vow** &tot, DKr 11110RN1Ne.,..-^SUPT 110,C1Ii6t 6 . 0 a ,an LIG SATES. times 1 1134147 =Z' 04821358.---- 4 15 $ 40 'two 888,88.-.. 1 05 , '2O 7131 . 84.4b8 88 . , .. 1 CO - 95 .02, times--.- ISO 115 150. thm5............. 220 _lBO 00814042........... 250 1.40 Tao wooks..-......, 4.85 .2 50 nue weeks —... :B.oo 520 Ore month.- 95 0 400 Tyro 1002122;........ 11 25 800 Three incetba- - ...: LS 75 7 CO I 218,48001.22,,,,..:-.. 21,75113 00' Ninasentaba-,....n00Ls 50 One Vesr-.........-; 33 00 111 00 170 05 15 2 90 170 1 65 65 85 00 220 900 1 10 00 70 960 135 100 CO 97313 Do 15 970 966 51 33 13 63 00 II 90 iOO .159 LO 3131 9001 612 , 1111 33 12 00110.7131 85 17 ADVBSTIBIZONTEI. ' can meet:. am- CS F : l :V=l " = l3b exrci Li ma hs &batty*. LU WSW odeattootemta Ja :MACS proportion throe Day. la %vats - sta. eh= rezalts--4. S IT TD > ; .l elz month. .1 it TO 40 00 - ma to deals the Man atm - - SDeal maw, 00 ants Dea .s 1 Manus. notn.• lll n It etambost Mnsallemanti. Sa iSI iniP•m 00 1 46514 1 . annOlni 0nt1ea;........ Ts , 4171 =AND BERIBILIN. PRINTER WANTED. mod tif7rilyspar oomZaiitdrua Nous pas tont workstaa !)zna, by =Ong Masao* application. . . Ile Bounty Bond Question—lmportant Beet'ton. Tits City Council' of Harrisbarg matly ii Pasted en opileanog appropeloting $llO,OOO ror bountioilisvfluntem, ler relief of tho Flint, . .. il Fourth, Fifth and Sixth . wardi fain the draft; :.4 Om'. decund 'iuil Third wards liating ralited glair iirtita'..fiP• Plantar ablixintror.i. .Tide I,sl'irtrisdit..__PFo4.ol,2o it WC' i;.!0. Kustliti, ;• saiii., iiiima/f of the minority of eater, who &and' the tight .of the city to Lament 11l 1 1 ashAtuijOull 1200;111% and the right to tax the ili beeout. and. hird-wards for bounty pupates, fl and P.. A. lembertos, Esq., - en behalf of the P, majority Or Catiolli, who had'poosed 'the nal i.t; Mete rubuilued ammo suited fortis judgment gi fr. tili;Conat. -, ....,-: . ..- ,- . a Judge Parson boa ' .., matted aidsolsiou la the ,: ialaylreratatchwe make Me followingtxtratits i '-''' Tialltobsrtet ,law of th• city of - Harrisburg, Iti toppled to be paned with dellborstion, and to 1.1 slat Ms - el:Clamant:et. Of. the Milani and in landed topotoot ohm_ froza_pecuolarj indigo '-', tiouse-,deourestthat,tiondebs ot ! the city Moll -,i aotir. - ixerier two;headald _theesnd - ttoiliat. ~ti- 1 Thlithattea, it-it itaituitide4 is altered and rii ::i yelled by traria& dm iapplietbbi to the State ;., at hap, which povidos Ma I -wham the couunit i aeons, of airtunkr Peat or ratite t, relaxant ~, loots l* botetleis to volontaars, the roma. 7' arro-otriniabipererards lint boroughs of l.!.• melifioutitp.pal db iri 'by their .ropoottra ear ,,,, 'prate tethoritios;said• levy and- colt ootttheaix i Jot. the aw-payment of told lota.. This.we treat i ,i. de tot iiabline sot, applbeible .to foll laotellitd• 4/1 patiii*rattorgo es laden other - -restraint; by the tents eLtbeitcluirtars;_Mtat an inability to `., :apply do ,:corporate money to such pupates as 0., are awed In the statute, bit not intended to ab `thin ii saint rant charterroirbito Pt14*.,..‘.T . A, P 0 ti, 4.., 1 - or uuturthkeigunittou is restroine , from la ft cl i c loredtbta boynotre parer:War amOtait. rj lt 'fill apply to tli Mato not restrained by ki . their - Mutat. febloti are'to some extant mole p; naturei liVpirMativaintraotevith - this State. lat tr. Wothl idt enable one to,, retained bf law, _in ii zoos Patkoi . the, ohm* -was ::repeate d: to ; lerataitat tby tolsar.implication, as whore the ft.! chariot law was., expreeely.niforred to; or tho • rii eittinstare is - tim - statute.' - .gad a lan twin .b obasidetaktaisitg:lbe citp:of Harrisburg to ki mop this kion for the plume statad, it wend t 4 hap boon se itopllnd repeal if the 'Atria, as N Itirotild be Meantime% with Ita•brifrisints, out - E.; when it is menfaudtritity to cities, It must be ...11 kj plied - to' Mom. not laboring cedar fogad re ri iron 14817 - their charters,' for fa tam no doubt 1 al *i - louver...or-4M Legislature to change the p e , Octant of staultripil e carporstioatjl :-.- ' ' We can disenterirotitbag intikp.4ot. of Che 253 i.' 'of 'August, slicoolog that was. iiinida to re, ••.k. • gnat, auperoode, or cartage - tha charter of the - ..'lt, eiltp.of Harris : erg la- any.pertitular,and there - `l arc abundance of - asset 'throughout the State, ito the nifoti citlis Janina - within mantles, on e i 'valet thes&Words may opetute sidiout apply !: tins them to this city,eti so onosimin'g themes to 'abash a portion of Mr defter promotion or ~I treo...si• its .provisrena -We art %boraces oettis ciointou, that la the catboat. tithe citytiuthor - : itliejporstatto Ma 15c, of dispi l st, instant, tai -1 ..y. liol'ia carried into afoot without violating the ehirtel-lew, tha erasure Is void and of note . 7, 1 1 .Rest. ' . , 0; Pat white the corporate authotttier of Hariii i tong in thus restrained ,ty lejanctiou from '.' ' levying the itexitlia Court uovirthelais Minns ri. the mitility of, the homily act, iii the following 1 Moms]- • . ; f - IPA Adana, of the four, words , platted to to . the emu staid , are by no mint Lefrivithiat the : _pa-Perla 41111111,1=1107 for the ,payomat of bat- ;-, ties..-Clataitt authorities hi each wail are en- . :t*.' .abitid.by law - to Ix and Waxbill& the cam to' be ' +.l. 1 14 4"l 01000 i 011111, tO"liOrrow motor to mike pay- i ",- smut, anriesest taiiii-to'rniiriburre the Ivies.' .., ' - Althotigliai - city Septrationli - litaitrid"in the ~ .. ..'t *remiter, it doMdifttai mot Isnotlo4mM as' ,•!t" toShesreiree wards, ,-Pech - may, ia Its oor -1 -potato mipseity, contract snob -. debts se are se - i, thoritod by the petrohaug tithe rapists% of ; 1 • btentibi to:ratlike:pi; sad its inoplement: This 4 ititP, in my opinionibb dant, through either lb. ...,..; school directors. ce. Moolortion -111116IID• -^/1. 11l made part cf this Gatti that the some school board , e! , porresout the. Pint and Second wadi. That the 1 .qaota - of the ltt& hie been filled whit': the for mar Is defoliant. ..It would birfitglaiy.tiojuatand , probably Lllngaltodepose a. tai on ottiaens of a ' ' word whiolthst oom.plied with its obligations to ' Fthe -Goverinment in'trder to relieve ate which :,-, ' has 'failed, and *it is cotton ded that the Sahara i 1 : 'Polird rang ia pose .texas ef •eitinsivit with the :. sotool Clain. Each is dothaare the ease Co ..,.. , 'note to the ordinary retool tax; hot' it is not t.., ro as to them:A e - aar conrideration. Thin is a H -.V00403,101T far* O P OOIOI 0n7093, and to be re- Y .l .._paut by a patioulse system of tamale:l., .. The ... 1 1. ,T 'ohjeeta to tor ossessed and arose exempt are dif • ;:- . feint fro:tithe orditory subjeott—the tato per .:1.1 'epee to di ff erent, and that, 13 no Iltarb3llty or ".• propriety In blending it with the school t0z...., It ..,.. ,:. matt be laid eploilliitlly orrOlon, ward which is ~. r ter .en. t hots: no doubt - al the power of i.......'` 4 - these to school boardsto make the - Men and tr .custierthe taxes am/orally for nut of thadelin. 1 ` - .1., t'ipiesit ward ba it sportioning tio amount of eat 4 4 ' *wording. neecadtint; bat At tab power ...,,,, , is 'la doubted, sod dies not . mist, Mere can bs no 7 , 1 difficulty in the alaction officers of oath word . .14 parfratottg.lbe duty, protioid they conform to :; I ,fhe into of ; the in all things proscribed. ' 'T AU t i. e 1 ' can readilylvi dole, and Mare is pt ample iti tme to silent !Alt attended to with diligetoe, 'i 1 The opinion already impressod as to the want of ti . ,; -, T wit*: in the clip stahotitiot to Morten the L 'iL. ' (Übe - belted the am limited it. the oharter, ran • 1 1:V „,dire it mauve Clary to detormine whothe: nay Zil :. taloa con or *mat be forposod en no two L.- W irds which bps fulfilled the rootilsitiote of the law, a ant byte means Mar of dial rutty; Board et Easters and Woken! Mho .Board of Banton ood Dtokoro of thio eYh hai . o ..comploted in arrangpment by whiett they will on and tater Monde/ next, September is oloot daily at half-volt' olooon o'atoekju • Welt Beard. ! I. 1, 3 z,4 il,f • i`ta neetseity of salmi °mints Wink lx&u been Apparent ever 'titre the Government teenrlties bare teen thrown on to the meet freely beret •• Weenie:loos Lave now to be made throonh the 17.. w Yeti; atd Phlladelptts Basra, tbo Invo!, d. ) a tftk and expense. Bet it is made mete eeFecially wiemeity.ainee the Introdao• *knot-the goanerenroll 101 l other stook, 0/ oar e eidMity, t . I% . l l l '.l° lll 4l2t hetTi l lr whiFh fi t: 1 :1211 . by id tt7i Board; efilthrere to - n a ttaert i o an s mian. • - Inetonsiooth.okittee, to noir at hare mlbstintini M ite ii4U'ho admitted tiithe list The name B - of the' oaken 'end Of come of - the 3:4l.lDbara aces J. B. Semple, of Semple k .Tenor, Prost. .11; Holmes, of 97: - :llelaeiss &- Bon, WOO Prat. c •19:13. Bums, 69 Petrels' Bt., ?limey and Trees. iTtotlesceAremer, of Ramo & Won: EnlitliJ -IlasoL, Dorn tr. Co. •,J. B. jUoCoos,of Melon Banking CO. ',lli/313;20t Belt, of Thompeote Bell it Co. A.. Bogey, of Gorman TrastOe. - - - pouter,' o f Be Petite& & Co. MePhoisoz;,6l B'k, Allegten7. It;ctleicirgei,of Yetioc•Dep. Banking Co. Coisp. co. _ P. Mils of Konsitif.& Steitz. It t litoblosOki Moak=& Co i=•*l -- , badriene•dwebtatroot that the man nor to the X indeed 'days, ma} re o. I.t without utast to to length of time they . ..rzikese hese eereir.V and not.. loesl: hoantiu lehoteles they prefer. _ltenterly tNey Tire re. I; ,,qwed.to boo been to .thtt.earetee forty-eo• daye teat, they could rOonget; but ea Elatorday - het tehethr.gedth' ens .elaelopy hotLeed that obey oeuldmveallat for onoolatere rum litany Aims. u thretileertio of eiay eompsay or ems. um: a 7 ,-Isibt, their organleatfoo will tomato r Jest mit°. OVltett , ttoy; enlist to dor inabeee, tog at? cop sollfloted oaa ptutio oo ootopotaat t . . . , -*Zoors of fludo oria - pri,soo, Oilman sig'. ;4 t , l Tim wort offO izaproilmeng , provesulng It 4 raddooksield, anti nose who attend thesal u e of -A s teskdreellsed to coup eft there .oaf Nen aly '„lree *adjudge for, themselves of the Wipe*. =lvey eon. •o an 4 from tb."as free of ObiiIMOTO/ bolo m 1 Qoatteur 1 1 1100 1 1 4 4 A 9148 ' - Antilt _:: 11 0 13 0 ,3 ,MPF? whoa real nine II JulterWitHanes,' enlisted in title city , en Bando Wt, and was asslgueS to the 224 Pennsylvania cavalry. He was sent to Wheeling on Wednesday, where the Provost Idanbal recognised Min u being a deserter from the 4th West Virginia sentry, when he was ar rested, and Is now In confinement et the &that • rola. Williams bee quite an Interlacing history. He Joined Co. A, of the 4th West Virginia ma airy about/the time of the organisation of the regiment. While the regiment wee in Weston, Lewis moiety, he ontraged the parson of a wo• inns residing at that place, when he wee sent to Clerkeburg and tried by court mar tial for the offense.. He was convicted, - best while aeraittng sentence escaped from ib guardhoue and made his way to Wheeling. He wes arrested sad placed In confinement at the Atheneum. One day he asked to go eat end work • little for entsruhre witli the other pris entre and his request was grented., During the day h e made hirethipe, and all efforts to map • tore him were fruitless until Wednesday last. About ifty dolLars In money was found on his person, together With a receipt from Adams' Express Company, showing that he bad sent i.e hundred dollars to hie mother in Indienap • olii. Capt. Over, of the Provost's Gaud, at Wheeling, telegraphed to ;:lept. Bellwood to have the money stopped, so that it could be returned to the dist:lst to which Williams bad been credited. =C2 S4IO GO Iso a 3 00 16 16 1060 ISt 60 AOO The Oil Excitement Down the River. We learn from a gratiemsn who L interested to an oil well In Pleasant county, says the Wheeling hgelli.jaseer , that the oileagenout ex. Moment runs very high down there. Oa Horse Neck, and French and Cow Creeks, there are nearly a thence:od vnlls in progress. Tea cannot ride any considerable distance, .even in the most obacureplacm without coming on an engine paf- Spg and blowing away and driving a Cleft into the bowels of the earth. by the Ohio side of the river, the same excitement prevail., and a large member of ;walla are being bored. Upon an average their are about ten men at each well, which fact will give the reader an ides of the immense amount of money and labor that le beinesitilloyed in the tumbler oil. d Major ity of the operator' are from the eastern titles and some of the companies are liamenzely So far, notmors than op* well cut of twenty has proved anything like a' avocets, mad It La e well eatablished fact that twice aa much motley has been spent in searching for the oil no have over be realised from Its discovery. St. Patti , . Orphan The 'Mooring gontlonuin have boon chosen Managers of this Matitation,to serve for the en . ening yews. Right Reverend M. Demonoo, John O'Connor, Very Reverend J. Illokey, Daniel Monday, Jame, hicOsbe, W. K. Rell, J. M. Gallagher, Charles iMefillnn, Thomas Rourke, John McKeown, John Savage, Dominick Ilan ear, Francis Dwelt. The following gentlemen were thew elected °Moen; of the Board: Right Itorinemd M. Dementia, President• "Vary Rever end J. Hickey, Vice President; J. M. Gallagher, beoretary; D. Ihnisem, Treasurer; Janeds Mo- Cabe, John Savage, John MaKw wa, Committee r rewiring and disehargbag ohildr.n;aid Munday, Charles McGinn, Francis Dean, Corn • mitts. forvisiting male arylam; John McKeown, W. 11. Bell, Committee for visiting female au hum. The Draft In Lawrenceville By reference to oar advertising column it will beeetn that the citizens of Lairretiesville have gone to work in earnest tSl.reiyeve themselves from the draft.'Thy have districted the bor <ugh Into ten block districts; lo each of which they havicappolated • orsuunittoe, who will wait upon the eitieent, and eolfelt from them tab - scriptions for bounties indeptiodeue oUthe tax for that purpose- Let tray man pat his Shaul• der toy the wheel, and snbseribe tattle extent of his abutl y, ad also induce his takers= neigh • tror—if be bee any - scab—to do likewise, and the tear of the amts will aeon be from tooter* their Slyer. West o ylrglnla 011 Company . We undetitand that the stook of tbb company t being Tepidly taken, not only In this city, bat also is Plulsdelphla andSsw York. The Com , penyhas one lbw:mond and twenty &OM of all landewiCh the boat of timber on It, (end own It in fee simplo,) Ms Fishing Creek, in Virginia, and from the chasaoter of, the men engaged in it, it matt be %mow. The boots Jt a now open for snbsoripttin at the adios of Jacob *Honer, No. 115 4th street. "'Untrue/a Safivattow."—lter. M. W. Ja cobus, Paster at the Central Preibytarian Chan*, earner Smithfield . Lod Sixth streets, will, on Sabbath morulsg, detlysr a sermon Le his ehurch on the shore named surpot. The wall knaora ability. of this, dieing. is a auffielims guar antee that the aubpat will be ably treated, and we hare no doubt bat that many will avail dram galena-4 the. CHASSIZEI to hoar the reverend gen tleman's ohne on this all-important : anbjeot. The settlemi.arlll oommanms at half put ten a'aloth- Drf.uous Pavans, which often prwran so fa tally at the South and West. may beprovented by the timely use of OSGOOD'S INDIA CIHOL - AGOGII/1..—1t should Ae oottunetieel oa aPPooz - Inas of this/will:et 67i:interns, which not, naffs • prim ode du Attack asirsral days, end even wash'. The sensation of fatigue on alight exortion; deissigamont of the atomsoh, weari• nest of. the Stabs, wandering pains. dojos ion of Spirits are the wont wumiop• tioldby &11 druggists and media ins dsaL Tun Jdoss. Cecr.—The Washington Oiroair le says tbat the Department of Agriculture Is In "daily receipt of the most ratifying reports from torreepondents throughout the country, shsw • isrthat the raz.nt rains have bad the most fa vorable affect upon the growing °rens of corn, and lt is gerierably believed that we shall not only been enough for home column:intim, but an abundance to sparo. Tho seams of this valua ble and important crap, G. 012 In a limited de gree, will be an Inestimable blessing. DEOWPID-02 'Friday evening a young mom named Robert Clhettio,agednineteen yeerry wet drowned in tho Monongahela river, in iltrateg hiun, at tbe. old lorry landing. Ha arm water 'Eng shone In thaiiver at the time, when hi 1.11 off, end before utlstenoe maid roach htn wsa drowned. The body yea recovered in se hoar after the sorldent occurred. Asian warm breathed sophyrs of spring kiss the peatoral eallies of 8 ,uthore Franca, they bear westward the delicious narfacre of the "Principe Plorotta"--the rarest newer of earth. Prof Lubin has lasorporated Oat delightful BOWS? with MB new Wert preparation. "Sol-- Droning Plorlltao." He oltellengse the world to produce Sts aqui for utility, elegance and ot acienoy. Asouvio..--.Battery D, of }LIAO Battalion of Penneytrails. Volunteer Artillery, Copt. Arthur S:nart, arrived; in this city at noon yesterday, their terra Of ormolus having 'expired. The bat - tory wee furnished with dinner by dim Subsist ence... Committee, at their rooms on Liberty street, idler which they were marched to the Girard Dome and dims:due& The battery will be paid MI end muttered out daring next week. Sur Bear.—A mead of eighteen deserters handcuffed together in erosion, and one straggler, were ECM to Biltincore on Tharedsy nigh: in charge of 'Sergeant Brown. Thaj were vory mercy ander their misfortune, and occupied their time at thai depot in sincieg songs, mach to the delight of n ragged crowdof boys by whom they vete surionnded. A DOLL iivartmeat of Ladies and Milos Ball mont Boots and Batten at M'Olollszas' Auction liouto, 55 'Fifth street. Pia.hery7, 17.hkh..• —Any or the Pittsburgh Weekly Papen can be bad In wrapper.; for map irg at hank Caae's News Depot. Daily Popes..—Phtebargh DailyTeton New Yotk, Ytittadelpbtwatid Cteeinnatl Daly ierms, always to be bad at /Prank Cue's Nowt Depot. 411 the Novels of the de y, as well al el tie Weekly Newspepere„ to be bad at Frank Chollo% BOOkAad Notts Depot, Chronicle Denting. Mina in* LM Shoes mad Galtanst Weld- Atalan Roue, 65 FOsh ,treat. TIIIIIMOODtII . I I .yard fn hat velar Prints at ld'Cielhat' Shot Antion Hose, &5 Filth se. Pot s good article or titsirtiVaiid showy go to 96 Fedora! a., . - 90 Federal BC, Allegheny city.... , , , Go to Brellat:c - ok's :16, litodtrat city, for boots, shoot instil gallon,. Atatein.—Vive hundred added MU <thy to the ahead, tarns assortment, it Pittoolee, opposite the post dice. CARD Pnoronurne--Plea thousand different style", at the old prises, at Pittook'e, opposite the post offlet. Poona Albinos and pocket books, an _stroke Ri PltteOre. oPPollid the post office. ' ladepindeitt, Clipper, w i y e fly. Budget s N. 'l'.„ Weekly, Pollee Gazette, and ethos vieldlemothPittook'e. evanti: Dodd . ; arlittied la the pabllo 'reboots; at Pittork's; ' . Bea DIKOILENT, Loglier_Hager. Gods - , and "Baku, at Pittocl'a. leours,,stageiiirj aid Inkr,s(Pittopk's. -New Yonne Pilladeliks pal dap merest Pittock'a.' . • ~ , - Art the late hooka at Pittoakilli Pawns's patent , 0N51141,101 nouwas,joiravia.t ?WWI sad OrameaseAl Mato, Morn, sad'. Beale Is Pommytriads and VIM. oat rota : off best gliartrai low rJes. ffia st Laughlin's, afar lb. Wear Pithibrugh, Snow. Atrtrall.—The asunitioa of our rssdars , &reed to the brintant sasortamstof Bkrtki Suerroor Goods just resolved by our mono Sr. John Walot, No. 128 fedora! strait, All,- Abeny. His stook oosaprisis • groat Tiaioq of Panay Smolt. InGab, Boots& sad A.*.rioau Cassias= Cloths, mad duo Silk and Clas gams V 5 -41? of 'Walk will be nuiis np to order in the latest stylus and In thi teat rusanar. A 4hoios *abettors of lurciahLus Goods atm on toad and for sale, together with a full t.ook of Reidy kt•So Mathias. well Latish tenably =ads. flixoven.-3amma Crab= a Co. Meroben Talton, have removed to n Smithfield test. Ws are last :waiving our pond sup ly of spring and *owner goods. end wocJd mtiot re tpectfaCy ltsvita our Mends and the public in wend to 1 4Mmida e oar new Cloak, ledirring ft to be • of the tied stooks of merchant allot la the city. livery garment war :anted to VII fall satisfootion In both price and quailib Give as a can helms purchasing ilsolhere Wed judge for youreaves. Munk's illot`anntiu. Merchant Tellers, lie. n 1 deldield Orson Ir you am so behind the ago as not to have uod tbat popular pm for th toilet, Fragrant Sosodont, put It off no longer, but go at dneo to Tour oe•root druggist and pt a bottle., Yon 'dilutor reg•et It. Sold by all Drugeism. Bosun brume's, hicarasx tl►►onl, and g•aosea oan nee Brown's Bronchial troches freely, for; rallering Coughs, Irritation bf the Throat, and gtylng power and flexibility 3o the containing no deleterious drag tb pre• 181:11 their free rule, requisite. cr.tristi sand =lap eats Will be Aat the in=lbus ilea, No. 411 Penn et re ~ !day or All orders latt at the aboe. plebe will be promptly atterided to. MI ealli lAA be paid to &denies. Berreinn. —Dr. Bodoni:miner, Jr., hewing returned Brom Bedford Springs, be will Parente tar preetioe at kit office , lid 'bird street, Pitts burgh. rt• sir &roan FINIS .CLA/39 Einon3--Coli• and roe thonn I Eitylish Gaits and Panto said TY. WIISMIO I a. ilirernattm, 50 at. Clair p R . r 2 ir , • DI ED l9l , llleßaCF—Oa Thursday, September R h, at the 3ecedeo Street fleapits% Balt,merer, KM, Capt. LOU ti hSPIIISPAC.I3, at the 61. Pa., tram the Loot. of • and received !a the bat la at Charisetowa, 'a. Th. thee,r.l will take place ea litraver; Se 4.11, at p. from the milldam, of W. ISehor, Ohio street The friends, ofilemsand members of the debt Taal are impoctfaily invited to attend. • BIGHT-4 Thanday eight, between AI sod 1 sAIIIIPL B. BILSD, son of David lad Ku not Wright. !Me femoral oral take place an aIiVILS.AT *mgt., 1 0th lost, from the reeldenh of his parents, No. t 3 Webster street, to proeeed to lit. Union l'emetery. The b lends of the nually ere Invited to attend. Tidy morning, 9th Mee., nt oink& * at the rarldento of the limas, 17LIASES . 8. QIILHIH6. aged 15 months. The Mauna will take plane Taos tbnporents {.'Wane, South ilittabanh an BAw99LT, 10th te.t-, o'Mock m. Mandl of Qui Inoilly are noopoottoLy (wiled to attend. 41 KINGS, QIIESNES AND KNAViI Ha toseatai NeTtos,urry eirvinitszlr a:a SEBUM 08241 L03614.1801j1101 Our Nettanal Emblems. Enlist 93111.e11, Blare and 'Rus e butputa Qs LAM a Pas 11.112800111 CIA 111) OOMPAIFIVII 'UNION PLATING CARDS ODLOBIL lIISTIAD Or NIPS GODDSBB OP LEIN= IMMO OF 01:11/21. OILJOB usentai crir agr Da t a cwas us pat lista art Um SOLD AS JOHN W. PIT T 0 CH'S DEWS DEPOT, Firm trrnicrr, orrosem ecos am= 1861.- __.__ •.COITAWS" SAT. soave. am. EXTERMINATORS. . . i Mrtrortr ib = s = l*- i "bee boa Potion." "Not tooserotoi to the Homo rinally.l “Bast t.....n0 .u. of lb., b...10r to au: . , do/a ol .0 Ltroutita avirprbors. Human 1 of tot irartoloct Inatittotos. Wits?. Depot, No. tB2 Etroadtisy, N. N i t 1111 - bold by 0 A. FlLamitsrooss, BO ir CO., pad tiNIALE A 00 , Wbottooti and Re U = Ettlaborgh, PP. . , 535111 P. HJEtWARTZ, if • wad Wall ALM% ntlientotY an tytobto puN CITY WLL, ax • cora., Penn and It. Clair S4rimota, Tits Wive., &apart .0 moat .....rta; Business Man's Cl)llege In the Dated Make.. Btedrute ester cud ..low at sal the. CalWULaillt, waulnlas tall tatarnazato...s tom to any sdilmen. on application is Van rrtnotiona, JENKINEI At 814ITII, ICI= fl ELD--OIL AND MINERAL LANDB NJ TOIL Btu,* Oft LIABIL-6.11111, tttlEl . ll2 a VI., dealers In 01$. Oil Territory and laineral Irmes toe prepared to mil or team any nasally land slum. ted Wm celebrate I 11l melons of Darning tiprime, Oa Kanawha Beate' Mm, om Neck! Boliermli, and a t other Kanawha, of Importaum. • We Imo atm • large =omit ot valnablit Mika" la the mil lmors MI regions of Workings°. orotanth 0111% and Mbar übora. Tkodr West ilrieltal• bald. OM ate all •etattog ettlik abandatmot valnabitr minors% earl mill well repay ttkamlnst betas labor. atimetattda teal tat mold. Usual to quanta". to salt appllefelti4 melt, forpfirlicalars addren ar gall J.EL; all t7B, 1.1- iorboT OS Lem. elarints, a B. Pkl.llTttl, op, see Homo& struetsad Dequans Way, Pikt.trangh. ..in-!hod ELBGTHOrATHY, SAININES LONER6.IIII AID CALDIVIU. Bor. nowt' as aloe out Ow Domes cif Inftb .at Will. strata. Noma. H. 7 FL!7H wrinurr, for Pao Ml= llodictaa. .7t.7 are rata.. ifrof ootottoof Ml= f ots attblitttlast at thole dna, 17.7 no moored to tort 011 &two= to • mitatalLo mato new. Comma reasonable sod aim tertian.. ONT9ILBILILD those orb., from study. more or medical arias. bees become Pelletier tbei Dole" is obi.% they requite to because nsotbr sod Ego ors, we'er.old ear y.o pe ed el:polled by °alba st co , orase. Ws, to Scaornanieta pat's" • sink Dr....Berdeares.t/dagfr and Orrotolorl 77 up, et 00 Po ,i4b rltrld STEig/T., MARVIN'S SUPERIOR . CrIINICKESI limb at So. 64 TIM MS evzszr. patatrt real ma sagas. t¢ ate ,to tarots! MMus superior ta say vas TM at bs Staantatra. I. 6 HABVIS, Ito. 61, Wrath dm% CULUBinti GULAMAN, lumpy avratuirennbary alth Rasofootorom Sor oda Ilay 0 Orals 1100•14 tbo Eaton, ond Prairie Blrd pat foonprooo, 81131111AliD BAiXI.IOII TEPIOBB,W leiCt, 11ABILOWN. CUTTING BOXVIond Wavo work of i doomaptlono. Alio TUTU, for fity mad Ondn 00410.1nrlf R. 44) • • 4P.A EIC93'NTISO, ;,-, "'" =salons mul altUmuis ores,. i • trxratly titsl4o ,/1111111:3 121 • azunns,, No. 100 Petra WINS. Ittidszro, tti H P. OENGEMBBS, CIVIL MID MECHANICAL ENBINIER CONSULTING AND GNALTTIOkIe onager. Map and Es Mena. H ' NILS STUNT, nor lean =HIT M 111TABY OLAW B MinriOn TIAMI PAW I. In It ti ne CLAIMS of away daparlptkpla gallaattd by the i=ltar, at the fallowtag tataa, tit t Toad= 1110 CO, la atior WmalP 61:4 0. 0. mina. Atomar t it vs. TII stret% P taburit• ea BS. No dune an nada tbli claim das bte, 11110. mean tatormattas duo palls. Wan QIP F. 1030 013 SIZ E-- prime *Web 1,7 flap easo Clue% Oceind at the Varelir wry &f: 'OaJOHN A. lIIIMEILL =air folbay alUi Baal lansio. THE LATEST- NEWS BY TELBOWILt Ordered to Report to their Itegt• BEN. LER WAITINs FoR ELBINPORCEMIINTS. .R - ca Demonstration masts by the Enemy. RECRUITS BRING ITURRIED TO VIE Naa• 1 oat, dept. 9.—Tbe ComesereieN Wuh• Ington special imp' MI dawn and soldiers on detaahed duty, have been ordered to report to their leplments. Lee evidently trefers him grand atm.* until hie reinforcements come up. o demonstration has been made by the ene my sines lest Wednesday. Recruit' are harrying to the front this week from Pennsylvania ethesially, more rapidly than at any other previous time. TELE FORGED DRAFTg. OHM% 1101 THE, NAY! DEPIETIENT. Suceo.sfol Scout Through Loudon PRISONERS AND 11011a8 CAPTURED. TUB WILDON giILIIOID BRISG REPIIRID. WOlllllO7Ol, Sept. B.—The forged drafts pa.- porting to be stilted by Hon. James Harlan, 'lmmure of the Union Congressional Commit tea, are being presented to Postmasisre In the West by some swindler who claims to be duly anthariseeto online for the Ootdmitme. No d aft bee been drawn on any Postmaster and no asent . employed la Sabot from them by fienator , Harlan. . . The Nee, Departteirof issued order, that after the 10th inst.. no person shell be on/isted in the Naval park. for a less period than two year/. Maj. Ludlow, with a detachment of the Vth Illinois cavalry, returned to Muddy Branch yesterday, otter a smotossfnl ;coat through the .ntion Volley by way of Leesburg, having pro ceeded es far up as Poroelivilic They heard of no force of the enemy In Loudon Pang except Aloseby's men. Maj. Ludlow brought en four p•isoners and nine hones ceptured to Lterbiarg. the" winners were ran down while attempting to escape, and one of them wet severely Inlayed by hia berme falling upon him. ' Possertgort Irons City Point say the. the' wort OD the retiread to the point ortoupled by oar troops on the Weldor, railroad is bele g rapidly rushed forward, audit is expected that the road er.ti ke in running order on Sunday next. The bids opened to day show en aggregate of 581.,400,000, or twice ohs amesult of tha loan. The teem between four and eye per 02Dt premi um amount to $2B 000,00). That were propos als of various indivldanie to tato, in the aggro• . .ty, bbont $1,000,000, at par. The bids rang- 'lig between dra and six nor giant. did no mann% in ail to morn than 140000. fahunipttons to the 10 40 loan to-day amounted to 442,000, and the 1-30 loan to 483/4300. Bee rotary Temenden commenord at noon to -dsy the opening of the tooled offers for hoz 4 of the United Stem to the amount of 4.31,300,030, consisting of nourtepted am. under the notice of propels], for • loan, dated Jule lan. These bends hear annual interut of 6 pa aka, 0 0 7- abla semi-annually to coin. and are tediemahle on the 30th of Jens, 1881. The number of bitten sent to lbe Treasury Dsoormnout eras 900, or 16S soma than what thaloan ilral hero Wore In aortic:Moo. TS. • opened to-1.7 reqatno tow boars sad • half for Utalr declara tion and estsibta, shovel but Lints over halt the sambas. She bottoms Is to be rammed t.. - LDIDITOW. 12r. Feeseadea , e Tetaporctry linen -Ira CleDan , e Letter—Doodls Ana) DO roar atlztO—Oherstaa's Conamhateottost Haw You , Sept. 9.-41 Connertiol spa Dial from Wait.lost.% says Tha itatamtat that lir. Fettesides will call for a iaoriporary to of hOO,COO,CiI is socawhat prestatota. The Damowata ham atitaxitital) sat( .a.i with JilThilhia's letter.►ed lb* peace RUM SZI) cilia on it• litiallloar who arrived ham from Atlant• lays B oed's once Is decoarallssil to the co adit/as of • mob BbototaiVo itonnotasioatiotit • tea betas "18644 swemad to running ardor portent,. The Pon one c - Notordlug tin the rent& of the transportation ntoo to OIL city, oho number of reesuln from the northern and outwit parts of Ohl. Bone, and from one of two Felon In New Ragland, jteweing to the trait dilly annoy nen hundred. Not uhlr-oinsutly as mazy neht hundred of no Now York State n.e *lone proms transportation orders here in one day, but many ethers thio of oho gists who none from Slain, do-not obtain than orders hero, and therefore no sotord is kept of them In the New York ollant. °then: An *lath dine 7 by the Northern Penny Ivonan thilroad, besides the rito od amber of reararts who piss art ugh New York, en average of about Sony Ittnicrod novnosontuts are scat ;rote lEb eitysis. They ore :oxperince I Moor who cams home early in the summer slightly wounded, and now Wan to the field rested and lung "'a nti. Tie total number of mon who go thrangh this city dilly end join the army is net lint than lift. The clot. of one coming from the country now are among the host who have yet et. tired the field. It is end by *Moen who hive been cogs:vitro= the first to .he inspection end transportation of troops, that In deteohmenoe of 1,000 to TIDO men D9..ooPtipti. , /7 1 .. 711,1 nEl am* le so entimei scarcity a man who a,talti not at non I,cent aso 'excellent ElOO-001:110111aiOlatd OfanT• The osmnon lmynnion s raising from the foot tb of in dole. there lee oontlnued tall for allea soi nitrates, thot most of the material witch now en 'en the army Is of an inferior grids to shown to - la wholly incorreot in reforonoe to the major ity of men from the entire country. PITT6BI7i3H. P. Leta Eft shot Melee—VT[ode City Re. enp ured by the telellettos.. New Tom, Sept. vane:dater of kagast have teen reoolved. C.a. Cortina. leaving 1,5.10 oleo at Alaimo,- ueder his brother, by forced marchweetsok • ro Vlctcrie. City, which bed bean caoar - e1 by tot Frorob, under Col. Donis. re• fettered the oil; and put the Treenail to Right with hurry 1n,.. 00110119.1; , Z an :video's to hie toddler', elated that In a few days be woallterl them against Tampico, and would soon be' ;lin ed by form from Roasting.. Capt. Ideodage, learie'eog that a Om of La: pciialister had gone to Tolanoingo to planiar.' , .reoreted his forces, whieh were ameller LIM those of the eoemy, along the roa.l, .td tales the lopelialists unawares, pot them to flight ,/ w. ho lett Deland 116 tides, 73 3Aor., 60 killed sod 27 prisoner. Captain Idelodaga and three ethers were killed and ere of hie men reanded. The atearo•r Fraoeie, that came into Havana lately from Philvdetobta, has been told for £20,. 000. Her cabin and interior are being taken Got to fit her for rooniog the blockade. She W o w, o .tneelhly tc Caro, Vitivro Ot Bone-, of Obta e•t r y. The Dscetah would have pirego4 the =tats. 6.•ice•e it she had arrived, sad may yet If .141 at. The Opening of 111 d• for the Loan of Ir4Bl. Waszlicyon, Sept. s.—the oponlog of bill for •bont thirty-one and a half millions of _AX per. rent loan of 1 - 81 woo eomntenoed to-day. ' The member of prepptola ; vas larger thalkin . any previous atomic:li tip to two o'oloolt !hit' afternoon. One. fifth of thettionly had daolintd . to effete rotting from par to are per Sellt.e.S,.. llll ' there were compatitively fa*, lOwasrat. latter figure, the attars averaged "probahlyiltre/ and a half pot oat at that • • or. ==rl rnrerusd by:tt.Xtirate• Now _Ton, Boot 9 —4Copt. , iftdirsilog of the frontpott Nighthogshi.trOm Hey !frost, af• ?Pad hors tn•dsr, sad fetwitt tbst on the Bth Wt. 10 IsC 34412, loaf. 7154 Il i a re* puttee! rOf several:Oars by stolyde hand Ide.vtheel sumer wttb two smoke staoke and • , stotod told toter. 61,0 woo B PPlroollT ..fast a Itar, bat a brisee mans up, the hlighthtgale et all nil and *et Arrival of Cotton- ; Forl r - - 2 tiertlitg. , Br. Loots, 844... 9:--Tho Vino:oft Belo of Elis LOlll, from MemPilibr_ on illo BA, brings ITO bales of cotton foe_elatlonnt.: :..1 , , Eight of Homrst'a siiii*rollonvit ilitm"`" a 1. 1 Memphis sad have tales tho aili of allegiarm: qbey 001511 rm former roortlo disoontont amoot Tossest's soldier, and [belt witness to desert; It they were aimed protootiOa by the If 'dual!. Rebel Colanel.4rregted. POMall ), Ma., Sept. 9.—co, toned Elamilton, late of th e Confederate map, was arnsted sl bland Pond to.day v bp telegraphin orders from Deputy Oolleoter Bird, of Mb oily. Ilartditeb mai ea Ms way from Saakville to Cfazoola. N You, Sept. 9.—The gonad Bistro dimm er lasi*, 'blob sallad for tlfsir Orlsatts 94 the Yrb ntwood bon to-night halting, Wing broke hot dlooloap pip, wtros that twenty tow how out. VatiTolC 140. 9.—Tii• Gold , ragrliat woo. *oak, end dreaVeg lit-optaiof , lickg effort dude hat Wit at lGillogher's Baird to pit op Go prim. Thi lue-ket has been seetoined throughout the west by pa/abases to error ohort o sad these tiaassotionalrelag eau graatty reduced, the priossoheturally Arlo. tleld opened 6.1 1.15, L.ll Lb 2.33',4 and ooze Again to 134. Although the learerts were °Waived all dal jester• day tl datk clond., no rain Mil, The weather we gni. warm, and se we write tail article there Mover, apptarahm of ma e rain and pbety el It. Th. river we falling het night with 034 bet by the pl.r rural IL the AY...b•nl rittr,and feet by the pier mtrke in the Idanorgah,ls. The a,...11 yesterday were the Julia fr ra 7.ammetlio, the 1113. rem from Rawlins, sad the DeaLark from Malt natl. Than .en no departgrea except tb. 011 otre• for Wheelie% Th• hares welay ter Zeneete Ile. ¢•member tb•t she is the regular wirer, med her hoar le fuer u'cl. cll. TM , raignier packet for Whtellag le the LleMe Martin. She •111 be !mute at the wharf shim nioning, and will lave et N sends precisely. %It wl bine a safe mod comfortable trip to St LOl2/4 will Imprinter that the Meg. le Hoye le NMI lc. and will kayo Oh eveolrg br that port. bemire your state men. In LIZ., by ea Mr. int maul entered into h0c.... the Woos. beat men, he: eaket . o boats will be coo I lo ading for these:Le p.m, If • boat Is loadieg for Cincinnati, for tt stow.. all when will lay taut' until an Is gave, end me out ern will take Per plco, and the "me in .gated t oo boob loadlrg tot ell ocher plum Under Wit cam arrangentekt, the Kate U. P. Cape. Porter will Wain -or Cluclunatl and Loutoville this evening ; (toward, Capt. Mellon, to the Wtdtbsday packet, and too Gronor, Gap; J. W, Bst--belor, takes one place nett Into. oat, ell for We Abele yetrte. Cant Kee Woodwle'd ten Wet, built 'or the rasoble• n the ,11'.1 hetony was ithocamfully Munched at Whe ling oo WeAtindny lost Captain Jahr..m Low packet, Ohio 'vepo, wear to Itam Olt cumatt aThursday evening for Vale p et Int awou ate there wen bet 'hrt feet water to the Whisk. ppl totem* Sc. L e nts and the letwar Reptde. 'lb. big arida I. about &hod op t. , no weamboatlng le cocconted. rd. propellor Emigre, Ctpte , .. Torte., was rank A. Wlektievlre ca tau o, sight. In Walt feat water. O 1et314• storm from the Itortheran psned over the city, causing the Gunboat leo. AS to tear loom loom hoe moan I. GI, and Wade; lb prep lbw as • • ...id, scab her lustaatly Tue sata• .t 1 11. •cm ail pal, of no bona be urging to a Se. I.llail, sad blew ova,. board the chimneys ol the big .1.00 Steads, The It Lod. Vette of NI odosedey sari: Tie Ontario, In eastnistd of that yr polar oflimr, Cop. tate t bawl" batter, made her appear.. yeenrday, decanted with • hood one wilt of colors, which wore presented to het by the bactitan Fair at Pitraborg, far baring ralta3 the largest anon act of na. nay for that to aUtutton,f any bast on the Weeiefri waste", • The Evansville Times hem the followtag : The oteamer Eureka woe emehaniod at the fleet lout on Grade river 7 ...fur., by a band of guerrillas who nem ton hoard nod took 1360 frtm the p• e. onto which they al- I wad the lent to return to Ivaturtllle, threetming to burn bet If Wm went any !other no the river. The nodal • pito mem. to he thet the lavabo canied Feder al 11-.111 The Nulaville Preis st ys Soho Idatheri.,'• Cumberland firer Wen. nal abet at ?Minnie far days alnee, watt ordt r of Gathered Payne. bat leg ten coLdetaned by that Satre to • tatal goanlli.. 'robe dld belong to the 3d K. mutely (rote) linens • Thy bah • Worm et Cain on Tuesday by way of •fi tat,. Den Able.. wharf bast was Wen lona from CY lan 1-gt. and hlowa nearly a noes the deer, caning • Ith I. the follealog hosts which were re mad to It: the /Wattle Convoy ' Cottage acd emerald. They were all r Senn. by the tow boat Ni. an The Stiletent wa al., tern from the lauding. sod blown some distant. , I sf,,re the could T ter) hhtthhr at lb. whorl was parted. t alto Is • Wile town, but It can get tt a roe peer toy tit storms. Nap Yank Mallet. Sire Tot., Pest O.—C 'Mon del at 1111.8 P-4•185 for Middling Ult.& Soar, State and Roatara, arrera'az ace wielded. 16•25 c osier end C0en:1,10 Ger Extra SCSI - ler extra a H 0, and 111.I5•53. 10 for trail braid., siert& amirkst closing seise Wll it i •I b Alia:sap and 111,f115‘1,7 1 /1i fir State, aid Oil far Waiter:L. Waal Prot!, and Sal s leaver; Se, Gal.& roe shoes PP 11110.2,47 fur Milmigliti• deb. 1,57,15,1 n for .6ater Milsmutil, and 5t4343,2.1br Winter 11.4 1, co I:4OmA change a t el,O for Ilmsd `if micro. too's:idly; dna FM l 11‘ • a.• du 1 sad aroeping . ; 030154 for Wate•ra. raor stitst . ea& , r . 34• Ito id. as dell wad bent an, d.old.d ret,aienm dull ; 0,50 f r tirade, abill2 fur IL fitted In b cd. I irk 'inanti. , •rd art mem lowa at 4•1•41 for ; for timr do; It96oail for prima tti Mane &leg Cho rstraan, and 45,60 AS GS for prima ss. • ; alp 11.,0 all, sow KM for all &pilaster, at lb. Mayen option, 1143, 50 . 11i of doll and testy at 11•111 for country Sal OM Meats qabitomilli a la& mipplp, and prime niamr at eneu`ders: alt. s•m• &lop lot. of masked at kil tar p true, sad 16.19 f 4 Hams, tils latter for aledos. lad a little er.a.r, h=Anita tillaiamil lama at 23NaVW,,, Th. bat, Gel late 1. • Salim is en amid &amid at 4'40 for One, and 4t S tn. State Vt., Ycea, Pall 9.-1369.7 atoad7 at ; dere: ed Ir. .ad r.,1%,v56 carnuty, tad;51 1 / 1 1 tot yr , 1344 d 9....dy sad notottlod; op Wag a. 971 1 1. 416 . 9110 g I. 137. Sd.a...tag to re, atd d clll6lOl to 17 16 5( 11 4d c17...d at ,be !Waning oo.rd at =q Oaten, ttrck. quiet. 11,89..t.6,11; It f 101. 4 4,; •Itas ?Off. Mns. pro 9.r.0d, TY; N W 1/1 e , to/slaw& 1.6. 61.41114, 17.1.613 0 11 6, 8 , 44, N T C 127 1 4. 0 • U O rr . 194 i 1 1 6.1. a. 1...6nry, 7.10., 11466; 6.% 81 rest...ed. 100. 6-40 I .upene, ttlX; el. lignpnlG. 1103.6 7 1 t.0.. 74161 .8 Stook. 6.1 bit 1. Magna to day, aad 4.1. g. oh.. to J , l. thapltta. a "to, 29 W6ll *waft 34; alattal, dt, ooppw TAM, 3 134; Q.'say.l l % 116700 6 .1.1. da, 10; Hammock..; Ws Soya, U. Nasblai o%i aocka.ll. 3 1 6 7 3 36607 / 13W Pan ltd troma„ t ep. ur la Call; demand Malted st r 11•12, b.l del at e 2,90 ror v. and 2,041.G2 for Red. eon TAM.", 1,71. Os', 1 sleasl. Potrvlnim t.Nll.le, GB for Hated In toad W. VOR CINCINNATI & LOU I'-. 4 . 4 A - ILLS—Tim Aplendid steamer WA DD, Gaps 'Wes, will loavo Gyre oa 8 DA Y, T, OK , irul Por fr'ig"'" 7,,bl7arD' J D. L Loom stl'; J 0131: FLACK, re4)ll ST LQUl.—The fine k fM i t strom, MAGGIE II • TS, C•ptaiii u• r, lair a, *III l'. •e as .trove an ISIDLT, Ins et-11 tunc. Ycr fr,—;ht or ; zlffil;pv r liza ,K baard or to rr6 J. D. Cu L L ti WOO D, !Mos Men 1:0 apriult a Leak Co!dl IDee!ln lag NITER INTELLIGENCE I.II..A:RAK IC Ts Chasms t1ea4. 4 7 tl LIAM .New Work Ditiaev and Stack Market Philapeiptaa Market. ATEA Al 00.4 TS FOK ST LOU IS —The fine V VI A111.16N1•1. apt. llcC • Aam, r " • 11 , lrm.o above on ••1:1(5 is DAT, am I; lb Iva,. .Irrtgt.l o• perragr r ly . t.,a^d or to 3. I , P,,L1.1!,10,,ir0 a OD, • gent. • 6 JOHN FLACK. al . "7:9'..Plllblilitaili THEATRE .t.m.see nnd _ W5l. 117.190611,04 Ty re. ticolar E.clinal of the ;Test flustlaz rea, of the SSA 01 1411 V.. eta b 60,11411 smeory, •ondorhal machsalcal ?BB (Sittarlay) erCI to preonted. the the Wing eir.eathele pile entitled THE SEA OF lOE. (with • peererfa! ant.) Do me 9 ; hater and Jennie,. To oogioluig with DIN TU IVIATSW&IIN. In n bewse—Tbe PAW! Qinion. ANlLD—lnfteen Young Lading f u the Dillon MoCORD & CO., Hats, Caps and Straw Goods, Orr. Ise. Is atm law !shat awl nett =rapists 1.1 of 6 , ...ds ear iS.P.I7..LNU BALES Bra .2end ths wen. amazon an masui W call 1,1 examine on ctock, which will be .old N nn low nue.,C.C, oks .^.,,i-;;;:;:*-i:',71111 Wood ea.. rimbmb. J N(.I. 404488 & CO., finoacidani w a. d W. O&M'S.) Coomatisims mod Fos wiatAliokg 115•ra b ant*, EMEMEIE3 h ttr i o ng assod o, lb r e w " , ll=7 li ll Vtwaso" al a Oti ntraito w a , tre eadi t orw:rlo . l i E m AlLlNZtellet7 a. *ha may tacqx ta Irak ' th•eir jourvaligo. oce)reixt6es • , perrimmi &i:To C.Dealen tha, Toisgblogtteny Void Nut UoaL Wel ot Xtto Moo, on DERIUOII mot Dralleo'S WootqaTootos7,ADOlbon, Oar, prain4 ty attoodol to. • oarWorton: meta poloptli mbiOdavitt ' rIONSIGNMENTB-- %,/ 16 pkgr Laker.= ...13 , 60 do ID burets lasi " 63 Ma, Dodos; do Pmts. rosily Plowl 23 matt Plain 13/M, 00 bone W. V. sod Comobtri Oloirdr, 112 do bilgt 10 do Dry Applor. to Stars tat 61 es- V.e. IlAdtkilitigelli F. TAX 110201114, 0113 SPORTSMEN'S ECZADQUARTRRS, , vsli WOOD - MM. JrA•MICS. ,p30096"21 Itto the'Otteattoo oi f fporteasa :yd Wort b plmall 'to* Of 60149,4111fL15, 6111V0L4188 FIVOLS, GAME Una. POWDER , FLABIEB, SUM BEIM and Pooo}lls4' °FLU( Y1A6113. and Itsmltice iY brought to of tbta t Mt, ltd. Eno stoat to tbs tura eta oiuitot. son NOAH W. SHAFER, /LITOSEZT.A.T.LIW, ' 11110, 1011 TWA ll!limey Pittsburgh. Ph. Galas for Pllflollll. BOUM. PZIEI 111.0211 11. inicaroaky prommaimt. *l7 Ur K. bIoOLINTOGII. Jobber and Beto 2:•=1 54 1 30 1046Ma&tatv Oft Mk= C ar -Asir Irzlt TIM irafig.4 TS - - - HE UNION EXECUTIVE COM- M ITT= of Allegheny Catety.reoet M Wiltlat 11.1. Tlttehnce. 110.11dap fridaxs of each wool:, at 1 Wel. eh P.M. A 11 Etroon, Chairs. on. P1011.11,111t. P 4.44 N•to, 1 Ate:order 11.1 ands, d ' Zrrt i ai ' s . PUbb.l4 * r 1.00, Treoanno, Rat t nub. Col kt.rom all, Dr W J ..1 mots, Al.' 41.. P 0. C.. 1•10, Nene aril, Jen. eel?, • John Death, Quo C W Botohelor, A. tbur ktleehooy .7. John 0'1,4111. oal Vsllo7 P (I. Jared 7.raperanow.lll. P V. Jonathan 1101 y, Pittahnegh. Prank Ardray, '$ John P Peed., Col Iluma.. M Brae, /Oleg:heal 01ty. Al P Nwlo, EandokleTslTe P 0. 1100 of Miller, Noblest uon. Joh gi Porter,Tsr.zstom. M K Moorhead, t I:tobargh. Joto K brown, Allegheny Oily. 7 m E liernson, IleHo.part. P T • Toolhober, Alio:hoop 0111. luso IDs., blob Ye:tey p 0. ng a 1,161013, 8aCt4.0.1 P 0. John T Drew, P o. 3 C Booting, ep•logle'e PO . Engl. Poet: Palmenurillo P O. 0 :Wet 11 router, Paubtulgt. Mot Wm 11 Neec.ey, Pittsburgh. Ilonorl W lelsaksv, Pielothrgh. John IA 'Donad eirooan, 11.0.11orgh. Mm Di berth, Pittsburgh. Copt Ceepaz hat:, A:1010.01 Ci y. John Piet 1311.1, richer. M'Clorron, aka. P 0 Dr • 11 Grass. Pe 1111. P O. rapt Ju 21/11..r. Blanelest.r. C.pt /3 ugh I Irlon.lng, Allegheny City. .1 1 1. W P Tondo:burg, nurtealoyellte 0. hb W Wilms, Jr. P.taburgh. Lr DooldlX.loldson. P 0. Henry • Wearer, Pltle:orgh. Copt John 11 ntewart ' Pttobtrgh • OrAJnbn W Biddle lulara (mew. Jr. J ha V • oth, J.. 7 Paropt., Sewickley elite. A. M. ABOWIII, 1110irenan. D.•lu 0111111, All%. rlttiota.r4b, tlevernber 2, 1.4. O. Pinner —Copt Hugh El Flaming, Dr W 36th:tern, John break, W m Ranh, C.pt James MHbr, J r Jr alms, Wm N kliurtem. Jain JE Drown, t/1 111 , 0 Proiliex— I , O'Neill, Col Ale: Mond, 0..1 0, Gong, Dr W J Gilmore, John El Clews" John W BM dell. Arthur Damon. 010*, B MeltMlald strut- O+ tiMl teak:arms —Me* W B N,gIJ, John W D d l .0, Owens, Jr, Win II Barter, John Het -wart, All4l. 4111.011, 4 . 014 T 411-Ik. 09w, 11 Grant .44. 41Mrariags and fievakrr. —"leo! Hiram Halm, Hoary L Woo, r, Mei Win B Neese, 1 B i oa.ln, Dewitt Rot lows, E P A tanhster, John 8 Diciest. 0111 m, Fount "wt. es /UM —Lam B Coonit, Cospir Gang, E r A. ileo/baber. Gunn lkott mot 14. $.44. (Me Ch Street, On Cliirrespeartime. , — Jahn W 81'401, D O'Dell, Col Micoe,ll W Hockey, Wm U Horsli,Copl W Michel r, Eb Wtlllams Jr., Jahn fi-nth, Jahn No Donald Cromm. Cleary L 'Weaver, and Willi.. *lnns, Jr. taco, 105 4th rivet. O. deserrneara :—Wal la Hersh, Job, H Eitowert, maa IS !Mere, 11 K Illoorshead, John Drama, W Duke), Jo n MeD Crosaan, Dr W 11,4nr Bobo., Hoch B reming, John F Jonnaniiff , Offlce, Sheriff's alt.. .10 u MON JI.E&TI NG AT WILKINS HALL, A Unto meting .n be held nt Wilkins Hai, an MONDAY EVENING, ll.e ltete Inst., at T o'eleek, which 1.111 be sidress•A by STOMAS It. IN&11111a 64, JOHN X. RUCILPAT. ROA, TROY 11 /WARD, Up., and others. BALLS ROUNDSUR IL 1/Dyr 7.,.A.ll'ilitrrltiltdAlE ‘T—Tho oitizeni or. Lsernanceetila are bajtizot a stzetcoloe eff.sri to Ell their quits. and to this sod aOo has kat. has been asb •lo•ed to 'solicit reireriptions kr the psymant of b. ego etas, weaken. ref Imam to • 'eta lie that paq.... the 6-tomiuse here oistrioi.:d des bur auk tato t o k districts, std a:signed We hallowitag o•their nom • tees. each 1. Dtvt.ic 13oseller, N B. Cecii. O 5 )lettes e 3. V. But A J. darts. Ninf, Schmidt, S. J. Welaweiget WLTeleicon, Sec. ll.cre, B DM• .oath, John Astra' t. Jahn Pleloilongb, k J. flews 31.12.• Irwin, Jae. T. NeCturt. "e U. NAllar,l3. IffeNahos, Mai. AlcOuse. Oro. Oftlisosi.Jcha esnill, 13. Bos orth, T. H. Remise, 3. It Heir Gem I coOii. •• Chatim -Math. &moot Davie. George aow. Times cevitoittleesrili al once cell co the I ie cis to their etspective dist:rte. loci ati sire wertisnly earl ettocribe leberstly..d lift troll Ise borcodh do , &qv.. of previous &acts tip .PITTABDROH AND WE-T V ki • OtNI% OIL CO OI Pali • -It.ts s oaretwlD -I.o_, to lha Capltal Stoat of ta. Put-trot Ch .ad W.t ••twala 011 Ctrteauty. aro a,/ epos at tho *amass> ol BV OH rasa V S, ..rat. ' al Mood o row and Do wses. W.t. Tao lardi at tkla Oatapst., .c. Seated la West Vir g:chit, Ltd catalot s.volt herared wrts. al wh ch rat set two baslnd sal OR, as. aro sattoltht tot Dental' °Moo, lb* lataLlott . t4t. titl. home la seta to be .moors the tart It 11011 W.. Wi IA • .fort dive of tht ruct d Bar aorkck yea of shin . / tw.e • ipecac Sc. Is aeorsesi operatics Paaaatze--.1. PAIN °Wastes, -111. S. WAIILL Ira.austlas-a. M. RICH. emote.: OlBt.olollll J.dw ma. Jahn Dory gm. r,rb MelEorry Mom& LIMN Jr. J.la MI. oaso Patton. Jr. ..11) tf rr" - CONNICLutiVILLE. AND SOUTH. ins Nis El W.—Ttre underatsm4 G. et: r.•• raM:i t^ . , ,!! I^. oorprrab tie Coesetter..Re end Bacitherll r..l.lolllleita lastway Cempay,r Meetly gin 40111:01.11M they to pu•tuwece of raid sot, op teethe for tto purpose o rec Koh hobs”i t ewhe to the Caps: Stoat o! th. mid Ralarsy Oomph:1102 the 14. h day of 00TOD ER IS:Cat the tutor of O a a., oi that day, at the WAS •I bOTON HO Sly D. theta.. of B. d tere.Del'a d omuty, Pom• opivatte e sod that they ern krop seta DOA. Opt no arrTrig to Lae POEM Oel5•N ft, Wtalaell a iIIYZN, Wi1.1.141K N 'LUC K. along& W. De9S, DIN LEL wpainsemon 0. WUM KS, L. D. Sea,/ LEY, W. AIR Mb N. D.O aillft, K eIoOLPSE., W IL.I aid 11.:CLILLAND 3 S. 1051, Crtal griOU,ll its.)FE6t+Oli WILLIA ULAIIoiCAL P nb.D COMMICIICILL 3CIIOOL. Nn. IN, St, Cl> 'firm t a 511 per .chats per quarto of el areeta in 81 co. Loam ut Tulttna from Ba. 8, tat Ip. BD a ISTEfIRQ eND rig ru kasni, a • tnafner of o and P.masn.lalp. ••• can truly..). trues oar o•ct kn•wl•ds • he b.. no on. Fodor, (MOO Ee B. tSUALL, 3ent•t• - 7 of boo 00 Uu company. a.. I. LEE, - , Of Heel, Lee Jr Os. Ei•viogMm otder th. irdt,tcaort • t Preto or Wil• horse to 8...k-k•-p:od, .td r xpirie - .cid the betutOt of hie !boo u sofa 7.0 otO rarthod o I "M.:, es it • pleasure toexpnito oar 610 nololuts of bias . . ,u earttostur ; his sti.lituis stud loud ❑>on. toivto , red him .he rodl.pct.d pOl I. of th. Oft of in ,/ OUR* in Ciortmtorlid Einasifuo. 1 hoes oho deal . • estserfec,sw wird es a. a practical knowledge of Ds bees oyster. of bout-keel to` and ACOO•PtiI, 0•0 0 s .1., Db. et.tales tilts know edge, la a supsrfer• m nicer skew Dacha Ike Led 0 qs of Pr +l. Witli ems • Prof. ramp a 6. EON fOOIiSaT, Capt. eAMIIdI. VID/al% O.W DItEILITDOE. Be ke•p•• for H. D. Dillsrlige. JOHN li PtIaSUSON, AM/ n 7 •t-Law. 11. se, to m• opial -, 0,50 eaperior sus Teacher, an le 1. •11/ ro , re Is 4 ss .Lat I ever can rep se. B. BEY self , Book keeper for Iv tact,Yr. ston Ds. FOR BALE—About e Hundred torel of blib dry butt . so, on the A V.O. n., In Derrell township. Wow= sre.ard r onnip, Pt, 01. !tall., between leoda owmad by etephon twang eml lad. of Judge Arnold sus .bar •il way and river. Pe.ides good brick b .e.• of 6re tonne, barn, ehthl okra., cribs trehsrd .1 160 be. tag foh Ws . fie., 160 poach,Lent on lott s, spritsp and stream., it. oearn. In 10 •11 in saw log .sat-tool:. , nod It. soot eel etrec• an reek • it w r •hy of I...tint front prsott. cal oil to end d whrn o C.Old pro.erty. Adv. •.ru oat rat of the railway wtU 1.5.01 d, If dwitr.d. Tha pr,rost, 0 toluairsniy nutted fsr Co,le -anon of yllisga, or or private residence.. for de.o,lpdre euettlar, terms, de., address 11 to 267 , Illottnehtb. lilt. ter r ..10tf HAND BOO& FOR ARTILLERY. INITRUCHOR FOR FIELD iRTILLRET, Prepared by • loud of Artwary (Auer Potllibed b 7 Aattorlty. L7=333 BAT • 00., 55 Wood strcrt W'ANTED IMMEDIATELY.—Two Janr P4.l"*". AP 4I2I;;AY a OMIT, E. Oraut stmt. TIMOTHY SEED SL Day Jae at: , tat, as/ tat lila by BALTI.NO. - -.-Loithes,and Gum Belting alio Lem Limakm, Gam hiking. nom, sad auk Mr, ito. t almaybon band mid tor mla at tba to mat mine! at No. Maid it et. Mir airset;b7 • • • • (AIM BLLNICETEI.--Another largo lot VI rut racolvoi today by Paprou. Au Ooze Me% 1, 4 45ta1. ho , always as band at I tlao Indleaffbb PS, st Da • pot of J. H. PHILLI sole • • 133.114 akad 241 et. Olotr HETITAL BIEETING =-A fall supply allege os tan tittle bats Reline Depot a/ J.l IL .4G ; • 80. :bawl 2884 Meltdown, CIUMAES L. OLLDWEELL, Omer= to /nom SaismiliOW rose 7101/31. Draw Ls SALOON LIM lOWA QUID UIXLS, 1111611111 mama 'mum ailD Punt mink , Preagreas. TO HOME lIIRKI4IIM CARPETS. • • • • • ..h... 'maim go:ds stomata bay arlakoal • • OLIVER MeCLINTOOS a CO • IS •ITTII STILICIL PIANO GOV ERa—A splendid assort " moot of RICH NBBDLEFWOBK EMBROIDERED CLOTH PII.NO MIER& of oar own (=potation, borattrot tattoos, aster Woe offoral in Mir on tau, opeual thit do st it.. NEW CARPET STORE fiI'FAELAND, COLLINS 8 CO.. ICria. 11 AHD 91 VOTE! 1113:1211. Halt dscr te'r. IL. ..0o Boer FOURTH STREE NEW STYLEB OF WINDOW SHADES rsoirszn TIM DEF. g , NEW SPRING STOCK Of i A R PETS, WELL eIIABONDO A I OIL OLOTH, AT WCALLUBrB. CARPET STOR Do. 67 rounTu mum lahll HOBIROPATHIO REMEDIES, JEST ItECEIVID at • '.;!• 0. £lB laTtet - Strltik `id • • ' • • fitt7 WPM.* of • t -ds r 7 ALL /ND WINTIZE 13002, SEOII% M 7 wances,Batarosits 1.11: rr the latest .tjlee and WI qtalilianoridikrla dl u to. r my establblankann fa dui linty c..n sod sash., anti yen WU bassILAW,74 J. B. solLuttra,' • rld ILI Motet it., Id dcar B—Cotee Teathlng, earns. and Wakeful- Pea dioor thestb and reablanne of Leant. Moe Tun Fug WORE 30 coat. POE TIES PISOPLIII: A Fresh SuPla Jag Received o. I —Carlo hr.., tbriglate axe axed hams.' on 1 Lima Sordassztaa owl lb* tint .tsge. of .eze...333d am.a.mry elleoLot. Yew, fib v... Eta I—Cara Worst Ihnsr,WannOcele sad Torsaloar Lppottte, W.Ylne We Bad. Pd01.3:5 0.1 t& No. 6—Garee Diarrhea. of Olildran or Mona; Mahn* I at:sawn, and 13.91161 . Oneoplairda. Pero 155 °arta Noe. I and 6 ewe the .Wit ca. or Chronic Diarrhoea. Ma s—Occret D*l4o sr Staa4l7 rbra Milo, ado pimp, Bataan Oda Tar Dyaintary. Trios i 5 atm. 11—Clom Cairdew Malan Marais, !UMW we Vaulting, Littcoudil Ilnalhlng. SS cants all-00w eis. S aws, Wham end E on.. Mos SS coati. Sew rad Vis. 1 iisr. WI to owe tks 03111 aad and Owes. So. 11--Ccrts Toork-oodka. rocenoctu, Sono= Patio • 3 ?to Dolour= Ihicnto tb cog: a. 9—(has• Hemil-ectia.6lr2 Ethobabo. Tortlap Roth of Blood w 0.11 Bead Pd. 13 aria. is sltustlos to. tt ccrer tale to can tito cot ltrottenta GAM 10—rriae. Dysimata, Weak, Acid ar Denny/ Staosch, Clamatpazaa. lava Omaplaiat, ar =ma Dantltilam. Pea rib ass larar.nrus far all mot Week Dlortles sad BM= 0..01024 no 11-ozreo Itoppromod llososs, or tkaaty, or Pato• W.. AWN", Otero ElteLorm. Ili amt.. No. 19-onres leaccarbm =Whit" lei Dr.. ic. Prot - e Xlimaaa. 53 assn. J. I.l—Ccres Om*. Hour Crony Ckßah, Di 11 az: Oppromed Breathlag MI ands. Ho. le—Curet Salt =wan. Othet7 ItettPeite , e. &te erald E..e. Barber? MIL fiend ee ee the reze• 36 ant. Ho. is—care. Bketuoottara. F. Ifortmono. or Ore. ...to um Mon, Hoek. !ILI', or Lambe, or Marco. 18 trots. Ito. IS—Oaret Threw cod ague, Irternituat Ism petab Ain.. Old Inn:at:Ms AZ.. 6D mttli• It ars la. • charm, bath a. • proveatlvo and on. So. 11-otErso Plies, bstarral or Ilitstszusa, BUM oe Blessiing, Egmont or OW-Ws. 00 amt. Tan 1+1.14 tin curd [hors:Lads of oh. Instil pool biz Casa. No. lll—Cara Optbtlisbata, Wank or 1.11=24 Li. ermidg taWrig or Rikok Bight. to cants. It •1.7 aly3gs boron. upon for • can. E. if—Carty °emit. saute or ohrobto, try ot low Log, Cold to the Hood. lollbtottoo. 00 mot. So. 53.--Cores Whoortag Cog;l4 shortening sad pal- Ine it, m iimacindlo I. is ia:alltb..a.nd rollsvio and can. Va. 111—are tuCtans, Opprame4, DlMsalt, laberva B ...thins.. o=o and Ikpowtrinaton. Price, 6$ ota. firmextd. b..been =ad by It. Do. 19-003 es list Dtscharin, Natio la Ile ama, I F.1.41/oorlag, rancho. 40 asafa. 1t atm.'. own. C--Ors Scrofula, Waned °Louts. WI Smelt egnMags end Old Ulnas. SO oats. Hr clued the wont oasts. Do. :4—Oarbe Oenerel Debility. Pliysittel or Herrnll WEISE., 60 ante. 1...116—Car. r may. new Ansamalatbas, Twat/ Sweittzgo, iicsaty Elearstloas. W man. 101—Cla 0. Na-tlicktuaa, Pronsattcs, Vera" Zarwes, Vomiting. 00 caata. Igo 67—CarroInsor Dlsooss. °rood, SaaolOsloo, Dlffulalt or Painful Crlastica. 60 anti& I. cone al: old cons of !Misty Dlososo. god 6.'th t li teetratoo l'k. ""ml erriostrty: tTesalts ,f MI Babies Pr II 01 1 • meet eMotent remedy toosl, wed ...lb° .4 1 . i. upen ea • •fln• FL, 2f.-oam Boss Month et Porianh. flamtlffri Wrz oh of .1 telli or ClSlldrea, 1114 INO 1111.111 rove ttr g 1 Pvilizas rinalmt. 62 mr. Cu , . at Gam v. tl—Oare. Thentril Moustrutlon, Pewozes, Cramp, rasi Ptsultb. Itching , sad lirttatioo of females. Grin==! .I—earrißcfraning at Obarto of LI b, lrrend ,* mato , of lient, raptiatioa, ►a! Dimar b. ta...rt. O. Ate. 33—Cma Spasm and Con...nada., 112pflapry Italltra-atckrats ; Cho is or BS Vitna' Ounce; Jerk Gps, twitcbites, UTteoln. 111 00. lit s4—Carry Lapttuarla and Ellnerateal or Ilanirnan data Vault. 62 rani. ,t.l Oda cam, 02 'Ulnae, plain 5 co 3 00 01111111LULDLII3 EY NAM. Look over the u.t, mats up a ettee of slit bind you oboe" toad raceme the antoont to • current tote or Inner% f ret null to in eddrom Ind the riedlathe Ida to dab' urned try man et entine, tree of OM% L IL MILTON. FILM Illtreet. Wiwi* Daing.4 . lroaA dtcr Win Op hat Mc% Ifxda ova try nuance& 44 vicistith rMINKE4 _IdININAL_ffORKEES AND W110LL5441 DIMS :bl.l4—Tba Rona Miabil lad Eanuftetarlat hrliZig metal Baia Hill, and 0. tabu; at SartSabra. an nom nay to mato maraca at erakbig and powdartng taarla and Gibe: am, at trauma aware, by Aka 101 at by tbantand tati. ' l h s l min &QUIT 155 pTepae4apna tba nomylattan af the r danlptarlaing aid ralttog Wawa; soda tra ais of *realm, to tantuat fare ut1at415141 5 451 11 MN1 and retains tba panto= natal", gold, allfer 'coypu tbes. now ttia d.-Games of Iftetyleyt Ettantet arra btabtfor tba tr t attlasat of aln4 ••14 and Balla powderi pa ng of bud tataaanad, sa bons. ill. 11:11 hill det. sdanol 10 E 14 V tr ,o Maim , fr iacnii ant. E . yetaa b, ti faa n ! a a rstud araba Z f l an 16 Ilorclante Nov. EUREKA LURIIIOATRIG 0114 w•saamrso worgigicriF. 7D swap Belt the Prtee.- reetetandbir •' nthISOOLBL4I./ 00 4 selhte lalloan.•,w11011/.. ArEEINTION, , 1.?„ ItiUTrit TEE LADIES INVI T E OUR MUM UST BF. FMB High Prim and Extortion fat BOIL . • lb. tv.t tit to accomplish au poortlo. tit 11;r1ben WHO WILL 13118TA13 b. Owetnbscia rot vuida, and &pea CONCERT HALL SHOE Btoll4 No. 62 FIFTH STREIN Tor th.f.rs you as get rebse rrceirtme.• keep. down the prim saddrearres ottr davo'm noes tor W caste; 3101 . 8 CYO 0/061(aisig. noo:LL.Dnail Seam (1:4, ad. • Next door to Expeor Calk& 00=5,17111,1”1111 DOUG ted .A4,1111i, A NSW SUPPLY OF ranzur. Otat'Ul=lMl. miss, TOOTER" DOW LISD CIBILDRIZI ' - soots, Biases atul No. 54 Market 140eil 'Lam a soita, CHEAP SHOE STORM atmErvs Broca OP .1100Tt3, 6110E5:1- ~CIALTERS, • • #4 3 Elliagai #4! • iloorarriricrWs mos smug: peridaraistrestall. 00 sad me the goAl. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODE,' I we ben Ng nest ear tysing Ma BOOTS UP SHOPS. Which ...ill all th• LOWLEIT Calf PliPla. Vs tom th. bast'S.& Awes Tao C&U 110ar04014 I'o be toad to the elty. , iaDrar Lan fiaolll mi . 13101, Gino Jas. Robb, as 631fice MET_ run =nrmal no. AIM= BD eTairsr Ba r . mei Ter.! Is .• Oidbed Vir it hilootes. ClablzailGsat El 1;1 louts. Thor goods us mods to our IpsobtsedgOgASt essasd tologostisd CILIRO3I2 took. " • BAILEY, FARRELL & OCR, . - .„.... - Fannon PLOILBEEk:,' GAS AND STEAM Mtn _ have always ma hind • lane awl wet lIIMPTVPI NI pampa. Byllawls. Wash Dab/4 Balk Talsicial lb& tam, Mon, lead Am Rawl Ind, a=, "MIN op to the =cif admirable Mahan W•alswilhw tatora, Chums, Tanks, la., without lbw Da.iLzy, MILBZUCILL 001 i Iza 701TETH, MUM BRIDGEWATZH. nee. :g • COTTACIE BRADS, gisou-D Its nu muss= di*. Mx Morbid Drab MaWet* •,' . OXM.AGM, VILLAS, DAILDOAD D44714b Mao. DBtfor BOOTS, HAM icurveoroza, ItIIHIGHT 41:111.12. cal./FAST WWI am ram ruirstrr, Atectruy 110111111.7 13.1371 Gemini Uwe, Ti lesidas E 4 'WHIM REECE, SEAL d 00., vco o I. Ooriamission Me'rcatei: 341 LIBERTY STREET, Corner of "VVerao. Or Wool boatat tad madam arokswes...; uwmw •DID WOOD o sfig so CELLI= OIT LI 1111)411111 WHOL.I29AIa 011 etITAIL. JAE. W. WOOD****. ne9 tetra strew, zeta n. aX e sad in roaria dreg, FiIHE WEST CHESTER AOADLTfied. 1. ICEILITAIIir LIISTITLPTS WEST CIHESTER.IPA;; WI. N. InisB, A.ll, Matti; J.ISTREILS laroliallA 7 /4 nat. aarsd " • alit PeacipaL no scholastic par at tea months. *Ow Ma MIST =MIT, thous. of Sep mat, Ifs coarse of fectsactloa Is theffloairb tai calloshcla d.. ftwa to It toys sad 7 55 1 ams ter &awe* otaliat Ira= nalillti.rtors' Thigh. mit 1 :4 11 1.... 11 g= soicsdes the ea shargile N. 6.101 ICK -, olarr and the 211111157 t. Toe ostalorme to" apply to sitlase a Mt Iltialipalla at West Comer, Pa. - , - Its Prhscipil 141 b at doN01111 :2 17411. 801313:11 to Plilstorth from Atillat Ilth_ • - illae -1.1% whore be wItI be happy to mem Into erstleo bla settoil, troalo a. la. to Oh *Apo FEU AND MOE pgiiol . o 7 ' • - 16VERGIUM113, OTAITLIOrohnre samsl6o,oXl, ass 4111 t I tog usisttoogoostprottoblo kor this Imagist. lio Goss kw tees, es _ Mang. losstskla • hag ttgp, Balgsrfa, roWrota.,AstroaCktast • ktos Wag ems, Bobo IfiliestrCas tkooksTolanses Smoot. Malta's cliggs .zw%tasa- sua re r e citinga OMB * lath, oro al a bs ono ktitootoott t r assol " Plttobirstk ° " 3 .4 l :¢Mcki lin le wow*/ ' eitstlitt -, I _gtititotatissallOorOig , . rpi 0.0.#a0., • s 1F , 4!1•-=';".= • - - XX...P.12•1P2 - • azgasidy be . I.XLIES. MAK_ t ors tram. booed' DOM= . - sad to Damao sad ~777 Ofike,8"11111.11na -' • 3 0". !.1 rrrreuttio4 fa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers