salte-WIMMErgil ' 1 75 Ir-4; 1 i:• 1 /TEIIDAY MORN/NO::::,7L-415;PT.,146 ULU AND MEAL OP STOCKS ABB BONDS 4. AILS 101 TaiMlTimiscut okarrrE NIT OBINEION, hicOLEAN .4 Co., and lUtocChance .33r01x o re. NO. TI 10 . 1311T11 MEET, 1 . d mono . oononloolon oniy, B .14 la.- O. am, Pannoel and OU !a.k.a. Oovornaannt • / nittlnds on band. !WM& Par v.lOO 1 60 Gilts. 60 Pitto • _BB4 . Add •, 1311 4 5. m., 5 DWI 1— " 5 85 " 8 •T tO3 60 Iron -- 06 0D X * froTIM HZI-07261—_.n0 100 Haikaul-11.0 WO Ilard 100 MO Slat Erstfilk ay-- 110 as 1141whater Baring.— 4 . 9 5£ " 4 P" 44'4' 19 AnigbenrOsury....— If n 50 POOOO 74N 1193 Yon —UI 100 C139193943&17 0., ao owsgettniir -- - m 60 .(ttiterest)-3131 lt 50 3499,brawi11•—......-- -- 154:1irtnA Nsacla gh9m begter.63 71 1 03 24 Il % 130 —...— $5 82.5 e 111.002 y ..94% 1.00 95 161/10194paas-.—. 31% 691.0 t. PO 61 Jana 1600 til -636 j May ,00 2,60 22 Ilanacktabe -- 32 3 Zunks --...-60, 506 C “ 4,00 rimb=ge.—_—.34Co4 34 4,00 26 /filesheny 27 26 201 4,60 ses zes l 4 14 et. 26 62. Cli•tr 60 Hand 860•66—......., 60 5000160ttin &net-- 96 36 OrL COMPLNIXII .25 I.IIfINCO 10 191,440 Azomicark.....— 6 '7 , / "rill" ct" 10 Dalsoll— , ~....12 11N 11. 3 7 I il - d 10 Ankite—d-Pitte— -60 (191.015.14 nj .-- az ,......., 106 no 4'f et -6 kon Olti.____— :$ _ 9 BtatiNect:-.. 9 113 i _ _ 8 federal • 234 /0 Una - 16 -- 6 Abilely meet_..—— 5 F.rk5....—..........._ gt 4 Ylm ginknd /arm— 5 6 Allegheny County SO Eo 19clip Fittatero T 9 to" . $7 All rY Oily G.-- Ice Ulefit v.B I 4 7. • IDS .241 mart— 103 ttanairrfile Stash. ilk R. taL,—. 96X Zd0.....T, Sept. 11, 1854 Tbs preeeure for loam area quite routed to day. Bor rowers for levartment in Oil therm bogie, to end It did• milt even with "amoral oollatarele" to get the mew mammy to pay up thedr oninersue otherriptione, and Witham It tile, qiittiao easy to aell one tuff oleo or iginal abate, for enough to psi the entairription pro In full. We eon Von, ace qnstationa to•doy without referettne to the cogs lar Board. It boa not jet been decided by them what etocke shall be admitted on Moir filet. We make no change In guotatiour; as but few sales cane to oar knowWfmr. -_Dal ellnominal, 123 asked. Oar Philadelphia Teo _ mum mports 19 bid, amok offering • Salm of Cherry Bun duff= the day at rate, ranging from $2 to 23j. The New York CbITLISOKka mad PAW sow Li I nrelowlrg that city doringlAst week., my. Trado couttonei alai; the rant. of merrantlic Mau mutton, tolog tar below the gmaral rwpmtation. This Is m doubt attributable, hi a great meagure, to the fact that au .11 but universal belief 'obtains among business measthat the Mmularm of the country, from. combi nation of tames, is idon to be tranaferred rum a war to a pesos butt, Ernes Mors to a gradual withdrawal of monde nee to o.lll.llllelCiZi circle., and. <mutton of credlia,t2Lagreat rutaut, thermult of an instinct which trillaevi . 4lTBl7 buthans m. to look out for himaelf as unial-In anon of impending ,criam. It is mom than probabligtmartivir-; thrit the nedveralletlaffou of Tatum bas much to do with the gravallieg betels Prie d ham attalsod Inch . extreme attituda that the groat masa cf the people cannot affed to pay tar them and go co as they ban born d lug for toe pa t three yearr and army_ I.m.p to farce thee. .l,ll6low, m oanl%/tl7.erwmp.r44a. :Create of [ha maw of th . penal . .. moat result fo mmol , trelal paralysis. lietrenola• moot id every respect La% to fact, her me a stern no : • Th. ,tta•pairs ths°an ant Lbhm. I. to adhere eteittly to the ti b,els, t s troll 11-iist rt ante to now t.itterp Ire, lied to enatedo the old a: d uaMd one., to glee the to etectttu penerell• to Grown. meta Semht. it sad, in abc,t, to prectice costes:lion rather than ezystri o. 1.116.P:1.11y end colleitivele. The favorable stood of, the Teitt ary eltnatkrselese Ibrooyht Golf d..ern ealaerriht, Mid thvgenaertiT via hot., the tut day dry eVtleo, berm shovrioutrefetikebletlyns of Lease.. Ep cattail, It br stberninefettapt lo for hoisted over, where stiop:lts ere eapvetei tote koreleory :AMC Pinthice Exstleeye the movement. In Pork hr. eon. toted, though el tee clot, there wee en evident ersobboill I. the vtarket hrs.! Blues are • Pith, off, notylehetendlog the meagre en,- Oa oozing Inward. and the lief .g0t5p,..1.c1.1 et tho t..cuenteeeL pietty I ate row in etubbarely dol., with bat ellyht: Indica] Le of an tarty reties] of tbie laterret, New 'York Dr, Gor,di :trade bar7lo,Thernerket husband quiet and nominal ad threwlh the week, ererlog to the duce taint, with regard to siciorlm fn Ge..ryis and -Vobilo Bay, the stofnistAuctuationv to Gold rani llotton, and the reor. liar phime of pelbleal affairs. Prices have fluctuated on oil Gletbadling Cotton goads: tut the Wien generally mast:tat • tram rkable der re of ere and many of theta' bast steadfastly rctuted to Rti: any !ar e a inan•lty of sr:4i:dew,. at the Wither/a trlOien do lea. to tat GwY bare been very reluctant to maim Wen !aka at all, awl not nufrequeutly refer cw.l.o3.cre to otter hur,a rather than dose with term for largo anemia of gouda. The dealeteam not at all antricite to tool-, at ant t Lic; like cot rentsrlmet, The Increasing pralcabilities of en early terigination of the woe has no eft,* upon their roinds. Thalthowa dearth Of mannfaccurere nil over the lee h• ere 9iateoocbffra, slum coomilingly mamma. with re. the prospect of the rreinmptlon of cam dal Mtn eractra between the toes eectione, and the oweibi ill of os-0071thoral receipts of Cottoniip ip werly day, tb re. tore olotl herb Th• • ply of good. of. , firing fn the inarkei.lbasoarnit c ool. theencht tie. Weetiantailierthweetern t tetei, and the ereall anc.not fa COnste taanutietzur, they ovritend, legatee a reedy market for th• geode new offering, in view of which hoidtre have become indifferent. They look epee a roedgmpirket ,for all toe goods they hare or can gov— whi Ler the era of ;veal be low or remote—se a eer• taint) hsnm, their Indlem.sill 70 to d.epoes of looks grmolilice pf gmle at the current questinga. The e - MI. Bramea of the Flintier Cloth market in 1,7.77 <Mace has needed a material leflnence here, •sd hoe harmed the Mews of holders considerably, most of the demanding }to 2 metauleence. The current flocs, bevereT.May be considered neeinal. Woolen gond. heed' been remarkably quiet, and lb Mato may be mid ...Foreign Goode, which are entim'y nomtasl. ,n eaten Waal Market. HEM, thdWool growing /eotlant, bat little doing at present ba tha way of tried the balk,t z.. elipJets dined, patted I/Motto hand. of dealers • ti E0L11121131.14 who have fall, se math stool* as tbiy c u. comPattatizearry In the yr/sent conditioner the mm., maritalt,Thelete rentaltanq untold .to ...MI b.'. at/crre the views of the to Ind who her. , gentrrelyel de op thetrrattrds to be toaMat wi h oh. they Levee* on hanfratsr the preelMt, Unit to buy UP the balaoft/ 1./1 value wl/elt ttahall bseranted for correumptton. The In dependent tertamt, Mob of /he Etst and Went, are •1,111 abletobabll thetrlantaarlotted &lid ant to Wm the ehanteMotthdrapp-ecietlat order/roc/Won oft handi—though apprebood their le II mto rl it shout It, cptilderhsg-lhe/d halm/ olleapeefts or wool •• ft /at- Vend with-cotton tut other commo4ltl, The amstetter.o alga I. rather omettled by the d m Imattendta gold, Aetravot habiars ors tectine / to .0. erptloteles shed. tmd/u• throe enicl roldl • welt or two e Inc. The ittois I the rio,r don, p.Mue on the MAU add to hoottemnalte Whoal and hl hate most ly Masbate the .10.110 f buyero ; but lb. tupply:Of coons M.dlttamneae volt adapted to the carpel and Ydettbdt attatd•G.amoshlch comet bee to •tesprtltion with the dotoestle article, how been lately mach re dosed. She coarse pureed towards di o pram by Km, or our prominent wool howas, .tacit I orporsible repeat the tratmactlons correctly iod reti.bta. As TIM id We can lodge from the belt mouton of icfornosiloo Within mask the mks of domestic few the week toot up Ebtilltr no.oca. ponads..though, there gas rumors of rylra imageto this slocant by wangle Arra. The qm• from $1,034141.6 far fierce, and 11.1041A0 =MR and untrs . pulai. • Median. EMU= sod Wer. ern newer , ims meetly cold for III,OWOS, sod 81,104 2 . l2 3iltabeui a fair quotation fay lite Ohio and Penn. !ylimoissatt Loretto jbe Wes have teen very Whi. barn- avarrolly wetting to bear from the Hew Tort gumbo chlrultinovreo , thip !maim of the sold maks& Inclotieti art small Moll Cape at 097330, and b 1 ties at ass% gar 'OO,-.—trcria:l7slletts. New W:oorMaiket. -• Ihnorlo—The market conithnes dull end unsettled, and rlars:. erlVereira or, bah for Domestic wed Pondgn. od bol>feri Cr. iLrm in their vies; though mum Us at risers bare been eoldiet. • emus:mime er tally 5 coats tams the prim rullue tut reek, and there are other sidlare pa the bomb of le corresponding rednotim, but aypearr ashy • settled mended= moms the trade th' t edam Gold ;goo much lover, there een be no mater' s( /sonnets prism this amen. Theittention alto, trod* bole beery for the ttitst hart, recopied by the public nal. bald on Shandy. The offering comprised, on the whole, ast indifferent sasorhasist.aadthesassit Is ibere• 05 Easy, rather • poor arlfarrlon to . ..value Lathe mar ket.-..rhe pantredars are as item"; 120 balm at ts ataai if dokklki dcZtly.dsmsged, 45.49.5: • and 13 do.bad/y dal:aged; 1 •&S daltoodere, 26 ;TN; dodo dammed. Ito a Martlia, desden I P nom. =,x. 1. 7 , Alt do.Caltlbrataj Mit 'COX , ' lbr GO/ahrtle Ikea* • and 20,000 Gs do alatar Thletroidame me tontaktl7s,oools6lsoMestle Iles" Old. ty - 1111ichigan and Iltstaiht 111‘1,10; bat task. diag lariat at tow as Cl, and &snail* light conditiou• elm high as 11,11hd,WAGOO Ihi - Palled,lal,lo, facia. . ding" Lambe Cl 1,01 1, t0510,400 Ite slightly harry 04. thud*, tOCf&; ISO . Cepa (cerimt at the Isuhlle vale) - -... N. in ao Mats Donskol, IV/075; 07 do Black lend Gray so wk.: dodo . Es- G Aolls, Mean sad Spaldsb, .ea prints • .; ,had 00 0 .15%, Me, ' • - - .•,^h.latriatit tl, traMjeddeld to Atilt. Mt, 1581— ' . .inss Aldan P0rti...«....«.... ................ankr 95,811 OsaansdeParit:.::........-.............-........ 10 , 1 d . • . 111,915 —oo7nolaxial bee th**4o"Qii.o.4 ' •• 7 , 40 .2 U: 4 0. 14 44 13 5L the geterialaultiata mntlnon alitl,aecamatrhat rasa ttkd, calm maid) tatheitrakalikiaird &capful. mai d Idea Mr thee gold' mast. ' , Thew is pst..4. Malted dee nand ter any of thelrediugsrtel pte d asetilarl tale re. generally reateln unchanged„ CALLIN—Wheat 1. firm*td r ibighar, mitt; Wail tram 'earn .t 12,10 tot Bed, and 2,001,80 for Walt. Corn a dull bat uncharged; ale of 400 berab reeled teem .tors .11;5. Bar ley Le onning In more freely, tnd rell• rrsdily from fast hands at six.. Oats steady trksh email Bales tram eters MOWS. • . BACON—There o•falrjobldig deatand forSbroldars ted prices may &gale be quotes] hlshev awe. b .41.6 en mode at 19% and mmo hoidara oats at We; Ribbed Nees met with a fair demaod at previous rates. Plata Harts are doll and nogleated, and there le no in quiry for Sugar Cored. YLOC/I—The &ohne in gold and Lbe norm - oral/1e &d -r ore from the East has had the erect m depress the mar ket 'a, mew hat for floor, but that. is tka quotabla change to note In pewee. We osattone to quote from store at SIO for fart stn. and I Eatra Family. 613001:11,1123-4,3•• to doll and neglected with • froopirg tendency: small mlea of Rio at 51a5.3. &gar I. quotable at 21.2.5 for Cabal 20.27 for Now Orlems; 29 .30 for Soft defined std 32 for hard do. lgolawes arm with min of prima New Odeon II at 1,20. Istrryglt-s• quiet but steady with • slight improve. , meet in the rocelpta. Bale or .14 term prima (reels pa M ed at 380. Common packed Is selling as illtsine =Gs—stews with • fair demand nod continued light reuipta, and prima are fully malotallowL gale of b bbis at KM per doe, 1044 do, fresh, at ti. Hal rot very arrive and notwithstanding the mints &relight, prime are • shads easier, mien( from 431 r to 42 per ton, for common 47 prime timothy. SALT--Sale of 2 ear on track, at 53,00 per bbl; oleo, mW balm from store st 3.1131,3,23. Stook comparatively light. • ' " 6 " 5 4 4 82,75 APPLI3-11Cr7. irrlar, owing aPegetber to the quality. Ba l s of 100 bbl.deonged ost 5.8. to 11,00 per bid, and 80 bbls Mainly prime at 2.59. WERT POTATOICI —flogular sales of Sew Jersey Pwret Potatoes .t 51,00.8,60 per bbL PEACHES—were lo better supoly and rhede lower, rattglog 10. m 0,60 to 1,00 per basis. L•lllo.—is .toady with regulartalse of prime oily reo• dared at 8 . 111138tV c 5 nlea of 7 Itoothy from atom In tits smW tray s. 50,00 Irlasseel it still gaoled at 3.010. CHKEdg..—is quiet but steady regular tales of Western Itateree at Glatt and nalpborg at 23. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. dr, 12—Ttuu marked and rather unexpected material decline in gold, has completely unsettlal oar Petroleum marled, sad the remit is we bare not a 'lngle transac. Don tampon. Shedem.d for(lrude continue. noted- Ingly kit, n. balers are holding off In uttlclustion of Wilton. rat.% and there Is no dlagnising the fact that bolders are anxious toted, and that, too at • alight non ce...lnn. It Is almost impoexible to glee quotation., es there wen no islet, but we heard of several lots being t Pend atne without ending bay.. The receipts cot, thine light. and the stock on hand 1. by no menus large. Peened m bond, as tern as free, is entirely neglected, and judging Intro present Indications, there I. every ep• praranc• of a decilitre in prices. tlaptha It dull and ne tended, while in Seddon., there I. not enough doing to eetabil.b quotations. Tbereneipta by the Ailegh•oy deer during the forty tight bourn ending Ole evening, are as follows : newt Aottworth.. 340 Ftricklisr 8 Ihster.....-....43:D 91 Edgert.9o L)day • Chorpocing —9 Oi— 93 New York Petroleum Market Fpeelal tilipatch to Pittsburgh Gegen. !taw Lou, Sept 12—The market for °rade continues vrty doll, and prices neva atilt further declined, closing Ibis afternoon at 11x45 on the spot, aud 41.47 for all lids wrath. Itsinad to bond Sidon and nominal at 73s 26 on the spot, mod Frt. 011 le quelled entirely nominal at:2s, for present delivery. Frothing doing In Teeth. Tiers to not enough bosincsa doing to establish quota tion. Pew York Steck and Money Market Fyecial Dleptecti to the Pittsburgh Closette. Yong, Solyt.l2.—The stock is dal , and market 1. leer. o.veriment Secatitler are quoted at 10554n1C) frllß Sire% 29fi for One Year Oortlikateiti 112 for nev i o Thirty Treasury Botta; leiT4illo!..i for Fire Tcrimt Cold Is lover but .3 corral:mottled and irregniar that it cannot be quota' correctly. nu afternoon it was qua t rd Philadelphia Stock Market. t peal I &patch to the Pittahurph Gimotta. Pnitanctitia, Eept, 12 —Oil stnekt opened doll and and pricy fetter somewhat bat doer! ertetdy. lb. ftdrowtmg ate the &taint iontation• Oen tmore 14%; IVtell 11%; IncElbettley B; Noble &Deltaatar 15%; 11001tatoeh,05%; OtlOreak, 534. Oornplanter, Cantu, I 1., ; Ntbert.lid, Ball Creek, .5%. Weekly Review of the New York Pe. trulum ffiarket. (Capone/ Capron!, ter the Pitteborgh Gazette.) Now Yogic, Sept. 10, 1851. • This boo been one of .the “detilest” weeka to the Pe trolectin market karma fora lung time. The la-ge de elme In Gold and the consseptent withdrawal from the mutat of the exPorten, has oomaisoed groat domes; 100, area produced • smitten. memplel rednetlon In pd. .84 of both Gradated Flefhaed,; bond and free, hut prime hire Men notednod dming thenhoje week; 300 50:e tree bofioed bm been sold by auction by om of the princlp•t dialer; oassocannt of the epectiator -ern repudiated • put 07-hirelagattons. lt fewest only 82c, Walla the market prfssa was U6.93c. Tho rep seta hats bee, very heavy dining the pool few weeks, send the aggregate I, s Per aped of last year; 357,011 bble stile year against 346,120 t bls loot year. The receipts nentidete Ught and e Work of Crude ho. 1.0.12 , 0 nedumal, bang may about 111,i 03 bble, tot Mchedlog that onalphosrd. 01 /teemed ate Mock Leal hastens, was .boat OS 000 bbl,. i 7 he rem /or the week mood. 110,000 bblt, chiefly en Ito stet, atilsasle, lens including some for MI the month :.L us 02, and :or October, 52, aortic' eottraly tontine] as Sta 47, owl :cid admit. to Gold 0810 per cent- 01 &line 4 in btia.d, the dna toot Iv tOO bblc at 80 00 44 on the spot, an.o 4,000 pas In tic at 1,0 Ho ta spse eslri ricart)o4. - 'The market clamd outirely nowt -0,0 al ?hill:, ID troo the sale) ooloirrtted 0,00) bbls on tr , 11110.14,il 42.30 cosen 145c4 and 7.40 bbts for all the c)...n11,.cd up to . October 1 ,, D. 401. Tb. m 0'144 clo. .14 numlnal .1 41;spc.. tiootbs 1, CeSi nal Ltrr-.00l ot for Senott•lga 63 gravity. Chicago ISlerket—Mall Report , sr-c —Tiss stnrdy dons.s.•arl me,s , :sos, In Roll ss ; ;:s fleet Is“rls • I c©,llt les. Vrt rat sfit6suisj ,1,35 c Fs, bstal..l,, t.ttt'a , s. dr :lAA wss st.'y - t..111/sl , ~ ,trarts. Fs. 2 las-1 Wris• l 0 at II 00,41 J 7, heu at d.dt c,ag at el 9-o , gl In, K,. R dtrit..a at !IO I it:, atd IL c tad at dl 3tiil ed. it the chac ISM m Aral rol o. let at El DV-Jain!, .50. 2 tprio i roe FIUO•mu ~,- •aa oripctttd, sod non,taili nalu, rein 'ant and on print. trims, • la- In; t ! a I . d , tin• of I -:id , per on•ba, wstb aala. 50. I a; sod to. 2at 81,11.40114 At 1100 C • t.lab s'as at,ady at 11,31. The market 1, (Ma !tat , llno outlet...A a deed:nee tar' bOhri No I ti(j66, ard No at 111,40 , •tatlut a. Rya vu icrst and at, of Inr , er, ' , it' , an . .. o' No. st SI.TI 131 atd Ho tat St .:k0g11...41 —le at .ra. Hitr...ej arm, Irreyr. a and an. Liar, with a timmina salve pet beoLel. Soles of N., to nore range! from gl,kaa2,. O. ham •&a mood solid y in the market fa H Warta., e I,o* aria chat kci hind no 5.,71 a 1,77 yraa• • .. lip at the trte], fir. a. ohnal as nail at 51.00a1 for Fin • Some 'dem asm aahMis BIM, 1... cam,not Onialll ,t . 1:= hart 10.—/tloar. in tad tsgateat. Ten .Apply a nut 'ld to Model:am:id, and althotte. tea d , U has , male rtyl the last two dopy, prlcu bore are yet on sop& Bala yesterday afteraossi 60S brit XX rod 100 brio XX alt.lte at SI! 0 ; SO bra XX rod e.terUstee" a, #lOOO ; leo brie XX Pad at 'WAS. Tr. ear StOlvlr X X White et 11U 95; Mee extra red' ••_1.50T la eaut , t we e r(. Wheat—Market dell h tyjlT a ma eil mllllaq do• .red. Sake E esrs :1,2 Uri at $3 1.0; 1,00.1 beards en do at V... 10, I car No. 9 EA" a , ' 11,11: bet et the CUT. there yea • Arm iodterUse eta material do cl m. DWI an 4 In2c,iva. No .40.2 rap... 2. ata—etasdy and for damanf ides l ea, at Tac. Barlay—dhs I •Nd lowa, Salt. I ear No. lat 22,0120; I No. Tat SI 21c Seeds and elltiadelphla. to I ar• ...1 i 1 ran t reel;mnt $1:1,30 u. 14 It et I<.,—from escau4 at Bole. tea) best sold oa terms 4.ptse,rt, The demand for Timothy to tettee eel It sells at to at,6o 'Moth. flaiesed is to geasd element for eretsblem, and feather Ales of 25,000 b.* ere StPsitti mbictais betties. 'here Ogg lore &mom on the put of boldasseesrl ag to the decibel On gold, and the geannfaotttrere Puttmela sparingly vitble lb, range of for medium pant. log. Among the Wet tre s , 6,0 W Ms tel 10000 Has do I,od 10,000 m Gems. sat t•li 1,18 Imports by RoUroad. Plr&Wm, rf War. Aso Cana. a a , Boot 12- 2 Imo asap. Striver k Lawman 1 ear eerap l,on, Joao Halloo; &email°, Dan Wallace; 107 hid al, Kaye &Stew art; 249 pkra hod, J D cram; I eke ark. , Arce,creng & c 0; 1113 Was, I A. Ildllath; 16 bre 4looothy aced, J Hlrlp•trick A to; 92 do IteOmekse, Herron & eo; 1 hat alcohol, A J Bautin; lot pig metal, (Iraft, & , o; 101 - ahabarlrr,/oehoullhodes; 191 eke oata, Dan Halle.; 210doSpMar MOUT: HS I.llh 14.1 , 1,1 e Liggett a 0;110 lib middling% Bee 0 liAl; 3 ltop batten .1 Daub; 10 relll feather. Hard • bra, 10 llgo timothy seat, a EI Jac& i V: trtaliblatra, Me. See r' 32 bibs, J H Sal stoa“ bbl whisky, C*44. 1 01 0.1 cheese, 0 00. ch, El 111d clle; S 1 do Robins= • oo; 19 do Potter, Alton & Shep ard; 11eg butter, L J Blanobard. Chredioan Prosnanion. Bin doin,Boptember 19- 2 bblo cider, letter & drtootme; 60 bbl, Bond, %WO, Richards* no; 80 Ms dour, J T Ouloin e co; 2 nu Moo. Clnry di co 100 bbil door Ilsekennn t Linbart; JO aka nrhys4l 8 Idgvnt 111*. nd. 14.10. an.doo; / 69 by 81.1c7, 60 60 .8448 Anolunl. AL1.2822122 IStainon,llopt .18L2 urs .best, B '1 Ron • nody t Inovl6o eta to IS obit is "tot; 1 bbl egg., 1 nog boner, • Lipp•nn 7 k..fro bntier, 25 oboe., 9 bblo TM, 881dn oon 223 Ingo tbarley, W W Andorion; uw, dines, J Xerox,. impOrts by River. LAitiviug m Lim 6ukax-47 oko wool, 1-bbl f&P,, I nsts butler, 48 01111 t , •11 , 44 1 . crate do, U bbli flaxseed, I Wow, 1 box indlg~aa,yloso bblo Danr,l cask talb...ll+43adso,Clorko.kca•o roll, loather, Elorthy, Bobbed' ear 1 bbl egp, liaLVericro; 6 ”114 loather, lox do, It LA.4 ICO bbls, P Wostdri4e.; WA cidar.l.l4sl swim. W P. Beerdri 001 ten' .005., 1 keg eggs, 1 box bo tor, 1 trunk ecia. , /1.1.*t% I oN 1 bog oWN lank a/O&M f bblaoil, J Didion; 4 bbh egg s, folsot4 ,14usgizong!}1.101. Weser, 1 bbt dried 0g0b,4 - 1 tabs.4o4-1-hozAlorStoakon -34 .4"bie110m . , - / T last, Pleads fibel; I pal bat. egr; 10 Or, ag{, 4km bxttori Adams limo ell 1.14 bbla dour. _e autaera 4 . ita. ogi Plabln; 9 bbil J241440111141;;....,...i.i1-- LAWN OP TUB IINPPSD OMB& Asuad at the Tint Basics a/ ilia !UHF sigAth: Amiss. [Positc—Ns 190.] AN ACT in relation to the sale of the reserva tions of the publio lands. Be it enacted by the Bennie and Bowe Al Rep reeentatims of the United States of America to Oartstress assembled, That whenever any reser •atlon of public lands shall be brought into market under existing lave it shall be lawful for dm Commissioner of the General Land Oftloe to fls a minimum price not less than one dollar and twenty eve cents per sere be low which such lands shall not be disposed of. Approved, July 2, 1864. [Pumac —No. 11f6 A N •CT further to regulate nod provide for the curdling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes. Be at enacted by his &nate and Rouse of Rep ',nub:trues qf floe United Beaks of America in Congress assanbted, That the President of the United States may, at his cliseretion, at any time hert•fter call far any number of men as volunteers for the respective terms of one, two, and three years for military service- and any such volunteer, or, in case of draft, as hereinafter provided, spy substitute, shall be credited to the town, township, ward of a city, precinct, or election disiriot, or of a 00Ianti, not so subdivided, towards the quota of which he may have volunteered or engaged as a sub stitute; and every volunteer who is accepted and mustered Intel the service for a term of one year, unless sooner discharged, shall re ceive and bepaid by the United States, a boun ty of one hundred dollars; and if fora term cf two years, unless sooner discharged, a bounty of two hundred dollars; and if for a term of three years, unless sooner discharged, • bounty of three hundred dentine, one third of which bounty shall be paid to the soldier at the time of hie being mustered into the ser vice, one third at the expiration of one-half f his term of earvite, and one third at the ex piration of his term of service. And in case of his death while in servio•, the-residue of his beninty unpaid shall be paid to his widow, if be shall have left. a widow; if not, to his children, or if there be none, to his mother, if she be a widow. . Sec. 2. be it/lather enacted, That in case the quota, - or any pert thereof, of say town, township, ward Dia, city, precinct, orelection district, or of any county not so sub divided, !hell not be filled within the spiel of fifty day, after Inch call, then the President shall immediately order a draft for one year to fill such quota, or any part thereof, whit% may be unfilled; and in case of any such draft no payment of money shell be accepted or re• valved by the Government as a commutation to,release.aly enrolled or drafted man from personal obligation to perform military Ser. Sao. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Executive of any of the States to send recruiting agents Into any of the States declared to be in rebellion, ex cept the States of Arkansas, Tennessee, and Louisiana, to recruit volunteer, under any call under the provisions of this sot, who shall be credited to the. State, and to the respeo• tire eubdivittions thereof, which may proonte the enlistment • • See. 4. And be it further enacted, That draft ed men, eubetttettes, and volunteers, when mustered in, shall be organized Into or assign ,d to regiments, batteries, or other organize• bone of their own Staten and, as far as prac ticable, eball, when cosigned, be permitted t fittest their own regiment., batteries, or other organizations from among those of their ens nee-tire &gee which at the time of assign ment may not be filled to their maximum number. BRn. 5. And 5e it furtAer muted, That the twentieth section of the sot entitled An act to emend an sot entitled an aol for enroVing nod calling out the national (orate, and for other purpose' ' approved February twenty four, eighteen hundred and sixty four, shall he construed to mean that the Secretary of War shall discharge minors under the age of eighteen yesre under the cironmetannes and on the conditions preeoribed in Bald section; end hereafter, if any oflloer of the United lAtetre eball enlist or muster Into the military service any person under the age of sixteen years, with or without the consent of Me pa tents cr guardian, such person so enlisted cr I waited shall be Immediately discharged upon payment of all bounties repelled; and such recruiting or mustering officer who shall knowingly enlist any person under sixtee a years of age, [hall be dismissed the Ferric,, w th forfeiture of all psy and allowances, and shall be subject to such further puniehmen as a court martial may direct -Bxo. 6. And be it ficlker enacted, That section three of an sot entitled "An set to amend an sot entitled an act for enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purports," approved February twenty four, eighteen hundred and sixty four, be and the same le hereby emended, so as to author lee and direst provost marshal[, under the direction' bf the Provost Marshal General, to mete a draft for one hundred par senium in addition to the number required to s'l the .iuota of any district ae provided by Bali Deo ion. Bee. 7.. And be it further elsacted That in wend of traveling pay, all drafted pertains re -tering at the place of reale-moll shall be xl (owrd traherorlat;on from their ph-ace of resi• th• Lei; and persons discharged at the place of Intervene thall Dr allowed transporoatidn to -he-r ylacte ci residence. Seto S. And be et /u-ther •-• - ...mted, That all mem:redo the navel service of the liritel tales who have euttr,d sxnd service during ,he present rebellion, who have not been cred ited to the quoin of any town, .I . etriet ward, r State, by recision of their being in slid eer ce and not enrolled Prior to Feb-nary twen ty fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, than be enrolled slit t Cc qintas of the town, ward, district, or Sete, fa which t eg respectively reside, span vat:stile:tory lope( of their renidenav made to the Secretary War. Set 9 And be If /wither enacted, That if as:: pinion duly drafted shall be absent from me in prosecution titbit usual business, the trovom marshal of the distriot shall cause him t, be duly notified as soon as may be, and he thudl not be deemed a deserter, nor nab , . as rt:ch, until notice has been given to him, and onable time allowed for nts rear.: ant re p rt to the provost marshal of hie d. riot; 'tut euth absence shall not otherwtee &dont hie .iability under this act. btu. 10 And be it further enacted. 'rust tooth g-contaiard in this act sha.l be tionetrueil t, alter or in any way affect that provisions of too seventeenth section of an not approved ft brizary twenty fourth, eighteen hundred ond silty four, entitled an act to mend an of entitled i.An act (or entailing and osllius out the national forces, sad for other purpo era' approved ?larch third, eighteen bun fired e.,.‘1 Maly three. boo. 11. And be it further enacted, That nithing oontatned In title sot shall be woman, d to alter or change the provisions of exlet leg lowa relative to permitting persona liable to military eervioc to . fonoieh substitutes. Approved, July 4,lfirA. FrO MANUFACTURERS—A party hay (r6 roma 810000 to 112J.000 which may bo Manama .d, isashe• to forest in sumo good ..f. prottable maim. factoring hi:llmm, Won pr. I. daslorm of now Mating oftti btrosliff respeotabla mantilsotarer, oltb boohoos already entabllaboi. or oboist to be estatilitked. 1 tis a t.erthoor has iarg• tootemacispen•latim in this city an 4 mist and mouth If teeny years, @Specie to tak• otintge of the flatinolal and basin.. part of the 1.1200111. A . voinni need apply oho cannot forniah . rsasonable pn sartion of the mpitia repairs:l for the aotPre opera ti or Clio wooer°. end oho le not • oomiciiito auger or toon• mi bovluo. prop,* If the party to o I , otlo Itooot, to the Advert..., stAtotootori rafersone • ia nomited. adetram 1101 ito. P. t) . with real bnoo and reslthinon ORUMPTON & 00.. I MoCOIiD di 00., - 1167 Liberty Street, . . . It PEARL B.OAI 3014 fteprick. and ELanufseturers to , %Vonore P. sytrualn, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois andlsnotisL LLD. manufacturers of a superior al WI, of Palm, Oermsn. Olive and Rosin Soap, VOILIN AND NANDI! lOAPJ, Of oscr BUN= PE,kEL BOAT, which w• oealden• War recommemd better for psumnlase than any other before %ha trablle, should be borne to mind hes nether Potash, Baft, Lime or sadn,ar say otherscheence in ISe manniaateze, width out ehrifels arimiare the deed dt• take. Tlannela end Woolmw ante imbed with the reptdlty of Ootton Linea. Clothes .shed with the 3/L PDT PEARL SOAP do not nodes honing or ball the robbing. which 01 resume =TO the tess. SELVIIII MIL SOAP Memores Sumo, Dtrl, TOtesoo Stets Printer? ha, Stookey, sad the worst Belay Water Maim Leutediateir, Z ., wlytajiyaltb i A r i = in tVg= =Sha g.", Lt 7atillancy to Plat=ret, liestallad Palatiap sad Patent totti for Swaim marble sad floor ttle tt 6a no eqoaL— ler the Seth. and particularly Ss Ilbassehoiwg. the azure PAM 804514 • parted lusty. In a also, all who has Slot its twpartor gullets, selmowledge it Wlb*S _guts* dimmer, od Oa Thio (hearsay oh from all who an laWaSed to slag Soap, to .1147 u.. .Bt resat the prim of U. sae Amid it Bit to Vtat 11 *lan 1a 11, Lf mq mordlng to oar llarobdata !ma abroad oral do Intl •ie LM anumnon co:r• eau, sea eat.t 7 amok multi rismumustssauraidrimmpr Envoi. Air Swan of .411 troitithorar sou olotebro nolo booing our trad.uldrk—BlLVlDa natl. flalllSZ. mearod by Natidni dappled. VROICR ALLEGEIRRY (Ur PROP =TY TOMBALL...Two Mw,wall badt,. briok DULLLING HOUbW3,.broltariar Lall. two mar chamber rooms, InMO atria. Mang ..42. 'LOC?. ea arid rellar, yard, eta _ , sad Tatar datum.. Lot bra haat py 100 dry, Torpito• and tartasAppli 001333fi11f SOWt, tapir DI Udall “. xDuc.arto-r4z. ipeopEssoa - 1. : OLAESICAL /OD 0011111:10141AL IKSWOL, Ile. se, es, ce , r Termlll par ocivatt rjor quarter of 11 weeks 4ad vance. Ham 13( Toltkm tram 5 30/ 1 13. BOOK.E.IIIPING MID FEMMAIIIIIP An a tewslifir of Book-troPpltiff and Pentemnshlll, .141 eau truly say, In= our own knowledge he h., to perksr. Oil klif•Ei ISII•EL, Berretary of Lucwica Oil Oompsny. A. J. LEE, Of Atool, Lee & 00, Haring twee under the lurtrootion of Proftiamr Wil liams In Ito-.l.•kseplrig, sod experts:lead rho benefit of his thorsdith sod systematic method o I Wilms, we feel it a ides., to expre. our high opinion of him re att eanc•tur ; hi. stotlitles and long experience touring secured him rbe oudl.piasil ;mei •lon of the first of In. amnion in Commsrcfsi Education. 'those who daelre • ecientiCr. no well sea. • practiced knowledge of the beet syetems of Book-kesplog and &monism, can uo. where else ohmic that knowedge, In • tkao la oder the tnitlon of Pert Wilileme • Prof. °an pa E. fiIONTGOtdEIIT, Cart SAMUEL TfiGGARt i 010. W• DITHSIDOE. Dake.prr for a. D Ditbridge. JOHN B. YILILGOBU.N, Attota•y at-Lon. Ho h ia. In m. °pin' 11, no akiperior as a Teacher. and to him mart io doe than 1 ever ens repay. 8 111. WET a OLDS, .10 Book keeper for Ev.raon, Frisian- & Oa. THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY 410 MILITARY lEFITITITTI WEST CHESTER. PA.. WAL F. 111117118, A. AL PrfimiyaL Ida 171iTill WWI-TALL. A. MA, P 4 D.. Ansuci. Princi The dibolag pal. ela year of ten months. will eommenoe on tharIBSP TVEsDAT, the 6th of floptenther nest. Tb. nouns of instruction it thorough 111.12 d erieeseira. do tirand to at boys sad prang men for °Aare or wanness. !Sods= Istromayss, Glum., Trench, flfplthiati and ha= taught oy natir• red/lent Wachs.. The mill. 151=7 Xe U lti r t l b. thllltp=sl MAJOR Tor 011.4100. npply Wilier of to. ginclinth at - Wod Ctuestar, Pa. Prinnipal will to at the 1110151ONGATILLI BOUT Pitisintrgla from envoi 6th to Anatol gth, Manzi.. ohm ha will to happy to furnish informs. man® .boat his school. from, 10 A to. to T p. sal:las WESTERN lINTVREWIT, Oomer of EOBB AHD DL&IIIOND 6TIIEC2EI. Tamdtp—George Wooed, L. L. D., Pretddent and Pro. Dew of lbw& and Moral Boiauca ; JAL Y. Griggs, H. A., Profmam of dm Groat Langan, and Lltaratura Hon. Bears W. Williams, X A., Prof/man of Lad; ditmater 80mb.,, D. A. Poolemor of Wathaanadav; Q.T ~ P. Darker. D. Ph. D., Prafmor of Datong 13Mo0oa Dorvilla Libby, A., Prinolpalof Prenavalw Departaseat; 8... D.. E. Williams, N. A., Professor oft 4 1 1 17,Wes:v d tj;t7r="illia l i V aa ody, Phydology and Hygiene ; Alphonse D. Dams, Teacher of WA detach Language; amiolph, Laouttart, Teacher of MAD/Aram Language. The b.d advantaged/ are adored to Andante I. LW Pnepalstovi Zusibt, Cie/semi Oollaglata Actsattlia warm The neat eons dal amomased on 81PT.116. DID WA .010.1,, MU HANNAH E. DAVIS' SCHOOL .151. YOB 'YOUNG LADLES AND ERMA —The thirteenth RTIIIO.II of this 0 mrleblog luelltnikm viii ooMmence oo MONDAY. SEPTEMBER/4h Is the sm. Moth room, No 114 Federal Hetet, Allegheny. The embed of the followtog occomplithed teachers have teat serocred. Pm/ Beradm Th. Nooks for Nueln Prof. Doom, for French; Prot. Caw .eU, for Leila d limited ntunbe r of pupa. wfU be received aoriEwil 0114. RAE* LME=I Pats*lowa and its Pradnsts. 011:a Oa &Dill, 4111.. 410. BED To. re WATILU AIM 7110 W 4 33—rirrisIMEIL /31)r/li 13). POIITLe In) audios= 013, W 013 ZI fNA YORE PlitA77llll CLUZLILS cOlt PAHL W. A 082..PZ1A5, tossr., 03 'Nat_ • In ti.oet Na LUCENT OIL WOE.KI4 DU 80113, DIIBIA2 4 CD, tan White Rallied Cubes OHL ATTORJrIZ FB. EL O. E.. SOMME MAMMALA JOHN - 130N, • AWPCPIAJILIYMAT.4.AIt, r!rWirn747MIrITMMITFV.VM'F7II ;le-melee far Wounded ftoldlere collected W from we o mew, dew. wee Oftlee ge GlEtel9S STEENS, Mauer,. erne &mew. wed two olt aee defikly JAS LAFFERTY, ATTOR NET -AT-S A W AB L.l Bagbaewc=ptly albn4ed t.. 0 11! log 19..16170178TH MATS, war Great. Pita. brash. spll2l:llmian MoMASTER B GAZZA.MI3 LA-1W 0 IE , IF IC:EIL No. 98 GRANT STREET. sollOtly e Net,il/11 Q tic SCHOYER, Attar= 14-1. Los. Ofbas, 122 Fourth siert, Pi eftty BAIL"' FARRELL a CO., PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, GAS J.IsID STEAM FITTEES, • ~.„bOO, l , iarr^.od uc p. I!)dr•ute 'OO .0h baoll.. 6,11 Tuna, Gm tlx• ,16*, V` Lelui ghee L 0•01 /0., Whit h v. puf iu the admlrab namner. Weld" 41,0 ,menu, ttLoat o.*o W wider. BAIL/CT. FAILILELL A CO.. 121 r3CIRTEI STERN? R EEt.K, BEAL GO., WOOL Commission Merchants. 341 LIBERTY STREET. Corner of Worn*. ITITEIBUBGEI, Jar Wool botogla and sold oo prokoWW. Late, Oaps and Btraw Goods, dare now to nor* the Wiwi WI moat *mpg. tool of good. for dr LNGF BALES, Era hawed he the mot. Merchants are enamel le call end usezoine one Oath, which be mad very Low .ate.. whe 151 Woo& NL. Plttsbezneh. • JNO. ~BURGES.9 & 00., (Socomora b I. II W. HAIIHAJ Commtssion end YOZWlLidlaff Mere ha.ts, OTh 0117, Pl. Raving purchased the "Hamm Warehomer" at on Oily, sod Laving ample room mid facilities, ww are arm prvpared to store and forward OM AND N.M,1111A9- Molt, of every description, and proinha eatkfaction to all arta may favor as with their patronage. nowheedem VILIAO U 11.610, GOILTIVIAMIr 111411.11 V MILD 10: ALLINIEENT 011% and Lop codstaally as Azad s tarn sad Ilbacastar no.; stook et DZONING, BOAT AND BOTTOA 117.AN1, WINDOW num 871:117'. LIUTLIN.="r lOWA JOINS. B,OIITINO, TAMA PLUM. seal, . Hi vID 101 onion ON SAWED wtib PromPt oe and et foil rates. N. B. isrms vistfad LONO MUNN oe PUPLAS are particular, toNtiet to mai= I* Meek. wo as ctodestrod.tie Ealtraws. JOSEPHMiff= & SON, Manufroturors and Wholnudaand Id= Dodos In IIIIIISMS AND CSWEIS.Non JlMUClTiabors Ow Ow &Wenn Ise ritn A l iV t r i gionnt o n d i - TABU An Rob own ondrainntnnk And varmints, estenil ta alit/ and st7hito any tesandiddinella deo and, and val M rib War OILS, Ns: BRILLIANT OIL 00.—Books of Sub. ocalptlos to trionthiwry on. as wiz too at o Malkin/ Rom .r HANSA. RAILS I Si r , " , " M. oorser Shhd and Woui atoms, oz Monday, Anima Bth, 1864. Pmptleta sc.:at:as • dm'cr , Ptiou of tho bald by du Company an be bad at Use same Oae., seal alley like eth of Aural- iT30:11 JAMES WILKINS, 111/01Eit AND DELL= IH CRIME AND HEFLIIRD OIL. PHILAT DLOCE, mims' WAY PPITSBUBGH, PS sr Special ettentlot gtven to the BALI AND 11111' of Petroleum end Ita product. Oonalgnmenta respectfully sollctlard. PittaLorgb Agency goy 799942100 OIL AND TRANSPORTATION OOMPANT, 111:12:1y POST OTTIOZ SOX /49. RICHARDSON, HARLEY h CO., oominesion a TOBWARDIJIG x=e.i.J!rre, Crude and Refined Petroleum, Ns. le IRWIB STRUT, PrITI3III7/14UL skr Literal Cask adraares oa coodpasan for Pitt . Wards or Lantern Markets. sours. J. 6. Dihronta • 00, lko "4" mpoon n itl l st, l rrea. " OosomorobJ h 10.1130 TACK At BRO., 11122.2110 Crude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, hay 1W W•L19137 57, PffiLADIELPHIt. !Dll.Urai Borer to ➢lum. Itlcturdaott, Harley ► Co., Brown., Barite ► Co., sod ktcClolluld h DST% Plttabargh; Tha. Ellostb, ILN., Prnal, Boat H. A.; H. Lg. /odor Co.,► PbUdft.ll,bla. irakly McCORMICH A CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. Nos 211 luid 218 South Water Street, WU CIA CKJ. Lyeny A Crhorpotuaing. Iron City 00 Wort. Jacob Pointer, of J. Palates. A 00. Jo°. H. Obol ot, of Span& Culkat A CIL IrM:l7 WALES, WETMORE a CO., COUNIABION BUMCBAZW. BiIIPPEILIS OF PKTROLEUX. Lll UAL= LA Xl. Mill COML. Linos tedatigs mr erioaticii £HD OHII7IBO at thidr yard sad vtart Zza One*. myll.-tf Fiver CITY oil, W 013103 LTDAY CHORPENNIN6I, llinchattran •na Emmen at thumis OM BIM !ZUNI ASO LtbIitIOATIBO one, ,mad &ebb b CRUDE IP'ECTFLCILACILTIM. 02oa, Lo. 0 SLIM smut= WALLACE & C11R77.138, on Blavokunata; Lail dal= to CRUDE& REPLIIED PETROLEUM, 4111510311 LIID 1,4311102011:110 OUR, S.. Itl corm, !MAIM PHILA DELP HIA. Dir Stone pwAty Dr oder nom.) for 164:00 Dbl. Lbw acconon. AL..llorlos for obipping to A merlon& and Ilorsizn Ports, et our wharf on the Eictna7lkl/1 Itmr, noar;Lbo platform or the P. IL H. 1.25r1y BREWER, BURKE & CO., CONIIISSION EIRCHANTS, Agstite Of Oa GLOBS, l/LOUTO AND LIBMITT OIL WOUILZ. Refined or Crude Petro/ems. 00iL D'OCT.II2OII •I 7 k HAI:1000EL 011 i. ENOS WWDWARD, CILIIIR&I, 0011211E81021 ELEA:MUM 117.1•1 Olen Slolt V. la Ca eats sl Crude and Refined Petroleum. 5.. ill 300111 !BORT STUMM FRILL. s.. aoumancr. WOODVILLE OIL REFINEICV. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP a CO., flanaf•cturcre of BURNING OIL AND LOSHICA. "[LNG{ OIL. Se%constantly heal th, vary Entgasl. Icy of BrI;SIINC OIL, char isnd t.okr ; also, • govd LUSHICATOIL, I , Etr. WHITt DIGISZOLE and CAR OBILAELL _ . . ear an ordrm J.n at No. 3.5 717TH moan, Bast Pim*. mootot root, vW Oa promptly .t sided CAW' P ERTON 14' E mum General 11 erchandize Brokers, 112 Peti.B.L eTIiZET, Hew Tent, Also, M 13017TH THANT EIT., Mad.lphila, Pa. CRUDE & REPINED PETROLPOI. CA UTT IC SODA . SOl A ASH, 6EIMSTONA, OT N, Az., Az. Orden 4 buy or ball pruza,tl, abbandbil tab. bta:ly D L MILLEII, A. 011.1111, ym WeI..VOT et., PIIILADII.PIELI. CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUM On 006.11iiiliet1 excluttely. All cha-se. at =et rear weAble rate.. . _ . BToRAOIt POE RISTINLD 1.11 oxd oglass. iar °DODS, Andre rood atial. Particular sorts tiAs paid to OIL TOE SLLPOS2. Fos Satu-0/1, USTIO SODA, SODA ASH. AA. ALLISN s N KlLLrldrai, rfIIL&DZI.PHIA. CVONIBBIOV MEEOII4IIII. W.aridoelar attention paid be ooneignlntate d Crude and Befitted Petroleum. B oil F. ti'l A.813W tiT eT. CLAM FT-. PITT9TMAO2 Porwartiing Oortuniseion Merchant /HD DIALZIS 18 OIL& Or n, Lunn; ATINO,LUBRICAITNG,OBIMA PE. TOOLS:OH OILS, !a, constantly on band and for dale do lowest market prima 012.11712.2112 and ord.. apl;elco ISAAC BOUGH & W., 03 ILWIZSION MiIIOHANTII, Crude and Refined Petroleum, lie MUTH DIXLAWAIUI 1191311111, weßiNo a Knio, „, oossassioN mounTrarre. Petroleums and Its Products, ao. Si 11-BICIIM EIT., Pliastnugh. R ol I PF.ARRAT T. • is norolotato i Itrolsarl4 Otooloottott to Petroßiau and as Produce, itz enCri saa boawcanipsovilca. 'aids tutild• lb, wpm% se trwastna ribs. Miraadrazion goad. eatts JAMES IRWIN Oil of Vitriol and dans Aminla. carom Isle 3012 Porldsill =taw roommate AID VIM ATEUX/Orni . 01MM01.141.141% 11114-‘7II , 4CTURZRI, a& LAWBEINCEI MN WORE% Jr es castle, Pa. BITHBIDGE 00., IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES, ?retool poked! =bloc' to otutaiteo of LOA matte. 1. 630 Z.6 NIW ONSTLI, LAlrass. 00., P DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, O&D.111,3 & CB.AWFORD, Ilaesebetams DI rowy variety Ed lblesed IMAM WORK TOR P1.71113E118, STILUI 011 GA/3 YITTILLS, IIAcHINISTB, AND OOPPLnnmirue. BRAB3 OABITNGS, et all deee;lll;tiona. made to cr. der. STEAMBOAT WORE, t3TEAR AND GAWPS% TING. arid REPAIRING, protopti, atteudeci b. Particular attentkot paid to titling ny ARYINERIES FOB GOAL AND CARBON OILS. Also, 8010 Agent:n(or the Wayzata Dlsiliot of Pear:a-p -ranl. Oar the We of MARSH, LA UnIVELL • 00.13 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the twat cm. Invental. Hering no yslww it la not Itable to wet out of order, .04 will tArow more water lben 0.7 primp of twloo 11. tine. snlB f.,. ascancrosa....-.4. •. xis. as IRON CITY WORKS. 10 A C KIN TOBII, ILEBILPFILLI.I. 0 CO., PtkEr'fiDlßB Lln Corner of PM* and o , llara, and ?Ike and Wshaat litrosta, (Haar Otty Wator Works.) lloonfactorore of stattoost7 and other SNOT ROLLING MILL CASTINGS Lad MACHIN/ET, of all kludo, and general Jobber. Prompt attendon riven to repairing 8014,150 KILL MAOHINISERY. itennely ROBILRTIS, BAKNES di (X)., la Se Th l / 1 1 llt., Pittsburgh, TM LIID Blur' IRON WOMMIIB, I=l9 .7 TUN WARE W. an now mantitortming and haws on band Bath. log Apparatus of alf kinds, Toilet Wan In Sinn, Water Cooler., Grocery . Tea and dpi.. Coniston, Cosh end Spin Dona, Tumbler Drainers, Spittoons, An., ho. A Win lot of Bird Cages tot .ate low. Cdl Citil of all snag and rioitterns, Tin Booting, Oondiactors, and all Linda of Job bing Work donate order. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881 DITHEIDOWS PATIST OVAL L&A-111..E• NEY S. IC le' Those Clhfinsays tnteuded for its dal dams, heat ing all parte of the glan equally, dos not sass It to oracknag. Z. D. DIT I / 1 1/DOZ, Fort Pitt Was Warta, Wstrington @toed. aplf Patel:tuna. Penna. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, M7llBOBO/1. FL PAM BROTIDEB, & 00., DEFT QC AIrITT ELZ/THIID OMIT arso. Btrutr*, rot ttod Ortogost. of al oto. Warrautod 14.1 to &ay Imported or nostiol!acttcrotl to Oar ontotry. SW Offits aod Inreitoamejka. 141) anti 161 111/113.4 120 und 124 8E00161)8711EXT8, PitCalm:Wt. telllyd ALLEN & CO., VALLIT rocrort, Pittaburgh, 17 ibirWarehocias, L I Ll 3 ZSTT liaoututurval of COOK. 7A11.L.011 AND HEATING STOrtS, Pia. Loll. AND KITCHEN GRATIS, War. LONV WARE, dc., a and tile. lEoolda, Ho MID Orating., NN Gearing,Taa, Water and Artisan Pips, Pad liana Itag Irvna, Wairop Donna, Sew KarilatiPirl. hiya, Hangars. Car Wheals, Coupling, and Owing. gene. rally. A 1... Jobbing and Mashing Dilating. made lo or. clar. Parental Portable 111111, with Eitacm or Horse Pram. wilich=d pENN M ELCIIINR WORBS AND TOUNDRT. IL WIGIVPRIAA £ CO., BROIRR BUTLUEB3 ADD BIAOMBIErTB Lam.. &neer, bet's.. Pedant ILI d Bandusky. ALLPOKAIII CITY, PA. EAkuutaaturers ofEIORTMANT PATIN/ PORTABLE OBLTLLATCNO UTILIM ENGIBEB, Ch.M.& Pulleys, be. Repairing of all Muds attended to. Jelay THIRD BTHERT FOUNDRY. lormeely 1a... at Asuisreaa & PhiUlm) TeLL informs hi. Meads and the entlAbr ly ibst • Lae opened • Fastairy at the comer of Third area .1 ar..30.17 tans, oppaelt• Ifeitoo's Brain roa.d7. aitn. paose of exanneectesteg LIGHT HAGIIIIIS- , 0&613HG1, OLIO% MOULDS, POLLITa, pstg. etersense Ehnen to Phambrav watt- - .710A6. CH k'OWNF.B, (lute of the firm of row.* • Maley.) PAIN D. HINIRON (l.m of idUchoU, Herron • C 0..) IRON FOUNDERS sad TOTZ ktattufactszers, Pr.:. Word, PIP - abarg. P. .10113 B. EIZILIIO3 11 00. WELLS, RIDDLE At CO., Na 215 Lat....rty ftIMP, oppoulte Binh, Pit=Evrttly tn.nfact4mrs of WIIIPB, LASHMS and acKl emry daecnown of LZATHI2I Br/AIDED WORE_ Order, UM:Mod from tbe mods, and goals prompt(' shipped or tor Instroctiobs. Frady E FRANCK, No. 53 WArser. Nr S crgb. a t 1 tor., of , ILER RI VETS FROG' TEr c, wod ra!lrned, of eTery bcrlptien. - Pdrtimlxr elu.l or 0.4.-d EFINTS one. ATV. 3119., I .p or emal , , %-r et engirt notice. A r 11..01 . 1311 At. I I , Isr.A. I) & W. BENNETT, Manufn,AurcrA of • Wll ITE STONT ar.d MIAS T V. 4RE. ONI.o W.rt.tosup .1 No. 14 1/1718 .SThX6I PtEtabor,b. .1•18.17 BLANDY s rorTABLI: STEAM SAW MILES •nel BLANIDIrar PaLent,d Partabis Steam F. Ara, ELAN mean. W is, vorartlln, L., to. !ILAN L.l Nowart )1.0 L Ina Wurits, Newark, 0. The moat Burcazeful In Ltio arrti.l. First praenlorn *arm, exhibitive, at Bta4 sr d National Pah" P. .ctly equirtral foropnratlon. trot quality or la:a l-rt. WU. H. Finer a IN Ilmarr, Pa., cot 1 , 24 , uu Laat h. 9.11.19 toroth., ..ndiaa Play, lON. torlarling the abort trlut+ r. Juana C lle. lan, Lairtabun, Pout. , t f/10,0 , 0 foot of oat to tart, mouths. to Jute, IBM. 1. a CM foot oak; 15 , Ch of Jtote 10,000 foot out. Prtotod I:•trltrtton, oovi I.lagraynd [molted plan for r 111 sod Engl.. Ecod for illortroted rircvlu, with disorlytione mod r ports of oporotora. AVdneas H. k F. MANDY, at Zaatarsille, or A eveset., Ohio Orders, eMib and sonneepozdeces aoltal,ed. G BAY I3 PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Are lot Amply dot pincer of paper eat In tha form of bulbar, but are 31 cadre! end &hared I. *Oa wag, hartn a perfect curve Jr.. frose oxalis or bred* tent®4 ott tetned by oar patented probate, Which .Lo eecuroa an taker advantage pone** by .o othareorlar,—rte : ap,,ee Orosat to the inzn.downstylo, the buldo of Irlueb h prat:city ent..oth andfree trot, pleat" nankin, Mb I*—for ease, cvalnert and durebtlity—uneqwelled. "heyare merleto torn boa Ott,., .1.-• to 17 ar.d to tlarrote from t 3 to 17 loch*, uodp.eck.d It btee boom, of 100 mutt el* In emelter on* of le atch,—tlat latter a ..ry bandy psok...g• for trsratinn, army and navy afar.. Mr ETEHT COLL/LI to .tamped 4. Gray's Patent Molded Collar.." Mold by on mean deal.. In Hazen Funalabbni:Ocods. to. trade supplied by VMS D1C173119, BOEIIIIIIII • 00, dYf estnnt atran, Pblisdalptda nod J. B. L0W11.1741 00, T Warm Arad. lbw {al:hued QUARTERMASTER GIMBALS 0197108, TIBET DIVISION I Wemammon, D. 0., September a, NA Will be told .t Retina Auction, to the highsat bidder, at the time end plate. named below, eta t York, Pa., Tkoracay, Sept .0, 1964; Altoona. Tbaralay, Sept, Sta, 1224: Lebmion, Pa , Tharsday, BepL Ya, 1861; TWO 111315DILID CAV &Lin' ROILSIS AT DtkOl/ PLAoI These bream bare been condemned as neat ter the eavaLry aryl., of O. army. Tor reed and farraing &moo mMry hulraim may., had. Hence mold faXey. Termemob. IA Dulled Meta+ =mom By order at the Qwetermaster Conora D= L lAA. MID, eattd 'Colonel to chary Tint Dirlsino Q. D. LAMP BURNES, AND BRITANNIA WARN MANUFACTORY. OOLLINB & WEIGHT, elaaa6ctann at .li bias er LAN? IntiEllll% LAMP BRAME& ko. Ploadkortarma of Ooßkto Wrtgiatl Patent TIB.AIRPTOP, Poloot TIN - .ItUS. TAR &mad otO TOP, temA.Ptßaborek. PotontOCONT PIPPIN TOP, AA, No. ionazions i PBACILISS, PEACHES J7aDiaftywWaftd W . 'ow Claw m lir Mx We tif salt - E I. If 010 T • 06 SINGLE AND DOUBLE BA RREL SHOT GllNB,,72Leteellete le the trod. 01 Lei ;ma DowDoxitrAftms. OROCERIES, PRODUCE, Ire. r!, ♦IHRN & SHEPARD, Qom • "rri a.n. C ., D. 41.4 7,.1,441 and D0c0,.14 co,.14 FRUITS, FLUOR, bUTTI4II, cars,s., GthlS, • TOLE, P 7 , R. /Oa Lib4+ 4 7 • oppvite Pa 44441.. Npol, S. Dilwor th &Oo , Men. . . COlll-4, Coto ..t Shepard. Atwell. L. & Oa,. Jens Grain. Pthtsbweitn. cuter & Don, BcDewelit&su Brunt & Phßede.; Tremiett Simmons, St. Louts Sluelalr & °mut, New fork ; neuron! & Larell. Cluctuuatt. 0t52..-17 FRANK VAN CORDER, Prance and Commission Merchant, No. 10 19311TII7ILLD STITT, comer First. Dvsler tv TLOUE. ECTTCII, BILOOMS, SEZDS, L. 41111, I 'BRCS P. rnitE, DEAD AND GRIM' )11U 1T 4 3, and L~u:wl c. 4,11 bfilvream on consignment , . Ml CII ARLES C BA.L.SLEY, Produce and Commission Marche:at. 11Z 120ELLN DlBll BRA SLYI. And dealer In oil kill& of 00IISTET PEODIAJIII, Ho. ITO LIZIGETT STRUT. .r 004,1.1 Plrrootobox. LIE:CRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, No. IN SOUTH WATIEB ST., 01110 AGO, lIPoo Particular attention pad to Ming =dui bx HIGH WINZI3, PBOVHIONS, rcoos • mhl7:E. 11 T 7 BAICE do A_.NJ ER, And dealen b Flom., Grain wad Prodruce, I 2 SZOOND ST.. between Woof l Ealthteld, THOS. L McCLELLAND, (Baoonwr ki lIM/hUtwmd A DarlA,) GIIIIBJiI CObildleSlON KrfiCIBAIIT ID Flour, Grain and Provisions. Special attention gleam to the paroles. sad tale of °BUDD AND REFINED PETROLEUM. 17, 77 WOOD OTBSZI, Pittalrugh. Ps. ja&ly D F. QUIIiBY & CO., Commission Merchants, So. 190 0 , 017111 WATME Calo/100 Gtve .p attention to purebselng )Your, Grain, Provisions, 4e., B. ►. --GEO. T. BBOWI9 mk&IT SHRIVER Et L..,k2K&R, Whakneb OBOOESS A.ED 0011111LSSION ELEIICIIAN22I. Boa. 27 and so 516ITILTULD Err.. cot. &colt& J. 1y PITTSDU ELLS B. LEECH, Ftra earnol 311- Lodews ro. Awn Came - woos /IsAcastrr for the of GRAIN, PERM, CHEESE, PRODUCE, be-, Ana .geed for the esiebratod Uniontown CIACIINT, Not. Ur &wood tood 116 Tirst .trade, botwas Food And EolithHold, Pittsburgh. sal HKAD hIETZGAR, Grocers and Cora -I.l.ll:thakm Harchaate, and dealers In all kinds of Cotictry Produce and Pittsburgh litannlhattnat 2t9 Liberty street, opposite bead of Wood street, Pitt. burgh. - ap3:l3 . . BB WILKINSON, COMMISSIOD M it erchant., Who Dub dealer. tnIk7TERN Ha SERVE WILES* DRIED niurts, BUTTER, EGGS, (MUSS, sad prodno. genatalll. Also, LESEHER, HIDES, OILS, an., No. II? Llberts , erect, Pittlbargh. elrEaett advancement. mad, o.4...qtamostta solicited. VIUM. P. BECK do CO_., No. 185 Liberty V V &ma. Plttabargb., Pa, Wholstals Grocer., OM mreogion Edelrbasu. dsaler. to GOCNTRT PRO DUCE., PROVISION% BAOON, LARD. BUTTER, EGGS, CIIIEST, TISII, ac... PRODUCE, FLOUR. GRAIN, SEEDS, GILREN AND DRIED TUCTE3...ts„ !LILT and LIME. JIIS J 0 FLN CAD:nEid), CORMIASION AND li FormsAteno r...seer and wholeasis dealer tri WESTERN lIESERYE CHEESE, BUTTER, LARD, PORK, BACON, TLOPTI, TIER, POT AND PEARL 'ASIIDA SI LICIIATUS, LINEFEED AND LARD OILS, DIU ED FRUIT. loud Produce geuerelly, Zionllll and Ikl Trost greet, Pittsburgh. ot2 LITTLE et TRIIBLE, Wholesale Gm .11. J eel,and Oumealinfon Ederchasta, deafen In PRP 1 , 11111 , 1, L PLOU ARD 4. I BACSa 117.6 718.11 NAILSLASS &11/3012, TARNS, and Piciadeuriyh elanufacturee generally. IL and 114 Sewed street „rittaleergh. REYMER k BROTTIRRA t 4 ateymer s Andereonj WhoteamZe Nbalors rob ZION FRUITS, xrrt , AND SPICES, GIONFLOTION. XIVI, SUGARS, FlallA WOICII3, Atm, Nod, VI wAd tDI Wood exact, above rush, Pittsburg!, W. D. 11/Of pATTEBSON & 0011ELIS8IO9 NIINTRA.Nn, YLOVR AND GRAIN. .Vd georral PBODIIOI abl:l.7deem, V.Had WOOD fiTILLIT4 PllzanuNA, CHEESE WAREHOUSE.-HEISTRY COLLINS, Fersaoßeg and Comm Laden Naral. end dealer In CHEESR, BII77E& LAILICTISII, an. r lar.ers.abcre Wares edYS 1 oiLN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Gre y en Lad Oomnalasion Mercian., so, 1111 Wood Lad taS Liberty aircat, Pitteburgb. lalb tH A I{I.ES L CA L DWELL , (rtLocessor to V James If Li 111,4 411 .) POllll PACliElt desler pro, , vlsl(Mb. corner at BarLol and 11,ntb P:it+l,ch. 1 11 - 1 P A : 4 11 EPHA P. 1 1 , (. 1,,, ,ri5ir07. ‘,/ rrall•r, ard dt,lers m TLIA'II,OIZ.:IIN AND littltUtt'E t Nt.. 317 Liberty etrat.e. Pituttr,,kt Lk' 7. a b rt 1.1.:•• tt.tur fur 11,trts end y am t ttittirte. Part., t., ,14 imLi4 Cllr r stt. , sr.tuerally. Get, ti!T `i .1 1' OWN; EN D. (Furcessor to Jackson rACKLI3 and dnahr Ist F 1 , ..';"1`51,55, 12 F.Lrth Libtrty, urz h. .C 7 b tsar—turns_ 13. TOM. 11. VUIOT .4. CO., succooeeors to L G. .1-4 Grs7l. FLODCCE AND COM7IISSION tiA NTS, 247 Lll.rty ',Trot, Pittsburgh. 11()BERT DA LZ ELL 4F. CO. Whole sale, Gnxvra, Go.mblaiuu and Tunnelling Ile , r- OiAl . 4. toad d,nlen fu Prulece and Pit tab. -0 clama nt's:lu,, Pit teburg4. _I)WALLACE Commission Merchant, . lu FLOUR and GRAIN, "Ixt. 0pp...41.4 Peunrylv.nla B. R. ra.anuarr Lepul, F....burgh, P. storage War. ruer ayn. and P• on strew.. nol7:17 1110•01 LAW• 001. JOlO4 MIFTOO ..0 VA LL. A.M.BERT; SHIPTON' & CO.. Whole oole flrocer. and Produce Duolon, N. girth 416 zz'AIA.II DICKEY Jr. CO., Wh lesale I Pro,re, Oomtolsegtoo 51Ierttotztts, eed dealers in RODUOI, No. 80 weer street and 65 /rat strett, j KIRKPATRaCK dr BROTHER, fru°. . to Brown /1 Irkpotrioks, WHOLE SALE GRINIKES, Nos. 191 and 193 Libert7 .tenet, .p 13.19 CCHOICE RIO COFFEE—Just received herb let of eholce Tito Cotrea; alto prime what , La- Faayea and old 's,. Oath*. for sale at the fatnly gro. cer7 store at JOEIS A. 111=8Clatif. corner Liberty and Ltattd newt. 1 All ES DALZELL & SON, Mazuxada U toren of LARD OILa and Gornminalnu Mat of tor :ha pot-chaise and W. of CE ODE &ND It till NF:D PETCOLDCM, Not. 10 and To Wotan F:ttaburgh. AdTancaa rune, on conalznalanta. I 8. LIGGEft - k CO., CITY FLOUR !NO bIILLB , oorner Liberty Adam sad etreeta tittemrgh, P. MON - Capocity, Mn barreb per day QUA MAKER Co nnsmos 111 steams and wholesale dealers in GROCER DM, FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, So., Et,. ED Liberty street. Ploahorgh. .7341) CMS 1 / I ,IT WATT A VaTSON, Wholesale Gm- T nnt Ocrocnia.lce Merchants, and ticeirn In Fon due, And Pitted:Anti t..satintesuares, No. 1.66 Liberty tercel Piwiburybs. Jab Q LINDSAY Ja. it BRI)., Wholesale and OSODEILI, FLOUR AND PIi , DDPCSD ZA.IO LB. :187 Liberty stmot. Pidabargh. CICO. ALBILEN, SON .t CO., Wholesale and Entail Deanna in DOOM atiORS, a.* corn Wood and Tourtla elven, Pittanush. EDGERTON & STKWART,Wholegale aitoorsa AND OONNIBSION =WAND% Ss. ID? Vied stmt. Pittsburgh. 4531 =MAIO 6012141 CMC4 TOHINT L HUM co: . J MIS AM) COMMI 851.011 11[1210ELAIrtd, edissithlLAdd sod Waist .treats. Pitts BAUALBT. W 1 09: 11 x 114 11a. Naa. LS ml ID vrma Arad, rtu. test • WM. O. JOHNSTON & CO., Stationer TT Mak Book lienaitadtardo sad to hicilot 0 Wood stmt. Pdttotocca NO 2 LARD ort,-25 bbla. No 2 Lori OU on hand awl for rale by JAB. PALMA. R BON. . =2O CO wad TO Wear otroot- GOLD PINED OLD FENS, WA.P..AMI) IS CAROM MIL O. F. Newton t Go's. Has. 1A7.1, 1..1 %sell 7, with ar oatmeal holder. O. F. &Inca it Ova. age 'lima Peas. Rower Perst 0.10 eat fioNtss. gate meats & 'teasels Wesne Hyde'. Peet And Rae Peed! Oust Per s sate by KAT 00, 013 Wad Amt. ala ItAltalteaDf.=4 ENNEITL -1.864. • P 1r THAI. CEISIM THAI . IL. 1.-111:11111111 1,111421411111111:1TL—Burt DatET , °ma'am allitloos tsalad tottCloitlialMittlit si tbts sarsZsal doubts traa wad in7rins nada 'nary manta tars vtgl axcregeal tal4 - aasztet at paassagars snit mat asossmoot !MPS . 'Elites, ths likroot PittOburzt !EWA" • !b. THROUGH LOOIotHIIODATRIZI Parsagyr alatiou Pap, (d =ept fluadfla of 6: • at it...4oPPiag at WI Stations bans= l'frirabrm•pt and dirvot gabst Itr Sae rtos THROTIGH e..g THLE e S smOt P e Eb2Phi map ma.PO/8 s oorperoorwEp e oct rrsbarotious, aia . onors Si Hatrg Ito Salrleor• Weiblati ton. a nd tr Haar Tort via h. THBOIIOII SITIMZTi;AIB hot. p. ro..ctogptog =Vat rinalpalstatta., teATJ: wisnectio. iLt Harrisburg for Baltittors i lwa.dto: L' 4.2..WLEISTI learsa.tba fitalk7Vaggieti US) .1 SAS ro...frinaut _= l 7 KWOII7. calluecting Eartianst o.r Plahlroalw , Waattapl too, Lod for New Tart via Alluttossa litalts wit-hod sh...pdczn; a 1.4 at rtasUpttls I Eat TO.. SCCCILKODA7IO2I Vilna Jobranna annaarainalin Train Lai r ealLairp ganday) Ala= p m.. noppnn al all barn= alla ninnlng n aa Onnugh. rftt daily Wont at 8:20 m. Bacon Arenann Train t> r Warrallann Yam daily (ezasp' Barclay at 1140 a. n., TfirppStrata DM Wain Stra k a bans Carty narna &any) 2..masuonTrab (Thaar a.. 0 p. a t l o . r Wareitaks Mot wLy(a nk B Tr ny) ves o Wal'a Etatowiry Ba4Tba nnt am )earn tl Eltai Ca. 1 ntMlitnig, ISairm PltrabilVi atUM p. Racarann Trato• and,* In entrbargt i t Altilase .7arnawn . . p. Lt5D I= L. Eke noeu Atc.......unt lade s. 'Third Statics ACCOULIMAIdIOII-...4. 1%5 reiarth W. 114 Btatica A " ELM p. a. Haiti:oars lasnio will ant. with Ph presli lit I.t6o'p ea Zoltan" Tutus iterßbivillipsild lae.litcuwizistrAt Makin:is Intwowtioa with Tkronsh 6 070 Manor. Kwassi and Itrprew Testa Ababa with . 163 at, name amino sad Johnwowa Awielliallaillent W. Friths lot i'llowitaruoccows aCiraWWILIR rpm. ?rat= sod Trata Ws.w.l with Ihillittosing. mwilatlati bad ammo Tram Lint. TARE .L T 3 ant Text........... us 50 2a HalltrorA...... IP YD. lo 31311.3r1 031,—.. 10 60 To Us= 147., 3 311" To HarPoborg-....--: 765 To Altoco ow s :,' .-.....- 765 Bad abooing.. • to all Swims au a eillavoylosala Omtral Yoilrood. sad oo PIO -V4.4l4ll3barkoit4 Pow York. ,;:' Pamirs.= mobi rants to ti f keini WEI Ito • =1 an ogonin, lecondlos Ins dintrois troisio4 to theroldro Into% ooni7l truss *flow LLa Ocropmeg tur no wet HCEEIOI.—In or of los, eha Onnirry "%WI tlnnowdr• Immoral, in primal baggipt . maim, rd to ro Ramat not asorlir4 l 2o. Et. thanitror I. to* boon mewl lo maw mom= and boordn to aro Rom Dopoli. ad • bum, clam not to mood 55 ccots. drob ha to apply to • J. MA. ldirriga • 1 1=a Al TennsytlnnlnOctrantaftroad ' • on Lanny and Oro= Earn , . . 1864.,LR0K1 Ng; _ . .r - L. 4 werssainacsao Ken, - WAY and OLIMIELLIND k P1T1133134011 BOLD. 613111.1111111 AEIIOO3/21.1A Oa and a. /LAY Ifrat, MIL taut= tto se tam ,-, Ttz : 1.7, . I rar j Lana Ptllitergli 101rnasg. ft2r.."—... ' ...... - .....i L. s.l ite a N l i V. 1. ::1 l.iti Li9 tl6 a 14: *nit* ma actitarstr- E MI o AalniZtlagl6 us, Amp AO= p. ra. andllso p. ai. %ALM& m.. PIO a. ra., LYMO 11.08 p. at. AOOOMHODATION vurets—rasivemer. Jar AMT. ENT B. PlarErt 0. : armee P.lO p. m. P. 15 a. m. 410 p. am _ _- MOO a& illas. V. i. 14 ar 4MO p. M. OW p. V. i Mall Imam ormaacla as am Begat= atas Nom culla and &U. . :: Beograilr :, Aid , . at an•Pany.—P. 1. WW. a a. sattinky, 10.03 • or., E4O a. ro., SUM p. la. aad 4:I2I p. at. ttl, 1 P. B.A. arM . V. , maxis PLUME, 'IIMA ks PI Utica Parmageir &M ~Ir , A. Q.u. Will• Jr W J r IL B. rirsov O . ;,.-• amp.... Lama, P. .W. 14. By Oa P. B. MI 4 as. Tick.. 4 &Pala. a. a 6A. 1 6 Clh - arks .6&A LLB OHE NY V ALLXI RAILROAD —MAHON Or MLR mid Ohm MONDAY, My lath.. LW,.DM gsts i ggis of bubo Val tats @Sects it Pittsburgh st4KO a. Muftis at Elltazuslag of 10:00 a. m. L.o Sit-time Pitcaea rargh W i g, t is ststriag LZPB Ptuubsugh st lab a. it= 410 archtug al Ittumutimg at LOOOII2IOD/7/01:1 VW:ll—Lemma ilika Wads bts) a. sa., artists' 63 Pitialrao THSV. it Leans st p. =hiss it Wm Wats Wisp m rigid v. wvianv. 114gF.4.4.t.vie1s- SHIP P 0 NEILVS 1? - 0 RBIGN 112diGILATION 40121111 rs Plttaburgh, Penna. Cheap Passage from the 1, Old lonatti." the dzst edam Clyde bait stosoure f tin Ifilimte pool and Lcmdandarry Boys) Bei Line fittolt: • Bibernhon ---ftfOO Mos rota ' loo* *TAO tom. Pattrism-,...,44,600 tea Damaamm--Y,Xit tom. dimavit' ,000 MIL B. Anarrican...-1,103 too.. Belgies.—. taw The..tames have Limrpool svery.,_=THIMDAY., torattos at London/Um far the kith sag Boot* pi* "rotas sod the malls, end have ausarpatMst pommonta totirm fra patazgros Pm, from Li retll44- . I , or Lon. donderry to Nem Tort, IM6. • Abo, by 2.S.PdOIYMi L/H1 of eolelltated Mmi* flailing Packets, leaving Lletrpml B. Tort stria • mak e and the "S" Lb of Landon Plana bait% Loader tor Nem Tort avail tea days. 'so* , nee Lin pool Lim comprliod the fallmr.g Milan Tom Tat Wm. Tayawat t o ed Orstit 1.500 Benjamin Adaroa___2,(MO attooeFter«.-11,110e Undarartiter— --Y-fmolB.. Monarch of thenea-......%0E0 C l artiotri-oor^8•--.. 161 Of QUI Emerald.—o L rtado•B4, too, TictotT I , it ..... .Mternlfan....—to:ll So Pins lo" cr. - obey, to 1;b Tort, lierl throat, Pittobargh, 841 80. . Foorsogero noted tbrent to aver part :01 the &otos or Csloodeo .ten ranched. Two IJJ Las taps 1 -are New Tort tor Liverpool errswatt; laettertitell vo the .Otrard roystr, tor food trootpraing. DkO Wm Ir4s Tort to Lroervo p l 810 SIGHT Dba_TTel an all parts of ibell3l4 tat st lb. Wont rot.. ti Anil to D. diKULL. Irtm.lag Cbmalole Errl3.llngfkit .Cwt; Jytil or ca toat!...f.eld stenolttsbargii. QTEAM WEEKLY TO ISNaM 1...1 POOL, tonclatt u QUE72ISTOWIf,e, Barber.) 131117•2 Etaszners of Ldr Has Tart Lnd Philadriplm tium=ship' . .4o air 1.1.,1 cre Intend.. tr. *an tollottr LY112480P017--- _..e.tara,l7.Bept. CITY Or WASHINAITO3-...—..BrAturdsr, &S.D. CITY Or EIANCHS.zr&R,...---fistv*i, Sept, IL. And pm, ruccoodiug Bascrlay, at tice4Strom Pie Nora LIM. U? 07 1.00.111011: Payable to cold. or tu .qateaacit m opwraor ItestOnbts,—.-10/0 OUbtcortego to LawdLoo.-- 66 U " to lentips 1111 • " Cei " to Pazto.—..., 40 t 0,61 " Homburg-- 60 00 "to Elstileqrs..— 51 A Plamcg., ales forwarded to Elam, Briboau, flak f. dam, Antwerp, le., at equally low rates.'A runs from IdwarPcol 41towuutiowe r.EWt chaft t rr • ph, 1166. Steerage, re. Th om 060 4r.ya 10:0/00 L lisah !flea& Asa boy tickets bore at Vain rates. For turtbar talon:Wl= onlY JOBS, . EtK " Mow. Agrat, 16 El ay, . D. (PNDILL, Ibretwo MeolgrableD Armor :1•1 Do. 60 Breltlittald stun CUNARD . LIKE. —BtDsz lal•IIP0076 AKE' VUldll4lredall' CM tit soil, or fts scrigiuNags *lg.-n.241 ;1 - 11W11 Ziff TOSS.. Via to Wpm., ism *Tory um*. i►rX+ TE10156-4 BAIBl6lAlid Aim; Golibtleld r ammo 41s - ad 4.134 .es.ssu r a r -.4llotherdi. iIItVGGISTS•q; QTRON JOEDISTON Desist 4n ?CRS NJ DEUGS AND CHENIOALS, PrErli.rior ralicy GOODS, MMHG FLIIITZ TAILIQZ MEMOINTS, ka., farl.g.T PTime 4..bkh Dravalovespricis. Ocean , and locuth ertreeli„llttabargh. Pramdslacia aretar capzpou)66. cd at WI boom • la A. FLEINESTOCK 00V i lleule sad markututaren of ISLA ,LND L ooroos al Wood on0"roal Mee% Piraberridu dad DR GEORGE H. 11,..EY:DM D 1 P 1 _LI Ho. 140 Wood damn, =zee dr; Wet Usto.ndlL • ItIOILLILD T. 1=111e111....... FOURTII STRUT 1111/01MERY. S 3 KM= GITSCT, iruiVoca. The Eftemibers assmetaim tog nusi sosstatly bawl svcry article ba felt U. 15163112 MEN ammo wrong. comrcrces, 7.11 13=., lINITILLISSE3O2I Made: else is c twisted • MIRO HID. LIMBO I I MUM mums ms mamma _ re® attantloa le even te ardesiAa Attas Ys % 011 best 01in Cepa Obthi. " • ' lOU7 M tiA01:110L pHOTOGRATHE CAN AT'! 011Nir• ein;°;iUtta o g o M 6/6 *.' -- aebvake ,C!,At/• - airrstm: ioo lauia issa• Ills. in &BD 111 . • IGOR 1. CALUOIMY GALLOWAY & WETS rove ems AND 0115Aginars PAINTERS. • U.• SI& liptAßl =NIT, cuic WANK n ntAPIGS. 147: ij !ct:=4:A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers