r ..„,:..1. ..... wg. 444 A z AIED 1786. Shtf PUBLEEND sY of 6At6PPA 71111111ffe ASSOCLITIOIL TOO R OVOSCIIIBERS. andaritpsodl. publlabses ofiltisbargli daft pa. on, .Mn meta U 7 U 7 we". to thaw thil yds= bolo. At *lv roman joaniab, as sal it SOW. July 46th, leoi : X 012 201 5711 1 5101 01 Petwalts dcan..l by veal= 5 5 " 106 bl 20 14 Pav Par, In ad mem 00 e - lbw ids assalls, ft winnow— 5.00 exr Cues =Who, . f 50 Siestng *Mao, by carcisr, by ma, par per, In inlvares— 50 50 lar abr. month; 55 " thins , examda. raeanal,daUnFsdsqabider Par year, in advance, sant by, gill Qti comas, •••60 • pm eiwiths; " " 63 • 001111111/11Wh Hat wiati 4•11,..d 60 . 0trisse, pont la ma— atz seciaa, - Ikea matt 1, - ••• * ZS ausra 66800161•108,. Publish,* EnzitagOluonlits; ' - IiNWBPAPIIIB AND Beading Matter from - Testerdare • 'Evening easege. Step the Lut Sole. lasszaecA as Ohm= hu noie possession of 4t.lasttapiad Attrasat lam captured Itioldb Bay, tits pea& az• iamb; thel.r.syes Amite Wit. Saltston, the IspitAlat wiate":thaalt tibasisd. befog Bialtmead, liessaing the 41.ovnthU of Lei;_ttutSiry Dspattmaat swill it oat with all peasnAs Speeds naval evedlitii , a thi a4to. Fhb =respondent whose letter It printed bedew resandScrithe only per. naws a,, e. =to the- albeit. . Lou this hr and they ' from the., ran 'iimf thewarld. They can no tome feta tines ship bid of supplies from Maropar tide correspondent stall: some inter eating falormailon 10pr0 .4 the Rini ''He ingot: "Brno= aimitvoLin Jho Union . linos a fair ifook witokifithainittO;Muth,Chaplhma tali seen not lees than is:half do= onopialcalonclo the daily journals Mo l = anal to that porting xitt lirmats thi . retailt. *sr fisigiivraiiiiiir stabs throughyour col littliOrbafinfentultion aittptsaitod"Of "coo-. ortzdotrik*,:eiikal . point of ,thoginfalaracy: IfFmingtonrNorth:Carolina, is the cap pmt now .Confesiorsayrthatatrabal reseal can enter with any wily whams. Its im tames to the Jeff Davis - despotism ma not bo by any one in the loyal &MO who does sot know the extol:not the blockado'bud gen them NI hen seen as many as four blockaders as: , rive in one nlghtiwilh 1411.eargois'or,evory' los adulate artiele that oonlk,lms . of ;pm to the rade. Among others there are two steamers, the Penile and Alice, owned by the "bee" line-- make trips as motel from Mutts to ton r do Ike Atlantio steamers antes thorienan. Besides than, them am a doom es more that do an anansive bushman, end the minable rot= of this contraband trade is 'Agrees is to !tidal* foreign capitalists to ongsp in it I learned a few days befcia,,/aaojpg,iikata„now line of Te7:ne.Bvillftinsflikozo tha Clyde would - Mar aims in Femur , Alt the Governmeht only ill's - BOli attontiott'Alkj_thlfglatic,T aci;' cam blockade thella - pii Fier Wan amgC gag* toL, sonnorpligtad„ sod, this d sofa dsatifhlnalfol have been inflictatk..pollossahad'ossori. heard it intlinareheruporto gotabblits,Of light dmught sal:Wait to likimries YOH nem: t almd.iNpris .amiva t=rall doubts upon this quo hayettood upon the storm of US itatadfand seatinuid the blockading heat, and thaw and again h tosjmon,there taro w shalls_fkbethalthrtilel and-at othe c tifita.'hatt nillybognadElfoif Vain_ friffo . on*ii - B4zOinist frammint;araily live • 011 i; commands the North Atlantis Blockading Borodino/the Caps Fear/11m vial be blookodo4 antykrgilli and Falb Vero line Tirietat64 , • r et the Ocumtry. • • % 1 4.4004 1 47.*44ftiif the ilidoulturaiiiiiMit. - . mant abltaibin n ealartained .forTiLi talt6p.roma' Aft: We corn crop. thd i stkeinSlStsOilhai erittmlet day of rinipuci eons peo.dlideorEpakotki country, its sandltion. MP. as iireinse Mai; In lowa two•tdzaui above szah.erdarerage; in la. diana, three acid one-third teeth' below; ens-half tenth below: Alit. taking into eoustdoritfon — tbn creel if ebs rain. iebleh Imre reeently, follen;there if nothing to jortibr ap. nrelairmioatafeameity In any of dm oared pro dotots.ilt fetwUared that the loyal Eitatee will hare *hoed none' for stwadatit oonenetritbei and to simply the total foreign de mand for amis. , There will, :boW outside:able Inoreamief th* Or - D am 0r0p;.., a decrease of to- Dimon' fits and'„beitm...largelrinareasod.: :The at bum been itimmally wall wasted, and a ton of It tbfa 'oar hos bean estimated as squill* ton and ball oftutyroessandtet.: 'lnnonduial Jrop *sentient In qua li ty, szatlat fir Sedum ila loss to-betwcen 15 and.l.4 per mit below- thil crop of 1883, one of the largest , MT gtoirlffil f this coostry. These soominte are model* frim mum from *ra eve y . part of .ry .fitats. "The' October report will 'how emotly what the crops of the year lave -bean. • The only crop about which thine is an doabt la_that of the potato. The weather n ot is fa yorable to their growth- . _ Shameful Falsehood. Mr. Charles A. Wiabllffe, one of. the Ben twig dalsgstes to the Chicago Convention, as. sorted that is the military prison in Lonlille, She females awns confined in damp and dirty sells, with straw to lie npon,: and they' had sea* sourest prison MAO' , •13(0 far from there belng•Nslifilhaf Math in this, as he most hare known, the female winners are in a large, um. Malone b_riak hote l _arestnd by Imre:haat for r. his own litho/4 and the whole house duly ventilated. -1 / 1 1,1PAY4 belonging to 4 he avelliaglnrisai area nearly , scpitlu the: largutigaarsi in Miro city. The rooms sampled by the females are tidy, neat. and The prisoners go about the city, go a shisibr irlien'thly'deelre t• so, inninlay WiryriregiialiSOsL . , Parleigh can great them. On the ditbeforii - Iftokllgs. made his levant. st4tmats a 1 ChlasioA Col. Yezleigh irealtat - lartheis fa naletprisorteu thrhpriellege of , going , Nottk . with fluchlikr-thicti.o7, _4,11 1 / 1 1 witbin mit bendritkinilit;i4 tyfts.lb,pfSfugai; ref pied talon"' tltspiluin, Splendid =dr to Potvete 14!" Crwalr' Moallii, 6 3S7,ittats - -Clif, on .the,:strti*Le#o, Joaktelit4ll:o4l3Zetiititei - keitettetuttk iow oeededYd bialiteg The expleilttaz,weat Into thepharbor to the night, andAttlehie of aniiitildnaponnia of powder, scout death eft, pirpentthejeggehii iliffoessrd °wetted* whioh ers4al4 het ttli, at the4tniarithlittnorhtmdre/d S'antr:9l"tl."lf hon.oiadni !Ills so condi; podia* kn044,L4 The Zitacoulttecivl4l4 Viatil 44 m ending, in the WA' inipspenent in ifebite.7lyi'ANlSlOnd ' the Shreezebai - gnatatal.ldorgani manilla; soon, at one tins, capturing &elate:rand erePi Ong the two former en that the Captain of the (nine raitlier 'tiler' the" forte and leatropod her. Theldtdaeoinas moaattDutaixgone,while the this. rebel beets mounted twenty-fair suss in all. Thoftmententralteti Joel an Your. . '4ll Gen. Ter& tea' Father ' . The New York eorrespondent of the Boston Zed b retpaesibbiettlefonowtogi mtry Important phieloto4tosi Tunic, his be est at ,teteralthatel , 4lo.olemteistanoe be at e kept lIIIIMISP7 111010. 1 SPA _Oro bent thrtetkttiklietker-straipotelo naW t brlN . Ahab ' biela es Wet arthe moi !Mom word duke. Aftel2,,thie digifflhkr . eutdeoletr - I - asTer 4beffil tufted: ► Pa Won, Otheeskleir dteetmeeigeetly, . I -Ira .l'arl'43"trifri7A-44I."111132 watabeAkreiff esete.kijl metttne • tbshomM-14 `=lT'e old Woes, end *ft yikojitba Old TON *he towhee the vgibeisd • Miff ' meitheeiXteld'aironderaor leeforld's Ifthe; bet.atittbomptes dolt or a thteVentig rrespeell• ienm pegraresta , eouirlteittle..amptaiithe'. _ is -4 44' analeton• - • • ••••. Sgt IMESSIVIMUiIitir ',, i Ma? asMalfidaibia46.4.illatiefier ? ear r: ..Tba *WV 'llNa Maga is War d it isa=Cult . airgacth arfaraloal) V - ; - Hem' tra va , salMolk. 0 Mols In a rattail Po* 'l'W"fta'llllllW Wt. : ellt . l a citm ...,,. - F rosiußi Via proadiaaalabaadaalliat WV, ..11 - 1110 are _IA eV:disponi. ' Onto= 'lib ' i r 4 par WI Pi meta s4_ an Walcott cA -coal as Pit ViNett &milt tow" with ea '-: '. aka ofp for owing awl splitting, sun to rt ; L l Vough the whole Wake*. el lour i-.., .. .Ak , .: _ - I__ )AL 'V PIT , 4 ; 7 4 NEWS AND WISCE,LLANY of t Suzette: Nsw You and Peneyi►aab here shown aeon shortly than any ethernet's in fun:Mann men under the President'. Mu sail for troops. Ohio had famished about nix thousand prosiest' to the lint of September, Indiana bat eight hun dred, and Illinois reports bat ex htutd. d. Western States ere doing better within the Wt ten days than previously.. 'lt is Yell known that most of - them were oontidertibly in" excess on former sans. Report" of mustering officers show that levee thousand seven hundred were muster ed in on Wednesday,. audit* aggregate far the W t ten days is thirty thoniand. 01Been concur in reporting that the men. furnished under this sell are generally. af a Wier alms than many of thereunder former stalls. , larstoMein H..!Weirrtie, laefeirvf*ie' goistor of John G. Whittler, died at their resldenee in Ainsabmp, Blass., on the Sd Inst., alter a long invests. — l.Meiter more Ultstrlous brother, she wea a life • long advocate of Liberty for AM, and of every good work. Like him, a member of the !Society of "Friends," she honored It in her Ills, and her memory will be treasured by it long after her death. A fond if not large rinds of admirers of her gentle goodness keenly laments her departure. Ar Itirorrorma Priarcerrellieletle Dahoeratni ,puking of the nomination of Goo. U. Pendleton, at Chleago aye: "It is rare, Indeed, that honors are_ so quickly. premed, It havitigrfccerred but - crow before, Irkhe ciao of Joke C. Breekinrldge of this fltato.". Wunder George H. will prove worthy of WA - pill:ions protetypiff,.. might_here Aultante,to.distin. gab's hltustif lit the AilitLo waj, if lhatpirt of the Copperhead programme relating to a Northi Western Conf.:dere*, should be undertaken? Tat •Rxwen Pintos= sw.limMlis; Sistioras Bloetarr4ir.-411:011instra Adoortior - Motet - that there was great rejoining =ant the rebel sol diers in the prisoners' camp last Thursday, over the,oconlitillon Dr McClellan ,, tke."fde- Oleflanitei onkel& were parading the Aiwa and burning fireworks, there was spud, if not greater, enthusiasm among the graybarks. Ad. dm uses were delivered by several lawyers among the rebels, ail eulogistic of MoClallen. A Our/ Tanor.—Among thoconsykruous lob 04:0"..cuatamasterhttairiciurOhtlett wad feirldttr7. q Fremont's generaL wee ig nominously expelled from theisms* ' times. of his yarponsitrisr enormous stealing. nitre is not a Weeder or defaulter - mho Aar been &- tooted while in the Gerinitunt'serrles for the last three years, but Is tole found in the "Dem-. *matte tanks, mintage, for another onslaught upon the Pubreltrttalllt;' K., . _ Those who madoorneh an ado over the nomina tion of Lincoln and JimLb, fen; year, ago, beepase.A.2.mtrk both - taken from 'AlLlree States, will now see that the same alleged proof of .sectionelism" lies against he ; Chicago ticket;; and , Pendleton aft rot knoly both from the North, but lack very lltils of being from the Jame Sbte. for • li•Clellan vraa hit re , orally ielldent of Ohio, from which State he esseppolnted Ulu Generat• - Puerta. Place roe Petcwo.—The exceed ingly cold weather of January lest almost ex ternagged Utti Vied balite*. titbits it St. . Louis end throughout • considerable district of country artmnd. The; consequence has been • most decided Ware of ,the crop, and not • peach has been aiset-in market vnitFwithin two days pest On Saturday some_very indiffer ; ant one' vold at one dollar par drosii...43. Louis Beratiaan. Immix Rom re Eset.tie.44 Ira almost unparalleled in extent In the history of Ragland, recently broke out in Woolmer Foust and rag ed with lambi vehemence for more than a week. tfibe united efforts of Over enrithensand persons ; were required to subdue it. The flames were ; distinctlyrblble for, rk oilcan of two:tunable._ ; rub and it:abets van trommtnad, and a'villege narrowly escaped the spreading conflagration. Ten nomination. of lion. nudism, Stevens Fir Coagressli • fist compliment to this mogul ifloant old hero. Pew men have done more for the contain. than Thaddeus Stevens, and he now rives tr its s cu b as eletbr jeers of • glorious, life with the entinulum of a boy and the ears.' Astarte. of em old Scottish Covenanter. Mr `-Stevens will be returned to Chnogress by afisitety ihteisased =gob,: . • On of the figickii Coldetritm Guard of Lt- 04 recently committed entable, beanie on • quarrel -with! Ids. sweathrect, , which • ca his Wad; he negteded d was reduced ,to the rank/ f this did not im prove his temper, Mai he had soother interview :with the girl, whom he pormaded to take poison with,blm. Be took the biggest dem; end lied: 1--end she recovered. MUNOZ Cll a Resat CAM= —Barirecre S.—The guerrilla General Winder, has been :removed ros lops momptsMl of thelOof pest at iindersbitiller Gi'.. whore a large hum ba of !Penneybenob 'tidbit are waned, ...Ills re 'mPlrar Olki#b 4l 42e4 ash Lou Iscapadty OistilsbAmsaltrto plissuen. , Ittsdinsbursl 'icgtad ‘'..4•111;e14 lsodell .';Ilt?-16 IthOr.:f4n4u' '• • • itVerdi littiffinteirsx.. barrette* in wrillinforeesidlisSublimm aiteleip that Gen: PrestiOnebiavithdraw his name from the Pitil4l ll U ll -contest:sdikbk ten days. Ii 0.4 ststsid,OW -110L.13 Wade is shortly, to tslie the Amp for the Ralf hags Hereld. • ,tnaccrxozaso Ahnem.Peeseare.--Adatt ralierrelphhes hem Instradtel by. Qualify Petartoteat age to, outwits -1M prizonerstm.. etitinther 'alders had ihea 'beating to ,ottt hind roma, gaphrred r long timelines by the tobete, andnow etefated In Texas. Toe Democrats express wonderhil anxiety to obtain the soldiers'4ote: Hot 12114 weeks ego their anxiety was to present the soldiers from voting.—Phil's Pram Tan D67904114/0 piatfordi meant pesos, with rebels, wzrerittpattiots. Tttrocplesendo - rey•- lotion *ganef Siloam "mid' arinfitite with Marls.-P7ola Prem. - - LL Tam Union Convossionsd Conference of the Tenth thk Frente mot at Tosbation on the sth, and ''nominated Soirell Risher, Esq., aa their candidate, WI hear from an alter trudnent in command the arroyo! the Patoreem , th at the Chicago Platforma has Wird hioClellco with the soldiers. tfittypose that In hiFropirtol - tha Committee ap pointed to inform him of blarnomination, ha leineele troundauntaide of that Platform, Ith the view of wilthidg Wit Me popularity with • army and of oaring Ailltary woo T" in quired a byantiider f Om DM*, Wilder. wit Fad do no good, air. The soldiers are intelli t. This yr 7, point had been . ahromd among The hav e *tatted • tkie dainylt fur att- Aeptanoe of the nomination, and they perfectly Itfai undao ll2 44*Anziohlo see 4w4haellia" go Platideatinui received by tha wrig, Won the yen who framed jt !timid intivoubly take their stand upon 150 litter thal . lialliallan tan wits aan pimply amigo Oa pound do doworood oh fer illlo*-42Let of the =Aida!, aft" gang rt proposes to tha men who have been light , eta Rebel, tor thres„rw?._and.:NAlppLas, Gni for three gem Joistaat..thols arena and ste . :;;Coimmhead pohltielana maintreipanoite seknowledge the Rebeilloyernment, or osmotically sumo:der. ovary advantage ws two ah bloodily won dazing the war,--N. P. fill. Ditssoilos on Inman Tar Itirnran.—The fallowing,liniosAnin oh. filossmlsaionss of /UV "nal Parantut If to repay to witstban Interact and taxis pal& on ns, pa an* 4,ll fi lli• pyosudand onprodnatlta aoig ye d did tbiiietnin o tapOinisAilitsainasson Prachin94ls... disinstl9,lBoL-ers: lons totter iltitlastant, im , nfseentse td your Laconia T bas too sfeashist. intuit of inks toms you an entitled, to deduct all tax alba. t an the national Inca= tax .paid daring this yfar for wkloli the Tanta is 122414 IS Win ts in aces! on isiortgaps. If, tiuMatoris, the "st,goo, obfimedbyyouaspaidfortaOes ".loas satin tan inootoo tax, yon ' rs "entitled to the Wai f. as claime d in your /attar. Vary supsetfally; , Joiner J. Lawn!, Commissioner.. SA MY, FARRELLt. it 00 4 - , f 1 . PIOSTIOAL. PLUMBERS, - I OAI3-- =Alb STEAM 7 =IM A ' turre t alwan Ptape tt El dram* WWI fte. llo4 k. !lt ;Mk tag. ceg Lead_ Rips Shop* lah4;kw., Me mg vat la Ho =if adaunOkastiotr: Indio Una 110:n. etifeas, Intakk pod asaramr, vmuur.ta, s ciao ---= 40 0 L. Comae ot :rr"4 : l -- .tf.-i - ;3_,-;.-zvzilzeo e ihaibt o „,.,. "411°111":1#***- "- 8 IA EIIITB-.24100 froth Cocos Nato m ond a,. d w y sairsor Nu. SR mai LATEST FROM ATLANTA. Advanet of litLerman% Arm). THE :REBELS CLOSELY PURSUED Fight South of Lovejoy. RTGEIZEII HUI GUNS_ BIHUSEL Gen. Sherman's Congratulatory Order to the Troops. THE CASUALTIES AT JONESBORO Special Dlapatcbos to Elttabnrith Gaaetto. Caa.rwroooi, Sept. Bth, 1864 Leaving Davis' corps tq bury the dead, Sher man with Howard, Staaley and Brimfield, ad- vaned on the mooing of Sept. fa In preen of the enemy toward' Lovejoy Station, asveralmidea Imhof Jonesboro, to piOr. up ;straggler, and destroy the railroad. Prisoners from Strunk and Lees corps were taken, from whom we learned that Hood had Malted bin army by forced' *rotes cut of the Mum railroad. Stanloyead Logan closely prcjilid thi rebels, who mai . Staid sae mile ninth of .Lersjoy Station, and duw their diem- Inas lam a large plantation to a wood, Wham the rebel &May opened on the fourth calps. At lino:cloth in the afternoon, Stanley felt the rebel works, meeting strong opposition. Smelt- Sin's brigade canted our 4.u• with • 'asset Capt. Mello a, A. A. G., killed; SoLlLAnderson, 19th Ohio battery, sour; Lieut. Col, Bailey, 9th Kentucky, revere; °apt; torpid, 19th Ohio, .4 4 00 T CO. - P* o 4 Mt, ittlliUtortlighti 9th leatitoky, 'siva* 'Ade. Ducar, 9th Kentucky,. killed; Capt. Dumber. 19th Indiana, captursi; Gan. Thos. Wood sev erely weandid In the , foot.' The total loss in the reconnoLsanoe's about 160, principally Woods' divhion. Picket firing was bpt up. 4111 the 34, dtk and 4th, during which the railroad wall badly de ail:l4+34re* Rough-aad-nadi 1.4 Lovejoy; Seven heavy pms, making eightemt In Ali, and • quantity If Axed ammunition, have been azimmed - sinna.-! • n • On the r.d Oen. Sherman tuned the following • order to the troops : Hann Qua. Mu. Drris. or Mum, ■sue Lovi e • rorl'Ormoir, GA, Sept 8, 1881. I Bpseiat Add-Order., No. 62.--The Gamma osimmandlog thawing** With great slums that oar troops ander fifsj. - Gut. Mouse coupled Atlanta yesterday M 10 o'clook, A. M. The enemy having ralatfittla nigte before de 'boys& rut nugasine and stores, and blowing lap along their roam eighty ear loads of ammo- Initionfrektelt. 10001:131te for mends ►card by ns lan the night of t h e first inst. Your present task, Wu %lateen done, and all work of dostrne 'Lion tithe rallepad will cease. By order of Major igen. W. T. thulium. The fallowing are the ounaltiei at Jonesboro: 'wounded, Lt. li. O. Clark, 141 h, 0, Lt. Colonel (Choate, 0, Captain White do., Major Allison 14th 0., Lt.Oso. ;Captain' Ke11066, 18tH Ifohintry, It. Borrow, do., tCaptain P. Walker, 34th Illinois, Lt. M. A. Pal lid, Lt. J. Orson, 18th do., Major Ryder 15th .Ifonng d0.,-LI. Ireland, 224.1nd., LI. Runyan do;', Lt. Biggs do., Lt. Madan do., captain adidgessi di.,of Ramat HI do. 110th do., Adji. Cnuninghian,49th 0., Lt. O. lilarsay. SaiLLt.:Parions do. _ tilising—May. Cu ter, lOU ILL; Capt. Perry, Md.; Capt. Juskins, =tit Md.; Lieut. Tacker, .74th Ohio"; Capt. Drain, 79th Pa. ; pint. Rinds!, Capt. McMullan, lit Wisoonein. Klibid—Capt. Stafford, A. A. G., and_Capt. Oosek, 70th 111 ; Adjt. Remo, . 98th Ohio; Li. ng, 78th III.; LI. Lannon, 22d Md.; Capt. Charlie 188tb ; Lt. Seat, 14th Ohlo; Daily, th 0 69 Ohio; Lt. Oakum, 11114 t Ind.; Lisut. Ilth bia: FROM THE POTOMAO ARMY Bow the Rebels Receive Supplies. 'NOTHING NEW mon Tule vault's I Saad¢aaaaa AIM or MI Potomac, Sept. 10. .—Oontrabands from Chester 000antj, who cum Into err lines last night, repast that tram= ea Wining on the Weldon Ball/road as far as Stony Creek s wham suopliesare loaded en wagons and budded to Petersburg els Dinwlddie 0. Hs Be tween Are and six hundred wagons are con stantly engaged In Mt baskets. Confederate others are taking at the eon to fed their animals, leaving none leeriest muon, except jut enough to say they 'Bent take all. Haapainis Asir POTOIOLO, September 9—Evening. Far the put two days there has been nothing tew heard. The rebels are reported muting on Our left with the intention of patenting our Lints, but have evidently given up the eater y rise. Within • day or two stria orders will be:tuned against Inter:roarse between pleats. Thelollowing dispatch is in the Rielunond Em pire," litsnuourrits Ana Tsarina, Sept. lb G. Bravos Brogg Sharma his cantitoud his retreat beyond Jonesboro. )4lgned,l J. D. Hoon. • GEN. PAINE REMOVED. qeeesh:..lretespapers Suppressed THE DEIVENSH ■eePHte Br. Lovis, Sept. Pains, ocannuncit lAg die Math DlTllloa. yen Nelliclebh bee been removed, General Meredith imooseds him. Gov. Malian called a special session of the rebeldikansashartelatare i ' The einsulation of the Mingo Eager °teeth-. nati Enquirer, New York North, New York Nay- Seek, Ithentan'eJesenal mutMarepdtiroMneserd, here been toPpressed at Memphis. - V. segroas. at. Memphis haring . expressed ajdesire to *alit in dbe.defsese .0 the city, , Ors. Washbive authorised the orpeisetion et A, regiment of eolorod troepe fee that vapors. fOLILLWB NOJIJATION UPDIAND, Another . New YO2i, August 10.—The Now ypik Dill] Niel, rekuaate MeCre!Wes t :Sleuth/10101s and urges the seassembllnseof thirallUdeurettli Oeneondna, to either remodel the plat/Six& or ro nOnthiStO a candidabr-to - salt. she leetani Sow You,Solti. 10, 1040,--Tlut Remkrs 817 Welt 60Tivipoa ass 1 marts ol►erQ,UpldiUoni! is Rion , * In which homy, cotton tocl amble piopcoly won captured. • •-+ iv .New glir Per Cent Ulm: nits ofilr, It sald. to Old for four sad a haft =Motu of As woo , RD* ... wbougiu Dubs . , Wk . craps.loii c iiiiiii, boa, Rfliqi!if#4o•49••, •ta evizigsra grarains. Brie oilind•S•hisii:. "final:to on , rQontM • as/11 sal essadu oar eta", • II I•koold BS Mr 700 We & • ":"T e- WNW it., lit itglais MnUTHOU=M o. statosts' a ix, . , _ 17 11 1*YeAxs_kkitil WJAJIZAJ__ —_— givalaudenuishdriewire . iajj i ma 'F . Zi serSussi • alir-OEssas - lia Oil: 1 7 lii aixaslbriard OlEr ATlVainfill: um. poi . alid preadboadtsliatioa us :11.= ... .10112nr0r !ta v . lth Wiz {steamy. • •GO • :1:. A prime 0 SIP Aiwa Cum, jag mend at the ranlir Ora SAO et JOll3 A. RAIMAN ottaatigAll7 gimpl am% PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORN NC SEPtEMBER= 12, 1864, EspedlUons In lientini =en: CIT.t.'AA7D SUBUBB.U. Frightful Railroad Casualtr-.llBapleatha 01 - 1 Locomothre—Throe Kea Killed A frightful wildcat occurred on the line of the Pennulvarda Relined, on Friday night, between nine and ten o'clock, two and a half miles west of Leticia. The 'cock train which left thin city at half past dire o4lcok In the era sing, had ruched that point, truly-awed- beg ea usual, when the boiler o *locomotive exploded with turtle violent* demoliedeg the ' engine and tender, and mashing debt sue' of the can, tearing up a considerable portionuf the trash, and killing the conductor, engineer, and fireman. The name of the sonductor, was William S. Wagers, and he resided on Hush street, near the • Ninth Ward. He was partially burled under the Meek, and wu not dimorared for an hour and a half after the accident.. He was blot abs- riebrie r with heavy glees of timber resting upon hie !neut. He Is represented as having bees an excellent man, and • trustworthy employee of the rout. He luau a wife Ltd eteinal email children. Charles 9sghlgan Vol the name of the engi neve- Ha resided in Johnstown, and had , nt• witty been promoted to the position of engines:- After serving nine months as a lieutenant in the army, he returned home and obtained employ ment on the remiss a fireman, in which annuity he labored talthhilly for about a year, and was tegarded as fully qualified to take charge of an angina: He 1 a wife and one or two ohil dron. The nuns of the dram Is 'aid to be Jones. Ile hidings retuned from three years• service In the army, and had been but a short time on the road. Tl • mynas train, ooraing Test, end also the mall train, both of which are doe hers between twelve anti one o'clock at night, were Waited three hours at the place of the accident, in con sequence of the damage to the track.' The weak was quite extensive. A , large number of tattle was killed, and many other. so badly_usairme-thea-they-hati-m-be-shom-The engine was blown to fragments, and the book torn up Ma length t of forty or fifty fees—khe orosi.tim eren , being dbylened and smintersd. The Lome of the eonoustion was terrible, and shook and Jarred the buildings at Latrobe. A s pe cial train was sent ,op to the wreak this mornbg, to clear away the debris, take charge of the bodies, eto. We did not learn the CUM of the accident. There airs assertions made however. In ooaneo lioa with it, which, (believing them to be either untrue or exaggerated,) we refrain from publish bit SA Pros" The Votragataten •frar and Feathers's Case—Ths lady Delo a Verdict of 64.11x0. The case of Min Emma O. BMW vs. Au. Rea* and other% lama up for a .stenind trial oftiton. day last, In the Common Pleas al Mahoning Co., Ohio. The amount of damages Claimed by the plaintiff was 126,000. , The facts Salmi, by the tOsllgiony Nei. substantially the lame arproved cm the framer trial, and as reported,kry:in at tßitt that mini pones., males and females, most of them .disguleed, attend the heats in which the plaintiff pmidodOn_Toungs town on the inning of March slot last, seised the Plaintiff and loar slstar, out off their hair, Jarred and feathmed them, and othsr "Ist nal treated thdia. Wham** Tura introdacod to prink that some of the dafinnisnfa Way not thus and hider/par. ltiedtion in Um trlemaction. Other.. wino:sea ust.d that plaintiff pas repitedsokeop shouts of 111-faxas. Sas assa was awned fry J. W. Chsarsh and D. M. Wilson for plaintiff; by R. Taylor for la part of to. defendantsorho claimed to have ;loved - thostondoes absent from the transaction and by ti.and W. 0. Perrin for la ldefudanta •generally. W. G. Moors was, also pommel for fthindants. • The Court ohnrwed the jury about limn Wednesday aftornoen,, and by oonsaat of cranial Wry were allowed-foeiparsto for male and rest. At eleven a.m. on Thursday fee Jury returned into Court with a verdict In favor of the plaintiff fer four thousand nine hundred and fifty data% Ogainst A. J. Packard, Jolla Sealy, 800. J. Sealy, Lama Wick, Edo Wick, Sarah Panitt, Biker-Rerber, Joseph Has ha and Jas. T. Rayon. She defendants died a motion for a new trial, which luta not yet bean heard. 'There were origiusilz ildmy.two defendants. oOf this number larresin were disclosed by the tplatiiWt at last Ckart, forth. reason that they on absent In the National Guard on the one hundred days' Jervis.. Thefr counsel moved a eontintuume as account of their shone,. To avoid this, Um plaintirdbuttlema her slit al to dheur, and contsquentir - agaistat-tke'r wives. Against • part of these remaining, the jury at . last ihmrt did not And a verdict, tad of those 4dost whom a tonna aim Rand at last tam; and'vho dsmasdad, a second trial and were de. u:davits- at. this term, a part ware found not guilty ; go that the verdict now stands only 'phut the nine above named. The Twit!stool Bak • cotemprory thus pitches Into one of the latest byte. of hat r Of an the monstrositirs that fashion hie lately famed Rom tbs heads of alibmhtsiVe womankind, the mostbideons are the teidstool hat.. Nothing but the most slavish habmission to the teranical laws of fashion could hil Induced pretty Women to disfigure shun soiree by waiting snob ungatnly head places. Out unlovely u they make the young and pretty Omar, the afoot on thou who have puled the herds, of youth and beauty, is startling. No skill or taste In dressing clan overcome the cold shade of the hat. The middle aged look old and plain, and the old like—well, they don't look tuoesse. Seen in the rear theeffoot of these hats on the form of .lovely women" Is edit ulotut In theextreme. A woman of etately form, crowned with the .thlng" looks like a till "toadstool," whilst a damps woman has her upperwnrks en tirely extinguished, and looks as if she had In her berry clapped an inverted.bread.bowl on her hea i. The mrnimer who Invented such a man grotty most have dreamed tt after a heavy sup per of raw pork chops and toadstool nue, Arrestof Refine Rants This somewhat motorlou ladleWaal, who bun the title of " Oaptain of the Mad Larks," was arrested today one hall pleas, and placed Ip the loth-ep.. U. bed- been nay. 'bait, on 6 Terld aura. bat haying sighted, It _fru ouppo!od Char his sins against the les world be forgotten. Hit MU, however, on hearing that he was eperttair shoat his old bunts in the 't bird Ward, drthrealsed to rarreader him. The odlous.stalted hie inothee• bogie, bat that good ladydeniltitiOthsephatifially that her eon Seillbt•fee. there. After the hone had been Maraud, and u the officers-were &bolt baling, tpe ymeuu. lady irsetaireedi "flare, now -dldn'tf.tellgon hf wasn't' 111, .the honer" B.omethiatiad oaf of the atom to take a pap into the cupboard, shank I there stood the wal lentmflaptain of the Mod Luke" Sir anxious mother ' who hat hearse ofiretai to - bapreu the qaoersirith a same el her trethitattess, stood before theta • eell•ootortated Beittbe will probably be held sea dealer. The Etrort to PM the 'Quota at Law rattervUle. The attention of the' (Athens of this Borough directed to en advert/sealant in this paper, el the committee having charge of the collection 'of Money and recruiting the number of ma required to AU the quota. The borough hu been divided into blook.dtatrloti, and oommit ties appointed to solicit subscriptions. No to wNI to levied iO7 bounties: no niJaey will be seponded nutir thirty tile tliotnisnd dollars Las been collected; • end no more - piano meetings will be held until the Committee either succeed, 'of become satisfied thit they cannot secure the money. Work bestehen the plassref wind, and ail are earnestly asked to give at ono. the on gaol amount they eld 'afford, or the istipOrt. aMve of.the occasion demands. Cogt,or !I:Zuirter Scallops. pifor• Jadioataliot4 fitaffstt and Stowe+ ' folknring'budnou wit tratuttoWd in the Qeatter "melons, Ilde morning: - /Ingth Blattrtirotho hie born confined In the bonntrjalt for lope months, rot highway :a yas - bility, - r eentenood to an imprisonment of one sentti•!n Jell. - - - • flonsned-Lenningei and of the' tartiny'of tevolert fro:thin:La. Dlohoy, of•ths Itt Donk -I,do Saloon, on Smlthdeld street. woo mimed by 610 CoUrt , Rott,fa7ll,lng hail to the amount of "'an" B talrar‘nOn6ns4 In jail on a oharp ofiamon, watialiued - from prison on his own relogsloonaos s On[Cbolng nothing apparantlY Inane** t—L-Oobarti, etti liar limited on s ohms at " ' 2 . 4116,21 4db of. Mr. Dials! Boyd -of Tarantwi, Alma .dart ago, arm die. ahargid, it Wm provid that he had no ammo tido with- th•-rabkr7 • -Volipihnent tw GeoPidirroh. of thilgth 'As Ulu • we the "IppOntotgat of 4 321afeceen, to hid . &OE:Wads , . We ere pieced to lean from out edirigge* Ht et Baton Itonectlsse-liveNtieweasur. iipednisd to the etadatsailiT of Reareeast-Itott itriadeest me paws awiefteensidetilde izotaitidelti axAttitsew that' Us* Tolit - ebildeite-010610, ZrLatitilthlehlfehewiniefinisi l ipalim: i7 t o t ekiket essitellant 2 'taller sad' 110 Li beorsalnuisi with their kwalaltitehl7goversmeset. V. de not believe tbst sbetterappoistment eanld hens been made. a„„. nor - we Images:ten tun boo stab- MAW M Tao Ns* Lunrow 'ltanariv - This company have humid atostap bomb to the Mai:suit of 100; 000, for thapurpose uf obtaboins Ifia luau for building and stacking the mad. Than bonds &tamable Jalyilst, 1884, at Ma Simko( North America, in New York City, with seven par Hat. Intarut mob's satni-annually, on the first days of January and July of each year. The portion of the mad covered by tio mortgage Moos from a point on the C. N. R. R. in War thenflell. Tram isle Couary, to Eiktos, Cob. asablana County. HOW two Oslo &LIMB Is?LTD To Von.— Thel6lat and due companies of the 170th Ohio Natiozuid Guards, non at %nip Chloe, recently east the following Tots : 1 nit Be 0- Lincoln McClellan. Fremont. e. 712 22 ••• 1 170t1k, fir e nomps. 220 22 14 Not Decioan.—The District Court was in las. don to.dp,ba► no dension was rendered upon the motion for an injatetion to restrain the School Dl:gators of Elizabeth Township from Jutting bonds fox baanty.parposaa. Thaquastlon hone requiting Considerable intrutigation, and it will doubtless - bit oartaully weighed la all Ito as. poets. R. Warn" Eireiru,a breaksmai on the Hub bard Branch of the *atoning Railroad, was al most instantly killed, August 24th, while un coupling can, by being saught between the we and caulked. Afterwards the entire train passed over his body mangling It ill a terrible manner. Es bad only gone op the toed on the .ds,f4ml - Vtorartor or Commtcsom—Beran mom were before Mayor Lowry to-day for violation of ordinance in not having numbers on their wildolae. Among the num b e r . ez-bleyor flawyer. They maw all let off on payment of mete and promise to comply with the law. TIM Winn Baran—By J. B. Jona, author of .g Wild Western Banes," to. to., complete In one volume, p p 271; price 11,50. For sale by W. A. aildenfenay, Flft/t, . . LLICIIIY.--DSTia Da waa aommitted to jaU byldayas Lawry, ea a distilled ataaUng a mall sam af*anay from Erna Jam. Lanissinr Rini Cr Biaa Saran II Rom Tolman:P.—A. Legged', Imotionoer, will se ll ; on the premises of Idr. graham, at Jack's Run, fens miles tom the city, on Thursday, 21d but, at 11 sec:lca, a number of most beautifully situated plots, of licom th ree to fouls= amos sub, to which the special attention of parties wishing to fully in btry good sites for country silences Is respect cited. Illswitir Ammo of good laid, fronting on tbe . Ohio deer, on*.foutth of stone below.hers ran elation, property of A. J. :sok; alto, Mr. 3,011 farm stook end implements, will be sold by A. Laggets, Auctioneer, on the premises, Wednes day, 141kfleyt., at atm o'olaL Boni* AID JAI A? Atromon.--A. Innate, Auctioneer, will till the house sod lot, on the upper comer Gilliam street end Barnett alley, ortTasiday p 4,020, at; o'cdoek. AmiAiNni . T .IriTERI3 G lINCLAIKED „11.,4 a the Pent cella at Allegheny, Btate el Pesingel !ramie, an 10th day of September. . I Toebtabe sayer Mime Want, thiratiplbeant mast rill far edvwdeed legerinathe date of this 8 .1, and PAY' . one cent for &duels . If not called for ' one month, they will be mot to the dead letter, tam i Freedellearyof lawn by curler., at the redden,. Of amen, may be mewed toggipperehigthe Waving rola: ' I Direct lettera'plalnlygil,theMzeot and number se I. ell ea Hooped Ma and Mite • I Head 16=11.13 with the writer. partoNce and Bute, eetreot and number, sign theroglainly witte,fall mum and tegteest tbst .wren be directed warningly. _ J. Lerbreeto irtrangere or transient rieliori In a town or ett; whom !pedal mama may be emknown,nlMedd Le malted, In the lower left-hand totem, with ths ono Manakin. Manakin." • teem .stamp on the opinr.igtd.hand garner, and fawn apace between the Mainparol Waal= la. poet nunking Without intertaing with Me written. IL- D. - tempest tor the ream of a • better to the ireitatr, If aeolalmod within 30 day. or lm, written or printed with the writer', Alamo. part 011114 a, and State, screePthe left hand end of the antelope on the face Pah will , be compited with at the venal ind rate payable when the lett& la deltrin-ad to the DI te'lere Ue --8.w., 13, law of 1283. A 2 , deri on A Hittiehll • falrfan Berne petworth Jos 0 il Calingbarn Mary Ant CiILOILL flawllellie ' liodnnes Lytle itrabem Nancy Admen Nestle G.M. I beam. Anvil erg fancy flitrontlecidis Adams - RAID= - flats" Emmet Andaman Rebecca fircentHeany I -D _ )300 - 6arle k : : :,_ Haw Elon Zliabe th aor W Islarlay Wily Gent Hay Alasnder =Wry lf Gatswai l Lonis =iledlie 11 Miller Annie Dan Etelmen Ellabeth Dant limith Co Elsonah Ellen Ntooli3 Apple D 11112thttill Min Dwaine J iii Dinh If reitheeJ an E tt 1 I = ' ,ft 'l la II tatty John =Ha i r J ohn I teen tah Drpeni Jennie Eladey Aseond L'll . 4111.1 'Hussy Dr 0 0 d Junes Hartman OH lorgsJohn W Hannah Nancy radnerd Jane Harding Nary Dentback John Jr anima Nuy Prkker Jams Harris %nag Drown J 0 A Napkin &no Deane John. GI I Panay D Illincort Loam Wm 0 ram Neale J Burin NnretJ Johnson &hart Dental NUM A Janes Data L Boas William Jones Philip 0 Johnson Wm Carothers Rohl a Jackson floe Crake Deleon Into.. i 5 Copps Prod/an* Ilona Omaha Cowell William Crawford Win .1 Clouse Mary • Cwt Martha 13 Oros...llElmm Cancan Jut swish Cook J M Colwell John Oralah.a4 lobo Cidwoll Joe 31 Clarks JUIMI CrAshton Jonnta C'ar.ey Woad Clarkson Ilau Colas &mast (1, why Maury Cushy Loy Crayon M_ .• Connelly Oaths* 11 Ira Clokry imam Crawford Era B oorahett A A 4 2 . Campbell Bat • Johnston Malin Johns. Qatar In Jsmonon John Johnson Unman . Bap 11.6ry Haus J aim ILNIai Jobs ILimes Samuel Ii. 00111,211..• Lalie Alm Lana Goa Toney Bmb [Audi. &mod Lewis Jams. Labosb Jams WJB Little Lori 0 Moon loxu, MMer Efarray I MlEler David Miller Rata Mocker Obarlea Mom BL. _. Mom, Maa.4. Meals* Mary Melding Mal , IbirttaJacobi • Motto Jobs N 111 . 1 Bre 11tor 1111:111 1 Kenai. Ilaml TO Mato Jams IteD•rold Jun ,McOoroudi Jobs DILTUI lohno Domed Quist Banat&ld Won Domport X 11. Duncan Xary Duffy lalsaboth Dm Loots. Doornotty Thomism Dyolttlantrol • Itiskixo Saabs* Lew Jan. • • Iwo. John • Tarlntou JUDY Fishier Frank Freeman 01.1. -I/kitty Coypu, 'rata HMteti llograw rr Jetta Mcfais Mary Yet 6t Dud . 1164227 W. . pLIBIEBUST4 Fitting. la an ltarbraactioa; isiens.ny 'Maid to, tr: experlic dad, pnetkel itotksoma. A 111 A. amitaaant of GAB lIXTEREB, data SOw t eaow B RAM, WATER GIABETB, ITYMIA NTS. o.3tantly oo lunae. na..46 TATB 4,BEVILIJI, He. ao FEDI34I. IMUI" AI'KUM aid irr ova" ritr.it. 001711181:00BITNEI I " zialkwitt • oginutwatior' • lun.bliani b %mai & 0313eterstm lajtm sat ail eserstataipr.thirwv" 'OWL ise a g *M4 , o 4 o* bout' FRUIT NV,a!‘)l, ggpiT vox slum= mixt warp: an4acs. virms•4 to on*. 17topilacrounto . - OS 4411203i8 101 TES - 11113. souovult Paw LID =mean, I LICIP4 W M= Jara - TT volgAta:Air, 1,212 : 1401 . 10 * UtAdop,stador has tavoluiceir" dt=knou "M aid altar Naomi! madvatee lot" Padua Mk QINGLE AND DOUBLE BARBEL SHOT 117 M-4U Ma Mak b tbs shy, brads by JANA Pirlion mg, DOLLA3 , .t3/11i1N,GbA : SAE, N 9, e 4 CIEFAILMITO Opert dallyfrom ITto I o'cbelet abaft linft, sad Satrocdatt gyp, No 14 io tionimbeflst,lem T to 9 o'clock, sad hob Nampa Lis to Way Lt fa= I to a o'clock. . P.O 010Z-:4 Deposits recalwk owl sE r t m llit lois Shur ChtsDoi- Its, sod a 9.1.1 d Oaks to dailiso9 Mat= to Joss nal llooncitart kat Imo acalasottally, to Ica acta Thaaattst 119Sotko Bask as apat, at Qs rats of de plor awl+ Tear. Tawas, U sot-drams oat, b Ptoottl to to. mdtl.l Ito OorTottor et littactia l ,and beep the was Waren Tram too firtt 111311:077103. AO DOCIIMber..O•6I2OCMIAS Mom a par without istaiblidg VW depritot to call, or oTto to., htl pm! book ,kt toil tato maw will glottal. bath= tvam it e . T==Wats& tka ,•11tr•Laws, Robe and. otaii, twoad - ,tta appllwawr at dm . P3991=1 1 19=41110111111 ALSITIEL was lama ok,aley rinalia rf 11, ill , Walstc, Jahn H. Ilbsestarpap w -. . rlasois Ltradasso, isaa l tri Pater A,lllaltalra, Jams 131112115, Mimi Joallasdanas, Mat B. BICAWSZI, A. B. Pollock, IL IX, John Q. Ilacktrant. r c , - •c • VIM=: - Jolla %TA - 1 4:1 , a risi tica. A. WAN Tohn 3. wall= & Ham. , Petta 11, Hanin. Elabaad Jitaus D. Swum I • • mhltdaw • FIRST 'NATIONAL BANK, OP PORT WAYNE. INDIANA. Designated Depoiltory of ,the United States. %PM pad CD 1150.000. Predri—.T. D. ISDTTMAD. Chedilar—W.D. MULL SIZZOM• J.D. Hattnin. John Dm; hod. glanyr. if. D. Phan, John Bitnins' A. D. D udelll. . 1. G. Nam. en . . Ties Boat twoher lit isrecor b waling ooLloctioni so ail socrodbiti potato. Vollsetioss win nut with prompt attoattos, Mama nada b draft ow Now Teel, Olachutatl. Cramp or je26:lla FOIST NATIONAL }ANN. IllarPrioes n be is as to ands& OHAS. 0. MELLOR.. 81 WOOD 11 . 11111 t. Thrall Tuts Seven and Three-Tent I TENNYSON'S NEW BOOS. Antes, 01 PITTSBURGH By isailarltr of al 800 rotiry of tbo Sn•orry tie Boat lo =flab:ad to nab, loatirtlatoo to Uto trlth Wean coupons 'Mond papa% sard-winsils:. in artreacy. Dm" Wm gait pant/. at I: triTentkr. crcotmetitie, at tbibpticti Flo Golll.l4lrint ttitemort4l ppr,boS. Boa& Sttelictto wilt to Ds dia.=7itAmi of 00. EDO. taco ppm and 13,000. Demi dociettut $23.00:1 Ltd .toyarb int be al. Roiled ceamattartil ar Gas par outtwit at the stormt of th•piindra. it. mad coDuktoicta W :mato Hanks Lea Daatatcs. DiDaseL • JOHN D. 1511011•M4shine. zArs 171UtUnIGL 182 FRANKLIN IMO COMPANY 0 HAILITII PHILADELPHIA: 'AND 13D11.T8 & 4013 0 :61 American Organs and Melodeons, 14.11 DIEWILLS BLOCtit, 6T. aura ay. W. tego plume to 'alerting to • Orr of thorn *IL ho.. panbased thaw inatnuointl to Illtabargn Ono vidultss • M H r laz‘lng. A Cap o t. mt mon r Jams too, ii•Uo L DIAdtt Balc that 8t r ra. N. D. IL Donk ' D.S. Pg. is it• Eirriirankito, Pm des Bt. Mean% deadosty, Tonoptomm, Xmlintue Maly. Ompt. Lit Ocoma. iL Bac l l ZEktWoondsiitio,"Vo. Graham a. Diamtmost Bea= Oka, Dn., Albeibmil QV. Wm. Wry Tor..notba, do. LiCan Kromer, do. Dr. I. do. Irfr a. llC lic i ata taut. Ibm do. Llbortp. WoOmnig, All Piano", listodooni ai r IFIII111121•1 Om In vim A Inv oh*. imonit.load PDr do and rant mW - Pmnaottot, out to ..am.! to Ma above owned .14 111 "ad natant. omopoons. Fer'T• l l Charte• Dorkekor. him Dors. Totdon Waysar, Zaino/ 0.1131., lammi Qrsat; • Goo. Yds, Jacob R. Badtb, kited Titlor, Geo. W. Diehardo, trim W Lends, Z. D. 011AILL.13 VANCE'S, Trodden:4. ZDWABD 0.• DAL; Tres Prorldart. lAA W. ZoALIMUZ. Doo. Pro. Tam. .1. G. MTV& Await, MDT, temor Vrod and Mara olmpolo. art.g.4oool Nancy felaDouald 11T 22eLangtam Bee kbadrfand Rl22b HeMosey Darla 110(2apos Emu laGsEartas Katy= Ham lir 12•111 a J, ua s elgbols Jobs Tr 2 Helm Jamb Nem lLcbaal Illary" I Valli, Margaret Reim H F irTX6.Ntin, 1N ,FIR A-ND LAND Mora= Oa. of North Americo, IHILk D;11.1.414, Patttoa Bus Patchett John. Prior John W Posers John r Pardon iron Portor Lids B Path°ldol it II Prieto Wm P Hertford Yin Insurance Company lisss. f4:50.030. rein liethmetta Them Huai Imo Bad • Richey Marl Smith Agos B's Anode 3 Stopgap. Addle Scalia 0D ilagerdonlebtli Dalin F I Mrs 'swag'. Rambo, sr wa... 'err. p&OPLB8 ENSURA.NUE. cohiPezii I Oflico, N. E. corner Wood & Fifth ISA FIRE AHD KAMM 1881MINCS. Saul Om 0 19.1aord G. atertenam Sarah • num.& i Wm. PhID4 Jobs Watt,m, 40.14 D. Yemmr, • Ulm:. Zahn L. 11hada, Wm. D. Ram Batumi P. Shrive,. John I. Parks, P. Immo, Maria IL Dtmoll , Damon bow, Irs. Vas Kirk, Charles Alint.lda. O=CIA Slow l J Scott Joao' &ott /role Smith J. Want= W Spina, Wary I P kph,. Mary Smith Na atom Kari 0 ncy Shriner Wm Tours 11u7 'Thompson Noll: ;Taylor Wm Thump= Hobert .Th! WitilsmoZsayst Willis u Walsh Am 00 Win Clathaiine Wait= Wawa Ida WM r.GLIMISZR. Crumors DISURAME COMPANY OZ PITIMIIMAIL Mc% OXII. Unita be Watar Pasta wood lam OIAIII7II WIC haQAL.III, Prided& Laden Oteantestralargood hada waled ken and damp la the navigation ol dm &adorn and Wands El Lahr del Bye % lad the tureigatina of the tam Imam aphid ter and damage by Ora Wm_Becasy. Jas. Portai., a.4l.letusitay L r. Sam Low O . Y. veit ati, Boa TT . Huey Pniica. Game Whew:a, Wltene finnan Ircar Saab Wiut anyfe !Egadlikiamy wart iota Mini ail Woods Matthew lirttmla M at Wilson Ras. Wilson W W W B Whits Wm A LLEWIRNY 1118IIRANCSI , 0 u .101 , 1 PANT Or Pprainuscia,—ota, Baal NM woo, Dint IN*. boons littlest on Stole of Iflf* sod *Wm MIL IS.IIO JOBLS, Awing, 1081 D. WOOED, rim Aidlod. D. 11. BOOK. B..Tay. iil;g logo Jaws, O. O. Bommen. Harmrol4ll4 Cript. L 42 0r,,. Jobs win, B. L. Fansaitech. INSURANCE OMIT IffifirW A TEISBURGII, R. UM, J Errata*. E. GORDON, ms s . Offlosalca pf Watestrest,9E.4 aCICOI WlC•4=2y trp stairs, Pittstarr a b. Wm imam aitalast an Mob ,o/ "asd Swim Jirpoiturestimt rtrart g rd Ihreolorn mean ova Anton io m—alty, r .4 an •ktr,-4-.4 L s Atrr -4.r.%r0r rrrtri Orgasioder mid& O A( Ram ows.d. as Arisig 144, los praised= to awe gab daftlb 64 bawd &SMUT, h.. • &An* MAW. Jam* Kaisky. Bpsera der Xithiatel Haiku. , Maun 1- Au t airt z wk. How J. „,,___lcing• CY% 1 1 711 . \ Jabs & WOE& • .11kke it Jo . u. CalliliON. &Wei% I:r WMUINGTONINSUBANOE 00., of New Tait. ( 4 1111 . 1 " Aa"..••••*••••••e f ili a • VIE RPM= =mum mos NM nit, If OHABLOTTIOin Eirmi AHD Etrtaaixasurruummrm • a& toot Or KAABA A 00:8 PIANOS, tunas NROB. Puma, oat PAIN= AAA! xamormorte. W. 48 AltUt Aloud door &bon Wood, InttAtti46. ro t s* to IS, m 4 tan to =eft. lb/ NOW. :11:14D3ER. & DRO. - Dealers friAtisse 0; arab stmt. nttibotglir, , ROO ('(gig. AV =GLOB,..Dealer" flowok A./ IMICLODZONB J ale.; 8•. *War( stew, Ulna I loarlit ond =I =nag Vim reemberdr stremiorAza. • A U .BIKOPAZI. ' P• I lON ;H4Lr'&OR4 f 1... sibt Imo / nressomea.ra. 14110101/AL.—Chrt.r 13serna, a te , intigic= 'ow 'IA*? J .TV) .40-01 B.I.4rHAL Watts P.Plerdtall, Rohn Orr, . Robert L. R Rao, 311abb. . = 4 Watteau 1. Abasarba Rpm. Alcreador WWI= Tooktrk, Law Matti.; W et. P. Wren, Christina o: • • L. 00MII. ruse Pttirbargb ?rut Comm egliniCAL W. P. lONE% Lea" MEEII r : OUSE FITIIND3HEBS. CARPETS. • • • • • The 11 +1 , 4 eta* at avisti. 01 Clothe la the city. I,l= be .snery the extZ i re' WW I . Mi dal r tat , • • • OLIVER NeOLINTOOK 8 CO, tee u ILITH BTIfIT. summapai t EL YL Else, Jabs Catittaa. James 11. Ocamss. Inze i Cal Saba DihroPs, lrsa. L. 'Wpm adts.l.ld DICIVITtIe Jobs D, lloOord, 410. Ada Jambe, IL D. Stadia& Oss. Wa. Doan, S.L. Tiainra, RobL H. Davis. Pm - csinztamo.„#pinadia 33802 t. samba r. RICH NIEDI4IWOBB sisgonw OS ear mia IsaiartlUlar. halvahs way abc ea Waal ` plumymaz ban baud Si fai dobalri, ebas4 all day info— 14,EVIT OARPEW: Ea'ollE'• EITARLAND.tOLLINS&COZ- - 'koala= SNIPE! WU= Pe Mg CIS P 0 + RONsi SO* LXX O• 20. DODES. .azaq.fivi,lfc VEKT POCKET EDITION. • NATIONAL 'TAI LAW, Append JimalM, Ink Anaibititally arriated 91co.nintiat hall' mains In thy RCM. Prim /0 mat. aqcor.sAND JO/MOON REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN SONGSTER. nut Ls cam. THE SHODDY EOlsitkSTOß, &weft all Val • iffra , afro POPITL 4,21 imam or TEI DAT, Iharlotla, Beatimatet, Ocado, Mao, to. Lary Utmo. Masbate' Papa. Omar. Pala 46 watt litagle mirky =WI post•patd Cu receipt et price. A lama amen' to the trade. AdArca all aria; to Lucre prompt stteatto• to JOHN P. HUNT. .43 EA Fifth street. Ximemic Hall. SCHOOL HOOKA,- • *— Ora Was and la the PUB LIO .80 FIOOLE6 and ether School, In the cl r. BOOR STATIONEBT, Jr.smon AMWMI. I Vol. 1 Onus. hot Received try , • 1 5 004 auzL a 00.. SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS ALL 'l'lll BORODL BOON 3 PtqlLlO AZDVSIT • • and vlainlty. for ode by DAB, MAIL 11C0o., se4 P,llreo4 Ora.; PW0.19. XVISIG; WESEUSNIC SOLI ALGERTJO (TETI= Bradbury & Bottaniaker la 00a Cauumuti PIANOS, OFFMAN, HORNdr 00 4 -4-7 Ala rums writzsor. 1 I DECKER'S PIANOS. =rant Pisan teL Anoxia. N. BINDLE, Na 183 ecriErtum de Pianos aad Eatiaal Instruments, Lops coodditki m Inad eat loodaeld d LLw risztoe, Timers, ourrAsa, LOOORDZOII2I 0111184113, ta" .blobhe irfil nil for low prior. talkikavrd [kir Mu I PRO Irly61: tit ,t OURTH ,E3TREE NEW STYLES - • - - .4, Or WINDOW BEADMS THIII PLY. Ituvr SPRING WOK,: os 0 S *LT& um= bLICIT,Hir A - BMA L A: PETco 14D. BI PM= MUNE. qaP. ILO EOrd MEMMEIM MEER POIIIII4LIP.--FOR REAM. kit wm-v. FOUR 800 =2:13 Lat. et PribibegSeet;llook albasEal P.:it& be triviebei .ma aim pcnrer -Wilt b. rentediusey K -Whir. CILZSTZAOII7IOI. DOB HALII A - t&' of 118 - adios, la It. Clair tovoildpiWalidaalldant="% ... Aka, botiOod wovkansi tai Masted In Pool Ni. caatilcdag two knadesd - NA forty atria also, o onry valiant* brain Dom bind*. W. esoretand dental:Wag anal Moons. ma 14=tand la aldtb item if frolOvinal.-' - izact of I of anima anscroa &Walls MI kronen of EllsabelcAl4sh_eap_amsOn-Pa4 tm, TARN OP 114 LOBJ , N, as fag Itaanairalmaa Blvir. la llltsabotk ninniftlanralort edam from Use b'r"gb Vi ZeMmt - Abu, 'Waal* St. Crab tovaddl, Wartinonlan ionnapaiabdalty 51aranao /I.l**, IMILDENG LOTS fa 4 1 941 Illbabitly 40 by 1201Ifat. tv' • " rzinationifus-hutalz* AiNO.I4II Irma stresl, 0. H. TOWNE: Era Nta* NON& rpm emir— stannutax_arsa - .. 2a ./..7 , Trusetz Low, *Li. You ammtam-Ortm fatten* ftmootort at tho atom ot him ammo, MO Mt arrehew wermDer of Goa o oh cmh.ball to MO mamma. 0ft0.1401 poorifoM - oxi ca thzew Wotan walk of Mt Uri:dant of Um Allg i wonrcrno - p=m , ZEIT •au Own , aboothamber of =Fa; hi %vett* ie oMoaronthot owthaTswitsmw lU,tlll to A* hot awf lad from ono% two hundred foot dom. __, .. -Tot ttlbtalsfam. soottio of attar of am moan f=i, or If. 41. =WM Clork_Cloolt . -gm Damao - & ,2 L a. BRUM ~ • 1. 3.I3XEIROZU - KUM W it BALE — Abort One Hundred Ades f oath dry bottolt,os the A. V.S. Agouti tewtodifp; WfortworaLaod =WY. P.. , Deaf Pltatt= Hatton of : bobtail/ lands otrutt by .81epheetoemg brles /ago liraold. and the railway god rim; .4 Zwarsia good Wickham* of too roosaibars, &Ms, criht, orchard of 150 ha rfa: applagras deludes haft, 150 pooh of belt tarfaulat rpelnia and atioawa. to noinnia osanpnadvints un4tUkand ii s d sol ol* cal atroetors. and 4 !t ft worthy of atteauwfroorptiou• 61411 lowitad &alma ta coargroparty: - The mod aot oust east of abw =Ulm bosold the as ptroa of Tor dasrlppra atfortptr, taral, addtiota pos gonth;•Mor • *IOW 0:131:511131DICIPARM kUB EIALB;43Itvi• ate is Vtiiixtiteur =Vary; M trial thitltA7 =V. mils ham the P. B. l M it ory LID sem, nuns elessedrUllaans los thalownowatrag•Aimultn• • Imp busload 'UMW far 41 • _1.0.47t Itals 6 %. ' ettliude efilgOXl to SACIO tner , ol inabdie Wm** . dAllnlie• l4 TerthsV a f = l rma iteerV nial is Ludt kalllraf Cif>, =l4o l° tltdw=t7 .s P regetZt ban sewed tO IltusbUattsyrulf,Waelninlib bliiikars.' " s er mU i t ha l gzir 1 1 0 2 rttiA 'creg • Ann • a - ! s ),!JS 11014145 • OCIL pa BAIA (1011STAT=Oa t the viihiPA l 4 l ool l .fane - xdba thawthil4llll: Lot 110; contatalmt bettron az WI "MI: gang-zit upon tt licattad►tool t he eft b li t Lair, iipsy Oak. sad olbet,boWnpt,ctitara r=litg WOWS' valor, lottriteno ova with bailie Agitfawog mt1 1. = . % 0 140 , tfo,* fa ow Weald/id Wm. t fold tears EXPTIILBILIi /Olken vattst dart a blitt PUBLIC /UM id Vela* D. mom This IndloputablAvand Owe 411 k, ltitzotibisamaklreitte onto irlErtWalhclokurra ' l 4 , lglatigi MARC Mate& .ftszscsausraise set V • IL EIAL.II;t-Stria new. Swam.-Fad O /Btu* a9,4.1 3 z 9 0. ao homy km lel bloom Woo {of loch 030,13100 h attodor, an tech altotoloMil46lll oat via to as good ea raw. , E I r a ay.r, 10 tadistroko, 2816. Two Oftbolie Bonen, 68 LEL moot C 6166. -Mow " ol vs: ol re. Wriiight ina Bidgi. Thom WV trilhatorrook, icattlif - Wdta. Obsqy trlZalt.• Azotice of So /L ROI" 06E 1 Itiblboo7 Effor Book wisraktubst. tcrOF Tag MOST STAMM, ANCII daddlds leeitloat tor °easily setts AnLtbette 1* aflbrett. eile. &Mint Sag WV OM hes, azta witthft ems _lam bee; idbeete new the reelleezi et o=orabemolie 34.tizi Gem, male aumptibieet the bleee fx= ar.. Uwe Sue the piece sNi stem exidi whiff kook lana, elHa surd dreier ebe a bee •/. Obsed - et mai epee, maw Wee& ftb.WeDebOi gob* Wit be Melded Into hire, ter Cater sett. te To wes rep? ly at the Bei Weft me ..rist eetee et_ _ IL 11.1 1. 4,= )7111 Ifitlir deist. NOB SALE—The. eilleasi of Ow laM:Belial . Doegtee. Omelet he aell7 i. Roe ISr%oW ma mils frost the Al Chaatere. . boatehe_ Odom sets Le a high of eallteelles, Mem "elf Soaked erne fruit trees shruebeey, fes. mel earl* eadieeldit with end. To lettle— e' melds( es. i Proved ptt*ent.teMblehti adnataipeof soy sem Moot 7. math eel sightetest, the lielee* tea a rare ty ot ealartegeleam to the ea. 1 Creta seal Sem . uder partloalma *Ws SAS cello of Ilha QUIIITAH **UMW, Ho. sllPeen knee. =name S. B. DOLMA& 08. SALE— STEAM SAW MILL a: AND OM E 7 .—'s foureaf ar Wade of on OS Mbar, •od holm Saw DICI, wlthtimo Whew WM moo of aroW ; se sbowboo• of awl Oa Ow oda, ova; sod bang worked, ettoste ea MS' Al= altar sad A. F. b oared for ads The bm.aud of =don bathL The Sow DUI pi Is Oa i. ad wear, sad b wolf Sisalod, bob* • croak ormobai from It to itborfwa good locality la trallatts Usti. ha porlicalars cells the acaloasoaL L7DAT A MAD Ho. 50 Hood stwaL 11.11ta11=5161. FOE SAL 6,000 FBBT OF ela( fross6 to 10 hul a, Rn ig= Si soLtudtf ;No. Ist /Nth amt. LIM SAL -hIANCHESTIC4 PEW Ear. SY—d two story - containing Atm roma on Onartion *EA Taisho slaw% vita • lot karts' • trout of IS net b 7 lig Est &ALI* i an An. the slam wills:Ad cheap fie NA. Ilinnint tau minim or te NW. st rasp, Park • 00.0.1110 Nandingant ' is FOR BALE.--At AMUR (hi Wok I IA MIDI OM Ulna le prima order. Abe of delertkeiry Yeller AO or pleas 3.12 eh oast Imo interL_ADDIN 0 Appltartlie adloe Ale moot • ' Mirk A a itmet. • - - 'VOR euthE,--;PRWSIaff PROP 1111M—Tbe Itz.ortaryitrical as**, ,1 • t n rak.s Paus Nava, Irish tori whit fic:: an; =, r ii otgaid=klll= 1 1" yeloCtEMIT T . Ea TM • Li., F atid"!"- " ! .. • - lii a rommax, ut GOOD suanute owns. litly .tcdr.. . pi ~.., 11., —....... .....•• 1r..... ,, tilltaabbed kW 'l* taus, ' &demh - ••23 ' 1 ups% % wit DoiL 831 .P11•01IIILa Padcao• WI. , .0 '..1 GCINTRY PLAOB 808 BALE-i-Cou. tathing war mllz amg, an and • bait anas tam i .:i Anaehakr my Itour Lb•PlayintL• Ilya Gest. masll Omais Liu an Lt. ~ 1w . 1 BIM& - . .__Eastre Lai 411=111290 • ' ixtill. fig Tourtkaeet. Pieta's MVO RALE-150 Aeiel at Cloali,idso 15 • tem *Mint cans pool INA sho Ow teed* soil ina rained ami Mire qto yts radvadc• tat caw taxed IRcht emus* OS the! Mgr ° M"W aIO . 21419 ". 2 := 1 "7 1 , ithUg, spit qtroltdola *alb iial ea Groat "mt. - .. 'WA,. LIALR—A arnE.- - tonftin , lll" , 17, aem diluted -is esoviles_lawsihtp. ccust7 Balla from tones Am* sal tea Wks Oess . • The Wu la Intl Indian! sat la allied data Sr - its Sailor 1 parlicalsestiodes cpsagl .. . F ffinC eink'_ - Iva ukota mcv 11FrApiDoac443.... [ ---- --1 , WaTEMHP.W. Allanrre'l : ' ' ) 1 . , ickewiff saw izomaarcninfirnsevroY IN P 11=4 -440: • la. IF - 464 LAiliaitidreat sod o% .: 1 M *e et Natal sad NannteSsect g Joe, It fiellMar i r .4 kihr ie =4:t.3-4a—kz.m, , zu.. _ 3 4 lan 10 11 = . - IL11:111. ah l,„„, Ar ni=toj - ......,D.5erhirt,, ,, ==.0 g r z. .... 04 , 01 ..- : sHI W ZI 'LiI4I - 1111imIr. AGO :I4-2 "A L 'MgrAnor - '-i lisaiti44.lmOrV2.l6 .1." ot . ~, _ , 12, '1 Visas, if Ur Osruisa UMW% , : _ s w am al ibi a ;i p , rbramitlebisibbrim 'fact..... . ~,,,,....wq 2 7.- , t im. . • - Oor .y. tz, _ w EvnANNIEI,7OAVIt WEI ~i ra , mure wmcincArtosse,—terp ._, thirtintik Nabs 41, A rarklitair Iwasaki* lit 41114 1X3411119011 OS MOOD_ ,LY VIMMILBMIt64.I3 - 1-44 rilas roam, 1..111111•41rall= - - I :-% ?be =ram- of nu adlosial PO"! ,11l 1.2'1 ...-........ pl rnot. ugDem,See I Num . ' TY. Lula Ibr NW' d rma.: ProS. clus4ell, Las. • Haulm luau of paps iral to ese•rfi 111•41141 ' V . I --; I r -4 I 1
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