" t o„ii; #ftishrOi TEMBSD InoPortia • 1- . telytrc Torii;gb!:.• •.) - ` l ol.idit ai , 4ol4:_with I Q jonbl dtmaud • . ' — `tit rag *uta:::.ffaaof 210 bit Itvi ,tore -4 4 6 &3 8 . 1 0. • f lrYa 2 .u 4 cieita!iaapkirr?.u.s.b. iaisciatandli.itabllstted piens 101 is trretrgar.• , • '• trOPosniblS 'to it's =Wats st*Stro aidsi, ,Ara " ja•-th!tinc!tn Init deldr7.:!'o7•Tba pfecikotalbie6 -.1101,.; 4a 14. slid ltd, ••• .Iria Ufa ant" talit• - un . anwts* - or , 3LOOti4ts • dectlndli aod hl¢L,r, lint . It ase• time, the dastaziabratiaatallabli sod Wore I. 0 4 dttltatcliest•at madam ed. - we satiA Eska - to thsettout ornate 44 1 11111. Faintly; at O,W PA • - •;;118.50 !Ltd 78 .7ba-lbb 1 4tk Agars. ~ Ett•—•t, drat wit" ii.fargicomind at quo:' ha4..1,: , *18 of .5 tons lliddllogs, tram depot ai .0,401 4do do. from whirr ai1.1,644.340 Jiro:l4l.i si,oo and 7do Brae at 11,40, , . • . ciduOstues.sqw,o.punui.orM ten= . 'deber nIl T of• We 9tPh O4ba et Mtn 10, sod how 0110*Ihirti, and 2t—soms ooldirraakbot • sr' ."Monry artalco,l- - ttatrio.is dattautd,- tubabtal 46. o+ him ei - .• BIRTSIS—Tbaro Is -tat litile iffirtot, siba lora litUe grantor. :'Petaie raU rosy be awned al 374 Pir.k d batter iruald snit 1150 Marais nobs In 6011.1icante,10 demist sad hither. We beard sd ofesst r3o:sadiotas dialersabr.aildig 21. • . iTiiikartintes ssid pion are draoatrig. riae ails. Quo ect to of lb loads at Lel tolsOpetlose: . asEtEdioPtratiodleadlas upwards, tile at qtatai Pa,L. 1744 , cab taJs.2—akiwy witit'revasi alas Ofireitant Sardria Ali t° tr.. The me/p& iiiittatie 404 W HlSl — llasitiltrartberAdrsoped - bat thiitti; nand at uti - adrinoa; is ears' ht We tha bturthistabotsUirta aIT4COaI 1 57 tabra.. ftrds. hold at still tartbar *chime., • to: I, ths - abaiidro of, saleivsot malt quotatlotts. Inlts cfPrizan cliTzeud,aid AULT& hitUt. bat iritriont quotihtiatituitS 1 ',Satan saki at lthttrar far- apples. sad - .27,Z0• kr • .; • Rlttaburgh - Petrateem Market. s' ' . ' .' , 3retV.-41ce reedpsi ercradetifiriciimpaiapre..... ./ilaltO. rciefei4iii rah it Dili tiairra demand; tit . *_. visaed Tilled ..000dyitato0 sOmiiishisi*cie..msde 11*00‘.•'2!4144-'7il zwricOkriri-iii4hilikirr• kia?.* 6 l4 .l ei 0.•0 hhla.' , 4&sl4lcrwst-.C4 ado:., ti 4 0: btdodoto nooPaA 4 d - ia .44 ;Uktootodocliorfeed' do it dd. , 'rho idvio - ie. la. Gibledock net ipiiiirli.hare Made' mash tiiiiiMbiti ci t lhe'Maiker,iii yit.;. io ', &eat oeirtirMea 'Cr&Sbrrl` 0 11 ;rim3s' . Ida& there is : .•' : :: -64 4 . ., 4i4ei l*r4 ' .1_&40iira iricelitm Na 4aya ','• Illaceirrera yea:ltem ohnizit.'imie at tfte, r..Prsiei, liorkettlieVan teroiame,lias the 'Mock fa ..:this mutat Meese Ilsitt, as at the present time. Me -: note: • sale 6t, Pm bbl. to .borid—• little cloady-tra Aar spot, at Git'azeT We hbla do delirarshi•Jett 11 th,.., at OW - Thereisemer.ilastitryter'rstaha;tem prt, crai are rortherteel Mica'of Ittrhtteliir YS, and pi de 'do as hr., itserizeitm id dim; and ire 6'160 . -The recelpm by.tluit'allegheor titer' oilorieg - itie • trenty7fintr . boursi ending std. m own : iming; am ea : Mt. Tula' & Brio .t.,:' ". Xol.t Ositatimi - .7 .. . :. . •) ........' titatelry & littler , ' :6/oiliD•Cocenri :. , rah 1, Jan &biles '''' `''. ':' ','„,., itli I Pcilhsekithill &co ..' 33e !Not ii Dnuart ". ' t i i = F. ,_., ....-: . --., ,—.. Nciw-lliiri Petroley:th atiriet. ~, ' ll Blittial'Oliiijak. - qiii. •ittibi iiirx96..: 1-- 44 - )roi.„-.Anzai , ...1.--na - .-inso.i for Vriehs! is achartel• ... , .',-•ati.iti bath . . salts iti4N , *tlierOt; - 4#3 . ‘ rod all Jane; doom ar ;Tell 44 ad ... .ioe, Aidol. gio. -:-.'''' firsid to lime is ace r wise • titres:matte at 70a7g. • . Oaths spot; sat 734 G for /my, :. 'Ai market for tme •,:• oil Is • . micitii that smarms armistices .fagot .be .. : ghee; therm:mai rams are irr Mi.*. nee; ell -Jihia ~ ' kr, and _mitiot, 92; aellee• optitia. ~, :.-,-,-- , New 14,rit itaney titoe4,Marketo ep . pa Ate Ittrwl'ass,:ltrsz;22 41ad. rialetralY daft yartardxy, toady at . ANA-. qq unctuwitod. • Ormair.. ---- Plttablzgh rm. tigii • Ole-wand .6 Pitt. burgh, lib% tr. eimireSuteidi; tOirr: Coaporual2k. Clortlffeates,.97.7 =op, Lattis , . Lesdr-Tho lett iglus roluntod !are attlo far bard ~,• • - • • • - • ani • 11X0 for aoft; Mita* usual days holdarabaio "',: '• • ble n l "/ 1 1g P b !s! t t r •imlammig. b P I / have not boat reported, - sa-bara ?moan Ito .talloso •that anon bayolaeuniado at auntalkingltlgbar • one quotatimis..itteeetticat;9l3op.''',-,i Ittourno arm this- •mk fox = Cm better gronal .t hemp, and Rion hat. batter , Itatklod tan'-hat *now' :I'llo per . too -:•:-.•••:•"' • &la -bay* 7 1 aaa; reported' or ..834-2alattuuttoutod bump; 825 do dattdA and Orb ao hock* • - tine*, 85 laitr, nadesein.ln otaat7B/Cnatin; 78 *St i% 900 • 811.6; CI at• 11114.57- at SSW; 187 17 - :. • .7", 1n lotaatBl2.B; „It - 4t UV /Kt 1 7..* I l7 B;ntat, Slat .1.2.1:1118.4 Mat Stint la at 1149 ; , 8 8 •.Y. , _ , A-tiollatitt ata • :.• -•-:3;':,. l t i ki f l i$ 15 tg l red 6t atuA 4188;={IAatOMAOWeononnadRacoon *OW • • at 11 . 91 A 9 417114de.r.prad to Jolla; .1811a.%;-$7,4104 VA% ea tool jetWagol,4lBl 487,tabado la •• • :-1 aa on attvataitanta _ czarrhed - tau* 5i01t....4 /),150 tona hula* war ftraradt 510 1 owaxuatederlon.l4.ofx.4 at• about „ utattanalt-lkeelron. thttnatl; 2281' tarot, ,ban tul ;iota ;•7 &do BoPo - and I r.B7gag•—.7lttaut tatibeetta towing tu tat minket. but pot ipso" t.lea bate bunt tapas*: T44244E1, Dam 41181- 18 .1 4 th ere 18 . 11 - r ialso of 11110,aot aot reps 4.704.74840 Waal out ' - ItilBtdoixo band in 4lubsgglagatit% Mat 240 piaoat 7,6llCentucky audt uadaYia ale of rlfasulli•oB ; 711 In , ak7a , 'l s P:stzz.s. boa:togas .1442 : nod rept Award of • Ontilitlitt •. (from the St Patti dna', 10tb.) - .•. Worley *tribal istPortwit Olaf honithstg• Nue seamed b 7 coot iiPAl4sbrataictsi7 ilabidstaacs, oothallpp.r Lower • Tao eiattact kw supplying l,•40 bbla slues CMS] tb or, was ascnteol to 100/IDA rholto l t Of .tiasitc, oft for 113,21 pea bbi Too bighott ww no ban is to to &Hotrod la this city Tito contract for Itintlibia• huh boat° tzeopiiit the bay purr, to to stab bitted au or arca /saw Sitar. AMU Tanite7 eat sea:64 - to SwF ot Hoodonaa atlrgc I m. - ah.oiatract itappylno Ito dateirtatip. Dispart snot vetch rocb gams utter of If bLi+ OM as =7 lit N. ontriat daring lbo wombs of Jaw, isid - J•iy. dad cataract for tb• tnuispottallob orropplki;4ll. - to the• don on Janos attar was isrusiod ass wilder, by Cos' 04 hrs. lab Qoarteratarba. [swats 10b clinics each sadist j , , ..srat triumptat o twa is tie testa an bloody. • )Detroit vrootriartei...4ane (Inne the Patna I'm/Yeti) • . Wad—Trots tit lb* issir clip ts *prolog 'lid!, eisociady on -Ms llos cf tto Central :ea, W. quote at Calk so csitzeibi Agoras ea all ' do bat di& to diriaa Wotan est Inv b. atoll whorl la their wilco, sod f.a. ich '.. .j be tobtrwpwsibto, bat thii faratan blirbfgaa do web to took tokoos tbsir stool **lbr.ld,iu wW for • Oast 'lt too. Naas Ito eu woad and It froas " ip to too.. ika.. kb.. I Q. 1.00 =mac, of tto tonatry;livortb mealy doable *bat it was to ' tar gib may Tooritaze Ler articles U4%4 wool that Is, nos at tut dioambial Taloa. lb- Pio: " Manta' adopt I'm! wen grimly Sapwood, es oho : bas tbe Consaaiptica. Gottoo too reaccal nab Weal. eras prim. aad 1..0 1 on the Ms, teat woolen coed* wt. to a swat *stoat Übe the bloat of cotters load*. Tb... huarsesdpsioNablaa Out tuts sad lona Moir NEW Tort Coate Jon 41--The Matta It inactive, Tub aG zms,lrrs tdrstht 4l o4.'l Ceara:W. fg, e toartaCit: 11 o font ,a. . Sly Gtr t0t0 0 0dE1....4r: few raw.; Jam lasts xadibili•pso'ooo,ts lircu•mcsk Q Oar AI i 34 o foctrums apt cub. • litodrot 114aamt datum alder knoll 04, bos than° Block et'Java On J. 41.1103 • to. Itts— • 1,006 Mak of Itabloos Soso St,MK ikess Blab of Iloraatito in Joao di, 1•64. slims &Ca at Lagasyra op ./atoll, ilttck 81 Unstop an Janotl,l•64.lat• - 1 0 .733 'Stack cicala Abaci lyttew au Jana trout. 7,6dt ••-•-•-• S' ti Oropa at ttaiElit: • - A Hew Rot Exchange aka shat Alms tarry cape , of potetoer. onion.. toecaps, IVO- epa, pm* beam, taste, urn to WA, sad Wive tomatece. etc. lecteritllitec clog the 4... t Met lees fronattlleia teal has two then to tam., owl* to ttea saveity . of tabor se* the Battu of farm heath, Oahe- lame tltki Ot tattoos bea aired accoemt, with the OktelgAtk etnrtlw,o will be moo because of the 0i1..144,9A., aral‘illl,ll, boor kept Dan: •fa Theleacus arm*, bat on aboadeat coSoltte. • elealeg. Nadas azul app es Intl ea email klub of womb, to to aka:edam. • The are ac • •,• . sh o et, be meaestaly heavy. W. bar, however that p • : Oter stip • Cape clam .nett, ae, oste and barley •. via in aUlft,taste, cf the he queaUty of ranted lo . • Clachutatt Irobieco_atstur . Jai; b3=tae. orl.f Wax* . to.divist rtxtatalea atimboamp, wee 2 titataaadli tia.7askittakt Ist .1611,220 41112102; ana 6 .33saaratism#3 , 4 r, 50 • Balm tot- tadk 6 .ta4lsziaitoiiiietnv. .trartbota• Vara .6? lattl. ea fallow', Ita: 6 at 23,30 a - 3 11 . 27.2tikt,50t of Statvcc, 3as $6,7541 5 0, Lit - ,22,91.12,20 3at lII= / 4 , 32, 4 2 13 .73. at WA; tit $1343417,3 attPl ea 103, 3 a/ 119441 2112042 a • " =75. I at 1PA . 23.-1 at 133,22, I at 327. Dom Otago. : 1 i s 42a, noon gta•l7. 2 at iXt. MRS 0611ty.1 at 1133,190•YUalakey, 3341 at ••••• - I Impute by - hThinwin :WaTisco &mai= Sanaa - 13 Oka awl tlas_frjraft 1132bIttn, -a3.13 Ma alewive, J RUC DX Net !Soar, at, o • ,I t uhkat • 1,1, 6 C p Map Inta,`Loitta._Ballsy • ; satin° AD 0,111.0.4 a, og •‘• kat% Leah ttakay • car, car aurtst. HO 2.1•0324* altilatatlOlodttal &Qua; 26 bal. daar,plaptop, . 15221 33. 3 2 - ito;3o trOcata tluttir b ulimegrOXP . . •.. . 1 ... . . . . . I• ~~ i:: ' a Sazeitt e MOBNING . -411NE•24 1804 777- 10”..5k-4 0010 e, 00 . / o fith .utet.: ilitdorom 0 icklp p 00. at00 . 1.101:01th110:1 Itred, - r. 009 QTEAM WEEKLY TO LIV, IJ AS aPOOL; etching at QM1X,1581.0 WV, ( .4 4 2 4 = 1 . 1, ) , Tk...P411 luxema Stamm c. tavri*,4 Ne. rat" and PilUadelph•• thennahly. Company Asir tulandad tams: • X,DIIII3ITIIGH ..easultacr, Jima IE. CITY Ol , WABEl l3 6lo24.i.Eatanlayagoi 25. . orlreaceivrm-4...atemo.Mili &.• Aid arch ameteglag Satembi.T. 00 . 1 .. itorm Pfee tsiNorth 84,ter. Payable !It 00 bold, or alcangent in rEng- 0cr00rt.0r5ic0::—.........0, 45 , 00 "to - Loadott.— 31 to Porta...—. SS CO "to Paw" " —.. 40 00 "to flataburg.., ,V 0 00 " Hamburg.- 37 00 Ploomenguri ulna tenanted to Ham, Erman, pot tardask•Aut mire. ka.; at equally low tate& • llama to,, Lterepoot or.. Qom:atom : lit Gable; •Vb; /105 tiltelbage; %bale- tab trial to sand .L, the trtutula can- bay tltkati - . bariit dust ro.t. huller Information app . ? at -the Claucti'm _ coral gb roodgrealou Aligeoxy, „AB lialuttald imet. Pittalmrsh. c 2 Maer. sa.la WY. b =!:1 8 A PNif V. aaL IL 11.,-411.41 1111,5 a/rasa h 4:MU, r t icalbo - kautaat additions ae-bsfty mesa. sas •:s mat •of thb nosfloot doable trod sad ryryrats foots, sad miry yrweals :Aro v to ass Ihirboolinfof pumsgars sod-rapid soars:deal to frOOL frslas will two tha Depot to !Memo In hallows: • • ; ma Maollll/ AC 0 011210D1,21:215 1 1 / 1 .1.11 twos Mo Puma* dtstfoa daffy, (armPt Boodsy. ca 4W s. al., month* at ill Statham tetwwas Fitly =ph sad Philasi4his, sad makfrof :Mut coma clao for How Tort sad Phllottolpbbs, The .TESOCCIII - CIAIL Than bares has Pas auger Elbtfou ram flondapa • " 0 10 ctrhlod Alt oaltlait s•osactloas for mars sad Washingias,spd to Bow York Ma Phil& WWI. me MHO= =rams MIMS Immo dig p.wt,ramsolsof ally at mforl stmlam, =Wag Ilrest mtrris Mr/lalthams, Wasb Mom sod Plabdelphla. • Ms Taff! LIU! Norm the Station daily taireca jamd..4) a.-15 p. m, E = :Lai r = tt,.. Akan, mosnaocap- al tor . Inseximptas Rad far Haw Tani its Allsotosra roob, ettltoct amp 'of atm Moos Al Plaladallihtil • • 4000E1d0D2,21013 SUM . The Sotominto Opmplatodwflat 5:10 m., tog sl all Eltalbas inintotiogio alt, • . 117:51.11axatioolotios -Two :WWI Matto; Was &Vol% N o mias.. vollookrw it. l,lo m. lrat's Ittserf tuna 5 5 1 / 5 ' 0 1111 5 4 05 D51,115111:01 m. • - MUM Lag tomusx,w3tn *am .ext War, litotto 4.44444 Eticil ika 4C at 11:00 p. ca. • • IMO ma ) Milo low Won Malta dixtir (=ono 1111 1 .- The Much Tram anis Strallb Ellalks n net Cm -447 et 945 a.,,E14-55tottdoss kyr! rltithorga twas srii!stam*libi. iansi awn. so. That Wall'. Eltstlos tuxtdamor 411:44. tsorad Wall's Scalps p. m• third tralPhiltatfoo sambiabiasso„...;._ D. [IL Waerth WsZra Barka .00mmo,. 6:06 sa. Salthacoo wilt Amin WIAh phlo 51 - .. salttilp.m. ca. mamba. - tabtsasaWo sad Indiana cottotol. _61111.01, .rillo•Lstormims, :MTh Inmtsph• wokcc,,. UM, pad Eta 13MtLardt Trigos And A. patois.. Wort. halo 4m Slossatraw ormascl at Chyme wll7l Bic ppm Trahas Thslo Weetrad with l'amopd, sad Itraram 'Crab LIM 1 ' ," PAX/ gb To am T - 10 To Datmot 1050 .. ... 5 10 0i.....410 00 PbTlad4ptaii.,„„.. lotoottor 11 SD S Wra . chooksd So pa dolll.slated, it.. 4 to ek ttoo -114-rtAZ dad Nu. ,phPsra~tde acute the ,irs to oa mum, amording to kw &Imam tninlol. tn epAyttatiall rat* acricapt ra m hoe the dompnpp lea sanB 4544 • mis of hom, las Ofsmisals win Ital ..110:1904 . 1bIt •:mon• it t u arm.' tat aate tJ nigh I. Litaarliplama - if many pamompara and boitoro to and tnat I D. Dot, at s [SWIM :sot to axec.4 IIS owes, az amok Fla . tact4l.. ?or tkuti _ at Ito Petttitmai • utatrai „IlottrotO twee, as i.nortT sad (; 41100. POMMIthION-- riioDpo7l:-Now . • id NJ ato owe s or lalt-:••• - - • ••••• do todatiter4ataig-i:f.,'" ' • 60 do choko Dried 1pplok; 100 hub. Noe Drier Pawing I 1•1 1 10 flt. OotrOttlAniorlarkol ikw 1 ' 1 1 11 f 6 A; n i • : ' i , 1 ".4 .111 ,1154 19: • . 7 laOkla lAt aft, ft.: >al, ra r 1 S -- EtARDWAITASWArt&Ettr b the ‘ll Omit !bib se • sul MO to nip ; GT" klterl! • !=. - otyliltsymod Amway air. . rTT a 10140 LOAN. . -ur, 3; Z4''.IOIIII3INZAIII. f'do 444 — ; D au v I c y ll:wand far sair VIVA C. hAL3I.IM . . ; . ''''f 4-77,77..;7-47-7 .. 7 . 7 -7-i77 - -- -- -.'l--- '• • ~ ...-=, . .f,• -:','-• • ;• . • I ''''...- • ' l '• I : . . ' ' • • .- , ~ i';',;4e;-7-;-;.0,Y.,':;,..:;eit:ii,.,4---.4.k.;:k•-•!.V.,74\,747,51...-:-:-;zit. * - 7.;.., , i -, ...-.5-•-, ,, ,,•:-5 - .A.-t. , v , ,,...2--, -.,,,- .:. ----....;.' Tatn,....m.... .... ,e movt , ...7rg. - 2;F - 2,,,zz•ri.= 47 . 47 7. 7 7,7 7 .77-7 - .7::7- , . 77.1744:::-:-'7. A . ,- • ; 1 . .., ,-.. --- • -.-2.,i"....".4:•'-',...::-•3,-;..-i-...;-,.:••,...»1ti?,,,x;,.",rti.:i'0.:,1"-,---•.....::.-,5-:14,',-;:-,,-,;:.,;-.%:;,-',.r...,;',.'.A. ••,40.:.••%,,tt-6.1--tz1.4:z..!:&i.,--3,-.;P.-1?-',.,-.1--.J4-,...ni.••44' 'i,,:::-.-,:-...,:-.7..,.,_,M.5..Z..14v-r,`,..;:a-.4,-,:.:-,.:W.--1.,?,...5.':'•-i-,:-2*.2..-...!,-,.,..-..,-,',:.:-,-,;:.,..,.::,•-•!z,...,4,0:>.,-...:.,,,-4,F-1.-ii.,-:,-...,,.,•77./....v.,;i - ;-:-••••tv,-;.,;•,-L;.r.c_.:,-zz-;:,,-,:,..,:.•.y.,,,;.::-.,-..,w':!..t-.,,,,,...,,-„,.....1:•,..F,..,:,...gP4-iy,t.,,,,t-,..:-Avit,:,-.-,-ftsg,t -,..4'..4*:,--..4,;1'....,..1,--::;i5t,.:,,1'.•!:ii.,--;.'•-•?...,1,i,-t.:!...--?:!'in4•'..".7:51:1...;.-5",!:,.:a',7,,,,,:::,:'...f.P.r..-*;..--.,-..i2.c•,fA,5;,.i.',.4.1:. ' ti :1'..,.....1.'.3.-:..,•,:-',Z.:;-'ejTv'.,N•.;.:;;;7-p'0.,7-.'.:•.,::•.•-f,•;:4::,:-.1.',',7'' • '..;1.1::-.1.±,.---.'.-.;::;•fl-.:::f'*..!-;;•'-',.fT,,•'...;:.:4H:i...0g.,"'",4•';:i'-•;':•:.;?'-...N.•-;:•;?.,--;-,.;-.4:;'.-.:.7'.•-•.',;;,;:-,-;•:.:...,.-_,;;,.i.::-......,2;!:::-:.-....,;N;,...:4g...;i;....v;,E:::•,•-?.%:.-.;.•;•••:;-.;:.?;...--,:;;7- -',.=-•' , —. ..•- . - -.- 14, sontatcacbageora raog; 2B dos 'fakery a ani cbcco„T iliac:eft 1 bbl pp. J Datib•,_G 333 lanAgk, Wfiam/Jcitest_Ja 3 , n bill ba5431.:11 Boaatcal so ealf Pinder. r 1 10 hdlt popsy, JJ) . Thmipiog,' DWG • 8 #,.‘ __471.023 6.014 41E0.A31,- Ivo door Oar: 8.Lece14.28 Mid% 11l Balm, de. abloom; .443.3. lawn. 8.61.83 l Übbi.2 o ffieKsowo glizanim 3WA dryinlic Yoffie VP par tutor . 1 06,8 0081os 24 Vices, ISsAI co; isoo6n ban. B.A. p. a fixt Woparatuort. Widliktcqlo:ibig T , no do 40 ,11....5igh BB 2 6 $ 10 S 0 Pikri NECUrdr a c 052 1 ,6 blooms, Hallman; moat a 4 to bn bbono,' 11 . 0 2.6 , e1 12 .84 do, Jam Prab; 18 whims; IN 8 Irma; 14 bbli Whim Err* lite& at* an 3 nods. It !neck atm 3 1)3P B A pas, *lcs - MD ulawarN Whilx3c6,..W4r Ausatiez;;B2.43v;iGas way amt. sittor .on con caraan.tos. Harpoon. it 'sum m.bcePannul. 6 OP PrOMICe Hamm; 430 aka wheat, 0 f Etatedy it Bre; e 02'00i* Abb.. Mr- A'or,l4 bbleenzas 111101_0417 yam 11-CierslB Dk1 23 .33A2 egis, w J • 13 bal PM" reekt3w4 so; Zt - tmg _mom= bane, rbolgani,b - 8 7.14 , 41J280478 DEGITLAB ,14711101MENG'' . •• ler . :urraareassuattrAoirrt—Te OM=atauk, *PUY Giot. er• ..; Rim Pittabromb Wel&g UQNDAY. WEEDNELWAT: sad szkuAlt, =skint dm n. =Wu with thi Mb:tang Ana Parkerentg, Pa ..'• 'ex • Ikterning, .lentro Matting every • 1/1641. Derr DlUMmilt , cod Paloipami .d treed' nscalpted than:o to .. Pprhetght PlONSeSnazi rus, , n`mat"&" 1 2 to - • v 7 jolts On inurtliant, lb, Ibatof (Least FORAVES...AWYMARLET , ' :TA: AND n0.0curuad0,....724 : =dar gtewm , IVA .448 e t21. , Ary AV TII7, "2... iag i0 t .,., , 4.p, ft.: and 14neirrille rim .111twAtt.iLOcloile 6. to, 'IU WM Km:urn= a. Wm. -itkatk• 4343:014.1erres Pitt4burgta: a ra~ atelliWa lit 4 p: ta.„•and 7.1112P.M. SIVIr romDAY, at II eelach a. Z 4 for tret4bt ousnasta ca pi Sz i to -J D COL u.s..iitioia=rtit : B .IIIIPPVIr6. tatßAp P.6 , 49M131t MWDI TEE Akk OLD cothrrair.” LOW Ell THAN 'THE LOWEST b gobqted atil*pae• *WWI !.7 First. Chas - ed Sham. 'ars. alert tulle! or tttabregh blue • Loildanderrie • Lorin , . Then: Any Other Agent s. atee , - Oar abut get the tares and be oonvateetb, staemen eau twtata beeN, uti; peabetitearere mend Ile pada:wand b 'alto agent la Wq3Coii°B Llars Of Wants Ltrarpoal.przlogi o itlllus MIN a weak. sad for the .Ir, Una of • _ 'LONDON PACKET% Parties brorN y b ont try tlitnlci ai low ran= &GMT DEL& on any part of F. tappr Ibr noln . . u:_o~sEua raixacix ZEII-1411 111 - Lie Lel FIAMIL AIM ttIYZE3BIOI/11. . ICOII 19111 W iOEII. ED b intim 'raosa.~t"fi►a" ' e . r LAWS OF THE man STATES. ?anti ty..rtri!_&nidis tut Pft e Msi,. , trtratio, - . _ad j . =l . An tor to ' amend 'en set retatiri to thit • pobjia printing. Li Be it 61 acifd by the Searrisoaditeruio)to• in'elnitalitss O ..Wie-gruteffltrarei ;atterfers in ankrat auhiblel, That that part Of the ' set etntitle4 linnet to supply deflOinales in the appropriations fOr, the service Of the , ritioal pear: ; ending the - :thirtieth - of Zane, 'eighteen lonaireawad sixty-four, arid for other parpitees?- 'approved March ifour teratb, eighteen hundred and eizirifoor,- as proridee twitter/after no, priathig or binding shalt be done or ;bleat - biake be pro - could for anp.of the execrates dews, mints Of, the Gorernment without avrit ten taqttiettion on -the &wince:Went of Pahlio printing from the head of endbile. parturient " be, aid the, awe. ia hire* eateaded lif• - *sertittglafter tbalrarel "de [-Part:neat" trberej it if loot above written; the foilowing - iireade, viz oar his arwittuat or asetatame !!:lo shit - read: 1 "the . bead of anol i t deputment sat ietturt. or atalettuite." - • -•-; approved, aline 1804. - • - ' [Prreircs - -:No. 87.'3 • Art Aar to r , peat .thir grit *voila ,01 the ..eJoint rersolousta relative to the transfer of persons in the military sends* te the „'lB naval itervise, approves'. February 24, 84. Bs a enacted dy the mar. and Raises ?lejamentameo or the United Statea *44aar sea essimakil That the , 'first 4otion.•or she , Jain ranokitioa •antiima,a “Jeint "rerolrition relative toga transfer er, pepsine le: the military sandals ed - the liar el tterviae,7_ approved February twenty, four, eighteen hundred and eLstyifmv; be and the gamete herehr repealed. ; Approved, Jane 8, 1884: • Yonne No 88 An . '• our to ze.eitiblish the ;prints"! s port of entry for thddlstrictofChamplatn at Piattabuigh,ind for Othar-PurPOtett Be it enacted by as Renate and Maio qf liepresentatnra Mt United Storer rya is aspire •assinteted, Thu tic third section of 'an. act - entitled "Au to cquatize and establish the otairpeoeatien of the collectors of the 'cinemas on tho•nottk ent, northesstent,, ontizorthwestorn ttLon dere, and. for '.other purPoses," • approved Mardi tbird,_ eighteen hundred Antal; kV inner, obanging the , . port of_ entry foirldi district of ;Champlain from Plittaburgh to Rouses - Paint;•to and -the ammo is hereby repealed; and that Platishitrilt," be indlthe same is hereby Ayr eitt prin -0101 port of entry for said: ate:A at whioh the ;collector of customs:shit}, de-, ands deputy collector. shill ?Olds at Rouse's - Point, and be vested with all the poserand authority Alyce to deputy lee4ors by law.' : ,- .d.ppreved,Lquunk 18 54 : , r . Pours No. 89.] An. Aar _to amend ; an act entailed AtAtt 'at Making a grant of alternate sections of public:lends to the State of Michigan, to aid in the construction of • certain'Flol..l roads in said - State, and for p _ oe6, - BA it enactUl the 'Smote and Rouse t of pp!. wades/of the Milted Beige of..Arnot ice in Comma ationide4 That the act em. . titled "An act making a grant of alternate minions of public the to the inate 'of Michigan to aid in the'construation oar. lain railroads in said State, and for other purpose-sr: he and the 13/Dlll is hereby amended alt follows, namely; Substitute for the" wards "and from Grand Itipide to some point on or near Tessera* Day," aon "ined in: the first-imager* Of said act, theist Wards: and trim Fort Veins, - in-the 'State of Indians to a paint on the emu& ,ern boundary line-of the State Of Mob igen, in the township of Stara* thence, by way of Grand.Rapidk to roma point on or -near Treviso* - Bay. And the said act shall be and - is beretir tuf initeditias to subetitutei Tor the _first clause of the Arai Provieb in ihe ;lint ..efection' thereof, so far as the aunt ' shill' be applicable- to the grant'of lands made told-din the construe. tioneftheretirmuifdescribed by the forte. ingamentiment„these wordb. Pforlded, Tbit the, lands so to be selected Obeli in no caeC be further than twenty miles front the link' of said road: Promded, faiffur, ;That .thi itao ppepitied in tie fourth Section of-the .+ act hereby intended for the ectippletnitr:o4 said 'void shall not be extended.. 2 .l'..drad:he.ll- ,Nigher autgai.' n a t. I ihe reedit 'granted by -the act amended by. tlds andAlse by the proilsimis of latli am, to aid in the panetrncuen pf= the tail. real -described -In th e f oregoing ` emotion,' 'hall be Ilispetted of only in thc - followlit manner; t , tat mato gay, when the Governhe of the'State of ilichuran;elell'oertifyte the] geritaty Of the Interior then ':.tenZont4 _aecutireitiles .aetd-.lctad haiihren-coml pleted 144. good ind ',hat:emptied .nrainter; As ti first oleo rallroitt,lndiceting dentinal, ly :Irritate ; .itald Completed; swim ;coln4l men* and .where the NMI* tirminateal, - the said Secretory cum :patents to . ismer to said State for so, lethal of , sank lends as suer heated :'oppesite tOritf-:co-I Mutinous with complated - AMetien of! said'-road, and 'so from titattio One for each completed section of - ten miles of tad" toad until the Whole shall h,F*3SP/e4ILT" Approvedltitte 7,1884. . . remora—No. - • lat 'ACT to protide for granting an honor• able dleobarge to oost-hravere and fire roan In the naTaterrtior. • :• ' Be it'nmeted.bythe Saudi . ' sad lioitio . Bepraentativa ej the Unitat Starts of Ansa , era fa aorviisrasoenbk4... That honorable 4 1 gee may be granted to coal.hearero and firCZekid thq, naval emir* of the United Buta , ln , tbe'ume meaner 1124 oubjent to thelanter conditions an nob disc charm are no Created to ararsea,ardl , nary sasses, landerneo,.and Doge. • Approval Jane 7, 1804. . 9 / 3 • - Cull'? to eritsie 'adilltronal impends/at bispestor of ' steamboats end' two dotal 1 _inspectors of suraniboate. for the :collo -1 *Sion Marled of hieinphls;Tenneuse; and i '.:ilia: local ilietectent for the collection ' of Oregon, and for other par- , . Be it enacted by Mei tralas:Art i tlitee (if . ice5R(14144%1 3 does of the' Vinet : j p is Cbrgress auti6kil," That , bedesignated - sad appointed, la.the.• P r e l thbid add whs chap beiddi the sable annual lsotspensailon as lacer pita, oneadditioasi iroparyteinclarpeetbit of steimbosts, and two local inspeoteditit sieerobous, at - Portland, In 06, whale& dlstroloof Oregocvebd twee for' the 4.oTh* lion dir !elm of Memphis,; olercobepeitt e ell a o at iran nherdlr, to WI n provided bygawiag bloaters iII camel other like inspedeug. and., said. shall pertain Out dello: sot* PnYllicas nt the mamba" 'Aar acast thirtieth, ' eighteen indict.' • :11 1 11c4:;4sti. di it. fficire = matted,"Thel ao nettelyat laid iOl as provides - for the* yell of vivo local ftetetdori Offituthe• boatit beAlis district of *1944114,0s Ant ° mg' 14";.itd 111.4.40RECISOMIt herel7 *Wale& . - . I•to • ' ' ~8r0:2.- A id `te Xretbee . eincled;' ittm each alienate And pilot, Lammed tercardiat to fluvprovisions of laid act, shall plip tor ST ery certiforeto created b•y any finite* tore: Inspemorithrituncf teit,doliersvag be accounted for id' the iwo provided ar 3 Ste. a.' ANT b. u v sees isk fotV. record leatiem at this eat of As. cast Meth eighteen haulm/ end . • Sivo,,be so otastrued et la require the le: @Pecan Mete hall and bother, fa thilimalit , norterteetibed bp that am, of nell!**Nit propelled be whole or input 17 *team gig mated 'in - 1 % f., tog Y boa;cr, towing bat:(timid baba*. all circa whet', a n . dellie-litild74llll l Valted bitato, ouch zsayWisidgerld tbs opEpaimp with fortign - cekeits, arta:toe; the mega! sea & itliiiitei`endetitp4ast all engineers soot plleti dfsiVitiositi& b in i.o hoes) ikpouc co-agru iancatkm by 'thlo,aiite" sd fed and Ibe4 itkeirtgostoluasy. ei el pais 144,14111ipt . = Fri#4 aL , 'act 441 - 111 !„,... 141-rtetrlA.. '44 ..tte•Ael pear .tworK 1* Dori at Iltslibei fop boson= *dr. ' , . • . . . 5 7 s . . ad b tir thirtj• - britaAticrn of the tof y . •sic Atigent - thirty,eig!in ;bluebell and fifty; two, thefordowirig ■ l. 1 1 be paid: 4cer esedi ?suet 'of one hundrid tens or . ander, twenty: lee dollars, and in addition thereto for each' one hundred ions, over .the fine one luandred tow, live , Bgo. And Ss it Igralir,enacted: That al, Parte of_..the aot aferesaid, which. are titurpended bY *rare inconsbutent„wlth this act, are hereby repealed. Approved Jane 8, 1804. • • [Thattge..--NO; 92.1 AX AL'S to punish and prevent the <winter. offattioofa of theNotted.Statie: . Be it enac t ed by the &nark:and; Muse Of Eepretentafinligt the Utitted , Stelesiof 4mer los is Coogras "orsvutle4 - That, if nor, per— koa-or persons,- ezortit:al now and -Shall- hereafter lake Cr canoe to twined% or,shall utter or pass,--or attempt to *ter .ar' pan; any-cotha of gold "or :ail sir, or other.tnetaLs ay : anois ofizli Intended for the . use fond purpose of cur rent money, whether .in the reserutdme of solos of 'the United States or of Aitken: countries, or of original design; ever); per. son•so - offenduttehall,on conviction there of, be punished by floe nit exceedrog three thousand dollars, or trfAmprisonntant for a tarot not exceeding fire years, or both,- at the diseiedcar.o theca?" according to tie aggravation of`theotre.ce., ' - -- ApproreT,Tuni 8, . 1864: : Risme-40. " AS Acr to provide for the pay mint of the second reel:mar l ., third • brigade; OW ToI tumor militia,,during the UPI they "'were mrsitered into the service ireitud ewes. • ! , ' Be it elrefei by the Senate and Boise cif Reprotratativa of at United Mates reAmer irate Cortirus s'ounabte4 That the' - seemad ' , shunt, third brigade, Ohio volunteer; militia mustered Into the service of the , United Bates at Cincinnati, Ohio, :on she fourth Oy of B ptember, - eighteen hat dreg and sixty-two, notwithstanding ir• regularity may. have emurred in She man; tier of their mustering Into' Oa seiride of the United States, be paid for the the Officers and men were in thiSlorrice, re. u spe je. ttively, after being so =Mind,: net, however, to exceed the period of _thirty Approved June 8, 1864: • • - itssormrroz—No: a 2 - A szeoctrp ß x to compensate the sailors on the; gunboat .. , ...SMron - de Belk"; for losspf clothing. . , Resolved by the _Senate and Hours Presentative: rif the - Untied States of ,4tetr Oingru s assemoted, That the "proper : gicoombe officers of the'ficantry be and. they-Arehereby antharised, is setting the ea ten:MA of the petty dicers, mamma ore, and Inheres( the crew of the United Statile gunboat %ton. de Kalb," M=allow to each a ettm not , exceeding' firti dolbae as remuneration for the damage they ins 7 :herr 'sustained •ht 'the. loss of their clothlog_tty the destruction of said rase, to-bapatd out efsay.monoy he the Trotting not rithervise appropriated. • An:relived June 7, 184, . • , !.!-IPtuci reßinouirrfon—No. • 83 accel, ; • A ilsourrnie authartzinkilie ee - .of • a eartabi teatbionfel from thee) r. erzuneat of Great Britain: .• , Hesileed, lse - Sht Smote mad House 'V Ro prereataiont of us United Staiiii pl4,rieries in Ceara/ assembled, That Surge= Sole :non Sham of tbe navy of- the United States, be and he hereby- is authorized io accept the piece cleats meetly preeented to Lim by'the Government of Greet Britian. as smart ef. • high appreciation of the• car retralttlig 'attention and Madness shake by him' to" eaten officers; of ' tbe - British akiv‘Greybound" while An Moneyed b00t..., tel under his dirge, It Norfolk- Vinton: Approve:lJan, 7, 1864.. rrEUE I!,atIELINGTON Insurance Ro., ,Nfir 11'ODK, , , ,•-• 172 ifiCrattwai,.; Qua DioN • 'O4O awn. rob Ist, &SAO. 0. G. Ilarrzosse. Pram, II um %mos. V r. W. Lora..w, deer, A. Noon A01.,G - f. 00. too follckso.daal panklpsts Foam 7O'por alit the hitta.,2l4" D 'Samos of 6) poicoat..lmo mido la Da, The Ph nix tire Ingot Co:,' of 'Brooklyn. No.l 001 Tat Eraser, Erooktp.... -• N0.,130131m1D WAY, Now 14 k. • . Club ellAta • ' 00 activism March - a, `'..4.04. V..2111'20 SU *lOO. i. W. tam r.: 4 11 1 ! - Poll 4 LA la 'lmitlte / 4:44 Wm , P ° P" 1 " 00 .P. 10 . 11:1344 44444 lb " Zikeilletl e°• = l, a d (44T V. • B.R.BBTAUi• Mita:crib a Tomb awa r e. Darainit.) 13411FICOT OIL BARRELS, ALLEIII PATENT ,WOOD COVERED';; IRON OIL , BARRELS mitool Irk. and will Lai fa Tics, an ao Warta* ree good sarr ts aw, omit *WI eol cote oLL ladbas S Domedlo way nog as mrqu.Ussrp' MAO mad tet.r..alara to OH. suaket, end wAI tram" any pajwito• (be. came atlas Want of <etas) ww.tturt Inn CO - • C. .I'. .WHITAEY. & CO. , • • caw Duque* Way .11 Waft area. 7 • i Nam. 0. .1* Warn.: • n io n, , rom fl ra nt nt We have mod IrOlii h illaws ratan D orols".1 r mat tta• pat. and =bola t awly proacaou Ilwas to b Ito Net hang foe .Peirtlea w•O in p taart• low to tote. tai.• raver in ow at. Goad ow ask a putk/s, at La any Ay WEN the cd.Lawd as el eon wr•kwo• foe tatallatft ta• tate awned loan tX.NaOOI, BA LL 00. ' - - &Atm= Itznworr, Jonah, IBM /Ina s. D. P. Wzrrem a or.-ewe tat. t• • cunt awn mum:. the p a . teat Irma B .rrel" art to ay and Raid le to torso on, tram bunt tau 7.t ma* tuitswer, Daget ' Milli W. O. TWIDDLA I * =OE) SEAL et . CO, ' - • • WOOL oinsnission 111erchant8• . 3allierhATlritilii*. • t*l:er . :oF*oll . o ir - 1 ' eOORD It CO ' -' • F , 1 .t...h„,..,., ~,..i ita.a. .h; ” ' '' i , ~„ps,,usastrar.6o 00 ' , ...4..,...4..,.t. 1 1,,.::.,..mr.-3.....,Lazim..........,,. ~„„d_.......,...,,,..u.,...,„„..,.. ..7.„,„,,,,,7.7.77.v....4.......„.p......, :, ~....,......,:,18....w....„,,,,,„.„... tiagammeßaul woßto, sigam I ILUDlUMatitile Stmungula inUßrifestones, .40,2ananAzat _.. , ~~i~tiairi~, , e • T 0..0', • 1;1:: hw AZlMEarlittti- Otr We ; lirit•=a4 Opel Dtialo .... AT Ll* WURIOW A 3 _ Oll l l7 112: 8= 47 t. aniT ia M AID mds. titr rem_ 1117 . 47 11VE 4 141530 lASI ant craatho kle I 4 5411110/111. Ititamm. • 1 1 11311011 , ^ C.: ~~- htAm~lbe.~w. 12 VOW!, 13 4 Wocd irtnet. • • 0 11DNAZ4 CE-OFFICB, • tit fl Dzearnextrt.. Wasaintdrow, be .114. SEALED PHOYiniALS will be reconal as ads oftlce IitINDAX, the 27th day of 'Jolley-2BU, for 24.1.011NDAH and NAPoIISDAD anzia,; to be daitrefed to the teaming gneatillea, at the mt. ra-POUnDlit At the tratarethit. Armenal, New York, g•OlD• !. At the New lfritkAmenal; aontram'afAleACl,Now At the AliegheniAMstionAtte koci). - Al tbiliVasnlnauns Amens' D a tiglo. • • • arid. At the Watoorliet =moil, New York, 5,01i0. At the new York larial,Doltroor's.ftlanii, New At the Allegheiiiitinemal, Pittsburgh. 6,01:13.- At the W =Woo n lama, AODO • Theo projSettfa are to to made team hind of metal, Impectid after the nibs tal down in tba Ordnance alannal, the tensile strength of their= to .be not Ism Snarl' =AGO per &mime inch. • They 'are tee - be =4.14 micomancs wi th the iostanctlotor , given the cOrdnance Manual Drawings cao be ma at N any of rho Dotted table htt proJd=al; the .=intpeciea fit. ' Arsenate where tad, a eCt nd aro to hedewred at .treasola free of chafe for Walling. . • Dslirsrlea Dina betuadont the rate of not let than oaegenth (1•tOtb) of the whale •11110414 coo =acted for per week. =mar= &Dm, tc be agile oa. the Pth day of it*, ISM failure to roaa• colludes at a thecinoi time will subject the costramor to • forfeiture of the number he may Mil is &firer at that time. Amato p atomi:mutt be wade for each callhots Bidders willtate exp li cit jam Amami or Ares =la whew , the; propose to deArer, and the amber of zrojectilea they propinto to desires et awl place, Ito bids will bsconsi r-taoro teas dored Dom pink, other than regal= (modem, or proprietors of works, who en kaown to thleDepartmatt to =capable= sxectalog the wortps*fted for.. fltuield any party obtaining a comma offer shells other thaw Mom coat to his owe romb7. they berefeetet, and. the cootract rendered null Imo void. . GlitAttifiNED. ',The bluer - lequirod to accompanyhis prop. option • with a go cam arlinty.• signed by two retilmmibio prima:NOM - in his Iddli SCCOptali be,•111. at once exert?. t he contract ibrha mm,, *UR IPod . ' and =Mimi atiretim, In W - ems: equal to the amount of the :ontua , to deliver the article pro pond, Ia ontitinolty with the =tan of ibis ed. • watlaamooM and Menet= mid bidder should 611 to • enter into the contract, they to make good the differ. elk* .betwoen the of of mid bidder and the neat reatentabla bidder ot•the perwm to whom thicontrad ong e be awarded. bezhawn by the= bili cergl=okr Tot the' coma Wad= Court, or of the U. B. -Diet Attart:y. • • Donde in a =tele= to mast&th of the atittonit of slitned by the contractor and both of _ ifterenters, wIll• 64=T:trod - of. the snores:la bidder or bidders pima signing the contract. ; ' ormayusszn. , We, the mderalgoed, redhatta of the arooty of sad Mate lareby,-Jolatly sad smeetr, oramat latth the trotted Btatee, and to me.the foregoing lid of De accepted„ that he or thrz within tra dAro tiler the amphora. amid 61 ere. ;cote the Contract for the lam lath good and coffi cient ta a ents *anal to , tbeamteht of the centred, - . to tOrolA thri ankle premed .hr &natty to the term of the adrartleeteent Wed Juni It UK ander lebkh the bid me Ender ead,ln care the earl shall fall ;ocular tato a =trades altareald; foam:doe to cute goal tbe dlterinace. -totem. the offer. 67 thrrhabl gad the east lowest. reepooalble bidder- or Ma Pima to rdmt tho ~ -j _arra oedemas tuxes Weide " • Tot.ls gurintos sn't be aketnied the oil Loh party oblation contract will tos obilied to solar tato bood; alth *mond inritles,for Ito falch- Upon the olio I bela—lionado e incased biddies will be notdied, Intl toralsbad with forrostil eantiset The Deportment moms the right to reboot ; or all bldg. It not domed sitioraetory: • • azi:Vrwilthe Marmot to .1111soilLier Gotweral i l D. 114.1118/1.7. Me of Orminco, Wrath, baton, IX . II:" and endorsed ...Proposals for p.t.. P P •cl4frw#l•32 : Pbundix erOt el l; •Ileig:Cleot.; Chloral Ordnanas. rogfts.. - FoR. COAL, ALACK fated ormolu., far tnadalimiry WoxiM of Pltroburalt Goo - Otropany, -3:0.1;00 bnaboto of 8;hr:11mm C0at,15.003 traohala of Ma; a. d 1.030 Mahe" of tdma, toll b. marred at the Moo or Mo irk . naputy .MII lb. .1116TAlly. Tao OW, Mack r ead Llonk to bior aeon wally sad dot-ored 111, arch Mum a. 41 In =eh qivatttles ..'Mall be cep , Papuan rand ludo monthly, amtatcang Monty per cent. worm:di; gmooo perthrtommo of the __PtToma 44 . 'tt Vdreasid to THOEt103:11,115): Intra.saq..7Ptiouteat of tho , Oreapany. load' oa iflowl . Propcials for Cofl or 192 act!ootortdo.o,' It II ? c,"`" tw;T;aita tirciatsoN,*ts6iter. macre,' pittabdrzbauc6.,l • • Jut* 17th, OW I; J4B,td Ortfr rir Si Cowin:us ra Alrzontrr 0:r.;11 • " • flfirDr,lf4 Jar* fh1k.,1664. ITO CLItritiTERS-istiPLITIMERiz. re slid Psor;alr t eatborecet tiferfElcs nio• tu Cut /NST,lreladve, fag to Flit, at Corn ILmar. viz • T. oraklen Maria ell tub 0E214 110 f fere drry sad ts stirs irldo. raft Used *fat - putt* it VIM 141 Or foot; tor orAbors wire; four fl arprify war. for Jeftlftit rater tato toulu I amt. 4. 11 •Ifor MP'A: fr l 2, 7 :nub. with Um Mail. s l im eat:mut T or teo %tato gm fob cooPt°6?* I"attlarlatv f ot.bodan appUratton " • " Dr filrecfler of Garay umirlad mirk • jelftrf •A6tiAe LlllHtßT , Coatmllcr. : - • liaTosever ot i. Ew (mauve. Ctrr tura. [ter tttla. 7f A. PDROPOSALS tit , ' received et ! thi alto of tinted; Cloakottolter. for ONE rtiOrt• C twilit*. CO am, roOrbrd . IttrtsT . QUALItY.PITINB so UItU tt AL, Ibr et , too of too' Cup of pow' Otiosas. raid rarpoto4 run to oddroard ISTODDAtrr 110WitL. tr.gtk 100. Cespiveuee.'elelbe Ow price eer.eand, bottol or ealtmed upon tbi oboe, rad e s boated la MI or Wars tbo !MST DAY Of AMY. 'mar. to be dollroart prior to ewes , lath • BOIT Met - • - - laTSPHart . ovule 17 i!..•411.", Aches Nagar., - - - jattatolta; t 41 . 6 , 1411774 - vw . oF*4ii °LAM AGEI CTY. VL J. HALL PAITERSOM EN OITT. ILLNING MILL. . - White Se. Alexander daton ay bora ad oat/ tab prim 1a !advising their Mood. g ad Ida In gam s tisk Um Mrs Stamm mem and paver In tbs. U3l/08 !TALL 1110 LL, mar their tat• Wang% aid a. m. prepared tn a=atttL all artim *UMW to WKS. elLh prograptcom &ad Ea • largo Il ia d, rapt by Ur mid In% they en tyeaparsd to rand& dry UM ing sad plata ar la f. 6 LQaarr- any VAlltitt. al resemants lhrida. , . . . . ••• . • ' 813138014 MALIMELL . . , . . _ Wesurtti Lre et" Val Pmclui PELSIOILL EOUITIES , BICI PAT Azd cam EL Mary as: co prompa, IMlTiotllarge maw isetamihr ASPT9RIZTS.4LT.LAW. Lod V. a. Umbel fOLIXCELIT 47,1141.11 49:17Di . , . " -7.:./16.6).0433.82g1Mt. BO • AFWEI3IO I)AC CLj ; kI 7I :ta C yi,%; and IM m fbar. ol o tb 7" amdus it"P.sigiao * L T 3 Onsat raw; P tbliceglN Po. • • ; N. N. No olionot on ma& tbo elolot dor zeot olocakt:oad Woman= awn ratio. NC" NOMirw; : Aronwrzuwisr, ! isch..tokiristsai.44l 4 ' xr.u. ,4Ziton, isoom; numb nifi • btalt , - - • sr 1"71*14. " IMMTEMBI rtEr;zo2l , al0t:1,9114/1 • Afilftnti - ' era. xi; iaiitii'ib.4:Pltutivi.h."`. UMW) BT.eiTEB HOTEL . . , . Amor° crty,.n. • rt* mit,tratiall JlO/a/witito spa rat Ow twoutina M lima. on Thursday', Inns =A 1864, sad wllll* OA dmtitsßa-przoa as Cot: • Jams Pont", TED Ur, Ura.ra Outran/. .ay Araisiult s gsem.?mum! and upweieweed wimps Dan brawn wi Ault eloprtatist utal rato thatioa v ra/i 7 ,,,,u• 3e =Lout thewunkt , to ih• UMW a/WK. - ._ 9 21/67 Jury lit, Om Cslmi laYiellail MOM Tarry, daffy; the Ihna /um through pirlt,. „oaf la be Amui die hand Inlet our, *est minutes.. • . Thanks% NUL Wu the draldion Of Din ilteOel Mud., hu bra mood to rucaL ailsaUo Qtr. rat /rairar., • Bar which Iwo " you form CI mu. UN thh. ittora,bia sot.trer 411 .0,Pralwa. tT •110 , brach seed tits Out rad Wet= the cart. 7 414 r 427 0:4 1° - 1124. _ • !AAILDN AL/ WM, • retotst•-- • • tki lamia sltedieici tteb. • Uto fablla 1110111 MS IriVare"ttirv.... , MO Bid Rooms; iumfooo:miy ond!lii*.N . Sl,4ll. .ilhipiiipllototo of Sieffoatwooftpethioto mast tas Tams et Oak tbettti7.bogluto,dtios UW4I4 b; tf* New to agot rp nem. , _ .., ::~; •itealaw MALT.•••lthitii-Fand 2 "g"tallY ______ I ' l kit ' s ...7 49°lll n rokir, sugsl4llloaaooo. SILVER, .PP Ili SOAP; . • • . PION,ORLOSI - 400.4: eats -. 267 14bezty ; . . xiirprut , .;n`siui Tnianiodanzr a= *rites ranna.lnylilkohio, . 6 :04:1,1314pia ina Nisocqt,. • Esonttfutnnai or pparior iutErSt or Plain; Germitze k Olive anplor . la _ . • Of oar eiLlitlt.nam-sodpi-wdch osa2l - recoroaused ea beeer for gussee,l I. than uey ether Wm. thepublic, atuml4 Ixerne us adze has Wart Betsey Wt. Lhue orliaahs.rw other. xteteneetu utarusfactete..whfch ahrtuk or lzdare the &teat Weitz - 'Wleuriets'eue Wooteri ate' ba wasdilal the replairy of Osttou or Linen. Mahn washed slth . the aiLvfm Palen 804 P do not require: hotline or tiail the risbhteg r whkt of C0111:11 ores the weer and I • g.n.vra PEARL ; SOAP &mores Orme, Totteetto Stabs, Priam . Ink. &mob), turrthd'inirs - Weer SW& lati - eudistely, by &praying& erlth • moist Sponge, thus protecting - Whadoes,:eltspete. mt. Stratton front sit& and slop. it tutperte,a brilliancy, to 'Plate,' hereto, dimswere, Enamelled PAL:dings and &Mont Lean tmandiesely; and for: bleeolor marble mid. &or tile it m an opal, - Tot 2 the•Hsth, and partite dimly tir bpoong;,the atz. FRB PCd6L 80411 te • palm! la q ux u ..4n • wore, alf . who havemee trUd W superior , it ihs -gnt* dheorary of tbufeis. This Oaminknowlsetym peop ask • Wed tram •11 who are Intonate! It Ming Boap,•and mwady ease *l3l retard the pride of the same doubt it All to woompllela vast ad shim ter It, if need soonaling to ma dimattous. &Id %at nut PIEB:FOLIiD, .tn eft) pound baud, &pilfered to the Oars or.bcats, or ha AL. begheny, Blrmingitarn` Ott alp - residence* the of, Diroetirms [aeon MI plaistom• 'Liberal dl.ccrat to tit _3lerchnob tromithro4l4ll. do :veil fatillIPTON & 00, ailL 387 Liberty street, off . alto Bonney leads Unread Plimuiner .Depot. begeglieztrer tr =zgnetfons v i z ti f er E i . e i ggle e ati aas . —as mural by Umtata! C9pyrlgh s . laktlT • , . 864._... u( 7 OS'MAIVS ,, RAT, seam; 441., I EXTERMINATORS. .111_ *tail 444:Mhail fit EGT. - ivniy Infallible remedies krso7aL. -•-. • Tot daugeroitt totbs Haman t „ ntaistattit cat atltatt. We to dbl. • Brew l etali warthlets itstbitti: •I i• arsobt.aby_ - A:TAB/4E8200 ' BON CO and R.I. B=,‘L US it CO.; sad nagil Mtuter Pitt.burith, Pl.l Metal A 801/WAAIF,' sad &tall Lima s klleghemy AND SHAD F. TH.F43.9, brAnuk wo .6re' omit. irlooti Kiri or ail "ea rartetioi met profitable tbri able toeitioa. We bars extra lea - bookie' Zarb. Ilarrear, thiSdan Mob, Boltaxidßaldwin. raboerater, 004 El MOtTmlfiklilM Bbodo zoald arm?, nom „,BTB , ,, , almba'aucto.baum..ls4..e. sweat, mawPiac p th a i warr AM az eM n iryrA s or TIMM lionsciaatimmi,:ourimovai mum ao. - As oar stock to ono otter greattattroemebtalo 'photon 111 . veMo .Kass Orders ten at Abe 0 pittabarga !eat !mace, sin to pror""ba atGa rmattoadla. adfitelovi Puteurgh seri loES Oakland fiberearbip„ • FFRNITUBB OA/911 W6.0D.:0411./LIN alum or! ay I.ll2ticer 171176." wuozarsma ou =Um • - aAs• wmorowPfai: siamiTi;fristraa, - opal' tax sia - tattia a ais BEIDGIIIVEL103: /760. 'COTTAGE CRABS, orouso in kunst utoThi) on. dipltent Drab evullsi, far D ooTranzsr-vuuss,apaoart wyrs.ae. a, also, DRY Ow ItOnSIVAIINK - ata. ran :warn. ii.OIMRT mayaoLvs, Goma '44, - mtitiimman tins; kfint Yak. 4t 7 1.:11'61T2M BRiselblizams, u. Gas iss. Grim Ps:Galas stiiittos NillSßb°2l tat dar,da D=Alm Or CE bawls to cedr. Mao BRAM lIIBTLyiId. et all kinds, made at the aborted abeam. Allerdare left at Noe Used Si WA1111113711.11311T. near Liberty. will be remnytly attended W. nitenbere able arm bibs yreatidolaiei their will lean to ad donr, et ma yet=me la bnittntame ape nttr7 *Moot. _ We _are_ agents for anftd. Garden* a on.ti PRAWN; W , .Geode and Be: deedy • Darn ms -• • : : John Marsh & _OA. Soda- Adt, oolutsatly reoebliks the aims. which Ito VD an on the man fuorablo term& TUN fah V parttnt, larly adipted to the mu:CUM:3 eta . . • cw.ozcuncrazim . 5011e39 3 ms 1917111 IRONS 13T111117:, thltadeptai. • od :(''fig, W. BE V 11.1 3 7 & r .C.O fAitiaderii and ' • • . ririt72ll Th ~.,"%baltrti, Eso. sltry, mar wood alma, Pltlabugh..4. Mitcham , Miran; Barone; activ tt: Ening Clarprdliere, (kocare Lad de* S licbiony, Razors, Tglatio• ad Shpats, am. asdliweAltlNlS )(owing Mae tans•G ai to. • fi a kai rU Ttr allt , ' 1 ! r t Nt il f, '4144.4": stiow.n.cpli..44AWAßZoB.l: . , ..:4:4441113 xiown pnti - • • el one taw. to S, GAMIN .40401 1 TS lad' PO 0 0111414 rtasxs, 000 am. of ever: Mad, - ILt track 1141:te yusest, ,mr illwebt 9xl! ambit: • • • , art: . 1: L. OALDWELIN (Sceoam!to Jane@ Irani,. Clo.) ?011 - IL - ,,RA imga: Biciliuumis arum muck i - k_ m 4149. I amatirsuarrt xtri) narfriarrrs, ostar,t... %.• -• ?mamba". Pa. .AN4y . :ivialia9lo . - fflommteston Merchant, - • 110507/1/ WATIII rt., 1111.14. , • rariiciaihr attentlaa ruci Illani,ordLarslar sicialititi:VMVist -- madrugni a aaans: _paalake— Dial. XX. PINE TAB; movaly Itn and tuana. XL.Z.S. Pr.l 0.114 Nina tr. Dom YD ocani. Tor ale b7t4. 6ccia GW mai barrals QfiSas. rre) . 3r 6111137, Effi rquairoshettasariantiooviiai, 3001•16•01111e.A.42Lim grairr, AC • Weeka-7, ausisa• Cur. MIP•s u i.eireo rm a r i zid. l - - - - • - mk t millP ' . 2 1r BALM . A .. or , 4., l'Amocret tins . cialisitopii -""" ItrUittatrollitllehags...4 NMI= ca maccabJa terms. "MO ea &Mem. eine, Zk 1,4 _ 1 . 11 0 2 " Xl a 11.% AMR:OM 4:167 '. ' • And name ma) paircrit fumes Hard Ruktair Dr. BanninelLWlterakilidri for tho oars a rrouprmilllterl; Pilau! Abdominal end Spinal- Weaknessea Dr. O. S. Pitth's Silver Pitt. - etipparter. : - • . Szrua will "giro bis personal talon to the application of Trusses /a .446 and sad:Ursa, land Ls satiated that, with sit .• ..aimcs of tvreoety Tw& he will begtaa ttoa /RPM. Ga. Drng •Storey N 0.140 .Wcxat Senor, do of the Ocadercifortai. as writing foilhassel shonasead the number of bolt, amend tha body tiomedimel7 °tot 41ta rairtnisc • 7 CATARRH I 9.4I7ARRH:_. ;iamb,. tbooorrotoo.of torebio etto: Wont Lbw o 114!):Z S D=reg,% " :2SZ ru ".,AroV WI ooio "'boo "'"'°n# .ottlb AU Ottatoo, tto oto mit eon& lied blabs Mora to We Uto sco-terlosi pum, foliodteosillialt" , jienb irsiail ula *ohm brepaNlMl sa4 two ty maid; Ira Anus, Maim ' • Vac wreak-Mimi"' %JAC sum.ll"to.piiped.4.mry tteosnustrats rats. ""btifimogeffik flgret ar-Gooneass art . nmmusiensitit .sad xstw , arat .. fyaje ..... u la , I. , outurampulatiiparigniediinuipstf _Amid ad Nm pil,f49ClDApr„ D ntTr., ••••: • • whims ar.:l4. t • Dt:C010. RETNER: • - - " - M==3 NOR opaplittr, , A#7.11141,• • •—•-•••• 4.444441.444100' AmillAckbit azotmmirliiitsilAiiiptimi aiiiiii ; ) !W i l i natus 1 1 1 01111141110140j16 0! aam to it. imiti46l .anir sal skim anis, a» vows. or iS• dual* bigrite,o, soma. ofu b abetsreit essm. g b s - goalie a. atimel a cccsaga bvss,"a4ip. Antwarr, viol tallopm -`• • , a OD, 411 Zguithrity; X T. DB. latYs23. 117 amt. MICA • Pr'aiN Twenty Y(Nzmil Standing, C . lllUli 111, -• Beim will Wocrod a eatlentedrom oce-Cit nip •- . • man eleyectale'titliui:Of WfOda, tzvistall . to Dr. Yisisiorit Setfidsirrs !Aloof, Baum ham • DOclcel hartltCoMs ire 'Wahl !N.), sat . . ooh sad b docohUl to maid to hforroyartftiru • D'• G. It 5442 I bawl. &voted vial tzto about twenty Iranogo. mil stay you they wen grotatag, mom, so *a to amble .use suit!. much so st times so to mg& tria Yu loci . gem: Mass 1 In. a* but that I could not esi mythic/rot oceoust of theta; they mho out ea taros Lige OS blatery out. I had tried la groat gal of tudiabor lbr.thom. I eud to buy site take Cutout I. . Om of or read of la ofraolui sag yomphlots thai foil In my way, but I cold not get cane ; census! I they arouldldo am mu gaol ter a. Ilttto but aftomszeo they to again as had an *ter.. I olio snllal to two Dorton, llbe Mita has st cot basse sad pp tito gams !sadists*, but It in:ol4d not alo, I coat sot get out. 'o*3l Year ago I got, us serartisotoota o yoor . ..bodaes . Blood Scouhyr, =do by nntroolt. Fhotriiiisita to - ms you ttild tits one bottle' voulel not Me Ms, hied t h at no= sputa would brui tots rtelowaa by . tho biers I got nll. I bOttirli tens bottle sad tcoi. hems with to., sad. oast IL cmataula to your UOll5. I than cLEIcd to .310 sdn ogabtortm you said I oinald not dram math busflt fteau a bottlo. bought It, mu botch at a thavuutfl I had aseal fr. bottles. • Altar Ws gssaUty hid Aces toed,l mite cab* sou of the Plks, which bad Mated us go Amu Cr ' , art. Ia ether muds 14, imath yroied, sad Sot am troll sa could to ecraectsd for gal r 47 appoomrs bsiot Platy yawn put. hers Dm Usflutar for es amate., and Due U m of macro of ttui &mow cm a* say kt. l of Arming int* um' vittoat tts. tamfag down and bartty on pitch bay, doorpost, .114 or do say WM of stark anal Merl mg to butt XL Moo I Item, out juer - IDoot ibuttbar I bid co tatty it Mill I pen Ural, I caattliir It my Only tdmake ors Oita kuoM tc chit c ount*. .Di ths tomato( ottitos who hay Cs vitteriog as I Inmry and do not ktiCir the rata* of you. madklas.- Too sty istilleb this u sou utn. 1 an ta Watta• tomahtp, sruilrfll to ylzoal to tatkly 'as" au of DU truth of DIU Aurtlgesto If Cory with o cal 4 to 111,1461 T DAYIr co - Loot out to th• aims of On. OLOBina.ii ZZpmIII as {be e.= the bottle and panted COOT Ibp mot ; also Mar Id•apoti tb• United Rua glatni 011 the toy of the bon* to Lu*rnnt bang boa. • penid lira by • rparfara article w ‘ lak_l3 Is 1. It. =ma /1411` Sold hie& Pxop*for,".lliii. 140 Wood - Smeet, and by • Ewa - . =may; oonum_rourth sad Smithfield street& FIA OBBUpTQgg Herds or Rupture aired. Heir& or noPtore cured. Bocalt or Ruptim awed. Hata or atiptnre Rena or Ruptuie cured. Rinds or loPturt itundt Itemls or Rapti* cured— ' .Rernii - or Rupture oared. EuPtoro or Verdi oared: 'y TtoPtore or Hernia caret]. Rupture`tit/iota% cured. Rupturo orHernia Curet Rupture Her nia cur ed: . •,.. RoPtoro or Hernia Aron& Rupture or Hernia cured. R Hernia uptun orcured. Blordeoßadleal Cure Truss. Bates Patent Trues Fitch's tuppinteerrars. Rolf-A4l:iting buss.> Pfle Droie; for ihe,npfcei and orate , mutt. Etaaini;iacyraiik and var icose reins. - -f. - ..; , ainb,Pastor Sue Cape' 4r w.t'inee -.tads Supporters,' for wad iitio BuiPenscay . , Belf - Noogns and fteEry ot4r:itild of IMEMENIE as - Lcoo MEIN • • . • .1 CREMEEter ':" timmucw..pria.a. , . . sucumeoiiki.s -ai6trssoa • =Lux um fah-- ,• . • irog: E.oThicrobscrinoisaiiths:l6ammat of ll4ol.rtlyte'doF.444liPeilis =EMI tbairas or . cintite Mo d o l A tbas 9: 11 8 eras frresdav bi asoe:tiFestmirda. -• t .• _ • - • Tba7 car. Bicrpree;:d, ,1114.N1 =nom_ - •.1 . InerT Clef Chan isk.l:*o4l-4;,60. . Tito; =l* N.arnas 114#461N0l bl Dult.and UMW liClWagNgr6l4., tiugne'4o4.Pizi446`itii. tc.it • copissi;B,,e 4 - cut *gaud% - dais, rog iffuts 0,41-64 utrsoloakey uto• to:say masttlnilar, 4 diedel,4l,k_fkoution !!‘d.r.z to yolaltue size:kithfa "boo 17 , ;:pay era, 12;i7juk1 11;•Als tau u any uo r iod al any 14 , 147iiiiiridiki; A. A - 4, a4i ' slidkpOjahoi4 tau:: et ad; mid= =l3 to OT I PosoptiEfrif3Cabnlmer•e4 umreng t. 1 • - 41nothu s!ramilmoy nob Price nisi im;roor ctx Ix.. theft 14 ;• , ' - Liongy py4 tom ar ;adme n Ail nratpt ' Mc& Bold by a 1414141.12,4 1 01*, ' • Diairar.liziwiie /114 O FSFAVAtiIdiIiN Uter -lorsUlls 44.4FIP4!•IFFTIM. ocr.. r awliti rPOrw "OffPidA*li 4 (lUD NEWB I -.- r°k 4 /i: 1 ....... • THE Leali SCOUT Ws . cuslivisED imust. OHER.OFgE REIktEDY 0/EIMiEXt :1111802/01.. omO - pmThis:a rivs. cal k softies - . . . , (111:12107 . 0Z /UOIXDT; t!i la'ia4;,Aolei . Dto artio, tam ea filers of as tontetrj!aseas, nth es litomateamis oT ara Velne:leituenziwo n of au. MAIN. ThiLeamit. 2 of, the Riskin fluine mu. DLtM4l3znktem Qtriel. Meet, title:erten% lad t. emeltaly receatmezdel la tlicseteme Ileak .4.tore (qr Whnc. Li thaielak) wb.Thl/ the old tsztsmeu It fe Folded la a hfito,...t,;,ba ?c m% lb. &se ten ttoto mie to two teaep.owe three awe Is is disitc-tio ana efureure I fylng Kul dolman the blood. =msa to Zow it. overw Purl 4 01 : 41 APnr. Um moorhe= tho ronno 0.11 cornicions oaten 'bk.!! non infOnnnfl . • Mambo Lajoctlon it Intended ma an gip. _.• • - - tat to lb. aturckor gnaiedy, and thonlil;nnectln . boa with thu msdlc>na to all cam at Gan • Olio.. Gloat, Diem Alban o Whin, lir and ars lusling. driat.h.fai• mud docralcoot; 11=713:41 U latiOtt& ctood, nod Pin. tuamd og-aa vanteg and alniCle coonaccrabla picrn Owl $ =PP dunk! 'WA moist all Ow clued TM* 13411.11..". Ely nno at tne 013131.01.151 n CLIXB.OI(Tn 1:14.111:01t1014.—th. too upe4,46. thcs ea= llbas.:4oltingoopoitl at nmorrd, .- nod tha croalncond wpm Juir.fpoodll7 roctorod to Fon flill punico4. 9 , itt ccrn paraglet Qba •n 7 Door SCcro tin , 'caccnCry. or vrtta n, and in *Er null troy, no Ur addrion,• tr.ll truing. prim; MCMBOI.IIIII pw butt* tcr Alp, canons ninon Ictils, atut tr/ Milo ? to oti7 - odtilon. on eu!576471" sold 1:17 m dnnilittn ooirroltere: Dll. W. maisrur•oo. • .kkurroput m ...,: IQ Mort, dm; Ana Tont, 1u ago biro Da. no. Saud Wocd Wrist. and Z.IfCAMILAN 84*, Tim. of um. ir . 4 and Nowremit • • ELIXIR I =Wu • :4 Jk93B'o-2-ELElCtiti'2-''' 1:;,71 04 alizziar 4t2ocs; Pftioltiiihnitaejrirtilii Sumas oidatibi .- . • • , - - .• • • ' . Waft hquotaaleci c tes semi waist. - . . . .. , _ ING lialleetaeatQl Lc fc noall, it •midino. [ autonowthe eitatibli mastua k kateg sa au: way reinsagd *alma um thzcl qrari,;tiogicttyv . . eon lila/Wad rtemat sratunik"..: ~..., 4 VS :: ...t.l. a* widetiibitsla tined .. . , ...b7 taisaatiftwe ataitia mu ttootisxl44 ), tetputarimiggv- • b. CC4 Of caa Ralik wow ootwati, of D. ira r i Oltexua tilfirmkGiutt/ Deafly.. A In dm* dalaircdarks la trzada. 1 -, ' one CottWeelirregtataxa of do lisaol, ' AMr *no lona:mg. tryout al gaaata!ioft. , '. tram am. ta Clow Weld clsicer . o ciy, .dectiTtrittpxdv. : . 0 .:•.t., ~. - .- • : A AvA.Aniunnagiosits. l / 4 •: , - - : • rt.: tow. ant skeittoiffor., ,_ iiiiiiiiisiti.:, 1 , A Dry 4masm comma O. liffeleldlocb ;,fe..,S , ; elc:. a on. Will. miasma taditalMoin 3 -15. -"- -1 '• ' . • lbw dasca bariblratiro44l#;:." MIL =matted iscitiotitimil****474l•l hoot, lb rcer. darepuiViteriEttlt.,,,: • .: : WADI dive a maw Voitisp - —4 , • : . 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