- • t 4 =E= 1. 7...1-, j 'kW - AM:N.IIED IN 1786. Vittotturgit,.fhafft. == PVBLIHHHD HY fpgrtfw. : usomtio, EMIR Olr THE GAZETTE. Itttztoo . Tarnow. hTwtl, r week...—. P. • MP COCA :5. 1 1 1 4 2 1:2 1 214.1,b tall. par Year— 4 80. =lath— dB. El week. ID. • 14 aloes W am Tomos, staple copies, per year— 2 U. .n.: A, 7 ,4 4' dale/ 1013,L, ta. .• elate of 10 termare .... 1 Pb: —sod oos Writ* 'the'party =Atop doh. Tor s ..___2 l hh.o2l2.fteea. ite.vlaaead the Semis Gear= &MY, rxr_a Blob _of tireath tre erol wand the , a'. - AtehatititlasisraZtartj."43l4leicqlteei, detata ow All robseeptione .2,4;4 to adaaew, aad parry • elms etoppedatlem the theearlgns• The Reading Matter on this Page `, is ”from Yeeterday'v Evetung If' Edition. r - 7 The. Campaign hi Georgia. Sherman seems now to be oPoratfuir 1. - orous, dowmight earnest; and not a day too sookif we can believe The intelligence from Virginia, which assures us that moil: the c l prisoners take& ate Petersburg are men of • ;/Earderea corps, which must, therefore, hue . been sent to reinforce Lee. The 'Sou' mite ";;" fro . m Georgia for edam time past bare been ~ ; rather, ,confased and unsatisfactory. It bid ; -. .best (emit thud Munimeed that our forces ;rim stttiliPt44 shaiaLlttiburthPlPPF 0 1 %7 anittraet ofe. letter from an ISE.OOI. Ilheretan's army, late& Zane 11th, which wigs: wdbetma e's headquarters item at 1411 - . 4letta Me morning, with nine daya' rations, 'falderal, intendelje, de thetroope until tkey • aniind at illientts. — Nostop was Madera the eitrafiderietta.” -Tf this be tmeiltaoceinas for the *inertia of any official itateinent as'lt shears that the army has been secretly on the march more than a week put._ 1 Ortindtdess te• der are', that &portion bf filuremei 'kepi, has successfully crossed the fautahooelle river, which strewn Johnston had hoped to be able to make his line of de base. He appears to have not long tarried in our hint at Kenssaw, while Sherman was sending detachments to compass his position ...He . did ..not Anon any • 'Y sena or protracted straggle et. the Chatta lerocide, endue therefore not surprised_ it Blair'. „flecessful-irrausge of ;that arson. - The vents ihrough"whicif the; two armies Wilbur' operating is a perfect wilderaert, without roads of any, kind, the ,fourst dense ~A tarkthrfileeriegt veryikar • course iligineers and &milli were entirelr4t sa is working their way through nab a rd glee,.end the time eoniatutel, the only grade Wee' the' Kinesaw, where Johnston had a fortified .pesitLeu is so close to Merietti,lhat when' the rebel: abandoned the former the army puked throulththa /IWO without *topping. Orir army had the optics of Um Ohattahobehie either shwa- or below'-the relined, bridge 4 where /Amato& had Missedidi artillery 'to prevent tha pus: .!corlPs -Blessing", Wbouth, platform vuonador cousbluallon ltilioplireolduitanvoidlon; tber Rei, Hem T. ?Fru (brothero; tho_go.. Dr.. Morro, Alliefa - efle)loftodtbo'oleof4:tlieflost reeol halm 'Obe -. N . Werdi, "wi t ' llod'o ; bliudog," le dot ihotild read 100 follows "Resolved. That, - eith God's I , la4ur, the Piiiiezettrelaa tnetstanailuili biloresenrad.l Tll.l,oortvipondent, of tba ,r/ffeid!telle EitTgon _ “Kr, heever's uustion eautd quite a kid.' - *Won among tlio - 'ilfinasn's, Many of whom' were Infidels r. bat tie. Cochrane promptly pat ' .!the question, as follows those-in favor ofameadtagthe retOltuloul4 thairmartio• of "God's sestuti” will aU , *eyik," irpiKsami "ono.' Bad'sbl4eaitigislost, Coalliano. The tuddonnost 'with which it was put, and • sueval oininastances connecte*, owed quite ionistiow- TIM Inamerit• that quiet wu tutored the'liertitat.Stald be:' heard' *blip *zing tor outiothati Wadi& map,' Wash, • isttda !Tuft dab. gorge 'bout God's blessing!' From. that mount on It woo Lapsourible, toot the Ger.- mans to think of any other person for Vloo President. but;uotral Cochran*, mad when his Rat proptsedthitylvithal-it thrush with • will, allowing to ~ t hst 'one little air muottanos, width only how a little titbit decides,* male* 4sto , li!political cam- ifit . dtqit areditthbrop . ort fait tolegraphio dispatOes that ,Ituat#:ll(4llrhite Irma with his command. Thedispateh sops tido anconnad - to General • %titular& army..;ent ties , eyenlog of the lout, (ania4). The iticirnond Ermniner, of the .11th, stip dab.' on the dij yrrwrioar, (the . .....1104) Manta ; bartauLArringt t ai ilepot and Affiged onto Alitioioi Conn Efoitte, twelve idled .7 1,021 - l artertt COML Hovsn to. - White House,l by the .I- - hottest roast Hinter *mad take, islbily o'n• hundred . and tifiy miles' Oa a may rough . country: We cannot .nsallta that it wonld be tossibli for liontar to =arch any part of Ili 'emzunend ma van adiotonesin the tittes stron.lalimoly, from the 7311 . fa Mutt dripatAoi bail"army of Ir to date then the 19th Mina speak of Bunter's matted France at Whits -It Mint • .Itw andstake. ..• •t, Tomb i-tro►in tient ~of -.642.460V01es Flitt;;AzilY , CurPe;:liktit• man's army, which la called the fetal tree. Illeifirtai wiry one another, is wog as they 'advanced to the Misted iree to taketi Mame 'position behind' its basil troak. Semn. teini - werri shOe, bunt 'was placed time with the' ward "Dangerous " chalked upon it. The rebels abotthe guide board Into f r ag ments, ands mageant took hit placerbehind the mumspieting vas. - In leu Was dye.ntlnates two. Minnie Wit placed thf sergsant's body, and be tell, the. eighth martyr beneath theshadow of the'. inner 'of death. _ • : Ace 141311 are often mite doubt& as to the gimahlanam af the postal etiMentrY,lhose who obterre .the following bate an readily die. engo_Wbitilin couttulsiissid.a.boo!o jids sots:, "As conntarfeiten to oritlittn; their imitations on want ofthe tremendous machinery, thal-10 relnisite for iby ptinting, off accsaarfainf aso mana thaw the genuine, and the kiwis owe. f}cat are iotio CO __seta 'rpm ars difECKNIN/ Tardily Own bla, se that no one rued entertain doubts in receiring or gaming notes of thritraatiSnal atireney." _ Canrrr..—Ths following is thimoti ' .2th. prinury Apt. In oratty , : • Par a.,.,lntrofin Vic all cit......7.: - .A033 " " Thomso 3111 dumbly—John B. Nosily —1163 Win. Sul4t3 430 " " Boy 80.yth.. f Cbsimit , imas—Alutrii. 0. chil i...amam Samoa Phiegat....;.; 372 .I.litor—Loacoler * '7. . L Wllll elk 09 13 T r.—b, Vaton &van am 1 COOSIV CCITOI2IIOSI of /4171:p c , . 00;2t y 100 It New Cattle ca the ;OM tat, jza eam tabbed the followlei qzket: p„„i4 zr a .r s 4 re —Hon; L, L:Siecititan. amine—alionse Caneligham, 4.erebie—ireeintel Me t: . Rey(to eeid Bearden-Oyirtitix Outon: omorisepstnr"-Benry bee potorCal sir/3 solos Emu William P. , Poi liske. The eitrioilttesti nsurna:ci USW" ter daring the kosootoessten of ()ono**. has Snaked his potltlosl blonds In Maki to lools skit foe • nokoot- - Lfamfbi always 117 popek.es Hoeilor, !ma eptemg &Toes wu sktsfoi ids tem= to that boo till eolloseus of Son. Lotadortn - - Tam Chizsgo Tietr, the grest,Coppelitud ssirryspof or tho Wgit, entdatito Ottani 114 3 & 2 1 1 0 . Laster of aosims46 sad *mks lxisitstiat term, of We ffamiL That is s4tZdas to the ircB4 LIN a aria [boles sp. ' 2 211 / 04 b 7 tds Monis. EINE THE :A...Campo:4n LTTIC. Abraham Lincoln knows the ropes! All our topes Cents, nowsbout the brats and true. Let to help hint an Iry eau, lia's Die man Honestforlba country through and through. Othrilliold.Per ll 4 o . hs • - Time te: Hare we tried than In thi war.time's Cam Do mikado. IMO stand, Desrtin band gleoktn4 ter Die rlghtla MIIEOI 11•1120 '&4 the zstfoi2 Onadvaa To hair the radder in lblentorroyaon. Vell thateschnlorpleeititigbt, Dark to light,. Debris In • morning tor Cie Deo. M=N Eat land our aorrant the per crown wo may Wye blm four norroyears Took and mcdl, Knowing God idtall crown him to Bildsy t R. r.../Ddeproad. Extentive contributions were levied on the Sower gardens about Frankfort, ffy. r for the purpose of making.a magnificent floral wreath with which to encircle the brow of Sohn Mor gan, 'Shen be should enter the 'place. Ihe wreath was =de, and was to be presented by tire transient young ladies of the Capitol Hotel. The.presentation speech was written, Memorised and rehearsed. Mr. Morgan, however, didhst call. = -Gsx..RoaxcitaxiMas made the recipient, recipient, a few days eince,' of a very handsome testimo nial, presented him by his old friends and neighbors, of Licking county, Ohio. It con• slsted of a sliver pitcher, two goblets and "aim, all of the most graceful and exquisite worktoaturtip. ' On. Hamar LAW rearing so severely from the condition of his old Gettysburg wounti k thit on Friday, be was unable to Me ki - e° tans; ujrj thereforemot Ina position tnparionally superintend the operations of of his corps before Petanburg, Van. Painomme Liiieetir, ,-At e /Inn IragiOne' Motel, where she will remain for 'a day or two, previous to her departure forest- *toga or Newport. She left Philadelphia on Sa th turday, . a Pre fbra siden visiting ;the Sanitary, Zak wi the t: • Won Morgan dlspatehed • fin of trace to Governor Bramlette, ordering him to omen der Frankfort, he sent back word from the fort to the guerrilla Chieftain to go to the—;.. Not so inuolVotiLeoppatheid as some harm thatigfit. - ;"rtce Rev. Charles Cleveland ban for many years been the oldest clergyman in Baton in activesturice. aiacry second birthday was appropriate, observed in the Springfield Shoat curd yesterday. Gem= Bop, haring .bceie metered oat peattimeolunte==micelle e ll eretteceed Clol, ay in the regular army. The Indiana Joanna not heWU- reside In The ContUtnUonsllty of the Enrollment Act. Affirmed. In the United States Circuit Court,lndgei David Davis and 8. 11. Treat upon thi bench, an bnportant decision was rendered on Wednesda last.. It was on a motion to quash the indictment in the' ease of the " United States o•John Graham and others,.! for resistance to the-enrolment In raltori Comity this summer . The case was ably en , ed for the prosecution by Meow. Lawrence, Hendon, and by Items. Judd and James for the defense. The court rendered a decision affirming the constituz County of the enrollment act, based upon the provision of the Constitution empowering Congress to raise and equip armies. This is the first decision ruder the enroll , meat aot rendered in this State and is there fore Important.-Seriyfieid(///).Yreovial,l7o.. General Bishop Polt. "Those who take the sword shall perish by the sword," is &sentiment which the fighting . Bishop of Lonisiana must' have frequently rem% while he discharged his ecclesiastical dutleii. Ills career has been a tlisgrace•to religion. As a minister of God he mold never have been sincere. To his mindelaveu was a greeter boon to mankind than the pm oepta of avoligion whii:ttSism:lithusetlity -and jostle& tall mma,-/Ihriluintlitp_ltiisiumighti fititli'breollLailliattakneas-asTOgant-prde • nts Piety savage and blobdtbirsty. Too; tree Ciudad= tbe death of inch a man in bat. tie will seem to be a judgment significant in its lessons;and *truing to:ilutstiff..neeked, who wontil drench the sentiments of religion in blood. War Vessels - On the Northern Lakes. In 1817 a treaty vu made- betereen' the United States and Great Britain tothe follow ing elfectrlhat nolther.Pounr should man mho h navel forms upon Northern lakirs, ex cept that each might have one TOIOOI of not more thart2/81tfou, and armed with one 18- , pound gun, on Lake Gate& and the sameen L s" ChltnldalthLandilla TOUtild-liko tat. nagiaTicTiraiim - etri in the upper hares, This Meaty au Babble discontinuance after the 'spsellied time, upon six months' nodes by 'either party thereto. The House of Repro eentativeehas passed aJoint tesoluticm pro posing that the United States Shall newer' that notice. I Tem appointummt of Protestor P. D. 'Allen to ths preeldency of the State Agricaitural College is not lure highly a complliant to this very able man and asperieneed educator than it is a veal gain to. ths instinitton and the Stets. As the late Pretident of Girard College, Professor Allan has egged, the general reaped and estaarri of Ws constant. ty, and by cartons poeittorts of respotulbUlty and honor well-known to the State and Co the eotmtry. The admirable and prosperous condition of Girard College ferso many years is mainly due to ID intelligent direction; and fits n 31 5 12 W 4 P, Matron; hatoromeloned_wide regret. - It Would barebeim .farttroute - bed Dr. Allen continued iritt Imelda:toy, and we trust that it will not be lespoesible to role him 'grain in oonsrotirdrwitit an butirotion with whose best yunlas eminent sonless aro so Ozone" identified.—Phi! prom . , iefiti 'rebels were lerriblj - whipped at la or Piedmont , 's Care, Piedmont , 1111 Hontar'e bat ls ogled. They uttered dresOlfally in kllled. They threw... 4 tortlAlattotts of tipacealklis,..and.erhin ia.altetter halt him ohtiuna would .strike • plde of the Will the slaughter WU Tempest, the Wafers and tragmenta.at rills being ,quite as de structive ke'll• 'shells: The rebels so knowledged Abu:selves badly beaten, and Twerp very elovfallen. TT orzoirtgand, - -lwriiii:44Wishington tonrospondone 'oll.lli fade* - 1512480' e; Obit Neemont's letter of aocoptooLoo woo submitted tq`o zombi: Oft!, Domocaratio Nig:dill Con- TV:n beforo being, 0314.1441fu/oodifted tinombeeo inggestlon fa onoralimport.; oot puiloolut. Too torelialvo wasestion, foie; be trtioicof IA adoordoitoeffithlthfirfolli; digo thli4Pc.• gigol orsOfWfir frokoolt's Wks' Moods. Tiu2. - mama Able iteifinta.lius_fmLii to _y pieta of the country lo sttied to, , lentlng the crops. Ia Cosboctton, Oblo, the won= are doing -theircrk in the own fOA to replace the labor of their Whets, Waters," Ituabimis, tad sweethearts.whit hive gone to the wu. •Wisils :the men de fend the women, the waceolstel,:the.teea. - - Ws atm rotolloos to bail land • Goma] Great reported stlittr ik btli AEI it 111, good jots (if trii) sari to him daring the Ito Wilds:am battlei:' n the third dex's light ot threat:at on ppm= tir to Virginia, Gan. Grant tarned - to Gin. - Mauls lad said' it they ars going to MOW* &Ikons, CM afoir of ULU, All I boys to my is,gar natal got the inageat tall" Ltrurnronirt ts . Gam, Manio.—llis boat, wider the aboveliiiira4py!l . ‘Witbms.o) lbrPsollo "Einvico — irts mood, our =rail prodati of :iyald leptad GOOD Yoh 0Pt0i700,000,000. - There Ea Fie b. ably parsons cow LL Log who till la IL &stile that amount Oold till fat be the chief Eta pla of tinotobamerce, but opt daily oar . ehiof flatfeali JoussON ewer via oao of ':oiteithiciiitoMmaters - tterallriabltilln ?abet hy tickling lief? anti watts er while they yore cutting one throatolelta 1 rube,. Thiluta always hem is favor of the etecesieet taxtrtiAn- 7 -I;ll.felinic: thet, SS the fettle 'eked for war "ere ahodd fftio them woe to *ilium.," 161,tizarauld iyoited - rettleeitair4 Out In Wasblegtos, Mario]; cottet7; o4 4; reeenUy. They fought tea hum and a ',ben the blaaksetzett the rattle by thastokettilloatb, tattle:hal baths hopper ; ire thoodil `halfe thought at coma „ , litosrnrssi.brakir, ilia has ,ban the Ismael of ei comae of &smiterst raddsztts, bat deampsd with ‘40,000 of his victims' _ f 7" • j - ~tor •-• t • • _ if': • - , • •-,`: r AILS" CITY AND SUBURBAN. The Draft In the 224 patriot. To-day, beton tin) draft sas . counnelc,a. Capt. roster announced that the defiedeachts to Collins, Penn and Plum towniiipshad ben filled. The quota for Collhui township wis 106, Plum 51, and Penn 76. The troluntecii secured were ininiipally colored men. Pis blee township was next taken up,and the de• ticienhy of sixty-four was driwn, with the following result : SIMI 4 Sep Bin BLumbaugh Aimdruvr Omm.gto J.mm B Hamm Wm BMptimd Edward ()Jams Ernst Lock Mason Warner John 8 Gograro Gardner ItEloyder .I'WD Conley John tang Agendas II Grote John Walsh • Perionat, enuie Nub xnuosw John E=M=l t== imam Gallagher WilloWtuaan 0A Woramadla • John Waodaan •W atirttwarn Mary Bmbator Jo Martin Wm II Whitaker Mama Ikardou ehmatEhabrad Edward Herman Wmllticuly Jan limper o long list of enmities on the latltind 17th inst., in front of Petersbatg, we find the :following ; names of men belonging:to see— meats front Western Penneylfanls wII Crete, B, 55th, E(Mag Durand Dradott: A, 66th, shoulder and nye Henrie 111dn.2, 55041mnd J Beam; )21;155th, arm !blot T lllmPton, 11 th da J Menke,, 0. 634, arm David d I %Taker, X, GM, han D Lam John tharr, D I.l6th.ankle I Ommath,l. 66th, Ole. Thaw Tboarpon,o 66th David d knelleidar,E,llsth, ban - Chinn Jackaan. H, 55th, vats: emeney, D, • ktaln„ D.3d, ahoal der a n nd leg 'r Dola, Weber head Frank r, 1.16 th, bend Alfred Bayles, S., 11.61 b, month and neck Dklar klalbben. F, shon (loured .Aral Nice. E, 631,10aRDInt,DIiiiii thigh - Copt 1 Creemos, il, 100th. Joe A Klngllog.E,lostb, thigh • ide• , dent 3 B Williams, clo, A silo Pr 'i m. B. OM: thhth • 1 Amebas Deem, K, CM, Jeo 11 lleOloori, Illith, scalp thigh Bengt B T Haddam, A, W Erma, E, 105th, side 103 d Vela Deaths by DrowittngrThe Bathing , The ;neat* of bathing in our rivenulming the daytime, which is now so common, is de• clared to be s nuisance, and the offense is pan bhablo under city ordinance. We era not aware that thepoilce of either city have made any efforts to prawn the evil, and the tanner on deaths .kry drowning, have antral!, awakened considerable inquiry on the sub ject. The ordinance, we are well aware, difficult to anima but this is no rea son why on eon should not be made in that dime:Loa. Annost every dey_Er3gye ottays, end ..... oats, =The - noels the most pub aro places, stark naked, and they seem to have no tear whatever orbeing disturbed by the police, The exposure, espechdly about the bridges, is tacit eitamefalomd • few se fests,s3l4 aksurtees :weed( loon Check, if not altogether ttbateikeintilteace.. Will not the mayors and pollee peagistnitea 'nice this Metter come attention? , • In view of the great danger to , which boy, ;are ezpotsd white lathing, parent, should exercisumore care and vignette°. . Mere chil dren. are permitted to visit the deem, play about the raft and in din water. We do not: -attribute "any of the recent- death, by drowning to the neglect of parents; but a Ili. ile web:btu/now, or a word of wholeiome tosypreient the loss of NO= now living: . .. Another Boy ...Drowned. On•Tneeday evening, about eight o'clock, a boy named John W. Lindsay, son of James Ondsay, glare-blower, residing on fioott street, in the Sixth ward, wai drowned in the Allegheny direr, while bathing. He had gone down to the rice& in company with a boy about ids own age, and stripped on • reit at the railroad bridge. Thine were . several lop then in the ricer at that ! place, some of whom worn "treading water, which pre them the appearance of w ho on the bot tom. Young* Lindsay, ho was unable to Mm, was deoelred by this appearance, as he limped in, etidenUy supposing that the water was shallow.. He immediately rink, and WU &teem afterward& Tbe news of the aut. dent was wend about, and a search was at once commenced for the body, which was re revered In about three boon, Our the plus when he Jumped in. The deemed wee about fourteen years of age and wu brother of Lieut. Alfred 0. Lindsay,' of the fifth Regiment, who was kLUed at the hauls of Fredericksburg, In the spring, of 1843. Coroner hioClug held an • inquest, and the jury found a verdict of death from drowning. Prisoners at . Lyncnue. I Sergt. Frank neer, of Co. A, 634 Pennryl v 4311 Rogisiset, writing ander date Lyneb• bars, May 10tb, gives. tho followtnß list of prlsoners, membira ottlie 634 regiment, von- Maid at that pl ac e: ' --. • • •• Eery. Prank Shafer, Co. A; Bore. W. Pews, Co. D; Brsak Reed, Co. 0 ; Robert Mantas, Co. 0; John Ruh; Co. 0; A. H. 0. Willholm, Co. 0; Henry P. Homer, Co. E; Chan. kl'Coy, of our tympany, was•wounded and II In one of Shit hospitals. Bent Shafer adds We are going to Leave here, but Ido not know our ‘esUnatien. , . blllllO, a GALI.J.ITBOOta..-.04 Priday tut. Captain Daniel Dougherty s of tha 63rd PiparsyMala Valuable/li, diedatlioarell Hos pll, Alexandria. - Va., from the effect of b• strack—bye- piece of shell at - Taylor', age, .Captbin Dougherty enlisted as a Private, served in all the battles in which Us regiment was engaged, and was promoted to • captaincy. flu =oral will tate place on Tbnisday mending. AL the nosanbers of the swim military organisation; now In the ci ty are invited to attend. The Captain Lures sw 6 0 .3 r Rid two oblldrea. bataou Strifl E. F. A. Yehiaber appecrad on Kayo?. Atezucter lut imam and emend te coo:Taint spinet Charge. Maui for; disorderly manna. Mr. FaLhaaber, who traps • boa saloon, on Chestnut strut, Alle gheny, states that filsbart antend hie hate sag, sating dborder_korge ordered_ont, end Eponla - re afiTag — to go, wee fordbfy 'elected. Malatya+ fuMSHland ooste,whfoli et paid_ He Ifterwudi entered • iralt aplast Yeau ber for usultand battery, who nu Mkt to baffler Ufa: 'Kr. Fallunber is a number of Shp Hgmnion Condi of, Allegheny.. , • AbertrrA f - 8 . CPO . LIN /A 011 •-• Tottrsday *until& st nine o'olook, els artl • oisstrotostatag tutsold st bleoltastre Nall, srfU bo disposott of it Isootlon for tio2mosat • litssltari ifsr. • The goods ars if Abe mat dislisble•quallt r i, cod =brass osooth haushold fondtars - Istplehttatli - of - istioss Wadi, barosiratid s lsstbar; fitly loom of 3,16 mots], team smite,' Janet* SIAL I . II % tamps, are., , • :• , , • Aititint. , 4ol l l4 80M151721, op t O t ell par tiot oolautotufiltlth tha lautalwaottopon Thomas: tiODowall, Jataeda7 orating at Fllaa's4otole comae al Simonb sod (haat Mitt. armead this mango& and looked up for 'hewing.. (hoist Romp, auothar.ot the parti.aanazdarod blamifto wad iris bola to ball In sl,too to Us aptur 'zood Court to aturor obargs, _Sisonalet latagio: —Th. Board &airs tha *Mess 4- tvo-mintstere iscatettotty, 04 01404 at htimptde sect Itis e ast i s Ylekebatir , D 4 larry•finportala tbst thee* 'ltalians should be capplleet with good and Mica mar Ths-Boarti Mb:Wu to e Preames -will -meet in the' ;a tr. P. Multi, Allesbasy, on Vir!atonsdnyi etn, at Id Lars PArstiG.-PloisiisiFflokeNax for its CA of July; New Fors Mina, sad Wilka' BPizito for gals b 7 J. P. Boat, PLfth staost o sad J,T.Eamplo. &unto:Li. DEENA PfTTSBURGH; -- THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE -23, 1864. SOWSIMIT. Jame It_Ward WURom Reds Jolla It Daum Wm Maim Oh* dleughter Jobs Lower Gime H•melmight Henry Roble] Us a Reify Chu Newby . Ohm W Itattlelor 0 Rs.ker Joseph Mlldrier Samuel Settler Geo W rergo John Beller JohnJobsu Henry Mortimer Wred Week' Robert Wood. Alfred Mariam JONAS &War $Ollll Christ bictudond WilliamUovan , Ow e s , Owzt Emith rllear, b Daum otort .1 Harper Jana 11111Inr Koko Horn Wounded at-Petersburg. Wm Emmedy, 11, 11.2 M Wm J Ms, 11, 1126 ! thumb ! That Haagßai. 11, Itlb, &id bead Dorprty: L, 112.1 h, um and this O Muth, 0, 65th, hip WialdeDaratot, 581 b, but , X hilchals,./t,ssll,batt B..trri a4M ,...,„ • ergt 16. _ bind . o lraggosth, tack. t AKltehell,ll,losth, 111ittut2' Nanhcht, 11001, sza 01i HcOay, 13,1411tkarm Outer, 0.63.1, foot Itedath E , Ghi, thigh J. Tounglitig, D, 100th; icluhibl,. 0, 116th, rifitts, 0, 116th !• 0 01 1. J J.Wlahh 1, 11402, 8 6.1flebttt l irtnl! th • ••• am, QFn". a. /.40ti. 3a - s - ane - e. : - y : - :,, • - 4 :. ;~:~.~, r~`t `tea:' PITTSBU Hamill and Ward Watched. k James Ilatnill,thtuthatoplott rumen, line at het keen matched nimble his old antago nist, Julius Ward. The ram will take, place at thli city, on the 19th of July—distance, five mllcel stakes, $1,000.. The Clipper Jaye: -- "..s — stated in otir - last issue, the articles of agreemint as' than published wire drawn up and signed by Nerd and sent oa to Hamill for hie signature; which were in dna time. returned with the clause in regard to accom panying beats oared; and the paragraph in regard to the turn amendeo,allowing _Ward the choice if the course was flzei below the bridgeurnly. To the erasure in regard to the boats, Ward consented,,but held engin regard to the choice of turn, as he considered that the Oasis on which he wu Willing to rowan the Monongahela at all. We at once commo nicated wish Hamill, giving the Butte of af fairs., and in resppnse, received a letter from him, dated Pittsburgh, June I rib, in which he says; The match having programed thus far, It shall rot be stopped by ma. Blr. Word cm hate blamed, of to be abaft witch ligThe to tarn from right to laft to gloom Ward, though ft la not the usual O\) of turning adopted at boat nosh hoping thin willasttlx all differatoas batmen, Ina, lam yours Respectfully, Jean nAIit.LL Preeseasoo, J0a.e17.11161. "Both men are known as •tint•class ox ports in 101111111tOigitini, and have contend ed against each other before, twice, on the Pa, both- of which flamilkwoa, sad, twice at Toughkeepsle, of -Which - am& won mu; Harollibelag the victor (nth, last, since when he hen of-ctowsW 401 d the Inolld title ordouttplon icaUetptikzetlw waters. What the real:lll.a .tho "fortleioutlng contest ' will be It is Impossible &mimeses proph. say, but that Hamill II the favorite it met lees to dollYolds victory on the. lait Obauloa at Poughkeepsio having given Isiiiithinanse pronto., not only ln Plltabargh e but:ll New York and all other plow where fast'sottiling Is taken caramel, of. This whales:4 flamiilr money Is up and half of Ward's, 'and the other half will have to beguiled in our hando on or before the lint of July." Men Tarim Annarin.--Two men aulaed James Cowley and John Murphy, were before Mayor Lowry- this morning 01111 charge of staaiings4oo fromJ. O. McCurdy ' who boezdi at the St. Nicholas Hotel. Mr.../4oCordy left hie money in Ma room. whils.he went down ataits a andnpon his . return the funds wets miming. When arrested ' the parties had giCitfor the tribieiln their possession. . • They ; were committed for trial. 'An °inn Lino Goirit.—Thi remains of, Sere.. William J. le'ClarriniDo. E, 69d Ita4 shoat, who was mortally wounded In the: nand day's light in the Wildamesh hays arrived at his ; -father's residence in Wat.' Deer toirnship, and will beihtered on Thurs. day.. Sergeant Il'Olarrin had eommud of the company for some dayi before fhe and went through the pails of the dist day in safety.. Assartnr.-4,fobn Murphy entered the hogs* of a Mr.- 81rdtorty. , on Bactned street; thie wonting, and sppantaitly without An?' Ogee cation harhd a tarp mint stens st fllattatly, whieltatruck Km on the head,) in dieting **sevens • wound.' Idmpby , ssae ar rested and taken befall the • Mayon The can 'trill probably be compromised by;.Nur ph, enlisting in, the army. Tin imp building loth the Seventh • on &thus street, near Centre mane, by the Banana • Presbyterian 'Ciampi. will be lotion the premises Thilisan7 • • noon,the Va . list., at Shim o'clochib INlellraine r %inetionsen. - Horns ni'd lot on Federal etriet,Alleib adjoining. Smith & -Bane's , worpentor Ida be eold by A. Lomb", Indianan. Ttotredity, Toll lit. at two o'clock- :The' fronti 14 feet on Fedora . street by:l44 Asap. , - • :GOAL inducements offered in toota i iittosi and guitar', at MoOlIntookt", 90 Pederarst, Allegheny. . Go to bloClintock's now oboe store, /Tad oral strait, Allegheny City, if yon want bar taastpiers,au. ci,0708.14c- Sbehive ram open the larvae and beet "elected gentle tbla thy el ENCLIBH BRUSSELS, bnoorted by onnelree, nnelei the obl tarili, with the van peemlenn ei sixty nee. • I MT &TTINGS Alin, tall enottnemt of WED= 0111:01III0 AND • 01 - I - I Isi A _NE ATTTNGS, • ni ell "MU, and at - - The Lovbeat Priccei for "ithistkin OLIVER isporaprOcrik . ' W-ENOW OFFERikatEALINW .r. colinme to la the largoakmatatiot • Carpets and Floor 011 Cloths, Pear azalbltod be Ws city, In 13111W8114 =API FLT, 180IIAI9 and vzarrreir'ClAPPWN lad 8 LIZ= OIL OLIVE&‘ We tars ituucr..dadrobl• styles not to be found alanbote, tarlatillas some beautiful anode FIII7IIIIIID PEPS I[3B LI von oira arm!. 1 2 / I DII6 ' The Quter part of oar slick. hating been Mr. chased or contracted for Wore the nowt to kb Tans laprim elll be sold al a rorp Email 'dream leal can, oar plow Wag la =my lartaaros tar Wow prong aoudad ratan Tilde and runs ammo • . LIAt AAA nag C• 31.11•3 Cocos d C s 21.attlipt•U'etWil ; • •••• • • • • tal rocrizenisat • sllnys twit AA Om /01.11 p&es, W/L0L12141,13 AND M'Farlitd, Collimildto6.; natal 73 Fara intim; n• . • . • Next bona tq Pi 0,7•10•4 610 r FOURTR STREET . NEW STYLES OP WINDOW SHADES RIXTIVIED THID DA7. I FEW smarm taxicK . 07 4ie, p - "air Es, "oir. -I .c)T H. S AT jillitA.LLilllll4; A.RPE I T sTOR } ; ! 1 "gr Plum "arirt• • r Dlt~'/D~"D , ~~ raVnini.D. o <Dircctaidoof the ..1.111007 • Pitubmili Crtl 00a doe , • damolloaind DI oidesa 0 TIM Mar am thee Clip trr the math of Xi> fer • 810esal l AttsiTar-L 9.3.00 i at ta.'o6e. tbiIOCCIDS47,II2 Beath • trel otrus Palatel. tde. . Ms*** Jcillialth, I esc -747.41, Orrin =TEN Cmixa tar:murex c0.,1 Pitt Jas• Ilthllo4. f DIVIDEND_NOUCK —The Prwident awl Directors of 02110oareim taro el. 47 I flatland a Invtisao of 1112 VOLLLIta rag I as.TM fros of-Ibite par,td• bib* etoa I kab;lw • - ' Illeariptaiy. TIIVII•END NOTICE. fi I:IO:X=MA Oa °mon: bft'M Fa, Joss 101.11tit:f Tha Dtmrtara pt. the OaDooly tan Ltd* day 41. eland Dirktrad et- IDLILDOLLIES 10) pit = thagolt."" ord sEtst TEL , SLY DOSOT I I. - • • , s.rvorar. TOEXPEE ADANA Diestisk 0031IIIInfe UP SW:Ma& carvs: of Musalsail Gant etre*, Ettatrart6. easevo-4:4.l.X.PcOstk.ret. Isdt Tbssikarellobee. Inlet NMI& in : • , • TELEGLEU. FROM THE FRONT FT7MaMTMM:TMI Richmond Held by a very Blight Tenure it Petersburg Is Taken. PARTICULARS OF SUNDAY'S FIGHT. The Shelling. of Petersburg Commenced on Monday. OUR ARTILLERY WITHIN. SHORT RANCH. Grant :Strengthening his Force in Front of Petersburg. HUNTER REPORTED AT WHITE ROUSE NEWS FROM REBEL SOURCES Ewelre Corps dein to Intro been eent Against Hunter. &a., de., de. Nair Yin:, jape; R2=No dispatch frorr Stanton last night.. . l l:special to ea. World; dated Washington" Innegist, says: Intoillynao from the front op to yOsterday noon is $t hand.. It is en dontood that Sheridan is already on another . raid, I . On Sunday night thorn Itzt - ponsiderable sklrmishin4 and be4ry nitilbu7: ; llzingt, but nuthingof impniluuttettt A derma for theinnender of Petersburg has bean rude and refused, and our artillery has already shelled the place, which is nearly deserted by the inhabitanti. A Eibuse special dated Washington, Jane 41st, says: Later information from the army shows that ail was quiet up to Sundaynight, withthe inception of firing at .inturals, al though:an attack was made on ourseratss, Which. was gallantly The rebels oocupy tha high poillion near the town, and it would be .useless to, samitlae file In : an attempt to take the town, as the rebels; anises . diolodged, would -be able to throw shells Inihe midst of any , fore, omen. pying **town. ' The position we occupy is a very unbarrassing ono to the rebeisieu they A Sea spedal, dated near - Petersburg, June 19th, says: The trot:Wry% may look for demonstrations shortly 'hick` will greatly change, the aspect of affairs at Wilk:int. As a preliminary teethe? events pausal greater importance, the bombardment of Pe. tersbug is set down for the - opening step in the mining week's work. Grant has his ar tillery. In excellent position at range from 1200 to 1400 yards of: the heart el Abe city, and at dep t to :nohow shelling/ cam wince, provUsd the "place Is not previously surrendered by evacuation or negotiation, the former of which is only likely to emir. The 'arrival 'of Hunter with his force at White Muss, topther with Sheridan en route to thin Place to, .PPltrate our.vJoililth hie ; beet olSorallysenounced - lids evening., Grant -Is determined rather to nictitate than diminish Ids force it this POlnt. : Thialurening • (ion. .Blrnay, commanding ilanoock's corps, extended his liner so tunas to occupy, the ground which - the wounded of yesterday's charge had stew lain. Now 'Tou, Jane 22.—The Hayti corres pondent at city Point, en the 19th, sate rebel sources. report Ewell's , corps .sent against Ginter, n7r ' • Pr on [ lot sot • With the capture of Petersburg the Dan ville'read will be the only communication leuthneft. The width of the track difera horn an'others, which wlll'prevent the with drawal el this lolling ltzek. This road can be easily deltroyed from - Petersburg, so the rebel government wilt feel that -Richmond to held try's very slight tenure. -- ThelOss oC Pattrilitirs Is a virtual amen der of Richmond. Let timid' be assured . of a glorious caniPaign. Vicksburg will find a parallel here. Loa announced victory at Rowlett's, was ao attack on Poster's divalon, of • Butler's !mei, on the 17th. Field's and Picket% dl vbdons,'of Longatreet'a corps. charged Pas tes Ilse, driving his left and centre back, though they wen repulsed on every other portion of the line. Babsequantly., a put of the original link wu lost, but regained to day. On the 19th the , attack was renewed with infantry and artillery, and I. portion 'of our contra was driven back. An advent* was ordered and the enemy wu driven, io we now toldour line triumphant: -• • The .18th and 19th •oorps,.under •thalth's command, except , klartindalee • divbdon, are all encamped in the neighborbecd of Port Liancork's corps was repulsed by the =toy yesterday, when Burnside advanced and eucceeded In driving them from their position to avoid tisuldreep They abandoned the en tire Ilse and lienteek occupied It: nue Beralers correspondent of the 14th iith Banter says: The line of railroad be- tween Charlottesville and Lynchburg is de stroyed effectually for tern t has coning .in two the rebel forces is two pleas. • • - The lierefd'e James river correspondent says, The rebels were shelled oat of their po sition at Main= by the globe/et Eutaw, sad took themselves out Orange. Three rebel rams came down :warty. to Dutch gap and were fired on by our -monitory, when they steamed slowly beak. aerie. Grant and• Bu tler were on board of the Agawam taring an Interview with - Admiral Loa, and witnessed NO nerilito sips LAS REYORT; The Enemy Attempt to Construct . ;. Earthworks on James River. B$•:1 IBLLBIOOI..BY OUR 801010111 . . SUPPLIES 5151 T. 711 . 8011111 N AT WHM. HOUSE. Biamma Emmale, ,fuee 21,:ria Baltimore ittail22Mhere has been no fermi* eagege rea4 die* Mat report. Tbe rebid/ endeavor. ad hi oonatruot earthwortt on 411M111 Blear In the vicinity of Turkey 1:414 anClyalvesa MB, but bot our guaboatavhelled them come. Boothia have beet "set to' Ebert:lan at Wlttie.Aouse. . few 'York Peace Jitate Canyon tlon., . You, Zhne .7.L.4beiVoo d ar Peat* Rate Colvention mitt al the &tor onrethil afternoon. AboitTality . dalgetee nen prat 0 eat: i Propreatlons . nominate an Latterpenr 14$ lontididate.met vlth. bnt mue .4141 Waal deedlned committing himself for . l* orialn or any 'other man- nooitaated'atih t. A gnash impedes nu eatieti In Ws city, and other places, to haircut -Ale% the Memo Convention - net the people nit in te.eoioir 0•1100. -The Coln mitten - meet lapin . -• • _ • ' gtmtit , a . 9portlona from, a Kobel ! • Standpoint, • ,• . . Nap You, Jott o ,29;—noittolstotat Sp. rite of as 'lsth, ago of Iloattel operations, taataltor that:vying part of the Illtarlottos villa ,rall.road tbry strata. tlta tathoatt to PolatitUria.Ylint_COnall'il depot, ilia Bathe tatairsok! tar Uri parpoto of laolatiag • Moo ASFMII44I up &toy Winn, oaths to s hit:Ma:4 !tot Joining llontar, sad alit dot= that Illtaptoa Arrival-Item Burgle. 11.4r,j/(X, Jane 3L—Tbi &Ass, from L 7: amcal an, elta—Llll.3J4 Qasautoste Ank .01 124,14 arrlrsd hate to•day,llth Sus • Is stated Mat the , Alabamabinptsw} as basing bernsd mug vessels Isla)!.: Polltloal atfaln staabanged. , 3 , DissoLvrromg. 7 IsktirrioNopp : . 4 1I I• >l4llllll gron"rt =ar t dl i taf t." 11. JOllll t tram Ws dia. - 11.11.7811.8.6 21=3438 tab .Itrafa 524- Um Cul The ULU= will ocatlaad ..• Ir. 11.4. tiu Umtata:a •••• - • AIL G. roantrzaii. • roam- B. romorat • •-„ , i.-r: - ', 4 7 - ...: , ` '-'-,-;!.-'•:.,,,,,_,,,,,,,..,,..„... , ... G . •.. , ... . _ ...• , ..,•,_,,,,:,„:„.....„...,.,?.,.„„ • ~...„....,............ ••• .. . ran BALE--FOR pos. -eALE—yir g inis Oil Latd,situ sted to Wcod sad Mara= Octal lee upon Etotseneck Bun and Mull Cr.ek, In done pralcolty to the great sells 1 lam 'of 4& yearn on Stephen Ealreon's Una, on Ilarsenect. • I lease of 44 years on BOlpherr Sprfog farm, on garment— Them lands are only a short !Mance from the big sells. lissom of tel years on lobo J. Campbell's farm op 801 l Creak • 1 loam of 48 yon on Amid Johnston', taros, on oil Crook. 1 base of 45 years on Grey floe Gem, Ball (heft new of 45 years on Ism Jottastees farm, 411 Bull Creek. 1 Boos of 45 yowl on Coo. Lenders farm, on Bill CAA. I leas of 28 ran oa Same Pride'e farm, pa Calf I base of SO years on Jamb Gonisaa's Wm, RIOS, Mud York. 19 sera too simple, Hight Hued Park with tui undeveloped wogs full of oil. Ttuselands ani only • stun distance from the Ohio river, (3 to 6 mutes,) •nd are unfounded by wall developed territory. Vlore ars about 1,000 sores in all, of good Tansy territory. Address. Jeltlw 6111TH., 1774,1 L 100., Pittsburgh... fiI . XECUTORIT SALE 01? BEAL UM Te.M.ABOVHDING :ZS Ob X —Eaa undo, stxnal, Executors of tho tat Will and Tananient of John ltasokay, deed, will WI a pclisto solo on tbeb oaten brut of land, tats the humane:oda the said. John noway, rinser In Union. township, on the' Washington nuptial', about 2 mita frdm donna', Ferry, ooniedninpilacrek niortua.leskan tibial : erected a ' Jorge rame - DwelUng Boum * J3arn and mahouts; two One orchards of elides Milts, of every kind. Tbielnidbatag anion silt:lda, good suite orcultivatfon, abounding in coot under the wholdeurfaco, none - Wing lama excavated at toy time, - afford, an obyartunity. tor.ooto and good in ' vinment Trznis—One-thled hi buil, 'and balanae hi one end two guars, with Intend, rolie rituured by rid and =crime, suldectdo the Omar intarelt.o lam! during bet •' • - JAM FOLLIMITOII, Vikt:t34 11013/111t • .• our.,lllzutaird Short 'booth Pith rxecutars. POE SALI+-BILEITEBANSITE*2ID VILLAGE L4Td, Eau Fon! Aston.—Tla waderd4and a preafoni of the ..alkar. , . 01 lap Ver. ' roc, deo d, over for aim a nualbekaf LOW; farm oriel. Galt to two 'an. rub, sitnatrd near Fort' Herron, and within throe minutes walk of the terminator the TRW:burgh t Idtaenniria Pawnor Ballfray. Thor above Lots are beautifully locatad far pinta redd.turw. Also, ne/mbar of zonal Lots In the Tillage or oerirMe,froatted on the Pansengtr Hannay—thirty tostzty tort frost and from me to two hazed feet dem. for In , crrmotoort enquire of el dorr of du orator. dgood, or W. A. HZ/111019. Clerk's Oftleo.• Goon Donn; WH. A HZDZON, JOHN D. 13118E03, EL O. R1211.0£1, T. J. IMMO/4 Iznentarr. F R BALM A SAFiM WHI he .014, all that TALI or Lazio situated n township, neat Itolty Obureb.ontsinblS One Hundred - arid Twoutpona acza.-45 ellarod, balance flodamod, and &I e.ll watered. Imoravetdiato a Log BOUM, o ad Log Stara, and a good tearing young orchard. Tema clay. Tido tadispotablo. Ifor fartherpartlesdaro engulfs of a. fifilITLY, WA: the grozoboo. • - ADAM Ulna= • • - sLIZABETH - BRIGHT MIL • . • Gtoddlaail of Wag E. Dfled. • faltrit.daltir2 • "Mt BALE-VALUABLE REAL ES TAM—Tyro Lobroornot of Osatre tient* find Meditative; 40 fort 7 Inelus float by Ito feet &tip: ' Ono Loton Pantrylssols suave, 20 ant front by 100 fornadoop, rumba took to s 40 feat alley. One &co of ground comer of Chnebtto and Forks streets, la tbe rear of .P k R L. P. 11. W. Dap; anttatalug bratty lots. 90 OPI.OO Mt. Alio, tartaer of ray dosirablo lots In East Pitts. lamb. Elts of thaw lots lie In sbally,tts • front ofl4o fast car °nag •striot sad 200 on W aahingtoa sad Motors strew, on *lath Is credal a saw& lan* boson ' • For putlealtrs apply to • ' DITHISIDGIA • palls • Tort PM Olsr - Workr. Wasblartom C. FDIC-SALE;—A Farm of - 118 - scrok in EL 01,97 r toursblp, Westmoreland' coonfy, Pa. A150,6174/756 of IWoores to Elkabsth township, 6. 15 1.0175.7 wrmt3. .! Also, • 111 . 60 typidom 71rIcit Bove sad Lot lo titsl3o7=o 0.r.'6 -lltuboth. t Moo. slid* Iloososnd Lot In 171.1raboth boronsh. ;Also, Ars Lots adjoining tho bowl:0 of 111011006 port. In,,Msts . AL Potty's plso, 1i0t..66, 157, 63,51 69. sad . , ; *too, a, Tor.? shuttle 2.-act of °Oat! Lana, to poor Ea: it, on tho alonontpaboln rttor, ' Tor_ w tktalant In quirt at No. Ifn .strost. latir-17' .0. It TOWER. *el Batas& Avant. MIR - SALE--One nevr Etc=fiagine, 1:* 15 1.a.a c7Uadar, 201.neh LILIAN an bay bed ; balaaes van governor Ouel2 irtr}caylla, ISO Limb, drake, aecond.baad, refit will be as pad da coin Das Itach ayllader, PA lath . ainoke,2ant. , Oat 6 -• 25 . , . . , Tiro Cylltese,pollers, In„ dlitat., 30 :se' t Ion& Vases q' - - 30 " 421 . . SiOrclught'lrcaz 1:011011i. " ANS Ttilarfiett afflorl32l7bols,ror *ft; ptMa or cub. Lazar* of.VOLS, 422 - Dank. - user thi Point. BALE—STEM Skit MILL AND OIL RITIMEECT....The ogsaxsit 'or whole of *a 011 &tun sad Steam Bsw , MIL with tea andsass of swarsd; sa , sham/thaw 44 coal oa I.lsikot.—fothe spa and thin Worked. Waits co the allnliray. Liver WI V. a. a,.armd to Th. Heat* is now sacra kein ink elm b irylloadirl order, and IN in+Ll idta• dedatiViag* *war tOalthig itsla u .4 thf,,,z4tor. goat local, tor bonne _ Far raithadsas tall aa this wadeadood. . • . • LTD2,I",k OlionPlthOLlNO • • itipckti, Ire. a mad stroat:rumbarst44.: 'VALUABLE' RIVER - PROPERTY von SAL& Wanted on Wononconata Mint, ittot• Wu CM Lea, hating n. toot an ma ilia OM tot; nal 'int =Atoll tool to Itraddool Stria. *4lcdning Ctuo Clannoil.rnsl4 Itailrnod con. natolni 4 sato sn4 7? ptonlion Thu to an odtnino. Woo locsiton Int Enotnincturtng porpowN baring Oa rim Salton' Mut publlo moot an?yWtond tn. not, and few 71111 sod bond Ingo Chalon motel. lox Ala, apply to SIAM 2018 ?UTE% on t .pr>mta>ti or to W. 0. ALICHISISBAI7GII,IIo. tit Mamma strootaltubnigh. . ma tt! POOR SALR-42 1 500 will prof:me e .a: • Fermat star !invew ernis, maw a geed state of culttratlan, wall watered with missy and ender toed fa" tlezete ebtrat three and a benzenes Ire t I M W , =d te= •t b wnn,,:,w.l:e -n. On tn are • tenretory Erick= reams Elwin Mesa bra, and goat debate Bolt. Tram ego. AWAY at the /OW Date and IntratenceeMoe of • ml2O - Butteratreet, Ls AT 'PUBLIC-Bey.—Will be r sou by peat, macaw o• the promlini, on THUDSDAY, No .of Aux., inst., • T•rm con tan fog 119 Anoossdrasted le Voila ll= townolno, Westannoluoi coon ty, lan 19o= mien Button, emu. e. 11. $. and U. g.. 0 dlr Moot frond Tioan•lbrilllo IL B. .1h• Lad abouada to cold and llsntous. Is Iran srsfrawl: She Lat. gannemonto an Lot Doolling Howe sad Log Barn. See to Ws pica at I o'clAxl p m. . 9.4.30 r SAWICZ. DAVIDSON. F OB- SALE-At Aluddii Oil Wcirb, - BIS Ovule Petrotenni Tanks, . • In prima Cider, Substantially kat .4mA:lam:be; not lonsla ms, awl will contain nom. tbo barrels Appitaulak wins as tba Sammy?. Anniston *Los tb. taboo to PlUnbargb. • liatklTON, JOlLlintack FOR BALE-A -LARGE MODERN bellt tam day Wink botss, altaate oa ROBS 613 LICIT, Wilma tuk6 nigh ottseto, contatn• Ina tan room, .1111 rod oonat ••• Onlandll galv rat, 2hi lot has • front ot9o Oat on Bad mood, nua. dog took TO lbat to • 6 tot alloy. ths hens la sob dant/any Dahl, sad au avatar and gas ttoongtozo (boom/ ins rootantod pttethra•nontra at 0. CUBEtann, 0126 U m Thasnoott. Attobarali. - • Eunm. , FOR , eitLE.Ttuit gultuihkt ittusio tbo Pittsburgh szst Mum Grub Booth to Bottum tobrublb, gnash so tin .101111orso." about bro mike from Qs city, coo. Waft stoat lisp:lts, VII b• toil Igo silk Fat Wm, urply -• ittjra - Lows. 7ounb anal, mozl,ll • Plbaborob, oog. eALE —A bealitifcir vita for • 11 Ortutry nom, Adjonsfor 21(inohold. Cozad*. . 12 twil4P'Nit.O 4 •Ith Sla - bee,Aflrolt aloe. ano. 6 acres on tho PorporlllololeCLlO7 war *var. Also Oats =Vomit strool, 4 22 wird, /lilt* 2. o( - O.2CBt2(Qt. ' oil • . So. 1111>lomonel. FOgjakW-!TA - Mize 1D AIIt.RDCDf CIO; iltoeldl'os Myron street am. sderal s tier. Lot In feet{ lathes hoot tolirCAA4lep to lertsesco etreA. TwAstsfy ilrlst • .13-b mail !OA tmeamttoftt.o room. t yard resat em 4 kof boom, Apply te prf 13.1deLAIN 01..101 - forath stmt. VO.II;2O2r7OICEXCILANGII MR lart I'AOPIDITT.—Mtut LAMS DIiVILT" recl, .4th graamis titadood,c4i.Oanas Ong. kV ote~laQ s 7 gib = . I=t of err 1 a 01134 Ihrtillzci nimt ziab k roalltf terma. mama. .20 , lots in' AClegli f en: g lartirje,Mtroel on . Pla care Laws late alllllll.liditialtaSl-I= l l o' 6' l3=l= Wei latialba moan when 11... ford mow Um. Td vOrbi loperably o. Tor torsos; ir..Ataro to• wyttt • virrn. lap tun - isms; Ng, ULU Tx& - - 11 : 7 - 7 . .= l ,l4 s ll C alisit o ind , o r n '10(11t; aalbri4 Lios kirivana. as sha 4.7 - whirr crania. and gamma one* b &1 4 7. ammo or aa manor at warm IMODPII =Mead Cal= 503L1 few sad was inahtw.. a nom, iNke =a Wank", at *04.,/rITEI MUlrr. ;MU ga4 roma ands. ruotnzro. ,• -• • •zablecir , •• . • ~~:5~ ~~~ `;_ VOLumt. Lxxvu--- - No. 191. a1f1e170.4" BALES. ►MALL ,RA.RMS 'AND 'CAITICTIar kJ BITSB.—On 81.21710.1kY .61T/lINOOII, Zane I=h, at Slo'clOck, will be 'old, cc, the f relabel, at Hardwood Station, on the OonnolDreille ilallroad, id Amble. theruskly, thoyblloning Tartans Aro Lots' adhdl•lded from the properly late of Jed Pennock and otbonn Ito. 2, ematabairg 12 gem 41 polobe4 Nix. 8, " 4 " 52 N 0.5, II " .66 30.6, " 6 " 64 Ira 7,., " .3 ". 75 " Ho. 9, 10 /10 Also. ono lot inintalning 9 IkeTtl, adJoinlng land of Ran. (Rosie Dade and William Piper. , Thrai small tams, part of Jenn Woof s' tract,. Oa !situated within a few hundrof yards of Raul.; woad Station and well adapted bath for delightful' country reelikaorar, and fur Walt sad Ono gravies or% gradating rasp:aut. PITS= C2321 , 10 , f Osepromnies 01farb the d 4 of solo, bl.leatling on Thema. Kari mon, talent on, the Lad, or on dams Dignan, at the Groin 800. ,Plana can be seen ositlielpunlees,sr at lbw • a nob* Room, 54 Mfth street, or. few of Robb S IdeConnell, Dbaniesid strait: 7a, Tama of tele--Orieefoneth cash, lialanhe he one,. two and Itute'yeanA with Interest - • • - All persons Raines of attending 770 side will Re talon free et ,clurga Tat thlif pe. pow a imolai train, WM Iran the PlttabroAb cocazjillinrille Ualtroo3 Depat, cams of Ross strut and Storms& li bels Wand, at 1% o:dneki prodeeir, si'dojef sale. Two trains rot= tortetowel co name 070/I.g, st Windt Are ands ism 13M=EM AAUCTION IN ' THE HALL OP THE AOUL ` OLD oomosinr HHOP.-;-The• coinnitiee hairix . tcharivi piths "Old Cariosity Shop" fol. at auction on IItIDAY EVZNINGIi Jima 2 la, at 8 o'clock a varied anortroent.ol morals; Hairitoona - Metcalf oar , Ancient Boika Labia lento Diatiagnlthed Ilen4Blannscripta and •Oorloadira donated by _loyal -and .Dbaral Saco and woman thatonctitof oar brat* Koldieratrlio have aaffeadto Da Bneliiinl and Clo.thabitilo - ftd. • La. &tiara invited to atten&fhe sale. By ceder at tie cesittea.W Z.:' , .I.9aIii. , IIVILBISON, Chairmen: - an. Einalcm.&cretary,. • Jedir3V ,4111.18- BUILDING ,LOT IN TFIR SZVENTA UrAßD.—an 111t1A9 . DAT .Ar- TICBEGOII, - Japs234 o - Pr urul3 9,aabLe4 sia 07 Lim ill7lA that lot of irnald . Antony streneell th Tal e &Wawa of 11 ro 14in from idtrow a rra 1T.11120r beim 193 feet 9 limbo iron: oo Ar on stint, by 114 feeelYinrkaa, deep to .25 feet a ley. Thle property Ohtani *tarp amoont *Timed b d , big atone; malty got at. „ - .Man of pnyesty note seen at office e; . l i i, D. it. ltams.]Ao.Ut Elmllhaeldatreet. . - - : • Rltla bldborntable. Trine made known at Jel7 I , • JI.II4ILWAMII; r. IrIALAYTIF4CTEIREILB. If DIRIJEEINE BRAGS WORKS, CADZiAIi a cite.1062,D,._ araill443:=l of army inirLoty of drifted Nam WORM You PLUMBERS, sues tru GAS FITTERS, MACHINISTS, AND 'COPPERSMITHS. _ DUDS CASTLISGS3 of all itriPlfOrit, mad* th order. STEAMBOAT HOBE. STEAM AND CAS. FITTING. cod BEPAIRLSG, promptly attended - to. Partirsdor atrenticm paid to fisting rgi BEFIN7. MIS You COAL &ND CARSON OILS. Also, Sale Agent. tor tbe Watt= Mabee! of Pam= Mfor the mile of MANSE. lADSDELL A ATENT SYPHON- PUMP. the best emir to. mato& Ha rbs no rams It L not liable tn gas cut of order, and iU throw moth water than any pomp 03 trice its alba! •• •. • apt& w. S. KAZICCIMIN.....J. siwass.,-4.4. rows. IRON CITY WORKS kIACKESTOSIE4 ICAMDZILS can itecrummt. Gamer of Piki tad O'Hara, Pike sui4 . Wilnia Bimetal tn." at , Wat." 7410 .11...mlfactanns of ctatioaary awl ether =GERM, BOLLING -DULL 13.68TINCLS sad ItIAWITIMBY, MIIb Of kW* audgetuora Jobber. • . • • • - ••Promg i att.ention glen rap . Oling BMWS° ROBERTS, i3ARRES It CO, No. 89 Third . _ TER AND . BRUT MOB WOILIUMIk Aiid N.ufoctiareal of J AVAST - MAD TEN- raatat • . . Ws innr tianittictaring nnd Uri on land Bahlog4punim af Main* Taint Ware in Bette, WatorOnobro, croon' Ten ond Spice Otnisters,Onh dud SPido Borto, Tumbles Drainers, Spittoons., Ito., to. It largo lota BIM Oates tor solo LTC+ Oil Gun of di nizat and patterne,• Tin ,Itordlog, Onidnenrca, and all kin& of Jobbing Work done to ordoi.. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS, 'PITIHBCBBS. P 4 PARK. BROTHER it CO.. IlanzitactorasOt '• V cow= nun= can emu, &lam, flat and OcSaiaa, of a 1 atm. Warrsa ted Kcal ta al4 imparted ar aumalletared this coaa• lir 021os and sayelocas Ida". 155 and lid 11:1387 sad MO d EILLSMD STS SUB, .Pliashargh• talirtyd PATENTED 0(71' . 08ER .. 8, 1861 Dmnammt . p'ulpii ovA.L. dun:nom= re • 11 PZINTHOSSA9B: • These admatris ars tutsaded for the PAS llama, heating all parts at Ito glus Keay, does vet Immo It tteonaktng.' DITIIII.IDOE, _,-hrtYitt Mos Weals, Weshlagtortatreet, • aply. , Plttstrorst, Penna.. . • - . . 1 luzziaoirovato or sous. ' a4lll allow 111 lama and treks to ordfr; 113013 AND BRIM :AUX '0401131 ; HMV Or, ja an klzda MDR_ Ll 3 - b r .o•bAdry ass RKAvIr WORK FOR WENDOWEi an.; RIAD CAGES, C WAFITSTAI, W/11.F WORE, tar Fknioss, tr. . VO: An dun eI.WIRIII be r.: ' • Pia in ',Quint . aura. TEURD BT/OBT tfKINDRY. - • AgiFRED . mameifirmeruis stAnd.pm aPallgisfpapieti. raw Warm ads Mewls sad the' wane : granny • wt be bee apeaoql a Weimar: at theorem of Mae anal a" t.'"Dott7 Walt olilxtilae Mau', Ban Totitutry,tor the purpose of ataaetactasina LIOEFT CranWM 014133' efOULDII. PCI LIMN Aka etpteal attes:tbaa ersa to Plumb," ALLEN NVOURMIOK & 00.. Viusir Foricrwr, DI IlirWorabouno;llMTAT MUM dfordrfirromrs of 0001 L, PARLOR ARD WIWI% nia EffOTIVALID a OB AND RIM= GRATES, lIOLLOW W oto4dticed Wad Mho goals, DWI- IdILS ' °owing, Goo, Writer add AN tlunatt d* o, 844 Dow Irons, Wood Dares, B. or Sa Cu Wheals, Couplings odd CoW/ago , - Jalapa wad Macrame rto. WSW Tototed Portal, Mill, bita i mor Sails Pans - otaltaxta BRITAN/1iti..11)4138 .11/14ET. - IKEIVAL.WoRKEW • .' • i tIL •,•:( xuatracreiiikraufroa TILANIX,LAMP IBA sad MAIM EHILESLI orenersi.ly. A boo_,_ LARTIRR TILLEGNIEGA FRUIT JAR COVERS re tUllaa4t Maxi TUt - Jtar cr. M :So. 139 . Biccar6 street, Pittitmat. . . . 0041;thi13 04 i.Vialimi .. . , . ;. rpaccivia . opl*k r etty. - nisbuuttivia AI ai..% lisi — u4 stilt.% of Ms P. 1 . 1 1V0141b:: ' ma .I.lstriti. BM to 43 t gib. invISZASID- A1:111 TS170101; WIRD Lamatows: amergig "XI S 1 . 1 " Wi g . 7 AZVI I d Mr ' B. ktti 14iii - ti anitsl3 A i a: treotttuadaer - • !.- • , - . - . AND .ussztanTilasi.*:o6:. • • . nails sin:mut. clatt statisnivnt, - Lima csrarionumot.. nunk. 'Lie unclear, • - ALLsoargr arm' PA. • - -• icl:nititomottnowrrest itturr poss. Id= 0501LLATINO twat sassnt %.f ah c l ' a Tiatt ttn - untinecled .. 1:17 C t~Ati FOWN.E.B, (hits of the lira of —*"4l4.o°Rr J Itmei t *Wilk4:o aLXll33ol(taie Sltcballaliffdalt ' 11104 - 190111DX621 sad ..:'''..tiA ‘ Mtkk/glai r aiati• -VW*r ::•1:. 11.10111031 f 00. %. - KID I •• a. 03. 7 ,.. No: 215 • moo, To.d.Lmignor stook rtm t Igtabct.nn wwurg LAMM sad a " cri P li°l " f h l i- 7 4/ 3 F4 211 AIDER a. VF RA No. • • 3 Wass ' tft. . . atllolllll • 1.7 ote er GOlraptigq, S f i rlfflr alat UM . 1. 'Ming faNe to ceder at abgl i Ai:De ea' .1 MI=EIMIIII noogs. AZIRIVELS. 10. LATE ..k!in.naCATIONS4 seu°Yi!utx,r — o - Frisrgar.t u u Bridal Zro. llro. rotthwortb. - 160 &into.: A Tat of U.^ 'Ai Bat - 0 Maws. BI M. Walwortb. 160 , IT. • Itaantad Hearts, By the stab= cf tbo Lamp. Bgbtor. 2 Ci> &Tao Blotico. tly rt . . 111 v atir . 1 TO 191betten 'Boouttral - Mari or, Skotcbia 02 a OW. Lito.. .90 vu. Woo= in :Lim/4 al .2tbor of Moo.in 063% A oompoult..n to Worn= ist latott!... 1:64 napl37Xtide, By ttalWat.Pips. :Oct; I 10 hvai (Nor 00.1 to Dixl6: By tlitidseiLir: 1 By Gar 111.11 C 1011 4 .1 56 I 1 ano 1 *i 1 1. 2 137 4 7;:0fra 4 ' d . tir " 2 ' .437 IL a Darlrivatt i=e .... roitaa; alzhio it) 'pommel!, verket .as Efirs - j-esle 60 I • (litiatatiKit-Work and Ultra& SO; •1911 k aka of tfortfertlipOocat., kat Alnal• 1 , -plot. • . ... on L--• FL t, .•Xl/11.• • ' • ! phis - li-offal. of Frktvorkst Progreso:: 11,7 Ifix• .! • besi Bpancor. ..... , 300': astrd o" • siv•doti .6f 111*rop • ' ...• . . - •• atriotfiza L nod ciLir Tapirs'. is t T; . Shia' ' !•• toutuel and Can:it:art 117 tho Coutti7 I Clr,th 1..01 badjo's ClaTe Tale oltest Tease e. Co- •1,75 Xll.ll ! taagertleld'alfat yr. liefore Oa , r 1 60 XXI/1. , IWoodbirsi s Hdret By mihor a(Poaxes: Bi Ewa. „. sale lb Arras 'adagio.. L Prattles! Work far' 4, 3.4'.2'4L 010ta ...,.._._._...................._.4 1.60 The GOV fad ltrairo 4 :3 1 41uia.” - PToarirsit I Taller. ffid¢sh•Ll &wand tibllakins• tab of ..goltfielgr Sad Itiograpet." 23 Copia of the alma boob bad free of ',blip m rVWpt of prim. : - Jolt' 71 mad ft Mali st., nob door t0 . P.0,.. • • ALBUMS! , Card Ptiotoarz4;.3ws. idltituits. ''' !' - - -' . . '-'-' - - [ -, Card Photographs ..•i . pocket Bookti:: ' ' •-.- ; ! ' . '. '' ‘'• LTA 6 CO. Pocket. Etoolc.s- FLAGS! FLAGSI • • . Eloplre. .• .r..ii..*CizaL—ition. .11cip8 of W irginda 1• Georgia; ': erivorrra r FuLTIDNEIM I it if' 1 1"1 1- 0 C , LHD SO /win sTasicr. NEIN*. AND BEAUTIFUL . Bigedlom from jertej • lloly and Prolme ewes. By / It /Wren' Ltreim Lim: "'Now red-- lk Itantl's HaverlM of a BaMelar.;, • • ' Boor ofPialae , hem Ike bat 2241M4 , I/True. Ptog:ea. Bo . F• l arloM;T i ll if rt'd.... 7 1 1 Ya tr;`,W4l".="LbesatitPmi: .7pr.ole by . KAI SOO., t 6 Wood street; •• - - - NEW .ECIORS I NEW .300103 I • Bl® AHD piOGIII9eI OY SIINDLY 80L1OOIN I —A Idocreyby of Bobh nabs sad Wm. Lax. N: John O. Ebner. 1701.. Pries $1 CO.' A: ILANTIAIe ON EXTBACTISCI TICETH- rounded en the Anatomy' or the parts leretn4 _, the operation; -the klub and proper eautractloY of tanntnaits; An' I nd. • • • HZAVXI4 OUB 11011 1 vol. lftra. BARING AND 51:17/161340. By Lbal. Penn va. A lairp awl, a the letter wort Attt recent& 14 J. I. RIAD. pi Vona stmt. r&tirOS. Aflll3lt,,erc. ''' - - - • ' • t.t I .I Rf!!O . V.AL. . . we tali pL'imr.r• to Infprmlr.g ids rtiglo Os: we /151 r bectqn the lane ar.4l erarr.coilou tam AM 12 IMUMEI7OSI' azoczr" • • . meraaratir4- • . , Where're ham tad reclined huh: Um of Wm D. BRADBURY an d 801102,1 OILLB a now lot of SUPICRIOISPLABBIA. Also, • comotato martezeht of BUMPS cebtowtostwahrms,lle. lodsou and Hostas) goofs genoralf. The soperlarU7 of the BRaDBOGY PIANO is atz ready ostablishoo. trwtroa Um. ~P ls.nos taxes! ssat bas Duo s 110 Oraluttli or noshed so many prrtohans . the tom of • two 7ezrs •• the oats scale, BM Bow froze tnerstrwathewe and Froth lon P Torte; toasurfecturof 91711, BRAD sa BURY, sa FRuotosker i Cols Pianos hating beoo so loos fatorahly to ttda sad • other orontries. req. so ftether c ant. All racrsatswifor,Bas years 4, *; • . .weipusx UM. , . pa.a Pi 41tVgb I=4 Thet.;-a I 11;AI VA CIL= Et., arigd &wand Hand Plums tot nett Toning an • main= dons promptly. . sa.V ECOND : I3AR *6l/ODEOIsT. S A b OOTAVE EOBZWOOD VTAJTO [ITEM TEE.I LODEOII, double nod. Unstop, soadloby Kama dr, • Eisolla. A rolotalA, tundras:teat; sad to fiat rota, maw, ' Would ausurur tor.A . ERAE Coursket : fiabbat6 school.. Iron sAaar..ostiaim CRAB, ID:MELLOR, IdAMDIENIZVT: • ii*W:t 3 ST.g l W44 - PIANOS. . . . , • - A cadre nttply of IPA sad ratan haw Taritti l - . Cross the ottabosted actors ot.linahatlaGo.•,•itso ant • boo recetwal—some ha, Wady . canalmeta %Oda rostra:wane are rally warranted rts• sista sous, and • areal the beat Judson prenennad =leaded. calllstwpostally solicited lealloreiparatukaing tose• _ • where. • • AIIi•ALOTIMBLIIIIdrytiate direat, ••• • . . Yaalltetn man. ?Atils o 4 : ' ' -pCIENE • 1 • - gnirrr. • OrLittliATiD puinud..bbicb by lb. tete irtariciany 16101tiadstdt0 1:* sapeztor %a all bitmgy, witheif bay $3O 1535, SO,' 6M,BBP; V; $ . 130, • 13so6IGS, $l7O, *ll3ok 421/... IT TWOS. AT 4014 P2lOll , rot , sa64, ,cria,&_ollo4.ciA. • -• at AID . 4 v '47TORAiltrtit. j4T. . ..; AI'IDHDPEY.AT.LA~Y.~ ,iii mew. prompuy mutadd Cab" Iro. 164 10011111 eTILIZT anzAinal, m a wudi . 'll - , I :t • : BALB—BNOINB Asp BO 3: 3: —A ten bats poist sr = with Eons. • - Ws. Itip te by &On at • .• sr? WK. a. /0113111 M &110: PooketA]buzn . Pocket
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers