MAI am mostmatpr,l4 18%. PV/t AD valthslite ixnutti Kama. 3 tlrota . ireaX. • . - , • • - W 3 60 35 660 760 us II 76 20 T 5 6100 82 00 .1) CIEANON IDa ' y. I: tLetiLs onsb...l_f o as rtir “sralts______ pp pp Zfrlzt . cootibea deobte elm above rats. fl'otia sub Iniartioa ......--.—. 50 cants CC* 75 -boas advertbastesca, per 00 prAdeolsdatratore' mottos.-- 2 75 CITI AND -81JBUBBIR. . ; In the Interior of the State. contuse In the interior of the Bute are • • dng energetically to 1111 their quotas. Wert. "•-• , ' fiend county is progressing vary malaise - 'EI7, and recruiting during the put, week, has ` .. ` mom brisk thin at anyperiod since 1881. townsbtp_lfiat thirteszt inn to furnisk ' the presont,„cell; there was a credit of font , ffto hooka, which left nine to be put in. They . • • pnt —thJest'snun being aoceptod on • • :,.,;23 oral*. The township paid $3OO bounty. ;'.vsbtarg borotigh, whoa, quota wu Ave, nn. salt of 500,000, his her men sworn to, each mirtso local bounty. Also, West .ton, Mt.•,,, borou g hs ;-. rin d New Altruldria, and -,obe boroughs; rine the townahlps of Lago -• ;-.‘..) cook, Beitickary - and Eut Huntingdon, paying from WO to $4OO local bounty. .I,township of North Huntingdon, Bemptield, ' • i,ielhanna, Derry( Washington, Rostraver, Unity Piessant are running quotas r apidl yi and by ths Mos' of this nsoat of them sreilkoly to boated. Omni. .",$. Trimble, T. Patton and Mech .', ,' have togotitsroome four Cr Are osoopenies' . • Culled which will ha ready to go into Camp ir•ficolde on Monday.' • • • - county ths rased almost, if not quite , quota o, the last cult. Col. H. J. Brady, .• was crommitsloned to raise arm sr.:gin:tent bee ''.ody about seven f a ll antes motored In, l P o of. IV body Of moon, generti 1- y equal to that have yet gone into the mafiosi. Rev. • Greer, resolved to ant the example, started s.` and, as Captain, raised even more men than • „: teousary to fill one company, In _a fp w days, he and his command west into sump Boy !ds on Monday. He leaves his family and i'Acral charge behind while he patriotically •.: .•ci s to the front. county, though still the stronghold of ° L r 'd74 , 7. d .il h Lt:l°,•;,`„tt,:l77.°g'Ztl.*; The city of Reading is about lull, and °umber of other ,dhaloto hove secured their Sea cf -lee at the Theatre. ..q.ife most repeat the "getting op" a this been. 4 , 11 sensation plsy is wall rewarding the min . . I. s er for the labt;r and atpense which It hat cost It le - very sedan - that a Pittsburgh men , ' dike the iminetse eoetJ , pattlailarly at 'S present price of Materials, of Plethrg upon nage such a-olay as tkii Sea of Toe, for the risen that, whatever theomerit of the product in plot mechanical mod literate offeets, cos . will got - jostlfy .tilm in the matter unless the play has a reasonable rot. otrever, Menage? Hendolloll intends giving matter a trial this season, and now has artists " J Now York busily engaged in pointlar, now ao. ' which will enable him to produce ;sny , or the best emote pieces ever played in Out —Molted Staten. The See of Jr., now being per- Is indeed an excellent lades. Let co ':;!-44.vo more of them. a .The walls around the inside lobby of the These ife are to be finished this week with white oak addlig greatly to the appearance of the Starter. Pittsburgh Coal Company. . The attentron'tit coptullsts Li directed to the I';' , /vertirement of this company, to be [sued In '.:-.:,:,-,t r .otttor column. The basis of the business ii so '.7 ' ... : ; ',,,ittly sot forth ( that me hare little or:Lathing be `;:i.i' - ; ' 'fild. It will be rain' that the dire:tort and tors • ._ 1,,„ •-'...:, ~, t Cos are Intact the lifeboat ttntsin,rou.ceZnolatl;ajtdi. .? . .! c z . .,..; .t t . al; e n i a:r..e&t . leo c s ol sait e e o n t. gu t patty wtll , be jactl-- 4 1;',C. - 7. only and ancreasfally matubffet . In , Ass. ...::' ; 'fl ale of wild seta! 7e , ci4t i atlon, Ei tlt Ett ui sa i llt m t , o , r , .::_'' .',; :-.: J., d i re I t le is an e fr e l j a Often palmed- oft'arnadtly , !' ';'.. :,',;•,- the rout. There I. eomethtnirtassible - ant 4ermetent,,howeet7, in the stock offers 4 by this . .,.. 7 " , if,0r0 racy, ard the prig , . ere not dependent neon .':.....' 'l• 'and "good look." ,Those, therefore, hav ;.... ~....f:r.g mono to invest, should not overlook the I tjmrorablo opportunity Acre prevented. : ...''..14 . ~.. Deserters Arrested. - >i . 44 A 'auntie= tanfel Miles Smith, enlisted ..-.-;'..!:;) abort time ago, but laving iseef;ed hisbounty, ,!, i'.'. .he tapir' Preach !exits from Camp Reynolds, and i:...Zaras not beard of until Timidity, when be was ...;; Sl...sught In Allegheny by cfneet Bay. If o was ';-'''''' I,, i lisking arrangeMents for taking a anal leave ' From the dietriat, but nafortunatey occident ''P. - T 'gill happen, and he waif foiled In his atte9 . o; i, '.ifinst as ho was about to put all his arrangements ' ~*:. et° execution. - 'J , ^ On Monday night a deterter named fdlehlei .:;...7. .:' plh, wag amused by the same ollimr. and de. - .1 4 ! eared to the military authorities. Rash is a •:' -. p an about 35 years of age; a reildent of a . case ho Spring alley, in-the Math Ward, and t 1 . ! 1.7 g asp' to d only a short time ago. Botts the above •! . '"I Uesertersw ere plaoed in the guard house, where . I `.,..pley will remain until their eases are invest!: , f , :4 - gatedby a court. martial INDIANA STUMM Fen: The 11:.h Annual !sir the Indiana &ate Board of Agrionitare will !, - '4las bad at the city of Indianapolis, commencing '•• ,on the Sd of Oatoksi, end 'contianing until the It la espected that this Fair will be the largest and most interesting:one am held In , i'.'}iFithat State. In addition onuntil Leduc, . - r.,Arrentit offered to exhibitors, it is proposed to hare ' department d d to the braeat of - the B.mte 4,o:llGrote Sanitary Commission. •‘2 p ". aeurav !,FRET Na. TORE BRAT"! Ann 4'!,..i.,;rias..—Tins battery. which le •etioampad on the !f,J weft Catinien,! - in Allegheny; drilla daily. and their maneuvres are witnsaled by large numbers of persona. The zoldhaly bearing and gentle. ...!di wady' conduct of this , sminmsuirdaring their 087 belts hitiattracted the. attention of the cit. lawn, who hate aztaatad to' theta - the, lib" of dude - This- company was stationad at acthislo t w . dartagt Aha meant raid, ' `t: In. S , /?'i r t!d l, 4 Abe: tom - patty , with two guns, are simi Insisted la that Vioillity. - . - ..i'' As Thescurririsra Disestare,::The Whee/lag . :.:71- Intelligencer-siw: -We ars tatrnned thet, a prom -1 ...'..:!- !zest dopperksid of "Drank, "ereacity, and 'Jo ff e appointed. delegate, to the( Chleago Convention, ',weed lAtsbriegb, the ottier day, - to attires It with VOTE*. if Ills - frieede4l , their way ,te t.'ne ..-L. Chirsgo Cooveneen. R. ...5, one :e3antebie ledrentestence be loved eleneell /Man t,t9e in greenbaelti, in d as that; ies the extra of ht. • - . 7 Pl lO l be lima Staked Pls Otitta home to make e A raise d a few more: , ... -i. . , rIfeRZIE Ottst.—A pension. of $25 a month It wgrasted ta those hosing Lott both hardier bot h'etes iti tho mUi• t try Jerrie* of tho United ; atitet, In the lies Of. , duty, tea 2440 per month tor thou , who, ander the taragonetiotte, shell hetralost both feet, if ~,,,,h'pattiet were, entitled! tt a Mirk' . rnUt Of 1 petition natter Um sot of 18 64. Rica :^. .47 414.sonetre.4-On Tdeidaynlght, the resldince: of Messrs. Wm. Varnam and Benj. Lettori en Sonth.Cenal street, Alleghenyi were entered 17AI:doves, end a ementlty el; pro.. Tirione stolen. - A climber of robberies hare or . enure ig, past few weeks, imd the,pespetzatore hare managed to elude the vlgllanoa of the police, • . . Taaors I IThetatentract,ine Te7a p re p E of lesterdsy rays that there' are three thoursud lesen.noir in camp Cartinawaitng..organisatiou. (cur o:cleric till aev.en on Tnesday night fear hnerdree neon were ze:gred and quartered •,-; arthir catepi These facto Indicate the extent And theanthudann there:rafts minim SILLIEG Or Teo oLDIRWIL—Aa the fait line .en the Preesytweatib.P •iit.• VW gibig weaken afternoon, and when 111 wan peeling the jtnotion with the NOithesti Ciontria raid on the weetetn bank of the. Saelnehenzteh sirer, two soldiers, who were redtlessly expos. fpg ,theziolfes on-the tradri were almost . . oiontly ConsistsEf . eoleindl4-1...4 Andernu. who no." or . "- tad Tneiday Mat for the bar ony of tne-se. dollars frobt Andorson.'s drink. Ins saloon on Third Altreat, was, . isjl yesterday by Mayor Lowry, In distant! of bay, t o *anger the elan" at. Sa 44 :. (sacra ,An OrM,trrol-,The First -:Reformed testsn.ebnrob lip be 0-opened for divine erste OA EObatti reit...the 4th last. Fui , 7 • 7 Asp P.: ~iai:i ~.t! n ;_.., y _ -~,t; "i: C~'b PA• rifAtai.o - ,l:lVgiarii*bl.4 - tho.'l4lll4' gek , intiffinsA la-Sewicktriy yestesdak - The attiladanet.iii'prult ridnit , than Jen . the VeTin3 dB:. -ogr l upt, .nd rest laternst was ratilfestoi -In thoi4sPeeedings. /ctinedately alior tre - Opening: of tsti. mill tuts, Pyof. Clark, of New Tort delivered' a lec tor. 0n moTrauramr," and 'discussed the various methods el teaching this nacre! seine, to pri mary classes. The lecture was lighly interest ing and' instructive, and Tres listened to with morbid attention. At thnioneluslou of the loc. tare the Association adjourned. In ISO aftermoon, Mr. MCC:IMOD& 431 1 terel a lectrre on 'ldeate.' Philosophy," and SfAJ fol. ;2 ; lowed by Tref. Thompson, of Lldiesstsr, on • "Prisrau7 Teaehing." Both /emus*. wore well • o , 3 prepared, and foil justice Was done to the ' oh- Is ilt le expeoted„.that to. day. will be the lest and 03 • molt Interesting of the session. Prof. Curb will continue ids lecture on ..4 T-rarnmar " and professor Dean will dottier the last ethic series of leetures on ”Arithusetto. . Protestors Richt and Brett are also expected to deliver lecture., the formerupon"lllocatlon,” and the littter"Oar Work." A general dlscurlion on "Institutes" will conclude the exam!. .. tee:-::: . 1 13= I 7 1,)971 --- ' 1 7U 11IM 1-a0 I 1 110 95 9.50 9 • d 170 4.50 4 . q 2 on 4 5 9.091 9 . 4GO 1 7 42 00 OD 9 u• .303 70 1354111 , . tO MI is ara , Lif COI 2001 2 6coi 1 3 78 2 4 55 2 6V/ 4 600 i 6 10 701 4 111931112/11L eaczi week, I be weep. 13 001 tirol 0800 11 IA 800 800 10 01 15 75 10 60 501 01 21 70 11 03 Recruiting yesterday continued brisk, and a large comber of volunteers were secured. As many of the districts that have bean 'enlisting men for some weeks past are fall, a good oppor tunity is offered for others to enter the field add fill op their quotas. Men are plenty, and all that is required to mamas them is money. If a sufficiency of fonds are 'forthcoming, the quotas eon he flied w 'thou% retorting to the Provost If &whore wheel. .A large climber of men have been reunited for tto gun-boat 'lmlay dttriag tkepast week by Major Fuitenand Ratio. This branch of the ausice Is one whieb pruants pacctliar diz toxemia to our young men, as the duties to be perienlitd en both Leave and exalting. A few 'n ire good men will still he received. The aka* to above the Diamond Market Col. Gallops's Artillery Regiment is essriy roll, and will probably be orgsabod next week. Bank Note Quotatlone, r.orrected especially for the Gazette, by Mazm , Feld A Litre, of the National Ilona Not. Re- Prter. Rates. uncertain at present: PR1111112.16. August 31, leaf. Demote. D. 0414/ Dew Copland Stator- Vlrgbila-Interior - Pena.... . . par Pen - Ptttaburih... par Lonlalam - Bk.of Plttahnrcu, pt.- 12 Kentucky Bk. or Barer (J., pr-. 1c Teitnegene --- - Ilk. of Fayetteoo, pr._par 23onongabola Dank, !Indira., tree.- t • Brownsville --Bk. of Btate._ par Pa. Country Banks-- Monte- Daltitnore... par i2l I Interior.... 2' ktlesourt...—..... auto Yirginla-Wleollug.... ll f Canada__ Ito Wheeling Bnattolum.-- Ricuazaa-Belllng rate. on Neer • York and Pldtadel. Ws %Vit. env Iteueliatge thud. Clons-4301d, buying rum 11242 , 3 and Silver 02 les fpci over bankable mad. PNIZIITTIET OP 00010511.11:10 Wit body will convene on the second Tuesday in September, in the First Presbyterian Chitral!, Allegheny. The minutes of the sessions of the various church,es connected with this Presbytery will be presented at this meeting. RomoattwO.—Lewis Bakor and 0. S. tong, ed itors and pitonietors of the late Whetting Beg- User, who were erteetod tame week, ago, ■ld a-omitted to the At`tenema by :nand- Flonter, bare been released by °Mar of General Sheri dan. hf mar DIST POOTESTANT CIIG/IJAITCI —Th Plttebargh Annual Conference of tho Eletbodlet Protestant Cbaroti will ►old 1.7 next seeflon at Eldereville, Waehlngton county, commencing the Tat of September. arzr.cisi% scocss, JiOTIOBLI Taaau Peasw, Platy And thrannacittal Merl Roofer, sad easier fn Penney Jeanie and Ver mont •state or the beit quality at low rase. oEme At Ajax. Langhlln'e, near the Water Worts, Pi:tab:ugh, Pa. Vormersem Reap Mrs.—War the derangement of the system. Cbange of Diet, Wounds, Sores, Bruises and Eruptions, to which army Vol:critter is liable, there are no remedies so safe and con venient as HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AJTO OINT MENT, thoroughly tested in the Crimean and Itslisn mmpaisna. Holloway's Pills and Ointment are now re tailed, owing to the high prices of drugs,. Ac., at 85 cents, 75 cents and $1,40 pot. pot or box. For sato in Pittabargb by B. L. Fabnoetoak *Co. For sale at lalton'e drag store, FM street, Pittabsugh. For _at e also by Else. A. telly, Federal greet, Allegbeat city. AT * ditnerparty'reeently given by H. It IL, the Frisco of :Ws!. several of the noble grieve wands& upon V. splendid crop of "hair ap pare v ie brought from the nursery by the specia l r. quest of Loud Palmerston. The royal soother th.esuptn inftrroed the comyeny that this un precedented display of hireroe forwardness on the ran of the youthful scion of royalty, was Qwing entirely to the nos of .Cabin's V ioriline" toylike hair, which she had Imported from' Prance expressly for this purpose. Ladle.,with young -. responsibilities" will note the feet EXYPTILD,-Samuel graham k Co., March/at Tailor', hare removed to TI Smithfield throat C' e ere Just receiving oar second supply of spring and summer goods, and would most re spectfully invite our friends eta the public in general to examine our new stook, beMeeing it to be ono of the Ilasst stocks of marchuat tailor goods in the city. Every garment war mated to give full satisfacdion, in both price sad quality. Moo to • tall before purchasing iireerhere and Judge for yonnelves. IEfAALLW McCall - maxis. Merchant Tailors, fie. n ; nithtiold street. Ir you value a good, healthy head of hidr, or wish to prevent your hair from turning grey, or, when grey, wish it restored to Ste original (mior, you roust nee an &Mere called Strl/11 , 1‘21:114 at it seems to ho Doe of the greatest enceseses of thioprerent time. Sore to reader satisfoction for the above Pence,' when all other prepara tions have failed. Sold by Simon JAMMU, oor. Smithfield and Fourth !treats, sad by allsolvent druggists. 'Armin To THS TRITE s Tory common ex ree.ioni but we thigh Armed to emSllllsh sad proecrre therm to s ripe old age le decidedly uP.To bentllcisl and appreprlmiste—thie con 01.17 be &no by the fr agrant . dozCdont." Far Oesnilts, beantlfyinir,snd preserving the ice b, motioning and pull:Ong the breath, It hes no cqueL Sold by dreggiste gesersily. ,_ ._ -_ , . BAGUIO Clusio and Commercial Acaa,f, , i stoono floor Allegbany Seeing's Bank, Alia e ny. The Fall term of this institution comet n— ses on 'Monday the 6th of September. Might school commuting on the tat of October. 'Bev. J. Davie, M. A , Principal, Bev. Wm. Barb, ..M.,A, Assistant. ler. • Cowes, lloartenete, Asthma, or any Irritation of the .Throst, ozoßro'adhial Tabei..4etterltt by allowing one of "Brown's Bronchial Troches" to 41:selve In the mond-. Ail' Druggists cell Battu/re D-. Bcd•nhamer, Jr., IWOrld,r -rota:red tram. Bedford Biniege, be will resume his ptaetlee at hit ethos, 145 Third street, Pitts_ berth. pROFESSOR WILLIAMS' (YLASSIUAL I Am) ootrinuccu.T.. eimooc, No. ICI, Mal/ rimer, lre.opeu an MO'fbitY, the Roth cf augteit. '7erms (11 pry 'chola rper 1111IIMIT of 11 weskit ad mit*. Home of Toillonfrom Ela. 00.0111 Ip. tn. TTlMAClMlL.—lfstraci fron . letter of Profemor - 16141 to . Kr. 'Waite out. whatever you woull like When me eity of yaurabfltr im a reahr t yonr cirialifloatlons an a teacher of liteadlcur awl iloontiou. aral / wlO midotee la with plasm:re 'Do not.painalt your .nacitiatti to prevent you from making the realm meads. `flan barer) nixes lattlrbst jou would like ,M Para it,Yor / am certale It .in not ochaei the very farohable Ophalimi / cantata otiour ability to exemplify tad to teach the art otresdlug mid speaking with Met; fllithicte 110111. ilogoaae, maw 1011 tmpreectre Mach tiPinamtil/ • 10.0 Int'N W11 9, D zitde . r:i i r .. mun tkal l itr a toVeaZ g ot aw n thkg*l , Of the Barongh of Lawtottoeetile, undor the SOUR or. &mow =id to. ttend to ell boMoome pertaining thee. to. WU ply thoILIOLIESC LOCAL BOUNTY IN Odßil to the t.W.4 hombre of atom ttorttedatote• • 71. c 0.... win and at the allow of WIWI raq, Tatemolocnrille. REWARD- • • • tontabilsig f 9 JO pledrinitim Pittsburgh Buoys, also show for vs, drawn •by , Prsabibt Waiter; arni payable by G. tr W. Bt. Campbell. The fader win re ceive nil abire - rewrril bp bernrng an an eg 'WIN 4 IDDLE'S Grocery, Diamond, 6 Usztyrniy, or at _ _ D GREDS 00'S. 1/4387 $2O REWARD — Lo in the Al Veghtny Market • • OEM HIINDBED DOLLA,I2 Dfl L. TM atone mole WM b glvso to any pa= AU. lag iS ' l°Bs kBUW PiJr.O I, 7 goods Owe, oOr /ea ral and Clacoood, Alleihroi city. atl:at ..A. ; 41, EtillitmtllM • WILLTiIf :MATEY, JOILITEIA.B Low:Lir/a? !Lean:W:loH, thalmitten. POCICIT BOOK, 'THE -- LATEST NEWS The dicagp BY ftLFAIRAPII. Our Spcciai Dispatches FROAI WASHINGTON, AN ARTILLERY DUEL IN "FRONT OF PETERSBURG. Gen. MeTellan's Military Garear to be Reviewed, INTERNAL BETENUE DECISION, The Situalloft at Charlestown, Virginia- h.n. ha., ao. Epec'al DL•Tatch to;the Patsbrirgh Ciaggits WasmiaTow, Aug. 31, 1964 A letter from the headquarters of the army of tho Potomac, dated Aug. 30:.b, tap a heavy ar tillery duel took Ones on the right, in front of Petersburg, last evening, continuing over an hoax. It lust been remarkably quieton the picket goes in front of those heedqairtere, 'since the Tenth Corps occupied that position. DoCtritLlT3 lin TEN PIIOPLEI The Union Congressional ommittro will is mediataly lane the following documents for distribution among the people: 1. Moelotion's military career reviewed and exposed. 2. Gee. 11. Pendleton, big disloyal record and •nteeedente. 3. The Ching° Copperhud Convention. The recta who composed It. 4 Base surrender of the eopperhaade to the rabels in arms. 5. The millta7 situation, and the glorious achievements of our soldiers said sailors. 6. A few plain words with tha heroic private veld er. . 7, The history of hfoClellan. The eshitrary ►rreet of the Maryland Legiel►tare. • i. What Lincoln's Administration has done. ?bens doenments will be printed in :Engliah eiLd German, and sent for two dollars per hun dred. Let the loyal men ererywhore send In their orders to Hon. James Harlan, Washington, D. C. lIITERNAL RSV [NTIZ DIECICOS The Commissioner of Littorual Revenue has decided that the 110th section of the Intorual Revenue het of Jane 30.15, 7361, imposes a tax npoo the capital employed by pabße and private banking houses beyond the amount invested In United Stotts bonds. The actual werklug cap- WO will be returned without regard to the amount specially aathoriesd. Thus an Institution which has acquired a surplus fund, will justly consider that fend ae a part of Its capital, and where on the other hand the authorlood capita has ben impaired by losses, the monthly retort will be bared on the working capital remaining. In making the deduction from taxable cap.tul which Is authorised by law, the term bonds most be literally oonstimed a! covering only these SeltErZtllent secori!ies which are publinly knows under ouch designation concerning the in tarne! revenue tax impaled On the gains of insurance companies: It ie decided that the taxable gains at an Memento clomp., to be oassidered In making a return of a dividend and lerple3 pro d.., sod inverted as net gains in the spaces spotted upon the blank form No. 65, are the gruel amount of receipts. lee. than the actual expenses and lostes settled since prior to the dividend:or addition made to the surplus fund, without regard to what at, e, met Imes termed earned premiums. When any portion °lithe premium is returned became the p !icy has not hero nre.l in fol., or because, ar so the ease of • mutual insurancs company, the amount of premium paid In proves to be in ex cises of she amount repaired to Cleat tha insur- ance, the amount of premium so returned is not to be considered a dividend of prude within the meaning of the cot. AU returns must he mode before the local Account of Revenue or one of his assistants, and moat, in ell respects, conform is the foregoing. 1112511V8 Ot.llll Glen. Birziey bas lensed an order Instructing Ism p:rl;ots not to firs upon those of the enemy . oc less they advance, and then to open a general fire upon them. The effect will be to lave the useless wastage of life on both sides. Oar troops are still bristly engaged La strgagth- Ening their defenses on the left. The works there are now considered impregnable, and out oemaration of them permanent.' The re is some talk of rebuilding the raLiroad lead mg to Norfolk, and supplying our soft army by that route. It remold save eight or tea miles Of ...Stan transportation, and O.IMCDOt pith 111 on exmlleat harbor. The railroad at this and la la good condition, end enters the centre of our po ritica. A letter dated Charleston, Va., Aug. :A; 7 a. m , Faye, since yesterday in changes in tits pa ir o' cur tale:atey have been made. Ocm ad vatee, Picket'. division of the tith cares, ocaa. Ides Smithfield, .to the Wane. of hlieridati't artillery is strongly intsetchrd beyond Charles. ton. The enemy maintains a line in one front, bat evinces no dirpoeition to attack. Early's main free le at present, believed to be in the vidnity of Bunker Hill. DIATS OF Wltlrtnlt MOLDERED The following Western leldlers died In the hospital here to-day: James Llvinptons, Ohio, deo. P. Nett, A, 13th Ohio, Ale;. W. Cooler, D, 148th national guard, Wm. Boyer, E, 31M Wig. SECRETARY STATON'S BULLETIN. THE CAPTURE OF FORT 310E0H. THE KILLED AND PRICONERS The Forces of FamePt Wheeler and Morgan United. - Werszsaror, August 3L—To 111407 Ge• Diz : This department bar received from Gan. Great • rebel amount of the surrender of Port Mor gan; taken from the Richmond papers. GCy P.tha, &last 30—The following Is from the Richmond Eno:arse of this morning: Mobee, Aug. 20 —The o.g of true. boat re turned last craning. The Yankees say that Pt. klorgan;capltulated at two o'clock last Tuesday. On Monday afternoon they concentrated their fire on the tort, when the bombardment war re newed spiritedly. In the meanwhile the enemy succeeded in petting their howitzers into posi tion and the line of akirmiehers along the glares of the fort and opened • hoary fire on onr gine and gannets, and with the assistance of the mortar fleet sureeeded in daseagiugaeveral gun our - Sages. The fort did not nee. Or Tuesday Oen. Page destroyed everything in the fort and spiked kb guns. Be and the garrison, number, log 601 mend sere lent to Now Orleans; coven teen wore kilted; the number of wounded le un known. None cf the non-eLmbatants wive al lowed to visit the city. The enemy have a strong force of 4,000 on the main fond at Grant's Pars. SZLOJID MiIiATCH Moba‘Ang. 28 —The:rots no change of affairs alibis point, All is quiet. (Signed,) U. 8. GUI?, Vont. Gen. Unofficial reports represent Parrett, Wheeler and Morgan as having Joined their forces and operating against Goa. Sherman's ctmniuniei none between Ottattenoega and Nuhville, bBl no report bas been recalved front Gen. Sherman. Sen. Sheridan is !till with Ms !force at Charier town. Ho operations have Lakin place amen zgy last telegram in front of Petersburg. • (Signed) E M. Erasmus, . Secretary of War. Aim Houreefew, Aug. 81.—The Judge, lit' the Supreme Court of New flemprhire„ to whom tha querttoe war referred, her e eg,,, we d the unAL, tutlouvai'y of the bUI abcering rolthers to rot,* .;•~; ,_. -- . ~. .. ~. __ ... . ..., _.....,.. _... • --....,,,t-p.,,,,,:c.f.tri.V45 . 41 Qg'i : iit , ' , 0:1 7, 1 7 4'-' 4 % -.6 ' 4. "' 6 '"'''':-:' 77 -* ' —,,,....,..,-- _,.,„„,„...,,,,„..:....,„..„••,,..,,,, ; ratim NeNfidia, Speech of Gov, Seymour aid. Wien ADJOURNMENT OF THE CONVENTION CHICAGO, August 31. The National Democratic Conoco ti,"; at- Chmbled at 10 o'clock this morning. Immedi ately atter the Convention was oohed to order, p:ayor was offered up by the Rev. D. Halsey. Nc. Wickliffe then ro.e and laid that the dele gates free the West were of the opinion that crcornstauce, may on. between DOW and the 4th of March next, for the Democracy of the country to meet in convention again. He there. f re moved the following reeoluticz, which was unanimously adopted : Remfced, That this Convention skall not he diseolved by the adjournment at the close of Ito buainem, but shall remain organised, subject be called at any time and place that the BEIM,. live National Committee may dellytuate. The following communication WAS then 1 . 3051 Ced from the National Democratic Committee, and was presented by Mr. L•wrenoe of Rhode bland : At a meeting of the National Dem-erratic Convention at the Sherman Hones, Chicago, A ogust Slat, 1814, the following resolution WAS adopted t Werszes, A respectful devotion to the mem ory of Stephen A. Douglu, the great etat.eman of the win, was the crowning motive which in duced the Committee to cocotte in calling the Convention in Chicago. Now, therefore, It le the deliberate conviction of thin Committee, that had his life been spared, hie gigantic grasp of mind, taken In eemeeetion with his deolaratios* that war le dinnion, • declaration which time has proved, the wisdom of which would have long 'thee restored the power of the federal competes and avoided that terrible lose of life for which nothing can compensate, and that bitternees of f.elleg so touch to be deplored, which lathe great barrier to the restoration of peace and union, Thos. B Florence, Chairman; Wm. Fano, and C T. Aiken', Secrotariea. • Tho Preeldent then stated the question before the ocureation t, be an ordering the previous question, nomlceting • candidate for the Presi dency, end It wee erderod without diluent. The rote was then taken by States, Cool:teeth:tot and 0 tlo hay.og been pasted for the moment. The vote stood es follows: McCiellan .................. ...... ...........162 Seattorieg 64 The different delegations now began tool:moire their votes, and the filial result was anuoneeed as follows: Few Hamehire 5 for McClellan; Ver mont, 5 do: Massaohuactts, 12 do ; Rhode Le land, 4 do ; Connecticut, 6 do.; New York, 39 do.; New Jersey, 7 do.; Pennrytvania, 26 In; Delaware, 3 for Thoreau II Seymour; Maryland, 7 do; Kentucky, 18 for McClellan and 15 for Seymour; Indiana, Pt; fur McClellan and 9,56 for Say moat; Ellesourt, 7 for McClellan and 4 for Seymour: Minnesota, 4 for McClellan; WI.. nein, 8 do ; love, 8 .to ; Kansas, 3 do ; C .ilfor :lP, 5 da•; Oregon, 3 do Maine, 7 do. Tot.l; MoClab•u.. 202'4 Seymour 2334 In announcing the Vote of New York, Mr. Sang: d E Church said that New York regretted to pass b, her favo..te see, but she stands now, as she ham over stood, ready to saorifim her dear est Ferment preferences for the goblin good, holding it her duty, above all others, to do all in her power to preserve the country from tyrasn7 end oppressioo, and It basin.; full confident" In tt k democreoy, ability, and patrioti no of General Gthrgo B. McClellan, New York give. him her entire electoral vote. Several delegations having cut their vote' for molars Sey moor, when the ca , l of the State. had been gone through with, Gov Seymour re. marked that some gentlemen had done him too honored name him for the nomination. It would be sfftcmtions to say that their expresellna of preference did cot give him pleas. hut Ire owed it to himself to may that mnotha ago hi advised hi. /lends In New York that for v.rione reason', private and publk, he could no; be a =not date for the °bingo nomination. Iles•ey made that acconersoment, he would lack the honor of a man and would do great *clue ziCe to he used Ore. Ai t member of the New 1 .rk delegeti be thought It sdenable to lop. p•i an eminent jurist of that State for the nom. ta.atitn. hat he was not actuated in Chic by any doubt cf the ability of the distinguished gentle. mei wan has been p'oc..i It nomincioa lie brew that Goners. Moulettac did not seek the n , mination. lie know that able olSoer hot de ce,ed that it would ho more agreeable to him v. resume his pooition in the army, but he will Dot honor any the less the high position na• signed him by ,the great mejorlty of the country, hetet:een be hod not longht it Si. ceored to add • few word, in refereed, to Maryland and her honored delegate.. Teeter , coy he did an act of lajostice to a diatinguithed co. mar of that delegation, Mr. Ramie, b Coate he did get understand the purport of hie re• lr• he Dew dealred to soy that he was fully taut hse that the high toted gentlemen was in of taking has pillion to this Convention a d r firing to abide by its decisions- We ars lo”er .posting to the American people to unite and save our ooestry. Let as net look bark; It Is with the preemie that we have to deal, and let by genes be by genes. He scald speak for Our gaitara n•minee, that no men', heart will grieve were than hie will for any wrongs done Mary land, es one who did not support him in the se. Irgatioo, eel as one wire know, him with Ile rot; I mind to do him this jostles: 11., 0 r,. Sep /11,4, e«tiy pied.r• hos it:. L'oed. whoa 11•,.eisan plated In the . Preside•tial their, he will devote all his energies to the beet laterests of the one try and to memarirg, never agate to be invaded, righte and privileges of the people leader the end the Conetitti,lon. The President then announced the vote, which was received with t-emendons epitome, the del egates aid andLenoe standing, the band play- It g end the chews continuing for . several mite os. t !came dia.ely aftee the Qom:nation, a ton nes on which IS pointed the portrait of Mb. C.ellso, dot bearing as a m ',tit,: "If r cannot have COZOMODeI of my own men, let me 'hare their on the field of battle," was rot up Dahlt d the Pre-old-one's platform, and wee wel-- eomesi by the wildest shouts of the maltituta. A c•uantunication woe received from the Chair man ef the German People', Aee-,elation of New York, olaiming to reptant 200,000 OieslaDe and am iopthied by resolutions ta. JAVA, bore of the ASSOCiAtieD to the repprrt of the Chicago nominee. Mr. Vallandigham veld that from the licit re, u•at he bad ani-...thtad but the southveat in atm Jenventien—peace to the rad —tha; there may be peace in the I. He thoa moved that the a, 'Air...Lion of McClellan be declared to be the c; soimmes den,. ev the tl , nvon.ion Me. McKeown, of New York, esionaded the motion, eti remerbed that we are in the elide( of a Moony. tele:au., Teat it the present Ad mit la troPen should be continued, no male of [MA le re .111 he auto en his lib.rties. lie exhorted all to jolt with one heost sad aa one man in oar efforts to over.lorote If. Govern. Pow.'! &NJ Wiellf a ilreseed the C.,avreation, pledging his moot earnest ell etc for tt o remise of the ticked, and ',everted the gem c•ovlothan that the ticket 'wBuld come oat ofthe antest triumphant; the literates of the prop!, roe tored, will be the prespearty and bipolar:a of the country secured. .1 odes Allen, of Ohio, and Mr. Jur. S. They - et, of N. Y., followed In brief toe ;oho', rcview leg she history of the mink: under Democratic en,,, In comparison. with the sots of the Dreamt adtolnietzatkn, and the promising return of last lug peers end national happlutts with the row cuss of McClellan Too question wet then talon on mating the nomination unanimous, and it Om dochued car ded. The about that responded wan deafening. Mt. Wick/Life offered a resolution that %eo• tura, expects the tint ant of - Moak Ilan when el. rOtr 1, is id:mix next, to be to open Lion)ln's prig e ,o;1`.11.1, frzo, wSlah wee ea. n:oCur eel,. hit. Wtch.tda evil 'hot many of tho tent a2l moat loyal °giants of Kentucky, among them twenty or thirty Lidice, are now imprisoned in Louisville In damp and dirty wile, with only straw to lay upon and tha toremati prison food, and tho nawspapors of Louisville are forbidden to make the alighted &nation to this terrible elate of 'Weirs. Ho, now proohalmed it at the edit of hie liberty, whops of his Ilse. Mr. 6 8. Coz moved that the convention pro deed to tbo nominatioa of a candidate far Vice president, without debato or other busloosi. Carried. Judge Allen nominated Geo. 11. Pendleton, of Oblo. Mr. McDowell nominated D. V. roar 2mea, of Indiana. Mr. Gogh°, nominated G. W. Cue., Or Pa. Mr. Dickey, of Vt , nominated Jar. Guthrie, of fiy. Mr. Henry nominated Aug. Dodge, of lowa. Mr: Minket nottitni.ted darner D. Caton, of 111. Gor Bunt, of New lurk, isoondod the aoml nation of thale3 010.610. Mr. SaoJabeery nominated Onv. Powell, of Ky Int; Mlrsotal di:gelation nominated 'Total S. Pnelpa, of Mo. The New Jersey delegation wended thenom Landon of Mr. Pendleton.' • The first vote for Vice President reinolied es follow.: Jamee Guthrie, 6 6,5i1950. H. Pendle— ton, 54 14; 1). W. Veerhoes, 13; Goo. W. Cu., 26; Aug. Dodge, ;J. D. Caton, le ; Gov. Pow. oil 1211; John tl. Phelps, 8; Blink, On the 2d ballot, when New York was: celled, Judge . . Parker eald that ; having cast her 33 rase for James Guthrie, against Ws wishes; she now gave them cheerfully to Goo. 11. Pendleton, of Ohio. The other candidates were then withdrawn, 0.114 Q. 11. PendUAW!, of "Ohio, received the unailmone'voto of-the convention. Pendleton being loudly called far, be said that he bad not iannnega to which to caoross his thanks for this evidence of kindly... sod con & deuce. lie mold only promise to devote him self in the future u to the put, with entire de votion to the greet principles whjah its at the foundation btoar Oor ernin en t—tbe rights of the Sates and the liberties of the people, In the Wore, ae is the past, be *rola be falthrol to the great jithuitles et demeorstay, and strong In tbeir font.. •tre tne - btart• of • of fro. .tr.czt •1 b themobay prOid pooh, p•o,kl ap tee erattervd frencrene• du the Ualast'aati. bend it deems* the ne*t- gent : alien es it was - teeeiveti. trot the lest. - . , . 4.lcntotioe, aCegitnittee of eat from etob. gtete was appointed to inforin the 'iinattsfet '440101r nostlitation'ead regetst their aeoeptance thereof. On motion It WOO rotelved tbetone ptrtnn from c.rh State rebated 14,th, tielerttoo thereof, be appointed fit the Sationall'eleutieo Committee. On motion, it eras resolved that 100,000 Epitt of the proceedings et tide Convention be printed. hit. Tilden tooted that the same ratio of rep tenets ion ehtch prevailed in thin Convention, to the ratio in the next Convention. Adopted. On motion, it war— Itcsoim-d, That the Democraey of the oount-y Le requested to meet In the different cltte+ and hold coos ratification meetings on the 17th of fi , pectoter, the anniversary of the adoption of the Federal Constitution. vote of , hankf. to the r [Seem of the Genre,. woe adopted. With nine cbeere for the ticket the Convention si - nrried, subject to oh. call of the National Committtee. • LATEST FOREIGN NEWS LONDON PRESS ON THE REBELLION DISTURBANCES IN CORK, IRELAND The Mcb Fired into by the Police Hatirsx, kaput 31.—The Europa, from LIT. erpool on the 20th and Qaeenstown on the 211 t, arrived this morning, with four den biter news. The Irish riots reoemmenced at Belftat. Cotton steady, with • partial Meiling. of SI. The advance of the first of the week was only ps-tisily maintained. Middling Or:ctn. 30,81. B:eadstuffe quiet and steady. Prey talons dull. . Console 89% (or money. The London Tema, in an edituviiti on Grant'. wealth on Petersburg, credits both sides with relit valor, and winds up sv followe r We, from Ibis &glance, while we deplore the saorifice, can but admire the heroism which for three months together have animated the combatants in this eeedly grapple, end we can't but believe that the American character mast gain from the octal qualities which have been collet into lion. But se enough has been done 'for this, we eboutd rejoice to see tha belligerents arrange with mutual respect, whatever may be the cliimr, in the streets or charobes of New York, We may depend upon it, that no man in Genera! Grant's army think. meanly or maliciously of his Southern adversaries. War, among other lessons, oeszhes us to respect each other, and we slicerely hype that the feeling which mart that be generated will lead ere long to reeJnelligtion at d peace. Ti. Index Bays: "We are able to ray, with ail &mimes and er bernces, time the prospect, of a anted, peace were Lever so promraing, 110 along abligialalY ceitshi, as now. It O oursincere belief that, on • Ime acme great disaster befall. the Confederate aros before the 29.11 of this month, the Demo cratic perty, actemblieg In cooreation at Chicle •ill nominate a peace candidate for the Pre. eidenoy, and within three months thereafter there will be an armistice." Borne disturbances have occurred at Cork, where a mob paraded the street., but the pollee fired a volley of blank cartridges iota them rad they scattered and fled in 'eery direodon. Slight rioting is also reported at Dundalk and 15•1 ty. Latest sea fleavastolon.—llanchost. / r market dull. and goods and yarn have a downward tea • de Loy. Bretdainfit generally quiet and steady; cro easier. Waketeld, Nash CJ and flints erd,en, Spence di Co. report flour quiet et 20( . 4 22 Wheat steady, with a decline of I per ow., in one week. R•d Western, 7.916:6/1, l; R•d u:hcrn, le,:tdP4S.6l; White Westerri rrd ,rbern, 9.72610, Cory had a d,wewarl 'endear): mlura 25(;30. Prorlsions peeraley full. filindr.c, rrrnrt very dual and tailor. Pork quiet and steady: ba noc steady; lard firm a:416544: muter firm; save e•¢ and upward, with an advance of oar quiet hat firmer; petroleum, refined, reported fii tocr, at for erode. No sales. kor.du, dforlei —Ereadett7l quiet, with c Ithei dgatfina atd adva.sced .s>llse tie.;}, tea ttesdyrpirtniagut dull. I. IT r.' x.—Aivicto by the sx. tie are geherally regarded as decidedly proms ing to the North. and oattled a fall in the Cott- It trete loin of 2E11;63 per ewst. The Times editorially keys that the straggle •as Lever maintained wish snob rigor as at pros. Out at all ecints. Th. gouda'. new repreasata the combatants at the ernelt strain, and it is difficult to think a d,ri,Jte refit I' ear. lung be delayed. 1.,t ate - 4GL, August 20, r. a —The cation mar ha. Is Cm. Bresett; Q. quiet and steady. Provident steady. Pt duce it,eady. Lo. D. 71. Sartraasr Ragarta dm. at BSa,Q,S4: for money Ate,. 111:414 Stock. —Erie ; illinela nhares te!t ( c_9 4 . 2 .sti New York Stook and Money Market. 5p0t.11)0p61413 t.ttio Pittsburgh Osssiess Ra• Yooe, August DI, 1864. Thera Is no changes whator. In the Stook so...kat—Pittsburgh ani Port Wayne, 111,4; Ck.elad and Pittsburgh, 112. Govarnzmut Sawittet 8. Pius, 1881, 109Q110 ; Carti6• 94!. Trearurtes, I 12; Pt. T.:nth., i. Gold L a shad* blghar, dosing this attn.:on at :31 X . Nate, of Coal In New Y.rit—MeCiellan Rattlicauan Sleeting. tit r 1 01M, Aug. 31, 1355.—At the ¬ion rain ; .inauton anal to day, the Wirt. ware oteimisoot, 10,60®10 55; lump, 9,83Q)10,33 ; i °,60; egg, t 1.1,0., o I 1,11 eters, 10,83@ II: rbeetnuto, 10,13®10,15. lite amount told ne 24,443 tot, Too offering eras Laken at drelino 01 16h00{ 500 per ton for tattoo. doserip ilnes, while twee coal oru told at an extrento re 4actlon of 1,13 a Wt. At 0.0 a salute 100 gaol was !red hate in L.nor of MoeJell.tet',, J VirA.o 71/4aseulaliati [atilt:salad tosatlog lase bell at four sad was largely attended. From Ihe"Army of the Potomac 111 At .07.“/Alt.s Aar AT r4a POTOMAC, Artret 29, p. nt—lastead of a loss of 5,000 by the Sib eery, in the battles of the 18th, 19,5 and 21st, it is neer definitely aseertahled tbtt It doe, not ececod Z,BOO, and es strzsglera c,ntinne to COMA SD it MAY be thither redacted to 3,50 d, The loss of the 2.d corps In Thar, ay's eight EMU sot es- oral 1.2.011. 2 he mint; en clic' to be treesporting suppliel In wrgena from below lloiree ereioa r to Pllll,ll. bar,—• tedious wad dangeroat bailee's. Gt abaci Captured . by Guerrillas Lon.trada, dog. 3 1.--Ynsterday Lieut. Col. o tam, of the 11th Kentucky ear , try, was caps tors I by Capt. Foreman's guanines, when re• tar fog from Ids home to this city, and paroled to co to is o Wyllie to prnettra the release of ter, of Fatal:Lea's gang confined to Jail there. Three men finer mpwriying Graham Irene aka captured, of e of them, Samuel A. White, it is presumed th•s ,boot. -Luc. hal publicly dashed that be will shoo 101 Gagne. when he capturm these. TLe Wawa of the floiminitloit in Banlo. DueroLe, Aug. 31 —The nomlention of M', ho, been ram:lied with gieat.dellnht by the Democracy In this and ,other titles in We But! e. (Jana are !Iced, speech made, and Elm wt, wt.) ha let stl Ole P. M., to cefehrit.3 theoventa. Thl , a ves!ng crowds are parading *teen Ate tree • • Leedsd bj bands. Donneets me burning, end . u,ecth g it D as is being addrers•d by Democrat 'peahen. Wesunurron August 81.—Tbe Bcoretary of the Treasury has, decided to olin the bale= 01 the 6 per cent. 1981 bonds, amounting to about 838,000,000, to potato competition. Bids will be opened by the Cemetery of the Treasury at Washington on fiepttuster 91. Plymento will be moult:id one-third' on the 14th, one. third on the 18th and one-third on the '24th of that month. Propels!" stating the *monist at premium °Eared may be addressed to the Seem> tory of the Teasel:try at Wiablegton, or will 12, received by the General Assistant Treasurere, eed at the deporitlrica of potato money and by the :alienist depositary. banks. Taos. L McCILAELLAND, 'parzoalor tq 151c01a1lAnd a Davit.) claimer, voransatos insautura in rlour, Grain and Provisions. flitrcial at:on:aim girsn to the purthese We of MUDS AND ttEVINED prritc•LEmax. 7f4 Q. 27 WOOD 2TICERT, Dittstargh, Pi. DuSay D F. QU1,11.61" h CO., Commission Merchants, Ho. 120 ems IVMS cheap attention to ratll,.iii,4 Flour, Grain, Provisiona, ac,, For I:alint omen'. a. r. T. irtsh&iy WELLS, RIDDLE & Co., Na 215 TT Ltlx•rty er.t, croporits aLith, MOM, =lnfector , . V LOSII3B end SW/ . cut a. , - , riptial Of LEATELEn IlneelDSD WOLF,. (I,•rt toikita tr. - an the tt . egte, anR 80432 Prompt l 7 &hipped al 4mi Lhtu - hvtivhie thkel Antruft 31-Tour On Wiratt dal sad .t 6460tpL9240r Ito L and 11.6646 ior Lio 2 4u:; ...21dZe-3641 ($7.27 fcr Flo 1.61 , 9 1(.41.2.5 " f0- Sn 2 OW3 st.uir st 66 Moro for Plo L aod r. 1.4410 for No 1. Whig* dollar. $1.76. Er•tittals Prx,ir t.-- 91 t. l•n•h Wheat, C . 2,001 bush Coro, 153,- COD oak, Oat.. shicto.c t 41,003 b,.1, What, 60,tt, 17,0. Loots O. Nrmr it na. An,u. ; ...11 d 0: Y:. , u-d Eu:Relnrialy , perritly bui pc!iii,al rep...rt. the t the eLcro had ;iiig eisk.• corir;:ic ti g 14.1 of :hp f r!s, :he mil - Diem :be price era, fm.e •. Nrn Tons, Log 31.--eottrn steady at 11. as for Sft dli. g Upland,. flour—lute and do -fern 1.5(4.1r: be•. tar ; 59,10010,in for ultra dial., 110 91,411,110 for 1 a ra E. H. 0 . and 811.25019 Out Trade Brands, tiro m trx. clone g ate* 'T. Whisky doll and &trill:dos: Weit rt $0,82, incledirg oee lot at 51,124. %Chest 2 / 4 .lobettar; /1„24E12,15 to Winter Red n even, 12,1742,40 far Anther Michigan. Corn • abed. firmer at 11,5 t(31,59 ktr Rhea Wt den, alloat and $l6l for ditto In store. Oats dull and th dialog at olc for Canada, 015; for Orate, and 916 for Wtatarli. Corp. dull at .boot p ror t a , quo ,. thaw, Sugar vest at 24 , ,,,e far P. B , and 10* fur Clubs. Prolassea dECI and machonged. Petroleum bran: ("rode at 51@5234e, Refined 10 hood no 824111 e, & hood Free la quoted al aSlllOe. Wool sn;at but held vith more Inatteat Pork firm and In good around. 117,50 XI for Ifees, R19R99.f 0 for New d.., elusion firm at the latter prim 931@ a -98 for Prime, and $35,449 for Prin. Mt4rp; a's t 1,500 1 , 5 a for September, boyar.' option. at /111(042. Ike quirt and very flora at 19(415; for Coun try Nees, Ctiltio for Coootr7 Prime, 100.19 e fir Rap•o• 4 Rev, and 12 , 0 , 25 a far Extra Item Prtnto also Boat vtat and mckanged. (Irlt Mesta trot at 111Y.,4014, for q !boulders, and Ito for Raw. Lard Armor at 115;3 Ile. the latter an ea trans. 80 - ter in trod deaPsnd st 491146 for Ohlo, and 47a51e for Stat.. Cheater quiet a. 994425 c. Stock and Money Market. s Yana, August 31 —Money .to.iy at 7 per Cott. Sterling firmer .t 1O tor valet Gold more active and decidedly Wilber. ere nlng at 231. I.4lVancillfr to VC, deciltora/ to 23 , 44. edsantaing to Stibs•l, declining t >1313i ale! closing at 2415, Government Sto-ke Sem aU. S. a'. Mil Centavo, , do .3.11 Coupons, ; Treasury 7 30,, 1 Mi. Stocks firm • 1 year Oertitlentel .4 'tell Ligon S,lib,C. .. Kli!„ 0. &M. Conine/Lee..., 17,4:111. Centrad &rlp Ir.' New York Central—_..l2sl !Pittn1neg12.._............1PT , Eri...........---__TtuN';‘). &N. W 5 . 1 1 Reeding 1 , ?-i'I . oein.. •--. 125 . R. Prunrrred. nay &hellion ti I]J 13 , 0,0. &II . 1...—......—.1e1l P. rt. W. ati nu Terre lianlo IS Philadelphia Market. Pnlit.asztruza, Bogota 31.--13madalufla Awry dull; Parerdos lItO , FO , Balm 1116111 Wt., wo-y doll ; 0/d Bed 5u99,F002,5.1. New Bed 62,13:4tl Ts, WI; 12,8003. C . 1113 hasty Yellow 81,73 al tad Wrstart Ti GU. Oats 401; New Bk. Old 81. Lard lint a , 24!,;(42fw prim leouu—Coldo 41t. Eladavd 1n Bond a V 486.. do Free m.;4 W4a. M btaty doll sod fallen to $1,8601,83 Baltimore" Market. BA ununam, A tun .1 31.—Floor dull .d ben. y ; now •,d tn. , 811 62%*1.,,7S Wb..t du I and uallOnal. Coro dull and ducllued Welty) uoullnal 11,/13 641.6 N. RIVER INTELLIGENCE The weather 7 rwterday wag dollghtfnl (or bnelneat On Ito • has f, bot there tome to be Isothlug ding to Ihe ara} ^( ehlpmente West There La plenty or tonnage In p•rt not rryntal more rn 0 arrive to -day. The Meer Jr resllng ateadlly at the rate of •`oot bob In 21 13. urs, with 4 foal 10 Inch., on the ,411e ihr oy tuerne, and 5 (cot I Inches on the Monongahela ma , Ye. The Minerra, from Wheelleg, brought a doe trip of p, duce nod returned en time for Wheelie, Ilia Late B. Parser Is a apt - died to be at thelandlog lb I. ren.p 1 nu from Cleric natl. The Whale alertly hes entered the Wgvalle, trade, leasing to a tertian, days with the Minor., Cep- J fdarratta'e new .seater Rees-, U. cons• ;lett, and le the co .tee of attra , rion at the whs.!. Soo I. decidedly tt.e:ll4fst stern •btel etesiner lb. h. lett trot' fort this aseene, beet.: ell the at - Junto.° I Aloes of wsal. who., am e. •d to feral la Annuli style, ,tli every c Anfort Rod corisooluic, t 1 the tr leder, s, that ho whl feel at hew* on she Anna. /1., c•psetty id tonnage Is tin toes, and her power a - astits of tor.• beg ere and en, loss, 161 a h.. Is di trotter, 5 r i.ol It e 1 .at with all late Inlytor amen'. the le tr. this enrich e. sod erewould Bay to lb.. travelleg to ncin , at. Gt. Landellte to ie.o fordst to call ao b,.•4 on.. Ilr. Welt, !darn.. , he alert, au I be ten: fernht ^oat room. ant *cc lb.: god ere well eared nt ta th• emin.l molt, t aL, the trn..sitortt , anretaLllr .1 I. tt, Lle I. fur et It, I TL• ' do trona EmliLl Tit+ keel thls ec , relog, kfal ttae keel get - nett. ()apt. Thompat, to I. 7n. r.l, ulug lo theo.lnaze •te b vv.", krele end I. to r•r1 , 4,1,4 at the , Itatatts tt•• tt‘at O. coca L stoat 11 , 994.7 s LIM . is. .. 11 Mrt,r—. C; 9 4,, 10— A Iscs ...... B Pmeoc... 10 K .re Putnam J W Aee,slr.. 99 91 1. , 119 1.1.1r9,1 .is barl...9—L Vandrigrll3 . 299 49-9519 Lo ,, • Jana. Shedlitt 172 21-91 th W 1") 939..1".9 32 sT Sth .7 .09111 c. ...... .1 W 211 IT . ...... f" , 91' , ..99911 19'9 i:9 ” •. _0 Z Br clod. nA 114:98 .• %1 . 990m0n ..... 315 19. asehs 11 . J D 211.5.rrat5.... tig n k 11N combusts —• 3 Two , ...... 4 Borges —....---...—. ...... T,Cal tvanar— rapt J. 0 Belot late of the Cetteee, h.. perebseed .o mtge.., In the rtllda, sod I Ibre lo • fe• dap, to command bet. She le now rot:Laing bettreee Pa ker.- bore Med CaUtpothi to Queen., t memos,. ttept. Besot Intet d. plertne the Unidl iu tee Altegtteny fiver trete, et .00t.u btoteeos op/nut...17 sod than. Is water ea .tigh to 11 , 913.enarlgstion to tbte amain. MaiSlM= he r:T.r was 'aims yeatard•y, with .It teat sod • half ••ter lo a s hwt. al. Tb• weatitar wu ciond,y •od touch trio:ol . oa. tt ha• tzn am day.. Tn• Kate torte.' p.m.! op y. • erday and did t ot condeamod to hwd Th. E..; itt bled, flit Polteratt ors park at, tanow nd•rdvltot et,talo repain sad renovations, hot .1 1 be reaEt tornion.o. t In • few days. ()apt 8•01 ll asou'• o•vr boat. Caphwad th• paw Poodah pm, tot, Ob. foot a Qai.ry are rapidly Ine rr ir y, IL,. Two oast twat. aro a'vo tt• t,g unlit at N- fit. ward ai.lp yard, 'a.for Cap% Sao tPootivrto and IL.. U.. wr t. 4101. Walton Twenty Years Standing Jittmir sill Pt f,cni bertillanta Its= ¢f of roopootable oaf.. of WlRtca toorotsh:p lo repot to Dr. Deywura MaeDors Dload ipmnsheri Ttr Doctor's cartfikcaln fire within mak, cul so au osad be dsostes4 In tasord ,o bior , a/TdnE 6 . , , A. O. /2. K. I bsauct. Metals! with ptla •Dont testy ran ICO, 110 Mtn roar et:oy wan ovlnor torn, to • WM. m• Ivry noel, so mash St ttm 10 to Unit It. far worn. Blacto t: no, Dotal this I coald ¢Gt 40 faarttalit 0. ..UM. ei th.a they earn* oat op lee ia largo er 3 btrkery aut. 1 tug Wad • great dial Of taeracia, ihoM. 1 mea to tray WWI take whatever! coda Lau of or rug of la Prod. us and pamphlets that WU In nay way, but I coolO not got cared ; waratlao, they would do' toe 10.1.0 g,..1 too • Bit!. •Rnrsrenit thry ironld rt:-rr, toot. / also •ppt , d to coo tad ra.. u coy lac... and can 010 area elan . aut d oot do, I could not get well. Over • year ago got az advert emout of your Lludzsy .Blood Searc.; made by paned. When yon sold to me you told as aue Left/. would not care me. and that my ego/. aystem would lave to be renewed by the modlcine colonel god well. I bought one bottle and took it home with me, end need It seconling to your. direct:lime. I then celled to see you again, when ion sail I could not eepeet mach benefit tram one bottle. I bought IC" one bottb at • time, toil I had owed Lea bottles. Liter into quantity had been mod. I was entirely well of the Pam, wild, had tortared me for twenty yeara. In other rorpectunty health le tmproved. and I am ade well as ottold be an {acted far one of ray ago, being defy year. put. I have been well now for els month., and there le no amp ant of • ratan cd the Maas% I elm d• 11111.7 kind terming work now "boat the Piles =clog down and hurting tot. Ima Pltoh bay. chop trend e 1111. or do any kind at watt which takers need to hut me. Whoa I found =Tour Blood Smarter I kept en taking ' ll Until I got entire'? well. I couldertt my duty to make vet) use known to the =Wry mr the beandt of other. who may be settlerbag ea I wee, nod do not too. the value Of your medicine. Too,may palish ii low like. I live In Wllkim township, and will be plo_id to eattlyany one al the truth of title mminad• U they wish to mil on ins. • ',Lid= DAMS. December Otto calowoo. :sir Loot oaf for tn. nom Of Dr. GIORGI R. IE3II. I= on the may of tbe bonne sad Meta obn etwookk; OD far his 'temp co tea Untied Matey stamp on the top of the bottles to pineal bohm Im mo. nboa by a IMOMMCI welds which II in the Mirka, ter Sold by the Proprietor, No. 140 Wood Stroot, and by Stuoti JonansTON, corner Fourth !pad dmitbileld street. geht MALEZ.IirM 'l' S. Chicago Market. , ?it sr yot k Gold 1 1 /tartet • Ei.—Tb.• col , l mtr:r. N,w York Market. 121=1MGEEM2 .t./Jho A Woc.d ?.10 7 O , W. .D Lutler..l.• 2, .T fowls. 151 2.9-1.34112 I=2l Cl= lEEE= IST 66 43Itts ISST 91-9:nki ... .71 31-35th, = 33 45th, MEE= .tvz Li p tc-aL CD DIED: rya ~ _.~~~ .. v, crirldo_mt3, pea WWI PROPLAL - A Fresh Sep* juliftttehte. So I—For ?ores. Consortloa and latrasatloar Pao, Sr— Prior, ad onto. 912. 5.--For Worm ram:. Warm Calla mad Tommtka Appetite. PAW, LS 0:121114 • • •",'. Fa S—Jer Cot* Teething, Crying and Wakek,r;neh Wow Qs wrib wad Fearkenem• 1...kap6 1'r1e..1.6 Flat% DiAram ay/akin= az Meat. In.aatur., sad Elanaw Ccmplatata, Yrtc• • So. 6—For Ll,'Wary or Moog 111: r atal, ptsp, Bilious Coll; tall Dyilatoul. .7,4C+4.1 Mo. fl—ror Cholera, Choler Zaeball,..Nartera arell To se t , ag,llnet“ ®L. 7—lor Oo b., fp:al', Emmaus ErotieArt.l. Ent U. and Son rtfa. &lowa. . . Pa n—ror Saasb-achalaraacha Pence PM.; liazzalgia aad Tielozawa. Prim aa data Ra 9—Tor Road*clio, Pick lamadacka, Tat!co, Bak of Blood to clallead. Price SS amt. Do. IC—Tor Dropegrla, Weak, Acid or Deranged B,mukt, Court[path., Myer Complaint. AS canc.. Do u—Pongappnesed Mawr, et Sanely, pap of Delaying Green &amens. 85 cent. No. 111—Tor Lectorrhss or Whlra , Bearing Down, Soo ProC33* I:Lerma. 33 cents. ri 0 A5.....T., 'Nary, Hoar. Crony) 0.10, DUEknit and Oppromso Breathtag. .S 6 anat. 14—rot Stilt Rheum. Ortuty Braptloals, trydpe Las, staid; Barters• heti. SS onina. No. 16-lor Ilhoornaticto. Pain, Larnomrs. or Dort ono In tho Chat, But, Lola. or Limbs. DO oto. Da 10-306 rev.' 6. 0 erne, Intaraatteot lam Dana /true, Old Invatarsda Ataes. 60 maid. So. 17—kor Plies, Blind or MoodIn& iniornal vs Li tornol, Recent or OWzinnia. 6I& N.. I.6—Tor Opthtbalmb., Weak or Teamed nag mai Lyell4.N Tailing or Weak 6161.. 60 matt 50.10—For thanrrh, orate or chronic, dry or dot Ing, Cold In [Lo Head, Intuonra. 60 not, 6 .. 20— For , ilocciNcOonbAhoriming and pallist wg ii, or Spasmodic tkiski. GO amts. No. fa —' , Yor .tarturia. Cleprereeel, Difficult, Labored Breathing, Cough and Expectoration. Prigs, 60 eta. No. V..—Far fax Discharve, Noire in the Brad, Im paired liaaring, ranch, 60 ernte. No. M.-Ikm &tartan. Ent.god Glands, sad Tostallo Swvillogy and Old Vlc.. SO amt.. lila 2.1-lor Geooral Debility, Phydesl or Hem= Weetoomm. 60 coot. 8a is— Jlnfd dcamasdaticres. Tu 11watt:ag; with Beaty Beirratlans. 60 amt.. He. to -Tor Net Delman, PraireGoa, Terlip, Ewa., Votalteng. 60 matt Half-7terl7rfrary Dismal, Gravel, Beall Gnash Difilcall or Drisistion. 00 mita. Be. lavolantaiy Db. ebarave CO. 211.1 001:4[811011t Picatraticni and Debility. Nice 51 f:l—For 5311 Mouth or Stomach. Oackaratt Staub of Adalto or Children. 5 co. No. W--Ifor Urinary Ineontinunce, Wetting the bed, to frequent, painful or tualdlag Urination. Pride gi on, Cam of TB Mats, comploto—.---- 1110 Cone of 20 MALI complete, tomorocco, mild boob.— T cum of 20 MM., mid book, Coco of Lb numbered boom, and book-- 4 Come of ft boom, numbered, mid Moils numborod b 32156, With biota labored boom, with illroctlom Largo we of S cm. Mak, for plantain and pliy•— skim. l6 CV 888 8E1MD.1323 BT NATL. Are not edmply flat ;damn of paper cat In Ile borne ef collar. DM are Mafia /led &toed I. Al lie mck hard Ed CI corn fres from awl,. or areas, vrtdr.b I. ob tainer by oaf patented proem,, ~ b lob also MOM. as , th.r , . 4 . 0 . W "owned by No ofborralbsr.—els Spasm kc Lae &mod in bee trundobrostyle, the Inside of whlelt to perfectly moo:IL andfroa from packers, making flit oollar—for ease. mabams and dcaabll--corqual'ed.. Tbey are made In tarn-darn ebylo, to alms from 1/I 17, and In Garrote from 13 to 1T Incbers, andpackal air mat Um tom. of 100 mob; also to ams,Llfrr MN of IA emb.—the latter • eery handy package for traelbrlf. army and navy oftcara. Wbolmal• mom Incrleabmrgn Ord otettllD. I Sa- =EST Gouda la .tame=d ardi Look over the Ile; make an • we of whet kind you ch.., one Inclose the amount In • torrent rate •r I , by mall to in afairms. rad the medlars al/1 oe anry .etnmad by snail or etyma bre of enema J. X FITLTOX such /Strut. (Disaia ruilawl Swotld door below Ur P..s OELte. HRRNIA OR RITETIIRR. Hernia or Raptare owed. Ramis. or Rupture cured. Hernia or Marano awed. Hernia or Rupture cured. Hernia or Rupture oared. Hernia or Rupture cured. _ Hernia or Rupture cored. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Herds cured. Rupture or Hernia aura. Rupture or Hernia ouzel Rupture or Hernia owed. Rupture or Hernia cured. Rupture or Hernia curet Rupture or Herat* cured. Rupture or Hernia cured. Harale's Radical Cure True. Ritter's Patent Truce. Fitsh's Supporter Train Salf-Adjardag 'frau. Pile Drops, for the support and sure of Piles. Eaestie Stetting% for weak sad Tat tains. Shutt* Knee Cape, for wank knee joints. Ankle Bapportere, fee waak knee Supenzory 4. dageL Felf-Injostirt . g and every other kind of Eyriagel. Hard Blabber Sylingea. 111. Banning's Joao or Body Brace, fo? the oure of Prolapow Uteri,- pity, Abtituniml and Spinal Weaknesses. Dr. E. 3. Titers Silver Phlte Sup— porter. Da. Sam will jgive his getout at tention to the epphoa6en of 'Trams in adults and chlllten; and he is eatiailed that, with an experienee of twenty years, he will be enabled to give satiefattnon. 011," Moe et his Drty; Mora, Na 140 _Woon Sum ) sign of the Golden Water. "Prawn wine— g for Trusses should sand the ember of inchesaround the body huntedistaly over the rapture. CL&TAItItti I DR. IL GOODILLVIS CATARRH REMEDY. paintrassa to no vary ant of nth terrible dhaesa, and astannlnalaw It, not nal branch, Samar. VT. GOODALL W cha drag and only tenon who firsr told thO world •hat Catarrh may wao—whats It ocalannad—. and what iwnild cure It. Dr. 000 DALL has spear • lifetime la Imitates Ith • thia fnU amen, mmloting It garret saboah and nee , Mod known to the world the tact that Catarrh, which has, Rol plan, delkel the Mill arta research of medical men and Wham In Oda amatry and to Leavy% as now be mired, with the Mlle milk= certainty that mornbei Mows night. Thomands who ham Mai army !mown ear. in TBID. balm beim ponamnautly oared by Dr. GOODALL'S GATAitall lISILEDT. end sow panes II in the moat aztraricant terms ed palm, OA at oar mann .nary, or mad a stamp Ittr ► pamphlet. fIONSIGNMENTB—. %../T6pkiii Latsurntir • * 10 do -Wzatilleortr;- ZS ' biz*" 7=4 floc ' Lr; 20 each Plaid HaroN 60 bo=es,ti a sod Winton I No. 104 0 nat 6, Diy situ: to .ton aiNgbirSOLlse udgistrolt:2 , i , - 7. VAX OODDWao phi _I% HO WOOD MUT, Plltabdridt„ l'l WOW sad prgand Ma. 000 aaa, 14 an Tad. HORTON • 00., ed. acmti, at aroadray; fisv Tort. DS GED. KRIM, .I'B3:LP Acura GO Leadßrand ß;,enalel A i uv (No tztrrhoo sad tar sosi.ll. QS lAA Maim .- trajTo_c.l, ; ,- a - g..:, , ,• , :i'; ,- ?,. , ,' ,-, '.' , .:;; IgM;=M moo* moss. WHO T T pAwims i;ta FOts and _Shoes- _ WM let tt far fir* , bun intiereft ti tail at the au? 34.4! CONCERT HALL SHOE STORE, Vireere regperLfr Ind... meats aro acted, WO Mil ;bow en hand a A LEFDIED STOCK, ?bat will b. .ad etwap. hoes from 10c. Upivrardil: NO. G 2 FIFTH STREHT JOELN CAMPBELL, Mazatactiver a! BOOTS AND 6/1069, of every deseriptlaa. at Pt • 14 FordthOold aro.. Pittston"; P. 0ct1.17 FA.SHIONABLE DESIRABLE GOODSI GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING. fri A.D.IC i. U 0 FL.1.3 EFL. IN THE BEST STYLE AND RUMBA. R. B. NORRIS. lELIMOIIANT TAILOR, 79 FEDERAL, STREET Allegheny: BAILRY, FARRELL & Co., kRAOTICAI, PLUMBERS. GAB! AND STEAM FITTERS, have •Iwars on hand • lary ant well mortar( stock Prompa Illdraata, Rosh B.ealna , Bath Tate, Gas llze twee, no. Lead ripe, Sh-o lead, t., which atsir l. rp ha the mrat cdartrabl• manner. Wald. Ulm won, Chrterna, Tank., to., without tlm rue BAILEY, PAILUMLL t 00., FOIIIITII ISTIILICE. RAT'S PATENT MOLDED COLLARS Gray's Pettit Molded Collars." Sabi by ail retail dealer. In Blues Tanylebbsteneds. L. trade swelled by VAR DZOPAOI. BOEHM= & 00, a 7 *rant Mat, Inn.laptila; and J. S. LOWSWT4OO„ 1 Warren West. Eisw T. IU iliali 177 O•HS •UD WOOD °R&M =ran crr LT =lamp 7om WHOUSALZ OE diTALL. JAE, W. WOODWRI". ST sad 09 Tblrdooreot.. putts Z. Tkompubms* Cb. BRIDGEWATEII. 1760. COTTAGE eitAlik slurry ra Mil =UMW OIL. b:c dlDareat Drab Eihad Dyn, ADES, VILLAS, BAILIIDAD DiPODDi M. Abo, MT tor Boon, MINA. IMITATORS, MOO= OLEO, Y. CIIZAP2B7 PAM? 12 2111/ lidren, aonsa7 IEIZTBICILDNi tatk Citsual Assost,3lldam Do; My Tot rtod MoCORD & CO., pgmmm , +9l Hats, Caps and Straw Goods; Have ca. la dare the tarvet and mut mallets ea af reeds fat SPRJUSIGI. MAL !Tar calmed ha the west. Itter-ffs caR sad ...mlus our stock, sretlcls ' vflf :oleo r grin: lov mud. nyh, l ill WV•ed st., Plibberga, J. ORB t CO., XX PINE TAR, ter AZLEB. Put all to ass! acts =lra= BLUM& rat gala try Mode! mid to barrels sail balm." Ma, No. us Mtn MKS% Plbtatrargh. Wheat pATTRESON & BADS., Dealers is Youghiogheny Coal and Nat yea Orden lift at tlaZee, as Da IMAM Minn ant ZetadWm Wage* laitogrAllaibany yevaiptee battended to. . . /111rWattara calm yroaryt:y . . tablOdaird# _ 1.664, • DThRT i.,, a i ri te t - rwa. 'a 'alma*. 11 =6 intiTA=thr. vitil sera and with and dentin listintegs._ sad en= the moo monad to the nay bid. lror ran lit mining& dnag Midi NUL G. JOILEROZI • CV.. ntattonin; • Wirced LYON ARNSTHAL., neoßus. AND the must edict brand id DXSTYLNA ~11A_VANA MARS, ea O. Wads 411 EitIOKEVO AND CHYWING TOR&000, FANDTINIXESCIELAUX Trnrqa,/x In gut twarta7, UNDEVEcte ft CHAIM= R Trab sorpliad oa 1 all AMU. - • gPORTSI4-12,4!8 HP-ADQUAISTERB, ' • - . • r 9 ovvrtir ••• •. - Am* tae attattion of 14ortraron az: others to 4 Ws . . ' o rotadid 'tookcams, HirLss,mevormsß; PISTOLS, GAME BAGS, 'POWDER I f IdBEB,:H • - BIM and POUCUIFS, DRAM ruums, .4441 go, - =WU= of every Mod. " Cook L tbo Intuit ant 1 . 0 . 1 ,16 S to Wm marks:. . . TO PaINTLEIEL • • - : '- 1 .. .,':' , -...-- PRESSES FOE BALL: ; r ; . °RR ADAM' YATTJIT runs, ,pLitton igittier 1.1... ONR TAYLOR CTLIHDYR, bed SztAzo ixebel ID OBIS TAYLOR DOREILM manrsm, be:4.MM' u . . AU In good wrickg mtge. ITIO neplE its Itematroor addnes • . , "- , 'l spilhti ..: 4Ascrrra. Pittitiiriti - PA; - 'OO FO1!. A §tipts iTIITB„ Poo WILL B 7 PAD AN Ala t T4E: 4l 9 l :s l Eplittßl*l TUTS , Itokrat , t4tt to drtfti tok'OXII-211114,: 1 ... ' 717:.T1'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers