I • 11. • Ts f;==, a 1... • * -4 - , 4 • ght WEDlllll9Thit, ILUGIIB . I. 81, Hum, ~~ ,n~,r,~0~ ,~;n~.u~, .~9(~~r•~ t 7011 PRITDMITI, F MIRAMAR LINCOLN, of HIIIIOIS. ... 10 11 T11711 PAIIIIMISMIT: 1 ' 4411p/rr 410111(401I, of tenneasea. • ON:CODS,V TICKET. 0010Iness-2.2s imitztp E. If eoustien, Piteskeek. OGSOMIP-4.3n : TIIONA3,WILL4MB, Allegheny. ." suits 'PUMAS 3. BIOEISII, ismer St. Clair, AIM= SOHN P. masa, at, E. L. COLTILLI,City. AW/ 3D SL&Call., , 1111V.zony. SIAM B. /11111BON MCondloos. SAW= Collins. - 010.1/GEY. WeICEZ, North Psystso, • • •'• 001WWWWWws • AWOMBALD PILLOW, Indiana I:; 1,: . , PXOTRONOTAILT Jil,ooB WALTSIL. , 001oNlii : * WILLI/AS CLAWBON, City - M 2001 DINICTOR 'A.. tiAng, &Mickley. , Meeting or the State Committee The Upton State Central Committee, of /191:1. &WWI CAMEROS ie Chair/218a, ie INlaild to meet at Philadelphia to•morve. at five defack, p. n. We embrace the opportuni. ay icsrgelsOn all members of the Committee weidgwg within the lltolis of our oltenlation the -dutyof being , present at that sleeting. Thillahl)tthe campaign will then he deter. totia*dapea, and other matters of vital impor litiltitnAnUauSe will be considered. livery pastofthe titaie should therefore be well rep- WeSelted, 110 that the fullest information of the euietrpoiltioalsitos (ion and wanteof even the backwoods districts may be obtained. At •we lowa said before, "forewarned is torearmed," and we have had ample warning that Ante . keel mean to boat ua if , hey ObD. Thip are determined that they !hall not fail of enable 6eeanee of Inkewarmness. or indiffst, eMeicerinttotivity, They are working tike beater", and are not discouraged by the moat - hraiiciable difficulties. Their cause is bat, and . they know It, yet they work away as if _ MAO were holier. We, on the contrary, have thritlar,Aeen . ,as meek as lambs or sucking dortgi: We have acted self we did not intend to ateks• fight--as if, indeed, th.re was no tight in u. it Is high time that this polioy ibogld.`tusee`. Itis . ;nietdol;cowardly, and, when the_ great isms.- is cons'clered, it is Maim( Ilenieforth our policy should be celiac:Wish action. And that this notion 'maybe methodical and prodnotive of the beat molts, it le important that those who are iatettited with the Miziagiment of the Union Itaneasto should be folly awake to all the re quirmients of the situation. We Ely again, therefore, that there shoald De • full meeting of the Committee at Phila. &aphis to-morrow evening. And let a vigor elm, an intelligent and an enthusiastic cam. paiga be there inaugurated. We hope that the State will be thoroughly." stumped," and ehatnenry voter will be furnished withprifited /11100111 why be should vote the Union ticket. The Proposed Arishmee—What the Bet,- el Press say About It, The delegates to the Chicago Convention seem to be unanimously in favor of an armis• tin with the Hebei'. .11 is the burden of all the,ajetehes thug far made. An armistice may be " L is plank In their platform. But it takes two to make a bargain. How tan an armistice be made unlean the rebels consent? Whit tifeurauce can the Convention give the volarellat an armistice can be effected, ex cept en terms wholly 'ionadmiesabie? Read the foiloWingcn the subJeet from the leading Rib, el organ; - ALLEfiEt. 1U L fIC6 • !maths Richmond Examiner, &e x . vs It eftentifte; be nearly ce - adn fhat a prop,. sal will Eon , be made to as from some qua:. - Lekeilltirrfrom Idneola ,or the Chio,y, Cott• veation, to. eraent to an armistice, or emp!e, ctajaVon kt hostilities, to allow of Lagoa/6- Lions "for ieane and manila," and thy alone A Selr Iffnk paper moat urgently airis.s Lin tels itimeel to lake the inilatire in this, in erder.flo disarm and silence the demoralizing. peso faction at the hf of Lb, - teiaase it alsieWdly)Porizes that such armistice au! ne gallalicze would ba Tois to morely a sabre to take the win I out of the DICIOCME • io saiL • Whether L tavola is to mite such a pro• jX§,l4 .111;111, c-n. whether ila Lt.moora te are to • carry in their candidate express'y that be may !make ir=from h , mmeter it may cos?, it is liffiallif.nnitiMiteib'e. If the North desires toltiriietotiations for Jenulou enured upon seep, let all her troop and block tdise t- be withdrawn and the ristt of a C4.55i01 for. acirtairkiled, and tlon mould he at. lees( poesilie If thsy incite as toliegotlafe CD soy oller fooling, our only 'rational answer as aid le •terher bb -e et the 'Mart of Penny brani.--W(fere smelt/rely to eider the question •i h a eword •harging by a heir neer our -Endo cod if noel a proposal be ninde, we shall only ten . elude that it mists we-, and eta Lest wtr, nu . ;Wale nation or the other ehall be subjugates - - er extirpated. Pennsylvania awl the Draft. The New York Traune oredim;the Pitts burgh GATIVIL with the statement that, up to the ~ .q:Winet., more than thirty thousand soldiers had-been mostertd Lute the National service _under the sew call, being more than half her entire quota. This statement did not appear in our paper, nor would it hare beta tame at the time named if it had. Batty° tithe pleasure In informing the tribune, and in others who feel an interest in the matter, thatthe statement hi true to day. Pennaylra.. INC trots. le about ality thousand, and, Z.itcbging from am hest evidence in our posses ' dela t ill the absence Of definite Information tent Ilarriaburg i we are satisfied that more dietithalf *at iininberof volunteershaa already ffiteen:!trl4l4ed; In many parte of the theta the wiliest enthusiasm prevails, and every effort is being mode tojll the quota with volunteers. This ; Is" especially. il2e sees in large towns and nit* 'Pi ten regiments authorised by the ,Itnilepitrinteitt will be filled. Philadelphia ISM tqnsont.l:l her Allots of nine thousand. The quote of the 224 and 234 districrs, coart P osed. if titter' 'and Antidrug is about five thousand two hundred, twat-em it:meat' indications those districts Willeendfour thousand oatunkwa Into the Held. ifs ItairOffilninar program having been made In ether dietriots. ...By next Saturday night nOiSdently - exPect that oar State will be .4121 Med ps a credit of dtidefthe Isei oil, at, do, i ty thossand volunteers 0• a President. What ~•e better 7 • 'eines azir la fro tof Petersburg will agora be largely reinforea It is stated that, foracie (free, reinforcement, at the rare of AWllierr week hare been going forward to the Army of, the Potomac, and for the next fir area Was it is expected that 1,000 vt,day• will be, forwarded. Let Liz beware. oO"realLEutra from the Valley, and :-friet-40&4ppeiheatle of the North to re. eistibreest-Inti , both recou,rcee will fail laza- The force requiret to end-the- war via teriouely for the Valeta will be.on the way to Giant before the draft takes place. - .12 b.rtnored that General Rosana in to iitionigied to duty at Now York, displacing Anent Thz. Burma bind the Man to eon . trol the Rebel element of7tbe city Itlifoltholdn -00 many of Gov. Guinea iltriends," who tasy be as troubtenome. In n mei or two as tkej . itere b The country would Peel coma confidepunihat the draft would be 04iTuidi if be Web in cabana Of that deitartmeat. Let that" traneforrfl, 1 0.94jit Can..#oi /a *i • ~.~„~, ~~ The Late Gee.. Me Pherson. luett, rirtettlarrao dosailioinszos BLVWXIII 'GIN. 011.1? AID TUX 01e3D1102111111 00 TAX DZ. CRAZED. Bentinet publishei GM following letters which explain themselves: CLTDI, 011ie, Aug. 8, 1884. To Gra. GRANT—Dear Sir: —I hope you will pardon me for troubling you with the perusal of these few lines from the trembling Land. of the aged grandma of our - beloved Gen. Jas. B. McPherson, who fell in battle. When it was announced at this funeral, from the public prints, that, when Gen. Grant:heard of his death, he went into his tent and wept like a child, my heart went out in thanks to you for the Interest you manifested In him while he I was with you. I have watched his progress from Infancy up. In childhood he was obe dient and kind; in manhood . interesting, no ble std persevering, looking .to the wants of tothers. Since be entered the war others can appreciate his worth more than I ran. When it woe announced to us by telegraph that oar loved one had fallen, our hearts were almost rent ',under; bat when we heard the Com mander-in-Chief oould weep with ua, too, we felt, Bir, th at you have been as a father to him, and this whole ration is mourning his early death. I wish to inform you that his re mains were conducted by a kintiguard to the very parlor where be spent a cheerful even ing in 1 / 4 0,1, with his widowed mother, two ' brothers, only eisthr and Me aged grandma, who le trying to write. In the moroiag he took hie leave at C o'clock, little dreaming he should fall by a bill from the enemy. Hie funeral fervicee were atteade4 in his moth er's orchard, where his youthful feet had oft en prettied the soil to gather the falling fruit, aid his remain, are resting in the silent grays scarce half a mile from the place of hie birth. His grave is on an eminence but a few rode from where the funeral services wore attend. id, and aver the grave of hie father. The grove, no doubt, will be marked, so that pal. a ra-by will often pat se to drop a tearo ter the dear departid.. And now, dear friend, a few no,e him you would bo gratefully received by the afflicted friends. I pray that the God of battles may ie will you, and go forth with your armies till rebellion sbe'l cease; the Un ion be restored, and the old flag ware over our entire land W h much repro, I remain your friend, LY 81,9 CU Aged 87 years and 4 months GIN, GIANTS ISEYLT. 11 tAINVA111111M AIIIIIEIOI Tull C S., CITY Powr, Va., Aug. 10, IEOII. • tlae. LT D/A SLOCUM-3/v Dear E.:dam:— Your very welcome It tier of the X 1 ins , . has reaebrd me. lam end to know that the re% olives of the lamented MaJ (Fen McPherson are aware of the more than friendship enta il)? brtvreen him and myself . s A nation grlevrs at the lore of one so dear to our na 4011'8 cause. It is a eelfish grief. Wean e the nation had nose to expect fro m him than from almOet any one living. I juin in this selfth grief, and the grief of personal love for the departed. He formed tor some time one of my military family. I knew him well. To know him was but to love him. It may be some consolation to you, his aged grandmother, to know that every officer and Soldier who serv td under your grandson foil the highest rev erence for hie patriotism, his seal, his great, almost unequaled ability, and all tho manly virtues that can adorn a commander. Your bereavement is great, bat cannot exceed mine. Yours truly, 11, 8. GRANT, Lieutenant-General. From Chicago Cructiao, Aug. 29, 1864, 2r. Y. • Editor. Gaulle :—The great Copperhead =4 doknce meeting convened to-day at noon. Ai! regerde numbers it le very respectable, OTC* hole and comer is, apparently, occupied, while the enthusiasm Is unbounded. Among the prom; irent Copt present we nctioo.es-Gov. Wickliffe, Leslie Cormbe and James On brie, of Ky. ; A. C. Dodge and R. Clay Deem), of Iowa; Bona. .11. M. Rico and 0. L. Becker, of Minn,; landigham, Cos, Pendleton, and old Bill Allen, of Ohio; the two Woody. Gov. Seymour, Jno. R. Raskin, J. 0. Van Allen, of N. Y., and many others of leaser light. • The cry Ii (or "peace, psuce " from every dDroo tire, whale this "cram/ war" la bitterly cussed, aid the Administration denoancei to such terms as to make It irepoltible to tell whether the, ,peakera sve from Richmond or lipw York atty.. The "wigwam," where the feeiting la la sot-, ecn, Is la the aouttioaaterly pert of tho city. IF Is a round building, capable of holding 24,091 f persons. • There iceme to be a diveretty of oydnian as ro ped, the unfortunate ore to be eeleeted ( L ando( (Imree biretta) by the . 'dinterrifice 31 their D 033 Lee tot the Pleat etcy, but everything DAM/ "Little lilac" a, that indlvidaal The Patin eyiveala delegation, with . 7f02. G. W. , Case,,of J or city, as Chairman, are ;traces inlet of • , tleo B." We noticed the "K .yctoo, klab"?mt. 4:th henry,. this M0 , 3 4 3g, beaded by a brae. bred, and on . them inecribed, "Poonaylrant%'• oat,lce P,erident—alcj General (Caere E. McClellan." While the eppoeltion to hie natal, flatten ie. comparatively, strong, there ammo to. be • Gtapciltion to 3 lelli o the m noel ty, whloh to for "Little /dad." _ . ETtty N. a. m . F.:VI fa:1; r:ptro •hue Mist o art, Tenneoeee; Kentucky, and Tex 4 *cod tie fall hom'er of delegate. The oppm *Riot to “I,lAle Kite" nothes =only from the Western State*. Bat Utile bi►id concerning the nominee for Vice Pri ideal. Ilone G W. etell, 0.0. W. Pen 4iletce, end James G Phrie Lye among the moi.ti ur , insect recce: mentioned. The o'ts is .Ilan with bands o! RIMSIIII and hats nortt, etd '-ye C..p." ere dotibi.lest ie.iing mush b.tter to- de) Us:. they wilt after the tivretubtli ei•ntion. Weilard , tharc, J. Var Anez, cf a CIO De4re, cfhad f rth from the bal sty of Ct. Shsa.t.araluttas this •ttomoon, al 1,1...1ag the moot 41LOopil at d tremonable lan ttmerts :bat ate e,u'd ina?!ne. .- • . Toe •ember ie 6r.2 u d the Vey - Jsbthet. Mach h.d el, by le b.ing dostrojed. Lore &too. Y Eelcaee u 1 Forragut , a Fleet—Value of tbe•Ram Tennessee The eurrende r of Fort Morgan, at the en trance to Mobile Dg, gives us entire control cf those waters to within a few miles of the coy itself. Admiral Froreguths shot-riddled ileet Is new free to act wherever It will best' Berve the intereste of the government. A few e.call vessels can prevent the enemy from do, az co nay balm. The han.olade can now be rdercd to duty elsewhere. Admiral Farm, I , at, ty hia eplendirl nasal ladies sad tEdi' rapture of the Teenessee, has famished our" :r avy.with the finest Iron Glad afloat—a vest& • hich 19 ithotocd, -conoraratively uninjured, a fi t rce cannonading by ten times her number rcr orer an hour, and bat for the disarrange. cent of her steering gear, ehe might hate fought for bourn longer. We have always favored casemate iron • :',ehtda end the naval fight In Mobile Boy con firms our oft expressed opinions. The Tea- Lessee wee reported resdy for servlbe tinder the Stars and fitriPes, In 's short limo alter her eurrender. She has no - tarrets upon hes to rehire to revolve, no delicate machinery to get out of order, and carries a battery caps hie of making an impression upon Works of descriplion,and if the Navy Deptirtmeat is at all Impressed with her valuer, It wlllrest be long before we shall hear of her thunder is g at ehe gates of a rebel seaport oley whloh LI a shine far denied admittance to our NAO. tor fret. Our ravel officers !al proud lb' think we have added to our navy list saoh a powerful-and Invulnerable craft; and we re• pet that, with all the money we have expend ed in building an iron-clad navy, Weltavenot bad the wisdom to oonstraot some vessels like the Tennessee: :mu? us am AccokranlllD. The tom deceevileg Mobile beT pee ed.........d05tut Teo rebel realer., ewes eattared.......,—......A9/1," 5 Tbe rebel content &leo* eeptureel—.............Aturest 5 /be rebel prober* Cham badly loicered.„—...4agost 5 Fort Powell 612,2 Fort Seiner tovested 7 Fort Other earrebdrr e 4 —...—.......—.....---A n e o.t 8 The armada, of /fort Mag.. delesoded.--,tagast 2 Tort If orgies pnetlally Inv e ned...—.....—.—...Loga s t 9 Tort Morgan flat att.. oval 2 Fort Morgan eurrond - ugurt 20 —N. Y. !Jerald. ARLES L. OA. I WELL, - . pzoomor to Jamos Etolatze roan PAOR.III, Loftier — O3 DAWN, LARD, RUUD MUDD DADA ANDELD DAMN „ 001:13112 NUM= AND MEAT Dr, Prreortmasi fAf. «mai NEW JEWELRY STORE, • T. H. KLAGEEI. Wodd 2 . 4 mptetntlly Warts the pall* that es ham rponott hi. taw stontoonore be keeps on band Um flan; bed ooloctoi Nock or Prolongs, Oloalto and Imola In tho tintltlon Watch sad Joyeby work done by ant clan trorktotota sisa onorrontot to Ws traftliottott. Don't forgot tho_plano tilttlin tatDßlLtt. IFlDlDT,Artentong oft pRIIBEIRD AND COMMON BRICK 140,000 F1110381IDLitt!! 400,400 01)/CION BRICI/14 Obstilmai br tm hy DAVID BOTCHIIION, Ante am. *Alm State Central &nunlttee. • • *el* OA. maenad. oaa:l2 oanalualisa la bill at : the eozoaltioe maw, la Welty of rim r tuba* castor's. % samaa sa, ita.ed.a,p. m. It Wow*. foqualtod that *my member be maul osteodaaeo, as I:molses of pat Importance win be bro!et before ti.o meeting. SIMON DAMEIIOII, Preolbat. A. am, Pour", GLYE OIL CNY— acoka of antealipt D ioa thsetock of MPA the GLIDE OIL COMPANY are now opeo - at the counting room of WK. D HATS D PG., 217 Liberty Great. sot Llt • NOTION—THE TAXPAYMIS OF MoDLCBII T0WN813.17 Naive takeotloa that the cellrekat of tae VOLOB Z BOUNTY ' TAX will cen on tbs. In theRROORD LICIOTTIIIID WEEKS OT SEPTEMBER, and be kopet they fill be prepared to pap the lame. analrkt JOHN 0. DLL ZELL, Collector. 10.. THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE BTOOICTIOLDIEB of the Pittsburgh hfinhng Oo , of 1111chtgam will be bold at the *Zone of W. P. donee, No. 67 Water Moot, Pittsburgh, on TOTOS• DAT, ES•ptember let, between the hours of 10 and I o'rketc, for the purpose of electing Director's of said Company, and the transaction of any other busload which oral corns Wont th• m, Pittsburgh, Aug. 26th, 184, INDLEY'S CLAS•ECAL AND AIATHILILATIOAL .80/1004, will open 011 HONDA 9. the atl.l DAT OF SIPTEMBAII, NEXT, Number of pupils limited. Alter thin date, the Otte tips! 401 be 'outt.l at hie*Lool ro.,m No.l g OL t OTRECT,l 4 l4llbutzb, every afternoon from hal , past a tin 4 o'clock, 111 V. EibIUSLCY, stelthlted PrinalpoL k..XCELSIOR INSTITUTE. Fs'l sad Winter &salon of Ibis School will soul sat 4 Schtlss.blps co r n esbrod by coiling at the if ootni or tits Tyr! b.s, r of re. end St. Omit streets, or b) is'dn Wog tun I. I'7'. - 'ECO7S I) WARD, A L LEG 11. EN Y. COOP( BONES OF THE SECOND WIRD, Al•ghnky g•ttllr.qt..t..i to pay o•.r the am nuts of th tr D. 31ACIIMIDON, Irsq , at hi. oak. la lily r. - i. • lA. me sill Lo wit to sa tut the MO.) t. 704.01, J. tI ardor of awl, 31 13011LITY l0)131111.111. r, , - -o.11:IE FIRST COMPANY FOR. ONE !IA R—Lsys Imbuement+ colored to On* Years' M. —Captain Ball bashes recruited • company for Ifal dor and the grmiter porch. of which bare aircsd•of. trotd to collet fur one par. be now a trers to all men de. tiro. of annietlog for /hat wt.! In ttlacompany a county of Tilltin El CAMEO DOLL/MA—TWO If ['ADDED A ND THIiTY DOLL4itt3 AND FIFTY OINTO GL IsabI IN HAND. Mr, v Ltatard, formerly Chief toglneer the rim Department le let Llattrnsot this ramparty, ui f al be foend Maly at WILEIND HALL, from whom a castary Information may be obtained. 0. It. HAW, 1741. t Capt. 31:04 1 gCb. A, Ono Tatra' lien. -LAWRSRCEPILLE Er ery Evening until Further Notice, To take the neceatary ro.;arar.a for Dlllog the fnol• elth mitrnteara ,. Lot .11 .1,0 are Ilk fa•,erv! opkoldlng Our government, r•inforetng oar oohs armlet, and rga•lching the rebellion attend, and give their satire ea-operettas. arit:tt Cilaatt , ET DOSTWFIK. aeorotary. 4, -PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Lnxro and Manger Pt c.u.l time of the geeet epectral play entitled the Iv praluctrig Lino tretnallicent, tbrllliog iced roman tie pit ot. lb. blanstor has orint , tl neltb, labor oar so prnro. hew stoner:, poi:al - ilea and erlacta will be in tro.latta rrtwutes tk.a Eoug . . • .Ihamir Dort. To conclude with A A ALA RAIING SACRIFICE. XIE Ir IrIERTISt.TIE.4 TS. TIC E.-A PROITBSORY NOTE a. , draws by Wateou Dan., paysble to N•tbs. Is rows, itze Atigttel Vlth, will be pall ea presmtaloo st 2...7 Liberiy street, by • L H. V MOT C.). I ('ST—Near tho e-rner of Hand. and I_l No. •tre IC; — tr . LS .1' Ittreatal le 31. V. Ll•LalCf K t$ r, La. Boy, Ateaa ea canary, d , T, (40,1 Aug a tied, p .7at le totorbel . , [yr llttrty a :lam dotter weft co far 4 CalifCa lactel.LT It at 4.. rpaty tt.erter,o tar 0,1•14.1 * / Oar., GIRA USE. • vottallebt 4(Ttr tf Ilaecrr QUALIMIL.IIIATtg a.. • 01 ,. /OC. 11- S. S., } Plt a l b .- t gh a . t PPo.b A U 27c,1i5n4,1 . ante F C ivOti UEQ tNEUP a BL o C A N t l . • trl.re: Ir'der, at the raft Aron a:* In Okla tit,, on Lb Oa 11 OP AM/UV% OUSIa - POLIKZISIN aLOOSIS tzt•d u sant 'or wobltr wr.ln . " T,rcar ca It, Gomm/slant lo.tla- • en27:•d Lieut. aa • AI oeo•M $5O REWARD- Jeterefer o•er pearly...lly ea Plis•borg• Dant., or • bets br ra*, 4:•••• by /taukilo W•goes, . c4 Y•••ele t, J. . M C•mpr.q. The eft Itr 'eel re. v. *re •bove rewrld br Ilea•li fr tee tame al HJ,IIN • e. tIL LLIN Grocery. Dlaaotra. , harbor.), or 61 011/.04 a 001 i. lit , (+l. IV:OKI USED I:si TEIE FE ;.) MALEC OLLLOL •y 0. 4 .0 Sp•OrY• bud Beady,. • RI tr • •ttbr. , t1...... oclu I.lld kt ct;bllty 'et Geogri;.bbuk. Ylu: Cr • Olga:mar, Ou rby.l loft; • A , y , b•••: • meer • ; . Gib alts.'. Ai Ittyneulyy: Jubbytub's rtuloucliLy ukd eb-lals:ty; Pitch r• To tbe.tic Ter nowt; 01 bum's l!tots , TbOo•opby: Me Matta'. L. in VOA.. Tysqbe.lell Tr, tub Bock.; • I.l 7 todbutry'i Cum. Be?by, to; &hoc% Ftso , ery,a;er, Prom Oupy Dock.. Pm:lolls F01d..., Wales, (oh , eta. Vor .01. by a. :NJ til&B. 0. 111X4LOA, Al Wool ste•t, inn MEN WANTED—Tne andereigned, t.IV am-dated h a ve Borough °Duna se lama. Commlrtee tocharge of Mug th• quota of •t • Lkv..tigt. of Lierrencovflts. under the bllovrtng or. ammo, and to .ttood to ill brains,' pertaining tont so, trill pay the 810 BEFIT Low, L BOORT/ Itf CUR tbe above Lumbar of man framedittekr. The Ocannittee mill be found et the office Of Wllltara ,v.or, ifeq. , Levvrenoevtlto. yk.T VERY LOW PRICES .CEIOOI. " B 0081 ?Aim , WINDRO W e A u . zr. 81171T3elii.ISID5, • WALL...NM/I, t., trboleta..) eta rotall, al loos that rattan Woe. N. B.—Carb for flap arid Papa, at No. Lai Wars! Mutt. AllraNtoy. 1,27 T. I. WAILIII&TI. IN TM:C.OOIIW OF COMMON rLE4I3, 01 ALLEGIIINT 001311 TI. 14. BID of Koch Term, 186,." In paranstio cf order 'edMd Goart.4 harebrevit aline that GIOGGE ALOSSIL hes exhibited and MA di wild amount's* Andipee at AL IIIID D. INB4 SG, and Untold kenos:et ertil be allowed by the Marl tbei, THIRD DAT OF ezzatoxii, L. p.osad, nines MUM be shown to the contrary. enin Iv El SATON, teeth cr3obia, An DIVIDMND NOTICE. Omer or m frrournau Lamm% Arvid atlf, lea Ile Baud of Dtroeton of Ms Ociowty bon, gltrifirfE l ,l l Z•Mf o ra r r or j oui l ta i n L l . o l flainoVo of six zofoofhs endfog Aural 121 b, a so, poyablo— el 00 cub tad t 00 stook—ea owl attar MONDAY, Aoonst 224, off.olot • , Jk)110 QOLLARD , flocrotary. ..07nca or rut damn Litton Cb.,l I'mrstonco, &stoat to 10 4. Nl:inCE TO SIIIITEIti3 1w EX 'P112133.-=Ost and after • • P10.157/./434". the 22d inst., nothlnf bat par bode will bs moot rod ba paymna of etthcr in do dace at by theliolivory °drug, .2.6:1xa alto. Mtwara Arai. • 7 . 0174 M-Of tnr Cuersourn or dattaltbei Mt} ktrreetraan, Angtott 11th 1804. rrO CONTRACTORS--Bculeit rIPPDSrII4 .111 be tectdrel at ttli ..Mee until 80th lhat. litele• ale, for the erreUen of • h RW WOODELI bTLIIILIrCIRS at the bridge scum Ibldn•ont't Run, on the Robin. town Reed in Itolethsea and LI nth repire tcornehlge. Partieniere and rpociticatioue applleetion, RY direaUen of Connty.Oometialouera. oaf/lid LittdOEßT tOontreller. MILITARY GOLLIWE, Fifty talleu tram PbiladclOhlaichurlsrs4 bf sad oficriug nperior sdeausans lota ,thoroub next 11.11, ciwalual and Military Xlacstlork, opett••its next sankna &IL Gib. Tar Circulars iddrias Bay. Di. L. 110ITALID, A M ?vs:dont. Otiti Y EAR MEN. , NEW 0110ANI2ATIO:151 Lcad ASUI7IIIII 8. BTODUI lOVNO Itaandtlng Meer, aelktiits 128 Paartb .11, Pittstargb A Eff:DMTI3,TE WANTED, POE OHO . 08 TWO PEARL A larval boaat7 vrn As prate. racpAvait tat ra t , ty rms. alstermb, or to Tedarairtzar‘ Allagbaay. WAWA • -- - Attot 't•• - PUBLIC ..►"OTICEe. MONDAY, September sth )je,. R. P. GRAY I=l The citizen. of Leirceneetille •ttt meet AT ROBLNSON'S .I.M USE JIE✓?`TB lII7IOII[9O'S TFIS (W.the..fity,) ETZNING SEA OF ICE. LO!..fr - -TO CS rt BOOK WILLIAM JANOIT L0N0511.11. A. J. JIAMSJIOOI7, Ocemattttaa ALLENTOWN, PL, PUBLIC ylrOrzuEs 10 0. GLOBE ZUTOAL LIFE '111511.. .. Bei= 00111 PANT, or Harr yo 1. . PLINY SititiMU; Pairrorrr. Yves Non-ForhiCag Common Lib and Lair. meat Polick.. /Mao, Poll.les on ail other poplar plank No other ktod of Pollen can alba opal. accAlity. T, WOODS, Omani Atom. nareffica, Ca VOMITS BMOC% an77:17 a. v. tivramtnAlitte Manager for Lippincott a Cc) . a. evasuan.ilate of Gaga, Hubbard t Go.) 11l rn• • LIMO. (a' PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS HUBBARDS es -LONG; Nanufactureco of PATENT GROUND 0111,011LAZ11 warranted OAST STEEL SAWN, of osorp dowriptilm. Still, Noisy; Grows Oats, Gang and &Rotas, owlet's. All kinds of KNIVES A SPRINGS, cowls Iron♦ Sheet Out Fuel ; Extra Reflood REAPER AND MOWING, Klima, &a Warta:woos and Works, eor. WATER SNORT SITS., Plttgrargh. Particular attention given Betocothlog. Glomming .od Str .Iglitanlng Cfroolat Soya; also repairs of 411 kiwis. Pouching and Dcillitig done NA newonablo rata.. ap.26:17 r BABBILILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORK ERR Penn St., Noe. 20, v., 2 d and DA Bering ... cued a WT. Yard and furnished it with the most Iro proved ninehitary, in, ere prepared to nunnteetnre every description of BOTLBILS, Le the to.. menet., don warranted equal to any owl, In the oonntry. ORIN. NETS, BRICIIEN, FIRE BEDS, STEAL PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CONDENSERS, SA LT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS,.II solo ir.lanWactaLan m BABBILITLVS PATENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the shortest pat,. dalBLtl K", -- 5 - "ROBINSOIC,sit4.4 & CO., (tuocee ...on u RonsMA, Nom & IClmuits,) WAS , IINE• YOWWOIRS, non , . & 31.40.2111111, Pittsburgh. 111.eactvers o , VOA,' AND STATIONERY TEAM eNC IN E, DtANT ENOTINES, MILL MA CHINERY, GEARING, SRA ETING, CASTLED% of All dcamipEom ; OIL TANRI & STILLS 80/LIER AND EBERT IRON WORE. &pan to, GIFTAED'eS I'ATEKT INJZOTOII Putt TERLING BvILE)I3. LAKE 131 1PER/011COPPEE ' MILL & SMELTING WOBBB, rnTssasar. PARK. MeCUUDY & CO., 111.otattoran of SHMATBINO, REAZIEBIP AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, OPALTER SOLDER, AIM", Daportero anddealefs lu ME.!AIB, TIE PLATE, SIMET IRON, WIRE, So. Consttooy 011 band, TIN DERS' MACBINES AND TOOLS. W rrhouse, No.IW ruler a 12056008 D 8111111.1 . 41, I . lll.4bargb, Pa. 4,041 onion of Ot.vpar put to 407 de5114414 pa 41.4.44. myl2e.lydaler 2- ONE OF HIINNEWELL'S GREAT HELIEDIB3.-11 DN N EWEL L'll UNIVERSAL CU./ COLI RENEDT.—Tbe bubo of [Oho truly wonderful preparation, now of each well-overeat mdebritYo t • freedom from every component calonl•tad to do-Minato, and by ouch to allow the grste•t fro,. dom of toes, day or night, u the onlytroe theory by whirl, Throat and Lug Oomptatnt•oan be oulfemally stored. To prevent marine attention to long etoriee of swat sure, when local cameo make almost all nob com• plaints =erect In effect, I would ask confidence, wblch will be ..erne, In Oolds, Donets, Heareemis, Throat, Bronchia/ and Asthmatic Oom plaints, Whoop lug Cough, and to all Throat nod Lens Oomplants which, when neglected, and to Connamptlon. Teetlmo• dais from rnyeiclans of the bier'.* respectability, and loom Invalids, can be seen at my anise by all Intereated; Tor tale by all Wholetale and &gall Dealera. JOHN L. atibiriliWYLL, Prowls:es, Randal Ormatrt, Mato*, Masa, roc wale by Jiis. riesahle, Gan. H. lieyeer, 13. A tartnestoith • De., 1.111. /alum, Argots for Nimbi:6mM, Goo. A. HAI), W. J. Ilea. and Dr. James Drewel, Agent• tor Allegheny city. fettcem—fe-iel -es THE DONETS/3'ollEl AND EX- P 11117301 Or AN INVALID, pablitlited for the benefit and as varalog sal mutt= La yoany eiten %bit ender from Ncreeho Dutiful , Prett.ataxs Deasy al riar.hootl,•ta.,e - applytas, at Uri shale time, the miaow mne. fly one who b.. caulk! bitabali after Deng hat to rest tsp.se and injury hht.tagh hathUtal bag Atilt gra:chary. By .r. ring s pnyt-pall .Idrxisyd saveloy*, !auto yowee ox., too 1.1 of att , anthos. ZII&THANIEL MA TTAIR, 11..Iford. Hind conuty. Zi. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH SEX D3.—ti remmat gentleowl myth z tam neetemd to health In No day. Om nodergolng ttmal rondos end teregolar 11tp04.111,0 nut• of treatment. wlthmat comma cominere It kW famed duty I. common:este to ale ailleted flow areemos the nOoo• at cam. Ban o, e. the roxelpt of an ald,..ond mentor. he wlll rod, fez:, . copy .1 Lb. prdenipzion Direat to Dz. )0L:11 11 Da.a LI.. Lae. nth T. eznll:lyaser asaass n. courant. • " LA BELLE STEEL WORKS !REITER 6 CO, .2,, 11,•=n, A• n , CIAS7 ersti, oprazia, now AITD vurce. OPIUM; eparßod, 4il cr.oweiati, b. woo., Winn' WARD, Allegheny MY. P.O. 41411resA PIIVELIIOIIOII. PA 11317 JOHN COCHR/L5 dr BRO., Man .Iraettmer• ot MUM BAILING, 111011 VAIDVILI AND VI [`LT vouan, WINDOW tlHurnsaa, WIN. Dow a OA BAR, 16,, Noe. fit 9CCOND and 88 TIMID snarl, L. Wood .4 Brlwket Liars cm baud gr, rlat) of ne• Patturna, (mos pad visa, rultabl• tnr on Partkruhu atter/Moo pltid to •aala.tng Gra•' Lot /..tobtos don. at than &UM, DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, UIIINABT AND BNX.UaL SLY. PCMP.—eoa and rejlatla Demi:mut—ft Laporte of the Deward Amoeba:ion. Neal by mall to mesa latter nvelvo, free of chars, Addrem D. I. MULLIN nocanToa, Howard Asmelattoa, No. S footle Ninth stmt, Philadelphia. Pa. atialtlp 6. HOLMEB & SONS., Di.u.xxx tx P 01121019 ADD DON/MID) LULU OF iZ 011ADGF., CrELLTIFIOATZB OF DITOSit, DANE DOTES AND spxots, No. 67 FL&RILDT DMZ= Pittsborgik, Ps. mar coliwitou mad. w el rim ;One)* ell] • 1 4 ...00.1t¢a Malted Mate [re. HENRY a COLLINS, Foawmto IMO AHD Wald lES lON ME WILL= sat ybol wile &alga to ()AWL BO MAR, HEEDS, .a! prod to vonattp, 619. as cY tv Pimberek. TO OAPITALISTB AND OTWERS. Tba mann of a nay and sem Takata* Patem An Latabi on. CU la elan, sal ateadd BAlnti, I.lda ma l•, on. adictimt of fa*/ butane Id attend to It, ,fler alildpiaill Ist We ID .Bober In gyaam • mann 114011IIRTHIE,, . • _ Agut tot adman, • anttl Itt a • 1018 flail Free, PULD4alsobla. _ --- SCHOOL AND DOLLED'S TEXT BOOKS the VA/101.1 TWIT 110011 tied It the Piddle, 5r litTikbeolg gad CkAlego •1 Pittsburgh and vision,. Tor tabby HMI A Al., AS Wo-4 dual j)WELIANG I.IOUSE TO LET—ThreA non btlok dwolllos boon of hall oleo Sal wile, .la moots, 14th room, Wow Stashed lb got Axiom, lersoyard, eta. The welts or. pida , fitti the boat. le In 1014 codas, ploisootir m ths corner of Lops .ad etre St eadow Slept. ht. Ban, IIIOAT set toOuth to April 1.1. 00111111 CRT FOZA, , aty:o St Merkel amt. o n 100 BOLL ■BITII'/ FERRY OIL for We by J. L. /1/.110111.1.1., Jyll.Bl No, 1➢( Liberty stmt. HAMS, LADD AND BDEF. to ono,. t 1,9 llama; Dade Dry Trait 80 tmicet prima Cincinnati Lard; brirt P 3 bbls. Ohm!trail TM 1 r art Oil. War cala by SUnoue a es I LANG, ar73 - av litborty Wadi. H P. GIENGEMBALE, CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEER 470511317L1130 AND AVALITIOLL CMEELEM. OM% and taldnoco, id BEY Frralri, bear POPO D R. HENRY 6011WEIG'11 PHIVAIPIN INITITOTE. Tn the trtstanAt of DIIIDeBO3 or TUN FMB AND 08119AILIVOL0AN9, 1511 Amoral Anna.. Now York. aeon of coAsAltaDoo from flo f 0'404 p. wa201014 PAPER AND NAUB—W O ara paying oaf seal fair pound more for Bap tkaa koratofors, and ISt Mahan vela for OLD BISIBPIIPZIOL OLD aoaas sad auk - oLturta. a... atthr Book sad Wall Paper Itars WI Padang stmt. Bilogkeny. alga T I. waszaits. SUGAR -135 hhtls. Cuba, Porto Rico and cbotce Ncy.Ozbaste likitorsantliby sale by 'LITTL3 11/111EILT soil HM .' 11l bad 114 !Woad dm,& NEW ORLEANS MODILBSES--225 bb. pilau NewSrppos Laud sod Ibr male try • LITILII 411 Ll, gate iloest 7:t47.€1,; , „? "1-ARDI-311 tiexced Prthie Nett Lestlaxrd itsre bad Ix mho by ball D. WAIJACZ, 3/33 Liberty Oreg. ATIVHANNAH E. DAVIS' SCHOOL . 011.10111111 LADIES AND VI '9 ir ebi Venal, tool.a of thin II •orlnb'or Welt:Mon will eommetco niTIROPID_ rigniatEnilt fr, eon. room, Ho. 1 , 0 764, es/ crook Allort.y. no terriers of ilia follotrioie actoroy'l•hM bore ton mewed: Prof Herman Tit Nooks for Idatic iI Prof, Door, for Trench; Prof. Clap On, for Latin. A Molted nombe r POup Io ant bt ro outE2Ard SSUNNY SIDE FA/01 FOR SALE-so lt at. In Chartho a. Yes), Nestles tea Om rote ; sod or a erne from the P and h S eepA tithing 180 cc' it. zd scree cleated haiance 'n duo l • at Weber, The taproot ghats a.e three One derelitaga a I rto barn. and .1161114 lot- to bead:of at et. three or• charts t f 100 to 1.400 Ir•ra of the best *alert tod ea tit - , 'largo' TA 1. , 1y rmoil halm and ctra•tierrlits In N nods; a v'n. racd 01 .tr °grape chsra. Toe land id rich bre Leen used a. No.a o r the an it detigottni roootry &maim teat has barn °floral t • the ;one ar yes . R raid El Oki. well into 3 try c-ate with a hen" , sad an orchard to loch. T. fu. 1 bar part Ica tars apply to marl R1;41 LFSENS, LINES, ' SHIRTING LININ 811111 T lIIONTS Jll.l la r, d ar,d lot W. 17 WRITE, ORR 4 00 No. 25 iIITH STSZAT. I (tt4T—:!g2ii REWARD—Lott the At L Pia , ket a • ONE IIL DNRD DOLLAR BILL The n`oro toward will be Ai,' ...I to soy pooon .1., 100 :t t. JOHN BROWN, Jr, dry atom. oar, ottra/ and Diamood, A' le i bony city. sal :It TO THE OW Y ERS "F !TA NI BO IS 1 PAIIOI6, .wTho t Elf P OAISPEIT nil i an CA UI SZIu of P :inborn LI and vloinliy bold • we. u. at the tt rue: of Peru and W••tr •tnwln, a+ • Ilia, the OD n'lau wan otT wed nn.l P•rol••11. Tb tot t n and after nopt<m• or nest wo will not work at our boalnea• for lon than Ivo doll,n'por day. TIME, TROI:N..E ANL .10NEY.S.IN'U.:1) RT LEAVING Tort ORDIMS FOR BALED OR LOOSE RAY BEEIL N A N 0.2,7 Nola star;. 11PORTANT T t NFW RECRUITS • Alba VETERANS_ T. no bay dray Portfohoo, tele. Writing Ow. • f btaLlobary nt alt binds bt o•l•Aryyt prlem. JOHN P. nuirra HI turn ATIZIH, aIISONLO HILL .WA f NITRO - I3TATE6 INTERNLL REVS 6-1 NOE T NA —The Avenel , Ll.t for 1654, !mope the taxes esteemed uo iJARIII•I7 Ed, It, TIM PLATT. for re, Aseelo26l3C veer, Cram Mee 111,3 10 May Itat, act I NCDSI ICA fir treil, fee the lid District, Pa, ham teem received -tots the Ass Astor, sot said taxes are ham do.. Tea-payers situated In that part of Mint:may county rth of the Ohio and • ilegheny flooludiug At. test , ny Ofty.) can pay et the trite:nal coronae Odic., ha. 67 Water street, three doe-. eat of Federal Street, tam* I mill ascent to receive said tax.. tufa the lath des of Pleytemher next. Atter 5e.1.1 10th dal of Poptember, ton per osat. be Attica to all taxes on Llcensys, Carriage. and 'firer Plate, and lee per cent. Do all least en lucamem, an maid. lof th• contrition. of .4-payer• In th• eastern part of I. manly, 1 wilt attend a. Ms bon., of Bln. Drown, in 1.... oo tb• drift d.y or p. Ear, M. h porn of 9 o'c:rek s. 91 and 4 o'clock ff. co 1 wilt aao att•nd. on thn Sau day of .11Mint. of tbo home of 4 , John Way, I. lb. Boroub of Sr ofmnlay, from O to o`cfmk p 7,4-r. pert •roinlylsol not I. pot der paying Motif lb. 1491 my a. ti sill to utterly trope nib • to attend to nr, Man • ltrn . ted numb. on one day and too. who oo ova. caort44 9.24;99 tEe ponaltim. DIIV 19. WIIITE, 001.0 t., Allart.eny. dttrmt 22.1661. sas:le L tQCILISrLI BLiT4Y . PIIIMLLI.L• .LtLIOLO. t Plastiorg%, Po. Lai. CO, 1 844 I Nunes TO SHIPPERS, AbM tX rtorrzo or 173111QUY, VT Tnz PENSIITLVAJIIII S. It. NOTICE 18 GITRN [het on eel aft-r Augget 213, telkelrteg order rill go toeperlf • n v., co. win ath a Stsunp to ..eh ? F t tf,1,1: from , riNs;, , twiTir,en, Eli I r retessy reA, 10 sascarta ores AM YJ , sod t r freight los shipment. most pmril• • TWO OtaT *TAIL P each .i reoeirt, otherwise they will wet i. is Dmol. ttlerPtZD DIVA L. MIRO will U . SIbo thetribe• os oswoes, On most be call 4 rut el remising .01..0 be moots; idols goods sr. dslimred ese.o.lsr D. A. lie NVVAhT. Prate" dent • THE WEST CHESTER ACADEMY and X ILITILBT INFLITUTI at WEST CHESTER. PA, !Al T. lITERA, A. M. Principal. t. stRITEII WOHIIALIa. A. 11., PI, D. Anent. ..• P 1 cfpLL, The achAutie year of tea month., till tarteutearo on the AIRsT ITS •DAP , the gth of September next. The norm of lustre:lion Is thoroagh and .tstuttro, do. i'rard to It bop and young man for Oollega or batitten. Stretarn Lutanaysa. Denman, Preach, filmandt pad Italian lef I. tvy native neldent taaoharo. She mitt. tors De meet under elm On, charge of ItAlOgi SCARS ÜBPI and the Military liopmtatendent. tor catalogues ie., apply to either of Um Principals et West Obeeter, P.. The Prlaelps/ Will be at the MOHONGAIIIren 1100131 to Pittetiergh Prom Atlanta 6th to Aavail AM, laelashro, where tto trill be happy to tornith tare:tow fas . te i rmt bleached. from le et. m. fro I p. m. dolly. FRUIT WAX, FRUIT WAX, FOB BULIfiCi Mit GAM Stlt rLnaa aUACBB, warranted to utlafj, MI /CAI'OEIIEIO EX4dAOTa. TIIIILIHGII dIiDBOBIA TOIL Till lifinl, EIOLLOWATT PILL 3 AND OINTINIINT, rata be procured al 010. A. Rei,Lre CRSTRAI. DURO STORK, .Ohio attd TecWM it., A.U•shasky. ta Warket Rowe, ulg BLIWAINS iN Goopipr ALL KINDS, At bloVlellanct's shoe .A.uottott, IAo. 111 FIFTH lITHMITT. 1.40 VIALCI RI CIT Y TRIUMPIIANT.'-111 WONDUIa AB A TOZIMPTUTIO Lazne-In RITSTERItB ILICLAT/AlO TO OAUST At/D 0081 OT DIDWOL 1311. 64dzIs 6ldld Montriohin. Ofhoe, 151 PION STURM when all Mecum are one rewhilty treated with Chilmalrain Magnetic= and other ..gigaiteice of protri.ity. 6013Wibitli DOI/, true end important. &. etroo L ri get One MU= take. Mime ihr 04"8111°L Onaeewartentrel en garbed kn dome COLUMBUS COLEMAN, a 5.4.11108 MU% Allegheny Olt Ilanottetteres for sale flayi axs,lo MUM, of the Coonorag, Onion, Blakey and Prairie Blvd at. tentwaleo. MIMI AND IInGOLGETII.IItIES,WItriII.- DAUISOWS, tItITTIIIO BONAS awl Wagon work of eB deentlptlonk glee, SWIG TTUTU, tor Bey and arils Haw. TT B. 10-40 LOAN. 4a • Oubsaliptlau b oovripinsav t 0.49 Lou, Ltomind ad Oto oda of HAIM& HA= & 00, Wood stroll. Wooed Malin HAMiI, /lent EUREKA LUIIIIO.6,TiNG OILE3. WM:MAIM OD lOW PIGILIOR WO LAUD, Halt thrice. Wasubstared by rans e o t om . B ALL I 00.. authlto 1O Waring Amt. mast hem, MANS! MELONS! VOl7ll TEIOVSLDID -WATER ZiElLozni ]art 'wand aul tor cgs by EICTIONASII3A LANG, ere• en dint, Pittaborgb. $BOO FOR A SUBSTITUTR.' 0 WILL DI PAID FOB AN Agin-BODIED suusnrurc.! EMU/ not tabled to daall, foe ONI Yllaß. • • peTER-. 100 bbla Calcined far sale 11 5.00.14M11 WANTED-4e • end good pstUtin makers. It, 7 ro z:put miss 111511 VG% & CO., "hank aY. Mier B ader !Mb' Ward, NUJ atlO:fit WA"' TED -A FEW 000 D OAR PE • IlitfiA to ithoto the hiihest wage. ood ate Ad, werk, will Gs Atom i oio're of J. R. Minn T A 00, lot I Botltto !!!: 1, 17.42' 11.01. wNTED—A eituatit•ct se 13.0 k-keeper, v• nt•frOnt b•k-keeper. or a erk, In aloe nn so 0r... tnring tabllsbme nt, o• • hoinal• grorerh I/ • yonng no. of good .4nrsolon. 1\ 1, to, book k.s.p•r too • n Wart n• Ing mllO, I•Ln3-nl , or nerr•nkl P.T.I Da .44 Lo given. P.0.e.. add,. Box •0. Phu tof P. U. anlcgtg W A \TED. SOAR L) IN Ca A g.nflof.f, wltb LA mile ...I dal.frfter, ofr:I• yes" of gf;• • -At. 4 • In ether city ff.f.,:fy prefer, d adlffina, orlr•ren clArk. OAL fry, • st•Elu, tgrtua. ..,••••••,, 0.4 •of • • W - --- A-NTED—SI.SO per Ni tn —We Went • natal& Crod•aot, In otor Wa Imayt .genre c!osrta, .• I+l , I o prove to on] doubtlog aowlleont. JO5 E'i EMS 3 Op. OM.): IA rid. WAITED- 2 dt H if i fd OHTFUTIB. Sighed sore pad to ,rood wo r k m ,,, ttlatro of HUGH BOLS, taAldd Cot. of Polo sod DudarAtut ‘A.TANTED.--1 W 0 EUBSTITUTE:i , T L!ABLX TO DUA AT, to aztest! . .n,.{..eA ~ nl 'Tot, tAtAnOOO Go next C.-att Ittv. lOU Dopald to Addltl.s to Um At:roe-eta -e • Nat., tt offered. tidbwil 130 i ST, Pitub.rvt, IlLtd IAJ A NTI.D, HANDS —Any number of ,•1 1 ,13111, want.-e. razcz ert:l cotepetzut med. Appl7 W TI & &LEX VITDVI, 5e.8.0 Leco-alt wet. Federal asa is , .de•L y. • T p w A o rii t , ,•d 4 V. blob • Ward Font.", PIG'I. et w. -lull. BIM P•EL /I COLLEOIA t E LNS ftC.. ELE OLASSrAL SUHOOL, F (11A OUN .13 EM,I Coro. t 4.4 6-.vr 6t-et St.,<lttot. ar.o ,tiontla I.LLO 11..!. I CITY. PL. TLa Nina, Nati Ar trial Avalon earnmenaas 410 • I AT, r t bt, . R•a...t•atl cation. lat,c and.i, ow, lir io al.Lad Ha nee Ocaniaan toPlun , Er', •• ballurnat•ca, Ancient and blaiern Lt ,c0n..1.••• and Or nan-critall/csatltak tanght clod ata.utto.. to Read Vir.l/an Mg Di/attains, r,• MOUB!IBMI Goner •• LOSS SSD DIAMOND STREETS, Tenuity W. de L. L. P., Prusideut and Pe,. frogs of glschti and hi.fra.nsience ; Jun. r ibmga, X. A., Prnfealor cf the Or s'.. I *hither. and Munn,. Reury W 111 A , Professor of L or; By I'm tor Burnhan. B. A., Pthhessor of Mathematics; Gee ge T. Barker B. Pb. id D . Profaner of Natcral . mecca; Din Ile lobby, B. A , Priacipal cf Praosratory DopArrsistf.; Bev . 1. Z. Williams, H. A., Ptefeemn of thistlit Lsuguags and Llttrature; Gr. W. H. Ocri.7l; L. L. D., Pna'neanr.f Physical ?ninthly, Anat.- or.,y, Physiology sod nygtthe Alrbthm D. Daum, Teacher of the ranch Language; Rudolph, Leoohurt, Tes.ther of the Gthrtunn Longo age T. next fidraisthges are odaref to students In the Preparatory Tuallsl., Classical Collegiate and Acientler (-eine. The hest term VW 0.11111Me.203 on szeTrt- DUB I. •3310:1.0 N 7.11 Lh CI ethuOL , 191 VANN NV/it: AJ —The a ad tam •111 conal-Ka.• ou Tomo—Per !'.doe of floe mettle, to the Joulot ch. 130, to the tiout.tv, $4O. No Gotta ohar,• heath. Gentlest sod Dtawing. Th. IJ,lnft,l. me, to hooryl at their motet rott e • tol.e , Oiler the 21.! 10.1. J. it FILWIELL and St. A_ NEV. SLI, Pei: 01.t1a n0t,...1, IZEItALE EDUCATION. H. ff. TWINHIO.II fraftry for Yvting L.adties ! . 1 01.. en th. 7111.9? MONDAY IN SNP ten NKR, on rfan.. nd *snot, °Plod. the ceset Plllc.tl,o 1.• moat. t. .be pzurat.t.,.• OW land, thron,th the toot (Ma, os at K.; &ore, Wood ore.. t MIESSIZM Select School ^h. mg.: t, r Win MM. 0• 04 T 3. I t rc A. Um tir.coL.r of pupil. 1r di Le to' riot litnds , l4. req.ttoped 1., meat., tb. I o. os ppm Iblo, at Ms WA IC ISM All 3 red East C. mmocui, now the School Boom. a;tV.:ivr rGRWORTII SEMINARY li'JR T 017512 LADLES, •7,61W1011.LEY, PA_ TL• Pal &wilas, will alma an tha TH IHD 110/ID 11 BIPTPIIII6/1. S 6. list saliva/stag. are adorded, ad as realiawatile Wes. for farm, *O.. ond for Of r oho HIV, IL WILLIAM saftlawttavi liaaddleleTalltk Po PHOPOB.4f.S. ~' Cm,S OLP,' OUDIKMAJLT or .1111MIT.C11, AR • • ammo.. It. 0„ Angus 16, 1811. pRUPOSALS FOR FLOUR.— Se a led rtvlo.4 an 111111.4 till A !avast 7.3 th at 19 o'clock 11„O fari.ohlng tbr ribbeteenea Department with T TtitiDar D (2,tao) It silk. tare Of YLOI9 it. prrporro alb be ter e 1.,. ta known at thts depot lica. 1, V and 3, and 'll. CD he entertained do aay quantity low that, the who . Bid. amass to in duplicate, sad Rir each tisit• iv...p asta &harts of papa, The delivery of .8. lour to Couninace trials floi dap from the opening of the bids, Lad 111 llLlCtrlpaltii llok, daily, ma thi. Genertitnent any tired. delivers! tubas at the Goaromeol warehouse In Georgebana, a: the wharrea, or at the railroad depot, Washington. D. C. Tl.s dant.,of 11.11 float bs wmptetel within twenty da3is Ram IL. opsolott of the Ws_ Pay :omit will b. 111/12r tr. uertlacatest of Ititisibtoducest, sorb other lb.& as tlielloveredtaant my hays tit di.. hostels-Imb The usual Oorernmr•t Inspection aril] to mails pal 0► re the dour la cowl's.% and now will be acceptail !Itch to pot froth /crowd. wd wade tram wheat ground • tta vicinity Coors micolfatturacl, •alna Of .My pedal . quality. Tta 1 . 14.11 t to le deilvervil to new wit buret., Wad An oath of moll ar.mporty Ma bid °lamb tkider, who kw not U. oath die k ord., aod to bid wilt be entertained from parties who ha.e pm. rtoualy fallod to oomph watt their bide, or from bid. 41,411 not vowed to maiond. Goveramorit rearm* the right to rtd•dt litt7 bIS &d . 101 MOM bids to ha addreaaed to lb. baderviroad. at Dia ll= 0 street, Waahingtom, D. 0„ atidonted ..Proposah lot Poem.' & ID ORatir., antgsl Captain .4 0. & Y. Orr,* or Ammon Q.S.,S•bi to 'snubs, K.., KtI.gLIST IBM. pROPOSAL4 ((n dupionte) will Do re- A. ...had .1 this dike, fur l'ant'alstbs the Q =Ma's Department. (by auttroct ) with tho,ooo DUSUILS oT 00&L. to he dellv:rrd It.. of charge, et the tioveraerett Teel Yarl, end other Oven I the clty of Lobltyllle, litto from parties Is Pitt•burgh ellt be toceleed tor ths c. , el to b. dalvored al tbo Goebruenset whirr Is OW Zarb bidder inner em brad. : Wl', geed erearth for heittind perfwwwoo• of an Goo nwt, arid also Mall , tod roust beeroonapnoled ey • written gnaraat w of Orr ',elm twine porrone, an follows; • of the *ovary of --, State of ---, do hereby guarantee that -- le (or am) able to WI airtime! In andordsoce with the term. of hie (or their) pruposltkm, and *bosh! MN (or their) proposition be ioneel=li m • ler thrli Will at 011t0 enter Into • onotraot In • re the, th, and we are prepared to become hi. (or thrlr) wouritlee,glrlng good and eafflobant bonds hut. fralsaisiblilty of the gnerantors mart be Shwa co.lllicate of Use clerk of las nearest Mirka Cant, or of Las baited Buds. DI.DIot Bettor. boy, to do isclided mita each old. 'lleldenoe of loy.lly most sicsomparty slob bid. do Ms irtli be - recognised Thick do mil malaria stilt the rani insteata of tido advertuiraisat. came right to reject any Old decinednaressoiabls Ls lcined Bid. wUt be opevel . 211171121 DAT, the let taj of FeOWtobor, 1664, at o'cloek D. m, ed. DMOS. AS vet& CU be to - do we I'IIIDAY. B.2tember 24, 1434. 07 ur.lru of Brl6. o.a. 01108511 ALVIN. Cole! goes let.owelot. a 01112.20 Ovtain ma A. Q. IL JD 118M0L17710X3. Arc. DtssoLtrrros OP PARTNERSHIP- Thsecepartuanhip haretagene =biles batman 0. KIAJPFLit and AVOOd ELOPPIa midst tha instand idyl., of 0. P. ILLOPPIiII It 00., has tibt/is beau diamontal bg mutual want of thou:lds odd diDOOEVI ILLOPP/111 ntl , lng and O. IP. ocadisulag the buskins at the old abut& Ail tlaciareuit add Late dna rill bb anted bland's of the =Unload. O. T. KLOPPEO, AUGUST ILLOPinni. Pittsburgh. Lapin 8, 11104,—ditd1 ELECTEOPATRy. MADAMES LDDER➢AS ASO CALDWELL nriv opened .an co de ea the *inter of nab sae Wylie anted, entrance us /mu aruarr, erudite of Medicine. Itrey ate reader aceaustwitid l. hem their Mholoseee ezhibitkto et their adieme Pralaered Co treat MI &nem in a eclaattla mat• CUM/ htesonalte and taro oaten. OZIOIarIIZI6D atl/t.—To than who, Cron Italy, _moth or make *dints, ham bsootne eatinned that uz7Po to what they troche to became healthy.aan torotin,we wonld soy ac t oan be itapplled by calling at out aloe. We are ac poiou.a •° " 2 "" tati Path/bit with 111. Bardeen • uongt. and boron:dens IMP. at Ana filo. 148 WITTE' STLICST. rllO ISLABUFACTINIERS —A party hav .A. 1,p .0 m. pox*" to f2kooo which mai be loans. I .d, wham, to toned Ls some good side proutable nub- testartug bastrietb_linio le &strain of miss : swap with Ezra a respectable stsaufacturar. with : b u g. en greedy established. or about to be established: • Thearrerther has Wye balloon expisicatia la this cap ; awl wort acid ebutb 14 MLR, free" expecte to tom ' chyme or the ibuaticial =abed:impart er the serice Ho pawn stool apply who amid tumid, a reasonable =OOO tha capital required los Oa wilts opera. be sondem, mod who is not amen plate muter of , the ausuidectudas buldsoa he proposes. If the peso b e , not Ina known to the Murtha!, satisfactory reterestor sal be require& Adirose DOX. P.Owith r.a nom and madouso. Wks/ QUBSTITUTE.—A Vett:man belonging in tbs P. stabs, to PLUM Appirsi th to s ETTEMITITtiI ton e MINX a 01/11 lVz IfieZOIEM. JEIEDIC4L. HOI42OPATIEW soft sus Pnalas. A ?rah Supply Just Received. co. I—for Fever, Oxicertiva laa.mwun Goa. Alt, 34 Pries. 35 oenca • 8.3.1—F0r Worm Ferrer, Worm Collo mid 10111:10lB Appetite. Price, 56 cents. No. 3—tor 0311 a 'Nab Log. Orratg .4 w.741.41.ii, , Bb.Olowth and eablendos of haws. Price 33 coot. No. I—For Diarrbas. of Children a r AdalU: Cholera leAntam, and Bummer Omplainta. Frio. 841 acts. d--Tor Dpviutory or Bloody floc, - Colio, Grip plugs, Billow Colic, /all Dysintoy. ?rice 35 eta No. 5--7orLoteni, Meier. Iftxbas. Flattneg anC Vomiting. Asthmatic Direattitng. 15 cents. Ma. 7—ror Cohan, Eloux-Loes Bromlads% new. ar.d Sore Thruat. cer.ta. No. &—lor Tactll-fitt.t.s. feet...cm, Nervuno Near.,lila and Tic Doloreax. unita. No o—For Hood-oche, flick Hoedache Vertigo Emil of Blood to the Bead. Prize 36 way Ho. 10--T. Dysreprls, weak, ecf3 . Nrsasee dtomach, Oemotipatl.., Li, Oomplaint. 1, cents No. II—)or Suppressed MIZZIS, or Stunts, Painted en Daisrics Crean Systems. SS cents. No. 12.--F,r 60..1r:imam. Whiten. Bos.ling Dona, we Pron., 11... a. 13 Cetill Be.l3—ruf Jr..n Hoene...roan Oongb, =call .0 Opyrosmou Brtettinsg. 35 cents, 14—it, 9dl R4eara. CfUJI4 Lacy. 1.., mid Reed. Barbers' itch. SS centa. No. Is—For Bh•nmatlem. P. Lstrtentest, ar Sem roar b Oa Chart, Boa, bolor or [amt.. ID rla. Be. 16-llvr Fever cud Ague, 166 , neltlettl Fever Dana Agu., Old Inveterele Alpaca 60 cent, Pc IT—tor Pllec Blind er Bircchu4, Internal or Ur tercel, Paccar or Uhrticsta. POccut 1I —Tor Optlitbaloyla, 'Croak or Inflamed Zymi .oe Eyelid", Tailing or Weak Right. OD meta. . N. Linturrh, %mu or ehroulc, dry or dam 114, Cold 10 the Had, LAlltsur-a. bd no. 20.—For Whoortug Ooterh,thorteulog and 1r.,1 It, or ISpazittod! c Cough. 6) thhatg. No. 21—For Aethrna, Oppreaaod, 121tBralt, instarre• Breathing, Cob .4 Expectoration. Fri.', ao ctn. Fo. 22—Fyr Taar /11.4Argea, Hof» In the He In pared Beating, terscho. 6D nenla. Sesctola, Kularged Mat:LELA, .4 Toustla thr.lllr4s• and Cild Glyn. tO mats. o. ?A— Tor O. noral D.eicq, Pb Mos/ or Servo. 0001100 001.8. No. lift—Thtld liannanist - Pmc Su 11•01Ingm, .ht dcauty barnetic... 641 No. EO--ror fos.Bleituots, Proetrattuo, Vert*. noculoa, Vaallt.t.g. 60 oeuy. lin 47—Por 'lrina. • Mariam Gravea, P.onal Oarnall Difficult or Painful 60 caws. Fe. 18—Vor lieratcal Ern!Wow, tarolantary DU.Price cbarre• $1 OP. arid consequent Preetratlect end Debi 1., SS—Tor Sore Roothor Storasoh, Sentare Idocti. of Adult. or Ch.:Wen. V CO. 80—Tar Urinary Inelotictio•moo, Rotting non &xi, too II frogncut, painful or onoldlng UrLaeotian. Priem GO. Cleae of 48 wish, Case of 20 71alsoosuplete, to,srocee, wad b00k.... 7 Case of `J/ rlals, and book, 7 Case of 16 numbered bor., mud 4 Ca. of 5 boa., numbered, uld nlngle numbered bokaa niat Single attend bonen, with dlrocklo. Lora. ea. of I or- Male, for planters and pity._ OPE EEIIEDIZI BY HAIL. Look over the UAL make np • Co. of what klui Fon abeam aod Maces the amount to ■ current note at must, by Mall to to SLURS% .an the mantel+• OW De duly Warned by mall or exprost, free clatters. I. H. FULTON, Irittb Stn•M (DtwacJi Bttilding,l Second door belay the Pcnt Moo. Wbokag• amat forPUbbargb SEWI.VG .1114C171,VE6 THE DROVER A BAKER ELASTIC STITCH .114 S IN 11111,EN8111, MINOT HAD DULIBILITT Daa't tali ta p e., them 44 swatoallot BJEFORS .C73.A,SISG AST WWI. Erma RACHENE WARRANTED TRUE TEAR& OFFICE NO. 18 FIFTH STREET. A. F. OHATONEY. GEMlllit. AGINS. THE J.ME R/CAN INSTUGITE , NEW Y ORK. RIP° 11111 "tit Ms WHEILIC6II2 b W1L505 mato tl. •tote frirlthl.' •ea ranks bllh.. • •eeoaal of W dzaddry. pormanetcb, beady sat mord dolrabbases d Ow Vadat' blue leer, bud Uto bde nap I( tL sypilcalloa." THE "LOCH STITCH IS nairrray arawerger r tr bey beet be al tied' at seetteb LS mates et oo►catf tE• •s•eat of rimed or atZt Oat Is •ao•os•a try the %tug& onto!" Zlarktors, Mu trikhzi • mint of at CI to $L PIZ DLT. Ths WILKILIM I !MIMI 21 Os may ma:Atm tang Os GU= 121YBOTSMI8I9. Oen ufl amp tar tturs, at @a . tar elalamoo, 60, l 7 rLITEI war, stransua as Co.. Alrent& togincemts OILS. Nc. WEB 6 131.1.36.. CIMILNEDZION 1132 a lUM &xiSit Petrol.= and its Prodtsta,, • .11 380.1i.D MUM Do WM= at 1112 ISO= 1138.......fteramig, W 1 s iDY TOIL Oa L STE& ZID =Roo= ozo PO PAlMulltrl QUIDLI w.A.aadraaa__, LOMB lid Watar 6133 Prost std. LIICTENT OIL WORSO, DI/BOAN, DITZLAY A 00,. mozbettcr, at Purs Whit* Seined CrArbsa 011 s, on. zuh ea MUM maw. dUCTIOX A UCTION BALE OF CONDEM:NM) Aeak. BOUM. • Was D 10101110? QAT ASIT Partin,l Oahe of Ohlef - Wactomottut, Atoms a, 1114. WID te sold at Pella datettoo, to tU highott Mau` at the tins LA &nu aimed below, via - Beadhor, Pa:vTlotrila,t, Atom lath ink Altooaaao.,ThanalaydlsozatLith. 1801 Lagoon, Pa., Tiraraday, Soto LeM: zunayarg. PL. Thunday. hea 18 . 3 4 TWO Hulttlfed. ( 200 ) COnity at each rims. nom Homo am Wes coadeozooll ea Itailt tn. tha to had. Oaulavaeniceof tba artoy. For Load lad rola Napalm mottr Pedbattitiv 1:317 Hanoi we dmity. • , s. a ° United Or=lra. Lints= tOolcuol mad atilagnarterlastar =Uri %Aran 86as• TZUGGY AND BAEOUOM-41ED es1 be .04 Gese i.... NicsDAT NoUSING.A Mke' 11 o'clock Gerdel Wes =,51 &set If slillet= m aigui Irese4 son 4 .4 - MOLUNIMIs SOYA - . Fad., CLOAK. 4, FALL. SHA*I..S. FALL DRESS [WOODS, A. BATES, NO. 21 FIFTH ,54' A REElr, , siLus, SctKS. F r i • . FoR FAI L TRADE. WOOLEN I t it vies 1200 lbs. Blue GrO K. Yarn; 500 " Fine Emi4n Yarn; ' • Isl DEAD, AEUILLME, PUNS* 8, BOARLET, IFERINO, ssd ocher d , strOrlaaoloti; tqcottuor with UK Well Beletted and AgOrted Block or •-', • DEEM TILIESIG _ HOSLL'ILY, GLOVES, • • -.; NOTIONS, and SMALL WARES, 4.1 AT THE LOWEST PRIG* FOR UM••- 4 . WTIOLEJALY AHD itick . ... 114. AC RUDE AiLYDA, Nu. 7$ at/so-art STAICIL sun GET THE BEST. GRAY'S PAi7PNT MOULDED 04LLARS 1113 BY • • THE BEST COLLARS le&R MARS = Ai, • She edge brute n nerfoet mum.erielSe dem not brut Into corners se noticed to all other.nelliare 117 the mooldith . f these eollern. Ales sneer sdp thrown off horn the thek thin steialnig ehddTg hdlt of the tack and the ere of the eeiraAbenidnenavimit from defacement by pereftratlonjelttn the mar treat]) eti - engtheard, .a 4 . 01 broilarea; Is this rather the inaonthletnrcrtL u •litatnni brit, of potlioo, oas to VA wearer. sad ;‘ ti% Them collass ars puked In am Data of ray . ter, eerie - enfant pacitege for the tenlite. sod tit for toooth's J0t , r.0 , 0 , Bold W noleeals sod &tall. by f 5 • EATON, MACRtrid it 804 • sale lica IT msd 111 rm - a Prms REMEMBER THE GREAt CLEARANCEBAL 'f i CLOAKS, BHA, 3. suarniEß Dnuss'Ast)tvis J. W. BARKER 43101., SUktbiEß GOODS jszLzaso cunt af4 77 and 19 Markeeitrer. Earsitas is Ramses atom I[3l 01431011 Old Nadi as I. tams Nes tort opero Lissa litaadaststa ts a. fa plata Itos3sla sad Mat * atttatsat. boasts foss aro sad sot shames. Loire. inna aciaammtast. Wpm's/cab* afar at disfilsd targszas Melts Ills eau, Oadassatsts Idaselhatsias, laaW Damon sat WA Bildt. 6 uisa 3 trtird l2 l NW* * sad Oallass Bost saga of raest ceusgs, ta any" Catramit essio radt4artsidattlall Onsets. DerZaa &Um. 13altsoral. lasd IWO Efatsrais Lead. GUMPa w ratil• esa,, GUI • Id, Zaose and Usti Waists . 1 • • : Pas asibrstlas stastas sat atm. /Intaktast atoms la ass Worts sest:: WHOLxciaix Room d UAW sad Mahn an *kw kraut ater Sotit lfitrkal Cketil,t4t. ,TOBRES Hos e CM; so.:Auntst*RiifThl Narthetut ter, poll cut Itreety SW iettroulfr "44%41 NEW FAL: GOODIN 1, 4 A Large Stock of tiosXs Hand, ifbidlare settles at r• ?Tholeplel 114 - - ciw eicei Wee rup.irste l klif to , ar t a lot of ItIiCVARTS cabs ehen,-1-1"' L 088213 TRIBEAUNGS I , 141-21mtat,W 4 G'3of4 iPtidout uctroxi•LAPrK 1,'""uq.3 6 vim B•itr item la x i a 4 - wanz usizift .1384 ucK93*. •fttu ancitosai a JUNO:lnnis° GAraIUD Jr" 1 4 4 4 i leezn VilE l,ol +YalUE - FPV 577/088# _es, toys:. Einuin, mum t.' - ut Rail* strator.ems. FINAL lIKIIIO VAL. AMR HALL &GO gm one that: more weizr.M4s act. & iis s wait. Pitt mut.7.atie Oft talta.mi - o .I.AJ RUOVAL..-ent , hSaliusg -Gene" Ozezeasism, Itaidwa, ttaTis i tAnor tersazasrim maim. 7)Z. T/STR 012EPH ADAMS, Derttist, azildhle.„ errlrof Dlrmo ••• • 1 _PUbbirrt.._ Dr. IL tollogiti4/48aDol APPIIIII*1110* ) Rod 1111, - v , 4 -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers