-• " . • ~ p -^j r 7 • -0..", ..,- ;‘ ,4,..iii-, , , •••• ••'l , , - g „A . , 7 , .. , -'1...,-_,...:••„:',, , i;4:e. • PET, Cup, I,r atoasliT., sang Ida. etk• •ine-offrov. li....psisest lie. 2 " to the take of .thbo's de.L and being loudly se 'oersul aed toothy obsered, they sang the doleful ...Leant of the Copmerlusidsll whioh brospbt down the —ore had Almost said bons., bet the meeting etas bold to the open street. At the ooncluslokof the solemn di. go, the President toad a notice to the effect that the steamer Bloke would burrs the wharf at nine o'clock to entry the skthrsiontsts to 'the Mass Coursthlon at Beans v Ha er, ll at and that thelc.ol- procession would leave Wil ki US c'e Moist. Bam Limper wu then tatrodased, and made • tallier speech. which oar r ode wilt not allow us to report. At the erotudruion of hit address, the band played a few national atm end the rut useable& thtirely dispersed. Reformed Presbytertuis and the Election. The Pittsburgh Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church met to Beulah, Ramer °tatty, en the bth lat., and was opened with a sermon by Rev. Thomu Johnson. ROT. John Alford, on &atonal of ill health, donated his chine of the congregations of New Castle and Neehantiook. The derassion wu recanted and laid on the table until the constitutional 'tape stall hate been taken, no nodes having been "Stan to the amgratitilone. ..Thu following paper on •he state of the mono try 11141 adopted unanimously i Resolmi, I. That this Prosbi pry express its 1 devout thmksgiving to the God of nations, az mien and battles for the detertee which, under • ilim, Uwe been won by the Vedas! arms to Ibe ball of the WOO of eonalmitional toterameet and liberty. ..t. That every tonriderstion of patriotism, hunisnity and religion demands the; we, se • those wider oar eats, alaccild can pair rotes to the coining Presidential election for the Nadal:L.. al Enka) Anti denary ticket. 8 That the Mink tarnish the pram with a copy of these resolutions. Court ol Quarter Sessions. Wednesday Afterwm, Od. 6,-13sfots hitless Stove sad Brown. Kate Smith wee rotted gala, on • charge of larceny, and eentanord to pay a be of ey, cents, and undergo on tiriptborment of three months In the county jail. Bareopietllster plead guilty to • charge of Wank and battery, bat he le also indloted for katter,pt to commit highway robbery, he 111/63 , samited to jell. Robert Pattaraon and Michael Halloran, who have been In jell for several weeks, on a charge of stealing a coat from Mrs. Bridget Murphy, were dirtharged by p icolamattrt, the prortootor • (*.fling to appear. hinds Brownlee was tried on a &largo of es 'atilt and battery. Jail bolng linable to agree, Wee discharged. Llolrberger, and and vrtre sus gned on oherge of eteati , t b.ttwy. The case woe on uial when we left the rout tom. Union Masi MetUng to Allegheny . • • •- A vary large meeting of the Union citizens of Allegheny was held last <TCDiag at tine house of !dr. F. A. Felhaulser, on Chestnut street. The meeting was organised by the appointment of the following off:etre: President, Wm. Beilth: Flee Presidents—Wm. Benloke, Louis Haul, August Boedel, John Bowe, Berman, "Stibts, sod John Elam. Bearetaries—J. D. Johnston, Leonard Walters, and C. W;lilhaffer. Addresses wan: delivered by B G. Childs,end J. J. Blebet tot, Bin 'a, (the latter gentleman speekttg In the German language,) whiebh were received with rapturous applause. Thtipm• oe ed in gi were Inure peree4 wl th manic V an excellent brass band, and • very creditable ex hibition a dm works. Oa&land Park—The Exhibition fhb Af As the premium has been tomnased to the hoe dooms sum of $lOO, the following named horses have 'boon entered : J. B. Balder enters B. EL Bonet, Felix Laverty " ELary Ann, Norris Pyle " H. Grey Hawk. The horses are in Sae condition, end will an loo out show very feet time. appointors may look out for fray, ne w trial will come of so o'clock. To.mcrrow an oxtrocadtuary trial qf ,epred of thorough brad hones Will Este obsoea for - prom. tam of $lOO. Thies Oticylkie animalthave been entered and !rill Show for themselves. In this contest these will be no " breaking weather permitting, exhibition be the finest of the kind ever given In °wintry. Tan Cultniste*Ctrasimmostst forest.—Tho residents alohetheriftittsof Ass rail roil' wilt be pacified to leers that the grading et' the old mem imidge is completed. end that turn are sontiocas formerly. Pensoosger railways hove .Irntrino .0 perlie neossalty, sod the tam parar7, aneproslon of • portion ol this line, sl thottila.annvoidable, hes boon the pontes of eon aidavable annoy mesa to Ito patron'. 'They eon now folly bppreiciat• the troimettl•nos and we doubt not hot tthe n a vel will be *vastly ameresed. The eon will tamed ter rue to ataxy frost the Company's ofilm, on Penn avow. near 81. Cleft The dangei of soalimation-ror Kovonioy as it twined, lboident to • change af mildew:to to • bbioor.oll4o4, Booth or Woe" •to entirely avold•atbiAtat.-t - lowly nee of Osgood% Toils Cbolstolt•:' Isboold be e unsneneed on ap pearaterifitt•••diest biteas symptoms. The 1102110.1511 of VOIIIIIIIO2II 0. bady, Jape"- ect-sgoalt , ai o: •o,•oott. pato Ia tb• bones, cannot bit • •,11, Bold by all druggists and tositabie dodoes. Env. Jinx PRERLii 'Thos. E. Edsnball and yeasabU oinakors #W adding tha Ilan Hook tug of tba Tintou cdtlion to tba Pantos to Allostuny. nreang. A full truant ex. Pons Ihnontun—i2lrintmg tun now otr ex hibition In itia window • umpkin did wh when 'plucked, 200 pounds p t C on any Ono .i b e at It? Intlwannew—A. word in !meson, /co. Insure yetis umbrellas by enrol:ming rooted Patent lines*lla Loot Bland. Bold tat_ the Whoa ins Tinian ogee"!, 80. 2? Fifth west_ suslikl• MARRIED: WIZTIITBON—LLBTOB.—On.Tauday, October itb . 1116 i, by Br,. T. Frosty, .1.0 FIB B. STET' SS Equ . std 11&03TB AbSTOB. both #llPthl,b7 0111 So suds: , STEAMBOATS. VOR CAIRO it 13T;'L01: 1 10 1 .-- ie. C Dosotesoser .111101 A, Copt. 11. ...? . -f 1. 4: 41, S. Dale loovo for Os aro. ozol to porrl/illi DAN.flth Inst. freight or potige&b.o ot. - D. 001.L121 1 1WOOD.} J. .4"21A. , 1 - 4 WATIABC I 4 POLIS li.ND .u 4pl Ids kOd4811101111( •PAOLZT.—TaiplIao r st ram r Osair J. a. le r tb.stare and , latarnadiads partismary MADAN, id rff selght. " TZITS 41.1 Edd id; son 4 ..Whav bor. is ßdia DEGMAA,IC PITTSBUICOR 8 1 . -/-111.VEIECLOG FaClTlManthin das rn itaiiaaf landdiVii_drattamnaa mom t 'MAW& IMPLIVWSDAT,TMISOD&V and 13.1.1 d. 17111ILY idlSl lam Wheeling „away .11E MOAT, suessarfax tilfp&l, *a. , Ifotp4 l 4 !risme , op& co boio,t or to i. - 'JAL PALM* ON MOW' What% Boat: Wow/ ItotOsboksolo &OP. XI,9BIIII4ROAND ST 'JAM, .I.'•zDrtii eve Dmi'ddiestir Vat:4l[mi ramagrodu hay.ibrito six=r• ftaicWt teposto eir-tatrasimi. eth Imigt‘ - . • J. D.•OOL • WOOD, j , • ClNaNialiex • Lou -B 82 : 14.454 Virptazi....Vlolok. Will*Mll Isllolltmet 4 O'CiaCk ;lb= trdibt,°/"TS`ga on poi~i~to ntetwoom mu t. lonN.Nu&cs. • . ro- Hon':yams woolAtaowass.-1 rait - iSPIAGD, "1173511. r. BUSTIN BLOOD LPAIIDDI BOOM, - foot coo to Po pmAbo,'_g, osiabot , of BIMODAL BIM 'AMMO Tat Olos Polity Ibo; coo lot of pod BOXEDDIG .11%_froot ivo to Pro yo*l4dd.'• •tolirmen to COO ,od onossini-sor st =VIA • ace :oa Ow obi :Wookdorm not 1 1 0 et ' Alle#l223sXmli6t%PilGtldil-OL , PEOVIION. NOW RECAIVING. -• • 41..:... CO Umtata Pato 014 0/44 ,' t ; ' IRO Mat Mato (MO Ol= . " ' Wrungs °bola appter. . . ' SW lb. hit Mt Ilatto i t ' r , ' IS:Yawn Max Sem , - .r •- ':. 5 band' lima% oft.ierl Marb Chten Nog, ler tale by ~... IL. lITDDLII, 80.1.0 Libert• twin VOli SA= asosswesAusssesmi cias _ ss do All.gbo o 7 Boot. Mott; 100 do - Alloo**7 Vain IL Oo IS do, Irobto sad Dolaststor Oa oo do vrabuo—Pow Thw""" . ' - CMS ey;ittfrt.‘olll:l. : , 15 r•S l a ngtrt=" - I 11. ,11,buivir.Scre. ,'sbamiesoulacu.9.. ; _ W blow& Tarutpq 42 441 4* *5t dig6 l,l • •••• " " it l i gn == saa tg i 44 l 4 I r . mum Tall • 121'..,;.- • • i = • . • • . 4t1 , ...A.k1y- , -411.1.,i, 1:W71 ' • ',KY . + 4 4 - C., 7 • - • A spzei.4s.• .4 - 07/Cigo, • fr&b 010213 ISIOTOILL LIFE SIM 111.150 1 00111PAHT, cr 1:1:w Tans.. surrAlf, Taimyr: boos Eoll-Fotfeltbas Ootdmos Ufa and Eadoor et.t ToCholos. Alar,Pdthuoisti Gum maim plea 71.• - Oind of Polio oan oils: opal worariey. Y. WOODS, Omani Aran. !OM*, jib VOMITS Mart- •ntily 10 , PUBS WINE VINEGAR. E. & N. BOLLILAH, GERMANY, (formany MALLET 'AI 00., Bordeaux.) Vie only Vtragar awarded Intl a Peke Nadal. of thty a:Walton, at the tatarnatlaaal Ulabittaa, d for.as bJ F. 11. BOLLMAN, 1:0-L ARE SUPERIOR COPPER Km a mom mom. Pringukoz. PARK. IdeOURDY & CO.; lloonftetoran of BRZLITIMB. BLASMMEr AIM BOLL OOPPEIL, ?sump corelds v,orrolus, BLUED BTILL BOTTOM oPOLIAB Ab..L=Portmluidl,sleni rni PLATE, SMELT MON, virniz, /La Doestwally os haze. 'MI • NLRB` MAOI4IEIIO9 AID Warehouse. n 0.140 MST 7ZO BIGBND tiT SLIM, PW o Wrag, ordm of 0.28 W aoi to any doolredlS paltarh. Myr•Srlydayer CONIT33IOIIB ta D E.Xe ForMIXHITiI Al LB trO &LID, 'fabliau.' for the beaeltaad as • Inaba and ma= to your' Rea Who oche. thank tioroOlio Debillty, ' ,SAM MY* Pooh, of Manhood. eta., ironlyfira, m the mum tirM. Ow ewer a/ td/ era By one who boo cared hhasidi after betag pal to peat *sperm had friary through.rnedloil has Dag and amatory. By oacladlig a Me-pold addremed wareiope, awes ova* cuy dam! of the author. ItAnteNEIL viArrera, Bedford. litnas coefory. H. T. willaydAarY 10. TO NERVOUS SUPTIMEII.B OF Writ 913Z9.—a 000000 ad gel:also:ma oasts heap rer,weo w health io • taw dess, after undersell,' =rad Tontine and trreffola =Mote nods of traatroeut without succors, aoastders it big sacred dory ostotoonsata to his alatctod Wow creatures Ws moans of mars. 'Heaps, au the noc•lpt of ►o addressed an he WA =ad, fret, s copy of the prescription coed. Direct to Dr. JOE 3 td. DA.6/512 , L1., 1.157 Tat too etveat. S. T. nahlhlyd.WT eiVevtav,(lato VW:Lager for LlppWoolf 11 0o.) . possaar.,(l•te of One. Hubbard Co.) r•AlfrC A. LOllO. IL - L .---PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARD B t LONG. kienufaornrors of PATEIST tIEOOISD 01.13.017 LARS vrerenntod OABT STEXL faWd, of ovo7 doscription. MIL Maley. Orcas Cult, Gong and another roriotim All kinds of ZEITES & SPRINGS, rondo from R.. Got Stool Intro rtiollnod RIAPEIL AND nowusa, KNIVES, in. Wantons sag Worts, am. W ATEA I SHORT STS, Pitfalmrgh. Artionlar nttontlon given Botcoothing. Gumming and Str-ignioning Dimminr Same; slw repairs of all kinds. Nu:Oakwood Drilling don. at rommublo roam. ogal_ 7 __ ----- ------ Cr OBE OF HOB NEWELL'e Ghia Y BERNDT 80.-9ONTIEW77L'.II 7 OLE! Alf ODYNZ.—TbIa lastiy osbriannei pro per. tiou, ,blob tom oro truly earrred Go name sod Gnu or a a True noodyars by roratto üblch bad baffled ernry other attempt at roam or tuba( to Borralgts, Btortran• dam, Gout. Borrow Eloodscho, Tooth sad Laroche. Cholera 11 orboo, Pal= to the Stoat bob OT BD.H t...in Markus after Tratiok. Lou of Gu G.nera4 Dom. Debility, Paroxysm. to kirthoso nod Wbo.plog Cough, • us declarod to be largely urrvour and for the plans to Iloutbly Iduatroation. also Goland to to ass of Mu most troportant points to maildna. ts lady suttee from Be. York ..were it bra dollars a no, I would mot ba seltbanot it to my family, and no <us ohould be without It. Tor sato by al Wbrilesala and /total Drier. JOHN L. BIBMIWILIa Proodstoor Traotkal OkrustM, Baotou. /Man Tor our by Jae. Iflroduir Goo. B. lirrymer. B. L. Tstroutur it 00., J. M Talton. Ayoub for PUMbutlati Gm. h. !ally. V. 3. Nuns nod Dr. Jam. Brum, ngent• for Arlagbroy City. . 1 . 16 . 0 . 1 ." ____.-------------- • .VilL BARNHILL & CO.. Bonn isaKEss &ND KIT= ma woßx. EDS. Soon St, Soo. ED, V. 114 rod U. [loot & I. oared • torso pord oad tarafelted B with the mon Im proved amain 's". wr ono proposed to outaolootroo rro.p deeortpttent of DOILIES, In the Imo wooer. don Isorn.atrd oval to am trade to the =meg. =TU. -111111:0111B. I= BIDS, STEWS MIS. weourrlva Bonus. oolinutences.• BALI ?SIM, 7.A.865, 011. BULL% Acirtvross. COEN iI•MCF SANS. WILMS MOD WISDOM 800.111 PANS, wad SOLO WlLlaLlaatureas m besumn.ve PATEST BOLLES& Repabiag dam an the .hefted moire • sollida tL'ItOBI:191019.„ RBA a CO., (scuaos• .11131=1 to ECISISM. MUM i lIIIPULIM WASHING TOP WORKS, lavi•ana A ISAaama.., PiNgaalth. V.r.fivetvr«. 110... r• 10411. ATATTOWIIII STEMS LNGINTS, LAST XSONIZEI. HILL NA -40.11811111, MUSING, SIitaTTNG. CASTINGS. of all.Nrbelptbrai Oth TAMS • STILLS DM= AND SALLY IDOL WORN. /wait* far GISTANIT• ererstr; IHSTATOIL TOE TX2DINO Wan& Ef ... 7. id BIELLB EITILIII. WOBEB surrss A co., thicomogno to 'WHAT, lartecsa A 00., In011eo•OIMS • Own )37CGI. , 6781390, TI.OW AHD Main= MEL.; SPIIISOB, AILS% OttOWD&B 3 , Works, TIBET &BD, &lineal:4 City. T. O. Lddroa, PITISDIIII.OfI. P. fal.lkly TC:JOHN COCKEL&S & BRO.. Biaa orscwnn of MOD NAILING, DMA VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUTTLES, WIN DOW GUARDS, AA, N.& 91 SECOND sad Se THEW STREET, tet. Wood and Ilarket• - rich of new Patt.rm hoof sad pain, .altable to. .11 Poetical. attention paid to enelcaLl4 Ceara Lois Jobbing 'Akas is short notice. TLZ-3'DISLIBES OF TSB SBll7OllB • asannsi, DBMS= AND IMMO 8103- 2ZlN6—aew sad reliable ereeareene—in Navarre or Go Howard Ilocaatiaa. &Eel 14 mail la reeled Uttar envelope, tree of corp.l Aaron D. J. MUSH HOUGHTON, Howard Asiordstioa, G. II Drab Ninth itreee, ralladelpbta, Pa. orb Way I ce HENRY H. COLLINS. Poswass 121 AND 003133MWTH DIVICOWIT iredsou arum 12 0911.623, DUMB, OIIEDII. MB, 222 22202 a ay. WOOD 112 els PoUtunk. 11. HOLMES a SONEL, Mathis ts ir'?" , o y ooffSD powinto sutra oyt 31.2 013AZIGtr. ClEECTUrialard . 01? -DIPOSIT. NOE ISMS AND-0107A lb. 67 11141:2? Mier 'ar oca,alear ia,sa. as "ball* cat= iteetieliatesitfittidaiwis • - ritiva.o , 41(rTrrlosz./-. lor isostoont of ow , &us or ram rat* AND .vslzu.s* OW" OPmd Meor. H.tl m i i • Soma of oonsidtatini tiina 3to 6 oYioolc I& B Aya k y, FAREO . lpfk 00., 129 Vorirtli. Street, Oacitantl, e»r isk . Mad • WV •••ntavat et il i a 'l=l7lE3. • - atinri stan. MOVIES , SINT2I3. OIL airionsieLatv4- up th the hod spentet owner. gouts OW with to stet tad OM /warm JAMN KING,. nyourru 5n,821, to the Trovpet mentas erica nYbTER CRACKERS and MD% hid at " W O'S 801110 4 $l/IAWELI.PAII3/1 Tr LNGSFORD'S CORN. bTABOEL- 25 , .b...ringetas chr..co Para awl AIM akin Stara. PIIVICIaId Sid L.Wetnr 0116 bst a at co xing A. SS ebroutasier awl •thAt. lILTh4OO,-.lVOcad for ado bv ; • -won 31+0614111% , • :77 4 7 77:47 ; •ct;i— -,el • cel ae1.2A,,,:;„1...11 . 1.•;.77 , , • !or.. • • THE LATEST OEM • Our Special EN. GRANT S OPERATIONS. From Richmond and Petersburg. TUB POECITIOR TJNOIUNGED Our Ttoeps Still fold all Gaited by the Lut Zotemest NO FIGHTING OW TEN NORTH BIDE OF THE JMEDIA Oar Troops Safe from any Attack. 13pectal Dipatcb to the Pittsburgh Gasses. Wu:mum:wt. O. 5,185 i. Orn nowarate• r•ine have probably interfered some what wilt army operatioas before Richmond and 'Petersburg. The position them yesterday was unchanged. Our troops continua to bold all that bas been gained by late movements. Ramon prevailed there that Sheridan was marching to :einforee Grant, and that part of his arnalry torte had elready formed a junction, with his osiralry tore* thrown oft from Grant's army.- The last at any rate is probably unfoun ded. •0 XORN VIONOTTIO TST 00CITIRXD ON SAXES. limps kiss been no more fighting on VOis norm tide of the Jamee:sinoe the ansnooesefel efforts of the rebel, to retake tee position Both had captured on the north Ade of the James. 017 A 710021 OTBOJOLT FOIITINID Ow men have ea fortllled themselves so Is to be reescnabli sae from on: Monet.• ME= G.neral Feseendect, oldest 6011 of the BlKlret.7 of lithe Treunry, le ordered :to duty und. r General Sheridan. 7.1 7gamen Cameron, Baler; .1. llayenond and Gen. 8. tomc k TIII Oklrldall IN IZIIIIITLYkrII.. No late news from either Sheridan or Grant. A. tiie cents.. is Pennsylvania sppnashes Its culmination, the pro•peau of oar good °sato brightens. Speaker. are being crowded into the 6.► u, end every effort is tusking to make toe con .iemnation rkf4eace end armistice with rebels as overwhelming as possible. IiAIiAISAJ OAT 11.11.10/.D. The Mense.as Gap Eta Woad ha' been re paired to lisotortesiti, sixty mils' from Alex marts. ollellall LTD ♦LIILIDVA ILILMILD Tea Orange and Alexandria R•llro►d Is being tat in repair, and by to-nermax night mill be la running ordar to Culpepper. The importance of tease repair& in a military point of &Jeer can -001 be OVertZted. I====l Henry J. Helmond has been nominated for Coegrais in one of the Re• York etty dietriata. hoe o bolting candidate rannieg ►Fdnethim, ander the atm:Acts of the Simon Draper Laotian. (1.1 , hallooed, hoverer, that the party •ill take beant to get the bolter oat of the eray,ln which ease Ilaymood I. pretty certain of election. A Nohiladitpatoh to • robed paper, dated the 26th, up. that Sherman has seat oat a beery fOl.lll of earalt7 from Amen.. tat right. It le known thit the rebels are likely to hear of Blum- MAWS pre teat doings before ere elm. ben. Iloinislemon bat boon ordorol to proof& 01101 a military 000 rt at Wheeling. LATEM FROM GRIM ACTIVITY AIIONG TUB MORO Probably Moving to White Oak LEE TRUNG i DI.SPERATE GiMg Inc sth and 9th Corps noldhsf a Berorsr Position. SEVERAL MILES OF RAILROAD TOUR UP. Our Total Loss 1.606 Now Soak, Oat. s.—The Lbrokr• speolalcor respondent with the 10th corm writing, dada data of Oct. 2d, says : T -night whistling loss thee and rombling oars sra dlatinorly heard both in front and towards Blehmond. They are mim ing troops ono way or the other by rail. They are pr bably miming out on the , / sits rood. and will probably some down behind White 0 Swamp, or beyond the Obiokshom. thy, and strike or at Raw Market heights, ling thereby to cut as off from our basaat D rip Bottom. We ere not dopendent on Deep Bottom for base. We bays a shorter Bike and better bar at Athen's Laoding, and ran afford to swleg o ear of Drop Bottom. L5Olll making • 4:operate • manure. Stonewall .11:r.son alone WU prods sot in the •xemtion of an h grand flank more= ts. A Record's sprotal m the *await:, die ion cry t that fifty of the 6th Ohio were asp red dating the battle by being fl salad wollotan• mad in front. Tae Zriftune'e City Point spools' of 0 rt.? 411 sat The h.la and 9 -tt cor now hold mon :po 111100. about lair miles am ps and to th e left of on late position on Ins Weldon 'Broad They ar trials throeto four moles on the tenth ells r the Lyochburg and Petersburg railroad, moire sholijirat road from one point. &venal=lies of this warps road wee latel by the reel& In hanged supplies_ from Ida to "the Booth--Bids Railroad. White 0 egg' cavalry, it is said, have Ulrike' several m es o the let:or road, thus. oflectually cutting o ai railroad 'oetbmuntd , Stith with the South, s espy by the Deakins and, Richmund railroad. • As the relative forces new stand, he o not 'Lopata - rainfalls sitelther end ot the line with. bat ,seing biro at she etherymd, which to tiurr casdyrsitildUrovis dttritreas to his 'dote per ipdaja..the oppenktiotelaint se, his been virtnalliythesouthade istitiehb lad Petsrakerrrlisthrond. em.the..isit and, el Bluff, Port-prditii On sat jht , ,Onx.tosi has neon about I,oolroa rts end 600 oath* left; 'elf told: Oat gels by pairs sod desertion _fro/nth* other 'Webs, oh beta considerable. The WOstri Arky of Potoisse sped ' Rebel' &Octets sots e - thst iiippOsEhs laled so y rr Oteek depot Lost Alt tilleted; of Dinethile- abort tbesow along the - Boyedott ttenpike burg, end thitoss of this 'means of . dots 5,100 would render imposribls the matt tbe army at Petersburg, with . e ran ride of the rained retained. • '' - • In the late battle the rebel troops posed In the line of works In ow:moldy their defeated south ;o f ratertborri," westwardly gong* 10111 h tido of 'thi stand three miles south of the mod. In there were tw3 other parallel - Anew of meats, the last being alai tt6WO.O R ailb rtilrcad. —Them works are described-as Tory en rainy the Inner lines,'and the otorldii Weals, with formidable redoubts, will with artillery: • • .- - • WAX'S CLOIZTH, =E2I3 Wimitiortm, Dim , riot. 50—At the I election on Thursday, Dew parried I 0 county by a majority of 52, /Lent 00 5 malcrity of 203, dame: paste bY rem • , 4150,the totalled's 1405. Nix Oast; notes had 431 melorlty in Omahas, other amount trim Wiladnglon of 0 1 rays thaUltiteinsetutvis tam • to day' The Union vote WOO not to 'Wigton the terandleass Owed all tora and rissersor, The balance .41:oLtro.:71.toethigoit.s.,:p411,170,4„xsyhNunitliwnitipot,1 • 1 I , cam tifauittiitiewlite No. loneth ettui. NO Toil; oa-&—erwiresis.e • . • usztinours, imitio—ssyn own •• fi *mien tbit Ilveiltsiall was . • Stares szkommodi Jrablle Waage • to* adlitary Cue nut - c"• •-• ''&l'a44l. • 41 01 • FRGIA NASHVILLE. Athens Shelled by the Rebels. FORREST GONE IN THE DIRECTION OF Iforage Train Captured . by . CaerriLlat. Tgg SUBILRADIII OY ILLTON, G. . DS CODED ET THE REBELS b.. •.. to. Naannuk, Oot. 4.-0 a Bstardaj Gen. Beard with part of Fairest', command, inalndlios all his artlilen7, attaoksed Athens, Ala., shelling tke plan for two 11091.1. lie Amended its amen de from the cosammident, Col. Weds, of the 734 Indiana, who refused.. Buford non altar re tired. The lean of an attack on Cloltimbla wen unfoun 4.d, Porreakharlow,goae dm dination of Plorema, and was that below 311..ffleassat. A large torte of .modumice and laborers are eog'ged In repairing the railroad indtalegroph. It ts helloved that railroad communication will he open to Pulaski daring the week and the tolegroph to Athens. No doleful guerrilla bands were updating near the any, from font far sight mild on the *oven! roads last soot. Two et three foray trains were captured, the wagons disabled, and the mates and drivers carded off. One of these bands In commoueled by DICI/11 lioNalry. • A party from Chattanooga mimeo that a 6- mend for the surrender of Dolton, Ga., was made yostarday by a body of robel4 claiming to be Porrest's fares. No further partinlors. The tele graph is working to Chattanooga and Colombia _ M,l or Oen. Thomas rind - T. Y. Meagher ar visa ben last night. Ni. 'coin, Om..L.—The stouter: bleChllan, from Few Orisons on the 28th, has arrived. On thal9th ult. they pasted the !steamer Con stitution from Few Orleans for Yew York, with prisoner} &deices from Brezos .late that the Presets who sdvsneed from B•gdad wars today whippwd by Cortina. The rebel, •?.waved on the Terms elle of the cad covered the retest of the Yronoh on A epeeist ►gent brings word to this Union evmmander at Brazos, that during the absence of Maximilian, Marmon, banked by the Arch bishop of :deuce and the clergy, Issued a pro• nu neh men to, dselaring against Masi milieu. Hall of the eity of Mexico bu been taken by W 1 amor. An appeal to the people to sustahs bim. and drive out :he Invaders, has been Ii- sued. its Peer eh left Monterey to ro-operete with the fermis from !elided, leaving only a smell (err .roe. The Liberal General Quir.go lotted • pronnociamento and look the garrieon prison ers sod began fortifying, the Ft ooth st Bagdad fonts ttg within nog. of their chips. Curtin. U confident of holding out against all oppoettion. Ti.. French have one'. frigate' end two oor esteem off the ale Grande. Admiral Bosse rertou to allow meseengere to p... hr. awe to our Comet at Idatamoras Hie orders are to shoot everybody who approechjbli ilea. snot dark. Abseil sixty Mexicans at Seises have been re leeeod loom the Branch prison. They reflood to take 'Ai...oath to eopport the Empire, end oast ewer Menlo* on on other terms. The English frigate', Liverpool, Correll*, end Beveled, end the O. 8. gtreboat Penobecot, ere I ff the mouth of the Rio Brenda. The Colon men of New Orleans are notch Os. ted over Elberidan's viatory. sifter eaveral Marco/eh. the rebels kayo bon drives aeon Lobate's. sad the vicinity of Mor gues OD. cannon, a considerable , csiantity /tort. end • few prieoners were taken. The loots of ktliod and wee.nded on bath aides, to if hie g. The cotton mop, though badly denote& is not destroyed. A large p.en cation nor Betonßamp, tram chick slurp halos weroenSastaA, will make few hundred. This le exceptional, bet the 1 average will be Dee:half a Mon. Tko 'Mimes Yazoo, from ii.. lorkr arrtved on thela Lk. tier. Bratsk. of Ohlo, hex sent poll Look. in whist to tot. the sots of tr. Ohio ...idlers on the ilth of October. The rebel Onu. !lodge., commending a ear. yaw strip of the Mississippi end outside of the i.lon lines et Bolos Bier. and Port Dodson. Le, bee toned en osier forbid/leg palate Is, Do with the enemy. • • Cotten U dull as the Now York qtra'alioni of the Mitti all, salting feather news. Cotton bo glos to Doss is rather Lively. Swamp. Sr, ar atilt 61402 ons% .41431., Delaware Election I . spectre's OesUe vvby• jseltp of iejtepAtt• Ts r .tob r 504 • oloottow Is Wit• lacpoo• ow Quito wad soy that si I.ll•Vlrtm- ~, , 1 r.L.Qf I . - 1 , . I _ , _ , - . . 1 :I=-75711.,,_,_:..,,r0z.:11.,•?, ,-,..1 ', , t r-1. - -. 9 2• 111.411,4 ; 11 .... , -3, :^4.76,,v • • , r _ ' '''' ",.; ,'''''''47.l."-.2,:`,...'-''' ' .... A ... • _ 4 ""tigt 0 4,4 '. ''',74.••••44,j0.2;a ' - . fIOIENCE. From Pew (Iclealls. Ore:4O itspeaitioa—Covirt Mantua Cases. New Tula, Oot. 5.-018oMI information reacl.d Washington, whiott stated that ths. North overland expedition' commanded by Oap. tall Fisk, got safely scroth to the West side of the lillosonri them at Bort par t y good. Ter. filar/. The health of theLs good. Clap I tele flak oi the 221 of dugout pushed ea far Yellow Boone. An important reoonnobmanoe made at a point several Are mile, north, con vinced him that the hoetil• aloes wane all on the ground within the meat .bead of the fdieneri .. , a , ll 0 , that river, and northwest of Fort Side. gran 111=101;11211232 hoe cart.-martial of ear. for the past week shows the conviction of one G*lol . o,oll* lien ten ant colonel, Poor melon, two stalstant surgeons, footman eapt due and twurity- one lint and second Hater...to. nearly all of whom wen ditmlaed from rho service for various offerome, including ten or twill', nuen of drunkenness and lota on acomont of cowardice or misbehaviour before:the enemy. In • recent sale at New York, throng% • broker, of matchactllse amounting to treaty thousand dollars for gold, It was claimod ih.t a tax of ono eighth of one per Gentian; or twenty. fire dollars could he paid In legal tender Inns. cry notes. The collector insisted on the pr moot of gold or It. equirabont. The dedmion of the 000:11:1111.i0121,I oI totem:tat Ittywous having bses; requested, be replied that the question to be determined was not on what meth= a tax tiled be peid; but upon what haste t shall be computed, and addlog If you have l told goods ietontr thou mod a clia-o, payable in ourreaey or min, then thin sato and measure of the value of goods.ld ; but If you sold merchandise. thin aiming to receive twenty thousand dollars In gold, which le itself at iodide of potroltme and tale, the value of gold moot first bo ascertained- II twenty thousand dollars in gold happens to be worth forty thousand dollars In legal louder ; currency, the latter sum Imprensa the amount of goods sold. The lax of fifty dollars baths oho. ...attained is payable in tenantry legal tender notes. h From; C aLiforalae _ Y 055, Oot. 5 —The otoom+htto Oorta Woo, from AfftillWali on flopteanbay 25th, with troll, ono ono pusonglmo from aallfansia,_antrod t2to monolog. Rho brlngo Valparaiso .na Callao data of the 22. ..No noir* of import/woo froth 4 C,bill. ~ Polo -No steps bees boa takes b 7 nit Pa .. tog ton plasm's& levies the settl ement of o f die Eipsuitsb mitt Parnylan difihnities. Congress Dot rtiostl violations Maurer will be deetared ~f spinal Swann' the lug meat: .10 obtain the wort oompleas and thorough ostlstiotion for the i todlgrittlos awed to Pau, sag if-the Mash& Wandstesre int gives nor and do 11 1 41 11 f: al Iteptabllo salted ,by .13polni Our ILvecttito.;# elngtnefs 4 to impel every , mow legaUj IC - hi Porn to defen d, by force Disinhibit' of thi eaDoOsi t 0 14 0 17 ., - A =Otto* Ito, V retooteibi Qs l'ermitt Chia t'ol Deputise; by one of its , members , urging thorn to pricer/Pio behalf of Porn, in Isle:nen. Don of ten or Eiercliaropain .powces, to enable her to streak , twalessfally -egged the.anamy who is superior to, her at 111 , hie motion, al., though not naiad ipcii. it intend In Pun erttii, flagdisferr., the people of. tluttrerpoblie bo. -- . -- gag strongty oppoid to Enroptis Intenession in anyway. on this continent. , . - • . • 'lle exciting* salmon 66 to . tits days's - SI% [ . . 1 , pet dolly 'oe(Litidon. , . ~_ . flows kola tltollopobfloof if outdo! is of :doh : . 1 tatercsUlx Preeldent Ustiste;iritttnerrobttlott . sty fore* of 400thon Eton Intl*, had made their. lending in tbittroylnte of MAO., a ilistet au tistic* below tlanyagell, thole - objeot beteg to acerthrOv and preveot the. ipatiothatil , TIM Dtheftrian t dispatch:4 two dessert with trooP.s;;Stalling to making their b a ring, they ?granted to theilsoull , It wit announced at'Panals, °tidally, on the ilit Mat the blackish of ihellezican clout had been railed, and that it it 'opoti to the ;world. The President of the Lesltiatim Astembly, in woordanco with reioitelons puled by that body animates ago, bat regwitaid the President of the Bewthile to withdraw the; execastai of 00 Punch Count: - .L ! -, .-- ‘ ; - • -' - , . BONDED WAUBROPOS OP Phenix Warehousing ComPaIXT.. ton OF 'lmmo • meinumf , L es•, DRO OI - 1613 • Tot itaraoi aj . • RKMOLD.PrfatILEUX YR Tanks tail Darrols. Else' 9w. ra . OsCh► ita:oa t 21031 =ass% ant rec. -, MARYTMLINg.=OA;SEK4I.OO/143 al" 10.44/01detairtlint. ' _ V- 11 . --11 1 Pstua rs 4 - I,;dtEiistiii; vale isritek ; Crmam ortiCJoil mak-Inm cd b• eloisaites. ILIKLEVIII, Sad& Mak • Ibmwrierlaa RPM! PIETROLICUM.74 bbk: -far sabklmi, eti Unlit CM ^M,. 1.1.,9. - RICRITS: Novi York Stock awl Nosey liarite- Ilea CaMa. Oct 6. —Goldomdia s 1 LEI ; anal Nl' Le sat R. clawed at tlisoge cooderasey settee ; 11111%6100% for Vista Us lona cartel le ratter mon &alba mad tie anPV7 ant Cott The cum Wailes of caplt I orekta4 tam pot try Enveeiment of an t the Mamma lb. vapors for par arlierriptiong tit thetas-forty and savato,hlrt7 to rts west,. c antast„ musing tram alf • IL /I/ 1.0 • MI /.. Us eta tmalb ret opened ;wavy and el sad Oren:, with en lanai...big riga •LDOLIE 0.44.11.. to bay a at corr price, lag tho bolo. a wing afoot., arblidt az gitate des b. ba Qom presnat and' pr aepactin value of ianaritii • Edit. b ard go d 11 quo ud at 1,fri0„%91,f9%; Bale, 8.14(31 % ; Sealing 11. 0 : Ulf a Wan booth, 02%; Thistle Central Icrip, 111%1 North- Weetrrn Prefer-led, 6T ; E.ak 04land, 06%; Combs, WA, ; Q.Muni.er 78. TiansactLins 01a. antlially large In railroad at seks • lute •15.0111 a f abut. h•ving brae sent hare tor 14.- 61121 lcu from western eltlar Mgeeramant &tacks dab sad B 1861. opened st MAN, and closed at % Tim closing pa. 7,0,047 ; 114112 c 6,14 • in ; openg at of %. and cluain( at 01% Bluing Bitola mace mod dadinased of any at:eta o• the fiat. Undsr forced gale , Oumberland opened at and of down to 41%, • fall of 1.1% from de clined aiming pion Qua killer, ends.. lam , miles declined 9, and !Bedpan Caplan, laan darfltrild and I'. cilla YW ha 1. 1•1 Baroad SLAM tbo braids,: daclin vol le VW,- ;can Southern, • lot of 7,100 alarm bans sold at 67, • &slit.a of ty r ni.rket *tea 'y 11101 .Lend int Etw•y7l.6o) tl• call 7 Tar .0114... Without .y march; burins. fop dl a on s •t d tad* trusts rdichaamal Bat Kale pc. t Is t.aVdttf. I orelga Nu' tclasurro la quial and rata orminally ins • ma b y rend.) , , vlO Hatter's Bawling log, or lent dot • •.d Gassed 1000-1 0 . • far tbe Sant Laud the rumors of • Mese. to Oats Craze, lb* goat market improved stma, es As [bat te 'latent at tllO board Imprortor tegN live-Vacat e s. no quoted la leaden at 44, and am. aiaidroa t 4t3 . TY Pang.., for Liverpool, took oat to-day 8051111 In spats. TILO 0 • from Napitieall, suon,la to elude. Cite , d elated at tem evening:Loud •119114, after board few York Market. He. You, Oat. Is. doll Lad hoary, sod Id Luc t e ss sctlys and 3951;Issror• Caro !wary and 405 a Issoor. Oats tsar, and Ws lover. Pork ',For os Ito oponlog and oars satire Lt the lose. geet sad bogey. I.rd decidedly Icwer aled.beemy RIVER lIITELLIGENCIC Elven awe Wsantits.—Datep, cloudy dam threaten ing rein. sad smoky foggy nlghtregvar to be the order of things. Ttu rirer . le egeln fell tng. with .boat nice .ad. ball het in the °tunnel A Cep • tch Lino Oil City received yesterday efternoon, intys that the alierher I l felling at that pellet. Bos War at the wharf le only tolerable far, and will not wagers favorably with the mmo roue other year. The .ly crr eel paten/ ay was the 111norra I' ors Wheel v., /Le did I 'Lt ivetill ere.r dinner, having ecuined by the fog. the nelloa td, and r. turned M re "i 1 Th. Gui.on left frt . Cincinnati last ovules , T • Pt traits 19011 arrived lut evening from 011 CPI ud • 11l robably lure on her return trip lb , ' .vent erg. A number a oats are now du from Inc nowt. and ecru K CAM., th b e boon, who teill probably be band 10 'be abaft tea morning Tbs andsom mn odious aad o . rut sting pecker, Capt JP. rter. bay log tun ottavoldawy neulnea, -LL Intl, thte day es 12 olock Ix ft. L 13214 T. wishing m• t.. comfortable trip to It Louis or in termediate p Int.. owl I plane tele optic, 11u /3,tba, Iltpt Tan took, is .I<c:seed to leave for 01neinnati ltrir evening. The Waltsalta H ail to ms br Bt. Louis au ) ids). Ih. Romeo • Capt. 11uhlunan. the review Wheel lug Packet, will lo ve twwily at 19 o'oinct for mat P oi.' The Orlida nerd the Pettolla an do• from 011 'lts. Sten cud& left It. Louis hr Pittsburgh euly this wet% A one...tarifa latertet In the Vela& Ilartnpe has n • tt J. W. Sword of Ironton,. Otto, et the rate t.l s¢+ooo !or the etolo Poet he Kate B Porter left Olacicussttl fnt Plttibargi es 'Noe ny o•outnn, and thy Ilinhlandet. GILA. No. N.A.& Woe Mal., were wlverueed to follow on Wedno4ll.4• RUN OUT YOUU MAO YLAG NAMMOVIBIIiti Ma LIM PHITLLItO TO BUTPL2 CAMPAIGN FLAGS DE.B7 ENGLISH DUXTLED, Prom 15 Inches to 50 Feet, SEWED nUMLIAii FLL6kI4, From 7 Feet to 30 Foot. FRI N TED WITS NAMES. From 8 Inches to SO Feet. MI FUGS ill. SIZEc. .0. IMPAIGN MILE AND Per, WTI g POITTEATTS OT OANDIDATES By ilnelP. Bove. Bonilyrd ted ?bowl nOTILER CAMPAIGN /M.TICLEII HADGIB, =MOPES BONO 'DOOM WATOU CELLS= MD FOR Crattilli LID ?RICE LU8? 1 DIMS' 1 . 011 113.11PLIGII GOODS. JOHN W. PITTOOK OPPOLUIII TUB ?OM 011101 w -- To coAL cour,Lvy Capital Stock 1:300.000 12,000 SHARES AT EACH rustroaaT-JOHIS JAK o at CiORMON DIRSCITORP • Jrllll OHM J. FL NonIL.) Wm. nom', ). No M J. EL LYD&I. B==, etplias. fbb Oumpany arm lb. rayed known Au at'. o..at Weeks," topaur at the " Kassa fastand oontandag mitt Aga 11, TO. property 4 dtated at Os nal buth th Idtmosratmla ten t.. d ant an• end • all ghee h st• ougunel• they, tas .thlrti poet.. en-whit sit &zeta 40 aggro' ditillteg Willitentlugasso gp Mu, uggha with • airway r Sig mint di =augment and• ngeggy seriageatel Iv A cage 'The u Mg arr abisqeriaia. dridarassa ro me gm; in , gad Imeting abr. w r lth Wale Mau. Gag Ws , d, sal all mammy tiollttlas lb/Hrultlut > T wo Imbed sam tlval i Vr4 , ll = to I. toe et the nuas gatud4o-09• 1 : ads — • ' Shp nog pagunato inatatt, WU, idea dnlai by La comida at a whillitall bdivlrld SP•4 Ml* OR pol , s=gantemplme aye exalts 'vat pt,. gang • eptgl pot Owner otantaggee.. - • , with AcOlgte. width the. 00.4111 Ire.Poveiglb ih• 1:/tmu10m emeamlir Wm' u tha Aimee irtll prop 'N t.mool the wag abstattd MI Mina& 11.. pale to /1, lbalud portkm attf .1 Maio mwiCarsd.to tbe mbllo 4411;l6 pg_shiste tileksvlll.l* mom& at the WI10:1 zrauTz' ouzo crimsiAks tax Ism - , IA RTILLiCRY 1 -'=, " - • ' Ono vs es) eruijamt.u.segnehrwtmrstti. Ibr rood HO guable burp PAL, ts of tedebeidome lar mot' boe tea Aimee beer out be Intl Ibraied, settee, trei trove eal Wed., from arms old We wing tot Ism ! eL4 trees Ifyilo Mandl biaboad erele; b. Wide* benes,ead. =Nee .1143 be SWIM be szesebud bre asaystantj w : erbifial bone" prerottia ind *atm is the caurrall. J. ZIONTS463. PIRS3I6 FOB FALB. ioar nix" eATAST MASS. whw olvre.. CrtLiKM l3 . crirtam bot 33 . l6o 4 iso6l. b ., OSA TaTtOa DO,O l / 41 144 "' iinSibroAa s ftsoud worttogr . ~adv , ~ P a q uk " . " en° • disarm. ridioargi to spuds Mo0010:1# 00, • • - • .whoing. **nu - - Bak Caw and biralW i IRXWBO sairlasilistholuipmkaaktrkfrim aa t ,lol c_L ariulra:46ol 3 l l ^ . :Da ober tatbiwis.l.lma:theit Ire terW" madek,94ltrock itpshrtib,elmlf ''lslllW•ira 5e4i06110,110. ommumir . „,iiiiit- - ~,,,,,..,,,...„-_,..„,...„ ~.„, ~......-, 1 - 0.itt.....v.. --; ~.;.......,,,-.-4,--.!..:.,.......--.1 -,t, s.wro*iis l f - • ). litilior. . ~•-:, i5„,...2, ~ , • tit teri.......12611110/ill ligiAlit - Mit' --• - _ uo • ~-,ariaagfAawalas _ - - -1 - .onrr----av,d ORM ~ . - -1 .CUIMAI pit0'.........'-----4 : -': 4 ' ixoptAL ____..---withisporlik...., ~. ~.,..--..i ' Dint' zimbliuls!xfc ••' .; •._ • . IpelL Apex of ..."7irr., -,,,-.,,,,7 1- rO C I bill - :.73 .. .. .:. - 11:i .' z:" - i ''::: , ', r bii .T4i3LlM____;,=');.;:;.,,-: , XX S r * "iadism, 6 • ,1 , -- -, : •,,,. t• k 3: , - 4 ..,,..g.se sl sOiatig.iglift = ' • ' !. ••• 1 stun. L .,...4 - ' scrvok c—!..•‘•-- g, -.1, -•- .." - , . , i vm • i Aki ~r,rr, ~, , ...?, , -,,, :, ~--; 4 1,,ii _ - . 7- , r : ai rml a ittx ob 01'nmrss *,,,, 13 i trodi• 1 .- . !It - -1:•• - • ..:.-,,5• i,••ft, -.7*,:ft-•••e4-•:--',.rt. ~ .,- . 2:-:1 -: j ler, RH (Yr ' /14 • - , NUL i l i ,- " , "' ,- . if -, . L'..-.: ;,, ‘:........'..,..k-:!,.,:,.;;;,,1, .".d -• 58A313. ; =- • -'• - - . -110.14---! -. -'i • t if.„*t ••• •-• ~,-.. i• 4• ' -,,,,''-' ' 2 --;,-4 ♦ i- ,: tc, ~•:40111"193r4„ ....,. ; 1 .:',,, ,. -< ,' '.::..,,, ~i `":17 , „-,00........-i-ict.,...,) N , * -. ° . ,'' 2 ,• ,• „ , -,.. .. s t ' ....• .-,-. ,-;i;r4ini'4,.....p.11-, .e. 4 " . V 444:. •-•7.110- ' •-• -' ' --...: • - -' -- ' .;:.1. - .."' - II . ", ~'-' '-'• ' '' .. 4. 0: - ,i' '"Dl :t ' .- •,Vi a ;.T.'' 'i444'l--tti f-7 : : .• i ' 2 a . . ' - . ' .:-.1,Ai , , :-'''' .1. ',, r., - ,',- --- ..0 1.-. ="i.::%`-.-- difITIRJEME.N'TS, u•Prrlßßlllffilt 1....... Kummoit. CIBLVV800111:201 GILT 61:100t311 of u. rcaag Amnions Sabbillsa, • EDWIN ADAMS. irbe rID abpbbraa Itrg 7.me. ebb PM. Wilt b. pressub be beslati.st Vay, mC. nets. by • e. Jamb Mew of the Commons. Ina Jaws Adam. id. beam Diatom. 14,1=as. a- W aaraorib. latawana_ To amends With SY magow WARM Tart _J. O. Balm. ."111. 114u5ti..." CLOT ur Bals (3 Al , il) CLOTHING MATE Earl On an YDearaiNNEIV: 1 ce or Pun a:mai On Eitenvilifb nal. PIPABATE PEOPOS•Lnsied axed veinal! . Proceeds ear Piny nothing and Clothing Mandate, vitt Is received et Nab bona. rmtel two o'cloot.,, P. ell e on tag 12th dey of Oototsr ant, tor fornleaf as .a d delivering (op receiving thirty dap entice) at the Ent. ted Ewes Bevy ramie et Olandestovu, Mu, sad Brooklyn. B. P., In nun numbers owl quentitim, sad at each Ulna as nay be nodded ay ne chief of tkie barren or by tin arnanumulanta of no aati Eave.mde. respeellvely, the numbers and quantities of Ns &Ber ens &ALB*, end at the plane speolfles imi Ns following, ht, .i.: i i ch.rte.o.... Piron 7 lya. Pea Jacted5..........-sle.sees. 3,1X0 ,006 &cod Jact5te.....................5. 6.000 SAO , Brno Cloth 'Prevent, airs- -- LOCO a,ato Elnerattnet Proven, . -- SACO 114E0 Benne Dun rowsers," ....... a 000 6,010 Benne, nest/4 hooks-- 6,0.6 ' 1:0 Blot lie Chrerelletes. 6. 000 Etna flannel 13.4.1.turc..........r000 ism) r t.. naves] Denver", Baire-elt,ifiG .c,„.,, ID CGO Elm Patine, 60,000 • 10V011 Blue ilannaL, •, ...............-60.000 591.403 .. Blurßankin. 0 ......-...... 6,006 '10,P)3 0.11 ekta Laced !Ikon, Mire-tO, M 'AN fop are elsose...—.es see-404W E 6.00 Mconsalbeeke .....--..10 GOO MOW Plaikete. ~,_ . c o , 1.11.0= --. Mannar (wit% row CO.r tort eack---.. BOX/ $.OOO Black bilk Llandaerclesafe-.... 6,000 IV= Dona, palre--- _ sinters may bonnie toe maser more ankles, sa the action of the elides, and in nes more tine one snide t. not Lane& n thla offer. the chief of the bantoa 1,111 be.. the right tl wept One or ranee the artifice on toto.d in , enr.b .bar bed neat the remainder. The rd.,. snot be ire , / orrs.aad j'ara Inoue andrelee al of waves* or more snicks debeerstaisee obi Ma enema. Tv the dreri.tion ei wools is the abon Bet, to:da ns ere released to tba temples al the said Efeen-yerda, Imp to the adreitteement of thi. Mann dated Slily IS, OW: and for balorraston as to itte ',wawa revulatlen ( n peter;b • st form) mvardifig connote, to Lb. ° Mar of the onaral cootonadanta of navy yards Ind navy esta The Cop r coma rival. the right to talea} tug pro. pa i d oot otToPerel savant tgeoat to the Go eminent. p0g,,0 totnae of .opeattle noai re obtained on appri.t. Von to the navy agent at Wotan. blew !oft, of Phila. a flat!". atlas ibis Dania. atlDAvoatr /IV MANIWACTUREItt3—A parri 1101 A. leg woos 5313,000 to =AO whlslo amp be et, vistas to latest In arse pod est* proftmble man factorise hominess, Oren pre la desirous of NY elating Irith himself s n.pecrablm manufacturer, rib hostas. ahsady eetahltebed. or shoot to be establltbed. Thee rentsn has large basins. experience In thb ebb eta east end eollth of many years, expects to bets charge of tam hasncial sod burboone part of tho oessoarro. N. person need appld who cased Walsh a remernable pr.portlon of the capital isrprtred for the *else 070000- 11000 of the conote., erfd .he b not acoonploas mane Of the nomantantnrlnd bonbon be proposes It the party be not kholna to the Advartneer, satlabotory 11:40.61011 Af lre molted. Adds.. BOX 111. P. 0., ernill tea owe end reddens. R EED, stab a oo„ WOOL Commission Merchants. 211 LIBERTY STILF.E.T. Corner of VW 0,71:16: gm- w Gal banks rad scad ack irok.T.lo. BRIDGEWATER PAINT Ass) COLOR VVORI,CS I=== WEIIID MUD AND %IMO PAIRS ADD 001.088 or •vary denertptins. DLT ►HD GIIOOND IN OM. 17111D6INW ATTU. ILIGTAI.I6IO PAINT Oc~COTMLI Cow roa 7iu.u. Comas, rumors azinsokos, Skaters] fignal6l l NI tam nor Teel 17:Sot 11 lARD—OIL LND MINERAL. LANDS rOB 11/.1.,1 vaILEZ--1-111M retereas. 0.. &elms ba 0 -7 14 — e - nf limy t.au lams. to sal ar lOW Bay glialarti boa altar tir 'd oebbaasaa an Chat artar.:23 4. E ., 141. la Itasamta. Tint .11 Char, Hamßull ergot, sod ail alma laaW dad at tapartaaas. W. ham alsa brie mammal of valuable ism Ma wall:vows di raglan. a 11' , Ma: ael= l 7. Oa* .ad ado. phew. Ind v lavabos ON all train van. daimataaabaf adancals, whit* 1.10 vraU mirr Oa mbar Ow Malabar. Stow leskretli b. wad or 14•04 tst oWatt. 1a set appliesats, anti as ...msg. helm Tor pertiedin Odessa , call as J. IL WI% A.t. Woe) Id l&w, Ilsrlatta, 0., or O. B. PAMIR, ea& ae UND- litewiend Dogma* Iffy, Pitialligh. Galaltati RtArTEMI.SZTAJE.BLITSESIDENC IZ 1-ILgOt SALL—Mos wrss dad resu sad a Wigs Mal Ds.o.lHag How, inn Iv wbsted sad lion& ILLI good aribri yids outs* WIL, IrSat sad ad possb thlttsra mosso, coll-r sad sitts; Ndngdi . 'ens Was stab fp, eadtso how, sdsk soots tx tbn• ass , Was, W.% bows, kvaristy d trait taw stab , . st,rat.tary. Sown, swat sews, Odds Iress, suss% freeboss% •to ; e iis• Irit• 11117111=0.1{14 s o ecy. sitosts wheel di. twos from tbs otty. ad • rs.W . emisT WHS. IL CO - 24BIGNIUNTH. TS bans nwtobtong Mow; AO do Per" Troda Poodaug EA barn& Sinn Syr* Potatoan 5 b =do Isiah PotAtoor, • /10 Ur COM l'aaad Batter; ..•, 0 WWI Groom AR _ROIL ICE pawn WC. 7. 1 .; Boseetted nagt to sah ri A nt. LIMIN A 611311 . 111 D, •-, ofo Mari" Warn. itPIEL&NEt COURT BALIC,--By virtue O of ea order of the Orpheus' Ooart. 1 erill =par cr to ..lo et the Dona. Howe, in th e 0117 of 1.• letsbin es 10 o'cglek a. In. on YokTfIBDAT, the 13d of Voto neat, stout THLUTT.IIIIIZ LOST.I OP LAND eltn. sled In WOW*, trwpship, Allegheny co atty. b eJ lends of Thos. Shield; John leen. Jr., aid The others, anon 'la Morels mall latest holm. F o fe.tlr Indy eltnated, and very deers - le for coontry Note. Terme oak, or ene-kelf In heal and Winne In me year, vide Interest cohleAdrer MAXI P. OLVIS, izeothrix. pATTEBSON h BROS, • Dram ta Youghiogheny Goal and Nut Om% aom 1,12 .2 Qs Me, os DaIUILGEI BTHIOrt, nett Brod3oroW,Aloalhatamalkabtal ,Ft VF otuooLot to. warohotora caws tootapt4 .32cra5..44 • FINAL "OTlCllL—__Thoee 'indebted to the Ate Ana a/ R. L. OLIVILIC4I. Is 00.. BMWS. U. legany Cup ars InanL7 Laaaill UP PO two War" dr.a, law aithanosi se main 110 Pain* da. ad ens. Tab. Was LW AR sonatas Laws. oasts may In sand by enag It a... tnandlna atleados. _ Vll.-LILDLE , OIIA La. IS &bum alisst.allegalir 474.1% 0r516.2. . MLtrricei OVC6P - ARTNIUSHIPI u,* nurfis, - , wpm. op opt 14tz oz isst. glum sagatftic. • ' ; , . /o,o3V4itidgt. '•• '; ; • • • CO-raTNELMOre.:4 II6 a 'Oat/Z ed wln_andinsa Eitsf. Kretabotrirtat avissib. mg, at 11 atZUN4k . Si rs It.vekiniesire. BODIMIMUU; . am..; Si* Eioadvrai, flaw 'Work. It E.- iODU Do Wave 160 Third Street. Pitt,. ra. .._ Devote'ttete etiebekeei steactlea:teo the 111.edlesi =I lorblialltemecens of Okroedo :Dteebeelei e r s : ekere of Os Lower Dwell, bob es Pilo. NW : we, CeuettoWeb, Vella' . of the &Orel - , i old Bertetimi et the. Berg, be. , Me- the meow ' Obrado Maur of thCycaabi liCitmera,-tas Ultablee. TELIII-101021 OVLIND. On abfah liarals Invtaroaaorr Nap bang% can. ttiaten I= mans. ball and klUb.o6 • 7c o alg 01 , thud of U 0 Wan Platonist; stltbs-roatasary ant loannina, sat and pan 'at pug War at Ins.ikat.. • ori oaths Illhanitston ttanekty oafs- taxa M Planbasgl4 n, can m ails tans Mawpaltleala M osiakal I nematar om Os ;bat a: lot t• mutates on tn. fr theratar, O=W OPHI AlLyrn. cc sa, 4 ' • . W(r4 7, is .a 6 Iff D /11:011..- 17Disa aad Tisd, Obis Lase.aiitiemi rt. O. II ompr. 1 CZ= GOODS MASK= DOinc CONCERT HALL SHOE BTOB No. 62 Fifth Btreet;, BRUT DOOll TO TER liXPlLlirOirEll.loo LARGE, AB6OET6I3IIiT OH 80028, OHOKB, GAITEBB, Berasoneze, -t rot Lags Goa U, ta1ea5,13 , 274 sad Clilarn. et, XcCiirsiocic P s Shoe glom 96 ITDICIAL 1121=2. Anelliiii46l: , .., -:,.,:: ~.:',. ow Look out .t berratu: THE LaTtisT STYLES OF ' Boots, Shots, Gaiter', Ealmordi Silt 811110 i Borland's, 98 Hours Boma, conextog of x..nwe ri.ma Lino songenir, UAW: - Opera, Conarm zoo Ind ashore; Ladle. , Itolt-Ovaro show ; Wawa and Madam', of - um styli t-Soye... Tooth'. and Alp tad Mil floats. gan,,ak largo !nook of r. se's Calf Daabla Sole .06 Dactyl& MIFF, 80. s. Baltoorolt arid Galt.r.., all of waled. win. lowa • low. Ipso nay ot/lor Imes, la the ell 7. Oall lad A& troth; at .oel IS MAIM= Irroeorad door from • . JAMB ROBB, 89 Zuket BMA SELLS TEM 1136 T, Till :-ELTE.S2 TIVIIZI suay boon'. tlay, B• Ilut nosived • masuttlaeatiLLL 1120* Wm. dm. TUB "STAR WORK! 11:16T S=l - TXD 111 ego. Luau. 808 4 80. Ea ',4; 11 15211 M. Bar sad Toctla 8 o sbni. • CiatresNi that it t, t Acts. . • • poll aro madats oar geedal.•• marlamiqualad oast= wet. erbs. Pea 'mammal& Ph. PILOPOI4Li. ; ' • SUBEdijiKl4o.l3 OFFIOIO iT iI. t ARMY. '.. He. 20 60 Ei sTaimr_ ___:, 1. . " . ) Beltirenrs, HIM. Frytember Ha, 12114. I .. Boated Perwcsals, in duplicate. wiLl b waived at all '. i dice rung 12 ca., enlit-..D CY, October 1 0 eb,1262, lbw . = .., tarnishing the limited Stare Subdat=a Disailzant_ ,„ .tth— '.-. roun inotresam (4,COCKZAD OP Bur cli*. , I , TLS. . thrheot, (admired the Stets Owttlellealldi, •,; at. Baltimore, Md., In 100 at 000).ana th ;Wind . 1 4k: -, every (ID) tea days ; to be weighed .11011 . onewide.: hall dap after srairal. st ths wailer ado contra - WS -` " I must wane about UAM thirteSe!. trawdrld " '!. panda gram weigitt; al telling short at (I,omi ye r „ ,ralt&B.ol:N3 r„ iV a t.s. Oa. _HOB , 111, WWI , ‘, A delaction of ten (10) yearada will be susdetitssilbs. - : .. with, at each Ober wayted under this sasineut.prer. ~ , _ • ,teed the animal dare eat !nand lir thepenslwrosad. , .--; onatudt haw before below weighed. or in hatirolea ...1' -,'... --' ireniedistely after rawest frost thews. • `,., .., • __,. - - -- 4..:p :....:. Blaniclogrea I. prarmls. can be had. en anti _toottliC,i , _..„ ,•- •;,., at this gawk ettlacr In Panant!Y =one 01 IVI 06 .:::t." '-,, The Garentrosnt arill'elsint tue right el wsit , 06.017.4:`.'". • ` one salmi] seperste, tf its supwsnoe taWsW leer 1 ,+ . weight than the WIWI= COBI:03.114 about rhs ors; , ~-, p ... a 00110100 .in Mpia by the rail *gin to , . 4w arb I'm to am. cossideraUnn, nutij muss ti-. - : widen 51101121100 Of 'no IOSP.IIOg , P6p101:11i.0.0. , L ,„ . ~ ow We —of the county at -:---. Rail Of do hereby yeatunlee tbat ...-.-. to o s aseilaii, um.. , .. t a costractin accordance with the taw albite/ . thrill , yropasition. and shoul d his (or their) prelyeettion le • be or they) - .:That . st ence War tedeSegedaull ...poor,w Sod Ink aril oropsroll to bis (or writ) world.% gir lug Vo 4 lina OP*" ho : , s • tbr Ha fdltilnend," . The rersomdtelity of the oasrantotoussitbo Amor - , bY the ails! as silicas of sho clot-1 Oh mew* • - District Clean. or et the hula Mats! pbssiothtiors . .ail soy. to Os wictmost with ouch olds _ „ .... _ 1.4 -arse suss. i.s yr...st .o . cry.: I/ Mat bag. 1016 - ' '.., pes,and!te dos bonds taros the cwitionto MAW -.. t ' Wl T;rl=wws 4 H k'; t =owns t o Mgr the ' :jght th refill 1 '': Le to be wide sitar each Oslirory, Ls fa* . gmen . toad... as may Le on hars2, It cams onban4 ) is Be ✓ WAS r ,A . ' Y .pop Pulriiis.r..olst bandana &tibial:4, o Pleala ills .' 31 "ma ..1,1....4 to .. as. 3; U. mum — ' , Bali Maryland." , .'" .. ..' -". ' ' • bid In the saw of o link tar 's/Orml ha, ' wet adze adders. innst lIPPISts pt. ulr lirgpiek • . ." .... • Loh parson or 01007 mwistssi of 0 lira - othrisit IC, ' rgst= wcoss=l.:::4l2.osty_wi sals= r, r . died csmo la Wofa. IS r . ... All bids not Leo ne rplyi4 strictly withihi soda pa • r.• it arkw ,-- :-• se3o:ta Otptals suss ur ' SATEKETZS, VTLLTOW6, taBBrB and 7 ~ summara, INLELLANWB LUUON 110.185/ • You eel; ALWATEIIILOPUBEI Sfiduirricit iisartamaprida rms. LipeiteS 1.117 , CTS 04.04 - • ' Spur% Ilateberg .. :maul ot . LI the Camara 3iruir,SPares Ctrasi ADlo and MM.] gents. Mawr: - - - is V.ll.—V•basoabsallosiva7 ARD 101101 1 a. Sta loam .G.B r ai• , - ' atm Efr sAIR .15:11EralizT it az r‘t# it,' Day., 04Norww. T ayik or, eztoileswials,Cshe -.7 Diduts.6l.o7ooo Rig edAtali7Xi l ! ) 9 Tt 3 ? i 5' 55.31 #41. „ Rsprotatti - 44:4 1 . • omc. ass Wats? st - • 1016.1 t " 3160010/La3.*.inmatat 4l , ll3 4 o *Wi er ; dad olkosbn limesetners• • , - War Oa& dose. sok. 11021101011 ,141021 ,1, _ , . :4 - zdnzi'n6:m:sizer- k - ;fit, ~ ,_ i:: ' <~" '• ' .• _t JIIST RECLITTO AT and the MOH? DOLL 81,11 800 &ND 181311. RVZI:DO. CITMA AIMPIrd, th Wm al , t • as nrrn STUMM a • t i aTkvIIRV I4 90V201r4/Zar./?!0,0"-?F!,1:::1-.. z•cd` 6l /'A lt 4 0- '4O 4,1 : 2 0/ 16 f ELII T 14 Irma law. • - lowa - • mauvaitiarnsl/POS-1 r" •s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers