to Vitisbur .-418 T. 18 18E4 TV [al AY 111ORNERez-.3 ODIt AD LTD= Xl sqrt% ulr I 1177551 70 4O 1 \ 1 GO 96 1 60 1 16 2 20 1 30 1 2 50 1 40 485 290 \6 01 880 7 50 400 11 25 000 13 75 700 25 75112 00 27 COll6 20 -a f 2 t 0 00 === ffiSSEM IW, Wow— • TN. f 4 Three vett Coe Ereonth-....-... • Two m0an5 ..:...... • etz. 1 79 00 4 00 600 1 60 0 15 13 25 18 CC 2132 Lg ADTP,BIIS hangestas one in badness oft • to I. sucl P. 1,0 Tor crae Cued to the 44 OE6 471 00 1.2 Om 8 1 1 7 71 04 800 !htaa mcraths.---. 17 ' Ol .„ 00 70 76 10 00 :-;.• els mouths .------ 24 00 4 ' 40 %I 28 00 14 60 14 00 11111 r. "° 7lst. notice , fr. _ „„. r th sceustostadesrilisenents, pestrip---22 00 anscntoss'ocildcainistcsionV notices.-- 2 TS Enthusiastic Ineethig at VW Mine Elate. Spirited Addressee, Stirring Gongs, etc. A large and exceedingly entheelmtia meeting of the Union voters of the city was held last • everting, in Wilkins Eau. A eptendid IsrMs • bred was in attendance, and at the hoar of seven 'clock - the hall was crowded, all the seats being find, =deem foot of a nilable standing room being occupied. The meeting was called to order by Dr. Me t Candles., whet - ixtened that, Dr. George McCook, taks iliejoitalr. The motion was unanimons- Ir carried, and 'the venerable doctor took the IV and amid muehapplanse. Dr. A- G. MoOs• dless and Joseph Ross, Esq., were chosen Via President:l,4nd Wm. Anderson and J.. B. Stabil Cemeteries. • ' 11'noCell aD011135. Dr. McCook was then loudly called upon and activated a speech WI of patriotic ire. He be. gen by &Malts in a touching and feeling mat y ner, to the grief which-had overwhelmed" him, .It t of late blebs loss of o many . near and: ear • friends .. fle then prooeeded ingotdie polit s",. !eel issues of ends". On speako the Chi ;,) cago'Convintion, hestatad that if hell had been raked through ant through, a more despleab'e tt set of 'Thins could net have been found, end words amid not °sprees the detestation *MA he - Sett for the vile, cowardly, treasonable platform w de& theyerected. No loyal men could et ad upon such a declaration of prineiples. ‘ - ' 1 Every man who helped to make it was a ;sous , faced sympathiser with treason. No- loyal Demecrat would endorse asons a cowardly plat ' forte ; wouldbut, like Gen.Clise, flon. John Cessna, and 4i kindred Democtatswould spit upon and 'pm it (Applause.) This platform, in all the length -I; and breadth of its meanness, was made by Val landlgfiam, Wood & Co , and endorsed by kindled cowardly dogs. The speaker then pro 'mooed to discuss the antecedents of Vallandig ,..: ham and as he is thoroughly posted in :enrolees '4i to his career, he made no hap.nalerd assertions, • but preyed him to be a vile, time-serving, double dealing political gamester, fit for any work. He Clhad helped to bring this creature before the public, and considered it the most heinous sin ...lit of his life,ltit he had worn the knees out o! an paho of pentanes' in endeavoring to obtain foigiveneee. (Lsughter and applause ) The deo tor continued to speak at considerable length jeoo4:tut we cannot give month= • mere outline o his remarks. Among other adage he remarked that ha had no patience in dealing with copper ." • heads. If he encountered one an the street bt elsewhere .posatiased of brain!, he stolid manage `( - 4: , t,„; to discern political tunes with him, so long as there was a hope of reclaiming him from the error of his ways ; bit 'Aiken he cams upon these brutish spealmene of the party who c0u1d..., not reason, and who nevertheless persisted in uttering their treasonable sentiments in Ins hearing, Ms impulse invariably WY 1.0 apply brute force and kayak him down. (Aplatate.l Tills impulse was not to he attrib uted so mach to his sense of many on aosount of hit physics] prowess, because that was almost gone now, but because be knew and felt that traitors were cowards, and that no man *odd fight bravely except to a jot ranee. (Land op plenum.) tha close of tne Doctor's spech,there was muds by the bend, followed by ahamorous cam paign song, composed and sung by Mr. Papa. sousrmaa £300? lux ..catfirtinaltl." Dr. McCook here arose and stated that he had* few words to gar in renrence to a *estate ender on the eo-lagged Dementia ticket, a whi le= Nlocusiodors," but now a banker In this city. , Thiss!Cometodora" once holds position In the navy tinder this "coronet and thieving administration," end it Is said that he dicta% lose any money_ while in the writes. Gen. Grant muse made are:nisi ion upon this worthy for transpertion, which was not furnished, and A Inc result of it was that he was arrested endea tibimiesed. The sVonamodore" heatenel to to Washington, and laying hie grievances before ;: t e stile tyrant Lincoln," demseded the removal •-1 of General-Grant The President desired to knowthe reason fur boob a remerktable re 'n • 3 quest, mid the "'Commodore" wee prompt to .mutes - a sufficient oetre—avant woe d dnualt• ant/ "/11 it really et,?" inquired the Pont- A Went. •tft te," replied the .3cmCdodoce" — .1.• / Want it of my own knowledge-" (hen," said the Presidentorith that peculiar twinkle of the eye which betokens • joke, "tla home ant aseertainthe kind of liquor which Gnat drinks, .* .Lk' , 6i as 1 desire to nod a barrel of it to every 04u tr t,l!; we,'„,-!1., at in the amt I" • Tide joke,alth.ough not new, wee decidedly '.l? new in this conneonon, at st_has not heretofore been understood as hat tog been perpetteted at .1:;,!.1 the expense of the "Cemmodore.'" It was heartily enjoyed by the audience. ...141.,4 berg by Hr. Pop, and muno by the band. niimaPSS or 211. :.11 Don. T. J. Bight= was text coiled opal, and remarked that we were entering open one of the mos: important Presidential campoiger .90i wit. named by man of the present gettercion. In .1 1812 Mute was a war and peace citrus for the Presidency, and then the peace party were semi • Micy defeated ; and tto speaker ventured the pre dtion that Gen. McClellan woald be the want defeated man that ever went before the people to for that high °fines_ (Cheers and applause.) De itt Clinton tame out of the seventh Presiden .4, dal Canvass with less than one-third of the oleo „. to - al rote, but Abraham Lincoln would not leave AfoClellan hall that number of votes. ( Applause.) Ire flanker was la favor of patine, out it must to • permanent lasting peace. He was in favor a Peace COmmittiOnera, but the Commissieners ;.;.; whom he favored were Grant, nhermso, vs , , and the brave armies under them. ( toad a ppraise.) lie bad vowed, and weed !ahem to "..;t4 it to his dying day, to oppose, with ail his strength, any step looking too cessation of hos ditties. and a convention with traitors in arms! • (Applause.) But his belief was, that, 11 beton the Presidential election ot me rood, ear o Peace Coninalisionets” would give are tee news - that Richmond had fallen, and that Jt.II. Davis (4 a prisoner in the hands of Gem. Grant. •.: 41 (cheerio • r._ The speaker. then alluded to the military re .: sord which Gen. McClellan bad Made for him , s elf, and as be had proved himself gaits to o 'CI weak a man to command the army, he was not • • :1 the man to direst the affairs of this great nation at such • atisia. Bed 11 not been for his military . as, he would never have been beard of as s • '; •-f1 rrceidon!ial candidate. (" Thai's so.") lbe Detmcralic pretension, of "love for the iti ,shier" were text discuired, and 'heir hrpomity trvtaifd. The recent vote ,n favor of :Ito zmenl xnente tO the Constitution giving the soldier the right to vote ; the decition of Jody Woodward (the bosom friend of McClellan) oar the lama sunlit. and Cl. Witik-IWldilfatnr resolution tatted of CO the Chicago platform, were cited to show the Democratio icon for the soldier. The Chicago platform had killed Little Mao "as dead 7,1 s nowhere" in the army. (Churns.) That . ea e the report from all citation of the array. fror. McCook announced that not toe toldiers In t e nlleynoLis; out of lie thousand,woold vote ger McClellan (Applause.) if the speaker lived two months longer, he hoped to announce more glorious news than he i ,•••, il ia at Itspablican headqtartets In the fall of 1,/, joel. Allegheny catatty,then gave 10,000 ma- joi/tf for Abraham. Lincoln, and a tte , „ o „ old as well 001. [A voice-15,000 this time.) Xr... 1; rangementS were neermaking for the Levey vote, an d the ._lnajortty ought to he 11,000. (a l ,. twee)D 'The speaker characterised the Chicago iyenvention hi fitting tonne; Showed that the F.;-. leading spirits in that body were leagued with the leaden cf the rebellion; that both parties Arco working for a common purpose-sthe traction of the American goyerannot, or the Tg r etching up of miserable, cowardly peace, by - witch the odious, damnable sin of slavery s hould be assist fastened upon the nation. But be expressed the firm conviction that t here was_ net the remotest poesibiltty of the sitecess of the treasonehle plot connoted at swap. Already there wee • serious defection in ranks of the opposition, mid such men as Cessna-men of inflame:a in the party—were & H ash* the nuking ship. There was some *enjof la WM.:convention and s'new flambee sten, bat whether they ran with McClellan as gator e ftwoerd bearer or not, defeat was sure in OvThe.-." s peaker v er t w eu h h lm ed t h open (A tt p r l au=speor tant toPlai, tut we have not room to follow him Prater. sppropr The band performed an iete air, and • *dr. Pope favored the =dines with al:Lothar Or !! Vaal song. . ADDLIISS Blows. pfsjor A. M. Brown, the able aid indefatige falt-CtiOlttat of iho County Ageolttive Ooßtait- MEM .=; , ... .. 1 '-i. lee, being etuerved in the endlense, was lankly , paned upon, sod impended is a most vigorous 'and telling epecch. He exnnual regret that 'the speakers announeed were not present t ell eta ea, my the time be now bad to HI, and he fel lea to know what to say. He was glad, boar• ever, that the audience had been favored with ;the able efforts of Meson. McCook and Bigharn. ; Be paid a high compliment to Dr. McCook, and 1 appealed to the audience to pay attention to his . I Pores "as word, of wisdom.' There sat a man, in the chair, whose name had graced the Flout ers] Ticket for the immortal Andreae JacesOn. He was no bastard Democrat--no Copperhead. su c h The Chicago platform was no place tor such a true and patriotic man as be to stand upon. Be was forced to-day we to his country and his bag, end stood to-night jut where the illuatrione Jackson would be found 'tending if li•ing—shoulder to shoulder with the friends of the goverment, and in unyielding hostility to U aitors both north and south. ( t.pplause. The Chicago platform had been denominated "the white man's platform," and Gen- McClellan "the white man's candidate," Ho characterised there as the "white feather platform," and the "ohlte livered =Edon." (Loud applause.) could stand. No loyal man could endorse each a mean, miserable, cewardly expression of sen timent. No true patriot could get down on his kneel, ns did those poltroons at Chieago, while our viekrious legions under oherman, and Par. ragut, and Grant, and She. :len, were dealing death-blows to the rebellion, and beg tor peen— crouching, epsniel-11re, and licking the hand raised to smite them. Dr. McCook had aptly styled those follows II dot's. Dogs they were, and all they wanted noir woe a collar upon their necks, labelled "Jeff Davis." Ills property they were, and hie whistle they obeyed. ( Applause.) The Major then proceeded to sketch the char acter of the men whq stood upon this white feather platform, and who would vote for the white-livered candidate. We give merely the outline ; the reader will have no difficulty in fili ng up the picture. • The Major gave the Copperhead "Commodore" a side-wipe as be paned along, and alluded to a dmire speech, in which the "corruptions of the administration" had been viewed from a Copperheed stand-point. It was assorted that the "Commodore" had not made more than a quarter ti a million of dollars out of the war, and porhaps be was competent to speak on the subject of "official than corruption." Bs this as it may, if Lincoln was any worse the ..commodore," God save the Republic I (Laughter and applause j The speaker next reviewed the military career of McClellan, and his criticisms were es severe • as they were just. Be dared any Copperhead present to gainsay one word which be hod tit tered, as be had the detriments to substantiate what be said. This part of the Major's addnes was most telling and effeative, and we 'regret that went of space prevents as from giving even a synopsis. He concluded by reviewing the progress of the war, and defining the narrow boundaries within 7fhich the rebellion bad been driven by oar ' victorious armies. For one, be was in favor of ISAbting these traitors until they laid down their et sos or ware driven into the ocean. (Applause. It they would not submit to the rightfulaathor) it, of the nation, then he was in favor of exte-rminaiims. That was the word.. He was fully aware of the threats of counter revo lution in the North, if Abraham Lincoln WI, elected, and if "this war upon the' people oi rovereign States was continued." hut let it come. Yes ; let it come I And if it does come, so help him God be was in favor of exlmwiaariay Copperhead. North as oral as traitor. South. (Loud applause) [This lest remark brought the venerable Dr. McCook to 121.1 feet a „Who. with eyes flashing the and patting the SPenhee upon the shoulder exel:iimedt "By the Eternal Val with you thee!"] Major 11/01/11 retired from thestand amidst the heartiestapp lause . Prof. Eaton, by legman, ed, in a very effective manner, Bayard Taylor's late poem entitled "The Chicago Surrender." Mr. Pope being again called upon. sung T. Buchanan Rende's stirring and petriotie little poem "cur °wintry's Defenders,"he musie of which was composed and arranged by himself. Major Brown theedistaibuted a few copies of the Baltimore and Chime d platforms, printed upon the atone sheet, and stated that 10,000 ("pies would be ready in a day or two. It Li be lieved that no man who can road and 'under stand these doom:ciente, will have any difiloulty in deciding which way to vote. The meeting them adjourned. 6azat 1 1 40 2 0 4 5l 650 9 00 2 90. 9 751 4 65 600 1 9 00, tIO 70' .11311.211 11 . a nab west. cos ta afterglow. all Pirtirsomun LID Wu'r illiatitlA Or. Coitrarir. , would direct the attention of persons wishing to invent in oil stooks, to the advertise ment of this company, which will be found In another column. The lands of the Company ere located in West Virginia, and consist of about sever, bundles aerosol which about two bruideed ano flay acres aro well adapted for boring pur poses. The loeetion of this land to saidi to be Among bee it t, It net anterior to . any ifs othe rd is whin short distanceof the noted Scree Nook Wells, of which there are four or floe In sucosestal operation. the nimbi ot the officers of the compavy are a sufficient guarantee that it will be managed economically and bon est,. We suiderstood loot svoning that 01 had been diecoved on datordsy, on land sdjednlng the property of this eempany. LARCUT.—Yesterday afternoon, s girl aged about fifteen yews, wee arrested Allegheny, for the lermay of ton dollars, from Kre. Getwig. It appears that on Friday afternoon, are. (ierwig left her hones, in the Third ward, Allegheny, for • short time, and during her ab ser.oethe &steads:Mattered ud stole the money. The Mayer committed her to jell in detail% of bell. Louisa, shhosgb young, is s tuba saes, loesiog boon arrested some weeks since for fight ing in the Market lions. She is • fit subjeot for the House of liefolko, sod wilt proba 4 t7 be sent to that institution. AGORIYer3O ABELDLT.—OD Sai.DT&ITOTDIDg & mean named Charles Brame:telt aseaultad Mr. 11 T. Cloicham, a real3ont of Shorprbsui, and beat him reverely. Mr. Graham appeared be fore Mayor Lowry yesterday and entered a 43121. plaint against Bramwell for assault andhattery, when he Vise arotaied and held to nail for his appearance at Court. Mr. Graham's :-se bears evident marks Oi usage, and It is !alleged that bin Etagere were badly bitten during the condirt. The Santalty occurred at the ferry landing at fibarpsburg, and although a crimper at persols WHO DTIISODt, DO 000 iDt.rfOred. /RON Cur COLLIGO.—The erssanieg lielflnOS of the College have now oommenced for the fall and winter, and young men within: to prepare them/Alyce for haeinehe, can complete • tall coons, of study daring the fall month, by attend ing evenings only. To young men who have their evtnings to themselves, we can not ad glee to do a better thing than to enter the calege at once, or as soon as they can make arrangements to do to, as it is an investment which , will cer tainly pay any one disposed to make proper ale of hts time. Tax HelenQureri.— Tbla beautiful apediesulas place was proanoed at the Tnentre lett owning In magnificent style. The new scenery and ap pointments are superb, the finest endonetedly tbst base been presented to a Ptttsburgh nudl• enee Lolls Henderson, who' personated the oberacter of the Queen of the We=st Nymphs, appeared to greatedvantage and ably sustained flirt part. The piece will be repeated to-night. A COITIDESCII MAX.—A .pseulAtita indiriln al tailing himself Captain Bailer, bas been da ting greenhorns in Cleveland by enlisting them and taking $7. 5 each from them, se security that they wouti retuen at thew expiration of the for lengb he gave In all eases. file "`little gems' was detected ala he was arrested' Daramune or Cot- BLADY'II Reritszar.—This regiment of ono Jean men, which has boas lately formed at Camp Reynolds, loft, last even ing for Washington. The companies composing the regiment mote recruited principally in Indi ono connty4Col.Gallaoe'e regiment b annotioed to leave teal.,, and Col. Barnes' to• Morrow. Tu■ Eldorado Oil Compsny, we underlay:ad, witl be fully ory.lced tab er.k. Tole e-rn pany bno • tubttsn•,lel bails, bar rig soma of the best territory sad intereete in the Ventage ell region, with a prtsoxi production of fifty barrels per day, which will enable the liesrd to deals» s three per cent. dividend for the month of Sep tembnt. SITZIIII MIL STORM :1 BRATZI COCNTY.-1. no- Tele hall stela' vteltad Beaver county on Sitar day night, which injured the, corn crop consider ably, In some places tbe stooks being leveled to the ground. We learn that on finn4ly morning the hail was still lying in the low grounds to the •th of same inches. Beciturrina.—There wu a considerable fall ing off in enlistments yesterday. Al the Girard House about seventy recruit' were recruited, principally for the 22deud 23d districts. °apt. Kirker or Alb%Leny, recruited but Ere men. Without treat Me is infused into tbe recruiting business, there will undoubtedly be a draft. Cen B.MAD —Mat. Snyder, who eras ar rested on lisatda7. CM 11. charge of breaking buggy belonging to Mr. Masters, settled the Otto poittrdsy by paying the amount of the damages etutainod. Amuse ♦ID Beeesse.—Lest evening Edward s barber date Mull ward, was arrested for committing en &molt and better,' on the person,of s colored woman. Ile etu l oo k e d op ins herding. BIIIIOI.IIY to Benroan.—Tbe 'boosters of Kr. Bonney, in Belford, was broken into on Friday night and money and property to. tho amount of $l,lOO stolen. Bo ulna nes been found .to the Tax Doylestown Domocrot says that th o us enters is still making filarial mars in Qtown and Tidbit,. On dunslay wink, there were sin dead, four chlldren and o. &dans. There were also esvaral whole auto were oridoaL PAsszo Tutotraw.—A regiment of New Jensy troop pamd thrDagS tb• cal bet wean on their wiz welt. arlet,l4ta socwi 2aoau PLLST, sad Orossesatal Moto Flootor, sad doodstan Paaaqhrsatoad Vey oat slats of Um kart quality st low rotas. So. as Max. Laasklla's, saw ski Wow Works, Pittsburgh, Po. 9t=1.1.1. attention of car reader. I Unwed to this brilliant &enflamed Spring Bummer Epode just received by our friend dr. John Weer, lila 1243 -Peden' street, Alle gheny. OA comprises • great varieq of Panay French, English, Scotch and Amnican flasslineres and Cloths, and ens Bilk and Oas sinters Vettings,—el! which will be made up to craw In the latest styles and in the best manner. A choice selection of Punishing Goods eiro on hand and for tale, together with a full t.oek of Beady Muds Clothing, well and fash ionably ;nada. ltniscmon—Camnel eraham is Co. Iderohan Tailors, have removed to Ts 8121t1:13eld salmis We are just receiving our second amply of wing and lumina goods, and would niost re- Vpiollo.ll, muttsour frimids and the p m our in conornl to ermine our stpek, Delchant erving it to be ono of the finest Mali of mer tailor goods in the city. Beery garment wart tamed to give full satisfaction, in both prim, end quality. save us a call before purchasing slumber , and judge for yourselves. k GRAHAM biaLPFDLISS. iderCillaM Tailors, Ne, TS 1 aledosid street. How 11•11 T of oar rammed soldiers have es caped the dangers of the battle-field to find a more invulnerable foe In the escaoviot of a south ern climate. They bring with them the seede of disease, which, if not early eradicated, break down the strongest ooestitations, and render lif S e bat • burden. The gxat 'stater, is ORGOOD' INDIA CHOLAGOGCR.. It neutralizes the miasmal potion, glTal anthrtip in the liver, par ities the blood, and lays the foundations of re turning health. Sold by all druggists and medicine dealers. A DDIMMiI TO ALL TILT WOW) LTD lILS Wlll. Yea cannot Ignore the domande of castors and fashion. Ton mart pay some regard to your toilet. " Lubin's Ploreltne" will prove you best assistant in this. It retains the War in any desired position. Makes it soft, luxuriant gloesy—tnclines it to earl, and imparts to tto we a delicious and enduring future— eJnonneed by an who hue tried it, to be un °milled in the world. Try &carton. MILIIALT OTTICNIII and fipt-cdass should hare Brnwx's Bronchial Troches, as they on be aer tied it the pocket and taken upon the first an peusnee of s Cold or Cough, which, ft neglected, may terminate in something worse. As them • e imitation., be sure to onTitill the genuine .19101,1'• Bronchial Troe.h,s, which. SZO Sold *vary. whets st 25 omits a box. Ir ou Take • good, he a lthy head of hsir, or wish y to provost your hair from turning grey, or, when grey, wish it restored to its original color, yot must ore an article called Run vvvvv oft, as it seems to be one of the greatest successes of the present time. Sure to render satisfaction for the oboes purposes when all other prepare tions have failed. Sold by Simonohnst our. Smithfield and Fourth !Meets, and by all c o ,vt druggists. Jr you .o behind the age a. not to have coed that popular gem for the allot, Tragrant Scardont, put it Mt no longer, bat go at Masa to your eeeee t drugght and get a bottle. You %Mil never regret it. Sold by all Dragaicte• CY.11111121 and curiae cans will Os AB at the cmlbut oalds, fro. 410 Yews ere . day cm All orders Isft at ths shoe. plass wlll Da promptly attended All mils moat M • said to minutes. Ilrrviunne. —Dr. Bodeaberner,Waring returned from Bedford Springs, he .111 resume his practice et his office, 146 Third street, Pitts— burgh. Fry STOCK FIR= CLAMS Boom-4301:110 and we them 13tyttah Coati and Panto sold rm sonabla R . Etznisains, 60 Bt. Glair it. 11 gr. LEWIS—At Whewling, Va en &Mtn/ay Wright. du 10th IT , B E B B7 H. bzw ie. tats d 9harya h nrt• Pe • Ths hmeral wfil take p'aotd tromatba raddente of Km Mai Lona, Ilidge ettsee, lloakony, an TOMMY Roam , a, at 10 o aloha. The h tondo of the 6.11 y are “CONTASVIP , RAT, ROACH, •.v EXTERMINATO RS 15 mt. ter-ablimbed is B. T. atty." ••Ouly lorsiltble remake known." "Tno Croat Poison." "Not drusgerotcs to the Iturnea "malty.' "Ras owns out M a th tot e. t o dia." dour by all Toront ywher Pamela of off worthless tmitstious. Oostor's D.pot, 80. 482 Broodahy,ls. I. VW gold by B A.. VAILNESTOOKB, BOX 00., mg S. BZLLZ.BiI* 00 , Wholesale and Retail Pittsburgh, Po., BABB , ' P. SUHWASIZ. W and Leati Meat, Aneghentl On/. rigrou_ FRUIT ANN SHADE THEM EYERGRIBETIR, elm .Of APPLE, him sows =MO, .od of Atli the had. bog raziothoi most prolitabls for this location. W. tam sera flue woes, as Early Honest, lloidon Olosti s 00l laud Pippin. Boldvto, Tallowator, Oster, Ring of Tooth. kinßho& bland firma. Bolero Beauty. !Limbo, brookeshooso, 13.0.1, Smith's Odor, ha, with • roaoloarlook of PEAR, onctay,pipniatritt, Bina, aszistiovel PM. as, Ats out Koch is largo, Ira odor vredt illat1.151811t• I:I4MMDI or wholesale p•rstirms. Orders loft .0 %So Oroso• boors, atlssd, or e11.10:10 £O.l ofd., VIII Os pro.ptly otterided JORF TIMM:MOB, Jr., Pttist.nreh and Oak!and parrs". VLUMBING, Gm and btema Fitting, In .; Its lava,atoe, cretroolly attended to, Or ...Pee.c orri, p r e,drol COrk[l3.ll. A doe woortorrut I TIISTUSYS, BUMS, BATH TORS, BROWNE PATHB, W TUBGLOSRTS, HT MUM'S, In, Oommeatty on band Lod made to order. No. e 7 7XDIIth.I ECTBNIGT, Lliegtkony And W LISZII27 lITELZIT, Pituinarger mltilaamdly ANDINKR MLNVIAL WoREERB WHOLEdAIa. DILOGGISTS.—The Bailee ISIIODB and Manufacturing Of. haring ...wind Stearn ft Ills nod Duskier; at Last Boston ars .• ready co <pronto Contract , for crushing and powderi gonna and otto, ores, of wttatoror attune, by the too or by the thousand rms. 'they will shortly he prepered,opmt the completion of their dricalpborinlng mod smelting tarot t, Il4ql to pry rot. of ...don tO contraot for ecouting, Ilgartioting rogning th e precious ototal.s, gold, elem. moppet, flu, So. Befug vow ft. sole owners of NYbolploy E !Rotas's tereral talents for Ito-Warfront of a itmllo. aud for tb. part deltas of turd labstglaitrAM, aa boss, out, Gof cuy, plantar, 10121 awry. Alas, fuldspu, mumuu, drum dyestuffs, de., , they °tar for uto Putout i 4 lu sue ascbine,7,i , f 610. 1:161 , STOUSR, Tnre.rer. If. daub/sots' au, ADDY dr EVENS, PDADTIOLL PLOSILDICKS, GAB AND BMX TIMM, Na 1e WOOD DT, cosolis Min Mang., rituborgh. roam UTDIKAVIT, IO Oil mammLl L, 6ul Pi 3 o IM w L y E r n i n s v 4 I F i r r a • sPsl sad L iesLßUsu Us Lss sad sy We s w i , Tanks lived sti M ls p o or OD spa. mia 11.1.11 sod gas listares. 8 anion otptastlt altssdad WEST VIRGINIA. OIL COMPA.N Y Vas camps*, Nu boom organts.d MI • Gm oor•lloo woofer the goeferalossanlsotortok sod Wining of Poops - and poracret of Its atook to no* vested an. The oomps.or bs• 1,203 soros of loud In fee simple fn what Is boliare4 to be ono of tbo Onset Is. Wets of the rowan. Ito Ooropflor, perb offef , • , fins ebkneo forprolltabls love.oll.ot. It to ' doldred 41 bare slltborldok taken to ebbs otty, sod . foss 6.7 l will be gives for saboartpttons bars bytur• It Is offsfsd As. where The books are at tb. u01..0f the tuodsrolgood 27 7001TII BTl4l2ol . ,mbitro raboorlpttoto sr* Lat.. lint eranon can also be made to J.W.T. Kblto, Malan • dor Itstss, Joseph Nome, Willasos Vseltlrk, 'Moo. ftwasts. Wats) 3. It. bUBI.III. Tress. CHARLES L. CALDWELL, Olsooosor to Jima Hoban Co.) peal P• 011 11 a. Dalt! m BACIIIKT2DAV.AB MUM LIAISB, 120B2MBUM AND rvir . erruTrilay SOLDIERS' CL AMS, ROLINTIBR, moms A.IID ABIUSABS OP PAT, so. to rout), acct. ruigbartb. ..0,9.4rwr TEAB AND TOBACCO— so half &sets eholo•Ooloo4 T.; 10 " • I'map , M.l 410 " 01:91.01Fa"•• SO " u Tosmil BMW 'lb ban wanted matmlacbusd tlibleao; . SO Imp 6 7 , 4+l6%—tar .ftl• by JO5. lIIMP&THICK L NW., oI 161 and 163 Monti 6tnii• FLOUR -4 00 barrels estra Family Thar b star* sad for gab 67 611 1 / 1 1113t 6 LUST.AI7.' wog 1111tg.44 wt lisc9•014X00114 THE -LA.TEST -- NEWS Our Special Dispatches, FROM WASHINGTON THE POLITICAL CAMPAIGN. mportant In Relatlm to Enl ments In the R eserve Corps. GENERAL LAND OFFICE DEPOSITS General Marten Dangennsly 111 ATB&CLB L D Ii&DICALE ON ERSOLIIIRI ORG ANIANG FORTHETILESIDis'NTIAL CA.N V IS Ppecisil Dispatch to the Pittabargh Gaastte. Ruinionos, Sept. 12, 1861 [STEVE MITIC MIMEO. An enthusiastic, meeting of the Lincoln and Johnson Mob wes hold last night and measures taken for &COTO demonstration. during the cam- Psifin unseen ILEIZIOet coscs. Men will not by the future beenlLted iota the Veteran Reserve Corps unless they hive served two years in the army or marine corps, end are unfit for active field service. ... roost roar traria. Col. Pena, of the 143 d Pennsylvania, who has just returned loan under fire at Charleston, re ports that he was ensured by parties who had been out to Fort Sumter, that it erne rapidly set tang, and in • very short time it was belle , ed the water would enter t h e lower tier of embrasure. It is a 1001 well known to our engineer' that tbil fortification war erected upon • thin point of fiend, which Orate of sand rested upon • soft, 1 pulpy mast of dahlia. . SOLOS or POll.lO 1.4106. \ A certificate of deposit just received at the General Laud 00100, shows that daring the pre sent month the IteCeiTer of pobrio money. at Mary Mich., has deposited ji14,458 32. on se:vent of sales of public lands. LITIO nefollannaLT ILL. Gen. Marten is lying dangerously ill it Wil son's Landing. Tie 661.D11aS 070 rOirraICTOILS. ContritOtcla ST6 pressing their claims upon the the Treasury, bat the government is determined to pay cff the soldiers before sit', others. This causes • temporary delay in the payment of requisitions. 101 COl,Oll Tllloll 1111 L °Urn/len • Several influential pszties who arrived from New Origami by the last steamer, are tmdasvor ing to obtain a modidostion of the polio, of the government in regard to the ootton trade la reb el districts. They allege that ptanters wocild dig.r+ of their stock to the Y ankees, nod thee waken the basis of the Confederate loan. Ben reuu7 Staziton is, however, Armly opposed. as D .C•. 15 0/ 111160C1 1 . A delegation of influential genUemen from Missouri are now in the city who think they will be •hle to harmonise alt local difference, batsmen the elsibioks and radicals of that Btate. They bac• bad an Interview with the Pcesident which has hoot most oordial and eatisfactory. The Easoetire Eisanch of the National Union Com mittee ie now in session here completing the wort of organalr g for the Presideutial ean•ass. LATEST FROM EUROPE. The Louden limes and the Ram THE CONFEDERATE LOAN The Difficulties Between Turkey and I "X' A L. lA. IS A. FS. ff A 1 FL Neer 'Voss., Sept. 11.—The ship South Aldieri-• ea from Southampton has arrived. The :Oh. 44,•11 the 60,0Cint of the ram Ten ne fsee's luinfrs to true, it one of the most gallant sel'ens of the American war. The sumount of the loss of both sides, lushest the action mill more extraertUnary. lee ,Oblaoitfit• loan is quoted at 'ie. Aug. 3J.—Consols heevy, The 'enforcer* shting Is Ildiooroed, probably because the Danish plenipotentiaries' are etreit• fog ntecssau documents.. Up to present time the conference le oceopled solely with territorial qmsMons. Toss sr —The dieculttes betweet Turkey and Illo.yezegro are settled. ITALT—Atreatt COLItitIU , It henna and VOUtia, ' the polies having discovered arms, •mmuni tiqn, .Ite. LOPPOIe, Tuerdei err/Ong. loth—Toe Ungliilt fat's" opted qolat, but at tho close there Ired a fill of one bolt pet cent- the oldie courts Coll si p dled in conjeotore, th•t Mr. Gladstone lOU reettA she el arch ellefegler 1.1116 fr om being p aid to for !avenue us it fu .1;1444: * their [steel ints'est fr,m theta to lour p, a - ss p.ra.t of them, 0: mask, Is. 01, from steels to to cheep bide en bctotif of my. TATE & SEVILLE, nveavili riti dod tO bl AJITHOBS a BLVDEIbs Tennessee Montenegro, Inc hack.. dug. 40.—Oottoo—The domand hae Rdvanrei ani Improved per p9.Pd• Wheat le2l per...acme! lower. SawCalenice,_ Ante. e 0 —Evening —The AEt gri • can cheamer J. T. Wright yea lust la Chine See. tin date given. L.u..pnnl, At. I . 3,10, Fuettmg—B to! 12'1. Bs con quiet. Lard nem; holden demand an !ad vance. Butter firm. Sage, quiet endsteady. Pe tech uth steady et 1 , 2 I'S fat li•6ued. O')1 IMMO FERRY NO CHANGE IN TEE SITUATIJN. Wert on the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road Rs commenced: eurtuons, Sept. 12.—The Amereene*. special dltpateb !rem Ilorper'e Ferry 110 J I more been no change In the military altuatioo .toes my la•t dlopaicO. Working parties hwv• re oorninenood Work on th•Dtitiolo. nod 0100 rallroed this miming, and it is expected t he road will be In running order throurheut 1,7 Illinlerro el 114 MS; 11.1. r. s, Sap , . 11 -Th• hl ,ok•le ronnealll.4 n al ,ir•d 11.10 nn od, Joy plot. kn ,t lot th. Oily of l'eforaborg on FlJoday warning, Tbay have 180 banal of notion on board for 18n8' land, raid to be the payment of the loterot of lbe febel loan. Cho loft Wilmington last lion. do, night. They report th plondisrl ot pirate Tall.. b Woe to lases on • ast omits on Tosods, night. Th.) aloo vapor* that two mom blookadasunnern were to lest/ lb. gain' night. Tbo famoot Almnirla, now called the Mon. 61111 , 4 beat on listurdsj, It Is mold for repair. Tbir following blooksdo runners a alto In port . Tim 1,1111. llattle a rs nd N. O. Death; f•Pn/flhll. th e Closatanee, Flamingo, Lady, 0111,17 and Condor. Ilaildea the above Is Oa steamer MIA bandit to the robot Mahe I,llectlou. Peayt.apo, Begt. 12, 0 A. M. —Thlrty• 010111 woo glee Cony 14,745, Sad ii011111d, 1 ). 1110 . In the same wrens last year Cony had and Bradbury; 10,2.11. The Bolan majority Olt year to 3,580, a net gain of 721. tiaoo orlyeo Con 076 end Howard, ; Bangor giros Cony 2600, and floirud, 751. Lost year it ben Cony 1781, and Bradbury 3,32. The gals for Oony 1,10. POITLMID, Mn., Sept. 12.--Bamotol Coney Repub., for Governor, 2,874, llorrard, Dem. 1,760 ; f3oattering, 2. Majority for Coney, dr against, 677 Last 'ass. Net gain, 205. revere 0111 . 8100. POZILLID, hte., 800.. 12, 10 P. M.-111117•ono towns glee Cony 7171 moJority this rise against 0493 lost year showing oat gilt of 184. Au. ruts girls flOpy 414 In el: words. From Washington. Maw You, Bept.l2.—Tbe Ocneterciars Wuh• ington special says that Mr. Chase denial the insinuation that be does not support Mr. Litwin. Re promises a letter for publittation on the sub• Jest. The eeeessionista denounce Itioolotion's letter bitterly. Delegratee to the Democratic Conventions Now Yoga, Sept 12.—ht the Richmond C 30.0. ty Democrade Convention,Thee. Davit was elected as delegate to thecamocratic Onus 'entice, ah 4 fietootrt, ates KAU twins CAIT►ED TRUE ESTIMATF.D TILUE 5500,000. The Recent Loan to be Appropriated. to Paying the Army Tlil ACT RELATING TO SOLDIERS EN, ? LOT E SERY ANTS. Arrtval of Fifty one Deserter. Into Our REBEL TROOPS ARIIOUS TO DESERT fo her ms Ws Comemllloalllo3. Iteeta►llehed &.. &.. W se aisosos, Sept. 12 —floilleman, connected with staN affairs, says the Raglish blockade runners Ei.sie and Advance, reel:otly captured, together wit. %heir cargoes, are worth probably $500.000. The officers and sailors who seised theta prices will therefore restlits handsome div idends. The officers of the Advance said she mini captured only because of the bad coal on board. The obsttnetion revents of the Weldon Railroad by our emu p the supply •1 a better article to the blochede runners. A large-portion of the recent loan will be sr. preprinted to the pay of the army. .1.1, an net of Congress passed in Jtme lest, an three employing a soldier es a senant, le sub ject to a reduction of his pay to the &mount of legal allowance for a 'errant or servants, and also the met of the soldier to the Government. This provision was evidently intended to check en evil of greet magnitude, •is : the withdrawal of soldiers from active duty for menial purposes. Theefore If en officr eojoys the luxury of • sol dierr for his servant, e be has to pay the entire en. pees. out of his Den pocket. La case' when civilians are employed by those who are allowed servants, it does not apply. kteny of the ennead bare just been made aware of the provision of the new law, and is t practical application to them le a matter of sr:uprise, and unlooked for deduction from their pay. Fifty-ene rebel deserters from Anderemes D,vision, who recently came into or lines, e ed here to.iay on the mail boat from City Folet rriv t. They s•y a large number of the rebel troops ar e spzione to desert. From accounts received, it appear the Army of the Potomac le unusually healthy and the hospitals contain bet few pa , tie ots. General Milroy has returned to Tullahoma. He telegraphed from there on Saturday that 100 tvbel cavalry out the wires, on Friday, about 16 , 01 m•les northwest of Shelbyville, and were se , ng towards Franklin. Debrell and William! bad united their forces at Vioodbetry, Williams and Rcbineon used Boach Groats, Cannon moray, with two thousand men and three pieces of artillery, going towards Mehllnn villa. Sherman has re establistad communioation Ity we; of the li...bailie end °batea:moss rail— road. The repairs on the Tennessee and Alabama railroad will he completed on Monday. ,Witteeltsr, in the • aggregate, has deetroyed only ells miles of track.. Two hondrsd and forty oar loads of suboist atm were renal lad in Atlanta on Friday last. TRAIN (IntlIll) BY 6UERRILL Locomotive and Oar Destroyed, and Passengers Bobbed. DIBRALVS EEBIL B,IIGADE ROUTED THE REBELS I INA RETREATNNVILLE ING TOWARD N. SCheoler BElng kursued to the Teaser see River. Locisr ELIA, Sept_ 12 —The upward ' - sin from Bardstown was captured this rooming by slates:l gue,iiias ander Magruder, who destr4yai [ha lore a .tive, banded a car sod robted (hops. .on, gs,a. Tta Jeor. , a/ says the following dispatches hove been seethed at Oen. Iloesean'e headqoartors In Wes Dl r RRRRR anon, Sopt. 11.— To Arq. H. H. Po A A. 6 , :—Col Theo. Jordon of the oth Penn.. 1,19171i1 d 111,117 With 250 men, surprised &MA - • d end routed brigade of 2,000 mon at Reedy till. yeolosday, kiLleg sod woandlog =soy, and capturing 130 prisoners. Oar loss we. one kilted, tee wonodod, and four miming. To day the railroad was torn up at 801 l Back's; the dasege 1. trilling. The bridge 1,•.f Stawort's Crook, the only one le lured by Wheeler is rebuilt. Blgned•l El P. V •soLeva, Brig. Gen. tdrereemeone, Sept. 10.—To MaJ B H Polk, Act. Gen , Washionten . The road is In good order from hero to Ob•ttonooga. The trains left this morning with the mails for the army et Atlanta. The rebel, are -*treating by way of Dildinn ‘Oss,.eo Wis. Gen. A Pulaski despatah datod Boole ocher says I Romean hut eonconteeted all the forte. of Bt.. ?man nod °magus with hi. own, and ismi:rentin g Wheeler towards the nnese• Blear. p TE• country beter en Nashville To and s thy lent see. hirer is reported :nil of straggling bonds. nrttructive Mire in Catro---Steamer Co co Sept. 17.—Fire hocks out at 1 o ' olook f• tr rreirg on Certmercial •renue, between 8 hard 4 h e roots, (MIMI:Mang all the haulage (I, 11 0 welt tide rif the 11V091114, except Winters ' bflfl. 1 lock.. It then extended to the oppirits , elCe al the Overact and dratroy.od the olled S t e:as II: tel. It .1,..c51 up B.h and 9.h streets, 'hoc, hc.11.4 11r.or'uti Ruivg Sot, ac tth, bui!lfaks. Int 11..611•1 L•artled us Co3:111101 ,111 sterns irulede the P•anters! Reuse, the Sham . 1 - •ek Rowe, hard care, gr , oary, dry pods, cloth hug, 6114, and other at -vas Setnd the prim off al :.:ers are Cm.f.:l.l!!h an, Isoce sfey, with the entire SI lOk Or 3.Ve11, So. irco, and carper ware, loss, $t 000 iwatacetc, s:f 000 f Sassyne, kroto•, lose, $1,,00 0 , tosared for $3 GOO; J. L. fro we, gromrien and liquors, lose *!.1,0 1, 0, lowed for ; Merton Tosser ' s Sham rock Runs., tole, $700; no (pentanes. Tho toted Ices will 111i01.111, reach $200. 000 , upon which time I. ow insurance of about $4 0,1100. The steamer John J. Roe, hound lot I; e W iest., with a betty lion of the 2.1 MI asoori Co•- , mark in 30 :eel seater above lists Madrid. No 11001 were lost. All the eooses aboard were detwned litesmer Robert Bone, from Memphis to Cie ,D.II, bag 184 bales cotton. She will take on ctl bole. here. til rkadall.unner Captured . . on > :ow, Sept. 12 —Capt. M. S. boon, of U 'tamer Santiago de Cubs, under da•e of Sep. 10tb, Informs no dept. tha up Saturday, eit.n en Mr trey to Uautpton &saes lot o,al, he ndi er scovered, ebased and captured • blockade run n fib. pro proved to be the liogilsb steamer Ad Vara, late Lord 01,de, from Wilmington, N. C lb. less en loon stria wheel enamel . , 2 yeah old, vary felt, and bad on beard some 410 balm of Pottsti - sonat turpentine. tier full oargo ono • ot be kousro until It Is taken out in llama. 11•• r • nmiral Lee In a deepatab dated Beaufort, 8.0. 7, says The Ulsle run not n 1 Wilmington it. 010 Ith end wse euptured the next day by the liev.ten• rue. nod Q sek, city. The Blote Wao and fired tepon when oh• ran net bi the !Ind.., .4 hrite 21R,.0 1 5101 ohesci off by the flatal.go to 8010 until loot tr darkness. At 1.10 Lb. not day, Ina wail ono, and captur ed •Itbout pepors or nage. A shell from the Quaksr Oily exploded In the foretold of the 41. ..e, end destroyed about 100 bales el °allot', Vat of tte °ergo was thrown overhand in the abase, and there are now about 200 bales on board The prise will be 1101 to Boston. The Mole is new and of 1101 draft. Neer York Gold klarkat. Nur You, Nap. 12..-0614 WV this Morn- lug showed • partial recovery from the (toy of naturday. The shorts of isei woolen ex* buying t, outer swine, produding gulls l religion with o. ntid•rebio lre•alasally le Walla, Th.o3 aim' Is Unequally •aelted, and • Aaron opulent le r•g• leg ido•oen 601'4 and beer's plow. Opened aftarweede deolinett to 1114 , 4, but re oueeion to 21i iellb 6 wook fooling. Itow You, Pert. --001,1 opened la Oat lanhor's Nwonlog Nwnhanso et 921% and mold down to 220 H. After lb. null, Ws* talon were mode it 210 nod down to 21014, atoning M. No Mow• from Want or Sheridan Ni.. You, Sept. 12. The Omit ollervior. Wash• lostork ,poot6l says i Oontriotort are slid In clowning ht. pay, bat the Osamu . , Is withhold tett ell other palatial', in order to pay the .01- 'tits. No n owt from tilrant or Bhorldia to-day. 111 J ORR a 00., 1. Nolan la XX PINE TAR Prorporod entreaty for AILVI. rut w w.t on , pow frog bound DUCKS - Th. Tor ale ta th.dwa sad lo bomb; and balvaa. 0150 s, do. 1111 MST mixt. mount , . Whem nll, STOCK EXCHAN G E-HAYING 'L." °pewd on ettlie for dm pneetune d oYI. 82001.11, otter my iodine to the veldt, 3LCOIt OlpEOWt, ‘E.W.ek IrBl.l, Ras litelallan papers tut:tonnes the adhe sion of the Yet:dna! Intritipeaco to their osndl dste in this viol. The Yeticmsf Ircellignsca which enjoys the patronage of three departments of the Gen • ernm,nt, comes out to-day etep.ciy foe G 111 Cicalas). If the lwelligenter " enjoys the patronage of three departments of the Government,' it to high time that patronage were with drawn. Dram-Eros, the Chicago nominee for V.oe President, is a simon-pure Copperhead. Hit votes in Cmogress will Aways be found re mitted side by side with Valtandigham, liar- Tio end-Long and with Breckinridge, and Johnson until they went into the reb•l army. lie woe one of the tveentyix who endeavored to prevent the Government arresting the r.b el Beltimore Police Commissioners in 1+ 1. At the for of the last session he voted for several propositions to send Peace Commieaioners to Richmwd, and has done all in bit power to embarrass the proseoution of the war for the UnlOil. CONVEItiIIO” in MIS7OOlll.—Non. Price L Hudgins, who was a very conservaC•e, if not a prsitive secession member of the Missouri Convention, has become a furious radical. A minister of Ray county. of the same Stare, who once retuned to preach in &church because he slats and stripes were unfurled from it, is alto laid to have become a radical. A -Snisse Diatourg.—Union man—" Good met Ding! Great news this' Two cities evao noted by the rebels:" Copporhead—"Two cities' Vlist do you mean? Iye only heard of one—Allants." Union man —"Yes, two, Atlanta and Chicago." Copperhead, turning away in wrath—'.Bah I”—Boaters Trassa-ipt Tux Union State Central committee of Ohio have already opened the campaign by meet ings In oil the principal towns of the Stale. Gov. Brought. ex Governor Dennison, and alt ar entinciat speakers, are announced as partic ipating in the work of the campaign_ Ten Chicago Convention pronounced "the experiment of war a failure . ' in co We ntenling with the slaveholder's rebellion. admit tha the blundering generalship of its nomi neet for tbe Presidency came very near making it • failure. Too fitter Gaost lur forefathers, In 17: ,, , would not submit to the yoke of one George, and now the Chicago Convention wish to impose two upon tte. Could a man thus swift to resent so impu Wien on Jeff Davie be expected to desire to see the Itel!ellton crushed 7 ia__e_p. , 1_ 3111'1' S. New York Market. rer 11 12 — , ottorr dull lend nonetaal r for Mi. tug I pleads. S•al. ard Weller% 11.7, IrroEuler soil Ine low• r: Ill,lh alit for trade %made; market cl.teg .mttlea.r.d u. last le Di., a t 51.°0 f...r State lead W..l.•ru. Wheel dull at d lr (tele Ir , terr, . V. 2542,3. for 111.chlgat • lend et. 2. G., eoi 5hr,01...1 !Of Weat eru, and 41 62 lc r tut.. d. in str. 0.0 Leavy abd •Itcldedly with eaten at ,e , ellO• t for Weeders , . COI. dull. rirgar quiet. Idol.s is dull. Petrolrati angular .td %ramified. Word %%P. Pbcr ; 11ia(341 for Meer, and 15 , 12,Y5 , 54..t fo I , of very do I • Itb moll net et 12f415c for )feet, yr cr Pr row d 1/49t0 , for reprck-d Hers_ Prws• Wee Pel W rod y rem l. or • sl , ode ruler St 2:1>02 ,0 ,. ter orroloally lc lower at erwida. Pity Turk Moue, sad Stock Maret. bol•r•cd nn or firm or T per cent. Pool., dog yl Ono, earl • dirt) iedly h:tro.l St $2,2 5 riwth.ll Irt:cp,k.l,l:xesto.,‘ y.rewrr,rll,•o(ll,7;u: , ' Saul Pll6lscornt—L ans, /1/17,356,12; , Do, sn,t (2.41,C1A,f11 luceror, .4R7,334 c.oi.aro, 114.11,51 a , Sl93bi , Deposit*, sal. 057742 ; Poctesee, Mucks—l. ,T11[1,,1e4, 40; IS Our trml 1114.4 ; V 14101, , 111 , h 1 Z 11 Sta. gyeL1.t.t....1, 104 1 ,, 80a4314, M. b., '7i rum 11.1uou tl,-,lto KO , * , 11C . • W, t Lo, Fr.f.:n..l, F°? , , , To:.1• 1 I 01.4 i. RIVER iNTELLIGEIIe E. yts:erdtby c...ex sol awl ptoeatent, e'l tl et t•a ans.:tht St out t..f u•So.o. The rlser tcee St ode% ntx• ood I.po i•eterdaT, but lust °yea tout, wa*• teppa,t. tette./ etitb sbsut eldreeh foot tbc churmet by the pier part • 1/11pliche. rsoufwel ft cm 01 City tn set!, part a the del t.1....ert 1 thir ty p•s iDCLIII of wet,: tti the 11.11e5t,..1 rlt•t that pout, sad t TT. te wee lair th cf C.•{1:11.11 al• ds• tot when tho (tee e.g. .ter, wed the tam. be. a ~.t. lying op, N., talon lotaconetderarta., t• et, le ample for ost)rceretarnt Ir:slants enc. CI an .004 to. rest, an d atar •teatatrnaleceo • aparle nue cert,ldttab'o d fllculty In pint's g op • trip. lb. us), ac teal we !ont to rs port la the Janson Gro h: m!, !tom Zaseavillt. Ins had • splendid ttlp„ ng-n. Wong loseed down with foe!, ht sod era i pueo h, ers• ten for Wteeneg at th• nano' boot, .ad dtl ias Powall. or allipuitt, t one ta thought, .td Ret ra c t I N evesinf tl lb. buho I g.No. 3 b (. for Oil Cat, • I.h tztat rate trip. The Patnolla wlll blow for tie at m• point thin The prompt .4 pun tri...l EMT. Graham Oapt. C. IL Otull, I. the regtrar pocket I , r /..eeet le to tag, tlto st 11. Xt et.. IL.: 1.. z. ateeTl. T del l ta. to ettd pretty reamer Otwss4, Capt. James la 11111 or tt , far Cl rci 1214 t oael Lontesllle, asd : v y ::•••; to-Cr , r, • rl, Le rt , a4t, Jaya, Copt lierdrl s tt, Is the regular at. I t.t! • pa to! ter tt.-.l•y, Itortug at 4Y. 11. The X.,Api. hoe excellent scenmont,d &Coon for pa...dere et dptet,ty ol room fnr el,Lt Oh., • pe, Thu robpy !he 5..! mews. sop , a, C Plc 'arlain. gtlat Nitteel.on p f e dey !s the ntst • d Revenue. ob . ent n :the hat es lIIc tit e s t.,lmu.tdatinste . 'or pule. F ant will lea , n t p! ,, 0 tly • tslnk. Tbe /hewn. r Nt ,t• STE.II , A 4 110.1 T L. 1.1 it CiNk..r.sNATI . F. , TtiT I $ I. at \ 41111. A.;ent. D Fl , ; LA}, (3 A 1,! 11'. fLIS AND 1 , •alS110 ^ 1F 1 •••as. t J too Fuovi • 4,1 tb ,J 21 artll i^3l, [or 116,-inathato iwto aver, )1031)AI', t 4 For 11 - right or purses oppl• oo 1.4. rd or to JAhlisS O.,LIAISO ,11 Who, tow 1.. Jo •A•t..,t4r61,1a IFA;tI.AR Pill'SBl. 1 1- 4 ( 111 it V. Bina , laG PM-EXT.-7bn fiuto,____ Hi V IL, MolOasuao 144" , THURSDAY and 5Vr 1 ' , AN at 12 M., Inds Wbo-Img avary MON, AY Yo.t.T.HDAY sad 11.,DAY, at I.r to tab t oa.asea app la on tuaard or to CI)LLINS S 00., /tents. 1 , Whorl Ft...t. trig 111...onhabela 131-nde.. i;ffic ciNciNSATI & Louis-• N 61,1r11itd stouner ON lropt 21101 o, viii .but. l 7 o fi attl.o jib • nlibt•tA, 14th ma. fr-tOlt ~ r reaagn pvly on tw.r.l or J tk 1:011,1NliWOOP .IbUHe ,,;•• att. _ ( 1 01 t ST I,ol . lS.—Tila tine I A. -7.-g 4 ,4 NIACKiIIt II TSy letirou, will Ira... .boys TOSSDAT. frel,l,l. tosja,f;;,:fyi.,,,,,t,i:.,a.srlt or to J Fait :-..1* IMUIS.—The fino I . „= : ...1. . u „.., A LIM ,•IA . Vltpl. 11 antral. '4, - :.....niarCioan-' .at lon.. n...••, on Mil , l PALO. 'I h Oat. r.., it..„, ; ~t 1 .,.• . d . At.,11 on Nu, , to J It Cirl.l.l,4lWintlt, JOHN VLAOK, A6eut, 4 ..4:21 US E. 11.1EXTS ‘;? • P1'1 7 11111171 Milli Tll-EkTliE. Lampe crld Mumma.- nth NV 611 T TIIR tik:LSON. d orrearesoe of rrrts I,IIND6IISO II . 1113 NAIAD ‘1113.311. Tll6 lial AD QUELN. Nee &emery, Cadmus sad Illechaskal L3eute. Sunk, alete la r :sod D.llO/0. 11113 (Tuesday) EPCIIING. will be vv .:A.l. Wilt: mew Scenery. Catcu, h. We besastlial Opeetartalar Play, eatltled the NAIAD QUELN. , 4.loEga. r 1217 rastotmers. _ r PRINT/Md. PRESSES FOB BALL ORB ADAMS PATENT TEA idette• 10 . 0 barb.e. ONC TAYLOR ITTLIBIMIL, UIIf bed 33u SO Mahe. SAYLOB 600/ILII OTLIIIDLO, bed MON • cbes SU is red marldnig enter• win be ode el Suggs • • din or addros aplitrtl 011617r1. MOM% Ps COLUMBO& COLEMAN, EAIIIO.II AVM/ allsgt©f 011 y, Usaatanteres We ?V Grata BMus, et Iramany. Balmy sad retitle Btrd a ternialm MIA AEI) tit MilITHOIII4WII.M• Iteakolds. ammo Dosms.aa wrin et in dimartptios• At., nut Tcrraoror au sag 11E118 rakes. H P. GENGEM.IIILE. . CIVIL AIID ILECRIJIICAL MIKE 0021801AIHO AHD AEI ALTnOLL 0111011111 Mae and 1144/144341. 14 HAI MOW, mar has ►OV THE UNION EXECUTIVE 0011- ' ?Inv= of I.illeighen7 Onsukty,ment at h M. HAIL Pittsbuh, Tnelediar ~ad Jithtays *tenc It ea, At 1 o'eleek P it A n Browei;Chairman„ Datthel eill, t 5 AketandOer Hilands, Pl“ WIELlam tame, Treantecr, Plttabaret. Chl Hiram Mile, Ur W Gilmore, Id oartirinii•P 0. Lew N Courtin, noel:m.lth. boar 8..., Jhnßath,t Capt C R Batchelor, Arthur itoboon, &Brittany City. John O'Neill, Leal V.te.t P O. • 1...'d Urbino.", TrroPereneerill• P O. Jonattisu Neely, Pitternargh. Frank A Arab P Peale, . Pique, ?Aegis.) City. P Nevin, SirertegLeysire P O. at Biller. Soblescsie. • I ~ N Tortcr,TA , AtuM. bleerhosel, t Itteborgh. J. n K brown, Allegheny My. Wn. E klarrtsnn. MeNereport. T Y, Allegheny at). rilus, blob Valley P 0. T.F Ammon. Berl:moan P O. Joon F thee, Oravosb•nn P O. .1. Bunting, PO. Hee, Paameneine Pb. ne if Pert., Priilseeruk. Mg Wm I/ Neut.,. Pittsbaegn. Harem W Necks, Pittsburgh. .nr, Onuaid iirnsinms, It m Pittatorrgb. , apt Cupar Oang, Allegheny G y. Je..ninss, " •, Fthbers kl Gana, Gluten P 0 Dr ik Ovum, W ilktua PO, Gept Jae tlatuheeter. ept Hugh I Ylenlllll, Allegheny isty. Pr W F EM F r e e u , d uJcr.bu P re, feu Lh?aDs Pit: Burgh. Dr onedron ley•illa lebAuoll P O. Ilmary A Weaver, Pittsburgh. J , • ,, n N Steunit, Pittsburg', - al John W St I (limn ' , eerie. Jr. J • tin V A uth. J.. 7 ism pl., Saielekleyeille. Is. B. 11110V71S, Chelrelna, D• rI. 'VI 111L•Nt., 1 18b4, B,ptember 2, 111.107 AL COWllrrimrs. —tap . llcel 9 Fleming, DO W J Gilmer", Jahn ntate. W Il.rah, Cara Jam. lillter, John r Jennman, lA to F. HILIIVIOI3, John K Brown, Dad, W)111.L• —n Col Caspar G.O.L. Dr ti J ./. , ho II 9tpwar , , John W Hfd .rlll. Arthur Tiobwm. 011ioe, ita“hrold street. W B N•gly, John Vi it rile% W Wm II Baraer. Jahn Bt..wart, AVyndi Ammon, John V Autn. Gr.& street. Co errowiPanwl Spealwra.—.74,lHlnm Bolt., itiatlt7 A • r, am B IlleglcY, 1 as: 19 Dourain, David Rot Moos, E F A fanbaber, John K Brown. OBlon, lOC Foortb ntcr , t. Afwhe —lan jang, E . Conn., 09.41. , 4 Fahlhahcr, Scott and Isaac EL.. ttb sere-t. ,kin W D Bell, Cal lb...mask( Bayne, B. .Mactey, M Her., Copt 0 • haclmi t, Eh J r., •ath, John At c • row Id Dr.:ann. A Weaver, .4 William k>•.., Jr. t 121, IM 4th strret.lll • Da —Won Borah, J.. 1.0 Stewart, 7b. man M 'Jpe K Moor.head, John F Drava, W 11! ado" Jo., AlnD ("mesa'. Dr IV F Irundenburg, Arthur Hobe. Rash B Fleming, John F Jenninga. nelo KINGS, QUERNS AND KNATED3 ISO 1,0170E11 t NATIOIII.I.ITI EVIIITWELBSI F 9BllO L1g131.525 09E9 lANG /NOM Oar Natiovsel Aramblarms, :sutra BUte,lda, Btu§ and nigh Deatip.O. M. Lila to tin /CLERIOLH CARD 00111PLISTII UNION PLAYING wipe OOLOLIEL ISSTSILD 07 ICING GI:kDDLS3 Of LIBILETY MM.M) OT-1:10Z43 11110011 ItifriALD 01 JAQ& Fir bolos Osrils sea int 4* I& oast On. JOHN W. PITTOOK'S VW S DEPOT, FITTa 8213.fi1a, orroArrz Tat MB' 7 ' 011710 1 1711 DUVrt QiurriasuricaOrn L Pltlaburgh, July WM, itfsi. f A RTILLERY HORSES PURCHASED A A . OPEN turas:. -- - $l7O be 'lank l 7 the audereWied, et Pala taufin, Pa., for trod AtTILLSIII HOBOES, payable, IV ut üblabialbeata 4u but lea tbbeel tN • we, [nut e•ll tonneA eaten, iw h - t! trovell defeat., trete 1 , years old tht• eyrthi .ai t o l iL. me et& too lb% to 14 hands bAst, and ,h•U lubo pound. 1 , 114 e Am. vid aura will be enalndel. 1&.7 yell by ova:V.o by • catnyeten• pap. sad ante ynteanted abet conform 0. 0 to the abors speotilia. t t1.c5011003,122 t A. & BRAN' Focteroass ; 0 • lailu 010 Brum inv.= Partlctilv W.Lanidos ol.:1 to 0. 60:41n .4 roperbg of OIL 8.2,1117.1 1 .. ICA A.ll Mud. of BRAVA AND 10011 00013 made te omen , AV° Ditiatti Quanta% al ell 00013 made al 4thortial votive. All onion left at ZIN.:11 sad 54 WA.T3E3 moan, You bfberty, will to w.r,Oy attended to. evelribanneenbers or - Ctablim betas graded natty ot nutty year(' enventedv.4ll MeV tvelnieni 001 to. tare to glee satddeetSna td Orb abr. memo tor Geld. 110.4111101.111 PUIIP. Isrpautpild W.o.w.oovlniagA 1188 ed 0 1 / 3 Ita. den-le SEAL PREVES erp ENGRAVING ORNERALLY,, Room 6, 516 Fifth Street. J. B. BEYNOITE. LYON A IIN t3THAL, IMPORT= AND DEALER to the mad eelect brands cd q.E.8711472: HAVANA CIGARS, sad .11 &Sada d SZIONING AND CHEWING EOBAOOO, &SIM, 1" FAN , ISEERSCHALEI ME E, Trßzei,4 &a, jaa,, variety, UNDER 'LIE T . OF A RISS ROTEL Ptatarth, PA N.N.Ehe Trade deadaed ea 1 Rat tams. EME=I -I r ~ , ;p~~.,..:a ahaila ISIF.S BALYII, excurrrr Itnecri:soc ern flescirtelMOS. n'7,174. of Denary., end sperintenic their erection oaoarenenamble term. er~ or, arm. Dew.. Loma and lint.lrmen Meer.. killeeteesT eltt. HA fi ND /011 FOR ASTI LLERY NSIBUCTION rim FIELD MILLED! Prepared toy a Deere or Artillery Officer, or ras SOM. Exeulad uo.. I'mrarosaa, 249„ . pat_ , 20, WK. kt frr ICE TO SHIPP BY EX P61.8.9_-0. 3.4 after DtIOIrIJAY, the 22d that. vollAnt tot par toads otU to rozeivod to payment of foOanta, stator In Om atom or by the pathlsr7 autotra GIO. BINGBALL. Arad - - COYN4IGNMIiNTS— TS page Lake Horsier ZS do do Picketed; 10 barrels Eada: id; do White Beans; 5 do Cates Tonally Plow: 20 oasts Phan Doss: 00 boxer &and Hasnbasi Cites; 411 barrels Ws BMus; 10 do 0101 Awls; 20 Mi. at Bis 11, 11 Areal. V. V• 11 0012r11, sad/ Onli W. SI:LORA LITOILSZT 41T-L&W v.. Jo. firm Street. Plttabwish. F. mow, PTAPICIAIS. BOUNTY, 141 . 1 " " 5 il, r a, v lgozowdY )0, V • ILITAS Y CLAIMS BOITICTIESt /Li Pit:3lolM aecrfi PAT and IMAMS' t a em 7 description, tourr..ed by the tab. irber, et the foll.ateing mire. Nintntis 110 OD, al Aim chit:n.4 3 80. O. O. TAYLOR, ittorwq Wlaw, ISs. TS Orenertreet, Pittabonh, Pl. S. 11. MI theme are made t! the dabs( dose IPA cob wed. end all batiormetlon then cretin. loan .R M. USN DIVISOR FX)R HATE ' ems 1060 160 6 lid 0•6 TLOORIZIG. 1661011 WAS DOUGLAS. 67 Pm. stro•L Inquire of atilltim EUREKA LUBRICATING OILS, Wt WElul/ ILD 11101PN the ALIOA C F O s. 16•11,0 i Pri I..locm:rod by PESSOOI., 151 Ilse tee& areereateetr‘ FOIL KENT—A FINIS MSS ROM ztt:rznissa4=m lootir= r`ma'Etz oMs.. m aw W. BL KETS.—Another large lot Gtnnl Invi received todar y T 154,13. in anal awe, Lents., Se , &help cc held J st the L IngPHIis ILLIPS Dubber , De pot el E le. itO awl Sa St. (late Wog. SW?ER SIONTH—ActiTe and rear SW tte watt In tto Armload ovsly•toor. abe t to:the MOSt tottottto bottom, tam. Elottotatio mot nt OA. £.14, 1 . ce MO to TAW. C 12.13011111 8r0htm00.11...: FRESH BOWER —Just receiTed by Ex. woo kap trphlattay. by WIDE, WlLlatteolf a CO, real 153 Marty st Ixam St ash% - - . PeTOEB.-15 bbls Neshannock Pots, ts lo gad filo& by cc, %DB, WILILIII3OII a ~ ysy tiwety swot, }1 ~a Bui/sll.—A. few firkin' prime X true banes to mil" h.spren. ref •alibi WEBB, W/LXIIIIO2I • 00, RIP • 150 Marty stews. More Pi OW. - ' CDENTRYMEN GOUTH[II DiLLI 13 bouptcws op reoltssag mai. of you ...Li= Is worth .1 present ot ly about 33 meta, and user vrnte lances le la not . ob:ert of easeful caw , Rider.. on where to Invent y.r teasel for the nectar. rt. of life • Boots .d Bhoo ere e tt tit largeeant lta the earn:re of a family, end note that Lewes tbe 70. Ws 107 et Oonoertllall Sh. Btore for natty war •, the gr•nt r.b to that Cheep Hon. aey Wee. dr i • Goods tre.e ordered la* payed far ye. egn and ly eeflng et old peke, Chrdrelee Var Pew or 10 coot • ; /3070 . 157 23 ante; W0111012 . 11 1 b 7 fl. 5e.... Shoos for fl, and •rerithing elm la pot. p0rt,.... B. :aernter the pi.... No 00. rush street, t e st door o the he trees 4 MCC. Balla A NSW ISUP Boots, Shoes and Satter% No. 5 . 4 Market Street 3 JIST BLCEIVIID at TILL ik , 4 I NTIII LOOTS, 'SHOTS 14, SAITEDS, 8AL3108.6 1 . 13 LID 8111124 tbe ot)I. tvd test qnstilec. srhich 1141 C. u retsbllebsorst to the city. tir Call std .1•1111Dt, ete yes will be "tidied. et .1- BOBLLICD . D. 96 Market I. ad door frrnsi nth. ER' (WOES I NEW (MODS I - We tan just remised our sprlng stceSk of it 4 BOOTS AND SHOES, .1' Wbtel tee will Dell st the L0W1237 ansit rms. wig bass Oa* largest end best selected stock of no•. Tine C.O xamaC _ 7 T. M bard Ia u. city. Leptis' LUDT GAMIN lip, sbuudsuos. Give us • .11. Jas. Robb, THJ , t 4 awl wo.R.K. Thom goods woo =soh's+ , ocr spacial sor&K. Y noted nuoggsiled out work -10.3 am=NNIMMI CHEAP SHOE STORE ABOBITIOT , put t bbed by authority riIEMX2 ST k CD., SS Wood .tmL ClEill SI B. ars.tacrizs, .91iSIGNIAB. CORTZMUIDS szruzutolNl, k DOLL kk LIPS.I.9SkOK LA_DIVY, azsTLzatinit, ii..UZEW, TovrEill. ZOT6 . LBD OHILDIMNII BLAMER a 11017TIL ''. ik No. 98 If arket Street. A very tarp ot «A of E 9 tuas.rr TENN? b a a:W•Petl-141.1411 9ZO. Ak133X13, SON a Ca. lt 210. ;e: at137837r. floye sad Taut • H 115absomb Ore.'d ti Swim. Ghtldrea's Goat E. ' 1 Poeta. 1)111E112g EITOCII. Of BOOTS, `,q' SHOES. 3 e :, Cart CBS, BALIKOSAtA t 1 r 1/4; Kamm reaws ETOBA. p 4 Pedant Aminot AnigagA OW md e.e tb•_50,.1 MINGO COAL COMPANY . . • Capital stock $300,04) 12,000 MBA AT 625 &Mil /acaa*uT-O►P2. J•DitB 0011D011. Tasumus—J. mamas. DIZUAGTOILI 1 )0521 OILAFT, J AttoiLIFE L wit. WEER v.TAWCITT. FAA% nom mum 'st. Xs Ibis Company owls , the property known IN !dingo Owl Worth," tcsether with the . 6 art farm ' adiolaing, and containing in all .boil Kral Tste bropertr le equated an the wat basigo Olt onosgthela river, about one and • half milsifiketow rlocongthela City, la the ' , third powl" on whfC4 nth situated 48 miners' dwelling tionst More houses' kn., together with a railway rng to Ms rit n th Mph% abrits,nt nod ail necessary thrsagern 4 the loading teal. The rim d a reddy opened, drained Ind end good g order, with =trim %teeth. and rooms rums 114.1thi .003.0.17 br,o4lkiall eighty to on. Iwo:tared men, and the cosi Is weillimmigt to to of the verg 'hest us:tante. The 'Eliagri p :lremst to be one et the elge, valuable coal pro :a Um Monongahela Valley The atropsny noW prowmes to thermals gilled. tbe lb , oiling by the vtheruction ot an _Mona! rallwag. and have .et spathiP3,i oo In pnb . nom of making cortemplathA imprrvements pro riding a working capital tor the new orsan i latag. With facingsw which the Oompan• will the Directors conithenrir believe thk s t the prove to Pe one of the moat saber attidal and ret:Siwnws , tive nosh to the ooscott7. A limitsd portion f the clock ta now mr. r o to the pablie .1 vs per dad* _limke will te Openist at the ti 191015 MAl'lllll.3 PAST, on ilepitheier 1E44 , .7.Seittf I:IITTSBCROff. COAL COMPAN 3,000 SURES AT 850 EA AL \ otszarov.i on, num= f Ohm. W. Saes" Wm. PhIllIN 3calm Rhode.. ef• Tbia oomparly holds Med. Pm dmpleof men mite" of het telity at Lead, atom. ma the ilmongspi - Oft. te. tort of talf of pus per sere emoosefto sin;- 05, Ihe nemalaiss srt 256 of the ceigral War. mil be mad m building a Mort railroad, areeflog aul of mower, imMummaush todwaloWalbe f f are! of the ooze:any. The distance from theritfr bask is the oaf already oproed but iffy feet. At *low .10 of thiZrar there are twisty tat TIMM al Mee ithaem them Ads lb. Trustees sad DtreeM4 haTe doubt th at sill proper memo ttu r a , == Mairype• cso be wry mos made bidet, nifty per cent ut ardsortpticom Mil be efolledlo,o6yoblo as or Ware tW lbaholisptember, ISM; balaroda of Medal. macula as may Da ordered by the Troolor astipimodulir sods. the company requLre. Boobs sod ed,..1,0M0a are opened at thObarneirag places V . Es. Snaky* No. SI Wood etre., PittebtOita. her • ilicksmoo'a‘mam 223 Lekitrri stmt. !mhos Rhoda •Oo DuctUnna Ploy, pit irfoloo at nem Lunran. Clompany, caner 0t..:• - amo SAS Word Wm. Bagsley John Nat. BRIDGEWA.TII.II. 1760. COITAIN CUBS, &.2, GEO DlB IPOSS.LIMI3ID OM. Dix difavris Deib Eta" t3ql • ourrimin, TIILD, ILLILBOAD ID ;r1 &leo, DDT br VAT DOOM ATOMOBT 4: 1 0. • Gaza= rarss at sax imArrs. mom isoisiSaw multi:um% Glesaral Wm; 14 Mahe ligualtsm Tart. =Wang VU8141113,E8 . . 0•1311 LID WOOD 00•4114- . 111101X461.2 OS itZTA.M. wiKPAwsitakile , . CI aids Thtrd st-us. im4ll.llroarth . • . • '' ' SPORTMEEMS READQUAtt VS WOOD MIZE* :.': : t au. 'UMW Oa attar at llxoloakei : aibtrAl ts h . 71rAta k 1117. 11217,3.0WDZ1L Mee CU= sad roux e. DRAM di. Mir ataalaas of roc, laral suite& is V* blalult ° Fs * .- eds weett to Ws wad. , _ LAB- 30 tityrces rnme ti sr,l4}f~At D- tia store gni km , male by set .otsPl l oll. .. • • -.41 . ri; ~~ ~~ 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers