andk MM3DAT SDRIZOICALIGIaIf,3O,IiM COUIRCIAL-: BF. IMAINIAL Baler of Stock. and Bonds, iiiiit — aid aidlyf..:Aiii.itikti,4.e,h 6.. I+7, • . ite ROBINSON NeCLE.tal ,a. CO., istir.,'l4.73.d , rchange 31:11comeri, 4: ' ''''...4 - it. ' 900111TITEITHEET, Who bay and sell. a commlaa. only, 11.1, Inn. Saws„Oonsa Gas, nalhahl sad 011 sta... Governassat • issib l tU4s of all kinds on band. • Par rol•• Off] itelt.l Balm 761,4 50 Exchargr......,--- •-- 71 May, 60 08 " ' 50 Plitabargb " 4 60 Ali attNe . ‘ 1 9 6 00 Iran 6 IpU 50 M GO 4 rida 11 0 rtitlnattonaL-.-110 Thlrd 109 100 Timid Netb.l,-.lto 100 Fli t Nat.— 110 50 Ilimahrstar sarLog. 40 , 4 1111.10AD1. Atlrghaay 14 BO t nal ..... - - 7i 100 Iron 114 100 110 60 CkmllsllmUle.--.4.-- 50 . 416Itaterta 60 1 *; - -40 6 ill 51.mcbrate0,05 10 66 14 Rizzataglum ..... 40 OAS. 60 VI t . ISt% 31! 1311711ECE. 611 ci 12 63% 39 76aaostahela.--.34 60 Atutto ;AL; 90 Pitisb 26 Allegb 27 116 ny ao 25 25555ngsbas ...... - — EeJi 102 t. C11125tract.—...45 --- GO Hasid 25 ' OIL 0001"..?.11P3 EM=E!! IIY North Amotint..— _._........._.11%1f IslceU IS 10 AM g6en7a.nd —1; 105 aq 3., 15 . 15 RiMMEI 4 TIM g o.l3lccd hut b BOOS ^ • Itirteny °panty L do &rip rd..— Pitteba , ..... Allegteny City 103 do is B.lkg'dy V.ll R 105 do •,Ed m rt IW Conaoltville Ca— 63% M:ll==El Sba strok , tasukst rooostrel w.testhat from the do pluton of Saturday, tbortgh vs learn of but few saes. In bank shares we notice no etunge. Iferchnuts efferod at CZ without buyers. lie sale, of n B eta or txt4r. The Philadelphia markot rooavertd 31 per starts on Thad/ NWmPatarde9 The markete th-re •yrdiratteaut with the Orontes in an iocremoi Napo altlemhold for mill higher priced. iVe quote 11% b.d, 135aaird, no more. . Ws make no riadrie In quotations for low priced, nen. dividend paying aborts. Sales of bleming or.d Rood farm of EN. and ronsi lerable enquiry lot Nor st,k at Weak No ohoope to government... Gol bri,,:og 210. The material docile, gold °scent ^,n,11,51,1t. CUM:WiIt to the Nen York market pmt rdny, and 01,1 the leading articles of produto dtellood rn o Con r [mat tidal . to Ploy tents per barrot. Weekly Review of the New York Pe— trulam Market. 4geporlud Ennui,' fur the rittsbaret Gazoct..) NEW Yotc, Aug. 27, 1804. Dorieg tte early port of the week the market toe-both Orode arid renred, bond and free, ruled Lett though thene ana co marked change In prices. The market opletequently =led dull and beery nowerer, and picas declined laic a pollen. The demand for export has been far. hot the difticalty In getting clearances of bonded 11112 proven:bet thlpmenta and tretnaustione in free htirohline restriczd by the extreme views of holders Thir market le eery 1:0 0 01 end undouldelly eel , / ho meth the esd Id the month. when an izzazaamo Hooter OVitiatra he are h 100 ••autt,C.' Eu:o therr coo fails= le pteilr. d tint the redden whence of Orittle fiete It to thettabled the pelnripil spdonlahr to oozed e bake =dont at az 515,211.1440 prietz; a n Clew of welch 1113 not Isepotailde that he may he enabled (by repu able:a' itUnthell his oblisailrne,clatitraCti 5m0,4,4 by min) to eirstker the *ter,. The day of t" Is autheni_li y awaited by the entire trade. Theatre and resales of C. xds for the week cemprie about .ZtriD bbis, cbieky daring Monday end Twzd at bean 43 Sr 55 on the Opal. and ell the month —ens 1i5a513416.2 heat tritxtb, moos dell at Mr on the spot. Std . .", 5.55:4, Lei beptireetr. Of Bribed is bend the as.. feet no sheaf 10, OS) for lane fat denser/. or beicre the let proximo, at Nara tor Frisco Dab: CM" to oblte, florloj doh ac..l 15[5555.11.55 1 .. teethe .area ceartelie 11.063 bide et 13.dd en the eetit fitkiaiside fee olo.ember, to loiter loChl Obi* torreiresneer wiailb the ranks. The =stet clzied doltaxidiconeinal at efattie. 'eat ale! feature .• tat. great firm ea. la Nopitta add& fa ha d ral;! , Is.: bight, oud-r the btAtar that It Via itttta TF.c. take, of at-tnt Litt bat. hair, D'art .a4e tit ea tt,fts..f, ta`m , t't : tni y • d at fie cheat BosUat Wool Market awl consnmptive, no well as slight mem leftte demand for smol, and the ma-hot o , Ctionce to iatt.lay , ty fall prices &srore holders are free milers at hscurrrs_t go. Wiens, co .nties open rte practicability of tiphttiad thsdr Limbo before polo.. hem trot hands RAstl materially advance.; trolls ostacre ate with. bolding s ps.t. es In rnarta.t tho Pap.ree-. flan rf "re, y icing 0.17 ler,e ,re Istrimlen tin assn.! swarms, Urn.- mad t . orsl• • dolevolae. hat ire ci nsy roily • Its to the imsnonato In o e, tb•y- to- -s r,ist es, . p.n. un•s Is ado ,cory of e in wool mem to truptle itee exliesissele of coressrto too end th before the noon 01 , 011 the cot pt. es ill r,,. .t,o,t, .ud tedhtrt re • f the fosihsgn stsplo via De oils to contro, -the market - Lt phi. ear the woo' real mostly upon Waste or toolsum llyory. which h. son yds:lvens ths _ told tnkta t„ tole will 1"-ore kng clitege to floY gip!. (Or inetefictara of Spriog au I he to the tatter grads rte dal coo slam.: so not par . '!1,6Vr041:i4, be isysida (antra wool, which cralny, to th. cast o' I.hgVetittliii. bah Iftely been ior_olle to c mat*. ito he 'd.lneriti article, there are fed- stmt. of the hetet nod ' thee dealreb e dettet“Vzre lilree4l.y In the 000017. 'bleb bete cosreiit in the haute ot 0100.10 h wens, and arlllasot bs pot smon themash t until yricys - oyse sip to • rameneratCh- staidard - our turei,e wa.4 Llll , .te;lTLlte r.fixll,ll =lake •,2ti asks. d by the 0"004.7 it ingescp, lest the Intl sales send con. itambilen we, ex;enied 0., be very Moor. The anieloofllotnealle wool for the we k fwt nn some Sio,ooo Ms, at a range of W 1 st'sral ids V, Use., and Ila .11131 vs for isop.r and ratsy. polled. The 1.0.0 of th trenshclione se, at 31 eeee.ral tery Ineg, Ite of Ohm and laic/vitae for d6lsiolug Is. !MC lore s al tlikouthids lo Llestadt. •stal 10 odls sty c orsoms 1.0,te.0 de at 1 43%. nressga. Ohs SWIM have tens lay 11,0 d, loels.aak ran. i lots of Cape Atlfbatusd Ma tit tat rte It Co* m r<tin. ilt..,Lquis_TObaceo Repiort 'recrlpteni ern wells have c ccoded thole of a „.,,,iisinistdisstwar o lr,ty ipso!, 1 :1 !Inlet Its our lett Wei sichr•-rmi , .c o. rt p>ned an losisinvernsrut In the de .111.11 d. Imdllttcr at the doss. Thursday sod Friday ani infrared anilvlty, tutting. in some ex aliment la rho marital i 7 .1. - ‘l:h • a:Med advance in ' die" in 'al 'abbot Ir. 013 ihrs &US :aft on thipto oh 1-af. ay tbar.stsokat 1:411:11104 liet;os steady and Om tto dug W. buoyant St the oonnitr, but - Whiand reltcll toward tho attar Yesterday the anarings outir litdosi, au; the ae ens.l wad ,nth r . latguld',lond yol co ;ngt to: Te o d pi• r.r b I bat rob ..,10.71.`dy - Jdar , r; o Act,: c .1 if Welted sr; • td...r .lasiy _lama sd • s. re lietaariot.roort,-. -,rr. • d 5 0 :: .p• -lib to fa:t; a =III II,: I 7 AI., o: I , •• • - 1 io t• et III.Pr! sod h cis Gra t I,Sui oravoica tad taut., I,rb , bh. %V. per Cp to 'flea, bOors yotarday 0100 *Ol.OOl the twat tomcats-0i I -.*- Itbds.alidttitho route Late thin Cu SESol,doweta rr-Joot• -04, Oy whlett g/catlriamber /.../ lobo., we..., - ..,,,,,,cy o tarday. To day the mash,: rll. - ahrtiOldg.leaf Va. inactive crollowet. Or Y. fa ohia - :' - utal ;la cmi tibdisarers fleeted. naive .olude at -tt :crops Isyr, to Se; tog y 111.0 t0,15%0; coromoo i'graipa.fng leer Id to 'Sy Saadi...gado tin 0^ no; good cod to 343;S por Ito, sad tussasertsnaz teat at about litiftliOlaiprlfld•—Priev . , Eh(cage Merket—Ma[l [(effort. *- 1.90,4:,-211. decline In Gold Coved a dull feeling In Goo.totrikets to-day. sad Flom rlpl.ld !Mo. io Min/ logaocee. The &mind for Whoa{ vial light md tho soulto &Mood 2Slle per Umbel im spring, td IX° ca . Wintergrairt. The operstlma to lie. I :Spring ow. j 2,05. Po. 2 Sprtzt4 sold at • moss of from 41.9gsk ct , #lf Pg s likt $1,46'34 , 31,93. 'Motor WSfot RIM to fax,Tottrst for olltraxszt,ao..l•4:d CL E2,t53.41.8 :or No. 5a,j!,10,9 4 . 4 .1.1 fui ked. wo. eery fills denials 71 , wr owing to tb• ll ' ' At Innlred d6mand. Wtalte Wints 1.1.; .. ... - -4 11 . 31 %E r al 1734• pool to - n[4'oe SpricelSztria 41 frcen $lO 50®1a,75, and goring tinperena at rrnm 01,15q5.5.n, inquito br Corn was Ilybyand the marker. to- -pact leper kddalt , C, with &wing &allot 1 , 0 2 to Eon sat 03,19. e 4 'and nominal. ...I , llW4StanAll ler Oat. was naod.r,ta.:o active, and the : 'partrwir Iran caster. About lon eno barbel. ban' 11 fit tagrlYe. for 110.15 4500340.1tre 4 7 6 :t r" r .4. :asud tel lrin g 2 revM I,wlll lat . shle. No: 1 irolA at $1,2241,57. No, t to et .re ouect2,ll - ,--prlncipally at-tae itnldo prim, and • - , 7).idetted It1;10.; , - "7 tut is - - to - iictl‘n - resturat wod stead) llsmatirede. at $3,70 l o on r Hlgltwitut veers dit , l amd - noglentsat, =1 to sff.Ai salsa boldare b.nre bad t*subealt to a docllne. Or sts annWir r4Aive oxildtulTd Dwatoi;Sht at 41.,75 izram The blito'Faire , esTe:—.l24 , eix!crcp Is attreofitir ifsgro.ttnin. cur. 131.0 .4V Lilian 112 Ohl° /It fhb tine DWI forptii Iltde maths err& The be row Ors nulls And all milli of the State will greatly sti=ulAto the lament or .z, and. rho .eranpeticra imonsi mar,,u'arittrors -40 P IriPtherriV 6 at; red anid'rtraw to • pry r - .. - errthrd; tir)trTnt ft...ecroy. o . l rt ol 4 lo Is *Tory light aptoilad smd role ror *par 49 come. We prreort pier Car itNd rorstrferiblr almfe "30 pee Magi. Tie via of Art red. oil le abne $1,73 ,jpeir V V inlla -1 'VA Ansporta Roomy tor se. Pittibergb Cleseited llinisab Await 92:11151 "The mural rarity nentlenw quid and WI, the de mand thr the touting articles being resteleted alma entirely to the wants ot the home trade, Besraineg wises tube the order of the day, and we do outlook tor npyinstartal lawrownitent to buslinti Wit after the draft t• mods. 0118.115-5915. rat la corning In Moro heoiy, and act , ' sal. of o•ma 100ar...:0 bust from oferion at 15.1 tor Red lied 2,10 for Whits. 19sta gulet and uso s. 9 89 ** now cop at 90 f om &VA sod outta tram aria of CIO boob prima old (root flora at 1 01 Ciro. Sole or 1 car libelled, on track, at 1,59; and 2 do do at 51,55 Bc ttlos is Elf or Bar'4o. BA CoN— La Dm tbougit tbo &mawd sr not rimy brlrk. 51 , c:olden aro now bold at 151‘.19; Gibbed Bld., 19,5 is 29; Plain Bazar 2051,81; Plato Galante:l 4:14 sad Bazar Ctlrcti'2lmn. PLOCE-The dmline In gold and the onfawarable ad. slots from Pew York, hen eased op the market mum wht t, and awe. le re Ilrtie defog that It le difficult to gioo q &Lona. TIO , Mock to tht. lenrket, haunter, Is very light sod tho ror.tpm 0005100. FLIVIT-Thr Is on Atlllog off In tho demand for Pinches, and t mewl! hitaulLag the rentlpta contlone tll era, the market may be quoted Arco at SO to SI por boshh lame but hiring sold at the above range. Op• LW .don and ..137 be gaoled acquittal at. S 2 to 2,50 per EGGS-The demand CraIItILIUGI fair, ant frtah peeked to' , rrae fly et 15e1a per den -mostly at le LAED-la Arm and la light supply-prime city ten dered telling St from 24 to "Lt SWEET POTATOES-BmM' Islet of N-w Army Sweet Potato., at 59 per barrel, But few are La mai hi:A#.l Y" LIAY- low active foal nominally nachattged -prime timothy Wilms USN peg ton. Oil r,E—Email tale. Of W. E. at 21ark, acrordlnz to emay. Pittsburgh Petroleum Market. Ann 79-7 he demand for Crude is loss mils. and the market Is doll and weak with • drooping tendenly, os log mainly to the material decline to grid end con tinned unfereralu'e aitions tram Now I"..rk. lin7intione may to fa'rly given at 07.38, bble returned; and Mill, bbls Included, will, a este of lit table at 37. ?here sp. ',ars to be no Inquiry for &lined, either bond or frets, aud while cbore M not mo •sh doing to establish quota ti- no, there le no diognieln,' the (set ih it the market IsNors hniers. liaptha It held et 1131041, but therejs tto dt mood. Residuum is quiet but steady vlth an occa olonal West 8 i,euae,oo per bbl. June 11.3.00 Illay 3 • 4,00 4 0 . 1 1 al • 4.00 A private dispatch from 011 01'y to day reports Crude firm there 10.112 per barrel, which la aer ral Tbe rreelpta try tba Allegheny river daring the forty elf,ht tre. ending this erenatng are ea Jae DI avrtbanry —'SS Coebralt....—.4 arrrortb....— Bern:nut ...... 61 &tick er R Ilaater ...... b3lll.ostrell It 0, St Etchnroroo, liart y s c0....22V, To a, New York Petroleum Market 4scial Dbipstoh to the Pittsburgh Ost.tte. Srw Tout. Ann= M.—Grade condones doll and prices have *pan dooltord—cLolng et 52.33, on the elm:, and 633 44 for September. &final In boot I. doll mad non:Oral at 6406,i. Froo Oil is nom Melly at 90. Dare bi on oborg, W auto In raplha. Clevehind l'lnrt ct Flave—Bsthaz weaker. Tke may sate r.yortad to. day Ira, 312 bbla law grede at 89.28. .at—tlorkas dell and Hearn Leavy. Ceder 3 owl No 1 red at 2,14: 1 ese rejected red at 2,1 C. C. re—Moderately firm. sales 2,140 Cu No co in.! at ',ad; No 1 hold at 1,3aal ar. O.ta—Fit to Lot gm 1; we, et .a.O ones at 730. cGrte quoted nominal at 1,6aa.2,00 for d prinlo. • by.—Noitleg dcfrg. Imports by Railroad. Prrmgracri F 2 W.'s% Ls], Cmosooß 8,4 n&m: 20- 1 oar atavra, a lable Lre c:Jy, 11 II CoMan; 4de do. 1) h0..0n A ro; 50tbla 1112banota. Dan .Valnice: 1 001. • Age, L, du apt loa, Juba Y o)d co, SZS apploy, to Las cloote, Vangcrder; LIU rolla leotbor, J Satn•ontrack tr; :56 bl• :ant, beak Ball; E!` OJc. awl, 5 Barbanel co; 10 bblo oil, 12 E 8•Ilnre S . ; 931an.001a, Uo , doll• ton A to; 112.1 014.5 &oar Bbomaktr & Lang; 10 , 0 boatiale coon, 131:AncockylIcOna ry 5 co; 1 oar meat, J., W.. . d 1...13, 1.5 Ina awl, S Hubei:kb & co; 10 1107 tot., IV Li K ilktra!riak & co; 1 tar enotal, &Almon a Ilan loo; 59 J Y 11 Laughlin; la Los lard 1: c at • 1.41.12. c foal & no; 5 l kg. rag•, t: miftey &•31are , kg• ..0000 etc, H Gocnig & co; 5 1.5.1 , 1 , 1 , 000., 8.7 mrra hr., 110•11,, FIT - PIIVIKU--E,I. A.{n+[29- Ir^ Iddre, t a KrtterAmu; 2 , 3 rka N . iron. Ir.ttnl lay; a Aar+ raga, Boma-4 & .dtrtil; P do 00dIrey& Clark. 7, bblnapplre, F Yan a. Urr . deC bra,,day; ta P. and., rhaaker 1., n 2, . ;15 ,11. 5,2 d ; .1,, Pit 45 p. R 7 d appl ~ Vvt:.! ,, d ,•; 701 tis floor, If 0 .2 ud..non. 9 • wt.. Bront.haa; 13 75,. p-or' narl. y 2 1; oat ra/. ;•rgl my, & trrian.p tar; y, J R., ,;I IS Ude 3 era La. Irre,Tar G Ar,rat root, 17, -1a onte,s logs butter, L 11 V•rght d rr; 13 nOl, , mi. t P ego t, A 5 do dr A ltubdeoralt & llorary, %Inds& co; 151 bar middlivgs, 1.25 do bra., Irl-td. Id la lard, CCak, Pat[lt & co, 75 LA , Lt apPirs, 13 12 r tll et.I.I.III:LNT 5T17102. a , - 5 Ll.l, 011, A C Tag gart. k rn. a n.Csr, 'Am rnnpl: A RIR,. It. J d.. do, J Lae.), rn, ,113 , kina d lades 0[ I ecn. 1( a• as into by end 10.1 , r mg. Hoer. whowt. K n n cl 3 d La,: o bb.s rpr , en tanus d Finn? Ii 00110,0: kris.r.4. 2 ca. .VC., 2 dodo, 01 .gg A A le, cc!, • 1 e c , 39 lA.!, 3 rni,s, 30 Ang , l . , 19 do spr on 0 I`y -r: Ipl tr.o.,r .7 t.xe en, re. A!, c bb:, , nr, Ida •Inegnr. Am. Lipprt. Imports by River. LC" F6Vat.r. ra k'slak 01.1.15 , —l±/D bbla d"ar, 19t pke k0..1, 6F cud, to:" tle.rk & r 0; 1.1..k,r4 101- 1•614 Eximrsk e, l,b s 1 kr, ,o 3 I.llotay c , 'J k•g9 hatter, 91 VA* &W.., k 61.4. h: 4 do de. 04,1 k • Isent,od , :15 rnile lentbrr, 11.4.t:.7 & f161..a k k: do to, /1416 Bklrdj 10 d. r brO Al k 77 Lb'. 011, J.,4 1.141:1br. drugs; I.leode oo,a, do, J Herder. 1:5 d , ./ 1.1,0 1,11:64,a, J• 1 1141 k E. 11.10., Ibb , Mr.," , skf ye bolter, F lan, rd.r; lot .no-iro44, STE.4.TEBO4TS. CINCINNATI AN. LOU- R.N . ! LLE.—The Eae stoarnor A l'Aptaln Jr. MA - n , c vlll Dare sal abuvo oe T 1.3.2 4- r A ,oth fwd.,. 4 o'elo..k p. oz. For fright or pos.age Apply on board or to J. D. I,..II,LINGWoOD, I 4.0ti7 JOIFIN di. kCif.. Arnt.s. Itz CAIRO AND T. _Tb4 tr. n' otter tarot:, WAVANITA, Cspl 8 Shamso, will -.6.. for awl Itaterao.d., port. Wilt DAY, r a• 1. J. D. CI ILLI , O'NOOD, Act( .10111. ti FLACE &rots. MA.X.ELS TIOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, N..). trans EnVEL, CILICTEI:ED Own daily fru= 9 iv e debt, alto Ott W..1t.P. , ..? afE , ottr.inv vv.:Avg", ne.y Ist 9 Nowt.b." or , ett.d tray 19,761tber Ist t.. LLS Lai it , . W 6 Dopoette reortredcf. or thole tor t.. thou or, 1 , 7' :et sod • dlrtitrod of-tho prod.. declared twice J , [l . Jun* wad DotePhtter. lowers , 1.11 (meta declared semi-eaucterty, In Jra, and Ihettemb,r, eincethe Deo.. was orgroththd. rho ret of eh per ttoola yes, Totem., tt rt_tt draera oat, 23 Nezt.i to tti, <fort: et the r v pe.ortpol, sod 'Aar* the Eathe toterr--t Atha the dree dare of 42,1 rk.. - Mher, Cualpo4, l 6 , ,if Mice s Inauhayg the dryptitur to ,411, elan to r.vae2, hte tee, At Itie rete tteAtor tett dont,. to lort that toretet ',tor Boob. ottotaistog the Chorthr frotee ext! Ilettorothems, for: 11 , 1,d Erteife, ree ofpttertir et Ott offthe. Pr..1m77,-3LOIVIE tt.73.11!:!7. vv.'s Jrrnee Ajc.ll,dr7, I ..13..e B. D Aloe?., :obia Chotnt•trge.• W. , DJ , J , P." , Jaws. , Eint4n.e.n, Ina, S. r-nea.b., Few, E Mt.d. fro, ebnlt., Willbta, J. Art I,L:. E. 1 . 0,1i.ct., IL'. D., J John 0. B.Lst,fert. Ctst.! - In Adman, Ictui G. 131ndiss, (ks-rge Black, HID Hnrrorir.., Alm,. A. °errtem, OtAsHns A. Colton, John Esints, Pm.). L. rahaintnet, John J. Witt:opts, William S. Ihrwonn Pstcr H. Flunks:. litchis:A Mut, Jaaee D. '3 tinc - tts , rce. o mi DITIH?CTII: I=ll I=l Tdree 1 eur. - 4,yr. Teat • cared, with Internal comport. attrelnalrable ecreet-arnanab onerancy. Thaw tot an , ara ble at orlasnotty Is 4-461 Trader. or uronotlble, t optl +a or.. acldess tat , , Gold Varlo• Lwing. 4 per cent. Goads. :be Notre 1.111 be In denotobastione of IA INA 4934 in,(4o 6.4 164.0G0b Pe ",• 46p6r•tine Gid, SOB an( upward* grill Oa 61 , 141..1 one-q arta, on. per censure oa the amourt or au. principal. Tb. renal ocrmarbelton 611 , 46.4 to Bank. and Rouen. WO:1M 001121 O. 4rlG 06440. r. FASTATIONAL BANK, OF FORT WAYNE, DIDIANA.. Designated Depot Wry of the Voltz , ' Stott: Clapital pate t so.° 0 O. rYed4•c—J. D. HUTIMAR. thattler—W. B. 17-91111:11. PEZ431 . 013: Elaarael Efast.t2o J. D. NEWamt, Jobn Ort A. b Ilyseu, NW.. IllydllegW.W. B. Flew, Jobs: Emma, • "CI 7. GI. Moor. L. B. BrasdrUL :Ms P.* lAnd..t. WI stilt*, i• making cannel:kgve es sit amaytide pints. OPlloctlmmo vll.l zneet vitt ormr pt att,tatom, and ',turns male by drat • - .13 New 'f .rk, 01.-.111.A. 0414.4.0r•PWWbwth. 10•1:1. rum NISIMIAZ, BAAL 111 14.4.11V1T, Aaegtmay. 1417 3 0 , fgat- ire3BANK IB AUTHORLZED 5.c.t. 7 of this roootro tobtarip tiott to the THREE YEARS 7-30 LOAN, b.rbgi.t.,,,,t, frith, to fat-oanual Gollptnt attaahtd, porta° In bode zone,. Slum aotas aro poyitit se ittstrfty ft Lags! Tool;r, en , spay lks oonverfa of Mt optima of Into f per cont. G9LD bearing Weis. The defkontinstittlot et tho sofa on pa, poo, $4 00 ,1 5 ".. lyttlfsmito JOHN P. H6SMiCG Cithlzr. . QTRUP—fOO Adds aseorfad brands.' 1..7 emir. tOEFFIIRGABa—IsiubbIa. ElOt-50 tsp. On h , uland Pit ma 67 LITTL - B & Tai 18:.E, - tics, aim ilibmanharert. Laws Ot fiIEBAINEEED STA= Pad at tAsAnt Suggifis i of Us A'Airlp *ha Gnigra. [Peruse—Ao 1741 . As ace to establish PorUtutd, in the State of Oregon, and Leavenworth, in the Bute of Sauna, ports of delivery. Be it enacted by the Senate and Bowe of Rep reaeataticis the United ;States of America in Coegrese creremblc.d, That Portland, in the State of Oregon, and within the collection diatriot of Oregon, en! Les•enworth, is the State of Kansas, sad within the colloettos district of Mississippi be, and hereby are declared to be ports of delivery within their respective col lection dietticts. And there shall be appoint ed a surveyor of ensteme, to reside at each of said ports who shall perform the deities and receive the compensation and emoluments prescribed in the Oct of. Cangress approved March the setiond, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, being "An act allowing the duties on foreign merchandise imported Into Pitts burg, Wheeling, Cineinatl, Louisville, St. Lau is, !Nashville, and Natchez to be secured and paid at those places." Approved, July 1, 18G4. AN ACT to compensate the officers and crew o the iron-clad gunboat &sex fee the dostroo. tinn of tho repel ram Arkermai Le it muctrd the Senate and House of Rep. rreenta lives of the United Males qj America in thngreu assembled That .the turn of twenty five thousand dollar be and the same Is here by appropriated, out of any money to the Treasury nototherwise appropriated, to ens. ble the Secretary of the N.vy to pay to the OffiColl3 and orow of the tron.elad gunboat Eaten, for the natruction of the rebel ram Athol:leas, the bounty provided by the fourth secklen of the act entitled "An act for the bet ter germ% meat of the navy of the United fita+es," approved J uly EiTn it Ca, eighteen hundred and airy two. Approved, July 1, 1E44. Av Acr prescribing the puniehment for entle Lego aiding seamen to dourt the naval eer vie* of the 'bolted States Be it matted by the &000 e orsh Booze of Repowninticfs of the .UnifeJ Slot, of Am-rirs in Coverts asrembted, That coy person who shall entice or prooure, or attempt or endesv. or to entice or procure any 5C3,11331 or other person in the naval service of the United States, or who lass been recruited far soak' ser vice, to desert therefrom, or who shall in any Pled aid or assist any such seamen or other person deserting, or _in attempting to desert from said naval service, or who shall harbor, conceal, protect, or in any wino assist sty such seamen or other person who may here dceerted therefrom, or who shall refuse to give up and deliver each person on the do mes d of any officer authorize to receive him, than be punished by Impriaonment not loss than els months, nor store than three years, and by fine of not moro -than two thousand dollars, to be enforced in any court. of the United States basin g juri :diction. Approved, July 1, 18d4. [Pratte—No. 177 AN ACT for the &spout' of Goal tends and of town property In the putlin domain. Br it enacted by the ¬e and H,. .ye of Lep ratentottres of (he //erred State, of Americ Cougar, aceensbied, That when, May frame rubracirg coal beds or goal finds, czn.ti'u tiog portions of the pnblitt damein, and wheat,, Be 'mines, are excluded from the pre-emp tion cot of eighteeen hundred and forty-one, and which under past 'legislation aro not Lotto to ordinary private entry, it shall and may be !awful for the President to acne, such MOB in EUitr.ble legal anbdtvieion, to be off, red at public eale to the highest bidder, arcr public notice of not bes than three m•n' be, eta minimum prier, of twenty &Atari rer amt . ; ere an; I rods not thus despotel of thee. after be liable to private entry at said tiOnin urn Fee. 2 414 be et forthir marred, That In any Cafe in w hi.h pawn, have :Ireory foun ded, or may hereafter desiro to found, a itoy or town on the pub is lauds it shall and may be lawful for 11:: in to oet.e to ho filed with thv recorder for the todaty in whose the same tt failla.Cri, a plat thereof, for not ezneed:ng e l x hncdred and forty :scree, 1:e tr.:trier booctiarice accord'ng to the Hoer of the oldie serve's where MCI Enrvoye have teen txrcnted; alas giving 111, aims of sac a Tr.•y or trivn and exhibithg the etro,te, rquur e, Itho,te, lots. and aiieje, the sir , of the isms, wi,hmeacurtmerThe sod ores of a oh teur:eipt, eat:division, the lees no which exalt rob toot rseard four thenaand two bondlal T r l osre fret, with a statement of UN) ez:ea: and poet at character of the improvem-n..; the told map and 15.11,Vateal to be vent d under oath by the party se tug for sod , n behalf of the person propoeing to es.ob each c'ly or town; and withlmoneosonlh ar•er t log tiara ehr.ll be tronemitted to the 'ie1.0.1,1 Lund OnToe a verified trorro , ip: of such map and biltement, ace er:p.thrd Ly too 're:toscr.y cf two witnee.os 11.1eaot city or teem has beeeestabliehed in good fai:h, and on organized land district, a similar map and etnetment shalt ho filed wab 'b. I , giete.r and re.etver, and at any time &her the of eta , : went and tee itaoOr in the G,EMTIO Land Office, tt toil' and may h: ion fu: for the President to cane the lore emb noTT the 4[llllo of rush c y ,tr tea to he off,-:•d at ruplie Role to the toughest bidder to a rorria.un of 'en duLare foe each let: :Ted retch lore so may to dlep,s- , 1 of al yellls :ale, 50..11 thereafter be hah'e to r , rils:e miry at cud mtmmu o, or at rut IfWCI:511- 11,2fath44 or u ,o-int.,•...0 se the E...21, • ary tf tho r muy fear tire to time, otter at Ira , : throe m .n hs Co CP. In rlryo! he itereaan drerraia to the to'_ P ot: , / Thai any Mi'ULA 0.1,1' npnr. cr.; Ge , ) L t, tJ afrii 6, an - to is whir'. h, aniy Acre F'21.1 , a1V,1 fItLII La CLI to 1,1'3 C 1 cat'! pu,.. - !11,2 tame 00 a pr ClaUriiltl, ai Sr.--! IJII/11101n say time before tko day find for the pnb ta!i. ben. a. And Lc it ft.z:hfr eiglak , i, That wit!.^" , ee or terns tstAbl.Cf•d to on ut.Eurre:,t i real: an'! c.v....yr . °. thereto of the r sur I(3e, le t/,^.' 100(1;''a 1,0 NE. % - tr.,:tilbg to these noon, .-bate it can Le r.ii!. srh c! may lc monied clic; and psi..., for all ilia ',rod of at or i• iv r abel: twine an in aril:l4,y ~ .351? Siie. 4. Arai Le it Jeiribnr erceiei This: if within tvelire menthe from the cf a coy or tern., 50 afereenid in 1119 cc'. lc domain, :Le ;ego, , fail to lilt, in the General Land iinlice trim vciipi mar (n!'!, the eriiericnt and teeikinny coiled for by the prorisioos of the ocean{ e .e. (ion of thiv uoL, It 6:11 mad ratiy law fal for the larerrinry of the Interior tr elann earl.; rod rat in be made of web elty or town. and litPler.fter the let, in tbn same than be ,trotted of ac require! by said provisions, its. 'a j act b 0 nl a t ro r. ,- oo the Oren 3. L.,-Ich, Har,tl.ll., Vb:t, C. blarshe f4l. Orr, IT., TT LA. RI 4,Toral t, E. 301z:retie Akutel, Spnla, Tic :11., Venk.t, limn Whl:cttrr, Wm. P. Wain... ChrisiLA f .14,er A 1... A 00 GTO E. •sCI • I lit ••An act tr thu T.. 10. C u • zene of towns opt the la , de of the U o itod e!r , ,, under ntrlalll Cit•CUMPll‘l:OOll.' apprur rd 913 y tlren.y•threr, e.ct. Durn.eti eighLeen Ltuitlr.rd cad folly-Nur, Lnd ail other vote sad Irtrris or acts Itoonsiattnt veltb oboe aot bt Alta the lime aro herahy repat.le4. Approved, July 1,1851, LParttoo—lfo. 178 I A ,r Arr to repeal the e&t. of the eeveatevain elyhteen hundred and silty-f,lnr, pr(hihnieu the 6019 of gold and furtngn ea rbarie. • L-it.nneted by the Srnab , eoi nnbs• of Rep• e...nuatert of the United Mat.. 1/ Anteries In C rear oarroihied, That .r eptio.d '' An prohibit certain onlye of good end f,32 , sign exchange," approved June oe•enteel, eighteen hundred end eixty•four, be and tho mane ii hereby repealed. Apyroved, July 2, 1864. FRUIT AND WILDE TUBES, LEY ertGREEN4, dce. 014 PP LT, we hero soma 00,000, and et .1! the bad laF must prottablo for thbl:writion Wo b oo ante too xreee, oe Early Harriot, Ntnideo Mash, h ot 1.1PV13111. 11.44 eta, eloonter. dmfan, Singel Tamp. lam 0,.. ItUode Island %e . t.a, Times Ilesaty, 114ptio, thilolo.anowi, Tolman , Hornet. FlroltWo 9146 r, with 1 1;°WiTit'Zr_ t iilitira n ial,"eorg n ha u de Bu y, ortuinfoumt . 1"...tA1Mt.., to, ilo. /1.1 oh; otWit lure, ,we •TYnt great tailnefltindutl to Pent.* or erbedoe.sie porabbeere. Orden loft at the onsa Lowe, C oMmat or Plitabargtt Post 02loe, will be pratirtly &UMW t,O. ". • Jotl7l mvanom, Jr. Ettlabirxb tbd Oakland Iftreerke. jr 401.8 /4 , 1 , 111 4 11 1 lIOUI 11101, • . P 1451130 VXMLICIV DeaVIIIMS 8?....0111,31inw0, toy idas of BOlldrogo, sn3.porintend.thatr eno tos r&000nOlo toren, OZcr oo Ardoroon otreof, boorrova Loocoot ad, Eofflatoolitioil.. Atllogbatfr of*. 01"17CMI. [Punuc—No 176 1 1761 OARIPX244 OTh OZOrlig• IN MUTING. COMM& & co.; n man n nem enntier, out boon to P. 0., .woad Coat, Este Just reeetved a =all Invoice of 171-1:811 CARTOD VELAR MATTIMI, of the celebrated B. ■. W. ID. pertallott. The quality of Ouse goods I on. swoosh. able by say other matting Imported. old the Ors.oiltl genders them very desirable. bier. 0. m 00., have also Just received a tem oz. esedbagly teal sod handsome style. of Fancy Plaid Mattinga, El of which bee* lost bero leaded. and are, therefor% the 11a521.1557 11142107G8 111 TES suaria. Our general nook of goods io.ttii onsureassed lc ex• toot or verioq, sod ere at ail thou offer our payoff the lowest prima the rearZet will afford. 171 CELINA MATTING& Liming ptersbwed Leary the rive la goal. a len. gt.ig WHITT., CIISOICKD AND FASCIY CHINA MATTIN:GS, to oil widths and omitting, we are enabled to attar than at lon man Luton rates The ett,ettlen of the public to called to the &bar rode r they an the thospeet carpeting 112 the market hare arse a large etoct o ICabrotdereel. Eratmere , oth Plebe. Coven, which me ego: :it Ism rates OLIVER MeOLINTOCK a CO., B MI TIM Itr.t. 0 URTH STREET N EW STYLES WINDOW SHADES, •0 NEW ST9RIIIG STOCK 0 A. 12, I' HI 'T 8, OIL, CLOTH. AT IrCALLIIM'S ARPET STORE. Ho. 67 FOURTH STRILET DRY GOODS, Ere. WILSON, CARR & CO., (Lau *Waft, Poi.. ♦ 0...) Wholowalt deal,. In FOREIGN AND DOVESTIO DRI GOODS, Natty Wv,l6trc..t, third hvne, st,T, Dism +no ,y AN, Pittatrargh. aplOAt 1. 4 -I ATON, ACHUNI & CO., Wholusafo and TBIUMINGS. Eaut.uoi DE RI KS mud car awn:, 4,ory dzecriptloz, N.A. 17 aul 12 Fifth .crert, Pittidmrgl, MAC UM & (ILYDE, Wholesale and E. lon Dr-a'unt In FANCY AND STA PL.S DRY NIII MI NOR, Ac., N. , stre4.l., •rat Vonrth, Fattlpurgd. • U. PALM ER, No. 84 Wood Stroot, thud, in BON KTS, RATS, STRAW TUIR. INNS, and STRAW GI IDS gout-Tally. JM. BUIiCI.I twlea.tin and . Dr.nlor in STAPLE AND ITANiIf DLIT tart/Ik, conic: Fourth and Itl•rkut Ptttobtirgh. J( \-1-;1'11 llt E, Whobsale and Reil !wale, In ell Itzrale ur ta MINGN LiilllDb, te 17 4.1 79 otre..t 1 W. [saliextt & ru., Dealeni in all . kind. Ina 04 NA)S. Su 49 11.46rItrt Went, as- Third mud P.ortb, Pltt•bu, DILL, ilf c ULA_Hde, CU711415:110el . FffIZE2 Petr:lsazi er.d tie du.oti. Otla, ISTLOADEMATZ—.---61.• rent. TaU:7l* ~wezxuAin ger for Ma POIITLAFaiajiiI3I oi, IVORRA MEW YOZIE PAU/371171 OABDI.I 001 INLET, IP. a. A. Ca ACP /lAA , LAM r, 1/112 hoe ma. LUIJENT OIL WOKEN DUSCE3X, DUZILLP al OG ==tl Plus White Y 341104 Garbos sssn lalßarrl --- (VnEIA'NFMRTRT SA —lly virtue %Jr 6 , ra. 66'6 of tin or , I 11 ,g n , 1 .pc-..t / tarl ~ e. 5\!. ^ ., AF, ,I , th r.l o• a. 4 D 1891 11, ase Ito • 14 , of ' 111 , r e G, ...0 . al.-a a la. co. P 4. Al and r• to n I t ut :ro-n: ghost. In l'at P.o.du 1. o' Fa e k • +ln. hen, ....Troy, Ur nil N I fkmalo•l in-td, tune van of Int, t*lng a attb.l. .1 t .• to 'AI p...' Nu I?.t In ''Kr. • ot • I ortrt t,' tadd.el &ws i •t cc- nu- . t N ad • , 1-tttng tt•Lr• Olt ••,.• I •tr , ott GP •tabt y•-rtov M tn. vor.drnf Int Nu .17 plan t: . og Ikea flow. of • .1.1 Ikt N 1•1' n't&••s,, roc eats ' ) w Lawn, 11.•-to I tag auld• r.-rt •0ntk...5 , SY K,., (K. tb 11.-'.t n 4 4, VS cald atonr tn• 1... of No Put North 5" 9 v.,.et • pia , . of lug toota'n• ntr o • arr., an at..tah ta r .0..1 • a•bataotlal 5 • tram c• la as boyar. a. I Loh. • oo • .-rep It • au ea o.llent wall of dput• g ..a 1. I. au last LLLLL of o aud I Totted Irtett a swot.. of fro:: c I•ting of apples p•actir• . .hertnett, Moo bait u- 'l`.. u0.ra..1 .ttlnata to eacla on t•.• day ..1 .1.• 5.• not- •ntah 'IP 'h. ouni , n• o •.1.• du . ul • d to fur 1 k. I'd t... 1 :••• •. %top to. •••1 n-or. re, 4 114 . r • 114111 1 11 1 1 11( -rr•• s 1.117 :. - dee,' 111,•4 r f Jr.b. 1114 t.4..+4-'4 h." 1"- PAT MOLDED COLLARS Arn r..0t1.1cc44 at .1 :ply., rla Ir. Ph. hr.. of .ollar, /4 , nook barlp n pcPfrct cam which I. ..b -.2.11,4 b 7 Oar orblott nla, «oars* al. .the Ay -vie PLO pr.r....4..v0rty1.. tb locide of ahlrb ri..tly smouLti audtrra 'Tot p/q , lory, it.. cr.l•ar- .b.l.lsu ... , ”2"4. , • at 4. 12 1.4 I , • 17 t, e rrt.all draft,. W .11.4 •“ 7...• .1. Now b 7 TAN OIfI'eICS.I III GIIHRII & 1'7.4 141 at rent, Ph. 11.2. 'Olt%) me. 1 . H. LbWRIVI a thr 7 ortr , l„, New Tort. I J AM Vt.:10; COLLIBB * iVELIGHT, 1146..nrattnron ki,As te TWA p guftyttim LAMP BRABBIS, Aa litsuatvolori of Oollou P.taat TIN JUG TO V, Patral TTH b 113.4 TA in TOP, Patent 801111 W ezeran TOP, la., 171, .9 Bronad PftWoco,ll. trig TIMIC Wltils—By usin g 010 tyIrLPIUTEI 07 1.1117., MOIR cat, 0 fontpoolocey moat 0:0 mg Mouth aUnto. 'Pt. aim ttu. pswers.4 onporlor tan:ll.* as., brows ol vino, own on sin VIM as ea ptIAPIN r. 4ls , wiry n.n IT nz JOIIIISTON. Dragglet. Mt! .rnor. Elialthfield and /twin onont.. Qpicnr) i.YSTER9—.IIee received, a fte•i• flopply •f 1TAL.0.4 C•se Opoten, pot op In ono and apre panne, sank fortry JOOlll A. STRAIIA.V, mnwint Wray Me amid a...b. • D00T1.114 JAktll23 K 139, :UO. 97 YOURTIL 4ITELITZ Orpoetts the Provost Mantel's 00100. oolusco 500 REVFARD,—Lont, a pair , of 00143 #PEORAOLES, reth Orr ulna of tin Pro. Q --- orlotor errant!! OU thstrit, tpa oitionkrorttad trth b Or t ir to trot troricn ratorotofi_tiostaij t t •41....3tr.a , t0rT .071.1eL. NIVILMFOO . I OIL-4 bbLs. in eitnr. 4itt 40e.ato tq 184.:4101 Minn lOW 414.101kin4elreitiult. LAWRENCE IRON WORK Ater Castle, Pa. MC •. 11.1111a10in........* ,6111 . lIIIMIZNAJI. S. I. i11n12641.--....--.......1. W. RIM" ilk DITHBIDGE a CO. IRON, NAILS AND SPIKES Present prices siti4c.t to ct►nees of the mart.rt Jnx.Sm NEW OLSTLE, LvrarKcl, D UQUESNE BRASS WORKS, OLDELAN Et CB.AWFORD, of Imlay Twisty Di Ininh.l grasp WOWS FOR PLIIISDT,IIS STEAM Olt OA rirrtns, MACHINISTS, AND COPPEAsSIITIis. BEAM CA/MINOS, a all doacriptloma y made to cr. der. !MCA MBOAT WOWS.. bIKAAI AND uASITP• TIN°, and BZPAIBINO, prcutptl, aJ 4 d to. Particular lattentiou paid to Attiug up METINCIIIES FOB COAL AND CARRON OILS. . . Liao, !bile Agents fer !he Weetern !Moeda of Penury!. mils for the ealo of NMI/M. LA IInDELL • 00.1 i PATJUNT SIP/lON FL'S! P, the beet ever lureute.l. Ravin, no valves It le not liable to get oat of order, and will throw 6101. water than serf pump of t. kir It. 411118 W. S. 111,M11,01511_......1. unarm., N. V. 0-•61 IRON CITY WORKS. 11ACICIIITOBLI, ILICEL MIL & 00, TOLTDERB MAD MACIIIIIIIB7I. (brow .f Pit. .ad Orliars. and Pike said Walnut Ptr•sts, Maar Cita Water Warka,) Mannfactarere of etatlonary and other stiaiNas, BOLLING MILL CIASTIMOS and lIMJIIINE.III, of all kinds, and general Jobbers. prompt at.utiou gtven to repairing DOLLING HILL bIit(MIINEMY. detnnly ROBERM, BAith lib .16UU , YIN AND BIILLT IRON WOLLICZMI JAPANNED TIN Z7Y..AR I We are now m.ornornrlng and barn on hand Roth. log A vrarato• of all klinle, Ne aro In ro•ttn, Water Cotner., Gloo. ra' Tea Al/devicol.anlsters,Leel , and Sid. Rase% Tradder Drab. rs, SNlttoooe, Sc., do. A Isrge lot or bird Caper., sale (41. t .1 all sir.o , ..r1 potterna, Tin Roofing, ( , o too gad all kinds or Jot, Rng Work done to ord.. .Poo pATEIYr i;1) OCTOBER fS 161 7.IIBIDOVtI PATIL4T Cl-11.:VI:NICYS I=l II •LIST GRASS 'll.=oloot. ore I:Ando:11ot tho tot !lean, heat . !Ito , glut to oily, dxa o Orr.. It to arookutg. D. D. DITIIM/X16., 7.. rt rut Man Works, Womblngton street. 041? PHUburgh. Bi.2‘c;r. DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, PARS, BROTILEB. & 00 13=111 U CST QUALITY lISIFINSD OAST rrrEl r•r .nd of (41,V.11, 6! .fl errs. Warrs.n.4 tot cal so an: nro,rsod or asdnelscturod In l'ds consstri. Mgr Oftde and erar•bonao,s,l. !43 and 151 rID.Sr and 11, and IV. IiECOND Fa - DEETS, Pitieborgb. get,. !,,l A 1.1. EN M COR.MICK k CO., V& i 7 ii V. vac., iEdir Warrlonnu., Ml 1,1041:ITT EfTiIKET, !drucruc PARLOR a COOK. PAIII.jII AND HEATIKU TO SS EN., AND KITCHEN GRATES. NUL WARE, etc., Goal and Gla. Moulds, Rolling MlD axtinE-s, Hilt Cloaring,Can, Wawa. and Artizon Sad Irtn.s, Dog trans, Wag,. bnpar Kettlra, Pnl irra 11. w,, Car %Steal., Coupling. and Casting. put. ralt). .101.4.12,g a. I Cadung. ramie Patcratd Portable HID. nit:. Steam or [for, Poo,. VENN MACIHNI WORKS ABU SOUS DRY 11. WIGHT/SAS Er. CO, ENGINE BUILDERS AND RACTIINDTTS, Limes STntrs. tkesvfn !World and eAr.dsAky, ALLAY :HEN, CITY, PA. MAn.fmturrs. of WIG E/ TRI AN'S PATENT PORTABLE ostll LLATINU ST SAM !INCISES, S`Lettng, As Bemiring of sll kinds stleTsled to. VICKI) sTitighl FOUNDR Y. ALITIS ED DA Tad, I . ..reeeity totem. at A ndere. a PIIIIIIpa,) reepeothl , I h.lornas al. trhude .1.0 the ontlk gen.:ally that • ban opened a Pomade, at the conr.or of Thim stmt lee °banner, lane, opLenelte Irnhool• Dr, ronn47, or Ver• inopeoe 01 remoolacteinh)fi LIGHT 11ACHIN.a al CASTINGS, GL&$ MOULDS, PULLLT9, yenta antennae it leen to Member. ow*. enelCen= FOWNE -I ,(late of the firm of Toy,' a Hinley,) JOHN H. HERRON (lete of 131tebell, Herron a C 0.,) IRON IrOHNHHILS and SECTS awe/oath reek Ninth ;Cull. rittirlyargh. P. mit ly JOITV A. 11101R0N i 00 WELLS, RI UDLE & CO., Na 215 ill, ry out., uppualte !funk, PittsborKh. ts.ciarttrrn or WHIN, LABH LS and SWITOH C. , and emery dencrtptioa of LNATHER 15!SAIDKI, mir.ntWt.] trc.sq, the wade, ut.l cools promptly shlpl,l as per lortructLms. DO, SEVEFLANCE, No. 53 W.vraa NT A-N. Mt,lurgb, mAkt,c,!..tor, of BM LER RIVET! SA Ma:GUT SP! E. ZS, commgn rnilr.d, of Avery dt , PertAcalar alre. hel itm.l ArKt to.. ord.r Alton Pak, A Ancwl so,rl.lnrt.: haa:l ml2f,lps Dw. BENNETT, Manufaoturers of . WHITE STONE oaas A and tt w oft , . and W....atoms at No. U rITTH rtatrt Putotortowo. meuets ‘4II.VEIi PEARL tsULI GRUMPTON get LlDerty rropriotors sna )11saafActurtts for Wet Urn rtirw4, 0114., Ilanßazz., 1.111c04 and tilasettl. Mac, raar.ntosturrn of n nprrior as Oat ci Pais, German, Olive mid Etoain Soap, MT= I=l )• ow SILVER PEARL On&I., whlati .utld.s• Oalij reekontoente b,rter for genera: . 12 ,, than say octont pohth rho Id be Lorne In mind hen nett!). rtoaeh, Snit, lAm. or Itogln. or •n, other enbstoneo In Its inenentnror. ish.ot tan ahrtek ortolan the moist fie ,oere rt..rod and Ino , otoote, rata,. washed vitt. lb. mplatty of °orlon or !Anse Glans. Washed elth the rrC ORO HL NOA ro.t require hotting ur half t h, re! 11-, e 4,1-- ^I ~ ' STI• saved the weer and tear. BUYER PEARL SOAP Canaan. Dirt Tot..'talu, Plr.tare tat, in.naa, and thn worst Plal7r Wettcr Stain, 11.2...11atai,, y It .101 • m w ro 'ol.l Hponv, tot.ctln Z4ll,ll., '" Csrpet. satd Vornltove frnionNitand slap. It Improrta a brth.t., Meat . , J•vretry, ft , tr5...11, - . 1'•13110 i 1 . 1!•.1 , Iltrrobama froze etrrosd will do well to (In MUM MON • (SO. 0.11, 387 Liberty street, opposite PeootsyPrude Eltutrued Pelowt, K et Itvput• air PaAt'ur. of ell ler,attocre , r•nle eednit“. beating or trtsde-roart LVB.II ?UAL MI Cut— ts 'roar. b 7 ItteMetei CdP7rlght. n.1,1r.17 • B LANUY PORTABLEI . ! STEAM MAW MILLS .ad ELAIFTre Patented Part.. blame Caa'aaa. 61,1.1 C..lue W.. k.., if,armrllll., Oltls. Ord Nayarit allaealop *tub, Nmrari., O. The m=at aarrateatul In Ihe ri-o pram..* meg I.llbltion, as and Cl•rlnnal lairs Yon frety • einipp.4 'earn:wrath.. Oat arse geallry tee. W,,. IL 11 agb•a, 1 , 4 llnt 1.• eel 1,4 41 OM .4 d dote. meg...ending Key, 1861. laelodlng the ea. I,f nlal.r. Jame 0 IleArtre, Latiallera, Vearm. eat Cod,nt.o feet of a. In ttrrea months. In Jr...., 16e1, 110 Leer feet eat; fita of June ICBM feat , alt rrlntrel lastractle. and engraved ground pl. tat VIII and NO. vp.,,,V ter I W ll . reatrated eirtnlat, Wt. 4rrivelpllorm tad svporta al uparatora. H. & P. BLA,NOT, at Etarerillr, ; .mart, Ohio. Orden, vleita tzd oorratpaadeasa aall:Ma CUE W. EIEVILLE & 00, Glendora and Polishers, (7,,, r werir mug Bro.'s Ortodhas and Espatirtetg Mum) Pa = al 4y rounloit Boa strra to is omit etirt, m er Wood west, PaidMlA. p.a..' Cosmic adman; kw. =A Flolvvs; Carpsotrne, Ooopsts' mad Ttottare wad, Bases*, Tame Chaua, =Case Hal.* Dlosrida Illactdor Otlast, Bea trmas, Ate. AllJobbLos too loft at TATII i agNILLwa. No. it fattaral eirtet, JlLLtegbetty, praamtly atten6ell to earTatitantea GOLD PallBl GOLD PEWS? . WAIL.ANIFIED to UANATII 311111 n.l. govt. A O&. AAA 1,3, 3,1. 6,0 sad T, Ott er 'About Adder. r. Nelrtela A Oda. P:ql4 fl -et Pew. Voabber , I , Ac9 god VW& r, told on uteri. rt... Kam& & /We. P-to, And na. Poled am. far oak LI RAI A 00,65 woad aims, GROCERIES', PRonuor, Jr pos. L IacCLEId.WD, paissime N maw/ via Due.) BL9Er.AL 003318303 KWH ANT 13 Flaw, Grain and Pr *rufous. oggr v.toriv.— 0 1 WOOD ETREET, Pittab. , l l ", P.. Indly B. 1•. QUID BY & CO., COMmlssion Merchants, OUITTLI WATZIL CJICAUO Cave rp. , a slttnti:u u, pc.cnuics Flour, Crain. Provisions, Acy IZE:= 1 ,1111 ow. T. 1:moors, 111,1!.t , •I t . VI - 0 Pi, ~.4 sr D TX/TTEIt, AIKEN b. SLIEPAKIi, Ideroh.ta and Deal.. In,Zi 111.C. , 1 tomtit. 1111j11, , , li'Lla;Ll, TTEII ,d, POTATUKtI. and Prodnre N...7n1 LtLorty saw!, upyourn Parearor Popol, rittatigh. lit for ewe • J N. Dilworth • On , linens S Cetiln, Onlp a Shepard, Lve &Co , John Oranier, rittabersh; role., • Bro., McDowell Tan Brunt a Co., Pit!Loh.; Tr.ani , tl Sammons, bt. Slorlalr a Wort. lice Peas, blantnni 4 Lavell, anyily FLUNK VAN GORDEN Prodnoe and Commiscion Merchant. Dealer le FLOOR. Plf - TTXR.IIII.OIIM, SEIDS, LARD, WU:MY , PURR, DRIRD AND 1.12:Kr.2i FRUITS, .1 Pr lll 4 :rarc " r:ll elanc..., or, mnal,t manta, Rfl C iiARLES C. BAISLEY, Prcduce and Commleelon Merchant. M EtiCIIA.NDIAID BIZQA HZ, Lod aralor Va all kinds of 00=4111 PILLIDUUL, Eh. tr) LI WRITS STIIILIT. .1411, HEN li Y WALLACE Commission klor4hant, No. 100 600T11 WATER NV., ORIC4OO, ❑llco Particular attention paid t GiliQe ,rd-r. L1101.1*12,119, FELOYI3IOII2I, TLOC • nt.l7:rm NE .... . .... AIMANE Lit A \./, 0011E11,, LON tk:Tl A. 4 m Floor, Grain .ind Produce, Ur, 1.• • 11 . ....41.1 , ....- 1111 MI.. I. /NO. azertmhet, ut 0.. , 1.0... 6rtu ul U. At N. EV0..14 1 l'lt.hurih. 6('• , WelLatlio, UL:.,.) Kt. 11 WON A 1.1) ,i. .11:BCC 1;S, IVlolesale LTA 0 0...., Proda, end 0.2 Lfrh.h al••th h... OTIkAlb. fur COY Fhl.), N. 0. SE'CIA. sitd tioLAS,/% Ruti. E4r st..; Am , 4N n sy u.t4.,_ syt.oLl tr., ri.mxltt, 1..t.0.., TEAS, RICK, 011EZAL, 6ELLIS, /<., Nu. Liksd CMS Laren, 11.r..e1, PIII•blaVIA. Finalthkl Ors. E4n. rht..l .. Onllagt, Chet. .1.010.E.N.. :4 I..,herly api i, Q.ll it I Vl,lt @LAZEAIt, 0 It ot*MILY 1.4,13 MISSION iIEIICIANTtI, 6.. r awl . Z 9 115LD ST., cot 6,...nuL y PITTSISITSGH •iiA' It FLorn AND OItAIN t •. AND Cmirmastan ilcncslas7 for tbet asle be., and the ,1.-bnred Unleutown CE.'d KNT, Nos. 11, t,crun and lit Flrat Wawa. Wood and tTtlittln.ld, rtaannrsd. ao3 EM) A NIETZGAII, lirocers and Co., ant..ln Hcrrtmuts, sod ,I,llery lo ell kinds of c,,,::Pr0.1,-0 and 1A• ,,, P.tt0r , .. N. I.tivrty stmt, opr<ntto h 04.4 al IVvotl street, Pnta• 11 WEBB AT W 11,1c.1 N,4 Comm i+siou err tar+ 4, VI . bn!oan.le , eirmirrt IC. W EST ' , EEL% i. t'll 1. VNE, SUTTER, kill A \l. •s• LF.ITII A. li u.! 4, 011, .N.c. N. 1! I:beri aaTiLlic,rruul la reubda Oolatitg.nmeut.o 4.1-Z IV Nl_ P. F.t •K. N. I , S Liberty TI Stn,t, Pitt, Ps , Grocon, <1,1dr , m1;•. , . PC3TRY PRO 4, F., PLO% 161t , N.5. B.IIUN, RD, BUTTER, t'illCL L , 1:11, rh.iI•LCIL. FLOOR, t. , FED!'. AND 1)tilE1 CAL. 7 and LIN i 716 011 IC II CAI\ I' I ELD, GomanavoN AND F1'...1}4. Btu-OA*, ond wholocolo deal., I WI VIEON CFI ESE, BrTTER, LARD, PC/RE, BACON, F !OCR, PION, POT AND PEARL Al+llE,, OILERATU: , , LINSEED AND. LAUD OILS, I.OIEI. sod Pr. Loco gonerally, oost-141 and Frt.+ ear-H. ocl Ll . ll Lh & TV. 11111 LE, Wholesale Gre c.4l-• awl rAsentnl.l. 11-rebAntn,dnelPre In PILO 11.*TT., ELOUIL, BAOON. CHNIv6 , FISEII , ARBON ANT , LAILD NAHA, GLASS COTTON TA uNr, lAnd Pli.burgh mannlastur. Ken,rAlly, an 119 streaA .. V. torta. —.WM Itt I~EY 31 ER BROTHER:I, (su..cebsors to ID•ytnerL Atdurstm,) Wh01c....!e• I/valor. IP T..4L10N VIIPTTS, NI - TS AND ND SPICES, CONVECTION. al. L.. .tncL, aLuva PittaLLD,li. Jr-"-+ .I.:ASI'KE.-4 1 N a ANINI( lis ch.mM M [1:1' ANTS. rturi, ANP CLAIN .5..1 dr.....r5, Nc. t. .Ll.ll 1 . 111E.V.Z....E WARE U(IUSE-1.1 H. ‘." rCh.ll nud dealer In 111 V 1,14, BUTTER. LAR.EFLitI P,..istv gene:loly, No. ZSW•rnr. myt , Who;esale Geo .)," ,z 4 gl,mmimiem -r.hapto, N. IT_ Wo4 .ad ..711 LllMrtf.treot, 1.15 pIiAII.I.F.S L. CA 1.1)W ELI., I, Filleveor to Co , PORE P. 1 ,5 Ca and a•-eler e. 1 . 1. UN Itlt/hz, cornet of Kart.el and Fruatn •trv.ets I . l , tatmorl. a. C eez-^a•no OTIS I) I P E P li. I), CONNISSION 1. , 14..a1era to YLOVII.Gikt MN AND ruovrcE, No ,47 Llt.. fly etrnet. PltNe.tar:k Cliwco brand. of Flow for liol. re 4:14 kaaatiy dant), ot , banA. Pa - ::111.r att,utfun pAld t. MINI& 40 litemlatualys ‘vuerally. wr6rdli U.l. TOWN .SEND, (surcesaor to inc•lceock ,d 'Corr-an:AO POCK rAcs.Kt; and 4Pot, 1. PIWTISIONN, ac., N 0.12 ll'utrth stmot, No.‘ /abed,. Paultumb. [1147 H Vt)IOT & CU., auceee,,l4,l to L I LA. Grail, PliCDDer. AND (011,4Di-410N feint ?4 , Pitt.Furgh I - 11113E12T DA LZEI.II.. & CO., Whote.. 11 uL grocers. Ccorelaelon and Forwarding Mee. and dealers It. Produce and Pittsburg► mat otecturos, Lawny street, Pittsburgh. ALLACE. Comminaion Mnrohl.nt, and Wholnhala Dealer In IrLOCII and GRAIN, No. MI Liberty eirmt, Peunrylvanla R. H. Paer•rurer De p., Plt,Largh,. Pa.Sloray. War, bens, mrner Wayne n." 4 Penn n 017.1, nn saa I...etrzat JP,171 AMI{ERT, SH CO., Whole / ..J Oren sod 14.,11,., No. 6 Shah •tmet, POLsbergh. 1116 lI 4 A IA H DICKEY t CO., KM lesale ar I dia'are Itlit•ltt'tlt Ma an W strrot an,l rroat .treat,, 'L' n 1511 i 5 h.e.—JUAG roeclred a fre.l. la tofto I , Cf. Cc Cm w ',too wh•to La pooy la •i.d old Jove C If • el, o, f,r, gro• ~„ Joft A , t RSBII. u•4)0 -I Lir..nJ VI fa ftreflof. lANi ES DA Ar. SON, Manure , ' e toren of LA RD OIL. sod,- Blot rhatsts ior the pus - chute and • alo 01 OHL OE A LIKFIIITO PETROLEUM, Yes Of and TO Wake woof. Plitabo.rgL. Advaace• mode . anutirnstmen. —AMO TATO., IC (1 ETT CO, CITY FLOU II• r, • INQ MILLS, sor,er Lllssrty Adam sad as,ls, Pittsburgh, P. , flogrity. CM barn+ yur c,...CII()MAKER s LANG, et/NIMISAIOI4 RIZIGGG,T, GIVI buiroull• 41Golece l 0110'ICR. MR. ri,nt R, GRAIN. PriGIPoIlnA A... No tlrr t.1,n 4 extrt . Pittobnrgh. . 1111 Jeus. *tutu.. WAIT & W I LSON, Wholeßale Gra. cen, Ckrzemistiou ttlarchants, and ewer to on Anne and rittsbersts casaaptAlsr.... Nu. IS , 'abort! Plitertnrgh. PO, 4LINNAY 14R0. Whelesalo ono .14.01011iMb, VIMt AXI,PIi , DUCaI) HJL ell, IM rittthare art:Szet ALBREE, ROY & CO., Ir/tolewd, kX and tltir3l D...1.n to MAAS, 511111.8, Weed WI on. n. littabaret, LIDGERTON & STEWART, Who!Gael. Geociess arD mamma 171.11MCHAtIrlt. Se. U, tip.eee area- Plttattaszt. tette L Bora a CO., wb^)..:.amt, f4Fm. Crbe AND C01N24'65701 1 1 2 t 1211 . 1111 4.te Medd .4 Via. times:l. Pitt.. UgiILLIAI4 BAOLLEY, trixtz.wap yy =WEL Va. 1.15 awl 45 voiKi arca, gr. teb• .141 DR HAZE--BetyLi.Wngty Farm, i4t4 in Dattlart.n toWaship, silos , fro. rer.f t...t.iat 171 sena, hhvq% s,rts cl•obrwl. ire.le.l.l ylta twe ..f4 Dralllat Iltd Octni'dlng.v. ea or,vl VC , °MU liairAlde. a p;.l.+ aaYS B. AeLelk 1 00., nu Paaroaaarag. nItILLIANT 60.—Books of Sab i./ teriptlon to Me BULLION? OIL 00. lOU M mooed of the Basking Howe et ILLEILI. WIT A 00., Wooer Mare wet Weed stoma% oh • Monday. August Sth. 1804. ?mphlatt cantata/ad • dual hies eV the provost" held by Oa Cbtopany can be had at the senestlaaai, an sad Ow the lth at Aai.t. ,t7Stttf JAMES WELKIN'S, SHOJIS AND DIkLEII Tlf CRUDE AHD REFINED OIL, 11111 HT ncocK, DUQCVNZ W&T air 81..41 utt,ntion Rives to tbe SALE AND BELT Ect trek um ..d It. prtuicete tkmelFuments rrspectfnlly air %Ma"lamb Agency fin VILILL3OO OLE Aral THANSIN.AtTeIIVIL U4AI PANT, teth2•ly POtT OTTIOr 110 X 141 RICLIA_RDSON, HARLEY di CO., 0915111188/011 w Aar Ina mGEOIIAWI. Crude and Refined Petroleum, eu. 12 113W1.19 tIFTRZWT, P1TT113172438. car L!teral Cash advance. ale coattipmenla far Pitt► rent er Eastern Marksla. et.r•n. J. S. Dthrertli k Co, tips - Inger limat.aagh, cripoott Yell. Nag, Prect. Occanavial ml4lO:Cm TACT,. & 8H.0., "" "e• asacm re Gra46l;sid Refined Petroleum, tBENZINE, ea:, ps W AtZITT HT.. PIIILADLLPILLA. Dueness entrusted to onr an •111 yr.'s, as present poritoool attention. 'toter to Mows. litobardsott, ilorlay A EL. Berko A Co., and licClollood A Dar% fltitgburgh, Thos. 6calth, C.n. Pant. Dank N. A. yH. L. lmter Co anSly McCOR hi ICB & CALLENDER, OIL BROKERS. Noe. 211 and 213 Beath Water Street oe 00. Oar CoaetimmtuU .dk Lydny d Ohorponolog, Iron Oft, 00 Worts. Jacob relotor, of J. Painter, A Co. Jt,o. It. 01.11oul. of Bpeua. Ma/LA A Oa. Jy23:ly W ALES, WETMORE & 00., r:TT:,DORGEE SHIPPEB.S OF FETROLEIIM. Lint* ar.aui.. Dm. TORLON can IM:IPPIZIGI at thou. yard wad 'hart, YID Ilorar luyllll uITY OIL WOMB LYDAY do CIROBPENNIIN, irA 134.2,1G71 of CAEBOLI OIL, Mil 52142 AHD LETIIIIICATINEI OILL . bait= b CRUDE ICT.FC.O LaJETETZiI: Crftoo. Sc. :2 lILED 8T1111.07 ,011, IL IP WLACE AL s CURTISS, Ctmuularion Itleychants. CRUDE & HEIT6rED PETROLEUM, 13..414C11T1 AND I.O7IUTUATTITE4 No. 1.541 BO 747/ W13.111M. PIIILADFLPELLL 09mrm, (cmllor .over,)lor 16,(03 . ^-11.ri.r. far aStyping L:11.16,1• ort , t4. or!, sa our wharf tbe :khoylkl3 River , nos.r.Aa r...frro of ch.P. E. B. )&25.1y B REWER, BUREE ct CO., COTENISSION MERCHANTS, GLOW, PAOI7IO AHD LIBIWIT OIL WORKS. Lev. 12.1 cash adnema sad, on onsivrevrata el Refir,,td or Crude Petro(caws. 00E4 DIICEI2SII Waif b HA.NCOGIE 5711., ENO S WOODWAB.D, g...t. or W. 11. Woodward • Oaj GMLIZILAL C0EM1133103 Er1at011.63% EpaLl attemtloa p.a b tas in el Crude and gentled Petroleum. No. 11l BOWE YAOWT fff HEST, PHILA. °exam PUO (MCI , E. WOOU~ ILLS OIL ' GEO. W. EOLDSHIP Ai CO.. Mumlsct.mrs to B IT/SING OIL AND LUEZIOA. PINO OIL. Keep ommeetly hh heed the very temet cue'. Dv a BUN/ISO OIL, elect ILEA eithato eclat; also, • SIDDISICATOD, pure WRITE /MAZOLA' hed PAP. lIMILAttg. oar .111 order, left st No. 14.5 rirra Tarr 11.-.. a Mot, wcond Eau, 1011 b promptly stUta.4 to =531 PEMBER'lliti & WEB TER General Merchandise Brokera, 142 FI fl 6TBISI, H•• Tart. IMO, 135 501M1 ►noire BT., Plaliadelphin, Ps. CRIIDE & REFINED PETROLEUM, OA t3'l - 147 SODA, 130bA ASH, 13111.11STOV, DILOGS, OILS, Atc., Orottes , tam mil promptly mamMui ie. .0117 n L MILLER, JL, Aim, :150 ALLEM ST., PL111.A.D=.113114 CRUDE I REPINED PETROLEIIII RENiZiMMUM STORAGI POD RETIRED to cool mama. Mx MUD& =dm mad sluda Panics attentlon paid co OIL FOR EMPORT. ros Sai.a-OA.USTIC SODA, SODA LSO. M. mlOy A LLEN & NILEDLEes rkiILADILPS/41. CVSIIIIIMION NSZCIELia 111, nPort:ottlar eltontlos paid to tosasionostt at Crude and Refined Petroleum banm."l •ri ly )(E F.FT ASLIN% ORTII 1 k urW anlihhg 4 OonnalsAion ffiereuall dDD DIDA IE3 I= OILS WET 1.101115 STIIS 0.61016214thi T Mal DR Pr 5111 , 1,61'M 01 LS, tvatit..l3, I. hand and 4r at the loweet mutat prizes. tlorshT..s...ta and orlel splim p eso Borpoti. GVHIIISSIVZ arIICTIA Crude and Refined Petroleum GIG E.OVUT przawer.s trrstra. WARING & KING, =mums, sinvasionn, Petroleum and its Products, £z4 &elm to /Lofting Claterlatt. MI 5a......................................1M1LLA1 lllalkli.ll3. RCM a:PEAREALL, O earitttsta Ea rterasas t Illrolimra. Potraiesan and fts Products, roe mrset end acc. ersz=3ss4sl. Asez2l 110 4. r. rtcate, AS ....warmbt• Littou A.92B"LAWM, rbellfectever Oil of Vitriol ort4 Aron lintracnis: ,0741.• Ntst ha Pnrterls.ltl t 00.1 Mee, wise .--muamicr Jail , 0114.2 mtartiva. elm, ire. IME=III Agemta of Oa Pz.eizsaag, Pa. FWVIITT'MMIICT`MI , I ‘II I IIWIL4tXOI4 FRANKLIN BRE DERANGE OMANI PHILADELPHIA; Aiwa o ~at e wA t .sa 14 - 4 emote 1•11••• as tens. Clapi afccneoll 8:3271 ' ;:vmted Prratana-- 13naertfied Flow. for Lon. Paid due INlrpetaal land Tlcapor.7 /.4110 Edwa 0. Das • Goa Yalu, ' a difrod Myr Fru. W. 1041.5. DALE, Vim Pro. Tom. .001?1,121, Aseal. - 2a Wood .aul Third strroSiol Marts 14. riamter, Tobas. Wspoi, Sarasael Grant., ]amt. H. Smith, Goo. W:liicharm, (MAIM= EDWARD 0. JAB. W. itcALLIBT.I7O • L G. mbEll COMO: NSURANCIS, IN FIRE AND LWOW nsurance IDo. of North imeriiie H►rtford . Fire Listusalee Compa • ilinrithobsction can be wised In lb. abut* Wail* bad reliable companies. W. P. JONES, Amore,-: Manx's. 87 Witlar Mai WESTERN INSURANCH COM 411. Olf PITTSBURGH, !, IL MILLE% Jr. Prui4l.lll 1. N. GORDON, Arrrmary. Mu, No. 0. W•trr erreb, Etyma aWs Wars•lanilk ay alba", Pittsbcral.. Pal bray ayyleta all Had. of Piro ad Mates eyak A Bow, Lostiagacamonnoyad Dbyegorn• boa. ..0 Maw be Ow comenabay, cml sal ay dsterraisort, by promoay, cad Layrr.aty. 6o wawa:a aktabarbabff saki Lbq rimsad,lSJ ea.* ao 6w protatice w 0.11 .14 b. amnia rimacomil I Andrew 1.11,1t7. Alexander apace. natal n. Long, Saw J. Thema. flay. P. Hatemea. John B. hE'Clunk 8.. Miler, Jr., Jaw. lacAtilsy, liattamlel Elo Alea. Nth :art, b Emits Wale, 0.30.0 B. Uerra, 0. W. likk•bos, •330 x. aciavom. CITIZEN'S INSURANCE WMPAItY CT PITTSBURGH. Mx, our.. Martai lid Water streets, wood floor. - %. - 4 Wt. tirtattlfl7 , bYriadarjr gralCrL BRA. drrctrsla Irsurre Steamboats sad Cargoes. Unfree against lan and damage b the nalitlai ail U . Sctorbers and Weeslna !Users, Late* &a Begiwi. • mid the ofertgatioe of the Sant t :f Lamm agateat law and damage by Ara." 0. M. Kier John Wain% as. XL On J. 04 agar. 11 :rateJ,.., John 8. miliaria. Wm. A. ItArcin. ' d.120:101. W. Bwaey, Jon. P•rk. Jr, W. CI Johnston. B. F. J. Berns 0aa....h Bat. T. ht. Wrath Barclay %Tatra, Goorre Bingham. pEOPLES ENSURANCE CO i• Oboe, N. E. corner Wood dc Fifth Os FIRE AND MARINE INBURA.1101; =ll nne D. Verner, .7,,, p, 4 Ce John L. Rhona* Saroubl P. Shriver d °crags P. Jour, d. Ilaneon Lova. Marls. Lre.lakie:'.',.. Wm. PMBfPy Jam Watt, Wm. 11 Bays, JO. Z. Parke, wm. Marin B. Van MA. ruciArt, werr, katat Ira. F. OAZDYEII ZSLIEG HEN Otiaj. PANT OF PITTSB So. ISTM 61 , 44, Bonk Lamm , agekthat ail Sind, of FireAtilaatas INAAO JONES, Prwriefent, JullN D./11 . 001W, Tfice D. C. Cr.; 1.. W". 3. Mali, Gamma .411011 .• Jcoba D. Kg:mt. pt. Adam Jocabo;4 B. D. Dior Day WoL. Dos; 1/.."LJEcArom age... a. D. 118 INSORIL W Nag eo .ASELLM.IIO.N JL of Now York. a P t THE PREMIX I 4SUBILWGZ 011.., of Dow TO* ()Wool ofkl I=l=2 o.e 0.. 0. ar:aery, Elrkcet C :tt, Jr, B. S. VISTAIL Lipur.Zl irxl3 69 44. h Toarth rtnet. e=rirta /34107.1 dXL StIOES. MII We ban NO reee teed aar Itprtag etc* BOOTS ATM SHOES, anath...s:l 'el th. wanes? ()Asa Pamir.; We have the laratat and beat Weald Amin et To be tomad ha tau city. LLD= LAM GLITZ, IN abautt.on. Give c. • .11 Jas. Robb' • Ell NA lIIEMT start. OLD PRICES Call I. =Anise the icrge .to f Boots and Shoes, Which .• ate etiDeg •a •t OLD PE101:21 JOS. H. BOItLANW Ho. 4 LSI Kr/ sr. Bd +rr frau " 6reit wOtili I &EO. ALEItEE, 80N & ea. Doi? ,td Tote?. gat Ea:moral_ 00.11 Ilia. Nip EL-otair- ChiLlnes Boot DIV 3 Tbsa goada mrt vrtte ravud cr.:p..llod vagr.o.= hds GOOD NEW IS FO} MID P ROOTS SHOES. GAMS RN BALIACRAtt .. • &Meg e• tirormed lem pea* to c1.0.e .Tzt Stmattabdi 100 ra to mei rot.: br6U mode. • Ouvatry trrenhaats 11,41 to call Ina !ANEW may .tuck batena parclacni elrArlnors, ate, 11011,1,&21D'S Da MARKET STILEIrt, A" EUPPIA UallS, "1"; C, 30113' ILA+B,.tzi Boots, Shoes ord 131aliertir 64 arket E3,*l;tt7 SLATE.P. cTir. 201431; tilita'S AND GAlTEafii i slum mE GOODX*i' 0c..1A5€ :heap wt NTLELI,RW's AUCTION RoB* 55 FIFTH STREET CILF.aI" EB.OR nottE. IIIMBNOB STOOK Of MOTS, z 611086, GAIIIIitS, BAIN .ca eurrtaw, UcCLUITOCVS 13E56 6TO3R y; ihderal *74 Aal l, ha =3 ems he coeds. T 7.trE113=57, -- Bain 42 Foto:aft . ,2 Asp esittii TIMM: rartistiaelasAi ka Sold to the tat Ayretut ref Sleag Or OIL EUIE Its_ hart taws ittoN COO ceder. Alio 11 C11811202e.g gliinP*o4l , • • W. %hated Dekko, .61,11 Mit at Na. SI aced 14 431101116 war Iferty. 1.{17 Dopreapqr Atioadad ta, , IlLirTho c.lstrra. of MI. herb Whir meatier tot o: awl, p.m` In 'heir aoiLuayß Ist• U t . u ota ,i, ma..two s”ri Cft C rran A W Pt s r pymeui Orcet 44t 90 •• 4 6407
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers