• _ . . •4M.,A=+ r . - • - !-I . . . . . . . M• k -; . . ' A . 1: --. ) J o,. . 0•A . . ~ : T I .. ' !I '.. --- .., . . . - ..- '.4 * • '- ' I:, ; i :. • ~ . _ „ -.. - 1 ..r. - Iss — .s.. 4._ - - .......-.....4- . ~., • , ,-- -,.•.„,_ , ,,...--..-.4,-,,,......, - ,--- - - -.-__, -- - . 7.115,• .: 4' !:, 7 ,,r3 '. : .111 - 4 , --:' ',...- -* 'I. ''' -i - - . '' - "-1-3' •.;.....;: - .-•‘'.l---z- -!•-r . -- • • ____ _ ••'" .I "I' • ‘ *'' ' • ' r --- _, '''. - '- 4 •-•.-.: 1 : :; ::: ' t. , ..' -.- ` 1 . .. 7,- 7 -I'd i , --.7 a , . , VOLU .' NIE - x ~~, ~ ~z~ Vittsliintx Gazette. . • . eIIBLIBECIP BY . MI; 1180011110 1 . ' Idsc Brim tusokritd publishers 01 rittstrMlL Way Ds' pars, tuarcesstrany ssrrsa 'Reba:Vs tb• rico beo. Qtelfled bz their repeals, 101.0001 Y. w sad dta ISONDAT. July 23th, INS THE warns. notntng Edttloss,per week, &Leered by ewes, Is 215 " ^ not by mall, per year, d -00 " IbiSts siouths, Ls sernmos-- 5 03 " tar three months, .! 550 1100embsig 25030., by carrier, per iS by 11.11. per Test, to advance... 1;41 " mouths, " I 05 1 ea " TVA 4:5180141CL. 11 . INlClrter. 64/14 4 Ted ITY 441110..---.....7.......—.. 10 r Par ar, 15 aghssoe, meat bi 1:5511.....—.-...-... 000 .., 151.555:5145.4, , - " ' iTUN slootb4. s ire . " " -,.......--......... 155 :ea x o =maul.. 711 . s heet try, carrier.----. -...,—........ 8.00 kFee Tar, l a ems" one by 40511........—.......... ....5 10 00 ii Vs 100414104" ' " motetmaths, " 0 0 --.f......—. 51 50 - 055.131711 0550131.6110. p, Y 1 ' 0111.014LE5 MeEIIIGTIN, d, VntatshiY 1:454.103054,041015; - .yrrlasaßcia,ANWßP‘PLß 0./iD . -.- panirrnscroonnsi. heading Natter Min Yesterday's Evening Gazette. -, The-Mutest “Intervention.l) tolid .Tiyanarnidi..history:nt the endeavor of thebsrons of the fialt 'tort. Decaocsroy to gat Alul-21dUsir to tide:trete In our war on Die side 'of the - Sabel!. , Ss - wrote .home r Scrort 'il. Oa; ire of tte" Dallyisfrririe- piity soyed intuviettilerritkete, boa. lefore as3Wricr the atrivaloit she intelllgenee at Dinend-hterelellan's dismissal. The subject uppermost in their Inthdroetne day vire spettlntto ma; woo mi. srallyrilbr.of• forou'i'n rtillea beleonvi eti !Arta add Sotali. - " Silir,ry,ottlorst seirred to think that tlektritlleUthlithst'notes 1011dt; but tney ap • ,?. *cog to ',he .strydd at Its ;mans too toiti• It i"., • -war affideni-thst-tney aptrehended that-1'1Te l; nrusttlrer.propisad. of- foreign licterventlai would 'il slot the Radical petty r moan:sot vesivbcg the Il 1401191 Irtdlfirkt, VA thus of Wanting the • , ,‘ erpOpticu-ratilsignserratives. . They appeared ..4 ri-vraera:thaptesena ranmient as peculiarly an l' dairotreisi-loteroltras Old, and, Indeed; to hold - ,4•1 ..thenll would-be:essential to.ine frmsfis of any fi 4,loP4loCesnls.broad,thaf.ivaufatet.be .43e/erred l thicosittill of Ereutivii Government. should liiiiii,tl6-a-Cigi*Teirirrittyiiieroaraibarti."- ii ThaSntairnitton.:soininief.tirtlielliemtsoratio leaden Saudis Paris, London end Sew-Totk. .. 4lottslog was lett -tor theta but dirsai isoluipWur . '.l Niitli thttriingent. WAD. -, 11311 toicositiiMPl -It 1 'l l - tbsollll4.bp diarist: Itlersra-,T'slis- and was non ,.. .; ...14160-.01tIosso; • Jeff. Divisi t !igants Dine •- • , 'dyad Dierient' Y. Cay. rod .1. P. Eli.loonte . .. . the tottertel for tn. Platt orin .of atm - 1 . ,! . .- TleMeeratid tarttall .tiromedistr" step to one .._ ' -A ;4Pa jot the retell - , - .and ,1111 ~ 1 1.1ttaiikt4 , 7thst ~.„- '-',... ,le,rist-dditent-Dczitention;okOrates-that 0110 7;1 ~ 4, - i . lanfully sued, to:Testae silinler.that a n d .-- • ,:l ~he sastctrdiry-dhe ins=rgent.atiefe, save :- rtenirrf btantgotrastiDerslitittion.- 'WS trai ''. ..... 1 3 :"..tiirynif,ncistmla ,eria :carried: to . " Chioago, and i,„,,, , 4,,,, • liar ealheli It iio. then pas&-f9r a platform '..-llr,ratill -towtdchthe-Dscsocraoy was tratroralstely spiked '' .' '•, , :dhunti so enough -It li - 5- - -goortettato . .treert i'enrkkilltlolt.'.lion...xnaeb-ertirehlt . night hare barns Lido; eiStreda Seidl* telegram to ei rebel . irestledesereln re liatialt Pt 01111411), in *hiss, be -vote the tliesicpcintment of s-hope founded on .villefgalts,...end- Dictate polity to the ' editor of . nhi.relset Ortan lir London: - ,' • .• ..- Zl, ' - Sc.' Carneirtarn. D. Dr., Sept. 'l,' ISSL :.-Itl rigrikouria,liritrilitatifon: .. , • ,• .. i'...",,;:1:;i, Ytel.ffirre and Neebilenttei -nominee spittle. '. ->;', t: biotin.' - Vice' Prlialdcis end . epesaliet settees.. ...l lil 'lay. Tell Thilinore not to olve. FLee, 1 ' •1:f.7 -•• • .. fy... • . • Ciao Ehnen]. ----- '= _.~;~ vielmond. and kttentle. i virgizi, ~.n, lyr eon:3AS 161 'lb° mi tt :, • t hi n et Wilk a - • f'i 4 ' o..rgis, It wil l he see n do is guittar. ii .1 n ah. o .d, 'minion:lr /11614 ` - 6. Thd *l,. ~. it, tt 6 ,t, ....a. mina ',.,_....... i-ii came al/ro t ! .. to that 6.yd to thl aims. v . Auggeeee the D u , to the 1 Cl24l"*Ss;asYeTl% ad• the weida co 0,1 ii 'auto the' W' at 2°12 L e s d nm eod down nhj 11 Mime re" Bketc d on crossing the gi , eb a4 1 *Shinano " ad . la 1, Aunt% toeC ' 1 .4 lon of' t t. , , issues esti , ii. ~ ..11 *moots*, I° 9bl ax „. 4 l b, Vjultd) t X *4 ,i• ,:' , ' , * l erstd. wdrinee ~ t T o . oo ,A n a the ort t • • ' 'll, ..z. inite j t 'tio Vernon e r ._ _. !: ' '''''' ;1 OIX - °' was of hart: llo ° P s ' ' t i.- ,rn,A.ildela'lt9lr„ ~',„„ili s tmo ..1...th., 4 te n :.: ... 4 „maw 11=1;44„.„,intreItharz.14_01'n''"01 .. 1 1.1. 1a1t-dill asid htr"-ae , tditS l7 ,..lr t IA to Vol ' ... •:J. - ,,,,,„r 1 " - W,sl,lo,llttd tbo 02e1171V in .,, T .4 .—•-• „ A ilL„ Cizstitga` t ii m ak no on the Ntovt•r4 ' • : • :;, • :1 *' 2rdit .tli th ; Thir u r gtoodtint r t nnan te ztie w:: • -.• rfs: t tr,i o Filliti *WIWI ada big possession el :I;'•'` ~ ' - 2=•: : '4 l .:': 1 `T...-itoini ( ait tha t t waao.. b P iaaa s w ,:a te .1 4 ) ..;;;;14„...., , ,-...;.- tb .3e ewn i z e t% „„, a the Dextrine roa d , „, nt ...1 ~ , ... ...•••: : , -- suwas_i_ i smsires for the Ste I, S op ~ ' ';',. '' ''hi ' 1M1L " .7 .4 - of 13.,ehroond Is eneall ar/ I r s :„ 1 : r o i!:-1: , .. i oT 4 C U ;,I a w apy tbo toad Ot u biwon ....., , :+!•!..'4':',-;%;l11 . 1 .,.."”" 4 ,-,,,,,,,, r g a Sherman to the eo , :itri , ~.-, .., < - 4 ~.....4 s t iitme, spa I{4o3 •F u i n o n. tui•dr•O +......2: .. „p.:: - ,•!•, , ,:11 -, _,l l 4 3 l ; stol a• t 0 ,,. the patriotic 15 ..... ___ d, li ke ~,,, , *l ' : • .4' . :.:. ;':;` .f 4 ' '11,0 0 " ='" V,cor:;s.--111.17.uXre.. Actsertwo. . • ~ri -• - , '..T.:' te n t s, wtlis ! o 2_ l -- . ------- --- t • Seiae, ...:.«.. •,, ,:, , :- . 1',.•1 Is • letter to the editer of la Ito ,oe (' Glithaidi"7 '. i name to the four thener .1-4.?:'''''''4'' 71 tite4ear° t° r , m 7: who ts7o 13,dresied 2: - ` ,.:: :i... - 17.1 ?: 4:'•* 11 _ "a o u tui ci d .t.amtis:ttnft6asornorsbef,itihsti6nmsolfnt.ennzre.e!..f ,in.. .t. ( ' •i-: t•,.,t ~:`, ' ' d•matiktien and to obtain 0 . "p rQ batto at i ,:,::: ~ ; ,- bppe, In go . 14/ 21/ 1 ' aof On O:17 fellow eitleeni. '-'•''' ,14 ''i '' 1 ' ' lle ti rl iaUra o Sa l rite:l=l_ l dt Thst el o l g T or tl o of i ,/ 1 4; '4. , 1 , 1 , .: ;7., ,, .. - ..., , - -- i.-d ini zate tnetand in the v t now waigthal , 1, , , :.' :-.4:...l -"'"Annteattort. 'teem a if 'grow 1623 ,•:;-...", - ;••::' , 4 0 4ii ,- .'„i' . ~10 Wows we awe gre't FV . ',_ teeter' , o f ,deb . ''-‘`,.:' 4 . ;','-" - weli tl rpcweii' kepe r°re p r e ; l o 7 t r ea3 al . ~, booosao ! : 1 ' 4 , :!`'-'• -.' ' .4) ' " T OO oL :tyranny . ' t . Tyroo.J Paii :'s ,,, 6 eede ` Doll, let Switzerland ' t a k e °e'- sho toad tin sationo reran ,-„ , - • , .4 ..tions ere 1112 "' 11• std of o e a t en alk" " ' 1 " -^.'' 4 , '' a.. ay " 5 WO shall eorltnettq ie 0 „,,t, •.:.,„ •'•4:. t!' ” ...-011:10FitY? - vr ,t i gi 1006 tr'inni be f o re '' I 'lntl°' ,and e nisi galas z as snow bade '' L ':. i • ':' . I'l '' gi a t i i r r n ris.4e P° Ll cononer because-We t ~ ... „ . •, , , , 4 I -- i t, - We d ia..' herhood On our Mo. _Lo '..!... -. s ''' .. :i 11hSuet.'" An itiOIICIOD a Switzerland to a , .L 4., mane-- i..t_r w °lli Th the marri••• It ,pubtlw present to -. • tra . e a i, o enf the oodneation of the .!;., ~ , :i . :. t world Ofi !IP gra ' ioo • ; Oast the venial' , ''-; .. ~,.. ._;1 ; !rioPle.. l. , . 4 ,14 4 , 1 4 ' by ,tl.. ,, igiisabh . B .. ) ::, ou , ... , 4 ' to s f , rl;i4 , „, l - ,„,,, of ..b.vo i rt he te a ml i t t o r of Pa . . , _ _ lt sa i L in bil tatir r lisinturi::4l:::;;„dobiraiiotitsice,koitits.l,e,Oon hot trate 1 talertwelghiso- thortieistemioltire.d.ts ..ogitin i s th i liberty, •••1 • ' • w hich we now see 1 nerZ _•.: apathy e. all. . -I la" swamped by 'a'' 16' I • i d ,' I A • rlild of 14 -;-' is-Lbg' °lst it" " 1 u g• pprtitiote 4110 001 :: - us u ths tis ' e s t s g i b a l late lli t : I n ;; loi et tbe it!e.otaltob•_,..o.n! tu lkb ri la: A i 1, -1 0 1 0 e , wleilisotion, se jet, to bat "... i , =ME Copperhead Ideas of fdrCiellao. ' 1 14 aturrie• ac• M.'s Il.ll,aps7tr edited by all alien, in the elisalse el the/Trench Empire, sends ::- ii the fotterbs`Ardoe Willem of:deal - Alen -4 11 MeCleThes Is lastly a new . man. For more 5/I(matwayeere 91.01:arm not tams rut In the It • Inhuman war ememenead by the B2msides, the /' ' l , • 11"t"I'delltIstirmy6hoefittl:siebditeinsirea'sliesurf tl the Adettestratloal and. the first greet viola. loud the Gonstlintints, the Smsuselpation Pro abunatlan,sustatinseheathe Ma Word. Obliged '1 11ght, h i h i ,, however, neves stilled his nesse 1 4 ., . 1) atlidlialrbatr=olsolf3teSeerlaing: In: • , `t Isiattioltand 8111141.. lie belongs to ' that school 1 Atf afitoireli *to out yes loot upon the 0 Gael 4rstal ail emmtrynams,ll/11142 CMS a the Generals - .tele In the seratea bas:l7 Issir VIIKILI 0113171 it 1 : 1111al t bei. linligtiaintaftbairate Braker& ' A ieitillnat NM TOti:ll4/1: "Tilo nagalite „tdtdrElailitatte„, Id b the city ; Job he z' ,24 loorighlithlms (semval thusly ths ecanme) ' .=. toe * audith at iss wessilisdirbirf Stadia', 51 ' ' 411sapPlleted• AIM Otterha ettlim &ifs hat sob ',.' '-'` '1 • '01 •AlAisiesitlit it lads, sad . thou Idle :L :4 --• 'll:lskcathitta, to sell6thesseetvat at sa high a ;u x -1 4 4i ic° 4so a u l rotVies s rili tc,itigrosurcrt=fre ,L, d idaris‘ Isitesssi oserelated of certain sub. atludie bratesit - mho hea, Toariliiied minim, la Z” 10260 ms issioreolui ago, as 4Tstais if, .; f or atswirri WWI etch ram, sad sink boa •,i . 3 t"' tozi=siiiis th eir • bestd pessighiLe) ; Aftra4 I t ' thlit th i n cult g•k*, } 6 " died& us sass toi initsi tio "nor josi A hp,-oi4iiiessissii lii idik 4":"l spledattlfildintid dfahltstsPt 11 r •Itit" ttikl) ,..,apr+-r-i•-•' • '" . •."-;..." , ° let. t• A '''' "' oo:citron af the luta Ildpnitheid' I .:44dres '' ZlivairratdottliMi othe irtAilltr &Mina f!'"jeg. ___,.....A.60, -.the) silts fov,it. li *so a 'SA, Vie, I. -' rtolltd4442lthttiriFlihdlg. -..--- ,esisillts miasmas dussitsitilmost sir "Wl*" aosfeflaisti Una" `:•lft*llieblrd_al,../dat.;-121.,,f Itrosesolliht,Colottel,' lfdif'! .4 lEMerirg — it:m Delmont I tieboillit 4ti...-7107plini.'t , $ ~. ~a ._ ',~~~ • • 4 -- • • .• - , 'al 4 3 - • •"' • • :• I, 1. 1 • Tlye lieetr.AppaistreCot,!ltitsita to rsearelt Of a 'ffife-t—.-The Grand Duke Nicholas in a Sid The heir -apparent of Bain.,the future mas ter of a realm of morel than seven millions of square miles—en empurriting one &eventh of the territorial pill obitse glebe, end about mot twenty. sieth part of Its entire stirfetoe—to in want of a wife, and cannot find one. This astounding piece of mews (sayr. -the, London glob.) is going the retold of the continental pa• pers. grand Duke 'Nicholas, heir apparent of all the Bustles. twenty-one year& old, tail, good looking, iti'Vpiendid uniform, omitting five lan guages, and with, all the accompUthments , to vOling to wdd , yet cannot get a wife. It is aid thekGrand Truke Nicholas has only live royal princesses offered for'election; and that, unfortunately, of ti 'to five high born Ille-dossmot like t. rto, sad hie imperial fat father does not like the other two, so that, In point ot fact, the heir -apparent of one-seventh of the earth can get no wits at all. Poor Nicholas. There was a time when the Czar and fatally were allowed to pick their partners front among a whole don oats It is said of Pete: the 'Groat—thawhen he wanted a spouse for his ton Abets, lue chronieled a round robin among the five score of reigning families in Germany, bidding them to send all their mar riageable daughters, deducting the plain one., to Memo , t2r-t en , The inviratien was responded to by a crowd ( flowero nd illustrious deo sets, and the fattest from among them was pleied for the drunken and dissolute heir 'e cent- • 'llanbstqfiently its business 'war eonineted mainly by advertisement. Aldet given in one of the Bambara Bases, then considered the or gan" of llso &11 govinaintrit, generally brought allot ofdrtraits to tfielmPerial Court, from the Inspen of which resulted further negetiallona., _Princess Clan, ,lioherthausen• Ohnetueden held dos moit'ellgible of the matrimonial candidates, was then invited, to gether with s ,me old Olmobrod aunt, to speed a uple of weeks at the imperial Court, where she was kept if finally approved of,- or if not, return ed to her, loving parents at the grim oastle'of Hohenhation. The Coupes' of Vienna, when by theeirelpinetwall bf itaarlyahundredarown ed hoods from the field-Of totally, had the offset of greatly lestening the charmed circle within whiclothe 1113111. wire wont to rove, and Czar Nlcholes, when noty ot heir-apparent, had to pay assiduous courtship to win the hand of tbs Blot 'of Prussia's daughter, and Ids three' younger sons expetleneed a igtedteel ntual difficulty tovit bride. ofrriad family,' finding that they ware earthy Nought after and that,in fact, the dernialretil f of grettittllls4 the IuIDPIY. re fused to go to Russia. They objeoted to the vreargivenrY sus too ceidrand to the tubas as being tev;iyisablltit beating their w' toyal'y notwithstanding, Thus the ante nar rowed more and more around the n Coors proud lamp/, hem now become hundibiting necessity fe•iisclare that the heir-apparent of Rua la cannot find a wife at ell• It is the great est victory the ladies have achieved in the nine teenth, letttnrie" . . .• • giViirD AND 1111SCEL1L AN T. - A Utile Bliat bawds ae`Nammerrr."--.Todge ieyeirotthe.Couitef,ComMorePtess estate as ler, hai &bided ilintWhare. a hoes, hes been let Ada l6ll.stomenrfor :the soso of keeping -w loges boor seloon, the . hnsba Of the women May be mad Mr the seritV the 'building, pro vided'it sin be premed - fent 'the wife' Eviler ' ,children wercirupportad one, of . the.pnieedi of bser tattoo. , Thle judgment we' based on ,thelba,adt 011.81doilleithrovides that' win en asses ' Lsillere-deliterney'bittunstramml• for necessaries . for thernppert and..scushttepance, of the family of: way.'Sairriti TO•ligi it shell be lawful for the creditor in such- case, to hmtitute suit against the h usband . rid wife for the prim of !lamaseries, and after obtaining • judgment. • hare an intention against the hnsband alone," =deo forth. Tualtte-whials tumwei. preached to his Ironsileartnbiesstinlied, but keep their. pow der dry, was retroduosd in essence by tier. flask Traitor' in Nee Batord, last Bousday, in a see ..tettittu fiat, bath In z the &gem. mete, end faith ill the righteousness of the cease \ for which ,we are bghting." ile warned his congregollon of dirk dayi, pi:Ships to oar arils, of dila rite to thr Gorerument, dark days to individual teen'eCtoninger :and trust. .'ltet brethren," vaid he, .1. beseech yes, don't In easy dark day, go en& vote. for, :McClellan and Pea dlaton—N. Y. 114. Tull ommusulatige of; , unpaid requisitions upon ; ill the Treasury 'rendering the necessity for a temporary loan of at .... fifty m eat of the illions of din- • 01. • lass, to ariiielPisOinit.Otte Pllm etiliments of the new loan, urgent. It is un - dental:4,olot eporetary.leasenden is aaaaaa to futtherifiltallet .61 the,nuirencyjetti* wilt peed upon the receipts from fates and long loins tomeet Lt iftemanA upon the Tresauri. With Coontte if Of Infamy he Well there atery sew?! to ,expeot, he Woks he will be thus to meit•these detain& In the Wan time he llia 0411•0•te. a temporary-t dellloans upon to dm °Writhe -Mon pressing itrpa him. e preoeedinge of tholloroferenceof delegates front tee eataral province.. of Rabat America, which met on Sept. I,et Charlottelewn, Mace Edward's Island, have not been mid* officially: known. It le, however, anderstood that the , Convention was unenimolarin aolcatwiedginle the gag adjuntages to be eipiread from a 0 , 31: , federstlon of all the in and that they adjourned to meet *gain on the 14. th inst, Sitelifse4 dais agree.lll b &fails plea to be submitted to the severell'arilement, How. ehrisen B. Wenn, the District Judge of Indiirt; died at Lafayette on the /airs White wet a Represantative 'in Congress, from 18011 Indlecalli from 1837 to 11339; a Sentra: trout to 1845, and again a Representative in the 37th Convert: On the' deith of Hon. Caleb 13 Sus th he wee appointed by President Lincoln Judge of the D. 8. Dittrlet Court for the State of lodate. 'A ecirrtittotter lays that General IdeCiellso Datont to remove from Dania, H,w array, tc Nets York, In order that be MeV he pelt MS friends. Prom the developments of the Chicago Me- Convention vie should think thae-if Cameral Carideo really desired to by stela late friend' he alai:ad secure a viatica on Majir Multard'a d i g of true* bast. Veta.ranionew said General Schenck wae like the toad, ugly and •enomousi heti:intik* the toed be no precious jewel in his hind. The Derma Alvpire says it may he &hew& hat no ja vela about his pervert, Lad he cartels:ay has no car. vent erre dime in hie pocket. Tea oantribatore to the dimecaplastliption,will gnderstend It.] Tee akELDLISE Lite lue --The Detroit Free Prou Deists of the popularity of BloClollen °onside. -11-Canada jest tow contains large popolstion of Nortlarn skulks and cowards, bconsbern rebels, sad foreign enemies of theadiert Cal. ttdetatue Illsels3Vienoteurprialeg. Oar pcpulsrity hrings no votes. Mohr, Trrtnn.l„. of Yroloryvlde, Staten Llsnd, bee !rinde daring W es blackberry sesr.on, jest closed, evenly-me gallons of blackbe brave rry 001- brandy, of the beet quility, fot o f dare. It goes forward to ha, used in the hospi• tale ottani:mkt° Cons. Butler's and Hendee Ds. pertments. 2citons cif dingere commeac eastward lave ldeeed. Collector Botbey to order four irmed fetal:Me Itennlitulto cruise in.mah water/ ea aro likely 'to 'Atrial the. visits of - Rebel vas. eels. This anessure, it's. believed, 'stand ample protect:en egs!ntaleny Rebel" projeou.-- bo'no N. . Tel Poston Pest, In • minas of glerlaostlert ever the nomination of McClellan and liendle toe, soy.: Let nor cur Mende stand upa the defensive." It would - be curious if any poiltioal party, under the leadership of General MoOlollart, should over maintain any other attitude...Philo. prc.. Moroorrou tore boot blood better than they do any that does In the reins of human kind. Jot put • eoopto of generous pleats on plates near your bed at tdght o ond you will slog p on yo :. tr onbind by these pmts. In the morninn wild fibl these mil and stupid with beef blood. Sttoir Fiii.—This Morning 'twat two &Vitße ale, to ,ws• discovered laps oil rotatory, on toMafelmet, AflegteaNisit it was promptly et? Ungnialted by nightwatolasen Samuel Nedra, who happened to to In the vicittity at the time. -- l'sc 13Stuortn;,—ilt Wit,. one ollico holder in No ork eify ' , alto con:tidied - it his duty , to, preside. &speak at s recent poses meoling there has been removed, and SIIOTIDIIII Isststdait suede -theremord.i. . .. , • A LADY DS i3c4oillili isaiarkiwi liit evening whim notloeing on-OOStalorat (Idefaleltan)roldrf et, "that - she thought it wog be more sprat.. priate to Ors serpents ewe rialtetsc—/ 04. 06 frO• DRAM Li SLIZYCOLTraIIOADID .allyiatat from gintnely say that 111 VLSI! of the draft, there Is oval decided 0104141DIMOD of the old !prejudice against the enlistmentof negro troops. Tel IL IL'lngersoll; inioessor to Oweis LrareJoy, has been nitatimontly nominated fay milelobticinif the Union Convention of the fifth , Num EltrabottrlL:Whittler. the only sletla of the Quaker poet's:ids Indy. of. tars culture; omit ramie gifts ,; died at Atteehmi; Mass, on More dty, afterrnprotiliotadlansM, ,' ' j. \Cou.trtnucs Enos, .Ifortioth , Now York, has been appolnted-prigadlsr-Osnstal ter-bravery Lu., .f.ke., 1 ,4 1 ,kni GeV tirmiti renommendatioh,,, : r jtri itruddiedlaitti-fertletiuree •desurtailrom ` am vobel arm y saaktsw*ois'at iiiansafr as: PoArdui.aa dal; toisu , • - ••r - A rwarton to the Pienoid Senate for the aboll. Went 14141 'plmlitasufnit - ha 0ttft 4 4; 83 4 0(14 . 4,cllo.4.l"4lr!utresaviiinined at Pabitlou.4 . ,Ontate_being,relesqkkad letting the o r 0.111 1111111161111111.1 41 " .611""" lIIE SIIENXNUOXII %kiln Bold Swindling Oplreatlona. The Oil City Became ennigne the following \ The Military Situation Unchanged. "coolant of the operations of a tog= banking Innis that phew Some font or Ave smoke ago a company signing theMIGIVOS "0. Ames A C 0.," rented a roman the gut side of the Creek, put up a sign and opened abantinginstitotion. On the day of opening they ansalnenat4 operations by payizg out worthless Ws stomped with their signature, saying they would nide= all bi Is thus stamped. This of itself should have been ora cle:it pound for a strong saeplolon of their in tegrity and honesty of purpoia, and many Von? htlitheell men were warned thereby. Thus mat. WS stood ; the "Bank" in the Meantime VS 'Oil. log all the deposits that eCtud be "soared up ' by runners and otherwise. "bankers" bow- On last Saturday evening the leg urgent and imperative badness In some other peat of the world, ma an to d us. undeknaown, " s tony dandled," "vemesad" retreat," carrying with them the money "bane." ot the depositors. On Monday morning, as th e " bath e uneasy, sae no opened, th e depeOltoll bec and bed the her {rutin:MonSt som if oh od,An in the afteßare r n on by th e Deputy empty wee found to occupy the room, and a note on the counter ans.ormeing that the bank world be open at 3 o'clock, p. ra on Monday. At the prethlit writing (Tueethay no tntolligenoe has been heard of them preclvua "bantam," and the general suppodtion le that they are safe in Can ada ere this. The following Is a partial list of oms sas • mined by our citizens: Conrad 1: Co , b+ ,000; Dr. Egbert, $1,600; Perrg 'Tate $3 63 , and *nu 0 - Fry, $750. The husband of tire. Fry is in the army, and bar son lately enlisted and gave the money to his another for safe keeping, by whom it en deposited with times a winds lag anonndrele. There are rumors of other deposits. in the but amounting ta or $60,000, bet we thlsk they are greatly exaggerated. It teams strange to us that Potions would entrust their money to a company eousu3g among us under sualemous circumstaness, having no reputatior or relcrenoe in our odmmunity. Mustered ant land raid otr. Battery "0j" Knee's Battalion, Ps.. Vol. Ar tillery, Wt Riddle, arrived home on Sat 'day evening, and was mustered out on Turtle), byCapt. Ddsh, andpald off yesterday by Major Allison. This battery wu the third ridged for Josept M. Knap'e Battery or one hundred deye' men, stittuothed by the &mystery of War; mustered In by Lieut. Williams on tt r 25th day of May. It reported tor duty at tilar_. Augur's headgurters , s .W sakilngton, D. 0., on the 27th, and was at one assigned to duty at Fort Mahon, on the Eut Branch of Iliel'otomee, armee with excellent Springfield rillesi the company was earnestly drilled both as infantry and heavy artillery. During the four orate smoke the company spent at this Port, vary °onside:rale progress wee Made, and the ciorinpsay puled such creditable thepeotions that it wee'trusferred to wu Fort usign Stev ens, 2d brigade, liken filept-Blddle ed to. the command of that post. On the 4th of 2itly the battery .sr again -trans• !erred to Port Bettina' the fart on the estrecto onalooldng the ' Potomac; when the Bat- WWII wee for t h tefirst time united. The Battal ion was locatd:hers daring the attack ander Sea Batty, on the lath, end 14th of; July, and are accredited bythe General • oommanding with having divertedhe rebel streak from the front Of Port Sumner to the tight, where the principal attack us madf end repelled. The Bated:Wales suns good deal of service, during the Erradred dap to which they hive been out, and had. become quite "veteran" in the drill, both asinfantry and artillery Ti necrd of target practice with ths buoy glote, by the Bettalion,fiaa been spoken of by compe tent cfiloora, 16 very estheordbury for new troop& Battery D, Capt.'Besert, the lest of the Bat talion, will probably arrive cad be unaltered out on the 17th Inst. Ames... Dint of Soldiers,' Tales. The 4043 !Petition of the actregulating elections pj soldiers in entail militia, intim; iacialnis miry Assessor to SUM sea retcvn ilionnty • tax ton Mats upon semi nen-ottattallabne d °Scar and privets', sad the nide. Mies upon esery commlatinned 0f5.8T known to be In the, zalliuscy writhe a n d' I:Jetted States or this •, But* 11l the stray,when sny omission shell o war, the omitted Fusee stun bo added by snob sensor of tile assessment end list of voters, on the application of an, citizen of the election dis. • diet, when sneh ioldlor stall here a right to, vou If not In inch mentos. The township Delo; looms or county tiger:mei is boan4 to FCCIPOTO the taxes atorelaid from any person who may &Teri tbou4 • • The assesiment elloild• b atterivied to in dun time to QM _district. • • ' - The Local Oil Market. The ifowiror COBSMAIM the following review of , the ell market *VOA City, for the week Anuithe . on the Bth }net : We hey, Co miterlat change nd to note in the , oil Widnes. signs our lest report, a Torte lasv'erealr's piece is 'bunging reurs at present': Ott , 510610,610 at the well, and $l la 1.1,be ..t this point. The unsettled sixth of the e old owlet ;mottles everythlog else, hat with the return of gold toward its p et of a week' shun wlllnolllllll Wiwi of confidence to ell and ioil (toots, The demeod for ell territory con tinues taltheted. Tizere is no danger of the market being overstocked will the crude pro duct daring the present season. Editorial Valedictory. Rev. Dr. Keogh, who for some time peat has edited the Viitabargh Coatslie, in this city, with d,gnity and ability, takes leave of his readers in tie ptesint number es follows: °I beg leave to inform thy resists of The Cpaolic tbbt I have boon !alley ad t,om tho fur ther dloSbsole of the duties of editor of the paper. I take this 000ssion to theta th e ( readers for the htedness with whisk y have rem:iced toy poor efforts in their service, and my brsteeou of the ',Prete, mrpodally my Ceibalid br st that! ethren, for thototateey I have ever experianai hands Cosi; Mum° hiamurawv.—Orest attention belir paid is England, it the ?men t time, to the cutting oat cr of. cant by mi• ar. many pat en t st have been taken for machines.. We find it state! ID nor liaglish exchanges that there ate five ate,- ~Otlt le cperation the eornitioi of Scatbain ' birlaiid and bottom; It machinery osm be economiatlly applied to this purpose Egland, whets thwpries of -labor low. with how mail more man mop can it be applied in tale amour, whorls the wages wt fo r Hem by coal. Itittirt PTO so high to TO HO= 6113106 T itbIITCOIS Oar inventors 'hoed hiok to this. 'OPP A SITIAL Cl TIM SIITT-PrESI. RTOINOWT. is &Dent arrived in the city this morning at one e o'eook, and was met at the depot by a larz mid of eitisens. The regiment rural:lsm 126 meno nod will De paid o ff and winatered out of thedervlce In • few dap. We lOUS that OspL BOdiObSSlgh,l,l3o grIS winded it Obarleitrwn en the 26th of August, died at Bsltlolofil on Ws& Otid.y. The Captain wee In command of 0.1-eel:tent at the time he was wounded. 011 remains will be brought to this city ler Inter . Debt. Doe. Gazrrrel—ls your node s of on oath to retorts of ithe First Pennsylvania Cavalry, in the Attie on mcnrisn Co. F, which was recruited i village of Carmichtels, Greene county, and an der the bravo but lamented Davidson, (who on the eve of tio three years service gave ha lila sadritoe to Me ocuutry) always bold their posiv den pa the bouniable rolluf battlefields. Thcy oLtiie bane now with Chtemod ranks, an der the the otdanitind of Coptabv-Tom Luau. Welcome warriors of threimoore L. S . , ;Sul 0.0., DlSCosnair.-011 has boon found on Sager Check, ten miles west of .oU{lreek. ose well throe hundred end eighty feet deep, pro. dosed threelluxdred barrels of heavy Inbriott - Ing oil, end another well at 'Omni the come doPth giro promise of a good 'fold. Consider able excitement pretrial , in the , neighborhood QI Clooparatown In result" to Oil matters, and teat estate Is In demand at advanced riots. loyd.--Tts old )33.0dg01d Civalry, Cents% tail!, IMO relieved from ditty et the front lioNall tira,V ,olo IWO. About tbirtisurron of the de Si:timbers are at home, and will rendezvous in this city, to be mustorea .ont on Mondoy This ooropiny his been in 'orrice In SP eitsrst Virginia. sad the - bop bare nearly w ardived la the thertares ran of the llow and honorable ossopslgn jot ended: , A liirsataV- In the talegraphio dhperoh on nounolog thsosptoreof the digiboatliesputesam published jestedday, the to of soother gun. boot was , adetteetegitowelg: Aetortarg. Ow toln Rodgers ef Ms city, who oommandel the gauxultesihand ebo U Tweed to Dauphin killed was ilidelyhere .as lb itsillorrs s a artist:—....----":""--, . ,, -Comas.tiaenolizaselitiona, o b f y it o tie e tolObtatarertnate titera Ifigetel Iltra*VtartileVir:l27//tr-w- hear from Zst to lAbbi-pTISOD, Restos to flacon, (13, audios tly to Charleston. We ore olealatto bus shat he "rin tb40715:114! orgoail RetIPL., - . , rtcalos so a. isstniiiins ilounn. i vito Pousuylvanlas. coasiolatorgo asol. of tbAl 11* NO oilofnls' Woo*, Col. Coaligi = ittici cipit itivid os giiil9l4l - Ali., dm intilttir, 00 Nal ial Caraists, as siot a woke lif st.l4.* look utmost. rEserrotors Wootton &meta sap 1 ..t.rudfaistraok 40 =figoratiste ptitatiumi(s buena. SKIIIMIHING WITH THE lIIBELRBAILUDAB.D Charlestown garrisoned by our Troops. NSW YOIRK, Sept. 9.--Tbe ficcoa , i's 'Tars? p' Perry correspondent, writing on the Eith, says: The military situation is unchanged. The reb els have retreated op the TOMOIi , &d yesterday they were west of the ()moan river, followed closely by our cavalry. General Bs?ly bad his headquarters at Berry ville day before yesterday. A. batch of official di:matches, printed orders, &0., relating to the e he rebel army, were found in the ,outs-whieb bad occupied es boadqciarters. The third division of cavalry, General Wilson, skirmished with the rebel rearguard all day yes terde.y. Officiere from the front re-dry report all quiet there. Charlestown, midway between this point and Sberidan's army, is garrisoned by our troops. _-___--------- GEN. GRANT'; REGENT ORDER, La . ge Number of Deterters Arriving REBEL% WEARY OF THE WAR new t cal, Sept. 9.—The Ihralcr . correspon dent entwith Grant. Sept. Yesterday BO a large number of deserters entered GOD. GOT'S lines from along their whole length, Impelled to leav ing the Southern 101:11(0 1 On reading the reoent er genous order of the Vent. Gen eralCommand log. They say that the more gen circulation of the order would have themu effect of bringing ds ' the rebel soldiers into lines by hundre 1 and thousands. • They say that the impresaion prevails among the southern loldiers that the Obioago COLITOU foe meant pear", but if thry thonght they wars to eaduie another campaign, the army of Le. would unquestionably fall to nieces. They assert strongly and with apparent trathfulneas, • greetend reel. weariness of the war. Pauletot te= bail given way to lassitude, and lassitude hmatl sssssss and hopelessnes. ------------- LATEST FROM. PETERSBURG. Dank Imminent and Ineilitable LEE LAMELY REINFORCED FROM EARLY A UNION VICTORY ANTICIPATED New Yobs, Sept. C.—A frfbusie special, dated neadquaitors Anny cr the Potomac. Aug. lth says i A battle seems imminent and inevitble. Tbe rebels have been largely reinforced from Early's department, and were yesterday crawl- : leg stealthily hill a position most precarious to them, atonal" they were answer. or It. 1 Tito public me; look for stirring news from ' that quarter trothedlately. Oar recent monism have infused new pride and ophit into this army. TsStonily was full of promise for victory in t coming strr.ggle. FROM HARPER'S FERR SIIIINISHING ON 'nrINESDAT MEW lose, Sept- 9—The ft-ibener Itarper's • 1 Furl conespondent, writing on the B.h, lays .; A rtntschment of our caratry yeeterdal creased the Orguar, and druee the- rebel plater.' to; within four miles of Winchester, where the otansY's infantry was posted in fore. ktrwilh44The Jenny advanced on our earnirla Tam s Leak to a Atria this side of 1iet7391110. 111FORTiNT FllOll KVITUOIIY esaee and One Hun uredrd. ed and Fifty hien Capt Louts. tt.ta, Sept. Holm an, of the I I tit antuchy cavalry, captured Cot. lassie and otte hundred and fttty luau _yesterday afternoon.. They were encamped near Ghent, Ky., mud being surrounded by Holman, surrendered without' LATEST FROM MOBILE Our Troops Landed at Cedar Point. EXPLOSION OF A REBEL TORPEDO New loess, Sept. 9.—The Herold'. Ft. Gaines correspondent of the 90th nit. days: Oar troops have effected a land!ng at War Point, threw Indite above Dauphin bland, c.. 91 twenty fire miles to Mobile. The road rannlog to Mobile to bald by ate rehab. It is reported they have no .fortlfinalione on this rokd, exnapt nesr the city. A. torpedo, drawn from the water last week. exploded, killing five or !Aland wounding fifteen others. The wort of doetroying the sank tu Na• ro• hvllle, in the channel above Dog riser var, wee p grefeing. California Demon rat le 'OM , entlo¢.; nAn IriLtlolsco, Sept. B—The Colifaruia Uem• coratle Convention now In re.doohare, o"°t°a• Ei-Governor Downey eta J sato Orngittiv Lt. Congrees. Boon:al/us were a4ap...1 la sips re endorsement of M'ClalleaV4 tomiastioa cOld the platform on whieb be received Safe Stolen—Congressional Nomination. CIPOINIATI, Sept. D.—A safe containing fo Haan tbousand dollars was strlen from the stage coach between Portland and Gallipoli; on Holiday. Henry C. Lord doolitoes the Democratic porta mob to Congress In tbe Second Distrito. 3, mob C. Butler was nominated in his stead. Ca!clan Light giploafers —One Wiled. Naar Yoga, Bert. B—At the ritTlellan 'rati fication meeting last night, a °akin heti et plo.lod, MI ink; one) ones 110111.11.11 Ind 11/01110 111 9 award persons. ------- . Await Oth.—This is the nem, peen to the o'l Produced in the Itoonogehels vole]—the color bc.lcs much richer than thet of any oil jet productd. About fourthundred week barrels were larought down during put , most of which wee cold here et ante pet gel• lou,lattages included ,LAsosarir oe • svocrrs.-4 Mat lassics Sam %Lel Levan., all from Philadelphia,. wag aommlttlloga•d to Jail to day to answer olsisgs of roal VILICItd Itt $25, trout the FA Dorado Saloon, corner Fifth and Bml J 6 eld etresu. The Information wu made by Dickey. ____ Pontos= meeting of tho Manage" of the PiooVlZe MOW Agricultural fioolety, • few, dors dnaa, they respired to postpone/ the sdibibition of the Beeiety Until Ootobiff 865. The state of the Poantry and the high prises toe the muses of thdi 'postponement. • .Ditatre to Plio.T.Tirnui lIcerTTAT... DA dupla toportia In the PM130101.. 40 vitals, ate the foliowitou . Levi .NITla, 04. D, 613 t Pa., spa Robert J. links, Ca Sth rw Cavalry. LIIMBING ties and Casa rittbst. arl u n araaahai, a,nraut attaaded to, by aSligglal . cad, pract:cal crcainann„ Ina siaarldamd of GAS MATS 113135,_ anowza solta buo ;,, m , unmans , 404. ciatratil bsbei 1114 MAI terolr. • , TARB UMW. so. so nirem maitre, latoetoos; • - Ea mown air. rittobtol4' thia:MEt PSAATEIV, PEACEiga,. .Nrsaiiteciiritl l4, 7 l 7' , Tel be geb lal 11, ..,,,p.gclie/41111ebe11112013324 of lidittlflei•Sr . ,t itWMltiaG~p . Le iroan 1 001 SOO IN 'SEPTEM BER I.NII on..turit; s. 1829: "B" ru " FRANKLIN IGYA %Mt conori PHILADELP HIA. Larta on Joann 41864, 86,6 57 0 1 16. Invested Prezotsma......-- ---.-- .....1,086,3101 Ilroettled Clertos--.----------$ 14416 Income for 18rA.....—.------..—. 300,000 Dose Paid duos OM ..... .. Ponces .-15.000.000 Perpetual sad Temporary— an liberal Wm. otastrreas : Obarke 21. fleecier, 1 Iwo Let. Tobias Wegner, Iduard 0. ibis, • = I R? Brolits , Oto• Palo, Alfred Tltler. Got. W. Bieber's. rms. W. lore% H. V. OE ARLES N. BA SWUM, Prerldeut, =WARD 0. DALT, 'floe ?relabel. Jai,. W. SteMALISTII3, See. Pro Tem. J. 2 . 4)TarlisosabY4`'..... --- 1019 • .• • SUBAN CA, LS FIRM AND Ii&ND. Insurance Co. of North imerica. raubAD.LruiL Hartford .Fire lassrauxo Company. fidrProtection ma be wonted ta the 110%114111•1901101A add ealiabli. compoatio. W. P. JONES, ♦a.i*, se3s el 7 imgewo:wimmo.2l!2t..!..l!ntt ronsus LSSIJRAMM COMPlaril Mee, H. S. corner Wood & Fifth 6i FIBS AND lea-ars notatain. DISSCED 3 . 3 I ..I.i.D. 'tartar, \ Uvt. Jam I. 2 ,0641, • eanuel Y. Shrift.. Own, P. RIM% O. algal= Mule. Am. Maim Sohn wan. wag. B. UM. S o hn IL Marko S. 1:4144 Wm. Vim Was n. GARDNER. By —/ -"j4CBRN Uti CCIMPA. " PlTTssturicruis, 1r , Fteddrok. E. C. 0011D05, beratary. WM" Ha 91 Waltz weal. Siang el WI WWWW CI6. up Palm, Plltab gsab. Pral War. saasimi .n 19a6a4/ 11ra sit Marro Els* • 13wr liagt=4:•masoArd try ham. oafi Immo is am emantaaatr, was sra br prmtP o ... Ala 1+20.140,, cosislan siellarww which OK, law uamail. am*: dr bat proadia. ta Libras lala &aka la be/rani lesexd.os" 0.11.0 1 ... J., Andrew An 7o7. Janos SeAndel. Alenander bpertl lizsbantel llamas, 11.311.11. gone. AUL Zinniely Genre Dunio Dee 4. P. Hama, chwiiud B, waves Sohn IL 2rOnan. 0. W. litantece. wend I.2..bUFAINt MPANY -01 71111881:1110EL Wu" cora. , Ilazkat I.ad Warx Grob. occaai Coar. • ueomati, NOWA 13610111 SU. &wow* Lcamriltaaboats awl Oargnm. . damns agaimalms sad damage in m, liddWa°l dl Wa Eqntbarn mad Weatarn Si La. NA gym' nd Um navigation of Om Bomi. Saint agninid Irma and V:g v. r. by Am Wo.itps.r. 11. ut, Jr., S. It. Biar. Jots Sitiptori. W. P f:l.gbmitim.. Jam. EL Oaogar, B. If. Raw B. Barbarih. Pam* J. caa.ou u, Bon. 'inorra, Jain B. Dilirmva. Ilardo ?minim, Wm. ta.. Bodi= (loom Binisima. ._...--------. Art A LLEOBLNY INSUBANCS 0 ma Ai rxrrit Pa nDDS I :I 11.—Ctice. Sol Da4V.Bl.*Jr.. kaerteetietnat sllll.llkll-1c; J.l;ilzl=ls, JVIIN D Et CO 3D, Ficr. Pr.wietd. D- li. BODZ . W .: . .z....tacesir. !Age „ Jens D. lattrit. ArCVDME.I, daps. Ada Jambs, t. Hemet ceet D d. D. O. trey. Geo_ W. J. he Isdis, Jr , D. h. MO es D. L. ',WNW 'et, SIAM. id alle. UtlAls4CE CO I of Elea lark• THIC lIPSSII 158131...11313Z of ?kw Tart. ud tomato— AstD J 3 11. B. UsTAN, Moat, 59 Yourtb.l99et. 119919 9 Balding DoLuest deVIIIGS BANS., No. (4 Wass &Ms , OIin.IITEILIM ID 135/.. Oponaslll tres 9 to 9 o.cloct, also on Wednistity az/ I.ton.V ereuZ, from iiri. la bb ay t toLir rhea SIT, t %o n oLcn from II DepositsB 'atixik. mottos/ of all atm not la than Or. Dol. far .4 • dividend of Ito neotts /actual mica a rw, to 'Jana and mbar inter/At boa boon do:Mood astol-sentally to Joao sod Illeasobar, atoottio Dank sill organized, at the nat. of all. For etou. yew. Intmows. II not drawn out. la moos! to to a midtt el the 01- , nr-a .. Potadfnl.aoti tows till satoo toLotas trom tut &at days of 7-foa wad Doonnixt comPotodloa Wee spar sill:mat mothttoz the Cowls= to WI, cr roe to preoutt hit p 0 S-orn.oes At *Lb r.ta mono , trill &call to law Stan tan/. . cining the Mortar, Ely.lass, nolla and tomsDogs/oo farnistod psi% on applizaaloo 00 Ow erns ratOaar-01:011011 &LOPINII. aura Mainnate : :101011 trent/ay, Ammo B. P. lade., John 11 Pt oalabotga2 Wm.. Dosolaa, 30.... liindm.n. Prier fa. 2-. stairs, Law U. Pontoon. Junes thi.lia, Wallow 3. Andamt. i .1..110 U. 17...7...d.i..a. A. ZL PollOon, IL D., I Jolla CI. Dookotan. vsopritas : W" J. Lynch, John Marston, Walton P. Ificranall, John On, 1341. c. Both, floor) L. Biognalt, William N lobmarts nlozandar =t4 Allsand William at Vatinift. Soar Nfrhittlor, Wm. P. Warw., Christian Taanno. '''' .9. ta. 00L703. Calvin KALAM 7011 t C. Dlndity, Georg. itl%ek., Hlli LintgWV , ll A.. , J13.1.0 A. °uric, ob.rUA WWI. no w . MeitoelL John. filintayiN Glflt B. Dam. Pecs . a. Drnkc. Diehard Hal., James D. Kelly, blit'ZiT 111 I Tama mtakdbir Flit te,T II ANION OP PITTSBURGIL By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury thl Dant L. authorised to receive subeerlytious to thy Three Toth Seven and Three -Tent dotes. • altb Interest ConYotia attrobed payable aernl-annuab:, le ear1...7. Than note., are parable at maturity Is leapt tanner oe convertible, at the optima! the holder., Into ttord ber.rinc Intextene per mat. Bonet. 'the Note. will he In donontloatlone of 650, 6103, sl=l. 161,010 andll, o . ) . Pomona; d.w.itio, 626 001 and arrant , sill De al. laird one.o -art. or oue per centarn on the *mount 01 he trlncip Slotre .s Ocea n. rb rnromialon qID. o Ea, iTSUI FIRST NATIDNAL BANE, op BOAT WAYNE, INDIANA . littllkd Dept;sitoly of the United *tato, c•0t,',44.1d up . Troida . c—J, D. BETTIMIII. Csahlar—S".lll. 712133:14 ormiaroas s J. D. anttouto, h.. Et gnus, - • W. B. Dither, O.D. G. Weyer. Jk.. D. Dmitri& Thlt Itaok Makes Do senior In mai= MA 411614 ork et toot pints. Colle ltbction. mill SIMI ortilr prompt mttooticch owl rotana . moat bp dna ort wag Ink._ Dirmloottl. M1.44"b." 72.3 . Samuel Ilamiki Jobst Trod. Stranapr lobo Brown. BLlThini Dealer ht no • AND mutnaAL ncetwricuts. fob moms .SHADS CO.•B PIANOS, EL&INVI Ma. ruso sad PRINCE C0..8 NELODNORS. No. CS TUNk of. Aomori d car olloooe 'good, rutemrstc. Pura. to lot, lel into= to exOhorige'for corm. 10t ------------r—"Cll4l:lslt ' - KLEMM /is ktitt4lleuiers .11 • AND lamas". nasTarmirarre, ws spas for musers - inixolualus punua Mk West. Pttsbargh. CL ftiELLOIL, Dealer in Pr= IMODEOIB. &on Ea W.° 4 Toarib stores and Dlittrumi 14111. Fisk BiIIOVAL. 7.• Jon Sive redxrial mNtPLOq to A "sas: Ist It vis, yaws map la. 'intTeMireail.Pio • .6.1...CEMP • & Ilawaxy Genet I.lJur *mow. lig.mbseth liafs MOUT! la so ea WHAM sEiri.re .g.iCHiMES - OF INTSBEST TO LAMM GET THE :13EST. In three days of psalm! Wen, nobody lOU deny that • Dewing E aniline Is in lr.dlepsvablo Institution In Groffwell rognlnted family ; that the work made upon • gond meal. ta quite aa durable and more besotlhal Men the beet bend sewing, nobody doubt 1 end that tt well go through ea much work Inn thy an could be perlbrmed • week by head, an thurinend erorlmhopa, end ten times ten than:lend &reecho tell WINO. Dot scold the vernal of =Whizee wttieb ors ttranNi to the pebtle; it le eomettmes dltTletat tot the ;reamer to do- aids which la ago tat. A WA of veer two years tows eru pt. to way with LW vastest eanadenee that . Is ne WSW wseldnetor general fatal we than that am , nfenturet by the Growl . 1 Baker dewing litchi. Own. bany. It make. a beauttha -grad , want that doe. not Tip o[treat with wuhlag, ran. altiost nolwlessly ; Is plain, abstpls. way to work. and twouta. toXst ant of repair; Man. the ead. of Ito own thread and awe thread. and aka directly &cm Um wpocd.onwhlell they we be. to thl. optnlea we are andalned by lb. Indies In all part. of the eornatry, who hate awarded 11.0 Grover A Baker kachtne. the BM prendtow at att. the Btata Tatra friAte.—Freat faelei. /11weretal Sew. Were, 41,1500,03 0 . Every Machine Warranted for 3 Years. 1 Office, No. 1 MTH STBYXI' OffM2l A. F. 01LOONEY, Eleneral Agen Eir Wars aro Invited to *SI awl ocromaino et LW DIII7O3—HOLI I 11s aB18R oollat THB AMS,BIGAN ENSTITIITA , M. GOILDOH. illsaveco,i. THE -r,ocAr STITCH DAJrgs• b '4INX iLsits Pittsburgh Trust dtiugeg 'MUSIC 14'e. MEMO r4VI. INSTkUCTON FREE. NEW YORK. szeowns '",tbait tb WIMES/13211 • . WILSON tastes the 61A1C1 STITCH,' and mi. 610 0 . 1 . a a'acaai enotteity, Donn' and cool bail -gleams of Um st!tshing vrim dam, and Oa witta nazis at Ha • setteeredis tualounderd Uae ru7 best tes'ell7ll et etritni. L 1 'waft. aea-bslf ths sm6ant oi pawl as Utz eat easucamod by UN "Ohagg etiw ^ Nsebiser, this =Aln' - _ • •••trts 01. 60 CCISTB to $.1.60 PAT. SL. WHESDITEL WILBO3 tb. way swear& .Ling Gidiffa _ _ , LILITAPTIIVITIS. 0613 .6 tom; m ,,,..,; at Lb* lir ISibsrmm, No. t t rum erns= t:omm MUM & Agents. COAL CONIPAN Capitol Stook $300,000 12,000 SIRRES !LT 525 EXCH rl.rflalrf —lOlll4 Cili VT, Eantwtairr-131P T. /LIEU 00110)11 iumtrus--.1. B. IIoGUISU. DlitliCT oll . lls JCU J. 13.21c117Ftrt) ) PM. MOM, TAVVCWIT,( na. J. IL LY.DeI. axtrn.ya;trtnt•et. 1 bt,, OomPo' owes the property Imo wn iii the ..111.!nro Ow. W ,ke," together warm IL. .. }Lemma Var." toljohang, aed rootermiag 1a all about 714 ~red. Toe oropyrty' la lernated on to. weal of the Mon...gonad., rtre , , aboot one and a nail m i n t below rucorrshells Oily, la tae' third pool." on watch - are altuated 41 oeure. derldrig houses, store home... story sc., Loge rmer erlth a ta.lany earning to ths Oyer, alto Cm% etrartocut and sli necessary arrangements !or loading...l. me ir 114 , 4 re alwady opened, drsirt4d tad va•Mt l .' 44 end In Le.d, e lkarting order, with cutrma driven, sad • roam tarn 4, eat all ne >wavy fart law for woellan i alight, to one birado d tuts, and the cool LI mob Car,/ to • en( the nor, heat quality. Tito ' blimp" le hollered to be one of the Meet laluable coal prove:llw to to, !Oneonta:Wl:Aa . • the Odlllnalll7 00 r ;MOP., to decrease their feel. Oa tw nalatoc hi the riormr-nettaa at an additional railway, end halo sot *pelt 15713,tt1a In term for the por.. pow at waking co . tem:ere l' twort.rments and pro. 'OAS 1 .jrki.S tarpirmt rmr them,' conantewtion. With trmrmal Which the Oconpant will mewls, the Dirtelorm conednual Witte t h at the "Ulnae will 444 . 4. to re Ono of the moat tit:that/alibi and tamer u• Ur. Walt to the*. mull /4 111141441 vett= .1 aus 44001 c 44 so* offewl Co the rubla .4 $l6 p. 40 dart. DIA. will be opened e 1 lb. 7 0104 BSIIHIFICI COMPANY, on bepterobar Trm, telt pITTSBIIIIGH COAL COMPAN Y _sino,voo o.vu.t_._---~• -- 3,000 MARES AT S5O BAAL DUIZOTORS LID TRUITISS Chu. W. 5t0k.1.104 wm P.t l /4 4, Josh.. Itixdan. 7= Cllgelq. 40b11 Wat, This oransosi hohl4l the fee .l to of 105 , acres of twat goalies Coal Land, 'Raab , oo the Monongahela river TII. cost of said 1.4 et file per acre aeumots io VD; Tee. Ibe romsletrot •517,2 , 44 of the capital Monk will be rued to bonding a snort "Moat, skrsstlo4 t 3.1 Tlpple• sod of r o fees:wry imorwr-ments, to does:ope lb. nal, trid Of the s. swan,. The dietaries from she etc r hauk to the coal already 144.41.1 nm Otte feet. at a low etage of th e flue there are trraute bet water at the 0.1211 V. der Cool glom From Shea., theta the 'en:aits and Directors bare no ' danbt that wKb proper Ong) Ste Stork. of the o.Sn* . tip eon be rw - g soon Wisdetitgali nrowlearetles. Thlrtp percent..oh-eateoriptloos will be called in, payable OS or before the Waled deptrattwx,lBl4l balance of Waal , made as may be 004,104 by the Trodeoe and Directors, !ld as e company resp e ' D eet s and pons n oa re. aro ['posed al the SO.lllWhill !AMOS Wm. nyisleirTfo-ST Wood atret, Pittsbaret. ' Miller & Dist t al son% Dot. T2l wad 42.3'Llberty street. Joshes Ilhodos S Ode, Demur. Wesi near Irwin atteene. Pentse ITlStrilno Onlapsay , 000000 of Iftsafthtll aloil Word street,. ie iptunsai a WAAL, ' 6u oomare= ipszonisra, azt raw 1111;201011.8, lid It& Products, CU • • Iliaol.lll, se. a& aviorx filißM---- . — • ,,r " .... _ ... _ . _ : __—..... , . " 6 ' . DI! WP.Tili 411.UTSGEM ''.. ----..--. • air*pat" %Dr tts Kan& SD o OZE wls= ors wow bIIW TO= 1"8,80740_,(4.1W.L 1 O ram is:. ulna . , , iieeWstat i.l • welan OIL WOREK omit, maw a Ca. ihrg whiff Nif*. -44, * 01 I ex.o.wi =my asse ss nilvolarrlON OF PAB, .4: : 111•,-. , LI Vidie• timegairto atiklietvhda d. r. sziorinim la 'Amain!' 11.020 r...! win itar , War sadVITWot 0. LILLOPPIOI a CO., hey OM day bon emolad lar Ow muted moms{ otitzs ismiulogist; ' IatILOOLOT Starr= titimiztax44l.4.7. ecxtta Om bedlam. at es old stand. Ail OW& 14.11011,14 Oriented bruhket" at UP rorsiose O. IK-WEOP.THuaZit BOOM. 41/./1 UAW, ic.d nrWO CHAMEG BOOKS now, toady and Woks! , 1 HENRY MINER'S. T 131311 P.ELLDID V F. LlFffi. WI JAMB. LADY 13607772, Ilsoems-to-law of Six Welty ISODttOmd sut 2 =r a "Ty Ilen.Peekea Iltabansi." rotor—in,so In PATIIII; SI IN mom Tat PRIDE Olf LIPS. • Born. sr JoSS. Lest so.oo.ersur to this oars publication bears. isles =eel ter *DO. the ordinary twos at the ds7. ; 10 Posey Intersattr•, it In many Lad tailliatty. writtem, the clearsetsre befog wen discriminated, sad—drain with • Tigortme sal Antal touch, The bairn tat] caned Pries of Life,. Alt Is a scotching exPOst sy. of that worldling= that la ea promlorat an clement among the mars prows,as of mamas& eva7whars, copula:ly mlto higher portions of 2.essk and awe actety. WA , 01 „ pride of {Aril. ° cd mdse regard for the world's opinion, of endadveuess al Wet. og, that regard• e verything oral senile:al, Anion sal certain narrow circle as Interior, stager, 111-bred on--are rebated with • yen of power and ft Is eh man • marvel to en that the slam clew fftet that coaate. 0000000000 the contemptible ocasesoe, cos produce I traeheartad and clear-eghted writer aa Lady' Nerd& The story of the tala concerns the rawriege of • befole Wed and essalheat girl, =a daughter of • poor ofort. wad 'am-wit= artand-racrile lath &leg", of hie artstecracy. The. trestraeat, at the lady, or Ns burins fantasia the ciapte of the book, bat In dra•dag Lard drag gum, Lady Ileron, Ifir.liagyridge sad hula_ et Oa= herself, Lady &wet hes out way showa tou =flits as a writer, but bar aobkmes •• • Th ...am Am of these us due ebarnotors. daily potato& e Iffflpf sad then crere,.also, ars tarn? draws, sad the bast proof of their effeetifonaa en.s. heartily them from beertruoing to end, at if they were ren d lrsa , The Plot te ertroitly .meott/A!_aatd, re beam ternalls% the VOrt eice.Mgal IW•ti.ll. TLIBALTIONS IN Y2,I3IIIONABLB LINN. NY osTreinsiss srscLatE6' Arab:sof "Beatrice," "Modern lasampllehoseala,. eta rains—si.be Ice P4PT4I; $1 111 CLOTS. onto =OW of Nano. tan displayed her seed ability to this woe& It is ass of Assei rub area. tirs• MA may mak e their appearance =long later 1111) ttLe !item? sty. & work ll= thid cannot tsit te Uwe Its mart op= fordo's, ea effediallir mem, g OA mewl it to anal of our resoisra lore s boa. =Oar deals her elown ilaht sad . a nd the deceit net *Alga al buhionahlryitosai, and tooskatterg boo that erAr. reiralt too wesinCle must Maui hoe Cos. • min tioo l —e wer•ood th en book, sad otte 'Nob • Ilieveiti eipe. tore erpoo the papal. tablet. 'the publishers have dome their part liberally. a= we hare hem =sof es baradormat end best Waal of =sloe= =TAN A Chi present day, roff ---- Oolpleo of tbo cbovo books was by loan fro* of pada.* o f a vri..... HENRY EILINER 11 13 remit : vain, ..=t door to P. 0, VET POCKET EDITION. NATIONAL .TAI W P WAllualerWeLit: of crave:awl Master esrt l ia 4 do cats. LINCOLN AND JOEINEION REPUBLICAN CLIOLUIN 60UGST1113, TILICIII 15 MINT& ,rte ' SHODDY EONGSTEB, Clortatelpg sff 1114. • WNW . ail) PODIA &EDOACD 071(54 DAT, Pstriatic, Baatbaental,.o-Aate. Bwro, Large le.o. munisoms omr.. %15. . Frio* ..t. • , . Bit ale coptia tostlei rat.pallos receipt alp-Ica. ditcatrat to the u.s.. seda,ms all crilt:as. to Lazar* Vamp% attention ta JOHN P. HUNT. 69 ?IVA Vaal. %mull, 1:10, j sciloOD SCIORK- Of al lamb so& In tts PUBLIC SCHOOLS and an Schools ta the cl SCHOOL STLTIONEBT. ° Bruce Y 10 as cos Ds 'forded. OHAB. O. MELLOR. OA WOOD STREW VilaSON't3-13EW BOOK. 1 Vol. 1 Omo. Pea% 11141. "MEW BOOM,— J.l Tenartott's m a y Arden sod other P 0151.2. I. The ficacheonlo, or ablziey Hal iiiyinue, by Wm. Gilbet. 3. 8 lf-Batzfltoo. sathor of • .-YEargeret IfsMai' L Marla.. by Harriet PreaeocL • nos the World. by T. .saw I. roomape Gad to Ltd, the Trspfoo. by I. It Lisette. " pact of Coccustmt Purr of tt!, Probrai" drarot. 444'17 ( ~ ./.4 4" 1.5 Wood stmt. Tor 141111 by .16) AT! _ _ SCHOOL BOOKS• SCHOOL BOOBS used tu ths META C AND PILITATIC SCHOOLS Id ernsain3oll ad 'tetra', for 1616 by DEns, (MOM &: 133 . , 93 99004 5t1e09. AM EIJNIK it Bear, SOLI Lows or TIM Bradbury & S ohotaaaker & oo.'s CFLEBUTED PIANOB, AND sretrirs dos cO:E4 American Organs and Melodeons, 80. 12 BlBBlit,Tll3 BLOBS, FT. °was Ba o take pleasure to Weal= to a tier oi Was The Ore przohased those !sat rcurahis ha LimaTh ea strisloys Diehard Bari, lot., lotus (Woo. BK., T. IL &Dors, Capt. Osehrask Jams Bosekh, DK, Wells, Jtlddle Oa, e. emu/4 W.s. Isslsksa• r, D. B.A. Blackburn. O. IL Dom Groat Et. Iloptist Oh, llcoveller, D. tet, 80,0h.7.,n. M.D. B. Sate CoL J Dh..6-tmo dradarry, Toamptoim. fficTorlaad, Bur. Marry. ' Capt. B. Convey, DerollaghsoL Ber.lL Bop'Dosai. /3.wr. Dilarola ch.L lo . 6 . 3 sa o, anbam Scott, 4- Occa.triat Liverpool, 0. Hateman' 0" ler, eaulArcr cur. • um. _ do. Troy Bar. P. Wallas, to' BIM }Traner, - -MOM. Ihea,, do. • Do. J. B. al.:cm:amt. Lan Lamar. Jobs 6.0.611, do. All Plasm Idslodeons ote , 667.616. for Ihe yea. Libra ado. saresulasail Pianos for soirorld 10110FFIUN, HOENE .."" 53 sviszT, lIIVIEIect Plana; in Anddel.. N. KEDIA No. Iss exMinna , • PLosor• sad latisiotd . , Instratienti, rth d d .; CCO , V. on Una &114.ealgepildat • lov iinstros,yurtzie;atrisiimaaorninusa ' _eranio4sx.watca•Reitalgaz4m Om, ~. _ - 7 - *IOW bt pissiburre.. lidgrofsw—Dr. imALltUallik-v.m .- 1100doso &MIN 41 1 . 1 11.10, XVII - - - NO. 111.0 1 • 11 == = " -----__ iron 14IJG-ron na*r. FDB BENT F 0 tY It ROO NMI' Low, or Printing Oflos ; Biwa Blaney ge lititinsitela pnrgoont. Don t Pariatoluoil Irish roust Viral nook& Pill no m 4 tingly cc ottPli , trnio.z if &Weil. " - ~,, t !ii , i Appty la. GILLETT". OVTIOL MENEIN ------ VOR SALE— k Isrm of 11814rea, .12 St. Obir township,ll estroordsztO cos%usb. Auv, ta. best Coal Works al ths ItScolon etz.tA in pLoi Ho. 16 .o. , cl it P:r. , q •lt= wt., ....... ...,-, Alpo, • very naught* term tu Dens U.rs', - 0,, Wear torrotscui wants, Ea . O=WD-tag ShOffh WIN. -11 .. 44 i. m ... , , ..1 to a high otgte of coltirattosir All:, • tract of lzude silexas SO " scies 541.4 :44sIng the borough of Elizabilh. talegteztr "til I _;_ ss mis Woo, • FLOM OP lit *MIA ..a V. ...... ni,,r, I. I.litabetb tososlsiNs stiorkii(roso tam borough of BS eikuorporh. h 12, • eery volasbloliitit to 81. Mts. SorAb i a tratmorstard tountg, °sag/radii 160= " Also. 11 BITILIWZGISAMIL la tho ,„ hi 'irt WOO 12''''= 12".".' • k itri:iosi.'lo6' Knot Tor turiutre suM • O. B. TOM , ItedanCit"4ol., VOlti SALV-- Sinn:WAN tftgl3 all pt‘ tuE L VILLJM3II LOTS, sun Vona 13. 010 darstsmen Enrecnacm of Me abased .1 llarronolg trerff for sslis namtec el lote. Mose Adal td' men each * Mudded near Fors llama, Weave* mirottes mdl of UN C• 141121211 of Um 1.1 • - — ll E. • recrrilla ramender Bethany. TM slam- ali Mavtlfully locate! tor pinta raddencee.l, goo, • number of small Lola ta limit/to of Wm& .r..., cronstas am Me Pottleug.flanwareAut, IQ.ItCP front and from ma fa tato !mated „lom deep: h. Intactnateon endalre of giber id? Ow:oda. egu.d, or Ve. A. Walla olorgire. 4;lato 11011:06 /MIS azinitoiti. IL Q. SZEISigQ, - 016.4 n. f:l, liaseldnli, __ _ 'ROB tiALti. • .1-A COVITTEN =SION= 43 the Wags , ot glaasgald, tonr true Casedelv. t . NO, a, contalatag between gram ignal =Ka tS ts voted a good two rto reasiregsars , :e stal, sad other btiding. deters statanita t water, tow acre* et osal with bank opt' lad la aottlag older. gill ha boa ottskiagtdiftdidtg gott parchaaara It act iold before 11:334‘911 one tbia , dal be sale of PUBLIC • selloldoellr* sa., without mom. Tltla tadletete • . and clew all hxdozabrauca. :tarma age toadakategals application Le GIORGI; 7011131Zilerl5. sale ...„, _.. , . 1 / 34 k4;t:t I' " fa ill.b blllb / 0) Inch 1ib11"...7 , tin begie..#mr"." ll4. l‘ lib will be ir rood sa an. am 01?- Of e r ~.. ? ^ ... .el. 12 . =EWA ims taw :.l Two o. 1.. . 0 Thll. 7.l.4rAlNNTret:Stal"Lb.- gb,64:""Wn4L427—frobajr. 1 aral ... fINE OF Tits MOST BliarrlFOV • , daeranla barldaDas lba ixaEatl* •1101•111 g. M. WWI , la .naw• offered Gar talg1:041 11 a_11, 11 1 a ws, abbat9oo th e wed thaalalol4- aa lima isi:•illr Avo km; adcaaaa mg thauclandea4ma WARra Vat": Ml= o s tla ii-trAvi var d i m = :.„..,.............,..11111 guaa_trdari 41.2 spa al. - churl at Twang taws; meta 1ar•414.- •WI PralPatta a dolma, sak Tartaged.lta twl l . l C 42 . 643alatk ra parrlaLurs. am, apply "-. Taal • lasamaclocdas al .. 1: :UAL 11 t Ls no _ Eat*. t. • WI BALE--The . colt: teat of tbdi .I: . Pao &aria. Daaeta. ' tatttat t cat. Tax tattaa24, one -tato tam ttrekTethartr'Om•UlT. 'enter:l4 *Wean setae fa- • 1:00 'awe of 041 1 14 ,2 1 begat t o to vat' fruit traal,shrobba7. . 4 i = qattly anutabla art*. oast., pant.' 1•14111 11 71 '11 1 •• • Prov• 4 ITsTot7. aaaabtal•ll mingaigas of amltaatlS -.mon, torta iagrt misalartmod. he aborts& bodes a•r• an. t 1 at =140140 ad to 11,1 i It iorsoaatp of • rcusl llamal . ea - TsatWe farther D Ottladar• tnail i tr• it gut liet 6 pirii a u-1161.1.0.115., at eral MAW saltAiri 11. H. 11/oTiltkr TlO I?. FALB-- MUM - : - sew . MILL ...:' AliD Orb ItIMEMB7:"3Its osioallf ift 'tido do. oa Soften ma stem eiarAnivitithte IMMO% tulf.sorso el avoaod. ion offfo of coal CS Chi 1011.... a:Worm ea bAng_onecked,ll3osto 'co 04 1111= Btfer ar.d &. B. ,13 •,F oaf- itto D ozwr sod of m odem WM: Mt ediT raa IS it 10/o. did Clage. ca j•Afox .11.4•04Nasvial • ••4 ots llll 4 -' Dow ' is to Oa rim- . r . ka --- tTIO;11D1 teildiag Weir Ir sperts . . is j irivati tilaor partSedia call im v iT ax all*!,:i+.-• i fla AIX WA. ' ENO VEI &EWES Jut Raostud by Dims, CLARK a on, OS Wood Stasst. &LS. ITS 801E0D1. 'BOOMS IP= MOWS ros nEcgiars nouns rot sia.r_mAloprang. TIN:4We. BI olt li*it L • coast:llu al WWI on CI Atlas and prate art At. wlth • lot laving • frost of. lest try Wt. &OA , a* alloy Tim Om itlltsold ebony z cub. InetlnV lack tb• prindp• ot to 1131•0 619111/11 12 Walt oats Nantls , ontlit FOB 111.17., .k A FIBJ3T OLIO naIDENCE; PR SALE, 6,000 FEET OF 141ILEG =BIM • Averaging from 6to 10 se al efftatal TIME a apPrittl% eelvveitt A Ittln. 103 131ttit diva. FOB SlJA.—AkiAladdin Oil • Workei as insigi OTh 11.1ffit6 I. prim* trite. Also sll , Wlcittny Iry ply Dep3t (0 g.firsa 3 Mob eta irrit4 raw pip., Ap st Abe dun at Esz24t r"" waltt ~Y 9 p 3 HOUNDRY, IBtti.HOD BLISS'S; OBDBH,. _ nth et'rb. Pbteirbe. together irltb • war eel:bathe." bcstams. MOr terTal, barna, with Tali name; Box 1 151. Plttstitteb POstottlot. 6.7:111 'DOR BALE-P:+'' STRVEr PROP 5111T.,—Tbs Brick DinallEK, ceuts 2o. In; Oa= COMA lio.l*Pesal One; with lot. Wise • ent ofS) feet Bina* magas trdr. 110 bet to Ir vin's tan. Ito e*s_ts “00401190403 mantectirullieroo. itziptyjLot triectl . 41. ly.linl4.AuM ping --------- ace"F a - . POUNTBY 1" 0 BAIIS—Oon• 4.../ Wong ova sliVali, oai iiid a1:411 rifles boa LtlegbanrCity, nest flu betifTl4 l ZlOLlaide Ida mill trsme woe OH,• , L 11:-SZYLIf, -,. 'suer sa4 Tarmacs ire, altlll 51.Lborik anot.larlue Er.lless. • - .. _,—. VOS. atar.4s°: Lois of Mai 'idgii),M p 1 ocla of trout 6460, % pod N 0.% also ma tnicri cool oa4 ronzood osqLothor havoromouto ex4orgio. tot crawls gm! N(1,2; ow trod ea Quo TosoireNzi thee sad OmozolblviNi Bollrost:- - Kogan F ivudais..n wasp, Ned par how MU on arati Arai. It s sets, .• tLOOT;IHO. __:= d 11s41 MUMS DOINFLAA, um, m stied% Ili VOR 13ALE4A farm co taisung mba , X says, dremtiCts Saarlfn tosi*.b. Alk! coonsy,.. c at.isto Elm ..y=. 1 . 4 Pitiatarit“ Th. " ."" i l es, tar Meter Partda" bOtra raw d addyst . r 6""rl!s tha samlaw k. ChM:M. 'eon HENT4A. -FINE STORE EOM, W. with DyeMit awl 13=Itrint Oise tlui lAIIO eta, ott Aden% "to" Ott. -Fammitsa.. dip sway.. IstiogFtr ixagdad by ILL 0500., -- .. WO . JOHN .IMi;.,, itte, '----------"'"------. CSOICEaLEGELSEY . OLT .PROP. %-) zETY Ma MlS,,Mire. nair, -inn talli; brick . Dw SLUM) HOMY% tilrflitons,-tual:tito &Sulk font ctsmberrotota, Walser] &WE, diabt, roam. Inca. "en and odw, 'skill, ate ,:igia scolvaier -titans. WM f....! ticalSpy Wprp....7!ltirecnt tfr. IILuT3 • . 1 4 . t. - '' , -,-.- .i...:.4..61,1P1azt lei _ . P - 01913SAi: ---- ordokamiltanactiudarsor.s.lbaa.;!atiti - 1411 ' 3411t1 T 1 ' id:Ma • Va• 2 171 = 1.."' ~Dt7~:dTI[TJY,tdL : W ---- serßio; wrizitemr.:,, - -,.. 1.i. al of I WO AND =LEO - svakFm -. • . racciti r d4is woods, s.. i,. D. ittemols Nava. tem at seta sraNana &Saab; Irs.-1. eital.S. _ L., Yrolesiar Air the Greek LasKulhEi &ma anu s . , Hos. ..,:illtszeik ,l 43yhictas '',..l3>k..,:i'imlawor of 0i Geavi It. IMaeberl s % PIL - Li' EL. rre'Veumankonir , Adsman, unstu, tabby ..A- T =V A ,„ltalle.sme 1 .FT2L.I I . • _ - so.. wP2- 11 - . a rti:rstio I „..„. _ _.,...,_1....4.1)., of 114 0/61-S."4alti i arrot 'MI. WZYWIRTWF sad fiVitisl I , . 14 t 2 Pt ll._ _l l e l l . Tact= of ttui uswer Zolgallr, Nia o4 2l 4 ForPr7,.. :_ 1104,0 ota" lrmaTh 114To'"t;‘torrIl ii'iiiiiiaiWrali , . , . 23.lberi vad51P,11M...,,,a.„04,bm -0140 241 " :-....-77-16Pitsa" tittrell ana=-0,11000v.1151m3k, m 3; DAVI& ' 6011034 ~4! " : -INEE s . lo . l ,,,, zo risc p -rAnnts! uthims.. - • ti. , :iintawct suss. thirteg= waseildAtie 11 .l " 0111 DAT Alpripm , Y lo l o4lo,l, t .144; 4 . 1 1M41 2 " 1 ,d i tonl*Cag- : !:.:4 - 7.13 • , f: , 721413•41011.4 lb. rib 1 4"1-jtillb.C.**IWIMI13.1f4104,4160b110"*.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers