--- : ;:'7','-':::::,-; - :-1..'',J:.;' , ;!' . , -:,*V*o - o:3*. DNEBDAT MOWN% la, lOU ERTISLAG WIL "31- MIR AD A:1313rr. , 313r/im., 3 timeil 3 'Yree 4,tr 113' 1 1 93 1 60 1% SO 560 4 05 6 CO 5600 170 OS 490 170 00 SI 20 IS S TO 11to w 4 , 0 0 11 15 410 13 as 00 12 21 es ts (go ocothr-r-.} 0, mnth/ • 1 ' CRA151311.3M Axeranzessvarn. Oor gas neve thin 14:LeTte Um: sub' Tett: On ..,, , ,,t to the telnait• Maw. of the adrattler. .a. L i . 2 ger lasattlsemente thassel prepteliatt : • Vithassl9 Utensil Use • i ce , sookl. mai 106,05/.... 0 *5l /6 001 / 6 7 0 1 00 2 4 7 4 19 94: yesr„,. 00 00 00 SI 60 14 00 _ •••••••*"-- 111rTirt toiler double the abara rater. mot tps, sub 90 rata. 7.5770.99 75 ;',.anabost.sdretisoratt,' re 7 7 4, cr 15,99777775t0re 907100.--... 9 73 DITI AND BIIBERBAN. :• Committed foe Trial. - 'f-!1 Ann ; - atment, wtto was arrested by Maur 0110110 i Monday, on a charge of stealing from the home of Mr. Diffsabeolter, in. tie First Ward, Allegheny, had a farther hear ' trig. before Mayor Lowry yesterday, which in her committal to jail to answer the • Serge et Court. We undetstood yesterday that sn is an old offender, bolos been discharged • woos the Penitentiary a few weeks sinoe, where bed been .sentenotdlor two years by the suit Vsuango county on .• chugs. ;•;'l.lter. the! sentence had teen pronounced by the ` . . 2 . ,1•11ti at Franklin, she threw • number ot !stones -t the Judge,end wu With &faculty taken front ,;die edurt route. She is • Pao looking girt, of eighteen jure, ba t her motility for 1. testing -clothing eennot be overcome. • ktr. inbacher has ban unable to Lied his los It.t pre- es-Atm denies ell knowledge of Ue COILS beten must at the next WWI. C , , Frightful Railroad Collision. .' On lest Wednesday a railroad collision took , ':lace about four Milos cart of Canton, Stark ';.ounty, bowies.' Cleo freight trains oh - the P., ` . ;,::r. Ti. & O. it.-It.iretuliing. in the death of two `, , en who liseatimendedin getting on the train ~.n '.; ? t Alliance , lelthbut dm knowledge or permission i'if the, condizatii.-;Thetridne met in going .... Vowed a: abort aril, and the two engines wore ; .-- .;4ron each other in a moment. Thelooomotives . • t'i, are badly imulted, and • the cars shivered to . • „_,N.yindling woods - Ths engineers - and fireman !.. ,, uutne.t o ff and were witnjared, but the two men 'rata horribly mutilated ‘,and instantly killed. '• • !Prom papers foundupolo them it was ascertained {hat their names viare.lnspertue Mott and beau ,;mith, both from Deerfield, Por tags county, / •;.w.-: - Oltio. /,.-, it - --.-----:-7-- -- .. . Killed in a Well. 4 on Friday molting tut a discharged soldier • I;aarned Simms, met with - his death in a horrible ~.., m anurs in the village! of Palatine, near Fair .-2nsont, Veit 'Va. lie was digging or cleaning . .. : test a well which contained foul air or "fire'• hp." FeUtsg that he would be anffecated, he .4gavesnignal to thenten at the windlass to pall • ihiso up to the vitiate. The mon sell so, but as .....lithe lull reached the Jon. of the well, the =for ' donate" meniambledoutnndfell bask is distan got ng ce ;u1 folly .fiet.',Ne arm woo willing to risk . 1 own after the 104, uni it rastsine d d to titsto the well ,:..1 ome two heursii and Was finally raw made for n •• • . :Isurface by mesus• of grappling hooka •Iths purnote. The. deems& leaves a wife and ,'...414_,W0 &F i ron ins compustively destitute col , • - .l^-41 1 dition ....--- -', ' " ' ' 1. .-, ',:, :LI ..:Attempted Escape of Prlionera. :,, .: 2.'' On blonds: lad a number of soldiers under .....,:,,'-.J.:S. ic:,. sentenee of court .mulial, attempted to asothe ....,i,:if,,•:,..,',. 'from the military prison at Wheeling, by cutting .', ,::':,' ITa bole through the fl oor. Tits foci is eome ,•,. , !'"..,-::::.!',.6.,:, tour or dwe feet above the ground, and the pria :.:l, ..,.!..i;...,Ponere were in th e habit of going down and pros ... • ,:,,....,,, posting for *tunnel dining the night and keep :,,""..:::::•.. 4 -ti img the work - concealed during the day. The .;],: :::-.',V:',ldiscovary was leery 'ashy one , as many of the .. J.i.,....f.,''''-..',.-nriaonese would hare escaped it the work had • '',. ;, 3....,:..:::.:Abeen secomplithed. , . IliLana erome on 'lnn,ley evening, August rrib, at Comma°lel dales Reconi, 54 BIN' s'anet, by 41:111iptine, snot:onset : . ittstnagit and illnatagica.. Fawn. H. ii. 00., 41..7i IlLralivrit rabic...-. ....----.......... 050 ..,' Pittatrit , .7C illostan-Lte, =raid _ =TS - oc , .... ...............-----,.. " " "_ .....i.m.-.........-.. - ' . . 00 .. Pit 11V -PR Potroloom Lao 41131001-Yar.o °roe CIO P ells OLL ....................._ . ....... a .OO I.l,roentok 1 . ";•:..• 400 . fie :. , t i i . : i ' ; : : 11‘ . :1 . ..?1 ,1 -g.,l:7pg.f7o..737Lisplcitoll.' Vrfrotliiplial-tiroors:Usrthu regociteitse'd Long tut ovoning : " ''' ' '''' '1 bI'ZI4° f it ; f 9". maluk , iinviin , about i - %:: : : : :. :: i6 ' LI royelsw.(l.7s': ,"Atiun.r'sce.-scillert7halisdosmru,iscandthtewmoonotsilydrew.ni, '-'.., ?; : 'l.: 1 who *no talaar z 4.• reee 1, mi a rri val: ‘ '''' ' '' ;'' ' 4 ' -1 4 t ' '' ' llllll6g ais totifi 00 1 ntros , _,% Calaa ' -• • V..: ;:,,.. ; ,..li'. If fond P Joss .unonoo. .. ...;:".' ;• : - 4 -,: , Provost Marshal's 051 e. ..: 141.. persons know of the whorseloonu at : ' .. e. i-t • " : 'z' 4 !. 26fabsr.ov'spaitigieSe:rth.ay wlll pirate leave wo rd 14 ''.l l th' Idsicr.iLinics-W. ."7 1 . , ....:•.,..i . „1 1. - '...., mos Dam . Snroo2Yol Yorro .....,__ Hannah B. i '. I ' : . 1 ,.. r ,..5 . -,-, disco: alto often to. th esEn . !_!ff .. . a. mime., u. ''• '•;,..'..,%:' , • , ...i5N, °.‹.! •rt.. 1.. Bohool for To s u",`Z'r t ri os . padant --,,,'' p -1:- Dolt' lugs now o „.•_.... we j.....:::.. '',;•. 44 anted In e . w .. tiny. Th. rooms nroli t , ir o g;l l o we ,". • •-••• ' -.4.•., 1 stroolc d .''L d lighted, and the las . .. _ 4:;:t:.!! ..1'3;". Irthetna_ra-oit 'Plossant end socosisib__,lsll yi.42TRI: ..:..,.. ,:, 4: ~ .ii , ,, r ,, ~,,,x , e , ,„1 to had larges_ ri i- W 77,;„„,,„& •-• , . --.-,• — 6 , an Institution, on a Bhe ' • ... '1.. 4 . • L t . l to : 13- ,uch tha the ohool is well patronise : in, •••-•,... -01M d by t able t 111144::42121,1111h.d PlOt:111 . g 1 . ! . ;I1:, , :4 . , 1: 1 , a lg a l:Lilt. t. t.antthoso *a . l . : ••••••'''' ''''i.-I'`. 1.-‘,_lmen,„„zeltt!l i f blia not overlook th e r''' , ', • ~ ..- r .0,•. in at... L .' e‘feanea a 6 • ..-rt. ,' AV "..,, L . ' atTir. , 4-4" f el l , spbool. acpga ••••• •... ; . ',,.... 1"• ' -..•:,..! • 0 ;I: :: :: ';' ''''',ll -•-4 i' • •,. sc' ~.1:!, . :•, ' :.i . •;; ' ,•: "-;', ~ ;i: ', A k:".`';•';'.o` ,l :''..'••'..- 1.- •,•,;"'.;;' f:',';'l ';-. i., ' :' , 11t- -• i ;. Tau °twos On....dotivrarr,—Tho books of this 1 emnpany were opened. Iststerdsli..and : quite 1 large amorist of stsik'sras at ono , taken. Its property conststs of • nettober of *ay valuable cU sites on Okerry...Posno end o th er cholcolocalitlei; some' of _which alreidy pro dootive, i n • • number of new engines, robing; buildings, t, to. As the own; piny presents very superior intsoements, its stock will be midi, taken. The books Easy be Fetal st, Inn. B. Bala is Co.'s warehouse, N,. YST Liberty . •i• . - •.:„.-4i• ;:••••,,,:- ,?,,:%.1,4•1t.,,-:•;:kf P.xtLnoale-----istmntnmt.--Oa Thugs ay in h o t rie u ln i g ~ last, about ten estlath, Ito the itglaglr.if_ _ . _ I. on the Rey Castle and 1305Tef v awry Rat it i i r rel d_ 1 was gams with, a want= WasAlle? on ttl ..n Hewett st Wileores tan, and Savor* Lair s, : * al gong be atonped the engine ronarorr,.. the ,i %Med tor Instatly. There is co In 1 1 =sad At that paint, and the totTino s tlve tiss wes n. 'i' erithill ilv° hen dred lords of hex wows n i,„. . 5 ,j Iles sense was h _Dun, anti she I ea d ' 7_ nalsiliOnre pone Tromso. At Ingalls; . wor a h ro , and no Mope whatever attache dto .`o p as czannoted fith the treks. r l-- ",i ' avflUng rill litns Ileolsrarr.—The Ulf -?; r0 c :41,34a it . .e.,.... 1.1 ... t, whlnh a art of the luis been .' l 4 " " I .r iEl ie ts "M t skirtoblibet oPoratiug to e,,,ttr of " ';i s Trin: The regiment stProo llt -- - Iti ch fron t di li ne, of breast works, where . o contras a *, ~, lad, 5, 5 (melt &eta. 4 ' -1., It Le annoyed by s a e... n er tvaity George Marlin, 4 , ut'a t'itlu'yernlol3.l, (formerly coarcasadei bY . a A:la CUL Tr Menem ) Wits killed .17 a '-•-, .., cot, I - .- Yr - r iii _ t . ,C ; el s% and Aden, Wcnetl , of Co. , Blllei 5 - , m eat, motley wounde i d. " •"" —..-------------"--- - " • , 'l 7 2.1 __•.-r,relliltan Vasa% Titre to Oar.—l o t t is od n a n s . ,I'l , 3 ,"snod that the Preeldent has Isi tru '.-7. Treasury Department that money must b . e iti p' n eoed } . 4 ssai ohooly in the hand k r the pity: civil. : -. scoots whose term o service sa - - 4 , Ts, b ee n knee, g loudly at the door l, ofd who bare The' requtsltteae, which I : at tbie,(llBll'2". zeitlions five t.area thou ', amolla- r V : : l osefl by the Treasury on a „a geno- 4 v, %wisp ' .t . '!'.;: .,- 'i:_., , i;• - ,.• :t , '.`:•.E.•:.,_ , .•;::"...1:.;; .;,-;:i.!!;:::-.i;-,.:..i:;..;. MEM ~;,:-::.:-.,:;-,.:- :J: V-..t,. 1 .;. : ;...4,; T-.t:;:.'l,:ii'..':. Eancht.'nflitnentsci.7-An Sunk evening intt thohnkhit.pflioftgea, two tallat at Batler,--was ttinoit hy lightning awl econtivaiidsby 1.41. giladjut housed has :6°?...611417 la, pass :au .oousumed Tho-prnport thean intnrOd 3rthwJintlar:Ctunti Comp sinognt Onlitit thin win isil hitshone!cofreting the itatottuined: .2 • • _ i,Daitneste Pi r o 1 7 1 'l-ii*'n:°s6 ‘l34sitr. bbs asistrastal 4 1 4° ." 51 4, se! Young. of Phis o el; be of: the mune mode: as ths b I'lt p t 7. Wm. la te of Co. B. mare a.-"Rermant bstbeeb_ pro moted to a !Is t licutenbaci Ma colored Fog= c. NAVArttirDossi Fau.—Tbie Halt will coup esti. at Detroit next week. About 1110,1006 re uroted In presicoML 1 l g .: : 7 — ,.. -... i1i Draft , Fire - Word Afiegtelgy.—By the forloWlag iris .. I,t, pitie ate : rasitlas of the 011iseale of t ward,luild-List evening, It will be seen that ,those Who are endeavours to' all the quota of 'tit, Word 'and retest*' it teem f.he draft tennista thst that clan arneng them who never do anything it the err: At tiding to raise bounty , funds, shall be left'to talcs afire of themstoelves dil.. It appears that they still require many their _quota, and that they intend to recruit the follneher,bothere ifteir withhold the certilloatee of credit, eta arm let a dreft , tati plies for the number -still de fi cient. This, ir• titbit, tell havO tendency to bring shirkers to their sense', and le as it should be. The following are dub tomlotlonepueedby, tomb:alone passed by the inviting: Boolra, That hereafter no re eenal cramittee t be ere -dited to the ward by thrillecrulting . fi Mat the certificates ed "malt be withheld, and that ere allow a draft balsam plane for the bal ance of our quota. Then shordd any mat be drafted who tie contribata hit prapartionsto she to the bounty fund, he shall b• malted with one of each recruits, but should • non-enb gather he dratted, he shall be left to tate'eare of himself. Remfeed, That at the ',meeting to be held to- morrow evening the names of all the enrolled mcn in the ward be read, together with the amounts they have severally fm'olatibed to the bounty feud. Rreeleed, That any enrolled man hare the privilege, during Wednesday, of making hi:sub scription to the bounty fond bcfore the tilt of enrolled men be read.; __..---------- " - fis 45 a a s 00 113 gat \ 33 8 vs 2 0) 56 33 6.12) 1103 g i ro tiol COneerteeteConabluatlonaaa Conspiracy- Whither are we Drilling -1 The spirit of the great conspiraey to alter gaols, oar nation is rapidly descending into, and spreading through all the affairsof life. From combinations to distract the administra tion of goeenament, derange its fineness, and spread general distrait, it comes down to divert and pervert the most common affair' of every day Ille, from their natural and coutemary op . *ration. We have not, now, alone to contend with miners and huotsters, in their efforts to extort high prices, but we are plopsbe beset with the lame greedy and tatscutp cordon In thicgs of the most common neoessity and daily supply. For le It is now paid that the garden ers beetsexam c o mbined to execs Aga and high pri ces, or let their prodoote rot ; that farmers eon - 'centto 11111 re certain rates for hay, oats, butter, eggs, Au, and ere able to keep them at home until their rates are obtained. This tpl in whatever department of human affairs we may detect its existence—and where can we look now that it is not disoovereble -- la• Wattle the prevalence of fearful 'octal Wrii3. It Is the very opposite of tS., common interest In a general welfare' which is the - very bond of human society. And It is eisy see that so far am it prevails, Ito effect to dimly. society Into elemen sof strife and &attrition. It Is the nature of all polish combinations to give rite to opposing associations and counteracting meas ures squally reprehensible.. Thug though the one often neutralises the effector the other, and. the folly and the iniquity of both comes to be perceived and felt, they arenot the leer orimlnaL And it it the highest duty of all men to support the government In euppreuing its enemi eo es, It is one of bate little lower in degree, to dimarags those sel fi sh and greedy combinations which le enrol; tend to diteention and to the &Isolation of %the bond, of anion end peso ; and which, rt if carried out to their ultimata, elate, would conve a community into a Mete aseemblage of eon - tending factions, and the inevitable coutegnonee of such a state, is to call 1110 011. and authori ty's power capable of reducing such factions to order, b; whatever force the ease might reett n re. Outlawry tee Lescser.—A young *elated boy wet erre., Ltd lest evening by Lb. polio., for robbing the till of isvern on the 001'ne7 of Tnlrd street end Cher ry alley of twelve dollars. lie was looked op for s Rosozo.—W• learn that a Gorman emigrant Way robbed of $l.OOO in gold on the Lake Shore train on Friday lart: A search was iartitutad, but nothing was seen of the miselnemotiey. Leer CHAU, —Cpt. M.O. Steel is reerattieg esmpaey for Col. oocopeo Artillery. Teti le the tut company that sill be reeelvad (or the or CGI ALB. ErOC AD. BIOTIC /SS. Taos,' Pease, lisle and Ornsusoutat Stat. Vetter, and Jnalcr Inrennsylvanla and V. - srtat elute of the best quality at low rates• Who. .t him Laughliee, uoz Cho 'Naas W ea', Pittsburgh, Y.. ' - VoLuargagg Rego Tan.—Fur the derangement of the system. Change of Diet, Wounds, Sunteeram, Dpolses and Prat:Sans, ts whichever" Vol Is liable, theie are no remedies so ssie and con venient ea SOLLOWAY'S PILLS ASO DIST MEN?, thoroughly tested in tbe Crimean and Itslian campaigns. Hollowa's Pills end Oint=isett are non re tailed, owi n g to t he high prises of drugs, kn, at 33 oents, Ib cents end j 1,40 par pot or boo. For sale in Pittsburgh by B. L. Ishanstock dr. lio. For sale at Fatton's drug stop, Fifth street, Pittsburg. "or s alt.° try Geo. A. Belly,Federal =oat, Allegheny city. Tutees . firrsorioss- - len writing .—A physie from Newlin*, New Tort, 'peeking e. the bens ' finial strew resetting from the use of .Browo'ssend- Bronchial Inches, se7s: °Obi' ge me by Log a dozen more of your ' Bonclial Troehes,' inclosteg bill. For alleviating that horrid Irri tation only felt by those who hive iuffsred from , toy Bronchial Adeetion, end for hoarseness and • sere throat: too, I Ism tree to confess (though I eat an S.D.) they Answer all yen elalco for them I would heg 7on td. feel that I am one of the lost men to the Faceslott to pal a nostrum, bet feel I am but doing ~ you icutieo to assert what I blve.'.'" - To, avoid disappobstment, be mow to Obtain the revise is Brown's Bronchial TrJOILM" For eale by Drry4isits generally. Guam's ii4ear4dierrrota —The neat mission of this institutionliegine on the first Monday of flopt•mber. This the best time to castor fcr a complete cot Me. i We don't know any other way in which young leilles, wishing to be nsefal arid to mon an boned, living, can make a better in- Vestment then by promring erholariblp and manse in title popular school. There were over thrte hundred and fifty pupils to attesidartos drying the year Just doted—mostly !Adios—and Deafly all of these &tread, hive pert it Sorbfrom thirty to forty dollars month. Sorb is the depend for pupils of this school as Mothers. iticoekw. Rll/10•11D.--514Mill eratll9 a Co. limos:a 'I :lion, haus ramoved to SI amid:geld street. Vie are jilt re t4tivlng our 'mond supply of ailing and IMSZOT goods, load would moot no epertfully lava* our friends sod et, puldie In general to sumaine oar new, stook, hollering it tz to one pf the Onset hooks of merchant Sam goodi in She city: limy gement was lutted to givet_itall setiejaction, In both pries said quallty. 6 , i, TO us a oall before purchasing licerttere and ludo' for imartolves. °toga t tlcCownizsz.l . • Karats:A Toilers, So. St 1 at thOld On*. • j PIE LATEST NEWS BI TELSIGBOIL bur' Special ,Dispatcliez, FROM WASHINGTON. The Rebels Retreating in the DI ration of btrasbnrg• REBEL LOSS . AT REAMS' STATIO THE SITUATION AT PETERSBURG Fairtat 'Flowers front France. the Wt. In ay Wired peiftfea, L caeca** WWI God is wU weather. 0 reareeste end twantlll. tluk hal 11 a fovea the swap frrmaleadralf., I avlearates the caylla•t paws, ::Atlrrit=gt . hera t . Sil Weans 04 lair, 8 Lutranne• anhes•tbfal aearrrd. ea I r. Wt. the llama, reuses ta me er..al4. Ir yolk yak • 'good, healthy load of hair, or 'nab to puffer' 7011 r bait from Main gray, or, when gray, bit rattorad to its original color, .lon mast nta n artlea'onliod litsuraiwroz, as it ;Kate to ~ ono of the grastaat ittlizaeslel of its tristout tints. Sara to leader iiatisfnOtion f , r the ..nrme rurprpei abea oil other prepar+ - cns ha ,. .. fatted. 9.,11 - 14 Strann JObotton, con owttbfield and Fourth atrconi, sad.by Arlsoltvnt ; draggitta. --.--------"--. Bore teld *lettering tale, bntarter seen an ticipated to ins. a pnrparation for the toilet, So as that delightful reparation, 4,SosOdollt." cool and reeshingly saveable to the month and teeth ,!ard e nt-ande invigorates the gams • gives pging Sad, healthy tone to the brestht diseases, heagUttleg.Agg preserves the teeth, and arrests doom Bold la Dalgpsts Siouan, Clacsie and Commeretal Aostlame, wood floor -Allegheny Saving's Beak, alleghe. op. The Fall torso( ttas institution common as co goads, the sth of September. Night sehool Oaramoselog on the lit of Oetabot. Bet J. DIM% M. Ptlllepah ASV. MIA. Davie, id. A., Alatni. Iw. lirrvis;D. --Dr. Bodoni:ismer, Jr., haying roamed - from Itadfcad Bpdr. l . ko wig ru= Ms ?maks at his °Mee, 146 ThIS street; lUS burgh. MAR HIED GOLItIVI—EARIMMT—On mogul avnißg. ath bat, blAtmlboosa 44 Mario A. Dickey Mt rww. W. 0 DMZ% to Ulm &VIA El M. EIRGIRLST, both of Iltaithortor, to. - DIED: • HOLLAND—ths Monday sonrotng et 45101. o'cimk EAST ELIZABETH, flituchter of J. Herr, and Uri ]ace nollead, eAtd,elenstjeurs as 4 um months. 'The funeral marsh.° place as W4.11,31 ,, k1 HOMX., iLIMPUt 011,1; et 10 0,4Xka101:11 the ream= of bre ' boo, So 1T43 SlumeyirtirtrooS AUNbeny city. The Mends of the WWI sntedkd uStUsi. VOLUNTEERS WANTED.— SIXTY 1111:4 wain= To D#T, • or TrrT TowonsTP n , to otoo wt e ahies tynny Orld T ub. APO ? th &Wan st clloon'tani 8., ems innthael. !man el va No lamp GEN. LEE REINFORCED BY EARLY &a. &... 6°' apec:al Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Goa, ts. WastlifcrPON, Aug. 30, ls“ 111 TA% o 0 10ATC[1 1 . 1 . Ally person selling matched on and after Sop timber p ackage without a revenue stamp upon each bit or p outdoing the same, is subject to s penalty of $lO dollars for each 050000. 00010 5E211.11)/a. The latest in'ormation received here from the Shoncodonh is that the rebels are retreating In the direction of Strasburg, and that Sheridan's cavalry Is pushing well his real guard into the neighborhood of Winchester. It is believed that Longstreet's force began their retreat one week ago to-del. mom II:IVRY &D. Dlrratohes from Ger.erai Sherman snnoaneo everything quiet La front of Atlanta, • gale!, however, that will not long remain undisturbed. Iha Indications ►re that ► battle will be fought on the M►can railroad before the otose of the present week RIHIL LGISi lAA WS' IMATION Richmond pspets of tbo 28th admit that their ors er as nearly 4%000 the attack on car position at Acosta' Station. Pritonors say tise rebel loss woe over 6,000. 11011 reraasansio. The situation in front of Petersburg remain,' uneben gad, thr ugh there are unmistakable Will estiote that the contending armies are preparing for asoilier desperate our flint for the posseision of the Weldon railroad. We bold oar lines awry day adding strength to our en trends...site, now believed to be latAnsblo 1erL11.1.41.11 NOMINATION. The news of the nomination of McClellan by the Chicago Convention was recoiled hereby the Coxpetbeacts and leeessionists with unaisitnised astir faction. OTONt anxiety, however, Is MIIIII- felted as to the platform, ate. LAii•NN iIIN•ILIB. The damns* by the rebels w tha Cherapsak• and Ohio canal has been repaired, and it is in complete running order its entire length, with the exception of the aeoparoloot over Antietam crack, which will be checked in two weeks. and Tb'e• Artbor Wright, Co. 0, 169A.031 . ,, MOT•I4, 147th Ohio, died IstVA _hospital hero Testa dry •orots'sllSEC: Jos. W. Dyer, late chief einstit eCt the Embriet enca dlelelon of the ba Anditoieorree, has been appointed Pension Agent fat kin ablitelbar, Ohio, district, end will enter upon Ws ne• daunt on Se pternlxt fourth. Gee. BOVILI 'Brig. Geld. .116131•1 1 EIONtO bee been relieved deem duty 05 Pretreat hiarebal 001leeld of the Depertutent of the Gulf, and Col. P. Bobin son hie been appointed to MI the valaney. eIIODEIT PROfleenlolll. T Citadel, District Attorney Covington enter ed suit to the Supreme Court of the Distriot of Colembla, ag .eutt Woo. A. Elammontd, let. d o rm Gen General, to r estover four bun&red thousand dollars, the amorist VOA Government is alleged to hero been defrauded of by his blanket pur chase from W. A. §toPhFos 4 114 eIIPPGad fru= Jokoti &Men. Wiftithotrsend dollars U. tog the amount in the first Cu., and four han dled 111012111111 d he the latter. t.O sargrosoin: It is believed in the Ray that Lee hu been reinftrood by a part of titz' ly's looses from the V•Uay. The westilex to tellietVeli S'l4 the road., exml .rt. OIDIFI Of on. !SCULLS. 010. Wells Lae Issned,as order authorizing quartermasters in the army to gen fOllllO to cor respondent' fen that: SIOTSIMI. The order to hail ed with delight b the DoherlesiOrhe ha ve bantams entrand math inciont anisette in this partiralar FROM NASHVILLE The HebeihnratWheer Woo Eye !al Dispatch to Nttabsrgh Oasatta, ltssuvrtui, August SO, 1854. Gen. Rausesn's district has ban lassoed by, cavalry commands under Wheeler, rarest and Soda,. Wheeler eroded the Tennessee with his main face at Kingston on the Ma, and rcsobed Forts cn the same nlgia% flag he ipided his force, and sent Col. Detrill &Oat hi'hftnnviUe. Detrill attached Col. Waller' , Fifth East Tenn. et li'Minnville yesterday, and forced him from that town. Waiter lost to envisions killed, and wounded, but be punished toe enemy so severely that be was nimble to pans ,Walter in Ws retreat to Tullahoma. le heeler, with the rat of his fora, readted Lebanon at Cate o'olook, A. M., andannound• g the College balding, in which Capt. Rush's Company, Past Tenn. 000.17, Wee, he succeeds& in captains the greater part of the fora. Only n few escaped. A eon of Gov. Camsbell, who Stumped, reported Oa. also mare& A dispatch from Silva Springs wsports,si eom relay of white sat . two companies of adored moors togsgtog the enemy near the fords of the Curateilsr d. A dispatch of to-dsy to Colonel Dual... Gen, Clic( Quaternsaster, reports Wheel er across ;he Cumberland rim, abets he had captured *Cep% Ilunter, • quaderstaster. This is the latest wd be from Mader or Pita. The framer is doubtless making for the Louis ville' and Nashville Mallroad, not fiallaths& at or the South Tunnel. noddy has mahatma Morilton, Alabama, for room dap pat. Me has Imin joined by /arrest, and both crossed the Tennessee river yisterttai at Savanna and Tat cambia. They have a lags force Vol. Nixon, of lieddy's command, beldam advance, sad wit animists %wholesale conscription. We ma hourly expecting to tmoz'of the break ing of the railroad to Chattanooga and to Louis ville.. Tbe 'pedal dispatch to the Cincinnati Gana, dated July 29th, end published In the Gado of July 80th, so fa as it bed reference to thews. don of Ca. 0: P. blooro's resignation, was on. tlroly o}carcot, al th ough from information to. Woad at the tirre it was seat, was supposed to Iwo been a correct state:tont Col. Moore wee tot sett to the tsar by Oen. Thomas tinder pro test, Orithe contrary, Col. Moore applied for a position inures coarbanaritst.,. Forsocommo dation Oen. Thcrana hod Mra,i4ilgned. to duty as President of issCourt-siortdal . . Wear York atock lindmon e y • , 61.4 133.1psta t• ills PittAtligh Day' You;: August 29, 184, TM stock attaket ban undergone no eSsontisl °bongo. Pittsburgh i fort Wisyne, 109%;; Cleoptsod Eitsturgb,llo.g. over:most EaP. ca7itici-13. el eixe°3BBlloBWPO 91 On. Tear Cartlecatcs, at% ; Plvo.Tweatios, 1110111951 farrat•Tklrtles, 111; Teas.B creel, 1933f1. Gol2 ansottled and lower, bat It (1 difficult to quote correctly. TB WINO CONTOTION. The Resolutions Reported by the -Committee. THIEL iDOPTIAN -1 Br ME CONIESTION. AN EXCITED DISCUSSION THEREON Mr. flarrlg of ligryland 8 eTere on ileOlellon, NOMINATION YET MADE CEMACIO, August :1.1, 166 t. [Gov. Seymour'. Speed. Continued fro. Are Pogo!) While those In power without remorse 'sterile* the blood and treasure of our people, they will not rive up their puelone for publie good. This Union is not bald asunder by military ambition. If oar political troubles could be referred to the peaceful arbitrament of the contending armies to the field, our Union would be restored; rights '_ of Stat." would be guaranteed; the sacredness o' firma end patrons be Re gain sp and an unsullied judiciary would administer the le of 'the land. Let not the rule of oar emen• try ho charged to cur 10101141.- It lel n m uot doe one to their teaching or their fanaticis m . y c 'teat tfsolal taternourre.with them I have never beard uttered toe sentiment of hotrod towards the people of the South. value the blooming of Beyond all :men they pence end the •;ruses of merry, and el gentle ness and of mercy, while many who stay at home cry havoc and demand that no the shall be it ow plater:len n. The bigotry of fanatics and the intrigue. et made th page" the Motor? of the post three e years . It was of • soldier upon whom oar Saviour bestowed hie moss,eno and when lie hang upon the old when priests Ind Pharimes mooted his zufferinss,* • soldier lelone discovered hie &Malty, when lie heard Ms. pour forth • ra pyer for mercy and for for/Weems for the authors of las sufferings. The Ad minietration M cannot save many thing. above the Colon. we pat it first of all. Us thinks • proe lamation worth more than peace: we think the t blood of our people more preeione than t of the President. Viere are no hindrances in 0.,1,:b lalhowevaleatotillntniionlotlkOthde torzentra.lo.Woef doe.; Union. We ere "hackled with no bathe. no prep calms, no pardons. Ws d•meed for tj j .,m w h a t e e demand for ourselves—the lull reooguition of the rights of the States. We mesa that every stet on coy nation's banner shell shine w th so eqp' tte coming elect' us, men mast docile with which o the two parties Into w ich our p,.0. .0 div f ided, thoy will s-t. If h they oils" for I:aloe, they will out with that party which does and always did love and reverenoe that t Ann. If they with tar pence, they will ant with the. who sought to avert this Isar, who how seek to rtstore rod will and bermany am-ng all lee rime of cur COUSIZZy.. it they Care foe their rights of persons, and e.. eh of th• 4091,i, sot with those echo have sto id up to the arbitrary srreets, despotic legislation* end the ovestbrow of the Judimary. It, upon the other band, they Sr. wilting to continue the present policy of government so I canditioa of affairs, let theca eat with that or ganit.tlcn which male the present cosdition of ova country. thorn are many good men who will be lad to do this by their potatoes tel pre judices, and car land sesame with plasiemsto who will hold upon poWer end pland sr with deadly grasp,. tat as roans, we are r0c...v.01 that the r ST 7, %bobs•° toad• the history of our ....try elves their advent to pave rem like some un natural and terrible dre.o. ell. be o verthrown. Fier years ago it bad i bit 1 h upon ipaa, let vat see, by our action, that it snail die here where it was born. We desire Usion tre; the administration dtu• ant., and pes.ei, for they demand conditions an meat • pri4 shish they know will prolong the sr ar, load •a? trolooged becctoos disunion Wise rt. le w as ship eat new bring this WV to a canto 'spot the at taw seismal; set forth 7 the goretemint the enteet cf the eon , art, the poliucal aJt.ter..G which we are engird. W. do not seek partisan adveutisvie. We are battling for the rtghte of iv,e who belong to all palltical organiestiers. We me sa h `la•t the ir ir rigbta of 'peach shad! be tie= paced, tli that right may be used to chino. , asW• contend that the tights of coheolonoo atoll be pretested, although the mi taken •iews kestrel der, tatty turn the temple. of teligtoo two for pestle. denunciations. We ma an dist home rights and the eadredutine of the flrestd• shall be respected by 0.. in actloaelty, so =Wet chat political elate! may be held by th se who alt beneath that roof tree'. pined What the Democratic party shall have ope ns. we shall not '. A 'est, but more tem•eriont open these subject We bawl forborne on.. Levan thew who are pew c harged vita-the COthcl. of publie banes bat ahont the grinciples of our government. We were %battling to prase% sat appearance of ("Gaston. opposition, but when we shut hare gained power that omelet who shalt wit:date one neloolpieef Uw —one small gun ot the bumbles; man io one laud, shall be Itated by the vluors of the lawsw. It matters not if be she (II the P mei lentlal char er holds sitiumbler twee under out OA- Maratat. We Dave list open Gas eir a t h o.ti ,, g g algraincrest proof of the folly of this alai iletrae L on, which has driven from lte eapport those aeon whom they Alen, teasel et ilia outset of the rebellion. Then their hopes, even their •we ye:tonal safety were upon the cable mut la the II dder States who under dread:intense. thereat trying, and sacred family relsdioush pf o t ur end wa n sa- e' en' wept:dation' upheld the It tir o ty. Malty of these men are sow eumbere of this Convention, and they bear im pressed on their euetoranon, sad tosniteet in their propene* ske high and gehercue purpose which animates them. Arid yot le tree, d rye. God that it eh mid b. one. They erecting with •5.... of lajaa - t e. and ingratitude of law, and unworthy men, who hate insulted and tnin•d them and their families, and trampled on their rights by vinmiser - dictive l'ogislettco, thriagh the newly of able and dishmett robordlnatiou. Gestleinen, I do trytt that cur process liege hers will be greeted by harmony. Ido earl:anti; believe thst we shill atimeted by the greatest§ of this oosation. In eipre bebillry the future deetiey of oar ocantry hangs upon our action. Let this Inepire as with a spltrlt of harmony. God of our fathers bleu as ; new lift al whose all personal consideration. us with a kilt idea of the rest reepenstbillties which mat upon us, and giro avail to eat lend Its et toe, Its pea. sot lir liberty. and •ntbusisetla °beers groe'eci ii ,vetoer Belmont ae be assoluted his otraeati. Mr. Gatbslit, charm= of the oast ult. on restintloas, stated that the viral tee elati bees on' offered to said eommittee ) esterday, had referrd to a sub-cemmitteo, and then, wits re .n to e believe they would be ready to report this a ternoon, and furthermore, that there ware fair plaited ei arriving at • hormones eostelusion. Mr. 'Tildes, of Ile • York, /aid that the their man of that said committee, Gay. SohnD 4 . Welook:elles would probably be ready to report at of Mr. Vallandighem wee of the opinion that they would not be ready at that bear, sad that MI. Guthrie hoped to be reedy. A motion was made to take recess until 4p. at. Mr. Cots moved to adJauma until to esenow morales. Mr. Browiti-Df Geismar', said there was no dads:onee a opinion swung the members of the committee notkieg but • di•potition, perh•Pt, on the per t of ••few, to Promnothmte, and there was no good reason wiry they eho..lt not ba ready to mart this ate-nets.. Mr. !dor...a vs...A ha in raw, IV Iv e'en sting the ecutett•ti t ,eai age •Itcrucen. The 110fititaCtia °I CA•membeo a,e alike, mad if Met. le soy question of diflortooe at ail, It wet one ot pbressology rather thee of Pticulyie. Merl' Obadiah= thought it bait t hathe Committee farther Idme, being satisfieby to-Forrow wh i chnioreg they will be able to bring In a report upon all the Deitorrtats arid Con. lerwatiess in the of can cordialle orate. Several other members of the Convention sill that whatever Onsets of ontnion mat *alit among them, they ere u to the phraseology of the resolutions rattier than to the sentiment, and if the 0013TOtttlOti would Immediate!! take a re cess, the Committee would be :able o 'condole their labors by 4 p. m. The motion for • resew was then pat and exi lic& the Coc.vention at first refusing to ad) sun over the day. The President—the motion is out of full?. Moans to adjourn was now rude, bat de+ clued oat of order. Mr. Long, of Ohio, took the shine/a opposi tion toll c Clellan. lie said - that Irineola had been guy of interfering with fresdoriof speech, the freedom of elections, end of arbitrary sr seste,and in your resolutions 'you have arralgued him before the people of the country , for these tyrannise and usurpation, and yet you proose to notainsitir imitator the support of tm ocracy, a meta who has gone inn farthirithan LigeolnPaii gone in the - perpetration of elecilar t3rennteal MCIPOref titiOn the sacred privileges and siesta of the People. McClellan is guilty of the arrest of the Legislature of a snored/I State; hetet 'impended the wilt of !obese our purt,and helped to enforce Mus odious ormalloipation proclamation of Linooln, th e willing iestrament of a corrupt and lAdm, aid tag *Miti.gounsing military power, all its ef forts to 11 strip American freemen of their dearest VIC you so far stultify Tansies* as . tamale Win the standard tearer of Demosreoy watt all hD heart he ,tiope not. • lie. had nice! done otherwise,sad as. between Lineolst.or It w• : moat end say man sailing himself avert WI a Democrat he would hive si choice and sunlit be found voiles witithis friends, but he begged the Ocurentlen net to tad:ands btealelian. : AIWA any other man, who claims to be .a Demoorst, scold Satisfy him—Arolit4 acitio.f.: tt Livrittwagsv ~,. ..Y+~.. ..... ..-- 7 --_ weak all is rur pinenrui in Bunny r eapers vs will stand up l and do all in our pOIPOT ifllnfilltain it, but not try planing nth a month nomination to. Mr. Carrigin, of Pa.,. followed in ans letters wer M, RAMP, and onotad from Welsilan's to Bomaide, to Italleek,ant to Boall.whea these Giirrat wine tinder, to show that he invariably admonished thou:, that the only tab of the um. case to pintrere th e integrity of Union sad :. the majeety of 'the taw*, sad thi&a. iiiTarully 1. eattlein& them to. Stiletto, guard - against "toy , itler.gosouta upon Om rights of-property and p non.:, [great applause' The two.laiSspeakera Were constan lO boy tO Inter rupted 'by motions to adjourn. ohi uarters, but so adjournment wire rabid in all q se it was rapidly growing dark, and gas not basing been Introduced Into the wigwam, the crpocente of, Sr adjournment; who were Ge 4 d‘ntly the strongast, bad so conoede the paint, kn d the Convention adjourned , until ten o'clock. to morrow. Tre bleCiellasites say tbe debate has done their eandidate no harm, and they are sanguine of OCCUR to-morrow. •DTRILDOOD 111/1101.. The Convention reassembled at four o'clock this eftedincon. Mr Gnthsie stated that the C ,ut • testiestn Resolutiona bad agreed and wag now toady report. The DeStlatitlDl Wired:Da read, arid areas follows: /tralfeerl, That in the future, 11.2 in p, we will adhere, with atswerving fidelity, the to ut the Union tinier the Constitntton, as the only solid fondation for cur strength, security and nets vas ns • people, and es • framework of revern meet, equally conducive to the welfare and pros malty of all the States, both Northern and South: ier n• ~ That this Convention does explicit. declares, as the sense of the American peones, that ate: four years of failure to reetore the Un ten:by die experiment of war, during whioh, an tler the pretunee.of a military peoersity, or war er higher than the Cotittition the °Gull et:oW ot itself has been dteruegarded every p 3d ablie liberty, and private right alike of trod- the den dean, and the maternal proaperity oeutory essentially impaired, jostles, humanity, dourly and the public welfare demand that Ira mediate efforts be made for a weave:ion of hottli- Wei with a view to an ultimate convention of all the States or other peaceable means, to the end that et the earlier practicitle moment pause may to tattered on the basis of the federal B Mon of the States. Socotred, That the direst interference of the military authority of the United States, in the recent election , held in Kentucky, Marylsod, hiteaotal end Delaware and is Shameful viola tion of the Constitution, na repetition of Gilt acts in the approaching eleri . nn will he bald an r: at I ationary , and resisted with all the means and troves under car control. Suotesd, That the aim and object of the Dem ocratic party is to preserve theFederaland elan fled the rights of the States unimpaired, thus here%y declare that they consider administrative utuipatlon of exeritordi nary and dangerene pow not granted by the Constitution •, this eubver aloe of the civil by military law In S Wee not in losurreettoa : the arbitrary military arrest, im p Doi cunt, trial and sootenes of America 0100 ins, to States where civil law estate in fo toll r,: the I apprcalion of the friedom of eposoil and of t'ist pries: the denial of the right of stylus , : the open end seal. I disregard of State right, employment of anuettal test oaths, area the lo t I.:or - race with and denial • of the right of the retie to DO,OT as c sioalsoad to prevent s reotrntln if the Union and the perpetuation of I c a Goovernment deriving Its jest powers from the consent of the governed. it.." 1.-1, That the shameful dlsregorrd of he A dinloistration to Its duty In regard to our fel low eitisans who now and long have been pre,- ocers of war in a suffering . °audition deserves the eeeee est reprobation, on the score silks of publlo and commot humanity. 5t.01. 4 , That the sympathy of the le party is heartily and earnestly extendedDernoerata to the soldiery of oar entity who are end have been in te fie: unde the tag of our <sen try en in the h WWII d at otte r attainof power, by ar will re• seise all the care, proton ion, regard and kind ness that brave soldiers cf the republic have so tobly tamed. Mr•of Ohio, Offered at SD amendment, ei rue in alter the first thecle•ton. rho first hattacisy reoolutto6. at 179 d. drafted b T h al.os.a E. r., n hi, 1...0p ,buitited ho• nrro, s 10410.U.10"1, itura.r.g !!!!ate rxt!t, ! be -eadaptod an rest •3151. Its Plts , cfai iaie than under the the re, plicp a 5.0 t,t.“.1.D.11.t., .1 to the e oue.io.ea OD te,f.`za•lrr It. Mr_ S ' 4 Pea, of collo, moved tbo proTL, ay q ....rotiot . Mr Ong bored that bto ooilesgs• would sine tcr iros . LI" tooticn, at be dealrei to C 6 0 ,0 sff oJrcest that 'si place tbe Cor.re„..tion Is a loog,tc:. las ,:iog t aace bey Li the .T.l.tane et any eguiaLcal language. B• oould sot go for et.y TOO!UtiODO thin mvgbt be construed !or their wry by men ofd i i•feni ylew e to the ourentV the ss. Mr. (az tr.#l,ted gyp hie tootlC.n, •n Fro? VI VlLL'itiOri belt g E ode , ea. the reioloiona tor re •d , pled vita On: Tont rit,seating rotove. It 1., , then moved that th 1 Ccollotiol";:ro— et, O to the 001:012111i01:1 of a essiidot• for Pceet- dent. Mr J,bn P. St,aten. I, al( ir U. deugatun I that Stets, nominated uto fl McClellan. Mr S. B Coe, of Olio, in b. hail of • rortioo if 100 ODla del•gatioa, roo• o• rod lb. etrato• uon Ssel.bury, or L./aware, ocioaloeuid Oat. P6woll, of Eiroutolly. Mr Powell rettrned ants to tto gentle men hot he Arnaly baliosod that tb. orbits de manded that sho cand,,t•se of tea pelt) aloud o ems from • nou•sioreholdtng Snits. Bdlarvieg b• barged ths petits:mai; and hi. e-llcagues. gallant Blau of Diosuare, to wlrldraw h.. coma. he Stewart, Ia hohalf of dm Dalogetlon from Cfle , o, Volt tleotod ?toms" H. Saimaa". • Mr Wicklifi, is babel! of • patio' of the dot ation horn Ey , notiainstad Pranklin Piano. Mr Harris, of Man Inod, siwoodsd the nossil. cation of T. EL Serocur, sad proceeded to ea -I.saw I,U party services and abilities. Mr. orbs coati:mod u follows OII• Wen hOtlll2l. WI hare Le • trant. (Otters and Mena.) it was who drat tab the policy by wl y or rights wore /Welton down ; teat man Is Giw B. DI oCliallan (Ciltlnsion.) Itioryl•ad, lotOth Les to doped so moon .t the bands of that town, will rot submit to his noutio•lee in al -1 ore Eta affect.. shall b. mods Stows,. TVA Cotot 1.1.603 la a jar; appo:Xiteed by She peva* to p.s, moats of ohs paDito man boo. atones pretantsd for the anpnort of the groat as party. Oen. McClollan, I re. p• at, la a tors (Swam confusion 1 Lie stood sire to indict biol. A deiwg•te—l call Dim to order. The p• e idrns add that be hoped thee. was oo min pewit who would deny tho rlgbt of fro, arceoh; cortainly no Dotooorot would. Al the some time Doped no delegate would fool call ed upon to pursue • course of remarks so otort site as to interfere with the harmony of the son tostiota Mr. Barris read AferCiellsn's order of arrest against the Maryland Legislature and promed ad to comment upon the tams, but the contri- not be tion irss so greet Mat the (peaks? could heard *leapt to say that all the charges of eturpstlon and 11T1301 that nen he brought at:allot Lincoln and tatter hs wen mate and pot:Ousts against liclifellan. (Ilium cheer a.:d erica el "You for Jeff. Dacia") The prosident Wilted that the sententlon tloold acme to order. ?biro to no attack mods hi re hut can be made 'Theaters, and the gela n. against whom these charges are beteg 0,1, dottrel that they shall ho made now them. end tier, so that he can meet and explain T... tstanapttot. do Wattles the to ourseltroe• tbi sponlstr, and the dlatingalihed gontlemen ass-lost whom they ere made. Let gentl mi.:. from Maryland hate a full heartug, end at terw6:da heat the other elde from agentleman who is ready and able lo make fan explans tir Mr. Thin prompted to say that MeMellen wee the ensign ot State eights, the usurper of liberties, and that if nominated he wand be boaiewecerywher• se be wee Antienne. Tle added .hat he could not ge home and alt the member. te that Legitlatare to vote for oon. He would not himself vote for such ( We. 'era ' ) - Pa., .ei IC.i .1,1/ 7 1 t J; a r . .omen .o•c he iiro aid Cot vain fur Mate in if nomineted, he hnd no right to take petit in the proceedinp of het Convention. The Preeideat decided that the point of order was well taken, and amid the wildest confuelon Mr. He r ds retired from the stand. Mr. Carrigan said that for many years the relations between that gentleman and himself had been of the Meet intimate and friendly character, but In view of tbe ea neoenity of preserving the morale of th convention, be felt bound to rain 'the paint of eider 'Wolk he hnd. He now moved that he be allowed to proceed in order. • Gen. Morgan, of Uhfo, as et fellow soldier of ten. McClellan email' not remain talent when he acme osid fame , of. that.dialleguishod Gen. era war co chemefhlly impugned - . The charge' were untrue. Tim Maryland Leutilature was In evasion at Annapolis. Gen." Joe Johnston, of the rebel army, was at Annapolis. A con• epiney was formed,.and certain membsn of the Legislature were the eonspizatore. They intend ed the State 'hoed:erode and an ordinance ot veceeeloa war formed. daryland wet to be in vaded sad overvrhelesedby the enemy and taken out of the Union. Whet did Gen. MoClellan? HO simply took the beet precautions in bile OW*, to thwart the 'chem., and tea he not done, hewould-Ws been' guilty of the vilest treason., The man itho ;eye that General Mclellan is t libird,oestOtow •A thor C ough colder, co With d the gen len tleness of a women , Bad tits courage of a lion, not • braver, amiable, or *kind, generous learted :gentleman. exists on the fare of the earth; and no treater libel was aver tittered than when inch a men is called a Matter. (Applanse.) Mr. Eaton, of • Connecticut, paned a high Spica upon Thos. 11. Seymour, but lidded that his D11111:10 Wag addid hare without his whit end without tbeirtgnett of the Conneotiout delegs . don 'llarts, of Moriland, explatio l that whit he wu that tukould not so before she peo ple of fiszylead, end uk them or the members of the 1.1310514 We to vote for bior.liellu. lie did wot say (hot Totad not cote or tam. Ile . .. .. _ . - ... , . _ —mmil"""4""r"":‘,4o2#xl --,-- ---,-.,1-. t -, .....„,tiZZ:l:l:t-.11..,r,'47,a5i- f re4Augmoor 4 . ' 1 " ----- ' • ::::ip.':-:.-;-,-",' '.- 1 ~ .i ., • ••'• 7: --'!--,'-.,..'; ‘,:;,-,-,,,!' :,,,,..= , ,r,', -,, ~, , ~., - , 2_,,,..-----, - elation. The tame of tiev. Powell was wied:sera. Yr. Wyeliffe withdrew the awes of Mr. Piers,. Mt. Jonas, of MAL, regretted Mist, the putts • matt wholooklitssaland of &geniiaelamisg hl a un grodrehat he justified besuutse of the ;oi lman between initiallers of the .livgialedlad WI any rebel general or army. no ha put it p opal the ground that he acted open craditeble evi dence., be might. have remained silent, lathedeeree, cs rid uit pesmit the Legislature 'to retrain riae el. r • Leh a falsehood. ki,n, morgen explained that he intended to ley that McClellan aced upon testimony re , - get ded •s creditable. his J oucs said that so fir from being credit able, it hes ever bean pronounced by the viatimps of that action en oder falsehood. The Legielel tore had no power to pass an ordinance Of mediate dial Thole made d daMended art immediate totl, even by drumhead court.mar Sal; law instead d giving :that whirl th. law guarenteee to the poorest, they ware told they could hove their liberty by giving their I re, oir. Som., worn out by fatigue of imprison meet, aid finally give their parole, but others preferred to )leld t air lives rather than submit to the humiliating t st that wag required of tbeto. They suffered for and yet to this day they know not their sec ars. Still he believed that lii,Clellan was too much of a gentleman said , Christian to sot as he did, except upon what he deemed meditable Crl &OP. , Mr. Illilmeo, of 'New Jersey, moved that the debate on the eanotOates De closed, end moved the lltevions Question. Mr. Moen, el Illinois, on bah elf of -*portion of the Iniinois d elega t e d, as he beNorth lieved, of • scsjo..ity of tier l of toe great west, Isom'nated Monate Sep moor. k Prolonged cheers.)--,--------_ _ _ _ ash, illyrea truce.— rrt v al of 400 Rebel rTillollera. Nansens', Aug. 30.—0r0 et excitement pre vail. in Nashville, to -day, in consequence of ru men of a, attack to be wade by Wheeler's (me etly force, said to be fronikin thousand to eight thousand , tong , with twelv• goes. When fast heard Lout tile) were near McMinnville, ad vancing towards Murfreesboro, Their with la to destroy the Federal lies of communication to the trod. It Is supposed tim first demonstration will be mad* against the Duch River bridge. No apprehension used be felt in regard to an stuck upon this city. • report resched here this raorniog that &rebel cavalry torte were near Lobate , and had cnotured some thirty federal excel'', ' but the /her being too high to ford Mid presumed they have eines j dried Wheeler', main haft tear bluefreeabore. No reports bate been received from General Sherman. Four band re pri3o 0 0111 nolad hag 2: commiesloned officere, latched here lac night. River two lest on the ehoale and falling From the Southwest. oes oleos, August 30 --ai, Jall2Soll hav rec•i•ed du patch signed S. Patton, Col. con wending, dated Gallatin, which rays • Noes from Lebanon, up to belt peat eight e'lock this morning, is shot Gen M lingan L in Sande. he college was Is with all Wheeler's the troops in it. The Gnome is supp osed to tie some fifteen huriiir4stron W• araTc.int • log roade thatytroZipst. The t fog,e9Nocg %Ise Leer Gutlifircierr le Kai • Neu oso, August 70 . —The cu. . 6,09,,0cjerg, 991991,9 99,091,990,„ ei.ctorr'r Chicago dispatch ras: Tuare i 2 d,[lbt to DirCiellan securing the n tel a 9 liul2. There will be • atruggle over the Vice gt.STSII9 SSD MIL tt . P, °bib , ie Ken chi, Eina,l • VOLle, twin t Sittain '.111.. • , _ ~~gE ~~. New York Market. Nt o i'.l.• As, In.—'7.lat'Al retry dal at..l 5c Wartor . 1. , . , v 11.1d1.11,, 11,k•Clik, FVOC(-51,11r and rn 1 ... ~ t,..,,, t 1...r .nd ify..ne lower ; S' . •d oe. ntato, .06 0 'or Fn.& L L. 0.. and 111 0 , 51 7, tr 1r • Itntoda.ll.• sa 'akar. clostog he ar ' awl ~ ar , red W , trk• heasy .. f t,3 - 2 for gut sod Wr.t• -, melnritrg ono lot of Western atsl,4l tirn•at UP. , Y 5 , .. , 1,.41, lone , . $:,3,411,3i to i k , :tecr gho .roat d C.,3.1.f40,40 I, • naboy la.b t 4. tar , f‘., , rm.. Corn brary an.l 245 c lower ; .4,41 rr, ! tita...o.Mtero. (/at dol.. "offs. d u ll s , (1.3 ,3, r Ls, usyr. tr.arr r for Gto. 47,4410 f 1 klssrls . ..kb ~Ilw S..v .1 rb. Szlrkr y not . Ii essr.• rt, P.tr s , :nil r•r01... f. 2., or !Ls! tn.• a.l Bool.of ca on.rd I'm% oprod ro•y de I arnl Nay II 1., tr on • v., IRC% cloard •C.l more li. IS ISM . 1,1,:5.43a, 11,e III,r.FTAXJ ea,. n o t IPJAS (chrclt t ,no ' L.l ~r • 00 . C.. 1 I r Pr,ran, #.1.3.9..j 13 1.0 PrlMa al., 1;00 bbla N..... Ittesr o.pt.sal.s.. IryArs' -1 842 an 1 tarl Lb's its ..1 hvorablo I •st .16 , ( of at PO Illt eleatl. 0 m hat gat. Lord and dxtdisily .00m, at 1404-N 11utt.... tot tornial•Aly lustr. Si 4?.4Sis: Ha state. and 01.10. . Stock and Pinney Planet !, m. I ~. hared SO -Mow.) mon. ac :iv • glad stasiy t ;., .7.-, t rer 1.-1 trrg.,l, and utt et 0.4,3 tog tor?.i T. 'Ad Gk. I. ttla , at. um. 0,.t. a...lda - 14. 1 .y wt open.; at 23, , ,lintog t.. 2.1134 a dtg,,lnig t. .131, a..en..tra to 13 . ..... ad. attudg t.. IV, de7llutu, :a 2.11 , -, Lc. I I. ala ;it rat 1-:iee ea Out r ratuar t 2.odt• t..eavy a us ~..., . t: F; r., ~f 1,4 trip Vt.d, 'aah; do Mil llaapneta 10104 . d. , . 5.--X t...,0pyt.a.1t04 . revantri 7 $3., l tl. trn.cl• du.. aud `.. act 1t /r f,rttltat...• 90. i, ' gr•lntt .....t. ....... ....II Mi , an 6.. L... . . _. al>..;Pltta^orKh ...1-.-. —.llO, ; s xi L as t al. ... It U. A 11. 1.....-.. •.--..1 0 7 ti... Turk Lastsal.....lVit.4 11 a I'. 0119 ...... ...- alq. GoO Matta.° Weak and dope:Wee& The far, lux e .merlon th the export demand dead lb. lacrasaed inlp.. ply through Om solletpators paym - til 01 tke Up:4m b. aka kotv.ku.t ray a., bee. beat weathalag the mutt 'or, some day end the parchase• loaner 0.0 u eattraa. ball brea.the only prevaetlos 03 as miler tall WI ea Ma. aims. it is the imukot, the &Elia* la ado tell to prom. we sr lee. perasuutt. The qa Aat apetheht 2.44%, lead hut &ma to la Neer Tort Cattle 11kricet. New a te. /Maui W.-The ...net prlam tor VA. waek. at all the mater. are: 0 al oa.tle-Ent Simply, lePtierilm. ordinary ea goad, 818,60,3118 chutmoae Pax) 134 tahalar, is OM. and Calmm-irSt quality, $B B Ol 7B ; udloary. 8481385; eocarram. /14:8S: (sealer. lIPW/31. Tsai drat quell,: 11l I, 1.0011 r; ar dluary, et,(4,9%, cammoa, 754,11 ti; hauler, 787 X ,a r -2I and Y. $804,80t.1 oork.nli'y qualltr,lls:olloo'.2me t., t,tor ; I t 11 $3 754114t1 Bwtae-oarn;ket , p+ rlte'taltt.si r"c.4.ipttifjSaltiolioliall the her is foe Vila gosh C 0.., t week erer.o Ioll,...: 8a50,a1,714: Own. lioi; C 5,00; Rave out leateba, e1,}171: elute. 9,15 11. To•al 104 • elt-11 area, 6.178; Cknr•ll.• Veal t a lvea,l,o9 l ; (harp aatl Luato, 11,01, Batts, kW. Plilladeleolla Market- P11ti..k.1.1.1n11/, 4011 , 614 $ \ -Breibelstath gourally delPatueu+ara, ceder O. WA is Gold. sod then is eat littlii report d. wand: Ohs sontatioss sr. nosainaL Wheat Flow Teel del: t -Sa,,artl as SW $O. Mani Fatally $11412 341., Old lied et 50011, 58 , liew hi 654174, Walt. $7,110410. 0..• I ,tat: Mimed $l,ll. Oat. doll; New .43 it 111. Pr,imens fora Lard aim at fac. Petroleu Sigr m dr a t . t Crude We, Itheard la B ard 5:1456c, do , lose at Nt Welty a:alas...lm. at st,sa. Eft Louts Market. Fo. Loma, *smut 30.-Tv ,. ..aceo be. t, sal Piet sies lower. ink. , delft, nd deal. es; &mad. bugines 10ur.53,70 Doable [Urn 810,5431 L t IWO* Oars quiet ; Gormutout uutract let tar:Mutt bushels at Pl ll Oats mchuised ; nor ailment cons lot lot 300,0031.net01e, deliver:sl hue, st 87a: maw Mout at Oita at a 3 7-1811ta. Du au- Clear tld • al '45;4.. --.....-........------- ELVER IXTELLI OEN Cg •liale &LI Vito rso, eiThe.elity , I idarmore. Clovirmsel. eryearears , Tama Orb Zspeatllle,l Wsnmetta,l3l.. Lmal. hhe rivet ettatOntil to tOOOdo stnilly at this point eri h scant els:foot it, the thatmel by the pier metto 1.0, evening. The weather mating.. Mead) and coo , , •Ith ladteattoes of sem. rain. Devitt. ems tolerably wales at the Wharf yveherlay alit... L t etli. mato for improvement. The on to coulinue far, while the ..Lipman.. lire nth .. tljnt ?lute Lot cue trawdant Hanama from .CineinnaiL The Hata Porter sad the Highland Chief from the arm. paint are about doe and will prob. ably min to-tsg. the new@hamar Waunaita, Or St. Lodi tut ajth a (dr freight Hit SOO 11111 Of IWO , She Emma Graham, elm. lett kr Asseavill• al the anal how. u , u. vw a g.ggg lam, uu• .........,..g u. uur whoa( bj Cap:. Jane Sun, Tie dimensions are as follows: Length Of ke01,150 feet; breadth or N.., w;,;, wet. The cylladees are 12% inches in die:nein, with 4 toot stroke. The , Wiled are 22 foot la length, and SS itohae to dlantetee, wild. dowel. Ocee. The tvoi and machinery ore of the very boat wrairmanhip. The boat Is intended for the Plt,eburatt and Portsmouth trade, and Will be ready tar Maws es shoot three ImpDronest .Tbe tethering_ Rena are tram the 82.LouLA of !lender i . "Die Ecarnalloyd, on Mk way from Mt. port to JohitLL iMrallit, was oprwait. Ha,slantellie, kil willeh baser bare, in 30 o'clock Banirdey morning. and there struck a snag and lank. bite 1•304 bad t beget water on ha ions dark, but lay et and would loon be rased probably, as a ttibmarinabott wee user bar at tan lb. cotton. ller cargo wea for the GOICtII6IOIIi. 1{ ill and tbst ere. saved with the enaction of nine horses drow Tb. Emma lioyd wee valued et 1533.000, and frornred br 113 MO ale le owned hi V. Tr. Itayoolda of Providence. in Lind, and Ueptein gonglitallng. The latter was in at. Louis when the bolt mink ...1...... LT . h " . f.ettletferor tit n t , he a.eleAtth7Par...3 trre in. t d hr eh; Item of Oellipolls, Oadd 'IL 4.. Then:Marg. one foottlit U. L. Sacs one Larth; Ulnae% Hider, 'Oa worth i Obey Ildhirde, onewightb, and Ed. Gish= c0...10t. Donnelly mernd threwinarters, and llwei one-quarter --Captaln,Erana of toe Wertmarcland, arrive Saturday from rittebrinth, and tab engineeri will b e e hers tonoarrow The boat ia to be put inreadh non to load probably for liew„Orlaana.“ . "Cl. new end pretty steamer Anne, Capt. I.n . MIT. ratts, hi tilling up rapidly end will be reedy to leave On ClE:ants/land Loutoills thls evening. • ___--...wwwww... LITSTRAL WIS."31111i0 A Na 1 ARTICI.6. ' • .. -. . . .. It wed men than h.`l the .. tabor. and fl.alAte the whits elLtNo• lolth • bosatlfel whits peash. end =Am the colored clothos more,brlll zrit tu the'z colors. Tor Paints, Olt owe es sad ,botos•Okaalag gentuitTly, It Is tr=d. _ It has bosh Ittrly trad - by hae.7 aoono • orarces•As toil& c 111.• A.ll oat patrons to the city can recomm•a• It fot Ito efaotancy_an d choopru.s. Igo robbtnroo trishboald. II cosalred,to tho am of this Vitals y kria olzbu liA 011.* . dw kac t. ma tho Fluid alms Its roost to sots , . 1.r1•••, IS MITI PRA fltlAlll—mbleb irCil limb 1 trOss lh to 10 dont. lszafscitt,l Aral told at/to. IA Weer and, and el Ito PeadPel phiff mut twiny Gtorry Sterol In tlttabargh. aulear.trai a. M VIES* 004 Warta" GLAD - NNWEII ME TSB lIIIIIVETIAILIMI THE Lou SMART FOR DISCHHERED IT LAD OFIEROHEE REMEDY CEERROZZB LEITZUI'7.OII. OCOlDoloded from Woos, Barks and Loma enzamENE SIMIDT; tt. gout Dugan MomMt, core. all dhows of the orloarY Moot. olsob u loom, ttneouOf the Wins. Inflooloodao2 of tbo lltsader, La. f. somoutto• of the Etra 2 s /Ida". Btd, taro Gravel, °lost, Gonorrbso, 1...- mended to thaw dam of floor AlbOa (or Virbltoo to larales,l whore ell th old sistilboall liedltdstol tun OWL It y, propane , to • tdi,hly oonotoattstoll fora. lbs do. 1,4;4 from ono to two talLSlPCedll tkroo thoos Per tiny. It Is dlgrseclo .4 .kuanth - a u. olo•solog the blood. comb= It to Poo In all Its original parity sad rigor,tlaaa ramaring tram the system all pc ralaloaa cam. 1,121 ab hors laduaat Comm. ry.,...nlre• In%alas la tataadad aa sa allY at aatial.ri • . to We Ctotrokallecoady,aad steinld be need in costar.- ciao ertth that radictile Ina came oflkrearroes, Meet, fluor &lbw or Whites. Its area are healing, mothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordal and vein, indeed of the bunking and almost amen• email , park Moat t Importance,' with 'mull .0 Oa okay quack ll:decant , . tts tlee nee of the 01:11C110)ISZ :WMMDT wl casisoicsi 115/Eo2lo73—the two medicine. at the rye toze—all improper discharges sr. resurrel... d dm weakened orgsae en .17.a1il n 0". ./ to 2 " Virl sad atter:lo , Tor full particulars, get out pamphlet tram soy Drag. atom to the solmt:y. or 1111r1tt OS, and 4111 null Cr" IA say address.. full vesstss. Prbas, 0811120822 ILLIIIEDT, II par bon% at throb botital for IS Pees, 011:8110817. 11131,GTIOISS2 par Doti* or tans ball* far $6. la say sadzcas, on ths rooapt 0 Bast by M. 0.. Bold by .11 druggistseverywhere. Df/. W. EL 51.ZEITIti 00, 8010 Proprietor, Ho. 59 Liberty strwt, Now Tort. Tor sae In Pittsburgh by 1001.1.aaffai 00. out. of tio ofamoyal owl illisaa street niblt2sofde OPLITINB MEDICINES. es, . 40 , -AZ I 0:11‘ CI3EII9IEO PM* ToI tnkitocloral DOW rontionv — and the Innsnndst Ilnynadityrt Elavartssai of tna %Loath!, Wilk V.l cu. of obviate tame trazobroas Omar spring tromlrregdwity, by nmoging the trregala ny tvalt %They ears Stipprosad, imesodes and Peale! Ins subattorn. Wk, ii ii. T.! tararbern Seines= (Mls i Shay ears Names and Spinal •ffactions: Palo,. bas.l sad lower parts of the Day, Mar Lams taigas ..., sitibt stertibn, Palpitation of the flout Lbwawni al Spirits, Byruis, filet Headsets, Gld•Sixes, Jte. In s real, by esmaring Ms irragalsrlty, they ween tit esae, and with it al the offsets that galas from 11 Composed of amp,. motabis &stmts. they oontaln °Wes dolotarloro to .y oonstltatlost, louvrer doll mr to, theta . toactloo p w robstltata otnsadth re.kparl, 11111c1, whim properly nod, May savor Ind do onsy to tote, ,a .s soy ago, =id al .as rtd. soogo do* Ow ilosi Clew rosoaoo dozing Which .• nototliog o•' °SO of Maar satin wool& taillltdl primon l t tt prece.msey. matey boloretallob msatbm W1:1 be ►il fatten promptly. tnely sae eleotebt4 etury altectioos ea.:OW eat& ba rrio yl yet Um, et ex bozoi for a Pent by mill, the et pa:W. an reaolpt orypttab Dolt by ell tog/octal& Drigglele. IF.B. MISWIII 00., Igo. SI laerty litres .N.ii fork. raf Cal to Pittsburgh bg 3. liooldatiLl k 00 frAins c , thaDisagrad 11ad nartat ands. suli,•a.s La,. 1 ELIXLIF. I 111131111 ESTUVENATIBG KLIZIIt Ct., Mls= 01 LUTZ rrapsred tent rare Vseetsbto Itztrooks,":l sotthis tojartoes to the clod Stos lieSamating lalolr la Co mon of co {pouts la Ito vocetabla them. Wog on • usw sad ststroot Inaba( of own. (rmil?"4" ed old end edicine inen.ont mane: totted b 7 Ibis m k Ws dud men of the del. and b 7 them pronounced tneitcatone of the coaled medial dtercesdies et tba • One beetle vitt nom General Del:ants. Cm deem capes Umtata In bungler Ono bottlemins Pelpliatios of the Beard 1. Pm &me redeem th s organs of 4 mmiiti . ilOlll Cia to th' boons memo the wale= Pill Vidor of Poi & a 4s dram "lop" tbe appetite. tides bottles eats the wart case of impel sal. • lbw Os term the km whited. Ord bottle pitons mental polder. by dome beam tho rods to tbo cheek. She o n e tsars to manly vivo and roma belch the poor. detlatebel. WOrn.dnen mad du tai derroille et sensual pleartur. Cub Ustisas, emerdnied youth. the over4aikad mu a b Mize", the aletto of named deproolabb or tai dual mgedina boo geneell 4411117. Etna via nom of o °rpm, eel all and trusuellats in.llllellt raid by Oa com laintr or if ; r. I Prim SS per toil% or three bathe be wit a waraaa by aura s. ea cambia of mossy, dnw t - ,.1 , 1 by all 6ith304 1. "M "."1 ' DR. M. B. 11113 WES I 03 4 eats Plotiston. Do. 0 tasty Ored. An To*, Iby Wt. to Pittaburzb M xi. eIoOLMIII2.II DO. 07.11. r 0140 Diabowt awl Maid Oyes. errnblutE cum INDIAN MEDICINE Canyon:vied Cron Boon, Boob sad Innis. An antaling cry Car Spermatorrbm Slyly Wamnry, Picotoryl P.mlndy% son all ilittors pm• en by erif-porintion, oath aa Lon of Ltemory, tram yl Latitude, Paths to the Book,. Dimes, Piston. Promotive 016 . 41 p ,, Vogt Pirroti Dinh:till of Break 'n, TIVIIIIMAK,VNIAttinOI6 .IrOPUCMS Ca th 4 7SOO ' Polo Goroltaustice, Insanity, Oononmtt®, =a an LL ninth% COmplaixkta amen by departing Prom the path 'of nature. : . , . . This woollens hi adroplo vegetate antract, and ono on which aeon rainy It hot been yen to crapriurtko or nmay pay, and with trunattodo trooloilein Ina not alled in a Moen tottanno.. Ito =rati most pawn tabbore ban boo coriletrat to stn rotary ins thss o amt. To those who hart trlttai tool* coaeltotloci, ma I IA they think 1.10.6 : 111d Wood read". the of toodbra tald, niworlid thT, an watt the (Marotta Oargrurfl neon our health and Milli. slur an beton , hos WWI vuticairll ri a circular from anp Drag Tor Let store h e the etrootry, writs the proprietor, who will 'h eti he. to imp mho doffing the saMo, a fall troatbo la pamphlet form. p e ws ph per lel% or elm foal/ tor u, aluf tot , wardeibiuspregs pup* in of tthemmti • Bold by slt respeetablo druggists irragletters. DR D. W. KERWIN I Bois Proirindars, ' No. 011 Mary street, NSW Tort lbw ode In Pittsburgh by N. xamsaium sox 'war Dimond sad. Unit _ _ A 921,131 AI IMMO if 1. - . . WIOLES6II 3 D W ffl IN Boots and. Shoes win awl it be their bat IA41141:I coil O. W. bestal NM HZ SBOl, wrote; Wbots raperior intanunenti caret. binl6' now on CI./ SpLENDID STOCK; 11. t win b add dam. Shoes from 10c. Upwards: NO. 62 FIFTH STUNS tacer 6t 1 OBVT. 4.c;t1t.r.8.Y. 1 4.;., m, .arL r a° , 44 , sialthil-id t areert. Pittabargb. *dap FASHIONABLE DESIRABLE GOODS", lOU GENT'S & YOUTH'S CLOTHING MADE 2 J Co It DEU, IN TUE BEST STYLB AND IIINTIBIL; R. B. NORRIS, rixtcsesT Tsiboit. 79 FEDERAL, STEXST Allegheny: BAILF.T, FARRELL it CO., I'RACTICLL PLUMBEBB, GAB AND STEAM EMMA hew israp. on bawl s largo sal won sossaWd de& SI Pasaps Ildrasts. Wsab Na 11213. Ilsth Ti'la,C Wass, Mae, Lead tips, Shwa lead. ea, which :4 op to Was mat sdashabis ssanser. Ws abso Liss taws, Ctstaas, Tanks, ks., without ths ass at • DAILEY, VABILIALL & 00.. ps.D, ITO lit • 0&1711•5D woop !•::, WIWI on mi uzatSo ?II WEIOLIZAM, OE arlirL. w; W. WOODWEAL , 'i3 . i 4 97 ands Third west. yogis Z. If.damadago b i t. and 111 Fourth area:. II g PM-r1 QUAIII:WITLZ 0.1,..M..• Oirtell 11 Pitiabcrgll. Jat y 2005,1861. .. 'i , ARTILLERY 110R3ES PCIIICYLAB ui OF'S • 011.01/Ff. . .I,* .-- ;ri/ 8170 lon b• gl•ou by_ the rrodersteed, at /1110 , ,,• baritn, Ps.., for good AtiTILLEItI /106.1016= 1,11 11,41 In corrationtes of toMittedneas for not lins 1111L1 , 1 tor.. t Thom booms mut he mall formed, rell•14 lad kW fnm nll dotecto, from 6 learn old tbis sprisig to t ebl, from UN to 16 hands tityle, and to eratilbt 110111/01:1 11:Mn 1050 pounds. i' Writs. boron MA mama w ill be =dad, Sheri will te examined by • ciempetrost Pod" sal ail bon .re I psented must conform to tbs abore o rklbm N O. 013 '. s Irtlitl L f"------- ----. CtaLand D. Q. If. Oureisid. ,1. ' ' IL AND MINEJLAL 1M1.75:x..t Old 1.1.1130-11 11,12 H.T ., 00., dales In 00, 00 'territory Std . ab llo, llM*.i , are prepared to eat cr bow say o nantlty of bowl ilMers, ten lat hs estobratei ell mins o rßurnimyYp_MV , tle 111•8 webs, Woes' Blurs. Base Sea, 0 .. ;.,. sod at clbor womb.. 61 Impcotanoe. We ha,* also • large sWonat of mangle Wridlog kid , 271wg•rk"412:•n"a Wr VIZ & V . ♦ b tr E th C 6 1:n a ra 'ref 2 &;'' sal i:roodsjorith attadance of malaise Wpm% eiltWer_, will Intl nim the saner far Ida labcr. ibarelsadalMy to sold or tweed In unsubtle. to iralt spiabosa r th sag 4 1 1 111 5,3 reaserobl• bow Tor partl=l.-1 aer.ga .- can en J. IL 111 , 111,1M' — .." grow al lACI r . Er sewn • • , 0.. or O. B. PAMIR, est.l mr * Ram. street sad Duolosae Way, 1111111141111d1.. , .i ~1 aolliblsol _____ &As L.:wrist:lN WIDGEWA.TBIL 1760. ~i, .a- - 1 , COTTAGE &MS, , to , GigoVnD TD PORI" ass= cau. 1 , -I-; • au ablbssat Drab Etaas.kit. l'',3 oormays, VILMA RAILROAD zawalp,,., • Also, DIM Oar soora. DARION_ 1 1 ' lELZVAILOWA, MD= QUM 1,4 OHILLFEET PAINT 0 THJI warm ii, r:1 1 e.o.m. wassas 'mimosa...m/4,j A.... 0 Araa VI lialtba Lals. Nov Talgq, als:cuai WOOED & CO., lirkoking. Donlan is iEu ants, Caps and BMW gooN, limn now la stc..-• the Innu'l az! =art 60 0 2 11111 ,iir,! = otvx+la lor IdIVRI,Mit SALM".- , Lew offered he the went. Ittetehante are W. au and =awl.. ace stock, which etiltheall ' edill% law Tata. ' Wood On • • 'an T J. ORB & CO., X PINE TAR- Prepared enmity tor hums. Pet eqp SW: gall= Imo tonna 81305.128. For mks ti QIN.; oal to tomes sod Ottleo, SO. US Min IFTWIPM . 1 , • •-t 1,44,6t0 " " rerrESSON & BROS, Dalin Is fill ...,'-..;_ Youghiogheny Coal and. TintitanC Ord ism St eta ova, cal DAIMACHI efiiiiii wit Itaialelel Wocisalritetaq, att;ris: scr wow:, Gem protrotty Ines. -.,..,.. ,;. I L•g - 1, mblftftwdtt : : kr: •—'. . . '..lr4r , ,: Z- • - bielaw• _ .11/ 86 4. iaVY• • ..._ • • r inartmad el POCK= , 4WD oo h AMlLgrgs,brlat—to futtlatiou TokrelLl,n4 Or" vi* =•••• dz. ., too: IXOIPCort i 11/13d elastic Latent:ice. ram Wam by It° WAL".I.4OardiTON C0b7=1.1r0,47t wboliSrsil VIII WHIMS -4 ifD 70911T0 frIERBE YON AIINSHAti, 10•1=: LWill Ins= ta tho .ixt sad st , GICTIMniI HAVANA. MAIM m 1 ,11U Mk= ettorato AHD aliZwuEci Towaxt; aui:umr.t - ream, iersisp_cumm PIPZ4 •t=i l P- 1 21t tn gram lute:ay, lINDEIMLS caLuM'a—, Inttaba V.B.—Tho Trade =vibe as crsl UMW. - spo mmics • ' 1 jiii - LN: - 4 - UM WOOD MO= i'; ;'-' 1 : ' Mt Wits tnn attentlin or SiprtilittEi asOittaliiii* 1,..ra ,, m.,, DOLTS and POINZEBS, Datai raaWida-smi • • TM nanitior. a rtem liar: Root i- Ow Ayr@ slit bronht to this onsitat. : - ~ ii - - - ; Oat ' ', TO PIONUN& PREBBES FOB BA , •-•-+ out ADAMS` rim= rsizsii4iii,S!.46. trtszverzonorusnme,bot3 6O . I‘2ol l osz yaws zotrozzi4::al.l3lssizzoirg,:,:. sF az In gad 'oat:4=lm Inn td IaVIS 2"tike .aft"' GM.M.liiktars,;lll..l r iONOIGNIINNTS , ' Tapkvi sakeirarrthr •-zCo do - i. 71: - 10 barre TO do ls Ma_ .5 do Tatra via./ a.! tub Eats ITaati marmr , bozos 1.1.71. sad 15 barrels Elth Wldis; 'dog V a gina al . D l 7 -dffaar• Lead Bata. , =ktr Y al ZOU ire.*araa sni &CIS 1241). IMAM I'2 • ' ' ~_~ ~r. iriire4, _,l ii:4.:..,.:-.:,....:.- 4! ir - ,;g . :. - -•. :- t' , :::' ' -.- .1
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