lii TT' 111" • Flin LIMED BY ' TWEE 15SOCLIT103. SO SUBSCRIBE* . • .11stirs•ct iltlsbegb dbrky pa. D. Ewe Mutual bireed to <Maga the prices Into , annulled kr *dr • •41...ti5• jeans.% 0 . 3 b ,, / O'er 110.1SDAY, July Ettlnntb: aerats. Itheentem ZWltlon, per week, &Here " " abet by man. pe • " tar eht menthe, • " " Zr three treat' peenbc Liltiasa, by carrier, p.a . " Cgt cull, per yr " keel • lot throe OM oal2oll • • - Pt* "reek. eettrured by outer.— he per, In nneennt rent by 8% oz rix. =cos. " " " Three =nail* • " - • 2 2.3 TIM 1, . by M Pa pica. lo.attacs, antby --110 CO Fixes moaa, " " SO APEDOLLTIOS, SZAHLEB 11011.1VICOIT, Publbta Paarg Craonkle ; sornsaman ISSWSPI.P Er. AND nutErsci COMPANT. si Readin g Natter from Yesterday's Evening Gazette. • 11l Political Disttownies frem Germany. • sn The Syracuse (N. Y.) Journal has the follow. X i itt - TY whicture give for what ft to worth : "Private fetters - from from patient le -Vionna . - and Berlin, possessing access to rho vary highest sources of kande. They information' • "- hare been pi e ced in oar , ,1,. IL' profess to recent the cslittace of , . ,r 1 one of the moat extraordinary prlftic.l schemes . 1,1 of =Atm time,. It is nothing lose thavithe ?";. Lanzedlato- resollsetiort , of the irtat rt:entar•of CI Teutonic eliteareen—'he 'practical unity of Ger. " Ir, any. The schema originates with Bismark, the . _ ;rime minltter of I'. unix, of whom Motley, our - ...4")envoy in Austria, who his known him for many • . ii years, declares that he is charadericed by anion .. did a 1 intim, unianded ambition, hoartgJova of j.l abselatitm"and •It determined obstinacy in one :: 0 catieg his projeedc. Thto new schome involves • 1, eenstattencre of the utmost importance to E :rope. ..-:•••, S It nemetitateri The blotting. out from the m - apof ..,' Central Europe at four kingdoms and a number -.... -- . , ..q of minor powers . The chief features of this ..',, 4 astounding arrangement are as (allows: ".... )s "I. The King of Prassta in to sranme the title ":(:,' of Emperor of Nerds %lot many, and the Emperor - i of Austria to to proclaim hiw-solf Emperor of "'4 .r-r South Germany. - - .2. North Germany to to comprisepll of Pro :,:,p, tratant Getman), [heading, in addition to the ..., ,tenant territory of Prussia, the kingdoms of • J .l l oaken, and Hanover, the slochles of Bohlen nig, :4 I/0 1 1WD, Altoltianbmg, Oitioniburg. Brunswick, 1. , ; Ntstarri flatekVilrarg. and Soso Weimer, rand . • ....1 the alootorato- of Ileste.Cassol. • South oat T ;:. .' is towsbrace Sat of Catholic Germany, inoted• -.•..: 1" leg, besides Aurnia:proper and Bohemia, the . :.'1 kingdonts of Ilsratie.itud Pfratatutterg, and the . .',"?L„ra duchies d Itidestszi lisa‘e-Dssiststait. .'-' - tb. P . rlts The tali Mowers will reside for a. portlea ..."0.... il of the year at..krauefort, neater:a united Gab '•:4l3,,, Met; itlaßo a eingle,Pariiitelint,irpfesenting all S'41:11 Germany, will ensemble In the'eatuo city." The -tx Etipstoss gilt raisin their epeeist' etpitits, or :::„...... ti •Milldences,' as they are styled, Which' will be, ..... aretw, Vienna end 13triat. ' - ' - - , -•':' , ",r4 .9. Whenever the direct male isamc of Ganef ::•;....:•;.iti the Etepttem shall became extinct, the head af •,...; , ,•';!.'s the other imp-trim he aso shall be sole Emperor ~ ,• i 1 cf Germany. , - - " 11 .6. The coasent of Prance to this plan hits -:'...:_...'5, been obtetr.ta kis the promise Of a carton of the ..4,--41 territory of thadellic side of. the Rhine, that of :: :: ,', .. Italy by the pro:Anal' oceoton of Venetia, and .-...,•;"1 that oi-Ressat by c . a., transfer to :1431' 0: large = .•;' , ""f portly ol the" Pel:sh psostutos of .s.ustrat and "" , , , ,';' - 1•1 Protein. 1,!,..0 "The" o`' such . a schism° expixins ..;;,,0 many :wait mys est.& en :serman Dolan.. •It *: , ir'e explains the hitt,: food Dilating between the : ;A:;;:, g, - lesser powers of Germany and the two monarch ;:-•..,-!:01. f r tee of Atibtlia std Prus s ic, and the 'treatment . I " , iii• if experienced et rho in.tiar of Bismark and Reeh .:ti!-,til, ,Yttrg., the Aurtrian praetor, by toe Prince of ....1Bi , :, 11 irnstenhoi(g, the legitimate belt to the duchi. 1 , si Schleswig and 11-.lstein. I; Oa - plains the in. .. :4 k., 1 ::- difference tuatarasd of late by the liberals of .11.4: .14 11 Prude, who are also ardent advocates oracle= • 4 •:'''f natty, to the r.r.constitotionel measures of Illt• 7.."•:..... ,;.. 1. .... 1 mark. It explains the attitude caramel at the 's.--in: t Londtm Canistence by France and Russia. Is 1f!!,.j.1 oxplaine, funny, the meeting of the three °es . , .•,,!;,,.,. ' • ern sovereign at a German bathing pile:, the „ -frequent intervlswe'butreen tiepatoon the Third ~ , i , ,. Li see the reprtsontattres of Aorta and Presets. -;1:"1":'": i: - .; at Pees, and thejouvr.ey of the , rod= disinter I',":7':C." •of War, Idenabree, to the Prenellrentrt:' It ia , ~T-1;,..- 'h needless to expatiate on the retalts likely to aci ,',;', ;Pile Bons the execution of such a project. The ~,,.- tea power created by it would form ran an em• ..;- r ,pire as Doreen has nit ton sine, the days • ,-.•-•; •-•,:s; Vaults thr" Filth." - • • - . - . ... - -". i. ...AA. :, ...'f':-...'0'. the Yehell.k.-4eltentent. The market dolts here en incitement every morning, enjoyed by themielvas exclusively, on the 11111941 of the , weal: pea* trains from New Jersey andlelaware, partly b he Ca y Ste an Ambo y heats and partly direct from PlilLadelt Fhb' by rail. The regular peach train from Caine deli now triage dally allot; 10 .0041 basket', and, iss nosy - be easily the scramble among dealira to preeedence, and es tablish thenfte.res early at their stalls for she flai a e budinota," almost hoggars des - or:pilot. The omen of vehicles anti clamor of COieratAl3 Stoner ,* to pereorr et weak nerves. Tbo aggregate itivnlper day frsta allroutets verses trete 35,- 000 to 50,00 boilesto,' - r.ll the 'peaoh-growiog Buttes yielding atra year sbaniaatly. The moo tn New Jerry corts.ised earned - eat by toe firelight, which tensed math of the fruit to - :fall prematurely. pais we re i .tng herself, oa latge numbers of young tress are 000ario sunturt y. New Jersey, ttioU r O 6lge. OVOSLOt bonst of e. ra coy beery grower es her nfelghbo,r, wring. forward same verion;leo fret. Menlo o-mtsty ti "till la the Yens A re loartsble degree of eaccess has attended the fei fort to bringoshe opine borrow." wiser coon re- leada'mOl3 seemed to be mere senates of sand, atitteftlY.. wort . / the texas., In enterfristig oltlaea, Mr. Ben. see. • esiyect the tares of planting those absoldtined lauds with ijesch user. tie use:rd,n4ty honFtii ssisssi I. , gr r traou at fare cents is,, sae, or come 'lnch trice, St! OUt the Stuns, toes, and ants Teat hoe tdaransdatorttortot son ling tgo market i t hail 10,000-baskets...As the prodneer is now resets,-‘ 111,4 01141 aibr it r.,boat it T ar 44 act, it is quite tale tO estimate tie groat nett emote at $10.005. Compared with' Delaware, the dirserro gware generally opersrle on a- swill rrodsoiog from 2,000 Ad-3,003 baskets per annum Tai Iteyboide, nod two nrOor. ed the Ditimeod State, titan op tear y profits of sloo,ooonr more: The great bulk of Ore fruit now re.olve'd In New York is fr.m Dora wars- Cis , Jersey will -be hill 'elevensmat Tho combined -tribute troto wel afford oeeobos eitmegit Or wets, es. i..rtnight to owns. lop k• ,re ,t0p0...1t10 Oa 13 I 5,.0 van o , • will , paned al.'. 1.. s • f 0 i nter n u yjro 't , ,o r "to !rah 4 AT,l4l(j !,) on {it "I .10 Otraely,ezveriet.oet ig.the,lFOOt Of :Adequate Mean' Of transportation, that ,itenlistemsele Viantitiet ef 'pearls' &re PoriSkiOg 0*447-• Prises des Sot cosine n --'faltittse • r . . a t ' t.I • • • •L •._ t. • - -tail Palineretonie Last on; Xentrofity.i. 1 - , Beglibi4oll; itliartc4e via ratmestoz 413 - • ',91100.117 4tltaing the position of LIAR'S:GishGot . . ~.ortnxeskt witiTtetatonoo: to, Du war. &Ulf cao% „... .4eGeritirn is reed with interest, - to sea whet* 4asp ptetibki leanins-11 discoverable. • The tol - *** tas I...3.lll*.tp'*,*tacemnnt of thehtsi ":. I,r/ et Bradford, tTg eli lest; . . ' „Ve. hefe., isme tad, no doubt, Vest terrible ' -wei, etas Luca, rib '4 , sl3s sub.:* tikes in ,thri liorthory'pert - el the - Amerieen•coutioeot ; WTI> he - re felt that any eadeeror ex oai Teri, ,- et 'ill wiojcootto . with .any othef would L at e es 1 - :reerer ;;a 3intsrf --, in „ihntgaerrei ,1. -;...dons sksoblef -lo 1 tesCht - goett. Toe teeltairs -'' eitli lash ethrn the qasxret is tome - end the bat. --. 'OS rilitg t tiff, banthetents wilt not listen to the . -- Wu advice of ...friends, horretar igooktheir Le - . Wake*, sea irterver",yise their ootthialf. -. All .3 .- gut J:wa_ taro fo'do if t.o . rlitililll the etall. by .c%erlicatiiin tho first instoeee, we everted - the COtt` '.• OPltilliXt.?t;this osteraltens per, ;,0 ob,gas4 i t oz2 f - . apiiitir - gt lied,to weltfer that heviiihlah - tati,st - -k l .,tioni4i ni leg tr t witeit.3; tbo :two , vsstelysiztai st O .13 , Iley thoir ovattal efforts, ane9Vibltt.Wo3,llll-ame.7 .tkett:linistireetssfafal,fesitegs ostriels et present 1;..3,30p0rieer, - tisetts, sod hre - tore distfaseXto - eosth -.33:,-,.-trs.seileable:Sattleniont. , We toinlealy hop ‘-; --- - - - she-:titne:3. 4 till .thartii.,ezaio Ntresithat *la d i ktetruit•iritl , tiatl it a ,,, -'''''''''' ; 1 A--aiiiii*,lo*-A,,,il,,vimi-I.•**til Idutea ~, . - • *•• ..*Eub.attnto, for erb.:ab he poistßSOL_Ahrs.they 1;;;_ -"sated the recta promised 01-who - M. the tint , ~.,....,,,,tuairo3,,. n o g outuraor In I 161Taff al:l6*w , - . ..,_.,:igiiiid*:rstftri..** -- 4 ,, ed /41 , e4ibisii 61*015 ,, , , ,;,...,:froahis tali riettfiZothro, inforsolephtos '4% 1 7 4 ''.-bLalarr,i,r k ad - enehled -the ottletitotis inert this: r' ' 'Ore' to set • ttp w , Torlitt Vte's'-11114 llier..Mtro I: '• . !,' delniiisiii 0-A f',Nts,i4-a,N3 i.tepid Oil: Ms f ' ' --- 'Call, bs. tkrwrail;4lma.drinirtratii: •fr-, ,,,.-1- ' ,-• '''...;' '. —:,''ll.' '' -- 1 'i 1 V 3 = Before t Vlckeburg..litay tQ 4t1 64 . 'Dm war has called out nothing more vivid In TIPE pictorial•poetleal form than tisis Ilttle piece which we copy from the Adantf , Monthly for i go September. It to a tieing poem BY GIONAT. E. BOLSI. When Sherman stood hen f•stl, the hot,' Pro That tram the lines of Virmbemr gleomed, And tombthetlltmelded in thole smohy And gnp shot 111 , 0 , 41. sod man , shot scrsame I neck ;rem tho front there Lzmo, Weeping and rarely int e, Them. , It child, the moor it 1.5 Mann...en ewe In WIWI. fearful plac ettdina hi. tram. he limped ehta to ro' et Due sten Im ward, and tottering stood, Arvor.d the men'. of Ma MtMlest. 71,cre *rand spool. of Might, ymang Shocked at hl5 d hind em, Qesman whit "Halt: tro.t lece Who Mo pa? +rpcat. my reliant toy ' • .4 &numerate :—Ftfty.titsh 1111,4 elo CO 5 00 2 60 IS 26 60 IS 25 “tt&Me ere yOre of hit eartrldges cur mon "Thant are tratbout , log, Only temd end the far pre.. "Ant, try MC, friond”— "Don't thlad roe Did ytti hear not eau' Whet Voir drtren Oh, for the tree sf heaven, Send to my Caor,ll, General de.- "Oat yon ?" "Oh, I shall mill, and the rear, "I'll • e to that," alai Sherman: and • drop oce it rotni envy dimmed hi, eye, As Le boy, LeL og wissed the Mb% hillse, cod etotn nod trite Ms Min cry l'ltonted • WI, tl het forget : We'd win the battle ye t I But let cm eolGl•rs bare tom. mere, Moro ortridges, Air - -calibre nib-Eder ;'' NCIPII9 AND bIIsCELLANY --- Alt order has been 'Weed for the removal of all the regular troops from Weetern Canada to the lower 'province. Only one regiment is to be left In the Wet t, and that ie to be stationed at Tomato, where, fOr 4.0C1e time, there has been an ds rem sof e amity hots; en the red-coats end 'he cis i inns. A rotes in Route has stolen a Jaw boy tee years old. De had bite tarry home his shoos troth the eobb:ets, and kept hats Whoa the friends of the boy cote plc: bed to the Papal en• thoritier, they turned a deaf ear, and sort the salvation of the boy'e coal war of mgr= cast. queues than the regrote of hie parents. A Feacca paper's correspondent I? from Ire • lwit h and) ha, tent the following: h u e halt a frighthl aseldeat ; be fell sr 'as the cony at the corner of the Grand Rae, and brok-3 his spire. Death was inettenttneone. The same accident occurred to him last year." Tex Lowell Courier onto to sew " pease rep . coition." It It that one million et mon shall volunteer for six months and place their serviees et the disposition of the President, to put as end to the war Inane CFSpZigD. FART GOOD.—When the 1..yal Datehman as Mobile heard tae goal et our Let at oho motto of thelbay, they malted end. said: ''Ust is Farr° • gocol"—H. O. Timm. Ix Northern Texas there am already Len lodges of Union Leaguers widish are very caoreoy and cautiously, but CoLtantly, inereesiag tbeir an Crop Prospects. The - e reeme to have been a systematie effort made to doptcoleto tte crone of 18134,. Interest • ed portion wore active to their exertions in vs:t om quarters to show that the valise of the agri cultural products of this year, to the face of the returnefrom the Agricultural ' Doreen, would fall far short of previous years. Mast localities suf fered somewhat from the drought., bat while each woodchat it was tot serioutly damaged, it no - cepted readily the statoment that alien quarters were moot decidedly injured. Hence bistro,' while retsina its =cal amorist of grails, but in dna condition than usual, with a slight feitiog tff in early potatoes, but a fall supply of Into, believed - i hat the wheat crop of Peaty; 'vault. would fall far behind, and Pennsylvania, while satisfied with the returns of mother earth vri' Loa its awn limits, was prepared tt before the co conuts of the great dexrress,in the Wen. lie doubt whether the rest limestone raglan, whis:c coop trona few env, ein'clacin Lobon on, Combezior.d,. l Shenandoah, a n d half a dcd:n other valleys, ever raised finer mops of 17liPPOA than have boon gathered within is, fo rail o APO; OM this sea; on. And certainly, the am ended tO,l :acts that nte now doily resehlos es from s.ll parts of the West, from Miohigoo, le Sour, iewa, Onto, and Wig COll5lll. indlotts tart we eirsil have ample attiodatme for home consumptilio and for ral foreign export, dospite the dtain of the war. These is to dap, is Chicago, o f he the usual quantity of gland awaiting outward movement; but it doss net pot suit the maahisa tione of specaladors to Fun it cortrati, and as the is their gala dey, the poopto must Comport,. rily Ear', Waskirigum Chronele. C allwruis Ants The enemy of the hoarded sweets of the Cat, tomb housekeeper, the ant, is beyond coating In his,nenoyaistes bid year. It the warmer dis tricte of the State nothing eatable can be storel without attracting myriads of them, and the da. stmotion they cause is really es :mportantitem. They have never within memori of the oldest settlers been so nonerous:ie the lower levels of the Satrap:alb and Ban Jo:A:lie no in 1h64, aad It the mines residents inform us they itvado in maths every pantry, kitben and closet. If a piece of moat, cheese, sugar bread or what not is lard d'ock, in half an hauls abbe aotaple te ly covered' over with them devouring Vide wretches - and -Inirowed, cancelled and rated with marvelous expedltioa. The timers say they are laying ny an early stock of comas - obits to pow a long and heavy winter t In the vineyards andiardimsow the fruit ripens, the acts spull what the rascally birds end stiailrels Leave, and figs and sett traits are their sooties delicht. The ripening grapes around Las An- t gaols are a gyeat attraction to them and the vlneyr.rd men ran in distraetion ever their raids, and it is likely they will spoil the making of Isaiah good wine and brandy, as each of ;heir wretched little bodies contains a concentrated quantity of a wailer acid, soar as vinegar. limo indeed is a new and strange plagne r aud there is not only th common little go-to-the ant-thou sluggard a c tors , in California, bat sev eral others, some with wings and some without. One of these,twics as big as a Ilea, bites Ilse a fish hoUlf, whibsanather of his follows, of tdosd color, sibga se be bites oa r ing up te b onier dk te s to a te rhea cotes t ef squats and tears to me quiet bon, of the sigrit. Grant ludlnii Truablt 6r ,. 'AVM. Aug. 27 —,Vbe Sr.! train ever iho Great NY ettern LOW !Tool gouge railway betwetn !kw York and St. L tap, too oflamre :.f Inv road and la vice . vette', arrived thin morn • ing, 44 hours Irma Now Yor4, re. ,0, 4 vul no Opened lo the public about the la: of Ootober. An ,tva from the noes lay — thus onion men of the 7th lowa cavalry en routs from Salina to Fort Ellsworth with dispatches, Were attacked ty upwards of two hundred !odious, and feu of tram killc4.. A large body of l'allaiLS is rapc4qed between Smokey Hill and 5,1(00 riser, and oil the valleys of Western Kansas are awaraling with stem. About live atilere I &miller are coos= pod 30 mists wettward of Fort Reilly. Toe savages have captured over three thousand bor.,<e nod , motto beeides battle during tne.pott kir _Feats. Sever& tribes Ore banded togethir ior war pit-. poses. There arc about 15,070 „f thom, 4,010 of 'When ere W,riure -- - 011 Operations on the Ciiil/011. The Clarion lll.ner rtetes that tho Ogntruetorg hyrir g the cmslr. bare 'root ed Choir dorriot. - 1 and bull , . their • fh.o.nOos, cod only k r ait the nra i7al of Olg t,cioes to • owned morn octlre onerzfionot. lu, VieW of the tti.. e".• . ~.r7 0, b, MU , . 1 U. I r.ibLepoo tf oil. 6,010 oil ram it WAtit.ithla ro Pieter:ugh and sold for mratainni _PUrs° 2 l. it it corrontly reported that 00 Sore /Ton Oont, or y *0( Clarion, have .true: oil the noptit of b7O fort, and ba7o v.,11 . • wo top It may, ho quo. — We anal' know more .boa: it in air t ezt: Tres *Wm of the Chicago Trio.ono has been 00 I 31 visit to tho Atmiy of the 'Potomac, and ie daftly token with fienenl Bottler, of whom ho epoake• (0)97715•Zr -- 'No other man hos sai"improcsod its with his • thole:et and emiprehentrive grasp of poblio af fatro. ipmndoptands Chit rebellion, its clauses and fie otrierporfectly: hag foam what. tiver.tbrit tho 6onth, Whekonee llitary and political leaders are driven oat, or killed, of eapinrod and hung, win bevilfllcalt• to govern. in, tactlt will, in his opinion govern, Wolf poteetthly and perilitly. The peoplothers hale bout more accustomed to submit to their !eider' than the people of the r.orth.• •Ilore them is more individual thought, more personal freedom, cod rattlos mete rapidly and more sorely Milo. to grata ardor the infloomme of conflicting °pin— loos. Betio+, when *not Moir totamoni traitor loaders are natal the way, =bead as they will be with nlaigo emigration from the north sad from Zuripe,thOy will rapidly 'beoome a quiet, ofdirty and highly provrerons people." pttieruist Piligelt ON vas RILBOLLTOI. VO. to.the Mrlit3 Prolgiollt rintOgg /Winging. the 110tIgintO et Ohleogt, Batica.lkeergice,Fsblithse the. foliewizq pole from Ike. Mr. Prat:bird, of Bsimigh, 9. 0. • nen rszisg s premixes' -member of the church of width I wit Pastor, to Dottimore, mot at the Ett..: !lichees Motel, is' ries leek, e z. riteldot, Pierce, .r r.. Pletoo haanifetted the 1,4951-e.t.i7tiPetb7 - for.the EtaaA We stra,g ,•gler,tor. indspohdeooe,i 4e4ered.that' the .orjy /hen (io_..totedgm oo No ftnibtfm.H ;o*to et of Op Eolith) , )t , 4,t, ; ho.[lttroltkatsto„ keap ;10. - „,tho . thafedalt.. , ortoy bat for theleslihd.hie wifs, sid. that he _de Va _dril itorAbee hetet thes I, be et Tfrivete erat.ts - aiile Seethe:a evil."- • le _ . flAil-N MIN El MUM ElGilt, VAIIIOIIS RUMORS AFLOAT, Tote of the New York and Other Delegations. PO:SITION OP VALLANDIGHAM AND TUE WOED3ES DEFINED. Alto r of the Democratic Conceutlo➢ FELL OF A PORTION OF THE AUDITORIUM CPICAGO, August 27.—Tho mete meeting to night was remarkably large and beirteroasly rathntiasttc. Tt e number present It variously estimated at CromV,Ou o to 30,000, and it is gen erally admitted to Erma been the larger'. gather ing over seen In Chieago, mush larger than the Republican demonstration‘hero tour years ago. It was frond necessary to organise three meet Mr, two la the Park and oar or Clark street, and for an hoar or more, fro dense was the crawl in Clark and Randolph streets about the• She rman House, that it was impe:Bible to make n passage through. The Coon Rouse •4.2 gully decorated with McClellan flags end Ca:nose lon terns, Al.t At the close sacero.l largo piton of fireworks, after the feehlen o! then° d!sp!,yed at the New York Union Square 'meeting, war , sot off. Among tho speatere were Coombs of Rao• lucky. Ferrite of New Yrrk, James of Oh: •, - Gov. Waller of California, and Feed of Kt.:to:l,y. eke remarks cf the latter being rector:tab!: ter tens denunciatior,k of the adoCaletret:tr. It coca Dear midnight before the last meeting bro , ..e up, and the enthusiasm, apparently all 15: :do Clothe, coutinued to the leer. There are many rumors fisatmgeboat to-nigh'. Among otter, that the Now York delogattm, nom In sestina, Is doulatfal; that the Ohio dela • ration will bstt if McClellan to nominated; that Kentuokr will holt IC tae Guthrie delegation is rceognisod; that Lincoln bus sigolGed his eery to.ta ithdren, and that Geo.Brrogns brought this news on lost night. Atthough these and infer rumors car:sloth° Mood to soy ressrenal• ble source, they create much tall nod exlite men! about the hotels. Tho determination of the Now Yerh delegation as to their chsloe of candidate is 10. ked for with great interest, as it le generally believed wet tees: rote will deride the question. Colder, August .9.—The Now York dolego. • len held :heir boat meeting at the Sherman House this motning. on • after 1/. brief censor., Con the vote was takes, recalling in 51 for Mc- Clellan and 13 eaattarieg. The Plies tel •ote le 13 McClellan to 9 rest tering. Neither Ohio nor rilissonzi vote as a raft- Indiana stood 18 for :McClellan to lu againft. Bets of four to one are offered this morning that McClellan will receive thy noted • ration on the brat ballot. It le not expected that more than the tempo rary organization and the appoint:rent of the tsuel, C•totoittees will ha effected to-day. A majority of both delegotione from Kentucky aro veld to he for McClellan. As yet little or no d.ffsresset of oaf lion as to sho character of the pia:form hos boon monis tested. An armistice, a coneentlon of the Staves end the adoption of every means consist - en with christissity and cleinnation to bring sheet a permanent peace, seem to be the points very generally e greed upon by all tint delegatton. Vallondighant iv noderstohd 15 have plotigiel himself to toe crndidate of the Coavestion who err rhe may be, end this is reported to on the p: -!lira of Fernando Wood. Coe. Bee. Wood es veld to hold the position that he wtli Durrett 'he neteillee enter, there it • dirt:ion—another ovnventica and a pence ermines. Lorna.—The wigwam is densely prow led, al :I:iv-orb halt on hour botore the or:mats:ion, end the motion et the amphitheatre eat spurt for gr.- ttemett arrampp toted by lodine is over-filled. The day is bright and cool, and Immense throngs not levered with tickets are gathered on the oet side on the there 41( chetah,. Mosielf furnished t y Gilmore's Baud, of Boston. A porticos of the tind•tory without swats where tn.f people nee &tetchy pa•ked, hot j set glean war and e bomber bare base precipitated to the etoond, a distance of some ten or 9:teen feet, bat nobody I. tierinatety hart. Ger. Seymour, Vegetate:tam and other prom inent /boners were received with music sod the mamma. chests of the people. FRO SRLRID.IN'S DEPARTMENT, Milano - port Shelled by the Enemy. PO:ITION 07 THB TWO L11H_17 , 3 UNOH&FHISD In the West. MOHO CONVENTION. Y-.-se, Aug V --Thr E.-.311+ of ton& zit with Avoriti's cevalry, on the Nth, con finers the reported safe arrival of Gen. Costar art bin oar Imes. , Tie tire ivy.: Last night the enemy shelled a small force that General Aserill bad on the Leith side of the Potomac, oppf site Eitephardstown. and this morning a portion of General Ave rill's command engaged the enemy. at Williamsport. The rebels shellac the tout. The Hi-it/re lialltoern oorreepoodent a( be 2.51 h, raj. There Sr no obatfe in the raletive the two irIGtOE. Sheri it] it s'ivist; weiebit g the too...wits of (h.: c.viny, rt skies 13 , nely s.c viiiiisanressz I meeting wise lestwisat Alta tateng which may mid at any Lure it a g 0 trot to jogeoae,t 10000 .• It, fizer:i ace ahlitt3 t.. altt. Zoe In, rebel, A letter wee received bore to day from the enter Pre Mt.- •It says Toe r o tel t In at , alrr fovea were Hat seta at Cherry Roo, eta se a Wiest west of Littgerstown on Prilay. The tit ttage arched at the Lutes pace Item aorta .•it, a diet. , * of LAX-at ileent.7-luny tenet, on Lao atsht of that tame day. 'The tootling of Wtillemsport hj tha enemy fret th e ~,q,neiln t ide 4 f the river on rri.tiy, ltd GO ju'r to in lividutie, but three 1;1,1.13 acre eatmebat damaged. Linton Sleeting In ifientriety-.-Moblle Ems .—Correepotidetite Ordered A way.-- teamar Vired Into ate. • CAIIILO, Aug. 28.—The Union men of Itallerd count*, Ks., gave a barbecee le Blonds - We ye, torday. Over two tboassxd people were present. Genedal h.:stealth, eninmander of the port Cl addtased the aseemeiy, urging them to; take west a deced aimed tor the whieh woe teeeiTdcd. geodetic= wet* itiopted to favor of the euprataion of the rebellion and of .areiehing man and means for that tterpose. bee oetteMOß 00. TOI7 olltOOPielltie. be., 'loved 111161. Ballard county will give %majority the Union eannidatee at the omieg eioJtion. tiimi3nr mddinga 0W he hold is ether COIG- Ceti in Ranttoky and contignout to; Coln% The marked Cleelege token place le thc' sentiments of the pOOD:0 of this coatico, to m:. by a.tribotablo to the r,ceitt disercorite.l 0 , 0510 CA .be Joili 4,17 Mtlo , 4 . 11 if 1 2 T;ce reele .11 le t at the Nat Toss Herald and J. ~ the 7J-11ine with Gen. Granger'o army, have bean ordered bayonet the linno by (ht. C-dby far tho paha. el•nor. il-Intort-,etion h:r tit, The etoaceer Lanakiter emit bled into fifotert =ilea below listeber,on the 18.11, by ribatto,77 of —artillery. Three shots ;Week the boat, but nutzdy wag hurt. The baittry 'Jet lopported by tel cavalry. Gen. ldrayinen, 631011bianding at Natiter., tent a force in purruit. The ;contents Chock and Atlentle, reported cantered by an rebate lay tilo • ono liver, Or rlvad eeftiy ..t Vickebutz , an good earglooe of oetton. large camber of rebut printer; arrived at Ickiburg re.contly, ez o•Alred nfteon udles beet of Milliken'e Dond. • Two h.ntdred guerrill-, wore teen at Coon mere', Mo., to day. • The Now Orteane °otter. market Le bnoyant. L ow w iddidog $1,65G1,67; half middling $1,70 ®1,701 Mabel Dials Into ,Owenehnto, 1[1..-Byta ; pathleer SPA. CIIII2IMTI, Aug. 18,--Jake Bennett, srltb 24 men, dashed Into Owensboro Ba4rany oyenlng, killed %byes node soldiern and Lieutenant ul the Ed Kentusby royalty, esti bnrat wherf boat onateielns 0,000 worn' of Oystnrmant 'store& Bennett rev:mined only littnerl 111+213.146 and woe pigisoid by the Home GOA - Norris* rebel p3ropattaser was ebat at OW-- re suborn es Betarday by Oapt. ' ifilsea;ybits eleting WS arrest. Anotlier Battle In. the E lirelley'Otedleted. : ratuisstruu, Aug. 29.—.AspaalaiSo al. ki ill. dated Vaebisgtau, Aug. !9, says; Infos arsuuttan received bore trout Ilalicalu &slap as lautiaday states tbo advance bus bassi iinuded saa anotken baths in thuusnoy is azpietsCand • [ll dicta. • ' Stenuttr — lquiens Boyd stair. - Sr, torts, August 29.—The ateamoi 231111 Boil mutt thirty miles below here on Bstardsy , lihs wit; mod Is tame& rITTSBU: Gil GAZETTE. ;z II - r - - - - - - • Adventure. of a ••breelLS, lOn SALE—FOB BEAT. FROM GRANT'S ARMY. i • i•k e u l ie r d l a r A t I eßeinlis 1 , Ot Satardey, a dapper young fellow, IL-essel -- VON. SALR— SUBURBAN SITES err ,_____ I n the Geeregnment i like &Broadway "Men," and giving his name ,r T i l ee,eue leen . ~.e v. um.. jft,.... , • , are fn Service. and the Draft ' as James W. Malley, wee errated on a charge o d. e ralArt 1. 1r , 5e ., Cmen et theertete allele Herron, deal THE BATTLE ON THURSDAY, Sire° our article marling ettentien to the ate•.l of ewindling a hack driver named .I.phn Elite. ~,,,riembe,,akatteitted:l'eseeta,,l.'ttostpi.: eele.h.aggfa.........ei"' of enrolled men employed in the Allegheny Are Holley hod ampler,' Hite, who drives for Sir. --- Hammy. The stove Iva are 1 venal, in ceencetion with the drel't, the toll wieg Meta, to convey him round the Oily in p ee w e e, tee m e d r e , r e eete tee ,e ree , lERBIBI e E LOSS OF THE EMIL comeseendence has posted between Hee. J. K. an elegant two horse carriage, first cell- It=,tetn.bertt'tet...ol,l;:Zit.,V;Xermegilloerati Moorhead std the Provost Marsh:l General, to ire, at a certain blare on Elm street, at I feet front L elo from me to twat:metered feet de*. —__ Se the Sheered's telegram was reerrel by the taking into hie company a well kaiser. crerte • e kz.u.ri needra ori et el et h e l . 01 et . V.I. FURTHER PVRTICULARS CF THURSURr R BATTLE. cretary of War: ran. After they had driven threee'a the e tee e, Wei. . ifkilltalf. Perrsertoe, Aug, It, 15;1 rrominent there ughfcres, arid evade several JOHN D. lISEC.ON, O. iltintONl, • calla," the "lode •" was conveyed to her rod Hon. E. M. Sr•lrree, Se , "y of W or: T. J. IIItUNON, . leave, end the laver directed to heelsp in front j e t a ,,, nxemtere. The ode district in which the Allegheny Ar- , of t h e he te e m h o me mh o ,. oar "feet yenac OR bAI.E. renal is located has its tir ill., to fill Ito grata me , t had bi t ut i ee bi,, d e e eted, ar i l where, F \Tamen - roe, Augnet 27.—lees.aen gore by the with volunteers paralysed by mann of one- the carriage hire 'mould be pail.. The deicer mail boat from City Feint report that on Three- Freedom Ponr.dry Property. Leath of its enrolled citirent being empleyol in did se dui et I, and the cxquitite Holley at: epee day a diTelaiOn of the 2/ corp.!, in the eterety the Arecnal, who Bel Wee. aeria = l "taring tn to get tie, meaty, but forgot to came on: ,1 210 , Led-tfEn fere . t t t e h r s ththo y. s .n ow d re co =nd ii ry the service in roan of draft, under the order of egs;c By the led of a policeman , however, , 4t. b u i,, y eem me, B ee ,' r,,,,,,,,„ Wagon seep_ of „Reams' ccation, on the Welieta railroad, were the Provost Mershel Gin:keret cat mptieg "Weird he was discovered, and 15... tree character e'en bevies tar halldsco. The found'. balite.; Is lnzia, attacked bye large lone° cf rebels, :apposed to ertieens" from "field service" Is this order to b acee , e xi ,,,, toe hadn't a coat to help hica with• a pee cal,ola lc te, aol • lot or 0-sod date', the be Gels. Bill'e cacao corps, and wore eempdied he cetetrued so loosely as to eta Neer eomlinende ~,,.. of his iitUeeey, hut, having non the "elite- er•gl..l),..n.filp!-ELAi:F,,,,,r1.13.1,4:,:r. •.- dollr e rs " te , to fall beck, trhielt they did grade .11y, disputfog , fag cremes to secure exemption for an Govern- alai' 5 " of one of our (:!rest Bad ones, and rear. Vo " ;pl flzr.z %etre Is ettached to 'it et . g:1 etabree r 4 however, every inch of the ground, and fighting ~ ..e ntr e l o tte .r ., l :l- s c i o * .. ec r.T he employees co undertteed t t i b i e d L ar er i, :ln: c;. 1 .7.. , e to the three) ' et good 11003 AND , attested on el ' e a r nd ho b L fo'rigt most of the distanee hand le heed. At -I o'clock T o w hi c h the following trawler was received. he l. —obtained g his release. - ranee Laid pls.. the fight war still prOgettleing, but our men had Weauserog, August 27, 1861 Holley, being delighted with the seopel For fertile: perticelentresi.c.E7ti.r.,7:..n,,,r ""i Iva gained a sore poeitton, and movements wore ho- Tee J. K Jl000lwoci: ,t Fla adventhre, and admiring the practical il tog made ealen'eted to rut the meney on the re- The Secrotere's ord tle le (arson to akillol lestrailee at the love of his bride, at once de tre grade in turn. *eel:mates te to be strictly coeneuel by arm- termited M take another ride: Engeging a •It is reported that we leet three batteries, in • nett:lag oMecre. The sob-,hmtrio t wit not ref- becks.. ramed Juhn lic:1, end stared eluding Sleeper's celebrated blestechusetbs bite let on the draft frem thisesuse, iv such skilled resether cd his female eeetteetantter, he tarp, the captain of which leaf wounded early in mechanics are may be dratted and permitted to cut upon another jetret. Ills ride was confined .the day in the right arm, het who fetillent'y kept remain at the amend, will be eel:oted on the I rincipally to Allegheny, and after he had men the geld until ef'esT con, when be became went quat.alga ,e,„,,, if rent e., cao front. all Ile oldeeta cf interest in that !medley, ha frem the l•ra of let -J. d•elli B. BHT, managed to dodge the driver, by resorting to the Later informetion of the fish c og on Timothy, Provost liderahal General. sante Dick which he had played on this side of in abler Gen. ilea ‘ ,3, "E.Ggi'd with a , ' From wLith correspondence a few things are the river. It appears that he bad employed Heil , mercy at Num? clean, la to the efi'ect the( Si ev {dent.: '' ca another occasion and paid hie bill " Like a 1 . 1 -til 4 a . cle'll kt. was reinforced from the s th First. The ordgr only exempts Allied ertis yes men," and from thi; cirencestenee the hack owe eerl's• and th e '' , ' , after making tee's , al des whet* terviees ore oe.ecedel to the eeee-anent.Le ete the mere entity thrown off his fraud.'rents ,barges ett a our line., was badly repulsed Second. This order is to be coreereed, t woo necorteined thee Halle; mei hie bride and retreated leaving his dead and wounded in which prevents all but allied snit stee ef leatisl ho token lee elego at ' eveßoples hotel, Federal our le eds. It ts p , ro :sported that ere recap:a:al to the goeotemt et Witte, from bet, . g exempt sera, y e A:l.,gben, on Satueday n, and oral the gene taken by the reheats earlier in the day nadir it , ere; he„, car P..e.iha s tnt aver those this an d Dug The rebels lost tenthly in the bottle of Tours- Merl That as the War Doper:meet treats feat 'dee, oven more, it is attraated, than in th ou re- thin, "the ram, RS if feet to tee 1,011," In one ':, lot the table Ola there, and on being pulse an Sundays case, It will nut be apt te treat them ot If.rantle medeacqeelited with thisths second adrt:urn of Raw Yore, A up,ust le.—The World' • E 'vial it the reefer et pay cud nit .wences. ear rabieg keshand, grmd to go with ale girl , tee loec ewe acemet al the fie nen gen Fete-re 1 hat o Lacers el tto Regular t I my, wise 6tb car to the fileso es i Weal, await develop senor. the Weldon reed: the 21 tind. 331..,'x0 ta' ere proverbially punctillet as in coot) lag to She dente; booing been married et 11 tile),t hee. the Id corps went done on We lee : day to Reeme east/erg an hover, wel ce casein not te stretch admits that be had engaged boareieg thm Station to continue the t e,truciten a: -ha r al, n.v old ai--.1 be coretrued evict ,-, —in any other Loth at Dopler's, sad swell that he left her tees end Led effectually ',uncoated ii, that el:pet a why than L. presid , d de the order iteelf, awl the merntng, Intending to return in a short time. Ileum. of some ten milee 'sit: see ca. lin tering esreseaticn cf rho Pee - at pia Goectel and Ile ha. no doubt taken ono of the Dales tot the t pry mach c ppr stece. Yesteri ay m ea:- g, the Nt creary el' War ; ar.d, wsst, tad his Polly in apprehensive that she e e weeer, rho ~hots m etssd Eerly'• cee a ead flit'', That n mechanic detailed for gereice In will hem to foot the beard bill, as she has a too diettiose ef Loneatece.'s corpe In fr .nt of the Asteral—being to all inmate and pubposes Meek tell el valuable clothing which the ler:l -ine :Sot', -ad commenced ehirmweing at a very in the military aervim et the Belted Stataa for lord will hold elicit his Melees are Benefield. early liter. An,: Is a. m they charged oar pee 3cer—le strictly amenable to ml Mary last flaw la trout of the 2...1 dielsott t f the :•.5 corns far , hate(erg re erne. Ho hes no video in the sad were handsomely repaired, though they matter ger. Ile Cannot leeve the employ.. „ugh; with de tee, at determine be. LICL , (lot Ito iedszement 'a to a , so be what they Almost is aeon 0a they wore beaten back they - .0)) dal g tic >me without being a clewror were ogain retard tied ,crowd th e charge. Are in the event of ice coremeeding offiter be nts they rerested for times, end mete time 00.0. 0 0 g ll'01n,1•11-d wi•li ten, or in ease of hie thee were puhtabe i revere.y, he• an se et ho etched rorvioe bring no leeger let:Faired, 1,....' t the lite ri m". .hey emeceedet. in dtivee e t ee h o tee te../e.el'oettesl, le, veil 1.... heeded over to also oh ee e 6 ; b No . \ :',, oyes hod e eeeer- Ptov rat interest to. Le rent to the front. ed dreatifelty, and poured thremeh the 'yenta.; thus made cod gamed the leen and rear et the tcreeleder of the tit, 1. -, sal roe treed their s-P1 th ...el a noces.ity. Thir erievemmt placed the other ill, lake in a ereleal tatime, forcing it to withdrew on the left tithe anti make is front It serener direetice, and in ...tag the change it site enTs red aeraroly, but war ebb: to preacal a loriber advance of the enemy. The scant; of Lae tattle to, we have feet pest ~avian of neon! feat tattles of Rob-road on our !eft, though the 5.6 corps atilt held* tome three i,a, m,it., pereens of which is nest effeatil• etly destroyed, and would perhaps beet been aerated ; . cur we:Arena.) teen it wet oath log &plumbic, farther than we did net loses at eta optic O. brow Tene t Aue. 2.`• —The Tr:!,-,n-'e rps:lsl ruses op the reeole , the ilehtic; en tee Wel .;..i. Retie:el as f .thea. Fete that the enemy 0000 "IC C.I. VIII otter repeated and Impeteeet e . e .eit. in -el-e'er c the elastic - meet of our of the Tett' , ....d below lt,.tite :...ton Stored, rho: eith , neh att.:lune in r n., .1 r cope lot members, he re 'cived a bteele rirpriVr in three 0001000 i, 111.:, 0 , TI :-d •'a, el. toot , Felled cod se deed tee t have r...a.-e let ours by toles the number. And filially el an ever " pile:ming :free be smeec led to leretee as haPt fir m ear insreachtatats tr. the thee std. of to. rails end below ee station, a poevrii.n.lre heti elrerAy decreed to eemd me The . pee .1 le jean in view, a,. the ds emcee- n f ten t.antt ten tailes betee rho steno , , was well ec•emplis tad, aid allt.otish on , ai teireeel from t h e u ,,, u ,,t, mon 0 oat ELM, a sat b ...vaned by the attic, of the eatmj, It r ..: i attirvl to eer ere in 'ft •12 tee . 'thy etatettleZ , 3 that tin real,. yat the b- ain 1 ewe open the enemy did act began i 0 ma , t siete him f e the ps,seete,on of a tee mitre ~ re: lee I embankment. RE:CL - s TUF: FIGUTING 60.1 NED GP Latest (rum Iturope,--- New tort ti h. rral of the DlClllitel N; it Yr-ts. Aug 27 —Too New Y tri , , f 0.,,,, Suclarriptcai on the 17th, arrived this morning. Tie Time , civet.. astoniehment at the mantel in which the Federal bend. are all rbtal At Yr•nitsiort, editor that eseh stieeeen , ve fat. I. regraded by er'etleg bat-dholdsre erliti ,rati 2 realm, mitred el di. may. The 7:,10, , , hale J 4, that the campaign veil: nentinne, unless danger to Washington bt,11:14 , . to great., to d,mand 'ht re'ryto the main bait to teen,:'e sre.,y. Lae c•p•ure al ttectin b a it is ,'eat of rho utility of the North t ~arto a iv - mama: telart,in. ~ r. the C..steletrity. T., o,titier.te 1.1,n nrivr.111,...4 On the receipt t f Orater .ermine at Poteraburg. Clo.eoil —The Ffonch r0,I•• sere 67!. Cot The 'or her dia,nution of 4 000.000 Iran, true. Its bent antics on Ullegli.A l s:. The grain crop in nearly gatherei. Sr, ty ineeed• hying the f Hoeing p-ci,el ti, r , L e pro rho Ger as Dod r An explanaia, eill le dereord , 1 I Attalla sr I Prurr;s in e e l er, ltern,ak la cc '.: ,:,hte t., maw C.. mai,. 0.. h.m.eP red r, 11,:e P.l - .l.'G . 0. 1r .• P. .1,1:: frirot N agt a, ‘. - .. 1.:•1 r. O r . 'l' 1 ' i . ., ..••“,d. ilrr :I,', t, 1 • ~known. I ,pen, Yorida ie.., i -, -.1 'hi Olio r: a,,, r 6 hetso, b..or 0. ;too f: , vr i o•k or Cali 0-ass std • n. , i - . S7O 000 ft. n, bee 1 Lteery 0,, i :r:.,. .11,,:. t • 5.h - an hr It ' end Mil iG Doti ..a , ci Pr.,. .1+,17, tad !..;:lt 34d gee sound higher than ?.clay. Waco' , t r l-le o. war, f, ar 'Jed Loudon. All. -.t It —ln the ciarret to day a 1 , :or be: ,tea. to : I , eat • . a 1 1 Ides,r..t. Aug WI —hi ••rooir•-13anen doll : I, 4 ei go ., • 4 - ..,,. : hu,,er li•en aOO onuiane, ' tio.:, . lo 40r 143%; 1 rent ceatiniota ~ ll', T lira, 112. - ___—__— Elev•T or 0114 i V 1 t+ •ri ISarut. T V Nto, C At, ruxt 2).—The Trltnig s 5 .har: were burnt yoqtardsy ort:n ti. 1..•, "C^: tlzit Butler Momon, kog. 9ltnt piltlo4 Ih•oa,11 borafr.u.n B] Ilundrod, rrmto -- - UV'S UN of )(ME 6' c.irrs. _ • t GARDINEIi. LIIFVI` . - r.t fur the It) C ,ird P Ag , ,en: for N,,rth Am• T T . i• • .4., 4.1“1 _ . v (4 ' r".eretnry „::,„- In ; )1l)01., Secrot,r). 41logheny swan, etrth strost. 1.0 HUG TN TA: (alltiON IS, Dvll.lor tl DattglCllE'!iCA PrIlit11:117.11Y, FNMA' 4 , ) , 4t - !I t!li3 FL:111). 0111, Fd.3111.7 MEDICI:SYS, Sc. , at evictly pr , n, qnallty, whirl. he oteth Wntaaneld sad YOurta amen, P . 'acrlptia. cnTemll7 Cousyhand• 10 at all hoar. A_ FAENNSTOCE. CO., WliolcE ll 2 Druggfigts, u.d e.woßru n.. of LEAL ANT , lATiIA of Wood v,ous tro7 DK It. KEYSER, Drit;zist, No. 1,4 Wood stroot, wrzter d Virgt2 ARO Plitantruol, AND Ii,;.:VISLOPE 'WAWA L.g )1711x,—,1 ovrlda . mrc A k r of fat, l t ' srES, l t l z 44,1circam , :t counties, *tat mat, wt.. Fe- saYe• W.O. UtiIREMIO , Paper voww ectlentue•enuts • BAR IgAND GMINWArI EDLAV". • LY" Sta c:tatatt. en, r 0 tares . ga; IA 46. Ik. 6:,.5 4 2..:a a•le carats Woks sad real& itrsal3l. PUKE CIDER VINE°►VIL-10 barrals 0 ,1,0 7 Cofe Older ,lurgar. totto,ble I% r harry` pot ...Pied mod for by gallon or barfoL, at; - 14 Atoooty Etm. ot 4 , 7711 A. Ellarala, rOltern Oil 11.4 ttentt, Q 100 PriA 1:49:5711—ti slim and Nib . ble Aano. tri Am, fek4 erzry‘beet en, IA Ile urea Int•rAtive tivaY.Fs tr. It iaaraV t. A for -A at Vrt 1 0 6 , 4 'A a u. alValita tt !Nadi's% a r. sr:ls43m 12OR BILE --anuivr B Wdt!_IIUIIT AA.ultaS of ilz termß 'Kb a groat itatte, errtnt.aCA FPI IS ) , blree! KM. it-Stan: shales trait treat. staple itaentselsfkatstith ttalalean as lot o , Oetattat next et6.l S. 01176.63 at 6 saiSis/ iistkot tat: ~:: ~ x 4 ..~.c.3~ *m ~.iu.w ..a,.v~dsc•'r:Yisi>:uih~S..r' a'. Execution ofa Deserter and Murderer. On Friday, at noon, Wm. U. Bowe, • deserter from the 116th pcnnrylvenia volunteers, end the murderer of Abrabom Bartolett, an enroii.g of ficer In Montgomery, suffered the penel'y of hie mime by banging, et Fort I he sad epee • cle nas witneered by a number of nit and told:err. Whoa the prisoner had been brought 'roc the guard bouts and unshackled, he a.r.pd , e 4 the rope of the gallow,,lollcered by Rev Mr. Kivu I, of Phitadelpbia. Sum:iing upon the tregold, Le road from a paper the following words '4 e ffete Soldiers and Ofßaert: I am now about to yo before my hiod to Brower for the crime of taking the lilt of a fellow-creature. I now with cl minion to my re:Attlee, and freely forgive tt v i ii all paced it end ail who were etiolates ¢o Thoy tml.hoir hotly al well al they and I [alt. , tt Ia Onphrtsni y to :lima from my heart the members t f the court mamal who lfied me, and ceportehy Caputo Glert, the juleps - 41, onto, an,: lie, l: }woad Kehl:ill my to Byer, 1,,, their Ltrodoto , to 11:0. But ai I ours 1.0 bare 'u ay tic.: childrin hu : iy rreotaoa a soloist, I cis& a duty I owe to them to state new that I :Ter ;night the Ida of the to.;, I k•-:al, and ton, %spited it, and I fool that Gel will ustdon o 1 r taking tt • 1 did. I hone mit frilow• Oliers 11,1 talUrre 111 the army never blamed 1• l inaring, he I was an iusatid and hal no pip.' to go to in toy regiment And new I to oh ,ul. to }taro this life, alai I commend my i M f ,foufo or 'lto Cestity the or did, ui et request, I sot the piedon tot ,ltseo djar.J. nod wipe :nay fori,ord the eh/ ray for my coal," At the concinalpn or the rearlirg, whirl wee tined to with deep rites to with the pritnne• d the eterrhatin kneeling. mid many hats mooed au ougl. restrict, tetra attire urn thn cot here the words th prayar. At ,h, teply oust.: ttAudda".orupped tram the lips of roaotcer, llowo, who bud remained tuatruire r the et I.l,er:tea .1 the p art. ~p ee 1 his lip , evidently adohog hit owa "Amin" the tar jar. proldtipord. Then echoed the luting of tee crolnizeit m the one for whom c tad been t" tidal tog, the re ithiwkling f to. It., the lo , Yet :leg of the Will Dow.* sal the =ring of the rap All thee de•nend i the eol. wo, too otoareihned one Brendle g• roe o &Wee no trap. At a signal trout the goalie. anehing, the man had boon set-v.. 1 loch the tape with 0 kgro,ile joie draw it warn him 7ho dot, rof the Piet ell, th• sop trt • h•rtng already been withirarra, and wt-h or.-ended the victim of the; It, 11, ti ddt erted A low cosset ire ...PM gi stool crutch:hors were all that were TWO , . reitrr. fat ILL eht.l.l loom the gallows tad poo.Oef. to e •' ti•:!•.t.t 1.t.0 t•j: 1.1.0 L.Otb. L..ritt I r.t•• !Cr th, to .I•C.b ul • . - 4,1 3 run,: lak,s • I .. The dreeefeA c.lll r 3 g: .at bes - ory h k st• t „f t•L•a • L 0.0 Lta! wf,e: t rL•t. b • i .ha •tar•: ,, i col 1.• -a it t't.ft., the haa• f• e e r•••! Lit Th0....0 erne • i.t, • r ,it, yet emit l+d aC , 11 !C that be !Ili 14—tot Bit, h rap a• hat tia..L. .t. of Irmo, Intim Li ••••••.b ficr7orbcat L•e, s•.. llt PT he rue , o , L•ed that the drorr re4t•t'Lng. d•Lott J •n- 'Y hz•S the enact •La 1,, Lao. 03,4 oh Howe come of the taL:,ea fat wh:A La tlt• sia latkAg ivitea.l of L.:Wake:Vale. A L•!+t Tranit. A day or two ago, capt.... 1% uh , :s nem, we tee rsi•laid, 1,1 who it about to be ine.tei—i .ut cl Me aerate, ortirod tilt city, way to Louisville. lie had his le-pare art of• lists la a head truth, whieh ho handed over at tie sailoed depot b eiwit•si iroo fh o L ...a bit arrival itt the l H etter plaos, t to rtiviseil .or his oheet a to-go cescr. • 1 Ls:" e, to Auk d, with a card ••a {lO Lap. J lieousod, eleteieed, 000 u." Ice it ',take was etidott, but ths e•ptnitt ha t nr power .t. bete Ito rtectett, end tint ig "Pot scam abort hit papyri an l truants he has:caul beet tr, ibis city, settricp have tor. tre-n; et; Els had the trutit. sent • o th 3 S.. cleartes aloi the eta, nt.•.ne it set. norresiiJod c q alto reristsrsil. be was carp-Orel • • - - t , it Thi3 rsi.• 1 t". • tb, : O, • tl. - • • It 'WI reat.:hrt U ft I b,• T.t MI owe trunk. be It it p•uterle tbn Si g 1 , •,k end, ut Cleveieud, 13 trt P.• relyb trouble jut, the Ceptaln. !nr'n Some week.] duce a p.c.:. girV norooil Eau C:ecaute was otuvegod et the house of hit. Ulf fentwoher, 1n tLe rirfl. earl, Adogheny, he the capacity of a domeetin. In a fee days aloe lefoi cud shortly attar Ler devastate, c e olooO!e silk decn,e. a 13133/Ib4l 01 shirts and a foci, were tatter& Vasvicion fat apcn A en or beirg the gaiter ps,s, and aifter a abort eenteh she top t•oni et too Brett Ilsoon. Ske antneertedgedthe shaft, ood lelivared lap the drone, after wil:b the Wwll • ,ttoel to depart. A day or two egh, while itnking over I, boa of winter clothing. it vi-e di&cvwer.hi tarst a G. 4 du appcandrwhoa Alll.l wan 64n:u orroste.i. 1,4 RLII 113V0 a tmrir.g before 404 hiayOf WU eft*, soon. Aryans-win Ls aossr—• man named 3Lishtel Pio dnesin %On 004uttittl,1 to jolt today - by It Ayer Luny, to ILOSO , Ift If charge of entering tutidied with intent torn:emit a felony. It . ap ears that he had entsrei the stable of Ideesni. S.B. Ltgyett d. Co.. in the Filth ward, and had throws. out a no.mbei of sacks. which It ii sups poled that he intended carrying away. John Ratty, whir is employed es driest for ?desire. Mggett On., happened to visit the st ibis beta= Sflatah•ginyait away, and bona, W anat. Tug Coln Cum.— Abe MorgantJun Find says , "The escu ell ince the country is looting re masheisis ' There win be more raised this Is4l than !Or Ake laft!tre years. We hest that several ulseatly 2°14 diair imps for from CO to 15 emit! , per bushel; enA Uri predict it nut he nil ch.separ nett sprits. l'ltellsid gin be Laseense." gins 541 Cr /CO "-TM, bewatifial epsotsoular dream will be predueel at the Tbaktre esti eves Ing. Tka, tracery and arpointiannta Or the Op?" Ilia new and prgeeez,e,n4 we ♦ouH n 911). eurptitti int wiTtri , e e, goad rn3. TSa MztUr.DrZT rinTE>ikrt CVNTC= 6,III . ri , ttbargh Actual Caelemn , n of the hieth,dist FrOtellalit Church will bald its next station at Waahlegten ei.nuty,comm.nelrig the Tth of September. CARP RPTFOLDS.—This rendeav,is new e; pro. eats a lire]: appearance. There were xek, t:indeed men In camp en Saturday, and large uMetßierif are expected to day and f, several days to come. (VIE Ole TILE MOST BEAUTIFUL AN., lJ doctrable locations far country rent, art..] anal I,ll,Arty sh o utw °Gored tor ante, [routing ou Arthur SAC coo:, sod nontalutan norm mum or Ito; altunte rear the rorldocco of I,ltrunuttrr Wrudlay, To CA Prvaunra--We would call the attention of th,fine.r copttaliste to the Donde awl Mortgage. 13 L. i most. Thorn hi tho Loser two staty brick Lou., ,d at .I IIAO ' d auction room, No. 54 Fifth " b . " o, trt ,o r o, tF=tt futtd °Tart' , tdnu F.... , s. Omer, Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. , ewe ot young Ift.l mootty bowing,. Tbln proporty If &shed, wilt hr dirtnotl MP two, or tam semi= to .13 ; lorch. Lao. ... For Una% mtpty at the Heal al' Lstate and nset atm of HES, • Ira Butler stmt. Lawrenceville. a.. \N* A - Mt LINK a BEat it, SOLE &GENTS Of THE) Bradbury & Sohomacker & ChLEBPATED PLANO& A.NI) I CL.3.letl Aintrlean Organs and nelodeaus, p o SAW KILL AND OIL 111.512•'L\'.—Tho or.wholo W ins. p low of ph,..„ of ol; Ott Ilorry•ed EU.= Paw ULU, with= =dons lasOf no of Aron= ; • obttedottoo of annl on the lot— ,. k0m0... , 00d =coo t uatotor.octt Fitottatabo and pr ,,, ppe ....S,j u g and A. V. 13.. S. Ls oared km 0010. VAG Billnery ; us. and of modern Gant The Evil =II. to Wea -1 414 ores, sod Is sroU oltustul, turtas, boot It co Its rint , Goo.ll,Glity Ls' loallating tool. for t.0..-tiontorn call ma the ondocoltotod. LI A r oat) Werti Nll5O. Ho. 67 LisUG aumi. FiZtat.C.:ll, St. UL.iIII Sr ttlchead bard, Sat F 11..aer11. Ew a . J P. tiost.”, Pr U K. LI. Flteciremra, 6r.11, t r t. beptot U a. Bouk _ 1.1 J S. e'reet.ll•, c. Toaszatu en, Pe Mho. M...Partood, t t. or:). Capt. J. 13 lames,. K.. I+llCl{l ,3ll . 11 ILO. ce.Oemtcle L 0",. alco......arres Va.. t are cc. 4 , , ~ . so klacd Peet leerier...l, • Bums. up, Lag., Al feral Clttl• +m J V rt., Van. 1' MOM, dO P. LI. 13 6 realer, dd. M. Pro. . 4. It tda/llautecla, laat letberty. Jcbt. M o cCord . 4 ), , x 4.,.t. e te , worreuted we Ilya year*, s. choice iwK . ..O-hd. , d rlmw for Sale wad Pro, lam Qninn, CA.p, a . -Ctr.a. Etia.llo W. litirt.L. I=2 MEM C AIST IliN It, ,qtyeera Iron en advertl.nen.ut tor a steku d N•ln,d.y's Chr,eicte, that • • pons.o •• , l•.•• hit tb.orab lb. woutrY, eontlL g 11 , -1 No een c nC... wise top -e.en,an eery •s) lb. pubic that nu eaat tont. o it In tn• n rani 1 , 41..1 by so, , Chn p.raJo An n y...). 0,, I -ot 41 A - . ..b , ticts.uor bstst , . mgtens pith S. b.. , belt, t - s-, toe o nort, .rn p t t. r 0.4 n it ,np..a.• men et.d 61,012 3o ;eters of qte. rt.d ompLging Lim, As As ta, n•• s., r•al,,Le the Ls tos act.. CHAS. C. MELLOR. VItIOD 57U1 J' 11E11=11113Mill 'nor ILrld Umucal lustruraents, La=d • Do. au , rtuleti u. Il• !fC , br., wt.WIOLIF3, !, be will fnr low prior.: • --•----- A J t r..ceive r 3 ‘, - w11,% Pliht.o I e h r ' •n th h• q m In %h s • war vw•ig ps 4rite " u,k chNpei Ps, larU .1 M.l 4Aocts All Lll.ll4,Ltn,t .Id At lr.• We 4 Pi c••• mAIDIA .YititAlll, tt1.10.1. p0 vu. atnr No rs , xn 9t , Aet. EllobAro Atani .)1.A.N05 h NI hi.' DD‘NS. . A lArt, N fair: t~n'9 t Z ( dII N. L.l, 'is CgIii.IIIIATISM PLASUS, re. L.of.r. OP. ..sao. a -,, rn0.N0 p Wu. .i. m 4 141 ..aos tntrut 41 ••111N011 00 LA;rpn Mall ,1:11 -, 'n 561,006046. and aamosstrto of Issys SHEEP 1111:1110. 11111/11E, 41 i garet.t. CL-111 fra JE-r7B. SOI.Y.E.H.S . CLAM AGSINCY. W. 4. & HALL PATTERSON. cAiiiN A 't9 Y. 13. i 44 fr.7.,41T0 STRUM M 156111161 Apr ict pro , ur4d Doncti. Reck Ray nod Peso co: cot:ootttd to d.‘ meat; lal• p.e ibis. ate Chi Oi.):11)KL) Liu LDI *lOO BOVISITT Le &IL KthITSI3B, h :owt....hg 7811 cog with - ay Is cut:v:l.l. Si &Arse =1..4' N....vikur.a T, Lianised b..i tU. 8. m in. Ptaa ea,c, emar th.,ittthwdral. turhiB•B --- sci,DiEdie Cid Lait - BOUSTi METMCM AD tarx.Las o PST, rrzactlf Ilia ati la 9r amPzr3.3 a triaarts, He. ITS ►on»' 141M2at. Lb .e 11,1111.16.., i~IiILITARY CLAIMS, BOIMI PAIitTIONN BACK PAT azd 01,AlltS sr tarry deeceiptica, collected by the 10. scriber, al the follostas rut., raneßlllls SID OG, all alba diLiri3 se. a O. TATLOLL, /atoms).* tam G.can erc•kt, N. EL So chum* are cands , lf the claim-ante a=l as& sv4 clwas crotts, ,04,1tf .. __ , Nandi BARD _dust rimetata 0. P ^rem& nirDkr Is b. boos. Poe oh OtiodoOP .. Moos Cla DI MO 4,-,- RILIIIIIAW. oni WOW LThoirtT WI limed atnasba.; tr..lTAbl3;-00 barrls mly by ' ;mu , EMMY 71. JOBACEM4 Pith.OHM3, Proeirtrg gaily innl onn to tnunnad Was pt .Icrey and IMaratt Pavia*. W Pline 47 lc:a SIMI% AC ifiti by V. It. Mit roR 11 /gun boil* pain* . 11104 " . ., , 3 7;4 Edisto mey i ts ass crelitt . P! , " • 4tirr9xQ34loCli • : I . • - - 4,5,44 ODERANTS AND PIAMESL-Srr calitpt Sao tifte Cwriatic MO hagb Pra Os. Dfl feailte x:rasaa asap, ib...A.14 t. . ihad 124 Pkwad glaroici OLUME Oil Stocks for Sale. Cclamb!. I nceeeo, Lake:toy d Fittelerz,S Iron Olt', redelal, Flurstneck, Whitely, Yrd;orto rt..] other Coceennica. attetrion raid to tho and Beal erolneCeo. va .Irue:de:doe, c cf Steele., Bonds and Beal&tad, 8. S. BRY Alq, Broker aad raritratCo AVMS, .24 be FVUGTiI BT—Barke'. CrAIGIng. FOR A L A COUNTRY RESIDENCE In tb • Intr. of natsflidd, istr rcllea front the city. Ist No. Si. contalutrit liner..en six and tent Mrs; upon It Ie crated a 9,4 two atniy belt. limo, been, Diable, and otbor bolldlrgs 04,9 .n 1 well of atop lest ...Ur, tour ocrn el vont wilt Laub opened and lo good working order, will be add It ens lot or dialdut to anit purchasers. 1 r not bible. PEPT,AIIII 011 101 b will on ttaf. day bn schl at PrEue einSild; at If cdals k ea.. without trete., Title Ludistutebit clan . of tul9lllactite.brenn. Forms of mein will In mad. known az niti on GI.OE-GE 1 - (2IISEELL, Tr-coporantnerflls. 19 • OE, BALE aim Btosin Engine, 15 Irteh Cy under, n L...di Mote, au wt./ lma bed 22'anew valro goeuer_or Ono L 9 12:11 c74nlre, Lscl2 rtr01.22201.1 h 2.19. t. 151 atII to ea good el neer. Cr, T lr,r2 c - ,91:n1 ,-, s, 21) inth orate,, sew. one C " 9.5 'Swot:9ll , ler Boller. 30 tn. dbros., fas;l=2,. '92 me 20 " Ifi Tvc Wron3ht Leon Oil Stills. Al., Three 'nets of Boring 1"..10, for Oil Weil. Lor Er.qatre of IL if. BOLD . , apti elle.her; Blrur 13.. k.. near tise Podt. VOR BALE—The country scat of the t.te Donee., deccesed giants." , in Gil. Ilne township, one Lida f use. the All ' eghens Coo:Liter', contalL tog etctswe screw In • bkla stow, cf caltlvatien. being mewl twos°, were heft Imes, slernetwry ea , awl pertly andedeld with cal. To part lea ....:tog too pfoved pa... Testy. osnibliang edeantagew of toy, mo use y, health eod good oslghb.lsno.A. the •twore af t:ed. rare epportsinity of eDiellfq of ODCe 10 eke ea. of • scowl bons. for farther I:we/kalifs Inquire at the offlea of Me. LiGeW k DuUOL,Se, :0.61 Non rweet to.ll.lmd IL. B. DOUGLAS. p.)a TEBYT•ETOP.Y 'DRIPS 1106 TE. Coot.lulng its rooms 0z..•4 locaced on Ins comas Log.. no Docancr otroota. &too, • toro-story FEAILIS I±,ol - JOB, se.Jointuf; cho shore, hoQttagoo Logos otr.l 41. prepurty eau otouso. sul toss. Ilesquiro ot T. B. EWEN:ST, Lamer, tl.of al. blarpby Bri-D, 1,2.1k1e0 s or eroot. near Farr/. - . FOR SALE-1.2 acres of _ Id sssanld. all plantrd la bolt. Z. 5 ease below Janes Ran, Croatia{ es llallresd, sad Otto rtrar. 10 errs. sr Glendale @Wks, soil eitoated for s aat canotr7 brma, irlth a tir. - nnd ralroad front. Plke In, • For partkagars swan of O. 11142T110318. sr.! No. 10 Diamond, ,lkilgbinny Olty. FOB. SALE, b•W .1 1 1 L Tennyaon's Enoob Arden sob °Isar:PIMA, 2. Tr. MOLniasalc, or fibtriey Malt '4 WO' Gilbert.• ^ btatbsaC ie S. of if &scriber by au th or •• Margaret • 4. Avarua, r, Elarriet E Prer.ostt. t , f 6. One In the Weald, by S. i. Ards... S. front Cad to Ude and the TropiOS /Afar -- bisclie. 7 Tier kof Crag.= Prayar of tbe /Whited= Cbureb, erely n-s - heed • ror ean. by tau , 6l SAT 4d CO, 55 • EL14.1.."1/. i•••• Ltre'r vf Le 1 / 4 —6- 4'.L in •B a ri Pfl. SCEI.OOI. , BOOK) lin /Usk street. A LOT OP FRAMING TIMBRE., L'oll. Aladdin Oil Worms, if Crosd• Petrolaw= Tamla, I sonootancially todlt of pewee amber, no Inns rtt net. and will cortalnaorca 2:a Dance caola hooliatt.a ~ oty be e.eda at tba radz,r7 ASTDMOD* at t o OfDa. to Pitulooren. GILT.GETOS, JOHNBTOI A WILKIISS. ;OUNTR`i PLACE FUR watt ,stroni . wr.r eta 19 . 1 - ta, cut at.e. 9 tail tuf.e. Alit, 1.., ore' Pernervilla Planet tic., • atuall tr.ut vu BET /01, art Ler endl ssut, .19 F‘cr.t. tcrtt.. iturtt• r ----- 011 SALE-150 Acret. of Cold; also 120 KM, o. Mont caal to pool No. V; ont n act o a me dlr. 0 aod Lao. naproraaouta to Kood worn. Io cider 1r...1 No N; ow tn.t oa the. Toninta6hodi rim and Clonnellsrlllo Railroad Ensi, eI WlL'A at n WA.11.1), and drrt door prom Irllb on tirant 'IIK SAI.E—A acod Varrn cont ki o ing E 11e. pc nal-1.75 &eared, 0.1- - anx grvfl timA.rral. 10, wan. wel t I..rg.a frame barn. An oriaarl of 50 f sit in..; we ina , r.rral, and Rat •abrinista. of C.O. Situated t.eaar Varliutfal, &ever CCU.). ANA) 03 0r.2.5 B. DC LA I C0.,101 Tourtb atm.! I'.lK oeLk.,-PENN STIMET PROP I rary.-n. threirrttry Brtik Dir.4ll4;utat.. Ina fot.rt rooms, No. 14 Peat litres; with lo . t, baring front of 20 test 6 lochua, running bitch 110 fait to whet tiler. The shore le a wn •teelitrit Lamed= for rtiottitisetttratti. portico.. calro ot irititi T. hiciIIALL.A.IID, 55 Vlttb street. tram 10.W3 MOW 1. 1 pat SALF, pLE 71.00815 G. Ingrain 01cUCLIW413 a DOVIL&S, It Nam strset: tUR SALE.—A. fermi' containing 116 32 nem, mineied in Snowden twnship, Allegheny county. tine mile from Storey's an .4 Mu cello from Pittsburgh. The farm is well waterel eui In • good mete of Cultivation. Parr further patio:thus Unities ca the prwaatih- Cr of the eub.ttlhat 1-. k. a. SIMPSON , 000. 4m COUNTRY Sii.AT FOR SAIA.--At So V Wetter, • ILL •talesh b ersiael • snoZano ol•la afitt• ra?soa, ontbgklietry Iteds traitaad tumor ttartlnHOgapriap. Cavitre at . TO th. 89(119, 11.2 ?MA tr.-st )R KENT—A FINE swim BOUM. o Dwelling and Stable, an lot •buse the 044 coulA, 9 redersi larva, Atiogrway Clity• Poem:dos ATes 51.7. formerly cccupleil by DL Clown. PO3 JOHN ORAN, 1:10.111 Ks To LICT—One front and otro back Parlor. 1 I.l'.tio :or ,-1 14 , 94, ou 5.0n.t stn.::, txterecn 'go and Varlat. Voqulrn at •¢231./ 63 OA WENT , corn., a: Th.el. Brick Cwollrn,z Ha N Clay altry. Al.*, • Pram• Howts, essWa •oatalotng oar r-•0' Hi miter•. Tar a►te by y Ctl-.I3BFIRT It !MN k. VI orkot et. MEMI IS/ L ACKRILLI h JORN`.IO24I, Avvronstr.lri-A.Ti.7LAAR, ALTA 11. S. 11CNSS59 BOILMIEW CLsiffi moms. Bowittoo tor Woooded Itaidare collecool la La= too o tsoory eop. ler No. 91 osorti mon, PitulpuO. o.p, with dlocharso and ton, .ttn.R.. &Ms No -AR : enumay-a•mos. No. 106 NUM Stroll. PittlttaTN. rh• Qslts to MalollB, 15,11M 1 K, 1 r 7.513 11 EOM NY, U., vtectowd, prcescgt.i. - Was, Jl 2llB _ LELFF.BETY, • ATTOIIIIMY.A.T.LAW. ,Aii.cM The-.44,40;rpdy iittesubd •• (Mee, Ne.16319)1311TEt MB/2M toes Groat, lottes, 'biamim2/t - "aan3fs r.A.w bse its. 88 Glair imam rasammivz.-------“--. comann, Li g K. , C. &MOTU, , AM= t 3. saw.- Qat% _ftsta. *TA " "!.i 4 ! .-; • • . . XXVII---N • 2i9--7 B9OKIIB. ALBUMIN pc.. n .ioz. T w u y a a l haiNG BOOKS now reit! HENRY MINER'S.. lig T P aT JANE., LAOS SCOTT. _ Dsegi of Sir Walter Iff'ffit .11,1 _ " The Eco-Pcolmi glib•ad." 1 rr.ter.-41.1,3 IY; SZ 121 OuNa.l3 _ - TLX PUIDIi OT LIFE. A Newt, we .TAR. Cc-. 1-. V. Cr,: to il. s neer pr...4.lnstion became* Mt: rorel nr nese. the otilluarT Isom of Ms diry...,..... tenshly Int, rtnitlrg, It le easily atil htellsaileierflA%, the char.:tell tt-izz, well dhalsoinitted,, sa d silt s Tiomra and sallfol beach. The frookfirtilly plied “The Prids of Lifr." as It is • rAtnlingesz4` le lion of 11:at sorldlioose that Iv to prosationt ea efeelhed stoop It, mare pro:perces of manilla . ifee end recto otrirciellr In the LlAbrr li.illprif evolety. Ihe Insane folly of "pride of Llrth, "* o=s regard be the world's oplakea,af ceoluelFasseof ASP 1,,y, t but regards ertrything sad aterybody witligia ....1t..1:1 narrow <info rs lallrior7 Waly,Sr,lll , 2ll wo . c—ere tetwked rote a pee of powr; sad wipe. m.: a maretl to at that the mac opal that csieltew nonce the conoestptiLle nontence, can peDdsolltli l PSlLAS tree-iti nerd sag char-ighted writer sta LadyAMs, ,, , the ttory of the tale Miteret the rfaiiiiiiiid it.: . tired and ezeOleat clrl, the dangtter et a pear nersol L'.- I,IIE end f an artist of merit, with a ectov4ift i hie aristocret7. Th e treatment of the lady aid_ ~.., I famly forololoa the gap'. of the book. bat la d .. r. Laid Arlington, Lad, Heron, lie. tleggrligaaaitAilder 1 ell Amu, haul', Lady Boott has not ortiflVOqllllle ability as a writs, Lot ha nobinno tars wassittNlA..: of thr. ate A. olAracters, Antly painted. ; TheArbOU t end their crow, also. are nicely draws, and 'roof of their egeotivenets le, that one heartlli chow from testae lag to cad, el II they Wets. itlelte. The plot le adroitly catered, and, ea before o the work to execa - dingly interestini. i -40- s -- , ---. FLIZTITIONS IN FxsalortAaLE eI:I9W HT GATTI V.1f.1.21f: SI.NtL&M.II: Anther of -Patrice," 'lLl...tern Ac.-omplishmett . llllo. TBICE,-51:10 in. rerzi:, Id /A CLO:lliki ."I"he anther et Ilfatrio> h. dispsayod WWI • ern ty to this Dew work. it It ono of a.m. r ~creoo tlow that only mate choir ay.....c0 Arlo* lartrimb In • tho litttvy sky. lake thle 4=4 gitil t le. , Its mark fn., ...L.:7 and ere cordallyr.rinCßMi' mend it to each of our r...1 , re as lore rrh3 4 o:.; bock. '3 he anther deets her bleara right and peeing the deceit end ortifico of fot..hionale end is culc.tiug hens that e'en sham iftigac moat thank het ter. This to • ran -e.nd than book, and one which she 1 hatrattialagpare , tore nposi the popular tablet. The p0r.V01t..04 bon do. their part IleeraUy. and at harsher. o f auf boLdsormoz sod beat Imam of the Ilara oingiadiv. pleffeat day. 2;5. io Coplee of the atoea hoot. sent by mail frw arbor co roceipt of price. HEM ELY 111 NE,.. . • 71& 3 1 , 11111 13111.SLT, next. door KINGS, QUEENS AND KNAVE* • so rosozs NXIIOE-SLITT EVIIITWRZICZt L 2,1131,015 US ID LONG ISOIIGIT.q Oa: Emits*! Emblems, , JA f Engles, Shields, Stars and 94*, Dedicate the ectlai ha the NKELICAS CUED CL MINIII 4 O - ITNION PLAYING OkaMil COLONEL LEETEND 01 KM. GODDFaS OF 1.11i03,17 LVETE&D OR laftda. I'4 MAJOR INSTEAD OT JACK. 4:1 LC - l'elon Cards are pet cr la a neat JOHN W. PITTOOK'S, NEWS DEPOT, ;,_l3lOOl. 717 R 61ZZE - r, orponTs THZ POST HIS TENNYSON'S NEW BOOR EllOOll ARDEN, 1 Vol. 1 Om°. Pecs, DAVIB. CLLBL bp°, 11Woil4Strult„. 'And adjoining A:7D SCEIOOI.3TI2IOWEIII4 :Tilt 12 - C - 11.4 .I."T 74 LiCeitS. GiLITI.IOIEN ± thG .FIRST CLASS I:lA2l4lEfip3. tat the/Km - 7 .17A5131011ABLE axed " grval4<lo c - 41 so call ow; I L 6. ME & CO., IBROILINT lALORS, 4 mum or rim &ED errrir riewitouteraim dmikor.4 • i W. H. McGE4 . 10 ST. CEDER Woolit cal the attahtfon of buy= taiifit;al4.. chwa. It hoe boat dotted with tfrool hilfoi "his all the vowed stilts of goo& 5:1 aloha taxam. Not. wiflltsit mit of a Mal :10 odes. will View& can loot, azoolho hi; whim& pica h full sad complito Furnishing G 0 00; • • 1 A. H. ILeCtILI,' Eccitipit 7bagi. 1; , i4 ii.lo St- etatr er§ 4 : PfttiVilark, BOYS' LIICEN SUITS i ; t, ~11 1 white Back, Vests . and gantsT . Broun Buck Vests:audilittit% ' • usthsitLonr. BLUME, Etv,,la in livigig W.J AND MUNI ekt INSTIL usi L.Trg Sol. liageall KNADT t 00;8 PIANOS, RAIME3III.O3. PLCSO4 .4 passc r, a CO.l NUSIC , DISO3B.ipo:4 3 llth Pond door aboa , Wot.l; Pittebiatk MOM talsk, sad e.t.a In ezahaars ta now. 4* = slAt vv KLEBE3 44 BRO., D,4, ens in Mow XUSIOAL UMW*. .T 3 ,, gad so% Vretitte=tit rs. " ?WC'S rad& Dea i ia - r n Plough' IILIMODEON: de., No. a Ir_4Pal gtmokblioisik Voanik steertualt Wooed REEtT., taw , co, . O o T 1 0. Coxnuag" sion. Pg - haut e ; HI wiraxTr Wt:f- - Mtk t yi • r pastor of "cgarte. E 412 , P. iff ladl= fe - sr" ad - 3gowebn Just Dacialvat-by A ta;PLTLY JPET 111101,17* !It 6t AY es • no.o, =Lures, USIA , A _ - ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers