'to ,witu ilisburgit (gazette, .nnyitsest NATIONAL IMION NONLIATIONII. riosnres ABRAHAM 1.1111C9)6111, Nif •ot TWO TINIUDIR: ?OltffSON, of Teniessea . . 'SCION COUNTY TICK COROZMIs-22p struzar IRS E; MOORIINAD,,PIttaarch. Otriaists--230 MIMIC/ lIKAS WILLIAMS, Allegliany. darn : WAS 3,. SIOUAN, Lover St. Clair. JOHN P. GLASS. ,r N. A. covrnaCaY., l,ctry. ee • • ALTBso /MA 4 mons H. lINPEONAHIiItiky. ctisuliess. nestncr, oaatixtoK, cmuns. incoaas rclicgra,aorShre j et tc .CONZESSIoSIII: 41 ILORIBALD PILTAW,III4I.Oa. . • .JACOB B. M!ArrElt, Ott,. ' COUPS*: - WILLIAM CLAWSON, 0 1 11.. 'Foos sizems: S. H. DAVIS, Sionaits. General WeCtelisaPs Record. Now that General IMCCLCLL.tr is fairly be -fore till people as a Peace candidate for the Prealdeecy, it is natural that they stoned inquire Into his record in commotion' with the war. Wer;jay in connection with the -11 tar, for it is well, known that before the tweeting ene.,Oft. }bp 4ebell!on he had no teaeord at ell— , herras simply "a youth to for• tune and to tante Vaartown." We give this . - ,Madraing two chapters of that record, which, ' - alriPprelend, will he as many as aeceeal 111cCurrmsii's friends in this neighborhood Will owe to read at one sitting. They are Strange contrast with the, complaints Ishich . the General's political Mende have been making for .two years against Mr. Lts. •OOLS and his — Administration. Nay, they - dhow the atteihjpocrisy of thCfe complaints, and illtstrateilf any illustration were as• iessery, how utterly devoid of principle ts -ear party which inmate the memory of Jar. sasses and Jecksor by calling ' , self "Demo. critic. E'curcLiii oifAIIIIiISICASAY A2Rign It will be remembered that the Maryland ..tegialalure was arrested la September, 1801, by order of Geftiral .IfTxxxxiw, beeline cred ible evidence existed the it was about to pate an erdinance of ECCettlliClll and carry the State out of the Union. The arrest of the members prevented this revolutionary step, and doubtless, .prevented Maryland from becoming the' tbialxe of civil war at the outset of the Rebellion. The order of General "ITChrelsx was. fatly justified by the ,esigetkeles of thi * .oeesi tor; and yet lie come f. the dforylond Legislature constitutes [he meet 4•ll;iksale and n crhitrary" et all ilsa arrest; au 4horized up luiM praelikirli4l-6, the Adatinis. - eraiien. or cny anta' agints. The order is as follows: - ' [Ocedldsatlet;.. . ~.. - .., ....../ HL AltllT Cr TIM POTOIIAO,I AERINGTO2I, Sept. 12, -Cl.l ..2.1t IV Meier Calera/ N. P Aut , A... United Stake Arm y: •-• '' '. Unseat: After ' full ehrisiiftitidn with the .1•.:1..: 4reeident, Stet/titles of State, War, ko , it has been decided to effect the operation proposed for ... , . Ike 17. k. Arrangements - hays been. wan — Ur .-.. ! lIIITO a Rowerinstent "Ittaw.er al Annapolis to ....' !..: - .ileeive the_pikre one and carry them to their ...1 destination. ae. -:-,, Same four or -ffve of the chlef.snen In the at. ."...1 Isle ar e to be /emoted to-day.• Wien they moot '-en the lidt. yen will please. have - everything :.• -.,cs : -..• 'prepared to inert - the who!: party, and be sure 4 ... .. Olt DODO erupt. , :-..,. -It hi understood lliatycallifinge:Willt General is:l -Des and Governor Seward the nodes operandi. ,2t bark tutu Intimated to me that the -pieetleg ~.....I,' alight tele place cut e 14 Is; pleue be prepared. - ..; isi .. 2 would be glad to trays.) on advise me frequent. , •,•1 - 2 3 , GI 1042 anargfalellte hl regard-to tide very ..' : Irrportent matter. •J• • •Atit la recoevtinlly carried eta it will go far • , :i., toward breiddnethe backbone of the Rebellion. ....:.., ... It Will probably bovvredt mince. a 'special brain •,•7,.. , •!•••• - eintetty propyed to (eke tha printer, to Au-, •,:::::"4 . napells. .. ;. 0 3 ~. 1 Jusia•thh , .ciae . dine..7 important afilir to l op . year toot. end dfretesi-o —end bare bat e n . 41 Y. _.,. thing to itopnee open you—the absolute 1:111001- ',1 , .... alty of reereey and eneeeP. With the highest ' . •.•,i'• A snare, I am,. my des! Ger,ertl. your sincere ~-• Mend, Gummi B idoetm.t.ter. - .P , , ' , ~ , Mejsr General, U. . A. ''',4•.: o 'So much foi General M'CLett.te's record vs that great bugh4 a - of the Demersey, ',0r ....-. ' .bitrary artesta." If it was rght and titers. coy for him le older eve% a . , who'ereir s-reet g,s Ito t of Om Maryland 10g16111476., how • ' . . -4. .. ' total ait that it wan if: Deg for the Adminie -7 • tratica to arrest Indlviduale who were guilty of the came crime—tteman to the Govern ' tnent ? Theneit:Oilpter testes to • arcastiarraan 11a paler No infelligeit reader needs ko he reminded of the entlttelastio uprising of the North af ;:'S''ter the fleet battle of Bull Bun. ler, wbere spirit was manifested t) wipe e'ut that die grace, end to burl beak the traitorous foe '‘ whose banners had been planted within eight of: the .National Capital. The ?reel lent had . • called i'or three hundred thonsand volunteers, flit best blood. of the laud was responding 1 and the call faster Cida,,thb Zovernaent could litrnieh arms and equipments.' (roe month - after the Bull lion battle, General M'Ciaaran, 'who had been called to the supreme command, was Antrrounded at Washington by a large army; including fiftien thatisand *PH-drilled And. well qulffidPettithylvanta - Itetervas. 1 1 Berry day regiments were at:siring at -Capital and _paseing over the Potomac to th e, • ~ , Virginia side. aid I.n" the West FeistOer-r -i Vaa mastering-a large army at Cairo and St. Tonle. 'retie was no scarcity of troops. The .aupply.we,,oa the oontr•al7, greater than the .dOmand, as thoee mho .experienced difficulty •3n jotting into the monies in thole days hare r •, mot forgotten;' , 'Arid 'yet,Then all these thinvi 'were taking place when the entitnittent. of the people was at thsgghist polnt.—iihat does , am . -43eztertil BiTtatat:i?" renunds dfatt , —recoraniendiftiitxtrizae aid cdloaSea6seme Stirirkoh.,.thpy . eywas not, &I WO /WO shown, -_- edighttErwassicnr: •Elubjohzed IBMs letter . Prpsidditrwitteeltret orre month' after - 3301 /Ina '• - ' "Wararsaros, /Lague 2a, 1801. harktatt to,sifrai tb. '-anted d4patch 5n 0 t. tt it* litv it t‘iti eue:C.lll_Liidgnati.t, f reoazainend "Chit az EtszttsfYa: .War moor:tabs at ono* by ta!iisrsyh.. hem the enzollment prooeeds in New iliowtesei•end that .1r film not tiro -,,;eiedmeg with •mat 'taptdity, drafts to be tsimUi . - st otos. Wsi.mast have men,witbout delay. - Basytettaily, your obedient servant, 13zoini B. litTsamair. - . , Major General Ir. &.A." _ThoTollowing lea , copy ef the urgent note -of; Geneol - 4 14acT, Lla fatherlit law and chief et illintaff OMIT you', *quit 20, 1861. nTgiitpOiyeli to mak* a poitimind anon• dlifienttrtneend.for immediate' draft of _the siddltional-: 'troops you rigelre.. Ilion will not olunteer Vow sad drafting is the only sueoeisfal plan: Itepripli witt appLard nal 'a course, rely Von It. ,I, Will b In Washington to marrow. . Vet lore the 'reader-to )udge whether tide sot on of General M'Clar.r.ax wee the offspring of an Inability to comprehend the situatton— ls paling for Irbloh be efterwurd became eo 7. , :fircortr; or whether it wee" eimpli the result cr, _desire Jo exercise hie aewty acquired power °Leiner - thirfriettric _of the Union before • ..trylni Melton& egabset Its e!kmtes—an emelt widckif It existed, magic:mica to his mototaatiou by tho reaCe COLVIiIItIOIIIIt Chico to: With:the cobelualons of Maunder we have mothlre to do Oar sale ohject le, to call ...Attention, itthe,ftiot that the ;nett unpopular of 411 .ofetc:Bebe:Pm vas fse4Ornikir.tifitllgailid %'est.4l4x; aliiirre - qiipli ire will pr e sent' General, 7!i!Cznizi'o:reterd on the fllarery- I/Whitton, which car masters will !find- 4 ho jail as ittooteletertiiilih his preoebkvoilion.soAho. ,b(coid we love above - _ tr----trett *O4l-1 , , The Rebel ikeeoutit—it • Vett to Itletiwtond. Judge Pi Benjapin, 13torettu7 of State of tbi ileniltern,Confatinioy," bairn:Wan a let ter to James M. Mason, Commlisiener to the amines; ,tc.—witlett anima, itinerant diplo rnat—in reference to the Eirke•Gilutoro mis. sion to, .RiChmond. Md Benjamin'n account of the interview between' these gen tlemen end Jeff. Davie dies 'not Wisi mate rially from tbst published by - Mr.' Gilmore in the Atlantic Arentltly, It ids clear 'exposition that the Rebel leaders will accept no terms and entertain no proposition except the inde pendence of the South. This, for the time be ing, settles all question' of a speedy or an honorable peace. The peace men of the North must, therefore, flatly accept the ides of dbl.. union with peace, until we have reason to sup pcse that the rebel leaden have changatheir opinions and are willing on any tonne to re turn to the Union. According to Benjamin, Davis distinctlY declares that "Mn. Lincoln ought to haveienown when giv ing them his Tillllll that it .ersa out of the power of the Confederate Governatent to act on the sub feat of 'the doinestleinstitations of the several States, each State inning neintlee Jturisdlotin en that point, still less to commit klurdeetsion of each a question to the rote of.ir foreign people t that the separation of the States was an acoom pitched feet;.that be bad no authority to receive proposals for negotiation except by Timis of his othett at President of an iadenendent Cenfeder• my, end oat t his buts *loco mutt propotall be made to him." The final end complete separation of the Union into two distinct confederacies Is the ultimatum of the Richmond officials. It is well to Lear this In mind in the coming Presi dential canvass. The New York Tribune on McClellan's Nomination Tic Tribur.e Tuesday, spesktug of the certstaiy of hloCle;lan s immix:alio:3, says ed.. t:orially : *There is one aspect of his nomination which is saddening. Bettering that the D, Gcn vi ;arty lab a very considerable chance of sue c, sa, this Fall, in case their tette! Mende shall ,haite good luck henceforth to the aleetton, ..ice,. could wish that they had piesented a 'strong, positive, original, capable 'Mtn te their candidate for the highest potaion on this continent; if not on the globe. .411 re flecting men must realize that our high trus.e, and especially this our, have not been so tiel filled of late as they vote in the early- daye cf the Bt public. Washington—John 'Adams —Thome defferfen—Jemm Mallsen ; eini pare these with Polk—Fit encre--Pierce—Bet • chstuirt—the feline off is d-plorably mani fest, though Mr. Buchanan is a ,poltrician of respectab'e, and Sir. Fillume one of more than average abilities. Now we do not regard Mr. Lincoln as a great man; yet no candid observer who knows both will y stead that G. McClellan he his equal in ability, though Lincoln had scarcely any schooling in gib. youth, while 'McClellan received a liberal ed• location attbe public expense. Timid, broils tit', negative, be ilea plaything in the hands of tome of the worst anti most dangerous men in the Republic, - who hope to achieve power through his assumed popularity with the Ig -1 went and thonghtlees and then to lay the entity at, the beet of Jeft Davie, begging him o Indicate ; the constitutional and other changes that will reconcile him to the task of governing the whole Union instead of a part of it, and thee to!placee the heel of the slave power on the neck of prostrate freedom and - he inalienable rights of man. They must be in Hied sod beaten, or the New {Told is surrendered to thc..odious spirit of raste—to the iron rule of those who believe bard bandit a hedge of servitude, sod at once dread snd detect the education of the children - of the poor. Unionists of every State I we ad fare you to shake off your apathy and rally for the imperiled liberty and life of the no fiat I•' Speech of General Biarnede General Burnable arriotd on Tuesday night at Crntre Harbor, en hts way to mums his croninand. Ble anival speedily beniming known, large numbers cf clthene and neigh bors as,embled, and Belknap's Cornet band teretaded the Genet al, a to respo`nded as fol lows: Np Fring4:-1 Ow rare you will .acute me from asking any emended remarks on this occasion, beoruse it is not my habit to ad. dress publicaseemb'ire. lam returning from n briti trip, darn which I have purposely tbjoyrkrefirri ion. It wilt not be amiss, Kistler, for al to say that I have the fullest confidence in the ibilhy of the Government to crush ont.this wicked rebellion. I feel that the day to not far 'distant when demanders's) , •ill totally ditappear, and the people of thc Yoith will yet, as we In the field see, that the end its at Maid. Only one united effort is needtd to enable the 0 creenment to move still mote quit by. I refer to this armors i have witztewd (despondency and been ear -1 tired at It. I have heard more grumbling anthe North in II rev days 'haul imard islets Itt l •olecnaptigo from the Rapidan to Patera. - burg. The people seem to think our armies ace wearing out without corresponding ea.' I,ustion rf the minty. Thin ie a custeke: o Te.tCllre efie in the held are greater than his.. We I are 'tree timta hts home resources nn. t,ucht d, and cat bite far mere than the Rooth u.d vtiil brtab down Use rebellion. I repeat, tat to it no cauee fer disrondency. Lot every cilia, ao all in leThperver, and the reetalt is e Lett. EutourTglug From Atlanta The Aden's eorreepondent of the Cinein ne,i Uczette, in.& letter dated Miguel lAtb, bee the fanning coyeterime end thrilling 011=1 t'Yeetetdey and last night certain things oecurredorluchelid /de= it prudent to spook of them, would rend a thrill of joy to loyal hearts throngbattt the lend. I.tney say, gem, trolly, that we- here receited the most sub. stanthal proofs that in the eery army which tetras so cbethetely to confront us, there Ma widespread and rowing dissatiefsetiou with the rebellion and the rebel gavornment, which tuft:lea itself no longer to thoughts mei words, but Lakes the form of solemn and ignificsat deeds. -Let me not be tni3ntideretood We slug Lace battles ye 4 to fight. The leaders of the rebellion wilietruggle fiercely se losgos they tin put i legioti into the field. Entigh will cling obetinitte4 to the falling 'Confederacy' to make it necessary to dash their power to Pieces by weight of battalions and artillery. But if we continue the presmt pressure a lit., t:o longcr—if, we' 'stonily and ' firmly till up 114 pneh on ouroolumns, three..fourths of the ettength of the rebellion will melt fiwsy and disappear in a manner of which some of us lithe dream," Deem' the Lee visit of the rebels to Hs i erirewv, Mqrylard, they proooeded to the j.II and.telettied thertf.ort. Perk Crsoer, Wl° sept.6o.o:o•Pre lot ri{,otjg Vietor Wright,' .." p ,rorrel i-e‘w,:ti the par:lea. Wneeo 1: _ ~LA..e left they took-Craver with them, but on . molting Williamsport ho deserted thin and.roty=d, to Hagenstown ' where he presentaehimaelf at the Jail to the county elieriff snd coked to be re-committed, assert. lug that he would be if be would go with a est of informal out-throats. Cruller was ac cordingly ateigned to hie old quarters, and, In November wilt be tried upon the chug of murder. ISOMITOM OF CHWACIO.—The World nye Chicago le invaded b,f an army of Union men over one hundred thokand strong, to attend the DeMocratio 'Convention. West a pity they k 4 not Invaded Virginia, instead of Chicago!' We could then end the war without the trouble of adopting platforms, or listening to interminable harangues .from politicians. TIIE new badge for tie Tenth Army Corps (Gltneral liirney's) consists of the true of a fcur-bastiened fort. °lle badge will be out from red cloth for the first (Brillion, white cloth for the second drrition, - and blue cloth for the third divbilon, and will be worn on the top of the cop or the side of the bat, by all the officers and enlisted men of the corps. Tun Indiana Bons of Liberty hsve fallen upon evil UMW& 141;hin a few days put soventy-sia thousand dollars worth of arms and powder, being seeretly.forwarded to them, has been seised by the governmeut. The latest haul was made at Tina /Mute on Wednesday, cf Afly-slx,ltegs 6f powder. Two Altman& of the rebel prisoners et °amp:Morton, Indianapolis, it has been as certained, ere members of the treasonable Dirnoeentto secret eociety known as the Sons .o.Literty. ' It mess intended to release these, to•help in the toniemplated work of insugn ruling civil vat In Indiana, xoritEs. Oa 1 HIS GISDE oth COMPaA ooks ettataertytloa b Sasstack a/ t 6. any Di OIL EFf IMI? an ant opts st eacuatlpg nom e/ 13 HAYS 100., DI Liberty .trot. .nl:d: Uje'NOTICS-;-THE TAXPILYEttei OF Vac LURIA TOWNSHIP piows Wenotlee that thr Wieder et Sts VglLtai St.II4IOIINIT TaX csa =lb.. Is tiro SECOND SSD THIND.WISHOS OP es eTirmar a, sad he hopes thej *ill b. snared is Pep Ma nr31:31 JOHN DAL2ILL, Osllostor. n - THE ANNUAL ALRETING OP THE Errocanounite of the Plttsbrugh Moths. no , of Intelfigeruirill be hadat Um office of W. P. Janes, Bo' 87 Water street, Pittsburgh. on TE11783. DAT, September Lt, betinenahe boars of 30 and 1 o'citck, for She Mynas enabling DUl:eters of seta Ortquili end the transaction of any other barium uhien my taros before thms. Pittsburgh, Ang."2lsth, 1884. lENDLEY'S CLASICAL AND )141.211711AT10AL gallon, will open MONDAY. the Bib DATOF 6IPTSMEIIII NEXT, Humber of ptiOla limited. After chic dal,. the Vrto • psi .111 bo , ound hirOchool mom. Flo 18*. CLUB rittidnugh, ever, often.= from Imillmet till decide k. REV. IMIEUELL PaiDL OV, sol.thre Principal. I).EXCELSIOR INSTITUTE. 7b• sad Winter Sealm of this EnhoOT VU] corm menu MONDAY, septombsr 6th arbriarahign may Iss aenlrei by calling ai tha llcanzu of the Imt nee , earner of Penn and ft. Cialeatreeti, or by a dimming ano6:l. fI.:"IHR FIRST COMPANY FOR ONE a--Large Intlncentante olered to One Tame' Den —Cameo a.O beelne recruited a coalpany for tun dity• and the greater portion of le bleb hue already of fetid to enllet for ono par, be now offers Wall men do drawl of ealintlng for that period le hie company • bounty of TIMED EIDSDCZO DOLL&BS—TWO HUIIDDICI) MID VII 21.-TI" DOI, LA DS ADD FITTIf 0.11N.T8, CASH IN BAND. Ily. ootiegs W. Leonard, lonnarly Met Ibnitneer o. Dainty Deptantent, h till. company an (tat be loand daily at WILII.INS D t LL , from ellen it :In mut, Information way ho obtained. • R. [RIO., t CAN. Comfy Co. A. Due Trete . Men_ LAIVREIiCEVELLE The Wu" of Laerreue.filk VIII meet Ever) Evening until Further Notice, AT LOBINSGIV'S HALL, To take the reneleary :nearer a one filling the quota with vutualrera let ell who ere to Itr.tr Of cip..old;ttg ro , U , , Trio forcing oor sobla arrshik ash oh hiss the rebeA!on attrnd and give th.dr active hsratlos. CHANOEY Ho9TWI' K N.retory .ff .12 VS E if E.lrT.v ..- ;4•PITTLEURGH THEATRE letnefand kluaai,nr .......... 13830111909 E. wad time of th. R. e t epettral play eatltled the • to produtin? iI, . licarulDrent. Ll rI Ilnll •ed roman tic lit•ice lb • Mane,, r ha..land oel thor lance oar ex pee..dontil New I rcer, propiillee and will be In tr., T 62. 11 heredity.) EVENING .0 L- preset tad the SEA OF 10E, To coacituh EtA NC/1911/1 Cal XX WEED. .IrE W IrJERTISE.RIF—VTS 1.311Ae1l bcrtelslGT sale by ■HIM 9. IuI.LINS, S OAP isTONE-51) barveli (or sale, by ird B NNW( IL COLLINS. C1 . 1.11E-50 barrels for hale by kJ , en ❑HSIIY fl. OOLLTeIg eqPill. NT-1 (10 barr to arrive and fur Jude by (osl I/ 6SILT X. (MLLIN igs No. 1 Gah m° LIENBT H. OOLLINS. ATT kegi assorted aims Nails for aale by JOB 5111 E PATRICK & ttso., 10: 11,1 1133 Libertr stre,t, Du um E CE EA hi CHEESE—Just receiv a La • few boxes very prime Crump Obese for cut tier- -. WEBB. WILKIISSO & 011.. eel 153 Liberty creel, neba St. Cleft pusitoPßlcrs BAKING POWDER- A (e•h • nap!, of thin nerleulled flakird Pe.d•' e' up In tin cans and paper peelageir, noes, tad .1411.., .1 sad gale tttelmtn and rot fiat Lot Wally g:crery ctoro of Jaws e. RENSHAW, Idnarte and Rand Anemia. • 031 A N IKND 90AP-20 bolo., w-r ti,..orrooa rraoratro 4,ap, Jost nett roi sod r N. by the bar or baa, by /oar or 1 t cream Lfloortv and frond otroota. Y i ES f'IC PICKIASO—Per ter A GI ger. Cletrta , th, Mace Bata -er Verb 4 end shel* Atte, Par. CI , er V Ir. g -r ter oak by ?be barrel r r at reta - 1 at lb. Peal!, Grans, bloat at JOlll9 A. RIMSEIAW Comm M... and Havel arm OAK.I AM) Sl' LECT FC:lool,—The .0.1 o' PUS 134... t School at • • ELAND, wlll carom nee on 111021 DAY. Ittit At II btu boo looad a.m.." to MPH the Dumb •of • Isolant, ft le hated 11.xt el llto otd popll4 who flo•Lno L tr/llng will by p, w at at the op Wes cattle otho CiF OCI7F I kx to blule nee. Fait te Put It •., w nt/ee • !star; I'o et hle CL 100 bbls Choice Few r'rewn. 130 .• Ge , elwn e.rty_.r.1 0 ale 'fee /0 - 4 1/, / 70. LIEF PAT et g 9 .1 191 wed 13 I.lle.n.yrt:e.t. TEAS ArD TOM a% ha f cho re Cweneir Ym; V , • • . /cop rt I, Pt •I 4 . °co, enter 4.1 .. •• Tnn.. Dyson. - 73 bolt. assorted youtotuto• • 1 70 ttetto; 30 ktg• 6 ToL•t—fn• sae by Jod. Inn 4 PoTB7(t I 11114., 'Oland 124 I (betty .tent, Papuan .11Attruos.'s V.l M Cerruti a a. Marta Poona. ll /stall strost. Plttebutels, 14. p., Ist, 1;61. , Q. OTAIi OF SUB-IMTRtcrrs—T lir 101 - loving err ter gnats, tat tub tPutriets =1 , t•t•lst, P.',for t Le. csi' of July 16th 'SSC far 1•'0a. ,, 0 m.o. Larr4 t e tt e sot allures 1 as meroetott up till Atop. '..4.n. 1861 2 0 4.2141•1.... Total ... Se rall .57 m L.B L. 1116 >44. ILL .6.1 51 VG.. 403 161 4 iklarth 1V4,4 " .- - ....- 612 113 6 11 th 124 ad....- 1167 VS r.. &sib Wai1....---...- __ 6% 175 7. .9,. sih 1 5,23 , d... ..... ....... 406 74 . 81.n412 Was/ . .44...64•44.4.... /51 137 4 Lminitoptlll. , 41. 70.44 e ace-ovine - --.... 27. 40 17. WtslP r itrabnrgh....- ...... -.------- 167 74 1.. 17nrovitah 14.,-................- - 19.6 = 14. 6013414 rittoburil:-...".. Pi 43 16. BLI/Ongbirn -.. .......... --.-.... 7134 In 7'. lout Didoi. g i:L -.. ..—......._—........1n 101 4 1 1 ArK.epkt..,.... . .4....-.... 257 41 4 X XlSb4iX • tr ro. 90 ~._,...___ 14 1.• Weal X/I.l:etb 1 0L. Flit Tun 1112/ -...........-......-..-- 441 131 21 (Marx,.., 214 , 79 . .... sr 4.4 Penn ........, . . 90 00 3.1 8 , 4 Patton ---...--....- .............. its 111 17 Verlaine. . .... -...--..... -- 155 83 99 20. 141400 -426 78 30. 181281428 . ...... .--..--....- .....-... .. ....... 142 33 81. Siscarclon -.-- ............ . . 112 LS 82. Baldnin44 23. LoVer 61 01.412 ......--- 1261 110 ti 26611 16 Z. 240 er 24 71444 ...... 76 13 9t.,LL rt•orm DI 14 1 &lab retyr. te... 19 2i 12 to 38 8 7 16 2111 SI 763 3. MON 031.Z1L 0.t..a-- 4.1 .... ao..2tealtw VOLIIN"I'KEES WANTED. DIATT MIH WASTID TO DAT, PITT TONSIEEITP, to whom the hlgheit local torn t+ •111 to pclll to °sib. apply Co the Uounn at oni eon PULBT➢ BT., abode Emit Wield: *n3Lit M . ILITLICY COLLEGE, ILLLENTOWN, PA., Tt't. miles fr.toladelphle., chartered by, MS Mate, Ull4 f.eferlcg imparter aleartt•eas an. a Qom& Nog th, Cla.tcsd.aad Mtliter* /education, nriil to Melt taa Part. oth. For Circa Lars address aaa.--11. L. 1.101 , 7d1tP, A.ll Pr , .ldeal. . andiller M=;N !EW OEGANIZATIO:N ---6900. E. DIDDLE YOUNG llecrattttig Ottlser t arbtrus ISO Fusirtis street. Pittsburgh. SOLOOL AND COLLEGE TEXT BOOKS All the rations TEXT DOGS s used In the Pablle, Bee. !tot Scheele wad Oollegai of l'ltteburgb and elobolty. /tor mac by EAT 6 ea.: 65 Wood street. riVTELiANH HOUSE TO LET,,Threa, -I-, atm , brick. dandling harm °Thal y ro e 0 0 Iz rows. both room, lama finished Wile, gat natures, large yard, eta. The dam are painted; the lioate to In fie d order, plemardly dilate at the earner of Loden and Colwel l etre ea. Pamoralen Sept. lot. Beat 1111,a7 per month to April let. .030 B. IiTMB AI TelLllTadhl go t Ore lll9, , *, I , 4ut. 44 0 41 , 1 liforrlvM Xt .le.n itS nall al rr P. x .7t1 2 21 1 / 4 titQa g 4. DiPikoE' eaY • 9LOBB =VIAL LIFE LEW _ Dam commie*, or resi , !LINE rararcar. easalinia Loan Fen-Derfelltnal Costion LW and Rados, meat Polloloa Also, Pall-leaon all Whys popular Nom No attar Mad of Policy eau o?ore goal woolly, T. WOODS, General agent. nor Moo, D 6 10011TU aracrr. au17:17 noznAnn,(lnte Manager for Lippincott 6 Co.) scanaso.(late 01 Gage, Elobbard Co.) L. OCRS • 143m0. Ej - -PITTOURGE &VW WORKS Ht BBANDS & LONG, Eteenfastmere of PATENT 311011 ND OIBOTILMIB warren:4d CAST STEEL SAWS, of every description. HID, Malay, Oross_illott:Oang and another varieties. All ktnds of KNIVES-a SPRINGS, made from Sheet (lot Steel; Extra Banned tuuprn. AND HONING, KNIVES, kn. Weishome sod Morita, cor. WATER a BHOBT STS., Plrieburgh. Pardonlar etteallan gtven Betooothlng. Gnmalny mad Strslghtonhaz Oltetilar Sava: also repairs of MI kinds. Punching and Drllllatit done at nammable rata. apfddy Wffi BAKIDELLL t CO., BOILRR ItAXICEB AND BERET LBON WO/M -EW, Penn Bt., Ha. 20, 11, 24 and 24. Raving ea =red a large lard and Ihrutehed it with the moat Im proved machinery, we an prepared to mandamus .very drecrlption of BOILERS, to the beet =RM, dan warranted *goal to any made In the country sn's, BRIMS, FIRE BEDS, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILErA, CONDENSERS, SALT PANS, TANKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SET TLING PANS, BOILER IRON BR/DOES, 800 AR PANS, and .01, oeaanrarere 01 BARNIXILLE PATIENT BOILERS. Repairing done on the ehorteet node% 5... W. 11. GUT Va. O. SOUVIOII ...... ....oao. T. SOBISIIOI 111. ILLA, E 011.011.1311809, REA & CO.. (mecca- to Doststios, Mtm d Etunts,) WANTING TON WORKS, Immo= A AlLozoosrs, Pirtsborgh. lloottlottenors ut BOAT AND BTATIONELIT TEAM INGININI, BLAST ENGINSS, /SILL 11fA 011INEBT, GEA BING, SHAFTING, VASTY: Wit, of .0 deo:31;410w.; OIL TA NEB A STILLS BOILER AND BURET TROD NONE. Arcata tot GIFTANITEI PATENT INJECTOR FOR TENDING DOILEI. 'LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER EITILL • SMICLTI.IIO %VOLUM Pm:mum PARK, IticCITRDIr 3 CO., Elanatactnra.• of EHEETIIIISIO, 11Rd24.1310* AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER BOTTOM., IBED /STILL BOTTOM, bPALTER SOLDEB. ntw • Importers andAoslars to ITE.:ALE, TIN PLATE. SHEET IRON, ETRE, An. Constantly on hand, TIN NEBO' MACHINES AND TOOLS. WsrtLocso, 1ti0.146 WIEST 124.5E00:7D Wricarrs, Pittablargh. P. 8p a4l ordwn of Orsppa =A to an 7 &herald palkan. caylB:lydAver D - • ONE OF HIINNEWELL'S OItSAT ItEll ED/EI:Y-11 ON TWZI. UINIVLLJBAL COUGH REMEDY.—The budr of Ws truly wow/errs/ preparation, how of such well-earned sslobrliii U freedom from *very ooruporient cam/star/ dobilltabs, arid by sorb to al/ow the (restart fro.• dots 4 tue, day to night, sa the oulytrua thoory by which Throat and Loot/ Ouiripialutscau be stiocuolly curet. To present eating attention to long •tarty of great when local cation make almost all Inch com plaint. different In effect. I ...Id a•k axiffd•noo, which mill be sacred, in °olds, Omagh.. ILronones., Bore Throat, Bronchia/ and Asthmatic Gam Dig WU. Whoop. lag Cones, and to all Throat and Lea Complanie abicb, when noslactod. and fn Oonstimptlon. Tentitem. Wain from ros.icLtna of the higheat napoctabillty, need Gam invalid; an be won at my off'y by all int.,ratoff) Ear ule by all Wbolosale and Beall [haler.. JOSH L. 11131i9LIVELL. Probrirtor, Frantic..l Combat, Denton. WAIL For rale by .I<t. Pleasing, Goo. H. Keyear. B. A. Fannon..eh d 03., I. H. Fah.", Agent, for Plltabo.-0.; 6-o. A. Rally. W. I Cum an.: D. .15.1.1., Brow, A e rate en Allegheny Clty. 16,:ha-*fe-re 7.sa CONFESSIONS AND EX. pram:cc! OF AN INVA LID, published Lot the twaeOt sod as . wuat.g Ind canna tw maxi ton who nsFer re-ms Nerroge Debtlity, Drennan Deny or Dachotel, etc., Iwy - ptyng, at the ante tlon, Oa swam if ”If care. Dy one who tue mewl landi witer bring pOO to gnat .neon .al Injury throitin medial hon. bat, .ad cocker) rIY maiming a r , -at.pald addreaud wretapa, ELM& wipe. cc., b• b.d of tha aathar. ti &THAN iitL tai_ 7.7111 Tama 13.11e4 oaruaty. N. T. _t TO NERVOUS SUPFNELERS OF BOTH 3DX113.-4. ner=s4 gentian= Itadlij E.. 11 rOototed to /maul to Ayr days, after rnarlargabe toe wont s a tin. and Irmo= =arid» ims4le of LntalttOont. itlttiont mew., mutato ti m .mad GOO to nonnanatrala to lab attic= Dllow erentroms the aroune of mita Hasa, on Me receipt of an addrened envelope, ha erill send. /me. a oOpy of Cho preoriptka and. Direat to Dr. 10ED 111 DKONALL, Dl4 De = Meet. N. 1:11==1 LA BELLE STRRL WORKS REITER a Co., leomors to Cater, 111 . .121. a Do, sionstoetttew• GA IT STEEL, E.PUINGI, PLOW AND ULII2IIIIB drnia ; 6111M115, di LIS, CrtOWDADS. at. Works, Irian WARD. altothstly Ott;. P.O. •ddirko, rITTSLICUGH. P. JatlFay 7.7..10 1 38 00ORR&S & BRO., Mari atm-Atom of IBON BAILIN°, IRON VAULTS AADVALT DOODD, WINDOW buurrrns, wizt- DoW CRABBY, 80-, Nos. VI bILCOSD sod NMI= Sr BLIT, tan Woad and Dark.. Ulm on hoof a . r•ty- new Papas-us, Baby p.lo, nottoblb for an EUMOSIOIL Notlrs-lor ottontlaa • paid to *naming Pt‘.. Loto. 1 , 4,1n0 done at d.ort ova.. sob DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS, • ' OVOIDAL, OBINABT AND graULL EITS. TEDIS--ney Lad r. 11.1.1. tznatat•Lta-la laaparts tb. Eitaratd Ast.sciattat. Salt by mail la waded Woe a , s,tsp., tree of sharp. 44 , trats D. J. BKILLIE noLDIITON, Llaward tuscatallos, No, I South MAUI !treat, nits&lpbht P. • attallar 7j- - '9. HOLEEES & BOAS., Osamu' cor roszunt AND DOlllO7lO BILLS OW IX °NANO; DENTIFIOATZA OF DEPOSIT, BANK NOTZB AND 6711711, 80. 111 MARK= EMMET Pittsburgh, Ps. la' o.llactioss made es IA tN petartpal etthis name al Os Usdeof Rate HENRY H. COLLIU. Pozwin MO AND 01/114‘1851031 .iT6O8•II? sad "balm& dada In Qfl i, DWPI2/1. SEIDL Mai, sad produce pnarstly, lio. 13 WOOD IT. 1 , aabsrsb. Pr. sal sCHOOL BOOKS USED IN THE FE. tl MALI" COLLIOZ: wood's Sixthly and Heiden; /Ito& ard's Adtbststtea; Mitchell's and n Otsrrophlos; Plnsetes Cotter's Physiology; Bay's Alitbsss; Proscestres Blum; Orselloses Atithootics; Johnston. P6oaopby7 sad Clbusistry ; Pb''.iocr Ikasedlo UrmxmT; lbjello'4clt's tlaa r a i ns Books; I. rquollsl Trench Bookl; rchoo • =foro j° :?, 11Vor, tn. Bon Books. Patella, I "tn, es, It It , oto. tot .1.14 t r II CB sit 0. tl st.CO n. 111 Wood ttn.l, ' rtOt l:t. I. N \"11-1-e.: la LIIATTNO TOI7III 0111:1111.3 POl BALED OR LOOSE HAY A T VERY LOW PRIORS 01101iL 800K1, 110068 1D Olea ZEAL, • PASO) WII7DoW BtIADIC, BUBT/0 ELT n • WALL Parra, AO., Waders% and ret.D• at tO. tbaa mete= ra D. e•—Casa for Bags and Paper, at Ho. 101 relaral aired., Allegheny, an 27 TEE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, 07 ALLEGHENY COUNTY. No. 210 of Mandl Tirm. In pmertattca rf order of Bald Doan. I hereby ere Pasoo that GLOIIGS ALDBED ha ertablted awl fil e d Ma wild set:cunt am Aurtgoes cf A L rUISD D. aunt- MO and that lied =wont will be allowed by the Mort on oho TDIDD DAY OF BEPTIMDKII, 1084, holm cause be shown to the coverer,. oultiler II 'EATON. Prothonotary, AA. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Onto. or ens Par:mason Issawrea Angnat NON 1861. The Dosird of 'Directors 'of ths.o6mpany hire hh day declared • Dlefdsnd of POUR DOLL) 11 cs:k) Pill BRAME, Imo of Goinntoeut tu, oat of the profits of slz months sadists August 12th, lA% paystd.— II 00 cash and 62 03 11004—on and after MONDAY, Animal I2d, 1601. •100.10 ;ARIZ COLLARD, Secretary. Ortics or nut ADAM Imam C 241 rmaro__,Aktt Alyroat 20 HIM if . IgO r IICE TO . MITTEEB .EY EX PBTS.S.—On amiarter MONDAY. the 1224't1 teat, cothtok but par foods will tor na4red fa paymod of Trofgh to, of thof 410 u) tiffeo or by the Delftery Oto GIO. DISOLION. Avon. LOS—Near tho coritner% 'of Hand and Penn div vom mamma to K razonnic H ANK, Lo Koh Koao•aa vcomt7. W ra. confa:ling oi obeck mai+ to her arose, for Thirty Donors. McCann will confer • fovor by leaving It at lb. t epaty Qoartorolostsr GoaKell o.lloe, Of It tit OKSK, illitadl.44 Wee. rollhtl AM Tr SUBSTI . TUT - E - t3.= - . IWO ALIZA SMlSTrifan, 705 TIIBPE TIABS, ism be iroild'of No. 1.47 rbuirra ISTB.RD?., t0r31,00 • eeblt TWO LOTS IN L&WBENCEVILLE, tell rafted for MANUFACTURING. 8.3 ectally &Ore l. for resldenm ars aura tm penetual Irain en tale .n esyy terms. Theta tet We 160 by VX and 60 by 172 G.et, !wing Web ibseetratte. lta qa!+c of N. B. HATCH, eel: • oen c .,159 Pena gnat, Plttaargh. OM SALE, • Areraerg from 6 w 11 incur , pars. Znqu th ollleac! mien' a H"Pliltifi, etl.ti No. 1Q Fifth street. E MPTY FLOUR B&REELS W/L.NTED BY THE SANITARY COMMITTEE. Pomona bavlas ESP T 151111IteL9 elate • at. roe by aocc lag tlom to 59 POET fIVI cTalirr. •entl hartela more. They am rumbad to pack good. to Um army. .el rit Furt RENT Law. or PrinVag Offlain Bsok Binding or Mechanical paiporra. tan bo lona:Led irla swain poser It •antei. Will lie ranted slogig or oleo, wire sr !hatred. 11 TICli° 11 ° 0 1) 0V. 611111T.1, TAIILE LI FINS AND 71 , :e71NG1 041101 11. /316117, GLOVES, BEURT /lION I'S, , G REA: DA 11.0 MIS AT N'CLELLAIID'S AUCTION nom, 2,1 85 PIPTEf STREET. SCHOOL IcooK,l ST ATIONERY. A large tasortm/ at at /6w.! plias •t WttoWale and Retail Roo:, Stationery, Raze. Rae aid . 1 63 111111 sreskr. HASUSIO HALL. tans. Tows,. Nauru, Pm." teal. Aug., nob. teat. IE\FRAL ORDER NO I --! n cm % 7 forrnlty sib the providlunt or Ol• AM or A.. At • Sly of toe Rod tad 23.5 of Aug.; 1er.1., and tOes:t to • etch they are sap lament., It is miffed, I. That the rats/mad of the rorpi of fif fen est...l tut. P.ceylru,la St re Coors" ~• flied .er to ad I out, bn torte with counu.ce& 5. At the first onion of that oo p, , three regiments o'Wear, two. q na' rule or cavalry and four bateriee f told artillery, •he I be room:di...a .1.40,1 duley. Thew lea Imente, tristadr.nf. and batteries, it fa intended h 31i hodmputed of vohteto. rs to all esters. caldtere arf able•bedied peso roe ' haws:a the epee of eights ad fifty, rang the p demo. to loos •••• ars au .u' .c 1 to dra t attic the laws of ta baited 81. W 'Z. The farces that to be raged, will Gs comma atle3l by umpaty office" Orchid by the mea, old who here twat It Ma • TIM. of lb. rtatu, sad been hoehrably 4/charged therefrom. behold and emend ottorre .111 be appeinted by the rust sod matarrd I 1 . the undo. of the mat . The her • sill 03 used ot.ly Tor the defuos of the hats. It wilt whiff la serrhre, b. clothed, eq tippet, armed, sub lead, dhottdrned and pat 611 provided fur by lag for • ra la 1,01,4110 the ureic .cf the Unitad Stare.. 1 Petrone, qtaltll3.l by terries for puitton of rose t Inure In MN a•rpt. will. 03 app.i 'atlas totes etaa teapot. Oanenal. at Hamburg, -eye es at bor . y to recrull companiet mud squats, aura aft er and ea company ofo 03re, will Co onattairutangl ac. rudinaly. 5. 71:te laid corp. shell be enlist...l la the uriles of the Mato for three parsoltdees wooer disohafgrd.andebell re Ilahleto too called Pao 1b...T1P at th• Slat. at mince owes as Governor may data culr MTV./ noes. t. • = y oft rendearane el.dbe atehliehed a Harrisburg, ender Cl. charge o• coupetent ltuts, sd 11:01141.1 oltioare, 6120 tneeportscloa for 1 at pa theta, will he fertti.heJ to pavane recralting I coupaniae, end tirade dart low than sight motor up. • Aflrt Cabtel. R. a. Q OP, Hu+ lobar& tiaLd of "ape tattoo and Telegraph Departmeat. 7 13hi aid the regiment., atcatrutuand be' ts rise, ate , a' ty bream prtvid•d far. not bertorultad within thirty tta deficid3ry will he eappliel by drab. 3 td twalui €5 tealeop3o..o. r. rhargtd with tre raced.. of tile order, end all the .1 •la ruder It by ord. a A 0 CURTI 4, OaLoma, awl Ovum:nand.. la In A L. llc Amu.. AdJat•at chatmAl. Papua. •01 IL ote INTEREST TO LADIES. I o the., Captor practical Ileac nobody alit day that • Pawing Ilt,blw Y 11.1 InaltPeinsbl• nistitulin to eery wall rainlattid huntly ; that the work undone:in . a good machine la lona es durabla sad more brantlfal duo the base hand wring, nobody will doubt; and that it will go through as mash work Ina day am c ould fornrnsed la • seek by hand, tea theiolood and tan than ten thousand firesides will testify. Dot mord the variety of inaction which are of/wed to tba publ c; It Is sometlmes tifelenit for the porsharar to obi* which la the brat. A trial of over two years Goa. bh, us to say with Ma insanst confidenos that than ne better essablit•tor farina bunny use than that man nfuturedby the Omar a Bator !awing Ilsehine Ono pool. It mates • boollfal 'Lune ream that dam not rip or wear with wsatinsn ; roue almost noirelessly ; is plain, ample, no to work, and not (labia to:gel out of tonal , ; patsy the end. of Its Iwo lila:114, • and um lhooado MIA Oho alma!, holm lbe Ipmls MI whisk; they are Donna In Ibis we ow! oastolosi ?o, the d e s. la all pats of the coonta7, who howl awarded the 0. am Baker Itschltirs the drat prssot sots at ALL 0, PAIN. ro e.—V..rl. • I X,.• Every IlischineWarranted for 3 Years, EMBIION & No. Lorl 000 Knott. Office, No. 18 FIFTH. MENET. T. IC,WATEII Std A. F. (011ATONEy, General :Agent. pew, WEST CHESTER ACADEMY and AIIIITAZT LEW/MUT:A as WEST CHESTER. PA., TM. P. MIZBB, A. N. Principal. 4iturran WOILBAI4 A. U., Pit. D., Aped. PllacipuL The icholattle nu of ten Month*, OM comenenoe'ork the 11.1113 T TIM OAT, the Gebnt Septa:att. mgt. The ooune Of Instruction le thonuto and entenetre, de. algued to L a an t bvame.eyond! mop min for Ocll ege wash and or Umtata. 'Waders eben= m Xrenab, A gun op . taught native I tasenre, T. 1.110. tarp Dowel...ea U under the the charge of 11#.10II I.ollll,#DOBlf lf to:A M. 11111417 acepertuumdcat. as Cheater Pa. Ter cataloose apply to either of the Principal, The Medea! . mat be at the lf ONONGLIVILI 13011511 Pith from Augort fib to Loran lth, incturfaro. wbere be be floppy . to faruleh Worms enti sabliace abctit hie School, fromlo a. m. le # p. m. s,cco FEET OF FRAMING TIMBER, FOUR 800 MS, JOHN' P. HUNT', Yom•pumr Emporium GET THE BEST. INSTRUCTOR FREE. - - /Mir .IDrEATISEALICALVS.- pITTSBURGH COAL OOMPANY. . _ 3,000 SHARES AT S5O E 40H. • ItP/LICRODB AIID 11V311.21 - • Jpb° 39 arts Mao. W. Dicke!ilon, Nom. Plalltp., Joehna, Mode.. 161. company held. the fee simple of ['to' ace-. of • but guilty Coy Lard, situate oo the Alononga,n. The eat of aatd Dad at 3116 per str. 1.10.1. to :5. Ihe mutant 827 2.2 of the nuptial hoot tettl be cued In hufldtng • short nollr ad, erecting that Ttpyloa and oat rrt crater, Imnrov t tueuta,todoceson. In. le• oral of the c =pan,. 1h• dlt taut e from the tie r to the meal el react, opened to hot fitty feel. • C a Ira. vage of the rfc.r ta. re ace tents vet Saler at to. Cron.. nes Coal 7000 thtee facts the Trn.t...., act' Pir•ctor, bee. o dead 511•1 • Rh paper ectrin toe ...Net of th. matt.. up can e e ery soon trete peel :, cello Isar'gon Thirty per cent.n . ry ub Spurrcal , gA,•IJA p a before the 12th al E•btembor, le •4 btlnucts 0 lottal. tor It te as may b ordered by the Truate.a and Dtrroto rt d , the compat y r•qtdre. , Boots a od•eubecrPfdlen are cp•nod at the to,loo log Dm. BaLales's, N 0.17 Wood ..r•1, Pitteb - rgh. Milt, a Ofeketwao'a, Nw. •LAI .na 111 Ltt...rty ate ••: Joshra Rhoden Duquone Way, wear Irvin etre••. P. Ora' lutorattoo 0 talon,. career of Frltt and Wottl•ter ele ILSG/TEIL'S OVFWWE, Pit.burgh, Angan 31. t, IS , A. I XrOTICI.: h HEREBY GIVEN that the 1..11e ovt.q ounce of Executor.. Aduait.astrx- --. • . t ra. 1.01, Io•os, fkr.,lfaro Loen fed. ifassodafti•l it.;;Drees Offlea, and mill ho preaenied to the Orphans' Court. for coollrutatiou and allowance, oft 3101.P.tr, Mettberg, It mG C ft( t f Jame. flerltahelm. letinlttraior of Jupar All•hoes• Caceaa-d. I lit /4 May Anotiot of .14 be If Gs.r•rd,geardlan of VI for • Ra tter. If •ttfi •May 7,1861. Acmat t cf hat, Morgan, ad In latratrla of Morgan D. Mogen, d ctseed. WII.d Mor 10, I. G. Am cut of Jo! n D floulfy, gn [Lao of Margaret • Meilen, 7, tolot r, daughter of U fuel:leafy, aeream d. To ad May 17.2004. 1. loaf . - roast • f J Iff De eldtl•lol. • :scalar of John D Gl* m, coca. .rots 711. d Illat I-, 0,, Oct net ot.lohn Marvin - .54 Fl at Melon,. • 1 Rll,ll - of BAfert M,for 7. 11.011. ed. I• 2 11.1•7 to 1504. • I .2 and al are, net f • Nt lolam V Moans atm a . late af.• rof U•nrs• N Irma, as 4 • fled Mar 14,1851. Faust acootnt of J asrca no Jr. lfeecetor tic I rn,thafeast.d. nl d May 20 left. re rot of Graham Sco•t, one of .e. admlnfst Ilstriten Mato n, der, .4. 1 , 11,24 May 21. la et Al meet of Sam to. fl ..ttf •, et* oor cr girt Le.- to ascot r May • cn u. I of Emily Wink, acarolaa • f ft lat L Jo t• lf, Jr.. od Ilratfale rolldret, and beira of If It irk. d torsed. II el May SO. 1051. 0200 act • I Dm Lana Farman., aleronistratrlo of Jobe generale, de• e•wel FDed Eaf Incl. I Dal at oat. , of Jots 510t , ..', es•-•.utur of Aso 54 ado d. .1. ...toed Filet Jon- 1, !Sol AlNnot of fa ftliam Mn ray afth ttu be,. of James II e.m.u. riled Juno 2, .801. 10..• not al L 0 Ll•ft-tod , l a' d 3 r R , b . 33 on. ttholnie• rat •• of L 14 II tog f ro , d ceased 2 ,1.4 Jun ell lent. r nal ar,efot of . 0 •-is II Mat 'O, 2M:llot...rotor of James C 0.,,! F 0,4 J nue 8 10,1 rale. and ILO to co-al of J•zao Meats, Jr, •t., tf w, rut. • nof J•-ste heart% dee as .1 4 /no. 10.14 V•rtt secovot I J 6noderean. Jana D 7.nea o and 11.• li. situ, 10 . tr r. /Deco , , de. .e ...d. rno Jen. 11,1614 •tnal net re hoorta Mill. r adrolalttrator of Ja• of ta nd Fl'e I June II VD, mad rer.a.afe vont, of Port! M. WE eon, ono of Id, exe.oto JO. Door., deoeasef.L 111,1 J.u.• II .8114 Viral •ud fly+) or nu t of fJotboriets Ilosaer. Extoot •of Jocut.7luroor, deo.ausot 11. ed Jan. 14, 1-A. A04'4.3114 J.` r, 11 arrer and I .•En Witho,p oo , oo oto ot,ottu Itlogloto,o drroo's , d Fitol Juo. I it, enc,tint t f J. rrnalab }lnk, I.:lnlnistrator of D• 11.1 Cua ot, dame 1-';lgn June 15, I ',I. f.f.• nut nf W lion •Itonenen nnd Henry OroeK, ~atop 1n.111013 G. - eased. F. 1•41 Jnuo 17, In. 4 Arc.tut of 41tarvw I atv, .dc migtratot 01 JAI.. - 1:441 Flo t I A.nroel if eAI nun, goar4i.re of fd.ar• Jett. trod Mstod. He if utro, 41 , .0r chlldren of II C rBZ non, creaed. Fred Jnoe 1. lASI cLreent cf Jao-rb Juniata so r JJ, Hackna tn, ax •crt t. is of Etter... Jctd.o. drrsm 1.1. 71lod Jon. ?7, 1 , 61. • cre.nnt cf Jared, Paiomr rod ItenAen lloahmm, er rdlans I f. 3. A kr, w J end Cosa 1 .11 Pd.rer., or:o )ren of Jacc , b Myers deera . ol. Flr.d Joe. 2n conant of James Paters and A IL a ir er, exec...an of 11em Peters, er ce.nd 1 rtes.' JO', 2., I-41. •. Arno t 01 I,;esrart t rrlg, e•trat•Llstrator of Md . , deer Mil I. Fred Jon. 28, teirA. Flt at arc not 01 oar,. IrlcULrlleod, ad. .ret 011.5 pl. Alert. Ilan', dacesard Fred Jon . 1, • I I r.i in.: I/aanf yne tr guardian A 'i•k6o. , Ifil. rlatfo Amnon, if Patt cti Coarat,r, almull Ora: sr houuta II alley, d.c - cared. Fib I Jan- U... Inat Pao od partial ao. nue{ e WDAW wu and / , ti iltarlt. ay.-n*ora of fatonal C Y Fl.. lune F. al ant onnt of a W Zaino, fv — ing er.cntor of P.a., I. ram! d.0.. ,, K1 Filed M•y I le , f A • (Dell of P. thy Wiplm4. ard:an 4 Lather Jo' M Cattle!, tatzar c• nd ant LscladA X C.. .y, do. , wed. I , tlrl Jody n Yttul Acc• not of J.o t" Pr .n..att,adina tf Law') C Peen, J. 111, , ,1 Jnl, 9, WA. A , C31311t or, LI ALlaatsnatratary of N 4-.1a.,t1 Vora ./ a. IVA first and a.. torroltr C. ,1 Ettanott...lminig rat 4. J•tre• C .dar.ll, drotaaed. Fll.l 1. 4 =:==E=l P (nt.o.d J 911..1 July 7, lout Atootat of Adam finsitt.r g Phan . I Eer Oath An, r.r till , minor obi:A of GA roe Parttil ,100 •1..1 July 9, 1941 First account of Emma Kafir. alai ristrotor of Joba ,11 • ny, Mean ed Food Jo' y ledi. nom octet:of of cart[. a £l-.1, a - n•nn.4 " rota 31 Faber, envoi tb. r' Pdr.s sod bolt" of Pram/t -ilt Tar re, a d 1854 carnal f Mobart lt.err cod timroa , Bnsr , ..secntor• of IS,. Addy Be., d. c sard Tiled Jaly IS, 1641, Tn. Sad Dual actroca • f S Hour., cu./tor of Mary 11 , y,d.c foal Filed 11:Y13,1504 A. roost rf Jan dB r W.dbum, ex•entors - .I Wm W.rottnrn. dee wad_ 711.1 Jo' y l i, cr. out tf Mosard Hug' ea, adminlatr for cf Ann Jame Elugbar, d.crar , ed. Fil d In'y 15 1661. low am coot of PA.I. t e.p Id flabl.dooreasi, on'y act. lot rotcnror of ebrlttlao 7st DI, detesaed, by of. P. AI ruttier, me of Chi L .mak ea colors,. f Ibo par .., arblcb owe of Chrirtiat Jacobi, deteasod. kThed July 15, 1.4. FP al unman[ cf Pomo& B Feey, v•ezlor of Wia J 11 d ettes ed. 711,4 July 19 , 1n4.4 91,61 .c not of A LA Proftti •dollonftrarur of Copt Jou,a t not!, cr... 6. !fad Jury 10. 17.4. • roonot of WIN- m B aebo g. a foal o tstrator of Mrs l.ato IA boarborg. etc.. d PI ed J 0.7 IS, 1504. • arrant of Al. 0.80.0 ha:raft - so and Hartlo• !Stele'. lod, sOm , olstrsons of lame.. McClelland, dotees , ol 9 Ind Jar) :1,1E454 •ctonot of Mary A. Bb., eterk, admioistr.l rit of James lilaralterl, Fled Jo y 2.1 1944 [mai account of Sarah A. Bain, actrolont”tris of Q. roe Boi4 y. dec sof d. Till Only P net and fles. awn:ma of I.arl 4 1i.b.r• sod Job o 6 V. .18.., • droloistratore of /aim W. ker, 111 rd J 7 SA, 1.4 sa En.' az...u.1 of G r YrAu It J n'•de.,e ~ tor of tar,cet dlemuing, de, .38. d. rtfti J u ly 23, 1,14 Accocnt of Cherlof U" Id ref., •Arnleirtrat, of J.lon Loco u , deceaord, Flit A ago. S. 11.4. A•o. out of Toforfeend, guardian of Henry r,e T •11 1 Jam. R , calif. minor 71,0 A en el /mots 'Y IA ors !mill., done:Levi. nted Aug 0..1 n , 16C4. accrual of Daub/ Fezlcy, guardian of Sarah 11 sad ir I rge S Vlt.llacr, child. ea u Georg, X Wan., and aof Gevrge M ellece, brae.. 4., nod a aigrat 14,4 ilea] sec,o,t 121.t0u. I Med moo, gqsrdian of Mt, .ben Bomb, wOo dt.d NoTtoabor ‘o':1). Flied La vut D, 1821 A crept, t of If athl .s Walter, alrolotstrat n. of Sotca Waiter, dreamt/1. Flied legost 11, 1061. Am all rt Geceg. Heald cal/color Of George Iloaro, deaeoaei. Fi6.l August 13,1864, Flea ace , tot or Jam Conotostbam, A anuinistrs•or of Samoa/ W. 11c raddoo, dareapaL File d &a... I. :4114. Am:aid I. Balm, attardlan:of Joseph Balm child of John 11 Cobra. declared. TVA Mops: 13, 1864. demurs/ of F Robes, poordloo of ails* L Bahia chill of lobo/Lill:boa deceased. Mad August 13, 1801. ccooot of Jamas 0 Sala( and Jolla J BMW , neci. e not Isaac Calm, th ceased. Tihd AO tosl 13, 16,1 Arcot: at of Robe , t Wiboe , adoilutstrator of Richard Trams, &teased. Fihd A ages: 18, 1864 Account of H. Robb an t r a ,p o u oaaaar, eiecnr.n of I boom 11cMdlno, ceaaed. Fluid Aslausi If, 1864. At munt of Laviola 011'el aed,adalotstratria of David 0,11.1 210. who Pas raecu , o , o • 11 isaboth kf'Drackaa, dares rd. • Filet Aagrat 16. 1881. • Flow act nett of A exando- W Book, adalolerat r o . 1/011, A BibDvanued. Iliad Almost 16, tali Accnnot se Mary X Millar Iforaterly Clary 11 dollal tier) adtalt 101 . 6111 v of Jots Bußelmr , dscosaaL • Vital • •gon t 18,1864. r . I los I man tat otioarDl Walker, adaloistrator of Re becca Waller, forlnPed. TDed Angastlll, 1864. •ocoant of Wa A 11treon, gaWitto of Karr 11 Pot ter, one of Cho-mins etllldrep of Bahart 8 Footer, de ceased. Tile pagull2h, 1861. • •coonat of Thcalaz Twiny, frusta:, apyolutod by the ehu,'s Court of Allegheny County to make isalsof the reel estate af 'Jetta Shuaea, damped. Ina ann.* 11, 1.564 Yam' acommt of Wm H Lotan, au rdilm of Wm A Parcels, minor clad of (f g, Pawls, beemod. 111.0 Ao(aun Yd, 1584.. Accolnat of Btu uel Oaolna, nocator of Obsittian gock, &erased. )flod Aninet 2% 1264. P CcObril 01 Gs rps Flileslapr OLd liOnnilthownecll• or Jan At' Iv 11 Acme, dcomed. IB*l P.% yor , ant of W, J so go maim% of U 1 rgo Ur. mi. or &Udall/rum' gad L.gtoUa flogrkoit, der...loud Piled tergu•t26, 1861, ri sr.,' Vital =oust of Llowy Solyoly, odzatalt trafor of W W Fairbouroo, dommwd. 1 , 1101 Anima lie, 18t4. !float account of W Wfait, raardLan of 1477, Albert, lon. and AwePa Marlatt, entidran and hairs of Joseph *lariats, deocamaL riled knout 2a, 72fki. Amount of john Bam.y, auard.an of Woo ld'aillen. fWdA¢aset t 7, IBM. • 000nnl of !maul /Lobar& sod Ito Galena., axe onion °fn., Dennlston dootme4. /tad Aaanrt P.f, Pool account of Wm. 11 Erman, guardian of John W gado, son of Wm WTr d.comml. 'nod SIMMS SO. 1804. • Ethel account of Jobe Curti, executor of Jana Carta, Br., dlocated.led A uncut 3100 1364, now amount dII 0 I l eatre•AttoutorufosOrTro Anna dammed. Tiled Actuat 30, lafit. Aooc ult of Jain A Ito o. d, executor of ltatgaret MOE, ntdy, &on ed. riled August VD, HOO. Account of floe Atertneon, action almirdttrator of Quite J Naylor, deo•aacd. Filed a wpm 30, 1304. tel:lldlney WK. J. RIOLIABDSOS. If alttr , CELSRLIZ L. OALDWKIAL, (Bioxemor to James Solatot • 004 PODS r•oan 8., Nein to BACON. LAUD. SUGAR GU= lILZIEB, fiEfOICIRD lIIMP. As.. gonna Isannrr arm MIST STEIZITS, Prrnstnsas, Pa. ast7:l NEW JEWF,LitY BTORS. T. H. StAGES, Weald pool mipectrany Wane the public; that he ha. opened hie n.w elsrawhere he Iree_pe on head the than; Wet aeleeted land. of Wattle* Clocks and Jewelry la the two data Watch and Jewelry wait deem by drat clan ttoraaten, and warruael to ere erlitactiora Don't .orget the ilea tridelat SA Manta, EMIIELS, driatlitayatt. PRESSED AND COMMON BRICE 14n,000 11=133:D; sad (00,a0 COMON LISICTIE; Oa laud ib , l tm into by DAY ID EDICD IRON. roya.l ~ ~~ WANT& _ - tYANTEISeroitaI good pattekil - maul re zzi 7 l.tiun r 2 ( 1 !gnu( j r. ck .a. “ritt tu.7b. es.3o:et WANTED—A FEW GOOD OARPENL nous to ',bon. th e blight...l Inge. and etesdy wort will te Oren. Et:Wren} J. LL. LIErD3AY & 00. et New Lthillee /11 I. Wood.' ann. WANTED—A situation a 43 Book-keeper, azdstme bzbleeper. oro erk. In slum =Lauf tor - leg e.tablithratot, or erhoisal• grocer' by • yourg M. of rued education. rho Dal beak**, Beyer to • la•uul•ctu , lng eatelvfibtanit tpr seer.ral P.M Halt of refe,enee ~an be Om. Pleas. •dartmilka.•• 0. Pitt. burgh P. 0. IV A NTED. 13 clA.FErtiivca., A irotrlcnaan with his wife nod danghter, trim ynnr• of yrnots tkvn 110 elthet Cigr• print. prenTrrd dd , ens, •or t -ten day., HP. Bt. G•norro llrrt lc, station terms. A to. Ban of ren,rnoes Vv., on r....7,1T0t. T J per Monta—We want a rellable CaSeessor to ever town and maid). we have agent. clearing SLSO per month, wLic4 we will prone to any doubting applic.t. Addrest, SORBS BROTHE RS * 00, 1.1,3 re S'IM Ell--A good RAIIIIL4II BLACK ski Ma eND ELY.LPL.2.. Alao.• f. good ILL -01111118111. Malted wages coda to good workmen. Clears of LITIGH BOL.V. latral Car. of Porn allay and Dostureas Way. WANT E 11-11410 SUBSTITUTES, ROT LI &DLL TO DRAFT, to eater the *ors/oil - representatisss, la adv.o of the nest draft. A llb oval SouutT srili ts_puld tn.:MO.3a to th e tioretuntant bounty offers& 307, Pittsburgh, N. WAS 11V.ANTED, HANDS—Any number of T earyanters wanted. Mahan wags will b. paid to oenipitant men. Apply to WHITE d ALLEASIDT.It, anlEctt Leak it.. lartweeno Federal and Bandatky. WANTRD IMMEDIATELY—Two good, PLASH BLiSIOI73 and aeraral PralliE4 MSF LRS, u th. Math Ward Foundry. MOW yarn. Paid. 6111711, !AIM 4 W. EDUCATIO.VaL. COLadIGIA 7 1.h ;'-- STII rz. A EELS ::T CLASSICAL SCHOOL, FOR YOUNG LA.A.VIECIS Corotr .f Bum, Et set and Iltothtoa /titans, (Ike rib Itnatuott,) ALLLOti.E.bilr Orft, P. oont The Ninth Arm' A c nml Session cm 1107- rA T. IA-I.t 6th , Ikmatils2l I , • ; go and WA. tautly fo lobbed Roams. Common TA UM, ILgoomr 2datbmoiLim. Amiens aed Modern Lam . and Or. •u tal {l.lrauchm.mcabl. ET ad aMaaMon to Bead• Ina, Wrlll.a; and 0 , opoottion S DPFAITIII .1' ma Minos. Fr. Circular. or tot ms apyld . to lbo CeocircL aolOalo Mrs 6. A. AM ITO. W ESTERS UNIVERSITY, • Comer cr /1095 AliD DI.III/01/9, STBSETS Featley—Hoerr Woods L. L. D, President and Pro fame of dental sod Along 8.f.n03 ; Grim, It, A , Professor of the Greer Saiesplege and Uneaten,: Bon. Henry W. Williston v A., Profaner of Lon; Of lent.' Dunham, D. A., Pretence of tlatherostent CLo-ga Y. Barker. B. Pb. N. L , P•oneene of Baton) &nous Donedle Libby, B. A , Principal of Preparatory Department; Bel E. /A Whitens, IL A., Predawn In and Llneststra Zee. Won 11. llo‘ s% La r 0111, L. L. D., Pro Reser ef Physical Training, Anat. Day, Physiology end Hygiene; Alphonse D. Masa, Teacher of the Teacher of tta • much German Leavings Langesge. ; Sktdolph, Leonine; The beet ade.tsges are Intend to einllann in the Preperettry ansaleal Collegiate and redenten entre. Ybe nett term will eecorstenoe on IIIEPTEYI. NCB Lt. anlethe p s ELECT SCHOOL , 191 PENN STREET. —The thlnl term •ill ponmence on HOB DAY, SEPTR.UBLIt 6th, Ternm—Per Smedne of hro Mouth; In the; Jrmior ct cn, 1.10; to the Senior, $lO. Na .trlbe..llllge for Itrench Gelman and Dtateirm. The Prlncip.le any be found at their room. daily tom B a to Sib df m after the Zed Met. MiliMlMll=l Select School The revise Flel Benton twill C0., &phoebes RI. de the number of pupils ir JI b .trier• ly .indents a ; equeezed t reytetor their limos es ea= pceilble, ut dir Rtzt - fiMesldliii red- Canoe, ou teat Czehituovia, nadir the School Ittioui, auaiiize ED6 W °hill ME.grtia.B.Y FJB T01:1210 LADIXS, At ST.WIOE.LILT, PA. rn- Iron Banton will open oo the =IBM MDLID.S.T IS IitYTUPLBEIS The bon advantages aro afford.), sad as reasoshabhe Ws. For terms he.. seod fora Cir. odor_ azir wzu.r.tx+ I=tl==2l SE irrx.irs %)114CHIJIrEll I , H: ASIR 'WAS' MISTITUTE , NSW le CrELIEL. arPOB7l9 " that the WHEillalitll WILSON maks the . LF,OI. 9712011 and nab, klabsel, • maxamt at tbs atattl.l4. parmataci. 'essay me wend drarable¢ese of Cb• dilatant rn•n doe*, and the wide taep of Its asrti-sti n THE "LOOK STITOH* Is asetnruity =know/edged as dr ray tat I ail laza of sada& It fequlref 0. osce•tualf the amcrorat of naval air SIR that b gnaw:Bed by the "Übatzt Elactdans, Qui autlz4 • •••t:4 am cram to 11.50 PEE D4T. Sb. WELTALIS t WILSOS the only machtas Indus its GLtS.I LEPUOVENIELITS. um ad ea= tom thaw, at the lir falanam, Ht. 2 rtrru STUILT Pre. BUMPIER ez CO:, Agents. los:agaw, RaILLCS. 13.012:E5. • Walt Ltroalrrmast, °avatar Itaatio, Ma of Chief Quartardutater. WAJMISMI Anto 0, IVA. GPM to mold at Milo 4actkal. , to tits n idgbart. bid at the Lisa sad olaoas wand Wow Vt. p , wildS. Ps, Itrovaisy, August Leib 13131; al trona. Pa, Tblusla. augnet dila; Idol; Lebancw, Pa...normay..firptarobar Let. Idel; Harrisburg., Pa:Tharsday,l6eptamber flth, 1.161; Two bbladr.d prO) Cavalry Homo at 1,100 plata now Roma ban Wax aoadatiaall as atilt fu the Cavalry eartiotat au army. Tar V.md sad !arm porpetteasaaay nay be had. , Horan jell singly. : • Terms--grab la Coital Orates oarranov. ES A. Mb% lAtatetaot %Lae / lad Ch AX id guartaratsatar, anattad Otivairr Barna. ELECTROPATHT. WANES LONEREAIi AID CALDEU. Rare moiled n otter es the maim of rfth too Wlib meets, mimeo 145 MIMI 111911111%, forth, =tr. " oym jet" oneVlb i ganT ttr "l otterVal Ito prepared to treat all Mamie is o ectenttes Rao. OT T foolemoblo - ram oartilm. EX )1N17,1511 alit h vale, from end", ffoooo Of en•11.•41 }, re. liworo• wi.lc . l Lb ni 01 3 . + 11 1 whin. In•s .oni • %,) b• r ottos cp,enn. OW .1a raid say i.n cm to .1.1,0c1i4i ckloo. We or, Wan Dreporod sconst aodat, Paten: L E witta D. ltsrd.cti r • Onagn , 'ad 4Serotalons nytnp. •. , . _ 0n.19 • 115 ?Errs 87111117. rpo MANUFACTIMERS—A—party b low $lO.OO to 1111.000attilch may to Inmate ad, inane to turret In tome nib 0011lieble mum. fiettarfair butter. (teen. le &Omni of rota crating with h.tlf a roopectatile mansirecturer, etlth tallow! Weeny cetahlithed. or &Dont to be eettibllehed. Itileorrifore kw large Moicum erymience La BIM et, can toed and tonna of MA/ Mr; OTIPOdir to tin“ amp of the anandal and boatmen pput or the concern. Ho perxm coot apply who tempt Watch a remonable proportion of the capital required tor the eetlen *perm , Ilan of Om coacrin. and who le noi • ccunpleta tneiner of the menthottning bushman he yropown., litho poly he not well known to the Ailrertisor, esti' notary reformat , writ to mare& &Woe BOX 110, Y. 0., with real name sad reddence. milts! - SUNNY SIDE FARM FOR SALlV—Sita ate to Charttaig 334 tante teem the Oltf, .d .4 or • mite trete the P. aid& E. E. Cape!. non. wi n Gs 130 week ZS wee cleared, bletarew fiSb lawn The treproverieett see throe Ace dwrlttego, tene bare, end eating tor to twad:ot eta three et cher& 1 of ,Seo to 1,400 twee of the NMI =loaf= and:. ruf.tt. large variety otnatli !rain and atrawberziet In abandarce; • ileitywed of WO paweetees. The land Lc rich, hoe been 'ma so • Dairy Warta, and tome of tha n meet delghtfal rovntry eseidentee Out bay two offend to the imbibe for yew/. W. 651 Odds well In Soma. try rep with A. Imam tad an - or hard to each. father particulars ayply to 6.11; B. 'SLUM * MS DANNAJT E. DAVIS' SCHOOL TOR YOUNG. LADIES ' &VD tailei;—The tr.ft,etth_seralon of Ma fl Judith:4 forilmik. ecnnmOcoon 24.015Dfif, fiiPTAlltin Goth in thimps ee, roe, Tip. 110 Toderol erre; Allogermy. ' The services of lbo followlog soooroplfshod tosobtra hors been winds ' _ Prot Boman SA Irtika tor Moil; il Profi Douse, for Inman Prof, Campcoll, for A norind nrunbir of pupas oda AO mare& sunlard A 8 TI3BTITUTE WANT= FOR ONE OR TWO YEARS. • A liberal tonal .111 Zwintri 6047 Lib.... awtoynivam,b, or fdl - redl.nal Ettoet, AlJAibetl. oolPit•V F - "" .- "•:'mil ' • 'NULL MOLE:3, I FALL SHAW, fa FALL DRESS Gop,Ds, A. 2ATES;III N 0.21 FIFTII 111 SILRS. MtRINOES. .iN 144 Ira= ra, FALL TRADE. c!? WOOLEN YAktlti • 1200 lbs. Blue Grey R..Xarn 500 " Fine Eastern laza; 1. rain, AZO111;12ri. auxsoir, 841ix2, 77L111/110, otter de 61 rabbi ratan ; to g lAir 'Wawa Well Selected and Assort 44 Ste Cit 1 , 4 or DRESS TRIM rkuNGs, HOSIERY, c it Ic4 GLOVES, , NOTIONS, and is SMALL WARES, i - 41 AT THE LOWEST PRICES FUrA GAM WHOLESALZ AHD 1t1M..11,41.1 EACRU aGI E. Ho Td WIZEN?, ikrialle• saZI GET THIS BEET. • GRAY'S PATENTr i ti t :g - MOULDED 001.411iS - - ABE La 7AS • THE BEST .COLLARS EVENWAN' - The ethyekentat • Whet twee. which doe4ot Weak Into comers a noticed to all other collars.] ti By the mot:dal:li of three collars the tifie r edp thrown riff hose the neck.. who erolAinik Aliint both of the neck sad the edge of the cellar, becidel saving Itt trots defacentast try pereptration, Vat 'AA foliar hi Freely strengthened, and .fll not non I:* dews, in this collar the nuntdaottiter lute olled beat* of ratline , use to the wearer , end derahill iheee cothirs are packed to mad twinge, tend-. very eosivrelent ;attn., Tor Me traveler, a9ell for a month's jothmes. 4 6..15 W haleevle and Resit, by EATON, NACEIIN . • =to doe. IT =d 1D 11711 C ;4... REMISES THE Glipa !-.41 .1 12 C LEAR A NC E EA.L. CLOAKS, t I - 1? - 3 114, lii I 1, J. W. BARKER do 0 zt tztuirciliitre 81TRVIE11 Mit &RIMER GOOTS sicursa Euzsz Az r 7 and 79 Market Ramat=drinineroras Cist 014 pods at Iss than N ow T art t.I Ltaaa liandkornhodb, In pan stitthod, bought knig ars and net ads= In Uses Linen Handkerstdali Ita to offer at dadatal bargains. Reel Thln Rama Iniorshlits, Ltitoa Trnivors and BUT Shirts. B uIP O4OI . sad Oaiiata. bast lasts of Paper• t . an= sad Slblidren's tianas 8•• Moots, Daplon 610rts, Balmoral 8 • • I Rlbbeal Brad Maps sod . Scuba .8a Lama tad Totrot Ribbons. Ms= WHOLESALE MOO nerclaars saS Man. an lAsnsb ow ANIS= mad Vostat, Sloe& ZOSZPIE i:I(I4UM NIP 1 1.10 J . IL BURCHFIELD, !Wilmot tot,, hulk ul itv des tattitielft. rawly 17:1:MME &DV) " I A La rge Staik or ado& Less ilian Wholoa. Pu Le du stcCL thee to call. • sirs Jai or =spurn "mix Ir323TILIMINGS:S. 13. , Levi 6173 7 3 7 :13 , I : Ma 14 cl& 4 1nc#011.4.. AND ISED3a rdwxa TA WS= Elmo, cor. =M.= " aufatpißomrsim , " I " f irna = " , rl.l3,tlztlrr4 lams ArzsitiLY, roeLeasis aAO emits.9 l3 •, -3 E 021 : 1 =4, '111141E11t.61 6 14 °4194171,1910 RgdMOrdvta. FiNAL Y.I. 2O RAU • . /OHO HMI dt, GO. 6,5 4 witunot ilth irLaww" , 4 o3l =4 so& *t ug s ,ctque rut az4 utak thee:sw: - lIIIEMOVAL..O7I,P BIIIIIPAMIS i.Ar al Clatauladcas Norektatt,' bus approd Inca * 4eavr ;,.-zonto CPitPEZE23):bithomo R. o A et3l 4iaforwtbi 4ts Al2 =& 64 8504 it ,4= to =l4 , 1 ' . ~ iiMall wi 1 ..... I i -i i -71 14 , . 114. ist Mai tetZl oar 410, 11 3a5s IVA_ _ VA l IT 4 ' Wan - Noe • UM pr 'ETWAITEI - CMC ~:~~'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers