-.•••••rte:2lre. ,415 1 . .17.41 ~~~~_~~. ~ ~+rs a ; ~;. ~ ,nom,,; ~i.. ink7DAT, liclailpithr— " ^ . - -, 010. 7, 7884 inffuem - La) „ N unn Smuts op swung AND , Boxes 1:00113118 essur tat 10•311071128123 4884 = 4 ' B. 113384:4( PIFL:! AN ....,-;,; *Wag , Wilt XlX9tUra" -131.61 " IrS ! ar t I: - ' NO• 15 P TB Iran ; • Who bar illo P ai n, - f rfim" ^ C'zdl ' BOI• 14"1. sookopertii. 044111,6413 • 4;14: Sksssitios stalk!" baa. .. MI Mal . Vdgetete*(4) in _IOW , -1140 e 408 K. - 8 . - - 43 107 itriturxr. ft..... :75 se mists Ars -- 13 , -- Mittd ,o o tre..rte• ... - ~..Ta • ^ r-- C. A ., 53.1 1 5 -, ..„e-. ' M: 11 a rs..-.. 101 - swift Bit frs..-. 83M 84 SS. 1r5........ 73 -.-- rat VAS* GAL 30 .1 811130711 b ..,,,L1••••4••.p. ",,41/.. C.! arl ;- --t , - IA allighaer *... 31% 731014203. VD 00 42 IN —.-...--, +.-- GO Us 116. 63 letty 8,60 : ~ so-mist--1 , ,, Qs, :',- __, - , - .1-i: ,1 kap ...a pusossesis—. —.... 31 31 ' Aug - 4.00 •la Allegbiej.-- ...... 23 Joky - SD P63/132......-.....=....• ISO P05a407171006......--. 82 -- -gicaslaus , .17 13 X - 1 . , =mi. Jo to' ear streot-.--: so .fialy 14 amt. ED EWA 60 6 v Bachitikl, at!.066 Y : a l Maui PAIS • .4 1 mo o • . n ex p., . t ,7 1: son *ow ef=.lP. C I6 I I SI B = 13 53 . 3.111dailtsabsterms.... 10 % • OD Itaueemtlid & Ind— ed /WWI & Wachter. • €0 24111Ze1b•&12.4 01* W ltlonhany ISM May SVI Cent 140104t1mag0..—.-4.. 71" 410•04:1345a n . " 00Imn (Mt) 66 4£l 11 5 Mictiela Iffinset's. 69% C 5 " 6 1 . °Num gni Roy 6 WI 0,02 . Mom " 2.55 . '- IMO Stmand SOO Third; . , 'lO6 'tomtit- 44.11 It* "Int /1111oeh'y 107 110 - solonoor 03141 3143 - 413 , -- 314 44 nag la seat 10 North 6ntattan • ID 8 - 0 monthly. 1 ot 0/31ntot. 44 . Otto VsUoy 3.34 6 AWL 1 3 44060..11.4t.4.1 t[44 3 ; -,-118080MIL- 1 6u , • 4 71.1141 Woad ana- -- 4 ' Mary Ens Comtral-. 1 oem • —` 10 D110561^7...A..- 10.010010 4311.1amater .11110:10114-t..40.T.." ' 'NZ) Pr l gireakll2, o P-17 - - licattolldslanre 47,,AN1P4Mi1 . ... IR • •-. 7 1 .27 31 W , C* 3 .1 115 t T40 4. 0 " 4 4.1 , 11", 4 ' 4 4, t 4* 6 r. 'Eau 41,T0 prig- IF* 4 2 1 4114 , P!!! ?:;?I',•l",i4jf.it7i ' • '" * '° l6 ' ' ' ll "'"" / ' n4 - . 0Pte5t..40 4 .. 1, ,V4 1 -, 14 0 Mr k i Ostbet i t 041 " ~#*. , fi l- *Tdl r ra ,0 0 yikidny I.bit .1 - 1 2 b#: Wtow..rl ' etgino ass Jftailibittki uto: der c - • bld47olat rod br -• ttitb:svdePl (4* * ( 115,.. as tb s.!. essitoirid 'Weal litAire-t4eibs'ienowt4toll%ll 7 ' Asissattsl4.o6llliskipt*dstlisS- gwd atlas bist ths 64;61011in/1, bai 6:14 dosS to lo , as-: br..o oh Ilia la ohms "lincat ovutanons. Coftennitie • = drerasisva ro ba7.7 indite:Sy Via*, I tzai • thistriXitoltaie tit fiMrkis,AZteihbttAAn to itvori.pttatiL met: -°Stems - ailTp—nors imi••mink* ce 44614 lirCratlatintatiattat tittataziof . , :Sitlll4 4 3 t .-Stnat g4U 4StrsißO4;: v l:_l4 T bol # l t.**"*. gatiVi;l l ;ii , /i#Ata r thiiara;tid7 Vert, tesitaziains sontettatmaill!g Laws katUrtati. noo to siOSTAlntotfiffaC_Vkilietcl4*.fail#lft°4 late' 4i I 4ERVI!**% - ciiirthx4 i* . at. at s 411 L aia.4l C. , tic t. 45 Escrottry thi,i air 4.112 t ., -00 L 07 r 064 , 1 4. 64 4' 7r - rnmt fUj .l l4-41itt. 4/' I RA 4r 4-4 1 440-fa l 4-41 4 4.-FraPPPiCt s tedemorkloboonsoktsmlt.agabo ocoittersot , !tootandoilFt?„,'" 7 " so* ',Ro ta.. 441PTICti MOW' :"V*lliartti .1111! ';lAetirtidr . 21011iiT 4r*141.14f01.a.....'t • --40 2 -I.loiik ' 114;4611:. 4.1.1100311.111_4; . ..vgacrimmoustakupaßpmairtraiiiimisi • irs l waystiosor.l , vrlsspos_vewo.. anocuawagSaittrir — heft 4 Do imummilartraingisia bus. , leasinisistapi . q.qindiigaidaNemssada titres ..giarrareargmier!lmpa.4-,4temuu t o a ld am s be • bed 463 aaillt^' Oetrekkaiiiiid4o4ti.tOiditLsieedi bees; sti Sso sf es a sr" qr t.i to giYlt'l*. 18 4 / 1 7 wes7Ctlss 4)Ff. 7.7:Le . 110 . 41,1191fA1-Uner • 11011.411 a 1 1 11 • 1 41111111 lacnnrrk.4o , lo , 4oftra , !* Lim so. -....5.7004 ases•st Abe , +4•11 1 INIPsn 11.....-A surainft -lollipouri-arilirlise Orr rink. =l , .*.telart......aistwe aseraaalsC =1 • • ate a.q...sstarto imentag.l.l..-I.a.s=swevisbil, Imt fableleuml • 1 sad tk.p.s•mks is 'c.o. impu0m".:Mi e....11...,3wertr...1 corm ilia Venialktligd4 MM. Elexkleft IdrP wri.i.m A...yap" 4..0•14.P.11.01.0 utoolarr.4.l l km*.wrier, loge 4 ba stm., IMell svvtagaklog °ISS l N ,r rctre k VlZZI M 1Z0:44 4 .6971=14irt= arktrimms. eiso. si=totSol/41.00=r : srisnraiskla .111:1114, kg 10g0....11.44.p5ume, todsiticenitotam grub _ .. lieb ' /LW& 'Irlir.:111017141 Ileld Mill '... :itkihlSM4loal an 'temenstad eat SID. ~. 011111.11140,11414.-lias. Zailtomp...... t. oirpol 21110 , Milmaa= I ?-:,01 0 IT NOM to be ' - antur 1112131 O . IIOII O I MM ' SlZvolbincluitirse*A.o.for 4..., * sail sw4searnoptitia - --- • , r Ow flogemb .....rn. • jpgansitioggy,ll.,'_ "twocestrgaldp ',— ?Mr . " Iwkili arai . Ift-macomisat • •.•,•- id saci44 snow int* r . ete6,47 fi dair 114, ittrdoramsklav i OHM • ,tam tams. thatmry„ ... " ins go 'vs s JR aloft rof a ailim 2 um} .0 .cr .. ---- ' - ~ - ' f 'l , . • - - lirer ToriWOol , Itarket. ', -- -amii—Tho intlist kr birtilwitito sad fonisp 7 0 . 7 1E 10 at O de KS I ,..., , ..goSt r i—lt t e, f i sva Om looms thongs Volume i9ll, ,tpit by -at two. I. get'thef Irma Alm liii . = • 110 E 4 g ar trt i a.,Wite....47f i t,, ' ' ' ' ''' sizatuldistetat: Warm s NI; q' ' '' I) Sa blast 92 ss :' ' 0;i4.1 . ... •,,, 4 .'!".71' . .., , 4144 .Sie we1,.....d i. , I. ' t '. , ' ' '',ol44l4Argaltiiiil49vl4 , -.1 . Ina tailesucikerli 1114"11;7417 'UAW 4 4 .K.0101M131 TAW a . 11.4110600114 A UL 400 1,. 0 it 'O l Ol 9 9 , 17-tm-rq wp rs..lr; q yravo C.; 4 • . .. - , , , . , '..• It ilitilall*Ps ~., ...i n .,- ..14 - 5,s vs.t.,,f .t.'s.q '4.60444 ,V,./eitamillipit4illitWienis - a 4 mews , .181.4048.01.8- 0,21...:04i51j0 • . 1 ":. - maxim's nth* dotwagrfurs:arddletwit4olol4 Wien M 5 An1tif26111411292122722 ofthstioar ert to, 2c,!tally 2 2011 42 23152 27,1104242 29 1 9 , MAN' , poi DO dbaisg•. Oold ie reports! manilla 1112. 4r Wan 4ii , blo:lotreerat3UlDetraldnibl; • tai It. glabtliqi Ail dlibitYepiand dirlirri.inddi If• - tita ha from d Illtitrintes or aos*sf pies& ig",. intr. 1 _ '.- l ey ORM wayeikritikaa.iit. - .: ocoutind am. from siost.ss gt_76 tar ma; arid 1,83.1,92 kr 1222 a. 2 19winannearlftotomei In Way Olds as I,Earlbst, IsiMasitakessea,ls anthaninalma wllip7 Varairetna 7 Balm nry ward wan 2122 Winn from Iron) 94112,iad126 men. go .b.r a. a 2. • C. b .ni_ !Ilia bd '2 0 7 lingig= r attn Ininhnowf no 01212pnimad. and inane time IlitVas beiverasomaticipstan.itm a. r &Mgt 4941 1 9 1 •5_ , ,Its hilDO47 Id nisldi - eel am a falin,pors af maws as n!'row mina rate: 'vire.. 41 4 1 ; ezem 11 9P4 2 941 1 : dairOfteatur do Via2l; Banned &ran oo et *paid SY taluatllt WO BA , 0214- alk 12212194124 floithar 20069 Wail ita wini terdreitit OP 41 497 491119 0 9 •2 29 di f 722 fin dot wand, nirrlrthilvas. la,bagletzdas, UV 1.51 o onnirrhal. We soils sr Mai: ficonalcia. bf 0001b/10, El lied Slur; pailaAsfp. Pbon dirt_ an selUoir, In tin nun way 1141 . 1 3 63,4 9 01 1' Why dininillid ad 12‘I.Ctia. dr tbi n no itcont492 ansnonswfaimok AM Mind are ly. iiiiiibaniMiL 10 gin lb. nondind rata fare ns lams tworr Windt ii O AWL 4ylbaa 9 .- id titan inet ,frcn dew:ad lbws la many nixing lo dinar CLawn albs dada. - 2221112-rantinturr dal Arnim, ttia nesiate an fair. it* noply I • cop dinsbrylo .161.1 oima ygw.t W. en Ina'tag sew a 23413 e 41r paokeil, and =ant mlme 9" - rtit 2 1 4stild . 41fididir nild• id 2i , s, r 7 es ysL6l, yert,dynaw o,4 dee troady, ranyyng from 29 fo 50., in ammo in aiserrfodi prim..- , .. tarL*-1. = 3, bnittrat an MIA% AM the oak sad' La is , net. 6 , 4o iPtaa Fkrilleti?„ lo3 . l 4 IA trim 22 e f ..,. - • ISWMITe POTIMO7IS-Abo award Is modorato and =riot Orso it sap Iker• natvoyi. . uom SU to Oct 6 -Minis io (Worst) Obit:. letbs I , •trotititt • owlet wtttby of ap.tbeArtkiiltliblbitottieptiorthat au 4104 7 .a4zitian tett 144 - attrii*rup ingaino l Ot IhrEa itataittic 13y Wiwi, not menirtotay and there wi4 nay not its mteiiiptiattioninanifiltordatotalia.Lani on thi wt.* Mir ion. of itiarkat any b. reguttod At. a .bad. 'Faltiale. manilas to mart, ainBoo birt—cmstplkiil post-41A and it btis— bib h-Itkas.aat.ti,CAbeta buinot barna airy& al, arni of dry& etaes our last mart- in Ilettond, tDms If no mellainent abittifteolynew tore Imo bay, to reixird 'ln wrap.= Mil that* an imam to the di, lbr bonded at 62n Mobs °natio,. ;4nll and neglected, tail. Rabbi= rattan. about it jut nu tad. : ' ' tea :fork Petroleum Market. sirdunMiimmito emihttobargh Gismo. Hsu Tem, October ll—Thin I. az Improved &Mud tar CrottedOM:Merliet . s.*! r y tr odes th• spot, .1 , ItoEmol fe bled and 1.14 Lstmele filtpst aamsb not. quatort we.* —64306), Triolnla.Mookortth a tar dmoard at MIAMI. I NipitMlidatl ina oomtaol as &maw rat°ll. 2 g amt t -6., 54,, Stock . . Philadelphia Steck illarket. ;.: - - 4 P..1e *ma:* td ob. Plys*uttlibiutt... ,, la. ....,t , Oct ilon!.1;:a3, wad: &ad .tuunt Avid pil; ilia kiwi* IPSO tbs. obsesa-eaots. eats. . 1 54i.illis!lit. i3C palsidazgar, 6; ,ac al. 63if *ram. o'4 ehastielag got. k D. , 1 1...AplitilaakM{,4 Stop Tatik,..s%; ins. • best 7oiiiAiikklignentateo Ifirket EfeW eta; ed eiwpiftiure, - are Oct ottell—Ths, Mode. motet. was more icatimpidisteed—Pittamarglrt Tort Wayse, 1042636; Clovaland 'A Vlttiives, 10110:6‘. Garintt.iiirtab* —l3 8 etas, tgat. .1 05; thrtifi cube, A ;'l3evin 10tr; TN. Tsentlay 10:1 Coed ire fliquasui, klibeilikay, Wooing gals attar tontigl 1 AU eilli l3 7 . Cilttie 'Kaska. forA.Preteathi'lltaburittilustak. . ' - r aptaMsorerriPlithrili . waa mettwirvery • .. P*_ o (Clit, t ll. ,sttaltgilbeihrlO Wt. MU •mi*, O l/W iok taltrollail la =Mamba that wodi utecrie paying asextrizaip rata user dommik *the Shi - ntr7. Bat, Whiz late Matiher4loa lit OOP eciplipeco selsi - the marital ma a far aoca aid we bathe Oal all of the ealthi 'Maid .bayars.Wwwith stailltok thwe won some ilifteamblrminattalit la the pmtya{ti • •••• still, ihMllate Moatie , mall POP rdommulall /grade. • Itmejty. ;awl cantai eatable toe *etal Ow* soltiiiadymieuxl; eiitithet, toe, at mho; ,thpre,poie tta. Litieakeytti at tide arab to aappl7 cscrtint dale t atahara. !L,,k a Ada, •In gto4 tar aa4tcn, Millman lab afar diaaad and FellWOt7 readily at pron.= rate*, Lbws MIMI* or DO ittltaid as serar=eal ire Xit, Attel *ohm) Imere appter,ie be taking had eatbaripittagi, Vico area Du llitle iiene la the sheep marici. rwlag;tnthe COellne in palls, prices hare decll . aset a .tangnicalphi anitiche 44. bat Um *Mead it c.-c., ' • a t Fitts. auu ocamminoura exam= prieen, eWI, as '„Opti taco alight btaaatovalla- thareetneana mar ,•!se • inillATl•LlCAL•iiether .Mobahie to Asks.phia. jiktiret law small salmi tmlia recall wade, were rxrul ,F l 2 groin. 14.11metag L as accroate sad tatl trawil. or all the mad• daring OW week ' • tat.'64l.e:aittio&i, ,; ! t=rl corib osikedl43:4Woir.y...llC " ": - 4 N-4 111 1 1 4 1 / 4 21-14:41tashust Elcsammus: -4.74lots'irb*sa 4:Olt!"►d'R! .0b.11 CDIfII ea_ ',Bldrall to slolablid ilLtesdassztes. suck -1•1- .'it'6 , 7aU tfirilit Co ntalishatidhalalrblan' is Dastwotoilni , isblciers4.ll% 0)4..: . .- . . 1 4 1424 . 0 !" - 11. ?!_ 'Cl4'4.i?e: „ t''"- 4 116 .410416 IA tepid- vaasericasS.' at.xlr at 11- :fply. .aqui .`" W , iiati,;ni:" . ii" .. • ialaretiidislid II safaml tetideta said lit 4,41-ill ten. ' l 4l'47ter.,,KClD ',maw to Dori at 4 .P4t,,,,.. . ,_ - rasth•tritmartiortitrami wire* 4•94,t --- ' . - .P14. 04 • 1 . 1 4r4 , 14rif 2 0 ,S4 , ,lt:Avitoi*it• ~.., *boa Troarsia 2104 FA, _O. C1 , 0 1.4:47T ' r .• a oratitd 4 l.s6bsdi-lia#rerio#! !. -Sithillillbsul:WClOneortdralt-- IC. iirailifiroleatod2l4 Illitsi:alvssl4 , lns. eau. asps 41 ,- *Aurciddig Si Jerylit geolliatattralito -- "' r "Willikti ' 2l b! l " l l,”r bs , : 111 Ot 11 ' ' 41,14 kf : C 4, 4giaiiiii.i*F**nft"i i 1 max : ! -: allyttidir4bois Oita4int'frOol: liir .Tie laiiiitaid.ii;,;iiiClifigii..t'igi4hl444f; ~ ., : 4 ,,D :". i s ..;: 4 " . • ...,,i. 1. , 1111.13bilLaaan'ir r7. , ..c , • , .;1,, . :• . .i. ; trosil 140,5 kt !J„ Sii; WkligilUcOlgfirotosat; Ike. IrsVII t tg aVal:ll74o ! = Vii' tc+rsalNiA=Weit= issaimomH Walt taawaiattfakmayiiik i lettsdianit llnzll, ilzituntatraiiilobiffull, maihkiitasipse 'ma lob, viols Waring buy- IVaiiiiaiitii4 budil• pm Z , Nit , '11:10; itlXi Xeltaklislattnn eV 1 is w.ltgaTllSrattrelag - 40 - rtg Mita . P: . 5 1 6 a..1 1 2:,c . mt 4 , . - . • • , cr. •.. --. LI a ea4a,ilariet--)114442411. '"joy. 11—Thmrs Ina a orprr.m.r imam to Is. Sabana Pairtoto It a. op. Lai to-tuy,!ceilimi4ciiasit at it WWI; pasa aft karl to o fro Waimea bat atm. 1 0, tooti2t Otto. fork ctlywzb . .. ' , ./olg WM os, WI at cJoro atom mai NoLbra of grioraidaar r. - • wigal aorkot Ira dull sad oosieriri Ea an MI. 1 .1 .1 1 :2 Vd ATE:F; :&-$ L -It. L 1717 7:la= . il ata e tii g7U gittr7l.4lo alma „ aria* IN ifinag,. 14. N W al 6 Waite too 0t111,114a, ..,• ..,,, .1 tto flour ma th am art; (erg. abort 11,40iwi itg n e..t. tattoo! Lars og -1170,11. , ----, ~,,,, :pi rrog Itala ot tattoo Aar la, OM ~ . .-M'l2, t i o th„ wag goad. gg Malian SIL, tit& Ai* /6341.0 . N gto atc•PoatUP;Wlr, * ..ri,,cdoo. bat tag, ot ralWre arTer:A4WW . ji (0. 10 j 0 ... E.Ogi n : . trilitaU 6' ilsii•isialiii Pittig:Ntigt 71 la —I . - bag Lig ara teggllaitsAlli UAW mml gas ruff 1 npi if tom V imstAYar Bons NAV deliZIA lar liglytmer ens Ilemlail4 c 517 lob n; I IP tam& aggro gbazar ot 1,61. - Th. oorl aorta arc raeocard gal aural oadnal Dorm a Is MCP 2111.17 sad a-aalse, tame 4 qt .6, mmipbm dammed. C}-LA go prim MIA ;No %goad .1 kW. 8 26 i% PgrP ol 4l4 - 4antdr .... ......_taw , lab tolisoso. 143m00, rti/AI 7 t*, , is via, iri -items of me pi* • 1 .._...." ~..i.,. -,.._ All powsieslttaas of Ititsra7 lan azulv• =swami __ _ ... *atm Marl Sri S t.-. .6. " •orta - ~~i. ~a,,~__ Lbstoq oil -.:: .. ....i..':.:-......•.......-...- ... 1551 to; VC? ,91 :LAM all-1----,.-.--- 1,75 to 100 " Vatritatlcll ..-..-.. IX 8.-1.70 " -Itbatootl PassoLtt.--- . 1,85 to 1,95 " Potty li 10q.0. i .,....... . -..,-, . 45 tq -PS y01".18, :::.....:.----....... I,oBtztl X2O '' • ' , Tel °lv . 75 to 80 " -010 To - 4.93 pot ot. r:lttriptiO Petra. :-..i.......i.......... -- : ,•7,80 to: 7,76. pot 88 ipso 14 16. ii ---- =.7141g" BO'ipso -...--....„.....-.Z.:-- 8% to I --.—. 08 to 1,80 tcti0.4:.....-- 7t. 234 " Loop 069111 , I ee-eee- ...B, to, ,: 0 1, por ' 4. 12: 1 2C 1 vri. .... -- .... ----,-... 12 to 1.60 n D. * Mnriatlc.--....—.........- 6y, to 7 e• Palpbeitie .- 015ee......-.-........--.-:-.. el to 79 " T ....,_ .....,....: v. t9.-; 1 . 80 " . "., „.- Llcohal per cent 3.66t0 11,70 P*7 IP. per mkt .... VW 16' 11.7 7 " 1 1073 0, - -.--.--,--.--. 80 to 86 per D. Areator*etv...... -- TO to 17 A 4 01.41 - - r -•-• "*: . : . 1"° . • 14 . :: .".. 1 . 014-1....:6;7...-. .-.1 1 4 39 111 ..... 160661„..«-...-..---.------ t '" 1 W 7. 119161*09palbo -.-...------- -7 , 87 10 , 216eit- LY. 0 merlcaa...---....--, AK to Of, .., .. Zoo/ 1901. -... .- lb to li 6...Gerraa --..--- -11)Alo o - 6 11 : triirr --,.y.„ • . .....,.......... . , 'Srlaudosti 11611.- ----- 734 to 34 ... - • ..-• - rim*, thaphur.—......— -Is to u ch. l amp _ - ~1,133 t 0.1.70 " Clesibarllrs ... - -...-. 9,70 to - ii,scr ,' adto.A. Tb;;;;;;TIL0TZ:::-..... 0 to, so Pt .r... .. Gam5.............- so to tolo .. &drossy 1.1.-----12,T8 t 013,15 . Crum -1......«.......--....-- 76 to WI-. Dover P67rder.... , „ 4,110 t0_11,20 . ," Uteri. =OA ---:.----. :7 to 19 . ,ei flour- : . . .........*. 11 to 13 11plelte Tirpeatlao---.-.- ...-- 9 25 to 3,50 ilterch-L.- .-9% to 186 . _ --._.. 44, to Arg well Caok7~ .. 8,03 to 11.60 par ha. " 5,5 • tootaa X 1 . 5 to 5,75 oto 55 •• •• 40,1 obi B 1 Out It to Is “ was . 16 to 16% a tar Lood 65 to 70 ••• .otth CoptnL 1,50 to 7,00 ,•• Japan-- 11,00 11.60 •'4 _ll =Mta ts R darted 165 I:trod Swim-4 24 to RI " Ladder...-_.__. 92 to 49 Imports b 7 Railroad. Prnsaraost. 14 Wm" &z Oacc•00 A% Oct. 6 TO bbl. Apar, 17 by mill 644,1 Tao 133•Ifer: . .50 Mao's ,b 73474•1ge a 00; td bdltr . paw. 11.14 to Bnaltbi 300 bb 3.4te. J:s 11470717 coiloo do do, &stow*, 13. T 5k..130; 4 car, shall, J Lipton ba . .llplas taws onc itancr.l7 QM.yla 0t4.14 3/4 ,chatc /tuff. • 1317113•01 93 .bas axle, 11,. BMWs; M 40 AN A 13•14.11; au ti,e‘ IEr.W.A4t, 3 3 11.iLl le,t3co. Smia , 010 c 413 t 2 O. b•y,J 111•3!tio=4; it am oat., Liratcaant Oclonel (*iv. edvdold a Predondo. Rut :ed. Od .2,0 2 e - 60 Obis:od, J Id 1326 a.; 00 di, Et." 4 ow; EEL or to VI do mlos•2 8 12.•212 a Vv. toadark Jabal Indb2 20 An Idocco, Yew Ood2; 15 do 42. Ilostvor Lads.: 54 ob wool 0 1 / 2 2 - 22212: 1p .12. oda .enkir.2 Id di Darby; epoocor I 5%01 2 , 7122 ° ploy'? Oolibip26 btaroil;l2l.g. Naito.* 2 - dr p to .12.21 & as; II apply Noted* to 11 tip pdlo 252221. I bblow, 6 led toidtr. Pada.; Attar at eihdad, E EEL . da. 16 Et. doom, kind 0 22's alder, Oniapbell 1 - 1Intdlosoo; 2 oda taro. Suopo• • 2222 m; 22 dolap, 2122k12 . 8 dI Plgi•oo- L, II 1.2423k - 022 Au ciaidit .0414. Odour e—ls e4l, ll oll2o•cclairk4y, - Votiptly - 0 IC.2p; 1 but ippl. tinier, Ilsrkert; 1 2221 bott-r, IdO dd. a L0d.:23 tdli pro: I I Pdtte* • ;do bold: id od.. Fed:w '2 1204 dd.:, A lErd2 7 do tore, D derratt; IE3 old 1•111 f00d..4:1110.2.2, I bid .bp, &UV:. Soo 0. matt its 110.6. AA:4a tog& . . . Imports by Myer. WERISIza m Enitars-6 WI, .piper. Lind. Dal -441 a ee; II Usk, nix Muth. kern 14 b bd, tabsixo, 9 .k. Oluk ea; SI Del. apples, emla Houn.l); Zat Ja bortn,flemea 111•Kait3Ob411 paw, - 0:4- trey 1 12491449 by own, P.tliar.. Um; eumwri, 94 b 1.114.49942, 4, As *clots. 6do rack J .01 pb. ; 1 7 .1 a t..414y, J-11 II Inltlic 112 W U. W ratrior.oa mg . . aro; re4l A co; IT uu J frfml.l.' . tostcvnta it taw Um —lll tam 434 Its tr. In: 3do do Myr. Maki I ra, T pbp itosaria, 111 W•33a3:1331•3110 stmt. 410 bs.a.m.3l 1.4aa.031 arm.: asco.troznets. 13•13ety; 9 331 3. IrClortsa, Ben= Co. SO MA. flour. l'a•tinaa • •3:33 , 3; 93 43 do, co. jr Se co; ICOd. do, avii it tb2 tgn etagt,:g.mssdy •Dm • bbls who IL Mbomou • smga,zrza 0.7i78 'DEMARGALTITINILDI AND FOSITIIIOI3 PAOKZ P.—The Maar, Lana Risme. Cwt. J. 8.:11,1% sill lean tlt• ..boyessul.j.n.tustedlats grin ow, 111.0 MOAT. Alt lor 4 ecluty-p. m. Mdirbi P.. .07 i toed Di to JAl[® uuLtAlli Sr 4:16,- &sato, al! Mart Wax tab. Kinteagabels 1111.4 p. prat PITTSBUNISH -*gal 1-11, BLUONG PACII2E-1 - tin stm BAVEIWX,: - .ltunkonan. , mow • .U 1 bat I' n •iin ow, TUBLUM.I. THIlsinDlF Ann 8 LT. 178DET an U X., liane . Wtronling envy IFJNWLY, WZDSEHMLY and VBlol2', Ina in in. J Inr ribtnt pope. app on baud en Is AS.oo ly LLlEStoo,.ninnin, ' ent2l Masi limn. Won ihnonbanla Undo. ~ FOp CAIIiaANDST IMUL3.. -.nu dzer rem draft 'revamp. .1=q4.....=,...—•111 lam. for the eta@ airry. port.. 4 TBII Ahlr, the le tuatara. at to'cletk, p: m. - - - . Pprtratsbt er v....rt . :, elrg; on heart c: to • - " I • 4 ,; • , JOIIII I.LAGai - • Ohl , -.- . -L L D. ipoz.Lizthit'iloilaguft CINCINNATI AM/ LOU- Lirrti 13511 - 11,L1.—Thi. stoma" DERTeti, CsFejsika--*ID. LW*. ma OM :ma ?LB DAY, if is 16 Vela& la. TorD*ll4 or pomp apply ao Toad at —J. 001.1.1312W00D 1 co'JOSIIIIIiAM . p so LITTION 0 F_CIIPAIa NIIRSHIP TG Ida 'Am at,CL aIF4III is MIS was Car whrtlacahrlsiii avirmtlad. • ELLMOR .1110111.:Armatils. IiMAI6EBM ' t. - - Ws , isnissy raPAVIVIIIEW.M4TtiD4rI t yO4: +fftemstinf, * Ghia ~ ;ru! stetOuilizalvt=sitio..l9llllls/18 , ni 0.1,41413101 .W -I _ l P,,PEPpl.q B i,a:!).;• • ~- - rlaiAll ' liAll . . , „, o WIWI TATB* .":ifittauvra";,ii.',ll,.. - ...: ... , ,„ ._ ...W?,:rens!4l?riPtk, g l . tuf r!ra• . ac to' , Olubillta Dirsisis_amPsdalr mgr as = 14415".. adslill^ likii =cll,, lia I„.7......„iwlrwkawar.ta - ; :44 ,t. :4:1 , 141 4.t4.1 tta 14141,1-44.44r4 es 1,11 • OS* 0 "..‘ OrdiiiVlV 014 M4134'144 • • • modroflable thif i tgres 1111, , • •4 4 011191. r-ac.; ourcran irimta ws biellalt hart. todavomigtow, 4 glari Liti d • Prawt_k9 V I 11010)01±144r,i , :`,;' sbra,T,'..,t-Maparget 'ea °marl DaseW . VOL UM aillnSWElab- ametaitore i - A tberagesci totem* r, A.lixtrD ntlamio, notaal pie 114 dsrol OA ANA4 prima* ritY • ifot to ; eiAwat4 aeudi e llf Mesa W2e4ntg i lturgi26. tesiSW ihai 411di 11d tallttiat i l aw bca szrofat.....lll2l77Wer, eddllt Vtah l -.a a. a., as SliaUsibrbiarlag { • :tawe. netAltr2i4 Dei cogalvr43, 11 . 4 -W§D — PM/NOR 4 .. 6- ).11alutIVA011 11=1115 oi t bi. ..s.—ary gimmt ma sus eiLlitif ii• 'll, iiiiiide impultiqleNat Valk init.* lo ecest: •'.:.' , .. 41 400.4ri0*i.ip4',,:;' , i ,.. 4„,,,,,,,„,,.,..:.;:,„„G^..7, 1 ,..a." +vvithautry,.., I Dska Zairm ou . AMMITYKINDXI6, ... , • , . %' ''''. i: ' ol maw= a y kb awesko4 Ow rota. jral ill i s saiiiipliQVAiiitiVirblesdiaret atm* sti Chiacary bk% Agadir Mks% ibis 11= ' COMM. 7Tiracratm - . aPORISgay MICITEPIDIADQUa t IiMBA • :7 a iii ivoon Mak atirnitt, '/ a t t it r (now_ 6-LTEET urfilass. 1 war 2 111 1 4,047011ilktrallWilrautm Ikea , 11111 , • • iiit.IIIIITAWL 'lfiraltelt4ol4ll'il;,OS"" . 41106210Lawilothc.A it 1.: :..•. 1 . 4 ., ~,,_ f',..:Pqr,!:ln m 4•.t0! 1:4 Drl -I.'l "4 ,tAltßlA;el4 l l. o .Wite ,::: r.:i ' ilor':' tourikiiii u ou tr. mis • all MOW ilia - 1 4. erscable WEL eilav as 11ainoi en* bliesliiiiarlidt A t imaire immili. AlnliOlii7 liPi,.. - •'. ._ ..,...L'124.5074.7." vomarimmismthiwirok. inUENlFinktia' 3 ' 6 q^"3": 1 .-. 7 4 . 104. - MiriPl I a Valna 4 - Itt r trite, =4 ;•,; .1... ,_. 7 ',..4.1.617, V' , , 1' . ,. ,-; j ' . APtilfil..lag:,. , • • . • „ ' AI Aar to pit rittir biter* wiroptue to ant4irt the golerstaiiik 6 1v liOarei49i l 4 pp. -.-. lto;d0K-Pd for PiAgOreallt=', ... . ... ) t ....: -' .1 ; l -costutpol ... 1 • ".. ' ilro- pe lli9:4nti t;e;“ , firuier _ emactiar!thii any son, Wm, company, .or :oorpotadin sierras Orgosgessing, at. haring 'the care-dr a. a• agementoranytailmad,astali steamboat, al, p, hairs tat al best, - or othe't mad; or any fairy, f.Oll- road or Isrldp, l ti bletuaerated rind' - di:merited int . Button one Minaret and - ,ftee [tiu •13 e agirii - EOT . eirOgi:lh Or drain an „ a 0, en Ibmiltercei,or engaged In thi.tnitilneett". -et- irtntaittia Se harehthefortf dettirlbelj or owning Or hosing the man -, find management. of anyet:mph i Utte r er owning,' posstosing, lessdng ; at haring -the otaant. - or mw,. a bent o s g r oirece, theatre!, opera, or =seam, , 'bag Mesabi- die after , the, end of then a n every every month, make a list or return . in de:Vitale to the militant assessor of the dlitrlet, haktingtS gram amount of their TO ' ceiptsr toictirtly;.for the .. month nest pre , edlng, 1.14 return .chill be verified by the datl.ol , thin of. mob owner, protector, I . ve 'Mani& , nt, or other proper (aeon in. he manner troths to-be prescribed trim time to time by thatOommlasioner of Internal Bon nue; an shall also pay . to the oolleotorthe toll am bf ifif deifies which have accrued on such re eipts for the month aforestild. And in muse t nrgleot or refusal to mate said pore or Ist for the qua of ten days Sifter smith 111t111170 1 shatild hnn been made as aforandd, thooenteor or sasisiont .sacesor shill' pro em d to'lntimate the amount received and the datitie payable thereon, and shall add thereto ten per foentnm ists:hezeinberfora --presided in other cites of delis preney to make return far p r.tcsen of isasesitmen and for the purpose of st titillg et e'S assessment, or of ascertaining the ciao-ectoese at any of each return, the boas qf arty suckpersen, firm, company, or corporaiat shall be subject to the inapeation• Of the fate.esor or assiastant assessor on his demand or retreat therefor. And to muss of neglect i orrafossl to pay the duties, with the addition aforesaid, wren the same have been asati*.nc4; for the spice of ten days after tee same shell have become payable, the own er, pt mesa, 'or person having the =maga. pant as afotheald, shall pay, 11 addition, to, per «item on the amount or ouch duties and additee* and far any attempt knowingly to eyed* the payment of such duties, the said Goner, possessor, or pinfon having the care or n sategtment as aforesaid, shall be linble to p'; a penally ofooe thousand dollars for eve 'tench attempt, to he recovered as provicisd It this sot far the reitoniry of penalties And alt peovisions of this oat in relation ,to Bone and collection by distraint, no' inco mpatible ln ?swab, shall apply to this s,otion and She. of jute thereto embraced. MMA ear est C 0 go 6IA . .1 a. - DAZES ADD DADDIES. OED. 110. And Se 11 further marled, That them ebe /1 be levied, colluded, and paid • duty of one twenty fourth of one per conk= each Month upon the average amount of the deposits of money, subject to payment by sleek or draft, or - rispreae ted by eertldes , o, of dip:eft:or chervil*, Whether payablo on demand or et acme future 4111, with soy per son, bank, astrolatioa, comply or corpora. 1 Ito eigestd in itteboomete • of banking; end • duty tot oteAsenty fourth of one psi cesium es-h Month as s'oiesald,npon the ovuege swum' of the oepitalef say bank, nettoc.a , on , ocrtany, or emporatter, or parson en;agtel to the ',minket of ranking beyond•theatroont icrecli d in United eta el bond% and s duty of me , twelfil of one pir tonna= each month, upon ths satrap smotint of circulation booed by Any beak, eutoistioo, corParstion, com pany• or p.m; ist.bading as c raniatien all co' t.etd clucks and all statue sad other obli gations miaowed or intended to droll:* asr to be need se money, bat not beelnding that in 'tiepin:lit of the bulk, sod redeemed anion deposit for told bout; sad an additionsl duty of one gimp of one per contain, each month, 140 D the neusge amount of teak ideontatlon, Wind as aformaid, beyond the amount of ninety per cesium of the capital of an; each bank, steociadon, corporally's, ,00mpasy, or p.r.os, and bpen say anent of such Ureic. letup, beyond the seems amount of the air. cuiolDn ibillilfot been 'Weed at aforesaid by coy anal bithk, aseeelation, corporation, cam yany, or patch, for the six month" precediog the Orel dry; of July, 1864. And on the first tiondsj of Augou text, and of each month ,i o tiler, • true said nrours'e return at me &Leonia- of otrulamon of dap° II 02. 1 of cap!. t.l se steressid for the provioue month dell .., a ds and rendered in duplicate by emu • f :rot boats, ossolatlons corporadons, arr. tau to the sown for of the district In watch soy gush bank, assoctation, corpareftn, or is "leak, may bl located lot in *ham sash pen so may r side, with a detroration soma ad Meseta sad the oath* •effiromtion of mob poi.oo, or of the resident or ounce or etch ..-oh, moocithdon, corpersdoa or conlenj. in AV form and manner as -Nosy be psuarth•d y the Commtesierue of Internal Remus mot tier mum tommalns suns sod Walla state. neat of the &men.: of c'ec.:.l an, 3,..i.,,0:4, no instil uiforeeird, -- MaLkeit to day on afore id. and shall transmietho duplicate of sod Saban to the Commiuhmer of Internal It ..nor, and within twenty days thereafter, eltal,psyle the said Commtesiocer of Inter rt.l It _venue the duties hereinborore prescri bed aeon Ms 'wad Mount of elrodlatiou, of 2t fie aof capital on afore:old, and for ato aw,wegloat bawd* onto moist suck ntura *sok peystiont „as efortlisi‘actr musk books lloottolation.corPontion, oomPlieth o• person to in delsolt shall be 'subject to and ray a mostly- of twortundnd-dtdlarabesides lb. additional penotty,lrkforyduermipstiter oste provided in thistun; and the =Ma of otrovistion, deposit And wipttil,ofaforesaid. 'in default of, the proper return *hail be med ia* ithe saseitor or seabtant lltiftWit V the d Asti bY et aotiefotscobi, ppuo lit, bo o t, tarot,, Mallon loom chi andpwaryt welt ponaity, Legithvi !All the biro -thlintit rili,l4,rl 1131.41 Cd for - the moist the United Btatheittanf a:POI. of csinPlltent'Sdrlediettork -,Attd:ln the case of- banks kopeks', Medal, boils Tro i lidad for shall be imposed upon the able.- ...41 Trait Agar brain*, "sieverally and • ike ND most olf capital of emit Idontilt itialt bik econ • 'ml • fi..4 - -ducootooliinditter iti -ORA - atto so mocha snacianthied - , Snard tot . • ways sad meenn for the:support of , anment," approved, Marsh 8. 180 as - . • • aay tax on, .O,:tbsir circulation, : in, " jz i er 4n ' 941 ' 14 2. Zi Pi tht it , gill go ip07„1., 'oiinn . ,Wou in utdatidifkaty ira-lbUteVlo „jot. as • national morrenoy, vowel hy • o. g • . t tinted States hoods and to provide • circulation and redemption thereof air to say getup bank having no capital ro., • . sad whose business Is (enticed to rot . 'fh ng deposits and losnLog the 'moon In at for the benefit of depositors only, end 7 0 h do no other hulloes of banking: And '', l el, ferfiur, That any bank seating to flee steles for oiroulation„ and whisk ell „de -sit in the treasury oft the United Sides, 2 b . - • wird mangy, the sonostal.at its outgo*. in. Gimlet-MN to tekodserned it ter, anoteto ' out • regulations as the Secretory of the Taws . , may_preser(be, shall he temp from soy i taliti / R dr bst*E L • - te.t."./ r i ' it r ..!l:'l 4 , ,a nitaniz z . , i, 41t = N. //4,A d d parMfl) io. indkv 7 idd ~ ~ODI boiDUTlPlio,Offt oldffOlO,cos of MAW col atterleg Usupay alit of nee per rentuni' on grow amount of the receipts from the as - buelnere; and -all panes making cud ea e AO, within ten days after the first day "fit h and, every month, make and render a • or tett= in duplicate to the rebating se :se or of the posettmount of snob sales, made es formal& with the anent of duty whloh accrued or should accrue thereon; which r i l m ahall have summed thereto a deal/troika. • der oath sr affirmation, in such form and el ed by such officer, sign, or oink, se may . "41 prescribed by the Conuoissioner of Wor t ROTOntle, that the same Ii true and our. rt, and Me tbi-fri4dWriolaraillitOdrs Id agents "WI, on or before the teentlem y of nob and ivory month, me aforesaid, y the collector or deputy collector of the eller diatriot the amountotths duty-or tax aforssaki.. 4nd in deficult of making such tier tutu:nit, the add prepriotori, mans and-opaMood Q. athar persons mak. g such Wes, Shall be rabject to and pay a 15 1 7.0cattignigat A el l'a r h b ekitt 0° 'lt Lim, podailise, sea kiiiiiitAi 1, oiler L e wv,W;And Ake itabliVreptfitors, mat -A er4. and agents shall, i n doh , t, of .paying,, t. o MiZ om i t 4 o lut or Ms 494 illm'retelnie-- • -I .T i ptri it, -.0 1-0 * L , „..,,,, Oath skittodi: Imialllt No ' AO nmda 1 40 4 d gill 'irg-30 elf ilrnquenor its i la " I ai r a; ' 1 4.4 . nisi 1 assurugozinamat — yrif t 1 007 bar, nor nu ma en olii 'I or religious sasettiation, may apply to the col lacierth at tho ci p thal romedo dlibl ef al so lad y coa l T"Pen tam t pla es ted hhil lett invor , Milt or gift entaprim Will reapplied to sae !Ogallala?' irtAadiiiroallmotionse ' • , ADA y 1t67 idlierilliluitatio use, and tkoreopon the Om:. erateet,b. kiehipillikptigilm ore ha Weis al 'tiatioidetttie rrialtgresaVieniblii best rani ,L od ti e2SlirmsAtt z „ INF- of t !elit , it't sex •Intagyt reggrwrglit,,,,AßitrprillitAitiltite. le* *rtiPetO elms. Ped lief _callanalmet i liftsllt4 talk ore keektAlle Or bealr ro lea4 We la Magda sisid ' I imparts? ther el ' toottled dill lis'atinpf fain ill thart4 of mita perlitiallitaaeli wean - and mislaid' hoe „ o d u sl ia jk on t re y s li e sasoa respect oftnole Maul* jabs demigod from the protean and . lottery, raffia or- gift inaterriem Prolaaaffif : ' ufe 6 f cl.chke or Silfc:F ,ernorl7. nal se pos.. lase; MIS nothing in this ceotlen contabeeit eronal,aad the himilleat value of live stook., ehallthe roaet» ed legalise ersyletteept 1,. -lehenteraold or on hand; dad the amount of See. , 1112.-*Aad he it - forterrest That ' saga,: Wool, buttettheella pork, beef, mutton, each litter, lieket or aortas attionppleczeritay , - . or other Mreabaltayi and vain, or other rage i). Iherelo shall be belly stamped ihi time table 'or other pp:lndica, of the =tate of °reale Whittle name of as Titdorita die - Puo44tßou 801 dr net leriudiei, ex7,.Pert. thii'dataiof Area Isle, under a penally pf 216,7" thereof "raid or on band during the year dam, to titi Paid -by the Tudor gfesolflet- 'next ridding the thirty-first of "'De:limber ; te y lei or ttertldome eupplamootary mem- Mall be neltmed andsiseesed u Tut of the toots, it Rhein& being a drat war sw d ami* :-nee Su kp• von for each year, and the ,• sins and' pines, of all companies, 'laths, See 113. And as ft further fiZ.Z.tsii , Thal laaeparsfeddor pertnembip, ocher thew lase to edditlon to all other penalties zed forfeit. annotate 'specified' in this section, shall be U 'se Uhl imposed by law for the erasion or leoludedi incarnating the retinal galas, tyro lie•nde rester ocher taxes nu, the lottery •ktil, ter !SOO= of any person entitled to "boAliese, &nylon= Who shall hereafter tell the Mime • whether divided or otherwise. o diaper , bf" any lottery ticket or Certllioate lu'ineldsiltrik didnelliou from Inaba, as t ppWatints.n." tlimto, or any device In theaforistaid, When sky retreat rents buildings, news th ereof, without having first dilly ph- , lands,. or 'tem 'property, or hues 'tabu , to seined a license, is hereinbefore mentioned, wary on land, or to Gooding any other but. ehail incur tspenalty of tin-hundred. dealers ron frcenwhin such boom& is Actually de ter eon and even. such °fleece; and any riled, of pays interest upon any actual In: person who Wall perebase, obtain, or reeelve atombraties thereon; the amount setnally paid' sod lottery ticket, or any policy of numbers; for earl rent, lobcr, or•lntenect, shall 'be' token*, eerelliesita-wager or &rico; represeot- deducted i . and also the amount 'paid out for lag Os ti e Ord 'to - represent' a lottery tiaket maul or ordinitry repairs, not'exceeding the or frcortoool pare thetiot, front any person weengel seta out for each purpose* fOr the not has Ig a lianas to deal In kilter, tickets, pi eoedleig fire pare, shall be deducted, but as provided: by law, may recover from sun no deduCtion shall be made for any ameant` rovon of whom the nine was puretterrad, ob- paid cut for new buildings, permanent [at tained, or a easired, at, any time within three porements, or bettesments, ends to !Serene ire , en...traits, before any court competent the ratio of any property or este.te : Fronded, seesdieeten; a sum equallo twice the amount That in nee where the salary or other elm. 1 Laid for th e same, with lust and legal costs. , pupation paid to any person in the Marley." apirseme , nons „ . , . ,-- '- wont miter/lee of thd Ironed Suttee, shell lot , see. la. dad u4l jou., tu=rfed , That exceed the rate of six hundred dollars per stinum,or eased be by fees, or uncertain or there shall be lamed. minted, and paid by Iris lir in the stunt or in the Hine during any perpcn or persons , arta or company, pub• wh ist same ........a. le a s =coned been - liehteg any newspaper, magazine, review, or '''''' l'''...' , " ' T S °r Cornea, Mien Mary or o ther compatteasoon other literary, ecientifle, or news publication hall be included in estimating tha atuattel leaned periodically, on the gross receipts for ~ .i . ,, ~,,f ie„ n,, income of ilk . ,to ail advertisements, or all matters for the ta. Batas, t t;',. - ",,,,, -- „ ) ,„ n - ,,,,T;,; h ., —,,,,,,- r i „ -...-,, . pub i rt i I . i o c p s I. j a f . 4 1r il i : b . risartshiLdd.ne.:reitsptrtaitnior,,eirlik2r manner -- - ah --- th - e -- C — ora — mis - sione - r r — of I;te - reta - 1 "I''' Iteeenue, adder the direction of the Sweeny plements, eh is • or fly-leaves &mom ponying f the 're easeu7, the same, pay la required or receind, a duty o may prescribe. . of thirst per cantata; and the person or per. Pro as coat - man.] sone, firm of company, owning, poseessing, or havieg the moor management of any and every nab newspaper or other potato:Woe, as afort sad, shall nooks a list or return on the brit day of January, April, Jody, and Odiober of toth year, containing the gross amount of reee rite, IS aforesaid, and the amount of cud e witch have scorned there=, and render Ilia same in dupllcsto to the seeistientagoessor of Ciotti/01 . 1ot where such newspaper, =sa line, renew or ether literary or news path radon il or ria• be pabilsb d ; which list or return Abell hive annexed a declaration, loa der oath dr sthrmation, to be made according to the sooner and form which may ha from clue to time pteanibed by the Commies/our : internal ittvonua of the owner, posseeeor, preen haring the care or management of 6 oh sewspaper, magazine, review, or other t b imilon, as aforesaid, that the same Is t .e sod correct; and shall also quarterly, litho ten days after time of making said lire o return, psy to the collector er deputy oil -1 • ior of the dlstritit the full amount or said . d dee. Ace Ia case of neglect or refusal to e • nop y with any of the Fadeless contained listcrretur ilanni p7 for the ici r t o saoe o w p ebsa tta " Dda d yei lt a s f 4i te d r .1 e tithe when said list or retura o ight to L ta been mode, as aforesaid, the esaistant a. tenor of the reseestive districts shall pro w ed to estimate the duties as heretofore pre ., ed in eater cans of de:i q e , ay ; and in e aof aegloot or refuel to to pay the duties i aforesaid, for the epees of ten days after a d Wins ton= duo and payable, and hare n newauUed, said owner, possessor, or I eve or pet loos haring the ears or man age in at of said newspapers or publications, as a 1, shall pay, in addition tberste, a s • malty or ten par upturn on the amount d e And la eggs of fraud or evasion, where-- b the revenge Is attempted to be defrenled, o era duty withheld, said owners, possessors • peseta cr persona having the core er mea -1 •mint of said newspapers or ether palace s, no, as aforeasid, shall forfeit and pay a • nelly• of one thousand dollar" for rich ••+ ends, or for any sum fraudulently ones o• • Std far. • And all provisoes in this ac{{ in e lateen to . returns, =dull 0 li. PmUllau • drain, tiers, astessoients, and collsothn, n I Inaorepauble herswitbi shall apply to is Oration teed the ohliale herein embraced. • reidal, That its ail cuss where the rate of p toe otadvertioteg is fired by soy Law o f ti e ll oiled mutt, 8 a el or Torrtiory,it shall be oral for tbo company, parson or 96111.111, p • !alirbing *aid stiveriluniena to add the day o tax imposed by this act to the pries of said o v et mounts say law to the en'eary nat e th tudieg; tad that the receipts for s • netisnettra to the amount of six hundred dilate annually, by any versos or portage, ft or company publishing say nurep*Ser, lea, review, or other literary, sainatine o uses enblicatioa, Wert perledioally. she I e attempt from duty : An padded Arena T at ail newspapers whose average eiresia• I • does notlisteed two theusand coeds' skill • exampled Irate all banter ativetthrimienta. 5 e 115 .1: - I t: it jiaaiir 000ciol Tee e io in,by td e eat any license, duty or' t 3, di enj description has beau impetigo& a y person or corporate body, or properly ot .7 person, or toompurated er agiscorporst e. tong any, lutes more then on* please of b a seen Is shall be festal for thrOomteia s otter or Internal Damns to prenoritw and ii !e ' Ire in what d.wriot such tax shall be deed and etilteerak• ear to -ellual sitlell6 t Mal the of notices requbred In thet • halfabaft be given, and of whom meant a nob tax shall be dentemdtdf Aromas, That I taxes on , sognafectaret, amortfasturing e espeniee, and' tounnfacturing eorparotiung, s all lot asserted, indlhe lax collected - le the 1 ,i*,!el ttilidb - WCiob the plate pf masafin• rsi 1 0 04 4 . 4,4efil 011 icilidet Ptelided.. =mg I• 8an.:410. , dad a 6. It AMU? nada, That ca atoll lb •lorid,:alleotodi and pall et. 47 itisenao-,fotrillttas, proder„or la. tin t iol tiny yerson'vtatrung heat usdtad :tit or of any fringed of am Vatted Sudsy in obrspd,..sdodlar dretpd from say i i 9LlMParigi /0 1 4 hsterests,,dlsideads, s - cc' or from Soy protradon 4 tzsds sai• meat, or vocation, caviled on fa the hued` f u ti oi - stobirstirs,- ' or :fiodi" lir ottavr Soares h vivagaptcas hervenaftor stratareed, if s • annual gairs o prate, as. brooms, exceed s mml six Mintliwtdoltars; s diry• Si In I r num an. thatesorar <caw ittrinintdril . 0 7 and nAt szcsailni Mt thossidd dpi • ; lad's dity of Wets sod' on. half of • r • SritiOfironsid* ad at 'siossis (AO Eli 1 • tat..dolllM.Wpd ~ in-: 'eteartigng tea t.O ltirave r nottn duly ten per ass 1' ni'° 4 lffgef4gTOr rton•tholikissd Aollsrk, # • b k a t 1, 4 10 la far LloiJor :. tusU btaa•• egtootedt Ithia.twild Allant o 'anima* torvehelmn O t t- r the t ,frraf drystf:psermberLneit•ketruiliog t e me for_ levying, vramilny;imidineytnl to dor AIWA lint Ineomellerleed ' ' I orsit tloii sotisi, Voids; laid ohor none es ofilurtlnltal etas, IMO h i innlodest in: e • ' Wi t % !TAM =st li troit a vl 4•1041.4 ill Irk**. freer the raltfre'Ve.o - "entiti)" nt.44 0, yag iszr i ,„ l ... . Itep - .5 1 .4 0 JA P".9x 11 R 1 6. • Cit v i utaxti in - oases - whirs susEi • aratiiintooser *WI Inrdeilretlrctrir Ott limam sad Indlildnat Utak kiiinsielf-hbar o Werlfr or thashUltril.rtadOcefacit ite+Z tti•stoblyrolltetnnolissit byritsilitt VI , tor Virthalied*ithla the lair - fol *Mob In .Ino4airblllielßOU Mai lAilltalitti - 043 fn • .. j 'aid Jays dettlet, 4r kill-notate - a 46 ~ • • d Widths' the 'loan - for iriPiltbuitialt, 'atiimitildr•Abili tb• r4altdiel!cr'4 l *• tha • F... of klettlelß--' e.- . i -• :- _ .;17.,. As_ _ .e.3l' 41iii.'44:10;That: In Wntsao aunt lisinielprofdeeterds , eo oaf itny.preser; all/ shlionat,l3tatk-atid thdpal faxe_sc o).*lthstetlnr•natlonvil 'het capital/ lairfrdlys mityled , isoltblethlrlyear. appall* fteptstitif sent:Mot lif foimiliolerasy yerson, as afonsall, from which' uld-mmual Ankh prrAth of 140:41111, or should bs, darts idi 4141110 *dated. In put** 10 etc hum. tiirt A digjefet Nek itistqakPralllfccilialrie of tholtorson 'who has atiry , pm the same, wholhu tionte4 toont o ormortgairmabotho salary or ilsy-rettetvedlirr IttorMoae In the oivltosilltnyi astral f or-other/antis of the %di e d guttiOneladhir senators; ripfosen , ,t a pooo;lo,llFeleptit in Oditikrescabotellif Into of six bututztd Ml= per snail; bad ' s 'z* !Wi l l Itttl•PO 1 4 4iiiiittkIIPI 0 = 1 ? .4 IWiT• r .i it rAftliteedli Aiii.iltsk**Ta i , a , ,i,,r„;i . e,* tink, trail bosipsiy, sialtis, isaidtsdosii Issarantarsailrowi'atwalt yOrth,easiil laetwittot4erralaisletWatert tom .w..f stand the Wired etr - hDY-411nues VW atkor tu CA : i t=l= l"B"s rftratiot4ll l = . Vat , -a ll and the tax said ss Wandler § , iciva d ••alsotgit ali;e l 4.4l.p l 4:Nworr: tea el o nt K111=4444 szsittg.getro A,. at, OM iiski4OlriqUa. In ,9t, y 1 liststeil ill ardnintlek biziarrVc. ' or by Ms family, la his own right or In. right of Ids 'dietitian not be Isolate and incised novas of tunas of ma person.. Is letlauthtz the sung gains, prafts, or in nome of any person, the laterest over and' 2abors the assatatS et laterite said DPIi& ill ALAIJrrf PACT! .R ER 4. Sic. LAWRIINGH IRON WORKS, J►lne Castle. Pa. EEEiEMI DITHIIIOOI3 & 00.. MON, NAILS AND SPIKES. Pnatat prime Babied to change. of W. mart. }IMF VIM GLOMS, manta Cle" Pa. WARD= BRAM WORKS, CADMAN & CIB.AW7OII,D; etweicsami, atom misty crl Ito Mot 53423 WOBZ tOB nolo trimt 'ot cies ITTriBP, MAOffiRIBT4 AND COPPlLtrOsintto.. • DUDS DABITHOD,oI oilSerittiptions, nods teen dts . OTZANBOAT WOW., MUD AND 014121- TWO. iirsi IMPAlBlMpoomptly attended to. Partidolor strouttoo tolittop .p TCiSL3A3L MB COAL ADD GUI ON OEM Alm. Sok Amok for Os Iliodoin 'District othoutopt• roots Dr th. sots of KABUL. LID O= I OM'S PATS'!? SIMON iopli PIMP, the boa mar Woofs& Dioro lobos tt Stoat Was tit est oat or toCor. irdl Wow soon voter than aag pomp vitriol. It. sits. salt ..L.ACILUMMIL...J. M2 . 1113r.••••••••••••• 111 pON CITY WORKS. ELACELIWZOSEI. ITEMPLIELYAL 6 cu. rourama ain) IL CIHMI3IIIS. Oora. of Pik* axe OMLours. sad !Ike awl Walnut Iltre•tft Mew Cat, Wass Moen.) llawitactsnort of Malcom and alms EH BOLLING NULL CIAII7I2IGff .42,1 ELACIBMII a n ul ana., lad gemal ycbtert. an:intim aim ID mitring SOLLIII9 KILL 11:111. 63411 ttOBERII3, BARNES A 00., me. se linkivi ritabecrigt. , trz AaD MEM LION 11011XXit S. JAP.A.ZINIECO TEN WAR= w. an eoa osazAwnsethit _sad hay. as baud Sago lag amend= at all kinds, SWo Wan la data Wail Oxduu lt .Z ., troarebo and Spice Osaistar; Cash sad dubs =Mar Drainers, Whams, tda..da bzus Ixl.l ea tar ads loa. Cdl Laza at all alas add podtarls, Ckaularassu sad, atUdads Jaa- Mad Work da. . • pamarrmo OOTOB&B 1881. 071741 a. L.A.D2CP Qg yam amass, tag a.a cie wx! titairsea . a.6 l U s elmalst Fan POI fftwii W a ll as OmPON BY , iDiIm. ,, .PMFI.IT_.!/Plm% PI:P/31030211, PAIUK.:'88Ql888 CR. IlteeetteetteteMet ittigt Igtiirilt ROUND CUM Big:11. 6, A 1 4 /*Lead Wein. et a steeiL ea t 4.°?°414 a! zded ' ar6l "!V,l r .': Viro ll3lltloo,llD PltnameirinimlttiadllWill*Mandl Ule eadteralt A:Y' lt MINIM 4 ON It TARIM , Apo. Twirni. ?Itedwahir ' ' _ 7l. aorWardisow, WI IT yrs/ mr s ,_ Igandwaselessi 000. N. ANL= A NOATOID_ !TO PARLOR AND N.rnanus oV ati no!,. M, W IWO sadf r iaa Wool* WM 0 3 4 4 ~o = ft ioC h al adad b 6l l: 44 leilik t Itocor allo)ftwat_ Calatop _____ Ws llia a ritli4 maikam,Asok,.mtva, at mtgs. ppm iimaltrt‘ WO3lB AND Star, a 'I wwletirltatiriite. ' - 'MUTER DDILIMM AND NADIMININ, = l . Ilatai") raaad a" sta4or l it, stsvicamturßritierfacti .. g .. 4 l: l FL4Figi all p g _ 4 . ln a l lui. soa r!. ma I.r cri El ' • . fidAr ,i,- , , • _ _.. .COWS. FOWNEAr af:Viii•dria of lA . ,ingio a walesk i , IDMIL .1 $i Cala 114 11 . 1 1 7 V 1 L...., 11 .12.12e32 -...14 i...' 4 , .:: ,lON c O M , J w ua STOVE nfaCTIMEM i M, =a eve=l4' •- • ' ;AL: n--1.2 eV/ . ,; JOMISIZEMLUDa*co.- i l5 irclutool:s - and Bwcnien: ! a* 'a r r O l aa, a* F, a * . 17E1129 1 1111j11131 F- Y :0= aOllOOlO-1000: tAaYam .100i0i0itila=07 -a., lorvigtoittav iiitoSalki=4.WiriTtri.. nu - ' - '•iii.i. -- diaingor: m.n._•.ol..baelifto.looo.oo4*, A . 00114paRY WhialL..r WHENNSa ilWilteinftol32 A :1 01 ! 0,11 ' MN sat ribraes. PITTSBURGH 43E,A1i 4301.1711345 r. I , • I • . - , i 1 / 0 00 - mum . ' AT4SO BOA ' I ' ) i ri L im p lei , -.=.-7 = : 11111111.112411/44 , :: .. eekel/bsti , -,e., o+.: .1 ate I;, ,„..., ~ 4 , :,... • t•-.., o; ~, . 5. . 4 .!!. 1 0 101 8 71Pilie gnaw dopll2Blll/8 IcalslBblll .Caal MY:SI Itta 4041/ati, IgitoftwW&lltsr ~, ~.-4a00.,' .treniqcoono„ = ." - , 0 .."•2 4 7 tif ehlhteig . , 1 -; ea t , rlita... ISt*. ) , *Um searemary lopreveis loillim, " • of timeaintOnf- . 04,0 .. .tital.M . ;. , lelbarne tuturfActurotttk. ./ Cloatilaw: , :.., MY . Y......a " - ` . .t... ,. 0 0:: , :r POSP. 1010 TM A KSAIM:aIeari t a t , ' .t ,•• t o. ei gio ntma ali stm egb.a s ktia: ", : ri.t. bi c = allsd ra l e imiNi rmit.trybr 'ait , ' i t . • balmc6l344l3 4 : :::: 4o: 7ll, Petr it ben na ithalr illt= 4 7bslaaaa .". 7 7t4vms 7 aa 2 ti.ill• ling . ., 4 II bat 0 ~ . 6° !.... •i •-..,..t..•, r. - 4 i t„ . w i v.ii i i i it ' 42141 . VS eggoil.• r- ~. _ . t 5i..114~. Warr Wood save; Pi z iaitt •• . Il_ _ _MIL 11.01Illifillr lams= Clesspay. =um. 18 101 NA , amsee. soller , STONE PIPE —MO fret assorted far sale i,HiPAVelerft Zre •=l3l=il >. • poixisioemitticaftir ciao - azatia.oxanontang - rf Es Pottri .Graist: and provia.~. owirz-zwAsssW-°" 1 " xw~d ifooD enatrzlet isr , • B P. qulluty moo., Vowelslon keratin% _ so. lie worm wasmis err.. c.azoAixch ih►.a attaattas to rixam,, g - Motu', - Grritin, • Provistans, tfc., 15:ii-ZuSsaysocaost. ...GM T. mums. HENRI' w,ea,racm Commission, Sere No, BOUsa wrials MT, 011101,00, Mae ; Particalar uteuicm.vaii to =Mg alatallar: 111.131311100:5, TIOVTBIOII3. notra a , Ilia. • I. IL .1.11311136 MTAIME ANJER, comma= szemans, And Alden; to Mara) 11!sta . and Prodnae, 144 Br= ST., , betagiem W.od* dealtblel* rzrs -yrrivatracia. I..IIIINZAID . POle TTER, AMIN & SHEPARD; 'Coln J. udadon Ideatkaatiadad De-ain't( fandedand sadd 113IIITS.n,oun: I.IECaII, EXl+2B, - POTAIVER, wad Produce pdtail_ L111111317,43H ,Ltlbesty Knot, cppesitt rums " Beamm : J. EL -4hcortl: Oct., tam a Collb.Calp t Mai Mat atweit, T...• t Oa., Joba arastar, alttabargh; Beam a Bro , McDowell. 'a atut a Go., MAU.; Ileramlett • 151.01011111, Bt. Loafs{ Sinclair Groat, Ea, Tort. flumford i lowa. Othelacati FRANK. VAN GORDEN, Produci and Commission Iderchant, Ha 10 MEITILTLELD 07:8111T, owner TIM. Deaert. notrs,rurnm,Butromer.=loo, 0/141:811, POUK, DRIED LED GLUM PPM= P Liree=wer on anzudgrafterea. 611 CI ABLER Q BMBLEY, Produce and Oommission iSzrohant. ItZBOULECDISII. BBOKZE. dcff 4.1.1cr to WI Ittodo Ot 001:131TRT FRODI7OII. Va. 179 LIZZETt fiTllll32. m314:13 Pretexcrsaa. PA. trona. CUM .J/O. JAMMU; (ot t 110.. dm of D. di D. IrDosuld rittabsizet. A waurnia, obto.) ViIDONALD & A.lll3tren.tB'Wholesale ILL Gnaws, Produoe sad 00mtdodon ifeo:3lo4s, Jobtera 41)01738, N. 0. MOLE end - N0LA.131713, immix° gricWai /MD STROPA, FLOM, %WON, .11 DlO 0, TE.011, - 1001, 01.01E030, BCCD3, t 4 N. II •ed BO Liberty 1:12.0b00: toltly SHEOVIIR & Y.A 7l t AR - MAIM MED 001111:13310II 1121210W11:11. - llat , rtwed inPrTllnr4AfST.cor•*.=S. 1.60, 13 LES IL' LEECI4VUIIi kit) GRAM 4.2o:lloxicurcor liam our r thy ado a. GIULIA MOW CHTIMI, PRODINIA kos.. wait ,Tr e Lt a tt l a i rrg a I:Waal:mu CIISIE W NT, Ho% Pizist.rgh. . k Grocers sad Cola.- 11 =lmam ren•chanta and debb m atl kind. af Onnntry ,Prndon. and Pinabarab Max CM Wart? odrna„ opposite lead of Wax="21111: WEBB t WILKThSON , COMMAS/11On TTLtntt Wtio.Wale &atm to RESTIEBIS 118. 8111VZ 8 p * DRUZ 171.01111, 107/1211,IGGS, GRA, sodgam AIs4.I.IIAIMILS, MO. OILS, Ssa. BiT LiberOmtmen, rimbargt. t!f‘Tirli.e.O! , !lll . .n?. n • r B ECK & 00. Neu 185 -141arq , Paulen:6, Wholoods Grocers, Om. mlasloa li eltreet melmato,, mad &elan fa 001:199111Y PRO DUCT, P 1104171.1058, BACON I ZARD I N ZE $ , BEEDB. Z. OBIa •N)lnrAl l n, 714 .P4 alia mad LINE. - ' big TOW R Cioacusmal aatt 7011LICW11114 ZUZCIUM2 Wholatals dada: la ILESIMIN =ESA DIPITZII, LIMA 'I9:IITERCOLI, ?LOUR, FISH, O r AND MASI, A 513133, HALZBATI39, - ..D ANDIABD:= DEI CD TAM, sad Pralara rataraltraicalil LTRlMltholesale lana sad Ocsandsdai tld lt PRO: DIION. PLO BACON ?mamma AND MANN o pol< LiBB COTTON TARNS, sad Pi maasficaves seaststly , 111 sad Uf Island drool 114 =nen% BROVELKELS (!gicpaeaors tt aallenca4l Irboluaar paean la aqm samsfftS4I4D,BPICIp,I;IO3IIII;OIIQN: rotb, S V,v pi tcn diu. aa4,LiayallaniCza FAITERBONAAIKIXON. oonatiaacoa _aalirglaaWsll3-' notrz plaaal HODI7OI Ho. WOOD STIMIre. Ptetsbaro. WABEHOUSE.-HElNftr YarisiCialLsrelsor •••4 1 1 . difslatisr CAINISII,-B •GAIEURISFIrani Turfs JOHN FLOYD & co., Who*ale Oro st. andtkoaditlati Ihrettpia, Ina wooatio phatretnumautbanch.. , . eilimmatecupwitmui..eiso - ity, N.:./IJszner Heals* 0). 4 1 FAX PA= mareaizer . 4* - P1601111310; , 13,07sur at Motif and pir-a REM PRA R aribtuams lira &Win birratrumAxg PROM; Do. Et 7 Liberty rim; Pltb _barglb , - • • - - • • _Maas brands at ilea skr askamara Iraq am a,% irardly =Mad. Partlrrarz. 'PP " /na g err*. Ibr blreslmbrlls• , _ ' ll - "7P.:VO t • • " VD,' efia,. PROMS A 2110 1 .:. • . Llbaty gnat, Plttsbarik. 'FT . 10elirfiT Vit..aadlik.474aslittna;,Wlhodiscepitta.4 p N0.463-111bertr PleiasytilOU IL 8. PsainimArErti truseurglki.l%-itcomee Ware. bOutemlintvMATlsillai-Ansiipmete. Ay, 41SIBERTi tBBIETON • avi 004 *bolo. riugk omr cui ..rastawDemar,:_ mot- atm . • ripwlyst.., .sos laues DIMCLA Whtleatle P c sil lui runt ugt i r.si =Per Irmr i = Pit 1,, ell.l , giviwwwfx 1 1$ ot-kkg tabetrobsit,' .. ... • vaur CHOWN RIOONFEA 4 -41itrfoehed a at*othgaceAcs. amnia. wt.. vta.ra. iistrftioimaroatg- inr.ttsoftwit . eft, elan t of," TOME& 11111411ERW. Mame Taiga Waist attweLV MIES DALZELL .41k SON, Manama , quin_sorApvisz a k sc i omatunew Mee aatrllml` sad Age 01_1221)03 LED rsTworxmit,- l(ps:$0. u.d 10 Vas, itrooklPlttatitatb.. I.6ouosluidelaa'olo:otmats. Xi & IGGRPF K - 004 • _FLOUR. 414040 /4 1 4 4 4 1. 11 . 1 Plq7 l .tsg# gi4 ottiout - r uartivedivi esittelirt4aii:v " try En IL Y=ZY ..ba...aidedati m num. t FLOM GRAIN, rt.ol: o lol,,iu,,A4rOltdberty stool .Pittabarex. „ „awl, oar vaa ' ...t.-1405.11!ua1M wMTg_ 411601Sttateakit..073). k e.2l l, °°°4ll " g r aN2tg ril sbi draUrs rotro. iag. "A u g=lib. .1' 4 0 3 ", -14007 Mart, SaLZIDS&YALiti I Whaleipagraitti 011=1:121aZLOBB • 23/01110:13M13, • . 1 37 /14;01,01041....Utgirtrik trXiMON grEWART_ WhOiegalt ' OBOOKB3 /We QQADIMMI 107;fluldAtirk ry OPtii comusa, imm 4 •1 0 1 47 . 1 . • vizsta4 wat. Tirrtanatz Ait&GALETe , Wiotatina, g!"- mit a 790 2 0ni.1tx,,.. • ,-- t- _ ..,6-........... ~...4 .r.e... f 0,......" , , .....v r,FO vlrall, m47.445w,a,,,,,,,t y , 'l6 'Mir • eh' s& a , 11:0 •Zttllr••,-t-tr otak. -, wietrativEratr.6,9prmitoot:ei_ 1 1 01898 , . ' V i rS4,sw2.2,,tritsix*ocm*- - f r ai r 1 ., - ,44101#40 1 5:#1.4.7c V Z ....% -, -;/ *GA th. ' PhLtlialigriarlabiliithea tili 6."4 •4 1 6 f ri• ' t" ) i' L . 7ft 41- i'..s " ' '''-* :41 ', '''‘.! ' r ' 4- '''''''. -V. 7;4 - ; .. " "':.:.:1 ..'' %W. ~.1V 4 +V rat r; eau/ownin Rom Or SS 4181Mitile, 1- '1 ----' liS4 4 IltL•gcra, ot - J. /1171INTY.J4 .54. nelitlNGi , .. 44 • - L .., attairdimer - ALL PAPECBS-110T0UN,0F1.864. B 6. 26 F i f itte, atrect,, ~ U/EGLEGIS it IlUi. 4.l !' n.si nt. 11% " . .V.'")-: . ..eag . S.,lLintritotrt 1- 7.. - - _,I ~ 'at"Pwwpf• , • a a 12,011:111re•z vii.el7•••1111T -~2171 :14"4 Vtla , CALA Itter =TWAT. is9xuate ,, r PTA. t,Fits, ing - ism Dimg Lamm ITEM/PUP aspaMittemxpn Taal z paisiso Inaba 11413. ft1,.!M*11.116 - '•• TIPMIO.- Imams •• 22*/ Tart ?UV= Et mutara :111611,12/132.1mmtqa Tamrse • at =r a m @log* 2:40 ilLg=t ia"6l4.E ita =am ea r "" SPEPIPPT , T , eMblim • 11) Ihe Vow Tat Pa , TEENOVIIR COMM Ilan bus pi.;rmppmioayas AMP.. COMMON. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers