fiNAiiol4lh ealea of Stocks and Banda, Varred.s BOB; )N, mermolc ' 1118C9/1, MCCLEAN & CO., Exchange Brolcera. 700$SII STREET, ligto,k an. nttio b atd ee Sac% -COW* as., *Multi to of all ► cm commtgeoll ort`y, Doak, tom- I _ .. *ad ta4ol,9rti. Govpritaunt MI an land , 8111IX21. rat 1.1.0 : Odl 6 std a.3 m blt".l 60 Zitharg...-- .4.-- 'MX 114, 5 .60 - ../.. — 63 " 6 60 l'lM•tnuliti .. ...... . 1 .--, 7 6 5 1 / 4 " .11 60 snub., '--- 2 " -- I V ''" " 60 Iltchan es.- '— -- "67 " 5 -60 Loa clty ' -- -- sc.% .. 5 ~' 60,M aM- . ' .60 -- . , aai Mtn National . -110 -1311518.17 , 110 Nations 110 , 10012/1111 /76/1.4/1/1 'Liz,. pg ~, . MO Tooth Nab- —.llO .3 .=.. - --:'" ~203 Mrstlist Bk. .1...- MD • 156,414a41L5t5t 11171 mg.— -- 44" , ' 1 4.1111D600..., • ...1/-- - 1 60 'Nona ventra1...1.72,-- 71,14, 100 Port Malmo. ....../..-.. 11/ ;too Chve150d...........„_.-_- --3 110 • 60 Ommelb/1116..-.: /554" 'fa do . stem ).........11% 17 10 Sleaton.lll. 1... is,ii 60 //14 a Maachestaz.63 • ID 61 ' 24 / 11 1.76Magham----- 41 54 450 at/s/lam..-_:z../.--- ' .-- 6 5 GAL - 12% 25 1113 f, --'12.0115221:. 450 81 65,5 i .33 1203031phe1a.--34 33 £0 Manta Bu% 30 27313; 254243053 25 180 Perm 961 20ttattgabe16.—..-- .21% 26 St. Clear avert. —49 60 Hard Street— eu 60 Nadu:ft 26 21.121.9 there .—...... 34% OIL. Ooktreetis. 25 27 .20 Meta Amerigea..-- 9 7% : 10 ,—.. 73 13 10 AfirghenyeaPlue--- 19 —.16 5 Iron 014— ___— et/ I Bon. Neal —... 3 4 3 3 —2% 6% 2D Arms.— 13 16 6 Whitely Melt —... ♦ 5 Fayette----- 3 bk --- 53, noNgs. AC.ll4loes; Gur.l7 60— /0/ 'do hoolg _ SO Mahn gh do 07 1111.0gbany Cll7 6.... 100 do 70 Alksen7 100 do td tont— 100 G0cu501'50111afg.......83% It B 76 /VI Co. Scanty Cc.— BS% Detell offered to•day . at 13, • nd found boyars for sea oral hindred Bharat. 'Oar Telegramsfrent Philadelphia quote Delzell 12; Demme: a 13; s.lclahear 0. Tao ket there la renaming to tone slightly. Melees are Siren:deed ea /made neW well which the Delved' Company 'are tubing thin week. 4:amble hatey at 95 hil. In bank !therm, we hare Orders for merchantialllo.' • - Dagen. market Cur' copper stocks withent 'material thong., Mend aid,. advance Of If in Franklin. 0110 55. rfislncy 100. tational • Ten follow/I:visa:Dont artioleon kirStocks, la from the Philadelphia' qt Der el Tatedey dThe stock maiket opened with some bnadatity ole bat tramuctione were elm entirely Flat eel ro 001 e. of oil elect', which Lot,i up an °normal. ekkgre _got h and prier. were securely _Ugh, than at the rhea cf tut week. We were able to Batt,: and rep rt sal I of some 40, , 00 shares of *torts, and there' were aelea Of probably one-fourth n. 111 coy more, the pre - ire • -• 11112101t11:11 .41 prima CT 013E7.'1 See aid not °bistro The Piel7 intuek aanutioced a monthly d.rldam / at one p r Wotan the par of $lO per sheer, whlib,at .$7,501 par is eighteen per cent per annum. The traartd book, clone t. -11 r , rrotaimusequeally the stack pur,nu• '0 to-day carries the 'dletdend.. Paton .rose I.'nene- More 34, McMillen 3 , 1. 51001/ntock 34, Egbott Peery 3. Palle and Delemeter ;V Dill Creek t/„ ant ludeed the whole Pet war quite., extVed and spoceletlre as at amp time last soak We hammtodmbt that of the many engaged to the pardhase andante of akeria In oil nato• .pante., acute our lonemoney; It Is one of the natural WON lean. of the dlreorery of out Minns of easily Wes maltkairlathat rushed through the oh reels . Of Western Penurylranla Tbonsende Met term!, La tilaprwitretlre g Id -mince In 'llalifornia,•acl fume lases knee beam nun/deed In our Cool regions-, . bat no mum Of WOOS Val pretrad to compare the exciter sainat-httandlog the development of gold In Celiforui a and of coal wad oil In Pounlytvands 011 k the oielteOloat that attended the Tulip mania la F avinh cr Ito crazy adstedunts in oar own country which rat through ter - Or parent time in relring wept, tree. from welch to bed ailkwerese The fanner h•ro a real, s :truant,. plow Ell lams ezemilhomied dollers • avian( gall awl Of taai hart been realize!, and toe wear la reports from . the nil region. p ore that the a cairn of the wouderfal ' Pe odttotion these Lee true and of eat video Whoreatite nip and !be wh e w.ll ma dal had n Atung of real Balm in Tb-re /lot the least ens-logy 113 either la the p see vat large iistsliuteut of oopilnl end • labor to tredve • a valtuble conam as le oil. Tie' am 0510 f all dal ycomb gan m ar k etk row the e• • bleu. of a noarowof Wes tb the 0.010 00 titre of nu State_seco d rely, probably. wkn far y develep,l. to that arena/ in the eutern porno, of it and aloe we too M i:make Pantaqlrani. the richest to strummer In lb • 01 w1s_therefore, shayt sighted as Ill! 110 tO decry the badness ea chlmurcial sod rain deal, bicatun dada - ulna Indlrldnele may Drum'e batiste awn llwaim, and attempt to paten .rhilacat-e sea the market as /blue of valtie..'The very LOS that such frand• are ttempt.d pewee. ihelenternre rah, erth. rOf diemsery, for lILIOSOree heard Of Miro:4T ilitelllp'lll deerption against alb log raltedees In Itself: They. 1,, erldedlfferesu betarrrti thettedlo in slumbers and tit product ,foil oat west, and the two elould not be iron founded In newspaper emtur-, as we sorneeimm them. e Fes Yark Crinvn fe.T.".107 .1c !be Gold Irraierge rat crowdel as an nary hour thh , mortlog, *CI *W.V. I.M at t tht ex • • eltambot of yartwaai. Iha bathes:s tea .tbct,l sse •-• heavy. and tt a osato of the vradest d...ecrl4 prat opevi.d of 236, bus s ess bork • s d rus d tYo 2:111 fron,Lb, pllot stablily tom, bl 4 - 41111/901t fe-I (IT •ga'n 'be Ise r. tt TEva u• s e-bstas Wan.: ati manes, an• a Is let, of cl,tra • IrblA p•••Aucdi ibis .1 act hrger a.] o metal, fa i a OW L. , 3.1M11 put. 'been - parte h aye be,n very 1-.-any pf Ittn, th • •etti ate of Gerow:onont b -nds to r.or vpo hay§ h.-,n ;-013 en esotntace walk. Thte on. hl d rl, I a ••.Inan of cubs:lgo, sbl=bg 1t14,64. •of stand The ce-t•-., nall . ..taty nod newel rc.orta have matetially ettl.t d the -41044411 , 0 rd nanttiout. Vern aura thoriefs an• ho-ro• stun- nee, pity te WI. ow the part of the pnete, r] , en INA s ilt GOO - 6123Iptilti fa-often prodd •a 41 carrshand 01. Th•pn psymeat a' leterest-end the Mean • of • Is,. 6.1,501 es. Lzazi added qolto Ilborodly t• the erp d• ea Coe nutlet,- The bray doefee In trines hoe .•oweettred lb. market Wt, of prod and et •-enne dtee In ellenetletne,-end pr low et-wily laid on. tft ib* menet LT ON. on Landau I. r-1-7 m ee • coat e• - WO IT trot rat LI 0 also ions to said, a.O. 111 lower , 214rtet• try made. /4.412 In the day, Itankere aerosol - 4 It 250, and et , lottorantt too> to 254, bat quntrlnete ow core 7 nunaltud allot Commelog.'s! Mlle ore dot, Lod almost 006010. icate4kci Market—Matt rteport. AZO. JO. T!. lo.dlstg market vase aisle dnL I to. and *lasso raLtaaeseepticas Arica =Witmer. She demand for ghost ism altogether 1000410,1,a, . oad s tor* r declfse of kt.dc per bEssbod. 7 ores •stab• dished ots'yetfOrdey's dote; Adams. Victor 'nest -"sus rsteesfiCiad sees tome trldfaiit t 1 . 14 3 14, 9 noo Ma, 1. at 4 2 49 1 Wf0r. 210 BO; f204/39,10g s eon, at sl4,42l,oCAoll'o2fpflorga2jlA23llo,and.r4s:t3. • Byrtogat Il 7A31,77. At thsselore the marbel,forNoi: Eprisiris cast-s• 81.820425. • • krenn-aniwotammw. Dagaro• lbe sostiteCtolet. ata. l o:wir '244' calm k:4den, 4621:11214Am . Darla. Goatsibiotenpol'in Zama sild at am 1P, 7 2 2 1 =74= sltc , r2A 2cti t tAst Miter Prtoott bonds . .;_sta °era Atte bat Mu& set 'estArd s„putAkibi-CasalkiaTi t: Ns baste! vas d ' sbadelfrilbsaleo....VlA& ,27•T0 /to 1 2%9' . ..3,26 for 242,euid:•21,,T1 Zsr. Cum/ Cloits low • Gest e with a ..141.1' boat et Ire 2 at-21,28 ad At. Them VIM lif4r In of far Osta,•abst tbessiorteartgef deliaattcaelet,4N.l,Ase!ea stAys.23,s: eo tad st 442,90t21,:d,15 rot: 50_2 . . Birrel o e,tto t. 42 Ao . A(sh.ina~toll prise vas erhataill cLasa. atio . salea 'mast Veit M2 ll , 7 3.—Jostastls. ' .`PLLUadetpk.briCattte Market.-- TA,..}Nar,:las—The arrivals and aka of feet rat tle at Pitlllpe.dwass Dross sard roach .heat 2M bead—Mire Is i flnacr.feellng So the omket, la prima Idemhs vats' have adrameed. Fleet quilts Wastram arakPiriamlrsala Mama are sallies at 16a1Tcy mcoardo lat ddSalcV, Utd common at Idaho par Ib, sa to gal. Ili; afraid/XI bead sold U. go to Baltimore at from w s . $s perdbirarom. The market- domed dull within the abase itirdp of plan. Oars axe a z otbanged; about IMP bead sold at 125a65 P 4 bratt,uatto tutalltr., The anises sad alas of sows at Phillips' Aerate )Orate Yards:soh about 120 head this week, ssillug at tram 225a10 Prr springers, and 1121385 par head for cow and calf, as to quality. Old poor cost are selling at from V i pithead. .1 OslresLaboot 28 bead soldat from 73/aou per lb, mita SreAght and condition. -• TM artisoki and sales of sheep at Phillips4 . lkratus "prom Yard beta fallen ell this week, reseal abed! coott Mad; thanassinet Potooelinam I, raorl settle, sad pikes hara itdrantOd. Onmeson to hie WV itelti 2s. "utteoso 640, ad gooktp extmat 7,7340 per' lb gross, reselpts bass increased andinlets are better; 2100 Ibdet.lnd iold at the &franca Janda at tam' /sal7 l ttio 100 . .. . • um headset:Tat !leery Ghat.. 17402:Drove tem 1E417 the 100 the mt. _........ • 47Dheadsoldat the ATetine . plettlet4 . 4,freta Ma 17the.MItatetraittiquillty. _: .. , Cleveland itrirkei. Ado. 32.-17tlaiLfa , 1111 7 aad Leavy ;ages ToldOrdat 100 bbl. XSzaddt WhattTdr/ dell; ill'', 6 an and'l3oor Da Ido 2 radii . 2 ID. 1 oar No I red,st2,l2.; 1 . Car ikr do at kid.. Cora naalcuil 64.1,3541,3 E (r No 1 =fiat' Oat —No Wee reported . ; dealers quote' at 73a .its: tho ithSrlW - TWW Nt/h3:- ,Thale7 lwhhatl at 1,13423 N tiigoodlo tem% Pork quite knot clear 43.03; heavy Emu tO t tek thla gees* .73,70: Isttdateady; Mal SSW itt24o ta tterose. Smoked Meats *taros ani Arm, with *good trado demand: mingled iltsar-cared Mau at Vex 'Worm .idea 2.0. Shoulders •Ago; dgeettbeargas. 'Dotter- I. gotre, bat Atm; W 1i 43 0 eatrat gaitto Naga antler t lahrt at 16307. Maws quht at 19.00. • ga good to thetas .W 11 . -- 3 17 gtarlani doll; said Fates at bita Mr o4o . 411 AiZZI ^ v0.fta..24/7 nui - signL I .e 'lg•gpraig gincimp Ike Ai Pligsbarga Gamahal I k.V ,WEattanuir.:=. tes., The eaeyai mit.tet. dattiuri steitiectul i the &Jamul to the lea ling articiu befag V 17 list* while prima we without quota`ole change. ' Theil*lent lfrianstpni is gelid it • tandeotty to ra urd bcalnestiNbil rpecolatire feeling which preralied a:mot:me since, haring *Minty =amidst OBAlN—Wheat is quiet bat steady with rag:dimples arlVM•liff2.dr-e.a sad 82,1* for Whi e. B envy 1••...1.4 awl 12 Is ably offered by oar dealer*. Cora I. quiet and doll st $1,80a..52 on track- ,vid SlOssl,t, 000 lots trot. dam. (W. DUI!. gusted doll at AD on and 95•111 from ot4rl. t CAB—Th 7 market is drox with a ratr jobbtng 6 . 0.6 tote Ma at ales at le% do for mboald r.: sldol 2.3a3 nix. Plain 0L0va.8.,1, dad 7.7wfui. Sugar Cared. Ohs stocitto thts mane Is not le•letc.to3.—nt daihand or this-articte confirm. very light and the Market to got-I ariddail, whltett'itot ore outoloall, mocha 'go& The stock Is Ilght w.,0 the rt— celpt, contlnn• limited GEOCIE/ ES—The a...a t, Grocorm. Hatt, and, 1/ hilt, there 0,. Iman no molted change to pric:e, the tenden, r t. corned rat, .ohtrestetsts en L. • digralyou mard•eud en the pet of burs:mato bald:off, "in allticipatio, of 60 easier market and a 1.1 down In Tali.. arrlruorebee eOOl lone , pretty many on 13 to give barb—moat at 11,60 dupla ‘e,, ..„.p at ;1,60 to 86.60 per buret, a. to *cant,. BUTTEB—Prirne psekei butter is in fear demand and sell. fmm prett 43 y an Si. del; at 68040. Prime /lel may be 00010 d at ea LA•D—F•rto , with Nam of pine city random] at 24%.2do—extoray at It. .EGGV=The demand le fair .old the market firm with tales to a fair axte..f at II coots per dozen—for fresh pachtd. •gED-B—lyiEtothy seed la to fair local damand an I we nett, coati ash. gat ;6 . 60 per hl. No transaction, to Cloyer or nag toe *„ BAY—le lota !Satre tut nominsilly wchangel. 83 00 4 per C2lll. Plttsburgli Petroleum Market. Aro. 3l—The demand for Crutit-oontiouss very Ugh., and, with imprmd receipt., the market is doll ant langttld, and while no yet, there has been to decline in prime, the tendeany is apparently downward Quota tions may be fairly glean at 37, bbla returned, and 12, bble included—the only nale reported being 131 bbls at 42. 1411ned is Very drill and neglected, owing to the Let that there aro but very few buyer., and those few are bolding efli In saticipet fon of lower rates. We heard small min of fry, all at Mc, and this appears to be the extreme rate of the markst et present. There is nothing whaterer doing lu Naptisa oriterldtines, and, in the absence of Wen, we omit ;quotation. TLe reasipts by thelallegheirry river during the twenty four hoar, ending this evening are as follows; Itieherdson !Pennock st It elbwortb..., libittrictler J Gallagher_ June 16,00 May 2,60 In addition to the atare•tbere was an arrival 0(409 bb9 frrha the "Bon °flak to West V itarfile, for' Mum Burke, flariey d Go--reaking the total ncetpts bO9B I smote. New York Petroleum Market. *oda/ Dlepatth to the Plttaburgh Gazette. tine Task, drums,. 31 —The market for Petroleum is entirely nominal. Credo II quoted at 5%32 on the .pot, utd Helloed In band I. dull at 8001. Pose 011 fo ne* and nomlna7 'St; 2laptha la withcsit There is not enough beerinette doing to girdsbmile for accurate quttationa Imports b) Et&L1f01141. ermanna PTWarna nra Chu adv.' 31... 137 bide., J 5.1 . 1.angh La; 150 do, J A Al'Beth, 32 pkg. raga, 111 . 0.'lough, 551010 A co ; 4 bales do, God rev Walk: 10 Ltd. dour, King Pennock; 12 Llxda Ma clay, li If Collin; 2 Larrol• dour, 24 tap flaz eon, Culp 11bep-W; 651 non Con, a nun& hl4nrlnv. Dame) Wallace; 110 Lidos, Unman. 6 E.... 0; , bbl. 011, B 7. rab..tha. too. 19 bSI. ayples a Dbl. vinegar, 11 Glerulg ar LAI. nom Jabo Firlrpatrick & Um; 553 don noun, Wm Ferrol, 6 bbl. go, 6do apple... L F {'eight dc co; i/ pap co, per and ,rey.ncoel,o,l 3:2d.;;r,,,..311xy. ,CLlrtt,4l Ifruntia: OLIATILAFD 1 PITTSBCRON rum. F OLD, kugnit 31- 1 cat maTra, /I B Pringle, 6 bb ST bca ch.rt C 0 B.oslet; 'JO Ims ch ex, Sudnsuer 4 Ling; 1 car tart k Onena, Slag tb @ nu; ITI eke, J S Liggett .4 r; Ce 7 ta`ootrul, Singor, & co; 251 ekr oats, B Fl, pd; 270 do do, BingbArn, Sturgeon co; 1 htol dry 2.-41, Cook, Pettit co; 3 Eat lobs.", If Allister honer; 46 trd , .4 p.p6r, @lame. 11 Sao & co; 5/ EJ do, Jas Greta; S this mols4,en, WPB ck a co. A Turuntur STATION, August 31-19 bbl. ripply, 8 I/8 er; h rolls lentLer, no bill; bQuer, lads, Wlb,o, oorr 8 bole. yarn, Jobe. Birmingham; 10 oor hll3 or, J 7 rim drugs, JG Imitt,ls • .4 w,4, 4 WoO.; . wheat, T 174ntodly A. BroTlo• pig osetal, Lind sey / 711'Cumkoun; I ho u.dae,NV m bumph:. I bdl brooms, (too DM co. Imports by River. era Ilittrav•-7 Rat .661 a Fred (tau's, 15 Ltd., 20 hit ale, 36 bole a e, ,Fnlootsorl bo stall pal or and 1 W paper, Chat Beckley; tDi cop per and raw, J Doolap k oo; as rasp y hi( LW., tremor a 111.!Ka7. 1 bbt and 1 tit lead, a Ful c 4. 07 tks ergs, co: tr.II; 241.201180 b. albs. 0 cre, 165 oil bbls, (new): B Batboy; PP roll. I *Sher, Clark & co; 2 bh.d. Wham, ado do 2 dr do, 4 do do, 2do du, kern pal's. 21 sl.• wool. 1 toll AL., 51 4.7.5 ks w•ao/, 54 dodo 71 do do,Clark4co;l hoots, SPCook• • tarty bit 3 empty carboys B L . pahaeatook At 0 6/ 1 14 sot Ls bane, /1 Cart, - d 4 Ghia al. cis', W P Beck • . eack• ram D5l Ed/on - 100; 19) bole . hhy„ W Fah , s, 6 bbls eirpoLs aud 2 14,1. poschas, J 11d - beret or At • ors, J Dorriegsau d co: lb berg Liars do, wetter; look. t .g., lot old int., oar. r. S 2"/E-IJIIB oal TS. VOR CINCINNATI ANi..l,OCr-i,fr_.zA, I. in VI L Mir /armor Ati a a I ttplAin Jaw Biwa- a, willle/aro. iv iitgra eaTukii. IiAY, nab at 4 o'clock p. ma. For (retell or pimp, apply Ott board or to J. D. Dail LINO WOOD a 027 IU9N FLACK, •/ A eta, 1864. - • UQACR, *at, EXTERMINATORS. "IA rots firtabUltd tae. T. Olt)." "Only botatabts recta-31a knooa.” "Free I'm. Pelota." "Pot d!LOVOOCII to tbell ocean roan;: "Eat. axmo out ate... boles to die." dole by Droartats every totara. brwatta t of atl womelPorlealtatteea. Oottar'• Depot, No. 412 Br -.lvan N. T. aM - Poldlby II A. IT ALIN L , TO3Kt4, 304 It 03., and 3 V. trJELLZItS 00 Wholoottle load Retail &testa Pltaltragh. P.., aZICAT P. sdnwearez. wha.m. ot,A Rots!: Agent, Allegheny Ott,. tyP t latt FRUIT AND stain TREES EVERGREENS, ete. . Of APPLZ. Its LAMP /101.11 0:V,IXICI, and of an ths load ing varier. await profitable for tbbi txatio. W.turrs ettro trio t 0,..,.. Early Roma; litisttittigilush. Hui i... S issd Prgpla. sthilia, rollowitter. Geo. IS log ot Um 1:. Ulu Oa, It Islatid Groan, Boats Beauty, Rambo, Smoke-hot. Train... Sweet, ihaitip 0 1 1 40 , 1;,:rani. twep,- .2`SIIIIPAIW•iPosEs, irlllo6 l PEST. Oft HO CH'S PLANT'S to, &o . AA our rout I. . et al. grim. lidoontioato to plat.. ot si. prated... Orders loft si the Oreroa . 0,,y., f. 1.4, or Pittsburgh Post 011 ice, will I. ptommOy Ott/rialto. . ... __ JOHR var le.' &awr g.ab - Os!Wad lionorini. l a w IVI - ER, La • I tog) 0976.1314A,ALUS IJANIII•OrOliT. • COLLINS a WRIGHT. fliscatictstre of $.13 Ends of LAUDBtfIttfLOS, L:2‘)lP • kfacafectams of CotTh • .Itturbill'Atfeauwuo TOP - PaLoot ,TfRRD_TOP A'attgot•OlLlKW PPPJL Ten4fL, • 1/22 elftEtW. 13 Prg.,* di 00, ' firli4 ll,l allill•P*Usitareo sto6 So99fring eb4:9,1 .t. 9 aubl Illftb start to pit told IQ% /Sot, rtrist, Itti.btegh. ' ' ihricitone b* Oorpouploavoec flowass, Starr sad Ripors . „ Coopozo' .44 name Te9ZOV "to*Romm.. 6heors, ala& Yahoo, Blicrollas 6•21(zoos. Le. B itlijhobidnitbloTTA Ottreiro- trvitams. H. 69 riote. :ec 7. promptly ottoolod to. • +91.4.) I'ENB I C; 14,611.ASTAD 16 CIALE 011 1611/a. O. Y. Newton at Gen. Su. 1, 51,13, 5 1, a anal, with or I¢WartiVlder. —4.llkBentan & cwt. Coid Banal .- Pons. Babb,* Pencil Caw and Eloldcr, gold monorail. Daman. Warren & Hydea Pero and IL. Para& Mao. lark by EAT & 00., ad Wood drat. anlB • REVTEIZ THAN WINE—By using fire ••-• parisarra OF LINE, OlDila may b kept Perfectly karmt, br any koacth of ft.. Sha al" the ul pinned IA ospetior is quality to many brands of . 4 0 0 , =v5121111. Nor au, .11/1 diroctlank for Sao, by NIXON JOHNSTON, Druggist, oxrace thaltht)eld aqd fearth errata. JAB:LES:2de BALPA ASCU lupus* Vim= Doistras Lon etnercrouounti, Made of Ma Mop, cad oporlatooda that creetiao as spoomoblo tarok • Otto oa . .Aadecoon otgool, Winn Lomat WI Baboon stmts. Allle*Al at/. DOCTOR JAMBS KING, ENO. la PO RTE STREET,: Ilprite the Provost Mambas .offtee. 85.00 REWARD.- ; 1 1 0, 1 5 pair f of fu GOLD pdator eagraved on them . The 0:4 3 toi ~ ma ;s 3 rd ;111 be gite. tbe IX-rgort.retarrang thorn t o MIS 0/1700. QPICED OYSTERS.—Juat receivtd, 5 14,7 arab...WY 01 RDlced olttan.wat add two potmll can; 0 0, ea t by JOHN A. IMERSGAW, comerLlterty eml Mad stmts. SeI3BTITUTE.—A. Veteram to ohs pd P. whottotgo go ge ,. \* J a „.. sup iela OFI'ICI4L. LAWS OP 04 . 1311 - 132D' um& al tAe rya &oak's of as ThOte eifhth angreu. fPort.zo—No. 170.] AB ACT Bislang appropriatioxte for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending the thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and inxty-five, and for other pun. .pone. Be it tuateed,by the Senate and House of Rep resentative' of the United Stater of dmcrica in Coeyress ataembled, That the following some be, aird the same are hereby, appropriated for the oljecto hereafter expressed, for the fiqoal year ending the thirtieth /one, eightean bun dred sad sixty-fre, viz* ELATE , : or Tye COAST. For the surrey of the Anima() and Gulf coneteof The United States, including compon pensation of civilione engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emoluments of offt sere of the army and navy, and petty &Boers and men of the navy employment in the work, one hundred and seventy-eight thousand dol. 4,T0. For continuing the survey of the western roast of the United State; inoluding compen- En ion civilises engaged in the work onehua• .dyed thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the Florida reefs and keys, including compensation of civiliens engaged in the work, and excluding pay and emloomen's of offinsrs of the army and navy, cad petty officers and men of the navy employed in the work; eleven thousand dollars. For publishing the observation made in the progress the survey of the onset of the United States, including compensation of civilians employed In the work, four thousand dollars. F..r repairs ofetesmers and sailing schaon. ere need in the collet energy, four thousand dollars. For pay and rations of engineers fir four steamers need lathe hydrography of the 0313 V Survey, no longer eupplied by the Nary Dr partnient, nine thousand dollars. LIG lITIIOOIIk EaT/111.18111[61,11% For the Atlantic, Gulf, and Lake coasts, viz: For eupplying the lighthouse and beacon lights with oil, wick; glass chimney; and other necessary expenves of the same, and repa'ring and keeping in repair the lighting .3paratos one hundred and fifty-six then send ono e'gbly eleven dollars. For repairs and inoidental expenses, refit ting and improving lighthouses and buildings connected therewith, one hundred and two thousand two hundred dollars. For salaries of five hundred and eighty. nine keepers of lighthouses and lighted bra. cone, and their assistants, two hundrei and thirteen thousand one hundred and ninety three dollars and thirty-three cows. For salaries of forty three keepers of light vessels, twenty-three thousand nine hundred dollars. For seamen's wages, repairs, supplies, and noidental at expenses of forty-three 'felt-vet, Bele, one hundred and. eighty two thousand three hundred and two dollars. For expeneetaof raising, cleaning, paint ing, repairing remooring, and supplying lass ies pf besoond and buoys, and for chains and sinkers for the name, one hundred and twelve thoneand three hundred and fifty dollars. For expensed of visiting and inapeoting lights and other aids to navigation, two thous- Lad dollars For commissions. et two and a half per o•nt.• um to ouch superintendents as are entitled in Ile sane ander the proviso to act third M o,rb , ei g hteen handed and fifty-one, on the amount that may be or may hard been de but-red' by them, ten thousand dollars: To enable the Lighthouse Board to re-estab lish lights and other aide to navigadon uhah have been injured or dostroyei , the Socihern coast, one hundred thousand dollar.. Far completing the lighthouss rearkd as, M .1- wankie, in addition to former appropriation.. wthe thousand two hundred and eighty seven dollars, and twenty-six aerate For complet leg the lightheuse works at Racine, In addition to former appropriations. in en ty-one thousand three hundred and thir. , 3 fire dollars and twenty eight cants. For the erection pf a lighthoude on Point henineulet, letween Big and Little 13 aye de Neiquet, in the Sate of Michigan, fifteen hcusond dollars. For beacon Sight on Sand Point, on the west • 'de of little Bay de N Age; in the State of Mintiger., five thottsand dollars. -For beacon I:ght at the mouth of Fox rirer, in the State of it inconsin, five thousand dol. lain. - For recopying and reconstructing bream heares9 light on Capes [Cape] lienlopen. Ll.Jawate, seventeen thous/toil fire hundred err are, —.For erecting a lighthouse on' Cape Arago, Saseofttregon, fifteen thousand do'lses. For additional aide to navigation to Bacilli tute the entrance to Port] and, Milne, by suite ::.marking Alden's rook and But work shoal, or otherwise, twenty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be found necessary. VOP. 1111 COASTS or CiLIPOINT.L, OZZOON, LID VCAZII3/10103. 'or cuppl3 bog twenty lighthouses and Macon Bahia with otl, glass chimneye, cha mois dame, politstung powder, and flitter cleaning meterials, tranapOrtatien, expenses of kr f ping Lampe and maehinery en repair, and cbliching notice to mariners of changes of ..'de to navigation, thotwand see. hundred and eighty dollar'. For repairs and incidental expeena 'o of men y lighthouse's and buildings. connected 'herewith, ten thousand dollars. For esiarits of fourty keepers and asst, tactkeepers of lighthouses, at an average not . exceeding eight hundred dollars per an num; 114 y la o thousand dollars. For expenses of raising, cleaning painting, repelling, resin:, ring, and supplying losers of floating buoys and beacons, and for chains and .others for the came, and for cotoriog and :.umbering all the buoys, ten thousand dollars. For Special worker, vie For repairing breakwater, and rebuilding keeper'a d•el , ng at Newport harbor light. I.cuee, Rhode Leland, nix thousand dollars. For replied cad reanimation at Block Island lighthoneee Rhode Island, three thoneand fire hundred dollars. For ohnipenstation of two inspectors of ens_ temp acting se euperintendanta for the We l' riving stationa on the coaate of Long Island and New Jersey three thousand dollars. Fcr compensation of fitty•four keeper! of siatlons, at two hundred dollens eaoh ten thoneand eight hundred dollars.. For repairs of the roof of the court house and pest offer° at Windsor, Vermont, ten i remand denote, or too much thereof as msy be ze esseary. For censtrneflbn and repair of light boats, to beex'pended under the digestion of the Geo retery of the Treasoui, one hundred and fifty though:l dollars. ' • tiOBLKI OveLOOOIIAND-OROU/Dll. • Pot care, support, and medleal and etirgiosl tretament of forty transient paupers, medlosl and ear teal patients in some peeper medical lisolitu on In the city of Washington, to be reUMitii by the Commissioner of die Pobllo six thousand dollars. - • • W 4 hire of carte on the publlo grounds, two Gifeliand dollars. or purchase and repair of tools use] in the rTißlic grounds, fume hundred doltere. jCO fee ache. per-'.,.. d I, it pa !t-. V. . 1.1 C pll.lll, 00, Lna htllaktotLi ibLCI manly ionar3. ,‘..r purchase of tree-boats, to replace, when necessary, such as have been planted by the United Efustel , to whitewash treeiaboxes and (twee and to repair pavements la front of the publlo grounds three thousand dollars. For annual repairs of the Capitol, water oboe. etepublle stables, water.plpes, pavements, and other Walks within the. Capitol square, broken glass, and locks, and for the protection of the building, and keeping the Rusin approaobet to le unencumbered. eight thousand dollars. To change Tiber creek where it runs through the Barents, Garden into aseworiten thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioner of Publio Building.. To enable the Commissioner of Pablio Build logs to re.constrnot five of the old burl out [burnt out] furnaces new under the old pare tient of the Capitol, five thousand dollars. Porannual repairs of the President's HMSO and furniture, improvements of grounds, pur chases Of plants for garden, and oonUngont expenses incident thereto six thousand dol. lan. For fttel, in part, of the •Prealdent'e House, no thousand four hundred dollara. For repairs, refitting, and tarnishing the President's summer residence at the Soldiers' Borne, three thousand dollars. For lighting the Capitol and President's Hence, the public grounds around them, and errand the executive afro* and Pennsylva• nis sedan, Bridge - and High streets in George. town, Four-and shalt street,- Eleventh and Twelfth street across the mall, and Maryland avenue west, and sixth- street south, sixty. three thousand fire hundred dollar*. For repairs of the Potomac and upper bridges six thousand dollar'. Fa repairs of Penney' !man aTentlo, and • aiding In keeping it dean and tree from duet, -4V2319 , d dodlare. , • • I Tilnyc= ' 24 l i f irer o t l e uliber rit:4*l - Far teken este of the groandasouth of the President's Renew eentianingiebs mentaofthie same, and re lacing trees destroy. ed, ream ng bum and other injuries, five thousand doll ars For. repairing of water pipes Ave hundred dollars. For cleaning oat the sewer traps on Penn sylvania events, and repairing the same, three hundred dollars. For coeval,' repairs of all the furnaces under the Capitol, five hundred do lam For deficiency in tiling the floor of the library of Congress, one thou:aid two hun dred dollars. Fee. 2. And be it teether enactsd, That marble floor, similar to that of the Congress nal libnry or the S .nate yeettb shall be constructed in the old hell of the 11 ,use of Representatives, using such marble as may be now on hand and not otherwise required, an that enitatde structures and relapse elan be therein erected for the rrcoptiou and protec tion of statuary, and the same shall be under the eupervisi en and - diren.lan of the- Cenomis stoner of Public B Hidings; andel nattelt oftite money, now or hrrcttfore appropriated for the Capitol extension as may be necexenry, not exceeding the stun•of.fifteen thousand dollars, is hereby net apart-cad shalt bo itsbarecd, for theporses [purpoees, beret abrfire men'toced. And the President is hereby out/Carl - tit to invite each and alt the Staten to pro vtle and furnish statutes In marble or bronze, not ex • ceetfing two In number for each S ate, or deceased persons w he hare been citizens there. of and lilt trione fm their historic renege or from dlatinguiehed civic or military serrirer, each as each State shall determine to be worthy of this national commemoration: and when en furnished the same eball be pored in the old hall of the Flonse of Representatives, -in the Capitol of the United Staten, which is hereby set apart, or so much there of as may be necessary, as a ;Worm' statuary hall, for the purpose! herein dedicated. To reimburse the C trandeeinner of Pablio Buildings for money expended in replacing coo of the Iron panels in the ceiling of the library of Congress, and to enable the Com missioner to secure all the panels by fasten ing them with iron shackles to the roof, five hundred dollare. For repairs of the basement of the PreBl. dent'. noose, three thousand dollars. To enable the Commissioner of Public Buildings to remove the wester piper which conducted the water from the spring of Frank lin Square to the President's Nouse, renters d neceesary by the grading around the Treasu ry Extension, and to lay them down in anoth er place, five hundred dot tare. To enable the Commissioner of PubUo Buildings to enclose Franklin Square with a wooden (entre, and to guard the same and plant it with trees and ehrubbery, three thous and dollars. For repairing fence around armory Square, fire hundred and thirty-three dollars For painting the Iron railin around the Capitol grounds, fifteen hundred dollars. For cleaning and painting the crypt and peerage under the rotund°, two thousand dol. lace. To pay expenses Incurred by the Commie atom-rot Public Buildings In enlesegiug beech in• Supreme Court room, one thousand two hundred and fourteen dollars. For males of Navy Yard bridge, twenty. five thousand dalltirs.irrn For baleacc doe the draysghtsznan for hie service in charge and continuation of the eerits of mope ordered by resolution of the fourth M.y, e;ghteen hundred and forty tight, for part of the fiscal year, ending in eighteen buzd t . 9 l and e;aty two fifteen bun dead and twenty dollars and thirty-eighl orate. For repairs to the bridge across the Poto rni.e riser at Little Fall:, two hundred and hit} dolarx . To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to r rnvide temporary accormolatioas for the Stare Depsrment, and for such of the clerks tit the Sectod Auditor of the trearory as can— not he aocr.mccodseed in Winder's building, ten thousand dears. JAIL OF TOE DIPTILICT CI COLV11111•. For salary of warden of the jail in the Dis trict o f Columbia, ft om Ft b• wary twenty-ninth te thirtieth of June, eighteen hundred and sixty foci., at the rate of sixteen hundred dollars per atrium, fire hundred and forty ttol:ars and tisty fire cents. satrusestaa For the preservation of the collections or lie espicring cid surveying expeditious be tio•ersmtnt, four thousand dollars. GOVNIJMEI,7 uocrtr•t.R THE 1321A1l For the support, clothing, and meileal to aiment of the loame of the army and I aey and the revenue cutter eercue, and of .he Dietriet of Columbia, at the Government Hospital for the lessee in said District, intact. ding five hundred dollar' for book; st Winne. ry, and incidental eiteneett, Me thousand five hundred dollars. For fi , ithing, furnishing heating, and light.. itg additioaal nocommodotions in the cast wing, five tbourand dollars. Forcontlattation of the wall enclosing the grounds °filen hsepital, ten thousand dollars. For Iron coping of the battlement of the hospital edifice, two thousand awe hundred dollars. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby author. end required to pet sport from the pay of toy of cere of the navy or of the marine crape, who any be under treatment by his older in tho Government hospital for the lueaue, such a portion of the monthly pay of taid office as may be needed for his ptreon cil nee and comfort, in addition to the resources of that establishmetiL The emperintendatit of tbeGoirerarctent hos• pital for the insane' shall recommend the p:rtion a the pay of snob officer, of the navy, or of ihr amine corps, th at . shall be set apart in the manner and for the purpose beryinbe• fire described, but the Seocetary of the Navy may, in hie dieoretiod increase or relate the num so recommended to be set apart. Th. raid sum set apart for the personal benefit of any fluter of thenavy, or of the marine corps, under treatment in the Government hoepilal ior the insane, by order of the Seoretary of Ihe Navy, then in paid to the said euperitn ieudent of that institution by paymaster hay. Leg charge cfthe said officers' acoountsiatid the receipt of mild euperintendent for the sum which be is author Lied by the Secretary of the Navy to draw from the said paymaster entail be equivalent to the receipt of the keel guardain of staid officer, or to that of the officer hitorelf. That mild superintendent entail disburse the money thus set apart and dialect by him, and he shalt ace° 211 L f r it in quarterly statements to the Fourth Auditor of the Treasury. BOTANIC 01.1D111 - . For grading, draining, procuring ntantira, vo's, feel, and repairs, purobaning trees and taut.; !troder the direction of the Library Commitle of Coagnesa, throe tbontand thto: hundred dollars. F.r Fay of euterinlendent of botanic gar% din and areistante in the botanto garden and preen house, le be expended ander the direo lion of the "Amory Committee of Congress, FIX thonednd '<lnt buidted and forty-firedol tare and eighty vents. WALUBMIAN 111711177101( ►oa ?U DIA) AID DOlll •!D BLIND For solaria and incidental expenses, em bracing, In addition to the objooto heretofore rn,ided for in this appropriation, the salary n oddltional (tackier, enzetrnottra of 111,1 •to r. , :n , ruc'!+•l oc repair BE•en 11 ..11 , 14 Arx.i J./ continuing the R ork for the sooommo dation of the students and Jamaica in said in stitution, In addition to the appropriation heretofore made, els: for the purchase of a tract of Improved land, containing about thir teen ems, bordering on Boundary street of the city of Washington , and adjoining the lot now. belonging to the institution, to enable it to instruct toe male pupils in horticulture and agriculture, and to furnish ethos for meohanio shops and other neoeseary buildings, twenty six thousand dollars; Provided, That before the purchase of the sold thirteen acres is con. eammated, the owner shall oomplete the title in fee to the premises now held and occupied by said institution, by executing a release or 'conveyance of the remainders and reversions now outstanding in him to the said tzustitn• lion. To bring the Potomse water Into the insti tution from the nearest water mains or other adequate routers in the ally, three thetuand two hundred dollars. PATENT omen. For expenses of receiving, arranging, and taking care of copyright books, charts, and other copyright matter, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For preparing illustrations and descriptions for report six thousand dollars. 13ORTZT 01 THZ PURLIO For surveying the publio lands (exclusive of California, Oregon, Waeltington, Wow Mex ico, Kansas, Nebraska, Utab, Dakota, Colora do, .Nevads, Arizona, Idaho, and hiontana,) including incidental expenses and island e nv 'eye in the Interior, and all other special and dlffikult surveys demanding augmented rates, to Nt apportioned and applied to the several surveying districts, according to the extgen ales of the publio service, in addition to the unexpended balances of all former appropria- Ilona (area eamo objects, fifty thotteand dol. tare. For ettreeying the public lento in Center Ms and Nevada, ally thousand dollars. -- • For surveying the piddle Linda in Orogen, - twenty thousand dollars. Fter . snrveybog the public lands in Wash. Ingtonl'erritory, twenty thousand dollars. For surveying the publics lands in the Ter ritary of Colorado, twenty thousand don e,. For lune, ins the public lands In K sofas and Nebraska, fifty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in the Ter ritory of flak°. a fire thousand dollars. For the survey of a military road from Sioux City, lowa, to Fort Randall, Dakota Territory, red•frrm Niclarars, Nebraska Territory, to Ft.rt Randall, rand to bridge the Lao': and Vermillion rivers and other streams, If•een honored dollars. For surveying the pulitiic lands in New 'loxiro, ten thousand dollars. For surveying the public lan le in the Ter ri ory of Ariz - ma ten thousand dollars. For surveying the putdic lands in the Ter ritory or Idaho, ten thousand dollars. • Fcr snrveying the Wile redo In the Ter ritory of Montana, fen thousand dollars. 31154 i'LLAREOrS. • For rerrytng ',carrying] on the work of the commission appointed under the first article of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain, eight thousand dollars : For continuing the work on the Capito: ex tht.sion, three littbdred thouaeld do:lars. For f coshing the 'Patent Office braiding, eveuty•five thousand dollars. To enable the Commissioner or Agriculture to pay a debt binned by the Commissioner of Paten:B in preparing the agricultural report ter eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and trans ferred to the account of the Agricultural De partment In pursuauce of an opinion of the Attorney General of September - eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty two, three thou sand seven hundred and four dollars and five cents. To restore the salary of the chief messen ger in the Department of Agriculture to nine hundred dollars per annum, at which it is fixfd, three hundred dollars. For the annual subsidy for facilit‘ting, communication between the Atlantic an] l'a e.fic Steles by electrical telegraph, forty thou ear d dollare. For the continuation of tte north wirg of the Treasury Estension, fire hunlred thou sand dollars. For furniture for Treasury building, twen ty fire thousand dollars. For the construction of vaults, as ate addi tional at curity to the public funds to the Utli ted Stales deposliorier, thirty thousand did tort, For the repair and preservation of custom hooves, marine hospitals, and other public buildings under the supervision of the Treas ury Department, forty thousand dollars. For the purpose of building a new custom house at Portland, Maine, on the sire owned by the United States, fifty thougand dollars. For furnDure and repairs of furniture of the ♦arous public buildings under the enp•r vution of the Treasury Department, fifteen thousand dollars. For beatific appara'uv for the ettet font and centre wing of the Trtavury building. in addition to :available approprittiona, twelve ihoueand hoe hundred and thirty eleven dol lore at El rtity-nevert cents. For plates, paper, cod special dies, and the printing of circulating notes, and expstisre niCeEtitily incurred in procuring said notes, including IniliCL-111\DC0119 items, four hundred and forty one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. bet the discharge of mach miscellaneous claims, net otherwise provided for, eta shall be admitted in cue ccurse of settlement at the lire Bury, hn be sound d Aare For the payment of n 3, s , eageri of the rea r,clive &lore for conveying to the seat of Goverturrut the votes of tha elect's or said ..ore for Preeident and Vice President of the Ut Ltd Staten, twenty ihouionit dollars. eurionery for the Treasury Departwent ~ 3 bee thousand dolitre. For r arpiiieg aid supervising the 11.rentol herster, per act of March seoond • eirht•en hundred and slaty car. five hundred dsikre. To supply a deficiency la the appropriation fey the bispoh mint at San Francesco for the tor ending thirtieth of June, eighteen hurt_ deed and eivy four, seventy one thoussod I hree hundred nod eleven dollars and tea or tits. To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for Lye coats, chargea, end expenses properly incurred by the Slate of Minnesota in sup pressing indisn hostilities in the year eight• ten hundred and sixty two, the auto of one hundred and seventeen 'Lotmani dollarr befitted, That only so much of said sum shall t e paid the Basta of Minnesota as is allowed by the !welter accounting (firmer start Louder) the twenty second aeotion of the act approven Meech third, eighteen hundred and sixty three, entitled "An act snaking appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government or the year ending Jane thirtieth, eighteen pAtren hundred sad and for the I tar ending thirtieth of Jane, eighteen has irt ti and eizly three, and for other purpesee. Per additional clerical force In the office or .1 e Treasurer of Philadelphia, fear tntusand five hundred dollars. Far !mimics of Governor and Baperiatend eat of Indion Affairs, chief jostice and two W. sued recretary, nine thousand seem hundred dollars. Fur contingent expenses of eaid Territory, ore thousand dollar.. For comprneatton and mileage of the mem lets of the Legislative Assembly, otEthrs, decks, and contingent expenses of the Al— ' thobly, twenty theusono dollars. To enable the joint Library Committee to j warm a collection of early Ameriom maps nod plane, chiefly manuscript originals, illus irative of the French wor and the war of the re volution, for deposit in the Library of Con yers, ono thousand dollars. For ylane and detailed drawings for pro• pored changes in the Capitol wings to sectors improvements in the ventilation, heating, and acoustics of the halls of Congress, the aunt of Oaten hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the said outlay to be au t hcriud and approved by the joint select oom• illee of the lire Houses upon the ventilation, &o. of said Ball, and to be paid out of tho aforesaid appropriation for the Capitol Eaten eion. See. d And be is funk,. encese4 That the sum of one hundred thousand dollars in hete t-I appropriated, out of any moneys in the 'Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pu , pcse of meetin g any expenses in detecting nod bringing to Ertel and punishment persons gaged in counterfeiting Treasury notes, Londe, or other securities of the United States, se well es the coin of the United States: Pro vided, That in the courts, of the United State' there shall be no exclusion of any Witl2o3B on account of color, nor in Moil actions because he is s party to or interested in the hone trod. Sec. Al. And 15. if further enacted, That the mpeneation of the clerk to the Committee of Irsys aoclildeans shall be twenty one hundred and eistx dollars per annum, to commence with the present session of Congrea and ouch BUM BO may be found necessary to pay the same be and Is hereby appropriated. To compensate persons on board the U. S. gunboat "Cincinnati," in accordance with the join trt solution, approved February nineteenth eighteen hundred and eixty four, seven thou rood two buudred dollars. F. r stamp ol•-k t o the t.L.: be A-. 1 -c.b Fr• • •• 0 LOWII.IIIId four Iwo./ 1,. ',re, or ey ...“cl.l thereof as may ta, nabaaaary. For ocropeneatlon to olerke sod extra olerk hires in addition Lo that already appropriated, In the °aloe of the Secretary of the Troecory, one hundred thousand dollars. For payment of Messrs. Little, Brown & Co. for three hundred and ninety fire copies of the 10th and 11th 'volumes each of the Statutes at Large, at three dollars and fifty cents par volume, delivered by order of the Secretary of the Interior, dated February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and flirty throe, two thou sand coven hundred and eighty five dollars. For paymeht of salaries for additional clerks in the Navy Department, for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty five, nine thousand and eight hun dred dollars. For compensation to the alert of the Com mittee of Elections for preparing for publica tion a continuation of the digest of election cares, to be expended under the direction of eaid committee the gum of one thousand dol lars, or so muol thereof as in the opinion of said committee eball be necessary therefor. To imply a deficiency In the appropriation for misesilaneons Items for the Senate for the tlecal year aiding June thirtieth, eighteen hundred andsixty four, fifteen thousand seven hundred and th irty dollar& For deficiency for the Congressional Globe for thopreseat Reston, twenty five thousand and alxty. fi ve dollars and twelve cents. s ec 5. And be it further enacted, That in addition to the atm of ten thousand dollars, appropriated by the eleventh section of the act of lidarclitliret, eighteen hundred and six ty three, for the construction of vaults and the fitting up of offices in the custom house building at Philadelphia, for the aeoommoda• tion of the Assistant Treasurer of the United States at that ally, there is hereby appropria ted, payable out of any moneys in the Treasu ry not otherwise appropriated, the gram of forty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the i3ooreleg of the Trosoury, for the object provided for its said/motion, and. in such alterings of eaid buildings as may be tee oirtd to atilipt tee same to‘lij‘reCuritt. 00,1- tidy, and disbursement of die 'prldfo'reitilej by the Assistant Treasurer aforesaid, as well as to the convenient souteomedation therein of the officer" of the onstuati at the pen of Philadelphia Stn. f, And f.e it furthre . enacted. That the President of the United States be and hereby Nsuthorized to expend during the fiscal year e ding the thirtieth day of June, eighteen et ndred and euxty fi•e, en mull of the appro pr atien of second March, eighteen hundred alai runty one, air be may deem expdieat tad ivtper, oat exceeding in thegyboie ten thou sand dollars, for compensation to State mar rt ale. dietric. attcrn-ya , sod other persioe employed In enforcing the insert for the sup• passion of the Aftican slave trade, for any terriers they may render, and for which no sire" &nee is otherwise provided by law; 'sod alto, so much of eaid appropriation as may be necessary to pay the salaries of the je Igen sod arbitratont appointed by him pursuant to the act of Congress, approved J oly eleven, Big /t -een hundred andula ty t w entitled t'Avi not t Carry into effect the treaty bet wetto the U ula ted States and her Braude Majesty for the euppression of the African slave arcade, aad for the expenses of the mixed courts of Jae- Provided for by e aid tre aty. SEC. 7. And be it twilit, enacted, That section eleven of an ac' entitled "An sot for the r, lease of certain persons hell to service or labor in the Pismo: of Colomb a," approv ed April sixteen, eighteen hundred and eticy ter , ' and ale, that part of the first section of an act entitled "An act maleing supplemental appropriations for sundry civil expeneee of the Government for the year ending Jane thirtieth, eighteen hendred and sixty-three, and for the year ending Jane thirtieth, eigh teen hundred and sixty-two, and for other rurposee," approved July eixteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, which read se follows: "To enable the President to carry out the ant o C,ngrese for the emancipation of slaves in the District of Co:umhia, and to colonize those to le made free by the probable passage of a eonfiscation hill, five hundred thousand dol l/ire, to be repaid to the 'Treasury out of con fiscated property ; to be need at the dines - ion of the President in securing the right of coo nitration of said persons made fee, and in payment of necessary ezpeneem made free, and in payment of necessary expenses of their, removal, he and the same are hereby repeal ed. Provided, larer , r, That this senuori shall be panels seil so le to interfere with any ex penditure that may bye been incurred by carrying into effect the parts o' ants above repealed, or any expenditure necessary to ful fill existing engagements in relation thereto. Sec. P. dad be it further mooted, That t.ntil otherwise directed the Territory of New Mexico and the Territory of Arizona conatitute one surveyor's geneule die• miet ; that the Territory of Idaho and Neva da dean °outline and be a p art of the survey , general's dtstriet of Colorado; that the Territory of Dako'n and Montana shall con e itute cue surveyor general's district and that there shall be but one office of surveyor tee oral for each surveyed generals district , that the provisions of this section shall be ex ecuted under ouch roles and regulations as way be prescribed by the Commissioner of the General Land Uffi,e; and that all ants andparte of acts in enzlitat with the previa- I ne of this section are hereby repealed Sec. .t. And he ri further enacted, That sections eight and nine of an act entitled' An eel to prohibit the importation of slaves into try port or place within the joriediotion of e United States from and after the first day L'ilinnary, In the year of cur Lard eighteen ntdred and eight, which sail eeetions Icv cshr to regulate the coastwise slave trade, .re hereby equaled, and the coastwise Blue try de le proloth;tcd forever. Approved. Joy 2, 18°4. Jff1...2.14'/UF.ACTUREfts, 45G. LAWRENCE LRON WORKS, Jrcto Cat/lie, Pa. <11.3 w rAct It:Exams 11. IL O. .111.111141.1.. DITHILIDGE & CO., Matta...atom at IRO, NAILS AND SPIKES. Premed prim. tolloet 1 chwogwe of the mattes. jetlN. NEW GAB tux, La.mascll Co., Pl.. DUQUESNE BRASS WORKS, CADMAN & CRAWFORD, Illanabelam. el em, vaaley of Itnlxbed Intim WORK .POR PLUMBERS, snits OR GAB FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND COPPRoonal/Tttn. BRASS OABTTISCS, of all dmiertntkel made to or der. STRADISIOAT WORE, HIRAI! D TING, and IMPAIRING, promptly attended to. Portloular attention paid to fitting up RXIINERIDS POD GOAL AND CARSON OILS. Also, Soh Agents for the Western Dishiest of Pentisyl ran ia kr O. tale of HARSH, LAUSDELL A 00. D. PATENT SYPHON PUMP, the bowl ever herented, nada, no Talent II Is not Iletel• to get oot of order, and sal throw Man) water titan any p1:120f of [VICO its ate.. •. • 111/1CR11R0C11.......i. - t N. WS RON CITY WORKS. 6 ACIILISTOSH, LIEBIPTILLUL 6 CO" 191715D188 AHD MAOHCIAGSIII. O sfo. of Plk. sad (Mary WA Plk. us • W.haat 'treats, Mew CAI 7 Water Worla,) Manufacturer' of staCtunarg arid other ENGINES. Ei LLING WILL CANtINGS and MAOHINVET, of oil k tad", end grets•ra/ Jobber'. Pronapo att-utioa given to repairing ROLLING MILL de.thly ROBERTS, BAK:cm, g 00, MI D. 59 Third It., Plttabergt, TIE AHD SUXL7 mon WOKE E 3, Lod dianah.cturen al J F' A-1121. L) TI^I WIRE We are no. mantibirturing and have on had Bads. fug Apparatae of ad kinds, Toilet Ware ft Bette, Water Cooler. Gros- r.' Tea sad bpi.. Canister., Bash and Spire Boa., 'rambler Drainers, dpittoona, Au., dn. A lam lot of Bird Cates tor salt lot. Oil Qui• of all duit and Tin Hoofing, Condrichora, sad all kinds at Job bing Wort dote to order. FATENTE,D OCTOBER 8, 1861 OVAL L...A.AIE. OR IreLN.E 3f IS. II DZIST GIIAIIII These Chimneys nn Wended k ths au Ism, has ps ell part? of theslasegually. does ttot emperor II to .r aching. ILD. TIPPRIIIDGE. Port Pitt Dim Works, Wsehington are.; 1.17 Pirtsborah, Nom LAGS DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, P/ TTSD MOB, PL. PARK, BROTHER et 00. 1ii...3-103mvn el B7:211 QUALITY EtlYnfiXl) OAT BTEXL, eq." rut and Octacast, of all atm Worrantti *goal to Kai Imported or toottotactond to thto oostotry. II it Mae arid arambamaZiaa 149 sad 161 /ll= and 120 sod 1= BLOOM D BT =US, MLitt:nag/6 A MEN WCORMICH & ()0., VAIL= /0011171{T, Pittlbelel4. 11 1 6 1rWsroboass, LLD SY rrairr, Manallictorers of 000 R. ARLO)/ AND !MATING STO PARLOR AND KITODEN GRATA rot.. LOW WAltt, oto.. @tool sad Gls= Moulds, Rolllnig 1.1111 Outings, Mill Onring, Gas, Water and Arline, Pipe,. end trans, Dol : tous:, Warm Dons, B. Heide; Put I rV .l 7anobbing sod Id Cati= IT or. der. Patented Partabis MU, with &awn or Rom Poser. .14:emd PENN MACELNE WORKS AND J. FOUNDBY. 11. WIOEITZULA i CO., =MINT BVILDEDS AND fidOLITISD3IS, Law= Litatxre, between Federal and Sandusky, ALLEN:MP cart PA. Ilannfasturere of WIGEITTIAN'SXATENTPOSTADLE OSCILLATING bThAll ENGLIDS. Shaftin&ley+, ie. Danalrlng of all kind. attended to. play THIRD STREET FOUNDRY ALFRED DAVIS, Totmma Amami at Anders= A MaIBA) earpoolltd- Wm., his Wends and tha panne morally that • has opened a Youndr: at the corner of Wed Moat ad Obanoery tarry dpradta Ponces Sear roman% or tb• roio of eastothetarlng LIAM MAMM OnAnNAB, ALAS! lAOULDS, PULLA4II,, AD, pada! &WAWA Alm to Plambeca wore., loTt0;aao rllua FOWNES, (late of • tho firm of I.)ru~osk Hisley,) JOHN B. rreasoar Oats of Diltcb,fl Harm Oo n ) MOH NOUNDII3B sad OTOVN fdaaafactarelay LLLECHKINT Erg, Ninth W. rttliburgb, Pi. mytly /Dint B. E11E88.01% a 00. WM. G. JOH NSTON &CQ Statio DOI 67 Blank Book klanottotarers • nd Jo Brintor Wstmt. Ititannza4 si3 MlMr;= rf InEWANT ‘7017., -•Books of Rob opened ~t the trin*BßlTalelT OIL O" Tlatrd awl Wood straw; co Jlonday, August Sth, ISdi Peenphieta .eontelning • tlanortptlatt of 'hamper", bald by the Company can be bat at the um, place, an and Wt.. the 4th of August 4ylthtt JAMES WILK rls;s, HEOEEIt AND DL411:19. /9 CRUDE AND DEFINED OIL I'B¢L•Y BLOCK, DUQUZ3II/, WILT. e . ten•ton even to the ELLE AND 6E17 X NT tf P,r,:.11.1 •nd to prods rt., mvectlnll3 Plltahnr,,b ligew, for VI'S:WM OTh IMO TEO , FP COIIPA FY, h 2 POST OTTICE BOX 141 RICHARDR/N, HARLEY & CO., oonrissros • rouwesprso eumcsarT2 Crude and Rennet! Petroleum, No. 19 lEWIII MLLE PITT9B4IIS3II. air Lateral Osab advance. on caraignmente tar Plt• eargb or Lewatna liarksta. lesson. J. B. nll.• — rte & prlnga Ttw pocnr/I r et k , ‘ A.. P:1-;s1. Coal:m."1a! h1.0:15zo TACK & BRO., 111.= DI ()rude and Refined Petroleum, BENZINE, &a., rui WALNUT BT., lIIILADILPIILL Suer,AM 00t70.0tel eo CILTS 4111 mot... ow prompt peewit:m.l attsathm. Betty w Mere. Blau"!lsixa,Hszlity . Britosml i Bute 1411 d ttli-Cle./Leind a D.,1 PI ttabcrzh; Smith, Eaq., Pint. Bank N. A.: H. L. Tana McCORIIICK A CALLKNDER, OIL BROKERS. Foe. 211 and 213 South Water Street. ma' Omutt......oll:ltst. ILTIM TO Litioy dalorproolog, Iron My Oft Work*. 00.,b Polocor, or .1. Pointer & Oa. Jr. 11. Chalfont. of Ilyank„ Glasitkal & 17.44'11 ALES, 1 - ZI3IORE & 001111188108 11131086.373, an BUPPBB OF PNTROLLI7II, 11111/LIEIM IaUM 11111 fOU Ample faclattla kw EITOBAGII &SD sEarnaa at their yard ADS what, gra HMI. m 714.1 pins UITY OIL WORKS LYDAI & CII9DPERNING, Ersolfactareri and Eettnen of CIAIIDOS 0114, HHH DIED can LUDEIOATING 011.5, .=d sawn In CRUDE PIZ'T`ECO LACET&L Works, orxcha Eturc,atn.g oSca, ilc. Mi EIALEID .172-Inri.' =R=M! wA" — ,c=c u cossaissaion Dliirrohzuatz: Lad balsa la CRUDE & REFINED PETROLEUX, BILIS - EIKE AIM LITBILIOI TUG Ofl, N, L 4 EOUTR WHARF PHILADELPHIA. Bto race re ty (order n0r...) far 11000 able Mao excx:l.D• 1. 'krt.. hr shipplng ta dcnerlran and foreignn !.tw, at our abarf ca dee dcbayILLII EiTet, near..tlde turf, of tbe P. D.. L. ledbay BIINWEE, BURKE & Oa, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, aisata et Ma 61,C , 8r., PACIFIC, AHD LIBIDITT OIL WOBICa. Untoral em •Llnnos eab on eovstpuiteaft id Refined or Crude Petroleums. 008 III:401:11517 MAYA /14.80001e1171., ENOS WOODWAB.D, ant, of Wm. H. Woo:hound A Gaj IRTIDSMUL 001111D313/03 2110103.1.11 T, !Veda' age: atom eh= to Ulm tab ot Crude and Helloed Petroleum. Ifo. 111 BOP= YLONT MIXT, P9ItoL. octram wCYODVILLE OIL REFINERY. GEO. W. HOLDSHIP is CO., Manufacturer. of BURNING OIL AND AIIBRIOA TING OIL Reap courteatly .. n.ql thenry boa: val. 14 of evaNniro OIL, clear aed without color ; also . rad LUBRICATOR, pun. WHITE BRIBIOLE CAR GREARI. mar dm ord.. loft et At, 66 MITE STRIMA B. Block, wpanul floor, will Im prowiptly anemded WS. acfcil ('ABUT, PEMBERTON & WEBSTKR General Merchandise Brokers, 141 mum ErrlllerT, en, York. Also, lab BOOTH BRANT BT., Slalladolphla, CRUDE a REPINED PETROLEIINE, MOM° SODA, SODA ABIL BBLIESTOBA, Duras, OILS, ate., Orton t broy or soli promptly ottandod .I,ly D L. MILLER, Ja, Aarre, .In WALRO7 ST, PIIIIADCLPETA. CRUDE WIRED PETROLEUM On able ratan Onnann nottentnty. dumps at met no. sort tiTOBAGII TOB ZUSTISID tit cool *Om rot (mum wader good atur& Particular attention paid to OIL 703 117037. Yon EWA—CAUSTIC SODA, SODA AM dm atthly ALLRN & NEKDLEB, ramanirains: COILOTISHION arzatozusrs: ploartkelar altaalloe paid la amalgustasi Crude and Refined Petroleum. imr Liberal shamans Nal% 1011:1, ROBKRT ABEIWORTEI, Forwarding a Commission Korohant Is. 1 ff. 014.1.8 fft... iTrzsztrr.ait, AID MULES IN OIL& Oar ILLIIIIMATINLDSHIONIII,(7II.IIDIFFL TIIOLIIIId OMB, dn. annstantly cm hand and an sa/a at the. Lassa onelst prim. Clonatgaunaani and Olean aniktud. apifts MAO HOUGH 4ic 00., ookunaeston ixecauarns, for CM mak of Crude and Refined Petroleum, tie SOUTH DILLIF6II.I Evnroz. CMIC!!!!!! WIRING & KING, 00IINIESION NIEWEIAME. mc=mi Petroleum and Its Products, Lad Mahn b Ratans Estadas. Irma nienter ll,bbaigh. —...... 1 1 / 1 1iSAM LAMM OR & PEA'Rizi A LT, PHIZADVATIIIa s C•aualsilini Inershaata & Breitarss IttchatTilty ta Petroleums and Us Products, Per ctval aoe tunwevartaisicia. Aaggs Ibr= anosm at remoratridn. JAMES IRWIN, lindiatarse II Oil of Vitriol and /dna Anuternia, el:Warn. lot se Jean Parkaligtl /IMO, OM% mew 10 , 11MIXEr AND Min 611Tigineor01 armat ."1110" kiAtittijiti - ':::1,:i“ P :: MB BRUCE :0011Pi10-t.'...::.:'. PHILADELPHVA''' : Amu en Junrr7 1,1641, t 7,457,813 toxzratl_ cested /AWN Inccae ~ aUruettled -2 - 22 41 41 2 4 :46 tor 000.0(46, " Loc. Paid Pcrp.tnal nod Te---parcry Polices cc, Lu n a ydo. 212.1,2151[1. _ PITTSZIL'EGH, Pt. ' :.. OZarlos E. Bantkor„ Ems GM a ;..i ToW.lts Wagr-or, Edward 0. Iksle . '. 33 E.t.a drat, Goo. nu., ,: . Jacob IL Ott, Alfred Ma; • --.... Geo. W. Uleberrt,, Prise. W. Levi% Rip. GILt [MEN N. BA,NCICEIL PmAREsm. ED WA RD O. DALE, vice PraStAt . JAS. W. iIAALL.Ds'ESIR, 'eve. ool , ll.N . Era T is, J. G. . Arai mt,... ete-Jer Wool nod Third , 2. • Folm&3;CB, IN FIRE AND ri.WD Insurance Co. of North /me Hartford Fire Insurance Compf4 aerProteotion can Da access] in Me *Seca .. o r • II reliable companies. Lll tet . 7:dly 719dicaler. Berlactbasa, II WO< MOIL WE- suRANcE EVretio I NT OF PITCEBC LOU, P. R. GORDON. Foeyes.y. unass. ProlA, No. 62 Water no apeqg •Oto.`o . 1 , sour., Pittytaxrgh. otottrai z 7 kWh al I% owl Mart= Hos. Ine.r,tr-tin. "waved by Diryaborry love ..U, ildooy. tto ootoottal4. and y. on dotortobstod. &Y pottjattos ood ttlootattb, to mar-lain Aar-L=ow they Atom uromed, airing Wprosiim Coon alio di*. 6. boorod. ;_b• IL linter, Jr., /ace. McAuley, Bette.lel Helmee, Alm,Nicelok, George Garde, Campbell B. Barrer, C. vv. Ilkkaciou. ccs.B) CITIZENS INSTJKA_NCE compd:oy OF PITTSIIIMOIL Oaks, tare Market 404 Watt streets, !woad floor. CM-Od.L.IGY. SAFLUlSLlll.643scraters. Insures Steamboats and Cargoes, imams agathst lon sad damage In ths swigs•ftgl at the &sobers sad Western Myers, Late sad /340t45, and the twigs:Clem a tho Sou. Ism:Eros against L. and damage by firs. • reeNXl: W. 11. Joluasi24¢. B. T. Jai., Gem Owas, nog. T. M. navy, Barclay Presto:4 George Mr4ghsa, pEOPLES INBUILOICE COMPANI Mee, E. E. corner Wood Pifthi4 FIRE Am meznut rerstrzura Wm. PhiMx, .7•Jha Watt, Wm. B. Bays, `-ha S. Parke, Charter B. Wm. vmm Sirtf.„ Prrrreracra, P. WM. P. GARDNER. BOOTS .4.4 D SUOES. OCH)DS IMW - 600 - I • ire teem tut evuutred our Bprtug stout 01 BOOTS AHD SHOES, • ( i witca .11 at the WWl= AS PRIOTIL have eta lamed and beat Weaned attek of I=M!!!!n To he bead to the city. LADIES' LABS CILIUM ahmda¢ce. Glee um a oalL THE " STAR WORK I MT ESCZPTSD n ORO. ALBERS, SON & CO.. Br' ...4 Ito7lll'. He rii3asta. Kip Biifotaim, Chlldreo's Goat High Boots. rgremz.„ P. Than gccerta ars eazdata oar special ardor, aa& J Vaal ..M tad cizeirianai calcam sock. re. JUST RECEIVED. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. :! Cosi:aiming all the latamt psylem of Gtgatlngsali. rot dies', Bow, MAW and Chlkeiren'm Boots. Shoes and GraiterEQ' Which will be iald vary cheap. .• J. a BORLAND, ')E. Mau= ST., 7 Beend dom. Goat Tlftb street. :-' A NEW SUPPLY OP L613212P, GtErrianumm TOOMIT. BOW ADD OEITIZEZWO Boots, Shoes and eaten. No. 54 Market Btreetll CELIKAP SHOE ETORE. MMUS& STOOK OP -, BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, and SLIPPIEIN st noCILINTOOX'S 811031 seta; CIA ioi em iM taode. Ple /tarsi d r „, Anevizt Diatea Quarmaamema Osara•Ve Orric iu ll „ Plottmegh, /alp WA, In& ~-1 A ETILLEBY HORSES PUG' 1 1 7, , IN OPEN KAMM. • 'Jo' • h '. ..1 siyo .in be gfimo by the anearelgoad, at /=. ~-,, burgh, Ps-, for good `Agirigicsur Roans, ps r:i..i, la oonllkates of bedebtoSame km cot Wm *wt. ;IN lama •• ~..4. Them harem mast be welt format, aoths, sad hug : I '4 tram ail Wirth ham 5 yew, Old this sydar to 11 yews .: old, dam L 534 to 16 hazde high, mad to weight tat lage ; ',-.0 than IMO potmes. White biases mod marant be excluded, ~- . They WO do examtort by • aeloPetom 454 so 1- 1 donee pmemited mart =form to the dom. - - -9,.'_'•__ - • trartt Okl_ll3*-01 _.....e.—01L AND MINERAL. LANDS ~ t , i .i you DALE oic Lzest—Eirra_PAlSZEL k , 4 t M., dollars In Oil, or Tornto7 and Mural Tnakt li ,; are prepared to sell or tummy _tlty of load &Wt. , ;z' ,li, ted In the alar/nag hada= et .alas.llMitt i; iii il tie ILta i l ., r=f t h i gi i o =ir:e ... fieck, , .1 L ...., ~..,,, V. hare deo • lam amorrat or ralusblis territory Is Pi , ' § the ortll biotin all rritora of Won= town% owe. ~ .1 ll sad other atom. Their West 'T Lob are aka ill' :5 all .Driatag ottli abmdssica of nimble zalaarals, stack i ',.! ' will irellrepq the olloa•lbr his labor. Thais biadiall ii. ;i , • ';'ir lai and or lapel la quantities to rall applkiala,maatka, L" -5,' ''', rareosale tars .. ...____ , C' R Yor particulars Maras ar call oti 3. It. al. mini, 11. 1 e ,k, , ...... at Law,Allarletta, 0.. ar O. Al. PAINTXR. kW lI .i i - ii . ser Mama street sad Dogmas Wu, Pittiburo. I 1;••7 .r.• anllkanall • 11'g i a M. M'STREN, all= Facorticis, ~ 11 u • Gas an ElTtax Perrin. Porno:Mar artunka .;', E. . .0 p•td to as ausairup sod rryefrme or OIL AlEillAillo :: I a 1.1 LTA. All Alm& in BRASS AND MON OWED nada ta ,:14 . -' t. , j hamcadre. Aka BRAM OLSTISGS, at ill kb , * mods et ~ -,, 3 ; 1 . 4:mud =Una Irl'. '' ',3 An ...a. let st rica. 111 tad SI wince exam% i . .',' '-- oat* ' , Marty, will bar attendal a r ,r,, INlPTherautmbert tat Woo maenad ardor l'i 2 , , 4 . two: roomy pace orporterata fa task wawa ism ts. 1 . ... 2 ,:' 1 inse• to the oattelectioa la orat7_roopeat, • ,7- Vire are Ow %pato tar 04111 d. voni••• A ca.terzaat 1.. r.. .- -',: ROST, la pampto&Watat, Ora& Illto; likkllid Oa% as 1 -- . "ri ...13337 IL. MIL JNO.3IIOEBB & co., ceoumer. *2 Lb". munza4 Coaranatialcat and Pil;s.wrAmil rag Wraviararawa r, . 3 . , - ' • OLL CAT, PA. 1 porahand Via 91aawa. Iralrherus.attia baTins am* raarhaud hollftimayg =lra* =to store and forward' AND 13584 /Wr. avers descriptlon, and promlsa SILSOL !IS aLI Tito nay favor am with their pf.trrso4o.: aosixaodern . • oRLEANS MOLASSES— 2ZS , r , _!• N7 r 21222 Now Om oa band and far -; 04. -, LATTLW Talmrsial. *46 flea us and Pa . *wad alma. r,LO - - I\TEATDPOOT OIL-4 biLs• dote In t AA Ptak MAIO Dig= Ant =MIN __.._.._..aw0~ ___.n,gs,¢~,. W. P. JONES, Aorreit IaSCMLII dadrev An 11.4 y, Alvvaifer, trprer, Dated M. Lon& ;• Rte. J. Thomas, Bent. P. Bak.e.relli John B. liPOeme. IL GORDON. Ilisonda4. fle Mar, John Shlptou. homes X. Oooput. John 8. Dlhron.n., 'Wm a. Beds... . =WM/ Dnams D. Verner, apt.... John L. /MAW' Samuel P. ativar. Gnore P. Joann. O. Dimon Lan Marla Arbaokin. PraxldaeL wierr, nap Prvaidsat, JaLialC7 Jas. Robb, aaarerr reEssi? Ho. 11 WOOD ETENZI 13=1:1=E1 LATER a lona. ' BALIVIRAI4iI TA. OCI. old D. C. -1117—Cieziard.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers