ithe TUESDAY PIO, 1E64 SUBURB CITY' •D 8 AD M== 153,71.1.37113. • • S time* • veck. 40 145 76 t 95 1-CO 95 1 90 115 9 V) 140 40 I 40 &5 4 6 0 00 950 1 ISO 400 1.5 00 .15761 700 • 3:1 GO 27 00 IS 60 la COM 00 Two !bra tietta.—.—. roar five tbare-.....4... Ono week_._..._. Twoweeks. ........ 'hr.* wetks.,;-:-. One m0nth........ 1 74 BO 4 00 0 00 7 30 13 13 00 13 40 21 33 - - Two months— Three snottbs.—... Biz ricottas Vino month._ One Tear-- 01411614111LII• ADVIMILS Tor 47 , 11 Nuaz.,caa.ce.Lbm Li Cosi' to the immedist. 6atla.e of t • LClTerdsermuls In ma pr. timesl2 thweell times I weekla week' week. ens t00ntb.....---.1 1 1 931 the 00 \ B TO \ aBB rhzto moull9---- 1? 20 11 45 OOD 800 Six attatbs.......—.— 29 00 19 15 T 5 10 50 One yesr---;—.--. WOO 29 OD 2t 50 14 00 1/'Flat not= nimble the since rates. Nob notices. sun Losertion 50 cents. Starrhise notices—..... TS •• EtessOnst ecinittisentents, ten:trip--1111 CO rs • iiiiimintstrators' torttoes.—.— 076 LILIK".° Setting of City Councils She -regular monthly meeting of the City Cenneils ttae bola on Monday evening, August 29th. /A &Let Cessacj.—Prevent, Messrs. Allen, Drown, Tie:damn, Miller, McLaughlin, McCarthy, Morrow, McClintock. Phillips, Qe.inn, Thompson, fleet, fired, Reed, Wills, Young, McAuley, President. The minutes of the leaf. meeting were read and az gvPresidint prosentod a ecommunication TOM the Cesare A seociation in regard to the price boned for stlyertislng, which wee real and .Thu President also promoted a communics tion from Meters. Teckson Duncan, R. Miller, Jr., and Wm. FRW, a rub committee appointed by the Committee of Safety, to petition Councils to make an appropriation to defray the expenses Intoned byrseid Committee of Safety. The Committee request,Conocilo to make each ap• propriatiotts, In conjunction with Allegheny, as will defray said expenses- The communication was road and ordered to be Mod. -A petition from Citizens residing on Webster street, reqoasting Councils to order the grading and paripg of said street, between Seventh and Washington streets, was mad and referred to Street Octimittee. . . Tie Presidernt . presentad the following 3 . Bowlved, That the City Treasurer be and he to hereby antharlied to reeelve from the Kraal. tors of Jemes W. llailman, deceased, the Tea Thourand Dollar which the said James W. Mail man bequeathed to the city, to be Inverted in the scanner as set forth in his will, as reborded, and the said Trontwer Is hereby authorised to receipt to the said Executors upon receipt of the Molloy. Revolved, That the Finance Committee be and is hereby authorised to Invent the Ten Thailand DAlan, referred to in the foregoing rucluticn In bends of the city of Ptttehergh, or fn Of the United Stator or State of Peon. ' as may nem best to raid comm.itizo, rrod ‘ recommend to Connell', at an early day. sane pion by which the Interest con be kect separate lad apart -from- all other moner,_aa need as directed in the will of the 'aid J. W. Bahasa, de.xased.' . The reachatiene vitro toad Curse times and, passed. • ' An ordinance anthotising the grading, pay ing and .settlog with curb of Webster street, from its intatsectien with Seventh street to she . east side - of Washington street, was real those Unite and latd aver under the - mica. A corainutiestiau tem presented by the Pearl - fent from the CLy Controller, civaring the bill *t C. McGowan, for SZSZ:2S, James t Kilnawd. .t.t 4S, and Thumso H. Rabe for $39, which was read and niceplaa, and the bill. , aatiocued to h, paid. Mr. Allen prevented a revelation authorising the payment ol the balance on the rale of a mote owned by J. J. Sloraland, which was c-314 en e.e astray, the mane leaving been paid into the city Trearary, and to be charged to Ape/epic:ion No. IZ, which was road three times and. passed. Mr. Qaltn presented a resolution aqueuiag the Sweet Cann:l:tea to take cash action en may be r.coessary in - regard to the Paanajlvaaie Rad. road Company enervating s water cowl: carats high and Rt.: r.irt.6te. There to farther basins - as, on motion Cetteekl aejecs:red. Ceaatoli —Presept, idea/al. Arm— /Strong, ihuel. eq, Beak, Cofila, Doris„ ifaje, Junes, McCandless, McGowan, McKeown, plin,.Wht's and President' 8141: ' There being no quorum,' on melon adjourned. •Bserniling, Bounties, &C Yolur.toe Aug. 'was not quite so brisk yester day as on Saturday. Ken were offering'very freely, but come, of the recruiting committees were holding up in anticipation of a decline in 'aerate of bounties. The price, in round num bers, woo chant $5OO. We heard of a few hay- Aug huh enlisted at prices exceeding that BUM, Lin, OD the ennot hand, men wore engaging at less Igurec fiemeprediotod that beauties would Le up to $6OO yettorday, but there was scarcely perceptible camases in the rams of Saturday, if, indeed, they ruled so high- Ar toe even .500, however, with en extra 5.00 from the Gov anment, volunteers haveno reason to complain. Three or font, hundred men, enlisted in Mar ion and Indiana counties, arrival in the oily yestaidny, end several other cemeanies are re ported on tbn way. Colonel Gslepes Artillery Regiment, now re •arniting ibis city, wilt be titled op in a illy or two. eeveral hundred of his men are now:,in camp, end the remaining companies are making eery Bettering pingreei. Quito a uninher of tube:Cute, ware pat in yesterday; and the prim ruled high—n trying front $l,OOO to 31,050, for one rear Twelve wera_musisted is at Captain Foster's office, ts- , ms.• These substitues -men residing in More districts whore nutting Ia being done to ill tim q u otas. Second Ward, Pittsburgh The comumWee of this ward appeal to the en rolled men to come-forward at once and eontri- - bate to relieve the entire Ward from draft. Dis ney le needed now to prone:ethos few men want-' lag to fill the quota. At bast forty dollars is; required from each enrolled man. A large per.: site of those subject total° rinds have dent sloth.: og as yet, and they are notified that if therdo; not reopeod to thin esti they will he left to take -care of themselves, and they may rest assured: .4hat those having the matter la "charge will sea that they take their chance in the wheel. A contribution pi fitly dollar. 17111 secure • substi tute for each roan 111 ewe he should be drefuell.t ..The tiro will be closed on Ther•dey of this week. Carititatioao ens he handed to the Bleak Committees or to the Treasures, J. O. Carry, at the banking bonze of Bill k Ce., corner of Wood sad Filth Meat& _ _ Killed. on Mai Ballratd. distr,oreing aceidant ooaarred on Prides, rd --She Pennoy!Tanis Railroad, near Bipar's, tbrear ranee below Florriabarg, by warb Mr. Abraban ISTlMptial loot Lis Ilia. It ai oare teat a oal.i text, wet Ur T. A ,tAr to 131,e8 I f-, .r," ..•t•it a .t:c-x. co. to t. : wr,••t, de dct. 41, c tt.• I. , ... :v. 4... ~... • .. n, ii .1. VDU or)! t.:* 'le •tt •• ,,,.• 5 - .. t., ,_ i aT . Ev d tix , ,-,., ~,,,,,. ~,. „., ..., ~/ •,• • i 1.: •14a - y It.—:te ~...I, * 1 C . .• ... 1:1 bit ;CV! I, AZ brolatt and ktir, Latttl. =atilt/Asa- Ei • -a: .7. • 2 1,1, t Ctl:.. tt., ...,,:et, et.l4, ct iky sta in's inatantly 1111cd. A watch it: his poal:st rtarZt, t 3 a 7,, Y. s .ras, W , saa , sal 1::::Lisos. was sbattatoll.3 pitons. Mr. Livingston Was 6 E 1 .417 krtspeask ith• - ••vla contain tlina... • Mglily.respeotabie .oltinen of Ilarrieborg, end linii.way's Pius and innwte L. .re now re- Octet. sixty goat's of age. t.e:lttd, owing to tice high prio.t. or Jra4.„ .4c.. it I :5 trn,!-3, 75 ot-ots and 'Si ~11.) per put L- Iv t. Fc: solo La Pittssurgl. k.: B. L. 2tilmeateak For tale at Fulton's drag acre, Filtt street, Pittsburg - a. For sail alto by Geo. A.Uelly, Federal:treat, 2.11ag1.14 nay. In.ionso.—A hey named Darragh *at ten over by w ear en !be }S , •neheater Pee• —4inger ilallway, about Cie o'clock ):Motley a ftennoon, - la. redered , atooet, Allegheny.' and severely Injaled_ fie woo 12,!,Pn3 on to the aide of the oar, when hi, hand slipped and he Ovalo the tract, when te rol it so Mad wheel passed, *riivrightleg +Led taj h a severely tu t it 41, feared that it edit he neeensarysto Arne iputate the limb. tie wars tabor, to the reeldenee bio pezence,ho the Thad ward. r fistoc Aor.—On Shards), night hut, & IMO sou of 11111.Johnill. Boorenii, editor of the Peat , Zeitung, at Wheeling, foil into the river, roar the' month of Wheeling Creek, and wontd tindeattidilArivir'been drowned, had it not 4•,—influfht—Col.7 - 11.1),Bribbarcl,wto, on hearing !entries, sorbed into the Inter and dragged him forth. The bey had gunk the third time, and Van Inue4l.,,xl9qpitfli.,?;int,,hiri Afis was saved. k:id Vi =, , JEs rreuc EnnooLe —The 'abode nf Allezho , - '1 F.'. tiedtrSP6ned leetettley., but were diontreed W idonday ner4 to ; give the tosohere on on !unity ,to ittend the session of the county tr:t- A- exacta' %fietituto, to be held at Bewiek'y dx .Yr."4 i 'ing the present weds. The lehooLs In t'itte f. turgh ,rscoriasai y vrtu. WO R ort Monday next; , .er Wfu1.'11.14i3311011.7f. rho WallAblirg 44t4S (bit' that* to Kali , ' talk of .anon o fromtb Pankandle.road flown to. that ? °4ll4 d esii efadu .The .Paitttioadta toad • c • {and cet4RlBlderttills,,r4,4 9n. rata .turitt"""' ~.. 1-) ' ' -liiin iia Ve.stur,l'bunds4 ziKiinlng. sTali % 4 •,:,,, ~.Domed Watley Sliming; - rad lOg.: flos , Poloaloo: s 1 "Sagan arApty, W;-9:4-ceittic - o,oito eViNnt. t ,, , . ~ co do, ramose of el gaup; f ep:ofT , ...oVlit .#l4, Win •..- AA (Mots or:inALUDIE P0P 0 ).... 01 4 a4- '' - - -....--.-,- .-42.1":4.t.,-,%tiKi4 i • A nubile meeting of the iron, glass, stool, cotton, copper sad : old= uuMnfaattrers, at mill as ell consumers of coat, eras hold yesterday at. *noon at the Board of Trade Rooms, to take sema station in regard to the price of orml. Mr. Creams B. Jesse srsa chain Provident, Messrs. Alex. Chambers and Alex. King Vice President, and Messrs. James M. Bailey and F. J. Herron appointed Secretaries. After stating the °bigot of the meeting, the President appointed Mean. Thomas 13akewell, George Black and Alexar.dor King a Committee on Resolutions. The Committee, after a short absence, reported the following, which were unanimously adopted: Roam!, in view of the exorbitant demand of the coal miners, we recommend that It be not acceded to, and that all consumers of coal, whethersa mennfacturers Who own part or the whole of any coal works, or who do not, be re• quested to join sod co-operate with the co al dealers in resisting the enormous demand now made for mining. Rorolecd, That we, ac manufacturers and coal dealers, alter an interchange of views on the stbjectot the late exorbitant demand of the miners, think the time has arrived when we should endeavor to cheek this combinetion on the pert of the diggers to ruin our business and the Intercate of the el:) , generally. Resat-all, That this meeting regord the recent demand for increased compensation by the miners to be alike unwarranted by the increased price of previsions, and destructive of the most Important interests of the community, and above all oppressive to the loss prosperous classes of Society, by exorbitantly raising the price of coal. rcao/ocal, That we bind ourselves to use all 83 48 146 86 800 1 10 850 1.46 8 800 4 8 55 6 ',AWL'? 1 70 TO E 10 4 GO T 3 B 00 110 BO 14 00 act woe!, con. advertiser. All lsodable efforts to keep the price of coal below 1,0 ornft par bushel, and recommato t o i r mannteatories, and large consum aar Ole, meet at an early day and considdrtha bre priety of stopping their works until/lb object is accomplished, R«olrod, That we ask all coal deals, whether members of the Cal Exchange supotrt, to ca operate with this meeting, and relict the dems,cd row made for over fire cents per tounal. The mooting adj,:nrned after adopting the resolutions. The Coal Exchange will hate a mooting to day, at 11 o,olock. Shame! ul Couftuct. Some developments have just been made pub— Ile, relative to the manner in which substitutes are prceoured In Meadville, which places the Sher iff of Crawford county and some of hie officials in an unenviable positioi, The affidavits of several colored men are relished, stating that C. C. telancely employed4em in Ilarristearg to El to Meadville .d w e lp to livers Entitle, st very high wages; tha ey cams with him, and as Loon ss they netted were pot In It% where they wero locked up by the Sheriff. in • dell with a man oharged with marder. When one of the Degrees asked why they could not go oat, the Sheriff inf'emed them it was antest the law fir strsogars to scroll e.S.nt as Sunday. The sheriff applied them with all the whisky they could drink, and on Monday tae turnkey 'brought a bottle full. The lame aft., -ueset a man came up and told them be was the Provost Mar shal. Ile pretended to rend the law from a pa per, told the Degrees the goverment had. called ; out every person able to tight : and that they unit go into the army, or Re bask across the line and 461 for the robots. Coca the man did en list, bat the inhere refused, and finally the whole thing leaked out, a :ding in the arrest of the pasties implitmted, including the Sacra( of the crunty and some of Mt ofacers. The colored en open whom those outrages Win p+rpe-re'el were staves who bad Met escaped from D ate, which will account for their ignorance of their righte. noir .ffiderits rise, the St:O:X and hie atereiates In a very bad light before the pan ! lie, and If it le true that they have acted es stated, the sevomt peolahmse, cheull be meted tat to the rs. Fire In Allegheny City On Monday sorting eh :ut one o'clock, a fire broke tut in the rear building of the reslienee of Mr. Harvey Chflde, S :nth CU=4II,II. near Sandusky et.ett, Allegheny. Tun alarm was speedily Ott by the city watchtLen, and the etrEnetra lirpe and Ge,. Grant were promptly on the grand The fire by this time bad avosid. tante headway, 6.11 great duUsulay wee ViroCl ii•Letal iu eanag the ursin fr-. 1 who were s;,,ptag le a in in the second 10421, war, by th• CO;AILIbOiti. Rook nod Ladler Company. The fire in euukuted to have u.ancennicated from tee ki•fbun rsug. Time tell ate,t,t. to &boa, gl CIA 7accrranc.'Fievriek— lr; raork a . can ;rk :care A!- Itptcpy :icy al 9:15 a. m. cal rater as:earn toe C3.3%0 of ao o. atioa are 'riere.l to tre pillar. 2. tracLarr :re J'l4 ct,a aLd ca.h.r.cteci Co ba thrte. Ti,: c .ca will D 3 ;.tiDCipaitc wp nrnsc..!elre Profaiaor Chu:, al York, ir auca .c. 11,1 lantare on ''ThriAciance of U.° Hnsli;.h La . ..gusga;" Pro'. Thrznp3oc, of Lac:oar:to:, l'a , I, alroialre, saa will lecture cn "P: wary E.-ae,..1. - .;" Protector Rod will give tan awrci, crocart,,i enter laiDiartlli --parr at Ssaioiley, rne Gana: k,urgb, ol which noticrt" .c giena. Protector W. H. clack will be prcacn: to lead claw singing. A ?PIA'S The encl. crop of We-t Virg'oic le eard to be annually heavy. Tao semi, it true t f many ..ther seetioni of she ei.untry. La Al legheny GOlllatv ,bo crcp . will be 14.-ger th•e it has peen for years pact. In many oreh,do the Wes are beading . cientiith the bed of trait. OAILL.I.OI, Ritiw•T Co.—lte stook oonsieti of 580 eh►ree, at the par valuo of $. 5 . 0 i so that the 3011 ehares , o be sold in balk tate evmeing at 8 o'clock, ►t Moileraloe'a auction roams, will have the controlling vote of the Board. This is an excalleot choose for sapltallete. ACCM3IIII , —Oa Ssturdsy lc t, a son 0! Mr. W. B. Horner, dmrgist, of Now Castle had both legs belly fractured while playing or the SUM table of the New Cantle bad Beaver Valley rail road. .RO7/11 AGILNOT.—Tha Pott l'Aarotor 13eaaral hal apvoln , td J. A. ile.rdznbrbuk rout /gout botlreort Baltimore arrd. Harrisburg, rioe L. MeCla:ro, reelgue&,,se,Sr ,saczotuOlry > , ,1 nut, bt ReAlng, tell awn itairn haul, on Tkurstimy. eiLd hat his tool . br7kl-.. B.a , Lanao Zemt,r.vr —Testes/1 • boy narned'Walls, nixtoon Yew .ae ran over on the Penn•ytvat Railrotd, n .' 1-win's 9lntion, and Instantly killed.. he was walking upon the track at dot time the an,idout von, Ted, • "Tea ESAIas. " —Tbb great sensation drama. winch has been played at iliele's Garden, New Ir , rk, for the past sbz weeks, wee prolueed 4: the Theatre Met evading. The 'canary, which was painted expresely for this piece, it gorgeons,' and the costumes ere new end beautiful. The el:tar:wren ere well enatained by the tendlena• company. "The tee Vision" IN ace of the Meet wonderml pictures ever witnessed et onr Theatre. 7 he piece will be repeated this eveldrig, and ws advise our amazement-loving cinemas to drop to end cal It. 111PgeiJkS NOCAS POTICaII Tawas PASS; Pilrall end Orn►mentsi Bute }loafer, ►,^.d dent*: In Pentliylvants and Vet men! rizte of the hen qacHty ci low 00es At the Wisai W , Ors, PitUbtritt, V., REWM.—Z.l=nel Orr.Y.str, k Co., bterntuot Tellers, bave roaloved to 73 Eintitliteld,otroet, We ars jest receiving our reeead rapply of avring'and simmer goods, and would sort :04 epeetially Write our blonde and the publio to gena!sl to ezerains oar new Welt, itellerias 0 to be one of the thmit hooka et mere-Ala `alter gouda la the city. Eery garment inr• muted to ci,o fall eittlatootton, in lx,th Frio* =a it:atty. Ott , e coo oat before parehesint Ittrabere ead for joureelyee. Gstirxe 5100Armacte. Talon, Pio. Ts eirroisz Rovics.-11n u.:is a don of our tuadert t -sited to the briitiai.t scsosineentof Ariz.! ia saw.? Goo4s l lll3t, roma,' by our kind !!r. Az . . John Weler, 1.23 Bedssal street, Alla ghtdj. nit stack somnstses a r,rsat variety of Paasy Prozob, English, Sisul,th Ame r c u ibuerise yid Motile, and sr,,, But and Caa- Elmore Virstaiv,--ar If Thisn Hsu be suede up to order' in the Weal, etylet and In the beet manner. A choice selection of Burnishing 4 1°56 eon in hand and for isle, together with a MI :4Ck of Bead: !into Clothing, isoli cad tenthly =Ada.' ;i ion Tula° a good, healthy hood of hair, or , to prevent roar halt from turning grey, or, when grey, with it restored to its original ostor, yea roust use an ankle sailed Itraussearoa, as it nem to be one of thigreatest etederses of the preeett time. render ratiefaotion for the above , vaporise when all other prepara tions lithe WWI. Bold by SiMpa johngtor, cot. 619 itbileld fad rourth'etreote, and by ellsolyent Cam' Weetbp f,17 A!;1., • Ciama as ice and pure as snow. 'llsefrapant fit rodent !a • sclentike composidos. of the pur.. est and ebo!oest ingredlente of the oriental veg etable kingdom. Every ingredient it well knows to have a beneficial effect on the teeth and gams. It removes all disagreeable odors, even that of tobacco. .It sotedily removes Moue raNsges which children installs in: their teeth, owing to improper use of sweet and acid artialee, which impercept,bly destroy eels. Sold by druggists. Pirinuit TOAMIBIP Deere—The Cale:tors an. pointed to raise funds to pay bounty to men to tUi quota of said township under the late rail of the President of the United States for lire hundred mon, are requested to meet at the Sohcol East Liberty, on Tneaday evening, the 30th inst., at 734 o'clock, to compare sements, end adopt a tystematta method of resohing all the enrolled men of the township. 0. W. SATCHII.OII, Chairman. At,B. 28, 1881.-21 STOCKS, BONDS, Se.—An anuinel list of sale able stocks, ho., is to be sold at Blolteralne's Au., lon Rooms, this sunning, at eight o'clock. Roside the 800 shares Oakland Railway Co., are 50 shares of the Pittsburgh and Birmingham Peasenger Railway. Also, 50 chores Columbia Ott Co., beside the Dalsell and other oil comps, ntcs. About $lO,OOO bonds and mortgages, se. cured by improved property, together with a Het of Insurance and other stocks. ENGLYBEI, CIUSIO and Commercial Azilogny, erosion floor Allegheny Sering'S Bonk, Alleghe• oy. The Pall term of this Inetkntioo commen ces on Nonday the 5:I of September. Night grbool commencing on the let of October. Rev. J. Davis, N. A., l'ziocipol, Rev. Wm. Doris, N. A., Assistant. lw. buena, Boons, Sc.—Ttis attention of capital ts to culkd tb tho volaablo Bite of stooks, itt., lo be Fold Tuesday avcning by A. Moil waineest PE. noction rooms, romptiaing aolumblaollCom parl, Ds'zell O❑ Company, Oakland RailrraTi Pittiburgh and Birmingham Ballauy, about 420,060 bomb and mortgages. BRCIr)I . 2I BILOLCIiI,L Menu= ecar and give .strength to the voice of singeri, and are indir • poneable to public speakers. "I have never changed my mind rospeeting them from the hrst, exc.:T:l;4 so think :et bet • ter of that which I bagan to think well of." Maniocs or Bait —oomprlsed ie tho word "F L ti It I L•I adoptod by the root terfsvaar, Lubin, no the Dame of his now toilet articio, which 13 just now the talk of the town. Every lady of taste and fashion uses 7.!•^ce 1 cr. - riapr orate will to taken at 73, 4 if, POn7- , •,, col , or l}-r, ~e wilt tc. 411 14.!1a =art be Frr resnrse-40 .I"rin kr 1.31 a It Mrelcllaarr .4 neuon BMW, 56 Fifth street. L•nus' boots, shoes cad gniters selling at losr prices st BloCittland's Auction }long.. Casrssi rLoca :or mseching, at 6.lcC..rilaurs Ant Licurc. Ca ILDESN . B r:lcao nt NieClellr-nd'a 55 F' fth elrest. MAR R lED pp A GLrl3-4^ s PatimiSi erasing. Aliptit 27th, :444, nlr Id. nco of tie brldo'• r. Ivry. J0e,.1.1i r.I A. SPAY itin .11AGO. L G k.AII A of A Ileahsu• city. Sn Al -- , t, Mona-v. t at two o'clo .713E91 OIL W tNO 111111 e, ?eu. Fr ', 111 T we tt • co l'.:Nthwne, wet/ uoo Sex and ttaow Scott,. Ile fetal. of ,11,1!santly rtitiect fully InTtled to tc.ta7.l ta.n oaa=a , TC.ry irs3) 1.7,13 V RI 1. Ira ftem tl e [l, Fa. fin, ?ear. trcet. Ili LTA 12P—Oa fica,day m4:t Lai 41 eie-t o'f.l \t..ST !LIT AB ETII. cao hti. J fla4ry and EWA Jane Lint .ad. 'tor d eLn oa rtars and tat. m The Matra; trill lake 044 t.. OhLkllft M“:3l , k 1. .S,ll‘t , tlan rai.leata of hoz' f 40,1 . r /to 294 Staaapiti stiwt, illeiLeos city. 744 t vn,da or •L. ittmig kaki-0 to .trend. Art , 1.11.; 148—at lb. 1.4m4a 14 , 1 a. - T. ft , . 4 C.10.4.1i .that. II it ttaT Lia" nT n , 1. wait a.l:lt aim. H. Arittar,,e4l inst ., a' h. 1,n4-taiT aunt T at It a. TO. F 11,41 11, lia•ftri I 1864.._ ..COSTAR , S” RAT, ItOACti, &a, EXTERMINATORS 4 '13 jeers erest9s3Ad t 3 R. Y. ntr .VD 1, .0.1.113 v ...ed. ka.. , 34,.. fryra O3tocorno• to th. :iunan •oarr_ e. fly." "1i3.1.0,3u.• oat 01 lexor bale. to Jo" Dot` fry •:. I.tro • gt.t. ereryo33l3. 1..c0•k• .o e.l . Art , Dopot, Nn. *4 Rr. ewl•sy, F. T. scr A. If ALIN iloto .3.0 000 1 C 0....! ,ILL 0., •L 11.4.0 %0711, tts.l.-orll. P... I'. 3.31 A &SU. Y , 3 , 4*-•331 3 11.40 Ayent,l6lbagittot.y Clll. If tolm Fl, i'l .1.1, Kt; IT WAX, /Oa B LAW NG ralltt 0/6.5d. •EGCLDER URArRS, wrott.N to tetttl ►SCE FLAV3 , INN EXTRA...II'I. britlINWA EMBLCSIA ton TII: ELLIS Elf..i.Lo'*Alll PILLS AND OINTNNNT uc s!vay. pturured at arm. A. F rr,t,T,! rg <Tata. D3r , o PrOttg, nor. Ohio 11 , 04,1 - nl NA, Allegheny, lo ttutet Benno ITV!) Sl'A't R'S ri , ;13.% it, REV F.- Li 01' •X —*he iittattol ....0 •'or 104. oong er 0.. t.a BAIA 101, • .• :1. •r f v•rtr. 5100 •o lo ap, h: 111121 r.r 1.1. I••• thr • ft. tnon •-•1 rou. and oatd Laze. aro a do, La. -•rol.,••• o a• port od ttl•a.loo , ly a 0.07 •rt, of t.• 0.,. a,/ ...11..,r , ••Ol• • • 1,,,y • i•y rats pa. at {le Into 031 0150401 •41.1ce, ehrtg • ot.l ot o.o' rex" 74 ea:4 Lazo , oath 141.11 gay ti±torval•to troat. All.,;my! l• LI do) of rtep.2* tr, pH . et will to 4,0 to al l am I.'crurre, C•tria;'• and •li Ter Mar, . 11•6 7.5 csoL_ no ei 04 ....lel, Oti• al.t. /or tho cor. , Wane. 10 tan-P‘P•re ' 5 tit. tmri of thr. c-on• p 1 .hi 001.0.1 :the ou•14 ull • Or., tea, oo I.T.utotoo 10, * 411 of rep•-• ah , r. 1.,••••-•n t oorr 013 cl - . a. en att..l e'loo - 0 o. ' will .1 - • ' 1•.1 [to 3et da.l• !fl.lllll • th- h•••at. of Jair.. ' 0 '0).1.. the Banton that co elekle 1. 0 ... 4 ' p %tr., or. tuivla••••• not t. p•3O II , 7 1, 8 ' , oft , the I•,i day.... It 7111 ha 000..110 0110... 0. attoad to g clo.ololo nn n and t,,sa oh. go or, ....ape the p - *MP* " Do V • 0 71. wa ILA Cohort,. ny, O.ognot 03, pLUSLeII,IO, Gas and Eitoam Fitting, Ort.achoa, tAnt , olly Falco:tot to, V) , e7portoo , prw.z oorktneo. 0 One aseurimont aes rsv', er.lloo, tt Illit'LZl, SHOWED BA rue, W kT N ., E ttYladatTS, thr.• band and mule to order. TATS di SEVILLE, s,. rzpra,ll. Atingt,u, I VAC! ,It It EGET. Pittsberth. thr./.4.1 6.71P114141 to ruA , U . biuguialau rotate Ms.:, ___ . _ - VI-arTOW.t.6...eatti .13E HAD A 7 . uo AND 314 mrrruntrix rrnisT. 01:).4t< tr.. 011VISOCIS Ehllet A fCt:A`7TYID,ai a gewrilor train/ Prfr. to rats &II flay? . D. NI. Ornirr 6 . IALIAIPW AY & CABLY, RONNE, elOll AND ORNAMENTAL PAIN TElcs, IQw CL eueNT GI6LSZ error 1,;-;14 --- • ATOTICE.••••Thift prOlllllV hOlierS 00 010 fAmidnensated.o,...D. ema 4ilry• a•-• hen., no- Wird them Rim wt, and. carbll4 Wu, ben cur.V.ted: ' C0r.50 Mama, from triMkal3 PulMis Itemt, ,ream. Ruth Wart. from rain Lfb6rty Ad?a oral, frAm Nam to tikr etreeo; Atrcot, from Toon .to 'Woof. Sfaram siky, Mau atm . ..ion alloy fit Wimbisagf•M et. ....•Mer.‘. Co alt Itt,atol• wand bl 4 made <lats.! 00,11, to sr.. , st-tio offl••• of the Lt•naralmf onstl TUGSraY, tiw Oaf butted afar thq 100 be ylaael In the hostla of 1411 01 , 7 Atefil IWIN, • 11.rulator.' ROTTEN-2,000 ,flu. fresh 11011 TluW " mob &gm : • IA Da; t tblt. 71 tau. 7Litti DU 44 Ira. Montrrir •aistax.. W buxom rills, Craw 01.11411 fiafr tiodilt4r, Gad lac a 1 . ,. te, R. lUM , L'it. lv ILAtorx• was, Chl , -60 burrols mhor colorod era n e ß ° oatrze l eat. by .THE7-IAIEST:'NEWS- BY MAGWIL Our Special Dispatches, FROM WASHINGTON THE FALL OF FORT MORGAN. The Sebelt Retreating up the Shen andoah Valley. OUR CAVALRY PRESSING THE RETREATING COLUMN TI e Infernal Revenue Tax Sr,clAl ricpstch to the Pittsburgh Gasstts WAstuse - res, August 29, Dili/. 71111 PLLI. OF FOE? 11,[015. The latest oM riot intelligenro to-day, is from Goners' Sherman, et the fall of Fort Morgan In Mobilo boy. Ho door not ray whether the art was blown up, evacuated, or surrendered. petcheo from .leneral Grant are to the same elect, b a !animation on the subjost being derived trom the Itlehmoad papers of the 2,:h inst. All quict yorteriay sn to-day orouud Atlanta, to fax as salvo operations aro consorted. Gan. Sheri laa harp savano4<l ctla d:scovorel the one my retiring Official diepatehes from ben. Ornot that he tIGS ceased to struggle for the poseessian of the Weldon rallrcaa.:, trlitia to canip:etely in our posseerLn. No lighting ”stor.:ay o: thk molting Iref,ro P.t.,,ribarg, or in Gen. Butiar'a (tont. L• ely's forest are in toil retreat up the V 111.7 04r cavalri ie elortly prartiag the roar of the re irextiae a good man: rt,g glen. The Commiss,ner et Internal R•vonnie to. it rende , ed the fo!lowIng important de2 , st,n ooncerning r. 13 moot! la parson; la tha employ of the I eited State,. The one hr.ultad end :zscnlc‘nth ;actin n of tht 6:: of Jazz 30, I -it, t•rttriJee et,aa whore the eelary or o'nor Any pe , i. en in the ecispiay =eve errriiin Steto., esuei rar ,L•o r,.2 tlt ‘1,..,rs anntro, or eta!! to by fool, cr uottrtsin er irregsainr la th 3 ^.3-cp.i . , or in the I tine during übi,b the seine thail hare premed or boon enrnrz, snob soSery or other oEmpen,ttion ehhil be In:hada:l In ov..imating the E. 3 aric>_men prr".aa to W 113. thrs rams,bbl i , 33 - 0 been eircetione heretofore issued to and ,t3-3trg r.ta: 13.1,, (4,31 ,re, ho L.. 1.C...1 e. t 1121311013 td free ell pe: .60 do to vor,ou, ,•h 3,1 by tbo dA7, wben • reeee i d,dferi r der, us u.sauded. ll.reef:cr to to! !reel pre, r be are eu,pfeyei by tte Amy o 1 by the rey, ho m 4465 :bat may ha Lb* rate of oedeped -4;1._ 4, xti to tee vriti be rrithhel l ! rom pvtor, ,tl , ll - .. , ;• tLel,o •• pai.s ;.• ire seen h, ntlerr the 0ic.121 olcoolel ohr Jan 4 t!..y aufAin: tae a.. oh fxf.folJ he cum fify ax of 400 j.: Oe mart to a - •4.0. What n 1.1,0 E b cOl,O jta by Van aa.n,th at a 4.1.0 e 3 ;C.& EL:,) tha tan he :.htheil •rom the a=.7141. 4h05- The aromas doe Jai.. than ttat, are n, wa>ee I,,tary 1. t pe , r 04%th. is •.• ,'Ten n ,h 9 re inert b••obi taken the .t,st of el:, aoi of th• +tent' , reroire.l by est per , in thr •••riot or •y.a.r.t of "ial/f,l.ioilb is CLCM:... Nom :he tel uadtr the proi Cltlft ha J•till3o.l the 11411,1901 . the district It ws:ch sneh perevn re 54155 io , ha mime minter as Inr,cls fr ab soy tither •,11:5. A :pant e_rapuon tc tae rii/• eb•re . - staLlirbed td . mtie is the 1251 60011,1, of the wblet pr 0•14.1 that pehments of pries ni in ,y b- ressrat 4 Si tram S•lse.ra, ntd the dal thereon eha l l Pa s.:jm t e 1 and 5 ,1• [need to like ms.ontor. The tan mast therebre 5e withheld from all pi:metta of pr l is moos; .5l ern, 15ro, ILtd ai , b pa: In ea,, way he4s o..ted from tams Itnemp 1,1 In OaCil. NAAIr PC, AND I . lV_ r , ) , iron , 31,7113 ♦ND NM" Ne• tiresatte, Foute Ameries, and the gee .ealbettl./ the 0: ALLLern.• 0) the ll.h do, •.! J.,te, I - I - I, matted: lzte • tres.l by ehe:h the l acted r• at. getrauteed the taut al it) of the Itthteli V• 1. Peru, et - teally t.netry r,e v. ~t t-. 0 litod rzt7 ,:c as eem :4; e U •vo Lt pre rout f /< 13 a llttaritte , r the onrooyl of at fo: we. upon P•eo. Coloo.bla Cali. the g.,yern a.tot of the 1:6itolIn61 her gua•st - ity 212411•1 . 2,tit dp.,o $l,O troi..!, g her troops 26 lw.fora rcestiore veorr,,,,ent 61 , 1 f n. CII any to dlto •atioiag tow, it It our p41:2 anty ro perf..ra ten 01.iag ui so: f oat. to toe trot!) /the oeeey a 10002, , 5a,1 +hall be made by the p - oyer party, itial to the, r lle • tot of the 1, f rho. propoeftfon woo total the ooty dos of or seers lot heeltacoy. The matter ass referred to the Attorney tian• era!, who, open ousstder•tittn sad examine:ton the teats, 13 ode that N.• tir.natio and the tint of Celan, his LTO me anti :h• arm , .. , eritzteLt, to that so ain't meal trociet.tuti teasels uf wee, if need be, to maintain the etiput 'takes of the treaty, and prevent Span trim iruniporting troops across the iithnins. It an } rt.. that the treaty alto guarantees the onto- IL le tiovereiguty of New Entnails over the enrol 00e7 named. Ct'orel 11.,ffasen, Colniriessry frionerisi of • oven, left here to—day to inspent the prison. end parole camp in the; Went end Bonet:melt. Dar io,. hi. •blenoe Sisjur 6. Disyd,o, 2d Massa— obotetta sv.fl so, to ,J,`, A S, l.:l.•.1 ~4. ~.~~ t; V S Tr•' tors r porti,n u: the 7-10 net, I..ened In 14111, erkieS fall doe on ;ate It4ti %net-, been exlbanged Ltr six par tact. bonds dna in Mil. The recnsinder of tb• pepaler trios folu doe on the lit u! Oat, oasc t end will donhtlaso be esooaatiged before metarity. The whole Isaac stoouriu to $140,002,000, SECRETM StANION'S BELLETIN, LATE FROM GENERAL HERM COME FORTLino, OAN CONFIVINA 11=1 •.....kar. alms,* ..•=clao. • • I , l‘a DirpAßT.ll¢l)ol . oll AZIR. 22, 1831 7o /lc] Om Dix—Tae °spun., of Port Mar. wilt fully mitifirmed by dkpatehet from Gene. Groat sad Ethereal:l. who &flewl their tufdram tion from the Richmond std Nubile pspas. It appears from (140. o..ant'• diepstott to the Presi dent, Joel to:C[1041, that F.lll Allergia was 611X icodetod. To A. Lincoln, Presided: Sines my dim:tett& of Ott m mums, I taco roeeiyel lb. 11, °h``` °°4 Sniele/ of the 2Z.h. It eoutaltti the follolifing dispatch from Mobile: The report of the Nut mder of Post Margie woe moat anexpooni, and we swell an expleeetto of no fortune! , ocoarsence , The prod of Itt,bite is hopeful and canhdent of their ability to b o il Oa ally. U. H. thus; Lint- aereeted. Tbs. latest Intelligence tram the SheN - endosh Vol., represents that a largo-pans of the rebel forts bay been withdrawn inwards Utehoload. The latest report■ frets Ors. Sheri:ll3 repe llent that Omaha his rocsit ssorcosette is oo:a• py the rebel Moo of .apply hose barn FIICSIF at, E. 31. Plecrest, flcaretary of wen. "ingrown a LIXBIL% ire -➢ boilthleti quo. tr., &a, ern. El=il . tall tax sb •clll be vr,..4 DOPICIIOIII or YILISOWS The Chieago Convention. A TE 'TODAY ORSANIZATION 11x-Bttitrnor Bigler of Pennsylva• la Untied Chairman. PEACE RESOLUTIONS OFFERED A CESSATION OF HOSTIL , TIES TO 8: DEMANDED Postrautrueut of the Draft to be Urged I - ran the Preetdent. IM=M!=2 Cutcs .a, August '2.—At the close of Mr. Belmont's remarks be nominated ea-Governor Bigler, of Penneyfeeble, for temporary presi dent, which motion was carried ananimoosly. htn the °beers which greeted Use. Weer sob mdod, he raid • Orntirni•n ~•r.,n...,.: 1 am greatly hon ored in your seleclion of roe to prrtldt or, the preliminary dc liberation, f this be , dy. Loy a:- knowledgette . nis for this high eomplivaent, for the kind greetings just extended to me by this vast concouree of my fellow citizens, will be best totrAfettcdty a proper dionharge of the du/les of the position to which you have called me. II is not espeeted, nor would it Le in one steaming the mere temporary presidency of the Convention that be should enter upon any general disouszion of the many topic: suggedted by the ur.htl py con ':tion our country. A brief elusion to the occati,"..n and poop nos of our assemblage is all that will be nenestau. No etmilar body cecreseemhlod In A-o-, on seiti mightier objects before them, or to which such e rest proportion of the American pc , ple looked with bitch profs and tobeitude for aes.“,es to promote the welfare of the roan tr 7 sod liar An •e cherix happiness. The tcraliaa..ien of Democratic rule in this c,coiry we, the cod of petee.ful relations between the States and the people. The elevation of a ¬ional party to Itittiorhy et W.Liugu - n, the Leulmination of a Long iocn',ed and acrimonlcue war of crimina. lion and rerriteinethm between extreme men of the North and Swath, was promptia t‘dloeml by I dieeolu•ion sad civil war ; oat to the progress of that ear, even the buitroAts Ot . ebtl rely Cove born imeorrillnd sold toe whale fabric brought to the rely verge of detstruition. And .now, at the end of more than three years 0. a nor unlarale.ll,l In nodorn tints for it: magod , ucia end for Ise to:Ai:rum ,loro:Coon$: after more than two millions of men hove been coiled Into the bold on cur tide alone: niter the land bat I.Len iitetsdly drenched to troteratl bmot, and and Idtheata . Liona hood id every :viper of cm, e meur.n oeueery, the 113111” of Lim 1 Lion, our c!.erlihed ahjim, are to no wise ircia,ved. T.e men t¢ P•tr.tl3 itj, through a It ad 'which th•y barn long toalat4.oed Lelia to • °loci and COlll,O toen at tae eivoiti, baceit•e of 4 blind lanniici m aboc , in Iva, of the States in rale:ion to w i..h they have no do :fel to perform and au reaponribi aties to bear, aro tiiiesly incapable of eLdup...g tne proper 100001 to settee oar country, oar ch coolitl7, trim its i voted: ILlClOnt.ihto btu, gentlemen, it i• Mr 1.41•041. that l.h4 brat inaisper.sablo •lap tat isoc..o,l , l,oh.aect l• tax ',rent w !lc to the overthrow by tbs ?` v. r-• Adio..o ...0110e '0 , 1o; .r: oti.•aer .n it* *vend, woloh • 44.1....1 tea, t , re o'y ant j • • ,r . .te cr.] Ita.r • .r.g about ri.n•dy nct e t. f.CL1.41(, (11 prto•olot nt the ,IL/".1.1 • LL,I nh.i Just to 111,11.0 Notlh n • h. Eat' ant Wnat wy tbwid • Ar! ut ° alter - h! - it at to ' i•••• - 1 , z.e , • h.. it tostnro, so.nq :ad .trr.rd. Si I ro!rt :h• uatinnal tre at to Ito. ccOe. thr !nut :tit rvlt • tr 0uth , .., , y, ,, 1 • Le hiat. ut Int :ha rho It. v. ,ce val ha , e r .ut yroan I. :La lost ora.ILD PI Ott I'n 1-n. but mulch y:11 , 1111 gr. tly .ttk but rt - 11”. as the retzt,u of ponut, art t iSott •i Cirn:4”:•n, <to two heel COMMi3Jb . II , I 'he t‘e n v :-. ea : ::ne bete 2,3 .taf.• ta Crest ty•Ato, to .-loft ntyht matt it, figth.nts . t:. gtrO ,- a Int: the k tri.l he wall pnr t orrryd i date utt , sltert or faith And t hut 1 . . a propto tray %At,: •u, 3. d roxy Wets 1'42 6 0 Meer. to OA dottrt.l mad, If c.jtr. yezet:3ll.,t wet, hen +poen.] ertth D'+7er r IL el :to Prot•etset i•r. U re•cn. Sew Y T .er, of M.•• nete 1:..L.1 .e .es Th• I delegates Was tb, c• , ll.l'..y , tentos, nod in ...fob cbdtrd.on orod•otint• t cts Cckgral,n, be I,I.IIWOLXIIISSI ' , RC 1 Ail ap MT TO,le-, •fm •-o Itt tt or o e t tzte o e.. 4 rAo •ri, roe,. • r the ocoo...ter•et to et t 3,1 311 roe •luilune ,Er•rerf In the Conran rdi I. referred to n 1 ,4 committee, without de- Lots. • /Ar C, x, 01 OLoc, c.,9114t0. ILe Conolttarr e ~r gsrol wen I,,.oetrstr , cll , tale. the govercu•Ot of the Coeret , t -a. •11 tact 11=1!1=EI te r n, n , ~tied LL enntistlng del . vier In ea that Buie •graed and were ,1 thlo ro,entl,n here-re, to nerve that nee mime, ni at, nor Ge ori.ein,ed en the C ee tin t int I Carried. • td .:e:clt fvenia, moved lLet •Its re !o adtolltAro to toe ,•l , ll ho' 4t <DO, co • , koowq to be riv rtOrr. tbro /.7, rcr, Leer, •r , e•-e , I legate. , F., ted :1 ptr' 1.0 p-e•r I , ',a. . . tirn II u,rert, n ..,4 b y • •to }••fl ”n to ..te‘rga•er r .rJull'r a 1,-.lss tt, tfi.t of C Ur. MOD nr•li ne,Ape.e.l the ea•nlaeet Mr. litdin, a New 1 •rk. oppose I vie re to sr os., et-n.fatt A• n, ge.olat ^in be It,. ds.isite ed ty tho C -Peen :tit ware cat, te-redstad L. o , and they !nay or Lait, not -eeresent a 0.701110700 y. It wtght he ot her verse in tepid the ie.-rootlet', If there 1,,a thect a ate hat ander all the eireanaitannes the adapil on 01 ea th a raeolivion woo d, in hi judgeastat, be prodne tie, of confti•lon and disorder itlheere ) On mutton the .1,101 at was re'errod to the C ininkitee on tl,dontials A satairoonina.luo signed J L It Lila, eli•ir 110•12 OS lbo Lunulansdoloo , loo, PIM 1,00,0 J, tog forth that he and Die eulleavaas 0 ,0 h r. (hely acereaihd delegates from L alien .•.oitt.statttlesi which tat. I..ns: t: .111 • ratt-ed them ockihe ul aioataiien. It' rood. G vernot Wickliffe, Gf IC, , hundul up t♦ • • 1011.4 . 1 est, road, oot. ir•or J•ln t 7 ',sit-ye er d hs °lb.' boo J It. B 4 ban. It rest: d• •ogetce from li sato •sy, iu tfal eh th y . splalo tboir ale•Lnee by esslo f taa> they ara In, ...awe of a military oespAsos. arre.ted Wi.a • • ut sea.., to.prie••ned and rl•••ied ret,t t., the Is t al composer otaranteed by tee laws of the t• ate a:d ooss•tltatl.n to erablith •Isalr inn., canto. They proles. Increased devotion far the Dealt/trade cause. and advise the lalep,ina of a peace platform, and are hopeful of the >rimers of th. Darning., of the Coovention• Tla letter, were laid on tbe ott ttsolitm, emelt delegts.l , n, taft.ttrlN It . nb.i matt, IL•si cooedvni•nt , ..rt or cugmbir I:=1 A. If Bow; 6Deda lh•And. W N. Anon; N.e Crortb, W T vrair, E Jon. It F-,k -; K.truolty, Nathaniel wol , . 0, , Ai.: Indtmen, Alfred. C. •14, W It A , r1 . 1.1.; Mlchlzon, Mph," Fever !.1 . . tout', B. ; AtlnDet,.t.s, .1 B. Wsi.o.awin, W. N. Smith; N J . ISntlenry; CallforAla, C. Wattler,ll; lisat.u, Oliver lin.- tou: (.11.016,aulso.tion—P,410 C:nrk, P. n S. W fiag,,u k tut,, 31.. B F. A,14:,, V, ; Wa..hbortie, Coon; B. Baldwin, P. I ; H. Darter, N Y ; JAn A. are,t, Jr , N T. F. Randolph, Det ; JnEnor It I.l::nth, P..; F linither, Md ; Bauj to Harri., Kr . tea Pau, 0h1.,; 0. A. Whl.., Ind Tu ; TA°. U. Modes, Mich ; Henry. Fro! , rialr, Mo ; F. J. Minn.; 0. 11. L.ranan, Wu; Char. U Rand lA, Iowa; J. 11. Mort:by, C.. 1 ; Thomas Bays, Konna..; L. B W haat, Urc,zon• Oa Rart.lottona—M..aara. J. W. Dana, Y. ff.; B. RZIN. M USA.' Lout, Coon ; C.& I, /..; 0. U. otit& l3 .l, N. Y ; 13:.rouel J. Ttiden, N. J; Abraham Etrowo ing, Not rl,o4—flehterara, Chu. Brown; Pratt; Keatuolty, Thom.. N. Llndray and I aroci (lottme ; Otte, J. C. Vallari• dith•44 lo.hana, James M. Hanna; Tlllnole, S. 8. Mateb4l_, l ' Ittioh , gaa, A. L. Bald 11a4; Mlasourl, A• N. A. Hall; Minnesota, 0. El amlla,• Wi3OQll -0, 9 Seth ; lowa, J F. Bataa; Oaliforna, J. , No B. Wolfer; Leases, Wm. C. KeD moll; °f agot', Benj, 2Jr. 04., VI Ohio, move/ that the Committee on limo;utione be instrtated to report what no tion, it any is nencssary, for this Convention to take in regard to the late military orrlof of 014. Raln:rolistan prohibiting the pent* of toe N .rt - vort frtai tweSe..l3B anus and a3imaal:icre. Referred. er The fallowing malatiana Were titan offered, old referred tothe C.motttee on Rev:l:Woos : Raofeed, That In fatareou to the amt.*, will adhere voi' an wavering AHR: to the If Alan an 4 the Conatltatlan, and Insist on"mainteletag oar LIVI.IIId tbo oat, eoild foandatioa of oft strengthoivecavitt and baroinete at a people, and to a tev.Lerork of Government egsally oa • futile to the welfare an a l pretmeric of all the Elate., loth Northern mid gathers. And with a stew to tenni/tato this iperliou3 Wand and restore the blaming' of peao.,we are in Igenr of an armistice, and of earned and honcrabks fforto to sdjust terms of settlement end Velem on the taste of the Constitution of the United State. and the final solution of all diffiaencos we would recommend a Convention of States to renew the Cenet kith= and adopt mob amend• meets and modifications as may 'um morefully to refute to each the enjoyment of all its rigida rod the midis:a:bed control of lee domestic roe. et me, according to tho original intent and pot -I<,e tLe Federal compact. by Mr. Loop, of Obit: Prcired, That a rommittoo, to he composed of ore member frota nab Slits represented le tt le reinvention, to be selected by the rerneetive de'egstions thereof, be appointed for the par. woe ef proceeding forthwith to tho city of Si orbit. "ton. en behalf of Ito Conrantson and tie people. to ark Mr Linoaln to suspend the at elation tithe pending draft for tire buo•ired ll...tonna more men until the people shag hare en opportunity, through the ballot box, in a free Election, uninfluencA In any menu, by military otders or military interforenco, of de• siding the quertion now fairly presented to them of war or pence at the approaching election In November, and Chet told committse kr, and they are hereby instructed to urge upon Mr. Lincoln, by whatever argument they can employ, to stay the food of fraternal blood, at looet so far se the pending draft wolf continue to augment, until no recp:a, the saute° of all porter, shall here en opportunity at expreating their vi for or egatatt the further pre,cotatioa of the war la ail encico c f candidate,. for the rfasidency. By Mr., of Irricuri • If -Jr.!, In this great crisis of oar Notional hiecry, that the &arid right of Imam., secured to ea by the blood of cot fathers and the paean tine of the Conatttution, most be malotained against all asseutte,letlmidatlee or interference; and wo hereby pledge each to the of her and all it - as to Oar 00100100 c,rent.y, our lives, our for and cur sacred honors; to make c,minm .ruse with the people of any sad every titate, where the tame may be assailed or trampled np• au, to the old that constitutional exprearions f the pcpalor 'elf', and the laettimable right of sell government, m y be emoted for 00r101The 1,1 nor vorirrl•r. It, Mr. A birirb, of Penntylvatin • Ihet or. •he linprexentotives of the I'. caocratl• port; cf tie Lint ed States of Amer ice, la _National Convention aseemblid, for the f lepoto of envies:log ,nn.f , dotos for the high Lee t t . President and Viso President, to be voted (or at the .coning etec.iun, pniat with pride i :stir:action to sit putt hit,. art of oar nom It .0 .0110 tr y , hot great taltllstar7el l, lls prosper y under the Issmocratioadoninisttation: there !. re, in order to pren•rve the Integrity of our toes happy tutor, ree , titbfish jostles cud doineetfe tr+gz ilfty thoteghoot oar bor dor, promote general willare end snare Mee wean of the blersicgs of It terry v oust:sated to 11.1 by car fercfethers. We here rOOOlll and do 0 5 610 our ut•lterable 01.1.,01100( LO ale ULILOO, e.-•d i.e.... be vererni.l In Ito ins, golty. Us looting that dssirob'e al ) to: can be obtaieel if we trt.fe. hy the wi•dom of oar LtilLerS, wo hero e.npt es cur breed nod sure pis (rm. the Ctn st•tetl• o t i the United In Its long h sod breadth, toed plrige.t cur antidotes to main tato, preserve, protect and defend the same. lien-11-ed. That wo camtiot stow elte Ind .Ter- PALO the open releoiatb•n cal elotatien of the Moor, e Ittrtrine—the 5t.1.1,5; meat .1 an Lao ptre on the :ISMS of a nel F hl•eriug Repabltsin, d that we view wish granter alarm and the Itort the fear:al stride- of tot General Adosini. :ratite at tar notional copl•al toward despotism in their repeated leterferenee with the States' r•gh t, with liberty t f et...echo( the press and the rtgo e of private property whereon •0 we co I tone and ino,roptlGle patriots to Icy i••• p•rci,a, CO loot • 3' n m odiog country', tr•a•..o, to the frxe. to t lot t• t••••. 11 b.ood 441 sr:. • 5 tt rot,•• lOe as-ttte 00.0 std LLI.,, , I I I ..t .1, pre., lit Ne•l. ael Adonis; our chit. et tn. ••, • -sr .elctt. I r an•ry rod'_. ire i•t .1 w C•T t:•• t ti. t. • , rlf, • 't tr. toe C , ea , ..11 lo 6 e.bck ii tukr.,.. nibupla•m ta Chicago Cr Azg..:'.r. I' I'. 'll—na •t;:at• ar.:4 .nd Idatraa .bon: 'h. r•.. 111111! 11••••1.• h•-•: ••a 011..1 a.rh ird'realt rt•-mat a. rat•le Ar tilt. how eiubs are tar , Li4g •ad large uaretroda are ba.rg k.•li at fc••Ta' tic;'ed.oa, ck,• i . .,,^ . 11, ac f t.,e•cd 4ibt. Co , oal ratare , 'au_dr aad err it 'la ",t c_ ten :ha C 2 Rerolutl: na, rrectr.r.a. t •el CO c .tes t I CI el, •• Y a lar. .11a ham anrl • bre, re tater 1..5. re.r . 1.1, b aa_l , .hrre h th .to • r g 55,h, crag thrt er re , h l aß ' till , ieit go 15. j, by tbn C rat, tot, l,l r r•p , tradr. Eta ell , •r. r• r. 5•• •tte r p,r.. 1 2,114 n. Y. XI. Ilp r., !at itri , en Lien. I Ipg sr. Pout. , a e , ct• par et, if B . ),.epA t. m ro 6eatu,4 LI absrp 15AI Is ao.l.spatei on the qaestino of catt. tap tie Pao /I Jot.. lig the plat 4.11:. TOO W....a 1•I I 10. i au .1.5.-1 , 5 g op,. tie 1 - Lattaria [p.a. rat 1/..: et. Dot frlk - ,11 to 'bit i. :hart are tap, tart. , d.L.r.crea In caterer... I•. it. t , ral r sale! are ,r t.i fa VI .155.—Prorilet std C tia hot. at I Bracalette. Le..torky. re,. ',mi., a: .! etb-,, 111( 11011 c j 1.••“9 -41 .tr•• g h I .5 4,1,4 mat ,te oz erg:m.2v .to nave 115 ,5.. u.'• igrt or to•edlrg • o',! 5,, pe:roaorel Prert 45c. aith Pre.. &Lit apt one Soeretar, [ ' ram ,ar.h Slats wad VP Sc.:Tata:ter at large N. w York 'to and M•.nrslleirlitl re <e< r !icy You.. etaguet. ISM Tb. rtnek awn, boo• ondo•lnme no Materria o g.. Pltte,c,c, Wsy , no, 11, k•gh, fl:t.rotuen , So S Size , 1 6 4, , 11,', alle, (11. Y•• Curt:tenter II Irt I I Tlo:•irr, 111. 1, F.: .... If du:. Uht I urther L. . 241. IVE K _E fir v. - lut IL Hart cc. Nrvt49l, nert 4 , — 4 '0 44 44 4141 •fll 43 44 4,4 '. 3 ", natur 41, at 131 I.•r .41 4141 • g n tot Ir :tor -44 •t vu tr,4 1 •t 4-4,43 ~ $441.4 . ,5.•• 3.444. • •1• 4 -• 51 ,•4*;;II 11 44 ..441 $ll, t $ I h Trott- Itr.r.. tt.tut•4•••t I -4u t , r•• 7 44,1 1•444. nr• vs- 4.1t544 1.• 444 4.44 • 644 r• •tr.r44- •I. St• ,$ VC . 401441.1t$ larsr ..url w. I ,71'ur As, ltll Ito 31,112,,,531 I. to- t ru. .1 I u tc, , , t 3t. 1. we , , (14...,'.4tat.r MA • ook • 6113. s- -tc. 1 t. 1 4 . 41 r., .n ',7,2 i.; 61,. ,1 141 I r 31. d lv ',rt., rutin gi t r Fir 11.1 Ir •-r ; 14.414,t11.1.1c. I r4l tt.4•44-4 rt. IA 0.41 lusett, , I.ln 1• • ..4$ •••11,te 4n (14 4 • •4tl. n 44 • .rsr .1 t •UM IMltt• ; Cr4r, 61 , 44 1t.441,4.44 tn •.4 • • •In. ',V let{ .1 ns• •or erno ; In^lo Ito e tbl 011% .13 1••••• • ,FlrgUln. 1,1 0. penSC al 1 1.. r •••.,try 11. • r 1 , (.7.15.: h. r ‘l.•• sl• f.r E• • nun 1I.,( $ u t' /Iva, al, 11. sanly• emd fl-ny r tnd to, L ad N„,.. {owe. •. Lh.J Le. 1111..•.%* 11 Stu' wllrl Unnry Mr,rke:. Frr Yalta, Analad 20 at 7 a, eon aer . W. a.,ld •nd 1,0.01 y • °Kt.,. a , 2i% ea. t G .•r• .•• I 11 , , 1' MEI I1E1=:1 B IA LB INTELLIGENCE. 1!=n111=LMill Witoel , rg, I P. trot., t.l "b.. rm. recnkt,l re,tal 1.1,2 dunng ).-,1.1<”, but loot oleutog, Il / I •, I. Ir.: the 111 a vwcsth.r n,. , nud • ry Nue, At, .• for oat door • • • The eel, welts: ye bete to la's,: le the Earns Gra bats tr. ioeuee•tlle. TO,. L 1..., a: the itsost. et uto start tut s:eet tvre tte , hths. Ih. It treats ha it hoe: eg sec: tse Petrell• for the Greet WelllPl2l, hero the only dtpar-oree yeeterday, to,D. fen tho Ilenotyroluht :trot . p.che'a. Tice. are P•eorsl Los, due from Citteltatatl, vote of •hlrh P 111 d teht tee .11v , Lexie; —aro ao6 :Loch the lief sad the Lent I (VAL Three woe a fa: sot:stet trl he Os.. .late St the levee est, rd..y the lectlpts le Ger the, n.u.l whole thr eh puler ser • nary rot oersto Th. C.c. Gr.n.m Lne Olt up so ettrehnet trip, heelsg ie.oo, ether i.e., over tereive hundred berates ol C or. Tba , d healthy lae' , J eeeer 'of yeetorta• T'.• rite, ry fealdt{ Seet:e Icy, with .tort hat voter In the channel The ilea h. 11••, s neve twat re cam, ly here hy t•ettre la et. Late, left wee•arl•y 1 ., :he fdleehrl rte. , . The etesetee Peeeeee It o ne. ttee perfeet nuteiter t the rlosdl he, te pleas , I the IF:defend Cele o ( D., Ute POD e , W• 11 , of her cor.:ed too ilve Will sod Gottortell foe veldeh ,xforclally she hash:3AL The 6mmc finetun, hoot Zanesville, pawed np yesitadOf metal.; :ar Pit.. harsh She hes mauled au molar trio, between toe two µArts " TTe Lteam 0 - obsm, Clint. SZnII,Ie the r.yolar peatet fee th-dele Lyrley promptly et 4 p m bite, • 11,se and Epw7and ere ethlassocia'ed t Nt.w.hat to .be.Xwe Tb' Arm , CePt. 1. D. Yarretta. ea will be rot by earn, le al to leave s:or elactaloti and La'erltle tb'a veering. Tto floe new atearcor Weasatt.,, rapt. Shames. to 11111,y hp raptly ma oil be nod, to leave for St. Ideate ( ht . .eeb!eir Oatt, D. Lt..Derlotetroil, be c , n)Sl In tte..te e reedy to emit itsesmeatre sad thltlp,r.s.9 Cl.!Ftehl3-23U Data oholoo Rio in etore tad kr gals by LITTLI t tf Itc• 111 /21 111 roaatt alttlAc. , iL. Twenty Years Sfaxkdiag. CV II BDI 13,101 l will no trawl • amtilleata tram on, of tn. Ino.l f ,0,1,..b1e a lamas of Waking toirsiblp la regard to Dr. Herat'/ Lindsey , / 11014 a &amber] T. 13. - eertilicalas an 'Wats oath. and .... n.d be tlecelm3 In revert lo kV pragnintnZS : IN. Gas. H. Keyes: 1 becacts elleted with pile about twenty years nos inwt etwy par - Mg wtri arrAring worm, an . 1112145 me V 617 LC , ►t dm. es to unit toe for wort. lbw 11m6a I was had that I mold not do anythlna. on account nt them th , Y OW. oat on me m Largo as e hictor7 nut 1 had [clod a groat dual of necticime for Wan. I cad to buy and tat. vrlawterer I coed tt,a.r of or mad of to efrc an and toonjohlaU that toll In my any, but I m•cld not ge t eun4 ; somettorti they rimed do ft! .0 , 210 good for little while, but aftante... - ft they weell retan as Cad as star. I also spplloct to two Doctor.. who Th. ltd me at my house and (MD ms man caailchar, Ea: ft would not do, I could not pt •017. (Door • pur ago I got ats sdrorVacmoat yo. lasulsay Mule by yoartely, When you ultl to can ran told ton ono bon':o could not cure nu,u4 that nay cite zystb= Weald have to be r.earad by the mecleto Geom! yrt well. I booGht o. LAU., awl Wok It borao trick ono and mod It according to your dlrafdlorts. I thou called to tee you .gain, whet Tot soil] T coot , ' not expect much bandit from one bottle.. Ilr,ght ❑, one tottle st s thwk, until I bad tutext I•o Quills. After ill. quantity had bean trod, I eraa ectirell mat of tho Plias, Valth tud tortured ma fox twenty yew. In other rnpactamy tu-altb L. L-,provLt, and I am as a. could be ea potted tot one of ray sae, being{ stxty rear. putt. I liar! Dom cef now for stt months. and them I no app., o c. of a• retrxn of the disease. I oan da any kto4 Wahl/ work now witf-ont Lo Piles ooml down .4 hurting me. lam pitch ho ahop Wood. Ilft, m any kind of work which before weed Oaf:ma me. Whoa L found ant yonr Blood 0m... I kepi oa taking U caul I got entirely wall. I ennatler It my dety to cute my case known to the encoder for the Deneht of othen who may De endering as I wen, and do nol know the rant of your mrdtcl... T. may publi. Bilk If you lit, I Ikro to eatlaly any on. of tea truth of this arreldeate If they Van to WI ce mo. 14.1.11122 BArLd. I=ll • sro - Loos oat for Cu U.. of Cr. GieC.B.CeI ii.:.zE LB on the mew of the bottle and prerrsel over ths sea; ales for hie gluey on ths Off,lted Btstre wasp on the top of IL.v bottle, to prevent tfelny two :4 spot by a pelican antes which Is in the trurket. ter Sold by the Proprieti;r, No. 140 wood Fereet, and by' Bums Jolters:vs corner Fourth and Nmi►b9eld streets. Fivasia OI aurtuaE. Ee.rails or Rupture oared. Bemis or Marture eared. Horn's or Rupture cued. Hernia or BUIMIZZI Dared Hernia or Rummel awed. Hernia or Emptara cured. Hzrair, or fittp.taro oared. Hernia or Rupture cured. Rupture or Hernia oared, Rupture or Rertin ouzel. Rupiah-8 or Hernia oared. Rupture or Kerrie, cured. Vrant's Radical Cure Tram Etter'■ Patent Tram Fitoh's Supporter Tram Belf-Adjusting Trass. Pile Drops, for tlo eappon and cure of Piles. Elatte Stockings, for weak and Tar Kinetic Knee, for weak tax i011:1011. Ailkie Supporter:, for recak knee Suspeitiory Bniadsges. Self-Ini.",tickg ►nd ecAr9 other kind _ gyringes • Hord RAbber Syringes. Dr. 13.tuaing's Lace or Ecdy Bracts, -I. the oar of Prolop.h.. Utori, ?apt, bd m^l e.hd tiyin4l Dr. 8 , 8, Pitelt's Silver Elate Sup porter. Da. Kerma will give his r &venial at. r.intirc to the application of TrarreP in adults and children. and. ho L. rarefied -hat, with an experience of twenty years, ho will be enabled to give satisfaction. VW - Mhos at his Dr-._titore, No. 140 WiCle STV.ZeT, sign of the Olden MeeteS "erectss wrier.. for Traessit should sew; -he [Lumber of notice sreani the body -...mtdiately over the rapturs. mot t&TAtitill C.A'rAERRE4 RENIEDY -...estst. to tho ter, loft of ttott terrftilo ditanss, azcarcalaata• It. rout &ad enact. tar . Do. ut)..DA.I.t le the Ant and oote Pomo , . a.. ••ac mV tba world aclaa, Gelerth really was—when's ecameacaet— wed labs/ meld can- !. Dr. ata.ADALL bat went a Illetlece le rat/lint with testa tell dlaotse, explertss Its we've =beet/ and caa klet trown te Irce-ti /b , fact Itt trtor..h. es., for rare, .letle4 the 'AID ono research of Medic./ oc-caad wtbon to Mb/ country sal to tcropo, to "ow he cared. slab the aseee uniform certainty abr., tAleve most Thoaaansle alo hare trial arrry knave =ea Ll 3 vain, kat . , hem permanently er.Tc.: y DT. 011:11ALE110.i.TAIIIIH 88XED4, and nat. peals It In tea moat extearaglaat term of prate. /all at aOr Llosras% wczcl. Or "sand a slam? fat • pamphlet. " • MEE= DeTLI.I u prspand by IL GOODALA 111. D., Hi lark. N G6711325-8. 001111101", COS Oh la LULU /LSD 64,1107[1-4.1. Parzeareatty earn Tett.. Ile.? Heal. - 411tarmrro. ; .11 maws tad E.,ittr, &mei aal F.ea9.k. 431 iCe Okra. TLb o:ritseeti le,retraite to :In testi of tits 44: totot eer7 5,.= 06—.1 crew It tem the peaH Otaeetlf a tip ttta n w vertu" ttirev . s the W t. at the CUM". .ten particle of It la d 1 bared t! . ...t.z1, Lt.'s Frei; itUl • the diem" are expeleal trc..tu fat ,teri; eitteepcerAts.l4ces nabs as nape. 11 30FINSTON h C 4)., Scraionars, I Mink Book Um vaimrars m 4 la' 67Wcolltre.4,Pitialra..- la - apt - are or Hernia cored. Rapture or Sercia oared. Rupture or Hernia cared. Buptaro cr Kerala oared. DIL EL Ilia99ALl'B HOUTOS t CO., E.G.I. &gent., cis Hrnd►q, Hirir Tort. D GEO. a REITER, Bow. Axiaar-2 WOQZ SaaiQ2 & 00. 011 laostray. /I, Z. DE. KUM& _ : ,'2 Boots *and Shoes WM lad It tor tbott bast battle% to tall at *a : Muted CONCERT HALL SHOE, STORE Orhero roperi. r ladocorooutO aro cfferl4, We baICA atm on baud a . , 1 .... I SPLENDID STOCK, 7.hat tw sold cheep Shoes f rom 10c. Upwards; NO. 62 FIFTH STREET I A OITN CAMPBELL, Manufatturerl et ' 7 . . SOOTS AND MOM, of steryOgre; 31 Enitl.flotd street, Pittsburgh. uMair F'' IONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHIN MAIJE ZCA 3 It.ri Vat. IN TDB BEST STILE AND ALLINBiI R. B. NORRIS, 79 EUDFRA L, S'MEST Allegh=7:3 tryy FAF.RELL /6 CO., B , PRACTICAL PLUIII3EIIB. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS; tat, a l z,,...„ 1.,,n al.,:< , wtttlattartl.d ataek ax.tit oath Dem, Gas Mal la , ow, Lit , - SI,. 1 fad .tr., whlrit w. pop ty ha the ca. at whattrala r. n.lataner. Weal!. Ira* aidtiro Lawn, Lib . .., witlavat {Le tails d .01.301 BAILICY, FA.Luura.t. t Co. 12:2 FOUlrtg BIT.Ecr. Fl 3 F.:, ITU Rs I!= Wtlol./21.1.5 Ufl siVT&II... *5 Fa. wOODW Third 07e Ml. Falb I knd 111 Fcnrll, str , e: • Wad ai DLIVII QUA...arr. 05....5.51.11 01715:16 littaai„-h, July =kb, 1136 L ARTILLERY HOtiSrai PURL' UI'ES 1:12.115ET. $l7O be glen ty the ..deredgzed, at PteliA bugh, tor go. AIZILL.TI34 to ealitatts of ltdebtalave. lor Dot lea than 1 trrres Three homes most b., eryll Loomed, actin, argl AsEar from .0 fer-te, from 5 years old tole sprfasg to pap eld, 100 15y, to 15 high, 1.0 to .sight net Del 10',0 vur.da. rig Idts horsed•end mare, sill be emolutled. They 1.10 br sme., tncd 1 , 7 s c.rapereut, yudrs, And hvrtes Mast ..saLisa,”stars o ZOliker OA, 0. eh I,4lrff Ls. (to and D. Q. OARII—OIL AND MINEKAL LA m. V FOR t. L 6 011. LIt&FF.--Kgllll, &alert Olt, t•fl Troottory and Mineral beef I SyS . Cd '0 ••0 leder toy cpssidtfty ot toad 4.9.0 ted Le1..1.r00 re.tlow on Borotndeprbr c a• .in Fa. us. Id, ti. FE • Ill•Pr, Mrs* Neck, 801 l d alt to: r ot pm Wm* ,• 2 lee leave tore • Logo staoept ot rayon Ca n t y, o le. it gno • ..? Ws-Langton , ottt - eed *Odd. Thar Wert Ylniola tato, h nbrered ann. of emlatloletotootede olpy tt.e delver ice Me l•b- r. Oter•oldiale Oe no .E or in a' qoaantlot to nal itjepttdisds,al“ll:9l. re tw.t•Ode FL rt:raeA. tone. al LSO OSO-••ts , 0 41- , 0 P CF30,40. - .eet tionto.e.t stroet add FlMbtaik• A AsOrarsd IJI K. 1780. ' ,-; COTTACE 9RACS., 1 OBOIRD Ili Pula mane", am. a .... C¢4ltcruat Drub ..5.,..,.5 t0 47 :a. t I. mr:TAciaz, VIL LAS, HAILEOAD D al., DRY D. 110 4 4 F -d. BAS.Nb. ELDVRTOES, rfrMGR'S WM, br,* CSPAPEET Pd/NT TEA lIJ2EZL '} O.OIIINIVP LIMY 11101a11114ij t Go,. l Apral.l4 Med. Lora. NM T. 1•56. 1 1,1 ci co.,e W holersis Daalffn Ham, Caps and Straw 601 lisve .:on thiLat-4.3i .ad =at c7asll.l c.:10.1• mr ISPI-L LIN 0 ored la ma Ireri. MautbAnta aro :ratan 10 .11 rad czar.lsta ozz Rock, rhlt...b Wllll4 dal gill 1,, rat.. esl+S 1• . 1 ORE & CO., . '..ii xx PINE TAR i ''-'• ItILP73. Put la tt*ll P'l4'64 = gar ET& tar .17 b i tb. ~..,„.,,,,, Fro® d El a. sad lo burreit aod Itt;tat. ritiartro. ~s OPre, No. tit TIES? eTarKTI t L..011-ige FUTI'EBISON Ec BROS., rwiws Youglogbeny Coal and Nut (1d314, trriann Orden left at ll* OSice, DikalLtall • dest 13n410 , • W.I. Yartury,lll.4bany Diele!ot tatooded to. • NATlVencre ankin remow toblOatstrati ig64. DLSALEB. A terga sasortmeat of POOBSr A.EM GOMM= DIARYM, tor ISC4--to piper. to d0:341300% to baits:Jou Tort , 7, to Turkey Morocor—erltlk scil ItL itastLlo edgca—trlth Was Went, togs cud Uc tarteotoga. 6., ff:tes, war. trots tbe4time. Co :be very best. !or Ads as maw AbW - 174 , 11 by WM. G. JOiRibIGS YON ARNSTIIAL, 1.5111111, Pla'' A.Nly DIALEB la the =cat select GENT (NZ ELI Viki A C10A133, szt •11 EMORISO AND CITZWING TDRAOOO, 5 • . WANCT mnr.r.B..criArat P 1 1 ,123, VMS. LINDILII tar, E 2. OHABLYS Pt- •I rt.rrh Pa. Tra. - MP svoßTsliElcd HEADQIILIM2I4 - . wooD Emma. J A.M.ML43 MOWN :omit= the ofteotioti of Swot=moo cotothefOOlotli of GCtiS, tlttt.T.9, SlYGLeggy Ot..?1"01.9, oe_ns BAGS. PttIVARS rtastcsAgn rEura POUCIIES, Dittal .IFLA-1.814 4 •410- crootthr;. of Merl ttid, rto4 to th e .W bousett to ado "wick.. . TO-PRDSTESS. _ • - - -.. PRESSES FOR-SAIL orm aDkllir Fanne r rises , eat, 4 4 5 41 ::_ cars s'Arboß ortnitivi, bed 33 " '" 'l6 - OSS TAXLCIII , DOIMI7. CYLINDIS,I34O4 . 111 Let Wal sAt In rood catteigmarr. 14t.7tre . .* Warm OIEVITIL 11 (I N ' 'N6ICIIiINIEN'rra ;74 'LI 760. r. Late fterriug; c.J .14 10,LaTreta Errs: _, 4., 'nes; 45.:0 is do ixtrx nadir rLs Itastr. Ca bas , a w. E. and r+saqal Maven: tarmal Vlgla Wilma; 10 hry Api4tal la lava sad f 00 .11 11• one.. . VAX liUlialph; st.o 97.11 :nine Lead Bruid- - .,R,-80f# L %elf-,41,. hAdiv army load gni 'she - , itrAD,siotlig • otri
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers