he Pittsburgh Gazette. lIIE9DAI,'SEPT. 13,,1864 NATIONAL UNION - NONBATIONS sos ruamms ABILVIAM LINCOLN, of Minas. Tun, ermizaris ANDROW JOHNSON, of Tenneco** lINION COVNIT TICKET. COloimm—,22D DIMON; JAMES H. MOORHEAD, Pittsba IMattai..4B2) DIATINPN MOMS WILLIAM, Allegb•uf. mai!: THOIIII4I J. BIGHAM, Lower Bt. Mir MIN. P. atais, oity. St it: 00L911,171,40tty. ALIIVED SUM Alleghsay. MOW B. HMI HON, Ifoamdlas. sAnurr, CHADWICK, &all= • '.030140111 T. EDAM If ortlN Payette C011=111110111: PILLOW. Indiana. PsolliOnntaitT ,41008 8. WLLTEB, 017 WILLIAM CLAW BON, City . Pool D12101%.11: 3. N. DAVIS. &wick Lay. .117LTIIILLTS CONTRITION Tik'paninsea .of the ,Obieatto copperhesll for ozr pollthalevila is an .171d:este Connnw tiont":lthate'tir that may mean. 141y:this let:lams, they mean," convert. Von of thti States, the loyal &siren es the +disloyal, to. make a Team their remedy is Slowly in violation of the Codit:Mon they vrofestio reference eo =loch, over the alleged Violation of which they make each dismal howling& The power)* make peace in time of war is given by the CMteiltut3 on emelusively to the President and Semite. Hence the so'aeme to end the war by a convention of the people Of all the Rates eoggesta a plan of pacification whieb they cannot greet without neorping the powers they - Italie transferred to the General Government A:popular convention might, 'tit; true, die. ause_and agree, if popible, upon conditions of adjustment' Bat their action would be bind. Ing'upon no,onn; and have no legal vs'ldity. She itscrit, after all, Would have to he referred for approval to tt e President and the Senate, and jia, bigblY improbable that the terms on whisk the. r iehele and Posthorn pear. men would- twit* eenvention would be ratified by the national authorities. 'The time, there fore, „aid:h.. the , conference would require woufd be worm than wasted. Bali 4, l7ltiinate Convention". may mean ocesentdondeit*e a new constitution—to Bet aside:tie old one and 4ianecme more aacepti tits to _? io6r gaitiorilrittireziP 17 hato then, becot.9 o or all the deforlot tithe fionetitallon wool :three men eri lerlehly profiteer They arraign the administration upon every eon ettiveble ohargotor violating that instrument nertheOilyes upsirinveharen defenders, and lieniiiropose to sat it:Miae, bodily, end call a immatiiiirta-traute w ntrwittri — zi • DlZtTegl tile - scheme, le- an impractit;thle EhnlysVotenutloalisor-bnni • the della IWO:thirds it tho States, those in rebellion no - well ,se ;those not, and any amendments Which It might propose with 'a view - fa ie:estaldishing or reconienieting the Unlonwoold have ,to be adopted aspirate- Irby the legislatures of tit:so:fourths of all thelltitett,or Conventions In them, as Con. greet:74mM 'determine. This - wield take • yesi or two to effect. - Alllloolslk about obnyentions,and all plane for inching pew, amp& tiro ascot one of enbmileion on the pert of the, rebels, ire elm pie suggestion's - 0.110C1470 the!! :all to the re hellion 'which itoannot telnetpon the flekand toestific...dtetroy the :Union white pro feerin ' ' tpin;sic*lver - zu*, nuts. Th norm were more' cheering.' Itehra ths nooduatfitan at Chicago oor men were dl. piritidind'depreased, foiled dathle and and fears; nOw they aroluoyant rind eiteetted, not merely hopeful, but awned of encases. Its-- fere Ile. nomiontion of 31'etitnate the copper hears weft neW: and enthiltalastia, bosatfoi and confident :now they sie scamely to beaten or hihßif,..except when entarlini at one an otherrm lunping curses upon belt candidate. Wenerer hum a 130minstion won such a woodrais chango in both parties.. It lie heated up all dimensions in the OThim rants, dnfogdd:rigoronelife into an organisation that reamed - almost torpid, and diesipited every alma upon oar political horizon. On the oth er 'brad, the party that- was united berme Chicago hes since then gone to pleats, and,.all the emonldeoing fires of discord havebtoTeln, cut into a consuming blaze. Timm are acme who are timid enough to look with' 'appzebension upon the alleged great pot OMR, Of McComas. It be a fistitin—an fin tgfnation.' Jt does not eileiE4 Those who support - We, new, supported Donotas and #taz.mmainat in /860. They cannot show an atassalozi of 'any man of note to their side, or any politician of standing or influence. In a , l the nage of our acqUaintanses, we do not know - ono man who supported Lesitcw fn I.Efilirina supports hicCratmest now; while we know of hundreds who voted against LIIIOOtI ihenorho will vote for hint now. Manx of the 211oe EJ) raia in eit t eupporlereof Devotes in 1860 are .rinigtar upon the side of , the Moon, do-day:. Men like Corny of Itedfori, Igwikys astrong and prominent man in the Ireatooratfo party, Bras. li Baserersa, and Dmiutairatrurr of Philadelphia, Jos. Bat =wit-Terry, Tames Barrio, of Chester, and gawky others whom we could name, who were wary active agalnet as in 1860, are now mea t/111,4t0n the side of Air. lancout. And them ir.enrdo not etond alone. They regrittenta large e'ement. La this State. Da. nnoorate-are:not alLeoppolteedi, and the balk of thtes who are - tiuty loyal,' and want to stand by !be Saint, will etand by Mr. tricoin so Ifni' Vest AST of pat:lng down the Rebels There Is every reason for cheer andootafort, iherefdre. Ii weedsonly Wire labor, from Moor to the eleetion,in perfecting local organi • natioina and doing op thn =coastal work of tompatgnio:tioenrif of an "overwhelming wiototy, “ri i ila . l h oli o gesart battle Log the right— ! , &harp sbagno to be free, • To '.'o Is to soimeed—wor tight 'To lfmed to approeloi The smite of GM it Motor": ...What is Me Prospect?" It is the 8. I. Berard which asks this quo ma;, In view. of the repudiation of hfoOlellan by the - Peace ma. "What is the prospect 7" quoth the Rerciel. . "Another beinocratlo cup tnre and the election of 1860 over spin." The .fieviiid deependingly adde: "We tied soppooted that oiler 1, four _jean fastibelevin thne.hondred peinclples of the destiberioi-;-gm; fire loaves and two Ashes-- Wotddstdo the rout. • fluewith the intractable copPrlioads the principles of seceadon is ismestat.• Themla n split. The two faction, of the party: _cannot hero:moiled. rupture is proeWmed, and _sly soon. we applobeatt the sp . plrent , delnooratie "harmony of 'eater dby w ill melarte into a tainfafiOn were. eon fonfide4litsa:Tree, the Herald, maddened by the split, pitched intsßelecorit after iLIe faehioc: Brume iaa a. Barournomi The Woods and their arm emit upon •Bohootitorho ham mi. oontlitnutondttal Aro inland thousand (Wu* to Moll* to aid in eonquedng that .espolgto,r to osticam hji raohittoaary estal, the °Map Conventionanisemthatesemdady against Me =lns ammo that Belmcmt wlll divelt. p smut be apart elhletivolationiy propanune. IN hat tE• Copperbeldi S•my D•is. Tiey bars eintarrassed the national ger. musical at every step in the progress at the pending war. They have sympathitel with the enemy arrayed in erne against as, and seek the ruin of the Republic and the humiliation of the free States. They have defended the conduct of the re belEone States, mad charged the responeibility of the war wholly upon the antialsvery gen. truing of the North. They bate op; (tied every effort of the vv. ernment to procure reinibroements for the army, fomenting poputar dtaturbapees to ar rest the draft, and leading the people to believe that if they enlisted It would only be to aid in an abolition war, conducted by blundering and incompetent generate, and an equally un truetworthy War Department They have augmented the national debt by artfully depreciating the national eurrenoy, so that the government has been obliged to pay nearly three times 18 much for its sup plies as there las any occasion for..: They have Increased the burdent of the people by the same process In order to make the war unpopular, and thus compel an Igno ble peace. They have underrated every success of the U nip arms in the field, and exaggerited eve. ry rebel success, however slight; they have atentatiesilly magnified the perils and tract. hies of curl armies, depreciated the abilities and noblevements of every suceeesfed Union geherel and extolled every rebel leader; they have made touch of imoginety dangers in our path, regularly exaggerated the formes of the rebels, at the same time that they have under rated ours. They have agesiled every general of our armies who woe known to have hie sympe• Oleo with us in tide war, whether he were Democrat or Republican, end they have de. fended every general known to be of proula very proclivities, whether ituouleful or un• oneeeteful They have proven by their actions Wit 'hey would rather cave slavery then the Union. They have defended every domestic traitor, Loyola? rank hie Masson. And at Chicago they hare formally- declar ed in favor of s base end cowardly eurrentr to the Southern rade.— Phila. North Acid: iron. Extravagance One of the friends of General Ill'Ciella.n, on Thursday evening, at the meeting of his supporters, fried pretty hard to prove the , the 000ntry is hopelessly bankrupt. Ile told his audience—on the authority of a congenial el irit, Mr. Tharlow Weed—that we now owe fear thousand millions of dollsra, and there upon he drew a frightful picture at the hor rible corruption - ol a Republican adralaistra tion, which had, in less than four years, run up ouch a debt. Of canine, Judge Parker implies that the Oppoeition would have carried °tithe war much more economically. But people do not forget that lleseral Melellan wee the most extrava• gent commander we have ever had; he re quired the most profuse expenditure; he pro vided everything on a royal scale. Since his removal, and under mere macaw:Li generate, the outfit of the armies has been greatly re. dnoed, and thereby not only have the troops been made better fit for satire service, but 'hundreds of-millions of dollars have been Bayed. Take Q stngle instance only_ as an -example: under General 21 • Clellan'e rule a rt. &sent bf cavalry In - the field was provided with elnieen wagons, to do the work for which now but-a alngle one is used. Yet oar cavalry were absolutely useless under Gen. hl'Clellan, and the rebel-Stuart tuul free awing about the flanks and rein of oar army. This Is a sample et the economy of the politicians who call themselves aDemeorsts."—N. T. Eneaing FAIL 'one GondMallon as It la.” With all tittle. hypocritical Welt crying of the Artiletn as if ass and the Corunitution as It isr,,tithd all their renting sthoutlhe 4 .4 stored instrument," -the' Coliperhead conspirators hod H impossible to conceal their purpose to . teca&e the old Constitution into the likeness of the Montgomery model, and ea effeot a Pronetitutional settlement" of one difficulties with Vavie, by making a constitution to suit Off Stalk. Manton Marble, chief editor of the New York World, writing from Chicago, does tip the ennomieement of the prffessOms in ibis - Wee *erb;aie: 14.8 Demers, will offer peace with one candidate only—the, Union as defined by the ql.matitetionoeitit a resort to thee Matted of anninckivszt,Atitclo.er atlitostust to the aatias'• Seed:pulite the Constitution itself permits and ranee' Gad ,people who, wants the Ccntlitution at itie," 7 yon' think nue Coinprom'se par -y bee ray-thought of encoring it to yew Jost w'pe your spectacles and watch the tatOtotioet its lesion more carefetily t THAT Gen MeCutllaneoheriehod feelings of personal 'resprot and liking fm: the' .B,Ael leederifielf.Ven . we II understood before now. co of testimony to tbit ef fect from OA 3letnalf, of Kentucky, who said recently at a public meeting: .1 got my eyes openedon that. young Napo iron in the spring of 1861. I went to see Gee. McClellan and In the course of the con ?creation I esti to him that Jeff. Daele was a ticoondrel and a repudiator. He (McClellan) stcsightened.hisnaelf up ciniokly. and said: ti do assure Jon, sir, that you are mistaken. Jeff Davie is Et perfect gentleman, and will n-t do anything unbecarning a gentleman.' Well if a traitor, anoorplestor, a thief, a re pcdievor, and the civil devil who lie ineligac tics all this murder, le hie beau ideal of a 'refect gentleman,' I hope our country wilt newr be used with his morality and Virtue at the head of affairs." Ina GZEAT Ciassaar..—George B. M'Clellan .allowed the Palma° to the' blockaded for see oral months 11 60,000 rebel troope v while he icy near Washington with - a force of nearly 21)0,000 under his command. t hts may b at.ributed to the feet that he was - surrounde by-rebel sympathizers and took counsel from traitors. Every ribel in the country shouted ortrllesrtallteheraiship, and they continue , o land his exploits. The plot is so transpur eat that tiny, unprejudiced man can see the et it aimed-at. bl'Clellan was the tool of the biro& of thp conspirators, and he is now thtir candidate for the Preeidonoy. - Those who do not wish to see the Union destroyed, OT .detnocratio principles earificed, should vote a•ast the mee who have invariably shown a disposition to thwart the mesinree devised to 'overthrow the rebels. Had Grant been at the head of the army instead ofM'Clellan, In die lo ginning of the war, the old flag would now wave over every State, and peace and prosperity would an every hand. TIMELY, BUT OUT 01 fftne.—On Tuesday the Chicago Convention - adopted a resolution demending an "mmiedlal. cessation of hostili% Gee." It ants on Friday, just three days after this. flat the victorious army of Gen. Sherman arched into Atlenea. The Chicago resoln• ti ere me er):bavr.e been very well tinted to say e the groat rebel stronghold fro 6 capture by the forces of the Union, and bad the goy erttment Immediately acceded 'to the immedi ate and imperative demand from Chicago, Jeff Davie would have proudly carried on negotia• lions from behind Its impregnable works, Instead of being brought to itinealllallosi upon liar Inv NiARLY TWO TIIOLIOAD TROOPS 'GOISO TO TOR Vaotre To-DAT.—Nearly two t boatload men4eft this port to-day tor the front. On e thouland volunteers end sixty regulare go to the rmy of the Potomao; four hundred and Wily to the Department of Washington, and four hundred mil for the Middle Department its thei tar of the South Nearly all of these froopii proceed from liert's leland.—N. Y. Poa, of Saturday. Awrol. The Democrat of St. Paul, Minna sots, groans over the proposed increased tax on whiskey, end says: "One by one the old Demeoratin rights and privileges of the people are going. Bret, the habeas carpus, then our ire and coffee, and now we know, after read ing the above notice, many of out readers will exclaim, like Jacob of old, "Joseph la not and Bluteen Is not, and ye will also take Benjamin away." - Tnw Chicago Tribune emit uda . an stridence of the certainty that presidia with regard to the reelection of President Idneoln, we may =Mon that -cm Frldny bud a gentleman pieta up 185,000, to $lOO on_ the chance of the reelection.' 111A241011 Doc:Mawr Ife. I—Atlanta. Campaign Document Na 2—Mobile Campaign Document No. 3-411altima z. ,Hurrah fur'old Abet , ' Or' fifteen Democratic, Gorman in. office In 1861,ileioa been* oat-tuid•outitraltors Le that *party to be trusted/ PVB.LIC .XOTIUMS. PEOI AL ICEETTNG OF THE riOrICILOLDTAR OD TD OHIO TALLIT OIL Co —A .p.d.l mantas of the an:cabal:Wu of lb. 0010 Paltry 011 Catapany be bo'd at ths BOARD Or TBAL t BOOMS, on wroararkey. 14th. at I r. B. A OD attandanos Y cox:tally dotted, so bad am of trapartar.te triD be Ltd Waikiki* abating. selll JOHN JILBRING, Bacra•ary. E ANNUAL. .idgETING OF • Stoat< Mars of the PEMYLVABIA stair nelimrscrunula co • Tettl take place on MCNDAP, the 34 of Octobal, 1864, at It o'clock it ., as the Mos bt the Oosipaar. na Both lrocat Meat, PaPadelphla eallasr COMM= Oa Coarrtar, THE STATED M ON TH LY vt3ap MEr 19,1304 : j . T. MG of tb• Bard of Dine:ors of thlo Company .111 b. hold at Iho olllc. to Plttabrvh, of tha Baeoud Wedaaaday. 14th day of afiel4llll3Ell, at 3 o'clock P. t Tn. transfer Scots or tbe Campeny mill be rinsed from Wednesday, lb. Idtb to Monday lb. 1711 of Sop. terober. By order of the Hoard relftla T. WEST LEVEL T. Secretary. U.PnTeIBURGH AND WEST V I 011111 OIL 0011 P Alf .—Oooko fn a atacrlo- Ha t o to the Capital Stook of th. Pitt.oorgh sad Watt Virginia Oft Company,ara how op. at th. °Mat of HUGH IIcKILVT, canto of Hood ..root wad Du gan. Way. The hods of this Company are located In West Tie. phis, and constat of s h oo Q, bundled acres. of whlch oan. ont two hundred and fitty sem ere we ll adentrd r bovine purposes. I be location of this band le mid to be amoogst the itret If cot onPaiOf to any lo sad is within • abort distance of the noted Norte Ifeck Wells, of which there are four or Ave to eumeesful °walk°. The Company appropriates Montt thocuhd I. re of the CapiLl Stook for the papas& of denloping old land Owe Well Is now boring and lateral others wit/ Feral down lagoon as powible. Paumnerr—JaCCll PAINIIII. 8. Taaasuasta—allfillL N. RIM. Innizaross: Pugh IltIC•1•7 i.e... Old, Thrmee Little, Jr., I John Borg to. lob•BIB, I Jams WILL.. James Path., Jr., laid tf I:I•ILDVERTIBEItiE s T—The eitixens of I....rnEunvon an moan, a straw/out adert to Oil their ow, and to this and • Committee has been Erappolnted to solicit nbnriptio. for the payment of unties, allhout refsranos to a no s for that ptieposs. ' be Committee bane alstrictad the borough into ton 1310 k districts; .od calgnad the IblitarHog o their num • berko rach t 1. DIM lct—A. Hoselln, 8.0. Craft, " O 8 Bstea, 8. Y. Barr, A. J. Barks. 0. "Banj , Schmidt, 8. J, WalowMget . 1. " John ITHlctumn, Cleo. lioatr, B. 0. Bos worth, John Hotta f. F. " John Mc'htllngh, A 1.1[..5a Jaroes Irwin, /a, T. MP-Clore 7. " H HoHatna, 'R. J. NoCano. " 8.0. Uarrlson, /Am Smith, H. M. Boo want, e. " T. B. Stalwart, S. H. Stir, Cks. I in. 10. " Charles Borth, Sam sel George t loses Three noandtten 1.111 at otos call un the citizens In tilt!. rr &pectin Hakim, and all an aanteatly asked nbeertbe ifikkally. and lift from the boroagh tLe dt. grace of patio= bums. S. H. Etta, Chairman. S Y. Bens, &crew.). a • - - cONNIstAkIVILLE AN L) SOUTH IHB puuNk.ll.. W.—The stid.eigued Otos miwienere named In au ea, entitled "Ao Ast to lia• oorpoui• the tionnellsche slid /Southern Peousylvaells Hallway Compaq," hereby Site oinks that they will, In pu• maim of sal at, opts hooks for t a purpose of etc ivlog Ishaelpiloos to the Osplial Stook of th• said Rats%) Ooropay as the 14th depot 001 . 031111 le% et the boar of 0.. to., 010 ales day, et the WitintlGTON HOTEL, to thelowo of De dfurd e lleifoid county, hots tries/de, ad thin they will keep books Op. ILP o id.uir to too. JOHN 0885 NA. WILLIAM 8 II %VIM, WILLIAM E. 21!91101E. 01011011 W. 0A33, HAMILL WASLIABAOCIII, O. W. BLISNEB, • K. D. HAIIONLET, 0. W. AB/100EN, • D. 0. OPHII, A. H. 11001•01tX., WILLIAM IX aiLILLAND. J. 8. IO3T. anstaleticuiers. fr:".lkLE FIRST COMPANY FOR ON riess—um bitumen to Obeid to Owe lova . Mo.—Copts& Rab having noiralhol • cosiA4o7 800 7W days and the gnats, portion of attach haw already of fond to enlist tor cab year, ha p tort cam to all boa do. I.I=A IwllsAbg hb that eriod hb bompaoy • booaty of THU= RIINDBAD DOLLAW3—TWO BIINDBED ADD TOM= DOLIAJLI AND 13121 OBBTB 001)3 IN BAWD. No, Goon* W. Loam* forourb Caul gochbor ttielflr• lb t. Ut Ltarteoaat of this commay. an t t be ku,oi daily at MIMES LULL, from whyto • loobawylakabuoloa may bo obtataad. O. B. HAL 4 /7 I O•pt. oolaCrioo. A, Ow Tame Nam E s k- FRANKLIN COAL CO —Books for - bearietion to the Molted Hock of the Freak- Ito Oil Coropeor, are noir °paced at the .anhoes of Z. BafiALEY, No. I Wood intact Theledds or the oampary ere !crated lo Teoango 1% sales from the trent a , Treakita. Ord from the home will be delivered at tbetoin, of rrauttla by re/l• r , ad, olere coal le JO Large deourod at thirty mote pm bra.). The Orrepeete tare boorabla for even a hlgUr Icier, the atop!, la hot atria I. d. sad Is that giant. . the albultuat aka. moirlegt more Una Ms am. ..say weld delivt.. otatal Deltic stall, PeZli far large diriderida peados oat of the Derides of er• el:enemy are vary tinarabla. eed:l• DII.EIdLOCOLPKISOLICIThi OIL 00. —The Imam of Wm liesalcok Petroleum Oil rem_ vary am pa. Opra ths olllce of Basra WATT • WILSON, IGB Menge Orem ; alto se th. MONT I to IPliaL BANE. sad PIO eLTelf IN/AMINO/ f ()TITAN,. taerltcrT 4 la be denote. cedilla t•ea Warted se to log the moot dedes.tel: portico e a /wilt otl tract ho od as the ALorteeny Steer ;nor toe orattb Bra Me% tre4. ' The anon+ sr• ; Pree. o at—.ohn Veal; Brcrallanristd Tresmrsr—Joh i 1 treewer—lrp 13.7, Tboes. 6 Law.. Jab. WU. eat. Jean Vote, maenad I la. AL A. Wiser awl Jams. 0 , ca., Mkt% r'oHIO OIL CO.--Subecri b.. to tE..tp k of tbo .Eon Company an r•by natfGsd that all soboalptloo. mat be p. 14 to M. to Its Trimmer a. 1111154. et.. ?a wood Knot, eu r Wore am lath loot. Any onnoeripti.os rsznato lrir unpaid after that dot. will b. tort-11W b the 0 ap p.'. JOUS riatlf IPG. ProolSoat. ot:tt 0.. N T X . -TEM BIRMINGHAM 018 CON MST gire tattoo to Atm Lr to•kmar. ha from aaa If t.. at of .11IP 'Amy wri I. ob4l. to char. aII a por out tbout• A tea: Is ad • 'AI o Calla Ot vs. alma{ tak. • 1. 11015 LOAN OF PROPOSALS‘FOR LOAN "recu.e. Pararrrimrr. !vv. 3.th 13,54 eeslrd often •111 be reeelerel at ea. pe va ", 4 acl of Mara 3, IRO, =tit boon of ►iTlt • th Gf Pept...ter, IVO, for bends of lb. VOW c.a.. to tho amount of &boat thirty-ono .1 half v Mot' dollen, Nang the unmet of mutoorpted en. .lieluted of under lb. coil:* of Propeols fu Loan, da , od tth Jan, I.E. The bor./sort/1 War so a:mut in tor oat ofd per untem, pay ehls oual-.anus 17 In cote the dna days e July sod January of each year, and me dc. ~obis otter the 2010, of Jura, INTL Rach ofer must be for fifty or ono henadnd doilan , er more multiple of one hundred dollen, and must Item the lora, Including premium, offered for nub hundred d • to o In bonds, cc for (fly, whoa the oCar Is for cm so , re thai fay. Two pea mot pf the principal, amend. premlcono of the whole amount offered moat be do. pod , ed., a. permit, for poymant of outrartpticos If so. n pt.d, with the *rumor of the United filar. • V oshlngton, er will the Arsiltsat Timm. at Hew 1 . 0 , 0. Dun., Philadelphia or St. ludo, or with lb. d. Olmsted Deporitory at Danl.., Pittsburgh, Oho oimmii, Unison* Chicago, Detroit, or Pstfall, or wlth may fiallomil flenlitag,Aceociation &Ohmsed to no to. dopeolt• which rosy control to Immo. the ban Imes without chore.. Duplicate certificate. of duo., w II to brood to &positon hi the odlur er imeociatfon 4. coiling them; M. origin. of which must b. fra. waded with tbooffm• loth* Depart.. All &pu 11. should be mode In time for sdriu of otforo with ow till ducat. roach Washington sot lob. than the aortae& of de Member lith. de ern. not emcomperdet by 11. proper wildcats of deposit will toconshlored. Tb. Coupon and Registered PlOade Lensed will be of Veda...M. of VA 11100, $2OO, sod Reg. ist.rod Boods of gs,ooo,and 810,001 *lll alto bs ittmodll u•mired. A 0 Leers received will be opencdon Friday. th. 9th of ft water, The awards will be undo by the Secretary to rho hiettert offerers, and non& &Acceptance or de caseation will be Immediately given to the respective offerers; and, in cam of accepteme, bond.. the de• oalptions and denolninatione prefrand will be sent to the robecribers at the coot of the department, on dna poyment of Metalmenta. The relabel deposit of two per cent Will be nntoned he the het instalment paid by imumarfni offerers aid will be immedhetaly renamed to awe whose db mat not to accepted. The amount of accepted cairn marl be deposited with the Traees . or other ;Meer or an xlatlon authorized to act ender WI notice . = scrim otaeuytauor of offs, or as reborn I One•thlyd on or before the 14th ; one. third.. before the 19th ; and the balance, inolodlog Use premium and aligned two per oent.deptalt, on ar be!ore the nth of September. Interpol on bonds will begin with the data.' debozit. Suttee preferring May pay the accrued interne from date of bond, July 11, to data of titpcelt A cote. mars cast this Dike tboald asandonal •'Ones br Loao;' and addx.ned to tha &oratory of the Tramatt. tight to docllna all onto lot oonattlerad !Woman goat to tisartod to the gotornatoyat. • W. P. FESSENDEN, Wattalfat u. Itragrary. The Bon& lbr fhb Loan are nedy tor immistlats dtt tram tan. td• MEN WANTED—The undeisige d,(ls, Ia OrL=o the„.„ order the Iblirein or. Nome sad to staked to ell bortees_t pertslitiod Men bp, tat pay the MGM! LOCAL 800 IN MN ree•Wri atonber at cm Itemedlatete. The Oratadttee aril be Awed id the dew et INMAN barb Sa, Leartooreltta mixt Au parcraT JONATHAN Lozieurierr. • - &J. HAJLEAIIQH, Ortarrheee. 111 . 4 BIENBY 1301/WRIG'S PRIVADNI 111371171171914 For the teistamsi of BMW= ON tin MD AND QUENAIT) 0119AN13, 1.55 'Second AMEN N. Take EMS OtAXlMllifillSka fro: $ to 6 oottook A to. totionot V ac me nOOPER'S b OABIWITICRI3 VOOLS * sowiF, PIIREIC irerices. --- 1r.,.. GLOBE =TULL LIFE Mgli saws OOMPAHT, ay INT Taxi. `1~I:I~/:i•~~ Ih~ I.suet Ifoo-Torfeltlna Oomoto• Llfo and Eadoor matt Policia, ALI°, Poll fro. all other papitar No other kind of Polley can odor tattal security. WOODS, Gonna! AB.6t. Offlee, 118 YOORTEI STDDIP. a017:1, C. W. nemeeso,(lete Manager Er Lipplnoott e 0o.) . O. ermao (late of Gage, Hatbox) .k Co.) YYcat • . übso. 'PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDS etc LONG. Diannfaeturets of PATZNT GROUND OIII(JDLA RS aearzanted GAST STEEL SAWS, of marl descriptton. MID, Malay, Oro. Oath, Gann and allotkusr varlet:l.m All kinds of KNIVES A SPRINGS, made from Sheet Out Steal; Extra Refined HEAP= AND MOWING, KNIVES, as Warehonee smialhorks, cor . WATREI SHORT M., Plttabargb.eedar attention given n.to.thing, Ounnualng and Straightening Gimulat Rain; elm repair+ of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable rates. ag2ddy „ --7Wlff. BARNHILL & 00., Bo[um MAILERS AND 811ERT IRON WORK ERS, Penn St, Noe. 26, Zit, 24 and 28. Having Re. cured • Up yard and humid:id It with a. moat in, premed machiner7, au are prepared to mannfactar• every dosexiptl. of BOILERS, to the bed maid; dan wurnenued cqual to any made In the whit-y. CEDE NETS, 13RICHNIt, TIDE BEDS, 5T61,11 PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, •EIET. TLINO PANE, BOILER IBON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS, and .at. nianuradurere of BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repairing door on Ott ehorteet none- delBll DZ-, - .11,01312180N, EZA & CO., (snocolp malt to &cams. ?turnd DI WASHING• TON WORKS, Tomfoxas A Illtcrtotrurt. Pittsbargh. Bmnfoetnect o , BOAT AND 'VIA? f °NTH? , TEAM ENG INILB. BLAB? 'ENGINES, BILL BU- M:LINTEL GEARING, BLIATTTNG. CASTINGS. of all descriptiout ; OIL TABISS d Sri LLB BOILIIN AND BUTBT IRON Amt. ha GITPARETS PATENT ISITZUTOR ,OR rzEDING BOILERS. LARS SUPERIOR COPPER WILL SDISLTI2IO WORKS, • , PARK. McCURDY 6 CO, Idanotactioroor of SEIT.ATU/NO, BILLEILES' LSD BOLT °OPFER, PULOSSD COPPER BOTTOMS. RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, bPALTILS SOLDER. Lisa, haportara anddealaro In MEALS, IDS PLATS SRNS? IRON, WISE, Le. Oiniatannly oa hand, TIS BSUS' SLOB ISM AND TOOLS. %Smetana*, 1g0.140 YOST &1110;1110011DWPSTS111, Pittsburgh, P. Bpssisd orders of Copper cut to .07 ilseiredd psttsrs. iiksZklydaw'r ONE OF lIIINNEWSLL'S GREAT REMEDIES.—LI ONNEWEL DRITEittiAL °ODOR RENEDT.—The bade of this truly trenderkd preparation, stow of rcuth well-earned miehrit7. I. • freedom from every component calculated to debilitate, and by mob to allow the greaten lte. dont of or, day or night, se the onlytme theory by which Throat and Ltmg Gomphaniams b etleonalig To primal asking attention to bag Morton of groat mow, atop kcal cam make Alcoa all oath ann. platob Mimeo! In effect. I maid mg, congstoneo. ohlott oW to sannd. in Colt* Onsgba. dm , Throat, Dronebtal and datlanalla lon olaints, Whoop tng and to al Throat sad Lang Ovtplaala oLlob, when roolocted, end in Oomormytion. Mob bun gnymetons of the tllgagt marportakity, and Rom invalid; ma to ran at my lam by all inimortadl gar rah by all Aboksola and Retail Damn. 101121 L. aIniIifEWILLL, Proprietor, Prectimi Obernflat. Boston. fgam. Tor Ws by J. Meas. aro.. H. goys.", a. Faltneoloot s Cio., SAL IPoltoo, Agoura for ►ltt.Dargro Ch.. L. KW.Y. W. J. Iron and Do. /ram Maws, ►Jmn tor ►aeg%rl 111ty. foI(LID—C-roy-or A K CONFESSIONS AIM EX. 191:1111:1103 Or. MI tiSirklJA ii/abtbSesi the benetlioad .. • weenie' and maths l young awn who eaffer tam sc=ram AMllta . Branotars Dewy of I'l.nbacG..lo...ncplylay at the woe tisso. Pr war aloe v owe. By ewe .he has mart tamale ewe Wag VI TO ..t expense end Wary thenagb wadiaal Man hog and asocksyy. By snalawag • parcialel ode...rowed amain" stegb mown m 7 tw bid at the anshor. NATHAB2 6 47.. RATTAIL Vag, 1:642.2.. Eft. misty. N. Y TO TrEAVOIIB BIIMIEBIIOP- , EIS nromal eitotkomo hulks Nom Met,rod to kook to • Om dom after osteloreptrm Iheo usual maths* sod Imentaz apeman mods at Vmtment. mltkoett momom mutton 11 kb mod am floCiamaialtto b 63. •Mkkot Colkne anat.. Mo norm of Dam limm. at tem nooool et so Mamma .*..lap., bo aftl mod. fr. .s copy al gm Ormaiptios a.d. Moot to Do. R0:11 11 DAGIULL, imps ra t...hoot 11. T. 5h11174..er MM. WILLIII/1. LA BELLE STEEL WORKS ILIMITER t CO" Searrsoffe, to, Gator, ftwAtztan 8 Oa.. lotoodsototote CAST STEEL, !PL/SO, PLOW LIM ULM= BT6 SL; BP6IIDOB, Al Z,. CROWIIO3, JAA. Work, it esr WARD, Alleghtdo P. O. A darelo. PITTBBW6GH, P. Pain? r. 7- lolls coolTßAn it BRO., Man clam...anon or MGR RAILI2II3, MOH VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WIN. D ,W GI. ARN Hoc 21 SZCOND and 611 THIRD CM:7, Lea. W0c..1 and Harlot Linn o band Hoy or owa Patrol., nanny and pain. oallabLo An all Partlcolu ottoction paid to oto-lootag Orals t.ll, Jobbing •Lort eatb. toe 7---.-DISEABES OP THE NERVOUS, 813NINAL, URINARY •ND PICEUAL NTS- TuNA—eee roLleble troutaeros—tr Revert. of Ow Reward Aerecteslon. Sent by bun In meld Lotter eak.p., tree of then, AeLleros D. J. MILIAN 1100011 TON, Reward Aireeletlee, R. 3 Booth Num+ .ire.. Plilbulolbble, P. nottlably N. 110111Z8 & SONS., Dw..■zq IS 10/141011 AHD DOMESTIC BULLS 01 RE OLIASGE. CAVIL/10AT= OP DEPOSIT, RAKE H✓fL! AND SPECIE. Ha 67 MARKET snare P , t•l.crlD. Pa fir CkAlealkai made Da ail Qs priaMpal Ott!. V.:cabal:l the Dotted elts. HERBY H. COLLINS. FORWARD LNG A/SD 0011311BSIOR, ILLROIIAST dust wholsob EWa b 0R1R.311, ' RUTTIER, 811111D0. 7115 R. Atd prodigy. tsawallt, Do. t 5 WOOD 87. P nownris. P. .al 07 PAM tiA IV MILL FOR FlACt—Sita ki atron on 04 bank of Ow Ohl.. river, to the borough bewleklegelllo, twelve tulles from Pittsburgh. To. e 01 I. .rrJ meows. sally built, to capable of coiling t ob Erik •tro hot lo length. has Owlet:reel •f grooved with It tod le to got/ running order. For particulars .ddr•.. JOSEPEI O. Sallki. •el2:uo paw C 7, LOCC.IIOIIIIO P.O , Pa. B. P. (J 1 8 ATT, STOCK COMMISSION BROKER, No 30 !ferroonts' Ezell' lice OIL hiOCKEI. too abarta Marry non Control 011 Stock, 4ro do Columbia do, 00 to D.llBll do; 2 0 do Dammora do; 100 do Maple fibula do; ' 1100 do Futon do; 466 do Enlotarbooker do; val 9 B. NoI..ALII I 00.. Stook nrotar REM OVAL —PROFESSOR EDWIN R 01111 , 111ATT ham reasoned from the owner of Penn and St Cl.lr onset. to No. lel.Penn street, 'directly op• pale the St. Clair Hotel. HU deem for singing and teaching tits Banda' method of vocal training, will ho maned au Thnsedey. MN rooms an now men, W,t0,11 he would be pleased to see !shield echolate and ths pub. 110 generally. • Itcoms on first door. stlt:4l T ORBNZ % WIGHTMAN, mannfao• talon of WINDOW abees, DIOOOLSrB OLDS/MAIM VIALS aad DOTTLIN of w Janda. Warehouse 03 Water at., below ferry, OUT Lacer, new befog In 1101 MnIAIOII, are plopaT' I to Walsh any ankh* In on Hoe promptly. o re Noel to soy le the market. sellr I''IJITIZENB OF SOUTH PITTSBURGH, LIJJ inuourrauem, ZAN! DIRMINGUAII, AND DI OWNSTOWN.—The nedetzliteel, having booed the syntax° GIZETTIt DOUTD, will eommeren delver log an Monday ereaLug. WI lust. Ilesanbecrlnere, (or old on,. not receiving their paperearDl ;dowel* Inn that swam st Nankter'e dor% &nth Plltelmrgh; bolthtsd'e Am depot, Nut Dirslnghato 42Nernoten store. Brownstown. oEo. P. LIITUILID, Clerrlor. Sul Illreatridnint,DePt 10, 1164 - !WNW nia, KOOKS -MR BALEL I shoo ldateboutl Oil Co., ortiloal neck, do do l000rporatod; MO do Itollird Petiole= Oil Ocy SO d 24 do o Tod ers DODD i . do; • tig sod gio ID Dorado rho 60 do Iron Cry 4f: SEXI do Ifombek ' Lre , IN do la^pUT. 640 do daily VatleiW d nwrorpoerratolt. AdD4 to . ALL Soft Dealar sad Drolrer Is 011 meets sod Baal MUM, ore Ittolar'ore • thaw. oft" 1 0 is.m ar...t. tulip Loklaszlas 012, stinkpot tuusl. sal XEIr 4Drigstrlaz.ffAxw OYSTERS I 01 BYERS I WNOLLIPAILI AND RETAIL. Oosasatty oa hand al 13= No. 2G IL S. ear. Smithlad and !wand Ka, Ptt, soLlains pxti, LHVBIff, POCKIII BOOKS. LULU, BL de„ to, MYERS, SCHOYZE & CO, WS: 1S No. 39 Fl Ith street ALIEN WANTS TO GO AS A SU)!3STITTJTE CAN PROVE HIMSELF SUCH •lONSIGNMENTIII CONSIUNSIENTS! lJ 10 barrels leney s weet Potato., 24 do Prise AMA.. 500 Packaged usortcd Joke, nab, r 0 by Prrsh reached, chitablo for cznolng, rb Hs mbarg Chet., 15 Mao mote Dairy Q.., k 5 Crock, a h Ia drplo Dater, 704 teal,d sad for solr so :s 50 Liberty • root. .13 POTTER, A I E. Ilco l Oil GP SEM. tiltll3Er.—;' l V. feet re-ei..e. J at d :bi Isle by I DDLIL, EiZ2EN2O2I FOR SALE.—One ear Fmilar Timber, 1190 teat 4440141141 g, 14600 do Fos,* • stO Co ?rockrio• toadying andssls Dy rlO B. It t DMA, No 143 L44sris stns., E d it .—kB boxes Prima ere am Cheese. received and for rale b teld H. BI DMA. No Idt Liberty erect, WHEELER & WILSON'S 4 IMPROVED FAMILY BEWINC MACHINES, TEL CHEAPEST MACHINE IN THE WORLD BEJILIBE IT 18 Tll BEST. ter JOYS" %toile tamale se haat been aslsl. the, 6 as• Io isu Pattabargb ana alcialty. 'I HEIR SALES ARE GREATER TllBBl 411 Others Combined. IT MIKES THE LOOK STITOH" ar.d crepes,. only the-half ha amount of thew abat la taws by tips C HAIN sIITCH acanthus. le.pco• shoold boy a b • I g alsselons until they halal ....Iced .td tense lb. W6IIELEIS A WILSON. They ate Turned for dove years. INSTRUCTION FREE ' LIC6IIOOII, No. W YINSII OTHER'S. *IL SITRINER & CO., Agent& air Baussas'a Self•larar loaf ul. Wholesale an Nee fall. solarauaawr 00/Yniti I 00FILICaS I e=n UDDER:GM:7IG I ERIDEBTAZIII9 I WHIM WILLIAINEB, OZDILTWL %En. Ho. 135 701711T8 lITHTII7. Usalas an I Mamba Dtaldnintag, linty b,..11 averithlaa ownelary tor Ow prom twatezt.Trost I atm:SW to. mil vlcal Ham asul Oentiqm always or hir-d OOIL AND MINERALL ia.NDS 1 419 ) 721.11 02 L1A221-21IITII PAIRS/la • . Malan In On, on Territory aa4 Moore Loads lpe prepared to NU or boat gay qoarility of toad rano eo ht lse oelebratotvil regloar of Baralng :Spriggs, 141. e liarairba, Hub.' Biter , bats b.ol , Doll Crook, nod all calor tourlittee of torpor roam We kayo also larva vacant of vabrabla tarrttory b rt. .all known oil regions*? Warhingtoo omary, 0010, ear caber gloom Their West Virginia leo& are star .01 tweadai with abradaare ot ealo.Ll. raisers* Instal will well "goy the minor Orr his labor. Thome horde via lie rola or bowl in ansolatter to .alt Opinion* aartaa two:lab Moan forputicsslare adtnie or call cm J. PL LIMES, a.s. ismer as Law. Iffasistm, 0.. or O. H. UMlk asys, Illar.oack &Iraq owl Thigassa• Way, Pittsbaryl. method r um wAx, FRUIT WAX, roan/U.ISG raarr aura oat ULDIB Dlta,ol2l, worrooold to stop, rill FLAVORING lIITE.IOIII. OTllllhl3Ollll.llllllOllllLa TOR VIZ BUB. BOLLOWAVII ►ILLS aDD 012111111:11T. egasTe be pnocand at GTO. L. MITI COLTITAL nice .TOOL, E. OD la and Wadara A.Mitmai. la Itartot Honk uat A LLEGtIhNY COUNTY, cse.—in the - - A • art of Quarter bnela. 410 alai), tb. p• tha eet of Mare inhabit/awn of the Third Weed. haw. al et y City, mutat. 10 On a trans/ lbw Chun tog rant a rol • Stow •011.1. way an alley lag Ilea 1.11 t ot tate.. lb. pmpattla.of Jane. P..., Jr.. trot hr•. P. 7.1(1. of the Third W..d, alle• t .bawd rot be vitest.l and closed op lo award. at at etth awr • Mena of th• ant •••• Mom of the Act •• /Metenbly 0' MA. alb, la6l. wherea th. Ontrt .fed the falle•P p rale: &ad on.. deateeteu 31, 1 M. lb. within p•tlttoo po malt d n osea Coon W.la hale to show emea. why the .mil Mean neottelad abou'd oat •aea .4 .d •.d op Lopeant , d . armed for t sad It is orand that uhlretata at this rel. eh ell 1.1 and la the Ftenteepil 1 oda fatere, lor tow Ire 1.1. • wan. W.ll. Y 3/1411314. °lark. LI the tl tot salt litalrilar r.UILDING SITES. Atbatith item of abb. laud ht the plebrott er t l. t., oaTort/a t 7.. et, dirtied lob lot• of • cooreatest bee 'el town.. an. dwelt oua of aectirtng . horos bray !c.a dort boil smote of tbe elly, la oo• offend (:.role et • orlcie mutt lower than shallow property lath@ neigh t,rl oral to tato., ton:1.1.1 be. Mile! ( ally tool.. on the Pentatly•hls liallrheol of. fora soar borate the place alb, two dwrJllnq. , Nue.ls tad 57, Ibex street, are !fated fm ..1. S. R. BRYAN, . link - yr sad Ivm+nw •gent. ED roIJETII BT. Etsiztai ENSleas Q IiEWARD.—.to en from tho reel dar. 01 Jame El.B 117, near Willa. burn, ou M• algal of tb. Dar bat, GNI LIO IN KAHN; at.out 1111tuto bonds bleb. maim • goal dal gran of!, Sod ntlObt N NOUN. about 17 band. blab, hoavy o me and long tall, and until only mu .1... on ; about boo team old. lb. morard 0111 b. fold ar the d rut Moo ft tho &biome •nd tb• return of Um hams., ur ft.y dorms for Mut return of Ma harem J•MILS NoKNLYT. 1.10 ft Near 0111tInstong. WITTER THAN WINE—By using the .ernatair 001,111111 OP LIMA OLDIR skiy be krpl perfoatiy moot Ibt •nf Marl of Oa. The oast moo prsarved M nperlsn la quality to •ay 4..26 of .rL'an us now a, aped.. ►or into, wltl ta dirsollow for me. by 511105 JOURNION, Drank' &oh corner holitttiold uul Fourth drugs. _ FOR BALK 040 ♦OIIY9 07 000 D UIOR LARD, •II /ylng In cue track In Lo.uth county, low. 111 erl to,f H. tifeILZINT, 9 it career Hand t and Duquotne Wsy DVI DE ND. —TEM " LIMING AND DI BLOOD FARM OIL OBBLE PIITEOLITUM &THUD' " b.. saladay declared • dieldand of TWO rsß OEM. an the capital amok tar the month of uu e rlo. of the e•ort a ry on or after Eo. l tart ,fee books vID t • &rad antil alto th• lOW sr ?Mt WM. T. CUED 11% Elactalat U a 10-40 LOAN. tiobestpttoos to GOVEIIIIIIIIENT 10-40 L0A.14, Moo at Um °Moo of ELLSNA. MINI A 00.1 'DA:4m% chltcntt JOBAQA 1 1 / 1 1111(1, Agent. F OB wane, A MST CLAES IiESIDHNOH, ottb aromas and st•GUng attache!. Montag m ths tln of the M•ncbater Stroll* Railway to gyp., offered notate. • pply to wsdo n . SIII11111:17. 1M Wong OWL EOrooo WORKEER.-4ABITS 0 teroooo A= ZUUSTIO WORM, V I A S AHD PLASTAMXIL =num AND OZ. NAM= cd AU ktaits turalstod as Swot oak*. AU ardor' Ws at 80. 13 OCUIQUISEI OTELLT, aft dam hos Wild. or se Mares Well Pepe Om, 5,.. El Weed etre.% WM be OinecAll aloft 00. .14* TN THE 00IIET OF COMMON PLEAS, .I. OF ALLZORIIIT 00IIITT. No. VD of Ilatoft Two, VIM parencone of ester of all Ibtot.l lia.*y she satko that OM= maim b a:Whiled snd Ms w i daowootr aseirnes of AL rump IL Otlßlo INO. s THIRD D ad that add O moan& win OPPZIIIIDIA bellowed bi tbs Coati se the T OP lodise cense bll &mita the contrary. only IL MASON. Prothatotery. to NONIIIIIAMIL phuebarßina' Oownsa s Os IBM f PREfitDRNT AND MANE,/ ri E theiNumpagaiump Oompuis km= itadind • divkLisd id an Pa oors. on , tto , Blot, pest)* te tit* Iltooktoktonk or their regal up. ressatiMill" et the Borates Hoar of IL Maw arm es udi ofrar tits UM maim. MEM Timmy. Jrz wr 40 rERTSS T.Mitt.4 TS SHAN'y A LAMP! ASSORTMENT FALL TRADL, W . EUDENHAMEM, M. D., 001., 834 Broadway, SOW York W. H. BODHAHANER, N. D., Ottioel46 Third d to oftt,l•Ltte, Pft Devote their a:Motive ottevt.oh o; the lie3icsl and Subteal treatment of Chrotdo Dlvesays, esimelelly Mem of the Lower Bowel, etch .Pus. , Iftmotte, rla mire, OttetipatMrs, ot the Bowel, tlicaratten ..d Strlctore of the Dermot, do, •teo qe 'art.. Chrocie Dile.. of the Womb, IS fdhlrye, the BhpMt,. sel2:lverte { '' PANTED. -A t FRANKLIN FLINT GLASb SVOIiKS, Philade/phin, • 0000 MOULD MAILER. Airy a paraoe whe in bad some raparionee to RH PAIRING td,171.D., eau have! good .Itdailoaa with laa,al wags., hl addra"lag OLIVES EL.LISLHT, care of Orlindar d %non% cor. ()Vote! and Howard streetr, niladelphsa. .4.1.141 twas WANTED —To Flint Glee Blowons and VT P•wm: STS GOol , ORIM PET HARM : I'i. SLI ROOD CHIIII +ET BLOWERS. •1.0 TUBES GO ./0 PIiErtIBBS aad THREE Uoo‘ , GATHERERS To good wotm•n of Ole bo•. etaes, g.od wages and p•r• witamnage erVI be etym. • pply en OILIANDER Frank! a Fillt OlLee Work e, .•l:: Stn. •zford nod a ward an:. PEIIM•Ipi la. HOMEOPATWC BEMEDLIki, !OK THI PEOPLII A Fresh Supply Just Received No. I—Cara F...., Oongcatioa and lonamattoa: fin.t. Palm and aestleasnne.; and the diet naps of .11 acute and latlammatol7 durnaus. Prlo., S 1 emu. No./I—Cures War= lbeves. Worm !lotto end •TcLoas Appetite, Worthen Ste Ned. irks, 3+5 aosta. No. —Cu. Golfe, Testillog, 0171.ng and WSW/sl ase. Sloss °town. uld Nobleness of Isfante. Pria cents No. 6--Ouroo DU:rob.. of CNRdr•e or Adtclla : Oboiaro I onatton, and eomm•r Clomp:abaft. Polon N 5 beau. N. I and 6 cm • too worst cow of Obsonfo Dlorrhsolo. Cr. --r:hece Mn tar Bloats 134 Oak, Grip. pin Nilo. Collo, Fa Dydatat7. Pria 35 sta. Ba S--Ortree Cholera, Mete= Herbal, Beams sae Vaniting, Sattanatto Breathing. 35 cot. Ira I—Csres Concha, Chide. ilicarmaw, Brorwhitte, taitteese and Bore Thaws. Prins SS eat, hto and Ito I saver LW to one the worst Cold and sad Boughs. No. ll—Corm Tootb-.elo. l000•oha, Narrow ?Mai owl Tie Dolama.. ?dome 24 as 11—Ouro Elsd.wche,Elct liwildar.tio4 Tarlttio, Mat Biscoil to 1.1.• Red. Prim 1111 amts. 1. altosatlon with No. 10, It alma. 111/1* a cm, thw mot iIk•OLGYSLO O. No. to—furze Dysprprio, Weak. told or Dalsruptd Stomach, Oonottpotlaa, Liver Oomptilnt, or Hiltons Coculltion. Prior LS mate. I rrria..tru for all area of Weak Dicrstkra sad BLUou Com pl•lnts. ■AIIOOAZ! I No.ll—Carts Napptmod Name. or Booty, or Palo fa , am Ddalfaj , Groat Stamm mom N. lll—Dares Lonoourhan or Whits, Doering Down. to. Pram ELonnao. EE unto. Igo. IS—thaw Croat, Boma Breathy Omega, Ditlatall < Oppremeal Breathing. ad ante. No. 14--CluesS•3l Rheum, Chatty t rnptionA. else, &aid Head, Iterbere . Itch, Pimpl ee on the ZS out, No. lb—Charor Ebsomatim. Patsy Locoormo, or 8oro• 10 tho Cluot, Rock. We, or Limbo, or /Maxim ‘ooto. 18-ooros Firm sad Aivit. lataralittast Dora Aso.. loinstarsass Arms 00 cont. is oats Ilk* • oborm, barb •• • proomativ• sad cam Ba 17—Varos Mo. loss:mai or Itotornal, /Mad or Bawling. Swot or ObsUossts• ma. TDB tscoody bos triad thoosamas at Oa wont pawl. ttio rasa 13—Con• Opthitutatla, W..k car Who." tow or eyelids falbas ar liana eta*. ID mtg. II ...yaws ye boron. nipoo for aus. NO, IS—Oarg• Ontant, seats Jobractfe., dry or dm, Mc Mid to Ms RNA Int.sta. 00 amt. 14.110—Conia Wbsoptaig Ong% ithartanin aad pa. la• Ms lt, or Aporasodle Clough. 60 coat. It fa to AWA...sad at.aJ• ntt•raa anC curia ISo. 11-oaTsr isticas, Ontromod. Dilliadc Labored 11,selttair Cacarig sad ltrpootarstlon. Prko, OD Os asadrels bays boss owed b 7 IL tla. 1:1-0anto liar Dlnettargat, Nolo to tba Haut, Is To.roi Ilarrtyg. Loma.. to mita It *leap cam. No. 113—Raraa easoftda, intargod Canada, and Munn tawaannt and Obi Mown ID allit/I. kW, a wad th• worn our e. Sl—Oacts Graces! I:ability, Physical ea Navas 5. 15—Var. rte. rhAll .11AMBIllatkna you 11..tnta., •tt► bent) 6scrsU.. CO amt. So. m-0. .. Sms-Sickipss, nonfatSao. Ireettigs, Su:ma. Cosas.lsg. CIO amts. flullf—CUrn Urinary Mamma. Grow*, gnat Oplkold DoScull or Palatal Uttnattoo. tO nuts. It cum al/ old Nom of Hawn , Noes.. So. tleculnal Lal loa., Involuntary DI. conwonnont P on and •Ingbillty. =Ma of Evil Habits Prim $1 00. •1110 moat stiletto& totnotly known, and may la relied cpoo &Dollars cure. 80. D—Owr Bon llooth or Broome:, Clookand fate of *dolt. or likohlroo. rid abo NIL !MI la ra Wag of Praratod / ark Coo roab. Corr, al once. tle M-011rea Poled& Meastraetkm, Proem.. Cramp, `• I p.m. P. Itebiess, mot I reltatioo of f 'males. It sote tale • darns. No. 82—Cure• 8 atinioK Obang• of Li Irrotro t... /Imam. of awl, rolpitation, and ova Disuse 01 ba Hon. 111 No. it—Ours Spa= Lod Coneoldoeek tpileper or Felllrgatekreto; Oho el or Se Vito.. Donee ; Jerk ing; imitate°, Elpterla. fl 00. So 34-oaree Dtpteterla bud Ulcerated or Stallgoaat Sam 2 karat. GI walla IP OW tam, plain ---- - aGO OEM ILIZIMD/LLB IT Kali. 1.43011 aim the lb% sato ay . ma• el .eat land yoo amuse. and Indus. Iht moult In . arar•st mots 0. .asps. by mad Co my Mdzso, and lb. otseltata• min anly returtud by mall ar =prom, Or of oytq.. I. X FULTON, Mile Ilfzest,(Digokki HaflGtoi,) broad door Wow lb. Pori 0r.., Weeloan mat f. Pittitergh sad vedette. MI WE ARE NOW RECEIVING OUR FALL STOCK' OF CLOTHING. Dove. Youths , and Children, at all neer 'Woe of the swan. OBAYRoIIt LOGAN, aN Cr !IL. Clan Man. SAT/NETTS, WILTON'S, arta Bazgatoi in Miss a& trOLELLANDIS AUCTION HOUR, U NUTS EITHRET FOR BALE, 6,000 PRET 01 . 7111,4103.3 VMS krenistagesi la 10 ler!b7_ l _ _ aHOMO, rdwodtl Hw 1113 Tillb Sant. lUMOTHY BRED. $l2 bap Just arr:74, mid toe dept 010 rt. 011411XLD. BELTI - Mb—Leather end Gum Belling ; sin L.o. Leather. Gina halo& Han. and Gala. et; an.,alysyr an band and far dab at the Inuit prioss, od No. se .M OHL Mir Reset, by • 1.10 • J. II H. PHILLIP& XTBW TURKEY PRUNES, of superior viallt7. bat troth* alsorimelsats Gortuts, be ask "Waae or Dotal at the Timll. Grocery Ittora SORN 111511111 AW, • maw Matt soil NW Croft - EIIITEEM WHITE, 08.2. & CO., TWBRD9, 01180 VB sad DRY 111.00D14 FALL GOODS. CLOAKS DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS._ S I L CL-OAKS. SI-1.A.177145. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. A. BATES, .10 NO. 21 FIFTH STREET. F OR FALL TRADE. WOOLEN Y,LhriftS 1200 lbs. Blue Grey K. Yam; 500 " Fine Eastern Yarn; In Dlllll, .121:111L1INE, HUMBOVA SOLILIACT, 805. FE02.1210, .d oChar deetrable colors; tgrether with al Well Selected and &warted Stock DRE 8 TRIMMINGS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, and am A i.i wAgEB, AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH WHOLEBALZ AHD RZT-11.. ILICEITEI a OLYDE, No. ?I EASEIT mum. N EW GOODS, _a; W GOODS. NMI:7T GOODS. w GOODS. w GOODS. 11M - W GOODS. L W. BARKER fa OWE .10 a 'mum nem% 1864. Nish v.LL VWLR EATON, 111ACILUM & CO., Nos. 17 and 19, Fifth Street, HE NOW tilerlflhd t FULL LINE FALL GOODS. Nosed style of USW.' ream Thewslop; Needle Yoked Vote La wed leasettegs Erg Laos sod tam Trussed Quo&; rout Laos and Maltese Oellars Kai tte ; Zahroldered Callan, Heoldkeroldef., Babes, tn.; littbbres, Hats Bete, Skirts, Corset. fa; Batton . lllbleed and Bohooral 800, Snit Hoods, Bbante. Bask M.; Gab. item Mart Golan, 91os. ectepoodora, &a; Moo ehollsod nag Mortise Shirts and Drawers; Tine Cashmeres and limy Heating Terme efid • WI onortmast of hem OCOAS and Bedbug We would beg to matted liseasals no f others. that we surfed veer s tem stock of the most deiteebbe staple oasts mauled beim the lest pest steams to L • tea. and wheel we ere tent.; town them the mum. %dorm. Tb\ addition cf orc present :Tames to ono tbram c lll 4carAert e yaorasaLajt2 at on satrap ZBC, of loam lASl7@If 10BIS1IWG PRIGS& EATON. MACRON AC OQ., Nov. 71 sad 73 NUM Or F ALL DRS GOODS— •r J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. BRIGHT CASHMERE PLAIDS, PLAID LUSTREB. Poplins,' Alpaccas, Reduces, WOOL DELAINF43, 131..fe lir WOOL DigL.Ell.4 Cloburgs. Parmettas. • ku of DRESS GOODS. A 'at at .11111.8111713 atm*. IoS SUM= GOODS SILLEISO mow. AT 17 and 79 Market Ste. wt. Genpetia d 191munor Glom and Rodca BI toltfnan txd gxda at km Man N.. lock oast. Lbem Ilandlonclage. In plain bordm sae boa Atoned.bon ,At lou ego and am advanced. In Mae`. LinoStodZaokleh my nave sa se Sob ken to tan at decided Wad= biny ilia emcee Undarchlria, Una. Bia oars, lam Drover, and en !Mkt., 'lavenders, Iguana Spin and Ocilarn Bat make of Paper Pollan. m mary• and • and Obildreen GameUm:tarmac Ratite* Canoe, Duplex Men, Balmoral Skirt; i Lad Ima lUbtoon Bead. Gimps Haul. Batman, j Lama and Velvet Ribbons. Inn szektnllaa„ cladmi sod cheap. Z l MaklOt 01 0• 11 . b Dm rata= and WHOLEBALR, ROOMS UP EiTAIV 8 /EP rerebanta and Dail= as, fzuritel broltiti cut Hake sad Vex*, Ocodsstaxik. /0111211 HORNS CO , T AND.TI 2_o=ll DRRSB =]MMEIBi r *mow LAOS GOODS, mamma 011101310 =UM VII7SOELt LSD SWISS Idjai SUOMI IDM a l ir aZa somxtr. HANIDXSONITS4 . • tsdl atmetosai of LIM NUS= 314.5. USW° CaMI AHD VII& iowan. M. airot ReMIRK =HU 6 113,‘ a Kaman ammo ELEOTROPATHT. MIMES LOW= MID QUELL B.*. masa jai 024 sotlko wait of rum Wytt• Emit sutra= 115 TUTU MEL% tor the = Italktoi. They an •111111 $M O f Wont" at WIWI= s 4 ta Into. Tha in It•Plold to that dir at ue • Ki oit m= inn. aummyttutotstat mid cons oestata. 41.13L—T0 thou vtio: boa 441 t, term or. toollearadrkt ban bad= salttle4 4h Ozypa II what, nqatro to bacons 114147 ebR ostmoot, we would soy yrte suppll4lwonttat 4 Caat,a. Mae. Ws en silo premed id scoolteadato gtolutt 114disra Ootsti itut 'swum itw pi swag racm. or _i .4^ rs WANTRIY-10 Cooper; Watt44o make Mar %wads Rom .I.l..htne °I red Efeutlag. ere.lt A. T. IMSTRD4I:4 ISO. Ur ANTED lILMEDIATELY. intr. a•masi Pa1n3939. App39 to g GALWAY A VIIT. o. 93 3.31943 93.31.3„, ..w.esTED.—A pod HOIibISSIOZR and ilirT WAGON /M. E5M1111..50.. • ;ma laznd nfteorply. =CUD. MOP, soateVitd af the Ificeocgo.ltala Brie*. .5.9A1 UTANTED.—Three or four roam by a r, }wont averted nuple.le the crt:dstgLf. Tb. lower p.ri Of tb• .H 1 pwrwerwl. j. I" THIS Or /I CT. Per cf rehrent, thww.4 . n9l. • - VVAICTED, A PARTNER, eittih'i special Or artlrw, with • model-Ate crab atitbt t. Wool sod Cowrof•Olun AddreaSCRAWL •t r thee, for throw day. An coairetatoki•Wl .trirf Confider., 'OF; awl.fg WANTED—A situation in a &t e m re . ton o try VILL fiG/S STTOBB it prsort who hws had twroly years expert...ls t. IR/Misses. Itssorsocendatfous of the ant order tan Nlssiw. •ddresa A. •. 8., G.A.s,rrs Ome recelvo•Writion. ri 6.11:21r W ANTED, to purchase for castii a =IX COMFORTABLE DWELLT, brlik or frame, with posNeealon this 414 m fi t.o:l7 tillagbaoy. Addrriu D 475 L v wbaw WANTED RAGS AMU PAPZEL MEME=I Pantelobar that all 5...b00/ books mad Ili, pow... private aca.La, aro to b. h. .t realataabltt ;aim at Na 101 lrttlo-al Mod, All/lbw:ly. liatiug. WANTED -100 atJUTS M. apt Book ewer r f.F 20 do Cislssca' do Z:r mid 7.20 U. 5 roods—blgtont*a FOB s'd/sr.—Allegheny V. ItaNowa *Meg Bnooroatlls, do 0...11 , n111.11.12,..4 Dds; DWall r 00/oas o Nauman., Masa otlbar 12i8100024, nta. , a415L200.. 16 NartlAttnot. WA NTED—A eituntion es 800t4r.0 aper_ r assistant boak.keeper, or err's, t stioPintuttrik— turtag4setabi bins.% or wholesale greeter, 63 wrap.. many good eft:Winn, .ho ha. been book tor a. man ctwing es t a blbhts t tor went )edFi,_Deg c( raGalanca eau be even. Patin addrtss BoxrP. Pitts. burgh P. O. tittl3Ml WANTED—S.I.SO per Monts--tte want, v • collalals WT.*. In ma. tan. .0. email w. b. $l5O awalli..tlith:We prove to any doubting emaleset. • Adam% 3USd9 BLOTRESS *AMP., Ea/M:IY% - WANTED IMITEDIATELY—Ogi good, xtelLay reliable men to work u flu Dajit La• V ars al.the ADA?t rzPtimsa orricrosekate GM: street. GEOLIGH2 BINGEIAZIOLptit. aa2 good MAWITIM 031.ACK. T BMW AM =RIM. Aloo.• fay grad MA 0818IfITS. Mahan tram paid co good 4 Iltvolya of HUGH e t jaaP3f of P rota s allay and Dootaarp #rsp. WANTED, RAND& —Any aui a of Tv earpoatm waatod. Mahon orsaft viElbapakt. to compotons Noon. Apply to WIIITB t 6LaA aollktf Lacoelt at.. be taxa Tads's! and Oafr 'Azky. uerio..or 11.1.LE5.1), QTOVES.—This 7'l:Wan A; r - Et - It 00V, at 2 o'clock. •111 b. sole at thi Noma , hl 'alma Roc Kra, 14 TIM alms : g. Eoperlce• &Ara tons, t -1 Irroillin I Parlor, dls ft 1 Mc* " do. orl3 ♦. I'URNITURR, &c —This TIILSOV Al. TrioNION, at • dodo , be soli .1.4 e Ckun- Innclal 111.1•• Bows. E.l Fifth gullet, • beri • gtifiatity elf got d Mambo to furniture, omprteing_l.l. CWara, Tatol-• Ihvaktest an , IHning Tatoka. age Tab* n ivied x tub btand,Cohild's Chap. 11 10111.1 8010, • t Ada, hocks.a, Eltertnare, leounge, Spier roa* Van bt.ttramer, 01:1P•Intlaga Framed Rugrartasktucrala sad B.g Coma., Lel'. ar• _ /Leo • bugs quandlr of /Mama Forntife.: , oak' Manse.. Elatararn, H icer. NV ILL BE ADDED TO THE LDMI . OR Valuable Blake alma-, advertised Is Seal I eta • TVS SD&I BPSEII2III, se pt. Mb. at a o' alYee Oeramersial Bake Booms. L 4 rum Meet: ti 11: alum Allegheny Bank Moan 10 do Efectunke Beak Stodq 100 eloOrgy San Quern Ihl t A. ISAILWAINS, VIEVIITorts' 841,130 F .1 78 . 8U1 • I aie • 124 Lola In Efanotester borough and Itegatk tern.. Ip, all:doom AllegnanY Otty. Oa , 13anadO eftee. , !- noon, umber /7, at 9 o'clock, will be e014.7.0a prealem, by mem at lb. ...ton of Geo. ROA ream& that valuabto and haadroately al Anna poverty ONS . Mild.; sad Kt. Union Camiterter, iketotal faIMMaY mop adapted for canfortable 14.5 mull miasma. • ha plalsomnaisslni Lot., of ration nleasbalt to. hal:Welded Is Maadtattar Fotoaab, and tknotheet la McCann tonenetdp, all a!toatad an the NsISITIC E %a Aced *oft cm Vain snow or alletenTetrent o Um locality known as *Sailer. The apprabed prke of mob .Lot b ataairad74ll the - pl., sad ao Lot •W. to sold =Ma at but half,. ths ntnato DU to startle. Ohm can be sop , a• the Auction Zama, 54 TOM arose, Pitts Tans er ttana-4111.41,1nt ca. Wan. bijirsle • two xesrs, sob tateratt,mearra by hood and attpa.• 1110. p a ne o to pet on e..oh Lot whoa talk Ifjeatt aub aynt. talk A. NoILWAIN4Iatt.,-: QALIJA33LE STOCKS AT AUCTPCK-• 4—Cc 11111:BDAY NVlLElllo,Pootalabcikik at I o'clock, crillnesold El Onexurclat &km licasC43olll , nth moo: . 1 :,-. o abuts Mooongabola /Wangs Book; ...:,;.,". 150 do. DalooU 011 On tl 15 do Tuck Crook di.; . 150 do Phillips 02.; 9 1 VG do El Dorado Co; ".,,, Wu do Magog & Blood jam ON 503 do Bassatoc3A/1 0o; ,3 . 000 do Bodo al do ~.., 400 do Ste ll a OH 00; 'I-2,. .V.O do layette do os 150 do lran CIO Oil Co: 2 000 Whitely (..k CO; 100 do Allegheny 5 tv•r Coal 05 Oa. .4. te do ll,digidocher., Shaft Oa. 747 ikg A. naLTAWMIaI, Mill% A lICTION BALE OF CONOE4OI,SO' 11011.5Z.8. WM. Dll41 -1.1.1101 T, (ataxia Baal p, Col Doe of 'Chia Quarustasatarki. Auttot a, MK. Will be add at Patio Auction'. to Um blettanditlar at Ow [l=c and plasma named Wow, Stadlair, Pa, Monday, Latogat lath tat '3 /atm.. TbOradaY. Aotrutt.Zttb. LS* • .4 Lebanon, Pa-. Tburaday Stottzaber 1.8.34_ litrtith, Thorstat,Etattltet Wig • Two El t•td (WO) Cavalry Uorsaa at each plgiat. Theo Rams ban been otut.lax=a4 so aallPor Omit? ttlooof the ant,. q:i• • T.* Bad o.d rant PllrPotal Many irXdbazglitealltltp. 6.1 had. Boma sal alagli.,; Tanta—Otatt 1710.11 natal ourraciar. JA11768 A. ZEDS, itstratimat Ooloalit wad Older tlaattertmeal azdttaell Omit, 1/1, AUCTION 84LE •OF KERBS rAlErr• TINGO.—On TOKoDIY, Soptelabor gatta 1b64. at 10 o'clock, a. m , be iota at thi 41/11tall Clothing Depot, !larks' stmt. etaubtavOlo, W010..t0 the Mahon, bit der, Mont 4,0t0 ita aky eke ItntryCattlngs RAM l• Dark: Baia tisane' do .41 ocie Oottoa do 4 " 'lsnot! Tama of sals-11115H, la Goronotnent Tastaih..' 3 • • - ALE( Ali DE lh 01:01' 'apish and A4t. WILL BE ADDED to the Lists df Irak. :1 oak etctin aboady aderrthed to De andediTro. .4. Balm Booe d ,• erralog,, re lllth ahr I. ISID, et at o'clock at 04aarolal • 17 Outer Beak of Pltaburali Rod ; al do Bead brat redo Om. aT do IL Olatratroat 1311.t8t Co; • 20 do Lamer* 011 Co ICO do Allaghany and Pltebarich (11 de. sel2 A. EVISM/A1212. actralumr.:•2;"". UNTED STATES Ditel:M+ 41M 1 IS I C; TOITY3.-. Thor Idst la 'I or the tars monad on LIMES, 4 11 4 121 " 1. " , MT= MATZ Pm trio A' ale t rear' from ISCS, to Hay. 1284, cad 12I0DItILT for tott . :bsca . , " Dittrkt, Pa., boa been roraividlrum the .anar , mad wed tam are nor dor: Tax.popats loaned la that part of atkotar north pith. Ohio nod 'Allrecony rhos. ( Mni leghooy Clty,) an pay at the lowing 'nee . Oats, '- No. Of Water otroet, three doors acert where I trill atoms to mars laid Ors lath day of Septatneer lnnt. 4 ; - • Altar *WSW. day Win . added to all tenta CM of De ad a Plata, sad dye por amt. lod"Stamls ffEtrer WSW Pahl ha !b. ocommalamss of tan-permed to (ha ,peft dm candy, I" Old eland at tho Immo! 'Orm e Tanoltma,on-tho ant nor of c • ... the boon of o'clock a.a...and I oat p are attend. on 'ha bat day of Augur, at .. pot i i Ifs: Jan Way. In the ploccondh of &Mal* SO 7 9 o'cbck p. m. Taxis. yets are advised sot to p4off pa last day, ea it mill 6* utterly tteporafba more Man • Matted mambas on acte!lAT, op - go orer caanot amps the ponalctlea._ Dik""-D warn...tater: Allechaty..Aormtl2: ! I atabbr 820 O.Rg Tubb, Crintberer tp,./i t iabsT ,oo sztT.', ll ' StlA Yen Ofttoe.i LIGMT OBIT BOUM ; cm tho ramp bat sum MO old, and abort 16% 311C41 hly.h. or. ocr - p= amok -of the addle oa. tha HIM Mao.. - entiestery In both obohlders. Thus Ina alma, • • earflaitlis Won. the former with ally head and 19breta mat. Th. abate reword will be alma for aaly.labre wallah whets thellabtl4 bar _alt.. ectrit --; • • lifucrt•mutipi: vActsra f.r.w.i&ES 4P:DAtjaint::. J. animism Lerma Tompnwrily ‘ Mrsitliyeaa PIT !? 4 : pa A ytin Tb• d »isTaed iIII b...kit *ft at Fir; • akinis int:o= B FACTORY. AT ITT iIIBLIM3AIO -t am SHIGUTOIE-111IIII* Awed at a; seam.Ppifsmber . 11 12344odetrisdhtilsd thkap. tAre• atOrpvith atm. meat; T.: power. Mt. proof ms Prim' at soar Ina! :- poem destratio lernotiotarts perms. - haw Anther tam 06.11 au CM Wiwi er oar Os -stand me 1t tsolm . , . logt-tii 4. . U1 1173® Pigr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers