v.. LA - , 4 11 -- f i , . = k. -:A . Vittsburgh tazet4 "InfiDATAMBM - .4:JUJSE 28; 1.884. CITY , AND SUBLVIV,- Aphedetets " dies - .Baser" of the Pittsburgh Bazatiry Mai* f0r.1804, faint mute. At hr. the r: ,- ,i 20 1 1 4 - Inclusive; - - Donate, Dr. d '''4o7 To. La i h 4.1.? :032 75 Ttistaier - 4921 82 Tlllst Ptecuperful church, Pa 0051207,.... kteu 61 Doled 77 Local, 8146 . 8 ocllzar„.b2.l2us- • 3019 es cZtligtslll•l7.37l4; qtr mii,krftyjra=7. 2 143 Z , 9 2 Focnict Prtstut• :La csarcb, PIUS urgt ... 20,8 p.' Itsit So .1. 477170 Chntr icbarcb..PUtsbargb, and 41Csacbes- ; ,a rt r e . 7 .1 1rf cb, ettlaba mea 63 y- Chlues: booth • • 91 Tomb 0 P .. • P,u.tb rgb ale 02 „ ,r; Dosittso ta 81 cbanch, •214,11229 .1122 80 - 5 2. Plictograpb Gallery-. ' , MS CO 11 1122110111; • • • th, gbecy.., • 31 7 02 licutastal • • • • *AM; •P‘. 012 2 tolBP ( 2 4"7- mb • •••• • ru 5 500211b " 715 CO •• • praDdtrs • • • ....-- 98'6 85 ! •- . , •21212•290 bialb , amtial Howe— 1,135 r.. F 8 ". at; C : 4 2713 1 1Z116 a el ras a IV ' - ;•••_;c r 'L•2lo•2.9-:: • • ' 27 „.210 atb.1 2 915-2s.rclisilodi 1 2 -- 88 382 ( t- • IiZmIS, Rllinlis7aBb3i4h, US 63 Saskklar 7260 D '" - Doub; No asr, !milk hat= sad LID; ' 82 1 82 .112brry Ong anti. YI Mrslf cyant.--.... 1,111 20 • :Ho tb troDJ• Ulu /2622edf 34X1 78 Gana is boctb, 2192 D 76288 ' ' IC.it Wilmot, if 606atcb, 511egbc0y....... .2 gg id ' 'CI 90 VeOa el ;-• 7i - u — g t=us r 01,. r Fm • goro, rthbans, k - grs.l 77 , ..100ro1 Church tonb. .5114/D4l3r- - 11111:stbset .fletb. Prot. Vburob tuba '; ,Itesnor.B4 - 80. 7 11eth..,41.;„;latrch, ' : 7/rat Chol . r; bOotb-Oths Roth :08.00 Booond H. P. Charob,Pktgburg,..........-. 0:09 45 81 Pool'a Cathedral 1,059 50 llootb_bbotb . 2,039 CO 'lmorrobilardlo booth _1112,701 17ofoa 400.50 lottoffloo Booth 30 ,115147.&7....=r; - -.-. 0,07 04, T kgropik . , T' Bl. . .• W T 4 i . u beavanslicknbteo ; i pT a t t lo Z oB e dtgo olwae - lT CO ,Bara b ssB. D ora ....., 4,54850 o• 94;# rtrasscent - 03gee,.. 13 . YJ -/ ""m 4 7 Both,-Kn. a. H. Fa ,2sl „Olga , _ Boo'h 1 0_75 - Wtoraltr&Wlliona *Wag 004obtaes, by, __9s__,Er.l4.Prarpgiter 01) CO .118 - 11 bro r +Shinny... of Dboron + 1 1,00 4 Mrs' / 1 : 11 11 15 7 - Ind= 335 35 15 00 *A. I El Overholt. womb out whlety-- Gramma Dakar sewing mutants,' try Aa .- Quilamy . _tra "ilaz — tadasalui'" by 'putts I Hest" luau of guns, pistol& emu, - to aw. part imosods laud" donigni-- i 0 660 Made 11. db, antl6 IX) liutralss; /lane a ON pet Centage iv Decker Place so .25 00 .4 100 e 1 " 6 :110 1 a0E:Nacb160, by11.616aw,,. . ; la 00 Man amount over 110 easedepogitot DA cra 1 1 '65;) or :soolu t , °'''.""gept Jar a 101Jano 2 633 74 _ 4,225 731 -15., 2 781 65 23 .2357 76 4.m3 7O 17..-- 4. 3 W 25 . 7 - CHI 45 18 2060 DO 3.025 25 2o ;art . ""'""*" 6 ' 817 28 IL-....—. 3085 70 2,200 al SA67O 74 , to: N. Booz, - 2. - Sioia -- ilii . ilainriislatannut of roce)pi•.cumpft, inind 7 :iatilbi tumuli pH In bytledldonat booths tec its ttnranstagto tall Cult •ft daring the continuance - of,ths • - g..-w days • tupptenftutftYataln leint'agltio:pablithant fring, altittlans cnedlt• V:ltarq booths oisdo up of !lgy outstanding ancorinta mina llos CalreloftioUnd procerft or hues a gOods 'at unction, qua /11 Ohio connection'. 71x., Buhl* Of Oft flaw &dreg to asks • pobao tkco kdirscr4 t very ablo• ant tauce 'tainted - Wm ay . Aosta,. talos.m.ra .Fraak Oddity and grin attantio• of tb en young gentlemen to - tlft - dation' of. the .i.a.ftter's desk dorftg rho ralri mutt • '.lltltglia•O•icaoltmoudation: . . Apitodusti - Attestilit at Assassination. ~A bout 'hint isechtngo, a young man mimed James.Eelly, sodding, in, this oity,- 'received noto,thmugh.the hands .of a patty, Weiiiing himthat his life would . ;,-betelcen at the first oppo rt unity, end _ -Utz srassmithielt,irsizeed not Mention t. y-p-b ask tho s threst wei not in - 56re, • •• • - , sad mentor perva d es the eirsift' - ierson; - vie the note, ate, ,Pvi&L'' hem ":ciiiounstences r Which -bale 8161,0 "PulUtlx. trauspked; Thmsdaj `night last, ...,betemen nine,: and ten VetoOk; as Mr: Kelly iron. proceeding homy. ward, and.while.passici eiloug Wayne street, oiiposite Maltese's :burnt "warehouse, he was .shottet; fortutiatily the Weald be stesasi its miasod Unmask.' trot iati,aleT with this finskstempt;ebo awaited another - 0p koortunity.- ; Oa Monday night' last„ as Mr. , Heliy,was:walking - ttang HancoOk bei trees Pann and Liberty, agile shot At—til ball or slug passing through hi, lst, ' and within as tern and a hell of the head. A person, supposed to .be the guilty party; wiui twin not long after this Second attempt; and s'oroint *stoic has sicoei been kept upon hier misiestienttr' I; is to be hoped that he wiP, abenlediseivered hid made to maliertbe .persillty his': istardly crime tiesai7es.. if vincaher.. - Atuailit. is made opus the life or Ide. , Helli c -ths, villain making` it ma not; sacoold so well In a escaping'fnsties as he has' laded SohHere . & Philadelphia. On Tuesdaj morning aix kondred.wound ed soldiers, ftein Wl:Magian hospitals, Artive 4 11 adelphie, and were distdbated IF.o ll !MPltittelitalailutrei; . ;'raelollow• wereireeng the ntnelser: /ln Bow Dlrlao,l),l6sth DIW 11e01oss?B; IQI4 - G W ?akar 11G, • I:llloaabem ' et..4 CO Jos Godionntila, K, 11th, Claazbo ltteellhl ,, o. cut - Inop rtiv.s, a, ma wAllaypos, Ir, 9,11 .1,,h0 0 Joao., 0, 10th Jack Bros 165tti Wm Boas, 0, 1 fith • . • J " Beatia7, BM tit Irolfaed.•;l34 - • Oath Gran, E. 41.6 err Oociales,l IBIL . Hes tlartb, H. Loth „ • Babill BM. 10'0,0 Moab' arms, Thom tlmlN 8111111 o.la lloctalilth,S.,ll,lol W Dalap,l); WWI . 7rolsoppoa,4l,4oolb ' o r l visd4 10th Bo Gayle NOG Dial& K wsb•r, 1110 B YWOG ,sjo, 1, eta Goa Wonka Vcro 0 • C2O Asko. Ammo, L, lOU how/ t•ralth nth ; Rb Ilbodhoclt, Q Stn B 'llLa Draws, I. et.* ' Died* hivntgomery.. cativs‘.ot pan ty, sad brother et Msf 4 :" . "14041111; ficinuatts Quartermaster st*e . : • giegit/SfrDostOu 'to the 15Mi frac ilk • iblrritiiil;' .. - daduirCiptaht of - an Itidetsiudit'ut company ifolfe.th • dugust, 1831. oOr. D. B. . Porter, Ls Isl 2, appointed Min Major Genital " of Um Thirtirhib Dili/1011 OLNClPlyirlDill brattliV .113 - .lB47iber madi • Assistarit Qaartarmastar, with therauk of Captain: mid weal through the:Mental) war.: - ' 1834 be W!pPOlatad /adtan . agent in New Maslen. 331 he gabled ths post *bleb be hold at his daath.—.Willtarr Bowlike/spar. in tha Qat:. termai Department. HO MY intrigued Se JaLs Pis ralwililori, and his refusal to boo was followed by' tha erofisoation of oomtdarati,...lll -The Draft In ttict,l;A:ll)lit,tl6l l 7:.. Tb. Drib. was is-oimmanted at - illeatial - 7itiord4 dam, sad remusd is followii 111ribaTartiz• • ANA 111 , thomir .• • Iwo. 4 .t0m.1m . Heofy WiairalKoH,-,..7.7 Z . H.NO R.. 13 0431) k, A ustaxast. ---- -.- Tlmaaa Mal‘a Hun B.tity -. ' • Jam. Wcalcia - -•, MO .marlisbacm , '. Jormal b Mumma •-' an M tle M Aimed Dallud ' . ~., Illimt IMWtill •••• -. • 11621.4 Alta :, ....:.• ' '''._ nder.r.H.lnAlJ .-... : 3.114 ' 0 :Zr • . ffarßivir .., .„. , Slmmu one+ Am '.' Wm Omni... jam itiugre ; ' Wm boallast r , ' ' ' __...cis, IlisaicaLL a epeablia to . krenfaimoset of the Penni tittionil , will be footed want orta new advelif to tomato. ' Tbls beak. attliggblaf tooeetly &moulted, bee become ttee ot the athaderd invitation, of tbo The &slot of Dletatois U oompeted of tome, of ow matt enbethothtbeathece men; andp4 Pre iddeataiteet o . oatlflot • EN, MK long enjeg.g tsputitloitof-'botos oral of the beet ,tlamociers to th e th itateg.'.- Persocado: fag Nebel vitt thWiAttlfailon trpta Writ Lid Imaecup'ssii e l. OishiOeliptit of thy: 13,021 4 , 1 4 . 1 ,q, ' ikreivo ine. P 1. : =. 0 • , - • 2noxas Pita; Plain and Ornamental Mato Itoofor, a:4*Mo? In totulaylvanie end Ver• tint data of ibe blot quality at low rata 019.ecnt :lam ' Latighttel, near Ma Water Worbt.PitMlltrgh, TI, ! -, • • • . Cloaca gorsisnrarrsuurg,—Any person who has a - mall anoStint id 'capital which they wish to Inuit ins aafttand establishod but. non, (bon trade) con hare an opportunity oi doing go which hi seldonsatisrad, by address•! log Suss, ClATailli istriSsa 51 Corns, Bluilone and Mititaned Nails, . Dt 'Etarrnam.--This — ethinent Chiropodist; who efroeted many mans of cams sad Walks; to agshimuong as, antis Iterated a t 2G Fifth most, over Andr ew's tea store. His opera. tie= aro eZeneious painless and speedy, and. knotting, .ns allalietid that comfort in wallt-!. ing is essential to health, those afflicted with these troublesome pesti would do well to give, the rDeetor lanai]. :MN Elk Toung,nad Mr.' Jame, Milltager, well known In this comma ra for Your, arsth 'Minted with both earns andbunions for s long.time.-; MT. Eli :Young 'says: Tr. Randall , moth 'micas:fully -cured sem, motivated corns mad bunions for ma. The cure Is elthetual, tad/ oontider I made an excellent Investment:. Wm /T Mao, 11, 1/.5111 TtAddowe [Limo, U.l.C.oth .1. Wobakop. 0,16.5 t o lu L B, corp, 6,165 e It rommork A, CAI , A L &Wee, 0, Gls; 1I ilosonLlorgt, I, &Lit I B dzyt or, A, Mt • H AL.lor„ P, ,401 b Wm Walirr, B. 1.1111 I . Hampbrry P. ItOtti Wm OoMpbctra; Taydi lor, Ja , Ind . Imo.. ... Issf, V, 6 i..li • 11 *m .S. 61 kikltllallisen, 8.. WA' ' Jobs limn 0. ad:: - Wein! Mon. 0,.10:11 . WAIBMItA,II, filet WWI lecLoove ix s, iri Apo 'BMA, /OtA Eke .Benbrisbt, eorpE, 1111 il "' 4owl. 0, 1C4.1 Jai Dam, Ir, 1551 A • elt. J K Ovown D. 165t11 I.' Hood 11, lIMA pm w Weis-1,'8,153111 ' 1B !abst, Ar, D,L,BA p, ILL II Lb /ewoaw et `t, ! I lacllcoly oo,• , A, 146:4 • Wm P Arrtmlyi 0, WM' Mr. 2susee 11111LInger. writeL—Dr. Randall, • you age, nsmoved • most painful corn from under one of my too nails. The operation'was perfectly stecesful. Tteday he has flume& othcrs,.•ad I hare no doubrsith equarsuo ams, . for whlch - T had undergone serail un successful operations at the hands .of other professed Oldropcdhds. Oface hours from 10 to 12_6. m., and from 2 FAcra roe Sommnim—Throoghont the In dial and Crimean campaigns, theonly tordl otnes whirl preyed thenmelm able to ono. ,the worit ores of Dysentery, &car, and Po wer. ware HOLLOWAS - PILLS AND OINTMENT.. Thmeforeletwiery Volunteer, use that be Le supplied pith them. tiollowers PUls and Ointment are now re. Wed, owWg to. the high prime of drugs, Am., At 30 mom, t 6 omits end.sltlo per not or bor.' For . ealir,ist Pittstrizgh by D. To Palms. sbeekA Co. • . Saints at Patin'. drug store,NNtli,dMpilli a , • • Por.eide aloe by Geo. A. Holly, 74fil • street, All/ghee,' city. • • Itsatona.—Samnei (shim & Co., fifer limit Tailors, bare rsmorod to Is Smith/lola etreeL WeAle fast reordebeg , our Woad , *apply of ;0014aild'unimer goods, and :orOW.d most rospeetfalir iarita omr friends and the publio in immoral to examine our new 'Mock, believing it to be one of the Onset shocks, of merchant • tellotgoods to thebity. Jfeery 'garment Vaimusted to glee lOU sills factioo, in both price sad quality. Giro as den before pacluieleg elsewhere and judge far younalros. Geeleat &Neatens's, filo:cheat Tailon, No. fa Smithfield stroet. , troerTe'sitteaeo ol - ear readers ltd to th h e brinl=tast n.. ortinsat of Spell uid Rsmoter 'Goods Jost ...rsceinsd b 4 oar friand Mt. Jobe Weler, Ha. LIS cr4 stroessAUsghany, ills, stook ecimprisse a, grass twisty 01 "Vuoy Eogileti 13eotah andlinstriasa Cassimares and C/Otha r and She Mk and Cassizara Vsetinpr—all of 11W -halal las nada up to Jardor she Utast stylaoTand to ths bolt mazer:. , A doh" co lactlorr or Waralahlan Goods afen an baud and for - csie, tomhar wfo a fall sta:k at 1404 p Eads ssejl ao4lashloaably node: Ettirn • liern.--Thi stassniber vista, to inform t h o roasters d she Cheeses that b. has again is tall peva!, Of the j inky celebra ted heic restorer . Asitieseams, .hog. diem in .Sutoshig gm' hair, so its original oohs, pro truding War trait. falling cat, removing dandruff, &a, fairly entitles it to be classed anions the - , greatest tactemee of modern thbea. Ellmon Joheetca, Joie agent, mazer of llasithdelli and Poulin streets, cod tw., t sattetu ot , env adventio— Di Kamm Dintle bro.- IS2 Youth attest, batmen Stilthdald and amt. So Indateautats bald" 0121 by uttering ker pcfeer but an eqtdtable tee wlll be dared In eerie case, kr thel beat inabentate trill, be all tba 'Las and sexemeary ea is eenepnwaedu matt 'LAU be aDDlfatl ailf:Lhat • 0. Etax, Dentist, 30 Feu itrset Gt. lead to art bullion at Xs predcudetu • • td. "--" Attonectll, t,. Mint °film Western Unlresitty. _ The'dttazet. of the Western -Universßye! Peattermassi**lttoptibnetoilepasla stateettiii - in - itteltaversity Lnlldiag , Dte trded—itrieljeltedday iftereecni r at, tires ("crock, for the /cleolt, for the purpose of organ/sixteen mum. clatUn In connection with the Institution. Dr, E. D. einem was called to the Chair, aid :maunder M.7ateOusES.l->vm appoint- eti Seerstary. The Chairman called on Dr. Woods,- hut. dent of the , Paculty, to give a statement in .regerd : to the Importance. of Alumni Asso. abide:ie.- The Doetor owed that they were important In that they tended to the mauve. lion of a literary taste among the members, and at the ea= time attached them more, finely to the Institution. The Bev. D. IL Sem, D. D , reported the following Constitution, which was mutate:Lou. ly adopted: I. This. Association shell be celled the Ar oma Am:elation of the Western If aiversitY of Penoulvanie. 2. Izabal' be the object of the Asibciation to cherish old college association', to advance its members In literary eultare, and promote the interests of their Alma Mater. 11. The officers shall consist of a President, -Vice Praddent, Rtcr,tary, and an Buenas's Comiaittie of tve, to hold offtee for one year, and be Sleeted by ballot. 4. The Assoestlon shall hold Its univer se:7 on the. day Leitedietely preceding the Commencement Eiercims of the Thdremite. 5. The exercises of the anniversary *ball be addrets bY one of the members; reports on any imbjects assigned to , individuals or committees; and such other exercises as will' serve tore :sib the assosistloni that bind us to the Onlearsity. Dr. Kerr was appointed to reduce the con stinitloislo form AS the rough draft only was presented, and hand it to the Secretary. OA motion, the.Assooletion proceeded to ballot for otlcers. Much thee was copulated withibis part ofthe proceedins!, which re. Wind as follows : For President, Bon. Wil. son McCandless; Judge of the District Court of the Vaned states; Vies President, Dr. B. D. Coss an: ; Secretary, Alexander M. Watson, Esq.;Attorney at Lew ; Executive Commit tee; Bev. Jules Prutley, D. D., It. B. Mow ry, M. D.. ',Waive ' Btu:, IL E. Esq.. and. Bev:John 41. Brown. . On :Motion of Dr. JameaProttley 'Besolcid, That notice of the anniversary meeting given by circular, and through the seonlar andrellgiou. prem. Ou motion of Dr. Mowry That Itev.• D. It. Kerr, D. D ., be appointed , to deliver the nut /Lemuel Ad. _ The Rim anlus a. Brown offend the foi -1 lowing Paper,:which was adopted. , That glom Winch of inderstrile our city, its .repatation and: morale demand that we should haies_in our midst a !Remy and adenine instittition of the highest order. Reiehict, !That:aka° college or Universtry ern be self sustaining in this otiantry„ where there tiaso' Sosarrichly endowed inititu- Um, it is the duty of 'our citizern, who are now esjoYing anencinent degree of prosperity, contribute to the eudowment of the West ens Univenity of Pennsylvania, that it may' hets!!! l % as it should bit, our pride, and our aid In all our interests. Resolved, That lb* manes it has - iittaiged the Poist orn years ebnatd itininlarn us to mike every inanianiitaresourees x andAng add to isnaseti' anti Comm.i pnrrns, Atter'sarai routine 'loudness VI. Pieitley moved that the proceedings be published in the daily pipers, and the meeting adjourned. noticed on Friday lut, among.the thaistandeef !tense donated to the G.e.V.- Western Sanitary - Pair, ocelot of the finest. leathen it' bas been:Our fortune to ex amine for =say a year, manufactured and do. noted - by - Charles Kiefer, of Bogle TarMety; Spring (Darden. In excellence of stock,froe dam from mate and scam quality of Work menebip manifested in the tanning, beauty of lustro and Laub. this lot of stook constitutes a eouree of delighti4 - .those interezted, or ma rtens in such matters. The lot though email, woe iralnable enough tonettover $2OO of pro. coeditor the _Fair, Mr. Wca. Longhrey, one of our loading Saddle and Hornell nutters, 102 Weodatreet,iesing. the ourobaier. -Mr. Charles Kiefer has oonstintly on bead oak. tanned - harness, fair' and black' • leAta, eased upper, kip ad calf leather.. Office, at Day at dayden's saddlery 'hardware house, No. 68 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. •- BartgoAD of this city, lontand favorably known In connection:with railroads, both east and west, bur Veen •appointed General Agent of the Pittsburgh, Colurabus and Cincinnati route, end fdr. C.R. Allen - is General Super latondent. -Xt.Allen's headquarters will be at Etenbenville,-- Kr: Miller's principal olSen et EtroadWay and Sitting iltrset; Now York, With a branch ante at the Astor House. SPEtiiMr. nuriuns • • I • ;•,- -1-.4,- • 4. 5.7-, -: • •:•--;?,- -;.-741.-rveF 1, P, 4,r`z •• • - _ - • ,• ,r• - _ _ _„_ • _ , • - • ' ,•-, -r „, • _ -• _ . On Trial. , • The tats of, the Conunansnalth to Mary • Ilifiy;_graused d ;denting .470. in gold . froto Stri.-Oodeir s :is iiiident of :tliraMhirilVaid i , - • odupiod the sitontfott of tho Court - -- festerdayr and was tot cronclnded et ,adjOurnmar.t Oar . . , roadeis ?smiles; that the ems mur Wed at deign ler= of - the goofier fressioni. - mti the defendant found vitty„ but anew trial was swarrifid.: The prossenerit wai4021111104 to bar bed by sidearms; thertiose of the rob bery, and alleges that the defenders; trader- toot to nitand to, her, and while .profettedly toting the Good Basaritan, reliewed her of ton raotoy. Joho M. Elikpattlok, ap. peered for-the proteentlon, and' Marshal Steartzwelder, Erg., for the defame.. • • • ' Bun BAlSollatti Bait To Timmerman— Ihe' olefin bandied prisons s. captured by Geairil Banter and sent through to.lliwerly, 'did not stop at Wheeling as was arms:cod.. They crafted at Elmwood mid are now ea mini 'tor Cemp Morton, Indianapolis. Among the number wai °apt. Imboden, a brother of the Imboden who commanded theareopt to badly whipped by General flutter. The pitons?' were greatly fatigued after thoir long march, and are represented as a 'baud 'conking set of vagabonds. Tan tinware Omo Batorgarr.--Tlds gallant regiesentorhose term of terries hat expked, la expected to arrive in this 'city to a few dap, 00 thalr way home.: no Seventh wet formed la Cleveland, and *at commanded by Colonel Willlate Creighton, formerly a feel• dept el Tittabargh, who was killed In one of the Virginia bablatenly a few months sines. ThO Citizens of Cleveland intend giving the regiment a nubile reception upon their arrival in that city. Tsalvia.—Lett evening the Thoatre was crowded- on the occasion of the bonsfit of the Tr.:water, 8. Oirerington Mil. We were gratified to deo that the bilatozary . : Tocoived such a substantial token of the appreolation of his friends: "State Scarabs," "The Dog Of the Old iliteine'Cross,!'. and ?Skotatiee:hr are announced for this evening. ' POCKL? • 'cum.—David Keefauver; of Al leghony county, had his pookot relieved of a wallet containing over t.to on Tolesdar log about Boson o'clook, while in the vicin ity of the depot to Harrisburg. Fortunately the tbtof did not get bold of a pockot book cantabiles stoma sum of money, which Mr. K. had in tolothor pocket. . . . 'Arran or lists.—The alarm of fire last ovoning was , ociasioned by the •burning of sorasavergreona, 11116 had been remo,ed from the Fair buildings to `tha Wast,Com mon,ln, Allegheny. no alarm spread to this city, and &hi steamers Visited .the eon flagration, but fortunately their services were not required , . • - PITOLIO 8.111 or GOODS. ALT TBll Bas►aa—A large amount Of the goods left assoid la the Ladles &maw 'of the Bartiteq. Fab, were disposed of at pablle emotion, yesterday :at , tertioon. The artielei soldizroughtvary good ; prioesi and a handsome amount was Mr. A. Leggett. eosidueled ' Wan= trittistarii.—The Sc - exercises of the Western University lilt bo held in the Second . Presbyterian church (Dr. , Howard!, ), on to-morrow ( Friday) wreath& at 434 O'eloom The pnbile are respectfully, re quieted to attend. W. Eirtorevrttev:;4s..Fitth•etriatotear Wood; evade at Petertre r a'Lldiat' rtatioaa 'Alagaaine See daly. 'lt contain" the , vend literary sad fashion variety. :11 • ANDESSOH-,Ort . Treedef, Jane THOlfAti ANDSI29O a, ern et/Moab Anderson. be the nth /an Of The Emend wUI take place from the rostlence of h's wandfghtr, Jema hfackrcU , Wllktioe Math Wan% TDO AITUJIIOF St four Wed& MIO fi huda of the fseaPy are Ltelted ' , attend. ' 411t1 f Skftlat EATS; ! j . ,.) - , .P1T1^51313R013. ME.LTI3tI Ornimomi fr at night of the mtobrotatt Actor pd [panto. trticcott, hr. EDWIN IttuiNt BaBO, see bb TOO. 6 . 60 per ormislt Itotr. Casa& and DRUM Fiat Sl* t thi. enreerocrit ot the worldax tn.*. t Demme and Voultst, LtLZIA LA o tiaNan, octal Mt =tot ottactlful Iron= to the .11.1116 _ _ --- THIS (Thursday) ISVICRISG, Wilt ha yratentod, • STA TE 810sET8. Ortgory sttleriblowea Los/a.• Dolasa.glogblatul Ltszt• La Grosso.. To to folsworl • DOG OZ THE OLD ar.,lux (212033;aa, THE. Harrold of llara==r ll3 ll Clasobord. thonagtos Vass Lo Waage. . To coorisda with SEITO/11114 .15 USDIA. • Chlypandolo. VialkisaOs. SLINLET & C0.'13 POLQPTICO2IOII/111M jnyAlmeod i&lrary.lLTE DISEASED. Dr:Labia's Emil° • Is 'Ms oat, ridittil*isokly for diseases al tbe of temar.42l6. It , ta.tha• doom, of ts =Mod Phrldit ertueellite ow devoted he the treat /hunt at this eases et Warm and with httgrtexetrztelehD, otearlis rem thee SltiatT Team It tit peeketttre , Ibe twirw rka- di.lastax , fprto Tartan' pacifce god the nuripm "rib hal e=Alimb calb4jo Init.:2m. it ts.2are4 Pr' t."-* 74 e:Ui ' tas tail= " a4W42 7 U sk "t ls , 2 "en t* th•t'44•4014 g4ot ma ? , oi otoi 4 if tocolor Porn.zuli rz'os 1, 4 1 0 6 : 18 10 4 .4 41 , 44 q a wascrpled mum. °bars, tlyyefbre. tbet,44 alyastare cd tLe proprlctat to same r bat ltece °Pare b creche, Prepared only by , • WN. P . DAVIDSOB, r...: ' , kale Prtortror.lltartszatt,ll.- EWA by e.l! ZittrAttee.. Fria:, 11 per bra. Sr Stir ad/ et . irtioleasie b 410. D. ILIT6IIIt, Seltharaewlr • ' • OBE • OR. , IFORNEWELLI3 GHIA? BEllEDlrs—richmmare :Tiny aaoplllZ.:—Thii,fustis atetiiita pew' ,tloa. salon biss so gold aimed the cam oaf foss of a • Too Anotiras by malls onion bad noels d soar, other attaMpl ot me or relief to Ditoralsola, ntbernasigon s gout, Simons Lnolaohos "risag , Ind Limon*. Conn* Lorton, Palma in the Limon or firsteria, Disarm attar Latisii; Lom of Miaowing Norms Disbility. Parana= is sad Montag 'coney new &clang" to to Imply nerves, and for the pains to Monthly Mad. Otrnatton also doolars4fo tend* of the snort I. forgot polo to In manilas. Ilady mite frozalior Tort • 'oars it" tan dglaia • 4.4, I isaiLl sot wl~boot It in aa!arAily. 43,3110 one 04 ° 14 bo it lll 7 Tia sale by all Vanissigd tad Daiatf Dogma; ; ! • LogrU . L..M7ISIdIWLLL. Loarisitor s • ." • • Proofing Mangan Daum, Kass, 'picas b/ Joa. shoo as s flsoa IL. rifer. - ILA; fa nays 8 ca, *Mt' to LiLis: bomb; Geo. 4.. Dolly, IL Leans and Dr. Janos )1 11healztilyrmy My. . ER CONFESSIONS AND BE- Pran2ioß OP LS MPALm , p.lon.ha vP bowel trot toP worahigiuulawatow to ywzos won who paCisr Crum Vanua Pratostwo May of r • snn.l. ottc, 0W7A7 111 11. t. uaattmq LL swim qf wow Vy opt vtabas cued tameu attor Wag pot to post woo= sad Ir.jory tarmglk pottleal trazobag and cnottaty. "By onclattoit pcortvekt odibtetatt veto" alnee tOpf..e . s pal 1:10 had at the maw, 'wawa= lidarern. Ssq— myrlArdivlP ; • Vodka% Eh= =matt; 8.7. 104 TO NERVOUS BIIETKURII OB BO= txxes.-4, nycmra rincommako.. ioir Nom nottorol to Desith In •Dm drra, atter in. , elsoptoik all Ms =al roalla• snot irrepaar expo; en mods of Errata:lmm witlooot mcoms, occa Liars It hie amid duty toccoonotoxicat . •• big aallot•Ifollow asstorm tLO Maas of Cu,. th• of in addroosid itOtelops, De wilisernajno, 0 . con of thi pttftilidooi ttia: Pinot io Di.,101/8 n. :1 DA/ M ALL. .tae , AM** amok, - sibl Oa "MlAl(*.—Thireur.tacur ash . of 1.1. warntr.A.th• 0 1111011011aLL.will be cos. Witted TELL, DAT; oviamfuli at!lo'cloct b Um pr 4 o .: LEAII—,S Omar 40 40d eta Lead 3. A adont.D. WILMINGTON HEERING-20.bozes r itr4.l"dud t"" Irt711T8 APED& . BEOOMS-320 sad maliziedivat lute Oc:unt.lts Om SA4 161 , • ; . • . .• . • • • .. THE LATEST NEWS OrFll - • - 1,3YEM1; , , , D1Ut,13M FEOM WAi#tlNefoN. ITUA 1)F0111 PETERSBURG, General WrION Headquarters bnellea. PRO; VIPSION of 100 1181111N6. Imparts:hi Deoterion EticeAtardintr Ci dinar llightast the ~.11-oVerrl., REBEL NEWS VICOBI CliAtikSTM . , 6➢cctal taspatch.to*Pltiaburst, l7aif4to; 4_ waamtiroi,Jane:22r, lasi rnme rimussartio tan' jrnritur's e - nilDQMI1I1!/1 The /atastri3porfs from your ocrxerpondent, with the 'Army cif tie liotonisit itiiutdor da te of r . lieadquartire, Jane 91." ilyerything was quiet along the llne,euept that the nib. eiribireioke.94.* bziierks. of ham' illied gams mama the Appotomex, with nrhichibey shelled Gen. Wrlght's headqhmtemloribist7 mLeutes.- :The General , and iteflitteatioita in; _ Jury. . Tn.* non- aominiiiiened ofilners end rase private were killed Lealantl7lithgemplesicin We_ OPelI4 thret;initterlii thou guns and 'soon. serceericti''‘lt,-Olitlioleil them. It is - ballasted, :frotri.informetlert ob tained Deaf irisan'ers anddistreMrs thatolre brigadeitof Eteirs:Deiplude 'gone to op. paicrliunter. -' " Petersburg -Oripere - of the 18th hash tom. plain bitterly that out batfeilet;atiAteUlng , the town without any wanting hating been given to the inhabitau . ts,:among.iiiiiin there m groat terms. - . . th , linalshianwitter. Jan e 21-9 .. 111 . .-SOI4O skirmishingleolt plata slang. the lines yes tetchy lind 7 "tio chair) of oa,eitien bee% bentMadt,hjetthet 'forties during lett night < 'The .7. anal*. ireliar, eh : roteMe up wmki at 'ddilasint tritntii alciangl7:Our, lines rettek Within:Um! - quarters , of J. mile orthe city, ~ '6674MM - determined to bold it till the tun, -The Itioinond Enquirer of the limit siren • the following .7ortien of theist." fighting:be. - fare Petersburg: ' "The IntenuOilatef aq* mtelmilon' with Petersburg* • the :tibiae. of from * the .ralimad - Thntedey from Bermuda liandred shut us'ellpeor any poeitito IntelligtiotemteemiagiiM eirente be fore Petersburg on that. 4.7; ". Am the folliwing font' the ' Petersburg Morn?, whieh4trat the tube! no., ennui of entegereenti On Thuredwatuittonading etatatiiiinsed , City Petal read'atan earlyhour in the Morn ing, sad was followed by hairy ektriefialieg, - which oeintinutairdtirlog the forimoon4 In the - afteitricion`e 'farione:mustili ;was; Made. upon Gen.-Bake% front; whose.ditiblen eceu p leda ' petition -facing;the batterim from mine Jo twelve o'clock fahlatire, ponttinttingt most impertantsithenni. . • • The enemy eines Writ three lima of bit., tie a:Armada three chalice, but were sub time repulsed by a heavy 'Cm" which blueti t:am oar iines, and whiph,eant ; the vandals: .beak in. centrulea.• linemen ocenoted stenoituonts. which: the , enemy 'bat , hastily thrown op during Wednesday night, on any tight, in thealaMity of Calvery's tarry; hoagie. Tome was hear*. Meg 'daring the greater portion of theday;bat late in the afternoon lt became, quite arum, the enemy attempting to carry our works by , assault This portion.of the lina 'mu temided the morning abielly by our military forma, where weregret to hear several - severir emu- MGM octeurred.''Ae c oon ea tboregultr troops could briengle and. placed. in *mitten thefinCitle were relMred. and Gen. Rubbed Johnson a division ommoted the brautworks along with the Macon, Georgia light artillery. Ocher batteries here, at,itated aboveotorked Tata hot aside day adrattod. the hating Alma two garish:Ma, if not 'Mare is' Lala In the 'afternoon aching Sias made;. but the enemy were handiomely repulsed. Is the last charge the enemy earn within ene hundred yirdt of our fortidastiona, but our Are, was so tenth that they -halted. 'broke make. and retreated in irattoonfalioni seek. log shelter, in a seine . about - one, hundred yards:from outlines.. Vetere /up portion of the lanirmilifgade r being exposed wan en. Gleam mom Are-from our gone,, , and not der.: taw to chow their heads Berber of being top.. pied `over by our ; umaketr,s, surrendered to' the. 60.11 Georgie regiment. , ::These piloted scambered over 404 men. Thep* that - they, were feerfollytes up. ;- ; The J'esartrer ern 4uittrt Hit clement Goa.: 'Among them Is Capt Pagram, son of the rebel: Gen. pegritme, atniL sire tux ciariarroi. nri article copied - Bed the Charleston Air. ears of last lueeday sa7l: Pot the diellima Oaring marerni weeks there was en intermit- 1 sion of tbe bonibarlinint.hait hforiday. Thl4, doubtiees, was owing to the bad weather. Daring flundayolght tevenshells were thrown into the city. ' The cmany's groom soma to be setitely - engaged In. rapsirlag &Magas which the !Tient . - rains hart Amused their .ou:Serwasionville. aonopondant wrlto from that poen Visitors from realm but*. riu in the shape of shone are sell lamina. lastly plentiful. On Batnrdq they threw amen ritelle fnas Llglst Doan Into and ten from Long Island. Yesterday they - Utley twenty-one phone from the fountro sod Igen one froit the latter. 9or bittatfliasOsolpi u 00001 "For setae iibie past it hos bee/skip:l4M( Yankee penome, ecnaprialagialt highest la rank, now in to, hands, winsome to be brought hither to there'd. pleasant' of bomberdment. They neeordlagly Arrived on Monday. Tha following ars their &amiss and rank: • ‘‘ Brigadier Genera. "floymonr, .Win n p, SCAMMOD. abater, and llealtann. 0010.004 Winer Ilawklae, , Libman, La grone: Lee,' White, Batista, Brown, Dun, end Laroatt, Lieut. Colueste Hayes, flantar, Loam, Pottaley, Bagels. Harnham, Smdsria, Bratholamew, Cook, Dlekerson,__Fallows, Glenn, reirbanke, Bpottaford. Stewart, Swift,. Taylor, 'Lseoell, Jolla, M'Makin, Mho, Maxwell. Mayhew, and Maroc.:. Major, Cook, Carpenter, Crandall, Grant, Johnston, Bow, Baker, and Sato." ! as sermon omission. - I . The Adjutant. Gonne, has fast Linn an Important &defog, which will aura mist' Myth* dilly madepsysitillopilta oomktoY. I The .d. 10.0441. must be glystibilegt!ilwaskowsdhen tad &atm soroPioa td-. 1 4 1 7:11 1 th•Alt I oimetalsoes which Aid be7niallisllie Buis of ; a. ahem ,against • the GerisTrinnitior , psasion or othateilowancrai;aseeptit beeves aM tharegolaUont 'ructibi; to: tho..ddjatait, 431ej1 sal or othar proper edber of tbeft•smory Alf Pella= Bfitramt. Infonnitlia of slob and wolmiadodloars and men, may be NOY *Ow to ally ono ,to allay anxiety of Mina.: :Theban fact of death may ba common-Scabs d shatter, but ackdates, or any aliMmetannes which would ba ,ragoiredto beasksdlnpics= Wanting airtime. Parties Intansted must mei- Isfaatorty estemst to the oldoe of Cho Trtiow", liijihai:they an legal usiabointe, and *tr . • tee setae will oh tan and-jrbri tetluneed* all died oldness isloosnry to perfiet IL Then rules an to gaud the governrodut. as :well as Liebe olalmants, egabsst frauds. _ 11011311110111% conermero. - • The Senate in Emends* Benton caulk:dad tbil,t • fu4Orillg . anenatimai Jas. Paimaky, to be Jolt. Advocate cleruolfsh Wm. MoSee ,Deanantrallaii° he An* Mat Sedge Advocate General;' Poaihart, oflndians; to be &setters et, Land Ofdie at Carson Olds; ayda Edgerto ft, ohlo,t0 . 50:: men: of Montana; lfe Or 7 P. TOM it AWL', Li be ascrotary of Moetodos Astiebt fliddlage, of - , Conmetinal, to be Asermlaf i e I Jutioefox 'Montana; Corzonsul P. Botts Of blinteroto; I. be atoned of 0117 . 41lb:4 Stain MEE .-: , ,. - ,::,%,-i. , :1.::.-, 1 -::, - ;',._:...;, : . .,.." ; - .: . •,......,..::: . '',-;;;i ..::.::::,2..;r'..-,7F..?,r,:'.;:f.,.v:i:•:-,.-.4i.,. st itatikeir. da. .~ 50»..~.::5r trommitccet .1 ad. a:4 at report That , rmtllP LoittiOriztto robelllititi . ,t34ttes. Itiqe.:ruderod , eit,ox iefig 'bout /26 ve4fe 1.72 the ele'titora collagist ; ewe:. 0.! prerentatirea in pongee/IL , • , The, Boats paned - alio- follevileg . bptif to: dap: - A Mil her:provide for';thei ithaleit4 ,.. of the navy and . 1112theilZ4141 . tlia',-iritOlail h! drafted or enlisted men IrOzia 'get** to', the torry f undreihe iaiiio'hOiiattP & ' 'd apidiept.on knot*olt: .4i-,,kati., ti.;ttftuti Iq, niii /an 'find depot 4 ootio, ttimoir, mid noviito#iii. 0 00 ,00P.,. - , A. hill to elm sac:oath - of oadarew of thilroh-orad' bold korai (or title, : distrtailtroo ht:thO rani - AvVaiLiluilinfd Omni,. PrlMini . ,sTs,ooo. ; - ... ~. • ~ .. , Atte Intmlace4 twaJerarallllW":9ne iiropolos ro nukes penaty loft:Alava or aldlng seamen to desert, a fine of "IhtAatiand Imprilonment fornoflers thin its reenthi nor more than three Xeara: The iitherregahne kh• Satre of Nat? .$o invest all: of the riaig penolon -rand noel:anklet facie!, ant penance,. In registered 0.-teinrltles,' sod draw IntereseAn-oefii, noraierling It . to oftnaeo/r ilnd'Ohiro ' '"fe errikt::ef tko pelican fond,' •-rt!, • ConfOro*Coatudittooaatio•Tar biit trtil bo ready to.ripirt to quortoii: '•o2 &rowed, Mit thoy foc•Oci ty t htrciez:nn4 bf setre.o 7 ildatablitoalea4b.a taioi t4O iriziorai load. lag article& TheSocrotary• paalatalasitlait • I '417 fizedattts . the only mesas °tauten lig our public credit.:. racumoalS 'neatest! ioz A gentiomuus 'Who 4siethe Heidquariars st the, Army of.,the putt,aap mterday statti est thOrebei prlrouece captured before P. leriburg say thatfroi three mouths the Cots , federato , slareraturat has been eszatautly ahtppletand p!oringsappligl at 114clustertd 11 401 1 0ati 0f . 6 tie r' - ..ltiLllai7. 2aTiiTiiiaCt is scamaxs. bill to jeterene Iniestee anent .In elections, ca amended, ;rides that no military force *tali lie kept gsa parent yeti:mon the day dt.aleotliid, exorgr:F the pat.posa of resisting armed ter stoles agiinie. tha Cieferoareat. and keeping the peace. The penaltiem throughout gas hill were generally degassed. Timbale and Brains CoMmittes bi toady to molt the Taal blll jo-toorovoi they.hooo tion-loacorriti . litionst*or of sozondmoott, with a lifer of ,00tonog do= ogreish:mats , to do Contact" Committee. iloDongal ettempted to steal the der of . the Baltimore Consentloe, and sub. , Mitred: tharearizaith plankin the Batik platfoirn; ot, kti favor t, theme:, the Monroe doomlne. avaiumnr. Gunn murs 'Parr ; CEZDZAIat TO •y• • ' "- Brigadier Goostal Jaw Whitte,has •tosaa ordered' to 'Luria the r inky 'Oa tome'. probalstrbk a!sjgoo ?tti ti dllietOo Jar BaittilA4. 4 tohoit • ortiortroarrerup lutoogettarr ' mt. las Qto extension' at:de.* ?reeky treat) over the Belkiriisttliiiettlrof Itritlih Amor. los sact.lladros Ilar4hosimgso cslo : -The Balite Bizaridtteee exilereiga;MtaW resa=i4 to-daytlie 44614 : harm of the Aid:. I ran gamin, whlohinthloft vrtl , 111 03044 till hut iostlarh ' . TiEE ". G 01,13 .E.X4:II I I'EPEENT I ff . ieting-orsat!keii antErt.ikeri. ?IATIONAL DENOCRITIe!COMITIU4 • New You; Jans 3 1.--The.ancoterwial says the gold market is Inn molt *lofted until. Flom The spupanclon of publio cromptititkin hu Wolin ih• gold market Into tlie hinds of the speonlatore, sad they can make their ova print, and ; ttauw meFlO II ,o. 'quo way known QUI a Limo portion of thou) la Ito la• tet ware compelled to tettle'lti for t s .he delivery of gold daring today Putt*. +error, sad the priuclplo holden :therefore held back firs larger adnan. The presume d-ths sputtators increased thrigtiotatiiiiiiipf • holden, and the pressure °enflamed on. - .IV noon the broken were psylog 115, and at no. The erect dr this state of efeln Du *unto etudroly saspond operations to foreigot , unhurt i operators do tot !nor what to oak sod rotate to give any qaotetiona.•• Owe begs. dna Is fignau* an asking $l5O to the pound loma t . At nob rates there can bit DO ,ofral. 11:40 r. w.—Clold•• took - deirieravi-tun. A lap lot woo thrown upop ~ the •ntarket at which; pct down the price Padden!" sboat 15*Per tent. At 2:30 "the-Eirokaka were Whig itt sate' HNlag at dip & end at 340 about 208, _ tossilaje if bicker, otti brokers to!ctitti Appointsd a committee to" - tacit Washington to endeavor to sunup the repast or modhlasii Lion of thegold b to 2:54 to day no decisloi hid beau rind at on the gasstion to : postpone the pemccrelio CGunationi- • Ttui .Democraue atlonal Cutirizition Postponed: ' • • PST/ o, Juno ;......gt • meettog of Um Etecntin..Commituie of Us flatianal Dome' omatto Connatinn, held him,. to-day, It wee Toted, that. In defame:eta the dears ofetway taro number of the butting member otths Copserwatlesintion Detnearettoparty dough - - enitheectrutry, ths meeting of the Demonstle National flonran Son bop:pupa:tad to !Sudsy, 'Aqui 29th, 18$4, at 12 o'clock, aeon, as •L(Signed) Acucar 13 tumul i Chahmum. 4 7 / 1 /IDU.II7X 0. Plltql, SOO'S. • . ." - t A Iforclign LOSE* WtAJZIIITION; 7418 13.--It L rOPFied ISO to caogrualonal elr4rir shill'am Cur will negott.sits a foreign bur_ ..Iminedlstely alto? the pansy of the loacttliala Tr• bean Ootgrast. Tlts bin tantalite a proVition an, 414 t. Chaff y:1, altotitipon .It. • • - • fez liftmtiata • ; rdward P. Bully, of lowa, to be dttirceyoftlte thilbtelltetfiTollantt: ni; Zonsinta"- %.4i6ilate Jar'-100 of 'Tiniaa fititmiroi:,itotitana 7 : Ara Bartlett , of itllctiai , to iie;#.3.ii?'orain Jug I too Dsootal. „:,;•;.. ccl aka ialeutre =rim wan PCtritP• tb3_4411 . tei amend - the: ecittzwifedth !On .ErEamoni- for- the War ,, weszelr Dl : chair and fitritiin Was 'OcarldiWi .ar.o winning - tritons. _The trots of the iWir.fs represented to:harelWueided the ientrict by more than $60,001 The bill preqicsu to hue the Bletsitarlinished -licording t to contract,, and take the Pciitadatinesant • • Ur. Shennieawneh anien'proFCreeto,take them at Cost illitend Of their frue oak:Talus." IVfr: = Jobe, to bilieteafirennonh.fiair Im port/nee, quoted opinloni :of the 'proposed cooiroom4ar of one that hi wonidirit be afraid of,the entire _armament of Ecgland and 'ranee combined opposed to a eingle one of them. It will prObstitpisk tic laheiseurio ! . ?scut : eta In the Senate Kr guartes.praseated a psi tin= from iirotOiod asking pay for his daughtes wider the mai- Cipation law. Ile was hisakelf i idnie!, but purchased his daughter of idiniaitaipierious to the passagiolthelaw;' The citnifassioner decided that slain. could not- oin abets property.and related him to another eirlons ' can which to presented by Johnson. The petition - ire are Polish residents, who aim that some or their countrymen who were seisod and:Owed oil:how:A of Itowlati ships (toot ed and joined Oni arnii;:foughteur betties ' , and were gire up to punishment by car of. Protietionaskod.. cAiMArt /N •ozzamix . TIM entrain. . , ain &tor,' JudoMu, Cosonittfei. 1114, lone disentflor to - day' . .griiiltiof t of bdo2ftillg fintisar. - The — g!inaei:goiriictltteo win iiioa 4460 of iho- .iif449iring yobaUlotkhrot'orol T4is fore eidant - Ir, : arsavi.zquit PAZIS/D Til7ll - YOXIOiI DOOMMI iMIIIITSTOTOYS BLUIM EMENN GRANT'S WMTIOiS MOB* *Mrs 1 PIO,ENA !Ippcortetleinie or.liantei a ',Lynchburg.. SHERMAN PRESSING , FORWARD "..';STEADILY.,_ importapt Position snalooßN 10$181111Cff that Nosby'alleprfeilltddZ}iipmWed. . Wutomato; Jane 22-10 v. m.-To Mei* Goierid Dix :-Dispatoltes from Chi Palm, at 4:30 this Gaming, report no light/is to- dsy. Movements is.re in progress width are not now proper for publiattioa. . , BSchrtiond papaw report an attack , spelt ;.Lynchburg, by. Banter, on .Satarday) and that her was repelled. I; to believed; howev er, that there was nothing move Huth: a rioin stalscance, and (bat having art's:method the . , Mies .to bo - strongly . defended, Oen. id outer. ' eithdrew, hod ti operatiog anon theenetny'e commtudeatiourat other points. r 'A dispatch front Others: - 6 hennaed Head • qoartsn; dated yesterday evening at half paa t eight o'clock, mates that it boa rained almost constantly for several days but our lines have . been pressed forward stoadtly, and ao im port satposittott boa bona gained by General How. cad, The enemy mad* • desperate' attempt to titmice this position by nigkr, making etyma distinot assanitaan General Withtaker's brig •••di, of Smithy's Diefsfon and losing; nor • lesithati2oo ; or 800 men; - TWO hit adrid : • ed were lett on Whitakieri front.' - . Thor - Small wen followed by a - bear] Or. of• artilleri, ander !Mel the. petition was !althea apd-ia safe.. ~ . • • • . • .. ; ' ' Oar army Is acroM ‘ Nciondey Creek, on: our ' left;ead one brigade of the 234 Corp/ Lesion trosee Creek, on the ilgti; hot the robe left le behinda"swentp, &unite mina prevent any . Mall Setting beilisiii quite saver. at s omee points, the enemy' resisting stubbornly ithd attempting tas ids:mica wbacever he can: • Gen. Sigel reports from 'Martinsburg i to. 1 day that there is no troth in the statement of the Pititadelpbta tepeirer of 0..2 tat, la .re • litho .th a raid ot Mosby. Winchester la . not.occuPted by the enemy, nor am the tale: grapb•thros cut betwirefe, this place and Her ! pee/Torry.. • .. „. . . : No - military 4a,.. any -other : quarter Mu been A to-day by the De. partment ' ' '. .." • : ' ;• (Billaltd,) .i. ' ,1 :-"="B. 11.• Sraros. CONGRESSIONAVPROCEEDINGS • -- , • : Wimusurot, June 22,1864 . ,:Bssim-On motion of Mr: Nesmith' b• • Hems Mitt° euthorise the Proeident of the . Neitodlimtes to negorfete with entails In ,Must tribes In Oregoo Orr a relinqutitunent of eariainrlghm stunted to thorn by meaty, was taken up atid wild. i ...''' Mr. tioDongsWe Joint :emir/t 0...15ere4 a fore offered lo relation to thiPPiaelf Qom.' potion of. hissito wars , rocidelkideaftit • abort debit.,oPhrot.te IMPlipllte gle,; . Ufths . sad be printd. , . .." f ..:. ; ..i.......:. •...;.•..,. 1 . Ate. Powell' s Milt* prevent military tutor.; fertnsi in elections, woe then ~ token up tied Mi. Powell Gland aotattlesento :decreasing the panellist for violation of Its provielour, and iniertingthe Porde to the 9th Hoe, "on. lesiench military ..shall be necess . arytoreptl araiad'onacales.'• • • •-' . 1 -.- ilt,Tomeroy atemod to add to Mb the words, ' , or to koappenoe at the pills," which amend , ' meats wore adopted. The bW thee paned: area 19; nays, .14. . M r.. Banner presented the petition or Hoe.. sae Sprigs, a colored Cititill of Wasblogusn, • tibias rspreaenui that prior to April, 1852, be orris a slave of ',Tobn Proker,ana that bp hid ' onrthised, lathe name of Ms brother, a free quadroon; his dioghter then • alai,. of the .aid parker, - area , pad Paid about s2oo r. VIM j Romacips lou•Cortamisstanerz, 'before whiMP i 'he appeared, .cialsaing fall eampensatlon apil the.torn owner of Matto- con SA& (Mused to allow lion ths ground that's Mons tumid, ootorquiro slave property acemMiths to .4kw•aban existing laws. He oaks Oangtedllikt :slopantatlon. 11111.alMaay submitted tie followin g, which *se laWever ' .. . • •• Subbed, Thit the Committee On Porsigm itilations e tc hereby Instructed to Consider and report the eipedioney of extending the 'protthrione of lhotreaty between the Halted domes &odorant Britain *rhino Sth, 11, mm: manly known as the Reciprocity Treaty,' ti Coos! British /merit..., or the districts north of Minnosotai heretofore described as the Balkh* Settlement and territory of the Ilud aou Boy Comosay. • ~ "Mr. Johnson Formed a potitlon of the Polish citizens to the President*: the United States : prestos that Pouch rotators serldp_ig In th e assay of the trotted States may not Oal totalled t,'the . oovethment 'of Rustle 1112 FlllOllllll, tot that proper steps be taken to protect glom from tumor: It formulists! that Polo/ who hero been furred foto the Burden navy...hazy deserted and . janed 'owl annitea, o u ch, our dag, and. been traokad; 'and fonnd, and givensp to Bandon oillostal Vo .molten ist Mr. Morrowites..thoustutd• Caplet Of thiPatan t oMcoltePart Temorrime . ko bet printadfor,thiyekr.lB63.- t.,_.. ~..,...„„,r,.. ; • Mr. Stunner moved to take litfaeSmit' bill for thelropeal of the fitgitiver.sbes;Ma' Itsjectoci-22 to 14. '- • '• ••••' • • . Mr. Powell moved - to take op the bill to provont military interfOronos ,in elemlans, end for attar pompous and °rend - tertaba onsondments., Ths motion to tats up woe Mr...Ponssroy. 'offered an .stoondotent that the might bastedfor the purpotw of keeptog She polio.. ~ • . •-. Mr. Powell thoogbt this VII hid 'con etitei r i too ornolt•titna aircady. 'lle tbovigh thus b nothing leis Hums bill jo prnout the Presti deli; front on:tables ohs rebellion, and anklet Ike polio • saudttary for robelcatd Patton; wham it was tha duty of tho Homanment to keepp away.. •ktr. Johnson then:defended'hbitrill loon . the imputation conialsed'in the report of the Military Cloataltlite,7idiorrely on this bW. ithat be (Johnittek).ifarlnflarrioed by dine: cintmeanse.t.biton got the election hold - lldetied 'emotion 'if 'was resolved,' the sonanroonentob s ; that' tbs' prment ;merlin of Congiette.'bei (doled on Thurzdey, the 30th Mr Cox, of Oblo, said he understood the Renato eettld aim so this. , ; - , ~.. ~ ,, • _. Mt ['qr.'', of Mers., firat th e.. Committee bn-fototnaons --spormt o toilitlitOlt iiii.s. ' Phis. W.. •Ilertegsa• is ' not entitled • to *moat es fomented,* ham the 6th Coogresioital Mththrtidt".. Petursylesele; but 'that 'A. "Me; 7111eyer.herntthed. tO;tetopl, theta. he nal,' opplos....Tnsigopori , otan,insel on the table am elm ;.,1 t .., t tit:: ,: ; ......, ~.., , lir;Mawea L' igiti .:- ttlaile.• 1111211. a it tho r- dri• SS olsatioti elms, aceempented by .joist . ioththin'ln rejetion mi. thodWarent. Statue. .• Met fusee been deoh*::,,.t.ta.Prealdoidai elimition to be in WI., 'ls prottelei. Il l v 'PluitUPPo `q- u tta 4 sriatskir 'orth. ob eutom Ithi of three. irgoiroratassuper , orkft! Um' .lavetrid 41ititif poment rebellion; 'whose ;lair it Mall ;ta ' , IAN .11FErtal tba fitalil ' of Cough Se,' oust Suites as bevel been decimal. , lahs to ribeilions and chub haSs:whead7: Cr. .bellbefOo - the Peat :404414 .. /4 44. tan• - nialinuwa to es 441.4611 an - of is otgarlaa. a, tired, govarmi oseht,` and; tiller it oatifil examination, to:, •,, ro op oh/ Prosidee, for 'the lofortrutuan or 0 0 4,,,,;, ill With iortlenoo'ss My' be pro: eared to ebow wristlet the loyalist, tars emi-. o/ednd:thattablistinga- State' taVerrthtint; and :apart , •the .. rotatit's *ability., of , stiob mph to mimes thinalni.igelssidoiluutei tl4 Shlarthe.. • - ~.)- .;/: i.: ,• ,: - ....:..4/ r..71' yOll if Villialrit itliWl ke3 . 4 , 2,tyzarott, Johle,lf-.-, The Plualled PM tuned a toll or kticeperbsak. , l6 Otivaot4-. arlit*Zoia, wllloli *tarok se 152,106.%• • . " The tuna ds daitai an' • attarlii Mitt* Federal_ anListment debate , . in fhe•lionte of Lira s , ,-Itiaya nature matter bOw been ex: ltitTsfated, wed be limo tte Pedsitil bare ON: - homed Int -IA Outgo Ift oat t , potent of Hunk fish/lag miiißain the Brltishlsle,cod it they! QOM'S,/ tette the in mbar Bailsild eaub 3 not 1334kois:nadottberetronecutionoci. a saws of ; war. Neon only Mop ' 'nth proceeding so are Olivia r Chit Is to sayi"enllstaisiste mill i ,. artists ghitiori. -If emigration ands en. ibtosanto afterwards, Huth le as mot beyond Biewalrfefa"'in lo2 .. - _ Meat dull' auff 11141I4owirri .aressata Sa'243. Si; ted Si adoZlldi fid;:w intauirgai •op 4a i¢, Aukairi 4lqcksfutrEssf. elac sa¢ Zak 11 •21CLAS , Hamm /Ink 044.14ir New. • Lard haat, sad Idala lowsn egg 14,00 . 9.1. eX IMF dal aad-Fuattarga s it t , •• . ze. , AregLattheAtr-ar I%lllr*Vrignani •Ta lla Parrillas . 5 i ir :5A 13 4 4 , 12 ! 4 2 t. —a • vintis6 frt. Ca ' bttetjaA.igitels, - '47s: vile. B. iteora toil:vat :tolriorritos Copt:Bcooritala tts =trod, lt-na -*Ma - Befistfort.-Z. 31.1wIdtk, rilsOir:iiika 'the toottbrof /WM TbiCiio4l Manz 64 * Ta, tiap6l tlrroUnttftlittbso craw of dirstrabaat Zstaloder;Atlifolfoarron Cipo - Lookout Boma' Om the night af,the llth Inst. Cert. Oman. tassel attention wee Eat attracted treats pal from the Ira* and-opaa aoatiog 'hi. faint ..thirmen Winging b a smell narilma hi: tholui)e ,ribt oat of waren Aar* ens s hear,. ESA , =suing, width Mille it Oxon .impessible to mama (hi eat peters, bat ‘l,- smell Wet tras-Valinia by '. the Copt/de - end sivollom oftw. _On each ing tee` wreck; the imor ,mad *Lk Mint Mad honer. rushed into the test, which egoist/4 throwtog theca:clever/I to. to the breakers. =lt was thee soma, time bs furs all got back tether crie' eltegitim. Ctpt Eineltiniti then sgreag on the: host widen eutweeded la righting, and atter a time got her bailed out, and went beet to the ‘Parren. - ll* Mien rub a line from the roved to:the irrock. b; ski& mesas, after Much dillimity, all crembretight on beard. somv or the moo were braised Itt a fearful manner. and so Jonah atbaturted tte to be imensible, having. - been on the „wreck fear day* and nights trillion& food. Captain Gleason, of the Leven der, reports. having ram Onthe thou at 11e,lork ou the night of the 11th bet. The-Levender veva ireerbtott, tide being her fleet trip:. She arlitallt at Peitufelphits, from. Chick portabti satled`s few dip! before for the blockading mined= elf flharleiten, where she Watt to have been used as a wader. Whtia'ra• _bre, Philadelphia ber m M crew a listed _of .13. all , told,'mine of whom cfare either drowned ordled of expcsme. -PorFatrao Illittsaited for soma time to try and sup sooarblog from the wieek, but la two boars it went to plebs. Upon the :mint el ths-Parren the survivors were cent ' to the Nora Hospitatto'bil „, Copt:azalea:on le the toreador. blgs to return Ids sineertitheaks -to illcitain men: for hie timely sad gallaim aid Itt tog, himself and onto Irene their partial:if eitustion, and to all the officers of the Parma for their Mad treatment of them white on • Ward. - 411- I Sr' . . ale ar.. a Bloeicaie Ana/kers Ca rg o ; - • ...13orau,-.Tomi'23 -.11111 cargo orlle black. ado runner .ol ds ßepc wni:aiild I Mon'to•dny. pt. L ooittig'were es tollewa; I 133 balm of middling riipiand;"sl.43lsl:47.3l 137 balsa of fox tiddling.sl.34lsl47; 137 bttict good aridinunty3l,34,4l4l4 137 b.le. damaked, s,7i.rXl 306 anion upland, 4 40 bar , F"t" tot! 87.50 picking,' 690 a gaaatitycf.lobnaco',s94l ' i . =Vlll=mm ORE ILLNDe, - Ga .&T se VA-11E617, =Se GOOD 8;: utrn:a e trz,ze LOVER PILIC2B, - BETTER 13 1 11 A ,an ANY HOME.= M.WEST .1011 tiriso or BOOTS 08.. SHOES twt.th:'e*tl.l CONCEIT :SL OB ST6IIII Na 62 FIFTH STIIEET. qpripuumnstiv,s xo c o ats. -t GOIELDREN'S fSHOES, —y. ni M'CLIM,A*B AU 55 IVtli Street. A ;sTEW SlVila 'rpn~,osasy~.B,. °, now. rotr*s.: Bow AND oiriamErs Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, No. • 254 Market Street- "AMisoTniE .WERVOODBI NSW (14N$DER: jobttbahsa bur spin &scabs • • BdOiS.A2i7) ammo, asiisithipiovntsr alsa w• turn the kunst and ban sanstad stock ur Ma'. ratio cur 50ur..44.1 soot.. teuxid In dm elks. Li'LAR lian= in abasdados. Gins as • ma. ' • Jas. Robs,' ' IikrICILT EirBTIT CRItiTO.I! MADE SHOES-WE DAVE . anataimanGf iat 1°.1,17.,,'""ri'54216.21 Wage; t w its:a. Gam. Rig, aleratZ *Ras mad • Lwn; Ualomal 13.0uu aad Gaits:n.6l .t)las. Sam poet yrs irarrazusa to Do its Ban pada mad* la Gat oacatry. • , AND. gaaaral ascatautt . of all eataagii .2141 of Obildsaa., atapla we Amp 814aaa. • • • . ' '4BO. AtelilUM SON. & CO., • . . ogle . • 11. air. at Vacd alamtb 101411A1 - G OtTr MALE 01? Bound rogalotdn, Shoes and Caitlin, "il-435444.4 1 •r , - ' BOUM* Stltarbt deist, 'Jag , --. •-- •. PoAssElsiefeasalith. •., ~. - . . . . if aitiRtVA.L 1J? - ... ~ . —. Boots, Shoes mei • Gaiters, r Ctdi West risks, sad at id Want pilaw ta Ilat V." Oaltasrly aaa ascara tars dzia, as - 1102:11AXDPI, ila MAMA stmt. PRIM.E RIO Cu PPfrr'. ti so haltsbeise Orm,Dtsok &al Jvhst TaN as basseasicfmatt Llama ;.;!; i ls ..3330,02114,3 •:* • • a., Cum - , • .I.Lr ebb. at, 3 3601304.,' . .`! 1-',...".., , , L3, , t. ).5 Lat. •10 Ho I LArd 011. __ • • • A11ib1gaPyr0p.a1,d11.0.1144420144,111. Ibbasis an. Q 401 104110111. • ...T. Iticsant 11..tim.,, .„ . " . ter•beiL • • nti,V • 4.1-3 .ppleo Ibt salad ldi Libbrkp a.m.' • • . gp,/10 .9rn: eonnr W MAMMY 0 74A . : ItORpoir c rop to ant, sad V i tt f 7". .1.2111 i LtrallX44oo vigctiott (sittIKIIIIOI noslnd sod ter ado by 41,24 . •i.. oaornebo. Rlnditiyabuheivn manuf.:otard,"wat•-• ,fi4 Jainti 5.111,11:13Mad -ttet*N-24 tutu ..tisoontelboalders is, Ir. toy ba.by MIURA Tantourv• 12 • ILa Mar/ It, *amen... Dter.ol.l/118.-t•IIN. • btua. Lake:_ mute t i ,ells ••• . • • • ,1:1..-13 lss7bF OM. , in 'Stare 1 6 16 •.• _ ilataximatimeto., 1111It."-100 bbli6,,Vi . the jun received sal/ lar sale ' !,/ "r 17 ): 7 asks Do,t . Lt at re T. a_c Imam- ‘.- 4 , /1) • Oki ID • 4116 1. • fat . ° lll sib by+3l=4ol,ll4ms • iralaj EEEN tivict wErTS. ; ~....re i ' 4 4. ,: .i i ew ". • i5.7 - oa;i t tei.. Itt•Zoaiau•si.-cutabatent At Itsw: V. 43 e l 44 41`.14tirt;,1:fr:11;i1tif.-iirr:zlt3 31 1 , 0 413.44.); Adm. rusr,lo SNlti = s.d. tau. A. U. V. WLLX.r &ghat 41,001. w tor . lam_ .- *hitt ilad Lid ..d t.4)100 bti,,b , r; 51,239 lAD 10 • C 4 .1 0 40 •Ittlatt.l.4l 4 l 0, (cent wa, kabo 00, Aim. htd ...tit•ra-11.4,10,0,= 1i,t , ,, qut,2 antl 6. ... 0 .4- Vak.7 i... 11%.. 4.1.4-• cied•dly ulgteir at 111.42.91 6elbrlS•if &bad W. 1641. . Airs 1.1.71,er ded Don vcde• iii it ~.9t f r :'auto. tae.....0,1te; tr0tia..1,e1934 00.11%.321,51 t..e,.,,,b.s Petra.= gnat 11 .r.mie,is 44%4 IsJ , era d. ed ..Sic V1',...1 'lather 0 d' arm Uri %Kik arm, i very much •X.• <lnd Mad pi...16.130d Ls p 4.1 , 01 Lou dowel dull %rad 11.1.1%kerd'&4 41% a. its ..e.tord CAnte•:l3l6 r t it.. 14='.killt r .•„:., ...a, .'fur Pr1...0 171 , L Dr t ,01 41.. Ay I La •r; bl 9" fa Courarr re.. - - 11... k,,c,„,„..... ~,.. msg. L T Y '"" NW 4.:• • e .a• - •41. - - - ,olia• cut .1 val.% an= but . 014•t• ' .0,4••• , %1 •••••&54.411,,iittu: 1, , ..t man attsio et.itt,,t, , ~..21t41e• 941...3„ dud. Ipla.! 111,1.0 f.. bitgaill4ott.'4l4.s4SU t.t.,41L114 ~ • Stock .I.eslia•rniaiiit; -- /I'm .1,110 , Jene SS -: .. ...a&&•3•11 - 4 wit. wia 41tededt, ct,otr„'•ll4llpot best 0 8"0 - 1)0,,,t,pq,4,,, WI EN astluoviaterml. a•tat latmarr 147.. G.,13 brOsstrr mall .wale ./ liiSlii, aliiiii4 at ttatattu. •ereratat 040 ca• 04007 ; ‘....5 •Ir•dial:..aputts, 11.1.1140, 1•A50:46414.614k04Lf . • ,ct.tuta•a• 1•0•1104•4/ ; ~,..:••r . - . • ' la• a P.....-...,.....- - .ll 4latie4se-.........44...10.3i • .0. a S. yr.:1.4......4.8),i, aft Visak caarai.---ist A,. a 3..1 '..........4..-:.11.% 1 1[014•41:. uplaetio . ItSg :I. /4 tl/.4.......:.4.',..15tr, 114 :1:001,r4 tr./iv...lW - I,t a le. La U . ........... co sor.Yetlr dat.ita.,„,l:.t % A, ztaklyrwha..4....... 7, . j • ~ - . eincakau . .at . artet. • . Osttman, Joao Y. 2 -zie• viiiria . ...4l rubel . aaa mania:L.4;u. ....i - twaT4.4* Zak, awl prim .t. 4140, lt dr. ,,, ,Lotito ja 2.4.1,i, 40 .VAr aup,,,et,,,; 0.4 tr,t , u0t..1.0 Lr Eska -* timut SU .rued 10 Si 53191.70 sur tt•Litti•o7.l ,01 t vr - : *ads Quo la 50net%.0.44.t,5,0 0.0 I. la MaamtWhl..%) .1..610, 41:0:4,•00 id .2.' ittakit.tie .1 warr.d*l. , :t44. Siia..i..”de ' SJoui Lib a* & Y s sol IL. In (Fiala $ 'tog tyi 126.13azik•000.161. Hashet.a. ..140). • ••• rge.1.7,0 tr ' ..,6„.40,,,,,, and a, .I,e)d is Pc. :Av.. 0.,,a i.t. Z. , lie 14066 r, sa• I. it, mut , 1ttaa1..44.1..e«. Ed. , A4.,kkol‘tatuttbai.thir tib1i.•1411 , 01.. .. ... ' I .11,44.1reittaaPitgatrelltSAPC. F4C Crsigi - ..' ' ' Mafia, girt:Ct..: • - "ifiri•lo, Jettrita:.ol4lL 1111 af.farvintatt rata asa ‘.444. N. lukt.abtf LW fit1r.1(044.0 • tip..rs, - : and dad•• o 4,llhritt• rius asters - 40 omph 1.1. ,I , .i . .. 111.0,4 rwittibl . _ 4114 . 49 a 1 . 6 4‘... 4 %11..4 , ti4o. 4 1 .usii tinder; daided•SlDSlV...Ati. is. 0 - .5161.11&1 , i 7 .VUots-•iimodl• ?a.- 11111u4y 4••-•014•04 ••ft.• at' .0.4...10g ~.,1,..a. tay,auk-b...ar..w.tab.,ari lIESaViI 0:7- - T. lie 3 / 4 ~ , 0.....1 4 LOW Ihali; ticAleu...v%sli..; • ' . . v.. , A.Wat.-••Iou AAA I,oa r.. 4 "Gt , 4;.63,0 , • b• ";‘ ,l "te.‘ 7s b 4B : 4 4., 4..olrcat ,;. . . , , Om:06, Jana 2:.-Pleat, rave .nd settlext.63 11 as,6o kw N. .l,' 10,70 ter Led It tat r,11.)3•10 01, r.u. uu.auli Sul*. Wars 0p.,e3...ttta,60 btaair.t 4 ,_ I .. •....ed It.. 11.4 0041 01,1; Na I 4 .400,04 . 0 1 0 .1 -,' 411,8 S Irt Wight 410. Sr .5ran ,,, 5 , 51.91.41,,pp0s it! ..;.: 4.-..1 rm i kt.-v / 04 . t 43 - .,-4 ItX. toSaw Yak. ' - 7 -- - i'ltiiislallistsl• Markt!. -i s • 1 Pair.4o cania,J 000 n -no cur..: la turattled 10 cid.siqueirce of eh r41.71i5t.• to i.. 1.1. , Nicardra,,...... a5..10X09 60 - vibes% 16 4• 1 4 1 A1 X; wL.L. e9.ii4 . , 4441, r..... Whit. 4.1..03 ' , On. ota , Partaium • - , -raga 4Lki, itsilual meo,d Cauoto.l'.o.6te. VIII.. 1 -- ..0T00.0.4; tad. 111,41. , „ • • , . ' ' • St. Units Market.,:: - . • ' tfrt. Lora, June 01.--Itf.•• /A ye.% •:/1•111 In the • ~.. esit:•tialy all ib. as to%l is bbil&g, Imeriy - eid• den ask& r sh• boLlltelbaoc4t 7 1 .,0,11.• %ad • - I.i _ . 0t. 41 4•01100g.50.3,1. to [4,0 ta, tuck, vtlawy titve.o • . ... 1 71*4 410•0•400. • tAtt.,..,-..,40 ke I,, t y: . e d.. • .. •', " '' ~- '3lll6ing Stack. '- . :Iketosaini."22lr. 44 .;. 1, 4 ea 4 417 se sbi iivait , oo.,ll,4.ltu, Li • estero .-.......10 ,0 4401 , 1101t5.:4....-..21 1 1tu5ktat.4....:,......-...3 IX ~ , . I . 0 .. it•m• .....'” -11..ra ialet;' 00 , 3 0'40 gramma L 11 .V . ,5b , .".d , ....42(13' L IL.:. 141,T. Wblbi eva.• We& %Caro and koi icons ; ' rim MM. bar...at 114001,6 L... '51 , 01...ky dm 1/..:t .4•11••• S 6 . 61 0 164 . 7 • . ' • - • ' .'" • . .......,... .. . • Chita go7lSlirikei«oltalk • • , _ IceS 41.—Titii leWitossnareeia to-threeis evened. aad owes salad lit,eher seifisitillSeitst,-. maze •howKee was elsegetherapechistiva,l es there: • 'Ms ao inquiry: fa - I' 4 mb,ago .6WAS.WWWS - sWieielie TaJ. ti - an'instorieitt f2' ...fierseteilweri the market c.e 'wheat seise:id% and we new it futttier ed 4/.03 en ykiteldafapricen,ot 7es Ley with ashei of se I: *sites Ws *.;esxl, , W e sea ' Oki* spring es lit,beel,69-r.l.et.u, it:,§i,CessdeAtp , . /il-ur wee in' iciiro sw4tWitt iktid stly word ' S.Go iser oteo.4.b.p:tag ".h1 0/uteri:Xt.-at. go Shorn wain Males • cheaer; inn bra f Vault:age acted,' The 'soleda oior an see. se* t keitas ot. ewe gawattcaY ot,..teittsji :AO l ttcld at. Well 11,1s3A114iii, sae rrPub.d er et,,1.1.1,11jfi ti atone. Teem inti - it fele liewli7 wa hoieiss -• - adratiee tiajie 'per Web ..dleeleic r. 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'tett , s• 1161•!ftry • 41.1 t• Oosnto4.irel2l3Fsietd.r,'.4la,r,ml,6 44.16 i LI ..n. mr,salsoces englnt, • d.re‘d, exi•pt Immo bosloask htl„tbeakiu..ttst. chni.ik,a- - • ;_Teittitukt, tx.oa Do atils.amile hata lb.:v(47w: tads - Wu:4ll4u. ike,talschool*, itsul'7 • • 'Tab 11, tali gimaiiiepu.l.:;l.i.elent.atn:l3llolk* ate. 31.1miaria 114e41117,•,: ;out pad flai;iiio.wara . I, iarttledlice • .f lean ir Cools wr tbla potaz .ca-TcoldAy, ajw,:inzai•llkiabaribi..anited. t6urrept.;2 . . _ rl_tal CR 13.1 - 1./P-110 late tr. 0.4:1`..11 . ..ec - ais: gom f 6 2 *on': r. cOO finynoupr t4 -441 Pryakr.., . .7 - tta do Creed ? Pue:gapz l i i rl : Qp q 24.0bL c.:4,k-s; P!!l.,ll,94.=igTeir. c.; mo t.tir.lhaitora • • • ico sour To atorteciii•ii joricaditAr— ,- . , ao ti.l!q Wltiviselijuep, - 00toblvaad bt Una canna am to llbt isle Sr.• • .011 61 10.174 i ibti;ia Must.. - p l'---- Raßtgirt()a . BA-14 ;.6 . okit MAO , PATEN eft , ÜbSTAlrtali OTUrDIDL6rI.I3 /10 - CHB TAILOUIXHIBLXW Wyo. I4fiPtli " AM •Qaelfnr" , Mtowiartb. 4 : 41.. • F R E.S IIFP ANL. 4I4 kIVE;::g-Jtal t ::- -44.1 .W. ce:oe p.s,a2 ta pearl'Ai . ? on% ' 7•41.11. tarlxqr). B4 . 4 '. ol .'" •••••••' • ' ' ~ .„higo.t.:2l2l6liir. 111 0 • • • ...gritikeivioduier'epri•rwitly";r-, Oi ii i't3l3l,m **Gait Millie' FLuuti, 61 : 1' , 5. ... 4tili . is swint%J.g ,ll - ---- - - . ic.ii,elmitaipa. . . ",:?,"°11".'":36164-04 . 1 Wirskfrmirioluintra te .- 0: 1 ... t .. 4l whata ..t•.--...-__..-..... , ;-,, -, MEE
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