- ESTABLISHED IIN 1786. itt . sbitrnit 4154nufte. 4UBLD3IIED B? GAiffif , ASSOCIATIO tEIIIIS OP TEE GAZETTE. Amnia Zarri*s, try ma% par raer—'...ll3 ■•• -• • month, TO. I.t . ° Angle iTINIRe &ran, .b 3 aural, p•r M. mcntti— tti - L - Inca. 12a2242,tiNgle4ples,pez pea- 2 00. H. a dale of 6to ID, e. ... I ao. - easOlOortnans. 23. 4iiadiitie ext. to the peitreealkag ebb. ror - • • htab el Mew, we will read the tvrsatra Gas= 'day: Tot , it atilt' of %linty, use am wad the . . 21os3rize Warts daily.. Single tapirs, 5 ante. , eilectiptions &Grew to eßt=tee, end tam. firfr.."cW4v.hen.tt.-tir...sxl;4".• talleading Matter on this Page 'is Frain 'Yesterday's Evening Edition.. -The Waildegtort Arienal Mxploalen. Below are some of the particulars of [the investigation before the coroner's Jury of the causes of the Washington Altana ex plosion: "A harrowiagspeetacle was presented in TUT of the eoroner's inquest when the say - =teen beau and' detached remains; which had been =fleeted. from the burning, lay qestlutred .on hoards -and in boxes for that purpose and Identification. Generally only thealtariadlinitkof thebedy remained, the lizabi' bang. fte 'reidiy cares burnt away for the ntost-part.lsr , istaithed, and In aroe 'MOS 4 great pardon of the bead. It wet ,neceraso to Vitae a number. of these diner metabens lagefher in a bei.". - "The - ermines jury examined 'Thomas B. . - lirowiloopetechnistortio - ntannfactired the .. stare," which were put ba• - day outside the. building, and.which are supposed to have ignited.frons Mier heat:Of the stun. lie was present at the time of the explodes,with . -Major Stebbins and Mr; Cox, and. had ille of the laboratory: He would not lay whether the explosimcodginated from the stars or the autridgei Inside. Ills had frempunitly dried the stare in the sun - before, and no accident "Major James G. Murton testified that if the stars exploded there would be • white do poen, and the plin beteg examined, a white deposit was found and shown the jury. He - Thad-thought;Bit: Brown generally, careful, but it Wu oversight - in Mai to place the .start =near thilrailding inrlarge quantity. .11. - annteti Mt. Brown did not know they would explode by spontaneous - combustion, and stars had titan dried there before. lien - ty &refire* emeleyed • in the bailing at the tittle, did Andrew' Cox, assistant L. of Mr. .Brown,also in the building, - testified to see -trig • Mime penile front of the window, when they rushed out, helping to 8/11/0 some of the girls. Clinton Thomaelestiled to toeing fire ,- warts =etas Out - side of-the building bolero It might Amend Edward - M. latebhlns, mill tary storekeeper confirmed this Wt. - -Thelturyiafter materadebberation, return ' ed the follootingairdiciln, nuthease; 'Thit the . ..body dater:Lae come to.hgr death by the explotion of the laboratory of the Washing, I ton Arsenal, where she was emyloyed chok ing cartridges. that the said explosion took piece about . t ea minutes to twelve m., and it was caned by the superintendent, Them. -- M.. Brown, placing-three inetalie pus eeme .thirty fut.:from the laboratory, reontainieg -chemical preperationt intended ter the man. 2 ' , abider° of white - and red afire; that chosen . ' • rays operating on the mend!: pans caused a spontaneous combustion, scattering the lire ••-- every dietitian, • portion flying into the Choking room of the laboratory through the open- windows, Igniting the tar t:ridges and causing the death of said deceased.. The jury ace of the opinion that the onparin . tendeut, Thomas B. Brown, was guilty of the . most culpable carelessness ruadnegligenee In TptaMeg highly combustible subetances so near e braiding filled with Inman "beings, indica ting • most reckless disregard for life, which should be severely rebuked by the govern• mart,.--They also find that the deceased bad `no. property." In the eases of the two rocop,nised bodies; instead of using the term "a female," the ver dict was made to read, "the body of Johanna Canner, aged about 20 years, end Margaret . z .floran." f‘Titainterment of the bodiez took piece at Congressional Cemetery, in a spot selected for the purpose, with the view of erecting a mon - =ant to the memory of those who have that perished In the Government employ. The whole arrangement and - ceremonies: of the fa.- ' wore conducted in an excellent maruser, under the auspices-of committee appointed . at a meeting of the workmen if all branches in the arsenal; and at which it woe resolved that every man In the arsenal contribute one day's pay to defray expenses." - Petersburg, Lynchburg and Burkeville. Three point. south •of Richmond are of prime importance in any campaign for theeip ,, tare of that city., These are Petersburg, on • the direct southern railroad, Burksvillhatthe junction of the 'Richmond and Danville 'rail road with the Lynchburg and Pekreburg line, and Lynchburg on the line from Char lottesville to East Tennessee.. Of tersbrargtirad - lynihburkara the most doses ' Able to up, and therefore the most strongly defended. They are also large towns, im portant in themselves. In the year . 1 ,1850 Lynchburg had 053 inhabitants and Peters burEpt.7.66. Both of thew seem to bb _tra a fair way to be taken, the former by Hunter • arid the latter by Grant. If Petersburg becomet ours,lt assumes s new character at ones as cur dpot of supplies for the prole Lion of the Beige of Itichmend. The two es of railroad leading l ibirtfroitt; ',1,11•:ozio South and the Gam itest, , ire,thirebpained splint the rebels, sad a large extent of country,,,its amstharn 7 ltirelalitlitaislepses into our pales- ' •••• 14 z Ilen,•tiblohwePis only the vigorous adminle. .testiva - band Or; Batler,..to, clear it of Sokol - The 'possesion of Lynchburg wouldenableui to mitrel a largereatont creel:tatty, if we deemeillirattiltiliislo;hold it, although we cettlg'oxiljr - do; se - by •tukink 'Burksville, and- - to'connecting Minton : ...I,bsai Grant's: If - he punnet this ,a.elirwrililbs , obilged to send a much te - ,ausliitid his communications daiteibefoTe, and thus divide Ids operation, -••end astral his -attention. Meantime the important tsature•th.the fate of rg Petersbu, which will iary Sven he Settled by Grant's viisious Onerations. ' • yhe,Cretipe.flp2 en the South Side.. -;..:Potoiebtirs lies south elle Appomattox . .Dia a little reonarkabts—it was artainlY un sautated...tharthnfind roovethent of titn dna; pa acruttref the .Jo aeksharitihnim hen south pf,;the. AppersaUcx..also^. inse ormrations against Potashes' have been . - ,, ;ifttherto Una Be i :nide ffundadat base, and - Appomattox lhla ';iOOSSIgt by a pontoon .* : ::.z-within the lira that -inolatid that txminstda. Bettfhui.Grant, with . the originality and bold , non which have narked Ids contseittlons front the beginning of this nemP4igniiihosit mot old" to %brawl/Is anny sates -.he dein the ..Tartat, but to ntore Instantly upon the first point whiettlmcsonted Huli as an objective, ..rigar&as cfo the buW,enisting at Bermuda army apnea the James at Windalli - Tralat: - Thence:J.6 Petersburg: eightsin - miles. The . abandonment of the Odd Barber lino, north of tbo'Xlblekalterainy, begat on Sunday night, and hieshortokt foam to timJaates was twenty-trendies: Tot 'on Tassdt„,.. w y hi, 9401:010IIIS army crones the ri v ers •dandsty, advanced i oorps, which had .crus g t ra round be tranaports r has taken Peters. and eight beers litters th e s*b carpe. Whlo marched all the way, corns up to the frepp*-of the leading column and forms its 11. of battle ~in, r front of Petersburg. know not where in military history to look tors more extraordinary exanspb of rapidity angina hylhe dank large bodies of troops lathe face of tbi enemy, or of that swift ' desdinowa which adranoos_ over all obstacles .to the' sameapitilunent of its purpose. . Afistiri )Liberla." Soma intriiigened from Wort Africa shows thildbealaa Eupttblio to be in a koporni state. Two peak uompatlies bed lotion organised at liftrovia—one osliod tbo Cattsbnyg Lite "Stook Comppeny, to. introduce and improve the wattled' /Abair; lbs.ether, tho Union Agri asitural Enterpriktr Company, whose proposal laid 41'002216ns is the St. Pees river. The -ausigranta, from this country by the "Thomas Pape wars doing well.. Among them were Entaratzitsidl Wilkinson and. wiro, of who had settled at Edina and, it is •diaV*o 4 4Ulttrool3CrllC:thSir new Wdiintiuttred this .Libtria 4a4 Inca divided between the . OVID WildAnituiean truitimlbsi evertors ro:. selvtig inseitnnt for itt Mils 9nF41,1f.10.11q 'l47l7altidlyttat' • IMMEMWM Johnstown tit tntr Fair The editor of the Johnstown TrThrac, hav ing visited our Fair one day lost week, thus records . his improsiliOe: "Efothaving had the philifure of visiting any of the many other great Fairs recently held in behalf of our suffering soldiers ' we cannot 'peak of - this one in comparison with any other; but we me say that It was (for we saw only the end of 10' a =matte:ant display of liberality, taste andenterprite. We could have spent days in plealarable admiration o 1 „Its extent, and wits column in praise of Its betatlen. To no it/ chief beauty was Floral liall--emuterploceof taste and skilliiti„great.. est and Suit display;the Ladies' Bazaar; its most Interesting department,the Old Curiosity Shop; As richest collection we out saw, tho • e Art Salary; and-the most =tieing place, It/which ell visitors initsiatlbly tended, Dining nail. The Mechanic's Department and Mon itor Ball, stilt Interesting, had deteriorated, by the removal of goods, ore we saw them. Without risking the charge bf fulsome or purchased puntise, we an eayi to Short, that the Pittsburg Sanitary Fair was a noble and grand Access; and thou within roach, who failed to visit it denied themselves a rare 151631311T0 and missed a eight worth seeing, the like of which will not soon be presented again." By the way, Johnatown's cash contribution to the Sanitary Fair Fund was, we believe, far In advance of that of any neighboring town. It amounted to $1,28,01. In addi tion to this ante; Johnstown sent a ash con tribution of $ 1 , 671 , 8 2 to the Philadelphia Fair. The Crop Prospect. The crop report from the various parts of the country continue highly favorable to a fell supply. In °Atria and Southern* bfia sonri the wheat wirrbe a fall crop, though a few months ago it.waa thought to be winter killed.. In. Michigan _wheat has improved so much - wider the line growing weather that it looks fifty per cent. better, and an averago crop is promised in one - hal f State; in Um otherbalf the report is not so good. hUnte sots sands a good report and a large crop Is anticipated. In portions of New York the yield will be 'aquaria last year, but no more. In Illinois the wheat was never better in some pasta the State. In others an aver age crop._ Soma bask agersd,eomewlust from "mol'iraathlrehlit,thaplmspeolts by no means Unfavorable. Some of the planting was done late in the season, but late corn frequently dims as well" . as:the earlier phintiage. An unusually large 'incept has been put in, and if, with touchy of labor, it can receive proper attention, a large crop may be expected. Grass will undoubtedly give a - heavy yield, though:the grass is said to be 'ranker than moat • Altogether the. prosOot Is favorable to a fait supply, and we should tot have ecareity to help to raise the present Ugh prices. With an abundant supply of vegeta ble food, the consumption of meats, now placed, by its high price, beyond titer each of *very large portion of the population, can be dispensed with and cane, hot little in convenience. It only requites a little more skill In preparing It for the table to make It equally acceptable. On the craning of the 17th of Juno there woo a grand Colon demonstration at Prince ton College, New Jersey. Tt was designed as •response to a meeting of Relied sympathisers held in that place the night before in honor of the return of 1 7aCandies's:a. I The College Copperheads on that occasion made a 'bonfire a boas and faunae which thereto's', cheering 4[411y-for-Jeff Davis'and Cenfederacy. These proceedings so-wound the indigestion of the loyal student!' that they reeolred to show the friends of "Nassau" that suilroon duet would not be tolerated there. A large quantity of fast west purohued, and at 10 p. m. the void wan piled sannuid " that same old cannon," and orer it mar suspended ea ~,ffig y of Virilandiyham by a wire etretoned trom two wow, and the whole was then fired. Frequent groans 'rem exert for the :Northern trilbies, many and, iondolteers for 4 11cateet OldAber" cornett Prelident, for Grant and the Army of the Potomac, and the Emancipation Proclamation. A procession was then formed, - and headed by the nog of stare and stripes, marched to the bone. the Professors, whose . patriotiatemarlse were lieepinelith.the-sentlinente at these loyal and tphited students and added greatly to thwanthasliant of the meeting: • Information' Conternmg Dm Draft. No give the following, from the Act of Vongies . Met February .24,18 . 04, In answer to man:roue impriries concerning the draft: A drifted man furnishing a substitute liable to draft, rebid' be liable to draft oe future calk but not until the present otrOthelent ebeill be ciliates - led!' (A new enrollment will take place next Spring.) If a substitute nor liable to draft, Abe — exemption continuos rcbtrin2 the +Ail rebetiarta or net liable to: draft, not exceeding three years.' Screnrcres NOT UM, DEArr .re Aline, persons under twenty years of ago, and sont discharged-44r two years' arc. rice ; also, all who paid oomwintatlon or fur. edshed substitutes in the draft of 1883. Atielvfge of AI proposed gabs!' tato mutt be proven ntArtitrete trunteerU IF,ltqcased in the tate of a ftreOrd =x6_, Coliveray . ati fittudfoperate only to Tellers from draft in Siring Mir 004 t, and the name than-bet retained on de reit fadllitist eve poem.' Dllssouzl Items. The Demottraery of; iltiss i und d s.be4ter• ens -Said dliaordant State COneention is St. Louis last Tueiday and Wednesday. ;The Democrat says that two of theslmters to the oil of (ha MilrVorteiristiwbote delaketes "weprslightediataltimere,rsre delegates to this Topperhead'Cinventiso4-1 • - The Missouri Democrat disoussee the dera land and Baltimore platforms and ecenolodee that thOattstis ntnoll toorypsgstannOltis- The Mace, the Blair organ of St. Lode; , is pleased with the Baltimore platform, and thinks tterwshonid be 'no' diseordamong the friends of Mr. Lincoln In that State. - iriaiii.noteicrthy-fiet drip . ite the assertions of En OM journals inimical to ibis esuntry,emlgralitutirom Great Britain, ind, indeed, seorly all parts of tie old world, is steadily in the Inarease..iturain do the Sri 13 h 9 0 • 11 **IltiP44. 1 4.tho Colonial anthial ties attempt to torn the stops of the excl. ranter° Now Zealand and British America. WitlytinCiuquerabler-pertlnarilty the laboring duns persist to coming to a country, wills& the enemlyslof thellepublin would bare them bellows - going to destruction swiftland gorily. The natural conoluion from t hl is, that ihe instinct of thi laboring clause is more noire at Mau the disingrm uo rut ;pecula tion of-the organiof the iristoCraay with - ref gird to the failure of the 'United States.- Tuts( ator did Xttiiiktienlig 7'01044 who vary reeenity ir1414 . 4 i.b.ogrmy Atilt* Pc— toms°, write, . The strength of thisiiiiiy urai)pligt*-4 1 1 as - when itorouidtt4e,GspidrusA Oar loins ap 9O N tbe9rsi,c9l t t not**eiti WM 0. Tlttis'Agarvi hi,biatabrituras, cod embrace everytbing..oar losses sine* hit,e not exceeded ikon; end , mate_thin 60,000 Irish trOops len joined: amend Grant Shire the 96th of. hley..- Oarsman or 4 • PU0,07 •Tarca.--Lorts vru.., Jilt* 17.,—The rebel Colonels Canto with; Oharlton;-Morgari; 'sad ic member : or John hforgan'a staff name . late Lexington yesterday wills Gen. Hoban nada a. dig or acne, &Panful° treat - with Oen. Babridgi ler the exchange of prisoners, apstired In the racentraid.'.3drbridge tensed to' reagnise the flag, and enestad tarsals a prisonaa, and ordered Hobson to the coontnand blo : Gzit. Ittraval.—W. Alive no late news froin th37l. Gantara ..—GabaL:weania-state that two: of their dirialonahava boon sant to Ohatiottorvilla into:aid' to operate agahtat It, that Gen. - Eul with: another division was about totting cot, and that largo, reinfor* manta were being thrown',into 'Lynchburg. If tilts le , the our, thay. must ye asnsibti, woakonft thou toles stabil:non& - . , Tice Meteor° • poOto, , npbraid him Coch rane the candidate -for „the Vice President , ' on tie Brementlicket,with et, coon forgetting the vow he uttered inataposch at Richmond, that, if the retheal..Ghurethrout—should, at. tempt to comes the - South; he - (Coohritio) teratldletlonnd 'word 4Pritendintiittroida of Old Virginia. . Tsa debtot tie 'tills Stateof Rhode LILA zetiiir Sktoo i cao, and it has bunted tzlfito,otO daring the put pest; and jot the ptoplo of that State,hure tut ides or being go ld out to poiihott Iwo data. 639;the4h3trahtit aiosthr . it' U 63 was 18, 078 b ales, bsiss:4;!. bit terfrosiub aszolLuttiLlB4 6 ,2111 , th ',.,;•.,..,,--...,.;: r ,' . 1:;.: . 7.. :,,=it:LaZtZ;.:Z.' r L PITTSBURGH. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1864. TELEGAAMS: THE POTOMAC ARMY Fighting Along the Whole Line NO POSITIVE ADVANTAGE CAINE The Right and Left Rwdngs in .►lore than a Mile. TEE ELM ADVANCED BUT LITTLB T , ARE AS 3AULTS ON SATURDAY Warren's Corp; takillne Lino of Work and PICIS up to Another. ANOTHER ASSAULT ON SUNDAY prilliantAohievomentby Burns'do's Corps. ORE LINE OF WORKS CARRIED Vivo Hundred Prisoners and High Brass Pieces Captured. DXRING EXPLOIT BY A PORTION OF BETLEIVI FOUEB Three !Mita of Railroad Destroyed over Which Lee's Troops were Passing. BIRNSY COMMANDIIO HANCOCKS CORPS. new Yogi, Jame 21.—A special to the Taus is as follows : Headquarter. Army Adenine, Sunday p. No positive advantage has boon obtained over the enemy during tho last twenty.four hours. There bat been more or less fighting aldng the whole lino, and charges and counter chltrgee havabeen made.. Oar right and left barsbeen swing In so mething more than • mge s while the center has been advanced bat little. Mildly, Petersburg is turrounded byran abattis of Yankee bayonets, stithin easy range of the city. All was quint lase night, there being no . deinotustration on either elde. There has been no fighting this morning. .14-itone spacial, dated ,Headquarters Army of the-Potomso, Jane 19, a. in., says : The !earth day of the battle of Petersburg odd last night. If it shall opon again to- dog. it will ,bis the gage of petersham, and will be triefer, perhaps, than a battlo. Wo attacked the . enemy Orse times yesterdav— at 4a. m., at noon, mid at 4 p.m. Warren jilted our loft and twang around with a skirmishing front half a mile at each advance, ta#ing ono line of works, and prossieg op to another and the last: Hancock' mod Burn. the'oenter, found more opposition. rho loniser has gained half a mile, but the latter inothing. The !WS In tie last assaultwas particularly mate in Bmlow's and Gibbons' division and the spaced ditrision of Barnsids's carps. Hills' division of the - Saco:posed Martin dala's division of the 18tb corps, swept up the &icy to within half s mile of the town. One mon lino And we have the town, which we no* eirmimvallate to its last defenres. Colonel Chamberlain, commandlei a brig - adolulloSiLth.Corps,-was bad,' wounded in the hip, and 94. Soater,l49M. Penna., in the side. ' The fierafersnpUlat of the 19th, forenoon, sa: At font o'clockthis morning Bum:idea eo s attacked the enemy's works on the left of our llne,and carried Sham after a severe and protrautid straggle, capturing about five hundred prisoners, six good brass places, and tee. that were spiked. the ll'inee aped"' says: The exploit of a mad part of biller's force on the R.ietamond and Petersburg Railroad wan a brilliant af fair.- A tofu of 600 mimed three or four miles, directly ,in the 'tee th of Lee's veteran arMy, whom it,sumeeded cutting in' two, by; destroying three miles of railrud. over which troupe were parsing as fast es 'they emild run. In taking the almost vacated rebel works we' captured 20 1 9 Prisoners. While the won were destroying the railroad a picket force of the rebeinumwdairm A mutrbendilil - of wren hehLtitem at bay tilt the work air scomplished, but the picket was reinforced heavily and our mew retired. New You, June 2L—The Iterati'• epeeist eau: Rancock's old wound Ina been so trou blesome that he wu obliged to uk to be so linked. Ms request hu been granteirend ratifry her oommand of his carps. Han - vet* did not command 'ln Saturday's fight. Ho expEts to be fu the field agair, tow few works.., Them: . are vita to' be 30,000 rebel troop in Pets:Our& and continually reinforced. In US attack at 4 p. on. on Batavia, the 2d corps mill with little opposition; our Hoops passed &r formidable works occupied by the erne my the day preview, and captured 50 or Cl f urore. The casualties on both sides were We moved on aid &metaled another line of I works about live hundred yards beyond here. The rebeissuffers'stubbewAresbitaten.. At Moon is genernr:ftdrestw' 4 ,l44 . tiode by Abe 2d Corps. -Thensmaltiog foref i leenslating of dial 3d brigade's line InoVid tirwanigalbua l itly, bat could notaithaand the deadly dm of tts. ke ry, grape land:clanntstili,:tkough they , ot within seventy. five prd; of the earth ROOF; they fell hut' leaving the dead and wounded. Another attack was ordered at another point. Th storming . party congsted of several brigades to column of regiment. About 4p. m. 2d.coltmin wore met with nob a mar damns are and cut down so rapidly that they were withdraen. dnothoriterahl correspondent of the Fifth corps says of the nghting on Friday The days wart- atatuaaaced at daylight, when it was found the robots had fall= back? to the second line in the night.' The works were attacked with great gallantry. There waa a strive struggle for % possession of the rail-, road track leading Norfolk, which was' finally taken; Thee appears to have been the only advantage'gained, though the position tharebelawunlu fought for. Another correspondent with the gib - Corps sap r The rebel) made as atMes at 10e'clork p Im., ocemintiop In two columns. On reach ing our line, whether intentionally or the result of blunder, one column !hewed wren de;, and tiolmadied sad forty wore tires made poisoners. -daintier• column , came up to oar worla bravely, and under soarer of a battery adthirably posted. drove ow-men Lab their entyczehmenti. .They sprang over the works and a hand to bend fight visaed. The casta• kits had been discharged on both sides, awl bayonet' suld , stocks only wore used. The Ist Michigan Sharpshooters were the men engaged our side, and about one bun drwk-autt-tuenty. Artrwelfetaptaimi; while Shi d remainder escaped.' The rebels held pas vie too tW daylight and thou evacuated. ,Timer .sPeolat, dated Juno - 18th, earl The :rebels Da Friday eight, made a lallosis 1440 k an ilaratldell trout, and after &severe contest, runmapied the fort he had taken ths prcialoUJ MoSsithg. Oar - troops "Covet La. portant approaches to the left and right, end the otty la within ropp of cur gang, *blob is about 1400 yards. About 4.f0 m. an advanoe.wae madiapon ktia - litiet lines to develop their alettationi whioh wu aboomilteled with considerable lost in wounded. Di/nors division seared tacit: - Prisoners say that Beauregard corm msedt- the city with his army end a pottiest of tharforces Longetreet, 'Wilcox and Melt There I, no deoisive evidence of th6presence of mono than SI mall portion at- Lee's army: The RovirSth corps correspondent say,: Gun. Brook s as been relieve ' of the com ma of. dirLicia - and us geed to the mutt bf .thp Mith:corps, ae-suocatior -to or, Tliv4.Mtivallistent Act -ha the 84 ate:. ikefusal - lo etenigentateComlonta. tion..ClmM4be _Ma •Yaar,..qeetlm - - t. t atateasoiri June 20.,--The result of the Ide th'stationto:night on the bill amendato bftheSar 1 .4414,matilbe ridanishi toon Mao aal alia 132 ff 0 0 13 i dv n elaus6.l The ssatioa,to laskiallm drift year for one year anuisatalas‘ l 44:blil.waa who cflia ainaaal.:"Cratialatao, 7 0 have bleeping oti thi411111,404 ; :t0..-fftcri Talc, PITWIURGH GAZETTE. lIIIEEMI32IIE CITY 1110 BIIBUBBAN The - Draft to t The draft in tldsdle morning, and resulted as follows Anthony Smith ' Josepn Deaver Joseph Jamison lioe Mous /aleph Dongherty Blob 0 ,myth Jos McLaughlin lingo PreathoLl gat McConnell Hammel Frick Chu Clark Thoi Mo llama Casper Millar Ju Robinson Wm Om Latta %line lohsQ gimp? J Feat Wm alualatrick }Jammer Theme Eft la Ju Rate's, William Duch irradeziek Welabley •wint.P. Joh% Kelly . Peter tbzusell. John Jam. Rabat Maboney William 11111b.ath John Lima& Joha 'Dogma Dasdel Armstrong 'Jobs Caney Bernard Alcietiaa John Oreg. John e nosily John Palmer lane. Leo Bober. 43ear ThsallthlaGoaraa Jan/ La. Jame, Cresaill - Joe bh Rims Gm, Baker Gre*zwinter Callotfa /William Ems William Diaztha John Willer He Habitat Janus Wiley Pete[ McCoy latorsiedimm Marisa BleNalty Dealer Behan adathliarallaffei Jahrallalahotr.e Berm • Merril Netts themailhanough kbarilliCianra Blaxiluda Virnei Jacob Glecur Wraceia J Weary Aseyb Comiangb John Ltuls Henry ItorJuotaf John Gray Gannet Bannatine Geo W Murphy Jam 0 Didre il Samuel Triplett Orgo Fella John Fleming &mutt Busher Wm Lindsay John W Morgan Nathan Walker Km Lang John Brown Ad= Moder Robert need James Al eel nee, fr George EPtlme Chart. A Blakely Henryileko Julius L Loam; Francis Porter german Zane David Darla George fibular Fred Wanderbung Henry Lloyd Famtuad Bearklns Unto Fermin Andmr *lamb Bonnard Tonle DaVld Long John Tergaeon • Almon Burma' Therese Welter, frtderlek Wier Pawed Ammon. Fred Eleentwurn Charles Woodhonw Andrew Item, T 1111300 e !Hugh Ardsmem Wm H Iltch • 'illettard Pampa Wm W.twtt 'Richard Mcdollegm Atdmw J Casualties In the 102 d Segment. The following is • full list of essindtletin the 102 d Regiment, from Jans - ith to Jane Sib, bothdays Inclusive r Killed—Chas. Drown, Co. D; Mutt A. J. hlolarsine, Co. Pr Woo. I. Deer, Co. 11. Wounded—John T. Decker, B through lump, severe; Jacob Smith, C, right foot, slight.; Lieut. Geo. Dal, D, left eye, severe; Henry Connor, D, thigh, groin and hand. severe ; Patrick Kelly, D, leg, In two places , severe ; Lient . David A. Jena, E, lath legs, severe ; James Ford, C, arm, slight; Samuel Critchlow, 11, abdomen, slight; John St; John, ehordder andthock, sewn; Geo. W. Ley, bran, L, contusion. alight. The following members of Co. L were slightly wounded, but are still on dolyt John Howard, John ,blcConsta and Henry'Sbritrar. Charles Kelly, of Co. L, wu missing. on the gd of June, and had not turned up:on the when the letter containing this list was forwarded. • DIATES AT ran WA/MAI/70d HOSTITAZ. , ..- Vb. following &alba of Penney Irani& sOldion have. ben. reported at the: olio. of Captain Jamal M.lloore, Washinnton Benjamin Dionclo, G, 148th ; Arabi? Stew art, A, 138th; Harvey Chilitman,l, 148th; latch F. Keith, 0,233 ; D L. ltlaChwkor,U, 155th ; John H . Jaka,H, 116th ; John Kent don, 0, 451.13; Irwin Amon, A, 139th ; lamas A. Doralin, Di 88th ; George Betu ' A, 434; Hoary Drake, H, 188th ; Franklin S. Mayer, 11,515 t ;. Sylvians Dano, 51. st ; Jamas 4. //deco, LI, 45th. enillol GP RlOT.—John Weldon, lioberl Carroll, John Gall and Thomas Binani , wom masted this morning on a dugs of rio4 pii -4 kited by Paul Sharp. The prosern ..th sides in Teroperanoetille, 'mad We flint the defendants visited 1111 prendatei ' 71 1 evenings anon and assaulted his hotsesenth stones, breaki ng open .'the doers, delt"81 1 ' windowe and tamely injtning libf wifi.4ll son. A hearing In thy cui..y . lll..telhoubthis . . afternoon. ' • A DIDOHOULT Ottaaacria.—Michael Ma hon was arrested yesterday evening an • charge of acting disorderly In the etreete and duetting stones at peelers. by: He was re. gutted to dcelst, when he became greatly crated, and stated that all the police In the city could not arrest him. Be was, however, lakes Into custody, and the Mayor, .this morning, fined him 110 and toes. Be was also held to henna a charge dainty of the peso. • Aultat PIM:MIA-J. L. Read, bookseller, No. 78, Fourth street, has placed 133 undar obligations for three small packages of cobr a lithographsaf this same size as album pho tographs. —They are very prett - Si-and,would forma Owing addition to soy lady'i photo- graphic album. The subject of one pechap Le, "lath in Camp ;" of another, " Autumn Duvall and of the third, " Witd Flowara." Thera.are''te 'dozen pictures to each package; Soernnors...Betwotm tonand chum o'ciock ow Monday, a man, registering kimielf at the Bt. Clair Hotel u "James P. /Sonic, Hanle barV hired a irod sorzel maraand open bong o from Mc. A. Jackman, of Papa etratt,; to to,to.East Liberty:, !naiad zuraturned; op to lat Owoek at night, and it le antratisid tbaabo ham dumped. • 10. /mime= will pak AC - liberal - reward for klaspprobiricion: • bill , to Jura -s amaot - L _77aab+~,}to_ Ina ••• •• tted ta soratsWilei• vu food dead In bLeeell ea Saiday;soorgdpig:,. bad dime rabject totted:lr tomeilitav past ...dad it ifirbpoteidthat be died fa ems of thawit, tub/4min tbi 'tioreiair . DrCilting held an lagoon. oit:tba bddi p ittajdo nom tag %verdict in reerdarde with the ilia& htirrasw Diva, a 4:Wait - Alt Warren mu taitintly.killed on the Philidelnhis and Railroad on Ratarday !nit. - et¢¢nn. match* the soul, and•whila manias &ern thrrgra4e tram .tiancontaaltuarta Vista; an a flat ..ear, ran . into'. slather , ear which etas standing - on the tiaaTr, wan th ronn Off; . breaking his neck. Tut/mm:6 tltiiaOxsps Wiesen Iteix vir.--04 sis• tOth isut. Mr. Kennard grind with Mt paha:. exr. at „perms,- on the newly said tract of the Ailintle seid Illiesit:Wle tarn Rallinsy: It is Seer. missered :that. en •• the lid Wu, • traits 'of lassra 4111. ma , aweigh, without change,from Jersey oikr le - S • t. Goals. • - . . • . 'Gait. Baoatiro StcanniGen: GIS,UIOIII. Hides General Brooks, late commander of the DiTzfiment. tha Monongahela, tau been rekerrad of ihneominand of Ids dteisien, and assigned to the oonunand of the 1011 t °err, as sueoessor to Gen. Gitintore. f. TEI QUA? came. B..sts, at Philadelphia, arM close et Saturday next, so far as usurp tickets ars catrotiiki. Monday and Tuesday of noxt week will be dosotsd to the tullilan, when 'ticket will be sold attweatydrs cants. . , Hansa Knztne—Weanderstandithat dm 4 'trig the atom on Saturday tinning *tuna, that woe in a lot in the. Ninth Ward, waa stmek V lightning and Initially killed. Wtra Beersn.—Pdayor Alexander thin morning comutittici Moses Donaldsob to jell on a charge of assault and battery, preferred by LL.wlle.. ,NOTAILY PL'lLTOttlf. W. .1. Patterton hu been isepintettNotery PittP3 0 1 1 / 4 man aimed 1, the ttalgrietien of Captain P. - . o; OW:tn.: • . • ' • . " Onto OremPos.—The Oblo Stitt. Pt& tbli year Is ti - bd'hild at Columbus on Cm tttb, Idth, 161 and lash of Boptamber.- • . DINIDi..IMLB:- lIIVIDENDThe Directors of - the' 1.0 ..Allrebemy itilttebureti OIL Ocuipeay" love this de, decline s Mtl6e* of TWO PCB CENT °albeit. Coital O toolri ter tbs.moo.tb of Rey,' free of Byre sod Wtrrere mot Tare, Dept!. at the - ofeee of theAtemputey.l4.9 fkaittv.Thted street, PIIIIsttel• ph* on tied Wier the tent tad. fkezderj•— " - 11.1htiirefifi, - /une jelfkly . -. OJtfcl Of tilt alea&xcl co pt DIVIDV4D NIY/ 1 10K-;-T.hciznment andlririctoraltegi o:l6••••."bail , .thla Oar iteclusd • • ;Divided' or 811 - DOLLARS, MR S 8.14 fm of traladlitatcsluss, pigribl,AoAL• Staektiogier•f,wrthwith; • - • boas, - fienta7; teat op lests/th, _, DIVIIPOSIvribIf: 77 ; 7 7; -- =y ban Ws day de. =txtiz tfii cs , m34 ms DompyLuceupe! arirtir" . . *sr. - ..,___:, , •, ,, Zhircratlcat. ,,-. _ , .' :3 " W '''''' '' ''''' 4. ISOMBITIMIeSW ' ~. f i AfJII7BIE,AI3E:FM.S. g.Pri'TSBURGEi THEATRE e OSUI District. riot, wu mimed this I3EWEiRIr OVICHINGVTON Who trusts that the DID ha hu toilet/Ad will tact the opfronkt of the public and his Meade. Kr. EDWIN BGAISOILLED, amd him wonderful performing Dogs, ♦DI appear 218, W. O. GaLLAGEIEB gm Ow tendered hit a erects. and vN arpsai tLe Villaln Advoests—o, ownr. THIS (Werinushiy) EVICSING, Will be prima. d, for, the first time here, tits stir ring and efootint drama, entitled DOG 07 THE OLD STdRE OHM; or. THE VISION or DZI.TB. (With a powerfal asst.) Harrold n} tE. Wooea--.—lLlvrin Blanchard Jamie. ---f amale bat. To =dada with tint fluidics natiadrama of MUM= ; or, TEUC OE PHIS OP GITEVA. O. Gallagher. Tim *hole company In the nag LIZZII LA GRANGE, ths cal•bes!ed Dan •Illstort • •pear GRAND ETROPOLITAN CO-11 Positively the Largest Exhibition Of the Amesetaera World to coning, THAYER & NOYES' U. S. CIRCUS VAN Ap.Busoll & CO. lIIAREMGTH MENAGERIE AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN, COLOBIAL GORDIS CHARIOT. Mammoth Wax Elephant Hannibal. Comllama for the season a 18C4, with 200 MEN AND HORSES 611 tinder one Mantle Pavilion, for one eh& pr:ce of admelloo 1 The 1108 DENS OF AN I get Lb BATUMI, toeugablated•ltb the vat, LIGli 1110,7 E BMOCS ewer oreardtel—Coral sad Italluert Amuse• mat, pre eminent FgoestriarisAcrobate,Gyeame Jestate. Coutortlanbte, Mown% loullibrhts. and mend perfcrmare ; syleedbf sued of trebled Horne, Pocks and 'FHA lards*: trusgelloeat ealketto a of Living Mom, 'n Igo's, Leopards, Beare, Hy on•., Wolves, Rookeys, bps, Babboona, Birds of all kinds asd stem, he., gathered by the Great ran aniburgh Himself, WTI txtglbit at ALLEGHENY CITY, centre of Nerthtommora, on Gob et ron, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND ERDAL - .num 30 and JULY 1, A and 4, At 2 and 7p. at. MONDAY. Jalf 4th. Man grand performasms-1110 a. m. and 2 and 7p. m. . A dmbalon.--. ante. Children ander Id cars of age.----L'S club. HALE—VALUABLE BEAL ES. TATS.—Tero Lots turner of Centre arcooa end Vine strut, 40 Itet 7 bulges front Ly IEO feet dap. Coe Lot on Peooooboools *rune, 25 foot front by 100 feet deep, roludag bank to • Wok alk7. Co. pleura ground corner of Chartutte nod foram stunt, in tba mar of P d X D. Y. B. ST. Depot, containing tweedy 10te.30 try 100 feet. Liu, • number of fray dedrable lot. to tut Pit to. buret. IP: of Ouse lots is to °body. hoeing &front of HO feet on Craig street an 4 110 on Olanbineton and *Moore streets, on which in erected • ma VARPETti. OIL cs.vorns, died Wick tone. • tut portionlus apply to H. B.—The limit eztallCs6l/2 the world Is egmlng RECOLLECT DAY ADD DATE 8.8.—0n0 zoom plow °berm ths day and dat% and do not or °found *ls A101;31121 OlcOnNIE& MN with any of•r companies, whetter aty good. bad or encoedlooly tedifforont. 1820,16.9)4145 2,16Z0•Jy1-11 tea bus now open tee larnon and Ind oelotted dock In thlo city of ENGLISH BRUSSEL!, • Imparted try =waive :, nodes the old tarilY, vdth the gold premium al slily ay.. ArETINGFE3. Alm, a foe aaortreamt of WIII7X. CZIEGEZD eam Luray CHINA PiIATTINGS, The Letrwest Prices for (Jamb OLIVER iteCLINTOCK 4 CO., WE NOW OFFER FOR SALE WHIFF insappo• to be the largest essorttmeat af Carpets and Floor 011 Cloths, Zan actin:ate la Mb, city, m 81LD5.3119, PLY, .112GBAlli sad IftHISLIS CASPETB mad .81112 T 'ca l MOWS. We ham many &arable (mad elemberey latindbig some tesetlfal grade afeisureantaxa) =MM= Mt OUR =TAIL 941/03.2. • • antai part of 'ot stock tutting been pat, aWaidttr eaatisttal fir Wars tba recant baavy itt aaac• In ptite, win tat mold at • vary mall advance aa actual east, our prim* being in many laataasit Yr below pretest market nttsa. • .Wlndnar =lades and Fixtures Table and Plana Corer's - , - Llataad nag .Carpete ;Caeca sad China, Inattlage. all Ida* 1 . 611 114•7121EICIA _oils en band at •Ms inni!si prteee;:WIIOIASLIZ &BD EUTAIL. _ Collins is-00., FOUItTIi STREET NEW STYLES WINDOW SHADES lUKILDMD TtrlS DAT. NEW sPRISroI STOCK CARPErrs, MILL 135.61301 TED OIL oLorria. AT ALGII VB. APE T , 151, 4 .82 tOpUTES • • • rfir . fiVc4vo*C- I P;it":iiii GENTLEMEN WljiallsTO . _Min CLASS GARMENTS. . fesuzotuans and LATEST ST'SrLES, would tlo woll to .4111 ton , LG. ELLS CO.,ETBSCREM I MARS, cosines or wasir.&im eT.OLAtnezilssta. atom parcamen e elsewhere. 8MM1.13 BlAtteli IViaGEE. 10 ST CLAM STIMEET, Wadded! gni tbiatiottinof.bnon - 1* Ida*ck of End0. , 7,1 fin bon Mann vltb curo, and contaltiall the fonroff Albin goods tole f=s4 Infiffislinbccin-anlootdageoallofobAbn odd": W -vgltpleso, Acia *oxassin goofs and. pais, also,•fall and cogyydobo oton . . nova/Mist Vootri; W.V. UcGili. Iltrolnust Talks. r :4SL-C4fr_. 15 i t t i viXtc - AD ••• z "Mat aft •• . • ... • . • vesatatneete, reatufgft , or.aas. -- ronockior.aw tritPlodull.maDmias.xsiti ti~~.:..-~ ..~ ~~ Tanana of ths Treasons MEM sl larva STILECT Nat balm W P. o..xona door. to pet>na agar; sabsiantially batit allot= timber, not hiss to ma, and will acclaim tome YISO barrels each. application may be' Male at the Baibustyl arinsisoog Oa. or the tifbcato Pittsburgh. JoHligrOli & taitibit BALE —A beautiful silo 'for ootstry Home, adJoenomt blaneloid, ematals• i lea, ao'M tod tlime.nPtenraolue belt of , loot Wks Alan, a ,on on Tremont street, 2.1 ward, Allotherst , . le viteerof . • O. 186411;1714,- r . tuaan.l. ell- ittlemy. Ott ti./1.41-4 Home - AlleAtiony Clljoitaaird Da Oswalt. street. neer Itraina street. -LO fig fret flatbealrent b7.1C0 tog deep to Jelreitiiit West. Trott n 7 13r.ina. ParrHIDS 1 . 1111 . 6 iOOTOl,' gad tatemrot of t s oms. , App Hydrant outer. Taolltnatondrbe kof boom. ly to - • Jell D. NoLAIN & lOr r north street. --- ' DOR a&LE-20.- 14ota -in Allegheny : nen smalls taunt •t•nt or, Swat* tow, 'f oboatlCOW*4 - sattssnattitticlt (Ws. Wag lota bb ISoto OtoSI fa Jobs Oilers'/ plazt ol loty Intow propwly Currants. Ford now Moo t !to LAI orMbosoiS Ospowsals or, Ins Sw;lr . .•• • for taws. is • ,_. sistrAt J.-w. s. 105 SIMI attest. FOR - NtLir OIMILiTz- - ATisi*TA 52 ' tcellaparttituttoiad wlZll=t lance at . thaPeavva Baum& - 4 b ar" 4iiivit-7611:70111IVrat:: stia l n i tt=2 ll6l347 Abg DVS ast cower of eaoVaaNissaniambl— satettlitaa FOR 8.111.E..F0R 11n6'77: Fos SALE—Virgin is on Land, site; 'tad to Wood .4 Pleas:oat email., ty. lionornock Eon and 801 l Croek, to close proximity to tlis pest well& EMi=l 1 lame of 4S pan axt Sniplncr Sprint bra, oq llorscsock. Tho:o laaCe ore on.ll •. short,dlstanca from Ills Mg mak. I Imo of 4.5 year. on John J. Chapbell'a hum o Crock. ll lo Cre sro ofek. 45 years oa Jakarta:oi faxia, rn a I hum of 15 ran en Grey Bore farm, Ban Civet Home of 45 years au Ism lohmtan), farm, 05 801 l Crook. Igⅈ;=:= .11zalts of 28 pars on .Teno Prides Cam, an pat[ 1 tn. °ISO lean CuJacob Gairiaon'a farm, Tagb aod Fork. empla. Liam Hard Talk. with t.* undeveloped vrelle mil of oil. These lauds are ecls • abort distance from the Ohio river, (3 b 6 railee,) , and are surrounded by well leveloyed terrltoi7. , There are about 1.000 acres in all, of good Tolle y territory. AdArese. Jetties 81111TH, REAL b 00., Pittsburgh. V.MECUfOIIB' SALE OF SEAL ES TATE, ABOUNDING IN OVAL.—The and. mailed, Executor. of the That WI II and Testament or John Barony, deed, sill tan at private tale all that ' , attain tract of bood, late the honuateud of the sald John Barony, Mosta In Valor township, en the Washington ramp he, about 23 mile' from Jonas' Perry, containing BB Bah. more or logs,on which fa erected a Lugo Frame Dwelling lloure, Barn' and on thonsea; two fine orch,rda of chola theft; of over, kind. MAI land belagalmost ail under agood state of cultivation, abounding to coal suds. elnle surface, none having been exranated at dltj time, affords an opportunity for Sat and good In rannunat. Tantia—One-third In band, and balance to ono and two years, orttli Interest, to be reamed by bond and mallow., subject to the dower Werra of the widow during Lee life. IrtfLISCBTO9,I:3 Wood Bt.; SOMME . Itnal4ZY, am. 71oot and abort aulata, eittebscrgb; )cart eentritv. pOR SALV—SUBURBAN BITES:asp VILLAGE LOSI, ErAA, Eon Ilcum.—The troderelgeed. Executors of Cho east, of John 17er ran, deo•d, offer for sale • camber of Lots. (rem tat hal, to two maw each, altnatet Dear Fort Thrren, and within three mindere walk of the hearken or the Inttaborgb A Blinetiville Pewterer Railway. The above Lots are bratitlfr.lly located for private welkin:tom Also, a number of small Lots In the rage of bI. no/111111e, fronting on theEPa.Wg , r Bollvey—thirty to gist' , tort front and4rom one to tiro hundred toot deem. tcr leorroateon auoufro of either of the under .!geed. or W. Pe. ILEttltOri, Clerk), Office, Court 11.. e. Wet A filtaiSON, Jeitiii D. HMS tOti. It O. FI Chß' •lit, P. J. UShBOR, executor.. y o it SALE. ME= Win basalt,. all that PARIEr. OP LAND efinstrd In Pa u township, near Unity Church, °containing One Ilandreo and Twenty.one Acme-85 sores cleared, balmoe well timbered, and all wall watered. Impromnents • Log Sam and Log Item, ma good bearing 7.ung orchaod. Trrootome. Title indtrpotable. VW Ft:titer particulars mqnire of 0. eLNIVILY, near the mains. ADAM BEIGE? nazecrui B. bazaar, 6NIYELY. Mtardlarg ofllarr E. Might. jel44tdaltyl Z.D. DI CHBEDI3I. Jm.tim Part Pl•t Glow imatlrm.'iVambriatras •t. - wort BALE—A Fnm of 118 norm, in SL Mir tom :whip, Westmoreland amity, Pa. Also, a farm of 14D acres In Illsabeth tomnalp, tillagh•ry orma[y. diem large [amatory Brick Rows and Lot In th• Smooch of Sllerbeth. am, a DMA Ebbe end Dot to ZiLtraboth borangh. Ares Lob adjoining rho borough of Mcßae.. port, In Janes ittry's pl=4 Sm. 66, 67, 53, 60 and Be.. Alen, • very nimble trait of Coal Land. to Pool Hw P, on thollow.agahela ther. Tor puttee/loos lagolre at Ho. ICH Yamtb Crest. O.H TOW= Heal Litato Amt. VOR SALE—STRAM SAW a: AND OM 111:31211111f.—The oneZ i re 'bolo at an Oil Bellamy cod Strom Bow Ull , whh to nod one-poll tom of gad; an ebnadeboi of coal on the lot—minewron and being workeeli Ottere on tbo Allegheny River sad A. T. D. )1.; bah:not for silo. .The Belinotri iv new and •of modern hdlg. Ea. law Um I. to splendid who, and le Welk info !fed, baring a ,creek =obi. h . = It to the ttror. 0004 hx4clity Aing beau. Toe partirelace tall zell ea the undualeud. LYDAY .onomanctifo, /ow N 0.19 Head stmt. Pitiehurgb, pa. HALE-4)net• new Steam Engine, .W 15 hien cylinder. ZO bulk stroke, cm bossy Leon boa ; Mimics rah. praetor 02=19 lach _ 80 itch Ant*, mond.toin9. mat rill bo as good sr now. Ono ! Ono Inch cyllzolor, BS Inch 'bons, nor. LS Two Oyitrilor llalleri, LOU " 99. LO toot lon. • Two Wronabt Ina On Brlll. Alori, zeo Seta of Bl inShoa, Meg T fox tar. V B tro g f • If . E r LO BOLL,! Alonhony n ts Book, no. no Point. VALUABLE ._ RIVER PROPRIITY ?OA sem, altosted co tho gooonicaltela Bleu; aboverthotrit Lodi. harlot/ a ti ant an Bald rim 0t9:17 het, sod • Vexation Back to Bragodi scliolaing the tkoinelLeville Hallroon, coo -4 scree satlT perch Tills no antic. No loc ta a n tion for inaaotan--ring es. p la hating the elm In tend and pribtia street and relircad to the now, awl Bar Mtll and bnildinp demon erected: oter Aeon*, to =BY ANN TUSTIN, eaDmmfa r ab Wr0.A11(1 8 / 2 413.4=14,14o. 1111:itaireondatrietaltubranh. mbILM LIOR, -EALE.--IV-,500 will . purigum , a Rwti doer Lety.ore urea, Rader goodahrte cdoulttratlott, Rot) watered *Rh sprint atol motes pod Race, el trut h. about throe =de loaf Wire from bhll. Wenterdelerel county, as the Ma delphte Plith, one pas from ths Penne. Relined. Ths-haprontaratir urtra - Rmetory Brlik o r t ram Ran t iltr. e Utme, and' ersli 14 oinks trait. Tam etury. • Ipply at • he BealAtae • sad lam ar . w = of my= Ballet tint . thrn .;' ULNA AT..PUBLIO SALE.—WiII be iold by public tartan ca. the ,yrisalses, ea THIMIDAT, the MI of dam. Lust; a Yaret"eaa.. Wein; 165 . Away eltaakd la -Ilota Haattagdoa toviaddp, Westmorelead con ty,lltallea trvek Lart. lee& atittan. l'altaa. P. 8.. It., and the 'tame die. teaderreatitraaeltnille la coal tat Ittentoaa. la wall watered. The yrarteteats are beg Dwelllng Hew mad :Log Data. Bale re talus plate at 1 fetlock_ p . IMAM. DaVIDSOIT. , FOR BALE-At Aladdin Oillisirji, Grade Petroleum Tanks;-: . 1 - VOIC - SALD--A LARGE 'MODERN tnant {lron cnory brick tom. anntato on U 056 13T/ISZMArtuton Ina. and High itrnits, cantata. Ing.tan'totas, with good- oast and tabbed gar.. ret: The lot bass front of 'AI• kat on ll drag, roc ting back n feet to a 6 feat al/pp -nu Ivan Is sub; stont/atly,bellt, and ha: water and ten thnmghnto Ixt6l lig • - Tor fortbor parlionlaza Davao of - A. G. C 031341163.. _ Asp.23itt - Mantonnt;•Putonttnek. PAM: FOR?. SALE.—That iniAtutbli Js; wan alma. osi tha _Pittsburgh 'and Remo-a tleado Bad; Zobbasoa township, knoent as the "SIM heas,”ihcat nn Wks from thholty, mt. Watts aboat42s -Nal% bo soldat pirate aole. Tor ter= 'apply to II ff., thL , - Attanuer-01-Laer, An fourth dant, otal:a.ert , Pitubarob.,P.: - SALE -- Oa EXCTIANGICratt A: CITY PROPZECTL—Tnat LBO, Irtth Irma& attached, da (Aram 'erect, fee. Eberly coeui;ded Chrtstian .12unat a lt i r . de &at lia~ Blesotat at bam. suatiagAnd '91 . 413 is the .100laarty ~t ss, PP t ~ib r b EE!=1::=1 VOLUME .L ucTrox s.tL .5: Q.BIALL FARMS- . AND -- CODisiltlY 811743.—0 n SATURDAY ASTEDSOON, Jess sth; at 9 o'clock, Will be soli, ea. the prehlecy of Hasellepod Staten:,® the GerattlesiGe'Eallrcad 6 fl Peebles township. ,the folknelty Am. - I=r tits Leta, mixt' •ided from: the Vectriy lee - orloel Pock and others: 1e0.% ednfiftln# - Iliscres 9i parch So. 7 . • •.4 N 0.5, " - 5 " 00 • 'NG , " G 51 7170 7. S ". 75 No.o, " 110 also. cm* lot mortablog 9 adroit ; wilchnlAy land of Hon. Geatao Dorsio and Witham Piper. Tht., small f dns, put of Joan U.Woods' tract; ars sltnatel wotbln a few bud,* i yards of Bad. wood Station, sad wall adapted 11 , 11 for dtlfettfnl mmatry realdracea and for ft.d. t and Tina ar'swing. or I ga:dozing porpnan. ?crams oral slow tba yrs mato tkfore lba day of alga by calling on lhomao orrt son, tenant on tbo land, or onramen Vanua, at the Gloms Hotel. Flare can Do soon ou therromtres, or at oba annko £ooma 51 Flub Wed, or odlas of Robb a bleCnonalli tamorond savor; T‘rma sala—Unanoarth dub, balance fn two and tbna yours, wlthlntrcesa. all ;arsons d•• .Inert of attendirg it s solo wfL to talon two of clrits. For thts - yo• loro srorl4 train will Loy.- .'" P'" .. . trill Lays the PltUblrgb bt Coo.,o,lgvillo ILallros4 Dep cornar of Ih *treat a 4 n!anott a hes Wharf at x 34 et locEt, proottey, en 413 'st Two baba rootra to Vattbarghos memo oYanltg. at halt pass the sn4 6 o'clock. foie it If ciritOATNE. Ancrr. IfiILEGANTAND RA LE SEA SHELLS: wEDIMSDAT, :robe AN, kt 10 eci•ck tn:and 2 and 2 o'clock p n., mill be sold, 4e Com mercial Sales Baca', 64' Firth atnet, a largo mad rphttdid collection of BA Shell,,' from all parts (3 th• work, embracing many. Tenable . =Palm, lly , tracing to amilants in Oconctiolop. A 1.,, r bell Heal.Dremey, Pim ' Cranial., an , Imprtai from and Italy. , Abe, Shell work lloncr, ant a gnat rarlaq of tiny Abell Unman tr, imported Goa Fratm, The attention of I adleos particularly inattoi *c tali am of toe Nand*a abd wn,dene of the deep, adaPl , 4l for Wont hotonan.'d ocoarconta The nuns and natural bfrory to laud to eachsh4l. 3 Enka will ho continuedaarry dav and .igt.t, an are wad. M i LW T4D •Gy T AMR BUILD +a. IN utic 1-A SEVENTH Wall --On THIIIitSDAT AT- L amshooti. Jane 234, at It o'clock, .111 he Old, on The Pro:ode., t.kat raloable lot of around /tines on Archers drat, at the die.. of 111 feet froth Ilen• tro croons. betag 193 •ret9 treble froth an Attla. ttrost, by 144 fret 0% Inaes deep to nfl kot alley. This property contst. a large aronant of good he'll. tnz en3ne, enoll got at Asa. property can br men at cffice of J.l). WS. Dams, No. Hi Snaithaeld street . Tltlo Indlspritab!s. Terms made known at 4•18. lel7 A. 2.I.IWATHE, .fiIasirVIIPACTIIICEB.S. arc. DIIQUEtiNE BRAES WORKS, cumuli a gIAWFORD, Hattatoctrairs of em 7 varlot, of Ltr.lslud alum WORE OR PLUMBERS, STEAM OD GAB TITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND OOPPERSMITHIL BEASB CASTINGS, Of all daicrtlrtlons, made to onto, STEAMBOAT WORE, STEAM AND OAS. PITTING, and IMPAIRING, promptly attended Particular attention paid to Suing op REPINE. RIES POE GOAL AND CARBON OILS. ALIO, Sole Airoma for tho Western Dietrict of Penn ' eytranla for the sale of MARSH, LA GSDELL 0028 PATENT STPIION PIMP, the brat mu in. muted. Harty no rare. ft Is not liable to - get not of order,truf will throw more water than any pomp ca helm, De Ara. 7712 B. L 7. 17117. IRON CITY WORKS. LIZACB:INTOSH, lIIZZCPULLIAL s CO, MEW= AND ELSOICOSIBM Gamer of Pike *ad CPllaza. axle Pike and Walnut Streeta area Qty Wa.....r Work") Kan tdartnrent of atatkroary and otter ENGIFES, aoL 'also KILL CASTINGS and MACELLNKNY, of all kind; and gonna! Jobbtra. Prompt attention atm to trpalaing BOLlatiti MILL ISACHIBIGIY. dadNly ROBERTS, BANES & CO, Ho. 199 Third Elt., Pittsburib, TIE AHD . BESET 11103 WOIMEI3B, And anzzlitchiren cf TIN WARE We are now nisonfacturiog and have on hard Bathing Amanitas of all kinds, Toilet Ware in Setts, Water Coolers, Groats' Tea and Spice enlisters, Oath and Spice Boxes, Tumbler Drama, Spittoons, itc-, an. A large lota Dint Cases tor ado low. Oil Cans of all alai. and patterns, Tin Roofing, Conductors, and all kinds of Jobbing Work donis to order. BLACK DIAMOND sTria, Woßss, PITTBBWRIF4 Pd. PAIIX, II:BOTHER. et CO., ==fl • HUT 417ALrIT =MD Cd2T =EL, ' SotarePlat and Octaon of a ed.s. Warranted' equal to any Imported or r; tazadarinred in Oda coca - Oar Monad Indatcae. Idea. IS9 and 7.61 MST and LW and SZOOFID EMMET% Pittearrigh. 14,11:1yd pATENTED OCTOBER 8, 185 DiTIIBIDCW#747tair 0 VAIz,.III:E" XX PLINY GLASta These ChtmsaysAas Intends! far the del hams, hennas NI paste of te. glen ego:lnside:es not expose Lt crocking. IL ,D. DIIIIIIIDGE, ' Test Pitt elleza Works, Wsehingtos street, 'Pntaborst,, Done. STONEIAt 12.6.11trACTIBUS as VMS _ Ban aibays oa banitibd ;bake to ordra monion OHM aux= Pa= CLOTH ; of a forl'emnollrs tal U WOES. SOH WINDOWLIare.; BIRD CIAIIIU4 Cr, ammurr.A.L WOUB r Ier Mown. tz... or Lit , rausru vramer.. rAItI)STREET FPIMDRY- . , AZVEUELIP-.DAIM, mr.liforcrio stAndarsou dPbl4.4) nrppet• rally- lamas Ws Lion& and the pablia generally Ills/ to has wend a fazdid7 at the corr.= ofll2lA drawl sad i.m..7.lsresi.opposiss Fultozei Bras rOcut4f the pirpos of aademfoettrdat LIGHT HAIGLtaItY, casnisro, GLABY .11017LLEy PULLED, ka. Hpaldsltentlird_ginni to Plumb...all A LLEN Iit'OORNICK it ca, Vau l ii Ja.. tcrazosir, Pittiti 14 Ps." .• sirwigeb., 11:11-E TY STAKET, .. llaintertarora of COOK, PARLOR • AND EMAT. PABLOBAND .M7D MCKIM GRI.T.Mt HOLLOW eta, Stool and GlaWilloolds,Rotl• log Mill Comdata Giants., OW Water and dr dub 14P0. glad lianDog Amu; .Wqoa Boxeh en "goz Kittlioar .a dl=pangera,Car WboOutillap aril Oostiagi 7. ' Also, Jobbing and 'Machine Oastinga ato ardor. Palmated Yortablo laill, with ttlasan or Iligno Pogue. • ,-: nallidoot . ~ BEtITANNLA, RR IQg um SKEET -METAL NiOltES. -- _ 001.114.N8:4-.vntIoitT, Mannfictarirs ofCASTOR TBAXMLAMP DITEEN =EI and' LAMP BB &Awl irenextlly . Also, TIN LesTrazi Inunanas, /Bum:slaw:um, da suattectarters at. 001.1 m d Alhigbrp-Pateso TIM JIM-TOP. - to, 12 Second draft, Pittabtall. COLMWS • - 141310EfAnDlirl. !Wee:testi _ ilanofaoftroa We flay & Gran Rakes, of Up ,Itosoookt, Dam, - Molkoy. kod "Trill. BI =rail ; &Do. STOME ADD VAIXIAGE TSUOKS: 4BAIDIOWS, 04=14 130443 ood Wag; mwork of Alt deouiptlooi Aim, =az Traits, -4i Gain lutsa • pENN IVACLUNE, z - .W.OBES . AND • - • ' noiviatrrmiKa'co - , - =mem IttaLVEl3.9 - .AND 4 / 1 4117261871#, Luca" Bxtric4. Wuxi Wised andriazdsdry, limn:rub:am of IVIGHIItABIII PATI:IQ7 POST ABLE OdIIILLATISS STAdli ESCLIZIES,I 4 .IIO, tut. INNS.% ' —Repairing o•all tires anceadrd so: -"jntay alia IstAVNES,na.. -of the Arm' f til t a allula D . Dix, 0 151,0v1 01. Mr/ODA Dp..) 0011 (LW 2,!AFLlegtarank- -FOptIVOI.Sab4 •- ' - laywararepizr ,, ,_ ; „ : ! .t co S awri4eacE, , .. 11 0.14.-wala Erz. wiorGl="l:7 c m i tuP - = 71 - 71 " Isms o. asekl4sasdsto•ardss , ss short mete s good sasortmostcoostuar oa ftsad. - Is72IMIrS DW.. BEENNETT_ L ainufactmeertiof • VT= 01'03129u11,421=2.200/,- Offal Wanhoor IMAM/Tyr:l BTREIRL BOORS. .11,81 LBS. 4c. LATE PUBLICAT(OIcS, A.T HENRY BaINEWS, Self Ikeda". 8Le...2 - nr liarront • it. Bridal Eve. By Ms. x. n. Banta? A 220.6 of Oho ••• Elsner. By Bt.= 1 ED Boug,ed -By thatiattOi.ciths Limp: 42tor. 2 CO T. - - %11:t2 5t.931),. H 7 To .Moryr.l:`,Cto!.4l---.... iT6 tilnets6 Ektsailtl Yam; o Matcher cf • Life . . . Wo.aai la E...ra. D.y ea:box. oiz tint la they. A caaapat.t.” to Woman in 'White.. (ADM-. lal vui • • • Family Pit!. By the amthor pt Plana, CO.. 160 Tema Cape Cod to Dale. By L1.L.111A1e... 173 Bto.mbllag Moan. .ig.11111141114... Cloth. 1 30 Mete 'Wocds. By Tret . e u D,'llrect. Cloth. .76 /am d'a Moan's .3 . o.lelfs:tleu. By H. ........ 160 ... Dorf:ors oral Totyllsht. dog Lon. Elmo, 6! , • Lo/tee Outdo to Politec.,m, sal PorkcS . Dem Zy Lemlia 1 tO; Lodi& Gallo to Sous 'Font s.ol,Xmlact/al7. • ; • 1W . • . Pllttutpby of zerbert Speicer. Ilrot Perot -9 CO XVIL IDeitnttom of 17alvertd Pectriii. 27 Her• t Sponurr. 2 CO Hazard on the WEI. Smedam'of Wand cn ,_• —....--- 2 CO .. atziatliznsad 'o th er Papas:, 'By T..HUarr 120 !c•-t- r: XX. Concord and Comfort. Hy :he C?nr.tcy Carton. ' , IF, C10th...._ Codjo's Carer *Tele of Cost Ter.uentrn. 1,75 tw.cerfald'n Dce ; or. liocna / GO. Wa2db= Nowt DJ ibn t.:tkct era= By Boza, 1 CO San Atrrs Irtongh. p .rz tinl Work raimens. i G.I) XXV . . The Grape sad Grape Colton. B 7 Andrea B. Scam 1 LS XSYt .. Indust:dal Blegraphy. By Samuel emnot..t.• that. a Bea klelpe". and . B11031.01,1,15Te" 1 SS Copies of the above books =Libel frte of postage on receipt of ;elm , EMERY . J•l7 n .a IS rum 4t, nest o ABOUT BOYS The Boy is Father to the Nan. We Ilan, had ' PION XU nor, VIZ VERBS EOl. THYB DilN .oT, _ Tus-r Isar. and tame yrtapsetst of aur—oroas otherl eof HoA; . tto most relaelle By at the ;Tema: time r TIIE Taxing mot bang a Life of Lt. Gen, Ulysses S. Grant, BY ILts7olt PY321121.11. , The 8072u:sad of Cus. Greet Lt steptitsd M hagth, ' shawl= bo mach tithe cherattesiatrss at As lx7 are d.,etoymd La toe men t and iteamplete record of Ris military eater! In even doirn to the .1.7 gain. • f „ • Mehl:Bead; with Illtursstgas. rol...ltrao. math. gilt hack, arta, V. 25. Bald .TOEN P. EtTIVIIB • tVEOLESALZ AtiD,EztALL Book, Stationery & 9ngari9 Emporfn EITTEI ETSZIT, ELLF:O9O 14LL, ALBUMS I 1 I Card_L.h atraxlipri 7 a. , I I - Card Artrarata. Poialtet : brims. Packet Book!, 4:t Pocket .Booku: 1 ,1 `.j;6- - - ..:... ~ ...-. . ._ P ite, •..tubilins. FLAGS 1 • 1,13-E.. 1 . .Late Hooke. ' .•-; lEE/ M•:, Maps of r irr,iti 4. A' Georgia. SATION1711,1• 1 SrAi T llOrMr f at P. rill T Q, ',SI 73 AIM SO 312i1EIT: NEW AND DEA FUt, BODICE SOmiloos from Irroeiy '23 Eizly and ProLum 8111e3. B Itebt.-tr0t:!....:: 1 IS 1k Kdr..—rers Ideadd Ufa. 1150 It Harrell ItoterPfs of A asitsior— Boot dr" Prafio , fain the bc4 10-glish Idpsum Welton ' 1 Pi!pitris Proved.. He* edlllolt. , /Ilanl-15 Tame'. Enlcknbocker" • Elpasidd edam: ; ... . Ts:lW= Q.latkade 0611M:fed Garlaste web EIVISC)P) sunfaan —Alicgraphy( ;otA q. !mar. o - moult, Boarded OA dm the operations tintramenti - BENITES OUT DABEHG A.NT pr. Adage irx - REMOVAL: As tam ple3a ti9lr'?c•;w.,atto Vnicloirojnive but nixtrek marnteet•Wor of WU: B. 1311.1.D80Da andEllita.ll =XS a CO., - I a nine lot orntlrreriltrP.243; catjArto 38=dton:a .rearnea tonlarontateresi Zio t todenne sad tinaltail 0.130 • • - 53" anpeticeity or tLe 1311417417 lt&NO af , reedy toneelltbee. In the h Ws= no now lastreatand hes • [Wiwi-so tepidly ita -peptatrl4,. or fir:ROW la wog Vrntatittel *Min the eiteeent two yearn air the new — lron Etazo, wrretrenviareana :proms - antkat. fume Ante, utnantectcred, lIty; awl • dhomstera Ont Pianos. hgrkkbotot APO . Inns aid hivosibti known in We end, otntr oonntritt, 1144 . i rattler oosunent: Sll tiartitetel faAlso yens,, autoMinas' Jx rlttabtr, sji Wag:at ra.; . • WATAELIErt&Aani- . • - nal; cws . Bl4ll6's meet, - Good Elsocid Z PlasOs tießent. . Tzentnit azd, terytrmr dale r ttr. - • %DSO - KNABE' • A ciutics-sepra f a from tbi.aeletkrikuxln=m ocgoookao„.hon IvaU Wen rocatirenifirs 4;b1:1 cameo. pas.- /IV.. lustrOicata pro tally vansatekirpi Taira .La , are by Om boa 1.01,ge. p-orvotticed. 41713.5... A Ftll4 tespeafally- to:kited barrt. where, • 13.1.1413W/71. RAMS Id 2403, . .7 . hob wort: T at BEST PIANOS t . HOFFMANN,.HO NE/ -003, - sa: es rumz etis Dres&la 6soB,.vrta,b b 7 the bet 1207111:1=111 Ere_ SA , 931011/04td SOLO BQrarkr 91114N1'114,30'11V-1 • ‘.parrsAci.tivrs.- 40. PI/41?argt.L. • ;14,7 ~Lta 'ZS Litta Xa • " * • - 11, 4 kemit a 1 ..? bsk-4 Eas4t4.,l === ~ rh . ._ __...
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