tit • ~ • ~,,.:„.,....,•,.:.: -, ..-... i .„...i._: ~...:., ir burgh (15, 11116141/14, .6.170178 T 30, 1864 NATIONAL UNION' -NOMINATIONS. vas riturnir t: ILlNcor,v, or nunabc • ' vas via s o m a,oliar of anTatum:nee Moir curry TICKET. 1 Cl/1/0/ K. 1100/1131I&D, Yltiabctrol, 0031:1111.1a1.421D DIBTECT : THOMAS WILLIAMS, AlL:gbany acrArs f 111011611,7. AIGIL4III, Lower 81.-C7a JO/QI P. °TAM qty. • 3. A..00L1111,114.0t 7 . ALVA= NAM, *Nem* `Mtn B. .. 1111103011, :AMUR& CIFF&DWItIo 111, ,L.,,M1:911C111 T. 11110 . 1CFB. /South rape,. OtOMMILD PILLOW. indium. QICOi B. laiß mi lt z ; Co an: 11ftiolfY CRAW IS, City. • • PCiol nuereca : • 6. - B. D&Y00 Bs 414. _ Two orl more Reptiblioan Goiernmonts The Light Breaking. within the limits of the rni:ed States are , itelka darkest boor or the night is jast be- Fillet able,th ore deepotism. Aka the dawn; earth the proverb. it hes I Governments feunded eron force or cocr• bees either dark of Late, bat the dawn le at i Glen a e oli n n i ecesetrily imperial despo dins. fe 6 ales are not o nation, but a leoutand !hint gleam of, light are E already On fedexney d of nwi na. eiggetior the •Eeat. Whit we want wow L e The States are the principals to the (tonal: rational compact, and the Federal Government Liana: confidence and earnest work to fi ll - *vow Melt& The triter of General Say- ill only the agent A country where one-third of the S'Ve3 OM ISMI tine'pleture at tho Re:einem. it are pieced to the other two-thirds by bay... -- tiv ire pidi p pi e kti rg ~,,, eiheeeue, In the rd.!, must teerestrily be a tyranny or a monarchy, loth at heme and abroad, dit agltt-GiallOan ister(oll,,JE77eB.lo4 Dons monarchy, war etidnia dist Ste Coefederaoy has four millions law Rations.s are always fatal to republican and ii , hare p eo pl e yet remaieiug within rte State rights and popular liberties were the Malta, a claim Girt ehows oxacry where the prco:ons Jewels of our Confederate system The Unica hoe been the sestet in widen they liebellion etude. Three years ago the Con. to Immp valuable, not led re try t y claimed to /Mee [inns th an thrice pared inThecatke' value is to the jewels.but 19 Ilia fear millions, but Missouri is gone, Mary. latter tuna& be saved at all etents. bind is gone, Kentucky is gone, and large The delegation of power from our Govern wt. of every State note embraced in the a rri f io ta t l r o e anoih in b n o r, does not oneaotpre eclethe ids; ffillifederney axe gone. Nay, worse than the, ewe is - abld Ete Y d pe et,rt u tt delegating, n the stamina of tho Southern States is gone. The it Richmond &attar/ has the same rope - Their batkbooe to broker,. !aliens of the CI- cm go Convention as V.,, , It is answered, "Etat they are droop, enough Richmond Nennseer, the New York froefi yak to keep us at bay, to bold our armies In and the flibany -irsroa, fleets are some ex okeek, and to defy US, with all oar power.' trettte from an article in its is u. of the 20th ft le true tbat their endurance, and energy, I of Augnet • and heroism are worthy of a better cause, but I To weath , r the next oil weeks wilt be e the iron shroud is, noverthelees, sleatiPy lmom ti.fficalt teak for theNotth-- Within that tiarroviny, and - the closing in must come at I t it la j in'C '' e . cntat .„ '' li i at h the ap proaching '--chat Mobile follows in the Woke of Hilton Chic a g oalready dt t al nli° e n ed — d - e - et, - ,, a r , v t a y e iJ e n ti t : , Head, and Roaucke 'Diet, and New Orleans, already distracted and diecouroged ranks of and we are waiting for Atlanta and Web. the North. It may eoggest terms of honor mond with the acme feverish anxiety we felt able peace. At least, it will be sure to befit, *rex ago when we waited for Port Hudson r ot a tb i e u r c ti c r: r e r c taa mtf o t: tllPieluliattra7lrrwi'alr and Vickeburg. Oar armies are hogging policy is equally directed against tie 'Remy thee* platten with a grip which becomes of the North and the independence of the eraser and deadlier every lay, and the life. South. Let no await patiently the reedit of that CODlrrOtion, before committing fated of the Rebellion to oozing out, drop by to any spe •fio terms of peace, for gtho ourselves hae drop, in he bard etruggle to maintain its hold mach to fefr from that result. We ha ve nosh- Union Mate Letttra/ Committee. On tbOtel Vital pteitions. I ing to apprehend from IL It may impe le, A me,lee of the rel.. sewn (antral come.tit.., ant thwart or er_bs.rress the plans and porpoacs b , ivied et the committee room, is the city of Phtte• We make rises remarks by way of intro thof,,trhesilaartitanrtwyora,tethe North. It may make den eio, on Tioe - anien, IG - p:embee Ist, ,“ few o etzt, I A .... deletion to a ethtement we are about to make , bet cannot ad-at ours . It le e arr_oenly rezteott I ,hat etur f memo., be puu , trtal tireni•the meat reliable anthority. An officer to ittectiancs, au tut, nem or gnat Ira,tortaDe, wilt be That Blows plain enough the of the Coi• 1,„• e g ht hero.. the ixe. Bi t m te u s :i • cilit,a,,,,, ~,,ad.., hi OW Western army, who has Just returned ergo Conventien. Then the Ser.6.l hoe AL-. Aroma a visit to General Geiser, with whom he ether hem which eingularl enoug h also A W ill an terms of familiar intercou•se, says that animates the hearts of the Chi r rta a devot , t . " TB:: ' r ' '' ' ' ' '''' 1 ''''''''''''' the Lieitielinni General was never so confident I,el us await, too, the esp•rimen g t of the 's nit.Of Mentes Re new. General Gea_vr expressed pending draft If it faint, the North yeti; h. to MB GtEcir prech,ely th e m ite ~,,,, o f t h e almotet withcrit an arty, and we shou'd be f ---- --a I'FDERA I, OIL C.ylf PANT.— ezitsußrea condition of the Rebellion as that 1 sate of batter terms of peace than we could Ie sse' A ',rotates e the users or D.teaknr• an, b . b.ll t now hod e for. That it will fail, a. least our. ;, 11 , 1 ,... 5 , et , :st' .. . / A 7 1 7;7 t , S4 e a ), F f . ' tt e elsttl, et to. illf forth by General Barnum. Eft says that tinily, teems to he expec.ed or apprehend,' `'",,,_, ~ J T , :bleb; 8,-B.oarr -. the fighting tamer the Sou th are not only all by 1 01 l prattles, even emcee themsoiree. I - . ______ L _ , c 7- 3 =r 1.. A —hi, lathers ~t th e °Her in nongoripted, hitt that all the old men and boys may ghe rise to mobs, theta Tevo'ut,Ortary C. :he ~viral Vtls 111 I I ... CI 1 az. nytt.l.l tO -- who ten be mule available are oleo in the ou"o"" and civil war in that "ati " . 1 inc..l, at , ull.lB. 110 ~ au Telleuval, 41.00 t mu_ nt And here to a singular coincidence, in the I tt 1 ,,, , , , ,: : . - t l i , to field, sod that every .blow against its arallee Ere ;lowing antiotpatione of the future, shared I inflioto a lose which cannot be repaired. - alike by Chicago and Itichmood : estimates that, with any great battle, and Six ence we are alm)st sore to be swhile the country is complaining arid oh. fi ag i,lO a muchb e t ter cctidition to meat for peace —... atnantnetunio is not done, the Rebel army ta than se are now, and our enemy in a - lt , y ploitet.firtzur, akiredthing, sickness • deur ft mccl, were. condition. Wit bla that limo it lions, etc., &pitted at tho rata of a regicacat may to thtat we shall Lave del aei and gtt li efter, without any means of repairing its 111',, src'd,.c‘dr,,c,llec,:;,,owri,ecsc :fa,taorti.:',oB,l,,:.;;l: lessee; while err, allowing oar looses to be pet irg the bulat - ce bon - I - our territory Si; eqtutillyiteary, con not only m2ke they goof weeks hetet, letter 1 of waging. defensive hp:freak arrivals from - the populous and pros ' ant int c, c e may oe invading the enemy a peons inferior, but can and do increase the t ',,,"01.:,,d ,7„-,,,,,:5„...e-,,°,,,,r•tvz.i",..--rtr. 'omega tau ut herd our forces. (These opts- o r a I,b.n that peri P d. Time is victory wi P tit . icusaf General GaAs! were expreseed one or Red defeat 10 Our etlertteB weft ago. Stres then he has telegraphed to From this coincidence in sentimeros, a.m. theßeereiwy of War that he estimates the sort at uriptitionf, the tit of• r / naturally en titled lecaes, during the two weeks preceding" prise the meet eompsett !rete es the date if that dt. , patch, to amount to ten ' We ore heartily sick an I tired of this lone acwe eti r , t .„,. ; , - ~, A, 1 1,,,,,..., e).O expressed ”'. oily aid eruct star; eo ere alt of MIT people. 0,,,, opinion that ho could exurb lb, Rebellion But let ua ce an .h tt o o u ee d ly i tut::re, lest oar anzt this fall, end probably withent a battle, if he n 'Y ig ' : ' Etif ta t .; toe opportunity c ur wary * o a ve rY rro l L 'id h C a U o n d . Ini , d in ell his armies ? 5 0,000,woremcn. entrap 0, Into improper eoncesstoce. At no , Stich era thou cf the 'Lows of tee Lienten. nor during the war have we stool on each •D vo . ning. round At no ttn, hei•e we lot Geniis). Int us pal OUT nth in him, let ' '',, t t c,, grad "„,,„„ t ,„ ~,,,t,t ~,, e ,i, we h,,,, gillTti 44 to / 1 " Eeniult letus giqp 'aim 'be mene ' e,r tualt i ti.“l , .nrtuel ei Ualt,n li IollBi Ice reels. amt the eel of the tires... flehol.9oa re r, ric net. , gannet r lor[ , aelay..4l . Let the Chicago Thc.yreeptot of re i)-moatatic vicfory, which 011111.eltintl Vt./ ipr., its rand-Jan and i ' ICC -o teßl . de , o the it.F...1 of the ' , .,..•, , ,1 make biro cn m plait fitzl which calla tor a Deshon4r- a ccref dfrt !het it will get au tow I. e war able Pelee, but let ar myth in putt "t. 7 a fin a-bed What the' ie, sa rett,t-e el. fitly sts el Letting blow to the fta,-;too, al :d hold our b,;,, the li:ohmend bit", rh • &tree in rectiltecto to welcome the giur i ous T:,. Goverttateue of the Confederate S ate, ti- s fie right es Ft•ei trp one foot of territory day (tut be sn-2,ar it. d:c n h..luzg o „ to or claimed stay any of the Sover• et:platten whose area it ts. The Yankee 00, ElVrenti well not aeree, at this time, to mete pe...re iv.thent a huge Sloe hem then lord. kr..:B;..peinays, In soma .15180 C 8, without he elmio del o whose States. in V rciatz, it would Mai,' upon claiming allot 'h y c.ll Frt:er Virrniee in addition to Bid Punt and :intuit le Kentucky, Ter4tesere, Ifies uri Nitry t and, they ' , cold c'nim the whore State . Elsewhere tole maims would be bared strict'. ly upon .hr yriemple of uri portderts. N o w, flee goys:Precut of the C ofolerate States toeiticol maks ci.,y ouch wasp its this: It cannot eedtT a - . y terntory it-longing to any of there Stat . a, eyes one of which to a nation— A sovereignty as digit:in. 1,t4 Great Brawn or Fiance. It eon make p.:..n0 on ao other 'terms, eo far oe we Can see, thanthose noon Which it hen mato than once pledged Itself— absolute indemvadenc., and the complete In tegrity o' all the States. The Engui , er oleo gets forth the only condi tions cf Peace they will accept: Save en our own terms we can accept no pence whatever, and mite' figat tit] doom,-Jae rather than yield an 1010 of them, mud our , e , ir.. art ' rest Vitra lor Vo:uoterring. During the past.,two weeke n most command . •• 11/4,REleit ha! bsin manifested in too' of the loyal*B4t.ep v rs'ard to the Preside:el:a Oali forisekobb ZreHmen. la Many of the • Stalee;rearotin 'amens the Ramber, more than •'• halter their rerpeetive quotaa will 6tl tided by *oltasteere, taco farniabiog the Garen:Mum! Wilk a bolter atlas' OP men elms' the draft Waal and rlievieg tife pop le,. to a great extentog 'oho? hardshipe ;.he e taraement,of thit diettialttiitilto would' ..:Veiiribli.Produce. If la:really ia.'eanee , for' ~ ..- , 7rapigdwpf• -* *4lreokegiridefbat the pat, ird:i ..„ , Ll*ao4./iher4i:y of the people bare eo:not.ly kihrt , e Bert wale)... of the misefry 'the 111183 the eaf.reiroont o' Fitito::narietrripri:ft , to be wittily avoided •. - la alone oie ;us to th , fact that all men do not pose r= Yee varlotissa and Ilberalty which CaVgiler- , .:112 - tarit. There is every reaeon to: C-/ oic been:, , he real cf rhil•rie• the. 171:1 , aniit Tipp ount.,/ en ,fah,. be P.r. tr.0;1‘... arid, much yet. rt— ..11.51r.0 to 'La . 1 0,.z. A fow two. king dap are 1 4 ,f t la , witch to old the Wpm ry tad pr Wait 'a the britikirg up et mazy a ram. y. l'odeg siert ". pstrygke - to are ready to ,ale sleer if c 4ff troy be paid a locai bottbti. In sato dfalrioNt o attar.; Seamy foods ..41510, eueurk money hes not yet been sob. 51!..their stlotas. ooiy a few thou ? --eittuddollaiO, kabala, are needed to et cue the itAaleutenUmber of Yslusteere. In all each lAltaett' , WW true; that there will be yet a littit. ..b.iret liberality raardfaeted, and tild, if oe .oet,eary,,•eern ieiuniary see , fmcs will be enede.:-.Lunt..the drat ho avoided wherever -1t wa4 br .oro hardship where it ft, ' and y - 4 will be entitled r:SLIOn'e gratitude audio the bias -4,0,--7,"1: tre.e OJcd L'oek sive are i,.11t , t.!- , sgsupata Co.osao !hat Vat 4 SISEI BEN oral Fit.t.9,ofDo irodb liglat:: ..,-4-.7.0r..rt the ..Peace..thmventicp, whoever he I=s FA. Or OpliMe thfy Will Suppost the nominee. Do tio artat the poiiir set der.re the se;aol he 143 sneardcd,, or the - mother to dl own Lax arta obv.d?", Ses;port the nominee indeed! E'e ei pect text Chi receive the Se3l2TetlCO LEVit. 410 soften .'ot - Valimeklemeot. and the 170003 rig ytppzoTes meeer, Jisr Dacia, als4f pep net to be totitbat which.orcryv,llool -1 Lo.kn y.owe 1 r..4:esAraioxirs„ii State which theCoprtsr leade profeei to hate, faroloiteo tbor.uslo for The Woos* Convention. - • lauffe, Iviwr via levin LITZCTS 111 Spatting of the Democratic party, therAt• hats Re‘giefer 0 We COD zein nothing by denouncing them. Wo may lose much by presenting a hostile front to their pease movements. Live with thew under the same Government we never will. But in the meanwhile. If they use the ballot-box against fdr.'Lincoln, while we use the eartridgabcor each aide will be a helper to the other , and ' both cooperate in accom plishing the greatest work which the country and this continuance witnessed." That the , Boca will be gratified In this re spect there elm bete doubt. Bat DAVIS says: "Withdraw your limiest from our territo ry, and peace will come of itself. We do not seek to mahJegate you. We aro not aging an offensive wax, except Co far as it t ie Offen -160 defensive—that Is, CO far as we are forced to Invade you to prevent your Invading us. Let no alone sad peace will come at once They will do this, also, for the World hoe pledged McCum.as to an armistice and a withdrawal of the armies. But DAVIS says further:— it We are fighting for Independence cud that or extermination we will have." And this, tee, they can grant, for with them the following "Political axioms are Indisputa ble:'— ii crch , i n by tLe en, tr. y o• :he Icd Ten• dv cu t .0 4 , nt 04 , at 11 . ‘1.1,0 f0,•9 from •e. • 0 , Ci utk, 11,/,liri , • 0,1. . : .1: • W:t' wni of th: t•liel • (10, Miry Nnri until (hot ttrAte ebnll defhde by tyro reit, whether Fin . A 11,311 reresTe In th e Crbiezt or auk edroiesien lute the Centei- Or8+3)". • • • Cem . ient on tho part of.the Ftderal I31).131:11. Mt. I. to giTo up to th”Clotatedersoy its propor ,ion of the nosy se: it 'stood et the time of bte , •MO D. or to pay for the /sate. liir•etino op of sli pretearlone OA the part of the F '4141 0 0i11,111,1.11t to that portion of I; a old - Peer iories ' , Anon lies neat of the Cl/II federate °Antos. do tyri üblo nettlenmnt on t 3 -o haeii of , eor ir.deper.deree rid oqual rtoit a of al 11000110lr of the puhllo ckin m d public tondo, nui; dor an - rant:we noortriog front foreign rrentlrs. Bu' tce D:rpatch wavily ictimatm that nil this bus and cry et the North about Pes44llts merely Ect hold of the spoils, and in that it rndoubtedly tells the truth:— " Our people nre tired of the war, no dqnbt, .rd this is tbo reason why they are e 0 eofly deceived by everything relating to prate that from the North. They ought, en under stz.cd,.f th-y do 120 t, that there are two pieties. there, ore of which to .n sad theoihrreek end th.t the party which Le oat is tr)ing to [be party which is in is the party which is pro:tenting th.l4 war. The party which lo sit sonsilinice two portico at the moot opposite recrimento. One of Ikeentle pots hostile us than la - coots - , party. The other alTcats to be ter pease, and noes the peace ory s o eg oast LIUOO/11/.. 1f164 combine at wai..t is extremely doubtful, it will be for too putpeeo of expelling 'the present incumboot (a ocr7 difoault jobj_ aati, getting PbsillwgioP 'of the spoils , 'phials are, hoyorodoompittivion, Mcarineuri, an com e purpose of . patris*at. Etbould they seer. eaeteed, vrtdch we bolt he hish skin to a miracle, it is very ailadcli whitber we, stould bare peace. the present war causes a - disimzscrteut of a thousaad mill- °l w' year We deliht very moll Whether there in any party in rfaniXeedom notsesentS virtue enough to midst the temptation of hand. ling such a sum, and the successful and to oho war." party must forego all hope of doing so, if it put t'w But the D irpatch hopes for something from the Democrats, provided the BMA elands aloof, ond,therefere adviser as followst Even If we expect anything from thepeace party, which we do. not, we eboald think it not at alliartsable taloa.: up our curse with their proCekinga If they can really, In any manner whatever, beof service to the eatab lishmentof peace, it must be solely on con dition that they keep aloof from all corres. pondeneo, association, or stuspiolon of oar reepondenee sr association, with any party in ofe Confederate States. Tho bare suspicion collusion would destroy their usefulness at once. In that view of oho ease, we cannot see that the interference of Mr. George Sanders and his colleagues is calculated to produce anything 'bort of unalloyed evil: Then we hews the following from the sane El/posh: It is stated in some of cur exchange; that WM. BARNHILL 4R C 0.,. Sown. a commission from the States of Ohio, Illinois •,•::" ',AKERS AND BRED" LION WORK. and Indian:lls now 111 Richmond, in actual- , Ens, Non St., Nos. 20, le, 24 and 00. Noah's no. mien with the Government an the !object of ' tame urn sad nuntmets newt Woman ha s fie* navigation of the nltseissippi in ante of Fro,d towhlnory, we an. prep...al to manntantatro the formation of'a Northwestern Confederacy. owrydowrlptlon of BOILERS In the b n .: wen.% dm If each a commission is in Richmond, it is ogt ,„l any too& o tho ouni. kept as silent as was the visit of the Yankees, I pyre, BRIER EN, rate BIM, STEAD PIES, Jacques and Kirke, for neither the prose nor LOCOMOTTIM BOIL CONDENSERS, SALT the people are aware of its presence. snob ! PANG , TAKS, OIL STILLS, AGITATORS, err. an event, however, would not be enrprizinn TUNG PANE. BOILER IRON BRIDGES, auras we are well aware of the disaffection In , pA2,2, sot , usamus.rurors of the West toward a war which is impoverish- rars.ra RULER% Ropodrin g dons on theahortost leg that emotion while it Is tilling the pockets mutat of the shrewd operators of New England. „„„, As regards Peace and peace negotiations, it w ''• • •- •-••• • • •-•-- .... wa. says: I DZ.- ROBINSON, REA 6. CO., (none. The highest authority kniwn to the laws of ox en ra to nM277130.. wont Itlttsatas,) cur country, hns repeatedly deo: tr...d .t we TJN WOMES, Tocur.eus 11..routirrers. Pittsburgh. WANIIINr are ready to make peace as eon the coo- ripru.ractmrcrs a BC-AT AND STATIONERY my stall have ceased to make war upon us. ! TEAM xlionin, ENGINES, MILL eta. Lecuin is the man, nod tho.ottly man, oho le I cam:LT, nEynricia, SUASTINO, OASTING, authorized by the Constitution of the United I eu ess-crlpissr.s OIL TANKS 1 STILLS DOILEB States to appoint Crmgroisaioners to treat of ex p :ark:1.1 110N woi t z . peace. Any proposition from tics olds, to be Aerate for GITFARIYS PASE.:IT 11 :11PAITOlt FOB of any weal!, roust br. wade t) b'Ll. olisho Is prepared to place our cuutry Pa"- LNG BOILEna. h 9 foot- : _ elool, or who dors not Ott thst, by do:nr so, we leave it in his power to pr,or.rie the germs? .as he himself to the aggressor, by this oaurse wo ocknewkedge hum as conlusror. Are we p spared to make this aoknowletlgtaent t Certi,inly we are n - t. Nn Tarty in the Co n . h. LI , ncy is ready for that. Tea the oily we coo do in to kelp on townotg h.e a mite until oven's. whether occirrtng here, or within leis own Territories, force him to ix, le proposals Thou we watt m-et lam with the otiiy amuse -it ie postibbt for us Co give: wit ht.i raw y our fie us and armies, treat on the bnois tf ic , leprnitince red interrity of bona. of roe and. we are ready to ,:rd Comiri.es ira 'Ors to settle all zufttere of minor rancid era iks ' Ch!cago will nominate UOCLELLAN. who wilVt ptocrd on a platform deuanding an armistice, a withdrawal of our :leas Bud armies, end a Convention not p'.edged to re. store the Chlon, and Richmond by ling in such comploto harmony, how con we doubt the ooneequssees that. would tlyrr from a Demcorstk) tiotrry PUBLIC .4rOTICES. HE A NNU MEETI NG 0 9 TErE , vE nu; Deily r Iktiatc • n r.fcbt.a., aid to at th....16,:s .•f W. P. bc. i• - 7 *tour ttret.t, Attsa,raL trtil ray `T. °"`"`"' "'" °"' •"' 10 red 1 r'TO NERVOUS SOF *sae OP 3t.r the., ult.. a c D.rott `pely, and t,s-sta t , J ottit.r bc.alttma cb a.• f c.c. , b. ft.r.- IL. 16 taetk , Imolt6 Ir. a Inv Gs,a, azdtri„.46:: Ftt 114.1 .. 2 " *. L w b- truth, end ni elyt,e've o 1. OF. ITN Di r ,E ri; CT St eAL ttaatomt.. trrtlv--at cnott.tort It Ws sacral 4,0,1 D P. tt - tll t, aotottrtuticsatz to 411 tt., O b!VhDe noac• cc: net. tae rt0..1,1 li.lhe 6t4 1.610 P 6 NE.11% 4, ; t••! A I eel i• Jaen. tb, • 1.1. eel r a l'Ao lit •11.[!. T. f't.si , tag,, e •hal -p.a.& 2 S‘MCAL.: :.d l'r ootpal. 1 Z•cl iTtjTE. , Le Fa I x , d 11 . 1 a ter of ;J. 5.t.4w1 1.411 en , • September sth I cr., c r ,•1 I' •an 5t fEett e, cr clrtxtil.g 1,14, i . 8., Cr .4 CO CUT ' - ' , ".:^ECOND N MW, A LLEG 11 liN =MET 6012%11 20; Or THE .•:ECOAC WOO. A' gi., r ; Llll r , qat. ;••I[l, fbelkrrAfet ',llk !.; st 1., On,. E. 1. 7L. pa: io u fy: v tb, 1=!II=11!IIIII aa2..:t 11,1'fb71 F I Lail' CXYM P Ny Mot tr. r. STA It.--L,go. Indoca.o. at. Una --• notate Halo b•ela• ra,re.o..f a Pti a1, , •t0, for days Loa lb.ivroer pyrtlOD W., 1.. ore .4,4, a; I u enlist for ..a. pa, be now • to a•I of ....of-voz for tf.st I o • Went. al Tillieg LIUNDRItO 11 . , L1,1111-7 , (. HuNbmco /ilk ts. CS 1, 01,1211:1; AND rirr ()ANT!, Caall I.ti HAND !”. floor," IC. Loonarl, larmt.rly 1314 Laxiseer a the r 413,1,14 1 ,1.1• lat fr.i.aoa,atly so I,ff be :0004 eftiq WILK IN. H A 1.4., from agora it otebary Informailoo ftlay be ofna'aee. 6 ft. HAL', jrn t Copt- Oeted'soo A. On. •LAWitt CEVfLI.H., Tha 6i:1,o• of Lavrvnerville ar::1132.44 Every Evrnlng until Further Notice, AT tOBINSON'd HALL, re I.k. th• wesrary meant:i.e. log filing the (milt with iwlnietweiw. let all Yew ere in taviir ct ay iniding nag g vemaggent, mint - caging oar noble; army, sal egiwi. hing Ih. [shakiest attend and glee aide active ar , A tf^CY wave -are 4.7 i Ca! .OI rT.a THRATtik i.ow.. an . Wll. II EN IPARROV. 5c.,,. t`tb: 4 rt..at [ITS' CA) •t,t't'; d the I 1 t rrn oy.) Kr61:111:1(1, will Le I rearntra tb• SFA OF IC3E. To <owl ud. y A N AI . AIMi2iI7 s4oilirint. ditir TIM E.athi lc 0T TC K—A PROMISSORY NOTE, drip. by Waters Pan. , payaLls No blurbs& breurn, nue Au.ruel *RN wig be vaLl ion pre...LW:in at Pon S'7 Lneny innwl, ..311 L H. 'la? & 01. I i. 4 tho oe , rnor of Hitod awl aJ Penn •tru.t, •LB r Atar,•-1 td an. p. T•E.:.O • .N , '„ toy, 171,1. r- enpaty, r., outitAl , tutt • pnyAt tr. imr• tut Tuirty* tw not, feet ro.f •• n l•• •r It st. On. raa•rit, •••roaral • i.).11•e, Ol Na AU . a ['Mk, • 1//iiilrt,l.l 46 , 127:t1 DSPUTT Quwa, mr.ur•s Ott t OrPtott, 0 4. A „ P., wag V. teal °ALB. op (3()NIMM.A.II:O AN[- 0 MALI. —.WIII .id as Pab:/e n[l.4/11P, to t h e , n,, H 4,1,1., wt rr.e rsl Growl .. to ttP• hit ,, w ,A, .Ibp fftAY ~• 08 , 11. retlurFl 4orrsl4, ttt.A. to , pubis &Imre. Dorms mu, (hyttno.ar•At Q. 011.0f11, 11,1 , 5 t 14, an+ I .6 4titr Q e 1 vy.rJ - 7 - J h RYA Aisll— .v letonT—A f °Ufa? 100111, naNielsp 4.. .. 7 X 0 CPrt.dP. 1 114 W PittYlmia Itsaka, 4410 Ateobil by Tractligt Yip nu b to payehle v• J. W Oympto.lL no y....i.,ats atyyvy ...mud by lostl^¢ of FUJIN It ILYDDLVA towtout, D. (Helm ans. • f 2i -- TtitG COURT fl COMMON PLIC/01, 11 CI ALLIVIIINT county. r.. ILO et IWO Tena.,M% • •In eurewati. et antes ut Mil (Inert. bombe 'fee notteeteet GYPIICIt exh , sent eat MW tb lettelel recast .Ai Lent , " A 1.11:PT T. t1:19A.- Ilia sod that ...1114rArnat All be ,y the heart A. the ILIUM WA' UV MCP 'Elgin, • D, 114, unity mum be aven to •b- m. trn-e. tote ,str Li AA'AVF. PrAboootary, tee. - - - - 0 . 01.08 E lIITUAL LIFE LIWBV HANOI Of/MAT, or Nov Tom PLUM NEZEILIN. Pizotoomio Lew Non:forfeltlng Conziaos Lti &ad Endow. meal Policies. Also, Polf•tes on AEI otim popular pi, No °dur kind of Polley con Geer, goal ssearity. 7. WOODS, Goners! Acne, Mr Odin, 135 7011E1TH STILCIT. onl7:ty rinnurr.(late Muni, for Linfacott d Co ) a. ermsaralate of Cap, Habbiall • co EA MOIL • LO3O. PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS BOMBARDS & LONG, ltannfacttrare el PATENT GROUND OIRCI7LAREI warranted OAST STEEL Sews. a every dateription. Navy, Ortne Mat, Gang and another eartirtlea. All kind. of KR IVES 41 SPRINGS, made from Street 0.. t Steel; Extra Regard REAPER AND WOWING, KNIVES, Se. Warekotme and Work., en. WATER SNORT Frs., Plittburgh. Pm - :Uttar attention given Retomiltlug, Gumming 'and Strrfalltenlng Oirenlar Seem; Oro opals of all kinds. Panelling and Drilling daze at raeonable ram. . arargly LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER In ILL t SMELTING Wunas, McCiIIIDY eu Liu ufncturtre 01 SECA:MING, oz...tz - m - e.s. AND BOLT OOPPFE, PRESSED OOPPICH DOTIVA 8, ILAISED STILL &MMES. APALTEE SOLDIIt ttuportere nuAlealfr. to ALE:AL3, rai PLATE, SHEET IRON, WIRE, do. OomLuntly on !AAA, TIB• NEW' MADLI/NE9 AND TOOLAL Waronnux, Po, 1 In FIRST A LW SZOOND STREETn, Fn tcnnuch, r.. crd.r. of cut tc any deultudd pottenu loynEulrdcwT L'tONE OF HIIHNEWELL'I3 GLEAT ELEMEDIES.-13 17 X EWE L. VS UNITEltda t. 'Cill RESILDV.—The haat. of thin tr,.l; w oderfht preparatloh, how of ruch 0,101 ; , f, is a herr', o from over,. caierikt.-1 to drhilitato, ILEA by snob to allow the great.: fro., dour of row, day or raged, . the writ thoory by which Throat ood Lung evropialeda.,o lro erfecuatu cured. To prossot asking attention to lung Modes of groat coma, when local canam make almost all .00h cots. plalota diftermit In effort. I troldld sat confldwits, wblyb mill b. flamed, In Colds. Ounglis. Bon Throat, Dminchial and Asthmatic Complaints. Win op log Congh, and to all Throat sad Lanz . r_inanplaii• whlclo, a - two a..longest and In Oononniption. Tostimo niado Irmo royalcmns of lb. I.igtoat owpw - tololity, ardi from LTI .116, can to. won at my ofro, by all Into/owed. Pot olds by all Wholeasis and finutle Dralres. JOLIS L tit YIN [WELL. Prourlstor. Practeml Ckarastrt, Boston. law. for Dale by Jos Ili...ming. Cso. D. Mayo..., A 60km:stool • Oa., J. H. 'alma, Agasto for Patanatztt Ono. A. Holly. W. J. azd Di. Jamci Brawn Av r ... .itsfor 11l t„ ~ eskety Clly. CONTASSIONS AND EX PERIENdi OD eN I 9 VALID, publbstad to the Lnn. if; evC Lawan sri cratcl . ... roan( sato !Lr Nan,. In:Ai:O., Crun‘at.c. rer,ey of 1 4 ,. .micc.I. , te.,rewly,nz, tbe 14611 etc. Oa awn+. stj," mr . by c,s ba• r.tmsolt efsr balm; pct livery LGr'...4t, medial b., • Ity order G. V. P 8.1 •r.,ra:~pe,stag! 112 , ib• COMM v•elcy• , be will f.... . . a•v-t s. s Hied!, LL Le, r. •.r. etre, H V I=l LA BELLE STEEL WOREt, ST h , !IMO A!il , I/ LIrTL ITE SL, tIP Lea titin. lit VI - V, ,B11,'&4 111f,et.5, /I !CST Pr dlin, Alfv.gb,lt MY P. l•. Addr-,e, P I 1 - 7 , P. • h., II I' "..1011111 cocaaAN & BRO., 3.1. u• 4,11. I '..• I E.', 1 , 1 V.1[71.7 I,oolaft V. SC • 11. rrYfb, WV. 111:1=E1 .. ... I'a~t~.. ~~. ..c. ) a 3; :.. •..te .e 4.. J t t, rt,t.itt t. u Lots ! DISEASES 0? THE NED.VOI:I6, ..CINA GT A:IL tiLAL n LA , ee• sud veli.hl.. ...A...ft,: —IA of it- ham tr, ..a.s:l 14, ...awl wi"P". T. of <b•Ju , A4 , lr--An n J ILIA?! HOT G111 . 0.P.. Howard 11.,clatiou, !le. 3 6uolo !ilial. atte,t, PhtleJvipilla. Pa. HOLIELESI & SONS., Dastaaa tN roacion ESE/ IMBIESTIO SILLS OF Ll :HANG/. CrEITIFICA ?EP OF lIIIPOSIT, RAVE tioTEP MID SPECIE, teu. M Pl 4 LECZT STILITT PlontrartE, Ps. ■r CeSlactlasue made a. ppbsclpai clt - .a tyrk.cecral th 4 CEO,' &ate HENRY H. COLLINS. FORK SLt Ilia SD COMM 1115/0111 mxxvtinPai a.a datlat 133 0112 Vii. Bui - Txrc, nag, and far•alcoa ar V!, u,. V Wow' At 444Pyrirl.. Po. H ha v I ARTILLERY. GARRISON SERVICE. / h•vo twlbo•lti ft to IN ExWittoloy, rt.t. Ottt-toor reorro;lroula, syrt.t.vtd t.y the F .1•10.1. t'f' r•.. • .5E./tIF W )rif. t ISA 4. Highest. Local Bc{ilities wul br., Paid ,• ' 41/.3 f.j.11/161. I,b.tns Vt.% VI GEO. S. GAJ.I.IIPE. Artatia $BOO yui, Ar) I T UTE, too Its PAU) rot( AN All/Lll-ii4jlJ/Iil) St/lIKTI Not natl., to draft, for ORE YEA& loattior csnriruin - WA NT ItLI FOE ON] OR TWO YEARS. A At.rovl NA7oty 1. 4 1. tw. P.M toioiro at ICI tag, or &:! 1 tnnourao, *onto I,b, f /TO CnNT tA - -:±t al ed Proionn:s vonl WOO ton, aka, OR orrotino Zit WnOinia tiTacurti4i Of the Frldgo, ammo h . .bino.n.• lc.,a an too OlnlO t..orn Itonconn tail Seth ralotr. Porticalo.n sod ap.artflutto: 4 co app1k41.... itO dimnlono at army-) *alb 411 roINSLY IdatOZivr, Ni YEAR MEN. NEW OitGANIZATION. rasa Zictions3 IItDDLIII TOMB* Miandctus qu o autttsi Irmrty, PLASMA... /CO bble. Cbloined for sale br 86SHi U . ootaLSße . MPECIAL w'rOrICIBi 1i.1111.17115L MAI VA UN t111.72 ...Li, S. IGITER a C. " w• se T II n/ AT Vlr T LAI ve Li 0n,.-., I.l—trit 1. 11. GIL> tee L, ',tic , / NIP: 0"W St4fi9rll. 1•831 . 11' P 41.4, ;it•lt at ~ 10t1+41......t.pra We. WI for Pop 14t ' Fr rir..l. &Hoe, gt.T. ELUSS ! 7:LONS I ci QLt WROIISA Rl. W ATbai 11111L046 TJAA:, LARD ND 8L.1.1 0 . Li. ON Clcclatratl N r1.1.14nn 13 pl., D.Tlr* Dry H , Ea tN-reNl prima Cluch.,• 1: Lord; in try. U Mar. Croclueat: "kr 7 r eat OH; rata kr BOLIQL.I.In 011 LANCr, libkrty erred _ _ L , —135 Mae Cuha. Porto Iti , v and a... New °elegem In 6, 01 , , 1i4 for hy LITT UN 9 TIIIUD,A, Noe. Alli wed 1 le a. kiEW 01(LKANS MOI-6ointi-223 bls. ar °°' 'V44 1 .1'74'; rims. ses 11 3uJ &raid .not., DR HENRY SCHWHAvti PFIIVAeR ISISTITIJTV4. go. Irestwaf of DIAIEIIIeb 01'1111 SKIN -um OZGANtI, ILB #ieco.o T o tk. ocnraltetton boa S tt..lo'vnk p. py saAaina tVANTED---Reveral good pattern makETJ v rayyatnefJAYf3 MARSH L • CO" ''F Ile romary," coaster Hauer and 711th weed. Pitts ttngt. TO THE OWNERS OP SrEAM So iTs .1 BIROS, go —The •S[P 0&11 , P111,2111.1 awl ChtIIIS*B3 of Pittsburgh and vicinity held • eseetlag at ths center of Tamp end Wagon attest; at whkh following resolnlion was offered sad sdsptad : draqred, That en and alter neptonater next we will not work at our badmen for lets than Ors &Ilan par day. suaralt IMPORTA_NT TO N&W RECRUITS "TIOTMR.A.NS rt• ran bxy Army Fortfaloo, Le'les Writing C 421 . 2tatleaday v 1 •1 'dads at ch. logrost prtar, at RI FIFTH STRUT, FIABONIO HALL .41.50 F ALL cu,AKg, FALL, SHAWLS, FALL DRESS GOODS A. BATES, NU. 21 FIFTH STREET. SILKS, SILKS, MARINUA3 jil:4T HEi EIVED. A I... 6 —tczk of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, o,:vricn. all Ibe i.l-.t otylea of o..nt:eutea . ., La. curs', Bt., I, Al:Ran' ave. ClSlit:, c's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters Lch .10 Le ./d . Leap. H. BOILLAI D, MAGAIIT ST. floor from Fifth s'r ) MIkEPS. WORKER. AND WAOLFAA Li DIIOO , IIRTS fLot r ond Manta, n , ),g Itartnt nranwl r a•ta and cat sr. 6.i ',on 1f0‘t...1 toady to nte cntrarta ,or rfual.tna and 0.-nO. Ong •ra r: n0,..t • r a, na:c.a, by tb. los or 4) r Iv , ca elmp'rf pbc is fame ••, l• pr r . c ountr., f r /q,t •I. it., IL, pr. CL 1.,. M ga•ld. 4.1 un,r P - 'e o v,r• rf irkr!p&i & F'cr .1. , • r. luvra , o obi f•tr I r •Al Wee, o c4by txr. tuy.ry, . th-y ute, bal. 4 .1.11. au!. oartLizol, I r aetll E!, di , MISR, Treao•ror. acv!..s Icon. d 16 thar haw.' tt Aht•AlN .N GOOD I Or A LL Ai lut t, 1 ,, = , A 11,41, No. M CIPTII RTCLIET. V!1) F) Nlflt E, rl ew Lvsesahrt 8°,41. !Iv., / Ito 1t.....r.1 ul Ittlyr.,.. or Ley oto pet., th I r 1.•1,L ot • sii ty... mt.- t oat..t th• t•• •1.1 ro L. rt,tti• g {1,1,4 I. 4, 1., • stock—act sod att.or MOS 't t.St.l, Je eIEF rU t. t : 410, 8-crutary. ••• • 11.,..; 0., )-- 11"....,11 4. .1 V , i( ...4111',',1C-4 , E... 1 -1 I'ItIKB :% 1,, N1),‘Y. rh 12:4.1 trout • v.. 1.1 •Nrm, r , >•••1 to r• ct • • tir • r 14 u 4 11.. 4,1k1 81 Ott tAI. Ae-•t I.EN(7:illlif{l.: col. 4 Ali CHII3 CIL I NG I Nt Eli ANL , / 11.11.z/I:T t•lVild• V tt IT nos. r.nn MEM= l) I. P.RIIII ANTc4 I. .j '!1 Nanl,l• •. .14 144 •It .4114 r9ix 11 .. .4, • I 41 cr4l 24 hal ....el 11l •or Y., , n 61 44 • 1,14 4.• bpslu.4/4 a. ott, •114. •Ite v L.! ‘,..lidgra,ll)ll T. H. KI,AGEt+, •t n0p , 451.01, itkf..+.E. Ilse pub! o [tic Ma o• • EL.... efl,co• n• 1.04 nnw, • 6.4.1 I ..tchaw, Cl.,cht mad I,rwit7 It Oct. and J•wei , , sari done tr, Oral olau woaltme. nu ...tail t• /rye telturawilon. . I ,I•o• . 5 .1;041.m , n. •u CA ' rAIJNr. eAll 01 . 11 JCRS. T•o- ^.1 . •1+41/ •rxrvo •r. 41 'ere enlnetle I'vent L. Is ,Inal Lil en, Ste•el te..ee it eere.,o , her teloloew •tteo4 10 11, .• 1 ler ukle 1.. rt.,. or to tevt AgeLl 10'14 VI.. outte,, PhiladelpAts. - M II A'A KY COLL VW?, ALLENTOWN, PA., Pt ty fr.yy, P1 . 14 , 16 , phfa, ybartnYed b lb. grate. ge.l 111.440-gh 11-11 ar! nyll , 4r, K Igrodi tn. 1 , 1 p,,, r, I of addrrvz LL.r, 41 I=BIEMI ",“, o• t—et • I, for a p IJ, , af J RAF A (I), rdi It !;:a, AL, i • O n R!-.WA ICP thn —ll , l unlzi.-! pay to. shore reward 1031 • , /i •• I. v•.) Mu .13 , 1( ••• e 1,•• • otos ••L.. taw, r •••.• • n o imu Iv, hip. Ti.,y to tw' wore nQlr.r• th,/,,ay tJA I.lqt, PU , r, at: D:r T. R. WARrol‘m 1ME12211 "ART.!! C..1%0. P tt.bntg3 BONDS AND MORTGAGES AT AUG.t T/0/s—On TtfilIDAT Ilfl=lso. armlet 32/1. $ erelork. irfite sold at tbednammertinl Woe Sown, No. 54 flfth atmakltbe following Mond mrd'Mort,pos I Bond and Mattes ye for 43,183 33-100 payable as 44- nd/oars V 561 M-100 Jame Ist, 11 , 45, mad 44 , 4 4 1-/V 0 .Imr• lit. 1' , R . ., Band Led Mortgage fer 82.000, payable in four equal animal palmists, dna Jaly loi aim:l year. I road d Mortgage for 54100, p. 7.1.!. le a l, .0 1 .111 annosl yarn:mate dna I alv bri of crop year. I Med and XI err to Or 11,000 per - obis to Marna N. l ll 1 so n s payments; Ins psyment one Juno Int, a and irrirloor for gb U pnyalde 5 . .14 SI are, le, /tarot, rat 0210 44 ,4e/t /.16 . -, fat/ 'lamb Ist, Le. sod lebe. ab To Manna and 51ertgame me all amply emoortel by lap •/..rnas4 property, barns porthole mons, man g} All bearis g t per nest, lotorost payable an. ara24 IJ .olcs USED IN THE FE MALF COLLISJE: t snood's Span...-. and neuters; .Ithtostirs; tl licntles and AlcNalley'seeugraehtes; Pin. or's Gliaaresan,• Gan ty's Pnrylt.lary: Ear • Alg , bras; W. renter's Salaams: Gre•nbaf's d t 'tame, tr..: Johnston'. Philosophy and Cb•tnierl: Birch. r's Drawee Scotian,' Cr beto's Mental Pl.ll.eph, Itnerck's La to gots; Tasit..le's Trench Santa; Wruttbiary'r Germ. W. 1.,. lci School, etatt,rary, rarer, Pons Ovey Be•lts. koldon, Stairs, I. P. eta. Tur rate toy A. tts IDAS G , MLt. LOrt. 8i W.ol atre•t, JOHN P. EMIT'S SeTioUL AISD CULL k G 1S TE X r AV the IFXT DUOKS ;mil la the ?chit:. Eo. Act Schrnle owl Galegem .1 I itt.bur,l/ awl TrAu!ty r A 1.0 STOt K —NV il! 1,6 add ej to lb. large 11.1. of •a/vNblo *took, alroadr alvertl del 10 TUI ED IT G Vletl I L.G. Augcal talc •t eagla or. k ..ha fern lore, i•I kl Rem • N''..LS eharcd ltlecrogalt •la Navigat.oo CC do Palrel cil SON 'do Phhl pII •.: I. • I loreer cc C Itt de I. aoden Lrad Alltdos cs'so A. Ida LW !INN, Ancl'e. TIMIC'TROCI:LE IOsN2O MONEY BALED OR LOOKS lIAI 4 1 ,1 \ I •n a • • la` 'lelktn to. or • r...r • , : y a • g• •• C. 11 a vtl,• 1.6 J. L pa: a pt.•• P.Eare . o' .01,ts \„,‘, A 10 F) 11M f. I.IA P hYFN.!st: Auo et IJA., at r la! Eir. 5..-• a, :I r are . 1' (k, do r.ect.og • 111.4 Farm Id er•k Pttrolettra t'LLIS , * tioUt 4 Y, lAr—Thr,;A , imp Witt 11•••11Icg Prns ,f ba I alas I ebyula, :.• ts, lain rut. /aro d gag Eft t”r, • ,a , d c Tf.. ••:.+ a, pain .d. 11...-0 to in I der 4,4.1 , 4 el tale at pr Lope r • l• P Supt. lat. Itenat i ln,n7 tAL Cr_iTil FIE 'ST 20143. ur Di ki Arlo! inner. __ I turem.iii Prouriir. k An.ioAgo, , Aug. :ti, tau:. VOTiCE TO SElt PERS, AND CCNSIGNIZB OF YBEICktr, eV THE PENNSYLVANIA R. IL rirPF Y 01V7SE that oa and aft 1J /1 r`li An,,art 224, IS° balloalr order ortil Fo NA. E. E. r•D. riff atE7 a ora•zp to ra^,, •;, talc f'dmr - oralcrart far f , a , ,ist dal , rwrad. ~!." •AR -• • .111 , at n Ita , /t1".1. Iv ri, air rs d, In asr.nauta ones SW Od, and as frai,rht .• r... 11../ DI/1 1 .4,J I, WC. , 14. r•A'c , 71M P eachtassist, arra I Cs,. 11,5 y 41 nu, , LlPrt) 1411. , _,S ti 1) , N4 111 p , 4 d • e astnrri?, ?AI C. •4 . ro, ft, n .• c cf., 4- o•!. /3.1444 D. A. b. EA .41:T fluat, 44.1. L'O?. a/ILE—A of 118 ciotw, . 6, rut. r. welb!p W.srtro .rster. corn!, Pa Yokt, the L-st Y. on t", •:IPV t",•• Ar g lwo K 417 •eqr... •r- "61.4 , 1. ram" le ben, 4.sens-.lp • la, ty. r- , e PPM 5,.11 4 • h•gl..• t. A s • tr., f cr • I the. Kl , ssn•,h. A r voes , 7. Ps • Pap, • VAILM of 114 s.Jll.ta,es v... LLocoatiabsle r t, I. Ir blc• ter..: t. , • •..r7 Ir• rte.:a tqs 4 -ve r. IA BOIT DING I. Te. so tbe cal G.,. Yr• pe..rt,c , ars ~ se F. IfUll,,etrth atre.: — OI,G R y.l Leta. ?.,rel. IF9 RA'. WA-t-ILSO FLUID t sa.ha tau f Ih' tenor ard it. .1 It brel.llil, • oh he ;a WI at 1 ...La, I. La •Lt aa • I n aoa•k , I ta, tij gat t nhh par ,a• • ha rai....55 ~ 1 11 a•. 1• •• ylir-.1 c ta.t talcs. a• d Le 14 flat lea en. h E • -- , aLl. - 11 w 11 watt. a la '0 Lid n. as arse,ord .11 shit! at No .4 ath....t. and 1.• .. la L.; pal fataLy Gr. eg to A ut, . Pr.pr tun. I );,(;1. I N. , .R A 11.1.1 A It `l' t. 'tt Oltaz ttrrct.. .1 I St. , . I. t f AtihitAit Ell •••• • I y ••, I a:4 ftti -46n... flnntt Tait;,...• • •It till I utL e . lios• •• •-h r U.. F ot. rta ft r • t. at. r••,, -t v.ll 11 11 .1 , • I • •I. s IT! i•• ••1 Lu Illsmad urt u • uguu: Clot •Dr c rri r •• ..-• resaertLLl Kr , koetteg• I .14 I, ( )11 1 P , AI, • tin dui, still be re tht• nen..., to. rea , u nhiek: lA. Q.ehrtea (67 cro , l,ct t .up 1601.0 V IIKett•XLS 4IF r • ,tt K 1• car c eth« p • I th• • 7 .1 L-ca.• 11.. n, .1 tot,fteler. of Intrgh .el hr. •r.n. •el d.ity•••,l •t the . I ..rnll:l,[l{ . 1, 111 . 4 thl t. 44.• m•,. r ~ t.,..d• • t • go 4 ...en, r fu I, I t •nI m2ut I.• C.11.1 . •C1, .41 i ato Nl' 4).1.. I. • • V. n.l . ova , ,I 111, h. • t...0r, •• t Iv., . , ol M.... ..lty ..1 -, State a , ) Itllarztrt• tl t -t• Or a' at alrl• t., tu.131 t•t. au.. iit. 111 )t• t.. tt.tri ~,,..,. tt o. • th•.• tth •.1 .. yr. pr, ..-,1 t , • , :n• • tr) •....uittt• gly 01 cold: ai.ti walrhaent bowie It n• at •• nt ..•t/cooll n , b . 1 Ih• qv...Wont moot L. •tomo T .ho eh:Jai r.f ow.rlt. L.( tao neor .t C. art. ~t holt .1 Ot • o •,. tool to- oral I•Ith Ctl , :oono of 1..y0.r) rot, b I. WIT? to r•c.T. , 2,1 .1% , •tt ^ not COolbrto s. h sho 1.14111 of:wet. of Ult. &in....AL Thrlohf to moat an, 1 Al 4.-loo.looroo,oloble t Ira Afl hd1 4 .4. V. :4. tot d 44 1!4,4. 4 . 1 • Lel • , offl.o. :‘ Mm tir P . 151 DA Y 4t.4 &I, 11 4 4 p of Urli G.. GI /ft di Al. •• , 1 Ohre A. If. IUCEIR, Oopt4ln sal A Q. W I :41' v.ST ACILDENI Y acid I ' 11,2:1TUTZ.. T E PA i.eio• .l l- TIE [Ti? •Yyp .vlyey The > , g •.,n y de. elyuy • 0, 11. . y or h , u/n^st, aledvr I moron Y e •eorh, ..d , • . It. h,,re toth. tiry u 14-r th• rhe .heYge or MAJOI L,l; N]l. Ile' eau nee, Nuyoolytteudeot. c ii . ," . , . r `.. 3pi , ' either of the Principal' fly h. Ittlortptl 161 the IttlKONOftitilltt ri 'USN. la I . lttthonot In m Amtuot 6th to Audit Plat, InOtat:lrt. •Inn• b:.l i J t.appp to fur:Nita into:in. i'^ .at tt, m. to B p. tn. daily. • 100 OPLS, lIPICTII , O MIER.RIT OIL At•• oble by QTOI EN—from the p.,,ture fled of the t. , tvc • tp P,rui 1 , Ico BAT al %n et •c! s•2llch •69 • lar.r• • • 1,1 ulp, 1 • 01 • Mt. e4ye In bee 4• , ,Irlo4 Warw. •, 01 to C,C1.1. of LTD melvo • 111,...-a, LARD nit , on nu am: 41.,1 for Vcf: CliztEK TIN° ()IL— I! 99,46 6 91 11-e Ir-la grit cr sag—ntd will 201 ‘c en ss 0 CJ J & SON. A 691 69 69979 N•t.r eTe.t.„ - - 1100 i L7l P.l) II . - 7 -50 t fl prilll • No. 1 Lain on on hang and f .1%9 •f) tt-nt.rft,...,•, =MEI O. hoJakill brand, arrlt drr ele by Jui;Y U. 0.5511 , 1 sea ,PER AND RACM—Wa arc paying em : p,v pßand twr• tr Ehrti Oval...4otune. itad the alsi.tt pyc. trs OLD ISEA'avei 3 fiate. u POOK€ aad ta.tnAZlltr.t. it., az Um &mat .4 Will raper ken, 101 rm.,. *Snot, Altcgt..y. auaLl T. L WAX/aid-U. A. hfcILIVATIfE, I=l ns tjArts3 n ri bHIBI ran EFEIt , , 7 e , p r u.r.,. A. NoTIAVAPfE, A N. I ARTICLE. lIMM=EI 1=1331 • 1 No 2 Lard JN f;.‘ :ALIA. • filaN. C..: I'o vr ...fr. 1. lELD, N. 1.11., W... 4. R PALE--FA fah? —A pod Aim 'ot I;05 ser - a aria, wltb drellta, barn 01. - 0.1114. de.; •O acme to wrenbuler la bpd tuber, well watered. atlases cit the rdtaketows toad,. re It• fn et /1/. et /*au. It, farm IS BUM., IrcilLty fa NUL dim II two Cann ,•ar tint.o.rn ib , il 0 CliawkAT t thlis, 61 611461 km& arArrz W es. A roam. pith Ida wife sad daughter, Mem Jean of age, emote bawd to either city. A p_rivato batty preferrad. address , tor tares days. 8 F. M. Gearrre Onto; stating Wass, An. Ban of aellancee aim wad requital. WANTED-4150 per Monta.—Wo 'ram WV • reliable Cladveever in ever have and cozen. cos have agent. elearlreg 1150 per month, which ere .l Roe to aoy doubting seplkant. JOHEi BROTHERS A 00., ItalUmore, ltld. WAFTED—A good 2dAoindrg Br-rox warm AID HELP[/1. Alto,• tint good E4A.- nte.ou wee/ rril to rood w.rk22.• Z . mint of _ a - coati. BOLE Oer. of Paha I sifley ea — d — Desqexame —l4 Way. - yettat ANTED.-TWO t:IJIterITUTr., T NOT LIABLMI TO DEALT, to rater tbs iurrtun rspresentatless, to atty.. of the nark Cott A LP, end bounty win be ppaifd I addition to the tionsmassat bounty snored. Andirses nal 0:77, Pittsburgh, h. WANTED, HANDS.—Any number of carpenters emote& Metes% waves mi ll be neid to competent Into. Apply to WHITE A ALESVIDEtt, aTl6:tt lemock taterene £o.lot al zoo Sancloolty. • --- wA NTED MIDIA'rELY—Two coal /LASS MAZY ELS end .Ttral hieKEBB et the Bina W.! Tovadry. 114 ocat pa.d.. 8111111, PARK tr U. .4 UCTIOX BALE& A LCTION SALE OF CONDEMNED ➢OC_Y9. Wat DsaasTaar , eITALIIT Brll.V. OLLI. of Ohlaf Quarteme,,tater, l y W ISIITMOTOS, Actust 3, ISG4. Wt: be mid m Public AmtMa, to the heslyen bidder M the Ulm and plcem tamed Wow, vie : Deadens, Pit , Thanelcy, Atupurt lath MI; Altoona, P., 7 imrsdny, Augeut Yith, 1884, Lebanon, Pa.. Thursday. Sept, rater 1.1, ISM; Harrtabors, Fetcutem,lieptemb.: ash, 1.4,74, • Two tfcruand (ZOO) Cavalry Donee at awe peer. Them Homey have been ocze...bott ab undl for Mr Osulry rviceel the army. For amid ame Yam penmen salty good barbbtob buy be had. Bones sold vlogy. SaraLs—Caaa la Called Stale, ertxrvaev. JAMES EERY, Llaater.t Cata--al atql Clakftlasrelramastar, anat.B Cavalry Buren% pyrr, (1I AND HIRAI I Nall AM rAKS 61C 6lt RAILROAD (X). --B , n TUESDAY IV En /It O,e aeo• t Matt, at 8 ohl.k, by ord r of La• 1. ecniarm ci R. E. Al..Gavir.. charmed, 18411 8.•..1d, na , r , !Bl Pelee as rasa stra,4 81.arre Pi attn-gh A Birmingham P.stang, mad , trapan y. sun A. bicII.WkINII. Awer. • W ILL It ADDED To THE sALE ()Fr FiTOCEF cu TCF-IDAY EVENING. sP!,, •t 9 ClJmmetcvs.l s'ev U omn , 1.14. 64 VIII. stn.: 15 I C:.: ..,r,!aln......rscr, (7. Fit,k. au27 A E1c . 11454 Ar,er COLUM AI A OIL CO.—on TUF>i'D A..." ix - ENING tartrnst :;1:414, at o'cleak, aHI 14.4 sold at 4 4 444 m met cis I s .!cr 110CMS, bs laic str, 10 aims Oosnattia UO /hmra¢TT atas b IiteILWAINE. Auce'r A. 104 ND ILAIL WAY CO.—On TUBS.U DAY LYsni bG, An- /lab, at 8 oVock, will be cold, et Creme:was/ es!. &ones, 51 fifth streets ak dears/ unklestd Hallway ib actll A. bIeILWAINE. Aoc'r. ED 11C..1710.11 4 .4 ___ . piviNG comFelleiE INSTITUT.E. A SZLE72 CLASSICAL SCHOOL 01LIN ea,3 Coro, of lit- ` ore and bt,..ktock Artoos, CITY, • &LLiGu LUC Y CITY, Pa.. Th. Nista Foal Aunt./ Scsol,n connnon.s 210 - I AT, 8-et alb. 8. - sot:far It-cation• Ivo and ale rat.ll7 utzl ed tatnca. Cana:ton Encrieb, g • o•t . Ile tornados, Ancient and MoJern Lanannoac, and Or. aasocc 1111 13(131 >lh..LILEgibi. dPi WA" tC. Read- Ina, ottlng and aopoettion. WI/ DiP•al2l2.l . run 16.6. For Ciroctlnco or trams applj to the &noire!, LIM E. A. F HUM WESTE.KCS UNIVERtITY, Corner o: E.CSS LarD DLitt J.LiD STUTZ'S rac+l:y—Prri... W. ,, d• 1., Prest,legt ar.l P7l. fmr.or of Alcatel nod Moral ; Jos. Y. 0r14P4 A . Pro+++ter 01 th. , Cr e 1 1 ang=sa. nod Lltzratnr.. Hon.Rlil,.m.ll A. , Protent+r of L.., B. A. Pr...frarar +1 Earl., B 71, B. . of Dor+ 11. L.b+y, I. A Princtoal f Prnna-at+.., 800 H L W B. Pr , of t....L.ntin Lel,gong+ and Woo M. UurW'ft L. L. u., Pruvasor eg, Araftt F•t j al...l ugygi.Al,bonsa U. Dauer. of LAD resat Latiro•go. Stadolph.Loonitsrk Teachar or ID. 4107 - 9.%1:, Language. tool lalrsettager.mu t , ,:7,.n.+ to ftndenta to, to. Prepantorl Clasglar.l rollaglato sod ficlentltc e , arse float Ica s...inga..g.c. BCD IV. salTtat Q.E.LECT SCIIOOI, 191 Pk.N.N STREET. *3 —rbe Thlrd :Arm Wtfl coazo-ace on 11013 DAT, tiItPITHREII Sty Terme—Per Petaha et fire taloa the, In the Jhakv et LA, irk , lo the debut, Sid. as ntra chars. far Frurrh, rtaa2 and Itt•stag. r The P• Ihraptd• c.ay he tound t tbetr.roecas d.ily h• th l• od, altar the 22 4 J. it stIWELL and .11. A NEN ELL, Pth e'pale, oath: t. EMALE EDUCATION a. a. TWIIIINGII ent (nary for "Younz. Ladies WIH rc <IR, .13 tbo TIHST MONDAY IN elliPrNll- el Eli. no :Aten.od st, nrNralthei tie Gaon II •; htijr• unq to mod. a: he proprl. Wee r..l , ooa. tbroLo .11 Poo: 14‘, or At fin,'6 D.. k Dna! orr.t sa.2:llr W 4 LI. WAEhIiAII.B Select School •he rrgailtr Fa'l &Into, outata-nceaa mbar ate. A. the nuattat pap:l6l , in b.ttitt, I•ont .a, ott.d. atm an, 01-1 CAM. ay Pave as paatitae, at Mt w 4 11311,1t1 ned• la. O. M. 0., car tilt Ed:col:limas. au2,.: .k.mifoiAßY NJti, POIING LADIES, AZ BZWIOELLY, PA. TN ra•iSearan will °pew aa tlvo TUI&D UON BAY SEVIGH DER Tka n=et adraatarat arat •adat I casamalte taloa. for term .R. . are far a Orr. eler BEY. A WI t.Liabt r. aawlatilaarlit• P. E EirG P CBI/YES VEt & BAKhIi ELASTIC STITCH XLS IN hTstfiCTli, BRAM iND NUBILITY Nal ral to ere them a rig , 4 outattati., Barna Lliass//0 ANT ETERT MACHINE WAIRSITTED THUS YIAAI OFFICE NO. 18 FIFTH STREET. 4. F. CHATONEY, ailialltat AIIERICA.N iIsiSTITUTE , NEW V UFLIir.., REPORTS "that Cho WHECESIII • WILSOH make. Llt• 'LOCK ETC7CIIII.. .. 6 d nn•. blithe.% • OZOOO.II Oi the eldritelty, peroannues, meaty sad igeeatal daelnkblemso of the staiskans =3l THE "LOCH STITCH' 1.1 nolrensfly relavoCtdied ma Me my Mt br o&1 Matti or sewing. /I raqatrw 4os otu-tuft dm Gantt of Thresd or Oft tbatto coanimod try the .1;111.112 Stitch" llachtnag, Wilmette% a toting at ao 071119 to 11150 Pi* DAY. Ths WHILELIS A 191E50 . DK m• °di toetchtne extng the °Ls= IMPHOPERLE3I2. Gal mmedl KYR. /me en.. al tits iX9 - &thaws, fie, 27 TISTR ITSTIT. w Rt. sumairat & mft - Agei% trzan...r FOR FALL TILSD) WOOLEN •:KARPI/8 1200 lbs. Blue (ey Yfte3ll 500 " Fine That= YarnO In DI LA /6111713.11215. saWOla. Mama, ea& yiBINO, wed °timed dellible+.; togetber With 01, Well Selected and Asaorted SO* DRESS TRISIIII&M, HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, and .1,„; EIiALL WARES,' _"1 AT IRE LOWEST PRICES FOR GA 011. W80L.E311.11 AND SNT-114 lACELM $ GLYDE. REVEMBER THE GH&T CLEARANCt .smal CLOA/CS, SOWLS. SirITIMER DRES4 1 GOOrit J. W. BARKER 64 (lOU, GET THE BE.S'f. G RAT '3 PAT JINT iJ MOULDED OCI_,LATF3' ABE BY 7kB THE BEST COLLARS it* MAD& The edge forms • balked carve. whlcZ2deee net *Mit Into canton ee noticed to all ether .4-e. By the moulding of them collars too hirer edgy egg thrown MY from the beck. thee •reidditg <Mann:bath of the neck sod the edge of the oellarnendon metal* tram deface:Mont by peroplratton, mkge the cora, grestly etr.-enthtned, and it 11l not at break doe*, In thin colter the manciteot Limy has '• Woad pep* of cistll. 4 yam to the we artr, sad dar4illty. 5 Them cello. me perked in enuolb Gem all•-4 very cor.venivet book:, tor the u-10, andthektilf ter a month'. learnt, bo—l H oolc ale .1 it-loll, jy by • RATAN' .N.ACRITeb I tJ sum. 504. 1? ond /V VI J . M. BURCHFi), Notthensl car, Fourth and Narikst 4trret►t sfra last: r ltirp!r NEW FAL, C03.41a A Largo Sloth of Goads Et Hand. ',: gt • Which Re taattg at Less than Wholesale Prila. East( A. the erect le fr.V waotfirg rodiet :ft RRI de Id, to call. • Kr • Ice of ILKAINAHTS anittrw cht•TA SLIMMER GOODS EfELLISO MEAT LT ;74 77 and 79 Market Stied. •i B'. *!at le Bummer Glare earl Ontfar Old good. at leer treed Neer teak war. Mo en Handteroner. In platebncdoni an. 4 altotna. bonier Long er.,--o goal not rivesteerlll re 11enl e Zoom He rdieroclefs tee turn .4.14 eta la decided Career,. Heeler Tide rensa uo reraltirta, the D Den wire sod CU Chins, nerponders. falaHla athia* and Callum Deli mite of Paper rdol.H.' re. Li:Amory a end etple. Lidice. and CbLidnen'e GFarme. Undo-at &Wig Oareets, Doptra titter. Balmoral BUM, era Nett &intros, Be.d Man,. And Ux.F.6 - L. Bubo* nun 11 Lao. and Vilest leallroor Ent lardrellar elcolert oat <heap. Umatilla Onsm. m w.. Notate, a:4 waoLEstd.s ROOMS UP ittAlf AM - Bur.haats .r.. 1 Donfrra u. trurdo twat oar JS'oti. sad Ter4.47 Goods nooto - JOSEPH HORNE ■a. T MIDIS :gulps • 'L/U.t.tu.NIEIS; 1 ~ r rolllA AND 8 • 1.1.03 sows, 'o:pip* ' BITE 111.211.81LL18, / bialtlet.OE 6 CAIIBUIO Ilairißag eaIVISS LAMM, . BZILLte Nra. 11 1 / 3 BOSIS, ..; ~ - "121 sai tMell%. 1,08 y, • ICE mortaxwas 1 . " IMMO KAMM, JIMN. c• VI d/ID El uvnettataciFtrart ffotioirs, dE4141.5. CZ,111603 Cti,'`,-,7 tar Loner Ana Gat cs. Cast a, Dt•-• cor ensue or wren, Clirt . . Wallintor. a. O. O, Aierear 15, , • • PROPOSAJA7 Fr 11{ FLA rUk..— , gsa ../. Propunale are ItoriEll tit) kuynts 2.lth at„ttitlat • i 11., for furnishing the tinbriseence Dvierlbibrii,„A - ' I TWO TaotieraD (two) umitinto OP ....'v '''' li e Theproporale will be fOr arbor to known at 0. 11 2.20 t 1 Da Nee. 1. 2 and 2, and Vida win be aareircat m. 4. f ps quaint? lan than tbe•rbeda. Bids wire be to dopfloato, and ate Ina liTbßA'"r" l• Ara. abeeta of paper. .4 , Th e &neer, of the am , to eoxibhoixoti Vli= ) d ,,,,,, ~,,,,,, ib e aperdrur or th e bide, and to we, A.M.' i um, dolly, at tire 00 , Warment may llteet. , either at the Gavertuaent %wet.= 133 GOO. ; at the wharves , or at tho ratlrsad depot, "it" ;1 •• t.tt -t•,. .. i D. C. Th. deliver? of all none awarded to to ogitOtollat rrindo twenty day. Qom tke opmf as of the bidt.A .. . , • I Pamear will be made in cortilloarris of todetiOntodg. in awl °nod bade aothettt utsyhoyorottiott. an...mt. . ~ Q. _,.._ ~,"' Th. urstal Clorarouteu t 1 0allaCtkat Will 00E010, _MO.. tore the flour la rotaivott, sad seas arllt boaroattotta I whirl , Is ant truth ground : aud orado roux wheagrooot In the life/arty when sasattrac %Jaws Op el saPesior now ty. to be 4.ltretai LA wreak borni% Sat ltk.a-. , . ig " -V ' titit, /An nisi of an.giartoyt tarot outaropaoy ths b..,.. • • bidder, who hat not the ..tib OP Ine in this ogia.,Alik no an d .n a .t.,•,,..N.a r...• pet. , .C... tii4e p!f• . *tory ba ll ed to comply with than bids, Ot 22222 adir• . ' den bat prewar to rm.'s& 11l , ~. • Goren's:mot mon. the right to regact aayLlti 011 'A Y tabs-addressed to the drolershiroulliklit itre,• t : Fly wiathS l oo. D. Cl' .naer"d 0;:i .... ghtilbASl . • Oa Ptnels.l l o.4.. , v . .. • . sURGEON . G 13: 'OPP' '' ' '''.: • :,. .„..._... ___ 'swum:sou ; D: O.; sotto IN ~:. w.,...“,..-ausozorts AIM rAttiLlyttotot' - US. •••-, GEDDLI. /ofi• OOLORLD TIMM' . _ ' ttt. W graduate" alma* Ilotlkol ttalle" LEAVE ,L bajezatalaed bj I Of ft ell.2aa Oktkoro to VG ban. :';' 7 . 1 0 . g. lko torso= Glauerol:' Tho - Zatr2 trillt4otort , . I aloe *thin the ea -• or Albtaat ienvos, • barterk%u 34V M*. -. . - t 1 "4• . 4 Pd.4 by cwor,.orwoettrtAOd' I.i ti noTootabla ao l oo ooral.ckszaoter, tke.,oilookt .ht to the Oarittoa ilatimol, ffi EL 8., tfaalt.•••• • tortok . . D. 0, or to this Atarbotaat Minim Gloat* IL --. 8. lb.. Locum& &Y.,' &onto aro art la osolito Ali .•-• • sod otom. Pow York, Wooktogtok.clorktiost‘ atter)* t_ •o OMAim REQII n s7 otr . t T C TAi ' itt4Bo i .134 Too , A, thlk . bmk tw ond fdato• miutttooo=• bo knit btr watt fila Wag '1 • tem sad dimming:* .m.elak..., Appliosti-yalei_llol. Is lastliuln Lb" aim ott Oararoas **CA or tt... " t oto."-tt" • mixt... Cutepaaosti.to trata_Sts to gra pee. • ~.,. • ;.tottact. riv.outjhal totl uartets. • -•_;•-•••• • ito, t'. • •• .F-""• • t • . . • .. ..• ... •• 4794kirdZoi ' , . • sa TI ST &El LSD ::, ITEM Bit STAIN*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers