.~ :r.° - =MEE ' ;EST i----,-----------i---------------, .7-_,..„... '-tie 9iwbutot Onzettf. ,l, . . . = ~ • RCIDLISIItgED FY L -1 TO otat 61:rnscil33lZEI6_ ..!..f. imdcrelerf, p bubltaut, oofu lribetrA,tbLo 1 Ps. ri" MR* bstmlysabjFaKp4: a asee - / oia etbsle lipal;f ittrlpt, 44, utl4 ust TUR itiazirrnr. -- *dm &Utica, pet sot, delhra .'3%.4an'5eT."...,- , ? l' , ', - . i.rrtr------.-,-L.-Sl o os f , ,:• , ;-" • tor'Sx oloattakth 4 ' 4 "': _._t '.' C ' 3 -._ ..1 ": - Ibr',Uarar lamas. -." ' rw ~,mivatfo.s. b raw, Per 'ITAL..* you, bi alma- , la go r,....,!•:;.. •i----0,...,...tb..-7--:---- .0: , .i .. 1.. a. - • • 1 : '-'-- ,-- 'Tag CaBOSICLX. - - !rear, eouTma by auster.—......--........ SI 1„. i",roar. bt!ilairabeisztit 4rsall,-....e.....,..:4 ,- 4 4 1111 .1f=1 . 11... - " •••••••••+ r.. " , :. 4 P. e*lnsfauut: ," - *. - 0 .......... ..... ....... its i* -:: - . •.! .- S P comittutota. ---- - ! I F Ilia. iitaistea try canter—:-.......---. _s Toig•lii,Vancavernsittin..t......i.sis ott .`rMsindia,- f . ,_..,' i n, ,`• ..--,--...i:..—,*60 , ab.liorif einotetios, " • - - OtILLILLYS IioIEISIGIrr, . , .44.."..1y0thx....c..t. ...,....,,.... lieneliortee BZWBPAZILU UM .', ' 1 4.1.02120111/0 00 /7 AFP!... ' - ' • : — ':''' l ' ,Otidlag ,Matter Ironic-Yesterday's-. ..! : - ,..f;•:: Kreninc-Gazette. ]'-'-- —. " . r " 44. " 4"7 7 7 r ...'..", -‘•-, .. ,- . , • The• )(OR Toric Tritst se boo: the 'following - - - ~filtorial• - - '' Kit to eery certain ~ thst nice. of , thosOirho' -4olr the tenet boil Moat to esy respactiog 'ttiotrzientn neer . .,..in .progreas looting to the, ltodfiention . of ' our country:- Most of tici; ',s:irrysper talk on thin sugent Is as wild as laetll ovoid be. • We are , -oonfident that' the • l' l oo.ot ettuillig a commission, to Richmond to '-..rroperm ttuArreteßos, under extetiny olMuni.` Owlet, fifth neYny`••been entertained bs the : •;-'7reeldent. Werh:Oow kbU an ;stab' r 0444 4, i'htcusly rofiditatedhcit hoimed tii-by our GOT. .- rinnOCllt; tlitt srhether 0 POICO la which blr. .:; - 5.,tt &Iran DiTill is a coAtroccting forty, or ono • glade *fib the Southern people in spite of film; ••:101.11nOt 0.1:lcit:. • .". - . 1 The Puri (Milletarptdit):Siffele.7 -• • ::7-2: •;•-•- 'filba (101*1111r.011t Ur not entortsinef or die ' it sed too prijodthlgapcdngatiarnotalloe with f ' . . 1 • o rebels; noyhas it-any Invention of eendlog •-„,.: , otorelsateners tolililinoiid-thr-therpar o f -i'irotin g or soliciting temp of peace, nor a pes b , : listing with the anthotitlea on that or on any go atthject. -: lts aole,nod nedivided purees is , go protecnte the war nail:the 'thbeillonde • coed- ' 'pd. .lint if anybody doubts ita willisatioeSela - , - c.gake pcaco Wheneyor tho ;abide will lay doNizi .. • , tlceir axus andffefuniftolht VilrOD, hit SIELptO - - LIII . OO any oropostnon• from the rebel scithiiritta o that elicit, or any reliance that they are tle. -*omit ending the war' on thou Same, add he. . : ".• - .Ndil then be In condidento toot the purpeee and . ilispoaltion of theleurnmentist that pdst. lie, • '.. , A vitt ;. nod no - dittniliy of ‘ditay in definisi'tha . .-:;tident's position: on thsteneject." ito7i.(vkie the. followin ;11004°_,Yfr fneotlbed , oa bin-. • - M tbo "Postot=OfWltt a_t•ZinlAS 6 -••,• • - •-t , t6th fast. " Ho mete iriotiid rot a bt Trit2:eltdbost°Vlll.69 gats.,,,to,..prp!! 4t otrotOhbii ^ _ aAbe I..tnotoba. slatrestor.i 1?.ttola 3 . 0,344 retotoo of to oo ta&DigM ' - ' 4 •1•• • •• ,..1j 1 .) -- “Tho.lisoolo aro rood w l r l7 , take 7. 3 . 3 ger? , tote sdnostot of moll • _ _ evoooln dotifonda Ftoro - . t , tho trze,troilOs':w.lau't 14 .pealt!' • "llintgation nu:rebuked is dezpittent anoopt—, 7iAi, rord. - - ,CrnitithipitstrLtnattln-balore he oranhee "Prig balota or fres hulas." • ' "War L dteaolution,avedy and dual." "Tbla 11 a Idgpr war." "We will rye ba iosteri r tsd In a war tor the emaneipationot Illedtardn! - "Bent nit, afinnitinds that thin bitahargibatt , Llneola has naniezed three white min to ee tme negro." - -. Nomithautd, :or con g re.s. ~-.•,,,•'.•.*. 'ibetfcloiirimalaatloas for Congragg. from the ill iinetard dittriett irrte rgigictrOhla it apportioned, . ' + '1 1 " ~•” haTe:bateporapittid,iirid it* as tillotrit' - '!:' Vint, BIIIIjIIIGin EgglatCl3; Sadond, Odlortol ...... ! ..,., Barberiord It. Hayes; Third, *Fall Bgbrrt 0. ;`.. 4 .Schap* Fourth, Jwig:9lTat. I.iirernoe,Plf:l, ;,,,•,:'.....- Were' Mont - 8.. Waiter; Purth, It reder W. ;.:.-..., math; Berep,tb,, Smart • StgaigbArgg4 - E 4 1 . 4 04 , 1. - t - Junco 11. - Babbsiiill , istb, assert3 , B P . Bark ,-.;!-:,..,•:.11.5334; Taptb, Ja mes ht , Arrdel; Ebrrantb, Hers - :'';':' kills El. Bandy; _TINAN:4 lob 8.. BMIC31013; .I. - " ",...'',P` Thirteratb, Oolnzaings Want; P.mrt.rontb, Boa. i b: il . Martin Walks.; Eitteauth, T. A. -Pitatr; Biz : r'.:i : . ,. ' ttantb, Bon. Joh : ILA. 'l3lnttsini_ Beventronth t • - 4, T. f drfralt- Ea ktiVßigitura_tb;Pa ite P .lr p 'sn y tt 1 :t i1 . 1§,; , - Ing; IN inetoeutb, lien. limes B. airfield: ' r : :: ~!'f not. 0. A.l,yhirg, in the, sixth, arid lion. W. u . Vinhk, 4.lt.thjil'ireilttbiiie hug only Dalai.. ,- castle ine s ' ri• in the II Id .. ..,. , .., 0 rim rye. ri , ee. ~ Treason In the 13tood. hao h, ps f&thot,of . 311 0fAA 817 , . 4 lt6lrt(ll- - ' 1 - 'll6 iefd Da Bar, . .... who tguied in t ~- . 4 '.'..' 4211010,VP tb Baas of New,terk , h 'Wallin 8 ► .A., . 4 , t; land, WSW • S-7 . broke out; --d he '''. •-•': "lon tb° "nciii44'4 ll 7 .:iteop 41 the. British i ''.4 . in & Tory woo m_ imam. eotopousst by so " ''''''.:— 14". A an tizt or ,to tte llev wyr ; EiE,m, lad, h d o at. eo r tal . et o ln a , 51d5a1,.,,,m 5 ,, i *ta w tinroa ao *Ps of Ge3i... ." .0. f'!" 1,1947. ',;...."a... 0 pr k at1V - Johre A. eltornio . oth .„. -,,^:;.:- • Wm is , 7l' 4 5Z. f .dli y i„, aor,otor ius o4l4 biosusa, ""; .., - 4 , ,, V or ld n , a bagthe'l'3'l:l3l,2l4rtfor-Ameklin 1 44 l';' 44 thl Caut A i*l9 aa agatalitia ton ight_dar .. 4 ..- ;4.. , i D d i pra _ea --. , ....,_...k. 4 :almond 14 , J . - .: '.".s 6 i nto: Gilmore, o. Now . s l i fiu m s. 4:040,44,4, :.'''' \ 1 A " °llia" o a l 3. it. better known as 1.,".. :It provinoss° , au , .: ii,.. 4 araton,R* " 1 " ' t4 '4 ‘,' ' 4 ''. s.Edtr.made.4‘... o riot ~..„ /„, ' . : ' 'a bl oo d ja...Chleaga .;,,, ..' ! 1 .-i the Vol= Ninanattonsin opegrisei—let Diettiot; MO: M.- BatlsTiht, ChSera o.rreill #.A43, - Leolmst .ltlyere.; - City eotimieslitimi - -Thines - Dbik - Es. Clerk of O.viesse'. Coort—B A. Uerriek. Bemire: of Tes.ef-'—i' Thieriot O'Neill. Register of Willr—Rreloriek-M.-Adsees.: -liheriff—ffon— sy C. Bowen. LogDietivo—let Diotriat, George Oaten ; Yip Wet. U. Itnidlosn ; 4 , 1, W. W. Watt; fich, June Yreyborkt 130 7;4 Tkes. Cooliren; 4tb, Jas r Kereor Dittr,'B. 47 Postioiftillitir , :giot 'Biter; 1411 Droaele Hood; 16;li s Coo: Do lit. 161 b, Eiward a. Lee. ThyrdSeralorial Neoillsytion—klosto Step- Alrlitiettlig — b ietei..etee e'va*; • ',may bee beim formed in ',onion oiled the ' Chiptei Eblettsrlilin o,imptny." ,- Thts emipany • propose to - do co birig.lo+3 tiliit.l ,- >seer to Inch OW is lame a:ol,a ground, ! 'sad to preserve iberein in eistuklite Lemutatake, similar to Ms -1,„, detest toXerarrisathetiftollitilliAletr, • erith, the 'grounds so inelosed, sad lay oat the Interior b the recut aldriotlvp form of isndlespe .gsidenlogotith the fief itti faille - Soluble to 1 A &areal* Ake nedeirs." - It is mantiontd in its .5) 4Tarpsetapthic witivstgag,lrlaws, ir besoiNt 11 TroPlTlY;ictetttiblteterrosetitdi,sadiparkee i -about Ut sores, sitantad mire Ow mitel groin li'SondoeAles kiestireileinseUyobtaintelit Skore, 4 : is to be le hotel, and, Itr 'agape, maw of apart -1.l =sets sad reeldasees are to bejaraished: ' A 1 %31 c ber spuaa otre. yeetahidiiiialea Ifinte id irreo - forls.r atun.l2s.thateu.:—: • ii il• . --- ---- - , ..,'S ' IT WI be obserred by tliolettelof so vi etoui l ;.1 lo a deat aitliViittlitarei arsayilbat Aides 1 - report'? ot diMpatrierit Se000:1 iti safe og , the 1.:) lost rapist by t aw,- g o o koci up co cote. A -catloa with other polateet ilLs comrade i are' ',.,*" :confirmed by .referies sad prisoners all at 9, rhom alto Ist toying that Ws his herk, emote p, ipiliZtli ti and that as iirrouregaeries, the rails • Ili is ta - lisee:beca rodaead to ahoterattons. -- li ^This Is haportaat. - The Massa : Ridtread 1 1- al g -401101M1111 . t0 Atleata , as ibis:Weldon Railroad to . A . itiam°64a4 7 tuition. and 40i1bUSSI lit ob.' • ~,, dilute &L Nit: jlbillasdo to hold the former as —", -tas- boon ateileNto tire - the .'_lreakeeill IMO_ the ' 4 latter. It lie an not ID:meetly Informedi the i c 136 xt few diquwilliellitess yery important mole 'locate' arooadAdshtii,ntatbe. result of yrtdolt .-. ii- Igor tuTortanet - at Ilmetz-4#41.,,0ari ihishi; i7-.O...CrOCaREO-q5,9r-le4, "•,..-'-'::;;'•-•i" e _Telenet generally known p nallad:alons • 7 posttests the cuslityArrify Ingister, Arable. 4poollfCil of palveriztn eliustipilnkbor Into a ": Peogebead. of-ester (thirlerAir Wald satlsorsosoS; tail) after sloe benre,l7. proolpltatlna to Absbeltios the Dittltdilitdotelsilleir/SUYlttt iste it.will be-losr d. to possess nearly MLA'S* bleb- , rahotatololartees-gellons.ssay be poplibsd. leslaglS tesespoonbal ottbe ,Tusiveligerltie of' dailaborers oes ea the BIWA pi e seltelttthlxV ~f ty ta coititker - IL • - -''''''',...''':' 7; -" ' '" ,,, ,... rr'' . .."....‘„,.', " '; ', ...iii ' .. ---- . 7 , 7 "7 . 5:7 7* 7.711kr.i..- , .1 . -' ; ',•: ,, ' ".• '. 1 '' ' •_.' : - . ii, ~ '.• -...- ii . - . ' ' 7r t 'L.-- 7,4 ----"- R. '" -Metter 11T311 Alf aohlogtou. sentstßOS, AugloSt 27, its Jffers. Editc4o4',lbo:lleri.c., frynythe boat is -orifilosedl bore of Mir first importance, and I, ,wa.tc ed with ' speca-inforiat:::. thd4lo l dfcit , stittiess di Gar seinlY,Pternefetpeir !Sit/Wats ea 11 . eidon Raiidad:Andioatafdliidi 4;at.ii.li,i-a -1 tto I#.por Gassier' GratiVertrocessferlMoirotaret.- . nlint wei watt now is , such _odditional - foro as 6tS ll eieWn the terrible work vitt, Complete succors Serer were ouch iititietY7St- itite: 'Tf,ji,l'lriends of secersion,..is,.pui midst,' are On CYO alert. i They am muslialing_ their hula this` doy at Chicago ' for a blow in the rear it one gel , ' lent; wildiers. Oh, : shell It be told that we wets worbrthy of tins limiter' of freedom,and that It 144 therefore. been pricke d frentiotlandsl When we Mean the nisMstYorthe totelel4'.wid4 nog Wallah the land it Atior' fied'arCtlainter) how all erase sine'man'tb vluddegelhrt , ,honor of oamg.s g,silt nail d.lfeter , o I were (cr teemed to be) sw:snowed p induce? .2,. to thocountrYthow thi s " orsto ha dwarfed et. it dolindlo dto what we are or seem te Venus I Great Ileaveal L . not benne of the eter!the Buie now- as When it began? An those map mad who.forget .thit ' tho Jens diabolical hands_whieh' had 'bean sis ' - Iniigloiling ire now.dirootiug the bolts of do. ' eisisction iganurthe natal - Ars not Besure• gird ant:l.llWe and Davis and Toomist. still: (ales 1 olive 'and still leborhog to aosomollsh, She plans theintlation of which so Guinea:the ' , patriotic bout In Aptil,lBslt: Thu A hrefacts which it Is lippointhle ta &natl. Bit, With 40111.04ertinatityithetervantsot Davis-in-Mu -reitise 'salve to Oemn - dp twatistzrot mamas, and have oven led masyth believe...that-it was the„' ant Linooln" who attacked Fort Ea at ter,,,f lad put to the swords' thatalialt; lons of . South Csr,dlni while Sghtingfor the lizioa 1 ...,.. Tim arta mettle bagntout int the antiority 'of thalinttedStstes Governmentshill, bevel:den , -re-eitabiblied ever all Union sal; or , the' soy.] States must adinit.that :they - were in,the.wroeg }nalecting a ktraddant In 1860 - . _. They . must ad Mit thit the ebb thousands on every battle field of this wax are vlotime to a hideous wrong on cur part, or sloe th ey mutt stand by the obese in ;fetich thesdt vast Bacillus have already been. made. tis sad tb see on bow small matters Aron the' blonde of the , Union fall ont,,white yot the great contest is Matti and army , fewis army on thebtoody Bold I Why need the artmapition of. tte Governor of Futneylvania ha wrier on the . psirlotle Secretory', of War, wten he estate' It to and, bonen and moth stiocessfelly oaths .6tentry'e itemise l e a rned trey look sport lle3i htteeks may be from the aloe _With 'laid/ Mr. •, Clymer "lends a -lan d" It Ls net' becattui be loves . the Goinnur, but becalm' hb 'hates our corns. Tait not pearl. Me to convince any one who knows the en , 'stogy, the tartest} , anti the, inswerving patriot. Ina of Mr. Stanton, that he acts In his greet (nice from Otworthy motives. He his been so 1 lorg smetraly. Arta in Arduous, pOSitieol. thit charge. of that sort will ortwedentie. . The' men who stood alone against Barbican and Me etbinot, and veneidshodthe horde by the simple might oi banest,'„ fusion integrity; _ who hes Onto kept at bey end put to night IIItITMI of greedy 4ettouta and ro'ptad aut. dnomcdenei and sot aside half-hearted psteittism, is act ths.men, to chugs witireither ;diahonesty.or inefficioney. nous streny,tberi his,:koodrig.ltt 9,Cm.y , ' ' .' " The times demand a TOrgetfuliamot self : van. =divided front ts the common tie. both lithe Sold end in the council; a anion otall true Jaen in support of the ',nrcsident , and the 'war, Fitl up the armies and ..,n. to victory , - urnsticsa; GLEANIIIGS A Herniae Exitsci.—Gallpanat " speiti of Abe.atinceon Of too 'indent little • republic of 'Creleetiniers (Valleyet Dopes); which existed 'sos , o longSrlitout magistrate army or lames: It - Itardisappssed from the snap of Europe. toO iii, 34 ins-.' the Enneb .gendarceery bum etatolielbeir functions in the smell distriotnow definitely annexed to France. -• .• '' "X r oturrixst hundred dollar Oak was disolls led hat Whdneedey,„ in the Treasury Itspart i,wienti who represented that his pride would not allow him to •appeei In'the Llama i States uni form worn by the' tdeck's'brigade. Ills brigade ought to mike him a remit of a•fall.uniferas, . ' eons-Wing of crindlinesuld a . ,.nigtit tot That soigEt Soothe his delicate pride I ..... ...... Ir is stated that the British. Aihniralrefesld Cho allow the Tallahassee to coal in Halifax, after . cis lad tali* in a ticsk'S "ropy. It is a pity the . FnEllib diktats do not occasionally stop these IllogiVroiseerlikiinshe outset. . After the - evil; is mainly done there is great shear ofenergy, es wittere the, orighal esoape of this 'Alabama. roe ac t .. Tn. ict fXsplain Listean,-.7h0 wont-downArk ths auntie Tionmeehofiliobdeoreien instance or moths, mosses:Y. - As the pliotandlistrelf,' ...t,tetsskin,the Tassel, snored to this ladder,. the .:•Ceptain'stipped aside, 'eying, "Ton din sir." I Tne pilot Vail wed, and the hero poished in ! his magnanimity, an minipill ail tioble so Sid- toy. Tom mid ram Tummies cost the rebels fear Mil one of dollar" in their =raw, and was built at Mobile by ono' Yierce,'forrestir Nasal Coostractor AL* thet.,Norfolk letra. .the le bordt on a testier sblp's bottom and - about twelve feet atrhaitric , trowtheinter.: Wee Zia Proasnar ,krititZdt Is thought that the fire per cent. special was tie, on la ncers', that becomes due .oefober owing to the ncr.tary wort of tssig, adseztising, &a, 'hardly be called for by the coileetori before ±Difnieliet 1.. , , • Dosnsolthe - weet ending Thursday, 0,083 im migrants !from Europe. arrived at New Yogis. Thu makes atone' of 132,275 from first of Jan uary lut,!end show" Inoceeewof about thirty theta and; over the arrivals during the cones _panning Season ba 1860. - • " AZOEBtIIOP PIIIICILL. of Cincinnati, warns the Catholieelo his Jorisdletion again: t Joining the oath-beind ter:et-political societies of both the Republicin end Da:no:nab ;attire, 'sidle he nnmeivra In Ohio and other Writers' States. d N dispatch reports that the North ern recreting agents are meetingwlth poor sus :isiss In Northern Alabama and the adjoining sections. These agents, 225 , 10 number, have vMir stelired IMO reeznita that far. frdports at New York so far, ibis year, are forsindliion dollar' over last year in the same time, and the e sports, reckoned in couvenay, here `increased sixteen mintobs. 6111111:11 among w-rkmen ere common Sn & ag,- . tud jot now. 11. tinastlon of 'dilfsterieetn one nate was'; Whether the men should go to:the mas toiler ley, or the muter go to them at their with L. Tars Ifi the etason .for 'nitrides In Prance. lhe ;furore of charcoal appear this year to be l i 'Preferred to the:l3old beth'of • the Se i ne. Fssh- I ntt of Death' iffer ar'well idithcsci,of • iteincliz Tarty tithing Labsoli'MblMMin• ngtmeming at Webster; Mus. - ; hit beep obliged tr.- camp ph the side on ishbitaten/4Pritlhings* 'Wig unable to. get der OM name. - • .• Tat batbitraterebelslgnit-Ilftparess bullets thieved a leds'a lane stirt..on standing tS - Ohlo' the othat 'day. IUPPIIY the lady wasn't dn the start. , Osuindlerlng Is said to prevail In 'Northern' I.lstainprr avnt.siot being able at.preaut to 'tepnly inhabitants with tree food as hereto fcrb. Its !few York lemmata General estimates. the,rumber of persons kilted to New York ally dating the slots at ffillyi;oooi . . tin ?rain soldiers arm,gettlng e lerkshtps In Wiudelnitton., ,Illehlt.!Let th eablabodied weeks go to the ,„ Al_ ahtal.tiolghlbg isurnimiin and a hilf tons „ :witit'letently cast at Dudes; Canada, for the • Stud 'flunk, Itsthr my. • - • Tom +l , Stams sa„f the. p-rfrr. tobices to tries: They wpot to ha good, but Alio, also .vsat to. 1°- 0 01 . 3" 1 .0/. nOldPiliiff - Itti4 &re 4 0 # 5 : eV:Vet:pis pet . poend. GuniumiTria boy Itotill In P,irelaaa, bra: Mg a tanner'. PrOri !Alice ekanges. rostriastordcankmokoo the fol. t o ,P44atiken.t.if , DokPigi Marta, bliiketutor, York ' ! 157 T D . 1 7 / T , "4 4 -r e? Belvi / 1010 . 10 . War4irtiolitokr. -trrrigisorrery.-. pkikWtanloi .alto .1:loorgo W. Di~d',l4unr; Pailkrattor,' Laury's hHon ICAO tiquatY,PiizOkrazasoriaa'lonit.ll.thaty re E. G., Oiniistel,,Bianasn, Slto gbe ay! ocirky; ,YokzuWrialsjirlod / WWerat e ! reOgn4d: • • :/ - ,D4 II eGiST S4 susiole.roblaroli ,Didai. .PUBA DIMS Awn crux cm.m; rszeutnEnt, 70101 aoons,strauso map, OILS. FAULLX ItsanallES; Ate 4 eS , sielatts prim AtretitTs Wolk 46 offers si kr1M11:414011. 03t11.2 atilithfiadA44, Irpar.th. streets MUMMA , rxtecintptiosia clestaily mamma odas.4ho7.l.- , VA 'ROSTOCK. &-00.,-Wholesalle may; baud: dwcf~ of warTL LOAD wood ia-riva MOMS, Irtrteitraittu, "nRi ABORGE ol Dr b og ist i - Wed.Ort#4,olllls,-114,17-alq. - 4 , 1 3 1... „Ef EMU _ 1114"1""IIS MN A Ycrttu tr.strAmhlit nicer Somw y a k , • UnitilT P8°1101,2111 tal;:o'44. V 4 4: ; 74.0214.5 SIOOPER IdONTR.-44T0 and relia• bla Aezt% itt (I,' d sterrea•re also la tbsi 'Mat Imnittre? banntio kiAtrix. .10 tbk• Or •v . 44 els to x. O. asuouir -12Poskirsh ~ .a....~~`.'.' rc...~..i~.~C..d - ~,~t'.d:~:t'f ~r' t t`c,t: _: ~a,}. .* Clip " ai11.11.16r11661 YAll "eureart RON SINNANDOA. Clip - 1 = d for HEAVY SKIRMISHING ON' "MONDAY:. Wr e n:_No ti ml i na li t t e snalio n cl: The Enemy Foßacko read vt Or n a Blanker A 6INERE ENG AGI,IIECT NEAR...SMITHFIELD Retreat of the, Rebels 4cross OPequan Creek. UASITA - 14 ZI ESAU OUZ lIIMDRUJI. MABTINSBURG , IS - 104 NEL:O BY GEN. AVERILL eptc4llitryttteb to the Pltlablay,h Gustte. Wasaciasoi, August 50,1864 . . The following has just been received Ist this . - Buretu: arirle.tostri, Tuesday, dog. Rilth.—Shasy skit• sighing occurred from daybreak, yesterday, until 'Limit tee o'clock, p. m., in the vicinitrof Smith. ...fold, between Alenitt's cavalry dielepu ,and,the. rear.guard; of., Fatly. At daylight, yesterday morning, ihe brigade of General. Cantor was thrown - across the pimp:tem, beyond Smithfield, and until 1,1 o'clock, wail:Allay ingagedlit 'kir; minbing with the rebeli, - gr - aililally•foreitig thank beck towaids 'Dunker /till, when it is linseed Eng, re Main rotes wereatitioned. At 11 o'clock the enemy's infantry was pushed forward, and OtstiewaCeo - mpalled to remote the meth, - where ti?, war joined by the brigades of De Correia end Gibbs, the latter forming. a reserve with Coster end De Cesspit' on the Veit and left respectively. Here the enemy Wu held in cheek for some time, when he threw two trivia's of Infantry; °cross the Creek on into riLot and left, with the intention of outtlenkies us, and it was drama a' to fall b tOk on Sinlthfleid, one inDe frt m the meek. Thaonenry stlll greas ed forward, using eight piece. of artillery, which :Wi - nicePOnded to by the latteries attached to the eemmends of Coster, Gibbs and De Ceniola. At Emittlield the enemy was ,held in bay by the determined resistance of out oa'rklry,torhall aa hone; ierhen he again advanced in superior numb , n, and we slowly retired two mimeo, leav ing the townin hit poscatalon. 'At this juncture, Pickett's division, of the Eyriui Corps,: arrived, anit throwing oat a strong . Bacot Obeid:hero, advanied upon the roomy, who fill back. Gers."Torhett and derrilt tson pneent &trio our Cannonading, end personally superintended . . L. . ,the mattouvenag of nr =pips. : - •Onr raratltios will not exceed 100. Among the killed we regret to mention Dr. W. H. Rultion, Illealral Director of the cavalry corps. He ?resrllling along cur front with - Gen: Terbett and staff, when he wag /track by the ballot of a debelitharpshooter, naming Ida death in a very few minutes. Dr. Balisiiit *ea highly etteemtd, and his death is , universally regret . Lienciletly, of the 921 a Yak, and Mont. • Alfred of the let New York dragoon:, ware 'sounded in I ettailpy's ,engagement, the letter der geroutly. Citizens residing In the vichaty of . Elatithdeld ray, that fitrly,greckluridge arid Gordon were pretest during the fight. Askirmieh oleo took place at gtniithraeld on Sridey, when Custer charged through the town on the enetly's cavalry, there stationed, driving him across the river and eaptaring never prig, 1)::011: Heavy 'rainbriesera be arriving, he was compelled to fell back enttblield. 'lbis mernieg, at le Veloric., everything to nedir, and nothing d•flatts is known of the one rey's. Movetaants. Ibis supposed, beirawer, to be retreating up the - liertinstoarg is now bald by Armin, who Is vigilantly ;carding the upper foal of the Po. • tor,so. • • New It . —The Ilendt's earleipon• dot glees tie following account of the figh r ting in the Shenandoah Valleys Gen. Mortice/sal vi.icat of Tot:beteg' ovally was fighting Gratiley Johneon's .cavalry and one disitioo Eirtrif blantry dey yesteidiy;tbs;lidtb. He come 'ripen Jobe . ton% •corentand anadsty,and . the conotry being epee, the let wed -23 Regulate . rovt theta; by & conater etmge, as timpani,' "CIO obargiog down open them. The ,conisiort ot the two columns was filarial, and there eru more elan tatting than has been seen before daring the war. Johnson was drifen from Cbarleetoern. threagh . and beyond Smithfield. Illerritt's division connoted the town. This meaning (2tfuo the enemy brottht a di vieion cf infantry spinet our cavalry, mad the - fighting continued bravely eatil shont 3 eeleek, ben Eberiden, who hid goni to the front, sett to Wright, of the 61 corps,.fer a ditislou of his trsopa He at once direeted Pickens to alumna wish the Picketti male it marsh of two mites or more, cad relayed Torbetes caval ry who bad fought most: splendidly all day., P' oretts' ; division advaneed nearly a mile before bo :Lund the enemy's line; then a sktrehish en sued a shout fire minnter, and the enemy fell bast for the night gear Martinsburg, Va. The Beegre Harpor'e Ferry ecrrepladenes ray s, a gentler:len well pcstrd informs him that be believes a great battle will be fought near if arser's Ferry, and the rebels bare not given up tee idea of an intuit:a of Maryland and Penn sylvania. /W. 7110116 Aug. 31.—The Aweric . xn her the following from the headquartme of the Middle Department, under date of Aug 30: "The po sitjon of our gamy, sines my !otter ef yesterday, I,r-eine unchanged. There was •epirited env. '.ac l 2r, .15.,She 7dBJ, in 1144 Le.:l4 LUChlaing w o nlllo4l, ler tot stowed 'ono .hundred, whilst that of the enemy nowt have been =ochre:Mei as we had the edvantage of position. ft reconnoissance/au doe eloped the fay el:fueled doubt that. the enemy; has a lame fer. e mom :front, Malt ti thtuz,ht are ecneentrsting at rfloaker• .01eatti,of diti'leess distinetly aein, , yestarday . atittriS Rem the rond tween if ittoletter. supposed to iniutaused.,by enemy's wagon train going up the Valley.. • • . • _Rebel Pen. Forrest Is iteported Ad Tguei n g upon eallailni KY. GUERRILLAS COOKITTIIIG DEPREDATIOIS II lEN TUCK!. • L(Onfil=i, Allot 81.—Pasiragero b 7 the Nachviiie train ell that Whet.ley, - Oink kis entire forte, appeared et the ,bend 01.11t11•cutudatrand rivtr, tternikno hil* °align; via “ptured moo,' ot,lhodatal trtocps, and warn.attempt , to; doss the rivar.thie morn (near au advance. at franc Ors Welt* (Unsaid; the kirnittea* bet being qrtobahly socall,l : :”.•• • - IL - report reached CavoCity,K4 , tint the Cid*. - 1:1•1 ;•01,121andt.ettkif:r..at a a attai oraerei the lep.it,thoteto'bd bar:it d, at tt xis 'within:' Inc asugtoof hie gang, . • • , • .1 gangirent into Ghent, .n.y4lattninkt,..l •0j lutving,phfrttbjrtean negrod is theincbarbz. The: Witty, hota6 &Aide stalled thetiibele. out of -Okient theeppasita ills of • 11ake!liennattrs toad of secant= erent , UM: ireitsbolo ou-Satarday afternoon, captured_ .ad, chat Copt Wallow' , 81 , Kentucky asvalry,.tap , tared ten - nolgroio dad Chet spreeol'o9U the; ictoaintalc. three. concealing, 11.pferelval,.ku • ll._ wharf boat: ~."as tibiae tenth*, TIWt O, • an d Ore, nat. lhe ciao: us afterward entingulchou the 814911135. • .Tavity etenithu aader Chipt.'Pratt sttiekod TOporevKle on Sunday night, sad ware ,reprapd by the Miderscri? county guards. . . • ...Last Tneadayr.Dtiphstorrobbcd 'David n112117'4 'ban SICIT-.Bridbory, shot Hr. Henry end 'du. sto:iated .1i farntittnit.... • The Battiest Beams , Station—The Canal 9tlll 1h Pr ~ Nam, You, Augast ifercdcl'i Array Tommy eorrempondeat es7s The number of mimilag from the,:battle ef Itemes station im be "tog r tradl7 reduced b7tho arrival et moldier/ who IcadEtta 'scattered through the wooda. earrespondenorithiM,lBlli caps, .rl.lll ; The canal be still . 1m: prognit4 and the "Elblag warty' freilamat/7 shelled, by No iyltlioto damns. Steamer Sunk. - Cita°, Angost 70,—The steamer JohnSwesai, fiord for Bt. Louis, withont , el cargo; strnek • muLg, at Devil's Isiond, Vier , on I/nodal night. - . No fins were , The Obloriter hts .zireeflee feet In - the pest week and is still ridikgr and the exports ~f,net7 ,ton are twelve tale! from Totemlmie.', El I There Is nothing from below'. Dtatla al A. U. Saint'. nig: . muvic.u;Aut, telegram' reeeivad here, leotard...pi from aoritoge, aDntaltut the painful Irktelgenoe of the death of AB. Smith, Prerideet ono General Baptrieteadeet df tits Wisconsin Butts arta .aitaltuotaitalegreph Saes, sr a V 471 bl3e; alpaca. . - 1 - , , - • -... : „._........-„, ..,....., - .-. , 4440 1 . - r.+ 4 .P ,,,- =' ~,,, '''---'' 'r - - - -•* *, - t -, ' - ',' -: • g- - ,- - ~.., ' „„:,..1.2 -. - -z, ,, , , .- - -,-„ - ,,, ~,7„, .7, - _ , 7: 7 .--- , --,.., ~ , , - ,_=•-•-;-, - - - - : 2-1•::-'ZZ., =.', -.`,":!:<,-;. i. , ....Z . ....* -...t1,4 .-...,- 11... i --.; ''''-'''''':'''''2:-l'':4'-'':'''T''''-'"'':'''''2;-47'''''."'-'cl't''''t''''''''-'''''''':::';-C'''::''':':'-'4l:.''r'''''t'r.f''';'j'72-tit'''l;f''j.'-:':'-'j;'::;:;';''-"';'',13;f:'r:':'";,.-''A'''':l''.l::'47;7:lt.,i-'i•7'F-I'ti-‘.;C:;47'.=;,:-:.::Zs' 4:*-1,.:%-ta'-if;':::','",jj'&7;`'ll:k.l2-',1'116.:',..--,..:.;17,2,..z. ,-,,,, ;1,--,..'-,,),..c.' ;:,`P:;;,tf.Z---:-.4.'''-i',i,..-3=•::-',4'.1-4,2--'..4,,..Z.S.....k.••;,-..,,, ".„..1,;,-, ~,,..a,-,-.-4,-.?„3„..,..f.,2,:x.,,,,x,..,_,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,v,,,,.. ~ p ....__. • . . . 7..e.k . ,-,..,,- --,--.- .-,',.;-,-;„ :‘,.--„.•,.:•,...-.„' .-..,,-.:„-:. -:toGAZ ETTE. . ; . ~...,_.;.: . PErainrroN, OP omo,I7OMINATEO Foa VICE PRESIDENT. IT,coitiruz E3certe A VISITOR KNOCKED Br A. DELEGATE. Voitul, eptea mewl t a f ro fittaborigh Gantt. Oaioiva, Qn6.3/, /gel. Geo.-13. hlocielloA war lloll2lrated fat 'Pter.l. 3 dont on the And ballot, at 11 o'clock c in., K. 1 SZCOND DIES• 7011. • Cutout*, Aug. 31,184. ' reedit:fah Ohio, has .been nominate.' for Vico Pricident, by the I)*OcratlO-Natlhat , . Oonvention4 ! . -• Ottioino, !Augast 30,...49-iten,hir. Harris, of taiylaild, will walking:towards' his said after befog deolated out of order, because of remarks that, tf 111;01411an wee nominated, he would not rapport titre. p I.erio n ,not , a delegate, althea eh ;sitting !titbit: the 'cicle, laid to him: "Yon , ought to be 'Earned out'af the convention, ion ' damned ., trot or," whereupon }Terris turned i i around end °eked him out of his chair. This lndiethey added much to the general caeca:ton illob Previa ed for several minutes. • ' c. night, etas, Long end Mai ,Whe opa :albite with hem are making ,strerantie iffotto to encore a ono:third rote , agalnit McClellan, but the friendi of AfeClellan aresangultte. ' • The ,eorieltistory and ponds contra punned by Guthrie oft the convention resell:alone seems to onset the arta appreval of the IdeCiellin- Ore. and to.eight - h looms a strong candidate for Vice Proidont. CITi AND SUBUBBAN tlle Freednieule Weston Wilmot i.om the report of Bev. Charles A. Dickey, Secretary of the Board. of Freedmen'! Mb elan, the/. the work of the past 'earls, been moat encouraging. Quite a number of mission— • Mita have returned north to spend tho hot M-ontho, bet nearly all are anxious to return. Prepara tions are mating fora groat work tmong those oppressed people daring the coming year. The Seemlier)* Baia: It la the design. of tho Board to establish four Vlokotarg end Darla' Bend,Siisai Blempltin and Enoisille, Tonic. A corps - of teschen,will be tont to each of these fis!ds, sad over etch COTS .41 be placed, if ponlblo, an carton iapOianred erilstsr. Tho Board for tha.,4*,-Ips; if parable, to IlyTe let each ocirt`i a inmhang and Vile, (either rho Saperintendent or a male tea her and his wife,) so that single to stelae may have o home end each corps eon ' elitists a family. . The Board has Ideated tt. tesohert, and now, l isiltb,"looks to the Church (wiper able, earnest, gouty .ralnitters ,to superintend aad successfully .prottoute "gforlous 'Md benevolent work,. Tim salaries for the coraineyear l*ere Dim as 'foliose Minbtulel Buperinte calm t,1400 ; oath her, $5OO ; each .feinale teacher, $lll. - The follonlyg teachers wire elected foe the coning pear: For Vicksburg—Copt. Joseph- Moorehead and elle; Fibres Ricketts, Drown, (Bestow, Gansu, Hammond, Befob and Caoacoingi. For 'Davie Bend—Messre• John Lackey and David M. MoFates - Missal Findlay, I. Wel. lere, lo. Sn. Andrews and prPtalotlf.h. For hisomphie—lll'•, C. Brown all site ; Mister Jchaston end Strang. For Reenvillo-s-Mr. 11' J. Crean:Al, and Xlcs• is Crtrancli, Frasier and Elcs.l9. The Board will hold a special I:Loath:4 to elect-e Superintendent for each corps as soon so their Appeal ibr astaliters proves effeatnol, It 14 J.Topaval that those chosen shall start S. Taela47l4:lL) of oOtobox not, Tbr.se who canaonreoaeatly. win mit it Pitt/. btyght tl Moadey, October. SI, as it Is proposed to have a farewell meeting on Monday granter, at 7 ';;, to the lst U. P.Clinreh, Pitts. burgagßaw.l4.:J.R.eisPs) 'lt is neopoltod that eras meeting be peril:rater!, tateresting floss tbe feet - that'the First Speed of the West w.ll be la session at the tl=l. is Alitishons. City. , . , Itoid Robberies In Velment° County. On Tuesday owsniag et !sit week. the house of ItAart H ; Kiis near, of Sager emelt totrashlp, Venal ga Momiyiaboit two and a half gals from ltraohlin, was entered by two or three maw, Wad _ . At et ritely &Ilan Lakin therefrom. The dr , Oe mit, t es! are an felt:ars: In the forepart of the night Mrs lir.. heard 'a slight noise In the bed • reels end arcniedbir. Z.:14(4. 1 *n' !slang up in the bed feeindarevelearptisestedatlds head, end! war tat:mended not to more or he wet a "deed matt." While In tots position, another neon tied hi. lards ani fine with a vont noel, when be was Mated by the neat to a bedpost with a tumeikeretsf. Hrs. K. was stoolla , ly as. paled o!. ..ft cliallt *St then throws' one bath, a light struck, and the robbers proceeded coolly to thcicog'olY ream& the home. They state! tbst they had been in the house sometime before pr. and bin. awoke, and had rillsd all the ets ha the clothitg K no as well se down eters. At the request of Mrs. K. they left flee dollars, but pot keine the in 1 above stated.. They then Inquired for somtthleg to eat, and after satiety tag them/elves with the beet In the house, they E l l"&e 4 b . lairpo t e. d .: , tr.l , h v o.e. i .ng ittitt i Zt `:.1.,T1',, ( X tor Urea the hewn. On Sande' , evenlng, the f4:1., the bowls o !JIM Levier, el Richland mailable, w., enteral while the fatally were at church, end pg.goo taken theiefrcut Oco 'Daniel Will•ante • general loafer, has been arrested and lodged in jail, on sarpinion if being the thief. Ito Tlonnik- Tax in. Blanchester. A special rocettng of the Manottestor C was tell on hit nday evening, for the Tarpon of considering too propriet, of Luning bonds for tilt pap ment'of bounder to MI It, pots of that Ent triot with svolanuirs. The .o.thltithoe Com. parthancO .6f*Vcoiellion.,agittor l si n g theneth to do,, prep rasa to 'ordiainee providi.R for :be tuna cf is' the meant of $14;600, tole applied to the psyment of •hotratisa , ,The ordinance woo adopted, sod also an ordinance providing for the lei., of o tan of oil istifs on the dolith, On'tbeirAP conntjureistodst, for the purpose ofaedeemings ittliAlo77l l lWaAft;4 o, dot issnoti. 7,hir,04 . 4 Fjil,ks,l"irb4 end q 9 ed forthwith. •" ' • - • . s. The liorovgb anthmities, it .strfkes ray are ooting 14sely,in providing for, he colleettort of the entire tax. They go upon the pritteltde that Is totter tb tollace the 'litho tax now, when =troy to 'abundant,than to: leave *por tion of the debt banging orranhe norporation, ' for two err three ;sato to come, when dimes M y. le hard and nioneetearbs: Thiy isti_ptinting - e eitta,.lllldebto e el nella be put 1100 11)96. TRe Motintj Tineheve inetlCatL• thelsaiti4te Mei In . theimbile - school bowie' In on Tuesday firiieen. After Prayei by 71k.' fitITI vas eleven 010 • ' Wiry, enirldearre entry sad bleOiemonds,The Pret;dente. ' Mr. A. T. Deu , het , „ CoUnty flogtr into font. del rerei the ocebieg *dare , " on the subjeat,:''lostltutes." Prof. Thompson followed on the came subject. Ini.be afternoon, Prof. Gut the Pittsbugh High 139h001, de li vered the of hie series of lecturer; en “Arittunetic." Ile wee followed by Prof. bre, anthorof Olark's .13 oglials Grammer, ' who de eared an jtopisraptcr address of 130111lia.' etabbe length—deferring his lecture until anoth er. theme. . lets - resting evening smite wu held, when the:institute adjourned - until iifedneeday.morn • , City Mortality. Dr. 0. L. MaOook, Physician to the Board et Intolo4 reporta ihe following interments from Mtg. 224 to Aug. 1111141884 t • • IWhite -^-19 T0ta1.....-28 Colored.... 0 " 'Of 'the diseases there were: Typhoid form, 2; indamation IsoweD 2; .maill*Ptlart. 4 180- tad', 2; debility;.;;! . drowning, I; 'Manra t a 2; cholons infantnsa,6; fractured ribs'and bleeding in thal chest, 1; unknown. 1; convulsions, 1; -variotold, 1; actidont, I; dentftlon, I; Inflam =licit of blab, 2. , Mon Dulossin WALSTAD.—The Chairman of the Chtiotion 001IIMLIIi031 Call for itx more del egates' from *it section to to to the srmy in • front of PeteriMuj. The - U 'aired Presbytericii toys :IT , hero is ranch need Jost now of **good whirl e Gommliston does ; for bo th Alm bodili and ton t comfort of Mot soldiers. We Last the cal for more deleptes to represent sad set _ tor It there will ho promptly mac. WI dre sLo infornied mime treireeted•tor the moo tit front .0(./ttliats., Lot ciabilemand, be met " . , , JOSEPH . -.A.DAW , Zertt6 , Debt;-conisr. inaLhood Chant Ono= Fluorin. Behmem—Dr. L. IL. Moak, ttr.ll illsodireilatehuiAlamol %mu. : . • • , • -11111LigP11;.; 1.00 aim Cakinal for 'sale , OZXST U.00=14 IMMEIMENN .RNMO „§k viL.viu'iF7y3, ~lmcirivi...4c M'FARAND., COLONS & lam TIMM ra rnrra era= Ant 40130)10 o" seven 4 Coor, Econ. Jolt rootivtO amour: 13mlor of LISLEZEI C 4 ATOft STRAW Jf4T7140, of .O - .lt colotitated B. T. W. tn. VA Mien fooe.o Ls on. sporoso)i% ail! 1.1 any other waste= Impel:ad. sad the :quantity rcatliP MOM Van tellitibib rk *5O nwelva s Saw es • ceodlosty sioabaoadrmnatilia Faucsi Plaid Matting.% Allben lands& and 1,114 Clanton!, the. LtATTING9 IN MS ALLEINI: - Orr Mori) stock of goal 11 etfl carecrpoorell WO toot or 'variety, and we is ell thaw oillor trope the toren Dr ip toetoemutes win &trona. cou pa biATTINGt3. Molts par:lll4ot beferi tho ilia to goods largo stock WE/IZ. q/LORED AHD rpoi, CHINA BrIATTIN.GI3, la all wtdtbi sad qualities, Ws assinsbled to sass Awn at MU tam Eastararstes. The titentiod of the pnblic to calla] ln to the ofiovo goods no Shay an th e <Unpins composing she market. 10* •1.0 • largo stoat 0 , 'Embroider - O. tZatGallei imme Cloth Plasio Qum *rtileb we otter a: lOW rats.: OLIS~S& IScCLIDYCQOS;3 CO„ - 11:1 7110 F 0 U RTI3 iiEET N" " ' MEG , 07 Wi/Do l ,i i i BRADT'S PAOT.IVILD VW DAY. Raw SPUING STOUR CARP 333 S, .Rl=, Elt/LOOI7ID OIL °LOT av AT M'C AX.I. 11 ffi'l3. C3ARPET- B TORE 'Hap rooms miff. BILVEJI 130. AP. ORTINIPTON & 00.. . 4 UT I.4lbarf4 Street. 34•Pmeatorm and Iliardattnras OR %Vogt= Nan era is, OW, Indizzi, 113.111.SZSMIll. Ow, oussehdonas of 'Valor Ythis of Palm, panasz, _Oliva and Rasta Soap, ativabla VO/1.101/ ,4113 D II EO4 SOAPN Of Oct{ RI AU; MUM SOAP, +hick encoatteste %laity teaemo.o- od so better 4m coo pr telenotte. ottlloobould be bonus to toted bag neither - p o teat,role, MS. er irtab. cr any otter east - tows In Ito mozottetor* vlitar Arta - adopt?* the finest tee taco. panicle euta Wooten' mato -unobe4 with th e oldt -of Cottoo not trottod with Ito r Ppez BOAT d o t moire totilog or boll toe ratttog,leldeb et pm the War as teat. BM Vitt mail. - SOAP uszKnyi Gni" . Dalt_ Totowa Stall Jeintwe IPse.te; vpiL wan: WIT Water eta taztaltdely, apyte*th wstobi Span% itaa proteethd ree"; slut llewaltar• frame& sad dep. It Ishperta Marx, to PlaV ah.r ewell dway ihwww) Zassodled figlittow lea Bawd ~d OW dietfaitlearble sad time tt haa so aquae— Tar the Dettoted reattodarly for Phatopdatd. th• =Mt MAL B tta wild toem. in a wort, •11 who haw Well Pa wepedor gnalltles. setherwledire t lb. -terweawtdbearrol tit• Pld•Campeap • lrlal Jim ad itteo ate twt la want Imp, Ng ellir/ plat will retard to primof the wow ehoeti tt fall id= what.. dela tor tt, Wooed acrorasi ID cur klitsbaate trots shrewd will do egl to ghee MON 100. , 107 LXberty litres; media Peweaphada Baltrowl • Pr eall eemeer. D-wW. if2p Wrenn of el leoltetiona eloolvhor =lan bearing oar, treew=nit-811,V 1 t 11 P 8.11L1.1. second DI National Clopyright. oc 1.7 UNITED STATES INTERNAL REV& kJ INCE EsIES —Tho Annual Litt for Vitt, beta/ or the taw* gamed Ott IoIUEITSES, 06111111011124 10'111 PLATE tor tta Aerasesaant pear. trots May, Lte3, to Mg, ltte, and lIICOULA tor 1t63. tor the Wd tretr;et, Pa, has teen_ Prelred 10001 the AO Bor. Ind bed taros are no. dor- Tfa•payere situated la test pert of Alleglosay treaty rth ot tee Odour:I Ailegtteny rims, .t 10D Al. ' udlca el ' ' 6; I tr a rl i e can trror:Ve," 110etrlot6geteprt ten• Clotho:0 ta iete odd taus entE tha 10th day cote vowel' acct. erQi After cold luth day of depterobar, ten per ho o-nt. aired to al: taxer on Vetoer.. Garrotter and Oliver ?IWO.) A.e p r coat. on .11 taus on tocomeh un• Pot the convetionoe oftax-payers in the eastern Part f the csmtly, Isr attend at the hong,Brown, InTarentam on the first day of roptember, balms. lb. hoc nab ro , elz m. and♦ o'olmkp.m. Via o rs ho att.el,ort tit 3.. e. day al Loapres,ras strelionsr of if e. Jobn Ware le the Dorosch eyt rerlskley, from IS to 9 o'ck.k p. m. tar.p. oriole savior not ec roet off paying mttil the !mit day as WNW ha utterly Imps sib , ta attand to • rT•• • 1,131.0•1 number on Duu dy. sad than who • manot Now the presltlro. DAVID a. WHltf, Collector. 'AelUstarY• Mtg.& r.t lfat. oo2L3er • fTWrioN, Pnalatlirnitla P 1.11110&14 t Pitutkirg.. Po" Aug. ZO, 0164. I N OTICE. TO BEIFTERS, AND ansaistass 0? - UT Tao PIiLIINSTLVANIA Et. D. 110710 1 1 18 11111.8 8 T 411.17115 that on and aftii 114/20D6Y, MIMS 230„ the following order -tBl p told Moot: dp1POI& 11;11.P01)...M lag lißtamptis rob tictlblVll-8001ConAirmsfar Leda dAtvasd. rharl TO WHOM A. 111,081 PT 111011111 f f.rnan.Tpa{d,ta stoOnnfd am CO 00; luta tat trdAt 4.ll(nrse Ise ably:Dont, moat prattle , rwo omr Eff hllB rarb - tath receipt, °thanks they latsed reisrort.i : 7tILZIPILD 111LTEI'L WING till , not bi ' Od a. 'onorrly, but insut ba colld for et 'redatidag ore* on am morning after goods aradstlrotod , : D. L. dfiIWABT. ?nigh. dot. 'IOtIAI4DY'B POSTA.I3LI3 • STEAM SAW MICOI maimme nautua weal. Ziginse. ' ISLANAIT'h Meal reethe Wor Ira; EintightlaY Ohio. /MANDY% Newark Heaths WatitiV4firll4 htt succeed to the wade. Ste wry ihttlege:•l Atetelvl ret, fedi, .01 0 e.,1 for operation. Out 6-et nudity of tor, ber„ Wt. h. Huge e, Witham", Pa., re Lill 1.1 to o dtruthr..dlog iy, 1964 in o cluding the that days cf tried. r. Jame. a moan., Leldr.burg. Parma, cut 6.6,010 test of oak in three month. In Juno, 190 CCO fret uk; 49th of June 10,000 feet ea. printed hutrectloas 'ad eugrseetl meal pla n ear min" • dead for illustrated circular, with deecriptioca sad p1,11:1 of °persica.' ledvss. • • . B. & F. BLANIIVY at , • tainniS6 lo , 6 dli mark, Ohio. Ohtani, eight' 60 eetreip:eldshcloollelsed. stilt= FRITyr WAX, FRUIT WAX, rob SWING MT! CAM. snoaLDza BiLvzi), wrianxisore Amssesulos TUI aus, nolaqwe.rs rnaz LED mamma, can ahrOYSta PM:a/ad at, GU. y iszure CESTp4LL DB1:10 HOU, ay. OW and Tama ata, Awns itf subs , gam, ;MAIMS'S EIMEIOI7. CIRLOSIDIS; . _ , Dun" d 110.6 i /01113Vrer*F. Z. Wald rag arpiAaaatiM ante tovidi Orm9l M , imprint !easy ,E.Os Iraq dila licantans , ,0.11.111UM,114*. tollynetkatnik pAE'Ett RAGS - We are -paying 1. 1.8 4 511171 P OVINEI r e °z : 3 7 1 12 1 L 4i r °116,611 r i per tces.lo4, Mani inlet. igksb...7 i n r. 120.F1.0 ILEAD, . "W"..O.Botzatat a ea.. , Dna. To antr It tot W Bp Claffel iBILI etk , doute Nevi me, c a ~p ut °rt..° tiarielit, AAA or reaciiiii' - • • • mama 1 ' fts samba= 1§,64 pa.;.l.4•o6,..fairsmi. , ;,ecc. w tale,LL.N.g„& Balutr, " • , gotx 01,.Tg . L1 , Bradbury di Sahonaacker, &..oo.'s IDELKORYIBIY PIANOS,; American Organs and Kelt:Winans, E.I2SIS9BIAVEI 01 1 41. s. We tabs pleseere ie reAretalr ta• a few Of those vtd haw. perehesed thee. Instrepeoute vicinity) Diehard bard. DAL. John Quinn. DAI.. apt. Cochrut; Y. IL Beller*. Jaws BnierD. waIN.Wag e 04' - J. P.' Smith, Wm. is ekell; Dr. O. B. Blacibnro, C. 11.-Darey. _ Grant St. Bertha M.. A.. . D. M. Hook, Zvi., Dr.l). • M. BCOIMIO4 ' Col. J. FL Parr rranitUo..Ps. Dtroctras At 'illtronli.e.s.eaatair, Vtuitaint, rs:. Mira Sarah IlerszlanA, PM Liberty. , • ''Dept. J. B. Conway, Dirrolnyttars: - • • • Dar. IL lloyklbserlckley. • Itee.D. DeArbto .bio_rnatirtarb Vs. .• Gretna eau, City. Pere - llafe J. Mane. _ Very Bev. P.lOlll-en. • Allen Kramer, do. IL Vise, EN.. do. De. J. B. McClintock. SBA Mart,. Atha II clbirdy, • do: • All Plum, Melodeons eto ,ustrantod for live Iran. A IMF crake esbond.band Plasm for WO and rent. 11 07 OkIIIION, n swim kora as advertirement ler a atoloso non. and cent/ Ilittrdsrs Ceo*le, tbst person hue tom trosaling through tba surrounding count*, mon loottir g thanks onuretod mitt my satabrisb. moat, and tuning and *Clive Pismo, t doom it nacos. sari to Mims the public Mat no sack pent= U In 'employ rerecturtmod e OM wrieobsngaA• fe b n y hseh, signior b lt • auk compimi,n,Adsclt htfe,atusined to erl; Minn . haloes. slurp mos and Wks thr.rugu souks broken glieb, and II about Ed yitsrs of ago. Thu pobnon co:aimed naiad caplortug totm, am neirs7 ncilponathlo (outdo acts. CHAS. 0. pieNO3 & IIKLODE01413: Avery leroo stook of IL NAM" & 0013 And 11AIPEI rattl 'p CELCIIII&TCD PLOW. ro• celesd Wi es se the 't Orinoco fop (Om &Do a tplendid madam:it of pumas k 00.4 BILODEONI, A. 01)10 QV'S 11EI)D6011.5, and slant poortatent anew SLIM' Now. 131EDLN, No. 183 SitTELYTILD liabos and ffinsinal Instramonts &NV eeeeeentay ea eet.rolle Rao eseertmeme IfTW rural, vtotaz3,otlrlag. acaoutrion aratsoa, a., whirl. la wawa torlowpfteme teeaelei V . 1.0 OS I—Just meivel a Emacrc e , .1 anise ' cl DLOSEIt PL/61 , 705, nr" wltOch In Win a.,10 , 41 Sag p - S , italluara op, aim uut th.le • btu, • la ga atao of abaapas Pt.on, iluall2.olsaza sad Die . taamm.t.i. 'oat t.,• Drioes lL WI HOYFaII.N.I,II(L u rt" %to. itnb awed. Mobar's'o‘d Axe - - - TOLL " A ` SAVINGS BANK, NO. (4. .11., Tong= Murk onestreara is . IA& Oput daily hum 9 to 9 o'clock, mho on Wadanadtar and thstarday ormings, Es= Mai tat to troremba le, tr., T to 9 eclock, and heat Boma= tat to nay lat brom 11 to 8 o'clock. , Depoeta cocain:4 or all Mk not hat than Oss Dol • lar, and dtridendatktu prone ,clued 10101$ 11, Tor, in June and Docehtber. "Meant has bean decimal 000001-annoall ,Ya J ame and Datetaber, klanstba Bank vas artaaWd, at the, rata of nix P.O MX. latersek 11 Art Instra oat, u alecul• an: credit 01 the eeTe 9,l we Oa It.C/Pal bears the cusa tatuert hots theer days or Jane and Dinanter, eahrponnding twice a par a vitt-Cut trig:alba; - thedahultor to call, ca aver to prvient Ida 9serbokk. •• At Ode rate rannry nlll &ate to lass than bstalre=, • 11.-=Te=c4 th* Fat's, t'sa r irptiZtok at the nßea. nuamm—Gional AL811.131. Ttnn rastsunurra t ham IloAnisy, Jams B. D. Buds, ' John IL Ehoonbekser Dcrc. Junes Hardman, Isom P.m A. bluish% JIM= Oblate, ' Wilma 3. Andraksra, John B. ktauletaca, A. 11. Mach" D. Doha Barbahs. Tanercal t Onlits Ailkenk UrnsT 141nott, John C. Blair% Joltarenall„, • " urtslai.liath. Battu P. Banta. Hoba r t rr, Hansa A. Bader, ' ltOtib, Marks A. (Won, Doob4ta r 0 " 4 o 11a 3:0 je o a . , Baran. Witham Vanldct, Pea 11. Oman, lam WbOthr, htchava Ham • wok P. Vert, James D. tale- Christian Bsentrans Veuittsa. A. TrOlL • mbltalass , NWT NOTIONAL NATI OF ALLISNANST, - LiNNINANT. J;l7 30 TITBASF. IS AIIISOILIZED 11' S•orotat, of tiro Trtianu to mot,. roboomtp• ants to the THREE TEARS 710 LOAN, 'Nadal; Irmrert, with .. lat•szatul Oanicar attache!, payable lawful moue,. Tbess.uoter aro pant+. at ',nitwit, I. Legal Tartar, or maybe agarortfid at the nptiott at the halo brio 4 per moat. GOLD brazil's bonds. • The deeomteetlene 91 the hot. are 1.50, $l4lO, 550. too 15,0c0. • lezameee, SOLDIERS' CLAIM AGENCY I.IIOBNEYB YOE COBB AND tEMIONI, Ra"Penirkma ptecand. panty, Dick Kai sad pm. Mewl calkated wbartess poulla. 111111 WOIIIVDED SOLDIEW— SIOO Isotrwrr MO LLL roirsinn sowtlausi b vs)" , West pall salPsith Mdtsbarr. Ho .' ohms cothassa. chum - p.= 4 . sikwall Vet, • ' hissitsal pf ths 0.1. amestasst„ Z O.lOBlllO srsst. Plttessrgh, QOLDIXBIS 4: I 4WS‘ BO.UNTIES, I*7 nisi= eieepasZAl4.l.7ll TLC 11IIILtT -1 x CLAIMS, BUCNTIE; 1.1.1 L PillffLONß, XIACIL PLY sad DIELITLRf GILLUM. of. reay descriptiou, eolkated by the liab• scriber o 4 UsLfollowing ritaCialyl 5 . 10 00, al{ oth= dt=lW 0.0.2A1L0U, Attatrmy u later, . - No. f 3 grant swot. Plttsbnrib, PL. U. & 1 1 * chbflPt LfY LP* Lf the clam Lon sett n il Deed, imdoll tafLuttion siren "pals. .. ela 71111 TLKTOLTINI-71X.TBMITS. a _ St. WOOD STREET• C[I.3IILOTIE BLIIKI, 43 Wirth street. Piniti P. HaAgin. Otahl.rt CLAII/Jf2 W. J. & HALL PATTERSOR. BD. 144 Fawn: STREET, PITIIBURCH. ;ftC11601.4 flat -de! ..t4;06/ XliTllolls I 111133nrtaft No. 115 'North 1131.1 inti. n.,f110.4m0r, PAPER AND-KEVKLOPR WORE . 1:317131.-111MitV 2 16 . ' jan,ons, la tidetlr. Wort ad gadsUsles. TOT b 1 w . f a r ialimmik raiow DBAOHEB., _ EAPHES, t'SA.OI33B &wow day from oqs to tiro !mitred boas of Jamey ad Dldswat• Pratte& Re* Is Ma itots to lay op olntsr.: . Tor so& by Ws 't LulTaiGi . lk 00." CI:=1TB •AND PIAMIO44O casks 4 4inktk SKI kep tree%Prames, reeeind Bea darria, PRIME LEAF LARD in tr;dors ima lot de by D. WALLACE sictisbleaumits; estesltsditAlid sod f==. QtIGAR-135 hhda. Cabs, Porto Rico an F.,.7 cubs Ilea °alma la ' stared !cm sists try saa Turssia, • vas ut ana sit mond steces. W. IicOLI New BOOMBI IO NTOOLJobber 1:8 "IA sikrrins, ot sigoaVias, AnmeoeY Can Lestr Oru—vi VAL No. 2, Lard on aa sailor Weary imai' juiy•ltillit'l4le.reet LARD 01L-50 btra4 ; prima Lim 1 ' " osolo • • - - . n. .~: V~~~~ JroMl,•*.ll4E=-con-nsie.rr.,:-7- -- . - DO 0:c .- ..em... r. _ OR 8.11,R A Fr of lit) sere* In TE° aIA i ' MING ' B°°Lsl°* " ad/ a '':' ' 1 • sr. cut: towtAiv, waritotthase wee,: Ps.. -,, - , e.d Peale. 6h,0, the beet 0.1 Winkles... Tao 11.ang0b 1 11 *fir , ' ' eitnased in reo. wo 2, c...,,,w.,, ~. b.,,,,.„,i,i ' pgilßy pp •A= WM 14,11. ALgO, lti WY +tenable Lan; lel Luny toernahlin,Weat- , . , An eland malty. Pa containing' aleatle.s urea, veil -- , . --- .. Iry enrol. and 10 &Nihau.. at calOnclane , . Ain a tract of land or nowt M) aesene.tollning the TS E' pg.' yo .7. 0 P LI-1-IPIZe---- tont& of Elsahoill, Allegheny coanty.Va Alan. ALARM. or .11 , 1 .....t0.u.,)1.1.40,-aits sr JAME, Lamm' scom . 7,: - tio.,,urair.a.nnto.i.hip, oat Eaten. trona I. le-rnngh ot htelloaryart. , _ l_ h k 1 ... Allege aMT ealaille LAI T.% L A Clair tole niehly, w..i.....hsaconat7. amu 1 . 63 nceb ' ;.,, ;g, 'LLIt2111114111:3111Ge"1/1 , i fr . • b ".iT Z o ~1 l'or p•ra.,:dan inqa-a OA& LH /mat trmti , Antra G. U. TOWLE. Leal Wats Utile dB. EILLE-13131317118AN , T ' Lan TATAGE LO3B, ma FOR? Hcsanit.—'LW na• nod, incolora of the estate of Man Barron, lorfoL. °Valor ids a numb°, at los, from on• balt,to two aorta tioh, donated near ltorallarroz.tod,tro Mob lolnatto walk ot tha trrannot of thorlyna Ati.l varwrillo:Pariamger Hallway. Sha &boas Taal art twaotttnll7. Litated "lbr intuits &Menem. Alma =Aar or Mall Lola to thmelllais ot Illasts• treognA an th*Pseetatia Ballway—ttaM to 4117 AM boot sad Crow cam to tiro batand fast 419. Jur tatunnatara ono*a at , altbor or the ander• et= or W. A. HEBHOI9I ClartSr Mos, (Auk WM A. HEr311.021,. JIM D. salmon. B. IL ataaoa, 1. 3. taw. F OR SALE Olt Stocks for Sale. Oolurcbtl, 'Comp°. Aneeeoy* Pittitrwh Ikn' Oa", Iredval; Hors:Deck, linatali. ► Iraptto wa6 cams. Comps:dm. Padlcau attestilmi rata t, the pifth.otaut... . - yan cosoartistoned BUKILI. MOO ea Beal.,gnatos, O. S. BRYAN, Accts and /! ,I c mac !,49 3 ' do rotrwin ei.olartesßatkUns• ra SALE. A • COlTfilllY RESEDEROB In the rptara at klanrield, tow , tailed front tharty. Lot Ito. 04 catainnnt between six and wren acres I opon it i tatted • rod two .top brick too*, ban. .übL, and ottOr izlidlor, deters and wan of ezce:lea avatar. Kam zeros of an witb bank opened and in roof working order,' will b• sold in ono lot or divided tordt purcbaaexs. lil not nag before OEPTEIII3 an lathe will on riot day hl .old at POBLATO LISLE, at o'olock p. tn.. without rearm Vila indleontsblo and clear of all Incantbrenci. • Terns of fake neadeknown on application to ya9.OllOE Taunt% temp^Tazzeiilla. Ti OR new. Steam. Sngine, 151ncli eytteder,lo3.l.ll drab, os Way iroa taltries ml 7• gorernon One 12 bleb eylledir, 1 1.2 stroke, wag , WA, reel will be se good eh rum.. 0.7 tn. cylinder, 20 inch etwiti, sew, Oze .. • IS TWo Cylinder „ 20 dna, 47 bri O D I2 11. Three • . l2 • • Two Wroult Iron 011 2011 e. Three 2ets Been; Ten% On iDnDe. C.* Ws oath. Liegoire of H. M. BOLD, . 1 .1. 4 • AB O 6/wW/ Blur Denkausor the Patel. (viz cip nce. most BrAunKol. AND V *cable toci tlerci for Col:fair* teat around last Liberty' Is my °Mod for dals frontlop . o Eligidard AMMO about fed tdetj and ecratalnlag saw Vans .0e kap agnate aear,,the rettEleass of alepaadrc Bradley, 7p. sad abets, sad!, autoptlble °Modeled la:prays ' :neut. 'Mereeat, t‘ =the place's tiro Prey &tat buxom. .pring hems, tool all to good older; sitar ens or. , chard .J aoog tem" WwtV 1.."3.4.4,- Th t Ponr4th Ciqtradorili be added tato taro. or fear lconlons to salt :.. Tel . tense, appl,l at OW Baal -.ltitesSnd ae.op ; :DAM, try Buda xtespt.:Larren, F4*f3A.L.E . The ",botaltq' off the .-fit: IbLeverl potters, amesio ateat,4 0.1. • teeesnie, cem U. tramthe itlessterstOrdetters, costsestag exteen Saes is • h'ith stattrat el:attrition, Ixdog *ell stocked with trait trees, shrubbery', and" psrUy , inderleil. with cis". To Val le s seeking I. preyed propeity. combining sdearita-esst Wlbove deem. health sed- geed neishborhceet, a e.• trete • rue otters:mut of iretertsl atoms he the ea. Joyalente of • runt hew. Ise twitter perthsahus berths ret Om caw of N. QVINGAN • Dut9W, So. el Penn etreet. .11:tred S. B. DOLMA& tl O A B. SALE.— STEAM 113 AW MIIL so on. MlTlldrali.—Ths, model! or whole. atm Oil Waste and Wawa du 210, wlihteci ear= LAI acres of proad; stitudisnes of wog ea the lat.— , teas °pm sad being worttdoltasts on ths Aflo Dim mid A. V. It. B. lo offered roswelift. Thellethisry is saw and of :nodose bd76. Ts Say Will bla Wow did order/ and is well eftrigsd, tarts; s trends mates Imo It to the rest ChtedistltralleJ.lL WOO. Ter psredisdars call as the LYDLY arelersignot. saihtf 80. VI gaud strtsde.Plttiharek. POI(m ead. pl SLLF.-42 , nere Volt sof lard e4joining .12 le oatod . t. 3 ban be Jor.Vo Ilas.,Fmattog an Bonrc;od. Olato __ 10 vivo at Glictolo Ration. Iron ritnotod for • plow ant °mar, bow, irtAli • Ma and rollroad homi. • /"/""*".'trairog O. grarrais: Far pazika.ars am all Saw Dleallm4Alkekom7 COT FOB liipain Wcskir, as Creels IreirelTha to _ Otte crdirr,sabirtanttany Pats at Wino MM.= kng 14 us, =WWI cantata mote WO berets weas. dpeltalkos may be autee et the Wag* Lesestroter Co. or the Oftee to Pttlehael.• 8101137021. JU/09131011 It {7UUMM. watt/ ON:INTIM PLACE FOB 'I:3ALS--C0n ....) Wining over fit frees. one and baff rrolx 01I7. 1 •As Panwraticiunk wits • mai tc•m• aims ca tt IL IL iroser aid Insaraack Avant. 59 tooz9 creek Mutes 19911. an& AVO? Acres of Coal; &so 120 F O B o fln pool Nat, also one Mat o cool eon rancid other intprovemanto la good work. tog crier to pod 130. 3; one tract on the tooghlogbeng drat saMandintle wm em wasp, sue , grit due Inns Itllh on Grant etrort. Von .SALE--A good .Fare. conc. ing 112 ocro*-78 endred, baton. well theeered, dord Incas, sad lame frame barn. An orchard °II6D t ntt trees • welt vowed, sod rest abondancsof mat. Struoted Lea: tho roUnned, us: GO Darlbodtaa, lloarer county. Apply to Lebo B. 11.`LAI8 8 00.102 It tooth Moog. L' OR ItkaLLE—PENN—ISTREET—PRO P sterr.—Tbe Mr . ..dory Brick Dwelling. =Ube ice INbrea rooms, No.ll Perm street, erlth - lot. 001114 • frost of N) bat f that*, reaulag back 110 feet to Ir• wises allee. "bore 10 so aseeLlent hart®Abe titnetwil2rer"LteULClll=6s FM stoke. F oil SALE, VO emr. *l3ooo fast • QA !FLOORING. ..Iffr iee el :Kozrzwen a DOTIGIAK • M • , it Pens moot • • SALE.—A. farm eon 116 saw, Wasted to 800 towerMegheay e a m eyome male froze espeafs ISID, sae temfrom nn. Mu Om a well watered Ind t* • scrod We of TOY hula= perttaulees both* az the promisee, or Of the wmafDa- 7 i•te. • - A. EL IMMO% /1011IINTRY MAT FOR SALB.—At Se. iiividancs SIELLIC rani. out TIM' bud meted poem dlnUlar. ittslt t rooms, cotttbaint, all Iditaso , Vitftad on* TO %Me • 5a1441.1 iwuUßef •tami MOH IMENT.--A FOB I3TORB 1100111 ‘ " Deslitos blows Chi Dts• mad, ma lhitoral, sire, Otti. 14111 1 1 1 , ift3t `.'s• bloterui. m. • tAi% alleeloar 1 1 0! ----------- 13AL 13-430 IIN VITBESIDENOS X Its. tie IV?. VAIMINCITO2U—A,DgeIIIog Rom of dor:row with good , stab, sorbs sad, oprkog., Loa ; own of ground; &otos tn;dt treat, grapes, Ilbrabba-A, /0., +pith poomooks en ht. ofootour ans. yea CTIMIBIIIt BONII. It Iltarlud rSALE—KNGEKS - aiD.BOLIZa .m. 'Atsibarie paw 124124.- Vts2l.loolr. SWAP , . be MD tit-VIVO/3 by codling at myelin/go . Veral • • F B BALE . A Brick Ikrellink "Hones, No. 40 OW ann. Ltio, for Haa s. ea* contacting feesrscegal and cllar. for aale ! a,ouvraiftwe ocon 61,NE•opt .t. .dTre ts; ZONNBONs a- mamas. 4.i e rruityii.vra.ya, is oa Ty. aism WIMP= craLux.,Amprzs. Ikaatier far Wounded &Mos taxied V Dom inn 170tritt. Bit oua — triar — iii4, - 14 NO 5iV.,141*E4 3 , . 7Lftisints.tazaw. • too Vittb 'treat, Putaburgh. casi4 farFiannowtEcnnrro wan los IT, &al, 110:0012fir paelcattid. giddy, J°'3. LAFFERTY, An gh /APl.B.enwittotiltoi smog to: comi riteercrarra STIOECT, MSC atilt. eittil. Ir0:03d011 wl•Ni OVCII.I4IFM. Ho. se catART asset. , gam, ♦aThThi no fi 5... 7 " CE3C1134 0. lAA, VA. VA Vomits iirebilq W , , AM ToR EATX.F.ANItis.".;..t gOoa ThatA o. 43=rur eo goe.a. ti vAgrati - heamodeo 11171 M .CELBfiK 111=0 &MIT 01V , — thoy4omu 'name, law. A te" 'clid:;istra' 1 .1.) avamtal fns from' ritt or ux4.....5id .91 zo t . uncut foto Mal Llbaty.t z - ,--, -,. .1.1.:* . 77 ,:.: F . -er7- 1 ,-69 ;' O p a ill iT 9l"ll 4i fi st ro ll 't4. ' : irs:l7L lan:fr 176111177""IlitN‘ r 771 * -441;!: I' ;2' • - 3 '. '7. ...! 7 . 7 .2 7 -4: 5 ‘ , ..,: i . • . ~..5. MEE till---NO. ~2 . . Datighter•tn.law of Sir Waller' boat, , natant,' it Em-Peckwi '-- Eracr•-t1.93 i PAPER.; f 3 Uf. do m. VIII rams or Lira. e irorit rr gair.Lase W. =fr.. , to thw new publimtlea banns USW ,asst fie anon te. ordinal , Wan et Mt ql/I. , 2Mee -, leraelilatoretttng, it r main and WSW ellarabbit's tong wall dombninted, nerd• OM& " • t *Falk • leigtaasts and *Wed touch. calleS:Tie s . 1-Ide of Lifer" ea it W asmambliS • 00 qt theksorldliness that Is i 6 proinhtni is afestlidr Mat4 . ..triii, noon Pimple= of multail •epterpanami. fmdnat rgielally in the hlshif p*tfoni'df Shitfl&' witty. c.)7 will, of ' mord, Ilbriha worlre opinica, el enlist imerna Of 1611-' , iii, that Merle everything and reerll44lwitb 6 s. , oaten snow circle frdpri, A1*1 . 41 - ea en-are rebuked with.. pea,of peentf,f Aran__LVOV mod a toutel to ea that' amusing rbroLthetsourot - __-_, mom the emeesoptthi• 503:45P01N taeuedwartad and eleater'Sllfd4 " TW story of the tile manna 'theittiMLOOS I =5.• r that and exalleat. gfel:theilltateSof l Plail' idellf if and genet an artiatof Omit, lath a intet‘ d fiaattebt: asitammen. Tbs.ooteroal at the lady lad Or WO, famllt foreistaithe staVe of the book, bat in drateglip ' Lol4 Arlingten, Lady Iletoo,far,Tdowidgemtellnare ell .Anne Lads Mott. has not 0.11 ihOirabi t abilityea a writer, bat' ahoblene. aan womaa.. -- 'Ol iloom..ibooetarstentilsely panted: The , - and their crew, also. an' Wale drairs,'and Vie p ro of if their eanstr.o.oo.o4 =ravings dmitiene them , trurn banning to pa d,pl It they wen tielispea, The pot I. adooltipda We mblike'd taaaa" , ,t I the wnrk le eictednglxlnterelldnifer , • - YLIBTATIONS I.N 218E102118L g. 1,1211, 1, :; caefivroaritirszdtcksizio- &Milord •Itencrice,r , Modern fic• . ' ' ralor—in ao gt PAYE& ; 14. /* Otani. " • • ''TI e anther of Theitsto• has displayed. he r sisal , alifl Is in ttda now moth:' 111. am of mom ran oar. • - film , lb. , ' o . l 7 , mthe lath* an:arum se lot& Warp& -: la the Humpy skr. A work lA. this cannot tall to pare It. mart man votSety. and we cordtatlfammens ~ • , mend it to each d e. mu mad re,as .thce ral l i a l lol it. s . both. the anther "ba blare 'Vat and 11 4 , path th e dealt sod maiden of tailialsialentaafelis -, !, , , and ncnicelng mom that men thone re elio . won de mast < thank Mk CM: Tale to a sue lambs& ' atm ad than peva, and one.Sthithi eall y Wan the ef= , • cue noon tan popnlat latlet. 1115 - onalathe dthe ale 'part tlimally. and we ban tree it sof do meat slut bet tanief of the Sari mask et Ibli *Vold the abase &oaf sent I/ ina free - • • . 1 5ifef'd'Sof Prifo= < ,''•- • t- ''• '' - , 3 -..i7 Ti SE aTS rtifTff =Err, next don* lb P.O. ~ .. ::, itit Kmo . 4 grmzis AIiDICVIAVESVI .sasioxiaLrry E4rliiivtitratit roittie =mama 4511) tow , LISOUGHI' ' ours'aueusi - • _, 1 nat. •- " " r • Eagleßp. Siara cu-east m eta' • EXESICAff btaf t ro 0971ParS UNION = PLAYING inlititg. =Oral; INSTE&D Or EINQ., , , GODRES3 OP LIDFXrrtssrEAD Ot QUM,• - :‘ moor IHrfsiD or e 06.. - , . arDnlea cLu - 119 to a. nett box. BOLD 12 ' JOHN W. PITTOOBI3 NEWS DEPOT, runs mart moans act post corm , ' .; bis TENNYSON'S T.,7EW BROS. -E6ootieln3Fo 1 'IOU I 6mco.' rzt4•011,1111. Joaißecand - DAVIS, _ crr..A.sz t Ca. attger.- EW BOOK K. NLl'...nrir.'ol Enoch. Amen as/ o`ntit S. The fikessontt, or Mier by Gnat. If Beside, by author of .ILn:stet NenISIT. • - Ararisa.,, PresStt. , • - • Ctt.To the World, by T. Ashur-- • • hoot Cepa Ckel • to Ditto est the Tropics, lij!r. IT _ . . , _ T Its BoOk of Common Preps of the Thatitathal • Cllssott, trey feels& • tot NU 4 3, L 1 f j XLlls:sr Lift or 4 SCHOOL BOOKS AID scraooL trrof;ozmaT. O. all ktrda, eanstsatly oa Maul sad Ibr aids at asagar , able:atm, by eaZI DAVI& MAVEN & 00" 23,'W00d VAT k C 0.,. Booksellers and Station ' _em .1.1 Ica:Mai emet, ova daor to the Conlar Wag% • Pittsbargh. ECHOOL .ad LAW 1100541 cosatingt XXXICHAXTVAILO.IRS. GaltU4i]MM3 FIRST CLASS GARMENTS. y eti e., KOST 7.631311:111212 of r.aornsT emus* walla do Ina la aka Vas I. Q. EKE ik CO, lEgliar TOM, am= or, eirdso aao ,Orfauat emus. pecaacurchedogslosertam. LIP ' 88 33/1 '" W. W.H. WGEH. 10 ST. CLAIRST BENIN Would toll tLs ottostiot of tiro, to la zosodkoi oats. It bob= oolectorietth grid aril, Wow. Was an Commit styloo of goods to * 411 4 14 dais Maw liontoodadoito444l9l,dothoki", odor, vo' rioo 0 kloq. old "Pal" . e (6. Pt"at tail uA c°121.ta1a4,C,..‘ • -----vr.",;1603, meatans ?oft_ ...en • • -io ace: aria. mow IVY& I.ll4NlN'BlJrivr , White limit Vests Ana rota . _ Brown Duck Yeuteiand Fingal • - A ScITYT - 43AY. es/.00.63, -I ST Mal •'. WIC Arc. - BLEU Deslar in AND =war. ntsTsirritkn6rMts,''' , RNA.= & CO.'ll PIAIrM riltb,„ 4 MLIAD :I and MINT* 03.'dp a r .= co —• wood door Abr. Wer4,_.....„ 019 and raga IP, -----13te'il is ILEBBB •et -8R0.,. as Uri* H4i ASV =BIOS INSTECCMCM-varadet, its aItINWAYI3 -CUSIMILMILD WaOlki - vele, MAL , W - 00 L Mei:at:32l.W, LIEMITY IMILE*r. 't 2 Canrar Viraywo. ‘ratoUlvagl l !i'l - a§ f@- 11331L01 : 4 - Dealer in l'usoik I) jug,ol4/ES, 1110 U Woo!. enet, Poore , lONA and Dl•SiellidlinefONUßazOb. • . .f.,===. • .• , : ~.+rT~ r ,wt' ,c £ _ t.r r~~ h' 8 - rt.-, I:3T - 4 ' tet • I -4 4 -iii: IMUIM
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