- i'f]the sbsburgit (gazttte. SZOMODAY, MO: al:nu:v.:OCT. e, 11364 01111 SALEM OH STaball AND' BONDS alaUlt7lll9 ULM inn rzcsl37PF9AafA," 1 " 1101111W0N, IfaQLRbN k stock and Esohttutre ilif.os.ia tr iitk. - MXO/ .500 .M WI es wounladon amt. alma hand: iSsooxitis of al Wads un Ora POO Item 51-'5l-1.05 . 111 • yso ----way. 107 • " 10-0 - 97 " Matthews. 04 : 1 1 3 4 41EV9109 Mo Vs-- 79 to Bo rti Fithabyegh tq .121 : 1A . r . :--• 70 . Closattertilell-2 fra—... as% " 15105.11,11.8.11414—.. 7,5 Yvan 000 AiioEol...:. 504 25 Dirialasbm alift ' 3l3 i 1 ISSILIUIIOI. 00 Jan KW 40 4 63 letv 1 03 00 60 6,00 Clameas.-- •-41 Waimea --- -rat xwampbsis 2bPt2ibibigb%.4 , "•• 31 31 :41 , y. 8% ' ZS St Mar BOA :L.:Z.': l a c y 6 dt. as 60 " 6 " 1141 lisciankilangt 7.0% Mootrevtiolb.—. 5.0 5 innahatais att Jala 8 .4 14314 a-ca. . Ito ethos v Yaw -- ao rukt.. ..,-- -. n 40. rxt,imi1i,i,.,_.......,,,...,-. , —4tue093631 ot re Clagizia----- 40 Owaggrille 11 . 11% . !ICI " Interest -- lt ND Pltai a 15tereco7111 0 -, -,..,. log r , 10 Waimea)* I led— Isiy% - V) Allitte33.- s facNer. 60 Si Strobel= -...:—. 95- 80 0dizag54.6....... c ."!-- Win. to #llmobtomi 13k.:....- -.. 68 11 . 0 ii mit. ISO 1tae1t5w............ 71 " SI P187a66-- c 934 : : Itallmbasda--- .—.— 1:3 Iron My --- -- 68 GB 7 " BOllarchla damitact'ea. b 974 B ird Srstr, 37% J. .1) 10 ma.. E lira andlajmal —,4... 147 1--• 2,75 &wad " --.. 11.164 " m ica • .0 NW fist ' illogley ...:107 110 40 11U4s4orter flavtcp-. Illi 26 Lacearce-------. TO Sixth 10 DersiXtZe -a- 8 110. " .s.ll.shasy:tt 10% 4ap onat 168 T 6 80 Ohio Vallry —1% 5 Iron 5 Beata 1 Itedsral -15, ft Whitely &salt e:e-tee .1-•••• .• 1 11.1reystea— 41111ory 4 24111•411 Woad Fara ' Cherry Elea OentraL- T • la re ---- 11 11 • 10 1011. & Dashed.- 11 011 - Basen -6% 12 tlerohaab'— 66 Me allartin Cergyr..--- 15 Natkaal '—tt • -ad - - Nartliroirn --- • -11 . IF Tellegnph 7 -- - 14 • - • _ . *ll,aisaar,i-tri - 5," 1861 . She eilditani l atekwadiga with bray days reports 111,112TatiiNV•ik - West th at goentihtadterrreseaselapn, • the ino5:10141.1# -2 6 .412-4; ,4;l•ol4<dtt's. and Wain spectl.ss4lll.lltrayorpthe priciest gold rill privets Cs asalia 606 •• Ibie;,taboaarraor on ads. gy1,44„; - .1.41144 afluirl. s 'tiarkt:tioltr - Imo I. tireactotiocaln.. BaddliOaredl2ll' tltesdetilL Dank Agree Inlay seser4Whi lb. onmenhatizt. lot laveertoes at, ler 411o•141411.1Y-• Oil sheave vary le avg. for win eilitill44sllsl)4,alsac Clahriabta 'hold at 80; Dead" ,/al4.l.aitloW PUsotor: 'Maid farm aomplor • - ileinexotett Ittglessocadmaanthey . F arm of iiro (I) ow.C.7•..clifllo:o!os Tittle Ilia cleopanyaravaryfavor .,•, r tr: o k ital teett:loo,ooo o mad It Iss9l;od' 'bat' der cab oacitniritliair vitalist eilvidoseda ihoald •.-I!;lll.ellselhisreitiktereffed thahthoprusatior rata. tawny Jtairchttillif oTfaiixt • ii:l34; to buyers. et'is sothe other tianocaceatiorshir Lrom fa.t nighin adattopYkdei 65114 51t1f:si buret at T; 1* bid_for • :Shtitee The groat -ief ear national d.ht at Me arPlatc 110115544.."14Pettftriparlais.ta: cozen. 0f5T7,403.- ;In 115erthiseorie pre - Ateat, oianpoSdlaterear °tee IN torthiaK,296B,oXl,llVand that of thadtbatertiti Maim41.194114-Pleti, uoilfan. Of:tha .now tav la. thirty frish,o4o.lollo.naltitbacittaT. Gar ',lntim*, dhe oiranvaloirtartfiroaCariA:tivi - biorircloiat le i • Via ctOkirifilintstpltoa....2..arhactopati Ea -9•184911/141MI 0 10 #440.X! 3 .ktf.g9 T • Tha Chgclep Teas e..( , Tweeds; Theierialsa.. to.ielia4ll,44ocitri = e.crtiil Afi miaow tbe.bangs opened, 4 detain:4M 'feud yeses4l- leas <4222lweanorot shacti.vcal /PS .134 all 4 441. 4% . but trreB,A et lte. Tlerynnaithlg ealhatly apnat • fbra, oitior baste~nitsel oral iaree orate el t ri Zaptiailioaolll e 5-51431144.ixldflressolts •asli.4for•vireos smarty • •d Petktraash to. caret toe '•lrcis -0 • Elmira • . 1 5 0 ,W : an,,,.0 4 -<*re • 10 1 016 0 ,144.1 inns Odra also:. gem - .Fen caelged It goy cleacts fat large Elmo Otajoyastarn,..o.nhooca, or dater tr palmate for etteitet tarl bneso•as in she na• he paid beery coves snyeteillepty pramouted' wore no sips! -..etwakinut ,zstbilad by.hey of the bank.. Leer Cs AO Wt. 109071600 t.11*611:401{.1, o abate •taonya • hisbnglidlange, tra t te.sty Sad other If 5" Weld= • to' soy t'",ery depTot-r tarr or thin vase (ter,b~b{ibs itearePlallftbe Wed Is this nu mite on atom so au =Sall and'aievieent-4 that they • have nor had hoot. heasp,Apda Irom,the wort, sad sa . • caccm. w*calitactct - et hers, they trsee ti • alt. WI fn. • sepromamjahoorrair thus on tto-42retiote the elf.-ch-of •he monetary f aura oar* =GM observable then anyobare els. Tacro .a . , . - tad ysd demand f produce of any k bad, and peen arm intim], &to could n.t be had at any vim, than oho oesit , d - tt; and the boll et tam • sairobahte"who had large %warm= at the Osaka mot nantatcusly le used to drav,aafogio °huh or • des for grediolterodsh by so dariglbai canal:rave herr thousands of d Ilars — •99.larda see Ewa or !LLlLsia,p,, • gb111.14 of T. ado poreehbe follurbog U.salorloai I • -Besoruok,That , „ Luy.lber pnlotiti see ter lilereihnittrolaidivont bans. for an trsometloas ElbeWe •Ward, sad toot ttoo I•dint •ad bank." e ••••• moiled &Amato ouch crania dch -eh se they will C. rebel?, or &pelt. awed, Thai It la the /am - of ibis bard ehtt, Is -one otpaaio, savings toenituttene In • wirers continent 1. 1 . , W, 1 2 . 1=aff I .an affott made by atrial tostituttansto all , pits= ozchange. and it was t• gay •ao the baron; -tY pm oat di& xnuktil bat alpsot oho hoe Ault, II 12Or none _Annaba dor.4o9.t.n:Altb.doubqui moth =old havetater.mqklatpcoa peso est - 4460day - ivy_ Lateen to In 111 - prices alrogo.blethinpartia o ed Is the terwalstear an was It towed so o. Iropessibl. Odra -2111rXicirtailacia r.s4 •• Another shegalsr.. froolg of - I.l*.stioser p safety 4.11 Lot tint kisr tbll-44151115011.1yliiir•hwer with ta ceirrenay.4ll hi elfeet 5404.04thigh 51 ie *atfs gatg tip Of IL R oll l. the larr ., M)ll"ikir - thi Out inaa, total to CUM.I.7 lataigisdsitteso sses thee • f theple • l9l4 . 'grorabiloya • 'lb. Tact ,that thir•Notbr iseiee r llosbral - ioellty. • oon heitgs4o44lle7yrrLortairsata to the eoillty of 11452:14 0,28 . • . - trelit 'that - tepeelober will Ms itoi2lthialied Les wart marsh. , el. all ale -44,g4 n'orire's"snra • Ale netite. ~" cor tr. acne 1111 axe so bell, 5456.118 1 011 1 1 1 . to t. onsvorrie, do volt* vrardee Jo sad retail, •• -11Wria21/iniltrlllll4-1865021844-gtookref-graria-.41-1 4lyshidatad, sad I:OW.1 bar 111105_ 8 .4 1 ,p raci, k I.ollemaailirtit et casdaiii and Alf to ..111115.148 nUaahgata ogle a elms se • < -ve -vet '.1••••• .• •-, - • . • .eho . S• 6•11. idrthe dtiald yorll4, muidurat asims , ifilibibm , • *atm _ tgoistat'reele l dos ea the lel of aeenNtr. Ina Ctotater,airelta"lat of liondatar,in • ...Ie Rigs debt, wined It anticipated on tbe . peceenra. owe ga. Omuta% wi th out, ,00666 t hat: Ws • 0 . 0.,..ut 0 , tri it . ine , ;lect to doomed at ilia Anal I had •• gaggle sevelphigveracto,st this eta •at taecceVitht th e • .• 80 <dil k 81 . 5 .55/542i1008.. POOdrau:Ot Iti Lnalaymeatiil..- - 119101111#1011 1 * ataft - to Mo. Orated fro= nor Tear . • • 411115 1 10 5118 ate* of litass,en _ ti '' 033,180 eir 154 - tinairmalehr of o,ld tor Onotcoessan4 .r . • tioarsomile thrsagh the zi11541(.2fi1he4 11 55 , 7 51 a1et ..Yid to Wee% OliTsTF•4_olol has had to e o easharytf, - • 411 1 .4 , -maw f ag Now Tork • . ' oak*, aortas it, Ma lornrOf Chid er I. 0 56 a"" 0 _alma oormobsasalisimArlta Ancadarasu b " d " • Zia LQK nottinvo. mow 160 per ore r. Tow. ,•• Tee a Irvine Tite 1 Cr l 4 l 044411iiiiid I VAtit American Bab e Itt .. • tett= therkitiartlitttel2;fflept ID etbayeAtes pride In !Noce, which has been se me• tho*.iattii.:4l . l;iimixo to Dave wilt itig4t-1 14010 / imsre:i.TD• stmormytiom of allitak to alion• oone Me oVte e he thmiornd h m ad t Sh he a lPt r a x the t vim plea of tan. sad one Obi jem thou to th. tame - Apoll& id M. The =Dale tamed by the rest to *Med= therefetee la. a Istr wawa ht ing remedied. Xteke• 1861 no his Ohm sixty om gisppij .4lrpodtrlt, Amp tfam . .Asorka. The import* .thim that dowry are 110 V. kkittel 1.1.1 per c p. o f Va t l.** .4t.“.Ders e_reate area .-gobsblUty ttant. no Ups Trench Ootosire to Alger* . °atlas: an d the • Rakyßt4tri milt voltam al 1121:1C11 000000 Gl' rm.. -logramm-- alli G -•• • , Ptilladelphis EMU ,Slthst , ama, , /r 4yr . k—The efferlop or Sair esti+. tentrAo 1 .0 - ' us taco %Aid lids izy.k„ W item* awo -co Liao. Tu. wetted vex very dknikka Prim' NooiritirdikorittaN• of 1p prr pima, .z. :snow a . IkewVeakle. lb, liq rends , er cowman to goad and 7 s 9 ...te i tak.... .r"Yf.Wlnl~ilViirev .nla qu at i a. " wal la dtsl7:4 " :' iVait.likeir - .• '' OfW 1 1 10 10 4 ,1 'Arm len °""'' - ikonstinilick.432 l l isql Imer,and-ebout 120 wag ' assessa4d,threfsos• Ithrth 40 each far onagers wear ligf WO doom sasidr. '''.. "VallaggV4o3§cogeatt.-arers 81f,ieetd of, dr Velea• tat, Elel oad Mud' Pacoo ' Irrod, a assns. as , ette reel= week. tail well piss tr sad 4111,-sad Ow wfferievt, abet% kelikkilkeold at &pap Po FAs,: per th, guross,thrithth is straios ItiTiffetatt, Odic 6, 1,31. Tee gem& markets tiothisitd defflOseidepriSst s eall the estfame realm. To have to Imitate weigh* Ist movement to the mcciplieg Theriehute dotorattof ray ~reseseammst for soy of thsteefflairorttcbM of prod... sad, while them has bSe to smastimble ems,. La pekes, lb. Want, it still toward WV= rates, and Ls lite! y to totals. io hobo likm bra =tattoo to UM& GaAla—Wh,Ltleatoteliesul eotimly Doeltesi at 1 0 5 tarot from hen hands, wad $1,53.1,1a. forobite Sok , leysis hzdettledt our des'ers sad basin. ere °thee, but 14bicond toLlies'impear amoilling to mai st this prim Coro—lir mocha actin acti but ebenged; les tote ealsopf rpm. 11508 - hate tre. Vat° to 4 66 - 041. ...1141410.1,0 bath from dpott Iffa Itt.ol3l—Tban. tasalrlo to ankle tb s , It hi .. na ,,,,r,,D,:dtery toms solatang about t. BM. lei/ Natal galas are so.klag 'yrs 04.10 111,604 u 'Zoo t•ttff t.mtiff , snorting az sciainzr. shooli_Th...4 row teeters to catios tea slight follies ett tbidemetia; . ssprieekie yet, balk ender ' c drew vertical. masego We mete some teo estes oboalders ettfrothe ribbed sidle at 19)00. /I.42,,WesSta betters:ply today, but the detaent vow tairlaed galas site 65 p d,,,,:tietethii!oit whirr, is eio ton end 20 loads lroama am it POW , SWIET POT/aTOIII4-res sad higher aertng to the light entmlioaffi edema. in th. mat. We coo qeote good ums'it 115•8,18 par ObL .Dll fTIII.-1. Mali sad segiested. but without trio tebliclumge. ot packed were reported at tram SOtoetal 4 o• • Ida aslaato a fair =teat at WA p • 1 1 lea sellooltbd rather doll, but prime Tablas ot tram, , tor omatoo to strictly mob.' • ' ELLT...IO claret tot:Brm • orith robnstar *aloe u lbOottienol. t Mob cow porallroly //abb. "V i da LASP—Ib Wet and • envie lowerOdbla qf o.Y.PC•l4—rocotly la St. 1116.—hrit'oltotto blew my not be quoted .1 from /12 to 5421Ver bbl. mu} ' Petra Wan anat. 04r5-ITh• suaticst for both Crud* had Beassd, on tit. spot, as wallas far futon thiliet*, wafts. emeeedlew ly duß 04 dopnossoi, hod cs acts trot+ Sto us:4CW 4ith sr mortal; bribe present couditlch of aisles. it Is sti& - ply to postAls to V. quotatlnui. ib. ns.mlyto of Orsitts oonticult fair at yr‘ scut tho stock or laud Is coo. saderahls la <sous albs demand. A ads of 25 Is bls of bispths trash, hrss motto: .t4OB. A dispatch neared fitdi °By Ws &Bantam quotes Crud* at the wells at VA yet 80. • • Ttis warlipts of eras by lbw Allegheny Aver slues oar Aut isistremars * B X Pothary.---.:-..ast itstet,' t Be. Jos a likint---. --MO H Btpabaugu— —74 Xi.Bartaatia thtflt7:•-•1117 P. 1200. a 11.11—:—__scre D &amulet took i Horner. --124 gaHary a klillss---.2 How-. -.... 1844 Aar 4,e0 Jo 1 11,410 4,00 Nerw Tort Petroteam market 13 octal Dbpatal , to the ?IWm:o'Gazette. Nab Teras;" October 6—Th. dcaiaat for Orate can it:moduli, but prtoea az. I:maw:god; small tatea on the spot at ieda63i. Banned, abo.both bond aod b ddl pad aatinely nominal though pdoei remain am teat as and—libal for tha tors4aad 68a67 for Cu lat ter. Ifaptba b doll and ticmlaal at former quota- Ptillade)pbla Stick ligkrket. t r Fp=lat Diapairlb to O. Sind) ChmeLts. I otn•oulh1G0c1 6-011 . or...km condo. &reeled soul MI sad plc. Purl s tlop • faction lowa, Stu hllO.llll nos th• ilectog pihtahloss: Stelliscock 6{; Dorsocie, C13 , -Q Cvlin.V4i Bith.S. 1741 . Wit Uhl. h YlrS.lhalay, 6)4; Story bam, 'sr-Soto:Amax. Doom, 3}ii lvcialf, P.{: lick= retrain.. CO. tlt 44 kng 12 '11..1 0 moatta7.l II New YSiIE Stock and Money Market. libseJal Mspatch to tb. Pittsburgh Gssotbt. E mu( Sobs, Oct 5-1 - bs slosh mark:steal:Oboes to ruts dull aid vac axe still rscedlng—Pittstmr‘b &Port .W.yrt, 90, tier/stud & Pittsburgh, tt% — abt . Govern • nt casaba WI lumt maddriad change; la 5 Eixed, .dl. le5)0107X; Cortilcoddr, MK; Imo T 01.44 od-A; shro T.catlet. 10% Gold has Nixidorindi as moult/1 change, o.colng ads efoonooll et 104. _ —.--- Nevi York Cattle Market—Mall Report , 1 to Yost, 00.11-71 m .apply or beef cattle It Toriv• is unit inert Lo Monday was pretty briery, footing ay osar y 3 700.21 tat and with the warm, clop rate of .he "PP . bal., Isere Oot eery 04. Cs 01.114.8,. ctmt prone age Lingo e Weed Ve map.l against them pats time soak, and 1. onle • to utak/realm/ l / ersond p nerdy 'eat? (0 !A.c19,1* Istarer to The quality of the stock wa, not ray goad, and rely on the finest loge. posed -I from its top / f drovet, and taken try our firsts'. ss / bineek/ a who o/ ways PH havisamblail the! cat got, It is &stated thst piece equal to int week were psl.l; to root.lsome of Pm alien Uoinmalna okt/0w1...1p tills The., howyear, wen excepionabie Cron, and th e bell 01 the bottom. shows • *Pine of /Pa 00.-b.tf Pat yiessithalrip last idondayis tat a, pal Tay ohm Ws at that. Piot gb hol(ers wars rather =Puts to pick off their mille Butchers, how•vor, appeamd to Sank that gnat. coninasiona sisiuld.ba mode s and PP ..ar ,w 1 day In horse tist affs Ire would ha mon io the, favor by night, PM nut wirtoot pan now of pomp, Ice late In the intentoon alerts 'nurdberirt sail(PM reatelwei in LP trensys ono, euu more were eourted on the way and likely bind. 44410400 Pule of thls fie 3't m sket lhe pima obtainad wore eq..' to .beat 161160 for good to ton glaitty;lll•l7)loter setts—. set at lao e 4••••• PP lats or two fanny tom a in fie higher. ~ Bo Unicorn. et pule. we boar of paw at Italic, and ' wine loinicr down to 13... The ;PPP quality of to* hock oontLtneepodr, matt taht.to bay.. ire antoi ott o load, umrke.yyst the a. easdage to the a•tim ores of Issight,inte attlinninad toot Pm app. sande of the cat po ti .o deceptive that arroll arose; th yare II ply oh . h wa cost al Wiper pima mars Matt 051 agfeed aoon. A...id lo that the Wang .11 to ohs &PPP , Mao sot fat. and ft Moor to trs won es d a thot balobers ors gtooll o . g po operate at lbs ncsot high rates. and glad!/ I a pr wr sap oppoo , too. loZ to Pro. =IPA to moot theft, • PividlißlGPltly at a ht sod Toads, autralog ihostork yea InCeegied by"... stdral of shunt l m.. amain d seed. Ti,e,ro let woe anti's. east/oda! changa, Shunt, Teo dove-autos to mo.o•trett• of nap: sad it erva.4, peobt ssli y altilipl. worabil the nippy oa o woogratal WI 1 ceatraell. ha* t*lt.e. pls., -.Woe. Ws think ra . .t.he Tang. tato; •ft lel I not among( to nom ;Pa WM Arts ept, aro ii ea ao-haraanz aptatiss Ike spits notoUtiat a ism prortrilos a the cattle La a arks{ title PP are in drat nand., not many OPP. , . totelyolffig,,lbett spOmisae• : Vets tau it should br, /7for ware not ishlr get the bust( id the MU rants( t .s,• Ureooittio.n ate Purled to patch. , atlower . ; Oft triihnifitariodtgrantiff 11 11.1.4t10 tee...vier se to sea e t ineasiry (maths osarkee•h - .211 40 .inagur fie', Is cutter tirroomr. - , . . . i ! ' ~Haar, alb, 1.0010. .. ... • Th• teColete of abley,lon• not beudvaly h•••, , hit I rich • dacha Laskin. aud.• iarge 1191,/p1) tit lamb the moan* Gas pen pan 4111. ci.elag matte • mon is favor' to Lb. I oycr and I h. yens ray to a Goal Pick contin uo yam co sad is oomp ssittinay ;go sig whim c•in,sroi . . I e ith tleo llocoto Fr..* whichan nut maah Manta. Bot cher , this work Imp Peru Pont 41'.l '1..4 direct, so 4 at Be. pm GOO head wore/ sold / Gssmio here ben razy 'gouty, aud IhOrdssto •ffect • ou so 1,6112 m. ban/ 10.1r1 it tee ,, ,reeilr to ,m Ike 5 penal. • stria of about. whoa cent per houod. /Lt ate oleo t .• . opyty 4.1 Y 1 tines I, To y heavy and the msreat eche - A viong tbosatee s pew Ind Sim wog. ere Bop th• 'ollo•- lug!: tot 6.b Oseteby , Bold if Rood., 1010 etmeo sews ; swag 18 a joy Usti. Hewes ffloOrsw I O'Brien, 0,.d 1L41.7 abpplusd,isonluiverittl:ol4.2S-par hat ' , inoo -The :latlrst torrogs during the pet wet I. of tocoil'i SOUolre sittlytilpt at very Inertia prl• _.Giri.i,.f.‘" of. io•itt,•4trtate of pork, which di css yriGkerairryin tiotathig. Th. tendency, howor. Ass beou fa rotor dr the bspit. IS sod brokers lust to 1010,11 , wry tagn Ls g ordentand, and 0 .3. , 0nk op &lit Walt PM. &to. In.• 1.••• do-log Ps wort et, tent dinnt to tlis plang,htia hoop by drotent on 1b iwn SCI iid •`.- r4e. Et foals INat kat. (An. 3—taw/Co—NV I/1 Abd•stt/sed of ..blcb S. told ism Tullese restarrhairbi-100614 bbd. plant.. Cobs $12•12 AO; 2 do 0.3 0.1, shipplog feed At 11 13,11 . 4 1111! ;ta medium do at 214 944...11 , ,,80, Id+ 20 , .01. 0- I,,ttacjaa leaf at 812, , 11 . ' ' ja.ll:—.l3llli - Sal. a si yetiveyyr sayer At 9,00 . , ally 4,2 b.. tot.. at 11.r.0;:titri 010.4.1 :ay davend St t 1:. do 41,ablaestre at :pp) jpr bare'. ' 0111—, 9 " 2tgL.-. D . tit 1214 . 60. OVIC .. to 4 let at 1, ; V.O gad tat '1.91K1 500 adr, I. 11 lob, It 1.91; 400 d i 2 •t 1,911880 sack. auo /al barrels at 12,, 122 [salt at . %; Vl3 do at 2,08 arid 200 at'll,os'yee beast. -OW,— . . ,- ii, ..ay. aales.af 11.5asdka 109 2 10, 1, 1 4 2 8 0 d) *hit. 2 4 1,4P-/22 do V 1102 0 t /,%0r...d . 43 40 2blte at 1,5,5 Id. blith !panl9loloo. USWer lo , r. italseAf 2810 km •it Irrroti c Yb bovirailotalit e 64 lelldis as AS ;a / do at 76; its-465 4 *45 for tUish,saskr-Inotalf.4. Rm.. r; L'abie` r it 13MtMek• at 1121; 1/2211110 1,22; NO d 10 020-pla,lo..,Dasky-.4312:11 of 141.9.10 fall At 9.20; . 7 .74104 Weyer bhdr —...— .5.,. I rwradoeid4.4l6-abitli if 43 times No i at 1534, .tea't ta , l6 sa .4-Notrescittelbe—teldia amen /tona -1 sAI-ALlntrs ----- _ L * l / it , goictilabl . ivy /' .1 - i • (mi.. ir.,, ex i.:44 -- hs4ir - '.. ' yd.•swim* ..,i,J.k...,1*.. - 0.11,A2 Wr.. W.. ' 1 in,. trottla ve,, _.. ksloto Weal ens 111.25.110 z 1110.111, or tiro L • ..ebd PAO/ 1 , 215 I. r haally; bat txycr'e ara . ti. boos la Au , tatbsa of 101 l pilots, to •Itobk•alle of ear 1 Wlttls.d i ermsad f a Vtluitb,. '" asiti u Tr 4 ot l a lbelted ." laq . ltddes3cl92 ,111. load tatalosiinyad _thaw. , bust.y butJpotrogly. MA/ Mai* boliAmar, ors pellargemat Do festbia rbaslo "ABC tatm=r4oet to Ytto. • to 4.1, *WO mostliCoyartail, it 111,14§1a fey Atha* Bed, 1119141,23 for *ablest cedes of He White. rcoM hreateedull, sad to order to abet sales to say t- tit amoldbanNem sty to mato cosamd•saad Sat Bo spar bosh& The .rice to, bowler, ar• 1101, _sad bolderb • • urnsitibig to submit to say daellna. amall tamemetleas Amp A/posted at SIX tor Nat, aid 1114%91 1,2.5 for ibstua. • Oat. went la bat modorste repast, add some. utst. 7 bang taltalfeated by ketagerto .1111 2 0. 2 12211 b 01 21 44 pa Ison.l was atablimbed • tba ataltet cha os doll at , / 04 12 b 2,11 . 2-42,0 *IPA° bashals was , .0...16.t at ' :this eters. Ilya Is alto lowa ea le esocinst• dmasad at Om lo cus..tor•eom quote psis. samples all 11,,3741,811 011 artiVaL Thus wag nfothlaT of meldeclutce 3 m• 11l Batboy. the remlyts, borers are mil Asodalsta. sad bol6ms oeu teethed ber fell and Tie bust grad. atillprieg too Iteld at T 1,80431.88, and Tall at yt,tosit,eus • bitbloky Uzutcheavalaadgedet, t 3. trausealltem Wog Wafted to abseat 250 tads at T 1,70. -Aria=l4 l 4 Vans Ain CE.3“03 8 . Oat. I oar , atm Hartman •Dm 2 WI alto, Lt..l O t Oran / VAT.apap tall, W adoe.y LCo da, J klulddr, 10 pltga bldoa, 91b.. to tom, Chia Etatarit33 mks osta, TIMJIISII 11,11 & cag Id Ile lap,' WONlntlia. BislTol2 & et. lad sla *05,7 dyfridrioy; 1274dulasra,pala, &wpm d cot Vest lalab , t;L laagbato; tan 163 aim coto, I. El Yolght to; 233 bap tall toad, J W Yaltbry; 45 bbbi not, cap t attoput 15 do do, 1' 0 feather, 14 jpotp tolaooo, 07tri 91 do '065, Itam Ilhodea; 33 doa broom., 5 X watt d plrip t,tar,o3, a 7 t3an a s. ; I tbla avoloy, 1 bz battar LI II LOIN; 21 Ibis • vplea. Graham 8 Taman 1 keg ;oda, *bettor a Latasti.l bbl bitten, Traartoaa apirabaotal 20 43, 6laP,Dll 4l call etr, 15 do do, Bbomabor a Lanr, 17 Dbl. ryas, 30 Da cb• toe, Y Vao Gord,tl 70 oat., -L ,Yttabt 41. oo; II all rap,l2cdtiord 492:91 30 1443 W d anistlon. Csant•••• • :11 - ta7ntioll, ILa Ilti••,,Q9totraT 5 -• Ithfet. Lltrlt • cot 150 bp tt4t.,10/1, B 'hider.; as ma, °WC,: • Clark: t6;b.t. chasm L B Volsbt • colt tar licmpt tttro;Llopt plant $ 3 bbl boutug, a kegs burteriL aNctgbt• built-at raga, D.1:.11; 21 .lu-a load, 'A tturdow• tortnlt Lletdarton. • • AU11101:211 efs vox, Octote;As.,-1 sir:mmta, J Win; 176, tr. 4 4614,. a A A L Cl_ent; 41644 6. 4 = 1 6 60Msalon A X 4 1 ,44; 6 by 43146A7DIVAI•ar; 163 dad 34, du .ad. Al 66 6' 446 "'best, ILebnall ,'4,31 6, 41 d.,10,11444-Abgeli 431 OA cati 3444: AUX TIII O N - Iaw rasa. lf 0 smir ; I -ur 4 ' 66164 . /14663t44 4 obi 83013.ribetemzipbcia a -Eder; 3 by gbeni, 13DierA, .16 As sadit, J Fsrrick; 2' .16 , 1 i• babor sod ego. Eur; it bib. paper, Enidas • an I bbl aRIP. .14,316 co; 14 slo ow, Smut 2 can 064, -Ein6rn6Alefril eirrif*Am• skswe or Tea' ITHITED BUM Pined 1160. 004 Pm darks 41 Se Thirty 0,04 (Ptianctilo. 148.1 Aw ACT to provide Internal !Irma to support the germane-In, to pay interest on the pub lic debt, and for other purposes. jimarinuto-] Sea 87. be le further meted, That every person, firm, or corporation, who shall hove sAde any contrast prior to the passage of this act, and without other prevision there in for the payment of duties Imposed by law enacted subsequent thereto, upon articles to be delivered under sue& contrast, is hereby authorised and empowered to add to the pries thereof lamnob money as will be equivalent to the duty so subsequently imposed on said articles, end not pcestonely paid by the ven dee, and shall be entitled by virtue. hereof to be paid and to one for and reoover the same accordingly: Prodded That where the United Stales Is the purchaser under suck prior COO trios, the certificate of the proper officer of the department by which the contract was made, showing, according to mentions to be prtearibed by the Secretary of the Treasn." rya the articles so purehased by the hatted Bta es, and liable to Ouch subsegnont duty, shall be taken and received, so far as the same its applicable, in discharge of such sub sequent donee on articles so contrasted to be deltiroied to the United States and actually delivered according to each moonset. aCtriois saL73. Sm.! ea. drat be it tur:lier muted, That there shall be levied and milt:mead and paid on 'aisles of real estate, goods, mires, mer chandises, articles, or things stamina, inclu ding in sake of stooks, bonds, and other securities, • duly of one-fourth of one per contents on the gross amount of Inch eatery and every auctioneer or other person tasking such sales, as aforesaid, Mall, at the end of each and every month, or within ten days . thresher, make a list or return to the assist sat assessor of the distriet of the gross amount of milt sales, made as aforesaid, with the amount of duty which has accrued or should &corm thereon, which list Asti have annexed thereto • deolaratios under oath or affirms nen, In form and manner as may be prestrity. ed by the Commissioner of Infernal Revenue, that thesame is true end comet, and shall, at the same time, as aforesaid, pay to the collo.. tor or deputy collector the amount of duty or tax thereupon, as aforesaid, and in default th.v--of Stall be subject to and pay • penalty of five handled dollars. In all cases of dells. clumsy in making said list or payment the semi:neat and collection shall be made in the manner prescribed in the general pr,vi sloes of this eon Provide', That nv duty shall he levied under the provisions of this sec lion upon any sales by judicial or executive offi cers making elution sales by virtue of • judgment or decree of any court, nor to public' salsa made by gust diens, executers, or Main istratorl. BIOKYILS Bee. 09 And be re further marred, That all brokers, and benktrs doles business es beokere, shall be subject to Fly the following duties and rates of duty upon the sales of merchandise, prawns, gold and silver bullion, foreign exchange, anourrent money, prom's eery notes, stooks, bonds, or other securities as hereinafter mentioned, and shall be sub ject to all-the prowisions, where not applies. ble thereto, for the returns, assessment, col lion of dig finder, and lades and penalties ea are presertbed for the pertona, firms, comps nice, Cr oorporations, owning or poteeedex, or having the management of railroads, steam boats, and fen, testa that to totter Upon all sales of merebandtee, proluce or o her goods, one-eight of one per cesium; upon all eat.. and contrails for sales of stocks and bails, one twee leth of one per cesium on the par value thereof; end of gold and silver bo , li .1 and coin, foreign exchange, promissory notes, or other accuriuse, one twentieth of one per maim on the amount of snob sale,, sad of all cotoreats for snob males ?raided, That any Person, firm, or company, not being licensed Le a broker, or banker at wholesale or rt. tall dealer, who shall sett or odes to sell any merchandise, produce, or gold and silver bul lion, foreign exchange, unourrent money, promissory notes,-stock; bonds, or dater se curities, not bona fide at the time his own pre per. y, and actually on hand, shall be lia ble, in oddities to all other penalties provi ded in snob oases, to pay fifty per astute in addition to the foregoing dude and rates of duty. Btu 100. dad be it firth& eseetai, That there shall be levied annually, on every car riage, yacht, billiard table, ,gold watch, or pianoforte, or other minima instruments, and on ill gold and silver piste the several duties Or tune of money set down in figures against thessine respectively, or otherwiee specified end eet forth in. soliedule A., hereto stinexei, to be paid by the person or persons ovulate, pe starting, or keeping the same on the first Wads, of May la each year, and tee same chill he and remain a lien thereon until paid. i 13011.8DULE d. - , Carriage, gig, chaise, phoottn, wagon, Soggy osgon,-Inurystl, rockaway,or tither like carriage, and spy clash, hackney coach, orenitlas, or tour sheeted carriage, the body of which rests upon springs of any desorip. don, which may be kept for nee, for him, or for passenger?, and which shall cot be used exclusively in hus bandry or for the transportation of Merchandise, valued at fifty dollars bud not exceeding one hundred dol lars, including harness used there with, each one'dollar, $1 00 Catrisges of like description, veined at above one hundred dollars and not above two hundred dollars, each, two r ollea a 2 00 C }r, urges of like description, valued at above two hundred dollersneui not above three hundred dollars, tamp, ' shies dollars 1 00 Carriages of like desorlptioo, valued above three bundled d o llen and not above five hundred dollars, snob, six dollars Carriages of like description, valued above five hundred dollars, each ten dollars On gold watches, oomposed-wholly or in part of gold or gilt, kept for use, trained at one hundred dollars algal each, one dollar dr, gold witches, composed wholly or in, part of gold or elf, hept for usa, 'valued:at 'harems hundred-dollars, ' rad, twa dollars •-' , , ' 200 Qs piainfortim; punts, innlodione, or other parlor me ftid inetrnments, I kept frit. 'tales: not.br eledbrit those pleoedin. clinrehte firlroblio edifices, valued ateo: lees than one hundred dollsinfhtil list %bete' two Modred dellfer4enehe Asio.dopetre:, r, - bsalsloed at above tito %hundred 4a1 161 0 Oa . la imsyg rout beindrod d6llfri,hicl, fekddislllo,' '''"; , 4 , 't , bmveabstideibover four Amami 41,.. larix'iel4tik dallied': '."• a, 000 On. 'Wald, pleasure or;raceg baits, by. I sail or latest's, measuring ;by custom • him* mesertrenent ten tons or Ices, • ' eseb i llve dollars ~ 6 00 Z. seeding ten and not exceeding twen ty tone, each, Undone?. gscudiag .Iwenty and not exceeding ' forty. tons, each, twenty- Ova dolia•B 26 00 ,I Bxcerdlog forty and not- exceeding 1 e igfity uncele, any dollars 60 00 Inman jdghty OM sot exceeding one hundred and ten tons, Via, SOT- J , ' enty-five dollars - 76 00 Blooding one Mildred Ind ten tont, I ea,„l, one hundred dolbins 100 00 Billiar tables , d kept for mse l ton dot. ta e d 00 Preside; That billiard tables kept for hire, and upon which a license tax has been Impeded, run net be re- grated to pay. the tax on billiard la, , biewlept for use as aforesaid, an ' thing herein to the contrary notwith standing On plate, of gold, kept for use, per ounce troy, fifty cents 60 On plate, of silver, kept' f or use, per trance troy, five cents 05 /recant, That silver sponne er plate of silver used by one unity to at amount not emending forty ounces ' as aforkesid, belonging to Any one ---person, plate belonging to icllgione — societies/ and eouvenirs and keep. stakes actually given and received GA each and not kept for use; _oleo, all premium awarded is a token of ruerit by any ageicultursi society, - . corporation, or aseashillou of persons -:.for any (purpose whatever, shall be exempt from duty. n't" n li g " ) eArmi ntrimi Aso EULTP. Ste. fat Led be it farther meted, Ths there shekik be paid by any person, firm, On., Pnoy. ex , ofsonteer employee Miereof, ti fob lowing dotted or taxsa r that to to say. • r '- On alllottio and entree, sweeediartbree "monibirold; slaughtersd, exoeptlirkesslanYh-' Ceitt:lditthinaldrs *ha:isnot/ exclusfreln, forty cents pm bead. . • ' On all cattle) and calves gadertkee zonal We CluthigglA AM rail pl 4: head. en 611 swans obraghtered, tan °eau put bet. On all sheep and iambi 'Slaughtered, hie Wats pee haat • /madded, That cattle, sot exotieding eve is •uumber, and calves, swine, 444, and lambi, to t exceeding. in 62 twenty in Umber, slaughtered by any personforhis or her own consumption, in any one year, shall be ex empt from duty; and all sheep slaughtered for the tells shall pity two cents only per hoed. Be.i 102. dnd s it further erbskted, That on and otter the date on which this ant shall take afro', any person or pereonr,firms,dompanirs, or agents or employees thereof, who shall elaughtir for sal• any cattle. calves, sheep, lambs or swine, or who shall be. the occupant of any building or premium in whiob eunh cattle, elites or swine, shall be slaughtered, say rattle, calves, snap, lambs or swifts. shall be required to aiakv and tender • ISt within tan d.ye after the first day of each and evert month to the assistant ammo; of the district where the slaughtering is done, staling the number of cattle, calved, if any, the number of &wine, if ant slid the number of sheep sod lambs, .if any, slaughtered, se aforesaid, with the several rates of duty as fixed therein in this act, together with the whole amount there of, which list shall have annexed thereto, a declaration of sad person or persons, agents or empLyeee thereto, as aforesaid, under oath or affirmation, in ouch manner and form as may be vomit:4d by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. that this same is true and oarree4 and that!, within the time and man. car prescribed for the payment of ditties on imanufeoturee, pay the full amount of duties •soeruitig thereon, as aforesaid, to the collector I or deputy collector of the district, as afore said ; and In ease of default in making the return orpsyment of the duties, as aturemitid, the asiassmentand collection shall be made as en the prosier= of this set required; and In case of fraud or evasion, the party offending than !peek and pay a penalty of ten dollars per head for any cattle, calves, earths sheep, or lambs to slaughtered upon which the duty le fraudulently witltheld,evaded or attempted to be evaded ; and this Commissioner of Inter nal Revenue may proeorlbo such further iules and regn!ations as he may deem nom easy for aecerteining the correct number of castle, calves, twines sheep, and Lambs liable to be taxed tinder the provisions of this act. 1.111.110AD11, $1 . 6.4.1110AT5, rally ODATIN flee. 1C 3. And 14 it bother morird, That every person, limn, company, or corporation owning or potesetng or having the cars or management of any railroad, canal, steam bow, ship, barge, canal boat, or other vessel or any stage coach tr othervehiole engaged or trat.l,yed to the busmen of transporting pia ci Deere 01 property for hirearin transporting to cell. of the United Stoics, or any canal, the water of which li used for mining our. pram obeli le subjeot to and pay a duty of two aid one half per centaur upon the gross receipts of inch railroad, oanol, eleamboat, &hip barge, canal boat, or other veleel, or rush stage coach or other vehicle: Provided, Th4t the duty hereby imposed ohall not be eluargrti urn the rreetpte for the transrorta tioa poncho of property, or mallet, between the United States and any foreign port; and I any persons, or perrons, firms, companies, or cr / olot ion ; owning,possessing, or having the acre or management of may toil read, ferry or bridge, authorised by law to receive toll for the transit of passengers, testate, oarrtegre, teams, and freight of any description, over ruck toll road, ferry or bridge, shall be Elt,- j<Ct to scd pay a duly of Ours per oentuth on the grow amount of all their receipts of errry description. But when the gross ressipts of any such bridge or toll road shall not rattled the amount necresat by expended to keep such bri he or road in reptar, no tax shall be am ported hereby on such receipts: Prodded, That all scab person., a•mpantes, and oarpor .ut,nmeheli have the right to add the duty or ter impreed hereby to their rates of fade or never their liattility thereto may tem co".cc, any limitations which may allot by to or by agreement with any person or OM pso y which may have pallor be Itable to pay book, fare toilie contrary notwithstanding. cotton COMPANILII. Bra. 164. And 14 d fart/4er enoeiA That any person, firm, company. or oorporatlon o .r -rytnß on cr doing an exprree bosluese, shall eohjtot to and pay • dney of three par can • tam on the gross anIOURit of all tps resoipta of nen exprese braiLesa. II SO I&ACT. 001(P Ain= • ern. 1054 And be it rartiteri enacted, ?het .5, re chalk be levied, collected and pate a da• ty of one and a ball of ore per oentum upon the gran receipts of premiums, or nuen• me for insurance from lam or damage by fi - e cr by the peril, of the see made by every inenrstoe eempeny, whether bland or marine or ere insurance company, and by every era elation or Individnel eopged in the bus. ineds tf insurance easiest lose or &stooge by Ore or by the perils of du:keel; and by every person, firm, company, or oorporation, who eking/ Issue tickets or contraots of Wire libel spinet injury to ,persons while Meal. Leg by land or water; and a like duty *hall be paid by they/unto( any foreign invariant 0o pay having an rfeee or deing badmen within the Vetted Buts : and that la the •r,oaat or return le be rendered, they obeli state the ,mount Insured, renewed, or con. upped, 'be gym amount of premium receiv ed end assessments cillectel, and the duties b • law socendeg thereon for the quarter then n et preceding. 108. And kit further eartefert-That for .4 4 1 purport leaned from the office of the &watery of gtete, there shall be paid the son of five dollen; which amount may be paid to any collector immolated ander this not, 1110 his neript therefor shall be forwarded wl'h thep_qpllzationAT, coot' .posisport (a the , ofiVe,of &artery of State, or,.ony agent ip *lvied by him, to be transmitted to the Countiesiocer of internal lioveno4 there to earged to the account of such colleotor. A.odytesellectors obeli amount for art moot ,eye 'thrived for passpoetr In the mane.? herr tobefore provided, and o like amount shalt be pid for emery passport issued by soy min ,e ter or consul of the United States, who shall account therefor to the treasury. TILCOLIPII OOKPLNIfe Eno. 107. And ha it ,fisrlhar masted, That any perm, fan, company, or corporation, oisn;ng or postamming or hoeing the care or ron raiment of any telegraphic line by tat li sdegraphlo dispaschts or messages ore revir stl or transmitted, shall b . subject to /4:11 pay a oispy of flee per cent= on the gross II rrioci uI. of all rccripta of snob person, firm, company, et crofbratton. 41 :Mgt. orris's, citcons, AND ILIThI9IIII. i-re. 108. Avdp.it florae masted, That aity perion, firmror enrporaticm, or tha man ager or agent' thereof, owing, conducting, or loving am one or mfinsgairlit of tiny then. tie, opem, oircup, , brim*, or oiler public •e Isibtilonyar dmanatto „tarnpartildurspresenta• MI. 0174410:f tOrMISPWALW6 OI taltatain entiffestia of bernamanahlpokarahtio aportik , .varfisigresNtbitshAra opened &chills publics. : is , Pc*fint siblizioladlintiorttsseentilasurserts, rlighiblitethri-leatures; to *thittitioas or 1 fin . 4 60 bb subje6t , twildni pay a aftr i irgitio pie oirtitarli on th e groit eimousit r 'itdelpfs derliea' bib pistil?* firm, 1 compiPtuy, aroprpotstion, frets stioll,' repr0"4.41!,, "4.41!,, playk.introkmanost; eittbltions, ohms, or okastplontarlainotata. ~ . - ' Cm sm vorranno 1 WIT y e N D sit4o . s TREB2S, 7 111V,E*0117313103, •-- • • or Arna, b.,. aoratitio,OXyatut.otatt that bola hrlitt.W moo grottabloltor Car lomat& Waimea goo tae, or Tarty Barr*, a Blm.hs ix. Mad.* Yono.ger 004 ZingerWSbodo Mad Oros , , _OW Beauty Banta, cli Totmao's gtoroOkaolgolp Oldar,_/tro l argar MUM_ s aVAk alllDlffrtrag i Zrt .BUST. paggaguOlltql. grauim, is. i s , i s s , rotor& talatgclra dtrot great traumas:Ma to plots, *bawl* Vorshams. Orden 1.11 ths - gram. • Boori4 Calisd; Plgabargh Pon Ce ti . gig Pr orcatilgt atagotad to. JO= 111711D0011.i.t. A si a marorgli sad Oakland Itarrarte THOM STREW FOUNDRY. _ *LIMED DAVIS, Tormetty Pon= at K 114021011 s IPWMpc) 7 totem. Ida elm& and do. polato Ipimia7 that • hos opoo•d • looodzy at th. =row of Tblrd Etna Mum" Yak molts Julton'a Bemis Tooadry, If the porpop of maxotortortor LIGHT NM/11Ln- IT .OASTILIQB, IMAM ao. void attoottoo gto. to Ploodor• work- tailthela SPORTMENT 1111ADQUABTEBB, WI WOOD MEM . JAINGEM IKPWR bdt. tb, 'woe* ot Spactiositin sad ottani to 11 Welted Mai of ORIN ZULU, REVOLTERS PISTOLS, OREM. DSOS POWDER nesse, /51101 RlELlS,ssilto l 3 oll2s , DRAW mums, - ant us ... übt i asztet. tkr si Ida& Ws state Is the !smut enr Do to tbls osTl M._ BALM... .tiolltEaol, • Duirrsis Bezatnamoss, ar r =s of BallilNA aid waintesulettuts anctlos agrawombi. term. • Mae do , AmSenn jilt** . 1110• Mem adaccel ink 0110.1tfliftAlftlogur . BALED SAY. Tems Au tato Ns* gnus. mu. I.IIIIItLIANT 01/..olA—Booto of Blab. ELI= b a the 11.1 Ikamett army "WI sad Wool miteettess August Bth, UGC • • PURPILIM3 11011hilliIII da•calpfloa of the property bold bl_tbo Ocdoymay as ba had at Um tamp pboa, tf and at«.• tb• atb of analvt. bltOt W ALL , A!.CE a CIIRTIIN3, Vt:4=3ilJlusion IMEIEZEI caumt & REFIZIZI) PSTROLEDIC SSEZIIIL AHD LITEIBIOATINO OILS . R.. U 4 BOOTH WHABVES, PBILADHLPIII4 rAr etom• a miracle, (tinder lemma for 16 COG barrel.. Also mallet. mull Mee for rblyphle te American and Partitgn porta at our wharf en aka Schuylkill Rim, teem ihe r platiorm of the P. R S seduly jitiSE3 NVIIKLNB, lISOILIII ►m DIALlig is CRUDE am REFLITICD OIL, PENILE BLOCK, DUQUESNE WET, prrrun Ull9 11, P 4 INF nodal &Marlon giro folks SALI AHD THU INT of Perak am sad la DrodtsrO4 , Opasignm•nta r•rpratfall .ollattad, NOIr ?Disbar& Divan for VITILIGO OIL AHD TiIaNDPOBT•IION OODIDDIT, rsiday PONT orptca DOI 141. RICHAE.DSON, ELLBLEY a Oa, oossawsnov a roswAannsti Crude and Relined Petroleum, 51. 11 LEWIN lITHENT, PITZEBLIELIIL mar Lit.ond Q. sdnacar as acmigamuto 021 PIM- Imro as wale= Korb:rt. Means= UM.:=0111 Mew. 1. B. Dtlysel 00., eprthip: HarMagh. iiumnpons 8.11, 1.4.. hod. Omamerctst mblOtem purr UITY oth WORM LYDAY & OHORPEINICINS, nuartortnnin &ad Sefton 01 ammo OIL. EMI cm■ ADD 10U - BRIOATITIG ona .sad cI UDCF . IC - TIZO L.1{.1.7 ftl W.ka. apcda i!M...5a..,g• Calm, Be. EA ELAND EMLIEVT. BitErWER, BURSA & 00., 0016113E410N 101110HABTS, Asyut. cd tie GLOOM, PACII7IO AMID LIBMILTT OIL I,olllls LlNral =eh advsasor studs an ossistpuneate at Banned or Crude Parole'". OM DOVIEVISI WAY I EIIIIOOOIL =l.. VVVOVTELiaIEIamNiuy. ouo. R. noarosnir A CO., Clueabectatett W BBtni g o OIL MID 19 lite OIL. Gimp eateetextly ea haled the very b qual ity 013112i1Itel OIL. tL end witheat afar; saen, • poi ItISMITOATOB, ware 1,11171 BILTIZOLI Lad ebb PRILLSIL nil"' ardere left at 11. 1171111 Sera Stack. eetaall Poor, .tri be prosepety ettealbei wa, mkt/ ROBEHT ABRIVORTH, Z. =um Of" ITITS..BM. . Flrirarding & ConuaLatten merchant ADD DILL lir 0/76 Mir I.LLMILIMAYI3O,II7IS2IWATIIIO,I3BI:IDI TL TDOLCIYN 011.8, L.. t.ll as bad sad br was da Wars Ins4l.le prtcsa Ossalisibrad sad orbs, salidtad. serabs Wawa & KING, IXIMUMOIII Petroleums and Its Products, in* &gm tn Ildlalail Ilamtils. Do. ICI 11141111./17 MT, rttlabotigh. Juno Lawni, I====l On of Vitriol sad turns ELenmosda. MI Jots reirterlid lOa a o=4 acnim ""Is ati&lAND MST mars. ~ elk . Locarrr OIL trumr.b. DIY/OAZ. inntLar a ea., 1 4- urr. White Rafted. Carbon 011 A, ea. 11...J117 LIWENTIV RXIITR pLumßuie, Gas and Steam Fitting, 4:1 oil no brandy., moo mtly ottoottod to, by osporbwo est preateal wrist:oak.* & Ithilikelaricoatt 0 des pulvass. SUM, WITH SIM HAM . WATRII 01.0133215, BY MUMS. lb. Ooonzatly ev oloall vA No& to order.. TATE & SEVILLE. flo. 0 JrADZILILL SST. -/i1140.07; Atsnt IST LIBZIPTI WHIMS, Pittsburgh.. isikilarnsdls FYRUITS. JIILLIEB ka. 61) damn hods dt.owborrbor, to sa ri is do Itrodo Pio. ANA*, do; 45 do Onsnot IS do dolowtod mai PO do Vreob Oarn, b pm: 69 oil inrsb P... do; II d. L 1 BM= do; 1 do Promrrod 11.+In.toro and Coo mt. by 1111T1111 1 1 6H80P., Ho 111 sod Its Wood Arcot VIOEFTY ACRES OF COAL, situated Li .ly vs ths Ptlittßytwarkla EatiroaC roar Lauate, to Oared roa "b e quAti 4 excillest. relq opts , oot about 1.4 ,4 m nee lbtck thalocal &mud tot )m4114' rod. 14.54 14 co Id Tostllp . d east to owl 4411naciiire. 'bros some 41 awn:4l4ae ocukaldrat tor shilco, and atia/a4g apes- Wane iroidd Wad. 1104.1410174.1. 19; ti BIEVIAN. *tor .a Totrarireraszt. ALL10.ari0w1.1.1j..1004.11114.1*,..r, tittly.nrieth:. USIos of Wrist inhabits:sal se OS TWA. Au. /troop Cllyi'vits p•siatimitsOsast, "rifles the &nut sts - Asia • rels-So sue Imam Irby easing Inseam out Bataan ea. propillso of los Push Is., sad Asa. P. AWN •Ir .ths PAW Ward. Alta s•st amid est I. sasses! eksel as la moss& ••••1 21 . sho prosSrlsse of Ow Ins ssAlos of the .et Alsembil IlLis IS, ISO, irtiseasso !Us , Owl ,granted rs• As• D 0 ,141 =bye 1?IA ,ths cssst.dp. = ... s.r=d_:gi L i r st i =lll3. ,••=rnuAso as walla for,•24llkorliaSsa sliss el tab to allob•O /o•as esteas, krz bat mak , Wimps oast. Wm &art. Wk. A. =sox cwt. R e .. lb rri i uss & Oo • ILIC. PINE TAR: , . (mewl sigr.• kr. AIL= Put up fa ant asa pups Ws Wad PUCKII3S3. lax Ws by Waage/ sat bi binds NA balm. ogios; Hu U 4 MOT erillll2, Pittsburg stela FUlaa B L. OALDWKLL, (Br.mcrm iitais Eldon. II Oat roaL piazza. Disler b BMX% LAMEIIIOI3I MUM WKS WILOILID ire.. come sassier Aim near =MI, Itrresuramc =Way oyaBBB I 0113Tral3 I waouxuas LSD ELWIN Ckastaatlrox band at Ito. TSB: IL on. Bmithbl and mad stu., ruts; ml3l= A bandsomasiortmat et- FALL. ,MILLINERY. iff..*.stroffu r s, • 123 1re1422122111023122 2 2 0122 OBBEEN—,...` sod lisurli=h Dahi v i 4orttikeiNd. ifu*.l,llXwvl^"'lLl"ab .d.rilliSOTTI R ZEES. /INN LAWRISNOB IRON WORKS, Jrcss Cadge.; Pa. DITIBEDO a O. liscoatmtaras of IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES Pnozrat prim ottt4oot to cbangoonf Quo inattot. NICW OASTLI, LA'isms Oa., PA. DlReixatbis CADELAD & CRAWFORD, ILeantsetaren of ovary variety of lorfalvel BRAN WORE TOE FLUE:BEIM MAE Olt OM rrrniza, INAIELININTS. AND OOPPEnsairrtm. EWE 011ETINCIO,_ef. &MO to ta an de, STEAKBOAT WOEE. ciezrrr 'lTEM, and lIEFAXEING‘ to. Partkalar attention to fitting op ILINFINERIEN lOUALED ON OLE& Alm. dots Armte for the %Wont Distrkg of Poontyl main far sale of DIASEE, LAIINDELL 00.11 PATENT OT the HION PUMP, the best mar hmented. Having so val p it la not Noble to get cat of balm and will throw mare mater than any vamp of Mrtoe Me elm. AM OA • Wer•tii. IRON CITY WORKS. iIACILLTITOSII, ELLIIPOSI.II. A GO.. TUIJNDIIBB ASP IIILMM=!1. Ocamer of PIY• and ORiarM and (Sou Olt7 Watsr Wask.,) Masofsotantre of atstionarl and Giber MISOMM, SOLLIKI MILL ChtiMIEGB and 1114.0HIEM3T, o all Man, and 'sacral jobbers. Prompt attention Oren to matting ROLLING d•MMILLI. r.ll ROBERTS, 13ARNEn et ‘41 1 ,, Ow so Third Illt, iittiburgb. T 1 1.191) BEW 12478 WORKXB3. Aad Msoofactorno of J A.PA.2 O .I.NIGIJ TIN WAKE IV. arena. warinaretaring and twos on band Batt. Ina pparattst of all kinds, Toilet Ware to Botta, Water Caplan, ammo' Tea end aploe tiaairtara, Onati and Spiro Boxer., Tnmbler Drainers, Spittoons, dal, an- a lafP lot el kW for de low. Oil Cians Cl di liter sad pauena, lag, °oral moors, and a/It:loam of Job- Work dontto order. pATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 PITIIIIIDGre rerun U V A_L. LAMP CI73MLNEL-103. rrressawaa, Ti II TILIXT GLASS. nor. Obtenner v. latsnelsd 1 1 / 4 , Ms lid to.t. inig parLy th. Or dwm •LIZIOM It to arsalryi. 1.7). DTTHRIDOE, Fort Pitt G 1 Warts, Waethin‘tos atm*, ApIT Pitutnersh, Pew. RACE. DIAMOND eiTEAL WONati, Pail.. BROTHCB a CO.. OMIT QUALITY GANZ, 111111111. Square, Irtat sod Octave, d att else. Warranted equal to ea, Imported oo manutastared to dd. ovecoin. Mir 0111 s• sad uardhana.Ner. sad niutand 130.. e lel dl:OO2iD 6111.EZTS, Plitabargh. ALLEN WC0101101( & VALI= Yourous, Pittsburgh, P. 0.111 - Wszellome, LIBMITT 131112HD, oputscilarers of 0001E,PAAL0)1 AHD MILTING STOTTS, PAIIIJrI3 ADD HITCHED Gasrts.nol , Lou , weirs, .to., gissl andalsim lloul4s.D.MAt BLID Costing. Otokring. NI. Astor ea Artist's rips NA boas Dug bort. Wsgust Docust, glar Kettles, Put. Z. 1" 7.r, 'Jobbing lard Iff=foslt ' ottl. to co der Psismusd Portabls 11111, with Dun= nal4t or irod Mom Post.. Pos rtiCK'N MACHINE WORKS AND NOMIMILY. e. ELAN a CO., IMIIIII 111713.3)Z1L9 AIM DIACIIIM:37I% Lam= @rust. borroot lode& sad ssadost7, ALLV:IHNIST CM, PA. o lda jaa fortaroso a of t ir r GRIT o r IS reraTrlfT PO . RTABLi r. So. Raparlog el .11 kiwis ottoo4od to. joltly ()'thA letllNNEes (late of the firm of remr.re a latuloy.) JOBB B. MEBSOB o IlLitdadl. Hama t 0o.,) BOA FOUNDERS A9O STOVE MANUFACTURERS 11126.11ffszd. P11M0401041%. 072.1 Y JOETZI B. ITIOIIIOII • 00. WELI, RIDDLE & 00., No. 215 maps rAOZ P VIIIIttad 11:3' sard rrrea7 durratidkr at LIATIOCE =AIDED waltz. Orden ratkited from Ito Ode. dud rpoodr pr=y •• dor tartn.rkvds. BRA NCE, No. 53 ViNT EI SL JUI wsi) 2 Mhu, aomoaria so of d= a irt oaiptioa R en riatiordor dad or togod swum ea V 4 0! Clral made ardor at &ark notics.9 z A mortoooot ...tondo oo %wad. say10:112 D. '4 W. BENNETT, Mannfhotarers of I! WET= lITOIIII owe 11.114 CREAM COLDS. LD R'&117.. Pio. mad Wsrelume I no. 11 MTH IFTSZIEE. rataborgti.. mblfrly SMITE flu&Ba. ORIIMPTON & 00.. ae Lllhrty IStrmirt, l an nd Proprilbrs d Etomuhotaren km Water= has Oplo, bma, Ww.wancalKtarmeamwW wW.d Palm, German, Olive andßosin Boap, 1r01.1.1r.. AND IPANOT ICIPAJPII BILVII2B YLASL )30AP, which era codUlmi• 004 recommend to team Ira posit me Chia dui other Wore the pot hey devoid be Norm to coed has neither pa dd y, Belt, Ltme or Rada, or imy othereobetame to eta menaterway rialto ono Match art:More the dime be. tabs Irtannels mad Woolen mote wished with the rophithr W Caeca or them Clo req tho. 'embed with the OIL 117/9 PittailL 81F do uire totting or hal the rabbbni, Eton o o f locums m not em mar sad ger. Sam PFAU OAP . . .. downs (Moo, .10:1* Totowa Stab; Priatod Int. er.k., ...I it. worst Plotp Wider *Woo Lortoodtstatr, 0 , m1,74 . 11 . 1% . 11 1 1 =d0t t. .5r d . ..d.. 1 . 12. it ..itToll7iWillmod to !tab, Joorrbylalorosozo. tooldallod Malloy and !Mart lorfttr Imantattrdyt Odd i. dbllidn otarldo sad door MI It Iwo sto par TB Dab, sae p.res .f., Eduatpotottdit MI taLTßet. PLUM 80441(II:Porddd Itint7t .. .) to warm% td orb:khan tried Us =VIM% It no ildtatidtdircortit7 thi StdoCtdirtdia— trtolltualll *be Ode ti =tag drads sodto rdim vitt zoissultdo orlon of -the mum -.00.M ll I to 7 ., == Idiot no data for Wirer! adcordtdd if ail Mill Atolll . abroad. Id& allit_mli/ to - stvo USGDEPTO3 100. • eadt, ap,Wbert• $ cipmft, ow*lii . d'sorrididostoitodbordldadidtDadaL_ . _ fa- ilovoro Of da'ltirttiddadnLdollis tu allitii =hi b. snag our trodocodtr - anirald t rooortrod Ird lildlold CIOSIddW ' "' ' lost! IiiTTI3BITROH COLL COMPANY: 3,000 SITARES - Lir $5O FAO& WL 814.1,9. Oar. W. Rlckitarly Jo¢n W,tt. W. PhllUls This company bolds tb• tee simple Of EV *Moll twit, quality Omi Land. dins** oa tta Idanandstala tin mat ot odd land at eon amount. to fine 1.45. The naminths Iv De of tbot capital stock will b• and I. banding • &on rail=Cteg Owl Tipple. and *Orr Imam, tiliptoito todratlons tba lo end at tbsoompany. dlstanoc tiom at b•ak to 0.. mat shandy opiati bat fi fty foot. At • low amp of tb• river than ars twatty %et inter al tag Clomps-, aim Cbakitlilea- Frew tkom Iheta tha Trade.' and Manton can sto doubt the ,DL prayercal tie stool of tea wen ny b• wry won m• lyrawaseratty• Thirty meant. on nabrerfirttane Ibe cathd payabla as to bete• tba nth d Beytarabw„ uet t WWlw of fontan meat satiny b, ardnad by Ur Trades. wok Direclant, sad a• tb• caravan regains. Baena and sabscria aro °mad at th• ?downy W...134.01e71, Barr Waod dart. Plttabeirib. 4 mi ll .. A sia.n.e., pm 971 .4 'LW Liberty strati. Jahns Rhode. • 00t, Mourne Way, aas Irada mos Tech Worn.* Company. an." 34 Thai . W.* ••letw (WWI W. ti1iV1.4416 g 00„ • . tlfottastly Itos m Ara% thftang cut Ibtonttfts mesh) In an lay from 11Itit ..et to EU matt • near Wotd attest, Ittobargh. PataWe'tMtareMC onrponto miN K j ,1,4 rs'. Coopix# . .and Ttnnort`. to* 1301 ocrt, tte----ts Tailors' - nowt. Enttkte Elll.6odowlsj, Mar-blot Odds. elbd irons, trn. WI tabby; to bo lotkat TATI & SETT ULM No 60 1060ral sure r LElO6bOOO. 6 0 . 0 604• 0002164 l A^ ..e.OO , 0 0 s' • , J. T. ouwlozets, tABD;ALIaz. lowarrEsuf A ir t me arialtiymad lanoilms, Wad *ma to •jobith.., hely eigstyl, by .TOSILL.-lIIMMIN.-- al ONE PIPS —WOO feel snorted for sal* .M.l -- -,•=s40 1 1:•4 4ARIFIALPRAI9! fro& L. McCLELLAND, _._.r annirMELIL v. vrsysol, ni. flour, Grain and IProvisiana. estiAND atteran i gg r the Gls. sal Ws Of Is. ST WOOD 81133:87, Pittsburgh. P. Ibcla pt F. QIILM.,3Y /Is GO., Commission tierehanin, so. Ix, 0171:1T13 w6RLB 57, CRICAGIO. Pike wad W.Wm/ atreitill 712758 1710 D, PL. =2= ALLZONSIII STBIJIT. Ml= AID Ortsi4lr, su!tt Elfo4o bbk z capetontrria* 1711111IIV 11.-COLTAIIr. rasa to IG:43'Mt,uA a Day%) CILVI:ekL OONIRE0IDII11:660BASE DS bin op attain ttoo to par. ~11 Flour, Grabs, Proristeriss, los Mrlam aceoanL -..Gm. T. BEtOWS B. T. QU1.11121 a*••u HENRY WALIACR Commission Merchant, no let enam wiensa 6i.. 08111160. nil= . I"..catra aimed= paid to Wag orders tat V:qtridiAlta raoronotm ►I.OIIB • WANS & A-NJ ER, oogineszoir Innumslie. kne easier, In inener, Grata sad ritednnen, Iti frEOOND IT., batimpea Wood Itoa Irt,ll2Alnni......sarnlm • a. inceAstr MEA AIKEN 4t, SECEPA.RD, Com on Blerenaots sod Dealers In Toredip, sad Do ? Dank rnurrs, moos, Burrza. cram% EGGS, POTATOES. Ana Prods= varenlly, No- SCO libaty street, walls Passover Depot, Plttsb'es. J. Wonted: B. IXlsortti i Cb., Mans • Odin. ealp 411 Muepszty Atwell, 1...e8 Co., Jo s tle Oraslar. Pittatr . ugh; _dour I Bro., McDowell Von Brent 00., Phila.:la.; Vaasa I Alamos', Bt. louts: Blaclalr Chant, Sow Tart 1 )Asa and k Leval, Cincinnati. .4.11117 FRANK VAN °ORDER, Produce end Commission Merchant, Ho. 10 11111T1111XL.D STUMM, oomor Tint. Cooklerin TLOCIL, TltTlial, BROOMS, SEEDS. LARD, 0111M33, PORE, Dian AED WU= ruutrs, prxtu. oanorolly. Liberal coon solloormee on azosignmenb. All A_BLES 0. BALEILEY, Produce and Commission iterchunt, bMIClid-SDISZ BILO3III, L 4 tlealss In all kinds at 001311TET PRODUCT" No. 179 L187E651 BT 111. DIIIC•11 vveaat.D, 01“.11. a no. AMBSICIL., • [of the late era of D. 4 D. Z . Dasteld Pllimbargb. • Jo., Wellsville, Ohio.) VI 'DONALD & ARBUCE:L.B, Wholesale .1-Y1 Omen, Produce sad Coinsetsaton Ilarobsois, /eines. a COTTBD, N. 0. BLIGAI. And 1110LAS8113, ILEVI it ED BUGABS AND STRITPS, /LOUD, DAOOB, BAO t. TIAN, DICE, CHZEBIE. 61094 fa, N.. 41 1144 laterte tenet, Plltabates. Aelkl.l simvEß a I.A"A initat.vaLl GBACIIMAI AND 001EIEWEI103 Bag T 7 and 29 MIT an:LLD BT., =a. &wad. KLESii. LEECH, haus AND GRAI N Mou. sae Cbstsassuis!lemurs for th, sae of alum, naps, entEst PRODUCE. ars. aua semi 6or du celebrated Uniontown (11111E8T. Nee. 116 Strand end 116 Vint streets, between Wood ond Ilttaberib. Hlce....i.yrrve..Bd.,,AGroco. re and GO M an:mu-7 Praia. and Pittabsugh grullft= "l :4 4 . Lilmrty atftet,oppoaite heed of Waoclitnst. Pitt. bank. Wal WEBB a WILKINSON, Commission 11 Ilerchante, dealer. In WPM:IU RS. BESTS CIIILLSIL, DRIED TIMITS, 131:111114 "MS, GRAINS. and prod.* generally. Also, =MSS, SIMI& OILI3, ko., So. UT Uneasy Masai, l'lstaterres. lagrOnah adecncooasala :nada. 47c.r*tui:wina ,cam lora. r. lorrarp4. X„ BECK Jr CO. NalBs Liberty Surat, PltierararA Pa, SThragoaris Gad" Giaa• rekiiniota Plareasata,, and dreary to 00IIIITRY PILO DORN, PEOVTRIONS, DAMN. LARD, BUT LOOK, Gaßmdr„ RISK, az., mums, FLOO R. GRAM MEM, GUS= LED MUIR mum, BART and LIIM Jam B. ceIIFIELD, Co Mx AND rOILIMZDINg lizamuto sad wholesale dealer to WESTIi.D' ELIIIERTS CHEESE, DIPIRXII, POllB BACON, TLODIt, TIBH, POT KIM P &RIM}, sALEBam, Liman) ADD LARD 0114 Mil CD KRUM and Drodsooo gocarolly, TfaslS4 sot HO Front street. Ptiooborgb. cod mat. - LIME & TRlMl3VLolesale. Ora IA an ea Cloombetatt dealers !APB& 11 1 10 L INII 4 1 - .. 8 . A19,. l i i 11 6 rthacuknut LABB i 7A.10513, Ltd Ptaiibluel nunnhctmas 1i.....41 U . . aa4ll,4Oprosid•treet .I"ittelmtla. - . RXTIZIL EY11133 4. BROTH:Ml,'(ancoessonf A. Rograkes & An4enonr). Wtenlean.r. pastors .tn Yoh LION 1F1W1T8.1101134.11D anorkool9/1:01100= Salt, St-80 . W08X15,46, Nail., 146= Wood rt.rnet, elan !nth. Plttabarkl. piTTERsow EADIMON; ' r 001(01ISSION IfIGEOHLIITS. ' FLOM AHD •611.1119, _• •sed posral PEIFDI7OI &aloe; H4 O WOOD eTBIRT. Pllttabscegh, P • obld• CHEESE WAREHOUSE.—HENRY OOLLINB, P o und and Odoiiiindon /114.icbdx* sad dealer - In MUSE, amire, LANANIBH, sof PattlrnalY, ?Jo. 521 Wood stnet,abow, dud Want sosm immix nom "TORN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Oro. sis sad Clumiaindes Alsrstunta, Satin Wood .ad &ZS Lasertyisueds, l'itubnach. OBARLEB L CALDWELL, (suoceasor to kJ ham Holum d C 0.,) FOWL I.IIZIEER sad &War Pittib PROWS rah. 10013. corms of +uteri saa Inauth u lad arm. 0112.1. a OUP & SHEPHAED Comm* N.J Ilszczazza and tailless Iti.PLOWALUN. - laili. PAODUITS, Igo. MT Liberty argot, Pltlabarrk.. Choice brands of Tsar fat Saar. and Paially 1:09 ins Canny ..band. Particular ataaritlou paid la ewoa creep 4s plarcbandise xiceiridlY• 1 - 11. VOIGT h 00„_etilocess_oreto s _ IJ. Graf, ISOM= /1.1 . 21 caitaryti, HT Liberty • t. r. D. 1.51. iIIOPPBERT =ZELL &. CO., 'Whole lb obi Gravers, Orwatosicai Forwarding Elms ebsitteons4 baled. in Produce ead:Pictsbvigh assa• o.kta.l.l4bert7,ltna4 Pittitergh. ' T 1 WALLACE, .Corimission Merchant, LI. and Wboksatoi Ns* ja FLO= Wad GUAM.' Nil. MI . Ltbenty* ateateoppalita , Vanarylvaada an R. B. tamger Dapot,- , Pfltabargb, Pa.' °Wrap WOW' • dans. - cornar Wayne anti-Pens atteatar— -ao17:11 anurr-Www..—:.:.saaar ',kW& IpAMBERT;.BHIPTON. & CO 2 ..WhOkr JI-J Orzoon, quid hodoespaidesi. Welk •CLUJ -" 00. 3 -Wholesale easen,samakesea. mosataate. , hat enure is Boum as. wasesautes ea& aims: etz,t, bvrtig. sso k ietu.o...37.T e ptiILICPATEICK ic MOT Amept 71themmon. satly IrikdOLOß RIO ()OFF • •ad itdldilreta‘ frodt Ist of thake Edo • r /ea prima welted's. pars mud old Jdvd. to dila &tido WO; gra . 1 0 6 1,1 1• • . Joan ILISIM&W ,r , :Amur LOorty wad Hata of "niedd. • TkMES DAIZELL- SONi , Mamma er tams pt SLtD, 014, -U 'ComTrion' ISO chants br ThdAmettolo and oodirdt OHO WAND EXIIMGET ,PETSOI4I7I4 Itoc OS sad TO Wu! sTroot.Pittatmrdb. Admen mods co coddrosutd. • J. Ilk JO= &Mel T B. LIGGETT h CO.; CITY FLOUR. taamma, wrior Warty Mai INA One% wrowety.scie immis per da.i. • ar. ----- scaoia NICIKOANTS one .!meals dada= ta iltu...- rni,ll.ollll. CUMIN, 21101)134I0. to, N 0.1121 Lberty rtreetjittsbare6 WATT 4k- WILSON,. .WhOloSalii 131 4" Zrir=lla`"""'L"'X's' SLENDBAT Si. BRO. -Mholeaala and, as.co oanclaaa, Yuma rntn4ann Ka ma Lawry tursio.ndonma wirmar EDGERTON & STEWART; Wholesale Morns ian GONXISSION USCIVANTO. ac. tol Vt... 0 street, Pittanush. - + al" ronN ROUSH itCO.; Wholesale - GM 1 MO AND COII.IIII9ItON Vlll3olAlntk aerie ofTtrolthieli Waaftnets,rwuzla• IlErthuter , BAGALVI, WHoLestui Ty 61100 EL Ni.o U erA ri Wood iitetet. - Ptitii• M. 11P. GE 1 59= 1 4 0 111 - - - i: • r - „ • .cfViA lIIIMEthIESICENGINEEIII` corienanto tap t gigtrilard Q= 7 4:l CAa 4:41:4415p?!.104:1:611 1 *.1e5er Tsar 0 ,4 441 . , - • " -- WALL' PAPERS ';•AUTI3IIN. OF , 1884; w A u a l ltial l izir di beal74:7 1864—PEINISSYI• nalifia . A1.711A, TELL It. lTtlt =IOW mar.....maz Banal' Maur • Oo EMI an. MONDAY, Sapm.mbor 6.1.14 tog/a Ott Lam D epot tAllVort Ttm TECatmito3 . 4scanuomumni WWI WA, , impwczotot Stake *Cy, (cant ttombar.,‘ tal. at. al all &Atka* Mamma lltiztamilt aaa and salmi AUatt.omistattloa PkIlP. Tort hi& _ MSG Tun lama CM rimartgat Swam owlltal=proca Ilsoulmra at LISO sapottM commuccomslaarricarat=rl= .= , ton. and ter moor York via VolltiletKlN KM= TEL= tame Mayvadas Pas+o,PPThits l " ll2 a. Stilt =maims as Haam. tat• Itltlmoa. "d u P :LpMI team Cm alattostgly Lam* day) at p. m., atopplos taly at al mationy tamosatimy M'Hartlabarg for ltalttatata mot tap, ac 3 am, Nook York-Tla Alleatalla meta. gmp of cots; atm, at PhEla<ath IsiWg dWOYEODdSIOS stol bovii mostooi de itti asititoo. ors gscoom)ot lbw pl:h.st, so on seaskas an trzothqyaa Pm to Ommalatattt. _ . Mat ALtaiat Wen ita allaaol MEM fay (mons Ocalg i r Itmott Lox= 9Proto tbrWalrit Mato tm ex FarketatMOmitol_ "ilYrltr—s.tA i liwanrobikition .• Vl= Zattairrialf4 " Stattolowlail* as gem o„ au; tatosatam brim Itetablzel Itt • • TraZta "t.rlttlib*llol IMO* O 1.11:110‘ TuoloolVil* — mows rod Ettsonit LIMN]; lt1.) oh. Zoltaitcamr aolk Mit WWI Stag= Als%€l!:oll3aMk Mb &IL &coo& Wars Btotia• AdolotOttaa..—. MI6 ! TWA Weirs Sake 1.4111,,gyt., Poortb It-W*6W= Accommodatim—.. IMMia Ilan/mom Saone willanivo "Oh Traits tor aut Isaias commot allVOtepollm A taamattook Almacarmoltitloo Ammatmattkomad Antos Tisio Rod mad vtllt. ilk Moon Munn and Jolmatora .Latalatt,latioa Watt Staten comas alOommaiMXlMpt Tulsa sad IlloSlTtsis - Wort,, god otik To we Trotc...---Tic co ,To Oaltbrat Mrs': To Phlta. tolTo 1mattat0r......... CO . Ilattlsb*--...1 765 ,To Litcato. 1 • 0=3„.411044 to - oll.filatScoo Oat a. aol to Eldladdiatt.= Pamonsia Matiltalag Walla to dr two; =ma azoila attoordtag SO ttettlalaaca orMIA to thAlottera oath "mkt [not Callon OM. - I tag CooAolr tto moment. - , HOTII.A ago al lam, - Om Compioy IIE.ItY p , thaamattp timatadtla pamatat lamp lath for an lototOtt oat mmadhi 11101. H. 11.--Aa OmaltosaLtaa= bam maployail to allmlty pasmatom mol bespiga ta aad bate the [Mph at a dory tot to moo ID eetal. tor sod pas _ bump. la Watt apply to erswarszhiriA. it .patmaytmalla Oettml Unmet Pallim'OM . BM , !teats sal Good strati "1,0. 1864; - _eMxmiM WATIIN eas. =IL vex and C1ME41.033) i IITTEIBOBON — W& !LOAD. mum ABIL&HOMIEST. Oa atd lan DEPT= BIM 11xXi. 3244 tottall TCiU Wow, vt. ra..p... pa:;.ie............ Lu et or .s.ll 1B ~. .5. 3,11 .1rm1iit 5.16, :• , t . la . Haw Nags NA Sri. fd.. a. 1:11:. ~ '' ' • '• ' Antra , al Ifttlatergb—P. P. W.B O. BiniBrAPIII P. • • R.L. ado .. P. s.. 6 P p.:■!. t esulllD p. /11. CL BP, ILL. - E'°•!,l?./etbalite.llatii,,iriTO., ineikar7. ILL !, Yor Masai. Tor an , B. I* BA libe BBav`ii In p. la. lai s. :a. OP R. id. . .. i i) a. • . BSI p. - a LW a - ....r 11.10 p. is. ~• .1 k4D p. is.. . Borsots. Ai d A.Dagnemy—P. P. V. aB. Eavap, 11):008• - ,• eL. SO s. la, HAS p. ca. sad tiLS Fa GAL 74X. 8., - -.;• i:BI a m. CCM= PLaSTB• Tiol u t i q , Ihisa Nampa lhatios, TB L. Q. o•PATT •wiresir ' -, —I ti. 8.. PAXSON. Se. Pos..l4Malf. 111.• O. NB OF- .. . P. 6 . . .. iisa. smog welt a. i P., a. ALLEGHENY. ; ~ V ALLAY BAMBOOS/ , , —OH/argil OF 13206-076 ad Oar 11.031DAY,Z Mk • Isa. am Ir="4ldl:lL—ldlair Fladath IMO &awe. -- t. 1. t evta a. glamoda a WO 0. a lanos..Mfto -=„.,': sedr:o .m., mitts a Ritabargh. aIP. id,,,,..: , ..,.., - • Tt•-"ldaa ILOSsatta .1 IMO OA salyba POisbareg a Itati o. sti. lona !WOW •-.., 7 . , ! aOa p. =Mat id la of MI '0", - , AODOILISODeTZON TIULTH.-Lawas Ealls odin t fdd 0.. ay =Wag al latibtocli AM a. a . Laili & Pm'o. a IMO. p, aw =Kin at tiodatirtetst. - ; AWIPPLre. NE:ILLS , - FFOREIGN KiEGR&TION IPlttsburill, Pcixis. , ' , • • . , chtsi. Image tom lb"OK, . , , Isiaark ' L . 1117 amain* atm Mr& Ing Hamm= a Rki . ' Mae :•• pa* ancip:iaialad•i:rlloya ailUdosoilabal; - ' ' 2.. ;„ —4 <e.. VC* eues.r.alaciatialle '-:.... -......1800 toas. 11itia........:A11a ta •11E0 tog. Plilillsiatir ;. ' -, 31. rapia.......---- • - Simi itbribuir ilfY• Wye" a ermws ninstiir. , -3 4 Imuldbir ortualcutsurrur us Mit Mil Aketrit_llo. '',. •:.; r=l . dCbir nab, ragarre..,;l.. drama la=llr4 PL ~ '."1174 .'": 4 ! Almodrr SA7OO WNW di Obbilfl4o. Crk , -,4 -• boar 111413 g Pubtab, halt.* TO•rpxkl Ibr HS"' Voir -,,, . i : Ual•sas ".X." LiasfahLacilaa. Wen yll " i - 1414016 r Haw Tulcbriby um I'm. r pall labia:mai Um irft'6lo9pc . -.-, • "" 1114 . 5 ,.... . -...,:1Z liiir=ra wi itismirra - - 5u...,..—mi5...... 1 . . • I,Bol7•o4=ldUnar iSitrrull•-+ACcolAtmargroni t. ewe Ile op 42.146—: 'Moab All tutor Tem gooronoy, lo Hew Pot. $2;222, human Watt tlll , Mt to WM rot id ttlo • .1 Stets Choradia Timm reqa.W. Tee et bow 22111 I..ropiew Tart Jar Liverpool ems mar ole dr outward age are tomato overvillag. leas - tom savefort to s2l:t_ ; exam RAM= PIM* , 7 1 IPPP.0: 1 ' the lowed SIAM &PIO to 2.2 - 21212 e T by co SO .:4 1 1KIDSLY TO LIVHB; m 4 „ . S Tl Pittoecablvivarreatelmnr,lart umixo burrs Stssmar el Us .7; yogic gni pkadasinaratirase* Oceme." • ona Us) iamb; Or V. kW; sr" p 1.6.6 .1,- '1 aW,a.,bllgA4 - q cm or BAl42l4o7lsicklat.i. ZDISBLIEGU-:--......-..:-11.1ixrdahlkst. EL , tad wen , secemodles llstuttoy, at =as, *ae The it 1 Raethlltim - /ATM ON FILISUiII I , . "Nab 0/4, Ot IL aliangait. lll. 9ll _ Pp AO 0" Igt Lirlgdf' • • co p;k • ti • sonamtarg—:- -* Pomp 616 3. -80114rry, mw 41I re:froes r o a i n eg 661 , 1111kma 6,121‘ 4 , 05. .534, morms4 $36. This lam id* Wood . • that Ma& au no tk6mts Das 6$ "um xsl- Ica =Oa 6:5631631106 0.-wc . - caw& 4 ai I 1 0 , , (FRAM UNM4Eirelal ficel:4ll . 5 1 ?1 11 r t. ; i 35 fistu,staiontrowl . . , B ewO r ivia l limlitoW E1 :47 :47 11110401 1 10 30 . gamma prißrzugiv e oars. L'it to e - 2 K=ol W. Tr • opiringlil If asiCKlThtre Arial. wits 1:741110111_ . 11 2(1 seul 111 Tema% Erne. iw.).s,lAr , 1.) f-L,41.011 • t I 2 . 1 7.7 - 1864 ' IB6L , 44CONTALM8104 . 4111•1 E-XT }VASA ZT T 0 8S: 412 4 sralataiii21;,a tizta . - uNattls4eroas to thsittess of stub , Inaqh iirktio.7 ultsts =is oat lO *dabs 411.12maktamtritem, :,;.• r.,ftwasor I ol all mears.Vaillottatiocl , ...' - ... - CtitsesiDept , Xic‘a rik°thvi k i t' . yH. A.. TAILIMICK/ -MAO% IL - 11 5VXIII a 00,Wlidemoir ss6EataLl sa n er =Mir P. Aninwitzry $ 8,1 1 22 g 1 4 3. 4 7 g 1 4 COONIT =OAT. -::t t " Itooisi"15„ . 26 V4I4STARik. 'XV 47z3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers