... ~f~ - nT.;~.-... w+. ~: / - 413. Mittgitt - Rh . ~!=P.~?az~ffiosa, ixe~ssrr; iq ~. COME* i;. lIM (T. lINANGLik TAP.I49-°?sToctui AND 1.6a - nts 'mum= =mu STA uontrsoN, 4oOLEAN d Co., agtobk and 11:zonazure Broke ra. 1 :i ~ IL2 91: 0 i - 1 rpuziFq arserz, Id. 601 sad selt ea castmlaste6 only. Dsnk, hum. Sao% 1;644,431/1, 1361hutd =6 Oil stock. GoTartuatat 4614 Mi of 611 Undo au toad. 11k111141. rat . , On A4ll Bake . Dted 60. t 0.,............. "..-. ale, ifti .11 60 ri tar.a......--..... TO " 6 10 ri tgb .......-- 00% 0 4 450,1 60 43.........._—. _ 65 •g. 5 -61 1t0n0tt1.............--.. 66 . 6 W 1 l— 106 E 116.1606414.4...- .61 110 ..n' 6 — ' ' - 63.73 WV .... 16.11.0110 ~.......1. WI TbOd Nationte....--- 101 106 AN1416 Hatoust —llO " 3 YinT/5 61 : Bk . 6.1.• -• ITO 13,00 46 /1400664A1Tiatts1.- - ..- fttyi " 4 per cant. SAD.. BD AteOm Van 12 11 1101%mi 7152 0 12c9tVil99•_••-... • 711 Oaaa/loins 111 % 419 1 '119(1191rer.)..1.-"a1 0 4. 19- 911•11teabserttls--..--' 1032" 110911.2 Atanr290.82.5 19 at -,-- 41% 'SD 13% t 2,60 116 Anegkelkl---14.% RI% 6 9 cent. 793 0 1112000• • ea Jaw 58,00 —5.33 i 2,30 - IttamidosuL...• • 300 • ----50 —al 60}4 " { , OO 304 4,03 27 3,03 - 2, 34 k,03 SUDO& -i - .. t•: , 22 9230 .10.02. 2._ 150 E. 4414 litnet er-r ,— 6 O 6O ao RholutololStreet—L-,-- .-- e.— 22 DI . 021091012 .--- 35 3 2 t:, 4 . ), . 4 ? )141. _ a .• 13 6.01:01t0 .....-..- 27 rig* et. 10 North Aulerkso- 9 '2 , 10 Da/230 ........-13 133 i ~ 13 191 ot. 10 43:kgbeni and Pttul= —, - 2 * et. . 20 00123003.—......• ...—=,l :IEO 100 4 * et. ,k 1 1 ,106160711.44-.......— 1 4 Bono Neek----- 2 • 333 • 0 11910...........---- 2 0 .„.„....-- --. 2% 23 1.330. . 3,2231223,111002.......--- , asc '6.roiosta---- S 1 ....1111t0ct.....,;—...... 3 A Mat 91.1120dia1t2 ... 2 - g I) . . . ZiI=ZMTE:I *M em Chto i r ei t— 73 Eutd.., e V. It T 5...-. •100 ts'ili d = w i . 174 1431 - •• 71171., &pl. 0,1E04. Thotpiri; of vemiliiion in 011 mocks continuer ram • yaliV-111. mgrol trite the oafromeer with which all elswesiii: talna clock in undartioetdiands, Tho np ldltJ milk which Ccanpantin s ire Gamed sad dock tar am IS naltynt,l4l4thkait. The four trttl ran It. awn CM. Or 1004 darn, than look . ant tor 'limo docks" sod phaty °ahem We mar. no fpontalnliangalftFlOtaflnltt D 2 l l O-541p It balm 1 at 19jr a .' -,`Arialtillitbt asisict UAW" Merry Ilnd at 02 , 00 par Obtra latis4tcont 'in ' husk anaresof note. 011 1 . 10,4 , f bn s6 /Pt" P 0 . 04 o.o's boss 10. Me far SIWISSIPTSW,II.II.I II Is quite likely, from pros- =Mu= to be so for many rein Thechartaterbfe oftite new fever Li lb.. the . . .-•.parthe.inlicted with it Act,' a reekleernem and Mind ere'. that have triter hintetronsiet, 'The broker receives an orderp3 Div an pp Itock,sa U hieetho which one it ' . _ . , Wasted,iiiii .r , thajhundiede our r the heti the reply 1. . Wnedie...etty mon/ IL" !nem an no emotions abed ea to relability or merit., and the infatuated operator gore td in thstedief that he It moon to be. a spilt men. i *Ocelticniill7ihe trek le a il etockuceuwa, thuprkee go dawn. amino c rude st:de tessaign the cense. A week or two Ltd another reaction tags piece, entail prices are , , gloated litgher, and equally without rem.. Au ad- Intertin Onecerdneell the rag with It. , - Agora ell stock eeteparry iforrthere are nary sixth =mug the warth'ine trash thet are forced on the mar- t iket}eatkplisseslresk el relent/ indl, • isc*-artliatt never , Tides tricaliantillie . pticent •Ite stock Bight • sway up ' - twee the whale brood-nett' ethnic' er" lied the freer nein Met: 111. in this way that. limey war' hiceacono,etie Seeker airs They prey Donn the better laud, sad , use their extetenee urtbe fact that there see ram c on ponleeinWhichttla with and profitable to forest. 'lt 1 . requtresterpillettlibMitfter MI; to &sower the geed stela rttsiettethiV , Thcieriethlctitire !twin to dolor. •. dividends regularly. sod which haves ttanding charts- i ter, ahoedd alone be tolerated. . i The mere Conde of the country , hes b.... very i ainfl.ly-tr_rtv coir.epoudinglylight. Tee former w fug' 57 , 2V1,111:1; tidd:tbetltteffav 'ham . the.' ano:- A ot.acitaii7. or W. stir. of f:c n •Iti show' to the country the enlatak, e by Cengrew, In lee 'poring its heavy datinc for with higher Arils has come i dammed yereenes This, windy Is nut what west I 7 014, r kl l licee.Whe parsed A :wrote tar iff eat . • ...v., 114 We, Oil Cloinitaly r lleer Terk,have declared ' e pedo:l3 per_anerd.gur. Antes: . . At. or#4 l Palid 001 1COlePtie7 Stun:sic • a dietheed of • -yeetetuthunt. car thensottle of August, payable on da . I 'man/ - .The Petzleum Centre . Of O. napery bat deciarel It s third nienittly dirtiond of on, per cent payab'e on lied . altar the_l3_lll . ,nair . . ; ThrTFpliir Ihonenii'lnetro' lterni = COiepiny have de- 1' dared trout . * turnings of the last ter months, one 1 per cent on the capial of the Oatopsay, (11310.033) or , tertulabehtirrielthe:ertiount paid le, payable on and; .atterthe=thltstaa; tope ottaz 7hesubstriptlana to lir 7-35 icon, aurepirted at the TrearariDepartment'ai 'lien day. ear lint t) 3110.1 N, . led the 0-40 .oar, 131400. Total. 13230.11, or about : bertha average sunosint ;Precious. to the air sir ins; 1.. ' 831,101.0001or,,thettela for, which wilt be opened on the' The tapering 'home th a expert. I.:elusive of *role) ,from New 'Yak to fore ire toga for the week ceding Jetty, std 11,4.15 Jan le r 81. 100, Per the wreit.........52 1 .11 - 20,173 82,137 r-est 53. 9 /14e9 ' 'Prtir. , ratp:rted,......ll,M,:t 1 110,417,t0.. 113,354,0-e• _. . . fina Jan 1.,. ....421,R47,781 51N535,327 5111,50,421 „Ttlptqmprof Aar:matte product for thn moot 'Geode ILI It p 0! .sw, 16 do P - earl...he., 5,2113 poandt hem. its.wlN.o3obrie.athiat . „Nocry . _5l. do rya door, 4,637 do. aerie meal. 577,071 bo at, - 3,'54 do 0.3,, 96663 do --4c0rti,40.084.--pets.-2.350. Olga mantles, '2l. halm cotton, 5,660d0 hey, 11.: do hi..p.„ -II arlempts !lard, ID do loop, 5 do tar, ado raft, 3 415g50 stost • oil, 10.416 do opera, 011,202d0 !IWO, 1,406 do Hamm 1 on, 5,033 lir , . pork, 1,01:6 do and 555 too beef, 331,3.51 Vatti It cot mosta, • 1133,715 pun do. batte, - 1,117,133 pontida cti eta, 682.036 *pounds lard, 302 litla rico 18,451 sr undo tal>er. trtra-. - sea petrolento, 1 , 476 WI, end Lt.? othtr 'Mae tanned, 51,531 poonds old do. 3 • . • ``Chfrago•laaraet-Mall Report. Bare 0 1.-481attr liitett and No. 1, Spring sae only natderstely active, and the tales eh*, no motorist change from ',int...dad . a...gnotations. - .No 2 Bohn appttd. rt,CONEI2,OI, lat the neavorable to. Ito's - Tort and the doll= in cold pindocod MiraidemllnaMaknead, dad paces Mt 2,311 c, with , - alma 51,0501,22 Rho maga of prices paid ' tlbrvaloterratterstu ar - deemeret - No. I a-a Win. ter. 510/9.32.09, No. B 11ad,111,9332,00; 110 Credo Rol . 111,95; Na. I Sp log, ez,o3,gtot; No. 2 liming, $1,23 2,01: Bijitted Sp. 1i,i1591,P3 There vat HO, or MOthing dine In nom, and the market arm nemlnalty laser. Corn Imola aelm &viand both bp dapper. and Vim. lams, aid the m adranc,tl I , §2c. no Moo ry . was p. Limitedly for No 2 which Kid at tram 81,31%51 LlMesad altstd dm at SIX3f,, Canal Cora Ira I oar ed., .t1in1e.4.814 tat., Galant33.oG) both. eL at $1,13411,2:2% .6,.t, u..t 51,31 , 4 free an bm-1. - Ottonna lls tionddemand, prinel,ady I.r chi plain •, and the mukevms • ihede dream, ete.led -at 6331 tor 5o 'I, and as Ed% forgo,. I. • Sys sub mat rt. hot arias sere with's% • Vatmlel chenga.• Xt.. mild at 81,3131,31, and No. 2 At5t,3491.32._ _ Mad Its. 0.. - 111117 le Bstl2l4.land ego market • ruled gelid at £3,1033,13 Gtr No. 226 .d at $1,30 1.0 No - The demand f 411400= et 2 l'ght;sai the mutat h c0at:5 . 1,7541 77 'La. ciwitril nod slty.pukages. ,At tha.oiroal Vault Ws . , no tap... of edit, Mess lettere V:057, tad too market arm nominal " iirc:!ragto 34 7; . firat with en active demand for good lionaboidon se ..k• "lpg but .11% - the exoom; lon of Tebaistkol, lit hoer rto taee 01 them dimes. • Ito ~,Yrclitdon' Markel almost etegaild nod not sionitahait.alia.tOistablisla ob ate /option. small lot of 8 we; t Pickled Atm; °mews% Said to _ le &steadfast. attsadrerdentind lbw-Timothy taarailatratastlact. ; and ua -.F 4 arir,CaMlo„ - . L tatlitr- - amMt* am* and nominal at 4,16880" ....nalora.tee Itaritet, . • CrszT;l--11ons qatstsrlthoci testa-LI champ. IVbest. Mess= 11.0635. fisteeMse messam—S,Mo gin tioi.rtzt leaf:meat 2,0242.03 3,40/ PA No do et Boke ter 1011 sort. 35,003 bp.lo.l'spring it% .-4=a47614.1.053i4 stiMl ba eic.ll4). M. 1 M. ...11..seket ..this Maass 104 Iowa: Seas. 45.000.te5. Nal spring as 8,030,02, autos fat She !JIM. prises. Ostsitssaf. j - .l4assi of IV catirmeMPXl Instals-It oes. (lone Inst. Wes pf 011.msliodeM i 51,30. Bally Ares int 1110 Th doing. Sake, 82 bags sodium at 2,0;130 bass pool es 9. 1. 1g44 1 :1 4 . 2 , 61 ?, ArprsattaNt dc4.e; •)4tilicr**-*lvisr; wits '1199144rre1300.1 , 44-4008,1, 800 bloir - .;4 1848 ", Di Mr t4buto,'lr !NAT, as* 40%10 'oolr • ,4414.1"20; Mass a co; 15101=1 '011; It Robin. fr , b 4 C. 6 1/7 I'ol4drzfrr; 240 8080 4smiir 40..1 , 9881c1Cr0t 4613,510,10 W 11 en t Wri4rOgr, Wooed& s, Wall= 10 .10 , :3laartailre eitilancabar, Wags wheat, 13 ?Kan. itt4B.4l:brot 2598141r14/17, ranks 110 04 0 rrirr; yr. 9818g04119 11turry4 c0. 1:21194t tobtroo; WllOOO.l/rri 1103;4 . 1 / 4 11 1419038, WII Dantlt6.•:BBl4 1r1d4w,.,1 Adler & co; 9 reol, • ' 0. 1315v4. eryaatt A rand:6". .ArdenlL9L irit o n rrw r A 49 .0114nr4; pears. Bbn' OMAN 40114 tab, Beams cot la/ bblrrprstrafiBirtuardrou, Bar ytar44l time tob.ww,i'qhn Grier 4 Mt 011,1184 , te• ca. 8 11841 1084c4r„ IAO Imtear sad eggs, 33 bbli 40014 11/1488•81M . • 3,411068494 144 J;rirkL4BlllBl6 ' 'BP. ls 7 tihdi DIU 0,10 8901 rail, 10 darer', 12 kg. better,. . )8114104110r, 0 tar 46, 11 Übe 00101., 18 801 r 441740, rr9ls2llgs bat tor -I Mr 441 881140;81 bola r4PiAdats Err= $lB - 1 , 814 0D J OT11100; 1-bas r440/8108,-,lB44rlrfr elf , Iraq 130 Mir, 110tre110o1r141 am; 1 bort WP Dalt cat 100 bbls flow, hir , It :sr ltrutati bbiappliy. Dr WA W1896:111414 bbli, Join* 1190444 192 all lib% P 5 we 119 0, .1 0 Wray; 109 bblr airlak LT Air." . 40 isaubity 1 log anUaaliallaitik 11W6 MENNEN - Pronto towbar for lb rittecrigh %Nam ?UM, &rye. 9, 11134. Mae bee been oo Ar clariotothrtia in trade to-day ..thy fjyedei =tic% 9 1 94 4 99 tit tagketesoatbaue quad wadded! 9r l d l99 9 l9 94getterilly s tine et!iergoes• to portroaar 6=44. 034,111—Wheat Es h demand and firm with sales from first hands at $2,00 for Red, and 2,1 D for White,. Oea—aals of I Cu at 67; anirttri bash, to lots, at 110.03. Barley ann and seßaroadlly at 2,00 from warm, 0 •rn Is quiet, and In tbil;abrenoe of axles, my be gaoled at 1 50 by the car load, and 1,fda1.61 Wr small iota FLONB7-11. steady with • fair local demand, and we uote Wit ill' moll trio.. brand of 'atm notily at tr.m It to 11A0, acidly at 11,25. Cowry family lsaell'ow from tr4uti .t about 10,03. No demand for IC:Wan:Mr, sad hut little iti-ma,ket. - . • •• SALO24--ro steady but without goetable change. Mere Is • good J demand for Shoulders, nod no tote talus at Ilell%, moony _at D. Shies steady gt tar tit bed. PI•la Slaw dud.sed neglected; tonsil w e . et 193(1,20%. Sugar of good (lasing mu be quoted Ural at 27.23. Y—bas ag./e sdranactrd; eller from =alio 0116 load. at 1140•45 per trui. , lllKelptroMilarbrafqht,, Sift Daa—Then. tri .fs , r toed doriassid far Thootki . r . 4 we note rrfolar sales from .or u 57.0] per buabaL %aver reed —rioula aelllog. Ms seed qmored at . ChELBE—Sales of Wattern Rosana at Stlartc and BsEnnui - at 2;c: . _ . . iffri - liat —Phew be good local and Ithippiogdealand for tbia article, and, Ip. shaviert is km alai mica, ara lea =stabled. halts of good fresh pack.at at 43.i50. E ;GI fe-We have to sofa a contioned good remand and light melt... 14 latlS po doyen, achae holden aak h.B 20a SALT—lsqatet but ttrreerltb Wes oo the .pot at 53,- OP and 3,1013,164r1ir0red. LAII.D—ta mead, with regular calm of prime city rem -4"4l..Eattnaros .d higher; Wee at Staflart,bo per btudiel, math at 4,03. PPLES—The market 1. over =owned, ani those who hare them are tains .t whatever they cm get. • Plttatnirgb. Petroleum market. Purr 9—The market for Crode continuum doll sod weak, and pries aregradoally giving way, owing mato • la to the continued decline In Gold end uttfavorablo &d -eices from the Lai. Quotation. may be fairly given at 654.9.534, Dbl. retonsed; and 40.41, bbla Included, clo tting dull at the inside figures. gales in lota of 110 bbl. 66 bbl. mit:trued; SOO bbla at MY.; and 160 bbla, Iste Thureday imentog, 041, bblalnclildod,- Morels noth ing whatever doing to Befitted; and In the absence of Wee, we omit quotations. A We of 160 bbla 1l aptha was reported at bl 3 .• Boaldutun Is still q noted 5t,51,60 sl,OO per bbl, tad lb* ripply Is very lighe, There was. but pus arrival of Crude .to day, 111 bbl. wasizited to Ahem 11.ha11,1 King. It is altogethar probable that,thers Will be several small arrival. be. tween.thiaandilonday, New Tort Petroleum Market. Spre!al Dkepalob to the Plttebergh Gmelto. - Nee roan, &pt 07-11 b. market for Orede clothe.. doll, but prime am nominally enchangod, 49060 on the rpw, and 61 for all the month. -Thera to bet very little defog In Iletked In hood; and el:Walton, are nominal at 80a82. Pro. 011 le doll bat without material change; taloa .t bum on the spot; 90 for ul thL mouth, cod 91 for October. Pktladerpela Stock Market. @pedal Dispatch to Pittebnialk tiereektn e PElzalatrali,Papteccober 9.—0il stooks were =IA, L 1 I 7 loth. t•t:laY, bat alined Imola., w 4, generally u shade lower. the following ix . the el zing quotation' pitmen, /1%; BPOtiatoei.l%.; Denamore, WA; Olen- aced, PN; Zetbort, 7 , 44 ; Irving ; Btory farm 431; Goraplanter. ; Ilctihemt , ey e ; UO.lOO Petroleum New Icon Stock and Zone, Market. Fpedd id.pitan to the Pittsburgh Gazette View yoni, Sept. St —There has beau no farther char:lusts, the stock market. Pittsburgh d Fort Ways. GYti Ghwelead add Pittabu•gb, 11.13 a. Gorernaseut Se wrillee-o.l3.BLues,lB3l,lo7nties year Oertineatse 9 T,W t even Thirtita, III: Five Twenties, G,ld- wattages-dell . wad luts •ad further dechued, elating that efteraata at 234. The IL IL Loan. • 'lbw orb the , mlitenree of Nue 04:boreer, Foq, Preeldeat of dm 70=11 National Utak, we ere footled Lib • cop7of hie telegram from Weehlogtol regarding the opening of 15:defor the new P.n. Weertatorme Cue. &pt. ill, 1464. ...Shoat GM) mNl,as opened Do far—.boot half of which I. tome and 12pInad• " Thew - Um amount offered by tbs ;premium t V.K. VT Way oat mut a half millions cf dollars. It 'WU 'beams Ala mat, 111 , noi wee oderrd, t vie I over, than vairmillre I. • "Yhte will ohm. emey loyal hear 0. Witliaboodenet Of ealdiers sad amyl. IMPiter. the BeNaltl atiu;bosiinittn,k to:Ai, at Salttmore Harket-4W3till Aepoit. SIXT 7.—AOrr—Hotraid .trice and irrir daterlp• Homan In Emil:tidal:4ply and arltlefidrdtarcarrd Forel pot rand hnia me pticas ars steadily inainfalare W. gnot rum: at 111:1,78.12P as to gnalika, for tr,th nos. N .trot and 01,1 r; at I 2,2512,50: or Extra brand.; W ty Ellis slapping brands at lap par bbl—a &alias of cents. Cireln—W Euler .18001dren white and 2300 burn red re wired; demand. seers sad prices batter, w.tB Wes of 1811 u bash white at 11.1,Er152,88, and EPTO bash swi 2.6 es S7O par bambeL Om. MO bosh white and 150 budi Seams offeredi Sales of TOCrionsb West's veldts at 1.81 B.Xobush prime do St I . Ba wen 11/3 trtisb at 1.7 0 I. bob. Lia.s, 1150 oth o ff end; IT) hush sold at 8 5 *Mb welebti ,, Rye '9BO hush received; sales of LA bash per bosh. Presisioos—The motet continses arm Hulk Muses, vsla at 11M het c Shoulders at 18-, Bides we soots at Swum Shoulders 19•13l4u; Mow 1 . 14 die; Hams 25.28 e pat lb. Lard no for la , seem tr. •.d bb's, usd .flaltlitotte rested 1•Ko 'pa lb Masi Pork 811,t054 . 2,0 per bbL Epor—Thlie 6 req7 HUN denarld, arid prime 'lvor K IvityagL a, (Diske -W. qu te at g o Pate 'We, at Illatk, Oat. and ah t50,111.43 fb, Jecer York Wont Illaytet. • Brom 7—Cloutinum extremely dolL Important event • PritAer i rli themsebrra tomb rapid to coulee jot: .tew, that. market ha* become oneettled, and meet °Dare at:flu:llmi. to o Dallas, wee. it the *rpm.. of • blight abatement of role e. nor. Importaom: atta I.es ta zalitar,vaevalas Ala at present Ohio at any former lerlod Or Om tete:llion, and hotfoot. men are begiatiitot took *to Confidence to the Delon arms fora ao . utioa or Re Eratioilol problem. With The ocoeibt!lty of no •frly peso., Lturemea the. trade ue wfutooletott of the frobithEity ofeammeicialum, and sr. ocoordingly ructomnr-t paittima in allth ea areporationa. to the trey or iolot we here very little tt retool pia dad tt• character, beyond 100.000 tb. D 'mote 10.1* Plettc-: et shoot 11,P6. rfltbareale. of flew. are tomered at 81, 0 9 :0,05, but they c told not be authenticated, nod we love the rumor for what jt le worth. tonic: roma:as tnao • • :re, availed the pohdc mle onnonocvd for loquartny, whlob 194950 cot Dow:elk hat town addet—Ower.... riot Lot. Impccts by fl*II1o*C• Prrransas, Worn , kin Cameo B, bent 11— ICO.O. Gulp & !bawd; 230 ntga teed, J B Ono' ,Atleld; 253 do azir.m co; Hoke wool, d Rarban„b t oto I car metal, 13 e Brio/at; do Graff, Bennett a 1:47: I our do Job. Iloorceet bge wk as, klorrlind & Erin; 186 eta tette, D. Webozo ; 371 eke bleep, Debut Bb•el-e: -30016 checis,B Gettelg& co; 6 bean bouts, El •,1• setae Wlederboid; 6 MA" finny thughtosor k Voet.tp; 30. tobacco, Ilztlark., Dorror h co; 6 10b...pv1... Job. Elolar;2 table corn meal, .1 Hint* k keg butter, J nor! &co, 3 try witty Jams kL6VI63, • Citettann t Prelim:man, Ban .116.,-Deoptroabor e Esblooots Hooey, Well.! oe; 2 bbbfogga, Fleming & 140:.i 5 htuta tobutoca; 0 A. trlcOrtUtutti; 30 dos bra .m., Shontiker & Lang; 167.0. corn, )1613auti I &vier; 330 tca nun fr.d, Dort-blau, & co; 11 bairn rap, G Array & Cita; Albin. apples, I* Tangorder; 6 btu coif., 01 W .kle; 1 an 3.1k0 211116,15 bus cheers, John Donh; 20 MA, scrap Iron, fauger, Ificolck co; 23 do Br Irtln, Ot ter 3:brickxll. 61.49410.4 8r...n05, Sept 9-43 dm broom.. !loon; 46 as tab. U 0 Bogard; 9 btols el.lor, 0 asnlno 11.ctin; 06 &La Vim 8M90n0y,116 6db pap s% P.- klus L ro; 7 pkg. batter, II Lou. 1140 bolt, and on, Witley & w. as4sr; 16 by. •arn, 8 Mercer Lao; 6 p&p, truntr eg . 4, 0 door, 6 car. Irasot, lieuttol4 L • -140.• JIVER PEARL 80AP. ORIIMPTON & 061 14b4;r27 Unit, Joie Propiesura lad Illimmthictsrsts lot WrMrq Peon. ulna* Ohio, Indiana, illtelois and 111146.21. Liao, issaiitactaters of sup,l. Au MU cl Palm, German, Olive and Bolin soap, El= VoiL3•.w AHD irAtazir 2U&Pi JI oar TEAM, &MP, whlth rwathatend ilit.ttor tor mind any othw bit= thwipablia, thecthi be bonze halna minim Fatal, 134,1 t, Lima sc Bade, oraayother.u&aana.la its wanutichith which ath thrlith orinthro thy lint brim. mil Wraiths their wathwi with Ow espialW BILV7BPU Opt R io L n - 80 ALPiamn M t Mequast w y 6omogorb h the nabbing, width el °thaw =we the wail. and War. 13ELM, PR= SOAP • Eamon. Gimps, Dirt, Elobsooo !Nana, ?rioters' lug, . Hsnote,aodthe want Bolas Wotan Stara Immediately, Vi - n= b Ba l ie:4llst d trre n tat h at= a Enamelled MAL* sadlste P rteler 7.t . aa...zotfp! snd fa cleaning mains nut door the it has so KW:I -iras this Bath,andparticularly kr, Bbstapoxllng, ttio Enna rd&EIL MUSS s prism Innen. Ist a wan, a/1 who hays trhall Its =porta qualitia, seknowisdo It *as lirsafest dimmers of this na. This Oompany from jill who are intarmW In oasis Bap, sad to very inta *EI wand the maw of tha tams ahoso4 It hill to sccall e = what vs clans Da It, tinted scoadlis . to oar Merchants fact abroad sal do wall to • en - 02Inktnrox - ii Go; a eau, BIE Atha!) 1 atton .111:•sls.50Poldts,, EaffinsdPsomnfa Depot. iferffewsre -all 1=.1.1 Don* rsgtetts Mast • Stssrina. car teldwittake4EL l 7llll' MEL flail Ll.— , $ o • sacantild fcagailial.99o ,l o4. fatIEJE . VALUA BLY. COAL LAS VS YOB saLs. •2tli'n111:13111 TIM biil4T born irittasarni from ,thrioarkos froolrAtiloil to ale, Maid Lad oxidttior - of eihty•thow mat Wore or Lo*til /boat thrall mop AVID' Josom , ilrotry. xrantatil - coal-of thy bat' o Sao togionlimorat Mama Dein ligocrlf ot dwalfv9sairibattl, roomy, mid lito oltulthowtoO Otthot TOrfrAllniala, ram Jo good-War, ant Oudot ttoi bad 41teCi101111 . 12114 Ina k w i rto. a:ma...ruts quim_ t irtunmE, avnrig - nalFoo by•thikervV4tef Oototise iszt. sibipapirtr wf tt 1 • tab thotdet aud'OOlt ta ldil Jloyoltoporebosont Vat tend apply to nazi rardmaros TlO.A9o9ltrid. rau 808W.4# 1 44 7 .L. , . _ , , . . Manania , tarer jo UrINXISMIDEUtOrkof imirgitainerka Ifts,ll goo. ntia=b. UV stonTIERON, FEMME LEW/ LARD I foesl4l kr Welly sa26 D. watans HIMEMMI=I opacrAz. LAWB 01 ISM MUTED UM= Pesti al VW First &Moo of •as Vtlety s#Afle Oar . eu. [Tolotto•-i0. 188.1 A 3 AM ranting lands to aid tither:anemia Lion of a railroad and telegraph line from Lakeifirperior to Paget's Booed, on the Tact fio coast, by the northern route. [coactutien Bee 7. And be it further eweted, That the said "Northern Pacific. Railroad Company" be end is hereby authorised and empowered to nter upon, purchase, take, and hold any lands or premises that may be necessary and prof or for the construction and workiog of said road, not exceeding in width two hau -1 dred feet on each side of the line of its rail road unless a greater width be Tequired for the purpose of excavation or embankment; and Alpo lands or premises that may be neo 'leery and proper for turnouts, standing places for cars, depots, !station-hot:ties, or any structures required in the constuotioa and working of said road. And the said company shall have the right to out and remove trees and other material that might, by falling, encumber its road-bed, though standing or being more than two hundred feet from the line of said road: And in case the owner of such lands or premises and the said company cannot agree tai to the value of the premises taken, or to be taken, for the nes of said road, the value thereof shall be determined by the appraisal of three disinterested commission ers, who may be appointed, upon application by either party, to eery court of record in any of the Territories in which the bowie or peemiees to be taken lie; and said commis sioners, in their assessment of damages, shall appraise such premises at what would have been the vitae thereof if the road had not been built. Ahd upon return into court of such appreite nen', and upon the payment, into the same of tto estimated value of the premises taken for the nee and benefit of the the owner thereof, acid premises shall be deemed to be taken by said company, which • shall thereby acquire full title to the same for the purpose aforesaid. And either party feeling 'grieved at said appreitement may, within thirty days after the same has teen returned into court, file and appeal therefrom, and demand a jury of twelve men to estimate the damage sustained; but melt appeal shall not interfere with the rights of said company to enter upon the premises taken, or to do any lot necessary and proper to the construelon of its road. And said party appealing shell give bonds, with sufficient shurety or shurties, for the. payment of any cost that may arise upon such appeal; and in case the party sp. pealing does 1:11A obtain a Terabit, increasing or diminishing, as the case may be, the sward of the commissioners, such party shall pay the whole cost incurred by the appellee, es well as hit own, and the payment Into court, for the use of the owner of said premises taken, of a inin.equal to that filially awarded, shall he held to vest in said company the title of slid - land, Red ot-the right to nes and occupy the same for the oonstruntion, main tenance; and operation of acid road. And in race any of the lends to be taken, ,as atom staid, shall ba .held by any infant. femme covert, non compose, insane person, or par sons residing without the Territo ry within which the lands to be taken lie, or parsons subject to any legal disability, the court may appoint a guardian for any party wider any disqualification, to appear in proper parson, who shell give boo di, with enfilotent :buret: or 'burettes, f r tie proper and faithful exe cution cf hie trust, and who may represent in court the porton diequalitied, as aforestect, from appearing, when the same proceedings shall be had in referenee to the appraitemeat of the premises to be taken for the ass or said company, and with the same effect a , has been already described; and the title or the company ter the land taken by virtue of this sot shall nabs effected or impaired by rea son of any failure by any guardian to die thargefaithfully his trust. And in case WV party shall have a right or claim to any land fora term of years, or in any interest therein, In postilion, reversion, or remainder, the value of any snob estate, less than a fee elm ple,shall be estimated and determined in the menus? hereinbathre set forth. And la ass it shall ho accessory for the company to enter pun any lands which are eumeempled, and or which there is no apparent owner or Catmint, It may proteed to take and use the same for the purpose of said railroad, and may institute proceedings, in manner desalts ed, for the purpose of uoirrtaboing tbe value of, and of acquiring a title to, the maw; but the jr he of the court hearing said suit shall eetermine the kind of nettles to be served on such cwoer or owners, and ho may le his, discretion appoint en agent or guardian to represent each owner or owners in case of his or their incapacity or eon-oppracen ee. But in ores no claimant shall appear within six yeara from the time of the opening of said road across any land, all claims to dama ges against said company shell be barred. Elmf. 8 dad Le it further enacted, Test mob and every grant, right, and privilege herein are ao made and given to, and accepted by, said Northern Pacific Railroad Compan), upon and subject to the following conditions, namely: That the said eimpany shell cone =nee the work on said reed within two years trim the approval of this act by the remittent, d shall oomptoto not less than Ekily miles per year after the second year, and shall coo struct, equip, furnish, and complete the wl ole road by the fourth day of July acne D. noted eighteen hundred and seventy-six Sac. 0. And be if /oM.. enacted, Ties the United States make theseveral and tinn ed grants herein, sod that the sail Northera Pacific Itqlroed Company aoc , pt the same, upon the further coalition that if the said company mike any breech of 'the conditions .ereof, and allow the same to oontitne for upward, of one year, thso, in each case, at any time hereafter, the United States, by Its Cot:tarots, may do soy and all eats and things winch may be needful sod neceeeary to in cure a speldy completion of the said road. Sec 10. And be it forth.? enacted, That all people of the United States shall have the Ilea to rubsoritis to the stook of the Northern Pacific Railroad' Company until the Whole capital named in this act of incorporation le taken up, by complying with the terms of t nhecrivion; and no mortgage of construe, tott bonds shall erer be leaned by mai OM • pony on said road, or mortgage, or lien made in any way, crept by the coneont of the Co s peae of the United States. Sec. 11. And be it Amines mac ed, That said Northern Pacific, railroad, or any part thereof, abaft be a poet router and a military mad, subject to the too of.the United Status, for postal, military, naval, and all other 0 ,e• ernment envie., and oleo subject to such tegulations as congress may Imp, se woolricb log the charges for °nob Government trans portation. Stu. 1.2_ And be it further enacted, That the acceptance of the terms, oonalitiona,and nupoFt , ione of this art by the said Northern Pacifio Railroad Company shall be signed in writing under the oorporate seal of acid coin retry, duly executed pUltelllett to the direction 4 i , e board of directors first had and obtain ed, which acceptance shall be made within two 'tors after the passage of this sat, end rt a'lerwarde, end than ro reeved on the ✓el lent of the United Sec 13 And be U further exacted, That the directors of said company shall make , an an noel report of their proceedings and expea dituree verified alfidevihe of the president and at legit ell of the directors, and - they shall from time to time, fix, determine, and regulate the three, tolls, and *harem; to be received and paid for traneportation of property oh said road, or any part thereof. Bee. 14. And be. It farther enacted, That the directors chosen inrsuance of the first eel tien dab, set shel sit soon as may be lifter their election, elect from their own number a president and doe president; and said bOard of direotore shall from time to time, and go coon se may be sifter their election, ohoote a treasurer and secretary, who shall hold their dice at the will and pleasure of the board of directors. The treasurer cad genre terry shalt give such bonds, with such ceon city as the eaid board tram time to time may requite.. The secretary shall before entering tipon Ws duty, be sworn to the feltlibri dis oblige thereof, end Did oath. dual be, made a matter of rico .ti upon the booksof sold corporation. Ite'personehall he a director of eai bompinyunlesebe shell boa stOokholder, and Oiseittled to Tote for directors at which he chill lie' Chain, Elio. 15. did' beit Juriliar mad, That the preeident, 'lce president, and directors shalt hold their dine ,for the period Ittilootili in therby4qtre of fold company, not exceeding three yearearespietively, and until ofliere are choien in their plato and quelltied. ,In ease it shall so 'happen hint an 'election of dtreito shall not be made en Any tray Appointed by the by-lawa of said oompany,.the emporatiOn shall not for that'excuss be , deemed to be as soliad; but such 'AleotiOn , may be holden on any day ethroh shill "be appointed by the di- The - dlrietont, of whom elven, inoin din& the pr a t identjahall be a quorum for the transaction el bu#lneel, shell have fall parer to make sad prestribe such by-laws, role" ilia regulations at 017 --stall dues fusdratsikt4 pmen to Quo „dirpoldtica And anuastil swat d stook, popertrontitoounitfhots of thi Ccunpany,. the trunien ot.oliaron e tht &woo and oanduet of their etlicono and in , Teats totehirg the eleotlorrand meeting of the elltrotore and all matters" Whatoommar which may appertain to thsroonaersa of said corrpay; Ind the said board of directors may have full power to fill any Tammy or ',wen ch e that may occur from any oause or outset, !tom time to time In their said board. Aad the Bald boort et directors . shall have power to appoint ,11011 engineers, agents, and eubffdi• nut's as may from time to time be accessary to rwry two effect the object of the company, and to do all acts and things touching the lo cation and construction of it.id road. Bro. 16. And be it further enacted, That it 'help be lawful for the directors of said com- PaDV to require payment of the sum of ten per contain caldiseseeement upon all subscrip tions reoetrod of all eubeoribers anti the bal ance thereof at ouch times and in such pro portions and on such conditions as they shall deem to be neke teary to complete the said road sod telegraph line within the time in this act prtsaribed. Sixty days' previous notice shag oe given of the payments required, and of the time and plan of payment, by publishing a notice once a week in one daily newepaper in each of the cities of Boston, New York, Phila delphia, and Chicago; and In case any stook holder elm!l neglect or refuse to pay, in pur suance of such notice, the atonic •held by such person shall be forfeited absolutely to the use of the company. sod also any payment oriay menta that ilia hare been made on recount thereof, subject to the oondition that t re board of dint:tors may allow the rr , amptiOn on am: term. t e they may prescribe. Bpi. 17. And be it further enacted, That the lain company is authorised to accept to its own use any grant, donation, loan, power, franchise, aid, or assistance which may be granted to or conferred upon said company by the Ccnk roes of the United States, by the Legislature of any State, or by any corpora. Non, person, ar persons: anti Bald corporation is authorised to hold and enjoy Wax such grant, donation, loan, power, franchise, alder usiet. awe, to its own nee for the purpose afrresaid. 860.18. And be it further matted, That said N rtkern Pectin:, Railroad Company shall ob tain the consent of the Legislature of any Stele t rough whokh any portion of said railroad line may pass, previous to commencing the roosirnetlon thereof; but said company may him the right to put on engineers and 'orrery the route before obtaining the consent of the Leetelature. Bea. lb. dad be it further . enacted, That unless said Northern pe,oido Reliroaci Compa ny dual obtain bons fide subscriptiona to the swat of laid company to the amount of two millions of dollars, with ten per emit= paid within twoyears after the passage and ap proval of this act, it shell be null and void. Eleo 20. And be it further enacted, That the better to scoomplinh the object of this sot, namely, to promote the public' interest and welters by the construction of esid rallrold and telegrei h lute, and keeplog the tams in working order, and to "retire to the Govern ment et all times (rarticularly in time of war) toe use and benefits of the cane-for postal, military. end other purpose., Congrste may, at any time, having due regard for the rights of said Northern Pacl6o Railroad Company, add to, alter, emend, or repeal this ant. Approved, July. 2, 1884. PROPOSALS. NATI DIDARTSIDT. t - Doane/ or TACInfoaD Dome, Anguilla, INV ; SrsorQsaLs, foe each class 1 / 4 . 1 Porateir. uivd '!Pr.yousl. t.;r, Chu No. (um= 1411 , /re f t ide o Tara idsasok thy ;irk) ' * 1 : 11 b• r orlectl at alba tinny lb . 19th &plumb. near, • I o'dock p. ,at which bout the overarm of th• bb. .1/ be rum/rime!, te• furolatting and of et Ile roorral Lary y.ds named. It. maloriale sod ar. I In .robteeed In printed .00.401.1 width, with fall /tvarattlena, will be Insubthed on .0;4.1., sad ea.t by malt, If 6/ requeet.d. td person. &sten to offer to tanarect fur W ell of the Ca..* neratd therein. by Ite e1.=13110c6111.1 of lb' roar ral nary Dude, for the chat.. for the leads Radar Star command. or by the tau y agent ewe. Learn , . or by tte Dare. far any or • I of Mr yards. To invent Meal= sad mistake& le .sling the cf. thin, co bide sib be received which cut clams f r more tbaa ans yard he no naralope; cur Wan] bid which 1. sot p .fret aid corny/vita is trail ...dlro ltd tuna et cffer ad Tassattda., sad .41 la 21•Idast ef • arm mot rips ra• bid .d cantra4 bidders are toorby cautioned lead partleuhrty aotl. litd that bads rtfros sad tea lbo arm amnia tee fo evme d, and 0. ladled In time to reset theft 6.0. neaten tlUots the time expires for ...etas that.; no bid will be orn.darsil which elan t. regaired saw the pried !dated. sad no allowance will be me. for fall. arm of the aW. Allaffer. moat b. accompanied by mortar d copy of the Wawa Ilan. To guard float et o. err bolas °wad Whoa thy lb. applaloted, bidder. an ...mated to endorse ot the .- ..hue. eh •• the aatlrese, sad thaw • floe under the or tor roma, lbw • •.Propowas far Chen Do (owns the ewe.) for the avy 1 MI •Ir (WM, LW. J. 0... TO the Chi. at the Dana of Tar* and le Natant a, D. 0. lemmaloos sad tome of Offer, with copies of the 1... beating on flie *tarot, pill be fool hoe by ooze ntrodasts of Ise. 1141.7 *Mt., lad Ise Demo, ea plica Joe re ell or algaa of bum Putcllll6olllll,ll. EL rtcn Ft 1. Dr 1611.) due No t,oaKK a.; 110. 0. Oat oaf blvd. manh-eloss No. el. WIRI 6 elan, opts, pat/pa a orpstsa, alms No. 1, Utast tulle aad plaa tor; clam No O, Gooool. ohm No V. Getl6l sald • la: .asso No OX; kotodlaa d eretad ataLdnl6llll.l.. 0• 10, 01.aaa Clam 00. Al, I. oa, It .ft tall, and sAtor, clan No. U. Bteol; elate NO. U. Ha Itoo4 sloe No /lira dam no. M. Pato., 0 1 / l aad cloei No. :0, 1p and else No 11, Hardare; elms No 11, Stall cowry claw 80. 10 - o r :Won clans tfo. 10, q 604 ants; awl So 11, horn:Won au No El, Gala , Hp tos1; dna No. V, /Plant, packing and law dam 11. 21,0 cad. eo, t. 10•4 ell.; cl 10 3 To - p 14 •• , elom 80. In, *small; claw No. 11, anturaoho Ix al, awn No D. Illbamitoo; Oamatorlatul nalv.ds 0 .1; etas 06.01, Copp r ad compolltkol oalio, class Bo 10 Ka eb'sway ad bolsi elate A. Conant pant. a,.. No. I, Beam alma No. 5, fltonua alma N.. N. Oak and bed 000 d ; edam./ N.„ ft, Waite plea, gavaDa. o.afte 2. and cypranc claw No. 7 Llos, hair and p5ll/. njaaa No. (learnt; dud No. a, Brad ell watt No 7%. Monad,.` and Ilra resl gad Bre c1a..n.1. No 1 Nl, Ir, loon oplkva nod calls, olvas No. 12, Ntaali do,/ Ho. 13, Pig eon; clam No 51, /Ler. elan Lil 15, Paftea, cols and alma, oleos Ha. 16, eibly anaad/e1; Oat. be 11. lialdeado: eau No. 11, 505 lane); claw No 12, 7trave.d eau No. 22, Bay ..d eravr; .lama Na 21,1'. monde:, ems No. 52, Olvecoal, claw He 11, Belling, pecking and bow. elle, No. 21, B erm an d lonneelaa udai ear No. 25, Iron csollog5; a as. No. 2 , , Auger.caws No. 21, Ansarpcita nee, a 1... +o. VP, Httoodemna Oambevland a 5.1; /Lae No J bin mf.,us. Broad Tap coal, and Pinta. clans No. U. Ma r/dam and tool.; Cons N. New 361ner Meat elan B. U.N. 9151:115't ratan boring and noes Bang nuthlae. NNW 10BH. Cow. No. I, Bricks clam N 0.2, Stone; clam Ile. 254 Senor, clam No. 4. I dila,. Dina locator Una So B,od u.d Lord woad, clam No. 6, Willa • pine, irpnaou, Anise, end glamor. clam No. 7, Limo, bolo •ad Wastes. atom No. 8, Lamaze; ottani. o. 9, Whoa nod .oaa; lead No. 11. Moulding and nand au3 tiro Clap; elite No la, •WAN claw Nu. 11, Iron, lens spike, and nallo, clap No. It lateral, dm No. 1.1, Plg iron; class No It, Irnuy uou No. IS, Paint; ole and Om; clan Na 111110 atomeloaa, claim No. 17, fliinlemo; Na IP, tioa• tortlorp; claim No 2a, Hoy sod 9t:.+.alp, Na. 11, Pro c. oder, clam 80. 21, Macomb also No. 11, BoltioB, aiall , R nod toe; clam No. ti, Sperm cud lob lasing all.; I eta No. 17, Ir.n work, plying, to , doe No. cm, nen; clan No. 27, Loth, oche coal; clam No. 80. durul-Bituolitom Broad Top coal; cies No xl , Ooppor ead competition *0160; ale. L, rho tro .It, to. PIIIIraD‘LPIII4. Olada No. 1, Dacia; clan No. a, Banta cla. 116. T.now pins timber; claa N. 6, Oak sod ha. d weed No 0, WI/It. Mac .prooo, Draper and rypnal Dal, aid ps Or, elms NJ. 9, WWI .nd eand; clam No. /1, Imo, Nom .plk I ant anti; elm N 0.12. 211.1; else. No. 14, 211 o.; ciao. No La, p a luy oil. and slaw class No 16 Ship ebaudlinT, ohm N 0.17 Dada.. claw No. 11, Vsatloonry: axe 19„Flro. .00d; elms No 20. Day and straw; algal No. 21; Pro. .soda.; chg. Ne 111, Onarval, alas No 27, Brltlat, packing al hag.; WWI No. 2 , , apes-a Will; .11. a; 21. Logan. elan No. 27, anthrants Coe; dam No. 39, Beal. Ditaaloon., OrD, I Top elal. dam No as Macb/orr : Lad tool,: that*llOg. wa ter lodl. ,ators. c.a.. 11, Sprk arraltorgsdl*Di.!.lck NATAL CI. • No 1, Ou thing; eau 61 , 3;i0211 . 1 0 boots, es Pn orto; cl N 0.3 ..1.lono; c hat/Si:4. oalias; elm* No. Ft, Dry Load. clan No. 6, Bend, an.; ola. No. 7, 'fotacoo; ca. No I, 11-a , elan 11, harm, .1;. , clam No. 11,,turoler; clan No 12 rlra (la. N., 13, Prorooeer; cla, No. 11. ID c•:I• our rl as No If : Ilarinary; Dna 16.8tatlenary. tin. 1, Dr(c).; Gloat No. 2. ninon tlu, No. ) /, w pboaln2dOot r/art No. 5, Oak and bard woo I rho No. 5,. .vnote , 1 , awn., ntolper sod alpaca clan, loo.l',,ldatajais and pluton etas, No 11, Clontonn du. No 2. °Me and gaud; daft No. N 11..1 Nog se d flea sand and Me slay; clue No. 1,1 Iron, Iron nails sod .meant can No. 12,Steon oto n s o. IS. rig loon; shwa 2 , 10,14, Ina; oldss No. 9d, Potato, oil and dialog claw No. to, Chip Chan 11,ri; alus_llo. 17, jfardwarat clime N 0.16 Ittatloster2; eau, 70, Ilentrocal: elan No. Hay nod ninon cling 170. )1, Prviaadar; olaaa 2n, 92, Obwowal; clan No. Nation. panting nod bore; clars No 24,1parm and Intwirattrd nth: eara NO. 27, Aatbraelta tomb rises No, WY, Illtrottnosui OtunbaN land comb claw N 0.39, Iduhleonl and toe". NORFOLK. Chas No. 1, Slicks; .1w No. A, Tallow plan Umbel claw N 0.4, Yellow pins lumbar; Ice No. So h o a n d Stud wood; elm No. kWblte'ps, spruce, Jss ad ripsaw; clan No. T, Lam Ws sad piniton clus eewsat; claw Al 95i, M..ldlng and and Sr. clay; co.. N. 10, as; olass No. 11; Iron; Iron splkis nod pals; doss No SOrolt dale Ito. 13, Pk 1 40111 dam No. 14,111,s; Glow N. 11, Waifs oils and &lc class No. 16. Ship tkandlerp; clamp 1110:1T, Hardware; Om No, 16, 81atlonon1 NO.-19, - nonfood; claw No. TO, Nip and draw; Claw No. Pround,r, clans No. lA,' Chirsonli No. - 3111.•ThatInt, - pisklnp ant. Sow; class No. 21 Spann and Intaissllng Madman No. 1 1 4 =1141 . V a eta e ttr c iatta sod; elm No. 101, I lawl No. 30. tall•BItn. Rolm. Broad Top anl, lamp; class No. 31, Opper awl csoposalon 0.11.1 Onss 110. 39, Iliohlaary and cooly, lans A, Tuba, glimod. PlitiggetLA, PLA,, Ohms As. 1 6 ,5hipastb/laiTi 1 7c. /7, Ilardarat%. clams goell,Eitstionen class Yo,IT rumroos ; .Itar go, go, 1757 and /taw, class ho. il. Prorsada si l e ciast Magi, Opertasiul lubricating oda; class Ns. dn. pa; also taatigaelts coal; due no. a. it. ileJloo/1 Oamh.riaad CO•4 ctsas isr,sm ner , - anithlawilty paavacw4raß CAN RI HAD AT IR& 111 4 A1D 81SITIMIUM nun. aLo onerpo MOW= Rem AX8E97171101,40 s 'l;pda cunt& air haw ft .W*TJ .;POSIGAR CUBED HAMQ," of the cerebratei .1161" Brun, on fund and for ebb lei tinny . rib& Wan b/ JOHN L =MBA OM magi Warty awl IWO num B _ RILLIMMAIII:43O.-.ROolto of Bob. Ertlistlon te the BEILLLS.WI OIL 00..01 be opened el the leak's,' Ham a HAIM, ELM • 00., mow Third end Weed streets, on , A Monday, ateurt 13114 1864. P•roalou unktearng • deearlptlea of the yerpert7 held by the Oomph, eau be hod et the lathe plain, W uld ether the 4th 01 A og.d.. Jytthtf JAMES WILKINS, ➢BOBlB MID DISALSE DS CRUDE AND REFINED OIL, MIRY BLOCK. DihaIJISH7 WAY, NATBD 17110 H, PA Spacial attention eves to Um BAUR &HD SHIP /NT of Potrolt 111121 .d Its prodcts. Gonalganaants roopootllally Oar Pttubargh Apse, for OIL AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, sadly POST OPTION BOX 141 RICHARDSON, 11A1141I t Y4 00., vonzuseTori i 70AWARDI86 Crude and Relined Petroleum, no. 0 lIIWIEN MUM, PITIEBUBAIL W Liberal Garb edemas.. aoestousett for Pttts Istirgb ar tastes% Markets. Moms. J. B. Dilworth a On., Springer Berbengh, raa no=peon Bell, Vaq., Prue. Oanakerelel Bank.: oilitikten TACK I BRO., MIMS Ell Crude and gained Petroleum, BEINZINB, tta:, PA WALSO? BT., PHILADELPHIA. ESME=O=I Refer to Manna Elchardenn, Harle7 On., Bremen Durk. Co_ end McClelland A Dire* Pleteteargh; Rex! Smith.LK., Prem. Donk N. A. H. L. /Near A Oo„ Phthedelphia. =fay MoCOR3fICIE a l:IIILIJIN-DER, OIL BROKERS. Nos. 211 and 213 South Water Street, CaIOAGO. or OosurWomb odkttii. Iqday A Morrow hlf.Z: Cr a l tzotl Waits Jacob Rader, of . o H. Chalfant, of &pang, Mafia* & Om. btu, W.A.1313, WETMORE Ag 00, an sEaPrzas OF PETSIOLEIIN. al Kan= Lllllll. 11W fOlLi ants 001:1113.1 Ma "roman AND lIMPPI3Mir at . Izr , d whorl, Ram Zoo& p ori 01TY WORE. & CHORPENNIN% ifaudiotann sad Its Sam of CUIZECON OIL, Dim• EMI LSD LIMUCATIIIO OflA And dasha b crauvir. parruoTAltrax. Wariaovpactis eibarptcog. 122c*, He. DV BMW lITSILES. WALLACE CURTISS, cialinouraton Zaaresusasa; lid Loam ft ORI7DE ft REMIND PETROLDIEL, lIIBEIII AIM LI72IIIICLITIIIiI OU4 ..1711. US BOUT7I Weis►% PHFLADELPHLL Mar gooraracoptcltyitomlar coma tz la s = bbla alto ascolltrat tallarloo thlpplog to atoorkaa and lortyp "arta at oar ulbart OD the Bobtrylkill Shur, resar.t.ba lgodana of the P. B. B. kiSsly BILEWER, BM= II 00., 0011BUSBION 311:XEMIAI7T8, Alma of Or Own, ?Latino ABD 011540111121. 11,124w1 ma admen" so& a, aarlimuibil liellszed or crud. Petroleums. CUL Dlligrilla2 WKS • HAE0001.11135. Manna& Pa. P4ilkla ENOS WOODWARD, Mall Of W6l. IL Woodward • ••.J lIIMMEULL COICICTIZION HISCIEMI2. %paid athealos Owe to tee aft sl Crude and Relined Petroleum. So. 111 BOUM 1505? 5? MILL. 0ME332 • 14 ZOLOCEIL WOODWILE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOEDSHIP a CO., Memolheterers W SINIEFING OIL AZD LOBRICIL. TING OIL. Heap eousteatly of head the very ben qua -1.13 ofGat.AMC 13171131N0 011, doer sad willteat mica also, LITEGLICATOB, pure WEITZ DLSZOLS and OAR Mr All order. tart at Ha. SS FINTH num, Sawa Block. woad Hoar, will b promptly Minded fix mitt O.&BUT, PEMBERTON WEBSTER General Iderohandise Brokers, AboN US BOUM .7608 T RL. rittladolphla, CRUDE & REPIMID PETROLEUM, CALOSTIO SODA, ' SODA AHH. 61141113T0191. DRUGS, ORA, Ad. L. Ord.n so boy or all promptly sitosolotl tL sal .1y D L. MLLEIs, Acizre, s,rt FAQRUT T., PHILADELPHIA. CRUDE & REFINED 'PETROLEUM on OesatulaelOil exclusively. AD ebaroa al mod res. sortable ratan STORAGE TOE myna= fa cool callara Erm =MA, endue gad abed. Particalar astentlea pall to OIL TOE EXPORT. Woo tiaxa—CAUPTIO SODA, &MA ABB. to ALLEN & NEEDLES, tl rixtveroarala; COSIV6RIOS MIROBARP. promo tlar attention pal b ozwagrunu , a Orude and Relined Petroleum. air Liberal admin. nada. ROBIL &SEM OH.'rki, It.. LET. ULAIR dr., firrsnanso, Forwarding tk Commission Merchant AND MIL= is Mr ILLI3Id I / 3 1.=10,M.M0A11110,011VD2 PZ. SILOLZOLI 0114 da.. coaatanUy hAnd an 4 Ibr sale at theloralturket prim; Oozolgnmerate sad ordeal "AWN& - apTAze pi a 0 HOU= it 00., coos =mum, ter the Ole at • Crude and Relined Petroleum, at sours nuawesa awn% ' Trnimilmns4 14, rack WARING lb B/NO, 001101111:0103 Mad Broke' Ea pi:fro/rust mut as Products, Aot della 'MOW MAIM% u6a sr sum= er„ metro; mar VIM= WM& ROB a EBABBLIA IMILADMIntIy. Clasualistinir gerekaiaira it Walker% 2011:114* Petroleum s and its IProdreas, ins mod aIA baps* cfsguisigtoz. &lab bantam kg Amp, Turolubtio galleon] admatiminsith. &Ma's a" - . eanimigra , Oil if Vitriol - oil - Ago .44140160 Orden lon of has Portartidi A Cloo, Onar, mar WOLISLIIIT AID WOW ornarm orp .110:11110 .11101161111 ~.fJl'alLs!}Ttlß6/[it~ le. LAWRENCE IRON WORKS, Atte Castle, Pa. L a. W. ITICTI2I3, JL DITHRIDGE 6 00., IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES. Presoot prima oat :loot to olmageo of Um market. OAStria. LA..... 00 , p DUQUES'E BRASS WORKS, OADMAN & CRAWFORD, ilaantictams of *my varlaty of ilnMod BRAM WOBE POB PLUMBER/1, MAN OB GAB FITTERS, MACIIMISTS, AND COPPlEcolorrus. DBMS CASTINGS, .1 all deecrtptioos, mad. to or d.. STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND GLASITY. TING, mad BEPAIRLFG, promptly atton4 , .l to. Portico'. attention W. to fitting up SEFLIFEIIIES FOB COAL AND CARBON OILS. Alan, Bole Ageatefor the Western District of Perinsyl venni for the sale of MARSH, LA CADELL A 00.11 PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the test ever haveoted. Haring no salvos It to nit liable to pi oot of order, and will throw more watar than any pomp of twice its at. W. B. Inaoillrrarel.--, Z. e. 136. I RON CITY WORKS. 6ACKIATOBII, £l62llPlilialsid 6 00, POONDEM AliD 11A011111a9TIL Corner of Pike wad o , llara, sast (8“, Mt, Won Worksj Manufacturer. of statlcoary and otter ENGINES. BOLLING MILL CASTINGS and ILLOHINILST. of all Wads, and general Jobber.. Prom t attantlon (Iran to ropallina ELOLLITIS MILL EIA T. d• 30711 ROBERTS, BARNES B CO., ■a SIP Third IL, Plitabsugb, TLH AHD 81121/2 LION WORAZILB, J A.F. NNED TIN NV A-Ft. FZ • IN are noel meauteaturiag sad have oa band Bath. hag Apparatus of aU kinds, Toilet Ware la Bette, Water Callers, Orators' Tea .d Bpla Canisters, Gab and Spice Doze; Tumbler Drat... Spittoon , & large lot of Bird ON for aa/e low. Oil Ca. of W eta. .d pattern, Tin Boollag Coaduatars,aad alit.. at Job bing Wort dn. to order. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1861 DxranLoolm PATIMPII ovA.L.L.A4muEw.Vmuu!itltmintis. IX /SINT Gilll Those Chimneys. ors Winded lbr Wit low boot. Int . 11 Porto au. glow ovally does 004 arose lt to t touing. 15. wrinaDam, het PM Glom Works, Wahkostoo Oro; sall Pituborait Poona. BLiCIC DLiItIOND ETEEL WORKS, P 1239180808. PAL PARE. BROTHER & zzaT turez,rn szkrEnni am run. agm-n% Octnon. of a dew Ifianaud oQmY soaal imported or ganutartand m MN =mtg. sr Odia and Irxrabociejfaa. I 4 and 131 111113 T sad 110 and 1M 6ZWIEDIITHILI'P3. Plttatargb. 611:1yd PlTT.srags, FL. ALLEN WOONS .11011 & 00., Vaa.ss rocinns, Plttabnarb P. 11 1 1rWashonae,131 Lllliir WORM, IlAnutacturara of OH, LAMA/ AND /MATING !STMT.. PARLOR AHD HITCHES OBASIZI, ROL. LOW WARR, eta, lilted and Ohm Moulds, Rolling 11111 ralus. Oaarft, Ga. Wadar B a ru Artisan Pip., Sad Irons, Do Iraln, Wagon Bones, ps Kettle. Poi. Oa Wheels, Ompllap ad Coatings gstos• Z. ll l=obbira ard Machina Ousting. mad* to on dor. Patented Portals MU, with Steam or Harm POWS, soltemd. PENN MACHINE WORKS AND 10IIHDAY. CO., =GIVE nulmogra Ali) 11•08111(13TB, Lkown Baas , Wine. Tailecml sad Sandusky, - 41.1.1:911,1P PAM, Pat. Itlanufs.cunrs of WICHITII LIM FAUST PO ETABLZ 08UILLATLIM fetTAMIZISAIIICSBIudiImr. Palau, Ae Ilaparing of IX kin& sttesadal to. KA, THIRD STREET FOUNDRY, ILEVRED DAVIS, roesead7 brans at Malmo.. Phialpa) Irepaote2l. Worms W. Wends sad tan public igema. that • ham opened • Tomadr, al the comer of Third .era.* ad Clbsacaiy Ws, appoatt• PalboaVEfrafar k Foltadry. r y tbli t imo of sat t oz a lhatraihrlMl otottil lattattlon then to Mather. soft. ta•lo,dat efEtAll FOWNES, Slate of the Arm of NJ Towage aim) 1 MI B. Banos NU of klltatell, Harm M s 06,1 MOH TOMSDILB3 sad MOM llsatifactorars, *ILI:GRIM' BISECI Mud Ward, Findwrea, Pa. astly Jona n.Erranbar a 00. . _ FUDDLE A; CO., No. 215 1 0P 1, C1 ;1!, rover, epp,r,,sfts Birth, Pittsbash. trnserldsermirs at wars, - LASHIO wad MMH- G% and sorwry demerlpdark of LaIaIIEE ISIULLDF:D WOBEL Orders solicited from the trod., sad goods p~ ply ablpped as oer Instroctioas. Q SEVERANCE, No. 5S W•csa Sc Pf ttrbnrgh nazgobetarar of BOILER lITTLTS WROUGHT SPIKES, common bad roll: ad, of oresT do oorlpttao. Parttonbar dined ar latspod SWIM and BIVI large at stuAll, mode to order At snort mak. A good aneortment =annual, on Rand. mr2On. • DW. BENNETT Manufacturers of • WERTZ ETON Z MITA sad MEAN 001..013- ED WARE. 019 c. and Wanes:tam at no. la nrrH lITHICT. Pitubarst. mittl&ly BLAND TR PORTABLE STEAM SAW MILLS and 8LA514111 Patented Portable dteant One.. BUNDY'S Stearn Redo. Wog., SIM. ine, Ohla. OLANDII9 Newark Arlin. Wor th, rt. 1.1 . 1 ...dal be the world. Tnt preael.a weary ankibiti., at Bute .4 Nail.. Fable Pen meta equipped ateoperatk. Oat lirnt quality of lam hr.. • Win. B. Ough , a, lailenora, P., eat 1,1,0,000 met to sere. moutba-eadl. Iley, lU4, Lueludlng th e abort date of vial.. Jams. 0 Amain% Lowlaburn, Penna. eat 680,1X0 het of .t to ito.l moot.. In Jana, 1.861, 190 inn teat eat; OM of J.. 16,000 teat oak. Printed Instructions and engraved Encamd pia. foe milli and Ziariren Pend kw illartrated eircular, rlta docriptione and ropy_ ts of optastorn Aare. . F. - BLAPDT, at Zanareflls, or Donut, Okla. Olden, 'Oita and oorrespandenin toIl 04. .nil: • GRA "8 PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Lee oot fdatply WI placer at paw mat ie the Ikon of colly but are *ad Shapfd de ...Lk WIZ palace earn An from e.g.. a *do, frblch Is ob. Woad by oar patout.d promo, which alto moma es ether ofirostao gnarled by lea otldroonar,—rta a ammo for de Ohorr.f 11 as torndownstyle, rho (oxide of which to perfectly ...moth &afro. from peckers, mkt.. this Iv—for %L., oat:M.l.A &mobility—x.l.o4o , nd. Tbey ere made to tona-dmiro milt, to .ire hoz. If to 11, end In Garrote tram 13 to 11 Ittehoa, antlpook.ol to tool ht. Dom, of 100 owl; ; taw to ottoolLor ease of 11 ercb,—tlas latter limy bandy packer, for trair.l.t., may sad navy alms far &VEST OOLLAD, I. stamped u Gray's Patent Bolded Collars.* !lola by all ratan dad= in Mazes ranalabtualesalli CU trade supplied TAO Marna, BOEHM • 00, 627 estoo woe, Plinadtopals and 3. B. LOWEST 1 00. E T Warm Wed, Now Tart. lektsucd QDA ETERIIASTIat owizara °MOM TIMM DIVESIOD,_ W 2121731422, D. CL, Berman 1,123.1 Wm to told at Publlo Anotrou, to to. highest bidder, at the lima 222 places oantset tolow, •1. Talk. Pa..Ttursday, Sopt. .6, 12621 Altocha. PL, Itimsday, Sept. Mitt Lebanon, Po, Taursday, &opt. to. 1331; TWO HIIIIDERD OLVALBT lIOBSLX LT 34.011 PLAO3. Timm buses halo boss rairdesemad as malt Aar ms einby irenloo of the army. Ica road and Lambs porposos way good bargains . 7 be isnot cash, In tufted States ei2222227. / 2 7 ortat of fle qualtarnintar Ooperal • • JAMBS A. 33111, nem. Woad la amp That 01 1i 13441 4,3 D., • LAMP MORN 4. •• • . . . . pan lIIIITABHIL wean RILIIITIMOTOIIT COLLINS ti await-torero ro at woo or tarrystrurrzwry LAMP TIBASHIS, Ifszrofactarios of OcOlos Weight T% OP Patent MEM BYOPaLa NWTOt. TIT MUS TARD , Point HIMIW: WP, St Awed otroot„ ' MORES, rBACIIIIIS R it t C warde 9n &iyawatineo tinktriablisi %Ewe . ..Intl,pod Bahrein. Peiatimi - jp,Vour aptvt le/ Wat iptiOskijr****r " • mall L. 11.1 , 01121: 110, VOR EIALE-95 elutes Colombia Qil Stock. Andy IQ S. KALI, I 00, Itanatactanon of ?Ike ana Walnut 'trona, ManchOrsts el GROCERIES''PRODUCE, Ire. s TIOTTE """""- Ft, &: -.'-r' ESECEP " ARD S. : " co - 1, - P Iltrchanta and Dagen t Terafgaland Do. meiotic PBmrs YLGUEL, BUTTER, MUSA EGGS, POTATOES, and Prods. ie.:rally, 'So. 3& Sauk, Meet, cppcatt• Priatenber Depot, Pitrab'gb. Wawa 7. S. Dilworth .t .llearak CoClo, Culp LS. & 00. Jot. Orsatar, PutoSurab; EWA."' at Bra,,Diallowta.Yrut Drcat a Ca, Philada.i Tramiel /I Siwitoona, St. Loot.; Sinclair I Grant, Now York; Stanford Larell, Clneinnatt. FRANX VAN GORDEN Produce and Commission Merchant, 110.10 AIIIIHTIYLD STEM, comer /tat. Dml.r Iv P . L,lt - a. BUSTER, BROOIL9, SLEDS, LARD, CHEESE, PORE., DRIED AHD GREEN /MUM, lißdi prodvas priornily, L Own/ c..th advance./ ar, caralgrumitut. 0111 CHARLES C. BAI...SLEY, Frodnce end Commission ffierchant. IiXBOIIANDISI BBORES. And doolor in all kind. of 001315M1t7 PRODINII, Ho. ITO LIBEIITY STILKILT. mb4:l, Prrrsstrams, hENRY WALLACE Commission Merchant, No. 180 8011TH WATER IT., CEHIOLGO, Ml= Particular anonnlota Feld to tilling Indus On HIGEWLISI:9, P1101711310E8, ThOtra • mh1T:633% wtocEl '-‘"3" 002111.13510 N A.II2WHAIVIN Mad &Were to Pj'oar, Grain sad Produce, 12.19Z0011D ST., totvreo Wood a Smithfield, THOS. L McCLELLAND, (6accence to McClelland • Cavil%) ONZI ZEAL ODZIBI/EllO3 XVICIZA2I2 DS Flour, Grain and Protiisions. o :M i d atte t ,tion f2E Az ribs TROmillas sad gale of Da 27 WOOD STILE= Pillabergb., Pa. Jaely B F. QUIMBY & 00., Commission Merchants, H . Igo MUTH WATCH UT., GH10&0111. Ciin .p ateastke to pa:chub:Ls Flour, Grain, Provision*, Ice., For taaars socoupt. B. v. QIJLILBT saliady -GX.O. T. 8330Wil SHEUVRII & wboirms. ,a.D. 4,1...1. '4O). I. 40.1:1,:,,•1 ST., car. Swan& CA ABLES u LEECH, Fiona .3D GRA= nel(11 *SD CJIIISSICOII tdracasirr for the ..1. of ORLIN, 6IEDB, CHEI:BE, PRODUCE. to.. end frlbr the oelebrated Uniontown OINIENT. Hoc ikrond mad 146 lint street., between Wood and ficeithiteld. Pittsburgh. le3 GLOW= e. 11121 D---................--..0%0Z0111111501.1L HEAD & METZOAR, Grocers and Com mtetan sad &gm to all lamb at Oeuatrg 'Freda*, add Pittsburgh Mau tie Marty stunt, appal!. haad - of Woody tt, Pttsa bars* aPM.7 WEBB et • WILKINSON, Ocaunission Wholesale dealers WWl'S= BE. SMITE DULILD 7 / 1 11=11, BUMS, CCM, GrAINS, sad prods= gemerally. Also, IMATHEB, HUM, OILS. 2a, No. 117 1.11414 am; Pittabargh. edreamments made. oo..mgnamote solicited. P. BECK 6c051, No. Liberty Pittabargh, Pa. Wholeaala Grocer; Cbm intaaton Itterchanna and dealer. In COUNTRY PRO DUCT. PROVIRIONE R. BAOOIE, LARD. PRODUCE. DUTTER, TGOR, CHEWS, TIE tn.. !LOUR, OREM BEMS. ORERE AND DRIED ratuB.*G., SALT and LIME. TORN B. d tiAINFIE.LD, Cotansarow mn) .L rOZWSIDESO TMs an Irbeleaale dealer to wEsTgrai REMIND CO3 MIT, Bb Le. LADD, PODS, BACON, FLOOD, FISH, POT A HD PEAR L A S HES, BALEILAIIIS, WM= AND LARD OILS, DEI ED PUTT, and Produce geaatelly„ Hos.l4larull4o hoar street, PlidetnarglL. L . ITTLE .1 TRIMBLE, Wholesale Gra we and Conunloloa lierchanneedeelere In PRO 11 5 7 D CZULAX ( killagli, , IIMOSlavar OTTOB 'Thlts.9,_ _and Pitteburgti - nen generally, 1.11 and 114 . DeroM street ,Pittabergh. r. Cl=lns n. untes. DEYMER BROTHERS, '(snooesson U Loma & &ndervon ) "Who loaa/o Deem In NIA ZION 111171113, HOTS ND HMIS, CONI/2011013, LILY, 81301,3371106Z - WORICS; tria, IS* and IPJ Wood &In, abcono Filth, Plitabou•O. • jraly n. rarriuo ~.a.Day iIiTATTIMON & AMMON, J. 0011311881011 11161680ELLIITS, IFLOUL AND OBILIZ, Lod Lame PROMO aidealm, ds Mx 6 WOOD INTRXII2, PILLbseLL, d WABEMMIECE.-1111NRY H 1:0 1 :1 1 1113, Ponnudin g surt Oomastrsish Marshal load di-nler in CHEESE 131CITEE, LAISIBISII. Pasha mural% Ho. as Wool strest,abogs Wats] (Pittsburgh. Jon ISOID TORN FLOYD .1 CO., Wholesale Oro-: an and OwnsinUalon illarraants, Ma& ITS Wood sad' Liberty wee; Pitiabwet. )•ld CERLES L CALDWELL, (raooeseor to .F. l l:tae Manua & C 0..) PORE PAOKXB and dealer In PROVISIONS, corner at Narked sad :math streets. Pittsburgh. lad OULP & ISHEPHARD, COMMISIIION Pluocuairre and dealer. PLOOR,GRALIi AHD PRODUCE, 547 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Choice braiads of Plow for Bakers sod Fatally use oars etantly unhand. Particular attaltlou paid to Ellin mien for Plerchandlas aroterally. oceiitly All J. TOWNSEND, (snrocssor t Jackson PORK PACKER And 6salra to Pittabwah. , &A, Ro„I2 Fourth .Heel, near Liberty, non T •II VOIGT t C0., - 6noooessois to L G Graf, PRODUCII MID GOIIifISSION OLia CIIAN2I3, t 47 Liberty Areal, Pittsburgh, nuscm. ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Whole- Gramn, Clomminkrit sad Ponnultag BIrr• claws, •nd dealers lc Produce sad Pleublugh maa• ufacitm. Liberty atm% Pittabargh. PWALLACE, Commission Merohont m , sod Dna.. to 11.00 AC and °aux, b... Liberty area, oppadt• Pennrylrants R. B. Pumrager Pittabargb, Pa, Storms Won. Com., wrnnle ay. and Pima street. no17:17 VOW WAILLIL ,ANIBERT, SHIPTON & CO., Whole .L.4 We Groancod Produce Dealers, Bo_ a eta% lame, Pittsburgh. Jule !SALLE{ DICKEY . CO., Wholeeslo orxelf, 0012.11113101:1 Mere-h. 111 1 ,6, wad 1.10121 PIRODUCE, Po. SO Water area and 86 hvai stmt. of tuburich. •5. CIIIMPASZIOZ. J. KIRKPATRICK & BROTHE_EI, ono mem mto Droona. Kirtystricko, WHOLE, BALE ORDCZBB, rro.. 191 .n 4 103 Liberty otomot, Plttobtosh. ap13:17 fiIIOICE RIO COFFEE—Jost received a V bath lot Drawl. Rio Coen; Aso prime whits Ls. rows and oldJara O. For war et the !costly Aro. feu Ron of JOHN A. RENSHAW. j,ee corner Liberty told Head street. JAMES DALZ ELL 44 SON, ?Janata° toren or LARD OIL, and Commission lier hant• Au the porobase and We of (MODE AND REPINED PRTBOLKURI, Nos. 62 and TO Water ams.l.Pitunlnith• Advances made on ormsizmaarits. I" B. LIGOETT ic CO., CITY FLOUR u • UM UMW, Dames Liberty Adage sad ilintete, Plttabergb, Pa. 1141 - Capetity, 400 barreb per du. sr* CHOM ARRII & L NO, Comoro, Ilnatorre and wholowas dollen tr, onMS,GUM, ruODUCE. U., Na 522 Litwin ) P I tubn ad ally OEM ATT & WILS — ON WATT Gro on, Mare.busts. isd dal.. 111 Pre dam and Pittalrtugh suulshietam, 8a .151 Lllvrtr street 2lttaborgh. ja26 SLINDSAY Ja. k BRO., Wholesale and .nataa GROOMS, /LOOS AND PRODUCLED Slap LB :Lfi7 Ltherry Wee% Pittsburgh eLaa, ALBREE, SON & CO., Wholesale 1,11 - sad IWO Desists Le EMITS, 10074 &NOWA Wood sad Fourth stre.l3. Pittabargb. EDGERTON "it, STEWART, Wholesale OEOO=3 AID 0074111EMON NIZOHANTS, 3410? WWI atm; PitiPbcrik. felkly • •O~ sav IIFTII - TOHN L HOINE &Ca t _ _Wholesslo GEO. ty OM AND 00111211ISSION allt• =RIM oeSselthelsls end Water streets, Pittebares.- • ur f ILTJAm. BAff&LEY, Wampum • ~ 1 VEMIEBb 841. ID sal DI Wood won, ritt.. Wite. .JOILNSTON & Oa, Sistioner msat'nxik esszet Jo *Mau Wmd rtsmt, Pftbam INS N. 2 LARD 2.C0. 2 Lard on ca luind ar.g au wen • - • • • LLB. DATAULL 1150 N. ic2lo stii TO Water IX:MD.IIMS( 0012E2____PZNSIL, N.JI WAll , Nuenape 18 C&E.1160 0. Y. Novice $lO6ll. or without baled.: • • o.l.HAt®t Ode. oalClaird ReAgr:ritiel/ Oars 64111 , ffolderitad laardili Amon Warren i Hides tons and lib. Penal Cap. Ytesda kt ILAT Wl:444mi salll 186: • 1 . N . a TAAL IL. ..I.—Pptfttra dBII-14.4.3r Oa:meet ithihpg ant bash P*ll itt ihnetweiee of tb.% teseltont &rah% Area 5 d - spun rms. to 4 •=l7 Puede we wm. be malted tra the onratet el pumas., pid cAmtlisKit lof tratlghl. Testy wm rb:gEt sad tt ra naatirAVlllft the Pettenter St )tea daddy. (eines Broodth) I. II ..ort(gptKe all frattiona rotOween Ptittbmith Philetelpt luta nua th 4 amig panneetket tot ltelt Tort end Tbe.ISROMIMIL Yl4lv ths Penman Madre am, ..maalar, (a .. k - prig nni tneltteeftQ =one tet gerrtitortg toe IPA am end Reohltqp, ton. net NOT Taft win . . Tra IBEDITGE ICCPBIO knwee eittyattli P. tn. ttOPOZI=" 2Ci e f%ll, fttly, :thee eenneetkoo .apactore. WMngte and PhiLedelpbte TWIT Ll= bases th•gth ashy (eamptennd dap) et SAS p. o‘l4l man at lifereateux . min le ton. end for Now Yea Os torn ro t h oi ra m i *ham of eve nine at PhillehßWs lor llttt Ted! AOOO.II.IWDAZZ MUM - The Joenetown Accerua Trete tante Mtn) 'ed. tondantahoo stark.lP.;g et el Ittettoni gith zunntop tkl/1/s OantlesZgh. /kWkm Trete get' Wally Me in hum daily (comet &nay) nt'l.lZ 11 .4. canna Trittcanr WalPe Blettot fermi dent ).rash &mean et .4. tnan. ThLrd Ersonoordetten Tak*. eatly (atop: 14="g ,,, .3:501KR1. • berth Tratqaa W.tt s Station hem WIT tearett etndey) OW FAL. The Clbuwl 6.6., tt ti d 6 a. re.; ntsrafti, taimgE ViSta=723l it thsa Pte ?ratan ego. to tVettrteza intethwer Balt mazes mil. reg+WeiPbie . lithe p. Fast Ttgm Thisol6 o DM Johnston Acomonedstat , Leto/ First Wan etstionatxmo: hen 5. nt. &wed Watratatton hentionthanon....:—' hate. m . ftird'Wll.etatiob• e. r=2l.b. Weirietetion _tab} g. Baltionts lasso nth arthA nth Pllttedelphts 1. pun at MO_ Ne.= Q uad" . Stang tor BatreoVe and iot=acelet Intersegton with Throotted it ottetunadattee Johann% Ateanunedettosterek &Foram nnte ttein and theme isms tat Johnttoe% Altamousodetkue Want 'beton tor glenebthp enonsenthatennos whs Itirpene Trains end Moll truhaweet, ant target% Apirem, Ineelntlon end Waite Train Ult. PIITSBUEOB - LUSE To haBollooa/ar SO Phlladtnia......- 10 50 Wawa tax s as Sb ' as sAtt,tem7. - ," ';s Damp .4.4,4 tnin euttna. on t a atamillnals Claltral Bahasa, and Oa Pithialplds. hMin as aas now York. A - Pawspsictialex — sidraint OEMan *Shahan:dor —imdwa k OEM lo tbadantlos sans,indapt Loss tin Cop aganl. atattesa 6OSIGL—Ea me of lona 411- 0x 0 5 4 47 la thannates raponalbla 'lOl paoMnal Gam adjs - sall toO amoun t not - • N. 11.—An Omodbin !dna - boan aontiOnal to moor sandman - and..tauje Indr trod Um hip* at. a dams nor to dead 0 ow2tvie* aaoh ~QM auk tamp. ha nada nppkl ' A 1 thoramaySinnhOantral Emu cent"r764M • on Marks anal Grant 186 1 / 4 112121111, 1P1 1015T WAINZ 13011 AIL WAY sad OLLVZLLZiD 4104112118UWAS 11.0Ap. Statt AnIIACIERIXST. • On ana Attu. run' ibis, is, tufts tam elm I 1 Tor tar rotion Pittebarzb . I Mim tat ' ; Olannutd. Mole*. Ilarata—i 1:0a, 11 I.Boa. IaILIC sr N.; arstrt. at Plttstarreb—P. TV. & Mitaftray ' lit' U. it., SW p.O. 1 p:00 p. au &tut 1 , 01 1,, att.,". at, L.B LAM: 1:10 .... ra., &110_p. ea, 811_ • ..: 1 ,aOOO/MIODATION n.t...=. 4 .larat Altastway. Par /Mtn as, Par Ifs. . ltar" VW' l .0.1 pin Siollteli lUD to; m. OM mo t0.a.0. • too :....... h. al 17 . ~,,,,, a; to. kr at Mill Train eaturetta at iirgetgbtoa,allA .. ~ , Nott'Onotts am Mit. t'tz it - : Elitrostotit -.....-: : Mahn. al allatetto—P. P. wA. a. lairit , 4o.llo a ad" kW a. to, k at p. au awl i:.. p. mu Ma. .134114 tatt s. n.. i thos. nrkta : atoms PAL Vasa Plateastr atlVra., Pt A,..4. 0&,...t.'11t1i 1' r' s " aPartataf - R. a. rass . ai_ cas. Patt. Am .. P. W. aa. yrjfai; : i: a. ea fart . --. ,C. a r.a.X116 4 , • ;, • -- ..- , , , I • - A .101. VALLEY It diILEOAD .-.011471477 07 MIX arid - 110711/1.7. INF , • ilks w t of train 107 taka~.: M ummt •TlULll7.—ladmi "Pitsbargb atT:OO L&AG reatta at Elttastatag at 11X00. to. Lama Ilbeas ntattrAp. althea at i a = p. TULams Mare ay aftirtar at'lltaanatif atat ` 9a. Learn MONO et t. 7) p. na. *rabbi at atactog at 700 o. to. &000X110DATIONIniai fleas Warta at Mib re s. wattimg 7146 a. ta Lana al Sob -g to.; at eats Works 1014: -1 . 7. varunrstz-drrnsandant. BSLPPIiYB. 0 NEELLII F 0 R RION EIGGRAVITO AGENCY, Pitatittnit' *aim. t 1 , ,- • .g. Map Plunge tram 110 "Old . •puity..! - D 1 the Ent cisme Glide botril4mssm of chto min*. phl Gad Lordczemy Myst isigaz, as •iitr , I , . :at twins =tins. atiti......._,..1,300 tau. runia............ bat - Ducasei.-2,2C0 Ma. Iketylaoo DM. 11. Ainsican...-I,SCO 46...-.......1100 ttel. Thom stremer Ism ' . ' Seri Zinn" ' tcnuttet at Ledcwiterry eir __lirtdo sad ecooldh pet , mama sad ths side, cad ime,ecetremid sataal. It. pl. ran fr? 'Ataxia !! /A!! Au., TatiouTra LEW 4 ogabissii color' 74,14., I. sll4 week. ea Lie "I"l.lel l4" Vrol br elit 1" 'Mk Urea fa Elm Tack comyeeDer. lot l =l WM -, . pool lofts comprise as htlicristethhet ..AMC: Wm Tape= ............5ra1e.t......... .t 0 °nets& ..-AIIII & s=jare.Jl A.1111313.4.......11,04 , attikaPtlerl......: 0 . .W.1 , 1t.T..............:.31 • 000 1L111 41 7—.....010a1l Monereb ot the 8e5....0hil °stem Cleracm.. %Del leittald Dreetemths. 0 o•re' Victory —.:..;...)_ Linton ry.so emigre DeAclicusis Atttorn.......—......—sAscilthips C1at.....:,...401... 0001 . Tare, laCearresay, to Saw ors, $35; IL do* . Pittabrazh. $4l 50. Paatenge., tanked throughto** part ae ehr Mateo or Olotaase when regatrah Too ettwo *Vs lean Sew 'Fortier Ltrarpani aria Wed tammemaa rat the outward nista an f..Cia ennelos• late host lira York to Megrim' 12(L , 1710114 DUSTS ou aU partiar Zarafet lre Oh el tha Iremvkat wa.sm . . APPO ' • • T‘ 1 .4). 1 1Y111:11.4 Iteriaingilknm ,.. te , te%B... sru; ° I . * 6 • '' 4 °l 6 1 4. PI/n.6%904 STEAM WEBKLYI:4Mia. TOoh, aoce. stQUIDIN VAIL Watt ' 7 ''••• 11.01aar.) Tha weillmom tat Qs LI • -• • Hew Tort and Phltsthlytua Otatataktp • • •• • • .(10 tits Mu) saw tertoadtal to all A , follow! - - , 0.D1111011 1 0132. - .s4Drolar, Sept 10; t 111 graC i laggr a : "T :Z . . it ...„0.,. Datutdo44 Doan. ma 1114,11. Earth Moth ions am papa: - - / /PaYable t/./ VAG+IS vothargd la ottreoarrt •I , lfzetthloa. VD 031 do 000go ......... -.4 21 " 1 to Condom.__ 133 03 "l loados ....., 111, al o to Part.- _O3 CO 0 :Ao Posts....--.. ID DI ° tolfacobertg.,-,f0 . 0? o.,Eiotot- ITTI Puratosre trAriodeceto Me, Bram, Weil, Alan, Antmag Id ocruny b Taus. from Lhanxal 01=; flce. Mang% Fs& Theo sawn to. that Meads coa bar Witete !massatio. Tat Clutha tatormatlca 401 az Ctorrl Oriaa. G. ATA assails en.hnis,a.lr. et: -anniu, rc.4._ .m14..4= 2.111217 No, 66 Emattandirstreet Ptitu/rou nuNARD -frc6.-21 4ITZEICEML .113 ID a u n 1:715 52 ce Nrchna.l fipon „ noy 3 - 1 - 11/ rens. Ctlia sarmeor, Latb men est. Axe.. _frellittlfild4"l"46lZoZVlZP"r444 tell• mr.606.111,' I I DRY Goo.ty, ratevq.scal.-_rte W. cuoc.';, - r4ADATlslecaassas. WILSON, CLEilt& (us w12.1,1!ari0r,4 Q 3,) whassudeakfttniOSEMlt Doxssiaint. GOODS, Zio. 04 Wood Pate; thirdAtora sbais Dismailg MAORTIMitta Wholesale . and .1:1 Retail Dealers iztStrIthrtI*SEEMOITIZPIN and DRY GOODS, of alai dame n, win Pllth street, Ititlabaxe,' ' , • MAO RUM GLYD. ;Mange_ j.ani &WI °Wan In TAN ffl) VW . ult - D 3l °Cow, Tiknaaaros, to., No. ?td ktazkatitrithini wean tilatmurl and tooth, flitdassch. IL PALUVW No. it W oo ' ski* •Lb• -ne.lar BONYrn, seoftlintiA Qoollll4l4b3slir. . u T . E.te itd. B p.a. UßCle nAral lELD, , or H-Vtlui s lead or e Dar old GOODS, licalhesit earrest r9l444:4ol,MAtitetosirehr. RMI/331 • GNI WU . at Dar GOODALOeiliat4 .4 1 'P.!$t - bl 4 t Third at Fourth, _ hnilataritS% gnaw'zotorerow .. in WWI Dam. AND CrNINICAtt •111DIRTNNIt.A mart DO OM IS, DINDsa ring 01U4 rAmumA O et strielly prima Deenaguillo=l brad Wow Claw mad Pa* Allarb42l,6AbutA. IlawattAmit Ocifeakr - 1* LTAIDIEFSEXIK &TO.: muribetaraiwid KED LIS maw 4 IlropiCilat Mama) t 4- 0,1 • • Da GEORGE'.: :11. • : 60. 160. Wood strwt...- at etunorp. 1 111 • %4 Si • 9 .•
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers