:~,. OWOurgit Ste. - • - wenvosumr. JURE 22. 1864 v • NITIOWAL lINtON NOMiTIONS. - /01 191111.0/IT t - . ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Y' of rot nos rapists?: ANDaESW 401INSON, Tpati;ems.. last touchg4 tmo bondred, tad •aoalleiz dents better. It riasquoted nt, .200 enterday in New York. We look for a dcottno a 6 rapid as i 31,1 born the ad , .wattori:: The cans, or tho rise is -asoribable soldiy,to.Geteral 011/1.51e1l tesniotary , chrth at - Petersburg. People everywhere have been ; too iMpationt 'of results, and the gold gamblers it owe wall how to turn to goad , 'and:stink thar periodical apprehensions of - There Is no eound finencial retinae j • -- for the present h•gh price of gold. „Let Pivernburg and Richmond be taken and It will go down with a ruab Botb from the Rackwcwds.” •-T6o,Ptrace Democraoy do not like As nazw l ioasabir 'because he is a sett made man. • lied the' Baltimore' nominations were - . made, the leading organ of the Democratiy sneered at them us 'a rail sphiting buffoon ea a b•oriah triter, bodfrors the backwoods, 45..)thgrewin; i 4 uncouth igartraace." This Is the styli in which the whole Demooratio press rails at Oar oandidates, and espe cially at Gov. JOHNSON.' It was Democracy ones to stand by men who, by their own to dotty, rise to honor; but it is Democracy - 1100 . G3 (born all such and treat them with the tamest contempt. This is whet the Northern Demoiratty has horned by Is loos servile asseeistionarith Fur years ago the private seatehiry of Hosrsm, Cosa, of Georgia, said to Goy. Jon.sos himself, "l ,f,a people of the South will not submit to be gayer/led by a matt who bat come up from the ranks of the people ae ADS LINCOLN toss;" and =MI tiOir:tbst Goy. Jottesoe comes to be scan ' Mate upon the same ticket wiih "Ass cots wo end Dlr. Eloweht Ocisn's tra' coadjutors turning up their 11080 S at • Itim j fat as their whiloar masters did at Oid ans. There is nothinginlls a modern Democrat so mach as to be rated over by a mta soungfrota Lho ranks of the peop'e. Some mswatoalin,g aristocrat, who riots in Incary s the nopaid labor of his slaves, is• their bran ideal of a gentleman. Min like -I.o6aLi. and Joussos, "both from birkwoods;' mast not come between Ihe'wind and th it , .The .New York 'World, which is laboring So heavily tinder the hioCan.t.as mania, that it takes dres®a for faote r anis: . . "If the campaign fait itswili tiebecante Goa. Clotut Ace tome latertnirwlth. "He atkod that Gen. bf *Chain might he brought biok to , the Army- of the Numb"; etttiott would add arty Percent to ita effective strength. file regime; was dented." All stet!. Gen. Gatar , we fret perfectly safe /11- saying, made no such request. If he did there must be some proof of ibe feet; and where is it/ Would it be asking too much 'to request a little evidence of it? She World has Iloilo to give we are ewe; sad every aot of Gee. Itaaar, mope he took eosins:id of the army, giros the lie to the assertion. Elie drat act, twitted of asking 'for, bliGustiss, was to purge the army of — thir hloCtetz,ta clique of officals who had almost rained it. Mt did not dare to en . trout himself in Ater hands. Re was Solved to eseetim the fate of roe; Binisiazoa and-}loozezi, whom ` they" sacrifievd, and +; _'+. ii;:',..;..r,7,:,..--.•..' ~t r ~ i. ~~~ ~ ~~. .' V . , . ~.~ .: f: !helm they orppicd and thwarted. After he had rid the army of bicCiellaniam, - s,ed pieced the corps end divisions under the charge of lighting generale, and sur f: *nada himself with a faithful sad trust. worthy attar, he commons d his grand Cam .- . plan, and Mee aorocyliehed more in a few weeks thin the treat uoready did during his entire connvotion - with the army. Get. fisaar hale shown, in the; choice he mid. of hie II htitig gonernis, that he knows what men aretado . of too well to have any-coos, dance in Icerattnn. MEE 111 •i L ~ - Gen. Garbredge. We likuthe way in whick GYN. Bvsnamoz iziliages thing', in Kentucky. He refuse's tti reeogeiss 111,soAs and his horse thieve!) -as -b Ilicttrente,. treating them simply as cortlais ; land 'instead of surrendering to ittem," or I inithlog any terms with theist, marches 1113 men ninety - vanes in-twenty, foie hour and whips them tufo., sorterel,y, In 'that Vtali; That shows plink, =era and ability 1 and he , stows equal Atli in Malksgibg - the twat-Nei:slh Goreraor of Sentzeky. 'A few menthe ago ho silenced the thissiet of Oar. Basatcartr, to the effect that he. would resist further recruiting of .igro silelters, by sending ben-word that at the'sliabtest attempt to translate. these woideinttt acts, he would march his whole . constiand- against all, who should j• in in auShattatopts. The Oevernor,knowing hld mac, ehasbect hie mind, and is now is quiet so ani Onset: - The General to evidently the; right Maultrthe right lace. :.t: 1 An ontrsge of a most diaboboal oharatt. terwas.pergwitrated a ferr.days ago upon a; soldier's widoW in l ow. York." Dressed in detp seamin g, and, as any observer might injosisiderabli dietrele, and weak, sae erisprogged by two men, a policemen and the =doctor of a air, out of into of the Bth keenue care into tievrtet,"and there left. She Ansi i clean, orderly, .in " every 14 A black di docent et e was was her °Tense:. :Atte woe the'.wift; bat is now ti • Widow, of Bergesof William Anderson, of Company F, - 7Fo:ity•el.sth . United States miartd trOope, 0 man who had given his life those Who showed lima they were unworthy to have Mat this Is 'thoteaohing of eopperheadism. ,-. , . pie Washington City, payers are fall of . ' the - details ot, the m?urutni orientate s of forying'rhe eighteen- young , wonten killed lry the - Jell:Moir at the Ars..tnal La that "eiti. ' :Was i -glen is great at getting up y spentioleS,l, d improver' all itatipportunil Ufa for ti layilog its tastain that ragardt but we not, help thinkitig, in 'reading air tire riere'ls et; ibis - one, i.itat it. would be much r boiler; employed •io pravenring loch - eatistrophies, The Washington At Masai hes been the /eerie - of co many of them -ti Mil seems ilivat time to be Okbog &Mil ..V — .. 4,1! . Attgainet them: '.. __,\.... Cro. lyncat.—These is aright saa alit - do/item:ln ebtati out arhest. As the iitult of a earefurespetiateat niado by, s Veseleat' tt the 9ontestetawa :robropkii bee been tetooitelnil that dio . propo time to rat wheat iietemittetsittia is thesttddli or the esr ass bo mothed be telets the final: aid leave stothisgl3at dui bipikAnci. thicrinv,irithout - any Bela Fauna #1! edgy EME A Wean invention. Cojipetflead a tI : V ge, ct ~.. ~....' .~..k-r .. ~.i.+-~. ~.~s. ....,,.r:-: '"'+~a' -• Tike-Opinietitend press is just now upky iV FrmtraVin the hope of &awing over the Fremont me:: to the support of the Chi *ego nominees They hold out tha Idea ilia: Femme? may be nominated by them; not that they Intend my such thing. but 'he mere thought -al it tickles the Fre montem so hegely that they are fain to draw them on with It. de an illustration of this policy, take, the following letter from Ben. WOOD'S organ: • • CU. luxury's roarnor. llor Tux, inns 12, 1864. Ta editor of the . Nato Peek Newer Ten have desigeated Gan. Fremont as the candidate of the War Democracy. Ido not unt ,:what title ha has to the appellation. There-it editing in hie letter of acceptance that advocates the Ptolemy:ton of the war. do net knobwhat.fien. Freasont'e onexprese. ad - opinions may Ira, bat so far as be express. 'ed'hlettelf. in 'relation to his million as a eanalag., I can:end nothiax to indicate that awlarara armed coercion. He comes nearer the • Peaoe doctriee thou Govanur Seymour did whoa he was nominated. As fax u ray observation goes, there has been no can didate. before the people sine. the war bagati who could with more - propriety alarm the ampere of the peace element. I I am to vote to defeat abraaam Moab, and nester a principle, I think Gen. Fremont is the most available man. He la the first ono that has had the moral coarage to drop the senselessappeal for a vig.rons prosecn don of hostilities, sad he has the antonge4 elealinifil to defeat the Administration. If, is the War Democrats say, we most sacrifice principle to secure the defeat of Abraham Lincoln, wa eon certainly poll more votes by uniting on Fremont than we can by making another and • third nomination. Pea= DIXOCILLS. We do not believe this fellow has any idea that the Chicago Convention will nominate FZENour; but it must be confess ed that he gives good reasons for what he urges. rammer, in hie letter of ac ceptance, is as silent Upon the further pros ecution of the war as MoCter.tax was about GILLET in his 'West Point speech, the Peace Democracy ecectertainly, eup port him arith s hearty good wilL We commend this letter to those who af fect to think FIIIIIO3T a better anti-slavery roan than Ltscocs. • SturglO Defeat. A. letter publi‘hed in the Chicago .Trilwas eves full details of the diesster to oar for ors undo Oeneral 8 aegis The writer throws the whole blame for the dissever upon the shoulders of the 0 .neral in ems. mend, and, if all be says is true, Surriis was either drunt or crazy. We quote a few sentences: "We were ordered forward AT Tilt DOC , lllat QI:FICE. rot me , MILE 3 in the hot BIM. Many dropped out eon)", the roadside, MI muck; but on we went, until we were within a mile of the bottle.field, when they found they had to stop the men or kill thmoi all before we got into the fight. I wet my bead with water, put leaves solo my hot sod felt better, and as my canteen was ft led With strong ettli-e, 1 got along very well, become I dii not -drink any water. "After resting about five manatee, we were ordered forward again; and oar regi ment b-ing In edvaste, we were thetret. in the fitlat. We were perfectly exhauste.. when we got there, while the rebels had a picked position, beeline being fetch and knowing the country better than we. But in we went with a cheer, drone the rebels te piece, and were °Dined twenty mkt. ores before any other regimentacme in. The rebels had-its Jost where they wanted wt. We vere . eurreended on three eldest They were in the feria of a horse shoe, and. all 'they had to vlo was to close up the epees where we came in, and they would have had no all prisoners. Toey were four to one of us, but we held our ground milli we got them lo front of us, when we re treaded. .41 was worse .than a retreat. It wao a regular Ball Ilan. The men destroyed by oar GeneraL A baby could have managed better than be did. fie had blocked up the roads with the wagons, and we bed been cc bait rations for three days, when we bad a train of a hundred wagons, half tit winch were fllltd with provisione„ We lost. everything and left nearly all, our wound. el maxim field. They followed to total it was so dark they'could not eco to shell ns. ..We traveled alt bight and the next mczoiog• got to Ripley. We were not in morel/Ise a quarter of an hour before wa wore attacked again. o.tr men were used up and out of ammunition, and a large number were captured or killed. Thom: of tae who bad bones or mules fled. Wd tray eted all teat day and part of the night, used arrived at Collierierelle the tekswkersotke. where we get rest sod food, and arrived at Memphis this moridos." Atbelautun - the Uaready Tim rondos Qualrfy , In On tatio l o on 'be prospects of the Contelento, stows Its appreciation of thsgeneralship of Mc. Clellan thus:. • "The Federal' after east:Wing defeat at 801 l Nan, unoonsolonely frittered sway immense superiority rot strength which erllt.remained to them by selecting Ben. McClellan sit their' new Commander/in/ chief. Bu months and months this Athel stane the unready—s sensible and worthy, mane .bat slow and cautious in the extreme —sot to work to Orgintie and 'discipline the army, nearly 200000 strong; with a vie to Autos it for a campaign in which there should be no more /Bull Bona' A few miles cif-in his' front lay Generals Johnston and Beauregerd, with an unruly. and riotous army, little more than 80000 strung, Intoxicated with their recent vla• tory, which watt loudly cfebrated inbeak. ere of *lanky, by dance and by song." Bteiog its , estimates of Northern asp. tattle on each aohievemonto of 000110 the @vial', can do 'nothing but prophesy victory and ind/penderteet for thos Coifed. strata's. McClellan's inability tb keep open hist amtnithicatione with the tillattplianee, when, on the_ Chiokshambay, is made the both for a general dealt/I:aim:L*lW „lino largo army orihri federoli• hod aver gat 80 miles away from Its.water . base ter any nnsin of time," and tills is given at the reason why Atlanta - tan nil/ r.be end ithy„Biobotend 'cannot be/approached ditectify•from Wa.bington. . • The gh-st of the' Gitot' ;Unready still Lonnie the memorint Etarope, and even Pow deptives cur heroic sttnievund own- . wanders of that generogo rapaft arblob,; sooner or later,le always won by trains and Y. Trikofe. • Ms Leer;irxeizornow Rtator.. 7 -the reeaitiquan'ttiat the French government Indention envoys to this notary to re. port, to the Emperortlii relative patitioie and prospected the Northern and Southern minks le explained by , the alai& des EtateL'ats, of New lrork. sayer "An oilltierine left Path, indeed, to follow op lei t he In !Teri a elf! h e l ot I bat toorsoit simply to study the orpnliatlon of the Fed eral immy, and especially of the arlidery ser vim - It Is manly such. a mission as that of Gen. McClellan to the Cinema, authorised by engem in all oonetsiee, and snarly with. out polltinal stroideninea." - , Tan Iltrott or Now Yono,—The Albany XEcnihi lomat says thst "an -official ecratloj of the tsSoids shows that the Slate of New York in Sootsc of all the ogle Spin hertir' , troops riot* than Asa thou- Sand: 'This is gnttifying, sad ti lig 'ma; the Omit Lunde yaid try Ma,Ooresties?.o asenia nor.that what Nei York hoodoos,' and sortie:lithe Netheinglo,Tiot maths Ov of New Yorki could bo soooskyllehed by yenosetrants esd dibigkeity ionnty, It prom ;art were made tuidessfatifti todl, toricipt.l" - . T*• iusitesztits Tbolso ξ from Now . . Orlestw, wised at , Now York ow Boidoy, and Vroilett asnitril Ylsnt& sad-stilt as titeinigors...l l 64LOpint oimesitOils ron siek.lessa . to 'life is lie ill un Ingrabis Itositibi'sroundf*lved fa the 241 , 1042 aired= Gleanings from the leak TEE New York journals ear that immi /Union to that penis nurenedented. (Ri tmo thouned arrived last week, which Is in euess of the arrivals In • *Umber Uri.; of of any pinion year. I The loniigr.an a are all of a superior clan; educated, laul ligent, penessed of mebns and energy. The bulk are small fatmen, mtcholles and tradesmen. They do riatlltsve to seek ear On meat, u there are allays farmers and contractors waiting to engage them, who readily pay their passage to their destine,. I Tun Tamaqua Jounal, la staunch Union Journal, was destroyed on the night of the 11th inst., byte copperhead mob The office was broken into after the outside forms had been worked off, and the entire news paper department wrecked. The type was ,mired from all of the uses and thrown os the door. The forms were broken and the ( material is good for nothing but old metal. The job deportment wasiuntoutne t. ..By their deeds ye shall ken! them." Tamaqua Is in Bobylkill canny. Bast. 011118•111; Esq.,! a member of the Pbtlidelphta bar, died oil Bauarday. Mr. Chemed me in am 60 year of hie age, and was wolf known al an earnest and sneered tunneller for' more than thirty nate. Ba married a dsughter of John deerant, B q, who lea 4Teter of Mts. Oen. end Meade. Aoo , her sister, now (Iliad, woo the ant •ifoof Henry &Win, ol Yuginla. A yatriotio ' , raker *as interrupted by a peace Hew natty children hay. yon in she army r To, which the reply dame—'One, an only son—it's not my fault that I h teen% more." Bata. Gcs: Atvts Hosts, of. Indians, who tiss greatly distinginssed himself in the army, recently resigned his contnasion on 'mown of failing health. Governor Curtin has gone to Wantdogton in urge the passage of thy.-bill Hi al:Wing $7120 - 000 expenses Incurred by thin State during anS rebel raids. Tex Postmaster General has advertised for proposals for tee eoreloe between the Potted States and Bias Ll. . Miss was a snow storm on Blount Wash ington, N. H., last week,: when mot toll to the depth of slx. inches.l Tux Northern lowa 'Fate et Dubuque opened on Monday, and it le expected to be q aite successful. Os Setuidsy 1 51,823,000 In specie was fallen out of the country by atm:timers Which lett Now York. PAaLI•MEST has s bill before it to sap- Frets organ griodiog IDE .gl , eh streets. Ton Tullis and wife, at Whitehall, N Y., recently, wee° robbed ot $1 297. Gen. heftily Killed. doubts as to the death of the rebel General Bishop Polk am dissipated by the following dloopstch which we And in the Petersburg Express of the 18th: Aikt . mo Aim 14.—Thet TY614118 of Gen. Polk &mired here this morning and were deposited iu St. Luke's church. The fn. nemt cervices were eonduamd and a err mon delivend by Rev. Dr. Quintard, before e lergo omsembly. The remains were then escorted to the noon teals for Augusts with military honors. The death of tbie Chritpian hero has made a proionod iro preselect on all classes of , our community. PUBLIC .PIPTICIE f. 113.6 tIANITAK, uUM11(11 ai s meetlai held lesuirday. Rama tb. Leellir •Dooked. 212“ the Omoitte• of Pitt. bug:. mil ca..rm Ir amb WAS th. sanest tpyor. man, 4,1 ton., lay toes psalm' melmoslndiaann C.) teat lull.. I Phuba .b. Allnhany aao vichLts to mbar outtnnt In zoo cr, meeele4 etid elttighteatett tele tle. the tea in natty at Into, and egatrilly me ea - lied • nytudr.d 4;Undani View ennatil's r gtta, are l•rbalitatided we en ews sick .odrad their *dg us , eaor. v.. purl le and Lauder= it the Timms dew - Met. a; tit• I. le flentiarj fur jqs IC twILL...IId et. .17 - 7 . • FOUe'IH, waHD a.litaktiaisisa. tr , ...1 flocatamduosra lof dm Lanky 'and h.rebi Iln n.doe duo. %bey 'Awe pr.parad to Isms ortifloass m the own Ihnturain .b. Bounty Rand, thd that ••• ceque.tad to, most at th e allca of e TrINI4I(4 . (at tha kleschaats aad Isms= Baca la the Dlsfaoad)as totlAne 81 cks ace. 1, ft ►ads an !tondo Madam Jan. ffiG2i2=i= !iBMMIEG= Haq••a Bn. /It 11. 111 aad II 'an Thandayerealag, anitSd FIEOZIKON=I Thole armee/lag wl3l be 17 , 7 a 7 top o'clock cub ev.amg 'Rothmans:dame rocinatted to been. sat of .the sweebng of that tneptettre ttwka.. AU pentane cot Lowe to the Treasurer will onou *bre parod elth.plopet voodoo' ea ib4l certified& wrtU be Le tad an.* roaceett toy by,a *ember of the .om tafttres whom blothait'seivao. - 'I base cortlflostectt Ltlia'aturertible into 0 per mot latene4 boon& tbattierhen ptreated la rims fsfir Dollars oi which -the bounty bas hr booc paid to to-eut y Tnomobr, I Ithwee tevurthe oust do dm • aye bora Iota& By !order of nut limaty CO:10 nal nen. J tatty. tic. —an ihrP, D *mat". ..bo U. o$ Os ' , Fat...044u wad 1.114.• bores. Onde at IR. T 11 1 1 06A61111 11616 001316 • ). 6 131sminibb, AA MONDAY, hay OLD, Ai S.. •co slxs p. ta. oy orie , of tem 5.611. A. GI IJOILSUp, Priatnt. A t Pam a .T.•.x.v5,1C1.-Ic j 10. A hiEbillitA uk.Takr. UMW.: /LXICIITIVE 00191111TTE9, of Antony Cbas.ty, W u toad at tb• Icelop of 1t1an.94 • 89,-9,190, U Fifth ...et 9'...t.targb, SHUR& DAT. Jr= 23d, UAL, at 9 calcek a. at ItamitA, aulltman. /08;1 11. trrIVALEIT, Stereattra. j• 16941 W.l.4*T& WANTED—BLACK.MITH—A good Slactosolth can obtald pumwant employ moat. 2audio of utcroirur r ram • nrirr's ten. or 171 Word WWI. .wANTED-SIIITATION.-A compe tent Book ISeeprOo *tams dasplarassaa wars aAn old•ats shan Adam, wants ddaitlaa. &Alar:Carr la amass sid • • Ar abed. Ad sr ao CI. AAP? ,P a. flaYi t• • ?IL HIM WANT SP-A. tIUBSTiTUTE • Sitottnd Dobsz• (sto3,)lirtll Wyatt to asi ovtotlo oxibitha •ow • oroto3 ...an The fawn. tote more to exempt aom t•• pant sma Int= &sit& laqulro at dm G • t EMI MICE Wink:D.-100 two of old I b_ooke, btcka tstsmd. oIE Atirsb•Pub bay tb at that has ono* born wrltlis, olutatt popst . Gm which tb. blber4prt.. • tlt t o a , oar Tabs, ard nig Wert& cm, blo 33 embittbld stmt. J-Imam. 0. F! 11141 , 8 tar* 00. WA.I4IILD. . . . A raw mu with • mall capital, to take • p•rs fattrat to • lead or tAtaleg bruins, lbw pp 4(0 pa amt. profit. , Ilusuuta: llght la •ArA. . . tor wilco*. ,All on or kkirrat J O. 'LIMN. No. 4 , 1 1 7A0d .erret, Piteshorob. • TWISTY GOOD 001PVITTIIPL . Thp thidowcuel doorrito of ompOylair lb. 004 a amber a CLaptut-n, aro* at omit/ b4d4r.crror t • 11,440/41. fl.l orr, ffioborgb. tor onittor llobro , anon *poly 14 Offlor tie rho Nlntb Word. an ball of A).gboo ulnr, Woo* Kw lo• pod 01,041144.. • ; Jel.kivr PIP= a unman. ~tvraN T D- $6O A MONTH.— vlr I want Anon stll6o mon ,th asmayie s ei tto mil my svicausrura COMA 081 latiazgas. /Ad Mimeo ..L m cry; casta4agim. ekes arMlim. Ihrtomdrmilin mai barium, - JOBS IL LO/IDi Iltddaforl,MMlMA 030:21mdayer • e kco , pgun Mari 0.1111 ESTAIMIs Tor 00 *grub, Apply 41.4.4 t. P et —"A., WTTBD. itO ?HIM' 0004 . So sera. ft 100 dam %nap% indlery Battalov!. Lip. Child Ikea. Gad gria. paid. UPI, at 11,1 Ins RUA m• 11,tf • , WANTED—To par.:into, eat Wettest esselttiesue. ar ra.Chotatlag Bylaw. by as moths - sad aziwri.aced am. lteldnr.a a H., Garry' Oflgtll MT:lowa WANThD,- 000046.0f0 001 yvv 08114 L, • (aqui* at TRIO rrt T o a* 'lmrrtt t. et LW ng BALL4—A gpA, substantial I:qedlt7 sot Wit to Ins 4 e, nugh mugs s• tetsy mad•ou Stair clout, s•d pesforgy tt•bt. 4scittar trGpl7 j•st r•ttived • • Idi 11.4W1LtiSd. nUUti Uttistra LUtstuthsauu li4 sirJ • Pram ant.* cite frola Oralbltornotoloot to atas litabloory..sa4 vas', to Jash I Lot itszd sad tal. 67. • • sou ilzsgmasort,- . ----- ENeM LLB thal Hs, oo,p • ar3 maw rau;to asap *my. stoff sad 411 ,6 Gt iCluad if flt. - • ir it PFtr rxmi x . ..,450.1071 itsatrowhoutt toe sa. Dr_ OnT„,ttlX. 11;r - =BY IL CO/S=B, Poi wain We an anocizatossmate *tabu odah caszmak amt. insig ads:wow pagayr.,, pea im ] - • E i TaaM 'SO - #T4.49 • b SPECLAL Jrartess.,.. &ye We have lama that to 'as artoodettoo anything.- TIN" of en Mdeaft and s oar cespatatmea extemillai thomshOut ell mama. Wm of the habitable globe, hate tamed dor odes lota Otte and gambit& a baste Ma lOWA vs need sot en. We us eat atrprbed at such ems ea the GollOwita—alihottglo the v..itorae lobo vaitt Um, am - . We Imam the pone= sad ammoniac-v., Oratbal %Masi to (adorn: their state. sum: "Hint-Ettnron.o, Men., Hoe. 24. L. " As Lys 1 hare been •2114ben maxi! years war MlTero praltraling cramp.ml Ulnae, Clad tees au: baladi, and. genem disoldesed Pnyetclena and =dictum haled to rialto. me. WWI. nertane' eaten trlenda la No York Ode Were Cala, Please: tie* Bitten they prevailed ads= ore w Cr) tbere. ennarnenord aelth • mall, ow.e.gumensd arterdmster frehng better el degre es, In • tee days t traa'leteri" bitted to and the colanere and aradva awl entneii nal ton, and 1 tonkl sleep the night &truest., en,. I bare widow) tor pars, 1 and died:tether tean• Ity appetite Luditrength ban aleugreall, Myron. by the nu of the Plummier, Bitters Easpetrally. JUDATH /14Fdda1..." "Bizoosinri. Wls. Bisp, la, un. “ • • • I bare boa ha lb. um, ttuipico) an &std. /1 , likolll. 11L, tt q cats on• bold* oi Plant•Slou UM • • • Three bottle/ motored au /jab anu oared Me. • • • 0. 4% 'LAMS SL [Waring Is tram lb. ➢Ltm`ar al the Cato, nom &how 0= the uhlldrez of Vohlhtesra : ...... . "Harms rem Ilaannea, 157ter5...t. lie. York, Angus* 2, Ma. J Dr. Dna," tour liNattorlol PLetat.l. Mtter• have been eh= to seats m oar MU* utalaion saner • lag trtan 'warms AWL tamp Ina amen hap,Wart 'One Was taut to particular, •Ith psi. to her head, tom am sppetite end Icily eresttedi con SurP, dd.. on 111101:\ m'edkal skill bad he. ea nenaliadcbaa been saintly restored. We corotoenose with bat • tresswouttd al Btu.. • day. au apio tile and streasta madly Inereued, and she to noe Inal. Beepeettally, 0. 111. DEVOE.," " • • . low, mabb .4, rob, tbr I •wiy hallos• the Plattat:ao Blum ban oral bly ata Bor. W. H. Wealtiutiltli, Madrid, H. Y. " • • • Thera wilt send me two bottles mars cf thy Plantation Bitten. lily vile too been gruel) benatited by their nee Thy Mead, ABA 01111811 i, Piuladalphis. Pe." •=Ol. • • • • I have beau • great Wham tom Dye. pepda, and had to othembee tothotong. • • Ths PlentaDon Bitten Imre mush the. Dee. J. B. t.TBbaB , itocheszer, N. T." • • • I hops given nee Planterthe Dittos" to /mends of oar @babied Wiliam rim the molt be. towelling ant O.K D. A oLIiEWO, ghtealutmadent Soldier.' Dome, eenelnemn, 0." • • • Thb Plantawm Elttan ban aand af Lynx ComplaMi, of which 1 am IvU ap pro.. tmlay and had to almadaa my bactmem 1141. ELIZIGMLI4I, Olnalamt, o• • • The Plantass..a Beta. b... carol rat at • dersagmeat us the Siam*. mad Urlatal Or. = ~,t hst hag dammed we tar /Dire It ecte ilta ". IE4 Brosilvay." kOy The Plaataskm inners mate OA weak dram Vb. 'languid bellisaa 04113 an 111.11•1=1,0 nature's Ow taTana. They an anangaal of the cantankrad 12.634 Bari. 10.11aagi•ea. astaafrea Ilona, 6‘.., aU rayservera m parfemly are ax. Urai B. Peru= of tedeotary =l " ohied artib 111,111, lamlluda. [Willi...U. of Ma bawl, Ica. of ay Ratite Marais Mat aatay, Cold 4 bag. Obatt4. CIA hO., donne to Mitt If they mill col try tam. They are c m by tha toM acthatit cm am ararraay.4l to produce au maea .41ata beoaddal stmt. They are momilogly agem• td., yorectly puts, md harmless. . nano.—any pan. o.nel:ding to onil Plantation Mara to entlit or oy tot wake:. it • swindler and Ito water. It la pas op sedy to our iog.poto bottle.. Swan or batik: retilloxl with Izollatbni wehgom stas for grbiall tar* *t pawl. at &IMO in prhma gee that orery bath has out United twos etam nwar the omit aaatnetikued, and one signatora on nee gate. aide label Bold by ralpoetable detain through= the habits.. Ma globe. P_ a. DEL&HE a CO.. 2P9 Brrolimm, 14 T 66& , 4,tn..Air.0r U.DRAILE'I3 PLABTAVION MT. TIES, tbe getrairs article: to tab by SI3ION JOIINSTON. uarar of litryltbadd astall6tbYrtmoti,: o • zrzaLLL an &gauger Itmr Llppincon a L o acse•aw of - - 4340 1 / 4 Hubbwd& Clo.) IZ . ?PITTBSUB.GH SAW WO33XS HUBBARDS & LORG, etanutoctcurs a Persian OZOLIZip 01110 U. warranted oAoT PTEXL sAwa; or era) doulipilum ; UM, ugly, Crow Cus, Getz sail &r, caber vulatfon. AO blodoof HYI YES h. 6PitIZIGS, made from Shut Out Stool; Extro B.aa.d !MAP CBAADHOWI SO, 861v56, - Wan :caw sad Rota, our. WASSE A fIIfORT ars. PlitatquiAL Partionlor oneattu glum to notoothlah,Onuuttra end etudgbtoolog Clrcnty emu i abutiquErs WWI kind: Psuchimg sod DrBWK done it toionabio rata sh2h:l7 A PHYSIOLOOIO/11 VLISW OP 7f&BHL&OE, oonratning nearly DXI pawn, and 130 dna Plates and Enyarings of Mr saatoist of to. Hainan Organs to • stets of Irleallb and Des sue, With • Treaties on Early Errom, lu dsolorald, ocesepranes cyan the Mad and Eddy, With the anthoe• plan of trastment—tbs only terrorist and snommlfsl roods of cure. ea slums by Ma 119.1 01 teas timed. A trothrol smistiv to tea insulin, and time wntampl•ttog marriage, Into sztritsts doubts of thatr pb7slal condition. Bent Cm of pangs to any address, ,mt receipt •of ES omit, to stamps or pats" eranstry, b 7 addressing Dr. LA MIL No. 211 BUM= Lane, elbany,ll.:r. • mhantmdnri. BABISELLL & CO., 13amr.), E1a.112118 AND BBEET IRON . WOUt• ENS, Pone Noa. 20. 22. It cud tn. Itnatag oared a tarp pad and foutiabod tt n:ttb Ms tuna tun proved niachintay, n on ploparod . to onannlbcturs sexy douziption of NOILENN, faNat bet =iota, and warrantod opal to any toads to tbo country. CrUIZINM, BIHNUT.2I, TIRE OLDS, PIPEB,,LOOOIIOTIVN BOILERS, CONDiNEMEN, SALT PANS, USW. OTh Emus, sanaaosa, ILINTLINO PANS, DOLL= 1808 MUDGE% 4tVGLII YAM, and sots taanoftatuara of DAIS. BILL'S PATENT Dams. luparbil Sow un th. &arta@ wank QOM paLAICE 13111%13101t own MILL I BNILLTIEG MBES, Piirancra. PAEL MCI:ULM( lit CO., elizatrietrers of Sassy:ruse. 1i1iu41403 , BOLT COMM, PIILSSID OOPPEZ BTB, MUSED STILL BOTTOII6, ISPALIZU /141,1)101. Alto, Warta, . &elm Is 111Z4LE„ TIN PLAT& SHUT IRON, WlB2, &a. ClozZontlyai Mod, T111212:11S. AtAolll2n3 AND 20049. Wareham, Ho. HO MST A LW SEOO4D Pi g== of Cloysw cal la say dcatr cti toriEtlydcil Va. a. 1101t110011. 1110.110141 VT. QOM 1011131101 L 0bR08E5180154 REA & CO„ (gao. JllllBOlll4 Eomstos, KornA 21=148,) SWUM) TOE WOMB, Ircroznzu Ilacamiare, Plitibtutt, Ilanulictams of BOAT CID 82ATIONLOT llnamis, BLAST moms', KILL ALLWILIIEBT. .01L111190. 011ArTISO, arr. ISO% of WI do.ciptlaool OIL TANGS A ETILLE .BOILIE AND SUM IRON WORE. ApOB OITIMILD'eI PATENT lEJEOTOT TOE MEMO COMER& umazurno.-- w. oiOtt,aLn LA BELLE STEEL WORSE it ZaiTEIR di ' eIIOWSKIS to Ilotter, Hattotao t Ob., meactsc4muvitr 'of OAST STISL, SPRING, PLOW AVD DLISTRO SIZEL i SPRINGS, AZLCI , ( ROW RAILStAb. Worth DIRST WARD, AllArbouy Clt). P. O. Adams. VITT4RoROII.. loU,tp 04011:61000HILLE & BRO., Man, elbconors of IRON ItAILINO; IRON VATATO AND VAULT DOONd, WINDOW 81107 Tirm, WINDOW 1317•HD5, to., Nor 01 dirOOWO sod AI T/D2D STREIT, bet. Wood sad 1/14kit. ; Na,. au band &twisty of our Pattsras,htt7 and sto, saftsblo fa. sU yorbostS. Portoulat 'Matlock RAI to encicoll• Gm* Jobtrlng &us ot abort nodes. sop O.IIAZINVARTB TROCILEI4 POP. the cor d of itcorototsr,,Thos• Dloossos. to., it. Ipsotgly wo:austoodod tollkdatsts, dinners. sad poi orb= Swath's cans than to ,peak to yob- Wansdactwedooly by O.A. DANN VAST A Oft,' a.m.& Ps ., to wkipts all orders' IWO draw& • Mr&dd by Dtftesto rrawboot. O. •.. - •ALAIITtITT • 00. Walla rr DIBBeBBBUrTHS2 EE VOCIB, gr.F Assmulta. mann. AND esxm iusd nllabts Crolmeat-42 4101,01 p. of the Howard Asadaum to , t 67 =lila scrawl Uttar =sib" him cbartlL atUnea D. 4MM 1.13 itOVOUTON. ErcP.,s tkmtb Muth itivet . , - E. HOMO & 80N8.,- , Daum arsouunsr AND DMILVIC BMW Oi ungAXGX, ,U88=1103.1121 0/ =POEM YAWL VOTES A= MOT!, lila. 47 IIIaIIMIT 5213/131TatartEr04 r••• - 1111r0Apctlams ; 3 0 6 ozt an lA* IdaAlial WWI marbout 04rritakt fitapri: , BEM SPECIAL XOTICEB AT:4 Dr. Ludlum's Specific tra nay rellatd. randy dr duaen or MN erta. a =mg:UM It 11 Os edscorev Of az esimra Mold= wham U wee d.•obd to the treat:mit el &lib clan at doom. cad with cayrreol,ramtioraa. ours, for mut thji onmag rm. It Is putecdan In Item(!, ravaTing to hied Wm, and d1.511.r.4 sztlrely hem the mtataten ;r•etio. and the nmaarunt .aril Ini oompecxds onavd to the rattle. II to eoelzelt v•lotabla iatt Eartcll3 , ut,. n orb ur., than and Impazia ramsgth and viir.ar td. Oa dtaaara! peal mean of thls rrUR,4I to rt 6.:1114 perttannot m 7.1 lod to 14 tc,ls3l=ttxta4 •,,prinolplo4 Man. Coltairre., 0,31 U. 113 cl the kr.pri.:ar t. .rand etch bov.Fross N. la genatne. Pnparttd cult ',F Wil. F. DAVIDSON, Cob Przpriam., Cfn.otut a:I, O. 6313 by all Drr-Eglsta. Price, /I ear for tall at •bolaula ty WO. B. xrrEslL 140 Wood atm*. w0•0va....• tO° OHS OP HUBNEWOLLII GBEeT tirldEDlEn—fi D tiNEWSL Lb UNIVEIidaL COUCH BEM BBL—The halt of Uh only vmdarfol preparation, oow of inch aell.earn. sd 040, .. 11 .1a to • erseCorp arm army ooclaporanz eal dalatad to debilitate, and by mob to allow the greatest freedom of we, day or night, no the only onsa theory by which Throat and Lamg Complaints 'an a ellecually cared. To prevent waking attention to long storied of great cum when load mom mate almost all ancti mm plaints different In effect. I .amid oat conlldence, glitch trill to sacred. to Colds. °crust., Heareeneea, lore Throat, Bronchial nod dathmatid Com Plaints. Whooping Clongh, and to al Throes and Lona Com. plants, alga, whom tadected, and to Oorummption. tedbxmialkfram rhjalclana of the highest twat. etdlity, and Boos baulk* osn bo seen at my ofdoe by alllntareeted. fnr was 14 eaU Wholesale and Betail Donlan. JOHN k HUNSTWEbI.4 TrniteLeine, Preetl=l Obeentrt. Baton. alma. Tor sale by .I.s. net.bag, tin,. H. Tame, B. A Tat:metal. a 00., J M attlion Agents ton Pitts. Jurgh Geo. A. Healy W. J Mena and Dr James [Down armee ter Allegheny City. 1,16.1n0--te•rey.an fITHE CONFESSIONS ADD IX- PraIIENOS OF Ali INVALID, published us the benefit sad as a astair.g sr:lomat. toyoang non who suffer trots Serums Debility. Prumeaste diacsy ol tdonbood, eta, supplying, at the same Una M maw al seV ors. By ono rho bas rural binsteb olar betas put to great expense sad tyary througt aedicel lanto.bur sod quschstry. By .1=1[4414 • part-pall saassed saveloys, esti. supbes may bo bad albs author, HATILUDIEL rayelalydear Bedford. Sitars meaty. N. Y NRB.VOIPS SUFFERERS OP DOTH B.MUS.—A ',reread patient. hay. lag base twtoroa to health la • 6. days, after tat. landing all tha =al routine and Irreatder ectrea are too& of treataetat without inseceas,oonsidere It aLs =red ditty to oomnattaleate to Ms allairoed fella* creaiaras the toosuea of atm. Hance, ,m the choeto .f as addx.a.ed envelop., be trill =adj.., • copy o' .he pmeanption creel- Meat to Dr. /OHO H. 01,ONALL, Ha Triton stiveit, N. T. at/01:1Telee.T. slr Or all I"EAT I a E.IIIE.S"Ta BILL PAeEkt ILE in.R 1:1 CAP PAPER! NM' PAPIA I 1141. Pd.PEE I LEOtLPAPESI AIME, SCROYER & 80. 99 FITTII STREET AQOTUtN IN To LI. OF IHE ULD Cr1110:41T4 t 110 P —"the c,areas ...etas assize al the 0 .4t1 Cu• I .its •bop . • • 'Bet Q. 4.. t tat tLn In tkiu.lt ETESIrIO, Jour Ike. at 0 o'ciece, • vetie4 arrortrar.. of Bo 110,i1e aortal Boriuoat , BL men cett, *nab.* Bs kr. tettent tram Matt truirle,t hem 11.cuaripeo tr. ...II:mil • deasteo taint end ttb gel .0 eel •ezette tar Leottit.4oilr brain rel it-or eh .ham ni . O•td in the torytteh •-a • n th• be de fie d. dye. ere Up lea to enme the .r.hr Br a:Ala t.. Una.' see. P. 105, Cr...Busse. eve. LI [WM • ovelaq, Jo/ till A CHO CE LOT OB SUMMER SACK COATS, . Pie yoanz Gaga, of . !WO , CJEI •KO 312111CA5 004TING3, And LI ettlll, at GRAY LOGAN'S, 1•12 Tim et.ArTe rT ELECTROPATUY. • . MADAME LONERSAN MD MISS CALOWEU. Bare opetud IN ado. .11 the carrot. or T.lnt sot ..non, •ns , woco FIT fl bYttVOT, tor the yroct.• of fdooktoo. Tao Sze r ants ando. • ~ad h.s. tbott boidatoos yn 0.b.b,, sou at tn. tr celot TM, Ste piOpSled so ULM .41 tWaa.. to • octoottso tWatito m o.'t. sod atm art Ida. 'fluty tilLs th. pob.s.kto ta. Nagoya:Li zotoozoooso Cott,* t tts•log &mond Of my *Ma and =edictal" I: War Looqfou • uald.vl olu m t Imo milot.ca t. Dams u. rt•Eastes to W. era toe •r., toy moat cttorrtailj :locototootott Mesa to Iho owl to the point* to goural. a. onrs wq Imrtny,el cutd4"*l:4a P"' r IWOODUID, DT D Plttohnrolt, Sono Ilth, 11t4 I,sl*ttt Catia kl)li. %US Fete.—tat persona alto tato as band mow, aouttlbutad to the Fitts 'ugh dallhuir taw, aro woctod to pay thy maw 40 w:1101.11cP, Ito-surer of tsa r All Mazda of lila o.loa addlar wao wtib to Vac. Itottr maws oa a- atoll ta -or with tame wbo twett Wady ocnutitatadao- paarataly; ars opted to do lo at ow* "hearse familial - of the Fat r. now amnia to sacu,ov. for sae wortalaera of the alert, ao a the (tows of too city, lot as karma* tacit= to more taaa 81t0,940, 111.. tit Li and ow= of every' kind, *read% 44 Fair, matt t» prta start fartltattb; 1a order twit the bad. tau au) oteattetd op at the... Stet p.aadta, moment. kda.bat - .IfXtd[i a tlittrlCAT,tatairataa. FOX SALIt. VALUABLE OIL LAND Tye undleldod MI. In to dimple, Of one to' ot Gle tea di utt.,4 on Ratan et hat; wlthist s let toot. or edit. • thiley'd • Ig heh sod Lott. Jolt, ottfolatog the PtlaLe add wells, oaf a arbloh b.. Leon pto Wine to deur one yd.r Ti 01,605 I. Itavip oa it* 55 11451.1tylketug acre . ' &loot dletbt 5 ht. t• them .110.11•111•01• 1:11.11 01 VI glut tend 1,11 to bo ottltot, b-5145 .11 to. od oo each cad by to-0 doll,. and onlyde,d•ds but ('honour. 16. b. 4 . or ebtid.d tat wool Gy blotted /bull • Our., of tbho city. - 5 54 tdd . tod.TE, ItIEAL rO.; ' j.. Plitdbarth P. to. miterkaary TRIUMPHANT—Its 015iDILES A 8 A YLICEAPEOTIO AOliti lid ntlidtlolllll hit:LATINO TO UAllall [MD QUO: Ur Dle/111111.- Da, Js‘ii. lIMIDISDI 7/idlest Ilkotirictius s • °Doe, PISN fITRDST. istaiire all disuses sta uroosstrstly trusted 'sigh Ostssaliati, Ussustisit, yd 'that media:smog at Ilaittivi-y tiontsthlus w,snss suit puriaut Bee agoutis:l Iva sus st tr , CMOS. td P oevaa ter ost. megaton. (gm sibs:, &sins% litiehosoo ILKUMATIShi I If you *IA was. poroloooogy mod or =III SATiollf NIQUALCIL4, you most as Reed's Moimotio OIL . The .boat Is mars ttlEe. 1344 by all tut , tintatabk muses JOB2iEITOI3,' sun Ikarth gmtthll3ll ,T l 4 /ChOUTOKe NuTLUE.....Lott all TO}, 14=-13U1?) oo gm oatato of Eno D. banal., c o s, f lb. Vu of ItLrabs , T. 4t . r.orod, loj ~,,,t a t td to too ttodotsloor, all pat.°. to OW. t to tL.II ostottroti plooro =AS mimeo, fro. to.roio.toy, 'Cott thoorbortog olattoo or dotosorla vat pm*.or them dot, sothooDwort tor tottesurat, failtiChS,ll.tronzot. I.ll.l,itdoor • WGUS me A , Lintgat Or ArLpinnstrer g g th• moo Uo4tgo WrgrA3B.l2. nacre erli Ste ban gran .4 to hr. *OMB. ". an pare or re. .4rntrn t. tn. 144 r stele o, re,urst.4 a. tet matt; tad goon baring . I rtrn amino iles cuts ern onnerg tee pt re et.bent 4. , 1ry, W. r Anninntret.m, • corner of I turn ring clanhOrle 'theta. Prir.goinh Ja.114 . 4r0n rgltrireda. A lJtalVbi AT !JAI 13; laLek—A ski of A ram mite.* will bbeld the JAIIms war en ; wd4todoewnamt nra Atm.ay- tlttall*, miPttlaost ca . tilkeligwv" Wooritre. list,. an; lb. at lay ItaiL il.g AlvoAst ita.tualetlial:AvOthival II wain. Owl wain. Iretrcltarees4 e. datt .note otba." umiak's** stuJi lutoolrl thm tlza, 10,3414,A, OtilTSOLOnaltalm .ouluat awl sit nalipst-sta Olootox eltli of rJaCt. • 8011, afner.t .A hoprOV:- lzuwet#4 , # 4.Vdmii4 - 1..., Drum _gr. J.! to* oat splispeob kat isoters. as, reestrd .• 4088 a- ifirtinnAlti.,,.. . carat marts eat saw stook .7rEir ID IrERT/SEXEJI TB. pH W 1.8.6 INti 1 ON Arre Insuranto Co., LS lILIV FOLK, )72 Etroadlve7 Col Me GC° .et, 15 (.7 tWIT•I.I,/, idiella w £5lOl, VP. oal. op. •e; 7. W A. 8.1/42 Art. eOO. 1 11.0 pa,..liatoncotre 7o par col.t. Iv tn. uet pr.llt.. bc. p D et 6 • re, cont. sera mode In 3361, it.e.2 rat LOW. The Ph nix Fire loam Co., or lirooklp No 1 C.LII T ST tr. IT, Ilmokll 13t BtveD net, Now Nab noptal —._.1M.000 CD . ft. Zia iD --- $ - 22.212 2 ,a.ta•ZiaL 6, a E st r • Ll.anOa6 2.1,, a a' • t.. j. r p .• L. 11, 2.41 los lu rah. • f tuu .• bus - p u 4.1.0 it 0,3 zu 11.2a.s .13 ekt; 8. F:ttaintrigh 6004, Fu Pourtb Ft , (13.5.r40 , Buildhie. pnIiFECT ort, BARRELS. ' ALLEN'S PATENT WOOD COVERED IRON OIL BARRELS. ont icak, and all. last for yo.oe, haaTier toss • owl ana sad not Gass. oil. For is. Imes Otetton, r hop, Ps rad and earnest% ne. they are nue psall-d peter La r• ciar.o tu•bl. wart/ t, sad • .il ream, auy pagailce taus of tho tartar.. a..h a.) .gaits 100 011.111,14. P. WILIICNEY & corn., Doris.. Way and V. *tor at rot. PITT - arson, Jane la, 1164. From 0. P. Wnria•T d • o —tits throat% : We hot, cad /our "el.•e a raaut iron Dar/di' 1 r lose tine pal, and outdid., ugly prounsnre .heda to be sts b.at barrel to Pamirs, .. e.d It. p oitaoss or to rue a • hat• sorer ID cur cu, tollud owe so lest • pa tIrl•, or la any ray 161 /Tr the oil, end as couTeu`ecoe :or eatd/lop, do , arx nst equalled. Too.* auk, / Esn OLE, DLLI, tOO. Brae DA. harinzar, Joao 71 , 1164 %Iran • 0 P Vint. sT S Co —0 ears.: I han Pot a to • met ..tar. =WSW the "Area Pa tent Iron El.rrel" sett 1.0 cm, and found /taupe for to mryly.d barrel that hat yet some nad.r oar notter. Toner, .Try truly, LESttara W C TWEDDLF, idanagcr. P. 517,1• FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF PI TTSBITR OH (sort door t, N. Hobum a goat. financial Agent and IL B. Gann:maul Dep.:.KM nottoof..l The stront'oo of ail yo 000. meets. Vol Is tonret• folly ealltd to 04 • so. go, f oat o iono • tog I E or: 0...T0.f000.2 or Pea Cotton erase , t Datoo Pra.l•lo.oon, Ittif f Tomah II•dookal Boot of Pkutmett. VI. that do} b.OO &of/mated • Lfqp , o.taty ot Publ.. Olowpa, p• Ifum eco•otoo.)So i 11341.1 Ageti. Oft .1 Elated Ntatsc ono hos t•oc• moo vivified to n0...Ap0/silts of Poblln blamer Ito. *a (4.4)SPUME% u Troattror Dotted Ptak." Panora arl•lang to &vett father on aehauft of Boyer n eta Bonds, Col...torn of Infernal iiirVl.lla sod all fatal, I tam tad, are sound that esay honor lty add b. Oran by fhb! Bank to th.na, to the trangsetlon N bafacefe 10111.1- .1 tlf In •VBIOB, rraadent. FiltitELL 6/ GO., 120 FOTTRI II STREET, P/7IEDITIII.EI, Ilan coootootly 02 bawl • lore aosortintat of Pumps, Wtuh Stands, Bath Tubs, ea WlLtab st sal .t lortg priera. We an impend to 1100 AGITATORS, OIL TANKS, ike. ;rub Seed, million& tho tea of ooldar, and mama. eft ,k. gsd.E eras Tnm titita dANITAkI V PAIR DPI. WANED P opasal. Icr tho perotioeo of Le heater. Dialog Roam, DI .rol flan Audio:air, , Yeah., to: Hal Donis t Bah, *d Llyi I, ...6h rof tern, ot • MI. yew I ,C1:0 ( er. big a taigeorr. to the iambi. a 0... L.& tea, • 18 b. r ..,,. 1 obtll tinDLP ify . abu, rue, et )60 dock. lhe p t be Lion garb by the yardmen torerigid:red to doA by to, ARLuerre a-• oath. rf 'Pia bid/slot trl4 laic. Ports sad Hoses to be 'swabs. olso bt freelwed kr tbo 80 - f raper ow , to sob ral bou4l-rs, to be lalra elf by tr.• rat -04.1 r Looso•distely lOW the hcLiilagt aro sold Bid my b, od.ronott to rapt O. W. BA NUT, I ob. (b.l , man of tto Bfultlit, o.4talltor, manor .Psolotob,.• of to Lb. 11ba wt/1 also br toodmi tho bow.tSfol Pogo& lo EL. Dlothig Pd, ftr Ploy du: Mir' has sr. 4. 1,14 of $.0:00 es 4u. oody °Berea for MI audio ••• Play 800. with W ftrabors. SEWS. U. RBEIStrr, Slat , r Goo.ratwo. ReacE, =sta. co., WOOL Commission Merolnints 341 LIBERTY STREET, Corner of Viraync; • PrrnSIMOIT, PA. ar Wool boutit sad sola o Brokerlym JOST RECEIVED. Wititart's Pim Treti'Ver Ocetiel. Magri Dyspgvta Itogte•ri Moi Ooolp,ansi Amp of Liverwort Ter. Kiwiwa iammtry. Wiwi 011ie ter table M. Bobree true Coe Liver OIL Mrs. Mimeo Bar Baitorer. Vine Glivarina and nomHosp. Merlin a Auditoria, for tin :Ali. Hair, Val andlectit Bream lovoinbio Clomeet. At the o=o4 Drl46km. coma federal and Old* atratts, Angst:may. totSA O. A. KELLY 4! 00 Mo 00131) iSt CO., Magmas Dealers ta Mita, Craps and Straw Goads, Um, now In dor. the Lupe% nolui =Oda 'nook of goods fox ISPILIN SALEM 14u oCe.~od In th• vast. Herchants arc maenad to call and examine or stock, iikich will be cold et Icrylow rata 111 W00d..11e., rittasaigh.. • SECOND-HAND IitiLODEON A 6 OCTAVE ROSEWOOD DIAIiO STELE M.S. LODEOi, d,utta ned t•D stops, dos& by Ras DAddld. A 6616... id !estrum:lto:l in 11.. t rata. ce.fr Watcd *mom w , ll far • nub Oirairdb vt eatal,thic4oo. FOR SA.LIC.CIIEAP onAs. C. MELLOB, . - - CVrA LCK3 3 tiAL IC A MR ha ICS' els LL.—qa TS jiallo4l 110hbleiGh commandos at dock, watt belittle at las We, • kegs ateo-tenent of ;mode; tw for •bt tertautder of thy. dot wad to the hitate , a Posat)ltaola haft.{) alwooa %tam te.lz b tame tlarpete Tons me, Peddle': aio, two akar* two." &taking owe t iler.. a tot of pa 211. tat, aids variety cf other ai,kka. V , tatetwe nee irtll .eady ftr tlittebatioa ea Wed. azawolog, and eto We prowattd at the eta, oft. °astral., or at the Rale, • ' dt Je UV; M. nanPihtt.flhatrateo. New BineleilihrardiVii.e, • , o. 27 it pair Street.' an. lir. 'MARTIN would invite "126 Lido g, kip new qtrel. ' 11.1111nery Goods, • fil/4/1 and 11ra!or BadOall4 Okapi Awl *nit Boinets, U. 214 4...,Ft . vren.4`..51n•r5, 14.oesood Blondes. Gopo t -lloooolGinsoamt. .1m I olio,* • ad.( or•sts. RIA gaa, *4l), t 115,.-13 vw vs sia 5, SIGS, 8179. 5180 5 215 . • 12 PIANOS AT AZOV/ PEIOE& -14 .1. by C 14.113.111. J:tt . • n Tny 5U5t.11.43; -oto us mi.*" a P.Pus icis) Duatif.a.cws , P 4 TlTllsoB~~lff[ol 'pU itozessa tsrasl. ' • . • - ,_fl SWix4 BE Imre act-tenures CROVER & BARER ' vA4x.ii.x SEWING MACHINE Th only MoonLis TLkb EMI3ROIDES The or!) , 4untne vital HAKES THE ELASTIC STITCH. Tho °lily 14aeAr-o which USES TWO SPOOLS The only , ff nal= whlob FASTENS THE ENDS 0; THE SEAM The cnty .111 a Pd ICES A 131 AS SEAM atl act trek and Fara to altaltag the taa tarlaL The only sewing *octane Company Wideb iXukas lb* LOOK !3TITOH i f n) DOUBLE LOCK STITCH MACHINES 42,-Ponatasers rot urbane* for ellhor, If .ot .ultad .It, Um!. litst *Cabo, Pm.. lOU by so ex. isainatloa, at the Office, No. 18 FIFTH STREET A. F; CRATONEY, General Agent. ALSO, AGCSI TOE D. BAERV B :" BELY-SZWEE iron ALL tuoursas. fir Trade, eapplird et liberal diameter -- J.SMA, W WiLitiON'S IMPROVED FAIRLY SIWING ItICHIO Crystal Cloth Pressca, Braider, Corder, Gauge for Quilting and Tucking, Improved Loop Check and 1111111634 HMG LW WIDTH OF IIE DESIRED ITIGIII4I PRIXII7II3 AWAILEtzt as lbw hidedl4l evrallon. Ps- Th. Intaroukual Eahibt ba London-IMM ibm tudaMial /1,,,,a1Up0w, Aud all Quo Cuad AlatA. &MUD sad 04=0 rah" vitae arldblued. • Ow 160 OM cr [biro Intuitable and Irea•pobef• lbold um and .• Holtz of Anna • ••• •be (.I.llls. d Work! 1 0 . {t{ nada and Del wain% sh• lot ••••• yr.cortai.b n ••••tly tqual t. tb• sal* et 01 • • Muir .mcing 151.0,1nt• 1.4.1018 lb TO • fan' blob ideal b. sa•Lbred by tt..040 6011114 to mama The Best Family I3ewlng Machine. • Viva neat, of Beihogis daps en am Iffsildzia• 'Wive, pardons Dietz& isuAlvia lb. Lori Mob, irbbb Is Us only WWI ivatabla far the vadat, of wars &Do In the DWI. Enry Nadine %w anted Three WA; and itu hauxcejoai tic fa qiersitstg wribalt chugs. sr 0 . 0 at sx.areng ar4 se. thca m opentlaa. 131411/ 00. .44 ce :hi wide= Beam PITTONOB,Cia 01710 Z N 0.27 FIFTH STREET *we.: saves w TEE WISDOW.IFI2. laloB-116W-atsnet coIiNER- peni 'a ST. CLAIM STS PITTpI3B4II3, Pe Mae krgcat. aEryetatd moat auxessfal bail 811861C88 nfts ere let Co Vatted Stitui. Ettakatsr sad rafter a t say laiaa a., to say Wait; aamitoatoc: to the Pliattpal :maws & sarrn, , - ,rmdtcrit4 Pa. 11/00.A.K4# A . 4 1 iLir WORKS, 06 LIeIIBTR u. bgbasalgal ipl 4200 ascelllnsas trAIPIPC MMUS. /10/MMebig and ilirge atom. IIASIII[B _lllO2B. Meal*li; AND =du, stionipi*Est-a. • 'SALO ola7kLaCT. . . aras~as Una c&..stattr km" hafrt islet* 'ad iser,ad ster..ker IMIXEIikaaATAND MARL-WINDOW 'ruin can la 11 7 / 1 21, gmaryst 40/EDi.,._ ,,, • , -ran. 114. ... is , ft., tei itainth ~zi *.-ii'4 - rt: '..rgif=resuilliv. _Latatlttintigirp.. WA In nuiplagesuarabbib*-,1 - , ~~~'~v = f ' `F'' _ ~` . 4 Y?~ S _ r _ JNIEDIGOL. 110.11hureTWO atIL6D4M, pas Tax PEOPLE. A Fresh Supply Just Received. Eck. t—lrar Ocepstioa sad lastittai rau. Pike. 15 MO+ • 8 0.2—Pa: Worm fluor, Worm Oak and Vats can. apiasua Prte, 11,1 ea.b. Inn 11—ha Ottla, ?lathing. cling "d W., O,IIIIA 11.4 .1110b1.2.11 OM= &OM 55 can, • No. 11—For Diarrhea. of Malmoar Ablto tarok ors Ikrsalunl. owl I : l .Dtlar 0791.4.1d1a1. I rk. is cents. Na. DTzttter, or Blom!, Its. CPUCE Qtl plop, BUoo he. r W LrVilk ay. Mao 116 Cu. No. 6—)Tor Cbolers, Ciders Me m, Samos INNI No 7—for Coughs, oaak Hansen® Brorietst‘t hAssua and Sons rem . Pa. ;3 auto. No- IS—Bar Tooth-241LN fansilatteinew Pains, leacatQL ami 110 D.,Larau.. Pne• azati. No:9—ror tlead-aebs, tlesdeets. Vattp, Rah „t 4.4...1 t..the Bead Ptlos3l3 o.zaa. Fta. 10-4 or Dyypepria. WaaY. Add or Desapd ticotasch, OcluStlyathm. Laver 02=pla.lat, 8 coati. No. 11—Vor Sctpprened Ltensai, or &a:4, Wad 0. Warms rect. glantica. 88 0411/4 No. is --Poe Lecteorr or Whim, Boortzg Dom too Promo !-mama 3.5 comb- 90.13—f0r Crccp, Efosnenevil.p7Oor.ili, DUlkoll ikad Oppressed b.....f.11114. Simms. /To. 11—For Stilt Fhe=t, Crud, &Grttos. Itry• alpasol, ee..10 Had, Ha Ma. 33 mos. No. 16—Tce Rhatuaatisra, Pea, .Laratmess, ar Liorezeude the Chen, Back, bolasor Llsaba r 5 dr. N. t6—Tor row sad Agie, Wane Want Piroa,... Damp Agur, Old lartaerda Agnes.' IPcenti. 50.17—Par Mho, Mind or Bliottag, Warta olf.. Exuma, hecent or Obo '97 mu*. Na It—For OptbMaim* Walk or Bawled Ely and spita.; Laws at. Weak alght. [Amts. IS—ror Catarrh. mat or anal; Ct O? lotrutt. Ctad la the Ulaiirlathoosa. to =tr. Fla 40—Far 'intact:l4 Ooz], slastabig andpil tinting It, of Bpasaudia Cond. OU alaU. N. 21—Tor Asthma, Oppealed, Maga, lokbored Breaking, Cough and itripectunalon. Pi*" COcaL F. 42 —Tor tar Diviuui e. rola* in the 204 Impaired Healing, Eara:ha.. 63 tenth No. 93--Tor Trrd'als, &a wed Glando, and TOO. Bvellingr and Old Men. 07 cams. r 24 , 00 r Ventral rbylleal or Ha ma %alms. CO cents. - Ero 25-11rdd dr=sostion.6, Tizedd BinMO. with &anty 60ccd1066. 60 watt Na. 16— .) Itor Besef irtnes, Prostrathm, vorUgs, Vomktzg. CO cants . • No. 27—Tortirieavy Dltentry Omni, Nana Oan• cad. Intactlt .4. Painful Urination. O 0 coats. No. 20—Tor Ewa!nal natation% Larolanku7Dis• et.M. tail cunsoquont. Pronration and NO _ Price $l. . • So. Si—Tor Fore Slcath or Stomach, Coakart4 'tooth of Molts or Chid.-o . 51 Oa. • Sl—Tor Miner, Incoothroce, Vettlag the ?Etat , rice froto. ft...carat,- talathl or etude; htlesztan. SI • Or of ES ilele, 60 Omen! EV eLele comolene; le =fore. end tack. T CO Cr of 20 book;4 10, - ' 'T C° Qua of LS be Car* 4CO Om of beam; innslared, 2X5 Single nointered bozo.; ettb dingle letteriaa; wtth Large .1-2 bor oz. Oats, for *atm and pby• LS CC. ODE 111=1:121 SY IMLIL. took entr the tit, mike op ► awe of what WO too chow., sad tucker the moult In • °arrant QOM or awy., by mail to my actinew, ead the ottl be duly rotossod by awl to •3041••=2 chugs. I. Z. FlThrlif,. fifth Street, (Nig:A "gag) &teal door Wow tee 'r OMNI Wholarals stoat Ihr Pllsibura eod ossar Jel7 TOE NEW HAIR PELMPALLIAT/0/7 LUBIN' COCOANCT CUEANI, roa orma auumim msz miutunwo TEI2II ELAIU:Sr.. It men= and di the taill Sid ChM It I tattio ant flea, tittab It istelca tor clan allot =NI LL kutor basattin sad paztattst the growtb of Cu a. _ , . Lui3nr6 COCOASIVT CRISL CLENOT sa 61:1112:1591ED. . , . It thee It scathe Cm Inhaled Scalp.. _ It gado; tho Irrltutod Scalp. Itauctbal tho lottatel t3calp.' It Putouts Dalducia cad Ur et adz. It Protean, Baldern cad tame Bah: • lt Pvvecrastkddnect make at Ils&. - It ?nitrate Cabouca mad Lou of Bub. It ash atect.t 14alano. It la as sla afloat Partutca, - It la pa t Potatmo., • utimaiLssat °loans aratatimilerlharat : Ckaaaast Chum mama Dandord. • Itutatinat Craem.conotioCuodralt. - Cocoanut Quota tamps Daufttdt. It prodscee the Etched lush% It producer tho Etched metre. It produces lb. Iftchett WU& It produce. the litchi:Pl /do s. . --It &is the Irate ab Olt, Apparlakaa. It feat the Bar as 141.1 appersoca. it gins es Hein 41-, Appoaraaaa. .. .. _... XI grill U.S Eats an Oka. Appeatanaa. . ... .. -,--. , • - - - Faa. °Mg Whlalastalt trase no nut: tor °atm Whirksta tt ba• ato alltad: .. :- - /or Oiling Witham 'Lima az aqua.' -. ha 011Iag ilif blikalt baa to Nag. . Asa It =tabs aII It*. assail ragas Asa! It regalia ill tta palaU NI Itgaasi - - ' Asa it MAID* .111 Ica 'basalt It s a lamas jai 'L . • - AO/ ii r d 1111.11 4. !Z4 l / 0 .; 00 : 0 ' iii dip ins itillig ii.- .. ,- , 4 -.:- : rot dos atter zdr4ll. !. . Not dayisitar , alai l /* - -r., , ..., -::: For Drool= sad Callas thoartadada. ror Dame= tad tilThas tbeZassacty, - Tor Liman and Oats Om la mocha. ' ' •IrFt in*PiNS ilcult qUtp,i itti*.packa . li Finial Claillolis./ ' , ;': .• " It prareat• ony Hairs: z , 4 manta WV kiatit: . V oz. :- ~ , . -' • .... - Ta ipareada Safi ltantipi on 7 .,, - . xe somata bait ham Tanta. Ora.. . , uyi.vialka.kr Min Tanta' Graz, Prat* // 1 tzw.Tatatag tegt, Ba r rmaratlca Naisesilluo psoar.ar paw wblea Ira aseatially mita Of bsoaaa hat as • -• " 2711. s " coco4.4rut pstOMOtin 9nittla gio natr.- iirii.7.:;.; iii; ra;iig ii,.: kat - . It per. thakerma Bat. tab at. -It Damara LUG:birth the Bate. It la las dogma_ Aar Dra m to thaliVial& It a the the poet Rib Th.:Call to the Wag& It to tha dmpen - Bath Ithaithr to tbs - W.tbaL Ills Oa camped Hair L to taawsrag. ._ • Iva ml• 47 wl i I*k • , - - - : itt". l6 II all •latt.. ~ 2 • Ite lib 4 1 4 1 P 4 airs :. t....„ nitorli DUO salr,armipzqw9NO, Itn.tg ur M3li, 24. arra aramusiz eitoozo Aswan. RW=N MEM
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