, . '42gFeAr ' r .- ~1 , •.,.4.1 . 4f5k .4. , ~.a . ...r : ....,,, ...,....:_.... ie .. • . t .•. _ ~ • .., ~. .. . .._. , .... . ....... ... !STABLISHED IN 1785. Gaat l4 PYIBLIBIM) BY ASSOMIOIL otra'strasciunEas. rM maintemel, pabli•bere of nitsburgb daily pa. po, him qtatstaly weed to charge eh* photo bolo. 'peened tbr Mao morimtm luaras6, sad niter XONDAY, Jolt WM, Mei GAZBII2I. abirsing Edltices, per week, &limed by cantor. 25 • " : " oar ►y mil, per year, be ed. loom *rah mouths, b advaroe-- 600 " « Er three ra.nths, " I 50 ionalas Milan, by carrier, per week-- --. If by mad, per yew, in dram... $6 60 " feral: month', " 5 66 " for %roe r " I G 5 WIN 015110EICLII. Par Week, ?Whored by carrier _ Pot year, to oprfao?", prat b/i 0 00 naps malts, ^ " - 25 11114 . 1 COUBIIIIIOI/..1. M week, deltestod etritir ..... Ns year. In bdwasee, .esit by etc zatetba: watho, .64111LTIZIAMOOIATT019, Ca!MILLIS MaICHIGIrf, Pabllsh,r Evenlngebroolds; PSTIEUMBAII SZWBPA.PIiIt AHD PBUSTINGOONIAZII. Reading Mat from Yesterday's Evenlns Gazette. Bon. BISOLIAII, of Ohl*, him been nominated for Congress, to the Sixteenth Dis trict, at Cadia, on the 16th tut. He was elected from a differently constituted distriet in 1860 by 4,117 majority, but beaten In the present distriet to 1862, by J. W. White, who bl 4 2,900 majority. L e ast 'seri Breugh for Goxernor had 1,749 major- Ity Imarlallandighasu In the Home and 2,155 in the Soldiers" rote ofthe distriet; in all 3,897. That ought to make the result pretty sure, as White boiler re-election distinetly on the Val /am:lloam platform. Ther.Dergy an the Vast. Bea. Dr. Tyng's sermon on "Terms of Peace," preached at St. George's Church on Pall Day, Is published in fall in the Christian Times of this week. The text la the sentence in Italia, "Opou ye the gates, that the. righteous nation which keopeth theaftaituusy cider. ' The sermon concludes with these words: 'Akthese pies vs stand. When Vas nation's cenicdance faithfully responds to the will of sod, when it keeps and values above national cost the great truth which he has given it to keep as a people . and • pattern on the earth; when its pryersfor freedom, and jell:lca, and happiness !trail people nasals io be toe mottos of hypocrisy before his throne; when its L2Stita dons are par ged from the protection of crime, its social walk celselo'briatte with the thorns of oppraesion to the poor and anteust r its churches cease to do fend that sattiltulon- of believing men, for, their oalusis takp,froznalt the oriaile4es of their com munlosiryt,tetnaks the outward akin the token of,their.,-obultulati fellowship; when its men of aesltft "aisd )silinence beedino thorotqhly loyal to, national:authority,tiad era no more canotenance to "tebeit and the defenders etiebolliati; and refuse to acknowl edge treason in Whom,oever fotuitta any a octal rank or place of honor ; when tte nation has at hat suffered onongh for truth to. make it dear, and teen enough of treason and dppression to make them hateful, and no longer you shall abound with revilers of year Government sad de spier' orall thatit 'good lul ' lopotatiu your.no tops' life; when you cease to encourage libel ous and disloyal newepapore, it tamper with men's'treason all is it were a light thing, and to feel aid oldie that there le something on earth better than money and mare valuable than life; when you willingly give your means, and Ural, and strength, and iefiaenee to maintain the life and being et your nation ; when yon have sacri ficed a r bentlueo much to Woad your ooantry and psrpetuatia Ai influence to bless the world &slab s's have given to destroy it; when you had re thei'be Justly poor than atuightootuly rich, and in put foliose determinatida to maintain your - et:Mabry at any loss, cease to mum ur at the loss it brings, you may lift up your eyes with hare, while the two leerod gates fly open, and Gad proclaims to you from heaven 'Behold, I have set beforethee - an opka,door, and no t man bath power tolliat "'" -' Retreat of Early Tie official announcement that the robot forom in the Shenandoah Valley are retreating again before Ph!litisn in wag! important in thseprosent juncture of *faire . The tide his - Ea - wed hick -And-forth in that valley so much of late that it is 'difficult to understand the movements of the enemy. We had anticipated • eavere bates comerwheno fuser .Pototeac.,but ineeems that the rotieVgenVrarnoutt ibt'alford to Viet' shch • straggle against an army so powerful, eo Wel orgaitte sunesto commanded as that of Sheridan, and he has therefore retrente& Per haps thismovement ol Early hat 11/13 bean Lelia °need in a large degree by the foii of the Peters burg and Weldon Railroad, which lee Is desirous of regal:flint audio dateratined;foi=that rnirpose to concentrate all his Cocoa again at Petersburg for le great tattle: 'rotrout disalpater.the ides, so,industrfoiesty diyarlaVa.4.that - Lee Is abotkt tolhrow tiltiogn Aif4iita Stienati, dash:Valley toadranoe einch Paaneylrania. The people of our State - will be partlortlarlr. vilified:with retron't,. neit 'reliever their edothatitberderficm'Alast tisuger _TsSie4 later siiiDdely - with .its proaperay; 'bet no hapeafiali - ineinuar. Witt storey agrt his movement. ItViar Tio to rprtvent may new *dean.* of the ehasof; mint that he -wits' recover p mouton of the entire ralley....Xhis is an auntie! part of Grant's oampstga, and has. an impochanlbearing upon thane:els of the operatiou. against Peters burg and itiettromed„ Natters at Richmond. A younglady ,nputtes.,heen et, Rlehmood (or 1,19 s last Ave yenta,- and-has: vainly triadic get away, l f ia4 duet onotesuled, and reached Boma where abut has re - hatiroli. 'She 'giver the follow ing as abutett of affairs . . illehmend,there is one thing that can ger*sc eape the-usesCiupirdatir, our erretron. The people fear Gambrel iliabt: When lt Lagoon:ea that he is moving on. the city, the popular mind instantly assumes • serious tone. • Viss4.,stmreheeolto;chrottged,.the. theetees -de Sailed. Patio saturiemenu"‘lnteit4ease. Tbtr continue until - the city is deemed safe from capture for 4hp,t4ELs, whon 4eriti again prevails. Pattfes, bah, le veer; and theatres celleeles . the time of the people, and religion— evereasla ventilates:tad at theeouth—ls.depriv ed mietof its formal rapport, the can:shed being deserted for frivolous recreations. The Floes of all articles are enormous; ladles' slip pers $lOO per pair; dress bonnets $5OO Gaels. The eeoesestioi of life are sold at rates propor tkmefeto the,following,:..brarte ;agar $l3 per pound; white , enter $2O -to $25. per posted. , A well furnished table, it will be seen, ousts come. &leg in seoessia, If bought w,th ooalelerate scrip. -;3lpqrsisrfie qat , !the tro4alial,-.Peoperats ‘ ln .ihjettigo iierniticietroni :ere Ant at all wittliling pnbitsh.the feet, Wa deddedly protest, however, against thense of that great organisation, athu.gssoeiata Prost," for pear earperposes, end ithppeirs giant luta an agent in Ching° who dcentnetpit fortis ben efit of a party. He stept.out of hfi proper sphere to inform the prattle that. the turas meeting on Saturday evening was "the ,largesi ,gathering ever Ma tue/tizsgo.-tonch larger'than the Re publican demonstration herd hare four years as,." Thls we doubt, far then:4'l.'4lo* u poljdozi meeting that inu not Wald foil,. Kiln largest ever se ,u;" but, eren if were littot iris not the bias bets of a maa paid by journals of all ptdltlini to ' .r*Ort newe'to make 02alliarisono erileatt y in tended.,to glcrifjr, one pet, thweipitaie of anothe. 'This Is a trifling instance of /verb., - fronbdtity, en& we. Aleatian it, net because the oomperison is tulfaororsble to the late Republican ..PfitfYrbut biezziao aleri journal Litho Amato. tad Press is interested in repressing such &blues. Blemirsrao,iiithir elitTL .and thsoughouithsOtatehairtudarisllyimpror .ed during the pest firm did% Am& a Clplusttnii dupla& of the 26th states that the draft la Ohio will be compaieldirely,ltiglitit:Sholby cousty.ls reported to bare aped qmote. So has Ban-i dusky City and seressi wardsid Colombo. om pirdos lot the. regiments are being - rapidly filled op to the required nuthber;whilat the rcersithog parties recently detadlai from Rua:. .dry Mtt.ltro - atilig VIA good IMOI "This tmeouragitighad should stimolato morejytkorout - Oohs ton:settle Met Septemi , _ _ - wenn Pennsiliatin mI ter -was in Out midst of Ids siernmudi boy, *boat de 101,0 of as•ldikurla ft lisatut, took- Mat s 'walked up to o pulpit , " asked perzuftiton.e iihe minister to leave th • ItireXitailrie ha ford. got to feed his pig . Th request was granted • and' he left, bat returned la 4%1%4 t Q, geno .donbt greatly relleired. . .. r' ~ IMOO Cirrtnar :rota )4r. Bee.rnoea The following notice to holdelr of three years seven thirty notes, dazed October 1, 1801, has just been issued, Holders of semen-thirty notes, dated October 1, 1861, are hereby notified that they may be pre- sented immediately, in any amount, to by ex changed fur als per cent. bonds falling dug after June 30, 1081. The interest on the seven-thirty notes will be settled up to the dote of maturity, Ostobcr 1, and the six per cent. bonds will bear full coupons from July 1. The adjustment of interest will be made by de/ucting from the amovat'of interest found to be due on the seven-thirty notes up to October 1, tho interest accrued on the sin per sent. bends from July 1 to October 11 tho balance will be transmitted by the Treuurcr's alto draft Imme diately upon settlement. The following regulations In relation to en dorsements must be carefolly observed: Where notes transmitted for settlement were limed payable to order, and are held and trans mitted by the original owoars, they mast be ins• -domed and:rigoed by them, "Pay to the Spore tar, of the Treunry for redemption," aid bonds will issue to their D.MUS. Where noted payable to order are hold by other puttee than the original owner', the notes unit have the endorsement of the original own ers, and slats be lindorsed by Ile present own tiro, "Pay.to the eeeretary. of the Treasury for redemption." .—.—fle For notes issued in blank, endorsed "Pay to the Secretory of the Treasury for redemption," bards will-bet leaned to the parties transmitting them, and in trick manner as they may dime!. When notes are endorsed or traommitted by an attorney, administrator, executor, or other agent, they mint be accompanied by a duly certified copy or certificate of the authority under which be sate, sod in all rues bye letter stating the kind (registered or coupon) and the denomin etion of the six per sent. bonds wanted In ex• charge. When registered bonds are ordered parties should state at which of the following places they wish the interest paid, via New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, New Orleans, Chicago, St. Li.uls, or Cincls natl. W. P. Fmaxsoirs, Secretary of the Treasury. DICK DICIWIDSON commenced his harangue in Byran tall with this shamefully lying declara tion : "When we committed thh country to the adminietrution of. Mr. Linooln, it was the great en end molt ODDITOTOUff country on the face of the globe." IS tether drunk or sober, the old demagogue knew that be uttered a palpable falsehood. fhts ocantry was committed to the ad- Ministration of Mr. Lineolu" it was rent in twain by the party to wtach the speaker be fonge. When Mr. Lino°ln was inengerated he found two governments in full blest : Beehanin satire lead of one ao,IDSVIJ at the heed of the other. He found two constitutions in force, the Federal and Confederate. He found eight States fully seceded, Wee more almost out, sad two more ;scapulas to .follow the eleven elopers. Ho found hell the territory of the United States in the hands of the Confederates, with their Capi tal established atthiontgomery. He found chic insurgent tiovenament busy or ggnnising arm? ant • 11, 7, building forts, criiiing troops and eolleotiag tares. He found the armories and,arsenals of the. Federal Gov ernment plundered of their oontents, and the treater, robbed of its last dollar. t . Such was the f'prospercets condition of the country" whin Sir, Lincoln took the oath of of fee:' The democratic party had scuttled and plundered the Alp of State. The Union was dissolved as far as it was in the power of that party to dissolve it before Mr. Lincoln become President. When he entered the Wbito Hone. he found awaiting him three plenipotentiaries from Jeff Davis to negotiate a commercial treaty in behalf of the "Southern Confederacy I" They did act deign to auk for recognition of •rebel in dependence, Theitiotiaidared that aeltoady set tled. Saoh-was the ifitiote work of- tisii "glori ous democratic" party; and now 'the Indere of the northern wink ask to be restored to power in order that they may cemplete their scheme of Clarion by establiahing a North Western Con federsoysia the scars of the old Union.—Chirago Daboor. • j The late rain wee well nigh universal. It wu mess oeplocut every where, and In many localities push damage ,dote. Wistear of a loot of water falling In the soiree orthrao hours. The rains have been repeated In Eartlo raglans, so that the country again loots a. fresh and green es Sld'lStirna, thorn so that any year at this time Fora fia I.4ooade. The farmers oast well rejoloe, erchis'aell is hi. itleattnldi condltioei forgiblehig, and fall pasture will aavo their stock from appro. ,keroed famine. 'On ties whole, 1864 will rant with the meat favorable wagons. So true data Jt tuna out at last, that a people who will stand ibraVely , to their' trarlt,'ilitil be bluetit' in their basket and Chef Sidra.— CIA: Casette. Leta Paris fai:dons mention a general van ,lthitg away and disappearancie of bennet3. ißirds, bought) l ot traes,Altohen garden, .aU, all ore. Aiiilroiviry lady wore upon her head the foliage, the fruits, the flying things of SO ieleea to the l'acifio. In Jane the astchilued !otiare glass explores the brilliant crowd almost Taln:tozacd ono vestige.' of a. bonnet. The bonnet hue retreated to the extreme rear; It ;hardly flank, the eX,0015 right and left wins" of tie wild and voluminous unifiers, iota which Laibionstdo bettyttwit, ; gag's, cap tells and ;trivet's lie own hair, and all the other hair spat) which it can lay Ito bands. J aural Heists, the Aster, In hilts:lon, of :fidorphy, the chase ployer y of Heenan, the prize fighter, of Patiminan, the ontir, and Patti, the :prise doons, bopee to win o fortune stroll and hat storied for England, intending to rooky • proferaionol boar's! a rhAter—certainly a novel, ty to the way of ormeement,, R. will travel all over Europe, and will urebobly find the moat onthrudoetio je rote in EoPer.d, and Raids, where ice and ,ka:eJ are almost na tit eLarooterieticu... Tot / 1 6 , 101111114Trtar i eDrIPIRt T 02.1111. —A c cr. reqond4utt wr.4114" the tnenktos of 'peac , aircre ante at !brach e,teys that it int s unties.. able fecathstalacetwo 11.11i91111 Am, of flare and stripe', which had been brought for &corm's oak., and placed on the atand, wore Gaon down by OIC .COVitgliitte during tbo reading of the recto loticts, iiendatioron belsbed 114Ln/form/ Thera wee a rare propriety in thin, wolch mut have boon aigsfficinfto emery loyal foyc : Oceanus Jenne', having obtafned the re gairire Xabang twee i th023.5d x,en for the purpose of cleaning Techearee of redeiory Yebdi boodle andlseriblas.- They are 10 be =metered into the scuffle Of rheatote, and Ea IlnibedSfafee' f ora year, Indere sooner areed,and alit rtcare - the Ammo pay, rations, rotting, etc .hat b paid to troop to the e.g Jar serriee;` - '"7' gLexivitirt' Loa Ohlo'ishh'deeittrai In Ctingrasethet liejirr:farrod deseelets to-cone:la- Irg the wary, a delegate ficm the &coed Ohio Cimgressional District to the MileageDoeven- Von. Ho is now to 041,3350. lie ought to be la RicLmoid. ' "."4 mil Allageß bee beeni/fghtad..bobtainad4ront tincittrsh sienna &boring. When ths limply become deficient they emit anew gift wailL IA RUGG aril. AMINSTLIZi.DeaIer in Vu rt.s micas AND carmatioem, PRIZITUNERY, FANCIT GOODS, AIIRNIEG PLOW, 0114, TAX/4, lITEDICINES, &0., dlictly prime quality, erbl..h be eon at 10.. et pripee. Owner fitear.h6.4l and rourtb .:4 a& 'Wear, holm Pittebargti Preocstption& ceseD3l4 comyoand- all B. A:FAHNESTOCK. & CO, Wholesale And faxnalhetstrers of WRITS LRAM ADD LIT T., comer of Wood atid , Troat stmt., Pittsbmgh. oda DR -GEORGE U KEYSER, Drug -gig &t, No. 100 Waal street, cortar of Virgin , Pindaric& pLITEBING; Chi nil Steam. It: so tta branches, caraltddy attended- to, t7,:nePeeden• org.l Lrastlota earktcca. A dalr'idisOltratnt 61EL li f - • A ' • 34911n t " i HY S bLt tOat: sail pler.di a er a a BEVILIA Ho. so namiii; • %fwd.l. .• _. PCT. rAinzrgl. "111.114 t :CIAACKERS.. ata• at ostr, as raiaza =kir. , retest reel esse meals tut° itnrefil Qracksts screllgel say;Littait Vert at Lt Aleutians. • ~ 1 1.13:taltlirlf, so, ea "gm meet .42/ATIOKLICAD. I '- 47 U ' ~ 4:saiictide& Iffigat. • • 20 salr d, alo by JOES wiwirrsio, PRUDE OIL-60 barrels Amber colored T.a, au& 011 farials by BRUIT= a LLVIAR. . .* ? • , i r • - Atittia alanbA•l4llo*. FROM THE POTOMAC ARMY. THE LOSSES IN THURSDAY'SFIGHT FOUR REBEL GENERALS MLLE!). Four stiles of the Weldon Railroad Held by our Forces. ARAM OF PaO4lBlON3 IN RICIIIiND WAsuincron, Aug. 211.—A letter received from the Ailey of the Potomac, deted the 28:h, asp : AU is quiet except the usual picket firing in front of the flth tarps. The ilring on our right on Thursday and Friday, was ommaloned by a movement of our truer jom one position to another, is bleb the en. _ay evidently did not un derstand, and their troops were fearful that it matt another attack on Ream's Station or on the Weldon railroad. Oar total lora In the fight on Thursday will eat exceed two thousand, while that of the ene myis supposed to be dye thousand. We still bold shoot font miles of the Weldon railroad, and the position abandoned by the 21 corps was effectually destroyed. Deserters who came to yesterday say that Gen. A. P. Rill's corps with the 23 *Helen of Long. atteet's ecrps and the Tell Davis Legion, were the rebel ttoopa engaged on .Thursday. They alto state that since the Weldon railroad tell into our pasestion, pork has advanced to six &glary arfd beef eight dollars a pound in Rich mond, and that their Doers declare that the railroad must be recaptured at all hazards. from Morays, dug. 21.—The mall beat, from City Point, has arrived, and bring. no addl• thins] new. from the front. Tho Richmond pa• Der. of yesterday admit a leas of Ilse rebel officers—four killed and one wounded—es the Weldon Railroad. FEW SHERIDAN'S DEPARTHENT, ADVANCE OF OUR FORCES COMMENCED_ RETREAT CF HE REBELS UP TEE TALLEY, IteaNy Skirmishing near Charlestown. 13•triitosa. Aug. 99 —Hem/quarter. Middle De pot-fluent; in the field, Aug. 99.—The long looked fir advance of our troops hat at last eammetioad. Yesterday morning, at 4 o'alelk, our cavalry alerted out end commenced driving the enemy's rear guard. At In o'clock the infantry broke comp, and at 714 had taken position in line of march, which was In three parallel C3iIIMUS. We bad not proceeded far when we became sat- Idled that the main force of the enemy had re treated from our Immediate front to some poet. lion up the valley- A reconnoissance mode in front of Oth.Crooke lines, on the left of our position yesterday, had developed the fact that the main force of the epemy hid left oar immediate front, but in what cireetion they had moved we had not reliahle thformatien, and even up to the time of writing ibis dispatch, the 'thereabout ct Early's main force is mere rpetmlation. There are move ments, however, at present on foot which will threw soma light on this subjs''. . Cot =noir, had some heavy skirmishing yeti tarday in the vicinity of Charlestown, with ■ penitent the enemy's rear guard, in which two once,. of the United States cavalry were killed. We captured some tienty prisoners who state that the main force of tbeanemy moved off three days Imo, and went the dl-eetion of Martins • !msg. The statsments of prisoners have to be is kin with a great dell of wind-on. FRO HILTON HEAD AND CflitlitBTo9 Union FOTCO Surprieed at Gainesville AFFAIRS AT CHARLESTON UNCHANGED New Y,es, August 29.—The steamer Fulton h.. arrived, rith new. partially anticipated. An expedition oenri“ing of 150 men o' Otm- Yanier B and Dof the bat Aleseethatetta Cav alry rod • pithe of ertAllery from the 31 Rhode jailed Battery, started from Magnolia, Florida. io make s raid. The caltann reached Stark with• fat any lightbig•• th ere destroyed's railroad train ad eaptrusd .6 Largo gaantlty of merchandise `uderrpplies• enditiee proceeded to-thaleses it le, there they werestarprised by 600 of Bieltheson'i rehtlituse. A Seamier:Led, resulting la the cap et re or 100 at our me.., and the piece of artillery, mid the rsestkure of„ the property. Affsirsidr !Morris hand aro %lac h aspect • ;a. satuflow hesTy gone Ile reedy to operate flavor Shatter la a few days. Mean while the , rkla undergoing pounding. Shells are teat Into Charleston daily. w Your, August 30 —The ilevaid's Hilton tided amtrearoadent erre !bet the expedition feat IDLY itt.rida, ander Co,. Il*,thr7in t t which wstl thought had bola .larprined and 'raptured, had sautteeded In Setting its way out and had reached Magnolia. • WAEHIFOTOS, August 29 —Clones, Sherman In raid to be cell Jappl'ed with food and ainmanl lion. Our earth., bare done groat Isjary to the rebel railroads In Georgia. General Early hu been orderei back to Meh l:mend. The nixie ■re gristly grieved at the Ices of the Weldon railroad. hflosabv has hsosrtd Thirty of oor mon In Clarks oconty, Vs., for burning xuarril,o'd boosts. Jtbn A. &un't has been •prioto Assistant Ttiat rarer, to 1111 tba vacancy caused by kir. pi, Cn teolgostion. A !Foetal to the Come...reirl, dated Wassblonton, ;Ao'sust 29th, says • York deffsga.ton tt bete starling bird to efreot tho eftpointmerit of :4oheso Radar 1.: command In Nett Tart, la i;,:c.ca 0! Claa.Dix,litt considerable pt•spoot of aorcesa. Kbllapla hcm trod rebol prlionere were Solely ,noryed to Mort!, blond to bo abort ander rateluatory Lire, the venal. the Latham, way nos :ashore in a manna , . AO at to toad .to easplolon 'that an amanita was noadolatet them amp,. iThe Certain ar.d Mete ere now under trial, and if thand . sullty, will be shot. Only one robot of !hear afaapd. IS le with:natal; sett. quartermaitera' depart. ' meat that the number of reorotta for Ovnerat Grant's army paeslog throagh ovary pat of New reffr, sod tram Beaten and New Moroi aeirc rg'e'dally'abotit one ttoossad. This dose pot In 'clod. theta going from other Owe. Tha con valeserats will make ay halt of the average eta ,tad. moans for the Arm?—Etteettraghw Ae. New Yore, Auguet 80.—Tbo ,TreekrelfselP 'deck epode' ray. r 11le Most ecteeteregieg loa• 'nett, at, reoelbed from every ittlartax,o to the n u eop• of teecnlte. now „beteg 064444 / 1 P r enteylvaola about 80,000 non hare bag ea. (stilted, and rialto Sie many in flow Xotk, while N. w.Eogiand bat fatelebed,lo,ooo,,MlX perheys ihtirl.ll the pelotas are received, the number will be (trod to Le ern roster than this. The Weitern States are: sled doing vary well. Poe Remo time past reinforce Men te at the rate of 4,000 per week bate beau gulp; forward t 9 the A Imi of tre,Volontec,.sed• fee the nest two or three woks et. it tepee:wit that 1,0110 per day will ha orward•it: o lb^averaoßootrobocuLrecreiti :per obtained' dally ilirneglotat thy o,uterji is shoot 1.30 Di and•this number wilt bnirineswed to Moo or 2;500,per d .yhiefore, the 51lt of peptimber. At Wee 15,000 men will love been ',abed for . the army and nary before die day named not , oonntint credits on prcilone calls, or theta ari sing from former urea! enlistments. 'Lai the call hum for 500,000 it le thought men could esti ly have been .ebtaleed, but the large roll db e6ursged people. Oa account of these large ad ditions to the army, iliforts wilt be made to have lbw draft postponod, in hope that a sueloient number et men may he obtained without resort to that objectioneble msesure Ltlepatehes to Rebel Papers. PSILADqrgIA, Aug. 22 —Richmond papers of the 27th contain the following: Ifobile; Aug. 24.—A spatial dispatch to the Advertiser from dear Aberdeen, dated tee 24th, says: The enemy hunted sohcil e lastalght. Their adveac• foreo.payed through Holly Springs this morning towards. Lagrange, Their wagon train crested at Wexford. fart 17tgbt. Am they were al?ont ctossint7isterdly4, Chalmers fired into theitltifanßy Mpg ant. a stiorp.ekirtalch took place. He captured thrie wagons mid teams and five prisoners. Oar loss was twenty. .. 7..dtlanto," Aug. 21 - -Anotkor. large coutlagre apt occurred - air ;aieniat on Alabama street, dartroyingelirge pratchoucer4d" flyers' dwell- Inge. Mao-tire was castled bioi orlon; aluastk , kee batteriesidarieg the .lire,!sholled , that por tion of the city with'great: rapidity, Pau/acre repotf . thet Slttimate. army conrin- ; nes to ni well fed: ~Ottleastr from, Marlette re pert that Federal rattan claim that there are twenty dew' provitions in that piece. • I Tenn ...Sig. 21 --Three hundred Yen . hoe cavalry' daehod into - flogorsvilip on thalit and .captured Lien., J. Haskell, C. M. Shiolds end' other', tcpther with nineteen privatee.'; pry retired itt the direction of Danis station.! 4 . lif'Rs 3" • Acw Tork paid 'Market. Yoor, lose,do. Gold opened ht 145 ;i atm+ "MDR down M 2 42 it recovered 244, a 24 on confirmation of the news of the ranter. of Fort liorgan, It rant dffsk to 235. .i. PITTSBURGH, W EDNESpAY MORNING, AUGUST 3!, 1564. From Washington. 1 1 1 4. "- , -; - - . - . , • ." '''' ' - -.....,............ -s ._. 1 7 -•... : cr.,: ~...,, ~.. , ... •••••:'‘ . . ... i r 1 , - - ... • , 7 /A :;.. - • • V la j- .A 4.<' Je ..... _. . .._ . . . . . 0 THE CHICAGO CONVENTION, A Permanent Organization Effactod COY. BEINGCR PEBMINEN? PaESIDSIT, REMARKS OF THE GOVERNOR ON TAKING THE CHAIR Cu dug. 30.—The attendanee ate morn ing both inside and ontaide the nig tram, was greater than yesterday: Tho Convention was cal!ed to order 30013 &for prayer, by the Rev. Bishop Whitehouse. The Committee oh ere& nlisis reported against the admission of delegates from the territories, Louisiana, or the District of Columbia ; also, to admit both delegations from Kentucky, °soh delegate to oast half • vote. Wite report was adopted. On motion of Mr. Clx, lion. Amos Kendall bad leave to present a communication of the proceediego and cotton of the Coo rrrrr tive Dem • °Matte Nationat Conventbm, held in this city on tho 27th. When theta were received and when the Secretary read the Domination of M'Clellan, the wildest applause and cheering prevailed. Mr. Co: moved that the communication be re- ferred to the Committee on Resolutions. Mr. Muller moved to amend that the commix • rtleation be made a part of the minutes of the Convention. The Cbaiimatt stated that the communication would be entered on the minutes as • matter of COl2llO. Mr. Olds Laid the, another body of the Bon. of Liberty, now in ression here, might have a nom munication to make to the Convention, and If this Is to go on the minutes their t s ought to too. debite arising, Mr. Olds ssid he woad not press the motion. The communication was sampled, and the report of the Convention on organisation we. 'read as follow., and adopted by ►ootame• tion. The committee on the permanent organization end rules for the government of the Domouratio National Convention, now in seisinn, nwpApt. fully report that they recommend to the Conran. Con for their soleotion the following ofarers : Prnident, Hls E toenail cry, H. Bey mour. For Vies Presidents, Joseph Chu., Me.: J. W. Will— iams, N. II ; H. D. Beech, Mass ; D. H Banally, Vt ; George Taylor, Coon.; Alfred Anthony, R. I.; N. J. Tucker, N. T.; Asa Packer, PA ; J. F. Hobineon, Ohio; S. W. 1311:on, Ind; 0. B. F,ok. lib, 111 ;Jos. S. Barry, Mich ; John Phelps, Mo.: Sono B. Peothem, Mien ; D. W. Mann, WU ; W. Patterson, lowa.; J, 6. Berry, Cal.; H. J. Strict. lira Kamer, Wm. PS Miner, Oregon. • femrditty Secretor:es—Wm H. Sampson, Me ; James H. Wrodwerd, K. II.; B. B. Paint:ay, Mass ; L. 6. Partridge, Va; F. L Allen, Coon.; Thos. A. Reynolds, B. I ; Jai S. Thayer, N. Y ; Jae. D. Biddle, NJ; El ward L Martin, Da . F. M. Hoichison, Pa.; James MoOlure, ; JA.. P. Harborer, Ky.: B, Eshelman, Ohio; A. T. Whittleeey, B 11.: W. W. O'Brien, 11l : Theo. Camp., Mich ;J. A. Billings, M ; Johu H. McKinney, Minn , Philo Orton, Wi, ; John Gyula, Iowa; Wm. J. Whipple, CeL, F. C. Filewilliam, Kanter; Win. Bybee, °redo.. Rsvidizy Secretoviu—E. 0 , Perrin, of New York, Isaac R. Dills, of IlHnoia, ind Hoses Armstrong ol 'Wisconsin. The Committee further recommend thc the rules and regulations adopted by-the National Demoorntio Convention of 1880 be advt.i by chit Convention for its guidance. Mr. Hughes, Chairman of the Conami:ine on ergs, uatiun , rep d that the Col:malt:l,e had ueenimously agir d upon Horati• Seymour for Pietißent of the Contention. Prolonged ap• plane followed this announcement, and it, re • port was adopted. On caking the chair, GOT. Se)mont spoke as fo,lowa: 0 inivrtazzla or faBOotiVISTIDI: r cannot fore. chit the reuintions and acting of tido donvoo. ' emu hat I can ray that every member of it 13,1 the Uriot, *ad desires peace, and wilt uphold constitutional freedom. While the resolutions OA leolloo of this donrention are of the atm ist importance, there are reasons why the Demo ' matte party ebottd be restorod to power, sod they are great reasons. Tho Dthiontatie party wid rectors the Uolon beauthe It large for its restoration; it wilt bring pesos because it tovee peace ; It will Ming back liberty to our laud; it will put down despotism beianse It hates the tyranny which now degrade. toe American people. Poor year, age a CopTatillOn ;net In this city, when our toottry was poseefti, tvoeper. us and nulled; its delegates did not dean -to destroy our go . ..mount, to ororerhalue e w•th debt or to drench our Load with blood: , i of they were animated by Intolerance and fa. edam, and blinded by en Ignorance of the i...irlt of our Institutions; the obaracter of our pthple sod the condition of OPT land.. Tee, thought they might fife!, Indulge their peesione, {ad they cr.nolatind to to to. They would not 1 trd the warning of our father', and they did of consider , that , meddling begets utile. lair 'paislons barn worked out their natual esalts. They were impelled to rpurn allooothro ire measure.; step by sap have they =raked in to lesult. width et the onset they Wouliltate thruck with horror from; and even now, when Mu Yu desolated our land and has laid Its heavy burttuthe upon labor, and whet bank inpfey and rain overhang of, they will not Lave the (Teton • tutored erupt goon t. auttione unknown to our Csnstitutfon. ff hey will not let the 'bedding of blood cease beer, fora little well^ to see if ehristiso ch a rity, or the wisdom of eadetmanshiptmay not find tut a method to rave-our country. Nay, more than this. they will not Motet to a pro; oral for pekoe which does not offer that brhith the govertmoret has no right to ask. This Ad ainietratlon eannot now hare this Un done' for It has by Its prociamatione, by 'lndio Pre legislation and by display. of 'hue and Leer lon pieced obstacles In its owe pathway which it cannot overcame. It Iles banspered its own freedom, not of •sti-a by utteuftstitatitnal luta. It cannot be that fallum, of lth polio; Se due to the watt of worst, and derollin on the 1 art of our unties. Never in the history of the world hare goldiers given op their lieu more freely then bare those of the armlet whist her. battled for the flag of cur Uoion in the Boothe= ftsites. But while our soldiers bees struggled to ferry their banners tioothward to the Gott of Neer*, wren tow the 00 , 0,TOMOng declares, In the edicts of a Orawritt, that rebeltious <Bunn. tent has worked Northward to the shores of the Joke.. The guaranteed right of the people to ;tear arms he. been Intuited under foot ap to 'the vary borders of Canada, to that Auserlian I ettituda is put in bold contrast with British therty. Tide administration thou designs to She wurtd that it has no faith in the people of the States woo pieced it In power. It also Ild• mita hi each an edict that that people hare no 1....tt in this adreJnlstrathen. ;7HE LATTST FROM EUROPE 4 -7- lIIR BELFAST RIOTS CONTINUO FIERCELY. Nair You, Aeg. 29.—The steamer lidluburg '•aired to night. Iles news are one day later, .but Is not Important. tiesrpoot, deg. Belfast riot. ann •t'ou.d fiercely yesterday, with mooh injury to Iporpool and.property, bet toiday have apparently Nobel/led, the rioters bolos overawed by a strong military foram There ts no other new.. Cotton dull, and the quotation of barley main- Itreadstaff dull and wilding dote/Marl Prue 101001 quiet and steady. Petroam arra. London, ea 7 10.—Conso ls closet at cad 80,t4 'Ldin•ta Central shares 41615 disoatet lErie share, 4411. ILt t.tpt4 44;41140U. New. Tone, August 3A.L.Ther.Tt l6ienetis h !paten e?eelal thus sums a p the situstione Elhotldaa has advanced all di=vored the ene my retiring. All quiet yesterday And ' to.day around Atlanta, to far as aunts operations art concerned. - Disps'ehto from (haat Indicate that Lee has ceased to striates for the recovery of the Weldon road, which is completely to our po sssss lon. There wu so fighting yesterday or this mommy before Petersburg or In Butler's front. Eerly's forces are in full retreat up the Talley, our cavalry eleibly pranging the rear of the retreating column and captarlng a good many straggles. Nomination of Aloelellan Certain New You, Aug. 29.—A dlosnorrelal Adeeril.er special says: McClellan will certainly be nomi nated on aio second, If not the first ballot. The dliPoollion teems .to bo ¢aanimoas to unite against Lincoln on a peace platform. Vallan digham finrglag a bolt on Say mour, notwltit • that Ardotlemar.'s declination. The surrender of Fort Morgan. !MAMMON. Aug tt 2.9.—Djepa Who' rood - rod rs litidneon;itous barons Atlanta, state that At'i,nte4aporit of the' .27th Gab a 4ce that.Roct M017147i surrendered b our forgot with all Its *saffron, including General Paps, and the saw, oraultionr of war, ete. 1.1619 airce ...4GEJr'III. J,,GARDIN '7. I 2COFFIN, Agent fn' ttlo u • 1 ". 41, 4. Phllealolplala and Ealate• Inalraace Oaopatha, 'Hothead cornet. Wont., Ttarl w P. JONES, Agora for North Araoriaa, y y • State of Pennsylvania, and 'birthed basetra,o pip:v..l,l,V Ws/or street. It.atiroo •Accioxrt,-,..'17.tts morning, about gloton.o'olook, s may, what, ttan out of ow of _ _ 'lnd Mon gootar g pitlway, on 1' ~,,..u . .„,= =riz ,r= t t a.y„ ,r p: e=i rooeqp .... ooopo , ,o4ll; ,, o f n lo. d •ol es o'n k f i. r..h , e i lt ris t ri eel a o g o l f t t , h e o 0 re n t:lr w in" fl e lo an don lia d , b at the D. an. M. B u c . o rr re r tarv ia, o t.o. f Atteghe : ny w, amr ; t H Thorn, who dreesolothe wound. • ••• •• • o4••••••' , P• 4 4 tkr.-" 4• 4 .- • 2.2 ••••:- • ' .? v"."' rs _ p n AMUM, RRA, Seerretary Citizens' • N.l =KM Oompaah owner Market and Water di: 1 1 ._•-!! • I ,, t==., • . 1.,34 • , .2 CITY AN) 81.7HURRA-V Rev: otltthg, Bout.cles Etc Volmeteeting is brisk as cruel to-day. There are guitar's many man offering al on any pre• ,loon day, hit in erneequenoe of e numbne of rub eerier timing nearly filled up, the de mand for men eel not Co melee, and the price of bounties declined a shade. None of the Com mittese are willing to pay math weer ssooeaud tome err eat to get- all the men they want at lets. The pri,e, however, deperds altogether upon the supply and demand, and will not remain at the rateallgure twelve hours, A e ery spirited meeting woe held in the S:xth Ward last exerting.' The exsitement ran high, and the oath Irubserlptioni were swelled to over f+ID OM The School Directors were roused from their embers, about eleven o'etook, but they could not give any defluite answer as to the Ls- Meg of bonds until to-day, when they decided to iltllll bonds to the amount of $lO,OOO, which, with the rash hind already on hand, will enable the ward to fill the quote. The enrolled men of thb ward are in good spirits today. It Is cold this Committee has en offer of one hundred and aqy men, at fair rates, ant an effort will be made to hove them mustered to forthwith. . . Rho Beoond Ward, Allegheny, held • spirited t m i a t' D e their 1 go tail evenin g , n a dl The d r7.ce eem i'e d m ttee re largeaddi parted ninety men =tutored Is to the credit of the weed, with twenty more bargained for and ready to pay. This will leave but eighteen to furtah and those could be =mond In • few boon if the enrolled men would only fork over the cash. The Fifth Ward, we understand, will enter the field this afternoon, and oo =sten ot recruiting errausly. The First, Beoond and Third Ward., of this Re nearly oat. The Fourth hue been filled tome time sines. The Seventh Ward le getting along well, nod the Eighth le nearly oat. The Ninth bag done little or nothing yet. The Vint and Third Ward., Allegheny, have CO far progressed at to be "eat of the woods," mid the Fourth be. long eine* been regarded as tale. If tlt the sub-dittriote In Allegheny county had acted promptly, and with liberality, there would have been no necessity fora draft, Mat in ny of the tub-distriots, we are lorry to say, the conscription will- fall with terrible severity. The Coal Esetkango A special meeting of the Coal Bach trim sru held this morning at the Board of Trade Booms, Prorth Street, George Wile, Bag., Vice Prost dent, in the eller. Mr. Samoa O'Connor, chairman of the oommIt• tee appointed at the last meeting of the Ex change, to wait upon the manufacturers, and ether hemmers of coal, and req teat that a pub lic meeting be called, reported that the meeting bkd , been held on bloody afternoon, and presen— ted the melodious adopted bwe'lat meeting. 'The Committee angsasted th, a special coal nlltbee he appointed to wait upon lion. James Tionry.dit 'Mayor of Pittaburgh, sod lion. A. d. Aleaander. Mayor of Alegheny, and r goest them to cull ajoint meeting of tho el tietns of the two olden, to obtain from them • hearty ondorte rust of the re/dellans pa.eed at the meeting of the Coal Arsociation, at well no of the meeting od the ma , nfontnrers. The committee alto eng,rested that a special f Ott mitt , e be tient holed to Cell on all the news- IX, et, nod tee that obey get all paaaible enema, •gerat no and aid to tbereilsthig of the enormoun den ands of <teal dig-gerri and they be fttraished eeltit all therm:wary teett,,to that they 051:11ay the maxer fully before the paella Tee ct tomittce recommended the appointment at A Co mmittee to examine into and make out a ram rd of the coal bathe that are now working, and at what mice, and what banks are closed; std that said committee be requested to learn In detNti the nemes of firer moo who will agree to :b7nlab. a supply of coal to the poblec, Lad at What pine, so that the general public can 1140111 tow and et what rate, they can 0151.1111 coal f r their Immediate wants. 'no o,mcnlttes war so tra.ruoted to obtain the a dhotioo of alt a - si trice or, the titer and railroad: to the resist exec or the r,•: Litzora . domoole, and oleo to urge all dealers to join the Coal ideolianga Asso- Cial,olo. The rejort was ■eoep.ed, and the re , olatione el p•ed. The chair appointed the follow it p, nomm!tteee• On the tratrevolation. ?dome. inJonnor and Ilanct ativad, tiraro and Smith; thiri, Menra. Richer, and : Alter R. traat•etlra rf tome other boilnerie net Important to the publio, the Ssebange ad coed until Tuesday James W. Holley Avila. To yesterday's paper we gave the adventures of James W. Holley, In the way of matrimony, carriage riding, ate. His disconsolate bride had been left at Copier's hotel, on Federal street, Allegheny, and be is Isppeeed to have left for nary unknown. There was a hotel bill unset- tled, and as lira Hooey's purse had been es- Iterated In settling his old snares , her trunk was seised es security. While she remained at the rayor's oftke, brooding over her 'meow, It was eeertained that the erred., Holley had "gone or a ecger.'• Ho bad enlisted to the credit (or alccretlit ) of ono of the seb•dlstriets, and had ieuirea $5OO local bounty. Aa Mrs il illy was row shoat to become an "army 'widow," the pa- Poe agreed to audit her In getting a pertion of the bcatty. The plan was nicely arranged, thou An offi ger was to be sent to Capt. Fulicreod, Provost Marshal, this morning, to 'sort the new recruit to the Meyer". office, In the hope that, when brought feu to foot. with the °Moore of the law end Me disconsolate wife, he would not only tattle NI hi. t.et eatri•co ride •ed nay h i hotel bill, List leers a large share of hit bttoe iy se a balm to the aching heart of his boleved fuir one. The officer erne sent down to the Girard House, the Captain consented to the arrangement, and • guard yens ordered to being the petrictio Holley from the room Sn ~blob he had been oonfleed during the night. lint It I the room was vacant. Holley had Morn Into strips the blanket which his good Heel, Panne! had given him the day before, and with those stripe he had made a rope, and with that yore he had descended from a window to the yard. and soaped The ofriper felt very mutt bike the Irishman who "pat his finger on the test,' only to end that "It wun't there." The PlGiburgrt Gas. Company The annual report of this company for the you ending Jane 30th, contains some Interest jhg facts. The coal carbonised during the year en:runts to 268,605 bushels. The amount of gam 'consumed wee 85,091,1169 outdo foot—befog an b.oreare of 7,000,858 Table feet over the amount distributed dating the previous year. The ex. t , or ion of etreetMetns during Ower Was only %I 709 feet. The length or Maine In the city is I now a fraction over thirty-one miles. The total I um-her of scrotal to private consumers Is 8,251 I In create of na dazieg the seer. The Prosideult , repertil. the, total 'mount of r a! knal tax paLl awin g the year, $1.2,565 78, of ' ohlob CMG BONN* teen ooliooted from °annex ors, leaving a i tgasnits Of,„1 11 1•Til: fa f: and the State and looal theatlOn for the Yew amount. to 611,622 05, making together the sem of $18,361 53 ccatrilmated fee pablle pa{poecei dal; the, year. In coon queue. of the Increased' costar labor, Nal sod otber article!, the Borrd wore re lunt..elly compelled to mate a small advance In Ito ppo, of gas delivered after the tat of April la t, 00 to abatis Ft:trate coo:omen with the to.llotiat tee I om (bat time, which the CempAny Weir Iv eettwristd to `ea.., however 0000 oyes with these additions to the pride of the gss to privet, eanklattler3, the Board would not have been warranted in Paying the amount of declared dividend, bat for the balance of profits accrued from former years and the premium received for some coin on hand be fore the suspension of spools payments occurred, and cold In October and Junuary last. A Gallant Soldier Wounded We regret to learn that Captain Frank H. Parke, of Co. D, Fourth Pu. Cavalry, was se verely wounded on the night of the 23d last., at Ream' Station, during the struggle for the possession of the Weldon Railroad. Ho was wounded to the right arm—and the bone hay ing_been• shattered, the arm was amputated near the shoulder. On the 25th (01 wo learn from.a 'letter written to his tather, John I f. Parke, Esq., of Alanehestor) the Captain was out of at; danger so fat as the wound was oon• corned, and arrangements were bring mode for lending him to IVashlegton. Ho war, howernr, suffering Ivry much from favor. Capt. Parke was ectinalellorieci at First Llott tenant of Co. D, Fourth cavalry, on the dth September, 1061, and on the 20th of September, 1862, on the promotion of Copt., Young to the volition of Major, he woo oommiesionaina,Cap• Min—a position sehleh betas Riled with mod , it and ability. Re was in - eommand of the rag'. Imola-at the time ha re:aired his wound, but the reginumt was not teriouiy engegod. v the Coptairt was the only one 'rounded in eosnosny B. lie was littered by the entire nemmand, and highly esteemed by his brother officers, who ex press gnat regret at porting with him. Ills aroncrette friends here well deeply regret to hoar of hit misfortune. Siaoaoa's firsurassi-s- teen that Dr . J. C Levis, EAmuto,,, , , Surgeon at the a...d -el:torten of the department to this city, made over ism thousand exatithistiouli last week. Ostly those conversant with the operation can form a oonect idea of the amount of labor performed, but any one o.n lea that the doctor's position is no autumn. Re di quite at busy this week at last, and aside from his labors in-the office he indirtime to attandlo'the Wants of many etch and wounded toldlers.: Df.toa 021132. AL PELLNICHILLOX, of 4121 i sit;, km been sniped to the command to the dis trict of Baton Bongs end Port Mahon, end bat established his headquarters at Beton Amiga. PIAXOB, MUSIC. Irc. WAMELINK & BARR, BOLE AGZEFIB OP PEP] Bradbury & Schomacker & Co.'s PIANOS, ..16.24.1) t3IVLI.T.EI Er. C0..-s1 American Organs and Melodeons, So. 12 SMELL'S BLXill. 84. OLAIII We take preemie In referring to • lbw of Mom wit* have purchanod them insimmenta la Pittahtsgti sad victoltpi Richard Rand, Esq., John (ad., RM. Capt. Ciactiran, J 1 am . L as e ttral Xsq Wells, Biddle .1 Clo., J. P. Smith, Wm. Bricked, Dr. 0. R. Et. Blackburn, O. H. Dove, Grant Bt. Baptist Ob., A. Hoeveller, idq D. L. Book, Esq. Dr. B. kl. Elrertattnr, ucL J. K. Herr, lirankilo, Pa. Directress Bt Vinseattle Academy, Youngstown, Pa. WWI Perak llictrarland, East Liberty. Capt..l. B. Conway. Birmingham. Rev. EL Hopkins, Amick's . ). Rev. E. Delahnoty, Moundsville, Va. Grub= dent, Oakland. B. Geon.asat Liverpool, 0 Bateman Ote, Np., Allegheny Otty. . %V re. J. Kane, d... Very Her. P. Mullen, do. Eruncer, do. 11. Pb., Sag.. do. Dr. I. it McClintock, Nut Liberty. John McOurdy, do. All Pianos, Melodeons eta , ',emoted for flee year, A few choice aestood.tund Planes for sale sad runt, ,17 21 CAUTION, E. It appears from an adyartiaemant for a atolon .one and ulna, In Satordara Varronfcle, that a parson Du been travelog throne. tha aurrvandlng country, rapr tenting that he was cranial.] with my eatablbh nec t. end tuning tad .•!lira Mao. I dram It rte./n -ear) to laform the pabl lc that no Bach parson Is In my nmi,oy, or la no tam. ode) by mn. Tho yoraon It day nnot as being stoat tee feat la halah alanler ball dal k onmplext , a, blact bat,. Walnut lo cad; tharo l a ! arcs /tory, o. and tolka tbrAarn It, .peaks Croton ‘llah, and la about 30 years al agar Th. p•.bua u racaPoed Agalaat employing him, a. sac ic co say reaponalbla tor lair Sot% CHAS. C. MEI,I,OR, 81 WOOD 8 MERL piA.NOb tet MiIiA,'DE*JNS A eery Irmo .toek of X?I ABB 00.'9 aod Halt , Ea ,BO'h OLLMBRATX/J PLAAUS, re n,irt d fwe the lain alettaces In picas. Al. • spleadid reoriment of PI111:017 00 "1 MELOO.Oti 1, A. MAO te UT , 'lt M 51,060921, wad . large naeortmult of 11.. auszr uuszo. 011&BLOTIE Bcrms, 4 stab aireut. sun N. SIEDLE, No. 183 Sicivartita Se Pianos and Mildest Instigunonts, leap cousta.ntly m hurl • ALL our,rtatirit 2,11TF P1A2105, VTOMICS, GCITMLY, ALVJOIIDC;JNS 6111!VC!". Le.. Cr .all lot low prk.. PIANOS u--Jurt received B fine aanddna.ns DECK.2II FUNGI, whit h to nip rd to tuna, w*dtundd P 3.lrosksusn.tdp, 1441.g:tad ttda donutry. C 1,. , • Is re Conk of cheap°, Rsa..s, Harcsarda. and Ifabd... cll Dutra...la sold at tl - • I ..t GI IM pavlbla HOF r CLAN S. ill) 681 • • sal? Ho. 83 rum Kl.bee• uld rt.se.l CLAI 1.111 4tl.ll^TB, SOLDIERL 4. CLAISCAUSI;CY. W. J. & HALL PATTERSON, ATTO6FEYB FOR mai LAD PEASIONA, 60. 144 FOLATH STREIT, PITTSSUM. t 7-P ir.=l r=n,°,4,-z7,...izt.'" "4 :1 " WtINDELD eULDLEJso. 0100 13011 PITT tU ALL NOUN DID 8.0141/111.1S, r sal/ being p.dd 0.1 eta, ..Dlmlkarige. - so .bkna ca.aa azti au money r wracked. T. WALTIII DLL Monad try Ms I. B. Civreremenk 00. IQ rink.llllol, Pitigbatakt. d door blew Lb. rhathadraL errnll re. SOLDIERS' CLAIMRomkm MiT1102.6 • RIDDELL. 80. UJ /*arab Ora*, Pittanyrtl Pi wn.r.d.••• AA IL rratt Y CLAIMS BOUN1'1E1: 4 , PIFBIO2iB, BAGS. UT and CLAIM of erszy description. selloctlei by the•ab • farther, at the following rates, alas Pasadena 510 00. O. 0. TAYLOR, Attorney at law, Ea 77 Grua atavet, Pftyhnrgb, Pe. C. Cr charges are , made If the claim drat POr .no. era. and all Interentalon d.. natl. .e ay • PAPER AND ENVELOPE WARE 113811.—.1=51 • tar. stock of IND OLP ?Am& Alto, IMMO, toAllot nutetkr, alarm 1.1 cualllio, Rer miry tut. ACT de by JCITIMIEMuI CID. lyv v • Ii if oe1411•• , Intm . • QUA MUM CJIMITNASTADM-. 10 Its eatscrtbes al rte!) .t..... .mi buoi al MP al ham cIuZIP4 IA IA Pr ittoWbrali% HL E7,I; Ormagy6toaref itl4llll 1- A , eat= Ir,lbonft plod WA. ta. . , pIIRB CIDER VENEO•II..-10 bar rtriattrostre Otdor Vitieepit, initablel for pleklin, by gybe olloa arbour 1..4 kb. NwslltSitott:j 9:cr• • 0111$1, t „ • carom t..1=1"11;1§53. 'tti fin 411. _MONTH —A3the sad Italia. V W "' I bob. Ars" sad oreryermr• It trot Itiotuitobtotsie Lamm acrnotail: l e WM, snty ta T. !O. GIMATEL&N. I. Bc,cadvrO, T. • • inds4l4los FOR SALE—COUNTRY RESIDENCE sasn m?. ARIM.TON —A Deviling WOW, of .t roil,. with a go,' atatila, .J.'1..3 •plistr• himm; 4% etnat of irr avid ch ya. n olt Antis, vapew, with p•••••• , fla i••••• 4, " .• . 4 ••‘ , 1.., 4 4•,.. • WIMEL ki&IWINIts-4* aepic J.: feeds ntvoky to bat kr un rz re in gitipirs a ~aJr nn C 7 toner Illbsets sad Thad 1dr...0p rq . Milat.-100 bamda Lot felIZ PEACE:Rh PEA.CHES, rEACIEIES Elooet•tog daily tract ono to two hototott bow al Jettoy and Dolowv• Nectar. Boob Iwo it= ID Mt ow for • lowa Not tato tki sal L. IL VOI GT a in AND PLUTTRR-80 cab veet gg a. i Carnattr, m icp trottarmm. lest eeaat roa awl ft' ado by WM= Ai os, WMa. lOC End 191 Woad atrewt 200 TIERCES PRIM E LEAF LARD in Km sad Ibr ale by aul6 D. WALTAOL riA.RPET BROOMS.-20 d own, iota made Carpet Aromas, last naalnall sad- 'lrate b thy or at ratall, al the rand!, Granary plan .IQII9 IMINIMAW. coraw Worts and Hand anvals. pLAEIER--100 barrels far Bab) by VIII TILT ", a •1f ILL:N I,7LTYLikt-100 barrel) extra Family Vow in eta:egad 14 ash by SIIIITTEIIk •¢S coma f1udt101.4,5,0 scaso=l. . . vir K. MaCLINTOOK, Job . b anA r Seta r.d.r to 500113,840=8 oola . 1141=9 of ~,,ry. t honiptioa. So. 116 INdoral strait. Linothory (Ptva VO. 2 LARD 011.-25 bblo No 2 Lnrd OD ad NW lad ibr a& by . /LS. DALSELL • 80N. . a 9 and TO Water .4«t. nVOK CRBEK LIIBRIO &TING OIL_ warrattektrre from ELL or nand—land gni not gam machinery. War We J . DAY.ZELL 5071. antiO 09 and 70 Nadal. street. MO. S LARD OIL.-50 bbLs. Last 011 on band and ta , aakPbs J 613 DiLint. t 8 0 3. 0641170 Viola atrooh VOLUME LXxv -;lcrof :11T1- •• . /'oJo 64Lr,-ron RAfift . • 1-• • R M OB SA— A rano of ilracet* fp' .L• Bt. 0/air towestelp. Wks eteaery, 1 1%. • Also,he Ir t 4004 Works C. theraceeduirratahl river,. ert„,,,d No. 9, mutat:l:A two 6n.drod .at forty ocr". Aldo, a very voluble tam to Dorm tolerably. West. em eland oartrity, Pa • containing about 1115,,0raa ,rell imyroved, and la a MO stet, of cnitkentl4,,, Al.,a tract of land of about aq amaefolning tbs borough of Paliabstb,Allegliany canner, P. 1.., a ream Or '114 , 4CW; on Ma Itiornsagaheta River, in 10.1sabetts totrv.tbip, a abort distance, [non tbe borough of ItcHeerimt. Igo, a very valontble It/.211 . 1if lir Bt. Vier Icentablp, Westmoreland coasty‘wetstolug aorso. Also, 12 BUILDING 114T.512 tho borouLL It, Won lai..b.ob, 60 by 120 fat, puttealan Inordre .1 No. los 'meth Wen • seat, H. 1017311. Bed Haab/agent. Fox EIkLE-811111713.13AN' #I.IV 420 VILLACII LOTS, rut Tow ilestow.,. _ - "The Qs derstgaed, Isientors GM/Vetted. of Joh& airifono•6l veer for sale • ameba of Lots, from entei half to tom scree each, clouted sear Tort Herron, sr4within throe nannies wait of t h e terminus of Ito Plltabugh & aerostat Pusenger 11.111wiky The abet, Tots out tosneitelly located frer Wm, riddance.. Atm, • number of small Lots la the village of Ulmer& fronting on the P•wangtr Billway—therty to thty fret front sad fronsmto to two hemdred feet Asetfi: Tor totorntatems svratre of Weber Al the ender. 'loved, or W. A. IMMO& Clerk's Mks. Coati noose. wat. A. usasort 7011:14 DAM; H. G. ELEABOIS, J. RIBBON 6111.C.thilL F OR OLLE. Oil Stocks for Sale. Oo!tomb's, Lemma Allegheny d Pittaborgh. Iron Olt,, Stella, Federal, Ilereeneek, Whltell, Fayette end other Getersatee. Peale.lar attention yield to the porch's', onclasiree II co conuntoloo, of Stocks, Bondaead Real Ettate. B. 8. BRYAN, Broker and inertennal Agszt, V/ TO6BTH BT., Harks'. Bvitdthe FOR SALE. A COUNTRY RESIDENCE In the elliege of klanalleid, bur miles from the oity. lot No. 112, contalaing between ifs sad so.. tore., repo. It I. ereted Rood two .tort brick tinsel, bun, etable, and other ISt:Wisp. elder. and bin of seketelent brat., btr acne of coal with bank opened and in good working order, win be sold In one lotor divided to boll garchament. If not mold before 61EPTIRAH left loth, will on that day be bold at FUEILIO BALE, at 2 o'clock p. sr, without mown. Title iodine:3.bl. and clew of ell incombranoe. hymns of sale will be made known on applbottlern to G 208.0.111 Foil/ma, Temp....tn.. salt VoltBALE•••• , One new Steam Engine, sfroth cyllnel6, 53 (nob stroke, az helm/ tron bed • Weave valve governor.. [lac 12 Inch cylinder, BD Ina eirnkri, rooirul bad, r.nt win be en good •. my. rine 7 Inch cylinder. 7 7 ) knell . cake, Dna 0 t. 5 rare Two 071InAer Bolters, Se b.. Masa, CO Uri tGL " Three Two WAvnkht bon Oft Also, Three tots of Boring Tooke, for Oil Weill. Cheap for coa.h_ likequire of B. LS. BOLL, ao'hi Allfgheny Itiser Bank. otos the rota'. nNEOF TEE MOST-BEAUTIFUL AND dedrable leastkins der oxititry waste ennnad Bast Libesta ¢Haw offered foe eels. fforitiLA oo Inghland Avenue eliont KB feet, and met a / a le/ r... 1.01 WOO Of Iro; denim noir the reside/n:8ot Alexander Bradley, Ten. and others., midis suseeptibinef timeliest Improve. meat. There ben the planes two unsay, brielittonea, spring hens. barn, &0., all In 'good order; and a Ana or. chard of yonag trees, mostly timarinr. - Tbbrproperty, U dedred, will be divtded fatness, osionrseuions te snit preheat,, rer terms, apply et the Beal Leads gad lasuranoe office of BATES, Wig Better erect_ Bserreaseeille. ?TSALE—The country sent of the ate' Bence Douglas, deecto—, Mooted in Om- Iles township, one utile Pont the Allegheny Orsietery, contorting sixteen acre. in a blgit Vote of cultivation. being well dockwi with fruit then, shrtibtary. te., and pertly underlaid with vial. To. pectin seeking bat preyed property, combining advanUgns of esey coo y, health and god neighborhood. the oboes. a e.a• rare opportunity of uttering et once to Liao Joy malts of. IltrAl ham. for flintier particulstre Inlcliw et the oak. uf Nte• QUl.Wrar • DUVOLAiI, No. 61 Penn decd. earthed O. D. D013.71tA1. SAI,E— STEAM' SAW RILL L . A 7.11 , OIL rortmERT.—TEE one-half co whole af 011 Belnery and Steam One wanton and owe half ecoo of gronnd ; as atocktelenroc of coed en the Poi-- crOneopen and barna vented. Ottani on the AIIeTtAAT Diver and A. IVA. IL. le offered der W. The PloarkeeT I. new awl of cooLdna burl& The Saw 01111 hla alasee did cedar, and la well caroled. having a creek remntlla teem It to tharlner. Good locality for Imilding baba Tor perttralire cell all the rhderalperl. LTDAT a CIEWC.PICITSETO, 1.;.-atf Do. la Eland Pittefectegh, Pa.. • FaxSAL! —i2acres of land adjoining kinazileld. ail planted in !ma. fs noes briorr tracts San , trontinz on liallzond, ablo river. 10 •crn at Glendale Station, veil situated for • pleas ant ceaddry Imam, lith a throe and roan:tad /.11. P, lea lay. For pontclan =got, of 0. SERMONS, ra a So. 10 Mamoa, Allo,#souy CItT. FOB SALE, A LOT OP FRAMING TIMBER, 4 n2r7 f tr Imo 6to 10 Incbsma t 7 8 1M i s i, ths ana:tt li4. 103 ll'lfth drat. FOE EiALE—A6 Aladdin Oil Works, ES Carmine Psuvt.•lz CD•LAXII, In prime order, robetanttally built of prime timber, no long in we, and will oontato nattu 250 barrel. each. Applknitton nosy be =ads at the liattaary Azzastrcag CO. or the Ms in Mittabonitit. BILLESTOM, JOMMETOE I WILICIMIL COUNTRY PLACESFOR tiALS—Con talning near .i snow one mid i Lail miler fro n Allegheny City, near the Perrysville Plank Bohn, with • utuall frame tome on IL 0, 8. 81111 n , Eire. t.r and Insurance • • 63 Youria went, Drake'. Dr. titn.. 'LIoA Acres of Coal; also 120 .I 2 acme front coal in pool No. e; giro no Crean Coal arid rail:neat and other inaprcrntnutts in good. work ing order In pool 80, R; bra tract on the Toriglilocillany lira and iiionnellarillo Railroad. Runidre et MIL Lied WAltn, ant first door innon Flan an Grunt street— VOR • NALE—A good Farm. concoMing .1: 112 acres-76 Casa ad, balasua neli tleaketraL e. goed hem, and Inv Craze barn. An °mbar?! of 160 Unit tree] ; well watered, and great aboadaneeprf coal. Slteeded near the rallroad, near so ,Darllngton,riteaves county. Apply to • antd B. 110LAIIS R 613..102 Toorth anat. 'ON BALE --PENN EiTHEET R 130? , RETTor-The three-007 Brisk Dyntlius•„.coututu• Jag Altos./ rooms, No. If Non street, oftb lot,. baying a trims of 20 fast e Intim, mooing beak 110 feet 10 Ir. 140 Lilo!. ;The atm. ts as stroll:out loostlim &r rounufsoturtug purpose. togalre of tr26:o • T. HoCLH.f o L6.ND, 66 TBlO %Inset. Foil BALE, from woo 3 3.C.Cri 6,3 t 0 oeic rLOORIUGI. More xcqur. WAR vat i zta l a, adl;l_ FOR R A LFT —4. farm contain 1116 .. .. wrof6" wasted' hi Snowdon tetra:hip. M oD) jam: 1M 1.0 alb bum garreresPlM, Ind ten anew tram ;Pittsburgh. The bra is we trearal sad Ist:. gad Mato or ate r.u rttl a 4stists. for nuttier partiattisim busks at Übe or at Use intsurlber, Aa 6 . _ Y 'T. roil EGS.I47X-40 See CiriE EC : lat E LL , t,..-0. 'lritel to clotted • nadono Ifiel dowoi•g, wore slight 4nes Montt.. autbandlaith •u LtadlloS 404 w Ilaltsa spotiors ' Taoliammi slurs, ' st'n ilia +ton. Ta • IiENT—,4 Evoi wogs, • itTt = sad Bitels ad" Widri Die• Ttga rantertr i = n attl= ll / 4 4"6CS to AIMS DZS. • alkothear it,. • WE tiA LEeTrKtiGnilt. a L tom Ipcnqa 112101,-, h.-11.41.et, pr.late. ,ngolta ; 0,01M1tte.6 . 1 cat rlxttif &NM. , • sra.a.ratourzosain. TO LET—Ono front and ono back Parlor,' a satiable !Or office., an Be knot, Octiessa Weal+ sod Nub.. • rowan an.S:ta 61 ktc.ILIECT . acme[.' Thiel.. Volt. SALE .d Brick •Dwelling • wise, 12 No. co Oar slim LI" . Yram• - • / Lek. meaning ko•r•Toom- sal tellar: Vol. Welty . • JT2'0.71212r& • ISIACKREg. & JO)Th'§ON, Kraviuncirsi=am-sa:va L • : bid u. 6 mom= nownosr.s. mum A. Booritles tot Wosotled Sol&lais collzetat ties tsa o tweety dip. WdrOiCoo. Ha. 0.%a519T STARIT, rtitaDn h. Can with diiih.rm and two 'Stumm. N OLH W. SHAFER, ATTOEUM&T.LAW. EO. toe suuk.str.o. Eta.barth. 1%. Calms Car rErmunis. 6001 ! rap aux wr, a., vigorously yroasoutoi. WA, JAAiRE LAFFERTY, ATTGILYEY-AT-TAVG. La Inca Dolma= prompUi ittuidc4 °filo% No, ro mina STBEiT, cote Gnat, bWrib- a;23.4. MaIktAISTER GAZZAIII3 L.A.VI7 OVVICCEG, No. 0$ GRANT ISTEUMET. 'Only ' - ' • • a CTECHfrv-,AttOra=mcl" • Lw. al% •Creta.ll ..5~—~.:~,.... i• : g it-: ~ • ,- ' Books. .ez,ntrArsr: e 2, i 11 2 . 411 , HENRY IMINERiC! THE P RIDE , OZ. X . .. 10 EZI sir JANE, tktrit-8004 6 4 , •• 1 ; , ! r:? • rroorsoror-ro-l oot of Sit iirs;ltre Asott e a l i =Map al .. the Roo -poop* guksirt.7; ,i rittee-51,80 IN PiPilli gel **Mt ll- SRL MIDI OP LIAll„ ', - 01,;*94igi, ! : ei,A4 . 41Cdpir Eons. Worm. to tbin-Wif finabliagaitOnlio4llll hand fa. e 1.... th e . eletesta !Newel ' AhliAl. Sewell lateeeschng, It le sully. mot 04111lChhly, arIZIO4 tha characters !alas tsall disoitnstaitollAssiltligigsk will a rigorous and 'elllfal'tonch- Th'il, fslooltin !My veiled -rho Prior. of E., IA" sa i• ti •or ,00.4 amigo thro of that vorldlicsaa that IS hsinsdalnollcah alealhall i among tbs more p tons of mezilltti, and mows wysetally tits higher kettolOsj society. she wain -OL-tWiltaYtWignilifillia regard Ms thirle:Cp*Vll *an. ct as.itagibot. logy that cepa,. e king nod eatillyiral=k . cartatei eanoir . circle . I an( or, isslw; ' dor so oh—are rebultird iri it lain of pimeekijall M4O mod a =mai to 'as she essio °kali*: momillKs . 2 1.7 i wean the contemytitil oWkenlior #lall , LA. 111 41 ,, ,.-. trio-htarted sad clear Shied write''' . ai• . , . The dui of qr. tote iternithe Utol and arc /Int Or 'lke gawrittat cilf4iotir 111,104 , l and hem!: aft antes of mos% witti a ;dog ifittaykiligko.. • i: scian Ws aristocrsoy. 'LW tof the letltut ether fatally farrlshes the eta '• cribs book; OilPo detail( ' LOldarlisal , a.Lad3 lie. Unell.raatOW ',- ell Anna .bsrasly Lady Scott hap not .ho hos ability sil • wricar, brit nobles,. wifflifilaik inteLl'ilfi- of thew wiefinechanitenrallnalli4 M./TAM - and MeV crew, 11110, . 01001! &aro, _NW the IL= • ''. proof of th eir affective:, • ! Oka orroronogr•••o*.. -• I them from - twinning to tad, as if they lyet l ansilliNgi The On is adroitly =snood, sad, sr two . t . ' Amato% the work Is woos:W:4oy triteresting. -, • 1 i'- --, Q. - : YLIRTATIONS 'NI AS H lORABP3 LEIB:, • ay CATEEIIIME szarcLiit'w Author of ^Peattice,^"hrodern . • PHIQE---11 . 00 I 9 ' I PAPEIIi 111 Iff ridelytHe The author of Benno. ha dtspla 41311 e =V abil.ty tide new work , itaypearancwaa orw of cli_alir-rokla io gri tk,sw that only meta Mar ER to the Literary .kJ. Al work It.. Oita cattlot fall t• , lean it. =At ape. icwiety, road on corgail) MOW . mod tt ,to each of our reed.. aa lora.* AaMLI 41 1. bock. The 'author della her Win right ark .' patina Atha dwelt and artifice, of bakinnall,3 ortainElle and inculcating Leone that even thoin irhoa atin -wound. man thank her for. Tlitabenk—efa''' now-and then book, and onewhich attal lure upon the popular tablet . . The pu dine their pan literally, and WO haws pa . dine bandeumeat and teal beim of tit Ramapo:osloW present day. Goyim of the above book. seat by basil f(tkfAttif *II on sdpi of prise. HENRY I[[ r Q.,, T 1 2 TS ITTTEI EITHEET, =Kt •ale • KINGS, QUEENS AND ENAVVI r so toiloatf . ' ' NeerroueLirs ii4zurwusazi toista 1.20411111.4 178tD LOG zaouatp Or Natio6u6l Eagles, Shields" Stars andiirlagsirb Derives( as Beth in then. Amand.us iIABD aDISP.S.264 " 1 UNION PLAYING O B 00U EIL taan,ceir,mia. GODDZEIS Or LIZ 1z IHSIZAD 41*4trldeli, BIAJOII IittnYLILD . ali t JACK. ar Union Cards a psi np to • o.s JOHN W. PITTDC 8,713:1; DEPOT, . ' c=l 1ME133 RD ZMII PC41!y;:_0273331: rmrir erarar, OPK; hie 47 BOOK., EIXOCEI L ABDEAr 1 VeL 1 Clm - TC. -- Erriee, $1;1161. TENIiYEMI3 Jeet jteoetted by ts*A NW BOOKS.— 1.. Tennyson'. Enoch Arden au! al b Moroseattle. or Shirley Hall i!aptio,bst S 8 iittuniaos by author ol "BraiiarOlaHasitCP./. a. tizariar4 by Harriet 8 Prescott. 6. Our In tbo World, by T. 6.'Arthar. . - IL Treat Claps oe4 to Gerasad Ora Tro T Th. Brat af Common Prayer of throAstrbysarka. Church, reply mind. For de by (ruin) SAT&A 00., LS Wii,(4 strum* , SCHOOL BOOKS &5D BOHOOL anizossa*4; Ir fl !UM emutmtly m band inAfoe Mikit faitiirp(r 6bM nm, by .1, , .arsel7l/1 OLLIL ICZ &,00.11,374f00dit.!... KAY & CO., Booksellers sad St a g N 0.86 Wood street, next door to th e lii4lll, • Pittsburgh. 8011001 and I.IW DOCUEd so hand. Jrizßemaxr 7.411LLQ*8.: GHNTLENENWRING FIRST CUSS GARGIEII,. amid ta iLr MOST FAHHIMASIM Sad Ir.LOVS; wadi do rit4 to coal nee N. G. UR EG CO., lIIINHAA4T4BOBIV • =IN= Or PIM! AND warden4.l*. aanoc:tbs;k.sti, l 74 11 " Wel • 13' B BLUM tdai W. H. 11,10GHH.'") 0 " VA lzifi 10 ST. CLAD 'STELEIrri •• • • • L. d viLlirnz WOdd rab ' esel atiorlicaa "it ttialb oaas :n Willem aou~d litter igal fairiAtk A1tW151“.5_7 5,8 0, 1 ;5 0 , 1 4. Pt - 13 1 1 ,1 din rpm,. wliateg soft 'rig , Ikiiftden: eal isbs oda; Lb;•• tan sad isipliotattatati 1 - a",311: rurnSsAin s t' •-•7qlki tf MMMM No.lo ER " ntatglaliEN SUITS • • •-•^ • - • White Duet ire9l3,olllt - - Brown. Duel Vests 7 antiNitat , . ~- • •,;: a tITPPLI /CET 1251111021)14, Qui 4,,,L.0,:04-t.:,4;J:.,,!. .litaalteau lT- BLUM? Dosleail MowMagaatergriletynnrra, uetuttlhe r.-NIXA a co.'s rmatos, zurias anon -Inazoi. and NUN= C 0.2 NELODEaNs. No. ISCCAId dOOT ab.n. WOC 4 o ringftrig.-rirt* do: uaith tu aulauge thesis". lla • N;TYVIER & BRO., Dealerifia Mimi! 1.1. —2ICIIIOaI. mkt, for 6121Z(V7A1"8 CILIZICATIFOBLIMIL - ko. IS MIS iarest,llttaborgt. - " Or t OWLS: 41 'Ml:4l.ol;'Dealert. ten '.1 1 !1421* .-..- 1, - )lztormos3ac.:32*. Faionla Ord sod plemoad _PItIOIIIII, . REE t iA glAva, eo n 4 :1-:31• _ w+ o,Qt C611:12"S- ti rb,l* ZiL Unigtri • . •. I r t 1., .00rUer -vva,yrto, ' 7 , • • . - itergirti4, l l 6 z 82 ;r 7( . 02: 001 4ta wad .44,05,0400;f:- . • ,UOR, ALF...;,,t74113.11 I *Sams oar, 1.1111 amnia. g 41.00;f14.1 Matiree la acitenrWo4:lo=4-;, timbesonli intend. oltaajppn Mir coam Dom ZAlt LlCarta.,. •.: A Tarn L tiaatar . empty to Ult.' ADO a••:Inlia:- Term row Ilatotolat. tar a. coax= a soW4 ; . , ,c 4 LEMEME ` , i' "I ..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers