• 4 1 . 7"4 1 == 11. • • •• or - " _ ?Y i ESTABLISHED She pitgannth tau ETIBLISHBri BY 15115118 1691 tO OUR SUBSCRIBES Ths andanftned;jrnbiblns of Piftsbasernalf P., Pm *bilinny Weed to amyl tbo Delos.:* bdi creeflodtlbrlenay t renwon kiwis% on and eta YIONDIT, /ley 4E414 Unt - TES GAYEST& Kerala' Lanka, pie sub, Colbsrod by order. 35 d nonn by man, per year. !no n. • 0 00 t i: o . • • rams* 6 00 __ ~, ..‘ " for di eaccatba, la advarcas-- , .. 1 . 3 --." . kr tbres months, " 160 r""±.11 idlticea, by carrier, per vieak—...... , .. , 11 , by =LI, per year, in adralsoi— 89 50 . _,'l " .• .. torso raceriba, " '8 25 I 13 : 0, " " " for three " " '''Ll .`- iii OUS01:10LIL . .. 9, Per went, fainted by carriar.---..--...... 23 f; Per year, b sitraziai, seat by nugl-a.....--,—. 39 .00 f§' . iISI: micat3w - " " " ..................... 450 ,54 VA. TEM C051121211015L. r, Pot ook, atiITISTIA bb weir - OS ~, raileac,th .4Taz,te; sonfki =1.2---..-21 0 W 'O z 111 x Ocatki. " a ' " ----- aOO 11 tkno notilo, ~ oi-, n -" .----, 960 'i ' - 4 • '''CIAIIIIIIM assoutATlON, Od, 0 ~,-. .* • CiakilL22 ilaltlilolll% Pablignz Znothicamcd2 2 !; - - - rarraßrraum 2LEWBriPIIS AND PILIEriIiIC GONPAN 2. Beading Natter from Yesterday's Evening Gazette. • _ , ;11 ,Tha , liemocratic Detroit. fThere le -- genera revolt Or the Peace men from sr. - Ai. the New Tent News the lead ti lag de oonttnpaperof New York, says: "Norge Tl:idealilliti was nominated upon a platform that , pirates an Immediate cessation ';,T a 1 hoetllities:end a Convention of all the States. Doer he stand upon'tharplatforMilPday I lie ti does ti6L — Tratia reserowed 2 the platform it ht. , lettecomepling the nomination: is as if the brldegrookt should imiegit. the bride's props , ty, zj bat not her person. , A•bread Ilk* that le nulland . ..21 void. .:Timpeake party will not consent to have t 1 theirpinelpte - baltayerridid then do homes° to ?)the betrayer.-They domed ail titatis neminstrid the botrd.l-ffen.',lirCiellati having -rejected the ptciicattlan far ii - ewtation of hostilities and 1; a Convention of all the Otitis, declined tie . Chicago--nomination - ,-end - stands before the 1:1 people ..salf-noshistd. on a &Wolin- of his PI own meatiest. - The Democracy mutt seek a - f ,l candidate Whir. will. stand upon • the Platform, for they wardiket .eonelstantly tappers one who le in eolliiton.wlih -the Convention-that tendered t i him the sombilition, uthe:platform accords , • not witmbtr.llC3l46ll/0./taaviotlcratt the right, I,i -a due respect for the opinioltrof the smemblage s, that mainfireelff adbpted it requires that he should'ilie lhailetNthe Convention thentandard. et thiDenicierstr-• The Democtatlotiatlonal Oen-. sondem is not distelved; It!. Seedy le' convene • , aftliregr of its Execatlre Ocuttottlae,and .111 Gail* - hfaClellis'emenot abideVy'the ft; tioni'throngh•witichlheirminciples of the party tohave been enunciated; let the Convention re , assemble, and either remodel their platform to 4.1, mates nominee , or nominate a candldailethat 1 wilt". l 4 5 4 4f01ut-" - . The .editor: of the liferrepoS , ve Record, a * 40 4 , via. Publish:4'3i, the ; balers's' of the; polillairmeln: the Cathelloichurolsi onnuot wait the tardy ii ee of his paper, bat hastens mit with 1 a card In'ilto:Nsrer,in'uldeirlie tam: This undereigied takes advantage et this, the earliest opportunity he has. had since reading ilenerel auk:midi:lw letter of an ceptance,Ao etate,that km hes been compelled by a 'trials:Mirror ditty-ka , ijaarnallat r and-in ao cordmice withidsCprfnelplel "as a Pasee•Deme maxi- to withdraw - the ‘support promised in the lett number of The . Nereporitse Record to the_ nominee of the Caloitge Convention for Presi, dent. Thee promise was made In• the belief that General kl'Cleilan.erould lacaspt the platform upon will& he eras , withinsted, and it was alma on that indiditlot In his Opiates, Mils°. muod Dome:mite candidate Liu plare.thimself is apolltinntd direct antagonism withihe prin •oiplesof;the American-Corretlkulon by declaring kis intention On continue the present inferno= , 4 war OportArorereign'Staiss; and which his teen VI so prollde evils, •In the coarse he has thought 4, proper to adopt, he ceases, strictly speaking, to 3 be a emididstel-ia the candidate and the pist fond,lo6:b__.iillsrvobeitivisr4o4 ttaaptritert. Gesto lmaukuitil - owsot gay' thit hi- was ig norant of the character_ ef, the platform before he it.l theldoinVillnafkleaVeal was made. ted If the Vur:defilro.t - .1 11 etaddiitietf dist Plettion; .leg ho w not inform friends in, chtosge by - h et. the% Isot 1 - 1 1 in time ..to prevent . the Peace delegates from 1 ' being talalsdr - Phelps, one of the burning and eldning - lighte of the New York Deueersey, also giveTtOtilto 'era he must not be expeated to id. ' dregs ICiDellen meariegst for he ;will net dolt. Indeed there seems to to a general haste among - the leaders to hi-io their names strank fromthe Nottingham lilt, • The New York Commercial Ad lice regards MP P ,4 di, as a good 544 - became it will relieve 211•Clellma of the odlem of Inch supporters, lint '; if the Piero man st.andon WClellap, how many will be left in the party to support him? Future Prospects tor biochemical, ' j vrdm the In tratlEu a MeliCali When, the war shall hove ceased, this coot . try wil l present &Arens otindertry unparalleled , in history... War elegy' devastates and dretroyr; and in rho . connttlei of the world, where slower methods and to tysteme ere employed, it 'noires generations to repair the damage of a great Conflict. On acme of the older bst•te.flelds of the ;evolution, the mark of earthworks ere still plainly viable. lint in tho niter time*, when the present struggle le decided, our mechanic.' will have pportpities to dtsplay their energy and ° skill to the utmost. The States laid vane by the tramp eteritending Armin mast bloomer anew, and be plowed, not with fire and Sward. but by ihrihtuttly teeth of some machine... The . dills which are now-sliest, and used only es re pukes for elisrpthootais, mut saw or grind agile. in the. intents end the gleam imaginer, which are coated' end;heat out, of eirepe„ be repaired.. %The waterwheels MLitt bo s3joir ed so that they whirl vigorously - with then loads.—There ere factories rased to the ground which must be agile tidied., and the thousands and tons of thentands spindles which sew toptidly in their frames mast ay in ' ,short time assaiitly as of old. So those etegmers-vbtott once furrowed the see, but are now kirsch, or sank, of 31101,1111 100 to the octane:co of tbe!ssorld - • , -toey mart be replaced; Dont theistettleg ways to the ties the new ieeU Ali lids. chits the melts bent carpen ters and the engineers watch: their. ban !ISM with pride. The ranter-de shall relish out 1 their arms again ; .theyelhall lane prairies, rfre they shall stretch away to the,,illintitible West. 7 proall. corners et the favored - land the lOoo motive_ahall hoes no., nlenrj . end_ prosperity. :r: many r Eftr aner - broken end so destroyed thatYkey,wilt have to be .resorveyed, and .here •I si the snellforeransintee erlll glair hi, 'hire with the artWaa:." The feennottris bean hurat „,r.I and destroyed by halt dreds, and they olltrecralrit .71 to bereprodueed eta all too celerity oar coops are capable of. t q'4l.6t9'll6hrt46ll"6tili air al l i al re eoli Ttl t in' to t . shetefiliglift,gtrepl&we 4 3 over gra n i gent. f r denta ' n ' i r es . , .11 moseatiods any:other lam Isiah' community, ftre's direst Intend in its xnalntarossee, sad 001 A be Me' latitrCheneto they ate—to 'enroarain gisonlei:lit'anYfray. Self inter 11 *AO!. not pattiotiess;lhoold be en looms tire to f g l intforttrarasyediosttsi restore tranquility uni ; 4. tialNGlrroiritos Of 'kraalOAP Arrllll. Thii , ,lNP - Widget of Hadar his ?trendy it susd.weitisitar, to which, after alluding to the fact 'that -"thatorloseredal elan hero long wat t; of the bailiwick of thil dentition of YraaaD hillidterAr of MS trattod Sato," Its Idb.i.b.'-‘ollolll,W4itziordlinry segment: aas UM _to =moos • you tbst th• State PI Air arkIiATAM I:VOW ' t for pattfug an 102116.th1t171 of r 0 alp it ports `6; Noir lattieud &Odin." Tale riot to the static:4M &Rola Pone that OnteraLLee f hatfug stestsoyad • the railroad be- R; tinker Nontgosuiry tad Attluttas attemPtfki the ull g q=ko_roru'l 3 4l. ll eir prottku at Bargrado ..-" -,.- . , . _ * 7 hi DINLCrf_LLIT Etwortio.—A. 07 .ou two ago • P lookiii 4:1W:to bosoms a sauceboat the regular g. 4 .Soniacif Via s : orßiot Yom: - Thi propos!, t ; dm titig(truiebiad andiciok tali nraal wares, but ti..) eitthiplatlon-krftli burial altothattutt Au ap. 11 "Pr o .l ' ic irgr d a ' bl oiatia t i t ra"blsok '..fliii thil V" . -4". i t gif e , l / 4 611 fi 1.- . 4 .. 1(0024 sotico of duo Board woo Ala '''''4 ./orilty es to part of the applicant. ....-. .. 4,-...- - . : . ;11'.4 ' . 16P.4. tt aam2T =fil. , cri Zlrb i llPS 4ll77""e :ll;" ~... ~. _.., K . ilgagr a :o I t ha-eitite, bbst , la :art t euu - . iitr o o st_ . ,*tr 9tblotivipi u ltlit_ 4 Pti!W i euire no 1 rocr,..b t 14 tun/eggs:4oo,o: '.' ....k. ..;:, c.'.F.1 1 0 1 " , 4 . ) ,=iij.plikatud that rata with beat, eat:wen i (=tab: ‘ ,:, ....,-, 0 4,:az0 mmoi ft d- ft bee he hal imo. : ' .47 ` ''' 4 1 E" ' u f gr ra 491 u Of tit barna 41 /4 e, •-... . ~,i,, 11 . ._ -0 0 T n A A. . • a . WL,IO . ''' i. l 'Ar i. r.._ ..' . . .ot.t. i.C. CITY 4IV1) SUBURBAN. The Sate Gee. Atez. Bare The Repteciibir 'tneibrii of the limited States Service Magazine containn • Well wt<cten and in teresting biographical sketch of the stn lament ed Brigadier General Alexander Siert. The article Is gaits too lengthy for reproduction in our columns, but we subjoin a Lew entracte which will be read with interest- The article opens with a &ketch at Ida eaalyitteeantt, the cervices which be rendered in Monica. It alludes also to the civil pursuits which °erupted the interval between that wikkand the present .rebellion, and stet.' that hi was onglifid on the plan for a bridge on the Allegheny Valley Railroad when the roar of, the first gin fired on the American Reg at Eranten etineloonting over the land. Be ing among the first to cocci -.hand the situation, howea foremost in entering one ranks as Captain of lhe City Gaut, and weeroet Into the old 12th Pennsylvania (three months) volunteers. We quOte: Captain Bays was elected major of this regi ment, and accepted the promotion with the ;lu pin understanding that be net to be naps 'rated from his "dorling City Ruud." After the ezpirattan of this short term, molt of them re entered the Sleekce or thrtijf yeab--searly all with emoonitssione, about one-third as field °el • *tl. Major Bays had made soldiers of them. to-tie of them - yet Survive maimed and motila • ted; but GIS Donee of more than two third/ of their number bleach on the battle-fields of the rebellion or ebttiber beneath the nod of the val- ley. The regular army being increased is the sum • mar of 1141, Major flays wee appointed oaptatn In etualeitt 11. S r Infantry,; but a wider flea of usefulness was oUning before blot. He retun ed:to Allegheny - Soucy at the expiration of the thine. months - campelin, to oreeribe the 63 1 Regiment Pensie - "vanis •VOluttiers at Camp Wllkins, and maiosed with it to Washlegcoe early in the fall of that year. Its history is bright with Istmele, and red.w/th the blood of Its deilmated ranks. Its commander—now Colonel Hale—was the friend, oomeade and fighting col onel of a Ighting general—brews old Phil .Rearney. Kearney was go guperiatively brave bintseif that unless the bearing of another was akin to his own death-defying cower, tt failed . to attract his notice. Colonel Hays 11l the only one of his officiers that hole known to bare locatel tom ed for this virtue except In an odielel n pc t. After the battle of Pair Oaks, converging b • group of oflicere, he referred to the gallant tonduct of Colonel Hays. One of the officers ' , present ventnreel the stsgemation that he was "lash and rookie's." ...No, elf I no l" says Seuney, "yen in mititaken. Although he ' minas like a fury on the field, his porpon Is as dear and kb brain as mot se on drill parade ; - en his battle-testicierieeperb." The record of the 631 Ponntylvania is full of pat:lotto:demotion and the noblest soldierly vir tues. Ms - casualties bare soft "setting voids" et many firesides. "Bravely it fought, and .well,"--st Yorktown, Williantiburg, Seven Pines and Fair Oaks. Here 1 e brave and genial lieu tenant colonel, Sid. Morgan, fell, worse than bw r otd mortally lieu ded with a cruet Out through the lairs and - f *ha spite. It wee fArthiek.da tingnisbed at l Linea Hill, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Geoveton- litre, the second .4301 Runsgoloul-Heye was borne front thwedeld with sebstUred-sokle ,-- Sttffering the limit ex— ' Tebbe pain, he found a piteee to crack a joke, and, in the most positive tones and meaner, or ' dieted hirscrvent Rompism-incelliguatunmeriued front thisold 'North State, "to' bring a Cork aid atop the hole in his leg, or he would bleed to Asiltb." An the MI :51 September, 18611,tchtnellityf ' reeeived - thi v ihr be bid eo nobly' Von and iii: stably deserved,—being appointed a brigadier "evente r it , f =re...seek' lieutenant colonel . Aleut the lint of January, 1663, before he bad entirely recovered from the Oroveton wend, Genteel Hays wai estaigned to the cm inima of tbo 36 brigade Or Cesey's diviiion, .11iiintselman't corps, then, and for some time afterwards, inches:lo2f the defenses before and around Warblegton.otTlialiiffiliesime is-gade ' that wu delitailisill, iiiiiiirtUrtid; and IT. Juicd at Herper's Veiny just before the battle of AntilitingziTtiegntediatera general in a doubler ,ai e gt--ThertuDl tar gesterx4" - anot -they-re telied one who would be so in feet as well edits commission and rank. Quaint and grim old - Heintsillman Imo. and ;slotted the man far them.. We will arei tf they gotta/net they wanted when "Seedy Hays" Int drew his sword over them In 'comment:Ll' "i The general now devoted all hie me, anent! talets and energy to Wog ceder and . disci ti pline the &aft:ibido Vlach he found his brigade, and to put fight Into it. He drilled, punishe d, re warded, coaxed, scolded. and stormed at it,— ones nearly iferithshotand shell" He wee pre paring it for the eviarthilfint days of July, '63, when the Fourth of 16 , was re-endeared to ear bear& afoot/one Ina new baptism of blood and te Alter thellidefflidire little of Chaneellerwille. General Isee, eoraniseidlig the : rebel army, with. doSpasta and dieing amnia, broke away from Octets! Hotheisletrat, passed round his right ' fierdt: *WM the .Rappablintifick, marched into the valley 6f the sheamiatio; molted the Pato ; mac, invaded Mireland initfennsylvanis, and 'teed with his enny.for battle on the let of July on tb• heights asund Getty :burg. OD the - t hird day of the month, and the of the battle, Gen. Heys commutated th e 3 d Division of the Rh Army eons, lode himself op posed to Gem A. P. Wit, in which is Gen. Geo. E Pickett, sad ochtiiief hie old clue-raates and e wade , of,tu Mezigen Wer,--on sberoad lead log to Eicnctishorg.,.. am he. been outona dttg th.m for tome time, without ,Hoot,—t"-en moves Ole troops acres! the geld, thinking, no doubt, that his cetonte wil , d lee the., ,nr ni ' lithe the chaff before the et,rm. Bat [hay meet Gen. Bays and hie veteran, f he bee put s,fot into them.. ,Behisai the sbeite: of a the hole he re etriltitilitnelf and his mon until the ensoly last clout tplarters. Than, like ilieliington at Waterloo, the word is, ''Bp at d of them!" His rapid, well-di:rooted volley., tend. flint:wed' of 1(111', eetnton reeling In onnftsion back upon its centre and rear. a hurricane charged with lest and fire and death ccsaurnee th,na. • The battle wee won. 'Phil wise the deal Iva cherne ; erg Orreral Rays war a hero among heroes at Clastyeburgi Bo takes from the' enemy, list day, twenty banners and battle-liege, thgce.tholosond stand of aline, and kills and captures stout twice the rember of hie command. Oat of twenty mounted order Gee, he hse:otit etc left. He Ion; all Litt colonel'; Ileuleratt.oolocele command brirocClee ; lieutenant's command regiments. Two of his Ilrgi! &rue in killed under him. His whole staff.ls unhorsed. Their steeds lie dead • wllere. ikelt fell, err} in their last agnates. Gathering around ' t heir thief to itongructlate him, reeking with the dust and sweat and omits sad weary with the toll of 'the battle, they re ceive the commeadatton they derive. llo• proud tbaylaei of their chiii f how: proud be le of his "boys" I The battle cloud has poised from hie brow, and the hard set features of a few moments before relax Into his kind famil iar smile -of love and afro:inn. George P. Corte, captain, sad, assistant adjutant-general, nllabie and effibient, often ender In with him before, wanes to follow up the snouts while the gamete in view and the trail le fresh. Toe general tans young Have Shielde, his boy lieu tonont and aide.deteautp,—not yet 20 years old and cot COUt netili, as many . battles,—in his arras, imprinting blebs on chischeek, while hie boyish lace is - yet aglow with tine flash and bb bright eye sparkling with' the - Ire of T10:07/. rom that ho !lithe hasd ' f wpuld not lei than a h kiss of nor his general, than • hundred from the -lips of the fairest milder' 1 General :Heys spent the, night after Gettys• burg in unwitting exert/ens for the relief of hie wounded. In the morning without thinking of seat, ha and his command joined in the pur suit of the retreating enemy through Maryland Imo Virginia and beyond the Itspidin. Subsequently to the bottle of Gettrebure General Hays periblpsted in thou of Auburn, Bristow Station, Locust Grove, Morton's Ford, end fell In the Wildernoss on Thursday, the 6th of May, Hg. slitol through the bead—a hero In thirty-two battles,: lile,fell writes the Secretary of Warlut when he should have wished to have fallien-wstt the -head of. his own old 63/ Penneylvinia regiment. Be :fell just u every petzlot should hale et the head of his column, cheering and sus tabling It spinet an overwhelm. lig felt% of the enemy." ' Cansulogy say. More Mont. Can history say but , , The writer then , allude! to the imposing fis sured obsequies iningareted here, in the city of his adoption, in regerdfoi Ms memory, and con. eludes am follows: If it I. painfolfar no, sistranger to his blood, to reelis• the tenet co diar• friend, what mast the affliction be to - the objects of his heart'. warmest effecticme 1 The subject is too sad to dwell neon. May the Great Shepherd. who has premised to be a father to the orphan and • friend to the widow, "bed them into the green naiturei by the aideof the still waters of Israel." May the , promise of Elijah to the widow of g,,,,,,byth....elthe!banel of meal shalt not waits, pet the eribilitif.oll fall"—be to them vouch safed. t The following nets Le appended by the writer t In the doregelngirtbrile wit de utsztestr,worie by the Impllostien of dice!, to disperege, any ,h, thibievi &lOUS* iffleilef,thedffloY: of the PO. usaae r ate Wight or fell.at Gettiebergret other WHO in eibith.they hue • participtta-with fientral , Hays. That army was,sind-bitill of heroes. We world oat. , beak gibri A Oita. it 'lngth On- the ablentotedind tented, bt-Oeituel Eteyneldsi and to has Old a paulagfribritele rye leveilland lamented Colonel Scones ft.Childsi ditli Penne7lvanla Cavalry, kilted et no tokila Ballitara; IlatierilUdldi Bret Lateratift ill WO iari Stift - 0)U Genial lieu, In the "City Diard'. Teachers , Salaries. het • meeting of the teiehers of Me patella Special schools of this tity, held on Saturday, the fol lowing memorial war adopted and signed by aU thei hitchers present : To tha ilonornbia, the C'entra/ 802r3 of Education of the city of Pittsburgh : 0141171.111112 r—The undersigned, Wolters in the nubile schools of this city, would respectfully. represent OW while we take this opportunity to express our gratitude to your honorable Board for the addition which you made to our salaried: near the close of the last term, we feel called upon by existing circumstances to make another demand upon your liberality- For while the cost of living has advanced more than one hundred per coot, and wages, 'sluice, and prolte,geuer ally Ina like proportion, the Increase In our salaries is comparatively insignificant, varying from eleven per cent on some salaries to about twenty-deeper amt on others. We would further represent that the salaries of tire teachers of public schools in this city are generally from thirty to forty per cent. less than that paidin the other large cities of our country; and we know ao good reap!: why Pittsburgh, ace of the most prosperous of elides, should be lees liberal in matters perteining to public in ;emotion than other similar places. Resolutions Word also adopted for the forma tion of a "Pittsburgh Tenet:on' Institute," and the Central Board will be asked to reorganise It as ooe of the rual-monthly institutor required by low, with the provision that attendanoe upon its meeting, shall be received instead of the ward in stitutes now held, or attendanee to the meetings of the county asiodation, as the teacher* may elect. All the teachers and direotoirs of the city schools may become members of this institute. Sudden Death Alderman Donaldson (acting for Coroner Mo• Clang,) bald an inquest on the b of a coal mi ner named Thomas Jenkins, wbo ad suddenly at the Boll's Bead, on Second Serest. It ap pears that Jenkins was taken to the tavern on Saturday afternoon, by a physician, who left him !sitting to the barroom. Ha vemainalin the bar room until eleven o'clockest night, whet, the proprietor, Mr. Spencer, gave Lim a bed. Co Sunday morning, alter tlfe moil breakfast hour, Jenkins was found 'Sitting on the bed side, apparently ' ell. He asked for some liquor, and was furnished with a drink of whit key and water. He then called for bra►k faet, which was served in his room. Being an entire stranger in the honor, bat little attention was paid to - bins ; bat not making his appearance at Sinner, and not ordering anything to eat, one of the servants was sent to his room, and found him lying on the bed dead. He was about forty years of age, and had been employed at the bendy Creek mines. His body was taken charge. of by Mr. Williams, undertaker, and will be kept until ten o'clock Tuesday morning, to gin his friends an opportunity to berry him. Col. Oanape's Regiment. Ibis regiment, which hu been organised M Camp Reynolds, as the Filth Pilawlvanis Ar tillry, has received marching orders, and will leave camp on Tuesday forenoon. The follow. leg is a list of the field and staff °Dicers: Colonel—George 8. Gallons. Meat. Colonel--Joie ph Brown. Pint Major—.. Hoard Morton. Second Major. —Michael Baer. Ihlrd Major—George Irwin. Adjutant—Robert 0. Hue. Qcortarmaater—M. J. McClelland. The regiment fa - composed of twelve comps. pita, oommandod as follows A, Capt. Hope; F, Copt. Wanton ; Capt Lowman ;I, Capt. Hawk; L, Capt. ; A Zeigler H, Capt. Hi ; C. Capt. Young; E, Capt. e H a t ; o Sent; 0, Capt. Boer; M. Capt. Alward; Copt. abodes. New Made. " Lieu= *SD Bons. Words byC. B. Bur. Matto by J. T. Warnelink, Pittsbargb : pub. lisbed by Wamslink A Barr." A verypretty song, with excellent ramie. There ranyltaire leer, parribly, some larking in • tenant to make it • partisan bong; but we eau pee netting to it that say trail lean =ay not burttiy sing. Traitors, it is well known, have no mu lti their souls. TAN D 11.261 SOLDTIIII Boy.—Made by J. T. nazi:auk. Pittsburgh: Wiamotlnk & B►:r." Otte of the affecting ballads of the oar ap irroptiatoly sot to music by our tater:tad turas - mat:. This style of musts Is rapidly growing In furor, and we aro glad to see 40u:twists humbug that attention loft. Por solo by Waiziollak & Barr, No. 12, St. Clair 'treat. Sword Pnesentatlon The memben of Company C, of Colonel Cholla' Barnet' Artillery Regiment, have par. alined an elegant award, mit end bolt, thdy intend to present to their company *am- Mauler, Capt. 8.. H. Long, as e token of their esteem for him o a man and an Oleo. Capt. Long rained terotompaniea for the old T7th Penal ty tennis Regiment, and being disabled In the service wea honorably dieeberap.A. When the boat oall for troop. yea Weed, he found himeelf !tofu:tient', recovered to again enter the Geld, and in a comparatively abort time he recruited two oomranies, one of widen ho now commend.. Ito sword will be presented en Tuesday after noon, at three eoloot, at Cam!, Reynolds. 1,11111:LT .3D Br rrsa . i.—A colored man named Isaac lit Beata, a waiter In the St Charles Bowl, appeared before blayor Lowry tide morn ing, and watered a complaint against John L. K mr, the manager cf the Government itahlot on Third street, charging him with aessalt and bat tery. The pre:seem.ot alleze• that he entered the ,!al ;e t‘; see a friend, ar.d while shoot Kt:r :tench lo!:.t a teelro blow on the face h Leo boodle of o pitehf,t, lojoril; beam , e eetely. The delendaot wm tititi in in hail for his appearance at mart. FACIV2I i 11171.11. —We Irrano Oho; tb• Terre woelan factory of Mr. Felisr.oh, kOOO - it Fret t. In AM.M,Og C,Lly, rut to. , I.B.l)t,lC.Jed by [lto s tow elitte pare.. Too roc . •:7 "roe Doe •he h_oet Wet:rice in the we. tole parr of the Stole, eta the /coo %oft! be 614 cc t3.5,G0.1. Thu nuial b auppoiel to hens Ins e eat on 6141. R. 11111.111 . 1. moo C.. 1111 oto —Oolotel David Monte, •t the 101 v; regiment, gab, hhe ban In eritroand of Comp Reycoldl for ooze months ppm, bee been relieved of his position, hod Is abeereded by Lient Col. Veeoa, of the regular snoy. The ItalllDJ for the romovol of CoL Mottle bane not bane made public. LIM S AND WIDSCELLANY Tan old Colonisation Society having some to 1 a stand still, Mr. Pinney, Its bearatsry, took a long vacation borrowed a few thoosand dollars, went cut to isseae, hired lauds and miswrote, and wont to raising cotton, and now at the end of six months reports a proepective profit of a quarter of a million of dollars. Perhape, too, en idea that something better can be done for and with the tegro than to send him to [dries. ECAJUIPIT or el -,llls.—The acuity of cents 0011- tiPl3. to be the sullen of general complaint, theugh they mg being coined st the Phitedielphts Mint at the rots of about $lOO,OOO worth • month, and are distributed as feet at milted. The scarcity is undoubtedly caused by people who hoard them for sale at the high premium paid for them. Tea farmers and clash are ig a bad wAy to California. 0 sing to the absetiodot rabic to the reveler season, be wean November and April, the former have produisd no Or •rs, rati have suffered from want of water with ',Web to wail/ the gold opt of their dirt unlespa the recant rains have relived them. Damn. o.oo3nrist. was burnt in effigy on the Boyne bridge, Belfast, Ireland, on the night of the Bth, in premince of 40,004 spectators. . .Every Indignity,' , says the Belfast New. Letter, "was wreaked upon the effigy of the men whose mem ory was being celebrated in gaits a different manner in Dublin." A PAT of nine persona, men,' women and children, were recently. evertaken by a water epontnear Aurora, Oat. The wagon, In which they were travelling through a canon when the spout bunt, wee swept away, end Immeried in fifteen feet of water. Only the men, three in number, escaped. Tem Emperors:! Basile to having a =bola rtne fleet constructed. They are to be propelled by engines whole motive power to compreued air, and by their aid, it to thought, torpedoes Oa other infernal machines can be easily ats teched toe hostile vessel. , THe Bible Soality Ricer& says t We cajoles It. hear that the Bible Society's agent at Con. slantinople hos informed the Committee that the rlieOnt teirtillOTO M 0.1191 1, MOTO wen taken without the knowledge of the intim, and aU is iiow sat right. Foe McCult.t.aw.—The Harrisburg Rano and Union annsances that ktanklin Plane an d Junta Buchanan are in favor of Geoid McClellan, odld claims that it le "cheering sign to see than wortby and homed Bien" on tho aide 91 .hIS PaLRIL _ - A WABNIXOTO/t dispatch lays* old , alone sold soldtan on detached dat have been ordarl' ad to nport to their' regiminte for dot!. Valli not Lug as attakel4 Departments ars mach &dar ed fry this order. Tirijoidoi4 tilitwoon Ingtaid Jo' a.Primbe regtO to ; nit Han oanst,botwoon.tbs NoStet, roan sad Ited - ioas. by boonqidotod. aitAttlis canal tirraptdly appeosoling completion. UAW& IS 000 la bit sepileditl 0111.3alleeil pangill,Outcli Gap. A Ilion Fedor! Fat_dayolop ieleteiree of advantsgs kis bobb,b,nbu i d by lb eozetnts.4o. M API) it tit GA ZA ll lll °-4 Dispatches FROM WASHINGTON, _Special Dispatch to ths Pittsburgh Quzotte. W..znuwToS, Sept. 11, 1864 nal 171/T8 07 .100117.01.0174 The Richmond Erumilwv telbs t.lO following story of the espture and death of lebsyhforg ‘n: Be was on a reteol:llloideanell and took lodgings at • boos• near GreenyWe. It proved to be occu pied by the wife of Williams, an officer on Gan. Barnside's staff. While he slept, Mrs, Williams mounted a horse, rode fifteen mlles,and returned with • squad of soldiers. Morgan broke from the house but was surrounded. He drew & re volver, &lid swore he would net be taken alive. He then attempted to break through the line, bet was killed by a volley. ISTI4OUS TO BS SI-N0M13.41114 • Shrewd politicians who have made reconnole- Mrel-ill Now York, report that Seymour is to be ran by the Democracy of that State for Gov ernor, which Insures the election of Fenton and the defeat of dicClAlan in Also State. Vallaadirrhata Immediately alter reading Me- Chillah'o letter, telegraphed to a polltioal :AEA here, that all hope it loot, sad withdro■ hid name from easvass. IM:=1 Ron. Tom Corwin Ics*es soon to dump Ohio for Lincoln. THE SITUATION AT PETERSBURG. Disposition of the Rebel Forces. DESPONDENCY AMONG GEORGIA TROOPS GratUyi,pg Change in our Army THE BURPRISE OF THE REBELS 'Their Line of Planets Captured Sur Toes, Sept. 11.—The tferuhri oth tarps urrespondent, dating 10th, m y.: Pods desert• ere tram the bath Geoegis, came into oar lines yesterday. They belong to bishop s's A. P. Ellll'e corps, which is in oar front. Prom their statement, es well ai from other eources, It Is attract definitely ucertatned that the rebels have disposed their forme with Lonytreet'l corps tut the extreme right, holding the coun try torsieen the Weldon and Deeville road*, and Bill's corps in the centre,, occupy log the line from the Weldon read to Petaru berg, while Besturegerd, with hts division, gar risons the fortifir.stlonsareund the city. These coca state that coulderebla desponden cy has been occasioned by the fall of Atlanta, especially among the Georgia troops, who begin to lose all heart in the ranee, for the reason that they believe their State hopelately conquers-1 from the confederacy. It is a grazifylog sight to witness the wonder ftl change effected in our army within a few weeks. Front largo and frequent rebtforeemsnts cur skeleton regiments are Wilzig out to the bid propoitions which they exhibited to the Ant stage' of their campaigning. Brigade: are be. gloving to show an unusual aunterioal face, while &stein's, are becoming something Ilk* ap propriate 04mo:tondo for on. General •floen. With all this there is • decided Improvement in the spirits, health and morale generally of our stoops. 11 carKls.lTlltil AMYX or TIM POTOVILO, Sept. 10. —Pirong Lao been kept up all day on out Gantt* and right. The rebel', It seem, got exalted hy the turprite last night sad appear determined to &LUC) , oar pickets ac much at poselblo. It tees :be 201 k lad. end 9th Penns- Cavalry tio4i made the °barge and asptuted tkerabel One of pickets. Lb-ut. Col. O. W. Itillokel, 20:21 lad. 1.1.. ehot tbrough the it/O,A died on the field. ab body is being embalmed to be sea home. TILE' HNIXDOIII VALLEY. Attat It on Oar Forces on Saturday PFBEL CAVALRY THOROUGHLY BEATEN Imp ortant Inf ,rrnotitm pbVained New YoIK, Sept. la.—The spatial, dated Lect."ll, Va., Sept. la, g p m., The er.t..y at,eted one brigade of A still's diTt.ton this mornieg, shortly ant r d o'clock en ae tiorryvtite sod WM.-hester pita south of Mattineherv, with Jtheteon, lA:Canes • lend ,td Vettehau'• lei.tadati of cavalry sal loot , ..1 score E only ~adaetlag the We :0 la ptre.u. T. eneter't cavalry tic re LIU, ben.rn sad loot la th r ee ; L eveeslee charges under an artillery limo upon ace terough their infantry gee. Toe rebel in fantry were then brought forward to make nu ai,Qls, whereupon liichcoarnak•r's briga.le ro• tn.& af•cr hoeing •siwaded nearly all their artmuril .a, hems theaneray's adroune. Thr rtthel triatilry beet anehle to roseh the Lalot. ce•.eloy, the tuemy'a latoti el , I 'lre WOO agair Xr. opht forward, h.: did a., rent.< to week Sobboomak•r to the new po.il I whin be at once uteo med. F:olei pfllonerl taken we get information of ohs highest Importation. T. lost , suited upon the enemy is greater than ear eau. Early thought to veal a march on htitridan's Hare, Cud dii not tow. to be ettecisld In she outset of his °paragons by Av• erill's nativity. The TetUnhorses at Wilmington—Wit of her Cortaro's. I< e. York, Sept. 12 —Rebel were aancanee the snivel of the Talleh 00000 at Wollaston and a Uat of 13 mottle, principally eahooneret captured by borer, published. She is preparing to go cat again Schooner Lost on Lake Erie Clairsoo, Sept. 12 —The Opec'tle, Capt.-John Clement, which cleared from Toledo oo the lnit. for hero, with worse of whose, la eoppoced to have fonodored on board. in the late gale an Lake Erle. •Aventrell, the Guerrilla, Ciptured. C11,C1311.0.11. Rept. ledienspolls dis patch w S. austtEr, annoutaceA the capture there of Quw-ritl, rho W. mut guerrilla. fie Iris roc,l. 1 dea the street 117 are 'spa. Tom Democratic Ststo Convention of California has nominotod ex-Governer Downey and Jo.. Oaffroth for Congreas.'talons were adopt ed, simply indorsing MoCiollan's nomination and the platform on which he sooepted it. Tuns is a woman to Troy, New York, who has been married four times to soldiers sinoo the war commetoed, and Is now a widow. With fear pension. she may be able to get along with. 00 marrying again. Ait. the rotcel Goverment property has bees removed back from Mobilo into the interior, show ing that they expect to arsenate the city before Zang. 'lnc Womb of the four notbehilds of Httrope la estimated at C 9000,000 a year or s thousand dnllass an how. • DRY GOODS, AVG solo s - riww—rnes W. wins.„.—DATul w'cuanlis WILSON, CA..132. & CO., (Lat. WV..., Prval• 0.4 Wholor.olo &okra Is ragman AND DOSITSTIO DDI GOODS, N 0.94 Wood Ftroot,Utlrd bops &Dm Missions saes, PittabtolD. oploll ti,ATON, MACE= & CO., Wholesale aid 1.3 Retail Midas to 1:8111:171110#,1131111DOIDZIL DS .pd DDT GOODS, of svin7 deacriptioN 8os;11.a lY . street, Pittsburgh: • ItifAOHITM. & GLYDR, 97tualesala and 01 Beta Dna.. In TLIIOt Al 4) irAILII wore, Tanslavas, .Zo. Kul* atinnlabel Veen Diamond and roartlyri "OP 0. PALM% Na 84 Wood Sane, roderhi BoriowTojangrarav tam MOO% sad MAW GOOD*. • utinn/4;•BDwatri, Wholesale and t TSTAPL AND TANGY DILI /441V174'''.- IQUfI mid ILDUSAIreeti, it W. BARKER A 00., Doaleri in., all t/ • lands of DRY 000 DB, No. 14 stsieS• be. Ito laird gid, truth, rlibbluitu ceuitrzry. OIL cLoras. Ifs. TO HOUSE FURNISHERS. CARPETS. The largest stook of Carpets and Oil Cloths in the `city, at pnoes b - I.OE the manufacturers' lista. Home furnishsrs wanting goods should buy without delay. • • • s • OLIVER IteCLINTOOK & CO., nb 13 YIitTEL EITIISZT. FOURTH STREET 'VFW STYLES -04 OF 07 ' WINDOW SHADES • aaoatvan SUIS DAY. co NEW SPRING STOCK • O;CgRP FTELin WELL Eiraacaow a OIL CLOTH. ; • AT T'CALLUM'B. eel A 001. CARPET STORE. Zia 111 1017B11:1 157111:= PIANO COVER/3.—A splendid assort • burnt ol BICH NEEDLE) WORK EMBILOIDEPSD CLOTH PILIO COIELB, Of oar own Import:olms, Including many um and be.calle Wien., never before edam! to UM reentry opecaal thla dal at tha NEW CARPET STORE NITARLANO, COLLINS & CO:: Sas. 11 AHD 11 11:1111 13Tintiff, VW door to I% 0.. moold Box. P lallJroß, 19 URIC, irs. WAMBLINR A BA.RR, Mal Aar OF TUL Bradbury & Bohomaokar ds Clo.'s OFIEBRATED PIANOS, £NJ) Sllido C 0.151 American Organs and Melodeons, Ea 12 BIEBELLII BLOOE. W . CLAM 82. • We JAL plomooro I. ...Wring to . low of than wL hom parchrmo thaw halta,l36•2n imk_Pfttal.arglo and vlift [MASA bard, En.. • Jot. QM...AwI, W.R. &gun, Copt. oochron, JAmea &tail, En.. Wens. 00., J. P. RMA, Wm. Eriokolt„ • IV. 0. B. B. lllJckbarn, 0. 11 1).”•,.. Oront Ilat.t Oh.. A. Rowollar, 511.7'Llriorq, Fr.aki, R MIL !IMAM... Ifirtatrom P. Vincent . . ' icaxlsmy, Toluipawn, Was Ural; Motsrlsal, Casa Liberty. Oapt. J. R Ommay, Biralageuem. clopttna. Sinvickley. V.O•. VlCSlZtagent. Va. urstast Odr.lduld. Gam,Mort , IlmspA.A, 0. Balomma Goo, En., AlleAban Olty. Wm. Y. do. Vfoi irAlrillallea, do. At Hromat, do. Plyo, do. IP J. 11 If cOnotcek. &ma Lat Arty. /oho Ideoordy, Al , Moos, klekodAmm see , AmsTAotAtt for Ore roan. le. Choi. pera.4-turs.d Clonal for lood.root. H UFFMAN, UUENR 53 FIFTH STRICKT, DECKER'S PIANOS. No. 1 eni Sr.] tzttuu.s.• tit P: F '37 and lintical Insrtrnments , elm dour-80V, as hand . tine, I,..crtcr.rot d zl, PI A NOB. TIOLINEI, OPiT• ArPTIIIIDICO ,E,lD,rrcip IC., he ►P .el' - pi 2 1.)-a: A •^", Itrco ate+k E ABE • ' a; u Se. 1 “.4 lie le LI, ott.. 'e UE I.EIIII 47E11 Pi/LISO4, colr , d t,. beg. L t.st •:•••L(A. iL Ylc.o. , • n..eodid reo.ortm , et ,1 PRINCE A CO 7 1,1.0P1'01, , , 4 . ?itf.IEL , PEOE, and Iv it. eirw 11 LET E: calm. CILABLOTTE nL. cal t. SS fifth artreat. DISHOLUTIOJrB. Nc. D IFFOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.— 3../ 'The Co ptzttob'p totrotohro oxlmtng bommon LWO ESL CALL PII LFS,J bO. S.. ?AIME mid VELAN LOVF, muter Om c ome slot 0ty1.3 of MM US, FALAI A 00., ha. lithdoy boo dlmAted by cratosl too.rot, (to data Com Jell 10,1 MA) by tbn r tb3nwal of WRANI N. LOVA from end ram. All debt. ono mid firm to Ito collects& sod All Habil:llm of told firm to be lAA by the resethinlnsvertnera 1.1 PLIELPS, JOHN E. PLIIKIL MANICN. LOTS. Pittsburgh, Avg.{ 11,1661. AVINO DI9POSED OF MY INTER, E.T In Ilia 6 m or PHELPS, PARISE A. 00., rnM.folly 1•9060:113Clid mj auoonasors to tba petronago of IA ode. iII•AE EL LOVE. goguat 16.1664, TIIE UNDNRSIONED WILL CON— J. guar Os. Wtiretwrlght business at heretofore, nada oh. tome and stole of Pti ELMO, PARES L Daring a Isiip stock of reason-A lumbar, and every (audit) for ri n d maa'actoring wit, Minas and Si ve ry lesirse taloa, ecriptlaus of Wags.. b.-t., Wheal Beireorarn &c., that hop • 01 p- tnpt st t , ntlost to of re...el to .to It a c. , ntin asa of Metal I,,tolora sword A in: Ira, b, Moir hl.i to Lod pubtic. W. H. FUELPS, Pittsburgh, Sept. 1, 11011 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER:RM . — „iv Theen-partnerehip .bereteeon en title's between 0. r. ELoprz a and eriust KLOPFES ruder the natne st7le ot O. V. It IJOPPIIIII & 00., has ells day been &indeed by the muted assent of the undersigned; nal AOGOST auserna rearing end 0. P. KLOP medal:au the basinese et the old stand. Azty tamegOnsi sed late I= win bsavettled byeither of the andansiguede O. I. ISLOPTHA LOGOBT ILLOPFES. ritta.r.h. Mend 8. IQfif. le 9 • - - CLAIM .lardr7S• Sol.niEßs CLATI AGENCY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON. MORNEYB FOR CLAIM LAD PENSION% ID. 114 FOUNTICISTREET. PIITSIURGH itypPentiecn yronarte, Bounty, Boa Ps7 end Prise natty ealltatodin dunned 41tan inset& sill woUNDED @OLDIERs. Imo Bomar" P ALL WOUBED2II 802111203.11 laW teded rad with .rdschtede . • ED thalTh tun valrt eisettang h whetted. IL WALVIS int tted Idoe by . the US. thrdilustwit ISA MMI% Ettedberch, d &ex below Or titheishL arvklesw COCOA NU —2,000 fresh Coco& Nitta .xdnQWigdqsad kr Ph airmisa 11.11011.„ " ' acilt WOW/ a Wool abet is.tarsis. - nomeit 8A 'ENGB BANIC., NO, C 4 lowan &num • 0 OHABTIIBID 111 18156. - Upelt daily from 9 to 11 o'clock, elaooa Waineaday and Batavia, erenin tram Day let to NovemberNovember bn, from t to 9Cectook,' gs, Dwro Dontrober tat to fop Ist from 6 to 6 O'clock. • - DopoaDarsoatred of all moos atot leo than One Dol. J tar uld a and December. Interest bo dividend ofthe mate declared ream 6 Taw. to J ane a Deco 4666.64 1166:11-1161611A4. to Jana and Dooembar, 611:WILL Baal was ofigsa, at the rate of Ili per rent.. year. beast, II Sol drawn oat, is planet to the credit of the deporlior as principal, and bears tha same intarvat from the drat days of Jana and December, temP.ndinit Woo a year without molding tha depositor to eall. or even to preterit his pan taxa. At this rata Money will doable let Lem than torahs years. Hooka, containing the Maw. 9611141111011ig Ittrah&ed gest* on application at ths Jumea Mckeday, John U. kboaabortar Jamas lielkossa, Peter A- Madeira, Witham 3. Andezioa, A. M. Pollock, M. D., . - John 0.131nd47, Clamp Litseki Daripria, Alm.? A. Carrie, Castles A....ooltina, John . M aikor, John J. GinantiN William 8. Havaa. Peter H. Hanks, rd Hays, Junta D. t I , Bccarra. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. Designattd Depository et the United Motet, Capital paid ap-----........—51110.000 Presid's-..J. D. FIVITYILLN. Orbler—W. B. naars. S•muol Elanna,; John Ortf, Tred. John Brown, A. D 111 Tbh Bank realm its set la .1 aeoneeibb, points. plotopt attention, and mica Tort. anclunatl. GUMP lit3T NATIONAL 01 PITTSBURGH By goothortty of the Secretary of the Treoloory W Baal b obbalizai to tobibo ottbblPtioa• to th. Three Teen Seven and Three-Tent with (manor ootipou at:l.6d payablo namban numb:. ourroncy. now oar or. pavabla st maturity in Lova Tendotrogoonvortible,st the option of Um holders, tot* Gold. beatti. intend:4 pas oent. Bonds. The Netn..tll bo to dandttinstiona of fhtt, I=, SLOW WOOD. Peroons dowsttlaig ItIS.C6O and np.sril• will be a te* ono-goartor of we por onto on the natonnt of tho-priocipoL The =sal conanisdosi ailousd to Stub nni Banton. lyEklm JOEIII D. 801 ILLY. Onahls.r. /Mg VELeIJrCZA. 1829; FRANKLIN FIRE MIME COMM I=E3 PHILADELPHIA. amain on Jamul 1., 11164 82,467,1140 M. .--11C0,00G twouled 34,4/1 L. Feld P 161:3—. Perpetual and Temporary Merles F. Danc.ba, Totaa• IYAimer, firms% Jacab B. EsaioJ., Gro. Sktarda, WA/MEI EDWARD JAB. W. IicALIIBTLII, J. 0. mtaß MM. NBUK&Ntas, LN FIRE AND LAND Insurance Co. of North &merle& iIIILADELPHIL Hartford Fire Insurance Company. 1111 - Prolectioa eat be waved la the *boya named aid reitalls wawa.. rorLEs LMURA.NUE CONIPAI•TIi Offica, B. K corner Wood Cc Fifth EA. I'ERE iLzr D RISUB.AN CS Wu, f ft ~a. 101 0 Wu. ❑ if .ys. .1‘...4 E. rwke. K a Yala wv r9ILLIFB. Fru/4e... JOLN ATT. NM ,I4:17 INSL".}(ANtT COMPANY OF PlTTOlirlaiii. tea,, cora , P.Laeact Wlder seccoul door. WM if dkiALET. P .awe BA STULL II A. fir, 1/10 , :n• F...mb—aza and Oarior. leourra egelnat Icao and t. ru , thmik. , the I,r.lbrr - c , and Wvaorr. Hvcrs, LAILIA 13.7.m.5. god 14, nokylostiou of the 13. a. Inettro• walnst and d•.-- Davila?, J... D.., Jr., tY . G. D. T. Scats, Be.. Owens, Dun. T. M. Bows, Ewa.sy Prnyton, Gnome Dinah... - - AI LEGHENY INSURANCE C sd PaX/V Jr PITTSBURG 3.-011., N 0.37 Ilfth otroo, lock km. o against ell Mode of Tiro and Marina Maks. Walt.) JuNE3, DAUB D. kl'COaD, ries Prookkoo.. D. N. BOOK, Serratary, ECM= 0 C. Flureet, Ger.°, Child.. 0.4 t. tt. 0. Grey. John lr.ln, Jr., B. L. Fehnost• eh, WESTERN 1N ,U RANCE COMPA. T NT OP PITT/UM/U, DILLIALIt. Jr., Prold.r. r. GOBPON, eitc•-ebuy. Oflino, No. oa Wateretroet, Span' 80wY Ware•bottse. tip Oates, Yiste , nigb. .a.mri 1.144. q/ We awl itbirtate Ilrn. metriaor4 by Pirectonm Van *I known be tbi•maw „ ont and oh ore itieermeee-A by iirvespboom end blieraity, to itietaltate (baba ieSee wheat Yoe ham eloweitit, gjarly the bed proenlioei to aim ado dale le be Wowed MMS 2111. r, hum& licA atm thattgazdel Holmah N 1.1.14 Georg. Divd% eampobell B. Hormy 0. W. Ilicketsaa. *n9o THE WA.SIitINGTON INSURANCE CO., ClapZigsrl THE BPENTIENSOEUNCT 00.01 Now Tort, cioal 90 MARIE, Dealer in Dionto ENSTBSWESTS. 901. at t EXAMS 00.11 maws, RAMSES BEOS. PLNOS. and PRISMS CO.'S hiSLODEOSS. lio. SA Mk 11., sward door slam Wood, Pittsburgh. Plasm to tat, and taken to OZSIMILCII kr sun. - 1.1 KLEMM & BRO., Deslen in Music A2ll) = lff lier tlt.o.8 1N ormauratsz aTUllMlCM p er Ai rl os s 15.120 C T MELLOR, • Dealer mozat&e.:lta; a • Weal arm= F .A., =AMU 11111111111.1 8 OIL • Han nomad tbstr FLOW iirasiEwass 110 Bar iii a 124, 9gram Fitt 111.4Apectr eft. 41: 16 14.! ,17"111*., RE.MOVAL.thn.r Editrus, *Mt. is *maws= riugaws r ban asausaTina aisief 141111MINIMM. . .13/214 , ; A GREAT aliT - 0.11.1 - CAL NOVEL J I BE DEVOTEI► BRIDE From ask. Philadelphia Dreni2.., r*plyk. TBL DITOTT.D BEAD& by at. George Tenter. This is • sum of several lises Dim "Old Dominion." Th. heroine is of that Hegetnot no, unlLr blood, coursed through tits waft of the not4e early astftsrs of Eastern Virginia. Tit. tale Is adtftealtlY nameted, and hot. and Mary mi. observe :historical eatches, which tab a. bath to our 110/b.,d the Peitininils• It Is a story loy• =nag the a who fed tha game with olthialrie ardor, and the anbialit paipe• plot. This is a novel .blab, to 7IIIOAO I . rinaUld da of it. day or Virginia's prime, la • th lighotnl sanative of real life, and mate as forget. for a Ilttis at least, thia well war Of ours We haertily commend the Mick in every way, aad hope ft may to well neared. . EWA &LUBIN . . James H. D. Merle. Wm. Douglas, hams M. Pell2lol*, Jame Btddls Jobs B. MuriaVia, John B. Hookalea. J. 1 1. 41 1 John Monthl, WeOar P. Itsrungl, John Orr, Robin Stab, Hoary Moos" Wollono Piihninfis, Aloander lonso)nor SMOunlOoktrt, 1/ 11 7,17 1 4P01, Ohrkstinw _novr - 00=oIS. A NEW AMBRICAN NOVEL. THE RIVAL BELLES, Author of t. Weld Western emcee," "Weld Boothe:a Shen.," "Lon sad None', or Attstoceary In the Qua. Oily," "The W. Psitt," etc., etc. Prom as Philaddphia triwimp Tv?crew) , TEE SIVAS, BLlsolin. By anther of "Wild fey tern Rotes." Ilea author heirs gins at na AM.IM novel of read merit, and considerable dramatic power. The &ones ere In the National Capital to Philadel yhia, New York and Baltimore. sad toe delineations of real lite, manners, pi incipl" elevating and defeats . , morals, are drawn with meet. hand and in a 'tory p coring style. Plot and ramie, are Interwoven we del icately end naturally ma to carry the totem.% of the reader thiengh the work, and stab the Mae thinker to weigh and appreolsot its Weld • ga. The foist pride of tome of our people reutileav truthful depletion is this woR, and at almost every taro nothing rebuke. The Me-lithos of the period—antra of some of our interne rine Itartburn'tge—sre also eareutteslly disposed of. This novel le welt vett:ten, .md Is gotten op in the usual ateell.nt ny le that chant:Wits tbe publishers, and we have to doubt it will meet with a len loge sal% Da&CIII111: J. D . L. IS W.B. o n indrid ••• • tzt malting oollontiono • . lona moot trial tondo by dada on Hen Pttinbaritt. 11/s:lm [Leta Pittstmrgh Tryst Clomp.. GIMIITI Pollca.na tern, Immo bee, 0 ..rl 0. Mild, rates, Alfredfltler, If nu, W. Lewis, C. D. . DANCE.OO3 DAVI, Vide rtefidens. Pm. 'Dm. . comm. dyad, Word .ad Ttird *treed. W. P. JOKES, Axilirt, =l=l Verner, L A rbu...cl. .am by erw. se. C. LI. Klee, John St!prom James M. Cooper, . llarbsagh, J. Caldwell,h., John 13. Dilworth, Wm. A. Rodgers. deSChled Joao D. 111.0Ccin3, Capt. Adam Jan.* B 8 Sterling. 'Ostia wen. Dean, B. L. Ste Haw. Li.bt. H. Dade• MaMil I Andres dotleg. Liesanclor Doind IL Lou, Boon L Thoznag, D.J. P. BaonsE6 John, FL ICCogo. IL GOILDON. Eberilwr. B. B. BYZL4 99959, 59 hvarth.trest, lisate4 a ÜBIC I+f c. REMorALII. VOLUME 134101011. lILLBTISMS. ice. ST. GEORGE TUCKER I'ILICE-411,80 IN PAYIB; is ut CLOTH. J . B. JONES PHICE-4/1,50 IH ?APSE; SI TH CLOTH. HEURY UIXER, n A TS MTH sTBErr, 116 it door to P. O. VEST POCKET EDITION. NATIONAL TAX LAW, Apr. - ref Jams 30th, 1861; Alphabetically nrrenVe nuo of conrenisall wise hyr earrytng fa tins papist. Prins 10 LINCOLN AND JOHNSON REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN GONGSTBR, PRIGS 16 0851% THE SHODDY SONGSTER, Oorktabatoz at the NNW AND Point Lit SONGS 0? ?111 Dia, Patriotic, Sentlarantal, OwnlN *Nosh to. lute ISmo. 131¢14 Pape Coilsr: Pct. 25 amts. Rs& capita aultsd post-paid on esostpt °lyric*. a Ilbnal dtsconnt to the trids. Addrao all cram; to laws prompt &Motion to JOHN P. HUNT. E . 49 fifth stmt. Mama HALL SCHOOL 8008, Of eXI IcLotl• 11.1 ths PUBLIC SCHOOLS. allighor Bottecia fa the id r. SCHOOL' STATIONERY, NIP - Priam es kw si cus be atrordeL OHAS. 0. P.I.ELLOR. 81 WOOD STREET .6 GOOD AND USEFUL BOOKS. EA ELY DAWN, by the anthar of the Schimberg Cott. fr 0.11.. TOM -CIIOEIBIP4 cTITTA /AIME. SEVEN LITOBILO, WITH BASEMENT END AT TILTA POEMS. ENOC N H ARDIS, by Teanywn. A 7. tHIA.N, by Li Z. Premmt Id • POEMS, Do id'. Edition In Vellum. BOOS or oometu.s PRAXIS Of THE PIE9ST 11.111AN 0111 , 11011. •SNA LS Of TOE ABMT OP THE OIIHEITI- L&• D. By an craw. PO , OBINE or ruvrox LATE By tOgcr. LiNIIIILLCIE OESSITIOATES —Wholoahla and re t•li, tram In mats to 50 cent, 111.131,E*—10 greet varitty of Binding• nod aces. n. e. 00010—• very loge mopir Noon on hand. PUNT SOP. LPN ELBOLIA—WhoIos • nod WAIL fr b. , at, to r 2 ist. AB AIMS. AND t3CHOOL EN) THE ANTTIEII BOON— Jura Putt; Toortb .t.otezt door 0 I T EN ?.Y UN'tl NEW BOO; EMOOLL ARDEN 1 Vol. 1 13mo. Patin, ITIII3 SCHOOL - BOOKS. SCHO, ♦LL TUE SCHOOL PO, I=l PUBLIC AND PIUVATESCIROOLS I d vicinity, for tab, by I DAVIS, CL .1111CRCII.4XT TAILORS. fLit"IO3M - fm --- LED DESIRABLE OODS FOB GENT'S & YOUTH'S °THING. IN THE BEST STILE R. B. EIO 79 FEDERAL, S f~l• . N ., • ;it is at t FIRST CUSS lIARSIEIMS. cage is ito floe: TLIMIONABLE s LAMEST IBIrLaEMS. ovoid do oat to WI six* IL "Oak CO, lIERCHITI MOBS, ck*lse 03 egNa Ann mars erszsrl. BISHELL'O BLOCK. W. S. MoGEE. to T. oIt.ALR sTIVGET oastl sttaattosi of bay* xs-joik, d wide, Itakbeca aillacte4 with mg. ssri.,Startak. tilos all tb. limed 471 is et rxes to belntatt 4:01, dam komes. (hate ariegass, salt of eta* scat:" to coprz, WI class 04 "41 spistlit . art, gem. 8/04;$ tin ,csiaalat!issatk Pettit goods.' - • - iwatAxaltintakirmack Is st.aa, ivg.;11.,, g • Q; • XVII .45.1 LE-FOR JONT. FOR SALLE— A farm of 148 gam, Is th. ow, 1,„,,,,,up, WertnaoselanAS2soury, Ps.. AL., the beet Coal Works on the Itegintanele signet deluded in Pool lin. A, octstaktlng sets I, oo 4i n s .1 forty 00. e. ttu Also, • Ivy Tenable 6219 In Derry germane), W. tyoreland man t), Pe.,, consatalog _lll.l sank mil chtproved, and to a kWh state Of cult! Alen a trent 0 bad of about 37 alletnlng ll* " L. hortstgla of lEttssbeth, Allegheny eo .P, Pa. Also, • PLUM OP 114 *cam on tt4 11 onongsbillft giver, la Lileabetts tawnatelp,f4hoof Ogoff:Offma Os borvagb of Iloneespeet. Also, •very valuable rams le Illt.i. brteldil • Iteettnoutleted countycontaining NO OFR. Also, 12 BUILDII43 LUTA ka U. krlfoutt of was 12111abetb, se)by 120 feet. _,. Poe partionlare %entre at Hu. lee nitrtn Street sate 0. B. Towns. EmassaleAvos- FA_KM 1:013 Af,.. & AT fIBLIC OUT CUT.—An excellent farm of e..., It 7, One Hundred end Tuft/2441v e Acres. tf. , to Ilearpfirld township, W...... county, Ps t ,,, -"mil . bounthA on the .eft by &subtle ro miles nasty 0 1 greetshurs. •no 4 autos mato! Ifa p BS atm Are under a toad dote of tattle the balsam It good timber, coal and Ilinestme Is se,. nein are two •se Ltd lo{ houses, Imp 10111tisit and other boildl cgs, and never mills eeptlop ,S2O Ism orohtud •1 the ch,le• Iwissies of ratite. no farm Is e 1 under • gust t 00.., Sol In al esctilitst state of ousts. TaL mu The tam will besolA it publtttAntety on SU TRIS eEn 9th oe the vete.% whetl tams gill net m ea .o. known and ciao title even. .--• m eal vatftr - rt. snort: - -- Wks EALS-- SUBURBA*: SUES _A3n , X TILLAGL LO7ll, sus Toot Ignin.--Tlido sa derstgaiml, Waolesdcas of UssantstwatJapat= 3 4 doll Wier for gals s umber of Lot., frosos*.balf IP griP ...o. ow* strafed Pal Ton Home ivltlas QM mils ELZMI N 0 A ths pant of tto ' st , l . ran oemilLs Pianism. Ballow. Ballow. TS 6- * Z *To um al l retZ E. tuwatelly located Ls intros. I '! ..1 taw, • rtuntos of mall Lots Is IL of Kam villa, froutlacon ths Psodousa Sall wirollid, fast floss sod from Gas to two tL _ fast duo, Tor Info rmassei swain of sittoSft of tho inane. , dimed, ox W. If. //TWOS Mail MM. Cosa. Eons. will. A. 1rW2.015 JOBBIX:73RWL R. G. HIIRRON, jillften 63111/101114 FOR RENT FOTJ R R O qmis. sortazus Law, or Prtatiag Oftlwo ; Book Blcurrag re Ilsokawfwal purpose. Oan b tarokebed witb7 mawa rim wasted. Will I» naiad aloe. or akar- Apply at (lALSZTE 011710 X. ;;;:, wisr 7 - - F 013 BALS—About Ono :iindred Acres of algh dry bottom, oa the A. U. IL, tn Britian tevramlttp r - Wastatorelaod county, Pia 7, sitar Parcels! , Statlmt,heteree4 lands aimed-by ?hest „form; aiat helm of Arao!d rail sad Mar: &ram a sock brick homey! five apse; barn. stably, sheds, crib., weltard of 150 burins apple to deltoids huh, 160 peach of beet ra•loti-e, speolga and streams. tte nearness to cII pro:lacing, saki-re „, and It. geologi cal structure, make tt worthy of Matti= from practi cal oil men and dealers to coal prOperty, , AM* stocoot east of the railway still hesoid, 4.4 ind. The property Ls adcstra',iy Matadi* the liteaUed of • v =p r tiL t lrr==, ad&.= liocommth, • + • SUNNY SIDE PAM!. FORMALE—&tab it. to ChaftoUl' 104107, from Oi.ollie and 41 or a bills from Um T. aad 11,31.: B. repot. nom. inning BD auras. Women olamon4. Warm tn Omit timber. Tim improvermata ate toot**,*, fins awelinno, a I. , rp au. stalling lor 40 !mini:Vl suck; three or. chards of .1.140 to ties of'MAO - beat selactlon, and: moiety, turge ficits'And straibeciafia stun/cum; autney of 3M grapc4inus. , ...Temlald it. Hob, km been mod - as a Dairy Y.* and In caner ties most dolga= ormntay rmidancenf bas base email tbe putito [or Team Would ergs, well into Soma. try mail witb • balm and an .404i1rd 10 WA: Y further particulars apply to sail BIS ASSN 00. FOR SALs. A COUNTRY READENOB to the tillage of ISaneleld, tour tints fro= „the city. Lot do, 01, aostainhog Wereea elti and dews serer, apos it is sated a goad two atoril! - brion km= .Labia, sad other banding. oletereAntwell of water. tenor actor of mai with trnattNteneeel Out In Peg weeklies order, will be avid to ocelot ar dielded - to non that r n Vf sot add h•dere ea NB IDth,s9l on that day be sold at PUBLlootitl o'clock/. rt.. without moor's. Tills ladistilij • .ad dem d alltoceentbranza. term sslik .19;:be tnideketioradell application to GEOILOST OR M, Taniparanosrl2ll6 ant, DOR ELLS Ono nviri4366ala anent, idlnrA4 .m loth motif teaWg4cu w Waso tally eon.= 0.14 lash apthalsr, Q tadaldeata..C.S4lMl • rata iota bs Y gocd u am. Oat t tech ayll.usr, 10 trap MAI, saw. 0.6 " Pt : Two Oylhatar B YOrra. ZS Claar-i CO Inaloco SAY r 7D " lEI " Two linmpbt boa MI MU , Alm, Tams bate Olken Ta.6:Str W Ada. @rap tar asch. Logan of t. 1.171. ROTA klieg.= Slyer 7166 k. mar Ms Palat. ALUA BLE COAL 'ailed 808 SALT& V —The Ilsoleay hrut baring Iklen withdraw/dram the parka senor alined for sale, Apid land nontletlag pf eighty three soros more or large Waal three =list frontJam' ,Ferry, underlaid . coal of the bort quality. The Intprononerate Ularoon:'.4elag la pod scot. conalatmg of dwelling bons ono, grasary, and too doe troll having orchards of tkUltvisfande fences in good order, uti all under the to notate Cf cultivation. The Ws,hlogson =molts gnat thiStigh the farm. If the et”te is not eoul by MOWS day of October soot, orq,,ty oil . e ailed sod sold to tote to s ni t touchaeore Tor Urns apfd to .ro s.v ar.coororr , m0t..0 Wood aosirla llatidfiT, Tandillore, strew% oistAf. /AWE OP THE MOST B HTIFTIL AHD J Lets.le lonatt.a tar wacky mate around MO Marty le mar offered for ode. tarntlogon Method Area= about 900 feet, .d oonta!hda4 acre. more or Ir.; lit.ta near the reerder...dE:•ciclaratclrr &tante q others, and Pt sancepttldtkif the tnertl==. ment. There le on the place a rtin, glory brick I,ig hon., barn, da., all to gockerier eho a ft. a* aard ot row tree; =Mar ha.tlt. P.KM g aeldred, r dirtied Into rero„te tour soutane tea& c.r...rr. For terms, apply be Heal Bob!. .14 loom ante o.Soe of ,cl O. EL 116.1119, Bolter 11111reII0Vrit1ll• bid. 1.. ItZ&D, •e Oil/ Rank WM. SALE—Tha coo seat of the Eamool Donlan., deuiyiard, Masted In OM inetaining ti teen ono mile nw from tlinflalleglieny oetnotary g contere .ore in a lasah M ate Muth' being yell stockwi with frnit MA*, slarabbary. pertly undo hid with ocal. Tar, , parties 1 4 3 61 0.4 tab. proved property, combining ed4atemr, of ow luovii, turnery, health and good nvighhhrbood. the shun alf. trade a rare opportunity of entarhog et cam to the an- Joy - manta of • rural home. Tor further particulars Invite et the odic* of Na. ctlll WAN & Ln/COLAT, BT Tenn street. 43. B. DOI:MIAS. F 0 R MLR— EiTich6l tiAW MILL 1: AHD OIL 11111ftersar.—Vm ono-balt ot whole of . 011 Itedooo7 and Bt.n oritktoz oadeo•I halt urn of goo.r.A; abuot4e.oo ct gal aft sloe op. end Delos walked, rtto.O.• on the Attest/ma Aim .A A. Y. B. B. Io drone—kw sale. Th.siuftmir is now and of adders burl& BB s Arm KM Ulu rider. did Gran, and lo wen Mamba, Wag • cork =raw from tt to ttorrtos , Good IcoNlor boot f . rox pulicaluo ola LTDAT - diga • apiktl 80. di Hand 03111. Mutat:db. Pg.. IL. BOOK PITTSBUIIGH RH, !TON, • Woad atreat. ----- ACELEAP FARM 1 SALE.--Oon. Utak; 106 sem% sere:ay* valet, t. el "teed aed tweets scree meadow, vitt, eatkrtable hnee, ba ts eteble, sod • young erchsel ; lest eel; s 9 /bet ts of cal esedertsjethe tsers. Alts.stee, th West Deere toerrobtp,..l.l fens s city. Deer Creek pate@ Omagh the place. O edstthelowflgtmd Terms easy. Apply W.I. ee k CO. FOl3, BALE—MANCH 1 _ST= PROPS& TT—A two story BRIOIL. DW id. LING. anetaining ids rooms on 0 tart** and Valetta sten* with • lot hosing a tont of alert by tLS feett. deep. to an alloy The above wile sold4htsp tw M ile Tundra on the promisee at to d.LO BTOWATiTe sofa, at Whelp, Put &-co.. old. It asehestat FOR SAL&—At Artiddin Oil Works', 1112 CLISDX. OI T.&& In prtno *rem Ako at A4jitinn7 Valley Depot flia Ocean 3 Mob owl 1r0n166 , a ply. Apply al Out calm of &DOM OIL 00, te3.31 r 63 Ilorkst west. WI ISILLX—PENNNerassr rum i n, 1.7 Z1V17,-,•Tbe Ourrocrort - 'A Dorelllaro croditho. log Mesa rams, N 0.14 P lktraorjorlth la Mirka a fryer ot 901st 4 rocks, back 110 trA Oa U tast'. *Um no above b cztAllant losartork tor torookelollol[lorrpoom ILO, • • l I .rs Wks! T. A. •• o ' ' Allegheny FOR BALI, O 7013151)81, 7B GOODOatlihrtHO OltMai, with EWA. pwthrwto "togdkor, with s' wi row sthireit, with ma twwwh thaw Ithi:Pll4l6awei Wott. - VoR SALE.—A fat* contsira 11.6 .1! rerdi. Ousted tisjr4n togruhfn, arena nom Sad Cann*, feta. Pit Th. ralik *ltonDd nal in • pen nandtstien.. Tut ',enlist , pottleann bindle ca st r411 1"4 ": 114ftlft?wk:42:isriiii110.04-: COLO NEL crEoRGp L. GALLUP S " _ --. , , nrza uzonsess UEAJT istmaisT, , .iti teen for Viabbgtan 6 RlN3l:llir. leeptenbic rt, A one ceelcckm. Ateers sad mialste4 aft Ir lalisport immosta p. tilly at m ttl ßeimat. - -- " - IntiamMl4llllpamb ..or IfiliGt. - isildl, 1 4 10111aM4430 Eugeii'd+Coak also 11:3 hie coatis *OW It pbc , 001 . ad sail hafted satotherts ' tikk hil;otalfAA mai**, osoiagriardihy-. 461 =1_ 6 . - wax • -: wt..,. tkortgisinuicactninkanzuf 11002:711T PIACItiirOR•I3/ALS--Etim k• - ' Ida acr.o*.asiasadtafesinlem-_... i4BjrAi ova ams tbgati4r4ll6 Mak! 61 . 2 triamsl,6. * A , IL 6. BIZ Sun Z 3 V 0,7 ,„.. fi&X21 ,5 0:01244 NO. k2O ' , 7!.•4 •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers