,- g&Ttriu 3 4 I ,SEPX. , IO / 41544.- Lamm xtuos normal -16n. . IPOI Hamm : ABE Al/AM IIINC:Olag, of Illitnoto. 704 In= TILSEDM ANDREW JOHNSON of Tennessee. V!ION piggy. TIOICICL Cogitlil--.22D DT1211301: AXES H. =OIIELEJD, Pittiburo. - -oosazin--zan mama: : THONIII3 WIZLIAN.S. AM . ghat:. _ MAU - 1 . 11/0X,45 J.- DUMAN, Loire. at Ohdr. .11rNi.t.T : -----JOHN-P. OWN, ow l . HANS B.Rsandzs. afeo b. gium. ~ siaten.aasninux, (mita. • _input T; NaHle, North Taistte. :t'f D PILLOW, Inilaa.. 4WDU. walaktt, 4 4 t'-'lol7taur enewama oily. J p raol przimotoi n. noWnt semmiw. igichenge of Prisoners. i seddmirianz correspondence on the mob. ;Trot ieCtati likelange of prisoners, between aladge Ocrd",Co the part of the Rebel authorl ,Xlo4.--ad,ool,,Bartu. and tailor ions E. • '" ligcraoiN ob. that of the Gorernment of the RUM ' Stites, has Putt been palliated, from „which Atttipeare that the former are now de. 4.4stretts pf hso;ninglng on the terms proposed in . One iloverament eight mouths ago,Adwit : 'liaises for *Alcor, man for mad" Tits ordY 4101°0re:01e point now in dispute if as to what . diepcsition shall be made of .ditlond soldienawko As/ Urn tunes in the Ont jrs&rets &stet. Gen. Boman outlands that they . tare slaves no longer, and that the Gov ' ernment:of:tius United 8 ate- it bound In fleeter add rood faith-to &mord to them Gm . preitolion that it throws around all " = 0414 Ptah= the other band, `the Rebel authorities :bold (elthough it isnot instated upon, or even litientleneck, in the conespondence before tts) • thed, under the lave of the Confederate abates, VEVeSwEr property, and thet - PrVbllf reftP ittred from an , enemy in war , reverts to ita owner, if he can be !aura seX - sr by its captor In any way he e • It to en this prinolpiet t famoded upon the ea .. inmpticos that a slime ti-a Chattel Sad not a roan in the eye of , the Un--that the - Rebel suthottlies• jellify - the distinetion they make • between those soldiers and others. fi:A. l .l - 4 6 .144ither-foreb b boned upon Prb elpitalthinit each pekty hiade , te be fanda.l ' t . l it tlitaliandleltheYart disunitricglY ePPellUe• .Were Our goverment , to yield . its anent to this gOotrin e or itimiittoit it would be an dOnment_nniSPioelinsationot entimei. llation. a brems)! of:faith' towards those men Whom it hasonade tree and nocepted as sob -.atm In ilbireivlcet, and. direct recognition fof tho principle of property to num. On* Otheihand,, were therebel oath:millet tr to tetOgnies the rights of these 4ftsitmesfroo .41,144ge to &tains "and' , icanhaol, it wou'd be f':s344l44oabept kr/ been so long Contending, and would Aimgoklitt corner stone from under the whole ;shut* of erlava7. They Cannot doit aiidsttll - .lnouye their darling hutitution. Netter an hour could ibe principle of property in human .`lfeth imai4lolled were fate/ to recognize • ?:,foilthre slave as itiOratharr prisoner of war, Stun We tee there le a dead look between Ihet SileteriltS, and alsts the two principlessof ' l infedoen and edavery—a gentian ham, which only the sword'ciu . lintaudit:aging front the ',ay/Wadi:la are noi4otenolte sword will soon glee/144=0f 41#7141141ter sad the- n-itriod seldier,ai retogainfd freettuall, 1 1 AIttkr eituret...thitt ',knotty, gutted:an be .:isatved mze Waring. whim - and 'fief Octioledsitidain are Alma . ) from the atelal -intoonettici vehaoh Rebid Poverty and 'melt, have reduced :them , Weeks./ p'enty of retool prisoners : fa-ono hrnda to,erchanior everione'of our white and free colored prise ifertk and atillhave Onough left, to oZ 51 isreri ea-slaye ecltiler in the kande of the enemy. , alromistincee, the taunt con- Seined in General Bailer's Utter, that it was not hamanith but a desire to 81t top the deplo. ted:roOke of the ...armies of the rebellion, that reeled the rebel alp:rifles in making _ egos pirolenal lc...ceche:4"e, b.tro.ys alike bat - ..fatty end - amanily. Does General Bailer wish the• - country to infer, -tint ho would . hot , give a stalwart rebel in exo'iango for one of ottr own poor Micron, who was ee stab. west when ho went into the service, but who, through 'starvation end esposaro, • bat - become to* feeble and einalia et to be able to render farther service? 0r dace he proiteo to leave oqe prittonerS in rebel baker, to pedal miserably and with fii . arfra , Serial% until be std Judge Cull can agree • - - Wpm the legal •stneas of fle.dmen 4oint updri which they - are Wide asunder es the plea add both alike inflexible, none!. "%Ilion "Welt can , only his fiettlel by the total I overthrow of one or tte er her of tho great con. I, tending partite ;.Ws subjoinr,es much ; of th e correspondence "will give - clear idea of the question. ?judo OuTit'a propositiol contained in the following note. WAIL' Doan niart. i , yfraserann,..ifi.:,'Ate.lo. filet f i ;7 7 ,41 1 0 3 f0r - . 8 . - Nleftoill;:Aaiitentl7.ler z.c.r.lngct fa , You heri.tererel titan 'impend to.mi l c aWiebangatbe pinta , / reepeotivoly herd by tta twabellfitorenteMScer for °Maar Ind man for aux Via tom tin but aces Inn made by other yea% : cleat hawing oblige of melees connoted witJ! Übe laihenst of_ pelionen. .proponf: hue — keistitmo been declined by the Confidants 'intbatitteaohn inflating upon do tame of the ante), wblati'v.Aulted the deliver, of the ozone cantata; Wife .7hpon pozole. ra vicar, however. ottbeonny'ferge tinmoor of winner now held eaoh'.yttny,..the refining consertent upon thett-oantioned coadnawn'i I now cannot to abna weobent, sad s loe to doll torto,you lbeitiecien bold to ouptit fly by the Conti:4oW* -.,•ettttb...titiee,, ...provided'. you. agen to dearth; an aqui) Dunne. or ecraderste e eleincond men. ... JAC eiltlet 1811010.73 are °Elated from .time tO they . .wlllber declared exchanged. masa fa Endo eclat the undentatatnt Ihn't thut taken ant mei who tune bean Inglis, In twists, w-it Brat delivered, when it te . madfabla. I 'dull be happy to ten front tom tpudiky u poraitab 4huher thil arrange :Ain et* ibel Milt/ out. I.ll4mattallr. yore slug:sit urrant, Otrip,.4ent nsehange. :if.,.. - -Vejem.latittorl "mese, ittoknowledieed the . • inept -of this note, but gave no sneer. -anhelqtiently3injor General Buller addressed letter of great length to, Judge Paid, In 'Oath be argues with Much ability and legal acumen lb* question id dispute, •o 3 viewed tom bto Iliad point, but bit logic would be Lot upon ens wber believed is indiviee tight of alacerY. • ife viete it few of the concluding puagtalba • ' bent forborne, fiir, in tbl 41110111/1011, to at• the question opts say other at afferent:Sue i ron d I of tight then those adopted by your UP unities In elatottog the negro as pronerty, cam I tinder:taut that you: fabric of appeal : tics to the Government of the United Statile bat - -be - 'feat of proper:, In man as Its owner-stone. Qt sown it would not be profitable In settling qtfltitiOtt Of r eslitsngn, of pfliohrre of war to at atop 4 to argue lb* question of abandonment at . !Maury ismer stone of tbeir attempted cal Wilma Therefor* I ban admitted MI the easeldrtattana latch buuld sooty *Um rem sadist as - a m 1.13,1145 dealt With him upon the Genie-dente them of propirty only. • omits with you most oafdlsltl, 61r; La Wit ' flog lisp-A.3y- settlement of all these qua Liam, wing of thu grist. suffering endenid by our : vial:tars an the bends of your auttazities, of „yaw, 7ea • so feelingly rpm& ma ask, to aloe Of that stated:lg, Irby you ban delayed: tied eeetatut to weer n propotltlon when V, sow acespting you adult to be right, jest and' human, allowing that enduing to coatiane ie . long? On. cannot-nip thinkingienn at the. gbh of ii4l;s dsinod Excluzilablop Un . at; she Clontaliests thiLifeatimet ' lke) do elect, atermina' thetities km been lately Stirred by thirdspleted elitism Mother *XI milhittialiso Ind la ..tOondltion field ta me st tha Pr eiratime, and ell dash* be ;early is the itugglo—before thetogsVeril te theoud the merit had take* the agiermdvo—Preeldent hale, banter sad well fed prlionen 'held by the l anci g n o g ere e pe gs , e n m oa t In gri d w in ,. anettenge fir the half stunt The me e „,. eneme • m e g th e in-1r elp u lat dud unservieiable soldier oof the " • ee 7. 7 e cOWn if Oe.II f=balir langnlshing in your prisons. arms and the abandonment of fib s belittle The event. of this war, Owe did cot know it attitude. The„weirld knows how'llieee terse befem e have taught us that it Is not the North- were met- It /lead., the re brit. The ern portion eel Mr dermelean leciple alone who desolation if acetlelm. aide; and the cement keow.howee delve sharp seats in thouteandit ‘ uport thousands of homes, TalloreloiteMadignftlei and privations mine- be h teeth and diatth, bear the reeved' Still ed by our /MITI lewd move me to content to later, amnesty arid pardon have been offered implant torametene their exehaugee eaooPt :t° by the President still the shiers of rebellion barter auarthihoner.ead faith et the 0 ° , •• meat of thallnited Staten,which has been so a bate not tittle of their essay to maintain eolemnly pledged to - the teetered soldiers in its i "`eeinselia, in to ie. wrong. . Tbey demand asks recognition and independence of a govero ?., . , w i th Coniistaittlfo miaow fai th and p e w ee meet they bate. Intimate knowledge of the we einnert ,„ nub ods position. With von, directing minds of the rebellion teaches that 'Wheelies tt b a question of propeety merely, they wilinerer ' , bandeau their wicked scheme It nems to addled, Itself to you in tbis fem. until obliged to do to by the sheer fame of Win vo lt /Pifer year soldier, eapharea la fight- inch iron circumstances as control the results leg your batik& to be In confinement for mouth, of war. rather elan release him by glelog for him that , which ydniesel a ph= of 'propel, and whisk There is no ground then, for the hope of weirs willing tosectept as amen ? • peace through conapromise; no hope of per- Yeetaweednly appear to Pees lose value upon Daunt peace. There is no each dloobarge yeardier then you do upon your negro. I in this war. Thole who go before the omen. inure spe i ,easmie ea we of the North are accused try upon such *lone pretexts, are not le af .loving,popeagr, ear eitieene would have no calved thernselveg i i however much they may Moults io any Plow of property deceive the ignorant and unsuspecting. To they hem In exchange for one of their the ebarge nelf.deception upon them La a matter et sone langubbleg In your pions. Certainty so unmistakably ellear,erouldbe equivalent there could be no doubt , kit they would do n wentooharging them -with imbecility. they do that ef property less to value than five/thousand dollars In Confederate money, not deceive themselves: The pretext of seek whteh•G bediseed toobe the pries of an able. tog the defeat of,hlr. Lincoln that peace may boded negro Lathe insurrectionary States, return to on: border* covers a Meister par. :Thistles that I may receive each a reply to pose. If they wish peace they eon have it but eta iqueminea ero e ounded.in thla note em will n two ware —! a a;novrardly abandonment of for n laid to aelf aped, reenimition of the negoUstione et* struggle, folloWed by disunion; or by a f enetwonge of all prisoner', and olden,- more vigorous (if tensible) promecntien of the mrs • oflbete to their respotlve antherittse, I war , have the honor to be, very reepentfully, year Thus th e i ns ipeit the 01,: ohedleit eterviat, • -Base. F. Baru*, cosign is to be becomes eliorply defined. Mei. (lave. and Commtnioner of Redwine. None can depreett the teerrirs of war of de , sire the return*? peace more than do the . waresest.eupporteta of the National Union nominees lint they ask for and will &mob. ern in no pesos Until not founded upon the entegrity of the Uuton and established upon the r inapt, of the Declaration of Ind Tend. et es. They re cegnialogreater evils than war, each as this is in which the nation le plung e ed. Divide the UM Lion geographoteelly, cud to .bat end do we inevitably gravitate? With the pecedent sad justice of 'Reesman mill:. reed, who can presume to say lh et we shall not repeat the humiliate:le history of Mexico ad the S nett American States' United the common demur woe, and would continue to be, oar cowmen security, Divided, the laud would groan with the wreaking out of Judi. oeduel vengeowoceDivided, the torch and too and err d nevere idle along the line of t. dteinn. The to try eienkliat lest awake o the biter knowledge that open, vigeroo, war, prosecuied with a high purpose, is a hemmed times hail to be dreaded than an used peace. AD en example, * little mom 'Man • yet r sites, when Lee, with his rebetaraty, Invaded nneylvania, and When the fate of the Re-- pulite was decided by the battle of •Ciettyri burg, how prompt wtaked and designing men were to inaugurate the insurreadon in lien York city, trusting in the hope that the Glov eminent was not Able to maintain the cm prematey of the Constitution and the laws. It will be long before the blaelenen of the crimes committed by !that oonepireny will be obliterated, As another exampie, take the recent eon- Fp , soy discovered, in the northwest —the banding together ie r terot of a large a 7ber of men. the mme ont ion of thirty do and stand of smelt add "Verge 'apply of meat , ion. The papers of this conspiractheierldoe weee seised , evidenciSg too clearly that their dieigd'was,and is, - the - oierthivii of - the Re public, trusting that division and anarchy would shield them from harm, bat In utter disregard of the 'cotecomltant moors to the people—murder, robbery, 1111100—eLl a word, desolation for the time. Now, fellow altizene, in both these examples the moving spirits entiprominent men in the Opposition, and controlled the nomination and platform at Chicago. Yet It is to such • le oe as this that our opponents invite you. I They ask year enters. gee for a man who either la pledged to such a pewee, If elected, or who Is determined on a war grander in male end bloodier In results teen the world has yeti witntesed. There can be but two mines out of the present difficulty.. The intelligent freemen! of Pennsylvanla need net to be led like childlea. They will not fall to comprehend the nature of these issues, sue. to &ma between them. In so choosing obey cheese for their cluldruand 'heir ohti drenl children. They can do codling of a public nature in theete pregnant dune that dealt not ;muse comingpocerstirne either to: revere or despite theta The re ileation ot Liateoln, mod the declaim of Andrew /oh 2- . on ee hie asseciate, will hediesteto thecht.fa' of -the rebellion that the-War for Union acid I cream:tent peace eitutlp on- act! those e n le seal be teitained. It ill also sigma', to the ',atone of Europe that the people of the who's United Settee will, soot' or late, become an united people, and the govern le et remein, as 'then heretofore been, a star of hope to all the oppressed peoelee of the ale' lied .arld,. and an everlasting moeuoeea t to ;the;loll , 4oM of the greaded I herr!, whe re:baited it. If we oon'd basely afford to abandon the struggle now, the world man lied, could not endued-Me sacrifice. If we e ,veld afford 1 0 bear thy. (theme, sod wear toe et:tackles of defeat ed travesty invited, oar eotideen weld not stand erect under the d elite • use reproach of see behavior. Ai mite, at t eener, as patriots, we hive no choice but e wend by the goorernesent es administered. Toe el ernatiee Ireeentei by our opponents le =elm sod die:tenor, which is nattoet.l at oath. If a man recognizes the existence of t e principle of Eternal Justice he could not tespeir of the republio. -There tatty be some in neem tie prencipie otloope tneenralas buts feeble vitiate:me, melee, ;stimulated by Eosin. I eevapted susses. 81/0 must be eneoureged • ed sustained by the mtansple of the more h petal sod endaricg. 7tte must beassuree or what the peitotop le of history and of , len., teaches, that .elanger lies is turning lock, as seouri ty lies le pressing forward. The deeolations, and bereevementa, and burdens n• war may be, nay, areterrible, but tin tam e eat wh'ch ravages tercet sod field, destroying the inert:age of labor e and even human life, is alto terrible. Yet it.fi beneficent:- With on v tryieg calm the atmosphere would degen. trete into putridityk and the earth would revolve in endlees night. Bo war involves eitiona in its forbid vortex that social sad tenovation may follow. As a fire e oet °ping over the fields licks up the chaff and ?freebie; yet effects tot the solid earth, to the tier* trial which we are called upon to teednre to consuming the notorious Grimes of society. Tte nation wll issne out of this -straggle strobger and pater than before. Wrong, such as confrents an, outset drive right into e rile. Craft and villainy are not to be the oubjugaters of wiedinn end virtue. And v betever edema may have tree, or mey yet be, p rpetuteed in the name of eivilliation, it it net now to be proved either a farce or a fail ure. But these calamities are not to come boles the . American petiole, for the reason that the mimed are to remain true and steadfast this greet effgrt to establish their liberties upon a Curer feendatlon then the statuettes upon utile:het:my Itsvo:6ltherto rested. Tie 'Fitter, is to Se woe by uheeonatang, 1.e. , . and a w.tobfultiese ebse a:L.II be proof e;.•act the step tees planned by tr titers et home or abroad. We ore to look for no for. Mitous happenings, no miraculous interposi. The friends °tithe Cloven/meet, work ing together, cannot be overthrown by any Ceetibtention poseible among their opponents. They may leek to divide and distract, as they hive dote, and they may partially located. But not if the people remain limo, calm and selaeontalned. United,. we are ineincible sgainst any force that can behrought spinet or. Div.ded, we shoidd Invite defeat, sad attach to Ourselves the name of having reject. cdtbei counsels of experience and enlightened reason. Onr victorious armies are bravely doing their duty la the field; What is required of the loyal men of Penneylvania le a great vic tory at the polls to October and November. le Is not only menthol that the Federal gore ernment and the policy required to crash re,. should be Indorsed by the reelection of Abraham Lincoln; but at the coming con test In Ootober n it is Important that in the election of Congressmen and members of the Lettish:dare, as men, - :distriote u possible should be ca rried by ',the loyal nandtdetts now in and to opt in the geld: We want Mesterei elfeer of overwhelming 'minorities as well as the prestige . derived frees aullitary power and force. We expect to close the War at mod by theeinfittellbe et Umbilici, as the bullet. We hope to stop the ignition of blood by the Unmistakable :dm:nutrition at the palls tbst the woo WA* waged Lill ,the rog. Wants ended. And that houlittlet wilt not owe while them is an maw traitor In the field - Ahnlecusatical _ltootilltles.:_oanaot ,boribtabrod . .by - oompromlso or negotiation. - It mot to aohlarid byilthe Mara faunae of -, fcote,--by:tho nnmUtakable , , Moor and Well *flat& yrooft . of 'tho ability . of' the govern. ,meat to cope trldakd • Oakuer all or any of Itai:o(PonnsylraoliN'tho Woes are soot Waft lon • fur totagdofatlon Oad azette, Address of the Union State Centro Committee. the PeoPia of Pennsylvania IPetutow-Crruresio—The resell of the recent election on the amendment to the Constitu- Lionel the Btate,.allowing soldiers is the field to vote, is gratifying, inisumeh as it eltoMe thet.the great heart of the commonwealth I. right, in the (cartel ; and , ;bloody straggle go ing en to preserve QM great republic , and that Aare brave Men are worthy to help go'vern the sentry for irldah they make so many smerificee and Bluffer eo many privations. The friends of the Uniott have brought about this result, while the opposition have arid their powerful organievtion to prevent it' with the evident abject of weekerrng the Union armies by disfranchising the 'oldie?, and ' , hereby strengthenieg themselves at the apt tonalities 'Pt - cattle:tele( election; and in conneetiou villothle eltotien let to reason to get) ar. Tee campaign of 1864 is now .fairly opened. The Ilene upon 'Wok the campaign is to be made is dank!, -indicated. The enemies of the government have publicly and authorita tirely deolaretitheir - purpose in the °pewee That declaration pleats the duty of patriots in e light as broad and clear as that of noon. There isms mistaking either the spirit or the object of our opponente; 41 is the ume that impelled the 'chiefs of armed treason to at tempt t he j overthrow -,of free government on this &diluent in 1860.61. Neither time nth teilfetion, *nor regard ter the peace of so ' edety la the leiall3tatee, nor the desolations which have devoured the prosperity of the, south in the grip of war, Lave wrought any modilleationof their hatrekfor a government founded tiposethe 7 oalnione of the people ballot .box- It totie 'Punt ithdoin to anticipate evil, , and to prepare to destroy before It grows tee fonnidsble to overawe*. The attitude of the parties to the Presidential ointest gives rare to a anions qtreetion,-the inotfterhute of any which can engage the attention of the true patriot and good citizen. That question in i taittly .staled.:--Shall we hare heating peace, through a Vigo/one proimution of this war for" national , life, ur interminable war, through a peace upon disunion T The 'in' is elearply defined. Tee utteran ces of the Baltimore C3nventiondecielvely de elate, for,ipence, ,theough effective war ; the n'teranttes et' the Chicago ConventiSa se de • oieircly pronounce for the alternative present ad in the queetion stated. They mean that, or they, are twithrar Meaning The oppeed t4Ort to Mr. Lirikoln contemplates disunion as it'obre for the ills ander which we lie. Hie defeat wend divide thecontinent into factious Sta'ea. Nor is this mere assertion. The po litical hist*, of the country for the lut four ), see ie a mass of ceerwhelming evidence Inc IClffor , of it. entire, its disgraceful trw.h. And f r '.4a Where* of itv , truth, we have the deviate itt formal I tit tot lees vie , ghty, (impinge teit4sted and urea ying,) of the rebel chiefs, chef - the South wall' nog treat for puce save upon the basis, of a recognition of 'I a independence. ,The prate of.. the Sandi "mite no oppportutity to Impress upon no e Qe world that Telco ran only cone 0 ghlecognition.flecogattion is but an• th.r dente' for eeparition. And dually. every Europe, n nation bas come to regard the rea ?nit o 'hie war, a. z0r4.1,t •ft, !no 'Ding , —sitter subjugation or disunion. It t.t 'ho clear conviction which troth brings to , (00 7 rater nil, enliglotened mind. I , 1,. 'herOrefe, tatilled. to groat weight, second only. Jo, the resultant fut. • "It fa ale teethe opPehiente or Mr. Lino tin to state that_ they przten4 to believe id : the - FA - A - 11Ni ova peace and. Union kroner cone oempomieb, he teens of which are net cleer. ly stated It cull b- teary to show the futility of such bopee,.if itlme not Metall been done. It will no leo a diffl,n't task toehow that such a belief doe net take root In eon elation. The kal e,. of the eeroleitien are men of grant ability and more. than ordinary capacity. , They can not therefore,-be ignorant of the foot whio are or pnbllt record. Teem feats effitrinaily pre:Jade the *oath lity of prate and Union tbr.,Ogh any compromise ; unless the terms in. .101te 4e..vgattion; and that would be dis union • • Ant ill as thoreughly outsider this question of peace through compromise. It is reason able to roprose that the chiefs:of the rebellion onid lure /tenanted terniflit the outset, if at all; it. is alleged by our opponents that Mr. Ziomiln hurried the nation Into war, not only w ithont constitutional warrant, but then against the wishev of the rebel chiefs them 'tem. They reprowth the Congress than In erdou_with hameg refaeed to .adept the 041.- 'l. tden Colipromire Melanie, and thus forced Ile south lute rebellion_ in exercise of the tibtAlf3telf•defente and self preservation. It le matte every to pause to show that all this - transpired while the reins of.pierer worst:old ty southern men, moat of whom are now in n-ms against theloeernment. Let that pa's. Tt a question hinges upenthereeponeibtlity of the rejeetion of the Crittenden Compromise. 1, was rejected: BY iebote ' deference to page 409, part first of the Coe gressiinet Globe of the second session of the To itty-elxtb,Congrees, will place the rosponel. bitty for the rejection of flit Compromise where it properly hehng;. It will be sees that the Crittenden Compromise was defeated by the enbetitut ion (in eff.ot) of whet is known ne the ' , Clark dmen meta." The record ethowe tS .t the vote on the motion to substitat. was —p aa 2 / 5 mate 40 The vote on the edop ion , SeChirk proportion, ixkecdtrectly after ward, was—yeas 25, nays' 22: The prosnmp. Lion would be, , naturally thatif the south had votes *Stough to reject the substitute, It would -•also hero had encngh to rejetit the proposition when offered independently. There wan a fallingteff in negative vete on the prop. eitL n, as compared with t hat on the fleet mo tion to euletultotte, erect voles. This Is Io• eountel for by the feet that Senators Benin min and Slidell; of Lordelatte,• Wigfall and Hemphill, of Tees", Iverson, Of Georgia, end /ciliation, of ArklIIIIIS:=112 tontine Session --sal in their note and refused to Dote. Had three eta southern mon voted 'moo," the Clark protestation would have been defeated by a majority of four. votes, ' and: the Crittenden Compromise could have been taken up and carried by the same mejority. It appears of record, then, that the Vatic:den Compromise war rejeoted became- eta of the lesding Sena" tore from the south virtually refused to vote fen it.: - A motion to ' reconsider wee carried lame itekkliter, al a direot Vote upon the Col:Tremble was taken— The,Pf9Ptalow Wa s ltost'by Celegia - rota. Bit one of ' the els, Senators re erred: to voted on that (mouton nearly all of them haying withdrawn on the amnesia .of their respective Stites. Had they remained to vote for the , Compromise, it - would • have been adopted.. The thief object in alluding to this miller to to 11114 that when, Store the overt aot,of war was committed, the south-had the sit:ilea of compromise or:war, she, through her high. est dignitaries, delibe4teirchose war, Ths twnth would n t hip munpromiee then. Is it eta 'astable to sat 010 that it would ac. cot Bich au acoomm then now? Her Inl et* bate the • BOUM lea .2ascara by the throat, sad_ort mould them In They are.playingfor:a great. • stake. They could notwithdrew front the dentist now an.. Wilk sof of , - iiiiiret4..lmtk, blood app' d feotored 1111411* of iforoir7tironld binpun L. to - • • 7- ;77 • N f1 ) .3- 11 * "Ms tho Ma , li. !PORS 1141 4;211 RI fir rod; sat; to • lamMit Abraham Liseoln twaillso.WW'Whetbla So u elect/ow .111 folly ylidlemto flattherity tel the national govarzuWent, andfnl . ly eatebdah the fact tied di free Min of Lit loyaB mine are ible to sustain the inliftelotraf:thollnimifind. the goireihtienrayelner the timud ef'optost.' tion from *broad or-at hems. We ask-you-eo assist not only In the Se-election of Abrah• m Lincoln, but in the eipeitioll of ill loyal out. didutes for Stele and ,Federal offices, because their triumph will tettignize our nationality —a result which musticontributo to the main. tenant eof the nttlanal government, It needle no argument of our own to establish this posi tion , because our political opponents new antagonize ue to achieve entirely the opposite results. Can we hoeltate—ottn there be any trust or contdenoe in men placed notoinatiou by such men' Men of :amity, hesitate--men of property, beettate—yolog men, who hope to enjoy both !hese blessings, hesitate before yen cut your 'Mee for nominees made by simh agencies. By order of the Union Stale Central Com mittee SIMON CAMERON, President. A. W. BZ.I.6DICT, ) morel/irks. Wire Folmar, Tie Post 0. Idea odor what It calla "the *equitation" to the Rat! of M'Clartaaa papers of tee old Noticed! Intelliyene/r and the L. 71 1 .1. vdle Luraal, both old line Whig papers in the e►ya when there wee ai W his party to belong to. The Post mistaktelin claiming these pa• Fr r 3 01 ! 's equi-ltions.i they here been Ist the Copperhead sereiett 'yen since the fiat became toaaiLat to their conductors that, la this war !or the Union, steo•ry We, pin,* b. hurt u f course they Will support 11 . C.Lett.- LAN. Thty would sunp,r anybody whose antecedents gave prate's° that, if elected, their denies institution ghoul l be "p of et. e , sad lb ir "Southelm friends should not be too harshly dealt with.- PUBLIC .ArOTICEs. JAMES .PRBSTLEY. D, w d pre h M. Chdrch, P . rortaor at !11th • d Lhrr. Ikey, • • aiIXT CIABA•111., bopt. 11th, at w• anal Low. ••:• OUTH, . C.ikNOlt KG AT lON L OH ODOB-11••• JA911.1. LT 99, Pagtor PO- Ile ditp, tem it 6 th I W.tltian ato.th.l.: o :m6rtgattm, be straw. t.ervice• at lu% a. m. sad 7 p m ..10 ISECOND PRZ'SBirTER [ CD lj BCB, at r amt Pt.shaskad ls win inmost, Pitt.. L.% h; 'twin be.n thormety renovalt4 aid I , paired. ~ .tpc.d Bail ti AIR. &N. lut sort B.r. ti 11% • to. sod 7y4lik m, mato,.ths Pastas, 114, w D. BOWAN ?, D. D. • .to tr , r - Ci - T — II I43BIRMINGHA GAB (X) s PAD a w ls. Ott treat and atret UP [Voss they will ka ttils‘d to .tar.• of it pot thottund to. to • Itl,u tot& Gs mustn't tax., sotaw D. !AMMON, Reastnsi. Ornco or 'Bs LDCWOO OIL DID, NO. 11 WOOD Sr , I . Pirsoftw.- /35t..,1884. THE DIRECTORS OA THE Mi cro) OIL co, hay.:llf aftu.d &am. dyad of THEIAI DOLLARS P ER lIELL.Vi act dial F rofits of Ws last six iswastis nmiii imahr 0 11. i ERAELL,So-moup.l7. lilo VALLEY 1 3 / 1 . CO.—Subsori• let. !o lb. tie k or Rh. above Operpaay to beret , " 001100 Mal all sebodriptleas mast be pJd la tell to Ike ?risme V: B$T fu , N 0.78 Mood stmt. ea er bed:moths 16th but Ass isbaerlpilass meals log unpaid after that dots will be Ildf.Ped t•tkeGsm- Pablf. JOG" 'LEMING, Prerldsat. red:ti U. L A -THIS UNION COUNCIL ty d TI taborgb. will ma at in L. II BALI, oOf lIIITORDAt ISTISINO, Ito Mt I - at. at It o'cltat P. m. Wootton, dit Conseil. Itormattlni Molted to to p wont •• baslatios of Itoportoute •itt D. broupt tmkt.n. Ds Clam& DJ ord,t dth. nizziozsr. titt IWHEMI.OCE PETROLEUM OIL CO. —TN, backs of Lb. Elinakek Tatrofrato 011 Onora”, srs taw open al the OCII. al Mean. WATT A I/ALMON, streal7; Alm al Ina fOUBT NATIONAL BANK. arra LTS' INIOBANCTI CON TANI. Tbe torn:cry to 'b• afentla. and kw bean salads:l ma Nina M. matt alaaltabl• Narita . ;Aro Or tract trondle; an MA &Leeway elm, paw Th. math.. Hemlock Lank. Th. dlcare aro; Prol• a t.—John Watt: &carton sod Trfaannar—Saba O.) ; bacton—tata B Ham, Thu.. Lasa,hl; a Wa oa Juba Nat., aannaid A %IL IL A. Omar aid tams urd-e. eta r ,p•FBANIKLIN 09A1, 011 , -ELloira for v --, mbecs4tloa la the Capital Back of tbo Prose -I,a 011 P o SGA LIT , peftf.••• net No 13 Woad V.ll ap..4 SI Ur/ varehromof • The lamb of the compasy ere Vested I. Vellatr. 00 -. 35i .1 a. • *cm too r. ere 0' Frankils. 135.31fr0m the a. wee will to denoted al the lowa of To b rall• I .0..wl me oral Is m terse &mud at flertsceat. pm ' b•lsb.... ' The coorpots ate to viable to also • higher la soe; Stososply Is lot egos! to ;mead Is test stela'. to the CI butane elrme its elects tsars tb so this e ms . easy solid deliver. The c 41141 bates coml. the pew. pen tot lame dirl.lco , e myths Mit of she holm. of j h a I' • =missy ere ears Wom old ble. i . 11 - Stt33:..ritidfa 4414:41 , FOR ONS L. , r. irm—Part• tadstiolt..st. toes Team' M., —*sputa Bantering Illeritited 4 compass Sio IMI o..ye sal she metes pariloa of rfrblatilrese anode of.; mend to eollai toes yisoi he woo de Wall mod. ' 1.1..0131 a salbtles tau Ml_ mil: .his ostapaoy Lopaty of TUBBS BUIITrILLD 1301. LABS—TWO UNDUILD AND 21M1.41 1,01,14.1131 OSLO 3111 . 1 0t.1376, Casa IS kal3o. Ils. Conte w. Lamm% kommly Oast insfooss • Me ism Depsnomms, a Ist Ltesuosoi of Lb* commuss re c.asto fcsoldOels at WlLltao 0&lb, from Odom a i.:commass tolormoilaa may be oblafaea n , 0. IL BALL. • ar I ciao. ausdli 00. A, Ow Years' 113,a. .1, TO ..CELINQUENT TAXPAYERB re TIM cite or aILLISGEIDDT—DoU.a ,:4ar. aL pr”a •ho Lar• Lot o,ad twat , 1 Er., rah 1, L r• cr wE,eu .ale ray of Ala. • a1,r,,,y • taw lb., vaalta , fh fray ta• afar off o , tae / IEST DAY er 0 9TOD tr. BEV,, nal U tba nn I. DTI I all op Or btor• fa. Asia day or Octobar mat flu a riwz !me CENT al tbo ada'ad la &ad marls psi able ttlemrr. arta that If Dm salsa ha eat pald an OT 04. to ta. Plan' Da! or NOVEDDIIIi watt falfmr• Cal /1". VIII 1.. dinctai to prup fly qvallfaml pr. amemn4tn g adala Of aim to I Ir for mi. lases, • .0 of ewe and charger...C[7lA Itorx•o, of ••• good. cad chattel, of the ettiallnrabf •rbrrace•rtf Arafat .d fa•a• tale tt• sal , after adwortfulacot, al la ,sun of o:•talif for nat. D. afaCilit WM, Oily Trealarer• TO THE ENROLLED !JEN OF PITT TOWNPIIIP.—Ihana are trina three tt, died of you that have nut oan.ributed to the flaunty Fowl If you raii (mm distal co the Troseurst. W. It GOB uLI, tII Libsrty Wiwi, or the Cailactinn Mom and witecribe your fair proportion, your Ocies p Mee tell guarani*. Lad or you trots the int ptodlog di-sit. If the impost la not mode up tido istrulbiette of t sea afraid, enlisted • be withheld for the Sundt OT irestscribrn the fond. Soar Ootaatinoo trot,' iadge theruiolvr t e o utiesevery suiscalbor to am a feu* f the csinio dro•L ?bona ttliti do net enbradbe aniElniely nil hove to take care of thernaolveit. 8 abf UEL T oussun. ItES/LY W. IMMO., Recruiting Gointsitfain LOAN OF 1881. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN. Tatessettr Dcrasrusav, Antral Peeled offert will harecohnd et tM. Department, Ira. d r the sot of March S, 1863, meth non of /111CSLY, the Sth of roptextber, 1E64 for bonds of the Vilitai tholes to the amount eaboat thirty-one and o half 0 . 111100 dollars. being the itmountof enaoorpted atm nettlarotrd of ander the mottle of Proposals for Look dated 6th Joao last. The bondeertil hear on euntal ht. b reef of 6 per an turn, pajahle serebenuttelly In cols cc the first dale &lei, and luaus of each pat, and rts. deg toohle taus the 50th of lone. IE4I. Sea of., must be for eft] or me bapPre d dollars, or acme multiple of ono tiarodreil , depern,'aind must elate U. sum, hiehiding osmium, peered (*aid. insmilmel dc..la, to bones, 01. for City, 'bpi tlin'ißor Is term Inure than fifty. ?we per cent. of the prinalpig, ergots& is g tr. whim, of the •hole amount offered must he de. p • 1 r', Pa firer, t y for pry:n.4 of rabserlptioa If so. 0., ted. who the Treelater of the United States a al .. 11:t„tou, cr mist the A.. 1.1 ant Treecnror at Bair Task Ilimicn, Philadelphia or Bt. Lode, or Wilt the deelgosted Depsiiiirry at Baltimore. Pittsburgh, 01117 , tki. Detroit, LoalirptP '.. Chicago, Metro or Ibtfalo, or with any lialloii g Amor-taloa authorised to rear, &intl. may 0,011.41 ter trauma the torsi t 0... wlthotte . Pugh:stip oorttdcatra of degioutt will Fe hissed to &welters hj tliatiffircr or autootittoa reocleing them; the rrigrisele at 'which Must be for. warded with thoogre to the Popertroaut. Alt &puns should te mad. to time fro adelei of offers with mild. weer° reach Wathingtori not later than tics morales of fhptereber Bth. Bo affix- apt imolai:mated by 14 proper oath:Wt. of deposit will to candling. , Th. 0, 44 .. n god pogiotored Mad, Wool MU be of the deaciudeatieus of fdo, 1100, OA smg Item lu g , tutored Buda of f 5,000,aad 110,0:10 off alp La Weed If rogutrod. i . Al, ear rtottv,d wlll beapanaiew Aida, the tith of Airptemter, Mower& vlll beswethby the feaster: to the lashed aquas, end torthopt wwepteixe a de. eilnatiat will to lialacillatatyrnan to thOressratro afferent and, to are of ecoe s listW.bondi ot thotte• ettiptirow Bred derambtaltia Vrefrrnsi len be seal to the entereibm at the tat of the deputustou line 1 , Warne of instalments, , The misted depnitct two per ant .111 a rained to the last thetehremt pelf ,air oflentri eacirfahibahlifletellothathell to thew whore afore mar east, SaCepted. Toe maw at waseptid Whin west M thltothol with - the lbewthrer or at= off* ew eseltietiottWorkerleot to net aderthth notice on Milos 01 worestsoorif aka, a et sblion t. Onwthlid on 41r baton the ltth I one. thlrd Ca Or blithe the 19th ; sad the biles" toolodlas thirpremliM sod erklealterly feithat, &Toe% an a bete* the Ilalh of dielembers Waal on hada wZI Wittig; th e defeat deposit. Patio salmis; may pay 1 aosthed Wald fratidste of book Job „ll s to date cif deports hi DAN . . . . , . Ofbra Tudor darts:Ms abodd b• eadand •Ofbi tor Lour std ottreand to Os iserstal at tar ?Russo. Tbs tight to dadls .it oSiss nut imastdassa struts o=4 hand bi tbsissittaist. • IP.BBESDIT. - • Ikereborrolthe Trellill7. 1414 feti tosa or war tor isaaatiat• 6. EIEBE A ..rorloEB. 10! . W.o= rVAL LIFE 138v /WWI 0011:PADY, ow Ilcia Tom FLIRT 18XISISN, Pascumay. imps ,Dop-Tartalthig Camara Lilts atcl Below. data Paidea. Foal Dam aD *Thcapopiclat gum 8e u3Le► blo4 of Polley 'cap c4Ca opal Cacaricy. • - Z. WOODS, Oaoaral agaat. ler Oen, 1113 TOM= STRUT. cc Way c. onsmaan,(l . st• Ilifutatrer ttr Lippincott & Co.) . avraann,(lata of Gam 11.nbbard * Co.) a• for. • Los. :0 , P1171181711011 BVW WORKB HUSBANDS Si LONG, litanciloturan of PATENT BROURD CIRCULARB • warranted Can STILL EIAR , I% of warp dcareptia. RP , Ma k,. Oran Cue, Gang and allathar Vail•ttes. 'All had. of ICHIVT3 A SPRINGS, male Rua Sherd Cliot Pawl ; Ream Relined RAAPIR AND MOWING, &RIVEN gr. Warahause and Works. eor. WATER MORI SIR., Pittsburgh. Pardon/sr attention Ow Retwothing Gumming and Straightening Oironlar Hawn .1.. repairs of all kinds. Paneling and Drilling don at reasonable new. aplbrly Wlf BARNHILL & CO., Boar/ BEAKERS AND SMELT IRON WORE: LW, Perm St.. Noe, SO, 42, SI and LS. Having ea. eared a large yard and furnished It with the most for arnsed machinery, we am pnrparli4 to tuanufactore every deecrtytlen of BOILERS, to the beet mOOOO, dan warranted peal to .oy male to the country. OREN. NETS, DESCRIER, Plll/1 BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, BLT. SLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, IDGAII PANS, sae mt. mantoactutere Ot BAHNICILLT PATENT BOILERS. Bepatrtog dm! on the shortest optic, . dealktf a:0 - = - 310BLEIBON, REA & CO., (enoces• wnrs to Bomnos, Non A Ilutaia,) WALSHIBO TON WORKS, lovnuma a lLomsn, Pltsabargh. lloottficrators or BOAR . LND STATIONZBI/ TEAK NNW/UM BLAST ENGIN/IS, MILL MA. OZABIZO. SDAPTINO , Cd 41111013, of al alrocalpMono; OIL TANKS A STILLiI BOILZB AND BUZ= IRON WOBE. Agents em 01711RD'8 PATYNT I.9JXFOTOS roe .VEZDING BOILEBB. LAKREIIIPERIOR CIOPPIDI MILL A MILTING WORZA. Prrronsu. PARK. McCURDY & llaontketarot• of DIMMING, JIMANIXBT AND BOLT COPI'MB, MESSED COPPER Darrow, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, bPALTIED SOLDER. Alm, Importers sadAsslers to MIS.:AIa, TIN PLAT', SHEER IRON, WINE, hs. OoartsoMy os Sand, TIN• BILEW MACHINES AND TOOLS. Pittabartb Warsbonas, Pa. Na. 140 fl = hl2O 520014 D sTaxgra. , flperild oteLtna of Opp. ant to oy dad:add patters. seri6:lyd**l g ONE OF HOENE WEIL'S OLEAT BratiDlES-11 UNNIWi4L Lee uzuszzaaa. COUGH B.Z*ZDY.—Ttt but. of ibb *say winkatal preparation, troy of sna rell-esnied tedatxlo, is • freedom from avory compauvii caloalsted o debaltata, uld M ”ch to allow the portant fro. dots of aaa, day or obtht, r tha oal)try *hoary by which Throat and Loug,Oomplahrtaart be attaocolyy carol. 'To provont aiding atteatlan to long otorlon at groat =roe, .Lao lad tomao. mato &hurt all meta eons- yleinte different to effect. I would ask coraddenos, will be emend, to Cold. . &mem, norm..., Bore Throat, Drossetdol and AstkonotAo Ckonolalate s Whoop. toe Omsk. and to all Threat end Luse Clomptanta which, Idiom neglected, and In Oonstsmption. Wale ban rayalnians of am Mews! menoetabfllt7. and from Intends, can to area at my office by all Intamtedl rot We by al Abohmate sad Betel .alma JOHN k al/Wrirraa. Propriotat. Presdad Obessobt, Boston. Um. rot sons by. Ism nevem Gen. IL Herm, R A. ►ebneanxt A 1111.1Polton, Assam for PI tbsbmik; qaa d. Hail). W. L Meese end Qr. Jams. Drowa, Armee 100 Anoiltleby Olt,. mls:Aa—t►m►+a 0-71111 CONPESSIONB AND DE. P 28131111 or Mt DS VALID, pabildwd tr tle• Matt sad es • mouthseine masks to meet twee who maw tem trerioso Debility, Powireatoree Decoy et Mahood, elo.,•cyplyiss, at thi rum dm, Ow our ei Were. By ono who is awed Woman afar Ming to Flat avow oeui Nor" Waugh hisilla• Com bog and cautery. By sackalna partiokt addamad analape, Nagle imams aim boo bad of thauthor, ItATHABM ELATTAXIk Ildritttl. Etas" aosrs4. N. T I TO BISRVOUS BIIFFEBERB OF Dora 11:17SS.—a mama gagman Sanas b nstorta to awns Is• as days, saw all as as al inalas and tragalat make. et tastouna. 'Mau amok coostday It tar wand comatocaosis N kts *Maass{ &Dm assiara as WS= Of 0.1216 Dam, of as nontof of ea Mt:op, la WM awl, Ira, loop, et sta marl sat Dina fa Dr. /OHS d. MANUAL, Ida too sank IL It. salltlykal W. D. 11111=1„...... DOLSXII3. LA BELIE lITKIIL WORKS REITER * CO.. e•-•.ners to Maw, Ilsrtmo a On., srsoresergresrs FITZEL, ISPILDSO, PLOW AND DLIBI2I STEEL; SPRINO3„. AXLES, CIIOWIIAIIN, to, Works, ITEM WAND, Altsglormy City. P. O. Address, PTTTPDMIGH. P.. J011:111 COOBRAZI et BRO., Ban Llocvorea of MO2f 6eulA6, mos verriss SD VAIMV DOORS, wurnow dMII7IIIO, nu W GUAILIPZ, az., Um VI SECOND and $0 TIUBD OM=, Om Weed odd llarkss. ROTS OD hand tarry of um Postoirno. Onuoy and polo, sattab/a toe aD iortleator attentlon pat 4 t. rattortag Urn, Look Jobblob dono at obort notice. DISEABEB OP THE NREtVOI3B, 8P.11119.LL, UII.IIIA.UT AIM flextua. Bia trlallO—ass ad sellable trastraut--to Reports of Ou Board amostsam. Bat by mall to smoke War a"titi., am of Marge. /Adam D. J. OKILLZ 00001/7011. award Assoolottas..Ds. 8 Stmtb Bath strast, Philastphla. Pm mbaly HOUSES it 80118., Daa.usu TORIIO➢ AND DOPMITIO OILLB 07 OX u11e707, 071771710AT75 07 D7P0.171, N7TIII urn aroma. 7. 51 HA MM lITIIIST Mubarak+. Ps. tar Ocltsotlas tads cm MI as whoa* 011111 arcoshoot the United Mi. H. coLzrsra, Foswaan 1110 AHD 00111111SSION 111/110HAII7 ant e.N.lar m 011X12i, 801712., 83.111)11 redone generally. Zro. la WOOD WL P.lateterk. SIJEbTITUTBI3 OFFERED. 113===15 TO OTT OUT 01 TEI DBATT. b, prooralug • eI7BSTITOSZ, wbkb eau bed,. b A .11log upon the oaderdastad at Polar tROST. A. T. LOOMIS. ues:lle Dine. err nn ADS.. Ezra= Co., Presumes ap1(1:04 ,BC.. MOTICE TO BHIP . PERB 20 BY BIC nalit---On ADA after M ( ?NL)AY, the 02d innt„ bot par moth will to oFaslystl la payrannt allbco to Ike atom or by Omboor, Vlivera. 8/.0. 211f10 El ALL, Agent. TIIB FAOTORY AT PUBLIC SALE IN HIM 0111011t0t1.—W111 c. eland .t auction at TEE WAY, Neptataber Vab, tha aln andltided of third of a largo lam ttorT Itultotlag, with aba.d..l tntar power. She prectal nigh pries at coal make+, water power thalnetle f.:t atatattattaztag Putnam. Ira/ any fuLt.or inforamtlast wall oa OH &11LCS OOLN, So. , CI Wood 'strait. or OM Ma salerslued at nett Itatibtou • : Oat:0 . SHOULD lAA% wad, PRESSES AND ENGRAVING MERL= Room 5. 26 Fifth Street. L R BRYROUR. Dr sefam AM= Ql:l•lMniarnatizasurs Ore:4mM. O. • 1. Pittsburgh, &pt. MI, Mt. 'I SWLD PROPOSALS will be receive st tide odim =ILI ok the 10. h Dar exprieeete, led• for turnt o ables/ the 11. O. Os 0 Iroeplialtaltdo oil with 1.04 boetiehi of 000D10 011•111_46_,11100•10. more or Ire. per death, Welts Ist otrOBRII, ltql„ to the 30th of Apeu. The ieresstrul bidder be required to AU • bond to Ode nue of 15.000 LW' the ihithibl thilabutesit of the Mt. treat. 0. OEM Wad . Zteat.Q4ladDepeq Q. N. O. R 8.10-4D - LOLN. ea • , Mitftetpticass 009111113 MINT 10-40 LOAN, lOceivad gnat. tbs take at U. 1.11114, HAW 00. West stblalt 1010101. 1111201.1,'Apbt. ytneuTiFut, PRZSIDBMAL OAII - PAIGHIKEDALLION4 with photopsph Mom of y•at /ATM= OANDIDAI3. we. fa Kai fra sity Mbi,s, as nealps of 15 mix. Alm • anal•rityl• kr IS Goats. Dinka applied. /AMU GO 3D WI )1 CO L 03.1t0 . 1 hrLy 9 73llrast, IL T.° r's" pprABBITA. OIL ATONES iND SLIP d W ler ask , JAIIWI %OW& •a • • in wail arms. Elßill FOE BALE. G 441 ♦7688 OF 114011 UTOU 1.130 1 / 1 .1 In mu t. ik d lioraatb manq . lowa. Rs - vareof E. bieSYLTY, asit.if pontos Baal stmt. a.e DutooUste Wt. pANos I PIANOS I A Atm clock of timer& of FORTY PIANOS, . of oil elyle e sod Woes, from the lowest to the btrhort. /Oct received bed foreels at Kaatern rooten pekoe, by /0.11 B . ll.LEBra♦ BELO., 122 Wood Meet. THE INIMITABLE STEINWAY A :arz ,. . , Z;Ptanole of that cotalmttod m tka nmlredH. E. Lill ER et 8110, ta;O:lt 8010 Agen. for !ha Stott...ram No. 122 Wood Ricoh P IANOS t bLELODitrw.• IA NOS 6 MELODEONS. A eery tone &tech of IC SABZ • 00 It r lIALISIIs nISU.II CIZLZBRATID P s, re dyed &fore the Wt al rause in is , Mee. Alm, • splendld assortment of PRISM. • 00 111LODZONS, A. MAO 8U?"S JOICLoeDLONIS, awl large simortamost anew BRXET 810810. OH Luzon a BLOKE, a Val otavet. THE POPULAR CLEN BERG PIANOS, echoic, sea nook et OiLENIEIZEP IN, York, Inv.? Puna, Jost resolved and for sale-by H. ELEBDR & Sole ages fa tor the above Tostratorot, to•70:It 122 Wood street. CA RE ARTB HARMONIUMB. The GLDIETT sad na at popular fasten...Ws of th k/od. Tor are In diurchats'ottools, lodges, or foe port. putposos, they are altheretber *meted's& Dor prime, Iv disrobes sad pleats flaelllss CARHART'S HARMONIUMS. in pealevets• to rl dhar routko• a nue dock Jut received. hethis foe Csehards tilslodscim ALCH a, T.ll Blto., wolf 192 Wood et do of the &Mon HAM W lll7 I, (nix S: 2u Fifth Street, oVrita YOB BALI "SHEETING MUSLIN, PILLOW 111 kiLlllf, SHIRTING- MUSLIN. Of various widths .ad rm. of ourolor quilt,. ialt It oLOTHING AND 01,011311fil N-1 MALL Barr DILPAZZLIT, Elate or f i xortmotts ass Mamma. September . 1861. e PAHAT MOTU &Le. w 1 aled and eedorsed • Prmeeds for Navy Marbled d Clothtne Maeda.," artybar...hal at this bureau awed two o'clock, 11 , . . an t.. 12tb dey of October next, for famishing and detiverirg fee motilim thirty drys' stales) el the U.!. B• 2/ Turde et Obarieetown, Mo. and Brooklyn. B. Tr, Ile mob numbers sue quantille . s, sad at mob thowe ss mar be swecill4 by the child of this tureen or by the teutatandents of tht • ltd Et, •yerds, teepees vas, tit:Wars alg gusatities of the did a sutartl lee, sad el the plux mosaillea la the following lst,• si Gbarlastiarn. Breaklyn. Pas tow 7,003 linand 9,i00 ;0W B b. Cloth imams. o ' o 0010 B w &abet Trovrata, —.. 8 (1/0 14,0_0 thrtnranDo k 011/2/09," (lOU Dan. slay attrtreg Locks.—. 8 0 0 81-, /Isabel Oaarablria«........- B.<ol 8.10, Inannal nderahnria_is,ouo Bina Cannel Drawn, pnlia—L2,"oo Blte &Alma, ywit,....---60,000 asia. Pane Nankin, " B ,OOJ OW akin Lard elm% paLia...lo 000 Hip We, th . es--.--.—..10.000 000 WayB,Orko It nitrates (.01 max, f, r 6.0n0 .000 Black bilk peadlthirchlate—. 6,Crio IA COW 8 OW Offers one be male for we or more srololee, at the piths of the adder, and In ease more than one menthe I. oo tthird to Ws offer, ths chief or the tartan rill hew thee yield a+ scoops snow more of the ankles con tented In seth offer aid re sot the remainder. The pone teri.e M reetferre, rod eyrie • mar embrace en of unique or more arrears delieerenithef ofl the m0n0... To. the deacriemon tf armeea la the above HO, hold es are Waned to the sample. at the WC Very yorde, nee to tho anent reomot of thl. tare.. dat. oly tat ; er.d for Inform tam as to thelanaetntrertdateem remph'et form) renaming coutrsote, tbe offLorrs od the eesegal commannakte of ear/ three and nary 14 al4 he espartharrit morn» lb. sight to rrtert atq pro. po at not , or ntheand adsantsyseth to the Ckwarrommel, Band fronts ef p.orrnbrorey e.ohtatad an apatite. Co tto rho nary ogees at ikelos o Slim Toth. of troth. d phi; nodal Ohio bateau. rielfkiroar ENTELLOPEB, POCH= BOOKS. BTATICINZEt. BIT ER% 1110110YER & CO, No. 39 ►r►ru pt ntr BB W4lllll-41.011813 STOLEN.— olk Mender, &rot SA, rum thestable of Newry Irutos, Greaten" tp Hatter o•osty. sdlololut Ogle Pad Oaten, A LIQMPRBIIt. BOUM. some dappled ow the ramp !ISt m a ne and tad, about...ol years red and about leX Mode lOrte. Shan err also a to of the meddle tbe rlght tide rhos. awreney lo hr..% sh,lCrre. There In. eel er....! trite teltes, the reran with high bar& sad new ewer ou no obese reward edit he elves for any War metier/ lams the =loud nay b. bard. 3 SAWN LABTON. IL STOOKR FOR SAM V 43 stern Val.'', see do tra do Federal, Iderecute CP Company, tau do Stall& eo Iroo City, 140 do Fhtlflpa—yreldlay 76 bbla, 5 do Ohio Va y, 36 do Artradan Well—par value POO. 340 do Hone Neck, at the oak* of 11, , NDAW., Siren, reeler u d Broker la ell Frock, and anal rnara, ii It via atriet. Pltrabon,2l, ernrloon a Ilarley's Ole IlaP - Not Lobricallog Oil slava on band ...9:11n fIbniANEY COURT SALE OF SEAL allt—By virtu, al order or tbs °robs.' Wort f A 11.sheoy Oomity.,tbe soderof roe! vial expos?, wale • .be Uti 7110 MOAT, September dtb, et vac o'clock, m. of told dor, • te•ct of IsoA. foto toe property of W. E. Simpson. rootatoleg en• sum. 4...4 sem, more or less, with • 1.0 awry brick dwell log b 'coo, sew trams barn thereon moo rd. Bald toed 1. thawed In Moon tosooblp, In raid money, about ors et 4 • baltmlles troy the Ohio deer oppo• to II•yerlOs 1,4 la-d hormod quality, sod about eaty semi Mu. of are cleared sod tamed. • 41111941 0 c th me.h the rewithm ha one sea two ir.ewe, with letrest to be steered b 7 Bo ei mell Me"' Pp. /or lotoreuettom ,qedre MITA EL kfoll&tia. mew. The premien, or ICDHH k OLISIDT, Attorneys, Mee end stre,,t, Pittsburgh.' J km. 11. veciaßit, a 52 a t 11111Pii015. lawd:3•4,11k111 Eznetoraol W • ou IL. khapne. BST VIRGINIA OIL: COMPANY— • Th. oirx bag bra around Ina oorcontlon oho mancfantaring and ruining low of T. nay von and • portion of ito noel If toy offend for aolo. YU company ham 1.0211•Oree of load la fecl olmclo lo Waned to be one of Um dart t, lets of not country. no company, test •ps, odors no • cbanao for urodtablo Inneclosemt. It to decline' to ban ail the otnek taboo fn tbLo city. and d 081 to gnat for Naboottptiono ban Won it la offered elm. orbroo Tin but. afro at en odlca or the undar.lnned 10131ITII ISTBBIT, ways ouboniptlons tato.. 11..forenen can Won Ine mode to J W: V. Whin, Moran • dor Bona Joon Ponta, Wllllaa Vaaldrk. and TU.- Monde. Usti.) J. B. i 3 rut Lit, Tram GOOD AND USEFUL ROOKS. EA ELT DAWN, by the narkar of the Schonberg Hotta /molly. Tilt NCIIMTBINO rOTTA Pittell(LY. TO NM E V I N a tosixs, WITH /MEEHAN? AND AT. JEAN THOELOW . 3 ?OWN& reveal ANDAN, by Toner". , AZ k HAW, by ts B. Percv.t EUXM6, Do !d'e Edition In VcitOm. th , teK ~F COUNlther Bast H& Of TO si PUN:BY TEBIAB 08011011. ANNALS or THE ABUT Ol THII 009T8E13- .. LAND. By an ether. DOUTHINN or POITHE LITE. Br iLt i p, HABILIAQII DEBT/910AT= Whoustels sad re tail, fr,slo cents to 60 cent.. BIBLES—In gnat Totiety of Eluding. sod 'lnc O. N. 1900t8—• very bop mpg; Miran on hand. PHOTdEHI LPN ALSONln—WhOltsolo and retell. from 611 mote to $l9 oo ocAsuoAL AND SCHOOL sociu. • THE ANTRIM 13001 L Jest rabllshtd. J. L. BEAD, . rolTth et., next door te Iros Olty Bask. TO PRENTIMIi. • PRIENEB 808 SILL 024 . /MAW TM= NUM pbetbea Clete bah& ONE TATLOB INGINDNB, b.d =NM thaw • ONE VaLait DOW= CITLINDICB, bed V..E All fn good irestlnionier. W1:11 b• odd si • WT.& Jkiignlis or San. BOW • CIAZIPPTIL Pusateri, Pa. tTIAN FUNDS. . • J. A. =OWL vet of ronsanzas snsn 81211106 • aaaa a jitunte sus ~ s ritri b r o i a llOT ( l onxiair, at, Ids dlllkend 0471 m. OLD • ITLINIDO arlikTr a lkirat styl , e awl trit& " minim LSO& %bank +work all wiennatad. 11. TSB COURT OF OOMMON.PLIAB, Oh Auzaasxr 000ETT. Ea. $lO of !larch -Leak, lad% • Is paramot cf cadre at sold *ant I beam WON that OEO3OI awaits Ma azhildhid and ELS Ida mama am haalcam of ALIBID E. OIIELo IDa. Sad that add sonceat 00 be allowed by tha Pawl ar tha 1:711113 DAT "OP 611q11111110; 0.„ Isac maim caw WlN:mato tke towtary BIEN, • 8 .11141101. Plot bo ha. • aginn BOOM/ URED.C4INVASSED " Itt u L" ulu 'Ah... ibr izaco u ntia, a, sauntaimir /sue *llllExam, ill Li /NAURU On* FALL GOODS. CLOAKS. DRESS GOODS . : CLOAKS. S 2 Li IC S. CLOAKS. SHAWLS. HOUSE FURNiSHING GOODS. A. BATES, sal° NO. 21 FIFTH STREET, NEW GOODS . NEW 0 - ODDS. N3ll - Vir G - OODS. pINTMNIT G-00179. N..r3N.A/ Cl-001DB. NEW G-003D3. AT I. W. BAIMEB solo E 9 KARIM TIMM 1864. NEW NALL GOODS. EATON, MACBIIIII & CO., Nos. 17 and 19, FlUb Street, ARE NOW RECEIVING I PULL IBM FALL COODS. Newest asylis of Lunar Der Trimmings; Needle Wa• led Indalr•gs and Imismings ; Baal Lace and Lamp mamd Omda ; rein' Laos and Maltase WWI an 1 Sett.; Emtroldernd OolLn , Ilandkarchiefs, &Ana, go.; Hibbvna. Hair Tots, Skirts, Ccmials its; Bin= gibbed and Balmoral Elm. gnat-Beads, llamas, Nabias, &as GI. ir.; Om be Sae Start Wham s odosseeding, M.; sine !Shetland and Merino dhltia Drains,: Zits Owhosara and treaty nags/ Tuns, and • full ammrtmant Of linty Goods and brottosa, W. world tug b remind izsrchaste &Ito others-that wo salted over At lags alma of tba molt dateable Walsh goods, pstchaw brfai tha list grant straws to ks. and width wa , an salltag lows :boa obi:mum 0,000 10,0 0 18 080 LO 6 1 030 103,000 10.6] 16,000 15,000 15 06 LI 000 SL &Sanaa . of car 'prone! authored to oar foram Et,tar mat attnattoas so WHOLII3IIII LED 311111124 to lb. war of • tom 054 &iota 311 varlost, on smarm ot leo 11332.Cit1i /OHM° 11=3. . • EATON, MACHU& & CO« ..oEft. 71 sad 13 1111 ZS tr. FALL DRESS GOODS— & T J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. BRIGHT OMIHMEBE PLAIDS, PLAID I.IISTREs Poplins, 1 Alpaents. Nerlctoes, WOOL DELLO - M I BLACH WOOL DICLAIA ElS k Coburga. Parmettas. A fo/1 mortotaat 4 DRESS GOODS. A T,4 of 81Z3A11711 cloy. ADS FO 3. FLU, TRADE£ WOOLEN Y.iititB 1200 lbs. Blue Grey g`• Yarn 600 " Eke Eastana Yarn; lo DEAR, ALDBLIIIR HIIIISOLT, BCLULLIT, BOIL firILLI9O, and other literal:do cola.: tairethat am Well Selected and Assorted Stock DRESS TBIMILIN HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, and SMALL *Aims, AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR USN, WHOLLIMILII AID 8L1E.11... EAOEU * OLYDE, Ho. T$ MOM:CT HEMET. SUIDNEII GOODS inunin craw. AT 77 and 79 Markt:B Stria. 01Dargsba t Bmia . Mo or York sad Oottaa IN Dollop. 4 pooh a law thaw an. Lima liaadkortittatt, to plain horded and tan alltabod, bought loajt ago and sot ad.amad, advanood. Is Matey Llano thtodknobb4 Ira kap ma se Job lota to attar at docidad 'Asmara. Ttda cane Vodorthlrta, Ida= Draws, leas Delman sad OM dostondars, Newts Mgrl sad callus. Boot mats of Paiat thilata La Inn a and style. Ladltl - sad Cralldnal Chan Indanntr, Beltlag Oonaoo, Depart Skirts, Balaton! Matta, Maul At.. Ribbon, Bead, Maps sad Ilattan. Gan p Lam sad Wht Babas& Sas axabtollao, cdootag oat aballa Breakhat Claw, La sow patterns sad WHOY.TER ALE! ROOMS • UP SLUT 4191 r. Itotobanta sad Dolan aro bottot luta& oartiotfoa sad lazfoLy GloakatooL 10EZPIX EOM* 00 , lfaa t ASEP.I2I.ILBRaIt het DRESS TILDI3.Bi LW= GOOD% mum - a g471129M0N s CLU&IO mu= VICTCHLt AND ORM LAyillk, BRILLIANT% Lumps% wain annall ir r i r"24 BMA 80=1312. £t art et x JIA7I. UNIUZIO. Q41A53 AND Mt •alma . Iltit Las IMO aolttl. Maw; 611411.% 181U741,11111110 . 4 •4 Kiln. mane AND TOBACCO- ' so War dust, oholos Ogioaertai se Imp rid; • 11 , Onopeurer. "" Yams TI baste %mew stataliatasull Tolman - 11011tqi 11, .1 Twist—am Ws by • - • • 011 . 11 . 1111 (PATIMCCIL 11,1704 • 381 mai 123 Xdbetty strosi.ll y F 0 IUICII-14 ONALZ—Osis cwatisto bet Watt 018 tiOntigid Pt" with H e attiwa h* ilitas limn Ms Itatia9intl tapnisiw," ta tool order.. • • - i th bot sid a ttwaftw naps wpm pie wwwatiolk MONTI' ' 1 4414 1.1441.4014%' woope Vianted to soaks regullamb ai m , Ilmaghtsixt mplad tack TATANTED.--.1 coot'fl !snots and vacua Bl4l.)Onrrirsl4" kA VP" rd tiled &Tel, sezaw tV51.7, anti aid Idadatgli.ta • - seky VVANTE/51: - -rirse r6oiai - bra imsos al anted txnract 4+151411".°°"11174 no LIM c. ll tkil • Ity ryiyikol. Address X_ SEIB orsics. r.,ct reuragWense. pens WANTED, A PARTN* either epteittl •:ti••• •rith • ...kV ccaltai. thir Wool Caausdalosa gorse.. ;. tem 11M11011311T. at eta, for ockammatei4Oni otrktly cobrdentlal. reCitr NVA NIED...A aitustisifAi a g e nera l re , tan eon try vILL•as MILS rho bra hrt )ern ..sprijho t l fa t .*Darlsort. Retermmerdations or thr 111,11 era be rex_. A Mtn. A. A. 9 , Gas ..rrs COSA-; PlSLber~~, pa w 019 Tectklvo woo Von, :;?5 , . sdaw.. W ANTED, ta parehasa4 auks salaa COMFORTABLE 11Fitp, LING, beck en frsma, •11.1. tali 1.1 . A: .. In tills ety ar elkstmay. Addmerßra 173. WANTED— , ICO Aura N. 3131. Ha It l L itoct; 20 do MUT.** do 3 to and 7-a U. 3. llooilO4k7stat rim ps?A. roa a v Ititircactiftek: Stoabouvillo do Coarsodin 3 is Paurt3334aln Dol.ll, War. to. tvamlar... and *taw vauss Xecliatel 300.. • ,1; 76 hunt' lame. TVANT&D—The attenkiNn of the pubto TVto CaZalatit or ISCUPOL BOIL& •I 1 the toot books roan.. Li* Pabho or Prigs* Sobodr, Oollogolooloori. Load. • ho !harlot cr. Won Papor r iffitflow SWAN, og at the 'oven mob prim rpo WM[6llllll, 6453 1 , 4 loderg.4.not, WANTED—A situatio*pa Boak-ka book-keep.. or k noa . taxing es tablaluatatt..a- wisalwAS4 alaaatta., kg a Male to. of good...otos, oh., has glow book itevic he , i trooatoctoring onablt.ro-ot kdoirscrol g6rn,11•114 regl ram out to W.. Pomo, Mean Boa Ma, Pity. burgh P. O. WANTED—SISO per‘4 cinta.--.We mu( • nollabla Cluhaerr In Om lawn mid - .0:4114 w. hue apou aleatirg 050 pai*leetty vista In Vie peon to say dolatiairsoolicart i 6 AA:4re, Juan TLIZES i 006 , , dawn, Itt; WILNIMD. 131.114E1L --Z), &oil. t V Oteacy tallabla men toV at tbO Depot "of gam &atm gIoNIIIIIXPICIIS t tilflall.sth or amt. - et. 0L0893 1)1048.X . ,, Agtott;-.: WANTE—A good 4110 — Ants. V V AHD 814.1•11 4 1b000 g." 311411. ; Minn& Mescal wages _AG _good , of go-ma at. 12, • t m b a rd: Pats i oneryi(tilf Dwesist ffilkf WANTED, HANDS— +7 zuzza"-* , -_- carps:den wanted. 11.40:144 wails til UM{ "44"33 c". "41/11627 ault.tf Iscock st, betrna tat and can rty WANTED IMMEDIA.MY—Twr zod masa Kass ea Wr..l Y. 12 11681:88, at the Me th Ward d era.. psi& .suarrox _ MAGNIFICENT. ?Art, Yuan- U. TUBE, ors, Palbt/INGS,' PA'_ orrAnlZ 01.11.nia, Paz alrMllol7flin Peptember 10th, ► / 4 doak• - . 41 /12 3 0 1, 3 ea the mo oed Soc. '4f the Itczomeziffal• ft* .0.0, thi pethodtletio.- Want,. 'kutfilzhtosak - Of to Lugo Pthrsiootantant; flu feadtp, mutzemialiWorn Stmantans as of Um coeithat deshrtptt sad 1147104 gr beat •zers..lty kept la tbr as .0 Is ninny butt coadttfon; She ma • compt.ote,_ a etch Szocutathe ex Of holtetlf mewl wat.at'faelogaig I seat,' nosy ...bons and a pular dodos; notch indsh vat Ids atoto -vb. Shatz meat inalaraay son., k taanavoty diva" / 31 . 3, Maass 3 .3 . 0 . 3 . Ittn ttaillOut ltallia spathe. tcp tablis, soszui. top pou 0014 kletbogutyeard aa4 - end tabl 2, 3 Set mahogany chalta,l44hcotanpsnitehata end roam . , esaled map 4 and esekhd loabapootr bed., dada, "plot beds, mfr. oszattreaolioptiog sod lota , pe. parlor te;rot carpet, thesaliVl , en t ryypa bdada, I este dr. b . bona and • 44, attlralla.dihal, dole”, /recta china ware eiteer plab.,l3obeaduritad 00 Mat glow, fableootnzi, etathe,Splan halt an,ooseeld paintbaga, aabotuipts laadiaapagagd one large hiatotio paiattr a 1tz,4•1 tare portrait of Jadre Ealdaln; pwatat of ftes, alto. ira etq..of engraelag., 'Crastak ;In= • CordP or (Rath. ; omfatter snot/ Asa Myosins db. attention of lad, ea fa pactle*, rutted ro Ate ot 10LL7 attract re 1.41.6.• kat be tatz 13.XTSWICII ou thy austod Mato! 30 Asotigni/1041/0. 'Awe 0.40004 Goa 3. tusamink4l4is oodolutoo wenn:. to Out Mao.' ' • '• • ash:. a. Ma *AIN* Anat.- VALUABLE STOCKBATAUGIION.-...- T —Oa TOBADAY 1 11 •311111104toaacr Wel • o'clock, • LEI bealdalOoaussoctil aill/5008141141/4114 .8 alum ISooccogaluda &obit 114 i; . 150 do DaWO 011 C.;,,1' 311 do. la k Mak d‘; ' ii . 180 do PlOllO o+4 -PM mXlDondrio Oa; g, . 800 do llosotog It Mood Tam Clik i F WO do Earsococt 110 oin ci,.. MO do To& al do VA do Stalls 011 On 1103 do /aloft. do TEO as loon CIRTOO OcT 5 II 0 co Wallah Meek 0% . „.,M ... 103 do Alleakaey litoo. clod 02 ON . 8111 810 rottgldogkeallOultOla L' , at &./ 11 aliarai/01 1 &WA 1k01311 7 / 1 GREAT • ACTOTION , BALI .A a thase chaise istdles I, la AlledalbabAelcbi cd Erattl'elkidoet IturiDAS ;{.rtlElooEilkh. twabae o'clock, r. the pretalits. '.Alted es. to ads, d of Use best (IT al lots est) hese vole triads the kat =oath; and'maar of tiuccs;,adi DOW 11 Ita• Traws—Or.a.thled cash; balatcce, idea . 1111111111 .yesra, secured tr 7 brad sad marl httlatchteha pit as each tot, whew wad, as part Osablarmat Meatus:an Treble, sa heretofore, w 4mo:both-Ow Peraoylreala sad tknansibrille Deta at, - Om lame boar, cew Velma, poziatly, ast - day_ls s ate, teticentes at eta, taktaz gas's. per•oca (tecUew swatleasam) it uta front the was .111.28 OF Otasqs. tiottellatave. cialrod, ecd,ao bon allowed.rEcle. Oita. 'Pteati - las had at the Auction Boom., Ho. atAtraclt; AUCTION SUS OF IKEO3IEY OUT. TtliGe.—CA TOSSDAT, Septaatiter SAN • pea ItG4. at 10 o'clock, a. m , vii. bo •404 the ElTerf Chahlag Dopat, !gasket atetat, atoatikAlLi, OLIN le the Mabel Ueda., slam .60 Ira Sky Diu SceasplatiAks; 9100 " Duk Btu Eating 0) Oottos ao• • Cm " mane Tease of Wk—taSH, in 0 nueursOf Tamar eLczaOSI. MEN. uptare pad S. Q. Y. rIIE£OLDTION OP PARTIRIESM P.— ar Its Clo ptaaralep Seretotses_dahated between was:Lima. PII sOd LOVA seder the name sad MS..: ot P PARSE t 00. , ha. ads day bmi difedgeed hl MOW em ta ent, ((to date Se July bd., 1014) bit 00TV:drat/al of TR* 11. LOPS from sod dem !All &We dad said 'dm to be alk..ted, and a/1 delid."pe of said lboa to be Fad by thar.raatologpartom : 11E/14; IL LOT ) :Padoborgb, Anon t 1,1014. HAVING DISPOSED- OP iry mrs, I,T la atm b mor PHRLPB, ragas a 004 i sh•erfally remataaml mJ mamma todb• patronage 01 an6l-t=ado.l 1 / 1 11%; al. Lon. - rrHE UNDEESIGNED coN— .I. Moe the Ineeltrolght heatnen beratoade.' CON sod. tha ram sod OW. PaaL VlC** Op. Meths a large Ptak of sseamrd I I.r sad emy `Maly an mameaetartelt 'Mb &Tare.. and at tlia ..Lereet wee. tt dmtptlaas of Waved,o3,,e, VIM Ea.sevaPcsitt .% Let. is, shoT hops 'h9 Preto/CU. Mid's, fa oh AlTdelll mortal to ms matte of the beretottre theana. by their teholimad the toblls. W. Elneati Patin._ n. Pfttsbarah, Sept 1 . 1111 . Jan.& ed Ihri nNITED STATES INTER/41, alm- BCE Aroma Litt kg 1154, hidg or the tame oupotood 1.101:1113E3. PLAIT ttr IN Aimiramint Too,yetis Kay e 1863, to Yq. 1.884, sad 151106113$ tar 11-11 , i, tor mom District, Pa, has bean raa.leod iron tkiiii•ao Nor, sad said tam an taw dm. 4 0.•-paysto titmitod la Mat Tart of AMOnitooy moat ointb aut. onto and Allogtany rivara,'4fieuiblig Al- Irstootttly,)aazi ,1 , tti• latontal ridttra, no 00m. Ito, ST intim meet, throt doors mat of ••••oral steak who" Win attend to mobs mid too.. Otto day of Septatilleo nen. Anoymoidls.:_. day of Mptomber, to:Rik:lr otott. 0. '444 to all War , on Idelmoat, IlazMzdzotir abd 11•93. oti MmilatiF.t • .11ar Mit intro Mme• ottax-PBlam • 134 comity, •lllattiad-at the boom DAMP. Tinattan, so tits Ord day of rop bohima M. boom of 9 a'ebek a.m. and $ teciooliTt. Ist. - 1 via ant Wand, on the Mat day of a•Abit bout et Yr. Jolla Way.lo Os &Mgt of . 031999 M Tar pejeeaad &W ail at to pot Ott DAN= tiatiltbr bat day, as It will be attarly Alope - aR ettsed, mon Mtn • Itcebel amber to ems day. 1141,..Ue!1 ski Noce. animal ha sp s theirtaltiaa • Altedemit A n it t i12 , 1 , 40 .6 • . f,fir - 01W 5U1.41.11' BIDE FARM POR ettr.:•_mtit ne Ifatlefs 234 WIN kb" ...I ' l l' visill%cr a mile Iran IS , Zoo s, B. • Op* ow won= acres. 3 .S•enstvlouvd.. beads% las Ind timber. Mu tvipmersmvatelsms titz.v to 4irelltotts • Wl* ters_rdat nails; fordo dosed Ma; Waft. asudi a.11:0 to I,ta) taws vs the Immunise pot ta'~6t7. alp Twisty ohm/1 Wig add seltsvteniis tit sisb Nur Amu oil • TI saw sea D AVlsig Wa IMOnt Tlso s c = Tvs bad la , aley ta 1 1354 - 31 COO at Os mod daddslitfol instrary it VW bolos rind tot Otto foram Would dirk. ',4WD wous+ du mato tot& a how* sot at .tatrt Igoe& fat torthoporlioslyi pity to . - I R I VIDEND..-TER:`-gLIIEU AND • ..vttooD mum: ork `assay CIDIIPAST bad atds day dociatad dlaittit TWO PEI Call2'..as oaddiat cove tar kti masa se Anima ; na*abie law alleact tbs. fro* 112 eta ibrk Crab grants& Nada vat, c'evet vatilinetzhelsoth - *MU* • . - v. ciasovss; , • BLItILABI; ~‘" tale 2 1 0 17 tar 017IIIglit1Wsle, o*ltis tai se ••ths gime to. against la' gab- firmitl' i. pcoe:_peper_l74 gay oluirm, isqL Mks AS am gh• t* sotat amain to Ist. *5.84 nle& ZOSli t MAIM VOW • Jiw Tumor- Kfat airt u aD ai taart! il at Ottaart l:4l" a • •"' - ra.a r-amoolu k,- -sl_, _r •-.-__ -'prowidurtrignOturT,(-• =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers