w . . t ntiotbange t fazet OllHAT<szeslA WYW -- - eta- AD' -' .:'''''',..-......... ...„,.. ,i?." ~,,,-.- -;,-;•, • ~..,.. I wd3% fil Etuio uip 110.•••••• r d r * " =Mx swabs- I foteneritha..;*„. S lOS TO , 160 651 100.115 120 130 150 10 BIM 00 1681 073, 13115 1s 111_11211 'ass 006 760 use 116 76 7275 2760 2900 14,E01 400 600 [ 1 : 5 100' , 1110) SO. LOW' 'cumazazum mmorramitam. o rOf Cat &mad& au Ow dui ',sates"; - 01 sad to the balloon af whirttser. ALI 4 1 . 1 1. r adMibmaacits In met proportion s. • RMaEiEil isossi saloaltsto alms spopte 1T16.1146 IN 800 '66 06 LI 00 Y 6 10 60 Ohs yea*, 40 02 co 16 163 00 ilaTtet scam dyable the rem • • , lhoth Immo, ..on abeam. amnia, Btotabooi anneettomontkiar tap— aunntone anainfinni..—•••••• - :VINT AND BOBIIIIIIAN6 4 . guti n k Arm e n , -Re g iment 'Organtietl the ateurearaltall 'radar author! ty from the Wit Dosettheat by Col George &Haltom tar fi Rem Artillery Praise, were orpaleed lute tee , 12*e:into 'af twelve outhattha rely at Camp a q uadi o ssemilo. diet reetheatzill baon g er atiatithaa at Cat Gallops arid Ideal. Calloa.llnneas.-.' Tits comiod ptelareataposthe lb, fl wat bwoomialuses Mon • -Voiryrosy A—Capt R. It Tellag.-- •. - 1 Comae, B=eept: Howard Horteu. , Catioarry,C 6 4Capt..P. 0. Pampa. Canny D—Capt Jabal. Alward. P., • Coupon C=CapL Ylebad Belre . Camper, P4dtpU4oairdial Noss. = Company ti=thipt:/obaltala. ! C Coomma" repauy I—Capt. Wt. H H—Clepa;Aoseoll . lodypao. • Carepay IC-Capt.: W. 1., Lowman.' . k 2 .l_ Coupe',l.4l,ept. Georgie X. ' -Campos ilt—Ceptlthat. - - • V: Flits Biseeki emed vtll be aorathinded Cel. Chubs B te entes.-- Da Marring Is anti at _-;•3 the Compute omayrislag netimeat: t• 1 Rostpaay A-nd. Lima W. H -0141. !•:,!, Company • • Corepary 0-o*. B. Amapa, tr.•;Cap t. Lulls. • Comm 111-Alept..T.,-.11.00e5e14 _ • • Comm" /5-Capt. 1..11,. ts, Company Darla Y. Ilrale. , ••-• CompasySo.oept.G.l. Brun. ' • thrzpalyl(..rthwt. Haas. ~ • % Compost I.—Clapt Hemp: „.• , - Compaq ht-. 1144. WA. Wileadliets. Cal. .I.topele Aritamt will probably Ware fir . '.-1111XCeily Clam Itayaskla. 01"eatarttiilast,s 9ornal seaty, Ilerinit u. Cinpitijaolds, (Whop um" er. did adjutan t ) k i wiz onntsidhioiptita Da* at an Pnantst "air* on ch irp of - haat antanna- la tit taLrahly arty* barrels . 111,162 franiCaliP*'' nolds. following 'aro the partkilam - 113 neseas wirlacrld nonfat:is An. shinty lam , connected w i th cdp onatatam elate Ms comp nary fewdaYsiti aide; to wain an grant- which areamastes at fhitop.: • Is Elottrolay, two 6fttaU, which` he 'supporta won, pled with grain were placed In his wagon, and two soldiers: started with btu for this ' err the 'rood :ll* stated not .11 th• bards •contabed - lso handred pounds of geotbroarrangar. wldett this tarred to dispose of Colin far thirty .dollars.. , The ode was so il, oepted andth• awr if, a i rT=L - Tito sum was db- N pond' of, -by tho r, for - sdnotrdollars,, and afterward' for $l2O. - Tholrn varana• sr 1440020 DS.Ibulael. Einstedihwelantlastanoe to =tether, parlArrldontly Ohs view of _°44 ,8 44 1 S This lad to tho arrest ghee pony wand. -A t thirty :onto palatal, the • ordinary price of Mit 1111'101o f sum, the lel wotalle worth 11.50.;A talltOrY cOmiIIMPA , VIII auxins , the cin.to:dsy. , • - - - ' young tan 'Wad Mr. Mitigator? , limy stabii cailatazday, and 1014 a hOtwaaf buggy totak• a rid% into tbs (lona try, :Attar loaving tba city they:drove** km* fa:lowly; mar seating an obstrnotion on .6110- road...dam into It and boobs the blay. Mr. blogastanisppaarod•botelti - tha 'Mayor and on bend a 00M9/111IIVAglata Chant - far abasing kis maarty. Ono of the young:non was artiatod yesterday and bold in $3OO ball kw bla ammo! atuto tardy to antiwar. Ike chat Ito lirotT otablactitialatart..bkiii boat annoyt&latn ly by parties abusing thir holm and "bras their Taldidow' It 'a few of - of= thou angaigid la ,;bis "aannianunt," watcpreattatod, *ski . kirti,tlolitott - aryl:Ming a stop to it: tie =film estimate of oOoLio 3 wleffinOn Iwo 'Prints* is tooth& coo - so;*hale - the blboze-etent*Callyn _ 'matt& Fite*, Weieetethe etthisedpeeeless .FPtitodpo .Floret4,l ;whose_ distilled ex treat to the' Mel topedteat.:starc.gLettree -for -the Lair. IL is eta most el:teeming 9ieltiethaitee, and era totheroPoilllsmltsmie - peopert* or. atteng posithoojirithap the aid of crimps, tonpi or mei paperv.".. Mae Inner. contelas-ne. oils, dmpoo ,nothfeirbut the pre basing end **coat WARS: . of Pratte sad Ellel,l44',.toesety, ite _ , Tais : limmansais,Paoraarins of Brown's Bronchial. Troolumliars &Mit thorongtalv tested sineefirst introdniodi`" - Thirdomand for Mom hat itoadily larreatocand 'slimily upon .their own.merits, thVY hive found favor with thus, who, trout.Palmonary, Bronchial,. or Asthmatic( complaints Otitis them,' _Tor. Coughs,' Colds, Bronchitis, .Asthnia, and , lolcumss,' tlmy are. entirely. :Mammas, removing -all: ohrtraotions, and latrtisiing at . mica the prior and iszibility son yobs goid, !milk, head of bar, or "risk to proreat your bar from torabiggrtri or, whoa grey, wish tt fort:wad to Its ortgliad ado Ton mart use as artiste called It anatutros, it soma to be one of thaganstost saraossoa of the mama time. Sore to reader tatlslastioa far the slum purposes when other prepara tions have hats& : dold by filsootaotutstoa, aw. dzoitlatold sad "math streets, and by allsolroat . , Lisopias S ipsscan.::oa flifirdsp - SAO. norm nueinskiiiippearad befarehriPar/tanr7i and entered diromplitigsbut Mars Malatya, cbargisehei. sith stealing , gold - mush from her at s boarding house ea Second strut. ;'.ll' warrant was issued for - the snort the defend• ant, sad,' sftsr s long search els was found In the howl of a Mn. Iltahardsaa, on Pitt alley, 2,legties7. Sh..waa locked up for shearing. . . Dann= Iform—ltanida ~ Itaffairay„ reeldemt of .-Varatwitimrlllo,. Was arrested ;an Sataiday,wn - -a gimp ot.kwiplar - diaordatlr home. Altars Dewing before Mayor Lawry;ha wu ocatualqed to jail in dafantttf war rant war attdLmadfar the meet of MaCerate wife bUtsbe Inanapi,to @lads tie polka, and • Brim= or -Pszoosintti.—Ooo of the tdeat specimillWl at. pM• drawing-that we have am soon, Elton exhibition In Mt Gllloinfe'r window, on Wood . stint. It etas assented lig Mr. W. H. Da, Teacher of Pannaashtp,inDars Commit do Collets. Mr. Dot hat. Si. eitiotation of being otat the most expert, penmen to thenons el7, and his last 'Sort will undmibo4ll' zdd gwhitly to Ida teptatian. ..ff • A 11:081aora Amor, the 31 - actions rebel loader who was explored fa asp orvlowir-iltblitplaor brantarclAtltlnalmaa squad of cavalry, soca .hivo_. wrath; .airo - , has bleu sentancotta Anima 'jean at hard labor . fn Forrplaalrazit k for dlsticialshlng blsosolf at a rebel &wilts. Mail*, toaccrl,y AC aglaabolltood of MaolLialisbarg. STRUCK 3T Lrairearaa.-0a SaturdaY weals. 1, , duriailha irtarraii'lonag Aland *am, amallard, IA ita Tin ward; An gekinh ,timakit(7'.lll24o , lZ4--s t lill•-on his way -Irma Th , lightning:struct 441 m od ths Inalt Waite wevtrakdarons- Maidaillaratrilat It foi a vack,aaa ldistersd.. moosidad 'rreacidas Itlf 4=ll at ihlartlY TaToinife—Thb stub&fholoantifol Ploy of th s aggid ttsiciavfli la lifeblood xi no Mu. sem-with oolotantsploodfdponog,infippootat-- !2, watt, FAN ...Tradifieorvia palm* gm ioQueine. =du ~thirla mho ittsVappsionol. au lady this 'moo ftoy'llofivolultlondo will yk . go' doopylooll Ran , MO 4coliwire...Nhargiy„bist; Z‘"' asph 'Saga, Marhats, la Ws gwarmactusk-avar -by:the - min inter,en - the ressetaldiar.ltillrout,* abort iilitaaas pal of uneutimandinstAntly Hawn Us on the track trimiths teddent Irturnonz--Irozefil thinodit of • ohlld lagratrlyiqw, mit. found b r a s Thigneatobelough.',4Vws. ilightir 41900101100Vald I Pregivntl7, ta waif MOE* lots the a~b7w +7 Mt•friPow ChOti p , (kir:7lllM ;*ICI Ifriarasto of Mose lbontitVal - 44 addockt einziathii sfigisooq,- Vihui ariebtitte depot' id', lussi;4l I ew Publication. r4r MI Curium es Gilman B. faaavu, • •Ociurs-15. it; atary;• By O. B.lllllArl. -•ptday-.1. 1 / 4 1416 Ihir Oa air / sitharifir Moot alonment koCiggAigt, Anal me mob' will at amen onamond Had toes admirals of kU eliszaetor.jonorit- Aip an/politic& The bookloexotiollnly wail printed, and oubstganiaily bound. It_ L ea bsiltshod with an 'illuminated tithfrbwoand a tint prStolt of the thnigniL Tor taW ' by Da. vie, Clacks k 00., No.ss Wiood stmt. Cam=: A lisp's to Lentsthrs's fluststis_,o • see Other eon= Byertio. iltneastple: J. want I Cb, The prinelpal poem of this tasteNlly , printed and headwind,' bound little volcano is a reply to certain observations dropped WM Theologian in Longfellow's recent "Tales et a Avoids Inn.' The author IMUILIAMS that those observa tions were not strictly orthodox—in fact, that they were absolutely heMradox--and ha pro ceeds meordingly to make mines-meat of the Theologian and Kr. LOwelll 4 / 3 1`. How well he lament In his undertaking Is a caution that till' be decided by the reader. of the poem in aecomtance, doubtless, with their orthodox or heterodox eonviotions, for it ie thir that most men jade things in this world—by their palladium The other pens in the book an generally of - mush merit. The author cer tainly bad no occasion to oatmeal his or her real name under 6110.1 de phase. For mile by Davis, Clarks k Co., Ito. a 9 Wood street. 66 4 146 I 154/1 11 1519 315 200 leas, 14590 40 010 51 10.70 660 170 2201 Goo 1170 ,170 800 110001 1/110:4 ifszata sr MIMES P. Istimi, Pthatostry of Ike Protestant rphoopal Marsh to Ohlss. 5.4 by bar Broths., Inn= 6 Tenksy. New York : B. Applatos a tb., 413 sad 415 Br:Wm. This book Is mainly composed of the laterite friends, written by hiss. Keith daring her girl hood and minted life, and daring ler relasien.' ary experionoe. They manifest a deep and Pat. at religions feeling, and an Went entlinsisant in the work of evangelising the 'heathen. To tho sambers mpooialla of that 'branch of the Christian Charok with which she was connected, and which the ielthfally represented in one of the most Important of Its missionary beide, the took will possess mush Intarat. For sale by Davis, Clarke It Co. P11•01 , 1A mar Pautteab Durres Arranged and Ne tted by Frank Roam New York: OKage P. Pat- This imbue*, the third, vs Ulises. of Mend, addle wad blow Mid. contAlus • ealectiost bops the best Political audPerianal Ballade that hare appared sinuetho 00IILIIIIIIONIIIIIIia the present Babelllosw They has* bean Laths/liana= varl - sources, label as wall as National,. sad ars presented to tb• reader without note or ease ment. For sale by Darls,Clarke it Co., No. St Wood street ' • Lrrna PavaT's Oarrata Bests, Bp &We 11114 Limosßdanyeaid. _ ; This Is likelier of the popular Little Pauly sarlar of ohlldrin's books; mid will bs dsvoursd lallefluseb.7 the MU* folks. It Is for gala by Dans. Clarks! Co. 111•41. Batas. By J. B. Jonee,l . ?thar Wild Writ. pbla fi rr ";:z.b• Wan Pat t mats tn W . BlattlaTty,..Ba. 43.11ttit amt. Ras Taut: Bore Link. of the De Ohata. By the at tf "The Bar of..Badcb ff. ' Taosatataa is DBe. leek : D. Appirtak A Oa. Mu isle by Data, (larks al 00. 80. St Weed stab; llttabargh. UM Damn Brand Santa Mauna fa Vtesaber,' • 11f4, ham ban melted oat Is to ale by W. A. Ott eseenay, Ho. ft Fifth street. Waase ar &am; Matted af lhastotsattoa, at tie Tatar* of the afrataa Baas le tha Baited Stabs. Bylol. atart.Dala Pam Plittattphts: B. 14/11=1 iltlelmok la an exhatuths.impairp int* the Collect or vbica It treatoieud postmen septet tamest th 4 mist In thiehletor7 of Mu- country media the bletotpef the learbsrons Instltetton vlelehben prodati that midi. :No Man la the Count," is tore competent than lir. 'Owen to write =eh a book. It Arcata nieslere an at. tenth's 'reading from maw of puttee who would directly enderstead Wm pest-medal and' political' problem of the day. for sib by Key *Ala, No. 46 Wood trot. XIMCIA.II.IIIOOIIII 10210J11116 ' Taxan Paartalain Lan °Tasmania' Slate ?Soota i 'and dealer is I'mlaninala sad Vas , ad sista al As but naallnyst low maks tam at Alm imaihniN ame lb. Wake, Watt, Pltlablmilk. Ps. • Ifoutm.—The Sane= ofterreebas dirested brilliast , suortmentof epriag , Bassmer Goods Jan reedred by co friend Jobalfeler, No.. 12$ ifidersi street, anir glanyi. Mesta* comprises & groat -I=l nag lreick - linglishafootob. and • Cessismose sad. Maas, sal dm Mc and ess dun Vertbspi—or rf trbbib win be nude irp L order la the latest styies sod in the bid mans r. A &doe seleetion of forthift Goods sbo as band and for We, tosciber with ionsbfs mods. sank of Boats liad•Olothise. SBA fllOl- Bantoyan.—Boranor Mamma s Co., Iternium num, tan mama to 13 Bra'Wild street. We Ali fast roosising our mood supply if Mani summer goods, and mould most re -1,7 Invite oar Mends sad the i rk) la sild ron to examine' -our ' saw stOidsr . Until 'to le - ono o r Var linen . stooke o oloiolon *nor igoolli In MO' ormeat war =WS Were toil .sitistscrttor,' .both 11211* Gisor ss s all - Wore ptatimipt ilsert - hero and jagi or Idalltirmasa. 'lim4rmi• No. TS !Tithe:ad street. • i_Einstima Term, ,whleh ohm prevail se fe tidly at the South end West, ma y be prevented by the timely us* of 03611:0TO //WI& CiEfifsr AGO9I - IE., It pit s itd3 be common:Si on appear ance of the earliest qmptome, which not unite- IL . luilit/T:Tioosdst the stack several daps, mid evinuweeks. The sensation of fatigue on slight eieftion,. - derangement of the stomach, Inert nesonf the limbs, wandering plans, dejection of spinet ire the sunset warnings. . Sold by all druggists stul.medle Ins deal. examma awl amino alb will be mat the rsibns 01:1130. No. 41.11 Penn use . day or 11,ilt. All orders left at the atm.. pines will be promptly attended to. All MIMI wool ba paid in advance: • flerunints. —Dr. Bodenhanrr, Jr., hewing returned from Bedford Springs, he will resume Ids paellas at his elks, R - Third greet, Pitt*. burgh. Niffs-Ssoent Fxsze•Or.ses boom--Come end . see aunt Sty li sh Coats and - Pant told see seable I R. Essrszinie; 6881 Otalr st. lllLLSAllTTlZl—Bettattisaarslag, at hall past oa, DAY,D W ILL/1.011 IIAt.LANI7OII, awl one soar sad els swathe. valy,ol.rd of Samoa IV Salts. Mt% dee% at the U. S. Nam and /lade - Tanana ea Nana 'arietateoa, MS *Week. Croat the nafdeuaaofGeerpllorrer, X. D., Tetoperammorlds. nit ate it the Wally are reimettally brothel. HILL-On Sabbath =rah% Ilth halt” Mr. W. HOL, t 1 05411 h you of sp. The feamil*ll talte igioe ea NOYDAT A12111111M,52 4 o'clock; from We bits' 11114111201, No. ISS W.bit.r street, :enema smokes • matmeitelng at 33i deka. The .Erhaide of tie feaklay:me rooretfally totted to • STEWMIIO47B. R OINOINNATL—The rpleadld Ombra W. V. 01711215, Capt. S. 8. botany. Viii loan at ably,* ea. Tea •a, latb rer DOW aPoorata WIT oa board or to self a. D. 88L1.1888 WOOD, Amt. TetEXHILAILGELLIPOLIB AND] j a a t AA P08111101:1111 PACKIL—Tta, aaa atotratr,Joaso Poitoll, Capt. J. 8. Lam. sO l n the abc,to ata , latonaoliat• porta ma IiOIDAY, at A O'clock p. a:. ' * . , a •talitio or puma appl, oa Wad or to JAISMI OALIZta 4 CO., Amts. ' self 4' ' 'artatt boat boas latraolaabola Dotty. Top EI:MAR VitTBi3l7/443a h,lt t Alt i t, VitTrOP4II:,PACYCE r e —Tbe atessoSi Brtirti6l7l, Molizess itsseskr, Pltisbergb. y TUE3DAT. 1401.... PAT sad 23 LT 1nD.41 ar. 12 II" lam Wballeg every niuNuAY, WADDEN:Oa and THIDAT, its 3 m. • Ter Ended or patio apply es bawd er to - JAS. COLLIES/A 00.,Ayeata. • . • aall Thrfpod. belt Maaoaband.iltredre. Yrr tusuliGH FIIRATRR. asabielom. 413.11 f sysitT THE ElitatON. rr 2ol - 8 3131 / 3133 "7 - ei laii/FAI&ESINEES.. IV; ifpie,p QUEEN. • • . 141711 EN... rwisceory, Oaetuutte am) nechualcal Effects: New alasches sad DAZICM , - (tfilii,*.zyttui.c, vin e l :ri*cotthooti3 Ivo! sivi*iterry,Stricip, the beautiful SpectectulerPlar. eittltlettitie NWIE , 0111 m. . • ~;•2 4 1 4 D 9VE*II. 1, WO 1' elf orm . . . . . . A -CIMIAP PARK , FOR SAtilln „a Wats*. lUMi sereaoslaity otwhldhlid•andsai bleat, urea -sawidow, with amdartshis .hilltwo_din oatda, ands 1 1 , % T atbani t.w•U .Imgal/di s • •••. vol• orwel _ thaduat.- Namur* la Wed Deo tainibiNla &dm the city. Dm Creek wiard.thrwala ,e. Pim Odaid dith• Li* Ovid at 13,3 00 TaMl l . 1 . 44 •7* AIPPII 10 , ~ . , .X*51413 a CPO: 000-1:0. LlZrrrbinledittii:,pogses• lanu,'Vell.tvxkUlzv ! p r ., „ rut odlowsia Sae Vita" Ho. L‘ s s : : s Fs c • linZio l la rr a j al:zr=roturitsV l" ,• 13IIIIN114=Jitet reached by ED kqt and' baltsrA an ' ." 01{-4 00, - 15314 1 117 aokirfit. 49111: - 1D0TAT0E8...425 bbls -Neoo4o.ookrop. ; sos. 10 - SMITS 10111 ibe ass: , wens, w sp., as:rang it - 0 4- mM ' ' • 1+74 Idlidttteut MEN LATEST , taws Our Special Dispatches, FROM WASHINGTON. Zao Thirty-Three Million Lean, OUR WOUNDBD AT ATLANTA: The NoMalian Resignation Not Yet Relished Headquarters. DECISION OF THE .coriussiona OF INTERNAL 6po-41 Ertgatel to MANN& Gown& WAsinguss, Eloptembor 10, 11/4. The Treasury Department has opined only about two-thirds of thmproposals reeolved for the thirty-two million loam. The Amount oliarad in these reaches about sixty-three millions, ranging from par to six per rent. premium, enough to cover the sea asked for at four per per cent. premium and upwards., A dispatch from Atlanta to-day states that our wounded are doing well. Medical Ap plies are plenty, but anti-stearbutlas are needed. ArCiallan's letter, Aligning the Major Gen eralship, announced in this morning papers ha not yet ruched headquarters. It hi - sappoied to have been forwarded by the Delaware and natal Canal, end, that the boats Ilk, those at Balls Dint *Aid not pau the locks. Four hundred rebel invalid taborets are to be cent to City Point In , exchange for the starved Union prisenon who lately arrived at Annapolis. The commissioner of Internal revenue has just made the following decision rie assessing licenses tinder the provisions of the new revenue full credit Is to be given to parties holding MMUS% issued under the old law for the MN business for which the new auttatment L made * although the new law:may desalt. the *taus ander a new name. FROM THS POTEAVESIT. Heavy Artillery linel on Thursday, .r4O /Jf/PORT4JST RESULTS. Lee Massing His *Troops on Oar Left. le., T. be Nev. You, September so—a tpeotot to to Pew ham %Manton , dated Qs letb, ear: News to received isms fromnbe Army of the P. tomes that • heavy artittazy duel took pleas an Tbanday with no important remit; and that Los to earn mantes troop on onr left. , Bum:gramma Aurr'Cis in Perform, 1 Beigambas tem — Emallit- I The baltsrisa on the right and centre of oar thees but op quite a 11,14 Ire to-day al inter vala. The Robe nude by ths ears as they paned towards the front attraotsd the attention deka .nary, sad thoy coulsavorti td bierrapt . . the opesations Of the road, but without mous. Amongthe regiment' :who is lino of melts LI about expiring t. tki2b Bth New Jenay, It lost a large number-of mu at Obaneellonville, Oat tie-Unload elsewhart, lade: has bunt In mmunand dudiketts eamatiti, and bat been wommdad>taTarel different limos; ;non. atlas ponds were, humor, of I mulaniettamititr. • The lithtimaid-Rzastiux of to-day oontalas a dispatch from Hood's Army, 'dated Sept. t which saps Yesterday our advance drove lb. CHEW fronaanasboro and. meaptersd the hos oto containing stagy of our minded. Sherman continue to draw back towards At lanta, for the purpose. lt Jeremiad, of strength ening the works on the eastern, mutant and southern apprucliss thereto. One thousand do hmedred will corer our lonia from all amine is tba battles an* skirinishas of last walk. The army Is now in fine splrles FROM GRANT'S ARMY. Nearly an Entire tine of Rebel Pickets OapMet!. THE ENEMY WOW BY 81TRPRIBE Babel Loss About 100 14 prison.; ere—Our Loa• Light. • • WeJlllllO2Ol, Sept. le, a. me—At • poles of our line just west of the Jerusalem Plunk Bud, occupied by the third &Thelon of the third corps, the pleketehmee been so close together that they could cronreme without ditionity. On a part of this line and some distil:no in the rear ef their *drones, the enemy had thrown up • line of slight work. with the intention, it is supposed of falling bath to them when omission might de mand. It wu determined, lest night, to drive them back to this line, and thus straighten oar own. About midnight, when all ear quiet, the division was formed in line of battle, end the Whet line being reinforced, was ordered to al- SUM. The-rebels were evidently pot prepared for soch a movement, so they werdoompletely taken by surprise and nearly the entire line captured. They made ovary effort to retake the lost ground, but did not succeed. Oar men now canopy the line kid 'Ere seemingly entrenched. We took about 100 prisoners while oar awnless wu very light. Desultory gulag has been kept up In that vicinity all morning, and the enemy evident. ly feel sore at being so taken by surprise. Some of them called mat 'to our men, saying, "ask wu a cursed mean Yankee trick anyhow, but we'll pay you up for tt berms long." SECRETAET STASTON'S BALITE, Important from Sherman. MS ARMY CONCENTRATED AT ATLANTA. Wilson and Sioodouns Stirring up Wheeler. NOTHING HEW BROX MOBIL?. No Movement in the Shenandoah Valley *a, ' le. , Weentscros, Sept. la.-11, Maj. gee. Air This Dees:fa:mat has receieed ditpateher - frons Gen. Sharman down to 10 o'crock yesterday morning. life army h concentrated at Atlanta ; and in pospossion„and weIL lie lays 'Wilson 'and Steadman are stirring up Wheeler pretty' wall, and hope they will make an end of bins as Gillen did of John Morgan. The . !eagle? Is beautiful end things bright. • • No reoent,inteiligenee has teen receivid, from- SfebiL.No momenta assreparted he the Shenandoah Valley or in the Army of the Potontse. Itecralting is worming , iriacrowly •in most of the States. (Signed,) SUM!. blexlean '_view►—Veeseli Selzigl the Him You, Sept, 100—Thi Ilorskre New Or li., reirea pendent, Wiltfn i f o• t$ id; says: The latest arrivals from Brun; &raise bring reports that savant - vomit which. pat& 'from New Mune, lately, for fffai l eer,i4 wtth. oar. grow, and intended for Cortinuqrovernment, or a general, market, have been' soloed by pie frond at . the month 'of the 810 Grads, A : 'Herald's Matamoros ,rorrospondint, writing on 211 h of - Alignstorays in cosb.Mnisliallon in that , direetion to eat off by the French.- Cortina, &duel he will defsad - fdahrolorat . agattrothe Prrnoh, .hat,ai the les foliate. Mons, it . . Montt . Cutlass to bold 1t Cortinie demands of-this nrorehenta of Matamoros a loan of 050,0Cffrin which they rams. Maus. Zan and ' acting British and Prussian Omura% lave bun thrown Into prison, together 'svisk othero,. for rsabotins this demand 'for money. firma Mega wee advaindnd on Eatazaarig . with 4000 troops. its had nutted and templed' Mosterey. • President inare• triadp no retiffio 'sue, bat:left 'for Chishan 'Thtl• strongly fertiled.anslin all the northenr regfea r on the Pallas glom ThamasenfPresidant /as: rev tdamploo- Asaiitanotxt thagrolleast Nur. taxman" wader bus CaliferniaiendWLlßlEO: 'Soler& instolgration, ,Cdenly to Joirierrwiereaoldna, Pawl Gpflik-AvE it Ltd. c'rr,4 EgAl 4Ralleatale rOrgin!!? ''.llNnateitiii; VAUDRAB'S REBEL CAVALRY DEFEATED. Hie-Train-and Two Battle Flags Captured IMBODEWB A BEST COT OFF Baunnoan, 6ept. 10.—:The Americas has the following from Channel Averill dated the 10th, —Thursday night. 2b Mo/er Aiseerni Darly retreated this morning -town& Winches ter. lam 0111 hit toils. I have whipped Tau ghan's rayaby,captared all his trains which was not burned, and taken two battle dap. He had no artillery: I ent cli Imboden. (Eligned,) W. W. • Avaarts, Bag.: Sea. : FROM BERRYVILLE. Flouring J►ltus Destroyed by the 20th Massachusetts. THE REBELS IN PORCH NEAR WINCHESTER. Now Pons, Sept. 11.—A Berryville dispatch of the 10th to the 'Arad, states that Col. Low ell, wilt the 30th Aladsachnzetta and two other cavalry regiments, yesterday, destroyed four flouring miiis and al other mailer mills On ()pavan Crook, capturing serval prisoners. A Harper's Perry dispatch of the 10th states that the rebels are still In force near Winciuutar ant-Bunker HIM Alliqtdet at the front. A lirealiville dispatch states Hood left but little of value In Atlanta, most of the aOVIIII men, stares and railroad material having prevl onsly been removed to Macon. Bonds for the Wow Roan Reidy Wennurnow, Sept. 11.--It will be Interesting to bidders to hiarioikat the blinda Liparatent of the Amu Will be rust 'for dletribnide* all the Trotting Departnisateamarrow-raorning at 10 o'clock. Bicli prompt delivery:ls unprecedented, and is awe to the arrangements made by Beare. tar, Bounden and Assistant Secretary Harring ton previous to the opealagof- the proposals, the blanks bad been printed, altering. they 'would bad to Aare been prepared sou to re. wale tha signature of the proper °Seery The adjustment of bids with a via, to the demand, was not completed until II o'clock last night. Weentroron, Sept. 10.—Among the uneessrpi. ed bids for the new loan,lbere were two amount ing in the aggregate over els stilton, at from 087% to 816 premiss; =a moile r . for One mutton four buidred thournad, from 001 to 357%. A party of onions of New York, subscribed Soiptbar far .6,0114-olferiny 14 per rent pftl2llll2l.lll*l4sltsst mural all. . Bids !or ,New Loan. . , , WmErsarosi,ll4i. 10.:—The aitirototo of the bide for the new mut is F 2,762,750, and the en tity amount awarded Is measly $33,000 KO, nine sawn tenths 'tilt at areitineper our. .'! The remainder will be divided pm re among those who bid atfour par amt. Among e inutoessful bldg opened to-day ass, the first Sational Bank, St. Paul, $50,000 at 5; H. N. Shoemaker Clin cianoti,l4.2,ooo at 5},( ; B . Walnut', Lealiville,. $5,000 at 5; T. Steele, Louisville $lO,OOO It I; rut National Ilea, Akron, O hio, 15.040 et AX. There were numerous sueneasfal bide from . individuals and .mrpontione irom ell over the *pantry fotamounts smaller than shove Mated. Bozos ,of the Ames prefixed remarks to their bids saying It theishould not be asoeptable they will take 1-311'. at par. Reported Death or &altered Prise—TM inhsaUon of Bleaphts-11111tary Chew. Osrao, Sept. 11.—Tbm Is a report at Little Boot that General Pries reormtiy died et Arka delphia, of dysentery. Serenly4haahavheads tabs.:see arrived from Pedunals for Den ark. The stoma 081. ofrAlten. Wisp Reesphis date' of yesterday, and New Orleans adtlena of Memphis was to bo Lliamlasted last alight In toner of the reseal wisterias. Tbsrpowl of Cain hum bun separated from the Western Nintineltiliistriet, and attached to the District wf IttingL, sada General - Halbert I. Pates. Clekand lieriettli haslet fielaieeski to' take eoembiaikefikev Nadal of Anton Heal teki. Prom 'California. Sur Fa.ilima., Sept. - T.:4U Demooratle State Convention twoolotled Its work admen/ ootalnattog B. J. Lodi . rentallang oleo tor and /Aoki= 'Utopia se reinalnisg - Coarress • mart. At sight & large mau westing was held to ratify McClellan's nomfaatloa. The Demo. onto have carried Story eons ty, Nevada Torrito ry,tralar to tits .prassosea In the Salt - of two Sabo Whets. TWIT* la probably i utalorit,p to favor of the State . oortetitotitisi. Tbo Lidlete Christ's& commlasion Talr,luta closed. It salted over Tlo,loo' flagon. Markits inlet. The Gold Market... The “Nattonal la• telligeneer” for WlDlellan. Nay T0e.,8ept..10..-Gold - *Pelled et shear It filmes an d desire to cell at i3BHi'sad 228. There were a considerable number of short , tales notified for to-day. The experience of the put taw peeks Is deohladij against she valet) of I rire dividends en the part of senora. The (bra/amid Astrolime. Waehlagtoo 'k ohl lays The Nolialso/ Issultigencer to-day 0001113 oat strouty . fn favor : of General hfolnellaa for President. Vatllttletham and hi , Clellan. Cznaustirs' , Sept. 10.-:-Advioes from Co:lttet bus, 0., to thelhasaire: Nallandleham arrived there yesterday On rent* to Pennsylvania to ad dles■ the peopte4f variety plates, 'but 'after meeting fd•Olellan's letter of seeneptanee prompt. authorised tho Democratic 4Aattman to with draw his name from the appointments in Ohlo, and returned home: The peace. Mon are de termined to maintain their integrity, and will soon tall Meeting to' determine a once. of action. importation& or frortign Cereals. W•arozorort,6opt.lo.—Thegtato Dspartmont hue boon trielallylnformad of tits promulgation of • Portuguese royal dome that from datgurt llth out wail the lot of Monet, 1815, the lot portatiorui of foreign ousels whether in grain or permitted la the ports of Lisbon and Oporto, and also by the Ilmatai Railway and the Opening of Bids for the 'Note DAM, VAINDOTON, Sept. 10.—The opening of bids for the new loan was rammed this morning. The amounts are not so large comparatively al In those openedyesterday, bet the smogs premiumlfs about the unit. According to pres ent Indhstions •nbont 21Z of-the entire pro, penile living been opened the loan will be taken 104,-aad crnr. Sternsleek Union Meeting. Wuxi:mos, Rapt 10.—d. large and emboli lotto meetly, wu !mild hen but night, to organ ise • Lincoln and Johnson ebb for the cobs paign. Es-Postmastar , - (llephert wad. chosen President. District attorney Canberra and otter addreseed the meeting; and 'resointions strongly endorsing the Union rJeket were passed COSIITO of a Bloekade steamer. Reunion, Sept. 11.—The steamer Rebut Moats, Captain Barrett, arrived here te•nteht, twenty days from New Orleans. She reports that on Thursday lut the steamer Keystone State captured a anablookadsultesmer, the.Ele- By> and sent her Into Itstaufatt. Gifu. Lew Wallace to Command the Bth Corp. Now You, Sept. 10.—The Poe'. Waittingtoo special says that (hrm Lev.Wallate has rammed from the arms to Battimors to asinine command of tiaillth One. , trntotuided 'atimlor. Nino Yoza;l3arLiablifiTsictiticioiaitfia Wool that MobUs has boon falai. It ham not toxin maraud ottlctalty. $lOO REWABD.=-86'en from tho feti draw et Jana hEalEttry,iiesr TiTtkleshel onthir mitt of the St* bet. bib WAN NA aboutMem buds maths • ahXI &etyma and ODD MOWN HO About intindo MO, bug mute and loos tall, AO - " oat; one 'totem; /boas Gm rear itLf. • The Oohs temd_l9.l. be pialbr the Wet [ton ofWit thieves awl the return of flat:mane, or ;My &Van rue the mom of the hones. • :axis If ariaarr, HSU•Wakilabrili• IH THE COURT OE. COMMON PLEAB, OF ALLIIMMIT 001M7/. No. 1110 of le t orch Ia pixtmaninof older of nld Coed I borobi gtos mpg inCIALWIMI ozblbleadvad 111 M occontoll Wpas of AL MID B. 0111/I. ffi, aa4 odd wont 'WU beaLloirel by the O I no QOM/BD: DLT. or:enpronmaa,L.D., "Im oo 111 .C ";"4" 1. 1 60 "" N " &iboaotoffo • 40.% ADDY & ZWKND I I au AND IFTEAK MUM Wil!Oß:' MINGO, mai illoweht nuceimet.' , ifiriMaLs linmuuns ead Plumbeef UllU me=" riries um O rtu a w sp a b . lhe 004 . 44pr0ril !we Wilk maws as tzana J u .am , 4 3.0.4E1 wan oramativ aiakia it . - 11 1 , OEPEULIKEIHETING...A. full supply ' - 1171:1 ppt 8 1 1 . g tazal t l. suitVra,'' ; -4 21 4" "Ps! Mei*" ' ' ''''' ; . 1 JEMS 4,111.1 i 11464.111 LL N ULM Gloat's.— The Richmond mous groan ever the Ake disaster at. Albania. They denounce, and mourn, an orindnate,Jand advise all in one breath. Their cause LI desperate. This they admit. Hot itwM be observed that the came of the abarptst pang Is the dissetrocis effect Of.this defeat, upon tho.piacte party d the North! A victory woe needed to help this pe a r r i ty n ce b d u . t i M ar k h a o whshei n s g m de p fe t a h t e v ti a c e o x rd extends from the rebels South to the rebel, North; and Imo what harmony of feeling there Is stl along tb e line. Does anybody doebt the political statue of the Vallaodigham Demo,- ratty, who are trying to .loot McClellan Presi dent? Here its ' the evidence. Look at the dispatches and ate what the Richmond paper. say. CAIJOHY A TARTiI."—LIIIff Jahll Went worth wee called cot at the Demooratio mac meeting at Chicago on Saturday night. to follow Vallandighasu The crowd thought Mr. Wentworth wasaith them in sentiment and sympathy, but found out th eir adstalua when he proceeded to make a Union gaol and administered a scathing rebuke to the Canadian- calls. An attempt to gag him by the great apostles of free speech failed, and ho had his say one, much to their disgust. limiouro • Ovsaau.t•.--Jaokstm Nickell tried io May last by a Military Commimion, at Cincinnati, 'for being a guerrilla, was hinged en yohnstcn'e Island on Friday last, In tionspllanne with the finding of the Court. The prisoner was a native of HennaMy, about twenty-o se years of age, and had killed two persons, and robbed many Mhos'. Sr. Loom, Sept. 9.--,Stephen It. Smith and William Moms, formerly soldiers in the rebel army and caught as spies and guerrillas to this State,were huag hers to day, pursuant to the sentence of the military commission. The execution was public. A concourse of fully three thousand pimple, a large propor tion of them, women, being present to wit ness IL hicCumbereer I .ohanp of 'base' in Piton Prime, an Mural night, mill not Ibrahim. Anticipating**le (hir idnglastrategry), the Bon. John A. , Posens iira'atomh It Portland, Maths, "brought down - the house" with the remark "If higlloamr couldn't - take Rick. mmrd, maldng Washington his bete, you may 'ably swear As wits urver mks Waddeftes, maiirmJfirkmond Art bar P"—N. Y. PM: Elnazais illotlanzaz regret* that we have ',failed to reap uthe WWI te of ourniskay vista. vim" This Isi questionable allussion, Qom log from thelionsoe whew ltdoed Prudence, if agi modesty, might have .eoususeled the Oenisted td rofloot spoil the utter inalgnifloinze of hie own sontributliam vieforiei of the war, audio - leave that peril:ear topic) tmdla. tutbed.—N. Y. THb. Tux notation* guerrilla, Col. Jose, who has. been AO :141:KibWO= to Kw 'tacky - for some smooths pm; was captured, with 150 of hip men, acu.dhent, by Col. Rolm= of the FintßentnOky Caogry, Too Richmond /fusible; of Beptembar sth, gays the Chicago nomination ie an mom toododon train.", - That's _oo. We too "acoommodstlog" for throtigh pusengero.—Borato,lltprus. ATWITAID 00111, AND ?ATILT Wos.—These heart thrilling words of Gen. Sherman, in which be announces the fall of the Sebastopol Of the South, are likety to become 113 immortal ►e the " Imi , rick, viol" of emus, or "We have taut the enemy and they are oars," of Perry en Lake Krie. Gona country' la the beautiful and ap. propriats name given by General Sherman . ' 'oldie's to the free States In which they were n and reared: - • 111 V RR INTMLLIGRICH •tia llglyd MortengabllsOlipl ism. R. ae, Mlnr•r•, Ti Labium, Zama Graham. z.onstlibt. Jean Powell, Gallipoli*. Panels, Oincioutl. D1541{14). Bayard, lecneep bale Cly. Jnl4 , Zanesville. at. Bern. E , Mehath. Hata B Porter, Lowleville. Zinn, Martin, Wheeling. Etna HILL, Olminasil. The menthes for tkerrt Ibrt74dght boars key town nepreeedented ter bury rain shown, loud thunder and yield lightning. Talirder the kilted .boated Its coarse sod the storm Cal. true the Berthues, ud the aleampbershilesaeomert.. wasthw lut evening at .4.4.1 denoted istantalli, in.d the clue. deo gave algae et heavy wind.. taetireentisir le death. it atitheln sun. MIL tared 10 bet I Inches, and by the skimpy mute the Won , Year.llllWitan Water tont thelLeantlyshale. Bever.' mew stamen, barn arrived, amen them the W. I. Garth, thea Marietta, as Marietta, le estlnely new and it belie expreolly bra Pitbbargla and ally slid packet, waking weekly Wipe. Capt.O. Thornily has set ear mead as of then., be wilt ' blew Ise dusky City. Tbe beet will be Itopmted hare, weer. eat gets her 'l TlTAtenser . o.'il.ana may bo looked tar at the mbar: els ww.rnlng than Zianentaka. The -nyder Wheeling.' portal,' riltiarn, Capt. rota 'd u an le on band; and lne hvr :teeth , : boar, id...frentrutarthaibetof Wood ghat he Onward, Ceplain Jae, He 11.., la the next beat I ceding Cu, Oinchanut lb. 1t..., numy, Y reti,•b..l a hR tt3 came yreartdae from Clacianatl with • lett, aa ,w fh Men by buy malt wt. ebete• able•wheal ales , and Mynas, 'Rein will lane thhievesing for ansinnatt, and L eis a thrugh wltheltspasche nee Luta, OaptaitlL Fittapperd, i• loading for Witehritia. She will by oat 5411. • large amulet et nylnsed iron, ~Q:ARKII7T.S. Sour York Market. row Vent, trot 10.—O.:Otos dtdl and unseathri. aad iear:anal y Omer. Salsa Woo of 211dIllaglanclo .1 t Scat . Stole and Western trrvettur mo tn. so-he, sod 15 . 4350 lover; Irkol.lo f.,r Sotra Stat.< err Colo. It It 0; 81111.10 for tmd. !fop% Sod au Rasta oloalog Irregular sal amt . : Wank l wltrent any &elect! cbanie ; 11.79 Mr Bit!coital 617 . 001.8.3 tor Wtsvan. Intiat COI aLd 1.151111141. mad Itaro roarer; =wan. k 010 4 ; az:that Icarian at 12.31. way atardcd cheap ; 51,61X.1,49 for Data drl.l and derldwlly lower al 90.93 for Wastara. int tnald. pl. for lafarlar Wrotara. Cerra dau ; no radar el impart/num Sew dr= ; Cabal h' i r2llc. Ilk Lama MO. Tatman= drill and Lawn ; C. ado ITc, rad TS aT9 r for &Mud In bond. Wool drat and drooptak. Pork opened baar,r, Do s Coed .3L• fletali t awl there wan koW • dralsad pazt of last analal i at NOW for Um. U. eladly at tha Eattar ride. ; 112,37 42,75 for aim do, elating at tka lan. prior ; 134.40 or prism; O. belng tbe exttessprioe, sad $12•43,50 for prim. East a1ar412,50 bilk art Nue for Llopnabir Y am bque opt Ws. 84. 25 • 111 . 6 CL Bair mere aotlra a! , 1261.54 for &Mtn, stn. sad to fbr asastry prima, sad Leo krellapactul Mau, and Ile I;sskYr &Milk Kew. Isclulted La LILt ales are bbl. 140r-411am at .boat 111,10 for PrlLu•naga. lam Manilla mitalsal at 1111%. CEL!Cap Plarket. Catc.kon. top .10,4laar dull sad banned 2So. WS.% &aloud dialllned dal alas at 11,95a1,•7 dos No. Load $1201211.91 fat No. 2 Coto dull a7.12.011u5d 130; Wet at 21.22,2111.,2334 Itt No 1, sadilSleil SI% f. 4 No. 2. vat, dull ad &Ohm" ba tabs •1165)‘11511.;Cor No. isd 6444.04% dr No. 1. pt bky actin at 1111,74/1,75. f relgats quad. tomato-4,•00666 dour, 42,50 bull wheal. 22.000 talk cora, 18.000 bosh oats Buffalo Illarket. M2;Ei2;lMiiiil o=l (a 'NC' 16 se Ic. • • • WILI belt 1161. Cartel tits to liewil'ork—Wheat, Ile ; earn, lee; Oats. lOysione. • , • . yg e - reiperee-I , loor. 10,131 bblr i Went, 161,1E1 Ilreel ; cern, T 6,763 butt;rye, 11,116 bus. Coma tryerts—llonr, 131 bbl.; irked, 10,601 bull ; veep, 71,660 eamh;aste, 90,600 blab; rye, 7,60) bash. 1111rtrige Market. ~saagg item - Item ao p Win ter, eatand Core inlet mld The fret car of AOl/ Bexley arrived this morning from Canada, •hieh isto to bald at 12,30. Omni Freights ongrain are Xe higher ; dear, wpm whist, Le; arrn. 11%; oats, 7)i. Mosonututta Bantle Oonnurr l l ls deptenibtr I, MIL PrIPRESIDENT AND MANAG f E th. ll, ...satie , Map Oompnny here this dm dretat • dividend of Bye Nor mt. on, the Capital iii t , payable to No fltookholders, or Chide legal rap. time at the %tektite NOM d N. Homo k tars, on sad after the Inth lest. . anted& N. HOLIIZ3, Steamer. pATTERSON"& stcos., Youghiogheny Coal and Nut Coal. Addis left id tiu Mos, on DAIIIILOU eT IT. i t naleri WRgieFt radars.AlkeAssi Oaramlum Is wooded to. lllllrWortora wart" pooloPCY lohflUoirdtt • QONBIGNMENTS— Wia afteg TB do IlattroTadilliftan dObnoullr.Lid quid% , 6 :olmmoillViWbkdoi 10 .. , -do'.l:l* aping Munn toe Prir as 14 0 A g. 04,1 1 1 k : . ~ , -A VTOMEMY4T4J.W. We. uselputaisinwiti , Memel. nammon , somiTlG This mon 111TiehTtgagaily prawn* W X ktoClLlNMXlX o Tobber4iad &bat ,ww • realer te ROOM MOW eel amnia. el 4 . 1 008011. N0...18 Mica I r • • 1„2 Aft • POLITII . I worzenf ar TUB UNION lialiCIUT/nlll - Coantrame is =Atria Tun. Tuesdays nal Fridays af mak win, at o'clock P. - - A X Brown, Chairman, kittntnrigh. UMW 0 . 11411, 1 Alemusdar j 11 .. 4 .u% Pltbitumgh. Wlgllam Little, i 1.1111,111% PMMargit Col Hiram Butts, Dr W GianaM, Ilemelanul P te. li.. B Conran, Pitte.sargis, Jam.. Lem, John Heath, Cent 0 W lintedelor, Arthur Hotam, Alh;gbany City. JOhno . ll4ll, oil Talley PU. Vivid Inhalant, Semperaneorffla P O. Jonathan Healy, Pitimortrgh. Trunk Anhsy, " John P Psis, Onl Melia. X Mono, &Wlms, City. B P Herbs, Beericklipille IP U. Thor ett =kr, Boblartown. John 111 Porter,Tnrentura. 11 K Moorhead, I ittaborgh. John K brown, Allegheny Oily. m E Bantam, klcKeasport. I 7 A Tagil lob Allegheny Olty. Lam Bean, Blob Valley P 0, Aug Ammon, Bachmann P O. John 7 Dram, Drerosimarg P O. J 0 linnting, Wines% Pb. Hugh Boon, P 0, AWmN H Parker, Pittiburigh. Win B Begley, Plitebergls. Robed W ltackey, Pluabarak John It'llonald Gramm, eiseeienn. Wm 11 Pittaburgh. apt Pupa Ong, Allegheny My. John P Jetting., Bobertll'Clarren, Clinton P ' Dr AII Craw, Wllkfha PO. Cap, Ju Miller, Manchester. apt Hugh li 7ug, Allegheny City. Dr W leandeaberg, newleklayville PO. Eh W IHlama, Jr. Pittsburgh. - Dr David Dould.on. Mount Lebanon P 0. Henry • WOSITZ, Pittsburgh. Oept John H Iltsweat, Pittsburgh, W OW Jobs W Bind% lOnlim, Jr, Jtbn V Autb, • Jam A. M. /MOWN, Ohainnam 7.411713. AL.. HUAI" Pittsburgh, Ileptamby 2,1261. • SPIWIAL courant. O. Tisaaec—Gapt MO 8 Itleaniag„ Dr.W J Gilmore, Jan Heath, . W Huth, Copt James =tar, John 1 Jaantrara, Win 1 Statrlngs, Jahn 11. Drown, OM., Hall. lON ,Pritiev—D Cbt Alex Maud, Pupal Gang Dr W J Gilmore John 11 Stewart,, John W RJA. den. Arta= eroa.o. beam; ea thattbltild drag. On ithassakansaar-MM W D they. John W WHllear Chaos, Jr, Wm II Darla, .foha R Marra% titennat Ammon, JohnT /WA. 0Mc»,118 Grant stmt.. , Meariars out fitasteng—gol Ulnas Halts, Haar, A IftraTrr, Win HH.alo, law A amain, Dartd Hotlason, A Isalubir, John I B ro wn- Mc% Ms Fourth atsart. de Mac Courets, Campy Gang, E T A 7 5 4 0444 MVO 'WM and Una Dan. oak., 108 4th street. diregamdwee. ,, ,Totm W 11145.0. D Clot Mammal! Baylis, it 11 Ma'am -War'M Harsh, 011 pi 0 DOWO W ri=:;fgr jd'a .lloo%= l6k 4r3l; t Ike, 155 4th 'traria,. b Ilsnanairtr. II Harsh, Jan Ellatnet, Iltaaratll Data, WIC laarrhead, John 'W Maas% loan MaD Orman. Dr W r Ourg,• airthnr Hotans, Hank 5 Ntanang, John Jouttni. 0014 s, !Merin aka. rnON MEETING WILKINS HALL, A Union mating 111 b. MIA At Ilrilklas BM', am DAY EVENING, I At T Yob*, sideb sekixemad by NASSEIALLL, JOBB AL ILI lIILPLS. 4,8 ILDWAIJLO, LIT., sad othm. T It 1111) rem nu; BOT& Os 112 h • TkOILUI U. UWE, 10.0 SAL 010 STATICS INTREINO WS ! ars.-m• Annual Ma far Ilaalo 2ft roonnLon . l.lol2lll3TA OAIMAGna, U 511" . NOV T or the • ituk A...mm=l Tom from 11$ 1 3011, sad 1110011:LI m' LW, Oar u. WWI • dean =NITA trout Os Aa!Laori sed 4 1ILYInt P • 1 3 6 3 ... 11 / 1 7. Dimas. A ► , tad taxa are now dn. • tna-ponn •to that part of Allagfiny annty ant of the . • • and Allogbany eights, (Inatigha *l. )step} aty,) r . y d On lama ganno Odes, Dad? W star , dues doom own of lholinialson• *bora 1 will tend to nod » add tar old Ito lab day ol (lepton g nat. Ann gent ' day of roptembar, to par amt. will to wind to all tans on Lloanco• °arraign sad alga pal Plas, sad an par cont. on al taus all balonnt• =- Tag the consiglasio of taa• fa In nem put r• the canal, 1 sal anond au Won of No.. Drowel, It testae, an no ant des of lloptastbar. Wynn ttotoon at o'oloot a. la. and t &ging p. en. I vill ago attend. so Ito ale day of • al llba bean of is , Jaw WAY. U. an Winitigh of . tfli. OW II &clock p. at. Itan-pi yam an whinge sot to pat off miss snag la Int day, ma It an Ow anti, l=po grew to tuene to Mot* %U.% s Meta manta on ono day, agi Mon wt. go ono tonna agape tlia pnaltla DAVID N. Winn. Colloator. gliggiuggy. hand) Et, Ida. aaftdw GOOD AND usEFEri, BOOKS. .-- N,••• :ratty DAWN, by Ito alikor st tbs fish 'alma Mita /family. TRH UCHOHRTII.O ocrres I•HTLT. saTIIN STORIR3, WITH BABES aNT LH a /S -TICK ltalf INCITLOWR POMP& WWII/ ARUN, ft Seanzasa. AZ IRLIII, Ivy U 1 Unseats LODEIr POEIIII, DOC. ILIRlea la Venus. OW 00111 ION MATTA Of TIII !RIOT. THRI.III CHURCH. AISILILEI Of THR AR= or V= CUSOLII. LAND. By an officer. DOMINI 01 YOST= trrir: By &ler. ' CHRILIIIAGH CULRICLIIOATIZ—IibaIssaIo alit tO. 1 .4 tall. frscalo la to Want% RIBERO— gnat twisty of Blallap &WI atm. p.a. zoo MI largo supply always cm Land. THOTOCIR H •LBURB—Whalsimal• sad WILL Rama/ mutt La 011. UCABLICAL AID SCHOOL BOOKS. THAI AWN= ROOT lad Pablhaal. ' . .I. L. LIMA FII roarth at.. swat laws to boa City Baia. Dam Qvairrizarnal Osiss= Mobcap,lgth, A INTILLKRY • HOM.M.: J.& m OMEN ILUIZir.' eilo CU be ems by the andendised. at nue hatlh. Pa.. for good AIITILISItY HOSOIId, phial& ttotertfloatoo of Indobtolnaaa for not lain than tea hone. Shen horn* tram all defects; old, from IN to Mu 1050 mead. White bums suit mares will bo cwoluded. They will di examined by a oompoistit Judd% wad all bones pzesorttaid CMS conform to as Jan spliollidw tiaa ' 0 OHOA sort be *ell termsdosetive, n Liss • S years *ldyll's spring tot /eat U Santa tdgb, and is wstigtit not les, LL De L. and D. Q. iLEkTziand. TEES WEST CH WEER ACADEMY sad ItIaLITAJIT INSTMITZ at WEST OHESTER. PA., W. W. &MB& A. 11" Principe& pr e va. ITWZELII Wollll.l.Lti, A. IL. Ph. D. ►awd. le seals.= re Of tea wee, ell oawairatica tea =TM? TiLIEADAY. the eth of September next. The owe of bernotba is teromera mad atterames. dir Mi t to II eye and =men be Colby= =Mew re ,_ Tree; Bye= sad Itallia oaths reelect =then The mtt• li ceder &be the ea= of TWOS a Mae tha MIMI= leperbiteadmat. re tealoigue to., apply to ether of the Prembee at Wet Cheater Pa. i.lll b. at Ms aosommuzzA EOM in Pitl*mb 11tm Angoot 6th to bumf eth, Inclo**, intuit it Lam b Rapp] to thrulib inform. is4tob *oat bb ir.bool t ftompo.M. to • y. m. May. malts sMITSKEN'S HEADQIIMM:PB, ,11171XC14 DOWN 1 towns. Um attootko of Spertsouro 001 othoin to 1 sploElld stalk of lIKVOLVISIS PLITOLS, oAMAI DAG 93 211„ Ot Ml l 'l fLAS I ISEIO7 SIM and POUCESS, MAN FLASKS, nd on. olunttioo of emu Wad, KY Otoollo the osol ItroOdill to thli earth. 001 l 11E1AND TOBACCO -0 ball aerie obolc60•100g To% 60 " " 0201.00rdar. 40 " " Timm lima . 70 boxed snorted manafactand Tobacco, t) Ili" o 146.0.-tor oda by JO& • 101[PaT11101i • 6 80, In and 103 Liberty rtret. • illiil lON SODA, 0111 a1U11 =DA., n. Dam' Entl.rputalz, ws Dant Marta. itsztslik EAbecaeaa 4} Tolima dr*. an. M %tura etrat. muipay oity. : STORM. lIIKILISUI STOOK !SY BOOTS, 88080, GAITERS, 4 Beigosirei IWW:=MI SllOl ITOIII. MlM.:l, l ksWni Pend moths raft; r Tri.t .= " VIEGINLCOA: . - COISPANY;* ,-; Tl:d. by bni9yp,Abod ilia eabbytkar :th• 'mayuyaryzag =I Joining by of ,and a web:cot Lb stock hummers!. lar M toenpa.p by 1,014 seen at toed ,la by . ..Its whit b tylfood, to be of Ur ibuslYb bY. "Übb of the anYtry. No, 6marpsay.,2lly yllya W lay • eltaans br pydltabb bry=iy‘ , it hodYbkita Mn on Unblock fay* b bib opy,aati *tidos lea IN pram to sduablkar Mb awn fibolfend ebb. lAA*. no web, An id thio&Yo-dhltutb= AIM= IWILIMR. %Yam NT= ab litiknaos own goo to mob to J . W. _. WAtb. gnaw . du attud. 'NIP Worm , - rlitats mkt* l id . now fwv"zo 1 . 0 011 !).. '.I. 3 : - UPLIM. Trigil,',., 8M1E11..41. few prune J: 'fraakiaka to 'why by lfrA oatiby , Fta .E3NT-4. Inn BMW. BOOM Dialltis sal BIWA, on kr. atom th• rrik orti. ai %del dna; 141110111104 14 " In ri 4 1 .! 11 0,010 14 7 05 ,6 41 . : . 1413806/ "Vs rTrrrrir7r l- ‘ 79 1 Dissournos rAItTNEIBEIHrt- Oo Dantwordida lionloint• Wm." ; THItAIt,JIIO.I. PAW add PRASE 11 L. SAVA tante lilin;mosilmialudylvat , 00.. bat AU day _boar vaal l imin data Ars Ad, us; )tq the A.Lthilzawal IL Kay. tram *AI Ws. .AB debt. deo naid Ana to b. ontionany sad all ttobtlltion of odd Anu to to paid by Una r.. 1 panders. A. E. Z • . JOHN V PANIIL MAAR 11., LOT/ tlttabargb, Ytoatut 31,1364. 1131AVING OPPOSED OP MT INTER. ;Li Iry b - the II mof PHELPS; PALSICIN 00., I ' recommead lsq =two= to tau patraaseo 01 ny /USK IL Lori Anima 31,1861. TELL UNDERSIGNED WILL 00N— A. thaw lb. Whoodortight bulneds lotrotoforo, mad. go Imo and Mit of PHILAPS. PAS EN • 00. flaying a lon* stock of 04=4 Inaba, sad mory twilit, On ooseshttailg with dlopstek r and at ohm Imam two, U d nicotptiort of Wagon& Oink WU.' Bs. ftnno,Trak. to., thrY hap. h/ Vohs aL tentica ahltro rocorlyei to oto• tt • anottnatztto of lb. Myra patronage, turrsotore ocoordod tk. by UAL him& wad the path% A. EL PIITLPII Jettd A PULA Plttobargh, P.pt 1 , ISt. 14.111 d DIBSOLOTION OF PARTIMIMP— The cao-mMatallp hantoftas Malin batman a P. KLORM sad AUGI7II7 K..4077/8 mac IM Dam end Mt, of 0. P. KLOPPZE L 00. , M 64 a been Molvs4 Stu tetanal smut of ths on MI /Mt= opm nada( mot 0.1. SLO omattawhag the !asthma as ths old Ma& any MOM- Ms spinal od4 lota Cm will brsstded 117.111 m oif ILO? AIICILTT 1.17 4 / 2 . Ya llttatntrik. Anson I, Itet—sal MINGO -COAL OOMPANY. Capitol Stock EL?oo,00lik 12,000 811111813 AT ilb► H&C% • Penmen—JOHP osasr 6aier*nr-c►Pt. JAXte 00101113. rwsms—r. a,mcol7llN. • DIRECTORS i JOSE CRAYT. I. I. Nen= wn. MESE D. re worrr, indla.) J. IL LISSY. JIRO SEIM, eilyorlarnt. (knripa owns tke property ham e. " OW ny Weak" totedur the "2"."2 Tara adjoining, aad enntetniog la nit abate Tit ram Tot mown I. enured o• the wad bank of the Illonosgaludo rims, Wont' mut sod • belt mils. Wow rosamistisle City, in Me "Wiltd pool." on which are sitosted min.& dwelling bonen, stom together with I. When running to the dem. vitn Uswn abatMent and an Wand wresnipmsnis hr loading coal. Th. when ims already c . e.chibintimari nolastad sag to good ironingadeY, with marl= Stivenised mem ranptl, sat MI necoretry racilitlas br making els hty to row hoodred we, and th. amt IN w.ll known to lo d the yen hart guality, The 'ROW' Wbellsnd to be one at the moss mime" coal propatlas to the ift Thepsny now prows% to borrow their Sonlll. tie he along by the conetroction of an itbilttonsi mileray, sag honest epsit 130,0X1 in wit ths the DDS. Wm mshlog coidetiplant Laywoman-4MS W. 'Wing • working capi tat rot C Wm saw mwdentlon, With fscilitim which the bmpane wilt possw, Directors corndantly than the "Wingo" •111 prom to bs one of the matt tubas:Ml.llml nnannws- Um mock. In thr ocemtry. A limited motion rt the stock iv now offered to the onbllo at 116 p.m shore. Hoch. will bw owed at the VISION DARED= COSIMIT, on September TM, •. Mime p1781317110# COAL COMPANY Ospititi 3,000 BHABES 0850 ELM. DC11:1110T01.1 LID LlCartrUi Ohm- A. Bleketwo, WM. rallUps, via. Asolay, JQI Asa, Jog.has Rhoda. Shire= bade tholes ample of MY acres of bad. qhalty (lea dilate oaths Illeanamaltela Mier. The east of sad Lad at I= par acre amtrante ta lOU. TO& the amaWndj37,4ill of the capital dont will be wed fa trading 6 thora ratmsd i acth i ta Walls sad o t her cemetery Imprgermen to dentate am obi end ot the company. The arta= away , r bank,* ate coal already opened le bat fifty het. At • low MP of the dear there are evenly bet irate at the Ocareee Praartaara pier Trude. arid Mena. but is dcrnbt Ott with mercy atm atm* at Via maps. W aim vailacara match laslynamairants. Tahly or Wn th M alub.dipdlarres w bar, o astlabd l l s a a , . Y ut a SC . maul ea may tr. ordand 67th• Trachea and Darratcres, r ad ma War mammy rrramtra. Ikea. cad ratarran are Mama' at tam Wavle," para.: Wm. Basalres, 80. = Woad rtrst, Pittitategh. titherßratatarea, Was. ffi sad WY Marty street. Jcahaa Shad. any, Dr.outai Way s surar Irian People? rostriao. Ocapay, cows, of Fifth ad Wool 11120.1 ti. MThr&P:4 WOBSERB 41.19 D IPSO DILUGOESILTho Batas Milled sad Ilauctiotorag data otootid eta a Blinn and Orm at Mast Baton, on for tady to coma tattroca tot ermatag and powdotior darts sad Gaff otos. a/abattoir Ram. by tlaktos R- 1 17. - - - TlS s. lohortlibe pivoted, opteo the oosoltdoldna cd their bruiting lad arooltlng Amax., now Is pro. cor of , to oontese* dor motto& omotdo sad totbotog floe prottom akotobi, goad, Alva, *Ppm th' ic 4 4 now On solo oesorrr of Whetplay a Storied =lto tor the trent:woad siturslasad tsr Qs at bard substances, ii bosh sad, Ira day. &tor, loot floc morn Atm, d t, a., um c a t - oilo mu rtral to otal tar ass. OIL MOM, Mama; otaoloortil Id lisrclisaW Ira.. T o PROTIUM ' PRESSES FOR SALE. ORR ADAK, TAUNT Paz" pistlea 113•61 halm. ONE TAILOR OTLINDEM, bed =WO Wass ONE TAILOR DOll3ll OTIARDIR, bed Rua tectua, ar/gpo6 iracktog erdst. inn On iold ist • tangs Om or addraw saint QATMTIL Pitlibargh. ps viarrlAN BLINDS. J. A. BROWN, nosodocenner of POBTABLI REMAIN ZDS. Be. Mil IMITIMILLI/ BMW Jr on hood o lorookortmeat of VILIIMAZI B of Ow Luna PLAID /AHOY LA arta as war Auk) =mum couricia, of tbs aeorefOl irtylso. OLD BLINDS sad triourtoL _Mo, WINDOW I=l, r=ort Ogles. sad BILADB MOB. GO*s wort all insrosatod. ood IL AND MINERAL LANDS Offr. " " C eats Olt LIMIN—EIIITH, PAMIR 00., atalars to 011, Oil Territory awl Ifflainal Lands we Famed to braat 6/0 or at ica ant' am o ipouttity of Bp had Atm. ta calat m' f Zbia = U. Esaawbh, Haiti= Zhao, Aorta Nook, D awl all oast loatilties of hapataace. W. ham olio • lugs 1110011111 t of valuable tatfitory ta 00.10 kaowoodl twitansof Wear: wrath, tad .. ew plower. Thar Want If lambi an also all mb; with ataadazios of val edam% wtikh will wall reaow tliawdrutr Ida labor. Theastakturth bo old ar bawd to quaaiallat to wit applies" awl as wasoziatia tam. Torpiettealan addies or eel of I.IL Lt. ftraw as Law. Illaridta. 0., or O. IL PAINTSB, esr• wr Emma streatind Demme Wv, PO:tathap. aslo...bed COLUMBUS OOLIIIILO!, NA ZION MILNE% itlighsay. . lisaufactureli br VI Grata ' Oi r67111t jean " I'M PThl a d U i WHErt: TIAN:LOWS, 0117132101 sad woe= Irak an ernit. Turn, sot Ns, Qtata sy2rdatecrlwirlf , qOLDIEBB' CLAIMS, BOUNTIES, rizazon AND AZZZAIL3 NY PAM truant, Molted SO by' ANINIINS • DITDDDLN o No: VD fuel' dors. Plttarazik. Ps ximplairt H. P. GENGEDIBRE, CIVD. UD Emma EIMER . -' 0015817LTING AND ABALLYTIOLL Ora. and Braldases. if BAT 11131ZiT. soar tun saga" APrUtY UNTDEK,z ionao alas 1331. BO =lnn CLAIM of way llootiplin; unsaid by-Cul -sob , wells. at er 11 : 11 =1 3 (11311:1311: 3131k131 03 Or el tibial 113 M. . . O. O. SLUM q Um, Ho. 11l Chant mot, NMElini r Ps. N. 1 3. 10 ande ttth. dam doss so! (011. aid, sod stl totoouttOos gloorgner. — .Toolan ABLE L. 9ALDWELL. Ohnxmono ai•me Rebus* Co.) POiX raozaz, . Pala la 11•00 a LAID swam cuizo Slink toxigum conasspinuer AND inurrasultaL . mutran. re. T J ORR & 00., ~ - SS'-PINE :TEM soar Pit up ta seas asa = l troa sz t=2 lot Webs tbstimi sad Is tan& sad bahm. • Hihni EMU iIIIZILIT s Matiargli. - • . • •• . • • - NVOUBIDEDINADIEBEAL ' • sloo Baum I • .1 ' 20 461. woMIDID sow istigoll. 'Mil VW. :41/ChiNTA. ,As sharp Nada ws...r=tt r. ri raseme rs.ihwa fr•li- tr iamih .s.ckr6:- :1•,,i . . t 4.g. • —.—....., - . .1' . .. ... . 11-f -?.i.• . • 7; - ;•. • • . ' .5. , . i ATTENTION, 43MEENSI , ' . .-- 1 ":.; .1 . ...... ......• ~,,,” • . itti t:1..f.:.t. •.::: ... - 1 GRAND vNioltr BALLY-I g, , d . •. • ; . j 1 THE LADIES INVITED! a ~., ..:i . OIJE SINIITS INNBT BE PROTEST/a/ g-' --- '-ii .7..., .., ...". • in High Priers and Extortion Int Don' • .., ~ d , q Th. boot way to ocoesoyl hit our parposo. la nipped Om i: WHO WILL SUSTAIN Ir 3. , z,-. --, ii r•OClreenlecka for rote., ..4 dyad: CUM at' • ;',l k.., . . , CONCERT HALL SHOE STORIk P ._, . . No. 62 FIFTH STREET. .- '. il :1 t Tex thou you cos et ' Tahoe rbootroa Tit{ iht 0 , kap. do.. the prior oasi dottorroo our thalami, AM, dren's Shoe. for 10 onto; Wei Oaf noel ill 011111• .. ., t..; .. MOO% Hob Hal Blum In 03 , air Nat door to limos Ogles. OollenrY huysit - ';;:; :I eollkitad. . . _ ad.., ki BOOTS .4.110 gowns. Joel RzolayED at - No. 98 if arket &net. • very larp dock of iLLa. alb wirrca 11001* saoss. AISKSS, ILLIXOSIALIS LID Qo3l‘ • of tba Wan mho sad bowt orldat l 0011 do Woos any erloUtitoatrat to the et*. Cal sad amino, osd you Ida bi IL 808 ode Us4olot.,lld door fr.o , A NEW SITPPLIEVY LADIZEP, • touritir. — WET &VD 0113:4113XN11 Booth Dots and WM; AS No. 54 Market Strooll3 SLATER A =VIZ: NEW GOODS! SSW GOODS I • Ws Wm fad notirid ow Atafte do* W BOOTS MID BROM Irma wlll Bad sal at th• Lowur alga nie01:1111 tuns the largest test Solestal 004 Denis Vine Oen ilquereeteini .. *DLID3' LABS GELIZEIN Si T. be 'bald tatha city, Jas. Robb; TIN !FILO. WORK , n as eza nag% SON a Oa X 1111761111 E Bor . ant Tof r t i s 31 . Mateset Chtblnser tkai Ltocta. Slum [Dada aro wadi to oar godolortlar, se noted corrinalled.curtra )635 armics.vrr 2,4vcost6. pEIHIONLEILB DESIRABLE GOODSI GENT'S & YOtITH'S CLOTHISNL.,: M &DE 2C) ORDEIORDER 144114 ;3 ' , 434441 43.:111, R. B. NORRIS, 721 :4 2 A/do EMMY Mb l. WE AM NOW RECEIVING OUR • FALL STOCK: OE i. • Born Youths , said OWLLam. at all KM .* stillas of ins season. , •11 GRAY it LOGAN • - 4? St. a 3r ,hNt: r7st GEM!U'!:EnN WISHING FIRST CUU GARMENTS, sad. la *es ROM' TABIEWHABLI and LATEST I3'MaZlli. would to von to oall upon H. Q. HUE k CO., lORECLIff TA IWBK CONS= or =me AHD aunt OVUM BI .'8 MMHG, W. H. MoGEE. 10 ST. CLAIR' STREET; Would WI tbs atteatiost of blytcra to blitxdt d =So. It ha bean soltotod with grad est% tad ate.. ta amid stylaa of goods to to loud billed that boated. Gots wishing • solt a 1 door aids di ode, thoai mu aid motto Ow pit* Wow Lists a ifdl sod estaidott 404 of FarniShing goods: So. to ot. Cab dirk Plititholl BRIDGEWATER. /Mk - • tellrlin QSO D /II MI MINI= •• Itcg ettkesid tomb Ehates, lbe arrzume, rams, ECULECIAD introwas. • ea. % ram twirEarrEoolll,AramWartem : COMPE9II' PAUPI m Taa 11143131, Mdse. 110E121111/ Gemara Ageat, Ti Maui Until; poseimaus „. „ , .• i LI woo:a . team an is Um= TWODlnniaii , rr anegordthesess LU riks %wait ILAtentammi*S;" AVoteaa. :. , : purr MID lallairMittly ~::, ,L:>,.:-... , lir iziattrants.—ase. -- --- t of Am" To kig&k. wow and ieiii ttil4elli., ,-, l a nrigtimiscet Pr Waimea. Warrika 4 -. Rlall I_linvaitte stiL la ztr lit Maki* #e ,i et:Z. Ind Drdm. Baa% rineir&tor Killed ... i. , kin 04" AWII Wand iltle; " I " IM:" ' 4 ': rOkihbOlille, Tobates IhreV ani ! nr izattlill COW , 1 • ~ lIIIMIWITAHLD NI I S=STGLIM01:1101. ha,,, as, 4.3 for Etadt a /s, vs odor vet tubmsespg a4l, 1 Isbaki: OrList le f i I a alk atiell.": 1411 .4 al MOIRA 1.0 . 11 1 '9il!aNT 111 . 11 1: * 1 Vitilliti Oh - '' '." '• ' ' ' ''! , ----soinritzwfick,- - imam' ....Ammo mi owlet arwis -,'; 'got tiro 1 4; 4 : 17 . Gma ; wow:L-4110 I"""ll2ll"4ladialram43llhs .12 1 7 4,4° ' l4 1" ,6 r 4,4111. M. PaG4l Real WS th
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers