Vitt tittsintrgit 1112111tAa, 81122. 12, 1•44. WOW N9II=RORIL vos niansitie .W4CO 2l3 6 l c B lthels• . ---.potty- £IIBEW JIiTIN9OIS, of Tenselooo. UNION COl3lll'Y tIONET. I . . " .. - time nisizzo. : JLNI3 S. moo , ilttibilib. Co ' Duman : 19/03113 WILL All/Wiesy. - TECOItaI I. itrwegithydr it JOHN P. alma, 1. A. OOLTILLII,OIIi. , _ AIMAND I3LACh All=ii i. ' ell i tt OB I A I DSIX,WT Collins. - 102112:71Lommaarth laptia. , 'CogNattorn: ..,:. 1213 / 01 1aD 44,110%./sasea. - -.,-, ' 'l, '• ~ -*. 'norsolownr I ' .1•111.21/..11ALTlik Oki... 'ifiLLlA . .ig Mtikorsom, (mi.. Vit " l, al!kkhLY_.. Ths'Deavqatts 0P1L.17 the letter at General Motkarmen, sant. tar tits Mosso nominstion,lss plotted the dentetnwtit fie s Intesiink He does not, Iti = slit:terittkPlonnierine.l o4 o - itiart[4ldele he liotidnated, ner deem i.e Igrovki bar he etat4slt4 oat Mattis taoyai Ping" t in favor ni i ,ritorone pro s. . 118 .1 1 -# 4 fir thtrtrar . tor tits initorstion el tits Vaton,,djoverybotly knoWs Astilse j nit Itte- VSI7 ildnwektott Ontesio platform redettedlysondeions. no tistlisletter plains ate=one _ Ths War dentocists are disististled because Irdose not openly denounce the plat thm; and thec - tesee ,dvatoorsts beams he does not endorse& !trot, freak of thlviteadistim Shlllt fhstlying policy ass teen in tiketsud taken tiYie t „ - tsnettist. - llireindlateeldottiensw, sYtt klelliatl,.,lp he 'forthied by the Moe dentos s 4Ontralli, ttr;,tkees seen, however wens le.“.46l°o.,_lll47)LetiriPa- We.Y m 4 be, are Is asemest, : when they say Poses they meat WiiiiiitheidO Intend Wl* fooled into 'TORO* 11' ban Who' does not mesa whet -,(7[7iter-sin-nntBl4.Mlti bud timid° Yrat..O . eildtdsts who is Afraid to sir 06114P),129!,Ww.rDIstii*imisoPhAtmmt: firakelllisritst it &Ism al i as/ that the party is ccreaslttiol Bit he wants 'the dais emaidited to - and he' MIDAtOr )44eilaing itie msnwho wzles all arias& the Baldest without ones Wishing ea it. • The 'eVeee .ol l llo _ ol l l3 . l4l was to secure tViVer democrats with his letter, and the Pesos democrats with the platform, s ad so reomosihr dttersisef in the tarty. But Dopey* assn are too Icid• &wets firt Qat.' 3* - 7:,ltrieee that ens or the other fiSions is MaiFifber chested, sad they are too 'shrewd *nine* aieteeelefe to be the, Chatel Rati7; tif.okigUtiliiatiitTO. it p. Zig , mad tilatV . lbrilissaus ar mothers:La; and' seilsrats ,, or ualiStt they cannot elect him. His-dooms sealed and theirs also. :Raise Electlen. The ildaine . Election takes place' toll's.. iook ont for , chilllog blasts that Stand Copperheads bona:abed to - their holes. The .ematioVin this State among obsestan!.poEll crlans, Is soonstomed to indicate the drift of palls tieniimest that foreshadows the result 14.The - Prisidentlal contelt. Bothyarties era riniite. , The Mete is thoroughly • canvassed. strong; ticket In. the ddd. The' lain alit:llan gavel:7.ooQ Majositileijkielln- - len'Aiihek - nisul..ed. thecleotlen oftsor GeV:* "hie' CoeigressMen..: We are:numh zalstakeztin 411,patrictits do eneholitTs 04_ Ma' h ahe tier record to-day :'tl a nu ad —wea" - . At & ineeltheg elahe Democratic . AMtGoiitton; -11 : 61/ #4 1 ;9 0 ,te Othar d 7, onebt: Allen, itu ‘,- Igo rioild. Melte Avery pr opoiltioM to the hasitsgain,, but if they failed he ataildmole promos:a &war • against* people who lied aright to'eleolare What form of dommifeast . they, weal live coder." Amos Kendall, who had fhe engineeriAtof the:Weld* =aloe at-Chlorgo l was-pros., eat eud eicki after pr. Eater:lug to We inaik iihoee quoted, he deprecated it 11.1 too' qed. to frit electPi rani - pita to pt down theintenttour A.drairdatration, cad uic aro de this cito i iayAhatzaa3r be practicable." Inat'e Chicago prograiamec in ti nut , emit. _ 1 he Government Credit the Government advertited a loan of $75,000000 — in Jung, only tr,41,000,060 were Ukiah-60)1de not earning up to the expected reels. The Xeimining $31,000,000, were offeyett — lestweek wad the while amount has bed' tal sn sit 4 per Gill.. premium, the bids slicking $6 ' 9000,U00: .:This sheers a growing eon¢depce in Atte. Government, in spite - of eeerz,*ffert ietterdrerit: , • ' ritreired that on' Hattraky morning froigtik. G. Ronan, Esq., the onto: , of the Nrankfort Oxamonsvootth, elm leading admin. tetragon pater in Ittottnolti.* Hr. HODGES le bnidlil th s Tura in, his Mita, and Boys that, 74 the pOper effort, it will give Lin. vour l least•Un thousand. majority:. Tick Datiaciiiere. 02111Tillika of the Nine tenth Wild of Pennsylvialsltave II OrClillio ted Oar. Bigler, of Cleardeld, iCITSOLIgteSt, by Ittedernsant. The diatriet fe pretty ohm, end tie ex-Governor rosy pouibty sparse in, but is don't think be will. - , - A Well Deserveacompument. . The linit4Smos founad; a Paper iriblialud In Phibideiphie, pays lion. Mune 41 Wittuate, camber of'Codgretediont the na distriat of this fitate, GA; followicg lianas:Me road just compliment: "We are, also, in receipt of the epee& of Boa. Teeneas Wrumans, of - Penne" Iran* un She Irestamtlin of the Nilo.' .This speeds, ire think, leads all the ;. preeeding :efforts of AU distinguished stairamai which' we hare seen. McWilliams appear:to be one of these spirits which knows no discouregeanant,--no is-bold, independent, resolute. In Ids onward eouree,--he - prectleally -knows no rook word sul fail. You might as wall try to tore the fierce tornado, as to thwart him from his prpate,:—be looks matters Kaye in the faesi—grapples wit h, difficulties .as though they were mere reeds,--and Monet or later carries hiclioint. The rebellion mast be crashed, and tt--ccutt what It may,-1s the sentiment. which wells.)* in his great and sairlotici` heart. The ' closing pages of ids speech, especially; are' _beactiltd,--sublime. Wm lips Appear -to hare been tooted with Aosis,—with living firth—from the altar of Heaven,—and. his tempo madei redo- - lent with en eloquence 'which has its 'origin beyond the stem. 'fhe . speech 'hors talent., lemning, couram‘badependenoe, firmness, and the true and_ old fashioned Atari= patri. eases *film Revolutionary it„inice that tried Zama Aids V! Bidding for , the my. bid. media .the armrest, by tks demesside resut le pretty well, Goy, tkprudEr,'"bowersr, finite . outdid It In his speeelly the _folloWing Scriptural Allusion, fEAlubesions Tusk 4 4 Ithigli I s l/31 7eq ui/ 4 4b r 3U brerstence: . . "It wet se:oldie? igen whom 4486 kyl4: Ng- only caumeudstion wtien` he wag upoithe Moat and thelberiseisinooked it was a soldier who Alone discerned his. disinitrwiten he heard him Warpur Unlit a payer far mug and fogies firr the Oaths! 34. ftw—sov nett Didie2ll:44litr. mi.t" •11:+,;;;; lv, ' TI. Last Hops or ale Rebellion. Butigno of the Hew Tea_ Thus.bas • long and altansibre allots In that piper' gaterily, ebaring irket per" qui Tar bast • inadi r and salt grounds et hale maga KUM Huth and South. He concludes as follows : .711,1P.ION'lts olcith..Alle an trust o ii - e - ribellien, menacing Magri it be, b it. di n s poretban a mask, concealing the hollow - `ass andsbainab within. Tills Booth is litaially eihemuded—oshesubld of thaterittiontortlebil epos-aildo te murY}:ol War —yilionsted 9/ =W.' As 8911.'filiSt the Otlisr day pisa'grntly the' rebels "hifrainbled Unimak and the grave .to reisforce arniark" Oct of an app. Ilabtlngiepulation °Unplugs-of - thuiq of • mim ens with.whiefi the war was • ted. *sr: ham sined:an Wreathe force at one huidred or one hundred and fifty thousand men. .Tha rut era la ttudr arms, in4he hospitals, disabled, or prisoners In our. hands. There as the forlorn hope of ths rebellion. Oar torritmia oanotoests bays rodalmed throe fourths of theorem' originally claimed In thence- Ite of the Confederacy. 'As Oaufceala stands now Wes bloated—lts 'Rut them or cOlll2lO - cut or in our Winds. Besides, ha re: I witttiCtlf nn kinds - ire all but alumna:-'!he Osmosis men at Its head may continue the struggle for some tiessf fanyar—they may for a well' oppose • formidable front to our %dua— -1 but the rebeillo_ _he-doomed. straggle' till be th•frantirtUalatokts of the - gladiator - Won he falls doWeinthsusborand enrolments. Thu loam of thb halo 001104 to see one hope for their mute in the ammo of war. Nil ore sole lookieg to dearness of 'politico. • r u g' hia l" n f P,wh9is• cowls end aims ase their malt* Sympathy and moral remettt. IluelplatfOrin-of that pity hat nothing Iran im pressions of contumely for the maned War, the reclal of which Wu been made ; for Jed Davit and hie mow it has, nothing but expremena .01 empathy Ana - kespict.' Tbs . ' People of pl. North have now before them the' momentous Mutation of thittrmining, by their action, wheth er they will justify ell the preclious blood shed in Una Irieb L y earryring le:triumphs:WY through end mowaing it with • glorious and honorable pile% Irt whether by bias aurreador they will pro jeot it into history as a monument of a nation's .. The Tennant . Election. The fast positive indication dittos drift of the popular tide in this Presidenttat can •ase is farniebbd 'tab rethris of the Vet. mont election. Upon an increased popear yet*, all Compared with Wet: 'tur a s eleelgoelt thesevotet eboir'sdi itioreased admintstrlition majority. A result which cannot be minim deretood. it means that ail the supposed an emic= and difiSioeut in the administration amps amount to nothing. now that the issue hse been nenowed down to ''oll Abel l or the Chicago Ipesett"platforrm. It Maine that the personal popularity of Gen. brelellen, as the war is now going. pa, will be loot on the platform; that the people of the loyal States will soon adhelp . to the idea that Gnat, SW !nen and Farragut are on the road to peace, and that they must the frapporta.lrhstarver map be the delingrumoiee of the Administra tion. Air-414a hence' the atom eleotiott in hisluo_wilLso_ the rams way as this. Of Vermont, and:sarly, Ootober, , from 'IA A. gips of the antes, ,are ,may look for similar results from thi-Stite eleotitileof Penneyl. van* Oltio,,and ladiana.,,...4.they go so will : the Preside/Car Cationgo in `NoVember. there was any - „posievo:reaction at work •in the popular , mind in four of the Chicago, do. scomacy,' on their • equivocal peace platform, we should haveltad some manifestations'Ofit Int% from Vermont.; fors popular political reaction is spontinoms and general, and ; operates with remarszble uniformity upon a Proaldontial issue' in all the participating !iitatea—N. Y. Heriad. i i beCiintesirni - ei - rim Siarri tiarrossi: !Guinea —Between, thirty and forty.organi. i 'senora have been granted at the Stateln. speetof 0 eueral l e. Wilco . to _parties..reerniting forlititivirrigheinits to be ceonlsed luistedi lately for the , Stato Guard: - When authority thus to recruit vise .issued by • the Inipectar General, it was not eeliuleGsd that troops :could be immediately ralendlfor State service. The irapending dfsft awl the tact that Auk. Zdti l 4 3 7 atEditAVEptaini large boxiiitlie to %11 gnotas,acted as a bar to 410 forte to, impure men for thCatitigi Ii lii: proposed tole ate the camp for the reception, instrnotion and erganisation of these troops st 11003 point *est of the Suquehanne, probably in 011 vi , °linty of.: Cerifeht; She • objesiS of.this is to 'itiold all conflict with the Unite) States en. thorititeterhonew have possession of theeireps inible eicitate', and to place the men to be prgenized se &Stale Guard se neer the "wee of shelr proposed ferrite as possible white they are being die Jellied. . larrinor. Aratif i:Clta '.autivs;=.2lto'comilitsffioner of internal rev.. "'footle has dealded thSt all articles oommerolally Down and told tri ant nano and eplkea, at the Wawa-the Thong* of, the whole§ law s We i rohleot to k.apocitle duty ;41tUrnad and boat splkea, Wrought. nails and spikes' of wbstever name, iooludlog .-annealed, nalle; fibiahlog elle, •tads, brads,"arid ; _ Ilona:hale nails, *tonight by baud or machinery, are' littbleot to an advalorem duty 7of,fire per oantuat. Pea'nge of alrdelorlptiona of len than ten i °ands weight, whether made, to order or for pert-touts? Iretrumentkartieleeof curthliety r tor. •birhslutica zra as3css;cl anerpgrl, for general sale tito trobjeot to an adyaloreta dosy of flee per contain. Malleable iron net• Ines, weighing more or•leee than ten pound; are subject to the name duty. , . . . Pater falti CLILLLAJC.-hP 51, eters, of the Frimman!eirournat,+one of the bright.ltglits of tie Peace Democrany in -New York, is not at aii tnamored with the M'CLllen nomination. Ile r ope in btu Freeman's "Beggars must not be choosers. We are r , duced es a people to a beggarly condition: cod' ay, therefore, take a beggarly platform. It is tot even Maim lost, but betrerthe heel of a sour loaf elf a dirty, Inb'e than absolute starvation. •* Let no mistake be made no to the facts, pt Clellan's nomination: fell rn the weif like a cold equinoctial storm When It beemnecertaln that howoradbe nom• hated iliounsods,of western men went borne in disgueL • 0 - * If hrelellan ii for peace we will eupport hire; It' ke.ll not, for pace, thnii"wf nee tali? . lir A S BOWL CATE4IIIIIII.-I‘llo arhttrj l ri ij 117- listed the entire Lqielattire of • 'Bovereign S. ate?" George B. McClellan. ' Who need the military to prerenthlaryLond A MOClrtaa Toting NT their faeoelte candidate'? G.rrge B. McClellan. Who urged" the ?resident In 160 to stop volonteeringand enforce draft?' Germs B. McClellan. Who advised, the President to emanoipa'e al. vett of the enemas, under the wee ,power. sin rrionthe before the President issued hie Pros lametlent Gocetie B McClellan. ;Who has helped to kill tens of thousands of Southern Democrat!), George B. McClellan. Who le But' Pietidebßal osadhlittia of the Ft:ma:ratio patty, whitthi oondemuslal of the ...trove Roth f (Jeanie B. McClellan. ticece the able and eloquent spenat of 8. Cootie, E, ,st tiot Union meeting 'an &bar day evening, in which he declared hie deter. mination to stand by the Goverinnent of hie cc tmtry,agalast enemies .whaterr,:lo - has revived • number . of Invitational° addries U oion reeling& He will address the people ea' Clyde oa Tnesday evening, and at Pre. mont on Wcdnirdar evening. Mr. Castle is Pvos'i ih That: vegico, having hui an inimesseindnence witlithe-DonglaiDantoora cy, and will no doubt do great dentine fof the Union canoe. RIPOILTID RIOT AT Now Oataratta—A tale• graphio dispatch" few days ego stated that s riot bad ocertrrod at New Orleanf, 'growing out of Gen. Canby's attempt to enforce the draft,- and that over fottshandred citizens had been killed. This news comes front Jackson, 111114 - ais Mobile and Etiolation& 'Of amuse it to • canard. Gen. Canby has not' ordered a draft in Now Orleans, but he has ordered an. enrollment of the militia Jselteon. within the rebel lines, is not the place to get reliable news from New Orleans. iFerarmAre FAnnis—The York Medd aye: filYClellsn bas proved tenure in dust supremo neoesetty d war—amen. His miiitary reoud.-mo cutter:what inetbe the slime feffi- - - - his,..biten moot, mutts in no degree adequits to the meanest M command; wbile as to the career of Guard Fremont, eines the oodunermement of our war, every. body min tell erhitdtbitie buntanirk." 0Z071.41 R. PMIDERVIN, tipPollited =Mate for Vice President, through thip city as routs tor:CIAO= tate . o t h" ds r ta the lame trail were Ave ear loads of so - dial's. A vote for President revolted In one vote for the Copperhead Cast, all the oOuirs voted straight ont for Old" Abe; They toy that Gov. Morton Is the only roan on earth therertruld•prefer to Old Abe sad Andy.= .4 46 ,5P01ie aerate. - • - (Insonan Meerstass calls attention 6 his !gong and varied seroloe in the _ artay." That, it hat been long , nobody can dear; bat tells been varied we are not swim nzoeyting In the demo mad proper* tin of its Laeftisisnoy we are at s loss to ea I *labor 127.1.ukti ...., 1 PUBLIC Jroricms. PITTODEGH AND WEST VIE, omit Iff o I tEPAWY.—Books ter astwoetre• teat to th.tlenthl that at the Idttetrearet Wow Thrash Ocarhay, taw A psi cfila 'mg zarlivi, came of Head street wad Da p Way. Tha hada of thhi Ompaary as heated to Wat I Oda, sad ofartat of OM hem handrailaares.sterhlsh. sausme two linsiirsd sad acres sa. wLI that Sorb:wing parteesaa , no Mance a Ibla Land Is old tabs malign for bad It moan to VWlilro6ttda. and to Waite • abort dlataace Id at thmottd aho solt wawa Maw are haf of efahothamfalmmtlas. - ?ha ClimidlaymployWas thaaty.tha elamad dole ta. a um vivat Stook WOO demos of Os laid Ow Well it lam baits' pad Nonfat= will beast down whams Inalblia.. Martiawa—JlAGOW hilawhiaTAL a. "WARD. plumps , ham OIL Jahn Dam ss. /ma flub' ILIUM% Thomas Liturgic, Jake 13M, James rattan, Jr., u,lO tt ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 :0 -11 172tockholdan of PIHNEFYLVABIL SALT IAN * 0140TOBIN0 .00 min tab ems an BICNIMT. lb all of Odobor, list. at 1 t o'clock' IL, as the dim of Um Company, US Lath roam groat, Pti atOlphla., , sott.ts ARMY 0011110 TIDI o WEST. ass lENWA-4 ambit% of Mb (mania.oa bad Ms SIONDAT, September IN at•tbree p. ea, et VA now, No. TI Smithadd 21.44. The panetn.l site:Aim 4 ell the embers Is waist ty reverted by the Proutdemt of the Oaemaittte. • ettlett •• lh a TOITII, 61~7. Tr - A.D.SMMILLIthEE • T—Thi citisens o f ",-• Lamontagne atm mkt= • sten:Moe Wort to nil OM mono, and to this and • Comentge•tuir bon mrpoinna to eceidt anbmipsions for tb• pertleat of b. untleornboutnkonoto toa tax for that pa - Posa• Ottetmiktea husnlitricted the home. tato 1., 810 k distriete,md eastknee the egloring o; their sotto • Lor to oath: . - • -• . . 1. DLtrlct iHoilit,ll. 0. On*: 0 8 Data, 8. T. o.rt AL J. Kaki. a• " Sio,heebseds,ll, 4. JolusWilktoson, Goo. Baal. B. 0. 11*. • srcalb,lotio - NstesT. . lobo & /.Ftonnol 6 . isms 3ss. T. ltlrClara. 7. B.7rEalleroll. SloNslkosiJ; ElcOlan. 0.0. Gant..., John !I• M. Boa • • • ittrtn: • , . 1 . • . 7. B. Eft.rari, 8. 711. - Keir, 07.7. I r;l1s. Chub* &mad C4via. Oforio Core. '• • ' Thaw coo Edda., will at oda WI on tke dints= la vawaii, alstricts, and alk-atli eiraantly asked to soPerite llbecall7. akd, trona LIU tosreannk th Ungraded &dims fdlare. • - • • • --g. IL Kt a. Ckairmsa. ,s 11.1. HA as, !tasty', WCONNISLUIVILLE AND. SOUTH- Ras ulna. S. 91.--Tae andecOgited Oust mitat, maw tt smsdNn set set, enthbet Ad to In aorpere.B the OotisolevlD and ittetheot Ninajannt. Niamey flemittar... busby gill; Wei tlett.they will , le pit. taunt et sa l! not; op . a Diokt for tin , purpose e TIC lo th ,' ootawfoloot to thy CipDal Stooliof th. istd tatty (+Copan, vs thttCh dixotOOTODIOLWI, at [hollow' of 9 a. 04, on that de). at tha L WArI•INGTON DoT Kt, la th. tetra of It dfaeu, Sat or ftetnaty, Peen. yltanfa, aod that thwy - a hoop UM books opts to o rd.sdr hko . Joint Ourt3•Ns, HILTON, OLLI.I IL. N IaNONGAIN. 0883, Dt • W IBHBBAIIOII, O. , DABNIM IL: D.BANDIELTI, O. W. Alftl WM, D. O. GLIB, . A. 8:1510OLLI6i, WlTotiart IfoOLILLAND, a. B. ICOT. Oneadedonart, TO , LIBLINQDRIM iT&XPA.YEIREI re TUX all 0, ALLIZIII4BZ—Ifotto. their hereby his& to ail yam. who hem - not' pedal their tenet.. .ips o Levis or 'sr 1111111111 in .614 city of Anse py. thitt thiry m! po pay ths mate on or .tor s i ohs THUM DAT OT 00T03118 NIGISAtut if the 'small Is not paid on or teem the fret 6lay - of. °etches neat thell'lVE Pia MEM erf Ibs haletto and toads web% the a. me, the puns bvelpideas or ins, warrants will be dlncted to pro OTFU p etty gulled pu , eons, essemsnolog each 'of {Lemuel Pei Ito mu t taus, with idi Mtn enTroberift Staled therm. of any gwd. and thetas of lb. dehntiptatasetteemerrer end An net. sale thereof. sitstsdrertbeinatt as In Pules of rut. r•. Nikahurion, 10•TIO :BUST COMPANZ Foa ota my—um bAddimoc.osetsato osmorme Mat —lbytata Hall ta s = a nmallaaham Ow HO days salt of arbkla ban Wanda oa broil = yrs; ba fent alba taall lan dit• aims of far that wlod b compagy a bamty 1100 111314DRED AHD MEM' DOLLILB9 faiD WITTY COM, Oaill 10 HAND. Or. o.lillo.lsataara. fartanty abut lloglaser al It, 11.• Daparlanama la lit Lints:Rat of this company. as it sato boad ashy at W 106.1118 HALL, lataa wham • ibeara7ttaamallan may 14 Q. B. OW. Oman 00. ft, Oat Tame Man. FRANKLIN GOAL 011- - Books . for entscrt . plea to the Oopttattltedi of the Tannin lin On Onopear an atm spawn At the nresehmue of WU. BbOAL ET, Nu .Wced o'-reeS. neat:Las stele tampany are trestrd haTroann Out S3frathst rroma the to co , Treallia. sl fromthe 0-1 D yin be aritrinal it the taunt at lianklla rail• tam oral Ss la tarp amend al Unity gnats per Shea fe.aratti rams a kila ta* Immo le not opal to &mad in that vlstal. the on :InsiOneui ante ITIWItna thuthin MP pony scald When 2ka ecdtal WAS .toll. Stu ;ow psatelar tarp a r e eat of the to of ice ersuparat are seri tsurabla. • - ma:lw PETROLEUM OIL - 00. —The becks of the lifentl.sch Petreettio 011 i'reapary are now open at the aloe of Mews. WATT A ‘411,6.08, OS Liberty atom_ ; ebb et the rousts 010.1441. - sad PLO 41,13 . lENSIBILMOI LOMPANT. Ike tarrltori Y to be Mat*. •=1 hoe been selected se Wog the mar dertrable patina e • ;ewe oil wart floaving an the ALegheny atm, nest to. tocitth Heal.* t.reek. The officer. ore; Prest• a at—Jahn WAS.; Bectetare and Treeenstur—Anee Gay ; 1 treettirt—Wen B. Her Themes H Lese,,fahe Wu. son. Janl Watt, Beam' aft, 21. A. Ammer and haws . asset T. -- 01110 VATJMY ben to the to k of the abom Ormerany are 7. ratified that wll szbeeriptions mot be 741 in 3 Me Tr unser S. REV IN SS. N 0.76 Mood street, before the 18th hot. ins enoscriptiore remain pald after :1113t dot. will be. fri..Psd I, Mu 0 da. June PleZlll.oo, President. L. A —THE UNION COUNCIL of the city of H noo of WIL. INS HALL. o 136.2011 DAT Hifitillitt, the 1.016 1 at 6 o'clock p m. bloroben of other Clonocils robp.rtroilb to•ttrt to top 411102( IS boob:opal of I..parages •tt. be brought trotbro Ste Growth tly ,o: I.lcf tLe P-3.L01D.E.N T. Imb-ft, Vr Fl. a. rac Lt43-....-o S.ll Wool, , - • • Fartrilfh... Sept. it, tot r " . ..7 . 11E ECTOR:i "F THE LU . , have 4•••-krod ♦dirt • dr,l of TUBE'S. D 01.1,56, 9};o. Ski 110: out a the pr I/F of ttelut 0.1. - amotbs bort •ow 0 U. , 116114 ELL, flows'ory. I:0=W OT 70 6. -TUB BI.B.MINGRA hI GIB 0015PA8T giro =afoot, Wit collomets It from anti ator too ,$ of [...Pr IMBig the, .111 obllst6 to dux. •12. 30 per ane tho-assad . bet In sd s 1• n, to. VIII meant Mt. •08.141 , 0 C.0101194/s,l3ecrutari. Locus OF 1831 PROPOSALS FOR LOAN i'cousevr.Drrmusary. kaput with, 2$M. 'Seated offer. swift restilrial of this Department, 41.4 the act et March 1. 1163, woe] noon of TBIDAT, tass WI of Tiptoe:we. Lb* for bonds of the Unitc4 East. to the anothat of about thirty,atot and alf otillos asibuse beton the ainocht of 1110010 0 02 o dirposed of. and, the notice of Ihnpaeals for DAL dotedeth acme lat.' The bonds WM bear an datthal In toeac MO pr annan,PaystitasmalwannoWly to ado an the first Cap, of July sae January Of. .acti par, and re. do mabie titer tile Mei nf Stain, MM. both offer must to for fifty noon hat aced donna., or soots ondliple of one hundred, dollars, and mad state eta scan, than:lino possobao, oftared to ma tautened dolts s in bona, ci for fifty, When the dter la for no ootro than fifty. Two per cent of the pet:width anclad. Ing oreakon,-of en whole amount offend must bs ess. plated, 'on itianthly for meant of anbaniptioo If Es ay.& itth th. Taws-ter Cf.llo Mated Mateo a a' .4 In; t 0.., no with thou 00.111 .1 at law lAt Lkstoo, Ptaladel &in or Et. Lou!., or with the eadgosted Depoettory at Sahli:lore, Pittsburgh, Ma -011.411, lamina* 011iceno t Detroit, or Tidal*, or with ear National Mont an Association acatiortred to Ina ire &path which may content to transact the bins than without charge. Dnylloste sergeant.. at &pant will be brawl to depronors by tho Wawa or amochataa scatting thou; the whoosh whkh taw I. too. Warden with {beans laths Derwin:won An &pants sinwsid tw mode in time Oa antics of aeon with own& Camp such Wattlingtoit oat later than The morns/, of Stptemba fah. To affor not occompanted by its proper astilikoto of &pant .1:11 be rionnittsred. The Corona ant BeTtshand MoMis WO wilt be of the ea coalnallona of .11Ett iWO, 6600.r+ 51,063. Bey Lb* BonEs of 51,666,•x4 .10,01X1 afro beMenotti mem& often en rionfrod will be opened on hitioy, tie 9th of September. Tbo warns istilhO male by Mullicrotory to tat bighart alieras, end mottos of sassptanoo or 4.. oilhatbso will in finnadietely glum to the rerpecttro o 0 acrol 1011, fa cow of Ear ;tans% bonds of the de. icriptfoiMentatitheduations preftserse Irina mint to the sotextbeni at the caolof tho gleporthawa, en in ; payosonAiLbototcaptas The Oclghist /gad/ of two pot nook . IMitEst sinTatiod fa theist batalsoant paid 'by onomatil tame, MO WET to banustloady retnntad to thari *en nisi cis, not ba ippipted• tbs ateakas ataoeoptd ATP taint daltosited,glth thd Trmsofsi or other *Moe autumn:tattoo sothostsad to intimdse 110101101101.41 1 111 6 bradOoPtsitheM tdbw, no r tollowsy thoo•third oa,or, More tb. uti g Doer ' • WO macasforio the Mb; Mal the bablanibtlntodici theranhon and or two TIE nentotspad4wer, bs'lre-thilLl74l/4to bOadt WM, ; Tel:M . llolths dedithf iteffnitt: TIMMO MIITMOT fog partuoioorood tolonst laosodstr bioidOdyll, to Oro wider tab solid iiiindfasiiidialit .0co•Ihr loan " awl obtromoi co the esmtagr of gmliessab .74 ;iinst.apaches iet imatica Monti pas b monadic 04.0 ,1 0 12111 . • mis tbe this Idea 141, ex proadist• des P VBJLIC orOTICES. GLOBE WITHAL LUZ 1151 k MIX= 470113111 T, at/ 111 Tom '.lnairr nintaff. haw& Dacus Itos-halbittaa Gammon Lib sad Will. - Mat Peados, Alsa, Poll4sa as an cast maiin pima atbss kind of l!allay can affar flea Mat*. 7.11 , 0014, 011311111 P 3 1 10 01 3 elAut i tßvay , 0... /111/1:11A101.(1A01/111.1211pr Ibr-Zapplurotti Cka) . D. ausrauu.Hata of Goo, Hubbard a Co.) Ky.PITTSKORSII . SAW WORKS IirrISBARDS & Manufacturer. ef OBODISD OlMMLailfl warranted OAST IMMSL SAWS, of seerydaaripticn. ISM, Madan Crom Outt, Clung and Cloths? rarietim All kinds of SWIM t SPZIEGB, mad* Don Mow Out noel; SDI= Ballard IMP= AID MOWING, ILERVIM, Ac Warviorwe and Works, ow. brdTllll a SHOW DMIL, Pittsburgh. Particular attention elan Esiocatking, Graruntog nod Straightening Drawmar Mawa alio repairs of lit kinds. Ponclaing and Drilling done at rasonable rata. e;Mbly M.MUS. BLEMILLL dr. - CO., Bolus wqr mAxsati eaz ern= molt wosa• 124 Pain at., Non. at, 24 24 and 26 Saving sr and • larY•yard No 4 tonabbed tt with W. most far proved inachinsty. In are penal"d to ntannteetall wary dsertytine of BOILIBIL to tM bed mum dan warrantad equal to any male to the country. Gam 58173, 138101128. PULL BIDS, Orithlt PIPE% LOCOMOTITIII BOILEILS, • 0011DLNIMBIL eeiT PAM, Teli/SIL OIL STILLS, AGLITATOS3, ELM ThitiO PAWL 80/L5ll /BON ItILLOGOVL MOAB PAM, and tote nunstmchttern a ILIIIMILVO PAIS= 110/142114. BirpstrlMl da.• al ibubbrtad natio, delltai fl. 0. 5p.12110M.--.....11110. ). 508515T1L....... 1 / 1 11. no, gr./DEMON, BR& & VQ I letterer o■.. to Ransom Imtt a Mum:o TON WOIttB, roincosii a :[ . .Animas.. Plttaborgh, Nessimer, 0 MILT — AND 6V4IOSERT XS 21:03, v g4117,111011313, KILL NA oarlipo, laAux% mynah% CASTINGS, 01 .11 amcriptional Cl!. Tains e =MO 8011411 LED SBLZT BOON woks. *psta 4r atII7IIIVICPATINT USIZOrOIiTOII MEMO 110=11213... " LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER ILL a etwirmsa WOW, Itnalvaaa. ream., motruoy a co., • daadidders d OZILLTITINO, ISAIEMOr MID BOLT OOPPIaL THI=I OOPPZB BOTTOM, MUM MILL BOTTOM % rPAilara mut. Also, toomdas addeders nOf Bum Ain, maii, bo. cbastaaft ea bata. T O IIZBB'tLOIIIB7B AND TOOLS Warthatur, Ho. Lilti TIM 6120 MOND OTEZETII, ?Melba:6as. of Owes' eat to ow &Anal lianas. tottlyda.? 10' ONE OF H.IIHNE WILL'S 'awer xxx6inTB--4 az tv aL Iltlrlina. COUGH REVIDL—Th• bads of ado truly iroadottal pleriratkm, atm or snob wallaartod celebrity, 111 • treed= *gm elm cconcommt caloolattol to &taw% and by am& ito aloe the rated froo. Am of mo, •••7 or •Itbk. r ••• =Ulm ito••7 by trkftli • Throe! .o .Coat amplaistogois to. Comic, amyl. To rebut baking oblation to lam Elblag or great aarb, Vibes kcal bum babe abbot all rob 06V1- ;Wail abbot In Wed. I Toil& ask botelaao• erb lob .111 lama. to Oebb Otabba, fbarVIDOO. SO. throat; Itranobfal and Abboallo Osenoletatb Whoop. log bettb. and to all Tbroat sad Lana bblelatett .bleb, ,men zablaatot. sod In Ocessuasptka. bleb bra rnyalciardo of the biped tbpsetabillty, and bask brand; ow Is boa at by algae by all tatereda4 Tor ode by all Wboisab sad liatall Debora MN 6 lIVIIIIIMILL. Troorbttr. IhastisOINISIL Dostax.. ilaM4 rat au Iry ie. On. IL Low. IL A. 74tustaa t CIA., A. AL Mitton, ApstOot TittsberAN a. A. may. V. J. Maas and Dr. /Amu, Emmy Amu Ox Alleglany Oft. thloataL-Akozar4A IWIEMB CONPFAIDONS AND EIG. Mt n= Or AN MU= paddled Re th! be Rid aa a swabs sail aiasetaa to lOW Ma *ha nibs Bala Borrow Dattattr. Prosestan Deo or Braahood, santylay, at the lame BIM, Ra mat MI. By aos who has wand Mama attar tabs .to past spewaaall h3yoy Camel emedical tamp. Bog and pad:my. miaatftg a part-patd Warmed earflaps, du& aryias avt be Pal at the willtaa, OABILLNIIL MATTA 11, iba.. &dead. Mao amate,ll. rn:wwrs E - z - TO NERVOUS SVEFIUM3 OF 15111 M—a nomad valltiala login lwe milord tit WU& ha • am dam ellor ingsrplag 161 , Qs Vilna meths and In, * etP.P47.. 10411 dr.atinast. ‘ll.loni attoands,cisakkal , YON di* s.maimEtins• so hie stlllded wok am, troaa. as t4bireostpl of it 4 inroad' •til ua4 /rah s calm el tai gindecryptlai 10.4. Oty•al to Dr. MEM al. 06.1317LL1, {all rd. sinost: E.l. mbllartanter aura W'll.-'-t. e. I=l4la--. =ANAL .LA BELLE STEEL WORSE REIT= at Co., •••amers t Itaftsc, earticrsa t 0•., toasalseantra • OAST 'STEAL; 13/%1190, „PLOW. LED DUSTED cirszt. ; sPamas, emus, cnovrosos, Works, 1188 T MUSD. Alivelfni Ott" -• P. O. Learmolrrsonium. Pa. C -- 7i - -JOIIN COWER/LH • & BRO., Man DIOS . VAILING, IHull 'LIMB A 617 VAITIN DOORS. WrIMOR 15111"111:118. WIN- D oli LODE. an., boa. 91 BUONO am! 611 THIRD irr E ET, bor. Wood and Marko, HIM co !sad • •a of toy ?grams. !Amoy and pua, roltoblo tor 411 par - pul*. Particular ono:Mom pai to ortectotog Cray. Lon. Jobbing dome at oho:tootles. acv DISEASES OP TEES NXI3VOI3B, 81331153.1., 1113.121A8Y AHD qsxual TIAIIII—nne and rallabio . lrool33.o3—to airports of t noloord limootollott. Seat by null to milled %Mr obrolopo hoe of obargc. Miro= D. J. MIL= 11400EAON, Su.ard elsociasioa, 80, 3 Booth Math stmt., Pillodotplao. P. totiftly HOLELES - & SONS., Dumas re ruslami AHD lionixeno lina.s Or IX CHANGE., cattinnoarci of DEPOSIT, OA= NOM AND 811011, I. 67 erseare sum Pllisbarity Ps. Consetkets suds am i l tks gctsottst Albs throughtss the United Stela KURT H. 'COLLINS.. Forma= DIG AND 0011N1D5103 INIINOHAN'S sal Who Web *Aim In 0311181, DDSZIN, NOM Om 44 Fromm vaimay. sa. loop 51. PM:6m%. Fs. sid DROMIS3OI3. WILLIAIdb" °LAMM A AIID 0011111KAOIAA BCIIIOOI6. No. rA tl. es r stmt. Tams $ll par what, rpm. quarter."( 11 mula la *l oam Hama at Tuftlmam= a. ea.lla 116 voca-asErive . AED rzsztinsfur. as • tombs, of DoOk•heeplog itie ma truly may, trons ohs own ItutclialkSPaim tp, he ha, so ae. 1:111A1h13 R. IDILIAL, Secretary of Immo* Oil Dompsey. L. J. LEN, Of Liced t lete !Oa Devine born ender the Instruction et 'Profile or Wilk iltms In 11.k•ketpIng, and eiperiepold.:tha• baniOF of his Dior-ugh nod gametic, 614i1/040 1 1 fed It • phmenre noesprau oar high Malnies of him se •an edoc.tor ; hie eb•lltlei end long tzperlinot hewing ntorrd him the endl•pottd rel•lngot the fltsior.ll•• Orlon., In Gorman-JO Macs:Lan. lens, idyl dish* ,con.tifle. it 1101101 SO • preetical kronadlie of the beet npla nu of Book-lumping end Acnonuta,ceo on there else obtain at obtain In • rapozlor an moor, then under the Prof. tuitin of Prof. William • JOSIIPiI K. ItIOISTOOVEST, Dept. SLIIUDI•TAGOADY, 010. W. DITHILIDGT,, Booboos, for U. D. Dlthridge, JOSE B. rs.IIOIIBON, Atters•pst-Ices. B. hes In my opinion, no reperior ea • Teacher, and to Won more lade. than I ever cmi replay. B. Id. DDT eOl,OB, • ' eelo Dook• koala Ihr Erato*, Posta £o*. 12E2REWARD—HORSE BTOLBN.— 0. =day, Sept. Mk, from Owe/Wad V Oraabarry fp., Batter county, adJobefos of , r7a Pawl °Moe, • LIGHT OUST 1101idra wow dap ad ao the ramp Ifsbt _mane sad tat; about sight T an cad, aid *bola kaada blab. Thera woo alio mark of by aaddla Da rkpkt.eidc Item awaweei to lath ohouldni. Thee waa also amid]. sad Inidla taken, ea tapir tents high back and now won an nate The stcmi reward win lw Om for uy Lanr. Rg mina OM tail animal may tr• fbo.lld. nAllrff UnfOIS. Dzin7rf QuerzemoemOssezos,'s 0m0i,17.13. L.l Pittdionat, thf.t. ei1.16511. RaTFROPOSAL9 'gill be reeeiged f ..n cote 19 Po oekL, thelOthDAT OP 81212310113, lbr fontithW the lI.S. Ginend lioeettal la tidy cill ele of 000 D NM onAPTABLB 00a4 Mr. OV km pee mtogh. feast the Ist of 0472001, to the SOth of Apt, ISO. The emonful Mau will be te to ale bond in boa ba am of $5OOO tat the Wheel Onto =li the on. .„ • Ltd thett..oo4 esd Deputy Q. IL 0. rPevrirui. nicsrozernAL am - AION lIKIALLIONBorttIt pkotogesph Maw of r- ' IMPOST= CANDIMII, • ' ti mat trio to o 0 7 Masa% on montpt ot ISap. • =min itili, baUMP ll cod 11 s. 13WIll Deal= Po "e '' - Minis, . Joo'Ar P.D.113:2, at Ittostinty, H. T,, &anti P END.—TECSI "aIIMIND AND T. Mort fl m- Amax. 2111110LIIIIII e mp Ai nro b o mb Goy dectiroto dirldeld of 21TO, Mt CM% to Co Mail osocac 6o Ow troath a mm o. m ad., or ObooffSorol aor Armoury ow or av iw ooloib - coot.; Coo icaoloz. Ali blob rila oclair lEEE Jrz w. dila r6NTISE.4I6.4I"Ta MMMI sit= ooranssrox attosza, No. 30 Kerenantot Exchange. PIIILMAILLPIIIA.. STSAM '• ILL 'FOE SALB-Sita sire ow , bwincok of no Otl. rtirez; In Ms baron - 3 of Er.: fkloptlio. toroloo salim tom P.ttolutratt. Th. Ipl Is.vory oattotottalatly befit. 10. espablo 01 cutuoit t tabor [IN -two ftoilo Inch If,ated 1. poott nutzlig order. -ref raniestsra addrus JOIIIPII G. HAMM 441, ' Zoo 01. Earletiortalo P. 0 , P. 'ORRIN° IF iGHrkikINT, manofne .1-11 um. r wurpow QL•9B. DsUGGterd DlAMltalir, and VIALS 1301"MICS a at and.. Waveheuss 03 Water st., beleff Ferry. Om an timolark* Wog a.. to full op-molts, yrepond fa uty outlet. 4c, ou Iles ptesptil. Ityl.taad quality esnal toaby 10 th. natkat. Wit BP UAO /AD pipia. ?no Dinh , at prim "Iran for Rap and pap•r in cub or liooe• gantreabar that all "heal kaki wen In public or jorniaa aclamla, are vl 1.1 bad at enronabla prim, at 10i1 Jidant Was; Alw,,bany. 21)12 T. IIL 14-13 m U v A L. —PitOteßzelatt BDWiti -LW 13HIB8ATT Me weaved from the corner of Penn dBt Clef street, us No. lel P. sno nweeS d untie op posit•dis Cllr Hotel. H • clues darn/ ud gnactrant tba Haidni method or goes! training. nail be 014 .4 of Thu else. Hie 1 . 31,12.• 111.11. u.op At, lettere be Todd he p mad toe hl. add *oboists and Hee pot, It. •sk . Orr r. CITIZSMi OF SOU EH PITTSBO KOH, BIBIIIVOiIItd, MSS DI SIIISOBSId., AND el OWNEVIOWN.— fluoride:Winne, hek.los boost[ the I.IIIBIEG GeZE .Tt spurt; win 0 de leer. log on Ith.ndey .lona[, too Ilth Inst. Beweetworltoes, or Old olve n. 4 tea trine tbel , 0•p•..,) . 111 Plow. to tbetr n mem es Hankteee etarA.Son - b Lettheed's news, Old !Bridget.= • arlervon'e .tart,Brownstown. GEO. I'. I, • I [HOL D, Carrier. . E tot Illrootnemn. Sept 10, 1804. salkltd (ALbIOCKa. M abate*Of orry lino 4:Naar.' Olnltoek, 410 do Mlntobts do, N f• Paler!' ' do; 9 0 do Deoenaoro AMU 100 do novo Muds do.. do' 'Fame '4 4 66 do flakkorlirckat do; U Wer..ll. k Ne w Broiket uOliti FUR sALE. Oui. Etr shanpNarthant'. oil Co.. alibi. , .tors. jOO do , do 4. innarporaiaa; . 10(1. do L lainhaid Petiole= 011 Coi iiS do Dubai do: 10 do fiderai • • ill :CO ,do 11 Dozato d.; 50 do Iro. (11.7 d o 200 do B. afoot do; 105 do la Wry do; !DO do Aduabeal 'alloy 01100.. inowpornitid. 111 4 7 io RAVD S.LL I.IIIIY, %War and Broker to Mt 15tooka aim goal Ilistato, ow @lobar am • Danirrit ill Oh 19 lavito attest, 0111rlicnt Lubricating Oils always on haad. .50 ... LIAM NOR SALE AT PIIIBLIO OUT- A' ruined firm d One Handled and Tventrfive Acres, la Irrampteld JE Z . I ECMoa tooreld county. P ninnet &on the wen by • onblinino&on a% es comb o f f Goma tow. sad ado Patti of Bar dokna;.ll•Aceso no ands • pal end* of stitlostion, the Won.. 1. geed timber, &MI and Ihniston• Prabnidason Thorp mob two • .1641 log g. hg b.... 11 boillen.., and mom falling vinous •, • Imo arobard .1 th e chaffs vouisl:zt of Gotta Ths fnost U ohm • . ante • good l. aa,.n d a sa esalilist Of Man. .•t , o•. WM will basal stpablta eatery as 811 f. atte=S Seth as W. pestat•A when bumf Will be made known and *b•r ittb glean. .i&1. DAVISL MOTT. A LLEGHENY COUNTY, •se —la the ca Wort of Qoartior amiss. of laid musty, Chaps toil= of dime tOksliltosto of th. Third Word. en.- eeevy Olt', ass primate& to Coo t, pronto" the Ontrt to gnat • rob to U.. taus we" MI stir, Misfit:LOS Into oat between the _properties of Jame PAIL Jr., sod 800. 1. . P. (sift, of Cu Third Word, silo. oho." should Sot he Tiestri sad tiosod op la stand otos oith tht 'mains of thsosetion oohso Lot of Asootabl" of Ids* oth, IRK whose" of Coon "mad Ulm fottonetog rolo: Aad now. &potato a dd,.t 6L tho o s ttlxis ' , titian "rousted to IPPRI Conn sad • Bal• to oho. tam .hy al. alloy thuds sountiotood should not at vonsal sad ended op Ygrant.4 al piste* for, sod tt Isordor.d that obikation of this rod* oitoll bo and, to [Su Pt:~ Darr" Goan, Info= Indio, tricots Mot. On Oka Onort. WK. L. lIILIMSON, Ohirk. soltatswdlor BLANKETS, Rockdale, • Cumberland, Holland. Glendale, l ANDS OTHER QUALITIES Vol &WI 111 WHILe, OrtiriL. eg o -7'4lgit MXECI3 rows' MAX.:WITS HUILD(NG lila Leta la borough sal Koalas* tots. • Ip adjoining Allegheny City: Oa Saturday altar. Leon. Septwaher IT, at It reelrolt. on the tresolae• by oriar at the ...too of Cleo. Breed, de. come, Mai ealtable .so lasedeonsely et.asteurperty .1. Hill/ale and 111 Vision Oetneteriee, ?elated •agbasy City, wen .:aped tar and eon• ir-aleatS aidanors. The plan inonprlant ITO Leta, of rations alma, about • rallvar eshbd la 111.dtairter Omagh. and thepthen l• ilea.. township. tali Shaw:harm Mildew Bright= Load .1 in 'talon ay.od or vi) ac looat wee.. bong thelocallty Mama so *liar:tees lidw." Tbe appral el paid of ea. Loa la matted oa thia pl., and no Let will be sold nolo , . at lent one ba f the value labid to start It. Mans tan . now obtaintd • the kaction Thaw., 54 Mb etre., Plttebeurgh. ?sans al' 1 0 0 t:—Otui-third tab; Wone and • w• ;ears, with Litarert, reared by boast wid alortgage„. $ 0, earl, to be paid aaeicb Lee when add, . part of ex. bay.... • ENVELOPE 4, NOTE PAPEB, PBOTOGIBAP3 ALBISBP, , POOKBT BOOKS, PENCILS, I ENS ud FL S lIOLDIRE, MIA 064, LITTEE, and odor pap rs, L EITEL 06411. MEET &H)0. BILL WILES, DID INE, PAPER WEIGHTS, PAW DOOM, BEGEIPUBOOKB, PIZEIGILANDLIMMOOPTING ROAM LEIGYBC.101 , 11.11•18, vAt lq E., DOTS AND TICIOSS 110.01 atd CHECK 80001, LEGAL BLANES, ONTICIAI ENTILOPIS MZEIEZI Assortment of Eltationer3 minute, 80BOYER & CO., Ito. Ei 11.171 C MUT. ntiPHAISIB' COURT SALE OF REAL V Oran—By TIMIS of order of ths Orphans. Ocwort of Allegheny Ootuity p ,tho undatalgoodwiU sapoorita sole on Ohs prsortnns, on 11113/181:0LT, &pia:mbar Mb, '6l, t sl.ron dokak, s . es. of sold day, a tract of land, lat. tho property of Win. a. Illorpson, tentainlvg ens hon. tlnd bons, mots or lan with a too story twist dwoll. Inn hours, and from. bars Spittoon anotid. Bald land I. latos•od In Wen WRnsht Is told toasty, ob , ol .10 aqd Warmth. from the Onto river oppcolo Haywrills. aid load la air:ad po.lttp, nal shoot sixty strof than. Ousel:area and fantod. • lormr—Ooo4lllrd orb tbo Midas in ohs sad two parsorlib Intorost, to bo wand by Bond an& blot /nen Tor Isionnatton enwaltoofiatillll a. lenClalll, *nue tbs V promiwra ow KUHN Litmus, 00.23 D L mPI ai stmot. MatmrlM. JAM'. H. 1101.1111, 0001ST SIMPSON 1awd13..310:12. Imam of Wm. E. elmimM. IptICTTEIL THAN WINS—By using the Jr . motto lIIILPHITh Or uttie, OLD= ouy b. perfrotfy oroot br uF.NeZtL at tlsu The Wu tau proorroito Mono , ' b 4.04 6 ,0 •a 7 hands at lOA, utocb an now so cionsalrs. For oda, with ait.rtfoo. for a... by 0111019 JOlllfigToll, Druggist, =nor dmithtlald cod roarth gimlets. T f 3. 10-40 LOAN Ooltmoriptbms to GOVZHIIIMIII7 10-10 LOAN. Dote ' teed u the aim of HANNA. ELLS • CO. Weed stree t. eethtett Z 0911171 HANNA, Apra. IrUB FACTORY AT PUBLIC SALE Di DHIGHTOH.-917H - bo O&M at 'motion on TllllDAH.eoploakborph,lhonoonodhttodono•thfid of ►largo Woe dory building s with standout orator poiror. Th. Venni WW2 price of sod magi wain , point dental* , inansdnontetoi yffirnami. jr c .. l Intonaltion oirJf on OUILIILI2I OHL* Ho: OS Wood Most, or on the =dorsi/mkt at !kw Mahn= toetteil THOUS 8111111. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD.—Lost antrorbar• betwaux Tezporanostille, or PlitibUrgb. 081 11113illID LOLLARD IN DANE 8011111. 'e Mara reward will be paid If !Alai the $lOO PER /10NT/I—Actin and rella, Ms Age' lathe Army aid wanton dm, tn: the amt tommirm Mattmm known. Ilemmehle me/ up tisk. Adam er War to s.llll.OAummy 111. IaIEW MIKE! PERFNES, of superior vi oridsis rostra; abo Erissimbilftersids, ibr oila*Wilile or Wall et Ow natl. Oronitiora N o , _ , arner Medi adlialittsl6. pIOTILY SEED. arr:Tri,•att ex pill by J. D. 011ifIlLA BELTlNG.m.Letther and • Onm BOSS do Lid UAW_ , God taddat, lb* as • etiNsgyfrier Astitp. ado side lomat sdod. /I,F gialt MAW "; 4 Jrz wr all, IrElt TISSOM.4 rd. A GRELT HIETORIGAL NOVSL. THE DEVOTED BRIDE ST. OBOROE TUCKER. rams—imea is 711.131; p IS CLOTH. Nook. fie irkliedofekts terefor felerrapA. 41111 DEVOTIID 111. VL By 131. George Tucker. TM. hi • rtee7 et emr•rallline lo Dana .= Th. horair• to of that Ititge• eat like. r blood. trbfoh warned itt• MO of th• ao-bis Nay M 0.,. of Leon: Vim:W. Tbt tal , It 1411.1iMbIl rated, bed he, .4 the. Ito °Peer, ...trios' machos. .blob team beth to our eq..] on tia. Parrinte , n w • rim o to -unong the • T./.1.4 Metals. with chitahia mulct, mod the soblost prieoi. ph, This le • 00..! watch, to pare.% m to e. 7 of T.TtnieN prime, In light n 1 I arr.,. of real life and •s. forget, Par • little ohne, sk lout, thbCMl ear el Gan We/m.1117 cesswk•ni tbs to_kiw•••rl em, • and hop. It rimy be volt r otived. A NEW =ERICA& NOV= THE RIVAL BELLES, J. is. JONES •rdbor of Wild Werolera Eermaa," "Will Barbara cenor,'". Len ad Huai, or AT Istoorraor ' la zhe (4 a.kar easy.' "no War Path, - do, cc. PHICN-41 60 IN PAPLS; $ IN CLOTH.. /nee •Aa P0W.1031 IfeeAsst loperd. TIIX 11/ val. 11XL. Zit By .arbor of .V 711.1 Was tern •11. sashor bwe air. e..n lotaeloss novel of seal owl.. sod' foseidarithle dnaaello pent Vb. 14...111 see laid In the Batioral Capita! to Pbllsdel t Wallow Teak sad BeIIISOVIL sad ta•dallemituras of teal manes..,ip:iactples, &stating =4 ofoloatire morals, are di.. with • wirier hand acd la • tel p roan lash,. Plot and Pesehe law tutiorisarea sa.h. 4.1017 sod aaturullj. be to ...a the lateral& of atm teadrr th scab the work. u d suable the tree Water to wiab and Isporecisas Its towed as. The litss prid • of tome of .0 people me.. uutbfal dept.'sa la this work, sad at lancet swap taro wathin ebtL. Th. 04,114 e. of the part. -causes( roam ol no, tate vs a,utborheugs—ate also earcastlcelip dtsrard Qt. TU. voter yob wri - tea, Aid Is g o tten op t runtal ...Eh at teple that chanaterls• ths pubtlat•-n, and ••• bave ao doubt It will meet with • tel aria, - TI It Tll TITTII ITTIXEST, sort door to r. O. boll W RERUN WILSON'S TECPIIOI7ID FAMILY II EWING NIACIN INES, • tas WIPES? LOUIE 11l THE WORLD. aIIOaITHI IT 11l TUN ELS?. Over le voo 80 lA.. ambit= hare been Orer r.roo hr. la see In Pittsburgh and HEIR SALES ARE GREATER THAN • all Others Conabissed. IT Ka HSI THE "LOOK STITCH . ' and mamma =dr ene-hall the awonat el thrumsa No la wed br the WAIN trtro oattres, No one abash! buy a Bewls ll•elttas m e ththey leave essmised Kd mud rho WEZILLEII S WUMN. Tiny ue warranted for three INSTRUCTION FR BB Btu:moos, Re. ar emu MUM W. ircrisiEn 4, co. Assam HaraseVe Self-Sorer tor ale Wholesale end &- tall. ol,Narseart T r °KEA PATRIC REIdEDIEB, ,o& WUXI Pstortaii A. nub Supply Just Received sa I—Cana feet, Classaiogi ashi laismitbe fiPOL Pstand liastluatem; ail th• AM •ttgsof al to sad ltdaguanton Mamas. Mos, 116 mats. 84.11-4Nem. wars revir,Woreei Odle seta Varadiesi Appetite, Weseteritke 8.4. PM., as °Ma. ll—Curl WIN Teething. 0.7t4 W•kaal glom Grevtit .0 Tabbitraen a( Infanta Mai lib oat 4--Chn Dlarvita6.3o Mkt= ni; cbgm I a Ef w:cm we 11633664, Cbatpl6l6l4.or Lan Mon oada I(s4 sad 6 am* ttli , VIM CM al Ohnutletelarrkais. /1)71 11 .tia7 111. skoeu 03;34 44t3p, 1461", 13311663 1334eatary. Prim 6$ eta .1,) Ho. o—Octra attain, Obolevs Itubas. Vaasa ma Vc.nritbw. Astbicitp Pleasing. 116p . ns, . _ . _ N. OM/A OWED. Houaaaa•, Bratalittb. Whams aa4 Soda Tbnal. Prka NB asala. ltd. and Ito I aaral £4l to alua tba vont Oald aad udearalla No. 11-o.r. Psoo-or.hs, Nen.= Paha • gill. D010r."... 'Nuns to ot. ns 11—Carif Howilwobs,lhkit Haw:Loch% Yarllgo, Nast is , Rhea to tha and. /ince TA cont. Th. Witelatizei with Na TO, It tour halo to care tho mot thiiewthato comm. Ba I.o—xaram Dnpepat•. Wank. A 44 or IhwatzVat Stomach. Ommtipatiou. lama Occaphdat. or =vas A:mythical:" Mos IS cants trialmalm Mr all oaaen at vir.k Signal= moll 1111to0s Compfaltha. Aa 11-ICuras Saporamed Slocam. ar &may, ar Sab ra., IN Dcaaikag, Gram Sickroom. M amt. No. 1.3-rewas Lessorrbss . Whits. Ewan/ Down, 5 , 4 Profs* thaws. • L 5 ants. 10.113—Orsalo Orom Hawes Oranpy Math, DLlimit Le Opp:mod Breotblag. lb amts. No. le—Cenollelt Enema, Or t 1 treptions, Ireetp ....a. Soda Ike& Urines' Ital, ftnploa on the race. IS amt. So. 15-oorto Stosamstlan. Path, Lrosszoik em. nmm en. eb.E. Bask. BLS., or Most., or Botattea. ES toot. No. - lA—Ourea lam .ad Aso. [Warmth.= pomp dips. Old Inthcarata &Claw GO ....W -it math Ilia • tharm, bath a.. prothatlva sad aura No. 11—Oomeo IPUN, latercod K Istoroal, Mina ot Ems, Bawd or OUUnato. m ma a. TU. moody boo wanl thonsendo of the woad pouf. blo cum. • So. 11-oares Opthtbslaa, Walk et rn"•^••d Iltreabt IhlLlng or Weak 81dt m mnta. rt, ntil elvoyi b r 511.4 upos for . OWL Ha 14—Con. Gault, scuts or chronic, dry az Co tat, Cold is the Una, lamosa. 40 amts. 110—Ourss Wl:4oo3stlsarb, shortimlng and pai n.. ma It, ro 13pasatodlo o‘.Sh• ...a. It Is Wallas, and slings mils's. and taros. Ha 111-01. e, Aathosa, Oppromd, DiAaalt, baborea D reathlas. °web and Itcpseurattoa. PliCO, 80 Oa Haadnda haTe bra nand by U. Ho. Hi-omm Har Dtsaltasgsw, Halm h the Hag. Im patted Ilmetwtt illwrwato. " utL [2 always auras. No. 1121—Certet haterala, enlarged Maw% awl Toddle th.eillap end Old Meer. 10 oath lbw eared the worst earth ea 1111:-Otuas Ocsail DthlUty, Plipical ei lICIIRII Wrings. GO =IL 110.16- 4 20 ms Drew. 1161.1 Amamilolooa, Tumid limaltetp, TM eau*, aarsioo6s. 60 amts. IS-oi. Naomi, Vomiting: MI omits. o.ll7—Cdroo Minato Moors. Gravol, kW Dl Ml eicalt or llolastlaft. Wanda. ! (Woolf • - Dome.. al old cam of /Lido oy Disease. Xis. 11:--1152r Bea Mad n i nlolm tary IldrnattotwAWnablts. Pao. Oe 1431" T. qhe momellalind remedy known, and mai b. rellod up, erasr • OWI4 : • • 10-oares Om Media as Iltamad. &dad • d Addis at Wino, ‘24 Ilse llsnot' sal of -liapsid 111.awk. =ad. 1101.—OursuPslaisl Z•astrastles,PeriamOramp. or Even Aerie% leads', sad Initstkrs td reatilat• It seta the • charm. „ . ie. fa-RonaCboolt• al Id% Innate. 11" b 1 11 =, slsdtatioo, and am Maw of . l oort. ON l3—CoraOwn and OonntrioN, Ifelary ur ILI/b=utri Carron or /St Vitae Dame ; Jerk y, Elyrtorbk. 1111. 00. th t.34-ooreo DVthirlaand tilos:rata or alugoluri , dorsibroat. w an* 90 vials MI% VVflialie. • 16 ►w car". loalmse .tb• tict. maks up • ale al Oa Mad pa show. ••• bsoke, ••••=1 ta s soft as Alga by issrl to ay Mame, and the memo irvi M doll noliznad by sal at uplift am of dulliA =•••• 0&211T17 07710 E. L EL FULTON, Irma it;..4 oxarara maw snow at ! or beim abiyita OM% Wholdo spa le 1/11,3th 11611401;1U m i *mum. Kamm= GRAMMER wok at INALIODISIZ erns. 11 , —/7 pied asstsies Wallas ails MOO o n o= swel!Flosel gm!! aalet aratellak AillaUlina. la II ; skiudigo mama ra.* FLU GOODS. CLOAKS. N&W GOODS. NEW GOODS. N3EIVT a-oomel. w GOODS. STS w GOODS. ITIOW GOODS• • ax J. W. BARKER & W Pik 611 KAM! I MIT. FOE PALL TRAM 11BNIllf mien. 1200 lbs. Blue Ore L Yeah; la MAD, /1211:78LINE, =MOM EMBUS, 6011 ■ffieo, ind ease dastriblilecieen; to 'NM OW Well Selected and Assorted Stock &T THE LOWEST FRIOES FOR UHL 186 , t. NEW FALL GOOD& EATON, RIACILEN & CO., Kos. 11 and ID, Fifth Street, An lOW agesmitv ÜBE FALL COO.DS.. 71...T r 0t Una' Drair Slime&eel; Needle Waked siad Noswthrgs; Zeal Loco sod lase Teamed ; Sat& Lsea sad Masa Calters tad Mee atrobtoNlesoNOollassataadkerehletiOdotoroda, Elbecas, Hate Iltere,lktrta, donate as; Boa& tabbed sod Zadmorst Hoe, Eats noels, WM.% WOW, karte,&,.; Ovate Mae Vein Palm; Ties, tapeadirs, ko.; nee wed. Nabs Shire. sad Drawees ; Mae &amen aad Nem Nateling Ystesi sods swortattat of diem Goods sad Notions, We-would brig to related &cram& ese . others thee .1 Md.& ores lap rock of matt dedrabla rug& cords. e a bait ths bar gnat abeam In rier=l led& we , lower the the man wldttkoir of car urinal tarrehar o s; to oar tomer 13M:td, la eta to sjoltda sertstiat en avenge also Ilan o a JNBEIING 4113 M., MATO& NI &CAME & CO. ag Nos. 71 sad T'S /Urfa ST. FALL DRESS GOODS— ' A T J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. BRIGHT GAHM= PLAIDS, PLAID LIISTRES. Poplins,' MINIMA Ueflnoes, WOOL MAINE% BLACK WOOL DELA/ABB, Ooburgs, Parmettas. • Nil mapetasat of DRESS GOODS. /CAA of IT3IIINAETS clump. SIIILIMR GOODS Dort atos to fhaaawr Glom ud &des 11 O 1& goods of bow far Now Mat cast. Itaat liandlarehialb. la plat a bowie mat k Witetind. booAt two and act aerszont. /a Notes Slav we Wm owaalab lob to star at aottOwl Nowt Tata einan i V 2L Ooraltirts, Una DranatOws Drowns awl allk Ulna annoodwo. Yaw s-Mb sod. Clllars. bud Ws of Pope Cbilsam. ts mac so= sod Obildrtes Chum Unewnsw, /4WD; • on &meta Main anima, 13slotatal BEMs. 11..w0 II Ribbons. Bowl. Mate sag Roses Bottom!. Gila t Lows oat Want Ribbons. tuntotals,'slcolag oat dhow. Nrookhat airs, Is now patbrao sag , . , o r woos's. DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS. SILKS. CLOAKS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. A. BATES. NO. 21 FIFTH STREET. WOOLEN YAB 600 " Fine Eastern Yarn! DRESS nuanuraies. aoiaassr, • GLOVES, NOTIONS, sad MALL WARES, WIIOLVILLII AID BSTAL. ZACIIIIII A GLYDE. Ito. TO lIIIILIMIT EL'HiIIIT XlllO CERA! LT TT and TO Market lir 'et. WROLRSALB ROOMS UP STAII asknerattaato Dada ars taritol oar Neale 'DA Ydisst7 Goo:Luta:a. /OWE ROWS& 00 Zak t ANDAMOISIT DRESS TREIMENI3BI a ammo inzuzni =son* A= NMI tilrA er% wmoa51111X211111" gOIMM, - Atiquiesaint • mats swim ALM 11131111320. akin LtrD arra Ito Lino NW QM 1110210$0. r, Rio IllUdl, DEIBIIII 6 lAti, pla}lols a ICELODEONB. •Mr butook of EXASI COV bax 1 1 1 sad won 11110.11 , CIaBIiATZD °Bi Vao,and belx• r tbs lad advance La gradkl. r 410110TtI atita• •WA INLODZOID, A.ll/.0 E r ma =ADM% asul • iirlP milertmal dam MU N 1311120. • ' =WINS ntrA; falLU.stakti DB.UMW SMIWR lEFEI 77f 1 , 3 PRIVAWM Toro»ttitsetotDlALULlS OP Tall Mat AND MUMMY owns, 168 load Inamealtnt neg. Sow et tamiltritAttull to 1111 0 11:4 fah ordOpid . _ (.4)1Z,--FE3T. I:.‘ :24 .w.. WA NT ttp—io per. 3 waded te male nem &meta en= sal wake=. mtztt VMS MDT it SRO. 4 WANTED 11131.13DIATELY.—TwoJzttr " a l aLa at / .. a ""a* +II 4 I;AT cant-- • 35 So,/ Grant strati IVAN TED.z-ditobegtOltablidgit zuld TV WAGON liaiteanTa. --- Www — bid - s - rwd faradseed xply, af with •12 4 th• ... . . . T.-DD.—Three or four fk, om 4 1w . !', , :Z T V yousg mania! o,tla, la Um levicir sxy. To. l o om port Ot tho• Of power's& , P,Arovo I . / . ) it THIS orrice foe of toProose• strop. 6.0 ly WANTED, A PARTNLit,-Either sp;.c.A.l or • woclerato euth aortal, 1n Ms Wool azd CoOladatiois alaea. IleiGnmlltrlLOLl•Er, ip al tbla ao•, for It.ret day. &II eon. avalo•b.a WIWI, cal./lc/oat! , ITAIVTED—AC elnistion iti . le hoiari t , V-IY was try TILLAG I nTOBIi . t 7 Wad , . who Bag bed iseniy yens sekestsece In C.. beekeei6 Bssommandatlerne et tbs , Brsi order Ea be inn. La Address A_ 1. B Osserre erne irtr, sexist attsAtfan. * seeltss W ANTED, to purchase for cash, a mall 4.. COMFORTABLE lINTELITMG, . ;Pi: - brkk ar tram*, aith paanarearr tilbi WI, to thin en ty or I. Atlegbaay. • rider.. &R 4711. vela ... :t W ANTED— ,eI Lco aural XL klf. Baal 62n and 7. ta U. El taanti•—biewa prku.pga a - TOR IBEX—faleilien7 Vall".1.Za11,00 ancti flanabasillis Cosxallavtra Natletaafiltenft Valx , ll, C. Iwo "d "y a . IL.SISS b, bcLEtat , X uo.. TS harts Mead. W/O:TED—The ettentiorrof the FAL" i l!.k V all a to teat cruatatkboob *pa ed, Pat 607001.300 1P. ub1ic c• mutt. ; ll , achcc/4 Eemit.stist.Acacami.• cad Collogek •Irthy• ;la. • leo E•atice ory. Wan rape,. Wimio•r Ai ail tite.,•fity. mita W/LEJGH&IL ! 114 • Iry eeeeni stew, ; WANTEI3—* situation. as Book-. k epee anus:at kook-tears,. ato erk. Is 're. iasnlAwc- , taring .ttbilitenet, of . bola I. stoat . 1 1 by 7 o2zs m. of goodt.i•cosioa, rho Wm bow beelt4e•par tar Emanboctaring estabaslarrat sterax/ ye.t. 8.4 et rd. area ma be thitct. Per salmi Sat we, tmrsb 1.0. WANTFM-4150per'Montis:=Wii *IA' : re- 1 .411 V .• rabbi" Odium tsiikestwirs*ik .a ut in base spats amulet 811:0441 Iraq& 7rtve is way tag maallalaS: • : St Atattasak : Jonvs BIXOTEMIta aP ti . '. * ll Itstamore. : WA.NIERD 131313DIATELY gook; V ofelOy fatale awn to murk at the puLv MP* ADAMS:MAUI osnal,atii ae Ono );;; sima. MINIM BINGIELI4agukt. WANTED—A rood MA mini Br u*/ 1g VT ex= AZIDIOIII O CI. Abooilitir-erdirki • =nun. Agtzet sap; paid 11c. poi s, Salm IMt• Id HUM 14,111 ;OLIN tbs.. drab. OW of Dwlsim WANITD, ILANDB.-4*,,i4e 1: Ivr carpenters watts& MONA wspll walb•Pill 6. - ""Pler"'". %%ix saltat Loscilcd., INAusismillslor aka% WASTED. ilthitigATELY - 4 1 154 174, TI 11•101111 sad arratal . Iff MEWL st' Qs Blab Wart - Tegarr_. le. poi S ID ITT4 MM.* 1 .svcrio•r i=‘;i T7_ ALIIAI3LE STOCKB AT, AtiOTIOR.i. —Os 2 , OII2DAT•SVZITING;PoOkisbarIdAd I 5:•. , edock, will lenoldslOosaeorrlol Asko Eadail.Ws 00 ' , .,4 ' nasart '" 6 duos liods lidatogoVaok; . • 120 do Dokall 00 Go; ' i ,i..: ~ . . . . - 15 do P - VILA Oreek - dc; - ... , MO do. ' Malys Os - t• " Ids de ,XI /kasdo Cm • t. 3, ZIO do,,SloostagtOlool ram 0o; 600 do Ekarostock Oil 09: ... •td 600 do Ma ol do ! i • il 410/ do Molts Oil On -., LW do Fayed, do ‘, . 4 1 . SOO do Iron Gls oaaq s:o ao WlAtoto Onak oo; _ : 1.11 lal do sts t seasliOrta ri n d 02 00. SS do T‘szticakoay Ekon OW • '' I ''''! . nonwissol.4l 4 / 1 41 h ~.. ' I' l oar WILL BE ADDED to the Lists of it Vf oat& stook. slroody alvottloql to be oolf ettoisq;.= ealrtia, ;Nrk, - of a 0:galk; se Vilitairot 74' thane Boot of Inttoidalio limit 3 • ' . If oo band Buntee as , 4 41 ai -do Es. (berated Arlotplkd • . .14* d 3 Obi lig CO• I r - /DO do mkt* q Sod itiodloodi co ad. • !1 . ....1 •u A. drivtrAiNik FOURTH. MOAT AUCTION ' BALI'-4 at thaw choke Willmar' be *Apia eabdiebluit-t -of Itraldeek i a lield,an MONDAY .4111/111001, /alms - : teiaber 12114 at 11 chlook. oA It. Dreads. Abed alleg' 'tsarid of dam beautiful San Mite Diastole erkilbta4- Ma bat mesa, and- ury of Stream. bole batillrblT 2-7' ' Tare—Oue-tblei iamb btlabee lb Jibe enti-tier-q -year; aacutail by WO sad - bib ablirbiebb,i , pi,15 . 0n each loi.wbea Kb% o7.paft of Orb raysemblil liceuralen Trains. as iterate lovatocultibe,lii Yeausyhseta apt abauetirelne • DVeaut al ate la.W. brup .. aue teckalr. reeitedY. do AA tstitadr .rudtbita t Ckal l, C734 97ll lttalteta l i: Ailited. and no bun allowed Ryan tlea testa. - Ham ' be lab la It. Awake itoeme;2la. Writ& anat. „ A tICTION SALE OF ICAILSKY: OEMV: TIIICIL—Oa .1131:EDAY, ileplember_LOV., 4.72411 I 654.11 cickdr.., a. 5t.,..111 . be sold at the YIHMqq I, 1 3.thtpl DMA, Mast. ,Ltd, Strube ad115t,.010),.10 , , , , blaust bieder,aboat, , 4 &Oro Si Irinayerttra&;' - $ • Deik BI os lasas•V , ttO " Cottoac.l CCO 'bawd t do • Te2llll of c&—a11811. la o.staxesat Tudi 9 . • ALEXIIDDIIIt Mink_ vaptibi sad tile A UOTION SALE OF COND i. is 13 i": ' ' ',l 41 HOBS= , - ~11 linsiftraivioniii OxfassrßoinNt '.: .- , 4 it . 04See of read Cturtertaasters ,: ~ ...1 1 ' Waancorcrros, , Autteit I, MA. i .••q ',4 WM be sold at Pa th s anakan,to the IdgbAst, ,!..?. 1 Mao tha• cod plaoscsamed bdow, 'du - ..r,si ".• Doting Pa, Thmsdivaapest IM MO; .1 ll ittoota,Ps..Ttarets, fogad 91:412, UM, • i' 9 ,l uunce.r....natuww.aqtambs , 112, Il ati' -...- ' l il I li HarrisUrg, Pa., Thurstraypepteekber Ohl • ••-isct Two Stand ota) Canty: Harms aS es= Plum; 1 ~.. ',l Mon tiorne• turn Wee' oondamas4 sr =St Or lIIPM riarylkillosof the army. .. ,• M ira Bold =Oita= parpormsarippdburtloiiiiiii 11 , Has ''' ' odd gnm, Tonns—OulWi Vatted Ms:6i earraiar ainam . 4... H ! ,,,, a 9 .: JAME L. "LIN, I, d jj lastelenant Ooloaal sa Od.t trnsfirstishd.r, ckl,,,i z , iinfils! . .ll Q . ATMETES, .1 1 ' , 0 , - ~ • T1988D3, WMTONS, ; F 421 ., elintl Pr 4 amitamait,ll EPOLELLAND% 40CMON HOIIISR* Ong Umtata Gs Atm at 11 . $ HP= STREET. osetaw P'Aztrr a-a Kauai JAKERILUI MI , opeceel oiliee ea the corner of. DM int f'• Wylie ettnetn entrance 143 TIM 6111ZES. Ewan; I , Wrof !Eakins. 1567 anereguhir oat eerrolphenos ea =WWI= at aloe " ate propiesd to treat en exams la a alsottlle • s teerr u esemehla Climes cartels. OXII IZED AID.—Te Orne The, from ete4y ream or readied sada, haw become e.tlmed Awe t Oxygen In.w2ua they require to beam* healthy nat i" einem; we woad aty you eta be eninglei yLeallii at wiz Mee. 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